#sims 3 buydebug
twinsimming · 4 months
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Pest Control by Twinsimming 🐞
Sims with dirty homes now run the risk of roaches spawning around their lot, similar to The Sims 2.
This is a script mod that can be placed in your Packages folder. It was built and tested on 1.69 but should work fine on 1.67.
Once a day the number of dirty objects on your sim's home lot will be counted, and if the Dirty Threshold is met or exceeded, roaches have a chance of spawning.
There are three thresholds: Dirty, Filthy, and Vile. The dirtier the lot is, the more likely roaches are to spawn and in greater numbers.
Dirty Threshold = 5 dirty objects, 10% spawn chance (2 to 4 roach spawners)
Filthy Threshold = 10 dirty objects, 20% spawn chance (4 to 6 roach spawners)
Vile Threshold = 15 dirty objects, 30% spawn chance (6 to 8 roach spawners)
All sims in the active household will get the new Vermin custom moodlet that lasts 12 hours and subtracts -15, -20, or -25 points from your sim's mood depending on the threshold the lot meets.
Roaches spawning also carries a 10% chance of a sim getting sick (like TS2).
New Moodlet
Vermin: Given when roaches spawn on a sim’s home lot, lasts 12 hours, -15. -20, or -25 mood (inspired by TS2 memory)
All of the tunable values can be found on the mod download page under the header “Tuning”.
Conflicts & Known Issues
Depending on the terrain paint, roaches may be harder to see. To find any roach spawners you may have missed:
Enter build/buy mode.
Enable buydebug cheat.
Look for any white boxes on your lot. Those are the roach spawners.
Enter live mode.
Stomp on the roaches.
This is a new script mod so there shouldn’t be any conflicts.
EA/Maxis for The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, Visual Studio 2019, ILSpy, s3pe, Notepad++, Gimp, and Script Mod Template Creator.
Thank You
Thank you to @monocodoll for helping with a scripting issue!
If you like my work, please consider tipping me on Ko-fi 💙
Download @ ModTheSims
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greenplumbboblover · 3 months
Not-a-tutorial - Lighting (Basics)
I really loved @nocturnalazure Storytelling tips, and figured I'd add one more chapter that I, personally, feel can be helpful to add the mood or maybe a bit more 🌶 to your pictures! (with or without reshade ;))
But first, go check out these tips by Nocturnalazure!
Camera Shots
Dialogues Part I
Dialogues Part II
Things to note before beginning:
This technique can be used with and without reshade/gshade/sweetfx or even editing images. (but I would recommend it!)
Make sure you're playing with at least "Lighting and Shadows" to highest settings. Otherwise this won't work.
All of the images in this post have been taken without being edited/haven't used reshade/gshade for them. (So, just the good ol' C button 😉)
A lighting mod can already go a long way! So, if you haven't yet, go find one before reading!
All Base Game compatible! No EPs/SPs needed
I'm in no way a colourist! But it may be cool to check the science behind it if you want to go more advanced on this :)
And with that said... let's get to it!
What do we need?
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1. "Wall Area Light 1x1", (since it's simpler for sims)
You can find it under BuyDebug on (But first make sure you have Testingcheatsenabled true on!).
Pssst! I would recommend adding it to a catalogue! I made a "story" catalogue and added it so it's much easier to find it!
How to use lighting, the very basics:
Here we have Lolita Goth, outside with no lighting except for the world's.
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Not to bad, eh? Well. there are a few reasons why we want to add lights to this scene.
Lolita's face is quite dark.
The reader will be very focused on the background AND the sim. (I personally keep looking at the bench, and less at Lolita right now.)
It's interesting, partially because of the lighting mod installed, but we can make it even more appealing.
NOTE: These techniques will work no matter if your sim is facing the sun or facing away from the sun! The results will always be the same with the lights.
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The basic setup is simple! You'll need 3 lights. One behind your sim(s), one sideways and one in front.
Back light = used for darker colours (blue, red, green, purple, orange)
Sub light = Used as helper colour for Back light. Can remove if not necessary. (helper in the sense of: Backlight is blue, adding purple can help being more interesting).
Front light = always white, flame, orange.
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An example with the 3 lights used.
Backlight = Red
Sub-light = Orange
Front Light = White
Why can't I just use the front light?
While it's not a bad approach in certain scenes, often the result is a bit too... tense:
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(Left is with backlighting, right is with only front-light).
Personally I find the left image much more appealing, and more interesting to look at. But if trhe right picture is more your cup of tea, the feel free to use it!
Here's an example with the same principle but at night:
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(Left is with backlighting, right is with only front-light).
Here, I think it shows it even more, how nice backlights can make something more captivating!
Now that we know about the basics of setting up our scenes... Let's get into the details a bit more!
How to use lighting for nighttime (Outdoors):
Here we got a scene with Lolita and Gunther Goth in a dark spooky graveyard, having a gothic-y picnick. In-game, this is the lighting setup as of right now:
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It's lit up enough, right? While in regular gameplay this is definetly true, in a story setup we can actually make this much more interesting! But before that, here's our scene image:
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The thing though is... while there is light, currently the eyes aren't drawn to Lolita's face at all:
So... how do we fix this?
There are a few ways. But all require our Wall Area Light!
Setup 1:
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One light can go a long way! In this instance, I added only one light, and used "Dimmed" so it still shows as if they're in the dark. (To select different light settings, use Shift + Click to see them ;))
There are scenes where this would be enough (though, having 2 facing from different directions would work better), it dosn't really in this instance.
The problem, however, is that it almost feels like there's a spotlight that is facing them. The scene may have got a bit more interesting (as we are more focused on Lolita's face), but just isn't there yet.
Setup 2:
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By adding in a blue colour, facing the back and a little bit the front of our subject(s) we get a much more "fake" nightlight representation.
Though, a few thoughts here:
While in this scene I personally liked making the back colours blue, we can always experiment a little and change one of the blue into purple!
Now, the part of Lolita's face that isn't blue, we do want a non-blue colour. For this, I like to cycle through the following colours:
(Rarely! But sometimes red).
See result here:
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This all depends on your preference, and if you want a deeper colour. Or maybe, to even set a certain dramatic effect! (this is where red may be nicer).
Make sure to also play around with the intensity settings of each light! This can really change things up!
Currently, I've set up the intensities like so:
Blue 1 = Bright
Blue 2 = Bright
Orange/white/flame/red = Dim
Though, if Blue 2 is purple for you, I'd recommend setting this one to normal or even dim.
How to use lighting for Daylight (Outdoors):
This one is much easier, and more straightforward! While backlighting is important here as well, it's less of a necessity in this setting.
Okay! So you've posed all the characters, set up objects, etc... and now we're ready for the lighting! Here's what I currently have:
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Not bad, not bad at all without any lights... but what if we add them!
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Here I added a White-dimmed light.
Better! In fact, if this is the kind of lighting you want in your scene, then feel free to leave it here!
What about a little more complicated lighting... sort of what we did with our night scene?
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Here the left light is a white-dimmed light, and on the right we got a orange dimmed light.
it's not much, but it definitely added a nice shade to the scene! :)
Let's get to how we do this same thing, but indoors!
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pudding-parade · 7 months
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It's the tutorial that no one asked for! And I blew my entire day on it, so you better appreciate it! :) No, seriously, this is as much for me as for anyone else. I don't do this process often, and when I do, I have to re-remember the steps, and sometimes I forget some of them and have to figure it out again. This will save future me from having to do that.
Even if you aren't me, if you're interested in being able to place diving lots in most any world you like and that has ocean, this will be relevant to your interests. Unfortunately, it is a sometimes fiddly process to get a working lot at the end, and I went into a lot of detail, so the tutorial is long, but please do follow it closely because if you skip a step or mess anything up, your lot will be wonky or it might not work at all, and I don't want to hear your whining. :)
Note that this is a tutorial for placing a new, empty diving lot, which is the first step in placing a downloaded diving lot or one that you yoinked from another world, but this tutorial doesn't cover how to get such lots working. This just shows you how to place an empty lot, which I'm assuming for this tutorial's purpose that you will then build/decorate yourself. Frankly, I've discovered that building your own is much easier than trying to ram square pegs into round holes, which is what placing downloaded dive lots often feels like, even if you know what you're doing. It can be as time-consuming, if not more time-consuming, to get a pre-made lot placed and working than it does to just build your own.
So, here we go.
Step 1: Pick Your Poison. Choose the world/save you'd like to plop a dive lot into, open it, and go into Edit Town. You can use any world you want, EA or custom, so long as it has accessible ocean in it. (More on that in Step 3.) I'm going to use Sunlit Tides, just because many people want to put dive lots in it yet can't always get them working.
Step 2: Cheats! You need some cheats, so open the cheat box by pressing Control+Shift+C and then enter these three:
testingcheatsenabled true buydebug on enablelotlocking on
Note that you need to enable testing cheats first because the other two aren't available otherwise.
Step 3: Placing the Lot. Go into World Editor and in the Lots submenu of it choose the lot size you want:
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As far as I know, a dive lot can be any size you want from the minumum 10x10 to the maximum 64x64, any of the EA standard sizes or any custom size you might add using this mod. If you are bound and determined to try and place a downloaded/yoinked lot, then in my experience, it's best to make the new lot a little bigger than the lot you want to place, if possible, so that you have some wiggle room to get it to fit better. But, I'm assuming you're going to build your own here.
If you plan to do lots of terrain sculpting on your dive lot, bigger is better. That said, unless you're going to do something really elaborate, it doesn't have to be 64x64, the largest possible size, either. Smaller will mean that your prospective lot will fit in more places on the map. So, it's up to you. For this, I'm just going to place a 30x30 lot, because I'm not going to build/decorate it or anything.
Now, it needs to be said that not every world will be able to have diving lots. The world must have ocean, obviously, and that ocean must be routable or else sims won't be able to get to it. The ocean also has to be deep enough. Generally speaking, "deep enough" is if the water is dark blue. (Or green, or whatever color the lighting mod you use might make it.)
For instance, in Sunlit Tides here, it's pretty obvious where the deeper water is:
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But you know what? I'm going to place a dive lot in some of the shallower water, anyway, because I/you actually can, within reason. And if you're interested in doing this in Sunlit Tides, I'll warn you that the deep spot in the pic above has a very uneven bottom. It's really not a good place to put a dive lot. And I'm not sure what the deep water on the outskirts of the map is like, but the good news is that much of the deeper and flat-bottomed shallows, as I've noted, work well.
So: With your chosen lot size selected, move your cursor around in the ocean where it seems to you that the water is "deep enough" until you come to a spot you like and where the lot grid is green. If the grid is never green, then the ocean likely isn't routable at all and you won't be able to place diving lots in that world. I have never run into that, myself, but I also haven't done this all that often, so it's certainly possible. Anyway, I'm picking here:
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My advice would be to not make your lot too far off-shore even if you can do so, or else it will take sims a long time to get to it. Especially merfolk, because they always swim out to dive lots rather than take a water taxi, and they swim much more slowly than a water taxi moves. Once you find your spot, go ahead and place the lot. Doing so will create a square island, not a sunken lot. That's fine. We'll fix it in a moment.
Step 4: Change the Lot Type. Click the lot's icon and change the lot type to community and then choose "Diving Area" as the subtype:
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Note that this option will only show if you've enabled lot locking. So if you didn't enter that cheat up in Step 2 or if you entered it incorrectly, rectify that situation now so that you can set the lot type.
Step 5: Sinking the Lot Enter the lot and flatten it with this tool in build mode:
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This will submerge the lot so that it's level with the sea floor rather than being an island. You can now move the camera down under the water and have a look at your potential diving area, like so:
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In particular, check the edges of the lot to see if there are any huge drop-offs or other great differences between the level of your lot and the surrounding terrain. Whether or not this will happen is world-dependent. Some worlds have very uneven/jagged underwater areas, which is what will make you end up with drop-offs, while others, like Sunlit Tides here, are (mostly) pretty flat.
You can see in the above pic that this lot is a little sunken along two of its sides. That's fine; that small amount of difference can easily be smoothed out with the terrain sculpting tools. If there are steep drop-offs or upward slopes, you can sculpt the lot to try to blend it with its surroundings, but be advised that 1) Interactable objects like dive caves can't be placed on uneven terrain and still be usable and 2) If you end up really deep down, the camera goes wonky and it's frustrating-to-impossible to build or play the lot. So, if you've got a huge drop-off and/or a steep upward slope on one or more of the edges of your lot, I'd recommend just trying a different spot. But, it's up to you. If you feel you can work with the uneven edges in some way, have at it. You are braver than me.
Step 6: Save that MFer. Once you have a lot you're satisfied with, this is a good time to save. So, go back to Edit Town and do that.
I recommend saving often during this entire process because, I don't know about your game, but sometimes mine will "hang" or even crash when moving between Edit Town and Build/Buy, especially if I do it a lot. And with this process, you will be doing it a lot, not to mention exiting out to the main menu and then going back into the save a few times. Since getting a dive lot placed can be a fiddly business, it sucks to lose a lot of progress to a hang/crash. So, in my opinion, you can't save too often, but in this tute I'll only prompt you to do it when you must.
Step 7: Exit Stage Right Remember long ago in the last step how I said you'll be exiting to the main menu a few times? Yeah, the first time is now. You do this because, for whatever reason, the game doesn't register changes made to the "structure" of dive lots without exiting and re-entering the save. So do that. Once it's reloaded go back into Edit Town and then back into the new diving lot. Because now it's time to place a dive buoy.
Step 8: Deploy Buoy The dive buoy is located in the debug items, so if you haven't turned on access to that yet, do so now. Then, go into the buy menu, sort it "by function," not the default "by room," and you should see this question mark here:
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Click that, and then I recommend that you go to the filters on the right-hand side of the menu and choose just Island Paradise objects. Because you'll be going into the "Misc. Objects" tab and, especially if you have all EPs/SPs, there's a crap-ton of objects in there to sort through. So, filter, then choose the "Misc. Objects" tab, and you'll see this much-more-manageable selection:
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Choose the dive buoy, as indicated, and place it anywhere on your dive lot. It doesn't matter where because (spoiler alert) this one's going to be deleted, anyway.
Step 9: Ogle That Shapely Buoy Once your buoy is placed, move your camera down to the ocean surface and have a closer look at it. Like so:
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See how the ball part of it is just sitting on the surface of the ocean? That's bad. If you were to leave it like that, you'd have sims (and sharks, if you place a surface shark spawner) swimming/snorkeling in the air, if the lot would work at all. But don't panic! We can fix it. We just need to shift the entire lot down a l'il bit, so let's do it!
Step 10: Copy the Lot to the Library Go back out to Edit Town. Check to make sure that your lot designation is still "Diving Area." (Because during this process, it will sometimes change.) Then, save the lot to your library. The game will give you a warning about cancelling all sim interactions or something. That's fine. Just put a copy of the lot in the library. The thumbnail in the community lot catalog will look like a blue square.
Why are you doing this, you ask? Because now you're going to bulldoze the original. Why? Because we need to move the entire lot down a little bit, and you can only do that by placing a fresh copy of the lot. And you may need to do this several times until you get it at the right depth, so having a copy of the lot in your library is necessary. You can delete it out of the library once you've got your dive lot in the right place, if you want.
Step 11: I'm a Steamroller, Baby Once you've got a copy of the lot safely in your library, bulldoze the original lot you placed. Once bulldozed, the game will change the lot designation back to "No Visitors Allowed," so you'll need to change it back to "Diving Area."
Step 12: Go Down on That Lot To move the lot down when it's placed, you need this cheat activated:
setimportedterrainoffset -0.1
The value at the end can be whatever you want, as many decimal places as you want. A positive number will move the lot up, and a negative number will move it down. (You can use a larger negative number to make deeper a lot that's too shallow, and it can also be helpful if you're intending to try to place a downloaded diving lot on this lot so that it might better match the depth of the water in whatever world it came out of, but this won't always have the effect you want. For one, your lot will be down in a hole.) For the purposes of this tute, all I need to do is move the lot down a teeny bit so that the dive buoy on the lot is sitting IN and not ON the surface of the water. Hence, the -0.1 value.
(Now, I should mention that other tutes I've seen will have you just lower the terrain right under the buoy to sink it a little bit rather than doing this bulldoze-and-replace-with-a-whole-lowered-lot thing I do. This method can work, but I don't like it for various reasons that I won't go into for brevity's sake. I'm just telling you what I do, which has worked every time I've placed a dive lot, including shallow-water ones like this one.)
Step 13: Re-Placing the Lot Go into your library and place your saved lot back where it was. DO NOT ROTATE IT or else things will get screwed up. (Namely, your lot will become an island again and resinking it won't really work.) Just click "Accept." And then check its lot designation and change it to "Diving Area" again, if necessary, which it probably will be because stupid game.
Step 14: Ogle that Shapely Buoy 2, Electric Boogaloo Now, enter build mode and move the camera down to the ocean surface again to check the dive buoy. Ideally, it will now be sitting IN, not ON, the water, like so:
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If it's still sitting on the surface, the lot needs to be deeper and therefore moved down farther, so go back to Edit Town, bulldoze the lot again, change the value of the imported terrain offset cheat to a larger negative number (Perhaps -0.5) and try again. Be aware that, as I said, once you get to larger numbers (as in greater than -5 or so) you start ending up with your diving lot down in a hole, which may or may not be workable.
Now, there is a marker on the buoy, the little black rectangle I outlined in the pic above. If the ball part of the buoy is at least partly in the water but that marker is still above the water, as in the above pic, the lot will still work, but there will be a "hop" (and sometimes a pause) when a water taxi or a swimming merperson crosses the boundary of the lot. The higher the marker is above the water line, the larger that "hop" will be. (Because, if you haven't figured it out yet, the dive buoy is what tells the game where sims can swim, vertically, on a dive lot.)
If such a hop doesn't bother you, you can leave the buoy as-is. If you're a perfectionist like me, you go back to Edit Town, bulldoze the lot, and change the value of the terrain offset cheat to try again. Do this as often and with as many decimal places as your level of perfectionism demands. :) I'm not that fussy, so I usually just move the lot down in increments of 0.1 until the marker is at or below the water line but the ball of the buoy is not completely underwater because you don't want the ball completely underwater, either. At least some of it needs to be above water. So, fiddle as much or as little as you feel you need to.
(For reference/scale, the gap between the marker and the water line in the above pic would probably be fixed by an offset of about -0.15 instead of -0.1. But it would also be fine as-is unless a little hop at the lot boundary will bother you.)
Step 15: Bye-Bye Buoy! Once you have the lot so that the buoy is where you want it, DELETE THE BUOY. I repeat: DELETE THE BUOY. Yes, DELETE THE BUOY. For whatever reason, dive lots drawn from your library that contain buoys won't work. I don't know why. They just don't. You need to place a fresh buoy. (I'm pretty sure this is why lots of people can't get downloaded dive lots or lots that they pulled from other worlds to work. Sometimes the answer is simply to delete the buoy, if the lot came with one, and place a fresh one.)
Step 16: Exit Stage Left Once you have DELETED THE BUOY and only once you have DELETED THE BUOY, go back to Edit Town, check to make sure the lot is still designated as a diving area (and change it back if necessary) and save. Why? Because now you need to exit to the main menu and reload the save again. So do that.
Step 17: Fresh Meat Buoy! Once the save is reloaded, go back into Edit Town, and check to make sure the dive lot is still designated as one. Redesignate, if necessary. Then, go into build/buy and place a fresh buoy, just as you did before. This one will be staying permanently, so place it where you actually want it to be. (Which really doesn't matter; aside from defining the vertical space of the diving lot, it just designates where your sim "enters" the lot.) If you want the lot to generate sharks on the surface, you can also place surface shark spawners now, too, as few or as many as you want, and because you have properly adjusted the height of the lot, the spawned sharks will not be swimming in the air. The spawners are also in debug mode, under the fish spawners. (There is also a spawner for underwater sharks. Do not put that one on the surface. Make sure you only put surface shark spawners on the surface.)
Step 18: Set the Lot's Skill Level You set the required skill level for the diving lot by going to buy mode (if you left it), making sure the hand tool is active, and then holding down control and shift while clicking on the dive buoy. Choose the option "Set Required Diving Level…" from the menu that comes up:
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…and then from the resulting options under that choose a NON-ZERO number. For some bizarro reason, buoys default to level zero when placed, and a diving lot set to skill level zero is inaccessible even if a sim has level 10 scuba skill. (Good move, EA! Why is zero even an option if it doesn't work??) So, pick whatever skill level you'd like, so long as it ISN'T ZERO. (I suspect that this is another reason why people can't get downloaded dive lots that they place in a world to work.) Once you have the skill level set, go back to Edit Town and save.
Step 19: Test And now you're pretty much done. All that's left is to test the thing to make sure the lot works before you bother with building/decorating it. So, return to the game and send a victim to your new, empty lot and see if they successfully arrive (with or without a "hop" at the lot boundary) and successfully get themselves underwater. (My advice, for testing purposes, is to just give the sim you pick enough diving skill to use the lot. This can be done with NRAAS Master Controller.) Don't bother with doing anything further with the lot until you make sure it works.
Here is evidence that my lot, though shallow, works:
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If your lot doesn't work, then something went wrong somewhere. Most likely, you missed a step or did a step wrong. I know there are a lot of words here, but they're all necessary to (more or less) guarantee a working lot in the end. So, try again. It's possible that you will have to pick a different location and start over, but I've been able to get a lot working wherever I've placed one, so long as it was in deep-enough routable ocean.
Step 20: PROFIT! Assuming that your lot works, "all" that's left is to build it! :D I'm not going to go into detail about that. It's all up to you. You can sculpt the terrain, paint it with whatever terrain paints you want, place objects, whatever. If you're in shallower water, any objects you place that are tall enough to stick out of the water will just be chopped off at the water line; you won't be able to see the rest above water. The corals and stuff are in debug mode under "Underwater Objects," but if you don't want the tropical look, so long as you have moveobjects turned on, you can place (almost) any object you want down there, aside from things like walls and fences and other build items that can't be drawn underwater. Rocks, plants, trees, columns, and anything from the buy and debug catalogs are all good. If such an object has a function, sims won't be able to use them, though. They'll just become deco. (So, no underwater basketweaving sculpting. Sorry.) So, go to town. Have fun. For this tute, I'll just mention a couple objects and their settings and we'll finally be done.
Miscellaneous Objects:
First, treasure chests. Like the dive buoy, they're located in the "Misc. Objects" of debug mode. There are two versions, one for land and one for water. Obviously, on a diving lot, you want the water one if you want any at all. If you do want to use them on your lot, place down as many as you want, and then set the diving skill level necessary to open each one and designate the treasure each one will hold. You do both by holding down control and shift while in buy mode with the hand tool active and clicking on a chest, just like setting the skill level of the lot on the buoy. This brings up this menu:
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The "Assign Treasure" option gives you eight different treasures for the chest. You simply pick the one you want. The "Set Required Skill Level" option allows you to assign the diving skill necessary to open the selected chest. You can choose any number you like from 0 to 10. (Yes, zero is OK for this purpose, even though no one with zero skill can scuba dive, so…Yay EA.)
Then there's the dive caves. I think they are in the "Underwater Objects" section of the debug catalog; I'm not sure because a mod I use moves them to the regular rock section. Anyway, there are two styles, which you're probably familiar with, but they both function the same way. If you have more than one of them in the world, even if they're all on the same lot, your sims can travel between them, much like a subway. Unfortunately, I can't show you how to set this up because that mod I use to move the caves to the rock section also makes them recolorable, but it breaks setting up this functionality and I don't feel like hunting the mod down and taking it out. But it's pretty easy. You Control-Shift-Click on each one, give them a name, and then you can connect them by using the names you give them. Again, it works much like subways. It's pretty self-explanatory.
Finally, there's the fog emitter. If you're unfamiliar with this object, it's a base game object located in the "Misc. Objects" section of the debug catalog. The thumbnail in the catalog looks like this:
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And it looks like this when it's placed:
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They can be used on any lot, they disappear in live mode, and they can generate not just fog but many, many different effects. Literally thousands of different effects. You place the emitter where you want, and then control-shift-click on it and choose "Set Visual Effect" from the resulting menu:
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When you click on it, you get this:
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In that window, you type/paste the code for the effect you want. Of course, you will need to know the code for the effect you want. For your convenience, I've uploaded my list of effect codes, which is complete and includes the codes from all EPs, here. It's just a text file, and the codes are in alphabetical order. Since the list is all-EPs, some of them may not work if you don't have the EP the effect comes from, but if that's the case, then any such code you enter simply won't do anything.
The most relevant effects for a diving lot all start with "ep10," but there are others you could possibly use, too. Some of the names of the codes are more helpful than others in terms of knowing what it will do. Generally, you need to experiment. But, you can add schools of fish, single (but non-catchable) fish of all kinds (if you want catchable fish to spawn, you need to use the spawners, not the fog emitter), sharks (non-interactable), light rays, bubbles, glows, fog, all sorts of things, if you're patient enough to go through the list, look for interesting possibilities, and try them out to see if they will work for you. There are whole tutorials dedicated to the object, if you look for them. There's also a mod that makes them shiftable, which can be very useful, here.
One final suggestion: If you go through this process in a world that you know or even just suspect that you'll want to use again and you'll want the dive lot(s) you made in that future save, for the love of pie keep a copy of this save file somewhere. That way you won't have to go through all this crap again. Because even if you save a copy of your finished lot, unless you manage to place the empty initial lot in the new save in the exact spot you placed it when you built the lot, it's not likely to be quite right. So beware.
And with that, I think we're done here. If anyone has any questions, or if you decide to try to make your own diving lot and have questions along the way, feel free to hit me up and I'll do my best to help. Just keep in mind that I'm not an expert by any means.
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petalruesimblr · 4 months
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Organic Fresh Delights Grocery
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Sim File Share
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Welcome to Organic Fresh Delights, your one-stop destination for all things fresh and organic! We're committed to providing the highest quality organic goods sourced directly from our local farmers and fisherman offering a vibrant selection of vegetables, fruits, premium cuts of meat and fish. We also have an array of products ranging from lush plants to food, drinks and essential household items. Step into our store and immerse yourself in a world of freshness, flavor, and sustainability.
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Price: 72,780 Lot Size: 25x25 Lot Type: Visitors Allowed Store Content: Click here CC Used: Click here File Type: Package Min. Required Game Version: 1.42 Packs Needed: The Sims 3, Late Night (floor), Pets (buydebug object), Ambitions, World Adventures (food register, gate from ATS3)
Hi everyone! I was going to share one of my older builds from years ago but I found out that most of the objects I used for that lot were in sim3pack format and most of the CCs I transferred over to my current setup have been converted to package files, which messed up the appearance of the lot. So, I've recreated it this time and I'm sharing a new grocery lot: the Organic Fresh Delights Grocery!
Click on the ’Keep Reading’ below for more information and pictures on this lot.
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For the rabbit hole, I placed it in an empty stockroom/office and have also locked the fire escape door and fence at the back of the lot so that sims can only enter the door inside the building. This was the only option that worked during playtesting so that sims can enter in and out of the rabbit hole inside the room only. If you want to open those doors though, you can do it by editing the lot and click CTRL + Shift + Right Click to choose the unlock option. Due to the lack of windows on the first floor, I have placed a lot of buydebug lights and it may be too bright during the night so you can adjust it by enabling “testingcheatsenabled true” and “buydebug on” after. 📣This lot is a bit CC-heavy, as I have used more cc compared to game objects and these are not included on the download file. I’ve compiled a list for those interested in downloading them separately (please click the links above or go to WCIF Navigation page). The Late Night and World Adventures expansion pack is required due to the build items used in the lot but I'm not sure about buydebug items so Pets may be required as well. 📣There are two CCs that I was unable to locate the original link namely: mtk_signdoors and Public Signs - CAStable both from Macthekat. I tried the direct links and it doesn't work anymore so I had to check using the Wayback Machine site and was able to find her Terms of Use from the old site, Pink Rabbit that states "All our products is shear-friendly - just make sure to give proper credit. You may include my work in sims packages if you want to" and "You may include my stuff into almost anything – it would be nice if you mention my name, but I can live without it. You may share my stuff." With those terms, I have re-uploaded them to sfs and if there is an updated TOU from the creator (or if you are Macthekat) that states otherwise please do let me know and I will take the links down. 📣If you want a functional grocery store in your gameplay, you can use Ani's Sell From Inventory mod. I have used a few storage or chest-like CCs and a food register from ATS3 that you can use. If you prefer Ani’s Savvier Seller instead, you may have to replace most of the items and use ATS3 Savvy's Seller Collection set instead. You can also check out Mookymilksims guide and tutorial video for realistic function shops using Savvier Seller mod. It is very easy to follow and has detailed instructions to help you out to make it work! Let me know if you experience any problems on your end.
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diaryofaproudblackie · 4 months
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B's Bowlarama Renovation
Here is a renovation of the B's Bowlarama in University. I'm currently thinking about renovating the whole world because i absolutely ADORE AND LOVE the sims 3 university expansion pack. BUT there's not a lot to do and i rarely go to the university world because of it. So here is PART ONE OF RENOVATING THE SIMS 3 UNIVERSITY WORLD. (PS: I did change some things off camera so the build will look different than what you seen from the video.)
EPS USED: I don't remember which ones specifically, but I had all expansion packs enabled. SPS USED: None
~cc under cut~
Wanderingsims Brick Pattern: https://www.tumblr.com/wanderingsimsfinds/703528101689360384/advent-day-13-there-are-11-seamless?source=share
Martassimsbook- Cowbuild My Home Set: https://martassimsbookcc.wixsite.com/website/post/cowbuild-my-home-set
Sweetdevil Recategorized Buydebug Lights: https://sweetdevil-sims.tumblr.com/post/159223537483/so-youre-super-awesome-at-modding-things-and-i
Rose and Lips Neon Lights: https://www.tumblr.com/catharsim/182706509387/so-ive-had-most-of-these-done-for-like-a-year
Martassimsbook- Novvvas Neon Signs: https://www.tumblr.com/martassimsbookcc/638365981383737344/click-on-picture-for-better-quality-preview-is?source=share
Lost & Found Stuff Animals: https://www.tumblr.com/pis3update/615957447888273408/breadslicesims-hello-eceryone-next-conversion
Bowling Shoes (#60): https://www.tumblr.com/tinudecocoon-blog/108114228472/clutteredcloset-shoes
Scattered/Lost & Found Shoes: https://www.tumblr.com/kitty-pixelz/656766343146782720/i-posted-these-awhile-ago-before-i-deleted-my-old?source=share
Bowling Balls: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/id/1406602
Bowling Ball Cabinets: https://www.tumblr.com/over-waxedbanister/182590772685/ikea-malsj%C3%B6-cabinet-converted-to-sims-3-original
Menus: https://www.nraas.net/community/Business-As-Unusual-Bistro
Name/Score Board: Martassimsbook- Cowbuild My Home Set ^under the same set
Sweet Nothing Simoleon Register: https://blamseastore.tumblr.com/post/624161223027654656/sweet-nothing-simoleon-register
Shoes Rack: https://blamseastore.tumblr.com/post/617019209306734592/rustic-bakery-rack
Deceased Defenders Arcade Machine: https://blamseastore.tumblr.com/post/665831441763074048/deceased-defenders-arcade-machine
Classic Gumball Machine: https://blamseastore.tumblr.com/post/665827163179778048/classic-gumball-machine
Aces Gone Wild: https://blamseastore.tumblr.com/post/665822766829813760/aces-gone-wild
Free Throw Machine: https://blamseastore.tumblr.com/post/187639357587/buzzer-beater-free-throw-machine
The Transmogrifier: https://modthesims.info/d/592332/the-transmogrifier-aka-object-script-changer.html
Some of the items I used for this build I ended up changing the script of the objects to make them nonfunctional. I'm not sure if it will take affect without this mod, but if it does YAY, if not here's the mod you need to make those objects nonfunctional. Check the video at the top to see how to change the script of an object. PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION OF THIS MOD BEFORE DOWNLOADING! :)
DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/o16xwj5309pv9g3/B%2527s_Bowlarama_Renovation.package/file
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vicsims3 · 1 year
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Welcome to Riverview Reimagined - A complete overhaul/redo of Riverview as you know it!
" Riverview is a flourishing riverfront town with a diverse population nestled in the beautiful rolling countryside. The town was founded by the Harrington family some 200 years ago, and it has since grown significantly and begun to truly flourish, with a great sense of community. This is the ideal small, yet lively town to call home for a variety of reasons, including stunning panoramas from nearly every angle, a wide range of activities to do and sights to see, and interesting individuals to meet. Riverview is undoubtedly a remarkable town! "
The world may be laggy at times and take a while to load, depending on your computer specifications, but then again, The Sims 3 is a rather poorly optimised game.
Here are some general 'stats':
103 lots in total
55 residential lots (7 empty)
48 community lots
150 sims (including NPCs, role sims & animals)
30 households
This world has been PLAYTESTED by 5 other people, so no major issues should occur when playing this world, at least not any issues unheard of when generally playing this game.
ALL Expansion Packs
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Since it is somehow not possible to include the bridges and distant terrain in the exported world, that metadata will not show up and you will need to download them and place them in your mods folder to appear in-game. Technically, these are not required, however, without them, parts of the town will not look very good. Luckily simsample on ModTheSims has our backs! Get them HERE
Scroll to the bottom of the page and download the following 2 files:
Then, simply place them in your packages folder within your mods folder. If you do not have a mods folder, please refer to THIS easy tutorial.
They should show up in your game now.
NRAAS Mods are essential to a smooth, significantly less buggy game, as they assist in dealing with errors and things that cause performance issues in-game. - NRAAS Master Controller - NRAAS Overwatch - NRAAS Errortrap - NRAAS Register (optional) - NRAAS StoryProgression (optional)
HERE is a fantastic, in-depth explanation video of the NRAAS mods and what they do/how they work by the lovely acottonsock
FOR CAMPGROUND I could not find a way to place functional tents on the campground without them disappearing once the world was exported. There are a few workarounds, though.
1.) Simply type in the cheat "buydebug" and look for the tent/s that come with World Adventures. Purchase it for your sim, have them manually place it in their inventory, and from there you can place the tent/s on the campground for your sims to use. Alternatively, you can use the tents that come with Island Paradise, found in the miscellaneous part of the comfort section in buy mode. Do the same as instructed above and place the tent/s on the campground.
2.) Download this mod that enables the World Adventures tents from buydebug. In Edit Town, edit the campground and navigate to the community objects icon in build mode. From there, click on the infinity sign to load all community objects and rabbit holes. HERE you'll find the unlocked tents. Place them on the campground and they should be functional once you enter live mode.[I used the first option, "Tents as Community Objects"]
I'm really sad that I couldn't include the tents already, but I tried several different methods and none of them worked.
The world is populated, with 30 households in total, but there are plenty of houses available for purchase, as well as 7 empty lots.
I manually replaced and added trees individually. It's a bit cluttered, but more lush, especially in the area around the campgrounds.
I manually replaced all the roads, intersections, and sidewalks. Credit goes to GrandeLlama
Added a small bay in the lake into which the river flows to add a campground with a pier.
Swapped the bridge near the campground with the green one found in Twinbrook.
Small changes and additions to some sidewalks.
Some lots were added and/or changed.
Some street addresses changed.
Other minor details.
~ I really wanted to add ghosts to the cemetery and some other lots, especially to add to the lore, but unfortunately it is not possible when exporting a world through CAW.
~ Most of the interior tips and tricks I used to make custom furniture/unique decor were my own, but for a few of them, the credit has to go to the wonderful and talented @theplumdot.
~ I had several issues with the apartment lots but managed to fix most of them, except this one... The apartments are set to 'EP09 Apartments', which I accidentally set and even if I changed them to regular residential, they reverted back. This means roommates will appear after a while, but BEFORE you move your sims in, you can fix this by going into Edit Town, clicking on the lot, and changing it to 'Regular Lot'. If roommates still show up, you can cancel roommate services by clicking on your sim's phone and going to 'Real Estate and Travel Services'. Also, choosing where to move your sims in, two apartment lots in the central town area will be available for rent that is actually occupied and will add the existing sims as roommates. The only unoccupied apartment in town is the "Midview Apartments".
~ Some female sims have the weird two-tone blue and green lipstick from Into The Future for some outfits, mostly swimwear. I have no idea why this happened, but I tried multiple times to get rid of it but it keeps showing up again.
~ Pretty much all of the sims have gloves for their outerwear. I have this glitch where even if I remove them, they somehow show up again. Hey, Riverview gets cold in the winter!
~ The female butler, Arasha Shreshta's face goes all EA's "pudding face" when she is in her career outfit, but normal/the way I made her in her normal outfits. I have no why idea why this happens.
~ Some role NPCs might get stuck in the apartment buildings, but a simple reset should fix them. I've tried several workarounds to stop this from happening but to no avail. This tends to often occur in Bridgeport and would generate NRAAS "Unroutable Sim" popups.
~ Upon loading the world (no fly-in, unfortunately I'm not that technically inclined), you might notice the household thumbnails taking a while to load and pets showing up pitch black, it's just a simple graphical issue.
~ Most of the big houses are quite expensive, which I apologise for. I'm quite the perfectionist and detail is very important to me, which means it doesn't take much for my builds to become quite pricey.
@cowboysimmer YOUTUBE / TWITTER / TWITCH
A special thanks to @theplumdot (YOUTUBE / TWITTER) for inspiring me to always try new things with builds and interiors and for the support!
If you want to install the .sims3pack version, simply click on it and install it through the launcher. Alternatively, if you wish to bypass the launcher, you can install the .world file by placing it in the Worlds folder within your root Sims 3 directory, and depending on what platform you play from, it will differ;
For Origin/EA App it will be 'ProgramFiles(x86)/OriginGames/The Sims 3/GameData/Shared/NonPackaged/Worlds'
For a disc/retail installation, it will be 'ProgramFIles(x86)/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/GameData/Shared/NonPackaged/Worlds'
For Steam, it will be 'ProgramFiles/Steam/steamapps/The Sims 3/GameData/Shared/NonPackaged/Worlds'
If you encounter any issues with the installation, like the world not showing up in-game, please contact me on Twitter.
Alternatively, you can fix this issue with the old version by installing the NRAAS SleepFreedom mod, although it does not apply to existing saves with the old version, unfortunately.
- (.sims3pack) SFS - (.world) SFS
MIRROR: - (.sims3pack) DRIVE - (.world) DRIVE
I hope you enjoy it! My amazing friend ShanFindsPixels made a world overview on his YouTube channel, please go show him some love!
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pis3update · 10 months
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Unavailable objects made available by Dandelion Sprout
"There's a lot of objects in Sims 3 that Maxis didn't trust anyone who bought their game to do anything with, but which still remain in the game's code, and which can be made accessible again with relatively simple parameter changes in S3PE OBJD files. That's right: No item cloning, no custom content, these are the real deal objects that Maxis used when developing the game and its expansion packs. This mod makes approximately 136 objects available in one or more of Buy Mode (often in BuyDebug), Build Mode, and/or Edit Town, contingent on the relevant expansion packs and/or one stuff pack being installed. For instance, if only the base game is installed and nothing else, 52 objects would be made available by this mod.
...continued on MTS."
More Info + Download @MTS.
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mathmodder · 10 months
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Awakening of the Dragons Mod by MathModder (In Progress)
What you need to know:
Have you ever envisioned immersing yourself in Skyrim-like experiences within a game akin to The Sims? Imagine embarking on adventures in a fantasy realm teeming with fire-breathing, airborne creatures. With this mod, your medieval fantasy world springs to life as Dragons commandeer the skies of your map. Witness their interactions with the ground, as they land, soar into the air, and contribute to the immersive experience that fuels your desire for adventure.
How do I make them appear in the map?
You can add the "Dragons" effect to a lot of your game using the fog emitter found in buydebug. Or even place it in the center of your CAW custom map. After that, they will naturally spawn randomly on different days and times. I will look at other ways that you can be adding the dragons to your map.
How many files will there be?
Will be a maximum of 2 to 3 files.
It is worth mentioning that some files maybe will need to be placed in the Overrides folder and others in the Packages folder, they will all be specified at launch.
Is this mod compatible with other effect mods?
Yes, it will be compatible.
Depending on the location, there may be some bugs such as Dragons landing a little above the ground, this is due to calculation problems on certain game surfaces and physics, whether hills or mountains, but over time I will update and see What can I do to reduce this. In this case I depend on the engine the game has and whether it is possible to correct certain errors.
Release date:
between February and March 2024 (It is in the testing phase)
Early Access for Patreons in Early January 2024
Here is the list of Dragons in the mod:
Ancient Dragon
Black Dragon
Striped Dragon
Butterfly Dragon
Spiny Dragon
Want to support? Be a Patreon and get Early Access! Math Modder | The Sims 3 Mods and MO-MO-MORE! | Patreon
If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I will add them to this post!
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junoivyyy · 1 year
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Turn your average Sims experience into a city simulation game.
A challenge for The Sims 3 by Junoivyy at Twitch. Check out my streams of the challenge!
About the Challenge
This challenge will let you start a fresh canvas - a new society - where everything is created by you and your active sims. You start a new life in a completely empty world. Create your own story! The catch is that the challenge is played similarly to a city builder sim, whereas all public buildings and lots must be funded by a tax system. Buildings also have skill requirements and other restrictions. There is a chart for this, no worries!
Similar challenges exist and I do not take credit for the idea of building a new world with restrictions and a tax system.
"May your new society be a perfect hippie utopia
or a breeding ground for drama and chaos."
Starting the Challenge
Recommended Mods
Cazarupt's Custom Rabbit Holes
Will make it possible to build your own rabbit hole buildings that fit the aesthetic your town is going for.
Nrass MasterController
Has a setting to retain dreams and opportunities when switching between active households, and switching households can be done in live mode by clicking on a house’s icon (less lag).
Nrass Story Progression
If you want to keep story progression on while still being in control of your unactive sims this mod is perfect as you can choose whether or not your sims can move out, get pregnant, etc, while being unactive.
Recommended Settings
Turn off automatic vampires, werewolves, witches, etc. (NOT pets)
If it is not turned off it will turn your households that are not currently active into occults to fill a quota.
Turn “Retain dreams and opportunities” under “All” settings in Nrass MasterController.
Accessible by using a computer since a city hall will not be present in the beginning of the challenge.
If you don’t want your sims to get pregnant, move or do too much without you playing with them, turning off story progression completely is recommended. (I prefer this setting). OR use Nrass story progression for custom settings.
Do not switch households while a pregnant sim is giving birth.
The pregnant sim will never leave the hospital.
You will need
An empty world.
Do not remove lots unless you know what you are doing. They can be hard to place back. (Tip: Removing buildings takes forever! There are downloads of emptied world versions out there.)
A founder household.
An empty lot.
A park (or more of them).
Do as you please with the parks, but they should only have a naturally occurring landscape with trees and lakes, for example. No park benches or lights, for example. Plants that carry harvest are also allowed in the parks and can be added with BuyDebug.
Harvestable plants should only be plants that are available from gardening skill 1.
The reason for starting with parks is so that there is a place for your sims to hang out, collect items and potentially harvest from plants.
5000 simoleons as your starting funds.
How to: first use the "testingcheatsenabled true" cheat, then use "familyfunds yourfamilyname 5000"
Rules and guidelines
BuyDebug is generally not allowed.
Can be allowed to add cosmetic items such as a "hidden room marker" for your custom rabbit holes. Use your discretion when it comes to what is helping you progress or not.
The free future portal is not allowed.
It must be bought to be used. Also remove the simoleons you gain from selling the future portal for the first time.
All public lots and buildings must be funded by tax money and cannot be built freely.
Everything must be created by you; both sims, lots and buildings.
All rabbit hole buildings are allowed.
Each public lot allows for two households to live in the world.
If you have built two public lots, you are allowed to have four households.
The existing parks do not count, and the first public lot built will allow for one new household. The next after that will allow for two more, for example.
5 public lots = 10 households, including your founder household.
You don't have to add new households, though, add them when you want to.
A sim moving away from their family counts as a new household. If you do not have enough public lots for them to become their own household the sim cannot move out.
New households' starter money
Households added before the City Hall is built will start with 5000 simoleons
Households added after the City Hall is built will start with the standard starter simoleons amount.
Do not play the same household for too long
All your households in the town should be in rotation but there are no strict rules. Play the household you want just as long as you remember to switch every couple of weeks or so.
Tax system and "Town's Funds"
Town's Funds
It is the money that will be spent on public lots.
It will be filled by collected taxes and bills.
Households can "donate" to the Town's Funds if they wish.
How I recommend to keep track of the Town's Funds
Use a calculator and a percentage calculator website (or google).
Keep a physical notebook, excel sheet or a different digital documenting method in front of you.
Do your taxes calculation every Sunday.
Note all bills as soon as they get paid so you have them ready until the end of the week.
Tax rules
Taxes will go into to the Town's funds.
10% of an active households's simoleons will be taxed every week.
15% of an active household’s simoleons with a house value of 50,000 or more will be taxed every week.
Bills also go to the Town's funds.
The 10-15% tax amount should be removed from the household's funds with the familyfunds cheat.
Taxes should be calculated every Sunday.
1 public lot = 2 households allowed
This also applies to lots that do not have restrictions like a library or a bar.
If a rabbit hole building includes two instances or more the requirements for them are merged and will cost 10,000§ less for two instances or 20,000§ less for three instances.
Anything that is placed on a public lot must be funded by the Town's Funds. Pay attention to the lot value window.
1 public lot = 2 households allowed
This also applies to lots that do not have restrictions like a library or a bar.
If a rabbit hole building includes two instances or more the requirements for them are merged and will cost 10,000§ less for two instances or 20,000§ less for three instances.
Anything that is placed on a public lot must be funded by the Town's Funds. Pay attention to the lot value window.
Base Game
IMPORTANT: Costs only apply to the rabbit hole buildings, if you have custom rabbit holes you can use your own budget. Other special lots like a library, karaoke bar, art gallery and such do not have a set budget or requirement.
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samkat10423 · 1 year
Banyan Bend
While looking for something else the other day, I came across a link for this world and all of its original lots that were created by the 3 administrators of the old Sims Crossing site. Plus, the original sims created to live here were also up for grabs. Someone over on the Sims Cave uploaded them all. Which was great, since I had lost some of the stuff during my last 2 computer meltdowns and it was impossible to find any of them previously. So, if any of you want to play this world, hop on over to the Sims Cave and type in Sims Crossing - or Banyan Bend.
Anyway, this world was created right after Late Night came out and has no CC. It's their vision of how Twinbrook should have been. And while I like parts of it, there is room for improvement. But CAW hates me, so it is what it is.
I'm currently redoing lots. They placed the movie studio lot from Bridgeport on probably the only 64x64 lot in this town. And since I want to use that for my festival lot, I needed to find a movie lot on something smaller. They placed 2 of those dome thingies - that thing next to the science center in Sunset Valley - on 2 different 60x60 lots in town. One is for butterflies, while the other is... well, I'm not sure what it is. The butterfly one is down by the industrial lots - just down the street from their movie lot. So, I bulldozed it. Yes, I did! My greenie sims are not happy, but I'll let them have that other dome lot to keep their bugs in. I know! I'm way too nice to my sims.
I tried several different lots on this space before I accidently came across a lot over on MTS, created by someone called mccorade. It was created with Riverview in mind. And while it wasn't exactly what I wanted, it was a good start. And it was on a smaller lot. I think maybe 50x50. So, thank you!
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Anyway, here it is now. I have made several changes - as I normally do - but the bones are mccorade's.
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First thing I did was resurface the parking areas and change out the fencing. This is Banyan Bend! These rednecks can't afford fancy fences, so chain-link it is! I also added the fountains and those 2 large statues. Just because. I also made that main flowerbed smaller - so delivery trucks could access the main building. Then, on the backlot, I redid the houses - mostly used different finishes and added some more landscaping.
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Then I made that area where the 'stars' can hang out in their trailers. Oh! And I switched out all the trees.
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And finally, in the back, I added a guard shack, more fencing and that driveway to the back doors of the main building. And viola! Banyan Bend has a new place to make movies! Go me!
While I was in the area, I also got rid of the old science center lot. Since I used that hospital from Supernatural on the lot in town where they had their hospital RH, I really didn't need another lot wasted on my science sims. (This world was created before EA came out with their combo lots). So, I decided to make another 'movie' type lot.
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This one is loosely based on that KWLW Studio lot from the Sims 1. This is where the hit series, "As the Stomach Churns," and the "Next Great Sim Nation Idol" are filmed. And the local Banyan News channel churns out their daily feed. I used that smaller stage - the 6x7 - one for my Idol stage. If any of you want it, it's over on TFM's Naughty Sims Asylum. You have to be a member, but sign-up is super easy. Once you get over there, type in Shimrod's mods. It's his BuyDebug Genie Lamp and smaller showtime stage mod. Pop it into your overrides folder and viola! A smaller stage is yours! Easy-peasy!
Anyway, I'll post interior pictures later. I was moving in sims today - after redoing the generic cemetery they had. Had to kill off sims and then replace all the fake graves with ones that will generate ghosts. Plus, I write bios for all my families and then - with the help of MasterController - create conflict amongst all of them. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. Which is why I am the simgoddess and my sims aren't!
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ben426 · 9 months
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Auto Unhide Debug Items - The Sims 3
Unlock a world of possibilities with just seven new collections seamlessly integrated into your game. No need to fumble with cheat codes every time you launch the game—this mod empowers you to access items from the buydebug menu effortlessly via the Collections feature.
Whilst the debug menu contains content from every expansion and stuff pack, this mod accommodates all players, whether you own them all or just a few. Install is hassle-free, items from unowned packs just simply won't appear.
🛈 Place these packages inside your Collections folder and not your Mods folder. ↓ Download from: Direct, Mirror (Nexusmods)
Installation Instructions:
Place these packages in the MyDocuments/ElectronicArts/TheSims3/Collections/User folder.
Simply delete the packages to remove the mod.
This mod seamlessly integrates with your existing setup—it's not technically a mod, ensuring compatibility with any other content you have.
Feel free to include this mod in your creations, but a little credit my way would be greatly appreciated. I had to add every item one-by-one.
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thesims3help · 9 months
Infinite loading/saving screens glitch fix.
Infinite loading and saving screens can be caused for multitude of reasons. From save files too big or corrupted, to not turning off cheats in-game or store content missing appropriate fixes. Below the cut we'll delve into both situations and ways to handle it.
Before trying anything, we recommend for the players to give the next steps a go:
Clearing their cache
Following Steam guide, or our guide, to optimise their game.
Should the tips from these guides not work, we suggest the following solutions.
Infinite loading can be caused by: bloated (big) or corrupted files, too many mods, mods getting corrupted (broken or outdated) or incompatible with one another, duplicated or broken CC, too much of CC, Sims2 files in package form within your Packages folder, in-game options referenced in guides haven't fully been adjusted, long save files with large households and builds, gaming device issues. When the loading persists and doesn't move from the same point for a prolonged time, we suggest attempting to bring up Task Manager to "kill" the TS3 program. We do not recommend hard shutdown (holding power button), as it can cause device damage, unless the game is impossible to shut down through Task Manager.
Removing save files ending in .bad, and reverting to a previous save,
Removing missingdeps.idx from DCCache folder,
Steps of getting ErrorTrap, Overwatch, MasterController from the guides above - reset the town with MC on City Hall, use MC or Overwatch to delete all Sims' inventories in town, run daily town clean-up with ET and OW. Get Traveler if you have World Adventures, University Life and/or Into The Future,
Running a Save Cleaner on your problematic Save file,
Redownloading new copies of your mods, and making sure they're the latest updated versions which match your game version,
Researching to check if mods used are incompatible (if they edit the same thing), and removing the mods which clash,
Using Delphy's Dashboard for previous bulletin, along for checking CC in .package forms and making sure they're not Sims2 content,
Using Delphy's CUSTARD to check your CC in Sims3Pack,
Removing unnecessary (unwanted or duplicated) Mods, Custom and/or Store content,
in-game options of Memories and InteractiveLoadingScreens disabled + removing Memories from Scrapbook,
Using NRAAS Porter to pack up and move your household to another town with their relationships intact,
Using NRAAS Saver to Save thoroughly, under new name each title, instead of always saving over the same file,
Removing extra saves from your Saves folder (Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 3 > Saves) to another trusted device (we suggest an external disk), and keeping under a handful of wanted ones - the folder shouldn't have 4GB & more of files.
No space on Disk - the game requires at least 35GB extra free space to be able to run smoothly. Free up some space or reinstall the game on another disk/drive with more space (back up your The Sims 3 folder before this).
Gaming device ran out of memory or is incapable of running that specific save.
If all else fails, removing your current The Sims 3 folder outside of Documents to somewhere safe, and generating a new one. See if the issue persists with other towns and other families.
Infinite Saving is often caused by the same or similar reasons as Loading above, but there are few other things which can cause the saving loop. Besides using tips from above, we also recommend:
Turning off cheats - sometimes using cheats like moveobjects and buydebug can cause saving issues. Simply bringing up the cheat console and turning them with typing moveobjects off or buydebug off can help.
Also remember to turn off all cheats before saving, testingcheatsenabled false included.
For Store Content users, Store Content needs fixes to work properly. For those who've used Games4TheWorld's KT Store Fixes or those who never tried Store Fixes, we strongly advise to download and install Phantom99's Store Fixes.
Gameplays should be shorter (no longer than a couple of hours) for different reasons. Create a few save files. Fully exit the game. Clear the cache and remove unnecessary saves (or all except the last one). This allows your device to cool off and possibly regain the memory it lent to the game. You can get back into your gaming again.
Useful websites, forums and posts on the topic:
[FAQ] Troubleshooting Steps - Answer HQ (ea.com)
Steam Community :: Guide :: Toubleshooting for The Sims 3
SimsPlayer's detailed post on Fixing Problems with Custom Content and Mods on Reddit
Bad CC – Crinrict's Sims 3 Help Blog
Incompatible Mods – Crinrict's Sims 3 Help Blog
Long Loading Times – Crinrict's Sims 3 Help Blog
Sims 3 won't save :( : r/Sims3 (reddit.com)
Fix for Infinite Save loop? : r/Sims3 (reddit.com)
Game is on the infinity saving screen? : r/Sims3 (reddit.com)
Mod The Sims - Infinite saving loop + Continuous loading loop - any solutions?
Game take long load on loading screen. (Stuck sometime) :: The Sims™ 3 General Discussions (steamcommunity.com)
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joosiiims · 1 year
Hey! I really love your storytelling :) do you have any tips for someone who wants to start a simblr? How to take screenshots and if there are mods/cheats you use? <3
heyhey! thank you so much! <3 idk if went all out or if these are even good, but tips are below the cut... hope it helps :)
(others are free to comment their own tips as well!!)
first of all, your simblr is all up to you and how you want to customize it (tumblr theme, format of posts, etc)... just remember that you have total control over what you post and all that. ppl on here are usually very nice and welcoming so be free with your own creativity and what you think looks nice/makes YOU happy, no judgment!
you can grab inspiration from everyone here and incorporate that into your gameplay/simblr which i think is totally fine. you're kind of finding your own style in a way. don't straight up plagarize tho and claim someone else's work as yours :'|
taking screenshots is a little tough bc some things can enhance the way they look for example reshade/gshade, your in-game settings, and pretty much manually editing thru editing software which you kind of have to explore if it's for you or not.
how satisfied you are with your screenshots may change over time (ik mine did), so try to keep that in mind. it's a sign of growth!
actually taking the screenshots, i mainly follow the rule of balance in photos that i learned back in art class in high school. i try to make the picture interesting through different angles/perspectives that make the picture look full and not just have the focus only on one side (if that makes sense). symmetry is also good.
having good lighting is also good which you can get by in-game buydebug lights or just editing your pictures.
filters add a lot of character to screenshots, so use those to your liking.
try to zoom in as much as you can when you take pictures so that it looks less fish eye?? (i think thats the term) lol -> obviously this might not work if you're taking room-wide screenshots
no drift cam mod is a must if you want precise screenshots and dont have to fight the camera to sit on the spot you want it on ;^;
no camera fade for sims so your sims dont disappear while taking pictures LOL
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petalruesimblr · 4 months
Tumblr media
Paws Sanctuary
Download Link: Sim File Share |
Welcome to Paws Sanctuary! This family owned shelter is dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating stray animals, providing them with a second chance at a loving home. Equipped with a cozy veterinary clinic onsite, we will be ready to nurture and care for all animals in need. Come visit us to adopt or simply lend a helping hand in making a difference in these animals' lives.
Price Furnished: 19,274 Price Unfurnished: 2,723 Lot Size: 40X40 Lot Type: Residential Store Content: Click here CC Used: Click here File Type: Package Min. Required Game Version: 1.42 Packs Needed: The Sims 3, Ambitions (wallpaper and door), Late Night (floor tiles), Pets, Generations and Seasons
Hi everyone! This new build is an animal shelter (or rescue shelter) and is perfect for completing the The Animal Rescuer lifetime wish. This is mostly catered for cats or dogs as I think it would be harder to take care of minor pets at the same time.
I always have a soft spot for animals and would always include them in my gameplay thus I have sparse décor in most of my builds to let them run around the house. Anyways, please be kinder to all stray animals out there and adopt, don't shop!
Click on the ’Keep Reading’ below for more information and pictures on this lot.
For this shelter to work, I have set this lot as residential and created living quarters for Sims at the back. There are two bedrooms and can fit three Sims or four if you place a bunk bed or extra bed in the second bedroom.
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The above pictures show the residential section of the shelter — the area where your Sims will reside—while the remaining shelter facilities are indicated by Public Room Markers.
📣If you want to move things anywhere at the shelter, please enable “testingcheatsenabled true” and “RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings Off” after. If you want to place more markers, enable “buydebug on” as well.
Below are pictures of the shelter, equipped with an onsite vet clinic, indoor kennels, a play area for cats, a reception area for visitors (perhaps your neighbors interested in adoption), an office for discussing adoption options, an indoor small yard for animals to play and a small park outside.
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📣 Please note that the store content and CC included in the lot are not included on the download file. I’ve compiled a list for those interested in downloading them separately (please click the links above under the Details section or go to WCIF Navigation page) but those are not required and will be automatically replaced in the game. The Ambitions and Late Night expansion packs are required due to the build items used in the lot.
Most of the store contents are from Graham's Pet Swap Shop and I have provided an alternative link instead, same with the others that includes a store link just in case you will not be able download from the store anymore due to issues. Let me know if you experience any problems on your end!
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mishas-sims3cc · 2 years
Sims 3 gift pile in buy debug
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sims 3 item cheats
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD MOD - LINK 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Estos son los trucos de Los Sims 3. TestingCheatsEnabled [true|false]: Se utiliza para diversas cosas, desde habilitar otros trucos (Ej: buydebug). Una colección con todos los trucos de Los Sims 3 con dinero infinito, todos los trajes y más. The Sims 4 Cheats (Full Updated List for PC/Xbox/PS4). A fully updated list of all important Cheats for The Sims 4, including its Expansion and Game Packs. Here you can find all kinds of cheats for The Sims 2 and The SIms 3! Type this cheat in to the console to give yourself the ability to place items. Descubre en TikTok los videos cortos relacionados con sims three cheats. The cheats code for the sims 3 to get the rare items · thesimsforeverrrr. Descubre en TikTok los videos cortos relacionados con how to cheat on sims3. Ve contenido popular de los siguientes autores: JustinRide (@justinride). Echa un vistazo a nuestra selección de sims cheats para ver las mejores piezas hechas a mano, únicas o personalizadas de nuestras tiendas de videojuegos. 2 Build Cheats/Lot Cheats; 3 Movie/Picture/Graphics Cheats Use with caution: deleting certain items such as the mailbox, trashcan. The Sims 3 Plus Showtime includes both The Sims 3 and The Sims 3 Showtime expansion pack in one! Create your perfect Sim and roam the streets of downtown.
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