#sims fandom
simnostalgia · 10 months
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I love shit like this. There's something so cool about being able to like... count the rings in mods made for the sims and how it gets changed over time as it changes hands. Legit, it's been almost 20 years and we tweak the game over time to the point where we end up with a game that's probably 50% the game that was made in 2004 and 50% organically made over the past 20 years.
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lyokosims · 1 month
You know you haven't played the Sims in a long time when you see pics of other people's Sims with custom content, and you can't tell whether they're from Sims 3 or Sims 4 at first glance.
Heck I even mistook some Sims 2 photos for Sims 4 for a moment, because someone was using the Sims 4 clay-like hairstyles on their Sims.
No shame in that though, both alpha CC and maxis match look nice!
But this confusion is especially embarrassing to admit as someone who used to be very active in the Sims 3 community before I got into anime and digital art, and mind you I'm someone who can NEVER play my Sims games without CC. But oh well 😅
Don't feel bad if you relate though.
If this happens even to me, a Sims fan since 2007, there's no shame if you're a newbie to CC, or if you are a Sims 4 only simmer. You're not any less of a simmer for this. At the end of the day, what makes the Sims community beautiful to begin with is its way for everyone to express their creativity through their games. And that includes using CC for your Sims and their homes.
Happy simming! ~ ♡ ⊹˚₊
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eternalremorse · 3 months
I'll tell you of one fandom I barely see any drama in (not saying it doesn't happen, I've just not seen much if it myself) is The Sims fandom - everyone is so sweet!
Got a question? They'll answer it, even if it's been answered thousands of times before! (And in a nice manner too)
Want mod recs? You better be ready for a LIST!!
Think your style of playing is fucked up and wonder if anyone does it the same? Oh BOY! YOU AIN'T SEEN ANYTHING YET!
I'm a member of a few Sims groups on Facebook and it's so chill and supportive!
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sir-klauz · 1 year
My political activist mermaid trans sim called Zen only greets people by beguiling them and asking them to join his cause to everyone on the entire island, this dude is about to start an small empire. He started a protest by himself and loads of women turned up in bikinis..? This was before anyone really knew him. This guy is living the life rn. Two people have crushes on him I don’t remember talking to. He owns a dolphin and a boat and lives in the smallest shack on the island full of things he’s collected on the beach. He never wins karaoke.
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stripysockstumb · 8 months
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More memes cos this man was a legend
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jazghoxt · 7 months
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a lot of people seem to forget jon ate the (extinguished) sun once 😭
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sydneighsays · 10 months
Can I rest now? 😭
[clip from: TMA ep 111 Family business]
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This is probably going to flop 🧍🏻‍♀️🫶🤭😙🫴❤️
[VD: A grayscale Magnus Archives animatic of Jon and Gerry talking in episode 111 of The Magnus Archives. Gerry, a ghostly goth, and Jon, a thin brown man in a graphic T-shirt, sit together at a table. Gerry says scornfully, "Playing politics with things they didn’t understand. Reckoned her tradition was less the academic and more the, uh…" Jon offers dryly, "V-Village witch?"
Gerry laughs, pleased, and asks, "You sure you don’t know her?" He sighs, sobers, and says, "Yeah. But deep down what she wanted wasn’t all that different from the ivory tower idiots she hated. Y’know, I think, secretly, she dreamed of starting a little mystic dynasty of her own." He grimaces. "With me."
Jon says a little eagerly, "Like the, the Lukases? Or the Fairchilds?" Gerry corrects, "Well, Fairchild’s just a name, they’re not really family." Then he does a finger gun and says, "The Lukases, though, yeah."
He turns away, pensive and frowning, and says, "Thing is, it’s harder than it looks. What’s out there… doesn’t care about blood." Jon, grinning a little, says, "Well, I-I mean, except for the vampires…" Gerry scowls, "Yeah, obviously except for the vampires." Jon looks abashed, and Gerry looks down sorrowfully to say, "But they care about your choices, your fears, not your parents." End VD]
[ID: A still of the scene where Gerry scowls and says "Yeah, obviously except for the vampires" to an embarrassed Jon. End ID]
Described by princess-of-purple-prose
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modest-starr · 6 months
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i keep putting this podcast on when i nap and then wake up to jon screaming ,,,
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bluetaho · 8 days
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Sometimes… I imagine if none of this had happened. If we had just… met. Been together, without… all of this.
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But we wouldn’t have, would we? Been together, I mean.
(part 2)
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vickozone · 12 days
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+tap on image and turn up brightness for better quality+
[scene from MAG 119]
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simnostalgia · 2 years
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sunflowerarrtt · 19 days
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quick jon :)
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possiblyawesometmblr · 4 months
jonny sims, learning absolutely nothing from his past: surely i've done it. surely the fandom won't want to kiss a man made entirely out of needles
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sir-klauz · 1 year
Why has Sims 4 removed the ability to transition for Sims after adding trans body scar updates? Seems a bit anti the point of becoming more progressive than not again? Either that or mine is broken, as the other week I could edit pre existing sims to transition but now it says “cannot edit pre-existing sims” and you can only change the pronouns? And why not have binders go under clothes rather than just only wearing a binder and nothing else for a top in all weathers if your sims needs to wear one? Ugh.
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neverfeverdream · 25 days
the distortion would never try to take me bc if i was trapped in its corridors i would NOT notice the changes in anything. new halls? nope that’s what they are. new color? i just forgot and noticed again. weird pictures? ooooh cool hands! we would be besties by dawn
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stripysockstumb · 4 months
Avatar of The Eye but its just a 14 year old girl in secondary school constantly doodling eyes on her hands and is inadvertently being used by the eye as a walking cctv camera
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