#since ppl remember the previous time they thought of something instead of the original my memory from this time is so so flawed
b6d11f · 2 years
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view of other worlds from our windowsills
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guiltycorp · 1 year
I feel like when ppl discuss the influence of trauma on Geto’s downfall, how Gojo managed to move on by immediately overcoming his weakness & dealing with their assailant and then proceeding to hone his technique instead of stagnating...  They often miss that it wasn’t just the trauma for Geto.  The most important thing for him was always looking for meaning, his anxious and righteous nature forcing him to come up with an explanation for their world and his own purpose in life. His simplistic views of ‘there are strong people (sorcerers) and weak people (non-sorcerers), and the strong must protect the weak’ as well as trust in their system were challenged time and time again throughout the backstory arc. But it wasn’t only Geto being depressed and reactive, it was also about fixing his previous assumptions. Unlike Gojo, he overthought things to a fault, eventually coming to the wrong conclusions (even when Yuki offered him her solution on a plate, that being the research into making non-sorcerers into sorcerers), likely out of prolonged misguided fixation on the dichotomy of weak vs strong, but nonetheless it was a product of a thought experiment and deliberation, even discussion with Haibara and Yuki.  Still, my point is that... Gojo simply never cared enough about things like ideology. The light novel made it seem like he only realised that maybe there is something wrong with the system when Geto left, not when Riko or Haibara died! He simply didn’t think about those tragedies as anything other than random sad occurrences that he could prevent in the future by being better at being the strongest (spoiler: he couldn't). He tried to internalize Geto’s original values of protecting the weak since he could sense some merit to them, finding joy in entertaining Riko and later his students, but he completely missed the reasoning behind those values. This is why he spouted all those things about not saving/reaching Geto (without having attempted it in the first place) and about becoming a teacher to prevent young sorcerers from missing out on their youth (immediately going to indoctrinate young Megumi into their messed up system as a pretext of saving him from the Zenins, exploiting Maki’s childish ambitions of getting back at her family, later risking students’ lives to progress Yuta’s potential, letting Itadori run around without much oversight, ignoring the situation with Megumi’s sister, ignoring the more ‘uninteresting’ students, the list goes on)... He has only a vague idea of what his perfect world would be like (still kind of ridiculous and reliant on Being Strong a-la Sukuna), but he makes no effort to properly explain it to his students who are supposedly meant to change their society in the future.
The only way he can empathize with them is by remembering what he himself enjoyed in his youth, that being companionship with his bff and his growing power. And when some of them don’t show interest in that (like poor fucking Megumi) Gojo is simply not interested in exploring alternatives.  To him, it’s not a question of ‘why’, it never was. ...All that said, this could all be eaaaasily author’s bias who leans towards Gojo’s way of thinking irl, in which case it’s unlikely to get a resolution of some kind :^) Personally, I hope it will bite Gojo in the ass more than it already has. I do have some hope since the current fight vs Sukuna is underlining how similar they are to each other. 
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arsnovacadenza · 4 years
Jean d’Arc Route Summary and Translation Chp.4
Disclaimer: This is an unofficial translation based on my somewhat serviceable Japanese skills with the aid of various kanji dictionaries (and some Google Translate). As I’m doing this mostly for practice, progress will be relatively slow and there might be changes to formatting in the future. Thank you for your patience and understanding
The italicized words in brackets are the comments I made throughout my playthrough.
 As promised, here’s my summary and translation of Jean D’Arc’s route in Ikemen Vampire. Obviously, there will be SPOILERS.
Before we jump right into Chp. 4, let me give little bit of context from chapter 3 since I didn't think to translate Jean's route from the very beginning:
Comte called a meeting with other vampires in the mansion to explain their entire situation to MC. So far, they've told her about their vampiric nature and their diet. Aside from Arthur, nobody else drank blood directly from humans. Even so, Napoleon told her to at least have some caution (although he can promise that nobody was going to bite her in the future).
MC asked where Jean was since he wasn't present in the dining room where they held the meeting. Mozart asked her to come along with him to Jean's quarters on the second floor (surprise, surprise, he didn't live in some ominous tower detached from the building).
Mozart point-blank confronted MC about her bite mark, which he guessed was Jean's doing. In case you haven't read up on Chp. 1 spoilers, Jean bit MC on the first night she arrived as a mansion, afterward telling her that she should've been more alert because she WAS living among stronger creatures that COULD potentially prey on her..
(Our boy sure loves to emphasize the monstrous side of vampirism and how it changed him into a predatory creature far detached from his previous human self. There's just so much to talk about here).
MC, of course, is overwhelmed by the whole situation, including Jean's reasoning for biting her. So, she asked Mozart about Jean's possible logic for doing it since they seemed to be close friends.
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And that brings us to the beginning of Chapter 4.
MC, of course, was overwhelmed by the whole situation, including Jean's reasoning for biting her. So, she asked Mozart about Jean's possible logic for doing it since they seemed to be close friends.
And that brings us to the beginning of Chapter 4. 
Mozart retorted, "To think that I can talk about his feelings on his behalf just because we're friends is a ridiculous assumption."
MC is taken aback by his sharp words, but admitted that he's right anyway.
He continued "In other words, go talk to him yourself and use your head."
And just like that, he opened a door and pushed MC into a room, sending her barreling on the floor. He then closed the door and called out to her from outside, basically saying. "Your misunderstanding of our relationship is wack. Come back after you talk to the guy himself."
She thought about the absurdity of the situation as the sound of Mozart's footsteps grew distant. Suddenly, a shadow fell upon her, and she followed to where it led.
In front of her was a figure gazing at her with empty eyes.
It's Jeanne. "What are you doing here?" he asked.
She stood up and apologized for suddenly barging into his room while averting her eyes from Jean's. Then she continued.
"As I'm going to burden myself upon everyone in this mansion for a month, I thought about paying my respects again." To which Jean only answered. "Is that so."
MC tried to give him an excuse as to why she wanted to go to such lengths just to greet him, which Jean didn't seem to care about. (Boy, he's rude let me tell you.)  All the while, she kept thinking about how she'd soon be saying goodbye to everyone in the mansion without coming to terms with this one guy.
As MC fidgeted under his unwavering stare, she suddenly remembered her earlier talk with Mozart. She needed to confront Jean about the biting incident and understand his side of the story. 
Piecing together the information she obtained from the morning meeting with everyone else, especially about their mealtimes and regarding Blanc and Rouge, she concluded that he didn't bite her out of starvation.
And she also looked back to Jean's words on that fateful night.
"If you want to return to the safety of your world, you better have a sense of danger."
"Think about how you should act to protect yourself."
(So basically Jean's telling her "If you ain't strong enough you ain't gonna last long, bitch")
But MC decided to press him more, anyway. "Why, on that night, did you bite me? Can you tell me?"
Jean answered, "If I told you the reason why what are you going to do with it?"
(Jean, that is not how you talk to ppl)
An awkward atmosphere hung between them, but Jean continued. "You weren't aware that we're vampires."
"Your wandering aimlessly around the mansion is an eyesore—"
"If you think I'm an eyesore, won't it be better if you're free of my presence?"
"Even if you said I was just an eyesore," she fired at Jean. "You didn't exactly see me as prey, do you?"
And Jean basically just answered, “Quite the carefree woman, aren’t you?”
My arms were pulled, and fingers encased in a white glove tilted up my chin.*
"Regarding that night, it doesn't matter to me however you interpret it,"  he murmured. "If you think of it as me being kind to you [for giving you a warning about the true nature of this mansion's residents], so be it."
"Don't approach me anymore outside of this, and get out of here this instant."
After Jean gave her the boot, MC broke down and thought about the entire confrontation, her heart racing. However, she managed to collect herself and left Jean’s door. Unbeknownst to her, Mozart had been watching the entire scene from afar. "Alas, it's no use, is it?" he sighed.
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“Indeed. It is an impossible feat to unlock Monsieur Jean’s heart, especially for a newcomer like MC”
That surprised Mozart pushed MC into Monsieur Jeanne’s room.
The butler asked Mozart if he was worried about Jean. From the time they first met, Jean had been “rejecting various things, and at the same time absolutely gives up on everything.”
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"The reason for that, I don’t know….. That's Jean's way of life. He can do as he pleases."
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"But as his friend....it does concern me a little."
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“A friendship between beautiful people, how precious!”
(That’s not what you should be focusing on, you idiot).
“Herr Mozart, if you give up, then that’s when everything is truly over.” Sebastian beamed. “Please leave it to me as this mansion’s butler, for I have something in mind.”
Mozart shrugged his shoulders as he gazed at the eccentric butler’s smile.
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(This part is more dialogue and screenshot-heavy as I want to avoid misinterpretation as much as possible)
A quiet night descends upon a moonlit church at the foot of a forest, far away from the mansion. Inside, a lone man walks under the moonlight, reflected on the stained glass patterns. He narrowed his orbs*, whose left and right colors are different.
“Master, do forgive me for not paying my respects as of late.” He greeted another man.
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“Ah, Will. Have there been any changes lately?”
Will proceeded to tell ??? about a young woman stumbling through the door from another world and into the mansion. He also notified Vlad that the Comte has allowed her to impose on them for a month.
The white-haired man smiled amusedly. “Ah, the most intriguing things do occur, don’t they?”
“But what I can’t comprehend,” Shakespeare frowned. “This woman is seemingly an ordinary human of no virtue.”
“As if an impurity has mixed in with the brilliance of the great men.”
Shakespeare hoped that she wouldn’t be a hindrance to his plans, and I quote:   “A creature that only invites tragedies instead of comedies. And I have no use of such mediocre tragedies.”
After some exchange, ??? said,  “A creature that only invites tragedies instead of comedies. And I have no use of such mediocre tragedies.”
"Indeed," Shakespeare concurred. "I strive for the finest tragedy with the most exquisite cast."
"The great men who are set to dance on the stage you've set up," His master smirked. "They make the finest marionettes, don't they?"
"That is why, Master, I've decided to join hands with you."
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"With you, who carries the same power as the Count....."
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"What is it you desire, Will?"
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"Can you lend me your power and arrange for a livelier cast?"
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"The greater the obstacle they face, the more exceptional the tragedy that ensues."
"I'll think about it," his master replied. 
Smiling elegantly, the red-eyed man looked up at the moon. Behind his eyes shone a glint of a power that can move the entire world.
(In KennieJD’s words: “You both deserve each other cause y’all crazy as hell”).
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*1: I nearly fell off my chair translating this part
*2: The original kanji says “双降”, which doesn’t come up if you search on any kanji dictionary. I asked Asha about this, and she said it’s a typo on Cybird’s part. It’s supposed to be 双眸, which means ‘a  pair of eyes’
I didn't intend this to be this lengthy and dialogue-focused, but I realized that I really enjoy writing lines for bitchy characters. Jean and Vlad's were especially a delight to work with! I couldn’t do much for Shakespeare’s lines tho. I haven't been an English Literature student for two years.
Tagging @hokkaido-fox​ for now. Let me know if you want to be tagged in upcoming summaries and mini-translations!
Credits to @ashavazesa​ for her tremendous help with some of the kanji. 
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Here is part 1 of the very long story of how I learned about multiple things, including games like Boyfriend to Death and Degrees of Lewdity. Tracing it back as far as I'm willing to.
Kinda like my
Current interests origin story
I'll bold main points because I like to talk. This will be long, I like to ramble and say everything I was thinking
This first part will be covering how I learned about lady-bakuhoe (now @kingkatsuki) and @kazooli. I swear they're relevant in this. I just like to trace things back to as far as possible, so here we go!
- Origin story starts -
One day, before I had a tumblr account, but knew of its existence (which I knew was good for seeing fancontent), I decided to look up Deku headcanons. So at the time, I had just started watching My Hero Academia. I was on episode 1 or 2, but I instantly LOVED Deku. And I didn't feel like reading a whole x reader fic, I looked for headcanons. And one top result was headcanons for multiple characters that Jo wrote A LONG time ago.
There were two headcanon posts she made (probably) and I decided to check out her blog since the ones she wrote were good. But I DO know that I was like "Hmm, these headcanons are the best out of the top ones, and she wrote a few." So I started looking at more of lady-bakuhoe's posts. And then I realized she liked Bakugou a lot and she wrote smut a lot.
I honestly think that it's HILARIOUS that I learned about her blog because of Deku, considering the fact she doesn't like him too much (btw, if you're reading, Jo, I hope I'm not burning your eyes by mentioning him too much). If you look at her rules and read what she doesn't write, Deku is listed right there, next to incest and pedophilia (not literally, but they are on her list). (So I never asked or expected her to write for him and instead found people who did, unfortunately none of them right as well as Jo, but whatever.)
But despite me being more into Deku, I still really enjoyed reading what she'd post and reblog. I also got to taste some high quality smut, and now my standards are forever very high when it comes to written porn.
However, I didn't (and still don't) really thirst for anyone she frequently writes for. The two character I thirsted for the most (I'm not exactly sure now, I seem to have calmed down) were Deku and Shigaraki, both of which are on Jo's "3 BNHA characters I can't thirst for" list. And in general I was just more horny for the villains than the heroes, but Jo doesn't write very much at all for the villains and says she doesn't write them very well and from I read, I agreed. (Sorry!)
What I really wanted, was a blog with good writing skills that wrote for the villains. Which was exactly what I found! So, I forget which post of theirs it was. But I think the person titled their blog "anime hawks saved me" or something like that. I clicked on the blog, scrolled a little and eventually found a Shigaraki x reader x Dabi. It was called "Just for Tonight" and from the summary (? If it had one, I can't remember) and how well written the first few paragraphs I accidentally read were, I was intrigued. It just, somehow pulled me in, in a way no other fic has.
Now that I think about it, reading that fic was like shaking the bad guy's hand from the Princess and the Frog. You know, the one leading into "Friends on the Other Side" when he says, "Would you shake a poor sinner's hand?"
But anyway, I began to read that fic. I guess I felt guilty for reading a villain smut despite what I previously said (I have conflicting emotions, constantly), maybe also some sort of purity complex or whatever, so I was actually intending on just reading a little, and then I would stop reading it. Ha. Ha. HA. I should have known at that point that when I start reading smut I won't be able to stop until it's finished. I only succeeded once, that was Coercion by lady-bakuhoe, but then I couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day and opened it again and finished it.
I finished reading "Just for Tonight" and it was REALLY good. So good that, in a few days, I went back and read it again. And that's the only time I've ever done that. Where I actually read a fic again because I had the impulse to because I loved it so much. So I read it again and thought "Man, this is good. I wanna see if the writer wrote anything else like this." And this is my plunge into the @kazooli blog.
(Also, I wanna quickly mention something off topic. Some of the things I mention may or may not be consistent with the timeline. Like, for example, I mentioned that I thirsted for Shigaraki, but Jo didn’t write for him. BUT at the time I read "Just for Tonight" I remembered I was more into Dabi (which was short lived) than Shigaraki, at first I considered Shigaraki just a bonus character in the fic and now I consider Dabi the bonus character (how turntables). Which doesn't make sense considering the previous. I'm confused too. Maybe so maybe reading that "list of three characters" was after learning about Kazooli? But anyway, I guess one could say that her blog plus others made me a Shigaraki fan, but honestly I just wasn't far in the anime at that point and even if I never found those blogs I would have ended up liking Shigaraki a whole lot. He is somehow my type in appearance, personality, and tragic backstory, it's like Horikoshi made him for me. It's strange and wonderful)
Anyway. I remember going on and scrolling through and instantly being treated to some nasty (but yummy) things. I also found that "Just for Tonight" was her first post from what I can recall. I remember specifically finding this one meme she posted with someone (her) feeding seeds (incest) to birds (followers) and I was very confused because I was still clueless dark content existed (despite the noncon and dubcon fics/thirst posts on Jo's blog).
I was like "No, incest is bad." But then that got my thinking, "Why do they like it? Is there a reason." So I actually clicked on one of her incest fics (Touya, obviously) and began reading it. I think I was either trying to figure out why they liked it, or trying to prove to myself it wasn’t that good and ppl were just being weird. Spoiler, I actually REALLY liked it. So much I quickly started to look for more.
That whole transition was 10 minutes or less. Made me think of that one Thomas Sanders vine when the girl comes in to say she can't play video games because she has a paper to do, but ends up playing the game anyway. Except for me, change the quote to "No, incest is bad and- I NEED MORE! How did I get here?" "Don't question it."
Also, Kazooli writes the BEST incest fics. I've read other people's, but they just don't live up to hers or write it in a way I like it (sorry, Mari). I mean @ tomurasprincess's (Mari) newest fic with the A/B/O + soul mate + incest + Todoroki, and Mirror Image, those were good ones that weren't made by Kazooli. But Kaz is just this master at making gross and dark things sound REALLY appealing and hot. And you know it's gross, she definitely writes it so it sounds nasty, but she somehow does it SO GOOD and I don't know how.
So that's how I discovered these two, and this lead to me learning about a bunch of different things. In a way, they and Mari are like the keystones in how I found a lot of my current interests, and the reason I even created this blog in the first place.
Next up! How I discovered Mari's blog and what I came to discover from that!
Next part (link will be posted after I write that next part)
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jess-the-vampire · 5 years
The Demon Next Door, Chapter 3
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Marco's phone ringed as he woke up, wiping the sleep from his eyes and peering around his room. It was about 2 in the morning and someone thought to call him now of all times? It was finally the weekend and he just wanted to sleep in already, he'd been lacking sleep trying to help star, study, and work on his jackie plan that this was his one time to make up for all the sleep he never got  in the week and someone was calling him now of all times? He reached for his phone with a groan as he opened it up to see what was up. Honestly he had been half expecting it to be star, but surprisingly this time it was not, tom was in fact texting him. Which meant across the street, right now, tom was wide awake, texting on his phone. Marco yawned, tom had actually been starting to text him a bit more recently, he seemed to actually like talking with marco whenever he could. Though marco had to be the one to tell him it was probably not smart to do it in class at any point ever.
It made Marco happy though it'd be nice if tom was a little better about when to contact marco, but then again, he was still learning. Marco squinted his eyes in the dark to read whatever was written on it, lying back on the mattress and scanning over the screen. His parents were pretty upset over the due fact tom's family had not responded to them and their invites in the slightest, it honestly probably made tom himself feel awkward just visiting since his family is mostly what they asked about whenever they saw him. And Tom wanted to visit now, seems that night with marco really made him actually excited to hang out with him. Marco finally had another friend, much to Star's frustration, but still. It was kinda nice to see the lonely boy who seemed pretty outed the day he arrived feel excited and want to actually spend time with him. Star was his friend but she was friends with almost everybody, marco actually made a friend, on his own, and the kid actually kinda seemed to like him. Speaking of which- Tom: My folks r kinda not in the mood 2 talk 2 yr parents, they get anxious about going into the homes of ppl they don't really know, i'm srry Yeah, he wasn't surprised, honestly he wouldn't be surprised if the reason other new families even came was just to be nice more then anything. Guess he'd have to tell his parents when he saw them later on, though he knew they'd be upset. Tom didn't talk that much about his family yet, he'd normally talk about stuff happening in school, sometimes star, ask Marco questions about echo creek, or just vaguely talk about the move. Marco would be lying if he didn't admit he kinda was curious about tom's parents. Were they rich? Seemed that way considering tom seemed very much loaded half the time. If they were, why did they move to a place like this? Seems pretty low-class for some rich family like theirs, and they sure don't blend in well with that creepy looking house. They were honestly talk of the town, a family moving in with a creepy house and never come out of it? It sure sounded like a horror movie, marco almost pictured tom's family as emo rockstars that looked like him, or even vampires, or maybe snooty looking folks who looked down on the poorer class and that's why they never left. Marco remembered he had seen what was probably tom's father vaguely during the first day but even that was hard to remember since he was mostly fixated on tom during that moment. He knew his parents were not going to give up that easily though, on the contrary, they'd probably change strategy. Now that Marco was making friends with Tom, it only increased their want and desire to meet his family and connect with them. And that didn't bode too well for marco because who knew if tom's parents would even like them or not, worst case scenario is they ended up refusing to let tom even go near marco of the diazes ever again if they went too far. Marco quickly texted tom back, tired but still curious. Marco: Are your parents weirded out by my parents? and Tom replied almost instantly back. Tom: My parents r actually really cool, I think they'd like u, but right now they don't want to go around to random ppl's home, maybe another time when they get used to me and u being friends... Fair enough. At least that reassured him from thinking they were snobby jerks at the very least. Marco: Well I'm glad your parents aren't going to eat me or anything like that lol Tom was silent for a bit before texting back and marco was worried maybe tom had fallen asleep on his end, but instead was met with a text back that told him maybe tom wasn't fond of that kinda humor when he couldn't see marco's face. Wherever tom originally came from, it seemed he wasn't familiar with telling sarcasm  and jokes from actual things marco meant when it came to texts, it honestly had marco wondering if tom ever hung out with teens at all before he moved. Tom: What? My parents would never eat you, why would you ever think that? It was meant to be a joke, something to ease his worries he had originally about tom's family, but based on the response he received, it seemed like tom himself took it a little more seriously then the boy had been intending it to be. Marco almost wanted to laugh, but then again he also didn't want tom to panic, making friends with tom seemed to matter a lot to the boy and Marco really didn't want to risk ruining their newfound friendship not even long after it started, Marco was quick to step in. Marco: Oh non no no, i was kidding, just a joke. Sorry! Tom was silent for a strangely long amount of time before he replied back, a uncomfortable silence present in marco's room that he only noticed now. Marco nervously waiting for tom to text back with sudden anxiety Tom: Ok, sorry for overreacting, I'll see you tomorrow, and uh....i'm sorry Marco: It's ok tom Tom didn't reply back, marco sighing as he tried to get back to sleep, he kinda had to go easy on tom. Tom was new and he didn't know much about how best to handle these situations, though he seemed fast to calm himself down whenever he got riled up, which was at least a good sign that he was working on his issues. Tom wasn't flat out attacking him or anything, and he seemed actually sorry, and it was kinda hard for marco to get too upset when tom seemed to care this much. And tom seemed to care a lot. Marco was just going to have to be careful from now on about what was ok for tom and what wasn't, Tom wasn't Star, and he couldn't treat him like Star either, he was going to have to adapt one way or another. Tomorrow they could meet up and check up on him and it'd probably be back to normal, but marco was lying if he said he wasn't always worried. It was almost like with jackie, one wrong move and you might miss your chance to ever fully connect with someone. - He fell asleep soon after and much to his surprise and delight, Tom came over for breakfast, finding him in the kitchen eating chocolate chip pancakes and smiling at the sight of marco, who waved and joined him at the table. He hadn't been expecting Tom so soon, honestly he thought most likely he'd invite him over or they'd meet up or something but this was a pleasant surprise.Tom was sitting next to mariposa in her high chair, who seemed to find the boy's appearance rather funny looking, giggling as she chewed on a pancake in front of him. Marco quickly added some to his own plate as tom brushed at his hair. "Sorry about last night...hope i didn't freak you out...". "What? Oh no no, I know you didn't know better...hope I didn't offend you or anything". Tom seemed to be thinking about something else before shaking his head and reassuring marco, "No No i was being silly, I just....it's just things that kinda happened back home....don't worry about it, I just get mad about it sometimes". Yeah, marco had a feeling as much as that being the reason why, but he seemed to feel a ton better at least seeing tom for himself instead of worrying about his emotions behind a screen without much else to go on. "I couldn't sleep last night cause I was worried I upset you so I came over and I hope that's ok....". "No no, that's ok, honestly star comes in when she wants too, i'm happy to see you honestly, i was hoping we'd meet up for certain.". Though Tom still seemed a little nervous, and marco couldn't help but notice her was playing more with his pancake then eating it now, they had only met not that long ago and were they already hitting a hurdle? He really hoped not, if he screwed up this bad this soon- "You wanna talk about it?". Tom turned his head before taking another full bite of pancake quickly, marco took that as a hard "No", guess that really was a sensitive topic for him, whatever it was. Marco instead went back to eating and changed the subject quickly to lighten up the mood, "hey uh...how are you liking echo creek so far? You've been here about a week at this point, you like it?". Tom's expression wasn't of joy but not of disgust either, then again, he probably hadn't been around Echo Creek all that much. "I could show you around at some point? Maybe the mall, britta's tacos, the park....if that's cool or something? You could hang out with me and Star..". Tom blinked at marco, as if he had no idea what in the heck the boy was even talking about in the slightest, that or...he blanked out into his mind for a bit. "Tom?", marco tapped onto his shoulder and tom shook his head, "Um...sorry, but doesn't having me and star together sound like a bad idea? She doesn't actually seem to want to be around me, she's mad with me....I don't think she wants me around when she's around, it's um....it sounds like fun but...". "Oh don't worry about that, star's like that sometimes....she probably just likes you.". "Likes me?". "Yeah!", marco explained carefully, "Star is not really the best with crushes, i mean she thinks she's good at them, but i've seen her obsess over them, pretend she's not interested to get them interested, went overboard, the whole bit.....she's been doing this since you got here so clearly something about you set her off that way and judging by how she looked at you when she first saw you, and knowing her, it's a crush. Don't take it too personally.". "She...has a crush on me?", tom said softly, scratching his head, "Is that normal around here?". "Yeah, sometimes when people like other people they pretend not to be interested to get the other interested, it's like reverse psychology.",Tom seemed to laugh at that, as if it sounded silly, and to be fair, marco could understand why. "I mean, if that were the case, everyone must have a crush on me back home", he snorted, "I dunno marco, i kinda don't really think that's the case, but I think it's cool you think I have any kinda of chance with her...". "You totally like her....", marco teased, wiggling his eyebrows, "C'mon, I can tell, every time she shows up you can't seem to take your eyes off of her.". Tom felt himself blush a little as he pulled his hair, "Marco, c'mon....that's stupid...I don't...is it that obvious?". Marco nodded, "Dude, when you thought I liked Star you kinda sounded jealous, I don't want to assume too much, but it kinda sounds to me you already have an interest in her...". "Uh....well, look uh.....maybe we should move on back to the subject...Um...I'd like to hang out but if Star doesn't want me there....maybe we should just do it one on one instead?", he was now playing with his pancakes on his plate, blushing but not really looking at marco and marco sighed and dropped the subject. "Well, that should still be kinda fun! Maybe you could come and see my karate lesson? Star usually goes but she's kinda in trouble because of the whole "Cheating thing" so...good chance she can't this time". "Karate?", marco smiled wide as he grabbed his phone to show some pictures of him in his green belt, "Yeah, at the mall, I'm currently a green belt and working on my red next, Karate is like SERIOUS business. You outta watch me in action when I finally kick Jeremy's butt", he did a few small karate moves at the table and tom stared at him blankly as he acted them out,  "You fight? I had no idea you could fight!". Tom's voice slowly got more impressed and interested as he processed what marco was talking about, "That's really cool actually." "You didn't know what karate was?". "Oh um...well, where i come from people do fight, but...not that kinda fighting, so....sorry, I might be a little outta the loop...", he looked almost embarrassed about it, was tom really sheltered before he moved? It didn't seem that way judging by some of Tom's previous statements, but Marco didn't think he'd hear of anyone not knowing what Karate was before. Then again, Star did the same thing so maybe it was more common then he was making it out to be. "Well, my practice starts later today, so if you wanna stick around i'll show you around the mall and you can watch me totally kick butt!", the redhead seemed more then happy, finishing up his breakfast fast and practically chugging down his orange juice like it was no tomorrow. Marco finished his food as well before asking tom to wait downstairs as he went to go tell his mom he wanted a ride early so they had time to explore the shops together. Angie's reaction of course, was a little too mushy for Marco's taste, about her baby boy and his cute new best friend. Marco made friends with a new kid whose actually kinda cool, it wasn't "Cute", it was normal, what was so "Cute" about him making friends with this boy? Ugh, it didn't matter, she said yes anyway though she would take Mariposa with her and check out a few stores while they were out. Which was fine enough, as long as she didn't spend the entire time gushing about Marco making a friend the whole time. He was probably getting too worked up over his parents gushing about his relationship with tom, they were excited, he just didn't like them making such a big deal about it. They were already making such a big deal about meeting tom's family, what if they made tom too uncomfortable with all their gushing? Ugh, he really was freaking out about this too much, he needed to calm down. He and Tom were going to have a good time together and he was going to chill about it. "Marco...you ok?", tom glanced over to marco from the backseat of the car, which gave marco the impression he was probably fidgeting in front of him a little too much. Though much to Marco's embarrassment, Angie chipped in from the driver's seat, "Oh don't worry about him, I think he's just nervous, he's been having a hard time beating that Jeremy boy for a long time now, that boy's only 8 and has been destroying marco for years at this point!". "8 years old?" Marco felt mortified. "MOM!". "Aww c'mon sweetie, no need to be shy about it, we know you'll beat him this time around. Marco's been doing karate for a long time, Star likes to go to his practices ever since she moved but she also gets too busy to come at all, so perhaps you might like it tom. Do your parents have any private study sessions for you as well?", Tom coughed into his hand and looked out the window, "Well, no, I guess I have a lot of freetime these days...I honestly wasn't sure what i'd do with myself before marco came a long to be honest...I'd probably be playing games in my room all day.". "Well see, that's wonderful! Marco doesn't get to do much either outside of karate and hanging out with star, he used to stay in his room all by himself. Star's such a sweet girl but she's always so busy it seems, her mother runs a tight ship I tell ya, you two can hang out when you have time, marco would love more company when star's not around, he gets really lonely.", marco was about ready to jump out of the car at this rate, though honestly his mom really didn't need to know how much star broke her mother's rules to find reasons to hang out with marco anyway. "Ok mom, he gets it....". "He really likes karate, though we had to take him out of lessons for a bit when he broke his arm trying to break 3 wooden boards once...", Marco scrunched up in his seat and pulled the hood over his head before pulling the strings, hoping to hide his face forever so tom couldn't see him. The Car ride seemed to be taking forever and marco felt he had effectively downed out the conversation tom and his mother were having and when his mother finally parked outside the mall, marco practically lept out, forgetting to unbuckle his seat belt in the process and blushing in embarrassment as he struggled to take it off, grab his bag of karate clothes, and walk out, still with the hoodie hood over his head. He couldn't even look tom directly in the face. And he didn't as they entered the mall, Angie walking off with Mariposa and leaving the boys together. Much to Marco's relief, though he still wasn't looking at Tom, despite knowing he should and should help him out like he promised. He needed to pull himself together, there was no way he'd ever be able to ask out jackie or take down his karate rival if he couldn't deal with a little embarrassment from his mom to someone he hadn't known all that long. He coughed and removed his hoodie, thankful that tom hadn't ran off and still was next to him, if this were star she'd already be checking out a store by now. "Sorry um.....c'mon....let's get looking shall we? uh....where you wanna go first?", Tom blinked as he took in all the sights, he seemed almost memorized by the size of the place and all it's colorful stores and scenery. He grabbed onto Marco's arm and pulled him along as he hopping into a shirt shop for the more grungy type. Of course this would be tom's first stop, he seemed to love wearing punk clothing, it was like being a kid at a candy shop for him as he browsed the shirts and earrings. Marco seemed a little more at ease watching tom get absorbed in the shopping aspect, it drew less attention away from the embarrassing conversations earlier and seemed to make him very happy. He took some breaths and tom tried on some new clothes, picked out some skull earrings, even a few other accessories before heading out. Though not before seeing if marco wanted to try on anything, which marco politely declined considering punk didn't seem to be "His style". The day seemed to go smoother from there, tom checked out bookstores, game stores, stores with stuffed animals and much to marco's surprise, he seemed to take much interest in the stuffed animals there especially. After checking out a few more stores together they found themselves at the food court, each with chili cheese dogs and a milkshake each, Tom carefully taking a bite out of his chili dog before woolfing it down quickly, making marco laugh as he got chili all over his face. This was nice. Marco felt actually content and Tom was enjoying himself, no more freaking out, no mom making him feel embarrassed. Tom was even laughing, asking questions about the mall and karate in general, Star liked karate well enough but seeing Tom invested and curious about it and what Marco did kinda got him excited. Finally, someone who seemed genuinely interested in the art! Though the conversation about hands and arm stance was interrupted as a blonde on a skateboard rushed by their table, stopping marco mid-sentence to stare at her, tom looking back as well before looking at marco who immediately tried to avert his gaze from the girl. Tom blinked at marco before his lips fascinated a smile marco didn't like, Tom leaning on one of his hands now as his arm perched up on the table. "Skateboard girl huh? Y'know....I never would've guessed, but I can totally see it....". Marco quietly sipped on his milkshake as he adverted his eyes away from tom who tapped him on the shoulder, "I'm not making fun, ok? You don't have to talk about her if you don't want I know we don't know each other THAT well I'm just saying...". "I don't know what you're talking about...", marco said, lying out of his teeth. "Dude, I know what that look is, i'm not stupid....you saw her and you were totally checking her out....like c'mon now, it's cool dude....you didn't think It was weird that I might like Star so...you can talk about it if you want to". Marco gulped, and let out a deep breath in defeat. "Her name is Jackie Lynn Thomas...". "Hmm?". Marco sighed as he put his drink down, "I've liked her since elementary school....and I've never asked her out....", he felt another rush of embarrassment overwhelm him as he reached behind his head, "I really like her...ok? I think she's cool, but....I don't think she really notices me...I'm trying to come up with a plan to ask her out but....I've been delaying trying to y'know....do it?". Tom's smile faded quickly as he leaned on the table to look Marco in the eyes, "Elementary school?". "Yeah...since we were 4 practically...". "Wow....you do have it bad...". He blushed harder, "Don't tell her or anything...don't tell star i've been delaying either, I always tell her i'm getting started on the plan but if she ever found out i'm delaying, she'll probably force me to hang out with jackie to make sure I do it.". Tom could read the distress on Marco's face and seemed to get it, "Tom, I'm just not sure she'll even like me, ok? We don't really talk that much or interact in general...I mean....you saw me today, I screw up talking to you, I'm a loser who sits in my room all day, I get beaten up by a child....Jackie might....she might think I'm pathetic....I'm sure I look pathetic...". "I don't think you're pathetic...", Marco's eyes looked over to Tom, whose face was entirely serious, before leaning his face on the table, "C'mon, don't lie to me here, you haven't even known me for that long and all you hear about me is how i'm a nerd who can't even get his red belt and can barely work up the nerve to talk to his crush. I was so upset earlier because I really didn't want to look stupid in front of you and....If i look stupid in front of you there's no way Jackie will think I'm cool...". "You were worried about me not wanting to be friends with you because of stuff like that?". Marco nodded against the table. "Dude, Like, I know we haven't known each other that long but...I don't think It's stupid you like a girl or spent a lot of time in your room or lose sometimes....I mean...I'm kinda the same way...", Marco peeled his face off the table to look tom directly in the eyes as he rubbed his cheek, "Like Of course I sat in my room because well...I didn't have anyone to hang out with but...yeah there's this girl....I like....and..I really screwed up with her...and I know I should move on but I...still feel like I love her and.....it's complicated....". "You didn't have an elaborate plan to date her did you?", Tom almost laughed, though marco was dead serious. "No, no elaborate plan...though....I did have an elaborate plan to like....win her back and prove to her I'd be a great boyfriend...and....", he drifted off but Marco seemed to get the picture, "Y'know...I think it's kinda touching...you're so willing to talk about this with me...I assume it's probably really personal and weird to be sharing with someone you haven't known so long...". "Maybe but......I've never really met anyone whose uh....gone through something like this before...so...I guess I couldn't really help it. Sorry if that's weird, I'm still struggling with this whole "Friend" thing so I might not be sure what I'm doing half the time or if it's ok to do...i think we're both trying so hard to not make things weird or screw up with each other we're making it harder to just....talk and get to know each other...we're so socially awkward..", Tom almost laughed it off, but instead he seemed more nervous then anything, shielding his eyes, "Just...let's promise not to make each other feel weird about the dating thing....it's uh...yeah I'm kinda guilty of wanting someone but not being sure of ever winning them over either...". "Sounds to me like we have more in common then I though, but....yeah, I promise...just uh...don't tell anyone about my crush....i'm already pretty embarrassed as is...". Tom snorted, "I won't...if you won't tell anyone as well.", marco nodded before holding out his hand, tom staring at it for a bit before taking it and marco shook their hands. "Uh....well..Karate starts in a bit if you wanna get on over there? You don't have to though you could always do more shopping or something...". But tom shook his head before pounding a fist into the palm of his other, "Oh no no no, I wanna see you fight this jeremy kid, and if he gives you any trouble...he'll hear about it from me...". "Oh uh, that's not necessary tom...", tom's face dropped, but then Marco thought back to the time Jeremy hid gold knuckles in his glove to cheat hi sway to the top and shook his head, "Uh well...nevermind, we'll see, maybe some other time", though Tom didn't seem so sure himself. They cleaned up their areas and tom grabbed their bags as they headed over to the mall dojo, tom taking a seat on the bleachers inside as marco went to change, looking over all the students who seemed mostly younger then marco. Wow, not even in his own class did marco have any friends of his own age, that kinda seemed to suck, though it didn't take tom long to point out the kid who was probably Jeremy. Considering he had a butler following him and looked too full of himself to be anyone BUT Jeremy, geez no wonder marco didn't like him. Jeremy seemed to spot Tom out of the corner of his eye, before looking creeped out and going back to practicing his kicks, Tom never came here before now, he probably did look strange for that reason. He awkwardly sat there, only to be relieved when Marco returned, handing over the bag with his clothes for Tom to watch over. "So yeah, just keep an eye on my stuff, and you can watch I guess.....", Tom awkwardly gave Marco a smile and thumbs up, "Kick his ass....you got this, just uh.....imagine you're trying to impress jackie." Marco snorted as he headed back for the lesson, Tom smiling to himself as he watched Marco learn moves and fight the other students. Marco WAS pretty good. He seemed to hold his own pretty well, blocking most hits and kicks and winning against every opponent he was against. Tom was more then impressed, Marco probably thought he'd be bored sitting here and waiting for his lessons to be finished but Tom honestly couldn't keep his eyes off marco. Marco seemed more at ease seeing Tom practically cheer him on as well, It was rather nice, though as his next and last fight came up he felt that happiness quickly devolve. Jeremy was a spoiled little brat who cheated his way into everything, in fact marco was darn sure the kid wasn't even that great at karate, he was sure he bought his way here by paying people to lose and cheating his way past the ones who refused. Honestly the only reason Jeremy probably hadn't been kicked from the class is because he had so much money and had so much power that Sensei refused to get rid of him because he's probably the only reason this place was still in business. Jeremy smirked before motioning to Tom, chilling in his seat and snorting, "Whose the new kid diaz? Is he your boyfriend or something?". Marco made a face, before looking at Tom, and then back to the kid. Tom didn't seem to have heard anything, "Uh...no, he's a friend, y'know, the kind thing you have to pay people to even be?". The kid snorted at him, "OOOO, Diaz is so scared to get beaten up he's trying to make me sad, nice try...but i'm not going easy on you for your boyfriend back there." "He's not my-ugh.....whatever, bring it on jeremy...". Honestly Marco thought the fight was actually going well for a short bit, he managed to block jeremy rather well and avoided a specific kick jeremy had definitely intended to hit the boy's groin. He was pretty sure that was not in the rules at all either, and marco scoffed in his mind about sensei not disqualifying the kid almost instantly for that one. though the next move really got under Marcos's skin as he dodged another kid only for the boy to hit him directly in the face, knocking him to the ground. He swore he heard Tom audibly gasp in his seat as marco felt his face, yep, he put something in his glove again, and it HURT. Jeremy was pumping his fists in the fair, feeling incredibly victorious, but that didn't last much longer till tom practically jumped down to confront the boy on this, only stopped by sensei before he could, "Whoa whoa, easy there....Diaz...you ok?". Marco sat up, rubbing the side of his face, "I...think so? But.....jeremy-". Only for the adult to cross his arms, "Diaz, if you're about to accuse him of breaking any rules again I told you I haven't found any proof...no more of that without it ok?". Marco huffed in frustration as Tom stepped forward, past the man and glared at jeremy. "Marco has a mark on his face, that kid in no way should've been able to hurt him THAT badly, are you seriously not going to look into this?", tom looked rather furious though jeremy snorted at Tom's insistence, "Maybe i'm not stronger, maybe marco is just a weak baby like he's always been, I've been kicking his buts for ages....just because I won doesn't mean I cheated.". Tom clutched his fists before sensei stood between the two, "Hold on kid, I'm sorry if Diaz got hurt but if you think jeremy really cheated then....do you have any proof yourself?". "Check his glove then....". "Hmm?". "Check the glove he used to hit marco...", Tom insisted, "Make sure there was no foul play...though he did hit marco in the face which is kinda already pretty bad..like I don't know karate but shouldn't hitting Marco in the face be considered an unfair win?.". Jeremy shot a look at Tom, but Tom was quick to grab his glove from him and sure enough, a bunch of metal rings popped out of it and onto the floor. Some of the other people among the seats gasped, others seemed entirely unsurprising by this at all, especially the other students, guess they were just as aware as marco about his cheating that they were unfazed. Jeremy squeaked as Tom walked over and pulled Marco up onto his feet before grabbing his stuff and running out as his butler carefully walked behind him. "Well, lessons are done a bit early today then....I better go find the kid....cya soon Diaz..",swaety and embarrassed for how incompetent he now looked in front of the parents and adults who came to watch their kids, Sensei followed them out quickly in his bare feet as Marco rubbed his hurt face and looked to tom. "Wow....you...actually might've gotten him to take action against him....but....how did you? Like I kept trying everything it feels like...", only for Tom to just shrug. "I mean....I guess i'm more direct is all...not like he can lie if I expose him out front of everyone....but c'mon that was totally not cool....no 8 year old with a lousy punch like that should've knocked you to the ground.". Marco quickly found himself smiling, "Thanks for sticking up for me...even though i said not to get involved....maybe Jeremy will finally stop cheating against me...". Though in his heart he didn't seem to totally believe that, in fact more then likely this would only give jeremy more of a reason to torment him after this, especially if he really thought Tom and him were in on it together and were a team in general. Though for now, he seemed more then happy as tom grabbed their things as people cleared out, tom surprised to see the other kids give him high fives on their way out. "Well....so much for karate....", marco sighed, as the dojo cleared out, grabbing his clothes and pulling out his phone to tell his mom. Tom placed  his hand on the phone and pushed it down though, "Hey...I had a great time...I...I'll come again in the future, uh....sorry about ending it early.....it's just...wow that kid was out of line on you...". Marco snorted, "Well, if lessons are much easier and less stressful from now on, then I guess i can't be that upset....but uh...shouldn't we go home?". "Well...I was thinking, could I treat you to some frozen drinks? To celebrate your first win against that jeremy kid? Besides maybe you want something cold to lean against your.....cheek?", marco rubbed the side of his face and nodded, "Hey....thanks for caring so much and not making fun of me today....I was kinda worried maybe...well yeah.". The taller boy snorted as he fixed his jacket, "It's cool, we'll get used to it right? Talking to each other and getting more comfortable?". "Yeah...sounds good.". Heading, out, the two butted against each other, laughing as they watched Sensei chase the 8 year old all over the mall.
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miss-sternennacht · 5 years
Cleaved Trailer Breakdown
Looking at the last trailer for the Star vs the Forces of Evil series finale.
I am going to dissect the latest trailer with what we currently know because despite everything, I’m sad to see this show end. It was a little weird and a little wild, but I loved it!
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The trailer opens up with this, which is pretty explanatory. Continuing from the last episode, Star is going to destroy the magic and tells everyone that this is her plan. Marco is going to support her, no matter what. Hopefully Star will explain everything, including how “the magic will put him back where he belongs.” (please note, Glossaryck does not say that Marco will go back to Earth or Star back to Mewni, only to WHERE (THEY) BELONG which tells me they’ll be just fine).
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Star opens a portal most likely to the Magic Realm. Marco now has the royal wand, which was previously in Moon’s hands. More than likely Star takes it from her to give to Marco so that he can fight magic with magic. 
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Then we get this scene. Star is in the Magic Realm, based off of the background imagery. It looks like Moon’s hand on Star’s shoulder, who came to either help in the Magic Realm or came to take Star out of there. Star crying may be either due to the destruction of the Realm or something with Tom and/or Marco.
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In the Magic Realm, we see Marco fighting the purple unicorn with one of Star’s spells (assuming it’s Star’s because it looks like a spell she’d use lol or he’s making it up as he goes, which would be amazing to see).
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Mina jumps into a magic well to enter the Magic Realm, which does not bode well for our heroes. There’s no telling if she encountered River and Globgor when she made it there, as this could be the Magic Sanctuary.
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I recently just made a post about this screen as we see a determined Star run through corn. I’ve watched this several times and paused and starred at this screen because Star does not have her heart cheek marks. Could possibly mean Star succeeded in destroying the Magic Realm and that this was part of the implications of destroying magic. Glossaryck said that the magic will return everything to where it belongs, but we don’t know a whole lot of what exactly that details.
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This is most likely after the earlier screen with Butterfly Star and Marco, as if you pause the screen you can see that Star has just poofed back into her normal self. Both of them have entered the Magic Realm.
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We get to see Meteora dip down again! I’m guessing that Eclipsa went back to Mewni to fight Mina and Meteora gets to fight as well.
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Some black ominous clouds swirling around the Magic Realm. This could be the start of destroying the realm as you can see that the rocks are black now instead of purple.
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We see the purple unicorn emerge in front of Tom and Marco, confirming that Tom is indeed in the Magic Realm. Most likely he’s still out of it and was showing Marco where the unicorn was. Tom could have also snapped out of it and is working with Marco, but I don’t think it’s as likely due to a later scene in the trailer.
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The elephant in the room. Marco is attacked and drops the wand. He has a wound to his stomach that looks quite nasty and is pretty deep. I don’t even want to think of what’ll happen to him after this. This is the one scene that has me very afraid for the finale (Marco is my favorite character, don’t do this to him Disney he’s suffered enough).
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Star shouts angrily and slams her hands to the ground in the Magic Realm. Could be a number of reasons, so not entirely sure as to what’s going on. The scene of her crying may come after this.
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As previously mentioned, this is why I don’t think Tom has snapped out of it. He has the same eyes as the purple unicorns and is standing next to the large one that is running rampant in the Magic Realm. Star and Marco will have to figure out a way to get Tom out safely. 
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Another scene that has me worried. Smoke with glowing eyes and cheek marks of two Mewni Queens - Rhina the Riddled, and Moon the Undaunted. There have been some posts going around saying that it’s possible Moon might die in the finale, and this scene definitely gives that vibe. Unless we are getting a scene of all the previous Mewni Queens during whatever is going on, Moon passing on is one possibility and that this is showing dead Mewni Queens for whatever reason. I don’t like either of these theories lol
*EDIT - Looking at this again, I’ve realized that this is not Moon, it’s Festivia. The cheek marks between the two confuse me lol. Also the eye shape is completely different than Moon’s which should’ve been a dead giveaway. Still have no clue what’s happening here.
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And for our last scene, Star is crying, covered in the nasty gunk from before, holding hands with her mom. She lets go, falling into the well, with Moon screaming out her daughter’s name. In the trailer at this point, we also hear Marco saying “Goodbye Star”. 
So obviously the fight in the Magic Realm did not go as planned and Star is trying to go back through a magic well, or she’s trying to access the portals to get to another dimension but it’s extremely dangerous due to the state of the realm. Or neither of these - we’ll have to wait and see. Moon obviously disagrees, but you can see that she’s also covered in that same gunk, so more than likely she pulled Star out, and Star’s now trying to go back in. One thing to note however, is that this is not the same well Mina uses. Mina used a well that has a purple gem on the ceiling, whereas Star is using one that has a red sun, a possible reference to Marco (ex. St. Olga’s prophecy room). 
Marco’s “Goodbye Star” isn’t filled with emotion and feels more like a statement. Personally I think this is what he says after he was struck and starts to get taken over like how the baby unicorns did.
These are all just guesses and I really don’t know how they’re going finish some of the things in the finale and what exactly it means to destroy all magic. Does that mean anything that was affected by the magic disappears/reverts back to its original form? To what extent does it go? Mewmans came from Earth via the magic wells, does that mean they will go back to Earth as the Monsters are the natives of Mewni? Will the MHC all disappear as they were all born as a result of Glossaryck? Does that include things like memory? As Marco said, Star and Marco met because of magic - because of the dimensional scissors. Will Meteora and Mariposa never grow up together?!?! I want to know so bad lol!!! But we’ll have to see what the last episode holds for us, and hopefully it’ll be worth the wait.
**EDIT My one last theory about Cleaved and then I’ll be good for another week! I thought about the last episode, of how the magic will put back (everything) where it belongs. I know Star and Marco will be alright because of how it was worded, but I thought more of how it would be possible and I remembered: Alphonse the Worthy. He wrote a book called “Atlas of the Multiverse.” He’s been in the series since season 1, very mysterious, and we know close to nothing about him. But if he, a non-magic Mewman, has found a way to travel the multiverse, then there may just be natural portals (like a wormhole) that connect the worlds (ex. Kingdom Hearts). You just gotta know what to do, which would be much easier to do if you had a certain book. That may be a solution for our friends to see one another again.
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chatchalita · 7 years
My (almost half) Kyushu Trip
This trip is the most unprepared trip and the trip that “unlike me”
I like to spend more than 1 day in certain place, just to see the city, relax, and sightseeing at my own pace rather than move around every day.
This probably text-heavy rather than pictures heavy due to my laptop not cooperate and the pictures from my phone didn’t import properly and you probably will see pictures I posted before because of the above reason.
I went to Kyushu via Peach Aviation on Jan 15-20, 2018. A first trip of the year, yay.  On the 15th, I flew from Bangkok to Okinawa. And wow, I shook a little from cold weather in Okinawa.  The plane was so warm.  The flight supposed to arrive at 8am, but my flight was 15 minutes delayed. I was in a rush because I have another flight to catch at 9:50am, but it not a connection flight, which mean I have to check-out and check-in again. The immigration person keep asking me what am I doing here this time, I would like to think that he just doing his job to make sure he gives the right amount of days allowed in Japan rather than thinking that he suspect that I would ran away and overstayed in Japan.  I was really worried that I might miss the flight since most of the time the international flight and domestic flight are in separate building. When I got out, the check-in counter is right in front of my eyes and the gate is close by. Because the airline is low-cost airline. They have their own separate building that every single one of their flight will be here (to be fair, they share with another airlines). So, I made it in time and once I arrived at to Fukuoka, I rushed to Fukuoka City Museum to find that it close on that day. See  So on the first day, I went to Kokura Castle and Moji Port in KitaKyushu and then stay in Kitahama, Beppu.  
*Note I bought JR North Kyushu pass, 8500 yen for 3 days, I think it worth the money since I don’t have to buy ticket every time and I can ride Shinkansen
Second day, Jan 16.
The original plan was to visit Kitsuki castle and walk around the castle town because I came to love Japanese castle and later visit Beppu Hells, but I’m me, I can’t force myself to wake up early for the sake of sightseeing and ended up sleep in.  And I think it was the right choice...if the guide said 2-3 hours in sightseeing, I will took 3-4 hours or even longer than that.  I took a bus to Kannawa to see “Jigoku” or hells, the name was taken from that fact that all the hot springs here are too hot for human to enter and probably hot like hell.
I think I visited the place in different order than most ppl do, it seem like they usually walk for 10 minutes to reach the farthest hell first then go back to the same route to visit the rest.  Let’s just say I do the opposite...
*all the descriptions taken from English sign*
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The first hell I visited is called “Shiraike Jigoku or the white pond hell, whose boiling spouting up water turns blue-white colored when falling down upon surface of the water.  There is also a tropical aqurium where a ‘king fish’ of prarucu’ ‘man-eating fish’ of piranha and several other tropical fish have been raised.”
After I got out of this, I was hungry since I have not eat anything yet and it was 11am almost 12pm, and I just walk in the nearest store and order the first food I saw, which happen to be the food of that area
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Dangojiru, a ramen made from dango I think and this food is put together with Kyoto’s black ramen in the list of food I will never eat again.  It’s very plain and too much vegetable I guess, I rather eat a weird hint of burnt bitter sweet and super salty black ramen more than this.  Maybe I dislike it due to its plain taste and the lack of meat...
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Next stop, “Oniyama Jigoku (Oniyama Hell), the force of the steam is so strong here that about one and a half train cars can be pulled by its pressure, and it creates ideal conditions for breeding crocodiles.”  This place probably a place that I didn’t took a picture of onsen with its name because this place is known for crocodiles, the temperature of the onsen is 99.1 C
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And the real hell start here, “Kamado Jigoku (Oven Hell)  This jigoku derives its name from the fact that it used to be used for cooking foods long long ago.  The great red demon standing on an enormous cooking pot is the symbol of this jigoku”  That picture probably more appropriate than this picture, but the tour groups were there, there are a lot of people and they loud.  They also have a shop there for souvenirs and I just wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible.  Hey, I’m an introvert and I like quiet place.
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“Umi Jigoku (Sea Hell) so called because this jigoku looks like the sea, which emerged after an explosion of a volcano 1,200 years ago and because the color of the boiling water of the pond is cobalt-blue.”  
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Oniishi Bozu Jigoku, it seem like I forgot to take a picture of the sign, but the name came from the fact that the little bubble popping up looking like head of the monk.  This place was so relaxing and nobody there, there is a footbath in here, which they put some kind of citrus in it and it was really nice.  The previous two jigoku also have footbath but there are too many people around.  So these 5 jigoku are the one within walkable distance, the other two is 3km away and riding bus there is the best option
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Tatsumaki Jigoku (Geyser), I don’t have a trivia for this because I don’t remember and the sign was cut off otl  
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Chinoike Jigoku (Blodd Hell), it named after the redness.
Overall, I think the jigoku are pretty interesting, definitely a tourist trap, but it was fun to take pictures with all of them.  Not a place I would visit again unless I want more of their skin-care product :p
After I finish journey through hells, I decided to go for a sand bath, which I got covered in black sand.  The temperature is too warm, it not like hot like the sand bath in different prefecture that I saw in one of the youtube video, which is kind of disappointment since I expected sauna temperature in a cool weather.  Then I went back to my hotel to relax and go out again to find food; I ate seafood ochazuke and Tamayaki (like takoyaki, but use scallop instead), then I finally went to Family Mart to print out Ogo-tan’s conbeni print.
Asahi Tower Beppu Tower is located near my hotel, so I decide to go up there on my way back, I think I got sold because they said the tower was kind of old or something, but it was not worth it, there’s nothing up there, the night view can be seen anywhere, not unique to Beppu.
Third day,
It’s a day, I actually waking up early (to catch the train back to Hakata)  for the sake of everything yay.  The plan, was Nagasaki...and I was going to get through with this plan until I ride the train and changed my mind.  It was very last minute, I had no plan.  I thought that 3 hours in Nagasaki is not enough and not worth it to ride 4-6 hours of train (two-way) from Hakata.  I have to hurried back to Hakata before Fukuoka City Museum close.  So, I went to Kumamoto Castle, which happened to be under construction due to earthquake, like I said in one of my post before, I knew it was under construction, but I didn’t know it was all the area.  At that point, I was regretting the fact that Fukuoka City Museum closing on Monday ruined my plan, I could have ride a ferry from Kumamoto to Nagasaki and actually enjoy Nagasaki until night time, but I have my sword priority.  So, I went to Tamana to see Doudanuki since I already in Kumamoto.  The museum was really really nice, I enjoyed it a lot despite the fact that I couldn’t read Japanese.  The dedication that I rode taxi there because the bus do not reach that place.  And the station person in Tamana station was so helpful, what a good place.  And then, I rode shinkansen back to Hakata again and finally able to see Hasebe in Fukuoka City Musuem.  See I took better pictures of the swords, like zoom in and such, but I’m too lazy to post it so that post ended up with generic sword pictures.
My hotel is in Tenjin, which has Animate there, something I couldn’t find and ended up spent money in Book-off instead.  The food that day was Mos Burger during lunch (Idk why I craved for Japanese-western food, don’t judge me) and Oyster tempura-don plus karage.
Fourth day, another unplanned day
I flew back to Okinawa and sat at Naha airport for 2 or was it 3 hours because I don’t know what to do.  I was looking at the brochures and tried to come up with a plan for today.  My original plan was to go the south and go to Okinawa world and I just ended up too lazy to go.  In the end, I decided to go to my hotel and walk around that area.  My hotel happen to be within the walkable distance from Animate, I always picked the best location for my hotel eh?  The street that I was walking was Kokusaidori street, which is a shopping street for souvenirs.
Although, it’s unplanned it was great, I enjoyed looking in each shop and eat whatever food I found on my way Animate.
Fifth day, each day’s adventure is getting shorter and shorter
I bought a day tour to Okinawa’s aquarium because I’m too lazy to do my research for the bus.  This day tour is so rush, I didn’t spend enough time in the aquarium, two hours include lunch is not enough.  The taco rice in the aquarium was great though, I can see whale shark while I ate.  The other place include in the tours are Kadena, a place where you can see American’s air force plane, Cape Manza, a place that related to Urashima Taro (If my Japanese is corrected, I mostly sleep through the bus ride) and American Village, a shopping place that the tour let people be in for 50 minutes, I cannot do anything during that period of the time. Sadly, it was raining that day and I’m not feeling very happy about it.
Sixth day, visited 3 world heritage
The last day in Japan,  visited Shirikinaen Garden, Shuri Castle, Tamadun, and Naminoue Shrine - Beach.  Shirikinaen was beautiful, I loves Japanese garden.  Shuri Castle was too large and I was too tired to explore all the area, is I visit Shuri Castle on the first day of my trip, I probably able to finish the stamp rally.  Naminoue beach is the only beach I went although I went to Okinawa,
Overall, I did enjoyed this trip a lot.  There’s a point that I was worn out enough to just want to stay in the hotel and not going anywhere, but it was a fun alone time trip.  In all the prefectures I visited, I probably will visited them again some day because I feel like I didn’t see enough, but it probably won’t be my priority since I rather visit other prefectures and complete my bucket list (visit all prefectures in Japan)
Oita, definitely will visit again for onsen-escape, maybe not Beppu, maybe it would be Yufuin next time.
Kumamoto, in 2019 when Kumamoto Castle is complete, let’s do it since it one of Japanese’s greatest castle...and maybe Mt. Aso...
Fukuoka, if I have a chance, might have a proper sightseeing here in the future
Okinawa, if I go there again, I want to stay near Ocean Expo park or something, it seem there’s a lot of interesting place in there.  Might go there in Spring because Summer is too hot and probably too crowded.
4/8 Kyushu visited, need to clear the rest the next time.
When I read this in the future, I probably regretted this for writing too little haha.  But I’m kind of tired half way through and it ended up the way it is.
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bettysnooze · 7 years
9, 13, 16, 8, 10 !
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10. which muse is the most fun to write for?
already answered here !!
16. which muse is most willing to fight another muse?
depends on what they do tbh but like if this is ‘fighting for no reason’ than definitely makaria, and if it’s bc they’re an isle kid or like half-animal then it’s otto
and ofc makaria and otto would just 100% fight each other
~*~*~*~*~*~ okay so somehow i got all the long ones kjhbfevkhe so READMORE for otps/notps and How I Met My Muse (also since this got so long i’ll answer 13 on another ask!!
8. what is each of your muses otps? notps?
so this is gonna be like ‘i once shipped them’ and ‘so many crushes’ (I’LL USE THE SLASH)and it could have been for like five minutes or five weeks so pls welcome to my mind
betty otps: betty/ranon, betty/happiness, betty/feeling-protected, betty/melissabetty notps: like romantically every other guardian kid bc she is literally their mother/sister
veronika otps: VERONIKA/NOELLE, also veronika/a-good-loving-familyveronika notps: veronika/not-good-loving-families
makaria otps: MAK/BAIN, mak/talon JHBCVKDJHFEBJ A MESSmak notps: mak/stress
hershey otps: hershey/ophelia, hershey/self-care, hershey/self-confidence omfghershey notps: hershey/self-destructive tendencies
cestrum otps: cestrum/misty, cestrum/relaxationcestrum notps: cestrum/lola (i stg this was a crackship idea once and lord almighty)
aiwei otps: aiwei/juniper, aiwei/happiness, aiwei/finding-out-more-about-his-family, aiwei/BECOMING-A-REAL-BOY-BC-HE-WAS-ONLY-A-BABY-WHEN-HE-DIEDaiwei notps: aiwei/confrontation :(
otto otps: otto/common-sense, otto/open-mindednessotto notps: otto/any-of-his-dreams-coming-true, otto/winning
illyria otps: ROLLY POLLY OLLY (illyria/ronan), illyria/the-sea, illyria/comfortillyria notp: illyria/not-being-near-the-sea (this is happening rn jfc), illyria/discomfort
kirsa otps: uM KIRSA/SHEN (SHIRSA???? SHIH TZU???), kirsa/talking-about-her-emotions-instead-of-passive-aggresively-making-them-into-playskirsa notps: kirsa/not-being-honest its an issue
dignan otps: dignan/being-himself, dignan/darcy CAN I LET THE POOR BOY LIVE ? NO ?, dignan/FUTURE BOYFRIEND WHERE ART THOU, dignan/baseball the real otp thodignan notps: dignan/closeted
helen otps: helen/swords, helen/coranza, helen/angel, helen/shae, I GOT SO MANY, helen/being-herself, helen/no-responsibilitieshelen notps: helen/keeping-things-to-herself :(
penelope otps: penelope/money, penelope/being-soft, penelope/coming-to-terms-with-her-horrible-upbringingpenelope notps: penelope/being-selfish jcvnfklrfjvbwr
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
( BETTY ): i knew tasha and rhi from a previous rp we were all in, and they’d played guardian characters too and i aLWAYS wanted to play a guardian character but i didn’t have any ideas back then, but then they were like “hey you should join us” and i was like “BOY OH BOY”. sandy was always my favourite guardian, and i had just finished rping a daughter-of-morpheus character so dream powers were like my thing and boom, betty mansnoozie was born aka the sweetest, most good character i’ve ever written. ALSO i’ve always had sibling-ish relationships with rhi so like the betty/jake relationship goes back a LOOONG way
( VERONIKA ): after betty i knew i wanted a darker character, and i was like “okay so who is like completely unforgivable” and i immediately thought of rasputin. there was also another rasputin child around at the time, and they had gotten rasputin’s powers so i was like!! what if i made a kid that wanted those powers, who wanted to be a villain and to be like their parent?? veronika’s gone a long way since then and really like i’m so proud of her and i love her so much, she’s just gone through a lot i lOVE HER
( MAKARIA ): SO OKAY LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT ME AND HADES BECAUSE HONESTLY, THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS. i first played a character based on panic (hades’ sidekick) like aaaaages ago, and then i played actual disney hades in another rp. needless to say i really fucking love hades as a character. and betty was too nice, and veronika was too cynical and kept to herself, and i really wanted another mean-spirited CHATTERBOX (because i myself am such a chatterbox i mean look at this). i lowkey had a child of hades in a closed rp sort of situation, his name was macario (because i’d wanted a son) but the original is makaria, and i love my girls sO makaria was born. i also love zendaya, and previously hades had always been white but so much art on tumblr depicts persephone as this beautiful black woman so !! BOOM. i also wanted to try a different villain-kid-parent dynamic, because veronika ends up hating her dad but mak like 100% defends hades still like even to this day
( HERSHEY ): I WANTED A BOY LMAO and i was really into bts at the time so i’m like okay hmm where would yoongi fit in?? i re-watched wreck-it-ralph randomly and i remembered that i always wanted to try a sugar rush child so i was like heeeeeeeeeyyyy :)))). and it kinda just all fell into place because i’d also been interested in making a character that loved cars and racing (fast and the furious got me so bad). and i liked the idea of having another character with some sort of ability, and it was so interesting figuring out how hershey was going to fit into the auradon world bc he was originally virtual sO YEAH. and also the name came like in a second. FUN FACT, hershey von schweetz’s fc (in a different time before BTS took over my life) was going to be hailee steinfeld and now look at wHO USES HAILEE STEINFELD
( CESTRUM ): so after the craziness and Extra-ness of makaria and hershey i know i wanted someone more chill. i had always loved alice in wonderland i knew i wanted a son of the caterpillar because 1) alan rickman’s voice is God and 2) i always wanted to rp the caterpillar in like so many disney rps but i never got the chance lmao. so the idea for cestrum actually came even before i found the perfect fc (kibum), and it took me ages to find the perfect fc. i knew he was going to be weird and quiet but also talkative but also nOT? and just a different moral compass and way of thinking from everyone else. i was so sure about applying for cestrum and it was only after that i was like “ok but am i going to be smart enough to play this like 5000 IQ person wtf did i get into” and yEAH. also i always like making new characters with types that (during that time of the rp) aren’t so common yet, so having this stoic character was like yEAAAAAHHHH
( AIWEI ): so hershey and cestrum are my first boys and this is basically the start of my “one boy after another” streak and then i got AIWEI. the real babe. everyone’s been pretty mature so far, or like dealing with a lot of responsibility etc. and now i wanted someone who would be like a real teenager (more or less) and just have that childlike wonder and be rly innocent tbh. so aiwei is all of this, and he’s young and inexperienced but the twist was that he’s actually this boy who died in a fire when he was a baby and his father, in the underworld, resurrected him and performed some magic frankenstein stuff to make him grow older. and he’s the oldest out of all the kids but he’s been a baby 60% of this life until elder gutknecht finally got all the tools necessary to make him old and i jUST !! also i really loved that tin-man song from the wizard of oz. my actual baby, aiwei gutknecht i love him and will die for him
( OTTO ): AND AFTER ALL THE NICE, SEMI-NICE PEOPLE i was like “so what’s happening with the isle thing right now do ppl not like them like is there active resentment or what” and then i was like “what if i had a character that did the active resentment!!” and otto white was born. i knew he was going to be a jackass. i knew he was going to be anti-isle. and i knew he had to be a prince and a kid of one of the ‘original’ disney princesses. and i ended up choosing snow white because she’s technically the ‘oldest’ and there was evie and vera and i was like aayyyyy conflict. but yeah so otto was going to be the personification of fear and bias against isle kids, and i thought it’d be fun to play with that politics and society thing that i’ve never really done before. otto’s my first character that is actually irredeemably an asshole. i wanted to see how far i could go and where i could go with a character that was actively trying to not change. i was super nervous about applying for him tho bc like i knew he was going to insult a lot of people and i didn’t want to be like hated rip bUT it turned out well so YEH
( ILLYRIA ): i’ll be honest i watched pirates of the carribean and like calypso/davy jones is still the otp of otps for me. and i once had my fortune-telling phase and i saw valentine was there anD ALSO AN OPPORTUNITY TO USE A FILIPINO FC !! HECK YEAH !! and at this point i wanted to like branch out from my usual characters and try something different, to add new things about characters so i thought about illyria’s aversion to touch. and i knew she was going to be stoic and weird like cestrum, but she was also going to be charming and i wanted to see how that would go and it’s hard getting into illyria’s head sometimes but she’s like a Fave
( KIRSA ): so i watched this movie called “the darjeeling limited” and it’s basically about this dysfunctional set of siblings – one of them feels super responsible for the other two but is a big mess, the other sort is more put together but has problems he actively avoids, and then the last is this playwright who’s been in love with the same girl for like 10 years and falls in love easily. and i was like “who does that remind me of???” SO TBH the idea for kirsa first started out as a brother for the stahlbaums but then i realised there were no more spaces and i was like “tHE SUGAR PLUM FAIRY!!” and the rest is history. so kirsa is the dramatic playwright who falls in love too easily but also doesn’t know how to love properly, and she drinks and smokes and has all these vices and she’s still 17 so like what a hot mess. she’s as talkative as mak and as flirty as hershey but kirsa is less put-together and although she thinks she knows herself, she really doesn’t. she needs guidance pls
( DIGNAN ): so this really just began as a “i wanna get in on this waters family drama” business LMAO. and i love sarah’s misty so i wanted to see how it would go if she had a little brother. it also made a bit of a change because most of my characters are like the ‘older’ siblings or friends and i wanted more young people so i thought of dignan!! i also wanted a character that would be more pro-authority than other characters i’ve had before (dig’s always going to think highly of the auradon royalty bc he understands them and knows they don’t rly have much choice sometimes and that they try their best). and i chose joe keery (aka steve harrington, love of my life) as an fc bc i JUST FINISHED WATCHING STRANGER THINGS and charlie heaton was darcy, and natalia dyer was being used too and i was like hEYYY FC CONNECTIONS. 
               FUN FACT: dignan’s two defining things right now (baseball and being gay) weren’t even in the cards at the start, he was literally supposed to be more john watson, i’m-gonna-be-a-serious-doctor and like be fun but a guy who loved to study. but now he’s sporty and he’s figuring out this new part of himself and he’s literally my actual favourite character right now i love dig so much. also i needed a character that would 100% share my love for the 80s (hershey loves 80s music but only sings to annoy ppl so its not the sAME). and now dig has the hair and the fashion sense and he loves 80s music too man.
( HELEN ): the idea for helen really began with like this ‘bodyguard’ idea. i wanted a character that was like 100% protective. they were going to be this warrior, trained-as-a-child kind of person, and they were gonna be connected to royalty. i first tried this with kirsa but that didn’t work out, and then i tried it with dignan but he was too soft and easily persuaded tbh he can never be mad at his royals. and then i thought of tangled (and the mess the hoods and the greenes were in at the time LMAO). 
helen was first gonna be max’s child (for the full guard effect) but then i saw a space opening for rapunzel and eugene’s child and !! and then she became princess warrior, who wanted to protect her people rather than rule them and LIKE WHO DOES THAT REMIND ME OF??? PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA THAT’S WHO so seriously fun fact, a lot of the inspriation for helen is leia. and i chose the name ‘helen’ because of helen of sparta, a beautiful woman who started the longest war, and together with the fact that helen is very much a fighter of wars rather than the starter (and she has low self-esteem rip) its so fun i love helen, my sword princess child
( PENELOPE ): so i have an asshole auradonian, and mak is like simmering down, i knew i wanted an asshole isle person. and mak/blythe have such an awesome friendship and i loved blythe’s character and all the people in the cinderella family and world and i knew i wanted to get some of that action ;)))) so i rewatched the 2015 movie (I LOVE CATE BLANCHETT SO MUCH) and then i rewatched ‘ever after’ which is this 90s cinderella movie with drew barrymore. after watching ever after, i knew exactly how i wanted this daughter of drizella to be like. she’s going to be the worst parts of mak and kirsa (they’re bitches but like nice ones) and just be this snooty sugar baby gold-digger. she knows exactly what she wants, she knows she’s going to get it. she’s part daisy buchanan, jordan baker, very much this hedonistic character who understands life as being good if you have money and status. such an old idea but it’s what she learned from her fAMILY. 
a lot of penelope’s character came from me wanting to explore what i’d found with otto, the unapologetic asshole, but now she had reasons to be. otto’s rich and gets ltierally everything he wants so he sucks even more because he’s still mean-spirited – but now we have penny, who grew up with nothing but wanted everything, and her grandmother and mother put all their hopes and dreams on her, told her not to associate with her nicer aunt and cousin and even her little sister – and she’s an asshole. literally guys penelope is going to change and become better i just dunno how yet but shE WILL
13. what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
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susannahsteiner · 7 years
How would Batman cover up Robin's and Jason Todd's death, making sure no one connected the two as the same person.
How would Batman cover up Robin’s and Jason Todd’s death, making sure no one connected the two as the same person.
This is a question that’s bothered me for a long time and I think I’ve figured out how. Bruce could make a fake news headline stating that, “Robin, the Boy Wonder Dies Trying to Save Bruce Wayne’s Ward, Jason Todd”.
It could be written more gracefully but you get the idea. Bruce owns the daily planet so he can basically publish whatever he wants.
Right after Jason’s death, the Joker gains diplomatic immunity and Superman is sent to prevent Batman from beating him to an inch within his life. I want this incident to put a huge rift between Bruce and Clark, metaphorically putting an end to “The World’s Finest”. Once they considered themselves the best of friends and now Bruce coldly refers to their relationship as long-term acquaintances. No more jokes or teasing between the two. Batman tries to finish the mission as quickly as possible and the moment he’s done, he disappears. If there are other people, he divides the group so that he’s with someone else and Clark is in the opposite direction. Bruce also dodges Clark all the time to the point where Clark gives up after trying so hard for so long. As opposed to in the past where he usually lingers a little to make small talk before slipping away.
I also imagine that Lois has just given birth to Jon. I’m not a mother but I’m sure that the birth of a first child is magical. And because of that she has become somewhat soft hearted. Which gives Bruce the leverage he needs to convince/persuade/emotionally blackmails Lois into writing the article about Jason and Robin even though she is a strict believer in finding and only reporting the Truth.
Bruce kind of convinces her by guilting her of what she would feel like if she lost her son and by pressuring her of possible consequences of ppl linking Robin to Jason and him to Batman. He may also tell her/make up a story about how the Justice League is in full swing only because “he, Bruce” the “human” is there to control these God-like creatures. And because he has no powers and can still take down the Justice League, that is why the American Government lets the League function. He can also say that he bribes many ppl on the inside of the government to look the other way regarding superman as he has singlehandedly produced enough damage as Hurricane Katrina because of his powers. (Okay that may or may not be an exaggeration but you get my point)
The reason Bruce asks her to write the article is because Lois is a “famous” news reporter and is thus “trustworthy” so if Bruce can get the story published under her name, no one would really ask any questions.
Batman also has a camera recording everything that goes on when he puts on the cowl so he could choose many images to forge the cover picture for the article. Since he made it a point to master multiple technologies to hack into systems and to keep his identity safe, I imagine he also mastered image manipulation and that he begrudgingly uses them to forge an appropriate image for the “occasion”.
This incident not only distances Bruce from Clark, but also the rest of his friends from the League which is why none of them are there for Jason’s funeral, as in he didn’t or Alfred didn’t invite them.
The funeral is obviously private because Bruce doesn’t want to deal with the media right now. The attendees are Bruce, Alfred, Barbara(Oracle), Commissioner Gordon, Lucius Fox (and his son Luke maybe?), Leslie Thompson, maybe Selina, AND DICK GRAYSON DAMNIT.
The members of the Justice League, and some from the Young Justice team come visit a few at a time to check up on Bruce but Bruce is locked up in his or Jason’s room so Alfred attends to them.
I feel like Conner from the Young Justice TV show (the introvert softy but with rage issues) would have been able to relate to Jason the most because they were both kind of “replacements for the originals”. Conner being a replacement for Clark and Jason being a replacement for Dick. Although the latter isn’t completely true, many of Dick’s team mates (Teen Titans I mean here. The Young Justice team dealt with clones of Superman and Roy Harper and Artemis “replacing” Roy as the archer in the team- this team didn’t mind too much so Jason got along with them better) probably felt that way and didn’t warm up to Jason too quickly and kind of gave him dirty looks when Dick wasn’t looking. By the time they realized their mistake, Jason would have passed away. Conner losing someone for the first time and trying to act fine but then breaks down in his room privately because he doesn’t want to be seen.
I feel like Jason and Conner would be good friends. Like, Conner is the quiet type and Jason I think is considered an extrovert. And because Jason is Nightwing’s “little bro” Conner decides to humor him and listen to what he’s saying. Jason had high grades in school(his grade average was like a 94%. Even his teacher thought he needed to chill. Lol when you’re so op everybody is jealous) and I think he was super into reading. So because he would read a lot, he was exposed to different lines of thinking and he shared those open minded ideas with Conner because Conner actively listened but also because Conner was too afraid of offending Jason and in turn rubbing Dick the wrong way, so he always listened, nodding and answering when necessary. Pretty soon he found himself talking and debating with Jason and reading the things that Jason recommended.
This is what got Conner to unfortunately break up with Megan (m'gann??). Because Conner was exposed to these ideas that Lobotomy was wrong and that all people have certain rights, even though they may be trash, inequality, violence, rape??(Jason ran into a few incidents with rape victims during his run as Robin so maybe he vented to Conner instead of Bruce because of Bruce’s no kill rule and Bruce can sometimes be a brick wall), laws, psychology, philosophy, etc.
This is what got Conner thinking about what Megan was doing and confronting her about it. Then being strong enough to break up with the person he was the most closest to and had been with him his whole life because he knew what she was doing was wrong and was strong enough not to ignore it.
I feel like this says a lot about him and it would develop his character. Because at the very beginning, he was this guy with rage issues who didn’t like to listen to people. Then, once his rage issues slowly decreasing, he obediently follows orders or suggestions(or politely declines??? Season 2 his birthday he declines going out with that other chick??? I don’t remember am I just making things up??) and becomes much more easy to approach and nicer. Lessening his ego to ask Canary to teach him how to fight properly and later happily sparring with Aqualad in season 1.
Near the middle of season 2 he has “the talk” with Megan (but his break up was during the time skip…he still took suggestion and orders seriously tho like how he should read previous reports of missions to increase his general and battle field knowledge) which shows that despite being obedient to his what the league tells him and to his peers who have lived much longer than him and generally know what’s best, he can still think on his own and isn’t a “yes-man” to everybody.
I also feel like Megan and Conner getting back together destroyed the whole character development in a sense because when people recall their relationship, they will probably glaze over why they broke up in the first place. Usually saying things like, “oh yeah and they broke up for two seconds and got back together again”.
Even though at the beginning I was all for the two to be together, I think it was good that they showed an actual break up because that happens in life. You can both love each other with all your hearts and still not be “meant to be”.
I didn’t like how quickly Megan got with Lagoon boy but honestly I’m glad because then I wouldn’t have to barf through them flirty and finally getting together so I kind of appreciate it in a sense. Doesn’t mean I like it, but still.
And although I don’t like Lagoon boy either, I was hoping that he would stay together with Megan. I didn’t like that she broke it off. Even though Conner may have been right about the “rebound guy” part, that didn’t mean she had to break it off. It would have been nice to see her have a healthy relationship after a break up. That’s something that’s kind of rare in most tv dramas. Or maybe I just wanted to have a sure fire way to make sure Conner and Megan didn’t get back together again.
I would also like to commend Megan for acknowledging her mistakes and apologizing to Conner for it. (Although it took jacking up and fixing Aqualad’s brains to do it. )
Well this post went in a completely different direction then what I expected. So this is what a 180 looks like. I have no regrets. These are my headcannons. This is my life and these are my choices. I bet like no one is gonna read this because it is so long…… I’m sorry. I don’t know how to do the thing with the read more button and it cuts off a fourth in.
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