datenarche · 2 years
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lesendglauben · 2 years
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Kann christlicher Glaube anziehend sein? Dieser Überzeugung ist Daniel Strange in „Wieder der Glaube magnetisch wird“, da er fünf unterschwellige Themen vorstellt, über die unsere Kultur immer wieder spricht und diese Anknüpfungspunkte bieten, wie man sie mit Christus verbindet.   Wer ist der Autor? Daniel Strange ist Direktor des Crosslands Forum, einem Zentrum für kulturelles Engagement und missionarische Innovation. Zuvor war er College-Direktor und Tutor für Kultur, Religion und öffentliche Theologie am Oak Hill College in London. Strange ist ein beitragender Redakteur für Themelios und Mitglied der Hope Community Church, Gateshead, UK, die Teil der Fellowship of Evangelical Churches (FIEC) ist. Er ist Vizepräsident der Southgate Fellowship.[1]   Worum geht es in dem Buch? Der Untertitel lässt es schon anklingen. Strange ist – wie der Theologe J. Bavinck – der Ansicht, ... Weiterlesen auf https://www.lesendglauben.de/2023/01/20/wie-der-glaube-magnetisch-wird/ #lesendglauben #apologetik #magnet #Glaube #Fragen #Skeptiker #Zweifel #Jesus #Rezension #Buch #lesen @3lverlag.de @mosaicstones.ch @betanienverlag https://www.instagram.com/p/Coq-B5Boc74/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lemondeabicyclette · 3 months
Si vous connaissez quelqu'un qui pense encore que les institutions médicales et médiatiques gouvernées par une bande de psychopathes profiteurs sont acceptables, alors partagez cette courte vidéo avec eux.
B sKeptiKal If you're not already
hEuRisTiC mOnTaGe
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montecruzfoto · 10 months
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08.12.2023 - Die Skeptiker live at SO36 - Berlin
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billkill · 10 months
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anggraenytarot · 1 year
Pola Pikir Skeptik Terkait Praktik Tarot
Pola pikir skeptik terkait Praktik Tarot sebenarnya sudah sejak lama ada. Skeptisisme adalah sikap mempertanyakan atau keraguan terhadap klaim pengetahuan yang dipandang sebagai kepercayaan atau dogma belaka. Pola Pikir Skeptik terkait praktek tarot sering kali didasari oleh pendapat bahwa bukti yang tersedia tidak cukup untuk mendukung klaim, dengan kata lain, seseorang yang mempercayai praktek…
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mydarkempire303 · 2 years
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djokmilsworld · 2 years
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(преко Скептиц Цлассиц Т-Схирт би дјокмил )
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cinephobia · 2 years
If Twitter actually does die it would be kinda funny
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datenarche · 2 months
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lilsilly1 · 1 month
Daily Luigi!
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he skeptikal
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mbakhariani · 5 months
Oke, setelah bikin ini, gue kepikiran mbak ojol!reader x Simon, so here it is. Kalo pada demen, bikin part 2?
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Kamu menghentikan sepeda motor di depan titik penjemputan. Orang yang menghampiri motormu adalah seorang laki-laki tinggi besar dengan rambut pirang dan tengah mengenakan masker.
“Simon?” tanyamu.
Untuk pertama kalinya sejak ia tiba beberapa hari lalu, Simon cukup senang akhirnya ada orang yang menyebut namanya dengan benar.
Namun, kalau pun kamu tidak menyebut namanya dengan benar, ia tidak akan membenarkan pengucapanmu. Sejujurnya, karena ia cukup terkejut kalau pengemudi yang ia dapat kali ini adalah wanita.
“Yes,” balas Simon.
“Here’s your helmet,” katamu sambil memberikan helm kepada si penumpang.
“You speak English,” Simon tidak dapat menahan diri dari mengeluarkan kata-kata tersebut sambil mengambil helm.
Kamu mengeluarkan kekehan sopan.
“Most people here do. At least a few words,” balasmu.
“Well… a few words sounds right,” Simon mengangguk. “Anyway, should I get another driver?”
“Beacuse I’m a woman?” kamu mempertanyakan.
“I mean, no, but, uh,” Simon mengedikkan bahu, memberi gestur pada dirinya dan kamu secara bergantian.
“Trust me, sir, I may be smaller than you, but I drive better than you,” kamu menjelaskan. “Besides, most people here are smaller than you. If you don’t have a problem with other drivers, you won’t have a problem with me.”
Merasa sedikit skeptik, Simon sempat ragu-ragu, tetapi baru kali ini ia merasa agak lebih aman karena ada orang yang berbicara bahasa yang ia pahami sepenuhnya.
“Right, sure. If you say so,” kata Simon.
Dengan itu, Simon menaiki motor dengan kamu mengantarnya ke destinasinya.
Percakapan ringan terjadi di antara kalian selama perjalanan. Pada saat itulah kamu mempelajari kalau dia di sini untuk berlibur dan satu-satunya cara agar liburannya tidak diganggu adalah dengan berlibur ke negara asing. Dia akan berada di sini setidaknya seminggu lagi sebelum pulang ke Inggris. Awalnya, kamu menebak kalau dia atlet atau semacamnya, tetapi Simon akhirnya memberitahu kamu kalau dia sebenarnya anggota militer.
Ketika tiba di tujuan, Simon menuruni motor dan melepas helm, tetapi tidak langsung mengembalikan helm keada kamu.
“By the way, would it be alright if I save your number and give you a call if I need rides?” tanya Simon.
“Sure,” balasmu.
“I mean, I’ll still pay, it’s just nice to have someone who can take me places and can actually communicate with me is all,” Simon menjelaskan.
“Of course, sir. I’m at your service,” kekehmu.
“Alright. Thank you so much, by the way,” Simon akhirnya mengembalikan helm. “Have a great day.”
“No worries, sir, you have a great day as well,” balasmu, meletakkan helm di gantungan.
Kamu akhirnya meninggalkan tempat sebelum berhenti di mana Simon tidak lagi terlihat. Ketika kamu hendak mengambil pesanan lain, dapat terlihat dalam pemberitahuan kalau Simon memberikan tip yang cukup besar untukmu.
Langsung setelah itu, terdapat nomor asing yang mengirimi pesan ke WhatsApp-mu. Pesan tersebut berisi, This is Simon, it’s nice meeting you.
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boombatze · 1 year
Die Skeptiker müssen Erfurt leider absagen …
Das fällt natürlich sehr schwer, das zu schreiben, da wir uns so hart auf das Wochenende mit den Skeptikern gefreut haben. Es wurde ja schon Montag Eberswalde abgesagt, aber der Drummer ist leider krank und kann nicht spielen. Die Band hat auch noch versucht einen ehemaligen Schlagzeuger zu akquirieren, aber es ist selbstverständlich unmöglich ihm das komplette Programm in zwei Tagen drauf zu…
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moonsb1996 · 10 months
Strange things happened in MHA and I want to talk about them.
hello everyone ! I'm not dead yet and I'm back to complaining about MHA again, this time. "Double standards" Yes, what we often see among fans starts with the first person. Continuous cases of blood loss and death
A long time ago I came across a funny phrase from Toga's fan club. The gist is: “The old man and the middle school girl are two people in the middle of nowhere. The old man is dead. Who is more suspicious?” (I will tell you. he is saying The person who died in Toga Himiko's opening scene was a pervert = deserved to die)
For the above reasons? That made me scratch my head at myself. How can you be sure that the deceased really was someone who had sex with a high school girl? It's true that the location of his death was hidden from the eyes of many contemporaries, but you don't know that in… Japan has a career called "Girlfriend for Rent," which I think some high school girls actually choose to do because it pays. And their job is to just walk around and talk, but there's definitely nothing sexual in them. MHA is a manga that takes place in Japan If the deceased wasn't a pervert who had sex with a high school girl. But what about students or human uncles (?) who use the "girlfriend rental" service?
human uncles (?) who use the "girlfriend rental" service? But the actual service is too expensive, and Giran might be the one who recommended it. (The MHA world is not that black and white, you know that. No need to think about how to contact him.) Then Toga took care of it. Murder them. The police didn't know why because it was some kind of underground contract or something like Giran, wanting someone to die just found a way to give it to Toga. And she murdered and got blood to suck
Here I will say Can't have double standards, like the other person who said that the people in MHA deserve to die. (That idiot said that small children were not involved. But do you really think that LOV will be kind and not kill children?!) Look at the Skeptik that hacked the system to stop public transport systems that had small children in them because of the saying " The people who agree with the heroes are the ones who are not necessary to the new world. This bastard was going to kill the child inside without feeling anything! Is this what LOV did right by killing the people along with the hero society in MHA?
Gary Stu Bakugou Fuck Katsuki.
Damn Bakugo or Kacchan who is far superior to a hundred Andromeda universes put together. The best of the best, even Midoriya Izuku, was only Kacchan's paws. A very smart idiot. go to bed on time A great role model from Eri. A student dedicated to being a hero Even if it means shouting at the person jumping from the building, "If you're going to kill yourself, go somewhere else!" is the No. 1 hero that the entire universe will have to climb on his ant-sized dick!
But that's normal for Kacchan. Don't bully Kacchan, wah wah! If Hori were to write Bakugo, damn Katsuki as an unrivaled MC. Go ahead and write it so it's alone in the MHA universe! Readers like us won't have to waste time reading this! And those who say Kacchan doesn't like being called Kacchan. Do you not sympathize with Kacchan? Wa, wah! And how does Izuku really like the name "Deku"? That is an asshole. Katsuki is ready to cum on his cock! Double standards! oh ! I forgot. Bakugo, damn Kacchan's feelings are more important than Izuku's feelings, as are those who say that Toga's "normality" involves stabbing people with knives. There is nothing wrong with her! Bringing your head close to me, I want to use it as a place to vomit for a moment. It makes me remember a fan comic. That Bakugo had an argument with Izuku about something. (Curses Izuku again) And then he seems to meet Toga. Bakugo asks who Toga is and she answers. “I'm Izuku-kun's stalker!” Bakugou said, “Okay, that's fine!” Whore! This is all you guys ask for. Stroker looks good, no problem! Believe it or not, even if Toga were a man. These brainiacs will still scream to the point of orgasm. Thank you for reading until the end.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
So, I know I could've asked you this irl or something, but I wanna put it here lol
How would papa Croc act on his son's birthday? Like what does he give him? Where does he take him? And so on. 🐊
hey gurlllll! i mean, tbh asking me irl woulda been boring, you get a surprise (imagine being my sister, could never be you lmao) anyway, dorkface, i hope you like it because i sure do! thanks for requesting @thatoneartistinthecorner because it was super silly and fun to see you put in a request!
Croc as a father part 7
Pairing - Crocodile x reader
Warnings - none! just a lot of fluff!
Word Count - 313
Notes - (image below not mine) thanks again because i cannot get over these flippin croc as a dad fics! and anyone who wants to be tagged in the next part, just lmk! i know you guys love this too and thank you for that! have a great day and stay hydrated!! <333
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“Caiman,” Crocodile’s voice was low, but he was smiling like an idiot. “Caiman, wake up, buddy.”
Caiman’s long black eyelashes fluttered open, face to face with his father who had a little party hat on his head. He jerked up with a giant smile on his face and threw his arms around the back of Crocodile’s neck. “It's my birthday! Dada! It's my birthday!!!”
“It is your birthday, buddy,” Crocodile wrapped his arm around his son and picked him up. “Me and mamma have a big surprise for you.”
“You do?!” Caiman’s eyes lit up, helping Crocodile remember why he became a dad in the first place.
“We do.” Crocodile bounced his son a couple of times and threw him in the air before bringing him into the kitchen where you waited with a party hat and a present.
Caiman ran up to you and threw his arms around you. “Thank you, mama!!”
You smiled softly and handed Caiman his present. “Of course, Cai. Happy birthday, my love.”
“You guys are the best!” Caiman set down the present gently, really getting a look at how big it is. And then… it shuffled. His present shuffled. “What the? My present’s moving mamma!”
You and Crocodile turned towards each other with a sweet smile. “Why don't you just open it, Cai?”
“O-Okay…” Caiman sounded skeptikal, but opened the present anyway. His face turned from slightly scared to shocked.
“What?!” Caiman quickly pulled out what was in the box and nearly cried. “My very own Banana Gator?!”
Caiman held the baby Banana Gator in his lap who licked his face, making him giggle.
He turned to you with tears in his eyes. “You’re the best mamma and daddy ever!!!” Caiman jumped up and nicely set down the gator, throwing his arms around the both of you.
He couldn't ask for better parents or a better birthday.
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jotgeorgius · 12 days
"Keine Nachrichten im (realen) Briefkasten, sind immer gute Nachrichten." - Jotgeorgius; Deutscher Zweifler und Skeptiker
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