#sleepy independent woman
neskastree · 2 years
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sleep-escapes-me · 5 months
didn't know they were dating
Imogen x Laudna
word count: 2569
a modern au told through the eyes of convenience store employee, Cynthia, and the observations she makes while working
read the full version on ao3
“Are you able to work independently in a fast-paced environment?”
“Yes, sir. At my previous job, my boss was impressed with how—,”
“You’re hired.”
The evening shift is Cynthia’s new home. She’s grateful for the opportunity at something different but more so for the money. Having hobbies is expensive and horses are expensive. So when your hobby is horses…well.
And school of course. Money for school.
“Welcome to Faramore’s!”
The cheery disposition is easy enough to muster. And once her manager stops randomly showing up during her shifts after the first week, Cynthia realizes the pep isn’t necessary. At least not with the crowd of customers she’s slowly getting used to.
It's a nice job for the pay. The shop she works at is located in a sleepy neighborhood on the city's outskirts so it rarely gets busy. Every night so far has been peaceful. Giving Cynthia plenty of time to finish any homework and people-watch.
She comes to recognize the regulars fairly quickly and learns all their names only because she’s nosy and the receipt is right there.
There's the blue-haired guy with the nice smile, Dorian, who more often than not has a guitar strapped to his back. He usually shows up with his boyfriend, seemingly always coming from a workout at the gym, Orym. His eyes are incredibly discerning if not a little unsettling. He stares at her like he knows all her secrets. But they’re always very polite and ask how she’s holding up in the late hour. Cynthia likes them.
Protein bar Lip balm Ready-to-bake pie crust $15.99
There's the incredibly tall gorgeous woman, Fearne, who always smells like a garden of wildflowers when she walks in. Cynthia’s been scared to ask what perfume she wears after an incident where she caught the woman attempting to steal. Maybe Cynthia is just naive but she thought being caught once would deter further attempts…but that strangely wasn’t the case. She's had to let it go altogether because she just gets so flustered. One playful wink from the woman has Cynthia forgetting all about the incident to the point that she makes an effort to make sure her manager never finds out about the missing stock.
Novelty monkey lighter Cinnamon gum 3 tubes of lipstick Pack of ribbons Costume jewelry Various postcards $0
Then there’s the punk-looking one with the spikey purple hair, Ashton, who always shows up exactly at 1 AM every other night. Cynthia was weary of him at first but then he gave her some really great unsolicited advice on how to not get swindled when negotiating with flaky people. After that night he started tipping her a single dollar and imparting arbitrary wisdom. Cynthia hasn’t yet figured out if it’s some kind of prank…
Two cases of beer Travel sewing kit Toothbrush $20.06
Probably the loudest customers are the two old men who have the strangest conversations every time they enter the store. Cynthia desperately wishes to get in on whatever strange schemes the hairier one, Chetney, seems to always be involved in. Half of them can’t be true but his imagination excites her regardless. The other one rides in on a bright yellow scooter half the time and always wishes Cynthia a smiley day without fail no matter the time of day. He never brings any money or pays for anything so Cynthia doesn’t know his name aside from the obvious nickname, Letters, that she hears thrown around by Chetney. The lack of money always starts an argument between the two old men that she has to awkwardly stand and listen to. She learns new curse words all the time from them.
Wood finisher Scented body oil $18.12 Chamomile tea Cigarettes $12.87
And her favorite; the girlfriends. Or at least that’s what Cynthia assumes they are. It’s hard to tell.
The spooky-looking one, Laudna, tries to make small talk while at the register. Cynthia isn’t shy by any means but it’s sometimes hard to keep up with the odd topics of conversation. Soon enough Cynthia’s learning about her pet rat who’s so old he should be dead and how he’s always jumping off high places attempting to fly. Cynthia nods politely and keeps her opinions to herself.
Mixed seeds Red yarn Super glue $15.26
The other woman Laudna is always with, Imogen, is a bit more demure—or maybe guarded is more apt. Her eyes never leave Laudna and seems content to listen to her prattle on as they shop. She rarely buys anything. It’s usually at the behest of Laudna reminding her of some arbitrary thought.
Pencils Hand lotion $11.07
Imogen comes in alone for the first time since Cynthia started working. There's a nervous titter of energy around her as she runs up and down each aisle like a bat out of hell. Cynthia debates if she should ask if she needs any help before Imogen rushes to the register.
“This all for you today?” Cynthia asks habitually.
Imogen nods with a quiet sigh. “Hopefully.”
Box cake mix Candles Black sprinkles Oven mitts $14.47
Once she’s left, Cynthia muses over how sweet their relationship must be for Imogen to want to bake a cake for her girlfriend. She herself is an abysmal baker so it makes her yearn for a relationship in the future that’s just as thoughtful. She imagines Laudna walking through their front door, the house smelling of freshly baked goods. Imogen walks out of a side room with the cake decorated, candles lit, and a big smile on her face…
She speaks too soon when Imogen comes back in a little over an hour in a visibly sour mood, black crumbs stuck to her shirt.
Box cake mix Frosting $3.69
Cynthia can’t help herself as Imogen sullenly reaches for her purchase. The words tumble out of her mouth. “Havin’ trouble?”
Imogen startles at the sudden question and Cynthia holds back a grimace. She awkwardly gestures to the items she just bagged.
“Using milk instead of water makes a better box cake. More fat is supposed to improve it or something. At least that’s what my mama always says.”
Imogen frowns and checks over her shoulder toward the fridge section. She looks back at Cynthia for a solid two-count and nods.
Milk Energy drink $4.25
Imogen smiles warmly at her, taking her groceries. “Thanks.”
Cynthia beams. “Of course. Hope it turns out well.”
Imogen doesn’t show up for the rest of the night.
Laudna shows up alone one day in a tizzy and Cynthia instantly recognizes something is wrong. It tests her resilience as an impartial convenience store employee to not get involved in customers' business…but Laudna’s frazzled appearance and her very loud speaking over the phone at least paints Cynthia a vague picture.
“Okay, darling, I’ve just arrived. I’m walking to the medicine aisle. Ooh, those snacks Pâté likes are on sale—right, sorry. I am in the medicine aisle. Which one is it?” She pauses. “There’s a yellow label and a blue label.” Another pause. “Are you sure? The yellow label says extra strength.” Pause. “Well, I don’t care if it’s extra money! This is your health! I’m not yelling! Oh, nope. I am. Sorry, sorry. Hold on. I’m grabbing the yellow label.”
Cynthia watches Laudna do that in two more aisles.
“Okay, darling, I’m heading to the register. I’m hanging up. I have to pay.” She frowns. “I'm telling you so you don’t worry.” She looks at the phone then at Cynthia. “She hung up.”
Cynthia bites the inside of her lip to keep from laughing. “Find everything okay?”
“Oh, I hope so.” Laudna’s shoulders droop. “I get so flustered in a crisis that sometimes I forget my own name. Isn’t that just silly? I’m lucky Imogen is always so collected.” She chuckles lightly while nervously pulling at the ends of her hair.
“It’s not silly when you’re worried about someone.”
“You’re so sweet.” Laudna's eyes crinkle with a smile. “You know, I see you working whenever I come in. No matter the time. Do you always work this shift?”
“For the time being, yes.”
“You’re so young,” she muses.
Cynthia hands over the bag to Laudna. “Well, I hope everything is all right with your girlfriend.”
Laudna’s face slowly drops as she processes Cynthia’s words. “Excuse me?”
She scrambles. “Nothing. Nevermind. Here’s your change. Have a good evening.”
Laudna stares at her for a long moment before reaching for her money. Then trails out of the store in a mumbling daze.
Scar cream Pain meds Bandage wrap $25.73
Cynthia resists the urge to run in the back room. Was she wrong? Were they even dating? Were they already married? She’s never seen a ring on Imogen. Or has she? Laudna…definitely had one, right? The shine of a sparkling red ruby ring enters her mind. Fiancé?
Imogen enters the store alone the next night but seems perfectly normal when interacting with Cynthia. She even tells her to have a good night as she leaves.
A bag of chips Two energy drinks $6.86
It isn't until Laudna is back again at the end of the week when the fruits of her fuck up unravel. She doesn't enter with Imogen. Instead with someone Cynthia is shocked to see such a sweet woman like Laudna in cahoots with. The thief!
Cynthia watches the pair peruse the aisles aimlessly until
“Fearne!” The yell comes from the back of the shop. Laudna’s arms can be seen flailing over the tops of the shelves. Cynthia strains to listen.
“It’s all right,” Fearne says. “She doesn’t mind.”
Laudna stutters. “You still shouldn’t steal from such a sweet girl. That could be grounds for termination.”
Fearne hums. “She hasn’t been fired yet.”
Finally, the two of them make their way to the front. Fearne pivots toward the door with a familiar flirty wink before Laudna grabs her arm.
“Where are you going?” she admonishes. “We still have to pay.”
“Oh. Oops,” Fearne giggles. “Silly me. It just slipped my mind.”
Cynthia is mostly sure Fearne didn’t forget.
Laudna's eyes don’t quite look at Cynthia as they approach. Fearne seemingly takes notice and saunters up to the register.
“You must see Laudna here a lot, right?”
Cynthia feels her mouth go dry. She realizes she’s never heard Fearne’s voice this close because the other woman never comes to the register. It somehow even further adores her to the enigmatic woman. Cynthia slowly nods. “Sometimes.”
She leans across the counter. Her eyes twinkle with a mischievous sparkle. “So…are you the one who called Imogen her girlfriend?”
“Fearne! Okay!” She pushes her friend aside and drops a bill down on the counter in a fluster. “That's enough of that. I think we’re done here. Yes. Thank you so much, young lady! You have a lovely evening!”
Cynthia forgets to ring them up.
At this point, it’s been several weeks since seeing Imogen and Laudna enter the store together. Cynthia is so on edge thinking about the two women's situation that it’s starting to affect her sleep schedule.
The curiosity eats away at her until the next time Imogen walks in. The gentle ding from the door’s bell erupts like a blaring alarm for Cynthia. Her focus zeros in on the unsuspecting woman and tracks her around the store like a hawk. The next time she passes by the front, the word vomit hurls from Cynthia’s lips when it’s simply too much to hold back.
“Did you break up?” She blurts out instead of her usual script.
Imogen’s eyebrows furrow. “Huh?”
“Your girlfriend—uhh, or maybe fiancé?” She says it like a question and Imogen stares at her like she’s grown two heads. “Laud—the one woman you’re always here with. The spooky one?” Silence. She should really shut up. “Aren’t you together?”
The other woman goes deathly still. “No…”
Cynthia feels the embarrassing red-hot heat flooding her cheeks. “Sorry. I thought you were. It was wrong of me to assume.”
A muscle in Imogen’s cheek tightens. Her mouth opens and closes several times before she asks, “Why would you think we were together?” Her voice is stony. “Did she say somethin’?”
“What?” She doesn’t sound accusatory or angry so Cynthia is confident she hasn’t completely insulted this woman. The word vomit continues. “No. It’s not that. I mean I did mention to her that you were her girlfriend and she never really denied it. I thought—I honestly didn’t think you were dating at first. But after a while it was hard to ignore when the two of you seemed so…” She trails off when noticing how pale Imogen has gotten.
“In love?” Cynthia finishes lamely. Her cheeks burn with mortification.
She makes a noise somewhere between an acknowledgment and a whimper.
It’s all Cynthia gets before she turns and makes a beeline toward the back. She stands in front of the liquor aisle for an exorbitant amount of time. Cynthia has half a mind to ask if she’s all right but cowardice of saying the wrong thing again stops her. Finally, she makes a selection and Cynthia has to struggle to not cringe as she rings her up. No pleasantries are exchanged.
Box wine $8.99
She comes in the next day.
Cynthia wants to crawl into a hole.
Box wine Tissues Pain meds $14.68
And the next.
Cynthia considers quitting just to stave off the unparalleled embarrassment and shame coursing through her.
Two bottles of wine Decongestant Pint of ice cream Effervescent tablets $36.87
She never sees her again.
Mainly because Cynthia quits her job at Faramore's soon after. She’s accepted into an apprenticeship across town and can’t justify the commute anymore.
She doesn’t tell her regulars because that seems like a silly thing to do. It’s not like she talks to any of them or knows them beyond the stories she makes up in her head by their brief interactions. It’s strange when she realizes she will miss them. There’s a melancholic kind of insight she garners—missing someone you don’t really know.
Months later Cynthia finds herself in the neighborhood after an event takes her back across town. The curiosity hits her a bit too hard and soon enough she finds herself back at her old store. It’s like walking into a time capsule. She doesn’t feel any claim to the shop as it’s one of many and she’s gone to others in the franchise but it still feels strangely familiar as the bell dings when she enters.
The guy at the register is more apathetic than she cares to comment on. He rings up her items without so much as a greeting.
Gummy bears Bottle of water $4.33
On her way out, the door whooshes open and the bell dings softly. As if in slow motion, in walks Laudna, a big smile on her face, arm around a giggling Imogen’s shoulders, whose own arm is securely wrapped around Laudna’s waist. Laudna leans her head down to kiss the top of Imogen’s head. Then Imogen smoothly turns her face upward and they share a chaste kiss without breaking their stride. They don’t notice Cynthia walk past them.
Maybe Cynthia sheds a single tear later that night when she thinks about them or maybe it's just this very emotional movie she’s watching about a horse that defies all the odds in the end.
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luxtrys · 1 year
casual dominance with anakin
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anakin takes protecting you and your feelings very very seriously. and when you don't take care of yourself or get hurt, ani goes crazy.
it was a peaceful sunday morning in your apartment, the golden sun light shining into your apartment and making your skin glow. you hummed a sweet tune to yourself as you whisked together your pancake batter in your baby pink bowl. you had been having pancakes every sunday morning since you were a baby, and you kept the tradition when you moved in with anakin.
he was always up before you in the morning without fail. he woke up a 6am sharp and kissed your forehead while you whined at the loss of warmth from his furnace of a body, knuckling at your sleepy eyes. he smiled down at your half-asleep figure before slipping on his running shoes and heading out the door. you didn't know how he did it, every morning. he had convinced you to come along once on his 2-hour runs and he had to carry you on his back the whole way home.
you woke up about an hour and a bit later, throwing on his massive hoodie over your body and padding your socked feet all the way to the kitchen. once you had combined all the ingredients, you cursed yourself as you tasted the bitter batter, you had forgotten the best and most important ingredient. the sugar.
you huffed to yourself as you looked all the way up at the top of your cupboard, the clear jar with the word sugar etched on it staring down at you. you turned your head and glanced around at your surroundings, you knew if anakin saw you he would be pissed. but you were hungry and so very impatient. so you took matters into your own hands
you placed your hands down on the white marble countertop, hoisting yourself up so you were standing tall on the surface. you took a deep breath in as you held onto the cupboard, trying not to slip and break your back.
you were all unknowing as anakin stared at you from the doorframe, trying not to implode. he couldn't keep count of the amount of times he had told you not to climb on the counter's, but you disobeyed him, and that made him seethe.
"what the fuck do you think you're doing?" he annouced, not giving you the time to squeal and slip off the counter top as he gripped your waist and rested you down on the floor swiftly. he watched as a light pink color tinged your cheeks and you avoided his harsh gaze.
he scoffed at your avoidance, gripping your chin heavily and leaning down to your face. "you gonna answer me baby?" he asked, his tone powerful and commanding. you stared up at him with puppy eyes, watching as he stared at you through his eyebrows.
"i was just grabbing the sugar, need it for my pancakes ani" you spoke, your words just above a whisper. "how many times have i told you not to climb up those counters, you're gonna hurt yourself baby" he said, his voice slowly softening. you gazed up at him as he grabbed the sugar from the cupboard effortlessly, barely having to stretch his arm out.
he bit his lip as he kneeled down, running his hands up and down your legs, scanning your skin for any marks or bruises. you almost let out a scoff as he lifted up the hoodie, staring at your stomach and pink and purple polka dot underwear. he pressed a kiss to the skin right about the waistband of your panties, resting the hoodie back over your stomach and half of your thighs.
"i can do stuff myself ani, i'm an independent woman" you state, huffing softly. "sure you are. but if you ever get hurt, i don't know what i would do with myself, so don't fucking try that shit again, yeah? and watch that attitude of yours." he reaches his hand down your lower back, pinching your ass softly before setting a heated kiss to your lips
"you want me to get out the syrup princess?" he wonders, stepping towards the fridge. you blush at how nonchalantly he reprimands you, spinning around and nodding sweetly.
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f10werfae · 9 months
babes please tell us how our hot lumberjack daddy of a husband is doing😭😭😭😭🫶🏽
- He’s doing amazingly omds. Ever since baby bun has given birth to the twins he’s been staying home more and planning more day outs for the family. (Growing evermore protective of his precious woman and their tiny tots) He’s still so animalistic growling when he even senses another man looking at his wife, his large burly arms wrapping around her waist to bring her flush against his chest; leaving her in a fit of giggles and swooning. Since their trip to Disneyland he’s definitely relied a bit more on his mother to take the kids every so often so he can savour baby bun, practically ruining her until they need a new headboard with a new baby expected on the way.
- When baby bun is out helping her grandparents, or on one of her daily walks out in the gardens by herself, she’ll most likely come back to her baby twins sleeping on top of their daddy’s wide chest making her sleepy herself. So ultimately she finds herself cramming herself into Henry’s side (He’s strong enough to hold her up anyway) watching her family nap together.
- “G’damn miracle are ya sure you’re 6 months old” He’d grimace having to change the diapers of his babies, one thing he didn’t realise when becoming a father was how much these little ones eat and shit
- “C’mere sugar, wan’ hold ya” He’d whine nearly every night, pulling Y/n closer and flush against his chest, kissing her naked body and fondling her until she falls asleep from his touch with a comforting orgasm
- He’s embracing the girl dad life with Iris, her big eyes capturing her daddy in a spell just like her momma. When she’s older Henry ends up in pink tutus, kiddie makeup and sitting at a tea party with the best of her stuffed animals. Beau on the other hand is very independent so of course he takes an interest into Henry’s business, sitting on his lap at big important meetings when it comes to his properties + company etc. Overall both Iris and Beau love spending time with their daddy especially in his wood workshop where he works on his side business. Although Henry would make sure his babies would never know the dark side of his business (unless one would show an interest in taking over) They didn’t need to know how he had basically gate-keeped their mother selfishly from the world, they didn’t need to know how he had stalked her initially nor how he had manipulated her into thinking she had a choice in all this.
But Maybe she did because even a blind man could see Henry’s guard dissolving just for her, his number 1 baby, Y/n
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lana-llama-in-pajamas · 6 months
thick as blood
sweet as milk
chapter 4 (parts seems juvenile)
a few days have passed and you finally cleaned your home, the bathroom was a lot nicer now and yes to Francis's odd dismay your apartment looked like a green house, today was rainy so you stayed in writing thank you letters to your neighbors.
Francis was at his last stop. he walked up the steps of a very nice new home, one of those buy to build homes he's seen on Sears catalogs (look it up, very cool)
he knocked on the door with his foot as he carried more milk than a normal household would use, the door opened via a very pretty woman in a blue polka dot dress and blue sweater "Francis! you got my call" she opened the door wide as he walked passed her placing the jug crate on the counter "you wouldn't believe how many cakes the school is asking of me" she continued following him in filling up a glass of lemonade "isn't your husband a baker?" he asked nodding as he took the drink from her "he's too held up with catering the convention that rolled in" she answered folding her arms standing across from him "but I did want to spring something up on you...we've known each other for a bit would you say?" she asked almost in a whisper. Francis stopped mid sip nodding slowly thinking of the million things she was about to say "right...you know my daughter Amelia" she walked passed him into the living room, Francis followed even more puzzled "she's 15 now no?" "yes" god why was she being so vague? "sit, please" she pointed to her pristine yellow couch "you see my daughter got a cat and as funny as it is now we're sad to say she's deathly allergic" she awkwardly laughed "you don't know anyone who would want one hm?" he stared blankly at her for a moment mentally cursing her for freaking him out "Joan, I don-...actually I do know someone in the need of a companion" Joan's eyes sparkled a little "great! Johnny bring the cat" she called upstairs and a few moments later a little boy still in his pajamas carried down a small kitten in his arms "milkman! your taking my sisters cat?" he asked running over to him, the poor kitten wiggling around as he did so "yes i am" "but cats are for girrrllss ewww" Johnny laughed passing the poor sleepy thing to him
"I'm giving it to a girl, but no cats are for men too." francis pet it gently "my dad says sooo" the little kid huffed "ok back to your room." Joan pulled his ear on the way back to the hallway going into his room coming back moments later with bags and a litter box "toys, litter, litter box, and food. its still too small for solid foods so, a little baby formula warm water and the kibble should be good" she pointed to each bag explaining how it worked before sitting down on the armchair beside couch. “ so we’re giving it to a girl, not to fit the stereotype, but is this lady in another home you deliver to?”Joan snickered slapping his knee, hoping that Francis will get the joke, Francis kind of did , but like everyone else Joan couldn’t read him “ She’s my door lady. She actually saved the building from an dopple attack a few nights ago.”he told Joan inspecting the small fluff ball “oh wow must be an intimidating woman” Joan said imagining a large gruff woman with a killer stare, if Francis could read her mind he would’ve laughed but he continued “she seems the type to have a pet.” He got up carrying the bags and box on his hip heading for the door “thanks for the gift Mrs. Wilde” Joan got up to open the door for him “Yaknow Francis, in old Viking tradition gifting a cat to a woman is a symbol of courtship” she said raising a brow hoping to fluster the brick wall “…I don’t think she’s of Viking origin” he said back making Joan face palm “but that is interesting, you were a mythology major?” He asked placing the items into his truck wrapping the kitten in a jacket before gently placing it in the passenger side “ I was, but you know how it goes. You think you’re going to live a life of independence and then you get married to a baker.” Joan looked at the horizon saying that. Francis looked at her with a softened gaze before she snapped to reality “sorry, I hope she loves the cat, and I hope the goddess freya doesn’t get any ideas haha” Joan turned around fixing her sweater hearing Francis as she got to her door “…..your still a mythology major.” He turned around getting into the truck driving off. Joan still at the entrance, smiling in acknowledgment.
Back at your apartment, the twins were back gossiping to you about model drama you could barely understand while they randomly asked questions about you, “ oh and Eliza got fatter so now we all have to weigh before booking! Can you believe it?? Let the girl eat a little extra cake at her mom’s funeral!” Selenne laughed sipping her tea “oh speaking of, miss mia wants us to help her with the wedding venue! Everyone in the building is invited. ” Elenois shook you a little clearly excited “I forgot they were fiancées, since they live together anyway” you giggled pouring another cup for everyone “ y/n! You didn’t tell us you were a max traditionalist~” Celine pointed at you, smiling “ of course not it’s just since they live together. My brain just automatically thinks that.” You felt a little embarrassed but the twins were known to make people sweat for fun. “ Miss Mia wants to have it during the summertime so we have a long time to prepare.” Sel sat back looking out the window “ good thing she doesn’t want it during the spring. It’s so rainy here.”
Francis knocked at the door the cat meowing, he knew it was hungry so it was a perfect opportunity to teach y/n how to care for it, you opened the door smiling then looking straight at the dramatic kitten meowing loudly “ you found a cat?” You asked getting on your toes to see it closer making Francis die of cuteness on the inside thinking to himself ‘she really did that almost automatically, how adorable’ mentally slapping himself he lowered his hand passing the kitten to her, y/n didn’t know if the cat was tiny or Francis hands were huge because it really fit in the palm of his hand only it’s a little leg spilling out, grab the sweet thing, putting it to your chest “aww poor baby, I bet your hungry” he spoke softly, almost afraid to burst its ear drums with your normal tone, Francis look down at you now getting the picture.
he was attracted to you.
You were smaller than him which every 1950s man wants from a partner and you look beautiful doing everything mundane like if he took a picture at a random moment, you would look like a model no matter what. As if someone directed you in that exact pose. And you dressed nicely. He Longed to see you in more colorful items, just to see your features shine brighter. He stared at you in his mind lovingly
But you looked back up to see the most stern look with furrowed brows “um…did I say something?” you got nervous stoking the cat for comfort “ the cat is hungry but do not feed it milk. That is a myth.” he spoke plainly opening one of the bags putting the food items on the table “ baby formula, warm water, and a little bit of kibble is good for the cat, what will you name it ?” He asked sounding pretty excited about the name part “ maybe we should feed it first and then think of a name” you said leading him into the kitchen with the supplies “hiii francy” the twins waved as he did back before they giggled to themselves “he was absolutely fucking her with his eyes “ selenne pushed her sister’s shoulder whisper yelling “ shutup, that’s so not appropriate!” El covered her mouth, both trying their hardest not to laugh too loud.
You and Francis came back from letting the cat eat sitting on the couch, the twins took the cat from you to pet and prod, “it might scratch” Francis pointed “ let them, I heard prodding pets is a good thing because it makes them more tempered” y/n poured him some tea “you had pets before?” He asked thanking her for the tea “we need to hear some y/n lore” Sel nodded “ I didn’t have pets, but my grandparents did, dogs cows, sheep, wasn’t a farm. It was more like a ranch. My parents live in the city like this one and they never really liked animals” you said studying your tea leaves “ Where is your family?” El asked rubbing the kittens belly “ across the country, I have a cousin who lives here. They are really busy.” You looked out the window at the rain. You didn’t want to tell them the whole truth. “We can understand, it seems everyone in this building has busy lives, aside from the housewives” Francis said ”your right” you nodded “oh have you heard about the wedding?” El asked Francis “no, wedding? You two are getting married?” He asked a little frantic “no no we’re not throwing out our careers yet. Mia’s and Dr. aftons wedding!” Selenne rolled her eyes “oh, yes the doctor asked me to be in the grooms party, I think his bachelor party will be at the bowling alley” "yeah sounds like Dr. afton" Sel sighed "mia still doesnt know what she wants, but she does wanna vote so we all have fun!" El smiled surveying the room, francis was staring at his tea cup but you were in the conversation completely "anyway we forgot we have a alot of calls to make love ya bye" she placed the kitten in your hands before pulling her sister out of the apartment "lets give the love birds forced time alone" she whispered to her twin closing the door behind them
"odd" francis glanced at the door
"yeah, hope everythings ok" you sighed looking down at the cat as he stared at you
“Name?” Francis asked clearing his throat “no idea…I’ll think about it” you placed the kitten on the couch as it played with the tassels on the pillow “well, I’m going to head home, tell me when you name her, I’m excited to know” he said you got up and smiled walking him to the door “of course Francis, thank you for the gift” you blushed opening the door hoping for anything “Yaknow I heard that a man giving their loved one a cat is a proposal in Norse mythology” he said grabbing your hand and kissing it “but neither of us are of Viking blood I don’t think ” (sorry if you are) he walked to his door and you stared holding your hand kissing it softly to feel his lips in spirit
A few weeks had passed and you were on a late shift again. The cat followed you around the building so in turn she now had a bed in the office, it 9pm and you had to wait for 5 of the residents to come home late from a press party
Natasha was in the office playing with the cat “do you have a name for her yet?” She asked making it chase a mouse on a string “no…suggestions?” You pulled out a list of names residents have considered passing it to the little girl “hm..” she wrote a few names even her own “…no Natasha” you said crossing out hers, she shrugged and went back to the cat, time passed and you got a little worried turning on the radio, the twins giving you which channel had the convention/press party coverage. You listened in, and rolled your eyes at the sounds of officials and other higher ups giving empty speeches, a knock at the door made you jump looking up to see natcha with her arms folded staring at her daughter “so. This is what you do at bedtime now? I thought I had more time before you started sneaking out” she held her temple sighing you got up feeling guilty for not even asking Natasha if she even asked her mom to be with you “I’m sorry I just assumed since it’s Friday um, I should have called you ma’am” you looked down seeing natcha look back at you with the ‘mom look’ “no don’t apologize, I should have checked on her earlier but I was busy cleaning, Natasha. Room. Now. And I’m taking your record player tomorrow” she said it so calmly, no yelling just a sweet calm yet stern tone “aww mom!! I’m gonna be bored all day!” Natasha folded her arms pouting “ too bad so sad. Up.” She pointed out the door and Natasha walked still pouting “so sorry you had to see punish my child y/n” natcha said fixing her house coat “no no don’t worry about, I just wish my parents were as calm as you are” you smiled seeing another resident walk over, Francis looked over “something happen?” He asked standing near natcha at the doorway, you could see her side step to not touch him. Her face contorting slightly but fixing itself “Natasha sneaked out to play with the cat n the doorman” she said side eyeing him “nat? Sneaking out? She’s 11” he said just kind of knowing? You felt your stomach drop a bit…hoping they couldn’t tell “she’s 12 in a week.” Natcha stated before walking off “goodnight everyone.” She went back to her sweet tone, there it was. The way he turned to look at her, it shot you in the heart a bit “your still working?” He asked walking in, the cat rubbing against him purring “a few of the residents are still not here, neither is the night shift” you looked away from him with a sour look on your face, you felt so stupid. You two were not a thing and also haven’t even kissed yet and here you are assuming a broken family and getting jealous of a woman who’s only ever shown you kindness not to mention fed you. Francis could tell you were reeling from something but didn’t know how to approach “…I can make you a coffee, I got donuts from a friend today” he walked over placing his hand on your arm “you look tired” his warm hand and gravily voice from just waking up made you feel better yet worse, “your one to talk” you smiled trying to let go “so mean” he let go “ I’ll be back” he walked off, you watching the way he moved Lowkey checking the sway of his ass but quickly looking away. The cat sat at the desk ‘listening’ to the radio with you as you gave it scritches “what about Lucy? Mimi? Tiger?” You read off the list of names to the feline hoping it would give some type of approval but you were sure if it nodded you would scream. Francis came back placing a coffee and a muffin and donut “pick” he said pointing, you grabbed his hand pointing it to the chocolate muffin “ I don’t want to be up all night via sugar and coffee” you smiled taking a bit “thank you” you covered your mouth he hummed taking the donut kissing your head before walking out. God you want to fly and throw yourself out a window at the same time, two people walked in, the pilots. Both disfigured and grotesque slamming the papers against the window making you jump “let us in. Miss door man.” One said somehow with a stitched mouth “eat my ass.” You said back making the younger one angry trying to get to you through the paper hole. Fuck I ran out of spa
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igotanidea · 1 year
Transient : JT x reader
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Request: as a part of my celebration : Jason x daydream(ing).
“Jay?” her little sleepy voice came from behind his back and he immediately spun around to lay eyes on her figure.
She had a rough week, filled with work, long hours, massive amounts of things to do, places to be, people to talk to. No wonder that after five days of such grind she was just exhausted.  It was an introvert nightmare to be put amongst too many stimuli.
So instead of spending Friday evening on cuddling on the couch and watching movies with her boyfriend, as planned, she just simply feel asleep. And it was just so sweet to watch her like this.  
“I’m sorry….” She yawned and looked down apologetically “I know you really wanted to relax a bit, but I just…..’ she yawned again, her eyes closing since she had no power to keep her open “…I’m sorry, Jaybrid….”
“Hey. Stop it.” Jason cupped her cheek and caressed it gently “you need rest, baby. It’s normal. You’ve been working so hard, it’s only natural. My little workaholic.” He smiled and picked her up bridal style, holding her close to his chest and carrying towards the bedroom. Despite everything it was always surprising for her that he was able to lift her with no effort. And it was just so nice and comforting to drift off in his arms. Feeling like he would be the one to take care of her. To watch her and not let her get hurt. Y/N was used to being strong, she was a tough, resilient and independent woman, but knowing she had someone to share her burdens and worries with, was making her melt. A single memory of Jason was making her melt. And she knew it worked both ways, for him  as well as for her.
“Jason?” she muttered into his chest, locking hands on his neck, even during that little walk wanting him closer.
“Yes, princess?” she kissed her temple
“I love you…..”
“I love you too, baby.”
“Will you be here when I wake up? Promise me, you’ll come back to me safe…..”
“I promise. Now, sleep.” He laid her onto the bed gently, putting the covers over her body.
“You’re not gonna undress me for bed?” she chuckled
“Wouldn’t you like that, love?”
“mmmmm…..” her gentle snore had to do for an answer and Jason’s eyes started watering. All the feelings he held for her just finding the way out. Somehow she always knew how to strike that sensitive part of him, and surprisingly he was not afraid to be vulnerable with her. Having someone to care about, to pour all his love into, to care about, to talk to…. How did that happen to him? When did that happen to him?
“Sleep tight, princess. It’s all gonna be fine…..” he whispered watching as she rolled over to the other side, his heart clenching due to all the feelings stirring inside him.
And now she was awake, standing in front of him.
Due to some magic, during the night she lost her work clothes, in which he put her to sleep and was now wearing one of his old shirts. Too big for her, serving rather like a nightgown, covering only the tops of her thighs.
“Hi.” He smiled lightly, not daring to step towards her to break that peace, silence and reverie. It was unreal. Sun shone through the curtains, leaving reflections on the floor and on their faces,  the whole world just stopped for a second to let them indulge in the moment of being together  with no pressure, no expectations, no plans.
Just them.
Nothing more was needed. Jason just wanted to watch her like this forever. With messy hair and a bit blurry, yet sparkling eyes. God, those eyes that could burn right into his soul. And her smile. The lightest, almost unnoticeable yet lightening up her whole face. And it was meant just for him.  
“Hi…” she smiled back, rubbing eyes and stretching her back, goosebumps forming all over her bared legs.
“You’re…. wearing my shirt….” he stuttered
“I woke up at some point in the night and needed you. That was the closest thing to that I could get at the time. It smells like you.” her eyes sparkled, her mind still somewhere in the dream. “You’re never getting that back.” Her fingers clutched on the material and she hugged herself. “
“Don’t you want the original, now that I’m back to you?” he reached hands towards her and she dived into his arms, sighing deeply, inhaling his scent “See, princess? Told you it’s better.”
“Are you hurt? Do you need anything?” she mumbled, arms wrapping tightly around him
“You. Just that. Just let me daydream with you in my arms."
Life has a tendency to make you constantly pick up the pace, be busy, in a hurry, running around and dealing with things.
But moments are what counts the most. Seconds, when the gazes of two people who are in love met. A single brush of aligned hands. A stolen kiss. A hug.
Details that can make things better.
A single minute to let oneself daydream and get lost in the other person.
The most precious gift.
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theaufanartist · 9 months
“𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨,”𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘺𝘴, 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘹𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘱𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘳𝘰𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘩. 𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘻𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦, 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘨𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦, 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘦𝘺𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴, 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘻𝘺 𝘶𝘱𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘵. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦, 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘴, 𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦-𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘨𝘰𝘥 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘢, 𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵.
Jeong Yunho ❤️‍🔥
“Ooh, you better not put your hair up, or no cookies for a fucking week,”your sleepy, yet excited roomie Van threatens you, as you exhale a sigh. Wearing dresses wasn’t your thing, especially dolling up for a person you didn’t really want to go on a date with. Your white dress, with tiny roses swivels around your thighs, as you huff and puff with your hair, finally deciding to put those tiny iridescent butterfly clips on both sides, your grown bangs swishing around your forehead, as you try to decide if this was all worth it.
“I know what you’re thinking, and don’t do that,”you hear her groggy voice speaking from the bed, a small pout forming on your lips. You sit in the chair in front of your study table, trying to make sense of it all. Yunho is a gorgeous man, and maybe it was time you decided not to put yourself down under the weight of your insecurities. You were a smart, confident, independent gorgeous woman, with a personality to die for. Why on earth would you try to self sabotage? You look at your sleeping roommate behind you, who’s now looking at you.
“Do I look okay?”you ask, a little wary about your outfit. What if Yunho thought it was a little too extra for a beach and coffee date?
“He wouldn’t think it’s extra, woman,”she says, rubbing her face, now sitting upright, “he asked you out, for a date. You should look pretty.”
“Thanks, woman,”you say, wearing your shoes, “I’ll keep you updated for a code red.”
“What the fuck,”she mutters, as you throw a pillow at her, making her throw it at your butt. You smile knowing that you had a person like Van in your life. She motivated you to step out of your comfort zone, push your limits in a good way. Sometimes, it just felt you lived with a teenager, but you loved her nevertheless.
“Thanks for your support, bitch,”you said, making her give you the middle finger. You laugh and text your friend that you were leaving for university. On your way, you realised that a lot of people you knew were turning heads to have a look, making you fidget in your place. Attention was something you hated, and this was a major I fucking know moment out of all the days. You saw your best friend waiting for you at the bus stop outside the Uni, and it was the most relieving moment you could feel. She looked at you and went ‘O’, making you smile shyly.
“If he doesn’t kiss you today, I’ll kill him myself,”she jokes, making your nerves relax momentarily. Going on dates wasn’t really your thing anymore, just looking at a guy and thinking he was cute was it. Yunho became an exception, but nonetheless you were under an obligation because of your other friend.
“Nervous?”your best friend asked, making you nod at her.
“Dressing up for a date really isn’t my thing, and this kinda makes me very nervous, you know?”you say, making her smile.
“Maybe, it’s not a bad thing, really,”she said, placing a hand on your shoulder, “you can call me, or Van whenever you feel like leaving.”
In that very moment, you received a text from Yunho.
j.yunho:Hey, I’ll be running late today-gotta go out of town for some business. Do you wanna wait till I come back, or reschedule?
You don’t hesitate to text, deciding to not let your dressing up go to waste.
seyrtonin:How late are you running?
j.yunho:Two hours, probs.
seyrtonin:Okay. No rescheduling. We go today, or we don’t go at all.
You see him typing something, but the bubble disappeared. And reappeared. And disappeared. What the hell was he typing so much?
j.yunho:Okay. I’m coming in two hours, be ready. Where you at?
seyrtonin:At Uni.
j.yunho:Will drop by 4. See you :))
“So, what did he say?”your best friend asked.
“He’s picking me up at 4 from here,”you said, your heartbeat raced, making you a little queasy. So you did what you do best-ignore and avoid, by drowning yourself in your lectures, eventhough you knew you wouldn’t understand a word of it today, but “ignorance is bliss”. Your best friend kept stealing glances at you, making sure you weren’t acting out of place, which you always did, but you were unusually calm, which worried her even more.
After what passed like hours, you actually forgot you had a date to go to, but your best friend looked up behind you and smiled, making you think that maybe she saw a classmate. You decided not to pay heed and keep focusing, but it all charred away when you saw who sat by your left side of the chair.
“Hey,”he said, his tone unusually low and hot. So hot.
“How did you find me in,”you look around the library, “here?”
“I made a guess,”he said, “you said you’re socially awkward, so you wouldn’t choose the most noisy and active part of the library, so,”he said, making you gawk at him in amazement. He smiled at your best friend, throwing a ‘hey’ her way, then looks at you.
You look over at your best friend, you gives you a reassuring look, and smiles. You smile nervously at her, and nod at him. He stands up, waiting for you to pack up, and does something that shocks you and your best friend-he carries your backpack over his shoulder. You look at him, trying not to grin. He’s a keeper, your heart whispered, but your brain chose to ignore it. Y’all started walking on the campus, none of you speaking a single word on your way to the car park.
“That’s my car, by the way,”he says, pointing towards the white Cronolla. You look up at him, and then the way he was pointing at. You give him a pursed smile, but your hands were sweating furiously, unknowingly. He guided you to his car, and opened the door, waiting for you to put on the seatbelt, then walking on his side.
“You alright?”he asks, making you look over at him. He stared at you, making you give him a small hum and nod.
“You have any place in mind?”
“Not really, to be honest,”you say, looking down at your closed, clammy hands, “I’m fine with anything.”
He looks at you, a look in his eyes so indescribable, that it left you queasy.
“Do you not want to go on this date?”
His question threw you off guard. Were you being that careless?
“It’s not like that,”you start, trying to cover off your disappointment, “it’s just, why did you really ask me out?”
Yunho looks at you, and then looks in front, staring at the view of the gorgeous clouds.
“Did anyone say anything about this?”he asked, his jaw clenching. He had a stunning side profile, and you could easily fall in love with that.
“Not really, but a really gorgeous man like you-”
“Okay, you need to stop saying that first,”he says, laughing. He starts the engine, after wearing the seat belt, and sets the gps to a restaurant of his choice, “you’re beautiful. Me being gorgeous has nothing to do with the fact that you think I can’t ask you out on a date.”
“That’s fair, I suppose,”you whisper under your breath, “but, uhm, I don’t think I’m looking for anything serious.”
He looks over at you, and your eyes widen after realising that you were being very blunt, and possibly very, rude.
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way,”you said, fidgeting in your seat nervously, “sorry, its been very long that I went on dates and I didn’t really think what I want and this is all so sudden and..” you feel his stare on you, “…I’m ranting.”
You hear his deep laugh, and look over at him, only to catch him smile at you.
“You’re really cute,”he says, “and we are here.”
You look in front, and see something that confused you more.
“This is…”
“Yeah, I might be Korean, but I love Italian more,”he said, making you giggle, “no but seriously, this is my favourite place to dine in.”
“Actually, it’s my favourite too,”you say, shyly, “the…”
“Carbonara is so good!”
You look at each other and your synchronicities, and laugh. You stop laughing once you catch him staring at you, the same look he gave you in the library, on the way to the car, in the car-
“You should smile more,”he said, leading the way inside the restaurant. You smile looking down, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You follow him, and find him talking to one of the men behind the counter, laughing as if he knew him for a long time. His eyes finally find you.
“There you are! Come over here!”he makes the hand gesture of calling you over. You timidly smile and walk upto him. Your gaze drifts over to the handsome man your date was talking to. Yunho clears his voice to bring your attention back to him, making the other guy smirk in a non understandable satisfaction from your point of view.
“I’m San,”he introduces himself to you, “this is my restaurant and this big baby is my best friend, since he’s too deep down butt hurt that his date is staring at me,”he says, laughing at Yunho’s unimpressed face. San inches closer to you, and whispers, “If looks could kill, I’d be dead by now.”
You laugh at his statement, and muttering a small ‘see you around’ to San, you join Yunho, whose eyes were fixated on your every movement.
“San is a nice man,”you say, as he continues staring at you while drinking water, “how long have you known him?”
“Five years,”he replies, eyes moving away from yours. You hum in acknowledgement, your orders on the way.
“Do you want to come over for dessert?”you ask, making Yunho look at you, one eyebrow raised. You realise that maybe the way you framed the sentence wasn’t very…decent.
“I didn’t mean it, in uhm, you know, uhm, I meant, I make very good chocolate chip pancakes.”
“So, you’re inviting me for your pancakes?”he asked, but you notice a slight smirk with that head tilt to the left. You find yourself biting onto your lower lip to contain your nervousness, because you’ve never fed those pancakes to anyone, except Van.
“Uh huh,”you say, trying to maintain the eye contact you couldn’t maintain with him the whole time y’all were together.
“Yep, okay,”he says, opening the car door for you, “lead the way.”
After giving him the directions to your place, you get down from the car, shooting a small text to Van, who in turn sent a ‘🖕🏼’ when you sent an ‘I love you’, making you chuckle.
“Something funny?”Yunho asked, making you wave a hand of dismissal.
“Let’s go,”you say, making him follow you. As you reached your door, you feel a hand on your waist, making you turn towards the guy behind you.
“What?”you ask breathily, looking up at Yunho, whose eyes kept dropping at your lips.
“Nothing,”he says, his voice dropping an octave lower, his hands raising a little higher, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear, “you have interesting eyes.”
You swallow, giving him a nervous smile.
“I need to open the door,”you say, laughing nervously, making him smile, “no pancakes otherwise.”
“Well, now we don’t wanna do that,”he said, making you let out a small giggle, “lead the way, pretty.”
You open the door, leading him into the hallway.
“Nice place you have here,”he says, making you smile, “nice couch.”
“Haha, thanks,”you say, keeping your stuffs in your room, “so, ready for some good, ol’ pancakes?”
“Let’s see what you’ve got, Groover.”
You laugh at the pet name he gave you, and started assembling the ingredients.
“So, I assume your favourite colour is red?”he asks, making you stop whisking midway.
“Is it that obvious, huh?”you reply, as you now look at him, continuing to whisk. He leans behind in the chair, now staring at you.
“Yeah, kinda,”he says, “so, is it dark chocolate, white chocolate or milk chocolate?”
“Hm, it’s a mix of dark and milk, why? You don’t like it?”
“No, its all good,”he replies, surfing through his phone, “how long will it take for you to make those?”
“Just 10 minutes,”you say, already have started to make those pancakes.
“You’re quick, groover,”he says, now getting up from the chair, walking towards you, “it smells good, too.”
The close proximity made your pulse upbeat, and your breath hitch. Did he expect something to happen? Maybe, sex?
“These pancakes are my comfort food,”you said, trying to distract your unwavering thoughts, “so, I do hope you love these.”
“I will,”he says, whispering in your ear, “and honestly, I am starving for something sweet.”
“It’s almost done,”you say, laughing nervously, “you can go sit on the couch, I’ll bring them.”
He mumbles an ‘okay’, making you release your hiked up breath. You wash the strawberries you had kept out, and cut them into pieces, placing them on top of the pancake stack.
“Woo, that looks amazing,”Yunho compliments, making you give him the biggest smile you could give, “I’m going to devour it.”
“I didn’t peg you as a sweet tooth, Yunho,”you say, as you place your plates in front of him, and sit besides him on the couch. Yunho’s eyes drop down to your hiked up dress an inch more above the thigh than it already was. He gulps, his jaw tightened, as he looked at the pancakes in front of him, and began stuffing his mouth with them. As he finished his plate, he looked over at you, and looked at how you looked like a cute chipmunk, in that dress that looked criminally beautiful on you, that he couldn’t get his brain to function normally.
“Are you okay?”you ask, thinking he didn’t like what was in front of him. He looks at you, his cheek resting on his fingers, his eyes lingering over your lips, threateningly. You swallowed nervously, and dared to ask again.
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“𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨,”𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘺𝘴, 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘹𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘱𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘳𝘰𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘩. 𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘻𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦, 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘨𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦, 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘦𝘺𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴, 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘻𝘺 𝘶𝘱𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘵. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦, 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘴, 𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦-𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘨𝘰𝘥 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘢, 𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯’𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵.
He licked that finger, making a hum sound.
“I think, this was probably the best dessert I have tasted,”he said, inching closer to you, “and I don’t feel like stopping.”
He took the empty plate from your hands and kept it on the table. Every touch felt so electric, like you have never felt with any other boy, and it kept scaring you. But what if?
“Yunho,”his name falls out of your lips in a whisper, your breathing making it worse for him to contain himself. He takes your face in his huge hands, his thumb stroking your cheek in slow circles, making you close your eyes.
“Tell me if you want me to stop,”he says, but getting no response was a response, and he dove into his impulses, kissing you. For a few seconds, he got nothing, but you kissed him back, even more feverish. He pulled you in his lap, his hands grabbing your ass in heaps, and probably for the first time he felt grateful for having big hands. The kiss felt like you both craved it for a long time. You could feel him getting hard by the minute, but you couldn’t stop kissing. Your fingers roamed in his hair, making him moan in your mouth. You had to take a breather, but looking at his flushed face made you feel something you hid in the deepest part of your desire-and that was something more than this. He looked at you, cheeks flushed. He stood up, his hands still supporting your ass, making you gasp and giggle, which he found very adorable, and lowered you near the headrest, with him on top, and he continued kissing you. His hands went from your ass to stroke the side of your thigh, and his lips went down from yours to the sides of your neck, making you moan and gasp, till he reached your chest. He looked up and didn’t feel like stopping, once he caught sight of your breathless form. He moved forward, his face closer to you, scanning your face like he wanted to remember it forever. He wanted to have sex, but not now. Not like this. He wanted more. You opened your eyes, just to catch him staring right into yours.
“I like kissing you,”he whispered, kissing your nose, making you giggle, and oh, he thought it was the most adorable sound he has heard in a while, his lips moving near the side of your lips, “and this is my favourite part,”he says, his thumb playing with your lower lip. You look at him, making him smile that how can someone be so cute after so much sexy kissing.
“You have interesting eyes,”he said, making you smile.
“Not the first time someone has said that,”you reply, making him smirk, as his lips find yours again.
“I wonder where you’ve heard it,”he says, his hands getting lower than your covered stomach, “I want to taste what’s down, but I would rather save the date for the rest,”he says, making you laugh.
“Who said we’ll have another one?”you ask, stroking his hair, making him hum.
“Well, since we both can’t get our hands off each other, figuratively,”he says, his thumb stroking your cheek, “I want to take you out, wine and dine, and sixty nine.”
“Did you just quote Kevin?”you ask, laughing. He laughs on top of you, squeezing your waist, making you giggle.
“What if I did?”he says, making you giggle shortly. You put your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
“Then, I would very much likely to wine and dine, and sixty nine,”you say, kissing him. He smiles into the kiss, and pulls you closer by your waist, deepening it.
You both separate when you hear plates falling. You look over at the table, seeing your plates in place, but as you look up, you see Yunho’s eyes widened. You didn’t wanna dare to look on the other side of the hall, but you did.
You looked over at your traumatised roomate, her fingers holding her spoon tightly, as if her life depended on it, as she stared at her fallen plate. You pushed Yunho back, lowering your extremely hiked up dress, looking at him with scared eyes.
“You were home!?”you asked, now looking over at her, as she dared make eye contact with you.
“Yeah, I was home all day.”
“So, uh, how much did you hear?”
“Uhm, the last bit,”she says, as she washed her dish, “and Yunho, please sex her up.”
You look at her, trying not to cry. But what shocked you more was hearing the beanstalk agree.
“Oh trust me, I intend to do that in the near future,”he says, flashing her the most charming smile.
“And, before I leave,”Van says, now holding a knife, “you better not fucking break her heart, or I’m coming with this to chop your dick off.”
“You’ve got it,”he says, pulling you close by the waist, “I don’t intend to leave her soon.”
“Good, cause she looks like she’ll pass out any second,”she says, as she sets to make a run towards her room as she sees you get ready in the chase mode.
“You bitch, come back-hey! Leave me!”you yell, as you feel hands around your waist, hindering your chase.
“Okay, groover, slow down; you can kill her sometime later,”he says, making you face him, “As much as I wanna see you kill her, I have to go and do some work, but I was serious when I said I want to take you out again. So, what’s it gonna be?”
“Well, I was serious too, when I said I want to go out with you, again,”you say, straightening the collars of his coat, “with the add-ons, if time and mood permits.”
He laughs and makes you look at him, his index finger under your chin, “fine. I’ll see you next week, when I’m here. And don’t blame me if I can’t hold myself back,”he says, his lips finding yours in an adorable smooch. He hands over his phone to you, opening his keypad, “this time, we’re phoning.”
You laugh, as you enter your number in his, “is that even a word? Phoning?”
“I mean, my autocorrect never autocorrects this whenever I text my friends, so should be one,”he says proudly, making you giggle. You both get up from the couch, as you head towards the door. But before leaving, he looks at you. His hands make a move towards your waist, pulling in for a kiss.
“See you soon,”he says, “don’t have too much fun without me.”
“Can’t guarantee that, mister Jeong,”you say, whispering, making him smile and leave a peck.
“Oh, if you’re thinking of having fun without me, send a video,”he says, winking at you, making you throw your sock at him, as he swiftly avoids getting hit on his head, but catches it, “and also, thanks for the souvenir.”
“Give it back, Jeong!”you yell, making a dash at him, as you chase him till his car in your slippers, only one ankle covered in socks. He grabs you, making you laugh, as he hands over your sock.
“Drive safe, Jeong,”you say, as he sits in his car, “I want you in one piece.”
“Awe, look at you care so much,”he says, making you roll your eyes at him, “don’t worry sweetheart. My heart and dick are for you to cherish.”
You make a disgusted face, but that fades when he grabs your hand and kisses the back of it.
“See you, groover.”
“See you, Yunho,”you say, as he drives off. Maybe, giving him a chance wouldn’t be a bad idea after all.
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lemonxdaisybby · 6 months
NSFW Headcanons for Yakuza 7/LAD Peeps
I literally had no idea what to title this, but the title is self-explanatory so I suppose it’ll do ✨
Let’s gooooo
Ichiban Kasuga:
Bit of a vanilla guy when it comes to sex, and is more of a sub. Probably doesn’t have a ton of experience too, so would allow you to take the lead.
Enjoys missionary most, or likes to be sat up as you ride him. Basically any position where he can clearly see your lovely face, he likes.
Blowjobs would ruin this guy, he is a sucker for them. First time you gave him one, he thought he’d died and gone to heaven. Would be super gentle when receiving, and would refrain from shoving your head down. He might involuntarily thrust into your mouth though, but only because your lips around his dick just feels so good. Would hold your hair back for you, if it’s long enough.
Not the best at giving oral at first due to lack of experience, but he is very eager to learn how to please you, and would be very appreciative of you guiding him on what to do.
Overall, he’s just an absolute sweetheart and just wants to do his best to please you.
Yu Nanba:
Another vanilla.
Controversial mayhaps, but he could be a switch. Can take the lead if you want, but does generally prefer it when you’re in charge.
He would most likely be a bit stiff/awkward the first few times you fuck, as he can be a tiny bit shy, but he definitely relaxes and catches on quickly to what you like, and what works best for both of you.
Doesn’t have a huge sex drive, and also another one with not tons of experience.
Enjoys lazy, sleepy morning sex, and he firmly believes that there is no better way to start the day.
Gets rather flustered when giving oral at first, but the little noises and hums he would make are to die for.
Of course he enjoys getting blowjobs, but would almost be a little shy about receiving? Would probably ask if you’re sure you want to do it, and would make a point to reassure you that you don’t have to.
Does love a good handjob though. This man is lazy, and would find it so nice to be able to just sit back and let you do your thing.
Adachi Koichi:
Sex on the brain. This guy is always down to get laid.
He’s definitely more dominant, and would love to just pound into you from behind. Has a surprising amount of stamina for a man of his age.
Would maybe accidentally leave bruises on your hips when taking you from behind. Man’s got a strong grip. Would make it up to you after with lots of big teddy bear cuddles.
His beard is definitely gonna tickle you. Whether he’s kissing you, nuzzling and biting your neck, or has his head in-between your thighs, you’re gonna feel the tickly stubble.
Loves boobs. He’s gonna be biting them, sucking them, kissing them…he just can’t keep his hands off them.
If you ask him nicely, he would lie back and let you take control, if that’s what you wanted. Probably wouldn’t happen too often though.
If you guys were out and about, and he managed to find a nice, secluded spot where you two could fuck without being caught, he would totally be down for a quickie or a blowjob. However, if there’s any chance of you two being caught, then absolutely not.
Saeko Mukoda:
Most likely a switch. Can take the lead no problem, but happy to be more of a light sub if you would prefer to take charge. Nothing extreme, however.
Knows what she likes, and also what she doesn’t like so much. Would probably establish boundaries very early on, which is good.
Respect is so important for her, so she wouldn’t be in to anything remotely degrading. She’s a very proud and independent woman, and it shows in the bedroom too.
More on the gentle, vanilla side, but if she was rather frustrated or in a teasing mood, she would definitely get a couple of bites in. Nothing hard enough to leave a mark though. Wouldn’t leave any hickeys, and probably wouldn’t want to receive any either.
Likely doesn’t have sex that often. She’d want to be in a relationship with someone before fucking them, or would need to at least have quite a strong, intimate bond. For that reason, she’d likely have toys so that she can satisfy herself, but doesn’t use them too often as her sex drive isn’t that high. Would be willing to use toys during sex with her partner, more so with a female partner.
Dom, dom, dom.
Not an extreme dom, but is definitely the one in charge. It just comes naturally to her.
Would have a decent amount of experience. Probably has had a couple of fuck buddies in the past, but with very clearly established boundaries and rules. This woman is very no-nonsense.
Amazing with her fingers, and knows it too. Oozing confidence, and would catch on so quickly to what you like, and what makes you absolutely weak. Would just be so smug at the sound of you moaning as she works her magic.
Wouldn’t give oral often, if it all. Of course, she is happy to receive oral. Would somehow still be in charge, even when receiving, and likely wouldn’t be very loud, but would make a few appreciative noises. The harsh grip she has on her partners hair would be a dead giveaway that she’s enjoying it, however.
A busy woman with a lot on her plate, so her sex drive wouldn’t be majorly high.
Already knows what she likes and doesn’t like, so maybe wouldn’t be that open to trying new things, unless it really appealed to her.
Joon-Gi Han: 
He’s giving bottom vibes, or maybe a switch at a push?
Is a total tease. He knows he looks hot, and when he’s horny he will attempt to seduce you whilst still appearing all coy. Flashes you ‘fuck me’ eyes, and his voice just turns smooooth as butter.
Takes orders well. Order him around like a lil sex butler, although no degrading stuff and no being mean! Order him to strip, command him to eat you out, tell him to fuck your brains out, he will do what he can to please you.
He’s very honest and straightforward. If there’s something he doesn’t like or enjoy, he’ll tell you.
Not massively experienced due to his past, but is open to trying most things at least once.
If you ordered him to choke you or be too physical in any way, he would refuse. He is very protective, and would never want to even risk hurting you. It would just feel wrong. He might tie you up if you ask him though, but he’s not great at being a top so you’d maybe have to lightly guide him still.
His moans are so heavenly, especially when he’s getting his dick sucked. Would definitely have a firm grip of his partners hair whilst they suck him off, but nothing painful.
Likewise, when he’s giving oral, the little appreciative hums and groans he makes are amazing. His hands would be gripping on to your thighs so tightly, and he would literally be eating you out like a starved man.
Overall, his main focus would be pleasing you. He wouldn’t be too focused on his own pleasure.
Tianyou Zhao:
Probably a top. He’s so flirty and playful, and it’s kind of hard to imagine him not being somewhat in control.
Very good with his hands, and would be an absolute pro at fingering. Could make you finish from that alone very easily.
He probably enjoys seeing you flustered, so would definitely be a huge, massive tease. Likely gets a bit of a kick out of seeing you blush.
Loves, loves, loves ass. Any position where he’s taking you from behind with a good view of your ass, he’s there for it. Loves squeezing your ass, grabbing it, slapping it, you get the gist.
Also loves nothing more than burying his head in between your thighs, and sloppily eating you out.
When getting his dick sucked, he’s probably gonna thrust in to your mouth or push your head down. Would praise you and tell you how good it feels if you deepthroat him.
If he can get you somewhere private when out in public, he would be down for a quickie if he was super horny.
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how is Odd!Duck???
"Lois. I found the greatest thing on the planet."
"Hello to you too-"
"Nazi Furry Flat Earthers."
Lois blinked for a second. Phone cradled between her shoulder and her ear. Up to her elbows in dishwater. "I can be there in 10 minutes."
"Wine's in the freezer. I ordered snacks." And the line went dead.
She didn't want to know what rabbit hole you'd been down to find this particular thing to scream about but- when her phone buzzed again with the title card for the documentary, she had to see it. She didn't know what Yiff was but she was ready to bet she was going to need another bottle of wine and a gallon of brain bleach when it was over.
"Girl's night?" Clark asked, smiling a little. "I thought she was going to see Bruce-"
"Something something Arkham something soccer game," she said, shrugging. She'd been trying NOT to listen to your end of the conversation. She was frankly just glad you were pretty independent. And a little more introverted than the average bear.
Dating a superhero was hard. Dating one that lived in a different city and didn't work in the same building or live in the same city had to be a special level of hard. A lesser woman could never.
Hell. She'd barely been able to do it.
"Feeling left out, Smallville?" Lois asked, smiling a little.
"Just bored. Things have been disgustingly quiet." He knocked against the wooden table top twice and sighed.
"Well if we're doing a Girl's night why don't you go do Boy's night and see if Batman and the Boy Wonder need a hand?"
"Anything to keep me from whatever nonsense you just planned, huh?" he teased.
"You know Y/N wouldn't mind if you came with-"
"No, No," he said, still smiling, holding up his hands. "I have a feeling this is some eighth level conspiracy theory and you guys lost me 3 layers in- Far be it from me to interrupt whatever sacred bonding is about to happen. Besides. You know I get sleepy as soon as you turn the lights out."
"Or handsy," she snorted.
"And let's not make Y/N relive that... I have a new respect for how many times she just politely ignored us instead of screaming or turning on the hose."
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wordywarriorwrites · 2 years
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Title: Mystery A03 | Master List | Rating: E Summary: A spoiled Duchess, a famous Detective, and a bathtub built for two. Written For: Milestone '23 Prompt: Sleepy/lazy, Sherlock, Bath or Shower Sex Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Female Reader Warnings: Smut. PWP.
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As a Duchess in your own right, as well as the sole heiress to a vast fortune, you had access to the very best. Clothes, jewelry, theatres, art, food, even stationary. You catered to your own whims and spoiled yourself whenever you saw fit - which, to be honest, was quite often.  
One of your most recent indulgences was your newly remodeled bathroom, with a waffle ceiling, tile-covered walls, a custom toilet, and a separate shower. There was also a double sink, with a mirrored, multi-drawered vanity that housed a variety of towels, robes, scents, oils, sponges, and brushes, but the crown jewel was the custom-made bathtub.  
Instead of having it tucked away into the wall, the porcelain-lined, pool-like behemoth was the centerpiece. It offered a perfect view of the estate gardens, was deep enough to submerge yourself in, and the swaths of fabric bolted to the ceiling could be pulled around it for additional privacy.
You chose to leave the curtain open and observe a late afternoon storm build along the horizon. The clouds rolled in and darkened the skies, which prompted the gardeners to head for cover and the servants to light the lamps. Once your hair had been washed, you refreshed the water, dismissed your lady’s maid, and ensconced yourself in the bath’s rose-scented depths.
Finally, you were alone, and able to have a private moment with your thoughts. And there were many things on your mind - after all, you were solely in charge of your household and had a lot to attend to before the London season got underway. You intended to host a ball next month, and there were several details to iron out, but the combination of steam and heavy rainfall quieted your racing mind and soothed you.
Sleep beckoned, but just as you began to nod off, a soft knock roused you. Perturbed by the disturbance, you opened your mouth to send whoever it was away, but then, the door creaked open without your permission, and you knew of only one person - one man - who had the audacity to do such a thing.
“Detective,” you murmured.
“Duchess,” he greeted as he bolted the door. 
You were fortunate. Privileged. Your title alone commanded respect, but you didn’t always behave as a lady of well-breeding should. Unmarried, with no children, and no guardian to watch over you? An independent woman of wealth and breeding who wasn’t a widow? It was unheard of, even obscene in some circles, but you were determined to retain your freedom for as long as you possibly could.  
There were many suitors vying for your hand, but none who genuinely cared for you beyond your position and wealth. It was why you’d decided to forego the marriage market and take a lover instead. But only someone who understood the necessity for absolute discretion could be considered a candidate, and Sherlock Holmes certainly fit the bill.
But being alone with a man who was not your husband or familial relation was forbidden. Enjoying a man’s company was unseemly. Being naked in a tub, while watching a man undress and ready himself to join you, was also a wicked offense - one that would surely result in damnation should anyone learn of it.  
Sherlock lowered himself in across from you and sighed, “Forgive me for my tardiness.”
You quirked a brow and dropped your foot between his pectorals, “Why should I?”
He grinned. Pressed a kiss to your ankle. Massaged from heel to arch while he shared his good news. Another case successfully closed, this time by his extensive knowledge of perfume and pipe ash. You laughed and reheated the water as he washed and regaled you with the tale. After a while, Sherlock fell silent, which prompted you to sit up and press a hand to his chest.
“Hungry?” you wondered. 
“Famished,” he replied.
You straddled his lap and cupped his face in your hands, “Let me make love you?”
Sherlock sat up and brushed his lips across your chin and cheeks, “Please.”
For all the dangerous, social landmines the two of you navigated, what you and Sherlock had was surprisingly uncomplicated. Your impeccable reputation and his unshakable honor afforded you both a lot of privacy and leeway. You also shared mutual acquaintances and occasionally saw each other at the same soirees, but neither of you made any overtures or public displays other than simple politeness. No flirting, no dancing, and absolutely no calls or gifts or letters. You were also friendly with his sister, Enola, and her close connection with Viscount Tewkesbury squashed any potential rumors and prevented tongues from wagging.
Besides, you were aware that Sherlock was married to his work. And he knew you wanted to remain independent for as long as possible. Yet, you also recognized the loneliness in each other.
And the desire for connection, too.
“You smell wonderful,” he observed gruffly between kisses. “Taste good, too. Like strawberries and hazelnuts.”
You grinned and dipped your tongue into his mouth, “You taste like beer. And cheddar cheese?”
“Such powers of observation, Duchess. You’ll put me out of a job.”
“Oh, I doubt that very much, Mr. Holmes.”
Sherlock’s chuckles morphed to contented groans the moment you wrapped your hand around him. You stroked him with the firm grip he preferred, with a twist of the wrist at the tip, and felt his hips lift slightly with every tug. Your front row seat to the beginnings of his undoing excited you, and when you took him inside, he moaned and gripped your waist tight.
This wasn’t the first time - far from it, in fact - but it still managed to stun you both. You took a moment before you allowed your head to fall back and your body to move. You used his shoulders for leverage as you built a steady rhythm. You weren’t sure how long you had. Didn’t know if he was staying the night or taking off right away. How long it would be until you saw him again? If your lady’s maid came searching…
“Slowly, Duchess. We have time.”
You met his eyes and frowned slightly, “Of course. I’m just--”
“I know,” he interjected quietly, reassuringly. “Me, too.”
Another kiss was all it took to distract you both. The water sloshed with every movement and threatened to spill onto the floor. You watched his pupils expand and his tongue dart out to lick wayward droplets from his lips. His nipples were pebbled, and the spread of his thighs beneath yours ensured you remained wide open and able to take him to the hilt. As you languidly sought your peak, he helped you along - slipped his hand beneath the water, right between your legs, and used his skilled fingers to stroke and pat at your clit.
Sherlock was massive and warm and beautiful beneath you. Plump mouth and flushed cheeks and curls even more riotous from the movement and heat. His shoulders rolled and his arms flexed as he maneuvered your legs around his waist and twined your arms over his shoulders. Once you were settled, he splayed one hand on the small of your back, planted the other on the bottom of the tub, and drove up and into you with considerable force. Still drawn-out, of course, but much sharper than you were capable of, and precisely what you needed.
You came undone embarrassingly fast. So fast, in fact, that you were dumbfounded into utter stillness. Sherlock was delighted, perhaps even charmed, because he laughed into your slack mouth and made a low, pleased sound deep in his chest. The spark in his eye was akin to the one you’d often seen when he’d unraveled a particularly difficult riddle, but it wasn’t smugness or male pride. He was satisfied simply because he’d satisfied you, and that was one of his most endearing and appealing qualities.
Sherlock hummed and nipped at your breast, “Another?”
You moaned against the crown of his head. Gripped the sides of the tub with both hands. Allowed him to give you more of what you both wanted, however he wanted, because it felt good.
Sherlock Holmes made you feel good, and even though you knew the two of you were well on your way to getting a bit too carried away, you had no desire to stop. You muffled the sounds of your pleasure in the crook of his neck, and each of his ragged exhales were interspersed with throaty growls and pointed thrusts that made you delirious.
Some time later - after you’d fed him, made love again, and put him to bed for the night in the guest room across from yours - you put on a nightgown, and slipped beneath your own sheets.
Sherlock would be gone before daybreak. You’d be up early, too, because you also had things to do. You’d enjoyed a rare night with him. You’d indulged in each other and made tentative plans to see each other once more before your time was taken up with early morning callers, afternoon teas, and balls that ran late into the night. 
You were happy - even if weren’t sure how long your affair with Sherlock would last.
But then again, you supposed it was just another mystery yet to be solved. 
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inanisomnia · 2 years
Can you do some headcanon chishiya x reader where reader looks really arrogant but in reality is soft and shy?
Thank youuu!!!
lay me gently.
fem! reader x chishiya shuntaro
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warning/s: mild profanities, slightly ooc! chishiya, mentions of ... (idk what's the term, someone tell me pls) forceful interactions... ??? WTF
ins.note: i'm currently reading tshoe (the seven husbands of evelyn hugo) that's why im not really active here in tumblr again... but no worries since i alr laid out the plot for entropy of chaos tot i'll upload it soon hehe
also if u enjoyed reading this, kindly let me know by liking or reblogging this post ^^ (only do it if its okay with u <3 ) ily all !!
- okay this is kinda tough but imma try
- we all know how deadly, and dangerous each game is in borderland and that's the beauty of this place – it brings out the human and true motives of each individuals ;
- and chishiya shuntaro, like the observant man he is, noticed you leaning on the beach's columns on the side, your left hand gripping your right elbow – away from all the jumping, drunk, wasted people on the dancefloor.
- you have a phlegmatic expression painted on your face, eyes lazily scanning each people up and down then switching to another individual then scoffing.
- someone randomly approached you, and he instantly recognized its someone that you're not close to since ever since you joined the beach, you never seem to approach anybody, seemingly annoyed at everyone's company.
- surprised, you looked at him up and down, eyebrows knitted together in ... is it confusion or irritation ? he can't seem to decipher what it is.
- you shook your head, and crossed your arms, and straightened your posture, away from him, signifying that you're not interested in whatever the man was saying to you.
- chishiya analyzed you closely ; you strike him as someone arrogant, and boastful – someone who's hyper independent, a woman who is a know-it-all when he first saw you at the beach.
- but are you, really ?
- the man paced a little closer to you, his drunken state visibly irking you as you step back the moment he got closer to you.
- you walked away from the man, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance, but you were grabbed by the wrist.
- chishiya didn't know what took over him, but he just suddenly picked up his pace towards you and wrapped his arms on your shoulder.
- "what seems to be the problem here, princess?" (but ofc in nihongo ++ with his hoarse, alluring voice, faints)
- you seem taken aback but you went along with it, "im sleepy. lets go?"
- wow
- just wow. chishiya was shocked by how your voice sounded so mellow, so soft, so tender - a complete contrast to his husky and gravelly voice.
- upon reaching a desolated hallway, he lets go of you. you thanked him and asked him how could you repay him, but he dismissed it by shaking his head.
- you smiled.
- and bid your goodbye.
- well damn. you were nothing what chishiya has thought.
- you have a tremendously soothing voice, the one that's not overly forced to sound like that, but naturally.
- ever since your encounter with each other, chishiya kept tabs on you every now and then, trying to make sure if you're okay and unhurt – from the games and the people here at the beach.
- sometimes he would go up to you to casually mention tips on how to win games in his own way. he would notice how surprised you would be when someone goes up to you unannounced, and how baffled and quiet you would be when someone tries to strike up a conversation with you.
- but with him, you seem to relax a little, and chishiya doesn't know why he's bothering to befriend you, he doesn't need anyone who'll weigh him down on his plan.
- but you're an exception, plus you're not a burden. you're intriguing and reliable, cunning, yet reserved.
- after a while, you seem to open up to chishiya, and god, he doesn't realize it yet, but he's falling for you, bit by bit. you were far from what he expected of you.
- he adores watching you analyze the world before you, he loves how tender your touch was on his skin, he adores your soft smile, the sound of your laugh.
- little did he know that he was abstractedly memorizing your features - the creases in your eyes whenever you laugh, smile, how your eyes sparkle -
- a part of him unconsciously swore that he'll protect you, and soothe you on all your anxiety-ridden days, hours, just as how you pacify all his inner demons that he himself couldn't understand.
- he just wished that he met you before waking up in this hell.
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kittydeathcult · 4 months
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i have made a bingo!! show me your results :3
pls forgive the formatting errors i made this on my phone 😭 if anyone wants to redesign this feel free!!
Alt Text:
Top Row, left to right: often bites objects/people, nocturnal, bratty, sits in strange positions,feels younger than true age.
2nd Row: cat noises easier than talking, overly independent/hates being perceived, sleepy, Warriors cats fan, phantom ear/tail sensations.
Middle Row: would rather be called an animal than a man/woman, wants to be taken care of, free space (cat emoji), easily overstimulated, likes attention but only from specific people.
4th Row: touch averse, goes by or wants to go by a “weird” name, wears a collar (or wants to), likes it/its or neopronouns, slow to trust.
Bottom Row: species dysphoria, into body modding, likes head pats and ear scritches, comfy in small/dark places, scampers or frolics when excited.
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valleyxrose · 1 month
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FULL NAME — Valletta “Valley” Cambridge FACECLAIM — Emilia Clarke GENDER & PRONOUNS — cis woman, she/her AGE — 35 BIRTHDAY — August 20, 1989 OCCUPATION — Independently Wealthy  NEIGHBORHOOD — Oak Gardens LENGTH OF TIME IN BLUE HARBOR — Since January 2024
tw: poverty, fire, family death, grooming & age gap relationships
What your characters would know:
Valletta (or Valley, as her friends call her) comes from an aristocratic family in a sleepy Connecticut suburb. She was a cheerleader, prom queen, and was president of her sorority in college. She has an art history degree, and spends most of her time on philanthropic efforts, including event planning for charity galas and other fundraisers. She’s estranged from her family, and twice divorced, and came to Blue Harbor for a fresh start.
What they (probably) don't know:
None of that is true. She was born dirt poor, and lost her entire family in a single night when their trailer caught on fire. She was groomed by the father of the friend who took her in, but when she married and divorced him, she got half his money. The money gave her power and freedom and safety she'd never known, and she made a career out of marrying men and taking their money. Just this past year, she fucked up and fell in love with her last husband (number 5). He found out about her lies, and she didn't take a dime from him in the divorce. She did move to Blue Harbor for a fresh start, that much is true. She's been living at the Jade Palace hotel for seven months. She's starting to think she might stay in town.
Wanted Connections:
I'm going to make a full wanted connection for her most recent ex-husband, I need that drama
Gonna make one for the friend whose dad she married too lmao
As you can imagine, most people won't know her very well (nobody does!!!) but I would love for anybody to try to figure her out, or try to love her, or try to expose her, whatever!
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error-was-here · 2 years
Pt 3 of Genshin characters cuddling you at night :) (gender neutral reader)
aaaaaaaa love these girlies ,I’m really excited to write for them ,so here we are with part 3
(also if anyone has ideas I can use for scenarios and stuff ,please send them in the ask I could really use some ideas_
Characters: Ningguang and Amber
I did Venti,Heizou ,Kaeya ,Zhongli
(Won’t link because it stops all activity ,if anyone knows how to fix this please help)
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She LOVES cuddling you at night! When you both are so sleepy but still wanna give each other cuddles ,just makes her have a factory reset. She’s flustered and so happy
So when she sees you on bed struggling to sleep mixed with her having a long day at work? She. Goes. WILD. “Hey (Preferred pet name) do you mind if you give me some cuddles ,I’m just struggling to sleep”
Jumps on you to give you a hug before then kissing you on your lips and she apologized profusely ,asking you
“I’m so sorry honey! Do you want some just cuddles ,or just wanna chat ,anything’s fine >_<“
“It’s ok (Preferred pet name) ,you being here is enough” you responded
Oh in the morning. Don’t try to escape ,she’s not letting you go in the morning and you will be in her arms for the rest of eternity
until she realizes she’s 2 hours late for work-
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When you wanted to date a hot, rich ,independent woman that can break you in half ,you forgot that she has one important aspect. She’s busy ,like all of the time basically she works from 5 am to 10 pm
So when she founds out you struggle to sleep when she’s not there is VERY concerning to her ,because a Lot goes down in her schedule and she can’t just change it.
so she’s scared that this will affect your sleeping habits and make you really tired but she tries to play it off like she isn’t worried but you can tell she’s worried as hell.
“Hello darling ,is there anything I can do now to help you sleep?” She asks
“Just some cuddles should be fine.” You say
She puts her chin on her head well pulling you into a tight but comfy hug ,kissing you on the fore head well you slowly drift to sleep the last words you heard was “Goodnight Darling~”
when you wake up you see a plate of pancakes with a letter from Ningguang ,asking “If there anything that will help you sleep when I’m not here ,please tell me ,my love.”
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Hope y’all enjoyed this it was lovely to make
also if you have any ideas for my next fanfic (like this) please tell me in my asks ,it would be really helpful :)
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simon-roy · 5 months
The final order cutoff for the Image Comics edition of GRIZ GROBUS is TODAY! So if you're a comic book store owner, a independent bookstore manager, or anyone who reads comics, consider ordering the book!
What is Griz Grobus? Here, from the solicitation text:
On a distant planet, a prying scribe, a sentimental constable, and a mayor resurrect a sleepy town’s long-defunct priest-bot. But "Father Stanley" is not what he seems. Meanwhile, in another universe, a hungry wizard accidentally conjures a war-god into the body of a goose. These two intertwined tales make up GRIZ GROBUS, the hit Kickstarter graphic novel sensation now at Image Comics!
Perfect for fans of Hayao Miyazaki, Asterix, and Arthur C. Clarke, and readers 12 and up!
Arriving: June 5, 2024 Lunar Code: 0424IM239 ISBN: 9781534397866
Nice things other comics professionals have been saying about the book:
 "Griz Grobus' dual dovetailing narratives let us discover an alien world and a human heart, full of Ghibli style and the finest Tor-novella poise. The team creates a universe, and is generous enough to let us live there." —Kieron Gillen, The Wicked + The Divine, Die, Phonogram
"Rich, beautiful and very funny—one of my favorite comics. Get every book Simon makes." —Tonči Zonjić, Lobster Johnson, Who is Jake Ellis?
"Simon's worldbuilding skills are yet to be matched, but on top of that his stories are both crazy and profound!" —Carlos P. Valderrama, Giants
“It’s amazing. You won’t get a better world builder than Simon Roy. He’s taking us places and I am here for it. Do not miss this.” —Daniel Warren Johnson, Transformers, Do A Powerbomb, Wonder Woman: Dead Earth
"When Simon Roy announces a new book it's an event - and a must buy for me and anyone who loves the medium of words and pictures!!!” —Geoff Darrow, Shaolin Cowboy, Hard Boiled
“Simon Roy’s science-fiction embraces heady ideas of futurism while never forgetting for an instant the foibles and frailties of the humans that exist in it. Griz Grobus is no different—an alien world made lived-in and real by the very human characters who exist within it, where at the end of the day, a full belly is what is worth aspiring to. Another extraordinary piece of work, an addition to a growing body of modern classic science-fiction, Griz Grobus continues the trajectory that began with Habitat.” —Jed McKay, Avengers, Moon Knight, Doctor Strange
“Simon Roy has a way of making strange & alien worlds utterly charming. His world building is unique & filled with quirky characters I strangely want to eat with. AND—I really want an Elaphure.” —Ben Templesmith, 30 Days of Night
"Griz Grobus combines beautiful art and mystical storytelling with an intriguing look at humanity on a world half-alien, half-familiar. A sly and often funny take on the creation of new myths and the rediscovery of the past." —Adrian Tchaikovsky, Hugo and Nebula award winning author of the Children of Time series
"Seriously, it's the perfect kind of Ursula Le Ghibli world and I adore it. The right measure of everything from the writing to the art." —Goran Gligovic, Dagger Dagger, Company of the Eagle
PS - If any of this piques your interest, I'm also running a kickstarter campaign for the hardcover edition of REFUGIUM, - the sequel to this very book! If you or your customers enjoy Wayne Barlowe's strange creatures, or the work of Dougal Dixon, it might scratch a particular itch for you...
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When Javi met Dieter
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(Dieter x horror loving female)
Words: 3, 135
Summary: same story as this one but from a different point of view. Also read this story to get some background on Javi. Please read both before reading this one!
Warnings: lots of adorable fluffiness, people being cute and nerdy, talk of past medical procedures and post-partum issues. Reece is an original non-binary character created @cevans-is-classic by so please use they/them pronouns
Check out masterlist here
Javi was excited but also extremely nervous. Powerpuff was his first big production since his film that relaunched Nic Cage’s career. And this was his first big production with his own production company. All his small independent films had gotten critical acclaim but the bigger the production, the bigger the stakes.
The script, written by his partner Reece, was funny and heartwarming, the cast and crew were diverse and talented. Already there was outrage over some of the casting. Some made highly negative comments over casting a woman of colour to play Blossom. There were no complaints on casting a Japanese actress as Buttercup until they found out she would be dressed in baggy clothes being uncomfortable with her body and didn’t want to wear a skirt. They were the loudest complaints sadly, but he was shown the positive comments from children who were excited for the film and the film was for children and women of all ages. And he wanted his daughter to be proud of him. Ari was only two, so she was more impressed with Spiderman than her father. She was also more impressed with her godfather Nic Cage but that was understandable.
He was looking at the set now which felt like it came out of the animated show.
“Oh wow, it’s like Colour Out of Space!” he said to himself.
“It is,” he turned to the person who just said that. “Wait, you’ve seen that film?”
“Of course.”
You were shocked that you finally met someone who had seen the film. “And you liked it?”
“Who wouldn’t?”
“I know some people thought it was too brightly coloured, but I think it added to the Eldritch horror.”
“It definitely added something new to the horror genre.”
“I love it when horror does something new!”
“My partner loves horror and has introduced me to some amazing films I never would have thought of watching.”
Filming was starting back up, so you had to go back to your duties. You gave your new friend your name before you left.
“I’m Javi,” he shook your hand. “Just Javi.”
Reece was absolutely thankful their partner Javi agreed to set up an on-set daycare. Before their daughter Ari, they would be up all hours and living on very little sleep. With a toddler, they were still living on very little sleep, but they were now responsible for this little life, and they felt guilty leaving Ari with nannies all the time. This way made them feel less guilty as they could still see their child while working. The on-set daycare also opened up the opportunity to other workers in the film industry. One of them was Dieter Bravo as Professor Utonium. Javi was less enthused at the choice but agreed he was the best actor for the part.
As they made their way to the on-set daycare to drop off their daughter, Reece saw Dieter carrying his own little girl. Reece had yet to meet the actor in person, so they made their way over and introduced themselves.
Dieter shook their hand, “You’re the writer? I loved your script, my wife cried reading it so that means it was good.”
“Oh yeah, I heard the infamous Dieter Bravo had settled down and produced offspring, I just didn’t realise she was so stinking cute!”
“Hey!” a sleepy Ari mumbled.
“Don’t worry rascal, you’re still my favourite.”
After leaving their precious babies in the daycare, and after many kisses and cuddles, they both made their way to the sound stage.
“Hey,” said Dieter. “Do you know whose idea the on-set daycare was? I’d really like to thank them.”
“Uh, that was my idea.”
“It was? That’s awesome because my wife and I couldn’t work together much since the baby as one of us would always stay home to look after her. I really like being close to both of them. So thanks.”
“She’s working on the film?”
“Yeah, she’s doing the makeup for Mojo Jojo.”
“Oh yeah,” Reece tried not to smack their forehead. “I’m so glad she’s on board. She’s amazing.”
“Yeah she is.” He smiled warmly as they both reached the set. He saw you in the distance helping Jack Black put on his giant brain helmet.
“There she is,” Dieter proudly pointed you out. “My one true love.”
The lovestruck look on his face was one so familiar to Reece they couldn’t help but sigh at the adorableness of it all. They knew it was the loving gaze Javi gave to Nicolas Cage, but he now gave to them.
The end of the first working day went well and Dieter was hoping Clara wasn’t missing them too much. As he walked in, he saw his little girl with two other little girls. You’d say they look like a little coven of witches, and he smiled at the thought.
Clara didn’t notice him as she was deep in conversation with the little girl with the same curly brown hair. But the other little girl with honey golden curls looked up and saw him.
“Papa?” she looked up at him with familiar eyes. “Tu barba?”
He ran a hand over his shaven face. “Lo siento patita. No soy tu papa.”
Reece came up next to him and looked at their daughter, “Hey rebel!”
Picking her up, Ari continued to look at Dieter with confusion. “Not papa?” she pointed at him.
“That’s right,” said Reece. “You remember Dieter from earlier.”
Clara finally realised her father was here and ran over to him, demanding to be picked up.
“Hey cupcake, did you make friends?” she nodded eagerly.
“Ari,” she pointed up then down, “Twin!”
“Twin?” Dieter asked. “So how do I know you’re really Clara?”
Both girls started to giggle. He looked down at Bianca. “Are you the real Clara?”
“I’m Bianca!”
She then saw her father approaching which solved the problem over who was which twin. Her father introduced himself before telling his daughter that her mother was waiting for them. Reece and Dieter both gave him an admirable look as he waved them goodbye.
“Hm,” mused Reece. “I wonder if he’s ever dressed as King T’challa?”
“That’s Marvel isn’t it?
Reece nodded, “Iron Man is my favourite and I’d hope this one would be the same but no. Who’s your favourite?”
“Spiderman!” exclaimed Ari.
“Oh,” mused Deiter. “No wonder you and Clara get along. She takes after her mum and likes spiders.”
“Look Javi, all I’m saying is that if it didn’t have the same title, and if it wasn’t a remake, The Wicker Man 2006 would have been a passable film.”
“Passable?” Javi looked at his mug like a hurt puppy which would have worked on you if not for the fact that you dealt with that sort of eyes everyday with your husband and daughter.
“I’m just saying this as a fan of the original film.”
“The original is a masterpiece so nothing will ever hold a candle to it,” you nodded. “This was intended more as a dark comedy.”
“They should have made that more obvious.”
Javi sighed, “They should have. At least we get that memorable not-the-bees scene.”
“Um, they cut out that scene.”
“They what? Does Mr. Cage know?” He was momentarily stunned and changed the subject so he wouldn’t linger on it for too long. “I’m sorry, I never really got your answer before but, what is your favourite film?”
“The question really should be what is my favourite film at the moment?”
He hadn’t been asked such a profound question in a while, “Wow, no one has ever asked me that before.”
“I always thought just narrowing it down to just a handful makes it really hard to decide.”
You both paused in the nerdiness. After a small sigh, you asked. “I didn’t know you were the producer.”
Javi shrugged, “I don’t go around announcing myself.”
“I do. I have to because they always get my career wrong: I do special effects makeup, not just regular makeup. My husband always corrects people, he proudly shows me off.”
“He seems like a good man.”
“He is.”
“Hey Reece, what is your favourite film at the moment?”
“No one’s ever asked me that before. It’s always what are your favourite or top favourite and it’s always so hard to narrow it down.”
Reece just put their head on Javi’s shoulder, “Aw, I’m so glad you’ve made a friend who isn’t Nic Cage.”
Javi had decided to pick up his daughter from the on-set daycare that day. He was too busy looking for Ari to notice another little girl ran up to him.
He looked down and saw a girl who almost looked like his daughter. “I’m sorry bonita,” he said kneeling down. “I’m not your father.”
“Papa!” He was welcomed his daughter with open arms while the other little girl gave him as big a death stare as a two-year-old could.
He saw you enter the daycare and you found Clara giving her biggest death glare. She managed to break her glaring when you picked her up. She pointed at the man, “Not daddy?”
“That’s right, it’s not daddy. He looks nothing like him.”
But Clara went back to her evil glaring. The man who looked like her father but was not her father could only result in one conclusion.
“Evil daddy.”
“Why do you think he’s evil? He’s a very nice man.”
“I’m sorry,��� you said to him. “Usually her dad picks her up, so she thinks you’re her dad. But he had to shave his beard and she must be missing it and saw yours so...” you shrugged.
“Oh no, that’s fine,” he turned to the girl in his arms. “Is this your friend?”
She nodded, “Spider.”
He knew Ari had this funny way of remembering her new friends and called them by their favourite bugs. Bianca was named Bee.
You properly introduced your daughter, “This is Clara.”
“I met Ari’s friend today,” Javi told Reece after their day of filming.
“Oh, she’s a cutie, isn’t she?”
“Yeah, although she kept calling me evil for some reason.”
“Were you doing your Nic Cage impression?”
“No,” he got a hard glare. “I wasn’t. Not even subconsciously.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude your reading, but I couldn’t help but admire your book.”
Javi always loved books about films, he read them more than actual books. You lifted up the book to show the full cover: Golem, Caligari, Nosferatu; A Chronicle of German Film Fantasy.
“My husband got it for me because he knew I’d love it. And I do.”
“So you’ve seen The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari?” he asked.
“Oh yes. Old films just have a certain quality to them modern films can’t replicate.”
“I completely agree. Is it one of your favourite films at the moment?”
“It is but I really like Nosferatu, mainly because it’s an early depiction of vampires. Oh, do you know the film Shadow of the Vampire?”
“Of course, a masterpiece to honour its original film,” you nodded in agreement. “Nicolas Cage produced that film.”
“He did?”
“Yes, he grew up with all those silent films.”
“How did I not notice?”
“We ended up having this amazing discussion about German silent films.”
“Wow, I’m so happy you found someone other than your boyfriend who’ seen Caligari.”
Javi either didn’t notice the quip or chose to ignore it. “She must be married to someone amazing.”
“Yeah, Dieter is a pretty nice guy.”
“Yes and, wait who?”
“Dieter Bravo,” said Reece.
“What do you mean Dieter Bravo?” he asked more sternly.
“I mean Dieter Bravo is her husband.”
“You’re telling me that smart sophisticated woman is married to that…” he couldn’t think of an appropriate word, “…man?”
Sometime in the middle of the night, Javi bolted upright in bed.
“Oh Dios Mio!” he exclaimed; startling Reece awake in the process.
“Javi,” they grumbled. “There had better be a fire or I’m setting you on fire.”
“Dieter Bravo has offspring!”
“Yes he has offspring. You’ve met the offspring.”
“I can’t believe that adorable little girl is the offspring of…” again he couldn’t find the appropriate word, “…him!”
“Were you expecting horns? Or a forked tongue?”
Reece wandered into the on-set daycare as usual to pick up Ari and noticed you following after.
They held out their hand to you, “Hi, I’m Reece. I’ve made friends with your husband Dieter. Also, you’ve made friends with my partner Javi.”
“Oh hi!” You shook hands and introduced yourself. “Is it weird to say I loved your script?”
“No, not at all.”
“I teared up the way I would a Mike Flanagan series.”
“I still cry over Bly Manor.”
You would have had a fangirl moment with the screenwriter, but you were both interrupted by two little girls running up to you.
“Noma!” Ari did her usual upsie hands.
Juggling a boisterous toddler in their hands, Reece explained, “I’m non-binary so Noma is an alternative to mum or dad.”
“Oh, so you prefer they/them pronouns?” Reece raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Dieter’s assistant is the same.”
They were rather impressed at the casual acceptance, “Hey, do you want to go get a coffee?”
“No coffee!” came the cry from Ari.
“Oh, that’s right. I need to seriously cut back on the coffee. I was practically living off it, getting the script done.”
“Are you into tea? I know a place that does great chai,” you suggested. “And they make a really good chocolate milk.”
Both girls immediately perked up.
“Should have led with that.”
The café was cosy and quaint with comfortable benches. After ordering masala chai, chocolate milk and cookies for the girls, you both settled in.
“So how did you and Javi meet?”
“Oh, I was hired to do rewrites for What’s It About and that’s how we met.”
“I loved that film!”
“I’m proud of that one. How did you meet Dieter?”
“We met while doing Sap of Justice.”
“Wait, you did the makeup for it?” you nodded. “Oh, that part where his skin came off and the blood was like tree sap? I loved that!”
“Are people still talking about that?”
“Well, it was awesome!”
You both looked over at Clara and Ari having so much fun being in a new play area.
“I love that they’ve made friends,” you hummed in agreement. “They seem close in age. Ari’s birthday is the 21st of September, when is Clara’s?”
“Her birthday is Halloween?” you nodded. “Was that planned?”
“Oh no, Clara wasn’t planned at all. All we knew was that she’d be due mid-November, but I guess she loves Halloween as much as me so,” you flourished your hands in a shrug.
“Ari wasn’t planned either. But if we were planning, Javi would have tried to plan the conception, so she’d be born around Nic Cage’s birthday as close as possible.”
“You have no idea how much he loves the man.”
“So if you had another child would he try to do that?”
“Oh, I can’t have any more children.”
“I’m sorry.”
They put a reassuring hand on you, “Don’t worry about it hon, you didn’t know. Ari was an emergency c-section and that’s when doctors found a lump,” you gasped. “The option was either go through months of chemo and miss out on so much of my baby’s life or just have all the organs removed and only miss a little bit. So, I’m happy we had Ari when we did. Would you want more children?”
“I love Clara to bits, but I hated being pregnant,” Reece sighed in sympathy. “I was sick for most of it, and I didn’t cope well afterwards. Honestly if I was by myself, I wouldn’t have survived it. Dieter was one hundred percent there for me and he won’t admit it but he’s an amazing father and I’ve fallen more in love with him.”
You both just sat there in a comfortable silence until refreshments arrived. The girls were called back from their playing. Clara wanted to sit on your lap, so you moved her there and she kissed your cheek.
“She’s a cuddler, like her father,” you explained to Reece.
“Daddy huggy!”
“Yes he is!” you kissed her pudgy little cheek.
“Oh, I met your new best friend today!” Reece informed Javi. “She’s adorable! I can see why Dieter loves her.” They gritted their teeth as that name was accidentally said out loud and Javi groaned in annoyance.
“The whole family is adorable,” Reece continued. “We should adopt them!’
“We are not adopting a family. Especially if that includes Dieter Bravo.”
“Javi, why the animosity? Did he say something rude to you on set?”
“No,” Javi shifted. “He’s never said anything to me. We’ve never talked.”
“What the hell? How can you say you know him when you’ve never talked to him?” Reece held Javi’s face, “The Dieter I know is a sweetheart; he’s mad about his wife and he adores his little girl. He’s a genuine good guy. He’s not going to play Mr. Nice Guy and then stab you in the back like-”
“That prick Jagar Aldritch.”
“Still hung up on that?”
“Wouldn’t you be? He ruined my film.”
“And he tried to flirt with me.”
“What? Why haven’t you told me this before?”
“It was just the once. I think my pronouns confused him,” they changed the subject. “Anyways, you should just talk to him. Who knows, it might be the start of a beautiful friendship.”
Javi was happy to see you after the weekend. He promised Reece he’d make an effort with Dieter and would at least talk to him. If it came about naturally, he wasn’t going to walk up to him because it might seem too straightforward.
He hated to admit it, but he liked the actor’s work ethic; he’d always be on time and too the role seriously enough without going method. The scene where Jack Black was playing on a grand piano and Dieter was lying supine across it while singing the big musical number Sugar and Spice: A Bitter Taste was insanely hilarious and anyone else wouldn’t have pulled it off as well.
Javi praised the performance while you were once again deep in conversation. You saw Dieter approaching the two of you and finally Javi had to talk to the actor.
“Oh, hey Dieter. Have you met the producer?”
He held out his hand, Dieter reluctantly took it.
“Hi, I’m Javi Gutierrez.”
Dieter mumbled his name.
“So what’s your favourite Nic Cage film?” Dieter raised an eyebrow in question. “Well I keep having interesting conversations with your wife over several of Mr. Cage’s films so I assumed…”
“Oh, I don’t like Nic Cage.”
This was not going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Lovingly tagging @boliv-jenta @simpingcowboy @ellenmunn @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @chaithetics @myloveistoolittle @glshmbl @gswizzsstuff @cupcakehp @nicolethered @blueeyesatnight
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