#sleepy teens
deepdeanvsweston · 4 months
Hush,,, they are Resting!!!
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pandadrake · 6 months
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Big backlog at the Go Home Machine.
Was drawing a different idea and it spun off into this doodle of the effect of all-nighters on teenagers vs. people in their late twenties.
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ai-kan1 · 8 months
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Anywayy Jamijun childhood friends au in modern setting...
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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You used to be my rival!
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(Had this idea a couple nights ago after playing Oxenfree for the eighth time. Not based on the game or anything, but that would also be extremely cool to read. Anyone who wants to take this idea, take it and run. Run as far as you can with it. I'd love to see what you write.)
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Radio Silence
The Ghost Zone/Infinite Realms is supposed to be linked to every universe/dimension in existence. If this is true, what if when The Accident ™ occurred, Danny's dying screams echoed throughout the multiverse where everyone to ever exist hears the cries of a child going through what sounds like agonizing, lethal torture.
This wakes some of the heroes/vigilantes in the DC Universe ™ from a dead sleep, chills scraping up and down their spines, while others freeze in their spots as they listen and can do nothing to stop it. The Supers have it the worst, because the screams ring in their ears long after they stop and they were also able to pick up what sounded like begging. Begging for the pain to stop. What felt like hours of listening to the tortured screams of the poor child, is only a matter of thirteen seconds before they're abruptly and eerily cut short. Clark is absolutely sobbing up in the Watchtower, Batman beside him as they were originally going over plans for a mission.
This just took immediate priority though.
Clark fully believes that whoever the child was, they were no longer alive. At least until he starts hearing the voice, mostly when the child was in distress, in pain, or seemingly battling something. It's later that he discovers the rest of the world -and even the universe- can also hear the child's voice, although more faintly and only on occasion. His voice comes across more clear on silent unused radio frequencies. Danny has basically become the voice of the universe.
While the Justice League are trying to devise a way to find and keep this child safe, them and the rest of the universe are able to hear every battle (especially the ones against Pariah Dark, the other Ancient ghosts, and Dan) every late night spent stitching himself back together, everytime he's been electrocuted and forced to relive the way he died. Those particular moments are what nearly bring the JL to their knees. The screams are too close to what started this entire mission to find the mysterious boy. Whoever this Vlad Plasmius or the Guys in White were gained a long list of people who want to personally punch them in the face, Batman and Superman being the first of that list.
By the time the JL have built a machine to allow them to travel to Danny's dimension, they've heard all of Danny's accomplishments, followed him throughout his growth as a young hero, and his ascension to the throne. They are immensely proud of him. Several of them have thought of inviting him to the Justice League, even if he was from an entirely different dimension.
Now though, after years of listening to him and hearing his struggles, and begging for a way to find him, the Justice League will finally complete a years long mission.
Time to meet Phantom.
This prompt doesn't have to be just a DP X DC prompt. This can apply to any universe you want to work with! Run wild with it! Have fun!
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"food gives you energy"
me after eating:
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whitedahlia13 · 11 months
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2x01 || 5x19
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nell0-0 · 1 year
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Quick drawing of the twins before sleep ^^
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whosagodnow · 3 months
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lollipopsnowy · 6 months
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ann-chovi · 2 years
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When you're not sure exactly how old you are, but you KNOW you're getting too old for this shit
(original behind cut)
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neurotypical-sonic · 1 year
need to sleep but can't stop thinking about low empathy sonic, especially when he was younger. he finishes up a fight with eggman, sends him running, but the town eggman was attacking took heavy damage. people are scared and crying, theres rubble in the streets, houses are ruined. but eggman's gone now, his robots arent attacking anymore. houses can be rebuilt, and it's not like people don't have anywhere to stay, they're already setting up the town hall as an emergency shelter/accommodation for those who can't live in their houses until they've been fixed. why are people still upset? they shouldn't be upset, everything's okay now. maybe it's just the adrenalin rush, emotions still high from the fight. whatever, they'll be fine. he waves off the mayor asking him if he's gonna stay in town and and runs off to find his next adventure
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noobslayerarchetype11 · 3 months
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Mahiru: "Look it doesn't matter how we got into this mess, we're in it, and we will get out of it. TOGETHER."
This is the closest I could get to a season 7 and a season 2
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(Possible continuation to writing prompt #8: Radio Silence. This doesn't have to be what happens, it's just an idea I had)
(#) = Answered questions
← previous
What if Clockwork saw what the Justice League was doing and decided to toss Danny into the DC Universe ™ right after the JL left to go to his. They just missed each other.
Danny is so lost and has no idea what's going on. He walks up to the first person he sees and asks them where exactly he is. The only thing is that Danny's voice is so well known and his radio station is so extremely popular that his voice is immediately recognizable to people.
"Oh my gosh! You're Danny Phantom the ghost hero, aren't you?!"
He's asked this on a crowded street while he's still in his human form. No one should be able to recognize him but before he can fully process the situation he's suddenly swarmed by nearly everyone on the street asking him questions about his life that no one besides his closest friends should know. Now Danny is both confused AND freaking out. Like, how do so many people know about his secret identity? Where was he? Was he in danger? What if the GIW or his parents heard??
Danny is full on having an anxiety/panic attack and now a whole crowd of unbelievably kind and friendly people are trying to talk him down and get him doing breathing exercises while someone explains the whole ordeal to him. The one trying to calm him down and explain everything could probably be one of his vigilante fans. What happens after that could either go the wholesome route or the darker route in the previous post's reblogs. Or any other way really.
@lenacraft @captain-krow-drozdov
Answered Questions:
(1) Does this count as ancient of space! Danny?
Sure! I don't see why not. It kinda fits, imo, especially with how radio waves work in space.
(2) Do they hear him all the time or just in his ghost form?
They can only hear him if he's in his ghost form or his ghost powers leak through to his human side while emotions are running high. Other than that, they can't hear him the rest of the time. They only hear him when he's a ghost either battling other ghosts, patching himself up cause pain, or when his emotions are influencing his powers.
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lainaabee · 2 months
js took a 3 hour nap and was woken up with food, maybe not everything is terrible loll 😁🎀
(im most likely going to crash again 😂)
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sleepy-vix · 1 year
ok but female characters with dark, short hair>>> (extra points if they're gay, depressed, angry, a vampire, or traumatised ;))
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i love how these characters are actually so similar to eachother tho like mavis and marceline are both vampires, mavis and tori both have a goofy ginger haired "boyfriend" (not official for tori but ykwim), tori and ai both have depression, marceline and raven and ai all have daddy issues, and raven and buttercup are both superheros with super powers.....
There's probably more points i've forgotten, and more characters that are alike to them that i haven't added, but yeah-
i love them 🛐
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