#slepping beauty
iqmmir · 3 months
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baeshijima · 9 months
once again
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i hate it here
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agent-toast · 1 year
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i just realised this official art exists! not the biggest fan of scaralumi, but i do love slep wanderer with a hat
and also paimon :D
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why were you covering the 8th wonder of the world
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hi2k · 1 year
it is hard to not feel bitter constantly because a bad thing happened how do people manage
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hanafubukki · 10 months
The post about lilia oversleeping and him saying fiddlesticks, can you do the ot3's reaction of lilia somehow managing to oversleep that badly that they just go withoit him and wait for lilia to show up.
Yuu: welp true loves kiss didnt get him up. Dawn your turn.
Dawn: * smooches*
Lilia:is slep
Dawn: alas, true foes kiss didnt work either.
Yuu: i'm taking our son and going to class dawn, you should do the same
3ish hours later or smth
Lilia: jolting up: Im LATE FOR SCHOOL
lilia: i graduated years ago
Also lilia: I RE ENROLLED
[Masterlist; in reference to this post too]
Hello Ladyzsgolla🤗 🌺🌻💚
LMAOOO, the way I laughed at “true foe kiss” from Dawn. 😂🤣
Poor Lilia had to go to school…twice. Lmfaoo now that’s pure torture. I would know, I had to do that too 😭😩
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You and Dawn stare as Lilia slept, heavily.
One look around the room told both of you right away that he had spent most of the night gaming, despite both of you telling him to come sleep last night.
Dawn poked at his cheek, smiling slightly as Lilia’s tongue poked out in response.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the situation, “It seems our Sleeping Beauty won’t wake up.”
Dawn knew right away where your thought process headed, “We need to break the curse. True love kiss?”
You grin, “Is there any other way?”
You leaned down and kissed Lilia, only to have him turn towards your warmth.
Okay, that was too cute for your heart.
You gestured for Dawn to do the same, only for him to get the same response.
“Well, looks like true foe’s kiss didn’t work,” Dawn smirks at you.
“Well My Knight, we have no choice but to leave our dear princess to his sleep. We can’t have the kids be late to school.”
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Lilia: I can’t believe you two left me!
YN: It’s not our fault True Love Kiss didn’t wake you. In fact, you seemed to sleep more peacefully.
Dawn: It was rather cute.
Lilia: …you two better not tell Meleanor.
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Dating the Hargreeves would include
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The Hargreeves x gn!reader
Lila Pitts x gn!reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Gifs are not mine
English is not my first language
A/n: Guess it looks like I´m starting to write again. So my requests are open again. But trought my time and school schedule it could take some time, because I´m also having big exams comming.
Luther Hargreeves
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You love hearing stories about his life on the moon. He mostly thinks that his stories are boring but you assure him that you like them.
Since he lived on the moon you are his first everything. maybe not his first love Like in everything. First kiss, first time, ... Because of that felt insecure. He tought you would leave him because of this.
He was also scared how you´d react of his condition. He kept it a secret until Diego told him to tell you.
You were shocked at first but you didn´t mind one more reason to hate his dad
He´s the biggest softy and very protective over you.
He alwyas takes you out to cute picnics.
Diego Hargreeves
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Let´s say he has type: badass people
You both meet in the box club.
He teaches how to throw knives
You both are gym rats. And always competion each other.
He´s trying so hard to be the ´Alpha-Male´ but fails miserably.
You and him annoying the rest of the family with prankwars
He´s a big cocky wannabe who shamelessly flirts with anytime and everywhere.
His love language is physical touch. He´s a big sucker for cuddling and doesn´t if he is big or little spoon rigth now.
You are saving him from from stupid actions and descision he might would do.
Allison Hargreeves
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Fighting with her together against rasicm (it does not matter if you´re black or white or idk)
Raising Claire together. Spoiler alert she absolut loves you.
Being always on your side. We are not supporting S3 Allison inthis household
Finding Luther weird. Not for his condition. but for hid behaviour towards your girlfriend.
Finding her power extrem cool. But after hearing that faked her whole life with her power, the first big fight began. She assured you she wouldn´t do that to you and only did it to het ex because she tought she was a failure.
You wanted to believe her but you were scared that you were also in her curse or whatever it got called.
It was suprisly Luther who brought you two back together.
Klaus Hargreeves
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Spontaneous roadtrips somewhere in the world.
You are the only person who knows he´s non-binary.
You both are the funny duo everyone is annoyed of. Like recreating memes at midnight or laughing always by just looking at each other.
You´re taking his drug problemn serious and helping him to sober up.
You are his second and hopefully last love.
Going shopping and catwalking the new clothes all over the hous just to annoy his family more. The only one who seem to enjoy it is ghostie Benerino.
He tells you at random momtents how much he loves you.
Viktor Hargreeves
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He had massive trust issuses at first thanks to that bitch
To his birthday you bought him a violin, so could find peace in his playing again. But he got lowkey scared to end the world again. But he tried it anyways one night. When you heard him playing it was so beautiful. Since then he plays every night for you.
You comfort him after his nightmares.
Teaching him some self-defense.
Growing from hating Luther to liking loving him. And starting to hate Allison.
He teaches you how to play violin.
You are always reading to him, because he likes your voice and it comforts him but this little bean sleps always in
Lila Pitts
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Your realationship is full of sarcastic comments. What confussed the Hargreeves and other people.
You are the only one she trusts after hearing, that her ´mother´ killed her parenets.
You two meet, because you were her mission, but she fell for you. So your realationship started with trust issues.
Suprisly it was Five who got you both together and played wingman.
She´s very cocky, but so are you. One thing she loves about you.
Teaming together upwith Five, because he´s the only one who´s not a man-child, acording to you.
She´s saving you from stupid actions and descision you might would do.
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marvelita85 · 2 years
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You were determinated to try and salvage some of your former relationship with prince Aemond, your uncle said hurtfull words at dinner but you were friends and because of Alicent and your mother's damaged relationship all their children suffered the consecuences
- can we talk?... - you were waiting for him later when he come out of the library
- is there anything left to say princess..
- a lot... Aemond you're my friend... we were best friends when we were kids and since i've arrived you have treated me as I am a stranger... a dangerous one... why?...
- you know very well why...
- I didnt take your eye... I wasnt even there that night
- would you have defended me or your b... brothers if you were - he stoped himself from saying the bastard word again
- we were all children Aemond... now you are an adult and Luke is still a boy... he is the same age you were at that time...
- and what do you expected of me princess...- you rise your eyebrows in a defeated way
- not this cold treatment... but I can see you dont concidered me your friend anymore... I'm so sorry I bother you my prince ... - you turn away but before you could walk away you froze by his word
- you meant the world to me... you left and my world shattered in pieces... all these years are the reminded of you leaving me alone
- are you aware I couldnt stay I was only 10, I had to go with my mother that didn't mean I didn't care, I wish I could stay with you and hold your hand... - you reatched for his hand waiting for him to reject you but he didn't... he hold it, you hold his gaze and you tried to not hold your breath
- your eyes were always the most beautiful, the green of your left eye is so clear like the ocean close to dragonstone shores... you look exactly like my gransmother Alissa, you are right you were always good with me... but what happend with your brothers is something I cant forgive
- then our future is not going to be posible
- what do you mean?
- our betrothal, I will ask for its anulment, I came to speak to you about it but now I know I wont be able to marry someone who hates me and my brothers
- I dont hate you... I cant.... please dont leave me again....
- we can live in Dragonstone when my mother is queen or leave my brothers there and I can live here with you... I'm just trying to make the best option for all of us... Aemond I want to marry you more than anything but I dont want you feel like this either
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- you are going to be princess Visenya Targaryen...
- and you are going to be my king consort after my mothers rule... you will rule with me...- Aemond looked at you surprised because he didnt believe you wanted him to be your king - our children are going to rule after us...
- I wish for that life beside you too... - he grab both your arms and got even closer to you...- I wish I could kiss you...
- we are betrothed, I think we can kiss before we get married...
- my mother would think is less than apropiated..
- the queen will survived... for I wish for you to kiss me - one of his hans hold your blush cheek and his lips touch yours, soft and sweet at girst but when you gasp he took advantage and let his tongue caress yours in a dance that both of you finished with your bodies heated and your cheeks blushed
- will I see you tomorrow...
- my mother has decided to stay and I will stay with her, with you...
- I will ask my mother tomorrow to prepared our wedding before Rhaenyra's assention... I cant wait any longer for you to be mine...- you smile and he kiss your hand goodnight before letting you go back to your chambers... you slep that night with hope everything will work for the best
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haileyywrites · 2 years
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-> Insomnia caused you to share a tender moment with Kazuha as the sun slowly rose in the distant horizon
-> Gn!reader - no pronouns mentioned! Reader and Kazuha are already in a relationship!
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Trouble sleeping wasn't something new to you, but sleeping beside Kazuha had made you able rest better recently - his soothing voice would easily lull you to peaceful sleep. His warm body would keep you comfortable in the not so comfortable sleeping quarters.
Instead of tossing and turning until you managed to fall asleep, you decided to visit the deck to watch the stars and the soon to be sunrise. It was nothing short of spectacular with the open ocean reflecting it and no city lights to hide its beauty.
It was summer but the nights were still rather cold, especially with the ocean winds blowing past you. You shivered from it - your teeth nearly clattering, until a warm pair of arms wrapped around your mid section.
You smiled as he stepped closer, your back now flush against his chest. His head dropped to lay on your shoulder after placing a few sweet pecks upon it - his open white and red strands tickled your neck making you giggle lightly.
"I'm sorry love, did I wake you?" You asked without turning to face him. You had wished to avoid waking him up, but it seems that nothing escaped his notice.
"It's fine, the bed just became cold with you gone." He mumbled with his voice heavy with sleep, it sounded adorable and hansome.
You hummed in response. You felt a lot calmer now but still not tired enough to fall asleep if you were to go back. Besides, you wished to see the sun rise over the waterline - then you would try to sleep.
You did feel bad for waking up Kazuha, he seemed so at peace when he slep beside you. It was an angelic sight to behold, hair open, eyes closed with his mouth slightly agape, but never snoring or drooling.
You stood under the night sky together, a comfortable silence surrounded you with the only sound to be heard was the waves caressing the boat. You began to quietly hum a simple tune as your eyes continued their mindless search of the morning sun.
You could feel Kazuha's hearbeat beating gently against your back, it was such a wonderful thing to feel, knowing it belonged to only you. You weren't even sure if he was awake anymore, as he hadn't said anything or moved an inch since your brief exchange of words.
You let out an involuntary gasp as you saw the sun beginning to climb from the horizon. Your surprise accidentally jolted Kazuha to wake up and examine his surroundings, only to see your eyes glimmer gold from the rising sun. What a sight - you both thought, both looking at different kinds of beauty.
"We should go back to bed for a few more hours..." He mumbled into your ear with a groggy voice after letting you watch the sun for a while.
You nodded, turning to face him with his arms falling loosely around your waist. You cupped his cheeks and placed a short yet sweet kiss to his lips, before moving to hold his hand and walking back to your quarters.
You did manage to fall asleep as soon as he embraced you in your shared bed, your legs were tangled together and your hands intertwined, your foreheads also close to connecting with one another. You swore you had never slept so peacefully before.
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Yes - this was entirely based on that picture :)
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mitsuki91 · 6 months
imo girl!snow would be one of those kids who's fairly androgynous (she's almost "one of the guys," so a certain amount of platonic affection between her and sejanus is overlooked)
however, then they become teenagers and sejanus is struck by the certain realizations that a) his bff is a girl & his parents don't want them sleeping in the same bed anymore b) said bff is really, unfortunately beautiful, c) he's not the only teenage boy noticing this, which results in him getting into a lot of fights w/the other boys re: corrina
Okay now I am imagining Corinna so much offended she is not allowed anymore to sleep with Sejanus, but like... She is always at the Plinth because she is hungry she wants Ma food... And she going around agreeing with everybody when they make fun of Sejanus but everybody is like "Uh oh Coryo we knew you like him and he is basically your boyfriend" but no one dared to say that to her face (they are all scared about her). Anyway that's part of the reason Sejanus is so fucking in love with her because he thinks Corinna cared (of course deep down she care, but she can not really care for a district boy, right?).
And with the other teens what happened was that boys would see the beautiful Corinna which is also a Snow and wanted to have their chance and also wanted to take her away from that district Plinth, so fight ensured. Corinna is of course blind to all of this. And in the end this lead to the drunk kiss in the alley but then of course Sejanus chicken out because she was drunk and so it was a bad thing what he did (... Sejanus you were drunk too, coff coff).
And then Lucius Gray was Reaped and Sejanus had his heart crushed for the next uhhh nine years?
(Anyway that's also the reason they sleep together in the barracks without Corinna seeing something strange and then in the Capitol Sejanus is almost always in Corinna and Lucius' bed and Corinna didn't bat an eye. And when Lucius points this out one night she was: "... What do you mean, I mean, you slep all your life with like six people because you had only one bed for all of you Covey, it's like the same thing" and so he doesn't question anymore - ... But it's not the same thing, Corinna 🙄).
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wri0thesley · 2 years
also i think. if you. potentially added somnophilia to that equation. you wake up in the middle of the night and hes just there, touching you, and you cant fucking move, you just have to take it, - clover anon (emojis arent working for me atm)
it takes a lot for you to be able to sleep around tighnari already; this is a man keeping you captive, a man who you know is loved and venerated and adored, but you also know has shown none of that same politeness and respect to you (he tells you in a perfectly calm, measured voice that you are his mate and that he has chosen you for life, but you cannot help that think that the rudeness of being a kidnapping victim outweighs how sensibly he speaks to you, like a patient teacher with an unruly student). he pushes for physical affection - rubs his head against yours, curls his tail about your thigh, pets your head and touches your cheeks and presses little kisses to your face with his ears twitching merrily in pleasure.
you don't fight, because you have learnt that he has an infinite knowledge of botany, and some pollens and some mushrooms and some plants are more frightening than others. the one that had left you woozy and nauseous, so he had taken care of you with his brow creased in faux worry. the one that had made you so hot you burnt, and he'd made sure that you'd stripped off your clothes and gently (so, so gently, reverently, adoringly) wiped you down with a cool washcloth and set a mistflower beside your naked, sweating body (whilst staring, naturally, his pupils blown and his breath short and his mouth parted).
but 'not fighting' is not the same as 'acquiescing', and tighnari has found a particularly dangerous plant growing in the avidya forest. picked every sample for himself and told every forest watcher what to look out for - and whilst you were sleeping, pressed a handmade little diffuser of his own creation beneath by your mouth and nose and watched as you breathed in the spores.
your eyes open as tighnari is peeling your clothes away. your mind races as he lowers his mouth to your neck, to your throat, brushing lips over your heart. ungloved hands coming up to cup your bare breasts, to tease your nipples to hardness. you try and open your mouth to protest, to ask him to stop - but nothing comes out. your tongue lies heavy against your teeth. you try to push him away - but your hands, your arms, your elbows and your shoulders and your legs . . . none of them listen to the command.
tighnari sees the way you blink, panicked - the way your eyes widen in fear, feels your heartbeat race beneath his touch.
"don't worry," he croons to you, like he's giving you another lecture on poisonous versus venomous creatures in the forest, just making sure you take in the information you're supposed to know. "i'll be gentle with you."
"you're beautiful," tighnari tells you, fingertips brushing your hips and your waist. "like a rose." you're panicking - eyes wide, nostrils flaring, heart pounding like a drum. but your body remains still as a grave, tighnari's hands and mouth and the brush of his hair and his searching, indulgent gaze the only things moving in its vicinity.
"there are no lasting effects," tighnari promises to you, as his hands work off the elastic of the shorts you slep in - as he breathes deeply in, his ears flicking in excitement, as your bared sex is revealed to ravenous eyes. ". . . well. you might be a bit sore in the morning, but that won't be because of the paralysing pollen--"
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dino-fart · 2 years
Thank you all for your patience!! 
I am going to take a nap, because slep is important
I have the rest of ‘The Bargain’ planned out!
Here is the plan for this weekend:
The Bargain - Chapter 6 - 10
Mi Reina Mi Paal - Chapter 1 - 2
The Third Strange - Chapter 1 - 2
Shriek or Die - Chapter 1 - 2
A Beautiful Curse - Chapter 1 - 2
The Lovers - Chapter 1 - 2
The Wendigo Forest - Chapter 1 - 2
My Scruffy Wizard Cat - Chapter 1 - 2
The Phantom of Wincrest Pines - Chapter 1 - 2
2 Requests from @clea-strange-is-the-way
2 Requests from Anon
1 Request from @ironstrangeheart
NSFW Kitchen Shenanigans - Stephens x Reader inspired by @strangelockd‘s Baking Cookies With The Variants headcanons!
Love y’all!
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darkmatter-nebula · 6 months
Colli slepping
Hello, my dear @importantnightwerewolf! And Happy Easter, of course! 😁
Thank you for the request!
Drabble: Sleeping Cutie
It was a quiet afternoon on the Boiling Isles. Colli had a peaceful expression on his adorable multi-colored face as he took a nap. The small starboy with otherwordly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold lie cuddled close to his beloved big brother Hunter in his and the young Grimwalker's shared bed.
Hunter's magenta eyes were filled to the brim with endless love and adoration for his beloved little brother as he admired him. The blonde boy put tenderly his hand on the blue side of Colli's face and caressed lovingly the kind and sweet eternal little boy's freckled cheek.
"You are breathtakingly beautiful, my precious little Sunshine." Hunter whispered softly as he showered Colli with lots of soft and loving brotherly kisses. Hunter's greatest treasure let out some very cute noises in his sleep. "Awwwwwwwwww!" The former Golden Guard was quietly cooing.
Hunter placed a brotherly peck on Colli's lips. In a strong brotherly sense, the former Golden Guard was completely love-struck as the immortal celestial boy snuggled closer to him. "My Colli. I will always be by your side. We belong together. For all eternity."
The End
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bidisasterevankinard · 8 months
Hii Di, for the 101 questions
hi fer sorry for long answer <33
13. Tell a secret.
mmmmm, I still slep with teddy bear? idk what else cause biggest secrets i keep from my fam you know so
46. What’s the most beautiful dream you can remember having?
me on the beach for sure
101 question
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
steed-of-waloed replied: "You think I'm beautiful~?" NOT THE TIME SLEP
"Rest assured that I am not the sort to lie." If that statement isn't enough of a "yes" for you, Sleipnir, you can have one(1) free wink that may or may not be taken as confirmation.
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majalove · 1 year
Masz powody do uśmiechu jeśli:
Burczy ci w brzuchu
Nic dzisiaj nie jadł*ś
Dawno nie miał*ś nic w buzi
Twoje stare dobre ubrania są na tobie luźne
Musisz kupić nowe spodnie/koszulki
Rodzice/znajomi/rodzina mówią ci ,że schudł*ś
Twoja waga mówi ci ,że jesteś lżejsza
Chce ci się spać (mam to już od X czasu) slepping is beauty
Nie masz już na nic siły przez ćwiczenia
Masz zakwasy
Ludzie mogą cię podnieść bez problemu
Umiesz odmówić twojego ulubionego WYSOKOKALORYCZNEGO jedzenia
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