#slight drarry if you squint
my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
"I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free."
~ Taylor Swift (So Long, London) Pairing: slight wolfstar, but it's not the focus - Rating: T - TW: mentions of abuse, Dumbledore bashing
"He was innocent," Remus murmured, staring into the clear blue eyes that he used to associate with trust. With hope. With honesty.
"And unfortunate oversight," Albus Dumbledore murmured, his face unreadable.
"An unfor- WHAT?" Remus shouted, immediately losing his temper, and not for the first time that day. Again, he pictured Sirius, the Sirius he knew, the Sirius he loved, rotting away in a cell, innocent. "He was in Azkaban for TWELVE YEARS, Albus! Twelve years without hope, without comfort, without-"
"Without you?" Dumbledore interrupted, his calm demeanor making Remus want to kill.
"I'm done," Remus murmured, his fury so strong that he felt like ice. He walked from the room shaking.
"You want me to go back?" Sirius asked, his voice hollow.
"It's for the best," Dumbledore murmured, his face impassive. "He need a safe place. We need to get Voldemort under control, before it is too late. I'm sure you agree, we need to protect everyone. Protect Harry."
But that struck a nerve.
"You seem to like sending people back to the places where they've been abused under the guise of protection," Sirius snapped, thinking of Harry, who was currently locked away at the Dursleys.
A long silence followed.
"Will you let us use Grimmauld Place or not?" Dumbledore asked after a few tense moments.
"Yes," Sirius grumbled. But only because he knew he had no choice.
"Did you know?" Harry asked, staring desperately at the painting of Albus Dumbledore. "Did you know how bad it was at the Dursleys?"
He knew the answer. He'd heard him speak to Petunia about it.
"I did," Dumbledore said simply, his eyes dull.
"And you knew about Draco. And Sirius. And his brother," Harry stated, no longer asking. How many other abused children had Dumbledore known about and ignored? How many other people had suffered without knowing it for Dumbledore's causes?
"It was for the Greater Good," the painting stated simply, not looking contrite at all.
"But...it wasn't good for any of us, was it?" Harry asked, a dull throbbing in his chest.
"I suppose not."
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black-occamy · 1 year
Cocoa By Night
A little Drarry fluff, 1630 words, #occamy-verse
I wanted to create this as a birthday gift, hoping that I could return at least a tiny bit of the joy I have every time @basiatlu posts anything on her Tumblr. I love your Sirius, totally. Also, you encouraged me to incorporate this idea in my main, so it seemed fitting to mention the whole Draco-runs-from-home-and-kind-of-gets-adopted-at-Grimmauld in something dedicated for you for the first time :D So, without further ado - the prompt for #boshhptober2023 was NIGHTMARE.
Harry stared at the ceiling above his bed, the pattern of the old wooden panels blurry without his glasses on. It was shortly after midnight, his smartphone informed him, and Harry had spent a couple minutes scrolling absent-mindedly through Fwooper, before he put it down and tried to fall asleep again.
It wasn’t that Ron was snoring softly in the other bed in the room; Harry got used to that over the last five years of sleeping in one dormitory with him. It wasn’t the soft tap-tapping sound of the summer night rain falling on London outside the opened window, either. Hazy memory of the nightmare was difficult to put in words or even concepts, but it was there. Skulking in the corner of his brain, ready to extend its imaginary tendrils towards him the moment he would close his eyes. A menace, waiting to haunt him as soon as he dozes off.
Harry sighed, massaging his temples and reached out for his glasses on the bedside table. If he wasn’t falling asleep any time soon, he could at least use the opportunity to make himself a cup of cocoa.
Read under cut or on AO3 🖤
Floorboards squeaked under his bare feet. He cast a quick glance towards Ron, not wanting to wake his friend up, but then somewhat also hoping he wouldn’t have to face the darkness of the ancient house alone. To his slight disappointment, Ron had just mumbled something in his sleep and rolled over away from the source of the sound.
There was a certain spooky air to the house on Grimmauld Place 12 that resisted all the attempts of renovation. Harry walked carefully through the corridors that always seemed way too long for the size of the building, especially in the middle of the night. Floorboards here were covered by a thick carpet, muffling his steps, as he slowly made his way downstairs, past the portrait of Walburga Black, who was whispering something to herself. It wasn’t unusual in itself - they got used to the portrait trying to have a say in everything they were doing. The uneasy truce of last summer was at least paying off in that she didn’t scream her painted lungs off at anyone that crossed the corridor. There was something different in the tone of her whispers tonight, however. Something bordering on excitement, a certain unnerving giddiness in the unrecognisable words. Harry felt his hand slowly trailing to the pocket of his night robe, fingers wrapped around the wand on instinct.
He blamed that for his reaction a couple of seconds later, when he crossed the living room towards the kitchen and something moved in the pile of blankets on one of the sofas. Startled like that, Harry immediately jumped into a battle stance, wand pointed in the direction of the movement, his breath held.
“Are you going to hex me, Potter?” The voice that came from beneath the pile of blankets was annoyingly familiar.
“What… Malfoy?” Harry blinked, squinting to see better in the darkness. “What the… Lumos!”
Light revealed Draco’s pale face and the rest of him dressed in what looked like one of Sirius’ pyjamas. He lifted his hand to shield his eyes, grimacing and shooting Harry an annoyed stare.
“Blind me, then?”
“What the hell are you doing in my house, Malfoy?” Harry hissed, trying not to be too loud. A series of possible scenarios ran through his head, each one wilder than the previous and all equally unlikely. Draco Malfoy. In the living room. At Grimmauld Place. These three phrases didn’t actually fit, regardless how he slammed them together.
“Your house?” Draco rubbed his eyes and groaned. “Can you stop that? I cannot see shit right now.”
“It’s Sirius’ house, so it’s my house,” Harry lowered the wand, dimming the spell so that it was just enough to illuminate the room a little. “Again, where the hell did you come from?”
“The street,” Malfoy snapped. “I climbed through the kitchen window like a stray cat and crashed into this room, what do you think?”
“Your… guardian, my cousin, let me stay the night,” Draco explained, rolling his eyes. “Isn’t it obvious someone had to let me in here? Merlin, one would have thought your grasp on magic was better after those five years, Potter. This is a bloody fort, this house, with all the charms around it.”
“That still doesn’t explain anything, Malfoy,” Harry pointed out. He was not going to let the all-too-familiar dismissive tone of Draco's voice get to him. “It’s not like you could stumble on the front porch by accident and get yourself invited.”
“No, it’s not, is it?”
They stared at each other in tense silence, Draco hunched defensively on the makeshift bed in argyle pyjamas that was a couple sizes too big for him. His sleek hair was tousled, but not only from sleeping. Harry suddenly realised that Malfoy’s face was much paler than usual, bags under his eyes making him look tired and surprisingly older. And - somehow - on the run.
He lowered his wand. If Draco didn’t want to explain why, at least he wasn’t lying about the how. There was no way he would get inside Grimmauld Place without someone of the family members letting him in - Gemma made sure the spells on the front door would recognise their own and them only.
Regardless of the reasons for the heir of the Malfoy family to end up on a sofa in Grimmauld Place this summer night, common courtesy was to treat him as a guest, after all. Especially after waking him up like this.
“I was going to make myself some cocoa. Want to join?”
Malfoy stared at him with an incredulous look on his face. “For cocoa?”
“Or butterbeer. Sirius thinks he hides it well, but I know in which cupboard he stashes it,” Harry smirked. “Nothing too heavy, of course. He keeps those in his study.”
Draco opened his mouth, hesitated, then nodded. “Cocoa sounds good.”
Harry turned around and walked towards the kitchen, further dimming the light from his wand. Rustling sounds behind let him know that the other boy left the sofa and quickly followed in his footsteps. He resisted the urge to tease Malfoy for being scared of the dark. After all, it was the Grimmauld Place they were in.
He switched on the light in the kitchen and started rummaging through the shelves in search of the cocoa box. Draco was watching him from the seat he took at the table, narrowing his eyes when the cocoa turned out to be store-bought, but he said nothing. Not until the fridge was opened, at least.
“Are all the appliances Muggle around here?” he scoffed out loud and Harry felt himself grin at that.
“Careful. We use the phrase ‘non-magical’ in this house,” he warned. “Auntie Gem can hear the other one through the walls.”
The expression on Malfoy’s face was worth it, Harry decided in his head. Even if he did feel a little bad for him.
“Oat milk or rice milk?” Harry lifted up both containers and Draco stared at him with visible confusion for a long while. “Remus is vegan,” he explained. “So, which one?”
“Lupin is…”
“Oat is open, so we’re taking this one,” Harry decided, closing the fridge.
“You are all crazy here.”
“Yeah, well, you’re going to fit right in. If you’re going to stay, that is.”
Draco scoffed and said nothing, eyeing him suspiciously while the milk heated up on the stove. When Harry put the steaming cup in front of him, his grey eyes brightened. Long fingers wrapped around the mug carefully, as if he was trying to absorb the warmth through his skin. Harry quickly decided to focus on his own cocoa.
They sat in silence for a while, with the only sounds being them drinking short careful sips and blowing over the surface of their drinks. Draco was the first to speak.
“It’s actually quite tasty,” he declared, then winced slightly and added. “For a non-magical beverage, that is.”
“Don’t burn yourself.”
“Sod off, Potter.”
Harry grinned. “You know, Malfoy, if someone had told me yesterday we’d be drinking hot cocoa in this kitchen together, I’d laugh my ass off.”
Draco stared at his mug for a long moment in silence.
“If you’d like to tell me why…”
“Not planning to!” Malfoy snapped, not looking at him. Harry raised his hands, palms up.
“Okay, okay, whatever. If Sirius let you borrow his pyjamas and stay in the house, that��s good enough for me. All I’m saying is, we don’t need to be fighting anymore, right? Not after…”
“Whatever, Potter.”
“Yeah, okay.”
He watched Draco’s fingers move around the mug nervously, tapping a rhythm. Slowly, the lines of his face softened into a careful smile. A nice one, Harry thought, somewhat more real than the usual, disdainful smirks Malfoy was known for in Hogwarts.
“If someone had told me yesterday I’d be happy to drink Mu… non-magical cocoa today, I’d hex them,” he said finally. “And if they told me you’d be the one making it…” his voice trailed off and Draco sighed.
“You’d hex them twice?” Harry suggested.
“Yeah, for real.”
It was surprisingly freeing to share a laugh with him, the boy who had been hell-bent on making his life miserable since the first year of school. Harry decided he wouldn’t mind doing it more often.
“It’s weird, Potter. Laughing with you other than at you, I mean.”
“I’d say it’s an improvement, wouldn’t you?”
Malfoy’s pale-grey eyes stared at him thoughtfully from above the cocoa mug. Then he grinned.
“I’ll take it,” Harry returned the smile. Funny, he thought, how it was the first time ever that he was glad for having his nightmares.
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phoebe-delia · 2 years
My Year in Fic (so far)
I have at least a couple more fics to go until I'm done this year, but I wanna do this now. Because. I'm impulsive like that I guess lol. Huge thanks to the legendary @wolfpants for the tag! See Wolf's incredible list here.
If I'm honest I don't feel like I wrote all that much this year. I feel like last year, my writing stamina was much better. But I'm still proud of what I've done so far.
I will not be doing this in any particular order lol. But I have but a * next to the fics I'm particularly proud of. And no-pressure tagging @phd-mama, @lqtraintracks, @basicallyahedgehog, @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm, @rockingrobin69, @makeitp1nk, and anyone else who wants to play! Also these are Drarry and Jeddy fics. I tried to make it clear which are the Jeddy fics based on the line lol.
*Just Between Us
It’s subtle, the way the band seamlessly slides into the song, but Draco’s breath catches with the first note of the familiar tune. He twirls the champagne flute in his fingers as he feels tears prickling in the back of his eyes. His heart thrums, trying to keep pace with the rhythm of young love, a dance not forgotten but perhaps too fast, too intense to follow, after everything.
*Daylight: A Collection of Microfics
Phoebe note: this is a collection of Drarry microfics made into a podfic by the incredible @krah18! Read the fics at that link, and/or listen to the podfic—WITH INTERLUDES OF A TAYLOR SWIFT SONG!!!—at this link!
funny how those memories they last
He assumed Teddy was, well, a child. Not some blue-haired, smirking suave sex god with dimples and an endearingly crooked nose who just waltzed into the kitchen with his tight jeans and sweaty shirt and opened the fridge like he lived here, while James stood there in a ratty t-shirt and boxers with snitches on them.
The Real Winner
“You called Rachel Bernstein’s mother a ‘tasteless harpy.’”
“Only after she insulted Lily’s costume! She deserved that and more. I was kind enough to refrain from pointing out that she has a face like a toad.”
Come Back, Be Here
‘By the end of the day on Saturday, exactly four months from now,’ James had said before he’d left. ‘I promise.’
*Goodnight, and Have a Pleasant Tomorrow
The announcer’s voice rang throughout the room. “It’s Weekend Update with Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter!” The words were followed by perfunctory yet enthusiastic applause from the audience. Draco tuned it out, focusing on the cameras that swung easily towards where Harry and he were sitting at the wooden desk.
all i need is you next to me
"That cloud kinda looks like a dick," James said, his head cocked to the side as he squinted up at the periwinkle sky.
Knew It All Along
"Thank you—thank you so much," Draco held the mobile to his ear—grateful the Wizarding world had adopted the Muggle technology so the person on the other end wouldn't see the wild grin on his face. "Yes, I look forward to it. Thank you, again. Alright—yes, you too, goodbye."
*We Like Fighting Most
“I run on spite and Earl Grey, but thanks ever so.”
I'm Only Me When I'm With You
They dated in secret until the day McGonagall announced the Spring Ball, and Harry noticed Marcus Flint chatting up Draco in the Great Hall. Harry saw red, stormed over, and pulled Draco into a heated kiss. He broke away and said, "So we're going to the ball together, right?" Draco's face shifted between shock, fond exasperation, and then amusement. "Yes, of course, Potter."
*the I Knew You mini-series
It’ll be a race to the end, in a contest with no winner.
I’ll see you at the finish line, Harry.
"Malfoy," he says with a slight nod as he passes me in the corridor.
I choke on nothing, spinning around and watching his retreating back.
"Hi Potter," I whisper to the now empty hallway.
I kick myself the entire way back to my office.
Little Bit of Love
James’s head rested in the crook of Teddy’s neck, and it was everything Teddy could do not to cry with the overwhelming force of affection he felt for the man in his arms. He closed his eyes against the onslaught of it all, the bewilderment at how lucky he was, how fortunate he had to be to get here.
take my hand, wreck my plans
We were at the supermarket, and you were holding a jar in your hand and talking to me, and it hit me with the force of a stunner that there was nowhere else on the planet I'd rather have been at that moment.
*Daylight: A Collection of Microfics
Phoebe note: this is a collection of microfics made into a podfic by the incredible @krah18!
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onlytaylor · 5 years
Drarry + Eighth year + The Patronus Charm
Draco’s patronus is a doe.
A fucking doe. Not a snake, or a dragon, or the sharp fins of a great white. A small deer.
A microscopic female deer. He’d worked so hard for this moment. He’d reluctantly spent hours upon hours with his former nemesis- and savior of the Wizarding world- studying and practicing a charm he should’ve mastered years ago.
Draco is a master at magic- or so he deems himself- so the fact that he hasn’t been able to conquer the patronus charm is more than aggravating. That’s what led him to finally give into Potter’s incessant requests that they practice together. He’d rudely barged in on him one day in the Room of Requirement, and at the sight of the faint, flicker of a white wisp that exited Draco’s wand, the secret had been discovered.
“Just let me help you,” Potter insisted, and Draco had scoffed.
“I don’t need your help, Scarhead.”
“You know, I don’t have the scar anymore.” He’d flashed a facetious grin, lifting up tendrils of hair from his forehead.
“Okay, then, Saint Potter. You’re just a regular twat, now.”
“A twat who wants to help.”
“Fuck you.”
Draco had stomped out, thoroughly ruffled. How dare Potter offer help to him? As if testifying on his behalf wasn’t enough. Draco didn’t need any more favors. He didn’t need any of it.
But that wasn’t the end of Potter’s prying. Every day, it seemed, he found little excuses to spend time around Draco.
“Be my potions partner?”
“Are you fucking serious? You’ll drop my marks.”
“Maybe I need your help, you blonde prat.”
“You have a sick sense of humor, Potter.”
Nevertheless, they brewed that day’s assignment side by side.
“Care to study with me?”
Potter had approached him in the library. He’d been peacefully studying for his NEWTs until a familiarly annoying presence slid into the seat across from him.
“Please, Draco. I need your help. I’m going to fail transfiguration.”
“You just called me Draco.”
“Yeah, I figured since were friends now, I should call you by your first name.”
“We are NOT friends, Potter.”
He smiled a quirky little grin that caused something inside Draco’s stomach to lurch.
“Okay, my not friend. Now turn to page 450; that’s where I’m struggling.”
And so on, and so forth.
Draco had eventually given in to Potter’s endless badgering and met him on the grounds after curfew to practice.
“It’ll be easier outside,” Potter promised, “where you can feel the freedom of the breeze.”
The freedom of the breeze had done nothing to quell Draco’s failed attempts that night.
It was extremely vulnerable, the number of times Draco had allowed the f-word to escape his frustrated lips. At one point he’d thrown his wand at Potter, who’d suggested he just needed to “think happier.”
Nothing made Draco happy anymore. Not since the war, which had resulted in the imprisonment of his father and a depressed mother. He’d only been pardoned himself because of Potter, a shame that he’d had to live with daily.
But on the contrary, he’d began to catch himself smiling more and more during their practice sessions. Potter would comment on their budding friendship; Draco would tell him to sod off.
And Potter would laugh. It was a peculiar sound, a dancing rhythm from his grin that sent Draco’s head reeling. He’d never noticed the small dimples in his cheeks, or the way he folds his lips when he’s concentrating. Little details that left him wondering what else he’d missed about Potter all these years.
Today, Potter had said the usual. “Hey, friend. Ready to cast a patronus charm today?”
Draco had shrugged. “Sure.”
“You didn’t tell me to sod off.”
He shrugged again, and a wide smile lit up Potter’s face. “I told you we were friends.”
His eyes were a vibrant green, a certain shade that only revealed itself when he smiled. Draco felt his belly expand, radiating a weightless sensation throughout his entire being.
Suddenly, he could cast a patronus.
The white wisp he was used to seeing morphed like smoke into a bright shape that contrasted brightly against the night sky. At first, he couldn’t tell what it was, squinting his eyes from the light.
He noticed Potter’s heated cheeks first.
Confused, Draco had studied the silhouette until he realized exactly why Potter was blushing.
A fucking doe.
A doe.
Harry’s patronus is a stag.
And Draco’s is a fucking doe.
His stomach lurches; he thinks he’s going to vomit. He drops his wand and without a word runs back to the castle.
“Draco, wait!” He hears faintly, but he refuses to turn around. He’d rather die than see his face again. This is a fucking nightmare.
Borrowing Pansy’s wand turns out to be more of a hassle than he initially believes. He’s forced to do a lot of things the Muggle way, as he can really only use it when she’s not.
It’s still better than facing Potter.
He avoids him at all costs; ignores his voice shouting down the corridors after him. Studies in his dormitory. Keeps his eyes on the floor, aimed oppositely of those fucking green irises, that smile...
Two weeks pass, and Draco’s doing a fine job of remaining invisible. He’s almost forgotten the feeling of flurries in his abdomen, the soft gaze of Potter’s stare. The fact that his patronus is a fucking doe. And the implication of what that means.
He hasn’t tried to perform the charm since, but something tells him he won’t be able to. It’s a nagging feeling in his gut, and he admittedly doesn’t like it.
He hasn’t been sleeping properly either.
This is what drives him to sneak out, throwing the covers from his insomniatic body and frustratingly stalking from the common room. He doesn’t know where he’s going, just that he needs some fresh air.
He finds himself outside, in the very spot where just a few weeks ago he’d been so happy and elated that he’d performed his very own corporeal patronus.
Now, he sits alone. If he’s honest, that hurts a bit.
The breeze tickles his cheeks, and there’s a slight freedom that comes from that.
“Fucking Potter, always being right.” He mutters to himself, wishing he hadn’t ended up here. Wishing he wasn’t thinking about stupid Potter.
“Hey, I’m not always right.”
Draco starts as Potter’s very form seems to appear from thin air beside him.
“What the fuck, Potter? How did you-“ His face is a cross between confusion and embarrassment, and his heart is pounding.
Harry lifts the invisibility cloak, revealing his secret. “I needed some fresh air.”
“Why are you always where I am?”
Harry chuckles. Draco swallows, and it’s a hard knot in the back of his throat.
“You’re so fucking stubborn, Draco.”
Before he can respond, Harry pulls out the familiar length of hawthorn from his pocket. He extends his hand, and for a moment Draco’s gaze snaps up to meet a set of vibrant green eyes.
He gulps, drinking in the sudden presence of what he’d denied himself for weeks. His stomach begins to inflate. His blood tingles. He’s drawn not only to the wand before him but also the hand that’s holding it.
He reaches his fingers forward, wrapping them around the base of the wand. He hesitates, nervous at the sudden proximity.
But it’s Potter who slides his hand from the wand and instead rests it on Draco’s hand.
“Potter, wh-“
“Your patronus is a doe, Draco. And mine is a stag. And that means something.”
His stare is piercing. It cuts through every guarded wall Draco has spent the past few weeks constructing.
“Potter, it doesn’t-“
“I wasn’t finished.”
Draco silences. The assertiveness startles him.
“It means something. For you, and for me. Magic doesn’t lie, Draco.”
His fingers trace soft circles around his hand.
“I know you’ve been avoiding me. I’ve missed you.”
He rubs a gentle caress along his forearm. Draco doesn’t dare move, or breathe for that matter.
“I want to see where this goes, Draco. I don’t care what it takes. I... I want you.”
“You do?” Draco’s voice is a whisper, barely audible even in the crisp night atmosphere.
“Is that so hard to believe? We all made mistakes, Draco. People died because of me. But that’s just it. We’re not in the war anymore. It’s over.”
Those eyes are peering at him again.
“I made more mistakes than you.”
“You saved my life, Draco. If it weren’t for you lieing at the manor, I would’nt be here.”
“It was nothing.”
“It was everything.”
There’s a silence that rattles Draco deep within his core. Because maybe he isn’t nothing. Maybe, to Harry, he could be everything.
He doesn’t have time to contemplate this, because Harry is leaning forward. His eyes have fluttered shut, and Draco doesn’t have much experience with this but he knows what’s coming next.
Harry’s lips are soft against his own.
The patronus feeling ignites a fire that courses through his veins. He knows he could perform the charm. He knows he will never fail at it again.
When they separate, Harry’s smiling. Draco can’t help but smirk playfully.
“You know, I really thought my patronus would be a shark.”
Harry laughs. “Why?”
“Because they’re mean. And they eat people.”
“But you do neither of those things!”
“Are you sure about that?”
They spend the next few hours just like this. Laughing, and smiling, and being everything together.
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vateacancameos · 4 years
All in the Family
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 4,150 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Both Linny and Drarry, Meet the Family, The Talk, Mentions of Ginny having tattoos, because she'd look awesome in tattoos and i just had to add that in, POV Ginny Weasley, POV Draco Malfoy
Summary: There comes a time in many romantic relationships when you have to meet the family. It’s usually nerve-wracking and awkward and something to be dreaded. Take a peek into Ginny’s and Draco’s minds during this step.
Ginny took a deep breath and squinted at her image in the mirror. She looked like her usual self, but a little neater: hair in a sleek ponytail, skin tanned from hours of practice and games, far too many freckles for her liking, but not a thing she could help, brightly colored tattoos wiggling on her arms. She smoothed hands over cropped jeans that probably sported a few too many holes. Did the green shirt make her look like a Christmas tree? No, Luna called it kelly green, not Christmas green. She said it complimented her skin and freckles, which she liked far better than Ginny did. She smiled at the thought.
“You look lovely, dear,” the mirror told her. But the mirror always said that, being owned by Luna who was (1) Ginny’s girlfriend and therefore prone to overcomplimenting and (2) a ball of sunshine even in the darkest times and would never own a mirror that wasn’t similarly inclined.
“It’s not too butch? Is it butch enough? I need to give the perfect impression here: respectable but not a floor mat. Meeting the family doesn’t happen every day.”
“You look like a beautiful summer day.”
Ginny huffed. Help would not come from this corner, apparently. She was about to call in her girlfriend, but Luna must have felt Ginny’s need, as she somehow always did, because she wandered in just then, putting on her earrings as she walked. She beamed.
“You look like a beautiful summer day!”
Ginny could feel the mirror puffing up behind her. She rolled her eyes.
“But is it good for a first impression?”
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Luna frowned and tilted her head. “But it’s not a first impression. You’ve known him for years.”
“But not …” Ginny began, waving her arms when the words wouldn’t come. “Not like this. With romantic intention or whatever.” She wiped sweaty hands on her trousers again. “I have to give off a specific impression today. I have to be firm but, ugh, friendly.”
“You’re always friendly.” Luna smiled dreamily. “I remember when we first met, when your family invited mine to dinner. Your brothers were so loud, and you were too at first. It was overwhelming. But then you stopped fighting with them and came over to me. You smiled like the sun and said, ‘I like your hat.’”
“It was a very cool hat.”
They hadn’t seen much of each other before Hogwarts, but Ginny had always liked the rare occasions she got to spend with the odd, quiet little girl who was one of her nearest wizarding neighbors. She was so much the opposite of the rowdy Weasleys—calm, thoughtful, so very smart, and most importantly, a girl her age. It was peaceful and fun being with Luna.
Realizing how good being around Luna felt was what made Ginny finally break things off with Harry the year before. Harry was always in slight opposition to whatever life threw at him. Yes, he weathered storms durably, but he was never … comfortable. Content. Even after she talked him out of joining the aurors—which had at least taken off some of the pressure to be the perfect Boy Who Lived Twice—he still seemed restless. Even with Ginny. Especially with Ginny. So she’d let go of her dream of marrying the boy she’d had a crush on for as long as she could remember and soon after had fallen into the arms of someone who made her feel more wanted and loved and perfect than she’d ever felt before. Life was better now, with Luna to help ground her. Perhaps Ginny had been at odds with life too. She and Harry were very alike in some ways.
Which brought her back to her current dilemma.
“I’m not going for happy summer day vibes, though.”
Luna’s eyebrows crinkled. “What vibes are you aiming for then?”
Ginny rubbed an arm. “Ummm. Respectable but intimidating?” At the skeptical look from her girlfriend, she continued. “I can be intimidating.”
Luna smiled softly and laid her hands on Ginny’s cheeks. “Of course you are. You wouldn’t be a starting chaser for the Holyhead Harpies if you weren’t intimidating.”
Ginny snorted. “Are you ever going to get tired of stating my full position title? I was moved up to starter, like, four months ago.”
“Never!” Luna said with a grin.
After giving her a quick peck on the lips, Ginny turned back to the mirror, and Luna put her arms around her waist from behind. “Why do you need to be intimidating for family dinner?”
“Because it’s not just family dinner. It’s meet the family dinner. I have to give the right impression.”
“Which would be intimidating?” Luna’s breath and the vibration of her voice tickled Ginny’s neck. She liked it.
“Even though you’ve met before. Many times.”
There was a pause. “I still don’t get it.”
Ginny sighed and turned in her girlfriend’s arms. “This is Harry.”
“Whom you’ve known since you were ten. Whom you’ve dated. Twice.”
“I don’t want to intimidate Harry.”
Understanding smoothed out Luna’s face and widened her eyes. “Oh. You’re protective of him.”
“Is Draco intimidatable?”
“Is intimidatable a word?”
“It is now.”
“Then yes, he is. I remember his pointy little ferret face completely blanching when I threatened him with hexes.” Good times …
“Your bat bogey hex is pretty frightening. Also, you should be nice.”
“It’s fucking Malfoy. I’m still not sure how Harry is even dating him. And I’m ninety percent sure I don’t like that they’re dating. Ugh. Malfoy. I’m getting annoyed just thinking about it.” She buried her face in Luna’s shoulder. She smelled like lilacs and sparkles. Ginny wasn’t sure how she managed the latter, but it was true. She smelled like sparkles. It was nice.
“You promised Harry you’d stop hating him. And you promised your father before that.”
“Ugh. I know. But it’s Malfoy. He’s an arse!”
“Ginny.” Luna’s voice turned stern, as it only rarely did, so Ginny straightened up.
“Sorry. I really am trying. It’s just … Harry hated him for so long, and he used to say such mean things to us, especially to Hermione. My brain has trouble believing he’s changed enough for Harry to fall for him. Are you certain he’s not under a spell or love potion?”
“Yeah, I know.” She sighed. “He helped you when you were a prisoner at the manor. And he kept Harry from being recognized. It’s just …”
“It’s hard to flip around what you knew about him all through school.”
“Mmm,” Ginny grunted in agreement, going in for another hug. Luna hugs were the best. She always felt so protected and calmed in a Luna hug.
Luna tightened her arms in a squeeze before letting go and stepping back. “I think the dark gray button-down and the obsidian necklace I got you for your birthday, if you’re going for intimidating.”
Ginny raised her eyebrows before shucking the green tee and rifling through the wardrobe for the suggested top instead. “You’re helping me?”
“Well, I was actually going to suggest it anyway. George told me that since Bill isn’t able to come, you should give Draco the ‘you hurt him, and I break your kneecaps’ talk. Ron can’t give it, because he’ll just get yell-y, and he’s not terribly intimidating even like that. And George is afraid he might actually break Draco’s kneecaps, and he can’t go to Azkaban right now, what with the baby on the way. And Percy would just put him to sleep explaining the details.”
Laughing as she buttoned up her shirt, Ginny privately agreed. Being a professional athlete meant she’d had to learn rein in her temper, and she’d always been closest to Bill in temperament anyway. “We could ask Charlie to swoop in on a dragon. That might work.”
“George asked, but apparently he’s busy watching over this year’s births. He offered to send a howler though.” Luna’s expression said that she thought these were perfectly reasonable suggestions.
That sounded about right for her brothers too. “We’ll keep that tactic on reserve in case my intimidation doesn’t work. I dunno about being the one giving the talk, though. I thought I was just going to glare at him across the table all through dinner …” She finished rolling up her sleeves to her elbows, letting the bottom half of her tattoo sleeves show on her forearms. She eyed her image critically. “Better? Are you sure about the necklace? I need to be more butch, don’t I? To be intimidating?”
Luna shook her head, taking the ends of said necklace to clasp them behind Ginny’s neck. “Draco likes classy. He’d probably be more impressed if you wore black trousers, but then you wouldn’t be you.” She wrinkled her nose, and Ginny agreed with the sentiment. She lived in jeans and trainers, only owning black trousers to wear at semi-formal events for work. Not to mention that her brothers, Harry included, would take the mickey if she showed up in something beyond her regular clothes.
She sighed a final time and turned to her girlfriend. “Okay, let’s get this over with. Ugh. But I swear, if he is at all acting like an arsehole, I will cut a bitch.”
Draco wiped his sweaty palms on the sofa fabric for the eightieth time in the twenty minutes he’d been at the Weasley abode. He’d met them all before, of course. Most of them had attended school with him. And he’d seen them at his trial. Arthur had even been kind enough to shake his hand after he’d been cleared of the worst of his charges. Granted, it hadn’t been completely out of kindness. Draco’s community service sentence had been to work in Arthur’s office for two years after his release, so he’d also been officially introducing himself as Draco’s supervisor. But even with the formality of it, Arthur had seemed kind. Serious, yes, but not in any way malicious or aloof, which was more than how the Malfoys had addressed the Weasleys in the past.
And Draco had quickly become comfortable around the eccentric man. Arthur might come off as a bit kooky, but he was ever the professional at work, and Draco appreciated that, along with being so thankful that the man wouldn’t continue to punish him for his past (terrible) choices. So yes, he’d worked with Arthur for two years, and gone to school with most of the other Weasleys, but this was different. This wasn’t just dinner with friendly acquaintances (though only Arthur fell into that category), this was meeting the family as the romantic partner of their practically adopted son/brother.
He and Harry hadn’t been dating that long, and the only Weasleys he’d interacted with since the relationship had begun were Percy and Ron. Percy was fine, if a little dry, and even Ron had graduated from angry scowls to only looking like he had a slightly upset stomach. But the other Weasleys were more unknown. Luckily Bill and Charlie were busy, so tonight that only left Molly, George, and Ginny (“if you call her the Weaselette, Draco, I will hurt you,” Luna had warned during their latest tea date). At least he’d had some interactions with Molly and George back when he and Harry were still just friends and he had with Arthur for two years, but Ginny he probably hadn’t said a dozen words to since they’d left school.
So even though the brothers might be intimidating, Ginny was the unknown. Harry swore they were completely over each other, and closer now as almost siblings than they had been as paramours, but Draco wasn’t sure what to think of her. He’d tossed out jealousy pretty early. Harry only ever spoke of her in the fond way of close friends/family. But that still left a lot of unknowns. He’d been on the wrong end of her hexes on several occasions, and she was a chaser for a professional quidditch team (one of the scariest teams out there, no less), so he knew she had both bark and bite. It was likely she’d employ some intimidation tactics, but would it stop there? Was she jealous of him? He didn’t think so, hearing Luna wax poetic about her constantly during their tea dates. But there could still be some genuine hate from her. Nothing he didn’t deserve, though.
He wished Luna and Ginny would just show up already, so he could get this dinner thing over with. Harry warned that there would probably be a “hurt him and I’ll hurt you” threat taking place that evening, but he didn’t know who had drawn the short straw on that. Unless they went in for a four-pronged attack from all of the present siblings. Merlin, he hoped not.
As if he’d summoned them with his thoughts, the two women burst through the door, calling out greetings to everyone else. Ginny headed for the kitchen without a glance at Draco, but Luna brightened further and made a beeline for the sofa.
She gave him a quick hug. “I would say you clean up well except …”
“Except I always look this good?”
“I was going to say except that you could still use some work, but if you want to go with yours, that’s fine. What’s important is that you believe it.” Her smile was deceptively serene, and the glitter in her hair and the fairy necklace didn’t help present her as anything other than innocent. But Draco knew better after years of slowly cultivating their friendship.
Draco clutched his heart in mock hurt. “Harsh. When does the girlfriend start full-time training again? I think you’re spending too much time together.”
Luna’s effervescent smile dimmed a little. “In three weeks. This will be our first full season as a couple. From what I gather, I’ll barely see her between the start of training and their first season game.”
Draco felt similar trepidation. School would be starting soon, and Harry would be a full-time professor for the first time this year. He’d spent the last few years tutoring and job shadowing while waiting for the current DADA professor to retire, so they were somewhat used to being apart as friends, but never as a couple.
(It was odd knowing that Hogwarts had employed the same DADA professor for six years running; odder still to think of perpetual disaster Harry James Potter as a professor. Draco really wished he’d use the hair potion Draco had bought him a few weeks ago; he needed to look more professional, but Harry had argued that if Dumbledore and Snape could get away with long, shaggy hair, so could he. Draco knew a losing argument when he saw one, so he’d given up after a week.)
Beyond Harry’s soon-to-be-full schedule after a summer of freedom, the two of them had only been dating for a few months, and Draco wasn’t sure how the change in daily routine would affect them. Harry tried to subdue the worries, but Draco saw that he was hiding some qualms of his own. They’d each only been in one prior relationship, so there was a chance that any change would break them apart.
Luna, reading his mind, as always, swooped in for another hug. “It’ll be fine,” she whispered in his ear before pulling back. How did she do that? “Your face, silly. You’re an open book. Not to mention, I got to hear you list your worries ad nauseum during tea last week.”
She had him there. “I just want tonight to be over already.”
“Mmmm,” she hummed in sympathy. “I remember how my meet-the-family dinner went. Oh! I wanted to warn you. Ginny’s giving you The Talk tonight.”
Draco leaned back in surprise. “Just her?” If any single one of the Weasleys was going to give him The Talk, he’d have expected one of the older ones, or maybe Ron, because he and Harry were best friends. But Draco had never expected The Talk from solely the youngest (and only female) sibling. Her status as the baby should have kept her out of the running. Just because Draco lived in constant slight terror to this day of being hit by one of her hexes, he didn’t expect the others to feel the same.
“Well, she’s most similar to Bill, isn’t she. The others know you’d respect it more coming from her.”
“Yeah, I reckon. Do you know when she’s going to do it?”
Before she could answer, Ginny entered the sitting room and addressed the others who peppered the space. “George and Ron, Harry and Dad need help outside.”
The two men looked up from where they were brainstorming new ideas for the shop, shrugged, then left the room. Hermione looked up from the baby jumper she was knitting for George and Angelina’s upcoming baby—at least, she said it was a jumper; it looked more like a lumpy blue snowball with arms.
“They’re not still trying to charm the new car, are they?” Ginny gave her a “what do you think” look, and Hermione sighed, dropped the knitting, and followed the others outside.
“I’m going to see if Molly and Angelina want help in the kitchen,” Luna added with a sympathetic look at Draco before hurrying out as well, the traitor.
Draco took a deep breath. “So it’s to be you, then? Lose a bet?”
Ginny looked a little stunned, then reluctantly amused. She dropped down onto the coffee table across from him. “I’d like to think I won.”
She leaned forward to rest her elbows on her knees, and the dragon tattoo on her right arm blew out an inky flame, as if to back her up. She looked more serious than usual, which was enhanced by the dark button-down she wore, so in opposition to her usual bright but scruffy t-shirts. She still sported holey trousers and her grungy trainers, though, but she made it work. Or maybe Draco was just getting inured to the sloppy look, dating someone who wore the same style like a uniform. He looked down to see that he still had on his own high-end trousers and button-down and relaxed a bit in relief.
He waved a hand so she’d get started. The sooner they talked, the sooner they’d be done, the sooner dinner would be done, the sooner he could get back home and revel in the warmth of Harry’s body in bed next to his (Harry called it cuddling, but Draco never would, ugh).
She raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Look. I know Dad respects you, so I learned to stop hating you a while ago.” She sighed. “And for whatever strange reason, Luna likes you, so I can admit that you’ve probably changed from the utter fucking dickhead you were in school.”
Draco choked on his own saliva. He’d forgotten she had the same sailor mouth Harry did. Or maybe he’d never known. It shouldn’t have been a surprise, given her whole … persona. Still, Luna was all rainbows and puppies about her, and Harry talked about her like a little sister, so he forgot sometimes that she was an adult and a quidditch star with the mouth to go along with it.
She glared, and he cleared his throat. “Yes, thank you. I appreciate that. Go on.”
“Thanks,” she said with so much sarcasm, he could practically hear the “I hate it” she didn’t voice. “So yeah, you’ve changed. You’re a new fucking man. Bright and shiny new leaves turned over. Whatever.” She sat up straight, her eyes boring through Draco so hard, he expected to feel two dots of heat on his forehead. “I’ll even say I’m okay with you two dating, even though it’s completely weird. I never thought I’d see the day someone in our family dated a Malfoy.”
She spit out his name out in a way that made him think back to an altercation their dads had had in Diagon Alley years ago. Harry had been there too, now that he thought about it. Her tone now was the same as Arthur’s had been then. Trying so hard to be a respectful adult, but barely hiding anger underneath. He didn’t think she was quite as okay as she claimed. He really didn’t blame her. His family was bad news. He shrugged, hoping he’d convey that the idea was still weird to him too. Him. Dating Harry Potter. What alternate universe had they fallen into?
“But Harry really likes you,” she continued, “and I trust him. I think.” A wrinkled eyebrow said otherwise, but Draco kept mum. “He’s an adult, and so if he wants to date you, that’s his prerogative. But know this.” She leaned forward again. “You even look at him wrong, and I’ll dropkick you so hard into last Tuesday, that even if we hadn’t destroyed all of the ministry’s time turners, you still wouldn’t be able to get back. Got it?”
He tried to tell himself they were just words. This was a ritual every new boyfriend went through. It was normal. But then again, this was Harry Potter. Nothing about him was normal, and that included his family. Draco had seen Ginevra Weasley in battle, and he’d been subjected to her hexes in school. She’d dated Harry and must therefore know the feeling of wanting to wrap him in cotton fluff and hide him from the cruel world. They weren’t just words to her. She meant business, and he appreciated that. They both wanted the best for Harry, and if Draco failed to be that, he deserved whatever punishment she and her clan would mete out to him.
“Thank you.”
She jerked her head back and frowned. “What?”
“Harry deserves to have the fiercest warriors in his corner. I’m glad he has friends and family who will be that for him.”
“Hm. Yes, he does.” Despite her words, she looked suspicious.
“And, in that vein,” he continued with a spark of realization, “you hurt Luna, and it’ll take them a month remove all the curses from you.”
She cocked her head for a moment, then relaxed her shoulders and almost smiled. “Deal.”
She held out a hand, and he took it, wondering if his own was about to be crushed so hard, he’d need SkeleGrow to knit his bones back together. Her grip was firm to the point of being uncomfortable, but after they shook, all of his bones still seemed to be in place and whole.
A call came from Molly in the kitchen then, so they both stood, back to feeling slightly awkward with each other. Just as they were about to head through the door, Ginny put a hand on his wrist. Draco looked over at her face in question.
“Um, Harry. He’s … he’s really happy these days. The happiest I’ve ever seen him. Thank you.” Her face was soft, and the most open Draco had ever seen it.
“I’m glad you think so.” Uncomfortable with the serious mood coming from a Weasley, he smirked. “Luna seems to be rubbing off on you as well. I think this is the most cleaned up I’ve ever seen you. Not bad, Weasley the Youngest.”
She barked out a short laugh, then got an evil glint in her eye. “I’m glad you approve, since I stole this shirt from your wardrobe. Who wears such drab colors voluntarily? I’d be getting hives from it if I didn’t have my tats to liven it up.”
He let out a surprised laugh of his own, which was drowned out by the lively mess of humans crowding around the kitchen table. He’d survived The Talk with the scariest Weasley (besides Bill). He felt confident he could survive the rest of the family.
After they’d apparated back to their flat, Luna jumped on Ginny to give one of the octopus hugs Ginny loved. After a quick peck on her cheek, Luna snuggled closer. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Any particular reason at this moment, or just my general awesomeness?”
Luna giggled. “You are pretty awesome, but it’s not just that this time.”
Realization dawned in Ginny. “Were you spying on my talk with Mal- Draco?”
“No.” Luna shook her head vehemently, eyes wide. “But I saw the way you two looked when you came into the kitchen afterward.”
“Which was …?” Ginny prepared herself for any number bubbly adjectives about to come out of her girlfriend’s mouth.
“Like two adults who have come to an agreement of mutual respect.”
Eyebrow raised, Ginny only said, quite intelligently, “hmm.”
“But also adorable and chummy. I saw the way you were smiling, Ginevra.”
“And there’s the girlfriend I know and love,” Ginny said drily, but she gave said girlfriend a kiss.
“I’m proud of you.”
Ginny grinned. “Good. I like making you proud.”
Luna hummed. “My respectable, beautiful, starting chaser quidditch star girlfriend.”
“That’s me.”
Thank you for reading! If you’d like to leave kudos on ao3, find the link in my reblog.
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drarry, perhaps? mood: alcohol
Draco found it hard to stay away from the bottle these days.
He had a lot on his mind, which wasn’t… well, which wasn’t unexpected. He’d seen and been through hell and emerged alive and relatively unscathed despite his best attempts against such a result.
So, yeah. Alcohol. Drinking.
He stuck to Muggle bars. People didn’t recognize him there. In places like this, he was just another lonely face in the crowd giving off more “don’t fuck with me” vibes than strictly necessary.
He was tipsy at best, which was important for him to note as he squinted his eyes and blinked a couple times once a man plopped down into the stool next to him. “What he’s having,” the man said to the bartender, gesturing toward Draco’s own drink.
That voice was unmistakable. He glared at Harry Potter, who was giving him a sympathetic smile. It was enough to make Draco want to punch him right in that dumb, quirky, kinda-cute face of his (no magic necessary – Draco wanted to feel his knuckles bruise and tear through flesh. No spell could offer that kind of effect. That was one thing he’d learned from the Mudblood Granger.).
“You,” he said dumbly, pointing a weak finger at Harry.
“Me, yes,” Harry responded, an amused lilt to his tone. “I’m surprised to see you here.”
“Oh, please,” Draco drawled, turning away so he was now facing the television. “You didn’t just happen upon me. You’re not that observant. You, Potter, were looking for me.”
The bartender put the whiskey in front of Harry. Harry didn’t so much as glance at it. “I was worried about you,” he said plainly, and Draco was definitely not emotionally prepared for this kind of conversation.
He did what he did best and snapped. “Worried about me?” He huffed pointedly. “Doubtful. We weren’t even on the same side, Potter. What reason do you have to care about me?” He looked back at the other man, whose expression had returned to its original sympathetic form. “You would rather gloat. That’s why you’re here. That’s why…” His voice trailed off, wobbling at the end as his throat closed up. Draco clenched his jaw shut. Willed the tears not to spill. “Go worry about someone else.” He sounded softer now, vulnerable, tired. He was done caring. “People still think you’re a hero. Find them. Just… just stay away from me.”
And Harry actually laughed at this, the sound a melody of its own. It filtered into Draco’s ears and produced an effect stronger than any drink or potion. Draco’s hands started to shake, his lips twitched, and he couldn’t look away. He wanted to ask why, “why are you laughing when I–”
“Draco,” Harry said, and he put a hand over Draco’s own. The shaking stopped. The alcohol raced away from the peripherals of his vision. “I have never been able to stay away from you.”
Then he leaned in, and Draco closed his eyes. When their lips met, he felt the fires wane in his chest. His heart stuttered and his hands clenched into fists, unsure, unwilling to accept this was real
Harry put a hand around the back of his neck, and just like that, he was grounded. The world swam back with Draco’s sigh, wrapped itself around him when he grabbed the collar of Harry’s shirt with his own hands. He was crying, definitely, which was probably weird for the others in the bar but he was kissing Harry and for once it was right and something – something – that may have been happiness dove through him.
When it ended, Draco rested his forehead against Harry’s. He breaths were coming in more like sobs. He finally was in the state of mind to be a little embarrassed about it, so he quickly ran his sleeves across his face.
“Let me help you,” Harry whispered. “Let me help you be okay again.”
A slight grin spread across face. If they could stay like this forever, that wouldn’t be long enough. “You already have.”
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daisymondays · 7 years
Gracie, Gracie, Gracie, GRACIE!!! Do you think, I mean, would it be possible, maybe, if you were so inclined, etc etc... to revisit your Medieval Drarry AU with Prince!Draco and Commoner!Harry? Can you maybe let them meet up again and go on a (dralentine's) date? Pretty please? [If not, something in 8th year is always welcome ;D]
@llap115 I most certainly can be convinced to return to the Medieval Drarry Au, in fact the struggle I am currently facing is trying to drag myself away from it because I’m really quite caught up with the world. It means soo much that you like this AU so much!! @xx-thedarklord-xx tami dedicated this to you so i hope you like it xxx
Orginal Fic
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
this is unbetaed
“What are we doing here?” Draco said, raising his eyebrows as he let Harry lead him through the backstreets of the city. Harry seemed to know the city like the back of his hand, easily manuvering the twists and turns and guiding Draco safetly. “Honestly, Harry,” Draco said as he slipped into a puddle and had to dry himself off. “When you said you’d thought of something to do for the day of Ceris, I wasn’t anticipating exploring the sewers.”
Draco didn’t need to see Harry’s face to know he was rolling his eyes. “We’re not in the sewers, you prat.”
“Might as well be,” Draco muttered, glad Harry had leant him some of his shitty clothing for the trip as mud splattered up his leg again.
“There’s a place, my mate runs it,” Harry said, glancing back at Draco over his shoulder. Draco was always floored by Harry’s beauty, by the strong lines of his face and the build of his shoulders. There was a slight underfed look that all poor citizens had, but Draco tried to move past it.
He had spent the week locked up in meetings with his father and their counsel, trying to push for a way to get more food to those who couldn’t afford it, but right now it was proving useless.
“And I thought it would be a nice place for us to spend the day of Ceris together because it’s away from prying eyes and slightly nicer than my room at the Burrow,” Harry grinned, pulling Draco in and kissing him softly. “Now hurry up because I hate not being able to see you properly,” Harry said, kissing Draco’s nose before turning and dragging Draco through the streets again.
Draco laughed and didn’t protest. He loved the way Harry hated how Draco had to glamour himself in order for them to walk around together. Draco hated it too, but he hated not seeing Harry more.
This whole thing between them… It was messy and it shouldn’t work — it couldn’t work, but Draco wanted to believe it could. Whatever time he got to spend with Harry was worth all of the pain that would happen when they finally had to walk away from each other.
“Shut your eyes,” Harry command, Draco rolled his eyes but then obeyed as Harry guided him the final way. He felt the harsh chill of February slip away as they entered the building, and a cool breeze washed over him as warmth lapped at his skin. There was magic crackling in the air and Draco’s breath caught as Harry whispered, “You can open your eyes now,” his lips against Draco’s ear.
Draco opened his eyes and gasped as he gazed around. “What is this place?”Flowers bloomed in every colour imaginable and a few more, vines traced their ways up the ways and lush green grass was under Draco’s feet. He could hear the trickling sound of a stream and when he squinted he could have sworn he could have made out a waterfall the other side of the glade.
“Is it real?” Draco said, dropping to the floor and running his hands through the grass — he had never felt grass so soft.
“Yeah,” Harry said, dropping down beside Draco and grinning at him crookedly. “My mate Neville is the apprentice here and he adjusted the wards to let us in.”
“Harry,” Draco whispered, standing up and walking over to a bush of red roses, each of their petals flecked with gold. “It’s—”
“I know,” Harry said, “I help him with the regulating of the place as the magic is pretty intense at times.”
Draco could only nod, he could feel the amount magic that this place needed to sustain it. No group of peasants should be able to do it, but here was Harry once again proving Draco wrong. Draco was yet to find something that Harry’s magic couldn’t do, and the fact he managed it whilst being insane.
“It’s like we’ve gone to another world,” Draco said, finally remembering to let the glamour back as he turned back to Harry. Harry’s face lit up as he stepped forward, brushing his fingers across Draco’s cheekbones. He looked like he was memorising every inch of Draco’s face.
“I wanted to,” Harry said, still cupping Draco’s face. “Just for today, Ceris is about love, aren’t they?” Draco nodded, not bothering to correct Harry’s slightly lacking knowledge, not everyone was raised in a palace. “I wanted to take us somewhere different, somewhere that none of it matters and there’s just us.”
Draco leaned in and kissed Harry softly, his heart threatening to shatter. “I like the sound of just us,” he murmured, entwining his fingers with Harry’s and letting Harry lead him through the glade.
Draco couldn’t wrap his mind around the thought of something this beautiful and pure just sitting in the underbelly of the city. He felt like he had followed Harry into a different world, and he so wished that at the end of the day they wouldn’t have to leave it.
if you liked this au stay tuned for another drabble as I have one from @goldentruth813 waiting in my inbox
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arrow-guy · 7 years
All Was Well (1/??)
Summary: Harry and Draco struggle with life after the war. Together, things my not be easier, but they sure are more interesting.
A/N: Okay, I lied, it’s going up today. I didn’t realize that I would be able to get done with all my schoolwork as quickly as I did, so I figured I would reward myself and you guys with an early post. I’m kind of worried that they’re ooc, but if I don’t post it now, I know I never will lmao. I really hope I did the pair justice and I sincerely hope you enjoy this first part!
Pairing: Drarry
Word Count: 3014
Warnings: Angst, nightmares, slight panic
Harry thought that, after the war, everything would go back to normal. He would be able to go back to the perfect life he had envisioned with his friends, his girlfriend and his adopted family. He would be able to become an Auror and everything would be fine.
The problem with his plan was that he didn’t plan for the fallout of the war.
He didn’t expect the sheer number of people who would swarm him any time he went out. Not the people touching him or grabbing it his hair, clothes and glasses just for the chance to touch the saviour or, even better, manage to tear off a piece of his clothing.
He wasn’t counting on the number of meetings he would called on to attend or hearings and trials he would be asked to testify at. He never imagined the sheer number of people he would see put away for war crimes. He watched as Death Eaters and snatchers alike were sentenced to Azkaban with varying times to be served.
When the time came, he testified at the Malfoy’s Hearings. It was about a week after the final battle that the owl arrived inviting him to attend the trial and, if possible, testify.
Thanks to his testimony, Draco and Narcissa Malfoy were pardoned with only mild probationary punishments set in place. Unfortunately, Lucius Malfoy was not so lucky.
Due to his place in Voldemort’s inner circle, regardless of turning his back in the end, he was sentenced to Azkaban for thirty five years.
Harry felt horrible when the verdict was reached, but felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that Draco and his mother were free. After the trial, Draco and Narcissa had approached him and thanked him quietly. Draco had refused to meet his eyes and Narcissa stood close to her son, her hand on his arm. Harry had nodded stiffly to them and watched them walk away to speak to Lucius before he was taken to Azkaban.
Most of all, he wasn’t expecting the sadness, depression and anxiety that would follow the war.
A week after everything ended, Hermione and Ron went off to Australia in search of Hermione’s parents to attempt to restore their memories and bring them back to England. In that time Harry and Ginny tried to bring their relationship back to the level it was at when they were in school the year before. No matter what they tried, they couldn’t seem to bring back the spark. They broke up, knowing that it was what was best for the both of them. Even after their split, they spent long nights together in Grimmauld Place, laying on the floor and talking.
One night, a little under a month after the final battle, the two of them had stayed up well into the night and come to a rather startling conclusion.
“I think I’m gay.”
“Mhmm.” Ginny nodded.
The pair was quiet for a while. Harry's brow furrowed as he thought about what Ginny had said. He'd never really given any thought to his sexuality. He'd not really ever had the time. Everyone had always expected him to marry the perfect girl and have a handful of children. Until then it hasn't occurred to him that their sexualities were the reason their relationship had collapsed.
“I think I might be too.” Harry said, his face scrunching up in mild confusion. “But not one hundred percent, if that makes any sense at all.”
“Of course it does.” Ginny snorted. “You could be bisexual, pansexual, polysexual. The options are practically endless.”
“That sounds much too complicated.”
“Sexuality isn’t a static thing, Harry. It’s fluid. It’s a spectrum.” Ginny tried her best to explain. “Sexuality is different for everyone.”
Harry just nodded and they fell into silence for a moment before moving on to talk about something completely different.
Even after his talk with Ginny about his sexuality, he still struggled greatly with most things surrounding the war.
He hated the funerals. He hated that everyone was dead. He hated that it was all his fault. That he couldn’t do the one thing he was born to do and save them. Most times he showed up to pay his respects before apparating home and curling up in bed and trying to forget those who had passed on.
Ron and Hermione didn’t seem to understand why he had such a hard time dealing with the aftermath of the war. They constantly tried to get him to join them at the Burrow or go out to eat at some muggle restaurant. He always turned down their offers saying he was sick or that there were errands he had to run. He knew his excuses were shit, but he couldn’t bring himself to be around the two of them when he knew that they would just bombard him with questions he didn’t have the answers to.
The only thing that gave him a sense of peace was being with his godson, Teddy.
When Andromeda told him that he could visit whenever he wanted, he spent as much time with her and his godson as he possibly could. Being around someone so small and pure and innocent gave him a sense of hope that he didn’t know he could ever feel again.
The small boy never failed to make Harry smile. Hearing the little gurgles and constant nonsensical babbling from the child made him feel better and he was glad that he could have Teddy in his life.
The first time Draco had showed up to his aunt’s house he wasn’t expecting to be met by the savior of the wizarding world in her living room. Both of the young men froze upon seeing each other, neither of them completely sure of what they were supposed to do in that situation.
Harry had nearly forgotten that Teddy was Draco’s cousin. It hadn’t even crossed his mind that the blond would want to visit Andromeda and Teddy. It had taken him a full three minutes to rake his gaze over the man in front of him, observe that he was, in fact, rather fit, and decide that the best course of action was to attempt to be civil with him.
Harry had hoisted himself up off of Teddy’s playmat and sauntered over to the slightly taller blond and extended his hand to him. Draco had eyed him warily, unsure of what Harry was attempting.
“What do you want, Potter?” He’d asked. There was no venom in his words, he was simply trying to understand the situation.
“It occurred to me that we got off on the wrong foot seven years ago. After what we've been through, I’d hate for something as stupid as a school rivalry to get in the way of us being civil now. So,” Harry looked pointedly from Draco to his hand and then back again. “What do you say, Draco?”
Draco's eyes had widened at hearing Harry say his first name so casually. He was a bit taken aback for a moment, having to process what was going on. If what he thought was happening was actually happening, Harry Potter was offering him his friendship, the one thing his eleven year old self had wanted most.
“Are you joking?”
Harry tilted his head to the side, sliding his hands into his pockets. “If I were joking, don’t you think I’d do it in a place that’s a little more public than your own aunt’s house?”
Draco’s brow furrowed. “I suppose you might.” He squinted at the raven haired boy in front of him. “But why would you want to be friends with me?”
Harry shrugged.  “Why not? The world’s crazy enough as is, why not give everyone a little shock?”
Draco snorted in amusement, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “You sure you’re ready for this?” He asked. “Our friendship would be a commitment.”
Harry laughed and smiled genuinely for the first time in months, and at Draco Malfoy no less. “I think I can handle that challenge.”
Draco shook his head before extending his hand to Harry. “Alright, Potter. Just remember that you brought this on yourself.”
Harry grinned and shook the blond’s hand. “Don’t worry, I definitely will.” He nodded his head towards Teddy who was gurgling away on his playmat. “You want to help me with your cousin?”
“I think I can manage that.” Draco said with a smirk.
Harry and Draco spent more time together when they were both at Andromeda’s house. The two of them found that it really wasn’t all that hard for them to get along. They both enjoyed spending time with Teddy and they found that they had more in common than previously thought.
What Harry didn't expect from his newfound friendship with the youngest Malfoy came one rather rainy night in the middle of July.
Harry had been staring into the out of season fire in the fireplace, getting lost in the flicker of the flames, when a loud pounding sounded at the door.
Not wanting to trouble Kreacher, Harry hoisted himself up off the floor and all but stumbled over to the door, feeling not entirely returned to his legs after having been sitting on the floor for so long. Upon opening the door, Harry was met with a sopping wet Draco Malfoy, his gray eyes staring blankly at Harry's chest.
“Draco?” Harry said. Confusion had colored his tone. He hadn’t even known Draco knew where he lived.
“I’m sorry.” Draco said weakly, his eyes slowly moving to meet Harry’s.
“I said-”
“No, I heard what you said, Draco,” Harry said, ushering Draco through the door and into his sitting room. “I just don’t know what you have to be sorry for.”
Draco’s eyes widened. “How could you not?” He hissed.
“No, Harry! I was a complete prick when we were in school and you’ve just put all that aside like I didn’t side with the Dark Lord during the war! Like I didn’t try to crucio you sixth year!” His voice rose in volume as he talked. “I tormented you and your friends and treated you like shite! I’m supposed to be your enemy, Harry. Not your fucking friend!”
“You’re forgetting the part where I nearly killed you, Draco.” Harry said calmly.
“No, you don’t understand,” Draco starts pacing, his soaked clothes dripping onto the hardwood flooring. “I-I’ve done things. Terrible things, and I don’t deserve forgiveness. I don’t deserve your kindness or your friendship! I don’t understand how you could just let everything go! Why would you ever want to give me a second chance?!”
“Draco, stop!” Harry says sternly, placing his hands on either side of Draco’s face, effectively putting a stop to his pacing. “Just stop, please.”
Draco's breath hitched as grey eyes met green. With a moment's pause, he fisted Harry’s shirt in his hands and pulled him forward, pressing his lips to Harry’s in a kiss.
Seeming to come to his senses, Draco shoved Harry away from him, suddenly pulling his hands into his chest and closing himself off almost immediately.
“I'm sorry,” He whispered. “I'm sorry. So, so sorry.” His brow furrowed and he turned towards the door and began to walk towards it, attempting to leave a shocked Harry behind. He didn't get far before Harry placed a hand on his shoulder and gently spun him around. “Harry…”
Harry rested both of hands on Draco's shoulders, squeezing gently, trying to reassure the boy in front of him that everything was alright. “Do you realize what time it is?” Draco tilted his head to the side, confused. “It's the middle of the night and you're soaked to the bone. You're staying here tonight.”
“Are you sure?” Draco asked, his eyes impossibly wide.
“Of course.” Harry answered with a resolute nod. “You go get showered and I'll get you some pyjamas. We can talk after.”
“Alright.” Draco said, nodding dumbly, turning towards the staircase and following Harry up to the bathroom.
While Draco showerd, Harry gathered up towels and a set of pyjamas that he thought might fit Draco. He’s a little taller than Harry and he worried that all of his pyjama bottoms would be too short. He ended up shrugging and quietly opening the bathroom door, placing the clothes and towels on the counter and closing the door again before walking away and sitting on the stairs to wait for Draco to finish up.
Harry was starting to doze off when Draco quietly and tentatively padded out into the hallway. He sat down next to Harry, unsure of what to do, not wanting to upset him more than he had by kissing him.
“I know what you're thinking, Draco.” Harry said, his voice gentle.
“How could you possibly know that I'm thinking, Potter?” Draco almost hissed his words, but he couldn't find the strength to do so.
“Because I've known you for the better part of seven years and spent a number of them trying to figure you out.” Harry said simply. “I know you think you upset me by kissing me-”
“Didn't I though?” Draco asked, cutting Harry off. Harry sat up, opening his eyes so he could look at Draco.
“If anything, you surprised me.”
“You're not angry?”
“No, why would I be?”
“Well, for starters, you're not gay and you're dating the Weasley girl aren't you?” Draco asked, his cheeks tinged pink.
Harry shook his head, a small smile stretching his mouth. “We actually broke up.”
“What? Why?” Draco inquired, his eyes impossibly wide.
“Because she's gay and I'm bisexual.” Harry answered. “Well, not explicitly because of that. Right after the war, everything had us feeling off kilter and we didn't feel like we went well together any longer so, we ended things between us. Realizing that we weren't straight came a couple weeks after the fact.”
“You mean-”
“Not straight, single and definitely not upset with you.” Harry nodded and picked himself up from the from his seat on the stairs, offering Draco a hand in turn. “Let's get you to bed though. We can talk more about this in the morning.”
“Alright,” Draco took his hand and allowed himself to be led up the stairs to a spare bedroom.
“If you need anything during the night, my room is just at the end of the hallway.” Harry said before turning round, ready to head off to bed himself.
“Yeah?” He turned back to look at a vulnerable looking Draco.
“Would you…” He looked at the floor, chewing at his bottom lip, a blush coloring his cheeks. He takes a deep breath before looking at Harry again. “Would you stay with me?”
“I-” Harry started to answer but cut himself off, knowing that he definitely wants to stay. “Of course I will.”
“Thank you.” Draco whispered, his expression sincere.
Harry followed after Draco as he walked over to the bed and slid under the covers. Harry turned out the lights before joining him in the bed and cozying into the bedding, trying to find a comfortable position. After about fifteen minutes Draco's soft snores filled the room and the sound lulled Harry into a shallow sleep.
A scream rips through the air, pulling Harry from his nearly fitful sleep. When he remembers where he was he realizes that the scream must have come from Draco.
The thin boy thrashes next to him on the bed as if he were trying to escape something or, rather, someone.
“Draco,” Harry reaches out to him, gently resting his hand on Draco’s right arm. It doesn't elicit any sort of response so Harry tries again, this time a little louder and shaking Draco’s shoulder. “Draco!”
Draco wakes with a start, his chest heaving with his effort to breathe and his eyes darting about frantically. “Harry?” He calls out to the dark room, his voice hoarse.
“I'm right here,” Harry answers, reaching out and taking Draco’s hand in his. With his free hand he turns on the lamp on the bedside table. “See? I didn't go anywhere.”
“You… I… Harry, I-” He chokes on a sob and covers his mouth with his hand, tears spilling over and falling down his cheeks.
Harry's eyes go wide and he shuffles over to the young man next to him and pulls him to his chest. “Draco, you're safe. It's okay, you're safe.”
Harry feels Draco's tears wet his shirt and he refuses to comment, regardless of how curious he is about what Draco was dreaming about. He rubs gentle circles into Draco's back, trying his best to calm him. After about five minutes, Draco's shoulders stop shaking and he's relaxed against Harry in a fashion he never would have thought possible just a couple of weeks ago.
“I'm sorry.” Draco mumbles, peeling himself away from Harry's chest, wiping his tears with the heel of his hand. “I'm really sorry, Harry.”
“This isn’t exactly something I wanted you to see,” Draco laughs darkly, still rubbing away the wetness on his face. “It’s not something I want you to have to deal with. That’s why I’m sorry.”
Harry shakes his head and takes Draco’s hand in his. “Don't be,” He gently runs his thumb across the pale skin of Draco's knuckles. “We all have our fair share of nightmares, yeah? You've got nothing to apologize for.”
Draco studies Harry’s face, looking deeply into his eyes, searching for a trace of malice and mocking. He doesn’t find anything of the sort, only sincerity and kindness. “Thank you.” Draco squeezes his hand gently.
“Let's try to go back to sleep, okay?” Harry lays down and Draco nods, laying down beside him, his ear pressed to Harry's chest, just over his heart. Draco refuses to let go of Harry's hand.
“Is this alright? Us being in the same bed, I mean.”
“Don't worry about it right now.” Harry shakes his head against his pillow. “Try to get some rest.”
Harry feels Draco nod against his chest before he slips off into sleep again.
part 2
Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked this installment, please leave a response or shoot me an ask! Feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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dralentines-day · 8 years
Gift #37, @weird-sc0ut
@weird-sc0ut , good news! You won't need to scout out any more drarry for today. Your gift is right here!
Our gifter says:
“This is my first time participating, and I hope you like my fic! Draco's a bit of a snob, but eh, what can you do about that?”
Sunny Skies and Problematic Potters - Draco hardly has a care in the world. But along comes Harry Potter to stay at his resort, and his world is turned upside down in a matter of minutes. But will it really be so bad after all? 2k. 
Tags: No smut or anything like that.  Just good old fluff.
Blessings always came in the most uncanny of ways, Draco’s mother had always told him. She had held him to her chest as he clutched a lily in his hands, excited to see the flower a month before it was meant to bloom. She had told him it was a sign, but he hadn’t understood. He still didn’t understand, to this day. The strange appearance of the lily in October, especially a few days before Halloween, still baffled him. He had been seven, then, and now he was twenty two. He would’ve thought he could’ve figured it out by now.
But today, a blessing in disguise was to come to his doorstep. Or, as close to his doorstep as it could get. Out somewhere in the Galapagos Islands, Draco had learned that his family owned a beach resort. It was marvelous, and he had requested to take up permanent residence in one of the rooms. Of course, as he was the Malfoy heir, he got whatever he wanted. So now, he was living happily at Magna Lux, and helping to run the business, all from the comforts of his feather-down bed.
But, of course, all good things had to come to an end, eventually. Draco had been stepping out into the hallway, peering over the balcony below to do his daily lookover of the lobby. Lux was a popular Wizarding resort (upon that fact, Draco should’ve known what was to come), and spectacularly busy at times. Draco liked to admire from above before he went downstairs to check things out himself, but something that particular morning seemed to catch his eye.
“I know I have a room reserved!” the guest at the front of the line was complaining, elbows resting on the counter as he argued with the desk clerk. “Mind you, I didn’t make the reservation myself, but it should be there!”
Draco squinted down at the loud miscreant, so sure he had heard that voice somewhere before. But he couldn’t place it, and that frustrated him. It seemed he’d have to step in and take care of matters himself, so he headed for the elevators.
“Sir, we don’t have a reservation under that name.” the desk clerk was trying to explain as Draco exited the elevator and headed for the front desk. “I- Mr. Malfoy! Thank goodness. I think I require a bit of assistance.”
“Yes, Jeanette, I can see-“
There was a loud crash and a bang, and Draco’s head whipped around to glare at the source. The man in front of the counter had dropped his suitcases, staring at Draco openly. And now that Draco could clearly see his face, his jaw dropped.
Potter. Harry bloody Potter! And by the looks of it, Harry was just as surprised to see him.
“No! Absolutely not.” Draco seethed, pressing his palms on the countertop. “You aren’t allowed in my resort. Take your chosen arse, and your sad suitcases, and get back on the plane!”
Harry looked very offended, his green eyes burning brightly as he stepped ever closer to the front desk. Draco had hoped the man would go quietly, but it seemed that just wasn’t in the cards.
“Wait just one second, Malfoy. You own this resort? Hermione never said a thing.” Harry said, refusing to budge even then. “But I’m not leaving. I came here to have a vacation, and I’m going to have one. So, just give me my room key, and I’ll be on my way.”
“You dare to talk to me like that in my own-“
“Mr. Malfoy?” Jeanette interrupted. “Phone for you, she says it’s important. It’s, ah…actually regarding our guest here.”
Harry suddenly looked very smug, and Draco rolled his eyes, resisting the urge to slap the other in the face. He took the phone from Jeanette’s hand, holding it up to his ear as he faced the wall.
“Yes, this is Mr. Malfoy speaking.”
“Draco, darling.” Narcissa said, and Draco nearly dropped the phone.
His mother never called the resort, so it was quite a surprise to hear her voice on the other side of the phone.
“Mother.” Draco said, as calmly as he could. “Is there a problem?”
“Yes, actually. It seems Mr. Potter’s reservation somehow got lost in the system. If you could tell him that he’s in room 809, that would be wonderful.”
Room 809?! That was the room right next to his own! Was this some sort of sick joke that the world was playing on him? He couldn’t believe this. Nobody ever stayed in that room, per his own request.
“…alright. I’ll do just that.” Draco said, then quickly hung up the phone before his mother could make any other inane requests. “Potter, it seems your reservation got lost in the system. You’re in room 809.”
“Excellent!” Harry had that annoying grin of his pasted on his face, and his hand was held out for the key.
Draco ever so begrudgingly dropped it into the other’s hand, snatching his own hand back as soon as the deed was done. When Jeanette began to give out the usual welcome packet, Draco darted back off to the elevators as quick as anything.
Hopefully, he’d be able to avoid Potter during the other’s entire stay.
The day was sunny and warm, and it seemed like an absolutely perfect opportunity to go relax in the sun. Draco had pondered staying in his room the entire day (just in order to avoid Potter), but Harry would probably be doing the same thing, so he might as well go make the most of the recreational activities.
The sand felt heavenly on Draco’s bare toes, and the beach was nearly empty at this time of morning. It was a perfect time to relax before the afternoon crowds came in, and he’d be able to enjoy some peace and quiet. He set up his beach chair and umbrella (he always burned too easily) before finally removing his shirt and kicking off the foam flipflops that Pansy had insisted he get. Though he’d never be seen with the things in public, they were quite useful for the beaches.
A flick of his wand, and his radio was softly playing some instrumental tunes that he could doze off to. He relaxed on his chair, safe under the shade of his umbrella, and slipped on a pair of sunglasses. The only sound in the distance was of seagulls squawking, but even that hardly bothered him. It was just him, the beach, and the sound of-
There was a slight screeching from somewhere behind him, and the familiar snapping sound of flipflops. Draco raised an eyebrow, but decided it was nothing. Why would anyone want to be out here so early? But the screeching and snapping got louder, until it was right next to him. A beach chair was suddenly shoved beside him, hitting his own chair with a smack and nearly jolting him onto the sand. He raised his sunglasses, ready to chew out whoever would be such an annoyance, but the words died on his tongue.
“Potter.” Draco said flatly, lips pressed in a thin line. “Would you mind sitting somewhere else? This beach is quite large.”
“Oh, I know.” Harry had that stupid smile on again, and Draco averted his eyes to the water. “But I wanted to share the umbrella. Besides, it’s too nice of a day to be alone.”
“Maybe I want to be alone, did you ever think of that?”
“Nobody ever really wants to be alone, Malfoy. Even when you think so, a small part of you still craves company.”
Draco thought over that for a moment, and he was so occupied that he almost missed the shedding of Harry’s shirt. His eyes snapped over to where Harry sat, lifting his plain shirt over his head and tossing it to the side. Draco had never seen Harry shirtless (though, who had, really? Except his dormmates, Draco supposed), and though the Potter boy was a bit on the scrawny side, it was still a sight nonetheless.
“Like what you see?” Harry said teasingly, reclining on the beach chair and pillowing his arms behind his head. “I know I’m not much to look at.”
“You’re alright, I suppose.” Draco drawled, and they sat in silence for a moment before he spoke once more. “So, what brings you on vacation, Potter? Are the screaming girls too much for the precious savior?”
“I just wanted to get away for awhile.” Harry said with a shrug, slapping on some Muggle suntan lotion. “Isn’t that what everyone comes here to do? Why should I be any different?”
Because you’re Harry Potter, Draco wanted to respond. And why wasn’t Harry using a Sunscreen Charm instead? That was much easier than using slimy lotion, but the squelching sounds that it made on Harry’s skin somehow made his cock twitch in interest.
“Mm.” Draco crossed one leg over the other, not really sure what else to discuss. “Quiet must be hard to come by for you.”
“It is.” Harry nodded, putting the lotion bottle aside and stretching out on the beach chair. “What about you, hm? You’re missed back in London.”
“Shut up! Don’t lie to me.” Draco was suddenly up and out of his chair, eyes narrowed as he pulled his shirt back over his head. “I’m a filthy ex-Death Eater, Potter, and I’ll never be anything more. That’s the only reason that I’m staying here. At least I don’t get ridiculed every time I go outside my hotel room. That’s all they did to me back in London, you know. Even children were scared of me. You wouldn’t understand, Potter. You’re the hero. I’m the villain.”
Harry looked slightly hurt, rising from his beach chair. “Malfoy, that isn’t what I meant. I don’t think you’re-“
“Stay away from me, Potter.” Draco packed up all his things with a flick of his wand, and the umbrella snapped shut. “I don’t want to see any sight of you during your stay. Just…leave me alone.”
He ignored Harry’s loud protests from behind him, stalking off with his canvas bag in hand. He was sick and tired of Harry Potter popping up in his life, and he was putting a stop to it right that instant.
Draco should’ve known that it wouldn’t be the last time he’d run into Harry. The resort was only so big, but he managed to avoid the other for two days. But as he was heading toward the elevators, he bumped right into Harry.
“Malfoy! Good to see you.” Harry was smiling like nothing had even happened, and Draco was somewhat infuriated. “Were you heading out?”
“Yes.” Draco said through gritted teeth. “I suppose you are as well?”
“There’s a Muggle fair nearby that I want to check out.” Harry said happily. “You should come! It’ll be fun. Besides, you’ve probably already done everything at the resort, yeah?”
Draco gave a drawn-out sigh, crossing his arms. He eyed Harry, raising an eyebrow.
“I thought I told you to stay away from me?”
“Look, I’m just being nice. I don’t care about our past right now, I just care about enjoying myself on vacation.”
Another sigh and an eyeroll, and Draco finds himself nodding. Harry looked like someone just gave him a puppy, and he went to hug Draco, but stopped himself at the death glare he received.
“Let’s just go, shall we?” Draco started walking off toward the elevator banks, leaving Harry to run along behind him.
As it turned out, the fair wasn’t that far from the hotel. Draco wondered why he’d never heard about it before, but perhaps it was because he never dared to venture away from the Lux’s property. He and Harry didn’t exchange a single word on the way there, which the blonde was grateful for. It wasn’t like he wanted to talk to the Boy Wonder, anyways.
When they reached the fair, Harry had pure delight on his face, trying to drink everything in with hungry eyes. Draco couldn’t help but to snicker, but he was quickly dragged through the fairgrounds in Harry’s excitement.
“I’ve never been to one of these before.” Harry said, pausing near a photobooth. “I mean, my cousin did, but they never took me. C’mon, this looks like fun. Let’s take pictures.”
Draco opened his mouth to protest, but he was pulled behind the curtain before he could say a single word. He was now squished onto a seat with Harry, hip to hip with the other. Harry was scrolling through a few options on the tiny screen, then slung his arm around Draco’s shoulders like it was absolutely normal.
“What’re you doing?” Draco hissed.
“We’re taking fun pictures, Malfoy, lighten up and at least smile for the camera.” Harry replied.
Draco made a horrified face, but at a jab in the side from Harry, he forced a smile onto his face as the camera went off. They took about four more pictures, and by the end of it, Draco was smiling naturally, and actually enjoying himself.
Stepping out into the sunshine, Harry swiped the strip of photos from the slot, grinning as he looked upon them and tucked them into his pocket.
“Why can’t I see?” Draco complained.
“It’s a souvenir for me, of course. But, perhaps I’ll let you have a little peek at them later.”
As they walked farther along into the fair, Harry was drawn to one of the dart games. There was a rather large stuffed snake, and Harry gave Draco a pleading look.
“I bet you’re a better shot than I am. Win it for me?”
Draco sighed and rolled his eyes, but the look on Harry’s face was worth it as he stepped up to the booth. Harry slipped some tokens into his hand, and he slapped one down on the counter. He was handed darts, and summoned all of his concentration.
Pwhip! Pwhip! Pwhip!
“We have a winner!” the guy running the booth said, a smile on his face. “Pick your prize.”
Draco reached for the giant snake, taking it into his arms before he walked over to where Harry stood. He offered it wordlessly, and Harry hugged it to his chest. A strange sort of hissing quietly flowed from his lips, and Draco oddly felt himself turned on.
“Did you just-“ he tried to ask. “I thought you lost that ability after the war.”
“I did.” Harry shrugged. “But I still remember a few words. It isn’t like I use it that often.”
Draco shook his head, and they walked on.
Draco had never been on so many Muggle rides in his life (or any, for that matter), and the thrill of it all was quite exhilarating. Harry seemed pleased that he was having so much fun, convinced that he had done his job well.
When the end of the night came, Draco was left with cotton candy specks smudged across his lips, and hair that had been ever so gently tugged out of its usual neat state. He had accidentally grabbed Harry’s hand in the fun house earlier, but a blush across Harry’s cheeks told him that the other didn’t mind.
“I had fun.” Draco said, as they reached their rooms. “I haven’t had that much fun since…forever, I guess. Thanks for showing me that fair.”
“You’re welcome.” Harry replied, rocking back and forth on his heels like he had something else to say. “Look, I- I had a lot of fun with you too, Draco. Almost more fun than I have with my real friends. I’m actually checking out tomorrow, I’m being called back to London for a ceremony or something like that. I wanted to say thanks. I don’t think I would’ve enjoyed that as much if I was by myself.”
“You’re checking out?” Draco was a bit disappointed. “Damn Kingsley and his ceremonies.”
“I wholeheartedly agree with you there.” Harry laughed. “But, there was something I wanted to do before I went, and I really hope you don’t mind.”
And suddenly, Harry’s lips were upon his own, and he was kissing back like no tomorrow. His mind was screaming at him to stop, but he hardly listened. Somehow, some way, Harry Potter had wanted to kiss him. And that was something he didn’t want to give up.
“Mph.” was all Draco was able to get out, pressed against the wall with the sheer force of the kiss.
“Sorry.” Harry stepped back, his cheeks bright red. “I’m sorry if you’re not- you know, gay. But I just wanted to see what you tasted like. If you still tasted like that cotton candy from all those hours ago.”
“Bisexual, Potter, I’m bisexual. And I didn’t quite mind at all, really. I’ve always wondered how kissing you would feel like.” Draco smirked at the astonished expression on Harry’s face. “Now, should we make your last night one to remember?”
“Don’t mind if I do.”
Want to see more? Check the “dralentine’s day” tag or head over to dralentines-day.tumblr.com!
Happy Dralentine’s Day!
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ao3feed-harrydraco · 5 years
by haos-parasol (LoveUntilWeBleed)
On his way back from detention with Professor Umbridge one night, Harry finds out he has a bit more in common with Draco than he ever would have thought.
Words: 6068, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Blood (very slight but still present), drarry if you squint, the only real triggers are the blood and self-harm though i tried to make it gentle
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