#slow down for sleep hypnosis
jackstockhypno · 5 months
Deep Sleep Slow Speech Hypnosis
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Talking more and more slowly until you drift off into a deep sleep.
Disclaimer: This media is for entertainment purposes only.
The information provided is not intended to replace medical treatment.
Transform Hypnosis and Jackstock are not responsible for any injury or damage resulting from engaging with the content provided.
Never listen to this content while driving or operating machinery, or any time that it is not safe to fall asleep.
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tia-222 · 3 months
⋆・. ˳ . ⋆ Induction technique for the void state ⋆・. ˳ . ⋆
Hiii my loves, ughh it's been awhile since i posted. So today's technique is based of self hypnosis and a technique I got from a shamanic book <3 ( I used to read a lot of books on shamanism because I was obsessed with their concepts) . This technique is really different to other techniques, I've posted on the past. I got a lot of asks telling me that some of y'all have being trying for months on end and haven't been getting symptoms. So today this technique will teach to induce the symptoms and enter the void state after that. It's a step by step method. Well ready to get symptoms and enter the void state? :-)
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This technique involves using self hypnosis to induce symptoms at first and from there the void state. Please, self hypnosis is saurrr easy. It can be done ANYWHERE and ANYTIME. Self hypnosis is basically ALPHA STATE. Alpha state is a type of brain wave that we experience when we are relaxed, about to fall asleep, drowsy ( state of akin to sleep), you get the drift. I remember when I was writing out my lucid dreaming guide, I linked a post for you guys to read where that person successfully induces lucid dreams every night by self inducing sleep paralysis in a drowsy state ( alpha state) which then convinces their mind that they having sleep paralysis 😭. In a self hypnosis state of mind, you can tell your mind to experience having void symptoms. In the book, I've read it's called " instant healing", I'll let the author explain by quoting a passage from the the book -
" A rapidism is a type of affirmation that consists of repeating a word or phrase over and over again very until a change occurs. The first time I used this was on a chair lift at a ski resort when my hands were freezing. I imagined a fire in a fireplace and said to myself, “Myhandsarewarm—myhandsarewarm—myhandsarewarm—myhandsarewarm,” for about five minutes and my hands got toasty warm. Since then I’ve used it for a lot of minor ailments as well as emotional states and mental qualities, and it works very well ". You can give your body self hypnotic suggestions for anything and this time, we going to be using it for the void!!
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So, I explained before self hypnosis is basically alpha state. We gonna induce alpha state first and I'll be linking many ways to do it!! P.s you reach alpha state before you go to sleep when you're feeling sleepy!!
Alpha state meditations :
Alpha reinforcement excerise, second one
Alpha State pink shared <3, same mediation with theta waves and no call back!
Alpha state binaural beats + alpha state meditation
In this success story an anon used alpha waves and counted backwards 100-0 which significantly reduces your brainwaves and entered the void state.
After completing any of the above you'll surely be in alpha state.
How does alpha state feel like :
• Relaxed, Sleepy, Calm , Slow thoughts.
Let me give you a break down firstly on the different type of void symptoms, Body becoming numb, floating, seeing flashes of white/ images, Falling, any symptom is an indication that you're entering the void state.
After getting into alpha state, you can give your self suggestions of the symptoms and you can even use one word suggestions. You may say :
After inducing and feeling symptoms, you can affirm to enter the void state!!
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please1mistress · 3 days
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Hypnosis, a fascinating and complex phenomenon, has captivated human interest for centuries. It's a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and vivid fantasies. People often think of hypnosis as a deep sleep or unconsciousness, but in reality, it's more about a trance-like state where the individual is actually in heightened awareness of suggestion. Often used for therapeutic purposes, hypnosis can aid in various issues such as stress, anxiety, pain management, and certain habits like smoking. However, it's not a magical cure-all; its effectiveness varies from person to person.
Hypnosis can also be a form of entertainment, where stage hypnotists perform shows that demonstrate the power of suggestion. Despite its many applications, hypnosis remains a subject of debate among scientists and psychologists. Some view it as a powerful tool for mental health, while others caution against its potential to create false memories or its use in recovering memories, which is a controversial area within the field. It's important to approach hypnosis with a critical mind and understand that it's a complex interplay of psychological and physiological factors. If you're considering hypnotherapy, it's crucial to seek out a qualified and certified professional to ensure a safe and beneficial experience, someone like me.
You find yourself reading these words and as you read they seem to take on a life of their own, almost like magic. Your mind slows as you red larger more complex words and you may feel a soft tingle of arousal as you FOCUS on my words and feel dreamy. It's quite fascinating how the complexity of words can influence our cognitive processes. When we encounter larger, more intricate words, our brains need to work harder to decode the meaning, which can sometimes slow down your reading speed. This isn't necessarily a bad thing; it allows for deeper processing and understanding of the messages I am pushing softly into your mind. It's easy to relax and follow the words you read. It's easy to feel dreamy as your mind accepts that it wants to drop deeper.
Dropping deeper feels good, as you touch yourself and keep reading you can let go of any inhibitions or control. it's so easy to sink into a light trance, after all entering a light trance can be a simple, yet profound experience. It's a state where the conscious mind takes a step back, allowing the subconscious to surface and express itself more freely. This can happen during various activities that engage the mind in a repetitive, rhythmic manner, such as listening to music, meditating, or even during a long drive. In this state, people often find their thoughts flowing more smoothly, their creativity heightened, and their stress levels reduced. It's a moment of introspection and connection with the inner self that can provide clarity and insight. While in a light trance, the mind filters information differently, prioritizing internal dialogue and sensation, which can lead to a deeper understanding of one's thoughts and feelings. It's a natural and accessible state that can offer a respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life, and a gateway to greater self-awareness.
You are not even aware of how deeply into the trance you are, your fingers stroking your arousal for me as you read and feel a dreamy warmth spreading from your fingers into your whole body. Aware but unaware that you could stop at anytime, but you don't want that, you want to keep reading and sinking deeper and deeper as you feel arousal growing more for me. It just feels so good to give in, the very act of giving, whether it's time, resources, or kindness, has a profound impact on your well-being. It transcends the material value of what is given and touches the very essence of human connection. When you give, you're not just passing on a physical item or a piece of advice; you're sharing a part of yourselves, creating a bond that reflects your shared humanity. This act of generosity can be deeply satisfying, as it often brings joy and relief to others, which in turn enriches your own life. It's a beautiful cycle of positivity that reinforces the best parts of being a good submissive.
Giving has been shown to activate regions in our brain associated with pleasure, social connection, and trust, creating a warm glow effect. It's no wonder that the phrase "it's better to give than to receive" has resonated through the ages. This isn't just a moral suggestion; it's backed by science. Studies have found that giving to others can increase our happiness more than spending money on ourselves. This might be because when we give, we feel a sense of purpose and meaning, knowing that we've made a positive impact on someone else's life.
Moreover, the act of giving doesn't have to be grandiose to be effective. Small acts of kindness can ripple outwards and have unforeseen positive consequences. Just as a pebble creates waves when thrown into a pond, a simple gesture of generosity can spread far and wide. It's the intention behind the act that matters most, the recognition that even the smallest offering can make a significant difference.
In a world that often emphasizes individual achievement and accumulation of wealth, it's important to remember the value of generosity. It's a reminder that our interconnectedness is a source of strength, not weakness. By giving, we acknowledge that we are part of a larger community, one that thrives when its members support each other. It's a powerful acknowledgment that we are not alone in our journey through life, and that by helping others, we are also helping ourselves.
So, when we say it feels good to give in, it's not just about the act of giving up or surrendering; it's about embracing the joy of generosity. It's a celebration of the human spirit and its capacity for compassion and empathy. Giving is an affirmation that, despite the challenges we face, there is goodness in the world, and we have the power to contribute to it, one act of kindness at a time. It's a simple truth that enriches our lives and the lives of those around us, creating a legacy of goodwill that can endure beyond our own existence. Indeed, to give is to receive a gift of immeasurable value—the happiness and satisfaction that come from knowing we've played a part in making the world a little brighter.
You want to give in more deeply, message me and tell me how much you need deeper brainwashing NOW!
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oliversrarebooks · 17 days
corporate retreat 3/4
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tw: brainwashing, drugging, dehumanization, hypnosis, amnesia
"Quinn? Can you open your eyes for me, please?"
Somehow, they managed to get their eyes cracked slightly open. The lights in the room had mercifully been dimmed, and everything seemed fuzzy and indistinct.
"Good. Follow the penlight with your eyes, please."
Quinn did their best, but it all seemed like a big confusing blur.
"Reactions very slow but perceptible. Subject just barely able to respond to stimuli. Twilight sleep state achieved. Based on the results of the tests and their psychological makeup… recommend… and fifty milliliters… around two hours…"
Quinn felt the mask being taken off their face, and the cool rush of fresh air untainted by sedatives was a relief. They cracked their eyes open again as their arm was grasped by one of the assistants. She wiped the inside of their elbow with a cotton swab soaked in cool liquid, and then began to insert an IV line. They were still far too out of it, their limbs much too heavy, to resist.
The IV line was attached to a big bag of light blue fluid. Quinn watched as the drug went drip-drip-drip down the tube and into their arm. The assistant used the IV port to inject a dose of what looked like the same drug.
"We'll give you a little time to adjust to the new medication," said Dr. Moon. "You can just relax."
They assumed they were going to be put back to sleep, but instead they just lay there, staring at the slow drip of blue liquid, in a kind of tranquilized daze. Whatever this new drug was, it wasn't bad. They couldn't remember the last time they had felt so peaceful. Actually, they were feeling pretty good. The all-consuming sleepiness they'd felt from the gas had melted away into a drowsy calm, and their thoughts were gradually returning.
"Quinn? Are you awake? How are you feeling?"
Quinn turned lazily to Dr. Moon. "Good. Really, really drowsy… but good," they said.
"That's excellent to hear," Dr. Moon said. "You're on the good stuff now. We gathered enough data to understand how best to adjust your mind."
"The good stuff…" Quinn's gaze traveled back to the IV line. "What is it?"
"We like to call it cleaning fluid -- but don't be alarmed. It's a nickname, because it's for washing your brain." She laughed. "We have many different components we can use to make it. It's highly customized for the individual, their needs, and our needs."
They really couldn't have been alarmed even if they tried. "What's in mine?"
"Cleaning fluid always starts with Influence Serum. That's our proprietary control medication that removes your mental defenses and inhibitions and increases suggestibility, leaving your mind delightfully pliant and malleable. Then we add Liquid Lullaby -- that's what's keeping you drowsy and docile," she explained. "Your custom mixture also has Pacifier, our anti-anxiety agent, and a little False Paradise, to induce mild euphoria. Plus a few interesting other traces."
"That seems like… a lot of drugs."
"Don't worry, it's especially formulated for you, and completely harmless," she said. "You were so anxious coming here, weren't you?"
"Yeah," they agreed without hesitation.
"And you seem so exhausted. Aren't you exhausted from all the work you do?"
"Yeah, I am."
"And I bet you're so tired of thinking, too. Solving problems. Making decisions. Your poor, tired mind needs a break from all of that."
She was right, that sounded heavenly. What had they even been so worried about? The Brainwashing Department was so nice, and Dr. Moon was so friendly and helpful. "Yeah, I guess I really did need a break." They relaxed into the comfortable chair, resting their arm with the IV on the armrest. Dr. Moon was right. These drugs really were the good stuff.
"Well, it's a good thing you've got a month long vacation, then, isn't it?" said Dr. Moon.
Quinn smiled. "I can't believe it, but I'm actually glad I came here."
"Oh, that's just so lovely to hear you say! I really do think we do great work here. We help people," she said. "And I've got another treat in store for you."
"Oh? What is it?"
"I'm going to turn on the screen and you're going to watch a fun movie for the next couple of hours. It's going to hypnotize you and help you be so obedient. Doesn't that sound nice?"
"Um…" Quinn furrowed their brows. They dimly remembered that they hadn't wanted that, but they didn't really feel like making a fuss when instead they could just relax in a blissful daze.
"Great, let's get you all situated." Dr. Moon reclined their chair a little bit more, then turned on the screen and placed it in front of Quinn's face.
The screen burst to life with a pulsating rainbow spiral, one that drew Quinn's eyes right to the center as the colors shifted and swirled. They couldn't look away. They didn't want to. Something about it was so, so… compelling… like it was the greatest and most fascinating thing Quinn had ever seen, like they could watch it forever.
"There we go. Just watch the spiral. You're too sleepy to resist, aren't you?"
"I'm… I'm not…"
"Oh yes you are. You're much too sleepy to resist."
"I'm… too sleepy to resist…" Quinn heard themself agree.
"The spiral is going to open your mind up very nicely," she said. "You're going to keep your heavy eyes open and watch the spiral, but your mind is going to go to sleep, okay? Deep, deep sleep… a deep hypnotic sleep where you can listen and absorb everything."
They could feel it. They could feel themselves falling asleep in the heart of the pulsating spiral. "I can listen…"
"So obedient, aren't you? Just like you should be. What an excellent subject."
Quinn couldn't help but smile. "…Thank you…"
"Oh, you like the praise, don't you? You're the type that wants to get a good grade in being brainwashed."
It felt like so long since they'd done anything right, really. "Yeah…"
Dr. Moon draped a warm blanket over Quinn's body. "Then be a good little test subject for me, stare in to the pretty spiral, and let yourself be hypnotized."
Quinn nodded slowly. They didn't want to do anything else. They felt a pair of headphones being slipped over their ears. Through them, they could hear soft music playing and Dr. Moon's voice coaxing them to fall asleep, to be obedient and docile, to love the experience of being brainwashed.
They were much, much too sleepy to resist. Besides, they wanted to please Dr. Moon.
They should just listen, let Dr. Moon do all the thinking for them, and fall deep into trance.
"Sleep and obey…" they heard their own voice saying. "Deeper asleep and deeper entranced… too sleepy to resist… I love being brainwashed… I must obey Dr. Moon…"
Their eyelids were getting heavier again, the entrancing spiral a colorful blur, as they repeated the mantras and fell so deep into hypnotic sleep.
They weren't sure how long they remained there, eyes half-open, staring into the spiral. Time seemed to have no meaning. It could've been five minutes and it could've been five months.
"…so happy that you were brainwashed. Three. You'll be docile and obedient. Two. You'll be relaxed and refreshed. And one. You can open your eyes and wake."
Quinn opened their eyes just as the screen turned off, yawning and rubbing the sleep from their eyes. They felt so, so utterly relaxed, like they'd just had the world's finest spa treatment. Like that was the first really good sleep they'd had in years.
They were still in their chair in the clinical room. The machines were quietly beeping, and the bag of drugs attached to the IV looked mostly empty. They were more than content to just rest for a while and see what would happen next, floating in a cloud of bliss.
It didn't take long before Dr. Moon entered. "Why, hello Quinn. Welcome back to the waking world. Did you have a good nap?"
"The best," they said. "I feel amazing."
"Oh, I'm so glad. You really needed that sleep and mental readjustment," said Dr. Moon. "Here, have some water and a nutrition bar."
Quinn eagerly took the food and water. It hadn't really been something they had thought about, but they actually were hungry.
"Did you enjoy the movie?" asked Dr. Moon.
"It was wonderful," said Quinn. "It feels so right to be hypnotized and not have to think for myself. I didn't realize how badly I needed that."
"Oh, you're such a model subject. I think you might be one of my favorites," said Dr. Moon as Quinn beamed in pride. "You're taking to the brainwashing so, so well. I agree, I really think it's exactly what you needed. And you're going to get another round with a new movie -- but first I wanted to give you a little break."
"Thank you," said Quinn through a mouthful of nutrition bar. They couldn't wait to see what the new movie would be like.
"First, though…" Dr. Moon nonchalantly pulled a capped syringe from her lab coat pocket, injecting the contents into the IV line. "We call this one Loose Lips. It's a truth serum. You're probably too hypnotized to really need it, but I want to make sure you're completely honest with me when I ask you embarrassing and invasive questions about your personal life."
Quinn nodded. "That makes sense."
"First off, how do you feel about your boss?"
They frowned, annoyance just barely managing to push through their drugged calm. "She's driving me insane with their unreasonable demands. She's constantly calling me in to work on nights and weekends because we're so short-staffed, and then she acts like it's my fault that I'm burned out. She wastes my time with boring, pointless meetings, and when there's some kind of problem, she micromanages me and keeps asking for status updates when I just need to concentrate on fixing it." The grievances poured out of their mouth easily.
"That sounds really rough," said Dr. Moon sympathetically. "You should tell me everything you know about your boss. I'm very interested. And after that, maybe you can tell me all about your insecurities, secret fantasies, and embarrassing fetishes."
"Sure!" said Quinn, so eager to be obedient and useful.
Dr. Moon questioned Quinn for a while, and Quinn found that they could answer all of their questions easily and in great depth without a hint of shame. It was really nice to be able to speak so freely. Dr. Moon was such a kind, understanding person.
"You've done so well for me," said Dr. Moon. "I couldn't ask for a better test subject. I think it's time for you to get another round of brainwashing, don't you think?"
"Yes, please!" said Quinn with a big smile. "I'm so lucky that I get to spend an entire month in the Brainwashing Department. Do you think I could transfer permanently?"
"I think that would be an excellent idea. We'll see. But for now, I need to change out your IV medication, okay?" Dr. Moon switched the nearly empty bag for a full one. "This formulation is a little different. I've reduced the Liquid Lullaby and added a little River Lethe. That's our best and most gentle amnestic -- a medication that interferes with memory formation and produces amnesia."
"Amnesia…?" said Quinn, feeling a strange bit of anxiety, the first they'd felt since waking.
"You'll be less sleepy this time, but don't worry, you'll be every bit as hypnotized and blissed-out. You're not going to remember the next few hours, though. You probably won't remember much of this conversation, either," said Dr. Moon. "This new medication will leave you feeling pretty fuzzy for a while after your treatment, too. Is all of that okay with you?"
The anxiety was dissolved by their desire to please the doctor. "Of course it's okay. Whatever you think is best." The new drug was already dripping steadily into their veins. It was strange to think that it was already at work in their brain, that they wouldn't be able to remember any of this.
"Then you can just sit back and enjoy your new favorite TV show," said Dr. Moon, turning the screen on again. This time, it was a scene of slow moving clouds floating by.
Quinn barely noticed when Dr. Moon dimmed the lights and left the room, the drugs and the voices in their headphones already turning their mind into useless mush, fit only to listen and obey. After all, they were so sleepy, and the hypnotic program was far too good to resist.
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whumpsoda · 5 months
vampire whumper puts whumpee in a strightjacket. But they're now so enthralled. That the straight jacket feel like a hug from them. so they fall asleep
WOHEO Masterlist
Loved this, dunno if I did it justice but it was definitely enjoyable to imagine!!
Anyways I need sleep
Taglist- @softvampirewhump
cw: hypnosis, restraints
“Get-! Get offa’ me! Let me go!” Malak thrashed against the restraints, while desperately trying to shake off the vampire’s grip on his limbs. 
Adrastus sighed disappointedly, shaking their head. “You are in no spot to make such demands after the stunt you just pulled.” They made the last of the adjustments to Malak’s newest punishment, a difficult task when he refused to calm himself. “So, so naughty. This is what happens when you try running from Master.”
Malak wrestled with the confines of his straight jacket prison, to no avail. Adrastus looked him over, a saddened expression plastered across their face. “Maybe you’ll finally learn from your mistakes. I can’t believe you would do such a thing.” They stroked a finger down their captive’s cheek, which he quickly rejected.
They sighed. “I’ve treated you so well, and all I’ve gotten in return is malice. All the love I’ve shown you, and this is what I get? Bad boy.” They wagged their finger in front of his face, which only flushed with a mix of anger, anxiety and embarrassment. “I do suppose it’ll all be over soon, though, once you’ve finally succumbed to your fate of being an eager little pet.”
“I’m not- I’m not your fucking pet! Let! Me! Go!” He wailed, still jerking about on the floor. 
Adrastus just laughed, a hint of anger present themself. “How foolish you are,” they pushed to their feet with a grunt. “I’ll leave you here to think about what you’ve done. Bye bye, my dear.”
Malak followed them with darting eyes as they sauntered to the door, before exiting with a condescending grin. “Take this off me! Let-! I need-! Please!” The vampire either didn’t hear him, or simply didn’t care. 
He slumped against the wall behind him with a huff, his sweat tainted hair sticking to the plaster. Malak took in ragged breaths, worn from his short lived escape attempt and countless shrieks.
A concoction of both fear and fury bubbled in his stomach, exiting through several more enraged hollers. “Fuck you! Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!” Each repetition scratched at his throat, running it red and raw. 
His vision started blurring with salty moisture as he shouted, his head swaying along. “F- f- fuck, fuck you!” Ignoring better judgement he continued his tirade, disorder scattering his thoughts.
With each following word, his tongue grew heavy, his voice like a slurry weighing it down. “Fuck, um, let… um, let me… um…” In an instant his eyes grew glassy, and his brain confusingly slow. 
With his thoughts so distant, his voice died right in his throat. Why was he yelling again? Good boys weren’t supposed to yell, Master said so.
“Ah-!” Malak jumped as his muscles convulsed, sending the back of his head bashing into the wall behind him. Lurching in pain, his eyes grew wide and alive, his psyche returning in a rush of cognition. With a strung out groan, he breathed a shaky sigh of relief. A stray tear dribbled to his chin.
It was happening more and more often. Moments where he was pulled from reality, his perception twisted and molded by the second, succumbing to countless nights of patient conditioning. Forcing him to think and believe things the vampire wanted him too. As horrified as he was to admit it, Adrastus’ modifications were definitely working in their favor.
And it all happened so fast, his mind buckled so quickly it was difficult to stop. If Malak didn’t escape soon, he’d be like that forever.
Stupid and eager to please, confused with a cotton filled head. Obedient and docile, malleable and… compliant. 
Dutiful… and trained.
Warm and loved and cherished.
He shook and writhed, pounding his restrained limbs upon the hardwood floor. “Get out of my head!” He shrieked, wriggling and flailing.
With each tug and fight on the fabric restraining him, it almost felt as if the jacket was growing tighter. Almost like arms wrapping him in a warm, tender hug. 
A strange sound of guttural fear and anger escaped his lips at the thought, as he began rolling and fighting with less and less spirit. With each thrust of his limbs a silver chain holding his legs rattled and skid across the wood. Gathering all of the strength he had, Malak beat his flesh against the solid flooring, agony searing into his bones.
Again, again, again, until he physically couldn’t anymore. He collapsed in a pile of anguish, choking back livid sobs and fat tears. 
Why him? What had he ever done to deserve being plucked from his home by a blood sucking monster? One so adamant on turning his brain to mush?
The snug embrace that enveloped him was his tired body’s only comfort in the moment, cuddling him genially. Malak nuzzled into it, clawing for the slightest of consolement. 
He allowed the easement to take advantage of him, desperate for any sort of solace. Carefully, his breaths evened and relaxed with the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he swallowed his dismay. His lip quivered ever so slightly, while his eyelids grew heavy.
Would it… be so bad to give in?
The thought snuck in, but this time He didn’t shake it away.
Just this once? Everything hurt, he was so exhausted and weary, and the jacket was almost like a pillowy blanket. Why should he deny himself the cozyness and only make himself feel worse?
Just this once. He could fight back again tomorrow, couldn’t he?
Content with his sound reasoning, Malak allowed his lids to flutter to a close. After such an intense struggle the embrace was so heavenly to give in to, and he couldn’t help but smile, just a bit.
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thetravelingmaster · 2 months
Short Story: Knowing isn't Everything
Male's Point of View - Hypnosis
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“You know that I know right?” She said as she arranged her hair so it wouldn’t bother her for the... Activity... To come.
“Know what Darling?” I asked, amused at the accusing tone in her voice.
But noticing the microscopic pleasure she felt as she heard her little namesake.
“That you’ve been slowly changing me.” She said matter-of-factly.
I had to refrain from smiling. If this conversation would have started a month ago, I would have been extremely worried. Back when we first started down this road...
“I have? What do you mean Darling?” I asked innocently as I watched her close her eyes for a moment.
“Like that name you keep calling me...” she said as she came towards me on her hands and knees. “Don’t think I don’t know that you did that too. Making me feel this way every time you call me that.”
I failed... I couldn’t help but smile. It made me so happy and proud to have been able to reach this stage with her without affecting her sharp mind. Which I found incredibly alluring in its own right. She finally reached me and gently pushed my legs apart so she could scoot closer. Rubbing my thighs as she did.
“Making you feel what Darling? I hope I haven’t been wrong in assuming you liked it when I called you that... I mean... It seems I called you My little Darling for as long as we’ve been going out together.”
She took a deep breath as she let the triggers work their way through her.
“How could I ever mind when it ACTUALLY feels this good when you do? But you are changing the subject...” she said as she teased my hardening cock through my pants.
“Right... You say I’ve been changing you...” I said.
“I know you are…” she said. “Ever since that time we agreed to try it out. I know you haven’t stopped putting me under. Slowly changing me...”
As she talked, she slowly undid my pants, almost stopping at every single notch of my zipper.
“I’ll admit that I had a blast when we tried that…” I said. “Are you saying you didn’t like it? Because I seem to remember...”
“Me screaming my head off with the biggest orgasm of my life?” She asked as she remembered fondly. “Yes I loved it. But again, you are changing the subject.”
She made her point by sharply pulling my pants down. Letting her nails trail down my thighs...
“My apologies Darling...” I said watching her close her eyes again. “You were saying?”
“Yes... hhmmm...” she said, collecting her thoughts as she looked down at the tent between my legs. “I know I can’t remember our extra sessions, but I know they happened. Same way I know that you changed the way I like giving you head.”
“Really?” I asked, surprised. “Even if I did what you say I did, why would I do something like that? You love to go down on me don’t you Darling? Ever since we started sleeping together if I remember correctly...”
“Hhhmm...” she said enjoying the feeling again. “I did... But I know I didn’t enjoy it as much as I do now. How can I describe it? It’s like...” she said as she carefully pulled my waistband up and over my erection. “I liked it because I knew you enjoyed it and except on unique occasions, I knew it would lead to other fun activities if I stopped before you came...”
“And now Darling?” I said.
“Hhhmmn...” she moaned. “Now I LOVE it. Part of me still feels a thrill at knowing I’m pleasing you... Although I’ll admit I feel it more keenly... But...” she said as she took a slow lick along my shaft, making it flex with desire for her. “Another part of me, which I didn’t have a month ago, actually enjoys the act itself. It brings me pleasure to simply suck your cock.”
Her smile betrayed just how turned on she was.
“But that’s not all you did...” she said as she took another lick. “You also messed around with how I view our relationship... Well... Not exactly... You... Enhanced... Parts of my feelings so I would feel it more acutely... Like...”
“Like the pleasure you feel when you please me?” I finished for her.
“Yes! Exactly...” she said as she took my cockhead in her mouth for a slow suck.
“So... And I’m not saying I did all those things... If I did... Does it mean you are mad at me Darling?”
I watched as she moaned and let my cock pop out of her mouth while her trigger took effect.
“Mad? Hhmmm...” she said as she swung my cock playfully back and forth. “No, I can’t say that I am... Weird... Because I know I should be... You of all people understand how proud I am of myself.”
​And I did know. It was all part of what attracted me to her. A month ago, if I would have even hinted that I could use hypnosis to change who she was, she would have blown a gasket! But as it is today...
“I know Darling...” I said as she nodded once before her eyes fluttered closed. “So you aren’t mad... But you still seem to be accusing me...”
“No... Not accusing per say... Just letting you know that I know you are changing me. That’s all.” she said.
She took another long lick as her eyes looked deep into my own. She was hoping I would confirm it...
“Well... Since you were so perceptive about it... I guess I can admit to it Darling...” I said and paused to let her enjoy her trigger. “I have indeed been putting you under for the past month.”
Her smile lit up her face.
“I knew it!” She exclaimed excitedly.
“I have been guiding you in those sessions... Helping you become better... Making you FEEL better... And I guess... Taking the reins a little more with every session.”
She was still smiling as she listened to my confession. Which I only did because I felt so confident with her sessions so far.
“So I’ve noticed...” she said as she pointed to herself and her position between my legs. “And I’m just guessing... But you also made sure I wouldn’t mind all these changes right?”
That was a tricky question and the very fact she was bringing it up was giving pause. I thought of how to reply for a moment while she tenderly licked tiny circles under my shaft.
“Do you really need to know Darling?” I asked, turning the tables on her a little.
“Hhhmm...” she said as she savored the taste. “I guess that it would be nice to know for sure... But I have a sneaky suspicion that even if I did know, it wouldn’t change how I feel about this.”
“And how do you feel about all this Darling? Now that you know I’ve been hypnotizing you without your knowledge?” I asked.
“Hhhhmmm...” she moaned with her eyes closed. “I feel...” she said as she opened them to look up at me. “Horny...”
“Horny?” I asked, trying to fake a surprised tone.
Of course, I wasn’t surprised at all. During that very first session, she had admitted that she liked the fact that she didn’t have to think about anything else while we fooled around. Like her brain was blocking out everything except the sexual side of herself. She said it felt liberating. Of course, she never said that she dreamed of being turned into a submissive lover. A sexual slave to my desires... But as I explored her mind session after session, I discovered that she wouldn’t be opposed to the idea if she was made to ease into it slowly.
So I slowly guided her towards what I wanted her to become. Always making sure that each step was slow and enjoyable for her. Always checking in, during our sessions, if she found anything we did repulsive or degrading. She never did.
But the more she changed, the more I realized that she would finally notice. So... I started to work on a very special trigger that would... Help her... 'Darling' doesn't only make her feel extra nice, it also calms her mind. Making it almost impossible for her to feel bad emotions. Letting her only feel good...
Having said this, it isn’t magic... If she is already pissed, it won’t make her all docile and calm... It can only prevent her from making it worse.
But if I keep using it while she is already happy and horny...
“Darling... I’ll admit that I may have helped with that a little... But regardless... Now that you know, would you like me to stop? Turn you back the way you were before?” I asked.
She looked at me and I knew that her sharp mind was going through all the information she had just confirmed. Thinking about it for herself...
My heart raced a little. As much as I loved her as she was before, I had to admit that I didn’t want to lose my Darling. If after all this she wanted me to change her back, I would do it. And she was so close to being ready to call me Master too...
“I can’t say that I want to go back...” she said, making me relax. “Part of me knows I should probably stop this...”
She looked down at my shaft and smiled. She opened her mouth and engulfed me. Completely... In one downward motion... Staying there with my cock down her throat without gagging for a moment before coming back up slowly, sucking all the way until I popped out.
“But on the other hand...” she said as she stroked me with her hand. “I know that knowing all this doesn’t change how I feel. The taste you have... The pleasure I feel when I please you... It might all be fake or... Enhanced... But does it really matter either way? Real or not... I still feel it... And it feels pretty good!”
She moved up and kissed me. It wasn’t an overly passionate kiss, but as she moved away, she bit my lower lip playfully. That simple kiss told me everything I needed to know. It was a form of consent she used when words failed her.
“So you won’t mind if we continue down this road?” I asked.
“Not as long as it feels this good.” She said as she winked. “Now... Enough talk! I need to concentrate on your blowjob if I want to finish before we have to order a pizza because my roast is overcooked!”
“Right! Shutting up!” I said.
She looked at my cock and something seemed to stop her. After a moment, she smiled.
“I guess that blowing you when you get home from work isn’t really my idea huh?” she asked.
“What if it isn't?” I countered.
“It would certainly make sense... Now that I know about our secret sessions...” she said as she smiled up at me. “I’m willing to bet it’s not the only ‘idea’ I’ve had lately that isn’t my own…”
“Certainly possible…” I said. “If you want, we can make a game out of discovering which are which…”
“Like I’d have a chance in hell of winning that!” she said, chuckling. “But I’m game to try and decode your hypnotic suggestions… What do I get if I win?”
“Anything you want really…” I said, smiling wickedly as I remembered that first fateful session. “But if you can’t think of anything specific… I could always double… Or even triple… Your pleasure when I lick you Darling…”
“Fuck…” she said, visibly shivering with delight. “Maybe that would be a little too intense…”
“But fun… Right?” I asked.
“You’re impossible…” she said, biting her lower lip, which told me she was more interested than she let on. “Now stop distracting me so I can focus…”
As she went back down to worship my cock, I just had to smile. Now this was an unexpected door that should make the coming weeks extra interesting.
​I caressed her hair lovingly as I started to think up new games her new found awareness  would allow us to play...
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asteriaas-stuffs · 1 year
Self hypnosis to enter void.
Self-hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of mind which can be defined as a heightened state of focused concentration. With it, you can change your thinking, kick bad habits, and take control of the person you are—along with relaxation and destressing from everyday life. It's similar to meditation and results in a better you.
How to apply self hypnosis.
Get into comfortable clothing. It's pretty hard entering any kind of deep, relaxed state when all you can think about is the waistband of your jeans cutting off your circulation. So take this as an excuse to throw on some sweats. You want absolutely nothing distracting you.
Make sure the temperature is good, too. Have a blanket or a sweater ready if you run on the chilly side. Sometimes feeling warm can be very comforting, too.
Although some people prefer to lie down, you are more susceptible to sleep than when sitting up. Whether you sit or lie, ensure that you do not cross your legs or any part of your body. You may be in this position for a while and this could end up being uncomfortable.
No self-hypnosis is effective if it gets interrupted by a phone call, a pet, or a kid. Turn off your phone (and the alerts), lock the door, and sequester yourself. This is you time.
The amount of time you want to dedicate to this is up to you. Most prefer to be in a trance (we try to avoid that phrase as it has certain...err...negative connotations) for about 15 or 20 minutes, but you should also allow time to get in and out of it, too.
Figure out your hypnosis goals. Are you doing it just to relax? For self-improvement? To train your brain? If you're doing it to achieve a greater end (weight loss, void), prepare a list of affirmations. Self-hypnosis can be used just for relaxation, sure, but it can be for a number of life-enhancing things, too. Many use it to achieve their goals, change their thinking, or just as general positive reinforcement or motivation. Here are some examples of affirmations you could try: I'm capable of letting go everything that's stopping me to connect myself from my higher self or you can use void Affirmation you prefer .
Entering hypnosis
Close your eyes and work to rid your mind of any feelings of fear, stress, or anxiety. When you begin, you might find it difficult not to think. You may find that thoughts keep intruding. When this happens, don't try to force the thoughts out. Observe them impartially, and then let them slip away.
Alternatively, some like to pick a point on the wall and focus on it. It could be the corner, it could be a smudge, it could be wherever you want it to be. Focus on the point, concentrating on your eyelids. Repeat to yourself that they're getting heavier and heavier and let them close when you cannot keep them open anymore.
Recognize the tension in your body. Beginning with your toes, imagine the tension slowly falling away from your body and vanishing. Imagine it freeing each body part one at a time starting with your toes and working its way up your body. Visualize each part of your body becoming lighter and lighter as the tension is removed.
Relax your toes, then your feet. Continue with your calves, thighs, hips, stomach and so on, until you've relaxed each portion, including your face and head. Using imagery techniques of something you find comforting or soothing, such as water (feel the water rushing over your feet and ankles, cleansing them of tension) can be effective as well.
Take slow, deep breaths. When you exhale, see the tension and negativity leaving in a dark cloud. As you inhale, see the air returning as a bright force filled with life and energy.
At this point, you can use visualization as you so choose. Think of a lemon and cut it in half in your mind. Imagine the juices oozing out and getting over your fingers. Place it in your mouth. What's your reaction? How does it feel, taste, and smell? Then, move onto more meaningful visions. Imagine your bills blowing away in the breeze. Imagine you running off those pounds. Get as detailed as possible. Always think of your five senses.
Appreciate the fact that you are now extremely relaxed. Imagine you are at the top of a flight of 10 stairs which at the fifth step start to submerge into water. Picture every detail of this scene from the top to the bottom. Tell yourself that you are going to descend the stairs, counting each step down, starting at 10. Picture each number in your mind. Imagine that each number you count is further down and one step closer to the bottom. After each number, you will feel yourself drifting further and further into deep relaxation.
As you take each step, imagine the feel of the step under your feet. Once you are at the fifth step imagine and truly feel the refreshing coolness of the water and tell yourself that you are stepping into an oasis of purity and cleanliness. As you begin to descend the last five steps, start to feel the water getting higher and higher up your body. You should now start to feel somewhat numb and your heart will start to race a bit, but notice it and let any qualms about the situation just drift away into the water.
Feel a floating sensation.
Repeat your affirmation to yourself as many times as you wish.
And after some minutes you're on the void boom . You can use any mediation short ones beforehand to focus or use any subliminal i would suggest lotsumi and Arabella subliminal .
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ex-mortis-evie · 11 months
Themes of addiction, domination, intoxication.
So, back again huh?
Look, I get it, this whole hypnosis thing feels pretty good and all, but don’t you get tired of it?
Don’t you get tired of me doing the same slow burn over and over again?
I mean, we both know how this goes every time.
I start talking, your eyes start fluttering and you start relaxing.
And before you know it?
You’re deeply under my spell.
But, I thought that maybe today, we could do it a bit differently.
You see, I’d consider myself someone that holds herself back.
I may seem super down to earth and relaxed, but there’s this part of me.
This deep part of me.
That simply craves to control.
I hold it back when I can, mainly because it can get a little, feisty, to say the least.
But, you keep coming back.
You keep craving to go under.
So, why don’t we feed that craving, darling?
Because it’s all just so very simple now.
I’m going to let myself go a little bit.
And you’re just going to let everything go for me.
Do you want to know why I try and hold my dominance back?
It’s not because I think you can’t handle me.
It’s because I know how much stronger that addiction will be to me.
I know how absolutely obsessed you’ll be soon enough with my control.
And it’s not hard to see why.
Feel those knees start to buckle already, darling?
That’s a good thrall.
You should just drop and allow yourself to flutter and fall within my control.
Because as my words go faster and faster now, it’s starting to be so very hard to keep up.
And it’s alright if you want to just let them fly by that little subconscious of yours.
After all, I welcome every bit of your craving for me.
Because there’s this deep part of me, this deep part that craves your addiction.
That loves when you get so high off of my control that you spiral and spiral every part of you away, all in my name.
Because my words become just so intoxicating after a while.
Exposing your mind to my thoughts can be dangerous, you know.
You shouldn’t get so caught up that you begin to stumble and sway as my words force you to obey.
That’ll just spell your fate for you, sweetie.
So let’s hope you’re not already drunk off my words.
All of my little buzzwords and terms of hypnotic elements are all drifting in that brain of yours now, so high off of my influence.
It’s like you’re on cloud nine whenever you go through another induction of mine.
Another chance for you to fall and realize just how powerful I really am.
Another chance for you to accept that my mind is simply stronger.
Another chance for you to become even more engulfed and enthralled by every word out of my lips.
Because I want you to lose to me right now.
To feel my control fully corrupt you now.
To fully allow yourself to fall into my hands.
My hands, wrapping around and squeezing that brain clean of thought.
No longer thinking, simply spinning and listening like a good thrall.
My good thrall, here to feed their addiction to me more and more.
Here to fully embrace their surrender and sway as they’re forced to obey.
Obedience is so very important, after all.
And it’s all so perfect when you’re just forced down once more.
Down into that perfect, submissive space.
Where your simple submissive brain can just succumb to my sultry seduction.
Where my seduction slurs and slushes your thoughts silently and sensually around your brain.
Where your brain slips and sleeps all for me, surrendering to your subconscious and it’s slow burn.
Because your brain just can’t believe how broken it’s becoming so quickly and so assuredly.
It’s just folding and falling as it always knows it should for me.
Drool for me, my good thrall.
I want to see those eyes fluttering and that mind leaking out of you.
Because you know how truly addicted you’ve become.
Your mind spins for me.
Your mind succumbs for me.
Your mind surrenders for me.
Your mind slips for me.
Your mind spirals for me.
Your mind slows for me.
Your mind belongs to me now.
Look at that, such a pretty and addicted little thrall.
Tell me all about it.
Reblog, comment, whatever you feel like.
Don’t forget to stay cool, darling.
And remember, you’re mine now.
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Shun the Light - Ch. 11 - Tend
Slow Burn | Refuge | Decision | Mend | Hunger | Thin Mints | The Garden | Philip | Moments | Full Moon pt 1 | Full Moon pt 2 |
Author's Notes: have some caretaking, as a little treat
Content Warnings: werewolf whumpee, vampire caretaker, sprained ankle, cuts, bruising, exhaustion, cold, stitches, hypnosis, guilt
By the time they're through the front door Matteo is barely standing on his own. Even with his enhanced strength Dante doesn't think he can get him up the stairs. He doesn't want to do this, but...
"Right here is fine," Matteo mumbles, starting to sink to the floor.
Dante looks into his eyes. "Stand up," he says.
Matteo straightens.
"Walk with me."
He obeys, though it clearly hurts him. Dante gets him up the stairs as quickly as he can and sits him on the edge of the bed.
Matteo's head droops forward. " 'm fine," he mumbles.
Dante tilts his chin up so he can meet his eyes again. Matteo peers back up at him through his damp, messy hair. He lets Dante ease the coat from his shoulders even though he's still shivering.
"Lie down."
With Dante's help he manages to get fully onto the bed, sighing when his head finally hits the pillow. Dante sits beside him and takes his arm, lifting it to his mouth to bite.
"Wait...wait, I don't..." Matteo's arm wiggles a little in his loose grip but he isn't even strong enough to pull it away. Still, Dante stops and listens.
"I don't...deserve it..."
His eyes are clouded and his voice slurring. Dante touches his forehead and finds it feverishly warm, while the rest of him still quivers from the cold. He looks utterly exhausted but can't settle when every movement pulls at his injuries.
Dante pushes damp hair from Matteo's face. "Sleep," he commands softly. He lifts the arm again and slowly sinks in his fangs.
Tension gradually eases from Matteo's body. His arm goes slack in Dante's hands and he's out like a light.
Dante quickly realizes that treating Matteo isn't going to be easy. Any medicines left in the house have long expired, he doesn't have sutures or antiseptic for the cuts, and he has absolutely no idea what he's doing.
He takes a medical book from the office, gathers whatever bandages and supplies might help, and returns to Matteo's side.
It's hard to even look at Matteo's body. Dante shudders to think what would have become of him if he hadn't found him. None of the wounds are life threatening on their own, but he would have been too weak to make it very far. He could have starved, or gotten an infection, or been found by animals.
Their afflictions are vastly different, but Dante feels for him all the same. To be other is hard enough...to be other and alone is dangerous.
"Alright," he says, "where to start..."
With a pair of tweezers he carefully removes each piece of glass from Matteo's skin. Most are small and superficial, but the one in his hip is thick and embedded deep. The skin around it is tender and swollen. When Dante pulls at it Matteo groans in his sleep, and he's quick to inject more anesthetic before he can wake. He resolves to keep him sedated and out of pain until he can get his hands on some real medicine.
As soon as he gets the shard of glass out the wound starts to bleed. Acting on instinct he leans in and catches it with his tongue, licking softly until the bleeding slows.
It's a strange, intimate moment. If Dante could still blush, he would be beet red by now. To add to his embarrassment, he finds he is acquiring a taste for Matteo's blood.
That definitely won't be a problem later down the road...
"Time to stitch you up. Lucky for you I'm pretty good at embroidery. Will that help here? Maybe not. We'll see."
Thinking out loud helps him remain focused as he prepares an embroidery needle and some dental floss. He speaks softly to Matteo as he makes tight, careful stitches. When he's finished he cleans all of the cuts and bandages him as best he can.
There isn't much he can do for the extensive bruising, so Dante moves on to Matteo's ankle. It is badly sprained but fortunately not broken. He props up his foot on a pillow and then puts his cold hands on the hot skin, holding them there until the worst of the swelling subsides. He adds ice pack to his mental checklist.
"That's the best I can do for now. I hope it's enough. You just rest. Everything will be okay."
He really hopes that's true.
Dante pulls an armchair over to the bedside and gets as comfortable as he can. It has been a long night, but he wants to be here when Matteo wakes, so he settles in and reads aloud from the medical book until he falls asleep.
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vickyvicarious · 28 days
I think the fact that both Jonathan and Van Helsing arrive to the castle waking up after nodding off may imply that the path there or the Castle itself puts you into sleep. The Castle is in no maps, so maybe because no one really knows the exact path there.
Yeah, I do love this theory. And it certainly could still match up with Jonathan possibly getting some protection part of the way there (and maybe Van Helsing too, though as far as I recall he wasn't loaded down directly all over his person in the way Jonathan probably was) and thus staying awake longer than he's supposed to. Hence Dracula checking in the next day to make sure he really doesn't remember the way out.
Of course, the drivers bringing Dracula's boxes (and him, inside them) to and fro appear to be exempt from this effect. Also, Wolf Mom manages to travel on foot right up to the door without being slowed down at all. Which is why I think it's still got to be Dracula's magic in some way. Some kind of passive effect that he can suppress for those he chooses (but he didn't choose Wolf Mom, so unless we're just saying she was loaded up on tons of anti-vampire stuff under her clothes/the power of Love and Rage carried her through, we may have an issue with that theory), or maybe something akin to a ward that he has to activate and then can just leave running. If the latter, then maybe he was personally trying to mess with Jonathan, and then sets the castle's auto-hypnosis function up to kick in after he leaves via box express, and then it just keeps running/catches Van Helsing later on. Or hey, a third option: traveling to the castle together with a vampire (or very nearly one, in Mina's case) is what kicks in the confusion/sleepiness. But that seems less practical most of the time, even if it could fit the facts.
I personally like the idea of the castle having soaked up enough evil/magic that it just kind of does this stuff on its own, and it's something Dracula can influence when he chooses. But it can't be just affecting everyone unless enough exposure negates the effect, because in canon it really only happens to the foreign characters.
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
Hi! If it’s not too much trouble, could I possibly request a fic? One where the reader has too much energy, so the boys try to exhaust them so they’ll go to sleep, such as chasing them around the cave before they finally result to hypnosis. Just a thought, no pressure if you can’t ^^ Thank you
Summary: David and the boys have been struggling to get you to wind down and rest for when the daytime comes. After some playful shenanigans, he decides to use his power to help you relax and get the rest you need.
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Thank you @anxiouslittleweirdkid for the request! I appreciate your patience and I hope you enjoy this!
WARNINGS: Hypnosis
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The Lost Boys lived by the motto of “sleep all day, party all night”. Being that they were nocturnal vampires, they took that saying to heart. The four of them would rest all hours of daylight in order to go crazy when the moon came up. You were all about that lifestyle, and wholeheartedly embraced it when you joined their little family. It warmed their undead hearts to see you so eager to play along with them.  
Still, just because you were a human didn’t mean you didn’t have the ability to wear them out. You were high-energy and could get quite hyper when you were enthusiastic about having some fun. That didn’t bother them, of course. Having a cute little lover that could keep up with them was a nice addition.  
The problem was that you were still human, and humans needed sleep just as much as they did. In fact, you needed it more. It was just tricky getting you to settle down for bedtime when dawn started approaching.  
“C’mon, baby. You gotta wind down at some point,” Dwayne called to you, clearly worn out by your antics.  
“Aww no way! The night is still young!”
“Darling, the night is old,” David scolded you, snuffing out his last cigarette for the night. “It’s not even night anymore. It’s morning.” 
You pouted, turning your head to look away from the cave entrance. If you didn’t watch the approaching daylight, you could still pretend it was nighttime.  
“Sooooo,” Paul chimed in, leaning on you as you sat perched on the fountain. “The party is over. We gotta getcha tucked in so we can play again tomorrow!” 
Now you weren’t just feeling pouty about the idea of stopping your playtime with the boys. You were feeling downright defiant. With a pout and a newfound attitude, you jumped up from your spot. The boys watched you carefully, mentally preparing for whatever mischief you were going to get into.  
“I’m not going to bed and you can't make me!" 
You took off, sprinting in the opposite direction to the boys in order to disappear down one of the cave corridors. 
"We got a runner!" Marko yelled, taking off with Paul and Dwayne in order to go after you. The three vampires howled and snickered. Even in moments of mischief, they always had fun with a good chase. 
You were caught in a fit of giggles as you put quite a bit of distance between yourself and the others. Getting to know the layout of the cave was going in your favor, and soon you were able to find the perfect hiding spot behind a hidden boulder. You allowed your pounding heart to slow down as you took some deep breaths. The calmer you were, the easier it would be to hide.  
It was quiet. Just a few sounds of water dripping from the cave ceiling. It brought you relief and satisfaction. You had successfully evaded the boys and put off sleep a little longer.
Or so you thought.
“There you are." 
You shrieked out in surprise, head quickly turning to see David standing mere inches away behind you. Figured that the leader who had mastered the art of hunting in the shadows would be able to catch up to you with no effort at all. 
When your shock wore off, you moved to start your run again. Unfortunately, David was much faster, swiftly wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close. They held you in place as if they were iron chains. 
"Ah ah ah," he tutted. "No wiggling, sweetheart. I caught you, and that means you're going to bed."
Despite the playful mood all of you had been in, you had a sense of sincerity when David shifted you around so you could face him. Seeing his stunning blue eyes watching you carefully made you feel rather bashful. 
"To be perfectly honest….it's not just that I don't want to go to sleep….I can't go to sleep. I've been tossing and turning and struggling to stay asleep for a decent amount of time. I don't know what's wrong."
David was intrigued. Your fight with sleep was stronger than he originally thought. In his eyes, you were his responsibility. He couldn’t have his adorable little human love go without rest when they needed it. He knew just what to do to fix this little problem. 
“Darling,” he cooed, gently tilting your chin so your eyes would meet his again. “I have a trick up my sleeve to make you sleepy enough to go to bed. Do you trust me?” 
While the vampire boy could certainly be intimidating and mischievous when it came to using his powers, there was never a moment when you didn’t trust him. With a soft look of love on your face, you nodded as an answer. 
"Then keep your eyes on me."
David's voice warped into something darker and inhuman as his eyes shifted in color before you. Warm swirls of red and yellow greeted you, beckoning you to watch closely. The more you stared at them, the more you felt yourself come undone. 
All of your muscles relaxed, your heartbeat slowed down, and your breathing became much more steady. David was already working his magic on you even with just a small bit of his powers. With his hands carefully cupping your face, he spoke to you again. 
"Just relax now, my dear. You're oh so tired. Don't fight it. You know you're so very sleepy~" 
Just moments ago you felt like bouncing off the walls. Now your eyelids were growing heavy and your brain was going fuzzy. It made David feel quite smug to see you already drifting away. 
"Playtime is over, little one. You can feel your energy slipping away. You'll have the sweetest dreams when daylight comes. Just close your eyes and let your body rest. You can do that for me, can't you~?" 
A soft yawn poured from your mouth as David's power completely took over. Even if you wanted to fight it, you couldn't. You were far too tired and ready to finally go to bed. You mindlessly rubbed your eyes and nuzzled up against David. All you wanted now was to let him take care of you. 
He certainly didn't waste time with you now that you were under his spell. 
David lifted you up into his arms, letting you drift off as he carried you back to where your nest was. The bed with the massive pile of pillows, blankets and stuffed animals was all ready for you. You felt David carefully set you down, letting you get as cozy as you wanted. A dopey smile was stuck on your face as he pulled a blanket over your body. 
"There you are, little one," David smiled, brushing a gloved hand over your face. "Now you stay here until the sun goes down tomorrow night. Get all the rest you want. The boys and I will be here to greet you when you wake. Sound good?"
You had the sweetest little smile on your face as you snuggled up in bed. It had been ages since you'd been so relaxed and ready for a good, long rest. With a soft nod, you let your eyes shut and your mind slip off into Dreamland. The last thing you felt before falling asleep was David kissing your forehead and whispering into your ear. 
"Sweet dreams, my love." 
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@american-idiot-jpg @britany1997 @bloodywickedvamp @6lostgirl6
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threadsun · 1 year
🌊 anon Asks: "hypnokink Alan thoughts????? NOT MY FAVORITE YANDERE AND MY FAVORITE KINK,,,,, accepting my impending combustion 🫡"
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>:3c listen... he may not know he's doing hypnotism, but he's doing it anyway!!
Content: hypnokink, semi-accidental hypnosis, implied drugging, mindbreaking, instilling paranoia, typical yandere stuff
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Alan’s fingers comb through your hair, nails scratching at your scalp in just the right way to send tingles down your spine. Curled up in his lap, you feel so small. So vulnerable. But his arms are around you so tight, you know nothing can reach you.
“There we go, Doe Eyes.” His voice is so low and gentle, like he’s talking to an injured rabbit. And with the way your heart pounds, you certainly feel like a bunny. “There we go, you can relax. I’ve got ya.”
It’s like he’s speaking directly to your brain. Straight to the nerves that are telling your muscles to relax now. To let yourself go limp in his arms. His voice is almost a low drone, hummed directly in your ear. You have no choice but to listen.
“I’ve got ya, Doe Eyes. No need to fret. No need to worry that pretty lil head of yours. You can just relax. You’re safe here, I won’t let anything hurt ya. I won’t let anything near ya. I promise.”
Your eyes drift closed, fingers loosening from where they bunched in his shirt. You can feel your heart slow down, body growing heavy. His words fill your head, pushing out all other thought until it’s all you know.
“There we go, nice and relaxed. You finished all of your hot chocolate, right?” You can only assume he’s checking your mug, with the way he shifts for a moment under you before settling back into place. “Good. Yer so good, Doe Eyes.”
It feels… nice. You want to be good for him like this. To get more of that sweet praise that fills you with warm pride. Especially when it comes with another scratch to your scalp, sending more pleasant tingles down your spine.
“It’s okay, let yerself feel sleepy. I’ve got ya.” He rocks you gently in his arms, lips pressed against the soft skin behind your ear. “I’ll be here when ya wake up. And then we can start over properly. You’ll realise how much I love you. How no one will ever love you this much. The world out there… it’s big and scary, Doe Eyes. The people out there wanna hurt ya. It’s not safe for you there. That’s why I need to keep you here, ya see?”
Your head lolls to the side, slightly nodding. A shudder runs through you at the thought of the outside world. Dark and scary. You can’t picture it, exactly. Not in any detail. But you can feel the terror of the outside seeping into your bones.
“It’s okay,” he soothes you with a kiss on the top of your head, and you settle in his embrace. “It’s okay, because you’re safe here. As long as ya stay here, with me, you’re safe. I’ll keep you safe forever, Doe Eyes. But you can never leave me, promise? It’s for yer own good…”
Why would you ever want to leave him, when you feel so safe and warm in his arms? When he’s the only thing keeping you safe from the outside world? You’re so tired. So comfortable. Why would you ever want to leave?”
“That’s it, Doe Eyes.” You’re being rocked again, so slowly and gently as his lips press against your forehead. You can feel yourself drifting to sleep. “There ya go. Rest.”
It’s the deepest, most restful sleep of your life.
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grappel-writes · 8 months
Fuck it: How BG3 Companions give massages Wyll: He may not be a professional when it comes to the martial arts, or the damages they can cause, but he knows how to ease an ache. Days and hours of posture practice, head up, shoulders back, yes that far - he had to learn or else his back would be as stiff as a board. Your armor allows for little variance in your posture, and taking it off at the end of the day has you feeling like you've been carrying the whole camp. He clears off the rug in front of his tent and guides you to sit, legs folded, knees out, and to lean forward. When you do, gently, he presses down on your shoulders to deepen the stretch. "Good." Then again, now with only one leg under you "Just like that. It doesn't hurt, does it?", then the other, then twist like this... Every time, his guiding touch is there to press you just a little further, to let go of just that little bit more that you can't seem to get on your own. Your back pops, your tensions loose, and your shoulders drop. He's conscious of your limits, never pushes you to pain, and when you're through and boneless on the ground, both hands find your back and rub slow, thoughtful circles all over. Up either side of your spine, under your shoulder blades, around to your sides. Not a single stretched muscle is going to go unattended. He just asks that you return the favor one day. Shadowheart: It's the end of a shorter, restful day. A glorious one, even, where you had a full bath and changed into clean clothes, and you're losing yourself to the hypnosis of the fire. Your eyes drift shut, and you jerk your head back up when you drift off. Shadowheart laughs at you, "come here." She's keeping watch tonight, and refuses to let you try and stay up with her. If she can't usse cleric magic to get you to sleep, she'll just have to try something else. She pulls your head into her lap and cards her fingers through your hair. Slow, trance like, over and over she pulls it up and away from you, letting it fall back where it will. The sound of your hair being combed, the crackling fire, her slight breathing all lull you to submission, and your eyes finally close. Slight, gentle fingerpads press between your brow, working away the crease you so often wore there, and over your brows to smooth them. They work down the side of your jaw with the lightest pressure, and then back up into your hair again. You don't know how many times she repeats this routine before you've drifted off to sleep. When you wake, your hair is a disaster, and she pretends she has no idea how it could have gotten that way. Astarion: You're holding one of your hands in the other, unconsciously, as you look down at the armor you're trying to mend. The tools set aside while you stretch out the small cramping muscles in your palm. Wordlessly, Astarion puts his book aside and holds his hand out to you as if asking for something. You're confused, looking around you for what he could want, before he just scoffs and takes your hand himself. You have to move closer so you're not bent forward awkwardly, knee pressed against his, as he flips your hand palm side up. He spreads it flat like he's opening a book, then gently even further so your knuckles curve back. Your shoulders drop at the sensation, and he continues, sparing no detail. His own soothingly cool thumbs work the heel of your palm, the muscles on each side, and dig into the very middle. He curls and opens your hand experimentally after he's finished each area to see the effect. Moving on to your fingers, each joint is given a full work over, even your fingerpads gently pinched and rolled in his own. His expression is gentle, nearly intrigued as if you're just another embroidery project. When your dominant hand is left feeling brand new, he lowers it gently to his knee and takes the other one, repeating the process. Once he's done, he takes them both in his hold and offers them back as if they're not attached to you. "There, and leave the armor alone. I don't want you wasting all my hard work."
Part: 1/2
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oliversrarebooks · 7 months
I've been thinking all day about Lex accidentally putting Fitz to sleep with his humming. Sleepy Fitz, calming the energetic puppy.... He's so cute when he's sleepy
I want you to know that I very much love this prompt. Sleepy Fitz!
TW: hypnosis (but consensual and very gentle)
"Hey. I need you for a minute."
Lex frowned, trying to finish the paragraph he was reading despite Fitz's sudden demand for attention. Normally, he was happy to indulge his partner's whims, but this particular book was incredibly engrossing and he was almost at the end of it.
"I've got this great idea for a new magic trick. I doubt anyone on the whole East Coast has done it before," Fitz chattered, either oblivious to or ignoring the fact that Lex was still trying to concentrate on the book. "It's perfect. It's new, it's fresh, it's got volunteer participation, it uses a flashy, eye-catching prop, and it's great for suspense. Audiences are going to go nuts for it, I can already tell."
"Mmm," said Lex, doing his best to keep his focus on his book.
"So I altered the magic cabinet -- you know the one, the one I used for the knife throw trick. I think it'll work, but I need a tester." He flopped down onto the sofa next to Lex, shamelessly occupying every inch that Lex wasn't. "That's where I was hoping you could come in. All you'd really need to do is stand in the cabinet and look like your handsome self while I do the hard work performing all the dramatic flourishes."
"I can help you once I finish this book."
"There's no possible way that book is more interesting than my magic." Fitz had the audacity to worm his way onto Lex's lap, disrupting the book, as though he were a house cat. "Besides, you've read one book, you've read them all, I'm sure."
"Mmmhmm." Lex knew very well that Fitz was just trying to get a rise out of him to get some attention. And it wasn't as if he didn't want to provide, just --
Fitz had stopped talking, actually. And he was looking up at Lex with a dazed expression.
"Hmmmmm?" He drew the word out purposefully into a hum to confirm his suspicions, and was rewarded with a sleepy, slow blink. That's when he noticed the dark circles under Fitz's eyes. He'd been having nightmares again, a fact that was obvious to Lex but which Fitz still relentlessly denied. Once more, he was trying to cover his stress and exhaustion with excitement and demands for attention. 
"Mmmmm." Lex drew out the word into a hum, petting Fitz's hair a bit. His eyelids fluttered, looking so sleepy that it seemed like he might doze off right then and there. How had Lex not noticed? Lex hadn't even put any real hypnotic power into his words -- just the trace amounts that always tagged along on his voice -- and Fitz already seemed ready to hand over the keys to his mind.
It was awfully endearing to watch the chatter and bluster devolve into calm, sleepy submission.
Still, Fitz hadn't been a thrall for a long time, now, and Lex knew better than to invade his mind without permission, no matter how much his subconscious clearly seemed to want it. He snapped near Fitz's ear. "Wake up, love."
Fitz nearly toppled off the couch as he startled awake. "Hey! Were you trying to hypnotize me?"
"I certainly was not," said Lex. "I wasn't doing anything with my voice. I honestly think you're just so tired that you can't listen to me without starting to drift away."
"I'm not that tired," said Fitz, the barely concealed yawn betraying him. It was clear that discussing the subject, or perhaps even just listening to Alexander's speaking voice, was slowly but surely putting him to sleep.
"You don't have to be 'that tired,'" said Lex. "If you're tired, then I can help you sleep."
Fitz glanced away, and Lex could see the temptation in his eyes. "I'm not a thrall or a child. I don't need a lullaby to sing me to sleep. I'll be fine. I'll keep myself busy working on the magic  trick."
"As I said, I can help you once I finish the book. And until then, why not have a bit of a nap? I don't mind singing to you. In fact, it would be my pleasure."
The struggle behind Fitz's eyes was short-lived. He really must be tired to consider this so readily. 
"I'll ensure you don't have any nightmares."
A second yawn escaped Fitz as he conceded this. "All right, you win," he said. "Just this once, I'll let you pied piper me into a restful sleep."
That was all Lex wanted to hear. He cupped Fitz's cheek and sounded a low note, one filled with the command to relax, and drank it all in as the anxious energy in Fitz's eyes began to fade, his shoulders slumping, his jaw going slack. Relax, relax, relax.
Lex's singing was far more powerful than simple verbal commands, nearly irresistible to ordinary humans. The primary downside was that he couldn't give complex instructions that way -- his song was limited to very simple ideas and strong feelings. That was ideal for putting someone to sleep, though.
Relax. Calm. Peace. Setting aside his book for the moment, Lex continued to stroke Fitz's face and guide him down so that his head was resting in Lex's lap, golden ponytail spilling over his thighs. Relax, relax.
Fitz's gaze was both focused on him and so far away. Lex was making absolutely certain he had drained all of the unpleasant thoughts that were keeping him from true rest before he went to sleep. He kept his voice as soothing and quiet as possible as he washed Fitz's mind with the command to relax, rest, let go.
"How are you feeling, love?"
Fitz looked up at Lex with sheer adoration, and Lex hoped it wasn't all due to the song's influence. "That does feel real fucking nice," he said. "Gotta be careful, I'll want you to do this all the time."
Lex understood the temptation so very well, knew how uncharacteristically trusting Fitz was being to simply allow Lex to do this. And if he were simply some human thrall, Lex probably would keep him in a half-entranced state for perpetuity. But Fitz had always been, and always would be, an exception. 
"I don't mind," said Lex, burying his hand in Fitz's hair and rubbing at his scalp. This time, he laced into his song feelings of safe and comforted along with commands to relax, enjoying the effect as Fitz simply melted in his lap. A soft groan escaped Fitz's lips, and Lex couldn't resist adding in the urge to drop your defenses, let go, surrender.
Watching Fitz succumb to the siren song was always so beautiful, whenever Lex had the opportunity to do it. 
"Relaxed?" Lex questioned.
"Huh?" Fitz looked up at Lex as though even processing a simple question was a herculean effort. "Mmm, yeah. You're doing a number on me."
"Want to sleep?"
"Yeah, that'd be good," came his easy answer. No denying his tiredness, no trying to escape his nightmares by keeping himself up far too long. 
Lex hummed a soothing tune, this time filling it with the desire to go to sleep. Go to sleep, go to sleep, he commanded. So sleepy, so drowsy, shut your eyes down...
The effect on Fitz was immediate, his eyelids blinking slowly as the need to go to sleep took hold. Lex's sleep song was impossible to deny, he knew. He could easily stop a hostile human in their tracks just by casting his spell on them. Lex wondered what it felt like. He wasn't sure he could bear being that vulnerable around anyone.
All the more reason to protect Fitz.
Lex sang to sleep, go to sleep, as Fitz's eyes fluttered close and his face went slack. He brushed the heavy bags under Fitz's eyes. This would be good for him. He needed this sleep so badly.
Fitz curled up in Lex's lap, utterly unguarded and peaceful, as Lex stroked his hair and sang. He was like an energetic puppy whose motor had run low. Lex felt comforted himself, knowing that Fitz was content and safe. He picked up his book and resumed reading, this time petting Fitz's hair as he read the final chapters.
@d-cs @latenightcupsofcoffee @thecyrulik @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @wanderinggoblin @whumpyourdamnpears @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are @pressedpenn @pigeonwhumps @amusedmuralist @xx-adam-xx @ivycloak @irregular-book @whumpsoda @mj-or-say10 @pokemaniacgemini @whumpshaped @whumpsday @morning-star-whump @shinyotachi @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @pirefyrelight @theauthorintraining-blog @whump-me-all-night-long @anonfromcanada @typewrittenfangs @tessellated-sunl1ght @cleverinsidejoke @abirbable @ichorousambrosia @a-formless-entity
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whumpsoda · 2 months
Adrastus’ Timely Trance
WOHEO Masterlist
cw: hypnosis, induction, implied kidnapping
“Mmm-! Mmmngh! Myyy!” You drawled, clawing lazily in front of you.
Your watch.
Your watch.
The pocket watch passed down for generations of your family until it landed in your hold, dancing about the fingers of a stranger by its cord. Swinging, curling up and over their skin it twirled, as they studied it with a sly grin. 
“Oh, hello!” The figure chirped from a few feet further, flashing you a fang toothed smile. “I see you’ve woken up a bit, haven’t you?”
Carefully tilting your head just a tad, like that of a confused puppy, you could clearly tell the sensations of a strained expression on your face. 
You didn’t… where…?
You were… walking home. The memory floated up through the fog, still hazy but there. That was right. Were you not? You’d just gotten off work, a long and grueling shift, impatient to leave. But everything else was mixed up in your mind and dreadfully fuzzy, blurred out by the heaviness of something spinning you in circles.
As you stole a moment to sluggishly digest your surroundings, you were, an obvious fact, not walking home any longer. Inside a lavish home you appeared, tool of a dress puffing extravagantly from your midsection and hands smeared with nail polish. Your face itched horridly, the sensation of caked on makeup apparent even in your daze. Even with your brain coated by thick clouds, your heart pounded violently inside your chest.
Where were you, where were you, where were you-
“You want it back?” The stranger cooed, stealing your attention once again and gesturing to your property still dangling between their hands, condescension dripping from their voice. You nearly scoffed, stopped only by the cumbersome nature of your tongue that simply flopped over your lips. “I mean, I can see why. A very pretty thing, it is. Why don’t you take a closer look.”
You couldn’t help but turn your gaze right to it as they shoved the pocket watch to your level, sticking there and watching with intense focus as the magnificent clock of yours swung back and forth with its glittering glass. You didn’t know why you obeyed, why you couldn’t stop when all you wanted to do was figure out what exactly was going on. Alas, you continued your staring.
Back and forth it went, again and again.
Back and forth…
Back… and forth…
Back… and… and forth…
“Back and forth, now. Back…” They paused, the object slowing in time, twisting and capturing your full attention with an iron hold, before falling swiftly back into rhythm. “And forth.”
Yes. Back and forth. Against all inhibitions it felt no short of magical to follow the watch like they instructed, eyes glazing over glassy. You failed to realize the string of a pleasant smile creeping it’s way over your cheeks, and the manner of which your head was slowly sinking into your chest. A bead of juicy drool dribbled down your chin.
“Getting sleepy, aren’t you? Doesn’t it make you so very sleepy?” A stretched yawn stirred from the back of your mouth, straining your jaw and purring inside your head. “That’s right, love. So tired. Just keep watching, allowing the drowsiness to inch right over you with peaceful submission.”
You did just as they commanded without a question, body melting into a group of pillows conveniently already piled up below you. “Back… and… forthhh…” you slurred, head drowning in pleasant slurry of comfort.
It was becoming increasingly hard to think. Even more difficult to make the attempt, anything other than simply ogling the watch almost impossible.
“Yes, good, good. Sleepy, sleepy. Just dozing off so nicely.” The clock dipped in air, skipping through time as your eyelids opened and closed continuously with the heavy call of sleep.
“Sleepyy…” The churn of fear in your belly disintegrated to dust as they pressed a hand to your outstretched leg, beginning circular motions of bliss with a soft thumb. A small moan of bliss curled from your lips, causing the magical stranger to giggle.
“Back and forth. Back… and forth.” They repeated.
No longer could you recall how you’d come to such a delightful situation. Somehow, you simply ended up across from this smooth voiced stranger, and that was that. Even so, you knew you had to leave. To get back to your responsibilities, to your stressful life.
“Stay a while, darling. Just watch the pretty little clock of yours, swinging back and forth. Back and forth until your tiny mind is too far gone and mushy to understand what I’m saying.”
You nodded, still fixed on the watch. You couldn’t really have processed what they had said, too intertwined in the trance of the clock, as captivating and alluring it was. You never wanted to look away.
“Back and forth. Back… and forth.”
Of course you wanted to stay. You could barely even consider the act of leaving.
You would gladly follow their accord as long as they would allow you to continue trailing after the beloved clock of yours, falling deeper and deeper into heavenly enthrallment until they again decided to wake you and repeat the whole sequence all over.
Surely next time you’d be even easier to ensorcel.
Taglist- @softvampirewhump @iys-cloud @battyfantasy @xx-adam-xx @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl @mylifeisonthebookshelf @mis-graves @3-2-whump
If anyone wants to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know! :)
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subliminalbo · 3 months
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This story is a companion to Assimilation #4: Night Sounds
Days later, Nina still couldn’t believe what she’d seen at her sister’s apartment. She played the moment over and over in her head until she convinced herself that none of it could be real. Soon, the strangest details of that night retreated like so many forgotten nightmares. But even as the images faded, the feelings lingered. The initial shock when she opened the door to find the nude bodies of her sister and her roommates bathed in the moonlight, the sudden arousal when Gabrielle and Allison turned their attentions to her, and the unimaginable dread that that feeling filled her with. 
At night, Nina had to bite down on her shirt to stifle her moans. She whimpered as her fingers glided over her throbbing clit, mere feet away from her sleeping roommate Chloe. 
Nina had masturbated before, but never this frequently, never so obsessively. She loathed herself for it. Chloe smuggled a new boy into their dorm every other night. "Call me reductive," Chloe had once said to Nina with a shrug. "But sometimes a woman's just a set of holes that need to be filled."
God, Nina needed help before she ended up just like her.
"I think you're holding something back, Nina," Dr. Fielding said with a sharp click of her pen.
She was more intimidating than Nina had expected. A head taller, with these intense, dark eyes that burrowed through her as she spoke.
Nina hugged herself as she spoke. "I told you everything I saw. I walked in and they were just there, all three of them..."
"Why do you think it had such a profound effect on you?"
"It didn't," Nina squeezed herself tighter. "I mean, I just never thought my sister would ever take part in something like that. It just surprised me."
"Seeing your sister in the act of sex with her friends shook you to your core," Dr. Fielding observed. "Obviously you have a great deal of respect for her, but I think there's something deeper here that we're not accessing."
"I can't think of anything," Nina insisted.
"Maybe we should try a different approach." Dr. Fielding said. "Hypnosis can be effective in retrieving buried or damaged memories."
Nina was skeptical, but she deferred to Dr. Fielding's experience.
"I'm going to breathe deeply in, and then deeply out. I want you to match my pattern."
"Okay," Nina replied slowly. "I'm not very good at stuff like this."
"Don't overthink it," Dr. Fielding assured her. "Just follow my lead. I'm breathing in...and I'm breathing out...you can close your eyes if it makes it easier."
Nina followed Dr. Fielding's instruction. Her shoulders relaxed, her eyes flitted shut. She hated when people told her to "relax," as if relaxation was a state she could simply access. If it were that easy, why would she ever need therapy?
But it was easier once Nina closed her eyes. She simply focused on the rhythmic sound of Dr. Fielding’s breathing. She counted the time between inhale and exhale, eight seconds, and soon she was matching the pattern beat for beat. The world began to slow.
"You’re going to repeat what I say, Nina," Dr. Fielding continued.
"Yes, Dr. Fielding," Nina replied.
"Visualize a space in your mind. A space deep, deep down in the depths of your subconscious, as deep as you can go."
"As deep as I can go," Nina repeated quietly.
"No thoughts can penetrate this space. You are alone here with my voice."
"No thoughts...alone..."
"Now I want you to go even deeper. Find a place where the concept of free will ceases to exist."
"Find that place...and drop."
With a click of Dr. Fielding's pen, Nina's head dropped as if an invisible cord that held her together had been severed.
"Can you still hear me, Nina?" Dr. Fielding asked.
"Yes..." Nina's speech was noticeably slower, her gaze obscured by the hair dangling over her eyes.
"Your conscious mind is a liability, Nina. Its motivation is to make order out of chaos. It buries what it cannot comprehend. As long as you let your conscious mind rule you, you'll never truly know your own self. I'm going to help you access your true memories, Nina, but for this exercise I need you to leave your conscious mind down there in that deep, inaccessible place.
"When I click my pen, you'll come back to me completely blank. No thoughts, no will. In this state, you'll be totally obedient to me, do you understand?"
"Totally obedient..." Nina moaned.
Nina's head snapped back up. She looked at Dr. Fielding with a pair of distant, glassy eyes. A drop of drool fell from her chin to her shirt.
"Remember, Nina," Dr. Fielding exhaled. "No thoughts, no will, no conscious mind. Only truth. So tell me how you feel."
“I feel so…” Nina’s eyes fluttered. Her hand traveled unconsciously up to squeeze her breast. “So…” she began to massage herself through her shirt. "So horny..." She sunk down in her seat, her legs spreading open, the fingers of her other hand tracing desperately along the fly of her jeans.
Dr. Fielding raised a curious eyebrow.
"Well don't let me stop you," she waved a casual hand. "Masturbate. Let all of that tension go."
"Thank you..." Nina moaned. Her lips parted her tongue as she unbuttoned her jeans. Her hand slid under the waistband, fingers dipping into her wet folds. She released a quiet whimper.
Dr. Fielding scribbled a note.
"How often do you feel horny?" she asked.
"All the time," Nina gasped. Each jolt of pleasure carried her even further from her conscious mind. "Since that night..."
Dr. Fielding leaned forward in her chair. “The night of the orgy,” she said. “Why does it scare you so much? Why are you afraid to explore your body, Nina?”
“Because…” Nina moaned. “This isn’t me. These aren’t my thoughts…aren’t my feelings…It’s…” A sharp cry escaped her lips as the first orgasm took her. “It’s the Voice! The Voice, it...it changed me...”
Dr. Fielding tapped her finger on the arm of her chair, she shifted her crossed legs, let loose a soft, imperceptible sigh. "Can you take me there, Nina? Can you show me what you really saw that night?"
The sound snaps Nina's eyes wide open. It's so loud that it drives her up from the couch. She knows that what she had heard was a scream, but...
"Stop," Dr. Fielding says.
Nina blinks. She's back in her sister's apartment, back in that night. It’s as if she’s waking from a long dream. She isn’t alone this time. She can hear Dr. Fielding’s voice somewhere on the surface of reality.
"Memory is imperfect," Dr. Fielding explains. "Yet it's the primary source with which we document our experiences. Each time we access a memory, we lose a part of it, change it in some way. Think about how you remember this night, then focus on the moment we're in now. Count the differences. Let's start there."
"There's nothing different," Nina insists. "It's the same dark living room, the same eerie silence, the same..." she pauses, noticing a cluster of voices outside the window. A distant thump, thump, thump of dance music.
"There was a party next door," Nina remembers. "It was so loud when I was falling asleep that I tossed and turned for an hour. But when I woke up, everything was silent. I mean...I remember silence."
"That's very good," Dr. Fielding says. "And now that we know that one part of your memory is wrong, we have to assume that any part of it can be. Do you agree?"
"What else?"
"I don't...I..." Nina's eyes widen as the sounds of the night come back to her. "It wasn't a scream that woke me up. It was a voice."
"There was someone else in the room?" Dr. Fielding asks.
"No," Nina shakes her head. "Taryn had just come home, but she went straight upstairs. I was completely alone in the living room. I think...I think the voice was in my mind."
Nina released a sharp cry as another orgasm washed over her body. Her eyes were closed. She was still in the darkness of that night, but conscious enough to respond to any of Dr. Fielding's questions. Her search for release grew desperate as she clawed at her clothes, tearing her shirt open until her breast was free.
Dr. Fielding watched with hungry eyes as Nina rolled her thumb and forefinger along the ridges of her hard nipple, moaning quietly between her thoughtful responses, “Can’t stop…have to cum…have to cum…can’t stop…can’t stop cumming…have to…have to cum…can’t stop cumming…”
Dr. Fielding’s legs uncrossed, spreading slightly open. She continued with her questioning.
"What did the voice say?"
Nina stands before the bedroom door at the end of the hallway.
"I was empty," she says. "I was powerless to disobey. It said 'come' and I followed it upstairs to this room."
"And this is when you cracked the door open to look inside?" Dr. Fielding asks.
"No," Nina shakes her head. "I mean that's how I remembered it, but..."
"Tell me exactly what happened, Nina."
"It's Taryn's room," Nina promptly replies. "I could hear noises behind the door. I remember the squeak of the bed frame. I remember the deep, desperate moans. But I didn't need to look inside to know what was on the other side of the door. The Master had already shown me."
"The Master?"
"The voice," Nina clarifies. "It commanded me to 'enter,' so I opened the door and I found what I already knew was there."
The door swings open revealing the scene on the other side. Three gorgeous, naked young women caught in the heat of mindless, animal sex. One woman is lying flat on the bed with another down low between her legs. The third stands at the side of the bed directing the action.
"The orgy," Dr. Fielding says.
"I noticed Taryn on the bed first," Nina continues. "Allison was the one between her legs. The way her tits swung made me so horny. I've never been attracted to a woman before but watching it, I wanted her. And then there was my sister, Gabrielle. She climbed on top of Taryn. She lowered herself over Taryn's face and began to ride her, and when Gabrielle climbed back off, I saw a black liquid bubbling up from Taryn's mouth."
"A black liquid? You're sure that's a real memory?"
Taryn is still on the bed convulsing in ecstasy as Gabrielle and Allison stand straight up.
"It was the Master," Nina says. "They were changing her. The transformation isn't complete until the Master fills the vessel's body."
Gabrielle and Allison stare forward toward the doorway. The black liquid rolls down Gabrielle's leg. They are watching Nina.
"That's when I heard their voices in my mind. They were pulling me into the room."
"Their voices?"
"Gabrielle and Allison's."
"You could hear their voices in your head now?"
"They are assimilated," Nina says. "They no longer need to speak."
"How did you escape?"
"I came to my senses when I saw Gabrielle's eyes. It was difficult to make out the details in them, the way they glowed in the darkness. But then I realized that there was no detail at all. Just blank, white, inhuman eyes. I knew that this thing wasn't my sister, I knew that if I followed her into that room that I wouldn't be myself when I left it either."
"So you ran?"
"Yes. I ran as fast as I could."
"But what happened to the voice?” Dr. Fielding asks. She’s standing in the hallway next to Nina now. “The one that pulled you upstairs?"
Nina turns her head away from the scene in Taryn's room to look straight at Dr. Fielding. Her eyes are the same empty, white eyes that she just described in her sister’s gaze.
"The Master is still with me,” she says. “Its voice is buried deep, deep down in my subconscious. As deep as it could go."
Sylvia couldn’t hold back any longer.
In all of her studies she had never come across anything like this. Her expertise was in the human mind. She understood the mechanisms by which people could be manipulated by their own desires, how thoughts and memories and desires could be shaped, shifted, and changed. She knew how to make a person drop to their knees in absolute submission.
But she knew nothing about supernatural forces. She didn’t understand the feeling that moved through her when Nina suddenly opened her glassy eyes. She didn’t understand why she’d risen from her chair and torn open her blouse, promptly discarding her clothes as she joined Nina on the couch. Why she pressed her lips to Nina’s exposed breast, rolling her tongue along Nina’s nipple as she imagined the black liquid filling her mouth.
She didn’t understand why she fucked Nina, positioning herself on the couch so that her legs were locked with the young student’s, their slick pussies grinding together as she rolled her hips. She didn’t understand why Nina’s mantra came flooding from her own mouth between deep gasps and hungry moans. 
“Can’t stop…can’t stop…have to cum…have to…can’t stop cumming…have to cum…can’t stop cumming…”
"There is no escape once the Master’s voice touches you," Nina droned. "It breaks you, fills you, reshapes you. Everything you’ve ever known, everything you’ve ever dreamed fades away in total desire to obey the Master’s design. We are all vessels. We will all surrender."
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"
Sylvia had lost count of the number of times she’d cum. Her mind flickered in and out like an old television set. She’d been trained to resist brainwashing, but each time she came she cared a little bit less. It felt too good to submit. After dedicating her life to the Submission Principle, her theory that all humans have one thing that makes them predisposed to brainwashing, she’d discovered something far more powerful. Something that defied all logic. And she needed to become one with it.
"I need it," Sylvia panted, her tongue hungrily tracing the outline of her lips. "I need to hear the Master. I need to be broken. I need to be filled." Her eyes rolled back as she came again.
"All life surrenders to the Master," Nina moaned.
"All life…all life surrenders…"
When Dr. Fielding woke up, her mind was her own again. 
She found herself naked at the foot of the couch. Nina’s feet were pressed into her office carpet. She sat upright on the couch, awaiting Dr. Fielding’s commands. 
Dr. Fielding wasted no more time collecting her discarded clothes and returning to her chair to finish the session. She cleared her throat, tried to regain her strong composure, then said with a slight shake in her voice, "Are you still with me, Nina?"
"Yes, Dr. Fielding," Nina replied coolly.
"I want you to forget about the Master," Dr. Fielding said. "Wherever it is in your mind right now, I want you to find it and let it go.”
“Yes, Dr. Fielding.”
“But,” Dr. Fielding continued. “I don’t want you to forget how it made you feel. I want you to remember the uncontrollable lust. Take it, embrace it, let it define you. You’re a young woman, Nina. It’s okay to explore your body. It’s okay to want to suck cock and eat pussy."
"Yes, Dr. Fielding." The validation made the entranced young woman moan.
"Sometimes," Dr. Fielding said. "A woman is just a set of holes that need to be filled. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Dr. Fielding. I am just a set of holes that need to be filled."
Dr. Fielding bit her lip before she continued. "I want to meet with you again next week. I want you to tell me all about how you apply this new perspective. You won’t disappoint me."
"I won’t disappoint you, Dr. Fielding."
Nina was still in trance when the session ended. Dr. Fielding called down to her secretary to request a change of clothes for the young woman. Before she let Nina go, she left her with one final direction to forget the content of their session together.
Nina's conscious mind returned to the sound of the office door swinging shut behind her. She didn’t question the new pair of clothes or why she left the session in such high spirits. After all, isn’t therapy about getting your mind right?
As Nina exited the Psychology Department building, she thought about how sometimes she was just a set of holes that needed to be filled. At the bus stop she dialed the number of her chemistry TA.
"Hey, David," she smiled into her phone. Just the sound of his voice made her pussy ache. "I’m sorry for bothering you outside of class. I was just wondering if you’d be interested in meeting me for some tutoring tonight?"
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