#sm:ffh spoilers
peterspker · 5 years
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I actually like it better broken. 
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skymoonandstardust · 5 years
Mysterio, after he found out his team messed up and he had to try to kill the kid after all:
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peter-loves-mj · 5 years
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tobesoeros · 5 years
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Peter Parker & MJ in Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) dir. Jon Watts
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sk8terpercy · 5 years
no one:
spideychelle in ffh:
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pikatsum · 5 years
Mysterio: I’ve created the greatest hero in the world!!
Me: You fucked up a perfectly good teenager is what you did. Look at it. It has lifelong trust issues.
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wandrlust-stark · 5 years
You: spidey sense
Me, an intellectual: peter tingle
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nautical-language · 5 years
Far From Home spoilers!
If Homecoming was a literal homecoming for the Spider-Man film property — a return to Marvel after years of being owned by Sony — then Far From Home is Marvel taking us by the hand and gently telling us they’re going to start moving in a different direction for Peter Parker.
All the things that make Spider-Man/Peter Parker great — his naivety, his ironclad sense of right and wrong, his optimism, and his belief in fundamental human goodness — are there in Tom Holland’s portrayal. Clearly, he cares deeply about the character and feels an immense amount of pressure to do the role justice.
But with Far From Home, Marvel has given a clear indication that they’re going to start moving away from what most fans would consider Peter Parker’s “canon” characterization. The signs have been there for a while: the MCU’s substitution for the Uncle Ben “with great power comes great responsibility” origin story for Tony Stark’s prominence in MCU Spider-Man’s origins; the exclusion of the Gwen Stacy story arc; Peter’s secret identity being revealed to Ned, now MJ, and — most notably — Aunt May.
The Spider-Man of the comics clings to his anonymity because he feels it’s the only line of defense between his enemies and his loved ones. But in the end his inability to see how, beyond a certain point, his secrecy actually endangers the people he cares about, is one of his character-defining fatal flaws. But MCU Spider-Man doesn’t have that, especially not now that Mysterio has revealed Peter’s identity to the entire world.
The movie’s mention of Earth-616 by Mysterio cements this in my mind. That line had a purpose beyond misdirecting the audience; by giving us a story where the multiverse was acknowledged but ultimately disregarded they’ve let us know, as clearly as they can without outright saying it, that MCU is not Earth-616 and we shouldn’t expect it to be. This is not a perfectly faithful adaptation of the comics, it never has been, and the stories and characters are going to deviate in even bigger ways going forward.
So far, the MCU adaptation of Spider-Man has changed up story and character elements but remained totally faithful to the character of Spider-Man. The events of Far From Home will fundamentally change the character of Peter Parker. And that’s okay! But fans of the comics should also be ready.
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readingisthenewcool · 5 years
Someone start writing and then link me some post-far from home fics cause that end credit scene left us on a cliff hanger and I'm literally begging for more
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quxntumvandyne · 5 years
spider-man: far from home no context spoilers
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undeerqueen · 5 years
leave me to dream
SM:FFH fic below! spoilers abound! full summary within! hurt!peter. title from imagine dragons song
this film was full of good peter whump but no irondad to make him feel better afterwards! so i wrote this...because even spider-man can’t get run over by a train and just be magically okay. especially when it’s also the perfect opportunity for tony to come out of his ‘faked-my-death-to-retire-ment’. enjoy!
As he all but crawls down the aisle of the train car, Peter knows one thing.
It's bad. It is very, very, very, VERY bad.
The pain is staggering. Peter can barely get his legs to work under him—the pain racing down to his toes—but he knows he has to move, just move.
Keep moving, he urges himself, weaving around the holes in his vision that are opening up. Blearily, he recalls Strange's portals on the battlefield all those months—a lifetime—ago. He remembers their searing orange light, how they'd opened up reality itself and revealed the impossible war on the other side.
The holes in Peter's eyeline are like that, except waiting on the other side of them is nothing but black. If he was pressed to describe it, Peter would say it's not even black but nothingness, the kind of nothingness that comes when you close one eye and nothing takes up the space at the side of your head.
Something primal and urgent in the back of his mind warns Peter that if he falls into one of these holes, he won't come back out. Keep moving, he tells himself. If you stop, you won't get back up again.
His foot catches one of the seat frames and he goes down, barely able to spin himself around so his broken back thuds hollowly against the wall of the train car. His legs, splintered and bent, slide away from him like liquid. He slumps back, gasping.
Broken things are shifting inside of him, splintering and crunching. In a twisted way, Peter feels more at home in himself than he has for eight months, his body finally matching the shattered fragments of his soul. His head tips back against the wall of the train car. The vibrations of the moving carriage shudder through him but he doesn't hear anything. Another hole opens up above him. The blackness comes tumbling down, crushing, engulfing, but on the other side, it is blessedly—finally—nothing.
"Yeah, it's bad. You need to get here, Tony. I'm calling it. Code Reichenbach." Someone's—a woman's voice—stirs the pool of Peter's mind. He swims up to it, his eyes slitting to drink in strawberry red hair and a blue metal suit.
"M's P-Potts," he murmurs, trying to get his eyes to open fully.
"Hi, honey," Pepper says carefully. He hasn't seen her for so long. She looks good, despite the stress lines creasing her face. Healthy and well. Her eyes are sparkling. He kind of gets lost in them. It used to make Mr Stark laugh, the way Peter could never keep his cool around his mentor's super pretty better half.
Her hand sifts through his sweaty hair. He moves slightly and groans, the pain a sharp shock that electrifies him all the way to his fingertips. Her hand tightens incrementally. "Don't move okay?" Pepper instructs. "You're really banged up."
"The trai..." He can't get the words out. His voice fizzles out like a spent battery.
"Shh, it's alright, kid," she says. "Try and follow my voice. I have a surprise for you. I think you're gonna kill us when you're back on your feet, but for the moment just focus on hanging on in there. There's someone coming to see you. He's missed you a lot."
Peter tries but he can't follow what Pepper's saying. But when the whine of repulsors splits the air—a sound he hasn't heard for so long—he realises he didn't have to.
At the far end of the cab, a laser shears off the wall. Peter startles, barely able to turn his head, hands trembling where they lay in his lap. Glowing eyes and an arc reactor meet his dim gaze, Iron Man stepping into the train car.
He shudders and gasps, shoulders heaving. "'M I...'m I dreaming?" he whispers, feeling tears run down his cheeks to match the blood dripping from his nose and mouth. "M’s P-Potts...p-please...i-is this a dream?"
Pepper's face is heartbroken. He knows what her anguish looks like, because he saw it after Mr Stark died. He really must be in bad shape. She grips his hands where Peter paws at her softly. "Not a dream, honey," she says softly. Then, she smiles ruefully. In a voice almost too quiet to hear, she announces, "Dad's here."
The mask retracts and...There he is.
It's him. Mr Stark.
He's missing an ear, that's the first thing Peter takes in. The whole right side of his face, in fact, is a mess of bubbly scar tissue that runs down his neck. And Peter suspects, from the way it moves and attaches to the rest of the suit that, the right arm is a permanent addition. But he's there. Alive.
Peter gasps, swallowing blood, head grinding on metal as he struggles to get his eyes to focus. His heart flutters and squirms.
Mr Stark lays eyes on him and his face falls apart. Peter must lose some time, the shock and blood loss taking their toll. One minute Mr Stark is across the cab, the next he is knelt in front of him, out of his suit save for one metal arm which is holding Peter up, the other running lightly over Peter's face and shoulder, trying to rouse him.
Peter can't focus. There's so much he wants to...If he could just breathe. He heaves a lungful of air, blood gushing out from between his parted lips, disappearing down his neck and chin and into the dark fabric of his stealth suit.
"You're he-here, you..'re...alive" he struggles, panting thinly. There are tears in Mr Stark's eyes. They match his own.
"Hey, kid." It's his voice. Softer than Peter's ever heard it before, barely audible over the roaring in Peter's ears. A hand brushes over Peter's forehead, smoothing the hair back, warm, heavy, and alive.
"I'm here," Mr Stark soothes. His eyes rake over Peter and whatever he sees makes his expression crack. His nose wrinkles, eyes brimming with regret. "I'm sorry, kid, I'm so sorry. Jesus, look at you." Mr Stark's hand swipes at the blood dripping off Peter's chin.
Peter shakes his head, train cab swirling around him, nearly delirious with the sickly sweet combination of sheer joy and raw agony tearing through him. His face splits in a grin he can't contain, even as his vision blurs with even more tears.
"'M so...hap..." His voice hitches and deserts him again and Mr Stark shudders, pointedly drawing a huge breath through his nose.
"Don't worry about all that now. God, what did they do to you, huh? FRIDAY, read vitals," he commands.
He needs to tell Mr Stark. The urgency lights within him. "B-Beck," he stammers, trying to hold on to his cloudy thoughts. Shame douses his exhilaration. "Needa tell...tell you..."
"Shh, kid, not right now." Mr Stark's eyes are roving all over him, hands hovering like he doesn't know what to touch.
Even through the blood pounding in his ears, Peter can pick up on FRIDAY's whispers in Mr Stark's ear. Broken bones, lacerated organs, bad internal bleeding, bruising...Beck is going to kill him, has all but murdered him already. He needs to tell Tony...
"My fault," he grits out, the words escaping with a whimper.
Mr Stark rears up, eyes like flint, like he's flipped a switch. "Stop it, kid, stop it. We're gonna lose you if you keep talking. Save your strength, alright? Help's coming. We'll debrief when you're not bleeding internally."
"N-No...you needa...need to...I did t-this...m not...next Iron Man...Not worthy." He can't gather his thoughts, the blackness that stole him earlier is inside him now, creeping through his mind like one of Beck's illusions.
"N-Not worthy," he repeats, copper on his lips.
It's like Mr Stark can't bear to listen. Heedless of Peter's damaged body, he draws him forward slightly, tucks Peter's head against his shoulder where he can nestle into the crook of Mr Stark's neck. Hazily, Peter feels Mr Stark drop a kiss to the crown of his head. 
Gently, Mr Stark arranges him against the wall again. "It's not your fault, kid, okay? You'll be okay, c'mon. Save the heart to heart stuff for later."
Grief swamps Peter like a wave, his failure oceans deep. "I just wanted to be like you," he croaks out, tears spilling.
Mr Stark sniffs, shakes his head. "You're better than me, kid. I'm so damn proud of you, it's ridiculous. C'mon, Spider-Man, where's your fighting talk, huh? Pep, how long?" 
Dimly, Peter is aware that Pepper is standing over them, watching with infinite concern. "Medics are two minutes out," she says bitingly.
Peter gasps, more blood trickling out of his lips he slumps back against the wall and sinks, unable to sit up any longer.
"Kid? Kid, hey, talk to me."
It's like the old Peter is back when he wants to playfully retort, "Weren't you just telling me to shut up?" Peter's missed him almost as much as Mr Stark. His chin goes to his chest, unable to hold his head up anymore. Mr Stark's fingers dig into the pulse point at the side of his neck.
Eyes dimming, he tries to embed in his mind the sight of his mentor's immaculate goatee, his shaven head to match the missing hair on the right side of his scalp. He relishes the glinting metal arm that means survival and the shining brown eyes, so open without his glasses, so full of a love that Peter once wasn't sure was imagined.
He knows now. But still, Mr Stark is here. It's a miracle he doesn't know how to process.
"'M I...'m I dreaming?" he whispers, black crushing him again.
A hand grips his scalp, trying to hold him there. In that moment, Peter isn't scared. If Mr Stark can beat impossible odds, then he can too. He just needs to rest a moment, just for a little while.
"Not a dream," Mr Stark says, and that's all the hope Peter needs. "I'm here. I got you..."
The promise follows Peter into the dark.
i imagine pepper’s rescue as being like first aid for the avengers and only calling in tony when it’s absolutely 100% necessary, hence code reichenbach. had to get my holmes ref in there somewhere.
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skymoonandstardust · 5 years
Peter, Rhodey and Bruce trying to summon tony back from the dead So he can kick mysterio’s ass
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peter-loves-mj · 5 years
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#Give my love sick boy a break
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mcuamerica · 5 years
Too Late (Peter Parker)
Warnings: Angst; some fluff; mentions of violence
Pairing: Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Summary: Peter’s class trip takes a turn towards the worst, and that’s not even the start of it. (Based on Spider-Man: Far From Home)
Word Count: 3260
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“Dad please, just let me go. I’m gonna be late if I don’t catch the train soon.” You said to your father as you pulled away from him. You couldn’t wait to go on this school trip. After you came back from “the blip” your father had been protective over you. Not only that, but he was working more too. He said he had been doing something big and it was taking a lot of his time. This trip was going to be a good break for you to get away from him and his protectiveness for a little bit.
“Okay, okay I’m letting you go now. Make sure you tell me when you land okay?” He asked while walking you to the door to your apartment.
You nodded and opened the door. “Of course dad, I’ll let you know.” You said and waved before walking out the door, closing it behind you. Shaking your head, you walked down the stairs and across the street to the station.
“Hey, (Y/N), would you mind switching seats with me? I’m uh... weird with middle seats and I don’t like window seats. Peter would switch if you wanted the window seat just..” Ned started and you cut him off by nodding.
“Ned, hey, yeah I’ll switch seats with you.” Ned nodded and got out of your way. You gave him a small smile and apologized to Betty before walking over to where Peter was sitting. “You’re cool with me sitting here yeah?” You asked and bit the inside of your lip. “I’m just gonna watch movies the whole time so you don’t need to worry about me sleeping or anything.” You said, a small blush covering your cheeks that Peter failed to notice. You weren’t a very talkative person but around Peter, you tended to ramble.
“Yeah, Ned doesn’t like seats on the inside... that is what he told you right?” Peter asked skeptically. You nodded and took a seat next to him, slipping your backpack underneath the seat in front of you. “What uh... what movies are you planning on watching?” He asked, looking down at his hands and fiddling with his fingers.
“Honestly? Star Wars.” You said and gave him a shy smile. “I love the movies but haven’t been able to watch them recently. So this is the perfect time for me to do that.” You told him and reached down to grab your tablet and headphones.
“Seriously? You know I’m a Star Wars geek too... not that you’re a geek... just that I am.” Peter stated nervously, shaking his head a bit at how stupid the statement was. “Anyway, I have a dual... a dual headphone adapter if you want to watch them together.” He suggested.
You glanced down to your tablet then back to Peter, nodding gently. “Yeah, I uh... I’d like that.” You said and bit your lip. “Which one should we start with?” You asked. As you and Peter talked about Star Wars the plane took off and headed for Venice.
Once you had got to the hotel, you texted your dad that you were safe and okay. He wasn’t too happy that you waited until then to text him, but you ignored that and slipped your phone in your bag. The class was leaving soon so you headed downstairs to see Peter in the flooded lounge. You were about to say something but Mr. Harrington’s voice boomed before you could form a sentence in your mind.
“Into St. Mark’s Square students.” He called out and you sighed, slinging your backpack over your shoulder and following the class out the door.
“Hey, Peter! What’s in the bag?” You asked and nudged his arm, approaching him as he came out of some sort of a shop.
“Uh.. you know.. nothing.” He said and cringed at his answer, looking down to the bag.
“Nothing? Really? You come to Venice and you didn’t buy something-” You started before hearing a loud rumble come from the ground. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked down, then towards the water. “Uh.. that doesn’t sound normal.” You muttered and glanced at Peter. It went silent for a moment before the water jumped up and a sort of a monster formed. You stumbled back into Peter and your eyes widened. You felt Peter grab onto you and gently push you behind him. Ned and Betty’s boat came crashing into a door on land. Peter helped them out and then had a quick word with Ned before you all ran off. You didn’t notice Peter gone until you made it over to Mr. Harrington.
“Wait.. where’s.. where’s Peter?” You asked breathlessly.  Ned muttered something about where he went but it was drowned out when you saw a figure fighting the water monster. “Holy..” You said and followed Mr. Harrington towards where he said all of us would be safe. You furrowed your eyebrows when you saw the figure. You had seen sketches that looked like that in your dad’s office.
The figure had finally defeated the water monster, turning around to face the class. It left in a hurry after giving you all a salute. Mr. Harrington told us to go back to the hotel and you trailed behind the class. You felt someone grab you and pull you into an alleyway. You were going to yell but then you saw your dad.
“Dad! What are you doing here? I know you’re protective but this is just overly protective. I’m on a school-”
“I know you are (Y/N)! You weren’t supposed to be out when this all happened.” He said as you took in his entire outfit. He had some sort of a VFX suit on that you had seen on movie actors.
“What are you wearing?” You asked and backed up a bit. “And what do you mean I wasn’t supposed to be here when this all happened? You knew I was in Venice. And it’s not like you could control the water.” You stated, confused as to why your father was here and why he was acting so different. A weird different.
“Uh.. nothing.. something for work. Just, stay inside okay?” He asked and looked at you. “I’ve gotta go meet with some kid who’s going to help me. Please be safe.” He said and kissed your head before disappearing around the corner.
You stood there dumbfounded before walking back to the hotel, trying to wrap your head around everything that just happened. You weren’t stupid but when it came to your dad you were blinded. You didn’t know what he was actually doing until later the next day when you all got to Prague.
It was weird that your class had magically gotten an upgrade with a private driver and a perfect hotel. You had been wondering out in the city to take a look around when you caught a glimpse of your dad going into an abandoned building. You tilted your head, not sure that you saw the right thing but following him anyway. You slipped into the building and overheard him speaking to a group of people.
“All we have to do is make sure that everyone believes this is real. Once we do that, we convince Peter that I’m the next Tony Stark, and I get the glasses.” Your dad said and your eyes widened. You waited and heard the entire plan of the fight with fire monster where he almost ‘dies’ and then the plan on Peter handing him the glasses.
You ran out of the building and towards the hotel. You saw Peter go into his room and you called after him. “Peter! Hey, I need to tell you something!” You called out and saw him stop.
“Sorry (Y/N), but I’ve gotta get ready for tonight you know? It’s uh.. gonna be fun. The opera and all.” He said and went into his room. 
“Wait... Peter no.” You said and sighed when you heard Mr. Harrington tell everyone that they needed to get ready. You groaned and went back into your room, changing into the nice outfit you packed.
You all walked to the opera house and walked up to Peter. “Peter, can I talk to you?” You asked nervously and bit your lip. You knew that if you couldn’t tell him now you wouldn’t get the chance. 
“No,” he said and cringed, covering his ear. “No, no I’ll be there. I mean, I didn’t mean that.” He said and shook his head, glancing down at his hands. “Yeah, yeah can we talk after the opera?” He asked and smiled, turning around to talk to Ned.
“No, Peter please. I just need to-” You started and sighed when Ned shook his head.
“He’s not feeling very well (Y/N), he’ll talk to you later.” He said and you sighed, not bothering to go down to the seats because you knew exactly where Peter was going to be as Spider-Man. You weren’t very surprised when your dad mentioned that Peter was the famous neighborhood hero, it made sense to you. Not only was he constantly flaking, but he would act weird whenever someone mentioned the hero.
You looked around as you made your way through the crowd and tried to find Peter, or at least Spider-Man. You saw someone in a black suit up in the tower and you tried to find a way to get his attention. While you were waving, not saying Peter’s actual name because it would blow his cover, you felt the ground start to shake.
“Hey! Dude in the black suit! It’s fake! It’s not rea-” You started, continuing to wave your arms as you kept your balance. You figured he didn’t hear you because he charged at the ‘monster’ as soon as it came out of the ground. “Oh my god.” You muttered and grabbed onto the building next to you.  This would be a reason that your dad told you to stay safe, and texted you to stay inside tonight. You could see Ned and Betty up at the Ferris Wheel and you tried to go to them but the ‘monster’ threw a fireball in front of you, causing you to let out a scream. You stumbled backwards and ran towards an alleyway to try and get away from the fire.
You saw the projector fall in front of you and your eyes widened, picking it up. You glanced down at it and then saw the mystery man everyone called Mysterio make the monster green and explode into nothing. You slipped the projector into your bag and ran over to where he was laying on the ground. You knew it was fake but this was still your dad, he still seemed to be hurt. You stopped when you saw Spider-Man, or Night Monkey as Betty was calling him, run over to him. You backed up and ran over to the Ferris Wheel to try and get someone to help Ned and Betty down.
You looked around for Peter but than saw him walk off with your dad into the abandoned building you walked into earlier that day. “Shit..” You muttered to yourself and walked over to the building, that seemed to be some sort of a bar now. You tried to be discreet and get into the building but it seemed to be locked from the outside. You groaned and tried to look inside but you couldn’t. Your father must have put some cloaking on the windows. You squeezed her eyes shut and tried to think of how to get inside and stop Peter from giving him the glasses. You knew what they were capable of, Peter almost blew up the bus earlier because of them.
You heard Ned call your name and you ran over to him. “Ned, uh.. do you know Peter’s secret?” You asked him, glancing over to Betty. “I really need to get his attention and tell him something, but he went into that building and I can’t get in.” You told him and bit your lip.
“Oh.. uh.. that Peter cosplays? Yeah I know that secret. I probably shouldn’t have told you though, he doesn’t really like people knowing.” Ned said nervously, scratching his neck. “Why don’t we go back to the hotel, I’m sure Peter will be there when we get back.” He said and walked with Betty back there.
You let out a breath and had hope that Peter wouldn’t give the glasses to your father just yet as you walked back to the hotel. You waited in the hallway and saw Peter come back, no glasses, and looking really happy. You saw him go up to Ned and you stood up. “Hey, Peter! Can we talk now?” You asked and held onto your hands. Maybe the glasses were just in his backpack. He shouldn’t be keeping them out in the open anyway.
“Uh, yeah. We can go outside and explore the city maybe? Meet you downstairs in ten?” He asked, giving you a small smile. He seemed nervous, like he wanted to tell you something as well.
“Meet me in five.” You said and walked to your room to grab a jacket. You made sure you had the projector in your backpack and walked out to the lounge in the lobby.
Peter and you walked to the bridge nearby and you stopped walking when you noticed Peter stopped. “(Y/N), I uh.. This is our last night in Europe and I wanted to tell you something.. I’ll- I’ll just tell you.” He started and grabbed something from his pocket. “(Y/N) I am-”
“Spider-Man?” You finished and bit your lip. You saw the shock on his face and his eyes widened, shaking his head.
“No- No I’m not Spider-Man.” He said and glancing down at his hands then back to you. “Why- Why would you think that?” He asked.
“Peter, my dad is Mysterio, Quentin Beck. And you gave him those glasses that Tony Stark gave you right?” You asked and rose your eyebrows.
“Uh... yeah.. how- how do you know that?” He asked and bit his lip, slipping the thing he had in his hands back in his pocket.
“He’s not-” You started and jumped back when the projector turned on, making you drop it to the ground. A wind monster was projected and you saw Peter put on a defensive stance until the projection stopped. “My dad was using this tech to trick everyone, including you.”
Peter’s eyes widened and he picked up the projector. “Right.. So obviously I am Spider-Man. And uh.. I did give him the glasses.. God I messed up.” He said and looked at you and then the projector.
“You gave him the glasses? I wasn’t actually sure.. you did? You’re not joking?” You asked frantically and squeezed your eyes shut when he nodded his head yes. 
“Okay, hey, (Y/N) I know I screwed up but we have to go back to the hotel. I need to tell Fury about this.” He said and you nodded, starting to run towards the hotel. “I can trust you right? This isn’t something your dad put you up to?” He asked when you both got to his hotel room.
“My dad doesn’t know that I know.” I told him and glanced around the room. “What are you gonna do?” You asked.
Peter explained that he needed to call Fury but couldn’t because Beck probably tapped his phone. He grabbed his suit and took off his shirt and then stopped when he made eye contact with you. You blushed slighting and turned around, but that didn’t last long because you couldn’t resist taking another look at him shirtless. You glanced to the door when you heard it open and saw Ned was standing there.
“Peter, nice costume.. for the cosplaying.. tomorrow night...” He said and you bit your lip from laughing at the stupid excuse.
“Ned, she knows. I told her.” Peter said and you shook your head.
“I figured it out, he didn’t tell me.” You stated and then Peter looked over to Ned again. He said that he was going to Berlin and he needed Ned to call his aunt. “Bye, Peter.” You muttered as he swung out the window. 
You had assumed that Peter was going to take down your dad and get the glasses back, but you could tell that didn’t happen when the clouds formed above buildings in London.
“Damn it.. Ned my dad knows we know.” You told him and jumped when you heard an explosion at the side of the bus. “We gotta go.” You told him when you all got off of the bus. You stumbled back when you looked at it and it was taken into the water. Your dad must’ve known you were on that bus, he had the glasses.
You ran with Ned to get away from the bridge and to go hide. Some really sweaty dude came up to your group and told you that you all needed to get on the jet, and then it blew up. So, you all ran into the vault room when you heard the drones start firing.
Everyone started to share what they didn’t like about themselves and you took in a breath as the door started to shake. “My dad is trying to kill us right now!” You said frantically and winced when everyone stopped. “What? I didn’t know until it was too late.” You muttered and looked back at the door when the piece the drone had been drilling into dropped. Before it could shoot anyone it turned around and went out of the building.
The others rejoiced as you ran out of the vault and to the street. You looked around and saw Peter limping towards you. You ran over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Peter I’m so glad you’re okay.” You said and told him everyone else was okay too. “Did you- did you get him?” You asked timidly. If Peter looked this bad and won, you couldn’t imagine what your dad would have looked like. He did try killing you, twice now, so you couldn’t really sympathize if he was hurt.
“(Y/N).. I-I’m sorry but he looked like he passed out. I don’t know if he.. I’m so sorry. I tried to stop the drones before they could hurt anyone other than me.” He said and you nodded, stepping back.
“It’s okay Peter. He almost killed me too.” I told him and bit my lip. “Oh, and uh, the sweaty guy that works for you? He gave me this, told me it was from you.” You said and pulled out the small necklace that was now broken.
“Oh.. no... (Y/N) it wasn’t supposed to be broken, I’m sorry. I-I had this plan, this stupid plan and I was going to give it to you-” He started but you cut him off by pecking his lips. “A-And you kissed me..” He said and a slight smile came to his beaten up face. You nodded gently and shrugged. “I like it broken.” You told him, glancing at the necklace than back at him.
“I really like you.” He said and smiled nervously, letting out a nervous laugh. “I really like you too Peter.” You told him back and smiled when he kissed you this time.
You knew that this was going to be hard, knowing your dad was a supervillain and him almost killing you, but you had a feeling that everything was going to okay.
A/N: This is my first one-shot for Peter so I hope you all enjoyed it! Let me know what you think!
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badmcuposts · 5 years
I can’t believe that back in Germany when he bought direct to tv video
Peter Parker Picked Pornography
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tobesoeros · 5 years
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All illusions are down, Peter.
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