#small sketch for a full outfit
unnecessarilysalty · 4 months
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mini Velvette
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Prompt 106
Geralt has a hobby he only allows himself to partake in during the winter, alone in his room. Everyone knows Geralt sketches and scribbles monsters, beasts, and relics alike in his journal, but his secret is he also sketches down Jaskier. Jaskier's best poses, and outfits, and the best scenery he stood in front of. When winter comes, Geralt goes through and picks the very best one to turn into a full-fledged painting, of which he'll hang in his room with the others from all the years before. When he's lonely and sad, he simply turns to the evidence that the world is worth it all. Happy, sunny, sweet Jaskier. Stupid, reckless, loud, noisy, annoying, slutty Jaskier. He wouldn't have him any other way. He always paints him smiling, surrounded by flowers and lush foliage. Scenic views and beautiful lighting, all the better to compliment the bard's beauties. All is well until Lambert comes in one day and laughs. "Whoa. When you said you doodled, I didn't know it was to make a shrine for your bard!" "Lambert, he's not my bard." "You have like a dozen paintings of him smiling at you with half-lidded eyes! Is this how you get off at night?" "LAMBERT" "Sorry, you're right, don't tell me, I don't wanna know. Even though I can guess pretty easily-" "Just fuck off!" "Fine! Jeez.. So twitchy." This small event means nothing to Geralt. It's meaningless. Or at least it was. Until he and Jaskier bump into Lambert in the summer, and Lambert playfully elbows Jaskier in the side, and says to "Ask loverboy about his art collection!" Jaskier cocks an eyebrow and turns to Geralt with confusion, and if Geralt wasn't currently thinking about how to put his brother's head on a pike, he might've been tempted to draw the bard's lovely expression.
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yuheartss · 9 months
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IN WHICH — light finally makes a move on the girl he’s been stalking since high school
ʚɞ WC? 949 wordss
ʚɞ warnings! - stalking, hint of kidnapping, fem!reader, fluff-ish, unedited, lowercase intended!
ʚɞ a/n: I feel like I made him a little ooc but I hope not.. if I did please tell me! constructive criticism is welcome js don't b mean ⟢
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In collage you were a bubbly person you had all the best fashions, best friends everything you could’ve ever wanted except one thing, a boyfriend, you told yourself that you didn’t need one you had to work on your fashion design major
You went to a small cafe to work on a dress sketch with your earbuds on you don’t notice a man coming up to you, he taps your shoulder and you look up at him “yes?” You ask “um can I sit here? All of the other tables are full” you look around and he was right it was full
“Yea sure” you said welcomingly the man smiles and sits with a cup of tea in hand “so what’s your name?” He says, hoping to start a conversation you look up from your sketchbook you give him another smile “y/n what about you?”
“Light” he says leaning back against his chair he looks at your sketch “are you in a fashion major or something? I can tell because of your unique style and your sketches” light finished, like he didn’t already know, you stare at him for a minute and laugh softly “your very observant Light,yea I’m in that major what about you?”
“I’m in criminal justice my father was a cop so I’m just following his footsteps” he said casually, looking into your eyes for any suspicions you might have “interesting…you don’t look like you’d be a cop more like a…scientist or something” you tilt you head as he chuckles
Your phone buzzed causing the both of you to look at the phone “hello?” You answered the keychain on your flip phone dangled as you leaned over to talk to your friend as you were doing this light took notice of your slicked back bun your curls covered in glitter hairspray, charms and hair clips near your ears
He knows you’ve been like this since high school you’ve Always been friendly you were popular and all but you never had any classes with light so of course you weren’t gonna remember him
Ryuk hoveres over Light his smile never falters what are you gonna do Light? Your not gonna stalk her are you? Ryuk teases looking over to you, still on call with who ever
“Very funny” Light says softly “i already know where she lives” Ryuk laughs as you turn back to Light “sorry about that something came up I gotta go it was nice meeting you Light” you say as you start to pack your things up
“Wait! Can- can I see you again?” He asks a little too desperately but that’s what girls like right? You blush a little and flip a page of your sketchbook and write your number down you rip the paper out and give it to him before speed walking out
He watches you go and looks at the note :
xxx-xxx-xxxx call me! ♡
He smiled at this and left the cafe as light walked out the street he couldn’t help but start thinking about if you r always like that or do you fake a face or the public he just couldn’t help but think about you about what makes you tic your fears everything
So two months later you guys have been hanging out and then light calls you, he asks if you want to take a walk in a park and of course you agree, you put on your best outfit ever cheetah print leg warmers here bows with similar patters over there
And of course you being the only person of color with bright colors on, it made you stand out quite a lot you got stares from girls and boys, men and women, dogs even! it made you slightly uncomfortable as you noticed this one man who kept following you ever since you got off the bus
You brushed that aside once you saw Light in the distance you called his name and he looked over to you with a smile you caught up to him and held his arm “sorry about this” you muttered as you leaned you head on his arm
Thinking that this’ll throw the man off and he’ll leave to which he did leave after a while of walking and that’s when you let go of Light “sorry some guy was following me and I wanted to shake him off” you explained as he nodded “yea I kinda figured that’s what you were doing it’s no problem” he replied deciding to be bold and take your hand
You bit your lip softly to stop the expression that your blushing to appear “soo where are we going?” You ask as you both go deeper into the park “you’ll see..” was all he said when you both got onto the center of the park he had shown you a lit up little area fairy lights, the water fountain reflecting those light’s making the water light up, flower bushes all around
“Oh wow..” you said softly placing your well-manicured hand over you mouth “like it?” He asked with a smirk watching your every move “yeah.. are you finna propose or something?” You questioned him eyeing him suspiciously
He chuckles “no no nothing like that, I was gonna ask if you wanted to be my girlfriend” you pause for a moment he was so casual about it you almost missed the question, you practically jumped on him screaming a yes he returned your hug smiling but what you couldn’t see was the dark look in his eyes
Next thing you know, your on tv you watch as the reporter says that you’ve been missing for three months she finally asks? who’s that girl?
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ziorre · 2 months
✨Commission info✨
I'm ready, I'm rested, I'm refreshed! And I'm completely charged to take care of your new ideas and characters!! I truly believe that every character is awesome and original and deserves to be shown with their own story! And I'll try to help you with this in a way that is more convenient for you! You just pick one below ;)
- SEMI-REALISTIC STYLE (for the cases, when you want it looks more real without much stylizing)
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- USUAL STYLE (for the cases, when you don’t mind it looks more stylized and a lil sketchy)
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- CONCEPT SHEET (for the cases, when you want to present your character, their outfit and props)
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* you can find more examples on my page by the commission tag ** a helpful post describing a right order for your refs
✨ DEADLINES: After you DM me with a brief description of your idea, I’ll tell you the approximate date when I’ll be able to proceed with your commission  !!!!Always warn me in advance if I need to draw art by a certain deadline!!!
✨ PAYMENT:  What: USD or RUB When: full pre-payment (when you sent me the email and we approved the art idea) Where: Boosty/Hypolink (russian platforms, support payment via PayPal)
✨ PROCESS: You write to me in private messages on Tumblr, briefly tell me your idea of our future art, what style and what slot you want (full body / half body / bust). Then I give you my email address and you send me an email (with your Tumblr name as the topic please) with all necessary references (your character's face claim, their pose, clothes, background etc.). You describe the idea of the art in details, where it takes place, and other things that I need to know so that I can base the sketch on all that info, because after you approve the sketch, I don’t change art much in the further stages of the work, just some details. I send you the payment link on my Boosty page. Send you the sketch. After you confirm that you like the sketch, I finish the work and send it on your email😊
✨ OTHER: - I don’t correct the art after you approved the finished version. - I don’t copy other artist’s work. - I publish every commission on my social media, if you don’t want it to be published, just let me know. - If you’re not sure about the art idea, I can suggest you 4 sketches with different poses/concepts/angles for extra $20 and you pick the one you like the most. - For significant corrections or a lot of small ones at any stage of work, an additional fee may be charged (this doesn’t apply to some small adjustments or details witch I missed). There are 3 free changes at the each stages of the work (sketch, finished version), further - $2-$5.
And of course I can't skip to say a huge thank you to those who commissioned and continue commissioning art from me! It means a lot! For real! This is not only material support, but also moral one, saying that I’m not wasting my time and energy in vain, that I’m moving in the right direction, that people like what I do! I can't tell how inspiring it is!! 300 commissions! I’ve never imagined that one day I would draw so many art for others! Just.. wow!! Thank you again so much for trusting me bringing to life your ideas! I truly appreciate it!😌
I think this is it, right? If you have any questions, feel free to DM me ;)  
I’ll be VERY grateful for your reblogs!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤ (and thank you very much for this in advance, it helps me A LOOOOOOOOOT, you are the ones who keep me alive literally! I see each and every one of you doing that! You’re the best!!!) Thanks for your attention! Have a good day =)
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drawsmaddy · 2 years
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[ID: A digital illustration of Apollo Justice and Klavier Gavin from Ace Attorney. The designs are from @u3pxx's role swap au. On the left side of the image is a full body drawing of Apollo. His hair horns are down across his forehead instead of vertical and he is wearing a red suit, blue waistcoat, white turtleneck, black boots, and gold accessories including a belt with a pair of gold handcuffs in the middle. He is standing confidently with his right hand in his pocket and his left hand holding the edge of his suit jacket. On the upper right is a drawing of Apollo in the same outfit but the drawing is done to look a little more like an Ace Attorney sprite. Apollo stands with his arms folded looking up at the viewer and a text box in front of him reads "You don't see many faces as pretty as yours at crime scenes." Where his name should be above the text box there are three question marks instead. Behind him is a simple sketch of People Park. On the lower right is a drawing of Klavier. He is wearing a purple suit jacket, dark blue shirt, small white scarf, defense attorney's badge, and glasses. His hair is tied in a loose ponytail over his left shoulder. He looks down (presumably at Apollo from the above drawing) and blushes as he says "Ah, hallo to you too?". End description.]
@aaroleswapau has stolen my whole heart oh my god <3
(I tried to think of something a similar level of deranged to Klavier saying "but this is the first time I've felt this way with a man" when he first meets Apollo but a bit more Apollo flavoured 😅)
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moonchildstyles · 6 months
would elan y/n like fashion week? would harry go with her as her bodyguard or her boyfriend?
wordcount: 3.6k+
(Y/N) stood still as Dom fluttered around her, his hands making the finishing touches on his vision. As soon as the invitation to sit in on some of the premier shows of Paris Fashion Week—front row, no less—he'd been dreaming up an entire scheme of different looks and aesthetics for her to conquer. Sketches and rounds of approval started the process, only to finish with a handful of tedious fittings until they landed on the final looks. A handpicked team accompanied them to the city, complete with hairstylists and makeup artists (Y/N) had only ever seen on her socials. While it wasn't the first time she'd attended Fashion Week shows, this was the first time she had been invited to go international at the invitation of a few of the houses, and Dom wanted to ensure it wouldn't be the last. 
First up: the Jean Paul Gaultier show and the silken outfit Dom had put together. 
As soon as she finished her breakfast that morning, she had been settled in the eye of the whirlwind that was her team, readying her for the show. Dom was insistent on finishing her off in time for a personal photoshoot to be done to add to his portfolio (and her Instagram) as well as hitting the small carpet that would be set up outside of the show for her to be pictured for the event. Everything was going to be perfect, he promised. 
(Y/N) went along with every one of his whims, standing, bending, and contorting exactly how he wanted until he finally came around for the finishing touches. From the corner of her eye, as Dom perfected the effortless-but-purposeful folds, she could see Harry lingering in the corner of the room, his watchful eye stuck on her. 
Seeing him like this, her view obstructed with glamorous hands flitting around her form, took her back to the day of the 132 Gala. Back then, he had barely met her eye for longer than a second, glancing at her before he would force himself to pull away. Now, he held no shame, raking his gaze over her body, taking in the cut of her dress, cinch of her curves, and every angle of her form. There was even a slight curl to his lips, lopsided with only a single dimple. She wished she knew what was going on in his head, but with the way he kept flicking down to the lace up boots that went high up her thighs she had an inkling. 
"What do you think? How do you feel? Anything you want to change?" Dom fired off, taking (Y/N)'s attention from her bodyguard and back to the task at hand. 
Across from her stood a full length mirror, giving her a complete look of her archival look and all of the details that went into making her impact. 
Reflected back at her was her own made up eyes, complete with a light sweep of blush heading up her temples, minimal eye makeup, and a muted, blurry cherry shade patted over her lips. Her hair was piled high above her head, extensions and heat-rolled curls were folded around her face to give the illusion of a halo—like the Gaultier shows from decades before they were taking their inspiration from. The star of the show was the archive piece from Gaultier themselves, white silk draped over her body with a low cut down her chest that ended high on her thighs, though the fabric was cinched around her waist with the help of a matching, gauzy  corset. It was tied tight around her middle, complete with three different sets of laces—two of which were tied at her sides with one down the center as well holding the entire piece together.
Her look was completed with a small red bag that matched the thigh high boots cinched over her legs, dyed a bright scarlet red that conformed to her shape. They were the statement piece of the look, and, watching Harry's wandering eye, they were doing their job of catching attention. 
(Y/N) smiled at her reflection, flicking her eyes away from Harry's form in the background to look to Dom. "I like it," she told him, "I feel good, I don't think we need to change anything." 
"Me neither, darling!" Dom beamed, taking her in with pride as if she were his next piece of art in his exhibit. "We'll do photos and then we go!" 
With that, Dom dismissed the glam team after calling for a final meeting this afternoon to finalize the look for tomorrow's Yves Saint Laurent show. He flitted through the room, thinking aloud as he searched for the missing photographer. Now alone, (Y/N) didn't hesitate before turning on her red heel and looking to Harry with a beaming smile on her lips. 
"What do you think?" She reached out for him, her purse hanging off of her wrist. 
Harry came to her in slow strides, taking her in with lingering drags of his eyes. When he met her eyes through the fan of his lashes, a sly grin tugged at his lips. "I don't know if y'want me to say." 
"Why not?" she asked, smiling at the way he smiled despite not being entirely sure where he was going. 
"Y'said y'don't like it when I get you all flustered before we go out," he drawled, reaching her with his arms going around her waist, "Y'told me y'think it looks obvious in pictures that you've got something on your mind." 
Happily falling into his hold, she understood where he was going with his declaration. "Because it is," she said, putting her manicured nails through his hair, "You can check any of the articles dissecting my body language when we're out, and they'll tell you that we just had sex and I can't stop thinking about it." 
He only shrugged at her claim, instead pushing forward and dotting a careful kiss on her lipsticked lips. 
"That's how I know 'm doing m'job," he murmured, pulsing his arms around her middle. His fingertips skated over the faux ties on her sides, "But, really, y'look gorgeous. 'M excited to see everyone's reaction at the show." 
(Y/N) brightened at his praise, "You think they'll like it?" 
"Sweet girl," he said, shaking his head before pulling away just enough to give her a slow appraisal, "they're going to love it. Gonna be asked to be put right in the show, I think." 
Taking in the soft of his eyes, the genuine sincerity he always laid upon her, (Y/N) couldn't hold back her smile, "Maybe."   It was her turn then to catch him in a kiss then. Though she was aware of the careful red stain on her lips, she was much too focused on the warmth of his words filtering through her system to truly care. Her arms were draped over his shoulders, fingers carding through the delicate curls on the back of his head as she sunk into their kiss. His hands on her waist tightened, keeping her close as she felt the very small curl of his lips as he smiled against her. 
It wasn't until she parted her lips, a brief taste of his tongue over her mouth, that the door to the bedroom that had been designated as her dressing room was pushed open. Dom's singsong voice filtered through, declaring something about photos only to be cut off at the sight that greeted him. 
"Oh, come on, (Y/N)," he sighed, sounding like a petulant child, "You couldn't have done this before?" 
Truthfully, she couldn't be upset with Dom for his exasperation—especially since he was one of the few who knew the real story behind she and Harry, and hadn't sold the story immediately. The effort that had gone into her makeup wasn't something she took for granted, though Harry was just too enticing at times for her to resist. Today included. 
Nonetheless, she untangled herself from around him, conscious of the red stain that now clung to the center of Harry's lips. 
"Sorry," she mumbled, feeling her skin warm when she saw the disappointed look on Dom's face, "I can fix it if it's messed up." 
Dom waved her off, storming through the room in the flourishing way he always did, "No, no, I'll call Cassandra. Just, no more (Y/N)—you too." He pointed an accusatory finger right at Harry. 
From the corner of her eye, (Y/N) saw Harry do nothing more than bundle his hands behind his back and take a step away in surrender though there was still a less-than-hidden curl amusing his lips. 
"No more," (Y/N) repeated with a nod of her head, "Sorry." 
Harry let out a huff of laughter at her side. 
Flashbulbs burned (Y/N)'s eyes, even when she blinked. She posed, changing every minute to allow for new shots as she made her way down the carpet. Her name was falling from French-accented lips, calling for her attention. Giving herself a break, she looked towards her booted feet, taking a breath when the smile fell from her lips. 
She must have taken too long when she felt a gentle hand land on her back, between her shoulder blades and on the bare skin displayed by the cut in the back of her dress. The static of someone's presence clung to her when their head dipped down close to her ear. 
"You alright?" Harry murmured, voice low for only her to hear. 
Aware of the cameras that were now snapping like crazy, taking in every angle and every breath of this moment, (Y/N) turned to him, catching his eyes. "I'm okay," she assured him, giving a small nod of her head to follow after the tiny smile on her lips, "Just needed a break from the lights." 
"'S a lot today," he agreed, decidedly grim when he let his eyes graze over the barricade of photographers, "Y'want to cut it short and go in?" 
(Y/N) shook her head, "I'll be okay. Thank you." 
It was the way that Harry's gaze lingered over her, washing over her features and cataloging each of her details, that showed her he wasn't asking as a bodyguard. This was Harry—her mon amour—asking if she was ready to leave, ready for him to rescue her out of this moment. (Though he was never one to bring it up, she was sure times like these brought up the night of the 132 Gala and the nonstop probing she had gone through). 
Whatever he saw on her face seemed to be enough to assure him. A reciprocating smile touched his features before he stepped away, melting into the background once again. 
Tuning back into the moment, (Y/N) heard the clicks of the cameras and the call of her name again like the bubbling of the ocean. She didn't allow herself to think too hard before she fell into her role, a bright smile settling on her lips and lashes fluttering just right for the shots. 
Even with all of the eyes on her, there was only one pair she felt warming her back. 
The final pass of the pieces were paraded down the runway, models stomping in fanciful heels with billowing fabrics and structured shoulders. Muted tones dominated the collection, complete with sparkling jewels and artful embroidery. (Y/N) clapped along with the rest of the audience as she filed away the pieces she would definitely be passing along to Dom that she could see being added to their repertoire. 
It had been a truly beautiful show, and not just because she had been invited to sit in the front row, but she was ready for it to be over. It had been a long show, and one that she wished Harry could sit next to her through, so she actually knew someone she was seated by. Her anxiety had been on a low simmer in the back of her mind, causing her to sit stiffly and shift carefully in her seat. While she was used to cameras and the lingering threat of out-of-context videos being posted, she wanted so badly to do well here—leave the opportunity open of possibly being invited back. The expectation kept her on edge.
Seeing the end of the show allowed her lungs to finally fill, knowing that she would be granted a reprieve soon. Standing ovations were given once the designer made their way down the runway alongside the models, (Y/N) joining in with a beaming smile on her features. 
It wasn't long after a quiet round of thank yous were given out by the designer, the models being dismissed to backstage, that the audience began to filter out. (Y/N) stretched to the full of her height, heels tottering on flooring. The few acquaintances she made at her bench told her goodbye, giving small hugs and bids to see her once more at the afterparties that night, eventually leaving her and her tiny bag by herself as she drifted towards the exit. 
Coming from whatever corner he huddled himself into during the show, Harry joined her side with his eyes scanning ahead for their next steps. He looked down at her when he landed a hand on the small of her back, a bounce of his brows when he caught her already looking to him. 
"Y'alright, love?" he murmured, voice a low rumble for only her to hear. 
She gave him a nod of her head, automatic smile landing on her lips. "Yeah. I think I just need to breathe a little." 
With that, (Y/N) could see the gears beginning to turn in his head. There was a plan being stitched together in his mind, ready to take her wherever he could get her a fresh breath of air and privacy. 
Handing over all of her trust, (Y/N) followed wherever he guided her, keeping her footing steady in her boots. The patrons around them thinned the closer they came to the exit as people filtered out and left down the grandiose stairs leading up to the hall. He seemed to know the space better than her, taking her down the stairs until he steered her away from the waiting cars and gathered photographers. The path he took looped around the banister of the concrete stairs, following the line of the building until they reached a quiet alcove, complete with employee only entrances and a set of dumpsters. 
The rustling of footsteps and sea of voices was far off enough now, letting (Y/N) put her guard down without any watchful eyes around. Harry's hand on her back shifted until it became an arm around her waist, his head ducking into her line of sight with the lillypad of his eyes matching hers. 
"Thank you," she said, the words coming out on a plume of air, "What did you think of the show?" 
The warmth of his eyes glazed over her, the tick in his jaw settling once he saw there really was nothing upsetting he other than the need for a breather. "It was good—interesting. Long." 
A small breath of laughter fell from her lips. "I know. It was really long, but super cool. There were a few things in there that I think I'm going to talk to Dom about." 
"Yeah?" Harry smiled, his features softening with dimples sitting in his cheeks, "Which ones?" 
His amusement only grew as she bubbled off about the pieces that caught her eye, his attention centered only on her as she spoke. His arm around her waist was warm and anchoring, keeping her in their quiet moment. (Y/N) felt warm under his gaze, the familiarity of his presence helping her down from that simmer of anxiety. 
"That corset one was really cool," he agreed, nodding his head when she vaguely described the piece, "You'd look really pretty in it, I think." 
"Thank you," she smiled, though she was halfway sure he had no idea what garment she was talking about. Delicately her hands landed on his chest, fingers denting through his clothes. "I wish you could have sat with me—I think I would have felt better." 
There was a small curl to his lips, a single dimple in his cheek. "Me too, but I saw y'made some friends." 
"Yeah," she sighed, her grip on his tightening just enough, "But, you know I get nervous. I didn't want to bother anyone incase anyone was video taping or anything." 
His smile fell then, turning his lips into a grim line of his hard features. That was something he was still getting used to—the constant access people felt they had to her, as well as the paranoia that followed when it came to that.
"I know," he mumbled, tugging her close with his arm around her waist, "But, 's over now, and you still had a little fun, right?" 
"I did," she assured him, her own features softening into a smile in hopes of lifting his spirit, "It was really cool. I've always wanted to go to one of these shows, and now I have." 
His hand on her waist gave a small squeeze, a jump of laughter pulsing from her lungs at the touch. "Good," he crooned, loosening at the sound of her laugh, "Did y'want to go to any of the parties tonight, or were y'wanting to stay in still?" 
"Probably stay in," she answered, leaning into him that much more, "I'm still tired from the flight." 
"Me, too. We'll watch one of our cooking shows tonight then, and head to bed before the next shows tomorrow." 
There was a warmth in her chest at the solid plan Harry handed her. She knew Dom would still be disappointed that she was forcing him to shelve another archival look while she stayed in tonight, but at least she would be with Harry. 
(Y/N ) didn't think before she placed her hands on his cheeks, fingertips stretching into the baby curls of his hairline. Her eyes fluttered to a close as she leant forward, tipping her chin and pressing her lips to his. Harry's arm around her kept her in a close hug to his chest, his nose nudging hers as he turned his head just right to catch her top lip between his two. 
There would no doubt be a stain on his lips, glistening with a hint of red, but she would take care of it later. (Y/N) would prefer to melt into him while she could. 
It was only when there was the scratch of someone's shoe against the concrete, that Harry pulled away. In a second his gaze was scanning around them, finding only a single patron heading down the stairs from over their heads. His eyes followed them for a moment, waiting to see if their hiding spot had been found. When there wasn't even so much as a second glance towards their huddled position, she felt his chest deflate in her arms. 
"Ready to head back?" he asked, turning back to face her once more, his eyes blooming over her. 
Taking advantage of the quiet, (Y/N) pressed her lips to his cheek once more before untangling her limbs with only her hand in his. "Yeah," she said, giving him a nod, "I think we left the driver waiting long enough." 
The relaxed smile on (Y/N) face stayed there even as they encountered new photographers, and Harry's hand in hers shifted to once again lay on her back. She couldn't wait for tonight. 
Though fans and social media alike have speculated about the nature of (Y/N) and her bodyguard—Harry Styles—relationship since the day they were first pictured together, this past weekend was the first to offer any hard evidence that there was anything more than professional going on between them. 
After touching down in Paris the night before for an exclusive invite to a few of the major shows of Paris Fashion Week—including the Jean Paul Gaultier spring runway—(Y/N) had remained low-key despite her usual Parisian club becoming the place to be before the festivities of the week began. She was first seen entering the JPG show, complete with an archival look specifically from the brand, as styled by Dominic Pedretto.
While walking the carpet, she seemed to have a moment, causing Styles to step forward and affectionately place a hand on her back, and whisper something. The moment was caught on camera—which you can see in the slideshow below!—along with the way neither of them could keep their eyes off one another. It wasn't uncommon for the pair of them to be so close while waking a carpet or even just handling a crowd of photographers—as seen at the 132 Gala as well as last Summer in Paris. 
But, it was the moment after the show that has fans running wild all over social media! 
As pictured below, (Y/N) and her bodyguard could be seen taking a private moment together outside of the Oratory of the Louvre. As opposed to all of the careful touches they've shared in front of the media, they can now be seen with his arms around her waist and (Y/N) clinging to him. Our insider wasn't close enough to catch any of the conversation, but said clear smiles and laughter was seen being shared in their alcove. It was the picture of love, the insider described it. Definitely different to what has been portrayed to the media about their relationship. 
If that wasn't enough, we also have exclusive access to the kiss heard 'round the world. In the final shot before the pair parted ways for their trek back to the media, they can be seen locked in a kiss. The steamy exchange lasted only a few moments, but our source can exclusively tells us that (Y/N) seemed eager for more, immediately pulling her "bodyguard" along so they could head home and get more of each other. 
While there's been no confirmation of any kind of relationship between the two, it must be only a matter of time until we hear wedding bells!
ahhhh!!! thank u sm for reading, so sorry for any mistakes I missed, and please if there's any kind of requests or ideas anyone has please lmk!!!
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quibbs126 · 7 months
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Oh yeah I been drawing these the past couple days. It’s mostly just random sketches
I don’t really know what I was doing with the line colors, but whatevs, it’s fine
First was the Dark Choco one, it was because I was thinking of the Nimona shark dance scene. I didn’t draw the shoulder pads because I didn’t want to
I think I wanted to draw one of the twin dragons with him, but since we don’t yet know what hey look like, I couldn’t
Then the Financier and Madeleine thing was just based on a headcanon I had about their relationship in the past. Basically my idea is that Financier was something of a mentor to Madeleine back in their academy days, with her being a couple years older than him. It’s also partially why in current day she’s not the fondest of him; not because she dislikes him, but because she’s frustrated he doesn’t live up to the full potential she knows he has. They’re supposed to be doing the Spider-Man pose meme
I had ideas for what to do for their hair, but nothing about their outfits. I just did whatever
After that I kind of ran out of ideas to draw. I asked someone on Discord and they told me to draw Parfait, so I drew her jamming out to rock on the floor. I had no references but I think it turned out fine
Then after that I decided to draw younger Carrow and Crunchy
Carrow was first, and it was like a redo of this old design I did of her old self back when I just got into the fandom
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She’s supposed to be just starting out in the Watchers or training with them, around 12-14
Then after that I was going to draw small Crunchy Chip, but because I headcanon him to now be the oldest between this trio, I felt I had to draw him older to convey that, with him being around 18-20 here (at the time Carrow is 12-14). Honestly his design isn’t that good, Caramel Arrow’s is way better. I just didn’t really know what to do for it other than give him longer hair and maybe make him look moody? But yeah other than that he didn’t turn out that great
And after that I realized I had basically used the whole page, so might as well post
I might do more of these, who knows?
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starrclown · 2 months
Frozenfruit Headcanons!! (I missed talking about them!)
Of topic but look how small Wukong is in this photo
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Wukong knows how to make flower crowns so he makes Bai He flower crowns whenever he makes the baby monkies ones. She really likes daisy ones.
Bai He has burned herself multiple times trying to curl her hair so she looks like Wukong. Wukong has to help her 80% of the time.
If Wukong is too tired he just won't take Bai He to school. It ain't that big of a deal to him and she likes staying home.
Bai He is actually taller than Wukong when he's unglamored (he's canonically 4 foot in Jttw) and she makes fun of him all the time.
Bai He keeps her cat at Flower Fruit Mountain. His name is Carmel and the monkies get along with him. Mo not so much.
Bai He begged to get contacts because she hates her eyes. (I headcannon she used to have brown eyes but after being under possession so long they turned pale almost white blue.) Wukong doesn't like that she wears them cause he wants her to like her features but he doesn't have room to talk since he hides his eyes so he let her get them.
Bai He will get along with Macaque if Wukong asks but she doesn't like it. She eventually gets more comfortable around him but she doesn't trust him 100%.
Wukong, Mei, Mk, Redson, and Bai He love to play games together. They like having card nights.
Wukong let's Bai He use his whole pack of crayons so she can draw.
When Bai He started living with Wukong she mostly wore his old clothes because she didn't have her own.
Wukong painted Bai He's room pastel pink just for her.
Wukong keeps every one of her drawings and hangs them up on the fridge.
When Bai He gets nightmares she climbs into beg with Wukong.
Bai He likes staying close to Wukong cause she hates being cold and he's SUPER warm.
They have matching scarfs.
Bai He bruises really easily (mostly cause she's frail and weak from possession) so Wukong has to be super gentle with her.
Bai He fakes being asleep so Wukong will carry her inside. Wukong knows she does this but doesn't say anything.
Mei helped Wukong and Bai He dye their hair streaks pink.
Bai He has a headband for every outfit. Wukong started collecting them for her.
Bai He tries to copy Wukong's drawing style but she's not quiet to his skill level yet.
Bai He HATES the taste of peaches but she doesn't like telling Wukong that.
Bai He likes playing Wukongs game. She thinks the stills are silly and she likes the story.
Has child makeup to match Wukongs eyeshadow.
They paint their nails together. Bai He started doing it so she stopped biting her nails and Wukong did it just to match her.
Wukong is a morning person. Bai He is not.
Since Wukong is basically rich, Bai He goes to school with pockets STUFFED full of money because Wukong doesn't know how much a kids lunch is.
Wukong bought those bandages that have the silly designs on them so Bai He would like them more.
They like to bake together. They like to make diffrent kinds of cookies and brownies. (Bai He gets to lick the bowl)
Carmel gets all up in Wukong's personal space. Bai He finds it adorable while Wukong finds it annoying.
Bai He subtly copies Wukong's mannerisms.
Okay that's enough. It's 6:30 am where I am and I haven't slept but I gotta walk 20k steps today so 🤷‍♂️
Love this duo.
Oh and look at this sketch. I really need to draw her more.
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natinkart · 1 month
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i finally FINALLY finished this lineup. those fuckers are in my head more that they should be. after writing my ideas for them i HAD TO DRAW THEM, i had such a clear image in my mind. the only one I've drawn before where engie, medic, sniper and scout, but those were just sketches.
if you wanna read what I wrote about them you can find the three posts here: defense | offense | support
full lineup, sketch lineup and design thoughts under the cut:
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i always like the sketches more but i love the clear lineart, it makes the character more readable, so now it's time for some design thoughts:
engie - she was the first, she has seen everythin- no ok wrong franchise. i meant, she was the one i was more certain of. the outfit didn't change from the og but i made her have two small pigtails. i always viewed them as a cow girl hairstyle, and they're also practical. a stable hairstyle that keeps your hair out of your face.
heavy - the sleaves where kinda an instant idea i KNEW i had to incorporate. so i did a bit of reaserch on traditional russian clothes and their patterns. they seems to be very geometrical with not more than 5 colors, which two of them are white and black, usually at the seams or borders of the clothing. so i tried to do that. i really like how it came out.
demo - not much to say aside from me winging the hairstyle. i honestly didn't know which one to give to her, but i knew i didn't want a long hair style. maybe one day i'll draw her without the hat.
scout - she is the one with my favorite design. i LOVE how it came out. i fell it express her cockiness the best. i tried putting her in the og outift but eh, i prefer this one.
soldier - this is literally just normal soldier. i tried to but more "femminine" traits in her face. but still, just soldier with boobs.
pyro - it's normal pyro, with some stickers cause why not.
medic - she's my love. my beauty, the absolute perfection. i love her and every time i draw her she becomes more and more creepy. and i love her so much. at first i was unsure about the hairstyle, i tried to but her in a high bun but it didn't fit the face shape, so i just gave her a side swoosh. also you may have noticed she has the nurse hat, well, that's just because i think it's cute, and i mean, she is a field doctor and usually the women there where red crosses so, made sense to me.
sniper - ah, my beautiful, unkept woman. i had a hard time making her face look rugged without giving her 30 years more and doing that on women is actually pretty difficult. i had one time an art teacher saying to me "every line on a woman's face gives her 10 years more" and holy fuck if that's true. the second problem was the body type. a lot of people do her slim, and at first i drew her like so, but i found myself appreciating a bigger waist line, creating a sort of square siluette.
spy - finally the beautiful femme fatale. i will ALWAYS have problems with spy's suit color. i can't. it always feels so wrong aaaa. but that aside, i did a simple google search for 60s women's suit and i kinda went with it. it's a bit different from the og spy suit but it's also different from modern suits, so i had a bit of an hard time adjusting the jacket.
my asks are open if you wanna know more of them or if you wanna see them in some specific scenario!! and if you like tf2 i also did a team furtress lineup with explainations.
consider supporting me on my KOFI, i recently opened commissions!!
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concord-and-cliches · 2 years
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put a comical novelty shirt on that beast [x]
[id in alt text and under the cut--sketches also under the cut!]
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[image ID: Two drawings of Harry Du Bois from Disco Elysium, wearing two different shirts. The first shirt he's wearing is a white one that features a picture of a green fish with a wide-open mouth, alongside text in a goofy font that reads, in all caps: "Of course I cum fast / I got fish to catch!" Harry is looking down at the shirt with a curious expression. Next to this drawing is text that reads, in all caps: "Fishing Enthusiast Shirt". Underneath that, there is additional text that reads: "+1 Electrochemistry: Thinking about it / -1 Electrochemistry: But not for long". The second shirt he's wearing is a dark grey one with a red arrow pointing up towards his face and text that reads, in all caps: "Is this guy bothering you?" Harry is holding his ledger with one hand, and he is smiling. Next to this drawing is text that reads, in all caps: "Considerate T-Shirt". Underneath that, there is additional text that reads: "+1 Empathy: You are kind of a weirdo / +1 Half Light: Ready to fight even yourself / -1 Suggestion: Aren't you, though?"
Two drawings featuring Harry Du Bois and Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium. The first drawing shows Harry wearing Kim's glasses. Behind him, Kim, sans glasses and in a white shirt, looks from over his shoulder at Harry with an annoyed expression. Text next to this drawing reads, in all caps: "The Lieutenant's Glasses". Underneath that, there is additional text that reads: "+2 Empathy towards Kim Kitsuragi: Through his eyes / +1 Authority: Borrowing some of Kim's / -1 Physical Instrument: Bino attire / -2 Perception: Holy shit, dude". The second drawing shows Kim looking down at his shirt, which is black and features an image of a skeleton lighting a weight. Text on the shirt reads, in a goofy font and all caps: "My body is a machine that turns cigarettes into smoked cigarettes". Kim has a slight smile on his face and he is holding a cigarette of his own. The smoke curls around his head like a halo. Text next to this drawing reads, in all caps: "'Cool' Skeleton T-Shirt". Underneath that, there is additional text that reads: "+1 Camaraderie: Gift from the 41st / +1 Joie De Vivre: Gift from Harry / -1 Kinetic Dressage: Could be cooler". Kim also has a small thought bubble that features an extremely-simplified drawing of Harry holding up a peace sign and winking alongside the words: "he even got the right size…"
A Disco Elysium fancomic featuring Harry Du Bois and Kim Kitsuragi. Panel One: A close-up of Harry's shoes, which are all-yellow and have the crying laughing emoji face adorned on them. Panel Two: A close-up of Harry's shirt, which features the crying laughing emoji. Panel Three: A close-up of Harry's face, which is making the crying laughing face. Additionally, he is wearing a hat which is similarly adorned with the crying laughing emoji. Panel Four: Kim, looking somewhat amused at Harry, says: "What, no matching pants?" Harry, looking alert, says: "Ah! You're right, Kim!" Panel Five: Kim, looking away and still smiling lightly, says: "Yes, without all the proper accoutrements, you might want to consider a less… eccentric outfit." From off-panel, Harry says: "This is more of a pussy-out kinda look!" Kim says: "a what". Panel Six: Kim, with a frantic expression, rushes over to stop Harry from taking off his pants. Harry looks confused and has one leg nearly out of his pants. There is a small speech bubble with a question mark coming from him. Additionally, in the sketch version of the full outfit, each individual clothing article is labelled as an "Amused" version of said article, and each has a stat buff of "+1 Pain Threshold: Laughing through the pain." /end ID]
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princeoferror · 1 month
Kohga Slay
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Would Kohga love or hate me for doing this-?
Commission info | Buy a Print! | portfolio | Twitter | insta | Discord server
Progress pics below!
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I've been using Pinterest for finding poses a lot at the moment so I wanted to use a very confident fashionable reference. I was only going to put him in the dress but since the lady in my reference image is wearing heels I gave Kohga some very stylish banana heels.
Line art:
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I always struggle to say much for line art cuz it's the exact same process every time.
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I did yet again steal all these colours from concept art- I might need to start using my own colours but colour picking is so much easierrr- ok fine I promise in the next piece I do I'll get my own colours so I can grow as an artist or whatever-
Finished render:
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Moving into the rendering I wanted two light sources to push the form, very similar to studio lighting as if he was doing a model shoot. So there's the bigger light off to the left then a small light on the right so I can do some rim lighting. Rim lighting can often be a quick and easy way to add more form into a piece if it's looking a little flat.
I'm so happy with how this piece turned out, my favorite thing is the raw attitude Kohga is giving, he is so confident and serving looks in this outfit. Of course he's still wearing his uniform underneath he's got a Repuation to uphold! Wouldn't want to look like an idiot now.
If you'd want a physical copy of this you can get one at my inprnt page!
After this I'm going to be working on different art to use for examples on my commission sheet. So the next post should be some headshots; I never realized how I tend to only draw full bodys.
And speaking of my commissions are open, all the info can be found through the link in my bio or just shoot me a message :3
Oki see u next week byeee
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tragedyslut · 4 months
Ellie putting her heart and sole (pun😏) into finding you the best pair of heels as a birthday gift for you even though she feels like her brain is gonna explode with the options
(maybe she even tries a pair on and almost breaks her ankle😌)
(maybe! her fine ass designs a pair for you idk but please work your magic boo🙏)
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poor ellie scowering the shoe isles for the perfect heels to get you for your birthday. you already had so many, your closet was full of them to the point where some of them were infesting her own closet. she didn't mind though, she lovex seeing the way your face lit up and you excitedly smiled whenever you got a new pair.
so here she was, racking through hundreds of ugly grandma heels. she had found a good few pairs, but they couldn't just be good. they needed to be perfect. she had been away for 5 hours, even though she told you she 'wouldn't be too long' and you probably thought she'd ran away or something. she eventually wandered her way into the dressing room to try them on. since, you two were the same shoe size. if they fit her, they'd fit you.
it was a sight to behold, the most butch looking woman wandering around the store with a few pairs of glittery pink and various other coloured heels. safe to say, she got some looks. but it didn't matter to her.
she put on the first pair of heels, walking around the dressing room before promptly falling and slamming her head into the floor. she had no idea how you could wear these things without breaking your neck. she could barely get herself up off the floor.
after trying on all the heels, she got distracted and sat on the small bench in the changing room, sketching out her idea of the perfect pair of heels.
(reference of what they turned out like<3)
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they were adorable. yet they didn't exist and she wished she could just conjure them up like some sort of weird heel-genie.
she didn't buy any heels from the first or second shop, and she was a bit pissed off when walking into the third shop. until, she found the perfect heels. exactly what she'd envisioned. she looked like a kid on Christmas morning, excitedly grabbing your size and practically running over to the check out.
of course, you loved them. you were the happiest girl in the world, and you were quick to make up an outfit for them! she then took you out on a date, whilst you obsessed over how adorable the heels were and kept saying ' thank you ' over and over.
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you can do better. i'm better
pairing: gojo satoru x reader (modern, college au)
genre + warnings: - FLUFF !! alcohol consumption, smoking, swearing, and a jealous and very flirty gojo. reader is gender neutral but is shorter than satoru and has long-ish hair.
word count: 1,934
summary: this is a song-fic based on this ask, the song being "FEEL" by Måneskin. for the full experience, start listening to the song after the 4th break, there'll be a very obvious indication in the dialogue!
enjoyyy <3
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“So, there’s a party.”
You hum non-committedly, pen still dancing on your page as your eyes flit between your textbook and notebook. You hear a pen tapping against the wooden desk and try very hard to ignore it. The tapping gets louder and more constant until you’re unable to ignore it any longer. You release a long sigh as you look up at the person pest sitting before you.
"Okay, what?"
Shoko grins as she sets the pen down and clasps her hands underneath her chin, "There's a party. Let's go."
You stare at her for a few seconds before asking, "When, where, and why?"
"Tonight, at Mei Mei's place and because we can and should."
You groan, "I really don't wanna, Shoko. I have work and I'm so sleep-deprived I can't-"
Shoko shuts your books and flicks your forehead, ignoring the small "ow" that escapes your lips. She stands up and takes your things with her, "We are going, and that's that. You can sleep and work and whatever after the party. It's been way too long since we actually had some time to relax and I'm not going without you, so suck it up."
You dejectedly watch her leave with all your things and wonder why you even hang out with such a menace.
"Oi, Suguru."
The man in question is distracted, hunched over his desk, sketching away in his notebook with loud music blasting through his earphones. Satoru slams the door shut hoping it'll break his best friend's trance. Suguru feels the reverberation from the door slamming closed and tilts his head to look at a pouty Satoru with arms crossed across his chest. Suguru sends an apologetic smile as he takes off one earphone from the ear closest to Satoru, "Hey. Sorry, what's up?”
“There’s a party.”
Suguru pauses his song, suddenly concerned at how loud the volume was. Rolling his chair back and fully facing Satoru now he says, “Let me guess. We're going?”
He watches Satoru fall back on his bed sprawled out like a starfish. There's a pause before Satoru speaks, “Depends. Y’know if Shoko's going?”
Suguru gives him a sly smile, “I’m not sure. Why?” Satoru spares him a glance masked with disapproval, “Just asking, jeez. What's with the face?”
There's a laugh as Suguru stands up and makes his way to his closet, rummaging through his typical array of edgy, dark outfits. He hears the bed squeak and assumes Satoru is now sitting up, glaring at the back of his head. He decides to pull his leg a bit more, “Just sick of your childish antics.”
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Suguru sighs as he lays down his selected outfit on the side of the bed Satoru wasn't currently occupying. Satoru sighs exaggeratedly, obviously mocking his best friend and only gets a deadpan look as a response, "You just proved my point."
Satoru whines Suguru's name and falls back down on the bed, dropping his arm on Suguru's clothes, "You're annoying."
Suguru watches Satoru with amused eyes. He knows all about the silver-haired boy’s embarrassing crush on you. He flirts and teases you all day only to mope around and whine about why you don’t like him back. Suguru loves his best friend, but how much whining can a person take? Especially since he talks to Shoko, and Shoko is your best friend, and Shoko has informed Suguru that you very much do like Satoru back. 
With a snort, Suguru walks over to his chair and goes back to doing what he was doing when the man-child speaks again.
"Hey, make a playlist. Nanami will be there and I can't deal with any more of his depressing emo music."
When you got there, the party was in full swing. People are dancing on tabletops, drinking cheap beer and hard liquor, and smoking all kinds of things, and you're pretty sure you saw someone passed out on a desk littered with plastic cups and playing cards. Leave it to Mei Mei to throw the craziest parties in college history.
You wished you could cling on to Shoko through the entire night, but she ditched you with a simple pat on the back and a nonchalant "have fun", and so here you were, in the kitchen drinking something too colorful, and ridiculously sweet for your liking. Satoru would like this shit, you think, begrudgingly swallowing the concoction.
"You don't like the drink?"
You look over to your side and find a guy you've never seen before. The kitchen is more or less empty with a few people coming and going as the blaring music from the room connected to the kitchen shakes the walls. Sheepishly smiling and putting the glass on the counter you were leaning against you reply, "It's a bit too sweet for me."
The guy laughs a hearty chuckle and moves closer to stand right in front of you, blocking your view of the open entrance of the kitchen and the room conjoined to it. He's tall, not taller than Satoru, you deduce, and fairly good-looking.
"Ironic. You seem pretty sweet yourself."
You snort, "Wow, smooth."
He looks at you with half-lidded eyes and you know what he's thinking, as he reaches out his hand and introduces himself. You reciprocate and give him your name before adding, "I haven't seen you on campus before."
"Yeah, I don't go here. I'm a friend of Mei Mei's."
You nod your head slowly and look for an opening to get out of the conversation, "So, just here for the party?"
He grins and places both his hands on either side of you, caging you against the counter, hovering his face too close to yours for comfort, "Initially yeah, but now I think I found a better reason to stay."
You cringe internally. Oh god…
"What the fuck?"
Moving his eyes to follow Satoru's line of sight, Suguru scrunches his face, "Ouch. Sorry, man."
Satoru's eyebrows are drawn together and his eyes are flaming as the plastic cup crumples from his unyielding grip. He thinks about walking over to where you were in the kitchen and stomping all over that random guy's face until he looks like the red plastic cup; disfigured, sad, and lying motionless on the floor.
"Who the fuck is that guy?"
Suguru senses upcoming trouble as Satoru's anger starts to pulsate louder than the actual music. He takes another plastic cup and fills it with a concoction consisting of alcohol mixed with something fruity, handing it to an absolutely livid Gojo Satoru, "I dunno. Why don't you go and find out?" 
He watches Satoru down the entire cup after which he slams it on the table. They exchange glances as Satoru gives Suguru a sly grin, "Play something appropriate, will ya?"
Suguru watches with a smirk as his best friend marches over to the kitchen. Playing a song he deemed appropriate, he looks around to find Shoko talking to Utahime and saunters over to her, nudging her on the shoulder.
Glancing at him, she quirks an eyebrow as she takes a drag of her lit cigarette. Suguru points over at the kitchen as Shoko leans to the side to check out what he was gesturing to, and a wide grin blooms on both their faces. Their thoughts seemed to merge at that moment. This is either going to be really fun, or really bad.
“There you are, sweetheart!” 
Your attempt to maneuver yourself away from the counter and the man blocking your way was interrupted by the booming voice you know so very well. Peering over the guy’s shoulder you see Satoru sporting his usual smug smile, bounding toward you and gently wrapping his fingers around your wrist. The man immediately scampers five steps behind as Satoru towers over him, his intimidating posture and menacing grin wiping the overconfident facade the man was previously showcasing. Wrapping his arm around your waist, Satoru leans down to leave a kiss on the top of your head, all while keeping his piercing blue eyes locked on the terrified man’s pale face. 
“You done flirtin’ with my girl?”
The guy stutters face darkened in embarrassment as he rushes away, presumably to crawl into a hole and die. You watched the whole interaction with confusion overwhelming your senses. When Satoru’s arm drops from your waist, you snap back to reality as you laugh and look up at him with amused eyes, “Well, that was hilarious. Nice acting.” 
You expect him to laugh and just leave it be, so when his eyebrows furrow and eyes stare pointedly at you, your confusion comes rushing back. 
“Seriously? That loser?”
You wonder why Satoru’s being so hostile; maybe he doesn’t like that guy, maybe he’s just protective. But then you notice the light blush covering the apples of his cheeks and it hits you - Oh, he’s jealous.
Huffing, you lean against the counter crossing your arms across your chest and reciprocating the same pointed look right back at him, “Why do you care?” 
He stares at you for a few beats and then sighs and turns back around to leave, “Forget it.”
You have liked Satoru for a while now, but the boy never speaks freely. One moment he’s flirting with you nonchalantly, and right when you start to think he might like you as more than a friend, he does things like this. So you decide to persist this time by reaching out and grabbing his slender wrist, “Hold on, just tell me. Why do you care?”
You watch his shoulders rise up and down and before you realize what’s happening, Satoru whips around and cages you against the counter, similar to how to were trapped a few minutes ago, except this time you’re sure your heart skipped several beats. 
He drops his head next to your ear and whispers, “Because, I know you.” 
You feel his fingers run through your hair as he tucks a few strands behind your ear. Keeping you between him and the kitchen counter, he leans down and aligns his face directly across yours. You feel his sapphire eyes burn through your eyes to the back of your skull as he leans closer, his nose mere inches away from yours. “I know what makes you blush, I know what words you like to hear, I know what you want to feel…” 
Your face is getting exponentially warmer by the second and you think your heart is following the rhythm of the drums playing in the song currently blasting through the speakers. You stare at him wide-eyed and stunned at his antics.
His eyes trail down to your lips and then back to your eyes and his lips curl into that stupid smile you hate so much. At this point, you’re both breathing into each other's faces and he tilts his head to the side, eyes zoned in on your lips, inching forward until you can smell the sweet scent of alcohol and mint in his breath and the deodorant on his body. You’re too stunned to close your eyes, so you don’t miss the way his lips barely graze yours before he stands straight and grabs the cup you had previously abandoned on the countertop - a piece of information you had completely forgotten about. You watch him chug the entire drink and sigh in satisfaction, as he gently sets the cup down and moves back. “Sorry. Got carried away there,” his eyes are soft and your stomach is light as if filled with feathers. You’re speechless, shocked, and so bothered. Standing there with your heart lodged in your throat, you watch Satoru leave with a smile and not a clue in his pretty head on just how he makes you feel.
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a/n: very special thanks to my dear @daisy-the-quake for test-reading this <;33
taglist: @thepup356, @porridgesblog, @stray-npc, @daisy-the-quake, @reignsaway, @ainetx, @icarusignite, @mariapierce789
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veinsfullofstars · 3 months
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🎩 Putting on a show with style… and snow! 🎩
(ID: Kirby series fanart of Shadow Kirby interacting with Daroach, with guest cameos by Dark Meta Knight and Spinni. Top right - SK & DMK reflected in a steampunk-inspired mirror, each dressed in the Dreamy Gear attire of their counterparts but more tailored to them (purples instead of blues for SK, a tattered red cape and a spiked hat belt for DMK). SK stands on his tiptoes and holds his cheeks with a wide, starry-eyed smile, delighted with his new outfit, while DMK stands just behind him to our left, curled into his cape and looking disgruntled, a bit of blush peeking through his mask. Outside the mirror, Spinni stands proudly on our right, smiling and giving a thumbs-up with a hand on his hip and a few sewing pins in his teeth, while Daroach (dressed in his own Dreamy Gear clothes) stands on the opposite side, pointing at his friends' reflections with an affectionate smile. Middle left - SK & Daroach holding the Magic top hat together, the puffball looking up in awe as the thief taps it with his wand, causing a pair of white doves to fly out in a small burst of confetti. Bottom right - SK wearing the Ice hat and skating gracefully on one foot towards the viewer, arms held out and expression full of joy. Behind him, Daroach skates by in the opposite direction, holding up his wand to unleash gusts of glowing snowflakes all around them. END ID.)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 (you’re here!) | Part 7 | Compilation
Sketch started btw 12/23 - 06/24, render started 06/08/24, finished 06/13/24.
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pea-brain · 2 months
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example donation link
if you are an artist or something and want to offer the same commissions, please feel free to take any of these images and use them yourself (edit however you want, remove my art, obviously), the text is free to use.
*in the unlikely event i receive a ton of these, i might have to close them. will let you know. reblogs will be turned off if i close commissions
extra information below v
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thank you so much for reading! i used all caps for ease of read, it comes across super agro lol sorry <3 i will be nice in person
also, small note, i dont consider mobility aids (including wheelchairs) to be props, those are free to add.
any further questions DM away!
+75% extra character, complex background/ scene*, full render, complex outfit design by meee ;)
+50% medium background/ scene*, flats (will include nice lineart), complex outfit/ design, simple outfit design by me
*scene means a complex pose or it looks like they're actually in the background. interpretation of this is up to me
addition prices are calculated based off of the base price and do not compound
example calculation: half body ($30) + extra character (+75% of $30 = $23) + medium background/scene (+50% of $30 = $15) = 30+23+15= $68
for stuff not covered here (like a complex prop) just shoot me a DM
will draw: furry (not great but i can try), gore (incl extreme), horror, artistic/ casual nudity, fanart, your roc's, my doc's, romantic/ ship art, anything LGBT+ (people might not know me i felt i should add that)
wont draw: porn, fetish (up to me to interpret what i consider that), ship/ romantic/ nude art involving persons who are or appear to be under the age of 18 (even if they are 'aged up'.) even if its like kids kissing, i'm not comfortable with that cheers, anything i consider 'hateful' (i dunno man i felt i had to add it)
if i am uncomfortable i reserve the right t refuse aspects or the entire request
ownership of the art is yours, if you dont want me to post it to my account i wont
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acatpiestuff · 6 months
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hehehe. new ref for my pokemon oc Toddy, with some lore bits sprinkled in here and there. They've grown over the time I've had them...
Name: Toddy Age: [UNKNOWN] Pronouns: ALL Height: 6'2" (188 cm) - selectively mute - baker - immortal - doesn't battle often [Toddy is a taller, slightly chubby person with wavy dark purple hair and round glasses. They have olive skin, and are wearing grey socks, brown baggy pants, and a green sweater with a collar. On the green sweater, there are little white tulips embroidered on the righthand breast of the sweater. Over the sweater, Toddy is wearing a dark grey cardigan.]
Notes on Toddy's Visage and Background:
Hand embroidered clothing. Prefers comfort and utility over style.
From the civilization that created the golurk
is held together by ghosts of his hometown, which prevents him from dying
woke up in a field of white tulips, where his town used to be
travels with the last remaining golurk from his town.
Home Base is in Pinwheel Forest. Small cabin w/ garden + brick oven (self-made)
[Toddy has] homemade socks.
[her] hair is wavy and messy.
[ There are two sketches of Toddy's head, one facing forward, smiling and one in profile view. There are also two tiny doodles of Toddy's eye, one drawn correctly and one drawn incorrectly as a guide.]
Had to dig self out of soil, was partially buried. [ Image of Toddy, disheveled and covered in mud, crawling out of a pile of dirt and rubble, grass everywhere.]
Woke up in a flower field. Ancient civilization is no more. The last golurk watched over Toddy as they slept in the soil. [ Image of Toddy and Golurk looking over a valley covered in white tulips, the flowers going even over the silhouettes of the mountains on each side.
Realizes death cannot reach them through neither age nor injury. [ Image of an injured Toddy leaning against a rock, bloody and holding their wounds tightly. the silhouette of Golurk can be seen behind them.]
Has a strange relationship with the earth and the dirt. It feels like home. [ Image of Toddy lying in the flowerfield again, but this time on top of the grass. His hair is splayed out under him, as he reaches his hand over his face. [There is also a sequence of small doodles of toddy's face, one with a headband and a confused expression, and then a smaller doodle of toddy with dog ears matching the location and shape of his bangs. The last doodle is a tinier sketch of a tiny dog with round glasses, supposedly Toddy once more.]
White Tulip: associated with purity and new beginnings. [ Sketch of a white tulip in full bloom.]
Golurk's Eventual Pokeball: [ Image of a typical hisuian pokeball, with a stone top and wooden base. There is a crack running through the top of the pokeball.]
Toddy knows many ways to bake bread + baked goods.
Laments the loss of her cook book, which was lost to the destruction of the city. (READ: I meant recipe book not cook book.) [ Image of a loaf of crusty bread, in the style of a sourdough loaf.]
Toddy's Glasses: doesn't actually need them to see anymore. She used to be near-sighted. [sketch of a pair of round glasses.]
[ there is a set of small sketches, each sketch depicting Toddy in a different outfit. The first is a baker's uniform, complete with a hat and an apron with a rag tucked into the back. The second is Toddy in a oversized t-shirt with a lemon on it, and a pair of boxers. The last is a concept for a younger Toddy, with longer hair tied into a braid, and a loose hanbok-style top. Her pants are loose as well, however they are cinched at the ankles, right above her sandals. She is still wearing her round glasses in all of the sketches.]
[The final sketch is a simplified version of Toddy's face, crinkled into a huge, happy grin. There is a grinning emoji sketched underneath it, and a small notation that says "grins" above it.]
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