#smart nation
employee645-gay · 29 days
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Deborah and Ava from “Hacks” inspired by those kickass posters of Macbeth from The National Theatre of Korea. Been wanting to draw these two for so long... and now I have. Lol.
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fisherrprince · 1 year
Slightly worried about alphinaud actually. He’s … very optimistic about this whole cross-nation company thing, and I haven’t had the BEST of luck finding people because optimistic kumbaya ventures don’t often work perfectly especially if they’re militarized and threatening and it’s all rather dangerous politically I think and are you going to run the thing? You, sixteen year old fancy lad? He has good ideas but they’re not incredibly careful despite his planning… I’m watching you kiddo ok
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aaandbackstabbed · 2 months
Scrooge: yesterday, I heard Dewey say “are you sure this is a good idea?” And Louie respond “trust me.”
Scrooge: never have I moved so quickly from one room to another
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samtamdan · 4 months
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tweedlefan · 1 month
"I will tell you what," said Jack heavily. "I respect the cloth, of course, and learning; but I cannot feel that a man-of-war is the proper place for a parson. Just take this morning... On Sunday, when we rig church, I dare say he will tell us to treat one another like brethren, and to do unto others, you know. We will all say Amen, and the 'Leopard' will sail on with all those people in irons in that filthy hole forward, just the same. But that is only what occurred to me this morning: in a larger way, it seems to me uncommon odd, and precious near to cant, to tell the ship's company of a man-of-war with loaded guns to love your enemy and to turn the other cheek, when you know damned well that the ship and every man jack aboard her is there to blow the enemy out of the water if he possibly can. Either the hands believe it, and then where is your discipline? Or they don't, and then it seems to me to come hellfire close to mockery of holy things..."
- Jack Aubrey in Desolation Island by Patrick O'Brien
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spawksstuff · 1 month
National Association of Broadcasters' Hall of Fame - Part 3/3
William, Leonard, Bill were invited to say a few words. De's speech is at the bottom. But first-
Backstory: In the article posted in Part 1, it mentions how a man rushed the same stage where Ronald Reagan was giving a speech the day before, smashing his award, glass flying everywhere, before getting tackled by the Secret Service (video is online).
William gets up to the podium and says, "Leonard, if somebody comes to grab this and smash it, pinch 'em."
During Leonard's speech, he read the very first Variety review Star Trek got. If you haven't heard it, this is the funniest version of it, along with the actual review. If you haven't seen it, go watch/read it, and then come back:
Leonard reads "William Shatner appears wooden."
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Then reads "The same goes for Leonard Nimoy, co-stared as Mr. Spock, so-called chief science officer whos bizarre hairdo is a dilly. And DeForest Kelly as chief medico is the same." As soon as he said "DeForest Kelley", De did this:
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De's speech. (FYI Brandon Tartikoff is the one that introduced them for their awards and is standing behind De on the left). The transcript is below.
Thank you. There's something very weird about this. We have a new godfather at Paramount now, Mr. Tartikoff. We lost Mancuso so Tartikoff is here to take over our family. Since he's been here we have been celebrated in some very strange ways. I received a Star on Hollywood Boulevard. Then we were immortalized in cement on December the Fifth at Mann's Chinese Theater. Next time I saw Mr. Tartikoff was in Washington, D.C. where we were installed in the National Space Museum where they have a bunch of artifacts for OLD museum pieces. I shudder to think where he's taking us next. I want to express my deepest and heartfelt feelings for you bestowing this honor upon us today. We are, indeed, grateful. But I cannot leave here without quoting a poem, a little short poem that I read, in lieu of some of those smart-ass remarks that Don Rickles made. I wrote a poem sometime ago, and in the body of it, there were a few lines about the critics. You see, what we've done in the motion pictures, we've made a few bucks for Paramount. They haven't done badly. But it seems to be its the critics of someone who can't stand the fact that we're growing older. So I wrote a little thing that said they have critiqued our bellies, our wrinkles, our hair, we just keep going, we don't care. It seems to me that they've never been told that all of us are growing old. Thank you very much.
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whenthegoldrays · 15 days
Sometimes I think about that dramatic scene in National Treasure where Abigail is in danger of plummeting to her death and she and Ben both look and realize the Declaration of Independence is also about to fall down the abyss so Ben drops her (onto a ledge) to go get the Declaration and I’m like… this movie slaps but being in a situation like this requires a level of patriotism I have never had and will never have
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iknowaristotle · 2 months
We should do like international friendship bracelet trades. Like we all get assigned a partner and send them friendship bracelets. Send them off on December 13th so it arrives in time for Christmas.
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raincandy-u · 8 months
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awakefor48hours · 6 months
No other show did "they're not dumb but they are a dumbass" characters quite like ATLA
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starlytenight · 2 years
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Best Meta Knight Stat Boost Circa 2009 Colorized
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caputvulpinum · 2 years
perhaps this is in bad faith, but don't you think it's plausible that ms appleton was just a government food scientist who was sent to japan as sort of U.S. ambassador and given a generic, americanized name? we know that resources were scarce during the war and that many changes had to be made, or simply were made to cut costs, in the production of lots of things at the time. it just makes sense when you break it down that traditional shoyu is time and labour intensive to make but improves the taste of even outright bad dishes. at a time when people were forced to eat whatever food was available to them demand was likely very high to the point of unreasonably outweighing supply. either officials at kikkoman reached out to american food scientists for a solution or they offered one up themselves, given the fact that food science was undergoing a huge international renaissance led by the americans during the 30s, 40s and 50s. americans have a tendency to synthesize food. they also tend to feel strongly about imposing their culture on other countries. it seems more to me like this is a story about the american government taking extra steps to obfuscate the story of how they semi-successfully tried to be the final nail in the coffin of widespread, traditional shoyu production. less like some kind of yakuza conspiracy somehow centred on one woman. just the perspective of someone who's felt compelled to do their own research. it's my opinion that the way you're presenting your findings leaves massive gaps as well as leaps to get over them. i can't speak for the things you haven't shared publicly, obviously, but it feels a lot like you're dancing around the point. good luck to you in your research, regardless of my own feelings.
I think I agree that you're either arguing in bad faith or simply aren't really paying attention to a wider picture here. It's common knowledge that postwar economics in Japan were heavily influenced and remain to this day connected to organized crime and the Yakuza as an old tool of the imperial/noble order. We also know for a fact that the CIA worked with the yakuza during American occupation in order to manipulate political culture and economic structures.
It's also a common conspiracy in Japanese circles (or at least so it appears, and I want to be clear I am not voicing this as more than preexisting theory/belief, so I will not directly source to give complete credibility; consider this as context for why I might be interested in investigating further, just in case) that Empress Michiko and the Seifun Milling Company had close under-the-table connections with America, which would further influence the traditional shoyu brewing culture.
Like, I feel as though if you seem to be aware enough that America's treatment of Japan was one of extreme hostility and cruelty with little-to-no care about the nation or its people, solely using it as a means to enforce American/Western ideals and principles onto an unwilling populace and using violence and illegal organized crime syndicates to fulfill those goals...then why are you acting as though it's sus of me to look at a single woman in 1947 having this much power/control over Japanese-American relations when you have said yourself that shoyu is the single most important ingredient for Japanese food of all time, and only moreso during war rations/scarcity times?
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anniemunchkins · 2 days
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They're so silly.
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valyrfia · 11 days
Just a little personal questions for ya, what competitive or diploma exam did you write/give for your PhD?
Or was it purely based on honours?
I just did my undergraduate degree, socialised a bit too much, was decent at my work, and girlbossed my way a bit too close to the sun. Nepotism and who you know and who likes you is like 90% of academia, I got my PhD because my masters supervisor recommended me and my favourite joke is that I'm a personality hire. If you're interested in a PhD–seriously just start emailing people. Ask for internships, ask for projects. Make yourself known and make yourself liked. The academic component is a tiny part of it.
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bloodtwin · 16 days
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puck would never be a professor so jot that down. in a college AU, he would have to be a student. he'd study biology & be on the wrestling team. :o)
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Can't get over the fact that Riley gave Ben the idea that Charlotte could be a boat
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