#smol baby bastard we love him with all our hearts
restingdomface · 5 months
Wei Wuxian: *using a Barbie credit card to line up coke*
Jiang Cheng: Your husband literally has centurion, and you’re making coke lines with /that/?
Wei Wuxian: This is his centurion. I put a Barbie skin on it.
Jiang Cheng: *turns to LWJ* You let him put a Barbie skin on a centurion? Why??
Lan Wangji: He’s very pretty.
Wei Wuxian: Yeah. I’m very pretty. I asked him while I was on his di-
Jiang Cheng: *screaming and shoving a hand over his mouth, realizes he doesn’t know where it’s been, takes it back* I hate you both with all my heart, I hope you know that.
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yibennianyaji · 1 year
So Bride of Re-Animator is kinda hard to find on any streaming service. I snatched a DVD, so I am taking the opportunity to live blog it. For science
HILL’S HEAD IS FLOATING IN THE DARK LIKE THIS IS THE ROCKY FREAKING HORROR SHOW. CLASSY. Clearly a step up from those neon anatomical drawings in the original. Please forget that bit where it was messily crushed to death in the original. Forget a lot of things.
“You killed my girlfriend and now you want to go to a Peruvian warzone? MY MULLET AND I ARE ON BOARD.” 
“Let’s go home.” 
Oh no I take it back we’re just going to plain REDO the floating Grey’s Anatomy credits from the first flick. Now with….floaty romantic music? BECAUSE LADIES?
My name is Doctor Daniel Cain, and I cannot maintain proper doctor/patient boundaries. This is my associate Doctor Herbert West, who does not approve of me being in the same breathing space as women. 
AND NOW. Exposition with the obvious greedy bastard and some guy we don’t really care about. 
This chest of drawers will SURELY protect us from the undead I’ve been experimenting on next door! I SAW IT IN A ZOMBIE MOVIE, DAN. 
Paper Mache iguana has nothing on hilarious puppet cat.
I’m so disappointed I hadn’t seen this before that Steven Universe episode.
Oh wow, Dan and Herbert have a nice lil place. It probably came prefurnished, but I like to think of them arguing over curtains.
There is an eyeball hand skittering around and it looks like a scene from MST3K AND I AM PLEASED. 
How do pacing.
Ohhhhhhhhh doctor dude you can’t play with the green ooze. ONLY WEST CAN PLAY WITH THE GREEN OOZE STOP FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR LIFE
See, now he’s being attacked by wires. 
Dan and Herbert’s brilliant corpse stealing scheme involves Weekend at Bernie’s sunglasses. Of course it does. 
Let’s all have a hilarious comedy of errors about hiding our reanimated body parts! 
Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime heaaaaaaad
OH FRANCESCA HONEY. DON’T DO IT. You seem nice, and nobody makes it out of kissing Dan alive. RUN. 
Dean Halsey: the only one who didn’t make it out of this retcon alive
Isn’t a sequel supposed to be LESS ponderous and slow than its predecessor? 
Can this whole movie just be Dan and Herbert sciencing over low-end practical gore effects? These scenes are fun
Ahhhh, Herbert’s paranoid now about his work being stolen. A shred of character continuity!
Aaww, Herbert’s so cute when he smiles about living, disembodied limbs. Then immediately glares up when he realizes Dan has left him to see this alone. 
Aaaaaaand that’s a foot-hand. Fand.  A walking fand. That’ll…show him?
Oh hey, Dan owns the perfectly white sheets found only in that “Total Eclipse of the Heart” music video!
Herbert no. Do not jealously spy on Dan having sex. That’s weird. That’s not going to help your wooing. Why are you wooing him with corpses.
That is some REAL GOOD SEX if Dan doesn’t hear all this shouting and banging around down in the Lab of Secrets
I mean technically he does a lot of self defensive murdering and using of natural corpses. Cinnamon Herbert 2023?
Smol scientist gets tossed around a lot in this’n
“Hey Dan I reanimated your girlfriend’s dog do you love me now? Does this count as a Good?”
“YES I gave him a human hand, what did you not want me to IMPROVE him?”
Whaaaaaaaat do you mean that caused her to leave you well I GUESS THAT MEANS WE CAN GO BACK TO SCIENCING NOW.
Why won’t he talk to me I AM CONFUSE. 
every second of Herbert West, Confused Scientist Courter is gold
“Y’see, terminal patient, I sort of like to think of you as my dead girlfriend. That’s not creepy, is it?”
Oh movie. You had to put literal blood on his hands, didn’t you.
….Have you actually left that room in these several days, doctor whose name I didn’t actually catch?
Remember how Hill could control the dead in the first movie and it made the least sense? WE’RE BRINGING IT BACK WITH LESS SENSE NOW
REALLY FURNACE SCHMUCK? Surely West’s GROSSLY RAMPANT MISOGYNY is pretty apparent at this point
AH THERE IS THE GAY I HAVE BEEN MISSING. Sad puppy eyes Herbert. Just wants Dan to SCIENCE with him like they used to.
Herbert this is the worst seduction speech ever. YOU STOLE HIS PILLOW TALK TO USE ON HIM
Well this is officially the best scene. Good job Jeffrey Combs
Uh…..yeah Dan. We have rats. just rats. Totally not my experiments
And there’s a thunderstorm. Of course there’s a thunderstorm
There is a head with bat wings for ears. It is flying around the living room
thought you might all like to know that
Also undead abuse victim is getting her reanimated revenge on undead dickwad cop. So….that subplot happened
All of the budget went into the makeup work on the Bride, didn’t it
I mean it’s a pretty lovely guro design
Dan please don’t try to bone her she was just born what are you doing she doesn’t know what consent is
What is your fascination with the undead old lady, movie
Herbert does not know how to empathy. That is not how you treat the newly sentient
Herbert you wouldn’t have this problem if you didn’t leave so many zombies running around
Whoaaaaaaa Dan has skipped merrily right off the deep end
Ah, he’s gone from /I/ created life to OUR girl. And then to “dead tissue.” Whatever will keep Dan on his side, I suppose.
The recurrence of the spurned lover offering the heart as a gift. Poor Bride. Poor Herbert, even if he’s also a terrible human
Okay now, this is just a poor excuse to have a corpse party
Ooooh, nice decomposition effect
Head. Bat wings.
AND the zombies are poorly lit. Boooo
I believe this is what they call hubris, Herbert
Pacing’s poor, flabbiest 90 minutes I’ve ever seen. But I DID enjoy the bits where Dan and Herbert got to play off each other again (and wow is Herbert the jealous type). Worth watching for that. 
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sleepwalkersqueen · 4 years
Chapter 299: Review
First of all: this was a ride! On a rollercoaster! I’m sorry, but you’re now the person sitting next to me. ENJOY MY SCREAMING!
Ladies and Gentlemen (and everyone else!) In this corner of tonight’s arena we got: Baby Keigo! 
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Quirk: birb Height: smol Armor: ragged clothes + endeavor plushie
With a bodyweight of estimated one whole pound; our fighter is armed with all of his concentrated preciousness! WILL HE BE ABLE TO DEFEAT HIS FATH-?!
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ok, nevermind he kicked him.
What an investing fight; Mr. Takami really went for the strongest here, huh.  Hurting my Keigo-shaped heart oh god
Also h i m:
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Sir, you might be pitiful, but I appreciate your sacrifice of leaving all the eyebrow to your son. Hori, U just killed months of suspence with this bastard. C’mon dude. He looks like he stapled his pubic hair into his face.
I can and will accept the canon Takami thief design.
Will I stop drawing/writing Takami Shinyo?
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But back to the chapter!
God, Hori reaches Fanfiction levels of pain here. Keigo’s lil cheek is bruised and we see him getting abused physically and mentally by both parents... Aparently, he doesn’t believe in heroes, because none of them ever protected him from the hell that is his life. Just.. Just look at him being so tiny and though.
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Okay, so Keigo gets told that his father got off-screened by Endeavor. And I just love his reaction; BECAUSE LOOK AT HIM:
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Look at him being a child! Reacting like a child! His Endeavor doll litterally comes to life in his imagination; because a hero finally safed him from being kicked and beaten by his bastard father!!
This is so dam wholesome yet such an irony, I could cry!
Yet “Endeavor’s light” doesn’t last long; because here is when I really lost my shit:
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Suddenly his they are homeless, and his mom needs money desperately. AND SHE MAKES HIM ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY.
“I don’t care how you do it.”
Madam, you don’t say that to anyone. Especially not to a child. Children still have to learn moral values, so if you tell him to do anything as long as it brings money, what do you fucking expect?!
If he’s lucky he manages to steal from someone without getting hurt, if he’s unlucky he finds some kind of “work”. Wtf madam.
Not to mention all the mental abuse. You can see in his whole body how fucking tight his tiny heart clenches now, because you make him feel worthless and useless:
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Ah god. Hori is so good at conveying emotions.
Remember how she gave him his plushie and said “Be strong like this guy!”, and how he clenches it tighter to his chest, because he is trying so hard.
But he’s a tiny homeless child.
And even though he got kicked and abused, we never saw him cry.
I’m fucking sobbing, Hori.
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Back in the now. Looking at the oxygen mask, Hawks has trouble with breathing. Ugh, I can imagine that being painful. He can’t speak, because Dabi burned his throat; just like Shoto’s.
(Ah yes, do I love some narrative parallels. Dabi temporarily silenced their voices, by raising his.)
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Ah yes; Citizens looking angry at Hawks.
Resembling the post-Dabi society, huh.
At least the Goat and the Fish still seem to post on their Hawks fanfictions. (Not gonna lie, tho, I’d probably read the hell outta them.)
Then they visit his mom in her pent house which she buyed by selling her son.
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That living hall is so huge you could hear the echo of your cat’s fart.
It’s so huge, it looks like the Interior decorator simply took some XXXL carpet and said fuck it, no one will notice if it doesn’t even reach the two tiny chairs over there. 
But ah look, his mom left him a letter!
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Rest in Peace Touya/Keigo Childhood-Friends-theory. 2020 - 2021
Because, yeah how did Dabi find out about Tomie’s adress? If you go through all the trouble to erase Keigo Takami’s name from all documents, how could you let his mom’s adress get leaked? Did Dabi seriously pay black hats for that? That’s kinda dissapointing.
But yeah, I’ll bow for you, Dabi; you really found out his name.
Thank you for reading, and may you have an amazing night! Let me know your thoughts, I’d love to read them!! :D
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zodiyack · 4 years
Good Intentions with Bad Outcomes
Requested by anon: Could you write for shelby sis who fights with tommy and in his anger he says something really hurtful to her and she leaves. Tommy doesn't take it seriously cause he thinks she'll be back soon anyways but she stays way a couple weeks because she had to hide from someone? and when she comes back everyone is angry at first till they realize that something's off with her and she tells them later on? With a fluffy family end? Sorry if it's too specific:)
Pairing: Tommy + Shelby!Female!Reader, Shelby & Gray family + Shelby!reader (no romance)
Warnings: Swearing, angst, reader being best friends with Esme that’s a warning and we all know it, fluff, smol sexual reference, mention of homophobia + abuse, mention of blinding; Peaky Edition™, slight straying from request(?)
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Taglist:  @matth1w​, @redspaceace​, @simonsbluee​, @peakysputain​
Tags just for this fic: @mzcrazy2​
Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
He snapped.
It was just a small argument, at first, but Y/n wouldn’t stop digging. She fought first, he tried to reason with himself, but he knew it was his fault. He was going to apologize, as soon as she dropped the act and came home.
He waited in a chair by the door.
Any moment now. Just a couple seconds and she’d come bursting through the door, admitting her defeat and accepting her brother’s apology, perhaps even apologizing herself.
He checked his pocket watch.
If not now, maybe, and preferably, before 4 am. Tommy grew tired with each passing moment. He knew Pol would kill him if anything happened to Y/n, and he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself either, so he told himself to sit by the front door and wait for her, but sleep just seemed far too important. It was something he didn’t get much, and it wasn’t like he could stop himself.
So he slept on the couch. Like a baby, might he add.
However, his awakening was not as peaceful as his sleep. Polly slapped his leg rather harshly with her glove. Her eyes were beat red and her heart was racing faster than the horses her and her family bet on. “Wake up, you bastard!”
“Whatever seems to be the matter, Pol?” He rubbed his eye sleepily and sat upright, but yet again was attacked by his aunt’s gloves.
“You know damn well what’s the matter!” Tommy gave her a look of confusion. “Your sister is missing, goddammit!”
He chuckled, loudly. His amusement earned him more attacks from the gloves as Polly glared down at him, “What the bloody hell do you think is so funny about Y/n being missing?”
“She’s not missing Pol, she’s too fucking chicken to run. Just, relax, alright Pol? She’ll be back in what, five hours?” Thomas smirked at his aunt before grabbing his coat and walking out the front door. He went on his way, walking back to his own home.
“Tommy! Like I’ve said, he’s just a friend!”
“Yeah? Just a friend? Look at him, he just wants to get in your knickers, Y/n/n!” He laughed with his older and younger brother, watching the boy, their sister’s age, flush red with eyes the size of saucers. He noticed his sister look away, equally embarrassed as her guest. “Is that what you are, huh Y/n? A whore? Look at that brothers, our baby sister’s become a whore!”
Y/n grunted and pushed past them, trying to get out of the room, but Tommy grabbed her arm. His teasing smile was long gone. “Y/n/n. Send. Him. Home.”
“You lost the right to call me that when you called me a whore.”
Weeks had passed. Still no sign of Y/n.
“Fuck you!”
“Fuck you too! Whoring around with some kid-”
“Thomas! I’m not a fucking whore! You may keep your sanity by sneaking around with those women, but I can assure you, brother,” she spat the word with a certain venom to her tone, “none of the whores in the whole bloody fucking world could show you how much of a worthless, sad, piece of shit excuse for a brother you are. Lucky for me,” she leaned in, speaking through clenched teeth, “I’m no whore.”
Y/n grabbed her coat and ran out the door, flipping Tommy off in the process of her exit mission. The shocked expression lazily covered with a horrible attempt of a blank look on Tommy’s face was priceless. He never expected nor meant for it go this far.
That’s when she left. That’s when he laughed to himself and waited by the door, telling himself over and over that she was only kidding around. That she was going to come home.
It had almost been a whole fucking month.
He finally saw the truth.
She was either missing, serious about leaving, or had, as much as he didn’t want to think about it, died. And he was the one who had to break the news to his family. When he did, many different reactions were shared.
Esme, who held a close bond with Y/n, slapped Tommy with small “cat-fight” hits to his arm until John pulled her back. John refused to look at Tommy, full of his own guilt for not stopping the joke before it got too far. Arthur drank his sorrows away, but not before bowing his head in shame as well.
And as for Polly, she gave Thomas a disappointed, disapproving glare and hit his arm, similar to Esme, but with full force, figurative steam coming from her ears accompanied by the tears flowing from her brown orbs. The action spelled it out better than words could’ve. Not that she would’ve said anything about it anyways, as she currently wished to be on something, anything, worse than “not on speaking-terms” with her nephew.
They knew Y/n was at fault as well, but she wasn’t there at that moment, so Tommy was facing his punishment while they had their free time. Esme baked Y/n’s favorite Romani treats, the reasoning quite obvious when Pol and Ada had pointed it out,
“You’re going through a grieving process. She may not have died, for all we know, but you feel that you lost her, and it’s hurting you intensely.”
Some days, Ada joined in, baked her share, and brought them back to her house. Today, however, it was just Esme.
Or so she thought.
The feeling of unease washed over her. A chilly wind blew into the room. She’d had her fair share of the supernatural, but this presence felt alive. Esme’s hand reached for the knife before she spun around, dropping the blade at the sight in front of her.
“Y/n- what the bloody hell...?” Y/n tried to walk over for a hug, but only managed to get half way before Esme snapped back to her senses and hit her friend over and over again with one of her aprons. “Where” hit “Have” hit “You” hit “Been!?”
“Oh you know...exploring.”
“Fucking hell, Y/n, you grew up in Birmingham, in fact, you’re still growing up, here, in Birmingham. So tell me. What’s wrong? If you decide not to tell me, just know that John’s sleeping upstairs, and don’t, for one second, think I won’t go wake his lazy arse up.”
“Oh yeah, sure, Esme, maybe get him to tell Tommy to get that stick out his ass, would you? I mean, it’s got to be painful with how far up there he makes it out to be.”
Esme frowned, remembering what Thomas told them all. “Oh hun... you should’ve told me and came over here! I’m sure John wouldn’t have minded, and if he would’ve... well that’s too bad for him, innit?” Y/n giggled softly and began to smile, causing Esme to cheer with joy. “See! Come, I’ll make you some tea!”
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“Well? Where the fuck were you!?” Polly inspected Y/n for injuries, finding bruises along wrists. 
“Nowhere, I’m fine. I just fell into some trouble and, like Arthur taught me, won.”
Arthur chuckled proudly, “Attagir-”
“No. Tell us the truth, Y/n.”
“I am.”
Polly leaned closer to her niece. They held eye contact, Y/n could see the tears threatening to spill over her Aunt’s lower eye lids. She inhaled, preparing to speak, hesitated, to up the dramatic effect, and finally let a word free. “Liar.”
“To be fair Pol, she had been at my home for the past week-”
A gasp and a cough, both from Pol, sounded in the room from shock. “She what?” she drawled.
“My point is, Aunt Pol, my small home, all the little ones, there would be some points where she’d trip, ya know? Even Esme gets some bruises like that-”
“Mhm. It’s totally from the small house.” Arthur chuckled into his cup, snorting when Pol flicked him on the back of his head. “Anyways, she said it Pol, she’s fine. No broken bones, no bloody noses, John gave an explanation for any bruises, she’s fine.”
“I’m with Polly on this one. She didn’t seem all that well at our home, John, and she didn’t run around enough to get bruises. Sorry, love.” She winced apologetically at her sister-in-law.
Y/n shrugged and walked from the room, trying hard to keep the emotions inside. If she didn’t cry, they couldn’t know that she had lied. Not that it was any use, Pol was already onto her and her siblings were giving her suspicious looks.
Tommy followed his younger sister and closed the door behind himself. “Y/n/n. Are you alrig-”
She hugged him, tightly. Thomas could feel his shirt dampening from his sister’s tears. Y/n broke, despite her plan not to, she couldn’t hold it in anymore. Her sobs were painful for Tommy to hear. His protective and brotherly instincts kicked in as he processed the muffled cries of the voice belonging to the girl he watched grow up, the girl cared ever so deeply about, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her tightly.
“Tommy... I couldn’t help him.”
“Who?” She looked up at him with sad expression. He remembered the night. He called his sister a whore for joking purposes and with the intent of preventing her from ending her night with a broken heart, it didn’t help that he was slightly drunk, and he didn’t realize she’d take it to heart. “I-”
“It’s alright, Tom, you had good intentions, they just didn’t have the best of outcomes.”
“Y/n/n, I shouldn’t have called you that, no matter my intentions.”
She hugged her brother again, both Shelby siblings unaware of the door opening and their audience that stood on the other side of it. “Tommy, you wanna know what happened? I was like you, had good intentions, but a bad outcome.”
“What’s this of bad outcomes?” Pol stepped forward, tears spilling over the brims of her eyes and a small smile upon her lips. Y/n began to cry harder, and Polly wrapped her arms around her after Tommy moved out of the way. She rested her head on Y/n’s and mumbled soft affirmations as her hand moved up and down her back soothingly.
“Tells us what happened, dear, from the start, okay?” Y/n nodded, separating from her aunt and sitting in the middle of her clan, who sat on either the sofa or a chair.
“The boy Tommy assumed was into me, was being abused. I was trying to help, prevent him from being hurt anymore than he already was. His father hated him because he... he likes boys. I figured, if I hung around, his father would think the opposite and leave him alone. But one day he slapped him, right in front of me. I got so mad, I- I- it was like I- like all I could see was red-”
“Deep breath, there’s no rush, little sister.” Arthur rested a hand on Y/n’s shoulder reassuringly, earning a kind and appreciative smile from the girl.
“Thank you, Arthur. I hurt his father, so I wasn’t lying about that part, but he got back up. Illia, the boy, helped me out of his house and ran with me. We got pretty far and ended up staying at a small abandoned cabin, a good place for us while we were in hiding. He managed to find a place with his grandmother out of the UK, who could care less about his romantic or sexual preferences in gender, and that’s when I started for home. We went our separate ways and our hiding was no longer necessary.”
“I have a question.” Ada raised her hand, in attempt of getting her family to notice her. Y/n nodded and awaited her older sister’s question. “If you were free from hiding...why didn’t you come home right away? Why’d you stay with John and Esme for an extra week?”
“Yeah, I’d like to know that too. We all thought you’d died, Y/n.”
“Oh...” She looked down, wiping away some of her tears, “I didn’t want you to get mad at me. Or have Illia hurt due to certain lovely trios attacking before thinking. He didn’t kidnap me, but if I came back after news of him fleeing Britain spread, you’d probably assume such.”
Polly sat beside her niece with a soft smile and pulled her into yet another hug. “It’s good to have you back. You’ve missed so much, and we’ve missed you. What do you say we eat dinner as a family today, celebrate your return?”
Ada walked over and joined the two women, wrapping her arm around Y/n as well.
“Get over here, all of yous. I don’t give a fuck if you don’t want to hug all of us, right now it’s about Y/n-”
“Pol,” Arthur chuckled heartily, “We’re not gonna argue, we missed her too.”
Tommy was first to step up, stopping in front of Y/n. He pulled her into him, welcoming her into a warm hug, then Polly wrapped her other arm around Tommy, Ada mirroring her Aunt. Arthur found a spot, as did Esme and Finn. John muttered something along the lines of “to hell with it” and finally joined in on the family hug.
That night, they celebrated, just as Polly said. The girls exchanged gossip with Y/n about what she had missed, the boys teased her, with lighter jokes this time, and shared the news the girls failed to inform Y/n of. By the end of the night, everyone had passed out in the living room with smiles on their face, adults with alcohol in their stomachs, all apart from Y/n and Tommy.
“Tommy?” He grunted in response to his sister, fidgeting with the glass in his hands. “I’m sorry.”
Tom paused, inhaling slowly. The entire time, he thought she was the own who owed him an apology, at least a small one. But he was the one who said the words. He was the one who watched her leave without chasing after her. “Don’t be. If anyone here should be sorry, it’s me.” He looked over to her, the siblings holding eye contact, “You’re not a whore, okay? I never should’ve said that, even if it was true or not, it wasn’t kind of me. I hurt you because I misread your friend’s intentions and-”
“Good intentions, bad outcome.”
“Y-yeah. But my intentions were not needed, Y/n/n. They were something I should’ve kept to myself, but I did it with Ada too, and now she and I have... well a relationship that’s not as strong as ours.”
“Tommy,” she knew what he was trying to say, “you could never ruin our relationship. We may fight, but at the end of the day, your my big brother.” She moved closer to him. “I look up to you, admire you, shit, I wish I was you sometimes.”
“You don’t want to be me, trust me.”
Y/n laughed. “You’re right, I don’t want to be you. I don’t think having a stick up my ass sounds the most comforting-”
“Oi, watch what you say, Miss Blinder, you’re messing with the rest of the world now.”
He tickled her, but stopped when she held up a hand and made a face. “Wait- Peaky Blinders..?” He nodded. “No- you aren’t- Tommy!” Thomas shushed his sister with a chuckle that matched hers, pure happiness in the Shelby home.
“Yep. You’re a Blinder now, sister.” He raised a shot glass, “May all your good intentions have greater outcomes.”
“No, actually.”
“What?” He stopped his hand before the glass could reach his lips, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.
She smiled at her brother, raising her own glass, “I prefer the good intentions with bad outcomes, after all, if this is the aftermath of a good intention and it’s bad outcome, I’d be more than happy to make sure all my good deeds had bad endings.”
“Careful there sister, one should be wise about how they phrase such a promise.” 
He didn’t believe in bad luck, nor God, or really anything, for all Y/n knew. That’s what he led others to believe- yet it was like he was warning her about the possibility of bad luck. Beliefs aside, his words were showing a hidden genuine concern to his sister’s.
“I suppose a few good outcomes are acceptable.” They clinked their glasses together and drank their drinks with matching smiles. 
It felt amazing to be back, even better to be back and offered with an opportunity to initiate revenge for Illia. Being a Peaky Blinder had many perks, like the infamous line that was known for being the first thing one hears after losing their sight.
The line that brought motivation to her good intention that could end with a very bad outcome for herself instead of the person she planned it for, had she gone through with it before being presented with the razor dawning cap. The line she’d finally be able to say. The line that could, should, and would be the last thing the evil bastard heard.
Don’t fuck with the Peaky Blinders.
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justsomefluff · 4 years
Omg! I love all your imagine! They make me melt hehehehe, can you do a imagine where their S/O is really short like 5ft? Hehehe
I sure can! <3 And I’m only 5′3 so I feel the pain homie
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okay so he isn’t exactly the tallest yardstick in the shed either okay
but any time you just need that extra finger-tip length to reach something?
cocky bastard alert
“I’m here”
“Joongie, can you reach that?”
*hands on hips with smirk* “Yes, I can!”
like okay we get it you’re taller than me
but he totally loves that you're smaller than him for other reasons too
like he loves helping you do stuff and all, but he also loves that your height comes with stuff like tiny hands and stuff
his hands are tiny too but
Joong is always complementing your height (especially if you're insecure about it)
like “oof, you’re so cute”
“wanna out you in my pocket”
basically everything we say about him LMAO
absolutely obsessed with you no matter what though
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did someone call for Mama Hwa?
like every time you can’t reach something it’s like a bat signal or something
I swear, he will be there in like .2 seconds
“how do you always know?”
“brain implant, every mama’s got one”
takes every opportunity to cherish you
and since you’re smol
he’s gonna show you how much he loves you in ways that you might not even recognize in the moment
like if you're cooking and he knows what you’re gonna need next? boom, all the ingredients are out for you already
short arms and can’t reach to plug something in? Seonghwa is on top of it okay? Period.
perfect gentleman and overall just really helpful
“oh, let me get that for you”
“babe, I got it”
he’s just your lil helper
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absolutely obsessed with your size
his lil bite-sized baby
loves to lift you up and spin you around just because he can
can’t resist you even in the slightest
doesn’t do things for you though
nono, that would be too simple for him
if you ask him to help you reach something, he won’t just get it down for you
he’s gonna lift you up so that you can get it yourself
and yes, it’s more work for him to lift you rather than get whatever it is you need
but it makes you laugh and that’s just too good an opportunity for him to pass up
he lifts you up a lot just for that reason
will hold you in the air until you’re squirming and kicking your legs around like a toddler
and if you pout up at him with big eyes for teasing you?? his heart just about explodes
I mean seriously
it won’t make him feel bad, but it will make him give you a bunch of kisses 
you’re his lil one and his mission in life is to make you laugh
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our Sangie is also not a very tall person
and he loves you but homeboy will not help you
“Bubby, can you help me reach something?”
“If you can’t reach it, what makes you think I’ll be able to?”
lazy bum this one is
I swear, he does not care if you need something
he just laughs at you a lot
like shut up -_-
all in good fun though and he would never intentionally hurt your feelings, no never
loves that you’re shorter than he is though because he will lean on you
you know when you’re short and people use you as an armrest? yeah... that
but he will also give you piggy-back rides a lot
and honestly, I'd be totally cool with being Yeosang’s backpack okay
would carry you everywhere
but he’s not gonna get that cup down from the shelf
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precious baby is gonna be so helpful, you guys
but also teases you to a certain degree
like if he sees you reaching for something, he’ll let you struggle for a minute or two before being like “need some help?”
and you’d be mad but he has the absolute most breathtaking smile on his face so you just accept the help
loves pet names that have to do with your size
“my tiny baby” “lil one” 
if y’all are play fighting or something he will just yell “HEY, TINY”
like boy if you don't shut your mouth
will also use “Hey, Tiny” if he can’t get your attention
like you immediately know that you’re the one he’s talking to and you just pout at him like why did you have to say that in front of everybody
but he’s also so sweet to you
loves forehead kisses because, I mean, you’re right there how could he resist?
also loves to lift you up when you hug
will put his arms under yours and just squeeze you like a teddy bear
too much love, all the love, he's loves you so much stop
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a tall drink of water over here
have a sip, loves
makes fun of you a lot
like he’ll do anything for you, but not without a price
like he is literally in the process of helping you with something but he’ll also be like
“you just can’t do anything without me, can you?”
but if anyone else says anything about your height???
thems fightin’ words to Mingi
like even if it’s a joke and it’s coming from one of your best friends...
he’s upset on your behalf
like only he is allowed to tease you
doesn't want you to get hurt even a little bit
will always ask you if anything bothers you and stuff
like he's so considerate
but that will not save you from the roasts ’kay
one thing that he will do though, no exceptions?
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(his pony and his bangs I cant breathe he's so cute)
even if he only has like a single centimeter on you
he's gonna brag
“You should do what I say. Im taller than you”
like what????
he’s just excited to be taller than someone for once I mean fr
will show off
like he will reach into a high cabinet adjust start pulling things down
“look what I can do!”
so annoying lmao
but also loves to hold you
your height difference is perfect for snuggles
he’s got you, babie
not letting go either so good luck getting out of there
not that you’d want to but yk
loves comparing the size of your hands
that’s one of his favorite ways to flirt
like he’ll size up your hands and then BOOM he curls his fingers down and you're holding hands
also loves to bend down to give you eskimo kisses
but then he complains about how he has to bend over so much and ruins the moment
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strong boy does not care about size he will protect you either way
if you are smaller than him? protection mode is just that much stronger
gotta keep the baby safe
will literally push you aside and grab stuff for you if you can't reach it
“jongho, I can do it myself”
“But it’s glass and you could get hurt if it fell”
like sweetheart.... that’s cute but Im OKAY
loves to help you do stuff and will force his way into stuff no matter what
“do you need this?” 
“what about this?”
like kid, I love you but you're not a waiter
when he finally chills out (after like 500 years of being together)
he’s gonna just hold you
like you're his tiny babyyyyyy
wraps himself around you like a koala
like at this point he's probably the little spoon but whatever
just loves to feel you near him
likes to know you're there
and since you're small? he can feel all of you 
surface area yk??
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sparklijam · 4 years
Dose zip every ask about his and Torrent parents?
(This ask has inspired me to make a smol fic, so here ya go! Just prepare for the tearful angst and fluffs~! :3)
“What was mom like?”
Torrent, looking up from his routine of shining his spears, glances at Zips who was sitting next to him.
The two had just finished with their training of one-on-one (to which Torrent had won), and now they’re taking a break while they watched their comrades continuing their sparing and mock battles. They were sitting where they can see them, but the brothers themselves are hidden from sight.
Zips surprised the captain with his question, and the mako shark was gazing out at nothing while wearing a troubled expression.
“What?” Torrent tilted his head, Zips peering at him before the blue sharktroll spoke softly.
“What was mom like?” Zips repeated the question, bringing his knees to his chest as he fiddled with his dagger. “I mean... you told me that I was only an egg when she passed away. But... you were there with her since you were hatched. I just... I guess I wanna know what kind of troll she was...”
Torrent was silent for a moment, then let’s out a soft sigh before he gently rubs his little brother’s head in comfort. Zips lets out a soft murr from the touch, listening as the great white sharktroll answered.
“Our mother... well... she was the definition of what a carrier should be, if not more. She was compassionate, supportive... loving. I always believed that she was a heavenly angel, a gift from the heavens. There was nobody like her... anyone at all...”
Torrent looked a bit surprised when he turned to look at his brother. He hadn’t realized that Zips was staring at him with a look of awe and bittersweet longing at the mention of their mother. The captain letting out a light cough before he looks at the practicing sharktrolls from afar.
“And she loved you,” Torrent continued with a warm yet sad smile. “The moment you, all of you, were laid, she loved you all with all her heart. And yet, she still had enough love to give to me, which in turn I gave my love to all of you. I still do...”
“... Man,” Zips bit his lips as his eyes started to shine from the tears. But he quickly blinked them back as he chuckled bitterly. “I can’t even feel jealous after hearing how amazing she was. Still... I would want to at least meet her, as dumb as it sounds... Heh, listen to me, wishing for something that’s damn near impossible. Pretty pathetic huh...?”
Torrent frowned at this, grabbing at Zips’ chin to make him look at his golden eyes. He said sternly, but softly. “Don’t say that Zips. What you wish for isn’t ‘dumb’ nor ‘pathetic’. I understand how you feel, believe me. There isn’t anything that I wouldn’t give to see her one last time.”
He hugs his little brother close when the smaller sharktroll started to tremble, Torrent rubbing at his shoulders.
“Our mother may be gone... but she’s with us in spirit,” Torrent continued as he glances at Zips who was so desperate to not cry. “But most importantly, she’s always in here.”
With that, he pointed at Zips’ blue heart, then at his own yellow gold one.
“And that can never be surrendered or forgotten,” Zips chokes out a small whimper as Torrent continued talking, tears started to fall even after he wipes them away in vain. “Poseidon told me a few days when she... passed, that once someone loves you, and you love them back, they stay in your heart forever. And I believe that... and so should you. After all, she truly loved you to the very end.”
Zips couldn’t take it anymore.
Suddenly he hugged at Torrent’s torso, letting out soft sobs that only the captain could hear. Torrent held him close, rubbing at his head while letting out hushed words of comfort.
Zips... how long has he been bottling up these thoughts?
“... I’m glad,” Zips said with a hiccup, his sobs growing weaker. “I’m glad that you saved me... I really am, bro.”
“So am I, Zips,” Torrent replied with a soft smile, giving the mako an affectionate lick on his forehead. “So am I...”
“Ew, don’t lick me. I ain’t a guppy.”
“You’ll always be a guppy to me. Deal with it.”
The two laughed at their light banter, Zips staying in the captain’s hold before he wiggles out a bit. Taking the hint, Torrent lets go of him.
“Sorry,” Zips said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I... I guess I’ve been thinkin’ about this for a while, and it just blew up.”
“It’s fine brother,” Torrent said in reassurance. “I’m just glad that you’ve talked to me. Don’t hesitate to come to me if you feel down.”
“I won’t... and, that goes for you too. I’m hear to listen if you got something on your chest that you wanna get off. Okay?”
Torrent went quiet for a moment, Zips tilting his head at the long silence before the captain smiled a bit with a nod. “Okay.”
“... Good!” Zips chirps then starts to head off before he added. “I’m off for the recon with the makos. Be back soon.”
“Be careful. Watch each other’s backs!”
Giving a thumbs up, Zips then starts to head out to start his patrol, leaving Torrent by himself. Sighing deeply, he picks up his forgotten spear before resuming back to polishing.
“You know,” Torrent didn’t even flinch when he heard a familiar voice coming from behind him. “You should listen to your brother.”
“Tank, Tide,” Torrent greeted the green hammerhead and the hidden nurseshark. “... I’m guessing that you’ve heard everything.”
“From the moment he asked about Lady Sapphire,” Tide spoke as he appeared next to Tank, staring at Torrent as he continued. “Torrent... the two of us and you know full well that you keep a lot more than what Zips had in his heart.”
“I’m aware,” Torrent replied coolly, his tail flicking sharply. “And I rather not have Zips carry the suffocating weight that are my problems.”
“Exactly what you say, boy,” Tank said with a scowl, crossing his arms. “Suffocating. If you keep this up the way you do now, it’ll destroy you.”
“Tank,” Tide warned his mate.
Torrent slowly stood, twirling his spear once it was thorough clean. He glances at the two with a slight glare, saying lowly.
“I appreciate your concern over my health, both physically and mentally. But it’s my choice when I decide to tell Zips. The day that I do is the day that I finally reconcile with the Queen of Rock.”
“...Feh,” Tide scoffed with an eye roll. “So in other words, never?”
“... If you told Zips about your mother,” Tide started to say, Torrent tensing up sharply as the dark grey sharktroll continued. “Then have you also told him about-”
Torrent threateningly pointed the spear at Tide (Tank stepped in front of his mate with a hiss), but not moving a muscle to actually attack him.
“Don’t,” Torrent said with a heavy amount of venom in his tone. “Don’t you dare say that name of that bastard.”
“... Yes Captain,” Tide nods, placing a calming hand over Tank’s shoulder.
“Captain,” Tank said lowly. “Kindly put that away, if you please.”
Torrent kept the spear pointing at the two, then let’s out a shaky sigh before lowering the weapon. He looks down at the ground as he said. “... I’m sorry. That was out of line.”
Tank and Tide started to ease up, the nurseshark going to the captain before holding his hand.
“So are we,” Tide added as Tank was at his side as his mate continued. “But we’re only saying this because we’re worried about you.”
“So is the King and the princess,” Tank said with a slight grin, Torrent visibly looked nervous at the mention of them. “He asked us to make sure that you’re alright.”
“... Ah,” Torrent coughed a bit. “... It’s been that noticeable?”
“As noticeable as your undying love and devotion for your princess.”
Torrent blushed heavily at that last part, Tank letting out a hearty laugh as Tide only smirked a bit.
“King Trollex is asking for you however,” Tide said to the captain. “I suggest that you head over to the Reef as fast as possible.”
“Right,” Torrent nods, taking the spear before he started to head off. “Let me know the moment Zips and his group have come back.”
“Yes Captain,” The two pair said in unison, watching the disappearing form of Torrent.
Tide then slowly started to frown, rubbing his arms with a troubled look.
“Tidal Wave?” Tank asked as he notice his mate’s slight distress, holding him close by the waist. “What’s the matter?”
“... I’m worried Tank,” Tide responded in a whisper. “Sooner or later, Zips, King Trollex and Princess Bliss... they’ll know who Torrent really is... It’s killing me that I can’t say anything. They have the right to know...!”
“I know baby. I’m torn to straight up tell Zips and the others the truth... but you and I know that we made an oath to the Captain: no one can know.”
Tide let’s out a shaky sigh, slumping into the strong arms of his mate. He was tired, so tired...
Without saying a word, Tank lifts up Tide bridal style, heading off as he said. “We should head back ourselves. Our comrades are set for home already.”
“Mmn,” Tide gave a weak nod, wrapping his arms around Tank’s neck. “... Frost and Harper are watching over our pups. We definitely have to head back.”
Tank smiled with a nod, looking ahead of him before saying lowly so that only Tide could hear.
“Long live King Torrent.”
“... Long live Prince Zips.”
... Surprise~? .w.U *now awaits for the flood of many questions about the twist*
The sharktrolls are mine
Frost and Harper belong to @technocomic
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marveliter · 4 years
Rewatching Avengers (2012) pt. 1
Coulson wears sun glasses at night 😎
Clint “I see better from a distance” Barton AKA Hawkeye
Loki’s entrance was the best tho I loved it :)
His hair 🥰🥰
Loki was shot at but not hurt?? Do I remember this?? 😂
Loki kicks ass we love a man who can do both
“You have heart” is iconic asf to me tho
Fury what made you think you could sneak out?? With the tesseract?? 😂😂
Omg Loki made an early reference to the “ant and the boot” for later on and I just got that now
Oop Fury gets shot I forgot about that
Iconic that Maria drove backwards WHILE FIRING A GUN
I stan
Coulson is safe in a helicopter thank god (cuz we ALL know what happens later 😔😣😭)
Fury jumps from a helicopter holy smoly
“We are at war”
“What do we do?”
*waits anxiously for her to kick ass while stuck in the chair*
Omg this scene is so funny
“Are you kidding? I’m working?”
Her face when he tells her Barton’s been compromised :((
“First we need you to talk to the big guy.”
People say they liked his hair in AoU but scraggly-haired Bruce in this movie was my fav all time no cap
“Should’ve got paid upfront Banner.”
ahhhh 🥰🥰 he’s so smol and nervous
“Is you buddy a spy too? They start that young?” Omg 😂
When Bruce rocks the crib when he says he doesn’t always get what he wants 😭 a tumblr post showed me how that explained he couldn’t be able to have kids and my heart ducking shattered
“Sorry that was mean.” AWEEEEE
All the guards outside the house omg Natasha you would 😂
How many pinching bags has Steve torn?
Wait.....is he working out in khakis?? I understand if those are something like army pants but they look like khakis?? 😂😂
God I miss him 😭
Honestly...I liked the tower before If was redone and showed off in AoU
I love the scene where he walks on the platform and the machine takes his suit off as he steps like holy shit i forget he’s a genius
“Give yourself 12% of the credit.”
“Next building will say ‘Potts.’” omg imagine
“His first name is ‘Agent.’”
“I don’t like to be handed things.”
“Is this about the Avengers?—Which I know nothing about.” Oh Pepper I love you 🥰
When Tony calls her Miss Potts my heart just melts
“You have homework. A lot of homework.”
Omg when she whispers in his ear and Coulson just stands there 😂
Why and HOW did I forget about Coulson’s obvious crush on Steve?
“I watched you while you were sleeping.” I thought I’d never be as awkward as Coulson but now I am Coulson
Bruce awkwardly walking around the base 🥰
When he, Natasha and Steve meet it makes me so happy
But Bruce seems so doubtful about all of it ugh makes me so sad
“They want me in a submerged pressurized metal container?” Bruce you’re so sassy
“Oh no this much worse.” Bruce!!! 😂
When Steve gives Fury the ten dollars 😁 I love a patriotic dork
And fury smiles like the cheeky bastard he is
I thought that the helicarrier vanishing was SO cool
Bruce is so sassy oml
Natasha looks at a picture of Clint on the monitor 😭😭
We always see Bruce with rolled up sleeves and explain him like that in fics but I find it so cute with him in long sleeves....is this where my love for him in sweaters comes in??
“I need a distraction. And an eyeball.”
Coulson is so awkward around Steve I love it
“Captain. You’re up.”
Loki with the scepter as a cane?? Looking all sophisticated? Hot.
Damn, he really flipped that man over onto the table
I hear there were quite a few shots from the Avengers taken in Ohio and that’s where I live like wth was I doing then and NOT knowing this?
That old man in the crowd has my respect. period.
“There are always men like you.” Damn why does this hit hard
“Reindeer games” oh, how I loved his nicknames
Love how Thor shows up, not even contacted by SHIELD and is like “yeah I’ll join ur team!”
“There’s only one God ma’am, and I’m sure he doesn’t dress like that.”
“Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?”
Tony called Thor a tourist !!! 😂 never knew that !!!
Oh shit
When Loki smirks at Bruce 😡😡 don’t make him angry don’t hurt my baby
“Well, let me know if ‘real power’ wants a magazine or something.”
“He really grows on you, doesn’t he?”
“He’s adopted.”
Bruce playing with his glasses ☺️
Let the Science Bros begin!! ♥️
“Huge bag of weed?”
Steve really just said that Hulk would be a threat to everyone right in front of Bruce first off how dare—
Blueberries :))
Steve: “Stark tower? That big ugly—”
Tony: 😑
Steve: “. . .tower in New York?” FUCKING SAVAGE
“I’m exposed like a nerve....it’s a nightmare.” nooo 😰
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gingerwritess · 5 years
sorry i was in the mood for some pining so here’s this angsty lil thing. i’m going to continue it don’t worry and just imagine this is with thor 1 loki, smol lil greasy weasel who doesn’t know anything about love ugh
also just think. this angstiness ends happily in love with beautiful children, elliot and baby 2 ;) i just want to explore how we got there!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Let’s play a game.”
Loki leans forward on his forearms—you find yourself drawn towards him, too.
“Let’s touch each other,” he murmurs, and you immediately push away from him in disgust.
“Every time I think you’ve changed—”
“No, that’s not…that’s not what I meant.” He rubs his eyes with two fingers and a sigh. “We should touch, as in we should try not shying away from each other’s touch.”
A cold hand moves to cover your clenched fist.
“Let’s not refuse each other’s hands,” he continues, “let’s welcome arms around our waists, let’s…speak sweetly and kindly to each other, touch our lips together. Frequently.”
You swallow hard. “Sounds like you’re saying we should date.”
“No.” He shakes his head, something scarily close to fear crossing his eyes. “No, this wouldn’t be dating, courting, committing, love…this would be just another game for us to play.”
“What’s the prize? How do I win?”
“First one to fall loses.”
“That doesn’t scare you?” You can’t help it and lean in closer to hear his almost-whispered voice. “Living like that? So close to each other? So close to being in love?”
He bares his teeth in something between a scowl and a pained grimace. “If its a game, then I can win. I can beat you, best you in another competition and then everything that we…” his voice falters as he gestures between the two of you. “Everything that w-we might have been can be buried in the past, and the both of us leave each other better off.”
“Better off,” you repeat, casting your gaze to your connected hands. That feels scarily right. “We’d be better off without each other, right?”
“Absolutely,” he breathes. “I’m a disease in your blood, and I don’t want you.”
You stand, a stoicism to your face as if you were marching into a war. Loki has to remind himself you are.
“Three days to win,” he smiles, lacing your fingers together. It’s an empty smile, just another illusion as he ignores the warmth of your hand in his. “Three days and we part ways all the better. As unlikely acquaintances. Agreed?”
In that moment, staring down at him smiling up at you, you bury the last fragment of Loki that you allowed to take hold in your heart—he doesn’t want you, he’s made that clear, and it’s true. He is toxic for you, he’s an alien, for god’s sake, nothing about the two of you could work.
Unnatural, misfitting, just wrong, horribly tempting as it has been as long as you knew him. Three days and you’ll never have to see him again, just…win this competition.
It’s easier, I guess, to acknowledge a sin and keep doing it, knowing you’ll fix yourselves in three days time.
* * * *
“I don’t like this,” you whisper, welcoming his tongue once again into your mouth.
His grip on your hips tightens and he pulls away, staring up at you with dark eyes and parted lips still glistening from you. “You don’t?”
“Don’t stop.”
Mouths meet once more, hot and cold, ice and fire thrashing and burning and freezing over again and again and this time it’s your hands in his hair, rough and pulling his head back to better reach his lips.
“You’re stupid,” you groan when he gently bites your bottom lip, “I hate you, Loki, despise you, I really do. I don’t like this.”
For the first time, you’ve got him gasping for breath along with you, and he grins against your exploring tongue. “Am I winning?”
”I’m—trying—” you kiss him harder, rocking your hips and running your hand down his neck “—to make you lose.”
Those dreaded hands, something now that seem straight out of your nightmares, slide under your shirt, ice against your bare skin.
“Stop that,” you seethe, jolting at the new sensation. “Stop, Loki, I’m not crossing that line for this stupid game.”
His hands return to your hips—he curses himself, that wasn’t supposed to happen. He almost slipped.
You take that as your cue to roll off of him, a hand on his chest pushing him away until your lips break apart with a pop. Arms cross over your chest and you throw a sideways glance at the young god, noting the flush on his cheeks and heaving of his chest, the hands over his groin undeniably covering something he’d rather not confess to.
“I think I win today,” you tell him as you stand, a hint of smugness in your voice. You adjust your shirt, wipe off your mouth with the back of your hand. Grab your bag and head to the door, as if making Loki wish he could have you is just another errand you run.
“You’ll want me tomorrow,” he calls out before you leave, voice hoarse and strangled.
I want you today.
You give him a cold smile, thin ice that’s already cracking. “Good luck with that.”
* * * *
He knows he’s losing—three nights in a row he’s lost sleep because of you, and tonight it’s making him livid.
Gods, he wants you.
For selfish and vain reasons, he knows, but that doesn’t change anything. He wants you, and Loki Odinson does what he wants.
It’s the only power he’s been given his entire life, just the power to control what he gets, what he does; the only way for him to feel a sick control of himself is to stop at nothing to get or do what he wants.
But he wants you.
He’s tired of wanting.
Loki won his stupid game today. You played to his rules, you called him your sweetheart, he called you his darling, he pushed aside his more carnal desires long enough to win…but today when he kissed you, you broke down in tears.
Victory is sour.
It was supposed to work—give in to the clearly wrong desire to be together for three days only, try it knowing it’s a guise, just to empty your systems of each other before Loki leaves for Asgard once and for all.
He’s back in his chambers, alone, noticing too much: too big of a bed, too big of a shower, everything is too big just for him. After a painful shower trying to scrub your touch out of his skin, he lays in his too big bed and lets himself slip.
It’s a pipe dream, the fantasy of a child, but he dredges it up from the pits of his mind before he can stop himself.
A hand intertwined with his, soft lips against his own. A smile for him across a room, chiming laughter at his doing. A home, just for him and the blank face that’s filled this spot for centuries, a home with a bed that wouldn’t feel so empty.
You start taking that blank space and suddenly it’s you, all you and you’re holding a child, a baby that looks like him, you’re smiling for Loki, laughing with his child and holding out your hand to him. Then he kisses you and you don’t cry.
Oh gods above, he wants you.
The god rolls onto his stomach in the empty bed and buries his face in the pillows; you’re kissing him with gentle lips, whispering in his ear as he shows you the Asgardian night sky, softly touching him with warm hands that only make him crave more of you.
He needs to stop thinking about this—his eyes close and you’ve knocked his book out of his hands to take its place, straddling his lap and kissing away every last trouble or insecurity he’s ever felt in all the years he’s been alive.
Stop. this.
The worst part is that now he knows you want him, too.
The projection of you in his mind reaches for the hem of your shirt and Loki’s eyes fly wide open—NO.
Not crossing that line, you said. He has to respect that.
“I want you,” Loki whispers aloud, hating himself for actually forming the words in the air in front of him. “I want you, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.”
* * * *
You’re no better off, back on earth, but when Loki materialises on the sidewalk on your walk to work, the last thing you’re even close to feeling is happy to see him.
“You won,” you snap, taking another bite of your half a bagel and not slowing your pace. “Leave me alone, Loki.”
“Please listen to me.” He’s walking like royalty, a cool and collected facade, but you can hear the desperation in his voice. “For just a moment, please, give me a chance.”
A shake of your head and you cross the street, followed close behind by the persistent god. “Your coffee’s gone cold,” he hums after a moment, hands clasped behind his back. “Let me get you a fresh cup, ten minutes is all I ask.”
A sip of the coffee that you just bought for upwards of five dollars tells you Loki definitely turned that cappuccino ice cold just now. 
“I’m only doing this for the coffee,” you tell him as you stand in line at the nearest coffee shop, Loki next to you trying to count bills and sort a handful of coins.
Disgustingly domestic, he notices as he drops a couple coins, this is practically a date. Standing in line together, buying each other things. You grabbing the money out of his hand and counting it for him, calling him an idiot.
His heart swells.
Of course, it’d be nice if you felt the same. Or would give him even half a smile.
But…your brow stays furrowed as you shove past him after ordering, flopping into a seat by the window and taking an angry bite of your bagel. He follows cautiously, wishing he could understand you.
“Well?” You wave a hand at the chair across the table. “Start talking.”
“You want me.” He sits back in his chair, looking so damn sure of himself. “And I’m not going to be the one to keep you from what you want.”
You grab your fresh cup of coffee, nod to the god across the table, and stand to leave. “I don’t want you. Thank you for the drink, I’m leaving now.”
“No!” Loki shoots to his feet and grabs your arm, making you jump and wrench your arm from his grip. He quickly drops you and holds his hand up. “I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that, please…please stay. Just a second longer.”
Against your better judgment, you slowly sit back down.
“You say you lost the game,” Loki starts, carefully stepping around his words. “Which means you admit to falling in love with me. Yes?”
“Those were the rules.” You drum your fingers on the table, unamused.
“If you have fallen in love with me…then you want me.”
Loki’s fist hits the table with a loud thud. “Yes, you do.”
“Why not?” The facade cracks and Loki slumps in his chair, shoulders sagging like a defeated man. “At least tell me why, what you mean. Please.”
“You made me a game, Loki.” You can’t help but laugh, humourless and cold. “You literally made any feelings we had for each other into a game, idiot, and now you think that made me fall for you??”
He gives a tiny shrug. “I…competing allows me to win.”
“So you’re afraid of losing?”
“No,” he snaps, and you raise an eyebrow at him that makes him scowl. “No, I’m not afraid of losing. Don’t make me into a child.”
“Look,” you sigh, dropping your forehead to your hand. “If you’re just going to deny everything I say then there’s no point in us talking.”
Arms cross. Lips press together. A wave hitting a seaside cliff, unmoving.
“I just don’t understand,” he finally mutters, and you take a drink as he searches for the right words. “I…I want you.”
“You admit that?”
He hesitates and looks down at the table. “Yes.”
“You made me a game,” you remind him, finishing your breakfast and picking up your bag again. “You made me a game and said you won, but I guess we both lost. Thanks again for the coffee, Loki.”
You’re halfway out the door when a cold hand grabs yours and spins you back around. “Loki, I’m going to be late…”
“I get it.” He brings your hand to his lips and you try not to cringe. “I understand. You’re not a game, and that was my mistake.”
The god smiles, a desperate and pleading attempt to show himself to you, getting nothing in return. “You’re not a game, you…you are the prize, coveted by many but won by few—”
“Go home, Loki.”
You’ve pulled your hand from his grip and walked out the door before he can even process what just happened.
* * * *
“I want you!” He’s running, for the first time you’ve seen, he’s running after you and dodging people on the busy sidewalks as he calls after you. “I admit to it, I want you, please—”
You turn on your heel and he nearly crashes into you, chest to chest for a blissful second before your finger is in his face, sharp as your words.
“Why would I want someone who wants me??” You jab your finger into his chest. “Someone who wants me all to themselves, as a prize, a trophy, someone so selfish all they can think of is wanting me—”
“What are you talking about??” Loki feels on the verge of tears; disgusting.
“I don’t want you, Loki.”
“You said you fell for me, said that I won, what is that supposed to mean then??”
“I don’t want you,” you repeat, shaking your head in disbelief at the young god raging in front of you. “I want to love you, Loki, I don’t want you.”
People around the two of you keep pushing, the throng nudging your shoulders as you stare at each other, Loki’s mind racing.
“I’m not a prize for you to win.” You give him a small smile and shoulder your bag. “If all I am to you is something you want, then I don’t think I can love you. Go back home.”
He can’t tear a single word from his throat.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this,” you laugh and rest a hand on his arm, giving him a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “But you need to grow up. Maybe stop by when you’re mature enough to separate wanting from needing, lust and love, and maybe we can talk.”
Want and need, lust and love...his head spins and the god feels faint.
“I can’t wait for you, though.” Your smile turns sad, at least he likes to think it did. “Go home, Loki.”
Watching you walk away might be the hardest thing Loki has ever had to do.
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
hope you enjoyed, feel free to send me ideas!
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas @doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettrosella @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen  @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15 @mellowgirl01 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @allthingzhiddleston @scorpionchild81 @lokixme @vast-ish @blue-automne @galaxycharmed @devilbat @kangaroobunny @end-up-well @planetariumx @sarcsep @mrfandomtastic @amaru163 @im-way-too-many-fandoms @caswinchester2000 @kybaeza @little-scintilla @vintagesunshinebitch @adefectivedetective @poetic-nikolai
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slasherscream · 5 years
nsfw with poly!Billy&Stu x fem smol virgin!reader? please
A/N: somehow i was able to make this romantic even though i was using the grossest teenage boys in the world. legendary? i'd like to think so.
     billy loomis x fem!reader x stu macher          ft. being a virgin (but not for long)
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I know Billy seems like this type of bastard. I know. I know. But we're not looking for 100% realism here ladies.
This is about self-care! So let's just say he was such a bastard to Sidney about having sex because he highkey hates her guts (and they were on a tight schedule that she was holding up by not fucking him! selfish much?). Go along with me here         it's much more fun for everyone this way.
With that out the way they're both actually trying pretty hard not to pressure you. Tbh they can smell the virgin on you. You act like a virgin. Walk like a virgin.... out here breathing like a virgin.
You "confess" to them that you're a virgin and want to wait during the middle of a make-out session that isn't even getting that steamy and they have to look at each other instead of you.
Cause it took everything in them not to laugh in your face even though they're totally taking you seriously it's just         babe we know, trust us. 
So yeah they're trying to take it slow with you and they're okay with it.
They don't really back off in any considerable way in terms of what they deem regular (and necessary) physical contact.
Stu is still gonna throw your adorable, tiny ass over his shoulder and give your butt some smacks! Billy still drags you to sit in his lap at parties. 
They're just not fucking you yet (YET) and they're not gonna go in for a titty grab every-time y'all start making out. 
Plus it's not like they're desperate? They would like to have sex with you, of course. But they're still together and have no qualms about having sex with one another (obviously).
Honestly been times where they had sex and then just kinda ambled around wherever wondering why they're not quite satisfied? Then Stu goes "let's head to Y/N's!" and they just crawl in through your window and cuddle you? And like .... no sex or funny stuff is tried. They just wanted to bring you in on the after orgasm cuddle pile. 
Billy wants to die inside because like .... damn .... they're really out here wrapped around your finger just like that, huh? Fucking disgusting, he thinks to himself as he nuzzles your neck and holds your dumb, cute hand. 
Stu isn't feeling grumpy about being so whipped because you are playing with his hair and are letting him lay his head on your boobs. He's having the time of his life. Stop pouting about being in love with our fucking girlfriend, Billy. 
Sometimes talk about you during sex. Dirty talk. Although sometimes someone fucks up and says something mushy (usually Stu cause he's not a pussy). Wonder if she'd like this to Wanna see her cum so bad to Fuck! I wish she was here right now. 
Y'all are having a regular ol' movie night one day when Stu makes a joke about you being the stereotypical cute, virgin, final girl type. You climb onto one of their laps and in a voice that is trying to be seductive (it actually just ends up being cute) say, "and what if I don't wanna be that anymore?"
They do make out with you that night but by some miracle they don't fuck you? You're actually a little insecure about it because you practically threw yourself at them but they turned the heated kisses into slow, soft ones until finally they just had you cuddled up between them while they turned on a new movie. 
What in the fuck?? You tell yourself they just weren't in the mood (they're always in the mood. a breeze could blow by and they'd be in the mood) but you feel .... worried. 
Jokes on you they had a silent, ten second conversation where they agreed they weren't gonna take your virginity for the first time on Billy's couch while Halloween played and the room smelt of pepperoni pizza yet to be eaten. You're special. You deserve a memory you can look back at that always makes you feel warm and fuzzy.
Who the FUCK are they? We don't know! This is them in love! 
Plan the big night as seriously as they'd planned their first kill together. You think they're about to do something big and stupid actually because of how many times you've walked into a room and they've gone silent. 
You know about the killing but you're so innocent and cute they don't say much around you. So now your insecurity goes away actually cause you think they're just really excited/focused on their latest plan. They are focused on their latest plan!
Plan: How Are We Gonna Rock Our Girlfriend's World For The First Time-
Those exact words not only came out of Stu's mouth but were written on the planning board. Billy smacked him but secretly? Biggest of moods. 
The day starts off with them picking you up super early. You'd be grumpy about them waking you up but they take you out to breakfast. Who can be grumpy while eating tasty-ass diner breakfast?
 They then take you shopping. To a nice store too and Stu buys you a new pair of heels and a dress? You don't want to get anything else because you don't want him spending a ton of money on you but quiet bitch boy Billy saw everything you looked at but didn't try on so he just slams all that on the counter and Stu pays for it.
This process repeats itself when they take you to a bath and body shop sort of store and then a jewelry place (you put your foot down at the jewelry and Stu only winds up getting you a nice but simple pair of earrings).
Once you're all in the car you're kissing all over them, warm and pleased with the spoiling, "what's the occasion boys? trying to butter me up cause you did something?"
"Us? Never!" Stu distracts you by kissing you just the way you like, hands tangling in your hair and using his gifted tongue in all the right ways. You only pull away cause you're gonna get a neck cramp. They laugh at the dazed look on your face but you miss the hunger on their faces. They fuck you up just by kissing you god baby you have no idea what's coming for you-
You all go back to Stu's and are just hanging out till five o'clock hits and the boys shoo you into Stu's parents bathroom with the order of "get ready". You roll your eyes at the bossiness but they seem a little ..... nervous, honestly? So you just shake your head and use all your new gifts to get ready. 
You walk out the bathroom looking beautiful of course but you hadn't expected the boys to be so dressed up. You just know in your heart of hearts that Stu dressed up Mr. Five White T-shirt’s Billy Loomis. It makes you smile. 
They guide you to the car and can't keep their hands off you. Billy actually holds your hand the entire time he drives. Stu holds the other one from the backseat somehow. He was #Very Determined.
Y'all arrive at a restaurant that is mid-range fancy because they didn't want to go too extravagant and make you nervous. It's just nice enough to need a reservation but not so up-scale that you or Billy would feel out of place.
It's a very nice dinner and the whole time they're looking at you with big ass heart eyes. You find yourself hiding behind your menu multiple times. 
Don't even head straight home after that? You all go for a quiet walk first. Your feet end up hurting in the heels because you get so caught up in how much fun you're having. Strong man Stu Macher? Swipes you off your feet no hesitation and carries you all the way back to the car bridal style. Billy laughs at how shy you're getting from all the attention. 
Once you get back to Stu's the energy shifts and they're suddenly pretty serious looking? But their eyes are soft and they're each holding one of your hands as they take you upstairs to Stu's room.
You get settled into Billy's lap once you're up there and they start kissing you so soft and sweet. Are there candles and incense lit on Stu's dresser? It occurs to you as Stu bites your neck in a way that will definitely leave a bruise that         "was all this for sex?" you stop kissing Billy with an audible pop that makes Stu groan. You're laughing. 
"Oh my god." Stu is laughing too. Billy is actually the one most annoyed the romantic atmosphere is falling away to dust before his eyes. 
"It wasn't for sex. We were making the day special." Billy is insistent and he's going to start scowling soon at the both of you.
You kiss him and it instantly smooths out his furrowed brow. Stu kisses you after that for good measure.
"You're both very sweet." Billy is a little shocked when you push him down to the bed and straddle him but he's so into it-
When you proceed to kiss Stu instead of him he's a little put out. Until you start rocking your hips against his while you moan and sigh into Stu's mouth. They're both going to die by the end of this they're sure.
Stu goes down on you without even taking off your dress first and it's fucking great. You do look just as pretty cumming as they thought you would. 
Billy is the one who actually fucks you first and it's actually pretty slow and gentle. You have to beg him to speed up (is he being so careful with you at this point just to tease you? no shit. he's an asshole and has been dreaming of hearing you beg for him for months)
You're a little too sore to take Stu after that but he's honestly fine! He still has the taste of you in his mouth and he's on cloud fucking nine, babe. 
They love the enthusiasm when you shake your head and pout your little lips, settling stubbornly on the idea of wanting to give him a hand-job. How are you so cute even when you're talking dirty? Billy holds onto you from behind whispering what Stu likes as he guides your hand. 
You all curl up together afterwards blissed the fuck out. You catch the two of them giving each other a covert high-five and demand one of your own because you think you did pretty damn okay for your first time. This sends you all into a laughing fit that ends with sleepy kisses all around. Yes, you did get your own high-five.
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years
Bully Steve meets Tony the new student and gets annoyed by him. He tries to bully the guy but Tony doesn't play victim, instead he takes Steve down a couple of pegs as he doesn't take no shit from no one. As Tony walks away Steve gets embarrassed as everyone laughs at him. He becomes pissed.
After school Steve decides he wants Tony to meet his fists so he follows him out to the car park. He makes it look like he's just heading to his motorbike to leave and sits on it pulling out his phone. He might as well see what his friends are up to as he waits to get Tony alone.
He had everything planned in his head, beat the shit out of Tony, threaten him and then leave. What he hadn't planned for was for a hot guy with a metal arm to come to their school, push Tony against the car and proceed to make out with him. Who knew Tony would look hot without his glasses and with his hair all messy. But never mind about Tony, he is mesmerized by the man who is kissing him. This gorgeous man that looks older than them.
'alright brain. New plan. Befriend the asshole and then steal this man away.' Steve thinks as he puts on his helmet and drives away.
Meanwhile the older man pulls away from the kiss and growls we he leans to press his forehead against Tony's.
"seriously Buckaroo what was that?"
"I didn't like how that blonde guy was looking at you doll"
"he' was probably looking at you. You are the hot one"
"alright sugar what have I said many times over and over again?"
"don't talk about myself like that anymore because I am good looking and you'll kick my ass for it"
"damn right I will. So what's his story?"
"well my knight in shining arm armor, if you must know"
Tony puts his glasses back on as they hop into the car.
"he tried bullying me today"
"tried? Did my baby boy finally stand up for himself?"
"I'm proud of you. I'm pissed that he did that but I'm also proud that after the 8th high school I have enrolled you into, you finally stand up against the bullies. I'm gonna kick that punks ass the next time I see him"
"he is built like a brick wall snowflake. He held me up with one hand like he was gonna have his way with me."
"ok I'm not only gonna beat the crap out of the punk for bullying you but I'm also gonna do it because he's got you thinking about things that only I know how to give to you."
"I know babe. No one else knows how to treat me the way you do. I love you Bucky bear. Metal arm and all"
"I love you too my certified genius. Metal leg and all"
"you know I wouldn't get bullied if you took a break from helping your father out with the mafia and just came to school with me."
"knowing my dad and how much he cares about you, he would probably set me on guard dog duty and have me in all your classes. I'd also have to lie about my age but I'm sure my dad can take care of that."
"well then, let's go ask my favorite person in the whole wide world"
"I feel like I should be offended but I'm not"
"oh please. We all know your favorite person in the whole world is your mum. Then a close second is your aunty whenever she makes her double choc chip cookies. I'm at least number 5 on your list."
"that's because you act like a little shit and I have to save you most of the time because of that mouth of yours. Then again I should bump you up to first"
"oh please you just love saving my ass because of all the rewards you get"
"if saving your ass means I get to have your ass afterwards then so be it. God I love that ass"
"you're thinking about fucking it aren't you?"
"and eating it out. As soon as we talk to my dad, I'm owning that ass doll"
"you horny bastard"
"you know it"
The next day everyone is settled in class. Steve notices Tony is giggling to himself and although it's cute he still wants to beat the shit out of him. He knows he can't because of his plan but he just can't help it.
Steve looks up as he hears the teacher introduce another new student and is half surprised and half trying not to jump for joy.
"hi my name is James Buchanan Barnes. Please call me James. As you are all aware yes I have a metal arm. Me and my boyfriend over there, say hi Tony"
Steve watches Tony go red and headbang his desk in embarrassment. It's cute and all but back to the sexy man.
"we were caught up in an accident last year which we didn't want plastered all over the news as we still suffer from trauma and PTSD. It's mainly my boyfriend who suffers alot from it as he got the worst end of the deal."
Steve reverts back to Tony and feels like he wants to walk over there to hug the shy teary eyed man. Almost did but his hatred holds him back. So he looks back James.
"while I came out with a missing up, he got messed up real bad. Now I know he doesn't like telling people what happened to him as he gets self conscious but I just want everyone to know so they can be careful around him. He lost an arm, there's a piece in his chest to stop a metal piece from hitting his heart as the doctors couldn't get to it without killing him. He's more of a cyborg than I am. So if you guys see a light coming from his chest, then don't be alarmed. "
Steve can't help but take a peak at Tony's reaction and sees the man shyly smiling as he looks down to wipe a tear away before looking back at James.
"there are alot of things going on in our lives and we would appreciate it if everyone backs off. We would love to make friends but too much people at once is s bit much. Now I'm happy to ask questions so if anyone has any then feel free to ask just please, no pressure on Tony. Oh and one more thing"
Steve gulps as he sees a dangerous glare from James directed at him before James looks at everyone else.
"if anyone and I mean anyone tries to bully myself let alone Tony, there will be hell to pay. I can handle myself don't you worry. But if you lay a finger on that smol cinnamon roll then I will gut you and feed you to my pet piranhas. Got it?"
Steve nods his head as he sees everyone else do the same. Damn this man knows how to be sexy and scary at the same time and damn this isn't an appropriate time to get a boner. Steve watches Bucky smile as he goes to sit down next to Tony. Feels jealous as those strong muscled arms wrap around the shit head that probably told him what happened yesterday. His eyes divert to their metal hands holding each other. He knows it's a losing game. Too much chemistry between the two but he can't help it. He wants this handsome gorgeous fella to be his and kick Tony to the curb where his cute little ass belongs.
So that's today's idea. That's as far as my mind went to. Anyone can pick this up and make it their own. Hopefully my tags give you an insight on how my mind was going to play this out if it had continued to spill words.
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
1. from now on i will just start thinking that sandrone is actually the name of the ruin guard lol he is indeed a big guy
and speaking of xiao! baby's name actually doesn't mean small (it's written with a different character), according to the liyue archon quest i think his name means swiftness, but it sounds homophone to the word that actually means small (which still reads xiao) so ye xiao smol bby uwu
1.1. not to thirst on main but new dottore can do with me as he pleases LMAO
is he evil? oh yes. but like, as a scara simp, can i really judge? of course i can't. and he is so damn hot so, yeah.
pantalone pantalone i can't wait to know his real name so i can stop calling him that and laugh. but i agree, slimy bastards with a oh so clear evil personal agendas make my heart go all soft :'
also funny story about my pulls!!! in my quest to c6 heizou i did like 20 extra pulls to get him, failed to get him, and got qiqi instead. which, i mean, i was happy about because yay!!! early guaranteed for the sumeru boys!!! but then i did an extra 20 pulls and oh well, i got kazuha. so now i have a c2 kazuha and c6 heizou is still not home lol. hopefully he'll come home soon sigh (but if i get an early 50/50 lost again i mean i won't complain)
2. ohohoh soft pastel blue so cute!!! <3
i'm more of an intense blue kind of shade, like that deep greenish blue colour the sea gets on a sunny day, so it's perfect! we can actually be irl xingqiun :33
and speaking of irl, i mean, if you ever happen to come to italy you're more than welcome to say hi and get your full course italian dinner (with gelato, our gelato is like the best in the world i take no criticism) like we do with friends on nights we have an empty house lol
2.1. oooh snow, snow!! i like snow, when it snows here (like once every five years :')) i always get excited like a child. tho like, what i like most about snowy days is staying at home with hot chocolate and a book ahah
also dw, we can be equally bad at taking compliments together, i don't fare much better :'
3. giant strawberry! and also by quoting that movie you like unlocked my childhood :' hhh although i am rather smol so like, i'd be a rather lil giant strawberry :33
speaking of strawberries, i will now go and fetch my cold strawberry tea, as it's starting to be late and i want to go sleep with something sweetish
here it's so freaking hot so i'll hope you're not succumbing to heat as well :' in any case, remember to always drink a lot! summer is a season where you can have all sorts of delicious cold drinks, so that's good :3
buonanotte bunny, have a great every hour of the next days :33
lots of hugs,
- 🍓
1. Swift, small lil baby that I will give kisses to. Squish his cheeks and pet his hair mwah mwah sweet baby of mine <3
1.1. I so get it. Like yeah he did bad things and he’s a bad guy but isn’t that his appeal in the first place,,, evil geniuses own my heart I guess,,, corrupted albedo <33
1.2. Heizou has just been avoiding me like the plague, I’m trying to get cons for him and he just,,, won’t come,,, I’m gonna get Kazuha again at this point before he comes. Not complaining,,, but still. Tbh, little ramble time, and some context
I have three servers I play on and they’re all very different. Europe is my main one with Kazuha, Albedo and others (these two are my main units and never leave the team, I literally can’t function without Albedo’s flower sometimes,,,)
The second server, american one, I have Hu Tao, Ayaka and now Itto as the main units (ayaka is kind of interchangeable but itto has become kind of permanent) and I really, REALLY, want Heizou cons for this server. I don’t mind not getting Kazuha because I play these servers for different experiences, different comps and characters that make the game more interesting and fun so I’m not doing the same thing, but I swear I’ll just get Kazuha again before that stupid detective gives me just ONE of his cons OTL
2. I would love that, the fact you offered something like that means a lot to me, and maybe one day if I’m in Italy and I don’t feel too awkward, I may take your offer up on that if you’re comfortable with it <3 (btw that intense sea blue is still a very beautiful colour, you still have good taste !!) Xingyun supremacy :,)
2.1. I actually had to read back my last ask to see the context behind this lmfao but anyway snow is my favourite weather, I love watching it from my window and love being out in it when it first falls. And making fresh footprints in the snow is the most satisfying thing on this planet I take no criticism.
3. I’ll just imagine the strawberry from the movie, and I’ll carry you around while you ramble about Scara and tea and your au ideas and all the other things you find interesting, I’ll be happy to just listen <3
4. Good fucking lord no I’m not doing well at all with this heat but I’ll be okay I think. Strawberry cold tea sounds so refreshing, I hope it cooled you down and I’ll get a drink of my own now :,)
ti voglio bene, mio dolci amico <33
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apicturewithasmile · 7 years
LOST rewatch (season 1):
[follow the entire rewatch-tag here]
episodes 1 and 2 – Pilot:
Jack’s Angel Hair Pasta speech is making my eyes roll so far back up my head that it hurts
Kate speaks the first “we have to go back (for him)” around minute 39 of ep1
I forgot how incredibly sexy Naveen Andrews is
John Locke doesn’t speak his first line until minute 23 of ep2 when he explains Backgammon to Walt – his iconic Orange Smile scene and the Sitting In The Rain On The Beach scene actually both happen before he gets to speak
episode 3 – Tabula Rasa:
Oh, it’s the first “previously on LOST”
the sheer loathsomeness of that fucking US marshal… ugh
Michael: “I will get your dog back as soon as it stops raining.” – rain: *stops*
Wash Away playing in the final scene
that last shot that made John look like he was gonna be some mysterious villain character when actually he’s just the jungle philosopher who talks to the island
episode 4 – Walkabout:
yaaay, the first boar action
I can’t believe they waited until the airplane food was all eaten up before they thought about finding food on the island
that asshole from the office who’s bullying John makes me so angry
“don’t tell me what I can’t do” makes its first appearance at minute 21 and is quickly followed a mere minute later by the second appearance
totally forgot that John is actually the first one to see Smokey – and that early on in the show?!
Uuuuuuh first time we see ghost!Christian Shephard
Do we really think John killed that boar on his own or did Smokey help him?
episode 5 – White Rabbit:
there’s so many times they say “the others” before there’s even any sign of The Others™ I’m starting to wonder whether it’s intentional
the best thing about Jack-centric episodes is Christian Shephard (I got it hard for daddy Shephard okay!??!?!)
do Australians really sound like that or did they mainly cast American actors for the scenes that take place in Sydney?
aaaaand there they are, the Jears (Jack tears)
episode 6 – House of the Rising Sun:
god I love Sun and Jin, I hate how underrated all of their flashbacks are
bless the bad CGI bees
look! it’s Mother’s first appearance
episode 7 – The Moth:
ugh it’s a Charlie episode -.-‘
headcanon: Jacob made that cave collapse because he wanted to get rid of Charlie
John believing and being proud in Charlie makes this episode worthwhile for me
episode 8 – Confidence Man:
Kate is actually carrying a… bundle??? of bananas over her shoulder. What’s mote #jungle aesthetic?
John you manipulative bastard, I love you!!!! I can’t wait for Not Henry Gale to join you into an endless manipulation play-off
I honestly can’t remember whether or not Sawyer and Sayid will ever work out their issues in the later seasons and actually get a somewhat friendship?! I don’t remember any bro-scenes between them which is a shame tbh.
Boone: “She’s my sister!” – god how did I think it was totally reasonable to turn this into an incetuous romance?!
episode 9 – Solitary:
Yaaaaaaaaaasssss it’s Sayid’s first episode which also means: DANIELLE ROUSSEAU!!!
I am a big Shannon/Sayid shipper but I can really understand the folks who ship Kate with Sayid. It would have been soooo much better than the love triangle of hell.
And I hate that Sayid doesn’t speak Arabic in his flashbacks. I get, Naveen Andrews doesn’t speak it but… they made Daniel Dae Kim speak Korean even tho he couldn’t?!?! It’s a bit of inconsistency that annoys the crap out of me.
I’m moaning a lot considering this is my fav show… there’s just… a couple of things about season 1 that always been bothering me.
Danielle looks so fucking good and so does Sayid fnfsdkgnjkngjdfh my bi senses are tingling.
episode 10 – Raised By Another:
Claire’s nightmare is super fucking disturbing
Her ex is literally the most annoying fuckboy and I have absolutely forgotten about him for a good reason. What an asshole.
Kate’s been wearing the same green short for at least the past 3 episodes… which… I get because clothing is limited on the island but it reminds me of the Simpsons’ wardrobe
The fact Creepy Ethan™ is there after Claire wakes up the second time saying she’s been attacked should have been the biggest #clue.
Hurley getting the flight manifest from Sawyer by just… talking to him… my aesthetic!
The “Ethan is creepy”-reveal is soooooo well done gjfsngkngdg
episode 11 – All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues:
More Terry O’Quinn close ups please!!!
I love that John is “of course Kate is coming along” and just hands her a knife whereas Jack is always like “no, don’t come along, this is #dangerous” – like… by now we should all know there’s no stopping Kate!
John predicting the rain is one of my fav scenes.
Wooooow they discovered the hatch THAT early in the season?!??!
episode 12 – Whatever The Case May Be:
Sawyer really shouldn’t go swimming in sweet water with his wounded arm.
I love Rose :’)
okay this episode was kinda underwhelming but that might be because I remembered what was in the case
episode 13 – Hearts and Minds:
I do not remember this episode title AT ALL so I have no idea what to expect
Aaaaaah I think it’s the Shannon and Boone incest episode which explains why I have forgotten about it – one of the most unnecessary plots in the history of LOST ever
How is Boone still friends with Locke after this whole bondage mess? Nevermind, John could do anything to me and I’d still follow him to the end of the world.
episode 14 – Special:
I hate that Michael’s ex took his son away from him. She shouldn’t have put him in that position. I hate her.
What is it with Michael and car accidents?
and now she’s clearing her bad conscience with money. I HATE HER!
And now Charlie’s reading Claire’s diary – I hate him, too!
Aaaand here comes the bad CGI polar bear
Every time John Locke smiles an angel gets its wings.
Claire is already back?!?!?!?
episode 15 – Homecoming:
Wait…. Is this already when they kill Creepy Ethan? If so then I really liked this episode. Probably the only moment I truly liked Charlie.
The Scott/Steve-joke never gets old.
I love that Sawyer organised a gun for Kate. If I absolutely had to ship any combination of the love triangle of hell it’d be Kate and Sawyer… but only because Juliet isn’t in the picture yet.
episode 16 – Outlaws:
Oh it’s the Sawyer versus boar episode, I love that one!
Sayid you sassy fucker, I love you!!!
I love that they made the “I never…” scene so long.
“You’re not alone – don’t pretend to be!” is exactly what I needed to hear right now, thanks Sayid!
episode 17 - …In Translation:
How are Sun and Jin both so incredibly beautiful? Newsflash: I’m bisexual!
Hurley, my lovely empathetic sunshine!
Is it just me or is Michael’s first raft bigger than the second version?
John back at it again with the jungle philosophy.
Aaaah Jin’s father aka the only good father in the entire show!
episode 18 – Numbers:
John building the cradle with Claire for the baby is breaking my heart. Jungle grandpa Locke <3
I’d love for the monster to have been a “pissed off giraffe”
episode 19 – Deus Ex Machina:
Awwww I forgot that John worked in a toy shop – that’s so cute
Damn he looks so much better without hair than he does with it
Anthony fucking Cooper you disgusting weasel of a human being
I just remembered that the “Deus” that’s in the “Machina” is Desmond Hume, my Scottish puppy – can’t wait for him to be there doing his thing
God that moment with the light is sooooo good! That’s when I was #hooked the first time I watched the show.
And I just remembered: that’s John saving Desmond’s life there and Desmond saving John’s life and rgkdabgdlkgndg
episode 20 – Do No Harm:
Jack doesn’t deserve this wonderful wife…. And I really don’t like the whole “fixing things” trope that surrounds his character.
Oh riiiiiight, Claire’s having the baby while Boone dies. I totally forgot about that. I love it!
Sun is soooo strong in this episode, I love her!
Jack: “Don’t tell me what I can’t do!” – I think this is the first time someone other than John said it.
god it’s so fucking tragic with everyone looking at the baby while Shannon gets told the news her brother died. it’s too much for my tiny heart
episode 21 – The Greater Good:
John it ain’t really helping that you still drowned in Boone’s blood, my guy, my buddy, my pal.
Sayid saying “I know when I’m being lied to.” is kinda foreshadowing the whole Henry Gale affaire because he was the only one who wouldn’t take any of Ben’s shit for even a second.
Sayid: “You’ve never fired a gun before!” – Shannon: *fires gun*
episode 22 – Born To Run:
judging by the title of this it’s gonna be a Kate episode
ah yes…. The horrible blond wig. I mean…. How bad must a wig be to see it’s a wig from behind?!??!?!
episodes 23-25 – Exodus:
jhbdfajksfg it’s Ana Lucia, bless her, my lovely angry smol child
it was absolutely not necessary to show Sawyer with his shirt off but I ain’t complaining
anyways… when will I ever have enough time and money to go to Hawaii?
That Walt/Shannon/Vincent-moment breaks my heart big time.
The Black Rock being an old ass ship was one of the biggest plot twists the first time I watched.
The parts of Arzt flesh raining down on our guys was really more realism than needed
IT’S SMOKEY!!!! Yaaaasssss!
Has there ever been a better finale for the first season of a show ever?
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zodiyack · 4 years
A Big Brother’s Duty
Requested by @beth-winchester21: Hi please can I request a shelby sister reader imagine where i ask to go to a party with my friends and the boys say know so I sneak out to the party and get drunk and the girls (esme,ada,polly,gina,linda and grace) tell the boys I snuck out and they come and find me but I hide with my boyfriend and they catch us making out and get mad and embarrass me infront of everyone thanks xx
Pairing: Shelby & Gray family + Shelby!reader (No romance)
Warnings: Swearing, smol angst, alcohol mentions, bit o vomit
Note: Unfortunately, I cannot include all the girls for reasons that follow the show. To avoid spoilers for anyone who has yet to watch the show, neither Esme or Grace would be in the same fic as Gina due to deaths and actions throughout the show, so I didn’t include Gina in this. And it might be a bit different from what you wanted, but it was the best I could do. I hope that’s alright! Also the boys embarrassing the reader part of your request is accurate in my opinion, take Finn being left alone with the girls for example 😳😂
Side note, your boyfriend’s name is George because- idk... okay maybe i thought of another equally as amazing british fandom oops
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Taglist: @matth1w @redspaceace @simonsbluee, @peakysputain​
Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
She clung to the bed sheets as tight as she could. Her calculations were a tad...off. To think, she wouldn’t be in this situation had her brothers been even a little more or less accepting of the fact that their “baby sister” was no longer a child. She was eighteen, a year younger than her brother Finn, yet she had less privileges than he did when he was thirteen.
Despite her brothers’, in her opinion, painfully obvious acts of favoritism, she was doing alright. Went on a date with her beloved, got caught by three very unhappy Shelby boys, was invited to a party, was banned from said party by the same pissed brothers- what was there not to love?
She knew as soon as Thomas offered letting his family stay with him and Grace for the night that it was a trap.
Y/n was just getting ready for the party when Polly walked in. She gave her niece words of advice, but Y/n brushed them off without a second thought. “There’s no use in getting ready, Y/n/n, the boys’ll stop you before you can even make it out this room.” She was speaking the truth, and Y/n realized that soon.
Y/n stomped back up the stairs and back into the guest room, where Grace sat. She smiled apologetically at Y/n and told her to forgive her brothers, as they were only being big brothers. The older woman felt bad for Y/n, but understood the protectiveness, as she felt the same feeling over the girl herself; to guide her and keep her from harm and evil. She left, leaving Y/n by herself.
And that’s how she got where she was now.
Dangling from the sheets that belonged to the guest bed, not enough cloth to get her safely to the ground without multiple risks. Noise, harm, potential death, she couldn’t risk it. But she couldn’t quite climb back up the warm fabric, especially not with her now sweaty palms.
“You sure you’re as good with numbers as you say you are?” The voice below her caused her to panic, grip slipping for a second before she clung to the sheet harder.
She looked down, expecting one of her brothers or cousin, but the color returned to her face when she saw someone she was not expecting. “George!”
“Let go, I’ll catch you.” The unsure look on her face washed away after he added, “I promise, Y/n/n.”
George caught her, staying true to his vow, and spun her around before setting her down and kissing her softly. “Shall we be going, milady?”
“Now now, Georgie, there are no needs for formalities. Please, call me Y/n/n.”
“Whatever makes you happy, dearest.” They broke into hushed chortles of laughter, running off of Tommy’s property and in the direction of the party, far from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shelby.
Unbeknownst to the couple, Ada sat at her window, watching them leave and reporting to Polly, who reported to Thomas. Ada only agreed because similar events happened with Freddie and her. 
Sure, Freddie was only chased out of Birmingham, temporarily, but she knew her little sister would’ve been heartbroken if her beloved had been as well. Besides, Freddie and Ada were only sneaking around in his home, not a party with strangers. 
Knowing the Shelby name, as she once, and still, was burdened with it, her sister could easily be in danger. It wasn’t likely, but she didn’t want to take the chance. She’d rather be hated by the younger girl than have her be in a grave next to Freddie Thorne’s.
The boys set out, entering the unfamiliar building with determination visible in their eyes. Arthur was the first to speak, making their presence known all while unintentionally causing the party to quiet and still with fear and nervousness.
“Could anybody point us in the direction of Y/n Shelby?” No responses came, everyone still wide eyed due to the presence of the three infamous blinders. “No one? Well, lucky me! I get to pick which one of you bastards tells me where our sister is, alright?”
Some gulps sounded throughout the room. All eyes, if they weren’t before, were now on the brothers.
“You, boy. Have you seen her? About, yay-high,” he held his hand to his sister’s height, “lightweight, not too nice of a drunk? Probably accompanied by a scrawny red-head?”
“Oh! Yeeeeeah, you’re lookin’ for George and uh- Y-Y-Y/n, yeah, she’s uh- in there or something.” One of the younger folks drunkenly fessed up the Shelby sister’s location, earning a sarcastic grin from Arthur and a pat on the back.
“Thanks mate. Enjoy your drink.” The room was still staring. “Well, get on with your lives! Don’t let us stop your partying!” He grunted loudly as his tone changed from calm and kind to agitated.
He received a nod from Tommy, then kicked the door open. Y/n parted from the boy next to her, looking at her brothers with annoyance that slowly shifted to pure horror as she realized just who the people standing at the door-frame were.
“We’ve-only-had-one-drink-I-swear!” Y/n slapped her lover’s chest, his rushed choice of words for the situation clearly not making her feel any better. “Um- I mean.. shit...”
“Yeah, ‘Shit’’s right boy.”
“For fucks sake, could you please for once not murder our dates? Ada and I can never fucking breathe with you controlling our lives! News flash, I’m-” she paused. “I’m...”
John teased his sister, mischievous smile shining brightly. “You’re what? Spit it out, Y/n!”
“I think I’m gonna be sick.” Before her brothers could react, she hunched over and poured her guts over Tommy’s shoes. “Fuck-”
“Oh you’re gonna get it now, Y/n/n.” John chuckled into his hand, face red like Arthur’s. They both left the room as quick as they could, aware of Tommy’s temper more than what they would call comfortable. 
The vomit would have one of two reactions. Either caring brother mode, or it’d set fire to the fuse of the bomb sitting atop Tommy’s rage.
He lifted his younger sister, shooting a glare at George as he did so. Tommy walked with her out of the room. She smiled, maybe his reaction wouldn’t be so bad after all. Looks like Caring-brother-side won!
However, it’s not wise to assume. Thomas shouted for the attention of the people in the home once more. “You see, us Shelby’s, we drink, and we do it well. However, it seems this little Shelby couldn’t keep it together. Not even after one drink.”
The crowed erupted into laughter, growing louder as a frown took place on Y/n’s lips. “That’s not necessary Tommy-”
“Yes, but neither was introducing your insides to my shoes, dear sister. Besides, I’m just doing my duty as your big brother! Perhaps this was too extreme for you. Would sitting at the kiddie table and drinking juice with Karl be more your level?”
More laughter sounded. The flush of embarrassment reddened her face and quickened her heart beat.
“One drink was far too much for her, obviously. What a shame.”
He smirked at his little sister before finally walking outside. “Learned your lesson, or should I go back in there?” he drawled teasingly.
“Please, for the love of all that is holy, take me home already.” Y/n muttered, the uneasiness more obvious in her voice. He didn’t move. “Yes, Thomas, I’ve learned my lesson. Please, just-”
“Alright, but you’re washing these in the morning, alright little sis?”
“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever will get me home faster.”
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inkblccd · 5 years
let me scream about my kids | @praevari​ said:
gieve and arslan!
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gieve is a force of nature. he’s charming, confident, and uninhibited with a deep love of freedom and beauty in all its forms. there’s this quote from him that i really love that goes “we all have our own ideas of beauty and it isn’t something that we can control or be compelled to feel.” idk i really love that i’m weak for my sparkly bi music son. on the surface, he’s very emotion-driven, but beneath that is the sharp mind of a man who can scheme with the best of them. things always go gieve’s way, whether other people realize it or not, and he’s not above using his looks and skills with flirting to gather information when he needs it. he’s also a practiced liar and he lets very few people know anything real about him. 20 people could ask him the same personal question and they’d each get a different answer. which is true? no one knows. perhaps none of them. gieve also loves MONEY. he’s been at the bottom of the world and at the top and he much prefers to have money than not. 
he’s an extremely skilled archer and swordsman, though he doesn’t flaunt his fighting abilities as much as he flaunts his artistic prowess. still, that doesn’t stop him from being able to take on the main antagonist of his series in single combat and escape without a scratch, taunting him all the while.
he is a musician by trade, skilled with the oud, flute, harp, and several percussion instruments. he can sing and dance quite well and is skilled in writing and reciting poetry. he could easily be likened to a high-class courtesan overall in terms of his education, status, and how he functions in his profession. while he likes to talk about love, it’s really just part of the job, he doesn’t intend to actually let himself fall in love with anyone. that would compromise him too much and attach him to someone else which is something he does his best to avoid. lust and flirtation are one thing but love is beautiful and terrifying and something that would make him too vulnerable.
muses i think he’d get along with: i think he and jono would be a fun combination in the same way that my ranpo and jono were fun. apart from that, i am unsure.
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arslan is baby. baby king. baby angel. he smol. tiny. must be protected and loved.
he is the only child of king andragoras and queen tahamenay of the kingdom of pars, which is currently at war. it is heavily implied that he’s illegitimate, a bastard of the queen, therefore possessing no actual royal blood in the eyes of the kingdom. however, after king andragoras is defeated in battle and the royal capital of pars is taken under enemy occupation, arslan becomes the only one who can act as king and head the effort to take the city back and win the war.
he’s gentle, kind, and generous by nature but when he sees those he cares for in danger, his people being slaughtered, and innocents coming to harm, it strikes a fierce anger in his heart and he simply can’t turn a blind eye. he has a strong will and he keeps his people’s interests at heart over anything else. though uncertain of his own abilities most of the time, he refuses to give up or say that he cant do something because he can’t bear to let down all the people who have been fighting and dying for his sake and the sake of the kingdom. 
arslan trusts and lets himself rely on the people closest to him-- his advisors and knights. they’re all precious to him and once he’s become attached to someone, he’d do anything for them. he wants to be able to protect and help people the way they’ve protected and helped him and due to this, he’s anxious to learn as much as he can about how to rule and battle well. he’d very open-minded and is willing to hear all manner of people from all walks of life. he’s honestly just trying his best.
muses i think he’d get along with: kija most likely, and maybe fai. and probably vold as well. it’s difficult to not get along with arslan.
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wclkcr-blog · 7 years
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[ icarly theme playing in bg ] in five, four, three, two.. it’s ya local trashbag also known as rach. i’m twenty years old n from lil old ireland meaning this bitch is in the gmt+1 timezone. can we take a sec to ?? w0w @@ the fact that all you wonderful humans joined our lil group i’m still ?? heart eyes @ you all tbh. anywhoot, below the cut you can find some info about my smol angsty child — so if you REALLY want to, feel free to read that !! i also made up a little possible plots/connections page that can be found right HERE.  so if you would like to be spammed with endless headcanons, playlists and probably my trash ass tagging you in posts  — slide into those goddamn dms n lets get our plot on. 
( CARLSON YOUNG, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ) SPOTTED — QUINN WALKER just pulled up in their ferrari 430 scuderia. though they’re only TWENTY-ONE their net worth is 255M, which causes the trust fund baby to be +BEGUILING but also quite -TEMPESTUOUS. the tabloids always refer to them as the MANNEQUIN but watch out because behind each person there’s a dirty little secret: HIDDEN.
quinn, impersonating halsey, at some point, probably: do u call urself a fken hurricane lyk me
one time someone compared quinn to ( the iconic ) blair waldorf and i actually shed a tear --- there’s a snapchat with proof if u don’t belieb me.
the walkers ?? they probably sleep on hundred dollar bills at night, they are extra™.
quinny here was born && raised in the hills, her parents have been living in the same, lavish mansion hidden away in the gated community since long before her birth. 
her father ?? a top notch lawyer. before the birth of his children and into the early days of his marriage, he worked one of the biggest cases in beverly hills and with his success with the client involved came many, many more desperate, high-paying clients. eventually, alexander walker was able to open his own law firm without hesitation or concern. 
he’s also been known to invest money in several estates across the expanse of the hills --- simply because he can, because money ?? he has no shortage of it and tbh, the cocky bastard is convinced it’ll remain that way.
on the other hand, her mother, maria  was an ex-pageant queen. her perfect figure, bright blonde hair, sculpted face && overall beauty was what first drew alexander in. merely months after dating, he proposed. it’s safe to say that both maria and alexander are aware there isn’t a lot of love between them both, but what matters most is he has money she can spend and she makes him look good. 
with that, it’s rather obvious that the walkers know a thing or two about image and perception, the pressure to remain poised and perfect at all costs.
quinn, as spoiled as she may come across, as much as it SEEMS she has everything — could be seen as almost the black sheep of the family; almost entirely irrelevant. 
her elder brother was always the more adored of the siblings, after all he would be the one to carry on his fathers legacy, to continue the walker name with pride. 
saying this, quinn wasn’t entirely ‘ignored’ so to speak — daddy dearest would buy her anything at the snap of a fingers, which of course is always fun.. at least for a little while until you come to the conclusion that your love is being bought. 
however, her father wasn’t the one quinn wanted to impress; honestly all she wanted was a bond with her mother, to have a close mother-daughter connection. she was desperate for her mothers approval, attention, but that was always hard to get when at times her mom wouldn’t give her the time of day. 
however, maria finally noticed what her daughter was doing one day, the lengths she was going to in order to gain her attention and since then it’s almost been a test --- maria constantly pushes quinn to see just how far she’s willing to go, using her own daughter as a tool in little battles. her father is having a hard time swooning a certain possible investor ?? all maria has to do is drop a comment of ‘i wish we had some way of persuading him’ and quinn is running to her command, doing her dirty work. 
i can’t rly get into how bad this whole thing between her and her mom is, and the extremest level it’s been pushed too bc that would reveal her secret so 0:) 
but, lets just say that quinn is very, very, v e r y insecure --- underneath her facade of ‘i’m the hottest shit’ she’s actually extremely insecure of her physical appearance. like, she can very easily flick her hair n be like .... ya i the hottest bitch, but when it comes down to it she genuinely doesn’t think she���s all that attractive at all. 
it seems that neither of her remaining family members seem to care, or have the time to even notice the damage that mrs. walker is doing to her; too busy working on their own image and desires to realise that as they live and breath, quinn is crumbling to pieces and tearing herself apart to fit into the ridiculous standards her mother sets upon her, running around doing her dirty work without hesitation.
whats more of a mess, me ?? this intro ?? or quinn herself ?? who knows. to sum quinn up she’s 5′1 of fiery angst — she will fight you or at least attempt to if you get on her nerves. her label is the mannequin although she could easily fall under the facade either as from the outside she appears to be this bitchy, picture-perfect, pulled from a fucking teen drama movie rich girl, but she’s actually really fucked up inside ?? she’s never experienced genuine love from anyone her family included and therefore believes she’s not worthy of it nor would she know what to do with it if she got it. basically, all her outward actions are an act. ‘cause i feel like i'm the worst, so i always act like i'm the best’ if that doesn’t sum quinn up in a damn quote ?? idk what does. 
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poesticbeauty · 8 years
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Daehyun x Reader: Fanboy
Reader POV
Me and my friend was in Korea during the Spring. We made it as trainees in a company that I don’t remember the name of at the moment. Our Youtube channel became a well known name in the kpop Youtube community at the time so when we came to Korea we worked with different production teams.
I was called on a solo production that so happened to be a gorilla concert. My challenge was to bring in a crowd of at least a 100 as I perform on the street.
A trainee in our company me and Shaun became close with decide to help me by Dj-ing. His name was Jungmin but went by J-min.
“ You’re ready Hyung?” he nudged me while I was trying to breath so I could calm down. I know I’m a girl but for some reason he loves to call me Hyung. He was a smol Korean boy who was only 14. He had dark brown hair and a bright bunny smile.
“ I hope so… A bit worried though.” I said looking at all the young couples sitting on the grass enjoying their time. I felt a hand touch my shoulder softly.
“ Hyung you’ll do fine. You have improved and it will be fun trust me.”
“ Alright, I will do my best. Fighting !” I cheered . He smiled and went to his station.
We waited awhile for some of our fans to come. About 20 couples came down to our area.
“ Let’s start and we will bring in a bigger crowd.” J-min said to me. I nodded and began the gorilla concert.
“ Hello ladies and gentlemen and pets! I’m a 17 year old trainee that is from the U.S. I am also the leader and Co -creater of the Youtube group Kmseoul. My name is yn nice meet you all.” the small crowd clapped.
“ Can I sing you guys a few song today? ” the crowd cheered a yes . I gave the nod to J and we started.
“ This is one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite singers. You guys might know him too so join in if you know the words.” I began to sing ‘No Makeup’ by Zion.t.
* play song*
Surprisingly, my voice was clearer than usual. I mean I don’t have a bad voice but usually in front of others my voice become unstable but at that moment my range and nerves were calm. I still needed work but it sounded nice.
The song ended and I could hear cheers surround us. More people came and so it was a bit crowded.
“ Wow~~ look J! We have a big audience !”
“ Yes, look at all these beautiful people. Are you guys feelin’ good?” J said point his mic to the crowd.
They cheered cheerfully. I looked at J with a smile and he returned it by starting to mix on his board.
“ Alright this is a original by me and my friend . It’s called forever with you and I hope to be forever with you guys! Lets go! ” I began to sing and rap our subunit song. The crowd was getting hype to the hip-hop/r&b beat. We were having a good time interacting with the crowd.
“ Woo~ you guys are amazing.” the crowd cheered and more and more people came .
“ I think we completed the challenge J.” I said happily and the crowd cheered happily.
“ Alright, I see a lot of couples here. Why don’t we slow it down for them out their y/n? ” J asked and I gave him the nod .
The music started slowly.
“ I have a question for our men out there. Do you actually know how to touch a girl?” I asked and the crowd made funny comments that where none the less inappropriate.
“ No, not that way you nastiest. I mean emotionally and mentally. Do you know how to touch her heart?” the females in the crowd cheered and I chuckled.
“ Well, for our boys out there this song is for you. Listen closely and grab your girl or lover . How to touch a girl by Jojo” The crowd cheered and quited down as I started to do adlibs.
The happy couples began to move to the romantic melody in eachothers arms. I looked out to the beautiful crowd to see one male with a white mask and camera in hand filming. I could see his excited smile under his mask as his eyes squinted into cute crescents.
I wondered why he was alone amongst these couples. He looked handsome even with the mask but then again I have a thing for guys and masks.
Maybe I should give my attention to him and make him special since he was alone.
As the song progressed I walked to his direction and the crowd began to whisper cheerfully.
’ Baby if we do’ I looked into his camera basically making love to it. ’ oooh woo~ I’ll be giving all my love~~ ’ I pointed to him with a sweet smile plastered on my face. ’ To you~~’
His eyes went a bit wide but he cheered with the rest of the crowd.
“ Oh my god. Isn’t she amazing? ” he talked to the camera. I hit the last highnote in the song and the crowd went wild.
I walked back to the mic finishing the song.
“ Thank you~ Ahh my next song…. Mm I want to sing with you guys.” The crowd cheered and many people raised their hands to be picked.
“ Do you guys know ’ like in going to lose you’ ?”
“ Ye!!”
“ J-min help me pick our new member. ” J walked from his station and looked into the crowd.
“ How about you handsome?” I looked at where he was pointing and it was the same male with the white mask. A smile painted on my face.
The said male walked up to the mic shyly. He was of medium height but he is taller than me by a few inches. His hair was also a ashy brown and his eyes were big yet still slanted with really good eyeliner. He dressed well also with ripped black skinny jeans and a white button up shirt with a nice black varsity jacket.
“ I-i forgot some of the lyrics. ” he shyly said rubbing his neck. He had a cute yet manly Busan accent.
“ Don’t worry i got your back up . ” I smiled and we began the song.
His voice was so beautiful~ it was so familiar but I couldn’t put my tongue on it.
The song was coming to a beautiful end with us looking at eachother.
“ Encore ! Encore! !” the crowd cheered loudly. I looked towards the male for his permission.
“ Hey what’s your name? ” J asked the male.
“ Daehyun…. Jung Daehyun. 23 year old. ” the Busan male.
My eyes widened a bit …. That voice…… D-daehyun from B.A.P?
“ Wait…… ” the crowd whispered in curiosity of the male.
“ Ahh~ I got caught huh?” the male took off his mask and the crowd went absolutely loud.
“ D-daehyun? The Daehyun? ” I said in awe.
“ Y-yeah, we are B.A.P yessir! Hello guys I am Daehyun.” he shyly smiled as the crowd cheered and screamed.
“ Oh my! I am such a fan of yours.” I said in awe. He looked at me with the biggest smile almost fanboy like.
“ No, I’m a big fan of yours. You’re amazing in my eyes. ” My face flushed deeply as I tried to hold in my fangirl feels.
Must stay perfessional .
“ W-wow thank you. I’m honored -” I was pretty much speechless.
“ Well, how about you sing us a song sunbaenim?” J asked and the crowd screamed in agreement.
“ Should I?” he said and the crowd pleaded. He looked at me cutely and nodded his head.
“ Just for you and the rest of the babys out there.” he said telling J the song he wanted sing.
“Sit here for me?” he asked grabbing my hand making me sit on one of the chairs .
“ This song I sing goes out to someone…. You know special. ”
The song hug me by 2bic began to play. This was one of my favorite songs and most of my fans knew my dream was to be sung to with this song.
I squealed internally when he looked at me every now and then throughout the song.
The crowd began to swoon over his beautiful voice and how romantic he sounded. I on the other hand was practically melting in my seat.
He looked and sounded so good.
As the song started to reach its climax he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. My heart was beating so unrealistically fast. The bastard had a sweet smile plastered on his face as the crowd cheered and oohed at the sight.
“ I’m gonna love you~~” he looked at me deeply. I was lost in this moment but sadly my brain had to tell me that we could get in some trouble.
“ Ya, sunbae don’t go so far or we’ll get in some trouble.” I whispered but he ignored it with a shrug of his shoulders hugging me completely this time.
“ 각 안아줄래~~( hug me close) ”
The crowd went wild as he ended the song with me in his arms.
My face: red as shit
He chuckled and let me go with so much happiness in his eyes. I could honestly melt right there If that was humanly possible.
“ Ya, get your hands off my Hyung~ ” J said playfully and the crowd laughed and so did we.
“ Aye~~ she didn’t opposed so ” he pull me back in his arms. J pouted and the crowd was booming with laughter and cheers.
“ Alright, how about one more song from loverboy sunbae and my pretty noona?” J asked the crowd and they screamed in agreement.
“ Mm~~ I love you?” he chirped and the crowd cooed. His eyes widen as he realized what he said. I chuckled at his cuteness it was just too much~ ~
“ N-not like that… I mean uh the song by 4men! ” he blushed deeply as I chuckled.
“ Aye~~~~” the crowd jeered playfully.
“ Alright, 4men say I love you. Music cue!” I said trying to save him from embarrassing himself even more.
We took turns singing lines of the song and looking at eachother happily. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers as we continued to sing the song.
At that moment it was like a heavenly dream (it is)
“ Say I love you~~~” we ended the song smiling like the idiots we were as the crowd screamed with joy.
Though it was many of people are around it was just us. That moment was our moment and we couldn’t stop smiling.
“ Awe that was so cute!~ Sorry to say that the show has to come to a end now. Also, y/n….”
“Ye, J?”
“ you passed the challenge!!!” the crowd cheered as me and Daehyun excitedly jumped .
“ Thank all of you guys for coming and I hope you all will continue to support us and thank you sunbae. You guys have a good night!” the crowd cheered for the last time and began to leave the venue.
“ I’ll see you later Hyung~~ have fun with loverboy. ” I hit j in the shoulder as he chuckled. He left me and Dae to talk on our own. He was just as I imagined he would be: playful but sweet.
* a few moments later*
“ Dae where have you been!!” a short male came running towards me and Dae as we sat on the chairs at the venue.
The short man looked at us confused as he got closer. I was a bit nervous hoping I didn’t get him in trouble.
“ Uh… See what happened was I saw y/n…. And I couldn’t miss the opportunity to see her. Causeyouknowimahugefanandimbasicallyinlobewithherand…..yeah…. Sorry managernim.” he rubbed the nape of his neck.
I honestly didn’t understand what the male said but apparently his manager did.
“ Wait? So you’re y/n? The one the boys been raving about for like forever? ” the manager took a closer look at me.
Me: nervous wreck.
“ Y-yeah that is me. I am y/n from g/n .. Uh nice to meet you. ” I bowed and the man cooed.
“ Wow, I can see why Dae is in love with you! You’re so cute~~”
“ Hyung!~~” I chuckled atthe blushing Dae.
“ Oh lets finish this ongoing war between you and Zelo. Y/n -ssi who is your bias in B.A.P? ” the manager asked.
“ My bias is Yongguk sunbaenim ” I said shyly and the ahjussi laughed.
“ What?!” Dae pouted. God he was cute I honestly couldn’t resist it.
“ I like him as a performer though… After I finally met you though… I-i like you more as a person other than someone i idolize. So in some way you win….” I mumbled but Daehyun understood every word and was ecstatic.
“Cute~~~ It was nice meeting you ! But we have to head back home. Dae has a meet early in the morning ” the ahjussi pulled Daehyun away.
“ Wait!!!” Daehyun ran from his grip back to me. I looked at the man a bit confused.
“ You got my number right?” I nodded,“ I’ll message you later to meet us at the venue tomorrow. If you don’t mind i would like to be around you more.”
“ A-ah sure. I would love that. ” I blushed as a smile painted his beautiful face.
“ oh and-” he held my face in his warm hands and started kissing my forehead, then my cheek. He stopped and hovered over my lips with a deathly smirk. He backed away with the same look. I felt relief yet disappointment.
Relief: I would’ve died if he did
Disappointment: cause I would’ve happily died.
“ See ya~~” he chuckled and ran back to his manager.
* mansae !!! You have a message! *
I looked at my phoned to see:
Busan prince ~
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