#sneaky peek Monday
they-them-mayhem · 2 years
Who wants a sneaky peek!
It's a short one, but I think you'll enjoy it :D
"Nicholas Duval is a one man pride parade in the middle of Ohio, and I’m honestly in awe of his bravery, if a little blinded by all the technicolor rainbows."
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jbbartram-illu · 11 months
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My long (LONG) procrastinated-on shop update (mostly of guys I fired in June/July, wow that was a while ago, eh?) is on its way!
I've uploaded a little preview of all the weirdos for this batch to my shop (minus descriptions/measurements for now) & will either be activating the listings on Monday (as it says on the shop page) or this Friday...I'll decide on a set date tomorrow & announce it here!! Just being indecisive today :(
Here are a few more sneaky peeks of soon-to-be-available friends:
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lemoncrushh · 5 months
The Entertainer II - COMING SOON
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Summary: What if it wasn't the end? What if Sky did actually see Harry at the Forum in the early 80s, and he saw her too? What if fate took hold of them both, and they realized their journey was not over? Set in 1981, Harry and Sky's story continues with more music, more romance, and a few more twists and turns.
Author's Note: This was originally going to just be a few chapters, like "bonus tracks", but it ended up being a full fic, even longer than the original. Hard to let these characters go; they're such a part of me now. As always, you must be 18+ to read. This fic will contain lots of sex.
Updates will be weekly, Mondays at 4:00PM CST.
Please let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist.
Read The Entertainer
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Sneak Peek:
Who was I kidding? It couldn’t be him. He was probably overseas in London or some exotic place I’d never heard of. I’d learned that Wildfire broke up earlier that year, so most likely he was resting somewhere - anywhere but Los Angeles. Still…
One more sneaky look out of the corner of my eye, but someone was blocking my view. With a sigh, I listened to Steve finish the song before the band gave their fake goodbyes, and I waited with the rest of the crowd for their encore.
The audience went wild during Journey’s last two songs, and their enthusiasm returned my focus to the reason I’d come. By the time the lights came on in the arena, I’d just about forgotten about him, or whomever the mystery man had been.
That is, until I turned the corner in the hallway after leaving the restroom.
The sound of my nickname in a crowd full of strangers was odd enough, but the familiar voice threw me for a loop and back in time five years. Turning slowly, I wondered if my mind was playing tricks on me again, but when his handsome face came into view, my thoughts were confirmed.
It was him. And he was standing right in front of me.
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tagging: @daphnesutton, @fkinavocado
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gurugirl · 1 year
no good boy today? 😭
can you give us another sneak peek to give us something to hang on to until monday?
No not today my love! I'm still writing the final scene but I'm like 98% done and then I have to go back in and fill in some details and then edit, etc. It's just too much to finish today.
But I'm happy to give you another sneaky! This one's a little sweeter than the last one. Enjoy! 1.3k words below 👀
sneak peek from part 5 of A Good Boy below the cut
Y/n connected her cellphone to the speaker and put on music she had in her saved favorites. A random mix really.
Harry watched her walk across the stones to the outdoor mini fridge and pull out a bottle of beer before turning to him with a brow raised, “Want a beer?”
He nodded as he pulled himself out of the water and began to walk toward her.
She did well not to stare at his wet body as she handed him the cold bottle.
“Surprised you didn’t go out with Tyler. Seemed like you would have enjoyed seeing that girl tonight.” Y/n spoke as she sat down on the chair next to her book.
Harry took the lounge next to hers and put his feet up as he took a swig from the bottle.
“Yeah. I would have enjoyed seeing her. She was really nice.”
“So why didn’t you? This is your vacation, Harry. You should enjoy it.”
Harry leaned his head back into the chair and turned to look at Y/n, “I am enjoying it. Maybe another night I’ll go out. Last night was too much for me.”
They sat silently for a bit as Y/n picked her book back up and tried to concentrate on the words on the page but her mind was racing.
When the next song came on, it had changed the mood entirely. A slow song and the lyrics were maybe somewhat ironic given their circumstance.
Harry stood from his chair and stretched his arms overhead before taking down the last of his beer.
“You done with yours?” He gestured toward her bottle.
“Oh. Yeah. Thanks, Harry.” She was about to pick up the bottle to hand to him but he reached across her and picked it up. Their faces coming within just inches. He’d done it on purpose. But she didn’t say anything as he straightened himself and took the bottles to the trash.
She looked back down at her book but the lyrics of the song and Harry’s fit body were far more interesting to her.
“You’re staring,” Harry spoke through his smile.
Y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes, “No. No, I’m not.” But she didn’t remove her eyes from his frame as she grinned.
Harry kept his gaze set on hers as he adjusted his swim trunks, plucking at the fabric near his crotch where the lining was irritating his skin. He’d done that on purpose too. A reminder to her of what she was missing out on.
She tried not to imagine him without the shorts. She knew what he looked like underneath.
Blinking her eyes she looked down at her lap and took a breath.
“So, Tyler’s having fun. He brought that girl back yesterday and now he’s out with another tonight. Quite the ladies' man,” Y/n tried changing the subject or at least the trajectory of where her mind was beginning to wander.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Harry shrugged as he plopped back down onto the chair and stretched his arms behind his head. “Kind of funny…” Harry chuckled, not finishing his thought.
Y/n turned to look at him, “What’s funny?”
Harry’s bright eyes binged on her exposed skin, “Cause I should be out with him. Bambi was cute. Coulda had fun. Yet, here I am.”
Nodding she turned to face him, putting her feet onto the stone below the chair, “You should have gone. It would have been good. You can still go you know.” “Would it be? Is that what you want?” Harry mimicked her stance, turning himself and putting his feet onto the stone, their knees facing one another.
“What I want? What do you mean?”
Harry’s pink lips opened and then closed as he considered his words, “Want me to go out and have fun with someone else? Someone who’s not you?”
Y/n shook her head and looked away from his deep gaze. Of course, she didn’t want that. What she wanted wasn’t fair. Wasn’t right.
She stood up so she could pace. To put some distance between her and Harry because even though he was a couple of feet from her it was too close. But she didn’t get far when she felt his hand on her hip and he was standing over her, “That’s what you want?”
It wasn’t fair. Her feelings weren’t fair. The way he felt for her wasn’t fair. Nothing about their situation was fair.
She looked up at him and the slow riff of the new song made their proximity feel even more intense. It just wasn’t fair.
“Stop, Harry. You already know the answer.”
When his other hand landed on her hip and pulled her in so she couldn’t back away from him he shook his head, “I do know the answer. That’s why I’m here. With you. Because we want the same thing. Don’t we?”
She dropped her eyes toward his chest, just about where his heart would be. The heart she longed to keep for herself. The most tender heart she’d ever known.
She nodded but did not look up at him. Because it wasn’t fair. Her answer wasn’t fair. His feelings weren’t fair.
“See? You’re just torturing yourself, Y/n. Torturing me. I need you in a way I’ve never needed anything, and I know it’s the same for you. Please look at me.”
Harry didn’t know he could be so relentless about something. He was generally very easygoing and didn’t bother to push anyone in the way he did with Y/n. But it was different. Because he knew they had something special. Something rare.
Slowly she gave in and looked up at him again, bringing her hands up to his chest, palms flat. He looked down at her hands and then back up to her eyes, “Can you feel my heart?”
She nodded as Harry took one of his hands and pressed it over the back of hers to hold her palm in place. The unmistakable thudding of his muscular organ below vibrated against her skin, “It doesn’t do that with anyone else.”
She didn’t want to cry. Didn’t want to let her feelings overwhelm her like they had been since she broke it off. Wanted to keep strong. Didn’t want to give in. Didn’t want to not give in.
“I know you feel the same way. Why are you doing this?”
She let out a shaky breath and blinked her eyes, “Because we can’t.”
“Y/n… I’m…” he shook his head and took a deep breath, “I need you to be honest. Because I can’t keep doing this to myself. I’m going crazy. Tell me you don’t want me.”
“That’s not fair.” Her words were a whisper.
“If you can’t tell me you don’t want me I’m never gonna be able to move on from you, Y/n.”
Harry brought his hands up to her face, not allowing her the chance to look away from him.
“I can’t.”
“Y/n… there’s not a single part of me that doesn’t want every single part of you. It’s only going to get worse. Tell me now you don’t want me. Before I kiss you.” His nose was pressed into her cheekbone as he closed his eyes. He could tell her breath was deepening. Her fingers softly stroked the skin and hair of his chest.
“Harry… please… don’t…” she couldn’t ever tell him she didn’t want him. She should tell him so that they could put an end to all of it. Tell him she never wanted him. Tell him it never meant anything to her. But how could she when that was the furthest thing from the truth? Her heart couldn’t let her speak those things aloud to him. Couldn’t utter those lies.
“Say it and I’ll stop. Say it, Y/n. Put me out of misery. Let me move on if you don’t want me. Say it and I’ll leave you alone for good.”
What do you think will happen?
Tags: @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs @shishcabobsworld @daphnesutton @spinnerswife69 @holy-macncheese-balls @cookielovesbook-akie @lilfreakjez @itsgigikay @amateurduck @kathb59
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nymla · 1 year
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A teeny tiny little sneaky peek! 🎃🌿 Today I sent a preview to my email list and on Monday I will be updating the shop. There's a lot of interest in the pumpkins and paint palettes, so I'll let you know there will be *one* pumpkin teapot and *one* paint palette, as well as a some new kinds of mugs! And here's a pro shopping tip: if you want to be able to check out faster, you can create an account beforehand. Also, last time I updated the shop my site got a bit overwhelmed with all the action and went down for a moment, if that happens again just come back after a minute 😅 Thank you all so much for your support 💚 www.nymla.se
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sinnaminie · 11 months
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Since it’s Mando Monday, here’s a sneaky peek of a couple of lil Green Bean themed Christmas ornaments that are coming soon ☺️
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roosterforme · 1 year
I just want the younger kind pls i cant wait until monday
Nonny, babe! I'm just rotating through all the series, giving them equal attention. (Please be understanding, these Bradleys have me held practically at gunpoint here). How about I post a smutty/fluffy Rooster one-shot shortly here?
And here's a little sneaky peek at the next part of The Younger Kind:
"Why aren't you sure about a second date?"
His response was out before he could consider it. "Aren't there supposed to be sparks?"
You pressed your lips together and nodded. "Ideally."
"Didn't feel them," he replied with a shrug.
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freeuselandonorris · 10 months
for the WIP title game, any of the landoscar ones?
hi anon!! thank you for askinggg
so, out of the WIP titles i posted here, the following are landoscar:
that one from work can come over on monday night
this is my landoscar slowburn opus WIP of course. i’m about halfway done with chapter 8 now (that one has been fun to write!) and chapter 7 is all ready to go and will be posted this evening! i’m really excited about this one. here is a sneaky peek:
They’re shown to a booth near the back, around a table so small their knees can’t help but touch beneath it. There’s a lit candle in a jar on the table between them.
“Piastri,” Lando drawls, sliding into the booth nearest the wall. He’s grinning broadly, in that way he has when he’s scented blood. “Have you brought me on a date?”
wrote about this one here!
come and lay up in it
this is my disgusting lando/oscar/danny ric toxic threesome, which i started writing after dan posted the photos to .jpg of him hanging out with both lando and oscar. it’s daniel POV and it’s basically going to be danny getting roundly outfucked by oscar and being mad about it. i haven’t done much to it for the past few weeks but i’m very keen to keep going with it because i’m deeply entertained by the concept and i am, for my sins, still very attracted to daniel.
anddd then there are a few more in the f1 kinkmeme file that are landoscar related, but i’ve had some separate asks about those so i’ll answer there instead 😘
WIP title game
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castoff-comic · 1 year
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☆ New Page ☆ Read from Beginning | Get early access on Patreon!  
Sneaky peek
☆ Castoff is a fantasy-adventure comic about magic kids with glowing eyes on the run from their problems (and the fantasy cops). Contents include magic boys, badass ladies, fight scenes and found family. New pages every Monday and Friday! ☆
(Reblogs appreciated!)
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obsessivedilettante · 2 years
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! And happy Sunday-hopefully-a-three-day-weekend to those who don’t.
Please forgive the janky photo but it is nearly 3am here and I am Secret Santa Sneaky putting up the stockings, hung by the gas fireplace with some faint suggestion of care.
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The amusing thing is that these stockings are mostly filled with things that Mum and I bought together, in person, almost a month ago, while getting the traditional holiday panetón at Cost Plus World Market. (They have the best flavor options!)
We also picked up a few fun trinkets while we were there. Mum has a solar powered waving Queen Elizabeth that she got years ago when living in England. It sits on the windowsill of the kitchen, and because we live in such a sunny place, I’ve grown accustomed to the click-click as her hand swivels back and forth.
Anyway, Mum’s version is basic blue. But we found this one at World Market that is gold! So fancy! So now we can have dueling waving queens.
We also saw a candy dispenser that is shaped like a sloth and poops out the candies. How can anyone resist that, especially since a major highlight of the family trip to Peru last summer was holding a baby sloth. We had a coupon for a free ornament so we also got an alpaca in honor of that trip, too, which is peeking out of Mum’s stocking.
The bulk of the stocking is candy and fuzzy socks (that will genuinely be a surprise, since this was something I bought on my own and Mum has no idea about them!). Oh, and dog butt magnets because we can always use more magnets, right? Plus, dog butts, heh.
Anyway, we’ve been joking around for the last month that we’re not really going to do much for Christmas. Splurge on a fancy-ish meal that will provide plenty of leftovers, and relax with lots of holiday movies. No family. No travel. No gift exchange.
We have a couple of big trips planned next year which is our main gift to each other (and they are Disney-adjacent, hence my crass capitalist choice in sock ware). Although, tbh, the biggest gift we can give to each other is finally feeling like we’re in a place of stability, something we haven’t had for over three years.
ANYWAY. Mum surprised me 3 years ago with a few things when we said “no gifts.” Then 2 years ago I surprised her with some inexpensive but thoughtful items (that had been purchased before we said, “no gifts,” which we eventually did say once I was laid off the Monday after Thanksgiving). Then last year, we agreed that yep, this time we really meant it, “no gifts” — and there was a small stocking with some treats in it on my chair come Christmas morning.
Then this year we said “no gifts” yet bought some fun little dumb things while out on our one true “Christmas outing” we had all year — we’re frugal enough, doggone it, and can enjoy the occasional pointless, frivolous trinket.
So it’s silly, putting things we already know about in a stocking. But I still got some glee at making sure I squirreled away the shopping bag we promised not to touch until Christmas, then stopping at Target on my way home from a work thing and giggling over the ridiculous stocking choices, and buying fuzzy Christmas socks on sale that I know Mum will enjoy, even if she only wears them once.
Oh, yeah, and we never got around to decorating because we just didn’t want to deal with sorting out the holiday boxes (that we’ve been meaning to organize and pare down, once our households merged, yet we still… haven’t…). So this is the only touch of “Christmas” you’ll see at the house.
But I have the whole week off, and we shall indulge our whims with food we don’t normally eat, attempt to assemble an Eiffel Tower gingerbread house (also purchased at World Market, because seriously we don’t get out much at all any more), and watch a random sampling of excellent and terrible holiday movies from various streaming services.
This is the first Christmas in years I haven’t felt vaguely (or majorly) depressed and anxious, focusing all my energy on simply surviving — and I choose to relish it, silly stockings and all.
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jbbartram-illu · 2 years
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I know tumblr is, like, really busy on the 15th for Ides reasons, but please spare some time for my little shop update! Most of the pals are already up in the shop, but a few more will be posted over the weekend/by Monday and the shop will open on Wednesday, March 15th at 7pm est.
Some further sneaky peeks:
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mrskeanu · 2 years
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Thursday January 2, 1996
Dear Diary,
Happy New Year! Today was just like every other day. I woke up and got ready for the classes, ate breakfast, enjoyed seven hours of rambling teachers discussion about stuff (which almost put me to sleep), watching John Wick flirt with every other girl that isn't me (sometimes I think he's turning into another Dean Thomas which I'm terrified of), and coming to the Gryffindor Tower and crying myself to sleep knowing that he will never love me like I love him. He'd get any girl he wants! My life can't get any more pathetic than it already is. Half of the time I feel like a bullet has gone through my chest and the whole is getting bigger and bigger. Sometimes I'm so sad that I feel like crawling in a hole and staying there...forever. If mum were here, she would pop popcorn and watch action movies with me to make me forget of the one who causes the hurt in the first place. Mum would always say, "If he can't take the time to notice you then he's not worth the time to love." Hopefully things will get better.
Ginny xx
"Hey Ginny," Uh-oh, I know that voice. "What's that?"
Quickly I closed the leather bound book, "Oh it's nothing, John," Then I rushed out of the class like a rocket at take-off.
Friday January 4, 1996
Dear Diary,
Sometimes I just wish that Hermione had never introduced me to John. Then none of this 'Wishing John Wick would notice me...' would ever had happen. Have you ever had that feeling where there's this huge hole in your chest that can't be fixed? Of course you haven't because you're a stupid book. I need to pull myself together I'm going insane by talking to an inanimate object. I just want this heartbreak to go away. I wish there was a way for me to forget him. Maybe I can avoid him the rest of the year? I mean neither him nor his other friends (excluding Harry, he's too observant (read sneaky). Nearly caught me drooling at John.) will ever notice that I'm not around? I know I'm probably going to regret ever writing this down but...I wish I never had met John Wick.
Ginny xx
The next day, I searched all around my room for my diary but couldn't find it. I even searched my book bag, locker, but I still was out of luck.
<i> Where the hell is it?! </i>
Oh no. What if it were in the hands of the Slytherins? What if- Oh no- what if it's in the hands of John Wick? Oh, I'm completely screwed.
The next day, I walked through the hallways of Hogwarts and cautiously looked around. Nope, there's nothing out of the ordinary here.
Suddenly I froze when I saw my diary...in the hands of John.
My eyes bulged out of my head. Why must the world be cruel to me?!
This can't be happening. I wonder if he read it. Oh man, what am I going to do? I can't just go up to him and say 'Oh hey, that's my diary you're holding there. It has every one of my deepest secrets in it, most of them written about you. Can I have it back?' My life sucks.
I felt his eyes look over at me "Hey Ginny,"
Oh god. Oh god. He's walking over to me. I can't breathe.
"Oh... Uhhhh... Hi, John."
"You... Uhhhh... dropped this the other day." He said handing over my diary, "Look I'm really sorry, Gin. I dropped it and it was open and I couldn't help myself so I peeked at it."
Okay now it's time to panic!! "W-what part did you read exactly?"
"All of it,"
Saturday January 6, 1996
Dear Diary,
Thanks, thanks a freaking lot! Because of you, John knows EVERYTHING! And the one thing that I have to do now is ignore the others and most importantly JOHN WICK. But other than that, everything is just peachy keen. NOT!
Ginny xx
Sunday January 7, 1996
Dear Diary,
For some odd reason he keeps tryin to talk to me. Maybe Hermione told him to? I'm too afraid to confront him. I know, I'm a coward!
Ginny xx
Monday January 8, 1996
Dear Diary,
I don't want to go to the classes. I don't want to be bombarded with questions from Harry, Ron, Hermione, Constantine and Keanu. I especially don't want to face John. But I have to. If I don't go to the classes, then I won't be able to do anything over summer vacation. Mum's orders.
Ginny xx
"Ginny," <i>I'm so going to regret this.... </i> "You have to talk to him."
"I can't, Hermione, not after he found out my deepest secret. I'm just too afraid."
"Tough it out, Gin," <i>Wow, way to be sensitive, Harry... </i> "Don't live your life afraid of what will happen if you don't talk to him."
I sighed, "Fine,"
"He's at the entrance of the Great Hall waiting for you." He pushed me in the direction of the Great hall.
John didn't see me coming and I hid behind the tall poles. <i> Come on, Ginny. Don't be afraid. It's just John Wick. </i>
When I walked to him, he looked up and smiled gently at me. I couldn't feel my legs.
"Hi Gin," He patted his hand on the space on the stair next to him and I cautiously sat down. I made sure there was a lot of space in between us so I could make an easy get away.
"Come on Ginny, I don't bite." He motioned me to move closer to him.
"Gin, the things you wrote... were they true? Do you really feel that way about me?"
I nodded quietly and he chuckled, "Why are you laughing?"
"Because isn't an answer, John,"
He turned towards me. His face now turned serious as he took his hands in mine, "I love you too,"
<i> Were my ears filled with ear wax or did I just hear that correctly??? </i> "You- you love me back?" He nodded and kissed my lips lightly.
When he pulled away I smiled softly at him, "I've always loved you, Ginny...."
Tuesday January 10, 1996
Dear Diary,
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Because of you, the John Wick loves me back! He even kissed me! I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Look at me, I'm thanking and inanimate object. Oh well, thank you again. Eeeeeeeeeeppppp....
Ginny xxx
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aglessm · 9 days
Hi I am a life long learner. Ì am promoting my first ebook on Kindle until Monday. Do you want a sneaky peek at ìt. You will never regret it. Ì was tired of stories of students givìng up on their dream, because things got tough.
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gurugirl · 1 year
so a good boy tomorrow?? no pressure love! i'm just so so looking forward to seeing how this turns out. i'm dying after part 4.
will you give us a little taste of what's to come? a little sneak peak?
Ahhh! I hope so. I'm working on it but this chapter is very complex and I want to do it right. I think maybe tomorrow? But maybe Friday? Or Monday even? I'm so sorry! lol! I know that's not the answer you're looking for but I can't rush my process (I know you're not rushing me) and this being the final chapter means I need to make it a special one. I want y'all to love it (and I need to love it as well).
But I can give you a little sneaky for what's coming. Thank you so much for this ask. I'm really really glad you are looking forward to the last part :)
sneak peek from part 5 of A Good Boy
“So you gonna tell me what it is you wanted that you didn’t deserve?”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea to talk about that. I mean…” she dropped her arms to her sides and bunched the material of her dress nervously, “I think you know. You know how I feel, Harry.”
“See that’s what I’m confused about. The more I think about it the harder it is for me to wrap my mind around it. You said you broke up with me to spare me but I feel like the real reason is because it’s too hard. I think if you really liked me enough you’d have tried harder. You didn’t even give me a chance before you dropped me.”
“No. I saw how much it was affecting you. I can’t stand to hurt you so I needed to do it. Yes, part of it was because it’s hard. The situation was –“
“You hurt me the most by breaking it off,” he put a palm on the wall next to her head as he spoke, “Now I’m just angry. It didn’t make things better. And now what was the fucking point? You said you didn’t even get what you wanted. So why do it? Tell me what you really wanted. I just need to hear you say it, Y/n.”
She blinked her eyes as she looked into Harry’s. She was suddenly glad she hadn’t worn makeup because she was already feeling the beginning of the sting of tears behind her eyes, “You. But you know that.”
His features softened immediately. His berry lips parted as he wet them with his tongue and he brought his other palm up to the wall to narrow the space between them, “If you wanted me, you had me. You have me.”
She shook her head, “I don’t deserve you, though. That’s why this–“
“Fuck off with your bullshit. Like you’re some kind of martyr. You took everything from me. I just wanted to be with you. I wanted to be yours,” he kept his voice low but he spoke with heat and emotion, “I would have learned to be okay with it but you dropped me so fast I didn’t even have time to get used to it,” Harry pushed himself back and ran a hand through his hair.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to do. I still don’t. I have no idea what I’m doing at all. I feel evil. I feel like your feelings are far more important than mine,” she felt the first tear make a warm trail down her cheek and then as she blinked a second and third. “I’m sorry.”
Harry watched as she tried to hold back her emotion but he saw the tears on her face and he felt bad for his outburst but he was still so raw and angry from everything. “Please, don’t…” he softly brushed the back of his hand to her cheek to wipe her tears, “don’t cry. You’re gonna make me cry.”
She put her hand over his and closed her eyes, “I don’t want you to cry. You deserve to be happy, Harry.”
He shook his head and reached up to cup the other side of her face with his hand, “You don’t want me to cry? It’s all I’ve been doing. Every night for the past 12 days. I miss you, Y/n.”
She looked up at him, “I miss you too but you know we can’t… you deserve to be with someone you can have a real relationship with.”
Harry stepped in close and rested his forehead against hers, “Don’t want anyone but you.”
The world stopped and the only sound she could hear was her heart pumping in her chest. Having him so close to her was comforting and overwhelming all at the same time. It hurt but it felt good. She was confused. Maybe it had been a mistake to break up with him. Maybe that was the mistake.
The pair separated quickly when they heard Leslie's voice. Y/n’s face began to burn with embarrassment. She’d let it go too far. She hadn’t been in her right mind. Harry’s words and his eyes had her spinning and in a daze.
Leslie said something that Y/n couldn’t hear as her ears began to ring and regret blanketed her skin. She should never have allowed it to get that far. To let him touch her and stand so close… she knew better.
She looked between Harry and Leslie when Harry turned to whisper in her ear, “Will you come find me when you leave? I want to see you.”
Leslie’s face told Y/n everything she needed to know. Leslie was curious about what was going on. Suspicious. Leslie clearly liked Harry. And Harry could like Leslie too if it hadn’t been for Y/n.
Looking back at Harry she shook her head, “Harry… this can’t. No. We can’t.”
His hand wrapped around her wrist, “Yes, we can. Please don’t do this. Please, Y/n.”
“Leslie is right there, Harry. Go have fun with your friends. Pretend I’m not here.”
Harry stepped back and let go of her. He shook his head in disappointment, his eyes piercing into hers, “Fine.”
The way Leslie kept her eyes on Y/n until Harry pulled at her arm had Y/n feeling her guilt and shame bloom and swell.
She closed her eyes as Harry led Leslie out of the hallway and back into the main room of the club. It hurt too much to watch. She felt like she was back to day one when she broke up with him. She hoped that he’d begun to move on but he hadn’t. And neither had she.
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nymla · 1 year
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I'm a very sneaky one, only showing the sneaky peeks, indeed! 🌿 I will update my shop on Monday (26th) and it will be quite a big update. Including nålhus/needle keepers and mugs as seen in these pics! And bottles! 🌿 To get a full preview (tomorrow), sign up to my email list.
Thank you all 😊
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For all those asking for #14...
(from This List)
... It's coming soon!! I've already written most of it, it just needs a hefty amount of editing, so it should be with you Monday or Tuesday w/c the 11th April!!
Here's a sneaky peek to keep you interested:
The Prince stands on stiff, sore legs, and walks towards the door so he can make out what Merlin's soft voice is saying:
“I apologise Lord Dagon, but the Prince is currently unavailable for any audiences.”
Arthur frowns at that, technically he is available, he’s supposed to be available, but he doesn’t want to give the Lord a reason to smack Merlin upside the head, so stays quiet, and stays where he is:
“What do you mean he isn’t available? I know he’s in there, I demand to speak to-”
“Once again, My Lord,-”
Merlin’s voice is hard now, hard and cold and commanding, and Arthur wonders just why he never uses that voice on him when he's being a prat:
“-the Prince is currently unavailable. If it is an absolute emergency, akin to an invasion or similar, then I can pass the message along to him whilst you wait out here, otherwise, I’m going to have to ask you to leave immediately.”
Arthur isn’t sure what Merlin does, if he gives a look or waves hand, but the Prince hears the distinct sound of two pairs of armoured feet walking closer. He quirks an eyebrow, but isn’t too worried about that fact that the castle’s guards apparently trust Merlin’s word and orders above that of a demanding Lord.
Stay with me gang!! What would y'all like next?
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