#so I made them bigger stars instead and I loved coloring that lol
wigglebox · 7 months
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Starry Eyed Surprise 💖💫
[lineart included in Destiel Doodles coloring book]
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encephaloscope · 2 years
Mabel Sweater/Part 1: About
oh, how happy I am with this one.
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I had this project in mind for a while so bringing it out into the world and having it fit and look exactly how I wanted is amazing. I will write two posts about it, because I want to 1- tell you all about it (yarn, pattern, duplicate stitching) and 2- explain the surgery I did on the sleeves to avoid re-doing them completely.
if you don't recognize it, this sweater is inspired by one worn by Mabel in the animated series Gravity Falls (check Disney+, it's so good, so worth it).
the yarn
Wool of the Andes (WotA) is my favorite worsted weight yarn. it's affordable, available in a wide range of colors (many beautiful heathered colorways, too, which I adore), it's non-superwash but not too itchy. it spit splices like a charm and has great warmth. you can knit it at various gauges in the DK-aran range with no problem. not an ad - I just really genuinely love this yarn, lol.
here are the colors I used, from left to right: dragonfruit, creme brulee, poet, tranquil and pumpkin. I think it's a prettttyy good match! I didn't want the orange to be too bright so pumkpin is perfect.
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I was very intimidated by the dragonfruit colorway as I don't wear bright colors very often, but it has unlocked a love for pink I didn't know I had! and enough people have told me that it looks good on me that I believe them, now, lol.
the pattern
I wanted a loose-fitting, drop-shoulder, crew neck sweater. I know Mabel's sweaters all have that turtleneck action going on, but I am not comfortable in anything closer than a crew neck. I didn't use a pattern because I can make my own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hot take: drop shoulder sweaters are the easiest to grade and any decent designer should be able to have all sizes available. also, as a knitter, you can just knit bigger arm openings if you need bigger sleeves, simple as that.
so, I did some math to figure out how many stitches the body had to be. I divided that in two, for front and back. I decided that there would be one purl stitch on each side for a "faux-seam". I also decided that the neck opening should be a little under a third of the width. so I cast-on for the right shoulder, knit a few rows, put those on hold, did the same for the left shoulder, cast-on my neck stitches in between them, and worked the back until I had reached where the underarm would be. I then put my back stitches on hold and started working on the front. I picked up stitched from the right shoulder and just started to knit, shaping the neckline by trying it on me every few rows until I was satisfied. I put that on hold, mirrored it on the left side, then cast-on stitches in the middle, and knit straight until the front was as long as the back. I then joined everything to work in the round until I was satisfied with the length. so, you know. pretty basic improvised top-down drop-shoulder sleeve construction!
speaking of the sleeves, I picked up stitches with no regard for my row gauge. there were too many, the sleeves were puffy, and I didn't like the look. more on how I fixed them in part 2. aside from that, I opted for decreasing in the round every ten rows or so instead of decreasing under the arm. you can see the decreases on the sleeves a little, but I don't really mind, I like the fit better than if they were triangular.
the shooting star
I made the grid in Stitch Fiddle. I just googled something like "mabel rainbow shooting star sweater" and found an image of the design. I imported it in Stitch Fiddle and ... fiddled ... a bit with it. I figured out how many stitches wide I wanted it to be, and I had to slightly tilt the image so the star wouldn't be too wonky. it would have looked better if I had user a thinner yarn for the sweater, but I think I got a decent result for my gauge.
for the shooting star, I opted for duplicate stitching because I hate intarsia. it took three tries to find the technique that worked best for me and I ended up falling in love with the rhythm of it. for real, I was sad to be done at the end. I worked left-to-right, breaking my yarn for every "line" except the very short ones. here's a pic of the backside, if you're wondering what it looks like.
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final thoughts
so yeah, pretty proud of myself on this one. I learned new techniques, I improvised a pattern. it was an exercise in trusting my instincts as I tend to overthink everything I create. it was also a project I knit for fun, for me, without the pressure of writing the pattern or having a deadline. as a bonus, I now have an easy Halloween costume!
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ninjagirlstar5 · 4 months
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Star, stop changing Tamami's design challenge (impossible).
No, for real, I think this is the fifth redesign I've done of her character. I don't know why but the past designs I've made for her just weren't satisfying to me for some reason. Some of the designs I decided were just bad or didn't suit her while the others were similar but I just didn't like how it looked (tank top, large sweater, scarf, the rainbow bracelet and a long skirt). But I...think I've finally landed on a design that I liked the most out of all the ones I've made so far. (Please let it be the last. Please, my brain and heart. I would like to settle on a design and move on!)
ANYWAYS, I used Teruya's DRA sprite as a base for Tamami since, well, she is his mom and she's about as short as DRA!Teruya (or maybe shorter, I don't know, the wiki gave me two heights for his DRA self. I decided she's about 4'8'' to 5''). So it made sense to use this sprite for her, even when I made slight adjustments to her eyes and nose by making the eyes a little wider and bigger and the nose a bit more pronounced as DRA!Teruya's nose is very small. Out of three of the five designs I've made, I kept this short hairstyle of hers with a large ahoge as I loved this style the most and didn't want to change it. I based her bangs off of SDRA2!Teruya's length and style and the back of her hair like DRA!Teruya's, but I changed the way the strands looked so that it'd look more like her own hairstyle but you can still see the resemblance between the two of them. The ahoge, though, is very much real, unlike Kojiro's and Teruya's (they canonically style their hair like that on purpose), and she cannot fix it no matter how hard she tries. So she just gave up and let it be. Tamami got stuck with the protagonist trait, even though she died before the events of Danganronpa, lol. I've never been a fan of fictional kids looking like carbon copies of their parents. Like, you have the meta-power to design these kids anyway you like and you just make them look exactly like one of their parents? Unless their look-alike appearance is plot relevant, it's just weird for them to look so much like one parent that they can easily be mistaken as siblings and has zero resemblance to the other. And that's saying a lot coming from me who looks a lot more like my Irish dad from skin tone alone, but even then people can tell that I'm at least Asian because of my facial structure and even asked as such, tying my appearance to my Filipino mom. I don't know, I just like seeing a mix of traits for the kids to have inherited from their parents, you know? So, since Kojiro already has a design with green hair and green eyes, I decided to have Tamami have a different hair color, gray and green, but she also has green eyes, just a different shade. Teruya inherited his mother's eyes while getting his father's hair. Since I headcanon Teruya to have freckles, Tamami has freckles as well and as I mentioned before in this post, I adjusted her skin tone to be more obviously tanned instead of dusty from my older drawings of her. And then there's the outfit, which is a dark gray tank top, a long denim(?) skirt, dark reddish-brown boots, a blue handkerchief scarf to match with Kojiro, and a big fluffy yellow sweater with a checkerboard pattern that is tucked into her skirt, and long puffy sleeves that hangs off of her shoulders. The rainbow stripes on her skirt and the rainbow bracelet ties her design to Teruya's as he wears a rainbow as well, and I thought it'd be a neat idea for them to have a similar love for rainbows even though they've never met (cause she died via childbirth). The thought of Teruya still inheriting some of his mom's mannerisms and traits even though they never officially met scratches my brain in a good, angsty way. I wonder what Kojiro thinks whenever he recognizes parts of Tamami in Teruya...And that's it for Tamami's design! Hopefully it'll stay this way.
Tiny characters that can beat the shit out of an enemy that's much taller than them will always be peak character design, you can't change my mind on that.
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wings-of-ink · 6 months
hello!! i discovered your story yesterday and i'm already in love, it's so well written i cried twice for poor MC who keeps suffering, i love it (and i love oswin and the dads!! best dads!!!)
i have a hard time imagining the mounts though, it's kinda hard for me to imagine anything or anyone tbh lol, so i wanted to ask if you had any pictures of the horses/mule you described? i love the mule and chessy, they're adorable it took me so long to choose
oh and 2nd question before i forget: english isn't my first language sorry, could you explain the difference between curvy and voluptuous in the body type choice?
have a good day/night!
Hello Anon! Thank you so much for your kind words, they've made my day very bright! I'm glad you felt that connection with your MC as well.
I can help with the mounts, I do have photos for the references I used. Unfortunately, I seem to have lost my original reference for Oswin's horse, but I found one that is similar.
Chessy and Mule might be polar opposites too, so I can see why it would be hard to choose between them! You'll get to see bits of your chosen mount's personality as you travel as well. ^_^
Pictures and info and the answer to your second question are below the cut:
The one below is what Chessy would look like. Her color is a bit lighter I think, but this is close. She's based on Arabian horses.
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The one below here is what Eb would look like. The only difference is that the story's version has a full white star on the forehead. He's based on the Mustang.
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Below is Bay Bay, based on various breeds of draft horses. The picture shows a breed called Gypsy Vanner. Bay bay is colored like this, but is actually bigger than this breed typically is.
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And, of course, last but not least of the MC's mount options is Mule - based on mules, lol:
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And this finally, this one is about what Oswin's mare, Flit looks like. She's based on the American Paint Horse:
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As for your second question... I included both curvy and voluptuous as options as some people interpretation differs a lot, and I wanted to leave it up to that reader's interpretation more than anything. But I will provide you with what comes to my mind with these words.
Personally, I would say curvy is a body that has rounder hips/rear with a chest/upper body that are about same size as each other. With curvy, you may see a slightly narrower waist as well. Perhaps you could say a thick "hourglass" shape - top and bottom are sized the same.
I, personally, would say voluptuous is similar, but the proportions are different than curvy - not as even and perhaps more full. You may have a much thicker rear with this type, and/or a much more endowed chest area. Maybe the thighs are thicker instead. This may be "pear" shaped or "apple" shaped too.
Hope that helps a bit!
Thank you so much for the questions! I was pleased that I got to show off the mounts a bit more. I spent probably too long thinking about them, lol.
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syubub · 3 years
May 13th Reading
Definitely long awaited and way bigger than I intended it to be so buckle up.
Funky disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken as fact! This is my interpretation of the cards!
Oh boy. The continuation of yoongis soulmate saga.
(Note frome future me: it's not proofread but I'm hungry. Sorry for mistakes!)
So so so so
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Let's start.
I started with all the normal jazz. Connecting with his energy and shit. Same as usual same old same old. Platform= same same. I was like, "hey, let's talk about your soulmate and the whole may 13th shit" and we connected via energy stringy thing to the forehead and such. I was intresting bc my end of the string was kinda my energy color! Neato. Looks like some rest has really done me good!
Okay, here's where I start actually asking shit. I made notes at this point before the reading as I usually do. I'm just gonna insert the screen shot here.
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The 14 thing really fucked me up. You'll see later. Also, when I got the whole Pisces Jupiter thing I had to do me some googling bc we established that Jupiter went into Pisces ON May 13th so I was like?? Am I missing something?
I was. I forgot that it goes retrograde and then co.es back to Pisces on December 28th. And I do indeed think it to be significant.
The shit about temperance makes a lot of sense. In yoongis first soulmate read I flipped my shit bc he was like, "You're gonna get temperance reverse" in regards to a card for his soulmate and I was like "pft whatever. Don't play me like that"
And then I got temperance reverse. It's been a significant card from the jump.
I asked him if he had any advice for his soulmate and that's what "Don't wait for big things, you'll miss the small ones that lead you to bigger things" and "Look for facts before assuming" and "Don't try pushing it, forcing it won't make sense" and "A spade is a spade/ ace is an ace" and "Don't make ill informed guesses" all were
Now this part:
"Union has happened , yet to on the physical"
Gave me some hints thankfully because he straight up said no more hints.
This ties back into the whole Jupiter thing too. The seeds are/ have been planted and now they have to grow before they can be harvested.
Well Mr. Yoongi, I'm impatient and I don't want to wait. I want to see you in love pronto.
He showed me a little dream box/ trinket box looking thing and a super vague Keychain with no further explanation... so... there's that I guess.
I can't quite decide if "Don't make ill informed guesses" was a tongue-in-cheek pike at me or if it was genuine advice to his soulmate? He just loves to not explain things.
Now let's begin the monster read.
So. The first row of cards
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I asked the question, "what the fuck was May 13th and what was it's purpose in regards to your connection"
Important is what it was lol. I interpret this as them finding their footing and this being the starting point of the genuine foundation being layer. Like they've been manifesting eachother for a while but May 13th marked the start of them making the real life changes in their actual lives that will be the set up for them meeting.
The seven of coins is about thoughtful planning and creating security/ stable plan. The tower is essentially ripping away anything and everything that was built on unstable foundation and challenging/ testing your character (an extremely rude awakeing if you will). Judgement is releasing the past so you can rise above it and confronting yourself as you are (Also legit awakening) the queen of coins is financial security and self confidence in your abilities. Ten of coins is prosperity and abundance and most of all, stability. Eight of wands is explosion of potential and rapid movement. Temperance is awareness and balance between physical and spiritual. It's also that quiet peace where you find balance.
So. Seeing all those cards it really does seem like maybe his soulmate took on something new that could lead straight to union? Same for yoongi. I'd like to analyze and recent or new-ish habits or hobbies he's picked up?
Moving right along though. I asked what the 13th did for each of them in their personal life and personal journey. Kinda like what came as a result of that energy? Let's start with yoongles
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This was really intresting to me. I think he definitely gained some form of clarity about the situation with that sun card. The 5 of cups tells me that either he was kinda forced to confront some of his flaws in a way that he was trying to avoid or he had to consciously let go of something dear to him? Could be something he had to leave behind because it crumbled with the tower moment but he didn't see it coming or didn't know that it was time to part with it? With that queen of wands though fits beautifully with the sun! Its like he's found warmth after a long winter. Definitely found a spark of compassion and generosity from a place of happiness and love rather than anger, fear, obligation or pitty.
I asked for clarity cards/ anything else that may 13th signified bringing in and we got the 2 of cups and 10 of swords. I have two thoughts. Either he let go of a relationship that he was already in because he didn't feel as though they were particularly compatible anymore (Also ties into the above section) OR the 13th had made him very much consciously aware of his soulmates incoming status and he is now preparing and working on himself for when this person comes. The 10 of swords would be him releasing the past and the pain and any ill fitting behavior that don't vibe with him any longer. Yellow really seems to be working for him by the way.
Soulmate time
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Lol. All signs point to his soulmate genuinely starting a new venture. New creative pursuit that will bring them good money. 10 of pentacles is abundance, prosperity and stability. The ace of wands is a new creative spark and passion and it's the first big steps into something new. The 2 of wands is "the world is in the palm of your hands" vibes. Choices need to be made swiftly and with the ace of wands I think they will be. With the heirophant too, it will be a well informed decision because they've been manifesting this and has been searching for all the possible information.
As for clarity, we have the moon. Damn. Soulmates been doing that shadow work. Dredging up all their bullshit and getting rid of it while still taking the time to sit with it and release it so nothing is unresolved. Also probably extra creative due to all the emotional baggage being thrown out. (Definitely helping with the ace of wands vibes tbh)
Now for the bad boys in the middle
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The question I asked is what those individual changes (detailed in the last two sections) will bring for the bond and I just can with them. These fuckers. I am so invested in their love story bc it's so... them? And just so fucking ROMANTIC. UGH I CAN'T.
Back to the point. High priestess, 4 of wands and the lovers. The high priestess is deep knowing and insane intuition, the 4 of wands is the purest joy and marriage and the lovers is well, the lovers.a magical union.
For the row of bottom cards
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I asked if they had anything at all to add so I'm gonna explain each card individually bc I think they could be individual tid bits of shit.
Knight of coins is good news about finances/ money looking promising and organized work (also dependability!!). Death is all about transformation, the beginning of a new chapter and accepting in order to move foward. Ace of coins is spiritual and material abundance and also a reminder to keep grounded. Page of swords is confidence, important news coming and really good insight! Roots out secrets or hidden things like a truffle pig. The star is promising potential, healing and guidance from an enexpected place. The two of cups is a soul connection, love, intuition especially in regards to another person and a good bind. The emperor is self awareness, foresight, fearlessness to achieve a goal and confidence. Eight of coins rev is poor discipline and skating by on low effort.
Now to the sides!
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Yoongi is the left, soulmate is the right.
So, let's begin with yoongi. The first two cards are anything he wants to say to his soulmate. Wheel of fortune and three of swords reverse. I take this as "its all in divine time/ it's destiny" (wheel of fortune) and "trust your intuition. It's okay to get hurt, you just need to remember you can always pick yourself up" (3of swords rev.)
We have now cards that I asked what he was learning through this process/ in this time. Be positive and first step.
The last two cards are affirmations he wants to give his soulmate.
"When I introduce joy to a situation, I change the vibrational frequency of what's happening around me" and "directing my focus onto what's thriving creates more of what I want"
Now for soulmates cards (same structure)
Strength and eight of swords. "You're stronger than you think. Take every part of yourself and acknowledge it. You're a force to be reckoned with" (strength) and (soulmate snapped at him on this) "the only thing holding you captive is you."
Now we have peer pressure (I think soulmate is learning to say "fuck you" and "fuck off" to people who have a set idea of how everyone should be living their lives), emotional healing and open your arms to receiving.
Then we have "its good to feel good" (lol I feel like yoongi definitely needs this one) and "when I connect to the spiritual realm, I open the door to recieve divine guidance, clear direction, and great wisdom"
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The last stretch my friends.
So. Completion, leave behind the things that no longer serve you. Exist in the present and don't keep mulling over the past or any future happenings. Magic, pay attention to the magic around you. Listen for the signs of the universe and take them as they come (essentially listen to divine guidance) . Be open minded but logical as well. Luminous warrior, try focusing on the good in yourself instead of berating yourself for every small flaw. Spiritual path, self explanatory. The blade, your power can be a weapon when used willy nilly (most often wounding the wielder) or it can heal. Don't fear it but also consider how you choose to utilize it. The give away, be greaful for the sake of being greatful for it, not because you want something in return. The rain maker, manifestation station. Create with the tools you have because you have everything you need in order to manifest. "Don't take life personally"
Now we have heaven sent.
""Let yourself be helped" assistance is coming your way so act on it and say yes"
" This Oracle also comes with the message that you are to trust in the things that you feel and say to others without knowing why. It moves them. You might not understand, but through trust you are allowing yourself not to overthink and censor yourself. As such you are able to become a vessel through which the spiritual gift can be passed on to others. Don't block yourself. Let life happen through you. Only benefit can come from this."
And free from judgment, free to love
" If you have been asking life for a solution to a specific difficulty you have been having, this Oracle comes with the message that a solution is in gestation right now. This situation is already being sorted out and the resolution will come to fruition very soon. Hold tight and wait for the eminent birth of that resolution."
" This Oracle also brings you a message about love. You may find that you are loving, or soon will love, in a different way. You may worry about this love, given that it defies what you have known or been taught about love. Perhaps you are becoming able to love another tremendously, even though you don't have much of a personal relationship with them. You might question if this love is real. It is real Kama it is just happening at a different level to the love and attachment you experience when you are involved in a personal relationship with someone. It is not more or less, it is just a different facet of love. It may be that you are opening up to love the planet and her creatures, including the animals, the ocean dwelling life, your own body, the trees and so on, more than before period you may feel passionately purposeful about giving your time and energy to causes that protect and nurture the Earth and her creatures. You are affirmed in this love too. The universal mother is operating through you to nurture life. She will support you in your work, so that you can continue To come from love and not become drained, depleted or lost in despair or fear of futility. Instead, you will be energised and expanded by your dedicated service to life."
" Finally, this Oracle has a message for those who may be feeling alone or lonely in a need of greater nurturing from others. You are asked to stop, relax, centre and settle into your body to feel your connection with life itself. The air in your lungs is the same as the air that moves through the trees. The water in your blood is the same water that fills the oceans and is moved by the phases of the moon. The flesh of your body is the same substance as the body of the Earth itself. The heat in your digestive system is the same fire and heat as that from the Sun. Feel this connection, then do something nice for another without agenda. Make a donation, even if just a small one, smile, say a prayer, sent out a good thought or make a wish for another. That's it. You have connected to life again and in doing so, life can connect with you. And so it shall.
And that's all for the cards but but but.
Someone (either my guide or yoongi) was like, "do a song. Do a song. Do a song." And I was like, "oki doki, sounds good.
So I asked what numbers I should try refreshing and then it hit me. The number 14 came up before the reading and it seemed a bit misplaced? So I did 14 shuffles and look what popped up
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You gotta be fucking with me.
Istg these fools will actually be the death of me dude. Euphoria is so romantic and I lowkey feels like it describes a bit of what their bond must be like.
I came back to the platform to be like, "thanks homie" and it was weird bc he was practically pure energy? Like usually I visualize his energy as what his physical body looks like because it's easier to comprehend? But nope, he was just a big shimmery glob of energy.
As I was going to disconnect, a few things happened. I felt tingly and the platform was vibrating almost? So I was like, "hold on, what the fuck is this?"
And then
It hit me
I could tell this fuckin asshole was smug even in his blue glob form.
The color was... blue like yoongi but also a light lavender/ pink kinda vibe. Pretty damn distinct.
I was so stoked and I thought we'd all get to chat and I could yell at his soulmate for being an elusive asshat
But Mr smug butt had different plans.
My dude dropped a little marble thing in my hand and I was like ??? And he was like, "you'll know when you need it" and I was like ?????
My guide took pity on me and said, "it's just a representation on information that you've been given but it isn't the proper time to unpack it yet"
Cool cool so like and energetic zip file that will release itself whenever it damn well pleases? Cool cool cool.
Anyway, I genuinely think that my excitement of this whole situation must somehow also influence how yoongis energy handles my prodding? Like what the fuck is this marble bullshit?
To top it all off, he gives me a friendly shove off of his platform.
Thanks, buddy.
Now we are here. And as always, I'm left with more questions.
My main take away is that amay 13th through July 28th will be all the foundation and ground work and December 28th 2021 through May 10th (11th? 9th?) 2022 will be a more likely time for physical union and actual relationship stuffs.
Anyone who knows more about astrology please feel free to chime in on this whole Jupiter in Pisces bit! My understanding is super surface level!!
That was a big boi and now my thumbs hurt real bad. Hope you were entertained by the chaos.
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kissayoubasard · 3 years
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I don’t know what possessed me to draw these, but what if they were pokemon.
And before anyone asks, spamton isn’t here because he’d be a digimon. C’mon.
My thoughts under read more
Before I start, here’s tbh’s creator and here’s gtfo’s creator
Their types are purely out of vibes, by the way. I just feel tbh always has the wettest eyes ever. gtfo is yellow (like fire sometimes) and among us beans are kind of an eevee situation, they can be any type, so since I needed a grass type, I made it a grass type. And then I got waaaay carried away with it.
tbh’s last evolution (which I named podnest (isopod + honest)) would be water/normal, while gtfo’s would be fire/ghost. Though if I ever decide to expand on either of them it might change, because I really struggled coming up with their evolutions.
I considered making gtfo’s last evolution just gtfo with cowboy boots. I also saw this tweet that tbh’s creator retweeted and I thought it was perfect. But I had already drawn podnest and with its design I just amplified tbh’s characteristics (more legs, bigger eyes) and it ended up looking like a lobster or an isopod.
So onto the Amongi line: I knew I had to make it somewhat mushroom related because of the pun on fungi, and since the mongus beans have floating hands and some psychic pokemon have association with space, I decided to make it grass/psychic.
I first drew its final evolution, Crewmage, and though I didn’t do it justice with the colors, I’m pretty happy with its design :) Its hat is supposed to look like a satellite and mushroom cap, I merged the amongus beans backpack to its body in the hopes of making a cloak shape, and though I’m not sure if I suceeded, it kinda looks like an A so I kept it lol
Then I had the idea of making an alternative evolution for the impostor instead of making it a different line. I don’t care if it’s a completely different type than the other ones. I think it’s neat. I didn’t have much to go off to diferentiate it from Crewmage since in the game impostors look just like crewmates, so I took that alien tongue kill animation and the use of vents + other sabotages around the ship to its look. And now a list of facts I thought about them because I’m too tired to properly write the rest:
- Amogi’s first evolution (the middle one in the evolution line) need a lot of positive attention to evolve into Crewmage. Also I liked the shiny colors better.
- Crewmages communicate telepathically even from very far away. They love doing repetitive tasks, so a lot of gardners have them. They can use the stars’ power to make plants grow. They’re too trusting of everyone.
- The impostor evolution can control the air vents on its back. They usually store things there. They love to destroy friendships. Their legs, tongue and hands are very sharp. They rip the wires on their stomach to litter or leave false evidence.
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Luna's mysterious student! Night Song! I asked my friend her opinions on a few things and she basically reiterated "it's ur au do whatever u want" lol so I decided that it might be fun to have the mane six not be so op with one of them literally being a god so I made Night Song be a princess instead to deal with the royal shit and the mane six just be the task force world-saving team or whatever.
All my inspo for her were 3 separate G1 ponies; her looks come from Night Light for her color scheme and the moon and star in her cutie mark, Night Glider for the bigger cutie mark and design, and then I took Night Song's name. I wanted to put sparkly stuff in her hair but I thought it looked better like this, which is what I also would've borrowed from og Night Song.
Night Song was scouted as part of a program to rival Celestia's school and chosen from several night-related ponies to become Luna's protege (may draw more ponies from the program who will be her friends). She is very skilled and loves making constalations, which got her in trouble a lot (not something regular ponies are able to do or /allowed/ to do). Her other interests are water coloring and calligraphy. She just loves beautiful and intricate things.
She doesn't interact much with the mane six, but she gets along best with Rarity and doesn't get along with Celestia at all (Celestia's rough-and-tumble nature conflicts with Night Song's 'delicate' nature lol)
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potionsclasss · 4 years
congrats on your milestone ! love u <3
my name is miliane but i go by liane. (she/her). i’m a 5’4, ravenclaw, bisexual, brown eyes, brown hair, morena skin, who loves anything art-related, astronomy, reading books, binge watching, music, styling my clothes (i’m stuck between kidcore, y2k, cottagecore and indie) and eating food (more than necessary). i’m a sarcastic twat who’s often misunderstood bc it’s basically my mother tongue, but i’m a nice person. INFP-T. and when it comes to relationships, i would love a guy who’s gonna be willing to put up with my impulsive bs sometimes lol, like sneaking out in the middle of the night to eat at the kitchens, watch movies together and dance like we’re the only ones left. he wouldn’t force anything out of me til he and i know that i’m ready. and i would rlly love if he would give me one or two of his hoodies, and he would spray them with his cologne bc he knows that i love the way he smells, and maybe sneak in a small note for me to read in the pockets. i love forehead and nose kisses, i’m a goner for those. pet names are one of my weaknesses, (love, lovely, darling, babe, baby)— and i’m yours. i’m not much of an affectionate person as i didn’t have much of it during my childhood, so simple handholding and hugs would make me a bit flustered and awkward but very much appreciated. (PFT- i just copy and paste this whenever i see a ship post <3)
Who your ideal partner is and why
Fred Weasely. You're both sarcastic patient sweeties. Fred would be the perfect man to take things slow with you, and he would adore your mandatory midnight adventures. Being the caring romantic he is, a cold frostbitten winter night would never go by in which your much smaller body was not adorned by one of his much bigger Gryffindor jumpers. You were compatible in many ways, but perhaps most importantly, you were both kind; in a slow and saturated kind of way. The kindness that enveloped the two of you is a soft flowering of the soul, one that requires strength and admiration to remain in the ever-bloom.
How you met
At Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. You had stopped in on a whim after all your friends wouldn't shut up about the bubbling electric pink love potions they had bought there for only a few pence and were trying to slip into Draco's morning apple juice (you didn't get the hype around him anyway). The store was joyous, a welcome relief from the drab grey winter skies, but something caught your eye beyond the Peruvian darkness powder and extendable ears. It was a flash of strawberry blonde - no, red, hair. It was the red of wedding carnations, a pop of color in the grey. He strolled up to you with a smirk, a similar hue brandishing his cheeks. He too had seen you across the room, unable to stop himself from coming over and blabbering to you about this week's deals, unable to tear his eyes away from your dark chocolate brown eyes. 
First Date
Sneaking to the kitchens to make dinner. Fred knew you stayed up late, as you would always come knocking on his door past waking hours asking him to read you this week's star chartings or to tell him all about the vintage fairy dress you had gotten that day. He wanted to take advantage of this and asked you to close your eyes as he guided you down the corridors of Hogwarts late at night for a surprise. He couldn't help but smile as he admired the flush on your cheeks from the way he squeezed your hand. When the two of you reached the kitchen, he allowed you to open your eyes, only to reveal a satin table cloth adorning a quaint wooden oak table, covered with yellow golden candles reflecting light off of Fred's glossy forest colored eyes. On an endless array of plates there were sushi rolls with salmon slices as thin as paper, noodles in a creamy white buttery sauce, cheese that melts on your tongue served with sweet blue grapes, and a glossary of jams and crackers and sweets that made your mouth water. Instead of responding, you leaned in and planted a soft ghost of a kiss on Fred's cheek. Though he would surely have a month's worth of detention if they got caught, he couldn't help but think it was all worth it, if only to feel your soft rose-colored lips on him for a just second.
Little things about the two of you:)
-Him never being able to stop staring at you during astronomy class, and the both of you blushing and looking away when you noticed.
-Fred would have the ingenious idea to prank you, and then quickly discover to probably not do that again.
 -He was so warm, both in actual body temperature and his love for you, like a glowing ember can ignite hope, he ignited it in you.
-He literally lives to make you happy and will do anything to make you laugh, even if that means embarrassing himself for it.
-Even when he's at his worst, he always gives you love without measure or reservation.
A song that reminds me of your relationship: Televised by Hunny
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soundsof71 · 4 years
So, considering you are a passionate fan of music released in 1971, I feel justifiably obligated to ask you what you think of Buffy Sainte-Marie's 'She Used to Wanna Be a Ballerina' album. 😂 (Also, it would make me beyond happy if you could post more about Buffy, my friend! Thank you! ❣)
Buffy Sainte-Marie + Crazy Horse - what’s not to love? LOL I confess that it was the Crazy Horse connection that caught my attention first. I had a general idea who Buffy was, had seen her on TV a few times, but I was a big Crazy Horse fan. News that they were her backing band for this album was easily enough for me to scoop it up.
They weren’t doing anything much with Neil Young in 1971 (other than this album, on which Neil also appeared!), but they had released a tasty solo album in February 71, produced by Jack Nitzsche (who also produced this, and would later marry Buffy), and featuring Ry Cooder (also featured here, although did not marry Buffy). 
(btw, the first place that Buffy, Ry, and Jack worked together was on the Nic Roeg film Performance, starring Mick Jagger. People obviously remember Mick in that, but musically, Buffy was the best part!) 
She Used To Wanna... also features Jesse Ed Davis, a Native American guitarist and singer who was a frequent “usual suspect” at these sort of “sure, invite everyone!” jam albums of the era, and played a prominent role at 1971′s biggest concert (at least in the US), The Concert for Bangladesh on August 1.
(I know you know  RUMBLE: The Indians Who Rocked The World, the documentary about indigenous music’s influence on rock and roll, which has chapters on both Buffy and Jesse Ed. I just watched it again recently, and love it! A reminder of Buffy’s pivotal role in classic rock history. Not mentioned in the film: she relentlessly championed the work of her fellow Canadians Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen, helping them get their first record deals.)
I haven’t listened to She Used To Wanna Be A Ballerina for a while, so I definitely need to do that, along with posting more pictures of Buffy.  (I can’t believe I’ve only posted two!) 
But I’ll tell you what still stands out to me about that record years later. “Smack Water Jack” is an underrated track from Carole King’s Tapestry that got a ton of airplay at the time. Quincy Jones did an instrumental cover as the title track for his terrific 1971 album, too, but it has somehow faded to obscurity since then. Buffy takes a playful trifle, and turns it into a powerful fable of men of color who explode into violence in response to the violence visited upon them, and self-satisfaction of whites in authority who answer their demands for better living conditions by killing them on the spot. 
No need for a trial when you can murder them in the streets, right? “You can't talk to a man when he don't wanna understand / And he don't wanna understand” hits different when Buffy sings it, and in 2020 for that matter. 
It’s also just a terrific performance whose combination of soul and rock and roll and driving piano in a sort of Old West-sounding context would have made this sound right at home on a record like Elton John’s Tumbleweed Connection  or something by The Band. I’m limited to five video embeds per post so I can’t embed it here, so I'm linking instead: anyone who hasn’t heard this definitely needs to.
Her cover of Neil’s CSNY track “Helpless” has things I like even better than Neil’s original, including Merry Clayton standing in for CSN. Buffy’s version is more muscular (thanks again to Crazy Horse), and taps even more deeply into the isolation of the song that the star power of CSNY somewhat obscured. 
Buffy’s version also made a brief but memorable appearance in the 2018 film Hotel Artemis, starring Jodie Foster. A weird little movie that I loved maybe more than it deserved LOL but I recommend nonetheless:
I know that this album gets attention because of the unusual number of covers, including one by Leonard Cohen, and a cover of a cover that Leonard had made famous on top of that, called "Song of the French Partisan” (hers is the far superior version imo, a song of French resistance to Nazi occupation from the perspective of a woman hiding a resister), but there are a couple of standout originals too. 
I love the title of this record, and the title track is a delightful little stomper that playfully cautions against equating the intentions of grown women with the childhood fantasies they’ve grown out of. More Merry Clayton goodness here on backing vocals too. 
“Soldier Blue” is a powerful song first written for the 1970 film of the same name, billed at the time as “The most savage film in history” -- and maybe it was. It used the 1864 Sand Creek Massacre as a metaphor for Vietnam, and it's still shockingly brutal. It was the third-highest grossing movie in the UK in 1971, though, and the single became a top-10 hit for Buffy there. 
It didn’t do as well here, either the song or the movie. Perhaps not shockingly in retrospect, Soldier Blue was pulled from American theaters after a few days, the Vietnam metaphor not at all lost on the Nixon administration. 
As horrifying as it was, this is about when I was reading Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee (first published in 1970), and Soldier Blue resonated with me in a whole lot of ways. Here’s the song in the opening credits of the movie.
I was also really struck by “Moratorium”, which is the story of “Universal Soldier” (from her 1963 debut, but a bigger hit for Donovan in 1965), coming from the opposite direction. In the earlier song, she blamed war on the soldiers who think that fighting is honorable, but here, she has empathizes with the young men, boys really in many cases, who’ve been lied to by their countries, their parents, and even their friends. They’re not vainglorious. They’ve been duped by people they trusted. 
(I don't think she takes enough into account how many men sign up to fight because they want to embrace and celebrate their worst, most violent impulses, which was of course an undercurrent of “Universal Soldier”, but I appreciate her empathy here. More than one thing is true at a time.)
Buffy goes even farther, though, calling on soldiers to support and validate demands for peace as explicitly supporting them, summed up in the unforgettable cry, "Fuck the war and bring our brothers home!" 
1971 was the peak of antiwar demonstrations in the US, with the biggest crowds ever seen in this country until the 2017 Women’s March. The May 1971 demonstrations pretty much shut down Washington, culminating with Vietnam Veterans Against The War throwing back their medals on the steps of the US Capitol, incredibly powerful stuff to see on TV in my formative years, and Buffy was right there in it. Anti-war songs were a cottage industry for sure, but nobody was writing with the nuance and empathy that Buffy was.
Here’s a 1972 performance of “Moratorium”, Buffy and a piano, and more emotionally bare than that:
There’s obviously lots more to say about Buffy, far outside the realm of protest music that was actually just a small part of her musical palette -- her pioneering experiments with electronic music, her educational philanthropy starting in her 20s, Sesame Street, you name it. Her commercial peak was still in front of her, and while I can’t say that this is my favorite of her records, it does have some of my favorite songs of hers, and 1971 and She Used to Wanna Be A Ballerina is definitely where I went from knowing who Buffy Sainte-Marie was to being a fan. 
I'll also note as I do now and again that while this blog started as an offshoot of a book on 1971 that I’d started but abandoned, I mostly listen to music released now. That’s always been my policy, including in 1971. When 1972 rolled up, I was mostly listening to music from 1972, music from ‘80 in ‘80, ‘91 in ‘91, 2018 in 2018, etc., to name just a few other favorites. (Plus The Beatles, okay? LOL I still listen to The Beatles every day. No apologies.) Honestly? It took me until 2011, in my fifties, when a whole bunch of 40th anniversary editions of 1971 albums got released all at once that made me think, “Wait a minute, this was maybe THE pivotal year in classic rock history!” 
So yeah, the historian in me dug into 1971, but even though I happened to be alive and enthralled by music in that year, what I’m doing here has nothing to do with nostalgia, or any idea that that was the *best* year in music, even if for the narrow slice of music that is classic rock, yeah, it absolutely is. For soul/R&B too, and for the explosion of women artists outside the even narrower confines of pop as well. This is not subject to debate. No year like it, before or since. It's just that classic rock is a such a narrow slice, and I like my slices wide. LOL Which is also why my blog has less and less 1971 content as I go along. 
While my general policy is that my favorite year for music is THIS year, this particular year hasn’t left me as much energy as usual for listening to music. Some of it is These Trying Times™, some of it is my bipolarity and schizophrenia getting the better of me in waves, as is the way with these, uhm, things. (Keep taking those meds, kids!) I listen to music and post about the people making it as a creative act, not a passive or reflexive one, and I just haven’t felt as creative as usual.
(This is also has everything to do with why so many Asks have been piling up unanswered. I apologize if you’re one of the many kind and indulgent souls who’s gotten in touch, but I swear I’m gonna get to ‘em all!)
To get an idea of what I’m ACTUALLY passionate about right now, my “to be edited later” running list of 2020 favorites randomly added to a playlist as I encounter them, to be properly curated later, is at Spotify, cleverly entitled “2020″ -- 94% women, which is about right. LOL 
But since I do in fact listen to old stuff (by which I mean 2019 LOL), I made a list of mostly 2020 bangers from women rockers with some tasty treats from 2019 that I haven’t been able to let go of just yet, inspired by a post I saw at tumblr saying that punk music by women is just plain better (also beyond debate), called “Women Bangers: A Tumblr New Classics Jam”. I’ll be posting an essay with a YouTube playlist soon, because god forbid that I only talk briefly about anything LOL and most of these women need to be heard AND seen.
Like Buffy Sainte-Marie, whom you'll both see and hear more often on my blog soon. Thanks for the reminder! Always a pleasure to hear from you and be challenged by you. :-)
Peace, Tim 
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alwaysupatnight · 4 years
From Dusk Till Dawn
Top 5 favorite characters: Kate, Seth, Scott, Eddie, Vanessa
Other characters you like: Rafa, Ximena, Burt
Least favorite characters: Kisa, Sonja, Carlos, Sex Machine
Otps: sethkate only
Notps: kate/richie, seth/kisa
Favorite friendships: Richie & Scott lmfao
Favorite family: Kate & Scott
Favorite episodes: 1.04, 2.01, 2.02, 3.04, 3.07, 3.09, & 3.10
Favorite season/book/movie: overall I think s1 is probably the best but I like s3 the most
Favorite quotes: “You… be cool” and Kate threatening to bible-thump Richie’s ass back to Kansas XD
Best musical moment: maybe the old west theme that plays after Seth’s flying reload? lmfao
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: WHEN SETH RUNS TO CHURCH 🙌
When it really disappointed you: when they brought carlos back in s3… 😤
Saddest moment: when they killed kate. also when they killed Eddie
Most well done character death: SONJA. IT WAS WHAT SHE DESERVED
Favorite guest star: Tom Savini as Burt!!
Favorite cast member: MADIE
Character you wish was still alive: Uncle Eddie
One thing you hope really happens: an onscreen sethkate kiss lmfao
Most shocking twist: it’s been so long I can’t remember actually shocked me… lol Maybe Dakota shooting Richie?
When did you start watching/reading?: I first watched s1 in 2015 just a few months before s2 aired.
Best animal/creature: I guess the Xibalbans??
Favorite location: the RV lol & the Dew Drop Inn
Trope you wish they would stop using: killing off all the best characters for man pain
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: giving the “innocent” female character so much depth instead of her just being a one-note goody two shoes character. Kate does bad things too!! And she gets angry sometimes and lashes out!! I love that about her!!
Funniest moments: Seth and Richie’s bet in s3 XD any time Seth says “shut up, Richard”. Kate yelling at Richie. lmfao when Richie was so excited to get a one-way ticket to Xibalba 🤣
Couple you would like to see: sethkate obviously. But also I’d love to see Richie and Scott hanging out too. Also Richie/Dakota!!
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Salma Hayek!! That’d be amazing!!!
Favorite outfit: SETH’S JEANS AND HENLEY AND GLOVES!! also Kate’s Amaru outfit. THE RED BOOTS. I WANT THEM.
Favorite item: Kate’s cross, Seth’s jacket
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I wanna rob banks with Kate and the geckos!! XD
Most boring plotline: anything involving Kisa and Carlos or Richie tbh. I DON’T CAAAARE
Most laughably bad moment: Natalie as Amaru 🤣 I’M SORRY I CAN’T
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: KATE ROBBING BANKS AT THE END OF S3!!
Most layered character: KATE FUCKING FULLER. Seth too lol
Most one dimensional character: CARLOS
Scariest moment: ngl I was actually afraid for Seth’s life in that fight against Brasa in 3.09. Also when Kate gets kidnapped by the chanan in the temple
Grossest moment: any scene involving Tanner 🤮
Best looking male: SETH 🥵
Best looking female: KATE. IDC SHE’S FUCKING GORGEOUS. Also Monica and Vanessa were really pretty too
Who you’re crushing on (if any): SETH AND KATE. I LOVE THEM BOTH TO DEATH
Favorite cast moment: All of Madie’s on-set photos of DJ lmfao Also any time DJ fangirled over Madie at the panels and interviews XD
Favorite transportation: the camaro seth and Kate ride off into the sunset in at the end of s1. IT’S SETH’S DREAM CAR XD
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): I think the motel scenes in s2 were really visually appealing to me with all the bright colors
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. TOO MANY TO LIST HERE.
Best promo: All of the cast posts on instagram and twitter and the live tweets during the shows. I also really enjoyed seeing the clips they’d release on twitter and youtube… I liked the one of Seth’s s3 line “reptile, regular jackass, I don’t really give a shit” with the fancy text XD Also Madie’s song “Monsters”!!
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I think it was the Mexican Honeymoon episodes. I don’t think I really shipped sethkate before that but they really made the whole show for me
The Mandalorian
Top 5 favorite characters: BABY, MANDO, Peli, Kuiil, & Greef Karga
Other characters you like: IG-11, Fennec Shand, Cobb Vanth
Least favorite characters: Qin & Xi’an
Otps: None
Notps: Mando/Cara. Just. No.
Favorite friendships: Din & Cobb Vanth
Favorite family: Din-Grogu-Kuiil!! Alternatively Din-Grogu-Peli lmfao
Favorite episodes: 1.02, 1.03, 2.01, 2.07 and maybe a couple others idk
Favorite season/book/movie: hmm maybe s1?
Favorite quotes: “I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold” & “I have spoken”
Best musical moment: the theme song!!
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: when mando rescued his son in ep3!!
Saddest moment: when Din’s ship got blown up right after the baby was kidnapped
Most well done character death: IG-11’s sacrifice
Favorite guest star: umm maybe Matt Lanter in s1? I didn’t actually watch Clone Wars tho :P
Favorite cast member: PEDRO
Character you wish was still alive: KUIIL
One thing you hope really happens: I guess it already happened? baby got to see Din’s face finally
Most shocking twist: how many times Din removed his helmet in s2 lmfao was not expecting that
When did you start watching/reading?: I started watching I think either the same day or the day after ep 1.03 came out lol
Best animal/creature: the blurrgs XD
Favorite location: Tatooine
Trope you wish they would stop using: the baby eating random shit. WATCH YOUR CHILD, MANDO FFS
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: I feel like this series is the most accessible to casual and non star wars fans? I’ve never really been into star wars anything that much ngl but this one I really enjoy. maybe because the creators actually really care about the content and it shows
Funniest moments: the stuff involving the Jawas in ep2 XD
Couple you would like to see: uhh I don’t ship anyone
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: I heard Sophie Thatcher might be joining in s3? IF NOT THAT’S WHAT I WANT OKAY. A PEDRO AND SOPHIE REUNION.
Favorite outfit: Mando’s suit? I mean c’mon!!
Favorite item: the beskar spear in s2
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: a baby!! my tiny green son!! The bigger one with the plastic head lol not the ugly plush
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: haha idk I never thought about it. being a bounty hunter would be cool though
Most boring plotline: that bounty hunter noob betraying mando, as if no one saw that coming
Most laughably bad moment: Gina’s acting lmfao
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: so it’s not really a flashback, but Grogu’s memories before meeting Mando
Most layered character: Din!! Just his whole journey through fatherhood and his struggles in s2 with figuring out how he can reconcile practicing his religion with his obligations to the things he cares about
Most one dimensional character: those bounty hunters in 1.06
Scariest moment: so maybe it’s not scary exactly, but when the baby was getting beat up by that asshole storm trooper. I was afraid he’d get hurt
Grossest moment: the scene with the space spiders
Best looking male: Cobb Vanth!!
Best looking female: Fennec!!
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Din of course
Favorite cast moment: anything involving Pedro. Maybe that one clip of him doing voice overs while holding a pillow and pretending it’s the baby XD
Favorite transportation: rip razor crest 😥
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): haha idk I guess whichever planet it is that mando takes the baby to contact more jedi
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: nothing I can think of…
Best promo: all the baby merch!! Also any interview with Pedro XD
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: ep3!!
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tobesensation-9 · 4 years
hi~ i really love your writings 🥰👌🏼 anw, i want to request a scenario(?) when sf9 and s/o have to babysit their s/o's 3y.o niece for 24h? d-do you get what i mean.. 🥺 shsjdjsh i love you pls stay healthy and stay safe!!!!! 🥺🧡🙏🏼
This is so adorable 😍. I have nieces and one of them is three so this is soo cute to write! Thanks a lot and you too, stay strong 💪.
SF9: Babysitting Together
When you mentioned the news to him he was really excited. “Really? I’ll finally meet her!”
“Hi yn/n!” She’d run to you with her cute little legs while your sibling drops her off. You’d pick her up and turn to Youngbin so they can officially meet. Of course like a lot of little kids she’s nervous.
“Hi! My name is Youngbin. You’re so cute.”
She’d act timid not saying anything or waving at first because she was too busy hiding her face in your chest.
But as the day went on she and Youngbin became the closest friends. You started to get envious seeing that she was having more fun with him than she was with you.
“(The title she calls you) look at what Bin and I made?”
She’d come to you with a cookie in hand. You knew he wanted to make cookies with her. A brave task to take with a three-year-old, but he survived and had a ton of fun.
The cookie had the cuteness of what a toddlers art would looks like, only on a cookie. You took a piece and ate it in delight.
“Mmmm. It’s so good!” At your compliment she’d run over to Youngbin and hug him telling him how much you loved the cookie. He’d look up at you smiling and you smile back.
This intellectual lol. Would definitely want to teach your niece a few things.
You’d be making them lunch in the kitchen when you see Inseong and your niece laying on the floor looking at a book.
It showed pictures of the different planets of the solar system. You loved how it wasn’t the ideal dolls and other ideal girl toys. So you loved it even more that she was really into it.
“What is this one called? It’s so biiiiiggg.”
“That’s Jupiter. Did you know it’s the largest planet in the solar system?”
He’d end up taking her to the store and coming back after getting supplies to make their own solar system model. 
They’d talk about all sorts of things until her bedtime approached. She’d would definitely be reluctant unless he read more books to her as she fell asleep.
He’s always doing crafty things on vlive, so I see him making bracelets with her. When you told him he’d make the effort to buy all sorts of charms at the arts and crafts store. Wanting to give her a huge variety to choose from.
“So you’d add them like this.” The three of you are sitting at the table adding the charms to your bracelets.
“I don’t know what to add?” You could tell that he took the variety so seriously it kinda overwhelmed her.
“Well.... what about this one?” He’d pick a crown charm. “A crown?”
“Yeah, because your beautiful princess.”
“Yay a princess!” She’d end up making a bracelet with nothing but crowns, shoes and dresses, on it reminding you guys every 10 minutes that she was a beautiful princess.
You’d definitely have to buy her a crown before the day was over.
After seeing how he interacted with the kids on ‘WDDD’ Dawon has an even bigger soft spot in my heart. Similar to the concept of his variety show, he'd try to complete every task that your niece requests, even the one’s he may not like 😂 ...
“What color do you like? I like purple on you.” 
“Ahhh....okay that's fine. That shade is pretty so I’ll let you.” 
“It is! I knew you'd like it!” 
You’d walk in on your niece giving Sanghyuk a make over. His hair was tied and two disheveled ponytails, with cutely and messy done makeup and now she was polishing his nails. He seemed to do a good job of making sure she didn’t make a mess of anything. But instead, his face was her creative canvas. 
“Oh you look so pretty!” You teased him, sitting in his stool, glaring at you and smiling back at your niece through the pain. 
Also see him giving her piggyback rides running all of over the play with with her squealing and laughing delight.
Like Inseong, I see him sharing his knowledge and interest with your niece and she suck all of it up like a sponge. I’ve learned that young kids are so receptive and willing to learn new things all the time, its too cute. I also had to take the idea from SF9 Sangsa (the new episode was priceless 😂). 
So he’d be making music on one of her piano toys and she'd be so astounded.  
“Wait can you do that again?” 
“What this?” 
He’d play a short and cute segment of the chorus of ‘Summer Breeze’ and she’d love it and bounce around dancing like how cute toddlers are. He’d be jumping around and dancing with her too. He’d even be trying to teach her at one point, with her hitting all the wrong keys and laughing together. 
From all the excitement she’d have him playing the same melody from the song until she had gotten tired of it. 
I see Seokwoo really just trying to engage with your niece. Like he’d bring up different topics or she’d bring up different things and they'd be talking and playing for hours. 
You’d laugh at how inquisitive your niece would get. Seeing their interactions would tickle you to your core. 
“Mr. Seokwoo?” 
“Call me Uncle Seokwoo”. This would make you snicker 
He’d be sitting next to her, leaning to her giving her all his attention. 
“Uncle Seokwoo, are you a giant?” 
He’d chuckle, “Am I a giant?” 
“Yeah. You’re so big. I was scared when I first saw you. Because you look like a giant.” 
“Well, I guess you can call me that. You don’t have to be scared. I’m the nicest giant you'd meet.” He’d poke her nose and flash her a smile. She’d giggle and they'd giggle together. 
It was so cute and funny how quick she warmed up to him and how his charms can work on anyone. 
Taeyang just seems so gentle and tender. I think any kid would love him. Of course I think he would try to cook with her or teach her some dance moves. They’d be in a separate room, and you'd hear him playing tons of SF9 songs teaching her some of the dances. Of course modifying them to make the easier for her.
“Like this?’ She’d ask. 
“Yeah, just like that. You really got the hang of it!” 
In the living room where you were you’d see your niece running out of the room with Taeyang walking behind
“Can we you show you the dances Taeyang taught me?” 
“Sure go ahead.” 
With a speaker in hand, Taeyang would start playing ‘Life is so Beautiful’ which you’d assume was her favourite song to dance too since you heard this one the most. 
She’d look back a Taeyang the entire time laughing with the biggest smile on her face. 
For some reason I see him having playful banter with your niece. Younger kids can't help but be honest. I think that would poke at his sensitive side and it would turn into playful banter. 
“Youngkyun, where are your sleeves?” 
She’d be touching his arm. He was wearing one of his iconic no-sleeve, chuffed shirts 
“It doesn't have any.” 
“Why? It’s cold outside. You’re gonna get sick.” 
“I wore a jacket yn/n”. 
“Thats not warm enough. Find your sleeves”. 
“I told you it’s not supposed to have them.” 
You’d see them talking and see him getting flustered by the bluntness of a three-year-old. 
He’d look at you, flushed, but trying to laugh it off 😅😂.
I see him and your niece having a competition to see who’s the cutest for your attention. Like an aegyo contest. 
She’d come up to you just being a natural cutie pie telling all the things she’s doing and you praising her for it. And right after to play with her he’d tap you and do some of his famous aegyo and turning to her for a reaction. 
Not realising herself she’d try acting cuter for the rest of the day. 
“Look (your title)! My dress looks super cute with all the glitter!” 
“Look y/n, aren’t my cute eyes and cheeks cuter’, you’d just scoff at him and you’d see your niece just starring at him tapping you to tell you something that she thinks was better.
Even with this little competition they’d get along perfectly. That’s just the nature of Chani he seems to get along well with anyone.  
Extra points 
- I also think that some of them wouldn’t have any trouble putting her to sleep like Jaeyoon, Inseong, Rowoon and Taeyang. But I think the rest of them would need your help with that. 
- Even for those who would have trouble, she’d most likely take a nap next to or leaning on them instead of you before the day was over
- (Definitely see Rowoon, Zuho, Taeyang, and Youngbin just picking her up and laying her on his chest if they were sitting in the coach next to you). 
- Your niece would also want ideal food that kids would like, like pizza and chicken nuggets in the shape of dinosaurs. And all of then would agree with her, especially Zuho. 
- I see you trying to disagree and suggest something else but they end up chanting for dinosaur nuggets together 
- And not forgetting their juice or milk boxes that you’d serve both of them. 
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witch-and-a-half · 4 years
Hi 🥺 sorry to bother you but i was wondering if i could request a cedric x reader where the readers friends ditched the reader on her birthday to celebrate someone else's birthday? Sorry to vent but my friends have been super flakey and cancelled all our plans for my birthday to celebrate the birthday of a different guy we dont even like that much smh i dont wanna be like...clingy or whiney but im just a lik hurt ig
(it’s not proofread so sorry if there are typos!)
i am so sorry your friends are being flaky and ditching you! that is so unfair and you have every right to be hurt!!! don’t feel bad about venting either, i’m a huge fan of venting on the internet lol. i wanted to get this done quickly so it wasn’t past your birthday when i posted and hopefully you like it!!
- - -
You were sat in one of the towers of Hogwarts, looking at the stars and eating some sweets you’d gotten in a package from your family. You could faintly hear Katie Bell’s birthday party through the window; not clearly enough to make out what was happening, but just enough that you were still well aware of the festivities. All your friends were down there, celebrating with her while you spent your birthday alone. You knew they had their reasons for being there instead of with you, but it just wasn’t fair that they’d ditched you.
You were about to begin to cry again when you heard footsteps coming up the stairs behind you. Quickly wiping your face and trying not to look so bummed, you turned around to see your friend Cedric at the top of the stairs.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” He said softly, clearly noticing that you were upset.
“Oh… yeah… uh… I just wanted to spend some time by myself and eat my sweets,” You laughed weakly and held up a pumpkin pasty.
Cedric didn’t laugh or even crack a smile. He just came and sat beside you, silent for a moment before responding: “Time by yourself? On your birthday?”
You set the pasty down and sighed softly. Cedric was always so good at reading your mood. His hand landed on your shoulder and he bowed his head so he could see your face, which was looking toward your lap.
“I’m sorry they ditched you for Katie Bell’s party,”
It was like he could read your mind. Tears were teasing your eyes, but, before they could fall, Cedric stood suddenly and took your hand.
You wiped the tears from the corners of your eyes as Cedric led you toward the stairs. “Wha-” you began. Cedric squeezed your hand quickly, cutting you off and saying, “We’re going to go celebrate your birthday,”
As you approached the Gryffindor Common Room, you dug your heels into the stone floor of the castle. “Ced, I really don’t want to go to Katie’s party…”
He turned to face you, placing a hand on your shoulder again. “Wait here, I’ll be right back,”
~ ~ ~
It was less than 10 minutes before Cedric came back out of the portrait hole. He shook his head, grinning. He apologized quickly, mumbling something about the Weasley’s, before taking your hand and pulling you back down the corridor toward the castle exit.
Had anyone but Cedric led you out onto castle grounds late into the night without explanation, you would have protested, but you trusted Cedric and needed a bit of fun. He pulled you to a clearing by the Black Lake where you’d often hung out together—you’d even helped him study there just a few days earlier.
When he finally stopped and let go of your hand, you finally spoke up.
“Cedric, what on earth are we doing here?”
“We’re celebrating your birthday,” He said simply, before pulling a brown package from his robes.
You raised an eyebrow and he laughed softly, glad that your mood had brightened since he’d found you in the tower. Cedric unwrapped the brown paper package to reveal a few firecrackers.
“I made Fred and George promise these would work, so fingers crossed,” It was dark but you could see his wide grin clearly as he sat the first firecracker on a rock by the lake’s edge. His arm wrapped around your shoulders and he guided you back a few steps so there was ample room between the two of you and the explosive. Cedric pulled out his wand and whispered, “Incendio,”
As the flame reached the firecracker, you held your breath. But it whizzed up into the air above the lake and exploded into a burst of colorful light. You watched the lights reflected on the glassy lake surface and exhaled in awe.
Cedric set off a few more fireworks before pulling the last one from his robes. It was bigger than the rest, and had a different label that you couldn’t make out in the dark of the night. He sat it on the rock and returned to stand next to you further up the clearing. You were shivering a bit at this point; the cold of the night had penetrated through the sweater you had on.
Before Cedric lit the last firecracker, he took off his robe and wordlessly wrapped it around your shoulders. You smiled up at him and, when his eyes met yours, you saw a glint of something you hadn’t seen in his eyes before. But you couldn’t quite tell what it was. He looked back at the firecracker and pulled his wand, but you slapped the back of your hand on his chest to stop him.
“Wait!” You exclaimed in realization. He looked at you, brows furrowed, and you reached into your bag. You giggled at his confusion, excited that it was your turn to surprise him, “I have something,”
You presented him with a tinfoil package of brownies your mother had sent. You were going to eat them alone in the tower, but forgotten about them when Cedric pulled you down to the lake. “They’re a Muggle dessert. You’ll love them.”
He took a hesitant bite and his face lit up. “Oh wow!”
So the two of you stood, with Cedric’s arm draped around your shoulder, munching brownies, and watching the last firecracker soar over the lake. As it exploded, the lights formed the shape of a birthday cake. The candles on the cake were blown out and another set of lights spelled out “Happy Birthday” in bright blue letters across the dark sky. Even Cedric seemed amazed, and his arm pulled you closer to him.
As you walked back through the castle grounds to find somewhere else to sit and finish the brownies, Cedric took your hand again. This time, you squeezed his hand gently.
“Thank you Ced… you really didn’t have to do this,”
He pulled your hand so you were closer to him and pecked a quick kiss on the side of your forehead. “Don’t be silly. I wanted to do this.”
His heart leapt a bit when he saw you cheerfully grin up at him.
Then he softly said, “You deserve to have a good birthday,”
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by a7xbabii 
Do you use e-mail often? I use it for eight hours, five days a week for work, so yes.
Do you hear any animals right now? I’m in a Starbucks inside a mall situated in the middle of a busy highway. It would be very unlikely to hear any animals right now.
Are you in a well-lit room? Sure, I’d say this establishment has good lighting. There’s no light directly above me unlike the other seats, but it’s okay in this case as I don’t want other people seeing me take surveys.
Is your trashcan full? The main one we use at home just got full, so the last time I checked this morning my mom was airing it out.
What was the last crunchy thing you consumed? My chicken barbecue sandwich from last night.
Did you view anything disturbing today? Hmm, I guess so? I wanted to entirely redo one part of my embroidery piece since I wasn’t happy with how I did it, so I had to remove the threads and stuff. When they were all gone the template was filled with holes and it looked like one of those trypophobia photos. I’m not personally disturbed by that phenomenon, but I know a lot of people are.
Are there any holiday decorations in your house? Yeah, we’ve had our Christmas tree up since the beginning of November. We also usually put a wreath up our door but idk why my mom didn’t this year.
When was the last time you had a terrible headache? Last night, because I had not eaten all day. 
Have you recently put lotion on your hands? No. I don’t like the feeling of lotion, so I don’t apply it on me a lot, if at all.
Are you hungry? Not so much, actually. I don’t feel too hungry today; I didn’t even finish my breakfast and that’s the only meal I’ve had so far today, and it’s already 4 PM.
Is it rainy where you're at right now? No, it’s quite fair. The sun’s not too strong anymore because of the time, but it’s still very much bright out.
Do you carry a purse? If so, describe what it looks like. I take a wallet with me. It’s pink, made of fake leather, has three main slots inside, and it also has some tiny bite marks on the outer edges from when Cooper was a lot younger.
Is your cell phone on vibrate? For certain notifications only, like texts and Viber.
Is your dishwasher full? We don’t use a dishwasher.
When is the last time you saw someone you like/love. Around a week and a half ago.
Do you like to wear gloves? No, I find them too itchy and I don’t need to wear them anyway.
Is there a body of water near where you live? There’s a creek that passes through my village near the clubhouse area, if that counts.
What are your thoughts on Avenged Sevenfold? No opinion. I never listened to them; though I am reminded of this one mutual I used to have on Tumblr/Twitter. She used to be a wrestling fan and was a part of our main circle, but she gradually shifted her main fandom to Avenged Sevenfold. By the time she cemented her new interest she then went on a huge unfollowing spree of wrestling fans on her feed and she apparently PM’d each person she intended to unfollow, including me. I remember her explaining that she was now in a different fandom and was gonna have to stop following me which I found...kinda extra to be honest lmao because nobody does that, but I appreciate the effort to approach each one of us, I guess.
Are you wearing anything pink right now? Nope, but my wallet is pink and so is my keyboard cover.
Do you like to swim in the ocean? I prefer beaches, but sure.
What is the creepiest bug you've ever saw? Cockroaches.
Do you currently have split ends? I don’t think so.
When is the last time you used the bathroom? Around five hours ago when I took a shower before heading out.
Do you chew on your lip? Almost never.
Are you afraid of needles? For the most part yeah, especially syringes. I’m not afraid of them when I do my embroidery, but that’s the only time I feel comfortable with a needle.
What is the last thing you lost? A pen, I think.
When is the last time you saw a bald person? Five hours ago, when I said bye to my dad.
What car were you last in? [continued from two days ago] My own. I was driving home from the mall.
Do you like Batman? I tried to get into Batman and the whole shebang of comic books when I was a teenager, but I just couldn’t.
Have you ever played tennis? Never have, actually. I’ve always wanted to try.
Can you see a star shape in the room you are in? Probably not in my bedroom.
What are you sitting on? A pillow I’ve placed on my work chair so that it’s more comfortable. My parents got me a basic chair initially meant just for my internship, so it’s not the comfiest of chairs haha. But now that I have a job, a more suitable work chair is probably one of things I’ll have to invest on.
What is the last warm thing you touched? My chest felt itchy just a few seconds ago, so I was able to feel my skin scratching it.
Do you use hand sanitizer? That’s kind of a necessity now, so...
Where do you want to go in life? [continued from...I don’t even remember anymore] I don’t know if I even plan to make it past 30 at this point. I can’t answer this right now.
Are you sweating? No, I’ve been in air-conditioned rooms all day and it feels so damn good.
When is the last time you had to scratch an itch? A few minutes ago when my neck itched.
Are you in any kind of club or group that is trying to save animals? No, but I very much support the cause.
Who is the last blonde you saw? At work today I saw someone who had her hair dyed blonde.
Where were you two hours after you got up, and what were you doing there? I needed to go to the office today because my team and I needed to pack some stuff to seed to certain media. It was the first time I got to visit the place and it was sooooooo homey and pretty :) I wish we can be allowed to work in the office soon; it would be best for my mental health at this point.
Do you wish for world peace? Um, of course.
Have you ever played fetch with a dog? We were able to teach Cooper how to pick up items that we throw but he’s still slowly learning that he actually has to give it back to us, haha.
What is the nearest object that is wood? The table I am typing on is made of wood.
Do you use Netflix? Yes, we have a family subscription.
Does your house have a fireplace? No, we don’t. And I can confidently tell you all other houses in this entire country, and probably the whole of Southeast Asia, don’t.
Do you wake yourself up in the morning, or does someone else? I wake myself up. On important days, I’ll put an alarm on.
What kind of hoodie did you last wear? It was a white hoodie with a UP seal on the left side.
Do you play games on your computer? No, my laptop isn’t equipped for games. I tried downloading Sims 4 when they made it free for a few weeks back in 2018, but my laptop’s fan started whirring like crazy and the battery got drained super fast. The entire period of me booting it up and then deleting it took like, a literal 15 minutes.
What is the last video game that you played? Mario Kart 8 on the Switch. I want to get myself Switch games as gifts, but I’m just so stingy towards myself hahaha.
Have you ever pet a stingray? I’m 50% would like to at least once and 50% I know of what it did to Steve Irwin, and I’m not messing with them.
If you were on vacation, would you ever go to Ireland? It’s not a big item on my bucket list, honestly. I’d love to go to Ireland, but it would probably be a part of a bigger itinerary, like if I decided to take a trip to that part of Europe.
Are you logged into Myspace right now? I haven’t been on there for more than a decade.
Did you have anything bad happen to you today? Yeah, but they’re stuff that happened at work that are a little hard to explain. 
Have you ever been to New York? Nope. I’d love to take a trip there.
Do you use the term "lol" if you don't have anything to say? Not really. I use it in the end of my messages more so that I don’t sound mean.
Should you be sleeping right now instead of taking this survey? Hell no. It’s a Friday night so the last thing I want to be doing is sleeping.
Can you truly say you hate anyone? I don’t think so. I greatly dislike my brother, but I guess I don’t hate him. I find it too strong a word.
Have you ever disected a baby pig in a class at school? Not a piglet, no. We dissected an earthworm, a fish, and eventually a frog.
What brand of dish liquid do you use? A local brand you wouldn’t recognize.
When is the last time you ate a Hershey Kiss? It’s probably been more than a year. It’s not my favorite candy.
Do you ever feel unappreciated? Yes.
Do you currently have any blemishes on your face? No. My pimple finally went away, hallelujah.
Who is the last baby you held? My cousin who is now 13 years old. I’m too anxious to hold babies; I always feel like I’d drop them so I find myself declining even when I have the chance to hold one.
Are you a lover? I guess.
Do you use smileys often in text convos? Yes. Not a lot of people like them but it’s better to sound friendly and approachable than stoic.
Do you have the Google toolbar on your computer? Like...Chrome? I have the program, yeah. It’s my default browser as well.
Do you like Sunkist? I’ve never had it.
Would you ever consider being a cannibal? I mean...I guess only if I was in a life-and-death situation, like if a plane I was in crashed on an island and I was starting to get hungry. I certainly don’t fantasize about cannibalism on any regular day.
Did you forget something important in the past week? I made a few mistakes at work due to me forgetting things, yeah.
Do you like learning new things? Sure.
What color is your toothpaste? White.
Are the floors in your house creaky? Nopes. I don’t think our doors are creaky-level just yet as well.
Do you fear death? I hate the uncertainty of what happens while it’s taking place, and what happens after. But I’ve been wishing for it for a while as well. There’s a difference.
Is your mouth dry? Not right now, no.
Do yoou have any scars from an animal? Yeah I’ve got a few marks and scratches from Cooper. I never run out of them, really.
Did you have fun with this survey? It was okay.
Was it random enough? Sure.
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tabletopjourneys · 3 years
Session 39 Notes
(Skipping ahead so last session notes are in time for a quick read before next session) The Silver Scale Pack split up: While group A confronts The Superb Owl one last time, group B falls for a cryptid and gets teleported to the other side of Bouldergap from their recon mission. Plus: Shopping. Again. lol.
@gher-bear​ @aradow​ @telurin​ @epimetala
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On this day The Silver Scale Pack's split missions get critical. Diem and Ixayl'anu have to battle it out with the The Superb Owl and her mob of charmed Bouldergap citizens.
Ultimately they win by deceit and successfully chase The Superb Owl off, back to The Iron Heights (mountains) without any loss of life or nonconsensual fey abductions.
The Bouldergap citizens are pretty grateful once the distance shakes off the last vestiges of charm and begin getting back to their lives, cleaning up the mess of a spontaneous tournament, and finding/checking on loved ones lost in the crowd and/or forgotten in their bespelled states.
In other words, nobody we know of is angry at us for chasing off the pretty owl. They're all pretty aware it was a spell that made them love and admire her so much.
Meanwhile, group B meet one of the near-mythical cryptids called a ropen up close. This one seems to be super ancient and magically potent with decorative colorful jewelry and tattoos that commonly get mistaken for "colorful plumage" in the rare (and doubted) accounts of sightings.
When first attempting to communicate the ropen (accidentally?) deals 3 psychic damage to the safety-bubbled forms of Rana and Fee. It sounds like the angels from Supernatural. Once it corrects this, it's voice still holds tangible power and sounds like an ancient being of immense power speaking to children.
It tells them both they are not safe here and that they have the situation contained and are handling it. Then puts them both to sleep and sends them safely to the other side of Bouldergap out into a field where they wake up about an hour later.
Just in time to hear Diem communicate through the stone that the owl has been handled.
The pack reunites and reports everything to Lawmaster Eldeth. They agree to gather in the morning for another trip out to Stoneroost with the help of two guards.
Their free night until then is spent shopping for gems and supplies. Afterward, Rana and Fee play a training game with their ratties and chill in the Temple of V'kandis until they wake there in the morning and procure another helper for the trip out in the form of a dwarven priestess who offers her healing skills in exchange for being able to check in on her family in Stoneroost.
Ixayl'anu spent the night in the stables with her newly resummoned elk. Diem went off to find and presumably spent the night with the other disguise-loving storyteller The Superb Owl had suggested they have a nice chat with.
(Read More)
(At Least Group A is Safely in Town…Right?)
The Superb Owl: Capture them! (80 ft reach command)
Initiative order starts with Ixayl’anu and then Diem; Ixayl’anu goes first and casts moonbeam on the Superb Owl (it really is a fey owl; though a typo does turn her into the super bowl instead. Just a thought.). Ixayl’anu then runs her 30ft south along the fence.
Diem has to run to catch up as Ixayl’anu shoots past them. “Fly, Ixayl’anu!”. They cast fly on them both as soon as they manage to catch up to her in about 30ft.
5 villagers jump the fence to try and grab us.
One guy across fence to her right manages to grab Ixayl’anu and yank her a little off balance and out of the reach of the guy coming straight at her who’d jumped the southern fence to follow the owl’s orders.
Two guys of three more guys who also jumped the southern fence manage to grab me - one to each arm.
The Superb Owl not only takes half damage from a save (8dmg) by staring her turn in moonbeam, she actually pretends she created the moonbeam as an awe-inspiring spotlight for attention. She spreads her wings and flies straight up in it, showboating a little, and says, in an enunciating announcer voice: Bring them to me and I will deal with the heretics!
Practically everyone near the owl by the northern gate of the square arena and out in an oval of about 40 ft east and west is gazing in star-struck admiration at the owl.
Ixayl’anu struggles to get loose and succeeds her strength check, gets loose and flies 30 ft up and 30 ft east.
Diem uses fey presence to go all Galadriel-style-you-would-have-a-dark-queen visage and voice to inspire fear (16 wis check): Not me you fools!
This works on four out of five of the guys around them, but the one who resists just happens to be one of the guys holding on to them, who actually tightens his grip in half panic as Diem tries to fly away with him still attached (contested strength check failed). They only succeed in lifting him a few feet off the ground.
Diem to Ixayl’anu: Get out of here, go get the others!
A new guy enters the area from the south gate and helps the first pull me back down to the ground as those other four continue to cower a few feet back from me.
The owl takes 4 dmg starting in moonbeam again and doesn’t care, the barely-felt pain is worth the extra awe-inspiring beauty of her spotlight. She is hovering there at about the same height as Ixayl’anu (about 30ft off the ground): Keep that one contained, I will get the flying one!
She’s sad to leave her moonbeam, but flies after Ixayl’anu and misses both attacks. Screams: Look at me! (tries to charm Ixayl’anu and fails)
Ixayl’anu screams right back at her and lands all 3 attacks plus a level 2 smite: 45 total damage. “Never trust owls!”
The Superb Owl screeches again.
Diem goes completely limp and in the owl’s voice says: I have possessed this one, you can let it go. (23 deception)
Everyone buys it and lets Diem go. They immediately zoom 30 ft up and 30 ft toward Ixayl’anu, flying with her between me and the owl.
Guys who let them go realizing their mistake: Oh shit!
(3D chess for everyone now!)
The Northern portion of the crowd begins surging toward us as well, both guys who had Diem are running after them even though they’re 30 ft up.
Korial, the feathered dragonborn from one of Ixayl’anu’s home islands (who had been in charge of and enlisted in the fighting competition) had come out at some point, disappeared in his tent again, and is now coming out, handing off nets to capable-looking people nearby so he can take a shot with his bow at Ixayl’anu. He hits her for 10 dmg
The Superb Owl screams in Ixayl’anu’s face again and tries to grab at her for a grapple. 18 slashing damage and a strength check of 20 vs 21. Ixayl’anu pulls herself away from the grapple at the last minute, which is ruled one reason why the claws hurt so much - made the wound worse pulling out of the grasp.
Ixayl’anu’s next attack misses, but her 2nd does 15dmg plus another smite for 9 more dmg (total 24dmg).
Diem still doesn’t want to hurt the owl if they can avoid it, it’s chaotic good, but just doesn’t understand the concept and finality of death for mortals or why consent is important for the little honor guard it’s trying to create. They are out of big spells, but still have a lightning bolt in their ring if it comes down to it. However, the people also need to know this fey is willing to kill them for the sake of convenience anyway. It’s not outright evil, but inhuman enough it will kill them as easy as praise them.
As such, totally trying to create some doubts and tarnish the awe, show a little truth in a dramatic way, Diem moves their hands in front of their face as if they’re casting a spell, conveniently blocking anyone able to see their face from seeing their mouth move as they mimic The Superb Owl’s voice again, as loud as they can supervillain style and say: I will kill anyone who fails me! (21 deception).
A good amount of people around the South fence pause a little bit at this, including the guys who let them go during the last deception.
After that, Diem shoots Northwest and up 60ft to get above and behind The Superb Owl without flying close enough on the way to cause an attack of opportunity (essentially 20ft behind the owl to the northwest and 30ft up for a total of 60ft above ground and away from Korial’s bow).
They cast an eldritch blast but their heart still really isn’t in killing this pretty fey creature yet (Ixayl’anu is definitely not holding back for sure). Their first blast of crackling iridescent magic misses entirely as a result, and the other is held back too much, doing only 3dmg.
The guys who got nets from Korial are now close enough to throw them at Ixayl’anu, but both nets go wide without accidentally ensnaring any of the people under her instead.
Korial shoots at Ixayl’anu again, but misses.
The Superb Owl: Get more archers! Stop using the nets!
She disengages from Ixie and flies a bigger circle away. She goes up to about 80ft off the ground and take a commanding view of the whole area.
Ixayl’anu has seen birds of prey do this maneuver - she’s getting height so she can do a dive at Ixayl’anu (from 50ft above her now/20ft higher up than Diem is). Diem is clueless what this means for Ixayl’anu.
Ixayl’anu drops moonbeam and downs a potion (16 healing) on her way to get behind the owl and in front of me, close enough she and Diem both get the advantages of the bless she casts in moonbeam’s place (add a d4 to any attack roll or saving throw for a minute - 10 rounds).
Diem casts message on The Superb Owl, speaking directly in her head in sylvan, using their patron’s voice: Harm my pets and mark my words you will have an archfey hounding your immortality, making sure no one anywhere ever even thinks about worshipping you ever again (Intimidation check of 26).
The Superb Owl’s wingbeat pauses and she dips down a couple of feet in reaction. She’s still for the moment.
Diem yells out as loud as they can, in part for the Northside audience this time (and in their own voice): This is your last chance, do this the right way, no one’s taken by force and no one dies if they refuse!
24 performance for the crowd gets another big circle near enough to hear who are beginning to doubt. This includes Korial who has run forward enough he heard Diem’s yell. He also pauses and shakes his head a little bit.
The owl takes a good look around at the chaos and doubters, she screams an angry and hurt sound: None of you were really worth it anyway!
She disengages, picks up speed by dropping about 30 ft (still about 50ft from the ground though) and books it back toward the iron heights.
Ixayl’anu misty steps after her and crackles lightning effects, swiping at the air in the Superb Owl’s direction, making noises to reinforce driving her away and generally trying to be intimidating “You better run!” style. She rolls an 11 for intimidation. She can’t see the owl’s face for obvious reasons, but feels like she did a good job.
(The “Victory Speech” No One Asked For)
Diem flies lower toward the ground and makes themself look like an autumn-and-firey-sun themed archfey with a slightly higher voice than their patron’s to address the people around then. Their impulsive goal here is mainly to check on the hostility levels of the crowd while also trying to make sure a the presence of an archfey makes it into some stories. Just in case any of those get back to The Superb Owl in the future. They don’t use their own patron’s looks because they don’t know how their patron would feel getting that credit. They do go for a fiery-autumn look thinking this heavily V’kandis sun god religious area might attribute the deed in story to V’kandis instead, or an archfey follower (vague spur-of-the-moment possibilities for how this story gets retold over the years lol). Their performance is only a 16 for this though and it’s ruled that most people are simply distracted by the charm suddenly getting dispelled, becoming worried about loved ones and children/parents, etc. no longer in sight. Either way, everyone clearly knows what happened now (insofar as being charmed goes). Diem finished the story with what the owl had been planning, that it wasn’t just harmless (to hopefully discourage later retellings from making the owl out to be something to be tolerated the next time it comes around. Like no, it was definitely planning to take people against their will and seriously considering killing anyone merely for refusing to go with it. As they see the mood of the whole crowd shifting toward deflated sadness and seriousness, they end with what they hope is an inspiring message to find their loved ones and celebrate the return of their freedom. Diem knows it’s not their best work for sure, but they think it went over reasonably well for people being understandably distracted by suddenly remembering all the things and people and tasks the owl made them forget. They do notice Korial is standing there just listening and watching, head tilted after the hold on him was also dispelled.
At the end, Diem then pretends, for the benefit of whomever might still be watching, to be released by the mysterious autumn-fire entity who’d possessed them, their own visage fading back in as they get their bearings and look up at Ixayl’anu. They pull out their sending stone and say into it: Owl taken care of, we’re on our way to you guys in Stoneroost, let us know if we shouldn’t.
(Rana and Fee are falling!)
Fee makes a perception or investigation of 23 right before they start falling, they both hear a crack of thunder even though the sky isn’t stormy. Arcana check of 2 - Fee thinks it’s thunderbird thunder, there might be a thunderbird nearby she just doesn’t know.
Rana was showboating a little like “look at my mountains!” before she fell.
They feel cocooned in this nice little bubble of antigravity and have a slow descent that stops right above the trees like levitating above the treeline.
The ropen are following their descent with intent. 30-40 ft away still, it has embellishment on it - what Rana assumed was a natural coloration, it’s a paint/tattoo and jewelry situation.
These details make no difference to Fee.
Rana has an arm extended toward Fee about to cast a polymorph, but then they’re slowing down to a stop. “Fee are you okay?”
“Yeah, you?” Fee was also reaching for her hand and they manage to grasp hands.
When they stop, Fee tries to see if she can swim in the air, but she doesn’t move.
Rana: were you hit?
Fee: No you?
Rana: No
Fee: Can you become an owl again?
Rana: No...well, yes, but not the same way and I don’t know what knocked me out of owl to begin with (Rana is watching the Ropen as they talk - it’s taking its sweet time to get to them like a turkey vulture rather than any bird of prey about to swoop down and snatch you motions.
Fee looks for the ground through the trees and asks something I missed.
Rana perceives 18 trying to see if there are any other ropen around. 100 ft or so and getting closer (overiding the shorter distance earlier). She casts speak with animals and calls out: “Hello!?” (holds her hands out in peaceful gesture, rats freaking out with “What the fuck is happening?!” type chatter in her ears now).
Rana and Fee must make a con save, both fail (7 and 9, respectively). Both begin to hear ringing sounds in their ears - it’s SPN angel speak type noise. It crescendos to the point it hurts, all in their head, past the point of unbearable for a half second before it cuts out and they take 3 psychic dmg.
The ropen is close enough to hover in front of them after that and they both hear an intense psychic voice “This is not a safe place to be so I am going to bring you back to the nearest settlement - you should not be here until we handle it.”
Rana: We can’t go back, we’re here to figure out what’s going on.
Ropen: We’re taking care of it, their invisible bubbles of levitation start moving both Rana and Fee back the way they came.
Rana makes one persuasion check of 6 before the ropen puts them both to sleep. The whole time the ropen made them feel like they were being talked to as a child by an ancient, one that radiates strong magic.
(The zone you tried to access is down for maintenance; have a portal, take a nap)
Both Fee and Rana wake up feeling like it was really brief, but find themselves in a field outside Bouldergap. (Tournament was southwest of Bouldergap, they wake up northeast of Bouldergap - slightly farther away from town, and directly North of the road in.
Wisdom saving throws: 13 Rana, 20 Fee; Rana wakes up without memory of why she’s even here, the last she remembers she was an owl flying to Stoneroost. She tries to point at the empty air like the ropen is still there though.
Rana: Look, look that’s the thing I saw!
Fee: Yeah we both saw it…?
Rana: Yeah it’s right there! (the air is obviously empty though)
Fee: Uuuhhhhh…
Rana: Wait a minute, why are we back here? (She checks on the rats, who she can no longer understand, but that’s okay because she doesn’t remember casting that spell anyway.)
Fee: Oh, I see, what’s the last thing you remember, friend?
Rana: Flying
Fee: And then we were falling.
Rana statues.
Fee: Here’s what I think happened, I think your bird demons have some kind of bubble around Stoneroost because you somehow became not an owl and we were plummeting toward the ground and they slowed our descent and they made this awful noise screaming in our heads or maybe just my head and then talked to us like kids and were like “No we don’t need your help, we got this dudes.” (She retells the whole thing with more words than this but this is all I got transcribed live).
Rana looks doubtful: I think I’d remember that...
Fee: Yeah you would think…
At about this time, Diem’s voice comes through on the sending stones.
Diem: Owl taken care of, we’re on our way to you guys in Stoneroost, let us know if we shouldn’t.
Fee picks up almost immediately: No, don’t go to Stoneroost - fly to the other side of the tournament just out of town, we’re, well...marco polo or something when you get close until you find us and we’ll catch you up on--
Rana interrupts: Meet us at the gate into Bouldergap.
Fee: Yeah. That probably works better.
It will take Diem and Ixayl’anu about 5 minutes to fly to their destination.
In the meantime, as Rana and Fee walk toward said gate, they talk about what Rana doesn’t remember. She is very VERY interested in everything Fee has to say about the ropen. Fortunately for her, while Fee didn’t care about all the details of the ropen, she did take note of them with her high perception and was able to describe them pretty accurately to Rana - including the detail that they aren’t naturally colorful so much as wearing paint or tattoos and decorative jewelry that glints in the sun. Rana doesn’t know enough about ropen to say whether any of this was normal or not.
The lore for them is only that they’re brightly coloured pterodactyl-like creatures. No one’s gotten close enough to realize it’s not a natural thing and Rana thought they were just animals until now.
They do both remember getting just past the area where we saw the abominations on the road before they were stopped and ported away.
(Together again)
As Diem and Ixayl’anu approach and land, they find Fee and Rana both looking pissed, Rana has her map out, half plotting a route through the mountains instead.
Diem: How’d you guys get over here? Nevermind because…(they proceed to excitedly tell how things went with the owl - including the bit Ixayl’anu was not yet aware of about the message spell convincing the owl that their patron promised retribution if their pets, plural, were harmed)
Ixayl’anu preens with pride over her actions and shining moments during the story. We did not highlight, live, that she would be hearing the message that chased the owl off for the first time though, so there’s no noted reaction to that bit.
Rana (after Diem concludes the story): I hope the Ropen gets it.
Ixayl’anu: Ropen?
Rana looks at Fee: Well, since I don’t remember what happened…?
Fee: Yeah...remember how Rana was gonna carry me safely and we were gonna do this recon mission…?
Rana glares into the open air at nothing over the whole situation.
Fee: Once we got a little more than halfway to Stoneroost, just past where we were before we hit a bubble or something I don’t know but that big Rope-Roc bird thing flew in and Rana got switched back and we were falling then we were not falling and then the bird thing screamed in our heads and it hurt. Then was all like, “Don’t come over here I got this.” and then I don’t know yeah that’s when we were put to sleep and moved over here. I guess Rana must’ve been dropped too hard because she doesn’t remember it all.
(Again, there were definitely more words used than this, more things said, all amusing retellings, but this is all I got transcribed live)
Rana: They’ve never stopped me going through the mountains before, so I’m thinking we go through the mountains and hike out there in the morning. (She also notes that they didn’t see abominations on the road though, at least).
We talk about possibly going by road one more time, but this time, coming out silver scale first to see if that gets us in the door with these Ropen. Among our options is Rana just straight flying out there again with one of us on her back, Ixayl’anu riding on her elk, or possibly hiking back out there and flying for the last 10-20 minutes. All with the silver scale and letter ready to show as a potential vip pass.
Diem pulls out their sending stone and starts to catch the guard captain up on everything as we head her way to check in.
Eldeth: Just meet me at the guard house, this is too much to take in over sending stones.
(At the guard house)
By the time we get there Eldeth says she’s heard many different stories but they all start with YOU (here she points at Ixayl’anu) breathing lightning all over the damned thing.
Ixayl’anu (not in the least as guilty as she should be lol): Yeah…
Eldeth: (nods to self like “Alright then.”) Well we hadn’t tried that, but it worked.
Diem fills her in with 25 performance on every little detail of everything tried first and failed and why etc. including visual demonstration of the archfey they tried to put in the story for retelling in case anything got back to the owl at least some versions might have an archfey involved.
Eldeth seems to appreciate all the details: Well, we had a deal and you handled it, but I’m not gonna lie I’d prefer to help you through to Stoneroost in the morning.
She calls in two guards for us though - a dark blue skinned goliath barbarian type named Mash Jufrin who has a pegleg (Mash was one of the dumb guards from the other day) and a reddish older looking warrior tiefling named Tioshikio Ayibi. Eldeth introduces them and says, “These are who I can spare - they’re the best at smashing things.”
Mash (laughing): Yeah I’m best at smashing things.
Diem: Delighted to meet you (to Eldeth after looking at the rest of their party) I’m definitely for the morning though too, I could use a short rest?
The others nod agreement.
Tio: In that case, I’ll go help out with breaking down all the festival havoc and meet you all at the gate out toward Stoneroost in the morning.
As Diem notices no one is telling the Stoneroost route story, they message Fee to ask why they’re not telling their story.
Fee out loud: Oh yeah you should totally do that!
Diem (also out loud now): Me? Oh...okay *tries to remember everything Fee said and does a 26 performance on telling their story*
Only because of that performance do they not laugh at Diem outright for talking about sky bigfoot but Eldeth is still looking at Rana (the local of our group) like “Seriously?”
Rana gives a look back like yeeaaaah...it is though, I know how it sounds. (She’d been wincing and frowning at every mention of ropen during the story.)
Eldeth believes us but points out that she wouldn’t otherwise if not for the owl and everything crazy that’s been going on of late. She recommends Tio to get more supplies to that end from the armory. We all part ways, Diem getting their extra sending stone back after announcing they have a date to get to.
(Free evening for shopping and more!)
We get the evening to do whatever we like. Rana needs a 300 gold diamond, so she’s going to go shopping. Since it’s on the way to other places we’re all headed, we all go with. Rana gets distracted by all the shiny pretty gems, Ixayl’anu has to pry her away eventually. Rana picks up 2 diamonds and can’t help herself, picks up 2 rubies, a sapphire and an emerald. Loose stones that call to her. Handful of rubies and pretty things.
Diem forgot in the live session but since it was determined they were there for the shopping on their way back to Emmen’s festival tent, they have been approved for also picking up some pretty stones and would have been just as enthralled by the pretties as Rana lol. Gem haul (whopping total of 1500gp lol): Includes 3, 10gp titanium rainbow peacock kyanite feathers, a large Iolite/Cordierite sample that is dark blue with white and clear crystal clusters in it at first glance - looking closer at various angles reveals the whites to shift into shades of silver that blend in with the blues that also shift with lighting into shades of black and violet as well (300gp for a small “brick” sized uncut chunk). Another normal-sized sample of this same uncut stone for 50gp, a water opal with an imperfection that looks like a crescent moon, worth 1000gp (the two big ticket items are to be gifts for their patron, if anyone asks), and topped off with a pouch of additional, hand-selected rough cut samples of asst other stones mostly in shades of teals and purples (basically would look like a small stash of rough fluorite, quartz, etc.). They also pick up a little amethyst cat figuring worth 100gp (because gifts to the fey should always come in threes).
Ixayl’anu hauls us out of there before we spend ALL of our money there (I mean for her goddess’ sake, it’s not like they’re the teeth of a rare and impressive beast or something) and goes off to find a shop with healing potions where she buys two common healing potions (100g total).
Diem gets 2 greater healing potions for 150 each.
Rana says she’s going to the temple, everyone but Diem is gonna join her there. Diem splits off from the rest to find their aforementioned “date.”
Ixayl’anu resummons her elk in the temple courtyard. It takes her 10 minutes to do so. He bugles frantically as though no time had passed since he was attacked and Ixayl’anu is there with horse girl hugs and affection that he appreciates as she calms him down.
Mutanamri quietly comes up to her during this: So while you’re welcome to stay here, and we appreciate all your help recently...your steed does have to stay outside the temple...it’s a little bit of a sacrilegious thing, so if you could put it out in the stables please?
Ixayl’anu nods and says she understands. She and her elk continue their affectionate reunion on the way to stables. She spends the night in the stables with her elk, sleeping together.
Rana floats the idea with Fee to do a find the item and retrieve course for the rats outside the temple somewhere. Fee agrees. Rana hands Fee a frickin ruby for this game and uses a frickin emerald for Hamlet, hiding them for retrieval. These are the games of the rich, people lol. Rana casts speak with animals and they send the rats out on their missions. They make animal handling checks of 8 for Rana and 17 for Fee 17. Horatio wins! It does help that he recognizes the “retrieve” game through practice a little better than Hamlet does.
We confirm that tiny animals stopped speaking draconic about a couple miles out of Longview. So Fee can also speak to and understand her rat through her ring.
Afterward Rana settles down by the flame and Fee with her, presumably.
(In the morning…)
In the morning, after everyone’s gotten up and performed early morning mass, Alka Briskfizz, a dwarven priestess in green, gold, and cream-colored robes, her orangey-red hair in pigtails approaches Rana and Fee: I heard you helped with the owl situation and I know you talked to Mutanamri a little bit about that already. I’m actually here right now because I’d like to offer my services for your other trip - I’ve got some family in Stoneroost as well. It would be nice to go up and see them with your group, make sure everything’s alright. I have some healing capabilities.
Rana nods: We’ll take all the help we can get.
Fee: Yeah…
Alka: Good - though...I thought there was more of you?
Rana: Yeah, we have to go collect one of us somewhere in town and the other is sleeping in the stables with her elk.
(some missed conversation for sure)
Fee: Have you heard anything more about what might be going on?
Alka: Every time I’ve been on the road it’s been uneventful, so this is new to me.
Fee talks about how the road was creepy and Alka says that’s definitely not normal for the pass.
Rana talks about what to expect on the road, mentions the ropen but frames it like, ‘yeah, we know it sounds crazy, but with everything else that’s going on, why not an impossible cryptid too?’.
Fee chimes in every now and then.
Alka’s listening politely. Rana insight checks at a 12 on her reactions - she seems skeptical but open to there being something best described, for now, as a mythological cryptid.
They swing by the stable first to pick up Ixayl’anu and that’s where the session ends.
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aimmyarrowshigh · 4 years
Thank you for the thoughtful answer about your larry fics and I'm sorry you felt anxiety writing it! I appreciate your answer so much, it gave me a new perspective on creating content for problematic ships (which larry is now unfortunately) I think people erase parts of their fandom past to protect their hearts, similar to the way you break up with someone. This person/fandom meant so much to you and you loved it but now it hurts to think about. Thanks for standing up against cts from the start
I can definitely understand that, and I’ve wrestled with it wrt Harry/Louis, too -- and with Harry Potter, because that was such an enormous, formative part of my life, and JKR has turned out to be such a vile piece of shit that it’s impossible to go back to the source material without feeling slimy.
But I think in both cases, I agree with what Heidi said in her episode of IMYOLJ about trying to reconcile loving Harry Potter fandom with hating JK Rowling and what she imbued canon with in terms of like, overt-veiled bigotry... what I loved, and love, most about Harry/Louis was never really Harry and Louis and One Direction, it was the fandom around them and the friends that I made and the creativity they inspired and the joy that kind of fannish excitement gave me. And I don’t feel gross about that, and I don’t regret that.
Same with Harry Potter; what I love, really, is how much my young self loved and learned and was inspired by Harry Potter, not the actual text of the books themselves. What’s mattered is the way that Harry Potter changed the MG/YA world and the world of fandom, and those have nothing to do, really, with JKR or her actual works. They’re about other people, whom I don’t feel gross about.
Harry/Louis was so much fun for me not because of anything that Harry or Louis or 1D did, but because of the days that @witchietozier and I stayed up all night writing fake versions of them, or the explosion of excited, joyful posts on my dash the morning that LWWY leaked early, or how igrab flew halfway across the country to spend the night at my apartment so we could see 1D’s first-ever US tour and then dipped out to get burgers before the actual headline act hit the stage because 1D were just the opener (lol), or @kingsoftheimpossible‘s Weird Cat Louis, or getting to meet Catie and Emma and @nichestars and so many other people in person and have coffee or whatever and talk about fanfiction in real life for once.
I loved Harry/Louis so much because sure, those pictures of them meeting Baby Lux for the first time may have been what inspired MYEYNL, but Millie was an OC that I spent a year writing and creating and actually finished a massive-length fic about, and I am always going to be proud of the massive-length stuff that I actually finish instead of getting in my head too much and forcing myself to just abandon. I love Millie. I love the fake versions of Harry and Louis that I created in MYEYNL, and I love the fake Harry and Louis that Lucy and I created in Sheylinson, and I love the fake versions of Harry and Louis that Lucy and I created in Landslide, and I love the fake versions of Harry and Louis that Hannah and I (but mostly Hannah) created in Anyplace Anyhow Anytime. I have always loved the fake versions of them that I was creating, by myself or with friends, infinitely more than the real versions.
That’s what fandom IS, to me. You see a thing and you love it, sure, but you love your own version of it infinitely more. And that’s worth trying to keep in a fond place in your heart, for me. And it’s something that I feel like, for me, is worth fighting against shitty people so that they can still exist, and hold back the tide against what the shitty people have created taking over entirely.
Harry Potter Fandom is the breakwall that stops JKR in her tracks because the versions of Harry and Ginny and Hermione and Ron and the Marauders, all of whom would fucking embrace trans people and mostly fucking ARE people of color, have a bigger and stronger and more meaningful place in the world to more people, at this point, than JKR’s dinky versions.
The Harry and Louis that starred in the fics that I loved -- and there was SO MUCH GOOD H/L FIC back in the day, holy shit -- are NOT the Harry and Louis that Larries believe in, and they’re also not the real Harry and Louis, who are just, like, dudes in their twenties who are whatever. And the more versions of Harry and Louis there are in this world that AREN’T the Larries’ version, the less ground the Larries’ versions can claim for their own.
But I totally understand looking at the carnage of the ideological battlefield and just being like, “My heart is too broken for this.” I get that, 100%.
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thecassadilla · 4 years
Written in the Stars - Chapter 3
Word Count: 3,755/AO3
Pairing: Kristanna
Love During Lockdown Series: Serendipity (Prologue) | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Summary: Figuring out how to go on an in-person date during a time of social distancing would be a challenge for anyone. Luckily, it comes easy to Anna and Kristoff, who find a creative way to spend some time with each other amidst a pandemic.
Author’s Note: Hi everyone, I’m back at it again. After a long week of feeling like I couldn’t see or think straight, I’ve somehow managed to write another chapter of this. It’s trash, just like me, so don’t read it lol. As a random side note that nobody even cares about - I haven’t eaten at a McDonald’s or a Dairy Queen in so long. Like, years - and not because of the pandemic, or because I’m a health nut, but just because XD. I don’t even know what this chapter is tbh. I hope you like it! (Also, I hope you like my little joke about Kristoff’s taste in music :P)
Kristoff turned around and looked through the rear windshield as he reversed out of the spot. As soon as they were back in drive, he asked “So, what are your friends like?”
“They’re really great,” Anna answered, simply. “We balance each other out.”
“What does that mean?”
“You called me brave, earlier - they’d call me bold. Let’s just say I’ve made some...questionable decisions in the past, and they’ve always been there to help me get through it.”
“They sound like good friends.”
She raised one of her hands up to cover her mouth as she realized what she’d just said. “Oh god, I just realized how terrible that sounded. I haven’t, like, gone to jail or murdered anyone. College is the prime time for making mistakes, and I’m not exempt from that. Just a lot of drinking and partying.”
“I just want you to know that I wasn’t assuming that you murdered someone,” he laughed. 
“Well, I don’t know! I phrased it so horribly, a lot of assumptions could be made.”
“Don’t worry, you’re totally fine,” he insisted.
“Anyway, I met my best friend, Diana, in freshman year English and we had a lot of fun together. I haven’t spoken to her in awhile, though.”
“Because of quarantine?”
“No,” she sighed. “We had a falling out. I don’t know. I mean, I know, but it’s complicated and neither of us want to suck it up and talk about it.”
“I totally get that. I’ve never really had a best friend, but there’s always been some type of drama within my friend groups. I’m just the guy who tries not to take sides or get involved.”
“The problem is that Diana and I are both equally guilty in this case. I hurt her, and she hurt me, and we’re both being babies about it.”
“Maybe you should be the bigger person, then? If she’s really your best friend, then you want her in your life, right?”
“I know, it’s just hard,” she whined. “I know that it would be the right thing to do, but I’m just not ready to have that talk yet. My friend Amanda - she’s the one who I mentioned you to - is the mediator right now. Diana isn’t ready, yet, either, according to her.”
“I’m not really qualified to give you advice here, but hopefully it all works out for both of you.”
“Something that you’ll come to learn about me, if we continue to see each other, is that I’m very stubborn and very strong-willed. Diana has a similar personality, so we tend to clash.”
“Strong-willed, huh? I guess that sounds like you - I am driving to Dairy Queen, after all.”
She reached over and playfully shoved his arm. “Shut up!”
He momentarily took both of his hands off of the steering wheel to raise them in surrender. “Sorry, I was just teasing.”
“I know,” she smirked. “I was, too. Anyway, I trust my instincts, and I know that we’ll make up someday.”
“That’s good. Friends are important.”
“What are your friends like?”
“They’re just...very relaxed. Easy to hang out with - just meet up at the bar and talk for a while. I don’t really have a best friend, like I said, but I hang out with Ryder the most, probably because I live with him. And I’m pretty good friends with his sister, too. They’re good people.”
“We could always use good people in our lives. Your roommate seems to look after you, from what you’ve told me.”
“Usually I’m the one looking after him,” he corrected. “He’s only nineteen, but he’s a good kid. He was working his ass off when all of this started - two jobs and in school full time.”
“Wow, that’s pretty impressive. I could barely manage one job and school.”
“I give him a lot of credit. Just don’t tell him that I told you that.”
“Hey, if it wasn’t for him we probably wouldn’t be sitting here right now,” she pointed out. “Give credit where it’s due.”
“You’ll have to remind me to thank him.”
“I’d also like to thank him, someday.”
“You can come over whenever you want; he literally doesn’t care. I wasn’t kidding earlier when I said he was chill. I mean, he’s been taking this very seriously, but he always preferred to hang out with his friends while playing video games, so it’s a win-win situation for him.”
“I wish I had that type of freedom in my own apartment,” she practically growled, crossing her arms over her chest. “But, I will definitely take you up on that offer.”
“And I can fulfill my promise to cook you dinner. You can even invite your sister, if you wanted to.”
“Ha, you’re cute, but she isn’t stepping foot outside of that apartment until the coast is totally clear. If she doesn’t want me to leave, she definitely isn’t leaving.”
“I thought you said the only reason you were able to come today was because she was sleeping and couldn’t stop you. She isn’t always going to be asleep.”
“Yeah, but I can sneak out,” she shrugged. “I’ve done it before and I can do it again.”
“Are you talking about rappelling down the side of the building or something?”
“I’m not a superhero,” she laughed. “My sister has a very strict weekday routine. She works all day in her room and doesn’t come out until it’s time for us to start dinner.”
“Wouldn’t she hear the front door close?”
“She also happens to wear noise-cancelling headphones so she can go to her zoom meetings without distractions. I just have to leave before she finishes her work for the day.”
“You really weren’t joking about being strong-willed, huh?”
“Nope,” she shook her head. “I’m very determined. So, what type of music do you like to listen to?”
“Hmm,” he hummed, trying to think of an answer. “I listen to a bunch of different stuff. I guess I really like rock music, but a lot of rock music is also considered pop music? I listen to a lot of older stuff, too, like Queen.”
“I guess that was kind of an unfair question, because I don’t have a straight answer for it, either. I like Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande. I mostly listen to pop, but I also have an affinity for music from the ‘80s. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun is my jam.”
He laughed. “That’s a good one.”
“Can’t take life too seriously, you know?” She giggled. “Anyway, next question.”
“Is this a test?”
She playfully rolled her eyes. “No. I just want to know more about you, and the only way to do that is if we keep asking each other questions.”
“Okay,” he nodded. “Um...favorite color?”
“Ooh, I really like jewel tones!” 
He glanced over at her. “....am I supposed to know what that is?”
“Really rich colors, like emerald green and sapphire blue - named after different jewels.”
“Aha,” he remarked triumphantly. “See, I wasn’t expecting an answer like that.”
“What’s your favorite color?”
“I’m fond of blue. And gray. Kind of boring compared to your favorite colors, but those are the colors I wear the most.” He took one hand off the wheel, and motioned to his gray t-shirt as proof of his statement.
“It’s not boring,” she assured him. “I don’t know why I expected you to know what jewel tones were. And I guess I made a good decision when I chose to wear blue today.”
“I guess you’re a mind reader.”
“Alright, so,” she started, clapping her hands together. “What is your favorite food?”
“Easy, pizza.”
“Mine is chocolate.”
“Does that count as a food?”
“I don’t see why not,” she shrugged. “I like chocolate everything. Chocolate bars, chocolate cake, hot chocolate. Ooh, and I’m definitely going to get some type of chocolate ice cream at Dairy Queen.”
“That’s why I asked if it counted as a food,” he laughed. “There are so many different chocolate things that it seems more like a flavor than a food.”
“Fine,” she groaned. “You win. Uhh...I’ll pick pizza, too, I guess. Or sandwiches. Or sushi - see, you should’ve just left it at chocolate. I love food too much.”
“You don’t have to listen to me. What do I know?”
“It’s fine, it’s not your fault that I like everything.”
“Do you have any foods that you dislike?”
“I’m not a fan of brussels sprouts,” she shrugged. “But I’m willing to try anything once.”
“Even something like escargot or sardines?”
“Yeah, why not?”
“How about liver?”
“Okay,” she answered, scrunching up her nose. “Probably not liver.”
“I figured, liver just seems gross. But, you’re definitely more adventurous with food than I am. I’m not picky, but I don’t think I’d be willing to try sardines or anything.”
“To each his own,” she responded, simply. 
“Once we pass this light we’re going to be at Dairy Queen,” he pointed out. “How about instead of eating in the car, we drive over to the park we just passed? So we can stretch our legs for a bit?”
“What a great idea!” She exclaimed. “What are you going to get?”
“I have no idea. I haven’t been to a Dairy Queen in forever. Probably one of those things they turn upside down to show you how cold it is or something?”
“Blizzards!” She yelled. “I love those! I’m going to get one, too.”
“I feel like that’s the whole point of going,” he chuckled. “You can’t go there and not get a Blizzard. It’s like going to Burger King and then not getting a Whopper.”
“You make an excellent point,” she said, as the car pulled into the strip mall parking lot. The lot was mostly empty, save for a few cars, and so Kristoff was able to park right in front of the entrance. 
“I guess we have to put the masks back on, right?” He asked, as he cut the engine and pulled his keys out of the ignition.
“Yeah,” she sighed, picking her mask up from where it rested and looping it over her ears. “I don’t mind wearing a mask, but I really can’t wait until we don’t have to wear them anymore.”
“We’ll get there, someday,” he stated, putting his own mask on, but for good measure, he added, “Hopefully.” 
“I feel really awful for the people who have to wear these all day, everyday with no breaks. I’ve seen so many pictures online and I can’t even imagine what all of those essential workers are going through.”
“Tell me about it,” he remarked, reaching for the door handle and pulling it open. He motioned for her to go inside and then quickly followed behind her. The restaurant was completely deserted, with the exception of the two employees standing behind the counter.
“Can I help you?” One of the employees spoke up, as they approached; they kept a considerable distance in spite of the tape marks on the floor.
“Just a second,” Anna answered, squinting up at the menu. Her eyes darted around the illuminated sign for a moment before she looked over at Kristoff. “I know what I want, are you ready?”
“Yeah,” he responded, and they stepped up to the line.
“May I have a small Choco Brownie Extreme Blizzard?”
The cashier nodded and pushed a few buttons on the register before looking expectantly at Kristoff.
“Uh, may I please have a Royal Rocky Road Trip Blizzard? Also small.”
The cashier nodded once again before gruffly asking, “Is that it?”
“Yes,” Anna said, digging through her purse to find her wallet. The cashier read her the total, while the other employee began making the frozen concoctions.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to pay?”
“Don’t be silly!” She insisted, sticking her credit card into the chip reader. “You paid for dinner, I’m paying for dessert.”
The cashier muttered something under her breath, and Anna glanced up and was met with narrowed eyes. She pulled her card out, and as soon as the receipt printed, the cashier hastily thrust it at her before stepping away. She glanced back at Kristoff, who was reading a sign taped to the wall, and most likely hadn’t noticed the odd exchange. 
A moment later, the other employee returned with a white paper bag. Anna took it, and thanked her before walking over to Kristoff.
“Yup,” he answered. “Do you want me to carry that?”
“No, I got it.”
He reached out and held the door open for her again, and they stepped out into the hot, humid air. 
“It kind of feels nice out there after sitting in the car for so long,” he remarked, as they climbed into the car. “You still wanna go to the park, right?”
“Yeah,” she said, simply, staring out the window as he backed out of the spot and drove away. Her mind was in another place; she was replaying the moment with the cashier over and over again.
“You know, I was thinking,” he started, glancing over at her. “What a crazy name Royal Rocky Road is. It’s a tongue twister - try saying that three times fast.”
She let out a small laugh in response, but continued to look at the passing cars and trees. The rest of the short drive was quiet, and they arrived at the park within a few minutes. Just like Dairy Queen, it was practically deserted, with the exception of one other car in the entire lot.
“Do you want to walk around or do you want me to pop open the trunk so we can sit outside but not have to worry about finding a bench?”
“We could just sit outside for a while,” she answered, finally looking over at him. She hadn’t even realized that she left her mask on until she saw that he had taken his off. She quickly reached back behind her ears to pull the loops free, and placed the mask on the center console. 
She opened the door and stepped out of the SUV, clutching the bag in her hands. She walked around to the rear of the car, where Kristoff was opening the trunk. She placed the bag onto the flat surface and started to open it.
“Should we sanitize our hands again?”
“Oh. Yeah.” She dropped her hands away and walked back to the front of the car and retrieved her purse, before returning to him.
“Sorry, I wouldn’t have brought it up if I had realized your bag was in the front.”
“No, it’s fine, it just slipped my mind. Can’t be too safe, right?”
She dug through her purse in search of the tiny bottle, and when she found it, she squeezed a dollop into his waiting hands before taking some for herself and placing the bottle on the floor of the trunk, next to the bag.
“Thank you, again,” he said, as he rubbed his hands together. “I’ll have to get a couple of bottles to keep in the car. Normally they smell like alcohol, but yours smells really nice.”
“I got this one from Bath and Body Works - they have tons of different scents. You can keep it if you want, I have a bunch at home.”
“Thank you, but that’s okay. I’m sure stuff like that is in short supply right now, and I never really go anywhere.”
She nodded, deciding that she was going to leave it in his cup holder anyway; it would make her feel better knowing that he had some if he needed it. She reached back and opened the bag, taking out the two identical cups. The employee was kind enough to write the initials of the flavors they got, so they were easily distinguishable. She handed him his ice cream and spoon before taking her own.
“This is going to sound so ridiculous, but I wish they could’ve turned them upside down,” he remarked as he took the lid off of his cup. “Obviously they couldn’t, but it’s part of the experience. Or, it used to be.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, staring at the cup in her hands. The interaction with the cashier was still heavy on her mind; there was an insurmountable feeling of guilt that was bubbling up inside of her, threatening to spill over at the slightest provocation. 
For a few moments, they quietly ate their ice cream, partly because it was sure to melt quickly in the blazing heat. 
“Hey, Anna?” He asked, finally breaking the silence.
She blinked and looked up at him. “Hmm?”
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No! Not at all! You’re great.”
“You’ve been awfully quiet since we left Dairy Queen, and if I said or did something -”
“No, you didn’t,” she cut him off mid-sentence. “I swear.”
“Is something bothering you?”
It seemed unavoidable now; she wished that she wasn’t so obvious with her emotions, but it was better to let it out than hold it in, right? “It’s just...that girl who helped us at Dairy Queen seemed upset or angry or something. She said something under her breath and gave me the dirtiest look and practically threw the receipt at me. I don’t know why, but I’m assuming because she’s working at an ice cream parlor, serving people like me, during a crisis.”
He looked slightly bewildered at her revelation. “You can’t make that assumption,” he assured her. “She could be angry for a million reasons.”
“I know, but that’s the assumption that my brain keeps going back to. In what world is ice cream essential?”
“It’s not, but you’re not the one making those calls.”
“It doesn’t help that she’s probably only making ten dollars an hour while everyone on unemployment is getting an extra six hundred dollars a week,” she pointed out, her eyebrows furrowing together.
“I agree, it’s not fair to anyone working right now. You didn’t implement that rule, though.”
“This whole situation isn’t fair. People had to cancel their weddings - that’s absolutely insane to me. Could you imagine spending months or years planning the happiest day of your life only for a virus to come and ruin it?”
He shook his head. “I can’t. But I guess if the love is there then the date doesn’t really matter? I don’t know.”
“Or what about the people who have kids? Could you imagine living with a kid, right now? I hated being home as a kid - I needed to go to school and see people, or go to my activities, or I would’ve gone crazy. How are people coping?”
“They have technology on their side, at least. We didn’t have tablets or anything when we were kids, you know?”
“I keep wondering - and this has nothing to do with you - if it’s bad or wrong to feel happy right now. Like, so much of the world is suffering, and I’m privileged enough to not be suffering, and feeling content with my own life makes me feel so…” she trailed off, her eyes downcast.
“Guilty?” He guessed.
“Yeah, exactly. Whatever this is could be a really good thing, and I want that - I want good things. We’re both healthy, but we’re breaking the rules to spend time together, and as great and wonderful as this has been, I can’t help but think about the people who haven’t been so lucky in this situation.”
“I don’t think you should think like that,” he said, simply. “I completely understand where you’re coming from, but you can’t blame yourself for what happens to other people. Some parts of life can’t be stopped or controlled no matter how hard we try.”
“I know,” she frowned.
“Besides, it isn’t like you’re one of those people who’s pretending that it’s over, or didn’t even exist to begin with. We’ve been following the rules - wearing masks, and cleaning our hands. There isn’t much else we can do; we can’t completely stop living. This pandemic is messing with everyone, even if we don’t realize it.”
“I guess it scares me more than I thought it did,” she admitted, biting her lip. “I have a lot of hope that this will all end, someday, but at the same time, I just don’t know.”
“I feel the same way.”
“And then, in all of this mess, I can’t help but think that we might not have met each other if it weren’t for this stupid pandemic - and despite my ranting, I’m happy that we did. I know we were joking about it before, but I keep thinking back to when I promised to shake your hand - or even when I tried to hug you, earlier. The only reason why I’m scared of doing those things is because of what’s happening,” she explained. “Everything feels wrong.”
“It may be socially unacceptable at the moment, but I’m personally okay with it because it’s such a small, calculated risk. We each live with one other person, and neither of us has even been in public in so long, you know?”
She didn’t answer. He seemed so rational and level-headed and calm, and quite frankly, she felt like a mess. There was a considerable amount of undeniable tension building up between the two of them, and although they were still standing side-by-side, she found herself staring at him. How easy it would be to wrap her arms around him, lean up, and press a kiss to his lips.
And even though he just expressly said that he was okay with being touched, she pushed the thought back down. It was absurd, almost - how natural it felt to be around someone she hardly knew, and yet be wracked with an asinine amount of guilt over the state of the world.
She shook her head, snapping herself out of the trance that she was in. “Sorry for rambling, I do that a lot. But I really appreciate that you were willing to listen to my rant and I hope you don’t think that I regret coming out with you, or something.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he looked down at her and gave her a small smile. “We’re all bound to...feel things after being trapped inside for two months.” 
“Thanks for understanding,” she smiled back, appreciative of his sincerity. She quickly realized that continually pushing her thoughts away was certainly going to be a struggle, especially when he looked at her with such kindness. And for some reason she didn’t quite understand, she tore her focus away from him and placed it back on the cup in her hands.
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