#so all tom has to do is maintain that image
enha-doodles · 4 months
i wanna see the slytherin boys and a muggle reader who loves to crochet things for then and gift them crochet stuff ♡♥︎♡
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Pairing : (Mattheo , Tom , Theodore, Lorenzo, Draco) x reader
Notes : lmao this one is actually kinda cute and very fluffy , tysm for the request and I hope you like it!! Each one is getting a different crochet stuff so yeah :)
Also if you can plz lmk which reaction y'all liked the most or which guy's part you like the most in whatever reaction you read on my blog so I can write in a similar way 🧸🧸
Warnings : none coz this is pure fluff ><
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Bro is constantly annoying you and trying to get your attention while you crochet . He'd be trying all sorts of stuff like making funny faces or litteraly picking you up , but you'd scold him if you loose the thread and he'd look like a kicked puppy :) After you're done you'd hand him a scarf , similar to your house colors so that if he wears it outside it'll blend with the uniform .
He would be all like "i can't wear that out darling" And when you'd ask why he'd say that he's too manly to wear something cutesy like that and that he has an image to maintain . The next day you'd catch him wearing it while he smoked with his friends 🕺🏻
Mr marvalo has no reaction whatsoever when you hand him the cute crocheted bunny . He'd just nod and put it in his pocket kissing your head . Doesn't utter a single word . He finds it ridiculous - ridiculously cute but he throws the thought as soon as it comes . He'd rather be called a Hufflepuff than admit that he finds something cute coz pfttt?!?
He's a smartass though so he'd make that bunny - a horcrux . It's the first thing you made by yourself and he loves it so dearly that he splits his soul for it , besides who are you kidding no one would suspect a crocheted bunny to be the dark lord's horcrux .
He has a greatt fashion sense (that's something for being an Italian man y'all ) and he absolutely . loves . when you crochet him stuff . You often make him sweaters and gloves and he proudly wears it , his style adding charm to your stuff .
He also boasts it to his friends . Believe it or not he'd kinda have a fashion show upon everyone's request . He'd have a blank face (his resting bitch face) while he walks a straight line towards the couch filled by his friends , showing off the knitted sweater pretending to be a model as you laugh with mattheo . Also makes you stand up at last for credits offcourse.
My guy is in absolute love with you and tries to engage in everything you do so when you gift him a crocheted bouquet , he firstly squeaks like a girl upon recieving it and then tries to make a bouquet for you aswell . Him trying to learn crochet is like a love letter to you .
But in the process of making it , he turns it into a competition 😭😭 when he finshes making it and all your lovey dovey stuff is over he'd joke that his bouquet is better than yours ( it wasn't.) Also hattsoff to him because he bears all the teasing of his friends trying to make it for you . Pure gentlemen istg uggh
He doesn't like muggle things so he'd go blabbering about why you're doing it on your own when he can just sway a hand and it will be made by itself. ( So much for having a magic wand little boy 😒) Would be grumbling and yapping for HOURS and would finally shut up when you shove his miniature crocheted version in his face .
He be sooo shocked , stuttering and fumbling with his words . Heart eyes for real . Would absolutely love it and he'd keep it with him all the time , he loves you and well his mini self aswell .
。    ✧    ⁺     。
TAGLIST : @sugarcandydoll @helendeath
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perpetualcosmos · 6 months
Astrology insights on health & more Pt 1.
*Personal observations & research, not from a professional opinion yet*
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-> The body part ruled by Aries is the head. I would related this to the root chakra, Leading to how safe we feel in our environment and how we manage our energy levels. Depending on where you have your Aries placements, would show you which type of environment suits you to be more passionate and require you to be more assertive in order to help you take care of your energy. That's why it's important for people with Aries placements to calm down and don't end up being impulsive, embracing the energy of the root chakra (be authentic, safe and secure in your own presence and self).
--> Learning to assert your power, not overdoing it and making sure to engage in exercise to release/gain energy. Also make sure to keep your head in a place where you can connect with when things end up being imbalanced, and always come back to the basics when you feel lost. Your identity is always ever changing and dynamically growing. You might prefer to change your hairstyle according to your mood and like tattoos.
--> Aries placements are very ambitious with a competitive streak, but they need to remember that at the end of the day it's them who has to compete with themselves. People are not trying to put you down when they are in the same things as you. Do not let your ego and pride get the best of you, and do not take things out of anger in a way which ends up exploding, don't add injury to insult.
--> The tendency to be extreme is also present in these placements, so make sure to take this out in healthy ways.
--> Blood & Iron correspond well with Aries. Make sure to take care of your head in order for your energy to remain calm and stable, let your authenticity shine as you become your independent self. But remember to not let your head take the charge all the time. You are powerful when you let your power be shown in your stance.
--> The best way to take care of yourself is through exercising, exploring, being honest and open, taking charge of a project, and finding out your passions as you go after them.
--> Aries placements might have a big forehead if in sun position, big/defined chest if in moon, Their presence might be very powerful in a room if in ascendant position, etc.
Ex: Reese Witherspoon Is an Aries Sun in 9th house, so tendency of having a big forehead as mentioned, also she remains to be very wise, likes to speak from experience and has a philosophical approach to her work. Her movies like Legally Blond also always carry some humor but deep lessons about society as well. She might also have thick thighs as well, since works out and keeps her health maintained. There is also a glow about her, when she enters the "stage" (enters stardom with her own being), People feel a magnetic pull towards her. Like she is the one taking charge. Also why early in her career she came to the spotlight. Other examples are Simone Ashley, Robert Downey Jr. & Lady Gaga. For Aries moon, examples are off Tom Hiddleston, Daniel Radcliffe, Angelina Joule - tendency of being unafraid of how they appear and lead more with their heart & head.
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A/N: Thank you for checking this out! Other parts coming soon <3
*Please note the above images are not owned by me, these where sourced from the net.*
With Grace and love ✨
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 8 months
One of the more interesting aspects of Stayed Gone is the implication that, prior to his disappearance, Alastor must have been producing some quality programming.
Despite it's obvious importance in the modern world, TV apparently only started outcompeting radio in Hell after Alastor vanished. Seven whole years ago. And when Al returns, Vox's first response is to freak the fuck out about whether he's gonna keep his audience.
That's fucking crazy.
And we can be pretty sure that people weren't just listening in out of fear, either. Or because Alastor was making any major effort to crush all other forms of media.
If this was purely about which Overlord was the most powerful, then Vox's verses would surely have focused on emphasising his own strength. Instead, they're all about calling radio outdated. Vox is genuinely worried— apparently based on experience— that Alastor is going to outdo him in terms of sheer entertainment value.
Which raises the obvious question: what were Al's shows actually like? (Aside from those early broadcasts guest-starting the screams of the damned, obviously.)
We get kind of a taster in the song:
“Salutations! Good to be back on the air. Yes, I know it's been a while, since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast— Sinners, rejoice!— instead of a clout-chasing mediocre video podcast. Is Vox insecure, pursuing allure? Fitting between this fad and that, is nothing working? Every day, he's got a new format! Is Vox as strong as he purports? Or is it based on his support? He'd be powerless without the other Vees! And here's the sugar on the cream: he asked me to join his team! I said no, and now he's pissy, that's the tea!”
Obviously he's doing it to music, so there's going to be some difference in the cadence of his voice from that, but still, he's talking noticeably quicker than he does in person. And he gets right to the point.
Compare it to his commercial in episode 1. There's a big difference in terms of both how much respect he's showing his audience (“well hello there, you wayward sinner!” vs “good to be back on the air”), and how much relevant information he delivers.
Alastor is a great character to watch, but most people who interact with him directly seem to find the experience either annoying, awkward, terrifying or all three.
Mainly because Al seems to go out of his way to put people off even when he's actively trying to get them to trust him, by making condescending asides or constantly dropping references to his own power. On air, however, he greets everyone politely and even drops what is almost an apology for being gone so long (“I know it's been a while”), then immediately gets to the information that he knows they're really listening for.
Alastor may not respect Charlie, Adam or Lucifer, but he does respect his audience.
And the content he's producing makes it clear why people are still tuning in. Al has the gossip. Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench may not be unbiased exactly, but they're clearly trying to provide sources for their claims and maintain some veneer of professional news reporting.
Al, meanwhile, is quite happy to provide strong opinions and baseless speculation about public figures, content that is less fitting with the professional image that Vox seems so desperate to keep up, but that is likely to attract a bigger audience.
What gets me curious now, however, is wondering what else he used to provide.
Again, radio was apparently the medium for news and entertainment in Hell until Alastor left. Implying that a) radio was at the time fulfilling many of the function that TV now provides, and b) Alastor was involved enough in this that it collapsed/got overthrown the moment he left town.
Did Alastor have an empire similar to the Vees? Did he run a bunch of channels? Did he have DJs and sports commentators and presenters on his payroll?
Given that radio seems to have collapsed completely after he left— did they all go running to Vox when he was presumed dead? Was the Vees new empire in part built on the ruins of Alastor's old one?
Or did he do the whole thing solo and just run like, a bunch of different shows. (In which case, since radio's bread and butter has always been music, Helluva Boss fans can now have fun imagining him interviewing Verosika Mayday about ‘Vacay to Bonetown’.)
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bekkandaa · 3 months
thank you for your analysis of him!! it's very interesting. especially the part where you mentioned him being a romantic because he's objectively perceived as a cold, cruel, emotionally unavailable person (which he was) but he clearly found grandiose motivations and purposes to justify his crimes. how self-aware do you think he was? and if he was made aware of the outcome of his quest for power, would he do it nonetheless? realistically what would it take for him to have a moral crisis or question his values? was he aromantic and repulsed by human connection by nature or did he actively suppress whatever humanity was left...or maybe just try to be perceived as not needing it? sorry for asking so many questions. i could spend hours attempting to unravel tom's psyche.
thanks in advance
Hello Anon! Thank you for your questions. I want to address the first few in a different post, because I have a few different answers I want to discuss and don't want this post to run on forever. Is Tom Riddle Aromantic?
Before we delve into the intricacies of Tom Riddle's capacity for Romantic love, it is important for me to mention that we'll be disregarding the plot point of his inability to love due to his parents' love potion thing. Instead, our focus will be purely on his psyche and the effect that has on his ability to love. ( Because that's what this blog is for, and the whole love potion thing is silly in my humble opinion)
To address whether Riddle's beliefs and upbringing contribute to an aromantic disposition, I think we first have to consider his own capacity for romantic love. I'll be discussing his capacity for romantic love through the fact of his narcissism, a topic I've explored before here.
Riddle's psychology can largely be understood through the lens of pathological narcissism. While all humans present a public façade, for a pathological narcissist, the gap between this façade and their concealed self is particularly stark. Riddle's charm was a strategic tool to attract admirers who could feed his sense of self. This façade protects the false self from exposure, maintaining his grandiose self-image and fuelling his delusions.
Emotional intimacy is typically outside a narcissist's comfort zone as they are disconnected from their true feelings, driven instead by the need to uphold their grandiose persona. Narcissists often idealise their partners' admirable qualities, using them as a mirror for their own grandiosity. In this context, love becomes a means to an end—a way to support their self-image, making romantic love a form of supply for a narcissist.
Narcissists possess many qualities such as social confidence, likability, and charm, which are optimal for initiating relationships. However, these are coupled with traits like low empathy, a tendency to use others to maintain their false self-image, and overall self-centeredness, which are destructive to functional relationships. A narcissist's partner is usually objectified, unable to retain their own autonomy within the relationship. If the partner shatters the narcissist's illusion, they may become the target of contempt for disrupting the narcissist's grandiose perception they created of their partner. Essentially, the goal of such a relationship is the complete obliteration of the partner's autonomy.
Despite these challenges, it is important to recognise that narcissists can and do love, although their love sometimes differs from a healthy, unconditional relationship. Following this logic, Riddle is capable of romantic love, but it would most likely be an unhealthy relationship where his partner is more objectified than valued as a person.
Having established Riddle's capacity for love, we return to the question of his potential aromanticism. Possible reasons include:
Repulsion by human connection by nature Active suppression of any remaining humanity Intentional portrayal of himself as above human needs
While I do not believe Riddle was innately repulsed by human connection from birth, he likely developed this repulsion through his upbringing. His identity and beliefs were deeply intertwined with his blood status. Discovering his ancestry to Salazar Slytherin inflated his ego and sense of self, fuelling his delusions about an "idealised parent image." However, learning about his Muggle father shattered these notions, inducing an identity crisis and internal conflict. This conflict manifested in his actions, such as punishing his father and changing his name.
Rejection by the family he sought further shattered his grandiose self-image, deepening his mental breakdown. This rejection likely made him feel repulsed by the human connection he sought, leading him to view himself as above such needs. Despite his heritage being a construct to fuel his false-self, the search for a parent and creation of an "idealised parent image" is common among children lacking parental figures. This behaviour signifies Riddle's inherent humanity and need for connection, which he suppressed following the shattering of his idealised image.
According to Freud, human behaviour is more influenced by the unconscious mind rather than the conscious one. The unconscious mind, filled with painful memories, tries to protect the conscious mind by hiding them, influences attitudes, behaviours, and character. For Riddle, the painful memories of his corrupted heritage resurfaced, despite his unconscious mind's attempts to hide them. He then attempted to eradicate his past self, exemplified by his transformation into Lord Voldemort and his agenda concerning blood status.
This brings us to the final point: in eradicating his past, Riddle attempted to portray himself as devoid of human needs through his new persona, Lord Voldemort. ( in all honesty he done the opposite by doing that, just really announced his fear of his own humanity and his disgust of it.)
These points, stemming from his past, suggest that Riddle is most likely aromantic. While he is capable of love, albeit in an unhealthy way, he sees himself above the need for it and suppresses any potential need under the guise of repulsion due to the rejection he faced. TLDR : Tom Riddle is in fact Aromantic, and that was more or less caused by him getting his feelings hurt and choosing to suppress / act like he does not need humanity at all. Just going back to Anon at the beginning talking about how Riddle was a romantic, (which he was, it's a universal fact at this point) I do think it's hilarious how he chose the most 'teenage girl' items for his horcruxes. Diary boy really wanted to go all out and I can respect it.
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sean was 24. his older sister was 26, and it was clear he looked up to her a lot. in his sessions in annie's office he spoke of her a lot, of following her example in career and in romance -- sean had experienced a few really toxic girlfriends and sought to follow the way his sister steph maintained a "low maintenance, low drama relationship" with a man she'd met in college. annie didn't think he really wanted that. he liked crazy, slutty women.
one day, sean came in fairly distraught and told annie that steph and her longterm boyfriend had broken up because steph had cheated on him. he had a hard time reconciling this with his image of his sister, and so he and annie talked about it a lot. at one point, annie asked him if it was simply the idea of his sister having sex that bothered him, and he said of course not.
"we grew up in a pretty sex positive house," he said. "my mother was always very openly flirty with my dad in front of us. and she told me more than once that they made love every night."
"why is steph your role model then?" annie asked. "like, if your parents have this ideal relationship."
"well, i didn't say that," he said. "my mother has always had a terrible temper. i would say that her behavior toward my dad is sometimes outright cruel."
"but then she fucks him every night," annie observed. "does the dynamic sound familiar?"
"i get it," he said. "my relationships are more like my parents' but i want them to be more like steph's."
"yeah, and steph's relationships are an illusion," annie said. "or rather, they create for you the illusion of something different. but she cheated on her boyfriend. it's all the same dynamic."
"we're all crazy," he said.
"i am too," annie said.
the next week, sean came in agitated again, this time because he believed his sister was engaging in "attention seeking behavior" online. he explained that he'd seen several photos she'd posted to her instagram story of herself in her underwear.
"have you never seen her underwear before?" annie asked.
"i have," he said. "but you know the entire WORLD hasn't."
"it's just underwear," annie said. she was already kneeling in her chair, and so it was easy to slightly pull up her sundress and flash her white, floral panties at sean for a moment.
"her underwear was less modest," he said. he explained that one pic had been a blue thong and matching bra, and the other had been a tank top and sheer panties -- sheer enough that he could see her triangular bush.
"was it a nice bush?" annie asked. sean laughed. "honestly it looked like the same as my mom's."
"so you haven't seen steph naked but you have seen your mom?" she asked.
sean looked bewildered by the question. "yeah." he said. "my mom is pretty casual. steph never has been."
"but she is now. i mean, she knows you'd see the photo she posted."
"i doubt it," he said.
the next week though, he came in and told annie his sister had posted a photo with her arm over her bare breasts to her "close friends" story.
"and so she selected you to see that one," annie pointed out right away.
"i don't know about that," he said.
"it feels like your sister is seeking a little more emotional intimacy with you," annie said. "she's probably very lonely lately. you should hang out more. do you ever hang out with her?"
"just as a whole family," he said. "i guess i could do that."
the following week, tom dropped by to visit annie in her office an hour before sean's next session, and fucked her over her desk. they'd been doing that a lot lately, fitting a lunch hour fuck into their already packed sexual schedule. this time, annie still had tom's dried cum on her inner thighs from the morning as he pushed inside her, groaning at how warm and wet she was for him, as always.
now, annie sat uncomfortably in her chair as tom's cum filled her stretched out panties. sean was telling her about meeting steph at her apartment for a drink before she had a date that evening. she'd answered the door in a towel. predictably, sean was scandalized by this. he said that steph went into her bedroom and emerged a few moments later in a bra and panties, which she stayed in as she opened a beer and chatted with him in her kitchen for several minutes.
maybe because she was horny, annie told sean he should encourage more of that kind of intimacy and connection. she told him to ask steph how her date went and if it went well to encourage more pre-date get-togethers. he did as he was told.
the next time sean was in annie's office, he told her that over the weekend they'd repeated the pre-date drink hang session, and that once again she'd been in a towel when he got there and was in a bra and panties for most of their visit -- this time a thong.
he'd texted her in the morning to ask how her date went, and she'd sent him a selfie from someone's bed and said, "it went very well; i slept over."
sean had done well in his response -- he showed annie the texts, and she noted that a tiny hint of the top of steph's nipple was present in the photo. she was very cute -- a skinny, bright-eyed girl with punk rocker pink hair, which was only just down past her ears. he'd replied, "hell yeah" and she'd replied, "that was the first time i had sex in three months" -- since her breakup.
"worth the wait?" he asked.
"i came twice!" she'd responded.
"hell yeah," he'd said again.
"sorry if that's TMI" she replied.
"it's not," he'd said. "i'm glad you are willing to talk about this stuff with me."
"when did you last cum?" she'd asked with a smiley face emoji.
"by myself last night" he'd responded.
"nothing wrong with that!" she'd replied "#selflove"
then she'd sent him a picture from the guy's bathroom, which was mostly stainless steel and kind of intense.
"this bathroom is like a butcher shop" she'd captioned it. in the photo, a counter top and sink was visible, but no mirror, and so sean had asked. "does he not have a mirror?"
she'd sent a picture of herself in the reflection of the mirror, which was weirdly off to the side of the sink. in the photo, she was visibly naked - covering her breasts with her arm, but her bush fully showing.
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Event Breakdown
Now that all participants have submitted their forms, we will move on to the next course of action. The event will continue as follows:
All participants who are comfortable going first will be added to a randomiser. Once a starting person has been selected, those comfortable going last will be randomised. I will reach out to the selected first and last people and confirm if their estimated date range works for them - if the date range doesn't work for one or both, I will restart the process until both parties confirm. When all is settled, the remaining participants will be randomised, assigned a date range, and reached out to. After each participant has agreed with their dates, the Timeline will be posted. To keep things simple, the event will officially start on April 1st! After the first person has completed their contribution of the corpse, the second person will be contacted at the beginning of their date range and given the last five lines of the fic or a cropped portion of the fanart. This chain will continue until the corpse inevitably finishes (decays).
Outreach Timeframe
Below are the deadlines for outreach and date range confirmation:
March 6th - The first and last randomised participants will be contacted. They will have until March 8th to confirm their date range. March 8th - If one or both participants cannot do their date range, alternate people will be selected. They will have until March 10th to confirm their date range. March 13th - All other randomised participants will be contacted. Because this group will be much larger and may need more changes, they will have until March 27th to confirm their date ranges. March 29th - The official Timeline will be posted. April 1st - The event begins! The first person shall start the exquisite tomarrymort corpse and have two weeks to finish and submit their contribution. This pattern will continue and repeat until the corpse finishes (decays).
Submission Requirements
Free Rein is still in play - however, to maintain consistency, here are a few things requested of each participant:
- All writing participants must submit their contributions of the corpse via Google Docs. Doing so will help keep everything consistent, easily mergeable, and manageable when transitioning to AO3. - All fanart participants must submit their contributions of the corpse with a Link to their art. Doing so will help with image embedding when transitioning to AO3. - All writing and fanart participants should edit their fics/panels for proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar to the best of their ability. If you can't, please contact a beta reader for editing. - All writing and fanart participants should exclude any explicit material in the contributed portion that is passed on to the next participant! For example, no explicit material should be present in the last five lines of the fic or within the cropped portion of the fanart sent.
Optional Guidelines
Quick shoutout to Flaky over in our newly minted discord server, they helped put this into words quite nicely--
If complete creative freedom is overwhelming with us now officially transitioning into "Free Rein", here are some guidelines you can follow but don't necessarily have to: - Aim for 500 to 2k words; or 1 fanart scene with a small amount of dialogue to 3 scenes with no dialogue (no pressure). - Here are some randomised words to help inspire you: hands, ragged, speak, gullible, ick -- can't even make this up. - If all else fails, pick a classic Tomarrymort trope: Time Travel, Dark Harry, Soulmates, Harry and Tom Grow Up Together, Forced Proximity, Voldemort Wins, etc. - Don't focus on making a cohesive story; that's the last thing we want. Review the portion sent to you, and just create until you feel things have suitably gotten out of hand or until you think you've confused the person after you well enough. - Keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to have fun. (And submit what will likely be the most extraordinary Tomarrymort AO3 story that ever was, of course.) If you aren't having fun, please reach out; I'll do everything in my power to help you have fun.
Final Notes
From my rough calculations - the event will finish sometime on or before January 20th. Now, this is a long timeframe. If anything arises in the meantime that changes your availability, please let me know as soon as you can. With enough notice, we may be able to make a quick and painless swap with someone further down the list. This way, everyone still gets to participate. Thank you for sticking this out with us and showing so much enthusiasm! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to message or send an ask here on Tumblr or reach out on our Discord server.
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atimburtonfan · 10 months
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They are always saying, here is a list of five people who are box-office, and three of them are Tom Cruise. I've learned to be open at the initial stage and talk to people. He certainly wasn't my ideal, but I talked to him. He was interesting, but I think it worked out for the best. A lot of questioning came up - I don't really recall the specifics - but at the end of the meeting I did feel like, and I probably even said this to him, 'It's nice to have a lot of questions about the character, but you either do it or you don't do it.'
I was glad Johnny did it. I can't think of anybody else who would have done it for me that way. I didn;t really know him, I hadn't seen that TV show he'd been in, but I must have seen a picture of him somewhere, I like people's eyes a lot and, especially with a character like this who doesn't really speak, eyes are very important. We wanted him right from the beginning, but I was open about meeting other people because I think when I first started out, I was a little snobby about the whole thing.
I was, 'I don't like that person, I don't like this person', and sometimes I'd meet people and they were different from what I'd expected. So I've tried to become more open, because you can be surprised that way.
In America, Johnny is very much known as a teen idol and he's perceived as difficult and aloof; there are all sorts of things written about him in the press which are completely untrue. I mean, as a person he's a very funny, warm, great guy. He's a normal guy - at least my interpretation of normal - but he's perceived as dark and difficult and weird, and is judged by his looks. But he's almost completely the opposite of this perception.
So the themes of Edward, of image and perception, of somebody being perceived to be the opposite of what he is, was a theme he could relate to. The words 'freakish' and 'freak' have so many interpretationsm and in a weird way he sort of relates to freaks because he's treated as one. That flip-flopping and inverting of themes and perceptions was something he really responded to because he goes through that all the time.
You pick up a tabloid and he's portrayed as the brooding James Dean type or whatever way people want to label him as, but he's not. People get judged by their looks a lot. It's fascinating; it's always been that way and it probably always will be. It's sad when you're judged by the way you look, and that sadness builds up in you because, at least for me, there was always a desire to connect with people, not everybody, but some people, one or two, and he's probably been through a lot that kind of stuff, so he understood that side of it.
I think that a lot of the character is him. He has this kind of naive quality which as you get older gets tested and has holes poked into it. It's hard to maintain that, because you don't want to shield yourself from society and the rest of the world completely, but at the same time you'd like to maintain a certain kind of openness and feeling that you had earlier on in your life. And I would imagine Johnny is somebody who would want to protect that to some degree. - Burton on Burton
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kakiastro · 2 years
Astrology of Zendaya
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Using whole sign system
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Aquarius rising with chart rulers Saturn Aries 3h(traditional) and Uranus Aquarius 1h(modern)
-she stands out from the crowd, she’s unique, she seen as classy and mature in media. She’s also seen a force but she’s not overdoing it, like her presence is powerful enough, so she doesn’t need to do PR stunt if she doesn’t want to. Aquarius placements gives off star power as well due to Leo being it’s sister sign. Aquarius placements stand out more when they’re authentically themselves.
Sun Virgo 8h
-She’s very private with her life, sun represent fame and public but the 8h is private.
I don’t think she likes fame because of this but she loves her career. But I think she’s done a great job a maintaining her private life with public. She may be a perfectionist but her hard work pays off. Her sun is 9°(Sagittarius) this degree indicate mass fame.
Taurus moon 4h
- emotions are stable and balanced. She has a beautiful singing voice and would be successful if she decided to pursue that career. Taurus rules the throat and vocal chords and moon is considered a good placement for singing. She’s probably been in the arts all her life like I know she was on Disney but I think she’s been performing since forever with a Venus ruled 4h plus the moon is here. Her moon is at 7°(ibra) this indicates fame at early age which is true for her.
Scorpio Mc
- she’s seen as a force to be reckon with in her career field. Mc is our public image and how we act in public. She’s very private in public and it works in her favor! Pluto conj Mc, Pluto is extrêmes so her fame kind of blew up especially after euphoria. This aspects indicates obsession, her Pluto is in the 11h of society and social circles.
Leo 7h
- 7h is the people close to us and she’s the star of her close relationships. It’s also one of the public houses. This placement also explains why the public is so interested in her romantic relationships especially the one she’s in now with Tom. But I feel like no matter who she dates, it’s going to be a topic of discussion due to the fact she also has Juno 3h. 3h rules over the media. Juno rules over your serious romantic relationships
Juno Aries 3h
-Juno represents who we will marry, our ideal marriage, this also shows our devotion depending on the house. now this doesn’t mean they’ll be that sign but may have the qualities or aspects to that planet ruler. She’ll end up marrying someone fiery, bold, a protector, aries is the first zodiac someone who has a youthful presence. 17°(Leo) they may also be well known to the public. with its ruler (mars) in Cancer conj Venus 6h. They could be co-workers, may meet through family or is close to family, meet through a friend. She’s in a relationship with Tom and they’re co workers! Even if they don’t get married, these are the type of partners she’ll be ideally attracted too!
Neptune Capricorn 12h
-Neptune rules over movies and can show you what kind of movie an actor will thrive in.
Her most famous role right now is euphoria, Spider-Man and Dune.
12h rules over fantasy (Spider-Man), addiction(euphoria) and foreign land(Dune)
Capricorn means her roles will be remembered for a long time. Neptune is a generational planet so her legacy will be remembered long after she’s gone
She also has Jupiter her which means long term mass fame. like I’ve noticed celebrities who has Pisces influence carry “gods among us” energy. People look up to you and think they know you when they really don’t, it can be dangerous cause people form fictional relationships with you in their head. If you establish boundaries with your fanbase which she’s done then it’ll calm that down
North Node Libra conj mercury and Chiron 9h
-north node is the lessons we need to learn this lifetime, it’s our fate and destiny. Chiron is the wounded healer and mercury is the learner and communicator. 9h is also the higher learning house
I would say her lesson this lifetime is to learn from your relationships, learn to work with people and be a team. She had south node Aries conj her Juno. South node represents early life and pass life. She’s been very independent since a young age and was probably heavily independent in her pass life but now she has to learn to work with a team, her romantic partner or business partner, maybe all three of these things! With Chiron here, someone betrayed her trust early in life or her parents split early in childhood so that left a hurtful wound and shaped how she view relationships.
Long term transits
-The lunar nodes are changing this year from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra for 18 months. Aries NN will be aspecting her Saturn and Juno while Libra SN will be aspecting her NN, Chiron and Mercuryy
I suspect she’s going to be having more responsibilities due to her career, she may have moments on what she wants to do long term with her life. Pass wounds from relationship may pop up but she’ll work on healing this and may start focusing on what she wants when it comes to those closest to her, especially relationships. She may get engaged or be more committed to her partner
Saturn Pisces for 2.5 years
It’ll be in her 2h, so maybe be more responsible with her finances. She may start looking into long term investments for her future.
Pluto Aquarius for 20 years.
-it’ll be in her 1h so some sort of drastic physical change to her looks or fashion choices. This could be an empowering time for her as well. She’s going to be force in society since that’s what aqua rules. People(especially social circles)will start to feel intimidated by her with Pluto in her 1h. It’s like having a Scorpio rising. She may really be private from public eye now lol
I Hope you enjoyed this reading, can’t wait to look back on this to see if some of the things I mentioned actually come to pass lol
Have a good day guys!
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
the way swifties will go out of their way to put down women (esp POC women recently) in order to hype up Taylor is appalling.
For example,the Camila Belle situation is so frustrating because swifties either refuse to acknowledge that an actual person was referenced in better than revenge or they harass her to be ok with it, as if being sl*tshamed by Taylor swift is a badge of honor (hypocritical considering her reputation and how "there's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women"). Taylor has MASSIVE influence- ofc camila doesn't want to accept her mistreatment, but swifties ofc will be delusional. Who even cares about one lyric being changed?? It's 10 seconds, just listen to the song and be done with it.
Also regarding ice spice, when her collab with Taylor came out, swifties were ragging on ice spice and her stage and song presence, saying thst she "ruined" the song- as if she was the one who forced Taylor to include her on the track?? Taylor's a huge musician, her and her team know what they're doing, the song being bad wasn't ice spices fault at all. It was especially annoying because NO ONE seemed to realize how weird it was that Taylor was doing this right after her then bf was caught saying slurs about ice spice. Swifties act as if Taylor isn't a multimillionaire pop star with her own pr team controlling everything behind the scenes (although now they're not as subtle as they used to be). The song being rushed and bad still managed to work out thought for taylor, because it deflected from Taylor's racist bf
Recently i even saw swifties criticizing zendaya for not associating with Taylor anymore. There was a rumor zendaya left Taylor's friend group bc she didn't agree with her during the whole kimye scandal or something (which, yeah, i acknowledge probably isn't even one of the better reasons to stop being friends with Taylor). But the way people in the comments were reacting was disgusting- everyone was talking about how zendaya was so fake, how she was a backstabber, I even saw someone saying that if Tom Holland had a rumor start about him she would break up with him immediately because she only cares about her image... WHAT. No one knows what zendaya (nor Tom for that matter) would do or be like in their normal lives because they know how to maintain privacy with their fans, unlike taylor , who shares everything with her fans regardless of how harmful it could be considering the sheer amount of influence she has. Plus, zendaya was still up and coming in the industry at the time of the scandal- she likely had other reasons to stop working with Taylor (such as wanting to not be overshadowed by her) but ofc swifties only care about how poor Taylor was affected (as if she doesn't have a circle, which consists primarily of white women, to back her up)
Sorry for the long rant but this has been on my nerves for months. Taylor's hypocrisy seems to have rubbed off on her fans, and I seriously wonder if this entitled behavior affects them in their real lives and personalities as well. I truly don't understand why people would have such an obsession with someone they don't know and who doesnt care about them, elevating her to some sort of deity like figure who can hurt others yet still need to be protected in the end
At this point, I'm sure they're willfully ignoring Taylor's controversial behavior in order to keep supporting her because I don't see how anyone could be clueless about her intentions after the mess that was this past year for her.
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destinyc1020 · 6 months
Yeah, Tom likes to work out but he doesn't like to have to follow the strict regimen needed to be bulky. He also talked about during FFH press when he said his body looked better in HOCO even though he was bulkier in FFH because it's easier to look shredded when you are not bulky. I still remember some fans complaining that he didn't look shredded when he went to Hawaii in January 2019, saying that Tom needed to get back in the gym. Many young male actors develop body dysmorphia issues due to the need to look so muscular. Zac Efron has talked about this and how happy he was when he didn't have to eat just grilled skinless chicken breast and steamed broccoli and could eat a slice of pizza or a bowl of pasta
Yeah, Tom likes to work out but he doesn't like to have to follow the strict regimen needed to be bulky. He also talked about during FFH press when he said his body looked better in HOCO even though he was bulkier in FFH because it's easier to look shredded when you are not bulky.
Yep, I remember Tom saying that! He didn't have time to shred his body for FFH, so he didn't feel like he looked his best in that film.
I personally thought his body looked fine?? But I guess we're all harder on ourselves.... 🤷🏾‍♀️
I still remember some fans complaining that he didn't look shredded when he went to Hawaii in January 2019, saying that Tom needed to get back in the gym. Many young male actors develop body dysmorphia issues due to the need to look so muscular. Zac Efron has talked about this and how happy he was when he didn't have to eat just grilled skinless chicken breast and steamed broccoli and could eat a slice of pizza or a bowl of pasta
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Yea, I HATE when fans do stuff like that, because it's so not helpful OR kind. 😔
I don't think fans realize just how much hard WORK and dedication it takes for these actors to totally transform their bodies to look a certain way for a particular role. And usually, they're not given that much time to do it either, so they're usually only given a few months to totally change their bodies, and that can be rough! I remember Taylor Lautner saying also that he ended up having some body image issues after he had played the role of Jacob in the "Twilight" series (who's all super buff and muscular) and then him not being able to maintain that insane type of body 24/7, and fans being really hard on him for it. 😔 He ended up going through a bit of depression.
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FF to Min. 18:30..... Taylor starts talking about how men struggle with body image issues as well, and how being in the Twilight franchise led to him struggling with that and mental health issues...along with the insane expectations fans had of him and his body. 😔
I don't think fans realize how much what they say online can really hurt some actors feelings and make them feel insecure. 😭
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tomwambsgans · 7 months
i think a lot in general, really, about greg's culturedness (and lack thereof) and his interests, both what he's canonically known to like and what i can imagine he'd like -- and, also, what the fandom has often seemed to just decide he likes. and it's funny bc he's kinda shoehorned into the trope of the bookish type, when like... he's not, lol?
not that he couldn't be, like i do like to imagine him having been a bookworm as a kid, and getting (back) into reading through tom, but imo the wider fandom's desire to actually characterize him this way comes at best from greg being really verbose and awkward. and a little bit from the way he occasionally dresses. and like, yeah, he clearly is kinda cultured. he (probably) went to college for a period of time. he knows a lot of fun facts. particularly about animals. he's familiar with the blue danube waltz.
...and he maintains likely performative knowledge of current events prior to that being his job. he almost certainly got/gets the majority of his news through twitter. he doesn't know any philosophers or historians despite that being something ewan has clearly been talking about forever. he listens to self-help podcasts. he enjoys the in-universe equivalent to shitty marvel movies (though he's at least self aware about it and calls them mediocre). and he's got entry-level art on the wall of his office.
he's also often figured to be a musichead - and yeah, i like the idea of midwest/canadian emo greg. death cab and weezer and records from the 70s, especially as a teenager. But the only music we know for a fact that he listens to is rap. and i think the reason that this (and similar) facts are touched on so little by the fandom (including myself, ngl) is that it's a point of non-relatability for people. so much of greg is deeply relatable, as well as aesthetically aspirational. but the bits that aren't relatable, particularly for tumblr users, are really unrelatable. acknowledging some of greg's few canonical interests (especially just working with how few there even are without inventing new ones) creates an image of a whole different and kinda uncomfortable type of guy. whether it's the fact alone that it's rap (which i'm sure is not a common interest among tumblr's userbase), or the specific discomfort of the vibe that greg gives off re: enjoying it, that has to be what's going on. or a big part of it.
also i obviously don't think there's anything wrong with headcanoning particular interests and just assuming that we barely have an opportunity to see them, but i do think it's noteworthy that in general we very rarely if ever hear greg make any cultural references, especially compared to other characters. my personal take on this is that a combination of 1) a pathological need to Fit In, 2) being a stoner for possibly all his formative years, 3) genuinely not having access to a lot for a while, and 4) putting focus mainly into conventional success for the show's timeline, has helped craft a greg who just did/does not interact with media very much or very deeply. unlike others, he has not been afforded that leisure time.
it's the desperation to convince ourselves that greg is not the Normie With Nothing Going On Upstairs that he sometimes seems like, i think, that mostly motivates all this. he's simultaneously too relatable and too unrelatable for the average viewer. like, when you relate to any of the sibs you're perfectly ready to ignore the parts of their life that are related to their wealth and to focus only on the family aspects, bc that's what matters. there isn't the same kind of wall between the audience and greg, so he inevitably gets reshaped. not just getting toploaded with headcanons but having the character traits that influence his canon interests, or vice versa, ignored.
(NOT trying to conflate liking rap with being uncultured btw, just the fact that we don't know of almost anything else he likes, and it appears so little anyway and doesn't seem in line with the rest of his aesthetic and therefore feels easy to ignore. and liking marvel movies DOES in fact make you seem less cultured, so.)
thing is, i think there's a lot you can do without compromising greg's core traits and a lot of it is just up to personal taste and what any given person wants to project onto him. in any case it IS very congruent with canon that greg would develop new interests, or deepen more shallow ones, throughout the timeline of the show and especially after. he's got more time and money and opportunities now. he has a favorite champagne now. greg's journey is partially, ostensibly, one of him honing his taste.
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crazy56u · 7 months
Okay, it’s NASCAR time!
And we start immediately behind the wheel, no recap, just go.
Ben, if you don’t floor it, the episode ends early. Gas it.
And the verdict is… Ben barely almost fucked up the episode from the jump.
Ben, you are doing splendidly at maintaining kayfabe today.[/sarcasm]
“Dad, I think Junior’s lost it.”
And that’s the rub: Ben gets another stab at preventing a heart attack.
“No breaks and no doctors. It’s like he wants a heart attack.”
“Hey, I said I’m good, leave ambulances out of this!”
“Look, either I race today, or I die on the spot, I die either way, but at least I die doing something I love!”
“Son, I know I can be a bitch, but doing that helps me ignore my health problems.”
Oh. Goody. Gideon found out how to make the Imaging Chamber work.
Gideon, stop giving Ben shit, he’s better at this than you.
“Who the Hell are you?” He’s a dick, Ben.
I fucking called it.
Good fucking job, Ben, by having a subplot with Hannah, you fucking caused the antagonist.
Gideon, Ben fucking saved your mom and tried to save your dad, get your head out of your ass.
“Ben, by meeting my mom, you killed my dad, that is how that works, I am a smart man!”
…oh. Ben caused a divorce.
Okay, I still say Gideon is being an idiot here, but I also am on his side somewhat; Ben, you should’ve picked a different date to mail that…
Wow, Ben really did fuck up royal…
This is just the Evil Leaper Project on steroids.
I love how you asked that as if Gideon doesn’t want Ben dead on the spot…
Well, luckily Addison, you have enough wiggle room to fix this.
“Hey, bitches, you all thought I was gone from the show!”
This is now a fucking proxy war.
Ian ran to that computer like a kid running to Toys R Us.
Beth is 100% on board with this shit, I love it.
And now everyone gets to learn about “Mirror Image”, aka “What if Ben didn’t fuck up trying to save Josh”.
And cut to Ben trying to fix this from his end with a payphone.
And Jeffery is even more mad at you, Ben. Why did you call Collect…
“Addison, what the heck-“ “Quick recap, we remembered Janis existed, she set up Bootleg Quantum Leap.” “Okay, cool, Gideon is Jeffery, and I accidentally ruined his life helping Hannah.”
I still can’t get over the fact that Hannah indirectly caused this.
Jenn is gonna use an RC car to Jailbreak the Project.
Oh God, I missed those sounds…
Okay, so God just wanted this to happen then…
That’s the rub: Ben has between 20 to 42 minutes to save the future.
And so Ben steals a race car.
And fucking “Highway Star”.
Ben, causing more car accidents will not help you right now…
“You mean is Ben gonna have to strangle Baby Hitler?” I want that framed on my wall.
“Ziggy says we have to ruin a young child’s hopes and dreams, this will be fucking easy!”
And they forgot Gideon still had access to the cameras.
And Janis points out the elephant in the room: That goddamn chip.
If Ben smashes that computer, it’s a coin flip whether or not a Marty McFly happens.
And while Team A discusses paradoxes, Gideon is about to fuck over the leap.
And Jenn breaks the elevator.
And there’s Tom’s last contribution to the show, ladies and germs.
And as Ben is burning through gas during a gas crisis, Jenn is fighting against the clock.
Okay, luckily this is a time travel show, so Jenn won’t be dead for long.
…okay, so now we have another notch in the “Ruin a child’s life” column.
Addison, Jenn just died, maybe don’t do this now?
He had just enough gas to get close enough to the house. Symbolic.
“He named the computer gaffer his father.” Okay, so is Ben willing to literally kill his dad?
“You think an apology changes anything?” The alternative is Ben using that hammer, Jeffery, and there’s two things he can use that on…
“Look, Jeffery, if it makes you feel better, I ruined my life too.”
Ah, so time is the real antagonist.
I just realized this is technically now A Christmas Carol. Jeffery is past, Gideon is Present, Ben is Yet To Come.
“You want me to help you?” “Well, according to you, you would be better at this than me, so, how about a crash course?”
And Jeffery decides to steal Hannah’s car.
And Ben decides to invent the defibrillator.
“He failed.” “How can you be sure?” “Because we’re still here!” Gideon, the butterfly effect isn’t instant. Ben has to hit 100%.
“Time to meet my destiny.” Yeah, and it’s called getting Marty McFlyed.
And cut to Rick stroking out.
[I love how their solution to “How do we do a NASCAR episode but not have it involve a lot of car racing?” was time travel proxy war meets A Christmas Carol.]
And the noose is tightening…
Ben, any second now!
“Look, don’t ask what I’m doing, I have to save my dad!”
And it’s shaping up to be a buzzer beater…
Okay, Rick is saved, 1 for 2…
“Okay, Jeffery, did this fix things for you?” “…I mean, I guess?”
And there’s that butterfly effect, dickhead!
And the timeline is fixed! Yay!
…and Addison is the only one who remembers Jenn died, oh dear.
And Addison decides to go into the Accelerator anyway.
And Hannah still hasn’t fucking aged.
“Hey, sorry my letter fucked over your family.”
“Ben, your letter gave us more time with him. Granted, yes, he stormed out after finding it, and got in his car-“
And here we have another example of why NBC needs to renew this show.
“Look, Ben sacrificed his life to stop me from leaping, and so say that shouldn’t have happened.”
Ben, I have a hunch that code won’t work, even if NBC is being dicks about renewing the show.
“Home isn’t a place. It’s a person.” …calling it, Ben isn’t going home; Addison’s joining him.
And survey says…
There’s your third season pitch! Reusing the plan for OG Season 6!
And so Ben and Addison have to deal with another explosion.
NBC needs to fucking renew this show, dead serious.
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kwardo · 1 month
Day One
Thou hast stumbled upon mine Animal Crossing blog. I'll keep this updated as long as I don't lose interest in the game, which tends to happen a lot. I'll be playing the first game, as it's the only one I haven't paid much attention to. Besides the very basic objectives this game has to offer (achieve perfect town status, house upgrades, more..?) i wanna try and obtain all the NES games legitimately. I also *have* to replace the trees in town with golden trees. I just need to.
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Starting off, I get taunted for being lonely. And I thought this was supposed to be a comfort game. I'm not really sure what he means by "getting friends to come here", though. Gamecube doesn't support online play, but maybe he knows more than I do? Maybe I'm just ignorant. Still, he shouldn't comment on my social status. I used to love this guy in City Folk. He was humble. He loved his fans, he loved *me*. But it turns out he's an asshole. Well, what more could you expect from a dog? I hope he gets kicked out of whatever label he's signed to. Let's see him handing out mixtapes on the street. Maybe that *did* happen, which would explain his humbleness in further installations of the series. I'm hoping it did. Anyway, I board the train, and I get approached by an anthropomorphic cat. Guess what he utters.
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I mean, this feels like a poorly disguised fetish. It's like he *wants* to drool on me. It's like he said that, expecting a positive reaction from me. It's like he wanted me to say "Oh, no worries! I'd love to have your sloppy saliva on my clothes!". But that just won't fly. Not with me. I refuse to take part in this guy's sick fetish. If this is the first thing he says to an acquaintance, just imagine what's on his hard drive. Thankfully, this is the only time you see him in-game (and thank god for that...) But since I'm a kind soul, I put up with him. He figured out that approaching me like that wasn't exactly appropriate, so he resorted to small talk. Asked me for my name and all. I put in "Dre". It's short for "Andre".
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He just laughed in my face. I'm starting to think that this guy is more of a social cripple than me. It's not like his name is any better. This is the first time I've seen a cat named Rover. That's the equivalent of being a man named "Aubrey", so I suggest he keeps his mouth shut.
He starts interrogating me. Asks me what town I'm moving to. Why I'm moving. Now, I try to maintain an image of glamour and wealth, but truth is I'm broke. And I'm forced to tell him that. I'm forced to tell him that I can't afford a roof over my head. He's guilt tripped into helping poor 'ol me find a place to live.
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Just try and tell me this doesn't sound like two dope peddlers discussing profits. And here I was, thinking that this guy is just a gooner incapable of running a business. I never would have imagined that he'd be in the crack game. Dirty money or not, it doesn't matter. I need a home, and I need one fast, cause this train's gonna reach it's destination someday. I'm also not entirely convinced that he's helping me out from the goodness of his heart. He's a porn-addict, after all. He's probably doing this in the hopes of crawling into bed with me. Absolutely disgusting.
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I get off the train, and *damn*. I look absolutely terrific. I bet all the quirky girls in town are gonna be throwing petals at my feet (that is, if they're not fast asleep already...). Yeah, I arrived in town a little *too* late. 22:39 (that's 10:39PM for you yankees). Gonna have to put off my lady killer antics for tomorrow, unfortunately. I know, I need to get my priorities straight, and my priority right now is finding a place to sleep, preferably warm. You can't see him in the image, but Tom Nook is *right* there! He's the only person in Katos (that's the name of the town!) awaiting me, and it's not because he wants to give me a housewarming welcoming ceremony. He's awaiting me purely for his own gain! He informs me of the loan prices, and they're quite generous, actually. First loan is 19.800 bells. Now, if you didn't know, bells are based off Japanese Yen (I *might* be lying here. I read this on the Animal Crossing Forums years ago, but it makes sense, right? Nintendo is a Japanese company or whatever.) Now, 19.800 Yen equates to 135.360 US Dollars. Now, I'm convinced that this is a money laundering scheme. Tom Nook is a dope dealer, and he's loaning off houses as a cover. 135 Dollars with no interest? It's a little shady.
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This is the aftermath of my first deposit. I only had a thousand bells on me. Now, he mocks me for being impoverished, but I laugh back at his comically elongated nose. Just look at it. You could stack donuts on that thing. Kissing is probably very complicated in the Nook family. He offers, no, he *forces* me into working for him. Usually, I'd salvage my dignity and smugly refuse, but these are grim times. This doesn't stop me from slacking off, though. I'm gonna go and make a plethora of friends!
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*Ow*. That's what I get for slacking off. You think this is an elaborate scheme by Nook to punish me for not happily waltzing into his shop immediately? Cause I don't. I think this guy is just an asshole. From now on, August 22nd, he's my enemy number #1. He's gonna leave town whether he likes it or not. There's a good reason as to why every acre around his house is devoid of residents. I think he's hiding something. Maybe he's involved in the whole drug thing? I feel like he would've been forced out of town by the other villagers. Tom Nook *has* to be the one keeping him here. Surely the others would not tolerate him, unless they're in on the whole thing too...A cartel town.
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Now, I was approaching this guy's shop, mood ruined, until I stumbled onto this ball. Now, kicking the ball is quite fun, actually. It makes bouncy noises. They're such a joy to listen to. So much so, that I couldn't help but share the sound with the 2 people reading this blog. Now, I didn't realize that my microphone was on, so you're gonna hear me flicking the joystick around, but it's the thought that counts, right? :)
Now, this lady got mad at me for some reason. I was mistaken with some "hipster" (who could that be?). I suspect that this "hipster" dude is gigolo. The dialogue is *very* revealing. "I've been waiting here all night!". No comment.
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She profusely apologized once she realized I wasn't her man. Weirdo. I'm starting to think that I'm the only normal one here. I don't even want to know what the rest of the town roster looks like. Better stop slacking off and get a job.
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Wow, starting off great... This business doesn't seem profitable. Look at what he's selling here. Wallpaper, carpet, and a shovel. I'd get rid of those right off the bat if I was him. How often does one buy a carpet?
"**41.9% The percentage of the U.S. flooring market represented by the carpet industry in 2015, according to statistics from Marketing Insights**"
I'm too tired to try to decipher the meaning behind that statistic, but it's either saying that 41% of people use carpet, or that 41% of people don't. And there's a cactus and umbrella, too. *Nobody* buys that stuff. Maybe if he opened up a bakery he wouldn't be forced to operate in a shack. You don't launder money like this.
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As punishment for being late, he made me wear this preposterous costume that I'm too ashamed to show here. He tasked me with with planting flowers, claiming that it would be "aesthetically appealing to visitors" or whatever. I wasn't really listening, was too distracted by his absurd nose. I did whatever any self-respecting person would do and planted the blossoms outside my soon-to-be residence. It's not like a bunch of poppies would make his sorry shack look any better, no? No.
He told me that I can't proceed without getting along with the townies. Actually insufferable. I don't wanna introduce myself to any more dodos, but orders are orders, and as much as I'd love to disobey them, sometimes you gotta be responsible.
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Hey, it's not all that bad. This girl likes me (platonically! I'd never go out with a frog). It seems that she has her own merchandise, too (Note the cutesy frog T-Shirt she's wearing). Wow, there's one stable person here! She even let me walk into her one-room house.
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*Oh*. Maybe the umbrella business really *is* profitable?
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I also had to say hi to the mayor. He was at the wishing well, for some odd reason. Now, guess where you can ask for an apology? Exactly here, at the wishing well. I feel like he kills off his opposition in order to stay in power, and now he feels remorse. That's why he's here. Tom Nook even says that "You can find him by the wishing well", so this is a regular thing for him. The things people do to stay in power. You can even see how startled he is to see me there. "Eh? Whuh?" He's acting like he just got busted. Now, he's trying to distract me here with some really odd questions, like asking me which family member I respect the most. The reason he's asking me this really random question is because he worries. He worries that I know the real reason as to why he's at the wishing well. Now, I see right through him, but I play into his game. I know he wants me to say that I respect my Gramps the most, but I said Grandpa just to piss him off. He's probably divorced, too, so that's just adding salt to the wound, right? He promptly gets pissed off and starts boasting about his status. I don't care! Oh, also, the wishing well could be a metaphor. There's water in a well, and he has blood on his hands. How do you wash away blood? With water, obviously. The signs were all there, and I'm probably the first to notice them. I'd like to point out a pet peeve I have with this game. It's about the music you hear in the tutorial (when you work for Tom Nook). It's one of the best songs to come out of this series as a whole, and yet you only get to enjoy it for, what, 20 minutes? It's a shame, cause this would've worked as a 1-4 pm theme really well. Here, have a listen.
It's the biggest missed opportunity of this series. If I was smart enough, I'd mod this in as hourly music. But alas, I am not. I've just barely figured out HTML.
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I had to advertise my employer's business in a letter. Now, I know how much *everyone* hates getting mailed ads, so I thought I'd try something more experimental here, so I wrote this mantra. It's supposed to represent the shop calling out to him. 50/50 chance it will work.
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Turns out this game has cops. That whole "cozy, comfort game" facade has fallen. They operate a lost & found thingy, so I took advantage. Yes, I've been in town for 20 minutes and I already lost 2 of my tees. Silly me!
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Turns out that Bob is here! He stuttered when I introduced myself and he's obviously socially inept. Asking me to give something to someone else when it's him that should be doing it? He's obviously doing it to avoid talking to..Oh, it's Spike. The asshole bull from earlier. I don't blame him for shifting that quest on me, honestly, I'd do the same...
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Wow, okay, this means war. How could he call Bob a loser? The poor kitty is just scared of the world...I'm not letting him get away with this. I told him to sleep well tonight, because I will be banging my shovel against his bamboo fence anytime he gets rest, starting from tomorrow.
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That scared him off good, so he gave me this really ugly shirt to try and bribe me into bestowing mercy upon him. Not only was the shurt ugly, but it also had sweat stains, bleugh. Into the dump it goes!
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And just like that, I was done. I had paid off an additional 1,700 bells. It was NOT worth it, not one bit. The worst part is that I all the shops are closed now. I can't even dig up the daily glowing spot. That's a thousand bells I'm missing out on. We'll get 'em next time, I guess. For now, I can just go home and take a gander at what furniture I got gifted.
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Yeah, I didn't mention this, but the villagers give you stuff when you run errands for them. They usually don't say *that*, though...
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This is just bonkers, now. I have a kiddie table that's as big as my house. I guess that's where I'm sleeping tonight. There's also this thing I stole from the Police Station in the bottom right corner, but I'm not really sure what it is. It looks rad, though, so it's staying. And that was all. Writing this was *exhausting*, it took me about 2 hours, and for what? So that I can have 2 people read it? I'm *really* hoping that I don't get bored of this game quickly, cause that's what tends to happen when I try to get back into City Folk. Hopefully this one has something that keeps me coming back to it. I'll go and get some good sleep now.
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artificialcaretaker · 2 months
It always occupied a space in the back of my mind, but I now OFFICIALLY have a specific way in which I ship AzulAang,
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[And all it took was an entirely DIFFERENT set of alien romance which is technically entirely headcanon because they never elaborate on the details in the comic.]
Ok, so here’s a physical demonstration
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They’re……figuring it out.
But as for the explaination:
- First and foremost, the relationship would have to take place Post-Canon. I know the images used are show PNGs but I didn’t feel like looking for comic PNGs. Due to Azula’s whole psychiatric situation at the end of the series, along with the fact that Aang has probably not yet fully processed that she killed him that one time, they’re gonna need a little time apart!!
- When they meet up after that initial separation, though, a very particular dynamic forms
- While a VERY dedicated shipper could argue that Azula previously harbored some pitch feelings towards Aang, I personally feel she would not be able to keep that hatred or aggression to a fully romantic context, and after they reunite she may find those pitch feelings irrelevant, as like I said, they would’ve probably had the tendency to spiral into NON-romantic hatred, which is something she’d no longer be able to display now that the Avatar is an internationally protected citizen instead of a wanted criminal
- As for Aang, I honestly just have a hard time imagining him in any pitch ships in general ig?? I just don’t think his feelings would ever skew that way, closest I have to that is Aang in an ASHEN ZuKatAang and that’s about as dark as it goes for him personally. There IS still a particular tension there with Azula, though, one that could much more-so be considered a desire for mutual trickery
- And thus, they enter the Blue-Diamond
- Their Blue-Diamond relationship, being the most neutral of the ennead, puts them in a perfect middle ground in which neither are necessarily entirely malicious or entirely malevolent when it comes to the hijinks between them.
- It’s like……can I say Tom and Jerry?? Am I allowed to say Tom and Jerry?? It’s a continuous line of slapstick between the two, but in a way which it’s very structured routine-wise, and it’s balanced out with moments in which hijinks cease entirely in favor of calmer moments
- The difficulties lie, though, in Azula’s competitiveness and Aang’s cordialness
- And thus, they enter a Trove in Progress
- While Azula both softens up to Aang over time and is now legally required to NOT seriously harm him, some of those remaining pitch feelings still bubble up sometimes, but due to the restraint she now has to maintain, that intensity is lowered down to an intense desire for hijinks and a lowered desire for affection, thus sending her feelings into Stars at times
- On the other hand, while Aang has a naturally unserious demeanor, he IS still a little sappy at times, so while there’s not necessarily a FULL stop of hijinks, he sometimes teeters into Clovers
- While this COULD lead into a nice Trove, their past experiences with each other have led to a bit of a difficulty in emotionally understanding one another, as well as confronting one another about those misunderstandings
- This, unfortunately, means that they don’t usually line up when it comes to Stars or Clovers, and due to not fully understanding the other’s intent, one usually ends up shifting back into the neutrality of Blue-Diamonds, which will sometimes confuse the other further, but also sometimes line up with the other shifting back into that same ennead just around the same time
- All and all, they DO have the potential of entering a Trove, but at the current stage I imagine the relationship in there’s still a lot more soul searching and conversations that need to be had between the two
- Until then though, they DO still have the comfort of the ennead they mutually share, which at the end of the day still serves as a testament to their shared feelings towards each other
- Nobody here knows what the fuck I’m talking about.
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golden-gitch979 · 2 months
Fionna and Cake x SVTFOE AU
This idea has been floating around my head for a while, and eventually I decided to draw it! As of now this AU (If you can even call it that lol) is on a unspecified hiatus. but I may revisit it sometime soon. Anyways here's all of the characters I made for it!
Starting us off we have Star the Human! Similar to Fionna, she's rocking that classic blonde hair, but let's hers hang out rather than bunching it all up. She's never afraid of a adventure, and with Marco by her side, they can conquer anything
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Marco the Cat! Best friend and older brother figure to Star, he's always there to support his friends and act as a voice of reason when things get out of hand
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Prince Thomas Trident rules the Candy Kingdom with compassion and empathy but lets his temper get out of hand at times. He has some unusual features, "Demonic" as Janna puts it, with pointy ears, sharp teeth, and a extra eye, there may be more than the candy prince is letting on
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Janna Lee the Vampire Queen! Owner of Star and Marco's tree house, she lets herself in whenever she pleases, takes what she wants, and messes with Marco as much as possible! Janna also enjoys pulling pranks on the candy people, and especially their prince
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Lady Jackie-Lynn the Oceachromicorn! Right hoof to Prince Tom, Jackie's always there to calm her friends down, especially her Boyfriend Marco.
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Hunter Wizard AKA Oskar is the laidback Wildman of the woods. He spends most of his days trying (and failing) to make music, and fending off the various threats that comes with living in a forest
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Lumpy Space Pony! Does anyone actually enjoy her company? No one really besides Star & which causes her to be a little clingy to her since she's her only friend. Yes, she's selfish, yes she's entitled, but she means well in her own way and will always try to help
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Finally, we have the Ice Queen, formerly known as Eclipsa Petrikov. She tries to maintain a professional appearance, but it's hard when a wand is making you lose your mind. She hangs out in the Ice Kingdom most of the time, and occasionally tries to kidnap a prince or two. Deep down though, she's just a troubled soul and I think she can sense somethings wrong too
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And.. that's everyone! So far at least. Like I said this AU is on a hiatus for who knows how long, but I do plan on coming back to it sometime soon! I also plan on making more dynamic/expressive poses for the character images in the future, but that'll most likely take a while. With all that said, Thank you to anyone who stayed until the end, it means the world to me!
Here's the "finale" photo!
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Therapy Fit for a God Chapter 21
Loki/OFC Rated E: Trigger Warnings: Smut, Sex, Oral Sex, Angst, talk of suicide, therapy, unhealthy family dynamics, mention of torture and mind control, touch starved, drinking
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20
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Loki’s plans to conquer and rule Midgard have come to a disastrous end. After being captured by the Avengers, he is being held on Earth. Odin has refused to interfere, and the outlook for the God of Mischief appear bleak. His only hope may lie in one mortal woman, a Psychiatric expert brought in to interrogate him.
Dr. Caroline Thorpe is intrigued by Loki and thinks that more lies beneath his actions than is commonly known. Can she find out the truth before he is shipped off to die for crimes against the Earth? And can Loki bring himself to care?
@yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @hopelessromanticspoonie @wine-and-whines @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen @devilish–doll @enchantedbyhiddles @hiddlesholic @i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman @kellatron55 @ladyoftheteaandblood @latent-thoughts @yespolkadotkitty@maryxglz @myoxisbroken @nuggsmum @nildespirandum @pedeka @redfoxwritesstuff @sinfully-lustful-darling @vodka-and-some-sass @wrathkitty @kingtwhiddleston @wolfsmom1 @poetic-fiasco @shiningloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @bookworm-christina @amwolowicz @delightfulheartdream @frostbitten-written @what-a-flammable-heart @tom-hlover @nonsensicalobsessions @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @ghostypau @ms-cellanies @colorfulfreakstudentpizza @mareebird @colorfulfreakstudentpizza  @szycha22 @chokemedaddyloki @queenofallhobos @just-the-hiddles-reads  @alwida10  @justjoanne242 @chantsdemarins @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokiprompts @evieplease​
Okay, so a few things: 1. I know it's been almost a month, and I apologize. It was a stupid month, complete with a panic attack and a move. I really hope not to take this long between chapters again.
2. TRIGGER WARNING!!!! Part of the reason I had to wait to write this is it is a dark chapter. There are memories of abuse, and both Loki and Caro are in very angsty places. Please do not read it if this will be bad for you.
There was no physical pain, not the way it had been with the Tesseract. Her body did not ache or feel as though it had been torn into a million pieces. No, this time it was her heart that bore the brunt of the Infinity Stone's damage, and it was a million times worse.
Caroline had only a dim memory of being brought to the room where she was now. She was vaguely aware that there had been an argument about it. Tony had stood up to his technical superiors and demanded that she be taken to the suite he maintained on the base instead of to the jail where Pierce had insisted she belonged. She should be grateful she supposed, but in truth she didn't much care where she was. Her mind would follow where her body went, and her brain was a much more profound prison than even SHIELD could construct.
She had not protested as they carried her here, nor had she struggled when they injected her with a sedative. She was too busy crying to even notice the needle going into her arm. It was only when her mind began to grow fuzzy that she even realized what had happened. Tenaciously she held on to the picture burned into her brain - Loki on the floor, body lifeless and eyes unseeing - as the world around her faded to oblivion.
It was still there, that image, when she awoke.
"Try to stay calm, and breath," a distantly familiar voice suggested. "I've given you a heavy dose of tranquilizers, so you're going to be hazy for a while. My advice, don't fight it."
"What," her voice croaked, throat sore and dry, and she swallowed and tried again. "What are you doing here?"
She wasn't really interested, but it seemed polite to at least feign curiosity. After all, they all seemed to be trying to help her for some reason.
"Tony contacted me. Over half a dozen Phds and they all treat me like I'm a medic."
"Sorry," she rasped, knowing it was what she was supposed to say.
"No, I'm sorry," Dr. Banner awkwardly adjusted his glasses. "I don't mean to add to your worries. And I get it. I wouldn't trust SHIELD doctors either. No offense."
"I'm not SHIELD," she protested without the usual force she put into her denials. Who cared if she technically didn't work for SHIELD when she had carried out their execution as efficiently as any of their trigger happy agents.
"Right. Tony said you were a freelancer too. In fact, he's suggested a couple of times I set up an appointment with you."
"I wouldn't," she laughed without humor. "My current track record with patients advises against it."
"Hey, don't do that. You can't blame yourself for what happened. There were intergalactic forces beyond human understanding involved."
"And I was egotistical enough to think that I could overcome them."
"Did you? Did you go into that room thinking that you would be immune? Because from everything I've heard, and Tony gave me a detailed rundown, you were all well aware of what the probable outcome would be. So, what were you supposed to do? Let an egomaniac with a God complex go in instead?"
"Are you talking about Loki or Tony?" She asked, a trace of humor despite it all.
"Either way," Bruce gave a lopsided smile. "Either of them, or Thor, or god help us me would have ripped the universe apart. You didn't."
"No, I just ripped Loki apart instead."
The spark of humor left, and she buried her head in her hands as tears she did not know she had left fell from her eyes. Bruce, after a moment of uncomfortable shuffling, crossed the room and sat next to her on the bed, placing his hand on her shoulder.
"It wasn't your fault."
"I killed the man I love."
"You don't know that. Loki was alive when Thor took him to Asgard. If there's a way to fix him, they will know it there. I mean, he survived me smashing him repeatedly into the floor and was making bad jokes just minutes later."
Looking at the self-effacing doctor it was hard to imagine that the raging beast was hidden within. She felt a sudden kinship with him that she would not have expected. Her time under the sway of the Mind Stone had shone her the dark thoughts lurking beneath the surface.
"How do you do it?" she asked tentatively.
"Do what?"
"How do you live with what you do when you're the Hulk? I'm sorry, that's unfair. I didn't mean..."
"No, it's okay," he quieted her as she fretfully began to backtrack. "It's not easy. The first few times, before I learned to control it more, I caused a lot of damage. I have to own that. But I also know that I was not fully responsible. I do what I can to repaire the damage I caused, and work to keep it from happening again. You don't have to worry about that. The Mind Stone is gone, taken to Asgard where you never have to come in contact with it again."
"Along with Loki."
"Look, I don't have all, or even any answers. But you're not going to help Loki by beating yourself up. For all we know, he could be up and driving all the Asgardians crazy by now. Or he could be convalescing in a bed of flowers being fed nectar and ambrosia, or whatever they do up there. But either way, he'll need you to be strong in order to help him finish healing. So the best thing you can do for him is take care of yourself."
"Or he could be dead," she said dully.
Bruce took off his glasses and cleaned them on the edge of his shirt. He didn't meet her eye, and he didn't say anything. After all, what could he say?
Loki drifted to consciousness on a wave of pain. Where there had been only numbness once, now it was as though a billion microscopic pins were piercing him, deep into the subdermal tissue of his body. Was he out of the void then? He had thought for a moment that he might be lost in it once more, but it seemed he was not to be so lucky. Sweet oblivion was once more denied him and torture seemed to be once more in his future.
"Hush, dear one," he heard a soothing voice say, as something cool brushed his forehead.
No, he was not going to listen to the voice or acknowledge the small moment of relief when his brow was touched. That was the way to more heart ache, as he had been forced to learn during his time in prison with The Other. He steeled his mind to shut it all out, focusing instead on the physical pain. That, at least, he could endure.
"You are alright, Loki. Just lie still and let yourself heal."
He heard a pathetic mewling noise, and to his horror it was coming from his own mouth. The cool contact from what seemed to be a cloth caressed his face, and then slid down to his neck. It was a small thing but done with such gentleness that he found himself leaning into it in spite of himself.
With a low groan he fluttered open his eyes. He had a feeling what he would see, the voice had not been strange to him, but it was still with a constriction in his chest that his Mother's face resolved itself to his view. Friga's eyes shone with concern, and he thought unshed tears might be lurking behind her eyes. It cut him to the depth of his soul.
"You... you are not her," he rasped, voice little more than a grating of his vocal chordes, none of the smooth charm he was known for evident.
"Do not exert yourself, my son. You need time to recover."
"Stop it," he begged, flinching away from her touch. "You will not deceive me again. I will not buy in to your lies only to have them snatched away again."
It was among the worst of the tortures he had endured. The one that began with hope. Hope was the mortal enemy where he was now. He had to keep it at bay.
"Loki, it's me. I'm real. I'm here."
"Please," he was weeping now, desperate. "Please do not make me watch her die again. Please. Just kill me. Kill me and let me go."
"Oh, Loki. What have they done to you?"
The hand returned to his forehead and Loki felt blissful oblivion swallow him once more.
The pain was less the next time he returned to consciousness. He was in the same room, a sick room on Asgard. The bed beneath him was soft, as were the clothes that encased him loosely. He was still sore, and felt as weak as a kitten, but the intense stabbing pain had abated.
What had happened to him? His memory was appeared to be one large haze. A nagging flicker of a thought buzzed in the periphery of his awareness, but no matter how he tried to concentrate he could not focus his mind. With a groan, he raised his head and looked around him.
"Mother," he said, attempting a smile when he saw Frigga sitting in a chair in the corner.
"Loki," her voice was relieved, and he wondered how long he had been asleep.
"Watching over me like when I was a child. What have I done to deserve this?"
Perhaps she would fill him in on the reason for his convalescence and save him the embarrassment of asking. No need to let others know his memory was porous as a sponge.
"There is no question of deserving," she chided him gently. "You are my son. I will always watch over you. How do you feel?"
"I feel as though I spent the day battling an ice dragon," he admitted ruefully. "And without my knives."
"I wish that was all you had been through," she said, frustratingly vague.
"Well, no doubt your healing hands were all I needed."
"I only wish that were true. Eir herself has been here multiple times the past few days. You gave us quite a scare, my son."
"Days?" the word slipped out in a gasp before he could stop himself. "How long have I been unconscious?"
"Thor brought you back eight days ago. You were barely hanging onto life. I have never seen him so beside himself. We feared we were going to lose you."
"Eight days?"
What possibly could have rendered him incapacitated for that long? He knew from experience that he was not an easy creature to kill; gods new enough people had tried over the centuries. Why couldn't he remember?
"Do not trouble yourself, about it," Frigga suggested, bringing him a cup of sweet water. "You are on the mend now, that is all that matters."
"Is Thor still here?" he asked.
Perhaps his brother could be led to reveal what had happened. Loki was not sure why he didn't want to admit his lack of memory, but something inside was urging him not to trust anyone, even his beloved mother.
"He is not at the moment, but he will return soon," she assured him. "Your father sent him on an errand."
"Odin," Loki spoke the name, once more beset by a strange emotion of unease.
"He will be so pleased to see you awake once more. You have given us all quite a scare."
"I'm surprised he noticed."
"Loki!" Frigga reprimanded.
He should have known better. No matter how close he and his mother were, she would never hear a bad word about her husband. Over the years Loki had learned to avoid voicing his grievances; it hurt too much to have them explained away. He knew Frigga meant well, that she only wanted to see the best motives in those she loved. She had the same blind spot when it came to himself. Still, just once he would have loved to hear her condemn Odin for his treatment of his younger son.
"Well, I notice he is not sitting by my bed side."
"He has been here," she informed him. "It is only matters of state that keep him busy."
"Of course."
"Do you think you can eat? You need to regain your strength, but I don't want to rush your recovery."
Loki did a quick assessment and realized with some surprise that he was ravenous. Oddly, he had a sudden craving for venison stew. He doubted the kitchens of the palace were preparing anything so rustic. He could not even remember where he had eaten it before. No doubt on one of his clandestine adventures with Thor and the Idiots Three. That would explain why he had blocked it out.
"Loki?" Frigga sounded concerned. Had he been thinking too long?
"I am famished," he told her truthfully.
"I will send to the kitchens. Lie still and try to rest until I get back."
She gave him a quick kiss on the forehead and slipped from the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
Something was wrong. He could not put his finger on what, exactly, but he knew that his mother was acting strangely. If nothing else, he had caught her worrying at her left hand as she sat looking otherwise serene. It was a tell that they shared, betraying in a way that voice or gaze never would that something was bothering them.
Why was his mind such a blur? He tried to focus on the last thing he remembered, but it was all jumbled. They had held Thor's coronation he knew that much. But then Odin was still King, sending Thor off to run errands for him. Which meant that something had happened to interrupt it. And anyway, that had been some time ago. He knew that time had passed since the big day. He just could not, for the life of him, recall what had occurred during that time.
He was missing something. More than just the time and the memories, he knew there was something in particular that mattered. Mattered more than anything else in his world. There was something he needed to be doing, some place he needed to be. It was vitally important and completely forgotten. He had to find out what it was. Somehow, he knew his happiness depended on it.
"She's still not eating much" Bruce said quietly to Tony, glancing over to where Caroline sat at a table picking at her food.
"It's only been a week, give her time," Tony advised.
"It's hard to believe that this melancholy is all over Loki. I guess there's someone for everyone."
"Kinda gives you hope for you and me, huh? I know it doesn't make a lot of sense, but I saw the two of them together. Call me a sentimental idiot, but I got to say, it looked like the real deal between them."
"Have you heard anything? Thor check in at all?"
"Last I heard he was taking the Mind Stone to some secret location. Keep it out of reach of power hungry hands."
"So we have no way of knowing if Loki survived."
Caroline stopped listening, unable to take anymore. She knew she was worrying her friends, but she couldn't help herself. If Loki was alive, and she prayed to any and every God she could think of day and night that he was, she would never know it. None of the outcomes she could foresee were good. There was every chance Odin would lock him up for his perceived crimes. If so, it would be her fault for insisting they go after the Mind Stone and then losing herself to the point where she shot him.
All she could hope was that by some miracle he had survived and persuaded them of his innocence or slipped free of Odin's punishments. She still held out no hope that she would see him again. Why would he return to this place that had been the sight of nothing but pain for him. The base was full of his enemies. Pierce had been held off so far by Tony and Bruce, but he still yearned to have his revenge. She was confined to Tony's suite of rooms, a guard at the door ready to arrest her if she ventured out. She was bait, she knew. A pawn in the Secretary's plan to capture and kill Loki. Loki would know it as well. He was far too clever to fall into Pierce's trap.
And why would he even be tempted? She had shot him at point blank range.
"You okay Doc?"
Blinking, she realized that she was crying again. She had been doing that far too much lately. Lifting watery eyes to Tony, she stood up and pushed her plate away.
"I'm just tired," she said wistfully. "I think I'll go to bed."
"It's 7:30," Tony pointed out.
"Good night."
"Okay, that's it," she heard him say as she walked away. "Time to take matters into my own hands."
"Tony, I wouldn't" Bruce worried.
"I know, that's we're lucky I'm here."
With a sigh she closed her door. She didn't know what he had planned, but it didn't matter. Nothing much mattered to her now.
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