#so an au where they dont....? and instead leave that world together........................?
deathspremonition · 1 year
after a month i have xkit here. yippie
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chirpycloudyrobin · 1 month
hey do you know that one plotline in violet evergarden where the dying mom leaves letters to her kid spanning the kid's birthdays for the next 50 hears ?
work with me here.
in another AU, yllz!wei wuxian knows he's not really going to make it. the others know too. theyre all running on borrowed time. but they all agree that a-yuan should at least live. so all of them (wwx, wen qing, all the wen remnants) got together one night and write letters to a-yuan for him to open on his birthdays for the next 50 years in case they never do make it.
they hand the qiankun pouch with all the letters to wen ning. their plan in case all goes to shit is to give a-yuan to wen ning and for the two of them to escape as far as possible while wwx sets himself up as one final bait. wen ning doesnt like this last resort. no one does. but theyre all running out of time.
in this AU, things go a little differently. there is no ambush at qiongqi pass because there is no yllz traveling to give jin ling his gift. instead, wwx got lwj to hand the gift over to jin ling to avoid bringing chaos to such an auspicious event. jzx and jyl live.
there is no nightless city massacre because wwx isnt there to get the wen siblings because the wen siblings havent given themselves up. everyone is far too busy preparing a-yuan's escape.
that doesnt stop the sects from besieging the burial mounds though. they want the yllz gone, you best believe they will find other reasons to justify the siege.
a miracle happens though. by some stroke of luck, wen qing survives with a-yuan and she gets to escape with him and wen ning. wwx still dies but his death is enough to give the wen sibs and a-yuan time to escape.
so a-yuan grows up in some obscure fishing village so far removed from the great sect territories that not even lwj has passed by the place. all three of them are under new names. they make a living as the village's only healers. nobody talks about wen ning being a fierce corpse because he really isnt any danger to them. in fact, he's the favourite grandchild of all the elders (after a-yuan of course)
a-yuan grows up with just his qing-jiejie and ning-gege physically, but he has a stack of letters from his departed loved ones waiting for him for each of his birthdays, each of his milestones. his favourites are always from his xian-gege, pages upon pages of wwx rambling to him every birthday. maybe wwx snuck in some cultivation tips and tricks there. maybe there are a couple of sketches and drawings too. sketches of their family, sketches of their old home. one sketch of lwj.
a-yuan's family may have been shaved down to just the three of them but the others' spirits remain with them always.
a-yuan grows well. he's a healer, but he's also a cultivator. one wandering cultivator (maybe another incognito baoshan sanren disicple?) had given him a sword and a couple of manuals.
"you're a promising one, kid. unfortunate that you're so far away from the nearest cultivation centers, but these should be of help"
so thats their life now. quiet, peaceful.
theyre so far away from the great sect's world that they dont even hear about anything happening over there until months have passed since.
until one day, something compels wen ning to travel as fast as he can to a certain direction.
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
First of all im so sorry for the long askbut!! New parent idea 💥💥 i present to you: King
Now hear me out, you might be thinking ‘really??? King from wano the bird guy?? Why tf’ but my good sir there are multiple reasons
1. Fire! King is from a race called lurarians (he’s infact the last of his people because theyre world wide known as beautiful because of their white hair, dark skin and beautiful black wings) lurarians are also known to be able to set themselves on fire! So that fits prettyyy well with sanji
So if we take pt 1 with us and expand it...
2. Test subject ✨ we all know Sanji is judge 3rd expiriment and also that vegapunk has made the seraphims of the warlords combined with kings lurarian DNA to make very strong clones. Judge and vegapunk were also in a science group together so they might have some shared notes and materials...
So that brings me to the parent King au...
What if vegapunk and judge kept in touch and decided to keep King in germas dungeon for the foreseeable future because its very well guarded etc etc so he is essentially both vegapunk and judges labrat
And when judge is busy with Sora and Reiju he notices that while reiju hasnt failed his expectations for power, he can always do better so with the quadruplets he also decides to mix kings lurarian DNA in for even stronger child soldiers (so 1234ji have 3 bio parents lmao)
Maybe this alters their appearance also a bit? (Mini baby wings 🥺 that they hide becausd its a weakness maybe 124ji got them amputated later in life while sanji ofcourse kept his hidden)
But anyway canon continues and sanji gets thrown into the dungeon with his mask... Here he meets a huge winged man. First days maybe weeks they dont really talk but sanji is a child and starts talking to king because he's lonely
They startbonding and in the next almost year that sanji is stuck there they really learn to love each other and sanji shows king his baby wings and king just decides 'yup thats my kid' teaches him to groom and how to fold/hide them without being in to much pain
But then vegapunk and judge fight and split up, king was originally vegapunks labrat so he is also taken from sanji.
Canon continues with them both respectively escaping,king tried to find sanji but couldnt bc germa is very stealthy and nobody knows where they are so he joins kaido etc etc
And then they meet again in wano.
Thoughts :0?
I had to double check King's age to make sure this is plausible and yeah, he's 47. He can fully adopt Sanji. I support this fully, fire boys unite! Also imagine Heterochromia!Sanji, one blue eye and one red.
King who is Vegapunks labrat being experimented on for a good while before Reiju and the quads come along, hell, even before Sora coming along. Captured as a teenager and being held captive and tortured for years. Eventually he's locked in the dungeon and left there to rot even after Vegapunk leaves to focus on other things but leaves him in Germa. No one really interacts with the Lunarian except to bring him food and water to keep him alive in case they do decide they want to do something with him again. What it could be he doesn't know what more they could do.
Judge however has gotten married and had a daughter already but notices her flaws and while she's not a full failure, he could do better. So he infuses the Lunarians DNA with those of his coming sons, despite his wife taking that poison she won't be able to do much to get rid of that at least. He can deal with the other failures she causes later but right now he's unworried. Even when the children come, the third one is wrong, he's blond instead of darkhaired, he's easily bruised. Unfortunate really. He had high hopes for that one particularly, for the stealth instead of brute force the others were for.
He sees the wings and knows he still at least has the Lunarian DNA, he might still have some use. Maybe.
He's not and it's clear by the time Sanji is six. Weak and crying and frail compared to his siblings. He has a full range of emotions which even Reiju doesn't have. Disgusted Judge throws him in the dungeon, a metal cover his head and unconcerned if he dies down there, Sanji screaming and crying for him to come back. Apologizing to his father over and over again as if it will change anything. It doesn't. He's trapped alone in the cell but there's someone down here with him. There's a man, tall with white hair and black wings like he has, only a few years older than his mother. He's telling Sanji to quiet down, no one will come get him. Sanji can't stop crying so he apologizes and sits in the back of his cell. King gives his real name to the kid, introduces himself as Alber to the boy, he is a boy after all, small and frail and so utterly broken and too young to be there. He knows what it's like to be a failure after all. It takes all of a day for King to see the small black wings the kid has. His wings are in awful condition: Bald spots, cuts, bruises, broken feathers. King remembers what that was like, the uncomfortable feeling and itching, those wings are from Lunarians though, so this kid has his DNA or there's another Lunarian here possibly. Both are bad options, no one should be forced to live as he has. No one.
They're together for a year and some change and in that time 124ji find out about Sanji and King almost burns the little princes for what they're doing. They have wings as well, atrophied and unworked like his are. He can only stretch his so far in this cramped cell. He hears the crunch of bones in the younger's cell. He throws fire at them once and is doused in water unforgivingly. They're incredibly close, King hasn't told the boy this where his wings come from and Sanji asks if he's where his red eye comes from and King says probably, albeit he's confused about that, he's only seen the blue one.
He teaches Sanji how to preen and hide his wings more comfortably and for protection. King tells him they will be his pride and joy and he will be able to fly with them. Sanji says he hopes so. They've been together for a year and some change when they take King away from Sanji. They tranquilize him and the last thing King hears is Sanji screaming and begging for them not to take him. He wakes up to Vegapunk telling him it's time to continue their work. King stays for a year, working on getting his wings back to functioning, preening and carrying for them. Then he escapes. It's a mess getting out but he needs to get out. Needs to find Sanji, his son. He will find his son.
So he breaks out and goes hunting for Germa but hears the kids saying Sanji better be dead since he's out of the dungeon, which means he escaped. As relieved as that makes him it means he has more searching to do. He looks and looks for years and years. He doesn't find him though and ends up in Wano under Kaido, working his way up to becoming an All Star. He hides who he is and decides he'll wait, maybe Sanji will pass by.
Sanji on the other hand is going through canon mostly normally, I think having King there would partially impact how he views woman but also for as much flirting as he does he doesn't actually sleep with anyone. Zeff found out he has wings while on the rock because he's crying about how fucked they are. Zeff is staring at the black wings attached to this kid and helps him hide them when they're saved, threatens the doctor to keep quiet.
Zeff helps Sanji rehab them before Baratie opens and after it does he lets the boy fly to his heart's content. Patty and Carne will save him if he falls in the water, he can still swim but his wings are not made for water. Is he still amazing at it? 100% but like, he's not a duck or a penguin. He's part Lunarian. He wears coats like the vice admirals and admirals do. Off his shoulders to hide his wings, to keep them safe as he goes about his day. He doesn't really over heat thanks to his Lunarian traits but when he gets cold, it's so fucking cold to him.
When he joins the crew everyone thinks he's kind of prissy with the full suit+extra jacket thing he has but...he's illegal. He's an illegal race and if he gets found out he's fucked. Drum island is when Luffy and Nami find out. Sanji is begging for Kureha and Chopper to not tell anyone which they assure they won't. Kureha does tell him he's lucky he only broke his back and not his wings. Chopper says they're in desperate need of preening and Sanji admits he hasn't done it since he left the Baratie because he didn't want to get caught. He mumbles it all of course but Nami and Luffy are looking at the black monstrous wings as they unfurl and Chopper is amazed at them. They're huge. He has to have a ten/fifteen foot wingspan(if not more but anime logic) and Luffy asks how you preen wings and Chopper shows him despite Sanji insisting he can do it himself. It's too late and Chopper and Luffy are preening a wing and it feels good. Zeff didn't even preen him, not unless Sanji asked and Sanji was too proud to ask normally. Even Nami touches them and is surprised how soft they are.
They leave with Chopper and make it off Drum island and to Alabasta and meet Ace. Sanji is fine in the heat, he's in so many layers though it concerns everyone but he waves them off. He's sworn Nami and Chopper to secrecy but not Luffy because he bought his silence with meat. Sanji is so lucky he didn't inherit more traits from Alber because that cigar marine is tailing them and here and if it wasn't for these covers over his wings h would put to death immediately. Even as they take Alabasta back he doesn't uncover his wings. Not until they leave again and Nami is getting upset with him saying they need preened and that she'll do it while he's on watch. Nico Robin has joined the crew and he doesn't trust her that much and he'd rather not trouble Nami at all but she basically throws him to his knees and starts preening. If Sanji moves to help she threatens to raise his debt which he doesn't understand.
Robin probably knows but no one has else finds out until post TS. He can sill sky walk, he still learned it and to keep his secret. But no one else knows, not until WCI/Wano. Sanji notices his brothers wings are gone and Sanji is the only one left with them. The black wings he cannot cover with his red cape so at least one is always showing as well as his red eye. It has wigged some of his crew out until he showed both eyes at the same time and Robin called him interesting in the way she does some poneglyphs or rituals she reads about.
It made his stomach turn. Just as it is now as he's being called interesting again and Pudding is saying their kids have wings like he does. Big Mom says she thought Lunarians are extinct and Judge says they are. The quadruplets are only infused with the DNA, not actually Lunarian. Sanji wants to vomit.
He'd claim to be an illegal race than to be a Vinsmoke. So during the escape he claims it. He flies and it's awkward so it's a combination of sky walking and flying. Carrying Luffy and Nami to safety. His bounty skyrockets as they head to Wano. It's higher than Zoro's as Nami preens his wings and Luffy coming to help after he's had a nap and some food that Sanji made. He's wanted dead or alive with Vinsmoke as his last name unfortunately and being Lunarian added to his list of crimes.
Everyone seeing his wings in Wano is new and he asks everyone not to touch them. Zoro is confused because the fuck cook? I'm your rival? And Sanji shrugs because he doesn't know what else to do. Then fights keep happening. He uses the raid suit a couple of times, the second time is the worst. He's fighting Alber, he's sure of it. He's so fucking sure but he's drilled through buildings and he's certain Alber is going to kill him for this.
Maybe after the raid Sanji finds a moment alone before Zoro and Luffy wake up. Maybe King the Wild Fire finds him and they talk and catch up. Maybe King preens his son's wings like he always wanted to. Maybe King joins the crew.
Maybe King went to the East Blue, found the Baratie, met Zeff. They would bond over the Eggplant. Sanji's second place in the bounties. When he gets to Egghead he has no sympathy for Vegapunk, he does for Kuma and Bonney but for what he's done to his family? Never. He will never forgive him.
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watchyourbuck · 7 months
most of these are 18+ or will end up being! i urge you to take a look at the tags on each, as some of them have very niche kinks
series knives to the chest (and into my heart) - ongoing The one where Buck and Eddie are killers, but they're also in love (as much as they can be).
dear maddie, - finished After Buck dies, Eddie writes ten heartfelt letters to Maddie, telling her the story of how they fell in love, so she can feel closer to her brother once again.
A.R.C.A.N.E.3 - ongoing (and still receiving prompts) This Dystopian Fantasy AU is part of a Tumblr game, where the world I built is kept secret from the readers. Each chapter is in response to a prompt sent to me on my inbox, shaping the story with the only promise of Buck and Eddie ending up together. The more I write, the more is revealed.
fifteen first kisses - ongoing Fifteen different first kisses between Buck and Eddie
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
one shots i'll guide you through The one where Eddie's never been with a man before, and Buck gladly guides him through it.
not your fault (but mine) The one where Buck invites his new boyfriend to game night at Eddie's house and Eddie does something about it.
next in line Buck has a boyfriend. Eddie isn't happy about it. It should be him in that spot.
the powder room plot A lot can happen at the firehouse's men restroom. The one were Eddie begs Buck to let him eat him out.
fill in the gaps (and i'll fill yours) 5 times Buck and Eddie mess around at work + 1 time it almost gets them fired.
watercolored Buck and Eddie break into a hotel's jacuzzi at night, but can't seem to be too quiet about it.
among the hungry and the patient Buck's tired of Eddie's bullshit so he walks into the firehouse and just asks him to make out.
i love you if you even care 7x04 spec fic where Buck gets jealous of Tommy, but hits Eddie with the basketball instead.
do you mind? im pining 7x05 spec fic. Buck and Tommy have their first date. Eddie is jealous about it. (Includes Buck and Tommy making out at the loft + Eddie dealing with complicated feelings towards his best friend).
i might be a sucker for you 7x05 meta fic. Buck and Tommy go on their first date, but never get interrupted. Includes bucktommy public kissing + first time blow jobs.
third mans the charm Buck and Tommy get nasty at a gay bar - with Eddie. (Includes a double public blowjob + sub Buck)
i dont think we fit on the bed Stablished buddietommy takes the day off. (Includes Tommy and Eddie taking care of Buck in various ways + a little domestic fluff).
everything about you tastes like metal Buck gets a tongue piercing to suck Tommy off.
golden star boy has two boyfriends 7x06 meta fic. Tommy never leaves the bachelor party. He catches Eddie staring at them making out. (Includes drunk Buck and Eddie + Buck being needy for two men.)
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
Say yes to heaven ☆—
This takes place from Christmas 2020 to the spring of 2021
Warnings: heavy making out, swearing, lmk if anything else :)
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The first part
Au Masterlist!!
It had been months since Honey and Quinn's summer of rendevous, the nights of secret-filled kisses and promises of a forever slowly withered away with time as the autumn months approached. On their last night together in Michigan the two of them sat down in her room at the lake house and talked about it all, from the break up to what they wanted after she was done school.
He'd asked her only one question that entire night "what do you want in your life?", it was simple really, but Honey was at a loss for words. How do you say 'the only thing I've ever wanted in my life is you' without sounding completely lost, like she needed to re-evaluate her entire being. But it was the truth, Quinn was really all she wanted, she had only ever pictured a life with him in it, where he was she would settle, it seemed so unworldy but it was something she'd decided long before everything got messy. Instead she settled for a quick "I dont know yet," leaving both of them disatified with the conversation.
The next morning regret of falling back into old habits hit Honey as she watched him pack up his bags and head to the airport, she missed him a lot more than she cared to let on, but this was how it was meant to be, longing for love on two different sides of the continent.
Honey was asked to go with Team USA to the World Juniors to help with the media during her Christmas break, seeing as the pandemic had taken a hit on hockey at the time it was the only work she'd really been offered in a while so she took the opportunity.
Quinn on the other hand had been itching to see her, the moment he pulled into his driveway with Jack he expected to her be at his house along with her family waiting in their kitchen for family dinner as they usually did when they were finally altogether. He was gravely disappointed when he walked into his house to only see her parents and older brother on the couch, with no Honey in sight.
Honey's senior year had gonna by quicker than she'd anticipated, after Christmas it felt as if in the blink of an eye she was searching for a grad dress and searching for media jobs in the Michigan area. She also gave in to her curiosity and looked into jobs in the Vancouver area as well, pretending not to be upset as she job searched, fully knowing that there was and probably wouldn't ever be a set plan for her to move in with Quinn.
She and Quinn had yet to talk about if their futures aligned, she silently hoped that maybe he would ask her to get back together cause there was no one else out there for her, she knew that, but she wasn't going to be the girl to insert herself into his new life.
The night before her graduation she received a short message from Quinn saying sorry to her for not being able to make it to her big day, telling her how proud he was of her for accomplishing her dreams and wishing her well. She followed his text up with a quick thanks and a joke about him being a university dropout, then turned off her phone and cried in her room as she laid out her cap, gown, and dress.
Something about his absence felt suffocating, this was something she always pictured, and she had always imagined Quinn next to her during all of it. She remembers the end of their sophomore year and how hopeful they had both been in their relationship, it felt like a slap in the face, they were so naive to what the reality would be for their futures.
So now she sat in her bed, deep breathing as she tried to calm herself down to get a good night's sleep.
The next morning was hectic, getting up just as the sun began to rise to get her hair and makeup done, and her dress ironed along with every other small routine she needed in order for her morning to go as perfectly and smoothly as possible.
A quiet knock on her door startled her out of her anxious daze, she fixed the sleeve of her dress and opened the door to see a smiling Quinn in a suit. "You're here?" she said as she pulled herself into his chest, his arms wrapping around her as he held her for the first time in nearly a year. "You really thought I wouldn't make it?" "Yes, and I was mad at you for it" she laughed as she pulled away, her eyes tracing his face, thumb running over the growing beard, face seemingly more mature than the last time she had laid eyes on him, he looked really good. "I could hear the anger in your message," he whispered as his hands found solace on her waist before she allowed him to enter her apartment bedroom, and motioned him to take a seat on her bed.
She searched her room for her jewellery box, Quinn watched her brows furrow as she finally found it, his heart thumping in his chest as he grabbed the small box from his pants pocket. "Hun?" he whispered as she made her way over to him, she stood in between his legs as she put her last earring in, an awkward smile on her face as he stared up at her, "this is for you" he then pressed the small black box into her palm.
Nerves filling his stomach as she opened the tiny box, "you really didn't have to get me anything," she paused as she revealed a key, "is this?" "It's a key to my apartment, I know you said you didn't know where you were gonna end up after school, but a little selfish piece of me wants you all to myself in Vancouver," he mumbled as her gaze switched between the key and him. A grin grew on her face as she nodded, not ready to giving him a verbal answer just yet.
"Can I kiss you?" she asked lowly as she held the key in her hand, such a small thing that just changed the entire trajectory of her entire life. "Please," he mumbled, staring up at her with lustful eyes as she cupped his face as smashed her lips onto his.
His hands gripped her thighs as he pulled her forward and into his lap, "did I tell you how pretty you look today?" he pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. She shook her head and placed a kiss on his jaw, "did I tell you that I think the beard is hot," she grinned as his face broke out into a smile, his hand finding the back of her neck and pulling her down to kiss her again.
"I missed this so much," she said in between kisses, smiling at how careful Quin was, trying not to ruin her hair. He hummed, "m' never letting you go again," he whispered as his hands travelled down to her ass, making her laugh at the suprise contact.
"Guys!" Jack swung the door open to tell them that everyone was taking pictures, but screamed at the sight before him and slammed the door shut. "I'm not ready to deal with that," she whispered with a laugh as she looked at a wide-eyed Quiin, placing a kiss on his cheek as she got up off of Quinn's lap to flatten out her dress. "He should've knocked" Quinn shrugged and straightened out his tie, cheeks a cute pink hue as Honey took his hand and led him downstairs.
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ethanharmonia · 1 month
Another Rant because i have beef with the pokemon fandom
If any of this triggers you or makes you uncomfortable then you are free to leave, i am just speaking my own words.
I feel like a lot of pokemon headcanons are kind of almost the same, its a bit cliche, isnt it? with characters having different body shapes/types or changing their race or make them trans or making them disabled when they are all canonically not like that, it makes me a bit mad that people do these kinds of things to canon characters, but i guess its a tumblr/pokemon thing in this fandom to be doing stuff like that. To be fair, if you wanna change a lot of things in a canon character, just make an oc instead.
So why not deep dive into the whole thing?
First off.
Im not being racist or transphobic or fatphobic here, but if you are turning a skinny character for example into a fat character then i think you just have a fetish, or just, make your own oc that is similar to the other? i see a lot of these things with art of Red, i mean wasnt he in MT Silver for a long time? i can tell that this guy is strong as hell physically, being able to survive on a cold mountain, yet people turn him into... okay whatever you wanna put it in but still its weird. While Green/Blue is instead of a good character turned into some twink?? nah, those two would have been a perfect duo and a pair of strong trainers, both with and without pokemon, make them feel like actual men.
Anyways next thing is about well, you probably guessed it, TURNING EVERY CHARACTER TRANS BECAUSE WHY THE HELL WOULD A CHARACTER HAVE THEIR CANONIC/BIOLOGICAL GENDER WHEN YOU CAN TURN THEM INTO THE OPPOSITE BECAUSE OF THEIR LOOKS/PERSONALITY. I see that A LOT on my feed or when im looking at pokemon fanarts, just no matter where i go i see trans stuff, why not give examples like N or Silver? or some other characters? Listen listen listen, JUST because a male character has long hair or has a girly personality does NOT mean they are trans, hear me? and they do NOT look like the opposite gender, let the characters have their biological gender and not change it for your own liking, again, make an oc based off the character and you wont be bothered unless you want beef, I will gladly come to your house and have a talk.
NEXT THING! BLACKWASHING/CHANGING THE RACE OF A CHARACTER THAT ALREADY HAS ITS OWN RACE, AND ITS SOMEWHAT NORMALISED?? Every. Single. Character. Has. Their. Own. Race. And. Changing. Their. Race. Does. Not. Mean. Anything. More. But. Being. Racist. And thats a fact, not a theory. People either blackwash white/asian characters or make them white when they are canonically black, doesnt that sound a bit racist? Like this isnt a headcanon, maybe a bit of TAN could be better cuz yes that exists and its a completly normal thing, but completly changing a character's race cuz you think it will do more of diversity? nah, its just being racist, thats all. and ya might argue with me there, but im just saying. it would be nice to have characters off of different diversities/races and i would want that too, but dont change the color of the skin a canonic character.......
ALRIGHT NEXT PROBLEM ON THE LIST!! SHIPPING!! okay imma just go in short. the pokemon fandom is full of pedophiles and proshippers. if you ship a child with an adult, i wish everything in your house rots along with yourself. if you ship 2 characters that would have the most TOXIC relationship ever, i hope that happens to you irl and suffer. if you ship the male and female protagonists together (who i see as SIBLINGS and not COUNTERPARTS), maybe go kiss your siblings and pets, yeah, maybe even go see Giratina in the distortion world? i think you would be his favourite toy LMAO
Another Point. AUs. I love it when people make their own Pokemon AUs and put their ideas into them, but i feel like some aus are rather cliche. I can give some examples. I see most AUs about Volo (from PLA if ya didnt know), and he is always portayed as this.. evil and stupid character that doesnt care for anything but manipulating people and tricking them, why not just, i dont know, make him an actual good guy but with sense? Make a bit of a twist, make him look like he was actually a good character and not make this cliche act of copy and paste where he is just hahahaha im so evil hahahahha. I dont know, is it that hard to turn this guy to an actual good character? redemtpion arcs exist for a reason. AUs or Your own stories about a certain fandom are meant to be created from YOUR imagination, make the characters feel alive and have personality, female or male character, give them something unique, give them some twist parts in their whole character, make them feel like they are a part of the story instead of just adding them there cuz yes they exist and they should be there cuz idk. CHANGE the PLOT, CHANGE the CHARACTERS, GIVE THEM some sort of SOUL. You have a brain for a reason and you have creativity for a reason too, make something from yourself, something that no one would be able to make, not copy paste something that already exists but with different scenes and stuff, im not a writer myself but i can at least make these pokemon characters have more than just "i exist and thats it" or "im very evil haha fear me". Oh and another thing, MAKE THE GENDER NOT MATTER??? like i get it, theres women and men, but what if there was a story where gender didnt matter, you are a person, make both these genders feel neutral/equal, like we live in this world, why do we judge people based on their gender? nah i take this from arcane cuz the way the characters are represented their and their genders is SICK and i love it.
Oh and uh, love interests uh. My problem mostly comes to women/female characters/girls in pokemon cuz i hate it when people portray them as shy and innocent when men/male characters/boys are portrayed as strong, its cliche, unoriginal, and straight up disrespectful towards women cuz they are allowed to be strong and independant. again, make it feel like gender doesnt matter.
One last thing. Objectifying women. Makes me SICK AS HELL TO MY HEAD that artists draw female characters with such unrealistic proportions like big boobs or big thighs or a non existent waist, like this is offending and disgusting, perhaps the people that do art like that just learned from pron.. who knows?
but yeah hope you rot <3 Anyways that might be all from me, maybe i will edit it as i might have forgotten some points there but uh, hope you enjoyed, if you managed to survive and read all this, congrats! :D
But again, its just my thoughts and my words and no one has to agree or disagree with me.
Have a good day/night, fellow citizens
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your-ne1ghbor · 3 months
A cut scene from my Wish rewrite (FW: dead bodies) (Long Post)
Sooo I have written out an old draft of the story from Disney's Wish that was just called "Wish Rewrite" (how original). In that original story, I was just making up the story as I went along, but only stopped because of my modivation being in the drain plus the story didn't feel like something personal from me, so I scrapped the whole thing and stared from scratch.
I do not regret doing this, this allowed me to explore the characters and world building more than just head diving into rewritten territory without putting much thought into it. But....
The was always this one scene that I keep looking back on. For now, it is cut from the TKoRaT AU, but I might reconcider it, just might update or fix the scene so it would make sense, since it just didn't when I kept thinking about this particular scene, including with context. Or maybe still have that idea, but in a different context.
To give some insider to the very old draft of my story, Asha was a princess ofc and still the adopted daughter of the king and queen. Their meeting was very different from what we have now, where Asha was an orphan and ran away, only to bump into Magnifico and he took her in. Meanwhile, from what you guys know, Amaya claimed to "found her at the kingdom's doorsteps" (nahh they killed her parents). Maggy and Amaya were also VERY different from the current versions of them. It sorta reminds me of @annymation's Maggy and Amaya in a way. Anyways, the magic and the people were different too, where Maggy put on a "mAgIc" spell that made the kingdom look all happy, sort of like a mist to hide what is really going on in the kingdom. Like from the Percy Jackson novels. Idk like I said, sorta made it up as I went along. The story stopped around when Asha and Amaya have a conversation about Asha's current state on learning magic and it kinda ended there. PLus, the old story DID NOT have maggy building the kingdom himself, rather, it was passed down to him from generations.
But ofc, I always think ahead of these stories and concidered what the ending fight to be like or at least one of the fights between them. And during the one of the fights...well.....let me lay it out for you the best I can:
It is a 2v2: Asha and Star verses Maggy and Amaya. Maggy and Amaya got the upper hand on star and drained half of their powers. Star, legit unable to keep most of himself together, him and Asha retreat to somewhere in the dungens to hide and think of a new plan. They hid in a secluded room that Asha never knew was there before.
The room was cold, and barren. With a very faint smell that smelt like rot (we learn what that is in just a second). Star even mentions reconizing a sense of stars being here, but also not. Asha, using the wand that was given to her from Star, illuminates the room ...buttttttttttttttt......
Expecting to find like it being a armory or some sort of rest room for the soldiers guarding the dungens, they instead find bodies.
Bodies of all of the missing people that would have been illuded to from early on, where when people question the king and queen, they are never to be seen again. This is where they end up. Leaving the bodies in a room, to be later on forgotten about. It wasn't just dead bodies of all the recently missing people, it is a room of dead stars. The dead stars are hanging from the ceiling, somewhat like a trophey room of what they captured and killed. This is kinda the reason why the kingdom was passed down from generations, they are dead stars from long ago, slaughtered by the early kings and queens of Rosas. This was basically a hit of reality for Star, for this made them realize why the Stars dont go to earth to grant wishes anymore. They get taken advantage of, only to be murdered later and then forgotten about.
You can kind of see why I cut this. Not only does it not make sense to me personally, it kinda breaks the story. Why are there no guards guarding that room? Why do the kings and queens have a room filled with dead people when they can easily just toss the bodies into the ocean or smth? WHY DOES ASHA NOT KNOW THIS WHEN SHE HAS BEEN LIVING AT THE CASTLE FOR 11 YEARS???? (she was 6 when they found her) Did Maggy and Amaya murdered stars before? Have they captured one? Is that why they were so presistant on catching star? To have him as some sort of trophey? It just didn't make sense....but it also just drives home the point that Amaya and Magnifico aren't to be trusted AT ALL. It also does up the stakes: If Asha and Star fail to beat Maggy and Amaya, they will end up in this room to only be forgotten about later on.
But as of the current state if my AU, this just doesn't work. Maggy and Amaya do not have a room filled with dead bodies. Why the fuck would they want all of the dead heretics be staying in the kingdom doors when they can just burn the bodies, toss them into the ocean/river, ect? Plus, Maggy built his kingdom, not had it passed down for generations. There wouldn't be any dead stars hanged up like a trophey. But just because it is cut, does not mean I can change it.
I have been overthinking how things would work in the kingdom, especially concidering that the people are really empty without their wish, and get even more depressed after their wish is crushed. Soooo wouldn't drive them to do..........yk??? I dont wanna mention it since ik there might be sensitive people reading this, buttttt you get what I'm saying right???????
Idk Im just overthinking man. Might use this idea, might not.
But this was at a state and I still want it too, it was going to fall under the horror aspects of the story or still have it be unsettling to read. Although this would have driven that point home, it should make sense, and it didn't. Thats why I cut it for now. And it might say that way since I don't really see the use of needing this when we have a bitch that literally thinks they are doing the right thing, that ends up hurting the people around them and already has a pretty scary design if shot correctly and I am still figuring out the story and overthinking EVERYTHING 💀💀
BUt hey what do I know? The story is still in the works as Im driving myself insane over the fucking magic system and characters and worldbuilding AHHHHHHHH
Anyways, this is just a random tangent. Plus, wanted to spill some beans of this old old story for some reason idk man-🧍‍♂️
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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Fic Finder
1. WangXian story where wen Cho crashes the wedding (unsure if this was actually an Itmf, if it is, please tell me and I will move it. - Mod C)
FOUND? Perfectly arranged by Anonymous (E, 2k, WangXian, Rule 63, Arranged Marriage, Canon Divergence, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, First Time, Loss of Virginity)
2. Hi mods, trying to find this is driving me mad: I recall a post-CQL, pre-get together fic where Lan Wangji was unwittingly cursed to express his worst impulses and became increasingly possessive/controlling, isolating the two of them. The fic ended with Wei Wuxian transferring the curse onto himself and Lan Wangji cleansing it.
FOUND? Clouded by diamondbruise (M, 15k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Getting Together, Case Ficish, Curses, Dark LWJ, It's a curse, Dubcon Kissing, Jealousy, Sharing a Bed, Angst with a Happy Ending, Dubious Consent, no sex in this fic just in general)
3. hellooo i need help looking for a fic. it was modern zombie apocalypse au (i dont remember if it was tagged as such). wangxian is established and married, they live in the cloud recesses with lans and wens. first scene opens with wwx getting stuck while scouting and lwj having to look for help where he meets jc and his group(jyl, jzx, jl, fairy, mxy). they later went to the cloud recesses separately. other significant details i remember is that jl was born on the date the apocalypse happened, jyl met meng shi, jc named his.. gun? zidian. i remember it was incomplete but i couldnt find it, if anyone happened to know the fic help would be appreciated!
NOT FOUND! So Faithful, So Few (So Pardon, and Done) by azri (M, 3k, wangxian, canon divergence, post-siege of burial mounds, revenge, zombies, horror, blood & gore, not JC friendly, not cultivation world friendly)
FOUND! Sad and Sober, Sunday Afternoon by Iamsweden (M, 36k, WIP, WangXian, XuanLi, Zombie Apocalypse, Blood and Gore, Unreliable Narrator, Minor Character Death, Major Character Undeath, Major character death, Suicidal Thoughts, Graphic Description of Corpses, Flashbacks)
4. there was a fic where JC managed to wish WWX out of existence - and the resulting world is worse and JC is the only one who remembers WWX because he erased him. And then somehow WWX comes back and fixes things (again)
NOT FOUND! Ad Oblivione by Baph, HikariNoHimeWriter (M, 70k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Temporary Character Death, POV Multiple, Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Identity Reveal, Golden Core Reveal, Cultivation World Critical, Not JC Friendly, Abusive YZY, Angst with a Happy Ending)
NOT FOUND! Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 103k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Fix-It, Lynchpin [PODFIC] by Opalsong, [PODFIC] Lynchpin by Gwogobo)
FOUND! The Way It Wasn't by KouriArashi (T, 72k, WangXian, XiYao, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fix-It, (eventually haha), Slow Build, Family Feels, Moral Ambiguity, Eventual Happy Ending)
5. Help finding a fic? WWX comes back but instead of the canon story he goes first to find Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng hides him by dressing him as a woman, and the jianghu thinks they are engaged (so LWJ is very concerned about his growing feelings for this "taken" lady). I think it was a very lighthearted and fun fic.
FOUND! By Any Other Name by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 31k, Wangxian, Canon Divergence, Crossdressing, Misunderstandings, Identity Porn, Identity reveal)
6. Hi, there's two fics with single parent wei ying that I'm looking for. Both aren't abo i think.
A) WWX and wen chao gets married after WWX gets pregnant after a one night stand with wen chao. A-yuan is the baby. WWX don't love wen chao. The jiangs kicked him out before this. Wen chao tells wwx that the wens kicked him out too. After a few years the situation is this - wen chao leaves wwx and a yuan alone in their house multiple times in the name of business trips. I don't remember the details but wen chao dies one day and on the death bed he says "I'm sorry" to wwx.
On wen chao's funeral WWX learns that wen chao had another wife -wang lingjiao and that wen zhuliu was aware of wen chao's double life. Neither wang lingjiao nor wwx knew of each other's existence, wen chao cheated them both. Wen chao was bankrupt and all the burden of debts came to wwx shoulders, so he along with a yuan had to leave their home.
Wwx gets a job as a club/hotel host with mianmian as his superior.
Enter lan wangji. The lans and the jins came for a business meeting at the hotel wwx was working at and mianmian assigns him to their table. LZ is ofc shocked to learn of his childhood crush wei ying's situation and tries to helps him along the way. In the end after some trials and tribulation, obviously wangxian and ayuan becomes a family.
B) Wei ying is a single parent. mpreg and the nameless dad left them both giving away his rights over ayuan. Wei ying is fashionable.
Wei ying was walking through the streets when a motorbike racer passes him. The racer then comes back to take a double look at wei ying. The racer is ofc lan wangji who is also a racing champion, who also happens to be baby yuan's idol. Wei ying doesn't recognise him at first but agrees to a coffee date. There he recognises him. Wei ying tells lwj about ayuan. They get close from then on.
Lwj asks wei ying and ayuan out to watch his race. Lwj gets them a ticket in the area reserved for family, lan xichen meets them there and obviously likes the people his brother loves.
Everything's going good but lwj's manager doesn't like that lwj is spending time with wy and ayuan.
Wei ying gets pregnant again and lwj tells him he is going to retire from racing soon. The manager doesn't like it and tries to berate wy when he gets him alone. Wy goes to lxc to clear misunderstandings and lxc tells him lwj made the decision to quit because lwj wanted to.
The final race day is also close to wy's delivery date. Well, wy's water broke when lwj is in the race course and he had to be rushed to the hospital. Wen qing told the manager to inform lwj. The manager doesn't and lwj wins the race. Then lwj learns of the delivery and rushes to the hospital.
Please help me find these two fics
FOUND! please give me the time it takes a tear to fall (so i can be by your side) by prettyxianxian (E, 48k, wangxian, LWJ & LSZ & WWX, minor WWX/WC, modern, LSZ is WC&WWX’s child, implied/referenced alcoholism, friends to lovers, mpreg, angst w/ happy ending, pining LWJ, smut)
FOUND! My Heart is the Finish Line by UseMyMuse (E, 29k, WangXian, Bikerji, dadxian, Mpreg)
7. Hello! I’m really struggling to find this fic I read some time ago and would like some help. In it, lan zhan is a dragon that gets hurt and stuck in his small dragon form. Wei ying finds him and takes him back to the jiang sect to take care of him while he’s healing (tho he doesn’t know it’s lan zhan). I remember it’s not jiang cheng friendly, i think the sun shot campaign is still a thing that’s happening in the fic, and by the end of it, Wei ying ascends (?) and becomes a dragon himself with like the ability to purify resentful energy. I remember really enjoying it and would love to read it again, thank you!
FOUND! fell by you by Vrishchika (E, 44k, WangXian, Dragon LWJ, Fantasy, Explicit Smut in Last Chapter, Pining, POV LWJ, Canon Divergence, Immortals, Deities, Dragon WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending)
8. Hello :) I’m looking for a nielan fic where it’s an arranged marriage between LXC and NMJ. The details I remember are that in the beginning it’s supposed to be the elders talking and the marriage being arranged. NMJ sets up a separate room for LXC so that he comfortable but LXC takes that as NMJ not liking him or smth. And during the war LXC gets taken by the Wens. Thank you! @plzloveme
Hi, I was 8 on the last fic finder. That unfortunately was not the fic I was looking for, but I will give it a try :)
NOT FOUND! soaring, carried aloft on the wind by Skadiseven (E, 68k, NieLan, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, Horses, Swordfights, hunting hawks, and braids of course, Romance, Friendship, Twin Jades of Lán Dynamics, Light Angst) this almost sounds like 8, except lxc doesn't get taken by the wens, not sure if it's correct but I thought it was worth mentioning, also the asker might enjoy reading it as it seems to have a similar plot?
FOUND! How To Communicate With Your Husband: A Narrative in Many Frustrating Parts by Lan XiChen and Nie MingJue by Vanja (E, 38k, NieLan, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining, Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Character Death, Minor Original Character(s), Fluff and Smut, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Happy Ending)
9. Hi, um so, I have been searching for wangxian fic travel-fix-it I think for a weeks. But sadly I forgot to note it. I think it's Lan Wangji that have been time travel, he also make nie huaisang working together to make sure wei wuxian leaves the Jiang Sect. Also that the Jiang bashing and turns out that Madam Yu are actually the second madam of Jin Guangshan and both Jiang Yanli and Jiang Wanyin are the Jin. Also Wei Wuxian become Sect Leader and Chief Cultivator.
FOUND! I'm like 90% sure that the number 9 is "OOC!" in which lan wangji is ooc, but I don't remember the author (and I think the fic was moved to wattpad?)
10. Hello I want to find a fic where xicheng is the main ship and wangxian is the background ship
It's a JC centric fic where he gets reincarnated over and over again he also retains his memories (canon memories)
Throughout all his reincarnations he loved LXC but never did he express those feelings
He also believed LXC loved JGY (which isn't true)
In one of those reincarnations LXC actually killed JC by mistake (actually manipulated by JGY)
JGY was an evil person in all the reincarnations except the last one
FOUND! Running Our Hands Through Embers by MarvelousMar (E, 136k, XiCheng, WangXian, Modern AU, Reincarnation, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Slow Burn, Masturbation, Angst with a Happy Ending, Eventual Happy Ending, But With A Lot of Suffering in Between)
11. Hello ^_^ Can you help me find the ao3 fic where wwx grew up in Cloud Recesses together with lwj? They were very close and handsy to easch other. There's a specific scene that wwx and lwj cuddles in the cold pond while meditating, that its normal for them to do that. There's also a scene that guest disciples, especially nhs, noticed it and asked lxc about wwx and lwj's closeness.
Hello! no. 11 here. Its not soft hearted :( the cold pond scene that im talking about, i know that lan qiren and lan xichen(?) saw them but they didnt disturbed them. About the time nie huaisang(?) asked lxc about them being clingy, lxc simply answered them that they grew up close to each other esp when madam lan died. thank you! (oh! Oh! I know this fic! I've read this fic! Oh man, I wish I could remember the name 😅 - Mod C)
NOT FOUND! soft-hearted by sarahyyy (G, 6k, wangxian, alternate universe, childhood friends, hurt/comfort, getting together, first kiss, wedding fluff)
for #11, there is an alpha/alpha wangxian fic where Wei ying grew up in the CR, and when the visiting disciples comes they're surprised at how close/tactile wangxian are cause they're handsy for friends, and also both alphas and ppl comment on it. This sounds like it but the requester didnt mention abo.
FOUND? The Demonic Cultivator by Cat_Noir (T, 202k, WIP, WangXian, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Injury, Angst, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Psychological Trauma, Attempt at Humor, Crack, Canon Divergence, Mentions of Blood Blood, Injury, Minor Character Death) has a scene where Jiang Cheng finds them in the cold springs cuddling. Also has Nie Huaisang talking to LXC about it - Mod C
12. Hi, first of all thank you for your amazing work! This is not a WX request so feel free to ignore it but I have been looking for this fic for so long that I thought I take a chance here. I read it quite some time ago and I think it was Meng Yao/ LXC but it might also have been JWY/ LXC. MY or JWY (whoever became LXC's partner) was a succubus who had been together with one of the Wens. He was used for his magic but also starved because because never got enough affection etc. to fill his succubus magic reservoir. He only realizes this when he gets together with LXC and recovers. WX are together in the background. I also remember a scene in which Su She comes to bother LXC after having established his own small sect at the edge of Gusu Lan territory. MY (or JWY) encourage LXC to be more assertive towards Su She by telling him to remain half-dressed and talking to Su She at the kitchen table. If I remember correctly there was also a second part in which MY or WWX used their power to make their enemies kneel in a showdown. Might have been ABO on top of succubus magic. This fic has haunted me for a long time now and I would be super grateful if anyone remembered it!
Hi! Thanks for trying to find my fic (no.12)! Unfortunately, it is not the suggested one. Maybe the author deleted it because god knows I have searched high and low for it...
not FOUND i could whet your appetite by beizhaan (E, 20k, XiCheng, Modern AU, Alpha LXC, Oral Sex, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, JC is a Mess, Bottom JC, PWP, Bukkake, Come Swallowing, Comeplay, JC Needs a Hug, JC Gets Railed, Omegaverse, Supernatural Elements, Light Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Urban Fantasy, Incubus JC, Top LXC)
13. Hi! Do you know a fic where lwj texts wy and adds kaomojis at the end because lxc told him it breaks ice/it's a hit thing among his peers?
FOUND! we'll get him falling for a stranger (or a catfish) by sweetlolixo (T, 38k, WangXian, Modern AU, College AU, Catfish AU, Eventual Happy Ending, Crossdressing WWX, Pining LWJ, Fluff, Humor, lwj is a grade A+ SIMP, Identity Porn)
14. Hello! There was a 20 part (or more?) series that was recommended in one "in the mood for"s here recently. It was a royalty au, lqr or lxc pressures lwj to take a wife or a concubine. Lwj takes wy as a concubine and thus upends his predicament which turns hilariously troublesome for everyone except wangxian. @imstillthinkingaboutithmm
FOUND! The one where WWX is not LWJ's concubine AU Series by Lookingkindofdumb (Varied, 89k, WIP, WangXian, Non-Cultivator AU, Emperor LXC, Concubine AU, Rumors, Humor, Politics, Extended family chaos)
15. wei ying was cursed with obedience by madam yu and, when that makes his family suspicious, is forced to harm himself to skirt the edges of the curse just enough so that he seems more like himself. set in the cloud recesses study arc, i believe! thank you!
FOUND? obey with true endeavour, lest the wound loses its savior by bogliasco (M, 60k, WIP, WangXian, Curse of Obedience, Self-Harm, Canon Divergence, WWX-centric, Fix-It of Sorts, Consent Issues, Torture)
16. Hi! I'm trying to find a fic where on post-canon Lwj and Wwx are going through Lwj's mother's things and find out a letter (or a diary, I don't remember what it was) where she reveals that she loved Lxc, but actually hated Lwj, and it absolutely breaks Lwj's heart, since he loved her so much.
17. Hii, i was searching for this modern au wangxian fic that i read a while ago and couldn't find again. all i remember about it is that it atleast in part focused on the lan family dynamic and lwj and lxc finding out their mother had had a sister who had been in foster care/ adopted in america. in the fic lwj was autistic and his aunt was also autistic. i remember there being a lan family gathering at some point in the middle of the fic and baoshan sanren was married to lan yi. thank you so much💖
FOUND! together, we’re just enough by lulu_kitty (E, 134k, wangxian, past WWX/OFC, modern, younger LWJ, bartender LWJ, older WWX, rich WWX, fluff, yearning, smut, bottom LWJ, LWJ has scoliosis, slow burn)
18. Hi I love this blog and I really need help finding a fic. It was a nsfw fic on AO3 where I think WWX was like an explorer or something and finds a snake(?) Or at least a creature of some kind which bites him and infects his with like some close to sex pollen. But the creature turns into LWJ who I think was a naga. I can't find it at all and none of the searches I've done seem to bring up either. Thank you for the help (I just home Tumblr doesn't eat this ask )
18 on the fic finder. Yea the one described sounds exactly like it! Slither pleasure didn't look the same but I'm happy to read it anyway. It's suck if the one I'm looking for got deleted so fast. Thanks y'all for the help!
NOT FOUND! Slithering Pleasure by sweetdeadlykittypaws (E, 8k, WWX/Other(s), WangXian, PWP, Size Difference, Anal Sex, Double Anal Penetration, Oral Sex, Mind/Mood Altering Substances, Post-Canon, Huge dicks, Monster sex, Bestiality, a bit, Oviposition, Egg Laying, Urethral Play, Shameless Smut, Male Lactation, Choose Your Own Ending, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Underage Sex, Incest, Nipple Fuck, wwx gets fucked by his small nagas, Gangbang, Come Eating, Stomach Bulge, Come Inflation, wangxian in third chapter, A Bit of Fluff, Plot Twist, Somnophilia, Pregnancy Kink, Dirty Talk, lwj is a pervert, Everyday means everyday)
know that I've read #18 on the latest fic finder before and it's not Slithering Pleasure but think it may have been deleted because I can't find it anywhere 😭 lwj was the snake and kind of intersex. Wwx was a certified monster fucker and thought a lot about past sexual encounters he'd had with other creatures. It ended with lwj declaring wwx as his mate and wwx more than happy to be so. I really can't find it anywhere so hopefully someone else can!
19. Hi can you help me find a fic abouts mdzs characters see wei ying past and memory.. .I know they alot of chapters to the story @sadritsuka12 (hi! Can you be a little more specific? There's a few fics I can think of that this could be ^^ - Mod C)
FOUND? Misunderstood by Silver_Flame_2724 (M, 250k, WIP, WangXian, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Heavy Angst, Suicidal Thoughts, Canon-Typical Violence, Self-Worth Issues)
20. Hello! can you help me finding this fic? There are two scene that i remember vaguely of:
Scene one is wwx went to gusu when the burning of cloud recesses happen. And because lxc is missing, lwj is taken, and lqr is heavely injured, he take control of situasion. After lqr knows about that, he reluctantly compliment wwx
Scene two is when they already married and wwx went to get purified of resentment energy. He didnt tell anyone the effect of purification and he let lwj and lxc to do it. In the middle of the process wwx start bleeding and loss consciousness. Not long after wwx wake up, lwj divorced him because wwx didn't trust lwj enough to tell him the consequent of purifying ritual and let lwj kills him (wwx)
If i remember correctly, it was an arranged marriage. I don't remember if it was in one fic or two different fic.
That's all i can remember of. Thank you @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
Hi! i'm requester number 20. Unfortunately, its not "decay". The fic that im searching is a long fic. When i'm reading that (around a year or two ago) its around 20-ish (or less) chapters and still on going. Thank you for your help
NOT FOUND! 🧡 decay by antebunny (G, 15k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, the fluffiest ending, Hurt/Comfort) Scene 2 of #20 sounds a lot like decay by antebunny, but WWX and LWJ aren't married? / #20 b) sounds like decay by antebunny but there's no arranged marriage involved
FOUND? 20 sounds like A Price to Pay by wangxianist which was sadly deleted Although only the second scene described for 20 fits A Price to Pay, I'm don't think the first one does
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ATEEZ as Romance Tropes
A thing about me is I'm a tall, fire sign guy collector. And which other kpop group has tall fire signs???? Exactly. ATEEZ
Seonghwa - Red String of Fate au.
Like. Someone cuff him pls. Like. Once Hwa finds who is on his string's other end. Like. It's over. That's it. He's going to treat you right and you aint leaving. Bye.
Hongjoong - Office Romance.
Like. Y'all dont work in the same dept. But like just the same building/office. And y'all are basically commute buddies. Like. Yes. Joong will wait for you even when you have to work 2 hours OT because "he doesnt have shit to do at home". Leave me. I am soft. Y'all have a quicker dinner run ritual. It's where you guys go to this general store near the train station and like... y'all pick out the ready made bentos there for each other since y'all trying to be adventurous with food 😭
Yunho - Big, golden retriever bf and his tiny devil gf.
This is mostly because of self indulgence. But. Like. Yuyu would be patient af (like he be petty sometimes dont get me wrong) but he just has you... you who have all the rage in the world. But also, you insist to change lightbulbs in the apartment because "you gotta breathe the same air" with Yu sometimes. But like. Short fingers and high ceilings dont work together so Yunho will be in his gaming room and he'll just hear frustrated angry noises through his headphones. He finds you in the middle of the living room atop your 3-stair ladder trying to reach the light. Instead of changing the bulb himself, Yunho would lift you higher so you can do it yourself. For accomplishments ✨️✨️✨️
Yeosang - Coffee Shop Love Story
Nothing here to say except barista Yeosang. Kajdjd. That's it. Like. He's memorized your order and can make it while he's asleep because you never change your order and you always come in 6:30AM on the dot. Like... the line will be long, but your order is ready when you get to the register. Bye.
San - Church volunteer who isnt part of the church
This is based on San's thing where he was part of the church choir, but he's an atheist. Like. Okay. Sannie would tag along with his friends who attend the same church as you. Like he'll be there serving food in your church's soup kitchen because he thinks it's fun. And like. You're there because of Sunday school event. Would definitely ask you some brain fogging stuff about church and religion while he's scooping some mac n cheese on a plate. The happy ending is... y'all leave the church together and just... join a humanitarian organization.
Mingi - Next Door Neighbor Au
My mind is running wild with this one. Like. Yes. He would 100% ask for sugar at like 12am because he suddenly wanted to make cookies but like... he dont know how to bake. So y'all have an impromptu baking class at 12am on a Tuesday. Yes, he's helped you break in your bedroom window because you forgot your house keys one time. His shoulders hurt for like 2 days, but you dont need to know about that. He gave you a spare key of his apartment because... just in case... He says he doesnt want to end up climbing a bedroom window like you did.
Wooyoung - Enemies to Lovers
Idc idc idc. It is a cliche romance trope but Wooyoung is a menace and HE IS PEAK ENEMIES TO LOVERS. like. This man said that he liked that Joong was treating him poorly. I dont have to expound on this. Bye.
Jongho - Bestfriends to lovers
I have nothing to say about this. But like. Yes. This is the vibe I get from him. Like. He's on the calmer side of the ATEEZ spectrum. So I think... best friends to lovers suit him well. Like. It's not a surprise, but more so like. "Oh yeah, I knew it was you all along" type of beat. Bye. Bye. Bye. I am soft. Bye.
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fruitsofhell · 2 years
This is a genuine question to anyone reading, does the lore given in RTDL DX not feel a bit shoddier than the series' writing is?
Atleast in comparison to KSA and KatFL. I know people have gripes with the 3ds games but they didn't pull stuff as confusing as sending a canonically sending a character to a spinoff universe or erasing a point of origin.The more I think about the new Magolor stuff the just more confusing it is to me in a way I definiteky did not feel with KatFL. Like Elfilis's origins before being captured were vague, but you get the idea it was a force of nature - an "invasive species" - and then when you meet Forgo it has clear motivation if being upset for being trapped for so long.
The Jamba are from ancient times and have a blood feud, Haltmann was an inventor who was consumed busy his company, Sectonia was a monarch from the sky consumed by greed because of a corrupt mirror; and originally I would say Magolor was a Halcandran who wanted to rule over the ruins of his wasteland home, but now he isn't. And I'll be fair, that was totally speculative, but atleast because it was left open it was valid speculation. The thing now is we know he isn't from Halcandra. Alright, where is he from then? DONT KNOW! What brought him to Halcandra and the Lor? He's a traveller and was enticed by all the machinery there because he's an engineering nerd, he wants to build a theme park. AWESOME. And he read a book about stuff so now he's interested in Halcandran history, cool. Why does he want the Master Crown then?
I was personally staked in him being from Halcandra cause I could gleam motivation from that, from the removal of that background and the new info given, his motivations for wanting the Master Crown don't make sense anymore. He is a cunt, yes, but not really in such a universe conquering megalomaniac way? Even Marx just wanted to mess around with Popstar and have power, Magolor wanted a crown, a source of limitless power, world-ending and for what? What does that have to do with engineering marvels and theme parks? These are silly kiddie platformers and "because he's evil" is a valid motivation, but not usually for Kirby these days?
There's usually this underlying layer of tragedy or past slighting that motivates characters in Kumazaki's games, even ones who came off as comically evil like the Jamba. And I'm just confused, cause Magolor was one of the first characters he and the team wrote so I would think a remake would be an opportunity to better flesh out him out, but a lot of it feels like details sloppily added to flesh stuff out meaninglessly. And with how much Kumazaki emphasizes keeping stuff open for interpretation, it really would have been wiser to leave some of those details behind.
Oh lord and then I haven't even gotten into Merry Magoland and Kirby Clash. The Magolor theme park thing had been established for over a decade, a year after the original game it was set up as Magolor's "redemption". And admittedly both that and his appearance in Clash were established in spin-offs, but the first one was established forced s d most cleanly. Magolor Epilogue could have just been him returning to Popstar but instead we throw him in an AU and leave the pre-established conclusion as dubiously canon? And there is totally more character arc to be gleamed out of him being in the Clash universe, but we also could have gone through that with the Epilogue...
And then on top of that, I had higher expectations for the world building in Magolor Epilogue. Forgotten Land weaved together its plot and characters with the history of the world very well, and I was hoping Magolor and HALCANDRA could get similar treatment too. It is a tiny little mode, but we all noticed how much text space for the bosses were taken up by repeating that line about how they're collecting apples for their boss, right? It was a big missed opportunity. And (very personal nitpick here) if you were going to remove a character's connection to Halcandra, it would be nice if that void of connections was filled with actual lore.
I'm still working on my organized theory for all this new stuff, and I totally admit I'm biased and some of this disappointment is coming from personal headcanon, but I cannot shake the feeling that there was something off about the writing in this remake.
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lilredghost · 1 year
baby bestie because i read chp 14 so late im feeling like its my birthday, that i get chp 15 so early!! can i just quickly take the moment to scream about the dream scene??? all those little tells that maybe this isnt right (inception vibes). this was so brilliant
also obi's downward spiral about if anakin loves him or married himbeacuse he is an alpha IM CRYING WITH HIM OH GOD WHAT IF OBI NEVER CLAIMED HE WAS AN ALPHA AND STILL RULED OBIKIN WOULD NEVER HAVE MET PLS
Obi-Wan has had a hard time keeping his head on straight, this last week. A harder time than usual, anyway.
A side effect of all the stress, perhaps. babygirl change your suppresants pls theyre stressing you out i still dont trust komari she is maham anga's character for a reason
Anakin's hand has settled on his thigh; it grips him tight, bold and claiming, under the table.
Obi-Wan wonders if it will leave bruises.
The fingers creep closer— not further up but further in, ghosting the edge of the scent gland there— and Obi-Wan has to swallow back his arousal, trying to focus on Luminara. oh he's so jealous thisis such a good thing to read in fics but somehow such a red flag irl uk ill read any fic if it says possesive anakin
He feels like he’s back in his wedding finery, wondering why his fiancé won’t look at him.
His husband won’t look at him. i cried then for obi-wan and im crying for now poor baby had all his childhood dreams broken like sugar glass and now he knows anakin may never have married him????? i love it when u put obi-wan thru the horrors
im just gonna very casually read thru the rst of the fic again cause i simply love the writing style in this and i have creative writing hostel championship coming up so. uk. i would really like to write as well as you
(Referring to ch 15 of Their fragrance came from you)
Baby!! I had so much fun with the dream scenes honestly!! I felt so evil writing it but it was so so satisfying (summary of this whole chapter honestly). My aim with those slightly wrong things was that you wouldn't quite be able to tell if it was just Obi-Wan's unreliable narration at work (especially because he often has moments where he's caught up in something and "doesn't quite remember"/"didn't realize" something happened), or if there was actually something wrong! I also thought about having the whole dream sequence in italics, but I wanted the reader to take Obi-Wan's introspection about not being an alpha seriously.
And the repetition of things which happened in the dream, but slightly different… idk what drove me to do that, but I'm soooo happy I did. I think it adds so much flavor in showing how Obi-Wan perceives the world (or how he fears it to be) vs. how it actually is!
Ahhh the concept of Obi-Wan openly being the first omega ruler from the beginning! He would have come out sooo much less depressed 🥺🥺 (But maybe, in some ways, more stern? He has to show that he's not soft just because he's an omega, after all!) I love to think that in an AU like this, Stewjon and Tatooine still needed that mutual help so they went to make an alliance. But since there's no immediate candidate that's obvious for marriage, Tatooine doesn't write anything about marriage in their terms, hoping it will pass under the radar (it does). They settle instead on a sort of cultural exchange where Anakin will come spend some time in Jedha and then later Obi-Wan will go and visit Mos Espa. And hey, two omegas in positions of power… working closely together…. Obi-Wan gets to be Anakin's friend without jumping through all the hoops. Anakin gets to learn all about Obi-Wan's secret dreams of marriage. And then Obi-Wan's heat rolls around, and Anakin offers to help, and-- Well, the rest is history!
"babygirl change your suppresants pls theyre stressing you out i still dont trust komari she is maham anga's character for a reason" ALFKJSDLKFJSKJ THE WAY I CACKLED. She IS maham anga's character for a reason, but not this reason!!
The grade of suppressants Obi-Wan is taking are only meant to be used in the short term (a few years, with medically scheduled heats once or twice a year) in cases where it's not safe for an omega to be having heats. Otherwise, he should be taking regular-strength suppressants (with that same caveat of medically scheduled heats once or twice a year, along with a full detox every five or so years).
But uh. He's been taking them for twenty years. One medical heat a year, to mimic an alpha's biorhythm. No detoxes. It's a wonder his suppressants hadn't failed up until this point already. On top of all that is the new stimulation that he's getting from Anakin, which has his body trying to react like an omega (like Anakin's mate!!) and so it's also actively fighting through the suppressants rn. They're definitely failing, but they're failing slowly enough that he hasn't noticed. ((Also the idea that they'd fail is so inconceivable to him…. he's definitely not a doctor, lol))
I get you on the jealousy honestly I would HATE if someone did that irl but I'm such a fucking sucker for it in fiction. Anakin will cool down about it once he feels more secure, but I feel like it's necessary for his character to go through that development rather than being chill about Luminara from the get-go.
"poor baby had all his childhood dreams broken like sugar glass" LITERALLY 😭😭 I wrote a post a while back about how Obi-Wan didn't want to tell Anakin about his designation yet because he was too afraid of losing him. But now (he thinks) he's lost Anakin already!!
Luckily, Anakin will convince him that he wants to stay. So yes I'm putting Obi-Wan through the horrors, but. Ultimately it's so that he can heal and move on
And I'm so happy you like my writing style, I think it's really grown into itself (and grown on me, too) over the course of the fic! Good luck on your writing competition -- I'm sure you'll do well 💖💖
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kokocharm · 2 years
The second part of the lifeloop au is that Espresso finally realizes that they were just killing each other over and over. So when Madeleine kills him again, instead of simply dying and returning, he wakes up in a hospital.
Being completely insane, Espresso leaves his room and finds Madeleine. Hes aware that Madeleine will not wake up again until he dies with the knowledge that they are in a loop.
Putting himself under the spell for a second time, Espresso has to constantly remind himself I am in a loop, this is not real, since the spell is designed to keep them trapped in that world. .. for some reason. Yeah Espresso didnt think that one through very well
SO. He finds Madeleine, and instead of killing him to keep everyone "safe", he tells Madeleine "Hey, guess what, none of this is real. Wanna die together" and Madeleine just goes Ok lol
So they do exactly that. Die together. Like romantic losers (i love them)
And they wake up to everyone freaking the fuck out because OJGOD OH FUCK WHERE DID ESPRESSO GO and espressos like oops
May I mention that the wounds from dying carried to the real world? Espresso cannot teach anymore, hes probably restricted from using magic for a looong while. And aside from that, he can barely stand.
Madeleine is terrified to return to the Republic. So he goes into hiding, annoying Espresso into letting him live there (it works) and now theyre gay, retired and hiding from gods wrath because i dont imagine the republic is very happy about their knight commander up and vanishing but Oh well
The sillys.
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rosenallies · 2 years
omg omg could u maybe write us something super fluffy abt bratpack?? i dont even care what au it is
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything bratpack or like at all so I’m a bit rusty lmao but u can’t go wrong with roof sitting and love confessions <3
“Come on! Hurry up!” Synthia shrieked with laughter, yanking Gia and Kendall along with her.
“Shhh, you’re gonna get us caught,” Kendall hushed.
Gia giggled, following Synthia out the heavy double doors that led up to the roof of their dorm building. Since they’d found out a month ago that the alarm didn’t work, they’d been coming up here a lot and they wanted to share it with their partners, no matter how many times Kendall warned them that this was probably dangerous.
“I haven’t gotten caught yet!”
Kendall huffed as Synthia ushered her out the door, the cold breeze whipping her hair around and making her eyes water.
“It’s so cold up here,” she said, pulling her jacket tighter across her body, leaning into the warmth that suddenly enveloped her from either side.
Synthia nuzzled against her like a kitten, sighing softly. “That’s why it’s good we’re all here. For warmth.”
“Come on guys, I’ll show you where I sit to watch the sun rise,” Gia said, breaking the comfortable silence they found themselves in momentarily.
Gia led them to their favorite spot, closer to the edge than Kendall liked but they were right, the view was breathtaking. From up there, they could see the whole city, the city lights still twinkling in the darkness. Kendall tried not to look down at how their legs dangled 15 stories above the ground but with Gia to her right and Synthia sandwiched in the middle of them, she found she could ignore it.
They found themselves in another bout of comfortable silence save for Gia humming as they stroked a hand through Synthia’s hair, stopping every now and then to squeeze Kendall’s shoulder, a comforting gesture.
It was Synthia to talk first, a breathy sigh leaving her pink lips. “I love you guys.”
Maybe it was the stars still shining bright above them or the melodic humming of the wind that tousled their hair or just how together they all felt, nearly in each other’s laps and completely alone but her confession felt like enough to stop the whole world from turning.
They’d said they loved each other when they were all best friends, growing up side by side and experiencing everything new together but since true feelings came to light, those three words felt lost in limbo somewhere. Sure, the love of the others was felt through sweet nothings, comforting touches, everything but the words that seemed trapped in their minds, too scared to disrupt the delicate little bubble they’d built around themselves.
Kendall hadn’t noticed she was crying until Synthia reached over and wiped a tear away.
“I love you,” she doubled down, kissing Kendall’s nose.
“I love you,” she said again, this time kissing Gia’s cheek.
“I love you both too. So much, I’m really glad we can say that again,” Gia said softly, tenderly.
“I love you guys too,” Kendall said softly, trying her hardest not to full on cry, Synthia’s hand in hers and Gia’s hand on her shoulder grounding her.
“I-oh, look how beautiful!” Synthia said, pointing out to the horizon where the sun started to rise above the city.
“Not as beautiful as my girls,” Gia said back, cheesy grin on their face as they watched Synthia and Kendall instead of the sun rise. They’d watch the sun come up from this exact spot enough, but it was the first time they watched the newfound morning light casting a soft glow over their lovers’ faces, illuminating every beautiful part of their faces.
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chesthighwater · 1 year
by thé way. wips roundup that absolutely no one asked for
first of all in the daudmartin brainrot corner we've got
sequel to bctbk, as promised. i have a major "plot" point planned, and then it might go one of two directions... we shall see :3c
the high overseer martin/assassin daud fic that i've posted a few excerpts from. essentially daud manifests himself into the abbey suggestively asking for ~spiritual guidance~ (lol) and things escalate from there. this has to get finished at some point because its like one of the first things i started writing for them. it deserve to see the light of day
a mildly humorous high overseer martin/spymaster daud fic. kind of a challenge for myself also- i find spymaster daud hard to imagine, and am not that used to writing daudmartin where they're not constantly trying to one-up/double cross each other/at each other's throats flirtatiously. presumably will not be nsfw (or at least, i'm not planning on it, but i make no promises. can't know where the ol inspiration will take me).
oh heres another high overseer martin thing! who wouldve thought! this time with Responsibility and Abbey Politics and Decisions. and working through issues. so many fucking issues. this one is actually actively in the works so ill leave it at that for now ;>
daudmartin pwp with genuinely 0 plot. like, negative plot. this thing defies plot. i can barely even tell you if it's an au or what, i might sprinkle a few nonsexual sentences in if i'm feeling generous but that's it. other than that it's literally just about martin being very quiet during sex and daud trying every trick he has in his book (which admittedly isn't many) to change that instead of like, communicating
augh speaking of plot-defying pwps. "what if overseers had (some appropriate equivalent to) confessions". there is some lore in here obviously but the entire point of it is confessional dirty talk. i dont KNOW
[REDACTED] pwp which im not even gonna advertise itll just appear one day and if you find it you found it
mostly unplanned ideas that i might flesh out: sokolov portrait thing. some dunwall noir stuff purely for martin in a cassock reasons (and sexualising religious guilt reasons. if i knew anything at all about priests i'd be working on this much faster). something involving the outsider appearing to martin (this might just get absorbed in a more well fleshed out idea at some point). martin Suffering More, because i want him in a situation where his wit fails completely (more desperation! more excuses! i am weak for this i really am.). something involving some more Action- fighting together against an acute threat? i think there should be more fighty martin out there. i am the change i want to see in the world
(not including the various snippets for the eternal serkonan vacation au which i already laid out there)
in the thief crossover brainrot corner (i bet you forgot i allude to thief crossovers in my description!)
also a sokolov portrait thing, but i have it way more planned out. corvo really, really wants garrett to sit in for a portrait (especially now when he's officially the empire's shadiest most mysterious spymaster ever). he reluctantly agrees, but Under One Condition.
a sort of relationship chronicle via heart lines. definitely starts with corvo's diplomatic mission and possibly ends with some happy dh2 era content. obviously i have the heart lines planned out.
possibly something involving more political intrigue/royal drama type stuff? i'm lucky enough to have access to someone who can give me some really good examples/plots if i fail to come up with anything myself.
(this is just a thief thing but i have had a viktoria/lt. mosley thing running around my brain for AGES. i want to explore how their relationship develops so bad. i know they have literally one interaction in canon but they are my blorbinas and i have mentally expanded their backstories so hard the story is basically begging to be written at this point)
anyway if you read this unreasonably unnecessarily long post i love you. i am sending you a kiss. wanna get married
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bibiana112 · 2 years
would LOVE to hear u talk abt ur ideas for the ib au! always loved that art but i dont know anythiiiing abt ib besides the very basics but id so incredibly love to listen what it, and in turn the au is abt!!! always open for all thoughts
Okay so Mary- the one with the yellow rose Akane is holding- is this like super lonely and isolated weird little girl that literally has a book called "how to make friends" and well spoilers that's because she's actually a painting of a girl that never existed that was the gallery artist's like idea of a perfect daughter kind of? Since the name of the gallery, the "World of ___" thing, is Kurashiki then you could really have the artist be A) Aoi which uhhh I guess and it could be that she did exist and died or B) Akane herself and have it be a thing where she painted the idealized version of her younger self that never was which I like a lot more because the artist is in fact dead and their spirit is what makes things in the game come to life and the fact he did that kind of intentionally by pouring his soul into his work and thus creates a labyrinth with death at every corner just feels very close to her envisioning and haunting them death games. Okay so, the game has the protagonist as this semi verbal too young to read properly kid named Ib that gets lost from her parents during a visit to this art exhibit so that's Quark, lost baby child that gets nightmares from the horrors™ and is in constant danger of shutting off and staying in their ideal imagining of reality instead of facing it and leaving to the real world again and ending up all alone despite that being the scariest possible fate in this game. And Junpei as Gary as in queer guy who's barely put together and a bit of a clumsy wuss that grows to support this kid that he's come across and also Mary for the duration of time where she isn't. well. Okay so there's the thing that this haunted gallery place meets with reality in a very specific way, you can enter or leave through the Figment of the World painting however.. only the same amount of people who have entered from reality can also return to it so the whole thing is that Mary wants to be real and have a friend and thus latches onto the kid her own age and decides to try and get rid of the adult that is said to remind her of the gallery's artist aka the guy who painted her aka absent father figure aka Akane in this version but then sooo... Mini Akane sees grown up Junpei and thinks of grown up Akane but would she. Would that be a negative? Would she be mad? Would she want to escape with Junpei or Quark? Which one would she try to kill? Which one would forget to take the knife away from her while she's passed out– that part is just salt I don't really know how to tackle this lol I can't imagine this Akane doing the pallet knife shtick either even if I don't have a good reason for her not to? I can very well imagine her doing the whole cute bunny sculptures being actually creepy dolls thing like instead of attacking she only does the thing of not intervening there so one of them is so scarred that they can't leave but it's mostly the gallery's will there and not her own which omg this whole line of thinking along with the Painting's Demise ending would just fit so well with a narrative of how indifferent and cruel future Akane is even to younger versions of herself... Also something I think you'd find particularly interesting is that you find Gary like an inch away from death and save him before he joins you so that could be like an inverse of their situation in canon because it'd be Quark saving him first and then depending on the ending it could either be Tenmyouji returning the favor just by being a supportive figure to lead them away from the gallery or by trading away his life for them and being sure to tell the kid he's only going to take a nap which doesn't hurt at all and you could also easily fix the weird undertones of the best possible ending by having Quark on his own in the gallery to begin with and them both making the actual decision to stick by each other once they get their memories somehow AND OMG MARY FUCKING BURNS ALIVE IN THE ENDINGS WHERE THE OTHER TWO ESCAPE TOGETHER?? SO LIKE MY GOD I don't Know if there's anything to explain there but there sure is a lot of implications.....
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madstronaut · 3 months
let us rewind, to simpler times...comfort fic times🌿💝
yes I will admit - I, too, was swept up by the 🌪️hu-reylo-ricane🌪️ in 2016 - and this was pre-2017, ere the era of ben swolo and force dyad fuckery etc etc - I probably spent hours upon hours reading fic after fic on ff.net and ao3 - some absolutely fan-fucking-tastic, rip-my-soul-to-shreds-and-stitch-it-back-together-with-my-own-veins-stripped-from-my-limbs vibe stories but just two in particular I hold dear to my heart - one of the fics is so deeply significant & personal to me in such an intimate and revealing way I keep bumping it to the bottom of my 30-story-tall faficowrimo list - and the other one being this G-rated, <10k word, two chapter modern student/teacher's asst. college AU. lolwat anyway dive into the deepend of yet another of my faficowrimo rambles with me~
I don't believe @/heyloreylo aka @/on_my_toes is on tumblr anymore after a cursory search to tag, but dear writer if you ever see this, I want to say 🌿thank you🌿 for writing this story (and from an anon prompt!!! wow), I come back to this time and again when I feel homesick for places I haven't been (ugh I know the perfect word for this in my mother tongue but no such english word really captures it succinctly...#multilingualprobs)
Reading: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire by on_my_toes
When I found this fic (or rather when it found me) I, like Rey, was in an exhausting season where I felt I was perpetually living my days as one long night-before-a-big-final and that life kept setting afire any place I attempted to lay my head for a breather - foxes have holes and birds have nests, everyone but me, indeed - and feeling the weariness and loneliness of a season where there are Just Some Things You Must Travail Alone™️, even amidst friends who stick closer than brothers. (Yes I get straight biblical/shakespearean when I wax poetic, pls dont yap in my DMs if you take issue doth bite your thumb at me, good sir)
something I love about my comfort fics is how easy I find it is to leave all mis problemos at the door and slip into the world of the story and the emotions and actions of the characters and I can return again and again and experience all the emotions that swell out of me in a very freeing, cathartic, practiced, and predictably famiilar way anyway yes like 99.5% of people on this hellsite (affectionate) fanfic is also therapy for meeeee
I think like Ben the TA and Rey the chem student in this fic - we all, at times, develop and wear a hard outer shell to protect & distance ourselves and project power - the hardass TA wearing suits/formal/officewear/frowns like armor, the single female orphan student tensed, always ready to let fly a prepared right hook (or a verbal barb, or witty jab, or a cutting look, etc. etc. fill in the blanks)- esp. when cracks in our armor show - but Ben responds to Rey immediately with imho a curiously direct and bold display of care, compassion, and openheartedness - offering Rey the coat off his back, immediately opening his childhood!home to her, calling her by name, encouraging her in his own awkward ass way re: the chem final comment...also I sense from his first words he was watching and waiting to step in only until he was absolutely certain Rey could use his help - and in this sense, adding to and reinforcing to her strength rather than taking it away
there's something about being thrown right into deep end of the pool from the very start of the fic that makes meeting Ben so rewarding - Rey here is clearly tough as nails but caught outside with no shoes on, literally, at a very vulnerable moment - because even the strongest of us can't be strong all the time thank you pete, my IRL moot, for that bit of timely wisdom when I needed it 🌱 - and Ben Swolo meeting her here, not swooping in to save her per se, but shore up and compliment her strength instead and reveal so much more than he probably intended from the start of this afterhours interaction with her - just melts the most frozen parts of my heart every.single.fucking.time 💙🥺
I mentioned how familiar this fic was to me and it's not really the story but the emotions and people it reminds me of...
the way Ben loves Rey - in actions and words - so readily and easily - reminds me of my IRL beloveds who have done same for me
Rey so easily shrugging off help, even when sorely needed, is a heartachingly familiar place personally - and I see shades of my past and sometimes present self in her - but as the story unfolds I am reminded both of her growth and my own and the people who helped, and stayed, and remembered, and walked with and returned to me on my journey, just like with Rey here and I see the best parts of love and humanity in its many forms - familial, in friendship, in a lover - in the twists and turns of this story and anyway am I crying? what the fuck NOT AGAIN anyway moving on-
There is something unmistakably playful in the expression, and she feels her heart do this strange and slightly unwelcome flop at the sight of it.
🥺🥺🥺 I'm not sure if there's like a medical term for this physical sensation but besides looking upon my beloveds, reading fanfic also elicits this sensation in me
He looks down at her, seeming a bit disarmed by her smile. She has pushed him too far. She is about to take a step back and shut the hell up before she digs herself a bigger hole, but just then he smiles back at her, the sight of it so unexpected that he seems like an entirely different person. Handsome, even.
men, take notes - the power of a smile actually is quantifiably a helluva difference maker also stop fucking asking women on the street you don't know to smile its 2024 motherfuckers
It’s strange to think that this fully-grown, slightly intimidating person has parents nearby. 😂😂😂 this definitely reminded me of the shock I had as a madstrokiddo when I ran into a teacher at a supermarket once because I thought she lived at school, you know, the teacher's natural habitat and enclosure-
“I know how scary these tests can be,” he says, setting her at ease a bit by steering the conversation back to academics. “We have a guest room. It’s no trouble at all. I’ll give you a ride back to campus in the morning.”
She stares up at him, and there is something in his uncertainty, in the strange shyness that seems so incongruent with the strict TA she has come to know in class, that she trusts him. Completely.
I FUCKING LOVE SHYBOIS, SHYBOIS FOR PRESIDENT 2024, I WILL BE YOUR SECRET SERVICE/PROTECT YOU WITH MY LIMB AND LIFE FOR FREE please god literally anyfuckingonelse for president other than the two golfing seniors for 2024 anyway i digress
“Hey.” Ben’s voice is soft and careful, close to her ear. oh I fucking love this (whispering, because this moment is tender and sacred)
He eases her out of the car, remembering to grab her socks, and then walks her up the brick stairs to a lovely, quaint little home that she remembers passing on some of her long distance training runs during the cross country season.
She had always envied it for its simplicity, for the little flower pots in the window ledges, for the sweet little porch swing on the front deck. It looked like a place where people were happy. It looked like a home...
A familiar ache rises up in her as she turns, taking it all in — the way the home is so lived in, so worn, so well-loved...
She swipes at her eyes, turning to face him with a strange and misplaced guilt.
Her face burns. She isn’t sure what to say to that. She has lived with Poe and Finn for almost a year, but even now it is strange to her, the idea that someone might worry on her behalf. The idea that someone cares.
Yours. It’s a curious choice of words. There aren’t many things that belong to her in this world, and she knows for a fact that this isn’t one of them. Still, as she melts into the cotton sheets and the seemingly infinite pillows, her eyelids so heavy that they feel like molasses, she lets all of her usual defenses fall to the wayside. Despite everything, she feels comfortable here. Despite everything, she feels … safe.
these few paragraphs detailing Rey's experience in the Solo cottage is one of the main reasons why I come back to this fic - I still remember the first time I read that sentence "it looked like a place where people were happy, it looked like a home" and how Rey reacted - I bawled my eyes out because I was also in the middle of losing a sense of home so to speak when I read this, and I felt so seen in seeing the same feelings through Rey's eyes here - that helpless feelng of the embarassment of missing out on what everyone else take for granted - and it made me feel less alone and helped dry out that really raw, wet sense of grief a leetle bit more to something more manageable every time I went back to read it ❤️‍🩹🥹💙
also Ben readily offering to Rey things like friendship to fall back on in hard times, an open ear and heart and home to take you in, a safe and strong presence through a night(s) of crisis, a nice, soft, warm bed to rest in, someone to say to you “I would have worried about you if you hadn’t," someone to care about you, someone to make you a meal 💛- was very healing to read and be reminded of 🌿🌿🌿
She barrels into him so hard that it almost knock the wind out of her. She would have ended up with her butt on the floor, but Ben’s instincts are quicker than hers, and he reaches out and steadies her before she plummets — which unfortunately, ends with her pressed up against him so close that she nearly bangs into his chin with her forehead.
mmmm chin rest height is optimal couple height diff 🤭
But most of all, she is embarrassed by his tenderness. Embarrassed by the way he has inconvenienced himself for her, and gone to all this trouble, when she is not worth it by any degree. She has nothing to offer him, no way to thank him.
“You don’t have to thank me,” he says slowly, his bewilderment incongruous with her panic, with the way she scurries toward the door.
“I do, though,” she says, her eyes stinging with her embarrassment.
this whole exchange ending with the "you don't have any shoes oh and btw I washed ur underwear" first off is fucking excellent nay perfect comedic timing, but also REY!!! I want to give you such a big hug for being so human (when I first went to see Force Awakens with a bff she mentioned how she loved how Rey was able to cry so freely and keep and protect her tenderness while surviving in a harsh desert and that comment has always stuck with me), dear writer (toes? toesy? idk what to call writer) you light these complex emotions in such stark relief and in such a familiar and recognizable way they become a lot less lonelier and scarier to face as a result 💖💖💖
I thought the ch. 1 ending was fucking perfect so of course as I usually do, fucking screeched upon seeing a continuation
first off, LMAO @ Hurricane Kylo
Ahch-To University 😂 so IRL Ahch-To is an Irish island named Skellige Michael that is still on my bucketlist of places to visit (apparently it is very weather-dependent and a bit difficult to reach, via local boats only)
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She raises an eyebrow at him. It’s the first time she has directly looked at him, and it is like staring at the sun. 🥺🥰
I love the reversal in fortune with Rey now coming to rescue Ben amidst his own storm and the little mystery woven in the breadcrumbs of Rey-left-after-last-semester and seeing Rey, truly, from Ben's eyes and heart and his crush showing in so many cute little ways 🥰🥰🥰
How he sometimes let himself imagine following her, asking her out for coffee, getting to know her, or even…
He crouches beside her as low to the ground as he can get. Too late he realizes that her faces in inches from his. Her eyes are shut, her skin ghostly pale against the smear of blood on her forehead, but she still seems a lot more calm than he feels right now, his heart beating in too many places at once.
The rain impossibly starts to beat down even harder, the roar of it unimaginable. Rey’s mouth opens wide and he realizes even though he can’t hear it that she’s laughing out loud.
Only then does the chaos seem somewhat manageable. Only then does the beat of his heart seem to find some semblance of a normal rhythm. No matter what happens in this upside down world, they’re in this together. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
I have been on a journey processing and sifting the poison and the balm from my religious upbringing so TW for some church-ish talk but I am reminded of tale of a certain carpenter's son sleeping in the midst of a storm - an image that I have always loved - I used to imagine during storms so to speak that I always had a safe haven of open arms waiting for me and inviting me to rest instead of fight or freak out - and wake up to see the storm abated, and not alone - and for some reason this little tidbit recalls that story, that feeling, and that image of peace in the midst of storms for me
alternately reminded of Lt. Nate Fick's speech from Generation Kill on the humvee wheel he was taking cover in during a firefight being 'the safest place in the world' - often not a matter of what and why but where and who you are with that brings much perspective 💙✨
Rey winces slightly, and Ben immediately regrets asking. In that moment the wind dies down just enough that there is no denying the tension between them. She pulls away, just slightly, enough that their bodies are still touching but nowhere near as intimately as before.
this is so real - many times our body speaks when our words can't
This time the gesture is so thoughtless, so innate, that he doesn’t even realize he’s moved until his fingers are skimming her forehead, pushing the hair back from her face. Her eyes lock on his, wide with surprise and a kind of hunger in them — never taking her gaze off of him, she leans ever-so-slightly into his touch, like someone who is both wary of affection and longing for it all at once.
I love this story's Ben in how easily he loves Rey in thought and words and gesture, I found it very healing to read about such a man but also in my later reads - inspirational, encouraging, and exemplary for me to be the same - and seek and coax it out of those around me ❤️❤️❤️
“She had a good, long life,” she says, in that optimistic way of hers. “I’m just glad I got to be a part of it.” I hope to say this of my IRL and tumblr beloveds and moots as well 🌿✨
She has always seemed so untethered, so separate from everyone else. It is the reason he was so drawn to her — he has always felt out of place himself, despite his best efforts. But now that he has some understanding of Rey’s past, however small it is, he feels some part of his heart cinching for her in some unfamiliar, powerful way. In those moments, he seems to absorb her sadness as if it is his own, and it is a burden he is more than willing to bear. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
“I’m Rey,” she says, almost merrily. “And this is the second time your son has saved my ass.” 😂😂😂 alexa, play smooth operator by sade (yeah im gonna bring this meme back, watch me)
His father tosses back the phone and Rey catches it deftly, dialing a number she must know by heart. I appreciate this detail of foster rey memorizing phone numbers of close contacts 🫂❤️‍🩹
As terrifying as the ordeal was, there was something so intimate in it, some unknowable shared feeling that passed between them, and now … he can already feel it peeling away, as if it never happened. He can already see the sun spilling out of the clouds, people poking their heads out of their doors, the the world resuming in its ordinary way, and it’s all somehow insulting to the profundity of what just happened to them.
Fucking incredible paragraph, I'm pretty much nearly speechless at this point
well all this to say, I found this fic this fic found me when I was at a low point in my life, shone a light down into my little hole/valley and made me remember I could find the strength within me to climb out - and take the hands of friends and recognize the presence of beloveds ready to meet me where I was and help me climb out together...
...and I am incredibly, incredibly grateful that I started reading beyond the Explicit/Inappropriate Use of the Force Bond tagged reylo fics to find this gem
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