#so deeply personal to me & i really REALLY liked that scene. it was. ough
summerof336bc · 2 years
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[id: a post banner that reads "i'm not christian (just mentally ill)". the background is Leonardo Di Vinci's "The Last Supper". end id]
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coddda · 3 months
Light's relationship with his father is such a heartbreaking multi-faceted tragedy to me I hate it so so so much.
Soichiro loves his son so much, and while he's certainly not a perfect father I know that he cares deeply about Light. He wants to prove Light's innocence so badly but he can't let go of the underlying doubt that he might really be Kira and it gnaws at him. He does not know that from the very beginning he was being used by Light, whether it was to obtain information about the investigation, or to get to L, or to strengthen the foundations of his own lie that he wasn't Kira, this entire time he was simply another resource. He'll hang onto this doubt for years, even after L is dead, even if he doesn't express it in the latter half of the series, until he himself is on his deathbed, with what he believes to be undeniable proof that Light isn't Kira. (It's a lie, of course.) He dies happy, but it's on the foundations of blissful ignorance. His own son brought him here, brought him to the point where he had to sacrifice half of his own remaining life span, to his own death march, and was still trying to use him even now to kill someone else, but he doesn't know that. Soichiro said that what was evil was the power to kill others, and that whoever used it was cursed. Light was that cursed man, of course, and he tried to bring that curse onto Soichiro too by making him kill in his last moments. Soichiro was happy regardless, because he didn't know. He'll never know. (In the manga/anime at least. More on that later).
Light loves his father but it's not enough to turn him away from the terrible decisions he's made, if anything it only fuels them. His idea of "justice" is a twisted model of what he parroted from Soichiro, and he uses his father as another pawn (and a powerful one at that) in his plans. If he can prove that Kira is justice then perhaps his father will no longer call Kira, and therefore Light, evil, so he just needs to ensure that Kira becomes justice, right? It's Light's own actions that land his own father in the hospital for a stress-induced heart attack and yet he says only a few minutes later that he's the happiest he's ever been in his entire life. Even after Soichiro denounces Kira by calling him evil, even after he calls the Death Note's power evil, even after he unknowingly tells Light that he is cursed. When Soichiro dies Light is too deep in his own plans to actually properly process the fact that his own father is dying past what it means for his goals, but at the same time he still cares enough that after the fact he'll genuinely cry, only to brush it all away later. (Personally, I don't have a single doubt in my mind that Light's crying in that scene was genuine and I Will die on this hill). Soichiro had unknowingly denounced Light one last time just before his death, openly relieved that he "wasn't Kira after all", which also reveals that he has had doubts about Light this entire time, even after L died. By the time he's caught at the Yellow Box Warehouse Light will have denounced his father too, seeing him as someone who was made to be a fool, someone who was naive, even, too earnest for his own good. He won't realize that part of this description of his father might have applied to Light himself, back when this all started. Light takes after his father so much in so many ways already, so why not in this way too?
Ough. And honestly the other adaptations never miss out on this tragedy either, and I love them for that. (spoilers for the musical and 2006 live action movies I guess?)
In the musical we see Soichiro express his doubts and conflicts about who to believe, Light or L, if the son he raised really is a murderer, if everything he knows about him is just a lie. Like, there's an entire song about this, and you can tell how torn he is about it all, how badly he wants Light to be innocent but about how he also needs to face the truth no matter what it is, but at the end of it all he doesn't even get the answers he wants. At the end of the musical the only thing he finds is two corpses, Light's and L's, with no answers. No last words, no closure, only dead ends and a dead son and a grieving daughter. It's so awful I hate it here.
And the live action movie is fucking Insane. Like, wow. Okay. (Spoiler for the ending of Death Note The Last Name I guess) In the 2006 movies/novels Light writes Soichiro's name in the Death Note himself, and it's such an inconcievable move that it leaves even Misa shocked; Light tries to make Soichiro give him the Death Note for the last part of his plans, seeing his death as a "necessary sacrifice" (insert tangent essay about why I think 2006 live action movie Light is actually the most "coldhearted" Light Yagami, despite how infamous anime Light is). It doesn't work, and Soichiro does end up finding out that Light is Kira this time, and they have a confrontation, but he doesn't even sound truly hateful towards Light for it. He Never seems to outright hate Light for it, even after Light calls the whole confrontation a waste of time and instead tries to continue killing with the piece of the notebook in his watch, even after he tries to get Ryuk to kill everyone. When Ryuk inevitably writes Light's name and he collapses, Soichiro still reaches out for him and holds onto him as he's dying. Light literally dies in Soichiro's arms, still looking for the validation that he was right, that this wasn't all for nothing, that he was doing the good thing, trying to make Soichiro understand that he was trying to enact justice based on what he learned from him in the first place. Soichiro not only learns but sees for himself what his son has become, and Light dies in his arms leaving no closure for either of them. Soichiro will announce Light's death in L Change the WorLd on the news without saying his name, saying instead that it is only Kira who is dead, even though he and Light are one in the same. Sachiko and Sayu will never get to know the full truth about what happened to Light, instead Soichiro will lie and instead tell them: "Light was killed by Kira."
And then holy Shit the jdrama. If I write about it here this post is gonna literally double in length and also I don't really wanna spoil it but. Man. Man. If you watched it you know. Holy Shit dude I Cried.
It's the fact that, canonically, Soichiro will die oblivious to what Light has done, but even in the instances where he does find out, it doesn't make it any better, and it doesn't make him love Light any less, it just gives him more to grieve.
It's the fact that there isn't a single universe where Light doesn't use his father for his own gain, whether to gain information, or to try and control him with the Death Note, or make him write in the Death Note himself, and not a single time will he realize just how far he's strayed from Soichiro's ideals, and not a single time will he not forsake him for it by the end of the story.
It's the fact that, despite everything, Light will always refers to Soichiro as "dad/my dad" (informal) rather than "father/my father", even after he has been "denounced" (and this is true in every language that Death Note has been translated in, as far as I could find. Man, isn't that so cool! :) <- Through tears).
Anyways that's what I've been thinking of how's your guys' days going
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blakbonnet · 1 month
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Please give it up for the nicest and one of the most creative writers in this fandom: Duck! I'm just such a fan because not only does Duck manage to write the softest, gentlest, loveliest Ed and Stede (both together and apart), their fics somehow perpetually keep me looking like 🥹 all the time ough. And they were very very nice about sharing their writing process with me:
What's your writing process like? Do you start with the beginning or the end? Do you write in order or as the scenes come to you?
Mostly it’s the Taika “look at a document for 8 hours and then close the document,” honestly. I’m a very slow writer and lose motivation very easily, so I mostly get by on the muse’s fire hydrant and forcing myself to write those fifty words even when every single one feels so bad.
I go moooostly beginning to end because even though I’m generally an outliner, I always end up with little details that will affect later scenes and I don’t wanna lose continuity or have to rewrite a bunch. However, I do definitely let myself do a [finish this scene later] and move on to the next scene because otherwise I will get really fucking stuck, and sometimes I’ll write a line or a paragraph I thought of that sounds really good and tuck it away for a later scene.
Favourite trope or headcanon you like to explore while writing?
Ooooooooh, I don’t know if this is a trope but there’s just nothing I love more than huge feelings contained in mundane stories, of feelings so big you can’t actually express them and so they’re this constant hum throughout the story. I also love writing about touch for both of them, how Ed gives casual touch to hide the deep well of desire for intimate touch, how Stede is so unused to touch and craves it so deeply. (Can you tell I just really like subtle yet overwhelming emotions? Maybe it’s the aroace in me idk but that shit hits HARD.) Oh, and I love a fuckin’ allegory or object to discuss all those big feelings, whether it’s monsters or gardening or peaches or what the fuck ever (I have used all of these lol).
Whose voice is easier to write - Ed or Stede? Why?
I think Ed’s voice comes to me faster because the way I personally speak is closer to Ed’s voice, but it also means I’m sometimes double-checking myself to make sure I’m still deep in his voice, not my-voice-but-Ed. Stede isn’t necessarily harder for me, I’m just doing all that double-checking to make sure I’m not slipping into Ed voice or, god forbid, Aziraphale-lite voice. So, idk! I love writing them both, the little details of each of their inner dialogues are SO important to me (Ed’s tangents and his pshh-I-don’t-care moments, Stede actively avoiding thinking about things he doesn’t want to face, etc etc etc).
Your personal favourite thing you've written that you'd like more people to read
For the longest time it was There is Love That Doesn’t Have a Place to Rest, mostly because it was posted the day before another fic and, while I find them to be siblings and equal quality,  the other one got way more attention. That fic is about the time between signing the Act of Grace and getting to the academy and I think I really nailed where the two of them are at.
However! (And I know this is cheating okay shh.) Nowadays the one that I wish people read the most is Not Only the Sugar, But the Days. It’s the sequel to my “offscreen 30 year slowburn friends to lovers finally get together” fic and I put my whole fucking heart into it, honestly. The two boys basically go on a bunch of dates to live out the teenage experiences they never got together and work through the biggest feelings and I just! Really want people to see it! (It also can be read as a standalone, which I didn’t advertise super well lol.)
What is the one word that you think you use a lot?
Unfortunately it’s probably “just” or “a little” or filler words like that. Also obviously if the word fuck counts then, yeah, that. Maybe warm? Or something about yearning??? If I have a classic word please tell me I’m fascinated by this idea.
Do you have a beta reader? Have they made you a better writer?
The person who beta’s for basically all my fics is Owen @trans-top-stede and they are sooooo fucking helpful and incredible. So good at catching all the little things I miss, making sex scenes make sense, reminding me positioning in general is a thing, cheerleading me on, etc etc etc. My fics are so much better for their help.
Why OFMD 🥹
Ed and Stede just fit so fucking well into all sorts of AU’s (they try to invent their own AU’s in canon, even) while also having so much fun space to explore within canon. Their range is also perfect perfect perfect for writing fics—they can be in the wells of misery and fluffy as fuck and obnoxiously cheesy and realistic all in the same fic, if you want, and it’s completely accurate to their canon selves. It’s also helped me to embrace being silly and cheesy and earnest because life is about being yourself and finding your people and feeling deeper, feeling bigger, feeling more authentically without fear of being too much. Fuck I just really love these boys. (Also they’re so pretty and the whole crew’s so pretty we WON.)
Please head over to @ofmdlovelyletters (who also made the header) and send your love to all your favourite authors (and authors of the week 😈 watch that blog for some special letters coming your way)
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ouroboros rambles chapter 2
you guys seemed to like the chapter 1 rambles, so here is chapter 2!
[spoilers for isat and twohats below the cut]
i would like to start by saying that we all need more mirabelle POV fics in our lives. she deserves only the best.
I always really liked how Mira didn't just. get over act 5? like, the things that siffrin said were hurtful! yes! and she loves him! even after that! but it doesn't erase the pain and the conflicting feelings regarding it, especially because of the no-spoilers rule... which we will get more into i proMISE! in any case I was focused a lot on the fact that Mira post canon is dealing with a Lot, what with everyone still believing that she was chosen by the Change God and yknow. saving Vaugarde, and Siffrin's overall condition doesn't help! She wants him to be okay and safe, and she has already shown that she feels immense guilt over not being able to help siffrin during the loops, so I kinda leaned hard into that.
The entire party is about to be So Tired Of People.... especially The Introverts (Odile, Mira, and Siffrin)...
The fucking cart thing came to me out of fucking nowhere. I have no idea where or why that bit came around.
Siffrin sleeping habits analysis. siffrin sleeps all curled up like a cat most of the time? theyre small scrappy, but not really the most physically strong (before the loops), and i imagine more than a few years of traveling alone would train him to be ready to protect themselves however they can, even in their sleep. I think that this eases up a bit as they get comfortable with the party, which leads to them being able to sleep "normally". but of course, that is how they wake up in the loops. negative association and trauma from waking up back in the meadow..... i don't imagine they'll be going back to that any time soon.
I do have a Full Catalog of Siffrin's injuries (because im actually insane) but that will be talked about in my chapter 3 rambles. for now though, all im gonna say is that Siffrin definitely kept the stars hidden. In my headcanon, healing craft only works when you can actually pinpoint a wound, internal or external. I'm more inclined to believe that siffrin healed them up the best they could on their own after to hide them.
Ohhhh odile. my beloved. i have so many feelings about her and how she processes siffrin's issues postcanon. feelings i will not get into until next chapter. sorry lmaoooooo. All you gotta know for now is that once she starts seeing things, she can't stop. the signs appear everywhere, and she very quickly puts the pieces together from that point. All it takes is one domino to start the cascade, and Odile is the kind of person that WILL get to the bottom of it all, no matter what it takes.
Mira's guilt. Oh man. There are some ways in which her and Siffrin are very alike, and this is one of them. She's justified in being mad, yes, but that doesn't erase the fact that she doesn't want to BE mad. She hates it. because she knows now that siffrin was suffering. She defeated the king, saved vaugarde, but the cost was her friend's health and happiness. siffrin said that they were happiest they'd ever been with the party... and yes, siffrin loves them all deeply, but she never could have wanted that love to come at such a great price.
Mira has gotta be TIRED. girl healed siffrin a grand total of (checks my page of notes from act 5) six times. with very little cooldown. and that was AFTER deflecting the ONE SHOT KILL attack from the king (which, even with the carrot method shield, does at least 1/4 damage) and unfreezing siffrin....ough. let her rest!
i love torturing isa using his crush. its so funny. bro is a disaster. brain completely short circuits at the thought of siffrin in his clothes i can IMAGINE IT SO CLEARLY.... odile is gon abe homophobic soon /silly
Siffrin's wish... this scene was really important to me. Just for clarification (and this will become a LOT more obvious later), I don't really regard this scene as Siffrin getting over what happened? Because he definitely isn't. But they have already literally let go of their wish, and I wanted to explore a more… intentional version of that? its long-lasting effects are still there, mentally and physically. it doesn't just go away. But it has served its purpose and this is my way of showing the transition point from the loops and their future with their family.
Also!!! the idea of mourning something that no longer serves its former purpose, a life you cannot get back. Siffrin can never go back to who they were before their wish. They have been fundamentally changed as a person. And while the wish did bring good things, the flipside is that it also dismantled their entire worldview and life in its entirety. They died from this wish, suffered because of it, but the meaning behind it remains, and i think that this scene kind of shows the idea that siffrin still feels compassion for what it originally meant to them. its a bittersweet reality.
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
Yeah yeah yeah I'd love to hear your thoughts on the dynamics!!!
OKAY. SO. To restate myself: I THINK (almost) EVERY OAK AND CLOSE/FOSTER SHIP IS SO INTERESTING. They always have something fun going on … and also they’re always bi4bi which is deeply important to me. Sorry if any of this is hard to understand I am so so tired XD
Meryl and Hildy are the only two where I’ve not really dedicated thought to them. However, I could absolutely see them as like… you know that trope of a Casanova desperately chasing after the only woman who isn’t interested in him? THAT. THEY ARE THAT TO ME. Hildy is too focused on her career for men and it drives Meryl crazy
My thoughts on Barry and Bill should not be said in a public setting but I will provide this
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Barry is gray and bill is blue. He should fuck that old man (purposefully ambiguous on who I mean). Anyways
My feelings on Glennry are. Well explored LMAO They’re my favorite ship! I know they can be super toxic as a ship, but I do really love them, most of all, as a ship where both parties fight tooth and nail to get better for the other. Because they understand each other and care for one another and the other person is just so so so fucking worth it to them. It makes me happy :]
Henry/Jodie is like, a sleeper agent in my mind. I think they have the capacity to be so fuckin compelling but I’m usually dedicating too much time to Glennry and Rodie to think about it. I LOVE these two though. I’m not usually a huge fan of Jodie struggling with his sexuality (it’s just funnier to me if he dated Scam with no hesitation.) but I’m in love with it specifically for Henry/Jodie contexts. Something about Henry being so loose and free with his sexuality contrasted with Jodie being so buttoned up about everything makes me so fhdksgajdhskdh!!! And of course, it is canon in that one AU-of-an-AU for MnMoms LMAO
Nark <3 one of my original ships and one I’ve been thinking about a lot this weekend. The PEAK of adhd boyfriend/autism boyfriend in my mind. As I said the other day - I love them as established but ambiguous. No one knows what their relationship is, least of all them, but it has been going on for years. I find them really interesting but I don’t tend to agree with some of the like, I dunno, trademark features of popular Nark dynamics? I think Nicky is the type to do anything to get approval from those who cares about, way more so than I’ve seen some people give him credit for (more, maybe they give him too much credit? Wording LOL), and I think Lark feels intense guilt for the mere act of existing, and I think these two characteristics are SO fun to throw up against each other. Also I know Nicky is a cool alt demon boy when they’re teens, but he’s still a cop’s son and I LOOOVE that in contrast to Lark’s hot-to-those-in-his-age-group brooding and general delinquency vibes (ie (our only real example) swapping places with his twin so he can risk his life LMAO). GOD SORRY IM RAMBLING ABOUT NARK NOW I like them. A lot
In contrast to Nark, I think the general consensus on Lovesong is awesome. Sparrow and Nicky liked each other so much as teenagers, they were an adorable T4T couple, they’re adhd boyfriend/autism girlfriend, and now they’re the worlds messiest exes ever and it’s everyone’s problem <3 ohhh sword to throat scene, you will ALWAYS be famous. I also love them with a dynamic of like… Sparrow being much more confident around Nicky, but struggling a lot in general social interactions. Something about her blossoming and opening up when around Nicky in particular, and maybe neither of them even notice at first… but then one day it clicks. They’re just SO comfortable around each other and I love thinking about like. The details of how that relationship dissolves, and how much worse it must have made the betrayal. Their current antagonism is made so so so interesting, especially when Sparrow is such a pushover to everyone BUT Nicky… OUGH. LOVE THEM!!!! (do you guys like how I automatically trans fem Sparrow in Lovesong settings specifically LMAO)
Oakworthy is another one I’ve talked about at length. They are two bugs I am raising in captivity together and they keep trying to each other, so I have to separate them, but I put them back together anyways. Because thIS IS HOW OAKWORTHY CAN STILL WIN-!! I love these two, fully immersed in the fantasy that they’re going to fix things and get together in the end. I think the fact that they both have such strong identity issues but in different ways - Hermie has no idea who he truly is and tries on a million masks to compensate, while Normal tries so desperately to be someone else but his true identity always shows in the end - makes for a REEEALLY interesting dynamic. They both try so hard to be who the other person wants, and fail to realize that what the other wants is for them to be themselves. Makes me crazy
AND FINALLY. NORMAL/TAYLOR. Tayloak <3 only something I’ve started thinking about, like… in the past few weeks XD but I think they’re REALLY FUN. Obviously there’s this massive aspect of Normals jealousy of (and over) Taylor, which can be fun to play with in a “do I want him or do I want to be him” way! I think those types of crushes are SO funny in fiction. And also. Once again. They fit the autism x adhd dynamic except this time, they’re both high energy. Tackling as a love language. To me.
Obviously, all of this is just my personal opinion!!! I do not pretend to know these characters better than anybody else (except Jodie.) and this is just my interpretation of these ships :] if people have wildly different opinions I’d love to hear em as well, just be nice LOL
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phantastragoria · 1 year
do you have a favourite portrayal of a character in the gotg game!! who is it and why <3
Oh I think they're all great honestly!!! Part of why I love the game so much is that genuinely, the whole team + supporting characters are written with such obvious love of the source material and equal attention between them all. When I see comments of people saying who their favorite character was from the game and the answer always being different from each person I'm like!! That's how it SHOULD be!!! They're the Guardians of the Galaxy (plural) the focus shouldn't all fall on a singular character like most other GotG media usually ends up as 😭
The two (sorry I can't pick just one) whom I think benefit the most from the game though are Drax and Gamora because they're almost always sidelined both in-and-out of universe by most of the various writers (especially as of late) and in turn the viewers/readers. I've been told plenty of times that they're the most boring members of the "main" team, BUT IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY! The amount of love the game versions get (by the few who've played it at least) proves that 🥺
I've never really liked 616 Drax shifting to being a complete clown during the 90s and such (and even less so when the MCU followed along 💀) So I appreciate the game taking a bit of his seriousness from the DnA run and just making him struggle with nuance and context clues in a less exaggerated way (autistic Drax I still believe in u) and I feel the focus put on him and how losing his original family + the aftermath deeply affected him hits pretty hard here because it's treated very seriously and shown in depth, especially with how his family (wife) gets actual focus. I cannot tell you anything about Yvette in comparison to Hovat, who actually seemed to have had a personality lol (AND she was on their village's council like omg imagine having more to you than just being The Housewife) Though I will say I flip and flop on my thoughts about Heather being disconnected from Drax's life in this universe... The TLDR is that I think his arc here specifically works stronger when he has to come to terms with losing his entire family and accepting the life he currently has with the Guardians. BUT!!! I very much appreciate that Heather is still confirmed to exist within this universe, even if that means her dad issues would have to be dealt with in a different context if we ever get to see her.
Also? Shoutout to the writers actually bringing up the intense paranoia that always kneecapped 616 Drax but having that be a turning point in his backstory here, with that conversation he has with Peter where he talks about how he was becoming so paranoid of everyone being a chitauri/Thanos conspirator to the point of literally turning into an obsessed maniac like Thanos, and realizing that he desperately needed to turn his life around, it's so ough.
Out of the already many great conversations throughout the game, I think the ones with him are the most poignant. My favorite scene in the whole game is Drax and Pete's little moment on Knowhere... makes me go wahhh
(l also love that out of everyone on the team, it's his headspace that we quite literally get to go into. You KNOW that if this was any other media it'd be going into Rocket or Groot's head and likely treated as a joke.)
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And oh my god, Gamora...
I find it so extremely refreshing that her role in the plot doesn't revolve purely around the men in her life, and instead, it's nearly exclusively her connection with other women. Or in the most direct obstacle she has to deal with, being how she starts projecting to the millionth degree on Nikki's situation for reminding her of what happened to her and Nebula. I find that infinitely more fascinating as a reading of her character rather than just dating drama or her arc getting completely overtaken by a man's instead.
And especially in her friendship with Mantis, who, despite having all these futures she's constantly seeing and having to navigate, still makes time to do her best to help her 🥺 From saving her life and being the one who put her on the path to healing on Lamentis, to getting her to join the Guardians and still checking in on her when she's able 😭 Friendship between women can be so powerful... u love to see it (🏳️‍🌈)
I also find it nice that there's this emphasis on her recovering mentally, and the comparison between Thanos essentially teaching her to just Deal with the shit in her life through very simplistic meditation versus the priests of Pama actually teaching her something to help soothe the mind :^( and that she still has moments of relapsing essentially. I find that to be a realistic take on recovery because that's just part of the journey since healing is not linear... and I think it's very sweet that she finds comfort in collecting something ---girly--- like dolls. Love to see a person reclaim a part of their childhood that they weren't allowed to experience. And how she's allowed to make BAD JOKES?? Imagine a woman being written to have multiple dimensions, crazy and absolutely unthinkable, I know.
There's this extremely specific theme in relation to Gamora across media that's been rattling around in my brain since first playing the game. When near the end during the revisit to Knowhere, she's about to completely lose it when Peter tries talking -for- her on what she's so upset about before immediately shooting him down, and she explains what happened between her and Nebula and she starts crying. It really struck me right then that she's never given a moment to cry elsewhere (or in the 616's case, the quite literal inability to.) aside from her shedding a Single Manly Tear (Original Sin) or a single moment out of legit fear (MCU 💀) because she's a hashtag Strong Independant Woman who can't be vulnerable etc etc. But for her to cry in front of the people she's come to care about, It gives her a moment of true vulnerability that I don't think she's allowed ever in most other media.
That and all of the above hits hard and is what makes me genuinely believe that the writers cared about her in the narrative and tried to do right by her when every other bit of media really hasn't nor cared to the majority of the time since the 90s :'^/ Brings a tear to my eye that she's allowed to just... exist in the narrative on her own merits and not on what she can provide to someone else's story.
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#lex thoughts#gotg thoughts#universe: eidos game#gotg2008#sorry for asking for a question then immediately disappearing for a month 💔 I'm on the most stressful roadtrip ever#i 🫶 you for asking about them though the Eidos gotg are my everything and i won't shut up about them if given the chance#very funny to me that all these important moments happen on Knowhere. Strange things can happen at the end of the universe.#The end page of W&tIW 09 is the only other Gamora moment of vulnerability across media that i can specifically pinpoint#But it's more self reflection in a way of a heavily traumatic experience that I don't feel ever truly got resolved within the 616 IMO#And I find it a specific point to be made when Gamora is/isn't allowed to feel or literally denied things that are stereotypically-#-categorized as -feminine- (which is dumb to assign gender roles to a simple human emotion such as CRYING.-#-But you get what I mean I hope) We play fast and loose with gender around here pardner I think all of the gotg should cry more#but in Gamora's case specifically it Hits Different knowing her past and treatment throughout media#i could also heavily go into the way the game adapts Peter's character in relation to his element guns but that's an essay for another time#just because -i- find that extremely fascinating doesn't mean i think he should particularly be the main focus (and he isnt)#bc pete rocket and groot are the ones that already get all the attention (even if i dont agree with how they're written elsewhere)#i just find it more engaging for the other two main characters of the team that always get sidelined by the writers actually being put in-#-the spotlight with equal attention given to them for once to be sooo -shakes fist#sorry for the intense word salad i hope i make sense lol ESSAY/RANT OVER .🤐
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pavelkaramazov · 28 days
ivan karamazov for the character post i beg
OUGH this is a very good one for me. thank you.
first impression:
tbh the first time I read TBK he did not leave much of an impression on me, I had a very hard time figuring him out, he kind of presents as very… blank, in a way? I felt like I knew absolutely nothing about him up until The Grand Inquisitor the first time I read it. I went into this the first time about a year ish ago totally totally blind, and I remember sort of thinking there was a chance that Ivan would be the murderer at the beginning.
I did not pick up on the Tchermashnya conversation at all the first time I read it lmao, I knew there was SOMETHING going on but I could not parse it. But I was definitely picking up in the idea of Ivan-as-the-ideological-murderer if not the physical murderer.
impression now:
I don’t even know where to begin with this tbh. His position in The Grand Inquisitor and his conversation with Alyosha in the garden after Dmitry attacks Fyodor in part one are really important to me. His ideologies here really parallel my own in certain ways as someone who is not into the idea of Christianity, and for the reasons he gives. I think it’s really remarkable for Dostoevsky as such a staunch Christian to be able to represent the opposite argument to his personal beliefs in a way that made me feel personally very seen. Ivan carries a lot of the ideological dialogue, as it pertains to the themes of religion and the themes of the murder/patricide/“all is permitted.”
That said, I both love him and sometimes hate him.
To me his ideals just fall flat to his ego. He cares so much about human suffering in the abstract way, but still holds himself as so vastly superior to Smerdyakov that it just… undermines his strength of character. It’s not even that Ivan has to LIKE Smerdyakov, I understand why he doesn’t, because Smerdyakov is fucking weird and unlikeable and upsetting and offputting. It’s just that Ivan sees himself as superior to Smerdyakov SPECIFICALLY due to his education and his social status as a legitimate son. Ivan is just a bit of a hypocrite. He is all in the mind and cannot apply it to any action. I also think he is a coward. He says that all is permitted, he has that conversation about Tchermashnya, he stands and waits atop the stairs. He admits freely to Alyosha that it really would be for the better if Fyodor were dead. But when the person, whom he has played a role in the conditioning of, actually follows through on the thing THEY BOTH CONSPIRED ON, he is horrified. He wants the deed done, very deeply, at least on a psychological level, but he uses someone he views as disposable to do the dirty work for him. And then washes his hands of it and denies he ever played a role. I think I hold this against him much more than many TBK fans because I care about Smerdyakov’s character a lot more than most lmao. But it is also absolutely integral to Ivan’s character in my opinion!
Favorite moment:
I really can’t pick honestly, It’s so small but possibly the moment where he’s standing on top of the stairs. SO much tension in that moment where nothing at all is really happening. That little scene literally haunts me. It’s so vague and made all the more horrifying for its vagueness. It’s very weird and very cerebral. What was he thinking to do in that moment? Why does he think back to it so many times and seem so tormented by the memory? We know why, but it goes unsaid. Just as his dialogue about Tchermashnya does.
Idea for a story:
Lollll I am kind of working on something a little bit right now but we shall see if it ever comes to fruition. Basically I was thinking about him suffering from Encephalitis, and the lingering vision of the devil, and all that represents, driving him further into insanity after the events of the book. He’s sort of like Rodya in that way: he can play a role in carrying out the act, but afterwards, he can’t handle it. Sort of focusing on this hallucination he has as his “punishment”, and what that means for him. I think he will have a really difficult time accepting responsibility for the role he played in Fyodor’s murder.
unpopular opinion:
I honestly do not get ANY chemistry between him and Katerina Ivanovna. I LOVE Dmitry and Grusha because I can understand them and see their chemistry so clearly, but Ivan and Katerina just fall very very flat for me. I don’t really care about them together at all. Maybe if we’d gotten to see more of their interactions or hear more of his internal dialogue about her I would feel differently. I just do not care about them together at all I’m sorry.
favorite relationship:
Him and Smerdyakov absolutely. I am just endlessly fascinated by the dynamic between them. any of the Dostoevskian doubles are immensely interesting to me, and they may be my favorite! I never see anyone mention how they’re false twins! They were born at the same time to two different mothers. And this just drives home the juxtaposition of how vastly different their lives are, through no fault of their own, and the unfairness of it.
Their dynamic is my favorite part of the entire book.
They have this really really strange co-dependency going on. They conspire right to each others faces, completely in heavily coded language, yet they understand one another implicitly. Ivan overlooks and exploits Smerdyakov and Smerdyakov manipulates him right back. It is a really unexpected battle of wits in which Smerdyakov in turn exploits Ivan’s underestimation of him. And whatever conspiracy this once was degraded into pure hatred on both sides. They seem to have this soul tie that cannot be broken, due to this horrible thing they’ve gone in on together. I think for most of the book Smerdyakov REALLY clamors for Ivan’s approval, maybe even to a degree that isn’t really appropriate, and the harder he tries to earn it, the more disgusted Ivan is by him. But yet, Ivan sought him out and entered this conspiracy with him. I don’t think he ever uses the word coward but I love that Smerdyakov actually does call him out for his cowardice at the end and throws it back in his face. I love the three interviews and their final confrontation.
Favorite headcanon
I don’t even know that I have any headcanons for him other than for what he looks like, as he very notably was not given a physical description. I imagine him like this. Most particularly I imagine that he is going gray very young. I don’t know why but I saw that photo when I was making a board for him and really liked that for his character.
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timegears-moved · 1 year
totk rant anon back again with one (1) potentially positive piece of info: turns out the froggy set DOES work as advertised, you just have to upgrade it twice for the set bonus. or at least i haven't slipped while wearing the full set since i upgraded it. but anyway that's enough about totk for now.
good luck with getting through aoc! i personally find it a lot easier to excuse the questionable writing in that game than in totk because revali is in it and i am deeply biased. that said, the game is definitely more fun if you pay less attention to the main cutscenes and more attention to the little character details in sidequests & mid-battle dialogue (sadly, i don't think there are any comprehensive compilations of said dialogue, though i have been planning to make one for at least revali. one of these days.)
aoc also has the same problem that botw (and likely totk as well) had, where the english localization is just... off sometimes, which compounds the writing issues. for example, in That cutscene, where english revali is complaining about "this nobody", his original dialogue is him demanding "why is LINK the leader" in the most petulant tone ever, and it's way funnier in my opinion. (i also don't think he refers to link as "failed" at the end of the medoh battle either??) plus, for that one sidequest that claims revali called the flight range upgrades "adequate", as far as i could tell other languages outright state that he seemed pleased with the upgrades. it's not a huge difference, but it's a little less "wow it's so surprising revali was exhibiting basic decency" and a little more "he was acting like he didn't care but he clearly cared".
oh yeah and the "you're good, but i'm better" line was originally more along the lines of "impressive, but that's as far as you go". again, a subtle difference, but more appropriate for someone who believed he was in a life-or-death battle with a legitimate enemy at the time. i could go on, but between this and botw (do you know about his original dialogue when firing on ganon. because it's really something.) there's... a lot, so i'll leave it at this.
but yeah i think it's hilarious that regardless of timeline, revali is just constantly trying and failing to get link to pay attention to him. absolute loser. i love him
OH OKAY! i didn't really bother with upgrading more than once because i was disappointed with it still slipping but i'll keep that in mind for any future playthroughs!
"revali is in it and i'm extremely biased" why are you literally me wkhejsjksje. same tho i'm willing to look past the weird way aoc writes him just because i'm so happy to see him again. also omg if you do make a compilation for revali please send it my way!!! i need more content to feed on no matter how small sjhsjejjd.
AND YEAH like it's such an important distinction to make. i haven't seen the original text for the aoc cutscenes but from what you've said it really just sounds like revali's issue lies with not being the centre of attention (which definitely fits him a lot better), rather than being rude to link for the sake of being rude. honestly in japanese revali just seems to be a lot more immature and that's why he's so abrasive and cocky, at least to me that is.
in japanese revali does openly admire and respect link!! like there's no hesitancy to his praise like there is in english and it gives more weight to his dejection at link not reacting to his skills and seemingly not seeing him as equal. also yeas i just rewatched the firing at ganon scene OUGH the way he goes from calling himself the "key" in ganon's defeat to using that same phrasing for link after medoh is freed drives me insane. like he can finally admit that link is the better warrior!!! the english version making it about link's "luck" drives me insane but for a completely different reason because literally what the hell.
i just rewatched that one video going over all of the small but significant changes made between both versions and like. they really did just add a bunch of unnecessary insults in there huh. like there's a huge difference between revali questioning if link understands the importance of his gale in japanese to straight up insulting his intelligence in english.
but you're right. regardless of discrepancies between languages, revali will always be so gay it makes him look stupid.
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formleadsfunction · 2 months
f@tt Sangfielle ep. 27 relistening post
(aka my own personal greatest hits)
Austin "All you have to do is convince Lyke and Duvall. Or kill them." Please 😭
Virtue Mondegreen Vampire Queen of Sapodilla as a concept is sooooooooo :)))
Duvall straight-up "I don't see the negatives for vampire queen Virtue. [...] I don't think [she'd] hold me any ill will." I love an apathetic selfish coward. :)
I do think Duvall As A Character is more nuanced and complicated than that but smth abt "has no concept of who he is" <--> "no sense/morally justified opinion of the weight of consequences outside of the context of his own existence"... mwah!!
"I should be clear that I think this is a deeply selfish, bordering evil thing to do." "Oh, yeah!" Austin #JustToBeSafe 😭
Duvall (Art) doubling down and saying he thinks there's nothing Bad about being implicated in that
...Art "I don't want you to be mad at me if it goes bad" "Me, Sylvi [OOC]?" "Yeah" and Sylvi immediately reassuring him 🥺 Between Good Friends !!!
tysm Austin for insisting on an IC conversation abt this
"like a box?" "i was thinking more, me?" "..what?" helppppp
OUGH Duvall's passive-aggression towards Lyke
sooo in love with this ooc/ic conversation. :))) i'm sure other ppl might get bored w it, but i'm having SUCH a good time. please explain what you're doing ic and why and what you think ooc
"that's so sinister" "no it's just how things Are!" Duvall !!!!!!!!
"a huge chunk of [Lyke's pushing back on it] is because it's like. 'why would you want this?' because I don't want this!" !!!!!!!
another aspect here of Austin being a really good gm imo where he talks it through with Keith, the thing where Keith wants his character to be convinced but doesn't know he'd ever get there in universe. like, he points out different directions this could go, always with the emphasis of, I want you to do stuff you think it's interesting, that's what I'm most interested in. just makes me very <33
"i think we should do that! because I trust my friend Virtue!" DUVALL... noooooo... 😭😭😭
Austin's immediate excited insistence abt Aterika'kaal wanting very badly to connect with Oratorio lmaoooo
"the world is full of Things!!!!!" true
love when they get rly into it :)) and argue ic yelling at each other :)))
Austin wants the Ravening Beast fallout soooo badly :)))))))
literally such a good fallout, honestly
the quick moment of Austin saying Sylvi and Keith both did a check-in in their chat and then all of them taking five before a big decision is made <333
goddddd I didn't remember Lyke and Virtue both trying to Do Their Thing simultaneously that's so fucking good, what a great scene !!!
Duvall in the middle of this, ughhh
"you were gonna let the bees decide?" "yeahh."
Duvall's bugs wanting to be a part of this machine, oughhhh
Duvall getting fallout again on a check with 2 stress 😭 somebody save him
Lyke... ughhhh what a moment to fail. the dice worked out rly well here
"whatever you at home think is fine."
i also didn't remember Duvall hurts Lyke by accident 😭 mannnn !!!
"yeah, we know how probability works [re: the die being equally likely to be rolled a 1 or 2 after a previous d2 roll]" "no, i'm still upset about it" "oh, okay, well, that's Also how probabilities work, unfortunately"
major blood fallout 😬😬😬
"i think that this is... ough! oh, this is fun. this is fun and bad. ...Keith, how mad do you want Lyke to leave this scene?" sentences that are Probably Fine to hear from your gm
Austin's love for the Ravening Beast is so endearing to me
Austin vs. Keith's insistence to play cheery characters every. single. season. :))))
"She is now even scarier than an undead gray lady. She's a living white woman." "Oh no! Fuck!"
This just hit me in the face like a brick, and I only now remember that it did the first time listening already: "[@ Lyke] This is dangerous, you're being dangerous." <--> "I trust my friend Virtue!" <--> "The bug one. (...) It's so hard to keep track of everyone. It's nice that I don't have to pretend as much anymore." Makes me want to CRY. Especially great with how it mirrors what happened at Bell Metal Station for Lyke.
god. what an arc...
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nyaagolor · 2 years
metadede and/or darkroach??
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Darkroach on top, Metadede on bottom, thoughts under the cut bc I don't wanna clog the dash, yall know the drill
Darkroach: Imma be honest with you I am not a fan of Darkroach in a romantic context. I wouldn't say I dislike it because it's all fine and good and I would really have to wrack my brain for a ship I actively dislike, but this does nothing for me. It ends up feeling like "oh, two adult men, let's ship them together" just bc they happen to be in the general vicinity of each other, and while the resulting fanworks end up being really cute and sweet (i've read more than my fair share of fics abt it for sure) it doesn't really do it for me personally. Kinda ambivalent overall, I'll still enjoy content
However in my interp I think Daroach and DMK both have a dramatic streak, and while Daroach's is more of performance than DMK's spur of the moment grittiness, it's still there and I think that's a reason for them to bond. While I don't see them as like. Ultimate besties or anything and can't really see them having any kind of emotionally vulnerable conversation, I do think they love being adventure / battle buddies and frequently team up. Exchanging banter and blows, working with each other to piss people off, plunging into the darkest caves and looking for treasure together, that's the kind of stuff I think they would enjoy together and be in their element
Metadede: If you look up bromance in the dictionary there is a picture of the KF2 boxart. I cannot stress enough how much I adore the duo between these two. A king and knight. Two people with similar stories working to better themselves after doing terrible things they regret. Silly and serious. Tall and small. Tank and glass canon. Both caring so deeply about their underlings. Ough.
I 100% think they have a really rocky history that kinda extends throughout the franchise, initially built on this cold, mutual disrespect and eventually, as they both grow, forming this really deep bro-bond. By the time RTDL rolls around and they really learn who the other is, they develop this incredibly deep connection to each other.
While I can totally see them in a romantic context, 98% of the time when I write / think about them it's in more of a best friends / homies / bros context. Do they kiss? Probably. Kissing the homies goodnight energy. But generally my brain defaults faster to a friendship. I think these two are the epitome of best friends. They spar all the time, they can communicate without words, they understand each other's strengths and weaknesses and always have a way to help (or hinder if that's what their feeling) whatever issue their buddy might be having
I think their mutual competitiveness and overabundance of energy means they got and get closer mostly through competitions and fighting. Shit like Battle Royale and KF2 happens far too often if only because both of them need to throw down with SOMETHING once a week or they'll go stir-crazy. They crave enrichment in their terrarium. They're the few people who can put up a fight against the other, and I think that having someone who is their equal both physically and intellectually is something they really value and it allows them to get over what would SEEM to be an initial clash of personalities. Bonding via swordplay is always an option and MK has mastered it
Also in general I think they share both that desire to tussle and also a deep and overwhelming love and respect for their underlings which gives them another reason to bond. I will never shut up about that one star allies novel scene where Hyness is hurting the mages and it's meant to directly contrast how DDD and MK treat their underlings. Watching the two of them finish each others' sentences because they are so deeply disgusted by Hyness and how he treats the people who are loyal to him drives me buckwild fucking insane and it will always be something I see as a major connection between the two. They sit around having a cup of coffee just gushing to each other about how dependable and strong and precious their underlings are. Meta Knight brags about how well Axe and Mace are doing in weapons training and DDD pulls out his wallet that's filled with 4,869 pictures of Waddle Dees and gushes about every single one of them by name
The homies. the bros. The bromies, if you will
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troublegoose · 2 years
girl help you keep getting me invested in sun/moon x reader fics. indon’t even like x reader fics all that much personally, and yet the comics i’ve seen of two different fics(solar lunacy and the cogs one) have got me inch rested. i hate this /lh. thank you kfjdkfjfkfjfifjd.
………………….if you happen to have any other sun/moon x reader fics like those two on hand,,,,, i would very much appreciate them fkjffkjfkdjdkdjidjdj,,,,,,
ok ok wait lemme see what i can dig up!! (.............. i will say most x readers on ao3 are uh. smut based BDKFBDKS so i will leave those out, and any exceptions will be marked)
uh. this... got long. so. under a cut it goes! i tried to sort them so the ones at the top are more relevant/similar in theme to those two ;P
ok first off i of COURSE have to recommend
Twin Animatronics With Too Much Time On Their Hands // https://archiveofourown.org/works/37318843
if you are only going to read one fic from here i do recommend this one the most KJHFSKJJKFSK
VERY good fic with sun and moon as seperate animatronics, and a lot of shenanigans mixed with a good combination of serious moments. LORE HEAVY in a good way. updated today :D
it is also the 'sequel' to another ongoing fic (Lofi Beats to Capture Children to) which details the events prior to the reader/protag joining the scene! (im waiting until a little more is revealed to the reader in this Twin Animatronics before i set about reading it BUT ive heard many good things about it and am REALLY excited to read it)
(it was, in reality, not fine.) // https://archiveofourown.org/works/38170981
a fun feel-good fic! ... updated today also!
mechanic!reader is hired to make sun/moon into two seperate animatronics, and gets to play robot doctor for the pizzaplex in the meantime ;P theyr also not great at taking care of themselves skjhskf
Bad Moon Rising // https://archiveofourown.org/works/37317502
REALLY GOOD REALLY REALLY GOOD i just found this one today (... i am trawling the &reader tags now. please help) and my GOD.
enemies to friends to enemies??? CHEFS KISS. its currently on its enemies to friends stage and i am deeply worried for when it gets to friends to enemies aauauhhhg the chapters for this one are LONG and i love it dearly. if you like moon being a jerk this ones for u hes so mean i love him so much in this <3
End of the Line // https://archiveofourown.org/works/37408105
sun and moon have escaped the pizzaplex and end up scaring reader who works at a at a railway as a security guard! they bring sun/moon home :] i think later there might be smut as indicated in the tags, but as of now there is none ;P (i wait patiently for an update...)
Virus // https://archiveofourown.org/works/38075809
post-fire ending, the reader is hired to help work on the virus still contained in moon, the reader also has a little robot spider buddy!! spindle beloved <3 in this one the reader does not view the animatronics as being sapient at first but theyr getting there :'D
Glitter Glue Me Back Together // https://archiveofourown.org/works/37858021
reader is the very anxious new helper in the daycare. sun/moon overheat a lot HSFKJDFH,, ive followed this from start to finish and its overall really cute, sun also has a garden while moon likes to cook!
the same author also has a. 54 chapter fic but i dont remember if the smut in that was skippable or not kdfjgdkfgh
Project Moonlight // https://archiveofourown.org/works/37011766
this fic is SO good, very lore heavy, includes horror and made me very stressed while waiting for updates kjhdkjf (cliffhangers...) the side characters are also very lovable!!! it does contain a couple smut chapters, and i dont know how easy it is to skip them but the plot in this... ough. so good.
Digital Affection [complete] // https://archiveofourown.org/works/37107184
the reader is the handler for sun/moon, and sun starts dating the reader without telling them outright and the fic deals with the aftermath of all that, lots of setting boundaries and such. moon takes a couple of chapters to come around kkhjdfgk
there is a sequel that contains smut, but this can be read entirely on its own!
The New-Friend Zone // https://archiveofourown.org/works/36344422
i only found this recently but im enjoying it so far :v sun wants to be the readers best friend, and moon is SO mean djkfghkdf i love him <3 the reader's cousin attends daycare, and reader are in charge of picking him up (hes an absolute menace and sun and reader have to wrangle him)
All Around the Mulberry Bush // https://archiveofourown.org/works/38251879
very cute fic thats just getting started, reader is the new tech and makes a friend in the daycare :]
i wanna be your boyfriend [complete] // https://archiveofourown.org/works/36369934
the reader is a new daycare employee, much pining ensues! ... apparently i bookmarked this with the note "SEROTONIN INCARNATE" so i will trust my past judgement on that ksdhkjsdfksd
A Wise Man Said I'm Alive; Nobody's Ever Told Him He's Wrong // https://archiveofourown.org/works/37160290
reader is the new head technician, this ones pretty lore heavy! gettin rid of the virus and fixing up bots with a fun little twist! the reader is very charming in this one imo
im just including these for posterity dkhgdfkg i assume since ur just gettin into it these might not interest you as much but theyr here if you want them!
The Selkie's Skin [complete] // https://archiveofourown.org/works/38557329
.... PIRATE AU. SELKIE AU. a short and sweet oneshot! i woke up and read it this morning i love selkies i love pirates its everything i need
Ancient Friendships and New Beginnings // https://archiveofourown.org/works/38264500
god au! reader gets transported to ancient greece KJFHKFJSKDH they proceed to have to deal with two REALLY attractive shapeshifting gods
Something In The Woods // https://archiveofourown.org/works/37911973
cryptid au! just has a couple chapters rn but seems fun so far!
anyway i hope some of these are to your liking! sorry this is so long kjdfjksdfskf i didnt realise how many of these ive read sdjkhdjf
one day i will get someone into spamton x readers /LH /J
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swordkind · 3 years
I'm 100% aware who dragon and defiant are, but I wouldn't say no to someone saying A Lot of Things about them. (coherency is optional.)
ohh my GDDDDD THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU SO MUCH gd THEM. like. genuinely they r the only actually healthy relationship in worm LMAO. i hate the concept of soulmates & i don't think it applies to them but..........literally if people were actually made for each other it would b dragon & defiant (ahahaa tinker pun) defiant is the only person to know who she is and trust her just as deeply as if she was human.............she's the only one who understands him he's the only one who can help her it's fucking symbiotic (LITERALLY SO.) like hooly shit imagine trusting someone that much. like dragon is ofc absolutely off the shits on her own plane of near omniscience but defiant is the only one who comes close to thinking in the same way she does and he's the only person who can break thru that loneliness of being at the top. and they genuinely think the same way they are both SO fucking stupid defiant is like "hey im gonna figure out a way to make it so i only have to take a break for ten minutes a day to sleep and shit :D" and dragon's like hey that's a GREAT idea!!!! and they have their own inside jokes and intimacy and get each other on a more fundamental than anyone else has ever understood them. what massive losers.
dragon even on her own is easily one of my favorite favorite worm characters...........like she doesn't have to be kind but she just makes the choice to be the most kind and good person she can be despite her innate coding hindering her...... like that is an On Purpose Choice!!!! she Doesn't Have To Be!!!! she and defiant are just like "i could fix him" except she DOES LMAO. like she knows she isn't human and she never tries to be human, but shes literally. more human than 99% of the other heroes imo. and how she fucking. guilt trips colin into being a better person...like bro there is not much comedic relief in worm and wildbow has a NASTY fucking habit of killing off the comedic relief -_- (never not going to be fucking bitter abt alec even though he had a good death.) but the bits where colin is being an asshole & dragon is presumably like ">:((( what did we talk about yesterday, colin?" and he goes ughhhhhhhh yeah i mean yes ur doing a great job skitter im being so polite to u -_-... they are the funniest shit. but even on a fundamental not 'haha-funny-bit' level... like OUGH she really is good for him... she is helping him become a better person and learn sympathy for others and recognize his own flaws.... and he loves and respects her enough to listen to her and try and make her proud........... Me And Who... they are truly two of a kind.
also genuinely her death scene was probably one of the hardest hitting scenes in worm for me personally. they both did the right thing but it's such an unimaginable sacrifice. such a fucking nightmare to lose someone you love and see someone who's so similar but different her take her place. to lose the very person who made you into a good man, and do it of your own free will, and do it because she wants you to. what the fuck yk?????
also wahoooo funky douchebag cyborg man character foil to bug girl and incredibly powerful computer mom go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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sunflowerseraph · 3 years
HEEHEE! hits u back with the character game uhh thor or bucky :33
!!! I'll do... BOTH >:D ! It'll be long tho so I'm putting em under cuts :}
Here's the ask game btw!
How I feel about this character: OH he's such a bi disaster. But he's trying his best. Textbook himbo. Crushed under the weight of his father's expectations of him alot of the time. Probably struggles with self worth nowadays too,with the battles and family he's lost! Also he's very much like those memes abt dudes/dads where they'll mention some horrible childhood trauma and then have some funny song playing in their head like nothin even happened.! I feel like he cares very deeply for the friendships he's made and the found family he's gained with the warriors three [rip] and the avengers! Overall? Kind himbo who respects women and forgets how smart he is sometimes.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: honestly this is such a hard question cause im sure if u presented me with like,good reasons for most people then I'd be on board. But so far one of my Main ships for Thor rn is Bruce and Thor <3 GammaHammer makes me happy :} I've seen thor n valkyrie stuff too which is like aight they're all bi4bi t4t prolly,but honestly a polycule or some shit w Bruce Val and thor would be Inch resting :} I'm not sure tho! Oh and Jane Foster I Guess but she's not rlly up there.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: OH absolutely thor and loki ! Brothers 🤍 I rewatch the thor movies the other day and seeing them fight together and hang out as kids made me so 🥺❗ yknow? I also think Thor n Darcy are a fun pair! Thor and the warriors three make me :} as well bc they're all buddies! That's his little family yknow!! Or. Was.
My unpopular opinion about this character: listen i know I just called him a himbo but he's smarter than people give him credit for I think. But also he's pretty cocky at times with his fighting ability and I feel like that's his greatest downfall. He tends to sorta think he can do everything on his own,and he doesn't rely on others until he really needs to and it ends up w him or his companions hurt :(
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: ough I wish we could've gotten more time to see him experiencing earth stuff! In other like shows n such (like one of the animated series) its funny to see him interacting with mortals and I feel like we don't get that enough. Like sure we got the "another!" Scene and if you watched the YouTube mocumentary he obviously doesn't understand money or jobs. But it's still funny and I'd like to see him go "I don't understand what that means :D" like an optimistic puppy yknow :]
Uhmm yeh that's for thor! OK Bucky time 🤍
How I feel about this character: I feel like. They should do more w him in the mcu! But that's just bc im a kinnie ig but it makes me sad that he's just viewed as Steve's Sidekick when he's got a personality and works so well as Sam's partner in TFAWTS! I like the representation he can bring to the table though,regarding disability (I mean even though. He's an enhanced person but yknow.) And mental health! He also shows that your past doesn't need to define you and you CAN be free and work past old mistakes.! I feel like he's a little out of touch sometimes bc of the time shifts and mental stuff goin on,but I'm not saying it's a bad thing,its just compelling to meeee
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I USED to ship stevebucky I won't lie,but I much rather prefer SamBucky bc its just better LMAO Sam is much cooler than Steve in many regards and to me Sam is a better influence on Buckys life ig? Like. Idk how to explain it well enough but their banter is better and they compliment eachother rather than one of them taking the reigns all the time. I just like the level playing field where it still feels like Bucky can be a Sidekick but his partner at the same time rather than Just Bucky Barnes. Idk if that makes sense but !
My non-romantic OTP for this character: honestly I'm not sure? I feel like if they could both get over association's with like...almost killing eachother Bucky and Nat could be friends :] both were molded to be Weapons and have to deal with their traumas and mental health. Obviously I also wish Steve would've stuck around bc I hate that he like.LEFT his best friend and new family,but whatever.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I think bucky is sort of a dork actually. Alot of people make him very stoic and Winter Soldiery but that's. Not all he is! He's a complex person who's been used and weaponized and its annoying whenever people try to say he's a stoic person or whatever. Like no bro ur thinking abt the winter soldier. Ofc the winter solider was/is part of him and that doesn't just shut off but I think it's bs to boil him down to Killing Machine Assasinator Ooo Scary! When he was also a soldier during. Fucking Ww2! He was also like shown to be a bit of a dorky guy who liked to dance and be with chick's n shit lmao,like he mustve been a charmer. And even after,like during tfatws he's shown to still have bits of that personality. He messes around with Sam's nephews and offers help without prompting and just overall wants to live a more peaceful life while still managing to be social and humorous. ("How old are you anyways?" "106.") Anyways I think what I'm saying is ppl tend to forget to split him and tws.!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: this is sort of similar to the Thor thing but discovering new age shit! Like I wanna see him be bad at tech or be confused by new slang. Also wanna see him like, get annoyed at how the tech is where he's at vs. The wakandan tech. That shit probably blew his socks off and then he had to go hang w Americans and went :(?? How do i use a flip phone. The beads were so convenient in Wakanda HFNEBDB. I also wish we could've actually seen how bucky Healed in Wakanda?? Like however he was helped yknow? I'm sure they (mcu) can't like do much besides say he was Magically Cured Of Mental Illness so I guess I'm glad they left it up to whatever but. Still 😔
Anyways uhm yeah! Sorry this is so long sjdjf it prolly doesn't make much sense but 👍❤
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