#so every time he washes his hair some of the color comes out again
floriwoo · 4 months
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the way you can kinda still see his oreo hair 🥹
gone but never forgotten
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rottiens · 1 month
✮ summary. meeting his parents and being in his room for the first time allows you to get to know another side of isagi that you hadn't discovered before.
✮ tags. (18+), established relationship, unprotected sex + creampie, fem reader, petnames, sex toys, praising (that’s my girl), spit, dirty talk. divider creds: cafekitsune.
✮ wc. 4.3k
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Isagi's room is just as you had pictured it in your imagination. The walls are decorated with soccer posters, of some anime with rather colorful characters and of some soccer players you vaguely recognize from having seen them on your phone. The bed is impeccably made, with a navy blue bedspread that matches the two pillows perfectly lined up on top. Next to the bed, a nightstand holds a stack of comics and manga that you fail to identify until you get close enough. In front of the bed, a wall-mounted television is connected to a playstation, ready to be used.
The room, in general, is surprisingly tidy, almost too tidy to be Isagi's. The thought that he probably cleaned neatly because he knew you'd be staying over tonight brings a smile to your face. Throughout your relationship, you had always met at your place or at the hotels he stays at when you visit him out of town, so to be here, in a space that is entirely his, sends a tingle through your stomach that stirs the hunger of your curiosity.
As you flip through the monochromatic pages of one of the manga, you hear the sound of his footsteps approaching down the hallway. The floorboards groan under his weight, and your heart pounds, as if you've been caught doing something wrong. A smile spreads across your face as you see him standing in the doorframe, his silhouette blocking the light coming in from the hallway, giving him an almost cinematic air.
Isagi mimics your smile, mirroring it as he closes the door behind him and steps into the space you now share. It is at that moment that you notice the subtle scent of sandalwood wafting through the air, permeating the atmosphere. The room, completely enclosed and with thick curtains blocking the outside light, has maintained this scent throughout the day.
"What do you think, then?" asks Isagi, with a slight tension in his voice that makes you wonder if his heart is beating as fast as yours.
Isagi's parents turned out to be even more charming than you had imagined. His mother insisted on adding another dish to dinner, even though you had offered to cook for everyone; she even offered to help you wash the dishes, while Mr. Isagi and your boyfriend continued chatting in the dining room a few feet away.
The feeling you are left with is one of warmth and comfort, like a warm blanket wrapped around you after a long winter's day. And that's what you're trying to express, albeit in a simpler, less corny way.
"…I'm happy to have finally met them," you conclude sincerely.
Isagi, who has just hung up his jacket in the closet and is now wearing only a shirt and dark sweatpants, walks up to you and wraps his strong arms around your waist. With the manga completely forgotten, your hands find rest on the back of his neck, and out of instinct, you start stroking his hair. Isagi visibly relaxes at your loving touch.
"'Yeah? I think they really liked you, I was nervous," he says, laughing softly.
"Really, you thought they wouldn't like me?" you tease as Isagi closes his eyes, enjoying your touch.
"Quite the opposite. I thought they might like you more than me," he replies, meeting your eyes again, causing a sparkle to tingle up from your belly to your ribs.
"Your mom is so nice, and your dad is so cool. I think it's adorable how they support you."
It's obvious how proud they are of their son, how far he's come. That was reflected in every topic of conversation they had tonight and in the way their eyes sparkled at the sight of him. Deep down, you're relieved to have their approval, too.
"I had no doubt they would like you. My mother loved the dessert you made too, you're cooking so much better every time."
Isagi guides you towards the bed, interrupting the conversation. He lies down first and invites you to join him with a few pats on the mattress. You crawl onto the bedspread, which stays perfectly in place despite the movement, and lie comfortably on the arm he has extended for you.
"I'm gonna stay all weekend," he says, playing with the silver "I" dangling from your neck. Your eyes instantly light up, and Isagi struggles to contain a mischievous smile that threatens to appear at the corners of his lips.
"You hadn't told me," you murmur, controlling the excitement in your voice. "I thought you had to leave tomorrow."
"'Yeah, I wanted to surprise you." His fingers fiddle with your collarbone and the line of your neck as he says it, only to finally focus his full attention on you.
He watches your reaction closely, delighted that he got this reaction in person, knowing it wouldn't be the same if he'd told you about it over the phone. Then, he leans toward you and kisses you softly on the lips, a fleeting kiss after which he doesn't pull away, allowing you to become drunk on the fresh, woody scent that surrounds him.
"We could go out tomorrow, maybe invite your parents over again and…" you start to suggest, but Isagi interrupts you with another soft kiss that instantly makes you close your eyes. Your hand rests on his chest, feeling his heart dance against his ribs, as his palm rests on your waist.
"I'd love the idea, but right now I don't wanna do anything but hold you close."
The physical contact instantly ignites your skin, and the tone of his voice alerts your senses to what might be coming. But you're still curious to explore more of his space, so you add, "Your room…" he chuckles, probably guessing what you're going to say next. "It's very organized."
"Does that surprise you?" Not really, but the attention to detail does. Everything looks impeccable, you know he's put a lot of thought into it. "I've learned a few things about keeping my place in order with Barou."
"Oh, yeah, you guys were roommates before."
"Uh huh. He wanted to kill me when he found my shoes where they were not supposed to be, or my jacket on the couch when I got home late from training."
You laugh at the mental image of an angry Barou chasing Isagi with his shoes in hand around the apartment, though you remain aware of Isagi's touch, of how his fingers gently trace lines on the skin of your stomach, which your now somewhat disheveled top reveals.
The room is enveloped in a comfortable silence, broken only by the faint whisper of the fan on the ceiling. You've settled into his chest, with his heartbeat providing a steady, soothing rhythm that almost lulls you to sleep. Yet your eyes roam the room with a newfound curiosity, lingering on details you had previously overlooked, as if you want to unravel a little more of what this space can reveal to you about him.
Near the door, the closet remains ajar, revealing a glimpse of its interior. The shirts are lined up with almost millimeter precision, but it's the bottom corner that captures your attention. Between a pair of worn sneakers and a backpack that has seen better days, a cardboard box with worn corners peeks out, partially hidden.
Your curiosity piqued, you sit up slightly, trying not to disturb the moment.
"What's that?" you ask quietly, pointing to the box with a slight nod of your head.
Isagi follows the direction of your gaze and sketches a shy smile, as if you've found something he'd forgotten. "Oh, that… it's just a box with some old things, souvenirs and such."
His answer is simple, but his tone piques your interest even more. You slide gently from his side, the mattress emitting a slight creak under your weight as you stand up. " Can I see it?" you ask, wariness mingling with growing curiosity.
Isagi chuckles softly, shaking his head with a mixture of resignation and amusement. "Sure, but there's not much, really."
You make your way to the closet and kneel down in front of the box. You carefully pull it out, surprised by its unexpected weight. You place it on the floor in front of you and, as you lift the lid, a rush of nostalgia seems to flood the air.
Inside, you find a variety of objects: a pair of soccer tickets yellowed by time, photos of a younger Isagi alongside friends you don't recognize, and a scarf of his favorite team, still vibrant in its colors. There's a small trophy, probably from some school competition, and a keychain that looks like it was purchased on his first major trip away from home. Each object seems to be loaded with history and meaning, as if they were pieces of a puzzle that together reveal the essence of who he is now.
Your fingers stop on one photograph in particular, where a teenage Isagi smiles broadly, holding a ball with his hand raised in victory. Beside him, a childhood friend embraces him with the same energy. The happiness on his face is so genuine that you can't help but smile too.
"This is adorable," you say, holding up the photo so Isagi can see it from the bed.
He gets up and comes over to you, sitting down next to you on the floor. "That was a good time," he comments, his voice laden with nostalgia as he takes the photo from your hands to look at it more closely. "We won that match by sheer luck, but it was one of the best days of my life."
Your attention is diverted to another object in the box, a small notebook with worn edges. You delicately open it, finding inside scribbles, small drawings and notes that Isagi probably wrote when he was a teenager.
"You've kept all this for how long?" you ask, fascinated by the amount of memories he's accumulated.
"Since forever, I think," he replies, laughing lightly. "I'm not one to usually hold on to the past, but some things are worth keeping. I like to remember them from time to time."
You close the notebook and put it back in the box, feeling like you've just discovered a side of Isagi you may not have been fully aware of. As you do so, something else at the bottom of the box catches your eye. It's the thick edge of what appears to be a red book. Curiosity leads you to slide your fingers along it and pull it out for a better look. The objects on top offer resistance, but without giving up, you manage to pull it out.
"Oh," Isagi murmurs as you realize that it's not a book you've pulled out, but a stack of magazines that, under the light of the bulb, reveal their true nature.
"Yoichi?" you ask, covering your mouth with your hand to contain the laughter bubbling in your stomach while at the same time showing the magazine in his direction.
"Fuck." His cheeks flush red, and you've never seen him so nervous. Immediately, he tries to snatch them from you, wrestling you with the box in between.
"Let me see them!" you laugh, louder this time, enjoying the rare sight of seeing him so distressed.
"Stop, it's embarrassing! Don't open them!" he insists, desperate, as you try to wriggle away from him, the porn magazines now scattered around you.
In the struggle, his foot buckles and he loses his balance, falling on top of you and crushing you to the floor. Your hands are trapped above your head, imprisoned, and the magazines fall open, revealing their stained pages beside you.
" Can I explain?" he says, his voice trembling between embarrassment and nervous laughter.
"Well?" you ask, biting your lip to keep from laughing again.
You watch him as he struggles to find the right words, finally giving up with a sigh. "It was a gift from a friend."
"And you kept them?" you ask, arching an eyebrow in disbelief.
"Well, yes…" he mumbles.
You laugh again, not because you're judging him, but because seeing him so grief-stricken over something he tried to hide, but which is really no big deal, is adorable. It's rare to see him in this state of vulnerability, and you can't help but enjoy his discomfort a little. Your laughter grows with his fingers starting to tickle you, and your eyes fill with tears as you beg for mercy. Finally, Isagi pulls away, sitting back on his heels, victorious as the air from the fan ripples his hair.
"It's okay, check them if you want. I'll go pee, but don't touch anything else until I get back," he says, his voice tinged with faux authoritarianism.
His words only fuel your desire to explore more. You sit back down, the magazines now forgotten on the floor, as you scan the room for something else you might discover. But finding nothing that captures your attention, you momentarily give up, remembering that you probably have missed messages from your mom asking how dinner went. Your phone, deep in your pocket, had died halfway through dinner.
"Babe, where's your charger?" you yell, heading for the nightstand. You open the drawer and what you find is more than you expected. It's a treasure trove, exactly what you were looking for to piss him off even more.
"Fuck me," Isagi mutters from the doorway, his tone a clear sign of resignation.
"A fleshlight?" you exclaim, completely shocked. There's not even any intention of joking now. "I didn't think you were the type to use toys… I thought you didn't like them."
Isagi advances towards you quickly, but you hide it behind your back just in time. He stops, measuring his next steps.
"It was a joke," he explains, his voice laden with embarrassment.
"What kind of joke?" you ask, genuinely curious.
Isagi shakes his head, trying to organize his thoughts. "The guys thought it would be funny. It was a 'joke' because… well, because I was a virgin and stuff. Now, give it to me."
Isagi takes a step forward, but you step back, finding yourself pinned against the bed.
"Did you use it?" you ask, your eyes full of genuine wonder as you try to keep your cool.
Before you can run away or have time to react, Isagi advances towards you with the speed and precision he only shows in the field. His eyes, tinged with a deep blue full of determination, bore into yours, revealing an expression you have rarely seen, a mixture of defiance and desire. Effortlessly, he manages to lay you down on the mattress, his weight taking you prisoner as he reaches for the object hidden behind your back. He teases you again with tickling, and new tears of laughter form in your eyes.
"Fine! Fine, I give up! But first…" you say with a chuckle, noticing how he raises an eyebrow tentatively, as he pulls away and is completely seated on top of you, you notice small beads of sweat forming a crown on his forehead. "I need to know if you've used it."
Isagi licks his upper lip, his heart beating rapidly. He shouldn't feel embarrassed, but there's something uncomfortably intimate about admitting it in front of you, as if crossing an invisible line.
"Yes," he replies simply, his voice barely a whisper.
"Thinking about me?"
The room is plunged into a thick, tension-laden silence. Isagi looks at you, his eyes roaming over every detail of your face.
"Yes," he confesses, his words full of honesty. You lick your lips, struggling to keep your breathing under control.
"What were you thinking?" you ask, your voice low, barely audible in the charged atmosphere of the room.
Isagi takes a moment before answering, his eyes scanning yours for any clues. Finally, he leans in a little closer, his face close to yours, and in a barely audible whisper, he answers you.
"I was thinking about you… riding me, then me fucking you sideways, toying with your clit. Fuck, I remember it so clearly," he says, his voice deeper, charged with a mixture of desire and vulnerability you've never heard before.
The confession leaves a shiver running across your skin, and for a moment, the air in the room seems to grow thicker, heavier. His words, so simple yet so loaded with meaning, make you feel a mix of emotions. All you can do is look at him, contemplate this man who has somehow become so essential to you, so intimately tied to your life that imagining a future without him seems impossible.
"I want to see you use it…" you whisper, your words full of desire, stripped of any trace of teasing. The question hangs in the air, waiting for his answer.
Isagi takes a shaky breath, and you can feel his hips push against your abdomen, letting you know exactly what he thinks about the idea. The tip of his nose brushes against yours in an intimate gesture, but then he stops, reluctantly pulling away.
"Okay…" he sighs with resignation. Though you lick your suddenly dry lips now, and silently moan at the loss of his warmth when he pulls away, your skin begins to tingle with anticipation. Before you, your boyfriend peels off his shirt in one fluid motion, dropping it carelessly to the side. The sight of his naked torso, bathed in the soft light of the room, makes your heart pound, building anticipation and tension in the air.
"Do you have any lube?" you ask, your tone anxious, straining to keep your eyes fixed on his and not on the noticeably tight bulge under his boxers as he finally strips out of his pants.
Isagi gives a slight nod of his head, gesturing towards the bedside table. "If you'd looked a little harder, you would have found it right next to that… thing."
A smile tugs at your lips as you hear him refer to the toy that way, reminding you that, while he's not completely comfortable with the idea, he's willing to experience something new just because you've asked him to. Quickly, you lean over to the nightstand, pushing aside the charger and other items, until your fingers find the bottle of lubricant. You take it and return to bed with excitement pulsing through your veins.
Your legs are folded and wedged between his thighs. You watch anxiously as he holds himself with his hands on the mattress, his back slightly arched back. The sight of the tangle of hair peeking over the edge of his boxers distracts you for a moment, intensifying the desire growing between you both.
"Take it out," you ask, flashlight in one hand, lube in the other.
"You take it out, I thought it was you who wanted to play."
The response makes you bite your tongue, so he was going to make you work for it, you conclude. Good. You set the objects aside and ask him to lift his ass up so you can fully pull his boxers out of him, his free cock bouncing gently on the spot. He was completely hard and you want to tease him about it, comment to him that if he doesn't like the idea so much why is he so hard, but you know he's been thinking about it probably before dinner and that, if he were to toss your panties aside he'd realize you were just as needy so you let it go for now. Just for your own good.
It throbs as you feel your determined hand approach with the bottle of lubricant. You drop a generous amount at the tip, watching as it slowly slides to the base, its viscous texture catching the dim light of the room. Deftly, you reach for the liquid just before it touches the mattress, catching it with your fingers in a precise gesture.
Isagi shudders under your touch, a tremor running through his body more from the warmth of your touch than the coldness of the lubricant. The sticky sound of your hand sliding up and down now accompanies the soft murmur of the fan, creating an intimate symphony that fills the space you share.
You stroke him just a little before taking the toy, Isagi grunts as you press it to the tip, he thrusts his hips up to receive you when you finally slide it down disappearing his cock completely. You dare to give it a few pumps, taking note of every reaction.
"How does it feel?"
"Good," he replies with his eyelids half drooping and his jaw clenched.
Tentatively you give another deep thrust, the lewd sound of the toy filling the room with its wet, provocative echo. Then, you pull it out completely, and you can't help but watch as his cock drips pre-cum mixed with the lube, creating a tantalizing gloss on the tip. Isagi moans at the lack of attention, his voice laden with need, but it doesn't take you long to re-wrap his cock with the plastic, resuming a rhythm you know he loves.
"You're doing such a good job…" you murmur, fascinated as you watch him lose himself more in the moment, clearly surrendered to the pleasure you're giving him.
You liked it, you must confess. The power it makes you feel to see him like this, it was just like when you were masturbating him, he could reason, but for some reason there's something different about using a toy in between, the whole new scenario has you in a thick cloud of frenzy, your movements speeding up, determined to make him cum. His brow furrows, his lips part.
"Yes? Do you like being in control?" asks Isagi, his voice husky with a mixture of curiosity and desire.
You just mumble something inaudible, caught between the intensity of the moment and the proximity of his body. Before you can add anything else, however, Isagi rises, his movements fluid and confident. His hand slides to the back of your neck, gripping it firmly as he draws you closer, his lips only inches from yours, like a promise of an approaching kiss. "You like fucking me?"
"Yeah… fuck, I wanna watch you cum."
"Do it. Fuck me harder, cmon. Use me."
With both hands on your cheeks, he traps you in an intimate kiss, a heady mix of lust and love. His lips move urgently over yours, his tongue tangling in yours as his teeth gently punish your lower lip. Isagi's moans grow louder, each one charged with desire, as he inevitably nears climax.
"I'm not cumming…" he growls. "Not anywhere else but in your pussy."
Before you can react, Isagi takes your hand firmly, pushing the fleshlight aside. With a fluidity in his movements, he gently lays you down against the bed, his body pressing against yours. One hand rests on your neck, the touch warm and reassuring, while the other descends to your clit, caressing it in slow, long circles. The air becomes thick with anticipation and desire, each brush igniting your senses and leaving you breathless.
"No more games." The determination on his face is exhilarating, it has you throbbing and clenching around his fingers stretching you.
In a moment, Isagi gets rid of your bottoms and underwear and spits on his hand to wrap his cock with saliva, his hips exerting weight on your thighs open you wider for him and then you feel the tip part the walls of your pussy, your mouth opens slightly.
"There's nothing like this pussy."
Then, with one precise movement, Isagi slides inside you, so deep it takes your breath away for an instant. The sensation fills you completely, eliciting a choked moan in your throat. He doesn't move fast, but begins to roll his hips, creating a friction that makes you shudder. At the same time, his fingers continue to torture your clit in slow, deliberate circles, sending waves of pleasure that make you arch your back, letting the moment consume you completely.
"I'm almost there… but I need you to cum with me," he gasps.
You can only nod in desperation, begging him wordlessly to keep up the pace. But, without warning, Isagi pulls out, wrenching a frustrated moan from you before you can protest. With almost ruthless precision, he flicks your clit with the tip of his cock, drawing an unexpected cry of pleasure from you. Then he lifts your leg, placing it over his shoulder in a new position that allows him to go even deeper. Without further warning, he begins to thrust hard into you, the rhythm now brutal, as if he is determined to bring you to the edge of your orgasm. Each thrust is a promise broken and fulfilled at the same time, a movement that seeks both his release and yours, as you feel yourself collapse in shared ecstasy.
"There's nothing like this fucking pussy," Isagi murmurs between clenched teeth, his voice laden with desire as his lips land on your heel with a sweetness so intense it leaves you breathless. The contradiction between the brutality of his thrusts and the tenderness of his gesture makes you feel dizzy. "Lets cum together, baby."
His words sound like a request, but his raw passion, along with the strokes that spread throughout your body, feel like a command you can't refuse, even if you wanted to. Your back arches, and an electric current runs down your spine, tangling in your insides and exploding in an explosion of colors like fireworks. A few thrusts later, Isagi is chasing you, cumming inside you as he showers you with praise and how good you always are to him.
"That's my girl, there you go," he says sweetly as he kisses your throat, moves up to your jaw and concludes on your lips with tiny kisses that he scatters all over your face, tickling you.
"Stop!" you laugh as he gently bites your cheek for the sole purpose of teasing you.
"Don't run away from my kisses, c'mere!" Isagi squeezes you against his arms, from which you can't escape, as he continues to shower you with kisses and nibble you gently in every corner he can reach with his teeth. He doesn't stop until you surrender in his arms and kiss him back as you tousle the sweaty strands of his hair.
"Let's take a shower and go to sleep," you murmur sleepily. "I'm exhausted."
"Yeah, let's do that," he says, giving you one last kiss on the lips as he squeezes your cheeks.
"Maybe we can use the toy aga—"
"Don't even think about it."
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darthfighter · 3 months
what do you see?
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Chapter Three of Your Shadow series
warnings: tension, vulnerability, character death, angst like a mf, character development, sexual tension at the end…
summary: as qimir takes you in, he welcomes you into his home and the two of you grow closer physically and mentally (especially mentally)
word count: 3.3k
authors note: i’m gonna be so real i cooked with this chapter. i’m so proud of it, i hope you guys like this. smut in next chapter..
part two here !
Hyperspace always brings comfort to you. The quiet yet loud humming of traveling through the galaxy. Slightly feeling the force of gravity change. It’s like it’s just you in those moments. Like time doesn’t exist.
Time. Time. Time.
Time always moves forward while you look back. Your legs keep walking while your neck keeps looking back for your memories. Your neck should be sore at this point. You sat in Qimir’s ship, traveling with him and not knowing what the future held for you. You’d think that’s what you’d be thinking about, the future, but no. You thought of pristine glossy floors that reflected your every step. The Jedi temple floors. As you close your eyes and think about pacing, stomping, skipping through the massive halls, you find your comfort. The comfort that makes you feel warm inside again. Though, if you spend too much time. You get hot. Hot burning memories that scorch your head and skin. Some days at the Jedi temple, your again– hot tears would splash onto the reflective clean floors.
As if on cue Qimir comes around the corner. With your unspoken, and not so quite understood connection you have with him, you don’t doubt that he sensed your distress.
Your hand reaches your face and delicately wipes your salty tears off your undereyes while disguising your action with now scratching your eyes pulling them down to show a shade of pink beneath your white and colored eyes. The scratch burnt.
“We’ll be there soon.”
You nod. A couple silent seconds, and he takes you in with his gaze. Sucking, or lightly biting his lip. It makes your heart escalate. Qimir turns around and walks over to his kitchen, rummaging around. You stare at his build as he isn’t looking at you. The way his hair is long but not too long, his clothes and how they hug his body, his forearms with veins traveling around them like vines. He turns to grab a bowl on the other counter letting you see his side profile. He is smiling showing his unavoidable smile lines.
He knows. He knows your orbs are set on him. You look down to your hands in your lap and very loudly curse in your mind. Of course he can tell what your actions are. He’s a– well you were gonna say Jedi in your head, but he’s not. If anything, you hate to think, but he’s better than a Jedi. At least so far. He sees you the way you wish to be seen.
“Here.” You look up to him holding the bowl out for you. Relief washes over you. Your hands take the bowl without a second thought. Before even thanking him as you should in a moment like this, your hand meets the spoon and scoops up whatever is in it. You are so hungry you don’t even care to know. As you satisfyingly taste and swallow the food he gave you, he turns back to the cockpit making his way there. Your stuffed mouth is more than a thank you.
The slop in your bowl moves as you jump out of hyperspace, falling a bit more to the side.
You walk off the ramp of Qimir’s ship with a full stomach to be met with crashes of waves. The air smelt of salt and sea making the air damp and cold. Feeling as though moving your hand through the air could get your hand wet with all the moisture.
You slightly walked behind him, following him since this is his element. He looks back at you. The two of you look at each other, and the distance between you two is left unsaid. No words. Although with the short amount of time you’ve known Qimir, you can tell the two of you talk more with your eyes. In this moment his eyes say to follow him, and you do as such.
Shoes walking on uneven rocks, waves crash in the distance, cliffs with different ridges and textures, and comfortable silence. This island is nothing like what you grew up around. Feeling out of place is what you need. Nothing can make you feel like you're back in your child's body, besides the thought on how this can't compare to your home.
Your knees begin to use their strength with the elevated path you two began to walk on. Now walking beside the huge mountain resting on this piece of land. Eventually, you make it in front of an entry into the mountain. The uncertainty of it causes your pace to suddenly end. Your eyes inspect the entry. Though, Qimir is already halfway into the cave-like hall. Without turning around he speaks and his voice echoes against the rock walls, “Come on.”
He can read you, you thought. Why stop now?
Anxiously, you step into the hall. With each step more and more gets revealed. Before you know it you are greeted with a lair like house. There is a bed built into the mountain, a kitchenette, and a small hot spring. It’s not much, although you can’t help but find pieces of Qimir when you look around. How he made this his home. You’ve had more homes than you can care to keep track of. The only one you consider home is the one your family resided on. Home is gone.
This is home, for now.
With a full stomach means you feel satisfied and relaxed. Meaning your senses were decreased. Making Qimir’s verbal tour of his place muffled through your ears.
“Kitchen is over here. Workbench over there. I can leave if you wanna take a rinse off in the hotspring, or you can go to the shore. Over there is the-” Your body is already melted and stuck to the bed like a childlike sweet on a table in the suns. After Qimir looks at you, he finishes his sentence“-Bed.”
You jolt up awake. Alert. You're still here in Qimir’s home. You're not running, for once.
You’re still dressed in your poorly made disguise you put together to scout your old home, but since the climate is different, you decided to take off a sheet of cloth being your robe that rested on your shoulders. The air on this island was cold from all the crisp water, so all you needed was your thin dark green shirt, your baggy black pants, and work boots you’ve kept since one of your old jobs on a planet you forgot the name of.
Qimir was nowhere to be seen. It felt weirdly empty to be in his home without him in it. With that thought, you decided to go explore as much as you can.
Your legs wandered until you made contact with the waves meeting the shore. As you continue to wander, you find a rather comfortable spot with a large rock to rest your back against. Making contact with the rock made your back cold, sending shivers down your spine.
You were cold. Not hot. So you close your eyes, and start cold in your past.
“I will not hear it!” Your master's demand vibrated through the Jedi Temple training room. “Get up. And try again.”
You were sore. Countless fails. Many bruises. One weakness. Family. Early in your padawan days, you had a hard time being away from your family. Your mother and brother. They sat comfortable in your mind for your whole life, and to have the Jedi order be in your main mental chair, was a hard adjustment. Your family clouded your thoughts. To Jedi, this is a weakness. Though in their defense, you can care for your family, but to let it be in control of you, was not. In this case it was the reason behind everything to you.
Your family is the reason why you talk the way you do, the reason why you walk is because of your mother, the reason why you have compassion is because of your brother, the reason you can handle immense amounts of heat is because of your home. Where your family stays.
These thoughts cycled through your brain during training at this moment. Making you tumble to the floor.
“Master.. I’m tired.”
Before your master protests, she sees a bruise on your arm start to grow a darker shade. As well as a burn imprinted on your left hand from accidentally burning yourself with your own lightsaber due to your clumsiness. She puts her hands behind her back.
“Tomorrow, we resume. Let your thoughts not be clouded tomorrow.”
Now, you look down to your hand. You only see a scar. The reason for the scar not being your accident of combat, but a reminder your family will forever be on the front of your mind. Uncontrollably.
Although now it's warm. Your eyebrows frown at knowing you're not hot at your negative thoughts that aren't here, but you feel warm for another reason.
“Mind if I join you?”
Qimir stands above you. He radiates heat whenever you're around him, like he is a source of energy.
You scoot your bottom a bit to the side for him to position himself next to you, and when he does, there is barely any distance between the two of you. His bicep rests directly next to your arm as you both stare into the endless amount of waves onto the shore.
“So with what you said, before. On the roof.” You pick up a rock near you to examine as you ask Qimir your question, but he pays attention to you. Looking at you as you speak to him. “With joining you. You.. teaching me.”
He takes the rock out of your hands lightly. “What do you think it means?” He asks smoothly.
Quickly you retort “By using the dark side.” You don't even have to look at him to know he’s shaking his head. Your eyebrows frown together, trying to meet as one.
As he shakes his head he looks up to the shore as he answers you “You were molded to think that way. I'm gonna help you crack yourself out of the way the Jedi shaped you.”
You inhale through your nose to take his words in, like you needed to ingest them through your senses. Then, you grab a hold of the rock this time. Now feeling the warmth rest itself on the surface of it from both of your frictions caressing it.
“How will you make me chip away then?”
“Show you that you can do good in your own way. The natural way.”
“You think the dark side is natural?”
“I never said it’s the dark side.”
After going back and forth, he takes the rock back into his hands. This time, taking his sweet time lingering his touch on yours meaning his fingertips brushed your skin a bit longer than before. His touch burns you.
“You already are a natural at it.” You look up to him and his eyes are already set on you. He looks down to your lips for a split second and speaks again “I saw it. Yesterday on the roof.”
You don’t speak your mind at this moment. Though your mind is thinking about how right he is. You turn your neck in your mental memories, and look back at all the times you “failed” as a Jedi, but it was you just feeling the natural feelings that resided in you. Qimir seems to bring that out of you.
You agree with him as much as it is new to you to agree with such a different way of thinking than what you’re used to. It frustrates you on how it doesn’t feel wrong to agree with him.
Qimir personally hands you the rock this time, you lightly take it out of his hands. It’s warm.
He stands up to his feet and is looking down at you as he says “Tomorrow. Let your thoughts free.”
The next day you wake up feeling like you got the best rest since you left your childhood home. Maybe it had to do with our last conversation, you thought.
You lift up your body from the bed to see Qimir stirring a spoon in a pot. Instantly the smell of his meal hits your nose like a punch. You get up from the bed and walk over to join him. He pours out the liquid into your bowl. You reach out for it but he takes back the bowl slightly leaving your arm in the air before saying “Don't hide your thoughts today.”
“Or your actions.” He leans the bowl towards you for you to grab and instantly the hot bowl meets your hands.
This was new to you. It went against everything you were taught. It was a new way of living. If anything, it felt like he was going to teach you how to breathe all over again.
After both of you finished your meals, you both silently got ready to prepare for your first day of training. If that’s what this is, you said in your brain.
You followed Qimir’s lead until he led you on the top of the mountain.
It felt and looked like you were in a dream. The fog that covered the top of the mountain like a blanket was all around you. Beyond Qimir who was about two steps in front of you, you couldn’t see beyond that. It was just you and him. As you rested from your very difficult hike up here, you breathed in and out.
Inhaling and exhaling the air, the fog traveled its way into your lungs. Now residing in you, making a sheet of fog in your insides.
Qimir then sits down in front of you. As he sits criss crossed, he looks up to you. You already know that look, so you join him.
“So how does this work exactly? Do I just tell you my darkest thoughts?” You humorly ask.
Although Qimir stays honest, “You don't have to tell me anything.”
This makes you feel comfortable, immediately.
“All I ask is for you to let your mind and body do everything for you.”
Your eyebrows frown in a question-like manner.
“When you think of anger, what do you see?”
You keep your eyes on Qimir as he asks this question. As he faces your silence, you close your eyes. You see yourself young. You’re hurt and bruised. You feel the fire in your chest as a Padawan. Being taken in to be trained as a powerful Jedi while your family is left behind. You remained homesick and it clouded your thoughts. It caused you to not perform well. Caused you to fall behind. Especially because your Master was extra hard on you. Thinking back on this, you shake your head in that moment thinking how a grown adult could be so cold to a young one like this. Qimir see’s this reaction, and asks his next question.
“When you think of fear, what do you see?”
Being taken in by the Jedi. The day you left is a memory that will always pop into your head every single day. How devastated your brother looked as you left him behind. Your mothers face is full of wet tears, and as you look at her, her eyes are nothing but red from despair. But despite her red eyes, she held a smile on her face. A smile to let you know you’ll be okay, as will they. As you boarded the ship, your knees shook below you. You walked by yourself onto the ship. Once the hatch closed, you fell to your knees. Kneecaps crashed onto the metal floor stinging you instantly. A Jedi present softly laughed at finding humor in it, but how could you, a child, find humor in being so afraid of being on your own that your legs gave out on you.
“When you think of loss, what do you see?”
The intercom. You see the hologram of a good family friend, broken apart as they tell you it’s your brother. That it is his last stretch. Surprisingly, The Jedi Council agreed to let you visit your home this one last time. It was only your third visit since becoming a Jedi. The other visits were to come back and heal your brother. Your brother was the hardest worker you knew. This brought him to his death. Working his blood, sweat, and tears wore him out. Those two times, you were lucky enough to be a medicine to him. To make him better. That third time, you weren't so lucky. Once you got to your homeplanet and landed your ship and booked it off your platform, you made it to your home. Where he laid. There was one specific thing you remember about that day, that being how cold he was. Walking up to him in your clean Jedi robes, to him in his worn out room. You began to do what you came to do. To heal. Your hand came in contact with his. In that moment, you gasped and underestimated how cold his flesh would be. Your heart stung in agony, but you needed to remain focused. You tried to heal him. You tried to make it work. You tried again. Again. You tried.
He was too far gone for saving.
Although you knew. There was a chance. A chance to revive him as you have done previously, but that meant he’d take your life. You’d give him yours. You turn around to your mom who has been hiding in the corner like a shadow. She says your name low, like a monster hiding in the dark. She disapproves. She scares you. You don't care. You grab his burning cold hand and start to use the force. You’re thrown out of your trance as you are thrown to the floor. Your mother stopped you. You rise to your feet as she throws her hands in the air, rambling to you how this was life. How life has beauty and ugliness. That this was a part of the ugly life, the life you didn’t want to face.
Your mother looks you dead in the eyes like a dagger, and tells you that this was the Jedi way. No attachments. Let it go.
You couldn't accept this. You attempt to push past her, but your emotions made you weak. You know you’re a million times stronger than your mother and can easily get her out of the way, but you couldn’t bear overestimating your powers and accidentally hurt her. So you wail like a baby instead, in her arms like the day you were born, on the day your brother died.
Your chest rose and fell at a pace that was noticeably fast, and you open your eyes to see Qimir. As you thought back on your worst painful memory, he sees you in this state. Vulnerable and hurt. Though, you see something in his eyes. You see resemblance. He’s also lost something.
You close your eyes again and with this familiarity between the two of you, you start to control your breathing. You feel the need to relax. To get warm. You think of home on the hottest days. You think of your mothers juice. You think of the excitement of finding your kyber crystal. You remember the anticipation to cut off your padawan braid. You again feel the relief of turning away from The Order. You reminisce on spending your first paycheck on blue noodles. You think of Olega, how arriving there you felt like something was there, waiting for you. You think of bumping into Qimir. You think of him seeing you as you are.
Your breaths are steady. Precise. You open your eyes.
Qimir’s eyes are set on you. With his teeth sucking in his lip.
“When you think of desire, what do you see?”
You look at him in front of you, and as he waits for you to close your eyes again. Your eyes stay open, seeing Qimir.
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florencemtrash · 2 months
The Shadowsinger & The Inkbird: Epilogue
Summary: Y/n's clairvoyance is a gift from the Mother, but it feels more like a curse. With the power to gain knowledge through touch alone, Y/n holes herself up in The Alcove and hopes her powers and parentage will remain a secret. But things will change after the Summer Solstice ball and a chance encounter with a certain Shadowsinger.
Warnings: This is the end 😭
The Shadowsinger & The Inkbird: Masterlist
Masterlist of Masterlists
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While the others were busy dragging themselves out of bed in time to the Day Court’s breathings, you and Azriel were already wide awake and watching as the sun trickled down the windows and onto the floor. 
You leaned your head against his shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent. Have I changed your mind at all? 
Your mate smiled at the sound of your voice in his mind. He almost preferred it to speaking out loud where curious ears might be listening. Cassian loved to tease you about it endlessly. 
“You’re worse than Feyre and Rhys,” He would lament, “Will we ever hear your voices again?” 
Hmmmmmmmm. Azriel considered your question. I’m afraid not, my love. I shall remain a creature of the night forever, no matter if I am married and mated to you.
You wake up earlier than me most mornings. 
Just because it’s true doesn’t mean I enjoy it. 
You blew against his hair playfully and laughed when his shadows were whisked away like leaves in the wind. 
“My Lord.” The attendant curtsied. Her cream-colored robes kissed the floor as she carried your dress in her arms. Her cheeks were rosy with excitement. Eyes glittering with joy.
There were three others behind her. One male carried Azriel’s crowning suit and the two females held boxes made from pearl and gold. 
“I hope you’ve slept well. We’ve come to prepare you and Lady Y/n for today’s events. If you would so kindly follow Arryn.” 
The male bowed low in introduction, and it took all his court training to keep him from jumping back when Azriel’s shadows crawled over his shoes in curiosity. 
Azriel looked back to where you sat in front of the vanity brushing the tangles from your freshly washed hair. One small shake of your head was all he needed to see before turning to the attendants. 
“I’m afraid your services won’t be necessary,” Azriel said apologetically.
Her joyful eyes fell. She had been looking forward to helping you dress. It wasn’t every day that a Court could enjoy a formal crowning ceremony, and even rarer that a High Lord should claim his heirs with so much love. 
She didn’t protest when shadows came to carry your clothes inside, but one of the other attendants did perk up with concern to mention, “But Our Lady’s hair! Surely she will need some assistance.” She looked on hopefully, clutching her pearl box a little closer to her chest.
Azriel smiled kindly. “I’ll send for help if needed. I promise.” 
With the hope of that promise lingering in the air, the attendants bowed and departed, taking slow steps in case either you or your mate should change your minds at the last second. They were severely disappointed when you didn’t. 
Perhaps we should have let them stay. You said. Azriel carefully laid out the boxes of jewels and gold, each piece shining with the light of a hundred suns. They looked so excited. 
Azriel pressed his thumb beneath your chin, fingers ghosting over your throat as he tilted your neck back to look at him. Hazel eyes flashed in the early morning sunlight and his lips were warm against yours, sweet like honey and bergamot. 
Perhaps. Azriel hummed. But today, I want the honor of attending the Darling of Day. 
Is that what people are calling me?
I’ve heard rumors. He brushed his lips against your neck. And I have it on good authority that the rumors are true.
Shadows curled in answer to your raised eyebrow.
And attend to you he did. He braided your hair, securing the front pieces away from your face with pins made of starlight and sunbeams. His heart stuttered when he imagined how radiant you would look after your father laid a circlet of gold over your brow.
He laced up your dress, spreading kisses along the back of your neck and sending shivers down your spine. Then he knelt to the floor to clasp your white silk shoes. The drag of his fingers up your calf had you smiling as he tied the final bow.
Another time, my love. You told him, pulling Azriel up with the daintiest grip on his chin. 
He pressed a kiss to your palm and the corners of his lips pulled up in a smile. What a shame. He nipped at your fingers. I’ll hold you to that promise. 
I would expect nothing less. 
Azriel was quick to pull on his Day Court attire and refused to let you take your time with him the way he had done for you. 
You snatched the Day Court pin from the vanity before Azriel could—a circular sunbeam with a sword, pen, and iris stalk crossed in the center.
Let me do this! Just this!
Your stubbornness showed when you climbed onto the bed and did your best to hold the pin out of reach. 
I’m not about to be crowned an heir. He reminded you, holding onto your waist protectively.
But you will be beside me when it happens. You must look presentable. 
Don’t I always, my love?
Careful. You’re beginning to sound like Rhysand. 
He lifted you up and off the bed with ease. Carefully, reverently, you pinned the gold piece to his coat. Just above his heart. 
He liked to pretend things like this didn’t affect him, but he was grinning like a fool as he finished buttoning the sleeves of his coat. Black velvet lined with gold and silver cut out his strong silhouette. And after little persuasion, he let you crawl into his lap and paint the corners of his eyes with gold and black. 
“Y/n!” Elain called your name from down the hall. Pale gold sleeves bubbled off her shoulders, light and airy as she hugged you close. “Oh you look lovely.” 
“As do you. Not that that’s anything new.” 
She brightened faster than a flower in spring. Lucien wrapped his arm tightly around Elain’s waist, ring flashing on his finger. 
“We thought you’d never arrive.” Lucien said. Folds of pale-golden fabric lay draped across his chest. A pattern of Spring and Autumn leaves trailed along the selvage. “Were you preoccupied?” 
“Oh hush.” You slapped your brother’s arm. 
You and Azriel were the darker mirrors of Elain and Lucien as you lined up beside one another behind the gilded doors. On the other side were hundreds of the Day Court’s most prestigious families, scholars, and courtiers, and the odd High Lord or two. 
Helion’s voice cut through the chatter, laughter ringing through every word.
“Are you ready?” Lucien asked from your left. You took your brother’s arm, some of Azriel’s shadows winding down your hand like jewels. 
“As ready as I’ll ever be. And you?”
“I am. I’m ready.” He squared his shoulders back. This was it. For the first time in decades, he would be a recognized member of his family — his true family. He would wander no more. “Thank you, Y/n. For everything.” 
The trumpets began to blare. The crowd’s talk dimmed to a low, excited murmur. Years ago, the sound of so many people would have sent shivers crawling down your spine like spider legs. 
No more.
Azriel slipped his hand into yours and squeezed once, twice, before the doors opened and the crowd burst apart like fireworks at the sight of the new heirs of Day.
The crown did not lay heavy against Lucien’s brow as he charmed courtiers with an energy that had everyone wondering how they could have missed the truth about Helion’s son. He was everything a High Lord’s son should be—polite, kind, and charming to an almost lethal degree. He took after his father in his mannerisms… mannerisms Helion had been stripped of the moment Aurora Vanserra walked into the room on her eldest son’s arm. 
You shot Lucien a look, and a look was all he needed before he was steering Helion towards the scarlet-crowned pair. 
“Lucien!” Helion pulled back in alarm. 
“Y/n—” Your father looked to you for aid, eyes wider than a deer at the wrong end of an arrow. 
You and Azriel waved him goodbye.
Helion’s stomach was a lead weight dragging behind him as he crossed the marble dance floor. 
Aurora Vanserra flickered like candlelight behind a window. Something for Helion to gaze upon but never touch. Something to love from a safe distance so he could never snuff out that previous light. 
Red hair cascaded down her back in braids laced with gold and emeralds. When she turned around and looked upon the face of her lover, Helion felt a familiar fist around his heart squeeze a little tighter. Mercifully, she looked just as flustered to see him. Although she looked a great deal more graceful when hiding her emotions. She’d always been good at that. 
“Helion.” His name was a breath from her lungs. 
“Aurora. Hi.” 
Helion had hoped the years might fall away. That the walls they’d both placed around themselves as protection might shatter at the gentlest tapping of his fingers. Alas, time was more stubborn than that and it would not break. But that did not mean it would not bend. 
You, Lucien, and Eris both watched carefully from your corners of the room as Helion quietly took Aurora out onto the balcony for some peace and quiet. 
Lucien worried that he’d made a grave error. Some miscalculation of hope. But then he saw his mother smile — the first true smile he’d seen in years — and suddenly the weight around his shoulders seemed to shrink. 
Helion and Aurora Vanserra stayed on the balcony all night, hands dancing closer and closer together but never quite touching. Lucien and Elain made their rounds through the crowds, feeling at ease at each other’s sides as they kissed cheeks and sprinkled hope throughout the Day Court.
And there, tucked away into the little alcove just left of the quartet’s humble stage, stood a Shadowsinger and Inkbird resplendent in black and gold. Heads bowed together. Hands touching. And smiles on their lips as they spoke without a whisper of sound between them. 
<- Previous Chapter
Author's Note:
WE ARE DONNEEEEEE!!!! Don't mind me while I go cry in the corner now. Final word count was over 130K which is the most intensive writing project I've ever worked on AND COMPLETED!
I truly cannot thank you all enough for reading this story. Whether you were there from its very beginnings in December of 2023 or whether you stumbled upon this story more recently and got to binge read it all at once, I want to thank the writing/reading community for inspiring me to continue. There were multiple instances where I had to take short and long writing breaks and worried I had lost my passion, but seeing your comments and inbox messages or even seeing your little handles pop up in my activities section was a little extra gas poured into my tank so I could keep on going.
I think I'm going to take a little bit of time off (but this time it's planned lol) to get back into reading and to work on other writing projects (and also finally upload stuff to AO3 like I've been meaning to for the past month). So, I will be back soon with more writing stuff (but also don't worry I am always lurking on this app in some way shape or form).
Thank you all once again! Now that this is finished, I would appreciate reblogs so people know it's finished and ready to read, but also no pressure at all! 😊
Florence Byrne
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mopopshop · 3 months
OR paige babysits rya while at practice because alara has too much work and caleb is being an ass! 🤗
To The Rescue (Paige Bueckers x OC)
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Caleb: Can’t take Rya today.
Alara: Srsly? This is the 4th time you’ve backed out on taking Rya. 
Caleb: Got shit to do. 
Alara: Does that mean work?
Caleb: It means you don’t need to worry about it
Caleb: I’ll pay for a sitter or smth but I can’t take her 
Alara: Gee thx, fuck off.
You slam your phone down in frustration, pissed off that Caleb’s putting you in a shitty position once again. Still annoyed, you call Paige to see if she can help out.
"Hey, babe," you say, trying to keep the stress out of your voice. "Caleb's being an ass again and I’m swamped with work. Instead of dropping her off at his is there any chance you can watch Rya for me?"
"Yeah baby, no worries" Paige responds without hesitation. "I have practice in 20, but she can come with me. She loves being at the gym anyway."
"Thank you," you sigh, relief washing over you. "Seriously, you don’t need to do this"
"No baby I want to, it’s fine" Paige assures you. "Plus the team loves her, it’ll be great” 
After the call, Paige gets Rya dressed and takes her to the gym. The team is used to seeing Rya around, and they all greet her warmly as she enters, holding Paige's hand. 
"Hey, Rya!" Jana calls out "Ready to be our cheerleader today?"
Rya giggles and nods enthusiastically. "Mhm!"
Paige sets Rya up with some coloring books and snacks on the bleachers. "You stay here, okay? If you need anything, just wave, and I'll come over."
"Okay, Paigey," Rya says, already engrossed in her coloring.
Practice begins, and Paige focuses on the drills and plays. She glances over at Rya every few minutes, making sure she's okay. Rya waves at her occasionally, and Paige waves back, smiling.
During a break, Paige jogs over to Rya, who excitedly shows her a picture she colored. "Look, Paigey! I drew you!"
Paige looks at the colorful drawing and grins. "That’s so good, Ry! Imma keep this forever."
Rya beams with pride, and Paige ruffles her hair. "Alright, babes, I gotta get back to practice. But you're doing great over here."
As practice continues, Rya's presence seems to energize the team. Her laughter and enthusiasm are infectious, and even Geno can't help but smile when he sees her cheering them on.
After practice, Paige scoops up Rya and spins her around, both of them laughing. "Did you have fun today?"
"Mhm! Got to color lots and be with you" Rya says, hugging her tightly.
Paige kisses her cheek. "And I love having you here. But let's get home, okay? Mommy’s probably waiting”
When Paige brings Rya home, you’re finally finished with your work and eagerly waiting for them. Rya runs to you, chattering about her day at the gym.
"Mommy! I watched Paigey play, and I drew pictures, and it was so much fun!"
"That sounds amazing, baby," you say, lifting her into your arms. You turn to Paige, gratitude shining in your eyes “Thank you so much, P.”
Paige smiles, leaning in to kiss you. "Anytime, baby. We had a great time, even Geno was asking to bring her back” she laughs.
You pull Paige into a hug, feeling incredibly lucky to have her in your life. "I don’t know what I’d do without you."
Paige kisses the top of your head. "You'll never have to find out."
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judethejudas · 2 years
MW2 How they would react to showering together for the first time— Slight NSFW Imagines
Gender neutral reader decides to surprise their boyfriend (Ghost, König, and Soap) by jumping in the shower with them for the first time. What do our boys think about that?
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- Simon does a warm shower first and then transitions to cold. You found out the hard way when you decided to surprise him.
- He raises an eyebrow at you when you hop into the shower with him so suddenly, then sees you tense up and scream when the water is freezing.
- He has no shame in eyeing you up and down once you’re in and… are you really trying to escape the shower right now?
- When you try to leave, he’s already wrapping an arm around you and pulling you right back in.
- “And where do you think you’re going, love?” His gruff voice speaks in your ear and you shiver— not only because of the cold water now.
- You protest that it’s too damn cold and turn the water back to warm if you were going to stay.
- He allows it since this was a lovely surprise and he gets to see you naked and drenched in water.
- His dark brown hair is so pretty when it’s wet. Instead of pushed back it’s laying naturally and touching his forehead.
- You get to see all his scars from battle and a few from his bad past. As well as his tattoos that you always color in when you’re bored. They seem much darker in the water.
- He relaxes more when you’re tracing his scars and you two stay like that for a while.
- Then you go into your normal shower routine and Simon is not pleased.
“Love.” He says firmly but you don’t budge.
You’re washing the shampoo from your hair and have your back turned to Simon— who is watching you intensely. This is the first time you come into the shower with him and all you want to do is actually shower?
You’re playing hard to get.
And you smirk when he takes a step forward.
“Something you need, Simon?”
“You know damn well what I need.”
“Mmh. No, I don’t think I do.”
He growls and pressed his body in yours, making you lean into the wall with a cocky smile. Your hands are held up to hold the bathroom tile and you turn to look back at him, seeing his delightfully annoyed look.
“You like teasin’ me, (y/n)?”
You playfully shrug and he has to slap your ass for that— making you gasp.
“I’ll just have to fix that then, won’t I?”
You knew right then and there that the water bill was going to be very high.
A small price to pay, in Simon’s opinion. You two would be doing this often.
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- This man uses bar soap and you think it’s the funniest thing in the world when you hop into the shower, seeing him with a light green bar in his hand.
- Thankfully the water is warm and not freezing cold, like SOME men prefer it.
- He smirks when you come into the shower and he’s immediately pulling you close to his chest, giving you a big kiss and putting the soap back on the soap holder.
- You ain’t gonna catch this man dropping the soap. He knows you’ll end up slapping his ass if he does.
- You both just kiss like you’re in the rain and hold each other closely, occasionally giggling too.
- You pull away and look at his face. His mohawk is so cute when it’s wet and appears longer than it is. You secretly hope he’ll grow his hair out more because it’s such a good look on him.
- You’re going into your shower routine but he insists on helping. So now he’s washing your body and you wash his too.
- This man whispers praises to you, loving every inch and curve of your body and he peppers your skin with kisses while washing you.
- He wants you to feel loved and to feel beautiful every chance he gets.
- Perfect husband right over here.
- You feel him washing an area that’s private and you playfully smack his hand, making him chuckle.
- He’s kissing you again. And again. And again. Anywhere he can.
“How did I get so lucky..” He mumbles against your skin and you smile, running your fingers through his mohawk while he lays his head on your shoulder.
Then he leans up to kiss your lips again and you graciously accept. His rough hands come around your waist and holds you closer.
“You’re so beautiful.. so incredible..” He’s whispering in between kissing your cheek. Your jawline. Your neck. Your collarbone.
You shudder and he smirks against your skin, his hands going down to cup your ass.
“John!” You squeak and hit his shoulder with not even an ounce of strength.
He laughs and takes his hands away, giving you a kiss on your cheek instead. You take the bar of soap and give him a look, before dropping it to the floor.
“Grab that for me, would you, dear?”
“I think not, you little minx.”
“Aw, but I need to wash myself!”
“Then you can grab it.”
The two of you playfully bicker over grabbing the soap bar and you have to use liquid soap instead.
Oh well. You’d slap his ass later when he gets out of the shower.
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- This man is new to intimacy and relationships, so he’s not very aware of the possibilities that come with having a significant other.
- So when you get into the shower with him? Goodness gravy he’s startled.
- “Oh I’m sorry, honey. I just need to shower quickly before work.” He nods and tries to hide the embarrassed look on his face. You’ve both seen each other naked so many times but he feels shy each time.
- This man refuses to see your private parts because he feels like he’s peeking. You have to reassure him that it’s okay.
- He’s a tall man, so showering is always awkward for him. And this was the biggest he could find and it still wasn’t enough. The shower head was at level with his neck so there are times where he has to duck down to get all the water.
- You offer to help him wash himself and he nods. His large size also prevents him from reaching places so a little help is very much appreciated.
- You wash his back and he’s instantly leaning into your touch for more. He feels so loved and cared for.
- You ask him to sit down on the bathtub floor and he obliges. Now the water was raining down on his whole body.
- You begin washing his hair and he loves it. The way your fingers gently brush his scalp with shampoo and massage him softly.
- He hums when you hit a good spot and moves even closer to you. His blue eyes are closed and he’s almost falling asleep.
“It feels nice, liebling..” His voice is deeper and more gentle when he’s not timid. You swoon for it each time.
“Should I shower with you more often then?”You say before leaning down and kissing his forehead.
“It would be a lovely treat.” He sighs out and relaxes more into your touch, opening his eyes and looking up at you lovingly.
You smile at him and stroke his cheek with your thumb.
“Isn’t it about time you get ready, dear? I don’t want you to be late..” His voice sounds sad when he realizes you have to go soon, but you shake your head no.
“They can survive without me for a while. Let me take care of you, my love.” You reassure him that you’re staying until you’re both done. You don’t want to leave him just yet either.
He smiles at you and holds your hand, keeping it on his cheek.
“Ich liebe dich.”
You cup his other cheek and give him a gentle kiss on his lips.
“I love you too.”
I was in the shower when I was thinking about these darling men and thus, this fic was born.
I also fucking love König omfg please give me a König in real life I beg of you universe
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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ᴀ ʀᴏꜱᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴇʀʀʏᴍᴀɴ
✧ ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: it is said that some people see the other side when they die even for just a brief moment. those near-death experiences often change them for good... blade wonders when the moment will come that he'll finally get to see you again.
✧ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ: blade x aeon!reader, gn!reader, fluff to angst, blade has a near-death experience; falls in love with you and then dan feng makes him immortal, ambiguous ending
✧ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: 1000 years — kt tunstall
✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: major character death, separated lovers, themes of death, angst
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And thus, his chest was pierced by the same weapon he had forged with such care and effort. He felt an almost unbearable pain along with the notion of betrayal, hatred, anger and grief that seemed to cloud his entire senses. The sharp pain stretched from his heart all the way to his limbs and he could feel himself slipping in and out of consciousness. This is the end, he thought and part of him feared what would come next. This was the day that Yingxing died. The clouds over the Xianzhou were dark today and he knew that it was going to rain soon but he doubted he'd make it to feel the raindrops on his skin one last time.
The storm in his heart, seeming to seep out of the large wound and permeating his entire aura, raged on violently and seemed to devour him; toss him around like a lily caught in a tornado. He had never felt such pain before, both physically and emotionally.
And then the pain was gone.
Surprisingly, in that final moment, the one he had known as Dan Feng seized to exist for him. They say that everybody dies alone and he supposed in that moment he found that statement to be true. For a moment, the events that had led to the destruction of Yingxing stopped to matter. After all, he couldn't carry them along to wherever he was headed.
Perhaps that was a good thing.
He closed his eyes and yet he found himself to be able to see. He saw the stars above him, the sky suddenly clearer than he had ever seen it. It seemed to go on forever; like he could see galaxies far away from the Xianzhou just like that.
At first that void was frightening. It was too much, more than he ever had to feel in his life. There was a pressure and impending doom coming from the stars, as if he was laying on the ground and the sky was getting closer and closer until it would crush him under its weight. But the impact never came. Rather, the pain of his physical shell seemed to fade in the blink of an eye as he merged with the place from which he once came before inhabiting this mortal vessel and he noticed he couldn't even remember what it felt like to have a body.
He didn't know if "Yingxing" had stopped existing when his consciousness joined the great beyond once more or whether who he believed he was had never mattered in the first place. Like he had been caught up in a grand play and it was time for the curtain call. He had loved and hated the role that had been given to him to play but perhaps, most important of all, he had grown. As he let the universe wash over him, he felt, for a brief moment, as though everything he had went through had meaning after all.
He found himself on a distant shore, the stars sweeping over his feet like waves in an ocean. He sat himself up, finding his "body" without traces of the battle that had just occured. He let a strand of his long hair run through his fingers; now finding it to be a dark blue as it had been once in the old days.
Everything seemed so much more vivid than anything he had ever experienced. He could hear the sound of the waves with a clarity a mortal soul could only dream to experience. He could see for miles and everything seemed to burst into the most vibrant colors his eyes ever fell on. Every pebble under his right hand was one he registered individually. He didn't know where exactly he was but the place felt soothing. Like home.
The Aeon of Death had been something that was only ever speculated to exist. There were no records that confirmed their existence and no forces of their making that seemed to interfere with the material world other than the fact that every life sooner or later had to meet its end. This Aeon's existence was always regarded as more of a myth or metaphor than something people actually believed in, yet all depictions of them seemed to paint them as a harbinger of tragedy and suffering. Blade had seen drawings of them in books, dressed in flowing black fabrics and their face often obscured or distorted.
Yet when he saw you before him now, he found that the stories had it all wrong. Rather, your appearance was gentle and peaceful. He looked out to the sea and there you were, waiting patiently in a small boat for him to join you. The waves crashed into the bow and your boat swayed lightly to their motions. His hand reached for the waters and brushed through it, finding that rather than water; the sea seemed like the universe itself, his fingers casting ripples through the stars but never reaching the world he had just left.
You smiled at him from afar. In that moment he appeared to you like a child discovering something fascinating they had never seen before, playing with his surroundings to familiarize himself with it. You didn't mind waiting. You had time.
When he finally got up and carefully made his way to the boat, you got a better look at the man. He looked handsome but you could see on his face that whatever he had seen in this unreachable realm had taken a toll on him. He climbed into the wooden boat, sitting down in front of you, taking in your face for a little longer before he finally spoke.
"Why?", he simply asked, hurt evident in his voice as his words settled in the vast space around him, the silence that followed right after seeming to soothe his aches a little, "what was it all for?"
"You're the only one who will be able to answer that question eventually", you spoke quietly, making sure not to startle him, "I have never seen the world you come from. I can't reach it. I simply wait here for all who cross over. You chose to live this life, only you can find the reason."
He thought about your words for a moment, then letting out a bitter laugh. "Why would I choose something like that?"
You shook your head. "I can't tell you. And believe me I get that question a lot", you reached for a box behind you, placing it onto the small table that stood behind the two of you, "it seems our past choices can seem as unreasonable here as anywhere else." He mused that he probably shouldn't bother you with this type of stuff. However, he found himself to have a habit of ruining everything, so he supposed it was not that surprising for him to have chosen this painful life long ago.
His eyes fell onto the small ebony casket that had been placed before him.
"What's in the box?"
You gave him a mischievous smile. "In here lies the answer to any question you ever had", you spoke slowly, igniting an anticipation in him but also hesitation and fear, "however I must warn you. Opening it comes at a cost that is worth paying only for a select few." His eyes widened as he ran his fingers over the smooth material. He wondered, what could he have to give to you when he had just left everything behind upon entering this realm? Was he to sacrifice his chance at an afterlife and embrace eternal non-existence for the brief shot to make sense of it all?
"What's the price?"
You let out a laugh. "I jest", you responded and surprisingly, he felt a sense of relief wash over him, "there's no magic box that can explain the meaning of the universe to you." You lifted the lid to show him what was inside, placing a few cards and tokens on the table. Poker, he recognized the game and picked up a few of the pieces to inspect them; still trying to find something off about them. But they seemed to be just regular tokens. You smiled at the curiosity and suspicion in his eyes. Cute, you thought, surprised at your own reaction to your newest client. The craftsman raised an eyebrow.
"You'd be surprised how many people come here looking to bet and bargain."
He nodded. He could see why many humans would do this. "And you indulge them?", he questioned. You shook your head and winked at him. "Between us, I can win if I want to", you set up the game, "but you don't want to go back, so there's no need for me to intervene. We can play a friendly round if you'd like to."
He nodded once more, finding himself smiling at the absurdity of the situation. But it was a welcome change. Your presence seemed to soothe his aching soul with every minute he spent here, although he had no idea how much time had already passed. As you played, you gave him the chance to ask you more questions. Most of them were ones you had already had to answer over and over again. But there was something about this man that made them feel like a new experience; something that stimulated and amused you.
"So, is this the afterlife?", he asked dryly. "You can think of it as more of a.... hotel lobby. Your time here decides what room you'll end up in, so to speak", you tried to explain, "there's a world beyond what you've known so far that I can't possibly explain to you. You'll just have to see for yourself. But first we have to find out where your place lies." He pondered your words.
"And you're the receptionist?", he asked, feeling a little lost.
"Something like that", you chuckled as your eyes inspected his calloused hands, "I'll be your guide for as long as you stay here." Perhaps it was your own wishful thinking but you could almost see a hint of disappointment on his face. "And after that?", he asked, "will I ever see you again?"
He found himself surprised at his question but simultaneously he had gotten so used to that feeling of painlessness and peace he felt around you already, that he was afraid of losing it again in that place he was destined to go next. "It's only been a moment and you'd already miss me?", you teased, your fingers lightly brushing against his, "well I'm flattered." He didn't pull his hand away. He should pull away, he reasoned. He had been hurt so much, love and friendship had scarred him and made him wonder whether anything about it was worth the pain. But something about your touch felt so right, that he couldn't help but wish you'd just take his whole hand into yours and held it. Or just flip the table, forget all about the game and kiss him breathless.
He was shocked at his thoughts. His cheeks were heating up. What is wrong with me?, he internally cursed himself for being this weak for you. Just moments ago he had been in a brutal fight with his once closest companion; he had felt like his anger was going to be all that remained of him. And yet now the skies had shifted and the world he left behind felt so small along with the person he once was. What was so wrong about being happy?, he asked himself, clutching his fist, maybe it was time to be selfish for once and just forget all about what used to be and focus on the here and now.
Focus on you.
You who eased his sorrows even though they were still seeping into his mind every now and then. "There seems to be a lot on your mind", you sighed as you defeated him in the game, "may I ask for your name?" He didn't comment on his loss.
"I'm not sure", he shrugged, thinking back the the middle-aged man who died at the hands of the High Elder of the Vidyadhara. "Yingxing" didn't really feel right anymore. He felt as though he had taken a step into a larger world now. Reached a point of no return. You nodded, as though you could understand or had seen many like him pass through this place.
"You pick one", he shrugged, his eyes looking into the distance and you could tell he was still lost in thought. This was a lot to take in for him after all. Your eyes fell onto the sword he had brought along, undoubtedly one of his own making.
"How about 'Blade'?", you suggested, putting a finger to your chin. He thought about it for a moment, then felt himself nodding and smiling genuinely for the first time in a long time.
As time went on, he learnt that you had never been to the mortal realm. That you experienced it through the memories of those you guided to the other side. You promised that you would visit him at any time he wished to see you once he had crossed over. That time wasn't linear in this realm and that a second could feel like months here. He took his time to learn about you; to find out what interested you about the material world and what things you had seen in your line of work. What the universe was like, experienced by a being such as yourself. He had apologized for asking so many questions that you probably heard over and over again. You had simply shaken your head.
"All in a day's work."
You reassured him that you were enjoying your time with him. Basic questions about the realm Blade now found himself in turned into long conversations he thought he'd never have again. His soul was already laid bare before you, he didn't feel urged to hide his feelings and past from you. You were so attentive and understanding. He wished you had been there for his time on the Xianzhou. Maybe that would have made him feel a little less lost.
Fleeting touches turned into finally holding his hand in yours and him resting against your chest with a content smile on his face. He had never told you he loved you but he felt like deep inside you knew. The first time you kissed him, he felt a spark ignite inside him that he thought had long since been snuffed out. Your lips tasted sweet, like the salvation he had so desperately longed for, yet never could have imagined to be like this. He kissed back hungrily, your fingertips wiping away the tears of relief he couldn't stop from running down his cheeks. Every peck you left on his skin, whether you scattered them on his hands, his shoulders or placed them at the corner of his mouth; he felt he could never get enough of them.
He'd hold you tightly in his arms, leaving kisses on your neck before pulling you into a loving kiss again, his tongue clashing with yours as he poured all the words he couldn't say and the passion he couldn't put into words into his kiss. He eventually leaned his forehead against yours with a happy smile. You guided souls to the other side day in and day out. You never expected yourself to fall in love with one. But Blade had captured your heart by storm. He was the one you had been waiting for all this time. He was your forever. Both of you were finally happy.
You both knew he was ready to move on and spend the rest of eternity by your side. That was his place in the great beyond. And it seems it was meant to be yours too. He nodded as the two of you were ready to embark on your next great journey together, leaving the sea of doubts behind you, ready to step into the sun. Blade gave you one last kiss to your lips. He looked at you with a peaceful smile on his face, his eyes promising you forever.
And then that moment ended.
He could only hear you desperately call out to him as he was pulled away from you, his hand trying to clutch yours as he was fading from view and his fingers slipped out of yours. He was panicking. It couldn't end like this. He remembered how happy you were just a moment ago. How worried you must be now.
The peace and tranquility was quickly replaced by emptiness and grief and anger again as his soul violently slammed back into his once mortal body. If he thought the pain from exiting it was bad, the one from entering it again was even worse. He groaned in pain, clutching the large wound on his chest and feeling it close below his fingers, much to his surprise.
Suddenly the Xianzhou seemed to matter again and your soothing touch felt out of his reach. He thought he was simply healed. That this was temporary and if he wanted to, he could just go back to you. But he realized quickly that this was not the case.
His eyes widened in shock and he stared in disbelief at his shaking, scarred hands as he realized what had become of him. What someone made of him. His breath hitched in his throat as he bit back the sobs that escaped him. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he looked up to the man who did this with horror in his eyes. Dan Feng seemed unresponsive, as if caught in a trance.
Blade bit his lips. He didn't want to cry in front of this man. Not like this. Not here. But he couldn't help the despaired sobs coming from his mouth. His voice broke when he spoke.
"What have you done?"
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Years had passed since that day. He often wondered what you would think if you could see him now. How bitter and hateful he had become; all the destruction he had caused on his path to reunite with you and kill the man who bestowed this cursed immortality onto him.
On some days it felt like the mara was driving him to the brink of insanity. Would he still be the same person you never got the chance to say goodbye to when death would finally come for him? Or would he have become something that you could never possibly love? The thought kept him awake at night. It scared him more than the pain he knew might plague him for many years to come.
He had never told anyone about you. You still felt like his happy ending that was ripped from his grasp and as much as the Stellaron Hunters helped him in his goal, he didn't want them or Dan Feng or anyone meddling in it.
He may have been the only one to have captured your heart, but there were many others who had almost crossed over and met you. Those who came back would sometimes seek him out and deliver messages from you to him. This was how, despite all, he at least had the reassurance that you were still out there waiting for him to return. The messages you had delivered to him were different each time but you never failed to tell him that you loved him so much.
Blade could hear the quiet beeping of the life support machine from outside the hospital room door. The nurse who had accompanied him here lightly knocked on the door and Blade could hear coughing from the other side. "Mr. Petrov? You have a visitor", she opened the door and Blade stepped into the room behind her.
Mr. Petrov had spent his whole life on a planet that Blade had never visited before. The old man opened his tired eyes to look at the stranger standing in the doorframe to his hospital room. He couldn't recall ever having met this person, but it was possible that he had simply forgotten about him. Meanwhile Blade knew for sure that the sickly man on the life support machine was a complete stranger.
Blade sat down beside his bedside, placing a small wooden box on the man's nightstand. He had left his phone on the starskiff; there was no need for Silver Wolf and Kafka to learn of this meeting.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I recognize you, son", the old man coughed once more and gave him an apologetic look. Blade shook his head. "We've never met." The old man had no idea of the atrocities that Blade had committed. He didn't need to know this, Blade thought.
"Then what brings you here today?", the patient seemed surprised. "I need to ask you a favor", Blade simply responded. The old man let out an amused laugh, sending him into another coughing fit. "I'm not sure if they told you, my friend, but I only have a few days left to live", Mr. Petrov reached for the glass of water on the nightstand, "my respiratory system is shutting down. I'm not sure what favor I could possibly do for you. I'm 94."
"I'm aware", Blade sighed and for the first time since he woke up in this cursed body again he took up the courage to talk about you. He described to the man what you looked like. "If you meet this person- ...on the other side I mean", Blade stared off into space, "could you deliver a message to them? Tell them to wait for me. Tell them I'll find them again one day."
The dying man raised an eyebrow at the seemingly young Stellaron Hunter. "Well, I don't know what's waiting for me on 'the other side', kid, but I'd imagine the afterlife is pretty vast. There's no guarantee I'd meet this person you're talking about."
"You will", Blade insisted and opened the wooden box, revealing a game of poker inside, "up for a game or two?" Mr. Petrov scratched his beard. "Why?"
The old man laughed. "They play poker in the afterlife?", he seemed amused but helped Blade set up the game, "well, I suppose there are going to be a lot of people ready to bet and bargain." Blade felt himself smile slightly as he remembered the first time you met. He was hardly used to smiling anymore so it caught him off-guard.
Mr. Petrov inspected Blade's face. The man seemed lost in thought again, as if he was yearning for something. As if he had been waiting for a long time. Anyone else would have found this encounter with the young stranger in his hospital room absurd but the sick man just accepted the situation as it was. Impending death was weird like that.
"So...", he started, an expression of understanding on his face, "anything else you want me to tell his person?"
Blade hesitated for a moment. Images flashed through his mind of your smile and the way you had kissed him. The ideas you exchanged and the future you had promised each other. How, despite all, despite the frustration and hatred, Blade now had no doubt where he was meant to be. With new-found courage and sincerity Blade finally allowed himself to say what he hadn't dared verbalize for all this time.
"Tell them... tell them I love them. I love them so much, I have no idea what to do with myself. And I miss them... I miss them every goddamn day."
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peachesofteal · 1 year
Simon praising Darling for being a good girl when she announces she’s pregnant 😮‍💨 like I’m sorry sir, who gave you the right to be so damn hot when you’re FICTIONAL?!
And Darling is just confused af about wtf he means. Like does she ever find out they fucked with her BC and knocked her up?? I must know, I must have more 😈🤭
He's like, 'you've done so well, darling' and she's like 'wait, what the fuck just happened?'
AU - not canon for Dead Disco Warnings-tags: 18+ Minors DNI. Brief mention of smut, mature themes. Angst. Vomiting. Doctors. Pregnant reader. Relationship issues. Dark themes.
"I've got ya." Johnny coos while he rubs your back where you are kneeling over the toilet, breakfast and bile coming up your throat with every other heave.
"I hate this." you moan between pants, propping your arm up to rest your head. He clucks his tongue, standing to run a cloth under the sink and returning to press it to your forehead gently. It's cold, and soft, and moving in easy circles.
"I know, darling. I know." You push away, slumping into his arms, letting him cuddle you close while he leans back against the bathroom wall and you count his heartbeats from where your head lays on his chest.
The door creaks open, and Simon's halfway inside, peering down at the two of you, mild concern in his eyes while he studies your slouching form.
"Third time today." He notes with a frown, and you nod. They count, keep track of everything, so they can recall it for your doctor's visits and make sure everything is still within 'normal' range. Morning sickness, your doctor has assured them too many times to count, is very normal.
"Morning sickness, the nausea, vomiting, is all normal."
"She's sick multiple times a day." Simon grits out. Johnny shifts his weight nervously, while you sigh and pat his hand comfortingly.
"If we were seeing drastic weight loss, or the panels were coming back outside of normal range, I would be concerned. But that's not happening. So, you've nothing to worry about." You give her a relieved smile, and hope they'll actually listen this time, although you know it's kind of pointless. "So," she claps her hands, and then motions to the table, and Johnny visibly brightens. This is everyone's favorite part, the ultrasound. You always glue your eyes to the screen, holding you breath to see the baby, the little blob in black and grey, your own little bean. You're obsessed with the sound of the heartbeat, taking comfort in its strength, its steadiness. So much so you bought a fetal doppler, just so you could all hear it at home. "Should we take a peek?"
"I'm fine." you assure him, holding a hand out. "Help me up." He grips you by your elbow, pulling you to your feet and into him briefly, so he can nuzzle his nose into your hair with a deep breath. "Now get out, I'm gross. Need to wash my face." You insist, pushing both him and Johnny into the hallway playfully before closing the door.
You have a lot of drawers, in this bathroom. Almost all of them actually, and most of them are a bit of a mess, unorganized, things strewn about. Sometimes, like now, you have to dig around for things. You're looking for something specific, a heavier moisturizer, one that can combat some of the dryness around your nose. Your fingers flip through tubes and tubs and creams, old mascara and half busted hair clips. You tsk, irritated that you're having a hard time finding the blue jar, until-
Your fingers brush against your old birth control pack. Encased in a cream colored piece of plastic, little pills lined up in a row. Just the sight of it frustrates you. After so many years, it finally failed. Finally let you down.
You don't know, but you pull it out. Maybe to look at it closer, to see if it will be expired by the time you finally need it again, or maybe, just to look at the thing that was your one constant since you were practically a child.
Either way. You study it closer, and that's how you notice the corner of the pill tray. The little foil piece on the corner is lifted, just a smidge, just enough for you not to notice, but when you peel it, it comes away so easily, so perfectly, with minimal adhesive. Like's it been pulled away before and put back in place. Like it's been moved.
When you realize, the floor room spins. It shudders around you, bathroom walls curving closer and closer to where you stand in front of the sink, eyes wide, dumbfounded. They wouldn't. They wouldn't. Would they? You blink at yourself in the mirror. You look, tired, but mostly healthy, a true testament to absolute hovering that has been occurring in your life over the past five months. You never lift a finger, you don't want for anything.
Because you're pregnant.
Because you're pregnant, with their baby, that you thought you got knocked up with on accident.
Your stomach curdles. They did this on purpose. Your fingers clench against the stone of the sink while you remember, all those nights when they pressed you to the mattress and made you see stars, while they filled you with their come over and over, every day. They were actively trying. They wanted this. A giant black hole rips open inside of you. It sucks your joy, your happiness, your dreams of future into it immediately. It dismantles everything you thought you knew as truth, takes a hammer and smashes apart every single second of the last five months.
They took your choice away. You stomach flips, and the you’re flinging yourself back in front of the toilet, bile spewing on your lips while you dry heave. It burns, the sting matching the sear of the tears that track down your face.
How could they do this?
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ioniansunsets · 11 months
pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease i want to braid kayn’a HAAAAIR!!!!!!! I WANT TO USE CUTE HAIR TIES AND SANRIO HAIR CLIPS TO MAKE HIM FEEL SO PRETTY 🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍
✖ Braiding Kayn's Hair ✖
✖ Word Count: 715
✖ Tags: Established R/S, Reader is In the Shadow Order w/ Kayn
✖ A/N: YES I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND YOU. All I dream of is to play with his hair, is it soft? Tangled and coarse? Surprisingly smooth? WHO KNOWS I LOVE IT!
- The first time you braided his hair it was because it came horrendously undone mid mission and it was a mess. With frustrated grumbles and complaints coming from your partner as he quarrels with Rhaast you were at your limit. You sat him down, ripped some cloth from the corner of your outfit and delicately braided his hair for him. Almost intimate as your fingers run through his hair, bits of dried blood flaking off, the tangled mess somehow calmed in your hands. Working magic you turned his messy long hair into a neat and tight braid. Both him and Rhaast quiet. Kayn only giving you a soft " Thanks..." before continuing on his way. The cocky, prideful man didn't know how to respond to affections or soft moments like that.
- The second time was much different. Coming out of the bath, his hair was wet and tangled. Excitedly he turns to you sitting in your shared room, towel still wrapped around his waist. " Can you braid it again for me!" It seemed like he was thinking about it the whole time he was washing the blood off his skin. Maybe he just realized how nice your hands felt playing with his hair and fought against his pride. Who knows. You accept of course. It was nice. Being innocently close to him this way. The few soft moments in your life in the Order.
- Ever since then, you being the one in charge of braiding his hair was the norm. Every opportunity, every fight that left his hair free, he runs up to you, smiling excitedly, expectantly. A boyish laugh. " Y/N~" He coos, expecting you to come to his aid. To entertain yourself more, you soon started collecting bits and bops to tie into his dark locks. A red ribbon braided in for when you two were out in combat. Small flowers placed in when in the safety of the order. (Kayn was scary honestly so no other member ever dares says anything about it to his face.) Colorful clips and shiny bits in the privacy of your shared room. Braiding his hair became a special shared moment between the two of you. Something you only did for him, and something he only allowed you to do. His hair was also so delightfully thick it was fun to braid, there was so much you could stick in it without it falling out. It amused the both of you.
- Rhaast complains. A lot. Making fun of him. " The only thing in your hair should be blood of innocents Kayn." You shoot the Darkin a dirty look but all Kayn does is laugh taunting the weapon. " Rhaast is just jealous. Should we tie a ribbon around his handle?" The two of your laugh harder as Rhaast grumbles angrily. The two of you did do it by the way, wrapping the scythe in a ribbon as Rhaast screams threatening to take over Kayn right there and then
- Over time you've learn other ways to braid your partner's hair. The simple braid was his default, but in the privacy of your room, sometimes you let yourself get creative. A fishtail braid for when you two sleep together. A lace braid from his blue hair across the back of his head when you feel like seeing him a little pretty. He never protests, sometimes even humming happily as your fingers brush against his scalp. Letting you do what you want with his hair was special privilege reserved for his lover and you enjoyed that precious intimacy. Sometimes you'd even give his forehead a little kiss when you were done. He protests, but honestly, he secretly loves it. How soft you were with him in private like this.
- Zed commented on it once, when he popped by your room to give Kayn a briefing. Kayn's hair was done to the side, a delicate braid with flowers and ribbons. He didn't like being seen like this but it was Zed, hearing his mentor making a passing amused " Well that's different." remark made his face flush. Kayn was embarrassed but at the same time proud that his partner's abilities amused Zed. You had to stifle back your laughter at his reaction and what was effectively your boss giving you a shrug before leaving.
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moonseonghwa · 1 year
Paint me yours - K.HJ
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recommend to listen to “a little death” by the neighbourhood
word count: 2k
warnings: artist!hongjoong x fem!reader, protected sex, dry-humping, praising, oral (m.& f. receiving), hongjoong's a player
a/n: surprise hihi
minors dni
The worn-out leather jacket was quickly discarded in the corner of his room after the door closed, the obvious tension finally washed away as he crashed his lips on yours, pushing you against the door as you held his face in your hands, feeling the cold metal of his lip ring. You kissed him deeply, not getting enough of it as he pulled you with him towards the bed.
Kim Hongjoong, an artist, who you met through a mutual friend. He was a prominent player, never sticking to one girl and changing relationships as frequently as his hair colors. Which he liked to do a lot.
You tried to avoid him, trying to listen to your friends’ advice, but it was so hard when you felt him stare you down every time you entered the room, practically eye-fucking you as he made no effort to hide it.
He placed you on his lap as you pulled his freshly dyed silver-colored hair, him releasing a deep groan as his hips bucked up against your core, making it harder for you to restrain yourself. He was insatiable, the way his lips devoured yours while his hands played their tricks on you, roaming over your bare waist and painting them as his. That's what he does, everything he touches becomes his in one way or another. 
You were so turned on it actually made you surprise yourself, and if he continued this you might come without him even touching you. That wasn’t his plan though, making him slowly start to guide your core against his, your mouth falling open at the contact. He placed his forehead against yours, breathing labored and insanely caught up in the moment you didn’t even realize where you were anymore. But you didn’t mind, as long as it was Hongjoong touching you. His fox eyes stared into yours, before smirking as slowing your hips down, placing his already swollen lips on the base of your throat, before his tongue made its way to your mouth, taking your jaw in his hand and attaching his mouth to yours. 
You swore to yourself to never fall for him, to never let yourself be consumed by him, but here you were, not wanting anything more than to take him, right here, right now, even if it was in the room next to the others.
‘’We can’t’’ You whispered, slowly coming back to your senses as you heard the door open in the room next to you. Your dress had already ridden up so much that if someone opened the door right now, both of your messy hair and pink-toned cheeks would’ve given away what must’ve happened before, even if you were quick enough to get off him. 
‘’They’ll be gone soon, I heard them talking about going for drinks’’ He replied, his hand leaving your skin briefly when he noticed you weren’t comfortable with the thought of them being able to enter. ‘’You good?’’ He asked, even though he could already feel how wet you were through his pants, indicating just how good you were, just for him.
Then seconds later, you heard the front row close, followed by complete silence. You looked at Hongjoong, who gave you a knowing smile before you grabbed the chains hanging from his neck and pulled him close again, your lips on his, the only thing your brain could think about when you felt his warmth again. 
‘’You’re so hot’’ He muttered against your lips, his hands moving down the back of your dress before settling on your ass as he pressed you closer against his crotch, making your eyes roll back as you started rolling your hips again, only to be met with Hongjoong muttering curse words with his rasped voice and deep breaths. 
You sat back a little, enough to take off his shirt, revealing his torso with the necklaces decorating his bare chest. You started kissing down his neck, making sure to leave some marks just underneath where his shirt will be, before moving down his abs as you slowly opened his belt. You looked up at him, seeing him look at you with hooded eyes and lust on his face, his hand around the back of your neck. 
‘’You’re so beautiful’’ He said, and the word choice did it for you. 
You were going to give this man the best head he’ll ever have. 
You freed him from his ripped jeans and boxers, before taking a minute to take in the sight. Pre-cum was already leaking down his length, indicating he was just as turned on as you. 
Your tongue lapped it up, before settling on the tip as he let out a groan at the contact, the hand on your neck quickly wrapping in your hair as he guided you down his length. A loud moan left his lips because of the feeling of your warm mouth around him, and it only spurred you on more. You bobbed your head up and down, using your hand to jerk off the rest, before twirling your tongue around the tip. He was chanting your name over and over, whimpers leaving his mouth. 
‘’If you keep going I’m going to come’’ He groaned, before his other hand went to the pillow next to him, holding on for dear life as the feeling felt too good. 
You sucked a bit harder, before taking him more, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat, making him release another moan. 
He pulled you off him before he lost control, leaning down and pulling your chin towards him as his tongue entered your mouth in a longing kiss. 
He pulled you up a few seconds later, pushing you down on the bed. He unzipped the back of your dress before pulling it down, revealing your bare chest as he placed his lips down the valley of your breasts, slowly placing open-mouth kisses down your stomach as you sighed at the contact. 
The further he got, the more he pulled your dress down, before ripping the dress open so he could easily take it off you. 
‘’Joong!’’ You whisper-yelled, making him shut you up with another kiss. 
‘’I’ll make you a new one’’ He smiled, his hand wrapping around your waist as he pushed you against him fully. 
’’Please fuck me, Joong’’ You almost whined as you felt his tip against your clit, before he leaned back, taking off his trousers and boxers. He opened the drawer of his bedside table, taking out a condom before climbing on top of you after taking off your panties. 
You felt his hand go between your legs, ‘’I didn’t have my fun yet’’ He said, before kneeling on the floor as he pulled your legs over his shoulders and latched his lips on your inner thigh.
He teased you a bit, but nothing could’ve prepared you for the feeling of his tongue against your folds, as you threw your head back at the pleasuring feeling. He was really skilled at this, and the excitement only added to it. He lapped up your juices, before entering one finger as you moaned his name, before a string of curses left your lips as he entered one more, rubbing your g-spot as he stimulated your clit with his tongue. 
Just as you were about to come, he stopped, making you whimper at the lack of contact. Soon replaced by a kiss on your lips, tasting yourself on his tongue. He pulled back before grabbing the condom holding eye contact with you as he ripped open the package with his teeth, making butterflies erupt in your stomach because he was so hot. 
He rolled the condom around his length, before lining up with your entrance, as his lips were kissing your earlobe. You felt him push in slowly, making your nails dig into his back at the delicious stretch. You let out a moan at the contact, feeling the drag of his cock inside you.
‘’You’re so tight’’ He grunted, as you moved his face to place his lips against yours, never getting tired of that feeling. You moaned into his mouth, making him smile in the kiss as he bottomed out in you, stilling to let you adjust for a second. 
‘’Ready?’’ He asked after some time of both of you just breathing, lost in the moment. 
‘’Yes’’ You nodded, biting your lip a the feeling of him pulling out, before pushing in just as quickly, making you throw your head back. 
He was marking you up, his teeth nibbling at your neck, claiming you as his. His artwork, his project. And how you loved to be his wasn’t describable. You needed him close, wanted him to use you as he wanted to. Your painted black nails were digging into his back, leaving a red trail on it. 
‘’Faster’’ You said, one hand wrapping in his dyed hair.
His pace fastened, holding your hips still as he drove himself into you deeper, making you feel all of him. You were sure that if anyone was home, they would hear exactly what was going on with the way both of you were moaning in pleasure. 
He lifted one of your legs around his waist, pushing into you deeper as he got off to the pain of your nails digging into his back, and the pretty faces you were making when he was ruining you. 
Ruining you because he was making you his, only for him to touch. 
‘’You’re mine now’’ He said, pulling out before grabbing your waist to make you sit on his cock, and even though you’re legs were already worn out, sinking down on him and the different feeling of it made it all worth it as he pounded into you from underneath, settling on a steady pace as he locked his lips with yours
‘’You're- fuck- you’re so good for me’’ He said, holding your waist with his arm to keep you steady as he thrusts into you relentlessly, your head falling on his shoulder as you felt like you couldn’t take any more. 
As if he could read your mind, he proved you differently by placing two fingers on your clit and rubbing you closer to your orgasm, making you lose your mind as you felt the high approaching too quickly.
‘’Hongjoong, too much I- mhmm’’ You moaned, feeling your high wash over you as you clenched around him intensely making him throw his head back as he pushed deeper inside you. And you’ve never come this hard, making him want to feel every part of you as he came too, releasing the warmth in the condom as he fell back on the bed, taking you with him. 
His hands rubbed your hips in a comforting manner, as he whispered praises in your ear about how you were his good girl, only his.
He then pulled out of you, making you whine. 
‘’Don’t worry darling, we got the whole night’’ He then said, attaching his lips to yours and starting the fun once again. 
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berylcups · 29 days
Hey, just wanted to know what do you think La Squadra members would avoid while looking for a s/o. So basically their biggest turn offs.
I love your posts btw 😍
Thank you so much 😭😭😭 your encouragement is like drugs to meeeeeeee
This was a fun one to do- thank you so much for asking 🤩 it really made me put my thinking cap on! 🧠
La Squadra No-Gos in an S/O
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CW: Suggestive Content aka Melone being Melone
Notes: this was fun to write! Remember we all have our flaws and the squad loves you REGARDLESS! �� 💜 Beryl
Visually there’s nothing that the guys don’t like. It doesn’t matter what your skin color is, what your ethnicity is, where you’re from, your neurodiversity, your mental illnesses, how tall you are, or how much you weigh. They’ll love you all the same! ❤️ But it’s what’s on the inside is where they get picky…
Self centered/ overly needy- This leader is always thinking about others and nothing irks him more than someone who only thinks about themself. It just makes him think of the boss when an S/O gets greedy or demanding, expecting him to use all of his mental, physical, and financial resources only on them. He deserves some love and care too! But he won’t admit or demand that because he’s too proud of a man. Just be patient and wait your turn and he will always have the time for you. It might not be all the time you want but he does dedicate time just for you.
He just can’t handle someone who’s overly needy. You're going to have needs. He knows that. He’s going to tend to you at a higher level than he does his own men. Don’t demand too much out of this exhausted man. He’s probably not in the mood to go out on a big date but he’s going to come home to you and give you a big hug and kiss and listen to you about how your day went. He’s going to tell you how much he missed you and help you make dinner. He’s not going to be here every time for your beck and call. But he’s going to come back to you every time he has a moment to himself because he loves you that damn much.
- Judgmental / perfectionism- This man goes with the flow when it comes to life. He’s a very laidback man without any plans. So don’t get irritable when he doesn’t have huge goals or aspirations. There’s nothing more that irks him is a judgmental perfectionist. If you mess something up don’t worry about it! You can always do it again. Not everything needs to be in order! He doesn’t mind a little cat hair on his shirt or the fact he throws his dirty laundry by the washing machine on the floor. He’ll get to it when he’s ready.
Don’t be so judgmental- there’s no one correct way to live life. He isn’t telling you how to live so don’t tell him! He understands if you have something debilitating like OCD. We all got our issues. He just doesn’t really want to be nagged or bossed around. Want him to clean up the house? Just ask nicely and zaddy will take care of it for ya! That’s all it takes! He’ll work on being a little more organized as long as you work on yourself too! He’s your biggest supporter and he’ll let you know it!
Dishonesty/ cheating- he absolutely hates it when someone lies to him. Just be honest with him! He has eyes and ears everywhere—the mirrors. So he knows if you’re talking shit or plan on cheating on him. Don’t even say it’s all a misunderstanding! Once that trust is lost, it’s lost forever. He doesn’t let people in very easily so expects you to be a loyal faithful s/o. He acts like a man who thinks relationships will “chain you down” but he only acts that way due to past relationships going sour, almost always surprisingly with him the one getting cheated on.
He doesn’t expect you to put up with his bullshit or sass! He knows when he needs to be put in his place. But if you’re his s/o he won’t really tease you. He’s a very sensitive guy but will only share that side of himself with you. So don’t be going around spilling his secrets or making fun of his sensitive side. His trust is just that fragile.
If you treat him kindly, he will treat you like a god/dess. He’s undeniably the most loving and loyal man you’ll ever have as long as you’re faithful and don’t play with his heart.
Negativity/ Cynicism- This sweet guy is a huge empath. So there’s nothing he dislikes more is someone who is super cynical or super negative. He’s like a biiiiig emotional sponge. If you’re feeling bad, HES FEELING BAD. He has low self esteem and can understand if you do too but the relationship won’t last long if you’re both being emotional anchors weighing each other down. 😞 You’re allowed to have your bad days! Everyone has bad days. But let him try to pep you up and let you know that things will pass and you’ll see the light of another happy day again. Don’t push him away and have a pity party! Show him a smile through those tears! 😚 and do the same for him. Be each others amateur therapists and cheerleaders! 📣
Passive Aggression/ Bad Communication- There’s nothing that irritates this no nonsense man who beats around the bush. Say what you need to say damn it! He’s very transparent with you about what he wants and expects. He wants the same from you! So if you got beef with him, say it, don’t be passive aggressive about it. He needs clear communication from you. You aren’t going to “hurt his feelings”. He’s a grown ass man/adult and can handle some criticism as long as it’s constructive of course. Don’t go all out insulting him. He won’t stand for that, and he doesn’t expect you to stand for it either! Let him know if he’s being too harsh. LET HIM KNOW EVERYTHING YOU HAVE TO TELL HIM. 👏 A healthy functioning relationship is ALLLLL about communication!
Rigidness/ Closed minded- Anything goes with this guy. He’s all about trying new things. New foods, new vacation spots, new fashion trends, new cultures, new sex positions.
He doesn’t like someone who’s super close minded and won’t at least try something. You need to get out of your comfort zone just a little bit! Do you know how much you’re potentially missing out on??? Melone knows. He doesn’t want to have to beg you (unless he’s in the bedroom) to try every little thing! He KNOWS you’re not going to like everything and he KNOWS you’re going to be NERVOUS! And that’s okay! He’s here for you and he’s not going to take offense because you didn’t like something. Everybody’s different and that’s what makes the world so interesting but you have to be able to give in a little and let loose or else this relationship just won’t work! He doesn’t expect you to try everything, somethings you just know that you won’t like. Hate chewy textures? Then you probably won’t like the shrimp or the calamari. You know your body best! He just wants to make as many firsts with you and fill his photo album of you two 💜
Impatience / no empathy: Now before you call him a hypocrite try to understand his side of the story. He’s neurodivergent and he has to constantly adjust to his environment. His senses are always being overwhelmed. He needs someone who’s Autistic too, neurodivergent in another way, or just understands him. He can’t have someone snapping back at him to calm down and stop being so angry all the time! He’s not doing it because he wants to! He loves being calm!
He has no time for an argumentative s/o that isn’t understanding with him. He’s really a sweet guy when he isn’t on edge. Make him a meal with all his sides separate, and make sure the texture is juuuusssst right. Don’t get upset when he’s getting annoyed with the tag on the back of his shirt bothering him or if he doesn’t have the right socks for his shoes. He hates the scratchy material of cheap socks…he likes them super soft! If he gets irritated about an idiom let him rant it out. Maybe take the time to explain to him what it means if he doesn’t know. He still might be annoyed but he’ll thank you for sitting through one of his rants.
This may sound like a tall order but trust me on this-he’s easy to please because he likes the same thing every time. He will always repay your patience with the utmost gratitude!
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blackhairedjjun · 9 months
white peonies
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pairing: choi yeonjun x gender neutral reader [reader is called "beautiful" once] | genre / tropes: royalty au, fluff, comfort, yeonjun and reader are engaged | word count: 1.25k | warnings: pet names (darling, love), mentions of classism
summary: the night before your wedding, you - a humble gardener who has won the heart of the crown prince - feel some doubts. fortunately, your husband-to-be is there for you.
author's notes: this is a spin-off to my previous multichapter fic, flowers of every color (specifically it is an epilogue to the good ending). but this can also be read on its own as a standalone oneshot!
(support by reblogging banner by @cafekitsune)
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on the night before your wedding, the greenhouse is quiet. there’s no one else here but you, and you’re grateful for the solitude; the gardening staff hired to replace you have all gone to bed, and you can revel in your old life one more time. your fingers brush the petals of the newly bloomed white peonies on the greenhouse table and you smile. they’ve grown beautifully, their snow-white petals bursting out like fireworks, and they’ve been cut and arranged in vases and bouquets just in time to be put into position tomorrow. regret stings at you that you barely tended to them personally.
you’ve been told time and time again that you don’t need to do gardening work anymore now that you’re about to become the prince’s spouse and consort 一 and you’ve been too busy with new duties to do so anyway. still, you miss that old life, and the small garden plot assigned for “royal leisure” isn’t enough.
without even realizing it, you start checking each flower for signs of infestation or infection. you inspect the leaves, the petals, and the cut ends of the stems, searching for holes left by bug bites or parts that have gone mushy and brown. you examine the water inside their vases, making sure they’re clear and free of any debris. and when each cut flower is satisfactorily healthy to you, you move on to the next one; you walk slowly down the long table, examining vase after vase, caring for them as if they were your own. (they’re the flowers for your wedding; in a sense, they are your own.)
the task keeps you busy enough that the tumultous energy swirling in your stomach slows down just a bit. the solitude comforts you; it’s just you and the flowers, away from the prying eyes of the castle, of the royal council, of all the guests who will come flooding in tomorrow...
your inspection is interrupted by a creak in the door. as it opens, you jump back and start a response 一 i just want to look at them before i go, that’s all 一 until the dim greenhouse light illuminates the face of your groom.
your shoulders droop and relief washes over you.
“i thought i’d find you here.” yeonjun makes his way to you and wraps his arms around your waist from behind. he pulls you close and you relax in his hold, though your tumultous feelings haven’t been shaken off completely. he too can feel the hurried rhythm of your pulse.
“why is my darling still awake?” he whines, kissing the crown of your head. “you need to be well-rested for tomorrow...”
“i know, love.” you sigh and turn to face him. “i just needed to get my nerves out.”
“you always come here when you’re nervous. tell me, darling... you can tell me what’s on your mind.”
“i’ve already told you a hundred times, you don’t want to hear it.”
“but i do.” he pushes aside a stray lock of hair from your face and cups your cheek. even now the gesture makes your heart flutter. “i don’t care if you’ve told me a hundred times. if you’re worried, i want you to tell me.”
you’re quiet for a few moments. you turn away from yeonjun and glance at the peonies; even after admitting it to him so many times before, it never feels any less shameful.
“it’s tomorrow... all the dukes and counts and visiting royal families from other kingdoms... they’ll see me, and they...”
you trail off. yeonjun pulls you into a tight embrace, one hand coming up to run through your hair. he knows about this worry all too well after you’ve told him countless times throughout your engagement. he’s heard the gossip making its way through his circles of royalty and nobility. he’s even held several returned invitations from guests who have declined to come or even send a gift.
he’s a prince marrying a commoner 一 his family’s own gardener 一 and breaking tradition. many noble and royal families took the engagement as a personal slight that their own eligible offspring had been overlooked in favor of a common worker. others heard that the prince had turned down a powerful queen’s daughter for a love match and took the queen’s side, hoping to prove their allegiance. still others simply thought that he was being undignified.
but those whispers of disdain have little meaning for yeonjun. he holds you for as long you let him, slotting your face into the crook of his neck until your nerves have settled down.
“i know what you’re going to say,” you whisper into his neck. “you don’t care about any of that, they don’t see me the way you do...”
he chuckles and you can feel his breaths tickling your ear. “then you know that i mean all of it, right?”
“i know. but i still worry, i shouldn’t worry一”
“shhh.” he leaves another kiss on the crown of your head. “if you can’t stop worrying about these things, then at least let me carry the burden with you.”
“you don’t have to...”
“i want to.”
you nod and close your eyes, burying yourself in him; his hold on your waist grows firmer. you are reminded of how lucky you are to know yeonjun, to be in love with him, to be spending the rest of your life with him. the princely crown is a weight he carries with dignity, and the kingly crown he will wear one day is even heavier, yet he is more than willing to carry your own burdens alongside his. he proves it to you right here: instead of going to bed early like he should, he holds you close right before his own wedding — your own wedding — because you matter to him more than any duty.
what he knows is that he can carry his burdens only because you are by his side.
for a few moments you let him hold you, feeling your own heartbeat steady as it syncs with his. the tumult swirling within you doesn’t go away completely, but it does slow down enough that your mind feels clear again.
you give him a quick kiss on his neck right before you pull away. “thank you, jjunie.”
he smiles you see his ears turn red. even after all this time, you still have that effect on him.
yeonjun glances over at the white peonies lined up on the table, waiting to be positioned in the early hours of the morning. he purses his lips and tuts. “the ones you grow are prettier.”
“don’t say that! the new gardeners did a perfectly fine job. i looked at them and they’re all healthy.” your cheeks betray you anyway as they grow warm at his compliment.
“healthy, sure. but prettier? your flowers are almost as beautiful as you.”
now your face is a mess of red. “stop that! you’re making me一 i一”
“you know it’s true, darling.”
you shake your head but slip your hands into his. he gives you a teasing smile, but the redness in his ears hasn’t gone away.
“then will you convince the council to let me do more gardening once we’re married? or at least give me a real garden instead of that tiny plot?”
“oh, i’m already talking them into it.” he steps closer and brushes his nose against yours. “and if they don’t let you have it, then i’ll dig up one myself.”
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notes: hehe happy holidays everyone!! i wanna give a special thank you to @doumachi - mey's prince yeonjun thoughts and letting me scream in their inbox inspired me to revisit this old world again and write this. i love prince jjunie so 🥺
bringing back the original taglist: @seosalad @lilplilplilp @yeonboy @pyuae @hyuneyeon @strawbrinkofdeath @yushiu @mazeinthemoon @banggyu0308 @shytubatu @kyaneosprincess @agustdiv1ne @whippedforbeomgyu @justineasian @skywithf1 @wrongbathroom @choizzn @bangchansbae @huskyhunny @catsyoon @flowerbe0m
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heartcereql · 1 year
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tommy shelby x finn's teacher!reader pt.3 || pt.2 , pt.1
you smoothed your dress for what felt like the millionth time that evening, running your fingers through the orange and golden fabric.
you stood outside the garrison, noise and light filtering from the inside. if one listened closely, a few tipsy men could be heard faintly singing to some even faintier orchestra music. but you were too lost on your thoughts to pay any mind to it. tommy's words reverberated in your head. wednesday evening. it appeared he was throwing quite a party inside the pub. weird, considering it was wednesday, but who were you to judge.
though the sky was darkening and the streetlights emitted very dim light, you glistened against the night. gold jewellery adorned your ears, neck, arms and fingers. you looked radiant. nevertheless, the fact that you were going to be seen only increased the bundle of nerves in your gut.
you tried to remind yourslef that this was just an invitation to a party at tommy shelby's pub, strictly that. it was by no means exclusive. but you knew better than to believe that. though it might come off as insignificant, it incapsulated something more. with thomas shelby it always did. even the most ordinary actions turned intimate and compelling.
after what felt like an eternity to you, you finally gathered the courage to walk the few steps that separated you from the pub and get in at once. a wave of heat washed over you as the temperature rose from inside. the music was louder, delicate and harmonical, with chattering everywhere.
you found yourself contemplating the beautiful ornaments of the garrison that fascinated you so much. the interior lights brought a glimmer to every corner. and then a particular glint caught your attention.
an ocean-colored depth, captured in a pair of piercing eyes, already familiar to you by now. but they didn't fail to draw you in every single time.
he was leaning against the bar, and he didn't even wait for a second to make his way towards you once he saw you.
"y/n" thomas called out as he approached you.
"hey" you greeted, cheeks rosy from the chilly weather. "how've you been? how's everything?"
"not bad, not bad. how 'bout you, things alright?" he replied, cautiously eyeing the way you glittered- beyond your accessories, there was a certain glow in your skin, silkness in your hair. and that dress fitted your figure perfectly.
"everything in order" you smiled, not missing the chance to take a good look at the man who had been plaguing your mind for the past few days. he had always felt like a mystery to you, but now you were looking forward to explore said mystery. "it's quite a party you've got in here"
"thought you'd like it" he said. he rather meant something along the lines of 'i wanted a desperate excuse to see you again', but he kept that to himself.
"i absolutely do. thank you for inviting me, the party looks lovely" you smiled his way, heart fluttering in your chest.
"it was all polly's doing" tommy admitted.
"my aunt" he replied, gesturing with his head to a more private room near the door.
he put his hand on your shoulder, squeezing it softly as a welcome, but guiding you to the secluded room where his family and some of the peaky blinders were in.
he held the door open for you. inside sat two men who you recognized vaguely, arthur and john shelby. there were also a woman, a few men and-
"finn? hi!" you acknowledged your student, sitting at a corner, trying not to frown once you saw the beer in his hand.
the boy's eyes widened, his face flushing lightly.
"miss y/n, hello" he mumbled, too shy to look at you.
"isaiah, take the boys to the cut or somewhere, will ya?" arthur muttered to one of the men, who gave him a nod and took finn away to gather the rest of the younger boys.
"everyone, y/n y/l/n" tommy introduced, hand still on you as he guided you to a seat. "these gentlemen are my brothers, john and arthur; and my aunt, polly gray"
ah, polly gray. you took a careful glance at the elegant, classy lady, who exuded charm. yes, the party seemed proper of her.
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"care for a dance?" tommy asked, leaning slightly towards you.
the two of you had exited the room a while ago, mingling with other people and enjoying some drinks.
you gaped at him for a moment, suddenly breathless and at a loss of words. you knew everybody would be watching, but your concerns went further than that. wasn't all this going too quickly? but also, weren't you enjoying every last bit of this?
"oh, i'm not sure, tommy, i-" you stuttered, trying to excuse your way out of it. though you had done your best to hide it, you had no clue on how to dance. "i don't dance..."
" 's okay" he reassured, a smile on his lips. "follow my lead, eh? you'll be alright."
you tried to refuse again, but tommy had already grasped your hand, gentle but firm, and was dragging you to where the people were mingling, dancing and enjoying themselves.
he didn't let go of your hand, placing it on his shoulder instead and putting his hand on your lower back, bringing you closer. his other hand clasped yours and rose it, as a slower piece began to play.
"just back and forth. easy, eh?" he guided your every step carefully, making sure you got how it went before falling into a rhythm.
you occupied your mind with keeping up with his steps, focusing on the music, avoiding instead thinking about the softness of his hand on the small of your back, about how you were so close you could see the freckles on his skin.
you soon got enhanced by the man dancing with you. the expensive cologne, the way he smiled down at you as encouragement, his finger rubbing circles faintly over the back of your hand. it all wrapped around you dreamily.
as the music came to an end, you met his gaze. maybe you shouldn't have, because you weren't able to look away. because, reflected on the captivating blue, were mirrored the same feelings your eyes spoke for you. and he realized that too.
without wasting any further second, he dragged you away from the people, exiting through the back door of the pub, taking you to another room, this one empty of people, poorly decorated.
you immediatly found yourself in tommy's arms again, fingers travelling his body as he leaned even closer.
you stayed like that for some instants, a silent allure settling down over you. his hands on your waist, yor hand on his cheek. taking in the other's presence, as if you were going to disappear at any second.
your mind was racing with worries. how even had you ended up in this situation?
"tommy, i-" you bit your lip, trying to find the words. "should we-"
suddenly his face was inches away from yours, noses brushing, breath fanning over the other's lips. the sudden closeness- even more than it had been before- left you wordless, and any doubt you still carried dissipated.
he said your name in no more than a whisper, as if asking for permission. you corresponded with an impatient nod, your hand upon his cheek caressing it slightly.
tommy's lips captured yours in a gentle and lasting kiss. the contact was delicate, his mouth careful on yours in a way you'd have never exoected of him. his grip on your waist tightened, drawing you closer as the kiss deepened, slow but steady, as if you were savouring every moment.
his silky touch surprised tommy himself; he felt like he wanted to treasure you, keep you with him, too scared to let go. as the kiss fell into a more passionate pattern, he became aware of how fast his heart was beating, hammering in his chest at the scent of your hair, the sound of your erratic breathing. x
your hands found the collar of his shirt and grasped it adamantly, needily almost. your lips danced now to a perfect symphony. he tasted like whisky and cigarettes, and right now it felt like a banquet to you.
tommy broke the kiss for a mere second, face still close, just to admire how the dim lights traced your features, how your lipstick was faintly smeared, how your eyes fluttered open, how your breathing became needful in his abscence.
not being able to hold back longer, you pulled him into a kiss again, a much more heated one, and he complied, more than satisfied with the sight.
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© heartcereql, 2023 || thank you for reading ! 𓆩 ♱ 𓆪
taglist: @budugu ☆ @tatumrileyslover ☆ @stayaways-world ☆ @amberpanda99
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brotherwtf · 2 months
currently screaming things with @pinksiames so have a nonsensical clegan drabble that's an amalgamation of all of our horny ramblings
Gale always liked to experiment with how he looked, was always willing to push past his comfort zone when it came to his appearance. He has had almost every single hair color, long, short, and everything in between. He wore anything and everything he wanted to, which drove his boyfriend absolutely insane.
Right now, Gale had landed on dying his hair midnight black, allowing the waves to fall over his forehead and frame his pale skin. He had also managed to tug John into the bathroom when he was dying his own hair and forced him to sit and get his hair bleached. John didn't protest much, only whined when the bleach took a long time to set before they could wash it out. John was enraptured by Gale's black hair, liked touching it and caressing it, even though Gale pointedly mentioned it was the same as his blonde hair.
Gale, of course, also liked to drive John crazy with his clothes. He had recently gotten into wearing low rise jeans, crop tops and the occasional mini skirt, exposing his small waist and (possibly) the tattoo he had gotten on his lower back. He liked to look over his shoulder at John and smile at him and watch as John's brain short circuits.
It was their anniversary when Gale finally almost made John rip his head off entirely. He told John to wait in the living room until he called him back into the bedroom, and put his plan into place. He had gotten a red lingerie set when John was at work, expertly hid it in the bottom of his dresser drawers, and smiled when he looked at it now. It was simple, a red, lacy panty that rested on his waist, with garters that wrapped snugly around his thighs. He snuck into the bathroom and grabbed a red lipstick he had bought alongside the lingerie, gracefully putting it onto his lips. His black hair contrasted beautifully with his pale skin and red lips, and he knew John wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of him.
Gale laid himself across the white sheets, resting his head on his shoulder, before calling John's name. He ran his fingers through his hair, skewing the perfectly styled locks until they rested easily on his forehead.
When John walked into the bedroom, the world seemed to stop. He stood at the doorway, mouth agape and eyes wide. Gale smirks, stretching out his legs and patting the bed beside him.
"Come on, don't be shy," Gale says.
John walks almost trance-like to the side of the bed, dipping his knees into the mattress and placing his hands on either side of Gale's body. His eyes roam over Gale's body, taking in every inch of the beautiful man below him. Gale looks up through his lashes and grabs John's arm, guiding his hand to his waist.
"Touch me, John," Gale whispers and moans when John connects their lips.
The red lipstick smears almost instantly when John moves his mouth, waxy color bleeding onto his cheek and chin as John licks into his mouth. Gale holds himself on his elbow and sighs every time John licks his tongue across his bottom lip. John whimpers something pathetic against Gale's lips when Gale squeezes his shoulder and guides John further on top of him.
John pulls away for a brief moment and Gale moans low in his throat when he sees the lipstick smeared on John's lips and chin, bringing a hand up and carding his hand through his blond locks.
"Fuck, Gale, you look so damn beautiful," John moans and kisses Gale again, desperate.
I'm gonna blue ball you guys bcs this is getting turned into a full length thing so I'm stopping it there 😈😈 this is for you @clevenhq and @pinksiames I love you guys
some pics for y'all
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celestialanon · 1 year
Showering With Them
This is usually one of my favorite scenarios to write, so I had a lot of fun with this one. It is primarily fluff, so I do hope you all enjoy the read, dear readers <3
The one thing Lucifer has taken from his younger brother Asmo, was that the occasional bath was a good relaxer. And boy did he need it once in a while. The first time it happened, he was surprised that you suggested a bath together. Little did he know he would come to enjoy sharing a bath you more often then not.
You expressed how much he needed it for his body after a long day work, so he obliged and filled the tub with hot water. He’d let you run your hands over his shoulders, massaging soap into them to rid of the knots in his back. He’d sigh and basically melt into your touch, sometimes letting his back fall against your chest.
These shared baths became your way of pampering him. You’d help clean his body, his hair. You gently rubbed at his face, tracing his jaw and nose. You massaged his temples and watch as his face muscles relaxed. Then you’d move down to his hands and massage at them as well, they have done a lot of hard work.
Lucifer would always end up looking at you with an adoring smile on his face. He realized that he finally had someone to take care of him. He’d always return the favor, massaging at your own knuckles and grinning at the way you puckered your lips for him. Of course he’d give you a kiss, silly…
The first time you have ever showered with Mammon, you quickly learned how much of a water hog he was. He would squeeze next to you to clean himself, making you eventually move away altogether because it was a tight fit. He ends up shaking his head like a wet dog to dry himself, droplets of water hitting your face.
Ever since the first time, he pretty much began inviting himself in whenever. He'd come looking for you in your room, only to hear the water running, your voice humming the tune of some song as you suspected yourself to be alone. He'd barge into the bathroom, ripping his clothes off in a manner of seconds to join you, ignoring your complaints with a large grin on his face.
Again, he totally takes up the space under the shower head, laughing at the way you frowned at him, your body getting cold. When the teasing games were over, he pulled you by the arms closer to his body, letting the water run over you as well. He would give your lips a small kiss, a small blush on his cheeks but nothing major.
You let him wash your hair. It reminds him of when he used to help his younger brothers bathe. Then you did the same, watching how his white hair mixes in with the white bubbles building up on his head. He tried to kiss you again, but you scrub the soap out of his hair and some of it gets in his mouth. He complains but you make sure to give him that kiss he wanted after.
It had taken some time to get Levi to be comfortable showering with you, but when you finally got him to, it became one of his favorite things to do with you. Usually it would be night showers together, getting ready for a long night of movie binging or game marathons. He would let himself in first, patiently waiting for you to join him with a small blush on his face.
It doesn't matter how much times he's seen your body, he's still amazed and goes red in the face when he's faced with it. You always give him a sweet smile in response. His demon form always came out when he showered, the warm water feeling soothing and comforting against his skin. Levi always felt a deep happiness sharing such an intimate thing with you, watching as you ran a loofa over his scales.
They glimmered with pearl like colors, he was so beautiful. And you always made it a point to tell him that as you gently scrubbed away. He'd have trouble stopping the smile growing on his face, because his heart soared at every compliment you gave him. You battled his insecurities with iron fists, usually rising victorious. You handled his body with such care, and he couldn't help but pull you in to press a kiss to your damp hair.
He'd make sure to tell you that you were the beautiful one, and that he's so happy to be showering with you at all. Really, Levi worshipped you and your body, and it never failed to make you feel better about yourself. Every shower with Levi was intimate in the most loving way possible. It was just you and him, raw emotion and even some bit of confidence from Levi as he let you clean his tail.
While Satan was one for private showers, he never refused your offers. Like Levi, it may have taken a moment before you finally got him with you, but when you did, it almost became routine. He’d end up offering more himself before settling into bed for the night.
You’d always help him scrub at the parts that were harder for him to reach, like his back. He was adamant on getting himself clean, and always ended up having his body completely covered in soap suds. You’d laugh at him, and he would trap you in a hug, making the soap cling to your body. Now you both looked ridiculous.
He always helped you clean yourself as well, occasionally placing a kiss to your shoulder as he washed your back. You’d look back at him with a smile, and the next second he’s splashed in the face with some water, along with a challenging smile from you.
Showers always ended up playful with Satan. Small taunts at each other as you got yourselves clean. It was a rather innocent act of teasing each other, and you both would be laughing as your foreheads rest together under the water.
This guy much preferred his weekly baths, and of course, he loved sharing them with you more than anything. His tub was big enough for the both of you to get comfortable in. The water was always warm and soapy, smelling of rose petals and something sweet. It created a nice and steamy atmosphere.
While you preferred your showers, you quickly began to fall into rhythm with his bath times. He’d share all of his bath products with you that you never heard of before, you’d never use your old human products again. He’d let you go through the phases of washing his hair so that it’d come out as smooth as possible.
He loved the feeling of your fingers spreading soap against his body. This is Asmo we are talking about, so he couldn’t help his hands linger just a little bit when he was helping you clean your body. All in innocent fashion though, and his touches were sweet.
Bath time usually took quite some time, but you both came out with skin so smooth, and smelling so fresh. You could get used to this for sure. He would help pat you dry, and apply lotion to your skin. This was definitely his way of spoiling you.
At first, you were afraid that the two of you wouldn’t be able to fit in the shower together. Beel had a large build, so it might be cramped. You were pleasantly surprised to find that the entire bathroom was one big shower space. There was a small stool that sat in the middle, a towel hanging over it.
You’d let Beel take a seat, covering himself with the towel while you positioned yourself behind him. You took good time to clean through his hair, a smile growing on his face at the feeling of your fingers. He was happy that you wanted to help him get clean, feeling all warm and fuzzy at the domestic act.
You’d carefully pour warm water over him with a bucket you found, and he hummed at the feeling of it over his skin. He offered you his seat, but you’d refuse and tell him that you still wanted to help him get clean. Scrubbing the loofa over his stomach had him chuckling, and you did the same when you heard it grumble.
You yourself cleaned up directly under the shower head, Beel watching you with a smile as he scrubbed at the rest of his body. Then he’d get up from his seat and join you, giving you a big back hug and loving the sound of your laugh.
Lazy morning showers were his go to. Most days he couldn’t be bothered, but after showering with you he finds himself forcing his body out of bed in the morning. You’d always greet him with a smile and lead his tired figure over to the bathroom, helping him undress himself.
The first few minutes of the shower always started with you trying to help him wake up more. He’d have his arms hooked around your waist, your body against his as he leaned against the shower wall. The warm water would run down his skin, and it felt as though it were encouraging him to fall victim to sleep once again.
You’d gently peel him off the wall and began helping him clean up, starting with his hair. It was funny the way it fell over his eyes when it became damp. He asked why you were making fun of him, but it’s only a little teasing. You reminded him that he looked cute that way, and he’d puff out his cheeks, not quite believing you.
He’d go back to leaning against the wall, watching you take care of yourself under the water. He’d be smiling like an idiot by the end of it, and you looked to him with a questioning expression. It was worth getting out of bed that morning.
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ciaoteamo · 1 year
please more period shit with Miguel oh my god but him as dom
pairings: Miguel x reader
summary: Miguel gets his revenge on you for last month
warnings: 18+ content, hard dom
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Honestly, every month your cycle came around, you’d just imagine your life without it. It had its pro’s and con’s. The majority being the latter.
This time it was just as bad as the month before. You were feeling dizzy, your legs ached, and of course the cramps were far from subtle.
You groaned in the bed, thankfully, Miguel was on his way. You were watching the red dot that marked his location and he was getting closer by the second.
Thankfully for you, he’d noticed that it was coming beforehand and started coming home earlier.
You tried to make yourself some dinner but ultimately gave up. It wasn’t worth standing in the freezing kitchen vs. your comfortable bed.
A portal with red and yellow accents appeared in front of you. Miguel came through it with a bag with what looked like a box inside.
You smile at him and he grinned. “i’ll be right back” He pat your leg before leaving the room. You heard your microwave open downstairs and shortly after, the fridge.
Then footsteps were climbing your steps and entering your room. You see Miguel come back with a few things gathered, clearly trying to keep them from your view.
“alright, i know what you need, so of course i’ll help you first” He tucks everything at the foot of the bed, leaving you curious.
He walks to your nightstand and opens the secret drawer, pulling out a few of your toys.
“which one is easiest to clean?” He asks, examining the devices. You point to the simple black cylinder shaped like a lipstick.
He puts the rest of the toys to the foot of the bed and climb atop. “look, after you cum, i’m probably gonna turn and be very merciless” He starts in a serious tone.
“tell me now if you don’t want to go the extra mile” He pulls back your covers and gently lifts your legs before speeding them.
“i’m fine with it” You answer, breath hitching once he pulls off your bottoms.
“okay” He turns on the vibrator and kisses the back of your knee, he was slow with his movements, and gentle with his touch.
You watched his every move. He looked hungrily at your leaking vagina, rubbing the tip of the vibrator around the area. He finally placed it on your clit and your body flinched at the sudden intense speed.
You put a hand over your mouth and closed your eyes. He moved the toy in tights circles, causing you to shake every second.
You suddenly sit up, holding his hand in place to get you to your high while moaning shamelessly. Your orgasm washed over you, making you instinctively look up at Miguel with an open mouth and knitted eyebrows.
He hummed and kissed your legs again as you came down from your high, he still had the same hungry look on his face.
You relax your legs and catch your breath. “feeling better? let me know when you’re ready to move forward” He puts the vibrator down and gently rubs your legs.
“i’m ready” You say, feeling the aftermath of your orgasm fade away.
He looks up for a brief second through his eyebrows, as if to protest. He sits up straight and puts his hands on either side of your head.
“what’s your word?” He starts to kiss your neck.
“oh wow” You say. He must be serious. “we can just use the colors, no?”
“i’m fine with that” He whispers into your neck before giving it a harsh bite. You hide and grab onto his hair.
“i hope you didn’t-“ You start.
“don’t worry” Miguel cuts you off, giving your neck a nice long lick. “they weren’t protracted… yet” He half heartedly reassured you.
He trailed kisses up your jaw and stopped to give your ear a nibble. You kept your eyes closed as you relished in the feeling of him exploring you.
You hear a sharp like noise and see his claws protracted. He used his pointer finger to slice through your (his) t-shirt and the band of your bra with ease.
His hands roamed your chest with care. You gasp when he suddenly rolls your nipples between his teeth. You put your hands on the back of head and tugged on his hair.
You were at the boarder line of pain when he finally let go, leaving them and swollen and hard.
He then gave you a quick peck on the lips before sitting up straight with his hard on leveled with your entrance.
He picked up the things ont he floor from earlier with his webs and sat the bag and a bowl by you.
He pulled out a long silk blindfold and sat it on your leg. You were curious to see what else would come out but he stopped there.
“do you mind this?” He asks. You shook your head no and he gently wrapped the smooth fabric around your eyes.
Everything went back but you could feel him still close to you.
“i don’t think we’ve done this before, blindfolding, that is.” He starts, his voice making your ear tingle.
“no” Your voice came out as a whisper to your surprise.
“you disable one sense, and the others are heightened” He was now ghost his lips over your neck.
Suddenly you feel the cool air again and hear rustling. You swallow thickly as you wait for the next step. He quickly flips you over making you curse at him for the sudden movement.
“damnit Miguel!” You got silence as a reply from him and felt your wrists and ankles being covered. What this… web?
Your arms were suddenly pulled up and so were your legs. Were you hanging from the ceiling right now?
“am high up on the air right now? am i still over the bed at least?” You question, doing your best to not move from the panic.
“relax amor” You felt him kiss your cheek. “all that matters is that you’re safe” He reassured.
You only sigh and you stiffly stay in place. You feel something cold touch your stomach and jolt. It felt like ice.
There was another piece placed on you that made you jolt again, nothing moving in opposite directions. One was moving toward your chest, and was on your nipple in no time, the new feeling making you squirm in the air.
It felt good, cooling off your abused nipples. The other was on the hood of your vagina, slowly moving to your clit until it was quickly pushed into you. Your back arched and you tugged at the webs.
Miguel’s fingers were deep in you, pushing the ice as far as it would go while your hums were turning into moans.
“don’t let that fall out” He says, focusing back on the ice on your nipples, moving is around so that it wouldn’t get too cold in one spot.
You could feel the ice melting and slipping down. You start to clench your hole the best your could.
“what a sight… your hole and the ice are making a beautiful lube” He cooed while squeezing your thigh. He gave both cheeks a harsh slap, making you focus on the ice for a moment.
“fuck!” You wince and catch the ice. You could feel the cold liquids seeping into your crack, making your butthole clench as well.
“you enjoying this?” He asks,still stroking your legs. He puts in another cube before you can answer and you feel the previous water leak from you.
You groan and try to close your legs to no avail. His hands came crashing against your ass again.
“FUCK- you-“
“answer me” He kisses your inner thigh while you shook. “are you enjoying this?”
“yes…” You almost whine.
“good girl” Good girl? Since when did he say that? You didn’t hate it coming from him though..
The bag rattled once again and this time you heard a cap open and close.
“i’m gonna be nice and tell you that this is to warm you up for later” You feel him lick the never ending fall coming from your vagina and spread the juices over both holes.
You could imagine what he looked like. Tongue shiny and coated in your blood and ecstasy. His eyes were probably as red as your blood by now, hungry for you.
You feel something cold rubbing at your butt hole before slowly being pressed in. “try to relax” He says as he eases a toy into you.
"shit-" You curse, feeling yourself stretch.
This was going to be a long night for the both of you.
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(A/N): I'm trying to push out as many posts as possible since I was behind amores, lmk if you would like the rest of this one anon! &lt;3
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