#i really enjoy hair stuff sorry for the overly long explanation
floriwoo · 4 months
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the way you can kinda still see his oreo hair 🥹
gone but never forgotten
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realcube · 4 years
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characters ♡ yaku, kenma, kayegama & iwaizumi 
content warning ♡ fake crying, mentions of murder, hurt/comfort, fluff & timeskip! iwaizumi (no mature themes, just domesticity)
credit ♡ thank you to 🍦anon for this request
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morinosuke yaku
♡ why did you need to need to practise in the bedroom?? in his bedroom, no less
♡ your show was quickly approaching and you recalled the scene where you were to burst out into tears on stage, and you hadn’t yet rehearsed how you were going to do that
♡ honestly, you were under the assumtion that yaku would have no problem with you practising while in his bedroom bc he has ran lines with you in the past and this was hardly any different
♡ so sat, thinking about the most horrible, morbid, grotesque things you possible could, all while keeping your eyes wide open and not blinking so soon enough, the tears started rolling
♡ proud of yourself, you smirked before burying your face into your hands; now to add sobs!
♡ it started out with mere snivels but then as you got more confident, it built up to full on bawls which were loud enough to gain yaku’s attention from the kitchen
♡ he was quick to rush over to his bedroom, his soul audibly leaving his body when he saw your upset weeping figure on the bed
♡ he basically pounced on you and engulfed you with his embrace, ‘dear! what’s wrong? are you alright? who hurt you?!’ the questions were fast falling off his tongue as cradled your head, leaving no room for you to speak without being muffled by his chest or arms
♡ and when he noticed that you were trying to speak, he simply hushed you, ‘shh! it’s okay, dearest.’ and continued to whisper ‘comforting’ stuff like that in your ear 
♡ he thought he was helping but really he was just preventing you from getting you point across
♡ eventually, you managed to escape his steel grip and gasp, ‘yaku! i’m fine! look — no tears!” you gestured to you damp cheek, “i was just practising for my role! i’m not actually sad. though, it’s cute that you care so mu--”
♡ as soon as yaku heard the word ‘practising’ he immediately recalled how you mention you have a sad scene where you need to cry and his natural reflex was to lean backwards, grab a massive teddy bear that sat behind him which he had won at a carnival for you but you insisted that he keep it bc you didn’t want to carry it home
♡ ...and he threw it straight at you, causing you to fall backwards and burst out laughing at how you were currently being straddled by a big teddy bear 
♡ ‘(y/n)! i thought you were hurt! you can’t just fake cry without telling me first- i was so worried! like i thought it was real and--’ this went on for an elongated amount of time, yaku ranting while you added a faint ‘sorry!’ whenever you saw the opportunity 
♡ eventually, he stopped only to take a deep breath, visibly calming doing as his chest heaved, ‘alright. what’s done is done; it’s fine. you worried me though, (y/n). i thought you were being for real, what then?’
♡ you nodded, smiling at his softened expression as your lips twisted into a smirk at his final comment. cocking a brow, you purred, ‘so...you think i’m a good actor? tha--’
♡ pow! another plushie to the face! K.O! 
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kenma kuzome 
♡ as a joke, you dabbed water under your eyes a few times so you could send your friend a snap of you ‘crying’ and ofc kenma had to walk in at exactly the wrong time 
♡ you were over at his house, chilling on his couch while he was upstairs talking to kuroo over the phone— he said he’d only be a moment but almost half an hour had passed and he still showed no sign of coming back downstairs, though you couldn’t blame him as kuroo does have a tendency to be overly descriptive when spilling tea
♡ anyway, as soon as you had sent your snap, you placed your phone down and scanned the room in search of some tissues to wipe you eyes with, when kenma barged in 
♡ ‘hey, (y/n). i’m sorry that took so lo--’ when his gaze shifted from his phone onto you, sitting on the couch with tears streaming down your cheeks, he immediately cut himself off
♡ at first, you were frozen, simply staring at each other; as if he had just walked in on you committing a violent act of homicide in his living room 
♡ honestly you were too stunned to move at first but if you could, you’d probably say something along the lines of ‘this isn’t what it looks like’ but before you could even open your mouth, kenma edged towards you until he was able to outstretch his arms and wrap you in his warm embrace 
♡ with your cheek pressed against his warm hoodie, basking in an uncommon blissful silence, you postponed your explanation until you were finished enjoyed how his nimble fingers caressed your back
♡ you hummed, your lips curling a smile at how comfortable you felt in his arms and how nice his hoodie smelt, since it usually reeked of an unholy mixture of body spray and monster energy 
♡ he planted a kiss upon your head, murmuring into your hair, ‘baby, what’s wrong?’ 
♡ you were quick to swipe away your ‘tears’ with the back of your hand, ‘i’m fine, don’t worry.” you chirped, beaming at him to reinforce this point, ‘it’s just water, for a silly video i sent to my friends.’
♡ kenma blinked rapidly, staring down at your seemingly genuine smile
♡ honestly, you expected him to tease you or be irritated that you made him reveal a hidden soft side of himself for no reason, since he’s usually quite private with his emotions 
♡ but instead, the corners of his lips just lifted into a slight smile as pushed your head back against his chest, then resting his head upon yours, ‘oh, that’s cool.’ he breathed, his warm, calming voice causing your eyelids to become heavy — that and the fact you had went on a run not too long ago
♡ kenma felt your eyes flutter shut against his chest so he slowly leaned backwards, holding you against his hoodie as he laid down, allowing himself to doze off with you snuggled up on his heaving torso 
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hajime iwaizumi
♡ you were making iwaizumi dinner, cutting onions and cooking curry
♡ so it was not surprising when tears started brimmed at your eyes, eventually slipping from your lashline and trickling down the soft skin of your cheeks, leaving you to blink rapidly to lubricate your burning eyes
♡ iwaizumi had just came out the shower, he had dried off but when he came downstairs and peered into the kitchen, he was wearing just a towel which was draped around his hips, ‘mm, something smells good. whatcha cookin’, baby?’
♡ he didn’t plan on staying downstairs for long, which is why he didn’t throw on a shirt; all he wanted to do was get to the bottom of what that magnificent aroma was that he smelled from upstairs, then once he figured it out, he’d go back upstairs, get changed, then head back down for dinner 
♡ but his plan was cut short when he noticed crystalline tears pouring from your red, puffy eyes 
♡ without thinking or taking into consideration why your eyes are red, his immediate reaction was to dash over to your side and slip his arms around your waist, puling you in so that one of your hands had no choice but to rest on his back while the other continued to stir the pot
♡ noticing that your watery eyes were still fixated on the curry, he took your chin inbtween his fingers and forced you to cook at him, ‘why’s my angel crying? hm?’ he cooed, features painted with genuine worry and concern
♡ you lifted a brow, stifling a chuckle at how silly he was being, ‘what do you mean?’
♡ before you could process anything else, iwaizumi bought you in for a passionate kiss with the his hand pressing against the small of your back, only pulling away so he could rest his head on your shoulder and hum into your ear, ‘you can tell me anything, angel, so what’s on your mind?’
♡ you bottom lip quivered at his intimate action — you might just start crying for real 
♡ biting your bottom lip, you resisted your tears and forced out a laugh, ‘what’s on my mind? well,’ you started, momentarily letting go of the ladle so you could hug back, ‘i have to make dinner for my himbo husband, but the onions and spices are burning my eyes. pray for me, iwa.’
♡ it took him a moment to register what you just said. he’d been in the kitchen many times so by now he was basically immune to the way onions and spices affect the eyes, so he completely forgot that stuff like that happens. he honestly, wholeheartedly thought that you were crying real tears of sadness while making dinner
♡ he impulsively pushed you away, crossing his arms over his chest and his initial kind expression lowering into a scowl, ‘who are you calling a himbo?! i just forgot that some people have weak-ass eyes. bye.’ he spat, clearly trying his best not to laugh as he stormed off to his room, keeping a firm grip on his towel the whole time 
♡ don’t worry, though. he was back ten minutes later — fully clothed — to eat dinner with you :))
♡ but don’t mention it ever again or else he’ll blush and tell you it ever happened 
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tobio kageyama 
♡ you were scrolling on your fyp and found a video of a person explaining how to cry on command and you didn’t believe it’d actually work so you tried it
♡ as it turns out, it does work and now you are sitting on your bed with tear stained cheeks and a dry throat, completely zoned out until kageyama came marching into your bedroom
♡ it was in that moment that you recalled that you had invited him over for a movie night and you had left your front door unlocked for him, hence he must’ve invited himself in
 ♡ ‘sorry i’m late, but i brought doritos.’ he spun on heels after closing the door, doritos in hand but not for long because as soon as he noticed your cheek glistening the lamplight, he instantly dropped them to rush over to you 
♡ ‘eh? (y/n)? are you crying?’ he asked with a harsh voice, which wouldn’t help if you really were crying. instinctively, he reached out for your hand and began pressing kisses to the back of it 
♡ he wasn’t really too sure on what exactly he could do or say to comfort you, so he recollected on the time you tried to cheer him up after he lost a big game. you lay beside him on his bed, humming a distant tune that matched the one playing in his ear from his earbuds. one hand threading through his hair while the other cupped his cheek so you could press occasional, soft kisses on his cheek while he set to himself. it was calming, and it definitely worked in making him feel better. usually, it’d take him months to recover after a devastating loss like that, but with you by his side and giving him support, he was back to his normal self in a couple weeks
♡ well, as normal as it gets for kageyama
♡ you gently shook your head, admiring his adorable actions and allowing his to continue as you used your spare hand to wipe away your artificial tears
♡ ‘oh, sweetie, i love you so much.’ you mused, thinking up a way to start your story without sounding foolish  
♡ but perhaps you shouldn’t have began your explanation with a term of endearment as his impulse with to promptly throw his arms around you, holding onto your torso tightly 
♡ you were taken back for moment, wheezing slightly as kageyama squeezed the air out of you but finally able to speak once he relaxed his arms, ‘tobio! nothing’s wrong, don’t worry. i was just testing to see if i could fake cry or not. i’m not actually crying.’
♡ kageyama’s eyes widened and he paled
♡ you weren’t actually in need of comfort? then why did he just get all soft? for nothing?
♡ ‘no.’ was his simple response which he punctuated with another kiss on the back of your hand
♡ you couldn’t help but giggle, taking advantage of this opperuntiy to reach out and ruffle his hair, ‘yes. i’m seriously okay. i’m happy, actually, because i get to spend my evening watching movies with you!’
♡ surprisngly, he didn’t glare at you for messing up his hair — since it was already untidy — and just took a seat beside you, keeping ahold of your hand as if it was a fragile gem, ‘i don’t believe you.’
♡ you laughed, realising that he was clearly making excuses for openly showing affection and being soft so you just let him, hopping to your feet and tugging your hand away from him so you could grab the doritos he dropped, ‘whatever you say, tobio.’
♡ he pouted but it was only brief as he was soon able to take your hand once more, ‘yeah..’ he grunted, averting his eyes so you didn’t see the blush creeping onto his cheeks, ‘whatever, just put on the stupid movie...stupid (y/n)...i love you..’
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
For Stuff For Renji's Birthday Prompts: 1) time travel turn back the clock nonsense, bc I'm an enabler and Karakura teens plus shithead Renruki teens has *Byakuya voice* strong comedic potential OR 2) Hisana lives but due to wacky circumstances, nobody notices Rukia's existence at the Academy... until they've graduated and Renruki have joined Squad 11. Dealer's choice! (Honestly whichever you pick, I might try writing the one you don't. I am not a writer these 2 just live in my head rent free)
Why would you make me choose between these, whyyyyyyyyyy?
To be honest, I almost did them both, but this was the second one I did, and I figured that I should probably do some other people’s prompts, and then I ran out of time. I might do you some time travel shenanigans later. (This should in no way stop you from writing these, I would flip my chips if you wrote something, let alone something based on my horrible ideas)
In any case, I couldn’t resist the second options and I have spun it out into a delightful bit of Byakuya-torture. Please enjoy!!!
Special thanks to @kaicko for helping me come up with the clerical error, because you all know me, I can’t just say “a clerical error.” 😂
Read on ao3 or ff.net
💀   💀   💀  
“How is the tea?” Aizen Sousuke asked smoothly.
The tea was excellent, but Byakuya wasn’t in the mood for Aizen’s needy attempts to ingratiate himself. “Adequate,” he replied dryly. “You said you had something to discuss with me.”
“Ah, diligent as always, Byakuya,” Aizen sighed, “always eager to get back to work. I’ll get to the point: I happened to speak with your wife recently at a fundraising event. She’s very interested in the people of the deep Rukon, and said she travels to South Rukongai frequently.”
Byakuya narrowed his eyes. “What is your point?”
“Well, I thought it was a bit of a strange occupation for a woman of your wife’s noble standing, but then Gin reminded me that she was actually from there herself, that there had been a bit of a to-do when you two married. I don’t tend to follow gossip myself--”
“I repeat, what is your point?” Byakuya gritted your teeth.
Aizen made a pissy little throat clearing noise and fiddled with a folder on his desk. “The fact is, Byakuya, your wife reminds me a great deal of a young woman who served in my squad a few years ago, whom I recalled also hailing from the Rukon. I wondered if there might be a.... connection.”
Byakuya’s shoulders stiffened. Impossible. He had put watches on all immigrants to the Seireitei. He would have reviewed anyone who came from the South 78th.
“Inuzuri Rukia,” Aizen read from his file, and Byakuya’s blood ran cold. “Shin’ou class of 2066. Unseated. Petite, like your wife. Dark hair. Very striking eyes. Unfortunately, an unremarkable shinigami. Potential for a good kidou user, but didn’t take direction well. More interested in sword combat, although she had little aptitude for it. Ah, here it is. Hometown: District 48, South Rukongai.”
“That doesn’t make sense,” Byakuya said flatly. “Inuzuri is the 78th district of South Rukongai. Why would she carry a surname from a different district?”
Aizen made an exaggerated frown. “Very strange! A clerical error perhaps? Hold on a moment.” He stuck his head out of his office door and said something to the shinigami on reception duty. “Fortunately, there’s an easy way to clear this up. It’ll just be a minute.”
Byakuya gripped his teacup, unsure of how to feel. A clerical error. Class of 2066… she would have enrolled in 2060, in the middle of Hisana’s worst turn, when she had been bedridden for nearly four years. Their attention would have lapsed. It made sense.
“She does not sound like your usual recruit,” Byakuya accused. Aizen was constantly finding ways to skim the highest performers from the Academy, all the gifted children.
Aizen looked sheepish. “Ah, well, you see, there was a young man of some talent that I was eager to recruit who was… attached to her. I thought she might have some potential if properly guided, but it never panned out.”
Aizen’s good deed was suddenly beginning to make sense. The girl had transferred out and taken Aizen’s prize with her. He wanted Byakuya to go fetch her away in hopes that the talented one would come home. Byakuya actually felt much better now that he’d identified Aizen’s ulterior motive, and further, that it had more to do with his own petty recruiting schemes than Byakuya’s family (specifically, Byakuya’s wife).
There was a knock at the office door, and upon being bid entry, a young woman walked in. Although indeed petite and dark-haired, she looked nothing like Hisana, and Byakuya remarked as much.
“Oh, no, this is my Seventh Seat!” Aizen chuckled. “Miss Hinamori, you were friends with Inuzuri Rukia, isn’t that correct?”
The young woman’s eyes had gone wide when she recognized Byakuya. “Er, yes, sir,” she said, her eyes darting between the two captains. “We shared a room while she served here.”
“Do you happen to remember what district she was from?” Aizen asked in an overly friendly manner.
“Oh, sure, it was South 78,” Hinamori replied. “Inuzuri, of course.”
“I’m afraid I don’t know all the outermost ones,” Aizen said in his goofy voice again. “Her paperwork says 48.”
Hinamori’s brow furrowed for a moment and then her face brightened. “She and Abarai had very heavy accents when they first came to the Academy, and used a lot of deep Rukongai language quirks. I don’t remember all of it, but they both used to use ‘shichi’ instead of ‘nana’ for seven, especially when referring to their district. They weren’t very fond of their home district. I wonder if the registrar misheard.”
“Well, there you go!” Aizen said, slapping his hands on his desk. “A very logical explanation!”
Hinamori beamed.
Byakuya found Aizen’s need to be liked by his subordinates very unprofessional and off-putting, but he tried to push it aside. He was trying not to be too eager, but this was probably the best lead he’d had on Hisana’s sister in all the years they had been searching. “Where is she now?” he grumbled.
Aizen turned his doe eyes on his fawning subordinate once more. “I don’t suppose you still keep in touch? She couldn’t have lasted very long there, they must have transferred again?”
Hinamori made a face like she didn’t want to say the answer. “I’m afraid that Kira and I had a bit of a falling out with Abarai and Inuzuri when they left. I haven’t talked to them in a few years, although we still have some mutual friends. As far as I know, though, they’re both still at Squad Eleven. I heard they were doing fairly well there, actually.”
The room seemed to retreat around Byakuya. All he could hear was the blood pounding in his ears and the reverberations of the most horrible words he could possibly think of: Squad Eleven.
Byakuya knew it was poor etiquette to visit another captain’s squad when the man was out, but he absolutely could not stomach the idea of discussing the matter of his wife’s sister with the Kenpachi, so he waited until Zaraki and his miniature lieutenant were sent out to go trample half of East Rukongai before visiting.
He also knew that he probably should have said something to Hisana, but he couldn’t bring himself to get his wife’s hopes up, only to dash them, should this turn out to be nothing, like so many leads before it. So, the secret sat in his stomach, heavy and acidic, jostling with the guilt of his breach of etiquette.
“Is there someone here,” he gingerly asked one of the gentlemen on gate duty, “who takes care of administrative matters for the squad?”
The man swiveled his head, which appeared to grow directly from his torso with no need for an intervening neck, to his fellow guardsman. “What?”
The other fellow had been busy trying to remove wax from his ear with a pinky. “WHAT?” he shouted back.
“Paperwork!” Byakuya said a little louder. “Is there an office of some sort? A person who knows what’s going on?”
He supposed he could have asked for the girl, Inuzuri, directly, but he didn’t feel… ready.
“I think he wants Ayasegawa,” the neckless guard hazarded.
“I’ll be right back.”
Eventually, the burly gentleman returned. With him was a strangely elegant person with a silky curtain of hair cut severely to chin length and piercing violet eyes. “It really is you,” the lovely man said with a level of disdain that Byakuya almost had to admire. Before he had a chance to get offended, the man dipped into a respectful bow. “Welcome to the Eleventh, Captain Kuchiki. Fifth Seat Ayasegawa at your service. What in Soul Society can I possibly do for you?”
“Apologies for visiting while your captain is abroad,” Byakuya replied, not meaning a word of it.
“Oh, he’ll be very sorry to have missed you,” Ayasegawa frowned. “But I’m sure you could make it up to him later.”
Byakuya’s eye twitched. “Perhaps. I have come to enquire about a young woman whom I am told transferred to your squad three years ago.”
“Does she have a name? That might make it a little easier.”
“Inuzuri Rukia.”
Both of Ayasegawa’s eyebrows shot up, and his mouth curved into a feline grin. “Ninth Seat Inuzuri, of course!”
Byakuya blinked. “Ninth Seat? Captain Aizen told me she was middling at best.”
Ayasegawa's face suddenly went stiff. “She was not well-served at the Fifth, but she has bloomed here most beautifully. Inuzuri is my personal protege, you know.” He stared at Byakuya under hooded eyes. “What is your interest in her? Captain?”
Byakuya took a deep breath through his nose. “My wife is also from Inuzuri. She is trying to locate someone she knew there. It is possible this Rukia is that someone.”
Ayasegawa frowned. “Well, I can introduce you, if you like. I should warn you, though, Rukia doesn’t have a lot of lost love for her hometown.”
“My understanding is that there isn’t much to love about it.”
“Mmm,” Ayasegawa agreed. “Well, come along, let’s go find her.” He concentrated for a moment, clearly trying to find her reiatsu. She must be a woman of some power, after all. “Ugh! She and Abarai are at it again! Every day!”
Byakuya swallowed stiffly.
“Well come on! She’s out at the training fields, clobbering our Tenth Seat, yet again.”
Oh. That kind of “going at it.”
Ayasegawa was shaking his head. “The two of them are literally an unstoppable force and an immovable object.”
“Abarai was also at the Fifth?,” Byakuya probed cautiously. “I was told they were close.”
“Of course they’re close!” Ayasegawa scoffed. “They’re partners!” He thought for a moment. “Abarai is from the 78th as well, you know. If Rukia turns out to not be your girl, perhaps one or the other of them knew the person you’re looking for. Abarai is one of those people who just… knows everyone. He’s the personable half of the pair.”
“‘Partners’?” Byakuya echoed. “What… kind of partners?”
Ayasegawa stared back at him like he was insane. “Partners.”
This path of inquiry clearly wasn’t going to get him anywhere, but wasn’t particularly relevant, either. “I did not think kidou-type zanpakutou were permitted in the Eleventh,” Byakuya sniffed. “Aizen’s records indicated Inuzuri wields an ice-and-snow type.”
Ayasegawa gave a little shrug. “Zanpakutou classifications are arbitrary. Obviously, if she had a bunch of showy blizzard attacks like Matsumoto’s little prodigy friend, it would be a no-go. Rukia can take the blade of her sword down to sub-zero temperatures. She has a weapon-shattering attack and she doesn’t feel pain when she’s fighting. It’s fundamentally no different than a zanpakutou so massive that only the wielder can lift it, or a whip sword that’s controlled with one’s reiatsu.”
This sounded like a quibble to Byakuya, but it’s not like he had come to the Eleventh looking for sound logic.
“She’s incredibly fast, probably the fastest person in the Eleventh, although no one’s really sure what Yachiru’s top speed is,” Ayasegawa continued on. He glanced at Byakuya slyly. “I hear you are very fast.”
“You have heard correctly.”
“That’s why Abarai can’t beat her. If he could land one really hard hit on her, she’d go down, but he’s not fast enough and she’s just too agile. He’s my partner’s protege, you see, so I have to take their little scraps very personally.”
How did this man talk so much?
“What did you say your wife’s relationship was to her again?”
“I did not.”
“Ah, right. Oops, look out!” Ayasegawa abruptly dove to one side as a giant mass of shihakushou and pink hair and what might be a sword came crashing through the split rail fence surrounding the training field.
Byakuya was not in the habit of ducking, so he merely plunged the force of his reiatsu down into the earth like a piton. It was almost, but not entirely sufficient. Byakuya gritted his teeth as he was driven back, dirt piling up behind his heels as he skidded backwards.
When they finally came to a halt, Byakuya looked down at the meaty youth lying at his feet. This must be the infamous Abarai, although he certainly didn’t look like one of Aizen’s usual simpering overachievers. The first thing Byakuya observed was the eye makeup. Most shinigami applied at least a little eyeliner, on grounds of tradition, but few bothered to blacken the entire eye socket, as in the skeletal facepaint of old. The second thing Byakuya noticed were the tattoos painted across his forehead and neck. They were black and spikey and horrible. The third thing was the hair, which was bright pink and spikey, and utterly at odds with the makeup and tattoos. The fourth thing was the big, sheepish grin, which honestly just tied the whole hideous tableau together.
Byakuya glared down at the lout, and in a moment of pettiness, flared his reiatsu to a level that should have sent blood spurting out of his ears.
“I’m afraid that’s not going to do much to someone who has a weekly sparring slot with the Kenpachi,” Ayasegawa commented dryly.
“Sorry ‘bout that!” the lummox cheerfully apologized as he sat up and brushed himself off. He had an Inuzuri accent so thick you could spread it on toast, an accent that Hisana tended to slip into only when she was extremely bent out of shape. Abarai snapped the sword hilt in his hand, and the tangled pile of steel on the ground neatly retracted into something that looked a little more like a weapon, if a weapon were designed by a creative and overly violent child.
“That’s a captain, you buffoon!” another voice rang out, and every muscle in Byakuya’s body locked. “Show your respects!”
The voice clearly affected Abarai as well, because he leapt to his feet, spun, and slammed into a bow. “My apologies, Captain…” his eyes glanced up and abruptly widened, “Kuchiki.”
“Greetings, Captain Kuchiki! Welcome to the Eleventh Division! I apologize very profusely for throwing Tenth Seat Abarai at you!” A second young person had come to join Abarai in his bow, and they both rose in unison, Abarai looking suddenly pale and nervous, his companion looking calm and confident.
So this was Inuzuri Rukia. She had Hisana’s voice. She had Hisana’s stature, and standing next to Abarai made her look positively childlike. She wore the same dreadful eyeblack, but the eyes that shone out of it were a variation on Hisana’s, harder and three shades more purple. The rest of the face was Hisana’s. Her hair was dark, shaved on the sides, arranged into porcupine spikes on top, although one lock hung down stubbornly between her eyes. Her ears glittered with silver piercings. At least she was free of awful tatt-- wait, no. Byakuya had missed them at first, because they were white. Abarai’s tattoos were spiky and sharp, but Inuzuri’s were graceful swirls, like ribbons wrapping lazily down her forearms. Even her reiatsu was like Hisana’s-- but instead of a cool, refreshing wintergreen, Inuzuri’s was the bone-deep cold of winter, a cold so harsh it burnt in the lungs.
There was no doubt.
This atrocious delinquent was his long-lost sister-in-law.
“Can we help you with something, sir?” Inuzuri prompted. “Abarai here’s a big fan of yours.”
“Shut up, Rukia,” Abarai managed through gritted molars.
“Inuzuri Rukia, you died as an infant thirty-six years ago and were sent to the 78th District of South Rukongai, is that correct?” Byakuya said stiffly.
Inuzuri and Abarai both bristled, a pair of mongrels raising their haunches. “That seems about right,” Inuzuri replied slowly. “My early years are a little hazy.”
“My wife, Hisana also died thirty-six years ago and was sent to Inuzuri with her infant sister,” Byakuya went on. “They were separated. My wife has been looking for her sister ever since. You… resemble her greatly.” Byakuya let the implication hang in the air. He couldn’t bring himself to say it.
There was silence for a moment. Then there was the distinct noise of a laugh that, having been held in, had escaped through someone’s nose. “Sorry! Pardon me!” Ayasegawa wheezed, clapping one hand over his mouth and looking away. “Bit of. Dust. In my throat.”
“I told you! I told you, you looked like that picture of her in the Bulletin!” Abarai was hissing.
“I thought you were lying because you thought she was pretty!” Inuzuri hissed back.
“I thought she was pretty because she looks just like you!”
“Now is really not the time, Abarai!” She cleared her throat and tried to stand up a bit taller, a futile effort. “So, uh, so what? What does that mean, if I am her sister? Does that… does that make me noble?”
A higher pitched wheezing came out of Ayasegawa. The level of impudence was extraordinary.
“I would like you to come to my home to meet her, first,” Byakuya put off making any promises. “We can discuss what comes next. As a family.”
“I’m at work right now,” Inuzuri excused.
“Inuzuri, I need to know how this pans out, you can have the afternoon off,” Ayasegawa informed her.
Inuzuri’s confidence seemed to be draining out of her. She took a tiny step closer to Abarai and groped for his hand. “I’m bringing Renji,” she declared.
“Is he compulsory?” Byakuya asked. Inuzuri was absurd looking too, but at least she was small.
“He’s my family,” Inuzuri insisted.
Byakuya’s brows furrowed. This could prove problematic. “In any sort of legally binding sense?”
“We’re engaged!” Inuzuri announced.
“We are?” Abarai goggled.
“I told you I’d marry you if you could ever manage to beat me in a fight! What else would you call that?” Rukia hissed at him in a voice that was still, unfortunately, perfectly audible.
“I’ve been trying every day, and honestly, Rukia, it’s not looking good for me!”
“Can you just go with it for once, instead of arguing with me every time?”
“If you want to leave and never tell anyone you found her,” Ayasegawa put in, “I am very bribable.”
Byakuya was sorely tempted.
End note: To further explain the number mix-up, as I understand it “seven” in Japanese can either be said as “nana” or “shichi”. People usually say “nana” for two reasons-- 1) to avoid confusion with 4 (”shi”, although you can also say “yon”) and because “shi” is a homophone for death. Given how shitty the districts in the 70s are, I rather liked the idea that they residents use the “shichi” pronunciation as a bit of gallows humor. (And if you don’t have a rude nickname for the town you grew up in, well, congrats for not growing up somewhere shitty)
I don’t actually speak Japanese, tho, so forgive me if this is all nonsense. 😁
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Hey there, i have maybe an odd fic request for you, or just headcanon if it doesn't grab you that much.
Y/N is a witch/wiccan and offers too help shoto with his hand crusher curse, but after an intimate little ritual he thinks they/she accidentally cast a love spell on him or maybe the spell backfired. Turns out he just has a crush and is being a big dork about it.
Sorry this took so long! It might not be the most accurate, but hopefully it turned out okay. Also, I sorta mixed it with a coffee shop au but that's more as a tool than a plot point lol
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Hand Crusher's Crush
I hope I did this justice :) I feel like I'm a bit better at descriptions than dialogue. Also, I did a bunch of research, but if anything's super inaccurate, please let me know!
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A knock on your door caught your attention. You didn't tend to get visitors, as sometimes the world felt too 'peopley' for your taste. It's not like you weren't open to them, you just didn't have a lot of friends. Opening the door, you found yourself face-to-face with a striking young man. His hair fell slightly over his eyes, with red and white split down the middle.
"Um, hello," you said, not sure about this curious stranger. He cleared his throat quietly.
"Hello. I'm Shoto from UA," he said. He seemed quite serious, but it came across as a bit awkward. "Shoto Todoroki," he added. "I heard you have a special kind of healing quirk."
"Well, technically no, but I like to think I do," you reply simply. Your quirk is called Vibes. You can visualize, manipulate, and use certain energies. Once you got control of it, and did a little research on how to collect the intentions and energies, you changed your lifestyle. "Are you hurt or sick?"
"Well, no, it's not that I'm hurt. It's that I... I hurt people," he said, remorse bleeding into his voice. He glanced down at his hands, before looking back up at you. "I don't want to hurt people anymore."
For a split second, you wondered if there was some sort of killer at your doorstep, but instead of turning him away, you gave him the benefit of the doubt. "Hurt people, how?"
"Whenever I'm around, people hurt their hands," he said, completely serious, and a bit regretful. "It's like I'm the hand crusher or something." You blinked at him. Hand crusher? Well, at least he's not a serial killer. "I think I'm cursed, and I heard that maybe you could help with that."
"Ohh, a curse, huh? Well, I suppose I could try," you said, opening the door a bit wider.
He walked in, and was immediately hit with the scent of lemons. Looking around your living room, he noticed some things that he wasn't quite familiar with. He narrowly avoided the small black tourmaline towers on either side of the door, and felt his gaze land on the shadowy shelf on which there were three different jars of water. His eyes were drawn in all different directions by all the different things. Crystals on the shelves, tiny jars by the windows, and enough candles to set the house on fire.
"So," you said, gesturing around. "Uh, welcome, I guess. Come on over here." You gestured over to a small table with a few chairs around it. He sat down across from you, not seeming sure of what to do. "Let's start off easy. Who's hands have you been crushing?"
He sighed at the question. "A couple of my classmates', at least. I'm not sure if I've hurt anyone else." He took a bit to explain the situations, and how as far as he could tell, he was the only thing that tied the events together. It sounded a little bit like a coincidence, but then again, it was probably possible, right? And he would know better than you about what happened.
"Well, okay. I can probably help you," you said, still pondering over the stories he'd just told. "How good are you at cracking eggs?"
After an egg test, you found that he wasn't cursed per say, but there was definitely a lot of negativity surrounding him, and it was definitely weighing on him.
"Well... I'm not sure if it has to do with the crushing-of-hands, but there's some stuff I can help with," you said simply. He nodded, fully trusting.
You walked across the room and grabbed a few things. Selenite, rosemary... You counted off the things you needed in your head, before going back to your seat. You explained your plan to him. Cleanse and banish negative energy, and you'd be giving him a selenite crystal. It wasn't a problem, since you already had a lot.
"Will the crystal help stop me from hurting people?" he asked, genuinely curious.
"It's possible," you said simply. "If someone decided to punch a wall while you were in the room, their hand would be crushed, but it's not your fault."
"But wouldn't I have-?"
"Hey, hey, listen," you said gently, putting your hand over his. You could feel his doubt, but you wanted to reassure him. "It wouldn't be your fault. If it still feels that way, maybe try not to identify as The Hand-Crusher. That might be part of why these things occur so often." He frowned slightly, before nodding. He came to you for help, so it wouldn't be right of him to turn it down. "The crystal will basically just help keep your energy clear."
"My... Energy," he repeated, trying to remember if the first hand-crushing incident happened before or after Kaminari convinced him to try a Monster. "Is it bad?" he asked nervously.
"It's not bad, it's more of the things crowding around and onto it." After attempting to explain it, and getting a confirmation of his understanding, you began.
Rosemary smoke began to fill the room, but because of your quirk, it didn't look like smoke. Instead, a soft white light flowed through the space. Shoto watched in what seemed like awe as the room began to glow. Placing the rosemary bundle in a bowl, you continued on.
You clapped your hands, and golden sparks shimmered around them. Shooting your hands up, the sparks flew, before landing in a circle around you, like a dome of glitter. Shoto couldn't seem to pick where he wanted to look. The room seemed completely different now.
What would've normally been a smoky room and a bunch of stones turned into a beautiful light show, a light filled world with the two of you at its core. Something about the way his eyes sparkled made you feel a vague satisfaction. It made you glad to know that he wasn't bored or anything of that sort. He didn't seem to be a very smiley person, but he was clearly enjoying this.
Once all was said and done, and the lights began to fade, his eyes remained trained on you. "How was that?" You asked. "How're you feeling?"
He blinked out of his reverie. "Actually, much better," he said, seemingly surprised. "Thank you," he added.
"Happy to help," you replied, completely genuine.
"How could I repay you?" He asked, already reaching for whatever was in his pocket. It didn't take a genius to figure out he intended to use money, and really, you were financially comfortable. Your YouTube channel was decent, and considering that working at a coffee shop meant constantly being around coffee and tea, you didn't mind it. Besides, you didn't feel like you did as much as you probably did.
"Oh, no no," you said. "It's okay. You can repay me by trying to tune out negative people in your life," you said matter-of-factly. "It'll probably help delay any bad-vibes buildup." He hummed, nodding, but it wasn't hard to tell that he already had his mind on a specific someone.
"I know who I need to keep away from."
• • •
Over the next few weeks, Shoto was aware of the way that his mood had been lifted. He hadn't realized that he was feeling bad until he started feeling better. He was also vaguely aware that Midoriya hadn't broken his arms recently. It really worked! He felt glad that the curse was gone, as long as whatever else may have been wrong.
Then it began. He would occasionally think of you, think of what happened, and look back with a feeling of gratitude. When he held the selenite and felt his mood and thoughts balance out, he thought back to when you gave it to him. He couldn't help but think that you truly were magic.
After a while though, he noticed something changing. He'd look back on the same events, but instead of gratitude, he felt nothing but longing. He wanted to see the way the room lit up, he wanted to see your face, he wanted to hear your voice, he wanted you to hold his hand again... These new thoughts were more frequent, and you were always on his mind now! You were stuck in his head, and now he found himself missing this perfect stranger, always wishing to be in your presence. At first he couldn't identify these feelings, but then... Oh no.
You must've accidentally hit him with a love spell or something! He'd only seen you once, so that had to be the explanation, right? He'd have to go to you so you could fix it! Or was that the spell talking? Could it just be that he wanted to see you again? Maybe he just wanted to hear your explanations, to see the way you smiled if he said something that sounded like a joke but really wasn't, to see the way that your eyes lit up when you used your quirk, and oh, those eyes- No, bad Shoto, focus.
Things were complicated to say the least. It actually made him happy to think about you, and considering that the crystal didn't do anything to take away the feelings, he wasn't overly worried about the love spell's effects. However, over time, he realized how problematic it could be. Spacing out in the middle of an English lesson just to think of you was probably the most common reoccurrence. It wasn't like he didn't know the topic, but it was confusing to be asked a question and not even know what was being discussed.
He wasn't used to losing focus like this. Occasionally it would happen, but everyone's mind wanders. This felt different. You'd populate his mind, even narrate his thoughts, and he wasn't sure how to prevent it.
He had to put a stop to this. He tucked the selenite into his jacket pocket, and went to go get some tea. Yes, tea. Contrary to popular belief, he could still enjoy the stuff. Right now, he just wanted to pick some up before going to see you. Hopefully it would help get his thoughts in order, and calm him down. He walked into the shop and stared at the ceiling for a good thirty seconds before getting in line. He pondered if he should go talk to you directly about the love spell. Should he imply it? Did he want to fix it? It was hard to tell. He didn't dislike it, but the things that it caused weren't the best. He thought this over until he got to the front of the line.
"Hello, welcome to- Shoto?" came a familiar voice. His gaze snapped up to meet yours, and his heart jumped into his throat. The incessant fluttering in his stomach and chest made it hard to string words into a sentence. "Wow! Didn't expect to see you here," you said, pleasantly surprised.
"Hello," he blurted out, a mix of embarrassment and confusion swirling around in his head. He tried to come up with something more articulate, but was suddenly drawing a sudden blank. "Spell worked," he said, before immediately feeling like that was an understatement.
"Oh, well that's good," you said with a smile. You glanced up at the clock. "I'm off in like, 20 minutes if you wanna talk, but for now, how can I help you?" you asked. He blinked, before firing off the order he only remembered because he'd said several times before.
A bit later, he sat at his own table, a small one in the corner, and thought. He thought about how his mind was clouded with everything about you. He thought about how he finally got to see you after so long. He thought about how he'd only seen you once before. He thought about this love spell, and how he didn't exactly dislike it. He thought about how you might react when he told you. He thought about how it would be better to go into this slowly, and how- "Shoto!"
He popped his head up, before running over to grab his drink. He forced an awkward smile, which kinda looked like a grimace, before heading back to his seat, lost in thought once again. He didn't want to scare you off, of course, but did he even know you well enough to bring up this topic? He could say that he loved you right then and there, but he didn't even know your birthday! He barely noticed the time passing until you sat in the chair across from him.
"Hey," you said, smiling. "So, how've you been?" you asked. His mind went completely blank and he had no memory of what language it was that he spoke. His heart pounded in his ears. I can't do this, not yet- Idiot, that's what you're here for! Well, that and tea. Dammit- Say something! Once he wrangled his thoughts together, he tried his best to respond.
"I-I've been good. Well? Well. Grammar. Um, how about you?" he managed, the tips of his ears already bright red. He was embarrassed by the lack of his usual composure.
"I've been decent," you replied shrugging. "Thinking about you," you added. He choked on his drink, his face turning bright red.
"What?" he asked, trying not to seem flustered. This spell was getting troublesome.
"Y'know, just how you've been doing and stuff. So, you said that the stuff we did worked?" you asked. He nodded. "That's great!"
"Y-yeah," he said, frowning slightly. "Question. Er, is it possible for me to lo- No, is it possible to accidentally cast a love spell?" His heart was pounding.
"What? Not that I'm aware of, no. Why, did something happen?" you asked, slightly confused. Those things have to be intentional, don't they?
"Ah. Can they be a result of a spell backfiring?" Shoto asked, trying to think of what else could've caused it.
"I mean, I guess that would probably depend on the spell, but even then, I don't think so," you said, now a bit concerned. "Are you alright?"
"Me?" he asked incredulously. "Of course I'm alright," he said. If a spell didn't cause this, then what did? He tried to run through the possibilities. Should he tell?
"Hey, look at me," you said. He did as you said, meeting your eyes. "If you think something happened, you can tell me."
"Oh, no," he said, shaking his head. "I'm fine." The warm and fluttery feeling didn't give him time to think before he said his next words. "I just thought it might be a spell, since I'm falling in love as we speak."
About five seconds of complete silence followed. In those five seconds, a lot happened. Shoto could've sworn his heart stopped, but the blood rushing to his face proved otherwise. You seemed to be in a state of shock, not able to respond. Your heart thudded in a he's cute, yeah, but how did this even happen kind of way.
"I'm sorry," he blurted out.
"Are you for real?" you asked at the same time. Your head was spinning. What's happening right now?!
"What? I'm right in front of you," he said. When you laughed, he took a moment to reconsider. "Ah, right. Well, yes, I am, but I didn't mean to say it like that." The nervous buzzing in his head was one of the strongest emotions he'd felt in the past who-knows-how-long. "I thought it might be a spell or side-effect, since I don't know you all that well."
Holy shit, he's completely serious.
The situation would've been concerning if it weren't so funny. You found yourself laughing, and trying desperately not to in order to not hurt his feelings, but oh my gods, he really thought this was a spell?! He seemed bewildered, and that just made it funnier.
"I'm- I'm sorry," you said, gasping for air, "You thought I cast a love spell?"
"Unintentionally," he added, as if that made it better. "I don't think you would have done that without telling me first." His face was still red, but he seemed calmer.
"Well- You're- you're right about that part," you managed through the laughter. "I can confirm for you that I didn't cast a love spell," you said, just barely able to sound calm.
"I see," he said, not meeting your eyes. The second-hand embarrassment was a lot. He stayed quiet, not sure what to say.
"Shoto?" you called, once you managed to calm down.
"Hm?" came his wordless reply, his mind clearly somewhere else.
"That was adorable," you said, simply stating your thoughts out loud. He's so painfully genuine all the time that it's hard to not to think so.
"Wh-what?" he said, as light embers flew from his red hair. Or rather, the red part of his hair.
"I mean, it was!" you said, before suddenly backtracking. "Not in a weird way, it just is, y'know?"
After stumbling through awkward conversation for three minutes or so, Shoto asked a question. The question almost killed you.
"If I'm not under a love spell, then what is this?" he asked. You choked, really not understanding how you'd have to explain this.
"You... Is it possible that the, er, feelings developed naturally?" You asked, trying to phrase it as professionally as possible.
"Don't you have to know someone for a long time for that?" he asked in response.
"N-not necessarily," you said, trying to decipher if he was still being serious. "One interaction can be enough, and as of now, we've had two," you added. He seemed thoughtful for a moment.
"Alright, then I suppose that makes sense," he said, nodding. After a beat of silence, you laughed.
"Well. Uh. If your concern was too few interactions, we could always just talk more, if you want," you offered, head still swirling with the awkwardness of all this.
"I'd like that," he replied, the blush never leaving.
• • •
It had been five months now, and Shoto could now say for absolute sure that there was no love spell involved. The two of you were much closer, and he liked getting to call himself your boyfriend. He enjoyed getting to know you, and was surprised at how much better he knew himself. He was still a dork, and still a bit fast to jump to conclusions, but that's just who he is. However, you did help him change, and it was in the best way possible. You showed him how to change his definition of love into something healthy, and he couldn't be more grateful.
From the day you met, you lit up his life in more ways than one.
Could anyone blame him for loving you?
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fellulahh · 4 years
‘Mammon visits MC in the human realm and Lucifer gets jealous’ Part 13/???
Read Part 12 here!
Even the idea of it made him absolutely livid. There was no way he’d ever allow the demons of Devildom to think MC was carrying Diavolo’s baby. No...never.
The only issue was...
‘Am I ready to accept that you’re my baby?
It was a warm evening in Devildom as Mammon and MC sat on her bed chatting. It felt like it’d been years since they were last together. Like two best friends having a gossip, they talked until their jaws ache.
“So what’s it like bein’ pregnant?” He asked her curiously as he laid on his back. “Do you like it?”
“Yes and no.” She answered truthfully, “I mean there are some horrible parts to pregnancy that I haven’t enjoyed but then there are moments which makes me forget about all of the bad stuff.” She smiled to herself.
“Like havin’ the baby scan?” He asked, interested in their conversation.
“Exactly like that.” She nodded.
“I’ll tell ya what, I’ve never seen Lucifer get so funny over a photo!” Mammon laughed, “I tried to have a look at it the other day and he snatched it out of my hands - he now keeps it in a frame in his study.”
“He does?” MC smiled. She hadn’t even thought what he’d do with it.
“Yeah? Didn’t ya know?” Mammon asked surprised.
“No I didn’t...but I haven’t actually seen him since the scan. We’ve been talking from time to time but then he’ll get caught up with something.” She sighed, “But I’m happy he’s making small time for me now. I was beginning to think he’d never talk to me again.”
“Sounds like Lucifer.” Mammon nodded, “if it makes ya feel better he hasn’t even had time for us brothers either and we’re far more important. I can’t remember the last time he ate with us!”
“Sounds like Diavolo’s really working him hard...” MC sighed to herself. She understood that Lucifer made a pledge to him and went behind his back to see her but surely even Diavolo would understand how important it is for Lucifer to spend time with his baby? ‘Perhaps deep down he doesn’t even want it and this is all just one big excuse’
“Speaking of which, how is it livin’ with the Prince? You gotten used to it yet?” Mammon asked, changing the subject slightly, distracting MC from her thoughts.
“I don’t think I could ever get used to living here.” She chuckled, glancing at the room, “it’s nice though.” She nodded, “Diavolo takes good care of me, he’s been there for me a lot considering he’s the Prince of Devildom. Oh! He was actually really sweet the other day: when I came home from the doctors I showed him my scan and he was really happy! He told me mine and the baby’s souls are radiating.” She rambled with a big grin on his face.
The last part of her sentence caught his attention.
Turning his head to her, he arched an eyebrow. “He said what?” He asked unsure. Mammon couldn’t believe the words that fell from her mouth.
“Mine and the baby’s souls are radiating.” She repeated with a smile, “don’t you feel it too?”
‘He can sense her soul?’
“I—er of course!” He mumbled awkwardly.
“Why are you going all weird for?” She scoffed amused, “it’s only Diavolo - you don’t have to get funny about him.”
Realising how obvious his awkward reaction was, Mammon quickly snapped out of his mood. “Sorry! Guess I’m just not used to him gettin’ to spend all this time with ya.” He covered smoothly. “Ya better not be here too long!”
“I know.” MC said with sad eyes, placing a hand on top of his. He quickly glanced up to meet her eyes. “I hope it won’t be forever.”
Mammon marched through the door to the House of Lamentation. His face was sheer panic as he frantically rushed through the hallways, running toward Lucifer’s study. As soon as he reached it, he practically fell into the room with a deep breath.
“Mammon? What is the meaning of this?!” Lucifer asked sternly, surprised to be seeing his brother.
“Ya gotta listen to me!” Mammon cried, hastily making his way to Lucifer’s desk, slamming in hands down on the surface, “ya gotta go and see MC.”
“Why?” Lucifer asked, immediately concerned as he stood up. “Is it the baby?”
“No.” Mammon panted, “it’s Diavolo.”
“Diavolo?” Lucifer questioned, his face scrunching as he did so.
“I think he’s in love with MC!” Mammon exclaimed.
“In love?! What brought you to this ridiculous conclusion?” Lucifer seethed, trying to convince himself that Mammon was being overly dramatic and had gotten completely the wrong end of the stick.
“MC told me today that Diavolo could sense her soul and the baby’s.” Mammon spoke quickly.
“She did? What else did she say?” Lucifer asked with wide eyes.
“Nothing.” Mammon breathed, “I think she’s forgotten what it means - she seems to think all demons can sense souls.”
“They can.” Lucifer sighed, “when they’re in love...” His face was hard as he glared down at his desk, collecting his thoughts. “Are you certain this is what she said?” He asked, his voice suddenly quiet.
“Well yeah, MC told me herself.” Mammon shrugged.
Lucifer ran a stressed hand through his black hair. He knew there was something odd going on with the Prince but he never expected it to be this. “There has to be an explanation.” Lucifer sighed.
“Well if ya think that’s true go and talk to Diavolo! Ask him straight up.” Mammon insisted. “Ya don’t wanna lose MC to the Prince of Devildom...how are ya supposed to compete with him?!”
“That’s not helpful, Mammon.” Lucifer shook his head, face palming.
“Never mind what I’m saying! What are ya still doin’ here?!”
“I’m going to the palace. You’re now in charge of dinner duty.” Lucifer stated as he made his way over to the door.
Mammon would usually object but on this occasion he allowed it. All he wanted was for his older brother to be happy - he’d never forgive himself if Diavolo stole MC from him and he did nothing to stop it.
“So what brings you here, Lucifer?” Diavolo asked as he shut thr notepad he had in front of him. “I presume you didn’t come here just to talk about your duties.” He spoke with an arched eyebrow.
“Forgive me My Lord, I was hoping to speak to you about MC.” Lucifer breathed cautiously. “I understand you’ve been taking care of her for some time now...” he was hesitant to continue. Just Diavolo’s cold glare was enough to make him want to go back on himself. “I’d just like to know she’s in safe hands.”
“You’re questioning me now?” Diavolo asked surprised before chuckling, “Lucifer please, she’s safe here. I have Barbatos waiting on her on hand and feet - she has everything she could ever ask for.”
“So you’re happy for her to stay with you? I understand that her return to Devildom was unexpected and it was a very rash decision for her to stay at the palace.” Lucifer spoke slowly, “I hope this isn’t too much trouble.”
“Trouble? How could I see it as trouble when it was myself who insisted she stayed?” Diavolo eyed him. He leant forward in his seat, leaning his forearms on the desk. “Unless...that’s not what you’re really asking me?” He asked quietly, a dark glint in his eyes. “What is it you’d really like to know, Lucifer?”
“Do you love her?” He asked abruptly.
Diavolo remained cool despite the interrogation. “Love her?” He questioned with a chuckle, “Lucifer you understand I brought MC into my home to protect her and that baby because your child is the key to our realm uniting with the humans?” He asked offended. “I don’t appreciate you taking my gesture as a ploy to push you out and romance her. My true care is the realm.”
Lucifer suddenly felt stupid when he heard Diavolo say it back to him. He cursed himself for listening to Mammon.
“I understand that you’ve had doubts about MC and her pregnancy but to make these accusations about me to try and distract yourself from your own fears is not the way to go about things.” Diavolo spoke calmly. “MC is here because it’s the safest place she could be. Your baby won’t be harmed for as long as she’s under my roof.”
Lucifer was quiet for a moment, feeling ashamed. “I apologise, My Lord. It would seem my own worries have clouded my judgement.”
“As I thought.” He nodded, “Is that all?”
“That is all.” He sighed, “I’m going to stop in and see MC and then I’ll be off.”
“You may stay for dinner if you wish?” Diavolo offered.
“No thank you. Unfortunately I am still making my way through the reports that you gave me.”
Diavolo nodded as Lucifer left the room. His stare remained on the door as the eldest brother disappeared. His heartbeat was a little quicker than usual as his gaze flickered across the room.
Lucifer shook his head as he approached MC’s room. He felt absolutely mortified after the conversation he’d just had with Diavolo. If there was anything that could take his mind off things though it was the human hiding in the depths of the palace.
Her door was open when he appeared. As soon as he entered the room he could see her out on the balcony; hands resting on the railings as the breeze blew through her hair. A smile crept onto his face as he stepped through the room, relief filling his body as he came into contact with her.
“Long time no see.” He spoke softly, leaning against the doorframe to the balcony.
MC spun around as she heard his voice. She had a wide smile on her face as she approached him. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to see Diavolo and couldn’t leave without seeing you.”
The gesture made her heart feel warm. She wasted no time wrapping her arms around him. His whole body eased when she embraced him; it was the first time he’d felt relaxed since his conversation with Mammon.
The pair of them pulled out of their embrace and moved back into the bedroom. Laying on her bed, they faced each other as they began conversing. While MC was speaking, Lucifer’s eyes kept trailing to her prominent bump. MC noticed that he kept staring but didn’t say anything.
“How have you been?” She asked him softly as she tilted her head.
“Busy?” She answered for him with a laugh, “I thought so.”
“I am trying, MC.” He sighed, feeling his heart sink a little.
“I know you are - and I appreciate it.” She nodded sincerely. She was about to say something else but after feeling a new sensation in her stomach, she quickly forgot all about what she wanted to talk back. “Oh!” She smiled, confusing Lucifer. Before he could ask what on Earth was happening, she grabbed his hand and pulled it toward her. “Feel this.” She insisted, as she placed his palm around the curve of her bump.
Lucifer’s body froze as he felt it. Nerves began lacing throughout him as he held her belly. As he waited for movement, his heart was racing. ‘What if the baby stops kicking now that I’m holding her?’
With an incredibly worried expression, Lucifer’s hand remained on MC. But suddenly, he felt a small force against him. It was only little, bit he could feel the movement as the baby stretched. His breath hitched in his throat. MC was surprised by the unsure look he had on his face but she put it down to the fact he’d never felt anything like this before.
Letting out a shaky breath, Lucifer’s eyes met hers. “There it is.”
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monomonomagines · 5 years
(this is kind of a Steven Universe/Danganronpa crossover ask) can I get the V3 boys accidentally fusing with their half-gem s/o and their reaction? BTW your blog is amazing
Thanks for thinking our blog is amazing anon! It took me a few to understand what you meant by fusing with their half gem s/o because I thought it meant that the boys were gems or something possibly but decided to go with them being humans that end up fusing with s/o similar to how Connie did with Steven. I hope that's ok and that you like what I came up with but as always feel free to tell me I goofed. 
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Rantaro is fairly romantic and carefree so when you'd fuse it'd probably be when you two are just doing something small.
You two would be in the house with some light music on when he'd embrace you from behind and the two of you would start lightly swaying like in some corny movie with light laughter.
It'd all be so normal until that laughter would suddenly sound a bit different.
Since when did they stop feeling that warm embrace? Everything still felt like that tender moment from a few minutes ago, all warm and comforting but there wasn't anyone holding the other anymore.
You fused somehow with Rantaro and he couldn't even react.
Your eyes just widened in surprise or rather the both of your eyes did at the mutual feeling as he tried to speak.
It was just a simple question but it ended up coming out your now shared voice.
"Did we just...is this really happening?"
He will be one of the calmest with this experience and look at it as a new type of adventure but he'd still be very shocked. He didn't think this was possible at all.
Ryoma normally looks calm but as you'd get to know him more and more you'd understand that he's really a super anxious guy deep down.
He isn't the best at being super romantic or anything like that but when you said you wanted to try twirling someone he decided to humor you.
He'd never let this happen outside of closed doors so you'd be at his place or yours when he'd begrudgingly give in.
He felt so dumb for doing it but at the same time like he was comfortable and carefree like a child. It's how he felt just being around you.
He felt so comfortable that it didn't even occur to him until a few moments had passed that you two weren't separate, you had fused.
Unlike Rantaro though, Ryoma would freak out and you could hear him losing it.
"Why did this happen? You, no, I can't take this. I don't know how to do..."
Needless to say, you wouldn't stay fused long because he wouldn't be able to relax like Rantaro or be able to accept someone being able to feel everything he does.
He is very embarrassed at you knowing his feelings and wouldn't be willing to try again for a long time because of his own issues. However, that doesn't mean he never will.
Like Ryoma, Kiyo isn't overly affectionate a lot of the time. He enjoys more simple touches when he's not being intimate with you but he'd always humor you when you'd want more.
There were a few times he'd be the one to wish for more from you but with his personality, he'd normally request more odd requests.
This was one of those times.
Korekiyo had read of a new ritualistic dance that was supposed to bring happiness to couples that he wanted to try out with you.
He was just head over heels with the idea and you so you couldn't help but accept. I mean how could you say no to him?
You took his outstretched hand and soon you were following behind him clumsily with your own moves when suddenly everything would stop.
He wouldn't comprehend it at first and simply think that somehow you both messed up the dance before it'd hit. His dance wasn't ruined at all you both fused! You fused and how beautiful it is.
"This is amazing."
Is the single phrase that leaves both of your lips as you gaze at your new shared vessel.
Instead of freaking out like Ryoma he will be ecstatic and want to continue to try out things you couldn't do before.
This boy is always very loving and excitable so it wouldn't be surprising that'd he'd want to continue with his work to become a gentleman for you.
You'd actually become his trainer basically for his training.
He'd want to be able to do things like ballroom dance even so you'd have to help him with some tutorials he'd find.
It'd be a usual day filled with minor hiccups and lots of fun when the two of you would end up fusing.
At first, Gonta would've thought he just messed up but when he'd look down he'd be horribly confused.
Once he'd understand more though he'd freak out thinking this is his fault.
"Go-i'm sorry, no mean to turn us into one person. Was accident I swear it."
Him freaking out wouldn't let you two stay together for long so you'd end up falling apart but once you explain everything better he'd be super excited and would want to try again.
Kokichi is always up for messing around so if he pulled you into some stupid made-up dance suddenly it wouldn't be surprising.
If anything, you'd be used to his childish antics and would go along with a majority.
He counted on that but he never prepared himself to suddenly fuse together.
He wouldn't be happy to fuse since he's a bit of a control freak but he'd love if it gave him the capability to mess with people.
If you go along with him a lot this fusion will work just as well as Rantaro 's would but it'd be a huge nuisance to everyone else.
"What do you mean I stole your hair gel, Kaito? I'm, we'd never do that or is that a lie."
Dating Kaito you'd already know he's uncomfortable with most occult stuff.
That thankfully didn't apply to you though. He somehow felt comfortable around you even before you both were dating.
It was just a normal night you two spent stargazing when he pulled you into a hug and started to pull you into a cheesy dance number under the stars when it happened.
One moment it was normal and then suddenly you had a different view of the stars then you did before.
It took Kaito probably the longest out of all these boys to realize what had happened but when he does he freaks.
If you thought Ryoma was bad just imagine Kaito flipping his absolute shit so promptly that you nearly fall apart immediately.
Afterwards though, once you explain what happened to him he'll insist he did not freak out and will beg you to let him try again.
I didn't know it was even possible to fuse with a robot but somehow you did it.
It was a normal day for the two of you when he asked if he could try out a dance you two saw in a romantic movie you two watched.
It was such a sweet and innocent request it was impossible to say no.
You helped show him how to place his hands on you and started to dance away when suddenly you two stopped.
Kiibo, like Gonta at first, thinks he messed up trying to apologize when he then realizes he can feel things differently.
"I'm sorry-wait is this what body heat feels like?"
He's so ecstatic at first until he then realizes that this is not normal.
Then his reaction is very much like Kaito's.
After though, he'd be a lot calmer and levelheaded so that he could listen to your explanation on what happened.
Once he's aware it is normal he's more eager than anyone else to fuse again. It was the closest he's ever felt to being human.
Shuichi is another anxious and self-conscious guy so he wouldn't normally pull you into any impromptu dance numbers but he's used to going along with his weird friends so it's not unlikely for him to join in if you pulled him into one.
If he were comfortable enough around you, he might be able to actually mess around and be childish like how Kiibo can be.
He'd find it nice to be able to act a little childish but it again would not be often when he would.
It would just happen to be a day he's more relaxed when you'd pull him into some crazy made-up dance laughing like a child when suddenly everything would still.
Normally he'd immediately go into a panic as soon as something goes wrong and it's not far off once he can wrap his head around what exactly did happen.
Then he'll be like Ryoma, getting so anxious that he can't stay fused with you and like Ryoma afterwards would be hesitant to try again.
He's just a nervous wreck with low confidence so he'd need a gentle push to try to fuse again.
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dvp95 · 5 years
call me anything
pairing: dan howell/phil lester rating: teen & up tags: flatmate au, fake relationship (sorta), getting together, fluff word count: 1.1k summary: “Sorry, I can’t,” he finds himself saying to his classmates and coworkers and even his brother, once or twice. “I’ve got a date that I can’t reschedule. Rain check?” It’s the perfect excuse to stay home and veg out with Phil.
this is a very belated birthday present for the lovely @throwing-roses-into-the-abyss and is so very belated because of my own life stuff. i hope that you still enjoy it, dear! <3</p>
read on ao3 or here!
Dan desperately doesn’t want to leave the flat. He’s already in his pyjamas and slippers, lounging on the sofa and waiting for Phil to get out of the shower so they can watch a new-to-them anime together, trying to field his friends’ pestering.
It’s not that easy. It’s never that easy. His old friends are in Manchester for the weekend and keep bothering Dan to come hang out, because what he wants has never really factored into that relationship at all. He’d been prepared for a similar sort of friendship when he met Phil in the uni library a few years ago, something one-sided and draining, because that’s all Dan had ever known. Of course, his friendship with Phil is completely different than anything he’s had before.
The last thing he wants to do is leave the safe haven of the home he shares with his best friend to get wasted with idiots he’s been avoiding since his gap year.
He can hear Phil milling around in the bathroom, blowdrying his hair and pulling on pyjamas of his own, and Dan considers shutting his phone off entirely. That solution isn’t going to work for the whole weekend, though, so he goes with the truth and tells his friends that he’s busy.
unacceptable to ditch us unless you’re getting your dick wet howell, one of them sends to the group chat. Dan can almost hear the jeering from here. He sighs.
maybe i am ;)
Emojis get tossed his way - celebratory and inappropriate in equal amounts - and Dan locks his phone without a twinge of guilt for lying to people he never really liked that much to begin with. Phil wanders out to the lounge with his hair mostly dry and his feet stuffed into moose slippers. He grins at Dan, asks if he wants any popcorn, and Dan forgets about the text entirely.
“Oh no,” Dan says, stopping in his tracks. “No, we gotta find somewhere else to drink, come on.”
Phil’s hands on his waist push him forward a bit so he isn’t blocking the door of the pub, and Dan wishes he wasn’t hyperaware of the small touch. Phil has always been big with casual touches, but sometimes Dan notices it more when they’re in public.
“What is it?” Phil asks.
“Those guys in the booth over there,” says Dan, turning his whole body so that they won’t be able to see him even if they do look over. “I know them.”
“D’you want to go say hi?”
Dan snorts. “Fuck, no. I want to get out of here as soon as fucking possible before they see me.”
Something like understanding dawns on Phil’s face, and he gives Dan the sort of small smile that made Dan feel comfortable with him to begin with. He agrees easily and, one hand still pressed to Dan’s waist, guides him back out the door. The wind is cold tonight, but Dan is willing to brave it to avoid his past for as long as he possibly can.
It’s on their way past the pub window, Phil chatting animatedly and fixing Dan’s beanie for him without breaking stride, that Dan makes eye contact with one of them.
He almost freezes again, hides behind Phil, runs away, whatever, but the guy - Marky, but he probably doesn’t still go by that - just gives him a short nod and turns back to the conversation.
“You okay?” Phil checks when his story is over and they’re a few streets away from people Dan would prefer never to see again. His pale cheeks are flushed with the wind and his hands are jammed in the pockets of his jacket, but he doesn’t seem annoyed by the extra time outside.
“Sure,” Dan says noncommittally. Things are very weird in his brain right now, thoughts chasing each other around like an elaborate game of It, but he doesn’t know how he’d even begin to voice that. It’s easier to say that he’s fine than it is to delve into the fact that one of his friends definitely thinks he and Phil are a thing and doesn’t seem to be bothered by it.
Dan manages to get through the weekend without incident. It doesn’t escape his notice that Marky tells the other guys to lay off him when they start pushing to see him, but he also doesn’t know how to feel about it at all.
It opens a door to Dan that he didn’t know existed, actually. There are always plans he doesn’t want to be a part of, people he doesn’t want to hang out with, and saying well my flatmate and I are bingeing a new show isn’t a good enough reason to bail on most things. Dan starts giving more vague excuses, says he’s got plans with someone and lets people make their own conclusions. After a few months of it, he starts using the word ‘date’.
“Sorry, I can’t,” he finds himself saying to his classmates and coworkers and even his brother, once or twice. “I’ve got a date that I can’t reschedule. Rain check?”
It’s the perfect excuse to stay home and veg out with Phil. Dan thinks that it says a lot about why he shouldn’t have been accepted to a law program - the fact that he doesn’t anticipate this white lie blowing up in his face at all. He figures it’ll continue to serve the same purpose for as long as he needs it to.
Obviously, he’s wrong.
“Dan,” says Phil, all slow amusement and edges of confusion. “Why does Chris think you have a date tonight?”
“Oh, right.” Dan doesn’t bother looking away from the TV. He’s about to win this round and he doesn’t need the distraction. “I told him I did.”
Phil makes a sound that Dan’s scattered brain can’t categorize. The back of the couch shifts a bit, like Phil is leaning against it. “But you don’t,” Phil points out the obvious. “You’re hanging out with me tonight.”
“Yeah,” says Dan.
He’s going to explain - really, he is - but then he gets hit by a red shell, and things get a little hairy after that. It isn’t until he’s finished the round and gotten second place by a sliver of a second that he looks up at Phil. The explanation rises and dies in Dan’s throat, because Phil’s expression isn’t what he expected it to be.
“We’re going on a date tonight?” Phil asks. He’s so tentatively hopeful that Dan can’t bring himself to burst the bubble. Besides, it’s not like it’s a bad misunderstanding.
“If you want to,” says Dan. He’s overly aware of his greasy hair and holey sweats at this moment, but Phil has seen him look much worse. Phil has seen him at his absolute worst, and he’s still smiling like Dan has given him the best present in the world.
Phil reaches out and pokes at Dan’s cheek, grinning wide. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
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joetatoeheads · 5 years
Would you think of doing one with Jeff and reader being in a d/s relationship, but generally dating?? Like not just smut but their love ? 💋💋♥️
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Some D/s mentions,
Some couples did a 24/7 Dom/sub relationship. Others did it for a weekend. Jeff and Y/N were somewhere in the middle. Their relationship was unique from the very beginning. They first met through Matt who was helping Y/N move from Texas. Matt and Y/N tried to be a thing but it failed miserably and the pair found themselves better as friends.
Then Jeff thought she was funny and pretty. Once he started to hang out with her the feelings started soon after. The dating started soon after and when they were cuddled on the couch Jeff accidentally pulled her hair when he was running his finger through her hair and Y/N let out this moan. At first, Jeff didn’t make much of it but when he decided to try it again, she let out the same little moan.
In the middle of sex one day, Jeff grabbed the ends of her hair and pulled slightly. It was then both realize that Y/N had much to explore. The couple played around more before deciding a Dom/sub relationship was something they wanted. It wouldn’t be every day, all day or just a weekend thing, it was a bedroom thing. While Y/N already had a submissive personality, she had moments where she refused to be a submissive especially in regards to Jeff’s safety.
There weren’t many nights of difficult scenes but Jeff provided much aftercare no matter the situation. Whenever Y/N was tied, Jeff would take off handcuffs or restraints and come with lotion to massage her wrists and ankles. If there was a spreader involved than Jeff gave extra attention. The nights of spankings either for punishment or pleasure, Jeff spent almost an hour massaging and kissing the bruised or red bottom of Y/N.
Jeff cared for his little submissive more than anything in the world. He cared for her as much as he cared for his family and for Jeff, saying that was a big deal. If Jeff had taken on a sadist persona and degraded his sub during sex he often worried about Y/N dropping deep into subspace. So Jeff would let her come down from her high and wrap her in a blanket just to hold her and tell her that she was the most beautiful woman in the world and an amazing submissive. It worked and Jeff was pleased with himself.
There were few times that Y/N had disappointed Jeff and their bedrooms activities spilled into their real life. When Y/N forgot to call Jeff sir multiple times as she orgasmed one night, Jeff made her wear a pair of panties with a vibrator in them. He would turn it on whenever the two were around their friends in public. Her cheeks would get rosy, her breathe would become uneven, and she would curl her hands into a fist as she got ready to orgasm. But it never came, Jeff refused to let her cum for a week after that as her punishment.
Another time, Jeff left to New York for a couple of days and found out that Y/N had used a vibrator to get herself off knowing Jeff would only be gone a few days. Her punishment wasn’t a sexual one, instead, she wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone for a whole day. As a social person and a good friend to the rest of the vlog squad, that punishment proved more mental than anything. They had all gone to Vegas for one of David’s spur of the moment vlogs for content and Y/N remained silence the whole time. It was humiliating and unsetting that despite everyone talking and having fun around her, she couldn’t enjoy it as well.
But Jeff had always been a giving type. While his aftercare was many times calm, there were other times it was euphoric. After hours of orgasm denial, Jeff’s aftercare was eating out Y/N for hours after that. She had lost count of the orgasms and by the time things were ending she was overly sensitive so Jeff added over simulation to the list of things Y/N would do for him. She would whine and push away his head hoping that she wouldn’t feel the wonderful pain building up in her stomach. But when she pushed him away, Jeff would grab her hips and hold her against the bed as she screamed his name.
Dom’s received aftercare too. When Jeff’s would spend so much time eating her pussy, Y/N would kiss and massage his jaw after that. She would tell him how amazing it felt to feel his cock in her or hear him call her his little cum slut. The whole point of being in a Dom/sub relationship for Jeff and Y/N was to show each other how much they valued and loved each other.
Their relationship was still for the most part normal. They enjoyed double dates with Heath and Mariah; they hung out with the same group of amazing people. Jeff and Y/N would go out on dates and Jeff would make it his mission to give her a plastic rose for every date they had. The rose was a classic but the idea to choose a plastic one, was so that Y/N could collect them all. The first time anyone had seen them was one when Carly, Erin, Mariah, Suzy, and Corinna were helping her choose an outfit for their two-year anniversary.
“I was thinking red because Jeff loves me in red but then I was thinking maybe white- “
“What is this?!” asked Corinna.
“Oh my god!” yelled Carly and Erin almost simultaneously.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“Your room is covered in rose!” yelled Corinna.
“Why do you have so many fake roses?” asked Suzy.
“Okay that is not a full explanation,” argued Erin.
“Why does he give you fake roses?”
“Every rose is a date or something special. He wanted me to sort of collect them,” answered Y/N.
“There has to be hundreds!” Corinna was confused but also excited.
“310 actually.”
“Those cannot be all dates.”
“Most of them yeah. Although I think like one-third of them are just sex stuff,” laughed Y/N.
“Okay now that sounds about right. I always knew you two were kinky,” joked Corinna.
It didn’t take long for everyone to find out what type of boyfriend Jeff was. Joe would make jokes about it, David loved teasing him about it in the vlogs, and Todd and Matt would use it as a defense anytime Jeff was obnoxious to them. The girls would defend Jeff finding him a good boyfriend for Y/N.
David, Zane, and Matt not knowing much about their bedroom activities accidentally walked in on them having sex in the living room. It called for a very awkward conversation explaining a Dom/sub relationship and how they could not tease Y/N about it. Of course, the one day she chose to have morning sex in the kitchen, the guys would walk in on them with her back on the counter and her legs up in the air as Jeff pounded into her. It was just her luck, but also on the fault of them having a really close relationship with the entire group.
David and Matt were traumatized about the whole situation. David was innocent compared to Jeff in those matters and Matt found it awkward since he and Y/N almost dated. Part of being with Jeff was also sort of being with everyone else in the group. Of course once Jonah heard about it incident he couldn’t help but make disgusting jokes that Jeff almost punched him in the face.
“Are you asleep?”
“I heard you snoring.”
“I don’t snore,” argued Y/N as she buried her face into Jeff’s neck.
“You’re sleeping on me again.”
“I just want to be with you.”
“Aftercare?” asked Jeff.
“A little.”
Sometimes Y/N reaction to scenes came days after. Depending on what they did, Y/N would cuddle Jeff for hours after having sex then hop in the shower together or she would wait a few days and be clingy. She wouldn’t let Jeff leave the bed too long or she would always have to be holding his hand in public. Y/N made any excuse to hug Jeff and sit on his lap more than normal because she wanted to feel his touch.
Around friends, Jeff’s hand would sneak underneath her sweater or t-shirt and rub her back so she would stay seated or calm. When Jeff was unsure or anxious Y/N would place her hand on his right thigh to stop him from taping his foot at the most random times. It was more than a relationship or a partnership, what Y/N and Jeff had was more unique than that. To enter a Dom/sub relationship in the first part was a huge deal. Many argue that a sub has more power in the relationship than the Dom was, in Jeff and Y/N’s case they weren’t wrong. Jeff took pleasure out of giving Y/N pleasure and it worked for them.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to make a pizza.”
“That dough is… different,” smiled Jeff.
“Well I didn’t say it was going to look pretty.”
“Sweetheart, anything you make is pretty.”
“Sure but I’m not making you one.”
“What? Why?”
“I’m trying a vegan diet so this pizza is vegan.”
“You? Vegan? It’s the tenth time you’re doing this.”
“Actually, seventh and I think I can do it this time.”
“You hate vegan food. You always end up cranky because you can’t have dairy and you want kisses all the time.”
“I do not!”
“Whenever you can cranky you like to sit on my lap and make me kiss your neck,” explained Jeff.
“I do not make you do anything!”
“Neck kisses are the only thing that makes you less cranky.”
“That’s not true. I also like you sucking my tits,” laughed Y/N.
“And that usually ends with my face between your thighs.”
“I don’t see a problem with that,” smiled Y/N.
They both loved the teasing. It made up a majority of their relationship. Jeff would whisper dirty things in Y/N’s ear hoping to make her desperate and whiny. So when they got home, to Jeff’s place, she would be begging from him. Y/N would tease Jeff with the little hand movements and a shy smile.
“I’m tired.”
“After that shit you pulled at the restaurant? You’re tired?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry.”
“Do you want to cuddle?”
“No?” asked Jeff a bit hurt.
“I’m just annoyed now.”
“Do you think you’re getting sick?”
“Probably? I don’t know what’s wrong.”
“I’m going to make you some tea. Go put on some sweats or something.”
Jeff made Y/N’s favorite tea was green tea so Jeff made it a point to stock up on the little packets to make her comfortable. While she was cuddled on their bed Jeff set everything down and made sure she was comfortable.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Hot as Hell and No A/C, Chapter 3 (Branjie)- Blackhighheels
(Read at AO3)
Jose knows it might not be the best idea to come to this run down bar, but he is bored and he needs a drink. Since he left Los Angeles he hasn’t been to any clubs or bars and this shack is the only thing nearby in the middle of motherfucking nowhere.
The offer is somewhat limited and so he orders a whiskey, since that seems to be the only thing they have beside shots and beer. He remains sitting at the bar and the woman behind it, Lindsey, is a hoot and he likes talking to her. From what she’s telling him she used to be the queen bee around here, about forty years ago, until she got pregnant too young and out of wedlock and found herself working in this bar to keep a roof over her head and care for her son.
He’s so engrossed in Lindsey’s stories that it takes him a while to realise that a couple of guys by the pool table are talking about him. The words ”Faggot”, ”Gay” and ”cocksucker” are a dead give away and he doesn’t think they’d say that about anyone but him around here.
”Hey, assholes! Got a problem with my gay ass?” He yells at them. It might be the alcohol or simply his frustration about the town and what it does to people, but he isn’t willing to just take it and keep him mouth shut. And he’s not afraid of them. He’s had his share of fights in his life, both because of the area he grew up in and also because of him being so obviously gay.
The four men, or boys, come closer and he can already smell the cloud of beer that surrounds them.
”Did you faggot just call us assholes?”
”If you’re the assholes who just talked smack about me, then yeah, I did.” He turns around in his bar stool and is glad that it gives him a bit of a height advantage.
”You better watch your mouth you filthy cocksucker.”
”Mmmh…. Sucking dick’s only filthy when it’s done right. You ever tried it?”
Jose expects a punch or kick, maybe something thrown his way. He doesn’t expect one of the guys spitting right into his face.
”Guys like you are dirt and god will take care of you,” the smallest one says. He seems to be believer amongst them.
Jose doesn’t want to talk anymore though. They just spit at him. He’s done talking. Before the god-fearing idiot has even finished speaking, Jose smacks the fucker who spit at him right across the face with the back of his hand.
”Imma end you, you motherfuckers. No one spits at me, bitch! You got hands, show me! Show me!” he yells, as blood drips from the drunken teenager’s nose.
”Hey!” Lindsey grabs him from behind. ”No fights in my bar. House rule. If you really wanna beat each other up, take it outside. But I’d advise all of y’all to just leave it. You four shouldn’t even be in here or drinking, and you,” she turns to Jose ”better not make more enemies than necessary while ya here. This is a small town.” Jose looks at the four teenagers in front of him, then throws a couple of dollars on the bar and leaves. So much for grabbing a drink and enjoying a night out.
Brock walks out of the stable when he hears a voice he would recognise everywhere. He also knows the car parked in their driveway.
”Fuck,” he curses quietly and hurries towards the house, wiping his hands on an old rag as panic settles in his stomach. This can’t be happening! Also, he is painfully aware that his hair is a mess, he is sweaty, dirty and his clothes are stained. Usually when he sees Jose, he at least gets a chance to shower beforehand.
For the last two weeks Jose has driven Rachel and him home after each dance practise. Sometimes they stop for ice cream or food on the way back. Brock is aware that Jose only makes little bets with Rachel, bets he always loses, and then has to invite them to whatever it is he promised her. Brock wouldn’t be able to buy ice-cream and take-out three or four times a week for three people.
The time he spends with Jose and Rachel has become the highlight of his life. He doesn’t mind walking half an hour to a dance studio and then watch for nearly two hours in the overheated studio as his niece prances around the room with other girls. The short drive back with Jose makes it all worth while.
He is the funniest and kindest guy Brock’s ever met. It feels a bit like having a friend, a real friend for once, and Jose is probably the only person he can really be himself with. He can giggle when he feels like it, talk with his hands and even admit that he likes colourful sprinkles on top of his ice-cream.
However, none of it explains why Jose is here now, parked in front of his parents’ house. It’s already too late, Brock realises when he makes his way around the front-porch and find both his mother and father standing on the porch talking to Jose.
”Aw, that’s too bad you can’t tell me. Thought I’d save them the long walk, now that I’m in town anyway.”
”Sorry, we can’t help ya,” his father says in a brusk tone.
”Ok, never mind. Thanks anyway,” Jose turns around to leave. That’s when he spots Brock. Immediately Jose’s face lights up. He is looking really good today, wearing a white wife-beater, a short black and red flannel shirt and tiny black  shorts. ”Hey Brock!”
”Hello,” Brock replies as neutral as possible and it takes a lot not to return the smile. He is very aware that his parents are watching their interaction with stony expressions. ”What are you doing here?”
”Thought I’d ask you and Rachel if I should drive you to dance practice today. I have to take care of some shit here in town and could take you back with me. Don’t think ya got your car fixed yet, huh?” Jose still smiles and casually leans against his Porsche. He looks like someone straight out of an ad or a tv show. Already Brock’s stomach tightens because he knows what he has to do.
”I’m sorry Sir, but that’s not necessary. Rachel and I can manage on our own. Thank you for the kind offer though,” he declines and watches the smile melt off Jose’s face when the icy tone of Brock’s voice registers with him.
”Brock! You know him?” His mother asks. She sounds surprised. What did she think? That some stranger would just show up and offer driving him and Rachel?
”This is Jose. He is Rachel’s dance teacher for the next couple of weeks. Jason hurt himself.” He informs both of his parents.
”You done with the hay?” His father stops any further explanation.
”No, not yet. I just heard voices and thought I’d check on ya.”
”I don’t need ya checking, that’s what we got guns for. I need ya working!” His father barks.
”I better get going,” Jose says quietly and his eyes appear to be so large and defeated that Brock nearly drowns in them.
”Thank you again for the offer but we can manage,” he says and softens his tone. He doesn’t want to decline. If he had a choice, he’d gladly drive around in Jose’s car all day and talk to him about everything and nothing. But it’s not an option he has.
He can’t move, he can’t do anything when he watches Jose get into the car and then drive off, leaving dust and a hint of cologne in the air.
”Don’t ya have work to do?!” his father asks him from the porch and snaps him out of his daze. Quickly he hurries back to the stable to work, to hide and to hopefully forget about the scene he was just a part of. He swallows a couple of times to keep the tears inside that his stupid overly emotional heart wants him to cry for how he just treated Jose.
”Care to tell us what that guy wanted today?” Brock’s father asks as soon as he sits down at the table for lunch.
”I told you, he’s Rachel’s dance teacher and I know nothing more than you do. He wanted to drive us to her dance class.”
”How’d he know your car’s broken?”
”We were late a couple of times,” Brock sighs and takes a piece of bread, rips a piece off and stuffs it in his mouth so the words he really wants to speak won’t burst out.
”I don’t like ya hanging with that folk! It’s bad enough that Ada allows Rachel to take dance lessons at that place. You being around these faggots a couple o’times a week… ya know what the people in town gonna say if they see this gay guy here? Ya know what the minister’s gonna say? You stay away from them, ya hear me!” His father is basically yelling at this point.
”I take Rachel to dance class because no one else has the time to do so, not because I wanna hang out there. I don’t know this guy any better than I know Jason, so what’s the big deal? He is a good teacher and Rachel likes him.”
”Stop eating before we said grace!” His father slaps the bread out of his hand, which drops to the floor. ”And Rachel shouldn’t be anywhere around these faggots, this music or these whore dance moves! It’s not right! Their lifestyle and everything they do’s offensive to the lord and every god fearing Christian. They don’t belong here and I want none of my family have anything to do with them. If you wanna hang out with these sinners you get your ass out of my house and better never come back.” Now his father is really yelling.
”How else is Rachel supposed to get there? By the time the lessons are done it’s dark out. It’s too far for her to go on her own. It’s not safe!”
”If I had a say in it she wouldn’t go there at all! But ya sister is letting her kids do whatever! If she lets them run with the wrong crowd, they should know what’s waiting for them!”
It’s nothing Brock hasn’t heard before. It’s nothing he hasn’t seen or felt before. He knows if he speaks another word now the fight will most likely become physical. Brock has never raised a hand against his father, but for a while now he’s taken to defending himself and his mother when the beer gets to his father’s head again.
He hates how he judges Jose without even knowing him. He even hates him for judging Jason. For a split second he wants to scream at him that he’s a sinner himself, gay like them and that even all the beatings he got as a child and teenager didn’t take it out of him.
Then he glances at his mother and her wide, scared eyes let him bite his tongue and lower his head. ”I’ll tell Ada I can’t take Rachel anymore.” He leans over and picks the bread up off the floor and uses the second to wipe his face clean of any emotion. Fury is still burning in his gut, nearly making him sick as he swallows it down and nearly chokes on it.
This is not the time though, not the time to risk it all for nothing. Jose will be gone again in about three weeks and their tentative friendship will become only a memory. What does it matter if he stops it all now, goes back to life how it was before Jose got here and starts living his harsh reality again three weeks earlier? His father probably just saved him a lot of pain and heartache. Brock knows that Jose and his friendships means too much already and he’s gotten too used to it.
”Good. Brock, can you say grace?” His mother ends the discussion with a grateful look and Brock knows he’s made the right decision.
”Hey, uncle Brock,” Rachel greets him after the mass on Sunday, when they are all still standing in front of the church.
”Hey honey,” he smiles.
”Can you take a look at my bike? The breaks’ not working and mommy can’t fix it,” she asks him and of course Brock follows her to her bike on the other side of the lawn. He doesn’t care that his good pants get dirty as he kneels down beside the small bike. It’s more important that his niece has a functioning bike, now that she has to ride it to dance practise and back. Brock doesn’t like it. He worries about her constantly, but there is nothing he can do.
”It’s just a bit loose, honey, that’s easily fixed,” he assures her.
”Thank you!”
”Do your lights work? I don’t like you riding your bike in the dark after practise, so we have to make sure at least these are working.”
”Can I tell you a secret?” Rachel whispers after checking that they are alone.
”I’m not driving back on my bike. Vanjie takes me until we reach our house and then waits with the lights turned off until he knows I’m safely inside.”
Brock feels a warmth spreading through him that nearly knocks him on his ass. He grasps the bike to keep his balance. He should have known Jose would make sure Rachel is safe. It’s so much like him that Brock feels like weeping. It’s only been three days, but he already misses their talks so much and hearing about how he cares for his niece only makes him miss Jose more. If only he could just talk to him sometimes.
”That’s very nice of Vanjie. He’s a very good guy,” Brock tells her just as quietly as she told him her secret.
”Then why do you hate him?”
”What? What makes you think I hate him?” he asks surprised and slowly gets up.
”Vanjie asked why you not taking me anymore and if you’re sick or something. I told him ‘bout the stuff grandpa said and that you can’t take me ‘cause they’re offensive and sinners and you don’t wanna be around him and can’t be his friend.”
Brock nearly crumbles to the ground for real this time. ”Rachel, how do you know about that talk?”
”I wanted to see you but then I heard the yelling through the open window and ran off. I don’t like grandpa when he’s mean like that.”
He takes a deep breath and runs his hands through his curls. There are so many things wrong with what Rachel just said and what she overheard. But there are also things he can maybe fix.
”Honey, I don’t agree with grandpa. Vanjie is a very good and nice guy and don’t let anyone tell you anything else about him or Jason, ok? ” Rachel nods her head. ”The only reason why I’m not taking you anymore is because grandpa gets very upset about these things and he’s scared that people will say mean things about me in town.”
”Like the things they say about Jason?”
”Yeah, like that. And he doesn’t want that for me or any of us. And I don’t want to make grandpa angry.”
”Uncle Brock? I like Jason and Vanjie.”
”That’s good. Make sure you tell them. They sure need to hear it.” He strokes his hand over Rachel’s strawberry blond hair.
”Will you tell them, too? Vanjie was really sad that you not there anymore. He said, he thought you was his friend.”
”I’ll tell him,” Brock agrees.
”Promise?” Rachel goes in for the kill.
”Promise,” he says and knows he now really doesn’t have choice but to talk to Jose. Rachel will know.
He waits until his parents are in bed and then sneaks outside to the orchard behind their house. It’s far enough so he won’t be overheard, dark enough so he won’t be seen and close enough to the cellphone tower so he’ll have reception.
Jose has given him his phone number the first week, but he has never used it and he hasn’t given him his own. It simply hadn’t been necessary. Jose said to use the number if he needed a ride or if Rachel couldn’t come to practise. Brock had no such excuse for giving him his number.
He takes a couple of deep breaths and then finally brings his thumb down on the dial button.
”Hello?” Jose picks up after only a couple of rings.
”Hey, uhm, it’s me, Brock,” he stutters and feels stupid already.
”What’d ya want, Sir?” Jose’s tone is snide and Brock knows he deserves it.
”Rachel told me she talked to you and I think I need to clear some things up.”
”You made it more than crystal yourself what you really think about me. Ya don’t need to drag Rachel into this.”
”I’m not! I just think, like… it’s not what it seems.”
”So you not avoiding me like the plague ‘cause your father’s a bigot asshole who thinks just talking to me will sully your reputation?” Jose is yelling at him through the phone, then he suddenly stops. When he continues his voice carries the hurt he must be feeling. ”God, I hate this motherfucking town and all of y’all religious lying assholes.”
”I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry. You’re so nice to Rachel and to me and helped us out so much and just…I’m sorry.”
”If you’re really sorry you’d have come here and told me this shit in person like a man. But I guess you just as much of a weaselly liar as the rest of these fucked up wanna be cowboys in this town. Grow up, start thinking for ya’self and learn how to make an apology real.”  Jose hangs up on him and Brock stares disbelievingly at his phone.
At first he is shocked and sad. He’s just lost the only friend who really knew him. Not only that, but he also thinks badly about him now. How can he think that Brock agrees with his father? He must know that he doesn’t have a choice, right? He thought Jose knows… That’s when Brock gets angry himself. He is so sick of all of these people and their opinions about him and his life and what he is supposed to do and to think. He’s used to it from his family and the town and the parish. But Jose? How dare he!
Before he really knows what he is doing, he has run inside, grabbed his mother’s car keys and is on the way to the dance studio. Jose wants him to talk to him in person? He can have it!
Brock bangs on the front-door and his hand is still in the air when the door is ripped open.
”What the fuck are you doing here, bitch?”
”You told me to talk to you in person, didn’t you?” Brock raises his voice as well.
”Aaaah and of course the good little christian boy always does what he is told,” Jose sneers. For a second Brock wants to punch him. Instead he pushes past him into the apartment. Jason or whoever else is around, really doesn’t need to hear this conversation.
Jose lets the door falls shut and crosses his arms over his chest. ” Say what you gotta say, then leave.”
”Why are you acting like this?”
”Acting? Acting bitch! Imma show you who’s acting! You lucky I’m not kicking your ass right now for pretending to be my friend, acting all nice and cute while we eating ice cream and then you suddenly stabbing me in the back, pretending you don’t fucking know me and stop talking to me without any explanation. I don’t need any more backstabbing hoes in my life.”
”Do you have any idea what my father would have done, if he knew we were hanging out after dance practice? If he knew we were so much as talking on the regular? I don’t know who he would have shot first, you or me!”
“I’m not scared of your asshole father. I don’t give a shit about him! But I give a shit about loyalty. And you not who I thought you were! You not fucking loyal! If you’d been at that fucking bar last week, you’d have spat on me too and tried to beat me up, just ‘cause you scared of your father. You pathetic!” Jose is full on screaming at him now.
”So you got a taste of what it’s like to live here for one night? Do you know what it’s like to live here every fucking day of your fucking life? When they beat me up as a kid ‘cause I was too girly, my dad beat me up again when I got home. They threw rocks at me, spat at me and slapped me all the way through school. I couldn’t tell my parents, the teachers didn’t care and I didn’t even understand what the fuck was wrong with me!” Brock starts pacing in the small living room.
”You’re the only person who knows. The only person who knows that I’m…” he can barely get the word over his lips. ”…that I’m gay.” There, he’s said it out loud for the first time in his life. Well, yelled it at Jose. ”And you know what happens when that gets out? When only a rumour will spread? What you experienced at the bar will be my life every fucking day and worse. My parents will kick me out, I’ll lose all of my family and I’ll have nothing, NOTHING left. Maybe that’s what I deserve for being that way, maybe that’s really god’s way of punishment. But I’d rather live a lie every day for the rest of my fucking life than to lose the little I have left.” Tears are dripping from Brock’s chin by the end of his confession. He’s laid it all out now to Jose, a guy he barely knows and just because he’s the first one who has shown him any kindness. Fuck! What if… what if he tells people? What if he is so angry he will take revenge and..
”Hey, it’s ok. I understand,” Jose is suddenly standing in front of him and places his hands on his upper arms. That’s when Brock realises he’s shaking. ”It’s ok.” Jose tries to wipe his tears away with the back of his hands, but they fall faster than he can wipe them off. ”Come here, boo, sit down. You still shaking like a fucking tree,” he says. Brock has to laugh about the mishap.
”Leaf,” he corrects through his tears and hiccups.
”Smart ass. Imma get you some water,” Jose smiles and disappears for a moment, before he comes back with a bottle of water and some tissues. Brock takes the water and drinks it down, before he accepts the tissues and dries his face and his eyes.
He feels stupid now for getting so upset, for crying, for yelling all of his secrets at Jose and for coming here in the first place. ”I’m sorry, I shouldn’t…” he starts but Jose stops him.
”You know what, boo? You look like you need a hug. That ok?” Jose asks him with a tender and worried look.
”I’m not good at hugging,” Brock shrugs self-deprecatingly and looks down.
”You lucky, ‘cause I’m the best at giving hugs.” A moment later Jose slowly pulls him in his arms and hugs him tightly. It’s a strange feeling for Brock and he can’t remember when he has ever hugged anyone other than his sister or his nieces and nephews. Then however, he slowly relaxes against Jose’s warm body and lets the last couple of tears fall.
So this is what it feels like, he thinks. It’s nice and soothing, comfortable and exciting. He feels safe and cared for. Jose starts running his hands up and down his back and if Brock could, he would start purring like his favorite kitten. He closes his eyes and enjoys the feeling.
After a while, he turns his head, his nose bumps against Jose’s neck and the scent of cologne gets stronger. Jose’s hand slides up his neck and into his hair. When Brock looks up and their eyes meet, it only takes a split second and then Jose brushes his lips against his. It’s not even a peck, more like a butterfly like touch, but Brock wants more. He stops thinking as he leans up and captures Jose’s mouth in a soft kiss.
When he pulls back his brain suddenly starts working again and he jumps back. ”Oh my god!” he covers his tingling lips with his hand and stares at Jose.
”Please tell me that’s not been your first kiss,” Jose begs, equally wide eyed.
”No! But.. Like… we can’t do this. I can’t..not… here… I’m…”
”It’s ok, Brock. It don’t gotta mean nothing. You can go back to ignoring me now. I get it, I promise. No hard feelings.” The hurt in Jose’s voice tells Brock something else though.
”I don’t wanna ignore you.” He tells him honestly. ”But I can’t… do this here. It’s too risky.”
”Alright. Friends then?” Jose smiles.
”Friends,” Brock nods. ”Just… no one can know.”
”‘Cause I’m too fucking gay for this town, I know, Miss Thing. Then you better get your secretly gay ass outta here, before anyone sees you.” The words are harsh, but the smirk on Jose’s face and the hug he gives him, let Brock know he really means it.
”We could get ice cream again some time?” Brock suggests when he is already halfway out the door.
”Text me tomorrow if you still feeling that typa way and we can do that.” They smile at each other for a moment and if Brock wasn’t such a coward he’d kiss him again. Instead he quickly leaves and vows to himself that he will text Jose in the morning and make sure he won’t lose the only friend who now really knows all of his dirty secrets and still likes him. Despite it all. Maybe because of it.
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fics-not-tragedies · 4 years
In a Week: Chapter 2 🌲
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I know that there aren’t many people interested in this fic, but honestly this will be going on for some time, because it’s my favorite idea! Also I forgot to post it yesterday, oops...
Words: 3060; Warnings: none, unless you want another warning for alcohol drinking, then you have it; Summary: Flo meets Andrew who decides to keep her occupied with his presence through the whole week.
Hozier tag list:
@letoursilencebreaktonight​​​​​; @angelpeachamber​​​​​; @sgt-morgan​​​​​; @julessbrown​​​​​;
Sunday, 11:05pm
After ordering two Malibus, desperately trying not to down them before he even had the chance to ask her about her name, Andrew pulled the chair back and sat down, sliding the glass across the table to her, his hand longing on it, hoping she’d brush her fingers against his skin.
There was something about this girl, the way her impossibly green eyes lit up whenever she looked in his direction that made him want to give her anything she could possibly want. She wrapped her fingertips around the bottom part of the glass, purposely avoiding his hand and pulled it closer to her.
He cleared his throat, suddenly becoming aware of the silence that had been building between them since he sat, but before he could form something clever or witty, he simply spat out the most obvious question that had been circulating since he first caught her gaze.
“What’s your name?” He asked slowly, bringing the glass to his lips and taking a sip.
“Flo” she replied quickly. Andrew nodded, toying with the word in his mind before deciding that it absolutely suited her. He had a thing for noting when people didn’t suit their names but Flo unquestionably did. It was strong, bold and gorgeous and he practiced saying it out loud, enjoying the way it rolled off his tongue.
“Technically it’s Florence” she smiled watching his narrow lips, her cheeks blushing slightly, but she held her chin high, determined to keep her confidence she was still trying to work on, “but I prefer to be called Flo.”
“It’s still a great name” he announced, sinking further into his seat and fixing his eyes on her. There was an ease, an instant softness to the way they spoke to each other despite the overly long pauses.
“Thank you” she said with a shy smile, tucking strands of straw blonde hair behind her ears.
Andrew was mesmerized by the movement of her small hands, the slim gold jewelry that decorated her fingers, her black painted nails.
“Do you have a name?” She asked, feeling utterly ridiculous at the way she phrased it.
Stop trying to be cool.
Andrew squinted at her a little, as if he was trying to work something out, but replied after a second.
“Andrew. Andrew, Andy. You can call me any name that you think suits me.”
“I like them all. Can’t I pick them all?”
“If you want to” he chuckled and they both took their drinks into their hands, silently sipping for a moment or two. The record changed and he looked in the record player’s direction as she tried to figure out what tune is being played now. When she turned back to face him he was grinning from ear to ear, his long hair messy as he ran his hand through it again, wide grin on his face. She smiled back helplessly, “What do you do, honey?” he asked, his lips pressed into the edge of the glass.
“What do I do?”
“Yeah, em… for work and everything that includes” he continued, placing his drink onto the table, pressing his hands together, as he explained himself.
“Oh!” She exclaimed, her face bright, “I’m the head of IT department in a big company. Big office. Big desk. Got one of those spiny chairs too” Andrew was amused by the way she wiggled her finger to explain the movement of her chair. Flo usually held back from talking about her job, men were usually intimidated by her success, but Andrew was different, seemed to understand her even though they just met, “What do you do?”
“What do I do?” He replied quickly, pausing from taking another sip.
So she didn’t know. What a relief.
“Yeah?” He tilted his head and bit the inside of his lip, thinking, glancing away for a moment. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had to explain this. Everywhere he went, people just knew him. But not this girl, this girl was different. Just being himself wouldn’t cut it this time. She was a challenge. And that was exciting.
“I’m a musician and I’m in a band.”
“You are?” She answered quickly, her eyes squinting with excitement at his confession, the vague familiarity of his face striking her again, “That’s so cool! I’d love to hear some of your tunes” he watched as she lean forward enthusiastically, her hair falling over shoulders, soft like honey.
Andrew was obsessed, bewitched, mesmerized by her every move. Not only was she dazzling in every way, she was oblivious to who he was, completely unfazed by it all and it was magical. A complete fantasy. A clean slate.
“Em… perhaps. I don’t usually play my music…”
“Oh why not!” She pouted, “Not even for me?” even the way her lips formed words delighted him. He swallowed sharply, trying to focus on what she was saying. What was she saying? He was lost.
“We will see” he replied with a shrug, though he already knew he would do anything she wanted him to.
“What do you play?” She continued adamantly and he laughed, hoping they would move on from the topic, but she seemed genuinely interested in him as he was in her and she was clearly not going to give up without a fight.
“Are we still talking about… em… me?”
“Yes” she replied confidently, batting her long lashes in his direction.
“The guitar, piano… and… em… other stuff. I do the singing as well.”
“Ooh… I always wanted to learn to play the guitar, but never really had the chance to start it” she grinned and nodded to the direction of the music, “Promise me you’ll play me something on the piano! I noticed it in the ballroom as I walked here.”
“Yeah, I promise.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Andrew” she warned, winking at him. He exhaled sharply and smiled, all warm and intoxicated.
“Never do” Andrew took another mouthful of his Malibu and tried to keep his eyes from wandering over Flo’s body, “I’m here for the whole week” he stated.
“Good” she replied sharply, the thought of a whole week with this man beginning to excite her beyond any rational explanation, “Me too.”
“Why are you here Flo? Em… are you running away from something, honey?”
“How did you worked out that one?” She replied, a slight panic in her voice. Was she really that easy to read? She pushed a few loose strands of hair from her eyes, not used to feeling so vulnerable.
“Well…” he mumbled, lowering his voice and leaning across the table slightly, “I was only guessing, but em… now I know I was right somehow.”
“Maybe I just needed to get away for the week?” She replied, crossing her arms on her chest, unintentionally drawing more attention to it.
“But why did you needed to get away for the week?” He continued teasingly, pointing his finger and raising one eyebrow before taking another sip from his glass which was nearing empty, “That the em… main question now.”
Flo glanced down at her own glass, realizing that she already had more than she  planned to drink tonight, she was nearly three cocktails down. She swirled her finger over the edge of her glass. Then she moved her eyes back to his, the warmness of his eyes making her toes curl and found herself spilling all her secrets without hesitation.
“Well if you must know, uh… I just needed to take a break from everything” there was an obvious crack to her voice that which Andrew couldn’t help but find endearing, even though he embarrassingly wanted to comfort her. He had to slow down on the drink, “I have to rethink my life and perhaps start something new.”
“Oh yes, em… I get that” he sighed, gritting his teeth, “I’m sorry to hear that.” though the perfect stranger opposite her was nothing but a perfect stranger, she knew he was being genuine, that he really was sorry. His eyebrows pulled in and he pulled the softness expression she has ever seen, then like a perfect contradiction he added… “Life sometimes gets too fucked up.”
“Yeah…” she mumbled into her drink, taking another huge sip of it.
The issues and problems mixed together. The loneliness. The way her heart was ripped out of her chest many years ago. Everything that had lead her to this very moment.
Andrew’s voice broke her from her trance, “You’re still on this planet with me, honey?” He waved his hand in her face goofily and she blinked herself back to the room. First the beautiful record sounds, then the stunning vintage decor, then him.
“Yes. Sorry. I’m here.” Flo tipped the remnants of her glass back, savoring the taste of the liquor in her throat and patted her lips dry.
“Look, Lo” he began, scratching his nose and she giggled instinctively at her new nickname, “Em… can I call you Lo?” She nodded in response, “I know you’re feeling absolutely shitty now, but I think em… I think I have em… a plan.”
“Great, because I have no plan.”
“How about we em… spend the whole week together. I can take you for long walks in the woods if the weather gets better and em… I’ll try my best to make you feel better. Even if I had to play the piano for the whole fucking night.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t…”
“Never do” he repeated, cutting her off with a wild grin before she could finish the sentence. He stared her down, his round muddy green eyes unblinking, somehow soft and sexy at the same time, “Well?”
She pursed her lips, weighing the options. Three scenarios were crystal clear in her mind.
Scenario one was an awkward, drunken one night stand which they’d both regret in the morning.
Scenario two was that one of them would make advances on the other and they would argue explosively about it.
And scenario three was that they would spend the weekend simply enjoying each other’s company, until another Monday afternoon comes and they’d never speak again.
She couldn’t decide which sounded best in her head. Unable to determine what she really wanted from her week away from reality, she looked momentarily back to him, tilting her head. She was unable to keep the smile from stretching across her lips when he wiggled his eyebrows in her direction, smoothing his hair back. She shook her head and laughed.
“Fine. I’m in.”
“Another drink?” He asked, waving over a waiter before she even had a chance to reply.
Sunday, 11:25pm
“Hozier Byrne.”
“Oooh, sexy” she laughed, the alcohol well and truly absorbed into her bloodstream now, “Wait a second… Hozier? Like… you sang that song about church?”
“Sadly I did… em… same question?” He replied, drumming his long fingers on the table, trying to keep his hand occupied.
“Flo Hayes…” he mused, rolling the name over in his deep drawl.
“Do you believe in miracles?” She asked, focused on learning as much as she could.
“Em, I think so. Like me being here with you is a miracle, somehow isn’t it?” He chuckled, the creases around his eyes more obvious than before, “Do you?”
“You can’t just ask the same question back every time, Andy” Flo replied, rolling her eyes.
“But you always ask good questions!” he pressed his finger to his temple for a moment, focusing his brain through the fogginess the drinking had brought on, “Do you like em… sleeping?”
“Do I like sleeping?!” Flo scoffed, “Yes. But come on you can do much better than that!”
“Oh Lo, I don’t know… em… you ever broke someone's heart?” Flo could tell he was proud of himself.
“That’s a good one! Probably my first boyfriend. We were 17 and I moved to another country never seeing him again.”
“He probably never got over you em… he probably wrote sad songs about you” Andrew proclaimed as he finished the last of another glass, his voice bold despite the fact he was beginning to slur. Flo was briefly aware of a nervous sensation building in her stomach but ignored it, having the next question prepared as a distraction.
“Okay, you ever wrote a song about your ex?”
“Uhhh…” he took final sip of his drink before placing the empty glass on the table with a loud thud, “Great amount of my songs are the ones about my exes… It’s the yearning for something you once had, but now it’s all lost.”
“The yearning” she repeated after him, before taking a sip from her glass. Before he could say anything else she threw another question at him, “What was your last text?”
He fumbled through his pants pockets to fish out his phone out of them. He tried to unlock it, but the drunken haze wasn’t helping him with dealing with electronic devices.
“Do you need help with it?” Flo asked.
Though he had genuinely been struggling, Andrew took this perfect opportunity to drag his chair closer to hers, so that his whole body was close to her, the table between them had been killing him. Suddenly her knee was against his and he tried not to notice, handing her his phone. She flipped her hair over her shoulder effortlessly and took it from him, her fingers almost brushing his.
Her neck was exposed to him now, pale and smooth and inviting and he inhaled a little too loudly, drunk instantly on her perfume. She was sweet and spicy all at once and he reeled in the uniqueness of it. If she had been a random girl at a random bar, he’d have made all of the moves by now. But there was something untouchable about Flo - he knew he had to work for that opportunity and he was more than happy to.
“Who’s Alex?” She asked seconds later, looking up at him and catching her breath in her throat, not used to him being this close.
“He’s my close friend. He’s in the band with me.”
“Mhm. So your last text was ‘miss you too’” Andrew grinned awkwardly, taking his phone back, only half embarrassed.
“It’s your turn” Flo chuckled.
“Emmm” Andrew licked his lips absent-minded, silently craving a cigarette, even though he knew he shouldn’t be getting into smoking again, determined to drag it out as long as possible so he could stay with her, “Would you rather go to the outer space or… or dive to the bottom of a bog?”
“Easy” she declared, clapping her hands together, “Space. It’s so fascinating and beautiful. All of those stars and colors… And I hate bogs. Too many germs.”
“Well, you wouldn’t have to touch the bog water, you’d in a bog submarine” she giggled a little at his words.
“Bog submarine sounds really interesting, but the stars are much prettier Andrew” she added, “Don’t you think?”
“Okay, Andrew. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?”
“Lots of alarms. So many of them that my phone once scolded me for having too many… emm… good cup of tea, toasts and my dog.”
“So you’re single?” Flo blurted, her mouth outrunning her brain for once. Apparently she wasn’t even trying to be cool anymore, “Except for the dog of course” she added with a large smile on her face.
“A good boyfriend would be sat here, on my chair, right next to you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she laughed, the corners of her full lips twisted upwards. Andrew cleared his throat.
“You’re pretty… em… and I hope you’re aware of it.”
“Oh shhh…” she waved him off, her cheeks unusually hot, before adding a quiet: “thank you.”
“So you agree with me?” He purred, his lips parted as if waiting for something. He couldn’t remember the last time a girl had actually accepted his compliment and it was so refreshing, her self-assured nature making him somehow more eager to please.
“Am I not allowed to agree?”
“Of course you can agree. Don’t think anybody could disagree” Andrew and Flo locked eyes for a moment obviously too long, each of them scared to be the first to turn away. Eventually Andrew broke away, consumed by her intensity, devastated that his glass was empty, instead occupying himself with the search for his lighter.
“Is it my turn?” She asked, finishing the leftovers of her fourth? Or was it the fifth? cocktail to divert her mind from wandering further into the ridiculously gorgeous way he smelt.
“No, em… you already asked your question, honey.”
“I did?”
“Em… yes… em… you asked if I was single.”
“Right” she nodded, nonchalantly pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.
“I need a cigarette” Andrew announced at last, convinced he couldn’t sit here and be tortured by her for a moment longer.
“Quite desperate need” she was unsure whether he was talking about the cigarette or her now, Andrew pulled a cigarette from his packet and balanced it between his lips. The movement was so slick, so rehearsed. Flo wondered how many girls had watched him make exactly the same move. She shuffled in her chair uncomfortably as he stood and did up the button on the front of his red flannel shirt.
“Okay. I’ll…”
“You’re going with me, yes?” He asked plainly, more of a statement than a question, his palm outstretched to pull her up.
Andrew swallowed and she watched his Adam’s apple bob in his throat, enchanted by the fluffiness of his beard, the softness of his skin.
How could she ever say no to him? She reached out for him and he couldn’t help but stroke down her wrist, taking the tips of her fingers in his, the simple touch enough to make her light-headed. He pulled her up with ease, stroking her palm with his thumb as he reluctantly let go.
Andrew was relieved to have at last touched her, knowing he could now die happy just having done that but he was heartbroken to let go once she was standing. She exhaled sharply, her eyes glowing an unrivaled green under the vintage bulbs, a delicate smile stretched on her face.
“You ever broke someone's heart?” he asked her before. Fuck, if she didn’t break his every time she smiled at him like that.
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fixxofvixx · 5 years
BLOODRIGHT - Vampire Taekwoon AU - Chapter Thirteen
I finished a chapter!!!!!!
It's almost 5am in Korea and I couldn't sleep until I finished this! Who needs sleep when inspiration comes???!!! I'm going to try to finish more tomorrow. Creating stories for you all makes me happy.
I hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think!!!❤❤❤❤
"Hello, Father."
As soon as Taekwoon spoke, you wished for the ground to swallow you whole.
Your head snapped up to see a man with salt and pepper hair, deep red eyes, and an amused expression.
"I see that you have become acquainted with your donor, Taekwoon."
"I'm assuming Mother sent you to continue my torture?"
"Not at all. She is currently with the others looking into the box that you received. We're looking for clues to see who would have intercepted it. I actually came to talk to you about the attacks. But, I see that you are a bit busy." Taekwoon's father turned to you and gave you a warm smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I heard you had been injured. I trust that you are healing?"
"Y-Yes, Sir.....majesty....high-" You looked at Taekwoon but he was trying hard not to laugh. Your embarrassment was pure amusement for him.
"Breathe, y/n." Taekwoon finally stopped long enough to try to calm you down.
"Yes, don't be too concerned with titles here. We don't really care for them. You can call me whatever you like."
"Yes, Sir." You sighed in defeat and used the only thing that came to mind. Taekwoon rose from his seat and gave a short hug to his father. Seeing Taekwoon with both of his parents turned your mood a bit melancholy at the thought of what you'd missed not having parents. You didn't even remember them but the orphanage that you grew up in severely lacked in parental love.
"Taekwoon," Taekwoon's father broke into your thoughts and you focused back on their conversation, "these attacks are getting more and more dangerous. Perhaps you should both stay here until it's settled."
Your thoughts turned to panic at his suggestion. You were not sure if your sanity would last living with Taekwoon's parents.
"With all do respect, I think staying at my house is safer. I have the barrier around the perimeter and it's rather isolated. We have everything we need there and I can keep an eye on y/n better in a smaller house."
You sighed internally, silently thanking Taekwoon for not agreeing with his father.
"Well, if you're certain. Just don't try to solve everything by yourself. Call us when you need some help."
"I will. We'll stay for a couple of days and then head back."
Your head snapped up to look at Taekwoon but he wouldn't look at you. A couple of days? You were going to be a nervous wreck.
"Hmm, alright. We can talk some more tomorrow, then. Y/N," you stood when Taekwoon's father called your name. The fast movement caused pain to erupt in your head but you tried to hide it, "don't let him bully you too much. You can call on us too if he won't listen. We'll take care of him."
He winked and you smiled, grateful that Taekwoon's father was as laid back as his mother.
"Yes, I will. Thank you." You bowed slightly and he smiled. He placed his hand on Taekwoon's shoulder for a moment before walking away.
As soon as he was out of sight, you slumped back into the bench. You put your head in your hands and groaned.
"That was so embarrassing."
"No, it was fine."
"But....we were....." you looked back up at Taekwoon.
"My father doesn't mind things like that. He is aware that we have a relationship now as I'm sure my mother told him immediately."
"Do we really have to stay a couple of days?"
"I think it would be best. We need to find out all we can about who is coming after us. Plus, I can show you all the places I loved when I lived here."
"Alright.....I do like your parents, don't get me wrong. I'm just not used to this."
"I know and so do they. Come on, let's get back to the room. I'm sure you're tired." Taekwoon held out his hand for you to take. When you did he pulled you forward quickly into his arms. In just a few seconds, you were back in his room. You had kept your eyes closed the whole time, not wanting to get dizzy. However, Taekwoon took that as an opportunity to finish what he started in the garden.
Before you could open your eyes, he kissed you. You jumped at the contact a bit but quickly recovered to kiss him back. He kept the kiss slow and relaxed, a perfect remedy for the whirlwind day you'd had. Thankfully, he broke the kiss before you ran out of oxygen. He didn't release you however and you made no move to retreat, either. You smiled up at him and he tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear.
"Should I ask my Mother for something for you to sleep in?"
"I'm okay in this." You could have been in full steel armor and still refused his offer. After the embarrassing moments today, you didn't want to go anywhere near his parents for the time being.
"In jeans?" He chuckled and leaned back to look at your attire.
"Yeah....sure. I'm so tired it really won't matter."
He released you and walked to a set of double doors on the far side of the room. He opened them to reveal a full wardrobe that would have made a fashion designer jealous.
"Come here and find something."
Relieved about not having to go to his mother for clothing, you jumped at the chance. You approached the large closet with wide eyes.
"Why do you have so many clothes?"
"I've accumulated quite a few things over the years. Pick out what you want." He walked away to let you choose in peace.
About 15 minutes later you emerged with a simple tshirt and thin pants. You smiled to yourself as you wandered into the bathroom to change. The clothes were soft and held Taekwoon's scent. You came out of the bathroom to find Taekwoon checking the windows, pulling on them to test the locks.
"Are you that concerned about intruders?"
"Just being cautious...you can never be too--" His voice caught in his throat as he turned around. His eyes traveled slowly down your body and back up. You looked down worried that there may be something out of place. When you didn't see anything, you looked back up at Taekwoon.
"What is it?"
"I don't think it's a good idea if I stay in here with you." He took a step towards you.
"Why? Did something happen?"
"Not yet...." He arm wrapped around your your waist. "But it might if I stay in here. You look really damn good in my clothes." You quietly laughed.
"It's just a tshirt and pants, Taekwoon. Should I pick something else?"
"No but I'm tempted to remove them for you." His arm tightened as he placed a kiss on the two small holes on your neck. You gasped at his suggestion. He wanted to....?
"I-I think I should ask your Mother to prepare another room for me."
"No!" He leaned back, panicked. "I won't do anything, I promise. I'll stay away from the bed. I know you're not keen on that stuff. Just.....just stay in here with me."
You nodded until you finally registered everything he'd said.
"Wait, what do you mean you 'know I'm not keen on that stuff'?"
Taekwoon hold on you relaxed and stepped back a bit. He looked guilty about something. You silently waited for him to explain.
"I...uh....I was witness to your last relationship."
A million things from your last attempt at a relationship flashed through your mind. Everything from how it started to how badly it ended.
"H-How much were you witness to?"
"Not everything. I was given your location after you met him. I was concerned about everything in your life, naturally."
"So you spied on me?" You were not angry....just surprised.
"Not completely. I just kept an eye on you, dropping in every so often to make sure you were safe. But that guy...." Taekwoon took a deep breath and you knew he'd seen the breakup. "I had come that day because something didn't feel right. I knew you had a date that night so I usually tried to stay away on those days. But something told me to check on you. When I got there, you had just come back to your apartment....with him. I was about to leave, seeing that you were safe. But then I heard you arguing with him. Your heartbeat told me you were nervous and uneasy. He kept trying to touch you and you told him you weren't ready and then he pushed you. If not for the fact that I was barred from your apartment, I would have taken his head off then and there."
A tear escaped your eyes as you remembered that night. He was right, you were scared. Your ex-boyfriend had promised to wait but he was overly aggressive that night.
"When he left, I followed him to make sure he stayed away. He ended up at the edge of town. He went to meet someone. Three vampires showed up and they were definitely friends."
You gasped at his explanation. You looked up at him, wanting him to continue.
"Your then boyfriend had apparently made a deal. He would be made into a vampire in exchange for you. But he didn't succeed that night. They were angry. They took turns at him until he was drained. I made sure they didn't leave either."
Your legs gave way and Taekwoon caught you. He picked you up and carried you to the bed. He sat next to you on the bed and wiped the tears from your eyes.
"Was he going to take me to them or something."
"No, he was going to let them into your apartment." His statement confused you.
"But wouldn't they need my permission?"
"Not if he sleeps with you IN your apartment. That would have given him the power to let them in."
You put your head in your hands and took a deep breath. Taekwoon's hand smoothed down the back of your head. You blindly grabbed for his hand and pulled him closer to you. Understanding what you wanted, he enveloped you in a hug. He guided your head to his chest and you wrapped your arms around him.
"You've been saving my life for longer than I thought, huh?"
"And I always will. I'm sorry for spying on you."
"I'm not, though." You raised your head to catch his gaze. You smiled at him. "I'm happy that you cared enough to do that, even if it was just for a donor."
"It wasn't that. Y/N....you have no idea how long I've loved you."
"L-Loved me?"
"You were only a donor to me for about a week. After that, I fell hard. It just about killed me to see the fear in your eyes when you saw me. I was trying to give you space and let you lead your life as you saw fit for as long as you could. But then the attacks started to happen and I couldn't stay in the shadows anymore. But I don't regret a thing." He placed a kiss on your cheek and you smiled.
"How lucky am I that I got the vampire that's also a hopeless romantic." He narrowed his eyes at you and then laughed when he covered you completely with the blanket and forced you back down onto the bed.
"Next time I bite you, I'm going to make you feel nothing but irritation!" You struggled to escape the blanket but he held it down.
"Then I won't let you bite me!"
He pulled the blanket away from your head but covered your body with his so you couldn't move.
"Really?" He attempted to make a cute face, trying to pull at your heartstrings.
"Well why would I if you're going to make me feel different than last time?"
A huge grin came across and you realized what you said. Your eyes widened and you tried to crawl back under the blanket. He chuckled at your embarrassment.
"So you liked it? Don't worry," He quickly kissed your cheek before you could dodge him. "You'll never feel anything but good when I bite you."
You looked at him and you almost wished for a week and a half to pass quickly. You smiled and nodded shyly.
"Get some sleep and I can show you some of my favorite places tomorrow." He started to stand but you caught his arm.
"I......I know you don't sleep but if don't need to do anything for a while....could you stay next to me until I fall asleep?" You blushed and pointed to the other side the of huge bed.
"You sure?" You nodded and he smiled. "It would be my pleasure."
He stood and walked around to the other side the bed and settled on the mattress. You scooted to the middle of the bed until you could reach his arm. You curled your hand lightly around his, not wanting him to be uncomfortable. Instead, he laid further down on the bed and secured your hand firmly in his. You smiled and closed your eyes. You were almost asleep when you finally said what had been on your mind.
"I love you, too, Taekwoon."
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psychosistr · 5 years
Friendly Four Verse- Meetings Part 3: Liquidator
Summary: Investigating some disappearances along the coast lead the Terrific Trio to a life-or-death battle against the forces of the sea. Thankfully for Megavolt, Quackerjack, and Bushroot, the sea seems to be on their side.
Notes: The final chapter of this installment and, as promised, it’s gonna be another long one. Hope everyone enjoys it!
-First Chapter-
The Liquidator was the last to join their little rag-tag group of heroes, but he left the biggest impact. Saving the whole city tended to do that…
There had been reports of ships going missing on their way to St.Canard for weeks now, as well as a string of missing people from the bay and the beach itself. Sadly, one or two missing ships and an occasional missing person’s report were common place in a city so rampant with crime- but the current wave was reaching unprecedented levels.
Determined to get to the bottom of the strange spiriting away at sea, the trio of heroes (duo plus one, Bushroot still tried to insist) arrived at the beach to do some investigating. Unfortunately, Megavolt’s glaring weakness was making things more than a little difficult.
“Oh for the love of-! Would you get away from the water already?!” Bushroot shouted before stretching his long arm several feet over to where Megavolt was standing dangerously close to the incoming tide. He grabbed the electric-powered hero and physically dragged him back to the much drier sand. “Are you actually TRYING to short out?!”
“Sorry..” Megavolt at least had the decency to look slightly ashamed as he rubbed at the back of his short-haired head before pointing at the spot he’d just occupied. “But I think I found something!”
“We’ve been over this, Sparky.” Bushroot sounded an awful lot like a parent lecturing a child that had ignored them several times already. “It’s too dangerous for you to get wet. If you see something, just get me or Quackerjack to take a look at-” He stopped suddenly and looked around with a scowl. “Wait..where’s Quackerjack?” He spotted the brightly colored clown in question further out in the water with a pink snorkeling set on as he looked beneath the waves. “You two are seriously going to be the death of me..” Bushroot grumbled before stretching both his torso and arms far enough to physically reach the snorkeling jester and drag him back to dry land. “Having fun?” He asked in a voice dripping with dry sarcasm.
Quackerjack answered the sarcasm with a bright smile and a nod. “Yeee-p.” He replied jovially, even popping the P at the end of the word for added effect. “Lots of neat fish out there!” The way he grinned made it hard to tell if he was seriously that childish or if he was just playing it up to further agitate the other duck.
Bushroot let Quackerjack go and rubbed at his temples with his leafy fingers, taking a moment to close his eyes and collect himself. “How the heck you two got anything done before I came along is a mystery…” He exhaled a long-suffering sigh before opening his eyes and looking at his companions (he refused to say partners or friends yet) again. “So, have you guys actually FOUND anything?”
“Well, the fish are busy stockpiling weapons for their rebel army.” The words that left Quackerjack’s mouth were said with the same amount of seriousness he said almost everything with…which was hardly any and sometimes made it hard to tell whether he was joking or not.
“What, did they tell you that?” Bushroot asked with a roll of his eyes.
“No, don’t be silly, Bushy.” Quackerjack said with a chuckle. “Fish can’t talk!” He reached into the pouch on his belt and pulled out a tin of fish bait. “I bribed ‘em with some treats and they showed me their weapons’ cache. The rest was just pantomiming, but I got the gist of it- something about an evil queen about to wage war on the city or something.”
Bushroot opted to ignore Quackerjack’s explanation and instead turned to Megavolt as if to pretend Quackerjack hadn’t said anything at all. “Did YOU find anything, Sparky?”
“Don’t call me Sparky.” Came the automatic reply before Megavolt pointed back to where he’d been standing earlier. “And yeah, I found this weird chunk of yellow stuff in the water over there.”
“Yellow stuff? Great, maybe it’s poisonous…” Bushroot, feeling once again like the responsible parent trying to look after two overly active kids, walked over to the spot in question and looked around for the “yellow stuff” that Megavolt had described. He found it quick enough, and was actually surprised when he reached into the water to pick it up. “Huh?” His hand pulled out an odd cube of something yellow and rubbery. It was shiny like plastic, but squishier like silicon or rubber- almost reminding him of lemon gelatin. What was REALLY surprising, though, was that it had a strand of seaweed passing through the middle of it, like it had formed around the seaweed and inadvertently severed it from its source. “What the heck is this stuff?”
“Uh, Bushy, I think we’ve got BIGGER things to worry about!” Quackerjack’s urgent tone of voice caught Bushroot’s attention, making him turn to see the jester pointing out to sea. “A LOT BIGGER!”
He was about to ask what the other meant, but then he saw what the other duck was pointing at and his eyes widened in alarm before his head hung low and he face-palmed into his waiting leaves. “You have GOT to be kidding me.” Before he could once again dwell on and lament his life choices, he was being dragged away at a brisk pace by Quackerjack and Megavolt’s now-too-familiar grip on his sleeves.
Finally getting his feet under him to run with the other two, Bushroot glanced back briefly to see the source of danger they were currently fleeing from:
A giant tsunami-sized wave of water.
Thanks to Bushroot wrapping his arms around the other two and Quackerjack pulling out his bat (they didn’t see where from- seriously, where did he keep that thing??), they managed to get away from the beach by jumping up into the air, flying away using the bat’s rockets, then using Bushroot’s unraveling feet and Megavolt’s magnetic abilities to latch onto one of the taller buildings further in-land and quickly scale their way to the top before the wave hit.
The building was tall enough to avoid the harsher force of the wave, but the wind and pressure generated was still strong enough to send someone flying. To avoid being separated, Bushroot wound his arms tighter around his friends and unraveled his legs in order to weave them around the metallic railing along the top of the building.
“What the heck?!” Quackerjack shouted over the roar of the wind and water around them while clinging to Bushroot. “Since when is Audobon Bay a tsunami-zone?!”
“It’s not!” Megavolt shouted back to him. “Something must have triggered it! Something like-”
“An army of whales?!” Bushroot asked in an alarmed tone of voice.
“Yeah! Something like that would do it!” Megavolt nodded in agreement.
“Something like that DID do it!” Bushroot inclined his head back out towards the ocean when the first wave began to recede. “Look!”
Megavolt and Quackerjack looked back out towards the ocean as Bushroot instructed and saw, to their surprise, a literal army of whales (sperm whales, to be precise) lining the horizon- all of them decorated with military-like badges and uniform sashes made of common sea-fare such as seashells, kelp, and coral. Seated atop what could be described as the lead-whale due to its extra adornments, was what appeared to be a throne made out of coral.
When the wind and air-pressure died down, Bushroot let the others go and re-formed his feet so they could all walk to the edge of the building and get a better look at the creatures that caused the sudden tsunami.
To help get a better view, Quackerjack reached into his toy pouch and pulled out a glittery pink kaleidoscope. Peeking through it, he twisted and adjusted the view until he could see far enough and gave an impressed whistle. “So THAT’S the evil queen the fish were talking about..gotta say, she definitely fits the bill..”
He handed the unassuming toy to Megavolt so he too could get a look at the coral throne and the person occupying it. When he looked through, he was momentarily impressed to find that, while it still had the shifting rainbow edge of a typical kaleidoscope’s view, the toy also doubled as a powerful telescope that gave a perfect view of its target.
Megavolt saw what could only be described as a female fish mutant sitting on the whale’s back. She was short in stature, but the chipped trident she carried and the various scars and torn fins on her body, along with her dark scales and ripped black body-suit, gave the accurate impression that she was a lot stronger than she looked. “An evil fish queen..that’s definitely a new one for the villain-list..” He said mostly to himself while handing the kaleidoscope off to Bushroot.
Bushroot looked over their enemy-of-the-day as well. “Wow, that’s something you don’t see every day.”
Quackerjack took back the kaleidoscope once Bushroot was done with it. “What, a fish mutant leading an army of whales?”
“No,” Bushroot didn’t even bother looking at him when he handed the toy over to the jester. “You being right about something.”
The duck-duo spared each other a smirk while side-eyeing one another, the healthy dose of sarcastic humor helping to alleviate stress in life-threatening situations for them.
Before Megavolt could tell them to stop joking around, the sound of a loud, bellowing horn brought their attention back to the ocean and the looming threat of the whale army ready to drown the city.
“People of the surface, I am Neptunia- Queen of the Seas!” The fish-mutant had a large conch shell set up in front of her, serving as a megaphone to broadcast her surprisingly regal voice out to the entire city. “For too long the creatures of the deep have suffered under your wasteful ways- polluting our waters with your trash and chemicals, stealing our citizens and resources for food and decoration- but no more!” She held her trident aloft in the air, the army of whales bellowing in response. “Now WE will be the ones on top while YOU suffer below us!!” She then leaned closer to the shell and blew into it, the same bellowing horn sound ringing through the air once again.
At her command, the whales turned around so their tail-ends were facing the city, raised them high into the air, then slammed them down into the water in unison. The resulting impact sent another tsunami-like wave rushing towards the city, driving the heroes into action.
Megavolt looked down at the streets where the people who survived the first wave’s assault were still stranded or injured in the water. “Quackerjack, help me get the civilians to safety! Bushroot, see if you can block off the water somehow!”
“On it!” The other two heroes shouted at the same time before all three of them jumped off the side of the building together.
Bushroot used his long-reaching limbs to grab onto and swing across a series of street lamps and building ledges. As he moved through the air, he reached into one of the pockets on his coat and pulled out a handful of seeds, tossing them down to the ground as he went. “A few philodendrons..some Chinese evergreens…English ivy…and some cork and oak trees for good measure..” With a wave of his hand, the plants began to grow and sprout up at an impressively fast-rate. The trees took root deep in the ground below while the ivy and more hydroponically inclined plants wove around them to help form a make-shift barricade. “Good thing there’s plenty of fresh water already.” Bushroot said as he finished planting the natural barrier.
Meanwhile, Megavolt used his magnetized boots to skate along the sides of buildings and any powerlines that weren’t already destroyed. “Get on top of the cars!” He called over the panicked screams of the people around him as he ran.
The citizens scrambled to do as they were instructed and got on top of any vehicles they could find. Once the majority of them were in position, Megavolt concentrated his electricity and magnetism based powers into his hands and aimed them at the vehicles. The resulting blasts of yellow and blue caused the cars to thrum to live and drive forward on their own. Megavolt controlled their direction with his magnetism and made the cars drive in a straight line towards a free-way ramp.
As the cars got up onto the ramp, Quackerjack was waiting on standby to grab the people off the top and take them to safety. To this end, he’d set up a large area of what appeared to be silly-putty by the base of the tallest flat-topped buildings in the area and had secured himself, as well as a small army of moving teddy-bears, to the roof with a brightly colored rainbow of bungee-chords.
“Alright, boys!” Quackerjack called out to his small, fluffy army. “Remember- the floor is lava, so let’s hurry before this situation gets any hotter!” And with that he leapt from the top of the building to grab the first group of people that arrived on top of the cars, flanked closely by his teddy bear army.
Quackerjack began a pattern with his fuzzy friends of leaping down, grabbing people off the top of the cars alongside his bears, taking them up to the roof, letting go while the silly-putty bounced the cars away to make room for the next group, and repeating the process again once the next vehicle got close enough and leaping over to clip their bungee-chords to the top of the next building when the top of one got too full. The unusual system worked surprisingly well, the plant barricade that Bushroot set up helping to deter the water long enough for Megavolt to guide the vehicles over to Quackerjack so he could get them up high enough to avoid the rising water levels.
It wasn’t until the last vehicles was being unloaded that a problem began to present itself.
Said problem was more waves being sent towards the city. Apparently the fish queen had taken notice of their meddling and changed up her strategy. The whales were now staggering their attacks, resulting in waves that were less intense in size, but much more numerous.
The repeated barrage wore away at Bushroot’s plant-wall and began to create gaps that he rushed to fix, but were growing more numerous by the second. “Could you two hurry it up a little?!”
“We’re going as fast as we can!” Megavolt shouted back to him while guiding the last car towards Quackerjack.
Right on time, Quackerjack and his bears jumped down to grab the final group of people just as a particularly powerful torrent ripped a sizable hole in the natural barrier that had kept it at bay. The resulting surge of water that flooded in through the opening began to quickly submerge the surrounding area.
Quackerjack had been in the middle of grabbing a woman off the top of the car when the waves of water suddenly hit. “Hold on- this ride’s gonna get a little wet an’ wild!” He said to the woman while holding onto her tightly.
The water got to them before the bungee cord could get them back up to the roof. The stretchy cord kept them from being swept away, though, and Quackerjack tried to pull both of them back towards the building. The current proved too strong, however, and the hero and his charge ended up getting buffeted by the waves and slowly dragged under.
“Quackerjack!” Megavolt raced along any available metal surfaces and wires to get to his comrade, Bushroot not far behind. “Hold on, we’re-!”
His exclamation changed into a surprised gasp when a torrent of water suddenly rushed beneath Quackerjack and the woman in his arms. It submerged them briefly before crashing back towards the building, going against the current and racing up the side of it in an odd, rolling motion. It splashed over the edge of the building and deposited the pair along the edge safely where they coughed up any water that had gotten into their lungs before the water receded back down into the rest of the flood below.
The other two heroes were momentarily stunned by the odd wave that had washed Quackerjack back to safety, but they soon recovered and joined him up on the roof with the other civilians.
“You still breathing, clown?” Bushroot asked with an air of indifference that most would consider rude, but the other two were well-aware by now that it was just his way of hiding his concern.
“Yeah..” Quackerjack spit out some sea water that had gotten in his mouth and shook his head to get the water out of his cowl. “Don’t think I swallowed too many fish..” He got to his feet with Bushroot’s help (Megavolt tried to offer him a hand up first, but Bushroot beat him to it with a stern look to remind him that shocking both himself and Quackerjack wouldn’t do anybody any good). “Hey, you guys might think I’m crazy-”
“Bit late for that.” Bushroot said without missing a beat.
Quackerjack rolled his eyes briefly but continued. “-but I’m pretty sure I saw a face in that water just now.”
“A face?” Megavolt repeated with a confused expression. “You sure it wasn’t just the lack of oxygen messing with your vision?”
“Maybe..” Quackerjack shrugged, looking down at the water with a thoughtful expression. “But I’m PRETTY sure it was real…”
Bushroot clapped his leafy hands together, the rustling sound getting the other heroes’ attention. “We can discuss Quackerjack’s growing need for therapy later. Right now, we need to focus on stopping those whales before the little mermaid out there decides to turn the next state over into beach-front property. Any ideas?”
Megavolt looked back out at the sea and their current enemy while weighing their options. “If I can get close enough, then one good zap should knock her out. The only problem is GETTING to her without shorting out.” He looked back to Quackerjack with a quirked brow. “This might be a shot in the dark, but do you have any giant pool noodles or surf boards or something?”
Quackerjack tilted his head back and forth as he thought the question over. “Hmmmmmmmm…no, I don’t think so..” He suddenly snapped his fingers. “But I think I’ve got something else that’ll do the trick!” The jester reached into his toy pouch and pulled out-
“A rubber ducky?” Bushroot asked with a deadpan stare at the grinning clown.
Quackerjack squeaked the small yellow rubber duck in front of Bushroot’s face as if to confirm his assessment. “An all-purpose rubber ducky, thank you very much!” He gave the duck a firmer squeeze and it began to rapidly inflate into a rubber raft with a proportionately big head on the front. “All aboard the S.S.Bath-Time!” Quackerjack said with a grin.
Megavolt just chuckled at the toy maker’s usual enthusiasm while Bushroot shook his head with a barely restrained smile. “Quackerjack, you’re a genius!”
“Tell me something I DON’T know, sparky.” Quackerjack replied with a wink.
Soon the trio of heroes were riding over the turbulent waves with ease thanks to Quackerjack’s surprisingly sturdy rubber raft. He’d given a brief explanation about counter-balancing weights and a solar powered turbine, but it had been too hard to hear him over the loud whale songs and crashing waves (though Megavolt made a mental note to try asking him about that engine later- they’d have to compare notes sometime).
They’d almost reached the whale the queen was on when something reached up from within the water’s depths and smacked them away. “!!!!” They all shouted in surprise and clung to the raft, looking up to see a pair of giant tentacles flailing about above the water now.
“Oh, great..” Quackerjack said once the raft had reasonably settled again. “A twenty-foot tall calamari buffet and we don’t have ANY dipping sauce.”
Bushroot shook the water out of his petals and glared at the squid that decided to show the rest of its body that had been hidden below the waves. “I think I’d be fine with some sashimi right about now…”
The giant squid glared down at them and tried striking their boat again. Its actions gained the queen’s attention and she looked over to them from her throne with a mildly irritated expression. “You look like the rude peasants that stopped my waves.” She jumped from the back of her whale onto the backs of a few others until she reached the squid and landed on its head. “So, what brings you all the way out here, if I may ask? Come to surrender?”
“Other way around, villain!” Megavolt said while pointing a charged finger in her direction. “We’re gonna give you one chance to call off your army before we send you back down where you came from!”
Neptunia let out a loud laugh, leaning against the side of the squid’s head. “Ha! These locals ARE amusing, wouldn’t you agree, Sebastian?” Her laughter was gone in an instant, turning instead to an icy glare as she pointed her trident down at them. “Now then, darlings, I will give YOU one chance to get your little dingy out of here before my men decide they want duck and rat kebobs with a side salad.”
“Wow, I’ve been upgraded from a weed to a salad- what an honor.” Bushroot said sarcastically with a roll of his eyes as he stood up and prepared to fight.
“I know, right!” Quackerjack chuckled while standing up as well. “Before you know it, you’ll be treated as a full-fledged main course, Bushy!”
“If you guys don’t stop with the food jokes, you’re gonna make me hungry.” Megavolt complained as he stood alongside his comrades with a crack of his knuckles. “We can make one more seafood or fried fish joke, but then that’s it for the food quips, okay?” He adjusted his safety glasses and held out one hand. “Now, let’s take down this deep-sea deviant!”
“Just try not to earn your sea legs today, alright?” Bushroot said while grabbing Megavolt’s hand. At a nod from Megavolt, Bushroot swung him back before launching him off towards Neptunia.
Megavolt landed next to the fish-mutant on top of the giant squid and tried to hit her with an electrically charged fist. The fearsome fish, however, was much more agile than one would assume, and jumped over his attack to counter with a smack using the blunt end of her trident.
While their third member did battle with the sea-queen, Bushroot and Quackerjack took the boat around and began attacking the whales. Bushroot handled the steering at the boat’s rudder while Quackerjack lobbed his exploding red dodgeballs at the tail fins of any whales they passed. Just like during his fight with Bushroot, the balls burst when they hit their targets and covered them in a squishy but sticky red putty that caught on anything they came in contact with- including each other.
As Bushroot saw the whales struggle to get free from each other, he couldn’t help but shake his head slightly in sympathy. “That won’t work unless you can rip your own body parts off- trust me, I know.”
“Good thing we’re not fighting lizard people again!” Quackerjack chuckled while pulling new exploding dodgeballs out of his toy pouch, activating and then throwing them in a steady pattern.
Meanwhile, Megavolt was having more than a little trouble beating the surprisingly strong fish woman. In addition to having the home-field advantage of the squid constantly catching her every time he managed to knock her off-balance, she was also incredibly strong for her size and could easily lift him whenever she got a good hold on him. Add to that the fact that there wasn’t anything metallic for him to grab onto, and one could see why exactly Megavolt was struggling with the fish queen.
He felt like he’d finally caught a lucky break, however, when he managed to grab her arm. “Time for some extra-crispy fried fish!” He channeled what he thought was an appropriate amount of electricity into his hand and experienced a brief moment of elation when his amphibious attacker suddenly went limp…an extremely brief moment, it turns out, as she soon turned the tables on him by grabbing his arm in return. “Huh?!”
She looked up at him with a smirk. “Sorry, darling, but I’ve received better shocks from electric eels.” She used her grip on his arm to suddenly lift him up and toss him towards the water a few miles away. “Why don’t you go ask them for some lessons?!”
“MEGAVOLT!” He heard Quackerjack and Bushroot calling his name in alarm, and even caught a glimpse of them racing towards him on their boat in the distance.
They were too far away, though, he realized with a growing sense of panic. There was nothing for him to grab onto, no way they could reach him in time- just him and the vast ocean that would soon be his watery grave. As he began to lose his forward momentum from the throw and saw the water drawing closer, Megavolt closed his eyes and braced himself for impact with-
-with something squishy?
Opening his eyes hesitantly to make sure this wasn’t some sort of cruel near-death fantasy, Megavolt was shocked to see that he’d reached the surface of the water, as he expected, but it wasn’t water anymore. What he found himself laying on instead was a strange, rubbery yellow substance that looked a lot like the cube they’d found by the beach earlier.
In addition to the strangeness of finding himself suddenly (albeit gratefully) lying on a surprisingly buoyant substance of unknown origin instead of shorting out in the ocean like he’d dreaded, there was an additional anomaly within his yellow make-shift life-raft that Megavolt noticed right away:
A pair of hands moving about within the rubbery substance had supported him when he’d landed, taking great lengths to make sure he didn’t hit his head or get whip-lash, and had since then begun to move to the edge of the unknown mass. Once they were on the edge, Megavolt saw something shift in the water by the hands and his little rubber island began to move slowly towards the direction that he’d last seen Quackerjack and Bushroot in.
“Megavolt!” He heard Quackerjack shout his name as the boat he and Bushroot were on got closer. “You alright, Sparky?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He replied, never taking his eyes off of the water by the hands. There was something odd about the way it moved, rolling about as if it were its own current. In fact, if he looked close enough, he could almost see a faint outline where the water looked a little different, almost like a person’s silhouette. “Hello..?” He asked, reaching out to touch the strange body of water. Unfortunately, making contact with the water was a terrible idea as it resulted in a spark of electricity that made him stumble back and nearly fall off of the yellow island and into the water below. “Ow!”
“Megavolt!” Over the sound of Bushroot calling out his name, Megavolt could swear he heard someone else’s voice yelp at the same time his own had and that there was a sudden and abrupt splash coming from the area he’d touched. “Idiot!” Bushroot’s long limbs stretched out and caught Megavolt before he could fall into the ocean. “What were you thinking?!”
“There’s someone in the water.” Megavolt said once Quackerjack had gotten the rubber ducky boat close enough for him to climb in. He looked back over to the spot he’d last seen the mysterious hands and was disappointed to find they, and the oddly moving current of water, were no longer in sight. “Hey! Anyone out there?!” He tried looking around for the silhouette he’d spotted earlier, but it’s hard to recognize a body of water WITHIN a body of water.
“You saw something, too?” Quackerjack questioned eagerly while searching for anything different in the water.
“Yeah- a pair of hands.” Megavolt explained while the two of them looked around. “And I KNOW I felt something in the water when I touched it.”
“You sure you didn’t just fry your nerves?” Bushroot asked with a disinterested expression.
“Well I’m pretty sure my fried nerves didn’t have anything to do with THAT.” Megavolt shot him a mildly irritated look and pointed at the strange yellow substance before returning his attention back to the water. “Hey! If anyone’s there, thanks for saving me! We could really use your help, though!”
There was a moment of silence, just long enough for Megavolt to doubt himself and what he’d seen, but then they heard him.
“Y-You…want m-my h-he-h-help…?” A deep but timid, gurgling voice asked them from somewhere within the water below them.
Much to their combined surprise, they saw a face appear within the water. It was simple and hardly noticeable had it not been staring dead at them, consisting of nothing more than two round eyes that were barely darker than the deep water around them and a slight line for a mouth.
Their reactions were….intense, to say the least.
“Woah!” Quackerjack gave an excited shout and leaned over the edge of the boat to get a better look at the face, nearly falling out in the process. ��I knew it! You saved me too, right?! Are you MADE of water?! That’s awesome!”
Megavolt clung to the boat to keep from falling out while curiously examining the face looking up at them, attempting to see if he could spot any sort of body or silhouette in the water’s depths again, but finding none. “How big are you? Are you the size of the entire ocean, or are you just a concentrated mass mixed in? Do you suffer from any sort of diffusion effects?”
Bushroot just stared at the face in the water for a moment, a look of surprise on his own more solidly defined face. “Quackerjack was right. Twice in one day, too. We’re probably all about to die..” Giving a shake of his head and a sigh, Bushroot soon recovered from his initial shock and looked back to the water. Being much calmer than his companions, he noticed a few signs of discomfort on their new liquid-cohort’s face- the way his eyes shifted, the way he’d open his mouth to say something but close it again, the fact that the water around his face seemed to dip downward in an attempt to physically back away from their barrage of questions. Feeling an odd pang of sympathy for the watery creature and knowing how both Quackerjack and Megavolt could be oblivious to social cues, Bushroot firmly grabbed the two heroes that were half-way leaning out of the boat and firmly yanked them in by the backs of their shirts. “Geez, haven’t you guys heard of a little thing called manners? You’re supposed to wait until the third date to ask a mutant about their powers.” He shot them both a stern glare before looking down at the concave-face by the boat. “Sorry, I know they can be a bit much.”
“O-Oh, it-it’s f-fi-f-i-i-fi-” He seemed to struggle with his speech for a moment before rising back up to be level with the water’s surface. “It’s okay, I-I don’t m-mi-m-mind.”
The speech impediment was becoming glaringly obvious now that they’d had more conversation with him, but the three heroes (two plus a tag-along, Bushroot would have insisted) chose not to call attention to it.
Megavolt was about to say something else to the fascinating water creature, when the sound of loud splashing from earlier began to resume. “Huh?!” Looking back to where they’d left Neptunia and her army, he could barely make out her and her squid freeing the whales from the putty by summoning electric eels to fry the substance to a crisp and peeling it off. “Looks like break time’s over, guys.” He looked back down at the unnamed figure in the sea with a small smile that was partially pleading, but mostly understanding. “We’ll understand if you don’t wanna help- but, if you do, we’d appreciate anything at all.”
And with a quick wave to their new friend, the three took off back towards the tyrannical queen and her army of sea creatures while the hidden figure in the ocean stared after them.
“So, what’s the plan this time, Sparky?” Quackerjack asked while steering the boat so that it would counteract the swelling waves and not send any of them flying off.
“Don’t call me Sparky.” His reply came automatically. “And..same as before, I guess.” Megavolt admitted with a frown. “I’ll try to take down the diva of the deep while you two find a way to stop those waves from reaching the city.”
Bushroot looked at Megavolt with one brow cocked skeptically. “Hate to break it to you, Sparky-”
“Don’t call me Sparky!” Megavolt cut in briefly.
“-but you didn’t do too well against her last time.” Bushroot continued, ignoring Megavolt’s interruption as if he’d never said anything at all. “You got any OTHER plans?”
“Not really..” Megavolt rubbed at his neck while avoiding eye contact with the plant duck. “But..there’s not really much else I can do out here: My powers can’t do anything against those waves, but I can’t just sit by and do nothing.” He looked back up to the pair of ducks in the boat with him, giving them a slightly embarrassed but genuine smile. “The lives of the citizens come first, no matter what- that’s why I have to trust the hard stuff to the heroes that can actually save the day this time.”
The other two ended up smiling at him, although Bushroot tried to play his off by rolling his eyes. “Sappy as usual, huh, Sparky?” Before the usual retort could come, Bushroot reached over and flicked his leafy fingers against Megavolt’s forehead. “We’ll do what we can, but don’t go getting yourself dunked again, okay? Unless getting saved twice in one day by a living puddle is something you want us to tease you for.”
“And you know I’ll have fifty water related puns ready by the end of the day!” Quackerjack grinned teasingly at the electrically themed rodent. “But, hey, if we win it’ll just be water under the bridge!” He laughed at his own joke, falling over momentarily when Bushroot shoved him in retaliation for it.
“See what we have to look forward to?” Bushroot sighed while shaking his head. He looked at Megavolt, holding his hand out to the other man expectantly. “If I have to go through more lame jokes like that, you’ll BOTH be sleeping with the fishes, got it? So no losing.” The thinly veiled words of encouragement and the light squeeze to Megavolt’s gloved hand conveyed everything that the botanist refused to say.
Megavolt smiled softly and returned the squeeze to Bushroot’s own leafy extremities. “Same goes for you two- I don’t feel like finding a mime and a ball of sea-weeds floating in the ocean later.”
Bushroot smirked and flung Megavolt back towards Neptunia just like before, both of them ignoring Quackerjack’s enraged shouts regarding the insult of being compared to a mime even in death.
When he landed on the back of her whale, Neptunia gave the superhero a deadly glare. “Shouldn’t you be six feet under by now?”
Megavolt returned the glare with a challenging grin while charging his hands in preparation for another fight. “Haven’t you heard? Heroism is unsinkable- unlike you and your low-tide dreams of conquest!”
The fish queen grabbed her trident and spun it around, the bored look in her eyes clearly giving away how she felt about a second-round against the city’s protector. “We shall see how water-tight your ideals are when I’m through with you, nave.”
With that, the re-match was underway.
Megavolt had learned his lesson about the small sea-femme’s strength and stuck with distance attacks this time, favoring long-range shots of electricity over his earlier grappling. Neptunia, on the other hand, was trying to close the gap between them with flying leaps and swift thrusts with her trident that the rodent barely dodged.
After knocking her away with a particularly powerful plasma-pulse, Megavolt spared a glance to the whales around them to check on his comrades’ progress.
He wasn’t disappointed.
Quackerjack and Bushroot had resumed their earlier task of trying to stop the whales, but with an update to their tactics: This time Bushroot was the one working to incapacitate the whales while Quackerjack focused his efforts on stopping- or at least slowing down- the waves. The mutated botanist tossed seeds into the water near the whales and commanded them to grow, sprouting up into gigantic kelp forests that wrapped around and tangled the aquatic mammals’ tails to restrict their movements. Meanwhile, his more colorful companion had utilized a slingshot to shoot what, at a distance, looked like tiny capsules into the water along the path of the waves. When the capsules made contact with the water, however, they suddenly expanded at an incredibly fast pace- transforming into giant, brightly colored sponges shaped like dinosaurs, flowers, animals, and many other fun childishly cute things that absorbed the swelling waves before they could get too far.
“Yes!” Megavolt gave a quick cheer of excitement when he saw how well his friends were doing. Oh, he was so glad he wasn’t doing this hero thing by himself anymore! Honestly, there was no way he could’ve handled this one on his-
A loud, bellowing horn suddenly sounded off a few feet away from the sparky superhero, causing him to wince in pain and fall to his knees while covering his sensitive ears. When he recovered from the pain and looked towards the source of the debilitating sound, he saw Neptunia blowing into the seashell horn/megaphone from earlier.
Focusing his energy into his hand, Megavolt sent out a quick blast to break the horn, but the attempt only seemed to further amuse the tidal tyrant. “Too little too late, darling.” She told him with a smirk. “I’m afraid it’s time for the REAL attack to begin!”
Right on cue, the waves began to ripple and churn around them. Within seconds, a battalion of blue whales and a few colossal squids rose up from the water’s depths. Raising her trident as a signal to the newly revealed soldiers, the sea creatures heeded their queen’s call and raised their tails and tentacles in preparation.
Megavolt’s eyes widened in alarm and he turned to his friends, trying to warn them of the impending rush of doom about to head their way. “Guys, get out of there!!” The warning, unfortunately, came too late. Before his eyes a great surge of water was started in unison by the various sea creatures in attendance- a much larger, and far more powerful one that rivaled the tsunami that first struck the town- and Bushroot and Quackerjack were eclipsed and swallowed by the massive wave when it rolled over them. “Quackerjack! Bushroot!” Megavolt rushed to the edge of the whale he was currently standing on, desperately looking for any sign of the two other heroes within the chaotic current. When he found none, he fell to his knees, a look of shock and despair painted across his face. “No…” His voice shook around the simple word, his mind not wanting to believe the situation at hand.
“Aw, poor little washed-up hero. So much for heroism being ‘unsinkable’.” He heard the villainess’s voice drawing closer behind him, but he didn’t have the presence of mind to even bother facing her. “Don’t worry, darling- you will be joining them soon enough.” Megavolt could see the shadow of the fearsome fish’s trident, poised to strike.
“…….” Preparing to finally get back up so he could fight to avenge his friends and do what he could to save the city (even if he wasn’t sure what he COULD do yet), both Megavolt and Neptunia were startled to see a large, rubbery, bright yellow bubble suddenly breach the water’s surface- a bubble containing a water-logged but still breathing Quackerjack with Bushroot holding him protectively as the waves rocked their colorful container. “?!!”
“What?!” Neptunia stared at the bubble in an amusing mixture of anger and shock. “What in the seven seas is that?!”
Megavolt’s face lit up with an excited, confident grin at the realization of exactly what, or rather who, was responsible for the bubble that saved his partners’ lives. “That, you sinister sea creature, is heroism at its best!”
In perfect timing to demonstrate his point, an unnatural swell of water suddenly rose up in the path of the tsunami-sized tidal wave and rushed forward to meet it. Rather than meeting the other wave as water, though, the countering water-wall began to turn into the same bright yellow rubber that had already saved each of the heroes once that day.
The bouncy material proved to be water tight, not allowing any of the liquid through, and even repelling it back out to sea. What’s more, whenever some of the water began to push over the edge of the rubber-wall, it would quickly be converted into the rubber’s mass to help reinforce its structure. Whenever one of those changes occurred, interestingly enough, Megavolt could see a person-sized silhouette moving within the rubber, the figure rushing wherever it was needed to help reinforce the wall and protect the city.
Once the tsunami sputtered to a halt and the waves had calmed down, the rubber wall began to shift once more. This time, it changed shape into what looked like a giant cannon and opened fire on the various sea creatures under Neptunia’s command. The cannon would fire large balls of the rubbery material, but in a looser state. When the balls made contact with the various whales and squids, they would rapidly harden, immobilizing them in rubber shells.
“What?! What’s going on?!!” Neptunia sputtered while looking at the state of her army. “My army! This-This cannot be happening!” Once every squid and whale- minus the one that the pair were currently standing on- was encased in rubber, the cannon dissolved and another unnatural swell of water formed a wave that flowed smoothly & rapidly across the ocean’s surface, scooping up Neptunia’s entire battalion and washing them far out to sea. “NO!” She bellowed in rage, raising her trident threateningly. “The ocean is my domain! The tides bend to my will! I am the queen of the sea!!”
“The sea d-disagrees!” A familiar voice (well, mildly familiar to Megavolt, at least) challenged the underwater usurper while two large waves formed on either side of the whale. The waves soon shifted into a pair of giant hands that grabbed both Neptunia and her whale while forming a protective bubble around Megavolt similar to the one Quackerjack and Bushroot were still in. “Heroes everywhere agree, though- messing with St. Canard is dangerous for villains of all shapes, sizes, and species!” Once Megavolt’s bubble was safely floating on the water below, the large hands lifted the whale and the tyrannical terror of the deep high into the air. “So stay away, or you’ll get double your karma back- guaranteed!”
And with that threatening sales pitch delivered, the hands performed a more literal pitch and, after encasing the whale and the angrily screaming sea-queen in a rubber cube (reminding Megavolt of those gelatin molds people did with fruits or vegetables inside), proceeded to chuck the rubbery prison far off into the horizon in the same direction as the other creatures from before.
Sometime later, the small group of heroes were gathered on the beach. Their helpful new friend had helped out once again by moving all of the water out of the city and back out towards the bay- he’d even managed to remove any trash and debris from it and left it all in a few dumpsters around the coast.
When he spotted the face in the shallow water along the coast (much smaller now given the lower volume of liquid it was shown in), Megavolt walked over to it excitedly with a grin. “That was amazing! Seriously, we can’t thank you enough for what you did. If it wasn’t for you, we’d all be six feet under by now.”
Quackerjack looked down at the face and nodded in agreement. “He’s right- without you, we’d be all washed up!” He laughed at his own joke, earning an elbow to his side from Megavolt and a smack to the back of the head from Bushroot. Once his giggles had died down, he gave the living water below them a more sincere, less joking smile. “You were great, though, really.” He playfully nudged Bushroot with his elbow. “You’re seriously giving Bushy here a run for his money as ‘most amazing mutant in Saint Canard’!”
Bushroot shook his head at the comment. “Funny, I didn’t realize it was a contest.” He looked back down at the water, a half-smile tugging at the corner of his beak. “But…I guess I could give up the crown for someone like you, since you saved our lives and everything.”
If it was possible for water to blush, they would swear that was what was happening: Two little spots above the face’s mouth had turned slightly darker and there was a bit of steam coming off of them. “W-W-Wow..tha-that’s-that’s …the k-k-kind-ki-n-nicest thing anyone’s s-sai-s-said to me in a l-long-l-long t-ti-i-ti-” He paused to take a breath before continuing. “Th-That’s..the nicest thing a-anyone’s said to me in-in…in a while. Thank you.” It seemed to take some focusing to get everything out so concisely, but he looked relieved to have accomplished it.
Megavolt smiled down at the watery face in understanding. He may not have had a problem with stuttering, but he’d dealt with his fair share of difficulties due to his own “quirks”. Little things like remembering a previous conversation or an address were easy things for most people, but, for him, they were daily challenges he faced with varying degrees of difficulty. He imagined that getting through a sentence like that was a similar struggle for their new friend.
“You deserve that- and a lot more, too.” Megavolt stepped a bit closer, silently acknowledging Bushroot’s leafy hand on his shoulder with a gentle pat as it attempted to dissuade him from getting too close and risk shorting out. He bent over slightly and held a hand down towards the water with a bright smile on his face, hoping that it would be more inviting and less overwhelming than when he first tried to talk to the living liquid. “We would love to have you on our team. If you want to, that is. Like I said before, it’s fine if you don’t want to, but we could really use your help.”
The creature in the water stared at his hand in surprise. “You…Y-You really…want m-m-m-me-e…?”
Quackerjack planted one elbow on Megavolt’s back and leaned on him casually while pretending to look around the coastline. “Oh, do you know any other selfless, heroic, life-saving, super cool living bodies of water around here?” He asked sarcastically before grinning down at the face in the water. “Of course we want you! You’ve got cool powers AND you’re already good at saving lives? We’d be crazy not to ask!”
“Sanity is still questionable, at best.” Bushroot shoved the harlequin off of the rodent’s back with a roll of his eyes, causing him to fall into the shallow water and muddy sand below (though he was quickly helped up by a watery hand that rose up out of the surf). After smirking down at the other duck’s sand-covered face, the plant-duck redirected his attention back to the other mutant. “Either way, there’s no way you could be any worse at it than me.”
Megavolt looked over his shoulder with a frown and a mildly chastising look as he softly spoke the same words to his self-deprecating friend that he always said in these situations. “You’re a hundred times better than you think you are.” He smiled fondly when the usual darker green color settled over Bushroot’s cheeks and he turned his head away in hopes that his long petal-hair would obscure the sight from the others (it never did, but it was endearing to watch him try). Laughing quietly to himself for a moment at the adorable way the grumpy plant-hybrid crossed his arms, Megavolt returned his attention to the water once again, his hand still outstretched as an offering to their potential new member. “So, what do you say? Want to join the greatest superhero team in Saint Canard?”
There was a long moment of silence from the floating face. Then, without warning, it faded away without a single word. Megavolt’s smile slipped, his mind already going over what he must have said wrong to drive away such a wonderful hero. Maybe he’d come on too strong with the team up offer? Quackerjack had gone for it immediately, but Bushroot had taken a while. Maybe he should have-
A hand stretched out of the water towards Megavolt’s own. Just before making contact with it, the water’s consistency changed to rubber so that it could grasp the shocking-superhero without shorting him out. The hand was soon followed by an entire body of water- a person’s body, that is, not the entire ocean. As it rose up from the shallows the water began to take a more defined form, shifting into that of a dog- the water on his body even changed to create the image of a pair of dark blue pants with a lighter blue top and a dark blue tie. When he opened his eyes and smiled shyly at the stunned superheroes, the trio instantly recognized the blue dots from the previously more simple face.
The water-dog shook Megavolt’s hand with his own rubberized one, taking a deep breath before giving them a proper introduction. “Has your city been ruled over by a tyrannical duck with a height complex for far too long? Are a motley crew of thugs, criminals, and/or supervillains causing trouble for superheroes and everyday citizens alike? Then call on the reliable services of THE LIQUIDATOR for all your crime-fighting needs! One round with this hydro-powered hero and the bad guys will be alllllll washed up- guaranteed or your money back!” He finished his introductory sales-pitch with a wink. His confidence quickly deflated, however, when the other three people on the beach just stared at him silently with the same wide-eyed expression. “Um…w-was that to-t-too much..?”
All at once the trio returned to their senses and properly welcomed their new member with open arms- literal ones in Quackerjack’s case.
The colorful clown-hero whooped loudly and wrapped his arms around Liquidator’s shoulders. “You’ve already got a cool name AND lines prepped?! Oh, you are a keeper, buddy!” (They were all too excited to notice the way the dog’s ears twitched slightly at the term of endearment.)
The excitement in Megavolt’s eyes shone brightly enough to be seen through his safety glasses as he looked at Liquidator’s rubberized hand in his own. “Okay, I’ve gotta know- how are you doing this?! Did you just alter the chemical composition of the water to-”
He was interrupted by a leafy slap to the back of his head. “Remember, Sparky- third date.”
“Don’t call me Sparky!” Megavolt said with a pout before looking around at the small group of allies he’d found himself with a slowly growing smile. “I guess we’ll need a new name, huh?”
“Yeah, we’re not the ‘Terrific Trio’ anymore.” Quackerjack raised one hand, keeping the other around their newest member’s shoulders. “Ooh! Ooh! How about the ‘Fearsome Four’! It sounds cool and I know you’re a sucker for alliteration, Sparky!”
Liquidator frowned slightly as he looked at the clown beside him. “D-Doesn’t sound very fr-frien-f-friendly..”
“Friendly…” Megavolt said the word aloud, tapping his chin in thought. “Friendly…” Then, as if to act as a visual representation of his epiphany since there were no lightbulbs to turn on above his head, a shimmering bolt of electricity raced upwards from his boots and curled around his torso all the way up to his head before dancing off the tips of his hair and whiskers. “That’s it!” He beamed at his newly formed team and held a hand out in front of him. “From now on, we’re the ‘Friendly Four’!”
Quackerjack chuckled at the other hero’s enthusiasm and placed his hand on top of the gloved one of his friend. “Sounds good to me, Sparky!”
Liquidator smiled and placed his hand on top of Quackerjack’s. “That…That d-does sound a lot n-nic-cer.”
Bushroot sighed in annoyance, his hands currently shoved deep in his pockets. “I don’t know why you guys insist on including me in your head-count. I keep telling you: I’m not a hero.” Just as Megavolt and Quackerjack were about to argue the subject with him for what felt like the millionth time, they saw one leafy hand leave the confines of its coat pocket before joining the pile. “But…you guys would look pretty stupid if you ran around calling yourselves the ‘Friendly Four’ and there were only three of you…so I guess I’ll stick around until you find someone better to take my place.”
Quackerjack laughed and smiled at the other two members of their group. “You hear that, guys? We get to keep Bushy forever!”
“Hey, I didn’t say that!” The ex-botanist snapped at the toymaker with a harsh glare that was easily tempered by the visible blush on his green cheeks.
As the two launched into a teasing argument over Bushroot’s place on the team, Quackerjack using Liquidator as a living barrier between himself and the irate plant-duck when the greener mutant tried to catch his non-powered ally, Megavolt looked at the other members of his team with an affectionate smile. For at least two decades he’d been fighting for this city all by himself. Now, though, now he had a team.
Things were likely going to get rougher before they got better for the rag-tag group of heroes, but, one thing was for sure:
This team had a bond between them that would not be broken- not even by Negaduck and the other forces of evil plaguing their city. The Friendly Four were going to save the day, no matter what!
<-Previous Chapter Next Story->
End Notes: Well, that concludes the first story for my Friendly Four universe. I hope everyone enjoyed it ^//////^ I have a lot of ideas for this universe and, for the first couple of stories, they’ll be set up like this with each character or pair of characters getting their own chapter that matches with the theme/title of the story.
Also, just as a funny side note, I didn’t originally intend for it to happen, but it ended up being that each of the heroes ended up defeating the same character their villainous counterparts took out from the Justice Ducks. I always intended for Liquidator to be the one to confront Neptunia, but Quackerjack and Bushroot taking out Shamutt and Morgana just kind of happened by accident and I ran with it.
Gizmoduck was left out on purpose, but don’t worry- he’ll get his appearance in the next installment, and it’ll leave quite an impact on the heroes *cue evil chuckling with lightning flashing in the background*
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mawritesbnha · 5 years
Anonymous : Okay soo here are my infos: I prefer to be matched with a boy and one of the students. I don't think a villain would suit me but I leave it up to you! I'm a introvert but still love spending time with my beloved family and friends once in a while. I'm really polite, hardworking and a good student (also not a fan of breaking rules) but I tend to overwork and stress myself alot. Night owl with a broken sleeping cycle;; ��My self-confidence is lacking too but I'm trying my best to love myself more. It's difficult for me to speak up in terms of defending myself and volume haha. I criticize myself a Iot too and there are cases where I don't give myself the credit I deserve? I enjoy all kinds of art and food! Changes and growing up make me uncomfortable and scare me a little. I worry too much about the future. Regarding my appearance I'm 157cm small have long straight black hair and dark brown eyes. People might think that I'm weak because I don't look so tough from the outside but I'm surprisingly strong. Not extremly strong but alot of ppl don't expect that hehe. (I thought about a Quirk for me too but I haven't found one yet.. maybe one day I can tell you about it? But I think something overly flashy wouldn't fit me. Maybe a power that seems small at first but only because I can't use it's full potential yet??hmmm) I'm rlly impatient and when I'm annoyed my friends say I get quite scary (not aggressive but become an 'ice queen' :o ). I can't stand the feeling of being shoved and disrespect (especially when adults think they're better than younger people and therefore don't treat them right hhh) When I'm mad I often lash out at my brother what I'm rlly sorry for but I think it's because I bottle up my problems, frustations and so on when I'm in school and when I come home I can't hold it in anymore. I'm thankful that he is patient and that I'm able to apologize for my mistakes. I don't open up regarding my thoughts or emotions too much. Sometimes I feel like it'll drag others down or they'll see me as awkward? I keep my secrets to myself. Most of the time I'm happy and optimistic, try to stay positive and hopeful. Huge daydreamer too :A: ! More a listener than a talker. I love learning new stuff and improving myself, making memories and enjoying the small things. Maybe I'm childish too? I like cute and pretty things as well as fantasy stories.
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I match you up with... Tenya Iida!
I think dear robot boi would be more attracted to someone who’s quiet and reserved in the first place so you being an introvert is gonna catch his attention
you’re both polite and hardworking sweethearts who make time for their loved ones, you have the same types of priorities so you’d understand each other pretty well
Iida knows the importance of breaks in order to accomplish more efficient work so he’ll make sure you’re not overdoing it, also he wants you to be healthy
speaking of which, he has a very strict night routine and he always goes to bed and wakes up at the exact same time everyday, so he’ll give you some tips on how to improve your sleeping habits and the quality of your sleep in general
precious little Ingenium worries about you a lot, that’s because he loves you so much
in his opinion, everyone should be their own critic, it is not a sign of maturity to never question what you do or say and it doesn’t help you grow
so you questioning yourself is fine to a point, he does it too
but as soon as he senses you becoming too harsh or not giving you enough credits he’ll stop you right there
he won’t smother you in vague praises and empty words just to cheer you up
he knows you’re not fishing for compliment
and he wouldn’t indulge you if you were
he simply tells things how they are
“you did all the work on this assignement, you should take the credit” “you trained hard and you have gotten better at this, it is undeniable”
his tone is firm, and he adds a few robotic hand gestures
so you know there’s no contradicting him
Iida would never assume that you are weak, he knows better than to judge people by the way they look
he is a pretty patient guy so you’d balance each other out pretty well
he’d still appreciate it if you worked a bit on becoming more patient, after all it is something that can really benefit you no matter the circumstances
turning cold rather than aggressive when mad is something Tenya understands and deals with better
he’s alright with putting feelings aside for a while, it’s better than to start yelling at each other and such
but please do talk to him, don’t be passive aggressive and don’t ignore him
if there’s a problem, he wants to know, so you can both solve it
look up the definition of ‘respect’, you’ll see a picture of Iida
he’s very respectful towards anyone
and slightly more towards adults and elderly
but he won’t stand it either if they disrespect people that are younger than them, and if they disregard their opinion because they think they know best they should provide a valid explanation
Tenya has some issues with oppening up as well, so he understands you
but he has seen how unhealthy it was for me to keep everything in, and he sees that it isn’t the best for you too
so he’d like for the both of you to work on that particular matter together, and slowly try to express your emotions more freely
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Time By Heartbeats
Chapter Three: Monsters Under the Bed
A/N: This was going to be longer but I was taking to long so I just split it up. I’ve been working and getting ready for the fall semester, and I just had my twenty-first birthday a few days ago! *streamers go off, confetti falls everywhere*
Its weird trying to balance all of my hobbies, tbh, I wish I had more energy for everything. Anyway enjoy, R&R! I hope you guys like this chapter! Thanks for reading!
Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. – Anais Nin
A knock at Mora’s door startled her out of her work, and in her surprise she knocked over the small ark of origami animals off her desk. “Come in,” she chimed, bending over and collecting her paper zoo. 
               Demyx peeked his head around the door, a laidback grin on his face, before walked in. “Hey! How’re ya feeling? I figured we could grab some lunch and I could show you around the castle.”
               Mora breathed a sigh of relief. She was starving, “Yes, please. I’ve been hungry for a while but I’m too afraid of getting lost.” She smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. “This place is huge.”
               Demyx pat her shoulder as they turned to the hallway. “You’ll get used to it. I’m hopeless at directions, but after a few weeks I knew this place pretty well.” His smile was bright and reassuring, and jarring when compared to the cold atmosphere of the castle, “There are only a few places you really need to remember anyway. Our rooms, the lab, the kitchen, and the grey area are where we spend the most time - everything else’ll just come with time.” He perked up as if suddenly remembering something and turned to her. “Do you feel like playing some music later? I have a keyboard in my room.”
               The hair on the back of her neck stood on end, unused to people knowing things about her that she hadn’t told them. She’d played piano since she was five, and still practiced on a smaller electric keyboard in her room. Well, she had practiced. She doubted she would get much of a chance if what they were saying was true. It was convenient that he knew already, but still unnerving. Mora cleared her throat and brushed away her thoughts. “What do you play? Or are you more of a singer?” 
               Demyx’s eyes lit up, excitement clear on his face. “I play the sitar mostly, but I like to try a whole load of instruments. I’ve been trying my hand at the Cetera, but that one’s really tricky because it has sixteen strings.”
               “You should’ve seen me when I tried a harpsichord. My notes were all over the place.” Mora spoke and looked out the windows as they passed. There was a bright, neon-lit city below them, but none of the sounds that should accompany it. No cars, no people or sirens, no animals that she could see. The entire city was still. Occasionally she thought she could see movement in the shadows, like it was restless. The odd flash of white would streak through the air once in a while, but she couldn’t get a good look at what it could be. Birds, maybe?
               Hopefully it was just her mind playing tricks on her.
               She visibly relaxed when they reached the kitchen and she could just focus on food instead of the eerie deadness of the city outside. They discussed music and how they had learned to play over lunch. Mora made a simple ham and cheese and Demyx made ramen. Later she would learn that it’s one of the only foods he eats - the others being chicken nuggets, rice dishes, various pastas, oatmeal, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Apparently he’s been that way since he was little. 
“How are you feeling, by the way?” He started, blue eyes wide. And if it reminded her of her little brother at all, well, Mora ignored it. Thinking of home was too much right now. “I don’t remember my first week or so here but I can’t imagine that it’s easy.”
               Mora sighed, setting down her water and wringing her own hands. “I’m not sure yet. This place is strange… quiet. It’s creepy. And this it’s huge, but there are like five people living here, why is it so empty?" She looked at the walls as if they would answer her questions. They didn’t. “And you don’t remember how you got here?” She cut herself off before she got farther. Maybe now wasn’t the time for her to list off all the weird things about this place.
               “There are thirteen of us, actually.” He chimed, either unaware of her anxiety or ignoring it. “Fourteen now that you're here.”
               She shook her head and ran a hand through her hair, heart hammering in her chest. She knew there had to be reasons for this place’s oddness, but everything inside her screamed that whatever answer she came up with would be wildly off-base. But she hated not knowing more than she hated being wrong. “That’s still a problem. Only thirteen people living in this gigantic castle? Where’s everyone else? This place could fit hundreds.”
               Demyx just shrugs, unconcerned. “Normal people? It’s just you. The dusks take care of the place for us. I guess there might of been a lot of folks here a long time ago, but now it’s just heartless and nobodies.”
               Mora froze. “Are…” She swallowed the lump in her throat and steeled herself, hoping she was overreacting or misinterpreting what he just said. “Are you not normal people?”
               “No-one told you?”  He dropped his chopsticks and stood suddenly, pulling Mora out of her chair and running down the hall back the way they came, frantic. “God, I’m so stupid, of course no one told you, you’ve been alone!”
She struggled to keep up with him, feet land clumsily on the floor, but he was going so fast she nearly fell over with every. “Where are we going?” She shouted, gabbing at his wrist, pulling at his coat, “And let me go, Christ!”
He dropped her wrist like he’d been burned, stopping and turning on his heels to look her over like she was a fallen toddler being checked for scrapes. “Oh, god, I’m so sorry! Are you alright?” He placed his hands on her shoulders, panic flashing on his face. “I sometimes forget you’re not as strong as we are; I didn’t hurt you did I? I-”
               “I’m fine,” Mora cut him off firmly, placing her hand on his, trying not to snap at him. “Just don’t do that again.”
               All the tension left his body at once. Then he just started walking again, his hand still gripping hers. She quirked her brow, anxiety levels high and rising steadily. She was wary of what could possibly have him so worked up. She would let him hold her hand if it made him feel better, though - he seemed like a very tactile person.
               He started talking again, this time more composed. “Zexion’s in his room, he’s better at explaining things than I am.” He looked sheepish. “I’m not so good with science stuff. Not like you guys.”
               Zexion’s room was close to hers, styled with a “VI” in gothic font. Unlike a few doors they had already passed, this one was plain and undecorated, sporting the same white color as the rest of the hallways in this blinding place. Mora raised her arm to knock, but Demyx barged through the door with no fanfare before she could, and was met with a flying book to the face.
               “I told you to knock!” An irate voice sounded from inside the room. “Do you want me to throw you into a sand pit in Agrabah?”
               Demyx just cradled his face, whining and stomping his foot. “It’s important, I swear.”
               “It doesn’t matter, you can’t just barge into my room whenever you feel like it.” Zexion started a lecture, but paused when Mora peered around the door, hesitant. He looked to Demyx. “Has something happened, or are you just bored?”
               The blond crossed his arms at the accusation, but didn’t seem overly offended. Instead, he fixed his face into a determined, serious look that looked wholly out of place on him. “We need to talk to Mora about The Heartless.”
               Three hours, twelve minutes, and two seconds later, Mora curled in on herself, hiding underneath the quilt in her room.
               This was getting to be too much. 
               First, they tell her that “Hearts,” basically someone’s goddamn soul, are not only tangible, real things but that they can also be stolen. She felt her own heart pounding restlessly in her chest. The thought made her want to vomit, but she could at least control herself on that.
                Apparently no one she had met in the past day had a heart, even though they seemed like normal humans. Zexion had said something about echoes still being sound, but fainter and harder to discern. It wasn’t an explanation she was comfortable with, though. She wouldn’t even have believed them at all if it wasn’t for the fact that they had shown her a dusk in person. Its eyeless face... hollow, onesie-looking, zipper-mouthed, twitchy bastard… she had nearly passed out. It didn’t have any insides. There was even one outside her room right now, sent by neither Zexion nor Demyx. She tried not to think about why it was there.
               She just wanted to hide in her room for the rest of forever, or cut her losses and run, but the teenagers had been adamant that the literal monsters outside would actually eat her alive if she tried. That thought alone was enough to get her to stay put inside the castle, alone with her anxiety.
               Apparently, Nobodies were harmless enough… to her, at least, since they listened to the Organization. The threat in that fact rung clear through her, though, even if there had been none intended. If protection could be given to her, it could be taken away just as easily. She had no intention of testing that out for herself.
               Heartless, however, were completely fucking feral. They would only occasionally listen to others, so long as they had power over darkness (another complication in all of this which made her head spin.) Nobody here controlled the heartless. The only thing keeping her safe from them was the cold, barren walls of the Castle That Never Was, and a measly leather coat with magic that hid her from them.
               They had been the writhing darkness she saw in the shadows outside...
               Fucking hell.
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nottswitch · 6 years
Can you do 1, 4 and 13, from prompt list 9, with Ben (Barnes) , please? I know he's not really a character but I really want something a bit angsty with him.
Thanks for your request ❤ Sorry it took so long to write, I hope you enjoy it anyway :)
1. "Stop moving!"
4. "Not everything is a joke."
13. "I'm not a child!"
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A cold December evening wasn't really the time when you expected your ex of five months to show up at your front door, leaning on the wall and dwelling somewhere between slightly intoxicated and nearly drunk. He woke you up, ringing your doorbell every other minute for a continuous half an hour; several more minutes into this so-called torture and you finally decided to see who had been so hard-bitten. No one was supposed to visit you at one in the morning on any night, hence that Monday one.
You didn't believe your eyes at first. Five months, no calls, and he was there, looking at you with his beautiful brown eyes which failed to warm your heart only once. He was in full red carpet glam, as they say — a black tuxedo, matching trousers and shoes, polished to shine. You could swear he wad wearing a bow-tie you gave him among other presents on his last birthday.
"Whom can I thank for such an honour?" you said, trying to give your voice as much irony as you could.
It was still shaking. Damn it.
"You still live here, huh?"
No, it's not fair, you thought, keeping a straight face — as much as you could afford in this situation. Ben's voice had always been your weakness, especially in the state of being a bit hoarse and low, which happened in two situations — in the morning and when he had had too much alcohol, like right the hell now.
"Was I supposed to move?"
"Don't know. I thought you would. You've always been... sentimental," Ben answered, still standing at the wall.
It didn't look like he wanted to come in or something of the kind.
"Says you, wearing my present around his neck." Your voice was cold, but to yourself you thought that you weren't capable of remaining that way for too long.
"Well, it's good."
"This flat is good too. Why are you here?"
Ben gave you a smile, which, however, appeared only in the corners of his lips. Unfortunately, you remembered that this exact smile was on his face five months ago, while he was standing at the same place with a bouquet of flowers, listening to your overly long speech about how you two can't be together anymore.
"To say goodbye," he replied and attempted to make a step, but couldn't keep the balance.
"Stop moving!" you exclaimed, twitching forward at first, but keeping it cold in a matter of seconds. "I don't want anyone to blame me for a murder, you know."
"I'm going back to LA tomorrow."
You didn't let your face show any emotions, but these words caused many emotions, from relief to... disappointment? Yes, it was disappointment. You quickly pulled yourself together, quirking an eyebrow and asking why should it matter to you, but on the inside you were, let's just say, confused.
"I don't know. I felt like I should come and say goodbye." Ben was quiet so you had to listen carefully to catch what he was saying. "I don't have your number anyway."
"You did it? Amazing, now you can go back." You raised your voice a bit to show that the conversation was over. To be honest, you were afraid that if he was to stay for at least some minutes more, you were about to give up and hug him, let him in and cook him dinner. He used to have that effect on you sometimes... and you hated it.
"So you're not even gonna say goodbye? I mean, a year..."
"A year? More like two months because you were filming all the time."
"I didn't ask you to bring up old stuff, right? I just came to say goodbye."
"Oh, stop telling me what to do, I'm not a child!"
Ben shrugged, apparently realising he couldn't do anything else other than leaving. He knew how stubborn you could be.
"Whatever," he said, and he sounded as if he was indifferent to the whole situation to begin with. "I didn't think I'd succeed anyway."
You stared Ben as he straightened his back and turned to the stairs, leaving you standing at the door. You felt like a complete fool with your pjs, furry slippers and messed up hair, watching that ghost from the past walking away, ever so slightly swinging from side to side, but conscious nonetheless.
"Was it some kind of a joke, Barnes?" you shouted, having no fear to wake up your neighbors. You needed a clear explanation. "Five months after we broke up and now you came here."
"Not everything is a joke," Ben answered, already coming down the staircase. "But I guess it doesn't matter anymore."
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hitchell-mope · 6 years
First film
Mals looking in the mirror inside her locker
Mal: you can do this. You know you can do this. Just tell him. Doesn’t have to be good. Doesn’t have to be bad. Just tell———— HEY WATCH IT ASShey Ben didn’t see you there (chuckling nervously) buddy
Ben: sorry. Wasn’t watching where I was going. Heading to the showers. Tourney practice
Mal (under her breath): that explains why there’s no nutmeg
Ben: hmm?
Mal: you smell like nutmeg and the thing that nearly killed your dad
Ben: roses?
Mal: yeah. It’s weird and vaguely disturbing dragon senses. It’s...it’s stupid
Ben: it’s quite cool really. Wish I could do that
Mal: believe me. You don’t. 99% of the time it’s not a gift. Anyway. Where were we?
Ben: ummmm...shower! I was going to the showers
Mal: right! Right. Uh. See you later then
Ben: bye
He heads off
Mal: uhhhhh. Hey Ben?
Ben: yeah?
Mal: can we talk when you’re done?
Ben: sure. I’ll meet you in your room?
Mal: actually I was thinking jays room. If it’s possible
Ben: of course. Definitely. As long as you’re comfortable
Mal: thank you
Ben: you’re welcome
Mal: what is hades realm did I just do?
10 minutes later
Mal: jay I need your help
Jay: what is it this time
Mal: I need to tell him. I need to tell him...everything. And I need you to talk me out of it
Jay: why?
Mal: because. Because he’s sweet and...and kind. And and d argh!!!! That face. That damned face. He trusts us. And we’ve given him no reason too. The four of them trust us. Lonnie...made sure I was alright. Doug for some reason is enchanted by Evie. Chernabog knows why because she’s infatuated with that limp haired wretch who’s only using her for homework
Evie: hey! Chad said he’ll take to the movies if I get him an A++.
Jay: oh honey
Mal and jay: he won’t.
Carlos: nah. He’s a c
Mal (parent voice): Carlos
Carlos: 🎶sorry🎶
Jay: so what do you want me to do.
Mal: give me a reason not to tell him. Cause I really want to
Jay: I actually think it might be a good idea.
Evie and Carlos: WHAT
Jay: he knows how the system works better then us. And it gives Ben and Mal time to get to know each other
Mal: you’re enjoying this far too much
Jay (smug): I know.
Mal: Carlos. Can you hand me my book
Carlos: sure
15 minutes later
Jay: so... how’d you feel
Mal: I don’t know. How long until the gummy kicks in?
Jay: unknown could be a few minutes or a few hou
Mal: do you ever wash that damned beanie?
Jay: or it could start right now
Mal: surely you must have a bald spot by now?
Jay (fighting a smile): no.
Mal: sorry.
Jay: no. No no. Don’t be that means it’s working. Keep going
Mal: why can’t I be you. Not in charge. Second in command. Less things to do. Able to make sleeveless jackets work.
Jay: not what I thought you’d say but...that’s nice of you.
Mal: Carlos!
Carlos: oh boy.
Mal: I know. I know I mother you. I k ow I coddle you. I know you don’t always appreciate it. But I’m not gonna stop. I feel responsible for you.
Carlos (pleasantly surprised): really. Thanks. And I. Uh. Don’t really want you to.
Mal (rounds on Evie): and you!
Evie (already bored): oh here we go
Mal: you couldn’t have let me have the window seat?
Evie: you snooze you lose. Anything else?
Mal: you’re hairs drab and flat and you’re shoes look hideous.
Evie (overly dramatic look of shock on her face): I beg your pardon you little
Jay: Evie shut up. Mal. What about Ben
Mal: I don’t wanna hurt him. I do t wanna hurt any of them. Not Ben. Not Lonnie. Not Jane. Not Doug. Not fairy godmother. Not even Audrey. Even if she’s got a rancid personality. I don’t want to steal the wand. I don’t want to let him down. I like him. And I don’t know what to do
There’s a knock on the door. Jay opens it. It’s Ben.
Cue collective “oh crap” moment front the core four.
Jay: 🎶hey ben🎶 (nervous laugh) just out of interest. How much did you hear?
Ben (looking guilty): everything from “bald spot” onwards
Mal looks like she wants the ground to swallow her up
Evie: well we’re hosed. (Claps Mal on the left shoulder) see you in hell sister.
Ben: can I say something?
Carlos: well we owe you an explanation so go for it
Ben: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have eavesdropped. It’s rude and impolite and unkind and w really nasty habit. And I’m sorry I
Jay: Ben. It’s ok. Mal asked you here. Didn’t you
Mal nods remaining tight lipped
Ben: Mal are you ok
Jay: the stuff you heard was the after effects of a truth gummy.
Ben: ohhhh. Ok. Ca can I come in?
Jay: oh yeah sure
Ben: question?
Jay: go for it
Ben: why do want, or need, to steal the wand?
Mal (hoarsely): my mother. (Clears throat). My mother
Ben: ohhhh. That’s why you came here. She wants you to steal the wand so she can break down the barrier and take over Auradon. I knew you wouldn’t be here if you had a choice
Evie: you knew?
Ben: there’s a reason I believe you all deserve a chance at a normal life.
Jay: ok. Umm. I don’t know what Mal has planned for after this.
Mal is still silent.
Ben: Mal are you ok.
She doesn’t answer. She just gets up and walks to the bathroom.
Jay: I’m not sure throwing up will get rid of the gummy.
Mal: not gonna throw up. Gonna flush myself into the Auradon sewer system
Ben: how long does a truth gummy norllay last?
Jay: 36-72 hours.
Ben: ok. Mal?
Mal looks at him
Ben: I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. So how about we don’t talk for as long as the gummy is in effect. And if you want to talk. I’m sure Jay Carlos and Evie can relay messages to me?
Jay and Carlos: were we can do that
Evie: urgh fine.
Ben: I need to go to my office. I’ll see you guys later?
Jay Carlos and Evie: yeah sure.
Mal squeaks.
Jay: hey um I’ve never seen an office before. My dad only has a clunky typewriter that spontaneously bursts into flames at inappropriate moments. Can I walk back with you?
Ben: sure
On the way to bens office
Ben: so is guessing that you don’t really want to see my office?
Jay: you guessed correctly. I could sense you have more questions
Ben: just one question
Jay: ask away my friend
Ben: I could sense a kind of hierarchy between you Mal and Evie. You’re the most powerful aren’t you?
Jay: yep put me in a lamp I’d end you all
Ben: oh I’d never put you in a lamp. It sounds horrible.
Jay: well I’d only be able to end you all in your say so. Oh master of the lamp
Ben: ok that’s a little funny
Jay: I pride myself on being a little funny. So anyway it goes me Mal Evie. And Carlos is fully human.
Ben: sure.
Jay: now I have a question for you
Ben: go for it
Jay: are you sure you know what you’re doing by helping us
Ben: yes. Helping my new friends get out of an impossible situation
Jay: ok. Good to have you on the team your majesty
He shakes bens hand
Ben: thank you jay. If I may be so bold. Can I ask you another question
Jay: sure
Ben: how would you feel if I asked Lonnie Jane and Doug to help us?
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