#so far this is the proudest I have been with a drawing
mystilotls · 1 year
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"There are those who watch, We are those who listen..."
(aka my Listeners design concept)
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whumpshaped · 10 months
a concept just rammed into my head and i will now share it with my fellow Ambac Rotators on this blog: beck and helle species(?) switch
beck as a (relatively) new vampire
helle as a vampire hunter
no idea where this is gonna go. i just had the sudden image of human!helle pinning down a vampire 🛐
good day anon. i finally have the tentative spoons to engage w the fantasy (that ive been meaning to write for FOREVER and ur ask served as a good reminder of my goals and aspirations thank u)
vampire hunter beck
tw vampire whumpee, dehumanisation, pet whump
Beck had been overly cautious every time he went hunting. He had to be, as a stupid little runt without anyone to protect him.
He had crawled out of his grave and into the clutches of a woman he barely recognised, only to immediately be discarded once she realised he couldn't use magic. He had begged her to leave him alive at least, promising to stay out of her way and go 'hunt' on someone else's territory; not his proudest moment, but then again, he had little to be proud of lately.
He hunted as best as he could, picking off lone passerby and muffling their cries as he drank his fill, too frantic and hungry to really care about causing pain. Then he disappeared for days, sometimes weeks, terrified of drawing attention to himself. And the cycle would repeat.
Until one day, he slipped up and chose the wrong target.
Beck had never seen a hunter before, especially not so up close and personal — and now that they were straddling his waist and putting a stake to his heart, he decided he didn't fucking like them. He had his hands up on either side of his head without having to be told, completely still in an attempt to appease the hunter who had caught him.
"You're the runt," they stated, not even a hint of doubt in their voice, but Beck nodded anyway.
"Yes, sir," he breathed, very aware of the sharp point digging into his chest whenever he dared inhale.
The title wasn't a conscious choice, really. He'd had to talk his way out of quite a few confrontations before, and if there was one thing he'd learned throughout all of it, it was that manners never hurt.
The hunter looked amused, leaning down a little and inadvertently placing more of their weight on the stake. Beck tensed under them, squeezing his eyes shut in anticipation of his inevitable demise. "Sir? Have I gotten myself a polite little leech?"
"I can be very polite so long as I'm alive, sir," he said hastily, and they chuckled.
"Alive... as if. Don't flatter yourself. I've seen corpses that looked better than you."
Beck pressed himself even more against the ground. "You're right, sir," he squeaked. "You're right. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Hey, listen." They clicked their tongue at him, like one would to get a pet's attention, and he reluctantly opened his eyes again. "I've got a deal for you."
"A... a deal?"
Was this common? He had nothing to compare this to. Were all hunters like this?
"Only because you're so well-behaved." They pressed down on the stake a little, as a gentle reminder for Beck to keep behaving, and he was suddenly very eager to nod along. "You see, runts are pretty rare. And regular vampires... they can't really be kept. It's a one and done deal, I come in, I stake them, I get my money."
That was simple enough. Terrifying, but simple. But also– "K-kept?"
"Kept," they repeated, grin widening. "Like a dog."
Beck swallowed. He had a feeling of where this was going, and he did not like the implications. "I... I see."
"And while I'm pretty successful, as far as hunters go... This is a dangerous job. I could use a buffer."
"No," he said timidly. "Please, I can't do anything, I can't– I can barely hunt, I'm starving half the time–"
"I could do with bait, too," they interrupted, shushing Beck when they saw him open his mouth to protest. "And of course, because I deal fairly, I'd let you have some blood in exchange. Can't have a pet without feeding it."
That... That made the offer sound much better, all of a sudden. He hadn't had anything to drink in at least a week, getting by on whatever dead animal he could find in the parks at night. Drinking from roadkill. His mouth was watering at the mere thought of human blood, even though the hunter hadn't yet specified what they'd be feeding him.
"Mmm, what is it? Interested?" they taunted, and Beck couldn't resist nodding a little. He wanted someone to protect him so badly; apparently even if they were a hunter.
"What... what do I need to do, sir?" he asked as respectfully as he possibly could, already wincing when the hunter pulled out a collar from their coat pocket and threw it into his hand.
"First things first, put that on. We'll discuss the rest on the way home."
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @thecyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries @morning-star-whump @d-cs @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @tauntedoctopuses @blueyellow8green @typewrittenfangs @whumpsoda @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @auroragehenna @whumpedydump
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highlordofkrypton · 2 months
Tag game for fanfiction authors!
Thank you so much for the tag @angelosearch! I'm going to tag @goforth-ladymidnight @praetorqueenreyna @achaotichuman @yaralulu @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @thedickgraysons @chunkypossum and whoever wants to join pls! I'm really bad at remembering who are all the writers!
The story you're proudest of
I have two fics that I'm especially proud of!
Wildflowers, which is my ACOTAR prequel. It's my first fanfiction written and posted online, and the first story I wrote start to finish. I tried my best to give depth to the world and the side characters. I do think some people are turned off by the main characters/ship, but it's so much more than that. It's also spawned so many side stories which is so exciting!
Regrets, which is my first SUPERBAT that I ever posted. I think it's a really good reflection of my style which balances emotion, humour and intimacy. I'm so happy my first attempt at writing my OTP turned out SO WELL.
Your story that's gotten the most love online:
The answers are the same as above, but for different reasons.
Wildflowers has gotten a lot of praise for multiple elements in the story, and I feel like those who read it all found different parts to enjoy. It's one of those stories that are really fun to talk about, and there's so many little nods here and there. It makes me happy to see that readers are noticing them. Wildflowers also has original additions (like family members of the main characters) that everyone loves as much as I do!
Regrets has the most kudos, but like mentioned above, it's a classic ship and a good balance of fluff and angst elements! I had so much fun writing it, and I think that came through in the piece.
Tease a current WIP or idea you're working on:
I've been wanting to tease NEEDLE & KING (wip title, subject to change), which is the prequel/side story for Rhysand's parents.
It was supposed to be a shorter, contained story about their romance, but now it's become a lore exercise, an exploration of cultural displacement in fantasy, starts off as a female-focused cast, etc.
Chapter 1 Flying
At the end of the world, Lilith thinks of nothing. No home to yearn for, no family to miss her—at least, not for long—and no future to look forward to.  She stands on the edge of a mountain’s peak, one of two Wolf’s Fangs, and feels. The world comes into her through the howls of the wind and the bite of the cold against her barely covered arms. Clouds stand between her and the bottom, if she could even see that far on a clear day. Her life, until now, has been a series of instances that have happened to her rather than experience. The absence of her father, the death of her mother, the fear that looms above her—she is at the mercy of everything around her. Here, the ice demands her wakefulness. Here, the skies challenge her. Here, every breath is earned. The height of the mountain is the only time she feels alive, so what is that feeling when she steps off its edge and careens downwards. Down, down, down, she goes with a whistle—a force against gravity. At the bottom, reality will come crashing down, but she can solve that problem quite easily. Just… fall. Her black wings strain against the fall, and she grits her teeth. It’s not in her nature to fall; she will never accept her fate. Lilith wages war against nature itself, demanding her muscles to yield to her will. A loud flapping noise signals her success, the membranes of her wings cradling the air itself to take her in an arc, a low swoop and then up again. She glides through the clouds, occasionally drawing her dark wings to herself and allowing herself to plummet before catching herself again. Lilith had taught herself to fly. It was the only thing she can control in her small, small life. Her flights have no destination, and they are timeless. She flies for as long as she can. She pushes as far as she can go because she never knows when it will be her last time.
Like any draft, this may be subject to change. The first scene I usually write for any draft is the one that 'sets' the tone of the story.
Fun fact - Lilith is a name/character that pops up in all my stories either as some weird writing signature/nod, or as a main character. She's a hyperfixation that started with Diablo and never left, but she's become her own phenomenon for me and my writing.
Your top 3 fandoms: that I write in... ACOTAR & DC Comics. I currently don't have time to write in a third one, woops.
Your top 3 ships: If it's what I've written for, then the answers are Tamlin x Rhysand, Bruce x Clark and Orm x Clark. If it's what I enjoy personally, then it's all of the above + many, many crackships.
Rec someone else's fic: Without a doubt, the people I've tagged above have amazing fics. I haven't had a chance to read their works in their entirety, but I've participated in challenges with them, creeped on their works, and they are SO GOOD! Please go check them out! Their fics are on my to-read, but part of my writing process is to just write without reading, so once I'm done my current fic, I will be going through each work to add comments and properly devote the love and attention they deserve.
Pick one!
Fluff or Angst - I cannot NOT write angst, but I believe that both (one into the other) create incomparable emotional depth.
Oneshots or longfics - I prefer reading oneshots, but I cannot stick to one chapter for the life of me.
Canon compliance or canon divergence - I have the worst memory, I couldn't be canon compliant if I wanted to...
AO3 or FF.net
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glossglamour · 6 months
The Doctor is in the House: A 2011 Article on House M.D.
LOS ANGELES - Paging Dr. House. After eight years, Hugh Laurie is still keeping House's heart beating. And while the medical mysteries may serve as plots for the long-running medical drama, it's Laurie's alter ego, the man himself, Dr. Gregory House, who keeps people tuning in for their weekly fix.
Laurie, who made a name for himself as a comedic actor in his native England, was relatively unknown to North American audiences when House first aired. Of course, that's no longer the case. The multi-talented Laurie -- who recently released a fine album of New Orleans-inspired blues music -- has become a huge star across the pond, as well as one of the highest-paid actors on TV.
"I highly doubt that," says a modest Laurie, who actually seems embarrassed by the very notion that he would rank so high on the actors' payroll. Clearly, he doesn't take his good fortune for granted. Laurie calls himself "a lottery winner" with the great success he's achieved on House.
Dressed casually in a blue, button-down shirt, black pants and black and white sneakers, or trainers (as the Brits would say), Laurie rests his cappuccino cup and saucer on the table in front of him. The charismatic Englishman playfully takes on the group of international journalists who have invaded his turf.
In person, the affable Laurie smiles easily, laughs frequently and seems to never be at a loss for a witty response or anecdote. He is adorably charming, with piercing, blue eyes -- an intense blue not picked up on camera.
It's oddly amusing to see the man -- who plays such a cynical, depressive, perpetually grumpy person, week in and week out -- so happy. Of course, that's the mark of any good actor. But as creator and executive producer, Canadian David Shore, says: "He didn't become House, he WAS House."
Laurie's strong comedic roots may have been what resonated so strongly with Shore upon seeing Laurie's audition tape.
"I venture to guess that, actually, that's part of the reason that I'm here," says Laurie. "Unless this character had a sort of grace and a wit about him, he would be just too much of a pain in the ass, really. The elegance of the way his mind works, and the speed at which it works, is part of his charm, if he has any. Now, lots of people would say he doesn't have any. I disagree. I find him immensely charming.
"I'm not sure I would put up with him as a best friend, but I do find him endlessly entertaining. And I find . . . the references he draws on, the way he seeks out people's weaknesses in such a cruel and horrible way, I find he does at least do it with wit."
House has become an iconic character, largely due to Laurie's flawless portrayal of a brilliant doctor with a horrible bedside manner whose asinine qualities are overshadowed by his brilliance. He's not really an ass, he just acts like one . . . a lot.
The antithesis of House is his best friend, Dr. James Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard). One might even go so far as to say it's their friendship that humanizes House, and is a big part in sustaining the show's success.
"One of the things I'm proudest of in the show is that relationship," says Shore. "I think that it's something you don't see on TV very often -- the male friendship explored," he says.
Leonard weighs in: "His actions are what count. It's the only relationship on the show that's not tied to any employment. I don't work for him and he doesn't work for me, and it's not true of any other character on the show. So we're the only two characters that have actually chosen to be together."
The onscreen pals are also good friends off-screen, a likely contributing factor to the genuine House-Wilson dynamic.
"Well, now that we've stopped sleeping together, it's a lot more comfortable in every way, physically, as well," jokes Leonard. "I don't know. He's very complicated. He's a very strange guy. He's very funny. He's like most of the people I like in my life: tortured, miserable, and just a pain in the ass," Leonard says (referring to Laurie, not House, just in case you were confused).
As to whether this is the show's last season, David Shore says he's undecided.
"I'm not being coy, I'm just honestly not that well ordered," admits Shore. "I would love to and I would hate to (continue the show). It's been a wonderful opportunity for me. It's just been amazing on so many different levels, and I'm continuing to find new and interesting things to do with it. But it's been eight years. It's a long time to do a show. And so I really am not sure what's going to happen."
In the end, Shore says the show is ultimately about "trying to change, but we inevitably fail."
"But if we don't keep trying to change, we're just going to slide completely backwards. I think House would like to be the type of person who could do things differently. But he's not, and he will never (be)."
What does this mean for the fate of Dr. Gregory House?
"I'm not going to change his character for the end of the show," says Shore. "It may not be a miserable ending, but (House) is not going to ride off into the sunset with love."
--- (source) ---
this one surprisingly only took me like twenty minutes to find. my favourite part is when shore says that house is not going to ride off into the sunset with love and yet .
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stevenblueniverse · 1 month
Finally after you voted for it chapter 14 of the selkie au is here!
Warning!: NSFW
Chapter 14: love
"So....", blue said, looking at the very embarrassed yellow, "what are you doing here?", she repeated. "Oh nothing! Nothing", yellow said, moving away from the icons and to the door blue was standing in front of. "You sure?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, "I thought it would be something about bats", yellow's eyes widened and she took some steps back, trembling, "I-I said those things...out loud? And you, you heard them!?", she yelped, blue looked at her clulessly. "Huh? I was talking about this!", blue said, taking a wet piece of paper from her coat, it was a photo of two bats yellow had drew, blue had found them the day she left.
"I thought you'd be praying to get your art recognised you're very good", blue said, giving her the drawing, yellow took a deep breath and relaxed, she was terrfied she has said all that out loud and blue had heard every bit of it. "Thanks", yellow said, still a bit nervous, "it was just a little doodle of some flying foxes, I saw a lot of them back when i was traveling near Oceania", the drawing was of two flying foxes hanging upside down and kissing, just as yellow had mentioned in her prayer, one fox was drawn exclusively with yellow pens, the other only in blue.
Blue walked over to the holy icons, yellow watched her closely, wondering if blue even knew what they where. Blue stuck out her right hand and pointed to one icon, she laughed, "weird seeing him so far away from home!", yellow looked over and saw blue was pointing to an icon of Saint Patrick of Ireland. "Oh, you know him?", yellow asked, blue laughed some more, "I'm suprised you do!", she told her, pointing the icons again, and looking at the other ones to see who else she could recognise. "Eventhough I'm not from Ireland I know about him quite a lot, I had to do some weird study about him and saints from there for some project back in school, the priests loved it!", yellow reminisced, her mother was very proud of her then, the proudest she had ever been.
"Now, it's best we get out of here, the walls are very thin and people can probably hear us", yellow said, approaching blue and guiding her away from the icons, blue smirked, "you want me to take you off this ship? To escape?", she asked, yellow shook her head, "N-NO!", she loudly shut her down, "I thought you said be quiet", blue laughed, making yellow embarrassed, "Ugh, sorry", yellow huffed "let's just get away from here before people hear us".
Yellow blew out the single small candle lighting up the entire prayer room and slowly opened the door, it creaked loudly, her room wasn't far, and the ship was in complete darkness so no one would be able to spot them. Yellow took blue to her room and closed the door behind, her room was just a bed with a desk in the corner, yellow lay down and looked up to blue who was trying to make out the place but couldn't as it was so dark and had to be guided by yellow to the bed. "Do selkies come from Ireland? You sound Irish and since you where familar with Irish saints I think you are", yellow asked her, blue nodded, "I am but not all selkies, as long as they are seals, there is selkies, and they're everywhere!".
Blue sat on the bed and looked down to yellow, they both could barely fit on it, it was much smaller than the bed they shared at the small hotel. "I thought people all stayed in one room on ships like these", blue said, still trying to look around in the dark, "I'm one of the few people with a room of their own, most do share rooms, I used to share this with someone else but he got kicked off here a while back, I used to have a bunk bed with him but some idiot named eleazer stole it from me", she huffed, her old bunk bed was much better too, this single bed had no space at all. "If I still had that bed I couldve let you stay with me", yellow rolled over, facing the wall, blue looked at the bed and tried her best to analyse the remaining space, "why can't I just share this one with you?", she asked, trying to lay down, barely fitting, "see! I'm able to fit!"
Yellow turned around and looked at blue, she blushed heavily, "a-are you sure!?", she studdered, "there is absolutely no space now! You can't move without touching me!", blue hugged yellow, catching her off guard "that's fine by me", blue said, resting her head on yellows chest, definitely being able to feel how quick her heart was beating right now, "you're very soft yellow", she wrapped her arms around her, if felt like she was basically laying on top of yellow now, she couldn't move at all, she was starting to panic, she couldn't tell if this was the best of most awkward experience of her entire life.
The door next to the one leading to yellow's room opened and out stepped melchizedek, he yawned and stretched, then froze, he could hear talking coming from yellow's room, and it didn't sound like her. Her approached the room, the wooden floor squeaking as he moved, and put his ear to the door, someone was definitely in there with her, but he couldn't tell who. Before he could open the door, a voice asked him, "what are you doing up so early?", it was jasper, the only other woman on the ship.
Jasper was tall and very muscular, she was a well decorated army veteran and her body was covered in scars, her skin was originally very pale but from her years of exploring she was always very tan, she looked down to melchizedek who was half her height and very skinny, he was pale and sickly looking compared to her, she could probably crush him with her bare hands. "I heard someone talking to yellow in her room", he squeaked, jasper raised an eyebrow, "and how does that concern you?", she asked, making him take some steps back from the room. "B-because we don't know who that is! It could be anyone!", he told her, "still, it doesn't involve you so why do you care", her voice became more menacing and melchizedek finally gave up. "....I guess you're right", he admitted, "good, you finally grew a brain, now get back to bed, no one cares enough to hunt you down anymore", she told him, before walking away and leaving him awkwardly standing outside his room.
Melchizedek was the son of a Italian diplomat and a high ranking member of the Thai Royal Court, as soon as he was born the Thai king himself exiled his mother and threatened his diplomat father. Throughout his childhood he was told the Thai army was after him and wanted him dead, it was one of the reasons he stayed in the sea, barely touching land. He had become very paranoid over the years and suspected spies where all around him, even kicking off suspected spies off the ship or trying to Kill them. To him, hearing blue's voice meant yellow had been speaking with a spy out to kill him and he needed to act fast before it was too late.
"Yellow?", blue asked, looking up to her, "y-yeah?", she awkwardly replied, "are you okay? You seem very nervous", she sat up and looked at her very flustered face, the moon was shining in through the small window, finally giving the room some light. "It's just I...", yellow looked away from her, she knew it was Impossible to hide it from her anymore, if she kept lying to herself it would be torture, "i- I need to tell you something", she started studdering, struggling to get the proper words out that she needed to say, instead dragging it out and making it even more torturous. Blue leaned in closer, making it worse, "what is it? You can tell me anything", she smiled, her soft voice was like heaven to yellow's ears and slightly calming her, "I...I am...", yellow took a deep breath, "I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU BLUE!", she finally spat it out, blue didnt seem to react much, she just stared.
"Oh..." was all blue said, she didn't move, she stayed right next to yellow, holding her even tighter. "Do you want to escape from this place?", blue asked her, lowering her face, nearly touching yellow's, "it seems like an awful place here", she whispered, before lightly kissing yellow on the lips. "No I can't leave here", yellow said, trying to process what was happening and praying she wasn't dreaming, "where would I go?", she looked over to blue who was taking off her coat, unsurprisingly she was wearing nothing underneath. "I can take you somewhere no would be able to find you", blue told her, neatly folding the coat and putting it on the ground next to the bed, she crawled on top of yellow, yellow still wasn't really prepared for this and started breathing very heavily and squirming.
"Would you take me to some selkie place underwater? I'd drown!", yellow laughed, trying to keep her composure as blue unbuttoned her shirt, "we'll see", blue told her, taking of yellows shirt and looking down at her body, she was very muscular compared to blue and had much smaller breasts but what caught blue's attention the most was the large scar in the middle of her chest. "What's this?", blue asked, running her finger over the scar, "i-its nothing", yellow studdered, feeling shivers run down her body as blue touched it, blue looked back at her, "you sure?", she asked, before continuing and grabbing yellow's shoulders and kissing her, this time a much longer and passionate one than last time.
"Hey melkie! You forgot your boots!", a man named eleazer yelled from outside the room next to yellow. He stepped outside and looked for melchizedek, his roommate. "where could that idiot be now!", he thought to himself, "Hey! Melchizedek! I know you don't like my nickname but where are ya?", he called one more time, walking past yellows room and to the stairs, when he walked past her room her could hear something, he listened in and giggled, "melchizedek can't be in there right?", he joked, "with that weirdo? No one would want to go near her!", he laughed to himself, probably looking quite insane.
Eleazer went to the top of the ship, it was still night but the sun would be rising soon, there was melchizedek he was talking to another man named methuselah, he was much older than the two and had been on the ship for much longer than them, the three of them had become very close. "Jasper is just like that with everyone, I don't think she was targeting you", methuselah told the very paranoid melchizedek, "shes not like that with that diamond girl! I suspect she's paying her, yellow diamond is the daughter of that designer white diamond!", melchizedek told him. "Hey you two!", eleazer ran to them, giggling, "you're awake?", Melchizedek asked, "I heard your snoring not too long ago!".
"That doesn't matter! Guess what I heard!", eleazer laughed, "what?", methuselah asked, looking behind him to make sure it wasn't involving jasper and she wasn't about to kill them all. "I heard yellow diamond...", he laughed, melchizedek's eyes widened, he was right, she was doing something ,"....GETTING FUCKED!", he laughed, methuselah refused to believe this, "no way, she thinks she's better than us all! Shed never do that with one of us", eleazer laughed some more, "come with me! You'll be able to hear it all!", he lead them to just outside her room and they listened in all night.
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hikaruchen · 2 months
Self-rec time! What are your favorite five artworks that you've made and why? After replying to this ask, feel free pass on to five other artists to spread the love. 💗
OMG thank you for thinking of me!!!! I love doing art throwback so much and it’s gonna be fun hehe >:3 The order below is sorted only by timeline and thus not a ranking, I love them all equally!
1. Fireflies | Detroit: Become Human Animatic (2018)
OK THIS IS REALLY ANCIENT. I remember it took me one month or so to finish the whole thing, and now looking back I inevitably find there’s a lot of things that could’ve been done better. Nevertheless I’m still proud of the way it is, though apparently I didn’t even know how to spell asleep back then hahahahaha.
I miss the time doing animatic so much and actually have an idea for alhtred in mind, my dear brain you truly shouldn’t brainstorm me when I’ve got no time urghhhhhhh
2. Bloody Valentine | Interview with the Vampire (2022)
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This pic blew up on other platforms though I don’t really understand why. I think I just love the general vibes and am happy with how it came out so I put it here :)
3. Mr. Self Destruct | Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails (2022)
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Took a massive change in direction of art style after this piece. Not necessarily the most detailed one I’ve done but I learned a lot during drawing it :D
4. Miracle Happens After Dawn | The Sandman Fancomic (2022)
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This remains the work I’m proudest of so far and I just feel really happy that I managed to finish it!! It’s still the biggest project I’ve ever done I guess
5. Prayer from the Pagan | The Last Kingdom (2024)
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This is the first time I tried to force myself to work on perspectives and to not avoid things I find hard to draw. Personally I don’t feel really content with how the artwork came out but I’m glad that I wrote a fic for it hahaha. I hardly ever wrote anything even in mandarin so to be able to make me complete a fic in my second language is enough a reason to put this one here <3
Hopefully to have more pieces that I can proudly say I love in the future :) Again thank you for having me!!!!
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mykingdomforapen · 3 months
Fanfic asks! 3, 12, 25, 34, 36, 49, 57 (I realized I wanted to ask ALL of the questions, so feel free to answer only a couple of these if this is too much lol)
3. Do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself?
I am very much in the camp of "if I tell anyone about this story it'll think that it was already told and then die." So I have better luck not telling people about the fic ideas in detail until it is written out. I like for those to read it to have an authentic experience of seeing it for the first time without already knowing what's going to happen next, although I will sometimes drop hints :)
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
I do prefer to outline my fics, but they're quite barebones to the point where I don't think someone on the outside, if they looked at it, would really know what I meant by them, but I do. I use singular or code words, and I sometimes stray! I had the habit of deleting outlines as I went, but since writing for Link Click have tried to keep them around just to look back and reminisce. Because once I write the outline, if I stray from it, I tend not to write that into the outline and just know it in my head, or I'll re-outline at the bottom of the doc. Here's an example of part of the outline of the first chapter of spinning silk and how bare bones it is:
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25) What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
The writing, the writing, the writing. Oh, I love the writing. I love seeing it all come together, I love finding words and connections and motifs that I wouldn't have while I was planning, because something about the writing process and being in the moment makes the synapses click. I love discovering the story for the first time, and then making it better. I love reaching those character moments and emotional catharses. Oh, I love it.
34) How much of your personal life/experience do you include in your fics?
I like to think that all writers draw from a real and deep well of their inner being when tey write the stories that mean most to them, whether it's happening-truth or story-truth. That is to say, sometimes I will draw from real life of what has externally happened to me--events, moments, places, anecdotes, etc. And then there's also the story-truth--maybe I didn't go through X thing as the character is, but the emotions that fueled how I wrote their reaction may have come from a real place, albeit in a different context. I think I always write with the latter. It's hard for me not to.
As for the former, yes, but I think in ways only I can tell. Not usually one for one, but if you notice a specific detail come up more than once across stories, it's possibly drawing from a significant memory. Also, I always think about how much my sister shows up in my writing. Basically every moment or story that is about love, she's there.
36) What fic are you proudest of?
courage of stars (Link Click), hands down. I think that's the hardest I ever worked on a fic, and I'm so, so grateful for the journey and the way it turned out. I'm really excited for people to keep reading it and I am so hoping you guys like it. It was the story that, when I first thought of it, I thought over and over to myself, Gosh, can I pull this off? Can I? My first time tackling mystery, as well as being able to write the kind of story I've so longed to write in my life as a writer. Tying to the previous question, I've always wanted to write a magic realism fic about a place and family history so dear and close to my heart. I always wanted to write a story that reflects love. Getting to do that with this fic has been such a blessing and a gift.
I'm also really proud of spinning silk (Link Click), greater love has no one than this (Trigun Stampede), here be dragons (1917), Lovable (Avatar: The Last Airbender), and May you bury me (Avengers). The thing about the latter fic is that it's incomplete, and I admit I can't make promises whether I will update it anytime soon. But man, that fic really fought its way through. But for all of these stories, they're multichapter fics (and we all know how hard it can be to finish or tackle those!) that I genuinely would pray and thank God like thank you for letting me have the joy of storytelling through these stories. Thank you for letting me partake in a reflection of the beauty of creation. I guess that's sappy but that's how these stories have kind of been set apart from the other fics I've written. Deep gratitude.
With that definition, also want to shout out Seven Pieces of Chalk, where the gratitude runs deep. I would say I’m proud of it but I don’t even think pride is the right word. I can’t believe it exists. I’m so grateful it does and that I got to help it do so. I’m still blown away by its effect. I don’t quite believe it was me, in a way. I was a teenybopper at the time after all.
49) What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
Gosh that's a great question. I don't know?? I've written fic probably for longer than some of my readers have been alive lol (I'm in my late twenties) so I feel like my writing has evolved throughout time. What introduces me today might not introduce me tomorrow or yesterday, you know? That being said, I kind of want to say Lovable (Avatar the Last Airbender). Just based on vibes.
57) How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
I'm honestly pretty conscious about it. That's why I get so excited when people in the comments mention what they notice, or a detail that is slipped into the narrative that, little do they know, is going to become important later. It makes me so very excited. Also, I love a good callback and bookend. That being said, I still have moments where a reader makes a clever connection I didn't notice!
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gorvamp · 8 months
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may have gotten a . little bit silly drawing this guy. the spring of unicorns scene has been one of my favorites ever since i played his route so i think it fits that it's the first canon thing ive drawn :)
graphic version & lineart under the cut!
content warning // blood (major)
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this is far from my proudest work but im glad i got it out of my system now, and im excited to revisit it in the future as my skills expand!
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daily-trapinch · 8 months
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I just rediscovered this blog, which has been completely inactive since 2017. If you're still following me, I'm so incredibly grateful that you've stuck with it through the long silence. Truthfully, I'd forgotten about my dear Sandi in the rush of life, you know how these things go. But I have so many fond memories from running this blog, at the peak of the daily pokemon hype! I truly hope all the folks from back in the day are doing well.
After losing both the email and password to for this blog, I managed to crack the code to get back in. I don't really know what I'm going to do with it now, but rest assured, I won't be deleting anything.
The last post on this blog was about getting to know me, so I figure it's about time for a life update. Pardon me for getting sentimental for a moment.
Since this blog went on hiatus, I have entered and graduated from my university with a Bachelor's in Marine Biology, with honors, and a minor in Chemistry. I traveled abroad and swam through coral reefs, rescued stranded sea life, and cleaned up beaches. Out of everything, I'm proudest of the time I spent building oyster reefs and restoring our shoreline habitats. I've met so many amazing people, and we've made a real difference in this world. Through working with oysters, I discovered a deep love of the little things, the tiny humble creatures living in crevices, within mud, and on rocks of the seafloor. There are miniature worlds of infinite wonder there, if you take the time to look.
I met the love of my life, nearly got engaged after five truly divine years, and was promptly dumped before I could propose. I still have the ring. At the same time, I moved across the country to an unfamiliar city, where I thought I would be with my love, but instead was completely on my own. Things have been hard. Things have been very, very hard. There are good days and bad days, but I am picking myself up, pulling myself out of the dark. I am building myself a home here, and it is so worth living in. There is so much beauty in this world. There is so much love in the hearts of the people around us.
Art has settled into a pleasant supporter in the background of my life. I don't draw nearly as much as I used to, and my sense of creativity has changed a lot over the years. But I always know that the art will be there for me whenever I decide to pick up pencil and paper again. This blog from years ago taught me the joy of silly little doodles, and I'm so so so grateful for that!
I go by Frankie, these days. They/them or xe/xem pronouns. Currently, I'm in graduate school, preparing to get my PhD in Marine Science. I study little marine worms - how they move, how they affect their environment, and how important they are to the whole ocean. Ask me about my polychaete pictures, I think they're really cute! Honestly, I wish I could go back and tell my 2017-self just how much we've accomplished. Back then, I never thought I'd make it this far. I could never have imagined the breadth of experiences life had waiting for me.
There's still so much more out there to experience. If you followed me in 2017 and you're reading this now - I hope life has treated you well. I hope you've had so many good days since the last time you saw my dear Sandi. And I hope you have so many more good days for years to come!
Some of you may notice that when I went on hiatus, I left some loose ends unresolved. Unanswered messages and asks, comic ideas, that kind of thing. I promise that I didn't do it on purpose at the time! I was a lot younger, didn't understand exactly how to handle my blog getting this big. But I hope you will respect my decision to leave these things alone and not reopen a bunch of threads from seven years ago. Thank you <3
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gomi-sheo · 1 year
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Inktober Day Four: Dodge
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Jesus this one took longer than I wanted to be, took me almost seven hours to finish waaaa. But here it is! Day four prompt is finished, I've actually been itching to draw Soul Master since he's my favorite Boss to fight against and his design is so good!! So I decide to take this opportunity to finally draw him! This is one of my proudest work so far! Bonus have this art but it's just a background, yes I drew the background as well which was actually fun to do?
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a-sirens-melody · 1 year
Good Enough
When Plague Knight comes to, Black Knight is lying face down on the ground and his arms and legs ache. His pockets are also significantly lighter than before he reached the tower entrance, though the rest of his cloak is still weighed down with rain water. Shattered glass is scattered around them, sparkling in the green light like the deadliest night sky, and Black Knight is caught in the center of it all. His usually pristine armor is littered with dents and scratches, and one of his shoulder pads has been ripped clean off. The horns from his helmet are nowhere to be seen as well, Plague notices, and there are black and red feathers, also damp from the rain, joining the glass shards.
Ah. That’s right. He fought Black Knight again. And from the looks of it, he did far more damage this time than in the Plains of Passage.
Plague feels a familiar cruel satisfaction bubble up, and a small smile forms under his mask. Good. That’s what that fool gets for standing in his way one time too many. He would tell the Enchantress about the foolishness of her proudest servant, but, well-
She won’t be around for much longer. It would be pointless to draw their battle out, and soon, she will also lay on the ground weakened, her Essence sparkling in his hands. And then?
Then he will be perfect.
He carefully picks his way through the mess, not even bothering to step on Black. This is no time for childish antics. Not when he’s so close to getting what he wants. Just a few more steps and all that’s left is to ascend the Tower and fight-
There’s a cough. Scraping metal. The sound grates at his ears.
Plague turns around to see Black lifting his head up to face him. 
“Clearly,” he starts, after a rattling breath, “you care for her, but… why go to such lengths? Why a potion that makes you all-powerful?”
He supposes he can tell Black the truth. He would be the only one to truly know, and no one would ever believe him if he were stupid enough to try to tell anyone else. Besides, Plague has waited for years to complete his potion. What’s a few more minutes?
“I-I’m not out to rule the world.” Gone is his usual mischief, replaced by a quiet timidness that has him kicking himself when he hears it. What a lovesick fool he’s become, so blinded by hopeless pining that not even the sharpest bombs could cut through. “Heh. I just want to become stronger, and maybe then…” His voice tapers off as he realizes what he’s saying. What he’s never told anyone and kept close to his dark, rotten heart since the moment he knew. “She’ll love me.”
“Fool!” The sudden cry startles Plague into stepping back onto a stray feather. He slips, but catches himself so quickly he’s sure Black hasn’t seen. Not that he would have been paying attention to his steps, anyways. His head has snapped up to Plague’s mask, and a mixture of annoyance, confusion, and worry tingle at the base of his spine. Is Black going to tell him how stupid his plan is, again? Did he bear his soul only to be met by mockery yet again? What a waste of his time, he should’ve known better by now.
“Can’t you see that she already does?”
“No.” He’s spit the word out before he even realizes what he’s saying, his mind reeling. “The potion is the only way.” The door to the Tower rumbles open, and he steadily walks through, the pouring rain and Black’s quiet growl of frustration fading.
The Tower is just as cold and quiet as it always has been. The water’s chill sinking into his bones turns into the blistering heat of lava pools. Plague bombs and floats his way through relentless running tracks and moving staircases threatening to crush him in a heartbeat. Really, it’s insulting that the Enchantress thinks this could do anything but slow him down. A few black powder bombs here, a vat there, with a flawless Big Boom and the beetles, stray knights, and rats are no more. Child’s play, really. He might find more joy in it if it wasn’t for his head spinning, not unlike the pesky propellers of Propeller Knight’s henchmen. Try as he might, Black’s final words have not escaped him.
Fool! Can’t you see that she already does? 
And he wonders. Wonders if all those looks he caught Mona giving him in the late nights of experimenting and potion brewing really weren’t a trick of the dim lighting. If he really had caught glimpses of her looking at him when they perfected a tricky fuse or solved a mathematical error in their notes that had troubled them for weeks with triumphant joy and… something else he hadn’t been able to place.
In the Plains, when she asked him about the Magicist and what she’d meant to him, had she not been angry at him for wanting to woo the woman they spent so often gossiping about behind closed doors, but rather… jealous? Did Black’s irritating talent of poking his helmet in where he wasn’t wanted and protecting his precious Enchantress cause Mona to leave him over a stupid rumor out of heartbreak?
Was that why she’d met with him in the first place? To protect Plague because… she loved him? Would she have stayed if he hadn’t frozen on the spot and stuttered for fear of being vulnerable; if he had corrected her and admitted his feelings, limitless power be damned?
He stops in the hallway before the banquet room. Lets himself imagine it. Mona spinning with him on the torque lifts, laughing and looking at him with such glee that took his breath away. Mona smirking at his snide comments on Percy or any one of his minions and joining in with him. Mona dancing by herself and acting so nonchalant when caught that he almost missed the loneliness in her voice.
And then he remembers the way she’d laughed when he mentioned dancing, and practically begging Black to help her because it was all “getting too risky” and she “couldn’t lose him”, and his eyes shot open and his heart broke again, as it had so many times before.
Stupid! Stupid, what was he thinking? He could say they were equals in intellect until his voice gave out, but he was an idiot to let Black Knight of all people get his hopes up. How dare he, he didn’t know her like Plague did! She wanted to protect him because he was weak. She didn’t think he could handle the Enchantress all on his own, and took pity on him, because he was stupid, clumsy, far too short, and a coward, and he would never be good enough for her.
Not like this.
Just a little longer. Just a few more steps, just one more Essence, one more distillation, and it will all be over soon.
Then, he’ll find Mona in his new perfect form and explain everything. He’ll tell her it was all for her, that he knew he needed to change since before the Order, and he did it. Now, he is good enough. Because he loved her, not the Magicist. And she will reply in kind, eyes sparkling with pride and joy that he has dreamed of for so long, and she will love him.
Plague takes a deep breath. Blows it out shakily. He hadn’t noticed the lump in his throat giving way to tears. He scrubs them away quickly, wipes his hands on his sleeves. He takes one final breath before nodding and continuing to the banquet door.
For him. For Mona.
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depleti · 7 months
Happy Birthday!! I love your comic so much, it's been so nice seeing it updating again! I guess if you want as a fun question, which of your characters has been the most fun to design so far? I really love Coal's distinctive hair and recently I really loved Hel's appearance (I hope we see her again someday~) so I'm curious which if any characters have stricken your fancy the most?
Thank you! Oh man, Coal's hair! You're a true TMK OG if you know where its inspiration comes from lol.
Designing characters is one of my favorite things to do, so narrowing down to a fave or most fun design can be tricky. But (speaking of tricky!) it might have to be Loki. When I first decided I was going to use Loki as a character, I was kind of worried. He's so popular and famous, probably the best-known character from the Norse myths even before Marvel's Thor movies were made. There's a lot of depictions of him so trying to come up with my own idea was pretty daunting.
A couple of things came together to help me create my own idea for Loki. One of them was John Bauer, an illustrator from the turn of the 20th century. I noticed a lot of his art used when looking at various Norse mythology pages. Some aspects of his depictions of Loki helped get my own gears turning.
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Images from: https://runeberg.org/gudasaga/
Bauer's style in general was another inspiration for me, but I remember looking at that left drawing of Loki and Idunn and thinking, "His eyes are pretty narrow and dark there...kind of reminds me of a shark...ooh what if he had black eyes?" That's where the "reverse" eyes for jotnar came from. The eyes of characters and how they define them have become a common motif in the comic.
Loki's clothes, particularly his tunic, are inspired by clothes worn by the Sámi people, though I'll admit I made up the embroidery designs. In hindsight this may not have been the most appropriate decision, but it was done before I even knew the term "cultural appropriation." I think my initial ideas were that the jotnar had a connection to the indigenous people of Scandinavia and the Aesir were more like colonizers. It's actually been argued that the Aesir/Vanir war that is mentioned in the myths is a leftover from a culture (the Aesir) arriving and conquering the locals (the Vanir). Neat stuff.
No one has said anything to me about Loki's outfit so hopefully it's okay, and I don't mean anything disrespectful by using it. When I was researching I was struck by their designs and wanted to use it somewhere prominent. The story doesn't stay in Scandinavia for long so there wouldn't have been many (any?) other chances to show it.
The colors for Loki came a little easier. I knew he would be a warmer character in TMK, even become a pseudo-dad for Coal and the other kids, so all his color choices are warm and earthy. He's supposed to look approachable and friendly--at first, anyway.
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I love all the designs for the characters in TMK, but I might be proudest of Loki's, if only because it was so intimidating to do in the first place. I think it worked out well.
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vaathnaos · 8 months
Shifting sands question but a bit more meta!!
Do you have a favourite character to draw out of the boys?
What part of the comic was your favourite to draw? Which one was the hardest?
Are there any specific scenes you’re excited to draw (any clues you can give us as to what that is? >:])
Character/lore wise, did you change a lot compared to LU canon? Or is it pretty much the same, lore wise?
Have a great day!!
Hello once again! I’m always happy when i see these
1. It’s a tie between Time and Legend. Time is a cool muscled guy so i get to draw big muscles and also because muscles. Legend is really fun to draw because of his attitude and overall little shit vibe.
2. My favourite panel is also your favourite! Ya you know the one. But the hardest was the page after that, with the time bubble that gutters the panels!! That’s my proudest so far!
3. You ain’t getting a crum out of ME. jk I can say you can expect more robots, ACTION and some fight scenes coming sometime later… i’m actually training to draw some more dynamic poses right now :]
4. I don’t think my characters are too far off the Linked Universe Canon. Time is around 30 and is a veteran of war after the whole Oot and Mm thing. Sky is in his early 20s he is the protector the triforce with his Zelda, they started a settlment on the surface. Wind is a teenager ~15 and he’s been sailing around with Tetra and Aryl (after Phantom Hourglass). Legend is ~19 years old and he’s the tricky one. In Lu he’s a mash up of Alttp, Oracles, Link’s Awakening, Albw and Triforce heroes. In my comic i’ve considered all of these canon (in that order) he currently lives with the royal family while Ravio’s been renovating their house. I don’t consider them in a romantic relationship, more like roommates, living with an alternate version of yourself.
Anyway I could talk about head canon All Day.
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rebelrebelwrites · 2 years
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers ❤️
Thanks for the tags @bad-surprise and @wyrd-syster
Mine are all from other fandoms, but just in case any Reylos still follow me or your sexual awakening was also Jareth the Goblin King 😂, I'll share my 5 favorite fics that I’ve written w/ all the old shit I made for them:
1. when the moon met the sun in the sky [reylo fantasy au | E | 71k | 20/20] — To date my proudest work, just because it was fun to try and attempt to evoke a Miyazaki-style fantasy world, and the world-building was so much fun.
"Who?" Rey asked.
She knew who. But she didn't know what else to say.
The man called Kylo Ren — Ben, her mind whispered — rolled his shoulders, a tick she'd seen before, a thousand times at least; an echo of a boy she used to know.
He seemed to notice. He took a tentative step toward her. When she flinched in response, he froze.
"Don't do that," he said, soft as a psalm. His dark eyes darted over every inch of her.
"Do what?" she asked.
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2. Boon [reylogan heist au | E | 39k | 12/20] — This is such a niche fic in the first place because it’s a crossover between SW and Logan Lucky, but man, it was so fun and Rey/Clyde are so soft. I’d never attempted to write a heist and I obviously didn’t finish but I still have a fondness for this (permanently? IDK) on hiatus little fic.
“Your jar looks like it’s full of stars,” Sadie said, gaping at it.
“It does,” Clyde agreed. He raised his own. “Time to set them free?”
Sadie nodded, skipping into the night to release hers. As Rey turned to follow, Clyde snaked his good hand around her wrist.
“Follow me.”
He led her around the house, where the night felt denser, darker, somehow warmer. Underfoot, wild daisies swayed in the dying summer breeze.
“Here,” he murmured. She smiled at him, then twisted the top of her jar off. He followed suit. Together, they shook the little bugs free — to fly away, blinking little lights in the darkness; hazy yellow stars they might touch.
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3. Crown Glass [reylo fantasy au | M | 4k | 1/1] — I love this one because it just sort of came into being; a prompt/gift one-shot that took on a mind of its own, but I got to play more with present tense and some high-fantasy elements bouncing around in my brain.
She shouldn’t be able to find it. But she does.
It stands tall, tucked away in the back of the cellar; she weaves through abandoned armor, crusted cauldrons, and shelves and shelves of spellbooks to reach it. It’s old, ancient even; she can feel that, even if she’d never set eyes on it, full-length and ringed in circles of crown glass that shimmer in the gloom.
She reaches out a hand, skimming the surface–
And then a world appears on the other side.
A room, awash in milky moonlight. A desk, buried by books. A bed…
And a man.
She draws her hand back, heart thumping as loud as the magic in her ears.
The world flickers and fades back into blackness.
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4. This is the Sign You've Been Looking For [reylo modern au | E | 29k | 10/10] — My first real Reylo fic and what got me back into writing after years away, so I have to give it credit! Also my first ever AU, and Virgin artist Ben Solo and sign maker Rey were so sweet and sad but with a nice HEA.
"I'm sorry," Rey murmured, drawing close. She could only seem to look at her feet.
He pressed a large palm to her face, tilting her head up to look at him. The music filtering in from the living room was noticeably softer; vaguely, Rey recognized Elton's "Your Song" playing in the background and decided it was a good idea to rest her hands on Ben's hips.
He glanced down at her touch, swallowing hard.
"Don't be," he hummed.
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5. Muse [Labyrinth canonverse fic | E | 82k | 20/20] — I have a lot of Feelings about this fic, but I have to include it even though a part of me wants to edit it into oblivion, haha. I feel like I’ve come so far as a writer since finishing this in my early twenties, but I’ll always appreciate this for how it helped me improve, for how it gave me an avenue to do more with fantasy world-building, and for the nice response it got in a small little fandom.
"Why did you give me the peach?"
He stared at her, his expression unfathomable.
"Are you going to answer me?" asked Sarah quietly.
"You know why I gave it to you," replied Jareth, "To make you forget."
"No," continued Sarah, "I know. That wasn't what I meant. Why did you give me the peach, knowing that I would never be able to leave after taking a bite?"
Tagging: @demonscantgothere @scriberated @myrsinemezzo @thrillofhope and @formerlyir
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My Journey on Learning How To Draw
I've always wanted to draw and thought art is very cool. I was intimidated that I'm not good at it. I couldn't even draw a straight line! 😫 But threads on twt had me realize that drawing isn't just about talent, age, and tools. It's all about hardwork, dedication, and practice.
And so I've decided to start learning how to draw! I've been wanting to make my zosan or sanji imagines into fanarts. I wanna draw pretty Sanji too! 🥹 And I wanna post my progress here on Tumblr just for funsies. So here's what I did so far
Day 1
I started to trace one of my favorite Sanji shots in Wano. And you can see how unsteady my hand is 😭 I'm using my phone (android) and the app IbisPaintX with a universal stylus.
I tried to do tracing first to get a feel of what and how much I needed to improve and grow. And I basically don't know anything but trace 😭 While the second and third on were just for funsies when I got comfortable scribbling.
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Day 2
Now this is where I'm the happiest and proudest thing I did for this year. Heheh. Day 2 is technically today. And these 2 that I made is what made me want to share my progress here on Tumblr.
The first one's still tracing though and still hasn't finished it yet (hair & bg) but I wanna challenge myself to copy the whole shot which is a big game for someone who doesn't know anything about coloring 😭 but I really wanna push myself and see how far I can go and if I can do it. My lining is still rough and squiggly and I almost gave up when I started coloring. It looks so blah. But I remember all the art shorts/reels/tiktoks I'm always watching and shading/shadow changes everything and I have to be patient. And it paid off 😭 I have a lot to learn but to know that I'm not just grasping straws. Knowing how to work around making art and the basics makes me more comfortable to go into the very basics now. Bc I still don't know shit about proportions, positions, size and anatomy.
Also the second I just did just 2 hrs ago. I really wanna draw chibis and I wanna practice drawing Sanji's hair. Heheh. Still don't know anatomy but thank god IPX has free materials of anything. And scrolling through the chibi trace sketch pose I remember it's near Valentine's so I made this! Took the inspo from the third pic! Bc zosan chibi is so cute!
Most proud of that one. I did it on my own beside the body. It's not the best but it's the cutest thing I made to date.
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So that's all!!! Mehehe definitely gonna start the serious anatomy drawing lessons I found on yt tomorrow. Good night everyone!
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kitkiterson · 3 months
i don’t have any new art to post so i will finally share the tua cat au i’ve been working on since 2019 ! it’s still a work in progress incredibly but this is the proudest i have been of my designs so …
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i’ve been making him a yellow cat for. a really long time
he’s larger than the rest to make up for experimentation and his larger stature due to it . i’ve worked on several ways to show it but idk .
he’s so fun to draw they could never make me hate him
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this is by far the best klaus design i’ve done i think it really captures him im really happy with it . i have the most klaus design prototypes out of all
dog tags! dog tags always! i’m a klave truther forever
i’m making it so the like. little whispy white design on the right front leg. was given to her AFTER umbrella ben went into the light . Because i’m evil
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almost. nothing changed about fives design . but i redrew it because i miss him
scar colors and paw pad colors are always the same as the eye color . that makes it easier on me i also like how it looks
collar symbolizes five’s uniform he wears until s3 !
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the handler
i HATE her. girl you’re crazy ! but i love this design
i wanted the line on the face to almost symbolize hands on a clock ? idk
the bow is in reference to one of her outfits don’t ask me which episode i don’t know!
that’s all i have right now i think about this all the time thank you if you read all this 😭
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