#so hes probably like ''i was a dead body once it was awesome''
misasimagines · 9 months
Alhaitham Smut ABCs
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included characters: Alhaitham
rating: NSFW!
warnings: this man is NOT good for you. some toxicity on his end, he's not treating you right (until later,, but I barely wrote about that). Power dynamics not awesome. Dom/sub dynamics. written with the thought of a femme reader so not completely GN but the presumed reader is not strictly gendered. Just keep that in mind! this is insanely long! I'm a freak!
Aftercare: (what they're like after sex): At first, awful. He's like okay, I have to up for work tomorrow. Here's your underwear. Leave. He gets softer (begrudgingly) after a while, especially if he really did a number on you and you're like brain dead. Then, he's like convincing himself you won't even really remember this so he can take care of you. You get your hair pet and he lets you cuddle up to him after he cleans you up (and scolds you for making a mess, but it's not serious, he knows it takes two). Once you're in a legit relationship (HARD MODE, TERRIBLE RNG) he'll start being nicer. You get to have a shower/bath together and he'll actually kiss you and tell you that you did a good job.
Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's): He likes his hands. He would shove his fingers in your mouth to avoid having to kiss you. Likes making you suck on them and plays with your tongue and makes you drool all over yourself so he can degrade you about it,,,. Related, but he likes your mouth/lips. At first he really does NOT want to kiss you. It's too intimate, it's too much of an admittance that your relationship is beyond just sexual. When you finally do get him to want a real romantic relationship, he's kind of staved by then to kiss you and will do it as often as possible.
Cum (anything to do with cum basically): Yeah so he likes making you keep your mouth open, tongue out when he finishes after a blowjob. You should savor it, after all. He's not super in face shots or breeding because this man is NOT risking getting you knocked up if that's possible. Just prefers to cum in your mouth/on your tongue and make you leave it there while he goes down on you or fingers you. Literally would be pavlov'ing you into associating the taste with your own orgasm because he's the WORST.
Dirty secret: Honestly it's the moment he realizes he wants something more serious with you and he actually has feelings for you. He does want to kiss you, he wants to wake up next to you and treat you better and stop being so pragmatic and selfish. The idea gets him really hot but also upset because he wasn't ready to deal with that. It'll be another month or more before he deals with what this actually means.
Experience: He's had a few partners, probably strictly sexual relationships. He convinces himself (and them) that it's just a way to blow off steam, kill time, research (lmao). Probably held back any of his less vanilla preferences so you would be the first he really gets to let loose on (I mean, congrats?)
Favorite position: Bending you over something or just having you face down, ass up. He doesn't want you thinking this is romantic or serious, he doesn't want you to reach up and try to kiss him or anything. When things get more serious/romantic, he's like having you on your back so he can watch your expressions change and so he can keep you (both) quiet with his mouth on yours.
Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they serious, etc): Deadass serious. The most "jokey" he gets is sarcastically praising you. It's degrading but you're too brain dead to get it at the moment.
Hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes?): honestly if its grey and teal down there i gotta rewrite the above because how are you going to take him seriously like that
Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect...): It's just to get off at first. He doesn't want to kiss you because that's too romantic and he does NOT want that. He doesn't want to cuddle after, he doesn't want breakfast in the morning, he doesn't want you talking to him the next day like you're any closer than you were before he railed you. Eventually though, he's like .... fine. You can stay over. If it makes you happy, you can put your head on my chest. Jut don't get used to it. Even later, he's talking to you after and he's like okay, this doesn't suck, and then late game he's like, just stay the night (he kind of wants you to be there when he wakes up).
Jack off (masturbation headcanon): He takes his time. He'll read something smutty or just imagine something and lay in bed and edge himself for a bit. Probably also does it in the shower because it drowns out any sounds he might make and there's no risk of Kaveh walking in on him.
Kink: Light bondage (of you, not him) and prefers you brain dead and agreeable. He's a Dom through and through and wants you to just do what he says and take what he gives you. He'll want you to beg so he can deny you. Wants you so on edge you'll promise and agree to anything and he WILL be holding you to that. Like oh, you don't want to honor your agreement? Maybe he'll keep that in mind next time you're begging him to let you finish and promising anything, because it certainly wasn't anything last time you said that.
Location: Bedroom, office, library. The thrill of the more public places (his office and the library) get him going because he doesn't particularly care if someone catches you, but he knows you probably would.
Motivation (what turns them on): He had such a bad day, just let him use you,,, You did something stupid/messed something up? Well, he already thinks you're halfway to being brainless, he'll take care of the other half. You can suck on his fingers and/or run your hands up his chest and he's ready to ruin you. He also goes through phases where he's just not interested and you need to leave him be. He'll make it clear when he doesn't want that kind of attention, but if you're really in the mood and he isn't, he's not against talking you through taking care of yourself...
NO (something they won't do, turn offs): He's really not into letting you dom him. You could maybe top him but like ordering him around? Denying him? He's not happy with that. Sorry </3. He's also not into brat taming. If you become more trouble than you're worth, that's it. He's not putting more effort than necessary into keeping a relationship with you. Don't try to make him jealous or possessive, he does not care. And then when he does start caring? When he does have an interest in you because he loves you??? Now he's just unhappy because you're trying to use that against him and you're kind of just proving that he's better off not in this kind of relationship. Hypocritical giving his initial treatment of you.
Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc): Prefers receiving, he's selfish. Likes to see you on your knees trying to fit him in your mouth. Loves cumming in your mouth. Not super rough, but will make you gag on him if you were particularly annoying recently. Going down on you is more rare (until you're in a real relationship) like you have to earn it and/or beg for it. And then it's like a deal with a devil, you get more than you asked for. Once you're in a real relationship, he's is more interested in giving and particularly likes being on his knees while you're backed up against a bookcase in a dead silent library. You don't want to get caught, do you? So keep it down.
Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc): He can be a bit rough. I've said this throughout, but he is NOT trying to date you for the majority of this relationship. If he has to be meaner to try to prevent you both from catching feelings, he will be. He doesn't want to praise you, kiss you, take his time, etc, because he's actively NOT trying to make you feel valued. Red flag!! If you get the good ending, he can be slower and softer but it actually kind of makes him uncharacteristically flustered like... what do you mean enjoying the moment and not just getting results? He's not sure how to deal with that.
Quickie: Sometimes it's just what you have to do. He refuses to work overtime and any more than necessary but still, sometimes he can't get around it. And other times, he's just taking his law required break and you happened to visit him/be in the area so....
Risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc): He's a big fan of you being his under the desk support <3 He can make himself look presentable after demolishing you over his desk, so he doesn't care, and it doesn't bother him if you're a wreck with cum dripping down your legs. Clean yourself up. He will try things within reason, man has a WEALTH of ideas and books with some insane things that he's curious about. If you agree to be his guinea pig, seriously you have no clue what you're getting into.
Stamina (how many rounds, how long do they last): this bookworm works out at the library AND the gym, have you SEEN his arms? He's lasting!!! But even when he's tapped out, he might not be finished.... tbc in the next :3
Toy (do they own toys? do they used them on a partner? themselves?) he WILL leave you tied up with a vibrator up to your most sensitive parts because he claims you're so needy and clingy, this is the best way to give you all the attention you're desperate for. Beg for him to turn it off when you're overstimulated and he'll tell you to finish again before he will, but then you do, and he's like? Oh? If you were able to get off again, maybe you're not done and I should leave you like that. Will also set you up with a dildo suctioned to the floor/mirror honestly/etc and tell you to get yourself off while he's busy or uninterested. If you stop or you're not putting your all into it, he's like hmm, guess you didn't actually need the stimulation, I feel less inclined to help.
Unfair (how much they like to tease): [big sigh] He's selfish and primarily wants to get himself off at first, but he also realizes he needs to give you a reason to come back. He also KIND of wants you to be at his beck and call so he'll make sure you're plenty satisfied at the end of your trysts. All, of course, to make you feel like you need him to get you off. Red flag! Otherwise, yes, he likes teasing and making you beg. He enjoys it and he knows the payoff is better when you had to want it so much more.
Volume (how loud are they): Pretty quiet with moans/groans/etc most of the time but he's DIRTY TALKING like crazy. He loves to call you desperate, to say you're more of a whore than he realized and what it would be like if all of your friends and coworkers knew what you got up to on your free time. He knows that most people care about their reputation and peoples' perceptions of them, so he likes to throw that back at you mainly because he does feel superior for not caring. The best you'll get from him when you're staring up at him, cum coating your tongue, eyelashes sparkly with tears, waiting for him to give you permission to swallow, is a kind of thoughtful look and maybe, just MAYBE, he'll call you a good girl/boy/pet.
Wild card: He's not in exhibitionism himself but if someone were to talk in on you tied up, shaking, vibrator up in you/against you? He'll make them leave but it's fine if they get a good look first. This is still his show, but it's fine if they envy him.
X-ray (whats going on in those pants): the in game model speaks for itself. countless minutes of research have lead me to believe that it is sizeable. Bigger than average, not much of a curve or anything.
Yearning (how high is their sex drive?): He goes through phases. Sometimes he's wants to be left alone for a week straight and then the next he's like trying to actively drop your IQ from the amount of brain cells he's fucking out of you.
ZZZ (how fast they fall asleep after): Not super fast. Probably stays up for a bit afterwards. Reads in bed or takes and shower and relaxes. He really isn't one to fall asleep with you until you've been in this relationship for a while and he's like, fuck. I'm in too deep, I can't keep throwing them out. And then he catches himself admitting you do look kind of endearing in your sleep. By then he's done for.
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
22 ASKS!! :DD THANK YOU!! :} 🎉🎂🎉
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GASPPP!! :DDD I'D LOVE TO!! :}} 💖💖
I've actually been thinking a lot about Louis and his story lately! Though, since drawing is rather taxing on me atm I haven't gotten around to making him a character study post.. Like I did for Cuttlefish.. BUT!! I have still made some story bits for him anyways! :DD 👇👇
I had this idea that he used to be an ordinary flavored cookie of some kind. And he used to live on land as this washed up fisherman that was really down on his luck.. he had lost his job, his home, his arm.. he had no friends.. no family.. nothing. He was really lost and alone..
Its around that time he was somehow welcomed aboard Seafoam's ship. It was just Seafoam, Octo and Ellie at the time. Louis found great comfort and security with this crew. He had never felt more welcome and wanted in his life.. This environment started to break down Louis' anxieties and depression overtime. Slowly turning him into the more jolly and boisterous Louis the crew knows him as today.
But things would take a seemingly bad turn when a curse befell Louis. Turning him into this half cookie, half crab beast. Louis' body had changed significantly, the biggest change being his huge crab arm. Now, most cookies would consider this ghastly new form to be what its intended to be. A curse.. But Louis.. actually didn't mind the changes. In fact, he liked his new body. Quite a lot! And though his new crab arm did cause him quite a bit of aches and pains.. and also took away his ability to swim.. he honestly considered it an upgrade!
Where before he had a missing arm and was completely useless in combat.. now he had this huge intimidating claw in its place! With his new found strength and power, he was a force to be reckoned with! Not only that, but he didn't see his new body as ugly, he thought he looked AWESOME! So he also got a major confidence boost too!
In present day, Louis is a confident, sociable, and all around happy person. And he gives all the credit to Seafoam and his crew for his new found zest for life! :}} ✨🦀💖✨
Anyways-- thank you for taking interest in Louis! :DD rn drawing is rather challenging for me, but I hope to draw him again someday soon! Maybe I can go back and make him his own character study post like I wanted to! 👀👀
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XD Bibi would probably use it to make a cold glass or water for me🥺💖
And hey, thanks for the cake! :DD No doubt Cici will devour it XDD (Bibi allows it)
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I suppose if I really wanted to I could learn how. But I don't want to turn my hobby into a job..
I made my first post on December 19th, 2018!! :00 That's roughly 4-5 years or so!
I use FireAlpaca! And I use a xp-pen 13.3 pro tablet ✨✨
As for that Undyne and Papyrus post.. The story behind it is, that Papyrus is from a different timeline. And in his original timeline.. Undyne is dead.. Now, this other Undyne knows that her Papyrus, the "real" Papyrus, is somewhere else in the underground. So this Papyrus is an imposter. She questions this imposter. "Who are you, and why do you look like Papyrus?" She waits for this imposter to answer.. But Papyrus has no words.. since his Undyne died, he hasn't heard her voice in a very long time... he's too shocked to speak..
I DO have a YouTube channel, and I was intending to make animations for it... but I lost my drive. Animations get stolen A LOT. And Animations take a ton of time to make. I was discouraged.. why would I spend so much time on something, if its more likely to be stolen?
Though I have been thinking about making sketch animatic memes... maybe once my health improves I could try to make one-
And hey! Don't worry about my arms, I can make several whether I'm feeling good or bad! :D
AND AAA THANK YOU!! :DD I'm glad you like him and noticed his eye details!! :}}}
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(Post in question)
XDD Jangles is chaotic enough to sleep hanging upside down tho lets be real-
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@yourstrulylightstar283 (In response to this post)
:DD Bibi gives his thanks!
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@cudlycorncornsworthcoberson (In response to this post)
XDD I know right?? Another year has already come and gone, its crazy to think about! :00
And don't worry, I've been focusing all my energy on taking care of myself and drinking lots of water! 👍👍
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Awe! Thank you so much!! :DD Right now the main thing I'm battling is my poor mental and physical health.. but I have high hopes that things will improve soon! :)))
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@the-woomyverse (Post in question)
:DD Thank you! I'm glad you liked them!! :}}
As for Ludwig and Morton, unfortunately they don't have a lot of story built yet.. but I'm working on it! <:D
Ludwig is intended to be the eldest sibling, and heir to the throne. He's the "Prince of the Koopas". That post shows Ludwig seeming nervous.. and unsure. I'm experimenting with Ludwig taking his role as heir very seriously.. but its stressful. He feels like he's under a lot of pressure and has a loooot of responsibility to look forward to..
Though I'm kind'a going back on that a bit. The canon Ludwig seems pompous and a bit arrogant. Maybe I should keep some of that but in a positive way? I imagine that Bowser wouldn't force Ludwig to do this if he didn't want to. And I imagine that Kamek would have done very well to prepare Ludwig for his future kingly-hood.
What I mean by this is. I think a more.. confident, and level headed version of Ludwig would be appropriate. Rather than a pompous snob or a nervous wreck. He could be a young prince with a lot of wit and discipline. A price that is bound to make a fine king. 👑
For Morton I'm afraid there's even less story built for him 😭💔💔 Right now the main thing I'm experimenting with is Morton having some form of melanism. (Its a mutation where animals are born with excess pigment in their skin. Making their fur/hair/skin very dark/black when it otherwise would not have been.)
I could experiment with Morton not liking this aspect of himself..? Maybe it makes him feel out of place or insecure..? Though I doubt any of the individuals around him would have judged him or treated him differently at all for it.. even his siblings.
Idk, I just need some more time to think about him I suppose! <XDD Sorry!! 😭😭
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Thank you!! :DD
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@untitled-7613 (Post in question)
Thank you! :DD I'm glad you like them!! :}}
And Jimmy was a lovely gift, though I didn't create him! The factual fam is mostly intended to be made of characters that I can take credit for-
(Note- Jimmy was a nice gift, but please! I stand by only wanting comments <:} 💖💖)
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Dawww, as far as I'm concerned, you've followed me twice! At least in spirit! XD
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Hergn... but that takes efforttt... how about you tell me what you like about it first? :0
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No problem!! :D And I wonder that about K Rool. I didn't actually realize that he would be very similar to Bowser.. hmm. Well, I'm thinking that even if he is close to Bowser in size, Bowser's got him beat by his fire breathing ability XDD And King/Big Koopa's overall could just be a tougher species-
As for the Super Stars, they have about the same status as the 1-Up Mushrooms. They are this extremely rare Power up that seems to only show up when its needed.
I've been experimenting with the toad people worshiping 1-Ups and the Delfino people worshiping Super Stars. These bizarre and wonderous powerups that are strongly tied to the prophecy and what not. They're also related to how Peach and Daisy became royalty..
Its a lot of complicated word spaghetti atm but the point I'm getting at- is that there is definitely more than one! And they are so powerful and so.. seemingly sentient, that they are seen as almost.. like.. these holy beings that bring about future events.
I haven't rambled about all that biz yet becuase I cant find proper words to figure out what I'm even thinking <XD Gonna need some more time on that one!--
And yes yes yes! The Commander is still around, and AWWW!! Is he really?? :DD That's so sweet! Thank you so much!! :}} I haven't thought much about what role he's played in raising the Koopalings, though I really should. While he isn't there to actually help raise them, he's always been around as they've grown up. Whether it be following Kamek around or doing some kind of work around the palace.
When it comes to Bowser returning injured.. I wonder. part of me thinks that he wouldn't return right away, so maybe his injury wasn't seen by the Commander. But the news of his defeat would certainly be bone chilling. Commander would be more tense around the palace. And probably extends his night watches a bit longer in an attempt to better protect the Koopalings..
On the last note, Yes! I do plan to redesign him once again XD or at least update him a little- Though drawing is very challenging for me atm.. so that'll have to wait a while!.. <XDD
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As for your questions! <XD --I've been thinking more about Tuna's character over the past few days and this got me thinking even more! :D
I imagined that when Tuna started out he was a real brat. Not super great to be around. He had some bottled up stuff for sure and was real rebellious and resistant to authority figures. Nobody was really willing to deal with his crap and always pushed back, which just made him more bratty.. for a while Seafoam wasn't sure what he was gonna do with this kid..
But then he reached some kind of middle ground with Ellie.
I have several ideas in mind for how this could go.. but I'll ramble about this one first- XDD
Ellie has thick skin and could tolerate the snarky remarks he made. She also didn't push back, even through she very easily could have. She knows that this kid has some serious inner battles and he doesn't need her snapping back at him.
And like some of the things you mentioned, it started out with Tuna just bumming around in the kitchen. Since Ellie could tolerate him she never kicked him out. Making the kitchen kind'a like a space where he could.. "get away" from the rest of the crew, in a sense..
Ellie was the first person to crack that outer shell of his. Providing him a consistent source of comfort, with her food and the quiet kitchen.
After some time the snarky remarks or comments would slow down.. over time he just resorts to standing around and watching her cook. Getting closer and closer.. eventually asking questions. "What are ye makin..?" "..what's that do..?" She would always reply genuinely. And as gently as she could considering her usual monotone voice <XD
Eventually it turns into "..where'd you learn to cook?" "..how long have you known Octo..?" "..do you trust Cuttlefish.?"
She could say kind things about the crew which gets Tuna to lighten up around them. "Octo seems mean but actually he's just blah blah blah..." Next time he interacts with Octo he's less tense. "Seafoam is genuinely as kind as he seems. If ye can trust anyone, its him." He starts listening to Seafoam more..
These interactions would continue to develop more and more. I don't know if he'd ever be able to help her cook anything- considering how strict she is about it <XDD But although I have several more ideas for this, I like this idea of Ellie really softening him up over time..
WAAHDH WALL OF TEXT--- Thank you again so much!!! :DD It makes my heart very happy to hear that you love Tuna and Ellie so much!! 🥰🥰
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(Sorry for not being able to transfer your cookie gifs to this post! <:0)
Hmm.. that makes me wonder if the cookie run characters have.. cookies. Like, small cookies that THEY eat.
Something tells me they don't.. Which makes me think that seeing someone eat a normal cookie would still be horrifying! <XDD
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Awe! Thank you so much! :DD Such a pleasant and wholesome message to read, truly. :}}
I'm working out my feelings with the fandom.. tbh I think I'm just in a place where my emotions are all outa whack. And I'm just avoiding anything and everything that upsets me. 💔
I'm sure in a few weeks when I get my health back on track I'll feel better about the Octonauts fandom. Perhaps I'll even return with more updated designs! XD
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:DDD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm so glad to hear that!! :}}}
And huh.. its been a while since I've drawn the FNAF string beans hasn't it? Once I can get my health back on track I should draw them again! <XDD
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Blue!💙💙 :DD Specifically shades similar to what ever this one is XDD 👇👇
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:000....... FISH! :DD
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And thank you! This makes me feel a lot better XDD
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I think the cookie run games have cake/dog things..? I'm assuming the crews pet would be one of those :00
As for the names you've suggested, I love Patty, Pretzel, Muffin and Cornbread XDD such great names! :DD
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gilverrwrites · 3 months
i’ve sent this request to river-rat69, but wanted to see how you would potentially interpret it >_>
exploring interests with jack and finding a common one? like art? perhaps?
just a cute idea idk
Finding common interests with Jack
Author note: That is super cute! I'm note sure if this is what you had in mind, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
I will also note, I know a common opinion is that Jack is like a child in an adult body, but I always read him more as like an adult with minimal world or social skills.
Can be read as romantic or platonic.
Rating: General
Genre: Pure fluff
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Please be kind to your mind ❤︎
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I feel like if Jack wants to make a connection with someone, he will try anything at least once.
He's a 20-year-old who has never had to make friends before. Cas and the Winchesters are family, thats different. Friends he has to make an effort for. (At least in his head.)
If he thinks you really enjoy something that he doesn't, he won’t want to hurt your feelings. He wants you to like him.
So even if he doesn’t enjoy something that much, he’ll try to pretend.
It’s up to you to figure that out and stop him from torturing himself.
He’s too nice, loyal to a fault.
Although, the many sceptical questions and the suspicious looks are a dead giveaway.
“Is it supposed to smell this strong?” Yep “And I can’t eat it?” No, Jack, it’s soap! “And we’re wearing gloves because? It’s dangerous, yep, got it.” “Is this what a headache feels like? NO! It’s fun! If you like it, I like it.” “It takes HOW LONG to cure?”
Probably stay away from things like candle and soap making.
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He likes stability, so I think having a set day each week, or a couple of hours each night to do stuff together, would be ideal for him.
He’d love bonding over shared interests in films and TV.
He doesn’t have to eat, but I think he would enjoy trying new foods.
So: having a weekly film night would be awesome. Where you can both veg out on the couch together, eat whatever new or different foods you find at the supermarket, and watch horror (primarily zombie) and/or sci-fi films together. 
Or spend the weekend binge-watching The Walking Dead or The Cornetto Trilogy (+ Paul, non negotiable).
Video games too: Left 4 Dead, Fallout etc
Then fall asleep where you're lounging, talking about your faves and your fan theories. 
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I don’t know that he would be into making art, per se, but I think he would like crafts.
I feel like Jack would really like those diamond painting thingies. Or just like, bedazzling things in general.
Like, I can see him contracting some weird cosmic-being version of the flu, being quarantined with an Angel!Reader and it being like that one episode of Malcolm in the Middle. 
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Also legos. Just things that take a lot of attention to detail, something that can take his mind off of the constant pressure he is under, that you can really focus on, but that has a cool pay off at the end.
Animation as well, both watching (more 2D stuff like Batman, Invincible, Nimona)
And doing– probably more like stop motion, with again, legos, or claymodels. 
(I’m totally not projecting because I am an animation nerd)
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He would, however, enjoy art galleries and museums.
Being able to admire and learn about things created by humans throughout history would be so astounding.
Would like to have you with him so you can observe, learn, and discuss together.
If you’re interested but unable to go with him, he’ll memorise everything so he can relay it all to you later, or pick up a bunch of leaflets for you to read. Or he’ll make a note of all his favourite parts so he can take you there another time.
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He would have a similar sentiment if you are an artistic person. 
He doesn’t want to draw or paint stuff with you, but he would like watching you and your creative process (if you don’t mind being watched)
Like absolutely fascinated by your ability to create something from nothing. Something that evokes emotion or tells a story – wow!!
Your number one supporter. Gift him your art, and he’ll put it on his bedroom wall.
Those galleries I mentioned earlier, he’s buying you both tickets to go see your inspirations shows or displays.
Wants to look through all your old works, he doesn’t care if that horse you drew when you were 12 is the wrong shape and has wonky eyes, he thinks its so cool that you tried, and practiced, and learned. That’s human ingenuity.
You’re so cool.
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its-a-me-mango · 2 months
MANGOOO!! hello, been shy to slide into asks but i got very curious looking at your SMG4 posts.. do you have any headcanons you think are cool ? Would be a blast to see them! :D
OH HAI!!!! Oh my god I love headcanons so much I promise, but I'm one of those people who immediately forgets them all when I'm asked about them. Also I forgot which ones are mine and which ones are someone elses, thought tbh if someone HC is good enough for me to think I made it then like, that would be a huge compliment to me haha! X3
I have a few that I can think of off the top of my head right now, there's a few that need a whole post to explain but I'll do that when I feel like it, gonna leave out any LGBT headcanons because I already agree with everyone else, they are all gay and trans except the ones that aren't and that's so awesome.
Again forgive me if I repeat someone else's HC, or if anything I say is proven to not be possible, I fucking forgorrrrr;
SMG3 has tattoos, I know I've shown that one already but listen. He has 3, one is a half sleeve on his left forearm that's got a skull and a bunch of bombs and explosions around it, another one is on his right mid thigh which is a memorial tattoo for Terence, and one very small one on his back right shoulder blade that's just a little skull (it's very blown out and old). He'd like to get more at some point, none of the others have any tattoos but he's trying to convince them to get one.
All the SMG's have the little arrow thing that was on their guardian pod as a marking somewhere on their body, SMG1 has his on his chest under his scarf, SMG2 has his under his hat, SMG3 has his on his lower back, and SMG4 has his on the back of his neck, they're all pretty hidden and not too visible, but anytime they use their meme guardian powers they glow.
Tari is just a bird fan in general, for someone who stays inside gaming she sure knows every single bird ever. She's not a bird watcher but she can identify any bird you show her easily, and she's always happy and excited to see bird when she does go out. Obviously though ducks are her favourite, but she like all waterfowl in general.
Karen is divorced, she just gives me divorced girl energy. She has full custody of her kids because her ex was a piece of shit and didn't want them anyway, her kids were all too young to know about him thankfully. She probably got married right out of highschool or something, those relationships never seem to work out. I keep thinking of those "day in the life of a divorced 23 year old" videos like, that's her lol.
Bob's secret hobby is fabric work, you will catch him dead before you catch him admitting or even showing anything he makes, but he makes garments and furniture for fun. Sometimes he'll throw them into the black market and lie about their value for a quick buck and to clear out space, he doesn't care much once they're completed he just likes making them.
I think this one's just semi canon, but SMG4 Mario is secretly really good at reading people, yeah he's kinda dumb but he can pick up what people are feeling in depth, he just doesn't always get why. He's also just a good guy to go to for comfort, not advised though don't listen to him, he's just really good to ramble/vent too (mainly because he won't remember what you said lol).
I'm sure I'll think of more as soon as I post this, but come back and ask again at some point and I'll try and remember them lol
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runabout-river · 2 months
Thoughts on JJK chapter 254 (spoilers)
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Like we thought, this chapter was about showing us why Kusakabe is considered the strongest first grade sorcerer and it was awesome to see the utilization of the simple domain
Everything from making his CE output higher and weakening Sukuna's attacks to putting conditions into his domain like he would the actual ones fits with everything that had been established so far
The flashbacks discuss Kusakabe's skill further but I have 2 questions now about those:
more than ever this looks like there was an actual person asking about the strongest first grade sorcerer (and previously the strongest sorcerer) instead of this being a narrative trick. Who was that person though? This could be kinda important in the future maybe.
While the flashbacks are a good way to bring dead characters back, it's again noteworthy that it's a pre-Shibuya flashback. Makes you think why Gege made sure to not show us timeskip Gojo 🤔
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It's always good to see Gojo though and I did miss his blindfold.
We get another tidbit of information that students of SD have to make vows to utilize it like Miwa but Kusakabe is again extremely good at using it from all angles, even when Sukuna charges and uses his slashes without using his muscles
Sukuna is also a little shit against Kusakabe but by extending the range of his SD, Kusakabe can prevent Sukuna from forming the necessary CE output to use his world slashing cut. Sukuna himself gets cut in Kusakabe's attack
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Not gonna lie, I thought for a second that Higuruma was back in the fray until I realized that Kusakabe threw his coat at Sukuna
Some good old hand-to-hand combat. Last we checked Sukuna had Yuta's CE levels and even though that's probably lower again now, he's still on the level of a regular special grade sorcerer. Maki's wound is still afflicting him though
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We already saw the extended CE sword from Maki's father and it would be good if we saw more of that but we've run out of swordsmen except Yuta comes back which he might.
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Last chapter, we had an extreme use of shadows split between Sukuna and Maki. This chapter, probably to show how unserious Sukuna took this fight compared to Maki and how outclassed Kusakabe was, the shadows were lacking on him and Kusakabe.
But the moment Ui Ui comes to the scene not only do the shadows come, Sukuna's entire body is drenched in it, showing us perfectly just who the predator is in this scene
Sukuna going after Ui Ui is also a good tactic for how to disrupt his opponents' quick movement and potential healing of the defeated. That healing element will come back in the future at some point. I wonder if Mei MeI had been prepared to intervene for Ui Ui's sake or if this close call will have repercussions in the future
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And then finally! We get a kinda important guy from pre-canon! Miguel was heavily featured at the end of the movie which showed us that Gojo had come into contact with him. This is coming to fruition right now.
This could be interesting with Sukuna when they starts comparing Jujutsu from Japan to Jujutsu from overseas. Some lore drop could come next chapter
I also hope that Kong Shiu will appear again e.g. when Megumi gets into focus once more. Shiu, more than Miguel, could also bring new cursed items into the fight and he could even be a completely new player with how unaffiliated he is with the good guys
Awesome chapter and the chipping away at Sukuna plot is still going. Things that we have to look out for at the moment:
Miguel's intervention
Yuji and Choso coming back
Maki coming back
Yuta getting healed (most likely at this moment because Rika was still operational)
The Hakari/Uraume fight
Another intervention by a character fighting Sukuna, like Kirara + others to utilize her ability to the fullest
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megbimbo · 1 year
john marston; stitch me up, buttercup
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a/n; mfw i go into a coma after every post, anyways this has been collecting dust for ages and i don't know why i didn't post it? figs def helped me write it tho. props. I FORGOT TO MENTION ty for also being an awesome photographer @thisfanisgonesorry hugs!!
cw; john takes care of you after a cougar attack, he's a bit of a grumpy pants. fluff.
wc; 1730
You rested your head on Arthur’s back as your arms stayed wrapped tight around his waist, trying to not wince or groan as he rode you into camp, Charles close behind. Blood was coating your entire lower half, a good portion of your pant legs being ripped away from your body. Camp was getting closer, you could tell, the familiar scenery that surrounded your temporary home becoming visible to you.
Shifting slightly, you lifted your head off of Arthur, who had been silent the entire ride back besides the occasional panic, bickering, and checking if you were alright. You groaned at the movement.
“We nearly there?” You mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear you. The sunlight peeked through the trees, almost blinding you entirely.
Arthur exhaled. “Almost, you alright?”
“I think so.” He nodded, Charles coming closer to the two of you to speak.
His smile was sincere, trying to cover the obvious concern on his face. “How’re you feeling, y/n?”
“Like hell, but I’ll be ‘right.”
“John won’t like hearing about this,” he said, raising his brows and looking over to Arthur.
In response, Arthur chuckled, the vibrations sending shivers as you rested your head on his back once again. “He ain’t gotta find out.”
Raising a brow, you took a mental note of the severe pain you were in, extremely doubting Arthur’s words. “Not find out that I’m covered in blood? Really? Camp ain’t blind.”
He nodded, fully aware, though he didn’t say anything. Probably exchanged a glance or two with Charles.
You closed your eyes, the ambience of camp coming into earshot. Probably the usual bickering and people crowding around the campfire, like usual. Made you wonder how they’d feel when they saw you. “I don’t want no trouble,” you said. “Just wanna get some rest.”
Arthur mumbled something in agreement, as Charles moved in front, probably to shield whoever was around. You lifted your head, acknowledging your surroundings. Everyone was either at the campfire, playing poker, or doing chores. It was then that you noticed John tending to the horses, and you knew you wouldn’t be able to hide your quite obvious injury.
It seemed neither Charles or Arthur could, either. The minute they both went to go hitch their horses, he immediately noticed, stopping the two of them, which included you on the back, dead in their tracks. Whether he noticed the blood or you first, who knows, but he didn’t look pleased. The hay bale he was holding hit the ground with a ‘thump’ as he dropped it, storming over. Tears began to form in your waterline as you turned your head away, knowing you wouldn’t be able to bear his reaction.
Charles tried to make conversation with him, meanwhile you sobbed quietly as Arthur poorly tried to comfort you. “Shh, we can’t have him knowin’ ‘bout this.” He knew there wasn’t a lot he could do, but he was trying his damn best.
Eventually, he sighed, as John approached the two of you. You turned your head back to face him, the tears streaming down your face as you were drenched in your own blood. He looked pained to see you.
“Y/n? Who did this?” he snapped, his raspy voice making it all the more intimidating, as he stared holes through his metaphorical brother.
“We went on a hunt, as you know, and, well.. it didn’t go all too well.” He wasn’t wrong. There was a cougar worth good quality that the three of you were set on killing before anyone else could. You each split up your own ways, your dumbass going the way towards the predator. Before you could even defend yourself, it attacked you, leaving you practically near death as the two men tried to shoot it, but it simply left. “Cougar, it was. The one we wanted.”
John immediately reached for you, helping you to dismount Arthur’s horse, as he wrapped his arm around you, supporting your weight because he knew damn well you wouldn’t be able to walk anywhere alone. “Did you kill it?” he asked, glancing around to notice no one else was nearby, taking a few steps away as he glanced at you, frowning.
“Well.. No.”
His eyes widened as his brows raised, looking absolutely gobsmacked. “You’re fucking kidding me? Y/n nearly DIED and you didn’t KILL THE FUCKING THING?!”
“No, no! That’s the most bullshit I ever heard outta you!” he said, raising his voice and throwing his free hand up. “Someone nearly got killed, and you’re just gonna let the fucker live? You’re outta your GODDAMN MIND!” 
Hearing the commotion, some of the camp rushed over, including Dutch. “What the hell’s going on?” 
“Three of ‘em went hunting’, not only did Y/n nearly get killed but they didn’t even kill anything! Dumb bastards can nearly get a girl killed but not bring any game!” John yelled, the music from Dutch’s monograph in the faint background.
“Sort it out, will you? I shouldn’t have to parent grown men,” Dutch plainly said, not paying you any mind, and walked off, the rest of camp lingering to see what happens next. Hosea walked after him, most likely to have a talk about the interaction that just happened.
Now that he was gone, John took the opportunity to get closer to Arthur’s face, speaking in a hushed tone. “I don’t care if you nearly die doin’ it, but you’re both goin’ back out there and you’re not coming back till it’s fuckin’ dead.” To which he simply nodded, said something to Charles about ‘leaving these two be,’ and they both turned, riding out of camp and back into the wilderness they just returned from. You could hear Charles mock Arthur, saying ‘John ain’t gotta find out,’ as they did so.
He turned you towards his tent, slowly walking the two of you there, enjoying the silence, but most of all, your presence. Whether he’d like to admit it or not, he knows you could’ve died out there, and he’s grateful to have you. When people would approach, asking what was wrong, he’d hush them and say he had it covered. As the two of you approached his tent, he opened it, sitting you down on his cot, taking the moment to really take in your state.
“John, he was hurt too. You didn’t have to do that,” you said, weakly putting a hand out to grab his wrist.
He took note, sitting down on the bed next to you, staring into your eyes as he wiped the tears and blood off of your face. “He’ll manage, love. I’m worried about you. I mean, look ‘atchu. Still pretty, of course, but beyond fucked up.” Reaching to grab a box, he gave you a peck on the lips, opening it and grabbing out a few items, setting them down on his lap. “I’m gonna have to stitch you up, that alright?” You nodded, as he grabbed a cloth, dunking it in a bucket of water, as he cleaned the blood off of you in a nearly tender way. “You’re gonna be alright, I promise.” John’s voice that was yelling a few minutes ago had quietened down to soothe you, occasionally kissing you.
Afterwards, he picked up a different rag, dousing it in whiskey before using it to disinfect your wound. When you’d clench your teeth, or ball your hand into a fist, he’d notice, mumbling quiet words of praise
You smiled softly, looking down at the deep wounds. “You don’t have to do this, y’know.”
“‘Course I do,” he grinned, in an almost joking way, as he reached for a needle and a thin string. “Had to do this to myself, you’re lucky I’m a professional now.”
“You should be a doctor.”
“Hell no,” John responded, laughing for a moment, starting to stitch your wounds up. Occasionally, you’d make a squeamish face or grit your teeth together, to which he spoke in an attempt to comfort but also lighten the mood. “Got mauled by wolves ages ago. Hurts like a bitch, don’t it?” “You don’t say,” you commented in response. You remembered hearing briefly about this, but most of the camp agreed to not bring it up. He chuckled quietly, but didn’t comment.
John’s dark eyes softened as he continued to take care of you, humming to himself as he cleaned your wounds and stitched them. The warm lighting from the lantern shining on him in just the right way, and when he finally finished, he sighed.
“How’s that?” he smiled, putting everything back in the box and setting it aside once again.
“Still feel like hell, but better.”
He nodded, muttering a ‘good, good’ as he got up, grabbing a pair of his pants from his wardrobe, setting them down on the bed. “Wear those instead.”
Instead of trying to argue, you did just that, casually changing in front of your lover, even though he promised to not look, standing in a corner with his back to you. When you gave him the clear, he got back on the cot, laying down and tapping next to him. “You should rest.”
“In your tent?”
“Yes, in my tent. I don’t bite.”
“Bet those wolves did.”
He seemed taken aback by your joke, but laughed anyway. “I’m being serious. You need sleep.” You gave in at the promising offer of cuddling up next to John, as you laid in his arms, his hands running through your hair. 
“Hm?” he said, looking down at you.
“Know I’ve said it a hundred times, but you didn’t have to do all of this for me.”
In the moment, he brought a finger to your lips. “Shh, let me feel proud, buttercup.” To which you nodded, and the two of you cuddled in peace.
Suddenly, he spoke up, breaking the silence.“You’re so pretty, you know that?”
“Really?” You whispered, looking up at him, as he looked head over heels for you.
“Yeah. Even when you’re all bloodied up, ya still look perfect.” He mumbled, pausing briefly, before continuing his love drunken ramble. “Just glad to have you, that’s all. Happy nothing worse happened.” You snuggled into his touch at his sweet words, as you dozed off in his arms, knowing that even if you didn’t get the cougar, you instead had John Marston all to yourself.
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aliceismypixie · 9 months
The villain of my story ∥ Ten days granted
Summary - "The villain will always be the villain if the hero tells the story" or atleast that's what they say. No one knew why you became what you are. But you wanted your revenge on Isabella Marie Swan and you were ready to do anything to have it.
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Pairing - Twilight x villain!reader
Pronoun - she/her (but can be read as a male reader or gn reader)
Warning - The reader is an immortal child, swearing, talk of kidnapping, brief mention of killing, my poor writing skill for hunting, mention blood, Edward being full of himself
Words count - 1.66k~
Set - After Breaking-Dawn Part 2
Chapter 2 - Masterlist
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You were annoyed. You had Ratatouille Renesmee in your lair for five days now and honestly, she was slowly making you regret ever kidnapping her.
"So you don't want to kill me ?"
"But you want my mommy ?"
"Why ?"
"Because is not a reason. Really you could have targeted someone with a family weaker than ours.".
"I have good reasons."
"What are they ? It's kind of boring here don't you think ? You should add some colors on your wall !"
"Why not ?"
"Because I say so."
"But it's boring !"
"Shut up."
"That's a bad word !!"
"SHUT THE F― oh my God, kids nowaday."
"You look younger than I though."
"I'll burn the kid today." A groan escaped your lips as you turned away to grab your coat and out on your hood.
"Imma go on a little hunt. Stay in your cage and try to find something to distract you in your tiny space." You walked out as the girl started to speak again.
"Hey, don't leave me alone ! That's not very kind !"
The moment you closed the door, you finally felt like you could breathe. How was that kid Isabella's daughter ? She was so talkative while her mother was probably the most awkward introvert you've ever got to meet. But when you were younger, people always prefered a shy introvert who loved to read than a loud extrovert who jumped on trees.
Rolling your eyes at the thought, you made your way toward the entrance of the wood and jumped on a few trees. It was always better up there, that way you could see your prey any human much better. And as if your thought summoned them, a couple walked in the forest. They were dressed in a bunch of hiking equipment so they were probably here to see the awesome view the mountain offered them once they reached the top. Sadly they would never get the chance to.
Following behind them quietly, you always vomit your dinner hearing their cringe lovey-dovey discussion. The couple was talking about their movie date a week before and it was an awkward date and also an annoying one. Because honestly, who goes to the movie theater to watch a documentary on otters ?
"I love you bug-a-boo~"
"And I love you more winnie poo~"
"No ! Me bug-a-boo !"
"Me winnie-poo !"
"Both of you are dead now anyways." You jumped off the trees you were on and you pinned them both on the ground with your feet smoothly.
"Who am I going to eat first ?" You smirked at their horrified expression and lowered yourself before taking a deep breath.
"You love alcohol don't you ?" You asked the man and his eyes widened while his girlfriend glared at him.
"What !? I thought you stopped ?!" She claimed and you rose and eyebrow surprised.
"Man you lied to your girl ? That's kinda low." You pointed out and the woman huffed before looking away from her boyfriend and you smirked.
"She cheated on me three times with all my boys !" He claimed and you looked at the girl in surprise.
"Damn, low blow girl." You acknowledged and the girl gasped dramatically before glaring at her boyfriend or ex-boyfriend whatever.
"Both of you are dead anyways."
Screams echoed through the forest and then there were two bodies, lying lifelessly on the ground, a bunch of claw marks on their bodies along with a few burns but no blood coming out of their injuries. Their blood got drained and the bear that clawed them was already jumping from trees to trees to go back home.
On your way back, you crossed a deer drinking some water and you stopped on your track. For the past five days she was there, Renasberry didn't eat all because she was brainwashed into their weird aff vegetarian diet or because the hybrid weird kid wanted human's food. But you needed to keep her alive somehow. A silent groan escaped your lips as your eyes the deer before you and prepared yourself to kill it.
Snapping its neck was an easy part honestly, especially since you just feet, carrying it to your super villain's lair was also an easy part, opening the door though, was kind of harder. But you were a super villain so you guess what you did ? A badass kick in the door and busted in.
The weird hybrid kid named Rasputin turned toward the door in shock and you rolled your eyes before dumping the deer in her cage and creating a new fire door for your lair.
"Eat up. You're paler than your mom when she was able to be sick." You glared before turning away and the kid looked at you with a teasy grin.
"You got me some food ! It's because you care~" Renesmee teased and you rolled your eyes annoyed.
"No I don't."
"You so do."
"Do not !"
"So do !"
"Do not !"
"Do not !"
"So do !" You replied and the kid smirked at you while you realized what you just said and a groan escaped your lips once again.
"How the fuck did I fall for that stupid two year old trick ?" You muttered.
"You said a bad word !"
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The Cullen's household wasn't happy anymore. You know how Bella used to say that her life was a nightmare before meeting Edward because now she has a handsome rich vampire husband ? Well now she thought that her life was worse because she lost her beautiful super rare hybrid daughter.
"We couldn't find her anywhere." Jasper announced seriously as him, Emmett and Seth arrived in the living room and Edward rolled his eyes in annoyance.
Seeing his brother's reaction's Emmett felt his own anger starting to rose up. Yes, Emmett wasn't the type to get annoyed or angry, except if you won against him in video games, but he wasn't annoyed for that. No, the big bad himbo vampire was annoyed because Edward was acting like he was the only one affected by the disappearance of ReNameMe, sorry oh my goodness, your author may have a problem with Razzel Dazzel's real name, Renesmee. Edward was acting like Rosalie wasn't isolating herself in her room out of guilt and refused to face anyone. See Emmett was usually very playful. That was until his wife was hurting and everyone just ignored it.
But was Emmett McCarty Cullen the main character ? No, you guessed it. He was probably the most underrated sibling of the Cullen's family but let's not talk about that.
Reading the thoughts of his brother, Edward glared at him from his seat on the couch and scoffed.
"Well I'm sorry, if your wife would have kept a eye on my daughter we wouldn't be here !" The golden brunet expressed and Emmett growled.
"Hey ! Rose did what she could ! You should have kept on eye on Renesmee she is your daughter after all ! Don't put everything on my wife !" Emmett's eyes turned darker as he was ready to jump on his brother.
Seeing the outbrust about to happen, Alice decided to take Jasper out of the room. The empath was already overwhelmed enough by everyone in the room, he didn't need to feel the emotions of the fight as a plus. Seth followed shortly after them, believe it or not he thought of them like his second parents. Leah followed her brother obviously, leaving Esme, Carlisle, Bella, Jacob, Edward and Emmett in the living room.
"Everyone calm down." Esme tried to sooth the atmosphere miserably.
Poor woman hated to see her children hurting and she hated even more to see them fight each other. Over the past few years, it has been hard for everyone between the hunters, the newborns army, the pregnancy and all the drama following the Volturi, Esme's caring nature couldn't help but worry for her children. But people oftenly forget that she existed too. She was Dr. Cullen's wife, not Esme, just Dr. Cullen's wife, so let's not make a big deal about her and how she might feel after all those years, yes ?
"No Esme, I'm sorry but Edward here needs to know that he is not the only one being hella worried about Nessie." Jacob butt in and Edward growled at him before getting up and face the alpha.
"If you were so worried you would have run faster !"
"And if you were so worried you wouldn't have let your daughter in the guard of other people ! Especially if you're not gonna assume your mistake after it !"
"I'm going to―"
"Boys ! Please ! Don't fight each other. Not now." Bella begged and the two turned toward her pleading eyes before getting off each other.
Like usual, Bella was the peacemaker between the two boys. Were they supposed to be adult now ? Yes they were. But the main character is the hero in every situation am I not right ? So let's make Bella act like the perfectly not-awkward-anymore-super-powerful-vampire-newborn main character that she is.
"Emmett, go check on Rosalie yes ?" Carlisle told his second son who simply huffed before being taken out of the room by his adopted mother.
"Edward, I know that you're frustrated but we're all soing our best to find her. And Jacob, I know that your imprint link makes you act up but we need to calm down and sit to think about a way to get Renesmee back without any harm." Carlisle announced when suddenly Seth ran back into the room, a familiar type of half burned letters in hands and a horrified expression on his face.
"Carlisle ! This was by the entrance of the wood. The child's sent is all over it." The young shifter exclaimed and Edward snatched the letter from his hands before that his expression fell and the words of the letter rolled off his tongue.
"'Fighting each other for five days, losing her more for five days. You had ten days granted. Tic, tac, fire and flames'."
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Chapter 4
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
Episode 51 - High-Temperature Trap (part 3)
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They're insane.
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Took him long enough. Also, love how Kerubim recognizes him by his evil-ass smile. Do you stare at him smiling a lot, whenever he comes to beat the shit out of you, Keke? Is this ingrained in your memory?
This, too, is doomed toxic platonic brotherly yuri.
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"Not my favorite brother" I know that a lot of people interpret this line as him casually dropping the ecaflip demigod lore, because, sure, they have like, 20 brothers, but... 
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But considering what we know about the Crepin family from the comic, — I like to think this is Kerubim trying to hurt Atcham by implying that he likes their dead brothers, — whom they barely remember due to those dying when they were like 7, — more than him.
This might be a reach, but it's a funny reach, okay?
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It's so nice of him to correct Kerubim on the exact wording of the death threat he usually uses. 🥰
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I'm insane. Just so you know. Like I have no comment, other than saying that I am insane. "My dear Kerubim," and "your beloved brother" make me lose my mind.
This is beef between two people who used to be besties. The affection they held for one another is used as a sort of sarcastic ammo. From Atcham's side, with "dear," and "beloved brother," and from Kerubim's side, with "not my favorite brother."
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There's a lot to unpack here, and a lot of it was unpacked in previous posts, — but...
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Atcham viewing Kerubim's situation when they were kids as better is depressing.
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Despite this being a perfect plan to kill Kerubim, even the idea of besting Kerubim in the self-esteem psychic warfare makes him grin. If he can't get rid of him, he will put him in his place.
To Atcham, Kerubim is the egotistical one, obsessed with what other people think of him, — and to Kerubim, Atcham is the psychotic insane menace to society. And neither really stops to think about the fact that they hate the other for the things they do themselves
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You just know Atcham is thinking about how narcissistic and mentally ill Kerubim is to be caught in a saw trap like that. Despite being the "so obsessed with Kerubim that he keeps building him saw traps" guy.
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Yet again, I'd like to reiterate, that I NEED Kerubim to drop the Atcham lore.
This is what I keep saying about Atcham being edited out of Kerubim's life — and about Atcham probably building other saw traps for him.
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Here, Kerubim attempts to reach out and let Indie know that, despite everything, he does like him. Indie's response is that when Kerubim dies, his body will be an awesome to display in his museum.
I already talked at length about how fucked this moment is, in the long Kerubim analysis. God.
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I really do think that Kerubim had a lot of warm feelings towards Indie that may not have been entirely reciprocated, which lead to him playing up his own hatred towards Indie.
...And he had to deal with Indie saying this, while the other person he tries to hate but can't quite manage to, was present.
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I would say this is worse than going to a battle too.
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From Kerubim's point of view, Indie didn't lose because he might have deep, hidden feelings of camaraderie for him. He lost because he was a better person.
While Kerubim proved himself to be exactly who Atcham thinks he is: someone so egotistical that he'd rather die, than be embarrassed.
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Drinking tea from a dainty little cup while his evil twin is dying. Freak.
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He assumes that everyone is as obsessed with their self-esteem issues and hatred as he and Kerubim are.
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Just like it didn't occur to Kerubim to stop giving a damn and prove his brother wrong for once, it didn't occur to Atcham that Indie might not hate Kerubim that much, or care about winning.
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You won the war for Indie's heart, Keke, and all it took is a near-death experience and him learning even a bit about your insane familial drama. We are so back.
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One of the crack theories I used to have, is that Atcham might have killed indie sometime before the movie, — however, considering he doesn't recognize Lilotte, I think he's just saying shit to be scary here, in hopes Indie changes his mind.
Very eloquent. sdfgsdfgdsfg
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emuthec0w · 1 year
Hello my fellow Phantom Thief!
May I please request headcanons for Joker, Akechi, Ann, and Makoto finding out about their female S/O being a martial artist and seeing her in a competition?
Martial Artist S/O?!
Characters; Joker/Ren, Ann Takamaki, Akechi Goro, Makoto Nijima
Fandom; Persona5 R!!
CWS; Mentions of violence, fem reader!!
Joker / Ren Amamiya!
Ren had found out from Ann how you had been taking classes in martial arts, and occasionally he’d brag to Akechi how his girlfriend could probably beat world champions in martial arts by now!
He loved showing you off, even if it was just a small, “Hey, look at my girlfriend kicking ass.” And then showing a video of you legitimately kicking somebody’s ass in a tournament.
The initial shock still lingered with him even after learning you were a martial artist. He wasnt sure how he ended up with someone so cool..
At one of your tournaments, whether you were winning or losing he’d wave around a sign saying ‘My girlfriend is a winner, deal with it.’ (Which at the very bottom had a small ‘for real!’ on it written by ryuji)
Once the tournament ends he’d take you out for pancakes/whatever you like the most and then make you a nice warm cup of coffee once you got home to Leblanc.
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Akechi Goro
Akechi was rather possessive, even after coming back from the dead due to Maruki’s little mistake. By now, it seemed the thieves just couldnt get him out of their hair, and the same went for the other way around. So.. no one bothered questioning it anymore.
You both met at a convention actually, where he had a panel to speak on his latest discoveries in a new case; whilst you had entered the martial arts tournament held in said convention. You came out the winner! And almost immediately ran out of the ring once it was all over, ready to hit the food court!
But since you weren’t quite watching where you were going you bumped straight into the man himself as he was stepping out of the panel’s room. You sort of crushed him when the two of you fell-
He’d be lying if he said it didnt make him flustered and angry all at once.
Though, after this the two of you got to talking and really hit it off! He discovered you were in the competition after reading the articles that journalists wrote about the convention- he wasnt too surprised, but still it was amusing to him. Watching the replay videos of you absolutely crushing it in the tournament made his heart flutter
Yeah, that’s his lady.
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Ann Takamaki !
Ann always noticed how agile and elegant you were in gym! All your moves looked so calculated and awesome! It made her heart soar!
“Ryuji, look at my girlfriend go! Wayyy cooler than your stupid fights in video games!”
She usually sat in during your practice, always cheering you on in the back to make sure you knew she had your back every step of the way! Whenever you got hurt she was the first to notice, so she’d often have a first aid kit on her just in case.
During tournaments? She is your #1 Fan!! She makes sure you know it too, buying front row tickets, holding up signs with your names on it, being overly loud no matter how many stares she got. You got a problem? Talk to the sign!
No matter if you win or lose she attacks you with the utmost love and affection, buying you deserts and coddling you for the rest of the night.
“You looked so cool out there bunbun!!”
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Makoto Nijima
To be honest, she wasnt too surprised. You definitely had the body to be a martial artist. She was caught up in school work a lot, but she’d do it out in the living room while you practiced your moves on the carpeted floor. She’d watch with this lovey dovey look in her eyes, as if her homework wasnt even there to begin with.
Sometimes she’d even join in! Who knew? The moves she had learned from being a Phantom Thief came in handy in the real world! By the end she’d be out of breath but extremely impressed.
“You work hard, huh?“ She laughed after plopping down onto her panda bean bag.
At tournaments she tries her best to mend into the crowd in the second row, but she always sits in the same place so you know where she is. Makoto has never been big on these sort of events, but she makes sure to give her full support and yell out to you when you need it most.
God, you make her weak in the knees sometimes.
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themalhambird · 7 months
I've started my first rewatch of bodies because I have a fortnight's worth of laundry to fold and I don't wanna, so here are some observations on Episode One:
Observations about Episode One. 
-Oh crap, the timey-wimey shit happens in the daytime, doesn’t it, I might have to amend my fics a bit :p
-Hillinghead seems to divide opinion between the constables. PC Byrne seems to look up to him, chatting about growing up in Whitechapel. Officer Webb (who goes on to smack Henry around) has a very displeased “Inspector,” when Hillinghead shows up- given what happens about five minutes later, I suspect Hillinghead’s got a reputation  amongst some of the force for being both uptight  and a soft touch, seeing as how he not only won’t let Webb beat up the poncy journalist, but also sends him home and docks a day pay. 
-On a similar vein, though, the male sex workers aren’t running for cover when the police are showing up. One of them is even eyeing him up. And Ashe hands over those photographs remarkably quickly, all things considered– he could easily have said he burnt them, rather than binned them, and going for a snog is a really bold move. Considering this is clearly all around Hillinghead’s beat, I suspect that: 1) Hillinghead has previously instructed the men not to waste time harassing sex workers in the rookeries, 2) The local queers probably clocked Hillinghead *ages* ago.
-Hasan’s relationship with her dad is quietly awesome. He clearly has concerns about her work, but there’s no big blow up about missing his birthday party, only joy to see her. Similarly, he slips so seamlessly into taking over cake making with Jawad  when Hasan gets a work-related call. I <3 Ishmael 
-Whiteman’s instinct’s are all detective. The sensible thing to do is just get the body in the boot and drive, but Whiteman takes his time- he’s trying to figure out what the hell the deal is . And (once his lighter’s retrieved) he seems pleased about being able to open the boot and show Calloway, and thereby get to investigate around a bit.
-speaking of Calloway. Consummate Dad Vibes. I love him. 
-Ashe refers to the Police Commissioner's (married) son as they- “They are my alibi” and frankly I am here for non-binary Victorian person. But I also think that being the Police Commissioner's son is part of the answer to Hillinghead’s “Why risk a photo” question. When anyone who is  likely to go after you for it works for your dad, on whom the whole situation would reflect badly,  it becomes a little less risky to do the thing. It’s a level of protection that neither Hillinghead, nor Ashe independent of any activities with the commissioner’s son, are afforded.   
-knowing who already knows what the hell is going on makes this the same level of entertaining, but in a very different way. Also, the “you’re dead already, and that’s all the warning I dare give” hits hard… I think, perhaps, until that point, the medical examiner had hoped that this was some other random body in Longharvest Lane, and that he wasn’t on the countdown to killing his co-worker/friend
-Maplewood thanking the AI in the car for asking if she’s okay. That’s adorable and I love her. 
-The Composer is drawing on Murray Gold’s doctor who stuff so heavily. This is good because I like Murray Gold but also it’s just funny
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umnitsa · 9 months
Crashing and Burning
Summary: Jim is a hunter. You're the prey. Not all goes off as planned.
A/N: So, yes, this happened. I can't even say I'm sorry, because I'm not. Inspired by the awesome @toxicanonymity, encouraged by @chaosclownzdaddy. We have Slasher!Hopper. I'll go back to Big Jim after this, I promise! Written with unholy eagerness and posted without any proofreading.
Pairing: slasher!Hopper x fem!Reader
CW: NON CON, PIV, creampie, violence. This is not a cute fic, it's pretty dark. Dead dove, for real.
Hopper smiled as the white beetle crossed the road. He could see you singing happily as you drove into the night, confident in the safety of an empty, deserted road.
He shifted in the blazer, tightening his hands on the wheel, counting slowly. He had a method.
The moment his countdown came to an end, he excitedly turned the keys to the ignition, feeling the roar of the engine in his bones. He smiled.
He took the road, following you, far enough that you couldn’t see him (headlights off, he knew the road like his own hand), and he could see your tail lights. You wouldn’t hear his engine until it was too late, you were distracted. Now he just needed to find the right moment.
In his excitement, Hopper took the first long stretch of road to accelerate. He could see you jumping as the car approached, and he turned his headlights. He laughed as your car swerved, the driver momentarily blinded.
But you managed to keep your car in the road. Hopper grunted, nodding in approval.
You were special.
This would be much more fun than he expected at first.
But it was imperative that you crashed the car before realizing he was in a police blazer, so he accelerated once more, bumping your car just right to send it spinning into the woods.
He loved the game. It made him seem so powerful.
Life took everything from him. His daughter, his family, sent him spiraling into depression and despair all the way back to his starting point, alone and in the middle of nowhere. He wanted control back and this is how he wanted it.
Hopper stopped the car and looked at the crash. He whistled, appraising the damage. A big part of him hoped you were one of the special ones, and survived the first part of his twisted little game.
For now, a smoke and some wait. If you were alive, you would come to your senses soon.
You woke up, still confused. You couldn’t think, you only felt the smell of gasoline, metal and the woods.
Your memories coming back into a rush, you realized you were still into the car. You crashed as you took your family’s beloved car to your aunt.
They would be pissed.
You crawled out of the car, trying to stay on your feet; a searing pain shoot from your ankle up, and you moan. Your leg is probably broken.
“Hey! Everything alright there? Need help?” You see a man in the distance, holding a flashlight. He was tall and broad. Once your eyes adjusted to the light, you realized he was a police officer. You felt incredibly lucky.
“Here!” You waved your arms. He pointed the flashlight to you and you sighed. “I think I hurt my leg.”
“It’s ok, I can carry you.” He approached, smiling softly. “Wow, that’s bad.”
The moment you looked into his eyes you felt a shiver. His flashlight on your eyes triggered a memory of the crash and you remembered the car that threw you off the road.
The car was exactly behind him.
His car.
You stepped back, panic taking your senses, the cold realization of what could happen washing your whole body.
Not thinking of your leg, you ran, around the car and into the woods.
The police officer just cackled; you could hear him perfectly into the silent night.
“So that’s how you wanna do it?” He said, booming into the night. “Ok. Let’s do this. Look, bunny, I’m turning off my flashlight. You’re hurt and I’m a fair man.”
When you finally stopped, exhausted and in pain, his voice seemed far away. You waited, crouching behind a big trunk, completely hidden by darkness and some foliage.
Silence covered you like a warm blanket, and the forest came alive around you, the noises becoming loudly comforting, until you heard the sounds of branch trees and dry leaves breaking. Under a big foot, it seemed.
“C’mon, little bunny.” You hear his voice, loud and clear through the woods. “You’re just delaying the inevitable.”
You heard some hustling; you wanted to look up from your hiding place, but decided against it. That’s how you could get caught, the noise and being seen. You stayed very still, listening to the noise approaching.
“I’m an old man, little bunny. I’m getting tired.” He chuckled darkly, closer and closer. You could hear his breathing, somehow.
You tried to calm down. If he was tired, he could move away, taking danger with him. You decided to stay hidden until morning, your leg be damned.
Tension made you shiver. Things were all too quiet. You could hear the breathing from behind you, he was right behind the trunk. You pressed yourself against it, closing your eyes.
A hand moved through the foliage to your left, you felt your hair being pulled with violence. You screamed, grabbing the arm that held you, as you got dragged from your hiding place.
“Boo.” Hopper chuckled, as you hit his chest and tried to scratch his arm. “Damn, you ARE feisty.”
He wrapped around your body, his big arms immobilizing you, his hands pulling your arms behind easily, almost as if you weren’t fighting. You felt the cold metal and heard the click of handcuffs. All your fight drained from you, exhaustion and pain taking all your senses.
“Aw, bunny.” The police officer propped you on his shoulder. “Don’t look that sad. This hunt was so fun I’ll give you a gift, before letting you go.”
“You’ll let me go?” You asked, tense, some weird hope blooming into your chest as you were being carried to the car.
“I will.” He said softly, but there was no reason for you to believe him.
As you looked down, the moon showed him how he found you so easily. He was following your tracks. And now he was following your steps back, making one indistinguishable trail.
The officer placed you on his back seat, door open, laying on your arms. With a smile, he got a switchblade from his pocket.
“If you’re a good girl, I’ll let you go. Are you going to be a good girl for me?” He asked, the blade shining ominously under the moonlight.
You nodded, just wanting to stay alive for longer. The officer chuckled again, quickly using his knife to cut your pants off. The feeling of the blade whispering against your body froze you, making his job easier.
With a happy chuckle, he threw what was left of your pants on the floor of his car. You kept quiet, the blade on his hand a reminder that violence was always possible. The officer yanked your panties off you with a tug, then stepped between your legs, keeping them open.
“Why?” You asked, in tears already.
“Why not?” The officer answered, shrugging. He spat at your open pussy, growling. “It’s not something I usually do, but you got me hard… Now you have to deal with it.”
His thick fingers slid between your lower lips, efficiently rubbing his saliva over your clit. Unfortunately, his rough fingertips felt immensely good, circling and dipping lightly into your hole. He chuckled once more as he felt you getting wet.
“Good girl.” He pushed two thick fingers into you, and you felt so full. He moved his fingers, looking for something. The officer knew he found it, when you moaned, pushing against his hand. He leaned, looking at your face. “Relax, bunny, or you’ll get hurt. I’m big all over.”
You whined, to his delight.
“Too bad I can't take my time now.” He pushed his fingers into you, rubbing his fingertips against your g spot, playing you like an instrument, rushing you towards the cliff of ecstasy. You moaned and whimpered, trying to stop the inexorable orgasm. “You sound so sweet.”
You came on his hand, regretting every choice that took you to that moment, welcoming the feeling of your consciousness slipping away.
You didn’t get to enjoy it much. The officer thrust his big, thick cock into you, splitting you open in one thrust. It was sad that he felt so good, and you felt so full.
His hand wrapped against your neck, and he squeezed, his hips moving in sharp thrusts. Your eyes rolled back, unfocused.
He watched your expression as he moved, tightening his hand as his hips sped up, chasing his orgasm and unwittingly pushing you towards another.
You faded out as you came, suffocating, not entirely sure you would ever wake up again.
Hopper chuckled as you fainted mid orgasm, grabbing your hips with both hands. You were so tight, and so so wet. Hopper grunted, pulling out, spilling himself over your mound.
Stepping back, not even bothering to fix his pants up, Hopper watched your unconscious body, his come staining, marking your skin.
He blew smoke into the night, his mind swimming in pleasure, deep satisfaction settling in his bones. Hopper carefully put his cigarette out, against one tire, then pocketed the filter. He didn’t want any stray evidence.
Hopper huffed, arranging his pants, then pushed your legs into the car, closing the door.
You did sound sweet.
Maybe he should keep you, for a while.
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Heavy Voice - Diablo 4
I want it out there and on the record that I have known since the first days of the Open Beta that the weird half-dead wolf character was Mephisto. That's a legitimately proud moment I have as a lore enthusiast. The rune carved into his skull was a dead giveaway, appearing in the Book of Adria as a symbol connected to Mephisto. And boy... was it.
I just wanted to make this comic to say that I think Mephisto's voice just doesn't fit in D4. Do not get me wrong, it is an awesome voice, it is powerful, malevolent as all hell, and there is just a soft gurgling undertone to it that brings it all together. Steve Blum is the man! But my guy, I picture a body behind that voice that has actual weight to it. Have you seen Mephisto? He's a literal bone collection, he probably weighs less than a skinny adult human! I am convinced the VA was cast for the wolf, not Mephisto's real appearance. The strangest part is that Mephisto had the perfect voice in the past!
No, not Diablo 2.
Diablo 3! Listen! I have always loved this voice, every time I find this lore entry during a playthrough, I am so happy to listen to him! It's not a weighty voice, it sounds old, which fits because Mephisto is the eldest among all the demons, the Firstborn of Tathamet, basically. And to me it sounds like a cunning evil, especially with his last sentence being "Some battles can only be won with words". Now can a voice like this carry an entire main-entry game with him as the second big bad? A good question, I honestly have no idea. Maybe it really would not work on the long run, but certainly they could have found something closer to this than the Bass King in D4.
Okay but then why do I like Malthael's voice? That's incredibly deep too, and the guy looks like two french fries duck-taped together.
Well, first of all, Malthael is not that skinny actually. He appears so because of his design (which is genius, btw), but if you've tried to learn to draw him well, you realize he has some meat under that armor. I am certain he is what one might call a "sleeper build". Second, it's kind of hard for me to put it into words, but Malthael's voice has an empty echo-y subtone and feel to it that makes it far less weighty in my ears (and also shows just how far he has fallen). I don't know, does that make sense?
Either way, that was my deep dive into the Diablo franchise VA scene, thank you for coming to my TED talk! I still am very much looking forward to Vessel of Hatred, and to finally murder Mephisto once again as well. I don't hate him as much as Lilith, but I am sure he will earn it by the end of the story, whenever that will be.
If you have any voices that you love or hate, share them with me! It's fun!
Other Diablo 4 adventures!
Suck it, Butcher!
A Team to Fight For!
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themosleyreview · 8 months
The Mosley Review: When Evil Lurks
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I tend to have a high tolerance and high expectation for horror films. When it comes to films about demonic possession, they're constantly all about how religion factors in or the standard set by the original The Exorcist with all the head spinning, levitating and gross out body horror tropes we've all come to know. Evil Dead Rise earlier this year was fantastic, but that is more of the extreme and fantastical nature. The last great grounded possession film I've seen was The Last Exorcism of Emily Rose and maybe The Last Exorcism. Both had their flaws, but delivered an engaging story and creepy visuals. What makes a great supernatural film is the ability to deliver a tension filled story that is not only compelling, but unpredictable. You have to really go places where most wouldn't dare and remove the common safe guards in place for certain characters. It has been a very long time since such a film has existed and has left me in a state of shock. What I really enjoyed about this film was that it was straight forward and gives you the right amount of lore and exposition that keeps you on edge. The sense of dread and tension is so thick throughout the film and I loved every second of it. Sure, there are moments of terror you could see coming, but you're still shocked once it happens and the sheer brutality of it was insane. Like any horror film, there are illogical character moments that are frustrating, but in this case it serves the story and highlights the flaws of the characters. That's how it should be done and I'm glad this film excels where almost all fail.
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Ezequiel Rodriguez was excellent and endearing as Pedro. I loved his steadfast decision making, but man did he seriously put everyone in danger when it wasn't necessary at times. I did love that he was the most capable and smartest characters in the film as he saw what was coming when nobody would believe him. Demián Salomon was also excellent as his loyal and somewhat softer brother Jimmy. I loved their chemistry and even though they were on edge for the majority, I was happy to follow them both through this nightmare. Jimmy was one of the major catalysts in the most clever way that if you weren't paying attention, you'd miss why. Paula Rubinsztein was awesome and probably the only kind soul in the film as their mother. She delivers the ultimate lore dump and setting up the rules when dealing with a possessed or as referred to in the film as "The Rotten", and man it was so fun and creepy. Silvia Sabater was awesome as a Cleaner or the film's version of an exorcist. Her scenes were so intriguing and she adds that perfect level of strength in her faith herself and wisdom.
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The film is well shot and what I loved is that there isn't any major visual trickery or CGI that tries to add to the look of despair. The make-up effects were top notch and equally grotesque in the best way possible. The physical horror was amazing and creepy in execution when it came to a scene involving Pedro's family. Like I said before, the tension in this film is thick and it never really lets up as the story continues to drag you through the hellish nightmare Pedro and Jimmy go through. I can't stress enough how this film goes for the unexpected and how unrelenting the violence is. This film has definitely raised the bar on how to deliver a perfectly paced demonic possession story that has thematic elements about grief, family and how it touches on faith, but it doesn't overtake the nonstop terror. This will hands down be the best horror film I have seen for the remainder of 2023. It is currently in theatres for a limited time and it will soon come to the horror streaming service Shudder. I highly recommend it for this spooky season for the curious, but it is NOT for the faint of heart. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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plumadot · 1 month
The other day you were talking about how you wanted to incorporate Mean Gills at some point so that got me thinking about how the story could progress and have the teams of the other series.
(If you’ve already thought about this or don’t like the idea absolutely no problem, this is your AU and your opinions come first! I just had these thoughts so I thought I’d share)
Before the big battle between our main crew and Dogwarts (which I’m assuming happens?) somehow or other Scott and Jimmy get into an argument (I’m under the assumption also that they are together at this point). Then they do the battle against Ren and Martyn and stuff. Uhhmmmm and then Scar dies somehow. IM SORRY DONT GET MAD AT ME HES MY BELOVED TOO BUT JUST HEAR ME OUT! Scar dies, maybe Grian’s fault because of the warlock pew pew. And Scott is still so upset with Jimmy, he decided he just can’t travel with the party anymore. So *Scott has left your party*
Now it’s just Jimmy and Grian, couple of Sad BoysTM. But, they end up meeting Mumbo and Impulse (and maybe making nice with Martyn? Idk how that would work so maybe not) and they form the Southlanders!
MEANWHILE there’s a possibility that Rendog also died during that last battle (perhaps at Scars hand like in canon) (that would also explain why Martyn isn’t with Ren anymore). For sea queen reasons, Lizzie resurrects Ren and he like, pledges his allegiance to her (that’s what happened in Last Life right?). And just to prove to his wife that he can totally resurrect people (she was teasing him) Joel also resurrects some guy whose body was conveniently close to Ren’s body. Aha! He resurrects Scar! My bard is back!!!
Then I had some half baked ideas about the Southlanders returning to the Crastle Tavern, in which Impulse is reunited with his old friend Skizzleman, and Skizz introduces his friend Tango (Jimmy is enamored quite quickly). Scar has also returned to the Crastle because Cleo and Bdubs are his only other friends and you can imagine the SHOCK Grian has at seeing his previously thought dead friend/partner/employee/maybe lover just up on stage perfectly fine.
Oh and while this is all happening Scott has been pals with Pearl.
Another idea I had was Etho owns a decently sized sailing ship, but he’s not a huge sailor or anything. Joel is a sailor on some kind of mission and he’s hired a crew, so he needs a boat. Etho supplies said boat. Joel’s crew is like, all the Southlanders (Aha! 🔭🏴‍☠️) and Scar, and probably Bdubs… Que hilarious shenanigans as Joel tries to be the awesome captain and call all the shots and Etho keeps undermining him because it’s technically his boat.
*gasping for breath* I’m sorry I got so carried away. I hope most of this is coherent and that you enjoyed imaging my ideas! Once again DO NOT feel like you have to incorporate ANY of this. This is your AU so you decide what happens! This is just me theorizing what could happen next 😊
(Sorry I did not get to anything about the Mean Gills, my phone is about to go off)
Love anon 🍕
my GOSH your brain is huge jgfdkjgkfjd this is so elaborate it makes my head spin /pos
i never really planned for the au to span across like. multiple life series seasons. and it's insane that you're somehow making that work???? gfkdjkgjfdkg i just!!! i just wanna say it's really cool!!! i probably won't incorporate it in the (admittedly, way simpler) story that i have so far, but it's. it's so cool gkfdjgk
also in the - sort of - story i have in mind, scar does get resurrected at some point hehe kgjfdkgjfd
gfjdkgd please don't apologize for getting carried away i really enjoyed reading your ideas :O !!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 thank you!!!
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artsybelle1015 · 1 year
Cater x Aware!Reader
You decide to confront Cater….
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Reader is genderneutral and Yuu.
warnings(!!!): snapping, clear signs of depression and insecurity, angst w/ no comfort, these are headcanons, also not proof read it’s a drabble
“Heyyy Prefect,” Cater cooed. “How’s Magicam workin’ out?”
Recently, with your new phone, you had just gotten Magicam upon the begging of Cater. He would whine about how much attention you would get as Ramschakle Prefect and how he could tag you in his posts, so you caved in. It was about time you saw how your friends lived when anyways.
With a sigh, you said, “It’s alright, reminds me of my social medias back home.” It did give quite a nostalgic feeling in all fairness.
“Awesomeness~! Let’s take a pic to celebrate this!” he cheered, positioning the camera to take a selfie of you both. “Boom!” Once it was done he began to edit it (mainly himself) his face shifted to a more softer smile, but not one with positive intent.
It almost felt like Cater was smiling because you were right there next to him, as if he would look solemn and apathetic if you ceased from his room. Well, that was how it would go actually, you knew him too well at this point, his real and fake smiles. With all the time you spent together how could you not? But it made you wonder why no one else was seeing what you were seeing…
…an empty shell of a man, blinded by his image and insecurities. Someone who was unsatisfied with his life.
“You’re so quiet, Prefect,” Cater giggled, the dull smile fading since he finished the post.
With hesitation, you finally decided to ask, “Are you okay?”
Cater laughs quickly fell silent, though he still smiled in a forced amusement, like he knew you were onto something. A quick pat to your shoulder was given, like he was brushing it off. “Of course I am! I’m Cay-Cay after all~!”
“You’re lying.” The words just shot out of your mouth, making you feel regretful.
“Oh, you’re so silly,” he teased, going back on his phone, but his shoulders stiffened and body seemed tense, like he wanted this conversation to be done. This only pissed you off due to him ignoring your concern.
Quickly, you rose from his bed that you both had been sitting on. “I don’t appreciate you brushing me off like that! I know there’s something wrong.”
“Prefect…” he awkwardly laughed, hunching over a bit and trying to play it cool(and failing), “what are you talking about..?”
“You know exactly what i’m talking about!” you snapped, all the words you wanted to say coming out in an awful way, but you couldn’t control it anymore. You were so worried about your friend that it came out in enragement. “Those damn fake smiles and pretending to be all cool and hip, you’re not actually that, are you?”
To your surprise, Cater face fell flat, almost dead looking. Standing up as well, he looked to you and in a deep voice said, “Okay, we’re done here, you need to go.” Then, he pointed at the door.
Quickly you walked out, feeling regretful that your eyes began to water. You pushed it too far, now he probably hated you. There was no helping him anymore. It all hurt, you wish you could turn back time to stop yourself from asking if he was okay. Now, he will continue not to and have no means of distraction other than that damn Magicam.
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yeehawpurgatory · 1 year
Knots & Peculiarity
Apologies for the late post! Posted earlier to AO3--But I finally got to my desktop so Tumblr it is! @rdrevents​
Here is my 2023 RDR Valentine Fanfic Exchange for the awesome @southernlynxx once again I hope you enjoy, I loved all of your prompts; especially John using Arthur’s lap as a pillow :’)))
Title:  Knots & Peculiarity
Pairing: John x Arthur
 “Arthur…you really there?” This time it’s louder than a whisper, ghosting over his lips. ”Right here Marston, lie back now.” Arthur mutters quietly, he hoped they hadn’t garnered any attention. His eyes widen when Marston raises a trembling hand; Arthur holds his breath. The younger man’s palm pressed against Arthur’s chest for too many seconds. Just a solid, seeking touch is all it is.
The silence in the cabin nearly made him forget about all the other occupants. Only the occasional sniffle and shuffling, the sound of a cigarette’s light hissing as it burns, reminds Arthur he’s in the main cabin with the women and the others.
The past few days he’d made himself sparse, not on purpose though, between hunting most days and planning that train robbery with Dutch, he hadn’t much time to check on folks the way he liked. People hadn’t seen much of him for a few days. That’s probably what made him a jarring sight now, standing with mist-clouded eyes in front of another good man they’d nearly lost.
Arthur takes his gloves off as he hovers closely to the cot.
There’s another sound, quiet, nearly missable. The laboured, ragged breaths of his longest friend, injured and shaking, barely conscious through it all. They’d found Marston just days ago, bleeding, starving, nearly dead up in the mountains. Laying on the cot, chewed up and spat out, the younger man looked pitiful with half his face bandaged; the showing skin was painfully raised and colourfully splotched. A gory sight before, but little Johnny Marston looked downright bad now.
Worse than Jenny’s corpse had looked when he’d helped Lenny and Karen bury her, the youngest hands shaking the entire time. He looked worse than Davy too, and he’d all but held his own guts inside his body, the poor bastard.
Arthur bit his chapped lips and brushed a few greasy, tangled locks of black hair away from Marston’s mouth. The younger man’s unwrapped eye flickered beneath his closed lid, otherwise he didn’t react to the touch. Swanson must’ve seen to him earlier.  
Arthur’s compelled to this spot in this cramped cabin for reasons he can’t quite explain, like an unseen force dragged him here and kept him staring stupidly. Waiting for something or another.
His bare hand rests just above Marston’s head.
It’s Susan that snaps him out of his stupor. The older woman had just been sitting on the stool, picking at Marston’s stitches with Strauss; pained sounds leaving the injured man’s lips the entire time.
“Mr Morgan.” Her tone is firm, but her eyes were softer with him than with most others. He grunts his acknowledgement to her.
Arthur feels Grimshaw’s eyes burning a hole through him, as though his leisurely presence was unacceptable to her. He half expects her to tell him to git. To go make himself useful. To go find some food or firewood.
She doesn’t.
Instead Susan stoops low, rummaging through a meagre box of the camp's belongings. She pushes aside a sewing kit and spools of thread, some scraps of fabric, a bottle of medicine; she pulls out a simple black comb with a few teeth missing.
Susan glances at him again, a different look in her eyes this time, and Arthur is brave enough to look her in the face with his own clouded pair of eyes.
“Might as well do some work if you’re set on standing around.” Her tone conveys no nonsense, a harsh barking command. She presses the comb into his hand. “Been tempted to cut that mangled mop from his head—I would’ve if I didn’t think he’d wake up kicking and screaming like last time.”
Like last time. Arthur huffs, his lips twinge upward in amusement, thinking of the last time someone had tried to cut Johnny’s hair without expressed permission.
When he doesn’t move Susan’s face falls slightly. He can’t look at her suddenly, throat too constricted and stomach churning. “He don’t like many folk handling  him.”
Unless it’s you. She didn’t say that—but she didn’t need to. It weren’t no kind of secret between the folks who’d been with them since the beginning. The boys are— were inseparable, would still be if not for Marston’s big mistake.
The big mean bastard he is, Arthur thinks there ought to be a nasty part of him which takes satisfaction in seeing the fool broken and pathetic and needing someone for the littlest task, but there isn’t. That’s the thing that confuses him the most. He’s not enjoying watching John fight for his life while he thinks on the past, not one bit, never mind how much he thought he would. All he feels is loneliness somehow, a need to stay by Marston’s side for reasons beyond him.
Arthur sits on the stool. He breathes long and deep, clearing his throat. He blinks away mist to see Marston clearly. The hand atop the greasy mop just sits there for a few seconds.
This is intimate. In spite of the crowd, of the  audience , brushing Marston’s hair feels like something he should be doing behind closed doors. He can’t understand why. Even when his heart starts to flutter.
Still, Arthur’s fingers card through the cold greasy locks. True to Susan’s word it’s a tangled mess better suited for a pair of shears; but then they’d have to deal with Marston’s peculiar anger. Arthur didn’t get it, why grow your hair if you hate washing and brushing it?
Still, Arthur picked at a tangled chunk of hair with the comb, careful of the brittle teeth. He pauses when Marston moaned quietly, as Arthur moved to his scalp. The vulnerability in this moment makes his stomach uneasy. This is a man he’s felt nothing but animosity towards for a few years now, and here Arthur was, carefully brushing his hair, while he lingers in the precarious spot between life and death.
He couldn’t get all of it with the bumps and bandages covering Marston, but Arthur carefully worked the comb through as best he could till his fingers could card through Marston’s hair without getting snagged on too many knots.
Arthur lessens the gap between them, hunching over Marston when a particularly nasty gust of air enters the cabin and makes him shiver.  Damn cold…Damn drafty cabin…Damn soft wet wood…
Another heavy gust finally wakes the other man. One dazed dark, blood filled eye looks up at Arthur without an ounce of recognition; he knows what a man looks like when he’s dazed from drugs or fever. This is it. The look of his eye makes Arthur shiver. John shifts around, muttering nonsensical ramblings.
“Careful now Marston.” If he doesn’t sit still he’ll hurt himself—already seems to be in pain by the sounds he makes. The younger man grimaced, teeth clenching together as he willed himself upright.
“What'do you need?” Arthur mutters and slips an arm around his back to hold him upright. Marston’s real close to him now, but that pesky fool won’t stop wriggling around.
John’s voice stills him. His name is said in a cracked whisper, far too quiet for others to hear, but loud enough for Arthur to hear the peculiarity in his tone. Like Marston was surprised to see him here. That hurt.
“Morgan…” he trails off again, this time squinting up at the older man. Unseeing eye tracing over Arthur’s worn features, peering  inside him, yet seeing nothing though he still searches. Cold as it were, Arthur feels himself heat up under the scrutiny. It makes him want to shove off and leave, to chastise himself for seeking company, from Marston of all folk. Then he speaks again.
“Arthur…you really there?” This time it’s louder than a whisper, ghosting over his lips.
“Right here Marston, lie back now.” Arthur mutters quietly, he hoped they hadn’t garnered any attention. His eyes widen when Marston raises a trembling hand; Arthur holds his breath. The younger man’s palm pressed against Arthur’s chest for too many seconds. Just a solid, seeking touch is all it is.
He huffs just then, making little frustrated noises as he eases his way back down, clearly deciding whatever he attempted rising for weren’t nothing important. His hand leaves Arthur’s chest, and the older man can finally breathe.
“Stop movin’ around…M-Marston!?”
A weight fell across his lap. Arthur blinked.
Half asleep, half drugged, half whatever—Marston had dragged himself across Arthur’s lap. If folk weren’t looking before, they sure as hell were looking now.
Arthur’s hand hovered just over John’s head. Marston laid awkwardly, with his lower body stretched out onto the cot, his upper body resting on Arthur.  He suddenly didn’t know what to do with his hands; he let one rest gently atop John’s. Arthur swore then. Marston’s hands were icey. He slips his discarded gloves over them without thinking.
Arthur fixes the blanket over Marston’s form when the younger man turns his head in his lap again. He sighs and Goddamn nuzzles his nose against Arthur’s leg.
The display heats up his cheeks—makes his heart race. John hasn’t accepted any semblance of closeness with anyone these last few years, much less Arthur. Gone were the days where they slept back to back, where they embraced each other with bear hugs and delightful shouts and pats on the backs.
He’s got half a mind to shove the other man off him and walk right out. Damn him. Instead, Arthur resumes his task with a pounding heart when Marston’s breathing evens out. Methodically, he brushes the rest of Marston’s hair until it falls straight and loose. Oily beyond belief, but cleaner looking than it had been in weeks.
Then he sits there and pockets the comb, his silly little task is done. He should get up. Do some actual work, not just sit here pondering.
Marston shivers again. Arthur stays seated. He’s stuck in place, unless he wants to dump Marston back onto the uncomfortable looking cot to shiver with his threadbare blanket. His head tells him as much, but his body won’t do it.
Goddamnit!  He can’t do it, Arthur’s rooted to the spot as though Marston weighs a tonne, with his head pillowed in his lap. It’d be downright cruel to shove him away, as sorry as his state is.
Arthur tries his best to ignore the familiar warmth and conflicting fondness which filled him the longer he sat there, watching John sleep soundly in his care.
Behind him, folks start talking softly.
“It’s awful kind of you, letting him do that again.”
Arthur nearly jumps at the voice which caught him off guard. It’s Hosea. Of course it is. Who else could sneak up on him like that? His old friend has a glimmer in his eye, one Arthur stopped trying to guess the reason behind a long time ago. A special type of fondness he reserved for only a select few; Arthur, John, Bessie long ago, Tilly, Lenny, little Jack Marston…
“Sure, I’m real kind when I have to be.”
Hosea ignored his retort. He looked off to the side wearing an expression Arthur can’t read, an expression he shares with Susan, who stood by the fireplace. He catches her face however; it’s soft. Understanding. Knowing. When her gaze shifts from Hosea to him, Arthur drops his head. He looks only at Marston. At his sleeping form pillowed on Arthur’s thighs.
As precarious as his injuries are, the man curls up in a way that can’t be comfortable, never mind the relaxed expression on his face; he looks a lot like Jack in Abigail’s lap, or like how Copper used to curl up in his. Arthur chuckles and thinks to himself. Marston ain’t a cute kid like Jack, his company isn’t as enjoyable as a dogs neither.
The thing is…Marston is annoying and lazy, and stupid and entitled. They’ve been competing with each other for too damn long. But…he’s dear to Arthur. Oh so dear. Oh so dumb and useless too …but he’ll always have an incredible, inexplicable love for John. For the boy he was and the man he is today. One he doesn’t quite understand the depth of. A love he knows he’ll carry with him until the day he dies. He’d do anything for the other man, no matter how much he wants to deny it. Anything he was asked.
Arthur runs a hand through Marston’s hair, humming in satisfaction when his fingers card through without resistance. The younger man made a soft noise at that, tilting his head up, searching for the gentle hand once again. Arthur hesitates for a few seconds, fingers frozen but not from the cold. Then, like he always seems to do when it comes to the other man; Arthur relents. He strokes Marston’s greasy locks, paying special mind to repeat the actions which draw soft content sighs from the younger man.
Be it traversing through a shit snow storm, brushing his damn hair, or allowing the younger man to use him as a pillow with basically the entire gang bearing witness; there wasn’t anything Arthur wouldn’t do for John.
Even now, with his legs long asleep, and back screaming at him, Arthur stays in place and lets John rest in his lap. He’ll stay there as long as he can, for as long as he’s needed.
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