#so i can take a couple theatre and writing classes next semester
the west wing professor au
i feel like this has been done before, but i can’t find it if it does exist. if this is your au, please know that i did not intentionally copy any ideas because, again, i’m not sure if this really exists.
also before i start, i don’t know how other people’s colleges work, so just in case: a capstone class is a sort of cumulative class for seniors (i’ve also heard it called a senior seminar). it’s usually a very small class size and either discussion-based or research-based. what’s required for the class varies by major.
dr. joshua lyman (ratemyprofessor score: 4.5): chairman of the political science department. also teaches one capstone class per semester. it is the single most sought-after class in the department (which strokes his ego. also, he literally does not have time to teach a second section).
dr. josiah bartlet (ratemyprofessor score: 4.7): the only econ professor anyone likes. his classes fill up very quickly, given that he’s a nobel laureate and all. he’s kind of a hard grader, but he’s very kind and enthusiastic.
dr. claudia jean cregg (ratemyprofessor score: 4.9): teaches communications. she loves her capstone classes because they give her more one-on-one interaction with the students. she’s taught several influential people who cite her as one of their sources of motivation and inspiration.
dr. tobias ziegler (ratemyprofessor score: 3.7): teaches comp. you either hate dr. ziegler or you love him. no in between. praise in the margins of your papers feels like winning the lottery.
dr. samuel seaborn (ratemyprofessor score: 5.0): teaches english and creative writing. if you’re attracted to men, it’s practically a rite of passage to have a crush on him. he’s so sweet and enthusiastic and encouraging that it’s nearly impossible to not.
dr. leopold mcgarry (ratemyprofessor score: 4.5): teaches psychology. fairly universally beloved for his dry jokes and in-depth lectures. he gives a little half-smile easily, but sometimes he smiles with teeth and it’s enough to make everyone want to cry.
professor donnatella moss, m.a. (ratemyprofessor score: 4.9): teaches music theory and choir. sweet, encouraging, knows how to foster talent. don’t disappoint her or make her mad. she’ll break your heart and you’ll never forget it.
professor charles young, j.d. (ratemyprofessor score: 5.0): adjunct professor of civil procedure, also practices human rights law part time. every student loves him to pieces (he’s a genuinely good teacher, but the weekly bonus point opportunities certainly don’t hurt).
dr. abigail bartlet (ratemyprofessor score: 4.2): teaches biology capstone classes and anatomy. a little bit of a hardass, but she really does want students to succeed. even if her classes make you want to die and reconsider your major, you can’t help but love her.
dr. william bailey (ratemyprofessor score: 4.3): teaches astronomy, and his eyes just light up when students ask thoughtful questions. a little bit of a mess, but he’s pretty endearing (and a pretty easy grader–if you get the concept, you get most of your points).
ms. katherine harper (ratemyprofessor score: n/a): head rotc coordinator. has personally visited high schools across the country to speak on her experiences with rotc. when students come to her, she takes them very seriously. has made many a girl wonder if they liked girls (spoiler alert: they usually do).
dr. annabeth schott (ratemyprofessor score: 4.3): adjunct professor, teaches public speaking and advises the student theatre group. makes her students do silly exercises to loosen them up. fairly well-liked. does some media consulting on the side.
dr. amelia gardener (ratemyprofessor score: 4.0): teaches women’s studies. tough as nails, but clearly knowledgeable and passionate about her subject. not very good at answering student emails, so it’s best to go to her office hours.
dr. josephine lucas and mr. kenneth thurman (ratemyprofessor score: 4.3): joey is second chair of the political science department and teaches statistics for political science. she generally uses power points so she can click to the next slide and have both hands free to sign while kenny interprets. students adore both dr. lucas and mr. thurman.
dr. matthew santos (ratemyprofessor score: 5.0): teaches humanities with a specific focus in government and global relations. is just the most enthusiastic, fun guy on campus with so much passion for his subject. includes corny jokes in his power point slides.
professor ainsley hayes, j.d. (ratemyprofessor score: 4.2): teaches constitutional law. loves nothing more than civil debate in class. a tough grader, but leaves lots of constructive feedback. she only wants her students to be better.
professor daniel concannon, m.a. (ratemyprofessor score: 4.4): teaches journalism. enjoys teaching well enough, but takes semesters off at every opportunity to go cover stories worldwide. his assignments seem hard, but he helps the students work through them.
margaret hooper, carol fitzpatrick, ginger webster, and bonnie parikh (ratemyprofessor score: n/a): grad students working as ta’s. margaret teaches psych under leo, carol teaches comms under cj, ginger teaches chemistry labs, and bonnie teaches creative writing under sam.
everyone knows that dr. and dr. bartlet are married--they’re the campus power couple who literally promote their spouse’s classes (”and if any of you are biology/econ majors, you’ll probably have my wife/husband”).
however, it’s somehow several years before any student figures out that there’s something going on between dr. lyman and professor moss.
they both have wedding rings on, but they don’t necessarily talk about their personal lives in class, so nobody really thinks much of it until a particularly gossipy student runs into them (holding hands, no less) at a local theatre’s production of a tennessee williams play and it spreads like wildfire.
so now everybody knows they’re married (and have impeccable taste in theatre).
cj and toby have been having an ongoing affair ever since his divorce, but they keep it very quiet.
sam is painfully aware that his students have crushes on him, but he keeps it incredibly professional (besides, he has one eye on that cute astronomy professor).
one of the girls who met kate and wondered if they liked girls was ainsley (and, spoiler alert: she did). there was a faculty/staff mixer at the beginning of ainsley’s first year teaching, and when they shook hands, ainsley forgot how to breathe for a second.
josh and joey went on one date during josh’s first year after he started teaching at this university, but it didn’t really work. however, they remain close friends.
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lis-likes-fics · 4 years
English, Please
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Part 1: Late to School... By a Lot
You sighed, rubbing your temples as you groaned, frustration only rising in your body as you assessed the situation. Your school had been released for Christmas and New Year’s break and you were visiting family and friends out of state. Your break was long and enjoyable and it had been time to finally go back home and back to school where you would started second semester.
Except you weren’t back at school for your second semester yet. On the trip back home, your car had broken down so you and your parents were waiting for a tow truck to come and pick you up from the gas station where your car had stopped working.
You dad knew the car had been acting up and said we would get it fixed before it was time to head back home, but everything moved so fast that he’d forgotten to. So you got on the road, halfway from your destination home and from where you’d just left.
You would’ve been fine missing the first couple of days back after the break, it’s not like you’d have a schedule change or like you would have a test for when you got back.
Except you did.
Before you left for your break, your French Professor gave you all a set of flashcards to look over for your break of the things you’d learned and told you all that you would have a beginning of semester exam to see what you remembered. The test would be the first grade of the semester and you couldn’t retake it.
So now you were stressed because you needed to take that test. That and you wanted to see your professor again. You knew it wasn’t exactly right to have feelings for your teacher, but you couldn’t help it if you found him highly attractive.
You weren’t the only one who thought so either. A lot of the female students in his class only take the class because of him. You had decided to because you like the French language and it was your last year of high school. Why switch languages?
Then three new, young members of the staff showed up, both named Professor Mikaelson. Professor Niklaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, and Elijah Mikaelson were brothers who’d decided to start teaching.
While Niklaus was attractive, he also proved to be quite strict when it came to teaching his students, and sometimes his assignments weren’t the easiest and he made sure of it. But the students still loved him. You had him for your art class and he liked some of your work.
Kol was the theatre professor. Everyone in that class liked him, but if you didn’t know how he taught you would think he wasn’t supposed to be a teacher at the school. You were in his class, as you decided to take art and theatre, trusting that it would be fun to double in fine arts. He always admired your way of acting.
Then there was the undeniably attractive Professor Elijah Mikaelson. You were surprised to end up getting all three brothers and some call you lucky, as only a few ended up having the privilege.
He was kind but strict enough to make sure everyone did their work to the absolute best of their ability. You were one of his top students. You always showed up at least two minutes early for his class, you always but bonus work at the bottom of your assignments to show that he knew you paid attention in his classes, since you had to talk in French in his classes and anytime you speak to him, you made sure to put extra care in your word choice and pronunciation, and you turned in your assignments early with extra work.
You knew you were one of his top students, but you didn’t know you were his favorite.
You’d been able to get the car fixed and back to Virginia before the last day of the first week back. You got up extra early on Friday, put on your best clothes, grabbed everything you would need and made sure to read your flashcards going out of the door and into your own fully functioning car before heading off to school.
In the hall you ran into your best friend, Caroline. Oh, boy. “Where the hell have you been?!” She yelled, rushing over to you and inspecting you.
You sighed and spoke, “Sorry, Care. Dad’s car broke down when we were halfway through our trip and we got stuck in a city with very suckish connection and I couldn’t call. I would have, I swear.”
“Well, you missed Professor Mikaelson’s test! He said no retake.” Caroline told you.
You nodded, “I know, I know.” You sighed, “Look the bell is about to ring and I have Professor Niklaus first. I’ll catch you at lunch?”
She nodded, “You better. See you at lunch.”
You nodded and rushed to your class without being called by the others teachers to stop running. When you got to the class, Niklaus smirked and said, “Ah, Miss Y/N, you’re alive. I was beginning to worry that something happened to one of my good students.”
You gave him a nod, an apologetic smile, and told him, “Forgive me, Professor. I had car troubles and got stuck outside of Virginia. If there’s any work I need to get done, I will immediately.”
He nodded, “No worries. You’ve only missed an assignment that’s due tonight. Since you were not here, I’ll have you turn it in Monday morning. It shouldn’t be difficult for you.”
You nodded, “Of course, Professor. Thank you.” The bell rang and he announced for everyone to take their seats.
The first three classes ended and you were watching the clock as your English class moved so slowly. After the bell, you stood with your already gathered items and rushed down the halls to get to Professor Elijah’s class. If you got there quick enough, you’d have three minutes to tardy bell.
You got there, the first student to the classroom and sighed. Elijah was standing outside of his classroom door, seemingly pleased to see you but a little frustrated at the same time.
You bowed your head as you walked up to him. “Professeur Mikaelson. Pardonne-moi. Au retour de la pause, notre voiture est tombée en panne. Je viens de rentrer hier soir. (When we got back from the break, our car broke down. I just got back last night.)”
The professor furrowed his brows as he listened. You continued, carefully thinking over your words so you don’t mess something up.
“J'espérais pouvoir encore faire le test. Je pourrais venir après l'école. Je pourrais faire du travail supplémentaire. Tout ce que tu as besoin que je fasse, s'il vous plaît. (I hoped I could still do the test. I could come after school. I could do some extra work. Whatever you need me to do, please.)
Elijah closed his eyes and held up his hand. You pursed your lips as you waited for his response. "Tu es l’un de mes meilleurs. En raison des circonstances, je vous autoriserai à le prendre. Merci pour l'explication. Venez me voir pendant le déjeuner après avoir mangé. (You are one of my best. Due to the circumstances, I will allow you to take it. Thanks for the explanation. Come see me during lunch after eating.)
You smiled and spoke, "Merci beaucoup! (Thank you so much!)”
You walked into the class and took your seat, setting everything out and getting right to work as you waited for the bell.
After the class ended, you got to lunch and quickly grabbed your meal sitting with Caroline as you dug in quickly. “Woah, woah, woah! Slow down!”
“Can’t. I have to get to Professor Mikaelson’s classroom during lunch so I can take the test. He’s allowing me to do it because of what happened. I’ve got to get there quickly.” You told her.
She asked, “He’s letting you take it? That’s so weird, he was so insistent on no retakes.”
You shrugged, “I guess since I hadn’t taken it yet, it doesn’t count. I dunno. I just need to hurry.”
“Eat, don’t inhale.” She told you, giving a small look of slight disgust at how you were practically stuffing your face. She then raised a brow and gave a suggestive look, “Do you think you’ll be doing some under the table work?”
You almost choked on your food as you looked at her, coughing a little, “What? That’s ridiculous! He’s a professor, I’m a student! We can’t do that!”
She shrugged, “Well, we are seniors and you are a consenting adult. So…”
You shook your head, “You are unbelievable, Care.”
She shrugged again, “Hey, do you have a pen or pencil I could borrow? I lended mine to someone in my last class and forgot to get it back. I need to write something real quick.”
You nodded and dug in your bag, “I only have the one because I stupidly left my spares at home, so give it back.” She nodded and grabbed the pen, quickly getting to work with whatever she was writing.
You finished your food and stood, throwing your bag over your shoulder and saying, “See you next period in theatre.”
She nodded, “Okay, good luck.” She gave a suggestive movement and you rolled your eyes as heat rushed to your cheeks.
Professor Elijah Mikaelson was a very formal and professional teacher. He would never. Especially not with someone like you.
But that didn’t stop your mind from wandering.
You finally got to class and took a breath before knocking on the door.
“Entrez. (Come in.)” His voice came through the door, the French accent slipping off of his tongue so elegantly.
You took another breath and stepped in. “Je suis ici. (I am here.)
He looked up, raised an eyebrow, and smiled. "Ah. Mademoiselle Y/L/N. Viens t'asseoir. (Ah. Miss Y/L/N. Come and sit down.)” He motioned to the chair he moved in front of his desk.
You nodded and sat down in the chair, setting your things to your side. “Merci encore. (Thanks again.)”
He stood and went to retrieve your assignment. You dug in your bag for your pen and closed your eyes shut. “Merde. (Shit.)” You muttered.
“Excuse-moi? (Excuse me?)” Elijah asked, a hint of amusement in his voice at your use of profanity.
You pursed your lips and spoke, “Pardonne-moi. J'ai oublié mon stylo. (Forgive me. I forgot my pen.)”
He lifted one side of his suit jacket, reaching into an inside pocket and pulling out a sleek and fabulous black pen with a single strip of gold at the tip of it. “Utilisez le mien. (Use mine.)”
He handed the pen over to you and you admired it’s elegance. While you did so, he slid a couple of blank, lined pieces of paper over to you and a seperate stack of two papers covered in printed writing.
You looked over it and then up to him. He explained, “Je veux que vous traduisiez parfaitement cet extrait de The Great Gatsby. Vous n'aurez droit qu'à trois erreurs. Si vous ne terminez pas avant la fin du déjeuner, je vous laisserai rester tard et donnerai un mot à votre prochain professeur. Tu peux commencer. (I want you to translate this excerpt from The Great Gatsby perfectly. You will only be allowed three errors. If you don’t finish before lunch is over, I’ll let you stay late and give your next teacher a note. You can begin.)”
You stared at the paper blankly, surprised and nervous. You didn’t think this would be the assignment, it wasn’t what he described.
“Quelque chose ne va pas? (Something is wrong?)” He asked.
You shook out of your daze and muttered, “Non, juste confus. Je pensais que c'était un test de mémoire. (No, just confused. I thought it was a memory test.)
"C'était pour tout le monde. Je comprends votre situation, mais vous n'avez toujours pas passé le premier test. Vous avez donc un test plus difficile à faire. (It was for everyone. I understand your situation, but you still haven’t passed the first test. So you have a more difficult test to do.)
He motioned to the papers and for you to get started. You nodded and uncapped the pen, taking a breath in and bringing the papers to you and taking a breath.
He brought a stack of papers to his desk and put them in front of them as he went through to start grading. You bit your lip and began working, writing your student ID number and the date in the top right corner.
You took another breath in and began reading the first sentence. You translated it carefully as the tip of the pen wrote against the paper.
You admired how the pen complimented your handwriting. You’d been told once or twice that you had such great handwriting and people always admired it, but you never really paid much attention to it, not caring much for how you wrote but more about what you wrote.
Your neat and elegant cursive wrote onto the paper smoothly and quickly as you began working. After a few uncertain translations and read-thrus to make sure it was right, you sunk into it and began to right, your nerves sinking away.
Elijah looked over the papers he was grading and over to your progress. His breath hitched slightly and his eyes went wide. You looked up a little when you heard the small gasp.
"Monsieur? (Sir?)” You asked carefully. He shook his head and cleared his throat, “Pardonne-moi. Continuer. (Forgive me. Carry on.)
You nodded slowly and went back to your paper. After a while, the bell rang and you looked up as you but your lip. Elijah took in a deep breath and asked, ” Avez-vous besoin de plus de temps? (Do you need more time?)“
You nodded, "S'il vous plaît. (Please.)”
He nodded and motioned to your paper for you to finish. He grabbed a sticky note and began scribbling on it. You looked up through your eyelashes, subtly looking at what he wrote.
As he wrote out your name, you bit your lip and took in a small breath. Why was your name in his handwriting so sexy?
You shook your head and continued.
When you finally finished almost ten minutes before your next class ended, you nodded and slid your papers over. He looked over the paper and told you carefully, “Vous avez oublié de mettre le nom complet et le numéro de classe de votre professeur. (You forgot to put the full name and class number of your teacher.)
You looked up at him and the paper. You didn’t think you would have to since your paper would be different from everyone else’s. But you didn’t argue.
Instead, you added the class number and Elijah’s full name up at the top next to your student ID number.
"Merci. Tu peux partir. (Thank you. You can leave.)” He handed you your note and confiscated your papers, setting them to the side.
You nodded slowly and stood, getting to the door before saying a small, “Au revoir. (Goodbye.)” He nodded and you turned to leave, heading to your next class.
You opened the door slowly and walked in. The teacher looked up at you and smiled. “Ah, Miss Y/N. Good to see you weren’t intending on skipping the whole class.” Professor Mikaelson spoke, er, the other Professor Mikaelson.
You handed him the note, “My apologies.”
Kol read the note quickly and nodded, “No, the apologies are mine. It seems my brother was keeping you busy. Have a seat and write down these last things before class ends. Thank you.”
You nodded, “Thank you, Professor.”
You went to take your seat with Caroline who was giving you a large and unsettling smile. “So…how did it go?”
You rolled your eyes, “I got a more difficult test, that’s how it went. I had to translate a two-page excerpt from The Great Gatsby into French.” You held out your hand, “Pen, please.”
She nodded, “Oh, my bad.” She handed you your pen that she’d stuffed in her bag. “I assumed you wouldn’t need it.”
You rolled your eyes and got to work before the class ended.
You spent the day nervous about what you might have gotten on the test. You were in your last class of the day sitting next to Damon Salvatore who would give suggestive winks to you whenever the word “sexual” would pop up since you were in a science class talking about how some organisms sexually reproduce and how other asexually reproduce.
You looked down at your work when the door opened to the classroom. One of the office aids handed a note to the professor and you shrugged and looked back down at your work. Then she spoke, “Miss Y/N Y/L/N.”
You looked up and she handed out the note for you. You stood from your chair and retrieved the note. You returned to your seat and read it to yourself.
’Miss Y/N Y/L/N,
I have graded your paper and would like to discuss it with you after school, if you are free today. If not, come see me Monday morning before school starts.
Professor E. Mikaelson.’
You sighed and bit your lip, half wondering if you talk would be good or not and half admiring your name in his writing.
Damon nudged your shoulder, “Oo, someone’s in trouble.”
You laughed at your friend’s antics, “Shut up, Damon.”
He laughed and nudged you again, childishly pointing at his paper to the word ‘sex’. You rolled your eyes, “You and Caroline suck.”
You waved your goodbyes to your friends and headed to Elijah’s classroom, your nerves getting to you as you shakily raised your fist to the door. You took a breath and knocked.
“Entrez. (Come in.)” He said through the door. You sighed and opened the door once again.
“Je suis ici. (I am here.)” You told him. He turned to you smiled and spoke, “Miss Y/N.”
You stopped slightly as the words that came out of his mouth were English and not French.
You nodded slowly, “Oui. J'ai votre note. (Yes. I have your note.)”
He nodded, “Yes. Thank you for coming to see me.”
Your knees almost buckled just then. You were not expecting him to speak in English. In fact, you had never heard him speak English before. You were always supposed to speak to him in French and he, you. Those were his rules.
“Bien sûr. (Of course.)” You continued to speak French, even if you did stutter. You didn’t want to get in trouble for not doing it.
His voice was so amazing when he spoke in that lovely language, but it was even better to hear him speak in English. It was still so elegant in his voice. You expected his voice to have the same accent as his brothers, but it did not. His voice held a trace of it, but it had a certain uniqueness to it.
You loved it.
He motioned to his desk and had you sit back down in the chair he pulled up again in case you came. “Please, come and sit." He removed his suit jacket and laid it over his chair before taking a seat.
You sat down slowly and carefully, making sure your weak legs could support you. He pulled up your paper and looked at it, sighing as he handed it back to you. You took that as a bad sign and slumped slightly.
He spoke, "I read your paper and checked over it.”
You nodded, “Et? (And?)”
He smiled, “You passed with flying colors. The only error I saw was a simple and common mistake.”
You nodded, a smile on your lips. “Ç'est incroyable! (That’s/It’s incredible!)
He nodded, "It is. I have never had a student like you. And this handwriting is impeccable. I have been rooting for the person with this handwriting since the work they turned in was so amazing, but I could only identify it by the student ID. When I saw you write…I couldn’t handle myself.”
“Quoi? (What?)” You asked, surprised.
He nodded and stood, walking around his desk to you and taking seat at the edge of it next to you, “You are the best student I’ve ever had. And your handwriting is the best I’ve ever seen in my life. And, may I say, you are the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.”
You were speechless. You were dreaming, you had to be. There was no way. It just didn’t make sense.
“Je- er… Tu-… (I- er… You-…)” You couldn’t seem to find English or French words to use.
He asked, “Have I overstepped?” He got off of his desk and began to travel back behind it. You spoke instantly, “Non! (No!)”
He looked back at you, “So you won’t mind my saying that you are a talented and beautiful human being who I’m most fortunate to have in my class. I missed you while you were gone. I was worried when you didn’t show the first few days.”
You were at an extreme loss for words. Not only was he finally speaking English, he was telling you how beautiful and talented you were? This didn’t make sense. You had to be dreaming. Right?
“Monsieur…” You began, trying to figure out what to say.
He finally told you, “English, please.”
You don’t know what possessed you to say this in such a way, but you probably should have thanked it.
“But I thought you liked French.” You spoke, your brow raising as your words sounded like silk and your voice deepened very slightly.
His eyes seemed to light up. Like you had never heard him speak English until now, he had not heard you speak it. He sighed as he spoke, “Beautiful.”
He smirked, taking a couple of steps toward you, “Someone’s naughty.” He turned your chair over to face him.
Your face heated up as you realized what you had just said and what he was doing. “Oh my- Forgive me.”
He kneeled in front of you, looking up into your eyes as his darkened slightly. His hand landed softly on your knee as he looked at you. Your body heated up as you assessed the situation.
It was safe to say that you were thoroughly turned on and hot. Your breath heat up as you looked into those dark brown eyes.
“The pleasure of hearing your voice is so fulfilling. It’d be a wonder to find out how fulfilling you could be…” He spoke, seemingly thinking out loud.
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Suit and Staglist: @avala-moon​​ @xxwritemeastoryxx​​ @melodiclovesong​​ @thebrotherssalvatore321​​ @strangerliaa​​ @njeancastro316​​ @dumble-daddy​ @mrs-salvawhore​ @deviously-innocent​​
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loveau · 4 years
request: Could I request an angsty enemies to lovers AU with Hendery or Ten? Thank you so much for posting your writing
others: lucas | yuta | renjun | jisung
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it all started probably at some university party where a mutual friend or a friend of a friend introduced everyone in a group
since there were so many people, there wasn’t a lot of interaction to go on
but what you did know was that the dude named hendery???
yeah the most obnoxious person you’d ever met
and he thought you were the most judgmental person he’d ever met
to be fair his rowdiness comes with the friends he has nearby you’re bound to be the same way with yours
but it just seemed like he was so over the top and loud and it was annoying how you couldn’t have a conversation with your friends when he was literally screaming across the room
at the same time, however, hendery isn’t appreciative of your dramatic groans and eye rolls whenever he does anything and he feels so restricted from basically getting to have fun
and putting the both of the together in the same room is a chemical reaction that leads to an explosion
it basically started at that party and y’all were having fun and the mingling of groups was happening where everyone was getting to know each other
y’all didn’t really interact during the party besides hanging around the general area
but that didn’t stop you from giving each other the slight stink eye, which may have started on your part when he accidentally spilled some drink on your friend’s pants
and he thought nothing of it so he assumed you were just a stick in the mud and thought it was dumb you were there to cramp on his fun
obviously you hadn’t added each other on social media, so when hendery was doing something especially dumb you smirked and had been recording it
in all fairness it had started with you recording one of your friend’s rants about how nobody treats them right and how they deserve the perfect lover but there’s just trash people and their trash lists of who’s the best kisser or whatever
but all of a sudden your camera had switched to hendery’s group of friends where he was standing on top of a table and slipped off due to all of the snacks and drinks spilled on it
he ended up getting caught by his friends before he got hurt, but he clonked heads with one of them and was wincing while the others laughed or were more focused on whether or not he was okay
you were chuckling to yourself and captioned it ‘bet he doesn’t have any braincells if this is what keeps happening... makes sense alrdy tho 💀💀’
and you thought nothing of it until the next morning you’d woken up to a couple of messages and whatnot
you’d been debating whether or not you wanted to go to the bathroom and check later on during lunch after you spent some time to yourself but you chose to continue laying in bed and read through everything
a couple of the typical ‘what was the homework’, ‘lunch?’, and ‘did you know that this happened...’ type of things
but what caught your eye was the ‘hey, did you know that you have a bounty on your head rn?’
you were so confused because you had no clue what that was supposed to mean and typed back a simple ???
and one of your friends ten responded back pretty quickly and he was just like yeah, hendery apparently hates your guts rn so i suggest don’t run into him
you’re just like????? hUH????? who?????
he sends you a picture of himself and a whole group of others and he’s just like furthest dude on the left
you squint at your phone because wow ten you could have chosen a better picture or maybe screenshotted something huh
however once you recognize him, you’re like UH???? KnUcKLeheAD?
ten’s just like yeahh, apparently he found out about your story and has been asking everyone who you are
someone must have told him because ten sent you a screenshot of the story hendery posted that captioned your story with smth like
‘this person rlly don’t have anything better to do besides play therapist for their friends at a p a r t y :///’
you’re gaping at the message and it’s so bad you sit up from bed so fast with your phone in the tightest grip
like what??? and followed by that there’s another screenshot of another story that basically was some poll or something about whether or not you were fun or some lame-o
you were fuming at that and saw the username in the stories ten sent you and basically looked him up and found out who hendery was
your phone was practically thrown to the other side of the bed as you got ready for the day 
part of you was so confused as to who sent him the story but you were also really confused as to why he’d just project you onto his as if you’d see it (which you did soooo)
and you found yourself complaining to your friends about it like who would do that??? it was a joke anyways and plus why does he care when you barely know each other???
they’re all on your side of it too since most of them had met hendery that same night or only knew a couple of the other guys and him by extension
your food was feeling your wrath as you chewed on it and your friends tried to find a different subject to talk about
“hey, did you transfer classes like you wanted? 
you finally smile at that and give a satisfied hum to them
“yep, i finally got out of that blasted quantum mechanics class or whatever”
“why were you in that anyways?????”
you shrug and it’s just confusing to you because you were trying to get an elective course in but they decided to put you in a big science class where people with big brains and bigger egos liked to flex their knowledge and lord it over you when you didn’t understand
“doesn’t matter!! i’m in advanced hip hop dancing now! no more 8am lectures about one dimensional applications anymore”
“but you still have to wake up at 8am to walk across campus to the theatre rooms?”
“it doesn’t matter if you like what you do”
which was the best part since you took hip hop last semester and had some background in dancing before, so the instructor suggest you move to intermediate
but the worst part was the voice you heard behind you
“oh no way in-”
you whipped around and saw the shocked and irritated look on the one and only hendery
“you!” you pointed your fork accusingly at him and he has the audacity to look offended and point both hands at himself
“yeah you! who are you to put me on blast to social media even though i’m a total stranger to you?”
“exCUSE ME?????!! the same goes to YOU!”
“tHE sAmE GoES tO YOu. it was a joke, especially by someone you barely know!!!! i didn’t want to have to see your face first thing in the morning to find out you got butthurt because you bonked your head as a kid and wanted to reenact that??”
hendery almost revolts backwards and holds a finger up
“first of all? do you think i’m happy about getting to see you first thing in the morning either??? and do you think i’d be happy seeing you at 8am every other day?”
you quickly put two and two together and you’re clenching your teeth
“you don’t mean-”
“yeah, see you in advanced hip hop, lame-o”
you (and practically the entire lunch room alkfnskfn) are left in shock as hendery takes his leave without even ordering food
you sit there in shock and think all of a sudden you might not like hip hop anymore
and you’re complaining about it to ten as he sits across from you at dinner, a couple hours after your lunch and having enough time to sit on it
“i should have taken modern dancing with you........ or maybe even ballet 3 with sicheng?”
ten only laughs and you scowl as he attempts to keep his snickers quiet
“you wouldn’t have lasted more than two days. you’d be itching to get your feet moving faster than they can get their toes pointed”
you roll your eyes because he’s right. one of the best parts of dancing hip hop was that you felt you could lose control of yourself in a more reckless way than the other styles of dancing could
“i hate it when you’re right?”
ten smiles at you and pats your shoulder from across the table
you’re just internally screaming that you have to wake up at 8am to see hendery’s dumb face again
“why is it because i’m right so often?”
“no, because i tend to owe you money because i lost the bet”
he snickers and then offers his student id to you
you take it questioningly and he pats the hand that has the id in it
“take it out at the dance studio. they’ve closed it from regular students after 9 since someone decided it’d be funny to steal one of the mirrors”
you roll your eyes but smile gratefully at him
“gotta love TAs with their magical access for ‘tutoring hours’”
“hey they’re actually convenient for when it doesn’t fit someone’s schedule!”
you’re already walking towards the door by the time he says that and you look back cheekily
“tell me that again when you haven’t used it for a private picnic date with someone you met on tinder!”
by the time you reach the dance studio you’re absolutely giddy and so glad you wore comfortable clothing to dinner so you didn’t have to go back to change
your giddiness changed when you already saw somebody in the studio
and as fate would have it, of course hendery had to be there, jamming out to some 80s hip hop song
before you could turn around and leave, he spun around during once of the dances and opened his mouth in shock
“there is no way-”
“save it! i’m just as shocked as you are”
he huffs and turns off the music and stands with his arms folded 
“well what?”
he makes a face and over exaggerates your irritated one with a “wELl WhAt?!?!??!!!?!?”
you set your jaw and mimic his stance but the awaiting look in his eyes told you everything
“i’m not here to apologize if that’s what you’re thinking” you put a hand and put your other on your hip before he could say anything
at least he had enough respect to listen to your cue even though he exasperatedly threw his hands in the air and huffed loudly
“and even if i wanted to, i wasn’t so immature to go around asking everyone about who made me cry because they laughed when i decided to climb a table and almost fall because it was slippery”
“i didn’t cry” he’s got this childish tone to his voice and you know better than to instigate but the fiery look in his eyes only lights up one of your own
“i can give you a reason”
you don’t even realize you’ve stepped in the middle of the dance floor until he huffs out a laugh and meets you in the middle where you have your hands on your hips defiantly and a cocky smirk on your face
he hates it and you feel so powerful seeing him seethe
it only adds to your satisfaction that he ends the stare down by walking away rigidly
however it quickly melds into confusion when he turns the music on again, this time to a more recent song on the radio and one of the songs you were thinking of dancing to actually
he starts walking again, but in circles around you
he adds a spin here and there and a little kick of the leg
“what are you, constipated?”
he takes your comment in stride and backs away again to give you the floor
“you obviously came here to dance, and if you’re all talk about it then why don’t you up me one?”
there’s a bite in your tone but there’s even more snap in your hips
you don’t miss the way hendery’s eyes trail up and down as you flow into another move
you smirk once he trails back up to your eyes and instead of looking caught he only smirks right back
it peeves you a little how confident he looked now and he slowly clapped once you finished up another spin
“not bad for a freestyle”
you hate how much his ego has been stoked and you hate how you absolutely know how much he absolutely seemed to live for your annoyance with him
you two circled each other for a while, none of you really knowing who started moving first and why you both continued
but it was you who stepped forward first, and he responded in kind and it would have been so off putting that you both were so close
when he chuckled at your determined gaze you could practically feel his breath against your face
you felt the anger bubbling in your core once the warmth hit your cheeks
but a closer look at his eyes showed you that he was definitely affected by your snappiness with him and the irritation was practically pooling in his irises 
“you know, for someone who’s in advanced hip hop you sure don’t seem good at motor functions. you could barely stand at that party”
“you know, having fun tends to have that effect. but you wouldn’t know. nobody does anything with you besides stand against a wall and try to talk over the music. there’s a reason why the lyrics are the only words you’re supposed to be hearing”
normally you’d bite your tongue and walk away or tell him he’s being the immature one once again, but those words were dumb and it mad you livid
“funny, for someone who claims to move so well yet you haven’t really shown me anything”
in a flurry of motion, hendery has grabbed your arm and spun you around so that you fall hard into his chest
you can hear a huff of effort from him as he twirls you out again and then back into him but with his hand at your waist
his cocky grin makes you almost growl at him, but you were too shocked to say anything
“cat got your tongue?”
he releases you and then dusts himself off
“you know when you want to act up.......”
he gets in your face and the cockiness as dissolved into the pure annoyance that you are already familiar with from feeling it yourself
“make sure you’re not just all talk.” he turns and grabs all his stuff, but he waves over his shoulder before he leaves “see you in class”
and oooooOOOOOH do you see him in class the next morning
the instructor has greeted you since you transferred in the class two weeks in 
they were glad you decided to come in even though the class was already working on some dances and it would take a couple classes to see where you were at since it’d been a while and also with a different instructor
“hi, i’m hendery. i’m the student instructor/TA, i’ll bring you up to speed”
and GOSH did you feel so angry for waking up at 6am to have breakfast and having to walk across campus in the cold morning air just to figure out you’d have to work 1:1 with hendery for a couple of classes
and he wasn’t too happy about it either
mainly because he had some of your friends on his tail for blasting you on social media and all of a sudden it was talk of the two friend groups and even in some other circles
but while he was getting told off for being immature about it and even about being teased about his clumsiness and somewhat recklessness (which got old real fast)
you were also getting constantly teased by your “boringness” but also some people had the audacity to actually stop inviting you to some things because they thought so
little did you know hendery was sort of in the same boat because they were afraid he’d break something and when he heard that boy did he really want to
and both of your indirect interactions with each other in that method only fueled the spite you had with the direct contact with each other
the next couple of classes you purposely would hit him with an arm when you had it swung out or maybe accidentally stepping on his toes
but he was also quick to make sure to “accidentally” not teach you the full dance to a song or even give you the entirely wrong song to dance to
but the instructor assumed that it was because you were logged from all the physics shenanigans so they wanted hendery to run it through with you during class
you were practically seething over a lunch with your friends about all of this and they gave you tired glances
ten was the only one who seemed unfazed, as he was the only one in the two circles with direct connections to both of you
“i just don’t understand why this keeps happening. if he just wasn’t so immature and keeps insulting me about my way of spending time with friends then i’d stop fighting back”
“but you started it”
“we didn’t know each other, ten! it was just some light jabbing” you scoff at that because it was just so annoying at this point “besides, he was so obnoxious in the first place”
ten gives you an encouraging pat on the back
you groan and say you haven’t been able to spend a good weekend of fun in a couple of weeks thanks to wary eyes or not knowing where the parties are
“didn’t know you could have fun~”
you also smack ten but his cheeky grin lets him get away with it, like it does every time
but he soon makes up for it by giving you the location and time of another party by a friend of his and that he’d be there to hang with you
by the time you got there he was already tearing it up on the dance floor after taking one too many
he was all the more excited to see you though and had jumped into your arms happily and was laughing the whole time
“hey, you made it! you won’t believe who-”
but he was whisked away before you knew it
so you left to get something to drink on your own
somebody you vaguely knew recognized you and started chatting with you on the way
“hey, haven’t i seen you around before?”
“yeah..... i think we took physics together?”
“oh right!!!! i remember, you transferred out right?”
you knew where this was going since they obviously wanted to sound smarter in this situation
they had been your lab partner and it totally sucked to hear them complain about having someone ‘not competent enough to do anything’ as a partner
you only nod and listen to them ramble a little more, looking for someone familiar to latch onto so you could leave this conversation
until you heard
“i didn’t know you went to parties”
“uhhhh....... what made you think that?”
they shrug and they look amused to keep making jabs at you 
“well, i heard you were kind of a stick in the mud. not to mention you don’t really do much at parties, so i figured it wasn’t your scene”
“what? excuse me??”
“oh. well i thought since you were a little slow in class then you wouldn’t be doing anything besides standing around. the dorm’s more your place, yeah?”
before you can go off on the dude, the person’s shoved against the wall and they’re not going anywhere
especially when hendery’s face is in theirs
“that’s enough, buddy. you’re a little harsh, no?”
they give out a nervous laugh and look around to see if anybody is going to come to their aid, but the others have decided to keep moving and ignore what’s going on
you on the other hand are shocked to find that hendery’s here, much more that he’s defending you in a sense
“whatT? didn’t you...... you know, start all of this?”
hendery rolls his eyes but shoves a little harder
you hate to say it, but you were feeling pretty proud of this
“first of all, they did”
“but second of all, you’ve been skating on thin ice ever since you thought it’d be funny to start insulting someone as your first interaction”
“that’s RICH coming from you” and the person’s right, but they’re also toeing the line reeeeeal far with agitating hendery
“oh yeah? i didn’t realize how much of a stuck up twerp i sounded like before i heard those words coming out of your mouth”
you merely watch on and hendery takes a glance out of the corner of his eye to look at you
there’s a hard glare in his eyes but they soften a bit once you come into sight
you’re................... confused????
but you also recognize the anger in his eyes since the person also began jabbing at hendery, so you were prepared for his next line
“by the way... you hungry?”
and hendery had raised his fist up and the person recoiled hard
but it never made contact.....
they timidly looked up to see the fist 
he scoffed and straighted out his clothes as he backed away
“yeah, don’t act though if it’s just that. an act”
he walks away from the person and heads for you
“come on, let’s get you a drink”
you just stand there as he searches around for an empty cup and fills it with water quickly before walking you outside
you didn’t need to be pulled along to follow with him
you wanted answers
by the time you’re outside you just give him an expecting look with your eyebrows raised and he seems almost frustrated to admit his thoughts
“what, cat got your tongue this time?”
he chuckles as he remembers that one instance in the dance studio together but he hums, thinking of his next words
“i mean, i’m not sure how else to phrase it”
“i can wait. i don’t do much besides not have fun anyways”
at this he hangs his head
“okay, well i do feel bad about that. i didn’t realize how harsh those words all sounded until it was being played back to me”
“it took this long to figure out why i was upset by it and not just me being a ‘stick in the mud’?“
he nods and you can see instead of irritation.... there’s sincerity in his eyes now
a.......... sudden, but also welcome change
“yeah... well! no, not really.......... i kind of thought it was childish to keep this whole fighting thing going on, so......”
“why keep it on then?”
he shrugs and looks away, almost like he was embarrassed
“i......... really, really............. really liked the fiery look in your eyes whenever we’d bicker”
you laugh at that this time
“you thought it was hot?”
he almost whines out a “kinda!” but then groans and mumbles
your mischievous look makes him throw his hands up and he’s frustrated again but this time there’s a civil air between you two.... almost...... flirtatious
“yes! i thought it was attractive most of the way through... but even when you’re not mad..... you’re still pretty cute”
you find yourself blushing even though you’re practically glowing in amusement, but then you find yourself turning practically red when he defends himself with an almost equally red face
“and don’t lie!! i know you think i’m attractive too. i saw the way you were eyeing me when i was telling that person off. i was all macho man and you were swooning!”
“i was not!”
“i literally said don’t lie, didn’t i!”
and you keep throwing bickering comments back and forth, but it’s amusing and you both...... like it
after a while there’s a silence in between you before you make a light jab at hendery.... only this time it’s in a soft teasing kind of way
one that the both of you can stand and put smiles on your faces instead
“so you weren’t too chicken to actually land the hit?”
“shut up, i’ll fight if i have to”
“aww, even for me?”
and he’s silent at that but there’s a slight tint of pink you can make out from the lights outside
he purses his lips and decides now is the time to make the move to patch things between you two
“i still think there’s apologies left to be said”
“from both of us?”
“..... yeah”
and you hate to admit that you’ve also been super immature about it, but you’re pretty glad that it’s getting moved past now
but it was so awkward to just do this so suddenly
he notices the tension in between you and decides to make the first move
“okay........ let’s just start over..... hi, i’m hendery. i’ve seen you before. i’m the TA of your advanced hip hop class, right?”
“right! i think i can recall you staring at my butt a couple of times”
“shut up!!” he pushes you slightly but his grin tells you he’s not that shy to admit it and he’s goofing around now “besides...... can’t lie you’re kinda cute though”
and suddenly there’s a crash behind the two of you and you see ten bounding his way for you
“i cannOT believe it, wow! the two of you together and not ripping each other apart. BUT I knEW this would happen”
and you just look at each other like ?????????? huh?????
“that you would look so cUtE together!!!!! everything turned out juuuust right, like i thought it would since the beginning”
and all of a sudden you both made ten explain everything to the both of you
because ten had shared the initial stories to the other person, not thinking it’d go down like this
but most of it was forgiven since you were more distracted by hendery leaning against the railing and having that as an excuse to wrap his arm around you
and you were practically leaning into his side since it was ‘too cold outside’ while you were listening to ten ramble on and on about how his plan ended up being messy but he was living for it
while the both of you gave him an earful about how setting the two of you up could have been done where you didn’t hurt each other’s feelings for so long, he shut you up quickly with a
“oh please, you two bickered like an old married couple. with the way you guys act just get married already! some of those sparks weren’t just angry, there was some love in there too!”
“and do NOT get me started on the sexual tension-”
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Rehearsal (Peter Parker x Reader)
Summary: Peter and you have to rehearse a scene for your theatre class, which just so happens to have a kiss in it. (Gender neutral reader!)
Prompts: 1. “Why would you do this?” 22. “This is the part where you kiss me.”
Warnings: good old fashioned fluff
Note: Lol this one kinda got away from me. I used a random number generator to choose the prompts and only expected this to be like 800 words max but I ended up with over 2k so. but I really like what I ended up with so I hope y’all do too <3 mostly from Peter’s POV btw. oh and I tried to keep it gender neutral but it’s natural for me to write with a female reader so let me know if I accidentally left a few she’s/her’s in there.
Word Count: 2.1k
Peter Parker is a nerd. He’s good at science and math, which is why he’s attending Midtown School of Science and Technology. Despite the STEM focus the school has, there’s still a requirement for at least one art-related class in order to graduate. When Peter chose an entry level Theatre class, he hoped it would focus more on the study of famous plays than actually having to stand on a stage and act. Peter was very, very wrong. For the first assignment of the semester, students had to pair up and perform a short, dramatic piece. He had been paired with Y/N Y/L/N, who he had a minor crush on. Ok, major crush. After he and MJ broke up last year, he honestly didn’t think he’d find anyone else for a while. But then Y/N transferred to Midtown, and he was whipped right from the start. 
“Look man, you gotta use this opportunity to make a move!” Peter and Ned were walking down the hallway between classes, Ned trying to convince Peter again that this was a great chance to finally tell Y/N how he feels. “Just look up some cute scene for the two of you to perform! It’ll be like when Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie fell in love on set!”
“I’m pretty sure they broke up, Ned.”
“Whatever. The point stands.”
The pair approached their lockers, where you were waiting. You had a few papers in your hand, which held your attention until you noticed Peter in front of you.
“H-hey. What’s up?” Peter tried his best to contain his stutter, but couldn’t help it. Y/N just had that effect on him.
“Hey Pete, I, um, I found some potential scripts for us to use for our assignment. I thought you could look over them before we rehearse at mine on Friday? I like them all, so whichever you wanna go with is fine...although I did put a star next to my favorite piece.” You handed half of the papers you were holding to Peter, keeping copies of each script for yourself. Peter noticed that the copies you kept had already been highlighted and annotated, while his were straight from the printer. Except for the small star at the top of the first script in his stack. Before Peter could respond, the warning bell began to ring, signaling only a minute to get to your next class. “Just text me whichever one you want, and we can walk to my place after school tomorrow to rehearse.” You said this as you began to walk away, giving Peter and Ned a small wave before you turned around to race to your final class of the day. 
Instead of paying attention to his teacher’s lecture during Chemistry, Peter spent the 50 minute period reading through the scripts you had chosen. Peter already knew he wanted to perform the script you liked, but he was nervous. Your favorite scene happened to be the only one which called for a kiss, but he didn’t know if he had the guts to go for it. He could easily choose either of the other scenes and call it a day, but...well, was this your way of making a move? Had you intentionally chosen the script with a kiss to find out if Peter liked you? Did you like him? Or did you just choose that one because you genuinely thought it was the best option?
The bell rang, interrupting Peter’s thoughts and signaling the end of the school day. Hopefully a few hours of swinging through the streets of New York would be enough to distract Peter from thinking about you all night. For once, Peter was actually hoping New York criminals would keep him busy.
When Peter slipped through the window of his bedroom, his thoughts were unsurprisingly still revolving around you. Despite a somewhat busy night - two muggings, an almost-car crash, and one lost little girl now safely back with her mother - He still hadn’t been able to come to a decision. Half an hour ago you had texted Peter asking if he had chosen a script yet, and he still hadn’t responded. 
“Just go with the script they want, Pete. Even if Y/N doesn’t like you, at least you’ll get to kiss them.” He thought as he removed his skin-tight supersuit and changed into some sweats and a t-shirt. He grabbed his phone from the pocket of his backpack, and, after another minute or so of arguing with himself, finally began to type.
8:31 pm
hey pete, have you decided which script you wanna do yet?
9:06 pm
Uh, yeah. I think the one you liked is the best.
9:08 pm
yesss, i was hoping you’d choose that one. i have great taste ;)
9:08 pm
Haha, yeah, you do. We’ll rehearse tomorrow after school right?
9:10 pm
yup! i’ll meet you by your locker again :) see ya tomorrow pete
Peter decided to let the conversation end there. Honestly, he had no idea what to think. What does “I have great taste ;)” mean? Is that a reference to the kiss? Does this mean they like him? Or is it just a joke? Peter sent a screenshot of the conversation to Ned for help, but Ned being Ned wasn’t helpful at all. 
9:15 pm
Just. Make. A. Move. 
9:16 pm
Betty thinks you should make a move too.
Despite his confusion and nerves over tomorrow’s rehearsal, Peter managed to fall asleep at a reasonable time. Hopefully tomorrow he’d get the answers he was looking for.
Peter waited by his locker after the final bell rang. As the hallways began to clear, he noticed you making your way over to him.
“Sorry, I hope you weren’t waiting too long. My English class is basically all the way across the school.” You looked nervous. Is that good? Or bad? Have you been thinking about the kiss too?
“Y-you’re fine. I’ve only been here for like a minute.” That was a lie. Peter’s Chemistry class was just across the hall from his locker, but you didn’t need to know that. After he finished talking, you seemed to lose all sense of nerves.
“I guess it wasn’t me causing the nerves then…” Peter thought, his mood dropping a little.
“Oh good. Let’s get going then, my apartment is only a couple blocks from here.” And so you began the short walk to your place. You made some small talk on the way there, talking about your other classes instead of the one class you did share. 
“You have Mrs. Jenson third period right? I have her during fifth. Maybe we can study together for her tests...I know the school year just started, but I can already tell she’ll make her tests unnecessarily evil.” You said as the both of you entered your building. 
“That’s a good idea, I know someone who took her class last year and they said she always had essay questions. Not to mention 5 choices for multiple choice questions instead of the usual four.” Peter responded. As he spoke, they headed towards the elevator, and Y/N pressed the button, causing the doors to immediately open. After hitting the number 4 on the wall, the doors slowly began to close. Despite the unfortunate news he was sharing with Y/N, his voice had a hopeful tone to it; They want to hang out with him again. Sure, it’s just loose plans to study for a test sometime in the future, but hey, he’ll take it.
“Damn. History has never been my subject, so I’ll definitely need the extra study time. I can never remember all the important dates.” Your phone buzzed after that, causing you to glance down at it. As you responded to whoever had texted you, Peter was left to his thoughts when the elevator began to move. It wasn’t until the elevator doors opened and you stepped out that the conversation resumed. “That was my mom, guess she’s gonna be at work for a few more hours. We can order a pizza if you want, I’m not sure how long we’ll be rehearsing today.”
“Pizza, uhm,” Peter’s voice cracked, “Pizza sounds good.” Peter cursed to himself, but if you had noticed his voice cracking, you had the decency to ignore it. You pulled your keys from your backpack, and unlocked the second apartment on the floor. 
“Cool, I’ll order something online. Pepperoni ok for you?” You asked as you walked into the apartment, holding the door open for Peter. Peter only nodded, not really trusting his voice for the moment. He took a second to look around the place as you closed the door behind him. When you came into his eyesight again, you were looking at your phone, presumably ordering the pizza. “Since my mom isn’t here we can rehearse in the living room, it’s just this way.” Peter followed you as you led him across the apartment, then sat on the couch. He tried to give you space as you continued punching in the pizza order. While you were busy, Peter opened his own backpack and pulled out the script you had agreed upon. Last night he had highlighted his lines, although luckily for this assignment the teacher had mentioned that memorization was optional. After all, the school year had just begun and it was a beginner’s class.
“Ok, pizza will be here in like half an hour. Now we can get to work!” You quickly pulled out your own script from your backpack, and turned to face Peter. “Do you wanna just read through it a few times, then once we’re used to it we could start working out the blocking?” You suggested.
“Y-yeah, sure, that works for me.” Peter was relieved at this option; read throughs meant he didn’t have to worry about the kiss yet. “Your character starts, right?”
And so the two of you began reading through the script. It was short, only a few pages, and featured someone on the day of their wedding, and the man who was trying to convince them to leave their fiance. At first, the reading was a little awkward, as neither of you had any experience in acting, but by the third or fourth time you had gone through the script together, both of you were feeling much more comfortable. Instead of sitting away from each other on opposite ends of the couch, you were close, the way your characters would be. The blocking had even begun to take shape naturally, so you and Peter stood for the fifth reading, walking around the room, trying your best to embody the characters as they argued. This time, as you approached the end of the script however, Peter’s nerves returned.
“Why would you do this? Just barging in here on my wedding day?” You said, trying to act as frustrated and confused as you felt your character would be. 
“You and I both kn-know you don’t love him! You’ll never be happy with him!” Peter tried to keep his nerves in check, but he knew what was coming.
“And how do you know I’d be happier with you?” Following the stage directions indicated on your script, you stepped closer to Peter. Instead of continuing with the scene, Peter just stared at you, no longer looking at his script. “Uh, Pete?” He still didn’t respond. You were confused, until you looked back at the script. You weren’t sure how you had forgotten, after all, this is why you chose the scene in the first place. “Peter, this is the part where you kiss me” You said quietly. You had taken his choosing of this scene to mean he liked you too, but you weren’t sure. His eyes widened a little at your words though, which made your confidence drop. “O-or not, um, we could do a stage kiss, or you could just kiss my cheek, or we could just cut it complet-” Peter cut off your rambling by putting his hands on your cheek and bringing his lips to meet yours. You were shocked, but easily melted into the kiss. He was gentle as he kissed you, his nerves disappearing the second you kissed him back. After a while, you both separated from the kiss. Neither of you spoke for a minute, just staring at each other.
“U-um.. that was ok, right?” Peter whispered, as you were still pretty close to him. You only smiled, and gave him another short kiss as a response. Before you guys could do anything else, there was a knock at the door.
“Pizza!” Someone said loudly through the wood. Before you could make a move, Peter had grabbed his wallet and was already walking towards the front door.
“I’ll pay...after all, what kind of gentleman would I be if I let you pay on our first date?”
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arthursknight · 3 years
hi cee!!
we talked previously about being a shakespearean actor, but is there a favourite play of his that you particularly enjoy acting in? or how about in general, is it the same play or is there a different one that you just enjoy reading?
i’m currently doing a class focused on shakespeare, which is ironically my best subject rn even though i’m horrible usually in english/writing classes- we just finish reading the taming of the shrew, which i haven’t read before! well i acted out parts of it for a couple theatre classes but i never fully read and analyzed it.
honestly i’m enjoying that class so much that i kinda of wish i could take it again just to have the same teacher again- like it’s actually making me love reading again, i felt like i lost that for a long time and i missed it. i have a list of books that i seriously want to read or reread but i have been trying to wait until after finals are done. idk we will see, i’m almost done w this semester and man all the procrastination and lack of studying is really catching up w me so i’m rushing to try to study as much as i can before next week! i’ll b fine probably 🙃
anyways, i was just curious on your opinions about shakespeare!! also this just came to me but i was thinking about hotchreid and how thomas gibson is a shakespearean actor n i was thinking hotch is prob also really into shakespeare- one of hotchreid’s favourite type of dates are when they go to see some of the plays (like shakespeare in the park kinda deal) maybe bringing jack along for a couple when he’s older!
as always my ♡︎,
I LOVE THIS ASK.............................. i love YOU phoney you have no idea how much i love shakespeare. my fave play to act in has been much ado, because i’ve done it twice, but i would love to act in henry iv pt 1. hal is a dream role. (i don’t consider gender when acting shakespeare lmao, fuck that shit) i would also love to be in othello (iago is another dream role) and i would love to actually direct romeo and juliet because most of the romeo and juliets i’ve seen have been So Fucking Bad Because No One Gets It, but that’s another story for another time i have so many opinions...... too many to type right nowbecause i’m brain tired but!!!!! always talk to me about him i love him i studied him EXTENSIVELY in both oxford and in london during conservatory training and then in college as well
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high5nerd · 4 years
Aay, my first (at the time) Pitch x Reader one-shot!
Don’t fook your professors, folks.
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“When understanding the root words of our modern day languages, it can be daunting to fully comprehend the detail such a language as English can be intertwined with a multitude of other languages long forgotten,”
Dr. Pitchiner was certainly entrancing when he spoke at the podium, flourishing a hand at the list of most common prefixes and suffixes used in today’s modern English, along with a surprise list of obscure ones you knew you had to take note on. Dr. Pitchiner wasn’t one to give easy exams, the last exam was so gruelling someone almost passed out from a panic attack at the multitude of pages.
Despite enjoying writing yourself, you weren’t as invested in English as he was, which was a given, hence the reason his PhD in English as well as a degree in Latin Translation. Many times he’s journeyed to Italy to help assist scholars in finding new information on the lost civilizations of Rome, Sicily, and Pompeii, and that credit alone was the sole reason he got the job at this state college. He should have been employed at universities like Harvard or Yale, or even Oxford or Princeton, but yet here he was, teaching at your simple state college with an acceptance rate of 93% and the highest transferring stat in all of your state.
   Not a lot of students found him attractive like you did. Certainly there was more than a couple handfuls of girls, pockets of them, who’ve admired his lithe figure, his graceful movements and that firm ass that was way too snug in his black slacks. Most of them admired his physique from afar, some even daring others to get closer to flirt with him shamelessly, and usually that ended up with a bad memory for the attempted action, as well as the girl who tried to drop the class out of utter embarrassment at such a call out after class that could be heard around the hall.
   Dr. Kozmotis Pitchiner took no bullshit from anyone, and that’s the main reason your heart fluttered at the thought and sight of him. This class wasn’t the first time you two had met face to face either, shockingly. Quite hilariously, the first time you two met, you didn’t even like him.
Three years ago, you were an itty bitty freshman just like the ones that recently arrived this semester, and to the best of your luck, you scored almost five hours of total free time on Mondays and Wednesdays before your Intro to Biology class and Intro to Psychology course after lunch.
Why not explore the gorgeous campus during those five hours? It would get you more acquainted with your surroundings and in small cases, make new friends! Grabbing a can of fruit juice and a danish from the dining hall, you munched as you explored the massive quad before discovering where the art gallery was, venturing towards the art and theatre buildings you’d be in the next year for your art perspective requirements. You found yourself meandering in the photograph-covered walled hallway of the English department, unknowingly headed towards the campus’s own local newspaper headquarters when a voice startled you from your entrancement with your journey.
“Hey. Where do you think you’re going?” a voice matching the texture of velvet came.
You turn around, frowning at the sudden startling noise. There just feet away from you, emerged from his office was a man dressed in what you would consider funeral appropriate attire, a smooth black suit with a basic black tie, and shiny black dress shoes that looked like they could reflect sunlight and somehow cause a car accident if he walked outside.
“I’m exploring. Where do you think you’re going?” you shot back, taking a long sip of your fruit juice.
You were mildly surprised to see a smirk cross his devious lips, his silver-gold eyes narrowing at your sass. He almost looked amused at your attitude, even enough so that his tensed shoulders relaxed, but his arms still remained folded over his chest.
“At the moment, I’m going wherever you think you’re headed, which should be in the opposite direction you’re headed.”
Ooh, he likes playing word games. You took another sip and then took a big bite of your danish, not caring about how childish you were coming off to him. You pointed towards the hallway, “Why can’t I go down there?”
He gestured his head in the same direction, “It’s merely copy rooms and computer labs meant for the Daily Mascot Oracle. Nothing worth checking out.”
“Oh. That’s a shit title.” you commented.
He barked out a heartwarming laugh. You grin at him, glad he finally was capable of taking that stick out of his ass and be a decent human being. Almost three times so far in just two days you got two people to really dislike your presence and your sassy attitude, someone named Bunnymund and another elfish looking kid named Jack who’s definition of fun didn’t match yours at all.
“I certainly didn’t agree to it either, but the editor in chief made sure my vote was outnumbered,” he hesitated, thinking quickly before glancing at you, “Are you a freshman?”
You nodded, knowing what he would ask next, “Majoring in psychology with hopefully a minor in alternative medicine and therapy.”
He looked genuinely impressed, “I must say, it’s quite refreshing to have a new student under that field. Not a lot of freshmen choose that whilst entering for their first year. What makes you like that field of study so much?”
You shrugged with a smile, “I like the whole concept of the human mind and how it functions on an emotional state. It’s interesting how certain actions and emotions can create feelings inside us, and I especially love the study of dreams and fears and hopes. I want to do a project on dream therapy for my senior thesis when it comes time to that, but I doubt they’ll let me. Professor Oren didn’t like hearing me say that at orientation.”
Dr. Pitchiner nodded, “Oren doesn’t really believe in the science behind dreams, and certainly not the spirituality behind it if you believe in that sort of thing. I certainly do.”
“You do?” you were genuinely surprised, literally taken aback. You wouldn’t have considered such an eloquent, smooth and finely dressed man to believe in a spirituality. He reeked of realist to you, you certainly weren’t expecting that.
He nodded again, “Of course. It’s only natural for the human psyche to become understandable to a certain degree, and it’s been proven through many other cultures that such things exist, like the sixth sense or empathy or precognition. Why not in dream analyzation? It’s fascinating, I’m glad you’re interested in it. If I wasn’t an English professor I would immediately return to college to take advantage of that.”
That’s when you realized how gold his eyes were, how they sparkled like the richest coins ever discovered in the vastness of the sunken world of ships at the bottom of the ocean. His eyes gave away intense wisdom, feeling and intellect that you felt the need to learn from. You needed to unlock every part of him to see beyond that gaze he gave you with that strange upturn at the corner of his devilish mouth.
Sure enough, you eventually found yourself in his class a couple years later for your required English Analysis course, and the both of you took advantage of that. You found yourself wandering back to his office between classes and office hours, knowing full well no one visited him nor had the courage to due to his harshness in class and strict code he sticks to in not forming attachments to the student body. For you, somehow you were able to break that barrier and see a different kind of man than what people upfront knew him as.
Your friend Katherine is your first and only senior friend at the university, and from her story when you signed up for his course at the beginning of the year, he was known to be callous and strict, such a polar opposite to leniency that even if you were sick with proof of illness, he wouldn’t accept that as an excused absence unless you flourished a medical note from a doctor to him. Everyone feared him, but admired him from afar since he’s the only professor to actually cut down on the bullshitters and slackers in class, and is one of the most respected professors there because of his adventures in Italy as a historian as well as a translator.
You, however, knew him as a sarcastic, good humored intellect with an avid thirst for learning the unknown, and unlocking skills he’s never attempted. From the times you would visit his office or bump into each other in the hallways and have small talk, you learned that at one point in his life he was just as brash, brazen and impulsive as you are now. Before he considered becoming a professor, he was eager to study what you were studying in now, especially the study of phobias and humans’ reactions to certain fear-triggering events or objects. You were the only one that’s ever heard him snort at a god-awful joke you would attempt at, and the only one that’s ever seen him grin at you in such a way it made your stomach flip and flutter.
Perhaps you exposed yourself too much to him, or perhaps he was just so relatable you felt like you sometimes felt like you were talking to a part of yourself you’ve never discovered before. It slightly scared you how much he knew about you and it wasn’t even the end of the fall semester, but you trusted him in ways you’ve never trusted another before. He always promised you absolute confidentiality with your confessions to him, most out of pure merriment and in the goal of a strengthened friendship, like when you told him when you were fourteen you tried blending into the popular clique but still found yourself drawn to the nerds and theater kids once more. He once gave you such a dubious smirk at the notion of you once being the stereotypical geek, with what you claimed to be the unattractive flat hair, braces and awkward gait.
“I can hardly believe that of you.” he chuckled.
“Why? You can kinda tell, don’t lie.” you winked teasingly.
He tilted his head in his hand at you, looking your figure up and down so slowly and languidly that it made your face heat up with a sudden thrill you haven’t felt in a long time.
“Whoever you were before has grew into a fine young woman, that’s most of what I can see.” he looked at you seriously, his eyes hard with truth.
Ever since that you realized that the idea of him being closer than what you two already were was something else you wanted. You thirsted for it, like an obsession. Unhealthy, you weren’t sure, but you were careful not to give yourself away to him, in fear that it would destroy that friendship you two already had. Without anyone’s knowledge but his, you both called each other by your first names. You called him Koz, and he called you by the nickname you wanted him to call you.
Even just watching him write on the board, hearing his voice wrap you lovingly in it’s deep musical tones made your legs tighten in excitement. You furrowed your brows, trying to ignore the incoming thoughts of his voice saying your name like a mantra as you wrote down everything being scribbled on the board.
The guy next to you noticed your discomfort, and nudged his elbow with yours. You looked at him, affronted, “What?”
“You look pissed. You okay?” he looked suspicious.
“Shut up, I’m fine.”
Your blood froze, looking up at him in pure fear at being called out in front of class. His hands were folded behind his back, his eyes lingering on you and only you. The class stared at you, nearly a thousand eyes focused on your nervous leg bouncing and the pen in your hand being crushed by the amount of attention drawn onto you.
“I see you have already started to discuss with Stephen,” you could swear to the moon above he smirked ruefully, “Would you like to tell us what the definition of vorfreude is?”
You gulped quickly before looking down at your paper, noticing that the last couple notes were not even notes, they were sinful descriptions of what you wanted him to do to your mouth and in between your thighs. Your face grew incredibly red to the point it prickled your skin as you stood up. You never broke eye contact with him. You can’t be weak now.
“Vorfreude is a German word to define a type of intense anticipation of imagining future pleasures.”
He nodded, his smirk subsiding to something even darker at the moment you uttered the word ‘future’, “Excellent. Glad to see you’re still paying attention despite your distractions.”
Some people snickered at your red face deepening in color as you plopped back down in your seat. By now Koz was shuffling the exams collected last week, freshly graded and corrections that could leave someone in tears if not taken lightly.
As he passed around the graded exams going over the class’s weak points and what to look forward to for the next midterm, you doodled a bit more in your notebook and wrote more lines of absolute sin into a poetic verse, something E. E. Cummings would be absolutely proud of.
You read over your lines, admiring the visual rhymes as well as the absolute clear imagery of being locked into him, his arms like a vice as he would pull your hair and bite at the sensitive parts of your neck, and even now you squirmed at the daydream of such a carnal act going on in his office. More than anything, more than just impressing him with your knowledge and sharp tongue would be for him to pin you to the desk and make you cry out his name in ecstasy as your legs would quiver with release. You bit your lip as you tightened your grip on your sweatshirt, trying your damn hardest not to accidentally make a noise.
That’s when you noticed the shadow lurking over you.
You froze. Your entire body became still with horror and your blood turned cold as Koz read over your carnal poem and observed your lewd doodles with a casual eye as he handed you your exam. You reached out for it with a shaking hand and slowly placed it over the notebook page, knowing it was too late to hide the damage.
“Please see me after class about your note-taking.”
You nodded, trying to fight tears from the utter embarrassment as he finished handing out the exams. You close your notebook in disgust with yourself. Koz continues the class until 5:45, the usual time it ends when everyone wastes no time in dilly dallying and immediately leaving, most if not all heading to the dining hall for dinner. You, planning to indulge in just a minor dinner consisting of cereal or soup out of embarrassment and sadness, packed up slowly.
“(y/n), a word please.” he beckoned from his podium.
You refused to look at him as you stepped down from the lecture hall stairs to the podium, your backpack slung over your shoulder and your confidence crumbling even further as you waited with baited breath as he finished shutting off the projector and computer.
“You have quite a knack for poetry for someone who says English isn’t their forte, as well as for a psychology major.” he calmly noted, hardly glancing at you.
You couldn’t help it, you couldn’t hold it in anymore and let it burst from your chest, all your thoughts jumbled into a single rambling mess, “I swear I didn’t intend for you to see it, I just-I just-I don’t know why I did that and I know I messed up our friendship, it’s all my fault and I’m really really sorry, I seriously wasn’t thinking and I just can’t help but feel these things and it just makes it worse when I think about you, I don’t know what to do about it-”
A hand crept around the back of your neck and forced your head up, and without even a single warning you felt warm, wet lips enveloping yours, biting sweetly as well as fervently. You couldn’t help but make a noise of startlement at the sudden action, but before you could even have time to melt into the kiss, he pulled away, a smirk on his face.
“It’d be inappropriate for me to do such things, but more inappropriate for you to act on it as well. Yet, I know you are wise enough to not pursue it like you want to.” he stated, his eyes resembling molten gold.
Your gaze flattened, “Koz, what the fuck was that if you say you’re not ‘pursuing it’.”
He grinned, “Your confirmation of your feelings, as well as a promise of patience.”
He smirked again, tilting his head and embracing the feel of superiority again, “You have nearly one more year left. I wonder if you have the patience to stick it out-”
That pissed you off. You grabbed his black tie and pulled him down, startling him as you kissed him hard. You pulled away just as quickly, enjoying the look of surprise on his face as well as slight bewilderment at being cut off from gloating.
You smiled innocently, smoothing down his tie as well as the front of his jacket, “Nice to know I’m not the only one enjoying the feeling of vorfreude from now on. Have a good day, Professor.”
Without a second backwards glance, you confidently strode out of the lecture hall, leaving Koz impressed as well as out of breath at your grand exit. He didn’t realize he’d be aching for you just as much as you ached for him.
It’s only a year, right? Not too long…
Boy were you two wrong.
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creepie-cookie · 4 years
Logince Writer AU
Awhile back, I stumbled across some lovely fanart of a Logince Writer’s AU by @astronomy-is-cute​, and it prompted me to write out a completely self-indulgent bullet-fic-but-not-really of how the pair came to meet. Enjoy? 
Both are seniors at the same college but haven’t had any classes together before, which honestly isn’t that surprising given their different majors
Logan is majoring in neuroscience since it combines two of his favorite subjects – psychology and chemistry. He’s enrolled in a special program where he’ll be able to obtain both his bachelor’s and master’s degree in five years, and this is his final year.
Roman is an English major with a special focus on creative writing. He started out as a theatre major, but halfway through his sophomore year a creative writing elective convinced him to switch majors. He adores acting, but writing offered him a creative outlet he hadn’t been able to resist.
Like all great AUs, they eventually meet in a coffeeshop, called the Jittery Beanery.
Although he is loath to admit it, Logan is NOT a morning person and is barely functional until he’s downed at least half his daily dose of double espresso, so the coffeeshop is his first stop every day (and he schedules all his classes for 10 and later).
While he drinks his coffee, he sets up his workstation in the back corner of the café because the muted bustle of the morning crowd helps him focus. Most of the time he pulls out his laptop and spiral-bound to work on his senior thesis (there’s so much to do!), but other times he just brings some books and his trusty spiral-bound notebook for notes.
Roman has always been a morning person so he doesn’t need the extra boost. However, being the little extrovert he is, he thrives on the early-morning interaction with the baristas and whoever else he manages to charm. Plus, the Jittery Beanery’s caramel lattes are to die for
not to mention that cutie who always sits in the back but that’s not important…
Anyways, after he gets his latte (decaf!), Roman usually sticks around to “work” – he doesn’t usually get any writing done, but seeing all the different people that come to the shop works wonders for his creativity. He always carries a spiralbound notebook with him to jot down any ideas he has (and it definitely doesn’t have a few pages about that cutie in the back but again, that’s not important)
One day, Roman finally decides to try to get to know that quiet little figure because he can’t stop thinking about him because he’s never seen him talk to anyone else and who knows, he might just need a prince to sweep him off his feet!
But you see, his grand plan to woo the other student doesn’t quite go as, well, planned as our poor boy Roman had not known to take into account just how much Logan disdained human interaction first thing in the morning
After about three failed pickup lines and seven dazzling smiles went completely ignored (how tragic!), Roman eventually gave up and retreated to his usual seat near the entrance to recover from the harsh blows of the other man’s stoic silence
The only problem (aside from not getting the cute boy’s number)? In his retreat, he had grabbed the wrong notebook
Neither of them realize the mistake until later that day.
Logan uncovered the mistake shortly after Roman left the café. He picked up the notebook intending to reference a quote he’d written the day before, but instead found an incredibly detailed character sketch. Logan would be falsifying his speech if he said he wasn’t at least mildly impressed by the degree of meticulousness and sheer care the owner of the notebook had shown in their outline of the character’s personality traits and backstory. Although fictional pursuits had never particularly inspired him, he found himself in awe at the dedication illustrated in those pages.
He didn’t spend the rest of his morning immersing himself in Roman’s fictional world… most definitely not. That would have been an illogical use of his time given the amount of his own work he needed to do. No, he definitely focused entirely on his own tasks that morning.
Meanwhile, Roman has been pretty busy with his classes, so he doesn’t have a chance to crack open Logan’s notebook until lunchtime. Once he does? Let’s just say that Roman has never found chemical equations so sexy
Luckily, Logan is a Responsible Student, and he wrote his name and number on the inside cover and Roman definitely didn’t let out a small squeak because holy frick he has his number now
Roman calls Logan soon after finding his number because he can tell this notebook contains a lot of important information the nerd was surely missing dearly by then and not because he wanted an excuse to meet up with him that evening instead of in the coffeeshop the next morning.
Logan answers on the third ring (because of course he has does) with a professional, “Hello, this is Logan speaking” and Roman responds with gusto: “Hello my dear fellow notebook-keeper! I believe I may have accidentally acquired something of yours!”
They agree to meet at a local café that night (surprisingly, Logan proposed the idea – after all, it was only logical that he should get his notebook back before the next morning. It had nothing to do with wanting an excuse to talk to the man who behind such an intricate fantasy world. That particular detail was completely irrelevant to his motivations.)
After this first meet-up (and mutual gay panicking at said meet-up), the two quickly grow close. They each admired the passion the other had for their respective subjects, and they bonded over their mutual love of writing.
They decided to move in together for the next semester, and although they shared certain bad habits (such as staying up way too late to finish “just one more page”), together they helped keep each other a little more accountable when it came to taking care of themselves.
Over time, Logan helped Roman find a new appreciation for the beauty of the natural world, and Roman helped Logan explore new areas, even convincing him to try his hand at writing science fiction.
When Logan finally completed his thesis paper for his Master’s program, Roman gifted him a 100,000 word Sherlock Holmes fanfiction featuring his favorite nerd as Holmes’s partner.
When Roman’s first novel hit the press a couple years later, Logan handed him an envelope with a pair of Broadway tickets to his favorite musical. After the musical, he gave him the rest of his gift in the form of a ring ;)
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magsgoestocollege · 5 years
I finished my first semester of college!
Hi, guys! 
I kinda can’t believe it but I just had the last class of my first semester of college. As I’m heading into finals week, I just wanted to take a second and reflect on where I am now as opposed to the first week of college.
Let’s Talk Academics I Guess
First of all this is w a c k. I remember being so fucking scared at the beginning because I didn’t know how I was gonna measure up against the ~college standard~ bc like I didn’t know how it would compare to my high school since I was an IB kid. I did a ton of writing in high school and I was a writing tutor for 3 years but I was still super worried that I was gonna suck in a college setting. Not to like,, toot my own horn but I’ve always been considered a really good writer and I’ve been really proud of that. When I got to college I did a little bit of a doubletake when I realized a lot of my peers were also Really Good Writers, and I realized I still had some stuff to work on that I hadn’t really noticed in hs. 
That being said, everyone wants you to succeed and improve. No prof is just gonna be like “yo you suck at writing shit good luck in college lol.” All of my profs critiqued my writing and I learned from it. Ik its hard to process if you’re in high school but like,,, you’re literally paying these people to help you learn and they actually WANT to help you learn. If you roll up to a professor’s office hours and say hey can I talk to you about something they will say yes! ik that’s scary but I promise it’s really helpful. 
Living Situation
Still living in Hubbard in my single even though I submitted my paperwork to move months ago. I reaaaally wanna move to a house up-campus because I need a little more social life than I’m getting now, but I am legitimately going to miss some of the people in this house now. Like my neighbors from down the hall and I have bonded over the loud girls next door and sometimes we go get ice cream on Friday nights. But there’s nothing to say I have to stop doing that when I move so I guess it’s a win? Either way, it’ll be weird to move somewhere else halfway through the year when I’ve developed a routine and settled into my room.
Social Life Whomst
Cool story I actually have friends? It took me until almost Thanksgiving to finally realize that I had people that I could text to grab dinner or go study or go downtown but I have them! This is a major difference from the first couple weeks where I didn’t know anyone and I could count the number of people I talked to on one hand (lmao #the dark side of college if you wanna find those tags). 
My birthday is in a couple days and I’m hosting a movie night and a couple months ago it would be me alone in my room but no! It’s gonna be me and eight other people in our pjs crashed on the floor of an academic building with pizza and cheesy movies and people actually want to get excited about my birthday for the first time in ages and wow... I just.. I’m still working on finding even more people but I love my tiny family :)
Emotional State 
I’m just so content. I don’t have tons of friends, but I love the ones I have. Almost all of my classes were amazing this semester and even the ones that weren’t stellar were still great. I joined the musical theatre org and found a whole family of people who love what I love and we’re doing High School Musical 2 next semester and I can’t wait, even though half the juniors are going abroad and I befriended so many of them and I’m gonna miss them so much. 
TL;DR: It gets better. I promise. Things aren’t perfect and they might not be, but that’s okay because I’m so happy where I’m at, and I promise you will be too.
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triviaggukcore · 6 years
her blooming flower | one
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prologue / one / two
→summary: you’ve known him since you were just a young girl during his trainee days. He watched you grow into a woman, but he’s always hated you from day one for whatever reason it may be. To you, he thought of you as a nobody. But what you weren’t aware of was a secret that he never wanted you to know.
→pairing: enemy!jungkook x dancer!reader
→word count: 7.6k
→genre: angst, fluff, maybe smut??, some humor
→warning: implied smut
→a/n: hi guys, it’s finally here! I’m so sorry it’s been almost two months! It’s been super hectic from having family over the break and having no time to write. And it became even more hectic as my schedule became packed when coming back to second semester of school. I had theatre rehearsals every day after school until 6pm to prepare for our musical back in January with so much homework and chores to do, and then I was gone with my dance team at Disney World for 4 days which also didn’t give me any time to write, and missing three school days. I had to make up a bunch of work to bring up failing grades which had me super stressed out. Now that it’s February, it’s competition season and this past Saturday was the second contest. I’ve just been constantly tired physically, mentally, and emotionally where I just lost so much motivation to write. But I definitely took time in between my spare time to try the best I could. So thankfully, it is now here and the good news, I have a two week break before last contest. I will say this series will have a bit of slow updates. It just all depends on how packed my schedule is. But most of all, I would like to thank you all for being super patient with me, I really appreciate it sweeties! I would also like to thank @9uk and @stxrrysuga for being wonderful helpers into keeping me motivated and writing just a few small details that’ll help me get going.
Another side note, I’d like to credit and thank  @dearmyjimin for granting me permission to use a concept she made on her blog which I was desperate and in such need for this series since I felt like it could absolutely be perfect for the storyline. Once again thank you!! The concept is based on 3J! That is all I have to say as you all should read and find out what it is.
So here it is finally! Chapter one! Enjoy!
It was dawn when you had woken up, your eyes drowsy from the lack of sleep you had been getting the last few days. The constant late nights because of work had kept you up at ungodly hours of the night. You tried to get fewer hours but you knew you needed the money so you stuck with the long hours and your days dragged on, each one seemed longer than the next. You sat up and sighed softly as you climbed out of bed while grabbing your glasses and putting them on. Your mind clouded with thoughts of what was going to take place later today, so you walked over to your desk and took a glimpse of your planner that you created almost a year ago.
Today, at 8am, you have breakfast with your best friend Jess, a contemporary lesson at noon, then lunch at 1pm, and then game night at Taehyung’s, including a no work shift today.
Okay, not so much to do today. Thank God. You grabbed your phone and put some music on shuffle with your mini speaker, then made your way over to the bathroom. You did your daytime skincare routine after doing your business on the toilet. While washing your face, you wondered how could you get this far in life. No, you’re not famous. You thought it would be kind of a scary career. But you still wanted to dance and create amazing pieces for artists for the wish of sharing your work to the world. Plus, you have choreographed for some artists before.
You’re not always booked for appointments with idols, but your schedule does get tight due to the fact that you work. You basically have a job at this cafe in Seoul, and you’re still working at your mom’s studio, hosting classes every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday night. You usually teach contemporary and ballet but you have taught some hip hop classes too, due to the fact that you’ve choreographed for some idols as an example. It’s been requested by many residents who take your classes for you to teach more hip hop. And you might as well take that chance to balance all the styles out.
Looking at your face in the mirror after washing your face, you also thought about how life was for you when you moved to Korea. You missed your friends from back home, but you also love it here too. And you made some decent close friends here too, especially Jess being the closest friend you see literally every day. And of course, you can’t forget the Bangtan boys. You grew close with the boys over the years, they basically became your family. You always had fun with them, whether it was game nights or through video chat. And you have a very special bond with each of the boys, nothing was ever different from how you all acted with each other.
They adore you a lot, and you were like their very own little sister that they look out for. They all found you sweet and sincere, prestigious, intelligent, and super adorable. Well, except Jungkook. He, being the only one who disagrees, finds you as the exact opposite. He’s got one hell of a grudge against you. All because of a damn smoothie you accidentally spilled on him a couple years ago. You find it super confusing and a little dumb that he treats you like shit over that incident. Although, it saddens you too as you took the blame upon yourself, coming up with the many excuses in your head. Maybe he was having a really bad day and you just so happened to ruin it even more. If you were paying a little more attention, you would have caught yourself and not spilled your smoothie on him. Then maybe, just maybe, you could have had a better introduction with each other and become friends.
Jungkook loves to criticize and pick on you. Everyday. That’s no surprise to you. But you don’t usually conduct to anything he does to you, and it made him full of annoyance from how you wouldn’t try defending yourself (more so, argue). But there’s a reason why you don’t. If you ever stood up against Jungkook, you’re sure that he will probably laugh his ass off at your pathetic self. You don’t think you could ever try to face him with defense. It doesn’t work that way for you. Sure, it hurts you. But you find it useless to do so. And being the sweet person you are, you’re not gonna want to come out as some bitch.
No matter how much you respect him and treat him nicely, your presence is what makes him irritated. The man has got a grudge against you.
Sliding out of your pajamas, you threw on a random outfit and then you sat down at your vanity set and decided how you were going to look upon your face and hair. After 30 minutes, you were already putting on a pair of shoes at your front door. You grabbed your bag and car keys, and you were out the door of your apartment. Shortly then, you were on the road.
“Okay, so here are all my ideas for the boys’ next comeback. I’ve been working on this for a couple of days now and I thought I’d share them with you!” Your friend Jess said, dropping a plain journal in front of you next to your plate full of breakfast. You picked up the journal once you set your vanilla latte down and opened the journal, flipping through the ridiculous full pages of notes and ideas followed up for BTS’ comeback.
You gave her a glance, “You are crazy. Are you seriously helping them find new concept ideas? I thought they already figured that out.”
She shrugged, “Not exactly. Besides, they asked for my help so I could have better ideas on what music to produce with Yoongi and Namjoon.”
“A sexy comeback darker than the Love Yourself: Tear and Wings era?” You read aloud, “Sounds kinda…”
“Kinda good right? I think it’s time they now get into that, and besides, they’re all adults now that Jungkook became one.” She mentioned.
“You do know he’s been an adult for a few years now.”
Jess glared at you, “And him being an expert shirt lifter was only the beginning of his little bad boy era.”
The thought of Jungkook and his image only made you feel weird. He grew up drastically and puberty hit him harder than a truck. Instead, it was more like god and the devil worked together to mix cute and hot in their mixing bowl but decided to go with he’s gonna make every person gush in adoration and suddenly they get down on their knees and are thirsty hoes. But, there’s no denying that he really had you gawking at him. After all, you do like the man.
You nodded, “Wow, how logical.” Your sarcasm erupted as you took a sip of your latte. She hummed, “You know it’s true. Anyways, what’s going on for you today? Are you coming to game night?”
“Yeah, I am. I have a contemporary class to teach at noon, then lunch, and then I have a whole day to myself until game night. I think I might do some shopping, maybe go to the book store and read a few novels since my package arrived there. If I have time, I might just work on my poetries.” Yes, you write since you found your love for novels. Thanks to your dad’s career. He’s the best selling author in the country and back in yours.
“Speaking of dance,” Jess started, “Did you hear about 3J Studio?’
Yes, 3J as in J-Hope, Jimin, and Jungkook, the BTS dance line. They built a dance studio for those who want to have exclusive dance lessons with the boys. Millions of people have signed up for classes just so they can stand a chance to be coached by the boys. You were yet excited and definitely going to their first class on Saturday.
You nodded, “I did. Jimin and Hoseok told me about it. I’m really excited about this Saturday.” You smiled. “Me too!” Jess gushed, “Are you planning on attending?” She asked. “Of course! For sure I’m taking Jimin and Hoseok’s class.”
“Oh, but not Jungkook’s?” She raised an eyebrow. You sighed, “I mean, I’m not sure if I want to. I know he’s a great dancer and I’m certain he’s going to be an amazing coach but do you really think I want to feel the awkward tension where his blood literally boils around me? I’m not sure if I even want people to be speculating his hate for me. That’ll just put him at risk.” You fiddled with the thin straw in your latte, stirring it.
“But it’s not like he would ever talk to you in front of his students, would he? He’s an asshole, don’t get me wrong. Yet, I’m pretty sure he’s not an ass to treat you like crap.” Jess stated, “There’s no way he would do that to you in front of many people.”
“I guess you’re right.” You shrugged. The guy always puts you down and even humiliates you, he probably wouldn’t do that in public otherwise it would defame his image. The people wouldn’t even know who you are anyways. You’re only specified as, BTS’ friend, BTS’ music producer, Jess’ friend, Min Yoongi’s wife’s friend. It’s pretty much anything with you labeled as a friend of the band.
“He’s such a dumbass.” Jess shook her head. You looked up at her, “Hey, don’t say that about him. You know that’s not nice.”
She rolled her eyes and glared at you, “Really? Y/N, You’re defending him when all he ever does is bitch at you? He’s one hell of a brat who’s still stuck up on that smoothie mess! He makes me want to shove my foot in his face.”
“But you know he doesn’t have to like me right? Come on, Jess. Besides, the accident was my fault anyway.” You said softly as your eyes wandered somewhere else. “You really like him, don’t you?”
Your head snapped back at her, “Just because I like him doesn’t mean that has to do with what happened in the past.”
“Oh, so defending him and constantly worrying about his health along with your care and support in every accomplishment he achieves doesn’t mean anything to the way you feel about him?” Jess caught you there. “It’s not that I… I don’t know, Jessica.” You sighed, holding your cup firmly with both hands, “I respect him whether he doesn’t like me or not. My feelings don’t matter. He would never feel anything romantic for me. Besides, he has a girlfriend who’s definitely prettier and has a more slammin’ body than me.” You awkwardly locked a piece of your hair behind your ear.
“And this is where I call you stupid.” Jess looked at you, “That girl could never compare. She’s only got a pretty face but not a nice personality. Plus, you’re freaking gorgeous. More than she is. I don’t think you have any idea on that she’s only dating Jungkook for the attention and the fame.” She ate a bite of her egg sandwich, speaking in a mouthful, “The girl is a hooker but Jungkook being his gullible dumbass self believes she loves him for him.
You sighed, “Of course.” He loves her.
“And 5, 6, 7,  TILT. Excellent!” You complimented, watching through the mirror as everyone in the studio did a tilt from the floor and rolled into fetus position. “So that whole 8-piece, just remember that it’s very very subtle, not too much energy until after the tilt, which you want to push your legs up and extend them like a whip but as light as a feather. Have grace with the tilt. 5, 6, 7, UP!” You demonstrated by being an example and showing your students the technique.
“She’s good isn’t she?” Jimin said with his arms crossed as he observed your teaching skills and your charismatic moves. “I’m really surprised she declined the trainee offers from the entertainment industries.” Hoseok nodded in agreement. A chuckled then came along, “I’m not.” Jungkook smirked.
“Dude, you’ve been going against every word we say about her.” Hoseok crossed his arms to face Jungkook. “Since day one.” He specifically added. Jungkook narrows his eyes as if he couldn’t comprehend what Hoseok was trying to get at.
But only the blind wouldn’t be able to tell that Jungkook bears a deep, stubborn grudge on you. And his attitude towards you contrasted too much from his members for them to not notice his behavior. It was an issue constantly swept under the carpet to not escalate things given Jungkook’s temper, but the matter has finally rose from dust. “Yeah that’s right, did she do something to offend you or something?” Jimin looks at Jungkook worriedly. The both of them kept going on about the issue of you, pressing Jungkook to the end of wits.
“Yo, if you have seen...another side of her she’s not showing to us,” The three of them slowly spin to watch you conduct the dance class. The smile on your face when you teach, and the way you go about asking every student about their struggles and issues—make Hoseok doubted the words that came out of his mouth. You looked genuinely passionate in this company, and it couldn’t be that you put up an act in front of evil intentions for so long. As long as however many years. Jungkook remains his gaze on you for a while, before his hands are coming up to rip off his hair from his scalp in frustration as he groans. “I-It’s not like that..! It’s just.. just the sight of her irks me!” He knew he sounded like a brat hating on someone as innocent as you for no reason at all. But before he could save himself from further embarrassment, you are strolling towards his triangle of friends with an anticipated look cast on your features.
“What are you guys talking about?” Your voice interrupts his rant. The three men stare at you in expressions you can’t make out—you couldn’t tell what they were thinking. Then the both Hoseok and Jimin shot Jungkook looks.
“Uh…” Jimin darts his gaze back and forth his two friends, before pulling you by the arm away from them. “Come on, let’s get a drink.”
And with that, you and Jimin walked out into the hallway to the studio kitchen where there were a few staff eating lunch. “So are you going to join us this Saturday at our studio?” You took out a bottle full of cold water from the refrigerator when you opened as Jimin leaned on the wall next to him. “Definitely. I’m excited what you guys have in store for your lessons and I’ll be taking them all too.” You took a couple sips from the water. Jimin looked at you with a raised eyebrow, recalling that you are taking ALL the lessons, “And by all, you mean you’re going to participate in Jungkook’s class too?”
You clenched your lips together in awkwardness, “It wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t take his but yours and Hoseok’s would it?” You sighed, “And besides, even if he cared, he’ll forget I’m even there. He’s going to have a class filled with people, and his main focus is his students.” Leaning against the counter backward, you always felt awkward talking about him with his members, and it wasn’t because you didn’t want to say the wrong thing at all. His hyungs were always lecturing him about you and never accepted the behavior he acted upon you. They didn’t know what really happened the day of the stupid incident because he never liked to talk about it or else he would have been made fun of or worse. They don’t even know why he’s held a grudge against you for so long. So what is the problem? When will he man up and get over it?
Jimin sighed, “At least you’re not an asshole like him.”
“Truth or dare?” Taehyung looked over at Jess as he popped the question.
“Dare.” She smirked.
After playing Jenga, Uno, checkers, and a whole bunch of other games in Taehyung’s house, everyone, including some of the boys’ girlfriends, are sitting in a circle on the floor with beers and snacks playing truth or dare. And unfortunately, Jungkook’s girl, Yuna couldn’t be there. But you felt relieved and happy about it. She’s just as worse as Jungkook. Pretty yet mean and nasty to you.
“Funny you guys are bickering but since you all ate my jjigae, I haven’t gotten a single bowl of it you hungry ass pigs!” Jin exclaimed just when Taehyung and Jess bickered over who has the best shoes.
“It was some good shit though.” Taehyung’s mouth waters, “I wish I could have more.”
Jin mumbles something under his breath and takes one huge gulp of his beer.
“Okay moving on. Truth or dare, Y/N?” Jimin turns to you. You kept your knees close to your chest, looking down as you weren’t prepared for your answer. You were always unsure and nervous about whatever choice you choose. You could feel everyone’s eyes on you, especially Jungkook with his little smirk.
“Ummm… truth?” You weren’t sure but went with it anyway. “Who was your first kiss?”
And that question almost made you shit yourself, “W-What?” You could feel your eyes widened.
How the hell were you going to tell that you’ve never kissed anyone before without feeling embarrassed?
“I’m sure she doesn’t want to reveal her privacy.” Namjoon noticed the nerves just by the position you were in. You were hugging your knees which were up to your chest. Jess even looked over at you in such worry since she’s the only one who knows you haven’t had the experience.
You gulped and stuttered, pushing up your glasses, “I uh… I actually never kissed anyone before.” You said softly as you looked down.
Taehyung raised his eyebrows in surprise, “What? No way. Seriously?” You looked up at Taehyung and looked at all the other reactions. They seemed just as surprised as him.
“That’s surprising.” Yoongi nodded in agreement. Jungkook rolled his eyes in annoyance, “Not a surprise to me, I mean look at her.” He looked over at you in disgust and you only looked down in shame. You felt so embarrassed and disgusted with your own self with not having any experience with a guy at all.
Jess glared over at him just as her blood was boiling, she could beat his ass at any second now, “Shut the fuck up, you ass. She doesn’t need your nasty opinions.”
Jungkook shrugged, “Like I care.”
“I think it’s great that she’s never kissed anyone, Jungkook.” Nari, Taehyung’s girlfriend, spoke in regards to defending you. Nari is sweet and soft, and even a creative person. She’s a cosmetologist in makeup and is definitely talented in making so many makeup combinations. She’s short and a few years older, around the same age as Taehyung. She has gorgeous glowing honey skin with long black colored curly hair, and lovely blue eyes. She’s just as beautiful as Taehyung and to you, they’re considered the most beautiful couple ever.
“It’s a good thing, stop being an ass Jungkook,” Jimin glared at him. You sat there awkwardly but you gave a little smile at Nari for giving her defense.
“Don’t mind him, Y/N. It’s good that you haven’t had your first kiss. You don’t need one, not even a guy. You’re a strong independent woman who doesn’t need a man.” Hoseok, who was sitting beside you, smiled at you with a good rub on your shoulder, “And you are also a beautiful woman.” He added, being sweet and full of sunshine as always. You could feel yourself blush and get shy at his compliment, “Thank you.” You nodded.
Of course, Jungkook shook his head unsatisfied. He knew that you never had a boyfriend. Everyone knew. And he was sure that you weren’t ever going to get one. But what he didn’t know was that you were definitely talking to someone as opposed to be dating soon.
“What do you mean she’s talking to Jonghoon?” He asked Taehyung as he looked at him in disbelief. It was the next morning and the two boys were in the kitchen making themselves some breakfast.
Taehyung glanced over at Jungkook from where he was cutting tofu, “What do you think I mean?”
While sighing, Jungkook bit his lip in question while he shook his head, “You’re kidding me right? He’s a frat! Does she not know that?” Was he actually for real? There’s no way you could be talking to some player. Jonghoon is a friend of Taehyung’s who used to be a trainee at BigHit. He’s damn beautiful and looks like he could be related to Taehyung. Tall, caramel skin, built, an unreal God like face, yet he’s definitely one hell of a man who only hooks up and has one night stands, leaving girls the very next day. Jungkook wasn’t very fond of him because he knows he isn’t the type of guy himself to play around with women.
“Apparently not.” Taehyung shrugged, “I tried telling her that he’s not what she thinks he is, but she didn’t listen.”
“She’s stupid! You could have told Jonghoon to back off! He can’t talk to her! She’s not realizing that fucker could slip his hand in her panties and fuck her! She’s not into those things! She’s not ready and she shouldn’t be anywhere near him” He exclaimed in anger.
“And why all of a sudden are you sounding like you care about Y/N?” Taehyung raised an eyebrow at him, he could sense the protection Jungkook had for you.
“You’re fucking crazy. I don’t give a crap about her. I’m just saying that she shouldn’t be talking to him because he’s not good for her at all.”
Taehyung hummed, but he wasn’t convinced, “Okay, whatever you say. But I can’t forget to add that she’s going on a date with him later this afternoon.” He smirked.
“WHAT?!” Jungkook looked at Taehyung as if his eyes could pop out of his sockets.
“Yeah, you heard me. A date. Where two people who are attracted to each other go and hang out to be romantic and shit like that.” Taehyung kept his little smile, waiting for Jungkook’s major defense mode.
“It’s definitely not an attraction or going to be romantic when really he’s gonna take her home and get in her pants.” He growled and his tongue poked out of his cheek, “She’s not going on that date. I have to go tell her this after I eat breakfast.”
It was around two o’clock in the afternoon and Jungkook took forever to find out where you were going on your date with Jonghoon. Jess could not answer his calls from her being occupied in the studio with Yoongi, Jonghoon wouldn’t tell Taehyung exactly where he was meeting with you, Jimin, Jin, and Namjoon had no idea of you going on a date. That was left with Hoseok who had been stuck in the 3J studio finishing his choreography for his first class tomorrow, had known exactly where you were going to meet Jonghoon. The Lounge Cafe.
It was a twenty minute drive but he didn’t care. He needed to find you and prevent you from hanging out with Jonghoon. When he arrived, the cafe was definitely modernized although that wasn’t the point. His eyes roamed the cafe from sitting in his parked car and that’s where they landed on a familiar girl wearing a cream floral dress, sitting alone outside at a table while reading a book. It was you.
With honesty, Jungkook thought you looked stunning. Maybe because he’s never seen you all dressed up. But your presence somewhat attracted him. His eyes read your look. The way your hair flowed from the light breeze, your adorable wide eyes blinking as you flipped a page, the way your posture is. Undoubtedly yet not realization, Jungkook always had thought you were beautiful without even saying you are. You are just naturally attractive. He wondered what life would have been if you weren’t so irking… or if maybe just things went the right way between you two. Would you two have become friends? Would there have been any feelings of? Well, that’s not that he would know of.
Before his thoughts could go any further to drive him away distractedly, he snapped out of them since he was here for a reason. Jungkook got out of his car, taking his keys, phone, and wallet and slipping them into his sweatpants as his made his way over to you, knowing of the arrangement with Jonghoon. When he reached you, he was already infuriated just as he took a seat in front of you, “Why are you wasting your time?”
You looked up from the page you were reading of your book to find Jungkook sitting right there with an incensed expression on his face. What the hell was he talking about? “Excuse me?” You questioned.
He let out a hollow laugh, “The guy isn’t worth the time, Y/N. Are you blind?” Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion, “You mean Jonghoon? How do you even know him?” Most of all, how did he know about this? Jungkook shook his head, “He is a friend of a friend I have. And he has a reputation Y/N. He doesn’t take too fondly to girls… that aren’t experienced.” His thumbs circled around each other as his fingers were interlocked.
You sighed, “And why do you care? You don’t know if he’s really like that, Jungkook.”
His eyes rolled in exasperation and looked at you, “Look Y/N, I know what I’m saying. I know that douche too well and you are just walking into one of his traps.” He nodded in assurance. “How did you even know about this?” You asked, “First of all, this is my business that you’re barging into. I don’t think he’ll even do such thing to hurt me.”
Jungkook leaned towards you, “He will use you for a bad purpose and break your heart, Y/N.” His voice deepened, “So don’t cry when he leaves you stranded and broken.”
You giggled, not believing him, “Please, he won’t.” You crossed your arms while leaning back on the chair, “And if that doesn’t work out and I end up wrong, then lesson learned. I like him.” You shrugged in yet confidence. Jungkook studied you in distaste with a hum, “You are so blind huh? Not just in sight but in judgment.”
That’s when you just had enough. What rights does he have to be telling you this? You were done kissing his ass, “Judgement? Who are you to tell me this? Why can’t I just like anyone for crying out loud? Are you that surprised at the fact I’m probably going to start dating?” You asked.
Jungkook nodded with no expression, “Obviously yes, as no guy would ever be interested in you anyways.” He shrugged as he sat back. You looked down in distress. It was true, but yet you just had a strong feeling that Jonghoon was actually interested in you, “At least it feels nice when someone is interested in me...” You said quietly.
“As if any guy would.” He said expressionlessly. You have yet nothing to say and he got the message that you were done listening. He got up from his seat as he looked at you with no sympathy, “Don’t blame me if he tears you apart.” And with that, he walked off. You sat there, not knowing what to think. You didn’t want to believe him because you were already over with him being an ass. He couldn’t be telling the truth… right?
The clear skies with shining sun soon faded when dark and grey clouds have flown into them. It would have been much better as a delight to maybe brighten up the day a little and not ruin it for you after what just clearly happened.
Jungkook on the other hand just did not care about what was going on with you and Jonghoon. Or does he because of the guy’s reputation with girls? No, that didn’t matter to him. If Jonghoon did anything to mess with you, then it was your fault for not listening to Jungkook. And he basically told you so. No fucks were given in the end.
At the end of practice at BigHit’s dance studio, Jungkook sat down on the floor with his back against the wall and grabbed his phone. Seeing an odd countless amount of messages from Jess, he was confused. She seemed worried and angry, but why was she?
Jess (4:33pm): Jungkook, idk where you are right now and honestly i don’t care but y/n hasn’t come home and i’m fucking worried.. Like seriously.
Jess(4:33pm): Can you look around and see if you can find her?
Jess(4:36pm): If you don’t, just know your hair won’t make it to the morning :)
Jungkook groaned in annoyance and responded.
Jungkook(5:02pm): Are you serious?? Do I really have to do this? Why can’t you just ask any of the other guys?
Jess(5:07pm): For one, Yoongi is at the studio but he is working on your comeback so he is out of the question. Hoseok is with Family at the moment, Jin is probably asleep, Jimin is out with Taehyung somewhere and Namjoon… I’m not sure where he is but you’re in her area and I need someone asap as my car is out of gas unless I’d be doing this shit my fucking self.
Jungkook(5:08pm) I could just give you money or bring gas to you. I literally have no idea where she is and I am nowhere in any mood to even find her.
Jess(5:12pm): See you’re the last fucking person I want to ask anyway but I need you to do this cause I’m working on something for Mr. Bang and if it’s not finished I am screwed. So just text Namjoon as he was the last one to talk to her after you decided to be an ass before her fucking date. Which I'm tempted to smack you for doing but you’re right about this guy which is why I'm extra worried… so just for my fucking sanity please jungkook. I’ll pay you back in whatever the fuck you ask for, games etc. just do it.
Jungkook(5:14pm): fine, but let this be the last fucking time you ask me to do something with y/n involved. I give no fucks about her or whatever she does with that douche just an FYI.
Jess(5:15pm): you can say that all you want but I know you Jungkook. Just find her, and if that fucker has hurt her tell me so I can plan his fucking funeral.
Jungkook(5:17pm): What is this, you’re not believing me now? In what aspect do you mean by knowing me? As if. But whatever, you can do whatever you want. If she ends up hurt, I’ll tell you. But it’s her fault and I don’t care anyway. She’s a stubborn pain in the ass and is the last person I ever want to put in my car no offense.
Jess(5:18pm): Whatever Jungkook, you act like a douche on purpose but I won’t argue with you as you’re just as hardhead as yoongi. So just find her, I have shit too before Mr. Bang has my head on a pike.
Jungkook(5:19pm): alright fine. I’ll keep you updated if I find her or not.
Jess(5:21pm): Thank you... You really don’t understand how much I am thankful that you are doing this. She is like a daughter to me. So yeah I gtg Mr. Bang is yelling at me now lmao
Jungkook(5:22pm): I mean I guess lol… I’m only doing this for you.
Jess(5:23pm): it won’t only be me in the end, but thanks.
Jungkook(5:23pm): no problem
Jungkook sighed in annoyance and hung up slipped his phone in his pocket. Do I really have to do this? Yes, of course, he does. He’s not that much of an ass to reject doing a favor for someone who needs it. And if Jess is that damn worried about you, then he may as well go out and find you. Jungkook grabbed his backpack and carries it on his back after putting his sweaty towel in and zipping it up. Walking out to his car, he thought to himself, what happens if he doesn’t find you at all?
During the car ride, he went to various places that he could in order to find you. Locations that may seem where you might be based on where you probably like to go. And he even went to the most random places too. He’s driven around everywhere in Seoul basically trying to find just you.
An hour passed and you were not found. Jungkook was in utter anger and stress that he’s wasted on time looking for you. He just wanted to go home badly to rest, and at that point for finding you everywhere, he’s given up. He shook his head and turned his car around to his way home. How was he going to tell Jess that he didn’t find you?
Although it was one question that he was focused on, there was another one that he just couldn’t help but keep thinking about the most. Is she okay?
The thought if it makes him worry a little. And it was odd. Where could you possibly be that you suddenly disappeared all day? Then suddenly while driving down a road, he found someone familiar walking on the sidewalk with their head down. Their outfit just seemed to look too much like what you were wearing earlier. Your figure and the way you walk even caught him off guard. With curiosity and hope, Jungkook slowly drove up close to get a better look of you, and as soon as he was just there, it was suddenly and thankfully you, walking with your head down.
To be sure of it, Jungkook rolled down his window and slowed down next to you, “Y/N?” The familiar voice caught you off guard and caused you to turn. Surprisingly, you found Jungkook in his black luxurious car right next to you. And it was definitely bad that he could see your face full of sadness and regret.
Jungkook, who was ready to pop off his madness and yell at you, studied your face. Your eyes were puffy and watery, your nose was red and cheeks were a peachy color. You had been crying and for some reason, his face softened. It was weird seeing you cry and it didn’t make him feel good inside at all.
“Go ahead, laugh at me.”
Jungkook stood there with trying to keep no expression on his face, but he only blinked, “I… I’m not going to,” he said quietly and he took a deep breath with his chest rising, “Get in, it’s gonna rain soon and Jess is worried sick.”
You shook your head with your arms still locked, and making no eye contact with him, “No thanks, I’m fine.” You turned to walk off in the same direction you were heading. That wasn’t until “Y/N please.” Jungkook watched you walk away. But you just kept walking. You knew you didn’t want to deal with him. But he wasn’t going to let you walk away from him.
“Y/N please stop.” His voice arose and it sounded quite like a demand. But that didn’t stop you from turning around with a pissed look on your face with tears streaming down your cheeks. “And why do you care?” And at that, Jungkook stays silent for a while.
You couldn’t be bothered to turn around to face him properly, for your insides were seething with rage and your heart felt empty to the core. Jungkook was right, he always was. The things he said to your face, how badly he spoke of you, and now this, about the guy who you thought was pretty decent—and something about Jeon Jungkook being right about everything is making your jaw clench in anger as you recall the buried grudge he has for you. Why must he keep meddling in your life? Right now, you wished he just disappeared off the face of earth. That way, your life would be much, much easier. You wouldn’t have to keep caring about your stupid feelings getting hurt and being the constant target and Jungkook’s antics.
And that’s the worst part. Feelings.
You’ve been harboring them for him god knows since when and you are afraid to open up about it to him. There’s this side of you Jungkook always fails to see and you doubt he ever will. Even if he does, it is highly unlikely that he would even care. And that is the question bothering you most as of the moment.
Why did he fucking care?
With your back facing him, you missed how he churns on his inner cheek and doesn’t know where to put his gaze. The rain pattering on the concrete floor didn’t provide him with the answers he needed. He directed the question back to himself and he realized he could not give closure as well.
With a sigh, he spoke, “Because I hate seeing you sad when it’s because of someone else hurting you like no one should or I shouldn’t.”
“I know you’re upset but can you please get in the car for my own good sake to get you home and save you from being sick at least?” Without a word, or looking at him, you walked past him and your shoulders barely touched as you walked to the passenger side of his car. That gave him a slight tingle in himself as he’s rarely been that close to you.
On the way back home, it was pure silence in the thin atmosphere. Jungkook gave glances to you here and there but you never once took a glimpse at him. And your position was obvious. You were sitting with your legs tightly closed and your fingers were brushing against each other as you only looked out the window, keeping your emotions as stable as you could. But it was so difficult to just give in and not cry. Then you realized, how could you be so stupid to not listen to him? He was right. You were angry. Not at Jungkook. But yourself. You felt bitchy. So bitter. Yet it was wrong to be that way to him. Although he has had a big hatred for you, you just can’t ever treat him the same. It just doesn’t work that way for you, which is a big problem. You’re too nice.
“He hurt you didn’t he?” His soft voice snapped you out of your thoughts, that you didn’t even realize he was already parked in front of your apartment. You gazed over at him and by the look on your face, Jungkook felt a little pang in his heart. Eyes puffy and glossy, your nose and cheeks peachy. He has never seen you cry once before, not even has he seen you express a sad or depressing emotion. He’s always seen you smile.
“Yes. And I let him.” Your voice cracked as if it hit the flu. Jungkook clenches his lips as he caught your eyes blink with tiny little tears, “What did he do?” You shook your head, “Just something that I learn my mistake from. It’s nothing-“
“Y/N” He started, “What did he do?” He stared at you with a straight face, almost like a demand. And it wasn’t that he was forcing you. He needed to know.
You sighed quietly as you could feel the slight order from him and you just couldn’t say no to him. “He groped me.” You vocalized in a shaky tone. Jungkook could feel his blood boil fast and kept calm, “Where did he touch you, Y/N?” His voice lowered.
“I c-can’t tell you-“
“If you can’t tell me, then point to where did he touch you.”
You gulped and your heart thumped rapidly, “Um…” You didn’t want any trouble at all and you were so hesitant in just telling him Jonghoon’s attempt to getting in your pants. But Jungkook could tell what he tried to do when you stuttered and look down at your most private area. As soon as you picked your head up at him, your tears were already swimming around your eyes, “H-He-“ you tried to speak but you were cut off by Jungkook’s hand grabbing you and pulling you onto his lap with your legs straddling him, in which you began to let out a breathy cry. His arms engulfed around your fragile figure and he held you tight in his arms, your response with burying your face in his neck with your hands on his hard chest as you sobbed in his neck.
But this was weird. You’re sitting on your enemy’s lap and he’s comforting you. He’s practically holding you in his own arms and you’re letting him. Ye his comfort made you feel safe… and you didn’t want to pull away. You didn’t even dare to. His soothing fingers stroking your hair as his hand rubbed your back slowly but keeping a light grip on you.
Jungkook on the other hand, he didn’t know what in the hell is he doing or what he was thinking. Why is he holding you? Why did he grab you and suddenly felt that he needed to protect you? He was in rage deeply inside and one of these days when he finds Jonghoon, he’ll make sure he doesn’t have his perfectly straight teeth.
You were glued to each other, the steady beat of his heart making you never want to open your eyes. Some nights, you’d lie awake just thinking about what he would say if he ever felt guilty about what he did and here it was. And somehow, it was so much more than what you asked for. But you also were wary. The bigger part of you, though, knew he was being sincere, that he held this crushing guilt over his head over what happened between you two for the past five to six years.
”You don’t deserve this,” he softly spoke up along a sigh, “You’re too special and fragile…” He added.
Wait what? You pulled away from his neck and looked at him, “What?” Your cold soft voice barely could be audible. Jungkook got a better glimpse of you up close—broken and terrified. And it sure damn stabbed his own heart deeply. He locked a piece of your hair behind your ear as he stared at you, “I know I was an ass to you earlier but I know that what I’m about to tell you is what I really mean to say. You’re too unique and wonderful for him. He’s nothing but a scumbag looking for a just a fuck and you don’t need that. You need and will get a guy who will treat you loyally and kindly with all of his love for who you are. Any guy would be lucky to have you, Y/N. Wait for him…the right one will sweep you off your feet.” His thumb rubbed your hip softly and the feeling warmed your skin.
You blinked. Is he really telling you this or are you just dreaming?
He sighed, “Just trust me.” He said softly. Jungkook reached his hand up to your face and wiped your tears gently with his thumb, “You’re so beautiful…” And it was true to him. Being this up close to you, he was able to see your flaws but they resembled how gorgeous you are. You shook your head, you didn’t believe that “I’m not that-“
“Yes, you are.” He cut you off, “Honestly, you’re so attractive and stunning, don’t tell yourself you’re not beautiful when you have seen yourself in the mirror.” He looked into your eyes, deep into them.
And you just didn’t know what else to say because his brown doe eyes caught you off guard. Neither of you could look away and it’s like your eyes were having a never lasting conversation with each other. You could feel your own pupils dilate the more you looked closely into his, and you could have sworn that his eyes looked at your lips then at you. But you also didn’t think he did. And at that moment, it was when you come to the realization of what was going on, causing you to clear your throat, “Um..” you hummed, which had Jungkook probably get the memo too. You looked down awkwardly as your mind was going crazy but you remained calm, “Thanks for the ride… and listening.” You said softly. Jungkook eyes darted elsewhere but you with a blank expression on his face, “Yeah,” he started, “No problem.” He said and he just sat there, his tongue poking out of his.
You slowly got off his lap to the passenger side and got out his car, grabbing your bag as you fixed yourself and closing the door afterward without saying a word. Making your way into your apartment, you didn’t dare to look back. After locking the front door, you leaned your back against it, questioning what just happened.
You almost kissed your enemy.
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gwoongi · 6 years
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵 | teacher!hoseok
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𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵 jung hoseok / reader teacher + expecting parents au! genre: fluff fluff fluff (and a lil baby bit of smut) + bullet fic version :) words: 26k (so maybe read this on a laptop but if you insist on a phone then don’t say i didn’t warn you!!!!)
warnings: graphic language, smidge of nsfw content, student/teacher relationship, jung hoseok being the best boyf and parent ever :(
a/n: y/n is legal !!! hoseok is the typical cliche young teacher !!! i love this story a lot (i plan to write it in full soon!!! just whenever i have time teeheehee) ((also im really sorry the balloons look demonic idk what happened and honestly. too lazy to edit it)) (((this fic is a MONSTER!!! i’m sorry in advance!!!)))
disclaimer: as per freaking usual, keep reading does not work on mobile. i am so sorry because this is SO LONG and big but its ok :( because it’s dad hoseok :( 
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(gif is not mine!)
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happy new year (as a starting note!) i was gone for a long, long time on this blog and did actually consider getting rid of it entirely, however, i’m back to share things that i love and hopefully, you can all enjoy the things i create also. i don’t usually write like this, but i saw a variety of writers adopt a “bullet-list-style” of writing, which i found to be quite efficient. i am the world’s slowest writer and so writing like this actually helps me publish a lot of my ideas without feeling the pressure of writing out like 300k word fics that honestly get ignored. regardless, here’s my first post (technically) of the new year. (this idea has been in my drafts since the “cosykims” days, and og followers will recognise the title.)
now i don’t care what you say, every single school, college or university has that one teacher who is just way too young to actually be a teacher
you briefly remember high-school, with your physics teacher who was just way too young- like borderline could be a student themselves, and yet here they were with their rainbow stationery set teaching you the speed that light travels
and it’s universally known that some people are like child geniuses and end up graduating university aged three or something really bizarre and crazy
(obvs sarcasm)
so, for the love of god...why was there no young hot professor for you to spy on during your lectures
you’re currently a second year uni student, studying visual arts
which, by the way, is awesome
you started off initially very interested in just drawing, but taking modules in sculpting was something you actually found yourself loving and, not to brag, but you’re also pretty good at photography
like as a kid you could probably be found eating crayons and snorting felt fumes like you were an art junkie
kids in your classes were asking for leapfrogs or action figures for christmas but here you were asking for a £300 pencil colouring set along with a “by numbers” colouring book
picasso is shaking rn
like...funny how leonardo da vinci hasn’t released any new artwork since you were born….hm inch resting
“y/n. you, me, some other people, smirnoff and dr pepper, house party, saturday night, is it a yes, or is it a yes?”
jeongguk has been your best friend since your first semester at university; he also took visual arts and does extremely well in all areas, particularly photography and cinema/media study. ever since you partnered together after both being the first ones to turn up to the first class, you’ve been stuck together like glue, even going as far as to rent out a flat together for your second year (along with three other people, just to make the rent easier)
“uh, actually, no, i can’t, as tempting as that whole ordeal sounds.”
“but then when am i gonna see you?”
“i literally see you every day, we LIVE TOGETHER..”
“it’s not the same thing!!”
every saturday for you is the “flat 18 party night” which literally translates to the day that your entire flat go out to any party they can get invited to and just get smashed
it started off as a you and jeongguk thing but then when you moved into flat 18 at the start of your second year, it became a you, jeongguk, haseul, jimin and seunghee thing, and by extension, a year 2 uni student party since the rest of your flatmates found the need to invite all their other friends
basically it was the only day of the week where you were really granted a day off
and jeongguk really fucking loved party night saturdays
“well, what’s the reason then?”- the two of you are currently on your way to your last class of the day; it’s a sort of orientation day for upcoming students who can’t attend the open days next weekend, and so your visual arts professor (who happens to be an actual BEAST) ended up cancelling afternoon classes to help another professor sort out the gym
“family wedding sort of thing,” you explain as you walk. “if i could get out of it, trust me, i wouldn’t. i don’t know if my kidneys can handle another night of drinking. i hadn’t recovered from saturday until wednesday!”
“i’m pretty sure it’s your liver that gets affected by alcohol, but go off i guess...”
“ANYWAYS so yeah i’m sort of maybe like head bridesmaid and i have to be there so….yeah….can't make it :(”
jeongguk then discovers that the wedding is for one of your cousins that you were always really close to, and so even when he’s still really bummed out about you not being there for the “big shindig” he lets it go
especially because he of all people knows that you’ve never been particularly close with all of your family members and it’s only very recently that you got back in touch with them all (just after your first year of uni, to be precise) and he knows how much it means to you
haseul is one of the only other person in your flat who is an “art” major
she actually studies theatre and performing arts but she likes to still be in on the art grind with you and guk
(fun fact: the trio of you called yourselves “art attack” as a funny joke and all have printed art attack door signs in the flat)
haseul always always always tries to wait for both of you after classes because the performance hall and practise rooms are like RIGHT THERE and she’s sort of a little creature of habit and after waiting once or twice it just became a natural thing
today though she’s not waiting because apparently seunghee is doing a biology project and needed help moving it and setting it all up in the labs and haseul was free and so offered her services
usually if you’re free, anyone of you will wait for each other after classes
haseul usually waits for you and guk and then sometimes you guk and haseul go to get seunghee and jimin, especially on thursdays and fridays since they are sort of the weekday party dates
“are we going to see the project after class?”
you glanced up from your canvas stained with reds and blues towards jeongguk who actually hasn’t even looked up from his own drawing, still painting the still life ugly ass vase in the middle of the room
class is actually really quiet today, which makes sense because it’s a friday and there’s always, you know for a fact, a student union get together on thursday evenings and half the uni abuse it and get hammered
and so uni is literally DEAD the next morning
“um yes of course I really wanna see her volcano in action okay i helped make that.”
“technically we all helped make it...”
eventually your class ends early because it’s literally just you guk and some other kid who doesn’t talk to anybody and so you and guk decide to head over to the biology labs in the science department
judging by the time, their class should actually be over but knowing seunghee and her stubbornness, her volcano is most definitely still there shooting little rocks onto the floor
rightly predicted because seunghee stands really proud next to her dodgy looking volcano that everyone in flat 18 helped make while off their rockers 
and haseul is awkwardly sitting on a stool to the other side, admittedly on her phone playing zepeto or whatever
“tell me it isn’t the best volcano you’ve ever seen!”
“seunghee, baby, it’s so cute, i LOVE the way it’s literally falling apart!!” jeongguk and seunghee have a super loving friendship, sometimes you sit back and think they’d be the cutest couple on planet earth and then you realise that its GUK and HEE and you wanna erase that thought from your head
guk takes a really quick pic on his phone so he can show jimin, who would definitely complain otherwise because “i literally painted the whole thing brown i think that deserves recognition!”
“please tell me it got a passing grade” 
you sort of need seunghee’s volcanic mess to have passed because you did not have to hear her talk about how excited she was to present her volcano that actually burned things if you put it close enough for six days straight, just for it to flop and get nothing
“i personally loved the reinvented cliche of the volcano model, so i actually gave it higher than passing.”
you turn almost embarrassingly quickly
you know that voice
everybody with brain cells knows that voice
cause like
professor jung is literally THE biology professor
like he’s the king of biology
you have to admit to yourself that you were secretly so happy when guk made friends with seunghee through jimin (a physics major) because you knew through the grapevine that seunghee was a student in professor jung’s class and everybody and anybody knows that professor jung is the Daddy of biology
like he’s so gorgeous and inventive and creative and passionate and sometimes you just sit there and think “why the fuck didn't i take biology??”
and then you remember that the only thing that helped you get through high school biology was the fact that seo youngho (god bless his soul) sat next to you and gave you all his answers on internal exams
he’s also one of THOSE professors
like he’s one of the cliche fanfiction Young Genius professors
granted he’s still a solid four years older but still, it’s in the legal age frame and he’s still remarkably young to be a uni professor and that’s what you tell yourself when you feel guilty about thirsting over him and the way he looks so damn sexy in that white lab coat and black turtleneck
when you see him you kind of flush and look away
it’s not obvious that you like him tbh, because you’ve by now mastered to keep it under control unless around flat 18 and incredibly dangerously drunk
that of course doesn’t stop guk from smirking next to you and giving you little nudges which is, quite frankly, annoying as FUCK
tbh flat 18 know you thirst over professor jung and so they waste no time trying to bring it up deliberately, but you’re not obvious at showing you like him in front of him
cause he’s popular and definitely has a group of girls in seunghee’s class who like him a lot and giggle obnoxiously like its high school
you’re not THAT desperate
“oh, good, because i didn’t want it to be a waste of my time.”
he raises a brow
“...becAUse i had to listen to seunghee talk about how good her project was all week. HERS, that she worked on totally alone. like i didnt even know she was doing a project- wow, seunghee, did you make this volcano? wow hahah look at that guys!”
not that professor jung even cares that she got help
seunghee is the only student who respects his crazy biology analogies and jokes so she’s naturally one of his faves
“yeah, and, prof jung didn’t give us homework so im completely free for tomorrow’s big shindig.” seunghee says, still smiling really proudly
“first of all why is everybody saying shindig, second of all i cant go to that so im sorry please don’t post it on snapchat because it will hurt my feelings that you’re having fun without me” and everyones like :) and then like :O :(
bear in mind professor jung is literally still here, he’s just by his desk tidying up only half listening because kids are wild these days and he doesn’t remember having half as much fun when he was in university
“um. WHAT why???? you know saturdays are our days like those are the days we actually get to see you because you’re always in your room sleeping or working”
“that’s not true at all, that’s very inaccurate...”
“you literally watched all 7 seasons of game of thrones in less than three days two weeks ago and i dont think i saw you once during that time”
valid point
“im at a wedding :( and i cant miss it :( even for dr pepper and vodka :( im sorry :(”
at that point professor jung scares you all back into reality. “oh wow that’s so weird because i’m at a wedding too this weekend, actually. wouldn’t that be so weird if we were at the same wedding?”
please be at the same wedding as me “omg imagine that ahhaahha”
but then you realise that’s just not realistic
and even if it was realistic for professor jung hoseok to attend your cousin’s wedding then nothing would happen because weddings are big and busy and you like barely know professor jung beyond making small-talk with him when you’re waiting for seunghee to hurry up and pack away all three of her pencil cases after classes
you actually forgot how stressful weddings are
the last wedding you went to was your aunt’s wedding when you were like five and you were a little flower girl who ruined all the wedding photos by covering her ears and scrunching up her face because the church bells were really fucking loud
which as a kid you thought was perfectly valid, but now that you’re twenty turning twenty one you realise how annoying it must be to have a mongrel child pulling ugly faces at the front of your precious wedding photos
“remind me to never ever get married”
your mom kinda just looks at you and frowns
“i remember when i got married i had my maid of honour and bridesmaids do everything for me so i was actually really relaxed. maybe when you get wifed up you’ll be the same”
wise words from mrs l/n that you’ll probably forget within the next five minutes!
even though it’s so infuriating sorting out the brides big ass dress and making sure that the designated flower girl (who btw is not as good as you were aged 5 dressed in pink and wearing barbie trainers) doesn’t spill all the goddamn petals onto the floor before the aisle, you find that the ceremony is actually really kinda beautiful and touching and yES, maybe the vows made you tear up a little bit
and you bARELY remember the greeting ceremony afterwards which is basically another way of saying “wait for us to get back while we sign these papers” which is also another way of saying It’s time for all the guests to awkwardly wait around and not do anything
you literally haven’t met a single person from the groom’s side of the family and you’re not really interested in doing so until the after party
like most after parties this one is pushed up in a hired out room near the venue and it’s dark and slightly sweaty and hey, at least the food is nice and OMG they have baby sausage rolls
after obviously talking to your family for a little bit, you occupy your time by the snacks and the bar just kind of moving between the two
yknow just minding your own business
“woah, they have tiny sausage rolls, too?”
oh god
you instantly turn around like its deja vu or something
there is no way that professor jung is standing right there at your COUSINS wedding like its no big deal
“...prof JUNG?? omg what are you doing here??”
“i jinxed it! the groom is actually one of my family friends. yeah, he’s been like best friends with my sister since they were in school and so we were close growing up.”
it’s sort of a relief, somewhere deep down inside, knowing that professor jung isn’t like indirectly related to you through marriage
“and, please, y/n, we’re not at school!! please call me hoseok!”
you’re like tearing up inside,,,,on a first name basis with the hot biology professor.,,,,,.....,,, it’s a miracle
how does he know who you are
“i didn’t know you knew my name,” you sort of blurt it out as you think it and he starts laughing really cutely and takes like three sausage rolls off the plate on the table
“well, you’re seunghee’s friend! and uh, the bride literally said your name in the speech at dinner.”
“oh. okay well cool haha yeah. wow. this is so weird.”
you actually thought prior to this moment that talking to professor jung- HOSEOK- even when you’re with seunghee in the labs would be really awkward????
because you’re no biologist and the only thing you remember about biology was a video that scarred you for life about a whale's stomach exploding everywhere like the t-rex out of land of the lost
and plus because he’s cute and smart and also a teacher which was. pretty much a big deal...like a big big deal
“okay, but you’re also legally old enough to do it..it’s not like you’re fifteen and he’s thirty,” said the sadistic voice in your head. you liked to ignore that voice a lot
but contrary to popular belief hoseok is actually really really easy to talk to
it’s almost like he’s been your friend for like your entire life and it’s only a little bit weird for you to be laughing your ass off with your friends biology professor at your cousins wedding but hey anything can happen and at least you’re having fun !!!!
naturally…...fun can go…….well…….too far……….sometimes
it’s like quarter to midnight and the party is still going strong and your cousin is like really going for it on the dance floor with your mom and a few of your other family members and oh wow look at this at some point you’ve ended up smushed against hoseok’s side with another glass of smirnoff and dr pepper in honour of flat 18 having fun without you rn
and he doesn’t seem to mind about the way you lean up with your whole cleavage against his chest to talk to him bc its loud as fuck and he can’t hear you from up here
and haha. wow look!
at some point during this fine hour mr jung hoseok has slung an arm around your waist and has his nose in your hair with his lips by your ear because its LoUd As FuCk iN hErE and you won’t be able to hear him
“i said do you want to step outside? its really hot in here” he asks and you have to physically stop yourself from snogging his face off because there’s no way he’s actually looking that good rn
you probably look awful and flustered and sweaty
“oh yes sure yeah ok yeah lets go we can go out to the patio or something”
and of COURSE your poor mother has no idea that the man around your waist is a professor at ur university so she sees you...actually with somebody and smiles really wide and turns away
at this point she’s just shocked that you’re with somebody because lately you’ve only been with flat 18 or nobody at all
you discover very quickly actually that hoseok is stroking his hand up and down the side of your body which okay, alexa, this is epic
“it’s nice and cool out here i thought i was gonna roast to death inside of there.”
hoseok, again with his cute laughter that has apparently become throaty and deep and you almost have to double check it’s still him because it majorly caught you off guard
“right? too many people, it always makes me feel really hot and claustrophobic.”
you hummed. “yeah, and it’s so sweaty and sticky like [cousins name] really couldn’t have opened up a few windows huh.”
he nods and watches you as you just keep talking and talking and talking
“and, let me tell you, this dress is so uncomfortable”
he looks you over. “you look gorgeous. the dress- i mean, the dress looks gorgeous”
“yeah it’s just a shame it’s so itchy and tight”
“mm? wanna go and change?”
“honestly i kind of just want to get out of it.”
you sort of share a look for a solid three seconds
and there’s like a really brief moment where you regret saying it
maybe he hadn’t meant anything by stroking your body and staring at you with a darkened look and holding you tightly when one of your FAMILY MEMBERS said hi to you and smiled and brushing his lips by your ear like maybe all of that was platonic? maybe he remembered you’re a student (although not hIS student) but still!!!!
you’re 0.5 seconds away from blurting out an almost sober apology when he mutters a, “fuck it,” under his breath that you barely even register and then he’s holding your face with his hands and bringing you in for a fat smooch
at first you’re just really surprised because even though you wanted this to happen you weren’t necessarily expecting it to happen
hoseok pulls away sort of dejected because “why aren’t you kissing me back :(” and thats all it takes because you’re pulling him in for round 2 of smooching and it’s almost like you’re not in the courtyard by the patio directly near the windows of the party and it’s not as if people can see you smooching professor jung haha no way! That would be insane!
“i” kiss “really” kiss “shouldn’t” kiss “be” kiss “doing” kiss “this” and he pulls away and then kisses you really really deeply “but” kiss “itsokjustpleasedonttellanybody”
for a moment you both like ruin the mood by assuring each other you won’t say anything and most people at that point would have been like, alright let’s call it a night haha this was fun and awkward
but :( he’s already hard and ur already really in the mood to bone the Daddy of biology so it would be a waste if you didn’t just….continue
hoseok very quickly discovers the perks of being head bridesmaid because your suite is gorgeous and big
“wtf i’m sharing a room with my uncle this really isn’t fair!”
“the many pros of being related to the bride! look i even have a mini fridge and it’s got loads of strawberry milk in because like its my favourite and they really treated me here and-”
not that he doesn’t want to hear you talk because he’d love to but omg he’s hard as heck and would rather get down to it instead of talking about the excessive amount of strawberry milk in ur fucking mini fridge the size of his BED
surprisingly even though you’ve wanted to at least hold professor jung- HoSeOk-’s hand for like an entire year, you haven’t put THAT much thought into having sex with him
actually like finger fucking does not count
nor does him between your legs
no they do not count to you in your mind especially when he quite literally helps you out of your dress and strips you to just your underwear
which, BTW, thank FUCK you brought your sexy stuff just in-case the groom had any really hot friends
thankfully he had jung hoseok
y/n: 1 life: 0
rewind like 0.3 seconds
so. hoseok apparently knows this venue like the back of his hand because he manages to direct you to your wing within like three minutes which is pretty impressive considering it took you thirty to find it this morning
regardless he’s really gentle considering he wants nothing more than to plow you into a nearby hard surface and like you know when someone ghosts their fingers over your skin and it tickles but it’s a nice tickle and your whole body shudders
professor jung does that a lot
he takes a liking to sitting on the end of the bed, between the two posts, while you’re firmly seated on his laps with your legs on either side of him, which is the long way of writing You Are Straddling Seunghee’s Biology Professor
“you’re so pretty” his voice is sort of muffled by your hair and skin and you can barely even focus on his voice because there’s so many things happening rn it’s hard to process it all
do you focus on his voice? his one hand on your back? his other hand literally on your arse? his crotch against yours? the little guttural groan he does between kisses?
it all just feels surreal and amazing and oh WOW jung hoseok has a hand between ur legs
he loops his fingers around your underwear and moans (shudders? you can’t tell but whatever he just did like you need him to do it again cause WEEEWWWW) and like lets them go suddenly
and we’re back to before; hoseok moves to dip underneath your jaw and helps you out of your tight and uncomfortable but expensi-
“did. di-did you just . rip my dress?”
“....i swear i didn’t do it on purpose.”
“omg this dress was on loan oh my GOD”
“im SORRY the zip got stuck and so i tugged i didn’t know the whole dress was gonna rip in half this material must be cheap, honey you got SCAMMED”
you realise that you’re not actually going to be the one to pay for it since the bride said she’d cover the prices of dresses and you instantly sort of relax (although, sorry to your cousin that she’s gonna have to pay extra now lol)
“okay it’s fine just” and he clings to you really tightly and affectionately with his chin rested just above your boobs which is honestly cute and actually really weirdly hot “ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵈᵒⁿᵗ ʳᶦᵖ ᵐʸ ᵘⁿᵈᵉʳʷᵉᵃʳ”
he has the nerve to giggle to himself “heeheehee okay baby i will be extra careful”
basically you make a mental note to tell guk and guk only that you rode professor jung to the stars and back
boi DEFINITELY put biology skills to use like this man must have aced human anatomy and sex ed because mans knows all the parts to look after and touch and kiss and it’s like he digitally downloaded every sex move possible because…..no way in hell u just snagged the best sexual partner in town
“mm fuck i wish i was a biology major” it just sort of comes out, bearing in mind you are like half sober
hoseok kind of laughs from his position and moves his hands to your thighs, “yeah?”
“yes i’m so jealous seunghee gets to see you all the time and i only get to see you when i pick her up”
“you can come and see me whenever, baby”
scoff “i’m an art student wouldn’t it be weird to turn up at a biology lab to see you?”
“i have an office yknow and it’s only open to super important people and i can make you one of them”
you realise shortly after like your second orgasm that hoseok is really good at making mediocre things sound really sexy
at long last you actually look down at him and just grin really widely and at first he’s like “yeah? you like that?” and then you start giggling really weirdly
“best.” down. up. “wedding.” down. up. “ever.”
you consider the possibility that last night was a big fat wet dream for at least four seconds until you open your eyes, see the window, roll over, and see professor motherfucking jung in bed next to you
he hasn’t opened his eyes yet and you think he’s asleep so you roll back over to grab your phone conveniently placed on the bedside table
as it turns out, mr jeon jeongguk has not listened to you and posted every nanosecond of the party last night, as well as leaving you several text messages, as he would, as your bff
from guk: are u having fun? i hope ur having fun. if not, then have fun
from guk: i guess ur dead lmao
from guk: sikegjsfkasljf i madmeout with both seujgehe and jikmin
from guk: ignore the above message
from guk: also good morning did you have fun did u get LAID was it a girl or a guy i need all the juicy details
you have to conceal a groan because you don’t want to wake up hoseok
you haven’t thought of something to say yet because worst case scenario, he could wake up and be like “wtf i slept with YOU??????” and that would not be chill for a sunday morning
to guk: im devastated bc of ur snapchat story that’s real snake behaviour
from guk: omg grow up
from guk: and answer my question horre
to guk: i will talk to you later because i am not talking to u about it over the phone bc knowing you and your monster thumbs and chaotic energy, you’ll screenshot and tell everyone in the flat and im not ready for them to know yet
there’s a few moments of silence
from guk: oh fuck tell me ur not pregnant im not ready to be an aunt or uncle yet (x)
you’re about to reply when
did you use a condom last night
you’ve been off the pill for a couple months because even though not getting periods or pregnant was pretty cool, your skin really suffered and oh hey look at that you’ve put on like 4 pounds overnight
and you can’t really remember if hoseok wore a condom or not
did he?
he must have
like he’s a biology teacher
to guk: wtf no
to guk: and how would i even know that it hasnt even been 24 hours yet this isnt breaking dawn im not gonna show after like 12 minutes
from guk: you never know
“all i can hear is your nails tapping the screen and it’s literally amongst one of the most annoying sounds to wake up to”
you drop your phone flat on your face
hoseok sort of both reaches to see if you’re okay whilst also laughing
“i’m sorry i didn’t know they were that loud”
he smiles and strokes the side of your face “mm it’s okay. woke up next to a pretty girl so it’s not so bad”
and it’s official he owns your heart
neither of you actually really address the fact that your whole...THING is really taboo until he’s like fishing around for his left sock and you’re moping over your ripped dress
“so like does this mean i can’t come to pick up seunghee anymore because it’ll be weird?”
he pauses. “why would it be weird?”
“idk cause like. idk. you’re a teacher?”
“really? fuck, i had no idea!!!”
“i’m being serious. i don’t wanna be the reason you LOSE your job!! and i’m so bad at keeping secrets what if i tell someone worse what if i tell my MOM”
he’s moved towards you as you were talking and he’s looking at you really closely with a really pretty look in his eyes
“y/n, i’m a teacher and i’m a professional. i can contain my...whatever, emotions, while i’m at work. and yes, please, come by and get seunghee because she’s one of my favourites and i don’t think i’ll see you often because you’re in visual arts and im always in my lab but my office! yes i have an office that you can always stop by when you’re bored and if i’m free i will happily see you :( it’s unfortunate that you happen to be a student but technically….like you’re old enough and it’s not that weird?”
“okay it’s a little weird but if you want it can be just one night. we can ignore it happened.”
you really don’t want to ignore it
like you really don’t want to at all
hoseok easily was the best sex you’ve ever had and ugh he’s so nice and pretty and warm and caring and smart and yeah he made a joke about cells during sex but it was perfectly timed and funny and ugh he’s the perfect guy
but he’s also a professor at your university and above all else, you really don’t want him to lose his job that he worked his ass of for just because you couldn’t control yourself
so you sort of suck in a frown very poorly and you both agree to kind of...let it be pushed under the rug
it was a one time….two-time thing
because he definitely fucked you into the mattress one last time before you walked out the door and acted like teacher and student again
“you look...disgusting, give me all the gossip!”
you’ve barely been in flat 18 for five seconds and jeongguk is already at the door with a glass of water and a bag of what you can only pray is cookies
(nice attempt: it’s actually tiny meringues which is good enough)
as usual jeongguk cradles a hangover right into monday morning and thankfully for you, haseul and himself, arts lectures and classes don’t usually start until the afternoon on mondays
even though haseul is 77% sure she wont turn up because she’s way too comfy in her pjs on the couch in the living room
and honestly the pressure of telling jeongguk about what the hell happened on saturday night is intense because….haseul is there too now
which isn’t ideal to be very very honest
and haseul is literally your Girlfriend like she would be there to wipe your arse if you asked her nicely
but she can also be a little bit judgy and you’re feeling particularly sensitive today
but you also can’t not tell her because she’s one of your best friends and you’re probably definitely going to tell hee and jimin when they’re back so. might as well do it fast
you trust flat 18 with your entire heart and you know they’d never tell anybody
((this is not foreshadowing they are little angels))
“holy fuck you’re literally covered in hickeys, this story is gonna be so good, let me get a cup of tea before you start holy shit-” and so haseul makes three cups of tea and sits back down like ten minutes later
“okay im ready literally LAY it on me im ready”
deep breath
sip of tea
setting the cup down
“so i went to my cousins party. pretty normal right, not expecting much to go down at all like it’s a family wedding and there’s kids around”
“yeah, right, okay, AND”
“and so i’m minding my own business by the snack table and then somebody comes up to me and YOU’LL NEVER EVER GUESS WHO IT WAS”
they both sit there like “how am i supposed to know?”
deep breath
“i turn around and it’s only PROFESSOR JUNG”
“wait wtf why was he at your cousins wedding?” haseul is so lost
“HE did say he was going to a wedding last week,” jeongguk adds. “that’s so weird omg he literally called it wow haha he’s so cool”
“right right, but like how is that the tea,” haseul frowns. “that’s like...cold stale tea. i wanted scorching hot tea. there’s GOT to be more to it”
you sit there awkwardly and wait for them to figure it out because haseul is looking at you really intently trying to figure it out
jeongguk is looking back and forth between you and haseul
he knows she’ll figure it out before him because out of the three of you, haseul has the brain cells
haseul literally just stares at your face until she kinda looks down at your neck
and remembers the hickies
and then looks back up at your face
and then back down
and them back up
“oh my fucking god you DIDN’T”
“wait what what what WHAT HAPPENED”
“oh my fuckING GOD. OMG. OH MY GOD??????/ NO, NO.”
jeongguk is like O_O “what omg tell me”
you’re holding your face in your hands rn
haseul is up off her seat and pointing a finger at you with her mouth so wide
she looks kinda like the pikachu meme
jeongguk laughs
“....wait WHAT THE FUCK”
chaos ensues
“i didn’t say that!”
“what, so you DIDN’T sleep with professor jung?”
“...okay so maybe i did but you can’t tell ANYONE PLEASE”
jeongguk is literally laughing his ass off rn
because he’s your best friend and honestly that’s what best friends would do in this situation
haseul on the other hand is the responsible friend who’s thinking of the bigger picture
“holy shit, okay. um. wtf he could get sacked for this!”
“we talked it out and we promised to not tell anyone, and it’s not like we’re gonna hook up again so it’s fine!!!! which is why you both cant say anything PLS”
haseul moves to sit by you really comfortingly, “omg baby no i would never!!! it’s not my secret to tell and YES, i’m very surprised right now and i don’t really know what to do because what SHOULD i do??? this has never happened to me before omg this is insane. this is fuckING INSANE”
you end up having to explain the entire night in detail (missing a few details because let’s be real, you were hammered and dick drunk)
jeongguk has calmed down and now realises that this is sort of serious
mostly he’s just finding it funny that you actually ended up hooking up with professor jung, because you and him used to joke around about it all the time
even though he was initially quite childish about it, jeongguk knows that it’s serious and something that is clearly bothering you so he knows when to pack it in and be the supportive friend
because gukkie is a good friend and oh no we’re dropping all the uwus everywhere
“was it good?”
yes, haseul it was good
“was it SAFE?”
you’re about to answer jeongguk and then you pause
“....i don’t know”
and haseul’s off again
“holy mother of hell what do you MEAN you don’t know???”
“i can’t remember!!”
“and you didn’t ask the morning after???”
“im sorry he was too busy rearranging my GUTS it must have,,,crossed my mind”
now haseul has another thing to worry about on top of midterms
from y/n: jesus christ
from jimin: um
from jimin: WHAT
from jimin: PLEATHE tell me its hot biology professor jung and not ugly middle aged literature professor jung because else my reaction is gonna be vERY different
from y/n: wtf why would i want to sleep with literature jung he’s like 50 and married
from guk: wait omg what if hot prof jung is married….did you ask
from y/n: let me move my bang and read that again,,,,
from jimin: i literally cant breathe MY LUNGSSSSS
from jimin: WHAT KINDA FANFICTION IS THIS RN how and when and why did u sleep with him i have SO MANY QUESTIONS i should be studying for my physics midterm rn but whatyueijgn this is too good
from y/n: this is why i wanted to tell u in person
from seunghee: TELL ME UR JOKING RN
from y/n: :D heehee. um. haha. well haha. uh
from seunghee: omg….u had his PEEPEE inside of u….holy shit i need to sit down rn
from haseul: mood
from guk: she did THAT :’)
from seunghee: i mean…..when we joked around and said you should hop on professor jung’s dick i didnt think you’d DO IT FOR REAL
from y/n: it was the dr pepper u guys…..he made me do it
from seunghee: oh god professor jung came out to see if i was okay and i screamed i cant look at him i cant
from seunghee: omg he was in ur GUTS i cant im dropping biology
you dont immediately see professor jung
in fact you try and avoid him because even though you both agreed to not hook up again you’re afraid that the demon inside you will try and jump him and knowing you, a professor will probably end up catching you
and you like uni you dont wanna leave
and you like hoseok you don’t want him to leave and lose his job
flat 18 have calmed down from the initial shock and humour of the situation
i mean they’re all still in disbelief that it happened
and jeongguk and jimin make jokes about it sometimes
but it’s calmed down
it’s actually like a full week before you see him
because all of flat 18 for some reason offered to help on the open day for uni, party night saturday had to be cancelled >:(
seunghee shudders at the thought of being one of the only biology volunteers and having to pretend like she doesn’t know that her professor was balls deep inside her best friend last weekend
jimin and seunghee are together in the science department and haseul is happy performing for families checking out the performance department
jeongguk was asked to help promote the art department
and you were forced into giving campus tours :(
which sucks
because you have to try and pump out your best energy for the day
due to the amount of students doing tours on the same day, you’re only really expected to give one tour before going to your selected department
and you wouldn’t actually mind giving tours if it didn’t mean that you had to go everywhere on campus and by everywhere you mean having to go to the science department and inevitably seeing the brief love of your life
“..and right here is the art department! as an art student i sure have a lot to say about it- everyone is super duper nice and all-well, MOST of the professors are really helpful and critical and i’ve really improved drawing since i’ve been here. we do a lot of still life in this room but next door is the main drawing room and just off campus, we have the drawing labs!!! and oh, downstairs is the photography department; we have a red room and three studios and next door is the cinema”
“do you get to watch films?”
“technically no but when nobody is looking we do watch a film heeheehee i mean. what? no we would never break the rules..,,.”
you give jeongguk a cheeky bum shake before you leave and he laughs
yes an old man sees and scowls but it’s ok
“so yea like i said, the staff are friendly and mostly helpful. i mean, there are obviously some professors who aren’t amazing but hey we have a higher rating than other unis in this area so haha”
“mostly helpful?” a mom says. “can you elaborate on that?”
“not really, karen.”
after hurling your group around everywhere, you FINALLY make it to the science department
which you came to last because you were not prepared to see You Know Who
you step inside and start listing off things in the department
like Oh yes jackie look that’s called a bunsen burner
Oh michael sweetie don’t touch the gas taps we don’t wanna die now do we?
“our uni has some of the best science professors,” you explain. “they’re incredible and so dedicated to their profession and it’s really a great environment- two of my flatmates study science and they love their classes and lectures. professor min teaches physics and my friend jimin says he teaches it like no other- he’s amazing!”
“and what about professor jung?”
“ᵉˣᶜᵘˢᵉ ᵐᵉ?”
“what do you think of professor jung, hm?” WHY IS THE HM SOUNDING A LITTLE CONFRONTATIONAL
you stare at this mom like OoO because this is weird there’s no way she kNOWS how does this mom know omg did you say something dumb how does she--
“i heard he wrote books and went on tv! he also attended conferences at oxford uni,” the mom says, almost annoyed and your heart goes WOOOOOSH out your body. “my son wants to study biology and so we’re excited to see and hear about professor jung.”
“oH yes RIGHT well he’s...well he’s great.”
“can you elaborate-”
“no susan i can’t. let’s just go and meet him, yeah?”
inside the science rooms open for showing, you’re oddly relieved to see another tour group just finishing up meaning that half of the professors are preoccupied already
that includes hoseok in his cute ass lab coat talking to a group of students and parents
suddenly that female student is standing very close to him and you have to look away before you get annoyed for literally no reason
y/n: 1 life: 1
seunghee is actually free talking to jimin and professor min (jimins weirdly hot professor) sees you standing awkwardly in the doorway and he comes to the rescue with a small smile and nods his head at you
wow jimin never told you how pretty he was
scary as fuck
but pretty
“hi! welcome to the science department…”
you kind of step to the side because science is not your subject this is not your element and you dont wanna mess up
while seunghee is so happy showing off her booth and YES the volcano made an appearance, jimin is content with not doing his job and coming to stand with you
“is it just me or is prof jung looking delicious today?” jimin sort of nudges you in the side and you have to give him a sickeningly sweet smile that translates to You’re Getting Your Ass BEAT Later
“...and we do all sorts of projects to help us constantly develop our skills!!! and it’s actually a really good way at making friends and bonds-” a few parents laugh “-and actually, two of my flatmates are here over there--”
oh great eyes are on you and jimin :)
jimin smiles like :) hell yes :) thats me :)
and you’re flushing as fuck because 1) you don’t really do well with being the center of attention like having to speak and tour people around campus is BAD ENOUGh and 2) hoseok has just been made aware of your presence
you’re trying not to look at him like :) i’m not here :)
“-they helped me make this volcano!!!! and it’s so cute!!! look- it shoots rocks- oh, careful sweetie- look!!! it’s so cool y/n helped me a lot and i got a good grade and we do loads of this sort of stuff, haha, prof jung really works us to the bone but makes it super fun at the same time!!!”
braving a chance to look at him you clam up noticing that he’s already looking at you
he does that THING where he smiles and his eyes look really soft and warm and he ducks his head to look at the other parents and stuff
jimin contains a snort and seunghee is like o_o because she had to witness that LOOK as if she wasn’t trying hard enough to forget about what happened
professor min looks between you and hoseok like “-_-” and you wanna DIE
hoseok manages to talk to you before you leave though which is smooth and you can feel your heart in your vagina literally pulsing as he approaches you and jimin
“having fun?”
you smile like :) how is giving tours :) fun :)
“i guess so!!”
“hey thats good!” he replies enthusiastically. “looks like people like the volcano you helped make.”
“....i didn’t make that. seunghee lied i did not help her on her graded project We did not help I don’t know why she would say that”
and he kind of laughs and forgets where he is and his hand touches your back
jimin chokes
you sort of look at him like OoO BRO
he pulls away so FAST like you’re on fire or something
“it’s okay. it’s a pretty volcano.” clears throat. “a-anyways. have a nice day guys.”
he looks like he wants to say something more but cant really afford to, so he sulks away and talks to more parents
“omg….he just had sex with you again” jimin said quietly. “omg. that was wild”
“he literally touched me what are you TALKING ABOUT”
“can’t believe you just did that….right in front of me….”
again you don’t see prof jung often
you see him a couple of times when you wait for seunghee
its been a hot minute, like a few weeks
he doesn’t speak much but when he does it’s like “oh hi y/n! waiting for seunghee?” or “you can come in for a bit while seunghee packs up” or “plans for the weekend?”
once you dumbly said “i miss you” before you left and both prof jung and seunghee are like “oh hoe you didnt”
“huh?” he asks.
“I said i’ll see you,” you say. “like...i don’t know. see you soon? i guess”
he knows what you really said
he raises his brow’s and laughs and’s like, “me too, y/n. i’ll see you both soon. enjoy your weekend!”
“you’re literally so dumb,” seunghee says whilst walking back to the dorm, “like really so fucking dumb. i MISS YOU??? REALLY? THAT’S ALL YOU SAID??? I’M LIVING OFF CRUMBS HERE”
“wtf do you MEAN???”
“yknow he always asks me, “how are your friends? y/n, the others?” like why would he ask about you...unless he missed you too….and wanted to see you…..omg you’re both really so dumb”
you think about that for a while
back at flat 18, everybody is out of classes for the weekend; jimin is finishing up an essay so he won’t have to do it last minute monday morning, haseul is watching vines on her phone and guk is currently eating the peaches that you were craving and wanted to eat so bought and stored away for later
later as in now
he offers you one but afterwards you feel like…?? weirdly nauseous
“do you need some water?” guk is on alert rn “i swear i didn’t poison you or anything!!!!!”
“i...literally didn’t even think you had but now that you’ve brought it up…”
like this sickness is so sudden you just wanna throw up all your internal organs
“you should go to bed,” haseul says and she’s like rushing to you to push you towards your room. “i will get a hot water bottle ready and blankets and oh- actually no, you can’t risk eating in-case it makes you feel worse. at least try and eat like these bland ass biscuits seunghee brought because then you’ll throw up something instead of nothing. are you okay, did i ask if you were okay? are you?”
the best thing about flat 18 is that they’re like a little tight family and if one of you is sick, they become worried parents and it’s so cute
anyway so you stay in bed for the rest of the day
and most of saturday morning
flat 18 are debating whether or not to really go out on saturday but you groggily tell them to just go and have fun and you’ll stay at home :( crying :( watching peaky blinders on netflix :(
haseul and seunghee decide to stay in with you for a girls night while jeongguk and jimin head to their friend taehyung’s dorm
at some point during a very intense sex scene between tommy shelby and some random woman you don’t care about currently, you feel a very intense wave of sickness
as you’re throwing up you’re thinking over every possible reason for being sick
food poisoning?
and then you pause mid heave
could…..could you be pregnant?
omg no
wait omg yes you totally could be
you panic so much that you throw up again
seunghee and haseul are right outside the door asking if you need anything and haseul comes in to hold your hair and seunghee is rubbing your thigh like “honey please what do you need?”
sheepishly you look at her and squeak out, “i don’t think im sick.”
seunghee’s like “well obviously you are you’re throwing up like crazy right now, oh, yeah, okay baby yeah let it out let it all out” 
makes mental note to buy air-freshener
after throwing up you just hAVE to ask
“hee...i need you to go out and get me something”
“sure honey, anything. what do you need?”
“......i need you to get me a pregnancy test.”
haseul and seunghee share a look
“are you serious?” seunghee’s voice is really gentle and quiet
“yes i need to be sure,” your voice is croaky and you keep crying in between each word and seunghee just squeezes your thigh assuringly and nods
“y-yeah, of course, wow, oh my god, okay. i’ll go and get one- no, wait, haseul should i get three? is three the safe number?”
“yeah. three is safe. like, you do an experiment three times to get a fair result and the test could read wrong”
“please stop talking about science im actually really scared right now”
seunghee is already half out the flat with her keys when she says, “do you want me to call guk and jimin?”
and you debate it but knowing guk he’d have a meltdown and tell taehyung what’s going on and it’s supposed to be a private sort of thing
and what gives you might not Actually be pregnant
“have you missed your period?” haseul asks
“yeah but i thought” sniff “it was just late :( my periods are always irregular but if i did the math” hiccup “right then it should have come four days ago :(”
seunghee comes back with three pregnancy tests
(“the cashier said, ‘oh, good luck dear! you look like you’ll be a wonderful mother!’ like HONEY IM NOT LOOKING FOR KIDS I’M TOO YOUNG” “s-seunghee-eeEEEeee im also too young what am i gonna doOOooOoooo i cant do this”)
they both promise to be in there with you while you find out because you’re literally sobbing and shaking and lets be real, they’ve showered with you like ten times and they’ve seen all your bits and pieces and it’s just pee! everybody pees
you’re sitting down in a ball shape by the bathtub like TERRIFIED of looking at the little stick
“is it...professor jung’s?” seunghee asks quietly
“he’s the only person i’ve slept with in like three years, i’m positive it’s his,” you reply. “if im even pregnant, that is…”
haseul rubs your arm lovingly. “want to take a look? should be done by now.”
it takes you a few minutes and then eventually you nod
here goes nothing!!!!!
you peer over at the stick and like
your heart drops
maybe you wanna throw up again
all three sticks say: PREGNANT: 5 WEEKS
“what’s it say?” haseul asks gently and you set down one of the tests and look back at seunghee and haseul with an unreadable expression
“congrats. you’re gonna be an auntie.”
haseul is the first to crack
it felt weird to have friends excited?? about your second year of uni pregnancy? unplanned accidental pregnancy with a bIOLOGY PROFESSOR AT UR UNI????
but haseul brings you in for a hug with an excited laugh and seunghee braves taking a stick in her hand and looks at it for herself
yep, you’re having a baby all right!!!
everything is fine until you realise the big problem
how the hell are you going to tell hoseok you’re carrying his baby
does he want kids? probs not! and you never asked if he was married?? WHAT IF HE ALREADY HAS KIDS? WHAT IF HE HAS A WHOLE FAMILY??????
then you start crying
“omg, y/n, please don’t cry, it’s okay, we’re going to figure something out!”
“you don’t necessarily have to keep it if you dont want to,” haseul points out, even though you know she’s already planning dates to look after baby y/n when it’s been pushed out into the world
“h-how am i gonna tell h-hoseok that im having his baby….and i dont wanna get r-rid of it i dont wanna hurt this baby i love this baby i only just f-found out about it but i want this baby i wanna look after this baby this is my BABY?? im having a baby holy fuck you guys! im gonna be a mom this is so scary what the fuck am i gonna do????”
seunghee makes a call to jeongguk and jimin asking them to come back with ice-cream because they have things to talk about
jeongguk is worried like “oh god did i leave my underwear on the couch again? i said i was sorry and i thought id moved them this time”
and seunghee says, “um...no but now im going to double check the couch...dont forget the ice-cream BYEEEE”
needless to say that they’ve very VERY surprised to come home and discover that they’re gonna be uncles
and that the baby belongs to the Daddy of Biology
“i………..what did i miss while i was gone wtf you’re PREGNANT?”
“omg i’m gonna be an uncle??????? really?????? reAlly!!!”
of course the big issue right now is telling hoseok about it
like what are you supposed to do? go up to him and be like Hey hot stuff you’re gonna be a dad!! Happy Monday!!
“if he doesn’t want to help look after it, i would be happy being the adoptive dad of your baby,” jimin offers, staring at your stomach for the fifth straight hour. “because i love you and i also like babies.”
“aw, min, i love you too, but if hoseok doesn’t want to be the dad to this baby, i was already planning to ask guk because GOD KNOWS you would be the worst at looking after kids- dont look at me like that, i know you i CAN SEE THE TYPE OF PERSON YOU ARE!”
you decide to skip classes on monday and only head out when you need to
and by “need to” i mean you decided that today would be the day you told hoseok
you had the whole of sunday to think over it and seunghee helped you devise a plan
hoseok has office hours from around 3pm to 9pm on mondays and her class finishes at 2:45pm, and apparently people use his monday office hours on the evening so “you should probably come then, and you and him can talk in his office where it’s more private!”
and thank god seunghee has the brain cells in this friendship because you were about to announce it in the open and you doubt that mr min would be thrilled to hear his colleague knocked up a visual arts second year student
it’s 2:30pm and you leave the flat to make it to campus for around 2:37pm
it doesn’t take long at all to walk across campus to the science department and so you’re a little bit early to seunghee’s class because they’re still clearing up by the time you get there
the science department has chosen to smell like a hospital even more today and you shudder, already mulling over the idea that you could be going to a hospital soon to get baby scans and then eventually labour and holy fucking SHIT you’re gonna have to push this thing out of your vagi-
the class leaves at 2:45 on the dot (because hoseok likes to let his kids out early because he’s a cool teacher and apparently nothing like the grouchy art teachers in your department) and actually, today seunghee hasn’t turned up to class so you’re sort of waiting for nobody rn
just >:) as >:) planned
when everybody else has gone you head inside really quietly
hoseok hears you anyway and looks over really quickly and smiles so wide like :D
“y/n! how are you!”
“haha yeah im just great professor like really Uh yeah doing great”
“seunghee’s actually not here today. i thought you guys lived together, didn’t you know that?”
and you’re like like “uh yeah i knew. i’m, well, i’m actually not here for her. i’m here for you.”
“is everything ok?”
you smile at him as a way of reassuring him
on the inside you’re like oh hoseok sweetie you have no idea what’s coming
“yeah. i asked seunghee what time your office hours were and she said from around 3 to 9? and obviously, its like five to three and so i am early but. look i just- i really need to speak with you.”
he stands up quickly. “is something wrong?”
“i’m not sure yet,” you reply honestly. “shall we. um. can we go to your office?”
he blinks. “oh! yeah, sure, let me get- my coat and yeah let’s go. i’ll lead the way.”
along the way you just so happen to bump into professor min and he smiles at hoseok and then at you and he’s like “oh? miss l/n, what are you doing here? i didn’t know you took science?” (he only knows who you are because of the open day)
“Oh, no i don’t. um. well,” you pause. cause what are you supposed to say???? “i’m just getting some work for seunghee. she’s...sick and bedridden, so, here i am!”
professor min is just like “huh. okay well have fun i’m going to take a nap in my office :D” and leaves
hoseok’s office is surprisingly clean and cute and there’s flowers everywhere and a cute little yellow rug and you stop to just take in how this room is hoseok in Room Form
like a room has never looked so much like a person it’s him as a room and you love it
“i didn’t really clean up because i didn’t expect anybody- especially you- to be coming. uh, here, let me just close the door. want to sit?”
you take up the offer and sit on the couch opposite his desk and he sits on the desk looking at you really worriedly. “is...everything okay?”
he wants to ask if somebody found out, but at the same time, he really doesn’t want to make you think that he was like repulsed by having sex with you because it was The best sex of his life and he’s not afraid to admit that
“yes. i just” sigh. might as well get on with it. “how long has it been since the wedding?”
hoseok pauses. thinks. “well...i mean, like, probably six weeks? yeah, six weeks. why?”
“okay, and usually, what does it mean when a woman misses her period?”
“wha- well, sometimes it could be an irregular cycle. but it’s usually because they’re conceiving...”
hoseok really doesn’t wanna overthink but...like….he’s overthinking rn
“and how long does it take for them to start showing?”
“well someone can know that they’re pregnant as early as four weeks, usually. although 50% of women say they show at five, and 70% said they show symptoms at six weeks-”
there’s a beat of silence
you worriedly look at hoseok and he’s just. quiet
you can see the clogs moving in his head and his eyes are flitting up from your stomach to your face repeatedly and wow he’s gone a bit pale?
“i’m...i’m pregnant.”
“i…” he starts to speak but literally stops and he’s just really quiet
you can feel your eyes filling up because oh god he doesn’t want the baby you’ve ruined his LIFE
but really he’s just thinking really hard rn
a beautiful girl he likes is carrying HIS BABY
and then he’s like but shes a student at my uni is this weird? its weird its wrong but i love babies and ‘im gonna be a dad????? and she’s really pretty????? and i like her?????? and that’s my kid??????????
you’re seriously about to cry and be like its ok if you don’t want it i can look after it alone and my flat are okay with it i just would want some help like maybe a little bit just for the first few months when he moves from the desk towards you and drops to his knees between your legs
“is- is it mine?”
“what- of course it’s yours!”
“i’m sorry! i didn’t want to assume!!!”
“i wouldnt be here if it wasn’t yours!”
he huffs out a laugh and then just starts smiling so wide
“omg are you actually pregnant? really?”
and then you start laughing like “YES omg why would i lie here’s a test for proof i was crying a lot over the weekend.”
now that he has concrete evidence hoseok is getting a bit excited about this
above all circumstances he is gonna be a dad and wow he’s always wanted a family!!
you’re so relieved that he’s happy :)
but then he has to think realistically about this: you’re still a student, probably barely twenty one, and he’s a professor and things will be extremely complicated
he debates whether or not to tell professor min
because yoongi has been his friend forever and he actually helped him get the job at this uni and he probably wouldn’t judge him for it because he had seemed excited when hoseok told him about the wedding night (obviously spared of the details that the best Pussy of his life was miss y/n l/n)
“do...do you want to keep it?”
you look at him like OnO “yes :( is that okay”
“YES omg it’s okay!!! that’s our BABY!!!”
ok he’s so excited
“this is so weird and i never ever thought this would happen but!!!!!! i’m gonna be a dad???”
“wait fuck are you married or anything?” you have to ask it’s been bugging you all weekend. “because i’m happy with raising a baby with you but i don’t think i can handle telling ur wife or whatever that we had sex at a wedding.”
he finds this really funny
“no, i’m not married. i was drunk at the wedding but not drunk enough to cheat on someone :( i would never do that :(”
now he has to make plans to like. get to know you because there’s no way in hell his baby is gonna grow up with complicated parents like he wants his kid to have the best life ever :(
hoseok now also has to come to terms with the fact that seunghee knows he had sex with her best friend and is having a baby with her and now he’s horrified
“you did wHAT”
hoseok decided against his better judgement to tell yoongi about what’s going on
since you told your entire flat about it he figured it was only fair that he could also tell somebody he trusted
he has a couple of friends outside the department who he really trusts, like namjoon and seokjin, two married professors who teach literature and creative writing, and sociology, respectively, who will eventually find out, whenever he’s figured out what he’s going to do
considering everything, yoongi isn’t that put off by the fact that he knocked up a student
i mean, yes he’s shocked that it was you of all students ever and then he pieces together you going into his office and the way he had literally described you as “artistic and fascinating” and fucking hell he should have realised sooner
“i...kind of got her pregnant. which- before you yell at me, isn’t the end of the world because we’re both willing to give it 110%!”
“yeah i dont give a fuck about that- i’m still on about the fact that you came back here after that wedding and told me all the raunchy details about you and y/n and i called it hOT and now i find out its a student i KNOW?????? oh my god i need to lie down again.”
(he takes it well, and congratulates him)
meanwhile you’re already making plans to tell your family about it but you want to do it after the first scan
seunghee has done so much research on pregnancy that she was worried the school would catch on by reading the wifi bill and seeing that all she ever googles is “how big is a baby at six weeks?” or “when should i go for a baby scan?”
she seems to think that twelve to fourteen weeks is a good time to get the baby scan and that you’ll probably start showing by then which is the PERF time to tell everybody about it
at the moment you’re not too worried about telling your family
your mom is pretty understanding and your dad has been out of the picture for a while now, and you’re the baby sibling so at least she still has an older daughter to brag about
because from now on it’s gonna be “yeah this is my eldest she’s a LAWYER and this is my youngest haha she fucked her biology professor”
not that she’d use those words
you’re actually more afraid of what people at uni are gonna think when you start showing because you’re not really up for missing out a whole 9 months just to be a year behind your friends
and morning sickness was so awful this morning that you just couldn’t be bothered to go in for class today
thankfully it was just a free sort of day where kids either did the art marathon or worked for their midterms so you could sort of afford to miss a day
guk went to class for an hour before coming back to the flat and haseul didn’t have classes that day so once again, art attack squad just had a nice day at home
haseul is most concerned about the baby and the baby’s health and so went through a crazy moment of trying to eliminate foods that are bad for you during pregnancy
“where’s all my chocolate gone?” “well i moved it so that you can limit yourself on what you eat! chocolate isn’t great for your skin and you should probably start eating healthy if you want the little honey to be nice and healthy when they arrive!”
haseul has money on it being a little girl
guk and seunghee want it to be a boy and jimin is the type of person to have no opinion until the baby is born and then proceeds to say, “see! i told you it would be a boy/girl!”
since you last saw hoseok, he hasn’t really decided what he’d like them to come out as yet; yoongi wants it to be a girl, though
seunghee actually went to class and ended up waiting behind afterwards to give him all the updates
“is she doing okay?” “yES she’s amazing and the baby is doing so well too!!! i mean it’s only been about seven weeks and so y/n is like barely showing, but he’s about the size of a blueberry! isn’t that cute?”
then she pauses and is like, “wait...we live off campus so like. do you want to maybe come round? and see her? i think she’d appreciate seeing you.”
“ᶜᵃⁿ ᶦ?” hoseok is really excited because yeah he does like you and he’d see you whenever he could but 1) he didn’t know how to contact you and 2) where do you even live because if its on campus he definitely can’t pop round and be like “wassup where’s my baby mama”
anyway he comes round with her and you’re very unprepared to see hoseok and seunghee step through the front door
jeongguk is like midway through kissing your tummy over and over and haseul is on amazon looking at baby clothes because she “has to be ready for any opportunity”
of course anything can happen and she’s praying that nothing bad happens because she just found the cutest bear onesie ever and OOPS its in her cart
“it’s,” gesturing to guk and his lips on your stomach, eyes wide, “not what it looks like!”
but hoseok just laughs and puts down his bag and is like, “hehe i know. how are you!”
guk clears out to another part of the couch and decides that he has to, before he dies, see a y/n and hoseok interaction and he can hardly contain his excitement when hoseok sits down next to you and looks at you with a fond ass expression
“good! i had a little bit of morning sickness, but i’m okay. how are you?”
and hoseok’s like well i’m not currently carrying a baby im fine of course i’m fine i want to know about you
because it came to his attention when he was with yoongi earlier that he really doesn’t know anything about you PERIODT
and he wants to know everything and anything
at that point guk takes his leave and he, haseul and seunghee go to the kitchen to give you and hoseok some of your own private space
“i cant believe professor jung is in my living room right now...”
meanwhile you and hoseok are taking the moment to get to know each other
because in about 9 months time or whatever you’re gonna be parents
so you gotta know everything
hoseok learns a lot of things about you: your love for chocolate, that strawberry milk is your favourite flavour, your favourite colours are natural colours like white and beige and browns, your favourite movie or your favourite song…….
and you learn quite a few things about him in return: growing up he always loved science, he wanted to go into dance during high school but it clashed with science club so he gave it up, his favourite flavour milk is banana and his favourite colour is yellow…...
“mm i knew the yellow already :)”
“oh yeah?” hoseok has an arm around your shoulders, one hand stroking the side of your face and the other brushing against your stomach. “how?”
“the rug in your office. and the fact you like banana milk,” you laugh.
“what? the banana milk has nothing to do with it.”
“it does, don’t lie.”
“okay, but it’s not the main reason!!!”
once again it begins to feel like you’ve known hoseok for years and wow it’s so easy to talk to him and he’s so gentle and nice You’re ready to donate your whole heart to him on the spot
“so i was thinking actually,” you propose suddenly, and at this point the gang have come out of the kitchen and are gathered in the living room (jeongguk said that he’s technically in-laws with hoseok now and so there’s no point avoiding it) “that we should go out together this weekend.”
hoseok grins: “are you asking me out on a date right now?”
“yes,” you nod with a firm look. “yes, i am. i am taking authoritative because you’re slow and i want to go on a date with you. i wanna get to know you and work on this.”
hoseok agrees and presses a warm kiss to your temple. “mm, okay then, honey. it’s a date.”
(jimin gets home late and kicks off his shoes by the door. “GUYS!!! YOU’LL NEVER GUESS WHO LOOKED MIGHTY FINE THIS MORNING!! If you guessed Professor Min, then you were RIGHT!! At this rate, Y/N won’t be the only person knocked up by a science professor cause I’m telling you, I’m ready for Professor Min to tell me the exact speed of light whilst balls deep in my a- OH. Uh. Hi, Professor Jung. Nice day?”)
((nobody knows how to move on from that.))
it’s been exactly 9 weeks since your little honey has been conceived :D
hoseok comes to visit more frequently and he now has your number and emergency contact details so whenever he can, he’s asking how you and the baby are and stuff
he texts asking about your day a lot
mostly about the baby though
from hoseok: what are naming it ^_^
to hoseok: hmm i believe we haven’t gone over the names yet :)
from hoseok: i meant like a nickname!!
from hoseok: yoongi has been calling them “squid” because when we became friends we bonded over someone calling a sperm cell a squid cell and i guess it kind of stuck
to hoseok: omg i dont wanna call them squid then :-(
from hoseok: hmm how about simply ‘baby’?
but i want u to call me baby…
from hoseok: but i wanna call YOU baby and it might get confusing...little one? little guy?
to hoseok: haseul thinks its a girl teeheehee
from hoseok: so i’ve been told
from hoseok: okay, how about honey? i know i call you honey sometimes but honey can be exclusively our baby name
to hoseok: hmm
to hoseok: honey is cute :3
from hoseok: haha okay baby, honey it is then!
you’re waiting until week 14 for an ultrasound
seunghee did more research and said 14 is a lucky number and so it just seemed right
and also most women go around 14 weeks and later because by then the gender will be revealed and that’s exciting!!
THANKFULLY you weren’t planning to visit family for christmas because they’re abroad visiting family and so at least you can surprise them when they’re back with a baby scan and hoseok :D
“did you also know that the baby is now the size of a cherry?” guk said suddenly one evening, as he lay next to you in his bed, by the way, WHY you were in his bed when he woke up he has no idea. “that’s so cute. little cherry all snug in there, huh.”
you find that jeongguk is now...abnormally nice
like you loved that you and jeongguk could be brutal to each other and still be fine in the next three minutes
but ever since you found out you were pregnant, he’s been toning it down a lot
truthfully he doesn’t want to overdo it and add any stress on you during the pregnancy, and he just wants to be supportive and be ‘the best uncle in the business’, to which jimin competes
haseul and seunghee are the ideal best friends in this situation: haseul is so ready to be an aunt it’s crazy and she already has an amazon cart full of cute things and seunghee already claimed dibs on helping you and hoseok set up a nursery for the baby
it’s still being decided but there’s a big chance you and hoseok will move in together to raise baby honey together
the house you were eyeing is relatively close to campus and to flat 18, which they’re planning to rent out for the next two years of uni after this one
so it’s close to honey’s aunts and uncles and also close for hoseok to get to work and for you to get to classes
jimin is the friend who still doesn’t really know what to do in this situation
he replaced jeongguk as the annoying younger brother type, even though he’s a few months older than both you and jeongguk, he’s such a brat lmao
10 weeks
“i’m convinced that my boobs have got bigger- haven’t they gotten bigger?”
so it is one of those days where hoseok is free to come and visit you at the Holy flat 18
it’s become his second home because he comes by so often
seunghee isn’t so weirded out by her professor being basically one of her friends, and in-fact she tries to abuse this by trying to get him to give her “in-law special treatment”
(“i gave you special treatment on your ugly volcano!” “OI the mother of your child helped make that volcano!!!”)
he really doesn’t give any bias tho he basically passes everybody
“i mean,” hoseok begins, and you move between his legs for him to get a good angle. considering you two haven’t been ‘together’ long, you’re incredibly comfortable around him. “yeah, actually. wow, they have!”
“rIGHT? none of my bras fit me anymore. oh god, i’m gonna have to start buying granny bras- do you think they’ll get that big?”
“it’s possible. all women increase in size during pregnancy. actually, some can lose weight instead of putting it on.”
“not me.”
“no, but you look healthy and gorgeous and i like it.”
you giggle- the same giggle he remembers you doing on the Big Night- and shuffle into some bigger trousers that you and haseul went to buy a few days ago
clothes just aren’t fitting anymore and so while you’re upgrading to trendy maternity-style clothes haseul and seunghee are super excited to go to town with outfits they can make from your wardrobe
“well, good! because you’re stuck with me for the next….like, nine months.”
“technically, it’s seven months now.”
you glare
“but i’m gonna still be here after those seven months!!!”
“good!!! you better be,” you shuffle over to sit next to him with your legs around him- one behind and one over his lap and he smiles down at you, “because i’m growing fond of you.”
“well that’s convenient, because i’m rather fond of you, too.”
outside the door, jimin starts laughing “wtf it’s 2018 who says fond anymore?”
12 weeks :)
this morning you realise
i’m actually pregnant pregnant
you’re starting to show now and honestly...looking at it, you realise how creepy baby bumps are
“oh my GOD, seunghee come look at it now it’s gotten really big!”
it’s not even that big
but it’s bigger
seunghee is so excited about this fact
the flat have been taking pictures of the bump every week and printing it so they can keep a timeline for when honey is born
jeongguk and seunghee are still dead set on honey being a little baby boy but haseul is trying to convince them otherwise
“we’re calling her honey for now, right? so, what i have planned, is, we buy her a bee onesie. representing both bees AND the bee movie. worlds best dressed baby.”
you started to develop a fear of going to class because you’re unsure on how people will take the news that you’re pregnant
you’re not that much of a popular person but everybody in the class knows you well enough to know that you’re not the type to sleep around
so it would be a valid shock to hear that you’re pregnant
but you have to go because you can’t afford to miss anymore classes
and you also have to….break the news to your professors because at some point you’re going to have to have a lot of time off to pop out a human being
“he’s the size of a plum by now, isn’t he?”
jeongguk is particularly excited about honey this morning and he has literally not shut up about them since you got into class
“yes, THEY are about the size of a plum- did seunghee tell you that?”
“omg no im a good best friend and i did all my research!! it’s so cute that they compare honey to fruits online- next week he’s gonna be as big as a lemon!”
class is….just your luck, pretty busy today
most students are in the drawing rooms and a few are drawing a still life model
jeongguk gets right to work finishing his final project while you head to the office to speak to your professor, who is really lazy and sits in his office all day and doesn’t even supervise
professor choi, the lovely lady who ends up running all classes, is the dearest angel and you’re ready to chat to her next
professor bowen, your grouchy art professor, is literally so :| when you break the news
like he could not give two shits
he puts down his coffee and is like “oh. well, i couldn’t tell. congratulations, talk to the dean about your maternity dates. and shut the damn door behind you.”
damn sir okay
professor choi <3 is so <3 excited <3
she immediately goes to touch your stomach and then quickly stops herself like “oops, silly me! i remember when i had my first child i was so picky with who could touch my belly!! heeheehee how many weeks are you darling!!”
she’s already getting so excited and inviting herself to the birth
like please professor choi
we love you but please don’t turn up for the birth
she keeps making invitations to bring the baby to classes when they’re born because “obviously im amazing with babies and ooh i just can’t wait to see them! jeongguk- don’t tell me you stepped up and did this all by yourself?”
jeongguk nearly throws up
“EWWWWWWW wtf i mean y/n babe i love you but EWWHJFHJKS why would i want to be with y/n she’s like my annoying sister! no the daddy is ho-”
and you’re like BITCH STOP!!!
“....honestly the best man on planet earth? you definitely don’t know him at all.”
14 weeks :)
“okay, miss l/n. it’s going to feel a little bit cold, but we’re going to put some ultrasound gel on your stomach now, is that okay?”
it’s the day of the ultrasound!!!
for you and hoseok this is the Big moment next to birth because it’s almost like final confirmation that there’s a baby in there
at this point you’re starting to show a lot
it’s big enough for you and flat 18 to know there’s a difference
but tbh if people didn’t know you they might just think you’ve got a few pounds on you and nobody cares at all at uni like literally nobody gives a fuck about what anybody else looks like
hoseok got permission of the dean to get the day off (he told them that his girlfriend was going for an ultrasound and so he just had to be there, and the dean, not knowing any better, was all smiles and said, “of course, professor jung! congratulations! i didn’t know you were expecting, or even dating!”)
because the best thing about being jung hoseok is the fact that he’s well known and it gets him out of trouble sometimes
thankfully the dean is old and dumb and didn’t clock on to the fact that you paid her a visit like a few weeks prior asking about maternity dates :)
jung hoseok’s job: saved
hoseok is holding your hand reassuringly and is sitting to your left, the other hand on your ankle and his leg is going cRAZY it’s just bobbing like heck next to the bed
a part of him is still really sort of insecure because even though the sonographer and nurse present don’t know that hoseok is a professor at your uni, he still feels really weird knowing who he is and how you could do better and could be doing better and more if it weren’t for stupid him not putting on a condom
he is so excited to have this baby but he thinks about that a lot, about how he’s basically ruined your life by putting a baby inside of you
you look incredibly excited though, lying on the bed with your eyes really wide and expectant because omg this is your baby!!!!
now that you’re here there’s some finality
ever since you found out you were pregnant there had been so many doubts but now that you’re here, with hoseok, about to see honey for the first time…
alexa play Despacito cause this is epic
“okay. let’s see what your baby is getting up to in there!”
this sonographer is really enthusiastic apparently
“alrighty. so, as you can see...oh! always a good sign- we have a confirmed heartbeat. usually that puts parents at ease, knowing their baby is all okay and healthy in there!”
and then she starts listing off various body parts but in all honesty you cant see a thing
hoseok is very interested in the screen and his smile gets wider at every body part she lists off
you really should be invested in the baby inside of you but when he smiles like that :( you just wanna grab him and kiss him really deeply
“everything seems to be perfectly fine with your baby, miss l/n. a very beautiful baby. they’re about the size of a peach right now, isn’t that just incredible?”
hoseok’s grinning like it’s his default facial expression
he squeezes your hand really tight and kisses it three times
“that’s our baby,” you say, still in motherly awe. “they’re real! we did THAT!”
“yeah, we did,” he replies, lips still pressed against your skin. “i’m proud of you.”
“i haven’t done anything yet!”
but really you have
to him you’re one of the bravest people he’s ever met in his entire life and he knows it must be so so hard for you to accept the fact that you’re having a baby aged 20 during uni
not that it’s uncommon but it’s just….not particularly ideal? at this moment in time?
“im so happy right now.”
“me too, baby.” you squeeze his hands, “me too!!!! our baby!!!! honey is the size of a peach already!!!”
he starts laughing
hoseok is just so overwhelmed with emotions he genuinely feels like he might cry rn
“i’m so happy it’s with you,” he says honestly and like the nurse is like :’) and you’re like :’o “it could have been anyone at any point in my life, but i’m so glad it’s with you.”
you look at him in awe
because that’s the most romantic thing anybody has ever said to you
you tug him gently by the hand and he brings himself forward and
you believe this is the first kiss he has given you since the “big shindig” (for some reason, flat 18 are obsessed with calling everything a shindig and so it just sort of stuck)
so it’s a big deal
and it’s also at the place where your pregnancy was confirmed
it’s perfect
the nurse is like AWWWWWWWWW
the sonographer is just like “anyways ! do you want to know the gender !!!”
you and hoseok have talked about maybe finding out sooner
it would put flat 18 at rest knowing if honey is a girl or a boy
but deep down it’s like...if honey is a boy or a girl for definite you don’t want the nickname honey to go away when you start referring to it as a name you both like...and plus like isnt it way too early
hoseok is happy with whatever choice you want because he likes the element of surprise
you two decided a couple of days ago that it could be super cute to have a reveal party
jimin was particularly excited about that idea (“I’M GONNA MAKE THE CUPCAKES”)
“um actually, can you like put it in an envelope!! we want to have a reveal party so it’s gonna be a surprise for now!”
the nurse and stuff are like “omg yes of course!!” and so it’s sealed away in a little envelope
“i can’t believe we’re actually like...almost parents,” hoseok says on the way back to the car.
“i know. it’s so weird. i can’t believe WE’RE having a kid together.”
hoseok helps strap you in because he’s one of THOSE expecting fathers who like as soon as he knows it’s happening he’s cautious about EVERYTHING
literally everything
falling out of bed when he’s staying over? not allowed, he’s making pillow barriers
tripping over rugs? the rug is being rolled up and put away
hotel? trivago
“it’s actually super funny to me because like i always fantasised about boning the Daddy of biology and look at where we are right now!!”
he starts the car- “the ‘daddy of biology’? what??”
and you’re like, “oh yeah oops haha basically i had a fat old crush on you and we all started calling you that.”
“i’m...honoured? well i knew you had a crush on me already, heehee”
as he pulls out of the hospital he glances over and grins to himself. “if it makes you feel better, i remember telling yoongi about the cute friend of seunghee who comes to my class every other day. yoongi made fun of me for weeks afterwards, and now look at us!!”
(yes it boosts your ego a little bit)
when christmas comes around hoseok makes an ultimate surprise
you end up showing off the baby scan like it’s a broken wrist in primary school because everybody wants to see the little honey
jeongguk is CONVINCED he can see a penis and so he’s like 98% sure it’s a baby boy
haseul tells him several times that it’s literally honey’s foot but he’s having none of it
you call your mom and tell her that you’re coming to see her in early january
(specifically january 4th)
she’s weirdly suspicious about it but nonetheless excited
hoseok has made plans for you to meet his family just afterwards so you’re going to be showing off the scan quite frequently
flat 18 don’t like doing gifts at christmas but jimin always bakes goodies for the flat
this year you’re particularly upset because you have yet to taste jimin’s christmas cookies and you already took your recommended amount of sugar by the time his cookies are done
“one cookie won’t hurt honey,” seunghee says
“i’m not taking aNY risks with it!!!”
hoseok makes a stop by the flat after you’ve had your first christmas dinner as a flat <3 aw
he shocks everybody when he walks in because he’s gone the extra mile and got gifts for everybody in the flat
“it’s just a way of me saying thanks for looking after my babies,” he says as he hands out the gifts
you can literally feel jeongguk’s smirk
and of course !!! he got you like three gifts because you’re secretly like the love of his life
even though it’s really not a secret but still
he mostly gets you the typical christmas things like things he knows you wanted (like that sailor moon designer ring that you don’t need really but omg its gorgeous and you want matching)
the last gift is really small and you’re like :O because the small gifts are usually the super thoughtful ones
it’s keys….
you’re almost like “HUH”
then it clicks
hoseok bought the place you and him went to check out a few weeks back (the one just a few minutes away from the flat and campus)
he’s all giggly and happy when you start BLUBBERING about how you own a house and now you can get a nursery and omg no more listening to jimin and jeongguk screaming over super smash ultimate in the living room
“because i think it’s time we live together, as a family, you know?” he says, holding you in his arms and kissing your face really sweetly. “it’ll be so good, living with my girlfriend and soon enough, my baby.”
“well, yeah baby, of course. wanna be my girlfriend? please?”
you cry even more
“wtf yes of course i do :(”
(flat 18 are extremely territorial and are only settled and content with you leaving when hoseok takes them to the house and they’re like :D okay we’re coming over every weekend)
((haseul cries when she sees the room that’s gonna be the nursery))
15 weeks ^_^
“what if your mom beats my ass?”
today is january 4th which means it is the day that hoseok is going to meet your family
and also the day they are going to indirectly meet the little honey :’)
honey is now the size of a navel orange according to the website that everyone in flat 18 has pinned on their laptop chrome browser
which is really cute
jimin is the flat 18 member who likes to call honey everything but honey and recently started nicknaming them after the fruits on the website
so he’s like, “good morning little satsuma!” or “hello navel orange, how are you?” when he sees you around the flat
you’re probably going to be officially moved out by next week which is really exciting teeheehee
“she won’t….probably. my mom is really nice! she’ll like you!”
“will she still like me when she finds out i teach biology to seunghee?”
“yes probably, i don’t think she really knows what that means.”
“what, biology?”
“no, i don’t think she’ll realise that you’re a professor at my- you know what, never mind that. did you lock the car?”
since christmas and becoming hoseok’s official girly, you two have just been closer than ever
hoseok is still really cautious about the baby stuff because this is obviously his first baby ever
he’s that person who thinks having sex will like kill the baby
of course, he did try it once
just to say he’d had sex with a pregnant lady
“that’s one for the bois.”
“what bois, you don’t have any friends, baby.”
“NOT true i have like 3 friends!!”
when hoseok timidly knocks on your mom’s front door he’s so so nervous when a big buff man opens the door instead
inside he’s like wtf i thought y/n’s dad was like GONE
but then you’re like “oh hi daren! yeah, this is my boyfriend, hoseok, hoseok this is my mom’s boyfriend!”
you didn’t tell hoseok just because you got pleasure seeing him look so terrified at the thought of telling ur Dad that he knocked you up
thankfully you’re not close enough to daren for him to have any protective feelings for you
not like a close dad would anyway
when he meets your mom it’s literally like meeting an older You
your mom is so nice :(
she greets hoseok really really excitedly and is all for embarrassing you within 5 minutes of you coming home
“did you know that it’s been exactly four years and five months since y/n came home with a BOY? she never comes home with anybody!!! i thought she was joining a nunnery!!!”
like omg…..so funny…...really, like, joke of the year
your sister is also here and she’s looking at hoseok like -_o because…. “i’ve seen you somewhere…”
now you’re shaking
omg does she KNOW
“i mean, he was at [cousin’s name]’s wedding hahahha...that’s probably how u know him….small world.”
“ew what do you MEAN he was there- he’s not family is he?”
“wtf no he’s a friend of [groom’s name] wtf Why would i be dating him if he was family What is wrong with you?”
you guys have a nice little snack and tea together and hoseok starts to feel really comfortable
but then Mrs y/n puts down her tea and sits back in her chair, slapping her thighs: “alright then. so what’s this big surprise you have for us?”
oh yeah he forgot about the fact that you’re having his kid and you’re about to drop the news
suddenly he wants to throw up the brownies he just ate
and your sisters blue shirt looks like a perfect place to throw up <3
“well, it’s kind of been a surprise to us all, actually,” you begin, and you take hoseok’s hands in your own and your sister narrows in on it and she knows like right away
she thought she saw the bump but didn’t want to mention it because You’re the sensitive sister and if it was just weight gain she didn’t wanna handle you crying everywhere
but now she knows and she sits back in her seat and starts to smile
she wants to say something but hoseok looks at her like owo please don’t say anything sis
(she doesn’t)
“but, me and hoseok are in a very...close relationship-”
“oh god you got married didn’t you.”
“um, no, but, i’m sure that’s in the future, right? y-yeah? right, yeah, um…”
“it’s not something we’re discussing right now,” hoseok blurts out. “but, i mean, i want to? soon? like later?”
your mom is literally there like “well what is it????”
“.....i’m pregnant.”
your mom is shook to the core
she really doesn’t believe you until you whip out the baby scan
and she starts sobbing
like full on sobbing like she’s just been punched in the face by bowser
daren is all smiles and is like “wow congrats!”
your sister hugs both you and hoseok and says to hoseok in his ear “can you please sign my copy of “ouch mitosis” because it’s my favourite book and i totally knew you were famous the moment you walked in” and pulls away and is like “im so excited to be an aunt!!! what’s the gender!!! when are they due!!! what are you gonna call them!!!!”
needless to say your sister leaves with a signed copy of hoseok’s big money book
and your mom is now 100% hooked on the baby being called honey
week 17 :-)
you and hoseok are now homeowners officially !!!!!
flat 18 have come down to visit as a sort of moving in house-warming party and hoseok invited his “three friends” (by friends he means work colleagues lmao)
jimin is still weirded out by the fact that professor jung heard him talking about his fantasy of having professor min inside his GUTS and so tries to avoid hoseok and yoongi when they are together
hoseok also cannot forget hearing that :-( his ears :-( are tainted :-(
it’s your first real time meeting hoseok’s friends
like you’ve never really met namjoon or seokjin but you know of them
because everybody knows about the married Gays of your uni like it made the news and everybody was invited to their after party last year
(yes you went but only like for fifteen minutes because you remembered that you had an art history essay due the next morning that hadn’t been done)
for the sake of you and honey, seunghee tries not to be weirded out by the fact that so many members of staff are at your house and wtf hi professor min WHY are you here again
“can i touch?” seokjin asks really suddenly after hoseok is showing yoongi and namjoon the room that will be the nursery
currently it’s empty with like one box and that one box is full of clothes haseul ordered on impulse
“um. yes!!”
“are you sure? i know some moms get really protective over who touches and i don’t wanna overstep-”
“put ur freakishly big hand on my belly right now!”
he does and he gets really excited touching because he’s never actually touched a baby belly before
namjoon is most excited about the nursery and he’s listing off things hoseok could get
like “OOOO you could totally get one of those really big stuffed bears if you’re going for neutral tones- wait, that’s such a good idea? i’ll order one.”
and hoseok’s like mm okay sweetie sure whatever spend your money on me it’s okay
yoongi is really just. in awe of the baby scan
like it’s not even his baby and he’s tearing up like wtf that’s his niece or nephew that’s his mf baby!!!!!! that’s gonna be the person he spends all his cash on!!!!! he’s so excited to be broke and baby whipped!!!
“and so what, you’re like seventeen weeks?”
“yep! i’m almost four months uwu!!! honey is as big as a pomegranate, how cute!! time flies when you’re having fun huh!”
seokjin pauses and asks the big question like “but like what are you going to do about maternity? are they letting you have days off school? because i can totally send one of my sociology kids to take notes in your lectures because i have authority apparently and you’re like. family? i could do that.”
and you’re like “omg pls no that kid needs their own education!!!” and you tell him that your professors and the dean let you have time off near the due date (which should probably be around june!! a summer babie)
“but it sucks because i wanted to have a gender reveal party and invite some people from uni but then they’re gonna find out that hoseok is the dad and he could like lose his job :(”
and then seokjin is like: “wait but you study art and not biology?”
… “what do you mean?”
“well, policy says that you can’t have a relationship between a teacher and their student. but if you’re in completely different departments….and he doesn’t teach you, therefore can’t have bias over your grades or anything like that…..then really you’re allowed to be with him.”
“since when is that a thing????”
“since like. the day our uni was founded?????”
ob viously when hoseok finds out he’s like O____O “how did you know that omg??”
and seokjin is so done he’s just sitting there with his face looking like this -__-
“it’s literally in the Faculty Handbook that you’re supposed to read before you join the uni as a teacher…”
and hoseok scoffs and grins sheepishly, “yeah well yoongi got me the job so i didn’t read any of that.”
(from across the room jimin groans)
((“so i guess this means i can’t seduce yoongi at a family wedding huh.”))
week 20 :’)
you have somehow adopted the name of “campus milf”
which jimin doesn’t think is that bad of a nickname
“it could be worse, y/n. let that sink in.” and he’s right it really could be worse
nobody actually really cares that you’re pregnant like really they could care less
some students say weird things but it doesn’t really bother you bc like lmao? who even are you Jongin Get out of here!
people aren’t 100% familiar with hoseok being the father but it goes without saying that it will be around campus in less than 15 hours because majority of the art department were present for the gender reveal and oh look
jeongguk invited taehyung and taehyung invited his friends and now there’s a whole bunch of jocks at the gender reveal party?????
the party is obviously at your house
you invited your close family and flat 18 of course and jeongguk invited taehyung who invited his girlfriend binnie and his roomie jackson and jackson, being part of the football team, invited some of the jocks
you would have cared if the jocks hadn’t brought gifts but half of them turned up with a gift or food and so you’re like “okay well come on in boys i’m y/n hi we’ve literally never ever met”
it looks really funny seeing jocks in their fucking JERSEYS (like they couldn’t have changed for this one occasion) standing around your backyard with glasses of wine
oK maybe jeongguk has a vodka and dr pepper but that’s because he did blow up all the balloons from his lungs alone and he deserved a reward
hoseok invited his family too and his friends and that’s about it
your art professor is also here too and she is technically half of the art department (or half of those you care about because weird quiet kid Jisung didn’t wanna show up which is honestly really rude and suddenly you’re not friends anymore)
even though this party technically reveals the gender, you both asked for “gender neutral” clothes and by gender neutral you meant any colour besides the stereotypical blue and pink
because what if honey really likes the colour green? what then
you and hoseok let jimin be in charge of the reveal party and he’s done a pretty good job
for some reason he’s wearing his hoodie up and you’re like “literally what the fuck it’s sunny today?”
and he’s all surrender hands: “that’s exactly why. i don’t...like the sun.”
“what do you mEAN??????? you love the sun don’t lie??!!”
a couple of weeks ago you and hoseok made another visit to the hospital to see if the gender was 100% accurate
the process was weirdly fast and the sonographer was like “lol yeah it’s right” and then dipped
so when you have jimin the envelope he has peeped and done the thing
“haha lol i knew it.”
“no you didn’t??????”
but he did a really lovely job; there’s a cluster of balloons and cakes decorated with the Blue and Pink and there’s like a cute game on like guess the gender or something you don’t really care much about
hoseok’s family really want it to be a boy <3
mrs y/n wants it to be a girl and so does your sister <3
you don’t really care just as long as the baby is okay and healthy <3
when it’s time to reveal the gender jimin has decided that a fantastic way to do that is by giving you and hoseok like one of those party poppers that when it pops it bleeds like coloured confetti and stuff
you actually really like the idea because it’s not as awkward as a cake where you cut and it’s awkwardly long and the reaction feels kind of forced (you youtubed reveal parties)
so this one is really like a quick reaction so hopefully it will feel a lot more genuine!
“are you ready, baby?”
hoseok has one arm wrapped firmly around your waist and oh LAWD
he’s doing the smile
you know the smile
you nod and grin at him like “yep! let’s see who honey really is!!!”
so everybody is ready
so excited
jeongguk is filming like he can feel it in his bones rn that this babie is gonna be a boy
like it’s gonna be his son...half son….almost son….technically his non biological son
everybody does a countdown
hoseok smiles super excitedly
he kisses your lips super fast and laughs quietly
he’s so excited
wait what
you can feel your stomach CHURNING when the party popper releases literally nothing but black and white confetti
what just happened?
what does black and white mean?
you’re looking desperately between hoseok and the popper and then back to jimin who’s faking a :O by the patio doors
jeongguk is like “aw fuck should i restart?”
“omg is it a dud? what happened is this a busted popper please say it is omg is there something wrong with honey? is honey okay? oh my god is honey dead? oh my god why would we party pop that?????”
hoseok’s like “omg calm down it’s just a dud omg it’s okay”
you’re literally like about to cry
then jimin steps forward
and everybody looks
“yall gonna stress me the fuck out”
and in a viral video like fashion
he yanks down his hoodie and
oh wow
his head is a giant mop of blue
everybody starts screaming and clapping and jeongguk is laughing his ASS off like this shit about to be the blurriest gender reveal video ever
“omg a boy!!! a boy!!! y/n we’re having a son!!! omg y/n our baby!!! our little honey!!!”
hoseok is over the freaking moon
like he has not been this excited since the first baby scan
you actually start crying now
“i’m not CRYING it’s just the pregnancy…. ok fuck OFF IM CRYING IM SO HAPPY!!! i’m having a son!!!!”
time for haseul to be both happy and sad at the same time
seunghee and jeongguk are like sucking eachothers titties right now like they are so hyped
“TOLD YOU !!!! I KNEW IT!!!!!”
hoseok brings you in for the biggest and longest kiss Ever
like you haven’t had many long kisses with hoseok because it’s been trying to build up a relationship time for the past three months of your life
but this kiss is so loving you almost faint
he brings you in so gently and holds your head in his hands
one thumb rubs across your cheekbone and wow. this kiss...is so good like are those stars???
“i love you.”
“i love You more,” you whisper against his lips and he makes this really cute noise at the back of his throat (kinda like one of those whines you do where it’s like too good to be true) and he kisses you again
jeongguk zooms in
“look at this….ugh, no respect for any single people here.”
(for a brief moment jimin’s bleached blue scalp goes unnoticed until yoongi compliments him on it)
((he disappears for like fifteen minutes in the toilet and yoongi doesn’t wanna know what he was doing))
22 weeks!!!!
hoseok really probably shouldn’t find you sexy right now
you keep going on and on and on about how un-sexy you are with swollen ankles and stuff
in his opinion you’re looking really good considering and he won’t say it but the weight gain looks good on you and it gives you a nice natural #dewy look that he really loves
he remembers how cautious he was about having sex with you at like. what? 10 weeks
character development time
he’s very aware of the research and the facts and so when you shuffle over to him and huff and act all extra EXTRA touchy he’s just knows
“omg are you horny AGAIN”
and he doesn’t really care that you’re big and pregnant and yeah actually your ankles are kinda swollen but it’s fine
hoseok discovers that he actually really likes pregnancy sex
pregnancy sex always scared him bc omg what if my dick touches my KID that would be all levels of weird
but he is like a biology professor and knows that’s not realistic (he thinks)
and like he was aware that at some point during pregnancy, your body is gonna be producing a lot more fluid
but my GOD
he nearly bust a nut after 3 seconds because he just slid right in
unlike the big shindig 22 weeks ago, hoseok is so so SO careful during pregnancy sex
like he’s extra loving and strokes your hair and kisses your face and arms and stomach
he loves kissing ur tummy :(
esp after sex because he’s like “im sorry honey :( i know you must be traumatised in there.”
but in the moment he really does take advantage of the fact that your hormones are going crazy and it’s not gonna last forever
you’re a talker in bed and he knows that
you’re very vocal about how things feel and some of the things you say really get to his ego like his head is so big rn
“oh...OH, omg, yep, you found it, oh fuck- yes! hoseok, yes, right there-”
and you sound so fucking hot but he can’t be rough bc like Honey is gonna be SCARRED FOR LIFE
your thing is saying i love you during sex
like a lot
hoseok finds it so endearing that you talk and whine with like every thrust and then spill out a thousand “i love you’s” in under thirty seconds as you cum <3 because <3 that’s his girl <3 that’s the love of his life <3 and she loves him back <3 heeheehee
his heart swells with pride
((hoseok also gets extremely turned on that one time you call him daddy during sex and he HAS to find out how to get rid of that kink before honey gets here))
23 weeks :P
as promised, you invite seunghee to help you and hoseok paint the nursery
jimin came too but he literally did nothing
all he did was sit on the floor looking at baby furniture like
jimin sweetie these walls aren’t gonna paint themselves
you have decided on a cream and beige coloured nursery
because it’s unisex and also makes the room feel really bright and clean and nice for when honey arrives
hoseok loves yellow and since the nursery is primarily your favourite colours, a lot of smaller accessories are yellow around the room
seunghee had so much fun looking for ~yellow~ items because “monkeys totally match the theme and omg this mobile is monkeys and bananas its already on its way i’ve just ordered it.”
the nursery takes roughly around a week to get done completely
alongside your studies, some other art students who are now very aware of the baby and the bump helped paint some of the furniture while you were catching up on some work
example a: you accidentally ordered a dark brown chester drawers and when it arrived you cried for like 45 minutes
jeongguk asked some kids from class to come by your house after class and help paint it so you didn’t feel so stressed and so you could actually finish your art assignments in prep for exams
hoseok and jeongguk helped put up the crib because “this is not a one man job, y/n, this...this is a test of skill.”
yoongi comes around often to look at the nursery and he’s the person who won’t buy anything until the baby is out and in the world
namjoon definitely does buy the huge stuffed bear for the corner of the room and often you catch seunghee asleep against it because she comes by the nursery so often to help you and hoseok make it perfect
because hoseok has a full time job that really requires all of his time and sometimes he can’t be working on the nursery and marking essays at the same time :(
“hee, can you pass me the blankets from that box over there?” you point to a collection of boxes by the wardrobe and seunghee nods, practically running over
you’re both working on the nursery (it’s friday afternoon and classes are over, but unfortunately hoseok had to finish a meeting and he’s currently in his office ((at home)) finishing these essays for the weekend)
yoongi called and said he’d be round later because he wants to check in on honey (and you of course) and he’s also coming for dinner because it’s normal to invite jimin’s physics professor around
it’s totally fine
at this point you sort of forget that he’s a professor
yoongi has become like a permanent figure in your life since hoseok and you moved in
like flat 18, he’s literally always over
seunghee fishes out like three blankets because lord knows you have about three hundred thanks to haseul and namjoon and their impulsive buying
the nursery is basically finished at this point
all you’re doing is adding blankets and a few cute little pillows to the crib and then
hey pasta
it’s done :)
“y/n, i really can’t wait for honey to be here.”
you turn slightly and see seunghee running her hands over the chester drawers, looking at the cute little decorations and pictures on the wall and the monkey mobile and, her favourite part, the little bee wall stickers that hoseok found and thought were cute (“we call him honey, it seems fitting!”)
“me too,” you reply super honestly, setting down the blanket. “if you had told me at the start of september that i’d be here right now, in a house i own, pregnant with jung hoseok’s baby...i would have seriously laughed in your face.”
“i’m just...so happy that everything is working out for you!”
it’s time for seunghee to get especially sappy
“and i know that having a baby at twenty can be really hard and it hasn’t been easy for you- but i’m 100% here for you whenever you need me and i’m so so so so happy that jimin introduced us as friends because i love having you in my life….even though you slept with my biology professor….it’s okay….i love you so much….you’re like my sister and i’m so excited for honey have i said that i’m excited yet? cause i am!!!”
you blame pregnancy hormones because you start sobbing when seunghee blurts out all these lovely things
like how she’s grateful to be helping you in the nursery and how she thinks you and hoseok are such a good match and how she misses having you around the flat <3
“seunghee…” you bring her in for such a tight cuddle
seunghee is definitely that friend who even though she’s older she feels like the little baby sister that you want to protect from all harm on earth
even though she’s the oldest out of the flat 18 gang, you all look to her as like a baby sibling
(minus jeongguk that ONE TIME he made out with her….yes you remember the text message)
so you’re just hugging her in the middle of the nursery
hoseok is just about finished with essays and he refrains from like screaming out of joy
he loves being a professor but fucking hell
some of the GARBAGE his students write because they know he’s the cool professor who takes it easy on his kids
so he’s already packing everything away when he pauses
...is that...SQUEALING??
what’s happening??????
he assumes the worst and ZOOMS out of the office towards the nursery where you and seunghee are
safe to say that he’s so thankful nothing bad is happening
you’re holding your stomach with the widest eyes and smile and seunghee is like SQUEALING LIKE A DAMN PIGLET
“is everything okay???? what happened???? is honey okay?????? are you okay?????”
he blinks so confused when you wave your hands at him and beckon him closer
seunghee is like crying to the side of the room and hoseok has both hands on your stomach
honey stopped kicking when hoseok put his hands on there
and he was like :( oh
“maybe he went to sleep?” seunghee doesn’t want hoseok to feel bad about it
you put your hands over his and then stroke your tummy
“it’s okay, honey, it’s just daddy! say hi to daddy?”
hoseok’s like seconds away from crying
like omg R His Eyes Filling Up
but then
honey starts kicking again
and hoseok goes from :’( to :’D in like 2 seconds
“oh my god he knows it’s me!!! hi honey!!!! hi!!!”
he drops to his knees so that he can be level with the stomach and around about where honey is kicking
“hi honey! it’s your daddy,” he puts on this really cute cooing voice Like the typical baby talk voice
seunghee is texting the flat like HONEY KICKED ME
“he knows your voice,” you say with a little laugh, one hand on your tummy and the other threading through hoseok’s hair
“this is amazing,” he mutters, and then kisses your tummy and smiles, “did you feel that, honey? can you hear me?”
“omg yes i think he can hear you holy SHIT-”
“don’t swear in front of honey!!!”
“he HURTS!”
everybody forgot that jimin was still here because he was napping in the living room and so he comes in really late and is like “OMG HONEY IS KICKING? WHY DIDN’T ANYBODY TELL ME??”
honey seems to be familiar with a lot of voices
he obviously really likes mommy’s voice and when she talks to him he likes to kick every once in a while
honey really loves daddy’s voice because when hoseok does his daily chit-chat honey goes crazy
honey also knows jeongguk’s voice really well
jimin is afraid to go near honey because he kicked him when he went to kiss your tummy
he also kicked haseul but she was like “OOOH HE HEARD ME!!!!” and doesn’t let it bother her because!!! she felt the kick!!!! that’s her nephew!!!!
26 weeks (yawn)
it’s starting to hit
the Pregnancy Pains
up until now you’ve been pretty blessed and actually it’s been a nice pleasant journey
but good grief it’s 4:56am and everything hurts
you physically cannot stay in bed any longer
for a moment you actually get really panicked because oh GOD labour is gonna be so much worse than this
like this is nothing
girl you have no idea what’s coming
hoseok has learned to become a light sleeper
you have a really weird sleeping schedule during pregnancy and sometimes he’d wake up at 6am to go to work and you’re already up doing stuff and he gets home at like 6pm sometimes and you’re flat out, then waking up at 3am to continue the day because you were in agony
so when you wake up at (nearly) 5am on a SATURDAY he’s like already up
his body clock is so weird now thanks to you and your weird sleeping habits
“hurts?” hoseok asks rubbing your back as you’re slumped over the side of the bed. he barely catches a nod and kisses your temple and hugs you, “i read on that baby website that baths can help ease the pain sometimes. should i run one?”
you nearly CRY
“yes yes Yes please omg :(”
so that’s how he got to where he is right now
sitting on the bathroom floor running a bath
he’s so careful to get the temperature right and he spends a good three minutes deciding which lush bath bomb is going to be used
(he settles on “honey bee” which was actually a gift he got you on valentines day but you never got around to using) ((he was skeptical because of the colours but baby is called honey so he thought it would be cute)) (((you loved it)))
you hobble into the bathroom and he’s just about finishing it up, running his fingers in the water to make sure it’s not toooOOO hot
you love watching the colours fizz in the bath and so naturally you have to be there to see it happen
seeing all the yellows was pretty exciting and hoseok’s just like :D watching you get happy by the colours
hoseok helps you get undressed as you just talk on and on and on
how do you have so much energy at like 5am in the morning…
he can’t help but notice how much you are GLOWING
like he hasn’t really seen many pregnant women
if any at all besides you
but you really look so pretty and natural and just wow he’s full of love
as you sit down in the bath, you grip onto his hand as he moves to get more comfortable and you’re like “do you wanna get in with me!!!”
“baby, i don’t think i’m gonna fit.”
“you will i promise, get in here!”
he’s skeptical
“yea...i don’t think im gonna fit, love.”
oh he does
he fits
if he fits he sits and he FITS
he really underestimated how wide this bath was and he sits with his back near the taps and you’re facing him
you have enough room to put your legs on either side of him and you’re like sitting between his legs and in all honesty the tummy is the only thing between you and him and his dick
but like you’ve seen it before you don’t care
and he certainly doesn’t care about seeing any bits of you bc your his bABY thats his GIRL
“this smells amazing.”
“yeah, smells like-”
with hoseok being like. a full time professor and with you trying to make it to classes in between awful pregnancy pains, it’s hard to find time to spend with you because he’s really busy
sometimes you do actually go to class and end up like falling asleep on the desk and professor choi is like torn between letting you stay there or sending jeongguk to get you and take you home
“thank you for this, hoseok.”
:D “hey, hey, hey...anytime you need anything, i will do it, okay?”
“i know babe and you’ve been so so so so helpful these past few months and i know it must have been hard and a big adjustment but im just so glad you’re here and that we’re raising a family together like this means so much to me that you’re here with me and i just love you a LOT okay like a lot-”
“y/n l/n!” hoseok playfully cuts you off and holds your face in his hands (his signature pussy-throbbing move)
his hands are wet and now so is your face but you really don’t care
“you are,” he continues, “the love of my life. i couldn’t let you do this alone. meeting you, being with you- starting a family with you has been one of the best experiences of my whole life. and i wouldn’t change that for anything!!! i love you so much, and i love you even when you’re cranky, and i love you when you ask for really disgusting things to eat, and i love you when you sing to honey in the mornings. i’m just...so in love with you and honey, i can’t even put it into words!!!”
and he starts speaking so damn fast
like you BARELY catch it
“and you’re thebest thing that has ever happened to me and introducing you to my family was the proudest moment of my life and we’re gonna be the best parents ever and god i love you more than anything i would Die for you.”
“...i think writing a best selling book is probably more worthy of pride than boring old me.”
“books are like a ten man job thing. you and me and honey are a two person job thing and i’m so proud of us, so proud of you :(”
he draws you in with a really soft kiss and its so. soft. and nice.
yep his dick is right up against honey right now
honey, sweetie, im so sorry oh god close your eyes baby close ur eyes
“we should get out soon bc this water is looking really ugly.”
“yeah i agree let’s get out”
30 weeks :3
<Y/N has created a new chat!>
from haseul: eye
from y/n: baby shower. 2 weeks time. my house. bring gifts or food
from y/n: preferably mustard sandwiches or sardines :)
from guk: thats fucking NASTY nobody bring that
from hoseok: last week she wanted meatballs and milk………….
from guk: do pregnant women deserve rights? be honest
from y/n: well looks like guk is no longer invited :)
from guk: NO PLS
from yoongi: why did y/n just privately message me asking for blended sardines Hell nah pregnant women dont deserve rights
from y/n: WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN RN :(
from hoseok: so! bring cakes !!!!!!
from namjoon: i have the best gift ever Not To Brag
from jimin: hi professor min how do you like the weather today
<y/n has removed jimin from the chat>
from y/n: can you let taehyung know the date? i dont have his number but he gave really warm hugs when i last saw him and i want another one
from y/n: tell him to bring his girlfriend too she looks like she’ll bring me a good gift
from hoseok: omg im dating a gold digger….
32 weeks !!!!!!!
“baby showers are technically just a way for the mom to get gifts. this is technically baby exploitation-”
“oh my god jeongguk if you don’t shut up im gonna shove this stick of celery up ur ass”
not that you’re ready to admit it to anybody
but yeah you organised a baby shower just to get gifts
it’s really only small
in comparison to your gender reveal party which was quite large
and even though a lot of expecting moms like having “women only” baby showers
you realise that you really want hoseok to be there
he’s been as important in the process as you have and you wouldn’t want him to feel left out
so this baby shower is open to everybody
again it’s only small: attendees are hoseok, yoongi, namjoon, seokjin, flat 18, hoseok’s mom and sister, your sister and mom, taehyung and his gf and professor choi because she was so excited
that seems quite large but in comparison to the gender reveal party this is really quite small and humble
“i can’t believe it’s almost been 8 months already,” haseul says, already starting on the cupcakes
jimin has started baking things more frequently to keep himself busy during exam season
“mhm!!! not long now!!!”
thankfully hoseok’s mom and sister get on really well together with your family and professor choi is like boring yoongi to death talking about something art related
namjoon and seokjin are taking a look at the finished nursery because hoseok’s really proud of how it turned out
it’s time to open gifts uwu!!!
most of the gifts are for honey
thankfully everybody stuck to the cream theme and there’s a lot of cute cream things for honey to wear and use when he’s born
seunghee keeps buying monkey related things for honey meanwhile haseul is hung up on bees
namjoon buys a lot of bear things
you just hope that honey doesn’t grow up as a furry
jimin and jeongguk are the friends who buy those cringey weirdly inappropriate baby shirts that have quotes like, “daddy’s fastest swimmer!” or like onesies that say “my favourite food is titty!”
you sit there like what the FUCK is this
and jeongguk is like “it’s a shirt !!! honey will look so cute in it!!”
yoongi is weirdly fashionable with his baby clothes
like he has a thing for those teddy coats and he bought like eight in different colours
“honey might like red, you don’t know yet.”
namjoon and seokjin together :( give the cutest gift :(
“oK so most professors end up writing books and stuff-” side eye at hoseok - “and so i just thought that, well, honey is gonna wanna grow up reading and stuff so i made this book!!! well, we made this book. everyone helped somehow and jeongguk drew the pictures and it’s just a little something for honey to grow up with reading”
you wanna cry
hoseok wants to cry
haseul cries
it’s not even for her but she cries
you think it ends there with everybody giving gifts
but oh no
hoseok has a gift??????????????
“this gift is for mommy” he says with a bright smile and out the corner of your eye yoongi is squirming with a smirk
...what does he know that you don’t….
your sister is also smiling……
where’s ashton kutcher…….
you unwrap this little box and open it and
you’re so still staring at this really gorgeously simple ring that you don’t even notice hoseok getting down on one knee
“with honey close on the way, i figured i ought to ask before things get crazy.”
omg you brave looking at him and hes got that look again
“y/n l/n i love you and i wanna spend the rest of my life with you :’) will you marry me?”
there is not a dry eye amongst flat 18 right now
haseul actually has to go outside because omg she’s so happy for you
seunghee teared up a little bit and jimin cried but then started laughing
jeongguk is being so dramatic about it
he’s crying as if his pet dog just died
“i...cant believe….my girl is all grown up….i cant...breathe rn omg…..can someone get me a drink?”
35 weeks :o
finals are here
but since jeongguk and haseul are art (sort of) majors their finals were earlier than other subjects
and so you decide to brave life and visit flat 18 :’)
you see a bunch of people on the way there because apparently a lot of people live off campus and walk at the same time as you
like why is everybody here rn
at this point you get a few more stares because
omg is that y/n l/n she’s HUGE!!!!!
you’re genuinely past caring at this point
you’re huge and your pregnant and you’re confident
jeongguk and haseul are the only ones at flat 18 when you arrive
it feels weird being back but it’s nice because flat 18 was once your home
your room hasn’t really changed much and you discover that . sometimes taehyung stops round and crashes in YOUR ROOM???
and if it’s not taehyung then it can be any one of their friends they invite around
which you’re only slightly hurt about
“jesus CHRIST you’re massive!!!”
“thanks jeongguk that makes me feel soOoooO good about myself <3”
“NO, fuck,” and he pauses because there’s a No Swearing Policy around honey since it’s not apparent that since he can hear everything he can probably hear jeongguk swearing too. “i just meant that! wow honey got really big :D not long now!! five more weeks until due date!!!”
haseul plops down on the other side of you
“i can’t wait until he’s here,” she says. “little honey is already the size of a pineapple- which is really crazy to think about!!”
it’s nice to spend some time with your friends after like weeks of being with hoseok
and don’t get me wrong you LOVE hoseok with like every single cell inside your body
but it’s nice to have some You time
and You time has always involved flat 18 like they’re drugs and you’re the addict you genuinely can’t be away from them because it starts to hit you hard :-(
haseul is like halfway through telling you something when you Feel it
and it feels Disgusting
you freeze and look down at your stomach
and you watch as honey makes a grand appearance
honey sort of “rolls over” and for a moment everyone is like >:O as honey’s whole body is visible moving across your stomach and it’s literally like there’s an ALIEN inside of you
“OMG OMGOGG that was so beautiful!!! honey, do it again for me, we have to film this for your dada!!” haseul runs to get her phone
meanwhile guk is looking at your stomach like “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT”
“i dont know but it felt weird”
you bet that honey is like giggling inside
honey: 1 jeongguk: 0
39 weeks…
at 39 weeks, with the due date so close by, you start to feel like something is really wrong
you did some research and while contractions were normal, this pain doesn’t really feel like contractions?
“baby please talk to me, i need to know what hurts so i can call the hospital and let them know.”
hoseok has never ever had to take a call in lecture before but this time he had to
he is so frantic that he set the lecture to a task and really quietly answered the phone at the front of the class
nobody is stupid and they’re all aware that hoseok and yourself are having a baby and so they really don’t mind that their lecture is being paused by you crying on the phone
“i-i-i don’t know...my body hurts and i can feel h-honey moving but he feels stuck or something...hoseok s-something is wrong i think i need to go to the hospital right now”
hoseok goes into full blown panicked dad mode
seunghee is sitting at the front of the lecture like, “hose-i mean, professor jung, do you need me to go and get another professor?”
he doesn’t reply, obviously distressed, and so she ends up waking up yoongi from a nap saying that she thinks maybe you’re going into early labour???
yoongi lets the head of the department know that hoseok has go to like right now and he enters the lecture hall like, “hoseok you need to go and see if she’s okay, don’t worry, i’ll try and go through the rest of the slides, just go, everything is fine”
and so hoseok BOLTS out of the lecture hall
forgets to set homework
and runs across campus to the car-park whilst still on the phone
(yoongi lets the class go because he really doesn’t know SHIT about Behaviour and Physiology of Organisms)
when hoseok and yourself end up at the hospital you realise that it’s not labour like seunghee thinks but things are equally as worrying
honey is currently in the breech position
“most babies are supposed to have moved at around 36-37 weeks, so it is alarming that your baby is still in breech, miss l/n,” the nurse is particularly sympathetic as she lets you and hoseok know
you’re totally lost but hoseok is holding your hand so tight and is so so worried
it’s not really the end of the world that honey is feet first but it’s problematic and means that labour is gonna be a bit more difficult
“well what does this mean? is he okay?”
“your baby is fine, it’s his position that is concerning. it will be more difficult to birth the baby because of his position in the womb- what is more concerning is that we were aware of this at your last scan. last time we saw you, miss l/n, your baby was in the footling breech position. of course, it was possible that he might shift during the time away, but he is now in the flexed breech.”
“w-well….what does that mean? is he gonna be okay?”
“when you are in labour, we will have two options; we can either go through with a vaginal breech birth, or a caesarean birth, depending on how willing he is to come out.”
when hoseok squeezes your hand you just. cry a little bit
“i dont wanna hurt him omg i dont want to have a c section either wtf i thought i’d just have to push him out oh no”
hoseok is feeling awful :( because what is he supposed to do :(
“so what should we do?” he asks really timidly
the nurse frowns and cleans up her things, “i would only suggest going home and staying at home until due date. it really is not recommended that we induce labour naturally but you need to be very careful. your son is not willing to turn on his own or with our help, so we will see what the situation is like during your very early stages of labour and we can discuss what method we go through with. are we leaning more towards a vaginal birth, miss l/n?”
you’re all snotty and sniffly but you nod. “please :( i really don’t wanna be cut open i saw what bella had to go through and im not doing that”
hoseok scoffs “twilight is not a reliable pregnancy source, baby.”
“i do believe that bella had no real pregnancy equipment and that her vampire husband had to cut the baby out of her without any sort of painkillers. in a worse case scenario, you do have to go through with a caesarean birth, you will be safe and we will do our best to relieve the pain for you.”
well that’s reassuring
when you two get home after a long day of panicking you’re incredibly alarmed to find that flat 18, hoseok’s close friends and your sister are all at your house like ??????? what are YOU DOING HERE
it’s like the spiderman meme
“what am i doing here??? i LIVE HERE??? what are YOU DOING HERE????”
“seunghee and yoongi said you were in labour???”
“well im not!!??? why would you think i was in labour?”
seunghee gets really defensive “UM hoseok was like on the verge of a mental breakdown at the front of the classroom and so it made sense that you were in labour?? im sorry???? at least we’re all here???”
you end up having to explain to a whole bunch of people that you’re NOT about to birth a pumpkin sized baby yet
but it’s really hard telling them that honey is like the wrong way :(
surprisingly it’s jimin and the married kims who are most worried about it
jimin just thinks that this means honey is like in real bad danger and he’s like omg :( my son from another mum :( wtf is honey okay?
and the married kims are never going to go through birth like this and so they do feel really alarmed
after hoseok reassures them that everything is (hopefully) okay everyone is sitting there like
:) ok what now
“....shall we order chinese food?” guk suggests
and so you all end up piled in the living room in weird positions watching hell’s kitchen whilst eating chinese food because :) might as well :)
your due date is like 4 days away
and you’ve been lying awake with really bad contractions for like 2 hours
but you’re so indignant like you refuse to believe you could be going into labour
hoseok is awake too and omg he’s doing his best
like he just doesn’t know how to help besides hugging you
and he does hug you like so closely and his hands running up and down your side and he’s like humming in your ear to try and take your mind off it
“i feel like im gonna fucking SHIT myself wtf”
he cant help but laugh sometimes, “wanna try for the toilet, baby?”
and you’re like “yeah im not really in the mood for like POOPINg in our bed is that okay?”
he’s already up and getting ready to help you walk across the room
lately you’ve been really wobbly whilst walking and in a lot of pain so he does whatever he can to help
he’s at the bottom of the bed and you’ve just stood up
“i think i just peed myself?”
“what? why?”
“i didnt mean to!!!”
and you glance down
and wow thats a lot of pee
and oh my god hoseok has NEVER MOVED SO FAST IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE
he rushes to get all his things and honestly your stuff has been in the living room for the past week just in case
all you need now is to spend at least fifteen minutes trying to decide which book to take because obviously you’re gonna have loooaaaads of time to read
what makes hoseok more panicked is the fact that yOU’re panicked
“omg y/n please calm down i’m driving as fast as i can please please please omg”
hoseok crosses like 2 red lights and he’s freaking out double
you’re an angry birther
as he drives you decide to call jeongguk through the car because #technology
he answers like immediately
“hi babe whats up”
“YES PLEASE TELL EVERYBODY- oh fuck hobi it hurtSSSS i wanna go home im not pushing him out yet-”
in the background guk has dropped his phone and is literally screaming around the house
in the back you can hear all of the flat screaming together because HONEY IS COMING
nobody is calm
when yoongi finds out he literally does not know what to do
when you hang up mid sentence he sits staring at the wall like “....omg”
quite literally everybody is a little stressed out when you’re at the hospital
your room is really nice and you’re like “oh wow hoseok you really spoiled me here, too bad i can’t enjoy it because im pushing out a WATERMELON”
obviously because honey is bum first instead of head first things are a little complicated
you’re actually really far in labour already like your mom said it took her like 5 hours to have your sister but turns out it’s been like 32 minutes exactly since your waters broke at home and the nurses seem to think you’re ready now
“yep!! let’s bring your son into the world!!”
you discover by simply listening to the nurses that you’re going to be attempting an assisted breech vaginal birth and immediately you get panicked and flustered
you promised haseul and seunghee that they could be there during the birth :(
you had offered it to guk at first but he was like “i am nOT ready to see your vagina i’m sorry” and jimin said he wasn’t sure if he was up for seeing you in a lot of pain during the birth
and yoongi didn’t really want to be there for it because he’s a bit like both guk and jimin
hoseok didn’t mind at all that seunghee and haseul were asked to be there
in fact he was really encouraging of that fact
because both of them were there since the start
they watched u pee on those pregnancy tests
so you’re getting really anxious because what if honey comes before they’re here
“miss l/n i need you to breathe for me- please control your breathing! are miss l/n’s scheduled guests here?”
“...they’re in the lobby right now. they’re on their way, miss l/n. keep doing those breathing exercises- yes, there we go!”
hoseok is being nothing but supportive
he’s wiping down your head and holding your hand so tight
“you’re doing amazing, baby, you’re so so brave, i love you”
FINALLY haseul and seunghee bust through the doors
guk, jimin and yoongi are currently like milling around somewhere and your parents and hoseok’s parents have been told the news by guk and yoongi
you’re really fucking scared to have this baby
you did the stupid thing of googling what happens during a breech birth and it made you have a full blown panic attack after reading that honey could die during delivery
now that everything is ready for birth you’re really so scared that honey might not make it
before the midwives prop up your legs on the stirrups you take a good amount of gas an air
an epidural was suggested but hoseok knows that it’s not going to make that much of a difference for honey
and you just want to get him out of you quite honestly Nobody has time for an epidural like just get him out
hoseok feels AWFUL when you’re literally screaming in agony over honey
seunghee and haseul are being so encouraging but all hoseok can do is like stare with tears in his eyes because oh no WHAT HAS HE DONE
the midwives encourage you also with a hands off approach until honey’s bum and bottom half is out
their so vocal and warm like “you’re doing amazing, y/n, just keep pushing!! i can see his feet!!!”
and so you just go for it
you’re mentally praying you don’t like pass out from pushing too hard or worse, shit all over the bed because apparently THAT’S A THING
you’re too busy crying to notice that the midwives look really shocked when honey’s bottom half is out
hoseok gets curious and decides to make sure honey is okay
and he looks and is like “oh WHAT THE FUCK?”
only he doesn’t actually say that
actually he doesn’t say anything
“keep pushing, y/n, h-he’s almost out.”
why are they so hesitant
oh god it hurts so bad
you want to die
you don’t want to have a baby anymore
and then finally
you feel like you can’t breathe but oh my god
the sound of honey SCREAMING is like music to your ears because
but why is everyone acting so WEIRD
you peer up over your legs and take a glance at honey like squirming in the midwives hands
“oh my god his penis fell off!!!!!!!”
honey is a GIRL???????????
you don’t really care that it’s not a boy but like. YOU THOUGHT SHE WAS A BOY
regardless the midwives do their thing and hoseok is back next to you like :O
“you did so well i’m so proud of you i love you so much- you did it! you did it you’re okay honey is okay!”
“honey is a GIRL?”
haseul is torn between being sad and happy because she wanted it to be a girl she kNEW FROM THE START THAT HONEY WAS DESTINED TO BE A GIRL
it turns out that the sonographer was never 100% on it being a boy and all this time the “penis” was probably just a toe or something or a glitch
because honey is definitely a little girl
a precious beautiful little baby girl
hoseok’s baby girl
he totally cries
there are no dry eyes in the birthing room rn
honey is so gorgeous
she definitely has hoseok’s features like she has his eyes and his nose and his ears :(
the midwives let mommy hold honey for a little while
“skin to skin is very important!!! she’s not a little boy like expected, but she’s a perfectly healthy baby!”
if she wasn’t covered in disgusting gloop you would have kissed her all over
but as a mother that instinct is there
you kiss her forehead and her hands and you’re looking up at hoseok like what the fuck we mADE THIS PRECIOUS LITTLE HUMAN
hoseok is crying as if he just had to endure twenty five minutes of agony and had his vagina ripped open
he’s just so happy right now
thats his kid
his emotions have been a big fat rollercoaster like it went from panic when your water broke to major panic when seunghee and haseul hadn’t arrived and then horror when you were like screaming in agony and then shock when he thought that honey’s penis has fallen off during BIRTH because NOBODY EXPECTED HONEY TO PULL THE BIGGEST PLOT TWIST OF THE YEAR
now he’s like over the moon he’s so so so so happy
the nurses help get the placenta out but honestly you’re just numbed like you barely register it shooting out
“okay daddy, wanna cut the cord?”
he’s like “no i really dont it looks like a big weird worm”
he still does it anyway
it’s a weirdly fulfilling experience
when it’s time to clean up little honey, you finally break the news to everyone outside
they’re in a mild state of utter confusion
guk is like “well what happened? did it like. grow inside? where did it go?”
and jimin’s like “oh. so it was just a toe or something”
guk is really a little bit disappointed because he wanted a boy so badly but !!! a baby girl !!! a niece!!!!!
(he figures honey will like dinosaurs and naruto all the same as what boy honey would have)
hoseok has made the bed his bed also
he’s snuggled next to you and you have honey on your chest and she’s sleeping so soundly :’)
“have you guys picked a name?”
guk is halfway through eating the fruit salad that haseul made before leaving to get here on time (“you were late because you were making A FRUIT BOWL?” “IM SORRY I WAS HALFWAY THROUGH MAKING IT AND I COULDN’T JUST LEAVE IT”)
you and hoseok hadn’t thought much about it to be honest
although you had talked about it a few weeks earlier
(“i like the name jiyun for a boy” hoseok had said one evening. the two of you had decided that honey should have a korean name like their daddy and you were a-okay with it!! for the sake of your family you were willing to give him or her an english name that you were still undecided on.
you tested out the name. “jiyun. jung jiyun. omg it sounds really cute! what does it mean!!”
“hmm it can mean many things usually, but its usually meaning happiness and posterity, soft sleekness.”
“oh, so it’s one of THOSE names where it has like three meanings.”
“yeah :D”
you laugh. “okay, and how about a girl?”
“how come I’M the one making the decisions???”
“i’m saying yes or no, i’m helping!!”
hoseok huffs and hugs you closer. “uhh, okay. well. me and yoongi had talked about this, and he agreed that yeojin is a cute name. jung yeojin. it means beautiful and precious.”
you...fall in love with that name
“ngl i kinda want honey to be a girl now.”
“omg just for the NAME??? thats cheap”)
you nod at guk sleepily
the room is actually sort of filled with people
because hoseok wrote a book and was on tv he’s Hashtag special
flat 18 are in the room rn because yoongi had to run to pick up namjoon and seokjin and your parents are still like. not ready or here
hoseok’s family couldn’t be here because they were vacationing in europe and their flight got cancelled
“jung yeojin!”
everyone is really satisfied with that name
“are you giving her an english name, too?” seunghee asks, sitting next to the bed with her finger tucked in yeojin’s grasp
you have this twinkle in your eye as you smile down at yeojin and then up at hoseok
“i think the name honey has quite a ring to it, don’t you think?”
hoseok can’t smile any wider holy fuck
“mhm. i couldn’t agree more.”
(seokjin and namjoon arrive later than expected, but seokjin cries as if he was there for the entire thing.)
this. took. so . long. to. upload. but. i . love /. it
+ for visuals and more info please visit here!!
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assholemurphy · 7 years
i’m so fucking close to having a breakdown tbh. like, it’s so fuckign stupid, but the student store was closed bc of construction tonight, and they didn’t tell anybody, so i get halfway there in the middle of the freezing cold only to be told (by a very sweet guy and his girlfriend) that they’re closed, which sucks bc i get breakfast there for the next morning, but i can’t do that, but it’s not too big of a deal bc i’ve got some chips i could eat tomorrow, but if they had emailed ppl, or announced it in advance somehow, then i could have gotten something at the store in the grill, but they didn’t and i’m pissed at that, but that’s not even what’s stressing me out, it’s just the thing that’s tipping me over. i’ve got like 6 sketches due before monday, one of which needs three light sources, and i live in the dorms??? i have a built in lamp and a flashlight, but that’s only two and idfk how to get a third? or even how to set it up? i’m hoping i can get two shadows if i place the mug right on my desk and then use the flashlight, but idk if that’ll work, so i could be fucked for that sketch. i don’t even want to do them to begin with bc i’m like, 7 years behind everyone else when it comes to skill level for realistic shit. anything with lots of small details, i can do, but not if they’re supposed to look real, that’s never been my focus, i’ve always hated it, and i will never fucking use it bc that’s not the kid of art i make ffs. if she had given us a chance to do it in our style, it’d be fine, cause then i could make it look like a tattoo or some shit and go from there, or at least let us use color so i could show off my skills there, but nah, so i’m gonna look like a shit artist compared to everyone else bc we have to tack them up in the motherfucking hallway of the building for everyone to see, bc i stopped sketching years ago bc i was told i’d never make it as an artist, so i gave up and never picked it back up bc of my fucking parents, without whom i could have been just as good as everyone else, but nah, that’s not gonna happen. i’m a fucking painter, i do abstracts, not fucking realism and bullshit, what the literal fuck, but i need the class for my major, and i know she’s only grading on how well you shade and shit, so i can pass, but i don’t want it to look shitty where everyone can see it.and then the fucking hands we’ve got to do, which i can’t draw without a reference, and even then i can’t use my own hand bc i can’t see the lines clearly, so they’re going to be terrible as well, and a fucking gradient that i would have had done in class but i screwed up bc she gave bullshit instructions and told us to reverse our gradients and made a big show of erasing them, but no, we aren’t supposed to erase them, wtf?? honestly, i hate this class so much bc it’s bullshit. i love the prof but not as a teacher, bc she can’t give clear instructions on basic things and it’s bullshit. i feel like a shitty artist even tho i know i’m not, this just isn’t my medium, with photography or painting, i’m great, but i’m shit at sketching and i stopped drawing when i was 5 while everyone else was getting better, and i know i need practice, but ffs, give me something that’ll help me, not make me look like a kindergartner. i love found ii bc i get to take photos, but he isn’t even looking at them, he just wants us to make an, admittedly interesting, project with other ppl, which means most of my photos are going to be bastardized instead of appreciated for the abstracts that they are, or for the editing i did, bc apparently i’m the only one in our group that knows how to edit a photo, wtf, they could have at least tried, my gods, but that doesn’t matter, he’s not even going to know which ones are ours, so all my work is for nothing, i could have just taken a few pics of bullshit lines that weren’t cool looking at all, but no, i tried to make the photos good, but in the end, it was fucking pointless and i had to crop so many of them into nothingness for the sake of the shitty project. it’s all fucking bullshit. i spent hours getting the right shots and it’s for nothing but a stupid project that turned into a fucking group activity and i hate group activities, esp regarding my fucking work, that i took, that now doesn’t matter bc there’s a fuckton other photos on the stupid thing and they all have to connect, and it would be cool, if i had been allowed to do it by myself, but now, work together, fuck that. and wtf is my found i prof doing? 6 sketches? on top of the fuckton of classes we’re already taking? i’ve got physics works to do, history work, and math to do this week, i don’t have time for 6 fucking sketches that are only going to depress me bc they suck. i know i need practice, but between 15 hours of classes and being president of the lgbt club, i don’t have time for that, not when we’ve got 3 multiple piece fucking assignments due each week for her shitty class. i don’t like sketching, i rly don’t, bc i’m not good at it, never have been. and eventually we have a self portrait to do and i hate my face so fucking much but i’ve got to spend several class periods staring at it in hopes of not making a shitty piece of art. i deal with abstract art, colors, not fucking realistic sketches, wtf is that going to do for me, it’s not my medium at all. it’s only the second week and i already want to drop the class, but i can’t bc it’s a requirement for my major. i’m not even close to as good as everyone else and i know it, but i didn’t get the support they got, nobody ever told me i should keep drawing, nobody ever said i was decent at it, and bc of that, i stopped loving it and stopped doing it. everyone there is confident in being an artist, and i’m just there like ‘waddup i tried being a doctor but had a mental breakdown so i decided to make my hobby a career’ and it fucking shows. and i’ve got so much fucking work to do as our workshop comes up that i barely have time for anything else, but oh no, got to do 6 fucking sketches, full size, realistic, and PIN THEM TO THE BOARD so everyone can see how much you suck. but i’ve got to get through this semester so i can take the classes i want to take, so i’ve got to do it. i just wish i didn’t suck as badly as i do. it seems like every artist can sketch, no matter what their medium, and it’s fucking bullshit. i’m just getting back into this after 7 fucking years of not creating anything but writing shit. of course i’m going to suck, but i’d rather not have everyone see that. nobody’s going to take me seriously in that class. and now i’m having a fucking breakdown bc i’m an idiot who gave up on what they loved bc i crave validation and nobody ever gave that to me bc art wasn’t seen as a real career in my family, and now the only thing they think i’ll be able to do with my degree is teach and i fucking hate teaching, i hate people, i’m also minoring in theatre and writing but everyone i tell that too laughs and asks if i expect to be famous and i’m just like ‘yeah bitch what of it? at least i won’t be downing my eighth glass of wine while making dinner for the kids i had but now resent and my husband who i don’t love anymore who’s fucking his secretary while i spend my days filing some other family’s taxes just bc i went with the safe choice for my major, janet. how’s it gonna feel when you’re forty and can’t remember the last time you were actually happy without the use of alcohol to drown the fact that you want to get a divorce but you know you can’t financially support the lifestyle you crave without him, so you let him fuck her in his office while you take care of the kids? oh, alice’s failing her science classes, and jermey’s smoking pot in the boys’ room? wow, i don’t know what you could have done different, but it must not be your parenting at all, how could you be to blame? but yeah, i’m the loser starving artist who won’t get work and will end up some dishwashing junkie in la dreaming o things i’ll never have bc my talents aren’t seen as ‘real’ bc they aren’t considered ‘good enough for a real career’ by society and therefore must not be good enough to support me’ fuck off janet. support me or get out. i don’t even care about being famous, not really, i just want to be happy when i’m forty and be able to look at my life and decide that it fucking mattered, but how am i supposed to do that if i can’t fucking draw a hand??
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stylesgalaxy · 6 years
mastermind; chapter 2
"Every character in a book serves a purpose." My creative writing professor covered that with us today. "We may not think much of their existence but at the very least, they leave our main character with an idea or a thought that could alter their path."
Next to Julia, I never really felt like the main protagonist of my own story. I was the sidekick, the supporting actress. I was the character who's existence was overlooked, but I played a major part in helping the main character. I don't know if I minded it very much. I don't want to call attention to myself, but introverts also deserve to be the main character in their stories, right?
But the story I wanted to live in right now, unfortunately was not mine. It was Julia Tate's and Harry Styles'. They were meant to be. They were like the type of characters you took years to write and develop so they can come to their happy ending and the world would tear up in joy. They were like the couple who the entire theatre stood up to clap for when they finally kissed.
Who was I to stand in the way of that? Not to mention, that was my own best friend's boyfriend.
You saw him first though. The jealous voice inside my head spoke.
But this isn't kindergarten. I would reply back. Those aren't the rules to the real world.
Sadly, the real rules in this world stopped me from even getting close to Harry. In another world, Harry and I easily could be best friends, something about him drew me to him and it's hard even in this world to keep us apart. But I need to keep us apart because Harry and I getting close would never lead to anything good for as long as I was friends with Julia.
"I'm home!" Julia's cheerful voice rings out as she steps in. The door to our apartment closes shut and she stands by the kitchen, grinning. I notice the copious amounts of shopping bags in her hands.
"Daddy sent you more money?" I ask bringing my coffee mug up to my face to hide my smirk.
"Oh, shut up," she grins wider, setting her bags down and opening the fridge door.
"What happened this time?"
Since Julia's parents divorced, she had been staying with her mother which meant she didn't see her father as much. She saw both of them even less since her and I moved out for university. Her father was really rich. And because he hardly heard from her, anytime she called him upset, he was quick to send his personal assistant with gifts for her or money.
He was actually the one who got us this apartment. It was in the nicer part of town and had a concierge and 24-hour security. The apartment itself was not too big though. The front door opens up to our kitchen on the right, and the living room straight ahead. If you go past the kitchen, on the right theres a very short hallway that leads straight to the bathroom, with my room on the left and Julia's on the right. Her mother had to fight her father to not get a bigger apartment because while her father was actively trying to buy her love, her mother was actively trying to keep her from getting more spoiled that she already was.
My parents on the other hand, were very grateful that Mr. Tate allowed me to stay with her and offered to pay rent but he dismissed the idea, saying I was like his own daughter. (I don't know how that works since he probably doesn't know how tall his real daughter is, much less what I look like, but I'll take it.) But I told him I wanted to pay, so he let me saying that learning how to manage your money is very important. Living with Julia was like being married. She shared her money a lot and paid for small things so I didn't have to. She had always been very cool with spending her money on me, ever since we were kids, it's just something I'll be forever indebted to her for.
"I told him I'm stressing about failing my midterms," she says, fishing out a slice of cheesecake from the fridge.
"That's all it took?" I ask in shock. If I called my father and told him I was stressed about failing my midterms he'd tell me to hang up and go study.
"I may have cried a bit."
I roll my eyes at her.
"Hey!" she exclaims, "I am stressed! I needed that money to go shopping and de-stress."
"And did you?" I smirk, knowing Julia was insatiable.
"Partially. I'm meeting up with Harry tonight, that should help loads," she says giving me a knowing look.
My gut wrenches. They've been going out for nearly two years and still, my gut wrenches.
"I'm going to go over to his, you wanna come?" she asks subtly, but it's not lost on me. Harry lives with his friends, Louis and Niall. Julia is under the impression that I have a crush on Louis and her and Harry have been trying to set us up since the semester started.
"Don't think so. I really should finish my sculpture prototype," I reply.
"Aw, come on! Louis is going to be there."
"Well, obviously. He lives there."
"It's gonna be fun! We can play a board game—"
"I thought you were gonna be fucking your boyfriend," I mutter.
"I will! After I get you and Louis talking," she says casually and digs into her cheesecake.
I shake my head and start walking back to my room.
"Wait no, don't leave! I need help," she pleads. I sigh deeply and turn back around, resting my arms on the counter. "It's Harry and I's second anniversary next week."
I know.
"I don't know what to get him," she pouts.
I know that, too.
"He always gets me such nice things, even on random days! I want to do the same for him."
I look into her sad eyes, and sigh again.
"I'll think of something," I say quietly. Julia was the worst at keeping relationships. I wasn't, and as her best friend I was obligated to help her out when she began dating. Except, "helping her out" turned to a way bigger thing with Harry. No longer was I telling Julia what she should do. Now, I just did whatever I could get away with, without Harry finding out it was me. Julia was grateful for my help and I couldn't lie and say I hated knowing I contributed to Harry's happiness in some way.
"Ah, Thank you!" Julia exclaims, running to hug me. "You're the best."
"Hmm, can you hold up the green one again?" I ask the lady at the gift wrapping station. She puts the bronze ribbon back and brings the green one to the light brown box. As cheesy as it sounds, the green colour reminded me strongly of Harry's eyes. I guess it's a good thing I won't be the one giving it to him. "Yeah, I think I'll go with the green one."
"I have these silver artificial flower decorations, do you want me tie it in with the ribbon?" she asks.
"Yeah, sure, that'd be nice," I say after thinking on it for a bit. They seemed a bit girly, but I knew it was something Harry would like.
She finishes wrapping the gift while I open Julia's text messages. Her last class of the day finished half an hour ago so she was home.
I'm hungry, she texts.
I'm on my way home, do u wanna order take out? I reply.
I enjoy cooking if I'm not busy, but I've been out all day so I wasn't able to make anything. And the most Julia can cook is a box of mac and cheese, so I'm assuming we're out of that which is why she's hungry.
The lady hands me the gift in a brown paper bag and I thank her, trying to catch a bus before rush hour hits. I check the bus app and see that it's going to arrive at 5:25, so about twenty minutes. Great. Twenty minutes in the chilly fall air, with nothing but a thin jacket. I didn't realize it would be so cold today or I would have at least brought a scarf.
I start pacing and shuffling to keep my self warm. My hands are stuffed in my pockets with the bag hanging from one of my wrists. I shouldn't be here right now. I'm supposed to be working on my cardboard sculpture prototype, so I can get it done and make notes for my history seminar, and then start on my calligraphy prints. At least it was Monday which means I don't have to go to work until the weekend.
Just as I continue cursing the bus for taking so fucking long, another gust of cold wind blows in my face. My jaw locks in anger. I hate everything about this moment.
Next thing I know, a black Range Rover car pulls to a stop in front of me. I freeze in shock as the window rolls down.
"Aria?" Harry smiles at me. "What are you doing out there?"
"Freezing my tits off," I mumble quietly. Can't he see I'm waiting for the bus?
I'm not sure if he hears me or not but he chuckles and leans forward to open the passenger door.
"Get in," he says. I immediately start feeling bad.
"No, it's okay! My bus is," I check my phone for the time, 5:11, "two minutes away!"
"Don't be silly, I can't leave you out here!" he shakes his head. "I'm going to your place anyway."
Hesitantly, I step forward and get in his car. The second I shut the door, I feel the warm air from his heater surround me. I glance at Harry who gives me a small smile before driving.
It's silent between us.
For the past two years, I've tried not to let Harry get too close to me. It would be detrimental in my plans to keep him and Julia together if we became friends and he were to suddenly realize I played a bigger part in their relationship then Julia herself sometimes. I've tried countless things to shake him off. I've pretended to be super shy and quiet to get him to leave me alone, but he was simply gentler and constantly made sure I felt comfortable around him. I've tried pretending to be weirdly obsessed with odd things, but he actually found interest in the fact that male giraffes drink a female giraffes urine to ensure she's ready for mating. I've tried being a downright bitch to him, that even made Julia intervene, but he made excuses for me saying that I was just going through another phase. Nothing worked because Harry was the kindest and sweetest soul there ever was which made me sadder than it made me mad.
"What's in the bag?" he says suddenly. I stiffen for a moment.
"Uh, just some things I need for my sculpture," I answer shakily. Immediately I knew that wasn't the right answer because for some reason my art fascinated Harry.
"That's cool, can I see it?" he asks eagerly and even reaches over to peek into the bag. I slap his hand away quickly.
"Why not?" he looks at me sadly.
"It... it can't be exposed. It's special... clay. And if it touches air it'll be ruined. I just don't want to risk it," I lie.
"Oh, ok I get it."
I lightly exhale in relief.
"Wait," he says suddenly. "Then how do you use it? If it can't touch the air?"
"Um..." I start sweating. "You need to work with it in a special room."
"Like a dark room?"
Not at all.
He nods and the conversation dies. Thank fuck Harry is a business major and has no knowledge of anything art related. He doesn't question me again until we get to the apartment.
"Harry?" Julia asks, when we walk in. "What are you doing here?"
"I missed you," he says giving her a peck on the lips. Her arms wrap around his neck. I look away and grab a plate to take some food out for myself. "Is that Chinese food?!"
"Yeah it just arrived, you want some?" I hear Julia say as I make a beeline for my room with my plate in hand.
"I'm going to be in my room," I call out and shut the door before any of them can respond. I hear Julia's loud giggling from the living room and sigh deeply before pulling my headphones over my head and blasting music.
Harry leaves a few hours later and Julia barges into my room without knocking. If it was anyone else I would have thrown a fit about my privacy, but there's nothing in my room I need to hide from Julia, and I'm used to her ways.
Julia slumps down on my bed with her head facing me. I turn around from my desk in my swivel chair and look at her expectantly.
"I have so much shit to do," she states.
"Then why are you here?" Now that I know it's nothing serious, I take this moment to unlock my phone and check my social media.
"Let's watch a movie."
"Julia, I'm busy."
"You're on your phone."
"'Cause I'm hoping you'll get the hint that I don't want to talk to you."
She throws a pillow at me and I laugh.
"Go do your work," I tell her.
"Okay, but in exactly one hour I'm dragging your ass to the living room and we're watching a movie. I don't care how much work you have to do. We need to relax."
"Fine, fine," I say waving my hand to shoo her away. She makes it just out the door before I remember. "Wait!"
I roll my chair over to my closet and fish out Harry's gift.
"Here," I say, handing it to her.
"Aria, thank you so much! I owe you!" Julia says gratefully and comes over to hug me.
"You don't, I used your card to pay for everything."
"Not that! You went out of your way to get this for me! Let's go for lunch tomorrow, I'll pay."
"You know you don't have to," I assure her. Besides, I'd gotten Harry plenty of gifts on Julia's behalf.
"No, we're going. It'll be fun!" she smiles eagerly so I nod. Julia lightly shakes the box. "The wrapping is absolutely gorgeous. Even prettier then the one you got for his birthday... what's in it?"
"Uh, a Tom Ford cologne... it's something a little new but still similar to the scents he goes for," I start but then realize what I said and look up at Julia, "... I think." She doesn't seem fazed, so I continue. "A framed photo of you two and his favourite chocolates."
"Wow, that sounds amazing... thank you again, Aria, you're a really good friend," she says sincerely. I smile shyly at her. "I might have to take you out for dinner, too," she teases.
"Okay, but only if it's that new Italian restaurant."
She nods excitedly. Then she pauses, "Can I ask you something?"
I freeze for a second, dreading the worst.
"Why do you avoid Harry so much? I think you two would get along so well."
"I don't avoid him," I say dismissively.
"You do!" she insisted. "Look, I'm not mad at you, it's just that... I think it's hurting his feelings."
"Really?" I ask quietly. My insides feel like lead. I hurt his feelings? All these years I put him through my stupid phases to shake him off me to protect (mainly) myself, and not once did I think about what he would feel like.
"He hides it pretty well, but I see him looking at your door sometimes, wondering why you never hang out with us," she says.
"Okay, wait—I'm not gonna sit there and watch you guys make out like a third wheel in my own home," I argue.
"We wouldn't make out if you were there," she rolls her eyes. "And not only that, you always run to your room when he's here. And he told me about your conversation on the way here. He senses that you don't want to talk to him."
I sighed heavily. The last thing I wanted was for Harry to feel bad. I don't care if I felt bad because I was the bad one for loving my best friend's boyfriend, he was completely innocent. But Harry is also a grown ass man and there's only so much I can do. I hate to think this, but he's going to have to deal with my cold behaviour because I clearly drew the short stick in this situation.
"Can you just at least try to make an effort to be friendlier to him?" Julia pleads. "Please? It would mean the world." I look at her forlornly. "I just want to know that my best friend and boyfriend get along! I mean we're about to celebrate our third anniversary! He means a lot to me."
I shouldn't be surprised, I really shouldn't. They'd been dating for two years and Julia has never stayed with any guy for more than a few months. And from what I heard about Harry, he hadn't either until he met Julia. They belong together. But that doesn't make it any easier for me.
I choose my next words carefully.
"The world doesn't revolve around Harry," I say simply. "I'm sorry if his feelings got hurt, but I can't cater to everyone's needs. Sometimes I just have to do what I do."
"I understand," she whispers sadly. "Thank you."
"I do get along with him, though!" I say, feeling bad. It was tough enough seeing him in love with her, and being the one to tell Julia how to love him—I didn't need to add being his friend to the list.
For fuck's sake, when am I going to catch a break?
"Okay, I can try to be nicer, but don't hold me to it if I can't. And certainly don't tell Harry about this. I don't want him to get worked up over my actions, you know how unpredictable I can be," I say eventually.
"Yes! Oh, thank you thank you thank you! I won't tell him, and I won't hold you to anything. All I'm asking for is for you to try!"
I nearly jump at the sound. It was way too early in the morning to deal with Harry, who was apparently behind me in the line at Starbucks.
"Harry," I turn around and greet him with a tight smile.
"Julia told me that she talked to you about being nicer to me," he says and I inwardly roll my eyes at Julia for doing exactly what I asked her not to.
"I just want you to know that I didn't ask her to say any of that! I-I know you probably don't like me very much, but it's not something I'm holding against you. I like Julia a lot. And you're her best friend, I'm always gonna try to be friends with you, but I don't want to pressure you into anything. I don't want to cause any trouble," he says with the cutest frown on his face. He looks so adorable with his slightly ruffled hair and tired eyes. I want to wash away all signs of uncertainty from his face and have him smiling again.
"I do like you," I manage to say. "You're a really good guy, Harry, and Julia is very lucky to have you."
He stares at me intently and I have to force myself to not melt under his gaze. How does Julia handle this? I've never stared into his eyes this long and I think I'm already developing some sort of breathing issues. But he continues to stare at me, waiting for an answer. I decide I can't stand to see him displeased.
"I'm a very reserved person, I'm sure you've noticed." He nods, eager to get me to open up to him. I move up a spot in the line up. "I just have some difficulties showing my kindness sometimes, and it's something I'm trying to work on. I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything—if I did."
He shrugs and grins.
"It's okay," he mumbles. I feel like shit at the fact that he didn't deny me ever hurting his feelings.
"I'm sorry for being so difficult. I do want us to be friends," I say. He smiles wider now.
"Don't apologize for being the way you are. I don't mind. I'm just glad you don't hate me," he chuckles and I shake my head. Hate him? Boy, does he have it wrong.
It's my turn to order so I walk up to the register. After I tell the girl my order, I look back at Harry and wave him over. He immediately walks up to me and reaches for his wallet.
"Everything okay?" he asks.
"Yeah! I was just gonna ask what you're getting," I say. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face because he's standing centimetres away from me and he smells so good.
"Oh, you don't have to–"
"I insist," I say. He looks at me for a while, biting his lip. "I'm trying to be friendlier, remember?"
"Alright," he gives in, turning to the lady. "Could I please get a Skinny Cinnamon Dolce latte?"
I have to fight Harry to pay for the drinks because he keeps insisting that he can't let me pay. I press my hands to his side and push him away but he pushes me back with his hip and hands the girl his money. While she gets his change back, I give him my meanest glare.
"Stop that, you're not scaring me," he chuckles.
"I'm not?" I question, glaring harder.
"No, because you just told me you like me," he smirks.
My heart jolts. I don't know why. Maybe it's because of the way he talks about me "liking him" so casually that it lets me pretend for a moment that we're in a relationship.
Ugh, Aria, you're so pathetic.
Nonetheless, my expression shifts slightly and Harry notices.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I'm sorry! I only said that because you said—"
I roll my eyes at him.
"Relax, Harry, I'm okay," I say. He breathes relieved and I take a moment to think about how happy he'll be when he learns that I'm way more easy going and chill than I let him believe I was for years.
We grab our drinks and leave, I try not to think about us parting soon because this run in has brightened my mood so much.
"A frappuccino?" Harry asks in disbelief when he notices the iced drink in my hand. "In this weather?"
"What? It's delicious," I argue.
"You'll get sick."
"No, I won't."
"Yes, you will."
"No, I won't."
"Whatever, it's your problem. Though you can count on me to have a nice laugh when you do get sick," he smirks.
I grin and push him off the sidewalk. "Go to your class, Harry! I've had enough of you for today and it's not even eight yet."
Harry bursts into laughter and yells out a goodbye before walking away. My smile grows wider as I make my way towards my class. This has been a wonderful morning so far, I really hope the rest of the day goes by just as nice.
"Quick! Which dress?!" Julia yells the second I step into our apartment. She's holding up a navy blue, maxi dress and a light pink, off the shoulder, knee length dress.
"Pink!" I choose quickly.
"Okay, good, I like that one too."
"What's it for?" I ask, properly stepping in and putting my keys away.
"My anniversary date with Harry obviously," she says absent-mindedly, stripping in the middle of the living room to change into her dress. I mentally slap myself. I completely forgotten that was today. My morning with Harry distracted me from remembering what today was. "Can you zip me?"
I walk over to zip up her dress. Julia lets her long, curled hair fall down her back. She turns around and I inspect her flawless makeup. She looks beautiful.
"You look amazing," I say.
"Thank you!" she kisses my cheek and then picks up her clothes to take to her room. I sit down and watch as she fiddles around with the straps of her shoes, then triple checks that she has everything she needs in her purse. She checks her phone about four times to ensure she hasn't missed a text from Harry. The fact that she's been on countless dates with Harry and she still gets nervous before she sees him only proves how much she loves him.
I have to admit, when she first started dating Harry in first year, I hoped it wouldn't last long like all her other relationships have. I hoped that they wouldn't click and would break up and I'd wait the respectable amount of time before seeing if it was okay with Julia if I started talking to Harry. I was so stupid in first year. Why did I think I even mattered when it came to them? They were the main characters, I was the secondary. Nothing I wanted would matter in regards to their relationship, and if they ever were to break up Harry would never move on to me. Not after Julia. Julia was gorgeous, she exuded perfection through every pore in her body. And me? I was plain. Plain brown hair, plain brown eyes, plain clothes, plain personality. I didn't stand out in any way.
I wished one day to be able to walk in Julia's shoes. Just to see what it's like. To have people look at you like you're the prettiest person they've ever seen, or to bump into you simply so they can talk to you.
God, Aria, stop being so pathetic.
I shake my head to get rid of those thoughts. There were more important issues in everyone's lives than my selfish desires for being more attractive.
"Okay, I'm all ready. He should be here soon," Julia starts tapping her foot impatiently. "What do I say to him when I give him the present?"
"Say the cologne reminded you of him," I start. "The picture is of you two at your nineteenth birthday, say that was one of the happiest nights of your life—because he was with you." She's listening attentively and nodding along. "If you want to get corny, tell him you chose the green ribbon on the box because they reminded you of his eyes."
"Okay, thank you," she breathes. I grab her hand and squeeze it.
"You'll be okay, why are you so worried?" I ask.
"I don't know, I just don't want anything to go wrong," she looks into my eyes. "I really, really, like him. I don't want anything to go wrong, I don't want to lose him."
I gulp.
"You won't," my voice comes out croaky. "He loves you."
She takes a deep breath and nods again. "You're right. Thank you so much. Aria, I seriously have no idea what I'd do without you. I just get so nervous with him sometimes... You'll have your phone on you, right? So I can text you?"
"Of course."
I'm in bed. I've finished my calligraphy prints and even had time to make extra ones. I've watched everyone's stories on Instagram and Snapchat. There was only one that I cared about—Julia's. Harry doesn't post much so she was all I had to clue in on their date.
How was it going? Was Julia saying the right things? Did Harry like the gifts? What did he get her? Did she at least pretend to like it?
Pfft. Of course she liked it. Harry knew Julia well enough to know what she wanted before she even knew.
My phone buzzed in my hand and I quickly unlocked it to check the message.
aria. he keeps choking up and tearing a little, i dont know what to do, im nervous
I paused for a moment. Choking up and tearing? Was he emotional or did he hate everything?
is it good choking and tearing or bad choking and tearing??
i dont know!!!!!!
does he keep staring at you, like, intensely??
yea, he keeps looking into my eyes
where is he right now?
ok i think hes just getting really emotional
good emotional
nothing to worry about he just loves u a lot
what do i do?
if he's getting really emotional, he probably doesn't want to be out in public anymore. suggest that you guys leave to go home or anywhere else im sure he just wants to be with you alone
ok, will do. thanks!!
g2g hes coming
I lock my phone again and leave it on my bedside table. Things were going good, I can breathe again. Tomorrow Julia will tell me everything about their date, for now I'm going to sleep.
Thanks for reading!
I updated this one cause i made a lil mistake, but also if there are random "_" in the text thats from when I italicized words and the website I wrote it in left them when I copied it over here, it's so annoying. I thought I got all of them out, sorry if there's any I missed!
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faithfulcat111 · 5 years
He Would Be Fine Part 2
Summary: Virgil has been asked to switch roommates and is denying that he is struggling.
Warnings: Anxiety, mention of therapy, panic attack, mention of fighting, seizure 
Part of my Sanders Sides College AU
Writing Masterpost
Part 1 | Part 3
Word Count: 1640
"Hey boys, take a seat while I finish this email and then we can talk," Toby barely glanced at them when they walked into his office. Roman dropped down onto the couch across from Toby's desk, using one hand to tug Virgil down into the seat next to him. Logan sat on the arm of the couch next to Roman, his feet up in Roman's lap as he leaned against the wall. Virgil could feel himself start to curl into himself, grabbing at his elbows as his heart beat faster.
Virgil was sitting on his bed trying to work out some problems with his research survey and why the data was everywhere when the door to his bedroom slammed open. He curled backwards, into the little alcove his bed was in, hoping that Declan wouldn't bother him as he grabbed whatever he had come here for. He really didn't feel up to dealing with people right now, not when he still had mounds of homework to do before his job started in two hours. But it was Roman's face that poked around the corner with a smile on his face, "Hey, Toby has agreed to speak with Logan and I about next semester's living situation and we want you there too."
"Okay, done, what is up guys?" Toby said, finally turning away from the computer.
Roman took the lead, "I know we have talked a few different times about next semester's living situation. Harley going on co-op means there is a spot opening upstairs in Brian, Logan, and Patton's apartment. And I know that the original plan was to have me move upstairs with them. But what about Virgil? He has expressed that he doesn't enjoy living downstairs either and that he misses Patton."
Toby turned towards Virgil, and even though his voice was gentle, Virgil could still feel himself curl up more as Toby asked, "Virgil, is this true?"
"I thought it was decided already," Virgil tried not to whisper.
"Yeah, but are you really happy down here? I know I'm not with Declan and Remy's constant fighting. Besides I have a couple of different suggestions," Roman said.
"Y-yeah," Virgil stuttered as he felt his throat tighten.
Luckily for him, the conversation continued, as Toby asked, "Well, what do you suggest?"
"Either Brian moves downstairs and Virgil moves up with Roman or Declan and Remy room together like they were supposed to and Patton moves down and rooms with Virgil," Logan stated.
"Or Patton moves downstairs and either Declan or Remy move upstairs. Separate them entirely," Roman added.
Virgil was sitting at his new desk, his music blasting in his headphones as he ignored the sounds of yelling from the living room. Things had de-escalated down here more than he realized. Also, the apartment walls were thicker than he realized. He turned the music up a little more and pulled his programming notes closer.
"I don't know if Declan or Remy will agree to being roommates or not being apartment-mates," Toby mused. "We got to think of what makes others happy here."
"And why do we have to bow to them?" Roman snapped. He took a deep breath before continuing, "Someone is going to have to make a sacrifice somewhere. And I know that it is gonna end up being one of us if you don't push a little." Virgil felt something grab his hand and squeeze it and tried to breathe.
"You want to live with Patton, I want to live with Logan. We can't let the wants of everyone else make us unhappy," Roman said, resting his hands on the end of Virgil's bedframe. "So, when we get in there, you need to hold fast to what you want. Don't give in."
Virgil gulped, already feeling his insides twist as he looked up at this younger boy doing his best to rile him to action, "O-okay."
Toby nodded, his face extremely passive. Virgil didn't like that he couldn't read what was happening. He squeezed Roman's hand back. Finally, Toby looked over at Virgil, "Would you be okay with just being in the same apartment as Patton? If I can't convince Brian or Declan or Remy to move, will you be willing to stay downstairs if I move Patton down too?"
Virgil glanced over at the other two. Logan was watching him, his gaze blank, while Roman stared straight ahead at Toby. Virgil looked back at Toby to say, "Y-yes, I would take that." He immediately felt Roman let go of his hand. Damn...
Virgil's music had stopped twenty minutes ago, but he was too engrossed in his textbook to care. He was reading something interesting about Native American cultures and while he didn't know what this had to do with his speech class yet, at least his professor was giving them something fun before preparing for their final speech. His calm was interrupted when there were voices suddenly behind him. Declan and Remy walked into the room chatting. He heard the conversation die slightly as they spotted him, but he just clicked to the next page. This was his room too. He was not leaving. They could go to Remy and Roman's room if they wanted to chat privately. After a moment the conversation started back up again like he wasn't even there. Good.
Toby nodded. "Okay thank you Virgil, you can go. Logan and Roman, stay, I still want to talk to you." Virgil got up to dart for the door, but right before leaving, Toby spoke up again, "Verge, you are trying right? To spend time with your new roommates?"
Virgil nodded quickly.
Virgil stood just within the apartment building, looking at the stairs leading upstairs. He had been doing his afternoon homework upstairs with Patton, just like he had been doing all semester. But Toby had called him out for spending more time in his old apartment than his new one. Didn't matter that Roman and Logan continued to spend just as much time either upstairs or downstairs in each other's rooms or the fact that Declan and Remy were both rarely home. Virgil was the one expected to try harder. He sighed. Toby was probably upset with him because he admitted that he quit therapy. Again. But he was getting sick of being the only one, or the only consistent one to show up to group social anxiety sessions. Didn't help his anxiety any when that happened. But Virgil was still gonna do it. He stepped into his empty apartment and set up his programming homework at the dining room table.
Virgil barely made it into his bedroom and the door closed before the panic attack finally hit. He collapsed on the ground, clutching the strands of carpet as he heaved for air. His brain and lungs were not cooperating and his heart felt like it was pounding out of his chest. He needed to breathe. Breathe. Breathe!
"I have allergies so I run this diffuser to help clear the air sometimes. Do you have any specific allergies?" Declan asked when he finally got home that weekend.
Virgil looked up from where he was attempting to duck tape his shoe. He hadn't realized his black tennis shoes had gotten so bad and his black boots were too loud for this theatre's backstage, but he didn't have any money to replace his shoes till after this job, so duck tape it was. Virgil started to shake his head before saying, "No lavender. I'm not allergic. I just can't stand it. At all."
"Got it. Also, run any candles you want to burn past me, to make sure I'm not allergic to those either," Declan added.
Virgil jerked his head at his desk where a large sea salt candle sat, "That is my only one, so feel free to take a whiff whenever."
"Okay," Declan said. "I think we are going to make it through the rest of this semester just fine."
After a few minutes likely, but what felt like a few hours, Virgil could finally breathe again. He barely pushed himself up to his knees when there was another, quieter knock on his door. He scrambled up quickly, scrubbing at his face and shoving the lingering bits of his panic attack down as he opened the door to see Roman and Logan. "Yes?" he asked, trying to keep his face steady.
If either of them saw anything, they kept quiet as Logan said, "Toby is gonna talk to the other boys. Hopefully, this all works out so everyone is happy. But right now, we just got to find out which stubborn pain will give first."
"Not us," Roman added, sternly. Then softer, "It will all be okay Verge, you'll see."
Virgil just nodded, "Thank you."
Virgil frowned at his phone as he noticed a text from Toby, 'Declan's boyfriend is over right now. He had an attack. Keep an eye on them.' Virgil walked into his apartment, peeking in his bedroom door. Declan lay out on his bed, his boyfriend, a quiet one whose name Verge couldn't remember, held one hand. He nodded a greeting to Virgil and Virgil asked, "Do either of you need anything?"
Declan's boyfriend shook his head, "Nah, we'll be heading out as soon as he can get up again."
Virgil nodded and quickly grabbed his laptop from his desk before setting up on the living room couch where he could binge-watch YouTube and watch the two of them at the same time.
The two said their goodbyes and Virgil quietly closed his door before sliding down the door as the last of the panic attack grabbed his heart and lungs full-force. It took all his concentration to keep breathing, but as soon as another thought could cross his mind it was simply relief that something would change soon.
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leiasfanaccount648 · 6 years
Techies are Better than Actors (3)
Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
This is for my entry to @astral-parker and @spideypeach ‘s writing challenge. I hope you all enjoy!!
This is a mini series so I will make the main masterlist for it when I have posted all of the chapters.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Prompt: Theatre!AU (also includes slight college!AU but the main focus is theatre)
Summary: Art colleges are tough enough, but working an entire play for one of your classes is another thing. (Y/N) is stage managing a play for her theatre classes, and the teacher has decided to let another teacher have some students direct the shows. When (Y/N) meets Tom, possibly the next big Hollywood director, will their play crash and burn or be a campus wide sensation?
Warnings (for entire series): Language/cursing, slow burn, fluff, angst. Word Count: 1522
Needless to say, and surprisingly enough, the table read went really well yesterday. Only 1 person wasn’t able to make it due to a family emergency so I had to read their part as well as the stage directions. At first I was unsure about the table read because Tom didn’t see anyone do their auditions, but apparently he was in the back of the theatre during all of them.
Tom didn’t say anything during the table read, he only listened to everyone as they said their lines. He seemed to be in deep thought about how he wanted the show to play out. I just hope that we don’t get into any arguments over how the show should be done. Yes, the director is in charge of the show, but that doesn’t mean they’re always right. Besides, I’m going to be the one running the show the day we perform it so I need to know what he wants me to do as well as the actors and other techies.
Tom didn’t say much after the table read was done either. Only the simple things like start thinking about what your character would be doing during that scene, know the places where to project a lot and not as much, etc. Now that I think about it, he barely said anything to me yesterday. After being introduced to one another, he told me to round up all the actors so we could quickly get started before the class ended. Then after we finished he told me that we needed to make a schedule of what scenes/pages that we have to do each day leading up to the day of the show. He’s lucky I did just that last night.
Abby and I met for our morning coffee like clockwork, me being a little early. As she walked in, I could tell she had lots to talk about from the expression on her face. “Oh my god, okay, so,” she said as she walked over to me and sat down. I cut her off, quoting one of our favorite musicals that was soon coming to Broadway. “At the end of last night’s party, very end of last night’s party, did you see Rich?” She laughed softly, replying to the quote (‘Oh, I saw Rich.’) before straightening herself up in her seat. “Seriously though, we’ve got a lot to talk about this morning.”
She got up to get her drink, leaving me alone for a few minutes. What the hell was she planning to talk about that happened to be that exciting? A guy asking her out? Acing a test she thought she was gonna fail? Knowing her, it would be anything that she thought would benefit her/be in her favor. I looked back up at her as she sat down across from me, drink in hand.
“So,” she started, looking down at her drink as if she knew something that I didn’t, “what do you think of the director?” Oh god.
I shrugged. “He seems nice. I just hope that he doesn’t do anything crazy for the show. I’m the one running it after all.” I laughed softly, sipping my drink to stop myself from saying something I would regret. The last thing I need is an actor mad at me for some sarcastic yet truthful comment.
“Yeah, agreed, but have you seen him? He’s so cute!”
Oh god, no..
If there’s anything worse than an actor thinking that they know everything, it’s people in drama/theatre dating. The last thing we need is the show to drop in flames due to a breakup or some sort of drama happening between the couple. She can go after him when the show is said and done, but now, she needs to keep her hands off. I’m not risking to lose my theatre degree for something as stupid has a petty crush.
Of course I had to stop myself from telling her my thoughts so I took another sip of my drink as she finished talking. I needed to compose myself and think about what I wanted to say. I shrugged, nodding as well as if I slightly agreed with her. “He’s alright, I guess. I’m personally not looking for anyone right now. Not to mention, you’re quite busy as it is. Are you sure you should be in a relationship right now?” I tried to sound convincing to her but my point isn’t seeming to get across to her.
“I guess I’m kinda busy at the moment. But I’m not looking for anything serious, maybe just a fling of some sort.”
It took everything I had in me not to groan loudly, sink into my seat, and leave the cafe entirely.
That’s even worse than a couple in the theatre. So much can happen from a so called ‘fling’, Abby, don’t make me bring up our times from high school.
Once again I had to compose myself. Thank god she was taking a drink, I had a moment to think. However, she apparently had more to say on the matter.
“He also looks well built, I mean, can you just imagine all the things he could do? Thank god he isn’t an actual teacher, I actually have a shot at getting with him.”
I wanted to bang my head on the table over and over until Abby was done talking about all of this. I had to talk some sense into her somehow.
“Abby,” I laughed softly, trying to sound more happy in my voice, “you literally met this guy yesterday. You need to calm down and take things slow.”
Fuck, why did I word it like that?
“I mean, do you want a real relationship or not? You and I both know that flings never work out. Either take the time to know him or move on to someone else. Aren’t you crushing on that Caleb guy as well?”
That was a little better, still wasn’t perfect. I just need her to move on from Tom so that the whole class doesn’t end up failing the semester due to the grade we’re getting from this.
I sipped my drink again as Abby looked out the window and shrugged. “I mean,” she paused as if thinking about her answer, “Caleb is a nice guy, I’m still not too sure about dating him or not. Besides, we rarely ever talk to one another now. Haven’t had a decent conversation since he went back home for his sister’s birthday this week.”
I choked a little on my drink but I covered it up with a small cough. How is she not seeing what I’m talking about? I get it if she wants to get with a cute guy how is she not seeing that her and Caleb seem to have some sort of connection? They’ve hung out and talked a lot the past month or so due to him working at the cafe and seemed to really enjoy each other’s company as well. The only reason she hasn’t seen him was because he was away. He left last Friday evening and wouldn’t be back until Wednesday (he would have left earlier in the day but that was also the day that the cast list was posted and Abby was not happy; I wasn’t going to deal with it so she called Caleb and he comforted her. For god’s sake, Abby, read between the lines). The fact that she’s describing ‘not talking in almost a week’ as ‘rarely ever talking’ makes me mad and want to just throw at least some common sense at her.
Thank god she had an earlier class today before I could say anything else.
“Anyway, I gotta get going. See you at class, yeah?” She smiled, standing and grabbing her backpack before heading out of the cafe. When I knew she really had left, I sighed in relief and sunk into my seat. I don’t know how much longer I could’ve handled that conversation. I finished my drink while scrolling through my phone, just waiting for time to pass by since I only had classes in the late afternoon and evening today. I looked at the top of my screen seeing a text notification from Tom. I guess I forgot that we exchanged numbers yesterday as well, makes sense that we would.
iMessage from Mr. Director Tom Holland
I rolled my eyes at the contact name he gave himself on my phone. I’m glad he seems to have a sense of humor. I clicked on the notification to see what he had to say.
Hey (Y/N), it’s Tom. I know it it’s early in the morning but would you be up for meeting up at lunch to discuss the plans of the show? I made out somewhat of a schedule and I would love to hear any thoughts you had for the show in general
I smiled at his text, honestly finding it great that he wanted my input for the show. I reply back saying where we should meet up at. This will definitely be interesting.
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bunk12bear · 6 years
I learned  it From The Pizza Man Chapter 3
After that, Lance ordering from the pizzeria became a regular occurrence.
Their little talks continued to lengthen as the weeks went by, much to the Chagrin of their friends. They discussed music (“ Beyonce is a goddess don't you dare insult her”), movies “ (I'm excited to see Moana, looks like the music's going to be great” “seriously, Lin-Manuel Miranda is a gift  from the musical theatre gods”) attractive celebrities( “any opportunity to see  Channing Tatum half-naked is an opportunity I'm going to take”), Pet peeves( Why would you clap at the end of a movie no one can hear you, it completely defeats the purpose of clapping) and more.
Lance had just started out as a very cute customer but now Keith was really starting to fall for him. Lance was funny, smart, kind, generous, ambitious and of course devastatingly handsome. Keith didn't know how much longer he could keep this up. Lance knew he was adopted but he had no idea that said adoption happened when he was already a teenager, Lance didn't know about the years in foster care. He knew Lance had a good heart but he was still terrified that he'd run the instant he knew the truth, he wouldn't be the first person to do so. For now, he just has to enjoy talking to Lance when he delivered his Pizza
Lance was smitten, when he had left instructions to the pizza place it had been a joke He never could have imagined that would it would end up here Weeks Later with him Having a giant crush on them and they sent. Angelica Jackson tried to ask him out and he barely noticed because he was thinking about Keith and she was not only gorgeous with a great personality but probably the smartest person in his Statistics class. Beginning of the semester him would have been horrified that he let that opportunity slip. he had dreamed about Keith, dreamed about him, like some lovesick teenage girl but it couldn't help himself Keith was Just so amazing.
Of course, his friends had noticed and had delighted in ribbing him endlessly about his new crush.
“ Oh Keith you have such pretty eyes,” Pidge said one night flopping Onto the couch In a fake swoon worthy of a particularly cheesy soap opera
“ God even his voice is sexy” Hunk joined in sighing dramatically and fluttering his eyelashes.
“ Oh shut up you guys and hunk my man, you were even worse than this when you first met  Shay”
Pidge laughed out loud“ See this is why I'm glad that I'm  an aromantic asexual none of his goobly crap for me, just science and logical reasoning”
“ Was it science or logical reasoning that made you cry When somebody brought that really nice RTD2 replica to your robotics Club”
“ Shut up or I'll tell Keith exactly what you think about his quote-unquote perfect ass”
It happened like this almost every Time to order pizza, An Occurrence That had, completely coincidentally, increased since Lance met his pretty pizza boy.
Another week's Exchange had been simple as hunk had been too busy preparing movie snacks to join in
Pidge had ordered this time and, obviously priming herself for a joke,Looked up from the menu on her laptop eyes Sparkling mischievously
“  Hey Lance, what do you want”
“Uh, sausage”
Pidge looked like Christmas had come early
“ Oh I know but what kind of pizza do you want”
Lance rolled his eyes and quickly selected At least favorite movie in the collection in retaliation
After an initial couple of weeks, Lance stopped putting special instructions, Shiro knew to send Keith if he was ordering. This Week however there were instructions, “ tell me I'm pretty” easy enough Lance was always pretty.
As he passed the doorbell he wondered what Lance was up to, something that became immediately obvious upon The door opening. Lamps were some kind of Clay face mask thing, pajama bottoms and a ratty old hoodie that looked like it could have Come from his parents' College days.Lance managed to be gorgeous even in that get-up With his pretty blue eyes and his stupidly broad shoulders,
Keith blushed scarlet. '" you're pretty”
Lance's face lit up and he handed Keith a 20
Lance had spent the next two weeks bragging about how flustered he had made Keith.
The exchange that week had gone normally, Keith handed Lance the food they talked and flirted for a bit and Lance handed Keith his tip but before Rams could close the door Keith grabbed his arm to stop him.
“ Open the box”
“ What?”
“ Just do it'
Lance did as instructed and there amongst the grease stain was a poem
“ I know it's like some kind of cheesy but a boy like you makes romance easy”
Lance's cheeks tinted, “ I um, I don't think I asked you to write a poem”
“You didn't, I wrote that poem myself”
Lance could have kissed him.
He brought the food back in absent-mindedly dropping it on the coffee table dropping under the couch with a sigh
“ Oh, what did Your pizza boy do this time,” PIdge asked
“ He wrote me a poem, a wonderful beautiful poem”
“ And where exactly is this poem Loverboy?”
Lance shot her  a dopey smile” on the inside of the pizza box isn't that romantic”
Pidge opened the pizza box and snorted,” wow, he's really got a way with words”
“ He does, doesn't he”
“ I was being sarcastic”
Hunk plopped down next to them,” what's happening”
“Pizza boy wrote swoony over here a  poem  on the inside of a pizza box”
Hunk opened the box and read the poem, “Awwwww !!! That's So cute”
“I think I'm going to ask him out”
“You should”
“ Yeah, that might stop all the pining, dude it's getting gross”
Lance ignored her and began to chatter happily with hunk planning how exactly he would do this.
The week after the poem Keith was feeling nervous again, What if he had overstepped the boundaries of whatever what's happening between them, he was worried Lance would stop ordering but like clockwork, his order came.
Keith's heart skipped a beat when he read this week's instructions, “ Ask me on a date”
Here ran to Shiro who had just finished up dealing with yet another appearance of olive bro who was as badly behaved as ever.
“ Hey, Keith you'll never guess what Olive bro is mad about this time apparently he  thinks that me offering his date one of our dessert specials means I think she is fat and”  he trailed off “ “Wait you look very happy did Lance do something again'?”
 “He asked me to ask him out on a date, Shiro,  I have no idea what to do”
“ Do you want to go on a date with him”
“ Then ask him out, little bro it's that simple”
“ If it's so simple then why haven't you asked delivery boy on a date yet”
“ Curtis”
“His name is Curtis and he's doing the delivery job to pay for medical school, he's studying to be a nurse oh, he's also ex-military like me”
“ Wait, you actually talked to him”
“ Yeah, we're going out for drinks next Saturday”
“ Nice job Shiro!"
“ Hey, I got my date with my cute boy you go out and get yours”
“I will”
Keith smiled the entire bike ride to Lance's place
“He hopped off the bike threatened his outfit took a deep breath and knocked on the door
Lance opened it, looking as gorgeous as ever and Keith nearly forgot what he was to supposed to do
“ Hey”
“ Hey”
“ Your most recent instructions are very interesting”
Lance raised an eyebrow, "Was it?
“Completely coincidentally I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me sometime”
“ wow, I have no idea what prompted this but yes, of course, I'd like to go on a date with you”
They ignored the gagging noises  Pidge made in the background
“We could have dinner and catch a movie, I still haven't seen Moana”
“That sounds great there is a movie theater close to this Mexican restaurant my buddy Hunk won't shut up about”
“ I love Mexican food, sounds great How does Saturday at 4:30 sound”
“ Great, see you then” and with that Lance leaned over and pressed a kiss Keith's  cheek
Keith was really looking forward to this date.
Author's note: will I get better at capitalization, will I actually address Keith's issues with his past or is that just something I randomly added without thinking about how I'd have to incorporate it, will I actually include Alaura like I promised, what will olive bro do next these questions and more answered go will be answered in the next exciting installment of I learned it from the pizza man!
Okay in all seriousness I'm decently proud I got this far I'm not very good at finishing projects.I ultimately decided to go with Canon for Shiro's little romance side plot, Curtis is apparently the name of the man who marries at the end of season 8 and I know I didn't have them actually have a conversation within the text in my story but I had them reference a conversation and that's more than DreamWorks gave them.
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kettlewrites · 6 years
enemies-to-lovers w/ jaehyun (college!au edition)
Tumblr media
okay you both literature majors with a theatre minor
idk why,,, I just see jaehyun as a hot English major like some glasses, a cardigan and a classic book like Jane eyre or something oof
that's hot
okay okay okay
you two have never been the greatest of friends
scratch that,,,, you two haven't ever been friends.
you have hated his guts ever since that one project to student direct a show
that didn't work out because even though the show was phenomenal you wanted to claw jaehyuns eyes out
why? because he continuously wanted to make it traditional like nO "Juliet has to be M O R e D RaMaTic"
which you would counter with "SHUT UP JAEHYUN SHES DOING FINE"
*youre doing great sweetie*
you didn't expect to have another class with jaehyun this semester,,, you believed you had done your best not to sign up for classes he wouldn't take
you were wrong,,,, every,,,,, single,,,,,class,,,, had him it
one day you were walking to class
it was the dreaded 7am class,,, even tho you only had it once a week
,,, still ,,,
as you walked you were looking at your phone to change the song ,,,,
but right when you looked up,,, someone knocks into you ,,,,
pouring hO T coffee directly onto you and staining your new shirt :((((
when you looked up you met eyes with no other ,,,,,,,,,,, Jung yoon oh ,,, (everyone calls him by his pen name jaehyun)
he panicked,,, trying to say sorry but you weren't  having it
you already hated him,,, this gives you more of a reason to claw his eyes out
"I'll pay for your dry cleaning !!"
you just picked yourself up and walked off,,, continuing to walk to the 7am class
,,,, he feels really bad :(((
after the class he tries to say sorry again
but you ignore him and walk back to your dorm ,,, to where your roommate asks why jaehyun was standing outside
at this point you get annoyed bc ,,,,, why won't he JUST L. E AVE YOU ALONE
you got outside,,,, a tall (handsome) jaehyun standing there writing something in his notebook
you clear your throat to announce your presence
"y/n!!!" he smiles sadly when he looks at you,,,, you're still wearing the stained shirt
"I'm really sorry,,,," "I don't care you probably did that on purpose "
"w-why would I do that???"
"you hate me don't you???"
"what no??? I don't hate you what makes you think I ,,,,,"
his face goes red,,,, you dont really question it
"is that all you have to say? I have homework to do"
you turn to go back into your dorm ,,, but he grabs you back *YOU ARE MY DESSSTINNYYYY*
"let me make up for the shirt please,,, it's the least I can do I feel really bad,,, we can ,,,, go to the cafe down the street"
you hesitated,,, but you know he wouldn't stop he was going to persist
"fine,,, we can go after romantic lit tomorrow "
,,,, next day~ you two go to the cafe ,,, it's still a little awkward but he tries to make conversation
"why do you hate me?"
this took you by surprise,,, "you just annoyed me during the student directing project"
"that's all??" you nod,,, there wasn't anything else that made you not like him,,, he was perfect ,,,,
he smiles ,,,, literal sunshine shooting out of his body ,,,, "im just really passionate with classical theatre"
"can we be friends,,,,I don't want us on bad terms ,,," he says softly
you,,,, nod what could possibly go wrong
after this date,,, apology hangout
you two hang out more often,,,
first it starts off with just walking to class together,,, then him walking you back to your dorm,,,, then him actually coming inside to do homework together
,,,,, occasionally you two would go see shows together ,,, he also asks you to join him on open mic nights ,,, you go to support him as he reads his poems
you finally find out that whenever he's writing in his notebook is really lovely poems
one day as the two of you were working on an English assignment ,,,, he turns to you ,,, "come to open mic with me tonight,,, wear something nice"
you were ???? but said okay bc you truly enjoyed listening to him read his works
the night falls,,, you wore something nice as he said,,, and now you two were both walking to the bar it was being held at
"listen to my words carefully tonight " he says before you two walk in,,
you sat at the table,,, the nerves grow in you as he makes his way to the stage
what could he have possibly meant
"I see you whenever I close my eyes,, I hear you whenever I cover my ears,,when I think of you even if you're in a place where I can't touch you,, I can feel you,, when my moon rises your sun rises as well under the same sky ,,, in a different time,, our hearts are connected under the same sky,,, you and i,," *cue the snapping*
you flush a bright red,,, was this his confession,, what else could that have meant,,
your fingers begin to tremble as he makes his way back to your table
the room was dark ,,,so you couldn't tell he was blushing hard too
"did you like it?"
you couldn't ,,,, answer him,,, no words could escape you ,,, so all you do is nod
"will you be my star crossed lover?"
he laughs,,, it was cute ,,, the way he threw his head back and tried to cover it with his hand ,,, "will you be mine? is that better"
"yes jaehyun,, I'll be yours"
cue ,,,, fireworks
dating jaehyun,,, would be so fricking cute
he's always with you,,, not that he's clingy but he really enjoys your presence
you get to meet his friends,,, music major mark,, dance major taeyong,,, other literature major doyoung,, they're all really cool and they love teasing the two of you
"did you know jaehyun wrote another poem all about y/n,,, it was like stars and moons are beautiful but looking at you i swoon"
cue jaehyun running after mark
you think it's sweet,, and you always sneak peeks at his notebook to see all the cringy cute fluffy stuff he writes about you
you two still go to shows together,,, this time you get to hold hands !!! wow !!
he's really passionate about his major,, especially his minor,, every time a deadline comes up he gets super stressed,,, especially when it comes to projects he has to write stuff for (plays, poems)
he'd always come to your dorm to destress,,, youd let him lay his head on your lap so you can run your fingers through his hair and just talk to him until he falls asleep ,,, his favorite thing is your voice ,,, and listening to your heartbeat whenever you two cuddle ,,,
he's a small fluff ball that knows what he wants,, and that's jaehyun for ya
tldr; you two are a cute couple,,, but you would never student direct with jaehyun ever again :)
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