#so i get to bring it down to earth (or down to mushroom planet) and give it an actual greater location
delightfuldevin · 1 year
Going through species on the Mariowiki again and coming across Music Bashes, those bouncy music note guys from Music Park in Mario Kart.
The main reason I consider the Mario Kart games (and other sports/Party games) as canon is because of the many locations they have and how great they are for expanding the world. …But where is Music Park, I wonder? Currently, I am of the idea that Music Park is a wildlife reserve curated specifically for protecting the Music Bashes which are endemic there. I am hoping to learn about more locations that could potentially help narrow down where exactly the park is. Currently in my lil brain, it’s just somewhere in the Mushroom Kingdom.
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graveyardzhift · 1 year
since i’m actually thinking about it today, i’m gonna talk about my very not-canon-compliant fake Mario & Luigi fangame
it’s viewed better on pc but im not stopping you
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yea i know what you’re thinking and i PROMISE THERE IS A REASON FOR MAGICALLY BRINGING BACK ALL OF THE VILLAINS (it’s also because i miss them but there is a legit reason)
here’s where it gets long, so if you hate reading:
TL;DR, Alien kingdom is destroyed except for the king (King Galivus), his daughter (Princess Europa) and the royal advisor (Obriel). Galivus is separated from the two and doesn’t actually know they’re alive. The king speedruns thru like 4 stages of grief but he can’t accept this so he wants to rebuild his entire kingdom DIRECTLY on top of the Mushroom Kingdom.
oh and he’s only there in the first place because to rebuild his kingdom he needs dark energy and magic which he gets from reanimating the previous m&l villains since their souls are a potent source of dark magic. he promises them a new and better world (and a second chance at fighting the Mario Bros.) but in the end he’s only going to use them for their power to get back his family and his subjects and then discard them
bowser is the only one that isnt coerced into king galivus’ bullshit so he the bros team up with the princess of voidspell to stop her dad from destroying the world yadda yadda
yeah, that was the tldr now get ready for the big guns (longer and more detailed version)
King Galivus (new guy beside Fawful in the image) was once the noble king of a distant kingdom out in space, the Voidspell Kingdom. That is, until it was destroyed by a rogue Starswallower; colossal space wyrms closely related to Blarggs that are thought of as deities across the galaxy. Galivus was thought to be the only survivor, and so he reluctantly fled through a portal before he could be caught in the falling debris. This coincidentally led him all the way across space to— you guessed it— the Mushroom Kingdom.
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Before he arrived, Galivus rashly decided that he would bring back his fallen kingdom at any cost. For that, he would need a tremendous amount of dark energy. Which is why he headed directly to the Mushroom Kingdom— he had picked up on such a powerful energy signal, and a dark one at that. It was clear, this was the place to rebuild. The energy signal is actually remnants of Mario’s past foes, Cackletta, Fawful, The Shroob Princesses, and Antasma. Their very souls are brewing with dark energy, a perfect source of power. With all this magic combined, it would be enough to rebuild the entirety of Voidspell AND bring back Galivus’ loved ones.
So, he does the sensible thing, and uses his Twisted Staff to revive each villain. Some are reluctant to go along with his scheme, and others are ecstatic to be alive/in working order again and will gladly go along with Galivus’ plan. In exchange for their cooperation, he promises a nice little spot for them in his new world… and another chance at exacting their revenge on the Mario Bros.
What Galivus wasn’t aware of, was that there were two other survivors; the royal advisor and the princess of Voidspell, Galivus’ own daughter. They had escaped to the Mushroom Kingdom in a separate portal, out of Galivus’ reach. The queen and the rest of the castle’s inhabitants had been lost, but with Princess Europa alive, there was a chance at bringing Galivus back down to earth and stopping his selfish acts. She and the royal advisor, Obriel, seek out Mario and Luigi to help stop Galivus from destroying the Mushroom kingdom, its neighboring countries, and possibly the entire planet.
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Also, Queen Jaydes certainly isn’t happy about Cackletta (and the rest of the villains, but mostly her cuz she’s died like two times now) being let off the hook so easily. Her and the bean witch definitely still have beef with each other.
There’s probably a lot that I missed or haven’t written down yet, but that’s most of it!! If you’ve taken the time to read all that, i love you <3 HAHAHA
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saltydumples · 11 months
Oh, goddammit, I came up with ANOTHER idea for an AU and I have NO TIME to write it so I'm just going to scribble down my notes here:
Ze is a human astronomer. He specialises in tracking constellations and planets, and mapping them out. One night whilst stargazing he notices something really weird. Like scientifically life-changing weird. Unfortunately, he never gets to share his discovery.
Chilled is the captain of the galaxy's fiercest space pirates. Or, at least, he's trying to be. He's got the ship, he's got the chaotic charm and charisma, but the crew is, well...questionable. That and the job itself isn't quite what it used to be: there are rules to follow now. And, one such rule, states that any lifeform that does not hold a universal intelligence level of at least 5 Caulks (a very precise galactic measurement not at all to be mistaken for the material used to seal joints) then they must be shielded from any knowledge of lifeforms outside of their solar system until they meet the requirement.
Chilled is a terrible pilot. Very wreckless driving - he has twelve separate accounts of wielding a plasma gun at the wheel. Against the advice of pretty much everyone else on the ship he decides to use the gravity of a small solar system as a slingshot. They're meant to be in and out in the blink of an eye but instead the engines stall and for a second the entirety of the Mungus System is on display right outside of a planet called Earth. And, after a moment, the ship's detectors show that it has not only been witnessed but recorded.
Ze is halfway through looking over the pictures he'd captured of the strange event when they suddenly disappear. Entirely. Wiped from his device - nothing to show for their existence whatsoever. So (panicking over the potential of losing the discovery of his lifetime) he starts to draw it down on a piece of paper from memory. And Ze's memory - when it comes to constellations, at least - is very good. So good, in fact, that the system in Chilled's spaceship warrants him as an immediate breach of law and does the only thing it knows how to in order to fix it: it brings him onboard.
Cue a whole lot of chaos and shenanigans - a space adventure packed with pirates, space nukes, galactic riches and a fantastic abundance of cosmic kitties. The main story will follow Ze as he tries to navigate his love for the unknown with his desire to return home.
That's pretty much the overview of the plot! I'm going to note down more stuff about characters under here:
Ze: Unwilling evidence of a universal breach in conduct. Homesick 60% of the time, curious for the rest of it. He's a fast learner and does his best to find out everything he can from everyone on the ship, even though they're pretty unwilling to teach him. Because, unfortunately for Ze, everyone low-key assumes that he's too dumb to learn it. In fact, given that the average intelligence for humans falls under universal regulations, Ze is not able to be classified as an official crewmate but rather more of a pet. However, as his time in space continues, he soon proves himself to be more competent than about 80% of the ship.
Shubble: Head engineer. This fungi-descended crewmate has a soft spot for all kinds of animals and a penchant for leaving mushrooms in the vents. She's also the second most dangerous person on the ship. She's the proud owner of a rare voidal cat called Starlord alongside her newly adopted human, Ze. If she didn't adopt Ze then she was 90% sure that some of the other crew might have eaten him.
Chilled: The Captain. Reckless and yet simultaneously paranoid; willing to accept ridiculous odds but inconsolable if one (1) space bug is found on the ship. He plans to one day commit the biggest space heist ever seen - legally, of course - and is always in search of the perfect crew to pull it off, most of the time not realising he already has it because half of the people he employs spend their days acting like they're consistently rolling critical fails.
Skadj and Speedy: Deputy Engineer and Assistant Enginer respectively. Really Speedy has the skills to be Head engineer but he turned every offered promotion down - more workload and more responsibility? No thank you. They both come from the same firey planet and have slightly draconian features - claws, tails and orange scales. They can seem a little intimidating but tend to care a lot more than they show. Fun fact: when Ze was abducted onto the ship, they were the first to suggest eating him because humans used to be an old delicacy on their planet.
Kara: Leading Medic/Biologist. One of the only people on the crew with an actual braincell, she's the main glue keeping the mess that is the crew in one piece. Half human, half snake, this space naga is not to be messed with (Chilled should know - she's threatened to crush him twice now): though kind in nature she used to work as an assassin, only switching to piracy so that she could conduct her scientific experiments legally (mostly).
Pasta: Assistant Medic. Less concerned about using shields to save people, more curious as to what they can survive while it's on. Completely unpredictable but protective when it counts, this apparent descendent of the Great Spaghetti Monster has a big heart and one of the best laughs you've ever heard. Chilled didn't so much as hire her as he did find her stowing away on his ship and deciding to let it slide. She's been a part of the crew ever since.
There are so many more people but idk how I would get through them all so I'll just leave it there for now.
Bonus fact: Ze spends 80% of his first few months in space wearing fluffy pastel onesies that Shubble buys him because until he's proven to be above the set universal intelligence level he can't legally make any purchases himself.
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crowzwrites · 11 months
Day 5 of mcspirk week - tender
Content warnings: Blood and injury
Yeah I’m a bit behind, I’m trying lol.
didn’t have time to check thru it so I shall tomorrow haha
Spock and Jim along with some other science officers had beamed down to a new planet that required further study and exploration as the scans did not reveal much of anything apart from that the atmosphere is breathable and that it’s rich in plant life. The sky is a light green hue whilst the deciduous forest that emcompasses much of the planet is a blue colour, an opposite to Earth. The vast diversity of the planet's vegetation is astounding and if he had the time to document every piece of it he would, however the stars call to him as do his partners.
So perhaps Spock is a little excited to observe the planet closer and bring back samples to the ship so that he can examine them. Jim smiles at him warmly when they beam down, he breathes in the fresh air and takes a step forward. The bluegrass crunching under their boots. Two other science officers have beamed down with them and they start taking recordings of the vast data around them. Obviously Kirk is here just to support Spock as he usually does even if there is no logical reason for him to be. McCoy had no reason to join them today and had made them promise not to get into trouble this time otherwise he’d kill them, illogical as always.
Speaking of interesting fauna, he comes across some small glowing mushrooms and other luminescent plants. Kirk crouches down next to him then gently touches the shroom.
“Huh cool.” he says nonchalantly, he glances at him.
“Indeed. I do not believe I have seen a planet with this many bioluminescent plants, fascinating.” Spock starts to explain more about the readings he’s taken and Kirk listens intently as if he’s talking about the most interesting thing ever, he feels Jim’s affection for him.
“Love it when you nerd out on me, I love you Spock.”
Jim looks over his shoulder for a moment, no doubt to check whether anyone is around. There isn't. Jim kisses him tenderly and brings a hand up to caress his ear softly. All is quiet aside from the wind blowing through the trees, Spock breaks the kiss to look at Jim and appreciate the human for all he’s worth. Those beautiful blue eyes staring back at him with so much love in them.
Then he hears a noise not so far away from them. It’s a scream.
Spock and Kirk are on their feet immediately, rushing towards the shrill of terror to find a thorny vine latching onto Lieutenant Sarin. She’s trying to rip her arm away but only making the thorns dig deeper into her skin. Kirk grabs his phaser and shoots at it, a direct hit, making the fine retreat away from Sarin. Green blood soaks her arm and she’s panting, the other officer - Ensign Tamar helps her stand up. Spock is about to call for an emergency transport but the vine knocks it out his hand as if it knows what he is going to do.
“Run!” Kirk shouts to the two officers.
Then the vines latch onto his ankles and dig into his skin, causing him to fall over and scream at the agony of the thorns in his skin. He can feel Jim’s panic through their bond, he curses. Trying to keep still so that his partner can shoot the vines but quickly they make their way up his legs and then Jim is thrown onto the floor and crying out when the vines lock up his hands so he can’t shoot. Spock grabs Jim’s hand and holds it tightly, he blocks out Jim’s agony and his own temporarily so he can think clearly for a moment. Then he feels a foreign entity in his mind, an instinctual drive to protect itself from danger and a fear of the unknown beings coming close to it. Spock gasps as the thorns dig deeper.
He realises that the vines are sentient to a certain degree and are reacting purely out of drive to protect it from danger. Spock opens his eyes, now the vines are snaking up his abdomen, he reaches down and puts two fingers against the plant. He’s unable to initiate a proper mind meld with it and instead sends a message that he is not a threat and does not mean any harm and nor does his crewmates, that they only wanted to learn about it.
For a moment nothing happens, then the thorns retract out of his skin and the vines slink away. He sighs in relief and looks over to Jim who is also being freed. Crimson blood stains Kirk’s arms, his sleeves shredded to pieces much like his trousers, his own emerald blood dripping down his legs. Through their joined hands he can feel Jim’s pain but he can’t block it out any longer lest he pass out. Spock grunts as he tries to get up. Thankfully the two officers return and help them both up, then they beam up quickly.
McCoy is pacing worriedly when they all beam back. For once they are spared the usual lecture as they require immediate medical care. He, Kirk and Sarin are wheeled off to sickbay hastily, McCoy has Chapel treat Sarin whilst he treats them. Spock can feel the anger and worry emanate from the Doctor, who treats them both with a regenerator. First Kirk gets his arms treated, McCoy carefully cleans the blood away. Jim winces as his skin is knitted back together and gets a quick kiss on the cheek before he turns to Spock and sighs as he begins taking off his trousers. Kirk’s shirt had already been ruined and the sleeves had been ripped off so there wasn’t a need for it to be cut up. The doctor had put them in a private room. Slowly, McCoy cuts into his trousers and removes them along with his boots.
“So what the hell happened down there then?” he huffs.
“We were attacked by some vines that appear to have some level of awareness and perhaps are sentient. I will have to conduct-“
“The hell you will! You’re not going back down to that planet again.” McCoy glares at him, he pokes one of Spocks injuries as he’s cleaning them which makes him wince. “You really wanna risk becoming injured more? Damn Vulcans and their research.. Ah sorry Spock, I’m just-“
“I understand, Leonard. I do not think they will attack us again as I conveyed that we are not a threat and simply want to learn more about them.” he scrunches his nose up when Leonard starts using the regenerator on him, it’s an odd feeling
“I promise we’ll be more careful next time, Bones” Kirk puts a reassuring hand on the doctor's shoulder and Spock puts his hand over Kirk’s.
“Ah I can’t stay mad at either of you can I?” he rolls his eyes but puts Socks thigh as he gets up. McCoy gives him a soft kiss on his forehead and repeats the gesture with Jim, Spock knows the stubborn man means well and genuinely worried about them.
Both he and Kirk get a change of clothes and then they’re heading back to Jim’s quarters. Not long after they eat, they all end up in bed and falling asleep in each other's arms.
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dzmoot · 8 months
You know, there are some days when I wish I was in school believe it or not. Today was certainly one of them. Look, I like pizza as much as the next Tuun, but an entire planet made of it is enough to make someone lactose intolerant or perhaps develop celiac like my dad. Pizzaloron V had giant aluminum volcanoes that spit up sauce and cheesy mozzarella mountains that left grease on your hands after you touched them. It's a good thing Pizza Teddy didn't come with us, he'd want to bathe in the stuff!
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Everyone started eating immediately upon arrival including myself. I really liked the rich tomato sauce that flowed down the river and washed up on the crusty shores, but when I went to try one of the mushrooms, it sprouted eyeballs and legs and croaked like a frog as it hobbled away. I wouldn't have been more shocked if you told me my halo had suddenly turned into a triangle.
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Besides the mushrooms and some of the pepperonis, there weren't really any lifeforms on Pizzaloron, that was until we got a glimpse of a set of strings floating nearby on a wooden x. When we observed a little closer, we discovered a chef marionette who brandished a giant pizza slicer, the Great Brazzino.
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He was sleeping upon our arrival and would have given us a tour had he not dozed off and his voice sounded like a toadstool stomping Italian plumber from Earth. I asked him why he was the only one on the planet and then he told us his sad backstory. Hundreds of years ago, Brazzino lived happily with his maker, a magical marionette maker named Pettogee who was also quite fond of cooking. One afternoon, Pettogee created a new dish, something like the universe had never seen before. He didn't know what to call it but he loved it so much, he had the entire planet covered in this new creation with a little help from the magical fairy that gave life to Brazzino. Pettogee and the fairy fell in love soon after and left the planet, leaving Brazzino behind. Some say, Pettogee and the fairy made their way to Earth, bringing their flatbread creation with them. When the Earth settlers at the time asked him what it was called, Pettogee called it "pizza" in honor of the planet from which it was created on. We all felt bad for Brazzino, but the creepy wooden dude wanted us to stay on Pizzaloron with him and eat pizza for the rest of time. Could you imagine what we'd all look like if he ate pizza forever?! Zappy got nauseous just thinking about it. Brazzino didn't have to worry about it considering he was made of wood!
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When we told him we were on vacation and that we had plenty of other planets in the universe to explore with their own signature foods, he got ticked off and entangled us all in his strings. He said that if we didn't stay and eat pizza with him, he would cut our heads off and use them as pizza toppings! I said I wouldn't taste very good since my mother said I was spoiled. He didn't care, he chased us all over the place, past an array of anchovy bushes, pineapple pillars and ricotta boulders. I tried to turned his head into a coffee table, but only chipped his nose ever so slightly. Inside a stromboli cave, he cornered us. Then, with one swoop of his slicer, he cut all our heads off and baked them into his pizza. THE END!
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Nah, that didn't happen. Siobhan gave him a peace offering, some of her chewing gum that levitates you off the ground when you blow a bubble. Having tasted nothing but pizza all his life, he was astonished by the taste of the gum. I would dare say, he was obsessed. He entered a trance like state and floated so high off the ground, we thought he would get cooked by the sun. Lesson for the day. There's nothing wrong with pizza once in a while but eating it every day of your life, you might end up like Brazzino, a stuff crusted obsessed mozzarella maniac with a heart as cold as the pepperoni he worships. Hopefully, there's no planet in the universe made of tacos with a sombrero wearing marionette!
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btssavedmylifeblr · 4 years
Void - Part 7 (M)
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title banner by @rude–jude♡
Genre: Sci-fi with a little angst and a LOT of smut
Pairing: BTS x Reader (yup - all seven)
Summary: You are the only female crew member on a 12 year space mission with seven handsome men. The sexual tension is real, y’all.
Word Count: 10.9k
Part 7 / ?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Warnings: explicit sexual content, alcohol masturbation, voyeurism, more non-monogamy
The men at the table stare at you, dumb-founded. Jungkook’s mouth hangs open. Hoseok hides his mouth behind his hand; his eyes are wide with shock. Jimin spins around, trying to gauge the others’ reactions. Namjoon leans back in his chair, face unreadable, his chin resting on his hand as he looks from you to your powerpoint. Jin laughs uncomfortably then clears his throat and silence falls again.
Yoongi speaks first. “You put sources on your powerpoint about how we should all start fucking?”  
“It’s important to cite your sources,” you mutter, shuffling your feet.
Taehyung sits up straighter on his cot. “Are you saying we should start fucking you or each other?”
“Well, the bonobos do both. They are fully bisexual. Almost all aggressive contests are settled by sex. Even when two males squabble over a female, they often resolve it by rubbing their genitals together.”
“What?” Hoseok injects. “You want us to start rubbing our genitals together?” His cheeks blush.
“No, no, no.” You shake your head. “I meant you all should have sex with me.” Your own cheeks heat up as you say it. “I can’t control what you do with other people. In an ideal world, it would be both. But it seemed best to start with me.”
Jungkook mouths the words “start with” to himself, still staring at the table.
“But like, how would that work logistically?” Taehyung asks.
“Well, there are seven of you, so that could be like one per day. Take a week off for my period.”
Jimin splutters, whirling to face Yoongi. “Did you put her up to this?”
Yoongi shakes his head, frowning.
“No one put me up to this!” you argue. “This is what I think is best for the mission.”
An explosion of opinions pours out of all the men at once. Hoseok is swearing under his breath. Taehyung is trying to get Jimin’s attention, but Jimin is arguing with Yoongi. Jungkook wants to know how you decide who goes first. Jin says something to Namjoon that you can’t hear.
“So, um…” You struggle to regain command of the room over the chatter. “My period starts tomorrow, so take a few days to think about it.”
“Officer.” Namjoon’s deep voice cuts over everyone else and the conversation at the table ceases. “You and I need to speak privately. Now.”
The commander stands up from the table and gestures toward the door. The rest of the crew looks back and forth between the two of you wearing expressions of shock and confusion.
You avoid their gazes as you follow Namjoon’s direction out into the hallway. He steps out after you, closing the door behind him. A flurry of chatter resumes after the door shuts, but it’s too muffled to hear what the rest of the crew are saying. You and Namjoon stare at each other.
“So…” you say, shifting your weight between your feet.
“Let’s talk in my office,” he says, squeezing past you and moving in the direction of the sleep pods.
You examine him from behind as you follow him to his office, trying to gauge what he’s thinking. Are his shoulders tense? Is he angry with you? Are you about to be scolded?
His office is also his bedroom. And you did just offer to fuck him, no strings attached. But of all your crew, Namjoon is the one that you have the most strictly professional relationship with. His walls are almost as impenetrable as yours. But he is a man, right? And men like sex, right? It would have been more awkward to not include him. This wasn’t about personal feelings. It was about the mission. And you were all in the mission together.
Sweat pools at the base of your spine under the hot studio lights. A reporter drums her long red nails on her clipboard as the sound technician adjusts the microphones between interviews.
Press junkets are your least favorite part of the job, made all the worse by your mission director insisting you all dress in full launch gear, despite the launch still being two weeks away.
“This is the last one.” Namjoon turns around from his front and center seat to whisper to the rest of the crew.
Yoongi groans, rubbing his face with his hands. “Why do we have so many of them when they all ask the same questions?”
The eight of you have been trapped in this room all day as a parade of different reporters trail in and ask the same inane questions.
This new reporter opens with a softball. “How’s the food?”
“Good!” Namjoon patiently answers this question for the third time today. “The ICSE has recruited the top food scientists to figure out which foods hold their flavor and nutrition best in long term storage. And our chief botanist here is going to keep us well stocked with fruits and vegetables. Right, officer?” He gestures for you to chime in.
“Yup!” You are grateful to Namjoon for pitching you a question that isn’t about you being the only woman in a crew full of men. You’ve already had to explain how periods in space work twice today (short answer: pretty much the same way they work on Earth). “We have lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, bean, soy, carrots, cabbage, chilis, potatoes, lemons, oranges and strawberries, plus a bunch of fresh herbs. They even found a way for us to grow mushrooms out of our culinary compost.”
The reporter makes a disgusted face at the idea of compost mushrooms and pivots to a new line of questioning. “What will you miss most about home?”
“Why don’t we go around the group?” Namjoon prompts. Even your commander seems to be fading in enthusiasm by this point. “I’m going to miss long walks in the fresh air, and my family, of course.”
Most of the crew answers with some variation of friends and family. Yoongi will miss his brother’s cooking. Taehyung will miss his dog who is going to live with his parents. Jungkook will miss long showers and his mom.
“What’s one personal item you’re taking with you?” she asks.
Namjoon is bringing a Chinese elm bonsai tree that he calls his tiny friend. Hoseok is bringing a stuffed Earth plushie given to him by his niece. Jin is bringing vodka.
The reporter narrows her eyes at the mention of alcohol and leans forward. “So what do you do if you feel a crew member’s judgement has been compromised?”
“We have protocols in place,” Namjoon answers. “Tests of cognitive impairment and such. We’re also coached in what we call “expeditionary behaviors” which are key to maintaining peace and cooperation on board.
Yoongi chimes in. “The key to solving all disputes is our ability to be honest with each other. When there is a problem, we sit down as a group and discuss it.”
“Our readers are saying what a tragedy it is that we are shipping seven of our most eligible bachelors off to space for a decade.” She laughs. “Any broken hearts being left here on Earth?”
“Oh!” Namjoon draws back and looks unsuredly at the rest of the group. This was not a question he was expecting to be asked today. “Umm…” he laughs nervously.
“My mom is devastated!” Jin cracks from the back row and the rest of the crew laughs in relief.
But the reporter doesn’t want to let go of this idea so quickly, so she turns to you. “Well, you must certainly enjoy having such handsome crew members.”
“Uh…” To your complete mortification, you actually blush in response. You clench your fist to try to get a grip. To your right, Hoseok’s hand flinches, as if he can feel the need to hold you back. “I’m going on this mission to find life on other planets.” You grit your teeth. “My only interest in my crew is whether or not they do their jobs.”
The woman shakes her head, laughing. “Doesn’t hurt that they look good doing it.”
Namjoon opens the door to his office and gestures for you to enter. The number of papers on his desk seems to have multiplied, which theoretically shouldn’t be possible.
“I’m going to say three words to you,” Namjoon says as he closes the door behind him. “And then I need you to repeat them back to me: banana, river, finger.”
“Namjoon,” you cross your arms. “I’m not cognitively impaired right now.”
He mirrors your closed stance. “Please repeat the words.”
You sigh. “Banana, river, finger.”
He pulls a piece of paper from his desk and wipes it clean, before handing it to you, along with a pen. “I need you to draw a clock face.”
“Set it to quarter past eight.”
“This isn’t necessary, commander,” you grumble as you take the pen and paper, drawing a rudimentary clock face and setting the hands to 8:15. “See?” You hand the paper back to him and he inspects it.
He nods, rubbing his chin. “Repeat the three words again.”
“Banana, river, finger.” You put your hands on your hips. “You think my judgement is compromised?”
Namjoon sighs. “Everything seems to be in order. You must admit, your behavior recently has been uncharacteristic to say the least. Are you sure everything is okay?”
“Well, no, everything is not okay, that’s why I’m doing this.”
He leans against his desk, looking you up and down. “I fail to see how fraternizing with the entire crew will improve things.”
The back of your neck heats up in embarrassment, but you press on. You need the commander to be onboard with your plan.
“You admit we have a morale problem, right?”
He nods. “Hard to suggest otherwise. What with all the recent events.”
“Okay, so I was going through the principles of expeditionary behavior last night as I figured out what to do. Principle One:  Communication - talk so you are clearly understood, talk about intentions before taking action, share information freely.”
“I know the principles.” Namjoon interrupts.
“But don’t you see? That’s why I had to call the meeting. Why I had to get everything out in the open, share information freely.”
“That explains why you needed to inform the crew of your relationship with Jimin. It doesn’t explain why you think it would be good to involve everyone.”
“Principle Two: Self-care - manage psychological and physiological health, balance work, rest, and personal time, be proactive to stay healthy and mitigate stress.”
Namjoon arches an eyebrow. “A lack of sex doesn’t damage your health.”
“With all due respect commander, I think it does.”
“There are outlets to relieve sexual urges other than exploiting our only female crew member.”
“Well, they were all trading porn with each other. That’s how this whole thing started.” Namjoon purses his lips in thought. That seems to be new information to your commander. You continue your argument. “Principle Three: Team-care - monitor team for signs of stress and fatigue - which we have a multitude of, cooperate rather than compete, encourage participation in team activities.”
“Are you considering this a team activity?”
“Well, yes. Like the bonobos do.”
Namjoon shakes his head. “Let me speak so I am clearly understood. I can’t prevent you or the rest of the crew from doing what you want to do with your personal time. But I can’t participate in it either. I’m the commanding officer on this ship. It’s inappropriate. We can’t have an equitable relationship.”
“That’s why it’s not a relationship though, it’s just sex. And if everyone involved is consenting...”
He rubs the back of his neck. “Let’s be honest about intent for a minute. Is that really what you want? You want all seven of us?”
“Umm…” Your stomach churns as you are unable to admit that, yes, that is what you want. “I think it’s best for the mission.”
“Part of principle three is to volunteer for unpleasant tasks if they benefit the team. Are you sure that’s not what you’re doing right now, officer?”
“Yes, I’m sure.” Though embarrassing to admit, boning your attractive colleagues is not an unpleasant task in the slightest.
“You should also consider the fact that whatever forms do get signed will have to be sent back to mission control. And may get out to the press.”
“I thought HR decisions were confidential.”
“Juicy stories have a tendency to find their way out. Especially when they distract from failed missions that added years on to our trip.”
“I understand, commander. Information must be shared freely. I still think this plan is necessary if we’re going to complete this mission successfully.”
“Okay.” Namjoon sighs, dropping his hands to his sides. “It would seem there is no talking you out of it.”
“No, sir. I intend to implement with full commitment.”
The two of you stare at each other for a minute. An immovable object and an unstoppable force.
“So… should I go?”
“Yes, you’re dismissed.”
After the press junket is mercifully over, Hoseok catches you in the hallway.
“Hey, you coming to Tae and Jimin’s quarantine party tonight?” Tonight is the last night you all are allowed to see other people before you enter your two-week quarantine prior to launch. “Seems like you could use a drink.”
“I don’t know,”  you sigh, leaning against the wall.
“What’s on your mind?” He leans next to you.
“That last reporter, she got in my head.” You rub your forehead.
Hoseok rubs the back of his neck. His jawline tenses as he mulls over what to say.
Hoseok is so handsome. And smart. And newly single. He broke up with his girlfriend a couple of weeks ago before signing the final mission papers. And now he was going to be the one of only seven people in your whole world.
In another life, you would want to date him. You’d be dying to go to a party with him and plot how to get him alone for part of the evening. In another life, you would have fallen in love with him. But in this life, he’d been dating someone else for the whole time you’ve known him. And you have a mission.
What’s most grating is that the gossip columnist isn’t wrong. You’d be hard pressed to find a better set of men anywhere on Earth than the seven you were leaving with. They were all attractive, smart, kind, disciplined, athletic young men. It would be much easier to be entirely professional if you had a crew of balding middle-aged men.
“Do you think it's a mistake? Me going on this mission?” you finally ask.
“What?” Hoseok gasps. “No! Why would you think that?”
“The mission director said it was supposed to be only men. That mixed gender crews are too complicated.”
“Have we ever done anything to make you feel like we don’t view you as a professional?”
“No, no, of course not.” Other than being ridiculously good-looking.
Hoseok’s fingers twiddle nervously. “And we won’t. We’re a team. You’re our colleague. This mission is so much bigger than any one of us. And you’re the best candidate for this position.”
“I’m the only candidate.”
Hoseok smiles. “Well, that’s exactly my point. We’d be lost without our biologist. Besides, you were better than all the male candidates even before they dropped out.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Oh yes, I do. Are you forgetting how badly you kicked my ass all over organic chemistry? And I was the chem major! It was such a disgrace.” You both laugh.
You smile at the memory: early morning study sessions, Hoseok bringing you coffee in exchange for your homework help.
“Come on,” he insists. “I know you. You can’t not go. You’re going to be the first woman on Europa. It’s been your destiny since college. Don’t you want to see it with us?”
Yes, you wanted to see it so badly. You picture the two of you looking out over the icy surface together.
“Come tonight.” Hoseok insists. “It’ll be fine, you’ll see. We won’t mess this up for you.”
“Thank you, Hoseok.”
You leave Namjoon’s bedroom and climb into your own sleep pod, the question of what mission control or the press know about what’s happening on this ship weighing on your mind.
Unfortunately, googling it for yourself won’t work. It takes between 10 and 20 minutes for a single signal to get from your ship to Earth, depending on exactly where you both are in your orbits. Then it takes another 10-20 minutes to return. Usually if you wanted to research something, you’d submit a formal request to your research assistants back on Earth,  who would gather a collection of relevant documents for you and send you a bundle of them all at once. But asking your research assistants to assemble a dossier on your rumored sex life was out of the question. You need someone you can trust.
You pull out your laptop and compose the following email.
Hi Dianna,
How are you doing? I’m sorry I’ve been slow to respond to your messages lately, things have been a bit messy out here. I was wondering if I could ask you a favor. Are there rumors about my personal life going around the ICSE? Or in the press? I was wondering if you’d be willing to run a quick google search and let me know what you find.
Thank you! I hope you and Melissa are doing well.
Dianna should have been on this mission with you. You wish you could talk to her in person. You’ll have to send her a video message when you have more time. But you are interrupted in your thoughts by a knock on the door.
“Who is it?”
You hit send on the email and open the door.
“Can we talk?” he asks.
You nod and stand to one side to allow him into your pod.
He sighs and rubs the back of his neck. “So I’m confused.” He runs a hand through his hair as he steps into the pod. “Last night you were mad at me for suggesting you date Taehyung. You said you wouldn’t be passed around between crew members. But now you want to have sex with the entire crew?”
“I’m not being passed around. This is my plan. I’m in control.”
He shakes his head. “The end results seem to be the same though. I don’t understand.”
“This way we don’t have to pretend this is something it’s not. It can just be sex, just release. We don’t have to pretend it means anything more than that.”
“But it means something to me.” Jimin frowns. “I have feelings for you.”
You sigh. “They’re not real though. It’s hormones and boredom. It’s just because I’m the only woman here.”
“No it’s not!”
“Yes it is! You didn’t feel this way about me on Earth, right?”
Jimin stammers for a minute. “People can change. Relationships can change.”
“Jungkook and Taehyung didn’t have feelings for me on Earth either and now that they’ve seen me naked they’re suddenly 'in love' with me. That’s not real. That’s just biology. We’re just apes in space with too much time on our hands.”
“Jungkook’s in love with you too?”
“I don’t know. He thinks he is.”
Jimin frowns, but seems less sure of himself. “Is this because I suggested sharing? Cause that was a dumb idea and I take it back.”
“No! You were right. It’s what’s best for the mission.”
“So what? It’s like this or nothing? I have to share you to have any of you?”
You don’t answer him. Currently, no one else has actually signed, so Jimin might get you all to himself anyways.
“Am I… am I not enough?” Jimin asks. “I can be more. I can do better. I can do whatever Yoongi does that you like so much.”
“This isn’t about Yoongi. It’s about the mission.”
“You said you liked me. You said you wanted to be with me. Was that just about the mission?”
“It’s not about what I want.”
“Yeah, yeah… it's about the mission.”  
He turns to go, but you catch his hand in yours. His thumb rubs across the back of your hand. All the men are just as touch-starved as you are. It’s probably unfair that you are playing to that now.
You see an idea flash across his face right before he scoops you up into his arms, kissing you passionately. “I’m going to show you,” he whispers between kisses. “I’m going to show it's real. I’m going to be what you need. My feelings are real.”
Then he places you back down and leaves. You lean against the door breathless.
Mistake number one: You should not have challenged Jin to beer pong.
Mistake number two: You should not have said goodbye to your parents and dog right before going to a party full of strangers and booze.
Mistake number three: You should not have gone to find Hoseok when you are this drunk and he smells that good.
You collapse onto the couch beside Hoseok, too tired to stand up anymore. Hoseok smiles to see you, face flushed red.
“Hoseok,” you whisper, even though he’s already looking at you. “Hoseok, I have something important to tell you.”
He leans in closer. “Yeah?”
“Europa’s oceans are ninety-six kilometers deep.”
He laughs. “Of course, I know that! I wrote my graduate thesis on Europa’s oceans!”
“Yeah, but like…” You wave your hand. “That’s like soooo deep. Like not intuitive, you know? Like that’s ten times deeper than any ocean on Earth. I can’t even conceive of how deep our oceans are, let alone Europa’s.”
You scoot closer to him on the couch. “That’s like…” You pull out your phone to do some basic math. “That’s like 120 Burj Khalifas!!”
Hoseok nods. “Yes… It is super deep.”
“Stacked on top of each other!” You slap your knee in emphasis.
“Yes, I know!” He laughs again.
You sigh. “Can I tell you a secret?” You lean in closer and put a hand on his thigh. He leans in too. “There just has to be life down there. I know there has to be.”
“I hope so.” He rests his hand on yours.
“We’re going to find it together, you and I.” You grab his hand and squeeze it.
Hoseok looks down at your joined hands and you worry that maybe you’ve gone too far. Maybe tomorrow this will be an awkward and embarrassing moment. But right now it feels nice. His hand is warm. You wonder if it would be too much to lean your head on his shoulder.
But then Hoseok’s phone buzzes in his lap. His ex-girlfriend’s name flashes across the screen and you drop his hand.
“Sorry,” he mutters, getting up off the couch. “I should take this.” He leaves and the couch next you is colder.
“Hey!” Jin stumbles over to your seating area. “Have any of you guys seen Namjoon?”
“I think he went to meet that girl he won’t tell us about,” Yoongi answers from a chair a few feet away. When did Yoongi get here?
“So everyone is getting laid tonight, huh?” Jin laughs.
“Not everyone,” Yoongi mutters, nursing his beer.
“Don’t be such a grump, Yoongi. It’s basically our last night on Earth! Take advantage!” Jin laughs before wandering back into the crowd.
“I’m not getting laid tonight either!” You yell across the room at Yoongi. More direct than you would be when sober.
He cracks the first smile you’ve seen from him in days, raising his beer into the air in a little clinking motion. You do the same with your plastic cup full of what Jimin had described as “Tae’s jungle juice”. It was red and smelled like tequila.
“Why aren’t you getting laid?” you ask, taking a swig of the juice for courage.
“Got dumped, not really over it yet,” he answers matter-of-factly. “What about you?”
You shrug. “The only men here are about to be my only companions for the next twelve years. Seems like a bad plan to fuck them.”
Yoongi laughs. “Suppose so.”
“Well, don’t you worry. If that reporter is right, we’ll all be having space orgies in a month anyways.”
Yoongi chokes on his beer. “Shit.” Beer dribbles down his chin as he laughs. “I think we need to find you some ice water and a cab.”
“Probably a good plan,” you mutter as you lie down on the couch and close your eyes.
When you wake up in the morning, there are still no signed HR forms in your messages. Had you been a fool to think any of them were interested? How much time does it take to decide such a thing? Perhaps by putting the idea out there explicitly, it had lost all of its taboo appeal.
There are two other things waiting for you to notice though: your period and a calendar reminder that today is chili pepper pollinating day. After dealing with the first of those problems in the bathroom, you head for the lab to find Hoseok.
You find the science officer in the lab as always, sitting with his knee tucked up against his chest.
“Hey, um…” You shuffle your feet. Want to fuck me? No wait…
He blinks at you, bleary-eyed.
“Oh, you don’t look good. Were you here all night?” you ask.
“Um, was I? Yeah. I suppose. Lost track of time.” He rubs his eyes, before looking you up and down, then casting his gaze back to the floor.
All you want to do is ask about the forms. Or the meeting. Or what he thinks of you now. But you don’t.
“I need to pollinate the chili peppers today.” Usually Hoseok is the person who assists with that. “But I can get one of the other guys to do it if you need the sleep.”
“No!” Hoseok lurches forward, standing up a bit too rapidly and needing to put his hand back on the bench to steady himself. “I mean, I’m fine.”
You should disagree with him. He is exhausted. But you’d like more time to talk to him.
Pollinating the chili peppers is both time-sensitive and time-consuming, hence why it took two of you to get the job done. There were no insects on your ship to do the job for you and if the plants didn’t get pollinated, they wouldn’t bear any fruit. Chili peppers were your favorite crop. Not only a vital source of Vitamin C, but all your food benefitted from having a bit of spice added to it.
You and Hoseok head for the greenhouse together. The initial set-up gives you something to talk about in the beginning. Hoseok gathers the pollen from one flower onto a paintbrush, then hands it over to you to paint onto the stigmas of each little flower on the next plant.
Slowly the conversation dries up as you fall into a silent rhythm. Other than enjoying the chili peppers, this was also one of your favorite tasks on the ship because of the high likelihood that the two of you would brush hands periodically. It always gave you butterflies. But today he seems extra intent on keeping his distance from you. Was he disgusted by you now? His hands are trembling.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
His hand twitches so hard that a little rain of yellow pollen cascades onto the floor. He curses in frustration before turning to face you. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
"I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“This, um, plan of yours…” he gestures to the vague tension in the air. “It doesn’t feel like you.”
“I’m trying to save the mission. That has always been my top priority.”
“Yeah, I’m still not clear on how this benefits the mission.”
“I outlined it all in my presentation. Plus Yoongi said…” you start to say, but are cut off by Hoseok's derisive snort.
“Look, if you’re in love with Yoongi, go date him, okay? Don’t feel obligated to include the rest of us out of pity.”
You frown. “I’m not… I’m not in love with him. It’s just sex. Just biology.”
“This isn’t you!” Hoseok argues back. “You hated the idea of anyone ever treating you that way. And now you want all of us to… to… use you like that?”  He splutters out the end of the sentence.
“No one is using me! This is my plan!”
He sighs. “Well, I can’t be a part of it. Excuse me.” He leaves you alone in the greenhouse.
Your lower lip trembles and you bite it to stop it. He’s disgusted by you. Yoongi was wrong; Hoseok doesn’t want you. It takes you the rest of the day to finish the pollinating on your own.
There are no forms waiting for you when you wake up the next morning either. Perhaps this was a mistake after all. If the men aren’t looking for release in the same way you are, then there’s no point to any of this. Even Jimin has been keeping his distance, so all you’ve done is mess up the one relationship you did have and offend your commander and colleagues.
Your tablet buzzes with a notification. It’s a reply from Dianna.
It’s great to hear from you! I hope things aren’t too crazy up there. I haven’t heard any rumors at work, but I’ve not been directly involved with your mission. We’ve started the plans for Titan and it’s taking most of my focus. I can ask around though if you want me to. I was surprised to find this article when I googled. Is this accurate? I assumed you would have said something.
Hope you are well! Melissa and I are going to send you a video of our new puppy.
There is a pdf of a magazine article attached to the email entitled “Love Amongst the Stars”. At the top is one of the official launch photos of the whole crew that has been zoomed and cropped so that it’s only you and Jimin sitting next to each other. The tagline reads “How two astronauts had to leave Earth to find each other”. It makes you cringe so hard you have to put the tablet down for a minute before you can read on.
It’s some sort of fluff piece about a secret affair between you and the mission specialist. You scan the article, trying to figure out what they know. “A source close to the couple spoke with us...” Who is their source? You haven’t told anyone on Earth about what's going on with Jimin.
“Coworkers said they always sensed a special connection between the two…” This is nonsense. Jimin is one of the crew members you knew the least about prior to launch.
“Other crew members are very supportive…” Uh, sure.
“Maybe we’ll even get our first space wedding…” You groan out loud, closing the pdf.
Maybe that seals it then. You’ll just be space-married to Jimin for the next 12 years and that will be that. The idea makes you feel a bit claustrophobic in your tiny sleep pod, so you throw on your exercise clothes and head for the gym to try to clear your head.
What you call “the gym” is actually just a bunch of resistance bands and cardio equipment stashed into the walls of one corner of the hangar. When the gravity was off, you had a variety of different choices for which equipment to use. There was a treadmill in the ceiling and an elliptical in the wall so multiple people could use the equipment in your off hours. But with the gravity on, the stationary bike on the floor is your only option.
As you begin your warm-up on the bike, you mull over your next move. Why hadn’t any of the other men come and talked to you yet? Jungkook had confessed to you, why wasn’t he signing up now? And Yoongi? Yoongi said he wanted a form only a few days ago. Why did it feel so different now?
Were you stupid? Had you embarrassed yourself in front of your entire crew for no reason? Maybe Namjoon and Hoseok were right and this was a bad plan. You pedal faster, trying to burn out some of the tension in your lungs.
The radio buzzes and Taehyung’s deep voice sounds in your in-ear. “Looking for a location for our biologist.”
“I’m in the gym,” you radio back, pausing your bike ride to catch your breath.
Moments later, Taehyung pokes his head in the door of the hangar. It’s good to see him up and about, even if his arm is still in a sling.
“Hey.” He steps into the room, adjusting his hair with his one good hand. “I need to talk to you about this, um, ape sex thing.”
Oh my gosh, is it finally happening? Maybe Jimin was right. Maybe Taehyung is more interested in you than you had realized. He fishes into his pocket and pulls out his tablet. You wish you weren’t so sweaty and gross for this conversation. Taehyung is such an intimidatingly attractive man.
Taehyung opens up the tablet and flips to the form as he walks closer to you. It’s happening. He’s going to sign the form. Shit. Then what will you do? It’s one thing to say you want to have sex with your whole crew, but what if he’s hoping to go right now? You need a shower.
Taehyung has nice hands. Long strong fingers delicately navigate the touch screen. It seems totally improbable that a man this attractive would be into you, even if you were the only woman in the universe. It adds to your suspicions that hormones are driving everyone crazy. Perhaps if you slept with him once, he’d lose all interest.
He finds the form and then turns his gaze up to you, staring you down with those eyes. It’s a good thing  Taehyung rarely turns his full gaze on you, because it is almost too much to bear. Shit, is he going to sign it? Is he waiting for you to give him some sort of signal?
“You can’t do this to Jimin,” he says.
“What?” Not what you were expecting. “Do what to Jimin?”
“This.” He gestures over the HR form. “Signing these forms with everyone. Having sex with everyone. You’re going to destroy Jimin.”
“Jimin’s the one who suggested this whole thing in the first place.” It’s a lie. You know it's a lie. Or at least a gross exaggeration. But Jimin was the one who first brought up the idea of sharing. All for the benefit of the man in front of you now.
“No way.” Taehyung scoffs, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. “No way was it Jimin’s idea that you sleep with the whole crew.”
“Well…” You can’t bear his gaze anymore and look down at the floor. “He wanted me to sleep with you.”
“What?” He puts down the tablet. “Why would he want that?”
“He, um…” You rub your arm. “He thinks you’re in love with me.”
“What?” There is only surprise on Taehyung’s face. It’s actually a relief to see that Taehyung is as shocked by that idea as you were. “Why does he think that?”
“I don’t know…” You feel kind of dumb now. Of course, Taehyung doesn’t feel that way about you. Look at him. “Cause you told him you were jealous. Cause you can’t stand to be in the same room as us.”
Taehyung bites his lip. “Oh, um, shit, sorry, that’s not what I meant.”
“What did you mean?” you ask. If Taehyung wasn’t jealous of Jimin, then...“Who are you jealous of?”
“Nevermind…” Taehyung stumbles backward, putting his tablet back in his pocket. “Forget I said anything.”
“No wait,” you get up off the bike to chase after him, catching by the sleeve. As he turns around, you make a show of turning off your microphone. He does the same. “Are you jealous of me?” you ask. “Do you like Jimin?”
Taehyung’s eyes widen and he bites his lip. He glances toward the camera in the corner of the room, then stands up and begins unzipping his jumpsuit.
“Um…” You are distracted by the golden arms that peak from either side of the tank top as the zipper reaches his groin. “What are you doing?”
“Need something to block the camera.”
“We have towels,” you mutter.  But now he’s attempting to peel the tank top up over his head.
“Yeah, but this way anyone watching will think we’re having sex.” He answers. “Shit, can you give me a hand?” In his attempts to remove his shirt, he seems to have forgotten he is wearing the arm sling and is now stuck with his shirt over his head. His injured shoulder is black and blue from his accident with the ROV.
You gingerly try to disentangle him without getting too close to his warm, bare skin. You succeed in freeing him from his shirt and he tosses it up and over the camera.
“You want them to think we’re having sex?” you ask.
“Don’t you? It plays right into your whole ‘save the mission with bonobo sex’ plan.” He zips his jumpsuit back up as he turns around.
“I suppose.” Though the plan was also supposed to be that there would be no more secrets between the crew. “What plan of yours does it play into?”
“The one where Jimin doesn’t realize I’m in love with him.”
Of course, Taehyung is in love with Jimin. That makes so much more sense. They’ve been so close for so long. And Taehyung has always paid very close attention to anything going on with Jimin. “You’ve never tried to tell him?”
Taehyung laughs wryly and shakes his head. “How would that conversation go? Hey man, I know we’ve known each other for years and I’ve already seen you naked and that you just think of me as a friend, but I’m in love with you. I know that’s awkward but now you have to spend the next twelve years with me, knowing that I’m attracted to you when you don’t feel the same way.” Taehyung sighs. “Doesn’t sound like a good plan to me. If he doesn’t feel the same way, I’ve ruined the friendship for nothing and then I don’t even have that.”
“Yeah… I get that.”  There’s something touching about realizing that Taehyung has been fighting the same battle as you for the last two years.
“I couldn’t tell anyone before launch because what if they wouldn’t let me go then? You know?”
“Yeah, the director wasn’t big on sending anyone who might ‘complicate’ the mission.” The two of you share a sad knowing smile.
“Yeah… And I thought it would be fine, you know? I like women too. I’d just date women until launch and no one would know. I wasn’t planning on falling in love with my roommate.”
“I don’t think any of us knew what this would be like.”
“I knew it was going to be a problem. I should have pulled out…” he continues.
Your mind flashes back to your own moment of doubt when Hoseok talked you into still coming on the mission.
Taehyung sighs and leans against the ice drill. “But I couldn’t just let him go off into space without me. Even if he’d never feel the same way, at least he’d still be in my life.”
The emotion in Taehyung’s words makes your eyes begin to mist. “You really love him.”
“Yeah,” Taehyung sighs again. “But he’s in love with you.”
“Well, he thinks he is.”
“What does that mean?”
“He only feels that way about me cause he thinks I’m the only option.”  Maybe he would feel differently if he knew about Taehyung’s feelings.
Taehyung frowns and shakes his head. “You don’t give him enough credit.”
“Oh come on, you know him. How many women did he date while we were in training?”
“A few…”
“And how many of them was he in love with before he found the next one?”  
Taehyung purses his lips. He can’t argue with that. “So why are you with him then, if you don’t think it’s real?”
You shrug, rubbing your arm. “I like him. Lord knows he’s attractive. And he wants me. It’s nice to feel wanted, I guess.”
“You could have that with any man on this ship though...”
You scoff. “They’re all suffering the same delusion. It’s only-available-vagina syndrome. I just want us all to fuck and get it out in the open. Maybe if we could get it out of our system, they would see I’m nothing special. And then we can get back to the mission.”
Taehyung eyes you up and down. “You don’t give yourself enough credit either.”
You shrug. “You wait and see. Jimin will get bored of me. They all will.”
Taehyung pulls his tablet back out of his pocket. “Do you really think that if everyone just like, banged it out, that it would help morale?”
“Well, it certainly couldn’t get any worse.”
“And Jimin thinks I’m in love with you?” He reopens the HR form and stares at it.
You nod.
“What if I signed this? And we let him think that for a little longer? Just until I figure out how to tell him the truth?
“Like we’d pretend the two of us are involved?” Maybe that would help you get the other men on board with your plan.
Taehyung nods. “Would that be okay?”
“Yeah, that would work.”
Taehyung smiles and signs the bottom of the form, then sends it to you. “Thank you,” he says before he leaves you to resume your workout.
Other than Taehyung, no one else approaches you over the next few days. If anything, the crew seems to be treating you more professionally than they did before you announced your plan to fuck them all. You have signed forms from Jimin and Taehyung and have been rejected by Namjoon and Hoseok, but you’ve heard nothing either way from the other three. What are they waiting for?
By the time you reach the end of the Monday morning weekly meeting, you’ve had enough waiting.
Namjoon finishes his debrief of the week’s goals and claps his hands. “Anyone have anything else mission related we need to discuss?”
“My period is over,” you announce to your assembled crew.
A muscle pulses in Namjoon’s jaw. “Officer, I wouldn’t consider that mission-related.”
You cross your arms and lean back in your chair. “Just freely sharing information.”
“Already?” Jungkook asks. “I thought you said it would take a week.”
“No, finished this morning. It varies a bit from cycle to cycle.” you answer. Hoseok’s leg begins aggressively bouncing up and down next to you, but you press on. “I need to make a schedule. So I need to know who’s in and who’s out.”
“Ooh, what if you shared out your tracker info so we’re all on the same page.” Taehyung enthuses.
Yoongi scoffs. “Why don’t we just add it to our mission task list then?”
“I’m not clear on why menstruating means we can’t have sex,” Jimin interjects.
“Enough!” Namjoon regains everyone’s attention. “We need clear boundaries between what is personal and what is professional. Right now, you all have jobs to do. Dismissed.”
By the time you finish your chores for the day, you have convinced yourself that getting the rest of the team on board is essential to your successful completion of the mission. So you go in search of Yoongi.
You find him in his workshop. Pieces of an air filter are spread out on the workbench and he’s in the middle of cleaning it. You had forgotten that is the actual purpose of the workbench. So much for climbing on top of it and seducing him that way.
He looks up when you enter and you decide to cut to the chase. “I haven’t gotten your HR form yet.”
“Yeah…” He goes back to inspecting the clogged tube in front of him.
“You said you wanted to sign one with me.”
“I did say that, yes.”
“And now you don’t?” You thought if anyone was going to be supportive of the plan, it would be Yoongi.
He sets down the part he had been inspecting. “Have you really thought this through?”
“Yes!” You put your hands on your hips. “I made a whole powerpoint! With sources!!”
“I think it's a bad plan.” He picks up another long tube full of dust and threads a brush through it.
“I thought you’d be onboard with this plan. You said if I was fucking everyone, there’s no need for jealousy.”
“Yeah, well, I was wrong.” He sets the tube down and turns around to look at you directly. “ Is that really what you want?”
Why is he questioning you now? He was the one who put this whole idea in your head. He was the one who knew all your fantasies. “But you said…"
“I know what I said.” He begins pacing back and forth in front of the workbench. “But there’s a difference between a fantasy and a reality. You really want to have sex with a different man every day for 12 years on some kind of rotating daily schedule? Like how we water the crops?”
“You’re mad there’s a schedule?” You try to come closer to him, but he backs away from you, turning back to the air filter.
“Sexual desire doesn’t run on a clock, you know,” he says as he starts to pack up the equipment. “What if you’re not feeling it that day? What if they’re not?”
“I’m just trying to be fair to everyone.”
“But nobody actually gets what they want!” He throws his hands up in exasperation.
“And what do you want, Yoongi?”
He pauses, then deflates, dropping his hands to his sides. “Nevermind, forget about it.” He grabs a wet wipe off the shelf and begins cleaning the dust of his hands, not looking at you.
“No!” He’s the one who has been egging you on this whole time. “You were the one who was all ‘you have to fuck Jimin to save the mission’. You said you didn’t care if I fucked Jimin too. What do you want from me, Min Yoongi?”
“I’m going to go get some dinner.” He mutters, throwing the dirty wipe in the trash and turning to leave.
Oh no. He’s not going to escape you that easily. You need some straight answers. “You started all this, Yoongi! You said every man on this ship wanted to fuck me and none of them do! What was that?” You follow him down the hall toward the kitchen.
He stops and turns around in the middle of the hall. “This isn’t all on me! You made choices too!”
“Because of what I thought you wanted!” you yell back. “What is your deal? First you want me to fuck you, then you dont. Then you want me to fuck everyone and then you don’t. What do you want from me?” Your voice is echoing down the hallway but you are way past caring about it.
Yoongi opens and closes his mouth, then spins back around and heads for the kitchen, with you trailing behind him.
Jungkook is sitting at the kitchen table with a bowl of ramen. He looks up, startled as the two of you barge in.
“And what about you?” You fire the question at your youngest crew member. “Don’t you want to fuck me?”
The poor boy nearly chokes on his noodles. “I, um…” He swallows, wide eyes glancing between you and Yoongi.
You lean against the table next to Jungkook as Yoongi steps around the two of you to head for the pantry, but you see his fist clench as he walks by. You lean closer to Jungkook. “Didn’t you enjoy my video? Don’t you want to see the real thing?”
“Uh...” Jungkook glances at Yoongi again. “Maybe the two of you should talk this out…”
Yoongi’s hands tremble, but he doesn’t turn around, intent on starting the rice cooker. You turn your focus to Jungkook instead. “This isn’t about him. Whatever the flight engineer wants to do is up to him. He knows where I stand. This is about you and I.”  You are going to get a man on this ship to fuck you. Today.
“It’s not like I’m not interested…” Jungkook’s knee bounces up and down rapidly as he watches you. “But I told you I was in love with you and you literally had a panic attack.”
Oh right. That was back when you thought you still had a shot of stopping all this. Before half your crew had seen you naked. Before all of them had heard you having sex. Before you’d announced that you wanted all of them to fuck you. But you can still control this, if you can get them onboard with your plan.
Your tablet buzzes in your pocket. You pull it out to give yourself a moment to think. There’s a message from Jin.
Hey, come find me when you get this and we can talk. I’ll be in the kitchen.
You brace yourself for yet another rejection note. But you click on the attachment to instead find your HR form, Kim Seokjin’s signature scrawled right next to yours.
Holy shit. He signed it. Under no false pretenses. What do you do now?
“What is it?” Jungkook asks.  
But then Jin appears in the doorway. He startles when he sees you. “Oh! I thought you’d still be on shift.”
You shake your head. “You signed the form.”
“What? He did?” Jungkook asks.
“Oh, um, yeah,” Jin answers, laughing nervously. “That’s what you wanted right?”
“Yes, that’s what I wanted.” You stand up and move closer to your pilot. Jungkook crosses his arms. Yoongi finally turns around to observe the three of you.
Jin. Jin with his broad-shoulders and plump lips. Your friend. Your very handsome friend. He’s going to help you save the mission.
“You’re the first one I’ve gotten, so you can go first.”
“Wait, what?” Jin stammers. “But you and the commander?”
You shake your head. “He didn’t sign.”
“You and Taehyung though? I saw him take off his shirt and then cover the camera.”
“Oh right… sorry… I guess you’re the second one. But Tae’s still on shift.”
“Don’t forget about Jimin.” Yoongi helpfully chimes in.
Jin takes a step backward. “But I thought for sure these two…” He gestures at the other two men in the kitchen.
“Nope,” you move toward him. “Not yet.” You suddenly see a way to get them all on board at once.
“Oh, well, um...” His ears are bright red. “Maybe we can talk more about this after dinner?”
“That’s one option…” You lick your lips and find the top of your zipper with your hand, blushing as the next part of your plan unfolds in your mind. “Or you could fuck me now.”
“Holy shit.” Jungkook mutters beside you.
Jin dives around you, moving toward the other side of the kitchen. “There are people eating here!”
“Nothing they haven’t seen before.” You begin unzipping your jumpsuit in what you hope is a seductive manner, rolling your hips as you follow him across the kitchen. You have both Jungkook and Yoongi’s rapt attention.
You take a cue from Taehyung and peel off your tank top, throwing it over the camera behind you, leaving you in a bra and the bottom half of your jumpsuit. “Though if these two are going to stay and watch, they better sign the forms as well.”
“Stay and watch?” Jin swallows, hands clenched at his sides.
You grab the waist of your jumpsuit, teasing it down just slightly as you make direct eye contact with Jungkook and then Yoongi. “What do you think boys? In or out?”
Jungkook lunges for his tablet. A satisfying ping on your own tablet confirms that this plan is working. Yoongi just crosses his arms and leans back against the counter.
You drop the jumpsuit, leaving you in nothing but your bra and underwear. You prop yourself up on the kitchen table next to Jungkook’s now cold bowl of ramen.
“What are you doing?” Jin asks, whole face beginning to turn red.
“Look…” You shimmy out of your bra straps so that your bra is only held in place by your hand. “I’m going to need you to fuck me right here on this table, Kim Seokjin. For the good of the mission.”
“Why does putting your bare ass on the surface where we eat help the mission?!”
“No more secrets. No more jealousy. Everything will be out in the open. Like the bonobos do.”
Your fingers tease at the clasp of your bra. All three men stare at you. You lock eyes with Yoongi, daring him to look away. Implement with full commitment. You drop your bra to the floor.
“Stop, stop!” Jin moves toward you as you slide your fingers into the band of your underwear. “Just hang on for one second.” He picks up your jumpsuit from the floor and comes closer, draping it around your shoulders in an attempt to cover you. “Look at me.” He grasps your chin and turns your gaze to meet his. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”
You lick your lips. “Yes.”
He kisses you, hard. It’s aggressive, urgent even. His hands are on your shoulders, then sliding down your back, pulling you toward him. Your eyes close as you momentarily lose yourself in it. Despite you begging him for it, it still surprises you how insistent he is. His hands keep sliding down your back, until they reach your buttocks, running over the thin cotton of your underwear and scooping you into his arms. You wrap your arms around his shoulders for balance, and then he is lifting off the table.
He breaks out of the kiss to pick you up even higher and then proceeds to throw you over his shoulder.
“Jin! What are you doing?” You kick your feet into the air.
“I am a man, not an ape,” he says, picking up your jumpsuit and bra and tossing them over his other shoulder.  “And if I’m going to fuck you, it’s going to be in the privacy of my own sleep pod, where the only man enjoying it is me.”
He hauls you ass first out into the hallway, with Jungkook and Yoongi both watching wide-eyed as you are carried away.
“I can walk,” you argue as Jin turns for the sleep pods.
“Nope,” replies Jin, readjusting you on his shoulder before carrying you down the hall.
As you reach the junction to the bridge, your ass runs into something warm and firm.
“What the-” says Namjoon. Your whole body flushes hot as you realize you’ve run butt-first into your commanding officer.
“Shit, sorry commander.” Jin laughs. “Excuse us,” Jin says and continues down the hallway, not setting you down or stopping.
Namjoon has pressed himself up against the wall with his hands in the air, a look of shock on his face. He looks like he is about to say something, but then Jin reaches his sleep pod and sets you down inside and you can’t see the commander anymore.
“Well, that was the best thing that has happened in a long time.” Jin chuckles as he closes the door. “The looks on Namjoon’s and Jungkook’s faces will power me for a year. You okay?” he asks, handing your bra and jumpsuit. “For the record, I’m not expecting anything else to happen here.”
“You don’t want to do anything else?” You hold up your jumpsuit to cover yourself, more disappointed than you would like to admit.
Jin eyes you up and down. “I mean… I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested, but that wasn’t my intention in bringing you here.”
“You hauled me half-naked to your bedroom and your intention wasn’t to have sex?”
“I know, I am such a gentleman, aren’t I?” He laughs, then shrugs. “Seemed like maybe you needed an out. Things were getting kind of crazy back there.”
“But you signed the form? Doesn’t that imply a sexual relationship?”
“I guess I’m not really a ‘sex in front of two other men before we’ve even been on a date’ kind of guy.”
“How about a ‘sex in the sleep pods’ kind of guy?”
“Are you even actually interested in me?” Jin asks, getting more serious. “Because none of what happened in the kitchen felt like it was about me. I don’t want to be some pawn in your plot to make Yoongi jealous.”
“It’s not about Yoongi!” You groan. “Why does everyone think this is about Yoongi?”
“Have you seen the two of you interact recently? There are some seriously repressed feelings going on there.”
You bang your head into the door of the sleep pod in frustration, before looking up at him. “You’re a very attractive man. Maybe I have feelings for you?”
He sighs. “Yeah, but you don’t. You can’t swap us out for each other.”
Shit. The way you’ve been treating the men is exactly how you feared they would treat you. While you fear being wanted because you’re the only woman, you’ve made all the men on the ship feel as though you think them interchangeable simply because they’re men.
“It never occurred to me that any of you would have real feelings for me.”
“Well, you are very dumb.”
“Hey…” You hit him gently on the chest. He catches your hand in his.
“Amazing they would trust such a crucial mission to someone who is so very stupid,” he teases, still holding your hand.
“I’m not this stupid about mission related stuff, just all this relationship crap.” You laugh softly.
“So tragic. Someone with so much training ought to have better sense.”
He squeezes your hand and you look into his eyes again. He smiles a soft reassuring smile and for the first time in weeks, you feel like maybe everything will be okay again at some point in the future.
“You’re a good man, Kim Seokjin.”
“Best man on the ship.” He chuckles.
“Kiss me again.”
He arches his eyebrows. “Why?”
“Because I want you to.”
“Are you sure?”
“Look there’s no one else here right? This is only about you. I want you.”
He kisses you again, tenderly this time. His warm arms wrap around and you realize you’re still naked except for your underwear. You curl into his embrace. He smells good, warm and manly, like good cologne. You run your hands over his muscular shoulders that you can feel through his clothes. It’s slow and leisurely, like you’re savoring each other.
“You sure you’re not a ‘sex in the sleep pods’ kind of guy?” You tease as you slide your thigh in between his legs and feel his erection pressing against you.
He groans, resting his head on your shoulder as you grind against him. “I’d like to think of myself as more of a ‘sex in the sleep pods after the third date’ kind of guy.”
You pause and look up at him surprised. “You want to go on a date?”
He nods. “At least three of them, in fact.”
You smile. “That would be nice. I’d like that.”
He kisses you behind your ear. “So are Mondays my day then? Can I take you on a date next Monday?”
You gasp as he rolls his hips against you, the heat of him seeping through his clothes. “That’s a long time to wait, especially if you’re going to make me wait through three of them.”
“I’m sure we can find other ways to entertain ourselves.” He cups your naked breast in his hand, massaging gently.
“Is there anything in particular you want to do today?” You palm his erection through his pants and he gasps.
“Stop that, you temptress…” He grits his teeth. “I’m trying to be a gentleman.”
“Aww, come on, there must be something I can do for you.”
“Well…” He bites his lip. “I will admit that I am awfully curious what was on that video that got five of my crew members suspended.”
“I could show you.” You start to shimmy down your underwear. “But there was no touching in the video.”
He kisses you one last time on the cheek, before pulling away and pressing himself into the opposite wall of the sleep pod. “Okay, show me. I’ll be good.” He puts his hands up by his head in mock innocence.
You finish removing your underwear, spreading your legs apart as best you can. You trail a hand down between your legs, finding yourself wet already. “It was me masturbating.” You tease around your clit without touching it directly.
He groans, hips kicking forward as he stays up against the wall. “Show me.”
“Well, first I took my fingers and sucked on them.” You narrate your actions as you wet your fingers. “Then I touched my nipples.” Your nipples harden before you’ve even touched them, but you continue to tease them for his benefit.
His eyes dart back and forth between your face, your breasts, and your spread legs, as if he can’t decide where he wants to look first. He licks his lips like a man starving. “Keep going.”
“I’m very wet.” You continue your narration as he clenches his fists. You run your fingers through your wet folds, then hold them up to show him. His hips buck again as he groans, still fully dressed and pressed to the wall. “And then I touched my clitoris.” It’s your turn to moan as you finally touch your swollen pleasure center, stroking slowly and keeping your eyes fixed on Jin.
“Goddamn…” He drops to his knees, hands resting at his sides, eyes fixed on your hand as it strokes around your clit.
“Do you wish it was your fingers right now, instead of mine?” you ask.
He nods, tongue darting out of the corner of his mouth. He begins inching toward you on his knees. “Do you think… maybe…?”
“I thought we said no touching,” you tease when he gets to your feet, his head level with your hand, eyes fixed on your wet cunt as you continue to touch yourself.
“I just…” His eyes flick up to meet yours. “I want to smell you.” A pulse of arousal rocks through you at how eager he is. You nod. He moves his nose right over your pubic mound and inhales a long slow savoring breath, tickling your hairs.
“Ah…” He releases a long, loud satisfied moan. His knuckles turn white, but his face is relaxed. “You smell amazing.” He inches even closer, just millimeters separating you from his face and inhales again.
“Oh shit.” You feel the pleasure skyrocketing as your orgasm catches you off guard. You grab him by the back of the head to stabilize yourself and his nose bumps firmly against your clit.
He groans again, loudly right against you as he grinds his nose into you, letting you ride his face as your orgasm washes over you. You thread your fingers through his hair to hold him in place. He wraps his hands around the back of your thighs to press himself into you harder. You cry out as waves of muscle contraction course through you over and over.
“Fuck…” you both say in unison as you collapse back against the door. Your eyes meet and you both start laughing. He places a light kiss right below your belly button before he gets up.
“Well, I see why that was worth getting suspended for,” he says, unzipping his jumpsuit and using the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face.
“And you didn’t even come yet.” You slide your underwear back up, wondering if he would consider a blowjob to be a step too far before your first date.
“Um, actually…” he gestures down at his crotch and the new wet spot you find there makes your pelvic muscles clench.
“You came in your pants? Over me?”
Jin laughs. “God, you have no idea how sexy you are, do you?” He picks up your clothing off the floor, before kissing you softly on the forehead. “I will have a hard time waiting for Monday.”
“Me too.” You mutter and get a sudden sinking feeling. You don’t want this to be over right now. You want to stay here with him, to cuddle and be held by him, but you have made this very clear to everyone involved that these dalliances are not relationships. It’s just sex. And now the sex is over. Until next week.
You slip back into your clothes and give him one last kiss. You tablet pings as you head out into the hallway and you fish it out of your pocket.
Yoongi: Okay, I’m in.
Below his message is his signed HR form. A swell of smug satisfaction makes you smile as you cross the hall and climb into your own pod. You open up a group message for the five men whose signed forms you now have in your possession and type out the following:
Mondays: Jin
Tuesdays: Jungkook
Wednesdays: Taehyung
Thursdays: Jimin
Fridays: Yoongi
“Saturday and Sunday to be determined,” you whisper to yourself as you hit send.
Next part
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ebachan · 2 years
Sonic Movie 2 - Thoughts (NO spoilers)
On the 2nd of April, I could see Sonic’s newest movie. And here, I want to give you my thoughts and a bit of review. I’ll avoid spoilers of any kind and put my review under a cut. Hope you will enjoy my little rambling :-D
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So, we start where we left off with the first movie. Dr. Robotnik is still on Mushroom planet, doing his madman stuff like building an elaborated “coffee machine” (hilarious XD and intense) next to his means of escape. The results are literally shocking, which brings in Knuckles and they form an alliance.
Down on the Earth, Sonic wrecks mayhem by being a hero, leaving wreckage anywhere he goes. And while his attempt to cover for his night absence at home fails (it’s hilarious and gives you Home Alone vibes), Tom is ready to support him and offer him an advice he got from his father. Sonic isn’t happy, but listens.
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Shortly after that, Tom and Maddies leave to Rachel’s wedding using Sonic’s ring. Your blue speedster stays at home with Ozzie (Ozzy - both spellings seem right, depending where you look XD) for 48 hours. Every child’s dream and Sonic soon turns the house into a mess.
But all the fun is interrupted by Dr. Robotnik’s return. Sonic would handle him alone if it wasn’t for Knuckles, who matches him in fight. In the most dire moment, Tails arrives on the scene and saves Sonic. They quickly have to cooperate to lose Knuckles of their tails.
That would sum up the start of the movie, and I won’t go too deep with the rest ;-) I hope just from those few paragraphs you can tell there will be more action. And you can get ready for a few variants from chase, hand-to-hand combat to high-speed battle in the middle of cold snow. Not to mention the last battle is phenomenal!!
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Expect not just tons of Easter Eggs, pop-culture references, but also throws back to the first movie. You can immediately tell all the small things before were hints for the big events here. And that’s one thing I love about this movie. It was already “at works” during the production of the first one. At least the pivotal moments and objects. It also has “mirror” scenes from the first (double shouting scene in the car for example) which I hope to see in the third too XD Just for the fun :-D
We visit several places from good old Green Hills, pub to Hawaii, hidden temple and maze full of traps and place where Dr. Robotnik and Knuckles show some great chemistry. And here we get an epic showdown between Sonic and Knuckles. You will be on your toes for the whole fight.
I didn’t count it, but there is more music, and I found each track fitting. I’m not an expert, but I’ve read there are tracks from 90s, so that’s cool. You can expect soundtrack from the games as well.
The voice actors in my language are okay to good. Only Tails got a new voice for whatever reason, and that kind of ticked me off. I can’t wait for a DVD to listen to English :-D
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Let’s talk about the characters a bit. Sonic is still going through his arc. He has a home and place to belong to, but it’s still a bit of prison for him. He can’t go outside and interact with people. The blue speedster is still unknown to them and covered up by military. Also, he is itching to use his powers for good, which back-fires in a big way. There is still a lot of growing up in front of him.
That’s where Knuckles comes in. Where Sonic is free spirited and not chained by past, this echidna is serious, and has only the past to keep him going. He is hunting Sonic to get back what he had lost, and what should belong to him in the first place based on birthright. And as much as he is serious, he is funny. He takes things to the T. And his speech pattern is odd and that adds to that fun part :-D
Tails is a bit cowardly. He isn’t a fighter, nor he has any experience in the field. All he has are his high-tech toys and enormous eyes earning for adventure, but too scared to go on his own. He only a bit reluctantly joins Sonic, shying away from anything that scares him. But that makes him work. He is younger than Sonic, and that’s what makes Sonic act as the “respectable” buddy next to him (despite he is still as reckless as before XD).
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Anyway, all three of them grow and open up during the movie. The change is most visible with Knuckles and Sonic. Tails would need more time, in my opinion. And compared to Knuckles, Tails comes off a tad flat. That may seem so because Sonic had a whole movie to grow, and he was the primary focus. Both Tail and Knuckles get a brief introduction to their past. My hopes are in the Knuckles TV series to cover more for both of them.
Most people mention the B-plot with the wedding to be annoying and slowing down the plot. I can tell you it’s not the case. Okay, it may look weird a bit, but once you look at it from a distance, you will see how important it is. It just doesn’t tie well with Sonic’s quest, but it also shows how Tom and Maddie have grown and what Tom realizes about their current life. It’s also a nice to have some calm scenery after nerve-wrecking action :-D
Also, I can’t forget Rachel!! I loved her before, and in this movie she rocks! She has one of the best human comedic scenes in this movie. In a nutshell, she is a force to be reckoned with. Also, re-check her cut post-credit scene from the first movie. I’m sure you will notice the similarity XD
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The new character, Randal, is an interesting guy as well. He shares the spotlight with Rachel and brings out her gentle side, among other qualities. Maddie also got more room to show off her exceptional talent, and she looks gorgeous in her dress. And both sisters kick serious butts as well.
After this wedding, it’s just a step away from the grand finale. It’s not just epic, but features tons of puns, Easter Eggs, quick action, humorous bickering between Knuckles and Sonic, and pinnacle scene from Agent Stone. No, seriously. I loved that! It’s perfection! It’s also a place where Sonic feels the weight of the words Tom gave him during the first act. That little kid is growing in front of their eyes, and they can’t be prouder and more worried.
The ending credits are great. This time 2D Sonic has his movie model instead of the classic from the first one. But the song isn’t... that great, I guess? It just didn’t get under my skin like Speed Me Up. But it made many people happy, so I’m happy for them ;-)
Also, the post credit scene is a chief kiss. If Tails made people clap, this one may make them roar XD I’ll write about my ideas and just general thoughts once the movie is out in US.
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Now, you may say I’m in love with 100% of the movie. Hmm, I would say 90%. There are a few hiccups along the way. Some scenes had a tad jerk-ish feel. One featuring Maddie seemed like part of it was cut. The pub had a rocky start, but otherwise it was a pleasant scene a ground to introduce what Tails can do. A bit of a breath of fresh air between all the action.
So, I would mark this movie solid 9/10. It’s a movie for everybody from young to old, to Sonic fans or just casual fan or even non-fans. There is something for everybody, and that’s one reason this movie is so great.
So, what did you think about the movie? Don’t be shy to share your thoughts, but please AVOID SPOILERS :-)
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merigreenleaf · 3 years
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It’s been forever since I was on tumblr, but I’d like to get back into it again. I’ve been mostly avoiding social media for a few months and doing a lot of personal art things, one of which is learning how to paint. At the moment I’ve been working on watercolors. I was super excited when I saw that one of the lessons had us painting a sky with constellations! Concordia, the main country in the Unexpected Inspiration series, has a ton of history and mythology about their constellations, which they call the Muses. It’s said that these were beings who came down from the sky to teach the original Concordians art and magic. This is partly true. There were beings who granted this magic and knowledge, but they came from other worlds via a portal, not the sky. The humans simply assumed the sky when the beings seemingly popped out of nowhere when they heard the call for help. Each of these constellations became the Muse of a specific branch of art/magic because they granted that particular flavor of arcane creativity. Most of the Muses are no longer remembered as their original appearance; over the centuries stories have made them larger and stronger (or at least stranger) than they were. They're not in quite the right locations, but artistic interpretation, right? I included all nine Muses that make up my world's sky. From sort of left to right: Piquant, Pritchel, Chiaroscuro, Stele, Andante, Mortise, Tessera, Twisen (which is Whorl and Weft in one spiral constellation), and Scriven. Here's a bit about them:
Piquant: Muse of the culinary arts. I introduced him ages ago as a human-shaped imp who had a few small mushrooms "growing" on his body. He is now remembered because of the mushrooms; his constellation is a mushroom turned on its side. His name comes from a flavor. He helped grant food magic to the early Concordians because he saw they were hungry and wanted to help. Pritchel: Muse of metalwork. Pritchel (along with Scriven and Stele) were Creators, who were beings from another world who moved into what became Concordia and joined together with the humans there to create one culture. At some point, these three Creators lost their human forms, however briefly, because they’re remembered for what they actually looked like. (They’re also remembered for their human forms, too; somehow the humans never made the connection that these three beings were the same as the “human” newcomers who helped unite the two groups of people into one. This means Pritchel, Scriven, and Stele are remembered separately as the founders Petra, Dee, and Elda.) The Creators’ original forms, before they crossed through the portal that shifted them to human, were all of one species, but took on the appearance of the material they worked most. This means Pritchel was golden with flecks of silver to represent iron. Her constellation is based on her namesake: “a pritchel is a type of punch used in forging, particularly in making nail holes in horseshoes.” In this case, the constellations is the punch and the horseshoe. Concordians have never kept horses, but back before the Concordian humans were sent to Concordia, they did. Pritchel had lightning and metal magic, so she granted the ability to work metal, as well as use lightning to power magical inventions. Chiaroscuro: Muse of illustration. He’s a celestial being of both light and shadow, who had come to Concordia's world centuries before events of the Muses. This makes him very, very old, even at the time these Muses visited Concordia. He had no physical form except as an amorphous dark spot with glowing golden eyes. Mostly it's his eyes that are remembered and the constellation is simply these. “Chiaroscuro” means “the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting.” I know Chiaroscuro best of all because he’s important to both Concordia and Montglace and he comes into play in the current books. He granted illustration and illusion magic. Stele: Muse of sculpture and another Creator. In her case, her appearance took on the look of either marble or clay. A “stele” is a variation on “stela,” which is “an upright stone slab or column typically bearing a commemorative inscription or relief design, often serving as a gravestone.” The constellation was supposed to be an upside-down gravestone. It became a clay teacup pretty quickly because this was too morbid for a Muse remembered as fondly as Stele. The reason Stele is associated with memorials was because when she was alive, she helped create the walls that contain the names of everyone in Concordia who has passed since the founding; these update automatically because of the magic tied into them. Andante: Muse of music. He was originally some sort of bird person and is somehow still remembered as a bird person. The fact that this constellation looks like a bird person with wings and a tail is probably the reason. I’m still amazed that the program I used to generate stars threw some together in a way that made this shape form so well! His name is a musical term involving tempo. The magic he granted involves sound, both in terms of music but also in recording and amplifying. Mortise: Muse of woodwork. They were a being of the same species as Chiaroscuro, but even older than Chiaro. While Chiaro stayed a celestial, Mortise bonded with the land and became one with the planet. They're remembered as a tree because their voice came from the grotto at the center of the early Concordians' homes. It's not barbaric to have a tree be the Muse of woodwork because Concordians use fallen wood whenever possible and always replant. The earth magic granted by Mortise makes the land flourish; they've grown weaker over the centuries so now their magic can only stretch as far as Concordia. A “mortise” is a woodworking joint and Mortise granted magic over wood. Tessera: Muse of glasswork. She was originally a Salamander, a human-sized lizard person, but over time she was remembered as a dragon. Possibly this is because large, scary dragons are more exciting than lizards, but more likely because the constellation’s arms got mistaken for wings. The tail probably didn’t help since the constellation is all tail. Tessera did have a tail, though, so that part’s okay. “Tessera” means an “individual tile, usually formed in the shape of a cube, used in creating a mosaic.” She granted light and heat magic, which generally manifests in control over glass. Twisen (Whorl and Weft): Muses of textiles. They were sisters or at least appeared to be sisters. They're from the same world as the Concordians, but their kind was there long before the humans arrived and long long before Concordian's founding. Their species lives deep underwater and most of the world doesn't realize that they share their planet with other people, even now. These two are remembered as a pair of waterspouts and they’re closely tied into wind and water, such as the wind in the sails of boats. Their names are spinning and weaving terms because they granted textile magic. Scriven: Muse of words. This also includes poetry, stories, and words both spoken and written. Scriven was the third of the Creator-Muses and was the Creator who called on the other beings and their worlds for help. This constellation looks weird, but I see it as the side view of a person holding a book or a piece of paper. It could also be an old-fashioned desk where the chair is connected. Either would work for Scriven. While Pritchel looked almost like metal in her true form and Stele looked like stone, Scriven's skin had the appearance of parchment and whenever he used magic, his words would show on his body. He granted power over words, such as an ability to bring emotion from the audience/reader. Concordia's culture revolves around art, hence the art-themed names, so painting this felt wonderfully appropriate. Chiaroscuro, the Muse of illustration, would approve. Years ago I introduced three of the Muses and I’d like to get back into that soon. 
I know I had a tag list going, but at this point I’m not really sure who’s still around, so if you’d like to be added, let me know! 
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fountainpenguin · 3 years
It’s an Update
Hello, Riddle here! I know I’ve been pretty quiet on Tumblr lately. Here’s an update on my situation:
I will definitely post more fanfic updates soon. I’ve picked at drafts, but haven’t posted anything lately. Here are the reasons why:
I got a new IRL job. It’s a good fit for me, but I have less free time than I used to, of course. It’s a job that involves writing lots of articles on a variety of topics, and I enjoy how every day is a little different
Most of my free time for the last year has gone towards my mod work at the Creature-Crossing ARPG, and to my personal CC writing. I’ve been working on new activities over there (my recent favorite being our seasonal familiar shows... I won first place in the summer show!) and I have a lot of plot plans that are coming together now. If you ever want to see my original characters and read my CC writing, you can find my character directory HERE and my Table of Contents HERE.
Once November 1st hits, I won’t be preparing for the release of any more CC activities or events. All future activity or event releases will be overseen by the other mods, and I’ll simply be someone they can ask for extra help if needed. This is a big change for a mod who spent the last 12 months working on new releases, and will give me back some of the free time my IRL job will eat
The Creature-Crossing admin (my boss) greenlit my request to bring an assistant on the mod team who will specifically help me with a lot of my behind-the-scenes work, such as data entry and organization. I’ve never had another mod who specifically helps me with the back end duties before, so that will be awesome. I will need to spend some time training them, but once they are official, that will take some of my workload off and allow me more free time for this blog and personal writing time.
Fanfic updates you can expect to see soon:
- Reedfilter Rules
- Frayed Knots
- Origin of the Pixies
- Debut of Factor It In, my Kid Math-centric “WordGirl” fanfic (Subtitled “Tales of a third-grade superhero in training”)... Yes I am still in love with this idiot boy, expect lots of doodle pages soon
- The 130 Prompts project is on a slow-burn writing schedule... I’ll write for it when I want to, but I mostly want to focus on Origin and Knots this year.
Further info below the cut. There is more info about non-Fairly OddParents ‘fics in here too (under “non-FOP fanfics”), so if you’re looking forward to Mario World or “WordGirl” ‘fics from me, give this a click so you know what’s coming!
So, what does this update mean for your fanfics?
They’ll be active again soon! I’ve been picking at them behind the scenes, trying to build up a buffer. In an ideal world, I would love to release a new chapter for SOMETHING every Friday. I doubt this will be possible, but it’s something I would love to work towards in the future. Realistically, you can probably expect some kind of fanfic update once every two Fridays (two updates per month).
There might be some Fridays where posting an update is not possible. Instead, I’ll make a post about what progress I made instead. In the past, I often overworked myself to get a chapter out in time for my old deadline. I will not be doing that anymore, but will instead hold myself to a goal of “Make progress on something every week.”
In the best ideal world, I would love to post one FOP fanfic update per week and one non-FOP fanfic update per week. This is not likely to happen for a long, long time, but that would be the dream.
Here are the things I most likely worked on if there is no fanfic update:
- A fanfic chapter draft that needs more time
- A sideblog profile
- A Toyhouse profile for personal characters
- IRL work or mod work may have kept me busy this week
- Creature-Crossing writing... I will try to prioritize my fanfics more, but my CC writing is still important to me and I will be working on it in a lot of my free time too. At the moment, I have a hard deadline of December 14th that I need to meet if I want to release huge plot drama on the day that it happens in canon. I’ve been building up to this for a long time, so I’m really excited about that.
I currently have summer or autumn 2022 planned as the “finale” for the majority of my plot to explode. I will be hosting a member-run event in Creature-Crossing that will last for two months, so a lot of my time from January until the event’s release will be spent doing event prep. Once the event ends, my story content will mostly be a “return to slice of life.” Stories will be more casual one-offs as characters grow, live their lives, and start their own families. Hitting seasonal deadlines for plot will no longer be so important. I’ll be giving Creature-Crossing work less attention after that, and much more attention to my fanfics.
- I may not have a fanfic chapter out each week, but I WILL post a note every Friday to let you know what I have been doing with my time. You’ll see me around. Feel free to send Asks and talk!
What non-FOP fanfics would you like to work on?
For literal years, I’ve been claiming I want to post Mario World fanfics. This is still something I want to do. I tag Mario World posts as “mushrooms and more.” I’ve already done a lot of worldbuilding, I have thousands of words of content written for this fandom... I just haven’t posted any of it. I hope to do this soon.
- “WordGirl” fanfics are prioritized over Mario World fanfics. After I finish my first “WordGirl” multi-chapter, I will probably be ready to post my Mario World ‘fics. I may possibly post some Mario World one-shots in between other fanfic updates. Might take another year or more before I touch Mario stuff unless there’s high interest in seeing it sooner?
I also really want to write some WordGirl ‘fics and get more involved with the fandom community. I’ve been building headcanons and lore for this show ever since I was a kid, and I have multiple ‘fics for this fandom that I want to write.
- “AlgoRhythm” is a ‘fic I have already posted on FFN and AO3, about WordGirl introducing Kid Math to the villains in town
- 28 Cities is a ‘fic I started about Rhyme and Reason before they arrived in Fair City. I put it on hiatus since it didn’t seem like anyone was interested, but I’m willing to post more for it if there is interest in it now that years have passed and I’ve gotten more followers who like WordGirl. I have a lot of worldbuilding and plot I never shared for it
- Factor It In is a ‘fic I’ve been working for a while that parallels the official show from the moment Kid Math arrives in town. It focuses on Rex’s struggle to adjust to this world as a child coming into his superpowers for the first time (Y’know, the whole “superheroes don’t have powers when they’re on their home planets” thing), his struggle to adapt to the social world of a non-logical planet, and Becky’s struggle to help him become accustomed to Earth and learn to share it with her as well. If the episode “Kid Math” was a full-length novel about Rex’s arrival and character development, that’s what this story is. This is the highest priority of all my non-FOP ‘fics... I’ve had a cover image made for 6 months and even though I tried setting it aside, I’ve always been super inspired to write for it. If I felt like it would be a good idea to commit to weekly updates alongside my FOP updates, I would, haha.
- I have two one-shot WIPs called “Squishy Feelings” and “A Little Ambiguity”, one of them focusing on Becky and Rex talking about the events of “Rhyme and Reason” and what it means for Rex’s secret identity, and the latter being a future ‘fic showing WordGirl and Kid Math dealing with life 10 to 15 years down the road. I’ll probably post the latter, not sure yet on the former.
- If desired, I may make a WordGirl specific sideblog where I post lore, answer Asks, post character profiles [smaller than my FOP sideblog ones], and mention fanfic updates. If you would be interested in this, feel free to send me an Ask requesting I do this. If there’s not interest, I’ll just keep my WordGirl stuff on the main blog.
- I’d like to get more involved in the WordGirl community, so I’ll probably post more content and reblog more art and headcanons
I also have a handful of miscellaneous ideas I might follow through with. I’d like to write at least one “TUFF Puppy” fanfic so I can say I did. In a perfect world I would like to finish the two “Danny Phantom” and “Bunsen Is a Beast” fanfics I started because... I just kind of want to dip my toe in each of the Hartman shows once since I already went through all the effort of worldbuilding for them to make them canon in a single Hartman show universe. “ChalkZone” is another show I adore and might touch someday (You may recall I have a full outline planned for an FOP/ChalkZone crossover ‘fic called “Dust to Dust”).
Will I write all of these things? Maybe not. I have no idea if I want to spend the next 10+ years writing fanfics, or if I’ll simply be done with all misc. fanfics immediately once I decide to be done with my main ‘fics. I definitely intend to write for a few more years and finish my main ‘fics, but I might not go through with some less popular side ‘fics if life is getting busy for me.
What is the posting schedule for FOP ‘fics?
Reedfilter Rules, Frayed Knots, Origin of the Pixies, the 130 Prompts project, and “Come What May” are all high priority FOP writings. I will swap between them depending on my mood that week.
Here are some other ‘fics I want to work on.
- If you like, you can send me Asks requesting I work on a specific story above the rest. I will try to prioritize whichever stories interest you guys most.
Snips and Snails is a ‘fic I started and posted the first chapter for years ago. I’m not sure when I will get back to it, as I ran into some writer’s block. It’s still on tentative hiatus for now..... Possibly forever, though I hope it isn’t forever since it’s only supposed to be, like, five more chapters.
Pink and Gray is on official hiatus. I actually have a lot written for it, but I know it’s a little weird to put so much time and energy into Gary and Betty content when... well, let’s be honest: they’re my niche favorites and most of you probably don’t care. So, I am lifting my usual “no spoilers” policy from my Ask Box. If you would like to ask about my Gary and Betty backstory headcanons, feel free. I will tag my replies as “ridwriting spoilers” for anyone who wants to blacklist the tag, and spoilers will be hidden under a Read More line. 
I’d like to return to this story someday because there are tons of things I like about it (ranging from Betty’s secret tattoos to Gary’s plot drama with his mom to the background drama between Talon and Anti-Cosmo, but I always feel immense pressure to make it extra cool to make up for the fact these are weird side characters, so... it’s officially at the bottom of the priority pile. Once Talon shows up in Frayed Knots and readers understand who he is and why he exists, I’ll consider coming back to it.
Identity Theft is a story about Foop and his time in the alternate dimension he was flung into following the episode “Playdate of Doom.” To put it short, Foop was abused by alternate versions of his parents in this dimension and he witnessed some pretty intense stuff, including the death of the alt version of himself who existed in that reality. The trauma he experienced resulted in his alternate personality, Hiccup. Foop himself has very few memories of what happened, as Hiccup has all of those memories. This story is canon in my works, and it is regularly referred to during the 130 Prompts as part of Foop’s backstory. It’s my highest priority side story to work on.
Along the Cherry Lane is a 20-chapter work focusing on the lives of the main human cast from age 11 to age 30, with one chapter showing a snippet of their lives each year. You see Timmy raising Tommy and Tammy in this ‘fic, and it ends with them receiving godparents. Since the 130 Prompts don’t give humans much attention, this ‘fic does. You’ll probably see it debut two years from now, closer to when the 130 Prompts is ready to talk more about humans.
If this becomes a popular ‘fic of mine, I’ll probably write a sequel or continue it past Chapter 30 and write about Tammy and Tommy living with fairies, but I won’t if there’s no interest in that.
Little Imperfections is a Pixie AU ‘fic of mine about what life would be like in a universe where the Fairies are even more like insects than I play them as during my main works (where I already play them as semi-similar to insects). In this world, the Head Pixie is a figurehead whose duty is to reproduce for the sake of the colony and do nothing else, and he’s bored out of his mind until he befriends Sanderson, who introduces him to music. It’s extremely self-indulgent and silly because I like Pixies.
Francis is a multi-chapter ‘fic about bully Francis’s life getting yet another fairy godparent in a long string of memory wipes and godparents. It takes place during the canon series, and when you see an “orange fairy” mentioned in some of my writings, it’s usually referring to this fairy. His name is Rover and I occasionally post art of him. I feel like I can’t truly call myself an FOP fanfic writer until I actually write about a godkid and their godparents, haha...
Hawthorn Haven is a side ‘fic that will be posted towards the end of the 130 Prompts, as it veers off from the prompts in its own self-contained multi-chapter story. It will be approximately the length of “Baby, You’re a Rich Man.”
Acacia Arcadia is a far-past ‘fic detailing the fall of the ancient fae, the imprisonment of the nature spirits, the rise and fall of the chimera nation, the fall of the Martian genies, and the early days of the cloudlands. This is close to the bottom of the priority pile... It’s something I spend time on for personal reference to ensure accuracy in my other ‘fics, but it’s probably not what you guys came here to read.
AA has a bunch of characters in it that you might vaguely recognize, such as Ezekiel Whimsifinado, Evadne, Ione, Two Feathers, Rho, and Sablewood (If you’re astute, you might recall cloudland legends and landmarks in modern day that refer back to these characters). There are also a lot of characters who were reincarnated as Anti-Fairies, in accordance to traditional Anti-Fairy beliefs; Foop for example exists as a main character in one of his past lives, and you’ll see a hint dropped about each of his lives in the first chapter of Identity Theft. My tentative plan is to use Foop’s past lives as my central characters, following the events of each part of the timeline until he gets killed and reincarnates at a later point of the timeline.
I also keep some one-shots in a file I call Mixed Nuts and I may possibly post them someday (they’re mostly just one-shots of main cast characters I do to get a feel for their personalities, I have some Wanda and Cupid in here). @zachbrightside and I are also working on a collab ‘fic called Like a House On Fire that shows more of Timmy and Chloe’s lives during Season 10 (especially around the time of “Which Is Wish?”) No news on a release date for that yet.
As I’ve said before, once all my other FOP works are complete, I will write Devil’s Backbone, which is my far-future ‘fic and the finale of my FOP writing. I do not plan to write any more FOP content after that story is finished, as I expect to have all other FOP projects done by then.
- Devil’s Backbone is a finale 'fic, so all worldbuilding from all stories is fair game to blend together, and it’s highly recommended you read everything else first. This story has been outlined since 2016, and it might not be published for another 10 years... Who knows! But it’s something I always work towards as a concrete endgame goal.
- If something serious comes up in my life and I officially decide I don’t want to write this story, I will post the outline for it. The link to this draft is included with all the other Google Docs links I have in a far-future queued post unveiling my WIPs in case I unexpectedly die and you still want to know how my stories would have gone, so you’ll get access to this story eventually even if I die young. Yes, share access is turned on for them all and I do take extra careful measures to be sure that post doesn’t get posted early skldfj
What is the plan for the main blog?
Every Friday, I will post either a fanfic chapter or a progress update. You can blacklist the tag “ridlife” if you do not want to see the progress updates on your dashboard. Fanfic updates will not have the “ridlife” tag, so you will not be blocking them.
During the rest of the week, I might post doodles, reblogs, or general comments. Basically... you’ll see the blog become active again. Feel free to send in Asks about my worldbuilding and thoughts on fanfic characters.
@fountainpenguin is my personal blog, so you will see non-fandom things on here sometimes
@riddledeep is my FOP-exclusive sideblog. It contains all my lore notes and goes into a ton of depth, more than my fanfics give in one breath
What does this mean for the Riddledeep sideblog?
I really want to go back and edit those character profiles that were posted early by mistake. The reason they were queued is because if I turned them into drafts, they would have been buried all the way at the beginning of my draft collection, and I have many, many drafts saved. There are no page numbers to navigate quickly through the draft collection, so I would have to click through each page one by one if I ever wanted to look at them. I hated doing this, which is why I kept my posts queued.
I was regularly updating the queue deadlines, trying to keep things in the order I wanted to post them in, but Tumblr made a change to the way drafts are dated and it kept throwing off my system. My inability to remember when my queued things would post combined with my busy schedule led to some profiles being posted early and incomplete. I want to fix these.
Over a year ago, my good friend Vulpix150 helped me finalize my designs for the Aos Sí and Daoine Sith. I’ve been sitting on that art in secret for a while, and at some point I plan to post it on the sideblog and talk more about that lore.
Updating fanfics is my higher priority (and it was the priority my followers voted for when I asked you to send votes to my Ask Box a while back). So, I will usually spend my free time working on fanfics unless I need a break from them and want to work on sideblog profiles instead. Thank you for your patience!
I’m posting fanfics again soon. I’m going to take a more relaxed approach to posting them. I’m going to post more of what I want to post and what I feel motivated to post, not always a main ‘fic update. If I’m not “feeling it” when working on a draft, then I’ll set it aside for a while unless I know my followers and readers have high interest in the next chapter of that story. I always write for me first, but if I know there are other people who care a lot about a story, then of course I want to write it for you too!
I’m going to embrace my decade-long love for WordGirl and post more ‘fics and art or this fandom. I’ve always been a little shy about doing this, but I’m ready to make it an official fandom on my main blog (unless there are lots of requests for WordGirl things to be contained in their own sideblog). I will be posting the first chapter for a ‘fic called Factor It In very soon. Love my easily frustrated alien kiddos having a long day.
I am working on Creature-Crossing stuff too, and will be especially busy in November and December. Updates will be slow for a few months, but I hope to find my groove and a good pace soon.
Each Friday, I will post either a fanfic update or a mention of what I am working on. I will be checking in on Tumblr regularly. Feel free to talk! I much prefer you send messages to my Ask Box, not my private messenger, please <3
Is there a specific story of mine you like and want more updates for?
Asks and reviews help me know which ‘fics people are enjoying. I plan to keep writing ‘fics no matter what, but I definitely give more time to the ‘fics that get more attention (and I have been spending so much time writing for Creature-Crossing because that’s where the attention was coming from)
It’s easy to stay motivated and get the next part of a story out soon if I know that people like it. It’s always harder if you feel like people are silently judging you and ignoring your posts. So, let me know what you’re interested in. And if you only leave Likes or Favorites instead of asks and reviews, that’s okay too! Thank you for interacting anyway and enjoying my work.
Thanks for reading!
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scarletarosa · 5 years
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On Performing Witchcraft
This is a basic introduction on how to merge yourself with magick and use it to influence life. I will be going over traditional witchcraft rather than modern, as the latter is more watered-down and not nearly as powerful in my experiences. Unlike modern witchcraft which tends to focus on things such as crystals, rare herbs, and certain tools, traditional witchcraft is folk magick and is tied in with the ancient ways. We are also not all Witches who must focus on the moon, this is also mainly due to Wicca, as the Sun and stars are just as useful to us. 
Witchcraft is a scientific art, a flow of energy and desire which brings about change if done properly. The heart of magick is weaving our passion and need into the energies that flow through creation; though this energy of magick is within us as well and can be used to fuel our craft. As magick is a tool of need, we must strongly focus on our desire for the outcome in order for it to come to fruition. Without passion and the proper ingredients, magick does not work. So pay close attention to your successes and develop a successful method. So therefore, magick requires these things to work: intense focus, vivid visualization, desperation/passion, and the proper ingredients (proper plants, taglocks for curses, etc.). This is part of why meditating every day is so important, it will help hone your abilities to do this better. Though remember, witchcraft has never been something simple, it is closer to spirituality than anything else. It’s a way of life and it is a culture. Take it to heart and make your craft something passionate and powerful, learn as much as you can and live it. Using only your energy and willpower doesn’t do very much, and oftentimes, it does nothing at all; you need to dig deeper.
As a folk practice, traditional Witches tend to be animists, meaning that we see all parts of nature as having a soul- the plants, waters, stars, moons, planets, rocks, mountains, winds, the soil, etc. It is essential to become acquainted with their energies and their alignments if you wish to successfully use their energy in a spell. This however, requires skill in energy work, of sensing spirits and their alignments. With plants, each and every one of them contain energy and alignments of course, but not all of them hold magick. In order to tell which plants are magick, one must use their second sight in order to see which ones have a yellow glow. Then the plant can be respectfully harvested, do not be harsh to the body of any nature spirit. When using the magick plants, be sure to burn them in order to get their energy out and into the weave of magick you are creating during the spell. Just be certain to not harvest any plants during the Waning Moon, as this phase restricts the energy of the plants.
It is very much necessary that a Witch writes their own spells, for this will make them aligned to both their local plants and their own method of spellcraft. Do not focus too much on the plants you must buy online, everything you need is already around you in the moss, grass, acorns, pine needles, lichen, and mushrooms. Everything around Nature is something that can be used and are right there for you already. Plants can also have more than just one planet assigned to them, influencing their energy. Although these are not limited to just the traditional planets, as there are more, including the Earth (ex: Avocados are linked to both Venus and Earth). As one becomes more skilled in energy work, they will be able to sense the properties of the plants themselves, so it is best to not rely too much upon books of magick herbs as they tend to hold inaccuracies. Additionally, you cannot change the properties of a plant, it is like their DNA.
When doing a spell, we must focus on having the proper ingredients to absorb our energy and will, fueling the spell with our emotion and need, maintaining focus, visualizing, and having a proper taglock (if using spell upon another person). Working with trusted spirits is also a great way to make sure your spell is both powerful and successful, just be sure that you remain respectful towards the being and accommodate with an offering. And yes, this includes demons as well, for they are honourable teachers and a Witch must always question what the oppressors say. For taglocks, these can be a person’s hair, tooth, nail clipping, piece of their clothing, or a photograph. When a spell is completed, only put the ingredients in a witch bottle if you are going to keep it in your house, in order to protect yourself or draw something towards you. In this case, place the bottle in an area which corresponds with your intent. Otherwise bury or pour out the ingredients into a place that corresponds with your desire: crossroads are good for any spell, graveyards for curses, railroads for curses, your front yard to bring something in, etc.
With all that knowledge, you can begin experimenting with your craft, but keep in mind that the more passionate your spell is, the better it will be. Merge yourself with Nature, both its beauty and terror, for magick is both of them at once. Become ecstatic, delve into trances, use blood, use animal parts, dig your hands into the soil, sing your desire or even scream it if you want. Let the fabric of energy that is magick feel your plea and let it flow through it, giving life to your desire. Focus on your desire as if it is already taking place, make it as vivid as possible, for this is the way to make it work for certain. And once the ritual is complete, you may bury the ingredients you used or put them wherever else you choose, but they must be sent into the Earth to work best.
It is perfectly wonderful to be wild and untamed as a Witch, why wouldn’t we be if we are connected to the flow of Nature? Allow the magick to possess you, to take you over so you can channel it. Magick is not meant to always be simplistic, for it is an art and requires strategy. As long as you have the need and willpower to get what you want and use the spirits of Nature to aid you, you should be perfectly able to influence the world around you. As Witches, we must strive to learn as much as possible, there is nothing simple about being a Witch, especially since it requires a spiritual rebirth. It is a way of life for us, a way of viewing the universe and hearing its whispers. Anyone can be capable of this ancient power, but it take’s a strong mind to truly become adept at it and most importantly, the ability to ask questions and seek truth.
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 6
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 4012
Warnings:  Pregnancy, smut (bisexual orgy, baby making, edging, over-stimulation, oral sex, anal sex, rough sex, throat fucking, face sitting, vibrators, cock-rings, electrostimulation, multiple orgasms).
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 6: Making a Baby
Immediately after the ceremony, we had to sign all the legal paperwork and we had some photos taken.  The bots Tony had made when we were in Asgard had taken some photos at the bonding but as that had been interrupted by a large battle, there were none posed of us together as a family.  It was definitely nice we got to have this moment recorded when the bigger one hadn’t been.
The sun was setting by the time we walked over to the area on the beach set up with tables and hanging lanterns that would host our reception.  There were two large round tables, one for us and one for the guests, and next to the long tables where the buffet would be set up, there was a small round table with a large cake shaped like the Avengers Tower.
Waiters had been walking around handing out tropical-themed canapés that included coconut shrimp, chicken skewers with pineapple and mango, and mini black bean and corn empanadas, while the band played soft rock songs by Tony’s favorite bands.
When we arrived, the band stopped playing and Rhodey went up to the podium.
“Well, well, well,” he said.  “Looks like our little group of deviates has finally arrived, all official and everything.  Can we all stand and welcome them, complete and whole, and two of them legally married.”
Everyone stood and clapped as we moved up to the dance floor.  Tony and I moved to the center while the other’s circled the edge.  The band began to play ‘Nothing Else Matters’ by Metallica.  Tony spun me into his arms and we began to slow dance to it, turning slowly around the dance floor.  Steve and Bruce stepped out onto the dance floor and Tony spun me into Steve’s arms before turning and pulling Bruce against him.  We danced in pairs for a few bars and Natasha, Wanda, Bucky, and Thor moved in.  Wanda began to dance with me and I kept my cheek pressed against hers as we moved around the floor.  Finally, Sam and Clint moved in and we all switched again.  We spent the rest of the song slow dancing around each other and switching from partner to partner until we had each danced with everyone.
The song ended and we took our seats and Rhodey got back up to the podium.
“Now, we all came here from pretty far away… not like when they dragged our asses to Asgard, but still, it was a trip.  But we all know why we’re here,” Rhodey said as the staff began to set up the buffet with the starters.  “These guys are our family.  So thank you all for coming to celebrate with them.  It looks like they’re bringing out the food.  I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.  Let’s go eat.”
Our table went first.  The buffet was set up in sections.  One had a selection of cold seafood, like shrimp, oysters, and smoked salmon, one had things like crab cakes, different kinds of skewers with things from fish to tofu, stuffed mushrooms, tacos, and warm tartlets with tomato and bocconcini.  There was a salad station, and one with soups, as well as a table full of tropical fruit.  There was also a bar that was specializing in brightly colored tropical cocktails.
“Thank god,” Tony said as he began loading up his plate with crab legs.  “I’m starving.  I’ve been fasting so I’d look good in a suit.”
“Are you kidding?”  Natasha asked.  “You’re basically a coat hanger.  Everything looks good on you.”
Tony chuckled.  “Thanks, Red,” he said.  “But I didn’t want to be all bloated.”
“Well, eat up, you dope,” I teased.  “Gonna need your energy.”
“Already calling me a dope?”  Tony asked.
“You are a dope,” I teased.  “And don’t drink too much either.”
“Wow, Elise,” Tony deadpanned.  “We’re married two minutes and you’re already trying to change me.”
“I need you at your peak performance tonight,” I whispered and headed back to the table with my plate piled high with different things.
“Pfft,” Tony scoffed as he followed along after me.  “That’s what Thor is for.”
“I can only ensure that you are fertile.  I can’t ensure you’ll be able to perform,” Thor said playfully.
“But if you’d like one of us to get Elise pregnant,” Steve added.
“Woah now,” Tony said, putting his hands up.  “Let’s not be hasty here.”
We ate our starters and drank and talked and as the plates were cleared away Rhodey got up to the podium again with a glass of champagne.  Waiters started filling everyone’s glasses.  There was a hibiscus flower in syrup sitting in the bottom of each glass and when the champagne was added to it, the flower appeared to bloom in the glass.
“Now, platypus,” Tony said.  “No bad mouthing me.  You promised.”
“I feel like this speech should have been done in Asgard.  But then there was some battle with angels and it became a little like work.  So we’ll do it here,” Rhodey said.  “I met Tony way back at MIT.  He was just an annoying kid who liked to show up all the students who were at least three years his senior.  But he has a way of growing on you.  I don’t know what I expected him to do with his life.  He was smart and funny and partying hard and that never ended for a long, long time.  For a while, I was worried he was going to burn out hot and leave a pretty corpse.  But it turns out, he’ll most likely outlive us all.  Back then I didn’t really see him as the marrying type.  Yet here we are. At his wedding.  The official Earth one after he just committed himself for 5000 years to 9 other people.  If you’d asked me back then if I thought he’d do that I’d have thought you were as drunk as Tony probably was.”
Rhodey looked over at Tony affectionately and Tony winked at him.  “I’m so happy for him.  He deserves a happy ending and he’s found it.  I know he loves them all.  And he loves being a dad.  He’s finally seemed to find that exact thing he needed.  A loving family.  I know it’s unconventional.  It took me a long time to understand it.  But Tony isn’t conventional.  Conventional was never going to work.  And while he went in reluctantly at first because a woman he got a crush on was gently leading him in, it’s been exactly what he needed,” Rhodey said and raised his glass.  “So I’d like you all to raise your glasses to finding your people and unconventional love.”
Everyone toasted to unconventional love and clinked their glasses together before taking a drink.  Rhodey returned to his chair, ruffling Tony’s hair as he passed him.
Steve stood and approached the podium.  “That’s quite the speech to be following,” Steve said.  “But I’d like to follow with the same theme about not believing what the future would bring.  I was born in 1918.  Over one hundred years ago.  I had a list of ailments that was taller than I was.  I was told I wouldn’t make it to adulthood.  Despite being told all the things I couldn’t do, I was determined to do them.  I made it to adulthood.  I started dating the boy I had a crush on for so long.  I even managed to ride the Cyclone at Coney Island.  But if you had told me back then, I would not only be marrying that boy but also eight other people, one of them an actual god, on a completely different planet, well, I probably would have had an asthma attack.”
There was laughter from everyone and Steve looked over at us all.  “Here we are though.  I didn’t expect it, let me tell you.  Someone once told me that if it wasn’t for war I was nothing.  It took nine people to make me realize otherwise.  And I love them all.  They each touch a part in me that’s unique and I’m so happy that… well, we all fell into this little arrangement.”  He took a breath and looked over at us.  “It hasn’t been without its obstacles.  But you can’t say you have a strong bond until you’ve overcome some obstacles together.  And we made it.  We’re getting our happily ever after.  So let’s toast to that.  Happily ever after.”
He raised his glass and everyone repeated ‘happily ever after’ while raising theirs.  Steve came back and took his seat and I went up next.
“We like to joke about being in the bad dad’s club,” I said as I stood in front of everyone.  “Most of us have our own stories of parental neglect.  I was raised being told I needed to marry rich, lock him in with some kids, and not care who he was sleeping with.  It made me reject all of that I barely dated.  I expected to just die alone.  And then one day I knocked a certain red-head over when I was running late for work and it changed my life forever.
“I have had my two kids.  And I did marry rich.  I also don’t care who my husband sleeps with. But I don’t think my parents had this in mind.  They’d hate this.  I don’t care.  I am happy.  I love these people.  I love the thing we’ve built together.  I’m excited about our future and what that means.  I’m excited to see how our family grows and what that means for us.  I love them all so much.  I never thought I’d ever want anything like this, but love is like a drug and I’m addicted.  Now I have it, I can’t imagine it being any other way.” I lifted my glass.  “So I ask you to raise your glass to finding your family.”
I took a drink while everyone repeated me and then returned to my seat.  Natasha grabbed my hand as I passed and pulled me down into a kiss.  Tony got up and spanked my ass as he passed me and I made a choked giggle into Natasha’s lips.
“So,” Tony said as he waggled his glass and a waiter came back over to refill it.   “We've all heard I was a bit of a mess. All I ever knew was abuse, manipulation, and neglect. So it took me a while to even think about trying to attempt monogamy. And well, we're here today, so obviously, that didn't work out for me either.”  There was laughter from everyone and Tony paused until it died down.  “These guys started up their little den of iniquity under my nose.  Oh, they invited me to join.  In fact, they told everyone else I was part of it, completely ignoring how closed off and angry I was.  They really didn’t want to take no for an answer, but I guess, I am me, so who can blame them?”  There was more laughter and he looked over at me.  “Then one day, I found this stray roaming around my tower.  I tried to resist her.  I even tried to get FRIDAY to kick her out of the building.  But she managed to crawl right in under my skin and take up residence there.  It hasn’t been smooth sailing. Like Spangles said, there have been some rough and downright scary times.  I kept locking them out, scared I was going to get hurt or end up hurting them.  It took a long, long time for them to teach me they were here for me and I was worth it.  Slowly, I realized I was healing.  That I was in love with all these people.  So I guess that is proof we all have hearts.  So I ask you to raise your glasses to love.  Whatever form it finds you in.”
I got up and kissed him deeply as everyone toasted and he pulled me close.  “I love you so much,” I whispered.
“Alright,” Sam said standing.  “Enough talking. Looks like the second course is here, let’s eat.”
The reception turned a little more party after that.  We ate, danced.  Cut the cake.  Bucky shoved his slice right into Steve’s face much to Tony’s amusement.  The cake was 10 different flavors and I was pretty determined to try them all.  The kids were taken to bed by their aunt and uncle just after the cake and by the time we left I was a tipsy, exhausted, and yet completely hyped up.
“Alright,” Tony said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and kissing my neck.  “Let’s make a baby.”
“Not so fast, Tony,” Steve scolded.  “We all want to be part of this.  We are a family after all.”
“Besides,” Thor said.  “I thought you wanted my assistance.”
“Oh, yes,” I said as Sam approached me.  He ran his hands up under my skirt, pushing it up at the sides as he moved his hands to my ass.
“I don’t like the tone,” Tony said, suspiciously.  “What exactly are you people planning?”
“You people?”  Steve teased, pulling Tony back against him and palming his cock through Tony’s pants.  Sam brought his lips to mine and began to kiss me deeply and lovingly.  “Come on now, Tony.  We’re family.”
Tony made a choked groan and leaned his head back on Steve’s shoulder as Thor approached Tony.  He leaned in and kissed Tony hungrily and slipped one large hand into Tony’s pants and began to massage Tony’s balls.  There was a spark and a ripple through the air and Tony groaned loudly into Thor’s lips.
“All the other babies were conceived in an orgy by accident.  The only reason we know paternity is because Thor just knows that kind of thing,” Natasha said running her fingers down my neck.  “This is the first time we’re planning to get pregnant and we all want to be part of that even if we are planning paternity too.  So, little Elise here is going to be overstimulated.  We’re each going to make her come over and over and over until she can’t take it anymore.” 
Thor released Tony and moved over to me, pressing himself behind me and kissing my neck.  Sam pulled back and Thor tilted my head back and kissed me deeply.  He pressed his palm low on my stomach, just above my pubic mound.  There was that same spark and ripple as with Tony, and a dull ache ran through my core.
“You on the other hand,” Natasha said, grabbing Tony by the lapels and pulling him toward the bed.  “Will be edged until you're begging us to let you come.”
Thor pulled my dress off over my head and everyone else began to undress, either themselves or each other.  Clint picked me up and carried me to the bed tossing me on it.  Tony was on the far side of the bed.  He was naked and Natasha was sitting on his thighs and putting a cock ring on him.
Clint crawled between my legs and pushed them apart kneeling down and nosing at my cunt.  He pulled off my panties and licked a stripe up my folds, making my skin buzz.  Wanda climbed up on the bed beside me and straddled my face.  I hummed and lapped over her cunt, swirling it over her folds and dipping it inside her.  Clint began to flick his tongue over my clit and sucking on my pussy.
My hips jerked under him as Wanda’s rolled on my face and her fluids dripped down into my mouth.  I was vaguely aware that the others were kissing and grinding on each other near me and right on the other side of the bed Thor was sucking Tony’s cock while Natasha rode his face.
Clint thrust a finger inside me and began to suck on my clit.  He hit my g-spot immediately like his fingers had a magnetic attraction to that sweet spot inside me.  He sucked on my clit, flicking his tongue back and forth over it. I moaned loudly into Wanda’s cunt, trying to focus my tongue on her clit, moaning louder each time she shuddered over me.  Clint’s fingers pushed harder and harder on my g-spot sending a jolt up my spine each time he did it.  My legs began to shake as my orgasm approached being fed by the feelings the others had and intensified.  I focussed on Wanda, sucking hard on her clit and pushing my tongue inside her.  I knew she was close too, I could feel it through her thread.  She always sat close to the edge once the rest of us began to enjoy ourselves.  I nipped at her clit and she moaned, coming on my face.  I let myself relax and as soon as I did, Clint pushed hard on my g-spot with two fingers and twisted his wrist.  I screamed out and came hard, bucking my hips against his face.
Clint got up and crawled over to where Tony was and Wanda climbed off me.  Natasha, Steve, and Bucky approached me.   Natasha guided me so I was straddling her face and Bucky pushed me forward so my face was at Natasha’s cunt.  Sam had pulled Wanda into his lap and they were kissing hungrily, while Thor was fucking Tony, and Tony sucked Bruce’s cock.
Bucky poured lube onto my ass and pushed a finger inside, fucking it slowly.  I moaned loudly and nuzzled at Natasha’s cunt as Natasha lapped over mine.  Steve slapped the head of his cock on Natasha's clit and teased it over my lips.  I sucked on the head and he thrust shallowly in and out of my mouth.
More lube was added to my ass along with a second finger.  I mewled and tried my best to relax as Bucky worked to loosen me up.  Steve pulled his cock from my mouth and sunk into Natasha.  I licked over his base and flicked my tongue over Natasha’s clit as Steve began to fuck her.  Bucky pulled his fingers out and added more lube.  I felt the head of his cock press against my ass and he began to ease into my ass.
“Fuck!”  I gasped.  The sound muffled by Natasha’s cunt.
Natasha gave my ass a spank and I clenched hard around Bucky’s cock, making him groan loudly.
Steve was fucking Natasha at a steady pace and I lapped over her cunt and the base of his cock, drinking up her arousal as it ran down his shaft.  Bucky fucked me slowly as Natasha sucked on my clit.  My muscles spasmed and clenched and I struggled to keep myself up.  The way I clenched and moaned seemed to spur Bucky on.  He picked up his pace, adding to the burn through me.  I started panting against Natasha’s cunt and she moaned and bucked under me.  I sucked her clit into my mouth and pressed my lips against it and flicked my tongue back and forth quickly.  Natasha mirrored my action and we both came moaning into each other.  Bucky and Steve fucked us through it before slipping out.  I rolled off the top of Natasha and lay panting as people moved around me.  Thor, Sam, and Bruce approached and I looked up at them and swallowed hard.  “How many times have you climaxed, my queen?”  Thor asked as he lifted me and moved me so my head was hanging over the end of the bed.
“Two,” I answered as I let my head drop over the edge of the bed.  I could see what the others were doing to Tony now, but I knew he was struggling to hold it together.
Sam tutted.  “That doesn’t sound like nearly enough.  I think we might need the vibrator boys.”
He went to the drawers and pulled out a small bullet vibrator.  Bruce and Thor both lubed up their cocks and Bruce put pillows under my hips and eased his cock into my ass.  Thor straddled my chest, pinning me to the mattress and pushed my tits around his thick shaft and slowly began to roll his hips.  Sam gave Bruce the vibrator and he turned it on and pressed it onto my clit.  The setting was low but it still made me buck up and moan loudly.
“Open up, princess,” Sam said.
I opened my mouth and he pushed his cock into my mouth.
Thus began one of the most intense sexual experiences I’ve ever had.
It started slow, Thor massaging my tits as he fucked them slowly, Bruce matched his pace as he fucked my ass and held the vibrator against my clit, and I sucked Sam’s cock.  It very quickly escalated.  Each man seemed to be spurred on by the others.  Bruce started fingering me as he fucked me and Sam started fucking my throat.
The first orgasm hit quickly and Bruce upped the setting of the vibrator.  I cried out and bucked under them and Thor sent a jolt through me making me come again.  Each time I came they went harder and upped the buzz on the vibe.  By the third my vision was going fuzzy thanks to the brutal pace they were setting.  Bruce groaned and jerked hard into my ass coming inside me.  He slipped out and Thor moved down and took his place.  He was large and his cock stretched me painfully, but I was light-headed and fuzzy and I welcomed the pain.  He upped the buzz on the vibrator and I came immediately.
Thor made an almost graphic squelching sound each time he thrust into me as Bruce’s come acted as a lubricant for his cock.  Sam groaned and pulled back slightly as he came into my mouth, coating my tongue with thick, salty ropes of semen.
I moaned and swallowed it but Thor didn’t even seem close.  Bruce and Sam stayed close to me as Thor kept fucking my ass.  Sam massaged my breasts and pinched my nipples and Bruce took over with the vibrator leaving Thor free to just hold my hips and fuck my ass hard.  One orgasm just blended into the next and I couldn’t focus on anything else.  I screamed out and everything went black.  When I came to Thor had moved me a little and was no longer inside me.  “Oh good,” he said smiling.  “Did we push you too far?”
I shook my head slowly.
“Good, because Tony is ready for you,” Thor said, gently and kissed me softly.
He moved away and I opened my arms.  Tony crawled up between my legs.  “I’m not gonna last long,” he said, apologetically as he eased inside of me.
I moaned.  “Good.”
He chuckled and slowly rolled his hips as his body stayed pressed close to me.  Everything ached but my cunt welcomed him.  I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight and we began to kiss.  Everyone else was just sitting around us watching.  Tony was right though, he was sitting right on the edge and it was only a minute before he groaned and was releasing inside me.  I didn’t care that I didn’t come again.  I had done more than enough of that.  I hummed happily as he filled me and collapsed down on top of him.
“Was that it?  Is she pregnant now?”  Clint asked.
There was laughter in the group.  “Takes a week or so, Clint,” Bruce said, with no patronization in the tone, just kindly educating his husband.
“It will, though, right?”  Clint asked.
“They are both at peak fertility,” Thor said.  “It still may not happen and I would recommend that Elise and Tony try again tomorrow.  But it should work.”
I hummed and kissed Tony’s neck. “You hear that?”
He hummed in return.  “Yeah.  More sex or us.”
I giggled and nudged his cheek with my nose.  “Not that part.”
He laughed and kissed me just under my ear.  “Yeah.  We’re gonna have another baby on the way.”
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thefantasybotanist · 4 years
Types of Fantasy Worlds and the Impact They Have on Plantlife
Whether or not you want to write an urban fantasy or an epic one, the universe you put your story in will change what your plant life is. I'm sure you're wondering how that could possibly be. So let me tell you.
If you're writing a story with magic, and you set it in this reality (masquerade worlds, fairytales), you going to need folklore to develop your flora system. If you're book is based on European magic, your elder trees should house witches and your four leaf clovers better bring luck. If you're writing a Greek myth come to life, people should be able to waste away into flowers and turn into trees in a panic. You've decided to go with wuxia? I expect lingzhi mushrooms to make people immortal and money to literally grow on trees. You can't skip out on learning about what plant did what in the old legends and you can't fiddle too much with what's commonly accepted. Don't expect to use plants with black flowers and blue leaves. If it doesn't exist in this world, it doesn't exist in the story.
If you're writing an alternate earth, you have a little room to play around, but there are certain expectations — it has to be familiar enough that Earth is still Earth, but not so familiar that it's clear your didn't consider the ramifications. If you have a story where there are dragons, there should be medical plants (a whole magical food chain, really) to balance it out. Do the dragons get their firebreathing from some rare magical plant they eat? Does their excrement make a special compost that gives plants magical powers? Why not? If their skin is magic, why isn't their poop? If you're writing a non-fantastical alternate history, you'll need to think about that, too. Many current food technologies and plant species were invented in post-war America. If Germany wins, you don't have Red Delicious apples because Americans aren't grocery shopping the same way. If America is actually a string of islands, you get plants much more used to salt water and sandy soil rather, so the plants you grow on your doorstep will be a different variety than what grows on this earth's front porch.
Constructed worlds can be wonderful to grow flora on. Trees may have different leaf shapes, colors, or barks. Maybe they bark. But constructed worlds have a hard reasonability; as unique as you want your world to be, you have to match that with the plant life. It's disappointing to read about this magical world with unique species and no humans only to find out that everyone still grows apple trees, daisies, and roses. The exact specs of your planet will change your plants — planets with thinner ozones will produce plants with blue tones, so they don't get as much UV radiation, and planets that are depleted in soil nutrients will end up with a significant population of carnivorous plants.
You'll also see people having an effect on what plants there are. If you have a species that live for a very long time, you'll probably have a bigger emphasis on perennial plants rather than annuals. If they're essentially immortal, you may have people who plant groves of trees like we humans plant pansies. Since they have more time and more investment, instead of "garden variety," you'll probably see unique hybrids and species bred for ages. If your species are known for their love of gold, are the plants they grow metallic yellow and need a butcher knife to get through the skin? Do the roots extend down miles to reach water beneath the glacier they grow on? Yeah, it's hard to not make everything gooseberry fools and daylilies, but if you spent months on the magic system and neglected the plant life, you didn't do your job world building.
Portal worlds are probably the easiest to work with. Because you can always claim that someone somewhen brought one plant through one way or the other, you can use folklore as much as you want, make your own as much as you want, and still feel comfortable and familiar when you mention the marigolds and bluebells in the meadows.
Make your worlds wisely, my friends, but don't forget the flowers.
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
Hey guys so here is my experience from last night lmaoo get ready cause it was unsurprisingly a hot mess full of white people microaggressions and me being alone as the only black person present having to deal with their spiritual charade shenanigans.
It's a bit long but it's a colorful description of the event and the experience taking ayahuasca, a wrap up of my own spiritual and magical journey and also a rant on the caucasity rampant in spirituality lol. A tl;dr is that it's sad that White People have to go across the world to take medicine from other people that have ceremonies revolving around it when.. we literally have our own stuff here that's like.. nearly the same vibe.. But more on that below.
So last night for the lions gate sun lining up with sirius star I was invited last minute to an ayahuasca ceremony in the edge of London kind of by Richmond park. The whole universe really opened up for me to do this Ceremony. 
At first I was like I dunno I mean its hosted by wealthy white people right? Admission was £200 and I was like absolutely Not, not for a medicine taken far away from it's land and I dunno how the experience was going to be like, plus it was on a Saturday night until Sunday morning and I work in hospitality and if I couldn't get Tuesdays off to at least work in the garden center growing food and plants how would I get the full weekend off? Plus the ceremony was already full. Well without even ASKING, or really thinking much about it, for once in like.. 2 years working for this company I got the full weekend off?!?! The fuck!!!!! Like I literally had to go to my director to fight my manager to try to get off Tuesdays which are the QUIETEST day of the week for hospitality but I got the full weekend off on like one of the hottest summer weekends in England. My friend co-hosting the ceremony called me to tell me that I wouldn't have to pay full admission and it was all donation to the tribe anyway (like suggested donation) anything I could give would be appreciated but I certainly did not have to pay the full fee. Then I was supposed to go to the beach with my friends in the morning but that all fell through due to unforeseen circumstances. I was thinking the beach trip would make me unable to go to the ceremony but it was just like.. cancelled the morning of lol. Lastly this guy dropped out last second so there was space for me.I was like damn it was like the Universe reshuffled itself for me many times to do this so like sure I will take this opportunity. Plus my friend in this group did work with the tribe in Brazil earlier this year and they are friends with them and do this to raise money so that they can sustain themselves better, like they are building solar panels for electricity, building chicken coups and trying to integrate little bits of modern society (like the electricity and water filtration parts, not like social media and capitalism lmao) into their lives. The last ceremony they did they raised like 2,000 pounds and this got the tribe a lot of food and funds to buy solar panels. So I was like ok this is also a good cause I always would love to help out indigenous people that protect the Earth.
Anyway there was a vibe about the way the Universe just opened itself up for this medicine that reminded me of Mushrooms. Like it's a strange thing but people that take mushrooms medicinally say it as well like it finds you when you need it. Last night I also got a great link to healing mushrooms as well and it was just the time to open myself up to that type of frequency I guess. For a while before it was a challenge to find for years I’ve been living here, but all of a sudden the universe was like: here you go! Anyway I was thrilled to work with this medicine and ground the lessons I've learned getting pinball tossed around the cosmos on DMT at the beginning of 2020 in January.
So yes I got to the edge of London and it was in some beautiful secret entrance building painted with murals of green jungle designs, A LOT of Indian spiritual symbolism everywhere, statues of Ganesha and other bejeweled paintings of Indian gods. It was beautiful but to be frank as much as I find Hinduism beautiful I never related much to it cause it's not my culture. What I mean by 'relate' is that there is this SEVERE obsession in white western cultures looking for spirituality in Hinduism and I never really got it. Like yes it's beautiful like many other nature-based spiritual religions but we are so far removed from the climate and nature of India like why are they so fascinated by it? Then.. there were some red flags... 
Ok for starters I was the ONLY NOT-WHITE PERSON there. I think it bothered me more in this moment cause I just got off discussing with an incredible Earthy witch in NYC who changed my life who's trying to do work by providing a nature sanctuary garden for POC how nature is so inaccessible to us and it's gate-kept by wealthy white people. I could elaborate on that more later but this post will be long enough lol. But anyway, why is this medicine not accessible to POC? When it's something not even native to here either? So it's like deliberately not shared with us?
Then there were just some people's vibes like ooooh boy I dunno why but some people just felt cold towards me? Like I guess they were annoyed at me showing up last minute to their ceremony? But my friend was co-hosting it? Like if you trust my friends judgement you should have trusted her in inviting me like I am not some asshole. But they were like.. impatient with me I guess? Like 'oh you didn't bring a waterbottle?? Guess you gotta borrow one of ours.' like BITCH I don't know what to expect man the closest experience I had to this substance was DMT where it knocks you the fuck out of your body and your spirit gets catapulted into the cosmos like I didn't know I gotta bring shit, damn! And then there were some people I felt like I just didn't want to talk to. Like they already had this cold vibe towards me like they didn't think I was relatable cause I wasn't some white cosmic yoga hippie like them (sorry I am a black bog witch like leave me alone) but anyway the way they were talking about the medicine was kind of irking me too like, 'ooh can't wait to clear some stuff I just gotta clear it out you know?' I am like, Becky we gonna be vomiting into buckets like calm down.
AND THEN LASTLY oooh boy so when you do any psychedelic the space really matters right? My friend like.. assigns me this fucking (ooh boy just typing this story and reliving it I am already getting heated lmaooo) |CORNER| spot and what I mean by corner is that it is in the corner of the room but wedged between the fireplace so you are stuck between 3 tight walls and you can't fully lie down or stretch your legs. Everyone across the room could lie down but me. Then there are like vomit buckets and this white girls crystal grid blocking my path if I need to leave to use the toilet or even stretch my legs so already I am having a slight panic moment cause I hate being confined. In general, I tend to like to pick aisle seats on planes and stand on either corners by the door of the elevator cause I fucking hate being confined. So I say something immediately like: ok well can I change spots? I am worried about being blocked. Can I sit there? 'no someone is there.' There? 'no' etc. So I am just like omg I am going to have to deal with it and some people are getting a bit fussy that I am trying to demand better treatment, so I am leaving it. They at least move the pile of vomit buckets out my way lol. But these white women next to me have also taken ALL OF THE NICE fucking pillows to make themselves super comfortable pillow chairs like one for their ass and back against the wall and they were like: oh no you'll need a pillow too! (Cause the ceremony is 12 hours long throughout the night like 9 to 9) and I was like yeah... and they were like: oh no there is no more!! But like CLEARLY all of the nice cushiony things were not evenly distributed across the room and the few people who did not get some nice cushions at least had space to stretch their legs. I didn't really say anything cause obviously these two white women had like pillow thrones happening next to me and this woman literally said with a pouty face: Aww, now I feel bad cause I have two nice pillows!  BITCH, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY?!?!?! Fucking christ. See?? SEE IT's shit like THIS that make POC hate that kind of white guilt shenanigans like, oh my god bitch either swallow your guilt in peace or give me a fucking pillow like you are trying to shift the position on to me to pressure you into giving me a pillow which you would either read as demanding or hope that I stay silent and be like: it's ok! so you can enjoy your comfort in peace and be free of your guilt. Like fuck off!!
Then there was this full time astrologer there who has some indigenous feather clip in her hair for some reason. She wanted to say a few things about what was going on with the planets. She was like: I love charting asteroids cause I feel like it's a representation of the divine feminine coming back! (I was going to be like: Me too! But the way she spoke about it was like.. not all of it is feminine? What do you mean?) she was talking about Medusa and eros conjunct in gemini right now and the myth of medusa being smited by aphrodite for being beautiful or whatever and I am thinking like I do not recall this myth cause it was Athena that turned her into the 'monster' to protect her wtf. And wanted to talk about mars retrograde that's not coming up for a while. So anyway I am like: Yeah! I love astrology too!  All that you talked about was pretty cool but I also wanted to mention some big changes are coming up with Uranus going into retrograde a week from now!! :) and everyone just like.. disregarded what I said.. Like she was like: oh yeah.. that's just an outer planet.. OK BITCH like I am pretty sure Uranus, a big ass planet that has to do with revolution, freedom and change going retrograde until Autumn is much more noteworthy than some little asteroid who's myth and energy you've completely misinterpreted being conjunct with Eros. (Eros is moving into Cancer really soon too so the conjunction isn't even going to last that long). Plus I wanted to mention that it was nice that we were doing this ceremony on an Aries moon cause it's like the symbolic start of a cycle yet it's a disseminating moon so it's also like starting off a cycle by celebrating the fruits of our success. But no one really wanted to listen to me anymore though that energy did influence my trip.
Anyway there was a part of me that was pretty bummed that my best witch friend that I did DMT with could not have come as well cause there just was no more space. At least we are always on the same vibe with everything and we would have been laughing about the shadiness of it all or excited about what's to come but I felt pretty alone during this ceremony.
So it begins, I got my borrowed waterbottle, the smallest, thinnest and hardest pillow that no one wanted for my ass that hurt more to sit on then the thin yoga mat that was just as thick as a human mousepad and I am like: who knows I may be so out of it I won't notice my space as much. The woman leading this is someone who worked with my friend in the tribe in Brazil. She is Russian and got the feathers in her blonde whispy hair and shit I am like oh boy. She explains what work they were doing and the reason for the fundraiser like the details of what the tribe is building and how they are supporting themselves. Also the tribe that night were also doing an ayahuasca ceremony earlier to sync with us so that they can meet up in the Astral plane which is really beautiful. She also explained how they were surprised at westerners fascination with the medicine. Cause they are like: this is apart of everyday life and there are other healing plants in the amazon too. Like why do westerners have a fascination with this? It is a way to connect with the jungle and cleanse yourself and reset (once again I am making that connection to mushrooms I am like.. the vibe sounds oddly familiar), but they find westerners interest in it weird.
Ok so we start with some ceremonies to open up the space and create this 'fire spiral' altar in the middle of the room. They light the pillar candle and have a tea light for everyone in the room. We each go around to light our tea light in the spiral with our intention allowed. People go there and declare stuff like: I am free, I am aligned with my path, etc.  I think about my intention for this trip and how it feels like another pillar of understanding in my journey to connect with my heart energy, love myself and be proud of my accomplishments cause I really came a long way. I was a bit afraid it was going to be another chaotic DMT experience but I just reminded myself that no matter how bad I felt everything was going to be ok cause I have people in this world that care about me. Even if I disappear somewhere or end up dead someone will come looking for me. And I know that sounds dramatic and morbid but at one point like 5 years ago I really did not have that. I was alone, lost and suicidal. I know what loneliness can do to people and it's nice all of the friends I pulled together in London who are creative diverse witches that all made great friends with each other as well through me and it's like we created this new found family that cares and supports each other. So I light my candle and say alloud: I am protected by love and reflect that in the things I create. Anyway the ceremony leader is like.. can I say something?? BITCH!!! HOOOOO MY GOD I should I have said NO but I was like, ok, she is the ceremony leader so I am like.. go ahead.. She was like: By saying you are protected by love that's implying you could be attacked.. (Like Why the fuck would you say this?? While I am lighting my candle?? You are putting negative energy towards my intention wtf) I was like no I meant it like.. I am supported by love. She is like: ah yeah that's better say that. She did not want to correct NONE OF THESE OTHER PEOPLE when they were saying 'I am free'? BITCH you could have had the same energy like: that's implying you could be enslaved. Anyway that irritated me into my trip. I took the ayahuasca from her and as I was feeling the effects I was feeling more and more adamant about my intentions.
I was thinking about the times when I was alone, when I was targeted and attacked by this stupid racist social group in college that made me feel unworthy of friendship and it was hard to make new friends until I was 21 cause it was a city college so most people hung out with their highschool friends until they were old enough to go out and drink so the first two years I was fucking lonely and the subject of like a lot of harassment when I did try to socialize in clubs and would run into those people there. It nuked my self esteem. Plus though I did so much finding friends magic it was really difficult finding friends that into the same things I was. Sometimes I felt like I was the only witch, the only person really into nature and magic. After college I did another spell and met this incredible witch that we synched so much (I have def wrote wild adventures with us together but she was also abusive cause at that point I still did not know how to establish my boundaries well) but I met other amazing witches in NYC but eventually we all moved. The incredible Earth witch who changed my life was the one who accidentally gave me shrooms that were like grown with love and intention that helped break down my mental barriers and help me take charge of my life and finally move out of my house I grew up in.. like completely out of the country and into England to start my life anew. In England I was successful in making a whole community of loving witch friends who really care about me and add to the ceremonies I host. I joined greenspaces to learn how to grow food and plants. I fucking STRUGGLED in my job getting my food in the door with bartending and slaving my way up until I have a cushy desk office job with healthcare. All in 2 years. I fucking hauled ass and created and manifested the life I always wanted when I was suicidal in NYC thinking that this reality was impossible. And every time I feel anxious I know that since I love and trust in myself that I will always protect myself and even if I was worried I have like a whole SET of magical badass witch friends who would help me at anything and I would do the same for them. 
When my roommate was threatening to call the police on me back when lockdown happened (long story) one friend did some healing on her and she like completely came to her senses and apologized the next day which was wild considering that she's such a proud self-absorbed person and would never do that. She realized that she was acting super ugly and was like wow I don't want to be this person. (Also I was so close to cursing the shit out of her lol but we are cool now). Also I am going away to Italy for the first time to be with this gorgeous man who wants to take me around his hometown but I am only going cause another close witch friend just moved to the neighboring town and will check up on me. She made sure to call him without me even asking to look at his itinerary and include herself and her boyfriend in a night of drinks to check up on us lmaoo. She is such an Aries I love her. If anything would happen to me she would make sure I was safe and could stay with her if something went wrong. God I could go on about each friend, how they've helped me with confidence, healing, safety and just feeling loved, valued, accepted and less alone which is powerful in this society that thrives on people not valuing themselves and where pure unconditional love has seemed to have lost it's meaning. One thing I admire about trees so much is how when they grow together their roots intertwine underneath the ground so that they can support each other upright during winds and storms. They also send nutrients to each other and help each other grow. I feel like I made a network of trees with witch friends in London and I am proud of that when I didn't have that years ago when I was alone and actively hated by a group in college. (I mean about the group it was more like a dynamic where a guy who had control over the club wanted to shun me cause he just likes the power dynamic of picking someone to talk shit about like literally if it was not me it was going to be someone else. So one party cause I did have a crush on him, I told him as I was wasted I was into him but then later apologized when sober if he didn't feel the same way. Like it really wasn't a big deal, I was a flirty 19 year old, but it was fuel for him to once again redirect negative attention on someone cause he's someone who's insecure so he likes the power of getting others focus on people and crush them. The "mutual friends" kind of didn't care about what was going on. The reason why this dynamic worked is cause in a way everyone was a bit lonely and didn't value themselves so they were willing to do anything to fit into a toxic social circle to have access to a club room and drink underage on campus to feel included and didn't want to question who the witch hunt of the week was so they could feel like they were in the ‘in crowd’. It was pathetic when one of them would be the new target and they would come to me like: boohoo I know what it feels like. Bitch I do not care and I made new friends and moved on. Fucking cunts.  -Another thing about being protected by love is like as a black woman even though I got some privileges being mixed and half European I still was subject to racism and I am still scared of hate crimes fueled by sexism and queerphobia but I have friends who will support me and understand and if anything happened to me people would care. Like yes some people in this world DO have things to fear about getting attacked cause we are not all privileged in society to not fear getting hurt Karen.
Anyway as the ayahuasca was kicking in I started getting a bit emotional cause I was thinking about people in the world that really deserve to be loved in this society that condemns us for loving ourselves which is the most important thing. I was crying thinking about black kids especially black girls trying to survive in this society or LGBT+ kids and how some people can't even have their existences respected. How people mock others for their gender identity but those people are in a constant battle with loving themselves cause I am sure at the end of the day they feel hopeless at times or giving up and have to fucking battle dysphoria and have to survive in a society that actively wants them dead and its really fucking upsetting like hooo them psychadelics were opening my heart and grief while this white woman across the room was doing some downward dog yoga shit into her bucket so she can wretch into it lmaoo..
When it started kicking in, boy omgg I felt SO GOOD but I was like..  This.. THIS (I got so mad when I realized this)  THIS IS JUST FUCKING MUSHROOMS LIKE!!!!! !!! ! THIS VIBE IS SERIOUSLY JUST SHROOMS, THE JUNGLE EDITION™   like no wonder the tribes are like: what are white people on about? Cause if they all came with their pashmina scarves, harem pants and grinch-finger dreadlocks to my woodland for mushrooms, especially when there are so many magical plants as well but they are just focusing on this psychedelic when there's also like native medicines in every land I would be a bit confused too. Like we were drinking something that was the equivalent of mushroom tea but it made you vomit it back up eventually. Ohh my god lmaooo. 
I felt so beautiful though. Some comparisons if you guys have done mushrooms: where as mushrooms make you feel these gentle pulsations like everything is breathing around you had has this gentle life breathing among everything like it's all connected (like the mycellium under a forest), ayahuasca makes you feel so sensual like everything is kind of just rolling like how the underside of waves look except the waves are large snakes. Like things start getting wavy the way snakes move but slow and sensually, think like the way a bellydancers hips can roll. It was a whole MOOD. Also with mushrooms when you close your eyes you can see these beautiful patterns bloom before your eyes like pastel art nouveau fractal patterns of tree roots, or clusters of bubbles you'd see looking at plant stems vascular bundles under a microscope or the web-like pattern you see in butterfly and dragonfly wings. With ayahuasca when you close your eyes you see like bright neon colored geometric shapes expanding like bismuth crystals, the patterns you see in indigenous textiles like triangles and cubes, sometimes they will lattice together and make beautiful neon snake-skins that gently slither together. If you've ever seen Miyazaki's/Studio Ghibli's castle in the sky it reminds me of that 'lost technology' metal blocks with runes and scriptures on it moving around. Sometimes you will be following this thread of cubes and they'd be moving around like in that scene and in this cavern of blocks you'd see this celestial-looking geometric crystaline being be revealed. It's very beautiful. Though mushrooms can make you purge, it really does not happen often. However with ayahuasca it's almost a guarantee you will vomit it back up.
So people are all wretching everywhere as the ceremony leader is singing some folk songs from the tribe to guide us through our journey. What's cool is that you kind of feel that purge coming towards the peak end of the trip like a kind of brown murky snake rising from the bottom of your body up like kundalini energy starting from the base of your spine bowels past your stomach up until it pokes from your throat opening up that passage way until you feel it in your head and you just release it all out into the bucket. Not really glam but it doesn't taste bad but then again being a bog witch I drink all sorts of murky plant teas so I am used to the flavor palate. (It's like a sweet in an aromatic way and reminds me of one of those chinese medicinal murky teas).
Also as I was realizing the similarities between this and shrooms I was like wow it's a shame that we aren't outside or somewhere with jungle plants at least to connect with that plant energy. Instead we are in this hindu spiritual retreat place but if we just did some shrooms we could have been out in the sunlight at richmond park hugging the massive ancient trees there and feeding the wild deer summer strawberries like instead I am fucking cramped in this corner vomiting into a bucket with this exotic medicine.
As my trip went on I was thinking more about my friends who care about me and support me and how much I loved them and I couldn't stop thinking about my best witch friend that I did DMT with whom I wish was there. Like we would at least have been laughing about this or vomiting together or she would be like: omg this would be such great play-write material. She is white passing but super self aware and would at least make sure that I felt ok and included in all of this. I took a moment to step out of the circle to text her about the details and the woman in the corner doing yoga and vomiting in her downward dog pose and she was cackling and of course since the medicine connects you to that heartspace I was like confessing how much I care about her and how much of a special friend she was to me and was tearing up but one of the ceremony leaders followed me outside and was like: no phones!! It's not good energy!! Omg?? Like sorry I forgot cellphones were the devil's energy, it's not like I am bored and scrolling through social media, I just wanted to connect with my best friend who makes me feel less alone thanks.. Anyway I went back after being scolded and tried to get comfortable in my cramped spot.
Some positive affirmations I did get through all this was that (bringing back the disseminating moon vibe) I was loved and should be really proud of how far I've come. I kept thinking about all the people I love and cared about and how I should express my love in little ways that will make them happy like celebrating love everyday to make sure that people can feel supported cause it was the themes of my DMT trip too but now it was clearer and more grounded. I also got messages that sometimes I tend to be too selfless and there will be a time that I will help others but I should prioritize myself first mostly cause when my cup is full or when I get to positions of power or comfort I can always share that with people I care about. It was a good conclusion to a half years effort cause this also reflected my Glastonbury trip back in November where this witch who read my tarot cards gave me the clearest reading of my life and told me that I would not do well if I did not confront my heart energy and the pain there that was still festering from the social experience at university. So the efforts I went through my friend giving me sound healing and the DMT trip and other stuff has really opened up my heart and helped me to connect with that energy and care about myself more. But there was the theme again of I really need to protect myself first. Sometimes when the white girl next to me was mercilessly wretching and wailing into her bucket I felt so emotional for her that I would fan her but I would get this loud voice in my head like: DID SHE EVEN ASK THAT OF YOU?? FAN YOURSELF IT'S HOT BITCH- SHE OK SHE GOT HER FUCKING PILLOW THRONE WHEN YOUR ASS IS ON THE HARD GROUND. After purging and trying to get comfortable in my corner I would get increasingly aware of the lack of space and how I was starting to feel claustrophobic and it was starting to fuck with me. Cause yeah I got mental health issues, but it's usually under wraps when I take care of myself like, good sleep, food and water but, I was getting sleep deprived since this was an all night ceremony, I wasn't able to eat food to fast before this, and now I can't even fucking lie down cause I was in a coffin of a corner on the hard ground. My muscles and knee joints were starting to hurt. People were so in the zone just like.. doing arm-trance dance shit or throwing up while the ceremony host was hollering some songs which no one understood the meaning to and I felt at that point it was too late to ask anyone to share their pillows. I was noticing as I was coming down from the sensual jungle slithering plane that I was in muscle and joint pain.
I was like: Ok it's fine, the night would go by quickly.. It was not going by quickly.. I remember once I was sneakily looking at my phone’s clock and it was 4:30AM. I was like ok just gotta get through this time will pass.. The ceremony leader was like intoning some frequency so loudly she was trying to channel some celestial dolphins and whales or some shit but it was so high pitched the crown of my head would be vibrating and at first it feels energizing and cool but since my head hasn't had anyplace comfortable to rest I got a tension migraine from placing it on the floor so I could feel the high pitch note like vibrating the pain in my head. Then she was doing individual healings (I also got skipped somehow in this), she would be like channeling the frequencies for each person and making sure they purged what they need to purge and they would wretch into the bucket some more as she was growling into their backs, the feathers stuck in her blonde hair, quivering as she growled, there was the yoga girl now crying releasing her purge again. Someone was sticking their legs into the air and waving them around cause of energy I guess. I am like ok ok time will pass quickly.. what time is it? *sneakily checks my phone again so I won't get yelled at* 4:32am
OH HELL NO. I am trying to calm myself down but like if you struggle with the mental health imbalance I was in the red zone. Like I have not eaten, my stomach is cleared with vomiting, I cannot sleep, I am CONFINED in this corner, unable to stretch my legs, I am in PAIN, I feel alone.. They go around offering everyone a cup again and I am like: fuck it let me take a second cup..
So I start feeling good again, I feel like a sensual snake like trying to slither across silk. (You know when snakes try to slither across silk but they cannot move across it? It's like that you are just slithering in place) but literally I also feel like a clearer message in my mind almost like the spirit of ayahuasca is communicating with me like: Hun.. babe.. You got your positive affirmations that it's your time to rest and celebrate all you're hard work but you need to remember that you gotta honor and take care of yourself as a part of self love and you being confined in this space is not an act of self love. Especially if you do decide to stay here longer your mood and health will drop so low that it will affect others healings so it's best for everyone if you try to go home early. Like I felt the spirit of that medicine actually encouraging me to leave. Like the fucking ayahuasca itself was like this environment isn’t healthy for you lmaoooo.   And I think that's wild.. It's so wild that these white women are all like: We are going to connect with the cosmic dolphin frequencies, and the tribe in the amazon and the human race, but they CAN'T EVEN FUCKING CONNECT TO THE BLACK GIRL IN PAIN IN THE CORNER OF THE ROOM, like they can't even distribute their nice pillows, they can't even read that I need help. They SKIPPED me with the individual healing. They were so cold towards me. Fuck it! Even my friend's companion dog who was there noticed I was off. She would look at me with concern in her big eyes and apprehension cause she could feel my pain turning into mentally unstable anger. I was like aw man I am killing the dogs vibe right now but damn the dog noticed and even these white women didn't?! Like I dunno if they are that empathetically shut off or if they were deliberately ignoring me. lmao, Also I think maybe cause I vibe so much with plants and genuinely want to reforest some land some day maybe that's why I feel so at home in the ayahuasca high like the medicine was really comforting the second cup but it also was like: you cannot hide within my frequency to escape pain- cause obviously it's NOT a substance for escapism. Anything but. It was like: it's time to go home and take care of yourself. (Like you'd imagine being on the brink of a mental breakdown taking this stuff may push you over the edge but it was actually very loving, sensual and re-affirming again.)
So the ceremony leaders notice since it's 5AM that most people are comfortably asleep in their piles of pillows and stretched out legs and they are about to go to bed but I go up to my friend and am like: thank you for everything, I think I should go home now.. And the women leading it were all Surprised and Shocked! 'Oh my goodness?? She's leaving?! Going home? The event isn't over!' Mind you this is by Richmond park and I live in north London by Hampstead heath so yeah it is a mission. I also could not afford the £40 uber so I was willing to take the shady public sunday morning night bus home lmao (oh no she'll expose herself to all that heavy shady energies of public transit! 🙄). But I was like the amount of time the bus would take from me to go home is probably not as long as the way time was inching slowly within that space and me being in pain. So my friend walked me out and I was trying to be as loving and cheerful and grateful cause I honestly did not want to bring down anyone's vibe. She checked up on me as I was getting my things to make sure I had a healing experience. I tried to be a little honest in being like: It was beautiful, it reminded me of mushrooms but like from the jungle.. Honestly the reason why I am leaving is cause I am in physical pain and I don’t think I can stay in the corner any longer; and she was like: yeah well ceremony is never comfortable. HOOOOOO LAWDDD. Oooof.. Omg.. Like.. OOF firstly.. The ceremony leaders each had 3 stacks of like thick pillowy matts to sleep on which ONE Of them could have been given to me and like yeah I am sure ceremony is at least bearable when you have a fucking pillow throne and mattresses and not confined in a coffin of a corner spot unable to move your legs without knocking someone’s vomit bucket over. Jesus. I didn’t say anything. I just grabbed my shit and left. As soon as I was free on the other side of the gate I felt SO RELIEVED!!
It was so refreshing being outside on sunrise, free to stretch my legs. I could still feel the affect of the medicine as things would pass me by and I'd see like this stream of energy behind them it was really pretty and cool. Since it was London in Liminal Space Hours™, there were foxes everywhere leaving behind streams of soft light as they'd move around the empty streets. The bus was pretty chill other than this fucking creep of a man walking in this dark cloud and when he moved past me his stream of light was literally some ugly fluorescent hostile neon color I was like wow I can literally see your grimy frequency right now lmaoo. But whatever, anything was better than staying silent in that cramped corner to cater to white women's comfort.
Anyway I got home, got plenty of water, took care of myself and crashed on my super comfortable bed. It was a really good decision I made I could not imagine staying until 9 AM like it was not possible and I am grateful I honored myself in leaving early and listening to ayahuasca's reminder to do that as well.
So the conclusions I made:
White people as a modern cultural collective are fucking wild and can sometimes be a lost cause, cause we literally have medicine here that does similar stuff and more like flying ointments which can help you confront your shadow and fly to other planes but they just want to lose themselves in the mysteries of other peoples exotified cultures that still have traditions in tact to celebrate the nature around them cause white people are disconnected completely from the nature that they come from. (Also obviously to clarify I mean white people as the modern white supremacist culture, obviously not everyone individually cause I am friends with a lot of white witches here doing invaluable work connecting people back with the native land, plant medicines and traditions and many of them trying to save the Gaelic language and traditions that are still under threat and being killed off today).
Though ayahuasca can be more of a powerful cleanser than mushrooms, it's essentially the same frequency of plant medicine like the same vibe just connecting you to another land and there is a reason why indigenous people think white people are weird for over glorifying it when we have our own shit. If you are really curious about ayahuasca I mean mushrooms are good enough a job really and will better connect you to the woodlands that you may live in. 
 Most importantly I kind of understand the type of role I need to play and the path there isn't clear cut but it's important for me to keep spreading that message of love. Right now we live in a dark dank ass time line when the Earth is transiting some dark corner of the cosmos and everything is going through it's own nasty purge while we try to ascend to a new and better reality. However this new and better reality is really indifferent towards the existence of the human race or white supremacy so as the earth ascends and has it’s own purges, if people don't fucking get it together, especially white people, we are going to get taken out as the rest of the world thrives and glows up without us. It's so easy to fall into a spiral of self hate cause this shitty evil society we live in thrives on us not knowing how to honor ourselves and love ourselves. Even capitalism has twisted the idea of loving ourselves into something selfish or synonymous with splurging money to further empower stupid companies to give us quick highs from new purchases that will lose it's meaning and later pollute the earth.
On these trips a message I keep on getting is that love and life are synonymous. It's true and sad that there are many people brought into this world without love but what lets life thrive and what makes life worth living is love. And love is really that energy where we are grateful in our existence and the existence of our friends and those that support us and nature that supports us. But often what helps us understand that love is being able to support ourselves and do stuff that honors ourselves. And yes being loved IS a need, so it's important to seek out friends that validate you and that will love and support you and that you can do the same with them. If you find that network you will feel less alone and when you love yourself you will never feel alone and that in itself is true empowerment. When you have love in your life like that you can do anything and you will always feel safe. And I think that's why I was crying at the beginning of my trip cause I know what it's like to not have that. I know what it was like to feel hopeless and suicidal. We also live in a society that like beats down on kids of color especially black girls and like LGBT kids especially trans kids and it makes me so sad to think that there are people here that don't even realize how valuable they are by just existing. Like their lives don't just matter, they are INVALUABLE and that they need to fight for themselves every day and make the effort to love themselves cause honestly once they push through and really figure out how to love themselves they don't realize that they are literally a beacon of light and hope for others to learn how to love themselves too. Once they get to that place someone else who could be alone and struggling can look to them and be like: wow I do have the right to exist and be valued cause this person found a way to do it themselves even though society shat on them the whole time. And it's important to support your peers in these marginalized groups as well and be allies to those who are not well supported in this society. Like this is such a shitty timeline but people need to realize that they are made of love and that they are valuable and that the future of humanity and our peace and well being depends on their missions to find love for themselves and overcome white supremacy's demon ass structure that is enslaving us all.
Ok that is all. If you have read all of this thank you <3
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the--highlanders · 4 years
Mycological Mishaps
In which the Doctor and Jamie fail in finding a restaurant, succeed in finding mushrooms, and don't quite have a romantic day out. 
on ao3.
“Just you wait.” The Doctor was trailing behind by a few metres, far enough that Jamie lost sight of him when the track turned a sharp corner, but he had kept up a happy chatter ever since they had left the TARDIS. “There’s this restaurant – does the most wonderful spicy rice, you know. It’ll warm us right up, that’s for sure.”
Grumbling to himself, Jamie clutched at his upper arms more tightly, digging his fingers in until he could feel his bones. A drizzle had set in over the forest, somehow all the more chilling for its softness. It had long since soaked through his shirt and worked its way into his skin, turning it cold and clammy no matter how much he stomped his feet and rubbed his hands against his arms as he walked. “Aye, I’ll need it,” he mumbled, more to himself than to the Doctor. “’Spose it would’ve been too much to ask for ye tae land the TARDIS right outside the front door.”
“She doesn’t like landing in this century,” the Doctor protested. “They’ve just discovered time travel, you know – lots of nasty particles floating around. A sort of time-ship junk food, and, ah – the TARDIS does like to keep in shape, you know.”
Jamie shook his head. Four years of travelling with the Doctor had not brought him any closer to figuring out when he was lying about the TARDIS. “Aye, ‘course.”
“So she chose to land as far away from people as was reasonable. Oh, look!” Veering sharply away from the path, he turned to wade his way through a clump of bracken, struggling to lift his legs over the thick, grasping strands. His eyes were fixed on something, and Jamie craned his neck to see further into the forest, wondering just what had caught his eye. It could have been anything, he thought. The forest was so full of natural minutiae to distract the Doctor. It was a wonder they had made it so far without him stopping for something. But the Doctor had barely wandered more than a few metres before he was pointing, calling to Jamie over his shoulder. “Conks!”
“Eh?” Jamie made as if to wade into the bracken himself, but paused, staring back at the dripping fronds. Perhaps it was best to stick to the path, for the sake of not scratching his already-frozen knees. “Conks?” he called over instead.
“Conks!” the Doctor repeated happily, like Jamie ought to know exactly what he was talking about. When he turned to see Jamie’s blank expression, his shoulders slumped, betraying his sigh. “Bracket mushrooms,” he tried instead. “The, ah, the spore producer – the woody part, you see – it’s called the conk.”
Sure enough, the tree he was standing beside was riddled with mushrooms, great swathes of them running up and down its thick trunk. A small creature could surely use them as a staircase to the very top of the tree. The sight was so disconcertingly Earth-like that Jamie had to blink at it for a moment, searching for a flash of luminescence or a funny shape or something else wrong to remind himself that they were on an alien planet. But the most alien thing in sight was the Doctor, tramping back through the bracken to stumble out onto the path, the lower legs of his trousers darkened with water and his hems muddied. He did not seem to notice, simply linking his arm through Jamie’s and carrying on through the forest.
“How charming,” he said, shaking his head. “Something of an endangered species by now, that one. They don’t like the time pollution either. Rather rare to see them covering a tree like that.”
Humming idly, Jamie nodded along with him. Now that the Doctor had pointed them out, he could not help but see mushrooms sprouting out of almost every tree around them. Most of the growths were all but identical to the ones that had caught the Doctor’s attention, dark and fleshy and fat. It could be his untrained eye, he supposed, not seeing the difference between the types of mushroom. Or the people in the nearby city might be trying to bring the rare ones back. They had bumped into that sort of thing often enough, in their travels. He ought to ask, if they ever ran across anyone else in the forest. It was the sort of thing the Doctor would like to hear about.
Not that they stood much chance of running across someone, if they carried on as they had been. The forest was alight with activity, chirping creatures and rustling plants and the incessant dripping of rain from every surface, but it was filled with the sort of heavy silence that came only from total isolation. There was no far-off chatter, no distant rumble of traffic, no acrid tang of fuel or earthy scent of tame beasts. Just the pleasant loneliness he had come to associate with planets that were empty of people.
“Are we far from the city?” he asked. It would be just like the Doctor to land them miles away and have them tramp through the forest for hours, all for the sake of getting to a favourite restaurant. “We’ve come a fair way already.”
“Oh, not too far at all, I should say.” The Doctor glanced up at the sky, tilting his head this way and that, like a cat trying to pin down a sound. “Close enough that we should make it there before it rains.”
Jamie grimaced. “Isn’t this drizzle enough?”
“Oh, no. No, there’s bound to be -” Opening his mouth a little, the Doctor drew in a sharp, sudden breath. He seemed to hold the air there for a moment, weighing it up, then breathed it out. “A few millimetres of rain, quite soon.”
“I hope ye brought an umbrella.”
“Oh – ah -” An improbable series of clangs, rustles, and rattles issued from the Doctor’s coat as he rummaged through his pockets. He leant over, reaching deep inside one until his arm had almost completely vanished. The outside of his coat did not even bulge with the motion, and Jamie bit the inside of his cheek, muffling an uneasy laugh. The inside of the TARDIS was natural enough to him, by now, but he was sure he would never grow used to the way the Doctor could disappear into his own pockets. “No,” the Doctor said at last, straightening up and shaking out the fresh wrinkles in his coat. “No, I didn’t.” He said it confidently, like he had meant to leave the thing behind, apparently forgetting that he had been digging around for it moments ago.
Tightening his grip on his own arms, Jamie hunched his shoulders against the thought of rain. “So we’re gonnae get wet.”
“Oh, no, we’ll be quite alright in the restaurant.” The Doctor squeezed Jamie’s arm against his side. “It’ll be, ah – quite romantic, I’d say.”
“Don’t you start.” Jamie let go of his own arm to bat at the Doctor’s hand, but did not move away afterwards, pressing down to push his fingers in between the Doctor’s. He glanced up at the sky himself, taking in the dark clouds gathering under the lighter ones above them. “Are ye sure we’re close tae the city?”
“Yes, of course – oh!” Pulling his hand out from beneath Jamie’s, the Doctor pointed to a soft rise ahead of them. “We ought to be able to see it from up there.” He dragged Jamie onwards, stumbling over the fallen sticks that littered the path in his haste. “Yes, that ought to be high enough to see the taller buildings.”
As they drew closer, Jamie realised that the slope was instead a crag of rock, sticking out from the ragged cliff’s edge at a dizzying angle. Moss and trees had taken root in the thin layer of dirt that coated its surface, disguising it as an odd jut of land. The Doctor strode onto it with all the confidence and pride of some heroic explorer, and Jamie followed more dubiously, unable to take his eyes away from the ground dropping away beneath him. But the Doctor faltered as he reached the top, his grip on Jamie’s arm slackening, like he did not want him to see what he had found. Jamie pushed himself up alongside him anyway, his fears forgotten in his curiosity, and he rested his hands over the Doctor’s hips as he scanned the expanse of treetops below.
“There’s no city,” he said flatly.
“Ah – no.” The Doctor’s hands were twisting together, his lower lip worried between his teeth. “No, there isn’t.”
They were probably on the wrong side of the planet, Jamie thought. Unless -
The quietness over the whole place. The mushrooms that ought to have died out by now.
It had been a little obvious. He should really have figured it out sooner.
“An’ where should we be?” he asked.
“In the middle of it.” The Doctor sounded so resigned. He knew perfectly well what had happened – and more importantly, he knew that Jamie understood, too. “We’re in precisely the right spot. The TARDIS didn’t land us so far away after all.”
“So we’re a little – ah – a little early, for the restaurant to be open.”
He had been so terribly silly, expecting the Doctor to get things right this time. Just because the Time Lords had given him some new remote control gadget. The Doctor’s sense of direction was at fault just as much as the TARDIS itself. “An’ how early are we?”
“Mm – well -” Licking the tip of one finger, the Doctor held it up in the air, like he was testing the direction of the wind. “About eighty million years, I should think.”
Jamie’s grumble of frustration – only half-joking – was drowned out by a far lower rumble of thunder, rolling off the mountains and resounding through the valley that cradled the forest. “Let me guess, we won’t get back tae the TARDIS before the rain comes.”
“No. No, I’m afraid not.”
Wrapping his arm around the Doctor’s shoulders, Jamie pressed him close against his side. “We’ll just have tae wait it out.”
The Doctor glanced up at him. “Wait it out?”
“Aye, ye know – sit under a tree or somethin’, until it passes.”
Dubiousness was still written across the Doctor’s face. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather head back to the TARDIS and try somewhere else?”
Jamie snorted. “Somewhere else’ll only end up worse.”
The trees around them were something like pines, their trunks tall and straight and branchless until almost the very top. They were already sodden from the mist and the drizzle, their leaves bent over and the frayed edges of their soft bark clumped together. Perhaps it would be better to make for the TARDIS after all, Jamie thought, and accept that the storm would roll in over them no matter what they did. He wandered from tree to tree aimlessly, patting each in turn, as if one of them might turn into something that would give them a sliver more shelter.
His hand slammed down onto something soft and squishy, not the solid bark of a tree.
He leant back, hand clutched to his chest like he had touched something poisonous. But when he looked down, he realised it had only been one of the mushrooms, sticking out from the side of the tree. It might have been poisonous, he supposed, for all he knew, but more importantly it had sheltered a half-moon of dry ground. It was broad enough for two, and the mushroom was just high enough that someone could sit comfortably beneath it, and he dropped down with a huff of relief.
“We can sit here,” he said, nestling himself back against the trunk. The Doctor was frowning at him, but he crawled in beside him anyway. “We can at least rest for a wee while. I’m fair tired.” Walking had dulled the ache in the soles of his feet, but sitting had awoken the feeling, and he wondered if he would even be able to stand by the time the thunderstorm had passed. His skin had grown clammier with sweat, and he rubbed his hands together, huffing out his warm breath onto his fingers. “An’ hungry, too. Have ye got anythin’ in those pockets of yours?”
“Let me see...” Leaning over, the Doctor shoved his arm into his pocket again. “Ah – no, that’s not – yes!” He pulled out an apple, brandishing it proudly beneath Jamie’s nose. “An apple from fifteen seventy-three. Quite a year for apples.” He paused, his hand stilling, then sighed. “Not quite the romantic outing I had imagined, I’m afraid.”
“No, it’s not.” Whacking gently at the Doctor’s shoulder with the back of his hand, Jamie grinned at him. “But is it ever?”
“Just once would be nice,” the Doctor pointed out.
“Aye, ‘spose so.” Another clap of thunder rumbled over them, the sound half-blocked out by the crowns of the trees. It did not take long for the rain to follow, beginning to drip and then to pour like the thunder had split the sky open. The mushroom did not entirely cover them, and Jamie drew his knees up to his chest, ducking his head to see out from beneath their little makeshift shelter. “It’s fun, though,” he called to the Doctor over the drumming of rain on the forest floor. “Havin’ things be a wee bit messy, an’ all that.” The Doctor simply shrugged, pressing his lips together. “I don’t mind,” Jamie said, nudging his side. “Honest.”
“Oh – well, in that case -” The Doctor tipped the apple into Jamie’s hands. “You won’t mind having this for lunch instead, then.”
Fumbling to catch it, Jamie tilted it towards the Doctor in thanks before he took a bite. “It’s good,” he said, passing it back to the Doctor. “No’ your spicy rice, mind, but it’ll do.”
“Yes.” The Doctor smiled around his own bite. “Yes, it will.”
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us2dinosaurplanet · 3 years
The Stay on Dinosaur Planet: Chapter 4-Guess Who’s Coming?
Meanwhile back on Earth, a phone call just occurred a few days ago, but not just any phone call. Ash: “Good morning, Professor.” Prof. Oak: “Ah, good morning, Ash! How are you doing today?” Ash: “I’m fine. How are you today, Professor?” Prof. Oak: “Why, I’m fine, too, thank you for asking.” Ash: “You’re welcome. Say, has Pikachu returned from her visit, yet?” Prof. Oak: “Well, no. Pikachu has not yet returned, and neither has Misty or the Powerpuff Girls as far as I can tell.” Bow: “Princess Peach hasn’t returned yet, either. I’ve received a phone call from a concerned Toad that she’s not back at the Mushroom Kingdom.” Ash: “I’m worried, Professor. It’s not like Pikachu or Misty or the girls to stay off the Earth this long. I think something has happened to them that prevented them from coming home.” Prof. Oak: “I think so, too, Ash. Get Brock and meet Lady Bow, Tracy, Gary, Ribbon, and me outside my front gate. We need to get to the bottom of this immediately.”
Later, Ash and Brock met the professor and the other near the professor’s front gate. Bow: “It’s about time you boys got here. The professor’s grandson is getting impatient.” Brock: “I’m not surprised. The girls should have been home a few days ago. This has certainly gone out of hand.” Ribbon: “I miss Misty!” Gary: “I told you we shouldn’t have trusted that Fox McCloud! If we had just left with the girls, none of this would have happened!” Ribbon: “I miss Misty!” Prof. Oak: “Now, now, settle down, everyone. I’m sure Fox has a good explanation to why the girls haven’t returned home, but we won’t find out if we just stand here, complaining about it.” Ash: “The professor’s right! If we just ask Fox, I’m sure he could tell us what’s going on.” Gary: “I highly doubt it, but it doesn’t hurt to try.” Prof. Oak: “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s get going.”
The professor called upon the space taxis, then he and the guys left the Earth along with Ribbon and Lady Bow.  
Later they arrived on the planet Corneria at their usual spot. They found that the girls and the Starfox team are not there. Ash: “Professor, this doesn’t seem right, I don’t see Fox, Misty, Peach, Pikachu, the girls or any of the members of the Starfox team here at all.” Prof. Oak: “Hm, you seem to be right, Ash. Let me check my radar.”
He opened a radar from his communicator. Prof. Oak: “Hm, this may seem a bit silly of me to ask this, but this is Corneria, right?” Gary: “Of, course this is Corneria! I recognize this place anywhere. I did you ask, grandpa?” Prof. Oak: “Because, according to this radar, they’re not here.” Tracy: “But if they’re not here, then where are they?” Prof. Oak: “Well, it says here that they’re on a distant planet far from here.” Ash: “You mean they’re on another planet? Pikachu, too?” Prof. Oak: “I’m afraid so, Ash.”
Suddenly, Ribbon started bursting into tears. Ribbon: “Misty!” Gary: “That Fox needs to be taught a lesson! I thought leaving the girls off the Earth this was bad enough, but bringing them to another planet, he’s gone too far this time!” Prof. Oak: “Now, now, settle down, Gary. I’m sure he has nothing to do with all of this.” Ash: “The professor’s right, Fox is a good friend of Pikachu and the girls. He would never do anything to them.” Gary: “Yeah right! He’s probably using that fact to completely throw us off course! I don’t trust him one bit! I never did and I never will!” Prof. Oak: “That’s enough out of you, Gary! Fox McCloud is a good person. He would never do anything to hurt those girls or deceive us. Now, until we find this planet, I don’t want to hear another word out of you. Understand?” Gary: “Hmph! Fine, but if anything ever happened to those girls, I won’t stay silent.” Prof. Oak: “Fair enough, let’s go, everyone.”
They left Corneria on the space taxis.
Many hours later, they finally reached Dinosaur Planet. Prof. Oak: “According to my radar, the girls are on this planet.”
They landed in Thorntail Hollow and the space taxis returned to space. Meanwhile, a certain little Earthwalker prince watched all of it occurred and ran back to Cape Claw. Tricky: “Fox! Fox!” Fox: “Hm?” Tricky: “Fox!” Fox: “Tricky?” Tricky: “Fox, you’re not going to believe this, but some humans landed on the planet. They’re at Thorntail Hollow, right now. Come on.” Fox: “OK, OK, I’m coming.”
Fox followed Tricky back to the hollow.
Meanwhile, the guys were still in Thorntail Hollow. Ash: “Professor, are you sure they’re on this planet? I don’t see them anywhere.” Prof. Oak: “100%, Ash.” Gary: “I hope so or else we’re on a wild goose chase no thanks to that no good Fox.” Brock: “We may not have any real proof that the girls are here, well, except for the radar, but one thing’s certain, Fox is definitely here. His Arwing is parked right there.” Gary: “Perfect, even if the girls aren’t here, at least we’ll have a score to settle with that Fox.” Ash: “But where is he?” Tricky: “There they are. That’s them, that’s them!” Guys: “Huh?”
Suddenly, Fox and Tricky came out from behind the Arwing. Fox: “Thanks, Tricky. Well, well, well, if it isn’t some old friends of planet Earth. Didn’t expect to see you guys here. What’s up?” Gary: “I’ll be asking the questions, here. What have done to the girls?” Fox: “What do you mean by that?” Gary: “Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m saying. I know you did something to prevent those girls from coming home. Admit it, Fox!” Fox: “Excuse me? You’re trespassing on an ancient planet home to many species that are extinct on your planet and yet you have the right to accuse me of a crime I never even committed? You humans have a lot of nerve.” Gary: “Lies!” Prof. Oak: “That’s enough, Gary. I apologize for my grandson’s behavior, Fox. You see, he…” Fox: “Still hates me? That’s OK; I don’t feel very differently about him, either. Anyway, I’m guessing that you’re obviously here for the girls, right?” Prof. Oak: “Correct, it’s been weeks since they left for your home world and we’ve been quite concerned…” Gary: “Try outraged!” Ash: “I’m not outraged.” Gary: “Shut up, Ash!” Ribbon: “Gary!” Bow: “DON’T INTERRUPT THE PROFESSOR WHILE HE’S SPEAKING!!” Fox: “QUIET! Listen, I’ll take you to see the girls, but only if you guys remain silent. Understand?”
Everyone remained silent. Fox: “Good, now if we could just keep it that way, you’ll see the girls in no time. OK? OK, let’s go. Come on, Tricky.”
They followed Fox out of Thorntail Hollow and through the Lightfoot Village. Tricky: “Fox, are these guys really trespassing here?” Fox: “Nah, I was just kidding. I knew why they came all along.” Tricky: “Oh, hey, Fox, are you really going to show them what they came here for?” Fox: “Of course I am. If I don’t, then they won’t leave me alone.”    
Eventually, they arrived at Cape Claw. Fox: “OK, there they are, safe and sound. Are you happy, now?”
Suddenly, Ribbon’s eyes began to sparkle after spotting Misty. She flew towards Misty and landed on her heavily. Misty: “Huh? Ribbon?”
She laid her head on Misty and began to cry on her. Ribbon: “Oh, Misty, I’ve missed you so much. You’ve been gone for so long; I thought I would never see you again.” Misty: “Oh, my stars! I’m sorry, Ribbon. I didn’t mean to get you upset. I guess I lost track of time. Well, you don’t have to worry, now. I’m OK.”
Ribbon then looked up at Misty, her eyes were still sparkling. Ribbon: “Oh, Misty…” Fox: “Looks as if somebody’s happy, ay, Gary?”
Gary groaned and looked away. Fox: “Come on, Gary, admit it.” Gary: “OK, I’ll admit it, but don’t think you’re off the hook, Fox. I’m not finished with you, yet.”
Gary walked away. Bow: “That grandson of the professor gets more stubborn each day.” Fox: “Don’t remind me; I’ve been keeping track.” Bow: “Now, then, if you excuse me, I’ve got a group to reunite with.” Fox: “Knock yourself out.”
Lady Bow slowly floated down towards where Misty and Ribbon were. Fox returned to the beach and watched as Bubbles and Princess Peach regrouped with Misty, Ribbon and Lady Bow. He has never seen a more beautiful sight. Fox: “Looks as if the Friendly 5 is back together again. So, how does it feel, girls?” Ribbon: “It feels great!” Bow: “I’ve waited a long time for this moment. I thought it would never come.” Ribbon: “Thank you, Fox.” Fox: “No problem.” Prof. Oak: “Well, will you look at that? I told you Fox was a nice person.”
Gary groaned. Fox: “Hey, guys, why don’t you come down from there?”
The guys descended from the cliff and the pier onto the beach and towards Fox. Misty got up from her lounge chair and walked next to him. Ash: “Hey, Misty! Long time no see!” Misty: “Same here, Ash. I’m sorry to worry all of you, but we’ve been very busy since we last left Earth.” Brock: “But why were you off of Earth for so long and what were you guys doing on this strange planet?” Misty: “Well, it’s a long story and I don’t think I have any time to explain.” Gary: “Nonsense! We have all the time we need and we’re not going anywhere until we get some answers. So start talking, princess!” Fox: “Don’t talk to her like that!” Misty: “Alright, already. If it means that much to you, I tell you the story. It all started when Fox became bored of our usual Cornerian-Saturday spot, so we…” Gary: “Ah-ha! I knew it! I knew you were responsible for the girls not returning home, Fox. You WERE up to no good!” Fox: “Gary!” Misty: “Gary, please! It was my fault to begin with. I was the first to agree and convinced everyone else to join in.” Prof. Oak: “Hmmm…” Gary: “Yeah, well…it was Fox’s fault for even mentioning it in the first place. That proves he’s guilty. I should has never trusted you with them, you worthless animal!” Misty: “Gary!” Prof. Oak: “That’s it, Gary! I’ve heard enough out of you. Ever since we left the Earth, the only thing I’ve heard out of you is how terrible Fox is by preventing the girls from returning home. Now, I don’t want to hear another word out of you until Misty finishes her story.” Gary: “But grandpa…” Prof. Oak: “No buts! You’ve pushed this issue too far! Sorry that had to happen you guys. I just can’t seem to control my grandson, anymore.” Fox: “It’s OK, professor. At least somebody shut him up.”
Gary glared at Fox. Misty: “Now then, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I expected the trip to take a few hours, but I was wrong. We found ourselves traveling the entire Lylat System for weeks. I thought it would last forever until General Pepper contacted us. He told us about a planet that was falling to pieces, literally. He asked us to find a way to fix the planet before it got worse. It took us days to complete the mission, but we were able to pull it off.” Brock: “Sounds like you’ve been through a lot.” Misty: “I’ll say. And do you know the best part? We made a new friend.”
Misty kneeled down and picked up cute little Prince Tricky. Misty: “Guys, I would like to introduce you to our new ally and newest best friend, Tricky, prince of the Earthwalker tribe.” Prof. Oak: “Earthwalker, Don’t you mean triceratops?” Tricky: “What’s a triceratops?” Fox: “It’s just a name humans have for your kind. Sorry, guys, but on this planet, the dinosaurs have different names. The pterodactyls are called Cloudrunner, the brontosauruses and Brontosaurus are called Hightops, the ankylosauruses are called Thorntails, Lightfoots are close to raptors and the T-rexes are called Redeyes.” Misty: “There are Woolly Mammoths found on this planet, too.” Fox: “Right, but here, they’re called Showhorns.” Prof. Oak: “Fascinating!” Gary: “Blah, blah, blah!” Prof. Oak: “Gary!” Fox: “Well, that just about sums it up.” Misty: “As I was saying, Tricky helped us out during our mission. He was able to help us through many obstacles that Bubbles and I can’t reach even with our powers. Bubbles and I love Tricky. Right, Bubbles?”
Bubbles giggled a little. Bubbles: “That’s right. He’s such a cutie.”
Misty gently dropped him as Bubbles descended to rub his tummy and giggled while doing it. Fox: “Yeah, I, on the other hand, think he’s a menace. But the girls don’t care that he’s a menace; they only care about how adorable he is.” Brock: “I’m not surprised.” Ash: “Aww!” Bubbles: “Oh, I forgot to introduce you to Tricky’s little sister.”
She picked up Beauty and ascended to the air a little. Bubbles: “This is Princess Beauty.” Fox: “Beauty hatched a couple of days ago; not long after we fixed the planet. She grew up pretty fast and she’s better behaved than Tricky.” Tricky: “But I look out for her.” Prof. Oak: “Sounds as if you got along pretty well with the inhabitants of this planet.” Misty: “Yep! We found many friendly creatures here on Dinosaur Planet.” Prof. Oak: “Dinosaur Planet, ay? What an interesting name!” Misty: “I know, I like it, too.” Brock: “By the way, that other journey you had before you came here, did you finish it?” Misty: “Well, of, course, we did! We’ve decided that we wanted to stay here on Dinosaur Planet.” Tracy: “So, it was like killing 2 birds with 1 stone by coming here.” Misty: “Exactly, not only did we save an entire planet, not to mention the entire Lylat System, our quest has ended. We love it here!” Ash: “That’s great! By the way, it’s been a long time since I’ve last seen Pikachu. Is she here?” Fox: “Pikachu? Oh, yeah, she’s still here. Pikachu, Ash is here!”
Pikachu responded to Fox’s call and ran towards Ash and climbed into his arms. Ash: “Pikachu, I’ve missed you so much.”
Pikachu began to speak. Ash: “I understand you don’t want to leave, yet. I’m only here to check on you, to see how you’re doing. You’ve been gone for so long I was worried that something may have happened to you. I’m just glad to see you’re OK.”
Pikachu spoke again. Ash: “I miss you, too, Pikachu. Thanks for letting me see Pikachu again, Fox.” Fox: “Don’t mention it.” Brock: “Now that that’s settled, I think we should head back to Earth.”
Ash nodded and summoned their space taxis to return to Earth. Prof. Oak: “Tracy, I suggest you follow Ash and Brock back to Earth.” Tracy: “But, what about you, professor?” Prof. Oak: “I think I’ll stay here for a while. I’ve got some unfinished business that I need to take care of.”
Tracy nodded, hailed a space taxi and left the planet. Prof. Oak: “Gary, I want you to stay here.” Gary: “So I can keep an eye on Fox?” Prof. Oak: “Yes! There’s something that you must know about Fox and Misty. I don’t want you to leave until you find out what.”
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thekotaphoria · 3 years
Time adventure || personal analysis :3
Disclaimer: there are probably some spelling mistakes or word errors because I was just writing whatever was on my mind :3 enjoy!
Where to start. Well, There is a song that I love deeply, it circles around my head almost daily. It’s from my favorite show, Adventure Time. A show that I’ve had the privilege of growing up with. This song is called “Time Adventure”. It’s the main song in the final episode of the series, it is heartwarming, catchy, and emotional if you will, bringing the show together as it has its own timeline, featuring a mushroom war, and the total wipe out of a normal human species. The song is sung by BMO, a small robot that lives with the characters Finn and Jake. Although his physical form may not be so mighty looking, having no weapons or muscle, this small lovable robot serves a strong mental impact, always finds the good in things, facing death fearlessly. He was created by an old man to accompany his child which he didn’t end up having, so BMO was released to find a family of his own facing many ups and downs, experiencing life as it is, and learning the meaning of life. A part of him will always be kept inside my heart, because he reminds me that everything will be okay at the end of the day, no matter how big or small the challenges have been.
The song “time adventure” was sung by BMO to comfort Jake the stretchy dog, who had shrunk down, being caressed in the arms of BMO. Jake has always been Physically strong, and with his best friend/brother Finn, he has always been unstoppable. However, there is a time where his life will eventually come to an end, and in this moment of distress, the two starring death right in its face as a monster was about to end their lives, which spoiler, did not happen, BMO sang this song in order to comfort the frightened Jake, who usually is the one protecting him.
I’ll start off by introducing the first lyric of the song which is, “time is an illusion that helps things make sense”, this lyrics speaks to me on many levels because it shows that time is something man kind made up. Who is to say that time is real? We invented it, but in reality, evolution guided us to wake up when it’s bright outside, and go to sleep once it’s dark out. It’s a never ending cycle, and 24 hours is our way of knowing when the sun rises and sets on our side of the world. Time is our creation. It allows us humans to know when and where to be, and it helps us function in an organized manner, hence, it is an “illusion that helps things make sense”. Before our time on earth, this place that we call our home has been orbiting around the sun longer than we could ever imagine. This planet is older than time, and we we just happen to be apart of its journey.
After the first sentence, the song goes “we are always living in the present tense”. I absolutely love how this song has explained itself. This lyrics shows that even though our creation of time may not be real, we still live inside of it. Time being what we depend on to explain our whole existence. Our age, our lifespan, our schedule, everything we do involves time, but not everything in time has involved us. Milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, past, present, future, everything, we have made up, and everything we have ever done revolves around this illusion of time, as we orbit around what we have called, the sun. This song not only make you think about the creation of time, but it makes you think of the creation of absolutely everything. Atoms, moons, solar systems, etc… We have named everything we could possibly name in order for it to make sense to us, and same goes for time. The present, being where we claim to be right now, is now the past, and what I am about to say, is the future. For example, I wrote this in the past, but in what ever way this is being presented, it is in the future. Now when you think of it like that, it makes sense, but without time, we would not be able to comprehend this in the same way as we do with it.
The next part of the song that I would like to address, is “it seems unforgiving when a good thing ends”. This part of the song expresses that even though BMO and Jake’s time on earth was fun, it must come to an end at some point, and BMO explains this in the next line which is, “but you and I will always be back then”. Quite an emotive phrase indeed. It shows that, even though things are coming to an end, the things that they have experienced in the past, are still in the past, they still happened, and at least they had the chance to experience the things that happened. This time of despair does not countermand all the good times they have had. Just because in that moment of terror Jake was not as powerful as he usually is and it seemed as though their friends were in serious danger, it does not mean that they did not try, and that the life they lived was not worthwhile. Their bravery and triumph still happened. Love and happiness still happened. Everything good they have ever done, still happened. This moment of struggle does not define who they are, and as the world collapses around them, this loss does not signify defeat, for they have won more than they have lost. When the push comes to shove, they have done more good to the world than this misfortune will ever live to be. BMO comforts Jake by using the thought of the past, for the possibility of the future is not guaranteed, so the view of the present is blocked, focusing only on the joyful old memories.
The bridge of the song is impactful, with the first line being “if there was some amazing force outside of time to take us back to where we were”. This line sparks a wish that many of have, where we wish to go back in time to experience the laughter and joy we had in the past again. It shows that even though time is an illusion, we still do not have complete control over it. The feeling of wanting to experience happiness again is heavily desired, especially in moments where life is not as euphoric. BMO uses imagery but singing “hang each moment up like pictures on the wall inside a billion tiny frames so that we can see it all”. By singing this, BMO creates a mental image inside the heads of those who connect with the series. It shows that all the times you’ve had are now memories in you mind. I found this very insightful, because it’s seeing life in a new perspective. Seeing the past almost like Polaroids. Life forever changing, capturing every step, allowing you to step back and really look at all the good times you’ve had. Growing and blooming, in your final moments, you have experienced life as it is, and for BMO, it is clear that his journey through time is much bigger than the small picture of the present. He expresses that fear is only a barricading you from happiness. It’s your task to choose which side of that barrier you want to be on, and your mission to find out how to get there. BMO being the positive character he is, shows Jake that the positive moments are much more worthwhile.
The song ends beautifully with the line “you and I will always be best friends”, being another version of “back then”. I especially love this line because it shows that along their journey of life, they have made strong connections with other. Strengthening this bond with unforgettable moments, reminiscing with one another. As best friends, they know that they are not alone as the foundations of their home crumble around them. The depth of their friendship for one another is stronger than the fear of death, leading us back around to the reason why, being because of these memories with so much emotional meaning. Death is inevitable and learning to accept that is a skill. BMO is proven to be strong headed by accepting death, and as he sings, he finds out that singing is the way to kill the beast, defeating Glob and finally saving the day, protecting those who had once protected him.
As time goes on, BMO had found a way to continue making memories with his “best friends” by using his beliefs in a form of art, creating a key point in his own journey, alive. This song makes life surreal and comforting, for the message questions all forms of life, and makes the idea of death less terrifying. My perspective has changed ever sine listening to this song, and I am grateful for that. The idea of life being more important than death gives me something to live for. Creating impact and meeting amazing people. I have learnt that terrible situations do not define you, and the illusion of time will forever continue making sense of the world around us, reminding us of what is important and what makes us happy.
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