#so i lied and said it was fine bc i knew it would be so????????
miley1442111 · 4 months
hi! Can you do a Spencer x fem reader where it's her birthday and he promised her he would be there for the party even if there was a case and he calls her right as the party starts and she's so excited and asks him if he's on his way but he says no and he's sorry but there's an important case and he can't make it and she is absolutely CRUSHED but tells him it's ok and she has to go. She can't really focus or be happy during her party and when it's over she's crying in their bed and then her best friend calls Spencer and yells at him bc reader thinks he will always love his job more than her and that the BAU is his priority and he just feels so awful. He comes home early and apologizes and gives her his gifts he got for her and pampers her and makes her feel so loved.
birthday blues (part one)- s.reid
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a/n: i absolutely adore this idea! thank you so much for requesting and sorry that we didn't get to the happy ending yet... but we will eventually!
summary: spencer makes a choice that leaves you alone on an important day and causes something in your relationship breaks.
pairing: spencer reid x fem reader
warnings: birthday blues, spencer's an ass, your best friend calls spencer a lot of names and curse words, talks of breaking up, no happy ending :(
Your phone rang and you knew what it was. There you were surrounded by your friends in your apartment, getting ready for your birthday party, and your stupid boyfriend had to ruin it all. 
You picked up. “Hey Spencer,” you sighed, but attempted to mask it with a smile. 
You could hear the deep inhale on his end and it solidified what you already knew. “You can’t come, right?” You said it for him. 
“I’m so sorry,” he sighed. “It’s just-“
“Another case. I get it Spencer, it’s fine,” you lied. 
The line was quiet for a moment. 
“Happy birthday,” he said sheepishly. “I love you.”
You scoffed. For a profiler, he wasn’t exactly good at noticing things. Like the subtle shake in your voice, or the small hiccups of tears you tried (and failed) to suppress when you hung up the phone without saying you loved him. 
You turned to your best friend Rebecca, a sad look on your face. “He’s not coming.”
She rolled her eyes. “He’s such a fucking asshole. When is he ever going to just show up for you? It’s your birthday for god’s sake. He missed when you got promoted, he missed your gallery opening, he missed your anniversary and he’s missing your birthday? Why are you even with him?” 
You felt the pressure build up in your throat and she pulled you into your bathroom and held you as you sobbed. She sent everyone home, saying you were sick and she called the restaurant and cancelled the reservation. You got out of the dress Spencer had bought you, a beautiful wine colour that complimented you in all the right places. You sat in your bed and cried for hours as Rebecca comforted you with old Disney movies you two watched as kids and your favourite ice cream and some salty popcorn. 
“I just feel like he values his job over me… like I don’t even make top 4 in his list of priorities,” you sighed, your eyes glued to ‘Tangled’ as it played. “Like… look at him! He’s so in love with her!” You pointed at the screen and Rebecca had to surprise a laugh over you being jealous of Flynn Rider and Rapunzel, two fictional characters. “Don’t laugh at me!” You scoffed at her, shoving her in the arm as she started giggling.
“I’m not!” She said through laughter. She alighted made you laugh, and you two were stuck like that for a few minutes, laughing so hard you could hardly breathe. “Ok! Ok! Look, to be serious, you deserve so much better than Spencer. You need someone who cares about you more than his job, someone who can actually be here when you need him.”
You nodded along, the weight of her words heavy on your mind.
When you finally cried yourself to sleep Rebecca took your phone from your bedside table and dialled his number. 
“Hey love, are you alright?-“ he started but she cut him off.
“I’m so glad I’m finally meeting you, even if it’s just over the phone because now I know what a fucking asshole sounds like. You idiotic bitch. Stop calling Y/n and let her be with someone who cares enough to be there for important things in her life. Who cares enough to meet her friends. Who cares about her in the slightest!” She argued over the line. “She spent her entire birthday night in her bed crying over you, when she should’ve been out with her family and friends. You’re such a dick!” She seethed. “So yeah, stop calling this number.”
The line went dead and Spencer felt his heart drop. You’d spent your special night crying over him. 
He was an asshole. 
He’d booked the first flight out of Denver and told Hotch it was important, he understood and allowed him to go. 
He showed up outside your apartment bright and early, 5am in the morning. Rebecca opened the door and promptly shut it in his face, something he knew he deserved but it still hurt nonetheless. 
“Please can I just talk to her?” He begged from his side of the door. 
“She’s asleep,” she scoffed. “Why are you here?”
“I need to see her,” he pleaded, and Rebecca cracked the door. “Please Rebecca.”
“Give me a good reason,” she said as you walked out of the bedroom.
“Who’s at the door?” you yawned and Rebecca sighed as Spencer started begging you to open the door. 
“Is that you baby? C-can you open the door? I’m so sorry baby I didn’t mean to-”
“Rebecca open the door.”
She sighed but obliged and stepped out as Spencer stepped in. Immediately, you were in his arms as he kissed you softly, apologies rolling off his tongue in between kisses. As much as you enjoyed him being in your arms, it still felt superficial and wrong. His face fell when you pushed him off of you. His eyes followed your figure as you walked to the kitchen and put on the white kettle that sat beside the coffee machine he’d gotten you last year. 
“What are you doing here?” you sniffled, posture and body language guarded as you waited for the water to boil. 
“It’s your birthday,” he shrugged with a sad smile. “I wanted to be with you.”
“You were perfectly happy leaving me alone 11 hours ago. What changed?” 
“I realised I messed up, and some choice words from Rebecca helped me along,” he sighed. How was he supposed to fix this? 
Guilt started to settle in your stomach. Were you really right to be upset right now? Even since you were a child you were told to ‘be grateful’. You were told to ‘be grateful’ when you stopped getting presents when you were 11, when you stopped getting cards when you were 14, when you watched your dad shower his other children from his new marriage with gifts while he didn’t even notice you in his house. You should be grateful that Spencer was even wishing you a happy birthday earlier, how could you be so ungrateful?
“You should be on the case, I’ll order you a taxi back to the airport and I’ll pay you back for the ticket-” you rushed out, reaching for your phone but Spencer’s hand stopped you.
“I want to be here,” he pleaded. “Please don’t make me go away.”
You looked up at him through teary eyes and his hand came up to cup your cheek, wiping the tears away. 
“I’m so sorry I ever thought it was ok to miss your birthday. You are the single most important thing in my life and I’m sorry that I’m not here as much as I’d like to be,” he smiled softly, but you could tell he was serious. You allowed yourself to be lost in the fantasy for a moment, being the most important thing in Spencer’s life. 
But, as always, reality sunk in and it left a sour taste in your mouth, leading to another change in body language which Spencer picked up on immediately. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Spencer, your job always takes priority over us- over me. Which is fine. I know my place. Just please don’t make promises you can’t keep from now on, okay? My parents were dying to meet you, and now I had to cancel the entire dinner. I just… I know you can’t be here all the time, but I do expect you to show up for things like this. I don’t care when you miss anniversaries or my promotions-”
Spencer’s heart dropped. “Y-you got promoted… and you never told me?” 
“You were in New York,” you shrugged. “On a case with no end in sight. Why should I make your life harder?”
“You’d never make my life harder. You make my life worth it, worth all the shit I do. I want you to tell me everything baby, always-”
“Spencer, it’s okay to say that you’re inconvenienced by our relationship,” you said in a watery chuckle. “I understand, and I’d get it if you’re too busy for this.”
Spencer’s breath caught in his throat. Were you really suggesting breaking-up? 
“I think we should talk another time Spencer, I’ll drive you to your apartment,” you sighed, grabbing your keys. Spencer was much too exhausted and in shock to put up a fight, so he followed you to your car. 
The drive was silent, but full of an awkward silence. Silences with Spencer had never been awkward, always pleasant, or comforting. Never awkward. 
When you dropped him off outside his apartment, he leaned over to kiss you, but you dodged him with a hug. You felt as a small, internal sob racked his body but tried to convince yourself that it was just a hiccup. 
What were you going to do?
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, the bear, the hunger games, obx+)
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theodorenmyth · 2 months
Hi I'm new here and I was wondering if you would take a request for Tom Riddle. He just got into a relationship with a very bubbly clingy girl/boy/other. But Tom is very emotionally distant (bc it's Tom). And his partner becomes a shell of what they were because they need affection. And Tom does whatever you think he would do after he realizes.
Heart Unfrozen
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Pairings : Tom Riddle x M! Reader
Summary : In the depths of the Hogwarts library, your bright and bubbly nature first crossed paths with the enigmatic and emotionally distant Tom Riddle. Despite his cold demeanor, your affection for Tom blossomed, showering him with thoughtful gifts and constant warmth. However, Tom's inability to reciprocate began to dim your vibrant spirit, leaving you a shadow of your former self. Realizing the depth of his mistake, Tom vows to change, determined to break through his own barriers and show you the love you deserve. As Tom learns to open his heart, your relationship strengthens, proving that even the iciest of hearts can be thawed by the warmth of genuine love.
A/n : Enjoy (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
Warnings) : tom being emotionally distant, angst, fluffy ending tho
Word count : 1.4k+
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The first time you met Tom Riddle was in the library. You were searching for a book on magical creatures when you noticed him sitting alone, surrounded by stacks of ancient texts. There was an air of mystery around him that piqued your interest, and before you knew it, you were introducing yourself with your trademark bright smile. Tom barely glanced up, his cold eyes briefly meeting yours, but that didn't deter you. You were determined to break through his icy exterior, sensing something special beneath.
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
Your relationship with Tom Riddle started off like a dream. Despite his cold demeanor, you were the happiest boy at Hogwarts, radiating warmth and positivity wherever you went. You adored Tom, and your affection for him knew no bounds. You were always trying to hold his hand, link your arms together, and surprise him with thoughtful gifts. The first gift was a simple keychain shaped like a serpent, which you thought suited him perfectly. Tom accepted it with a tight-lipped smile, but you noticed the way he quickly tucked it away, as if embarrassed.
"Thank you," he said quietly, not meeting your eyes.
Your heart swelled with affection. "You're welcome, Tom! I just thought it would look nice with your things."
He nodded curtly, and you didn't push further. You were used to Tom's reserved nature, believing that in time, he would open up to you.
As the weeks passed, you continued to shower Tom with little presents—a scarf you knitted in Slytherin colors, a sleek ring with a subtle snake design, and a bracelet that matched one you wore yourself. Each time, Tom's reaction was the same: a polite thank you, followed by him stowing the gift away almost immediately. He never wore any of them, and it started to gnaw at you.
"Do you like them?" you asked one day, trying to keep the hopefulness out of your voice.
Tom glanced at you, then at the latest gift, a watch with an elegant green face. "They're... nice," he replied, his tone flat.
"Nice?" you echoed, feeling a pang in your chest. "Do you not like them?"
"It's not that," Tom said, finally meeting your gaze. "I just...I'm not used to this kind of attention."
You forced a smile. "That's okay, Tom. You'll get used to it."
But you weren't so sure anymore.
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
Slowly, imperceptibly at first, you began to change. Every time Tom pulled away from your touch or dismissed your gifts, a small part of your brightness dimmed. You started to feel like a burden, questioning your worth. Your friends noticed the change in you, their concern growing as the weeks turned into months.
"Hey, are you okay?" asked Mary, one of your closest friends, during lunch one day. "You seem... different."
"'m fine," you lied, poking at your food. "Just tired, I guess."
"Are you sure? You haven't been yourself lately," another friend, James, chimed in.
You forced a laugh, but it sounded hollow even to your own ears. "Really, I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind."
They exchanged worried glances but didn't press further. You appreciated their concern, but you couldn't bring yourself to tell them the truth. How could you explain that the boy you loved was slowly breaking your heart?
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
As time went on, your once-bubbly personality faded. You stopped trying to hold Tom's hand, stopped linking your arm with his. You even stopped giving him gifts, the thought of another rejection too painful to bear. You began to distance yourself, your presence in Tom's life becoming a mere shadow of what it once was.
One evening, you sat alone in the common room, staring into the fire. Tom entered and immediately noticed your absence by his side.
"Why are you sitting here alone?" he asked, his tone sharper than he intended.
You shrugged, not looking at him. "Just needed some space."
Tom frowned, walking over to sit beside you. "You've been acting strange lately."
"Have I?" you replied, your voice devoid of emotion.
"Yes," he said, his frustration growing. "You used to be so...vhappy."
"I guess people change," you said quietly, still not meeting his gaze.
Tom was silent for a moment, his mind racing. He had always been uncomfortable with affection, his troubled childhood leaving him wary of emotional connections. But seeing you like this, so unlike your usual self, stirred something in him. He realized he had been pushing you away, and the consequences of his actions were staring him in the face.
"Is it because of me?" he asked, his voice uncharacteristically vulnerable.
You finally looked at him, your eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and resignation. "I don't know, Tom. Maybe."
Tom's heart clenched. He had never meant to hurt you, but in his effort to protect himself, he had done just that. Determined to fix things, he reached out and took your hand, holding it tightly.
"I'm sorry," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't realize how much I was hurting you."
You looked at your joined hands, then up at Tom. For the first time in a long while, you saw genuine emotion in his eyes. "I just wanted to make you happy," you said, your voice breaking.
Tom's grip tightened. "I know. And I do appreciate it. I'm just...not good at showing it."
You gave a small, sad smile. "I noticed."
Tom took a deep breath, his resolve strengthening. "But I want to change. I want to be better for you. You deserve someone who makes you as happy as you make them."
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you blinked them away. "Do you mean that?"
"Yes," Tom said firmly. "I care about you more than I've ever cared about anyone. And I don't want to lose you."
You nodded, hope flickering in your heart. "Okay. But you have to let me in, Tom. You can't keep pushing me away."
"I won't," he promised. "I swear, I won't."
True to his word, Tom began to make an effort. It wasn't easy for him, and there were times when he still struggled with his emotions, but he was determined. He started by wearing the gifts you had given him, the keychain dangling from his bag, the ring on his finger, and the bracelet on his wrist. He even wore the scarf on particularly cold days, and the watch became a staple on his wrist.
He also began initiating physical contact, holding your hand or linking arms with you in public. It was awkward at first, and you could tell he was still getting used to it, but the effort meant the world to you. Slowly, your bright personality began to return, your smiles becoming more genuine, your laughter more frequent.
One afternoon, Tom found you in the courtyard, sitting under a tree with a book. He approached quietly, sitting down beside you.
"What are you reading?" he asked, peering over your shoulder.
You smiled up at him. "Just a novel I found in the library. It's pretty good."
Tom nodded, his eyes softening as he looked at you. "You seem happier."
"I am," you said, closing the book. "Thanks to you."
Tom reached out and took your hand, squeezing it gently. "I'm glad. I don't ever want to see you unhappy again."
You leaned against him, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "I don't think I will be, as long as I'm with you."
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
As the months went by, your relationship grew stronger. Tom still had moments of emotional distance, but they became fewer and farther between. He was learning to let you in, to share his thoughts and feelings with you. And in turn, you felt your old self returning, your love for Tom only growing deeper.
One evening, as you sat together in the common room, Tom turned to you, a serious look on his face.
"I want you to know," he said, his voice steady, "that I love you. More than I've ever loved anyone."
Your heart skipped a beat, a stupid grin spreading across your face. "I love you too, Tom. So much."
He pulled you into a gentle embrace, holding you close. "Thank you for not giving up on me."
"I never could," you whispered, burying your face in his chest. "You're worth it."
And in that moment, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together. Because Tom Riddle had finally learned to love, and you had been the one to teach him.
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beomiracles · 3 months
congrats to 500 !! you deserve even more <3 I love pretty princess sm and now my brain is overridden with royalty and txt prince au so I'm sorry to request for your 500 event but I must you write too well. 😭💕 so imagine prince! beomgyu this time and whilst he's so incredibly handsome and the whole kingdom fawns over him, he's also the most mischievous troublesome prince ever so the king (his father), fed up, decides to marry him off and arrange a marriage to reader since he's so reckless and reader is the complete opposite and since she's also a princess and both their families are close and have a good relationship. Back when they were younger, their families would always meet at each other's palaces a lot because they're close but reader and beomgyu would never really get along, especially reader she's always hate beomgyu's guts bc of how reckless and annoying he is to her and reader is really uptight. So they haven't seen each other since they were kids until the arranged marriage and can't say neither of them are too happy about it...+ smut if it somehow works 😭 Idk if that makes any sense but I love you and your work and happy 500 !!
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#serene adds ✎... my dear pretty princess you will always be famous. *melancholic sigh* oh but this idea was sm fun! though I might have lost the plot a little along the way oopsies..! HOWEVER I still think it turned out good so I hope it doesn't disappoint ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕 i did see your second ask for sub!gyu hehe so i tried to include it!
wc -> 1.9k
pairings prince!beomgyu x princess!reader warnings maybe a lil angsty? elements of cheating, slight dom/sub dynamics, sub!beomgyu, dom!reader, implied inexperienced reader, handjob, unprotected sex, tiny bit of marking.
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The door to your shared bedchamber quietly closes and you can hear the light footsteps darting across the room as your husband carefully makes his way over to the bed you shared. After quickly shuffling out of his clothes, Beomgyu takes place next to you on the large mattress, seemingly unaware of the fact that you were still awake. 
“Where have you been all day?” Your voice rings out into the darkness of the room and you can feel him go stiff beside you. — You knew that your marriage was merely out of convenience and that your husband held no affection for you, yet you couldn’t help but feel hurt at his blatant absence. It wasn’t exactly unusual for your bed to remain empty of his presence. 
Beomgyu clears his throat and you can feel him shift next to you. “I had a few things to take care of”, he mumbles and you refuse a scoff. His words were scattered with yet another handful of lies for you could smell the liquor on him. — “Did you talk to your father about the ball we’re arranging next week?” You ask, though his following silence gave you all the answers you needed. 
He sighs, an exhausted and almost irritated sigh. “I’ll do it tomorrow”, he grumbles and you roll your eyes. You had known him almost your whole life and he had always been like this, uncaring and outright reckless. And while he might’ve gotten away with his deceiving ways of living, as a teen, it was seriously taking a toll on both his reputation on your marital duties as adults. — More than often did you find yourself straying by your work desk until early morning as you plowed through your workload; while your husband spent his days engaging in all but his royal duties. 
“Don’t bother.” You sigh as you lean back against your pillow. There’s a brief pause before you feel him shift once more, “what?”, he asks as he props himself up on his elbows. “I said don’t bother. I’ll do it.” You grit out before turning your back on him, hugging your arms around your body as you screwed your eyes shut. You can practically hear his inner battle as he fumbles for words. “Beomgyu, it’s fine, I’ll do it. Just go to sleep.” You mumble as you pull the duvet over your chest. 
You’re startled when you suddenly feel his warm hand on your shoulder. “Is something wrong?” He quietly wonders and you almost want to laugh. “No, why would it be?” You mutter as you shrug his hand off. — “Well you’re acting…distant”, he comments as he flops back down against the mattress. This time you can’t resist the scoff that leaves your lips, “I’m acting distant? I thought that was what you wanted, no?” 
“When did I say that?” He grunts as stares up against the dark ceiling. You actually could not believe him. “When?” You snort, “you’re asking me when?” The silence that follows makes your eyebrows knit together in a frown, “everyday”, you finally state, your voice merely a whisper. “You leave me alone, cooped up in piles of work while you’re out doing heaven knows what, sometimes you don’t even come home, what are you doing then? Busy spending all our resources on the nearest brothel?” Your rant ends with a small huff as you close your eyes in exhaustion. 
You try your best to ignore the stinging feeling in your chest as you’re forced to listen to the quiet breathing of him next to you, wondering what you could have possibly done to warrant such an unfortunate marriage. “You refuse to look at me”, he then whispers and your eyes snap open at his words. “You always have”, he continues as he draws in a small breath. “Even back when we were kids, you refused to even glance in my direction.” 
Biting your lip, you let his words sink in. You had always resented Beomgyu, even when the two of you were still young, his reckless persona made you wrinkle your nose in disgust. You had refused to ever become associated with such a being. Whilst Beomgyu spent his late teens exploring the town's village, earning himself quite the promiscuous reputation, you stayed at home, your nose buried in whatever book had captured your interest. — When the news of your arranged marriage reached you, the only thing on your mind was to avoid the man you were to call husband at all costs. You had never once stopped to consider that he might not feel the same, that he might… 
“You want me to look at you?” 
Your words feel heavy as they leave your lips, a brief pause accompanying them before Beomgyu breathes out a quiet, “yes.” — You don’t exactly know what came over you, the years of pent up anger toward him or the longing you’d tried to deny whenever he wasn’t around. Whichever it may be, it caused you to abruptly sit up as your head snapped in his direction. “If that is what you wish.” You firmly state before swinging your leg over him, straddling his lap as you leaned over to light the candle by your bed. 
In the dim light casted by the small flame, you finally come face to face with him. Beomgyu wears a startled expression as his wide eyes blink up at your own. “Is this what you wanted?” You frown as you let your hands fall to your sides, leaning back on your knees slightly, your eyes darting across his exposed chest for a brief second. 
His large hands grab onto your waist as he pulls you down on him completely, your lips parting in surprise as you feel his bulge, pressing up against your thigh through the thin fabric of his slacks. “No”, he states before one of his hands trails up to the nape of your neck, pulling you down as he presses his lips against yours, his tongue quickly dwelling deep into your mouth. “Like this”, he mumbles as he keeps you in a firm hold. 
Your initial shock soon fades as you lean into the tender kiss, the kiss that quickly grows hotter and far more lewd with each passing second. Perhaps you had read him wrong all along, perhaps… Pulling your lip between his teeth, Beomgyu’s hand on your waist snakes down between your thighs and you immediately pull back. 
Bracing your palms against his naked chest, you catch your breath as your gaze meets his; brown eyes swirling with desire as a smirk plasters on his lips. “You okay?” He murmurs as the back of his hand envelops your cheek in a gentle caress. You close your eyes, the many lonesome nights lingering in the back of your mind despite your greatest efforts to push them away. 
Finally you look down to him once more as you shake your head. “No. No I am not.” You quietly whisper. Upon sliding back on his thighs, your hands trail along his chest before reaching the hem of his pants. — You had spent one night together, your wedding night. It had perhaps been one of the most drawn out nights of your life, and you remembered it with disdain, it had merely been out of duty. That didn’t change the fact that it remained the only experience you held, so with a small exhale you gathered yourself before sliding the fabric from his body. 
You swallow a small gulp as you eye his hard cock, eyes flitting hesitantly between it and Beomgyu’s almost daring gaze. He cocks an eyebrow at you and parts his lips as if to say something, though his words are quickly replaced by a small strangled noise as you wrap your fingers around his shaft. Truthfully, you had no clue of what you were doing but the way he squirmed as your thumb brushed against his tip caused a spark of confidence to shoot through you. 
You experimented your way forward as your other hand joined in, flicking your wrist over the head of his cock whilst the other gently squeezed around the base, pulling a harsh groan from your husband. — Propping himself up on his elbows, Beomgyu licks his lips as he reaches a hand out toward you only to be forcefully pushed back against the pillow. “Lie back down, and be still.” You command and with a look of disbelief he obliges. 
Your brows draw together as you refocus your attention toward his cock in your hands. Upping your pace ever so slightly as a sheen layer of precum spilled from his tip, running down his shaft like wax of a candle. The soft noises spilling from his lips made your cunt clench around nothing and you rubbed your thighs together in an attempt to alleviate some of the pressure.
His hips bucked up against your hands and the small frown on your face deepens as your gaze snaps back up to his flustered face. “I thought I told you to be still”, you scold as you tug on his cock, making him whimper out into the hot air. Breathing out a quiet “m’sorry”, his fingers intertwine amongst the silk sheets, his knuckles growing white as he grips them tight.  
When the ache between your legs becomes almost unbearable you let out a small sigh as you hike your nightgown over your hips, repositioning yourself to hover above the leaking tip of his cock. Beomgyu bites his lip as he groans under you, eyes pleading with you as he silently asks for you to sink down on him, and you do, wincing slightly at the unfamiliar stretch, taking your time before he’s fully seethed within you. 
You let out a shaky breath as you slowly begin to move on top of him, biting back a moan as his stiff cock brushes against all your sensitive nerves. “I want you to stop going to brothels.” The statement falls from your lips without much struggle and Beomgyu whines beneath you as he tugs on the bedsheets. “Did you hear me?” Your hand grabs ahold of his chin, fingers digging into his cheeks as you force his clouded gaze to refocus on you. He meekly nods and you scoff as you let go of his face. “Then answer me.” 
“I-I’ll stop, I won’t go there -fuck- a-anymore..” He groans as he feels you clench around him. — Increasing the pace of your hips, your head threatens to fall back against the euphoric pleasure coursing through you. “I want you to sleep in here every night.” You practically demand as your nails rake along his chest, leaving angry red marks in their wake, making him arch off the mattress as he nods his head feverishly.
“Can you promise me that you’ll stop seeing those filthy whores?” You drawl as you feel your climax approaching. Beomgyu heaves a breath as he looks up at you, “yes, yes, anything you want”, he whines as he feels you grind down harsher on him, a small moan ripping from your throat as you release all over his cock, making him twitch deep inside of you. “Please, please, please..” he pleads, his eyes rolling back as his hips jerk up against yours. 
Too exhausted to push him back down you lean forward to press your lips against his neck. “Fine, I do suppose you’ve been good”, you mutter against his skin as you tenderly kiss it. Breathy moans and thank you’s leave his lips and his hips stutter as his finishes inside of your aching cunt, arms wrapping around you tightly as he pressed you further against his chest. 
You supposed your marriage wasn’t entirely hopeless after all.
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mhahaikyuus · 1 year
tags:; bakugo x reader, established relationship, fluff, reader being type A and so is Bakugo, domestic fluff, minor injury, small arguments, pro hero bakugo x reader, cuddling
a/n: posting this bc i haven’t posted in forever hope you enjoy, reblogs appreciated
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You were sitting in your living room reading a book as your boyfriend came back from an early Saturday shift around mid day to your shared house.
While he was gone you had received a package at your doorstep. Heavy furniture packaged in a big cardboard box at your doorstep.
You had planned for your boyfriend to be home to help you move it two bookshelves for the living room.
However it started to rain and you didn’t want the package to get wet, and you were independent grown woman, you could move a box.
So you spent 30 minutes moving a box about the size of a fridge up a flight of stairs, through your doorway to the living room.
While you were moving it you definitely pulled something in your back. Now laying on your couch your lower back in pain.
Katsuki came home to you laying on the couch and a giant box in your living room. You knew he would cuss you out for hurting yourself when you could’ve called him to move it.
“I’m back y/n-“ He stopped looking at the box bigger than yourself standing in your living room, “The delivery guys put it in the living room.” He interrupted himself assuming wrong.
You hummed in response not wanting to say yes or no.
“Okay I’ll put it together tonight.” He said
Leaning down to kiss you. You met him halfway with a small wince and smiled in that kiss.
“I can do it later, I just want to lay down right now.” You said falling back on the couch.
“No I’m doing it.” He said. He hated how independent you are. Wanting you to rely on him but you never fully could always making excuses.
“Fine.” You sighed. Katsuki leaned down to give you a kiss again and reached around to drag your forward.
You gasped in pain as he held onto your lower back.
“What’s wrong.” He said pulling back quickly with a frown looking at your body. Thinking he had hurt you
“Nothing.” Trying to move his hand but Katsuki wasn’t budging. Vermillion eyes narrowing
“You’re lying.” He said and he pinched your back making you whimper.
“Ow. Ow. Ow. Okay.” You said
“What did you do.” Katsuki asked, his hands on your hips holding you.
“I moved the box… myself.” You admitted and his eyes narrowed.
“What the hell were you thinking? You could’ve called me. That box is bigger than you.” He yelled as you threw back your head at his scolding of you knowing it was because he loves you.
“You had patrol. And I can do it, I am fully capable of doing things by myself
“You could have called me. You know I would’ve come back to move the box.” He said with a frustrated look. “Why didn’t you call me, you never call me. I’m your boyfriend I’m supposed to do it. I’m supposed to open jars for you, move heavy objects, and fix things for you. Let me do it. Now you’re hurt.” He said
“It’s fine I’ll be okay just a couple of days and my back will be fine.” You lied to comfort him.
“Don’t lie to me, how bad does it hurt.” He said concerned
“An 8,”
“Calm down.”
“No next time you need something call me or I’m gonna lose it. I don’t care if you don’t feel like walking and you call me to carry you up the stairs. You call me.” Katsuki said. “What kind of boyfriend am I to have you throwing out your back to move something.”
“The kind that saves people for a living and loves me when I do stupid things like hurt my back.” You said with doe eyes you knew that made him melt. Bringing him in by the back of his neck for a kiss.
Pressing his forehead to yours and rubbing his face, his favorite action of yours. Never truly getting mad at you when you loved him.
“Did you call a doctor? You could’ve slipped a disc, or-“
You laughed at how anal he could be. “No I did not, I will be fine in a couple days.”
“How do you know that?” He asked
“I swear you are just as stressed as Izuku.” You said kissing him.
He grumbled rubbing your leg, “Don’t compare me to shitty Deku. I worry because I love you and you are a moron.”
“You’re best friends for a reason, and I am a moron that loves you and I’m going to ask for your help right now.”
Katuski ignored your first comment, “Is that so?”
“Yes because I need you to help me walk to the kitchen. I’m hungry and I’ve been stuck on this couch.”
Katsuki picked you up by your armpits and walked you to the kitchen with your legs wrapped around his waist.
“How was patrol?” You asked
“Great. I love fighting with a bank robber when my girlfriend is injuring herself because she won’t pick up the phone to call me.” He said with an attitude all you could do was roll your eyes.
“How long are you going to be mad at me.” You said tugging on his blonde hair. He grunted at your hands handling him.
Katsuki sat you gently on one of the chairs. Standing in between your legs, both arms caging you, and dropping his head.
“I’m not mad at you, im pissed that you won’t call me. Being a pro hero isn’t going to kill me you are.” He grumbled and you laughed.
“What do you want to eat?” He asked pulling away to cook for you.
“Whatever you want to cook.”
You sat in the kitchen as he cooked and you tried to help.
Trying to open a jar and your boyfriend gave you the dirtiest look.
“What did we just talk about.” He said wanting to snatch the jar out of your hand.
You held it out to him.
“Cut me some slack, please. I am used to being independent for as long as I’ve been alive.” You said
“We have been together for almost a year now. And I am here now for you. So relax please. I like taking care of you.” He said grabbing your hand and giving it a kiss. “We bought the house to be together and I can baby you.”
“You are such a sap.”
“The headline yesterday was “Dynamight’s Rage.” He replied his back turned to you cooking one of your favorite meals.
“Yes you’re so scary baby.” You sarcastically said
Both of you knowing that he had a temper and could terrify anyone. But as scary as Katsuki was he was far more scared of you when you got in your moods.
Katsuki finished cooking for you, placed you back on the couch, and made you sit there as he built the bookshelves.
He opened the box with a tool kit and instructions. You sat on the couch eating the food he made. The living room covered in styrofoam packaging and cardboard.
Even after a grueling shift, your boyfriend had cooked you a full dinner and was assembling shelves just for you.
You were type A and liked to be in control and do things yourself. Bakugo was also type A and trying to build it as you tried to control.
“No baby it’s screw A that’s screw H.” You said reading the instructions he threw.
He didn’t listen to anyone but you got half an ear.
“I know what I’m doing I don’t need the instructions.” Bakugo griped.
“I’m serious, please do it right. My books are my babies.” You complained.
“Woman you already injured yourself, can you let me do this.”
“If you did it right then I wouldn’t be complaining.” You shot back.
He let out a huff ignoring you continuing to build.
After the third time of him doing something you didn’t like you got frustrated.
Getting up off the couch, Katsuki heard you move not even turning.
“Get back on that couch before I strap you down.” He said not looking up. His red eyes focused on the wood planks.
You continued to move off the couch with a wince and Katuski turned around from the floor narrowing his eyes.
“Ass back on the couch. Now.”
“You’re not doing it right.” You whined halfway up.
He stood up his big body towering over you. Guiding back to the couch.
“You are a control freak. Sit down before I lock you in the bedroom or in the car to drive you to the hospital.” Katsuki threatened sitting you back down and throwing a heavy blanket on you to hold you down.
He was always so gentle with you even when he was ticked off.
After about an hour he saved the last bookshelf for tomorrow to cuddle you in bed.
“I told you I knew what I was doing.”
You hummed at his cockiness. He had given you some Advil and was gently massaging your back in your bed. You trapped in his big arms, your chests touching. His thick fingers gently pressing against your lower back.
“You like being my superman huh?” You said into his chest.
“Superman? Screw him I’m your Dynamight baby.”
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Steddie x reader, people are bullying reader, but she has keeping it in secret from Eddie and Steve, until one day, she explores, she's crying a lot when she tells them about what's going on and she shows them the bruises and marks that the bullies left on her, and they protect her a lot, because they did notice that something was up with her, bc she was being very clingy, which they didn't saw as a bad thing, but it was strange, and she was being quiet, and that worried them, and now that they know what's ha, they only want to protect her
I hope this is what you were looking for and you enjoy it <3 thank you for requesting
A small fluff blurb
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After Eddie finally graduated, Y/N was the only one left in school, since Seve graduated a year before Eddie. And it seemed the second she was alone, she became a target. There was a group of three girls that never let Y/N breathe. Constantly on her back, shoving her around and slamming her against lockers.
But she couldn't tell her boyfriends. So whenever they asked how her school day went, she lied and said everything was fine. She wore long sleeves and Eddie's hoodies to cover the bruises left on her arms. She didn't want them to worry or make a big deal out of it.
Steve and Eddie noticed Y/N was clinger than usual, but they saw nothing wrong with it. They adored her and loved when she clung to them. She'd be wrapped up in Eddie's hoodie, laying in the middle of them as she rested her head on Steve's shoulder and her legs on Eddie's lap. She felt safe in their atmosphere and that's all she needed to keep pushing through every day.
But lately, things have gotten worse. The girls have gotten more aggressive. They pushed her against the lockers, causing Y/N to smack her head. She instantly felt pounding in her skull as tears blinded her vision. The girls spat out words and slut shamed her for having two boyfriends. All she wanted to do was curl up and hide.
Once the girls left, she raced to Steve's. Not caring that she'd have to run the whole way there. Her tears fell down her face and she panted as she ran. But she didn't stop until she was pounding on his door.
Steve was instantly worried when he opened the door, she was sobbing and holding her head. He carefully walked her to the couch and asked what happened. Eddie was lying on the couch but sat up as she came into the room. He pulled her in his arms as he rocked her softly, her face was in his neck as she cried. Steve sat on the side of them, rubbing her back as she soaked Eddie's neck.
"Baby, I need you to calm down and tell me what happened," Steve said gently, his hand still on her back. Eddie gently pulled away, wiping her tears as she tried to calm down.
"These girls at school keep hurting me." She cried, throwing her arms around Eddie as she cried into his neck again.
"hurting you how?" Eddie asked, his eyes looking at Steve as they exchanged a worried glance.
"They push me around and slam me into lockers. I hit my head really bad and it hurts so bad." She cried. Eddie softly rubbed her head to help soothe her.
"Let me grab some medicine," Steve said he walked to the bathroom to grab the medicine and a cup of water from the kitchen.
As he made his way back, Eddie convinced Y/N to sit on the couch and face them. Her red and wet eyes looked between them.
She took the medicine and thanked Steve. Slowly taking off Eddie's sweatshirt.
"They leave marks too." She said, her arms covered in bruises and hand marks from being grabbed so harshly.
"Oh, baby." Steve cooed, dropping to his knees as he softly kissed her skin.
"Who is doing this to you? You need to tell the school!" Eddie demanded but Y/N was quick to stop him.
"I can't! The school never did anything to Jason, what makes you think they'll do something to them?"
Eddie knew she was right, the school system was fucked and would always be.
"Hey, we are going to help you, okay? No one is going to hurt you anymore." Steve promised, kissing her lips. Eddie agreed, wrapping his arm around her softly.
Eddie and Steve made a plan. Eddie always dropped her off, but now he will walk her into the building. He can't stay in the school, but he offered to stay in the parking lot. In case she ever needed to run out.
Steve had a meeting with the principal, demanding the girls be punished and that a teacher could be in the halls to monitor what was going on in their school.
Eddie may have also tracked down the girls and threatened them in the parking lot....but Y/N didn't know that.
And when she was back home, they'd make sure to notice if she was upset or not. They checked on her bruises and made sure no more were forming.
"Bath timeeeee" Eddie announced from the bathroom. Y/N smiled as she walked in. A bubble bath was running, Steve already sitting in, as she stripped her clothes and joined him.
Another thing her boyfriends started was bubble baths so her aching muscles could relax. Steve always sat behind her and Eddie sat on the side of the tub. They'd talk about nothing and enjoy each other's company.
Her body was slowly healing, but so was her heart.
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ilovechuuy4 · 7 months
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ᰔ୨୧ Tell me everyday I get to wake up to that smile ୨୧ᰔ
Characters; Chuuya, Fyodor, Dazai, Atsushi
BSD Men and what they would do for Valentines~
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Scenarios˚ ∘ ٭୨୧∘
Atsushi 🐯
→ Atsushi will go out of his way to get you multiple things, chocolate, flowers, stuffed bears/tigers etc. He'd spend million of dollars on you if he had it
It was around Atsushi come back from the ADA workplace as you sat on the couch waiting for your boyfriend, Atsushi, to arrive back. You wanted to do something cute for the 14th of February which is well, Valentine's Day. You sat directly to the left side of the couch, watching a movie until he arrives.
Meanwhile, Atsushi wasn't making his way home but to the energy markets and stores with a thought in mind. He was ready to make your day even better than before. He searches around the markets grabbing a lot of different things. He was going to spend money, money on you he didn't care how much every thing he got was.
As an hour goes by, Atsushi finally ended up at the cash register. His hands full of all types of goodies. A stuffed white tiger that was as large as his forearm, light red and pink roses and another flower variants, and different sweets and chocolates some in those heart boxes, some name branded. With a bright smile and about 100 dollars spend, he walks home seemed pretty proud of himself.
He didn't think of asking you to be his Valentines because well, your his S/O so why did it matter if he asked? He hums softly as he makes it to the apartment, fumbling with the keys of the front door before unlocking it, walking in and shutting the door with his foot. "Mhm, my precious baby? I'm home." He hums softly putting every thing on the counter.
You perk up and bit, standing up from the couch and skittering over to him. "Mmh, hi my love." You murmurs out hugging Atsushi. "Hey, will you uh- be my valentine?" Atsushi says with a soft smile. You smile back, kissing his cheek softly. "Of course, why wouldn't I not?" You say with a cheeky grin taking the stuffed tiger out the bag.
"Hey this looks like you, silly." You said with a chuckle. Atsushis arms wrapped around you, his face slightly buried in the crook of your neck. "Yes because I want you to think of me every time you see it, happy Valentine's baby.." He says with a laugh.
Chuuya 🍷
→ Chuuya, like Atsushi, goes all out but with the amount of money he has he definitely goes above and beyond, flower petals, candle lit house, fancy gourmet dinner cooked by yours truly and you can't forget the wine that will be neatly set on the table.
It was the time just half passed 6pm and you were on your way back to the home your boyfriend owned. The sun was already slowly setting the hues of the color filled sky shining I to the small puddles on the ground. The weather wasn't the best today but it was all fine if you get to spend the say with your boyfriend.
You take out your keys from your bag, carefully unlocking the door to the large apartment or well penthouse. Once you walk in you see your boyfriend, Chuuya, in some pants and apron, no shirt and lied was he attractive. "Oh, hey doll your back? How was work, hmm?" The ginger said with a smirk, his pearly whites showing off.
"Oh it was same old same old, what are you cooking?" You hum, letting down your H/C hair from the short/long ponytail you had to have up for work. "It's just something simple, steak with peppercorn sauce, that sound good darlin'?" He hummed out, the food looked delicious this wasnt just "something simple" you knew chuuya loves to go all out when it's days like this.
"Yea, something simple?" You said with a mock smile as you watched him cut up the freshly cooked steak that was medium rare(or well done) and then placed them on the plate along with Cajun potatoes and spicy slaw the steak topped with the peppercorn sauce. "I hope you're hungry because I made this special just for you." He said, cringing a bit at his own words as he slips it onto the dinning table.
You make your way to the dinning table and sit down, you watched as Chuuya poured y'all both a glass of wine. "Go ahead, dig in doll I'm not judgin'." The orange haired male said with a shit eating yet cheeky grin as he started to eat his own food. You had to admit, the presentation was amazing as you picked your fork up and began eat, Lord was it amazing it tasted as if you were at a 5 star restaurant reservation.
Y'all soon had finished eating, Chuuya stands and gently slips the glasses and plates along with the utensils into the sink before coming back to the table. "C'mere I wanna love up on you." He said gently patting his thigh, what was he some weirdo trying to get a cat to come? Either way it worked. You stood up and reluctantly slipped onto his lap. He left out a soft groan as he feels your entire body sink onto him, he loved it, he basically worships your body.
"Yea, this is nice." He mutters his arms around your waist and his face buried in total he crook of your neck, placing soft messy kisses on the nape of your neck. "Mmh? Yea a bet it is." You tease, running your nails through his messy orange hair massaging his scalp. "Yea, it really is. I love you doll, Happy Valentine's Day." He murmurs gently biting down on your neck.
→ Fyodor innitonally thought valentines day was just a cringe and corny day but now that he has you he spoils you the best he can~
You and Fyodor have been dating for almost a year and a half and for that year y'all haven't really celebrated Valentine's Day not because y'all hate it just because you both don't know what to do for one another. But obviously today was different for Fyodor he wanted to make this a good Valentine's Day for the both of you.
He saw one of those videos of someone making paper roses out of book paves and took it upon himself to make at least a bouquet of these paper flowers. He started it when he was free from work and you were off with friends. He was on the very last flower, his slender fingers trembling softly as he taped and glued each one together.
Once finally finished he put them in a paper wrapping some were painted a soft purple and others were just the paper color. He only has a few different chocolates, he wasnt 100% sure what to get you since this was his first time buying Valentine's things for a S/O. He had also worked on a hand written note that was a bit cringy but his heart was put into everything and that's what mattered.
You shortly arrive home as he finished up, he stood up quickly grabbing the things and walked to greet you. "My myshka your home? How was your day out?" His thick Russian voice seeped into your ears making you smile as you took off your coat and shoes 'nd putting them in their desired places before going over to hug your boyfriend.
"It was alright they all had their boyfriends/girlfriends around so they left pretty early." You said with a slight smile. "Oh I'm sorry I wasn't their, maybe I should just come next time?" He said with a slightly closed mouth smile. "No it's alright Fedya don't worry about it too much."
"No I will come next time it's just I was busy making this stuff for you." He said taking the paper roses, the note and a few box's of chocolates off the kitchen counter. "It's not too much but it's the best thing I could have thought of, I hope you like it my love." He said kissing your hair.
You smile softly as you read the note, you could tell he put a lot of time in this entire thing, the paper roses, the note and just going out to get the chocolates. "Awe, thank you Fedya..i really appreciate it." You said as the slight smile faded into a bigger one.
"You're very much welcome, you're my everything and I wanted to try this Valentine's Day thing out with you at least once. Happy Valentine's Day my myshka." He hums before putting a slow, tender kiss onto your lips.
→ Dazai is NOT like the others in this one bro his broke ass can't afford any of that he's bringing you to the goddamn cheesecake Factory ୨୧
When Dazai arrived home he said he wanted to bring you somewheres as he seemed to be in a rush, he told you to get ready nothing to fancy though. So that's exactly what you did you dressed in something slightly casual not too causal though and then helped Dazai fix up his bandages before y'all headed out.
It was about a 30 minute walk from yalls apartment to the place and ones you saw what it was you smile softly, the cheesecake factory. You love the effort he's put into all of Valentine's Day for the both of y'all. "The cheesecake Factory? Mmh thank you 'Samu." You said with a smile.
"Of course babe~ Let's go let's go inside now sweet cheeks." He said with a smile, he was definitely feeling all giddy as he gently tapped your ss to get you to go inside. Once inside the waiter greeted y'all, you assumed Dazai made the reservation prior or when you didn't know because how else would y'all get in so easily? Once sat in the back of the restaurant y'all ordered the drinks the two of you preferred.
Dazai hums softly his hand gently rubbing your thigh as y'all looked through the menu, Dazai ended up getting the warm crab dip as an appetizer for the both of you. "Dazai, my love, when did you make the reservation? I didn't see you make it any this week?" You said, cocking an eyebrow. "I did it some time, that's for me to know not you babe.~" He said with a cheeky grin as the appetizer came out.
The lighting of the place was warm and calming as you 'nd Dazai spoke about what food y'all should order, he told you to get what you wanted and he wouldn't hold you back which was pretty weird but oh well? Soon the waiter came back to take your orders. You ended up just ordering the filet Mignon with the green beans and mashed potatoes. While Dazai got the Cajun jambalaya pasta.
Y'all didn't wait too too long until the food arrived and y'all started to eat. The food was good it wasn't five star but it was a good 4.5. Y'all finished eating about 20 minutes later and y'all were completely full but Dazai had one last thing. The waiter came back once more and placed down a cheesecake that was to go.
You looked at it, reading the strawberry glaze that was made into words "Happy Valentine's Babe" is what is read, you smile softly as you feel Dazai's hand still rubbing your thigh. "Alright let's go home?" He asked with a cheeky grin as he stood up, leaving the right amount of cash on the table for a tip.
Once y'all leave, the cheesecake in a bag y'all walk down the sidewalk back to the apartment. You unlock the door and walk inside, the brunette placing the cheesecake on the dinning room table. "That was a nice date, my love." You say with a closed mouth smile.
"Mmh? Was it sweet cheeks? Well I'm glad you liked it." He said, he was so cocky but you still loved him. His slender arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you in. "But I bet their cheesecake isn't as sweet as you~" He said as he quickly pressed his lips against yours, his tongue slipping passed your lips. "Mmh, happy Valentine's Day Babe~" He muttered against your lips.
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AITA for taking a cross-country trip without telling my parents?
🔜🚇 for ID purposes, my friends will get it lmao
This is being submitted after the trip was taken, so it's in retrospect. I can live with being an asshole if I'm labeled one, I just had a lot of conflicting feelings preceding said trip, even if by now I don't regret it because it was fun. At this point I'm just curious!
I am 26yo and AFAB nonbinary. This is relevant.
During the first week of the year, I took a trip across the USA to go to a convention to meet up with some internet friends I am close to; some id met before, but most were mutuals/people I video chat with regularly.
My parents are extremely catholic. They're very suspicious about online friends in general (so much so I stopped talking to them about going online when I was in high school), and are very transphobic so I'm not out to them. Since I'm AFAB, they're very "oh be careful out there and NEVER do anything alone because it's DANGEROUS." Which feels like a load of crap to me; I'm taking a vacation, not going for a jaunt down a dark alley. My mother in particular is also very into conformity, so I've never told her about my con-going, fandom loving ways.
So I planned and went on this trip, entirely in secret, and lied the entire time I was there. And I had a genuinely great time, no regrets, and not once did I feel unsafe. I told my housemate (almost 26) my flight details and whereabouts so I had backup if needed, and figured that was fine on the safety front. Also I am financially independent, so none of their money was used.
The conflict: obvious I lied a lot. I know my parents would disapprove and would be so mad if they knew. A few of their ideas just center around me being safe, so I felt kinda bad, you know?
A lot of folks will see my age and say I can do what I want, but being brought up by overprotective Christians will indeed make realizing if you're being reasonable or not a whole lot harder! I'm also working on figuring out how to proceed in the future; I still talk to them bc of my elderly pets and extended family. It's complex to navigate. I wanna throw this one to tumblr to decide, I think it would be good to get some random perspective in here. I'll be replying to questions in the comments off anon once/if it's posted :)
So tumblr AITA for taking a secret trip that my parents would've disapproved of top-to-bottom and straight up lying about it?
What are these acronyms?
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ganondoodle · 11 months
still thinking about how even just the decision to basically act like the shiekah tech never existed is just ... so baffling to me
bc again you could have done all the sonau tech does with shiekah instead, and they were perfect to be explored more in a sequel, why wouldnt you grasp that potential, the literal building blocks for more??
if you are that tired of shiekah tech .. dont make it a fuckign sequel to the game prominently featuring it???? totk doesnt take place generations after botw in which things could have changed drastically, its just a few years afterwards??
you want to reuse the map and get rid of shiekah tech? ok fine take LINK into the past then and the focus is for you to find a way to return; do some neat twist where its revealed that link was the one who sealed gan bc he couldnt defeat him without zelda or something if you dare (they wouldnt)
want less work than that and still reuse the map and get rid of shiekah tech AND reuse characters? ok then make it some alternate universe thingy like majoras mask in which everythign is the same but also isnt, its weird and creepy how characters you thoguht you knew suddendly dont act like themselves, shiekah tech doesnt exist, malice is now miasma, etc, it would give reason to why you feel so much like something about this world is familiar yet also very wrong
as far as im aware every "sequel" we have had so far were either generations apart from the first one, some alternate universe or a different location altogether- in all of which its plausible that things are different, things seem weirdly familiar but also wrong, or that another continent just works different from hyrule
but totk does none of that, its supposedly just a few years after the first game, same world same character, but its BUILT like some strange jumbled mess of stuff from botw and new stuff out of nowhere that just .. doesnt fit, but feeling a strange sense of otherness, a déja vu of something you know but it acts off, like an imposter, thats NOT intentional and it shows, its a mess of botw stuff, from stuff that people missed from the old games and entirely new stuff; i dont doubt it CAN work but the way it turned out is like a mix of 3 different puzzles forced together and being told 'see it fits!' even tho you can clearly see the pieces dont look right in these places
again it feels like a sequel that desperately wants you to forget the first game happened, that anythign from it mattered at all
and that isnt really ... the sense of a sequel? why insist on it being one when it only creates problems? is it marketing?? just like it was marketing to call age of calamity a telling of what happened before botw but then it wasnt that at all and that is still the sole reason why i dislike it? bc i was lied to? totk is like 10000 times worse than that, its a main title and doesnt even have the excuse of yeah its basically an excuse to play all your fav characters in fun ways and the game beign well aware that being its main appeal; what is totk appeal? a toybox with botw aestethic and none of the flavor?
(on a sidenote; the sonau tech doesnt even .. matter? in botw at least calamity ganon was made of shiekah tech parts and him overtaking other tech is a big point, the sonau tech doesnt serve anything but .. idk minerus useless mech? gan doesnt even aknowledge it, he doesnt care, all it is is toys for the player, not link, but the player. the monsters mining the tech materials? what for? gan doesnt give a damn and they dont work for the yiga either??)
i said it before but it gives me the feeling that the way botw invited you to theorize, to look beneath the surface, the way it intrigued you and laid the groundwork for so many interesting things without denying anything.. was accidental? or perhaps put in the game without the directors noticing? i cant stop thinking about them saying sth like "after botw zelda wondered if the kingdom of hyrule needed to keep existing the way it had been before the calamity, but then totk happens" bc it just feels like they realized too late that botw naturally led into questioning the status quo and they scrambled to fit it back into a flat and boring road we have seen so many times before (or even worse really) with totk
zeldas character naturally leads into her questioning and reexamine their history and set of rules? we gotta teach her a lesson of why she is importante god given monarchy girl that has to keep it bc what if evil brown man shows up again for no reason
maybe im grasping at straws here but looking at it this way the sonau .. make more "sense"; the shiekah were a group that was under the rule of the royal family, and misstreated before (oh no look soemthing interesting) so they dont lend themselves well to be used for teaching zelda that lesson- the sonau however are tailored really to be just that; they are a supposedly godly race from the literal sky that founded this version of hyrule, that had tech even more advanced and better than the shiekah, she gets put in the past to meet the perfect god king of goodness personally, also his very fridgy wifey that zelda later replaces in a way, shes put there and treated like family and then gets to see just how evil that evil big man from the desert is, sonia is falcon-punched to death solely so zelda can feel obligated to take over her role, have her new, better 'family' hurt by gan; similarly so raurus sacrifice, look what a noble and good king he is, he payed the ultimate price to lock that evil man away, now zelda you cannot let their sacrifice go to waste, rebuild that divinely good kingdom like it was!!
and even though they go so much out of their way to put the cart back onto the rails of black and white-good and evil in an even flatter way than the old games, it still doesnt feel right, at least to me, it still feels like zelda shouldnt have gone along with all of that, it feels like even her character from botw was walked back entirely, except for the intro, it made her feel like a stranger to me-
because this is a sequel, i know this zelda, she wouldnt act like that after all that shes been through, this feels ... off
and it all just insulting to anyone who cared about botw more than surface level, or the zelda lore in general, i dont even care much about the timeline, but theres alot of lore and themes beyond it that felt ignored, especially so given that .. its a damn sequel, non AU, not generations apart, directly part 2-
but its not.
it even feels very "corporate", put zelda in a dress again, people liked that, put crazy abilities in the game to flashbang people with how insane it is even if its not the best for the gameplay or the story, put a new asthetic into it out of nowhere bc its 'new' and act like its been there the whole time, put gan in there bc people miss him and find him sexy even if his role is just as flat as that of an evil cloud monster-
you know, i saw a post that said aoc was like a bad fanfic (affectionate) and totk was like a bad fanfic (derogatory) and tbh thats like one of the best comparisons/summaries i have seen ..
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quirkle2 · 3 months
i'm sad so im gonna talk about dimple in the anime world domination arc and how he makes me a little ill
besides the divine tree arc, bc that's obviously where he rly shines, i think the wd arc is where we see the most Genuine Dimple. we see him just earnestly helping out any way he can during this whole thing, doing his absolute best to keep mob alive and anybody the kid cares about to boot. and Yeah, he has a motive to help the kid bc he's trying to earn his trust to manipulate him, but he Knows mob trusts him already (see mogami arc). he doesn't have to keep this up. i dont think dimple even has any of that on his mind at the time.
there's a couple lines in this arc from dimple that feel like they come straight from his soul and i never stop thinking about them. i'll talk about The Scene in a minute but
when they meet up with reigen and the others in the hideout, dimple does not have to say "let him rest, i'll fill you in," but he does. when mob is unconscious and vulnerable dimple does not have to protect him, but he does. when mob is fighting minegishi dimple does not have to stay—hell, when mogami shows up, somebody that dimple seems very afraid of, he does not have to stay, but he does. and when mob goes up that tower to confront serizawa and toichiro, dimple accompanies him, not rly bc reigen asks him to, but bc he seemed like he was planning on it from the start with that little "i know i know" that sounds so halfheartedly bothered
he doesn't have to do really Anything that he does in wd arc, and yet he's there and helping, and while you can argue that a lot of it might've been done just to keep mob alive and dimple in his favor, i think the majority of it was instinctual and real
mogami arc seemed like a turning point for dimple and mob's relationship, bc mob truly and completely put his life and wellbeing into dimple's hands and dimple's hands alone. dimple cracks some joke abt his uglier intentions and mob simply stares and says "i'm sure it'll be fine," and dimple visibly does not know how to react to this. like reigen says later: this is the first time somebody has put so much trust in him. dimple has No Idea what to do w this, and the sheer kindness of it makes him hesitate to take advantage of the kid
the fact that dimple is able to possess mob at all during wd arc goes against what we've been told before about espers and their mental barriers, which (and i believe this is touched on in the manga w more explanation but i haven't read it) shows just how much trust mob has in dimple. his mental barriers are already off 24/7 for the guy. dimple could probably possess him whenever the fuck he wanted
Something changed in dimple's mind between mogami arc and wd arc, and that's further proven by a line of his in s3. it's been a while since i've watched this part so correct me if i'm wrong but i think dimple says smth about forgetting that his original goal had been to become god. that he lost sight of that somewhere along the way, and just stopped thinking about it. even during divine tree arc, toward the end, he says smth about "has being around the unmotived shigeo caused me to lose sight of my goals and ambitions?" at some point dimple just completely dropped that goal and started being a genuine friend w no ulterior motives. started embracing that trust he's been given, and not letting it go to waste
yes, dimple half-lied to calm him down after the fire, but he tells reigen that he has reason to believe what he said was true. and when reigen comments that mob would hate him if he Knew he lied, dimple's reaction is Genuine Remorse. that face is not one of "damn my evil schemes r falling apart. aw drat" or "ohmy god i'm going to be exorcised" that is the face of a guy who feels real and honest regret and guilt over even the Thought of his friend hating him. that is a guy who shrinks into himself at the idea of mob not calling him a friend anymore
and so.when mob runs to his parents' room and That Scene happens, dimple's first and genuine response is to scream at mob to look away, shigeo! look away! protecting the kid, protecting his innocence, bc no kid should have to look at something so horrible, and dimple Cares about this kid. he doesn't know when he started caring, but he cares now, and in a dire situation like this, dimple's knee-jerk reaction is to comfort and protect this boy, not take advantage of him. do u understand how important this scene is to me.
this rly has nothing to do w the story itself but i am an English Dub Enjoyer and dimple's va is Outstanding, especially when he voices that look away, shigeo! look away! it sounds so panicked, so desperate—there's rly nothing in the rest of the show that sounds quite like it bc it's so horribly despairing and pleading. he just wants shigeo to look away, to not stare at his family's burning faces. it's a devastatingly raw command that burns just like the walls do. that line and its delivery is so haunting to me
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 1 year
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[6:19 pm]
cw: mostly angst, i said shit a few times, read more bc she's a little long
Being in a relationship with Jeno was much different than being just friends. He still knew you better than anyone else thanks to many years of friendship, but that didn’t mean there weren’t difficulties in the relationship, especially so early on.
There was the issue in the first few months of lack of affection. Going from friends to lovers was simple sure, the titles changed, but Jeno was still treating you like a friend at first. He showed you almost no affection which made you question whether or not you were really even in a relationship. You both talked it out, and the problem was resolved.
Now there was the very apparent issue of being busy. When you were just friends it was easy to just take a break from each other until the stress was gone or you were both less busy, but that’s not how you wanted your romantic relationship to work. You weren’t trying to point fingers at just Jeno, you were busy too, but it had come to a head about a month ago when Jeno had forgotten your birthday.
You were never one that was for big celebrations on your birthday, but you were kind of excited to see how your birthday with Jeno as your boyfriend would be different. The difference had been that he miraculously remembered the dinner he had helped plan with your friend group and showed up 30 minutes late. He was able to recover from that with a lot of groveling, apologies, and a day fully dedicated to you.
Needless to say he felt very bad and had promised to never make a mistake like that again. But here you were, on your one year anniversary sitting in your favorite diner, alone.
You had both agreed on nothing big, your anniversary fell in the middle of the week and he had been so stressed and busy with work. You hadn't seen him in person for just over a week, just facetimes and text conversations that were always short because he fell asleep 90% of the time.
You had both made the plans for dinner a few days ago, he had confirmed the time and told you that he couldn't wait to see you, only after he made you promise you hadn't gotten him anything. You had lied, of course you got him something, he just wouldn't be getting it today now.
You gave him a 20 minute grace period, maybe practice was running long and you'd be getting a text soon. Then 40 minutes passed with no communication and you just ordered for yourself. Then an hour later with nothing from Jeno, you paid your bill and went home. He hadn't responded to any of your texts and your calls went straight to voicemail.
Unfortunately for you, you could tell from Instagram stories that Jeno was very much safe and having fun with his friends drinking beer and bowling like it wasn't your anniversary. To say you were furious would be an understatement. He made the plans, he wanted to go out even though you insisted on just doing something intimate at home, he left you sitting alone in a restaurant feeling sick to your stomach with nerves over whether or not he was ok.
The next day, you ignored his texts, letting him know with one text that you were fine but needed some space from him to clear your head. He had spammed you with confused texts asking what he did, if there was anything he could do, if there was anything you needed, which though sweet, just deepened the hole he dug for himself. He still had no idea.
Now, you were sitting on your couch watching your favorite guilty pleasure reality show when there was s series of heavy knocks against your door. You heard your name, "Can you just let me know that you're ok? You've been ignoring me all day."
You scoffed, he didn't like it when the shoe was on the other foot? Serves him right. He persisted with his knocking making you sigh with a roll of your eyes before you walked over to the door and pulled it open.
"Oh, thank goodness. Why have you been ignoring me? What did I do?" Jeno questioned.
You turned and grabbed his neatly wrapped gift, pushing it into his chest, "I don't know, how about you ask the guys? Happy anniversary, Jeno."
The door closed, as he stared blankly at the door with his jaw hanging. Shit.
He started again with the knocking, his mind running a million miles a minute trying to think of some way to fix this. Of course you didn't answer. Hell, he wouldn't open the door if he was in your shoes either.
The knocking had stopped, which saddened you because Jeno had put so little effort into fixing things. You felt like you had done a good job at stopping the tears, but now you couldn't help it. Maybe you were better as friends, maybe being in a relationship had completely ruined all the history you had together, maybe that was Jeno leaving your life for good.
You openly sobbed, doing nothing to fight the endless stream of tears or loud sobs.
You didn't even know how long you had been crying when a knock came from the door. It was probably one of your neighbors begging you to shut up because your ugly sobs were getting irritating.
You wiped your face and stood straight, ready to apologize when you faced them, but it wasn't a neighbor. It was Jeno, "Can I come in? Please."
You stepped aside, watching as he paced across the length of your living area. "I don't know where to start," he mumbled to himself.
"Ok, then I'll start. Do you even want to be in a relationship with me?" You asked.
He froze, looking up from the carpet with a hurt look on his face, "Baby, of course I do. Why would you even ask me that?"
"Things were easier when we were just friends Jeno, you have to admit that. There was less pressure on us to put any effort for anything. There have been so many issues between us since we started dating, and I don't know if I want to keep putting our friendship at risk if I'm going to keep getting disappointed and hurt."
"Keep hurting you?" Jeno questioned out loud.
"For the first four months of us dating you wouldn't kiss me or hold my hand and I was the one who planned all our dates. Even though you were the one to ask me out and you knew how hesitant I was for things to change between us. You forgot my birthday and showed up to a dinner you helped plan half an hour late, and a year into this you ditched me on our first anniversary to hang out with our friends when you planned the date. I was worried sick wondering if you were even safe, blowing up your phone only to see that you were perfectly ok getting drunk while I sat alone in a restaurant." You told him.
He sighed, taking a second to gather his thoughts, there was no use in him arguing, because you were right. "I know me saying sorry isn't going to fix things, but I still feel like I should say it. You're right, I've been a shit boyfriend, but I want to be with you."
"You keep saying that but then you continue to mess up bigger than the time before and I get more hurt, I don't want to keep getting hurt Jeno."
He pulled you into his embrace, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, "I don't want to keep hurting you. You deserve so much better than me, I know that, but I also know how much I love you and it will always be you for me. There is no combination of all the letters of any language that could put into words the way you make every time I think of you. You're on my mind every second of everyday, I see you in the sunshine on a sunny day, I see you in the flowers that bloom in the warm weather, and the plant you make me keep in my room. I see you in all the little things that make life so great. I never want to lose you."
You shed a few tears, tilting your head back to look him in the eyes, "I need you to show me that then Jeno, I need you to try because I don't know how much more I can keep letting you get away with."
He pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, "I'll make it up to you and be the best boyfriend and best friend all in one. You're it for me baby, and I'm going to show you that."
You nodded against his chest, "I'm trusting you with my heart, Jeno."
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mommyashtoreth · 6 months
what are your most hated popular aziraphale and crowley mischaracterizations
GREAT question I fucking love complaining
Not to sound contradictory right off the bat but for Az it's both like. "Aziraphale is mean" and "Aziraphale is SO cartoonishly nice that he can't even fathom of anything that could be construed by anyone as being somehow 'bad'", because I think both are really fundamental misunderstandings of Aziraphale as a dramatic character for the former and as a comedic character for the latter. "Aziraphale is mean" seems to be based entirely on the ending of s2 and I've certainly said my piece about that already, but to summarize I think it's a bad reading of that scene and I find "actually Aziraphale is manipulative and mean and Crowley is 100000% always in the right and never did anything wrong ever" to make for a much more boring story than what we've actually got. On the other hand, boomeranging right into the other direction and making Aziraphale way too nice is ALSO something I find boring, but in a more standard "fandom flanderization" type of way. Like, I'm sure you've seen something where Aziraphale is so nice and good and pure and soft and sweet and smol cinnamon roll needs protection that he passes out whenever someone says the word "penis." And I find that boring! It's a bad way to engage with his joke. Aziraphale IS nice, genuinely, and he's good to people and helps people and loves humanity, but also like, he's smug and he lies and he says guns lend weight to a moral argument and is kind of a cunt in ways people don't give him credit for. And that's good! That's awesome. He's really really really funny and I obviously really really like him. Basically I wish people knew how to balance "Aziraphale is nice" and "Aziraphale is a bitch" bc both are true and it's a fine-tuned craft managing to depict both at once
Crowley is harder to pin down... idk I just Also find a lot of fandom Crowley very boring in very similar ways, either stripping him down (God I wish) to form one half of a very basic very boring Good Guy Vs. Bad Guy dynamic, or making him this like Sexy Domineering Alpha Male Daddy Dom type that I find very boring. Not that I think Crowley can never be sexy or domineering, my url is literally, yknow, that, but I think all his "evilness" has an almost playful nature to it where like you know he's having fun with it, OR I like when it feels like he's doing it as a job. like Oh, fuck, have to make the quota today. Gotta go cause a pileup. I think people generally tend to make Crowley either too serious or too nice, and he IS nice, there's a guarded softness in like both renditions of the character that IS very important, but he's still Also kind of a bitch! And that's fun! Idk people always make "sin" out to be some huge thing like "Crowley has to literally murder a child" which makes for good conflict, but there's also little stuff that he's a) good at and b) likes doing, like causing traffic jams and moving construction poles around and just like, generally annoying people and I think that's really really funny. I read a fic once where she would order pizza for delivery to other people's houses, and I'm still workshopping mine where she, like, convinces this rich guy to invest in a bad industry so when his stocks plummet he'll be insufferable to be around (also bc greed is a sin. There are sins besides lust! Animals), and that's fun! And honestly Crowley's fun even when he's down in the dumps, he's funny when he gets annoyed with Aziraphale or when he gets angry at Gabriel or whatever. I wish people tapped into that more! Idk I also clearly like Crowley a lot I think we could hang out I could grab a beer with him and play Bowie and Brian Eno on the jukebox, and a lot of fandom Crowley does not feel like somebody I could grab a beer with. Let him loosen up! Misery is fun to write but all work and no play makes Tony a dull boy
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hiii can i request chishiya getting jealous when he sees the reader talking to niragi and pulls her away into his room and fucks her dumb thank youu 💕
Mine All Mine
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requested?: yes pairing(s): shuntarō chishiya x afab!reader, platonic!niragi x platonic!reader (mentioned) genre: smut warning(s): kind of possessive(?) chishiya, set in the borderlands, mentions of breeding, degredation, hair pulling, spanking, pussy spanking, orgasm denial, oral (f&m recieving), fingering, squirting, really rough sex (rlly good aftercare tho), reader is like a little masochist omfg, mentions of crying, honestly js really mean and rough chishiya tbf summary: 𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘯𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘪, 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘺𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘴 𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘴𝘰 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳 word count: 3.7k (i made it good since its been so long) a/n: hi guys, i am so so so very sorry that i have been MIA for a little while, i came back from my holiday not long ahgo (it was very good) and i have just been struggling a lot to write this bc i had a lot of ideas but js didnt know how to put anything into words. i managed to finish twisted lies tho! and king of wrath, king of pride and king of greed! so requests are officially open for the twisted men. remember to eat and drink something, love yas, mwah! (p.s. i may also open requests for the king of sin men once i have read king of sloth)
you and niragi had kind of been some-what friends before the borderlands. so when you finally made it to ‘the beach’ he was practically the only one you knew. obviously, niragi was a bit crazy, but he wasn’t around you.
after one specific game, you had managed to befriend/meet a man with longish blonde hair, swimming trunks and a hoodie that was always zipped until it met his mid-chest. chishiya.
not long later, you were practically in a relationship with chishiya. it had started off with a mutual agreement, you would be friends with benefits. it started off with harmless sex. stressed after a game? chishiya was right there to eat you out and get rid of said stress. and that’s when it hit you. you had fallen in love with the blonde man.
so, given, when you were tired and in bed while chishiya was getting dressed and ready to leave your room, you whispered a small ‘i love you’ which didn’t go unnoticed, and led to another round of (softer) sex where afterwards chishiya told you he loved you too.
even though you and chishiya were sort of together, you still talked to niragi quite frequently. this angered chishiya, but he didn’t want to be seen as the over-bearing boyfriend, so he let it go. but you were beginning to laugh with niragi a lot more. kuina would sit next to him and tell him that everything is fine and he probably just told you a joke, but chishiya knew that laugh. it was his laugh.
it was the laugh you did when chishiya brought something back from a game for you, like a little souvenir, it was the laugh you did when chishiya told you a joke to prevent you from panicking at the start of a game, it was the laugh you did when chishiya ran his knuckles over your sides to help you sleep after sex, and it tickled a little too much. it was his laugh.
so granted, chishiya got you more gifts because he was scared you would leave him, he told you more jokes so it would give him a sense of pride that you were his and you always would be, and he fucked you senseless and raw every night for a sweet, sweet reminder that you were his and only his.
but today, you had laughed just a little too long at one of niragi’s jokes, and it had been happening for a little too long, that chishiya snapped. he made his way over to you, grabbed your arm and tugged you along with him. despite your protests.
he tugged you to your room and closed the door behind you, pushing you into the room. he instantly attached his lips to yours in a fiery kiss, and you tried to kiss back, but chishiya was hungry. he was kissing you like a man starved from love. his tongue ran across your bottom lip, and chishiya’s knee pushed in between your leg and rubbed, making you gasp against his lips. chishiya took this as his opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.
your tongues slid against eachother in the best way possible. you didn’t realise you both had moved until the backs of your legs hit the end on the bed, making you break the kiss and fall backwards onto it.
chishiya wasted no time in grabbing your bikini bottoms and ripping them down, shredding the fabric as he did so. he then clambered on top of you and ripped your bikini top off aswell, throwing it god knows where in the messy room you were staying in.
he smirked down at you, before attaching his lips to your neck and sucking a few small bites before moving down your collarbone, to stomach and them down to your aching core. chishiya looked up at you before diving straight into your sopping pussy, feeding on your small bud like a man starved.
his tongue lapped at your folds before licking a stripe upwards to your clit and giving it a harsh suck. he gave it a couple more sucks before he slides his middle finger into your sopping cunt, curling them to hit your g-spot. he thrusted one finger into you a few times at the same time as sucking your clit, before sliding another finger into you, stretching you out.
you moan out and arch your back as you feel your high beginning to approach.
“shiya- gonna come” you whimper out, but as soon as you did, chishiya stopped all of his actions, the feeling of your upcoming orgasm simmering away. you quickly regain yourself and sit up, chishiya pushes you back down. “what was that for?” you grumble.
“bad girls get punished” he said lowly before delving back into your pussy again, retreating his fingers back into the spot they were inside your cunt.
his fingers curl inside of you, aswell as his mouth harshly sucking on your clit again. soon, he takes his mouth off of your clit and decides to just go solo with his fingers, curling them and pumping them inside of your sopping hole, you moaned out frantically, pleas leaving your mouth as he abused your hole, adding another finger.
chishiya then brought his thumb to your clit, pumping his fingers in and out of you aswell as circling and pressing on your clit. you began to feel your high approaching you again, and tried to grind against chishiya’s hand to gain more friction to get yourself to the edge faster. but chishiya, being as observant as he is, sensed your oncoming orgasm and withdrew his hand, destroying your second orgasm.
you huffed as chishiya looked up at me.
“why won’t you let me come?” you ask, propping yourself up on your elbows, looking down at chishiya who was still in-between your legs.
“because you’ve been a bad girl, sweetheart” he says lowly, you gave him a confused expression, but he doesn’t answer and instead pushes your thighs ore open, placing them over his shoulders to gain more access to your aching pussy.
his tongue slides easily into your hole, after all, you were soaking. his nose hitting your over sensitized clit over and over again, making your hips buck into chishiya’s face. your hands gripped the sheets of the unmade bed beneath you, the other hand going to chishiya’s hair and tugging slightly, before pushing his face back into your pussy, forcing him to stay there as he fucked his tongue in and out of you, eliciting mewls and moans from your mouth.
as soon as it started, you felt your orgasm beginning to approach again, you tried to hold chishiya’s head where it was against your cunt, chishiya sensed you were close and tried to pull back, but it was too late. your orgasm crashed over you, seeing nothing but white as your juices squirted all over chishiya’s face. as you came back to your senses, you felt chishiya’s tongue lapping at your folds again. you tried to push his face away as you were overstimulated, but this time, chishiya was stronger and kept his face where it was.
soon, you fell into the pleasure again, another orgasm beginning to approach even faster than the last. but as your moans got louder and heightened in pitch, chishiya pulled back, leaving you bare.
he stood up, looking down at you laying on the bed as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand from your juices.
“such a naughty girl, coming without my permission” he tutted, “i guess i’m just going to have to punish you now, but you like that, don’t you? being treated like the little cumslut you are” he teased.
you didn’t have time to reply before chishiya grabbed you by your hips and flipped you over so you were bent over the bed. you didn’t realise chishiya had moved with you until you felt his hot breath against the shell of your ear.
“here’s what we’re going to do, sweetheart” he whispered lowly into your ear, you could feel his hardened cock pressing against your lower back, “you are going to count how many times i spank this pretty pussy of yours, and it you count correctly, i’ll give you a nice little surprise, yeah?”
“and what if i don’t?” you say softly, chishiya chuckled.
“then you’ll just have to see, won’t you?”
chishiya stood back up, looking down at you spread on the bed for him, before he grabbed your thighs and spread them. for a moment, you didn’t feel anything, until a harsh slap landed on your clit, making you mewl and move with the force of his slap. when you didn’t say a number, chishiya spanked your pussy again.
“what number was that?” he asked as your mewl turned into a moan.
“i- i can’t-“ you tried.
“what number was that” he asked, a lot more sternly, delivering another slap to your poor, over sensitized clit, you mewled out again, “c’mon baby, what number”
“three” you practically cry out as he lands another slap to your clit as an answer. “four” you mumble.
“good girl” he coos.
chishiya slaps your cunt three more times, you counted as he did so.
“good little slut, just a few more and i’m going to give you your reward, gonna fuck you so dumb that you’ll never be able to laugh with another man again” he whispers down into your ear, you only whimper in response. “poor baby, are you too fucked out?” you whimper a ‘no’ in response. “good” he says before standing back up again and landing another slap to your cunt.
chishiya slaps your clit another two times, you counted out loud, before he flips you over and smiles down at you.
“such a good girl for me, never lost count did you baby?” you only whimpered in response, not trusting yourself to form a sentence. chishiya chuckled and you heard ruffling from in-between your legs from where chishiya was standing. he had taken his swimming trunks off and was now stood fully naked, his cock hard and dripping with pre-cum.
you practically drooled at the sight, chishiya’s smile turned into a smirk as he watched your reaction to his now free cock.
“you gonna keep ogling me, or you got something i can help you with, sweetheart” he smirked down at you, you didn’t say anything but instead let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and changed your gaze to look back up into his eyes. he only raised a brow at you.
“please” you breathed out.
“please what? hm? please fuck you dumb like the little cockslut you are? c’mon, baby, say it” he practically cooed at you.
“yes” you said urgently, he stared at you expectantly. “please fuck me dumb like the little cockslut i am” you practically whimpered, he smiled in satisfaction.
“good slut. since you’ve been so good for me, i’ll give you what you want”
he didn’t give you much time to think before he was slamming his cock inside of you with so much force that the bed almost moved with you. you moaned out loudly as he did so, grasping at the sheets of the unmade bed and throwing your head back. chishiya chuckled from where he stood in-between your legs, his cock now fully sheafed snuggly inside of your walls.
you wrapped your legs around his torso, drawing him in impossibly closer than he already was. chishiya waited a few minutes for you to adjust to his size before you gave him the good-to-go, before he started moving. when he started off, his thrusts were brutally slow, you were practically begging and mewling for him to go faster.
chishiya only smirked down at you as you begged, you weren’t looking a him, but you could practically sense the smirk plastered on his face.
“you want me to go faster, hm, baby?” you could only nod in response as a certain movement of chishiya’s hips hit that oh-so sweet spot inside of you that made you throw your head back and see nothing but stars. chishiya only got slightly annoyed by your lack of response as he grabbed a fistful of your hair and forced you to look at him. “when i ask you a question answer me with your words you pathetic little slut” he practically growled.
you were now sat up, your legs still wrapped around chishiya’s torso as his cock pressed into your sopping little hole.
“f-fuck please” you moan out. “please fuck me harder” you add as chishiya stares at you, his hips now stilled with his cock pressed into your walls.
“good slut” chishiya pulled your hair back roughly so you were looking up at the ceiling, tears pricked in your eyes.
chishiya then resumed his thrusts into your pussy, his pace still slow but his thrusts a lot more powerful and hard, hitting spots inside of you, you never knew anyone could ever reach, not anyone but chishiya. chishiya was the only man who could ever make you see stars the way you did.
the sound of your moans and chishiya’s occasional grunts bounced off the walls of the hotel room, the scent of sex filling the air. the obscene sounds of skin hitting skin and your squelching pussy taking chishiya’s cock so well.
“oh, you’re such a dirty little slut, aren’t you? taking my cock so fucking well in that tight little cunt of yours” he groaned, you could only whimper in response, again, not trusting yourself to fully form a sentence.
chishiya thrusted his hips a few more times, each time hitting that gummy spot inside of you that made you feel on the brink of heaven, each stroke of his cock drawing you closer and closer to the edge. your moans began to get higher in pitch as you neared the end.
“shiya don’t stop- gonn-gonna come” you moan out, tightening your legs around chishiya’s waist to keep him there as the familiar knot formed in your stomach, threatening to snap at any given moment. you shoved your head into his chest, muffling your moans.
“m not gonna stop baby, not gonna stop. gonna come too yeah? breed this little pussy so everyone knows you’re fucking mine and to not make you laugh the way i do, especially not make you come all over my cock the way i do all the fucking time yeah?” you only nodded in response as the knot snapped In your stomach, causing white to cloud your vision and pleasure to wrack through every inch of your body.
your eyes roll back in your head as your head was thrown back, a cry leaving your lips as you clamped down on chishiya’s cock. chishiya came not long after you, a low groan leaving his mouth as he held his hand against your head which was now pressed against his chest.
chishiya didn’t give you much time to regain yourself as he pulled out and flipped you around on your stomach before sliding back into your dripping pussy, now full with his cum.
he placed his hands on your hips to hold you in place as he thrusted inside of you fast and hard your moans and whimpers only spurring him on as you gripped onto the bedsheets and shoved your face into them as an attempt to muffle your moans.
unfortunately enough, chishiya caught you in the act and tugged your head back as he kept pistoling his hips into yours.
“don’t cover up your pretty moans. want everyone to hear that you’re mine yeah?” chishiya leaned down to whisper in your ear, you nod, chishiya growls and tugs your head back further.
“y-yes” you cry out as another orgasm washes over you.
chishiya groans as he feels your walls clamp down on him as you come again, chishiya again not far behind.
you panted as you came down from your long lasting high, you felt like you couldn’t stop coming as chishiya spilled himself inside of you. after what felt like an eternity, you came down from your high to see chishiya just staring at you with those lust filled eyes you loved oh-so much.
“you’ve never done that before” he whispered, if he wasn’t so close, you would have not heard him, you could only whimper in response as at this point you were too fucked out to form a coherent sentence. “get on all fours. now” chishiya whispered into your ear.
it took you a few seconds to get up, but when you did, you were met with chishiya’s cock plunging straight back into you, as though it had been a while since the two of you had fucked, when in reality it had only been a few minutes or so. either way, you weren’t complaining.
after a few thrusts of his hips, you felt a hand land harshly on your ass, creating an oh-so delicious sting. you babbled out about how good it felt, but chishiya couldn’t workout a word you had said as they were all quite slurred together and too incoherent, but chishiya didn’t care what you said as he just landed another harsh spank on your now reddening ass.
soon, chishiya stopped his brutal attack on your ass as red handprints started to form, and instead reached his hand forwards to your front to draw circles on your slippery clit, he felt your juices leak from your poor abused hole as he did so, your pretty little pussy clenching around his fat cock as he did so.
“are you gonna laugh with him again?” you chishiya asked, delivering a slap to your pussy when you only replied with a whimper.
“laugh with who, shiya?” you moaned out as he started to circle your poor over sensitised clit, he only chuckled in response, leaning down to suck a hickey on your back.
“niragi, baby. you gonna laugh and flirt with him again?” you could only whimper out in confusion. flirting with niragi? what did he mean?
“flirting- fuck right there- shiya, i wasn’t flirting with hi- oh fuck” you moaned out the last couple of words as chishiya’s cock abused a spot inside of you that made you edge closer and closer to your edge with a brutal force.
“don’t lie to me” he cut himself off with a grunt. “i saw you laughing with him, the laugh you use with me and only me” his hips started to get faster and more brutal as his cock bruised your cervix.
you whimpered as you felt yourself nearing the edge.
“shiya, he’s a childhood friend, we were friends before the borderlands”
“and i can tell when a man is trying to get into a girl’s pants, sweetheart”
“nothing is going on with me and him- fuck” you cut yourself off as you came again, chishiya’s fingers still circling your clit, juices dripping from your hole and down your thighs to the bed. if you looked down, you could see the mess you had both (mostly you) had made.
chishiya groaned and came not long after you, fucking his cum into your hole as he helped you ride out both of your highs.
“such a good girl” he mumbled, pulling out of you and letting you lie down on the soft mattress.
chishiya pressed small open mouthed kisses all over your neck and shoulder to help sooth your pants as you came down from your third high of the night. chishiya took one look at your pussy, full and dripping with a mixture of your and his cum before slipping two fingers inside of you, making you whimper.
the sight of you now taking his fingers so well in your pussy made his cock perk up again, the glistening tip from both of your arousals reddening with need.
he flipped you over again and sat you up, removing his fingers from you as he did so. he sat on the edge of the bed as he moved you to kneel in front of him, in between his legs.
“you gonna clean up your mess now, my pretty little slut” with his words, you knew what to do and took him all in your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat and making you gag, the action making chishiya groan out in pleasure.
he gathered your hair into a ponytail, shoving your mouth back onto his cock when you tried to move off him, making you gag again, tears pricking in the corners of your eyes, them spilling down your cheeks, but chishiya was too lost in pleasure to care about it, his head thrown back.
his adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed a groan.
it didn’t take long before chishiya was spilling himself down your mouth, and you swallowed it all, moving your mouth from his cock.
chishiya slipped two of his fingers into your mouth when you had, smiling when he sees that you had swallowed every drop he gave you.
chishiya then picked you up and took you to he hotel bathroom, sitting you on the bathroom floor and grabbing a damp cloth before starting the bath. he wiped you as best as he could as the bath filled with water and bubbles he had put in. chishiya didn’t necessarily like bubble baths, but you did. and whatever you liked, chishiya did too.
soon, you were both settled in the bath, you in between chishiya’s legs, back pressed against his chest.
“you don’t have to worry about me and niragi, y’know, i don’t like him like that” you said with your eyes closed, but you turn to look at him with the next part you said. “he’s not my type, anyways.”
“yeah, and what’s your ‘type’ pretty?” he smiles down at you. you pretend to think before answering.
“blonde, slightly long hair, quite, brown eyes, student doctor, a little scary at times” you both laugh as you named the last thing. “but, seriously, shiya, i love you and nothing will ever change that” you said as you both sobered up.
“i love you too, pretty, more than you could ever know” he leaned down and captured your lips in a sweet kiss.
it was safe to say that the next morning, you were greeted with a smirking niragi.  
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le-trash-prince · 1 month
This Love Doesn’t Have Long Beans Episode 7 Thoughts
Oab not even gonna comment on Kluer trying to kiss Plawan he’s just gonna get his man out of there
I’ve said it before but I do not like Kluer. Too much Nice Guy TM energy for me. Just bc ppl smile and tell you all the things you want to hear does not mean they are good to be around
Plawan being upset about Khaosuay but still trying to be understanding towards Oab :(
Did Plawan get this muscle metaphor from JJ i bet he got this metaphor from JJ
Oh no they’re actually getting together before Plawan tells Oab about Methas OH THIS IS GONNA HURT
Plawan’s convenient odinsleep when Kluer tries to confess… me tbh
“Do you think Kluer will be really hurt?” *cuts to Kluer sobbing his heart out* don’t worry he’s a trooper i think he’ll be fine
I think this is my fave OabPlawan love scene so far, it’s so well choreographed and the framing is great… that pants drop was fantastic. Too bad it’s such a short scene
Methas’ fucking pouty face when he’s asking JJ to hold his hand
Ooooh JJ’s trying to draw a line, he’s caught feelings
You got a butt cramp Methas?? REALLY???
JJ ALMOST GAVE IN TO THE KISS ARGHDNFNFNF i knew it was gonna happen it was literally in the pilot but im HRRGGHDFBNFBG
Butterfly pea flower tea!!! Plawan’s presentation is so fucking cute
Punsib you were too good for all the hormones in this kitchen
Kluer this ain’t it man… just let it go son
Pad croquette??? I want…
“I never cry when you teach me” alexa play Teach Me Tonight by Dinah Washington 
It’s the way they started making out downstairs when Kluer is still living there and he’s the only one left… Kluer buddy if I were you I would just quit at this point it’s not gonna be a good time for you
he’s got teleporting powers now too damn 
Even though I don’t care for Kluer, I don’t blame him if he snaps tbh. The most absurd part of this competition is making your right hand man jump through all these hoops to prove himself over complete strangers. Like if Kluer had the money in the first place, Chef could’ve just sold him the restaurant and none of this drama would’ve gone down
Laughing my ass off at the long beans reveal no one ever reacted this dramatically to a dish with yardlong beans in it before
Gonna be so sad when this is over tho, they better be starting on Pit Babe 2 soon before my brain eats itself alive
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d0v3uae · 8 months
hey everyone, another analysis!!
alright so i wanna talk about the cabin scene. so this scene starts off when everyone coming out of the van (most likely came straight there from the hospital) and i just wanna briefly go over this, but we see el standing by herself, and not next to mike? if you look close enough we see mike and will walking side by side (bc they dont know what personal space is, and i love that about them) but we see el standing by herself. mike shouldnt you stand and comfort your girlfriend when you know this is a traumatic place for her? and some people said "oh its because they are on bad terms" which yes they are, but in the hospital scene, we can see them acting fine? in fat el even rested her head on mikes shoulders. idk this might just be cause mike is oblivious or a bad boyfriend? anyways a few scenes later we see el walk by and she grimaced at mike? now i think this is really weird because usually when someone grimaces it means-pain, disgust or disapproval-. now this is really weird, because why would el grimace at mike after he said i love you to her? does this mean el knew mike was lying about the monologue, and that it was encouraged by will? in my opinion, yes. i do think el knew mike was lying, why you may ask? well, when el was being choked, we knew she could hear mike, actually very clearly. so this means she also heard will, because if el could hear mike, why couldnt she hear will. and will was speaking very loudly when he said that, and wen mike said i love you to her for the first time, she didnt seem to happy to hear it, considering she has been wanting him to say it. i think this also goes along with el knowing that mike lied.
anyways i got to lazy to finish it, but ill prob make another one soon. but once again. BYLER ENDGAME
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tycarstairs · 9 months
okay i just need to get this out bc i have kitty brainrot. but livvy said this to kit about ty and paige:
“when she came home, she laughed at him and told him to go away, she hadn’t meant it, and was he stupid?”
and she said,
“Since then, Ty’s learned so much about the way people say things they don’t mean, about tone not matching expression, all that. But he trusts you, he’s let you in. He might not always remember to apply that stuff to you. I’m just saying—don’t lie to him. Don’t lead him on.”
and what does kit do? he lies to ty and leads him on in the exact why livvy warned him not to, and because ty trusts him and has let him in, he never suspects that kit would do that.
which brings us to this:
“You knew it all along and you told me it was fine. You went along with it until the very last minute and then you told me not to do it. I thought you cared, but you lied to me. Just like everyone else.”
if kit were anyone else, ty might have applied those rules to him and figured out that kit didn’t actually want to do all this with him. but because this is kit, someone he trusts, he expects kit to be honest with him. and he wasn’t.
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ashwhowrites · 11 months
Steve and her sister (Reader) taking the kids to trick or treat, bc Miss Byers asked them after what happened with Will, so Steve asks Robin and Eddie to come with them, but Reader is really nervous and Steve can tell something's going on, but he doesn't asks, after some days, Steve, Rob and Reader are at Family Video when Eddie shows up and the mood changes quickly, so then Steve asks Y/N what was happening between them and she tells him that she and Eddie had sex at a Halloween party, some days ago and they haven't talked abt it since it happened. After a week of classes and work, Y/N is invited to Chrissy Cunningham's Halloween party, and she goes with Robin and Steve, and there she sees Eddie and Chrissy and she thinks that he played with her, and she ends up getting out of the party crying and Steve and Robin are searching her inside the house but Eddie heard about not having a clue about where Y/N was, so he goes outside and he sees Y/N crying, she was dressed as a princess, she looked very cute, so he puts his jacket on her shoulders, and they started talking and reader tells Eddie that she thought that he liked her, but then she saw him with Chrissy, but Eddie kisses her and tells her that she's just buying from him, and that he wants to be with Y/N and he would even fight with Steve just to prove that to her, and she just laughs and they kiss and Steve and Robin were exiting the house and saw that, and they decided to pretend they didn't saw anything, so they entered again until they weren't kissing
- 🩷
So! The timeline you provided is a little out of order, since trick or treating happens on Halloween. So Chrissy's party is the same day, and I just cut out the video store moment. I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting <3
Happy October
Princess and the prince?
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Y/N and Steve got dragged into taking the kid's trick or treating. Steve didn't mind going, but Y/N was on edge the second Steve said he asked Robin and Eddie. Y/N hanging out with her brother's friends was normal, but lately, things have gotten awkward between her and Eddie.
Y/N didn't tell anyone, but she and Eddie hooked up recently at a Halloween party. And she hasn't heard a word from Eddie since. She wasn't sure what to say but his ghosting made her feel like she shouldn't say anything at all.
Steve knew his sister more than anyone. And he could see her nervously twitching throughout the night. Steve wasn't sure what caused her to be so nervous. He figured it had something to do with Robin or Eddie since she was perfectly fine before they arrived.
Chrissy's tradition was to throw a Halloween party on the night of Halloween. No matter what day of the week it landed on. Right after Steve and Y/N got all the kids back home, it was their turn to dress up and head to the party.
As Steve drove to the party, he looked over at Y/N. She fiddled with her puffy pink dress and the way she picked at the crown in her lap.
"Want to tell me what's going on?" Steve asked, he left it alone during trick or treating. He didn't want to put her on the spot in front of the kids. But it was just the two of them.
"What do you mean?" Y/N rushed out, looking over and Steve then back to the road.
"You've been nervous since Robin and Eddie showed up. Did something happen between you and Robin? A fight? She didn't seem awkward. So is it Eddie?" Steve noticed the way she jolted hearing his name.
"Okay, so it's Eddie. What happened with Eddie?" Steve asked. He tried to remember how Eddie acted a few hours ago, but he seemed normal. He spent most of his time talking with Dustin, which was normal.
"You know that party I went to last week?" Y/N asked.
Steve remembered her coming home, she seemed excited and a little drunk.
"Well, Eddie and I kinda hooked up." She admitted. Steve quickly pulled over, throwing his car in park as he turned to look at her.
"You had sex with Eddie Munson?" Steve gagged, Y/N rolled her eyes and gave Steve a light shove.
"No wonder you are depressed." Steve teased, feeling accomplished as a small laugh left her lips. But it was only for a second before she fell back to her nervous state.
"And tonight was the first time I've seen him since. We haven't talked about it, he hasn't called and even tonight he avoided me. I'm nervous about being around him because now it's different!" Y/N ranted, slamming her hands down on her puffy dress.
"What an ass," Steve growled, but he could put aside his anger for Eddie for Y/N.
"Look, you are dressed as a princess right now. And I know princesses are all about getting their prince charming and blah. But you don't need him. If he was man enough to sleep with you, then he should be man enough to call you. He's a coward. He's like the nasty green frog in the story." Steve tried to explain.
"The frog turns into the prince, Steve." Y/N corrected, a teasing smirk on her face as Steve groaned.
"Oh, whatever! All I'm saying is don't be upset because of him. His loss." Steve said, leaning over to hug her. Y/N wrapped her arms around Steve and gave him a slight squeeze. A small thank you in his ear.
Y/N decided to listen to Steve's words and not let Eddie affect her. It was just sex, if Eddie could move on, then she could too.
She placed her crown on her head, and a smile on her face. Excitement in her body as she saw Robin.
"A princess, how fitting." Robin complimented, a smile on her face.
"Are you...Steve?" Y/N asked, her eyes taking in Robin's work uniform but her name switched for Steve's. A wig on her head to add the extra length and volume of hair.
"I am!" Robin cheered. Quickly copying Steve's stance as his hands were on his hips, judging her costume.
Y/N laughed as Robin and Steve argued behind her. She walked into the party, the music was loud and she could barely see a thing. Smoke filled the air and the smell of liquor filled her nose.
"DRINKS!" Robin cheered, grabbing Y/N's hand and running to the kitchen.
Y/N laughed as she tried to run in her heels, her dress smacking people as she ran through. Robin poured their drinks and Y/N let her eyes take in the room. She eyed everyone's costumes then she landed on Chrissy. She was dressed as a mermaid, and her costume fit her well. Then she saw who was next to her. It was Eddie. He wasn't in costume, but yet came to a costume party.
Y/N had a good feeling he showed up since it was Chrissy. They looked to be having a long conversation, their faces getting closer and closer with each word. She could hear Chrissy's giggles and Eddie's deep chuckle.
"Are you gonna be sick?" Robin asked panicked, she looked over Y/N, who looked pale and sweaty.
"I think I need air." Y/N rushed out, fanning herself as she went to walk out of the kitchen.
"Y/N!" she heard her name coming from Chrissy's lips. She looked over her shoulder to see Chrissy waving her over, a huge smile on her face. But Y/N could only focus on Eddie standing behind her. His brown eyes stared right back at her with no emotion on his face.
Y/N truly felt like she was going to be sick, she picked up her dress and ran outside. Not caring who she smacked into.
Robin panicked as she lost her in the crowd. Immediately searching for Steve. Chrissy and Eddie followed behind Robin.
"DID YOU SEE WHERE SHE WENT?" Steve yelled over the loud music, Robin shook her head no.
"I CALLED HER NAME AND SHE RAN," Chrissy explained. Eddie stood next to her, and Steve's eyes landed on him.
"DID SHE SEE YOU?" Steve asked his eyes on Eddie and Eddie only. Both girls looked over to Eddie confused. Not sure why seeing Eddie would make her run.
But Eddie didn't say a word. He zipped up his jacket and walked through the party.
"MUNSON!" Steve yelled but he didn't turn around. The girls looked to Steve confused but he shook his head.
Eddie bit his lip as he walked out. He had a good feeling he was the reason she ran out, and he knew Steve knew why. Eddie wasn't sure who he was more afraid of seeing at the moment.
He quickly went down the steps and looked around for her pink dress. He spotted her on the curb by the street. He took a deep breath and walked over to her. Once he was close enough, he could hear her crying and the way her arms wrapped around herself.
Eddie unzipped his jacket, softly placing it on her shoulders and taking a seat next to her. He tried to swallow the hurt when she moved over, putting space between them.
"Everyone is searching for you in there," Eddie said, resting his hands on his knees as he looked over at her.
Her face was wet and mascara smeared. But Eddie still thought she looked gorgeous. She didn't answer, both sitting in silence. Her eyes were ahead and his eyes were on her.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Eddie asked, his voice cautious.
"About what?" She sniffled, she hated the way his jacket warmed her. She didn't want to find any other reason to be connected to him.
"Why did you run out?" Eddie asked, he turned his body to face her, his right hand reaching out to softly land on her knee.
"Why didn't you call?" She asked, dodging his question to ask her own.
"Because I was running from it." Eddie shrugged. But his words did nothing to make her feel better.
"Running from the mistake?" She asked, finally looking at him. His soft eyes looked at her so gently. Why didn't his words match his eyes?
"Of course not. You are not a mistake," Eddie explained. "I'm a freak, Y/N. It's social suicide to be involved with me. And I was scared that if we talked about it, you'd tell me you regretted it and didn't want to see each other anymore. It was easier to run from it than to have you admit it. I'm sorry for being such a coward." He explained, his insecurities shown through his voice.
"Oh Eddie," she cooed, landing her hand on top of his. "I didn't regret it and I don't care what people think. I like you. I liked you before we had sex, and that's why it killed me to go radio silence on each other. I thought you liked me, then you didn't say anything and now you were here with Chrissy. Not even bothering to dress up which means you probably came here just to see her."
"I'm not here with Chrissy. I wasn't even planning on coming but she wanted me to do some deals. That's why I'm not dressed up, I came here to work. There's nothing between her and I. Not like what we have." Eddie said, moving closer as he dipped his head down to be even with her.
"And what do we have?" Y/N whispered, her eyes looking down to his lips and then back up to his eyes. Her mind replayed the night they spent together. His lips on her skin, his fingers inside of her, and his whispers into her ear. How she moaned his name like a prayer, how easily he fit inside of her, how her thighs clenched around him. The way he felt inside of her as his tongue tangled with hers.
"This." He whispered, his lips on hers as he grabbed her body, moving her on his lap. Her skin was hot under his touch. He kissed her harder as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, one hand in his hair and the other on his chest. She could feel his heart racing underneath her touch. His hands slipped underneath her dress, his fingertips ghosting her thighs.
Steve and Robin made it outside, and to their surprise they found her. Well, they found her on top of Eddie as they made out like no one could see them.
"And to think, I thought his ass just left," Steve admitted, Robin smirked as she watched the two put on a show.
"We better leave them to it." Robin said, grabbing Steve's hand to bring him inside.
"I feel like I'm supposed to beat his ass for groping my sister in public." Steve shuttered in disgust but Robin kept pulling him inside.
After a few minutes, Y/N pulled back. Sucking in as much air as she could.
"That was...wow." Eddie coughed, squirming on the curb.
Y/N noticed his flushed face and the way he kept shifting. A smirk on her face as she stood up. Eddie's hand went down to cover his lap as he stood up.
"Thank you for explaining everything. I appreciate it." Y/N said, kissing his lips softly.
Eddie hummed and tried to deepen the kiss once more but she pulled away with a teasing smile.
"Not so fast. I have a party to attend." She said, fixing her crown and dress.
"Care to have a date?" Eddie asked, holding out his arm with a small bow.
"Gonna be Prince charming?" She joked, hooking her arm with his.
"Anything for you, Princess." He said with a wink. Arms hooked together as they walked back into the party.
"He's not so bad after all," Robin said, watching as the new couple laughed.
"I'm still going to kill him." Steve growled.
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