#so i put it and then i needed to go find blue sargent posts because i love blue sargent <3
bayrut · 5 months
have u started a trc reread bc of st mark's eve or are you just trcposting.....🤨🤨🤨
hehhehe hiii no haven't started but i want to!!! but i have to read some science papers first and then I'll be allowed (<- acting like my own mom so i can be productive)
if you do a reread with me ill do it 🙏
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nialltlynch · 3 years
psycho killer qu'est-ce que c'esta | little patricide never hurt anyone | be careful how you touch mewe are parallel lines (we're never meant to cross) -- i am interseted by all of these omg
ahhhhhhh psycho killer is actually from like i think pre-cdth being released but the concept has stuck with me so anyway! ronan and gansey (who are married for one (1) joke) decide that they really want to know what happened to their dead friend Noah because like.  the cops were like idk??? so gansey, in his infinite wisdom, hires 100% totally real crime psychic blue sargent to find noah’s ghost and ask him what happened.  she’s absolutely - ronan, stop laughing - the real deal.  ronan thinks this is bullshit.  he’s like hey guess what i hired 100% NOT a psychic, just good regular detective skills, private investigator adam parrish to find out what really happened. anyway they all kiss at the end (except noah because he is in fact dead )): )
patricide i already mentioned but i forgot to put a snippy in so here have this:
There's a beach nearby but it's not a beach that most college students would enjoy.  It's made up of jagged sudden cliff faces and receding shorelines that crumble and drop into a churning slosh of water down below. Every year there's a new legend of a student who's drowned in the area.  In the summer the tide is deadly and in the winter, the water alone could kill.
Tom likes this beach.
touch!!! yes!!! that’s the one i just finished writing and i need to edit it and then i’m going to post it hopefully by this weekend!! i dont wanna give too much away (not that anything really happens alskdj) but it was born from the idea that declan is a weird guy but also unfortunately very fuckable.  ashley pov.  currently contains this gem of a line:
Ashley is pleading with the tiny Mitski in the back of her head singing endlessly about betting on losing dogs to please, please, please shut the fuck up.  She will not let this get wildly out of hand.
and parallel lines is my declan/blue baby that i have been teasing forever now but still haven’t finished the first part because i am in editing hell (^: 
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darkhorse-javert · 4 years
Happy Birthday Pauline
Happy Birthday, many happy returns and mazel tov @paulinedorchester​
I made you a thing... Meta-fictiony based on your Andrew and Sam Headcanons. But it was your actual letters in your fic that gave it a physical form too. I hope you like it
Wierdly you have to right click and ‘View image’ for it to come up properly
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“The Foyles of Hastings: An Appreciation
By Hannah James
 To most passers-by the whitewashed bungalow with honeysuckle climbing the walls and a driftwood boarded front door is a pretty but unassuming, though it carries some of the charm of the nearby Old Town. Yet it is here, that I find one of Hastings’ most famous living sons and adopted daughter, for whom 2008 is a Red-Letter Year.
The warmth and sparkle in Mr Andrew Foyle’s eyes belie his recent 90 birthday as he and his wife Samantha ‘Call me Sam, I was only ever Samantha to my family or when I was in trouble’ (89) welcome me into their comfortable sitting room.
Hastings born, bred and raised Andrew Foyle is best known for his screenwriting, and  novels. Sam, under her maiden name of Stewart, has been a regular contributor for this paper, the author of various historical biographical pieces, and screenwriter with her husband. However she is most commonly known for her memoir One Woman’s War, which itself celebrates its 10th Anniversary this year.
When I compliment them on the house they share a wry look and regale me with the story between them. “We moved somewhat under duress, the children pointed out that it was highly likely one of us would go topsy-turvey on some of those stairs one of those days.” Sam has an expression on her face which suggests she was not particularly willing to concede to this point. “Stewart stubbornness and Foyle tenacity, we’d have much better hope telling the sea to stop moving.”
“We knew they were right,... but it was a wrench to give the old place up.” The old place, as Andrew Foyle affectionately calls it, is 31 Steep Lane, in the Old Town, where he was raised and where the couple have spent much of their married life over the years. It was also on the very solid front steps than this enigmatic couple first met, in September 1940. Sam, then a driver in the MTC “Motorised Transport Corps”, arrived to collect DCS Christopher Foyle and Andrew answered the door.
Was it love at first sight? “Yes.” Andrew gives his wife a look of such fondness we should all be so lucky to receive. “I just took two years to actually realise what I was feeling.”
Sam meanwhile bursts out laughing at the question “Hardly!” She glances at Andrew “Oh you started out alright with ‘Hello’”
“Then I proceeded to open my mouth again, put both feet firmly in it and sink right up to my middle ala Doctor Gloucester…”
“Saying you didn’t expect a girl to be driving your father, especially ’such a pretty one.”
“You were - and are...Anyway you put me sharply back in my place I wished the floor would swallow me, especially when Dad appeared.”
Listening and watching them, it’s clear how these two have lasted so long together, mutual affection, respect and occasional teasing rolled together.
Discussing their meeting easily brings us onto the subject of the War itself, and in particular One Woman’s War, a title its author is mollified to now after ten years. Sam admits she is gratified by the reception it received, already becoming a key text in schools studying the War, noted for both its straightforwardness and it’s occasional humour.
“It’s good for the MTC to have recognition, even during the War we were seen as rather a poor cousin, they  kept trying to disband us or move us to the A.T.S.” [The better known  Auxiliary Territorial Service]
I ask her about the controversies over the books’ title and dedication, as well as her use of ‘girls’ in the text, which some have called biased
Her head comes up in spirited rejoinder “We were just girls, most of us. When I joined up I was 20 and still needed my father’s permission to do so, full majority was 21 in those days. Why they must make such a fuss over it?” She gets up and goes to one of the tables by the fireplace, bringing back a smartly framed photograph.  A young woman in khaki uniform, recognisable as Sam, stands with two men, one short, one tall, both in long coats and Trilby hats of the 1940s “That’s us:” she points to each one “Me, Mr Foyle and Paul Milner, Sargent Milner as he was then, he became an Inspector after the war. They were the ones I worked with day in day out, through those years. The war changed me ...they changed me, taught me such a lot, especially Christopher.” There’s a soft moment of silence fondness and reflection as she looks at the photo. “That’s why they get the dedication, and Andrew because he kept nudging until I started writing.” Then she smiles, “Goodness Paul looks young, this can’t have been taken very long after I was assigned to Hastings.”
Her own favourite of her biographical pieces? “Amelia Earhart, because that was the first I did, when I found I had the knack, and because of her pluck. Or maybe Andrée de Jongh [leader of the Comet escape line during the War]… she saved so many. She was brave and bold right in the Nazi’s faces, at the risk of her own life. And I’m not just saying that because I married an RAF officer.”
Where to start with Andrew Foyle’s wide ranging, nearly seventy year long, library of work?
He laughs when I mention this predicament “Well, what’s your favourite? We’ll start there and work around to the others.” I confess, shyly, that it is the 1958 film Twilight of Blue. The film is set post-war, a ‘character study’ of a RAF officer coming to retirement. Andrew nods slowly, his eyes soft with thought and memory. “That’s one that I most wanted to be excellent… to capture the ends, not just the rigmarole of ‘well done old chap, good job,  wonderful having you, excellent service, have a badge, enjoy your medals and your life’… but the thought pattern, the feelings there, loss, relief, confusion even. You have given most of your life to the service, your family has too, and now it is going to be your past. And where do you stand without it? How do you stand without it? Where do you go?...” The depth of feeling is clear in his voice “And I had to be good with it too, because there were a lot of chaps in that situation. I owed it to them to get it right. Especially to WingCo, Wing Commander Turner, it was for him, really. A tiny insignificant thank you for everything he did… If I’d got it wrong…” he shakes his head, “But I don’t think I did…”
He certainly didn’t if the reception of the film over the years is anything to go by. Twilight of Blue was a roaring success when it first came out, and while it isn’t one of the ‘Classic War Films’ of battles and victory, the very human story means it has aged well across the years.
Now noted  for the depth of its characters,  a fully remastered anniversary DVD came out on 15th September. Wryly Andrew informs me that it includes a commentary by himself “very strange to be watching it over again, recalling the writing of it, but also trying not to talk over my favourite bits.”  
We shift somewhat from anniversaries and retrospective to something more present. Aged 90 he might be, Andrew has still been busy, writing scripts and consulting on the BBC adaptation of The Replacements, his first published novel, back in 1946. Unusually, it focused on the RAF at the tail of the Battle of Britain, and the years after,. The focus, Andrew admits was based on his own experience, “I joined the fighting squadron in Hastings in late September 1940, just after the big turning point against the Luftwaffe, then I got sent off to Malta long after the great battle for survival the history books know. I was a right Tail-end Charlie.”
Technically this is the second adaptation of the book, the first was a 1948 BBC film. When I mention this, some of the good cheer disappears from Andrew’s face, replaced by a stony expression and narrowed eyes. “I had no hand in that debacle, and I utterly disown it. I only thank goodness it wasn’t taped, or if it was that the tape was lost. It wasn’t an adaptation, it was a travesty, practically an insult.” He simmers, but I note that Sam has a wry smile on her face and she interjects, “We didn’t have a television in those days, few people did. So we went two doors up to watch it.” She glances at Andrew with a fond smile ,“I remember that as it played your smile dropped and your eyes got narrower and narrower, you were practically spitting rivets for the twenty yards home.”
“I very nearly wrote a scathing letter to the BBC refusing them anymore adaptation rights ever again. But someone disabled the typewriter, jammed the keys, and overnight I just decided that I’d have to have a hand in the next one.” He shrugs easily “Didn’t have a clue how it was done mind you… “ The rest, reader, is screenwriting history.
“There were two tiny good points.” The anger is all gone as Andrew looks at his wife “You got to be a W.A.A.F at last.  And there were RAF crew as extras who could just do, they still had the knowledge, and a profusion of Spitfires.”  There’s a rueful look on his face, “We’ve been having some trouble with that now.” He straightens in the chair, and there is a flash of an officer there still, “Not that I forgive it the heinous transgressions. This one will stick to the book, and to everything that the book was drawn from.” •
The Replacements will begin  tomorrow on BBC1 at 9pm. Twilight of Blue: 50th Anniversary Edition is out now on DVD.
Pictures Credits:
Previous Page: MTC driver Sam Stewart DCS Christopher Foyle and Sargent Paul Milner of Hastings Constabulary 1940. © M.O.I. Above: Sam Stewart and Sqn Ldr Andrew Foyle together circa VE day 1945 © Anne Woods.”
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alexandermanes · 4 years
ghost whisperer - rnm fic
hey so here’s the ghost malex au/human au fic  wrote but didn’t post on halloween week bc i was unmotivated
hope you like it :)
Chapter One - Ghosts
“First, you need a location”, declared the man, Tom, also known as MythCatcher on Youtube
Michael nodded then furiously scribbled down in his scrawny handwriting “Location”
“Then, you need to do research- Research is a very important part of paranormal investigation. You need to fact-check myths, learn about history of the place you’re looking for poltergeists”, he informs Michael via the small screen of his phone, “Learn about the deceased’s, their name, their story”
He stops the video to write “Research” on the notebook, underneath “Location”, obviously.
“After that: planning. What kind of gear are you planning on taking? Camera? Infrared night vision goggles? An Ouija board to facilitate communication? What kind of questions will you ask, with or without the board? What time are you going? What time are you going to visiting the haunting site? What are the alleged time of the apparition’s sighting?”
Those are too many points, Michael observes and writes “Planning” as a third bullet point in his “How to ghost hunt” list. Tom (MythCatcher) doesn’t appreciate the term “ghost hunter”, he thinks it’s demeaning since people don’t take ghosts seriously. The paranormal, though, that they fear and believe in. Idiot, he muttered as he pressed play on the video again. He does not care about Tom’s sensitivities.
Michael isn’t delusional, he knows most paranormal investigators are as genuine as his will to admit when Max’s right, which is non-existent. But, amongst the sea of “myth catchers”, Tom is the one that makes the most sensible points, despite the fact that he earns money by making Youtube videos in his 40s and advertises for “high-end ghost hunting gear”. Needless to say, he takes Tom’s points with a grain of salt.
         “Once you have a list of equipment to take with you and a scripted way to approach the site, the hows and when, then you’re ready for the next step: Communication”, Tom states, “Now, this is a crucial step. To communicate with the paranormal, you must be respectful”
Michael isn’t sure what constitutes as being respectful amongst investigators of the paranormal but invading their space, often the site where they died in, and demanding their participation in whatever nonsensical conversation they have planned doesn’t seem like very cordial behavior.
“No mocking, no inviting dangerous entities to that space, address them by name and be polite. Also you must be protected, always be straightforward about the kind of entity you allow to be in your vicinity. If there’s any funny business going on, send it away immediately. Bring your salt with you. ParanormalActivityStore has a ten percent discount if you use my code for a personalized-“, he is interrupted by Michael closing the app
“That’s enough dead brain cells for a single afternoon”, he reminds himself., after that he scribbles “Communication” as a final bullet point in his list.
Michael Sanders isn’t sure when his obsession with ghosts started, although he doesn’t appreciate his interest and curiosity being labeled and an obsession, thank you very much, despite what everyone else has voiced in the past; that’s why he keeps it to himself these days. No, in fact, he actually knows when this journey began, he can pinpoint it.
See, Michael is a man of rational thinking and little faith, a man of science and not religion which is why he believes in ghosts. Every night for a year he sees his mom, not in dreams, and with no previous history of mental illness, not in delusions. Every night religiously for a year his mom has visited him. When it started he believed himself to be dreaming but that wasn’t the case. She never says much, kneels by his bedside, cradles his face with one hand, caresses his cheek and smiles at him, teary-eyed and whispers. “Manes Residence”, those words haunt him but with a foreign intent. Though it’s a balm to his soul seeing his mother smile at him even when her eyes are so woeful, even proffering such ominous words.
It is a mystery to him as to why, ten years after her death, a brain aneurysm that took her unexpectedly from his arms, she began to visit him during the night and why she whispers those words. He has exhausted every method he’s ever heard of: Ouija boards, calling out to her, lucid dreaming, leaving candles and objects for her to communicate through, he even considered hiring a psychic but that somehow seemed too extreme. He tried praying and still prays at any given time during the day but that doesn’t seem to have been successful. At first he assumed he wasn’t doing it correctly, but then again, at the ripe age of eleven years old, in one of the foster homes he inhabited lived a family of religious fanatics, so he doubts he’s doing prayers incorrectly. Especially when hesitating or stuttering during prayers resulted in punishment. This situation is a big enigma to him and it pesters him on a daily basis. He needs answers. If this was any ordinary mystery he wouldn’t have bothered this much but he has bone-deep certainty that this, whatever it is, is very important.  So keeps trying to contact his mom. He tries unrelentingly.
Until one day. He makes his way to the Crashdown, Isobel and Max by his side. After a long day of school (he was thankful it was his senior year), they all decided they needed a well-deserved milkshake with a side portion of french-fries. As they entered the diner and the small bell rang overhead, they noticed an unusual amount of patrons for a Thursday afternoon. Oh, well, he thought. They sauntered towards the counter and waited in line, a single person in front of them, a truly serendipitous event. In the indistinct chatter he picks up two words: Manes Residence.
“Sorry?”, he says loudly, turning towards the person who emitted them
Rosa Ortecho asses him with an unimpressed, and frankly disgusted, expression and continues talking to Liz, disregarding him as if he were a vexing fly.
“So anyways. Lydia told me that now the house is haunted. Sargent Psycho took off with hs ten kids or whatever to nowhere land during the nightly hours. Not a soul saw them ever again”, she points out, “dude murdered his wife after she tried to leave him, buried her than grabbed his five sons and fucked off”
“It’s just a rumor, Rosa!”, Liz replied, laughing purely out of amusement and disbelief
“So this Manes House”, Michael chimed in, “where is it?”
“Michael, stop barging in in people’s conversation”, Max reprehended him, an honest to God blush creeping in
“I’m sorry”, Michael looked from Liz to Rosa, “He isn’t usually this rude”
Michael gave him an eye-roll that screamed Fuck off, Max. Rosa just mimicked him while Liz smiled, a bright and toothy smile.
“It used to be Master-Sargent’s Jesse Manes residence, he lived there with his wife and four sons. Then one day they disappeared off of the map and the house was put up for sale. No one ever saw them since, I think, the fourth of July fair last year”, she informed him, “The house was never sold, probably because of rumors that it is haunted. I can give you the address, me and Rosa used to be best friends with one of his kids, Alex”
“Yeah, right up until the moment the left and just like poof, never called or texted”, Rosa supplied
“He probably just didn’t find the time or-“, Liz tried to explain
“For a year, Liz?”, she replied with a very irritated tone, “Either he is ignoring us, completely forgot us or is dead”
Liz gave her a good-natured eye-roll and simply told her she was being dramatic.
“Can you give me an address?”, Michael asked suddenly feeling anxious
Liz acquiesced then ripped a sheet of paper from her notepad and wrote the address.
“You’re one weird little dude”, Rosa told him, though Michael completely disregarded her
He thanked Liz and almost forgot about the shake and fries, the original reason for his appearance at the Crashdown. As they waited, Max and Isobel engaged in conversation but Michael was far too distracted to hear any of their words, instead, his mind raced, making plans about when to visit the residence. Something akin to energy traveled through his veins, similar to electricity, his heart sped-up, he felt restless and suddenly very aware of his surroundings. The movement of brown paper bags being set on the counter snapped him out of his gaze. He immediately took one, knowing they order essentially the same dish, and strode to the door.
“Michael!”, Isobel called out, drawing heads to her, “where are you going?”
“Sorry. Forgot I had something to do at- um, the junkyard. Talk later”, he immediately turned his back on his friends and exited the diner.
He scrambled for his keys inside his pocket, growing more frustrated by the second, until the skin-warm metal found his finger tips and at last, picked up his keys. He unlocked his baby blue beat-up truck and tossed his food on the passenger seat, subsequently starting the engine. He felt possessed, moving by this ominous force, an urgent feeling, but regardless of his feelings amongst other things, he was hell-bent on finding the Manes residence at that very instant.    
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irresistiibles · 4 years
the master plotting post is below the cut. it’s kinda long so good luck fam. it’s really more about where my character are and how they’re doing but i am hoping that will help us both brainstorm some ideas together. i have put trigger warnings next to each individual blurb so that way if you’re worried about anything you can read the rest while skipping any that are potentially triggering. this is just where characters are starting a few of them i may still update, especially for characters who fears i haven’t completely worked out. toss this a like if you’d be interested in plotting and i will come to you! i will get another call out specifically for starters closer to the event
level 1: windstorm
asami sato / the legend of korra / unaware
girl is not really phased by the windstorm and will be pushing through and probably wind up leveling up. she’ll also be offering to help where she can so like if any characters need help to level up or just get by she will be around we can def do something. she’ll probably be getting pieces of her memories back in the storm but nothing concrete. probably one of my characters who realistically has a chance of making it to the safe zone. definitely open to teaming up
leveling up: probably
plots: anyone else trying to level up she can work with, someone to help out
blue sargent / the raven cycle / aware
not entirely sure what my plan for her is tbh. she’s seen like all the wild shit washington has thrown and honestly might try to find somewhere to bunker down and wait it out or maybe level up but either way she’ll be a fun mixed of chill yet pissed while on this level. not freaking out but annoyed after all of the things that happened her. a potential reluctant teammate
leveling up: a reluctant maybe
plots: someone she winds up working with for a bit even though teamwork and being nice is not her strong suit
lily evans / harry potter / aware
let’s be real after everything she’s been through in washington the windstorm does not feel like a big deal and she’s charging through to get through to the next level. she will ultimately wind up losing all of her memories as a result
leveling up: no
plots: teammates, people she knows who can find her after her memory loss, some help after her memory loss, someone she helps, since afterwards she’ll be bunkering down and helping people out
max caulfield / life is strange / aware
my one character? who is terrified for storms? caught in the windstorm? asdlfkjad incredible. anyway max is going to be freaking out and almost definitely stuck here the whole time she is terrified of storms and will be hoping to find a nice corner to crawl in and stay in with her hands over her ears
leveling up: no
plots: someone to help her please she will be screwed on her own,
melody pond/river song / doctor who / awareish
she will absolutely be leveling up. river is a high energy adventurer who is so shit at sitting still there’s no way she’s not moving up. honestly will be pretty unbothered in this level at least. i may give her some flashes of her parents from the windstorm to kind of set her on edge. down to team up though she’s always out for herself first and will ditch partners as needed
leveling up: probably
plots: let her be a chaotic teammate for someone, an injury she reluctantly treats as she tries to get out of there
pansy parkinson / harry potter / aware
honestly she’s mostly just tired and pissed. pansy, though obnoxious, is logical and focused on her own survival first. she’ll probably wind up finding a save space to be and see this thing out. if anyone needs some slightly less chaotic plots she’s probably someone good to hit up. she could be open to being the obnoxious teammate someone has ever had.
leveling up: no
plots: teammates in the sort of self serving way, bunkering down buddies, drinking buddies, a calm party crew 
persephone / percy jackson / aware
she’s a goddess she’s vibing and almost definitely leveling up tbh she doesn’t know what’s going on and her main priorities are finding hades and reluctantly nico but will try to offer some help where she can
leveling up: probably
plots: some people she helps out to either safety or level up, 
level 2: nightmares come to life
ben hargreeves / the umbrella academy / aware 
his nightmares are p limited ngl since being dead kind of takes away a lot of fears. i mean his main one was passing on and he did that last season so, i guess it’ll kinda be his powers. of course he’s mostly afraid of losing control and hurting people, but he’ll probably just be seeing/dealing with vague eldritch creatures. could maybe deal with his fear long enough but that’s really the only way he’s potentially leveling up. potentially open to teaming up
leveling up: doubtful
plots: some people he helps, teammates, maybe someone he accidentally hurts cause he does have powers and he may lash out when spooked so could cause an inury, 
jang man wol / hotel del luna / aware / level 2: nightmares come to life
her fears are complicated. like ? she mostly fears and hates herself lmao. i suppose she has some fear of the gods in her world but they aren’t really violent and can only hurt her if she hurts a human so she might be seeing them and getting freaked out and jumpy and convinced she’s gonna do something that ultimately gets her destroyed. honestly though, she’s at the second most stable she’s been in a while (a step down since chan sung’s memory loss) so she will be making her way to level 3 at some point.
leveling up: yes
plots: uh, maybe someone she almost lashes out and hurts but manages to last minute hold back, someone she helps/protects to avoid her own problems, though she wouldn’t be nice about it rip
jaskier / the witcher / unaware / level 2: nightmares come to life
this is my emotional support idiot he doesn’t really have any tangible fears not because he’s strong he’s just dumb, will be running straight into things trying to help people out. i would say he should get hurt but this man has survivridiculouslysly well on luck and charisma so far and i don’t think that’s going to change anytime soon. if i think of a fear for him i will update this. will probably find someone who looks strong to leech off of and feel safer around. you just know this idiot is writing a song about the whole experience as it occurs.
leveling up: maybe
plots: someone more powerful than him he follows around for safety
karolina dean / runaways / unaware
aaah um i’m not entirely decided on what her fear is yet at the moment but she’ll be doing her best to deal with it. honestly i don’t think she’ll be leveling up karolina is strong but struggling without her memories in terms of fighting. i might have her see her dad a bit even though she won’t recognize him she’ll feel the fear
leveling up: no
plots: any sort of teammates cause she works well in groups, maybe someone who sees her attempting to use her powers to fight things off 
kyoshi / avatar the last airbender / unaware
so kyoshi is not afraid of much. she’s a seven foot tall beast of a woman/nerd so of course she isn’t, but, i’m saying she’s afraid of clowns, because kyoshi is gonna panic and wind up bending in defense. of course she has no memories so she’s gonna spend the rest of the event like ‘hey what the fuck was that????’ honestly she may be able to level up but she’ll probably be focusing on helping people in level 2 as best she can
leveling up: no
plots: a teammate would be fine though she’ll probably only want one, she’ll have just discovered her bending so someone can be around for her to yell about that, any people she attempts to protect/get to safety  
lavender brown / harry potter / aware 
werewolves! she’s scared of them! because of course she is! and she’s absolutely flipping out! she’s probably stuck here ngl i do not think lavender is conquering this anytime soon. she’d fight a little bit but i imagine she’s mostly going to wind up hiding out. could probably use some help or support ngl. i debated saying she could get injured but i feel like this is already going to be rough enough on her ngl
leveling up: no
plots: anyone to help her out she could use it, i would offer her as a teammate but she’s going to be pretty freaked out so idk how much she can do, but maybe someone she likes hides out with and just tries to survive with
michiru kaioh / sailor moon / aware
death tw welcome to lesbian suffering. her biggest fear is going to end up in her seeing haruka’s dead body and uh, she’s definitely not recovering from this one she will be staying on this level the whole time probably losing her mind a little bit and not knowing what happened and blaming herself and it’s all going to be rough.  
leveling up: no
plots: she may attempt to team up with a person or two but her mood is going to be awful and she won’t be a great teammate, honestly anyone around to try and keep her slightly grounded
sam giddings / until dawn / aware
hello happy children it’s wendigo time! exactly what it sounds like. she’s not leveling up. this is a monster that eats people and can only be killed with fire. sam is running. going to be terrified but not freaking out at least not externally. might go for a minor injury with her. down to team up with anyone
leveling up: no
plots: lmao survival buddies, despite everything she will try to be helping people out so there could be something for that
toph beifong / avatar the last airbender / aware
so toph’s fears will probably include not having any earth around or below her. honestly this fear is less about her seismic sense and not being able to tell where things are around her. her other senses are still good even if it’s really not ideal and that will be partially upsetting, it’s more about feeling like she lost her earthbending. she’s also terrified of heights after dangling off of the warship in the finale so i might do something with that. i doubt she’s leveling up. down to reluctantly team up.
leveling up: no
plots: would be willing to team up but she’s feeling a little useless and stressed so how great she’d be as a partner would be mixed, she could cause an injury if anyone wants since she can’t sense any earth but i’m assuming there’s still going to be things she can bend around, so maybe some sort of an accident with that, honestly let her make a friend she’s not against help from friends will hold onto their arm most of the time
level 3: poisoned supernaturals
ciel phantomhive / black butler / aware 
gun tw: this boy has already had bad experiences with supernaturals so he’s not in a good mood about any of this. he’s got a gun and his concerns are himself and lizzie and that is about it. he knows physical strength is not his strong suit and has no intention of trying to fight his way out. may try and play the small defenseless boy card if he needs to in order to get some help and protection from actual nice humans on the level. not available to team up. available to trip another character while they’re both fleeing from the same thing.
leveling up: no
plots: someone who he injures, someone who injures him, a human he partners up with and could betray cause he’s a selfish little shit if that’s something someone’s interested in, or some human who’s physically strong who he pays to be around him as some sort of safety
dominique weasley / harry potter / aware
not a huge chance she’s doing anything but staying here and going ape shit. does not really have the willpower to manage to fight off the poison. is solidly in the middle between barely dangerous to destructive beast.
leveling up: no
plots: a feral crew, someone she hurts, someone who tries to snap her out of it, anything
elsa of arendelle / frozen / aware 
ice queen time babey! will be pretty destructive and very dangerous. open to her killing someone’s character if anyone wants since i’d love her to be upset about that after the fact. she already thinks she’s a danger let’s prove it!! she might wind up fighting off the poison but idk it would take a hot minute since she’s had a lot of stress and frustration lately and it’ll be coming out!! she’s ready to do some damage
leveling up: maybe
plots: someone she hurts and can feel real guilty about, someone who tries to snap her out of it
entrapta / she-ra / unaware
not nearly as concerned about danger as she should be. probably out here purposely trying to approach supernaturals to get a blood sample i hate her. not looking for her to die but could be open to a semi-serious injury. might level up ngl if she finds decent tech she will be able to defend herself. open to team ups but she’s not a great team partner
leveling up: maybe
plots: teammates. maybe someone who teams up with her to use her more than anything since she can build attack bots with really any scraps she can find so she’s good for people looking for defense and will not be able to tell she’s being used
glinda upland / wicked / aware
me realizing just this second glinda probably counts as a supernatural cause she’s got magic:  👁👄👁 so yeah uh this one is difficult i think she’ll be working to fight it off. even with poison she would not be good at being violent fam.
leveling up: maybe
plots: uuuh poisoned people trying to push her to the dark side, someone trying to help her fight it off, maybe a human she fights but doesn’t hurt, or if so it’s something minor, anything
haruhi fujioka / ouran high school host club / aware 
does not know what’s going on and isn’t sure they want to. tbh slightly similar to entrapta in the sense that they can manage self defense alright. they’re going to pepper spray a supernatural so fucking hard i swear to god. they aren’t like a super amazing fighter and sometimes they’re too reckless and stubborn for their own good, but haruhi is smart, and will probably mostly be hiding. they could be available for trying to help out other humans on the level
leveling up: maybe 
plots: single teammate or group of humans getting by, a not too strong supernatural for her to fight cause i don’t want her getting too hurt, but could be up for a small injury, anyone she helps
ji eun tak / goblin / aware 
lmao so technically eun tak has powers but they aren’t fighting powers she can just see ghosts but technically this still counts as powers so she’s affected. this doesn’t make her any stronger though she’s just angry but like not a threat. here is a picture of eun tak as provided by kasey (x). like the worst shes gonna manage is to mug someone and honestly, that is probably her goal. my girl has lived her whole life poor and she’s ready to make some bank
leveling up: no
plots: lmao please give her a strong supernatural that she’s hanging around so we’ve got destructive power plus baby with knife, someone she tries to, or successfully mugs, if you need a weak supernautral to fight to level your character out of level 3 she’s a good pick, anything
rita skeeter / harry potter / aware 
rita will probably go crazy stupid for a day and then start fighting it off. tbh she doesn’t care too much about if she’s hurting people. it’s not something she likes to do but it doesn’t freak her out a ton either, but she doesn’t like being out of control, and that sheer stubbornness might be enough for her to break through and level up. down for her potentially hurting or killing someone’s character if desired. will still be taking tik toks through it all the poison is not enough to stop that. she can hunt and film at the same time
leveling up: maybe
plots: feral crew, any other supernaturals working to fight it off at some point, i’m not saying let her film ur supernatural hurting an npc but like do it, anything
tessa gray / the infernal devices / awareish
so technically she’s part shadowhunter part demon but homegirl does not know it so it’s going to be a fucking interesting time for her. honestly destructive power is mixed cause she’s certainly got some but the lack of awareness will make it weaker. will probably use this as an excuse to trigger a few more of her memories. open to her injuring someone.
leveling up: probably not
plots: uh, someone she can freak out to in the first 24 hours before the poison hits because she doesn’t even know she’s supernatural, someone she gives a minor injury to maybe, someone trying to snap her out of it, anything
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The Three of Us
Y’all, it has been a hot minute since I have posted anything and I am so sorry for that. I’m finishing up with school and I am getting married in less than three months and everything has been hectic BUT I am finally posting something that I had promised a while back. STUCKY X READER SOULMATE!AU it is here and there might be more than one part, we’ll see what happens. However, in the mean time I hope you all enjoy. Happy reading!
You sighed as you stared out the window. It was late and almost everyone had left the building except those who live there, yourself included. Knowing almost everyone was gone you untucked your shirt from your pencil skirt and rolled the sleeves up. You kicked your heels off too and slipped on a pair of house-shoes you kept under your desk. Once you were comfortable, you looked down to the mark on your arm, the mark that was suppose to help you find your soulmate. You wanted so badly to find them, but now, at your age, you knew it was less likely and maybe, more than likely, you were an obsolete or an error. It was extremely rare, but it was possible. You just stared at the simple roman numeral, III. You rubbed your thumb across it as you kept staring out the window.
 When someone meets their soulmate or, sometimes, soulmates their mark was supposed to change colors. The catch though, you had to physically touch them in order for the mark to turn. Yours had remained the same grey color all your life. About six years ago you just started keeping it covered to avoid the conversation that always followed seeing your mark was still grey. You didn’t need any more false hope. When someone did see it, you just opted to tell them you were an error, it kept it short and no one asked about it and avoided the topic around you after that.
 You weren’t unhappy with the way your life was now. You had been with Stark Industries for two years now. Tony found you when you were fresh out of college with your degree in chemical and biomolecular engineering. Tony informed you he just had a position open up and you jumped on it like a pack of dogs on a three-legged cat. You were so grateful for the opportunity and were excited to move out of your small southern home town. You loved it, but you had no future there and maybe, just maybe, you would find your soulmate in New York where Tony wanted you to work. Two years in and no luck, but you loved your job and wouldn’t change a thing that has happened. You were so lost you didn’t hear the knock on your door. You jumped when you heard someone clear their throat. You turned around in your chair to come face to face with Sargent Barnes.
 “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, but your door was open, and I needed some help.” Bucky held up his mechanical arm and you notice his hand was turned the wrong way and kept twitching. You raised an eyebrow. Bucky rubbed the back of his neck with his flesh hand. “Yeah, mishap in training earlier. I was looking for Tony, but then I remembered he was out of town. I know you work with him a lot and I was hoping you could help.”
 “Of course.” You stood up and rolled your sleeves down to hide your mark; but left your shirt untucked. Rounding your desk, you waved for him to follow you to the lab down the hall.
 “I like your slippers,” Bucky chuckled as you walked in front of him. You chuckled a bit as well.
 “Thanks.” You opened the door to the lab and walked over to your desk. “Now, how did this happen exactly?” You looked up at Bucky waiting for an answer. His face became as red as a beet and you knew immediately it didn’t happen at training earlier. “You know what, never mind. Come on over so I can get a look at it.” Bucky shuffled over to you and sat on the stool you pointed him to. Looking at it, you realize it was an easy fix, but some of the wires needed replacing. You started your work by gently taking off the hand so you could replace the wires and you stayed in silence for about twenty minutes until Bucky spoke up.
 “I’m sorry to keep you here so late.” You gave him a soft smile.
 “Don’t worry about it.” You were in the middle of replacing a wire when the door to the lab opened. You quickly glanced up to see Steve Rogers making his way toward you and Bucky.
 “I was wondering what happened to you. You okay, Buck?”
 “Yeah,” Bucky stopped realizing he didn’t know your name. You said it silently for him and Bucky gave you a soft smile. “She’s taking care of me, Tony is out.”
 “I forgot about that.” Steve leaned down to give Bucky a quick peck on the temple. Your stomach clenched. You wish you had that. You straightened your back as you sat up to get another wire to replace. “I’m sorry he’s keeping you, I’m sure you’ve got someone to go home to.” There was that clench again. You swallowed hard before you answered.
 “Don’t worry about that, Sargent Barnes needed help.”
 “Call me Bucky.” You just nodded and finished replacing the wire. “Do you have far to go? We can take you home. We wouldn’t want your soulmate to worry.” Your stomach dropped through the floor. You cleared your throat.
 “They won’t be.” Bucky was quick to protest.
 “They will, I know I do when Stevie is even five minutes late.” You closed your eyes for a minute before you replied.
 “They won’t worry, because I don’t have a soulmate. I’m an error.” Steve and Bucky were both shocked to hear that. You were so kind and they had only talked to you face to face a handful of time and knew that. It couldn’t be, surely you had a soulmate. You cleared your throat again
 “To answer you other question, no, I live on the tenth floor. I don’t have far to go.”
 “You live here,” Steve asked. You nodded again as you finished the wire and put the hand back on the correct way.
 “Yeah, I have for the last couple of years. You’re all done, Sargent Barnes. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go to my room. I’ve got an early day tomorrow.”
 “At least let us walk you there, it’s on our way, we’re on the eleventh floor.”
 “I know.” They both stared at you. You stood there awkwardly and scratched your head. “You, um, you live right above me. Y’all aren’t exactly quiet all the time.” Both of their faces flushed. “Dammit, I’m sorry, I’m an awkward human, I’ll just go. Y’all have a good night.” You unconsciously pulled your sleeve up a bit and rubbed your mark. This caught Bucky’s eye and before he could even process what he was doing, he gently grabbed your arm. You went to say something, but he pulled your sleeve up to reveal your mark fully. All Bucky could do was stare.
 “Stevie.” That was all he said. Steve looked down to see what he was staring at and his mouth fell open. There on your wrist was the roman numeral for three. It looked just like theirs, only yours was still grey. They didn’t notice the tears running down your face until they heard you sniffle.
 “Please, can I have my arm back.” You were so embarrassed and distraught, so you just stared at the ceiling. You barely knew these men and they were just staring at your soulmark. Steve quickly realized this and held his own wrist out as Bucky hurried to do the same. “Just stop, please.” The tears were coming faster now.
 “Sweetheart, look at it, please?” The cracking in Steve’s voice got your attention. You looked down to meet his eyes and there looking back at you were watering blue eyes. You looked down to the wrist he presented you with and all the air left your lungs. It was your mark, but on their own respective wrist. One outside of one end was blue and the other was red, the middle one, however, was still grey. You stared for a minute before meeting both of their eyes. You didn’t know what to do, so you did the only thing you could think of.
 You ran.
 The next day you didn’t go to work. You stayed holed up in your apartment not willing to risk running into either of the two super soldiers. Your entire life you assumed you were an error and then last night you met, not one, but both of your soulmates. It was a lot to take in. You were walking around in your kitchen clad in and oversized hoodie, shorts, and fuzzy socks. You were currently talking to yourself while you made a late breakfast.
 “I shouldn’t have done that. I should’ve said something. What would I have said though? I mean I didn’t think I’d ever find a soulmate, let alone two.” You heard a huff come from behind you. You turned to see your pitbull, Othello laying on the floor with his head cocked to the side trying to figure out what you were saying. “What would you have done, O?” He yawned and laid his head on his front feet. You rolled our eyes. “So helpful, Othello.” Just as you were finishing up breakfast you heard a knock on your door. Othello ran to the door and immediately started sniffing at the bottom crack and wagging his tail.
 “You do know not every person who visits is here to see you, right?” The bully pit just looked at you like you should know better. You gave him a fond eyeroll before opening the door. What you opened the door to made you freeze and suck in a breath. Othello picked up on your shift in mood and placed himself at attention and stood between you and the two sets of eyes staring back at you.
 “Will your dog bite,” Bucky asked taking a small step back from the pitbull. You narrowed your eyes.
 “Don’t discriminate against him. He’s harmless, unless he thinks someone is going to hurt me.” Bucky threw up his hands in surrender.
 “I wasn’t, I swear. He just seems a little tense is all.”
 “He is because I am. What are the two of you doing here?”
 “You ran off on us last night,” Steve spoke for the first time. You could see the hurt in their eyes. Knowing this conversation had to happen at some point you rubbed your hands down your face before looking them in the eyes.
 “I just finished making breakfast. Why don’t you come inside, and we’ll talk?” The two of them nodded but didn’t move because Othello was still staring them down. You reached down to pat his head. “It’s fine, O. They’re okay.” With that Othello starting wagging his tail and went over to greet the two at the door with butt wiggles and kisses.
 After Othello made new friends the four of you made your way into your living room. Othello was on the couch with you while Steve and Bucky sat on your loveseat. It was quiet and tense for a while before Steve spoke up.
 “Why did you tell us you were an error?” You sighed and started petting Othello to calm you down.
 “Think about it, my entire life, I had never met my soulmate, or soulmates. My mark has always been grey and I was finally starting to make peace with the fact that I was more than likely and error.” Steve nodded in understanding.
 “Why did you run?”
 “Like I said, my whole life I thought I was an error, then out of the blue I meet my two soulmates. It turned my world completely upside down. The two of you have always had each other, but I’ve always been alone.” It was like Othello knew what you said and bumped his head against you, you giggled at him. “Not always alone, O. I couldn’t forget you.” Othello seemed to approve of this and laid his head back in your lap. You looked back up to the two super soldiers on your loveseat. They seemed to be having a conversation with their eyes.
 “Did your mark change when I touched you last night,” Bucky asked as he turned to look at you. You slowly shook your head. His face fell a bit.
 “Bucky, you have to physically touch the person. You grabbed me with your left hand, so technically, I never touched you.”
 Realizing this, the two got up and made their way to you. They crouched down in front of you. Steve held out his hand first. You took a deep breath and grabbed his hand. The three of you watched as your mark finally started to change. One end of yours turned blue and the middle on yours and Steve’s turn purple. Tears gathered in both of your eyes. You turned to look at Bucky, he had tears in his eyes too. This time you held out your hand to him and with his right hand he took you hand. The other end of your mark turned red while his middle turned purple like Steve’s and yours had. The three of you just looked at one another for a while before you spoke up.
 “It’s gonna take some time for me to get use to this, I thought I was going to be alone forever.” They both nodded.
 “We completely understand, doll.” You nodded your head and squeezed their hands. Then Steve looked up to you.
 “What do you, sweetheart? You ready for a new adventure?” You gave them both a small smile before you answered.
 “Hell yeah.”
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cassiopeiassky · 6 years
When Everything’s Made to be Broken (I Just Want You to Know Who I Am) Part 51
It’s heeeeeere!  I finally connected all the dots.  Special thanks to @the-chubby-persimmon for beta-ing and giving me the encouragement I needed to finish the chapter - you’re the absolute best.  Oh, and although the chapter wraps nicely, this isn’t the end.  I’ll let you all know when we get there ;)
Also I need love and affirmation please send love and affirmation
Plot:  When you inadvertently become a witness to a murder and are suddenly a target for death, it takes a specially skilled soldier and his team to keep you and your family safe.
This will eventually be a is a reader x Bucky fic. The reader, by the way, is a civilian. No super powers, no fighting skills, and by no means perfect.  
Word count: 5808
For the entire work:  Language (I have a potty mouth), violence, and angst.  This will probably get pretty dark later on, and there will be smut.  If that’s not your thing, you may want to avoid this story.
Additional warnings specific to this part: Mentions/descriptions of anxiety, panic attack, injuries, and blood.  Oh...here there be smut (say it with me in a piratey accent...it’s fun).  I’m not doing an edited version this time because the first and last time I did that it was a raging dumpster fire.
***I do not own any of the lyrics/music in this story, so please don’t sue me for using them***
Tags moved to the end.
WEMtbB Masterlist
Previously on WEMtbB:
“Absolutely.  FRIDAY, please show any Disney animated movie except Snow White and Pinocchio.”  
Honestly, this man is too good to be true.
“Yes, Sargent Barnes.”  The tv lights up and just a few moments later the opening for the Emperor’s New Groove starts playing.  “I hope you don’t mind – I took the liberty of downloading your preferences from SUNDAY.”
“That’s perfect FRIDAY, thanks.”
“My pleasure.”
“I never thought I’d get used to and actually miss an AI presence, but here we are,” you mutter.
Bucky puts his arm around your shoulders as he snickers.  “I’m right there with you, Sweetheart.”  
He waits until you finish eating before he cocoons you both into the blanket, content to watch your favorite movies until the jet lands safely in New York.
You begin to wake, but you fight it with everything you have because this dream is so much better than your current reality.  The strong arm around your waist holding you snug against a warm, solid chest is a memory you don’t want to lose to consciousness.  The smell of Bucky surrounding you as his slow and even breaths cause your hair to gently tickle your ear is such a welcome and familiar comfort, but you can’t help but notice that something is off.  Has your memory already begun to fray?
His scent is mixed with something…an unfamiliar detergent, maybe?  Not at all unpleasant, just different.
You’re lying on your left side.  Bucky is behind you, and the arm around you is his natural arm.
That’s not right…
Bucky has a thing when he sleeps - he needs to be between you and the door.  If you’re lying on your left side, you’re facing the door.  He should be in front of you, not behind you...he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep like this.  You know this, even in your dreams.  Yet, with all this thinking bringing you further into the realm of wakefulness, you still feel him.  You finally concede defeat and crack open an eye.
A window?  Or a door to a balcony, maybe?  Certainly not the window of your prison, and not a window at home – well, the safehouse – either.  There’s a sharp ache in your right thigh as you move, causing you to finally shake completely free of slumber’s hold and realize that this isn’t a dream.  This is real, you’re really in Bucky’s arms.
Fully awake and mind now crystal clear, you remember the hours on the jet and watching out the window as you flew into New York.  You remember being swarmed by medical personnel almost immediately upon landing, and having a panic attack when someone with good intentions injected morphine into the port still in the back of your hand without letting you know beforehand.  That guy now has an accidentally broken hand, courtesy of Steve, and a completely intentionally broken nose, courtesy of Nat.  
Bruce was there, and he explained the plan they had in place to fix your leg:  First, surgery to remove the lead coated bullet from your thigh, then they were going to apply some sort of self-regenerating tissue patch that would allow your leg to almost fully heal within 96 hours…apparently it had been shipped in from a Dr. Cho as a special favor.  You consented to the treatment, but you’d wanted local anesthetic instead of general.  Bruce, Bucky, and Tony teamed up to persuade you to accept the general anesthesia because it would be safer for you and better for the tissue patch, which you were told would cause significant pain for the first hour or so.  They also wanted you under because they wanted to transport you – preferably unconscious to avoid any unnecessary discomfort – to another facility for safety and privacy almost immediately after the surgery. When you’d finally consented, Tony thrust a clipboard full of papers into your hand; he said that he needed your formal, signed consent to treat since you’d be cared for under his policies.  You looked for the bright pink signature flags and signed them all as quickly as you could while Bucky rubbed your shoulders; he knew you were afraid you’d chicken out and change your mind about the anesthesia.  
You didn’t.  Somehow, your trust in these people overcame your anxiety.  Bucky was holding your hand when you succumbed to unconsciousness.
Your memories after that are quite a bit shiftier, thanks to the anesthesia.  Still, there are bits and pieces for you to put together.  After you started coming out of the anesthesia, they cleared you to leave the infirmary.  The patch you’d been given sped the healing process up so significantly that just a few hours post-surgery was more like a day.  There’s a choppy recollection being transported to another area, a helicopter ride, and hearing voices – even more intangible is the vague memory of hearing good-natured laughter after you told someone to kindly fuck off and leave you the hell alone because you were tired and wanted to go back to sleep, and oh, where was your unicorn – the sparkly one with purple hair?  Maybe that was a dream?
That’s the last you can remember, and now you’re here.  The gaps in your memory scare you a bit, but you remind yourself that you’re no longer in the hands of people that wish to do you harm; you’re here, curled up with Bucky.  Safe.  Barely containing the laugh that tries to bubble out of you, you shift to look around in the dim light.  What time is it?  It’s dark, but it’s also late January so considering how short the days are that doesn’t tell you much.  Well, you think it’s still January, but you’ll have to ask someone to make sure February didn’t come around while you were still stuck in hell.
There’s a gentle, pale blue glow coming through the window from the almost full moon and the plethora of stars twinkling in the clear velvet sky.  If you crane your neck just a little more, you can see the snow blanketing surrounding area and reflecting the starlight.  It’s extraordinarily peaceful, and you’re grateful that Bucky left the blinds open.  You’re pretty sure he did it for your benefit, so you wouldn’t wake up in the pitch-black darkness of an unfamiliar room.
There’s a nightstand next to your side of the bed with a lamp and pile of books.   Directly across from the bed there’s a dresser with another pile of books stacked on top, and there are doors on either side.  Given the placement of the doors, you can only assume that one leads to a bathroom and the other to a closet.  At least, you hope so.
Moving slowly, you carefully disengage from Bucky’s embrace.  It’s not that you want to move, but damn you have to pee.  Testing the range of motion in your leg, you find that the ache feels less like an injury and more like the stiff disuse of waking up the second day after a car accident or really intense workout.  It easily holds your weight as you stand and even seems to loosen slightly as you carefully stretch.  There aren’t any crutches or a cane nearby, and you think you remember someone telling you that by the time you awoke you’d be sore but healed enough to get around. There are bandages on your arm and hand from the IVs, but those seems to be the only other lasting reminders of the fact that you went through actual surgery.
You take a step, but then turn back to watch Bucky for a few heartbeats.  God, you fucking missed him.  You can clearly see the toll these past few weeks have taken from him – even in the semi-darkness you can see the dark bags of exhaustion under his eyes, the longer than usual facial hair, the way his cheeks almost seem gaunt.  The lines on his forehead seem just a bit deeper, and his lips are chapped.  It might just be a trick of the moonlight, but you could swear that you see some sparse spots of silver in his scruff.  It’s obvious that he hasn’t been taking care of himself, and you feel a now familiar stab of guilt because you know damn well that it’s because of you.
Holding back a sigh, you turn and walk to the door to the left of the dresser.  When you step through the threshold you are delighted to find that you have, in fact, found the bathroom.  At least now you won’t have to wake up Bucky to find out where it is. Before turning on the light, you close the door with a quiet click, thinking to spare Bucky the sudden brightness, and are pleasantly surprised to find that the bathroom light must be on both a sensor and a dimmer because the room is now gently lit but not so much so that your eyes have to struggle to adjust.  
Glancing in the mirror gives you a start – for all your concern for Bucky, you’re not exactly looking like a prize yourself, not that you ever really do.  A good washing will fix your hair, but your complexion has an unhealthy waxiness to it, your eyes are sunken and dull, and although they are slowly beginning to fade, the bruises from your assaults are still on your face and body.  You’re either going to have to get someone to pick up some makeup for you or you’ll have to forgo FaceTiming the boys tomorrow and call instead.  They shouldn’t see you like this.
After relieving yourself and washing your hands, you start pulling off your bandages.  The IV sites on your hand and in the crook of your arm look exactly as you would expect – you rinse off the little bit of dried blood that’s left behind and double check to make sure the tiny wounds don’t start bleeding.  You do the same for the bandage on your leg except, when you wipe away the blood, the skin underneath isn’t a stitched incision like you’d expected but rather a shiny red scar.  
Holy shit, it looks like you’ve already been healing for over a week.  There isn’t even a scab.  “Well color me impressed,” you mutter in surprise.  This is incredible, so why the hell isn’t this type of technology mainstream? It’s something you’ll have to ask about later.
But for now, it’s time to get back to Bucky.  You don’t fight the smile that comes to your face – back to Bucky, because he’s just on the other side of the door, sleeping peacefully.  When you turn to leave, you find a plastic bag hanging from the door handle of what you assume is the linen closet.  It’s hanging by just one side, so as you walk by you can clearly see into the bag.  It’s…your bodywash?  You find yourself almost beaming as you start sifting through the bag.  There’s the bodywash you’d used for years, the only shampoo and conditioner that have ever truly come close to managing your curls, your favorite body lotion, and even your preferred skin care.  Tears fill your eyes at the simple gesture; you’d have been perfectly fine using whatever Bucky had on hand, but he’d wanted you to feel like yourself again.  
“I don’t deserve you, Buck. You sweet, sweet man,” you hum as you snap open the bodywash cap and lift it to your nose.  The smell is…it smells like you.  Like you. It smells like early mornings before you went to work.  It smells like the middle of the night right after the boys were born, washing off the endless spit up during the only 10 minutes a day you could get to yourself. It smells like showering before bed because it was the only time you could fit it in, and then bringing one of the boys to bed with you because he’s sick and can’t sleep without your cuddles.  It smells like lazy mornings at the safehouse when everyone was awake and tangled together under the comforter as cartoons played in the background.  It smells like Bucky nuzzling into your neck from behind, then leaving a soft kiss before telling you that you smell amazing.  
Then the memory of Jimmy trying to use your bodywash instead of the tear free formula you buy for them comes to mind – he told you he wanted to smell like Momma.  Like you.
And with that, you finally break from the weight of what you went through.  
For the first few moments it’s a little hard to breathe.  Five and a half jagged breaths later the sobs start, and you somehow end up on your knees desperately clawing at the floor to feel something, anything, other than the suffocating torment that’s been waiting for the right moment to descend upon you.  Then your hands are in your hair, clutching fistfuls near your scalp because it’s the only thing your fingers can find, and because the dull pain from pulling your hair offers just the slightest distraction from the debilitating agony in your psyche.
The sound you make when you feel something warm on one wrist and cool on the other is almost inhuman; a mix of a wail and a howl, the very essence of devastating grief marrying incomprehensible suffering.  The gentle but insistent tugs finally succeed in getting you to straighten up enough for Bucky to pull you into his arms.  Your hands go from your hair to around his neck, holding on in a frantic attempt to keep from being swept away by this brutal tsunami.
“I’ve got you, Sweetheart.  Go ahead, it’s okay.  I’ve got you.”  Bucky repeats these words like a favorite song on a loop as he holds you close and rubs your back.  Your entire body shakes with your bawling sobs, but he somehow manages to keep you from breaking apart completely despite the pain, anger, humiliation, guilt, shame, and fear trying to pull you in different directions.
There’s no sense of time in this abyss – it would be inconsequential even if it did exist – but even the fiercest, most destructive storms don’t last forever.  Eventually, it will sap the atmosphere of fuel and die down.  When your wracking sobs finally subside to gasping shudders, your head is pounding, your lungs ache, and your face has grown hot and itchy from the tears.
But despite your physical discomfort, you feel considerably lighter.  Exhausted but relieved.  It feels like you lanced a festering would – it was an ugly process and it still hurts, but it’s a different kind of hurt.  It’s a hurt that feels like it might finally begin to give way to healing because the poison has been let out.
Bucky’s gentle humming gives you something else to focus on as you close your swollen eyes and allow him to shift you slightly.  He’s sitting on the floor with his back to the wall, and you’re sitting between his legs and leaning against him, more or less cradled in his arms with your legs draped over one of his thighs.  He’s so solid and steady; the immoveable rock in the unreliable landscape of your shifting emotions.
Without loosening his grip on you, he reaches for something – the bottle of bodywash – and clicks open the top to smell it before setting it to the side.  “I get it, Sweetheart.  I get it, the significance of this smell.  When I was first free, I didn’t know what to do with myself.  I didn’t know who I was after everything I’d done, and everything that was done to me – I didn’t feel the same, I sure as hell didn’t look the same, and the whole damn world had changed – and I just wanted something comfortable.  Familiar. So I thought,” he twirls a lock of your hair around his finger, “that if I could maybe just smell like myself, that it might be enough to hold on to, to remind myself that I wasn’t HYDRA’s puppet anymore.”  Bucky chuckles, “It was a good idea, in theory.  Not so much in practice.  Most men, myself included, just smelled like armpit and cigarette smoke a few hours after bathing.  While I definitely appreciate cologne and deodorant now, it really wasn’t a thing for men back in the 30s and 40s – that stuff was considered to be for women only.”
Bucky presses a kiss to your forehead.  “It got to the point where I couldn’t stand myself, and it didn’t exactly help me blend in or get jobs for cash, especially since I couldn’t always afford to wash my clothes regularly.  Then one day I stopped by a drugstore to pick up some razorblades.  There was an open jar on the counter for people to try, and I caught a whiff of it as I walked by.  It…it smelled just like my ma.  It surprised me so much that I started crying in the middle of the store, which of course really, really concerned some of the other customers.  It was only a few months after I got free, so I was still pretty rough and crusty looking. Some lady approached me and I panicked – I swiped the jar and ran out.  I spent the next two days just intermittently sniffing the stuff.  Turned out to be cold cream – I don’t know if it was the same brand my ma used, but I didn’t care.  It smelled just like her.”
A warmth blossoms in your chest – that’s probably one of the sweetest things you’ve ever heard.   “Did it help?”
“Mmm hmm.  Gave me something good to remember, instead of all the bad.  It reminded me of who I was before – before HYDRA, hell, who I was before the war.  My ma was…she was my safe place.  I got along with my dad just fine, but deep down I was always a mama’s boy.”
“Do you still have it?” You don’t remember seeing it, but that doesn’t mean anything.
“Yeah, but I don’t need it anymore.”  Bucky tightens his hold on you.  “You’re my safe place now.”  The two of you sit in silence for a while, just holding each other.  Just before you begin to drift off, he murmurs, “Do you want to take a shower?  Smell like you again?”
You nod wordlessly as you untangle yourself and clumsily rise.  Because yes.  Yes, you do.
He swiftly puts your toiletries where they belong as you stare at yourself in the mirror.
“You’re still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.”  He steps past you and into the shower to start the water while you begin to get out of your…what the hell are these things, anyway?  Hospital issue shorts that snap at the waist and a top that ties at the neck and sides.  Not exactly the pinnacle of comfort, but much better than one of those drafty ass-baring gowns.
There’s no mistaking his hesitation when he speaks, “Alright, Sweetheart.  You should be good to go.  I’ll be nearby, so just call if you need anything.”
It hadn’t occurred to you that he would leave.  Panic tries to rise but you grab his hand as he walks by and the contact immediately soothes you; and if the relief in his eyes is anything to go by, the simple touch does the same for him.  “Stay with me.”  Your mouth is dry as you swallow against the lump in your throat, and you wonder if you’re crossing a line.  Is it too familiar?  Too soon after what you’ve been through?  You just know that you don’t want to be alone.   “Please.”
Will anything ever be the same?
His eyes seem just a bit bluer when he looks to you in surprise.  “Really?  Are – are you sure?”  Bucky stares as you slowly nod.  “I thought…I didn’t want to assume –“
There’s a comfort in knowing that you both seem to be on the same page.  “I’m sure.  Please…stay.”
Bucky nods and begins to undress as you finish slowly.  He keeps his eyes averted as he steps into the shower.
Suddenly feeling inexplicably shy, you follow him through the frosted door.  The shower is huge - more than big enough for two and is actually quite lovely.  Two of the walls are made of glass, and oversized beige tiles line the other two walls up to the ceiling, with coves intermittently placed for holding whatever would be needed for bathing.  Along the far wall is a built-in seat, also tiled – it makes sense, considering who this shower was built for.  Even an Avenger might not have the energy for standing in a shower after a mission.
Bucky takes your hand and leads you under the generous spray, letting the hot water rinse over you both. His hands lightly trail up and down your arms as you both stand, silently facing the other.  After the space has become thoroughly steamy and you’ve begun to relax, he pulls you out just enough so he can start shampooing your hair, and good lord you’d forgotten how wonderful his hands feel massaging your scalp.  He doesn’t stop, even when rinsing.
“Mmm…Buck, you missed your calling as a hair washer.”
“Yes, I think you might have mentioned that before,” he chuckles as he smooths in the conditioner, then twists your hair to rest atop your head to give the conditioner a chance to do its thing.  He squeezes some bodywash onto a poof and begins washing your shoulders and back, arms, and legs as you remain still, taking in the familiar scent and touch.
You take his hands in yours when he circles around to your front.  “I missed you so much, Bucky.”
“My god, Sweetheart,” his voice is so tight you almost can’t understand him, “I missed you so fucking much, and I was so scared, I couldn’t breathe without you.”
You brush the wet hair out of his eyes, and before you can overthink it you pull him into a kiss, attempting to say everything you can’t manage to express with words into it.  You keep your arms around his neck, breaking the kiss only to whisper, “I love you so much, Bucky.  I love you so, so much.  I…Thank you.  Thank you for going back into hell to get me.”
Bucky whispers your name, just as lost for words as you.  “I…always,” he finally manages.  “I’ll always come for you.”
Then he kisses you deeply, thoroughly.  This kiss is emotion, but it’s also fire.  You tighten your arms in the impossible effort of getting closer to him, as though the immeasurably thin sheet of water separating you two was too much.  
There’s nothing to hide it when Bucky hardens against you, and a tension you didn’t realize you were carrying fades away.
He still wants you.
When he pulls back to look at you there’s a desperate, hungry glint in his eyes that you’re sure mirrors your own.  He kisses you again, slower this time, pushing you back slightly so the back of your head is under the spray.  Bucky continues kissing you as he rinses the conditioner from your hair, turning what was just moments ago a comforting, soothing gesture into something completely different.
Even with the hot water streaming over your skin, goosebumps rise at his needy touches.
Bucky’s hands are everywhere as he again guides you backwards; when the back of your legs hit the shower seat you lose your balance, but of course he doesn’t let you fall. Two hands grip your hips, steadying you before pushing you down gently until you’re perched on the bench and he’s kneeling in front of you. You wrap your legs around his torso, trying to pull him closer as he kisses your neck, your shoulders, your breasts, your lips.  For the briefest of moments you can feel his cock nudging at your entrance, but then Bucky grips your thighs, loosening himself from their grip and sits back on his heels before lifting your injured leg over his shoulder.
He scooches you forward to the edge of the bench and dives in.  There’s no teasing, no waiting.  He begins licking and sucking like a starving man, periodically growling quietly, pausing only to gently but firmly push your thighs further apart.  Your left hand goes back to support you, while your right hand goes into his hair.  You don’t need to guide him – he knows damn well what he’s doing and he’s fucking good at it – but you need as much contact with him as possible.
Staring at the sight of the man before you, you watch, mesmerized, at the powerful muscles in his shoulder and back pull and stretch under smooth and scarred skin as he feasts.  Bucky chases you mercilessly into an orgasm, not giving you a chance to come down from one before he’s working on another.  
“Bucky…fuck…Buck please…I can’t...oh my fuck please stop…”  You’re just about cross-eyed from bliss, but if he doesn’t stop there’s a good chance your brain will short-circuit if you come for a fourth time without a break.
At first you’re not sure if he hears you, but finally, reluctantly, he pulls himself away, gently guiding your right leg off his shoulder as he straightens from a position that would have been uncomfortable had he cared.  Kisses are planted on your thighs and belly as his hands roam, giving you some time to catch your breath before his mouth is on yours once again.
“I love you so much, Sweetheart, so fucking much,” he mumbles against your mouth, as if pulling away any farther would cause you to disappear on him again.  A wickedly satisfied grin graces his lips, “And I fucking missed that.  Now hold on.”
You throw your arms around his neck as he grabs you by the ass to pull you to him, standing while he does so.
“Show off.”
Your breathless smirk just makes him chuckle darkly.  “Oh Doll, I happen to know you like this.”  His irises have almost completely disappeared, and it seems impossible but your heart beats even faster in anticipation.  He’s not wrong.
Secure in his hold on you, you pull him in for another searing kiss as he carefully exits the shower and brings you back into the bedroom.  Not caring that both of you are still dripping wet, he tenderly lays you on the bed.
The mood shifts with his gentle actions.  Bucky cradles himself within your thighs, nuzzling your neck and planting soft kisses as he goes.  The next time his lips meet yours it’s sweet and unhurried.  His right hand takes yours, holding it firmly just above your head as your need for him explodes.  There are tears in his eyes when he slowly pushes in; he fills you, and for the first time in weeks you feel complete.  His strokes are slow and languorous, deep and deeply satisfying, allowing you to feel every inch of his movements while he feels every inch of you.
Bucky’s eyes meet yours, and neither of you can look away.  He’s giving you everything he is, everything he has been or will be, and trusting you to do with him what you will.  You do the same; offering anything less would be an insult to the way you feel about him. You surrender completely, knowing and accepting that you’re safe and that he can and will handle whatever your future holds; he’s not going to give up on you any more than you’d give up on him.
You’ve never felt so secure.
“I love you.”  The words are spoken at the same time, and you can feel his pieces filling the cracks left by your ordeal.  In this moment you feel whole, almost as if you’d never been broken.  Bucky stares into your eyes with an expression of wonder, and you know damn well that your own face reflects the awe you feel at the enormity of the bond you share.
It almost seems against his volition when he begins to thrust faster.  Your body betrays you, too, movements matching Bucky’s and encouraging him to move even faster, harder, deeper.  He obliges, rolling his hips into yours as your free hand roams at his back and shoulder and ass, desperate to touch as much of him as you can.  He tightens his grip on your hand and presses it more firmly into the mattress to keep you from sliding back and hitting the headboard.
Bucky’s getting close – you can hear it in his uneven breathing and feel it in the way his rhythm occasionally falters.  You are, too, and of course he knows this.  He hasn’t forgotten how to play your body, how to get you to respond in any way he pleases.  And right now he wants to you to come.  With his eyes, he demands it.  
You couldn’t deny him if you tried.  Stars explode and you clutch him to you as tightly as possible; he keeps going as long as he can, but your release soon sets off his own.  Hand in hand you ride the violent waves of bliss and pleasure, knowing nothing but each other in this timeless moment.
When the aftershocks subside, you pull your hand from his and begin to softly run your hands up and down his back as Bucky trembles in your arms.  Neither of you pulls away – this is where you want to be – and a smile grows as you catch your breath.
This man.
“What’s goin’ through that pretty head of yours?”  Bucky’s voice is quiet but rough.
He kisses the tip of your nose.  “You’ve got a goofy grin on your face.  Just wondering what you’re thinking.”
You huff a laugh as you come clean.  “Just thinking about how lucky I am.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Yeah?  How’s that?”
“I got the trifecta. Didn’t think it even existed, but it does.”
“The trifecta,” he repeats, waiting for your explanation.
“Mmm hmm.  I found a man that loves me.”  You begin tracing the lines of his face with your fingertips.
He turns his head to press a quick kiss to your palm.  “You’re damn right you did.”
“He’s hot.”
Bucky smirks.
You run your finger along his lower lip.  “And…he knows how to fuck.”
Bucky ducks his head as he lets out a gentle laugh.  His lips meet your neck, then your ear.  He takes his time, but between kisses and nibbles he whispers, “Then I guess we both got the trifecta.  And don’t you dare roll your eyes, cause it’s true – you love me, hell, you trust me which is so fucking incredible to me, you’re gorgeous, and I will freely admit that I can’t get enough of this…I’m insatiable for you and what you do.”
The hot whispers at your ear send a chill through your body, defeating any chance you’d have of successfully rolling your eyes, especially considering that they’re currently busy rolling back into your head with bliss.  His hands start to wander again, and your breath begins to quicken when you feel his softened length still inside you begin to twitch.
Supersoldier, indeed.
“How is your thigh feeling,” Bucky murmurs between dropping hot, open mouthed kisses on your neck and shoulders.
“My what? Oh…yeah…it’s good.  I’m good.”  He’s doing a fine job of distracting you from any lingering discomfort…or rational thinking. Not that you’re complaining. “Everything’s, uh, everything’s good.”
“Mmm…” is the only acknowledgement you get as he continues moving his mouth against you, tasting whatever his lips and tongue can find.  
It’s clear where this is going…until your stomach growls.  Loudly.
Bucky pulls away slightly, obviously biting back his laughter.  “So…I guess it’s time for a break.”
“What?  No,” you plead, pulling his lips to yours.  You’re pretty sure you have him convinced, until another rumble comes from your tummy.  “Dammit.”
“Sweetheart, you need to eat.”  Suddenly he’s all business, pressing one last kiss to your forehead before gingerly pulling out of you, causing you both to wince at the sticky feeling.  “And get dried off.  The last thing you need is to catch a cold.”
Well, he’s not wrong. Now that he isn’t covering you with his body, your damp skin is definitely feeling the chill, especially where the comforter is wet.  In hindsight, maybe the thirty seconds it would’ve taken to dry off wouldn’t have been too much.
Then again…nope. Totally worth it.
“I think I need another shower,” you mutter while you shift to sit at the side of the bed.  
“Sweetheart.”  There’s no mistaking his tone as he drapes a dry blanket over your shoulders; Protective Bucky has been activated.
“Yeah, yeah, I know I need to eat,” you grumble, “and I am hungry.  But I’m also unmoisturized and frizzy.  I need lotion, leave in conditioner, and my face cream, or I’m going to uncomfortable and itchy until my next shower.  And I’ll look like I just stuck my finger in an electric socket.”
Bucky barks out a laugh as he helps you to your feet.  “You’re not that frizzy.”
“Yet,” you counter.  “Friction is not a curly-haired girl’s best friend. You remember what happened the first time we did this, right?”
Bucky’s eyes drift and his lips curl into a ridiculous smile as he thinks back to the day you’re referencing.  It was the second time you’d showered together – he insisted he needed a do-over and you sure as hell weren’t going to complain – and you hadn’t had time to finish your routine afterward because the boys woke up from their nap.  Bucky would have covered you, but he got a call from Steve. All you could do was toss your hair into a bun and go with it.
It took Bucky over an hour that night to detangle your hair before bed.
“Okay fine.”  He starts stripping the wet bedding from the bed and smirks.  “You’ve got 5 minutes, and then it’s off to the kitchen to eat.”
“No,” you scoff, and immediately counter, “20 minutes.  I need to rinse off, too.  You’re messy.”
Bucky straightens indignantly, but you see the teasing light in his eyes.  “I’m messy?  I might be the cause, but you’re the reason.  It takes two to tango, Doll.”
Your laughter echoes through the room; the normalcy you’re feeling right now is almost making you giddy, and the lightness is clearly reflected in Bucky’s entire being.  “Yeah, I guess it does.  I wasn’t complaining, by the way.  Just stating a fact.”
He rolls his eyes before disappearing into the bathroom, returning a moment later with fresh blankets and a grin.  “Ten minutes.”
Shaking your head, you watch his still naked form begin to make the bed while you head to the bathroom. God, he is a thing of beauty. “Fifteen,” you call through the open door.  He doesn’t reply, he just laughs.
Bucky joins you in the bathroom a few minutes later with a pile of clothes for you both.  “Take as long as you need, Sweetheart,” he presses a kiss to the back of your neck as he wraps his arms around you.  “Just keep in mind that every time your stomach growls, I’m gonna think you’re ready to pass out.  You’ve had IV fluids but haven’t eaten since we were on the jet.”
You smile at his reflection in the mirror as you lean into him, intensely grateful for how much he cares for you and for getting back these little moments with him.   “I won’t take too long, I promise.  I just want to get comfortable.”
Eyes soft, he nods.
You both exhale.
Tags:  @hellomissmabel @howdoesoneadult  @nykitass @danimuhle @iwillbeinmynest  @shifutheshihtzu @passiononfire​  @learisa​ @widowvinter​  @kaaatniss ​ @ladylizzieofdarbyshire​ @denialanderror  @k-nighttt​ @givemethatgold​ @manders2487 ​ @afangirlrambles​ ​ ​ @polkadottedpillowcase​ @bluebrrn @saysay125​  @aikibriarrose @saharzek @mmauricee @imhereforbvcky  @whenallsaidanddone @supernatural508  @scarlettsoldier  @natalie-nightcourt  @im-beautifully-sewn  @lovemarvelousfics  @feistytravel  @tbetz0341  @nearly-whitches  @jamie-leah  @shliic  @dessinemoiunehistoire  @lucywinchester2000  @solarbarnes  @a-proper-chicken  @movingonto-betterthings @seekingkairos  @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety  @part-time-patronus  @natashasnight  
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dreamersscape · 5 years
The Raven Cycle: A Liveblog (Part 4)
(Let’s just pretend the gap since my last installment was a much shorter and more reasonable period of time than it has actually been, shall we? I tried to make up for it with the length of this edition. Suuuuuper long post under the cut.)
Me, reading TDT’s opening quotations: Okay, yes, good. Taking things out of your dreams into the waking world. Got it.
Me, reading the last quote: ‘I loathe people who keep dogs. They are cowards who haven’t got the guts to bite people themselves.’?
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‘He always returned with gifts, treasure, and unimaginable amounts of money, but to Ronan, the most wondrous thing was Niall himself. Every parting felt like it would be the last, and so every return was like a miracle.’ RONANNNNNNN. (Is it weird that it feels like Ronan is supposed to be my favorite bc he seems closest to my type and goodness knows I can relate to the grieving-a-father feels, but that’s not really the case so far? I love him dearly, but it feels like I should love him more. Weird? Not weird? I dunno.)
*carefully takes notes about the alleged details of Ronan’s birth because I know now every minor detail is actually Very Important*
‘Theoretically, Blue Sargent was probably going to kill one of these boys.’ Oh, good, it’s only a theoretical death. Glad we got that sorted out. Guess I can stop worrying about it now, right? :P
'Adam’s hand glided over her bare elbow. The touch was a whisper in a language she didn’t speak very well.’ I really like this line! Also, somewhat sadly, relateable.
'It had five tiny white buttons: four arranged in a cross shape, and one off by itself. To Blue, that fifth button was like Adam. Still working toward the same purpose as the other four. But no longer quite as close as the others.’ Oh, so we’re going to make my heart hurt over Adam Parrish in the first ten pages of the book. Fine.
'In that moment, Blue was a little in love with all of them. Their magic. Their quest. Their awfulness and strangeness. Her raven boys.’ Aw, those lines sound familiar. ;) And we’re all right there with ya, Blue.
'The dorms were emptier than they would’ve been during school term, but they were not empty.’ Whoops unrelated-to-TRC-but-nevertheless-on-brand feels ahoy.
So it’s been long enough since I read TRB that I can’t recall if I had any particular feelings about Declan then, but definitely feeling pretty sympathetic towards him now, what with his father’s seeming dismissive attitude toward him and the assault from this Gray Man. Also, have I read the word Greywaren before? Not sure.
Oh. So Ronan is the Greywaren, then. Guess that answers that.
’Mom is nothing without him’? Woooow, Declan. Wow. A bit less sympathy, now. (Maybe there’s something about their mother I don’t know yet, but still…)
’Creature was a good word for him, Ronan thought.’ Oof. He’s gonna make me eat my words, isn’t he? I already said I love you dearly, Ronan!
And now he’s gonna divert himself from his unpleasant thoughts with an external distraction. Oh good. That doesn’t mirror any of my other favorite characters at all.
'Back then, it had surprised Ronan; he hadn’t realized yet that Gansey could persuade even the sun to pause and give him the time.’ [drags a hand slowly down my face] Don’t do this to me, Maggie. Haven’t you already put me through enough with Adam and Gansey?
'His thoughtless expression was one of wonder or of pain; with Gansey they were so often the same thing.’ Well that–that’s a sentence.
’“Ronan, there’s no reason for that,” Gansey said sternly, as if Ronan had hurled a toy on the floor.’ Gonna start listing all the mom-friend!Gansey moments, 'cause I gotta.
'He laughed enough that Chainsaw abandoned her paper shredding to verify he wasn’t dying.’ This is cute, other than the implication that Ronan genuinely laughing is a all-too-rare occurrence.
’“So what you’re saying is you can’t explain it.” “I did explain it.” “No, you used nouns and verbs together in a pleasing but illogical format.”’ Hee!
I half expect tired-of-potential-and-only-being-useful-needing-something-more!Blue to break out singing ’I want much more than this provincial life/I want adventure in the great wide somewhere/I want it more than I can tell’ and I don’t say that at all in a disparaging way, that’s just what it made me think of. It’s a very understandable desire on Blue’s part.
’“Jane!” Gansey said joyfully.’ I will never tire of this. :)
'When she returned, she leaned on the table beside Adam, who touched her wrist. She didn’t know what to do in response. Touch it back? The moment had passed. She resented her body for not giving her the correct answer.’ So! Freaking! Relateable!
'Kavinsky headed directly to the large table in the back, and the postures of the other boys all changed drastically….Gansey stood, leaning against the table, and there was something threatening rather than respectful about it.’ I live a protective!Gansey appreciation life.
The Gray Man is quite a character.
Ummmm so chapter eight just hurt my soul a whole lot? Here’s a list of the culprits:
'He’d spent just two hours at the easiest of the jobs — Boyd’s Body & Paint, LLC, replacing brake pads and changing oil and finding what was making that squeaking noise there, no, there — and now, even though he was off, he was ruined for anything else. Sticky and sore and, above all else, tired, always tired.’
'The only rub was, Blue was another troubling thing. She was like Gansey in that she wanted him to explain himself. What do you want, Adam? What do you need, Adam? Want and need were words that got eaten smaller and smaller: freedom, autonomy, a perennial bank balance, a stainless-steel condo in a dustless city, a silky black car, to make out with Blue, eight hours of sleep, a cell phone, a bed, to kiss Blue just once, a blister-less heel, bacon for breakfast, to hold Blue’s hand, one hour of sleep, toilet paper, deodorant, a soda, a minute to close his eyes. What do you want, Adam? To feel awake when my eyes are open.’ (This hurt less than the 'to go home, to go home, to go home’ passage, but ONLY JUST.)
'He’d already seen the ignored, unopened envelope emblazoned with Aglionby Academy’s raven crest. For two days he’d been stepping over it, as if it might disappear if he failed to acknowledge it.’ (Ah, hello avoidant coping skills, my old friend.)
’[Adam] ached inside.’/'He still ached.’/'his spine aching, shoulders aching, soul aching’
'They stared at each other, both hurt.’/'He tried not to let it sound like he was still hurt, but he was, and it did.’/'She tried not to let it sound like she was hurt, but she was, and it did.’
’What do you want, Adam? He didn’t even know.’ (T.T)
'His wide eyes and gaunt face peered back at him, troubled but not unusual.’
I’m so done, he thought. No more. Please, I can’t take any more.’ (SAME.)
'The difference in tuition between this year’s and next was twenty-four hundred dollars. That number again. It couldn’t be a coincidence.’ (SERIOUSLY THOUGH, I CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE GANSEY/ADAM TENSION/CONFLICT/FIGHTING. WHEN DO WE GET TO THE GETTING BETTER PART?)
'They couldn’t hurt Gansey. Nothing could hurt him; people who said money couldn’t buy everything hadn’t seen anyone as rich as the Aglionby boys. They were untouchable, immune to life’s troubles. Only death couldn’t be swiped away by a credit card.’ (Oh Adam honey, you don’t even knooooow. :()
Adam! Some people show and feel love through acts of service! It’s not an inherently bad thing! Concern and the desire to help are not the same thing as pity!
Also, Blue’s “Then don’t be pitiful!” response was kinda strange, even for an impulsively perturbed remark? Just felt weird.
'She was looking at the box that served as his nightstand. Somehow it had moved several feet away from the bed. The side was badly dented, its former contents scattered violently across the floor. Only now did he remember the act of kicking the box, but not the decision to kick it.’ (Crap.)
'He calmed enough to remember that if he waited long enough, carefully analyzing how it felt, the emotion would lose its inertia. It was the same as physical pain. The more he tried to mentally decide what made pain hurt, the less his brain seemed able to remember the pain at all.’
'He’d never escape, not really. Too much monster blood in him. He’d left the den, but his breeding betrayed him. And he knew why he was pitiful. It wasn’t because he had to pay for his school or because he had to work for a living. It was because he was trying to be something he could never be. The sham was pitiful.’
'Some nights he lured himself to sleep by imagining how he would word the favor for Glendower. He needed to get the words exactly right. Now he rolled phrases around his mouth, desperately reaching for one that would comfort him. Ordinarily, words would tumble and lull through his mind, but this time, all he could think was Fix me.’ (On a related note, I’m dead.)
'He had a strange, disconcerting feeling that he couldn’t trust his senses. Like he was tasting an image or smelling a feeling or touching a sound. It was the same as just a few minutes before, the idea that he’d glimpsed a slightly wrong reflection of himself. Adam’s previous worries vanished, replaced with a more immediate concern for this ragged body he was carting around in. He’d been hit so many times. He’d already lost his hearing in his left ear. Maybe something else had been destroyed on one of those tense, wretched nights.’ (*Spontaneously revives to continue worrying myself to death over Adam Parrish* WHY CAN’T I TAKE CARE OF HIM?)
'Ronan, Noah, and Gansey were at the Dollar City in Henrietta, loitering. Theoretically, they were there for batteries. Practically, they were there because both Blue and Adam had work, Ronan’s shapeless anger always got worse at night, and Dollar City was one of the few stores in Henrietta that allowed pets.’ These stupid codependent teens.
“Hello? Oh, hey,” Gansey said to the phone, touching a notebook with a handgun printed on the cover. The oh, hey was accompanied by a definite change in the timbre of his voice. That meant it was Adam’ [tries to feel the joy I deserve at this past my intense anxiety about the probable clashing over the tuition thing]
'Ronan rested his forehead on the topmost shelf. The metal edge snarled against his skull, but he didn’t move. At night, the longing for home was ceaseless and omniscient, an airborne contaminant. He saw it in Dollar City’s cheap oven mitts — that was his mother at dinnertime. He heard it in the slam of the cash register drawer — that was his father coming home at midnight. He smelled it in the sudden whiff of air freshener — that was the family trips to New York. Home was so close at night. He could be there in twenty minutes. He wanted to smash everything off these shelves.’ He and Adam both want to go hoooome and I wish I could provide that for them and turns out I am actually Gansey.
'“Glitter,” whispered Noah reverentially, giving it a shake.’ Truly Noah is their light in the darkness. I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHH.
'Farther down the aisle, Gansey suggested to the phone, “You could come stay at Monmouth. For the night.”’ Like I said. Also, I really, really wish I could hear both sides of this phone conversation.
'Sometimes Ronan thought Adam was so used to the right way being painful that he doubted any path that didn’t come with agony.’ I mean, fair. And heartbreaking.
'Gansey’s back was turned to them. “Look, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Ramirez? I didn’t talk to anyone at the church. Yes, twenty-four hundred dollars. I know that part. I —”’ Oh no. It’s happening.
'But one of the marvelous things about being Ronan Lynch was that no one ever expected him to do anything nice for anyone.’ I would hug you Ronan, except there is now more Adam 'n’ Gansey friction and I’m really bad at handling it!
'Abruptly, Ronan’s entire body went cold. Not a little chilly, but utterly cold. The sort of cold that dries the mouth and slows the blood. His toes went numb, and then his fingers….Then Noah reappeared in a violent sputter, like the power crackling back on. His fingers clutched Ronan’s arm. Cold seeped from the point of contact as Noah dragged heat to become visible.’ Oh, so Noah can do that with Ronan too? Because of his greywaren-ness?
'“I lost …” Noah struggled for words. “There wasn’t air. It went away. The — the line!” “The ley line?” Gansey asked. Noah nodded once, a sloppy thing that was sort of a shrug at the same time. “There was nothing … left for me.”’ Not allowed. Just saying.
'He didn’t say, Or maybe something terrible happened to Adam that day he sacrificed himself in Cabeswater. Maybe he’s messed up all of Henrietta by waking up the ley line. Because they couldn’t talk about that. Just like they couldn’t talk about Adam stealing the Camaro that night. Or about him basically doing everything Gansey had asked him not to. If Adam was stupid about his pride, Gansey was stupid about Adam.’ Yes, we know. :)
'From Ronan’s room, he heard Noah’s laugh. He and Ronan were throwing various objects from the second-story window to the parking lot below. There was a terrific crash.’ Having witnessed my younger brother doing basically the same thing once, I can vouch for the authenticity of this teenage-boy activity.
'Once, he had dreamt that he found Glendower. It wasn’t the actual finding, but the day after. He wouldn’t forget the sensation of the dream. It hadn’t been joy, but instead, the absence of pain. He couldn’t forget that lightness. The freedom.’ Yeah, don’t we all dream about the absence of pain. *buries face in hands* OH GANSEY BOY.
’“Do you want me to talk to her?” This was something he definitely, 100 percent felt certain in his guts that he had no interest in doing. “I’m really bad at talking, Gansey,” Adam said earnestly. “And you’re really good at it. Maybe — maybe if it just comes up natural?” Gansey’s shoulders collapsed; his breath fogged the glass and vanished. “Of course.” “Thanks.” Adam paused. “I just want something to be simple.” So do I, Adam. So do I.’ This right here? This A Whoooole Lot. Is there anything you wouldn’t do for Adam if he asked, Gansey?
'Noah slouched in. In a wounded tone, he said, “He threw me out the window!” Ronan’s voice sang out from behind his closed door: “You’re already dead!”’ OH. MY. GOODNESS.
’"You should come over.” “Not tonight,” replied Adam. I’m losing him, Gansey thought. I’m losing him to Cabeswater. He had thought that by staying away from the forest, he’d keep the old Adam — put off the consequences of whatever had happened that night when everything started to go awry. But maybe it just didn’t matter. Cabeswater would take him regardless.’ I dream of the absence of pain!!!
'His skin shivered and crawled, and he realized it was crawling with hornets, the ones that had killed Gansey all those years ago. There weren’t many this time, only a few hundred. Sometimes he dreamt cars full of them, houses full of them, worlds full of them. Sometimes these hornets killed Ronan, too, in his dreams.’ Oh, Ronan.
’Arbores loqui latine. The trees speak Latin. “You’ve done this before,” she said. Time was a circle, a rut, a worn tape Ronan never tired of playing.’ Huh. Has Ronan been dreaming of Cabeswater for years and years?
'Curled on the mattress, [Adam] covered his face with his summer-hot arm. Sometimes, if he blocked his mouth and nose, just this side of suffocation, sleep would overthrow him.’ THAT DOESN’T SOUND HEALTHY, MY BOY. :(
'He was awake enough to think of the invitation from Gansey. There might be an internship in there. Adam knew it was a favor. Did that make it wrong? He’d said no for so long that he didn’t know when to say yes….He hated the careful way Gansey had asked him about it. Tiptoeing, just like Adam had learned to tiptoe around his father. He needed a reset button. Just push the reset button on Adam Parrish and start him again.’ I am sad. (But maaaaybe he’s starting to reconsider the idea that he can never accept hep of any kind?)
'After he had exhausted this line of thought, Ronan gave in to the brief privilege of hating himself, as he always did in church. There was something satisfying about acknowledging this hatred, something relieving about this little present he allowed himself each Sunday.’ Oh, Ronan.
'“Hey, pal,” Matthew whispered. He was the only person who could get away with calling Ronan pal.’ Awww. :)
'Matthew Lynch was a bear of a boy, square and solid and earnest. His head was covered with soft, golden curls completely unlike any of his other family members. And in his case, the perfect Lynch teeth were framed by an easy, dimpled smile. He had two brands of smile: the one that was preceded by a shy dip of his chin, a dimple, and then BAM, smile. And the one that teased for a moment before BAM, an infectious laugh. Females of all ages called him adorable. Males of all ages called him buddy. Matthew failed at many more things than either of his older brothers, but unlike Declan or Ronan, he always tried his hardest.’ Whoops, I’m attached.
'Ronan had dreamt one thousand nightmares about something happening to him.’ *rubs heart*
'A lady reached over the top of Noah to pat Matthew’s head fondly before continuing down the aisle. She didn’t seem to care that he was fifteen, which was all right, because he didn’t, either. Both Ronan and Declan observed this interaction with the pleased expressions of parents watching their prodigy at work.’ Once again: Awww. :)
'Blue very much liked having the boys over to her house. Their presence at the house was agreeable for several different reasons….And the third reason was that it suggested permanence. Blue had acquaintances at school, people she liked. But they weren’t forever. While she was friendly with a lot of them, there was no one that she wanted to commit to for a lifetime. And she knew this was her fault. She’d never been any good at having casual friends. For Blue, there was family — which had never been about blood relation at 300 Fox Way — and then there was everyone else. When the boys came to her house, they stopped being everyone else.’ THEY’RE FAMILY NOW. <3
'Crossly, Blue realized that Gansey had now called her Jane so often that it felt strange to hear him say her real name.’ Embrace it, Blue. Embraaace it. :D
'He hid the insatiable wanting well, but now that she’d seen it once, she couldn’t stop seeing it. But he wouldn’t be able to explain it to Maura. And he would never really have to explain it to Blue. It was his something more.’ Awww. :)
(Sorry this liveblog is devolving mostly into either EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE or But this is cute! and if that is starting to become boring…)
’"What did they die of?” “Mom always said ‘meddling.’ Gansey completely forgot they were being secretive and let out a tremendous laugh. It was a powerful thing, that laugh. He only did it once, but his eyes remained shaped like it. Something inside her did a complicated tug. Oh no! she thought. But then she calmed herself. Richard C. Gansey III has a nice mouth. Now I know he has nice eyes when he laughs, too. This still isn’t love. She also thought: Adam. Remember Adam.’ 1.) I hope this line of rationalization works out for you, Blue. ;) 2.) I am still feeling torn, though. Blue and Adam are cute together. 3.) I’d be okay with a Blue-Gansey-Adam OT3 though.
'Maura frowned. In a low voice, she said, “I think I need to have a conversation with that boy.” “Someone does,” Calla replied, heading up the stairs. Each stair groaned a protest for which she punished the next with a stomp. “Not me. I’ve outgrown train wrecks.” Blue, alarmed, said, “Is he a train wreck?”| Her mother clucked her tongue. “Calla likes drama. Train wreck! When a train takes a long time to go off the tracks, I don’t like to call it a wreck. I like to call it a derailment.”  From upstairs, Blue heard Calla’s delighted cackle. “I hate both of you,” Blue said as her mother laughed and galloped up the stairs to join Calla. “You’re supposed to use your powers for good, you know!” After a moment, Adam said to her, without lifting his eyes, “I could hear y’all, you know.” Blue hoped fervently that he was only talking about Maura and Calla and not about her kitchen conversation with Gansey. “Do you think you’re a train wreck?” “That would mean I was on the tracks to start with,” he replied.’ I would just like to say that I am miffed by this passage on Adam’s behalf. Thank you.
The chapter where Mr. Gray comes to 300 Fox Way was… interesting.
'Gansey, a furious sun, glowed from the other side of the universe, his gravitational pull too distant to affect Adam.’ WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME MAGGIE I CAN NEVER RECOVER.
So yeah, I just read the part where Adam is thinking back to how he and Gansey became friends and I think my heart just burst from emotional overload.
'Sometimes Adam wondered what would’ve happened if he hadn’t stopped that day. What would be happening to him right now?’ Sometimes, Allan wondered what would’ve happened if Robin hadn’t stepped out of the trees that day. What would be happening to him right now? SORRY, I HAVE A PROBLEM.
Also, it only just occurred to me that Allan and Adam are A-names and Robin and Richard (even if that’s not what Gansey goes by) are R-names. This makes me so unreasonably happy!
'Gansey was giddy now that they’d decided to go back to Cabeswater. He hated nothing more than standing still. He ordered Ronan to put on some terrible music — Ronan was always too happy to oblige in this department — and then he abused the Camaro at every stoplight on the way out of town. “Put your back into it!” Gansey shouted breathlessly. He was talking to himself, of course, or to the gearbox. “Don’t let it smell fear on you!” Blue wailed each time the engine revved up, but not unhappily. Noah played the drums on the back of Ronan’s headrest. Adam, for his part, was not wild, but he did his best not to appear unwild, so as not to ruin it for the others.’ REEELATABLLLLE!!!
'Adam felt like he was watching it all from outside. He felt like he was about to catch another image, like a flick of the tarot cards he’d looked at earlier. Was that someone standing by the side of the road? I can’t trust my eyes.’ Leave him aloooone. :(
'Gansey leaned back, head thrown to the side, drunken and silly with happiness. “I love this car,” he said, loud to be heard over the engine. “I should buy four more of them. I’ll just open the door of one to fall into the other. One can be a living room, one can be my kitchen, I’ll sleep in one …” “And the fourth? Butler’s pantry?” Blue shouted. “Don’t be so selfish. Guest room.”’ He’s adorable.
Huh. Cabeswater’s gone!
'Adam felt that the Pig’s status perfectly encapsulated how he felt. It was not really dead, just broken. He was held inside the question of what it meant for him if Cabeswater was gone. Why can’t things just be simple?’  While this is a legitimate concern, Adam, to be fair, just a few moments ago you were worrying about was going to happen when you returned to Cabeswater for the first time after your sacrifice. Poor guy’s anxious over everything. :/
'Ronan leapt out of the car and slammed the door. The thing about Ronan Lynch, Adam had discovered, was that he wouldn’t — or couldn’t — express himself with words. So every emotion had to be spelled out in some other way. A fist, a fire, a bottle. Now Cabeswater was missing and the Pig was hobbled, and he needed to go have a silent shouting fit with his body. In the back window, Adam saw Ronan pick up a rock from the side of the road and hurl it into the creeper.  “Well, that’s helpful,” Blue said tersely.’ 1.) [Fond but exasperated] Oh Ronan. 2.) I appreciate your reaction, Blue. You’re not wrong.
'“I’m calling Declan,” Gansey said. “And telling him to bring a battery.” Ronan told Gansey what he thought of this plan, very precisely, with a lot of compound words that even Adam hadn’t heard before. Gansey nodded, but he also dialed Declan’s number. Afterward, he turned to Ronan, who leaned his cheek hard enough against the top of the window to make a dent in his skin.’ Please stop dealing with difficult emotions/situations by causing yourself pain, Ronan, honey.
'Gansey rounded on Adam, clutching his own headrest and looking behind him. “Why is it gone?”’ Why is my mental picture of this so endearing?
'Declan’s Volvo glided up, as quiet as the Pig was loud. Ronan said, “Move up, move up” to Blue until she scooted the passenger seat far enough for him to clamber behind it into the backseat. He hurriedly sprawled back in the seat, throwing one jean-covered leg over the top of Adam’s and laying his head in a posture of thoughtless abandon. By the time Declan arrived at the driver’s side window, Ronan looked as if he had been asleep for days.’ Oh, Ronan. What am I going to do with you?
'And as he sat there, observing the set of Declan’s shoulders and the way his eyes looked, he realized something startling. Declan was afraid. Probably it wasn’t apparent to Gansey, who was fairly oblivious, nor to Blue, who didn’t know what Declan looked like ordinarily. And Ronan’s feelings about his older brother were like blood in the water; he wouldn’t be able to see through the bilious clouds. But to Adam, who’d spent a fair amount of his life afraid — not only afraid, but trying to hide it — it was obvious.’ [Gansey voice] I am right to have Allan feels here and I will not be made to feel bad about it! (Also, in blast-from-the-past news, I’m really close to finally done with putting my anxiety-and-Allan thoughts into words and I’m excited for that.)
I love when Noah senses one of the other boys is in distress and goes to them and does his ghostly best to comfort or assist them. <3
'He thought about the day he’d been stung to death by hornets and lived anyway. Gansey ran over the memory until he no longer felt the thrill of hearing Glendower’s name whispered in his ear, and then instead gave himself over to feeling sorry for himself, that he should have so many friends and yet feel so very alone. He felt it fell to him to comfort them, but never the other way around. As it should be, he thought, abruptly angry with himself. You’ve had it the easiest. What good is all your privilege, you soft, spoiled thing, if you can’t stand on your own legs? ’ OH HONEY :( (But Noah does try!)
'“It’s not just the blood,” Ronan said. His chest moved up and down with his breath. “Something else got out, too.”’ Uh-oh.
Phew. They dispatched the nightmare creature while remaining mostly unscathed. Although they needn’t go around asking each other, "Are you murdered?” with the reply, “I think so.” anymore, please.
'“There was another one,” he said. “It got away.”’ Well, that’s not good!
'“It’s for the distasteful thing,” Gansey said. He plucked at the T-shirt with deprecating fingers. “I’m rather slovenly at the moment, I know.”’ [Fond, amused sputtering]
Oh, they’re going to the Barns!
'Gansey, a bit of the gallows in his voice, advised, “Poke its eye.”’ [Confused, taken-aback sputtering]
'“It feels the same as when you guys lived here,” Gansey said finally. “It seems like it should be different.” “Did you come here a lot?” Blue asked.  He exchanged a glance with Ronan. “Often enough.” He didn’t say what Ronan was thinking, which was that Gansey was far more of a brother to Ronan than Declan had ever been.’ Brothers <3<3<3
'Ronan loved it so much. He nearly couldn’t bear it. He wanted to destroy something.’ That’s…one reaction to profound love. (Yes, I know. Profound love for something that’s been stripped away from you.)
'“Ronan Lynch,” he said. It was the voice Ronan couldn’t not listen to. It was sure in every way that Ronan was not. “Stop this right now. Go see your mother. And then we’re leaving.”’ More Mom-Friend!Gansey.
'Ronan walked directly up to her, close enough to see that she had not changed a bit since the last time he had seen her, months and months ago. Though his breath moved the fine hairs around her temples, she didn’t react to her son’s presence. Her chest rose and fell. Her eyes stayed closed. Non mortem, somni fratrem. Not death, but his brother, sleep. Blue whispered, “Just like the other animals.”  The truth — he’d known it all along, really, if he thought about it — burrowed into him. Blue was right. His home was populated by things and creatures from Niall Lynch’s dreams, and his mother was just another one of them.’ Huh.
'My soul’s in enough peril as it is.” At this, Gansey’s face turned to a genuine frown and he looked as if he was about to say something. Then he just shook his head a little….“She didn’t try to see the future. It’s not something she became; it’s something she is. I could just as easily say that you’re evil because you can take things from your dreams!” Ronan said, “Yeah, you could.” Gansey’s frown deepened. Again he opened his mouth and closed it.’ Same, Gansey. Same.
'Ronan looked at him. That look, Blue thought. Ronan Lynch would do anything for Gansey. I probably would, too, she thought.’ If only he knew it. *rubs heart*
'Blue and Gansey exchanged a look. Blue’s look said, I’m so, so sorry. Gansey’s said, Am I the pretty one?’ Bless his cotton socks.
'Ronan thought of what Declan had said all those months before: Mom is nothing without Dad. He’d been right.’ Okay, but does Declan know about this stuff and how it works?
'Ronan interrupted the silence. “Cabeswater. Cabeswater is a dream.” Calla stopped rotating. “You don’t have to tell me I’m right,” Ronan said. He thought of all the times he had dreamt of Cabeswater’s old trees; how familiar it had felt to walk there; how the trees had known his name. He was tangled in their roots, somehow, and they, in his veins. “If Mom is in Cabeswater, she’ll wake up.” Calla stared at him. Silence was never a wrong answer.’ Okay then.
'But those words of Declan’s needled Ronan: She’s nothing without Dad. It was like he knew. Ronan wanted badly to know how much Declan knew, but it wasn’t like he could ask him.’ No, that would be too easy.
'“Says you and Dad were both dreamers,” Matthew said, “and you’re going to make us lose everything.” Ronan sat very still. He was so still so quickly that Chainsaw froze as well, her head tilted toward the youngest Lynch brother, purloined tuna sandwich forgotten. Declan knew about their father. Declan knew about their mother. Declan knew about him.’ Curious. Very curious.
The Gray Man is going to Monmouth Manufacturing!
'He had spent forty-eight hours more or less awake and restless and then, on the third day, he had bought a side-scan sonar device, two window airconditioners, a leather sofa, and a pool table. “Now do you feel better?” Adam had asked drily. Gansey had replied, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” “Hey, man,” Ronan said, “I like the pool table.” The entire situation made Blue apoplectic.’ Tag yourself; I’m Adam with a dash of Ronan. Pool tables are cool.
’"You are still wearing those incredibly stupid boat shoes, and of all the things that you have bought, you still haven’t replaced them!” Gansey, bewildered, observed his feet. The movement of his toes was barely visible through the tops of his Top-Siders. Really, in light of recent events, these shoes were the only things that were right in the world. “I like these shoes.”’ Update: he’s still adorable.
’[Gansey] exchanged a glance with Adam, because it had to be done’ 1) What does this mean? 2) I love them SO MUCH!
'In some parallel universe, there was a Gansey who could tell Blue that he found the ten inches of her bare calves far more tantalizing than the thirteen cubic feet of bare skin Orla sported. But in this universe, that was Adam’s job. } He was in a terrible mood.’ Oooooh. 👀
'So these were the people Greenmantle had warned him about. Fellow seekers of the Greywaren, whatever it might be.’ Curious and curiouser.
'Blue cheerfully spit a mouthful of brown water on his boat shoes. It pooled in the canvas over his toes. “Good God,” he said. “Now they’re really boat shoes,” she replied.’ Blue’s crusade continues.
'He knew what it was. He just didn’t know why it was. He said, “Well, that’s a wheel off the Camaro.” And it was. It looked identical to the wheels currently residing on the Pig — except this wheel was clearly several hundred years old. The discolored surface was pocked and lumpy. With all of the deterioration, the elegantly symmetrical wheel didn’t appear that out of place beside the shield boss. If you overlooked the tattered Chevrolet logo in the middle. “Do you remember losing one a little while ago?” Ronan asked. “Like, five hundred years or so?”’ Aggressively the Most Curious.
'Blue held his gaze, unflinching. Crisp, she replied, “None at all.” And it was a lie. It should not have been, but it was, and Gansey, who prized honesty above nearly every other thing, knew it when he heard it. Blue Sargent cared whether or not he was interested in Orla. She cared a lot. As she whirled toward the truck with a dismissive shake of her head, he felt a dirty sort of thrill.’ Oh, you kids.
'“Hey, Noah.” He was too busy being ghostly to attend to her, however. Currently, he was engaged in one of his creepiest activities: reenacting his own death. He glanced around the tiny yard as if appraising the forest glen containing only himself and his friend Barrington Whelk. Then he let out a terrible, mangled cry as he was struck from behind by an invisible skateboard. He made no sound when he was hit again, but his body jerked convincingly. Blue tried not to look as he bucked a few more times before falling to the ground. His head jerked; his legs bicycled. Blue took a deep, uneven breath. Though she had seen him do it four or five times now, it was always unsettling. Eleven minutes. That was how long the entire homicidal portrait lasted: one boy’s life destroyed in less time than it took to cook a hamburger. The last six minutes, the ones that took place after Noah had first fallen but before he actually died, were excruciating. Blue considered herself a fairly steadfast, sensible girl, but no matter how many times she heard his torn-up breath seizing in his throat, she felt a little teary. Between the twisted roots of the front yard, Noah’s body jerked and stilled, finally dead. Again.’ I feel w o u n d e d.
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'They wandered to the door like that, a pretzel of dead boy and not-psychic girl.’ Don’t even look at me!
'Gleefully, Noah said, “There’s a pool table now! I’m the worst at pool ever! It’s wonderful.”’ THIS SWEET CHILD IS GIVING ME EMOTIONAL WHIPLASH.
'Gansey, pacing next to his ruined miniature Henrietta, set his eyes on Ronan. There was something intense and heedless in them. There were many versions of Gansey, but this one had been rare since the introduction of Adam’s taming presence. It was also Ronan’s favorite. It was the opposite of Gansey’s most public face, which was pure control enclosed in a paper-thin wrapper of academia. But this version of Gansey was Gansey the boy. This was the Gansey who bought the Camaro, the Gansey who asked Ronan to teach him to fight, the Gansey who contained every wild spark so that it wouldn’t show up in other versions. Was it the shield beneath the lake that had unleashed it? Orla’s orange bikini? The bashed-up remains of his rebuilt Henrietta and the fake IDs they’d returned to? Ronan didn’t really care. All that mattered was that something had struck the match, and Gansey was burning.’ #JusticeforMiniatureHenrietta
'“Don’t say anything stupid to him,” he told Gansey.’ Did I read that right? Did Ronan really just advise Gansey to be careful?
'The Gray Man recalled the buzz of his phone and patted his pockets. His phone was missing, however. Maura Sargent had stolen it while they were making out. In its place was the ten of swords: the Gray Man slain on the ground and Maura the sword driven through his heart.’ Interesting. Sorry that always seems to be my reaction to the Gray Man, but there it is.
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guccisvt · 6 years
Stealth and Smoke
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Genre: || Romance || Action || Humor || Drama ||
Word count: 5395
Warnings: Violence and swearing
Summary: The SVT gangs reign as the most notorious gang spanning across all of Korea wasn’t for nothing. But no one really knew the mastermind behind the gang, except for those within it. As a new gang member, your job was to hold a gun, fire when necessary, and keep your mouth shut. This operation was different, placing you as 1 of 4 main members in a rather risky heist that couldn’t just land you in big trouble...it could land you 6 feet under.
A/N: I remember reading a post about how people hate having to scroll through really lengthy stories on their dash so, i am adding vvvv so others won’t have to scroll through the whole story. Also, feel free to comment if there are any mistakes or if something is off. Enjoy!
A large warehouse loomed over you, making you feel even more uneasy than you had felt when you came here the first time.
You had lived a long life of crime, petty theft and grand theft auto being only a few minor ones found under your name. When you came about the SVT gang, you knew you’d be getting what you sought for. Money.
The most infamous group of outlaws, the SVT gang was comprised of three groups and three leaders. 13 members, 14 now including you. Yes, it took the theft of at least $800 to get you into their group.
Even then, one or two members were reluctant to let you in. Once in, there was no way out unless it was out in a coffin. It made you nervous to think that hanging around them would most certainly lead to your death, but when you’ve got nowhere else to go...This is the best thing you could do.
You swallowed hard as you continued to stare at the warehouses door before being spooked out of your trance. An arm wrapped around your shoulders and you quickly reached for your gun which was packed away to your side under your shirt. Just as quickly as you reached for it, another hand stopped yours.
“Woah, hold your fire there.” The soft voice said with a chuckle following. You sighed as you took in who it was. Jisoo Hong or Joshua as everyone called him. One of the few in the gang who actually liked you.
He always would sport a nice suit and tie, maybe even a hat when it got sunny out. On the outside, Joshua was a well mannered man who would go to Church on Sundays and sang in the church choir.
But no one outside of SVT new of his true nature.
“You’re spacing out again.” He chirped, releasing you from his arm before walking ahead of you into the building. He pushed forward into the warehouse and the loud creak of the door echoed eerily, sounding off his and your own arrival to the 10 other members inside.
The outside looked untouched but, the inside was carefully crafted into a base. Inside, behind two cars, was a long table with 14 chairs surrounding it. Beside it, a board where the leaders would guide everyone through their latest plan.
You took your seat near the far end of the table where those of the younger side of the group also sat. You pulled out your gun and placed it on the table alongside a knife you pulled out from under your pant leg. It was mandatory.
At the head of the table sat the leader, with his two co-leaders on either side. On the left sat Lee Jihoon, the brains of the operations. His code name over radio, woozi, stuck to him by his fellow leaders. On the right sat Kwon Soonyoung, a Spy for the gang, and a rather useful one. More often than not, he goes under the name of Hoshi. In the center sat their leader and their usual brawn, Choi Seungcheol or S.Coups. Everyone was always intimidated by Seungcheol, his serious expression and low voice gave him that advantage. Same for Soonyoung. In reality, they were the two more gentle leaders.
Jihoon was the complete opposite. A short man with an equal sized temper, he was known to kill and torture hostages without remorse and never learned to hold his tongue. Honestly quite hot, but scary nonetheless.
Today, everyone had been called in for a rather big heist. A nearby military weapons base had just recently acquired a new arsenal of weapons and Seungcheol had an ally who would pay them very well for a few boxes of weapons and ammunition.
“We’ll be up against at least 50 different guards throughout the area of the base, all armed. Not only that, but according to Jihoon’s findings, there will be a lot of area we’ll have to cover in little time.” Seungcheol explained, sparing his glance to every member.
Not a single person sturred.
“You’re telling us this as if we’re amateurs.” The youngest in the groups spoke, a young man who went by Dino.
“Don’t overestimate yourself, Dino. The military is no joke, and getting these guns will take a lot of manpower. Hell, i don’t even think we should risk taking this Job.” Soonyoung replied, his words more targeted to their leader than the youngster.
“We need to take this job. We’re low on cash and unless you guys DON’T want to get paid, i suggest you shut up and listen rather than complain about what can’t be fixed.” Jihoon replied, shooting a glare at the other male.
The way Soonyoung sat back into his chair and how he huffed was enough of a sign to Seungcheol to put on his mask of peacemaker. “Alright, Alright, listen. I know that this sort of operation is out of our league, but look at the brightside, when it’s all done, we’ll celebrate.” Seungcheol announced, a warm smile adorning his face. Soonyoung sighed and nodded, agreeing with the idea of a party. With that, Seungcheol nodded and continued his explanation. “We have a lay out of the base and of our teams. We’ll be going two at a pair,” Seungcheol explained, walking over to the board and turning it over, revealing a birds eye view of the base taped to it. On the side were colored pieces of paper with two names on each pair.
“These are our teams.” Seungcheol continued, pulling off the first piece, a green paper with the names Seungkwan and Minghao. “Seungkwan, Minghao, you two will be kicking us off for this operation.” Seungcheol called, earning a small ‘yes!’ from the two as they high-fived each other. “Hah. You two will be in charge of getting us inside and turning off the electric fence from the northwest end of the facility.” Seungcheol explained, placing their names to the entrance of the building. “Both of you are in looking for Sargent Perri, understood?” Seungkwan and Minghao nodded, a smirk on their faces.
“Good. Now, Vernon and Joshua, our handy men, we’ll need you working double time to cut open that fence without us getting spotted. Take whatever you need to get it done.”
Joshua nodded before being followed by his partners hand, “Yes, Vernon?” Seungcheol replied. “Can we use the dynamite?” He asked, a sort of gleam of excitement in his eyes. Seungcheol smiled pitifully and shook his head, “Not this time. We need to be discreet.” Vernon’s smile fell and he nodded. With that, Seungcheol pulled off a blue slip and placed it onto the far end of the map where the Northwest fence was.
“Okay, next, (Y/N), Jihoon, Soonyoung, and Dino.” As soon as you heard your name, you shot your head in your leaders direction.
“You four will be near the closest guards in the area. Soonyoung, Jihoon, take them out quietly, and disguise yourselves as the officers. Keep yourselves hidden. You two will be our lookouts.” Seungcheol pulled off two slips of paper, an orange one for Soonyoung and Dino, and a yellow one for Jihoon and yourself. You glanced over at your partner who just so happen to be looking at you, spooking you and causing you to turn away.
Soonyoung snickered and called from across the table to you, “Don’t worry baby, i’ll protect you.” You rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out at the male.
“Alright, okay. (Y/N) and Dino, you two will go and retrieve a box of M16 assault rifles with ammunition, following that we’ll send you both back in with Mingyu and Jun to grab as many shotguns and handguns as you guys can without being spotted. Jihoon, Soonyoung, you both have your partners backs because we’ll want you guys back out before anyone notices. Dokyeom and I will go in if you guys feel like things will get hairy. We are counting on you guys to get this done and done quietly.” Seungcheol explained, his expression serious earning all eyes on him as he spoke. “We’ve got this Coups.” Soonyoung replied, giving him a thumbs up.
“Of course, we won’t let you down.” You followed up, smiling at the leader.
Seungcheol smiled at your confidence before pulling off one last sheet off the board, a white sheet of paper. He placed it by the area of the gate entrance, “Jeonghan, you’ll be in charge of car one, Wonwoo, you’ll be driving car two. Assault rifles and ammunition in Jeonghan's and Shotguns and handguns in Wonwoo’s car.” Seungcheol finished, earning a final nod of understanding from the two males. Seungcheol nodded, his smile growing into a more confident one, “Alright. No time to waste. Everyone, here by 11:30 pm tonight, we’ll review one more time and then we’ll head out.”
Seungcheol finished, earning another ‘yes sir’ from the gang.
As soon as the meeting ended, those going on the mission grouped up with their partners, similar to pairs of high school friends. Even you wanted to group up with Jihoon to discuss what you two planned on but, your stride in his direction was cut short as Soonyoung crossed your path.
“Ayyyy, we’re on a mission together~” He cooed, smiling mischievously at you. As much as you resisted, you couldn’t stop your eyes from rolling.
“Careful Mr.Kwon, You’ll get distracted. We all know where that can land you.” You replied, smilingly playfully as you grabbed his tie and straightened it.
Soonyoung chuckled lowly as he watched you, his grin growing only slightly, “Well, when you try to be distracting, that’s when it’s a problem.” He replied, moving a hand to touch you, but you moved your hands away from his tie before he could.
“Then how about, you stick to your partner, and i’ll stick to mine. Yes?” You replied, the irritated smile you gave him was enough of a warning to him to back off. He scoffed in shock and smile lost it’s mischievousness as he nodded, stepping aside for you to walk over to your partner. By the time he did, Jihoon had already gotten up and was making his way to the boards map.
You were about to walk over when Soonyoung stopped you once again, only tapping your arm. His smile was completely gone and was replaced with a serious expression, which made you feel a little nervous.
“Let’s stay safe, okay? I know that Jihoon is your partner but…” He trailed off a little as he moved his eyes in the said males direction. “..He isn’t afraid of putting your life or the rest of ours in danger.” He finished, a bit of irritation rising in his voice. Soonyoung sighed and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his slacks and turned on his heel, leaving you to process what he had said.
When you looked back to check if Jihoon was in front of the board, he had already left to his car.
Night couldn’t fall any slower, only raising your anxiety the slower the drive took to the base. You kept glancing at yourself in the mirror as you pulled in. What Soonyoung had said earlier had been echoing non-stop. Jihoon wouldn’t really put you in the line of fire for the sake of a mission...would he? You parked your car and sighed, turning it off. You placed your head on the steering wheel, finding yourself having a raging headache all of a sudden. You had to calm yourself down, you couldn’t risk the operation.
You swallowed hard as you composed yourself the best you could, taking your keys and putting them into your pocket before stepping out of your car. You sighed heavily before making your way to the warehouse, it’s size now less of a concern than ever.
When you walked in, all eyes landed on you. You were the last one in. You cleared your throat as you walked to your seat, placing your weapons on the table before looking at Seungcheol, signaling him to go ahead with the review.
The review went by too quickly for your liking.
You took your belonging and went for the work cars, hopping into the passenger's seat as you waited for the driver. Tonights driver was Jihoon.
You slid into your seat as you mentally broke down what could possibly happen if the plan failed, feeling yourself get even more sick as you did. Your thoughts were broken as the door to the drivers side opened, revealing Jihoon in an all black outfit. He hopped in and shut the door quietly before placing the keys in and starting the car. You stared at him momentarily, aching to ask him what you wanted to earlier, but you decided not to.
Though, it seemed like Jihoon could read your thoughts. He placed both hands on the steering wheel and starred ahead as he spoke. “Hoshi may not believe in me, but i hope that you have at least a small amount of trust in me to know that i won’t let you...or him...or Dino...get hurt.”
You were shocked that he even spoke to you at all, turning your eyes away from him and looking straight ahead. You nodded at his statement, signalling him that you understood. After hearing that, your sickness seemed to mysteriously disappeared and was instead replaced with excitement. You were ready to get this mission over with.
Jihoon pulled the clutch and pulled you both out, following behind two more cars while behind you both, two slightly smaller cars followed.
Timing, location, and disguises were all essential to make this plan go off without a hitch. Parking yourselves in a secluded area a few hundred feet away to make sure they were hidden. Wonwoo and Jeonghan had a riskier time as they made their way to about 30 feet from the fence.
Seungkwan and Minghao wasted no time as they went in and started the operation.
Now, to wait for them to call.
They really didn’t waste time because Jihoon’s phone went off a little over 20 minutes after they had gone in.
When he picked up, a chuckle was heard from the other side, “Hello hyung! Okay, the fence is down. Give or take, you guys have 30 minutes.” Seungkwan’s voice was heard before a beep sounded off, signaling the end of the call.
Jihoon tucked his phone away before pulling out his gun from his side and placing it into the glove compartment. You stared at him with confusion before he looked at you, a hint of confusion on his face as well.
“What? Do you want the guards to catch us? Guns can’t be used for this operation. Knives are the only weapons we can use unless, you’re like Soonyoung and you use your hands.” He explained, leaving the compartment open for you. You nodded and pulled out your gun as well, placing it into the compartment. You both stepped out together, fixing your outfits and putting on your masks, also black, so that only your eyes were visible. Jihoon looked over at you and nodded, signaling he was ready. You followed with a nod as well before going around and following him through the shrubs and trees to the northwest end of the fence.
The operation begins with a 30 minute time limit.
As you both approach, the very quiet sounds of clipping is heard and your two colleagues, Joshua and Hansol, are clipping away at the gate with large pliers. By the time you are both next to them, the gate falls right off, being caught my Hansol and quietly being put aside.
Joshua looks at you both momentarily, flashing you a smile of reassurance before he turned his attention to the sound of Soonyoung and Dino. Dino gave you both a nod as a hello while Soonyoung looked at you, giving you a playful wink which only earned a roll of your eyes. Joshua stepped aside from the gate, allowing the four of you to enter, Soonyoung and Jihoon in front while You and Dino made your way in quietly.
Just as expected, a few guards were in front of the tent which housed the M16’s. Soonyoung made a signal for Jihoon to go to the left side and approach from behind while Soonyoung approached from the right. Jihoon was about to make his way over but stopped, looking back at you. Although his mask covered his mouth and nose, you could see from the way his brows furrowed and the nod he gave you that he was telling you, “I’ve got your back.” You nodded back before looking at Dino and gesturing your head to the open backside of the tent. Dino nodded as well and followed you as you made your way inside. You drew your knife out and quietly went in, staying low and hidden before peaking over the crates of weapons to scope out the inside.
No Guards.
You stood up straight, being followed by Dino who sighed. The younger pulled his mask down and frowned, “Man, i wanted some action.” He whispered to you. You shook your head as you quietly listened around yourself, taking in whatever sound you could.
You nearly had a heart attack as the front of the tent flew open, revealing Jihoon and Soonyoung. Soonyoung looked at Dino and shook his head, “Put your mask on.” He growled from behind his mask while the younger did as told.
The four of you exchanged a few more glances with each other before Jihoon pulled down his mask and turned to Soonyoung. “We’ll hide the bodies in one of the crates.” He whispered.
You were actually a bit surprised that Jihoon and Soonyoung were able to take the two men out so quickly and quietly, but then again….That was their job.
You put your knife away and made your way to the first crate, pulling on it’s lid and popping it open. What was inside almost made you gasp audibly.
The M16’s AND the Shotguns mixed inside with only stuffing popcorn the only thing separating them. You looked up from the box and turned around, looking at the two men who were about to go back out. The way you looked at them actually made them worry for a moment. They walked over and looked inside and even behind the masks, small smiles could be seen from behind them.
“One less step.” Jihoon commented, earning a nod from Soonyoung.
You softly chuckled before pulling out the first M16, surprised by its heft. You passed it to Dino who took it with a cocky grin behind his mask. He reached back inside the box and pulled out two more guns before making his way out the back of the tent quietly.
You almost forgot, you four were on a time limit.
You grabbed 3 guns and also made your way out, walking to the entrance of the gate and passing the guns out to Joshua and Hansol who set them aside to organize.
You and Dino repeated this step over 5 times, successfully pulling out 30 guns. You looked at Joshua as you pulled out another batch, glancing between the guns and him. He shrugged, letting out a soft chuckle.
“I think 30 is enough. Bring some ammunition.” he whispered to you quietly. You nodded and went back in, expecting to just be able to walk in again. Just as you were about to, an unknown voice yelled to you, “hey!” they called.
You felt your heart drop into your stomach as you turned your head, seeing 3 guards running in your direction.
‘Fuck.’ You thought as you ran inside, hopping over the crates and running out to Jihoon and Soonyoung who were standing guard. They looked at you confused and shocked, pointing for you to get back inside. You pulled your mask down, “guards are coming.” You quietly and nervously announced.
Jihoon and Soonyoung’s eyes instantly grew to saucers as you spoke. Jihoon cursed to himself before turning his attention to Soonyoung.
“Where is Din-” Suddenly the sound of a gun goes off.
The three of you turn your attention to the tent and quickly run inside. You hop over the crates once again and peak your head outside and see what the three of you never thought you’d have to see.
On the ground, Dino is clutching his leg which had been shot. Approaching him, the three guards. You pulled your head back inside the tent and looked at Soonyoung who looked like he had just gone into shock. You moved to touch him, but he already turned on his heel and reached into a crate, pulling out an M16.
“S-Soon..” You whisper almost breathlessly as he moved to the ammunition box and pulled out a full box. He quietly and quickly loaded the gun before cocking it back. “It’s showtime.” He said lowly before pushing you aside to get out.
You were about to go after him but were stopped by Jihoon. He pulled you back by the hand and quietly dragged you out the other end of the tent. You felt your heart race and you suddenly felt sick again.
“Ji-” You were silenced as Jihoon stopped moving and covered your mouth. “Soonyoung will be fine. You and I need to get out of here.” He ordered quietly, his eyes intensely boring holes into your own. You gulped hard as he removed his hand slowly. You shakily nodded your head before a round of gunshots were heard in the direction Soonyoung was in.
Jihoon grabbed your hand again and pulled you both into another tent. You squeezed his hand nervously which called his attention. He looked down at your hands and then back at you. The anxiety of losing your comrades was etched across your face and Jihoon could see it.
He squeezes your hand in return and placed his free hand on your cheek, calling your attention. “Soonyoung and Dino will make it out, okay? Soonyoung may be reckless and Dino may be a kid compared to us, but they know what they’re doing. Have faith in them and in me. All of us will make it out, alright?” He cooed quietly, looking into your eyes as he spoke.
You held your breath for a moment after he spoke, moving your eyes to look at anything but his, hoping that your anxiety would subside but, the calmness of his voice and the tranquility his dark eyes brought was actually what ended up bringing you back to your senses. You nodded and reached your hand to your side, pulling out your knife. Jihoon gave you a small smile before letting your face go. Honestly, your cheek suddenly felt very cold after he removed his hand.
Jihoon released you hand and moved the the crates inside the tent you both had slipped into. He pulled one open and inside were hand grenades while another box beside it was labeled ‘Ammunition’.
“Bingo.” He said as he pulled the next box open and began to pull out boxes. Just as you moved to grab two boxes, another round of bullets was heard, this time it was closer to you both. Jihoon’s eyes widened at the sudden movement of the shots, “Go. Move!” he exclaimed a little too loudly, startling you and causing you to run out. Jihoon held the boxes to his chest and ran at full speed around two tents and to the other side before finding the gate again.
You suddenly picked up your speed and ran straight into Joshua, feeling a wave of relief roll through you. The relief only lasted briefly before Joshua and Hansol made haste for the guns, taking them and stuffing them into the duffles bags they carried their tools in. You gave them the ammunition and Jihoon followed. As soon as you handed them over, you looked at Jihoon with a strange look. Jihoon could see something odd in your eyes, furrowing his eyes in concern. “(Y/N)...” He said weerily, but before he could say anything, you took off again. This time...back inside the base.
You were not leaving them to defend themselves.
Another round of shots were heard before as you ran towards them, expecting to see Soonyoung and Dino dead on the ground. What actually nearly scared the shit out you was when you ran straight into a gun pointed at you. Had Soonyoung had as itchy of hands as Hansol or Mingyu, you probably would have been shot right there.
Soonyoung sighed audibly and smiled, behind him, Dino stood (sort of) with a Shotgun in his hands.
“Dear g/d…” You whispered. Soonyoung lowered his gun and you quickly went in and hugged him tightly, which he returned. He quickly released you though, noticing something off. He held you by your shoulders before speaking. “Where is Jihoon?”
You went stiff as you thought, you left him back with Joshua. “H-He’s back with Josh and Hansol.”
“No i’m not.” A voice replied. You turned around and sure enough, Jihoon jogged right up to you three, a gun in his own hand. You felt yourself smile as Jihoon approached you, a small smile forming on his lips as well.
“What the hell man...Why did you leave them to come looking for us? What if they had gotten caught or worse?” Soonyoung practically yelled. Jihoon’s gentle expression towards you changed in an instant as he looked back at Soonyoung.
“If it wasn’t for me, they wouldn’t have made it to you. They probably didn’t even notice that they had been spotted by a guard on their way here.” Jihoon replied, taking your hand and pulling you forward with him.
Dino snickered at his response, earning a glare from Soonyoung. Dino only shrugged and pushed ahead, moving rather well for a person who had been… ya know...shot. Soonyoung growled a little, moving behind the group.
You couldn’t help but feel a little nervous again after hearing what Jihoon said. You were being followed and you didn’t notice? How reckless. It wasn’t like you. Then again, it wasn’t like you to run back for your comrades either.
You shook your head, breaking out of your thoughts before looking down at your hand in Jihoon’s. His hand was actually quite small compared to yours, which made you smile.
“You have tiny hands.” You commented with a chuckle. Jihoon looked over his shoulder at you with a glare, but not quite like the ones he usually gave. This one was more of a sarcastic kind which was followed up with a roll of his eyes and a shake of his head.
“Gee, thanks.” He replied quietly.
Your smile only grew after that and you felt...something...inside you stir.
You were so distracted by him that you didn’t even notice the rather intense death glare Soonyoung had aimed at Jihoon.
Two more encounters with guards and the four of you were scott free.
After the second guard, Dino’s leg gave out, so Soonyoung had to carry him out. By the time you four were out, it had been WAY over 30 minutes.
You could feel yourself come down from some sort of high as you sat in the car, leaning your head back and taking it what had just happened.
The drive back wasn’t as silent as it had been, Jihoon asking every now and then if you were okay, to which you replied with a yes or with a soft hum. But as you thought about the mission more and more, the more you found yourself drifting your eyes to Jihoon. He really had protected you, he really had been there for you, he even calmed you down when you were on the verge of a panic attack.
You smiled tiredly as you thought about how he had smiled at you earlier when he had followed you back in. “Hey, Jihoon?” You called quietly, earning a small hum as a response.
“Thanks for being there for me…” You said tiredly, turning your head to look at him. Jihoon spared you a glance before nodding, a small smile on his lips.
“Of course. I told you i would, didn’t i?” He replied. You chuckled and nodded, “Yeah, you did. But...seriously….You didn’t have to calm me down. You didn’t have to hold my hand...or run after me…” You quietly trailed off, finding yourself falling asleep.
Jihoon sighed, noticing your tired state, “I did what i felt was right.” He replied, finally pulling up to where the base was. When the doors opened, he pulled right in and parked. When he turned off the car, he looked over at you and noticed you had fallen asleep.
He couldn’t hide the soft smile that adorned his face as he looked at you. He felt like just leaving you there to rest but...maybe a bed would be nicer than his car seat. So, he shook your shoulder gently, waking you up from your short nap.
“We’re here.” He cooed, watching you slowly open your eyes and nod.
And right there….is where he felt it. That strange feeling you had felt earlier, he felt it. In his chest. Like being shot but without the pain and instead, it was warm.
He cleared his throat before pulling the keys out and stepping out of the car. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he made his way to the table where the members had gather along with the stolen goods.
You followed shortly after, taking your seat and laying your head down almost instantly, with a rather loud thud. The crew erupted in laughs as they relaxed into their seats. Seungcheol went up to the board and smiled to everyone, “Great work guys. We got what we needed with no casualties.”
“Uh--” Dino’s voice dragged out, pointing to his leg. Seungcheol rolled his eyes and looked over to Jeonghan who nodded, “I’ll get it out.” He said before anyone could ask him. With that, Dino got up and followed Jeonghan to another corner of the base where he had his area set up for injuries such as these.
Seungcheol looked back at everyone and sighed, “Well, all in a days work. Tonight, everyone go home and get your rest. We will be escorting the weapons to our client tomorrow and i want Soonyoung, Jihoon, (Y/N), Jun, Minghao, Joshua, and Seungkwan to accompany me.” He explained, earning a small groan from you.
Once again, the others began to laugh.
“Hey, How about i take you out for coffee before?” Jihoon’s voice asked suddenly, all eye on you now. You raised your head and looked at him in almost disbelief, finding it odd that he suddenly was asking you out ‘for coffee’. But, how could you say no when he was looking right through you with his dark eyes.
“Uh...O-Okay.” You replied, smiling a little. Jihoon nodded, a smile on his face now as well.
“Oh for fucks sake…” Soonyoung commented, loudly enough for everyone to hear. You furrowed your brows and looked at Soonyoung who could only shake his head at you.
All eyes turned back to Seungcheol who smiled back before gesturing away to everyone. “Alright, well...get going guys. I want you 7 to be here by noon.” He announced before releasing everyone.
As you made your way out, you heard Jihoon’s voice call you again, turning you around. He handed you a slip of paper, a serious expression on his face as he did so. “How about 9am?” He asked you casually, to which you nodded. “Yeah, 9 sounds good.” You replied before turning away and heading to your car.
As soon as you were inside, you open the slip of paper. On it was his number as well as a small note:
“Call me” was all that was written, but that was enough for you to actually go into a small fit of giggles.
The scary, stoic, almost sadistic leader had really...asked you out on a date.
Wow, if missions always went this well, you probably would have gotten laid by now.
“Well….there is always tomorrow…”
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barnesthesarge · 6 years
I Found (Part Two): Reach
Bucky X enhanced!Reader
Warnings: talks about nightmares, killing people, violence, torture, etc. if you think I need to add something please tell me!
Summary: as someone trying to get their life together, Bucky understands why you’re not coming around right away. He’s helpful in every way possible but there’s something more to his actions, when you get taken away from him you start to notice that.
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Y/N was up early that morning, she felt awful for snapping at Bucky but decided not to apologize, it could mean familiarity.
“Y/N, you’re up early.” Tony was seated at the kitchen table with Steve.
“As you are.” She replied and started making coffee.
“Do you want to talk about anything?” He asked, Y/N just then noticed Bucky standing in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room.
“I have no desire to talk of anything, no. Like you said, it’s early. I’m no morning person.” Y/N started pouring creamer and sugar packets into the warm mug.
“That’s why I’m suspicious.” Tony stood up and walked over to her, whispering, “These two told me you were screaming last night.”
Y/N froze for a moment, “Just the nightmares.” She bit her lip and sighed. She couldn’t believe they were bringing Tony’s attention to it.
“I think we should talk about it, maybe discuss good ways to, go around in order to help you, what you think we should do to help next time you have one.” He addressed the statement at Bucky, and she realized he knew about her rudeness.
“Tony, with all due respect, I think you should fuck off my problems. Put me on an empty floor if it’s disturbing my floor mates.” She sipped her coffee and he laughed.
“Y/N, you’re coldness and isolation isn’t going to solve anything. Besides, this is your team. You’re going to have to grow to at least tolerate them eventually, maybe you should spend more time with them, it’ll help you.” She rolled her eyes.
“Maybe when pigs fly.” She huffed and left the room.
“Maybe we should be more adamant on our invites to the weekly team dinners.” Steve mumbled.
“She’s scared. Just like I was. You just need to give her time.” Bucky spoke.
“She’s been here for almost a year. She doesn’t need more time, she needs people in her life again. When was the last time she left the building? Please you guys, try harder to connect with her. It’s not that hard once you get passed the whole attitude she hides herself with.” Tony stated, he went to leave for the elevator.
“What if she doesn’t?” Steve asked.
“Well then it’ll be clear I’ll have to get her the help she needs some where else.” He left in the elevator.
“Ms. Y/L/N, tomorrow is the weekly dinner with the avengers. They are planning on getting Chinese food. Shall I tell them you agreed to go?” FRIDAY spoke over the speakers.
“I’m not going.” Y/N responded to the AI, she was currently researching again, trying to find all the new information on her parents.
It was something Y/N started doing months ago, keeping tabs on her family, but never reaching out. She monitored her dad’s Facebook, stalked her sisters instagram, and kept track of their whereabouts at all times.
“Ms Y/L/N, why don’t you ever reach out to them? Your family?” FRIDAY knew of Y/N’s doings, and reported them to Tony, Y/N didn’t care.
“They don’t want to see the monster I’ve become. Trust me.” She closed the browser when there was nothing new.
“You’re not a monster.” The AI stated.
There was a knock at the door, Y/N knew it was Bucky from the energy she sensed around him. He carried his footsteps softly, probably from his previous training, he was tense.
She opened the door and eyed his features, “Yes?” She asked.
“I um, I wanted to apologize for last night. I shouldn’t have come into your room like that. It was an invasion of your privacy and it won’t happen again. I would like to know other methods you’d like me to use in the future in order to not upset you.” She chuckled.
“I’ll ask FRIDAY to wake me up. Don’t worry about it. Thanks anyways.” She shut the door and he knocked again.
“Y/N, would you like to get dinner with me? Or like a coffee?” She studied his crystal blue eyes for any hints of bad intention, but didn’t find any.
“Look that’s nice and all but you don’t have to hang out with me to please Tony. I’ll tell him to stop.” He sighed and smiled.
“This has nothing to do with Tony and more to do with the fact I haven’t made enough effort to be friends with you. Last night proved that to me. I want to help you, trust me I know you need it, just like I did.” He fiddled with his metal fingers.
“Did you really just say you don’t know me enough and then say you know what I need?” She scowled.
“I didn’t mean it like that, I promise I’m sorry. I just-I want to help you and I know it’s hard when you’ve been hurt so much in your life. I know it’s hard to let people in when others built the walls up for you. You have control over your life now, you’re free. The best revenge is being happy.” Y/N considered this for a moment.
What good am I?
“Alright sure. We can grab a coffee in the morning.” He smiled warmly and Y/N swore she felt her heart skip a beat.
“Awesome, thank you! I’ll leave you be. If you need anything my door is right next to yours.” She nodded in response and closed her door.
“FRIDAY, wake me up if I have another nightmare.” Y/N ordered.
In the room next door, “FRIDAY, wake me up whenever Y/N has a nightmare please.” Bucky went to his phone and texted Sam.
How on earth do you talk to girls?
Big Bird (Sam Wilson): Oh shit come to my room for lesson one.
Y/N cringed at the thought of going out with Bucky for coffee, what would she wear? Say? Do?
The last time she left the avengers tower was with Tony a couple months ago, they went to a book store because she mentioned she liked reading, it was a disaster. Not only could she not speak to anyone, but she had a panic attack when someone looked at her funny. Afterwards, she decided never to leave the tower again, and this was breaking that rule.
She texted Tony nervously.
Tony, Bucky asked me to coffee and I was stupid enough to accept, what do I do?
Tony: Come up to my office and I’ll help you. Is it a date?
Tony: Okay just get up here.
“So it’s not a date?” Tony smirked trying to get a rise out of her again.
“Tony for the last time, no! I think he’s just trying to be friendly because of whatever you said to him and Steve this morning.” She picked up a strange circular device and started messing with it.
“Well that’s good. You need to get out more anyways.” He took the device from her hands, “Don’t mess with this, it’s a bomb.”
“You have a bomb on your desk?! Tony what the hell! And don’t you think it’s a bad idea for me to leave the tower? What if someone recognizes me and like, calls the police or something? Not everyone knows I’m a good guy now.” She looked down at her feet.
“You need to take out this man. His name isn’t important, but the way he dies is. Listen very carefully asset. You were given these powers for a reason.” The man in the white lab coat was now wearing street clothes. She wasn’t sure why she had to kill the man, but she didn’t want to.
But she knew if she didn’t, they would punish her and the man. They would take him back to the lab and make her test her powers on him. She just knew it.
She left for her mission and knew she was doomed from the start. He had kids and a wife, she couldn’t do it. He ran out of his home and she chased him through a crowded plaza.
“You stupid whore! You can’t even follow orders right! New objective. Take him back to the lab, you have a car waiting for you in two blocks. Hurry up before the police come. You’re in trouble.”
It was too late for the man, once he was in the lab, he was tortured. People knew she existed. They were afraid of her.
“You’re lucky you didn’t catch the attention of the avengers, or shield!” He was angry at her, she was supposed to please him, he would’ve taken off the collar. But now her treatment would only be worse.
“I’m sorry sir. It was an honest mistake.” He slapped her, causing her to fall out of her chair.
“The only mistake here is you! I put too much resources in you for you to be a flop. You’re going to torture him. And you’re going to like it.”
“Y/N.” Tony waved his hand in front of her face and she looked up at him, tears in her eyes.
“Sorry I spaced again.” Tony knew of some of the things she was forced to do, and also knew it wasn’t her fault.
“What did you see?” He sat down beside her.
“My first mission again.” She eyed her pants, tears falling from her eyes.
“None of it was your fault Y/N, I mean it. Tomorrow will be a good time, I promise. And if it’s not, I won’t pressure you to go out ever again. I promise. Come here.” He pulled her in for a hug, and while she normally wouldn’t allow it, she hugged him back.
“Thank you Tony.” She mumbled weakly, she couldn’t escape her mind.
That night Y/N decided on actually taking her sleep medication. She stared at her ceiling, thinking. It was never a good idea to think, she couldn’t help but think about her parents. Y/N pulled open her computer again to look at her dad’s Facebook.
“Ms Y/L/N, I believe you should be going to bed. Looking isn’t going to make it any better. Maybe you should talk to Mr. Stark about visiting them.” FRIDAY suggested.
“Get off my dick.” The A.I. didn’t respond, her father had posted a picture of her younger sister, it was getting close to her first day at beauty school.
Her sister grew up without her, and Y/N couldn’t fathom how bad it hurt her. She slammed the laptop closed and put it away, trying not to think about it.
At twelve years old, she lost her older sister, her hero. Y/N felt memories creeping up and stood up, pacing the room.
“Sargent Barnes, it appears Ms Y/L/N is in distress.” Bucky rolled out of bed instantly.
“I said to call me Bucky. Is she having a nightmare?” He went over to a mirror and made sure he didn’t look bad.
“No, Bucky, she isn’t. She is in distress.” He sighed and left the room, going just down the hall to her door, he knocked softly.
“How on earth did you hear me this time?” She looked nervous, on the verge of a panic attack.
“Hello to you too. I have good hearing s’all. Can I come in?” She moved to the side reluctantly.
“Yeah I guess.” Bucky realized this was the most they ever talked in a day, he wanted to break the record tomorrow.
“So what’s up?” He sat down on her bed, he looked around briefly, since the light was on he could see more.
Y/N didn’t have any decorations, just a desk, a bookshelf full of books, a laptop, and her bed. She had no photos or posters on the wall.
“Bucky do you, well actually this probably doesn’t apply to you. I, I keep tabs on my family.” She stated, Y/N stood tensely by the door she had just closed.
Bucky couldn’t believe she was talking to him, especially about something so personal, “Alright. Yeah that doesn’t apply to me, it’s been a long time since my family was alive.”
“My sister is starting college soon. I miss her so much, I just can’t believe I’ve missed so much. She was only twelve when I disappeared.” She took a couple cautious steps towards the bed and sat down, leaving at least a foot of space between them.
“How old were you?” He asked casually, she knew it was a way of trying to get to know her but she didn’t care.
“Seventeen was a bad year for me.” Y/N answered, he nodded softly.
“Why don’t you reach out, I’m sure your sister misses you.” Bucky watched her face fall.
“I’m a monster. I’m sure you understand. Tony told me some things about you. The feeling that what happened to me made me more than my powers, but made me into a monster, and it’s true.” He noticed her hands fidgeting with her pant leg.
“You’re not a monster. You aren’t what they did to you. Who you are now is who you were before all of this, but now you’re more. I get it, I spent a long time thinking the same thing about myself, you can’t keep telling yourself that.” She chuckled.
“I guess I’ll try, that’s all can do, right? Maybe someday I’ll be able to reach out. Thank you for talking to me.” He smiled warmly.
‘NEVER EVER’ Y/N thought to herself.
(Message me if you wanna be added) TAGLIST: @animegirlgeeky @yafriendlyfangirl
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Pursuing a career in music can have its ups and downs, ask any artist. Now, try running an independent record label in addition to creating the music that fuels your soul. Laura Lee Schultz (LL) has been doing just that for fifteen years. A multi-instrumentalist and member of indie rock act Down The Lees (previous projects include Queazy and The Skinjobs), Schultz has also been the owner of Off White House Records. 
Tell us about the origins of Off White House Records, and how it came to be? What fuels your passion for music?
Off White House Records started as a way to release the first Down The Lees album, 360 1/4 Degrees, in 2005. Since I was doing the whole album myself, I needed to jump into the whole process with both feet. From writing and playing all of the music, going into the studio, planning the CD duplication, distribution and marketing. I was in numerous bands before that and had a handle on how to do a lot of those things, but it was a group effort. This time I was on my own. It was a crash course on what to do and what not to do. Ever since then, I have been releasing material with many bands I have played with over the years.
Music has always been in my life, ever since I was a little kid. I gravitated towards it like a moth to a flame and have always been intrigued by music that can evoke feelings that cannot be explained with words. 
You’ve spent time in Belgium, the Netherlands, Chicago, and back home in Canada (and British Columbia). How has travelling changed and expanded your mindset towards music, and the various local music scenes you’ve encountered?
Yes, I had the opportunity to live and work in Belgium for 5 years. In 2015 I moved to Ghent to travel and experience their amazing music scene first hand. It really is special out there, such a vibrant rock scene. Plus, their festival circuit is world-famous. One thing I can say about the music scenes around the world is that it’s only as good as you make it. Community is key to a thriving live scene.
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When Down The Lees became a trio, we recorded an album with Steve Albini at his infamous studio, Electrical Audio, in Chicago. At the beginning of 2020 we were busy playing shows in Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, also with various Sargent House bands (Brutus, Helms Alee) and was shortlisted to tour with Sisters of Mercy in Italy. Then - because pandemic - the band stopped. The world stopped. It became painfully obvious that things were going to drastically change for the entertainment industry for a long time. 
The decision to move back to Canada was not an easy one. Leaving behind friends and colleagues I grew close to was very difficult, knowing it would be a long time before I would get to see them again. Plus, all the gains I made as a musician flatlined overnight. It took a while to weed through the doubt and figure out what the next steps were. That is when the idea of adding more bands to my roster began to percolate.
Do you recall the moment you wanted to take Off White House to the next level, and expand the representation and reach?
Yes. Just before moving back to Canada, a friend from Ghent said she needed some help with releasing her first album. She recorded it herself during the first lockdown of 2020. And since all of my projects were on hold, I was more than happy to help. HAZE, cited as the flemish PJ Harvey, surprised critics with her brand of lo-fi bedroom rock. Since I had no musical involvement with the project, I wore different hats but still felt great satisfaction from getting her music out to her fans. I felt like a proud mom! From then on, I knew I wanted to help new bands and old friends get their passions out to the world.
As an independent record label, what are the greatest challenges you’ve had to face and overcome, notably over the past year?
Right now the challenge is getting heard. There is A LOT of music out there. Not necessarily good music either. We are inundated with so much media at such a feverous pace that it’s hard to really have music sync in. The music that I feel a kinship to takes time to get under your skin. That’s why it is important to come up with different ways to get your music out to your fans. Think outside of the box.
Running a label, what does your day-to-day look like? Do you have help from a small team? What are your major activities?
Well, my day-to-day involves plucking away at whatever needs to be done. Right now I am a team of one. So it’s important for bands to know that it’s a team effort. We support each other, we help each other. It’s a community. One thing I can’t stand is the competition that exists in the music industry. I understand healthy competition but when it comes to inflated egos, I just don’t accept it.
Aside from Down The Lees, you have slightly under 10 artists on your current roster. Tell us about a few of them, and how their music/brand aligns with your own?
Many of the bands on the roster are bands that have played or play in. But, this year I have started taking on other acts, like HAZE. The newest band to join is Bronson Arm, from Michigan. I found them on Facebook. I thought their brand of noise rock was engaging. Plus, their visual presentation was appealing for such a new band. That makes a difference. Putting effort into your visual identity is just as important as your music identity. Our first release together is called ���Conscious Confuser.”
There are many new artists slated to release music this year which I am really excited about!
Can artists submit their music to your label? How have you been finding your new acts, and what do you look for?
Yes, they can. Just go to the website and submit a demo. I do get quite a bit of emails so it’s best to put a little effort into your submission. That can go a long way. Do your research to see if the label suits your music. It’s an alternative, post rock, noise rock label. Also, all artists support each other. We herald each other, we believe in each other. We are nothing without community.
As a champion and supporter of independent music, how would you recommend people get involved in their communities and local music scenes? Especially in today’s environment with limited live music, how does one support and stay engaged?
Yeah, that is a very tough question. I find it very hard to stay active. But, I have managed to be engaged with people online via social media. With that said, the best way to support a band is buy their merchandise, subscribe to their newsletters, post about them on your social channels. Talk about your favourite local bands with friends. Chances are that you will meet new people who love them too and before you know it, you have a community. 
What’s up next for Down The Lees, and your own musical projects?
Since last year was such a whirlwind, Down The Lees has taken a sidestep. That’s not to say that music hasn’t been written! It is being worked on. Going into the studio this year to see where it takes me.
As a music listener, what was your favourite album of 2020?
Also, another hard question! I can’t name just one. But these albums got under my skin.
Metz - Atlas Vending
Brutus - Live in Ghent
Nothing - The Great Dismal
A.A. Williams - Forever Blue
Idles - Ultra Mono
Mrs. Piss - Self-Surgery
Off White House Records has much planned for 2021 and beyond. Be sure to visit their website for information on their current roster, releases, submission details, and news. 
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hungry-weirdartist · 6 years
300 Fox Way- The Raven Cycle
.300 Fox Way is a bed and breakfast.
Gansey and friends visits when he drops over at Henrietta for summer.
Blue is intrigued.
300 Fox Way was always full of people.
There was always someone everywhere.
Blue was just a front desk person.
Maura was someone who made sure everything was working right.
Persephone was the one who cleaned up rooms.
Calla set up every item that is needed for guests.
Orla and Jimi were the ones who settled the kitchen.
And there she was.
The desk clerk.
As Blue stared at the screen of her computer disinterestedly,the bell over the door rang,signifying a new guest.
“Hello,welcome to 300 Fox Way:bed and breakfast.How may I help you?”
The ingrained saying tumbled out of Blue’s mouth as she stared up at the new guest-wait no,guests.
     There was the one at the front.He was wearing some sunglasses and a slightly large white button down with some champagne colored pants.His suitcase looked like leather and his shoes made Blue stifle a laugh.He was wearing dark brown Top Siders.This ma-boy looked so much older just based on his outfit.
     The one on his left slightly scared Blue.He had a completely shaved head and was wearing a black jacket over a black tank.Uninspired,Blue thought originally until she caught a glimpse of a tattoo peaking out of the tank.He had an expensive black luggage.Blue’s impression of him was just the sign that stated DON’T PROVOKE.PRONE TO VIOLENCE.
     The one beside him looked much tamer.He had dusty brown hair and blue eyes.He wore a Coca-Cola t-shirt and was holding the scary one’s hand.It seemed to calm the scary one down.Blue thought it was the cutest thing she had ever seen.
     The one on Top Siders’ right was a boy.He looked older than the rest,but not by that much.He looked smudgy and wore clothes that made him smaller than he was.He had an expression of his face that always seemed like a half-smile,as if he had seen something happy in front of him,but was being reminded that that could never be him.
     Immediately,Blue was intrigued.
     Mr Top Siders sidled up to Blue’s desk.Blue felt a shield build up around her.She never wanted to date guests,because the women at 300 Fox Way had so many horror stories of them dating guests,infamously Butternut,Blue’s father.He had stayed behind a bit when Maura became pregnant,but had to leave because of work.
     “How many rooms do you have?” Top Siders asked.Blue replied four and he booked two.Before Blue could ask,he said “We’re staying the whole summer.”
     Blue sputtered.
     The whole summer? No one had stayed that long,except for that guy who stayed for two months after he got divorced.”I’m Gansey,the two holding hands back there is Adam and Ronan and the smudgy one is Noah.”
    “Okay,Gansey,” she said,testing the name in her mouth.”Here’s your keys,payment is seventy dollars every two days and don’t go in the basement.”
    “What’s in the basement?” he asked.
    “Us.Now go.” She moved her hand,gesturing them away.
     Most of the boys left,but Gansey hanged behind.
     “I never caught your name.”
     Blue groaned as quietly as she could.
     “Blue.Blue Sargent.Now go.”
     He smiled a very obnoxious smile.
     “See you around,Blue Sargent.”
     That afternoon,as Blue looked at her summer reading list with her yoghurt beside her and as Maura and Calla did taxes,Gansey came to her desk and being too damn polite,did not ring the bell and waited for Blue.”What?”
     “My friends wanted to eat,so are there any good food places in Henrietta?” Blue groaned.As the sound entered Maura and Calla’s ears,they shot her an evil glare.When she started working,they made sure that she did not display rudeness or an unwillingness to help people.Knowing she would be in a lecture later if she did not,she stood up and said “I’ll bring you to Nino’s.”
     Gansey smiled.Blue wanted to punch him.
     She grabbed the keys from the hook in the kitchen. “I’m using the car.” Maura did a gesture Blue did a lot,shooing her away.She stepped out of the door,realizing four boys were walking behind her just when she was about to close the door.
    “Ready?” She glanced back,trying to seem cool,but the scary one did not seem fazed.But Gansey just looked excited.Her heart softened but then she remembered herself.
     They went into the car,drove to Nino’s and had an amazing snack/dinner. She learnt Adam wanted to be someone who wanted to be more.Ronan wanted to take care of his family,where his mother was quite sick,his older brother was the worst (All the curse words he used were removed.) and his little brother was the nicest human.
    Gansey went against all she thought.
    He used this summer to drag his friends on a joy ride (Blue snorted. Typical,she thought.) to find interesting places with amazing myths.Apparently,Henrietta had a lot of myths about Welsh kings.She was enraptured by Gansey until Ronan stated that he was allergic to wasps.
     “Thanks,Ronan.” he grumbled.
     Then came Blue.She talked about her family.How the ladies at 300 Fox Way was here family.How she liked making clothes,but she was applying to study abroad to study animals.She felt slightly smaller compared to the others but Gansey said what she wanted to be was quite cool.
    “Thanks.” She replied.
     “Get a room.” Ronan called.
     “That’s what I did for you guys! You guys are so noisy whe-”
      “Ahhhh,” Blue plugged her ears. “I don’t want to hear this.”
     And thus,after one more pizza,they slowly became friends.
       Blue brought them around Henrietta.Well,understatement,Ronan replaced her after a week as her driving was “As slow as a snail grandma,Sargent.” His leg hurt a bit after he said that.
      They saw all the weird road attractions and the nice flowers and Jesse Dittley’s farm.They saw all the malls and the thrift stores and the library.It was great.
      But summer was rapidly running out.
      As the months run out,Blue would stay awake from thinking about what would happen to her Raven boys.What would happen to Adam who was finally getting a break from all the terribleness,Ronan who was getting time with Adam and getting away from terrible people and Gansey.
Gansey and his myths and vocabulary and his experience and his everything.
      Blue wanted to be part of his everything.
      As she would lie awake,she would climb downstairs and see Gansey talking to Orla.Blue would talk to him over a cup of one of the women’s (most likely Persephone) tea to help her sleep.They would walk outside to the backyard and Blue would show Gansey stars and ask him if he could tell her the story behind them.
      The sun would peak out after what seemed like a few minutes to them and they would walk inside.Gansey would pick a flower from the porch and give it to Blue.It always made her blush.
       When she went back to bed,she would sleep,reliving the night.
       Then they would wake up,ready to hang with Noah,Adam and Ronan.
      As the last week approached,Blue went out of bed after Maura tucked her in and as she rushed downstairs,she grabbed her keys and picked up Gansey from the dining table.
      Gansey drove and the ride was silent.He stopped in an empty field.He opened the door for Blue and they leaned on the car as they watched the stars move.
       “Blue.” The name was just a statement.It was not a call or a whisper.Blue looked at Gansey.She could not have possibly compare to any other girl that Gansey could pick up.Before she could even say a word,Gansey cupped her cheek and put his lips to hers.
       When they broke apart,they wore smiles.The first word that Blue said after it was “Finally.” Gansey broke out in a laugh.They drove home talking about the most random things and getting food.
As they started to pack up,Blue exchanged numbers with everyone.
       Blue and Gansey promised to keep in touch as a long-distance relationship.Noah and Adam whooped,Ronan clapped and Maura,Calla and Persephone were just flabbergasted.Blue made Adam promise to invite her to their wedding.Ronan said he could not make promises,Adam whispered covertly that he would.
       When they left,Blue felt sad.
She could not wait at all to see them again.
(a/n: heyo your girl trying out a new format! hope you liked it!sorry i posted it late ive been really busy over the past few days.so,yeah.have a nice day! -eurus)
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spnbaby-67 · 7 years
Craving You Chapter 14
Summary: You are shocked to see what happened to Jensen, how do you react? and what happens when you tell him your decision to leave?
Warnings; Fluffy, (minor) nothing else that I can think of. 
A/N: Hi ya’ll I had to do this today, because of the Thanksgiving week, its going to be busy here. Also i’m am in the middle of writing a few challenges and trying to get this writing thing down to where I can do this. Thank you to @secretlyfurrydragon for her beta’ing this chapter and helping with ideas, She’s amazing writer herself you should check out her tumblr page. Also please don’t post my work on any other website without my permission, just ask first. Gifs are not mine so thank you editors, and I stress this is a AU Jensen is single and no hate towards Danneel, I love her just the same. But Jensen had to be single lol. Love ya’ll all. Btw thank you all 102 of you let me know what you would like me to do to thank you back. I’m not a big page, but i’ll do my best. Happy Thanksgiving. 
Catch up here: Craving You Master list. 
Reader’s POV
Jo came into my room the next morning, she sat on my bed and gently woke me.  “Hey {Y/N}, Jensen is here.”
I sat up, looked at the time. It was 7am, but at the time I didn’t care. He was here, I moved to sit up on my bed. “Is he ok?” I yawned.
She looked down to her hands, “Not really, he’s been beaten to a pulp really and I’m sending him in here for you to take care of him. He could really use you right now, don’t pressure him ok.”
I looked at her confusingly, “What do you mean? Jo tell me, what’s going on with Jensen?” I sat up against the headboard of the bed.
She inhaled sharply, just as she was going to tell her, he appeared in view. “Hey,” he spoke roughly.
I turned my head to face him and saw his face was black and blue and his arm is in a sling, my heart dropped and the pit of my stomach lurked. “Oh my god Jensen,” I sat up with my arms out wanting him to come to me. “Babe? What happened?” I asked as he took Jo’s spot on the bed.
Jo smiled with concern then left, leaving Jensen and I alone. I pulled the covers back, then scooted to the right so Jensen could join me. Gently he laid down next to me, but grunted I assume from the pain he was enduring. He was on his back and I prompted some pillows behind him to rest his shoulder on.
I stayed sitting up behind him, my right hand on his forehead, and my left hand around his waist. “Babe? What happened?” I wanted to cry seeing him like this, it was killed me to see him in pain.
He tried to speak, I reached over him gently to get him a bottled water that I kept by the bed. I have asthma not bad, but when I feel I’m having an attack it helps to have water near by. I rubbed his forehead to help him relax. “Fight, I went to the store to get dinner for us. I was in the back when three guys came in with masks, one spotted me. He grabbed me by my neck before I even had time to react, he punched me when he saw me trying to reach for the other person to help them out the door. We fought for what seemed like hours, but it was only a few minutes. Cops came in just as the guy shot me. A graze to the arm, but enough that I spent the night in the hospital, they didn’t want me to leave afraid I had a concussion.” His voice sounded a bit shaky.
“Oh baby, I could have come to be with you. I was worried about you all night.” I laid behind him as easy as I could without hurting him.
“It’s ok, I was out for the night with all the medications they had given me anyway. It would have been boring and long. I wouldn’t want you to stay there all night, I was ok.” He tried to wink at her but that even hurt.
I shifted to snuggle up to him, I wrapped my arm around his waist and laid my head gently on his shoulder. I was there to stay, I wanted him to know that.  “Get some sleep ok, it’s still early and we don’t have to be anywhere today that I know of, and you’re going to be staying with me so I can take care of you. No getting out of it either, you hear me?”
Jensen’s POV
I just agreed with her, it killed me that I was lying to her but I had to bend the truth just a bit. The one thing about my job I hated, was that and hurting her. She didn’t deserve this, none of this. But I’m hoping this will help her save the company, and her employment. If Sargent Hendrixson knew I was getting to close to her, no telling who he would shift the job to. I couldn’t stand to see anyone else’s hands on her, knowing my luck it would either be Garth or Benny. No way, I said to myself as I laid there in the comfort of her arms as she held me. It felt so magical, so relaxing to be in her arms. I needed to talk to Jared, he always knew how to set light on any situations to make them better or find a way to fix it. I closed my eyes, her breathing on my neck was soothing as she snuggled against me. I know she’s done her best to make me feel comfortable, I appreciated her warmth and strength more than anything at that moment. My heart was filled. I closed my eyes feeling safe, secure and thankful for this beautiful woman who laid behind me. But scared of what the future held.
Reader’s POV
I woke up a couple of hours later, Jensen was still asleep. He didn’t even budge when I got out of bed to go to the bathroom. He must have taken some pain meds they given him at the hospital, but if he did it didn’t matter as he will be staying here with me tonight. I can’t risk him getting an infection from being alone, I’m sure Jeff won’t mind. I come out of the bathroom to see him moving like he was trying to sit up, I go over to him.
“Babe?” I urge him to relax, “Shh, it’s ok. I’m here.” I rubbed his back to let him know I was there.
He opened his eyes, he looked bad like he had a hangover from drinking too much beer or something. “Water?” His voice was raspy and hoarse.
I took my right hand and cupped the side of his face, my thumb ghosted over his cheekbone. “It’s right here babe, don’t exert yourself ok.” I helped him sit up a bit, I noticed him flinching from the light in the bathroom. After I gave him the bottled water, I went to turn it off. “How are you feeling hmm?” As I was sit next to him.  
“Like crap, I brought some pain meds with me, there in my jacket pocket can you get them for me?” He placed his free hand on his forehead to ease the headache he must have.
I saw his jacket and went over to it to get his meds, his cell phone fell out of his pocket as I reached inside. I picked it up, seeing he had missed calls and texts. “You have some calls on your phone babe,” I walked back over to him with it. “Do you want some breakfast while you return those?”
He smiled, it is so intoxicating I love how it brings out his dimples. “Yeah, I think I should eat something.” He sat up more in the bed, he still had on his jeans and t-shirt.
“Ok, I’ll be right back. You need anything, you yell.” I kissed his lips which he flinched a bit. He was just sore all over and you could tell.
He winked at me before I left the room. Walking into the living room I bump into Jeff, “Hey, watch it dude.” I giggled bumping back into him making him topple a bit.
“Hey yourself nurse {Y/N}, how’s our patient this morning?” He followed me into the kitchen.
I take some food out of the fridge to make breakfast with for everyone. “He’s in a lot of pain, is it ok with you if he stays tonight? I don’t want let him out of my sight.”
“Yeah that’s fine, as long as he rests. You making breakfast for everyone?” he looked over my shoulder.
“Of course, believe it or not. Breakfast is the only thing I can cook and do well with, would you like an omelette kind sir?” I held a spatula up to him.
“Hmm, by all means yes. The kitchen is yours, my lady.” He bowed just as Jo came in the room.
‘Ok, did I miss anything?”
“No, not really. Only Jeff being Jeff.” I turned back to begin cooking breakfast.
About 10 minutes later, I was done with breakfast. I fixed a plate for myself and Jensen as well. Jo got a tray out of the cabinet and helped me by putting the plate of food on it to take to the my room. “You guys eat up, I’m going to take this to Jensen.” I filled a glass with orange juice.
“Ok, you cleaning to right?” Jeff said.
“Your lucky I made you an omelet mister,” I walked off but as I did I felt a folded up napkin hit my back, I turned to look over my shoulder at him. “Guess you’re going to pick that up as well huh,” I gave him a smirk and then disappeared into my room.  
Once there, I placed the tray of food on a desk that was by the door as I walked into my room. Jensen had fallen back asleep, so I go over to him. “Jensen? Baby, breakfast is ready.” I touched the side of his face, he jumps a little. “Sshh, it’s ok. It’s only me. You hungry?”
He yawns and sits up, “yeah, starving actually.” He looks over towards the desk. “Smells good, you cooked all this?” He sat up so I could place the tray over his legs.
I chuckled and lightly slapped at his good shoulder, “Hey, I’m a great cook. Well breakfast anyway.” I sat with my right buttcheek on the bed and raised my knee to sit comfortably. I took a few bites of my own breakfast as I watched him to make sure he was ok, I decided to tell him the decision I made last night. “So, um. I made a decision.” I took a drink of orange juice.
He looked at me, “Ok, what decision is that?” he looks at me questioningly.
“I decided to go back to Vancouver and fight for my job, I can’t get a hold of Bobby, and I got a feeling something is really wrong.” I bit my bottom lip waiting for his reaction.
He cleared his throat, “I see, I mean I think it’s great you’re going to go back and fight for what’s rightfully yours, but I know how you are with flying. You actually ready to face flying again so soon after an attack yesterday?” he took a bite of his eggs.
I shook my head as I shifted a bit, “No, not really. That’s why I am renting a truck or car to drive back. I know it’ll take a couple of days or so, but I can’t handle flying in a plane again.”
“What does Jo think about it? Have you talked to her?” He flinched from the pain after he moved his arm.
I wanted to reach over to him and help him, but he looked at me as if he was saying I got this. Was I hurting him by wanting to go back early? Did we have a chance still if I did? Or is that it? Thoughts kept coming in my head like crazy as I tried to read him. “She understands, she was going to talk to Jeff and see if it was ok for her to come with me. Make sure things are ok before she comes back, I’ll give her my return flight ticket and she can exchange it for a one way flight back to Austin.”
“Hm, sounds like you have it all planned out.”
I look at him and decided I needed to know, “Would this affect what we have going on between us? I mean I know I’m leaving a few days earlier than expected and you still have time here.” I could feel the tears forming in the back of my eyes. I tried my best to keep them at bay so he wouldn’t feel obligated.
He dropped the fork he was holding and looked at me, “No, it doesn’t. Babe I’m in this for the long run, I don’t want you to ever think I would leave you for a decision like that,” he took his right hand and cupped the side of my face and I leaned into it.
“Thank you, I know we only met just a few days ago, but Jensen I feel strongly for you.”
“I feel the same, I never want you to ever think I don’t ok.” He pulled me closer to him and kissed me the best he could with the tray in the way. He pulled away first, “I’ll go with you, Jo has too much to do here for her wedding and such, I’ll go with you instead.”
My face light up, “Really? But is your shoulder going to be ok for the long drive back?”
“I’ll be fine, I rather be there for you when you win your job back.”
I moved the tray from between us and placed it on the floor by the dresser, then sat down by Jensen. “I would love for you to be there with me.”
“Then it’s settled, we can leave tonight and take my truck. We will split the drive time and pull over if we need to for the night.”
I smiled at him, and felt comfortable knowing that no matter what, this man has my back. God I wish I could say ‘I love you,” but it’s too soon. Hopefully, he feels the same way and when the time is right we’ll know when to say it. I just have to wait a bit longer.
@theshygirlao3 @secretlyfurrydragon @secretimpala67 @nanie5 @alliekay727 @muchamusedaboutnothing @laqueus-ludovicus @racheladams77
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magicianparrish · 7 years
Who’s That Girl (pt 2)
Here is part 2 of the New Girl au fic that I have created. It is also part 2 of the Meeting the Roommates arc. All of the 12 parts are posted on my ao3 account, which is linked here for all to see if you don’t want to read it on here. This isn’t beta’d so all mistakes are mine. Enjoy! 
Blue stood in the doorway of what will now become her room. It was completely bare, and no signs that anyone else had ever lived there before her. Behind her stood the three guys, also looking inside.
“This belonged to Henry. He’s a pretty swell guy, I think you’d get along famously with him actually. But he decided to go find himself,” Gansey explained.
She heard Ronan scoff. “Find himself alright. The dude seemed to know himself just fine,” he grumbled.
Then she heard a smack, an “ow!” and then a retaliation which left Noah hysterically laughing.
It was spacious, and it had a walk in closet which Blue thought was a nice touch. It could double as storage for all her fabrics and other materials she makes her clothes with. She turned around and looked at the three of them.
“Can you come over and help move my shit here? I don’t want to sleep on the couch again when I can actually sleep on a bed for the first time in a month.”
Noah and Gansey looked thrilled at the opportunity to help her. Ronan just scowled but said nothing. Gansey clapped a hand on Ronan’s shoulder which elicited an eye roll from him.
“His scowling means yes he will,” Gansey said.
“You’ll soon learn Ronan language,” Noah added. “He has specific grunts and scowls that mean different things.”
Ronan shrugged Gansey’s hand off his shoulder and pulled out a pair of car keys from his pocket.
“Whatever. Let’s just get this over with.”
As they all walked out the door, Blue took her phone out of her pocket. She quickly dialed Adam’s number as the four of them entered the elevator. It only rang twice before Adam picked up on the other end.
“How’d it go, Blue?” he immediately asked.
Blue quickly did a glance over the three of them before answering back. “Fine. I signed the lease just now.”
“Awesome! I’m glad it worked out. But if anything seems suspicious don’t hesitate-”
Blue rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I know the drill. Not like I didn’t pass kindergarten with that one, dummy.”
It was silent on the other end for just a moment. “Just making sure. Remember, you did find this place on fucking Craigslist .”
Blue flapped her hand like she so often did to him, even if Adam himself couldn’t actually see it through the phone call.
“All is good in the hood. Speaking of, I’m stopping by the apartment.”
“You don’t need to tell me that, Blue. You have a key.”
She twisted her face. “But I’m bringing the guys over to help move my stuff.”
Radio silence swept the call again. Blue braced herself for the impact that was to come. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Gansey’s face pinched in worry. She noticed then she had taken the phone away from her ear a little bit.
“Jesus, Blue? Are you serious? I’m not even going to be home, and the place is a mess!” he exclaimed. His southern drawl coming out in full force, elongating all the vowels and cutting off words.
“I know, I know. I’ll take full blame, I mean it is my shit that is cluttering your tiny apartment anyway. By the time you’re home, it’ll be just like before. I promise.”
She heard him scoff. “Promises are no guarantees in the Sargent family. Nice try.”
Blue let out a little laugh. She honestly hadn’t meant it that way at all. But that phrase was a famous one from her own mother at her household, even if it referred to getting your fortune told.
“I swear, you won’t even notice I had even lived in your apartment. Then you can come visit me after work tomorrow, and actually, meet the people I’m living with.”
“I’m gonna hold you to that, Blue. I gotta go, work calls.” With that, he hung up on her.
The call ended just as the elevator doors opened up. All of them walked out into the little parking garage that was right next to the apartment complex. It was then Blue realized she had taken the subway to the apartment and did not have a car of her own.
“Can one of y’all give me a ride? I don’t have a car,” she politely asked.
Gansey whipped out his own set of keys. “I’ll be glad to be of service.”
They all walked up to a trio of cars, that was very expensive looking but were not made to haul many things. She turned to the three of them and gestured to them.
“These cars are for splurging money. Not transporting things to and fro.”
She walked up to the hideously orange car, that had a black stripe going down the middle of the hood. It was one of those vintage cars that belonged in some sports magazine. Next to it was a bright red Mustang, and a dark gray car that reminded Blue of a shark. She turned back to the three guys.
“How the hell are we going to move things?” she asked them.
They all looked at each other, seeming to be at a lost. Blue didn’t understand how a simple answer could be so evasive. For the hundredth time that day she wondered who the hell these people were exactly. Then Gansey’s face lit up, and Blue could see the metaphorical light bulb above his head. He took his phone out of his pocket.
“I know someone who can give us a portable pod. I’ll attach it to the Pig.”
“The Pig ?”
“It’s the nickname of Gansey’s shitty orange Camaro,” Ronan said filling in the gaps.
Gansey was typing away on his screen, but he turned around to look at Ronan with an offended look on his face.
“Do not take her name in vain.”
“That only works with God,” Ronan spat back.
Gansey looked like he wanted to say something else, but held back. Instead, he looked to Blue with that charming smile of his.
“I’ll call the guy who can set us up with the transfer pod, while we drive. And you can lead me to your place after we pick it up.”
With that, he pressed a button on his screen and put the phone to his ear and walked away. Blue, Ronan, and Noah all stood around in an awkward silence as they listened in on the half of the conversation Gansey was holding. The phone call didn’t last over a minute, but it still felt like an eternity.
“Excelsior my friends!” he greeted when he came back. He took out his keys and the lights of the Camaro came to life. Blue and Gansey jumped into the car, while Noah and Ronan went into the gray car.
As Gansey pulled out of the parking garage, Blue took notice of all the little quirks of the car. For starters, the car sounded like it was wheezing when he put the keys into the ignition. And that the car itself was so old it only accepted cassette tapes and to open windows one had to actually crank a handle to roll them down.
It was silent, minus the little static of the radio that was playing a classic rock ballad about white winged doves. Blue found herself tapping her foot to the guitar riff. It only took a few minutes to get to the place where Gansey’s connection was.
He jumped out of the car, and she watched him shake hands cordially with some man. The two shared a laugh at a private joke before the man directed the pod to be attached to the back of the Camaro. When he was finished, she saw Gansey open his wallet and give the man a few dollars for his troubles before jumping back in.
He let out a sigh of satisfaction. “Now to our next destination. Jane, please show me the way.”
Blue narrowed her eyes at him. “What did you just call me?”
Like nothing was amiss, he started the ignition of the car. He turned his head toward her for a moment. “I’ve always like the name Jane.”
“What does that have to do with why you called me a different name other than my given one?” she demanded.
He cocked his head to the side before turning on his blinker and looking through his mirrors. “I just thought you looked more like a Jane. Sorry if I offended you.”
Blue was ready to explode on a rant. She could go on for hours about how names have meanings to people and calling them by random names other than their given one is rude. But, fighting with this guy was exhausting already. And she had known him for a total of two hours tops. So she let it go, for now.
The GPS app on her phone started the directions to Adam’s place. From behind, they heard a car honk loudly and obnoxiously. Blue whipped around to curse and use obscene gestures, while Gansey just sighed. She noticed it was just Ronan who had a shit eating smirk on his face.
  The ride took around fifteen minutes, mostly because traffic didn’t seem to be a pain in the ass today. Gansey parked outside the lobby door to the small apartment building. It was squished tightly next to the Holy Church of St. Agnes and practically shared a wall. Blue could always hear the sermons of Mass every morning. She learned more about the Catholic faith in the month she had lived with Adam than she had in her entire life.
The elevator was still broken, which Blue had forgotten about. She let out a groan at the thought of having to drag her stuff down three flights of stairs. But she had three guys to help her out.
They all walked up, and Blue dug out her key that Adam had given her and opened the door.
“Jesus Christ how do live in this apartment? I’m claustrophobic just looking at it,” Ronan commented.
Blue watched Noah smack Ronan upside the head. “Don’t be a dick,” he chastised.
Then he turned to Blue with a smile on his face and an apologetic look. “I think it’s lovely. Very homey.”
Blue rolled her eyes but a small smile was on her own face as she walked in. Many of her things were still packed away with boxes. It was a mix of her not wanting to unload everything and make it seem like she was taking over Adam’s place, and the rest of it being her laziness.
“No need to flatter me. Trust me, I know it’s a shit hole. Let’s get this over with.”
It took an hour and a half to transport all her stuff into the pod attached to the Pig. Ronan had made sure to voice his displeasure every step of the way, and she was being quite literal about it.
He cursed colorfully with every step he took, making exaggerated grunts and groans even though he seemed to have no problem carrying the boxes. It had taken all four of them to carry her mattress down though. And Ronan was in the right to complain about doing that; because Blue sure did.
Before she left though, she had written a quick note for Adam and left it on the counter in his kitchen. On top of the paper, she left the spare key. She wiped the sweat from her brow with the bottom hem of her t-shirt while walking to the Pig.
Gansey was directing Ronan to do something, which he begrudgingly did. Since he was the tallest of the guys, he had to reach to pull the cover of the pod over and lock it in place. The last thing Blue wanted was all her stuff tumbling out into the streets of Los Angeles. Blue jumped into the passenger seat.
He clapped his hands together. Blue had to admire the enthusiasm he seemed to have. He seemed to be genuinely happy to have her moving in, even after the rocky start. The Pig coughed into life and he pulled away from the apartment complex.
Blue felt a brief pang of sadness. Even though she had only crashed there for a month, it had grown on her. But she reminded herself that her new place was a much better living accommodation than living in her best friend’s single bedroom apartment, in his living room. She’d actually get her own room now.
As they drove back to Monmouth, she felt a shudder through the Pig. Blue didn’t know much about cars, but she knew that couldn’t be good at all. And with the look of distaste on Gansey’s face, he knew it too. He pressed his hazards and pulled over onto the shoulder of the interstate that ran through LA to get to the other side.
“Oh dear, not again,” he muttered.
“Not again? This is a common occurrence?” Blue asked.
He nodded his head solemnly. “Unfortunately, yes. She’s old, and not very reliable these days it seems. But I can’t bear the thought to part ways with her. I’ll call a tow truck.”
Gansey had started to pull out his phone, but Blue placed her hand over his. They both looked up, eyes wide and she yanked hers back like she had been burned.
“Don’t bother. My best friend is a mechanic. He can come over and fix your car, free of charge.”
His face lit up again. “Splendid!”
A loud knock on the window startled the both of them to look that way. Ronan was looking through, scowling hard and looking irritated. Gansey opened up his door, hitting Ronan intentionally. He let out a grunt but stood back as Gansey got out. Blue followed suit, her phone already dialing Adam’s number.  
“What’s the fucking hold up?” he demanded.
“The Pig broke down on me. But Blue’s friend here is a mechanic. She’s calling him to do us a service.”
Ronan ran a hand through his buzzed head. He looked up at the sky, glaring at it like it was the cause of all his problems.  
“He better be here quick. I hate the sun.”
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captnbarnesrogers · 8 years
Give Me One-Hundred Percent
Pairing/Characters: Bucky x Reader, Pepper, Steve
Warnings: Sub!Bucky (if you squint), smut, swearing, hair pulling, metal ahnd use
Summary: Based off of this gif ;)
Word Count: 1284
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You straightened out your skin tight red dress and sprayed your baby hairs out of your face one last time. Tony was holding another party to celebrate. Of course this party wasn’t just any party, it was Pepper’s birthday and that meant your boss went all out. Unfortunately for you, this party didn’t feel right because your boyfriend was on a mission and you were alone. You refused to go at first but Pepper insisted that you come as she didn’t want you stuck in your office doing ridiculous amounts of paperwork whilst everyone else was having fun. It was her birthday and you wanted nothing but to see her happy and knowing Pepper, she would spend the whole night worrying and blaming herself if you weren’t there. You missed Bucky a lot and it was hard to barely see him because of your work and to be away from him when had to go off on missions. You began to wonder if he had grown tired of the relationship although you certainly had not. You were patient, knowing what this life and this job could make you do or feel. You made your way to the lounge where the party was being held and walked over to the bar to meet Pepper.
“Happy Birthday, girlfriend!” you greeted ecstatically, giving her a hug as soon as she turned around,
“Oh gosh, thank you! You look- just- ugh so gorgeous, Y/N! James is a lucky man.”
“That I am.” You hear behind you, your heart fluttering knowing exactly whose voice it was. You turn around and instantly jump on the man in front of you. Pepper gives Bucky a kiss on the cheek before excusing herself to let you both celebrate each others’ presence,
“Bucky!” You squeal, “What- What are you doing here!? I thought you’d be a couple more days!”
“I know you hate surprises, doll but I just couldn’t help myself.”
“Oh god, I just- I can’t believe you’re here, Buck!”
“You complainin’?” He asks jokingly,
“Not at all, Sargent.” He grabs your hips and closes the gap between you both, dipping you down and kissing you passionately. He pulls away and brings you back up,
“This dress is- fuck, it looks incredible on you.”
“You think so?” he leans over to your ear, his hot breath on you makes you roll your eyes back,
“I’m so fucking hard, doll.” He admits, a smirk crawls upon your lips at his confession,
“Yeah?” He takes your hand and guides it to the front of his pants, feeling his hard on, “All this because of my dress?” He kisses the spot just underneath your ear,
“BUCKY! MY MAAAANNNN!” You both jump out of your skin, hearing Steve praise Bucky, “Hi, Y/N, your boyfriend here saved the entire mission!”
“He did, did he?” Steve nodded, “Well, I’ll be sure to let him know just how much we appreciate it, won’t I?” You excused yourself from both super soldiers and make your way into the elevator. Bucky’s eyes followed your body, you smile seductively at him and give him a wink.
“Dude, seriously?” Bucky asks Steve,
“What? What’d I do?” Bucky rolls his eyes and chases after you but it’s too late, the elevator doors have closed and he’d have to wait another two minutes for it to come back down. He was gonna be late… and you hated unpunctuality. Fuck.
The elevator came slower than a snail, making Bucky impatient. He tapped his foot on the glossy ground, waiting for the elevator. Ding!
“Finally!” he groans, he rushes into the elevator and presses the button that leads to your floor. When the elevator doors open he paces to your bedroom door and knocks before trying the door knob. Just as he expected it was unlocked. He entered your bedroom freely, making sure to lock the door behind him. The room was dimly lit, walking forward to find you at the end of the bed with your back turned.
“You’re late, James.” You say sweetly, “Help me unzip?” You feel the heat of his body right behind you as he pulls down the zip on your dress, letting it fall down to your ankles. He places a soft kiss on your shoulder,
“I missed you, doll.” He whispers,
“I missed you too, Bucky.” You turn around to face him. You take his face in between your hands and he leans down to kiss you. His tongue dances against yours, he moans loudly as the kiss becomes deeper. You push him down onto the bed, “Cap tells me you did an amazing job on the mission, he says you’ve given it your one hundred percent?” He nods as you straddle his waist and leaning down to unbutton his dress shirt,
“I did ev-everything I- I could-” He could barely get the words out when you suddenly grind yourself onto him, he moans as you continue the slow torture,
“How about you give me your one hundred percent, baby.” You tease, stopping your actions,
“L-let me touch you, please.” He begs and you nod your head, chuckling at his desperation. He takes off your bra and softly traces his hands down to gently grab your hips, setting you down on your back. His lips kiss down the valley of your breasts, the coldness of his metal hand making you arch your back in to him just in time for him to close his mouth around your left nipple. He licks and softly bites your nipple making you moan breathlessly and grab his brown locks, 
“Bucky, I need you, please.”
“Where?” He drags his lips down, just above your pelvis, “Here?”
“Lower, baby boy.” His hands slide down your panties and throws them on the floor. He puts your legs on his shoulder and takes your sensitive clit into his mouth, your hand finds his hair and you tug on his long, brown locks, “Oh fuck,” You gasp, “you’re so good to me- Fuck, your- your hand, please.” You feel his cold metal fingers in between your folds, you arch your back and moan loudly. As he continued, you felt the clench inside of you before you warned him, “B-Bucky I’m gonna- OH!” You let go with a yell, your chest heaving up and down. You get under the covers to tease him and smile knowing it was working, he gets under with you,
“I’m not done yet.” He says before flipping you onto your stomach,
“That wasn’t your one hundred percent?”
“No.” He sets himself behind you and leans into you, making you feel how hard he still was,
“Oh I’m sorry, baby, did I leave you blue balled?” He slides into your slick entrance, you both moan loudly, your left hand making its way behind you grabbing his hair roughly once again, your right hand tries to find something else to hold on to but finds itself scratching the wall. He huffs into the nape of your neck as he thrusts roughly into you,
“F-fuck Y/N, you’re so tig-tight!”
“Bucky, fa-faster!” you moaned, pulling on his hair harder, “Fuck, you’re such a good boy!”
“C-call me that again.” he grunted as he thrusts faster into you, nearing you to the edge,
“Be a good boy and cum for me, James.”
“I’m fucking cumming, Y/N!” he yells, “Fuck, fuck- OH fuuuuck!” He releases inside of you and chants an I love you in your ear as you cum right after him,
“Christ, Bucky, you miss me that much?” he rolls off of you and pulls you closer to him, cuddling you tightly,
“I always miss you when I’m away.”
“One hundred percent, baby.” He chuckles, kissing your temple.
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gaybluesargent · 8 years
Please provide me with every detail about these beautiful raven girls. i've got a notepad to fill with ink and nowhere to be in the morning...
this is very very late, so that morning has passed, but hopefully you still have some room in that notepad! just a note that all my raven girl headcanons are trans girl headcanons! & for the sake of my raven girls aus, aglionby is co-ed!(also, /tagged/all-your-favs-are-trans-girls!)
generally Proficient at preforming femininity - looking and acting in ways everybody traditionally expects from a girl - but only really feels the need to be read as very Traditionally Feminine when she’s around her family
has very little physical dysphoria (she doesn’t rly want hormones or surgery) but her social dysphoria can get rly bad & lead to panic attacks if she doesn’t pass well enough in public
but with her friends, it’s not typically too bad!
i think she probably came out when she was like 14 or 15? she started transitioning when she was off traveling by herself!
so her family was kind of Shocked and gansey still. Has Trouble with that sometimes. but they’re not outright terrible about it. just. not rly Good either. 
she’s got shoulder-length hair in a clean-cut bob (that gets a little curly in humidity), but she puts it up into a ponytail or a hat as much as possible because she doesn’t like the way hair feels on her neck 
(it’s reminiscent of hornets)
post-trk she definitely chops her hair off and gets a rly cute pixie :’)
is Skilled at makeup and uses it to hide all the evidence of sleepless nights
paints her nails religiously because she finds the act of painting them very calming and likes the way it feels!
often paints them orange to match the camaro, even though helen tried to tell her that it looks a little juvenile to have bright orange nails
daily wardrobe (polo shirts, khaki pants, boat shoes) is virtually unchanged tbh… geek… i love her….
and for formal occasions, helen lets gansey borrow from her wardrobe if she wants!
(ps! more trans girl gansey content here!)
i looked all over for the post cuz i think i stole this idea from someone else so link me if u know it, but someday gansey marries blue and legally changes her name to Gansey Sargent :’)
butch! trans! lesbian! ronan! niall! lynch!!
(she loves her full name because her parents gave it to her and she doesn’t plan on ever changing it)
came out when she was 15, and once niall was killed, she started physically and socially transitioning All At Once
still has her head shaved. im in love with her. 
has and will punch a bigot without hesitation
she has 100 earrings in each ear and wears lots of rings
paints her nails to pick it all off the next day
when gansey’s extra anxious, she paints ronan’s nails for her, and it’s Soft :’)
her wardrobe is 100% unchanged from canon - rich tired punk farmer - and she looks gr8
she generally can’t walk in heels at all but she’s got this one pair of heeled boots that make her absurdly tall and she Loves It!
makeup skills are limited to making her look as Pissed Off as possible (meaning middle-school emo raccoon eyeliner and black lipstick probably)
typically not super dysphoric unless verbally misgendered
& isn’t rly comfortable with how deep her voice is but also isn’t willing to try to talk higher because she thinks she sounds silly, so she stays quiet a lot around new people
dreams up some fuckin miracle hormones for everyone and it’s Wonderful!
came out & transitioned later than everybody else because she wouldn’t even Consider her gender while she was still living with her parents
tbh gender probably plays into the whole Feeling Unknowable even to herself thing
but all her friends are trans as heck so she’s got a rly solid support system to help her once she starts to figure it out!
is rly reluctant to publicly transition because she’s worried abt how it might affect her future - being a trans girl makes life so much harder than just staying a cis boy - but, over time, she starts to make peace with it and realizes that Being Herself is worth the risk!
she fiddles with gender rly subtly at first: not really changing the style of clothes she wears, but buying t-shirts from the girl’s section instead of the boy’s section… growing her bangs out but keeping the rest of her hair short… wearing lip gloss… 
and these little changes help her comfort immensely, and eventually lead to more obvious changes in presentation!
tbh she probably comes out as A Girl first and then realizes she’s actually maybe a demigirl/a nb girl/something like that because being feminine feels Way Better than being masculine, but being A Girl doesn’t feel totally right either
and ronan helps with this, both as a role model for Not Giving A Fuck and also as a butch girl who shows adam that gender and gender expression don’t have to always align perfectly!
every now and then, adam puts on a skirt, and everyone in a 5 mile radius falls in love because she looks Damn Good!
especially with knee socks? like! shit!!!
noah is a ghost! you think ghosts care about gender? nope! noah’s agender or genderfluid in every universe and thems the facts 🙏🏻
but when noah was alive… he had some Gender Stuff
like, nothing as concrete as actively identifying as something other than a boy, but i think he definitely dabbled in gender presentation as a “haha jokes isn’t it funny” but secretly and quietly because it Felt Right
like… he definitely stole adele’s skirts a few times and his friends were like “czerny r u gay!” and he’s like “haha” but it was definitely actually subtle Gender Feelings that he didn’t have the vocabulary to express
anyway! once he’s dead he has no body and his presentation as Ghost Illusion can change with his comfort
so some days, he manifests looking more femme, and his friends know when to switch up pronouns and make him feel better!
similarly, he can read everybody’s mind, so he always knows what to say and how to comfort his friends when they’re feeling down about anything, including gender stuff!
stylizes her name to ‘henri’ to be a little more femme!
Fashion Icon! 
she’s inexplicably stylish. like. the outfits she puts together are Ridiculous and no one in their right mind would wear them and they look Amazing?
sometimes more femme, sometimes comfy being a little more butch, sometimes splicing styles completely! There Are No Rules!
also her Hair. legendary. she grows it out and does all kinds of things to it. she’s known for her elaborate braids. :’)
makeup took the longest to master but now she’s great at it and helps the rest of the girls do their makeup too cuz she’s easily the best at it!
absolutely unapologetic? henri “kiss my trans ass” cheng. henri “down with cis” cheng. 
once henri is fully integrated into the group and gets access to the Dream Hormones, she’s like “!!! idk why my mom is wasting time trading magical artifacts when we could just sell this shit! we’d be set for life and it’d be a great cause!!”
let’s make her a trans girl too cuz why not!
when maura was pregnant and they found out blue was a boy, calla and persephone were like ‘…sounds fake but okay’
so when blue gravitated toward femme stuff and insisted she was a girl from a young age, they were all like ‘ah that makes more sense!’
there wasn’t a lot of money around 300 fox way for hormones and stuff, but there’s lots of love to go around and they always make sure blue is supported and as comfortable as possible!
blue gets into sewing and making her own clothes during middle school, once puberty starts to wreak havoc on her ability to seamlessly shop in the girl’s department! 
this is a skill that she shares with the rest of the girls once she meets them – she helps them tailor and tweak all their clothes to fit more comfortably!!
she and henry become Fashion Buddies and they make outfits for each other all the time!
300 fox way is kind of a sanctuary for all the girls – surrounded by women who easily and immediately accept them as women too, surrounded by the magic they’re all so in love with… maura, calla, and persephone are their adoptive moms! they have sleepovers at blue’s all the time, individually when they’re having bad days and group sleepovers for fun!! 
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