#so i'm busy. weird!
gooseontheinternet · 4 months
HEY GUYS SORRY IVE BE- (immediately gets hit by a bus)
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guinevereslancelot · 3 months
what was with cameron house md she spends 90% of the episode saying she wants their patient to die bc he's a genocidal dictator and her colleague husband says "babe it bothers me for ethical reasons that you want our patient to die :(" and she said "hm maybe you're right :/" but when it comes down to it the genocidal dictator lays a finger on her in an aggressive manner and chase instantly commits medical malpractice to murder the guy and then when he tells her she LEAVES HIM bc boo hoo he's a murderer now like GIRL he killed a man for you!!! he's wracked with catholic guilt!!! he's being crushed beneath the weight of his sins because he chose his devotion to you over his devotion to god!!! he literally could not get any sexier at this moment in time!!!
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vaggieslefteye · 20 days
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VOX, Media Overlord | 1x02 - Radio Killed The Video Star
"[He's] up in his tower waiting for a flat-faced prince to calm him down."
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aretmaw · 4 months
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Rayman Rayman Rayman 3
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atissi · 1 year
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finished classes so i finally have time to draw my little mullet guys -u-
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triaelf9 · 2 months
hey folks who interact with creative works online! just a tiny PSA
If you don't like a character, that's totally fine! If you have a different reading of a situation in a show & have issues with stuff that's going on, that's also fine.
What is NOT fine is to ACTIVELY SEEK OUT fans of the characters you don't like and talk shit about them, the characters they have feelings about, or the content they've posted b/c you, Freddy McHatesalot really needs to tell everyone how much you dislike a...fictional character.
You are totally welcome to consume content in your own space in whatever way you see fit. It is disrespectful of the fandom space to try to drag other people into your space and interact with you if they don't want to. And dunking on a character in writings or art of them is fucking rude as hell to the person who put work into into the creation they made out of some feelings they were having.
Also. side note, it is possible to enjoy a character who is Wrong About Some Things or Isn't Doing The Right Stuff In The Right Situation. Sometimes it's possible to like a character and disagree with them, and shitting on people b/c you can't see what they see in a character is pretty trash garbage and is 90% of why I just make silly little art for me and my own silly feels and hope folks get a chuckle or some enjoyment out of it too.
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dixidin · 1 month
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(Plus a little extra thing at the bottom :3)
If you repost this on another website, please give credit. Do not put my art in any ai or repost it as your own work. You are free to use this as a pfp as long as you credit. Any like or rebblog is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading! -dixidin
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keineahnung-ichhalt · 3 months
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Tatort Saarbrücken x The Onion Headlines (Bonus - updated for FdG) (more)
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blujayonthewing · 1 year
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#I've played with irl atheists and catholics and everything in between#but it rarely feels like faith is a real factor for anyone-- DM or player#outside of‚ again‚ divine spellcasters and Big Epic Plot Things#I mean there are a couple of 'RAAAHGH FUCK THE GODS >:C' edgy backstory types but#no one is just Normally Culturally Religious and it's WEIRD#like it's not even a matter of faith in dnd! the gods are LITERALLY OBJECTIVELY PROVABLY REAL#so what does that MEAN for the average person! how does it shape language? business? culture?#where are the people wearing holy symbols like amulets-- or the way modern christians very casually wear crosses?#blessings over meals? prayers before bed? burnt offerings?#and like I enjoy thinking about world and culture building but I know that's A Whole Thing but even just like...#it doesn't feel like anyone believes in gods at all except clerics and paladins#like they DO because they factually exist but in the same way I 'believe in' like. the president of france.#like yeah he exists and is important to some people but has no bearing on my life whatsoever#that's such a fucking weird approach to the DIVINE in a polytheist world where those gods are YOUR CULTURE'S GODS??#I am bad at this myself but I'm not religious so it's harder for me to remember what Being Religious All The Time Casually is like lol#funny enough my character with the most intentionally religious background in this sense#is one of my ones who's ended up wrapped up in Big Plot God Things lmao#'aubree starts the campaign with a holy symbol of yondalla because of course she does why wouldn't she'#'oh okay well she's gonna get deeply and personally entangled with a bunch of death gods immediately' fdkjghkdf oh!! welp#you don't really pray to urogalan unless you're breaking ground for a new building or someone just died so it's STILL weird for her lol#but at least I had the framework there of 'oh yeah the gods exist and matter to me and my everyday life and culture' in general#about me#posts from twitter
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luckycharms1701 · 4 months
I have a request pls? What kind of personality/attitude/person would each bay boy look for in a partner? Love u lucky 🫶🫶
awww thanks anon-chan!!! love you too! ☀️💚🥰💚☀️
this was kind of hard, i kept thinking about what i think they’d need instead of what they’d actually want. thank you for asking, i appreciate the challenge!!
Leo: I think Leo would look for someone who is dedicated and steadfast, much like him. It doesn’t necessarily matter what they’re dedicated to (*cough*family*cough*), just that they are passionate about it. He would definitely prefer someone who shares his interests. I think he’d want someone quiet and demure, but would definitely end up with someone who’s not. 😂
Raph: Raph wants someone who can match his… energy is probably the best word. Someone who can go toe to toe with him in an argument and not back down. Who is snarky and intelligent and most importantly not afraid of him. They don’t have to share his exact interests necessarily, but he would like something adjacent. Like someone who does yoga to match his weightlifting, for example. Painting to his knitting.
Donnie: Curiosity is definitely a must for Donnie to be interested in you. Intelligence isn’t so much of a factor as a desire to learn. I think he’d like someone who knows when to be quiet and when to be excited. You don’t have to share his interests as long as you’re okay with him telling you about them. He would like someone who has interests that can be done quietly in the lab so you can spend a lot of time in the same space.
Mikey: We all know what Mikey’s about. F-U-N fun! He’ll look for a partner who loves fun as much as he does. More than that, though, what he longs for is understanding and acceptance. Someone who loves him not only despite his personality and turtley-ness, but perhaps because of it. As far as Mikey’s concerned, the more interests the better. He wants to share his with you and learn yours as well, no matter what it is.
edit: haha sure did forget the taglist
head bonks: @yorshie @avery73 @justalotoffanfiction @thejudiciousneurotic
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forestgreenlesbian · 10 months
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wedding this weekend
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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things little high school me would have lost her mind about: me making a wheatley pin. available on my etsy!!
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blaiddraws · 2 years
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Whumptober day 16: Mind Control
admittedly this one is majorly Not Canon to the fulcrum au, which I've been trying Not to do. but i love cool neon aesthetics i cannot deny this.
how would this even happen? not a clue.
anyway. red chain + legendaries = Not Fun Times for all parties involved
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fisheito · 4 months
If you tracked my eye activity on that bliss promo pic with the tops it would be something like this
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Making a major stop at topper
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Before crashing into a ditch (yakuya corner)
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#i'm having a moment. the only time i'll ever see these two standing next to each other is in a promotional pic for the sfw game version#FOR SERIOUS i was weirded out by this combination of characters in one pic when i first saw it#i was like oh?? they doing a random assortment now? i mean sure! yeah! i guess! spice it up they look great!!#then someone pointed out that this was Tops Only#then showed me the corresponding picture of Bottoms Only#and i felt my eyebrow raise sharply#OOOH.... i didn't even consider... right.... top bottom segregation#(reality does not occur to me. i see them all through switch-coloured lenses and thus ignore information inconvenient to my preference)#then i started thinking more about the . idea of it. that the tops are in a bar's hidden back room with mafia boss dante#and the bottoms are hanging out in the airy beautiful atrium of pure white snow and lilting piano music#tops are like WELCOME TO THE LIONS DEN and bottoms are like HEY COME INTO THE AVIARY AND SIT WITH US 🥰#i dwelt on the fact that i was weirded out by yakumo in this group#and it made me think about how..... yakumo would be scared of all the other tops#all of them are INTIMIDATION 100 to hiim#so i imagine after you get him to pose for this shot with everyone. and the business is done#yakumo will quickly retreat to the room with the bottoms (where all his friends are)#blade being the adaptable little creature he is will be like OH COOL ARE YOU GOING TO SEE THE OTHERS??#I WANT TO SEE THE OTHERS TOO!! MORE FRIENDS!! LET'S GO TOGETHER n_n *links arms* *DRAGS everyone else out of the room*#imagining yaku being first ushered into this dark room with kuya dante and quincy#and he's just nervously glancing at topper for reassurance that there's no danger#just trembling and thinking about how he wants his emotional support wolf/vice captain/priest/earring twin senpai#no yakumo. i wanted you to mingle. and you shall mingle#wear matching outfits with your fellow Tops and (topp) until you build trust and reduce their Intimidation Factors#nu carnival dante#nu carnival blade#nu carnival quincy#nu carnival kuya#nu carnival yakumo
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pynkhues · 3 months
MM and Mae working together again possibly……. To be a fly on the wall 🤣😂😭
Anon, I have been laughing about this for d a y s.
It's only a short film and the cast is so (bizarrely) stacked I don't reaaallllly imagine they'll have any scenes together or even have been on set at the same time, but who knows.
The idea of actors like Anthony Carrigan, Alan Tudyk, Jay Baruchel and Wendi McLendon-Covey potentially being looped into GG set drama is also unbelievably funny to me.
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2hoothoots · 10 months
So happy I finally found you! Your art has been lurking in my Pinterest feed for forever and I kept forgetting to check out your Tumblr pffff
Your art is so cool your grown-up versions of both Raz and Lili and very gender to me specifically ❤️❤️❤️
AW thank you!! it's always so wild to me to think about my stuff popping up on other sites, haha. perhaps this too will some day reach the distant shores of pinterest...
and i'm glad! (raz doesn't keep up with the On-Line Lingo but he'd still be flattered i'm sure)
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