#so i'm reading bad books to interrogate it. sigh
msmargaretmurry · 4 months
[coffee cup] romance novels: when do they work for becs and when do they not!!!
oooh okay! so i often call myself a romance novel enjoyer but not a romance novel lover, because romance as a genre often involves things that are at odds with what i love most in fiction. which is fine! many people love those things, there is a reason the genre is like that! it just means that it's rarer for me personally to find a romance novel that works for me on every level. (the things i'm talking about are, i don't usually like alternating POVs between romantic leads, i usually prefer my romantic storylines to be involved with the plot but not the MAIN plot, and my favorite romantic relationships in fiction are ones where i don't know going in that they're going to get together. i LOVE catching a detail or an interaction or sensing some chemistry and going "oh?? are they--?? and then greedily gathering more details as i read to try and figure out what feelings are happening. obviously this cannot happen in a romance novel because you know the endgame from the start!)
so what DOES work for a romance novel for me? i'm sorry this got so fucking long and it's mostly complaining so we're putting it under a cut.
firstly it has to be well-written and well-edited. i'm sorry but a lot of romance is not well-edited and it's so distracting to me. i'll often let a little bit of sloppy writing slide if it's a story i feel feral about, but because romance as a genre isn't built to make me feral, i need the writing to be tight or i'll get so distracted by nit-picking. like, i really wanted to love a caribbean heiress in paris but the female lead "muttered under her breath" TWICE on the FIRST HALF-PAGE. this is a whole different conversation but i do place the blame for this on publishing houses who do not care if these books are well-edited because they think their audience has low standards.
secondly, i need things to happen for real reasons. i listen to the "fated mates" podcast a lot because i find the craft side of it all super interesting. the hosts, who really love romance novels (as opposed to me, a romance enjoyer but not lover), often talk about things in romance novels happening or existing for "romance reasons," which are reasons that aren't really justified by the story/plot but that the reader goes with anyway for the sake of the story. romance reasons are almost never enough for me. i need there to be real worldbuilding. if it's contemporary romance, i need it to jive with how things work in the real world. if it's historical romance, there are different rules, because historical romance can run the gamut from trying to actually be historically accurate to totally made-up societal rules in a historical setting. i will meet the book where it's at, but i need the internal world to make sense. no romance reasons.
thirdly, relatedly, i need the author to know their shit. if a character is an athlete, i need the details of that sport to be accurate. if your character works as a nonprofit, i need it to be clear that the author understands the basics of how a nonprofit works. if your character is involved in politics, do not make up how politics work to serve your story, because i will be too annoyed to enjoy it. i read a het hockey romance the other day where there was a rumor about a popular player retiring an the author had a reporter from the ASSOCIATED PRESS show up at the LOVE INTEREST'S HOUSE to try to get details about it and then MORE MEDIA OUTLETS SHOWED UP TO CAMP ON HER LAWN about it. none of that is how any of that works. i don't need every detail to be perfect. i just need things to feel real.
fourthly, relatedly, i need real stakes and believable conflict and deeply drawn characters. i won't love a book just because it contains a trope i like. i need the trope to work with the characters and within the emotional stakes of the story. i need my romantic leads to have something inside them then genuinely needs healing, and i need to believe that they are people who make each other better. (note that this is for romance novels. in other genres i love weird little freaks who make each other worse.) i know some people like very fluffy low-stakes romances and i support them but those are not for me. the stakes need to not just be about the romance; there needs to be other stuff doing on, both internally for the characters and externally in the world around them.
lastly, if it's het romance, it needs to not be fucking weird about gender in a getting off on traditional gender roles kind of way. i WILL be turned off if you keep telling me about your tiny dainty fragile heroine getting claimed by your big strong serious man hero. like i have enjoyed plenty of historical romances set in very gendered societies where gender roles play a huge part in characters' lives, but you can have gender in grand and delicious ways without making patriarchy the kink. if you are making patriarchy the kink then your book is not for me.
oh sorry two more things. i love it when a romance author tries something off-beat for the genre. very little romance feels truly fresh and new to me, so it's exciting when an author pulls that off. also: when a romance novel has sex scenes that are also character-driven, not always 100% perfect sex, and don't feel skippable. that's the good stuff.
sorry this mostly just turned into complaining about things that i don't like 😂 but it really is for me less about "these things work for me" and more about "these are the things that DON'T work for me and i kEEP RUNNING INTO THEM." here are some of my favorite romance novels: evvie drake starts over by linda holmes. the countess conspiracy by courtney milan. think of england by kj charles.
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vanilladove · 10 months
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pic creds luvpngs | gif creds akashi-tetsuki
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: asylum patient!nikolai x asylum attendant!fem!reader
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre: smut w/ plot + some dark elements; 18+ only pls!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ content warnings: smut/nsfw, slight mentions of torture + drugging, manipulation, violence/abuse, unhealthy relationships, infidelity (mutual😋), slightly yandere!delulu!mean! :( nikolai, dubious consent
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ summary: your asylum patient has been taken in for questioning, and you learn a shocking fact. however, after an emergency call, you're left alone with nikolai again. dangerous? yes. but even more, tempting... ˚₊‧꒰ა read pt 1 & pt 3 & bonus (bad ending) ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ word count: 7.1k
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His heterochromatic eyes were boring into your soul.
Well, not really. It wasn't like he could see you through the one-way privacy glass of the interrogation room, even though you could still see every expression on your patient's face.
Still clutching his book, you sat next to the security guard on a bench outside the room. You could feel the pit in your stomach get deeper with each minute, anxiously waiting for the boss to arrive.
We were definitely caught. What's going to happen now? To me? To Niko--
"Sorry for the wait. I hope it wasn't too long, dear." You looked up shakily as you heard a familiar sigh from your husband.
You were just about to confess everything then and there until you looked up at his face, which was surprisingly calm and almost...concerned? Your husband reached down to hold your hand, "He didn't hurt you, did he? I can't believe you had to watch over a monster like that. Seriously, who would've known Gogol would put on a whole act. I--" You tuned out his words after that, completely confused. What was he rambling on about? Was Nikolai actually right about the camera blind spot?
Calm down. Just act oblivious.
"Wha-what are you talking about? What's going on?" You questioned, trying not to sound suspicious. Your partner stopped his rant, shooting a quick look at the guard, who raised his eyebrows and got up to leave the leather bench. Your husband took a seat next to you, clasping his hands together and looking down at the floor.
"For five weeks, we've been finding pills randomly in different trash cans throughout the facility. I thought it was an accident at first, but then I remembered that Gogol was admitted five weeks ago, and the pills that were thrown away were the same ones being administered to him."
"So? Was it really necessary to do all this? We've dealt with uncooperative patients before." You glanced back at the glass screen, jumping a bit when you saw Nikolai up against the glass, his hands pressed on the surface and gazing at you intensely. He had an unnerving smile on his face and was waving at you like a child. You shivered lightly, trying not to scream out in shock, causing your husband to look up in your direction.
"Tch. That wasn't all; there was this letter, too." He said, unfolding a piece of paper and handing it to you, roughly turning your head around--away from Nikolai--and hitting the glass with a glare.
You stared at the letter confusedly, looking at the mix of Russian, Ukrainian, and some sort of secret code. "What's this supposed to mean?"
"That's what I'm trying to figure out. Translators couldn't decode it at all. All they made out was that it was addressed to a 'Dos' and mentioned the facility, someone named 'Dove', and 'escaping'". Your eyes widened at that. Nikolai wrote a letter to someone? But when? Who were "Dos" and "Dove"? Wait, was that supposed to be...
Your husband standing up interrupted your thoughts. "Anyways, I'm going to get him to fess up. He's clearly plotting something. Can't trust a global terrorist." He gripped your hand tightly, unlocking the door and dragging you into the interrogation room, several guards trailing in behind you.
Nikolai gazed up excitedly at you once you walked in, only to be held back by several guards and restrained by a strap harness. Upon noticing that, your husband stepped in front of you--a measly attempt at covering you from Nikolai's gaze--and spoke sternly. The jester frowned in response.
"Gogol, do you want to explain why you've been throwing away your prescriptions across the facility?" Nikolai only tilted his head cutely to the side, trying to move to see you.
"My meds? Well, it's quite obvious, actually," he smiled tauntingly, "I don't need them. I'm perfectly sane. Ask your wife if you don't believe me." The boss clenched his fists at that and signaled for the guards to point their guns at Nikolai's head, making him laugh mockingly.
"Fucking freak. You're far from it..." Your husband muttered under his breath, reaching for the letter in his lab coat and unrolling it in front of Nikolai, whose eyes lit up upon seeing it. "We found this in the mailing room. Care to translate it? Who're 'Dos' and 'Dove'? Two of your criminal accomplices? And you mentioned 'escaping'? Hah. You don't really think you could leave one of the world's most secured facilities, do you?"
You cringed at that. You could tell he was trying to intimidate Nikolai, but it clearly wasn't working; the jester only yawned boredly in response.
Sighing, Nikolai answered, "Dos is a dear friend of mine--no, maybe my only one--and Dove..." he paused to stare intensely into your fleeting eyes, "Dove is my lover. I want to escape with her." His eyes crinkled slightly as he smiled at you.
You felt your heart skip a beat at his comment, putting together that "Dove" was you. Making you Kolya's...lover? You blushed at that, not hearing your husband's angry scream or seeing him stomp up to Nikolai and grab his shirt roughly, shaking him and demanding to know the content of the letter.
"Hmmmm....what my letter says? Who knows? I guess I must have wrote it in a frenzy, y'know, because I'm crazy and deranged." Nikolai said, the old dark, unreadable look in his eyes. "Say, can I have lunch first? I'm hungry and can't think straight."
Your husband lost it at that, winding up and punching Nikolai across the face, shocking the guards. Now back to the present, you ran to Nikolai, pulling your spouse back and yelling at him.
"Hey, what the hell are you doing? Losing your cool and punching a patient? Just let it g--"
A sharp pain hit your stomach and lower back as you felt a blow to your front, causing you to collide with a chair behind you. You wheezed from the impact, looking up to see your husband breathing raggedly, his hands coiled into fists, and Nikolai with widened eyes full of concern.
"Dove!" Nikolai yelled out, regretting it instantly when your husband glared at him; the pieces clicking in his head. The security guard from the library rushed to your side, helping you up and guiding you out of the room. You tried to resist, but it was hard with your head throbbing from banging against the chair. All you could hear faintly before being dragged out was your husband threatening Nikolai more for answers.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
You sat with an ice pack on the bench outside, head still spinning. Struggling to keep your eyes open, you peaked into the glass window. However, before you could look in, a bright, blinding light flashed, followed by a maniacal laugh from…Nikolai?
Electroshock treatment. Were they trying to get a confession out of him?
You could only cover your ears as the laughter got louder, mixed in with his occasional tortuous screams and angry shouts from your husband. Pressing yourself further into the bench and wall, the strong scent of artificial peony attacked your senses, forcing you to look up and meet Lacey's eyes. What was she doing here? Did she just come out of the interrogation room?
"Miss, I have some news for you," You peaked your head out of your arm enclosure, uncovering your ears and looking at her, "You're off for tomorrow. Gogol's been declared a dangerous threat, so he's going to be handed off to the boss and security. You'll be seeing your normal patients again, so please take the time in between off. I'm sure today was traumatizing for you." Lacey held your hand, stroking it like she was trying to console you. You could see the forced pity in her eyes; she was just one of your husband's loyal subordinates, after all. Knowing it was fake, you stood up and slapped her hand away, wobbling from your balance being thrown off.
"Thanks, Lacey. I'll try to relax a little." You turned away before pausing, feeling lightheaded, “You wouldn’t mind walking me to my office, would you? I need to grab my stuff first.” Lacey nodded, throwing your arm around her shoulder and helping you walk unsteadily towards your office. Even though the noises of torture and occasional bright flashes in the background made your stomach churn, and you really just wanted to run back and save Nikolai, you could barely stand up straight in your current state. You were going to process your thoughts, get an ice pack and some painkillers, and wait it out away from the scene.
You couldn’t leave yet. You had to see Nikolai one more time before you left.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
It had been eight hours since the interrogation room incident. Luckily the painkillers had knocked you out, so you'd just woken up from a peaceful nap on your office couch. Fixing up your hair and appearance, you picked up your phone and squinted from the lighting.
11:47 PM.
Everyone except for security had gone home for the night. You checked your notifications but saw nothing from your husband. No sort of apology, check-in, or questioning to ask you why you weren't home yet. What could you really expect, though? This was the man who'd just hit you at work in front of others. Feeling sick from remembering the day's events, you forced your phone back into your dress pocket and walked out of your office. Moving cautiously to not get caught, you headed towards the white ward.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Scanning your key slowly, you walked into Nikolai's room. There weren't any guards present, likely since they assumed he'd been immobilized from the electroshock treatment--there was no doubt the boss had gone overboard with his torture.
After you quietly shut the door behind you, you made your way to the bed carefully, reaching around in the dark room. Your hand finally found the night lamp on the dresser, reaching around to find the switch. Chills ran down your spine as you felt cold fingers brush against your hand and lead you to it. The dim light turned on and illuminated the figure next to you.
"Dove? You came back for me?"
You almost jumped back after hearing Nikolai's hoarse voice. The warm light enveloped him, the shadows reflecting off the curves of his face and intensifying his gaze. He was sitting up properly, almost like he hadn't been tortured a few hours ago and this was some regular midnight visit. Like he'd been expecting you.
"N-Nikolai...Wha--I--I came to check on you." Nikolai's eyes widened at that, and he blushed with a small smile on his face.
"Ahhhh, that so? Well, I still feel like shit." Nikolai winced in pain as he slowly sank back down into the bed, laying down and turning to the side to face you. The light was fully on him now, and you could see some light bruises on his face from where he'd been punched and roughly handled. The sight made you frown. What a shame his pretty face had been wounded, by your coworkers nonetheless. You knew it wasn't your fault, but you felt like you had to apologize.
You pulled up a stool next to the bed and sat down awkwardly. Nikolai cut you off as you were about to open your mouth, reading your intentions. "Don't say sorry, myla. Besides, this was probably divine punishment for my past actions. Sadists get punished by sadists, I guess? Not that I care much about or regret what I've done". His green eye glowed after he said that, but he quickly perked up after seeing your semi-horrified, semi-concerned face. "It was fun though, really. Nothing I haven't gone through before..." He tried to laugh a bit but quickly cringed again from the soreness.
Instinctively, you reached out but quickly pulled your hand away after remembering why you came in the first place. Reaching into your coat pocket, you pulled out The Overcoat, "I brought your book. So you don't get too bored." You smiled sadly to yourself, "I don't know if we can be seen together much anymore. I though this would help."
Nikolai bitterly laughed at that, the situation sinking in. "You came all this way to give me my book...You're silly, ptashka. I can't even read it." One glance at him confirmed his statement: he could barely keep his eyes open.
"Read it to me," he said huskily, reaching one of his hands out and stroking your cheek, "Stay here and read to me until I fall asleep. Unless you'd rather sleep next to me, hehe~" Nikolai teased, outlining your lips with his thumb. The action caused you to blush.
"N-no--I'll read to you..." you stammered, bringing his hand down to your lap and opening the book. He giggled seeing your flustered reaction and with some of the little strength he had left, he laced his fingers with yours and gazed at you lovingly.
You smiled warmly at him, opening the book and starting, "In the department of -- but it is better not to mention the department. There is nothing more irritable than departs, regiments, courts of justice, and, in a world, every branch of public service. Each individual attached to them nowadays thinks all society insulted in his person..."
You'd gotten twenty pages in before Nikolai finally dozed off; you could tell by the way his grip on your hand slacked up. You closed the book and moved his hand back to the bed slowly, careful not to awaken him. The lamp rays cast a warm glow on Nikolai, softening up his tense features. His fluffy bangs fell across his face, almost making you laugh because of how perfect and prince-like he looked--just like the first time you saw him.
You pulled the covers over him, brushing away his bangs. You remembered the library suddenly and how you owed him a kiss. Now wouldn't be a bad time, would it? Leaning into him, you planted a soft kiss on his forehead, moving down to the bruises on his cheeks and lower jaw. He was still resting peacefully by the time you were close to his lips. You blushed suddenly, feeling nervous. All you could muster was a small, quick peck on his lips before pulling away.
"Goodnight, Kolya." You whispered before getting up from the stool, feeling your heart beat rapidly in your chest.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
It was almost 2:00 AM by the time you got home. The day had truly worn you out, both physically and mentally. You were surprised that you and your husband's shared car was still in the parking lot by the time you left. To be honest, you were too tired to be concerned with who he'd gotten a ride with or if he'd actually meant to leave; you were also secretly grateful to not spot his shoes or coat anywhere, meaning he wasn't home and you had the bedroom to yourself.
Groggily making your way to the bathroom, you took a warm shower to clean yourself off, changed into a satin pajama set, and tucked yourself into bed. Your head was still spinning and the pain in the lower half of your body had resumed, making you need painkillers again. You recalled your husband telling you that he kept some in the nightstand dressers. Opening the lower drawer and reaching in, you were hit with the familiar nauseating smell of peony perfume and felt something...thin and silky?
In a confused daze, you peaked over and found a neon green G-string along with a small envelope with red hearts drawn all over it. You dropped the underwear in disgust and felt a pit in your stomach. Already having a strong hunch of what was going on, you opened the note, cringing when you saw a lipstick mark on it:
Same time, same place next week? Never took you for the type of man who could be adventurous and cheat;) Can't blame you, though. Your wife is booooringggggg. ~L ♡
Tears fell down your face as you threw the note back into the drawer and slammed it shut, eliminating the scent of Lacey's perfume. Even though you couldn't be surprised about your husband cheating, it felt like the final blow to a series of disastrous events.
Fatigue creeping up on you, all you could do was pass out from the mix of emotions.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
You had just finished brunch in the morning when you'd received a call from the asylum. Wanting nothing more than to ignore it and try to enjoy your day off, you waited until the last ring to pick up. After all, it could be an---
"Miss? Please, I know it's your day off, but---I don't know what's going on--please, we need you now...this is the worst--" you recognized the security guard's voice on the other line frantically speaking among shuffling and siren noises in the background.
Concerned, you spoke, "Hello? What's going on over there? Explain it me calmly."
The guard on the line sighed deeply, probably as a way to steady himself, "R-Right. It's Gogol," your eyes perked up at that, "He--God--He's out of control. He's been injuring staff left and right." He paused again, "That psycho has taken out half the squad of armed guards and put ten attendants on stretchers in an hour. That blonde girl got it pretty bad...she's knocked out with a black eye and a concussion."
"What? No way" You said in complete disbelief, trying to process everything.
"Yeah. Anyways, we have him temporarily detained until we can get special forces to come in. If you could get here ASAP to calm him down, we'd need that. Of course, we'd pay you extra, and--" The guard was practically yelling at this point, rambling on as you heard the commotion in the back getting louder. Reality hit you again, forcing you to realize the gravity of the situation. Not to mention, what was up with Nikolai? You couldn't believe he'd dwindled down the asylum's forces right after being tortured, or that he'd suddenly gone on a rampage after being relatively well-behaved and compliant. Even though the last place you wanted to be was work, you obliged.
"I'll be in soon, give me fifteen minutes."
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
"Where is he?" You asked, panting since you were out of breath from running alongside the security guard that called you.
"The bath house. Everything was normal until he was in for his scheduled bath and an attendant was helping him. It was the new girl with blonde hair," He looked back at you to make sure you were still behind him, "She tried to help him undress since he was injured, but he reacted badly and started full on beating her up. She already had a black eye and a concussion by the time the guards got to her."
That was definitely Lacey. You weren't sure how to feel about her situation with the new information that's just come to light, but you quickly shook off the smug grin that you could feel forming on your face and kept running behind the guard.
"After that, some other attendants rushed to help her out, but they weren't spared either. When the guards came in to detain him, he went on a total rampage, even stealing a baton and taser off of a guard and clearing the response team."
You were shocked at that. Of course he was a notoriously cruel and sly criminal, but to think he'd made light work of so many people that easily...
"What's the situation now?"
"Well, several ambulances later, we finally got him under control by tranquilizing him and restraining him with handcuffs, so he should be incapacitated for now. What a monster, doing all that like he wasn't electrocuted yesterday." The guard stopped suddenly, making you almost bump into him. He took his access card out and scanned it. "We're here, miss," he started to open the door before facing you, "I'll be in there with you in case anything bad happens, but just try to keep him under control until backup comes in. Apparently, they're experiencing delays, now of all times..."
You nodded and followed the guard in, looking around the bathing room. Rather than the usual communal showers, a special isolated bath house was reserved for high threat patients. The space itself wasn't too extravagant, with white and black tiled floors and a singular bath tub in the middle of the otherwise large, light-filled room. You walked towards the center and spotted Nikolai inside of the tub, his tall figure peaking out from the edge. His hands were cuffed to the faucet, and he appeared disheveled: hair messy, shirt unbuttoned and in boxers, and knuckles discolored, likely from fighting. His previous bruises did look like they'd lightened up a bit, though.
"Nikolai, it's me." You started, sitting down a few feet away from the tub. You heard a faint groan come from him in response, meaning he was still conscious. The guard stood ten feet away from you, trying to gauge the situation in case your ex-patient tried to attack you. You took a deep breath, "I heard about what you did. I can't--I don't understand it or the meaning of this at all. Why can't you just behave for once? Why do you always have to be so unpredictable and difficult?"
Squinting, he looked up at you sadly, nearly making you blurt out an apology. "Dove...can't hear...close--come closer..." Nikolai muttered weakly, resisting slightly against the cuffs to try and reach out to you. You looked at the guard who gave you a reassuring nod and stepped closer to the tub. You took off your lab coat, suddenly feeling conscious of what you were wearing underneath. You didn't have any time to change before rushing in, so you were just wearing a short pair of biker shorts and a matching tank top--the set you were planning to wear to the workout class you were going to attend on your day off. You felt exposed as you hesitantly made your way into the tub, sitting closer to Nikolai. "Bathe me." He teased, his eyes crinkling up a bit when he felt your presence next to him.
You opened your mouth to respond but got cut off by the beeping of the guard's radio followed by frantic noises. His eyes widened and he looked back at you, “Miss, I’m sorry but there’s been a situation,” you shot him a concerned look, “A mass fight has broken out in the cafeteria…Half of the patients are beating each other and staff up, and the other half are throwing their guts up. We think someone might’ve poisoned or drugged the food.” The guard exhaled frustratedly and was anxiously tapping his foot on the ground, “I hate to say it, but I need to go help suppress the whole commotion. Will you be alright?”
You looked down at Nikolai, who still appeared to be weak and under the tranquilizer’s effects. There was also another shot of tranquilizer on the floor next to the tub—in case of an emergency. You nodded affirmatively, and the guard slowly walked out, the pang of the closed door echoing off the walls. The bath house went silent as you two were left all alone.
The next thing you heard was the sound of breaking metal as a strong--too strong for just being tranquilized--pair of arms wrapped around you. You yelped as Nikolai pulled you into his lap, arms encasing your waist--effectively trapping you--and nuzzled into your chest, the handcuffs landing away on the tiled floor. He muttered something about how you smelled like coffee and vanilla.
"Kol!--" You protested, struggling against Nikolai's strong arms to break free. You couldn't though, slightly scaring you and adding to your overall confusion. Where was this sudden strength coming from? Should you even be surprised?
Nikolai only cruelly laughed at your attempts to escape his hold, pressing you harder against his body until you finally went limp and gave in. "What's wrong, dove? Aren't you happy to see me? You're wearing less clothes this time, too~" He cooed playfully, loosening his grip on you enough to get his face out of your breasts; all of his nuzzling had pulled down your tank top to expose your cleavage.
You blushed and put your hands on his shoulders to gain some distance. "That's not--I--" you couldn't speak straight, not sure where to start and how or if you should even explain the events of last night to Nikolai. "My husband--he--"
"Cheated on you? With the blonde bob girl? Yeah, I know. They always do it in the storage closet." The bluntness in Nikolai's voice shocked you. Had everyone literally known about this but you? Did he and Lacey have to be that obvious? Nikolai started playing with the ends of your tank top, "That's why I beat that annoying harlot up. She was faking nice all day and kept touching me all seductively," he ran his hands up and down your waist, using his fingers to slowly pull up your top and drag down your shorts like he was trying to reenact the scenario.
"H-Hey..." You stammered, blushing at his advances. Nikolai only giggled as he brought your hands up to his face and kissed them.
"I hate girls like that, you know? I only have eyes for you, myla." He stared into your eyes for a minute--unbeknownst to you, waiting for a reciprocated response--before letting go of your hands and sighing disappointedly.
"Quiz time!", Nikolai started, lightly slapping your hips and sitting up straight, startling you, "Will Dove entertain me or stay here while I beat up the boss then escape?"
"What?" You looked confusedly at Nikolai, "Entertain you? What are you talking about?" A pit formed in your stomach; you had a bad feeling about this.
A smirk appeared on Nikolai's face, "Well, you are just here to keep me occupied until backup arrives, aren't you?" He waved his hands at you, "I broke free from my handcuffs, so technically I can leave whenever I want. I know you won't stop me."
His taunt made you sneer, but you knew deep down he was right. It wasn't even about strength, you didn't want to stop him either. "I can't let you leave, though. What do you want?"
"You're really bad at quizzes, ptashka. You're supposed to guess, not ask me." Nikolai leaned back into your chest. "Hmmm...bathe me." He suggested, causing your face to heat up.
"But--" You objected, getting cut off by Nikolai looking towards the exit door and starting to get up. "Wait!" You pushed him back down and glared into his mocking eyes, "I'll do it. Just--just stay here...with me." The last part piqued Nikolai's interest as his attention went back to you and his smug look returned.
You shakily reached for the faucet to turn the water on before Nikolai pulled your hand back. "Not yet, dove. We can't bathe with clothes on. Remove them all first." His warned, dark eyes and an unreadable expression back on his face.
You gulped, "R-right..." His white button-up was already open, so sliding it off Nikolai's broad shoulders was easy. You couldn't peel your eyes off of his toned chest. You couldn't believe that loose uniform and his lanky frame were hiding a perfectly chiseled six pack all this time.
Nikolai laughed seeing you admire him, "Like what you see, pryntsesa? Keep going down, it gets better~" He teased, moving your hands down to the waistband of his boxers. Your heartbeat was ringing in your ears as you pulled them down. Vision flashing, you grabbed a soap bar from the ledge of the tub and turned the faucet on, burying your face into Nikolai's neck and closing your eyes, eliciting a subtle whine from him.
"What's wrong, dove? Too embarrassed to look?" Embarrassed was an understatement. You hadn't been intimate in so long, and now you were getting naked with your ex-patient that you'd been in charge of detaining. You were blushing like it was your first time. Nikolai giggled at your reaction; he was annoyed at first that you'd stopped but was pleased by your flustered state. "Cute. Now look up." He brought your face up to his, but you put your hands on his chest to stop him, hesitating to continue.
"Come on, now. Where's the confidence from when you kissed me? Y'know, while I was sleeping." You froze in place from that, allowing Nikolai to move your hands away and bring you close again. You were still stunned, so he continued, "You didn't know I was awake, did you? If I wasn't under all those drugs, I would've--"
"I'll do it, Nikolai. So please, stop talking..." You whispered out, silencing him with a kiss. Nikolai obliged, kissing you back obsessively and pulling you deeper. You flinched a bit when you felt him tugging off your biker shorts, pressing you near his exposed length. He broke away from the kiss, cheeks lightly pink as he feverishly pulled your tank top off and you complied.
Intimate silence between you, you picked up the soap bar and slowly started lathering up his upper body, sensually gliding your hands over his firm abs. He panted lightly from your touch, still taken aback by your sudden forward gesture. You weren't unscathed either, eyes averted to the bubbly translucent water and a rose hue across your face. "Dove," he started needily, "Wash lower". He took a hold of your hand, letting the soap sink, and moved it down under the sudsy bathwater to his hardened member.
You looked away ashamedly as your fingers slid down and rested at the base. He was big. Were you really going to--
"Dove", his voice was slightly threatening as he grabbed your face with one hand, "Look at me and do it properly." He cupped his other hand over yours and starting lightly stroking up and down, making you even more aware of his length.
"I-I'm embarrassed..." You said, trailing off and struggling to look into his hazy eyes as your movements got weaker. Nikolai's smile turned down after that, and his glare burned into you.
"Why, you've never done this with your husband?" He sheepishly grinned as his hands crept down your sides before stopping, "The one who loves you so much and gave you these love marks?" His face went dark again before squeezing the bruises along your waist, hard enough to make you wince in pain. He only smiled happily from your reaction, kneading into your skin more as he continued, "I would never hurt you like that, dove...Not unless you wanted me to." He moved closer to you and whispered in your ear, "You don't want me to hurt you now, do you? That's why you'll listen to me, right?"
Your eyes burned a bit, tears almost forming as you realized how powerless you were in this situation; he could always kill you. "No..." You quickly shook your head as your hand went under the water again to pump his dick. Nikolai heaved upon feeling your fingers wrapped around him again and pulled you in again for a softer kiss, hands now affectionately caressing your body, trying to comfort you for being a bit too cruel.
He groaned into your mouth after you started stroking at a faster pace, bringing your fingers up to play with his tip as you squeezed tighter on the way down. Your kisses became weaker as you could feel his pre-cum making his shaft more slippery. Nikolai broke away from the kiss, breath hitching as you squeezed his sensitive parts tighter. "S-Shit, dove..." He muttered out, momentarily relaxing his head and shutting his eyes, making you could feel his cock get warmer as more of his arousal came out.
He didn't miss the way your nipples hardened from his desperate panting and was quick to trail kisses from your neck down to below your collarbone while undoing your bra. He got harder seeing your perfect, round tits and took one in his mouth, sucking sweetly while palming the other. His quick action drew a sudden moan from you, and you brought a hand up to run your fingers through his layered hair, latching on for support.
"A-Ahhh~" You were still focused on pleasuring Nikolai and kept massaging his dick as he lapped up your breast, digging his nose into your skin, getting drunk off of your vanilla scent. He opened his glossy eyes to see your rosy, lewd expression.
"So pretty, myla," He released your breast with a 'pop' and groaned under your touch, "Mmmm...there...K-keep stroking there, dove. I'll make you feel good, too." His face was flushed now, light pink dusting his cheeks. He didn't expect his pristine dove to be so...forward and lascivious. Certainly not so skilled with your delicate fingers, either. He felt like rewarding you and used his free hand to bring your body down, so your cunt was aligned with his thigh. He grunted feeling your wetness immediately against his skin.
You hissed after feeling the back and forth friction on your slit, insides clenching around nothing. The heat in your core was only getting more intense, making you only want Nikolai and ignoring all morality. You could tell he was feeling it too by the way he started breathing heavily and leaving hickeys on your neck, panting out your name. The kisses trailed down your collarbone to your tits again as Nikolai drew circles around your nipple with his hot tongue.
Needing more, he pushed you down further onto his thigh and suddenly bit your sensitive bud, causing you to jerk up and tug his hair roughly "K-Kolya! Mmmmm...t-too rough!" His name leaving your pretty lips was enough to send him over the edge as he came into your hand and whimpered loudly.
"F-fuck, fuck, fuck..." He hugged you tightly and kissed your skin as he came down from his high, hot breath on your chest. His eyes were shut tightly. You blushed seeing him all vulnerable like this and kissed them softly, gently brushing the hair sticking to his forehead to the side. When he finally opened them again, you were reminded of your own unfinished arousal.
"A-another round, please, Kolya," You begged him with lust-filled eyes, grinding yourself into his thigh more, "Want you to make me--"
Your needy pleas were cut off by Nikolai's amused giggles as he gazed at you mockingly, "Hmmmm...so my dove needs me now, does she?" He tilted his head innocently, his signature twisted smile gracing his face, "I don't know, though, ptashka. I'm a bit tired and injured, so I can't move much."
You hated it--how he was getting off seeing your pathetic expressions. Even if he was telling the truth, it felt like he was degrading you, like he wasn't the one utterly obsessed with and love-sick over you in the first place. You were still just playing his little game, but it didn't matter. All you needed was him now--inside of you.
You exhaled shakily and moved up again, reluctantly holding onto his shoulders and starting to lower yourself, "You're the worst...teasing me like this..."
"Only because you tempt me too much, myla." Nikolai's hands caressed your face and traced over your pouting lips. His eyes remained dark and daunting; he was testing your limits, testing you. You both gasped as you felt him directly on your pussy, brushing past your clit and threatening to slip in between your folds.
Low moans left your mouth as you took him inside of you. His cock was stretching you out, forcing you to close your eyes to avoid looking down. Inch by inch, you went lower--moving at an agonizingly slow pace, whimpering from the uncomfortable feeling of being slowly filled. You stopped after the stretch started to borderline sting. It was too big--He was definitely way too--
His laughs interrupted you again, "Come on, dove. You're only half way down. Try a little harder, won't you?" Only half way? He had to be jokin--
You choked on your moans as Nikolai forcibly grabbed your hips and pulled you down to the base of his cock, submerging your lower half into the milky warm water. He smirked shamelessly upon feeling your perfectly manicured nails dig into his shoulder blades and kissed along your neck to soothe some of the pain.
"A-Ahh...you're tight, love. I'm bigger than your husband, aren't I?" You mumbled something quietly, too focused on trying to adjust. Nikolai kept going, though, "Yeahhhh, I definitely am. I can tell by how--fuck--good you're s-squeezing me~" His facade started disappearing when he felt the sensation of your pussy's contractions mixed with the scratches on his back . He held his breath as you unclasped the gold necklace--now no more than a satirical collar--and let it fall into the bathwater below you.
"S-Stop talking about him. I don't want to think about that cheater anymore. Just focus on me, p-please, Kolya." Your weak yet assertive pleas made his heart melt a bit as you rode him slowly. The unfamiliar stretch each time you rowed your hips back and forth made you bite your lip slightly. Nikolai only threw his head back and placed his hands lightly on your sides--still insistent on not doing any of the work--greedily enjoying the ride and moaning praise out of his mouth. He looked so pretty like this--like he did in the library: flushed face, disheveled hair, and lust-blown eyes.
Both of your moans got louder and you sped up your pace, grinding your pussy down on his cock harder each time and leaving passionate hickeys on his neck and chest. He ran his fingers through your hair and groaned into your ear, the sight of your plush ass and tits bouncing up and down turning him on even more.
"So perfect for me, angel..." Nikolai pulled your neck in and crashed his lips messily onto yours, muffling your moans with his tongue. You were so cute, thighs trembling from trying to take all of him with no help but desperate to chase your own release. He brought his fingers down to your puffy clit and rubbed small circles around it, occasionally pinching and making you buck your hips momentarily. His satisfied groan quickly turned into another whimper as you squeezed harder around him in response to his teasing. Your movements and kisses got sloppier as the two of you got closer to finishing, the knot in your stomach threatening to snap once you felt every vein on his cock throb inside of you.
Your thoughts were becoming clouded as you chased your own pleasure--something you hadn't prioritized in years. You didn't care anymore about your husband, who was just a good-for-nothing adulterer and abuser, your coworkers who'd stayed silent about his cheating, or your parents who only cared about what they could get out of you. All of them kept you in a cage, their cage that separated you from love, truth, and happiness. But Nikolai was different: he lived his life freely and wanted the same for you; he cared for you like no other--actually desiring you and staying loyal, making you laugh, and knowing how to touch you. Even if he hurt you, the pain always went away shortly. After all, even though he'd caused the commotion at the asylum, he'd protected you by keeping you in the bath house with him. He was doing all of this because he cared about you, right?
Nikolai pulled away from the kiss, leaving a string of saliva between you. He was panting hard and out of breath but gazed adoringly into your eyes again. The circles on your clit got faster, drawing broken moans from you as you started to become numb to all the previous pain. Now that you'd adjusted fully and angled yourself better, you could feel Nikolai in the depths of your pussy hitting your sensitive spot. "Mmmmm--Kolya...you feel...'s good--Ahhh~"
"Y-yeah, pryntsesa? You're close, right?" You nodded vaguely, drunk off of the hedonism you'd been denied for so long. "I love you, dove. So much." Your hazy eyes widened after hearing that, tears of ecstasy prickling your vision. "Come for me, please, pretty girl. Let's do it together."
You came undone from that, your orgasm washing over you and putting you in a state of pure bliss. Nikolai groaned as he felt your warm pussy clench around him, following you and releasing his cum inside. You shuddered from the warmth that contrasted the now cold water you were half-submersed in. Feeling tired and cold, you hugged Nikolai's firm body.
"Love you too, Kolya. I wanna be free with you, forever. Let's run away." You looked up into his eyes, almost shocked to see the dark, unreadable expression and a wicked smile on his face.
"Yeah? That's good to hear~" He captured your lips again, a bit more harshly this time, and kissed you hungrily. You gasped into the kiss as you felt him grab and squeeze your ass and thrust up into your overstimulated sore cunt, going at an unrelenting pace you couldn't handle.
You tried to push him away, but you were too weak and fucked-out, only crying out as you felt him balls-deep inside of you. "Sorry, dove, I want to finish one more time. Will you help me?" He was laughing in between as you moaned incoherently, too spent to keep your eyes open or respond properly.
"I love you...I love you, Kolya..." You could only repeat that as you started to feel the sensation building in your core again, feeling Nikolai's rough thrusts more intensely. You felt some shifting and were about to open your eyes when you felt a sharp prick at the left side of your waist.
"Ah--Ow!" Your eyes flew open from the pain, and you gasped in shock as you saw Nikolai's hand closed around your side, holding the rest of your body still as he injected the spare shot of tranquilizer into you.
Nikolai only looked down regrettably at you as he stroked your hair and kissed your face gently. Your head was spinning and your vision slowly faded to black as the effects kicked in, unable to even process what was going on. The last thing you heard was Nikolai's distorted voice.
"Don't worry, dove, we'll be in a better place soon. Somewhere we'll be free..." You made out a warped giggle, "Dos and Sigma are going to be so jealous of me."
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₊‧꒰ა read part 3 here ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
1K notes · View notes
tonyspank · 1 year
Warnings: 8k+ words, bad writing, kissing, relationship started from a bet, slightly ooc vada (idk?) reader has she/her pronouns, ur best friends is kinda a dick ig
A/N: this was highly inspired by shes all that + i'm still kinda on my break, sorry if it seems like im ignoring asks
Summary: You take on a bet from your best friend, but what happens when you start regretting your decision.
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"I'm so excited." Jordan, your childhood best friend says, smiling at you. You narrow your eyes at the brunette boy, adjusting your bookbag strap that was slipping off your shoulder. "I wonder what dish your mom is going to make this time." He adds on, that goofy smile of his never leaves his face.
"Yeah." You mumble, trying to hide your nerves about the upcoming break. "Yeah, I hope it's something delicious," you reply, forcing a smile. Jordan reads you like a book, tilting his head before letting out a soft laugh.
"Don't tell me you're worried about your parents bothering you about having a girlfriend." You shake your head, furrowing your eyebrows, as your eyes stay attached to the trail in front of you.
"It's just... this happens every holiday! Oh, Y/N, where's your girlfriend? Oh, Y/N! Who's the lucky girl?" You mock your parents before letting out a sigh and stopping your walk to face Jordan.
"Why can't I just be single and enjoy my high school experience without constantly being questioned about my love life?" you vent, frustration evident in your voice. Jordan raises an eyebrow, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "To be fair, you haven't brought a girl home since freshman year. And you're now a senior. Did you see how happy they were?"
You roll your eyes at Jordan, "What about Ana? I brought her home." Jordan chuckles, shaking his head. "Ana doesn't count. You faked a relationship, and your parents read right through it. They know you too well."
You sigh, memories of that awkward dinner with Ana and your parents flooding back. "Yeah, that was a disaster. I guess I just wanted to avoid the constant interrogation for a while."  Jordan smirks. "Maybe it's time you actually find someone worth bringing home."
"Yeah, sure. It wouldn't be hard to, I just need someone to be able to play the part. My parents do not care who I date whatsoever, just as long as I'm dating them." You tell him, scratching your eyebrow.
Jordan raises an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You wanna bet on it?" You raise an eyebrow in response, curious about what Jordan has in mind. "What kind of bet are we talking about here?"
"I pick the girl, and you have to bring her home to meet your parents on Christmas," Jordan says, a smirk playing on his lips. "And if you succeed, I'll do your math homework for the rest of the year."
You eye Jordan before holding out your hand. "Deal." Jordan's smile widens as he shakes your hand. "Let's go find your lover."  You laugh, following Jordan as the two of you start scanning the school for potential candidates.
"What about her?" You ask Jordan, nodding your head in the direction of a girl blowing bubbles. Jordan glances over at the girl blowing bubbles and raises an eyebrow. "Hmm, she seems carefree and fun-loving. Definitely a possibility," he teases. "But no!"
You continue searching, your eyes landing on a girl sitting alone in the library, engrossed in a book. "What about her?" you suggest to Jordan, pointing her out. Jordan observes her for a moment before responding, "Too boring."
"Ohhh, maybe her!" Jordan laughs loudly, pointing at a girl picking out her wedgie. You chuckle at Jordan's suggestion, but quickly shake your head. "I don't think so," you say, trying to stifle your laughter. "Let's keep looking."
"Hey! I'm the one picking here. I have the go-to." You shake your head. "Then pick."
Just as you say that a girl trips on her own shoelaces and stumbles forward, nearly falling face-first, Jordan bursts into laughter. "I think we have a winner!" You look over at the girl, who searches around to see if anyone has seen her embarrassing moment. She quickly regains her composure and brushes off the incident, pretending like nothing happened.
"Vada Cavell?" You yell at Jordan, "You've gotta be joking, man." Jordan chuckles and shrugs. "Hey, you said to pick. And she definitely caught my attention with that little stumble." You roll your eyes, not convinced that this is the best choice for your fake partner.
"Look. Ugly, bad personality, a bit on the smelly side, I can handle." You glance back at Vada, sighing.
"But I draw the line at someone who can't even walk without tripping over their own feet," you say, exasperated. Jordan laughs again, defending his choice. "A bet is a bet!" You open your mouth to argue again, but Jordan beats you.
"Hey, if I were you, I wouldn't be wasting my time. Because according to my calculations, you only have about four weeks to turn her into your perfect fake partner before Christmas. And if Vada Cavell is going to be that somebody, you've pretty much got your work cut off for you. "
You sigh and reluctantly agree, knowing that you can't back out of the bet now. You walk over to Vada Cavell, who is sitting with a blonde-haired girl at a table, engrossed in her phone.
"Hi, Vada. You got a second?" You ask, trying to sound casual as you approach her. Vada looks up from her phone with a hint of curiosity in her eyes. Mia, the blonde-haired girl, drops her jaw at the sight of you. You send her a small smile.
"Hi, Mia. I saw your soccer video on Instagram. "It was really impressive," you compliment, trying to make small talk. Vada raises an eyebrow, while Mia blushes. "You watch my videos?"
"You don't play soccer." Vada states matter-of-factly, glaring at her best friend. Mia looks sheepish, realizing your mistake. "Oh, sorry." You tell Mia who quickly brushes off the comment with a dismissive wave.
"So, Vada, listen," you begin, trying to redirect the conversation. "I was wondering maybe if you wanna..." Vada quickly stands up, interrupting you. "Let's go, Mia."
Mia gives you an apologetic smile before following Vada, leaving you feeling slightly embarrassed and rejected. You sigh, realizing that your attempt to ask Vada out didn't go as planned. "...embarrass me horribly in front of all these people?" You finish trailing off to yourself. You look back at Jordan, who's bending over, trying to stop himself from laughing so hard.
With a tight-lipped smile, you send him the finger, knowing that he's enjoying your embarrassment a little too much.
This was a bet, and you needed to win it. It wasn't like you were failing any of your classes, but you were tired of all the math homework Mr. Smith kept assigning. Plus, you'd love to see the defeated look on Jordan's face after Vada, and you successfully convinced your parents you found yourself a girlfriend.
In order to win this bet, you had to text Mia through Instagram direct messages and ask her where you could find Vada after school. Mia sent you a screenshot of Vada's Find My Phone, showing her location in a downtown park. You knew this was your chance to prove Jordan wrong and finally have some peace from Mr. Smith's math assignments.
Vada's eyes widen as she sees you walking closer to her, regardless, you send her your charming smile, which she doesn't reciprocate. "You know stalking is illegal in all 50 states, right?" Vada says, her voice laced with caution.
You quickly assure her that you were just trying to find her so you could talk. "I apologize if it seemed like stalking, but I genuinely wanted to have a conversation with you," you explain, hoping to ease her concerns.
"I'm not smart." Vada admits her eyes never leave yours. "What?" You breathe out a laugh, confused. "What? You think that I can tutor you or something?" Vada continues, a hint of vulnerability in her voice. "You're probably thinking, Oh, there's Vada, she dresses like a hippie—"
"—Barely has any friends."
"—She must at least be smart." You cut her off gently, placing a hand on her arm. "Vada, I have the fourth highest GPA in our grade." Vada looks at you with surprise evident in her eyes. "Really?" she asks, her voice filled with disbelief.
"Yes, really," you reply reassuringly. "It's true." You slightly jump at the sudden voice. Turning around, you see Vada's other best friend, Nick, sitting a few feet away.
"So what do you want? Is this some sort of dork outreach program?" Vada asks, rolling her eyes. "No, Vada," you say calmly, trying to hide your frustration. "I just wanted to hang out."
Vada raises an eyebrow, skeptical of your intentions. "Just hang out? With us?" she questions, her tone still laced with doubt. You nod, hoping to convince her that you genuinely want to enjoy their company. "Yeah, I thought it would be fun to get to know some new people," you explain, hoping she'll give you a chance.
"Sure, me and Vada were about to go to this stand-up comedy club. You can have my ticket if you want." Nick shrugs, ignoring the confused glare from his best friend.
Vada looks at Nick in surprise, clearly not expecting him to offer his ticket. "Really? You're giving up your ticket for her?" she asks, very confused. Nick shrugs again, flashing a grin while he holds out his ticket for you.
You take the ticket with a grateful smile, "Thank you, Nick. Are you sure? I could just buy my own if you want to go too." Nick shakes his head, "Nah, I've gotta go study for my presentation anyway." His phone chimes right after, and he quickly checks it, confirming his need to leave.
"Well, have fun at the club! Let me know how it goes," he says before hurriedly walking away. You watch him go, feeling a mix of gratitude and curiosity about why he would give up his ticket for you.
You send Vada a smile, "I guess I'm your plus one tonight." Vada narrows her eyes at you, still confused about why you, one of the most popular students in school, is so fascinated with her. "I'm still confused about why you're putting on this act. Are you trying to impress someone, or is there another reason behind it?"
You furrow your eyebrows, letting out a small laugh. "Are you always this skeptical? I assure you, there's no ulterior motive. I simply wanted to enjoy your company and spend the evening with you." Vada's expression softens slightly, but she still seems hesitant.
"Well, we should get going." Vada mumbles, brushing a small strand of hair behind her ear.
You follow Vada down the slightly busy streets, neon lights illuminating the sidewalks as people bustle by. You can't help but notice Vada's occasional glances in your direction, her guarded demeanor slowly melting away.
"I like your jewelry." It's unique and really suits your style," you comment, trying to ease the tension. Vada's face lights up with a genuine smile as she thanks you for the compliment.
"Do you always wear that letterman jacket? You look like you came straight out of a 90s movie." Vada says, laughing softly. "Oh, are you going to be an act too for this stand-up comedy thing?" You ask, joking.
"But, yeah, it's kind of my signature look," you reply with a chuckle. "I've always been drawn to that vintage aesthetic." Vada nods, her curiosity evident as she asks, "So, what other things inspire your style?"
"I don't know... I normally thrift a lot of my clothes," you admit. "Whether it's someone's old band t-shirt or their grandpa's old sweater, I love finding unique pieces. I also take inspiration from old photographs and films, especially from the 60s and 70s."
Vada smiles, clearly intrigued by your explanation. "I'm not a huge fashion before myself, but I don't know, I just like to be comfortable." You glance down at Vada's baggy attire, noticing the loose-fitting jeans and oversized hoodie.
"I totally get that," you reply. "Comfort is definitely important, and there's no right or wrong way to express yourself through fashion. It's all about finding what makes you feel good." Vada nods in agreement, playing with the drawstring on her hoodie.
There's an awkward silence as the comedian fails to deliver the punchline of his joke. Vada laughs in her own hand, trying not to be too loud. You can't help but smile as you glance at the shorter girl, confused. You lean into her ear, "I'm so confused. How was that funny?"
Vada chuckles and whispers back, "It wasn't. It was funny how no one was laughing." You glance around the room before laughing a bit yourself. She was right. Seeing the confused looks on everyone's faces made the situation even more amusing. It was as if the entire audience collectively missed the punchline.
You begin laughing even harder, unable to contain your amusement. The more you think about it, the funnier it becomes. Vada joins in on your laughter, hiding her face behind her hand as tears of laughter stream down her face.
"Why are you laughing, huh? You think it's easy to stand up here and try and do something you love?" The male comedian asks you, obviously upset that you're laughing at his expense. You quickly compose yourself, glancing at Vada, whose eyes are wide as she smiles, trying not to laugh again.
You raise your hand, trying to apologize for the misunderstanding, but the comedian interrupts you. "Well, if you think it's so easy, why don't you come up here and give it a shot?" he challenges, pointing towards the stage.
You shake your head with a tiny smile on your lips. "Come on, come up here." You squint your eyes as a light begins to shine on you from the stage. The audience starts cheering and encouraging you to take the comedian's challenge.
You look at Vada, "Go!" She says this, smiling as she pushes you from your seat. Reluctantly, you take a deep breath and make your way towards the stage, your heart beating in your chest. The comedian hands you the microphone with a smug look on his face.
Your shaky hands take the microphone, "Uh..." Your voice trembles as you try to gather your thoughts. You glance at an audience member who has a gutair strapped around their shoulder, and a lightbulb goes off in your head. "I'm not a comedian, but I can try and entertain you all another way."
With a nervous smile, you motion towards the audience member with the guitar, saying, "Can I borrow that for a second?" The audience member hesitates for a moment, but then nods and hands you the guitar. You place the microphone on its stand before stepping forward and strumming a few chords to test the sound.
"Something bad is bout' to happen to me. Why I feel this way, I don't know, baby." You sing with a raspy voice, closing your eyes and letting the music take over.
The crowd falls silent, captivated by the raw emotion in your performance. Vada is shocked, her eyes widening as she watches you on stage. She had no idea you could sing.
"I think of her so much it drives me crazy. I just don't want her to leave me."
You continue to sing Steve Lacy's iconic lyrics, pouring your heart out on stage. You hit the high notes, sending chills down the spines of everyone in the audience. This was much better than the comedy act they were just witnessing.
When you finish the song, Vada's the first one standing up and clapping, with others soon following. You open your eyes to see the crowd on their feet, their applause echoing through the venue. The look of surprise and admiration on Vada's face is priceless, and you can't help but smile broadly.
You push open the door to leave the club and are immediately greeted by a rush of cool night air. "That was so awesome! Just like...going up there and performing in front of all those people, it's such a rush," you exclaim, your eyes still shining with excitement.
Vada nods, her dimples deepening as she grins. "I never expected you to be such a natural on stage. It's like you were born to perform," she says, her voice filled with genuine admiration.
The two of you stop walking as you reach the edge of the sidewalk, taking a moment to catch your breath and let the adrenaline settle. The city lights twinkle above you, casting a magical glow on the vibrant streets below.
You glance over to Vada, and she glances back at you with a faint smile playing on her lips. "You hungry?" You ask, gesturing towards a nearby food truck. The tantalizing aroma of sizzling street food fills the air, making your stomach growl in response. Vada's eyes light up at the suggestion, and she nods eagerly, her excitement matching your own.
Vada smiles, her hair blowing in the wind due to the drop-top on your convertible. It's been three weeks since the comedy club, but the memory of that night still brings a smile to your face. The chemistry between you and Vada is undeniable, and you can't help but wonder what other adventures await the two of you.
Kali Uchis blasts through your speakers, filling the car with her soulful melodies. The warm sun kisses your skin as you drive along the scenic coastal road, creating the perfect backdrop for a carefree summer day.
You catch a glimpse of Vada through the side mirror, her hair blowing in the wind, and a contagious laugh escaping her lips. The connection between you two feels effortless, as if you've known each other for years.
"I just wanna get high with my lover!" Vada sings along to the lyrics, and you join in, "Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo!"
Vada leans in closer to you, kissing your cheek gently while she sings more of the lyrics. "Kiss, kiss! Looking dolly, I think I might go out tonight. I just wanna ride get high in the moonlight."
The song proceeds to play, and your singing becomes more enthusiastic, matching Vada's energy. You both dance and laugh, completely lost in the moment. Soon, you both arrive at the beach, your phone ringing as you step outside the car.
"Hello?" You answer the phone and hear Jordan's voice on the other end. "Y/N! Where are you? I just stopped by your house, and you weren't there. I wanted to hang out tonight."
Vada waits patiently for you to end the phone call, holding all of your stuff in her hands.
"Oh, I'm uh...I'm not home right now." You mumble into the phone, scratching your nose. "Well, no shit. Where are you?"
"I'm actually at the beach with Vada," you reply, glancing at Vada, who raises an eyebrow curiously. "But maybe we can hang out tomorrow." You can basically hear the grin on Jordan's face.
"The beach, huh? You and Vada have been hanging out nearly every damn day. Don't tell me you're actually enjoying this bet, Y/LN." You chuckle and respond, "Goodbye, Jordan."
You quickly end the call, sending Vada a smile. You take the items from her hands, thankful for her help. As you start setting up your spot on the beach, Vada asks, "So, what did Jordan want?"
"To bother me," you reply with a dismissive wave. "He's always trying to pry into my business." Vada raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued, but respects your privacy and doesn't press further. A part of you feels bad for becoming friends with Vada under such circumstances. She was a chill and easygoing person, and you found yourself truly enjoying yourself around her.
You couldn't help but wonder if you should tell her about the bet going on between you and Jordan or if you should just end the friendship altogether. It was a difficult decision to make, as you didn't want to risk losing the connection you had with Vada, but at the same time, keeping such a secret felt dishonest.
"Hey, where's the pump for this?" Vada asks, holding up the beach ball you packed with the rest of the beach gear. You smile, grateful for the distraction from your internal dilemma, and point her in the direction of the pump, except it's not there.
"Oh, shit." You frantically search through the beach bag, realizing that you must have forgotten to pack the pump. "Here, I'll just blow into it." You offer, trying to come up with a quick solution. However, as you start blowing into the beach ball, you quickly realize that it's going to take a lot more effort than you anticipated.
You feel yourself getting lightheaded as you continue to blow into the beach ball, desperately trying to inflate it. Vada giggles at your struggle, you send her a playful glare, but her laughter only encourages you to keep going.
"What if we take turns?" Vada suggests, hoping to alleviate some of the strain on you. You gratefully agree, handing her the faintly inflated beach ball. You expect her to wipe off the ball since your mouth was in fact directly on it, but she doesn't seem to mind.
Your heart begins racing. You basically just shared a kiss with Vada, even if it was through a beach ball. The thought of it sends a rush of excitement through your veins.
Vada hands you the ball back, slightly out of breath. You smile, hesitating for a moment before placing your lips on the ball again. After a while, the ball is fully inflated, and you both start tossing it back and forth, laughing and enjoying each other's company.
"Don't let it drop!" Vada yells out, her laughter echoing across the beach. You run as fast as you can, determined to keep the ball in the air. The sand squishes between your toes as you dive to smack it back into the air. The sound of the ball hitting your palm fills the air, creating a rhythmic pattern that matches the beat of your racing heart.
"God, do you play volleyball?" Vada asks, her eyes widening with excitement. You shake your head, catching your breath, and reply, "No, but I guess I could give it a try!"
You smack the ball a bit too hard, and it flies over Vada's head, landing in the sand behind her. She turns around, a playful grin on her face, and says, "I'm definitely not getting that." You chuckle, running over to retrieve the ball. Before you can, someone kicks it away, sending it rolling further down the beach.
"The fuck—" you stop yourself, looking up and noticing Jordan. Jordan, with a mischievous smirk on his face, shrugs and says, "Oops, my bad! Thought I'd give you a challenge."
"What are you doing here?" you ask, slightly annoyed by Jordan's interference. He chuckles and replies, "Just enjoying the beach with my friends."
You look behind him, noticing he's brought company—some of your friends and other people you've hung around with before. They wave at you, smiling and clearly excited to see you. Jordan adds, "We thought it would be fun to have a little gathering here. Hope you don't mind."
You narrow your eyes at your best friend. "You're an asshole. You're only doing this because I told you I was hanging out with Vada here." Jordan raises an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Come on, don't be like that. It's just a coincidence that you're both here too."
You let out a sigh, realizing that Jordan's actions were most likely intentional. Despite feeling annoyed, you decide to put aside your frustration and make the best of the situation. "Alright, fine. Now go get my beach ball."
Jordan smirks, clearly enjoying the power he holds over you. "Sure thing, but only if you promise to introduce me to Vada later." You roll your eyes, knowing that Jordan's ulterior motives are far from innocent.
You walk over to Vada, plopping down beside her on her towel. She looks up at you with a smile, unaware of the tension between you and Jordan. "Sorry about that. He just invited himself...and everyone else."
Vada smiles, shaking her head. "It's okay. If we're going to be friends, I'd have to meet your other friends anyway." You chuckle, relieved that Vada doesn't seem bothered by Jordan's presence.
You begin unbuttoning your shirt, feeling a bit hot in it, leaving you in your white tank top. Vada glances over at you, her eyes lingering for a moment before she looks away, a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks.
Jordan walks over and throws the beach ball, obviously aiming to hit your face. You quickly catch it, sending your best friend a glare. Jordan lets out a silly laugh, clearly enjoying the playful banter. Vada raises an eyebrow at Jordan's antics, but her smile remains intact as she watches the interaction between the two of you.
"Someone has the guns out." Austin, another one of your friends says, walking toward the group with a mischievous grin. You roll your eyes at his comment, playfully flexing your muscles in response.
"You mean these?" You flex your biceps, exaggerating the muscles for comedic effect. Austin chuckles and nods, teasingly adding, "Yeah, those tiny peashooters." You playfully throw the ball at him, pretending to be offended by his remark.
"Alright, stop showing off in front of the pretty lady." Jordan teases, winking at Vada. Vada's face breaks into confusion, as she wonders if Jordan's comment was meant as a compliment or a joke. She looks at Austin for clarification, who shrugs and smirks, leaving her even more uncertain about the situation.
"Let's play a full game of volleyball," Austin suggests, picking up the beachball that had been thrown at him. Vada eagerly agrees, grateful for the distraction from the awkward tension between Jordan and herself.
You all split into two teams, with Vada and Jordan on one side and Austin and you on the other. Jordan serves the ball with a powerful swing, causing Austin to dive to the sand to make a save.
"Stop trying so hard, bitch!" Austin yells at Jordan with a smile on his lips. Jordan laughs, brushing off the comment with a playful smirk. The friendly banter between them lightens the atmosphere, allowing everyone to relax and enjoy the game even more.
Mid-game, Vada takes off her slightly baggy shirt, which she tied with a knot at the front, revealing her bikini. You notice Jordan staring at Vada, his eyes lingering on her, causing jealousy to rise within you.
You smack the ball against Jordan's head, catching him off guard and breaking his gaze. He glares at you, earning a shrug, as you innocently raise your hands in defense. "You had a bug on your head."
You're dropping Vada off at her house after the game when she turns to you with a smile. "Thanks for saving me from Jordan's ogling," she says, playfully nudging your arm. "I owe you one."
You smile, blushing a bit. "You saw that?" You ask, your eye's widening slightly. Vada chuckles and nods, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Oh, I definitely saw that. You were like my personal superhero swooping in to save the day."
"Well, I couldn't let him make you uncomfortable," you reply, feeling a surge of protectiveness. "I'm always here to look out for you." Vada's smile widens, and she leans in closer. You glance behind her and say, "I could walk you to the door.
Vada blinks and looks at you, her expression softening. "Sure." You quickly get out of the car, making your way to Vada's side. Shoving your hands in your pockets to hide your nerves, you match Vada's pace as you both walk towards her front door. The night air is cool, but the warmth of Vada's presence makes it feel comforting.
"If you want, we could hang out tomorrow?" You ask, hoping to spend more time with Vada. Before she could respond, her front door flies open. A short figure emerges from the doorway, causing both you and Vada to pause. It's Vada's younger sister who greets you with a friendly smile.
"Hey, guys! What are you up to?" she asks, oblivious to the tension in the air.
"Oh my god, Amelia." Vada exclaims, clearly annoyed with her younger sister's interruption. Amelia shrugs innocently, not realizing the impact of her sudden appearance. Vada takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself before addressing the situation.
"Mom! Vada brought a lesbian home!" Amelia shouts, slightly turning her head towards her mother, who is in the next room.
Everyone freezes, unsure of how to react to Amelia's unexpected announcement. Vada's face turns red with embarrassment while you thin out your lips, confused and a bit amused.
Vada's mouth drops. "I am so sorry." She says to you, her voice filled with genuine remorse. You shrug her off while Amelia gasps. "Oh, are you not a lesbian?"
You chuckle, "Um...I do like girls." Before Amelia could press you for more information, Vada's mom appears in the doorway. "What's going on here?" she asks, her voice laced with worry. Vada quickly explains the situation, hoping to diffuse any potential tension.
"I was just dropping Vada off from the beach," you also add, trying to ease any concerns. "We were just having a casual conversation, nothing serious." Vada's mom looks relieved and nods understandingly.
"Well, as long as everyone is okay," she says with a smile. You exchange a grateful glance with Vada, grateful for her mom's understanding.
"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Vada's mom offers, wanting to extend her gratitude for your honesty and reassure you that everything is alright. You glance at Vada, who stares at her mom with a shocked expression. "That would be really nice," you respond, feeling touched by Vada's mom's kindness.
Dinner was fun. Amelia had no filter, which made everything hilarious and entertaining. She shared funny and embarrassing stories of Vada, which Vada tries to interrupt with playful protests. Despite the initial shock, Vada soon joins in on the laughter, realizing that her sister's antics brought out a huge and genuine smile on your face.
There were also serious moments during dinner where Vada's parents questioned you about your future plans and aspirations. They were genuinely interested in your goals and offered advice and support. It was refreshing to have such meaningful conversations with Vada's family, making you feel like a valued member of their circle.
You throw yourself on Vada's bed, falling face first onto the soft pillows. Vada plops on top of your back, laughing at your dramatic entrance. She soon rolls off of you, and you lay on your back, gazing up at the ceiling.
Vada was such a breath of fresh air in your life. Her carefree spirit is infectious, and you can't help but feel happy every single time you're around her.
She has a way of making even the simplest moments feel special, and her laughter is like music to your ears. Being friends with Vada has brought so much joy and light into your life, and you can't imagine what it would be like without her.
Fuck this bet, you think to yourself. Vada's friendship is worth so much more than any silly wager.
"You look deep in thought." Vada's voice interrupts your contemplation, pulling you back to the present moment.  "What's on your mind?" she asks, her eyes filled with genuine concern.
You turn your head towards Vada, a small smile forming on your lips. "I was just thinking about how grateful I am to have you as a friend," you say sincerely. "Your friendship means the world to me."
"You're so sappy." Vada mumbles, laughing softly. You break out into a smile. "I'm pouring my heart out here, c'mon!" You tease playfully, putting on an Italian accent.
Vada rolls her eyes, but her smile betrays her amusement. "That was one of the worst Italian accents I've ever heard," she says, chuckling. "But...you mean a lot to me too."
You feel a warm rush of affection as Vada's words sink in. "I'm glad to hear that," you reply, licking your lips. A comfortable silence falls over the two of you as you both bask in the genuine connection and shared vulnerability. Your eyes never leave each other, as if speaking a language that only the two of you understand.
"Is that all?" Vada breaks the silence. "Or is there something else you want to say?"
"Be my girlfriend?" Vada's eyes widen with surprise, and she stares at you.  She takes a moment to process your words before responding, "Okay."
"I'm even more excited than I was." Jordan smiles, "I can't believe you got away with that." You shake your head at your best friend, an eye roll following.
"No, seriously. You asked her to be your girlfriend, it's barely been a month, and you didn't even kiss her after? Shits crazy."
You put the last plate on the table, "Shut the fuck up, Jordan."
Jordan chuckles, raising his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright, I'll drop it. But seriously, man, you might've won this bet. Still gotta get the parents approval, though."
You let out a sigh, saying, "Maybe we should drop this bet, man." Jordan raises an eyebrow, a mischievous grin forming on his face. "Are you getting cold feet already? Come on, don't tell me you're chickening out now."
You shoot him a glare but can't help but feel a twinge of doubt. "It's just... I don't want to risk ruining our friendship over some stupid bet." Jordan starts to smirk. "Oh shit, you actually caught feeling for her? You can't be serious."
You roll your eyes, trying to brush off Jordan's teasing. "So, what? She's a nice girl, and I don't want to mess things up with this stupid bet about her."
Jordan chuckles, bringing his fist to his mouth. "I can't believe you're actually considering backing out because of a little crush. You've never been one to shy away from a challenge before."
He sighs, adding to his argument. "How about this? If your parents go for it, we'll drop the bet. But if they don't, you have to tell her it was a bet and apologize for any hurt feelings. It's only fair to give her the truth and a chance to decide if she still wants to pursue a relationship with you."
"Fine." You mutter, leaving the room with a heavy sigh.
Vada arrives at your doorstep, a nervous smile on her face. She seems unaware of the bet that has been made and the doubts that have been plaguing you. As you open the door, you can't help but wonder if this could be the start of something real or if it's all just a game that will eventually come crashing down.
You bring Vada into a hug, mumbling into her ear, "I'm glad you're here." Vada returns the hug, sighing contentedly. You pull away, looking into her eyes.
"My dad is in the kitchen." Vada nods, hearing Bad Bunny blaring from the speakers. "Where's your mom?" You begin walking toward the kitchen, "She's in the living room, finishing up the tree. I'll introduce you to her later. Let's go say hi to my dad first." Vada smiles and follows you, playing with her ring as you lead the way.
"Una dominicana que es uva bombón!" Your dad shouts, singing the lyrics. Jordan joins in, singing the next line. "Uva, uva bombón!" You facepalm, shaking your head at their silliness. Vada giggles, clearly amused by their antics.
"Dad!" You shout, trying to regain their attention. "We have a guest here, remember?" Your dad and Jordan finally notice Vada standing there, and their faces light up with surprise and excitement. "Oh wow, who do we have here?" your dad asks, extending his hand towards Vada.
"This is Vada, my girlfriend." You introduce Vada with a smile. Vada returns the gesture, shaking your dad's hand warmly. "Girlfriend? Am I dreaming?" your dad exclaims, a wide grin spreading across his face. "I never thought I'd see the day! It's great to finally meet you, Vada."
You sigh at your father. "Es bonita, mija." You clear your throat, blushing a bit. "Suficiente papá." Your dad chuckles and playfully nudges you. "No need to be shy. I'm just happy to see you happy." Vada smiles warmly at both of you, grateful for the warm welcome.
Your mom walks in, her eyes widening with surprise as she takes in the scene. "Well, well, well," she says with a smirk. "Looks like someone finally found themselves a catch." You roll your eyes at your mom's teasing, but deep down, you appreciate her support and acceptance.
Vada begins talking to your parents while you excuse yourself to speak to Jordan. "Looks like I won the bet." You say with a playful smile, feeling a sense of triumph. Jordan chuckles and shakes his head, admitting defeat.
"Jordan, Y/N, come help me bring out the food." Your mom calls out, breaking the playful banter between you and Jordan. You both exchange amused glances before making your way to help her, Vada also joins, eager to lend a hand.
Jordan is the last to leave the kitchen, hearing your parents talk about Vada. "Crees que es otro truco?" Your dad asks your mom. Jordan leans against the kitchen counter, listening intently to your parents' conversation about Vada. He raises an eyebrow, curious about their suspicions.
"No lo sé, cariño. Parece genuino, no crees?" Your dad shrugs at your mother's question, contemplating the authenticity of Vada's intentions. Jordan rushes out to the dining room, catching you staring at Vada like a lovesick puppy.
"Y/N." Jordan calls out your name, interrupting your daydreaming and bringing you back to reality. You hum, nodding your head at him. "Can I talk to you for a second?" You nod and follow Jordan to a quieter corner of the room.
"I heard your parents talking about how they think this is a trick." He begins to smirk, "Maybe this bet may be mine anyways." You roll your eyes, tired of this stupid bet.
"Whatever bro. I just wanna eat and enjoy dinner without any drama." Jordan chuckles, his smirk fading slightly. "Come on, Y/N. You know it's all in good fun. Besides, it's not like Vada and you are actually gonna last." You raise an eyebrow at him, wondering what he's getting at.
"What do you mean by that?" you ask, leaning in closer to Jordan. "Are you trying to say that Vada and I don't have a real connection?" Jordan shrugs, a sneaky glint in his eyes. "I'm just saying, Y/N, relationships at our age rarely go the distance. But hey, prove me wrong."
You scoff at him, "Sure...whatever you say. Don't be shocked when Vada and I prove you wrong and end up together for the long haul." Jordan raises an eyebrow, his sneaky glint fading slightly. "Well, I guess time will tell," he concedes, a hint of doubt in his voice.
When dinner ends, everyone begins to clean up and put away the dishes. "Have you seen my AirPods anywhere?" you ask Jordan, hoping he might have seen them. "You left them in my car like an entire month ago."
You roll your eyes and playfully nudge him. "Seriously? You couldn't have mentioned that earlier?" Jordan chuckles and shrugs. "I guess I wanted to see how long it would take for you to realize they were missing."
"You're a dickhead."
"Language!" From the kitchen, your mom scolds, reminding you to watch your language. You sheepishly apologize and snatch Jordan's keys from him. He glares at you, pulling at his phone that began ringing in his pocket.
"Wanna get some air?" You ask Vada, gesturing towards the open front door. Vada nods, following behind you as you step outside. "Your parents are nice. They're pretty chill, and your mom is honestly like drop-dead gorgeous."
You chuckle. "Do I have to compete with my mom for your attention now?" Vada laughs and playfully nudges you. "Nah, don't worry. You're more than enough for me."
You walk to Jordan's car, leaning against it as you wait for Vada to join you. "Wanna sit in the car?" You suggest, knowing that it might be more comfortable than standing outside. Vada considers for a moment before agreeing, "Sure, why not? It's a bit chilly out here." You both settle into the car, leaning back in the back leather seats.
Silence falls between you as you take in the peacefulness of the moment.
You look over at Vada, a soft smile playing on your lips. Vada turns her head to you before sitting up in her seat, leaning forward slightly. Her eyes fall to your lips, staring at them intently.
Without thinking, she leans in closer, capturing your lips with a gentle yet passionate kiss. The warmth of her touch sends a shiver down your spine, and you find yourself lost in the moment, forgetting about the chilly weather outside.
The kiss begins to deepen as Vada's hands slide up to cup your face, pulling you even closer. You find yourself melting against her lips, savoring the taste of her soft, sweet breath.
You pull away, breathless and hot, your heart racing as you lock eyes with Vada. "Can I turn on the A/C?" You mutter to the freckled-faced girl. Vada chuckles but nods regardless.
You put the key in the ignition and start the car, the engine purring to life. The cool air from the A/C quickly fills the car, providing a refreshing contrast to the heated moment that just transpired.
You bring Vada into another kiss, more passionate and urgent than before. The intensity between you both grows as you explore each other's mouths, losing yourselves in the heat of the moment. Your hand is tangled in Vada's hair, pulling her closer to you if that were possible.
"Y/N's still doing that bet with Vada?" You recognize that voice, it was Austin. You pull away from Vada, your eyes falling on Jordan's car screen, confirming he was on the phone with Austin. It must've connected to the car automatically, allowing Austin's voice to fill the car.
You quickly release Vada and feel a rush of embarrassment wash over you. You exchange a nervous glance with Vada, hoping Austin doesn't go in detail about the bet you've been participating in.
"It's silly, really. This all started because she didn't wanna do her math homework? So she decided to start dating baby Adam Sandler and introduce her to her parents? That's pretty fucked up. If I were Vada, I'd be pissed."
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath to steady your racing heart. The weight of Austin's words hangs heavy in the air. You hope that Vada understands that it was all just a silly game and that she won't hold it against you.
"Is he serious? A bet? Am I a bet to you?" You feel a knot forming in your stomach as Vada's voice trembles with hurt and disbelief. The realization hits you like a ton of bricks, and you quickly shake your head, desperately trying to find the right words to explain yourself.
"Am I a fucking bet to you?" Vada's voice cracks with anger, and tears well up in her eyes. The pain in her words cuts deep, leaving you speechless and filled with regret. You reach out to touch her arm, hoping to convey your sincerity and remorse, but the damage may already be done.
Vada pushes away your arm, opening the car door and slamming it shut behind her. Her actions speak louder than words, and you watch helplessly as she walks away, leaving you to grapple with the consequences of your thoughtless words.
Jordan rushes to the driver's side of the door, out of breath. "Did she hear?" Jordan asks, panting as he rests his hand on the car door. The worry in his eyes mirrors your own as you shake your head, uncertain of how to fix the mess you've made. "She did."
It's been two days, and you've called Vada's phone and sent multiple texts, but there's been no response. The silence only amplifies your guilt and regret as you desperately hope for a chance to apologize and make things right.
You decide to call her house phone, surprised when someone answers. "Mrs. Cavell?" You ask on the phone, hoping to speak with Vada's mother. "It's Amelia, asshole. Don't call again."
You're bewildered by the harsh response from Amelia. You never expected her to be so angry and hostile toward you. "Amelia, please. Just put your sister on the phone."
You plead, hoping to reason with Amelia and convince her to let you speak with Vada. However, Amelia's voice remains firm and cold as she refuses your request, leaving you feeling even more desperate and regretful.
"If I buy you $100 worth of slime supplies, will you let me talk to Vada?" you offer, trying to find a compromise. But Amelia's response is immediate and resolute, "No amount of slime supplies will change my mind. Don't contact us again."
"Fine! $200!" you exclaim, desperation creeping into your voice. Amelia stays silent for a moment, finally giving in. "Our parents are out. If you come over, you have ten minutes to speak to her." Relief washes over you as Amelia finally agrees to let you talk to Vada, even if it means spending more money.
With a renewed sense of urgency, you quickly make plans to rush over to their house within the given time frame, hoping that this opportunity will help mend the strained relationship between you and Vada.
You burst through Vada's room, and she jumps up in surprise, her eyes widening as she takes in your unexpected presence. "I'm on limited time by your sister, so I have to make this quick."
You take a deep breath, walking closer to Vada. "I made that bet before I met you, Vada. And spending time with you made me realize that winning that bet was not what was important anymore. What matters to me now is repairing our relationship and showing you how much you mean to me."
Vada's expression softens as she listens, her guard slowly starting to come down. "I never wanted to hurt you, Vada. I want us to start fresh and build something real together."
"What was it for anyway? I mean, what did you end up losing?" Vada asks, her curiosity piqued. You take another step closer before continuing. "I lost a lot of things, Vada. I lost your trust, our connection, and the chance to truly be there for you. But what I gained was the realization that you are the most important person in my life and the one girl that my parents truly approve of."
Vada stands up, playing with the bottom of her shirt. She looks down for a moment, deep in thought, before finally meeting your gaze. "Don't make me sing again." You jokingly mutter, looking down at the shorter girl.
Vada's eyes widen, and a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips. "No, not this time," she says playfully. "But I do expect you to make it up to me in some other way."
You smile, leaning down and lifting Vada's chin with your finger. Vada glances at your lips before looking back up into your eyes. You smirk before closing the distance between you, capturing her lips in a gentle kiss.
Your worries fade away, drowning in the sound of your heart pounding against your ribcage. Vada's arms wrap around your neck, pulling you closer, and you can't help but let out a content sigh against her lips.
As you pull away, Vada's cheeks flush with a rosy hue, and she bites her lip, opening her mouth to speak but is interrupted. "Ten minutes is up. Where's my $200?" Amelia says from Vada's door, holding out her hand expectantly.
Vada pulls away from you, confused. "What is she talking about?" You clear your throat. "I might've...um...made a deal with Amelia so she could let me talk to you."
Vada's eyes widen in surprise as she processes your words. "You paid her to see me?" she asks, laughing. You smile sheepishly, "Well, I wanted to make sure I had a chance to talk to you without any interruptions. It was worth every penny."
Vada's laughter fills the room as she playfully nudges your shoulder, "You're ridiculous, but I'm glad you did."
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crazycurly-77 · 3 months
Alone with Gibbs
“Nononono! You can't be serious. You can't do this to me!” you pleaded with Tim and Kate, who were both going on vacation for the next two weeks. 
“I don't even have Tony as support and fellow sufferer, because he had to go on an undercover mission” you explained to them desperately. 
At least Tim looked a little guilty, but didn't say anything. Kate smiled warmly at you realizing that you were starting to panic and tried to comfort you “come on, he isn't so bad at all. I'm sure it will be hard, but you'll survive.”
“You condemn me to two weeks working alone with Gibbs. One of us won't survive this!” 
“Who won't survive what?” you heard the deep voice from your boss directly in your ear. 
“He's standing right behind me, isn't he” you stated and Tim and Kate nodded. 
You prepared for the upcoming head-slap, but it never came. Instead he was walking to his desk, grabbed the keys to the car and said “We have a missing navy Lieutenant. Come on.”
Oh,oh. It's starting right away. 
You rolled your eyes and wished them a wonderful time wholeheartedly. All the while running after him to the elevator. 
Arriving at the car you got in and he drove like hell to Norfolk.
“My goodness, he's bad shit crazy!” Luckily and miraculously you really survived the drive. You exited the car and ran after him to the ship on which the missing soldier did his duty. 
“You only observe. I'm doing the questioning” Gibbs ordered and you nodded. So you two boarded the ship, interrogated the crew, searched the belongings of Ted Fuller in the hope of a hint where he had gone to, but you found none. 
Because of that you drove back to the office to check the files. Again Gibbs was driving like a madman. “Is he only insane, does he try to get killed or did he want to be a racer when he was a kid?” you wondered silently as there was no conversation and you were holding on to the door handle for your dear life. 
Arriving at the office he got out of the car and ordered “park the car and get me a coffee.” You just stared at him open mouthed “what?! Are you serious?” 
He turned to you “you heard me. Why are you still here?” Then he walked into the building and left you seething with anger. 
You sighed and did as you were told. You parked the car, then grabbed coffee for Gibbs and you and went back to the office. Walking up in front of his desk you put down his cup of coffee and wanted to walk over to your own desk. 
But he looked up from the file he was reading and asked “where were you?” 
You looked at him and answered “I did as you told me.”
“And why did it take so long?” 
You only sent him a murderous gaze, turned, finally walked to your desk and sat down. 
Just at this moment you were ordered “find out who he had last spoken to on the phone.” With that he stood up and went to the MTAC. 
You did the needed research and then laid back and began to read your new book “100 ways to kill your boss”. It was really funny and you were totally absorbed in it. 
Suddenly you got a soft head-slap which absolutely startled you, so you let it fall to the ground. Gibbs picked it up, read the title and threw it into the trash can. 
Walking to his desk he said “I'll tell you number 101: Giving me a heart attack if you actually do your work.”
You huffed, stared at him and then snapped “I DID my work. The last call was at a bar on the naval base.”
At first he did nothing, but stared silently at you. Then he smiled. He Smiled!!! Can you imagine??!! Then the second miracle happened as he said “good! Let's head to the bar. You are driving.”
Proud as you were you ran to the car, got in, startet the car and immediately moved off as Gibbs took his seat, too. 
You drove even 10 mph over the limit and that was quite fast for you. 
You drove nearly 10 minutes in silence and just as you wanted to begin a conversation he said slightly impatiently, “Number 102…driving so slow that I will be dead until we arrive.”
What??!! You couldn't believe it and were for a moment absolutely speechless. Then you replied with a mischievous grin “no worries, god and the devil surely doesn't want you and send you back to torture us further.”
You waited for the upcoming reprimand, but the only sound that your boss made was that he was surprisingly laughing. 
The rest of the drive was silent as ever. Arriving at the bar you searched the whole place and yes, you found the missing navy lieutenant. He was sitting on the loo sleeping deeply and snoring soundly. 
Gibbs called you to the bathroom were he had found him and while your boss was shaking his head you had to stop yourself from laughing out loud. “Bring me a bucket” he ordered you. 
You went to the kitchen, found one and went back to the bathroom. There Gibbs filled the bucket and poured all the water over the soldier so that he woke. 
The poor man didn't know where he was at first, but Gibbs enlightened him, yelling at him at the top of his lungs. Then he dragged him to the car and drove at maximum speed to the ship. Thankfully you all survived the ride, so you could hand over the soldier to his superior. 
Back at the bullpen you both sat down to do your reports. Shortly into writing them Gibbs went out of coffee and grabbed yours. He drank from it and immediately spit it out saying annoyed “Number 103…poisoning me with that dishwater.”
“You do realize that that was MY coffee you were drinking?” you answered, looking at him murderously. 
“You're working for me, so YOUR coffee is MY coffee. And that's NO coffee, I tell you.”
Oh, that was bad. “Just because you want to have a heart attack from the more than strong coffee you drink, doesn't mean I have to drink that same bad coffee as you.”
You were both staring at each other, saying nothing. Then he turned and left. After a few minutes he came back with two cups of coffee in his hands and gave one to you. You first looked suspiciously at the mug and then at him. He just nodded, so you slowly tastet it…and were totally surprised, because that was not his kind of coffee, but exactly the kind of it which you liked the most - coffee with a lot of milk. Not really knowing what to say you just whispered “thank you” to which he only nodded again. 
After finishing your reports you headed home. The rest of the two weeks alone no other case showed up, so you did a lot of research. 
On the best Monday morning ever Kate and Tim were back and you were never so grateful in your life. Now you were a survivor and you were sooo proud of it. But working alone with Gibbs hadn't to happen again any time soon in your opinion. 
“Tim! Kate! You're back! How wonderful!!” you screamed and threw yourself into their arms. The three of you laughed and cheered with Kate praising you and smiling proudly at you “I see you have survived, I'm proud of you. As I said, you'll make it.”
“Yeah. I'm very proud of myself, too. He gave me a hard time, but I tried to give it back to him as best as possible,” you grinned. 
As a matter of fact you thought that one can learn a lot from Gibbs and when you know how you had to react to him, he could be a good and friendly human being and a good teacher - but unfortunately only then. And that was pretty hard to guess. 
Gibbs’ welcome for the both of them was not a big hug as you gave them, but “good you're back, there's work to do.”
You all only shook your head, because that was so him. 
After welcoming them back, he gave you a thick file and said “you are standing up to me and that's good, despite the fact that it annoys me sometimes. So I’m making you my new partner, here's a file you have to read. Meeting at MTAC in 30 minutes.”
Wow, that was definitely unexpected, but you were undoubtedly happy to be able to observe and learn from the best.
The End
Here you will find the other stories I've written to date.
Tags: @hobby27
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The guest pt 6
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Jack walked away from his old friend, leaving Fagin in their shared room and marched down to the morgue and lower rooms in the hospital. His mind wandered to the two women in his life. Belle was most definitely beautiful and determined to become a surgeon, but is that enough? They had a sweet moment a few evenings before when Tinkler was particularly bad. He died that morning.
On the other hand there was y/n, easily the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, smarter than person he has known, yet you appeared to be quite mad. Or from the future a future where he was nothing but a story. Could he believe you? The way you had been dressed the first day he saw you at least gave some credence to your story. Still even if you were mad you had mentioned Nancy, no one here could put him and she together.
Jack ran his hand through his hair and turned back to his work, attempting to ignore all his thoughts.
Bored of time in bed you had walked downstairs in Government house, hearing voices in Edmund's office.
"Five-hundred gold sovereigns going missing on your watch is a bloody good reason to be shouting! Why the hell weren't you there, Gaines?" Edmund grumbled.
"You sent me on assignment, sir." Gaines says.
"The guards, they've all been...?"
"Searched and interrogated. Yes, sir. No culprit yet, but we will-"
" Find them! Flog everyone that was there. Stop the rot. Can't have 500 belly sovereigns go missing. There'll be a riot if I can't pay the soldiers."
"Yes, I understand, sir. I assure you, it's all in hand. With your leave."
"Go on." Gaines came storming through the doors stopping when he saw you. His eyes rake down your form, taking in the masculine trousers adorning your legs.
"Miss y/l/n"
"Good morning Captain, might I suggest you look closer to home?" You say, his curiosity gets the better of him and Gaines turns back to you.
"What does that mean?" He asks.
"Just, don't trust the people around you at home. Look a little closer." You say, folding your arms across your body and leaning one shoulder on the door frame. The Captain narrowed his eyes at you before turned on his heel and rushed off.
"Where's my Lancet?" You hear Belle ask.
"Your what?"
"Medical journal. Where?"
"Fanny borrowed some books. What about my library?"
"It's not like you read any of them!" She called back to her father as she came charging out.
"Belle, don't be too hard on Fanny. She is trying but she will get things wrong." You say grabbing her wrist. Belle sighed.
"So she has done something then?" Belle was aware that you knew things, sometimes things that you shouldn't and though the curiosity was killing her inside, she chose to simply use your knowledge, "I'm going into town today." You say to her.
"ahh perfect, I will need to as well, but I still need to do some research." She says
"I'll meet you there, at the hospital." You both agree and you dance away to the carriage waiting for you. Sitting there you looked at your arm, how the touch of fingers echoed in your mind. Both Jack's and Sneed's. How they were the same yet so different.
'no, you can't do this,' you thought to yourself, 'things must play out just as they did in the show'
You knew you were right, you had already deveated enough. You had no idea what being here would do to them, you or the show. Maybe you should have stayed tucked up in a room keeping away from everyone.
"Miss y/l/n, I wasn't aware you were coming here today." Sneed had opened the carriage door when it stopped. His hand reached out to help you step down, "I say, what unique attire you're wearing." He commented.
"Oh, yes, a little easier to move around. I'm sorry, like I said yesterday the hospital I work in insists women dress more appropriately for the high paced job." You give a small giggle and it appears to appease him somewhat. Sneed walked with you into the hospital.
"What brings you here today?" He asked.
"Oh, I needed to speak with Doctor Dawkins and his uncle. A private matter." You see Sneed's eyes darken at the mention of Jack's name.
"He isn't the man you think he is, y/n. Jack is... unsavoury."
"Don't worry, I know exactly who is, who he was and probably what he will be. Thank you Rainsford." You reassure him. Jack's voice sounds behind you and you quickly go to him leaving Sneed behind.
"Jack?" He looks at you, unable to speak for a moment.
"y/n you shouldn't, you...why are you here?" He asked looking around himself.
"I need to talk to you, and Fagin, quickly."
Jack sighs and pulls you into one of the back rooms.
"Jack, you tried to take the payroll right?" He frowned at you, "and you've squared yourself with Darius? Using his cheating thing?"
Jack took in a breath to speak but nothing came out, instead he moved closer to you, almost touching you.
"How do yo-...you weren't lying were you?" He whispered, you shake your head.
"No Jack I wasn't."
As if his body moved without his mind telling it, Jack reached up his hand to cup your jawline. Both of you took steps until your back touched the wall behind you.
"Jack" you whisper his name.
"You are remarkable." He whispers back to you. Your body wants to react, to lean your head just enough to press your lips to his.
"Wait, I came here for a reason. Listen you and Fagin need to get your stories straight. Gaines will be coming here and he thinks you stole the money."
"But we didn't." He says pressing himself closer to you.
"No, but his wife, she knew you were there for the soldiers she's trying to hide her affair. Just make sure you tell Gaines you're an only child, that Fagin is an uncle by marriage." You tell him, one hand resting on his chest.
"Okay." Jack agrees, his nose brushing over yours. With the hand you had on his chest you gently pushed Jack back.
"You must act completely normal today, nothing suspicious. I have to find Fagin." You say, stepping away from him. Jack held your wrist causing you to turn back to him.
"I want to speak with you more, please?" He asks with wide eyes.
"later." You nod and slip out of his grasp. You have to stop and catch your breath against the wall in the main corridor. You couldn't be sure if it was your medical condition or your body reacting to how close Jack had been to you.
A flash of an old frock coat catches your eye and you charge after Fagin, finding him sitting on a bench, in the courtyard outside the hospital.
"Fagin, I need you to listen to me. No, schemes or deviation okay." You speak sternly, "Gaines will be coming here. You and Jack need to keep your stories straight. You are his uncle by marriage. Jack is an only child. Okay? Do not change it in anyway."
With a side smile Fagin nodded, his eyes looking around himself. You clock Red coming in with a basket under her arm.
"Red boots." You whisper to the old man before watching Fagin saunter off. Sitting back on the bench you take a few moments to breathe slowly.
"I want Dawkins red-handed, you hear? Search every ward and cranny for the pay." Gaines' voice caught your attention and you watched him order his men just the way you had seen on screen. You tried to think of a way to slow the Captain down without changing too much of the scene.
"Captain Gaines?" You called over to him, marching over to him.
"you appear to be everywhere this morning, Miss y/l/n." He eyes you suspiciously.
"A lucky I am happy for, Captain. Have you had any yourself, in finding your lost coins?" You ask. His nose twitches with annoyance.
"Not yet, though I must thank you, you were right about looking at home. Seems the doctor was in attendance to my men." He says.
"Yes, I heard, you still owe money for that do you not?" You think quickly, "A dishonour to have a man such as yourself have to pay for keeping your men healthy. After all without you and the redcoats where would this town be?" You give his forearm a small squeeze and he looks at your hand before turning his eyes back to you.
"I do not disagree, though it is not often I hear the recognition."
"I have rarely come across a man as virtuous and righteous as yourself. This town would be a disaster without you." You hope the compliments would ease his disdain of anyone he would come across. Gaines dipped his head in a bow to you.
"You are extremely kind, miss. Now, may I ask why you are here at the hospital?"
"Oh, to see Doctor Sneed." You lie.
"very good. If you'll excuse me." Gaines gave you a smile that you would call almost sweet before he ran off. You knew you would have to waste time now visiting with Sneed so you rushed into the hospital to find him. He was in his office going over papers.
"Excuse me, Doctor Sneed?" You say knocking on the open door.
"Ahh, come in please. Have you concluded your business with Dawkins?" He asked, putting down the papers.
"I did. I just wanted to come in and thank you, thank you for your help over the last few days. When Lady Fanny found me I was disoriented, but you have been helpful to me." Sneed stood, gesturing to another chair for you to sit.
"I have to say, you are an extraordinary lady. You have an extensive knowledge of medical equipment and procedures, which would be a great help to any Doctor. You told.me of your father, but how would one contact the great man?" He asked.
"oh umm, no you can't. He um, he died when I was younger." You reply confused as to why he had asked.
"Oh, I am sorry, there is no other family then? Nothing of note?"
"No, I'm alone I suppose." You sigh.
"Well no matter. I mean, I am very sorry for your loss, but with my brother's generous gift within the nutmeg trade money would be no trouble. A dowry isn't necessary." He rambled on.
"Wait, a dowry? Rainsford are you...no." you stood up and half paced the room.
"Look, you are a fine man but we just met. I hardly know you or anyone here truly." You say quickly .
"Then it is a matter of time?" He asks.
"No, I, umm. I'm sorry I don't...I should go." You say backing up to the door.
"Y/n, I am err,"
"No, Rainsford, I'm sorry, this was rather quick," you try to let him down easily, "I do not know if I wish to um, Join with anyone. Excuse me, Doctor." Your chest is squeezing tightly as you dart from the office, closing his door behind you.
Thank you for reading. ❤️
Let me know what you think!
@fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon
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flimflamfandom · 8 months
A Length of Chain
Mitzi rose up out of bed and stretched, cracking every joint she had in her body. The world seemed frozen outside - the rain pattering against the window, the horrible coolness of the morning. Mitzi quickly got dressed, straightened out her hair, and walked downstairs...
right into the parlor of Wick's mansion.
"...which is why I was wondering..." Lacy wrote something on a notepad. She looked at Mitzi. "Morning, Miz May." Lacy poured some coffee for her, already looking out of sorts.
"Morning Lacy. How was your night?"
"It was wonderful." She said, dreamily. "I spent it all with Arthur."
"Guitar boy?" Mitzi smirked, her ears perking a little. "I was meanin' t'ask, how has he been? I never hear much about him these days."
"He's busy." Lacy said. "I'm busy. I want to spend more time with him, and he wants to spend more with me, but...well. Just isn't in the cards." Lacy drooped a bit.
"Oh, well, that's just too bad, isn't it? Won't Wick give you a day off or two? I've got a maid, she could help him a little."
"Does she know much about geology?"
"She-" Mitzi blinked. "Do you have to know about that sort of thing?"
"I have to be able to interrogate claims and business offers and see which ones are worth Mr. Sable's time, yes."
"Ahh." Mitzi nodded. "...she could read a book. mayhaps?"
"...at this point, a warm body would be nice." Lacy said. "I'm getting near the end of my rope."
"I'll bring it up to him."
"Thanks..." Lacy sighed, and looked at the clock. "If you don't mind I have to represent Wick at a meeting."
"Oh? Didn't know you needed to be...pleni...hmm...that word, working as someone, like an ambassad-"
"Plenipotentiary." Lacy said, quickly. "Good morning."
With that, she left.
"...which is why I was wonderinf ig you could give her a day off...or a week. Or a mo-"
"I can't give her a whole month, Mitzi." Wick said, looking out a window in his office. He turned around. "...I'm being so impolite." He said, motioning to a chair. "Please! Have a seat." He said. he smiled warmly.
"Why, thank you, kind sir~" Mitzi teased. "But please, do consider it. She's a sweet girl and all, she deserves some time."
"I can absolutely give her a day...hell, a week sounds doable." Wick started writing something down. "I can manage...yes. I can definitely manage that." He tore the piece of paper he wrote on from his pad and tacked it to his desk, right by his phone. He smiled, and gazed a bit at Mitzi. "I wish I could take a week off with you, though."
"Oh, Wicky, you're too sweet." She cooed, leaning on his desk a little, putting a hand on his. "You could come by the Daisy tonight, hmm? You never seem to wanna come anymore."
"Oh...well, I-" He cleared his throat. "Truth be told, I...feel a little...put off by someone there."
Mitzi sat up. She perked her ears. "I beg your pardon? Someone making you uncomfortable?" She rolled her eyes. "I bet it's Rocky, isn't it?"
"No, no, it-"
"Viktor? He can be a grump but he's harmless."
"It isn't-"
"It couldn't be CALVIN, could it? Sweet little Irishman like that? Why, he'd sooner die than make someone uncomf-"
"It's Zib."
"I-" Mitzi blinked. "...Zib?"
"Dorian, yes. He...I feel like...well...oh, this'll sound emasculating, but-" Wick cleared his throat. "...He sometimes makes me feel like I have to...fight him for you."
Mitzi stifled a laugh. "I..." She tried very hard to hid that laugh. It wasn't working. "Now, I...hmm..." She paused a moment, and feigned a cough.
"...it's pathetic, I know." Wick said.
"No, it...it's not that." She said. "Zib is...well, he and I used to be together, but that ship has sailed, and sunk in a storm." Mitzi explained. "He gets...flirtatious, but I promise you, Wicky, I'm not interested in that kind of man, not anymore." She shivered. "...musicians can be temperamental and hard to work with."
"I suppose."
"...I can talk to him about-"
"NO GOD PLEASE-" He blinked, and stopped himself. "No, I...I'd rather you not."
"If you say so."
"...which is why I was wondering if you're makin' him feel that way on purpose?"
Zib laughed, loudly, at the mere suggestion he was making Wick uncomfortable on purpose. "HAH! You're kiddin' me, right?" Zib rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "...what kinda qwuestion is that?" He scoffed. "OF COURSE I am!"
"And who told you that'd be alright, hmm?" Mitzi looked frustrated and annoyed.
"No one. it's just funny to watch him squirm a bit." Zib said. "Besides, a man's entitled to a bit of fun now and then, right?"
"A bit of fun doesn't mean 'make a man stop coming to his club because you don't like him."
"Yeah, well...if you really, really want me to stop, I'll stop." Zib said.
"I'd appreciate it!" Mitzi grumbled something under her breath.
"...what was that?"
"I said it'd be nice to date a man and not have him put off by you! You know how many times Atlas almost fired you because of your antics?" Mitzi bristled. "We're finished, you and me, and-"
"Alright, alright, take it easy." Zib held up his arms, and shook his head...which, this being an hour with a number in it, caused his inebriated body to nearly take a dive. "Sorry...didn't know you felt that way."
"Hmph." Mitzi sighed, and looked over at the bar. "...Zib, how many coffee mugs are at the bar?"
"I count three."
"Who drank that much coffee?"
"Freckle, I think. Something about Ivy? And a novel? Yes, a novel, that's it."
Mitzi sighed. She nodded. "...is the boy here?"
"Yep. Upstairs."
"...which is why I was wondering who told you it'd be a good idea to drink that much coffee?"
"I dunno." Calvin was a shivering wreck on the couch in Mitzi's office. His head was in Ivy's lap, who was gently stroking his side, trying to calm him down. "It was a bad move. I feel miserable. I don't even like coffee..."
Ivy nervously looked up. "Should I take him to a hospital?"
Mitzi ran some numbers in her head. "...no. He's under the limit, but...only just." She shook her head. "Freckle, how'd this happen?"
"Iwas...I-" He huffed, "I was talking to Rocky, and he said something about how my novel was taking forever, and then something about writing it sooner so I could get rich and marry Ivy, and then for some reason he talked me into drinking a lot of coffee."
Mitzi groaned. "I'll talk to him later, but-"
"I'm sorry about all this." Calvin said, clutching his stomach. "I just...this was a bad move."
"No, no, you're alright." Mitzi said. "...ivy, maybe do take him to a doctor, see to it he doesn't have anything happen to him."
Ivy immediately got nervous. "What!? Something COULD happen to him!?"
"Ivy, please...it's 3 cups of...particularly strong coffee, not gasoline." She shook her head. "I need to go find Rocky and beat him with a stick."
"...Which is why I was wondering if you could help me find a stick to beat you with." Mitzi crossed her arms. Rocky looked horrified.
"Oh, geez...I'll have to apologize to him, I didn't think he'd go through with that!" Rocky shook his head. "He seems more...reasonable."
"Rocky. He gets nervous when his whisker twitches, he's NOT reasonable!" She sighed and sat in a booth. "When he gets back you're going to have a lot of explaining to do..."
"I suppose...I'm sorry, Mitzi, I coulda sworn I told him NOT to drink a ton of coffee and write a whole book in an afternoon!" he blinked. "...oh, wait. I told him explicitly TO do that. Whoops. Silly me, pobody's nerfect." He shrugged, and smiled goofily. Mitzi still looked like she was fuming.
"...I'll stop with the smile."
"Please stop with the smile."
"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? I'll do all his jobs for the next week! The next TWO weeks! I'll work the cash register during the day if you're worried about how Ivy's feeling - she's...she's handling this well right?"
"She was on the verge of tears after she called the doctor and they recommended the hospital."
"Oh, god!" Rocky openly wept. "I'm a monster, Mitzi, A MONSTER!"
In his horrible sobbing, he dropped his violin case to the ground, which, of course, caused him to weep even MORE openly. Mitzi, sighing, picked up the violin case. "You're paying whatever bill that boy has, and you're making it up to him. I don't care how."
"If you say so..."
Mitzi looked at the violin. She had an errand to run on that side of town, anyway. "...in the mean time, I'm confiscating this. And making sure it wasn't damaged."
"I deserve this." Rocky said.
"...which is why I was wondering if you could give it a once over, Mr. Keane?" Mitzi had taken the violin to the only luthier in town - John Boggs. Boggs was a busy man, and had hired on an assistant - Arthur Keane - Lacy's boyfriend.
"I can give it a look." The cinnamon furred cat pushed up his glasses and took the violin out. He peered at it. "...was it in the case as it fell?"
"Hmm. Lucky." He slightly adjusted the bridge, and retuned it, playing a few notes. "It should be in order...I'd hardly charge for a bridge adjust-"
The door swung open. In walked a familiar, white furred blonde with a soft smile on her face. She waved a little to Mitzi.
"Hello, Mitzi..."
"Well, if it isn't Lacy Hardt! I just saw you this morning but it feels like it's been ages...how was that meeting?"
"Went well...Mr. Sable gave me some time off." Mitzi sighed with relief - even through all of today's foibles, she at least got to see it come full circle - like a length of chain, linked to itself.
"Which," Lacy put her hand on Arthur's, "is why I was wondering..."
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djservo · 1 year
HI CAS!!! you beat me to it for real i also completely forgot about the month ending oopsie <3 but i'm here to ask about your july reading/watching and what's on the list for august??
FEELS SO GOOD TO FINALLY WIN ONE <3 here's july's (vaguely red-themed) shelf:
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I have no idea how i read 7 books this month like they were mostly all under 200 pages but that still averages to almost 2 books a week which does not sound right when I reflect on my month but Ok sure we'll go with it
Loaded by Christos Tsiolkas
it didn't really click as I read it but then I watched the film adaptation (Head On '98) and let it all marinate throughout the month I think the distance has made me appreciate the story much more! reminded me a little of Camus's The Stranger (<- girl who has only ever read The Stranger LOL 🫥) in that cold disaffected "why even bother" way, but infused with that self-destructive 90s gay angst + Greek-Australian culture clashes. the film was better to me at constructing the differences of the worlds Ari (the protag) inhabited - the visuals and sounds of Greek language + spaces juxtaposed with 90s electronica + seedy alley hook-ups whereas the written form seemed more focused on illustrating Ari's disillusionment/attitude. there's another book by Tsiolkas I'm curious in (The Slap) but it's like 450 pages and IDK if his style of writing will grip me that long / if it'll feel Worth It by the time I finish ykwim... TBD
Pageboy by Elliot Page
I wanted to like this so bad but it was kinda a mess to get thru :-( nonlinear form so it was hard to follow along as it hopped back and forth from childhood to adulthood and I know that's probably an intentional/artistic choice but there wasn't really a clear thread pulling these drastically different parts of his life together where it justified this random shuffle - mostly just took me out of each stage of life he constructed. it feels unfair to criticize a memoir for content because ofc there's no right/wrong way to reflect and write about your own life experiences but I mostly agree with Nin's review on goodreads re: lack of introspection, especially since this memoir touted itself as an interrogation (as the book description puts it) of his inner journey. there was this one part where he brings up his second-ever experience at a gay bar (with Alia Shawkat!!) but abruptly stops himself and is like "but that's a story for another book" and I was like WHY THO!! this is 10000% a story for THIS book WDYM 'another book'!! sighhhh sigh whatever I still love him and will probs pick up this taunted "other book" when it comes out bc i'm a cuck
Try / Guide / Period by Dennis Cooper
the final 3 of the George Miles Cycle, read obsessively within the span of 2 weeks bc I couldn't bring myself to escape his world!! feels wrong to lump them all in one but I'll be here all day if I talk about them individually, so As A Whole I'm just really in awe of Cooper's style and characters and world-building and blurring of lines of surreal horror and violence + occasional earnest smatterings of autofiction + humanity stripped to its core. one review said the last book read as if it was collapsing into itself, and I think that translates to the series as a whole because his form seems to get more experimental as the series goes on. and while each book felt so distinct in their own tone/form, they all ultimately dissolve into like a singular bare naked truth amidst bleak depravity at the very end, which I really liked. since finishing the cycle I've immersed myself completely in interviews + videos + just about anything i can find about Cooper and realized it's been a minute since I've been this bewitched by an author — so fun!
Blood and Guts in High School by Kathy Acker
in the same realm of Cooper with dark/taboo themes + sexual transgression + teen angst. I feel like I might have been put off by this if I hadn't read Cooper first because things get so blunt and nasty at times, but I feel like I'm better at kind of poking through the rubble of like graphic depictions of moralistic decay to read between the lines/understand the bigger picture of inner-adolescent-torment. I remember watching Welcome to the Dollhouse ('95) when I was like 11 and it just seemed cool and punky and kinda funny kinda weird but then I rewatched it in my 20s and was stunned with how bleak and heavy it was and I feel like there's something there with my feelings towards these angsty teenage requiems, like there's a sort of shock value that doesn't really click when you're younger and in the thick of it because you aren't fully privvy to the extent of how harmful power dynamics work or something .. IDK much 2 think about....
Desire/Love by Lauren Berlant
not too long or dense to make your brain fog, but Freud/Lacan-packed enough to make you feel a little stupid for not reading more Freud/Lacan. I love when I read a nonfiction book and end up adding 458349 of its references to my TBR, it's truly the gift that keeps giving! kinda enlightening, kinda disheartening. made me think of when I read Venus in Furs in college and it rocked my world and put me into a crisis about love + desire + fantasies + the projections we place onto people + whether or not anyone can truly See and Love a person for who they are or if we're all just doomed to subconsciously inject our own imagination of who they can be in our lives ...... light summer reading!
viewing-wise I've taken on the thankless task of watching all 48534 Friday the 13th movies so once I finish I'm sure I'll need a slasher break. a friend and i are also summer buddy reading starting with A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf (my first Woolf!), then pivoting to a sorta dark boyhood in classic lit theme with Quarry by Jane White, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, and Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury. I'll probably read other books on the side myself (I'm in the middle of Looking For Mr. Goodbar right now) but I'm excited at the thought of a themed plan + discussions for the month(s) ahead! i forget sometimes how rewarding it feels to experience and unpack a book with someone else <3
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jaundicehinch · 1 year
Until the Last Drop
Part 2
Sorry these are so short but I'm rlly eager and i don't wanna wait too much lol :3
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Snape woke up in his office, having remembered what happened the night before. It was very dark outside, as it was fall season and early in the morning. So early, it was 4:00 AM. The torch in his office was still illuminated. Did he really sleep so little? After the banquet, he just remembered fleeing to his office, grabbing his current Potions book and reading it until he fell asleep. Speaking of which, it was laying in his lap. Severus already felt an incoming headache as he thought of having to teach the new first-years. Though it didn't seem so bad when the thought of 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 girl would be in his class, she seemed competent enough to handle it. Unlike the other dunces of children, always causing tomfoolery and disrupting the class.. Take the Weasley twins as an example. Though Percy was a delight to teach, Fred and George weren't so pleasant...
But he wouldn't have a say in the matter. He signed up as Potions Master, after all, even though he was after the Defence against the Dark Arts post all his life. Snape didn't do much for his appearance, he only brushed his teeth and clothed himself. As for that, he went straight to the library to get the new books. With a sigh, he stormed out of his office and upstairs, to the castle. Surprisingly enough, he arrived at the library. The surprise was, it was empty. The library would normally be packed with professors at this hour. Strange. Though he wasn't quite 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡, either. Just as Snape wandered about the border of the restricted section of the library, he encountered a person sitting at an empty table. It seemed like Y/N L/N, with those green and black robes, the H/C hair, and those piercing, brooding black eyes that were tethering a book apart . Snape's brow cocked upward in reflex.
"Miss L/N.", he stated basically, making the mentioned girl's head turn around quickly. "Ah, professor Snape.", she also stated silkily and calmly, snapping her dusty book shut. "Many first years do not wander about the castle so carelessly, at such an hour." Severus mentioned. This made Y/N's lips tug at a smirk, almost a sneer. But she wouldn't dare sneer at her Head of House, would she? She did. "Well, professor, i just came here to get a bit.. ahead of everyone else, that is all."
Y/N informed him, but her tone made Snape even more suspicious. Still, the wizard had no right to interrogate her. She was perfectly right, and had broken no school code of conduct. "Very well." Snape added and spun on his heel, to keep looking for the book he was searching for earlier. Just about 3 eventful hours later, at 7:00 AM, students were rushing through the halls to get to their classes. Though as Y/N seemed to glide through the castle and down the ancient staircase, she seemed to have no rush. She hummed to herself almost creepily while carrying a book under her arm, her Potions book. Though no hurry, the girl arrived in the classroom very early, before any other students. Snape wasn't sure if he'd be concerned, joyous or amused at the fact he just knew the girl would arrive at every class early. "Are you eager, or what is the matter for coming in so early? You have half an hour left to spend at your leisure, i believe." Snape drawled carefully, his dark eyes on a cauldron which he was stirring clockwise and simmering, billows of smoke and steam emitting from it. Snape's remark made Y/N smirk, once again. She sat down in the front row and put her book down, not answering Snape's question until she examined it in her mind. She parted her lips to speak: "I also believe that part of it is being able to arrive to class ahead of others, professor?", this comment made Y/N earn a grunt from Snape. "Very well. But do not bother me, understood?", bellowed the Potions Master. "Understood."
Half an hour later, the other students arrived and took their seats. Y/N expression turns into a distasteful grimace once she took note of Draco sitting down next to her, making Snape smirk internally. As everyone settled down and got their books out, Snape made a statement. “You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art that is Potion-making. There will be no foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don’t expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses. . . I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death — if you aren’t as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach.”
Snapes dark eyes fell on a particular student, one he despised with a fiery passion, but doesn't even know him thoroughly. "Mr Potter, our new celebrity."
Harry Potter winced uncomfortably and looked away awkwardly from Snape. "Potter!", he spat. "What will i get if i add powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"The small boy shook his head of black hair slowly, and in pure embarassment. Why was Snape humiliating him, out of all people? "Let us try again-' muttered the professor. "Where would you look if i told you to find me a bezoar?"Harry Potter looked at his lap in shame and whispered quietly, "i don't know, sir."
Hermione's hand was high in the air and begging to be called. But Snape didn't bother. "I see. What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"Once again, Potter didn't respond. He was humiliated in front of his whole class. Malfoy laughing didn't make it any better. "Tut tut, fame clearly isn't everything."Snape drawled and decided to call someone else for his previous questions. Hermiones hand was begging, and though reluctantly, he was about to call her. He opened his mouth when suddenly, Y/N's hand rose calmly and patiently. "Miss L/N?", "Powdered root of asphodel, added with an infusion of wormwood gives you a sleeping potion so strong it is called the Draught of Living Death, a bezoar is a stone found in the stomach of a goat, and monkshood is the same plant as wolfsbane, just under a different name." Y/N explained lazily and Snape's brow rose again. "I see. Someone who is competent, why aren't you writing all of this down?" There was a bustling cacophony of quills and satchels and parchment after Snape said that. Snape leaned over his desk and drawled, "Five points for Slytherin", earning a grin from Y/N.
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gnattyplayssims · 7 months
1960 Pt1 - Interrogation
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Sofia waited patiently on the train station bench as the woman in blue got their tickets. The woman said they were going to meet her mother but after 8 years of having no mother it was hard to believe. Right now it didn't matter as long as she was out of that awful house
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As the train took off the woman opened a book, pouring over the pages and jotting down a few things in the marjins. "The Chronicles of Rodiek?" Sofia read.
Rowan slammed the book closed and stood, casting a glance toward the man watching them "Let's go to the dining car."
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They walked through a few cars before Rowan stopped suddenly, "You like books right kid?"
"I love them!"
"Here, try this one out."
"But you're in the middle of reading it."
"I've read it 100x you'll love it just hold onto it for me until I need it again will you."
"Oh okay!"
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"What's a kid doing in a train bar?"
"I'm 8 years old, not a kid."
"No, I am certain 8-year-olds fall under the childhood category."
"Well I'm really mature for my age. Maci says it's because I read books far above my level"
"Is that so. And these books make you grow faster?"
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"Hey kid, didn't anyone ever teach you not to talk to strangers!?"
"Oh he asked me a question, I didn't want to be rude."
"Relax Rowan, it was just harmless conversation."
"Yeah well this time it was you, next time it could be an actual problem. There's a Tech on this train."
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"Don't mind her, she gets stressed easily especially when there are Techs around"
"What's so bad about Techs?"
"They want the Omiscan Cypher which we have. In the wrong hands it could destroy the Worlds, which is why it is safest with one who will protect it and won't remember."
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Three months passed after Jamal's arrest and Sofia was holding on just enough to keep her kids from starving.
"Thanks for coming Sof, I know this isn't a trip you wanted to make but your testimony is incredibly important to this case."
Sofia didn't move as he sat across from her
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"Let's start by getting the big question out of the way. Did you know or have any indication that your husband was involved in illegal activities."
"Of course not."
"Surely you noticed that the house was not the same size on the outside."
"He told me it was a shed."
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"You're telling me you were married to the man and lived in that house for 4 years and never asked those questions?"
"No Nikolas, I'm not a detective. He saved my life and he was always nice to me. I had no reason to doubt him he was my husband."
Nik sighed, "Come with me."
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Nik let out a deep sigh once they were outside. "Sorry Sof. I'm not trying to accuse you. It's my job to get to the bottom of this, and I'd rather be the one questioning you. We'll walk and you can tell me what you know."
"Ok, I think I can handle that."
"Tell me how you met."
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"It was at the Spice Festival. He helped me with a vendor and we talked...I ran into him again at the park and he asked me out. It all just kind of happened after that."
Nik scoffed,
"I'm trying not to make comments, continue"
She looped her arm in his, "Next question."
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"How did he get you away from Don?"
"They fought...I don't really know the details."
"Sofia...Don's mansion and club are both high security locations...there's no way he could have got in without Don knowing."
"No...he was always so nice to me, he couldn't have worked for Don"
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"Hey...just because someone's nice, doesn't mean they're good. Let's take a break and get you some chamomile."
They stopped at a booth and ordered tea then found a quiet bench while they sipped in silence.
Finally Nikolas broke the tension. "Now the big question."
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"You mean those weren't the big questions?"
"Unfortunately no. We're still trying to figure out the motivation. Why the OSS was after you. But without you...it's a dead case."
"I don't know. There's nothing special about me. I'm used up, broken...easy."
"Hey! That's not true"
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"It is though...Jamal told me as much...so did Don...and Mathias."
"Not the most solid character witnesses."
"I don't know what Jamal was after. I have nothing except my body to give and he got that."
Nik let out a slow breath, "There has to be something else he wanted."
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For a moment silence fell between them. "Sofia, there's a lot more to you then just a body. You can be a bit...in the clouds sometimes but I don't know any other woman who could go through the hell you have and still be standing."
"Wait Nik! I just remembered...the book!"
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In an undisclosed location in a World simply known as GP-7 in a secret lab in the middle of the desert canyons, Jameson Reed was just waking up from a rather painful transfer from his prison cell.
"Are the cuffs really necessary? Do you want to see my identification?"
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"That won't be necessary and the cuffs don't come off till she says so."
Footsteps behind him drew his attention but he turned his focus back on Magnus, "This is rediculous. I'm loyal to the OSS you know that."
"I know...but I'm not. They made an offer I couldn't refuse."
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Rowan came around the table and dropped a book between them. "So you found it."
"With little help from you, I'm afraid."
"What's so special about this piece of fiction anyway?"
"Well if it was fiction it would be useless. This book is the key to conquering all the Worlds."
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"This isn't what I signed up for."
Pain shot through his hand so suddenly he couldn't even be sure Rowan had moved, "No, you signed up for a mission which you failed to complete...I don't know how it's done in the OSS but I don't take that lightly...Mr. Goth...he's all yours."
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Magnus followed Rowan out of the room taking the cypher with him as the second man set a lump of clay in it's place.
"The mind is such a wonderfully moldable thing wouldn't you agree Mr. Reed? I do wonder how moldable yours might be if it was not bogged down by silly allegiances"
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A few hours later Joaquin Goth leaned over his patient, "Take it easy. You've had an accident. Do you remember anything?"
"No...who...who are you?"
"Don't worry, you don't remember it but we have a lovely home selected for you on Batuu. I hear the neighbors are lovely."
1960 Pt2 - Field Trip
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flamingo-writes · 3 years
It's Better When The Sun Goes Down — Nanami x Reader
This is a piece for the Anilysium Server NSFW Collab! Make sure to check the masterlist to see other writer's works! This month's prompt was: "I can't hold back anymore"
I'd like to dedicate this fanfic to one of my dearest and closest friends. I'm not a Nanami simp myself, but they are. And I have fun writing for Nanami, and also I love writing angsty things and flawed characters. Reg, I hope you enjoy this as much as you enjoy my more casual writing.
(it's pink bcs youre Chancho)
Word Count: 5.4K
Warnings: Mentions of breakup and heartbreak, alcohol and drug consuption, public sex, ghosting, lots and lots of angst. This does not have a happy ending. This is also non proof read bcs I kinda left it to the last minute I'm sorry, I'll go back and edit it when I am not in a rush dcj nd
Summary: Nanami’s return to the Sorcerer life wasn’t so bad. It could be better if Gojo wasn’t determined to get him back with his ex. As Nanami tries to get on good terms with them, things get out of control, only to end up where it all began.
I made this playlist while writing, in case you wanna listen to it while reading. Preferably listen to it without the shuffle, but you can hear it on shuffle, no biggie.
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Nanami had forgotten how painfully unbearable Gojo could be. His return as a Sorcerer had been nothing out of the ordinary for a Sorcerer's standards. Missions here and there, or watching over some of Gojo's students. But God, he had surely stepped out of the line this time.
He couldn't even begin to explain how much he hated his current situation. Fighting by your side for the first time in years felt like rubbing hot oil on an open wound. The uncomfortable ignoring the elephant in the room between you two, as you two tracked and fought what felt like a million Curses.
When the adrenaline was at its peak, it felt almost nostalgic; though he'd then remembered everything else and immediately made his own reality bitter and awkward. Overshadowed by the advantage of years of experience ahead of him made him resent you even more. He knew it was childish and pointless to keep remembering everything that happened between you two, but that bittersweet memory would most likely keep him at bay.
You were still strong, witty, fearless, reckless and quick to act and defend yourself. The way you moved looked more swiftly and coordinated than you did back in your student days. Almost as if you were a professional dancer. He hated every bit of it. He couldn’t stop looking at you, thinking about you, and the possibilities of what you two would have become.
After the mission was over, no words were exchanged between you two. Aside from the: "Are you alright?" He told you as you simply gave him a thumbs up as you caught your breath drenched in sweat. An entire ride in an uncomfortable silence, until he reached the school and you got out of the car.
"Thanks. You did a great job. Keep it up" You said. Cold, and straight to the point. Closing his car door before he could reply. And soon, you were gone.
As Nanami tried to get his mind off the mission, Gojo made it difficult. He called him to ask for the details of the mission. He seemed amused and intrigued, as clearly you hadn't told him shit. And honestly, he could understand why. Gojo was meddling on things that weren’t his business, and things that had died a long time ago.
"Why are you interrogating me, Gojo?" He asked as he pressed hisnfingers on the bridge of his nose. "Ask your underling…"
"Because that jerk left for the bar as soon as they arrived" He explained. "And I know better than to annoy a drunk [Name], It took me a while but...I finally learned my lesson" He chuckled. “I knew they could hit hard, but damn, I had a big ass bruise…” Nanami could almost hear his stupid grin.
"You make it sound like it's a recurrent event" Nanami pointed out, slightly surprised as he didn't know you were a drinker.
"Oh, Nanami-kun, you really know nothing huh?" Gojo said, smiling widely as he had managed to manipulate Nanami into asking.
"Know what?" Nanami hissed as he now swore he could hear Nanami creepily grinning at his phone.
"No, nothing!” Gojo said as if it were nothing; trying and succeeding at peeking at Nanami’s curiosity “I'm not gonna talk over depressing things on the phone. Gotta go, bye! Kith kith, Kento-kun" Gojo sang and hung up, as he smirked, proud of his little mischief. He sighed deeply as he stretched in his bed. "Soon, those two will be back together" he smirked to himself.
Nanami hissed a curse under his breath as he locked his phone and threw it on his bed and went to the kitchen. If he had understood well, Gojo had just hinted at a possible drinking problem. He tried shaking his mind off of it. You couldn't, could you? You weren’t a drinker...You weren’t the last time he saw you. You were able to party and have fun without having to intoxicate yourself.
You were wild, cheerful, unpredictable. Everything he was not. And that’s what had made him fall in love with you back in your school days. You were so laid back, he could feel it permeating into him when you two hung out. The few times he’d broken rules was because you’d been the bad influence, however, you somehow managed to get away with it, and leave him with some distant memory in which he felt actually glad to be alive. He usually felt like he was walking on a cloud stuck in time, being present and enjoying the little things that made his everyday memories.
He’d really screwed up after breaking up with you...if he could call that a breakup... His life took a dramatic turn. And then, he turned his back to this world, and got immersed in the gray life the average man in Japan had. Away from what he's familiar with, away from his friends, away from you.
And now, apparently, you had a drinking habit. He wondered if he had caused it, or if he was one of the reasons behind it. The guilt started creeping in. The same guilt and regret he felt after ghosting on you. Not being able to bring himself to properly end things with you.
The guilt he’d managed to swipe under the rug for so many years creeped back out, and followed him around as the afternoon went by. After having a shower, changing into more comfortable clothes and in a lame attempt to cook dinner, he decided to test his luck. He put on a dark button down shirt and decided to go to the bar closest to the School. He felt the naive hope to find you there. However, if you had an actual problem, then his chances to see you there were higher.
Such was his surprise to find you there, trying to get rid of some insistent guy who kept talking to you despite your very obvious lack of interest. Before you could spot him, he watched you aggressively turn to the guy and talk to him in a rather rude tone. Sounding almost like a moody sailor as the guy’s face soon was washed with horror and disgust and walked away. As you turned your face back to your drink, your eyes scanned the bar, finally spotting him.
“Oh god” You whined as you pulled the glass to your lips. “It’s too early to be this drunk…” You hissed.
“Mind if I sit here?” He asked, pointing at the chair in front of you.
“Tell Gojo to go fuck himself…” You snapped at him as you stood up and stumbled your way to the bar asking for a refill. Nanami looked at you, feeling slightly sorry for your tipsy state, as he’d never seen you like that. And he knew being mad and drunk was never a good combination. As you turned around with your glass and made your way back to your table, you gave him a slightly repulsed smile. “You’re still here…”
“Gojo didn’t send me here, if that’s what you’re thinking” He replied.
“He might as well have manipulated you into doing so, has that crossed your mind?” You said with a sassy tone as you sat back down. “Why are you still standin’?”
Nanami took that as an invitation as he ignored your last comment, trying to refuse the idea that Gojo had manipulated him.
“Rough day, huh?” He said as you nodded and stared at your drink.
“Look, Kento. I’m glad that you’re back. I really am. You’re strong, and you’re smart…” You began. “But I’m gonna cut the chase, I’m kinda annoyed too. Ever since you got back, Gojo has been sticking his snobby nose into my business” You explained. “Many of the missions he sends you in, I’m supposed to be there as well, but manage to get busy by then and not go”
“So you’re actively avoiding me?”
“Yes” You replied bluntly. “Mostly because Gojo is trying very hard to bring us back together. But no, I learned my lesson the first time” You said taking a sip to your scotch, feeling it smoothly sliding down your throat, no longer feeling the burn from the alcohol.
“I haven’t apologized for that…” Nanami began.
“Don’t” You interrupted him. “It’s better this way”
“Are you sure? Because you still seem to have an issue with it…” Nanami said, managing to read you like an open book like he always did. He still had that ability.
You glared at him, angrily as you opened your mouth to snap back at him, but your mind was foggy and a big portion of your brain was focused on the little details surrounding him. His black shirt, the first buttons undone. His thick wrists, one of them hiding underneath a fancy looking watch, his blond hair pushed back, his sharp features...And god, his smell. The smell of his cologne luring you in like a fly to honey. Since any words made it to your mouth, your next step was to take another sip.
“You’re drinking too fast” He pointed out.
“None of your business” You said standing up and taking your wallet out and leaving a few bills on the tale. “I’m out” You said coldly and walked out of the bar.
Nanami sighed, frustrated that he hadn’t managed to get anything out of interaction. Aside from the pretty clear fact that you disliked him. However, he didn’t think of the possibility of you resenting him so much because you still had feelings for him.
As you walked out of the bar, the chilly wind hit the back of your neck, making you shiver. You cursed, knowing it was going to make you feel drunker faster. You made your way to the school with long steps, trying to make it to your dorm before your last drink made it to your head. Despite the cold wind, the hot tears in your eyes in a way kept your face warm. As you tried to keep yourself from crying, you heard steps behind you.
“Wait” You heard Nanami’s voice calling behind you as you stopped on command, against your own will. You swallowed the lump on your throat and managed to keep the tears still in your eyes, as you refused to look at
him. “At least let me walk you home. You can’t walk on your own like this…”
“Oh, so now you care?” You said turning around and looking at him, giving him a smug smile. “You’ve changed” You scoffed bitterly.
“Please” He said, knowing better than trying to argue with you.
Your stare on him softened, as something within you urged you to say yes. To have more time with Nanami and maybe cling to the bittersweet memories you were constantly reliving since his return.
“Fine” You said, very much to his surprise. He smiled and walked closer to you with the gentle smile that had been haunting your dreams as of lately.
“C’mon. My car is not far from here…”
You stopped coldly as he mentioned a car. Taking a second look at him, you wondered how much he’d changed. He’d become an adult through and through, hadn’t he? While you were still a mess...Or so you thought. To Nanami’s eyes, you were a far better sorcerer and warrior than him. And he envied you for it.
“Are you actually going to take me to the school?” You asked, suddenly growing suspicious of him, as you’d had plenty of experiences with strangers on the street and knew better than going into someone’s car in a drunken state.
Not that you didn’t trust Nanami. You didn’t trust yourself drunk.
“I was actually thinking of taking you somewhere for dinner and then to the school” He said.
“Not hungry”
“No, but you’re drunk. It’ll sober you up, and tomorrow morning you’ll thank me when you wake up without a hangover” He said as he walked towards his car.
“I don’t have any more money on me” You lied, looking for an excuse to avoid spending any more than necessary with him.
“I didn’t ask you if you have money” He said boldly as he managed to make you smirk for the first time since his return.
“Smooth, Nanami. You’ve grown” You said as you followed him.
The walk to his car felt like your chest burnt far more than the alcohol ever did. It felt bitter, it hurt and was nauseating. Was it really it, or was it the alcohol finally catching up with you? Like flashes of instant memories being erased from your memory, the drive to a restaurant felt like a poorly edited foreign film. The car felt like some intense themed park ride as you felt dizzy with the alcohol whispering everything you missed about him. It was gross and it was sickening.
The Ramen sign on the outside on itself managed to sober you up a little by taking your mind off Nanami. As you followed him, clumsily standing on your feet, you sat on one of the tables and tried to make sense of the dancing letters in the menu. More flashes of memories were taken off your head, as you wondered what was happening and how drunk were you for you to start blacking out.
“Not good…” you muttered under your breath.
“Did you say something?” Nanami asked.
“No. Nothing”
“How are you holding up?”
“I’m not”
“You’ll feel better in a bit. Don’t worry…” He said softly as he sipped from a soda you didn’t know he had. When had he ordered it? You looked in front of you to the nice surprise that you had one too despite not knowing how or when. “I ordered some ramen for you. Something spicy...It’ll sober you up faster”
You chuckled as you looked at him.
“And how do you know that?” You asked with a cheeky tone as he smiled softly.
“Went drinking a lot with friends from work” He said. “I learned a few things here and there”
More brief black outs kept lazily painting a rather miserable painting in your memory. As you ate your ramen, you found yourself relaxing more and more. Was it the hot spicy broth? In the beginning, the balck outs weren’t getting any less frequent, however, as the night went by, you found yourself sobering up like he said. Soon, the black outs were gone, however you were still somehow locked in a haze. Although it made sense. The amount of booze as well as the short time, it was going to take a lot more than just one hot bowl of spicy ramen to get you back to a sober state.
The conversation kept flowing comfortably as both of you ate. It was reminiscent of the old days, nostalgic and somehow morbid. As the both of you tried to grasp at the old days when your worries were limited to school work. Catching up like old friends who hadn't seen each other, as if you didn’t have hard feelings for each other.
After having finished your food, Nanami paid for both of your meals and went back out into the cold night. The sky black, stars hidden by the streetlights as you made it to his car and finally noticed the silver color in it.
As he drove back to the school, you noticed he took a small detour, instantly setting alarms in your head.
“Where are we going?” You asked, your voice considerably serious as he noticed the change in tone from the pleasant talk they were having in the restaurant.
“There’s somewhere I’d like to go…” He said as he briefly looked at you and gave you a tender smile.
That smile made your heart uncomfortably skip a beat as you hated the effect he still had on you. You didn’t dare to ask any further as you slowly recognized the route he was taking. As he slowly took one of the roads towards the edge of the city close to the coast line. He stopped in a rather deserted place, as he got off the road and stopped the car.
Despite the lack of light, aside from the few streetlights, you knew exactly where you were. A whole in your chest opened dramatically as you felt your eyes tear up and happy memories attached to the location flooded your mind.
“Kento…” You said chuckling bitterly.
“When I said I wanted to apologize, I meant it…” He said as you clenched your jaw and looked out your window, avoiding his stare.
“And I told you I didn’t want to talk about it…”
“You’re still upset about it, I get it. And I don’t blame you” He began as he felt his heart beating hard in his chest. “Look at me, please”
You wanted to say something to him. But you knew you would break down crying as soon as you opened your mouth. You took a deep breath and without saying anything you looked at him. His dark brown eyes gazing into yours, as he was looking at you with a rather pained stare.
“You remember this place, don’t you?” He asked.
A bitter laugh escaped your lips as you clicked your seatbelt, getting it off.
“I’m done” You said dryly as you opened the door and got out of the car.
“No, [Name]. Please, wait” He said as he mirrored your movements and excited the car walking around it.
“Of fuckign course I know where I am, Kento” You barked as you walked away approaching the door. “I know where I lost my fucking virginity, okay?” You barked as you stopped coldly and looked at him, tears finally streaming off your face. “Look, I’ll make us a favour and summarize this conversation. Yes, you’re a fucking asshole for just taking off one day and completely disappearing. Yes, I’m still mad about it. No, I won’t take your apology. No, I don’t care about whatever shitty excuse you have for me to listen to you. You bringing me here out of all places isn’t going to change shit…” You spat all in one breath as you stopped and took a deep breath.
“I loved you, Kento. I really did. And it hurt to have you just dissipate like you were a hallucination or something...You were my first kiss, my first love, my first everything! And one day I lost all of that. You ruined sex for me!” You yelled angrily. “I could never hold, kiss or sleep with anyone, because at some point I’d see your stupid face, and then be incredibly underwhelmed because I would not enjoy sex. I can’t feel anything anymore, Kento...The only way I can actually enjoy those things is by getting drunk or high” You admitted. “I can’t walk into bookstores, nor eat sandwiches or diet coke, nor drink tea because all those things remind me of you. And yes, it’s lame that all these years later I still care about those things. And this is why I can’t forgive you” You cried, as your voice shook.
Nanami’s heart broke little by little at each one of your words. He knew he’d screwed up and had hurt you deeply. But he wasn’t aware of the actual impact. He clenched his jaw as he felt his chest tight and a lump on his throat. Now the drinking problem made sense. Gojo had painted it like you were an alcoholic, but it wasn’t exactly the case. So you’d gone to the bar to get it off with some stranger, probably pretending it was him.
The dizzying pain and weight of his mistakes blinded him for a second as he walked towards you as you kept bitterly complaining. As you tried to walk away, you made a very poor effort as he caught up with you and cupped your face in his hands, bringing you closer to him and shutting you up by pressing his lips against you.
The sudden surprise made your heart stop. Your mind turning numb and blank at once as you struggled to bring yourself to push him away. However, truth be told, you didn't want to push him away. The poor attempt to push him away was more than obvious. The strong fighter you were, barely making any physical effort. Nanami's hands wrapped around your back and pulled you close, squeezing you against him as he sighed into the kiss.
Finally kissing him back, you locked your lips against his desperately, eager to taste the lips you've been dreading in your dreams. Clinging to him like he was going to disappear again, a soft whimper escaped your mouth. Your chest pressing against him as he felt his own world getting blurry.
He broke the kiss pulling away as he pressed his forehead against yours.
“You have no idea how much I missed you” He whispered as you clung to him.
“I-I…” You stuttered, the words tasting bitter before they even made it to your mouth. “Fuck, I want you, Kento” You growled as he pulled you in, kissing you hungrily again.
His hands posessively clinging to you as he slowly guided you back to the car. One step at the time as you both melted in a hungry sour kiss. As you ran out of breath, you pulled away, gasping for air as you gripped his collar in your hands.
“I can’t hold back anymore” You said as you pulled away and grabbed his hand, walking back to his car.
Your words unleashed a shiver down his spine as his heart skipped a beat and raced like crazy, as his pants started feeling tighter on his crotch. He chuckled softly as he realized his own judgement seemed to have disappeared with that first kiss. And before you could even make it to his car, he gripped your hips and spun you around as he bumped his forehead against yours.
“I can’t either” He admitted as he guided you to the car’s hood and pulled you over it. Ass you sat on the warm hood, he got between your legs and you wasted no time wrapping them around his waist. He grunted softly feeling your crotch against his as you pulled him closer to seal your lips together.
As you soon were absorbed by the dizziness of your rising heat, his hand went to your bare thighs as he slowly caressed your skin, going up and lifting your skirt up in the process. A soft moan slid into his mouth as he gripped your ass softly and squeezed it. The way your skin got covered in goosebumps and how you jerked your hips made him moan in response.
It felt good, and intoxicating. The driving desire burning his insides. The feeling of desiring to taste you all over and have you shaking underneath him. God, he’d missed that particular rush of adrenaline. His body reacting to the deeply buried memories now loose. He felt like he was in the best high he’d experienced. Lightheadedness and presence in the moment, he hadn’t felt this alive in so long.
Your hands were slowly undoing his buttoned shirt and were quick to explore his warm skin. He pulled away from the kiss, gasping as he looked at you. Your devilish smile matching your hungry stare. You leaned forward kissing his neck, nibbling on his skin every now and then. His hand gripped your hair tightly, pulling it lightly, making you look up at him as he stared at you.
He leaned forward, kissing you once more, this time a lot more slow and a lot more tender. It was sweet and it was slow and it took you by surprise. You felt his sweet kiss begging you, still holding on to the feelings you both decided to drown unsuccessfully. It almost hurt. It was the kind of kiss that told you how much you missed and needed each other. How much you regretted the mistakes you’ve done.
As you melted against his lips, his hands slowly slid your panties off. You helped him lifting your hips a little but as you giggled against his lips.
“Eager?” You said with a playful smirk.
“You have no idea” He replied as he took off your panties and shoved them in his back pocket.
His hand made it back to your thigh, slowly going up until he palmed your hot sex. Stealing a gasp out of your mouth, he teasingly ran one of his fingers through your dripping slit, making him smile satisfied.
“I’m not the only one, huh?” He said as you looked at him with lustful eyes.
You took his glasses off and set them aside. You were about to go back to kissing his neck when he slid one finger inside of you effortlessly. A rather loud moan escaped your lips as you shut your eyes closed feeling your entire body tingle in a way you hadn’t felt in years. You smiled satisfied as you continued kissing his neck. Slowly, he got another finger inside. The delicious stretch of his second finger prompting you to bite his neck softly making him growl your name softly. His fingers explored the whole he knew so well, as he found your sweet spot almost by muscle memory. More moans came out of your throat sounding like music to his ears.
“Fuck, Kento” You hissed as you took off your top, not caring that you were outdoors and by the road. Up to this point, you were so pent up, you simply craved him like you’d never craved anything before.
Nanami wasted no time and kissed your neck, going down to your neck, gently biting your skin every now and then. Sucking delicately on your skin, leaving marks that wouldn’t last long. He pulle dhis fingers out of you, clinging to your body desperately. As you laid on the car’s hood, you devoured him with your lustful eyes, begging him to get on top of you. Wearing just your skirt by this point, Nanami groaned at the plain sight of you.
He undid his belt and his pants. Your hands playfully teasing your own body in an attempt to drive him crazier and crazier. He cursed under his breath as he couldn’t take it any longer. He pulled his painfully hard erection out of his pants. You watched hi, intrigued, stretching your hands towards him, gently gripping his dick. His breath hitched and you smiled proudly.
Nanami leaned over the car hood, slowly getting on top of you, his shaft resting on your belly as he looked at how much deep could he go inside of you. His tip almost reaching you belly button, as the idea alone made a shiver run down his spine.
"Please, Kento" you gasped, need dripping from your voice as you caressed his dick
He growled softly as he pulled away softly, aligning against your entrance and slowly going in. You gasped, pushing your head back and pressing your hips against his making him go deeper.
Hissing your name, he jerked his hips, his tip.kissing your cervix as sudden rush of pain jolted through your body, followed by pleasure. You dug your nails in his shoulders as he thrusted back and forth, hitting all the right spots. The sound of his gasps and grunts hypnotizing as you got wetter by the second. His length coated in your juices, echoing in lewd wet noises.
He was rough. He usually was. Back in student days, he was particularly rough. As quiet and collected as he seemed, he sure got his stress out if his body through wild sex.
Relentlessly pushing against you, stretching you in such a delicious way only he knew how. Strong and aggressive movements as your walls swallowed him whole every time, breathless moans escaping your lips with every push. The cool wind kissing your skin, only enhancing his warmth.
As you felt your orgasm progressively approaching, the realization of how addicted you were to him hit you. He was everything you desired. And it was wrong. Before the feeling of uneasiness started to sink in, a sudden electric rush ran through your body. Painfully and soothing, as you tightly clenched around himbsoon numbed your mind.
As you came around him, your walls sucked him in tightly, as he was right over the brink, your velvet flesh pushed him off the edge. He didn't have time to pull out. And honestly, he didn't want to pull out. The way your walls milked him felt delicious. As he rode you through your orgasm, filling you up as his head felt dizzy and the world was spinning faster than usual. His hot seed coating your insides, as you shut your eyes closed, feeling the very last of your orgasm fading away.
He pressed his forehead against yours. Loud pants echoing.
However, the world didn't quite return to its regular focus.
The rest of the night went by in a fuzzy hot mess of events. You returned to his apartment and kept feasting on each other, making up for the lost time. Both of you incredibly starved and needy, you desperately went at it over and over again. It was a rather long night. As you feared, no one made you feel as he did. All of him was addicting. His smell, his voice, his warmth, his skin...It didn’t matter how many strangers you fucked, or how drunk or high you were, he felt just right. He made you cum so easily, it seemed ridiculous everyone else couldn’t.
But you knew it was far more than that.
You were still deeply in love with him. No wonder why he had that effect on you. Just hearing his breathlessly gasp was enough to have you soaking wet and under his mercy. Between sweet kisses, fake promises and sweaty sex, he quite literally fucked you to oblivion. Until either of you could take it any longer and you two fell asleep in each other’s arms. It had been a long tiring night, as you knew many of your muscles were gonna be sore the next day. Your chest painted in red and blue bruises.
It was possibly one of the best night sleeps he’d had. In such a long time. The uncomfortable hole in his chest didn’t feel so wide now. Just like you, he didn’t know how much he actually needed you until now. His regrets, his guilt, the thoughts haunting him on how much of a jerk he’d been when he simply took off...All those feelings went away for a night. As he tasted the wonders of the universe under your skin. Feeling ecstatic and euphoric for the first time in years. However, nothing could’ve prepared Nanami for what he was about to experience when he woke up.
“What the hell is this?” Gojo asked as he waved around the folder you’d left a few hours earlier in the Headmaster’s office.
“Why the fuck do you care?” You said as you grabbed it, ripping it off his hands.
“You’re seriously leaving for Kyoto?” He whined.
“So my transfer was accepted? Great!” You said sarcastically as you opened the folder and saw the Headmaster’s seal at the bottom.
“What about Nanami-kun?” Gojo replied as the very last string of your patience snapped.
“Oh, fuck you, Gojo! You tried to force us back together, but it’s not going to happen” You snapped. “I’m done. I’m done with him, and I’m done with you sticking your nose in my business”
“Do you really think that running away will solve anything? You’ll still be depressed as hell”
“The less I know about him, the better” You said as you turned around, hot tears blurring your sight as you headed with long steps towards your room. “I don’t trust myself around him…” You whispered. “He’s my weakness Gojo, I can’t let that happen…” You said coldly.
You’d left that morning very early, before Nanami woke up. And you left leaving no trace of you ever being there. Unintentionally doing the same he did. It was unintentional because you hadn’t done it out of spite. Your thought process had been simply. You preferred to not have that conversation and simply leave without him noticing. You had had the exact same thought process Nanami had had all those years ago.
You didn’t waste time and soon started packing your things to leave for Kyoto right away.
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wickedw3asleys · 4 years
Fred x female reader (mentions of George)
AN: it is 5am i cannot sleep i need help oh my god i am SWEATING, FRED WEASLEY WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME. he's a dom and i do not accept any kind of criticism. Okay but more seriously, thank you so much for the support for the 1st part! I truly appreciate it and I hope you'll like this one as much as the first one!
WARNINGS: smut smut smut smut and more smut... unprotected sex... and cussing
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A few days had passed after your talk with Fred and George.
And still nothing had happened.
And you never thought you'd be so eager for one of them to reach out to you to fill his needs. But you weren't going to be the one to give in first.
And they knew what they did to you, because the first moment they saw you after the big talk they started teasing the shit out of you, and you were too easy to piss off, way too horny to have patience with them. Could be an accidental brush of George's hand on your thigh; Fred whispering things in your ear that weren't necessarily explicit; or again, George finding any kind of excuse to touch you, even the slightest... And that drove you crazy. And the fact that they exactly what they were doing, only made it worse, them making clear that they wanted you.
And today was the day that your patience was at its limits. So you were going to play it reverse on them, and make them suffer a little bit.
You decided to just play it cool, not to look to hard for them, and just let the big boys come to you, as they liked to call themselves. So when you least expected, you saw them appear with the biggest grins on their faces.
You were hanging out with Hermione and Luna at the library, and once again you were going crazy with your studies. You already have had 2 exams, and you could feel your brain slowly dying from all the information it was absorbing.
So obviously, when the twins saw you in such a frustrated state, they knew once again how to play their cards.
"Oh, darling... You look so stressed...", Fred came behind you, "and those shoulders! You're way too tense..."
He winked at his brother and put his hands on your shoulders, slowly massaging them.
Hermione looked at you with an interrogating gaze, not really sure if she should say something or not, to what you unconsciously shrugged your shoulders.
Fred dominantly put his hand on the back of your neck, applying a slight pressure to the sides of your neck, "Keep still, sweetheart..."
You could feel the blood rushing up to cheeks and to other unholy places on your body.
"What. The. Hell.", Hermione mouthed to you, Luna getting more and more confused about all the situation, since she was way too preoccupied reading her Astronomy book.
"I. DON'T. KNOW.", you mouthed back.
Fred continued to massage and apply pressure on your shoulder and the back of your neck, and you felt like you were going completely mad. And when you saw George glancing at his brother, you knew this was another one of their games; so why not join in?
You sighed, mouthed a quick "sorry" to the two girls and started playing.
"Freddie! Oh my god! You're so good!", you softly moaned, stretching your back and neck. You could catch a confused and nervous look on George's face, who was once again looking at his brother, expecting a reaction from him.
"Mmhhh... you like that?", he whispered down to your ear. Fuck, he was a way too good player.
You turned your face to his, just to be a few inches from his lips. "Yeah, I like it...", you said, trying to sound convincing; when you knew that you were affected by him to your bloody core.
You could feel his breath shake as he straighten up, leaving a satisfied smile on your face.
"And what about you, Georgie?", you asked, looking at him with puppy eyes, "How's my favorite Weasley?"
"I'm fine...", he said, smirking, "Why? You missed me, darling?"
You couldn't see any type of nervousness in him, he never answered wrong, always continuing the game.
Not wanting to leave poor Hermione and Luna alone, you decided after a while to semi ignore the twins, and go back to your conversation with the girls, including the boys in from time to time, and when you could feel Fred being totally distracted, you made your killer move.
"OH! I'm so sorry, Fred!", you said, looking how your ink pot just had fallen on his lap.
"Damn it!"
Everybody had taken a few steps back, not wanting to have ink all over them, and when Hermione got up to go for some tissues, you got on your knees and started wiping Fred's thigh with your robes. Fortunately you knew a spell that would make these stains go away, otherwise you wouldn't have sacrificed yourself like that.
The sight of your on your knees, a hand on his upper thigh and the other one wiping the ink stains that were dangerously close to his dick, almost made him cum in his pants. He had spent too much time without doing anything and you being you didn't made it better. You've always drove him completely mad, and the fact that you've actually accorded to be shared between him and his brother was all he could have ever asked for.
He dominantly grabbed your hand, "Bloody hell, Y/N! Stop!", he groaned between his teeth, making sure no one else but you could hear him.
"What's wrong?", you asked innocently, looking up at him through your lashes.
"Shit", he groaned.
He quickly got up, took his brother by the arm and left the library.
"Oh... Where did they go?", Hermione asked with the tissues in her hand.
"I don't know...", you couldn't help but smile victoriously. You've beaten Fred Weasley at his own game. You've put down one of the two twins. You still had to win against George, and from what you've been observing, he'd be the harder one to play against; fooling everybody with his innocent looks.
"Am I right saying that there was completely an unsolved tension in here for a second?", Luna asks.
"Y/N, what the hell was all this?!", Hermione says, clearly aware of what's happening.
"It's just a game! Nothing harmful! Don't worry", you smile, blushing.
"I don't know what kind of games you're playing with them but when I saw Fred going through that door he looked like he could spit fire...", Hermione points out, "I just hope you know what you're doing..."
"I do, Mione... I've talk to them..."
"What do you mean you've talked to them?", Luna asks, curious.
"Oops...", you say as you start getting up and taking your books with you, earning a gasp and shocked laugh from both of them. You winked at the girls and got out of the library.
There wasn't a lot of students out in the corridors at this time of the evening. It was almost bed time so everybody was either in their common rooms or still at the library, just like Hermione and Luna.
So when you felt a hand on the back of your neck again, you felt relief that no one was there.
"Good night, Freddie...", you smiled, his hand adding pressure.
"I hate you", he says between his teeth.
"Oh... Why is that?", you pout. If he'd thought he was the only one able to play this game, he was damn wrong.
"Don't play innocent here, you knew what you were doing"
"Just how you knew what you were doing to me for the past days. Both you and your brother. Am I wrong?", you tried turning your head, but his grip on your neck didn't let you, "Didn't your mother tell you to not play with your food, Freddie?"
The smirk you had on your face the second you pronounced these words could have killed Fred in an instant. It was the weirdest, yet most erotic, thing a girl have ever said to him, and he felt those words resonate through his whole body, specially under his pants.
"Fuck...", he groaned. He grabbed your arm and started leading you. You didn't knew where but you wanted to follow him so bad right now, nothing could have stopped you. You wanted him and you knew the feeling was reciprocal.
You turned a corner and arrived at the second-floor girl's bathroom. Fred quickly opened the door, making sure no one saw them go in and the second the door closed, his pressed his lips against yours. Almost with anger. He was so eager to kiss you...
Neither of you took the time to completely undress the other, you just stayed there, him pressing his body on yours, devouring your mouth.
Without breaking the kiss, he started leading you to the sinks, where he lifted you and sat you. Your skirt almost lifted to your waist and his hands fiercely groping your thighs.
"How DARE you come snog in MY bathroom?!", a whining voice made you both jump, trying to regain your breath.
"Mimi!", Fred breathed out, "Sorry! W-we..."
"Oh... Hi, Frederick...", Moaning Myrtle slowly approached Fred, not even paying attention to you, "You're looking good tonight...", she says.
"You too, Mimi, but we're kind in the middle of something right now...", he says, awkwardly.
"Oh... I see that...", she says, glaring at you in anger.
"Hi, Myrtle..."
"Come on Myrtle, please... I promise to make Harry come visit you tomorrow, but please, please, let us stay here...", he pleaded. You could hear the desperation in his voice and that only turned you on even more.
Moaning Myrtle was taking his proposal in consideration, and quickly ended up agreeing. "Tell him I want to see him in that grey shirt he always wears, he looks so good in it...", she says before completely disappearing in the darkness of the bathroom.
"Wow... So Moaning Myrtle too, huh?", you teased Fred.
"Yeah, yeah, don't start", he quickly cupped your face with one hand and started kissing you again, this time with more passion, more fire. He was kissing you as his life depended on it, his hands always groping your skin; your thighs, your stomach, your waist... He was like an animal, so eager and needy. And you loved every bit of it.
Fred pulled out from your lips and started going down, kissing your jaw... You neck... Licking it and making sure to leave at least two or three visible marks for him to admire the next day. You moaned when he started kissing that sweet spot of you, just behind your ear, as he started slightly pulling your hair. That combination would be the death of you.
"Fuck, Fred...", you moaned in his ear. He raised his head and took a second to finally admire your messed up state, which only made him want to go rough on you.
He leaned in again and started kissing you while unbuttoning your white shirt, not losing a single second. Just as he kept unbuttoning it, he started kissing your chest until it was completely at sight. He groaned to himself when he saw the black lace bra you were wearing that day.
This time, you were the one to not lose time. The second your blouse was unbuttoned, you started attacking his pants, taking of his belt and lowering it a little so you could play with the elastic of his boxers.
"Wait...", he suddenly stopped.
"What? What are you- FUCK!", you loudly moaned as you saw him going down on his knees before you and taking your clit in his mouth. Your hands directly went to his hair, pulling it gently.
You could have come by the simple sight of what was happening, Fred on his knees eating you out, his hair all messy and his arms strongly around your thighs.
"Oh my-... Yes, just like that", you moaned again, making Fred chuckle against you, sending vibrations through you.
He started placing little kisses and kitten licks all over your pussy, licking every inch of it, making it his.
"If you keep... FUCK! Doing this... I'm going to cum... Oh my god, Fred..."
He chuckled again and stopped his movements to look up at you. Fuck, you were looking so pretty, already all fucked up.
He got up, never breaking eye contact with you. He was literally towering you, you sitting on the small sink, your legs around his waist.
He was going to start kissing you again when you stopped him, putting your soft hand on his clothed chest.
"Wait... My turn...", you seductively said, slowly kneeling.
He instantly knew what you were about to do, so he helped you lowered his pants down a little.
"Bloody hell, you're so big...", you whispered.
"Well, wait are you waiting for?", he said, lifting up your chin.
Your mouth instantly started drooling the moment you took him in your mouth. You slowly lowered your head down his shaft, taking all you could of him in your mouth, and then up again.
You started licking his tip and his sides, trying to get it as wet as you could.
"Y/N... Fuck... You're so good at this...", you felt his body lean against the sink you were previously sitting on, and saw his hand grab the edge of it to gain support. "Keep going please, keep going..."
You did as he pleaded. You slowly started to bob your head up and down his dick, both of you making the most sinful sounds. You could feel him throb in your mouth as your lowered your head more and more, and you loved it.
Suddenly, he grabs you by the hair and lifts you up again, helping you sit on the sink again.
"Legs up for me, will you sweetheart?", he says, caressing your inner thighs.
"If you ask so nicely...", and you lifted your legs to wrap them around his waist.
Fred sucked his thumb and lowered it to your clit, drawing figures eight on it, slowly.
"Mmmhhh...", you moaned, throwing your head back.
"Are you ready?", he asks, his thumb still on your clit.
"Yes", you smiled back at him, locking eyes with him and not breaking contact when he entirely slid into you.
"Merlin, you're so tight...", Fred moaned in the crook of your neck.
You grab him by the shoulders and let him start thrusting in and out of you; first at an awful slow pace, making him bite your neck.
"Come on, darling...", you encouraged him. And with that, as if something lightened up inside him, he straightened himself, towering over you again, and roughly putting one of his hands around your neck and the other one around your thigh. That made him gain stability, so he started thrusting deeper and harder tan before.
"YES! Oh my god... Yes...", you put your forehead against his and closed your eyes shut, lost in the feeling.
"Yeah... Like that...", he says, going even faster, hitting that special spot of yours that made you almost scream. "That's it, darling... Show me where I am..."
You clumsily took his hand and tried to find on your lower abdomen the spot that Fred was hitting so you could show him how deep he was buried in you.
"Oohh, yes... There it is...", he says, feeling his tip brushing against his hand. He applied more pressure to your abdomen, making his dick hit that spot again and again.
"FUCKKKKK! YES!", you screamed, eyes almost rolling back in your head.
"Look at me, sweetheart, look at me...", Fred took your face and started to thrust deeper and harder just to watch your reaction, to which he wasn't disappointed. Your swollen lips, messy hair and the spots he had been leaving along your neck and chest were the most beautiful view ever.
He started massaging your breast through your bra as he once again increased his speed.
All you could do was messily breathe and loudly moan as he trusted in and out of you. He was so big. Stretching you so good. And the fact that he was being so rough yet so gentle with you was insane.
Once again he brought his hand to your clit, slowly massaging it and making you moan even louder.
"Ssshhhh... Sweetheart, do I have to remind you how to be quiet?", he says, his hand against your mouth.
You remembered the moment he first pressed his big hand on your mouth, all the thoughts that were crossing your mind and all the fantasies you've created because of that specific moment, and now all of them where becoming reality.
"Do I reckon you like my hand on you like this, right?", he smiled, thrusting deeper.
Your screams were now muffled by his hand, but he could see your eyes starting to water, which only made him increase the pace.
You were a moaning mess, your nails going to his back, his arms and chest, also leaving your little marks.
"Come on, I want you to see yourself when you cum...", he says before slipping out of you and turning you, now facing the mirror.
He put his hand where it belonged: your neck. And started to kiss you again, looking at you through the mirror's reflection.
With no previous notice, he slammed into you from behind, making your face contort in pleasure.
"Oh my god...", you say, trying to grab the edge of the sink.
He pulled your hair again, leaning your head back on his chest.
"Look at you...", he says, "so fucking... pretty..."
He brought his free hand to your clit again, the new angle making it easier for him to massage it in the correct way.
That made you scream again, feeling your legs fail you.
"I've got you, darling... Come on...", he whispered, tightly holding on to you.
He continued his relentless attack on your pussy and clit, making the pleasure almost unbearable for you.
"F-Fred... I-I'm c-cumming... SHIT!"
He smirked at your reflection and didn't stop his thrusting until he felt your inner walls tightly close again his cock. The feeling of you cumming with him inside you made it impossible for him to hold any longer, so as he was helping you riding your orgasm, he chased his own one, both of you moaning loudly in the other's ears and clinging to each other as your lives depended on it.
He stayed inside you a few more seconds, trying to regain his breath and strength.
"I think that deserves a big high five...", you say, lazily raising your hand.
He weakly moaned, trying to high five you, but terribly failed.
He finally got the strength to pull out of you with a hiss, slowly pulling his dick out and letting a pool of both of your fluids form in the sink.
"Thank you", he breathed out, kissing your forehead.
"No! Thank you!"
"I knew this was a good idea!", he says, proud of him.
"The most brilliant idea you've ever had...", you say, helping him putting his belt back on.
"What are you doing?", he asks.
"That, my friend, is a souvenir...", you laughed, patting the panties you just put in his pocket.
"Oh, you're a nasty one... Very, very nasty...", he smirks.
"You have no idea...", you say, kissing his neck again. "Let's go, before the others start asking too many questions"
"We're definitely doing that again, I hope you know that...", he says, entering the Gryffindor common room.
"Isn't that why we've talked about it, you git?" you laughed.
"Hey, where were you two?", Hermione asks, "We've been waiting for you for almost two hours!"
"Oh, we just quickly went to visit Moaning Myrtle...", you say, eyeing how George was looking at the marks on your neck, "Harry by the way, she wants you there tomorrow with your grey shirt. No discussion!"
You hear Harry groan and throw his head in his hands, "Why? Why did you this to me? Why do you hate me so much!?!"
"Come on, she's not that bad...", you say, sitting next to George.
"How does she even know I have that shirt?!", he starts whining, but soon enough, your attention was turned to George, who was playing with the back of your skirt.
"Looking good...", he whispered, "Who would have thought you're such a dirty player?"
"You have no idea...", you smirked.
He looked at you and chuckled, "You'll show me soon enough...", he said, discretely placing his hand on your inner thigh.
You looked up trying to see if anyone was looking at you, but for your luck, they were too busy hearing Harry whine about Myrtle. And then, you crossed Fred's gaze. He winked at you and raised to you his plastic bottle and drank a sip, that making George chuckle again.
For Goddrick's sake... These two were going to drive you completely mad...
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cullenclansposts · 2 years
Sweltering love pt.1/2
Posting my first fic on the site!
Even in the unusual sweltering heat of the small town of Forks, Edward will find a way to be by your side, to protect you... even if he looks mad trying.
(Sorry i'm really bad at summaries)
Edward Cullen x Fem!Reader
Tw: None
Hope you enjoy!
That was all you could feel, the burning, sweltering heat of the hottest summer day of the year.
Being from Arizona one would assume that an individual such as you would be accustomed to such temperatures, in fact even hotter.
Though this was not the case. You often found great pleasure staying right in your air conditioned room, reading a book much to your mother’s dismay.
But for now you had to go to school, the hot, greasy, non air conditioned school. Sitting in your bio class right next to your overly clingy boyfriend who was currently dressed like an absolute lunatic.
In order to hide the dazzling shimmer of his skin that would clearly give his vampiric nature away, he opted for what you could only compare to arctic dress, a thick coat, cap and scarf covering his face- accompanied with a pair of charming sunglasses. All this just to remain by your side throughout the day. Clingy was simply an understatement.
Any sane being in this situation would just stay home- checking up from afar like his siblings. Unfortunately Edward did not have that kind of sanity. Gone mad with his love for you he’d say.
You rolled your eyes at the thought.
“Edward, are you not hot in that?” you interrogated, veering away from him slightly fearing that any form of insulation from his wear would heat you up further.
“Y/N, You know i’m not,” He stated simply. You sighed in return, acknowledging this and knowing it was true. “Yes, but everyone is looking at you, Edward.” You whispered.
Looking up, the whole class was, indeed, looking at the strange couple- moreover at Edward with confused expressions that could read a million things. Fortunately for Edward at least, he would not be left in the dark about such thoughts. Save for Jessica, who required no such mind reading and was in fact not-so-quietly expressing her thoughts on Edward’s attire, something along the lines of “Looks like the Cullen forgot to switch his wardrobe out from living in Alaska…” You weren’t quite sure if it was a good thing or not, being able to hear what everyone is thinking about you every hour of the day, considering that you found Jessica’s out loud thoughts abhorrent.
“You get used to it,” he responded to your train of thought.
Once again you rolled your eyes at him. “Everyone thinks you look really hot, Edward,” you mentioned.
His lips tugged into a playful smile “Well…” he interjected. “I’m flattered they all think that but i’m afraid i’m already spoken for…” He leaned over, planting a cool kiss on your cheek. “And anyway, since when could you read minds?”
“Hmph,” You pouted, when your expression suddenly contorted to an inspired grin.
He eyed you curiously, tilting his head to the side. “What?”
“We should get popsicles later,” You proposed. “The blue kind that taste like bubblegum and change the colour of your tongue,”
He looked at you, surprised for a moment, before chuckling fondly. “You are so dumb, but sure,” You smiled back at him, returning your focus to the class in a feeble attempt to ignore the sweltering heat that plagued you.
20 minutes later and you were out the door. Edward lingering by your side closely, desperate to link arms and hold you close but he knew better in this heat.
“Have you drunk enough water today?” He queried.
You shrugged.
“I drank a soda at lunch,” his eyebrows lightly furrowed at the response.
“I don’t think soda is water, Y/N,” He lectured. You groaned.
“Edward i’ll be fine, it's the last period anyway,” admittedly your mouth did feel a bit dry, but it was only another hour and you could be back indoors, eating blue popsicles on Edwards cool lap.
He frowned at this but continued walking with you, chaperoning you gracefully to gym class which he decided to avoid entirely to avoid some vampiric-related complications. Alternatively he opted to watch you from a distance, probably in some bush in the shade where he could finally remove his questionable wardrobe choice and be comfortable for a little while.
He dropped you off at the changing room, once again lecturing you to be safe, not to trip over every single ball on the court. You flirted back with some crude remark which sent him away, sauntering down the corridor with such grace. Gosh, sometimes you wondered how he was so beautiful.
You entered the changing room, greeting Jessica and Angela who were making light chatter by their lockers, you opened yours and made the horrific discovery that you had in fact forgotten to switch your winter tracksuit for the summer sports outfit for gym.
Just looking over the thick material made you sweat more in the humid room. Begrudgingly, you wrestled the pieces over yourself and walked out to the field, earning little to no relief from the outside than within the building.
Joining Jessica and Angela outside, Jessica caught a single look at you and gasped and gawked with such dramatism that you were sure she could be on broadway.
“Bella!” She hissed. “I know you’re in love with Edward but good god there’s no reason to dress like him!” She announced this fact a little too loudly, causing a few of the other girls to turn in your direction.
“Jess, trust me, if I had another choice I would have…” you assured her, tugging on the fabric of the thick material. “I just forgot to switch out for the summer outfit,” For some reason you had a very long fuse when it came to people, or maybe a skill of seeing through them, who they really were. Considering how obnoxious Jessica was being.
Jessica opened her mouth to say more when a whistle from across the field sounded. Your P.E. teacher beckoned you over. Jessica ran quickly over to her, sometimes it was actually quite amusing to see how quickly she could get distracted, you were quite grateful for this fact.
“Well what a lovely day it is indeed,” She spoke in a thick Texas accent, breathing heavily- then releasing it. “A lovely day for a run, don’t you think?”
This statement erupted in a chorus of ‘ughs’ and ‘aghs’ from the small crowd of girls. You considered just walking away right then and there but decided against it. Your reputation with the gym teachers was bad enough. Besides, it was the last class of the day. You could get through this.
The teacher looks condescendingly over her sunglasses. “You’d better take extra care, Ms L/N”
You groaned, beginning your laps around the field. Carefully plodding at a steady pace, the sun beating down creating a slick of sweat across your skin.
A few laps later and the heat was beginning to become unbearable. Your mouth was dry and your head pounded with an ache that threatened to pound you straight out of consciousness.
In a moment of desperation you jogged over to your P.E. teacher to ask for some relief. Though she was not as sympathetic as she seemed, taking a dislike to you from your previous sporting shenanigans, you found that quickly you’d have to be begging for your relief.
She sneered over from the bench in the shade that she sat, accompanied by a glass of cool lemonade with ice that teased you. If you could salivate right now you were sure you would be.
“Should have thought of that before your wardrobe choice, L/N,” she said, unsympathetically.
“Choice,” You scoffed internally, a light fury bubbling up in your chest. Fighting off the urge to give this woman a piece of your mind, you stomped off with the last of your strength and rejoined the circulation of joggers.
Each footstep that you took seemed lighter than the last until it felt like you were floating, carried away into the sky…
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may-day-voice · 3 years
Prom Night Lights | The Reunion
2nd Edition w/ Denki Kaminari, Hanta Sero, Hitoshi Shinsou & Tenya Iida
please do not repost, but you have permission to reblog :)
• Watch/ Listen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/onhumQcEcs8
• Read on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1060373778-prom-night-lights-the-reunion-2nd-edition
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It was strange for Denki Kaminari to be so frank with everyone after his many successes in his career. Especially after he had drunk one too many cups of punch. Upon arriving at his old haunting grounds, he parked his car just inside the gates before bumping into Ashido, the both of them arriving at the same time where Kirishima and Sero were hanging around. A few bits of conversation was tossed around here and there until Bakugou came and went, following after another alumni in the process.
Kaminari was thrilled to see his old classmates, buddying up to Jirou upon meeting her, as well as a few other members of his class. Everything was going smoothly, until he helped himself with some of Sato's punch along with Kirishima.
He became a bit of a mess.
"Sero, hey!" He called from across the table. "About that text message you sent-"
"Uh dude, now's not a good time," interrupted Sero with a nervous pull of his lips, his eyes darting around the auditorium.
"Huh? Okay," slovenly agreed Kaminari. "I'll talk to you later, actually, have you seen Aoyama anywhere?"
"Uh, yeah, I just spoke to him a while ago. He's probably at the-"
"Oh there he is!" Exclaimed Kaminari with a wave towards the drinks bar. "Aoyama, hey!" He immediately stood to his feet, a little flushed before he walked up to the fabulous-looking blond, spotting his attire still clean and immaculately refined.
"Ah, Kaminari," greeted Aoyama with a smile. "You look worse for wear."
"Nah, I'm good," reassured Kaminari. "I just wanted to say thank you for your help. I know it was short notice but your tips and tricks really helped."
"You mean that very quick phone call about French?"
Kaminari nodded slowly while he took another sip of his punch, happily enjoying the night. "I mean, I had them going for a little while, but they beat me fair and square. It's great though, thank you so much!"
Aoyama eyed the drunken blond, amused and concerned, before he began to wonder about his predicament. "So, um, where is this villain?"
"Aww, stop calling them that," reminded Kaminari before he pulled out a small device from his pocket. He pushed the device into Aoyama's face, the screen honing on a location very close to Gym Gamma, beeping repetitively.
"They're safe and sound in my car, see?" slurred Kaminari before he placed the honing device back into the pocket of his pants. Clumsily.
Aoyama eyed the blond in mild disbelief. "They're here?"
"Of course, my job needs me to be near them at all times," answered Kaminari, while he finally pocketed the device. "I can't leave them alone at mine."
"Well, yes, but they shouldn't stay alone in the car all night," voiced Aoyama.
"Relax, they're cuffed so they can't escape," reassured Kaminari.
A gasp escaped Aoyama's lips upon hearing this predicament, his tone swaying and swooning disappointingly. "But what about the little Cherie?" He questioned. "Sitting in the car while we're having the night of our lives. I can only imagine what they may be thinking, being locked up all alone unable to do anything."
Kaminari's drunken smile slowly faded after processing Aoyama's words. How long has he been at this reunion now? It may have been a couple of hours, maybe even more. He couldn't tell with all the fun and laughs he joined in speaking and conversing with his old classmates.
"Maybe it is best to invite them here, hm?" suggested Aoyama. "They don't sound as bad as you make them out to be. And besides, as Heroes, we have to set an example."
Kaminari's shoulders slumped at Aoyama's suggestion, his eyes staring down at the floor of the auditorium with an embarrassed look crossing his face. He hadn't been the greatest host, more so, the greatest friend despite the professional stance on his responsibilities.
"I should bring them in, huh?" He asked, a little disheartened at his lack of empathy.
All Aoyama did was beam a smile.
You occupied yourself in the car with a basic beat knocking the door and shaking the cuffs. Night had already fallen outside and the sound of crickets hit your ears, but time felt still that you had no idea how much had passed. An hour or two? There wasn't much to keep you entertained while Kaminari enjoyed his reunion. You could hear the bass of the music play from the car, spotting the lights of the auditorium glow through the canopies of the trees that lined the walkways. You smiled at the rhythm, recognizing Earphone Jack's music.
You sighed, while you slumped in the passenger seat, reclining the seat a little to find some comfort despite the cuffs and the ankle brace. You regretted not bringing a book to keep you stimulated. If anything, you didn't sign up to hours of boredom.
You blinked out of your bored stupor, spotting the blond outside of the car, waving cheerfully yet holding an embarrassed look on his face. It took you back until he walked over to the driver's seat, sitting beside you in the car. It was no surprise to smell the alcohol on him, hitting your senses like a tidal wave.
"So..." started Kaminari. "You doing okay?"
He was definitely drunk.
"I'm fine, I've been worse," you replied with a small smile. "Just the usual checkup tonight?"
"Well, um..." Kaminari's eyes looked away from yours, almost ashamed. "I'm sorry."
"Huh? About what?"
"Leaving you here while I'm inside having the time of my life."
You tried to look into Kaminari's eyes, but he made it difficult. Was this really how he felt? Or was that the alcohol that reeked from him? Learning about the Pro-Hero over the course of his supervision was unpredictable, but watching him now genuinely saddened made you wonder if all of his inhibitions had crumbled.
"You're just doing your job," you reassured, lifting your cuffs to prove a point. "Besides, taking me in a large outing filled with Pro-Heroes and the like would have been a bad idea."
Still, Kaminari wallowed.
"Roi de la Fee? Prince Charmant? Cherie?"
The look on Kaminari's face did not change while he stared off blankly into the car's dashboard. He sat there silent, succumbing to his emotions about the situation currently playing out.
"This is my job, but you're not the job," he explained, his voice laced with a dash of croakiness. "You're a decent human being, and I've left you here like a dog."
"Well, I did say that I was happy to just be under house arrest tonight," you reassured with a wry smile. "That way you could go out and enjoy yourself."
"No, that's not it. I brought you along saying that I needed to keep an eye on you, but really... um..."
Kaminari's eyes continued to cast down on the dashboard, refusing to look you in the eye while he mumbled around with his words and thoughts. You figured he was well drunk, the smell of him didn't deny him of that, but while his eyes rose to meet yours, there was a glint of guilt.
"I guess, I really wanted a plus one here, but at the last minute, I decided to leave you."
There it was. Uncertainty. Similar to how you saw him back at your capture and how he reacted to the situation. However, the both of you conversed many days and nights now, recalling that impromptu outing to a trivial recreation that was mini putt-putt, and have since learnt more about one another. You figured at the very least, his cold feet were brought upon after seeing a friend of his by the academy's gates - a pink-haired, pink-skinned beauty who waved him over.
You sighed and hummed in reply, uncertain yourself as to how to respond to this confession of sorts. Reassurance may look like pity, laughter would definitely make light of his feelings about it, but in the back of your mind, you felt oddly sympathetic to his emotions. You almost felt excited that you were within the walls of the illustrious school.
"I can take you back to mine," Kaminari offered while he scrounged for his keys. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable-"
"Oh no," you interrupted, grabbing hold of his hands. "You are way too inebriated to be driving."
Kaminari only stared at you, dumbfounded, realizing the folly of his suggestion. "Right, um... well I can't give you the wheel and-"
"Kaminari, why did you come back to the car?"
A silence fell between the both of you while you still kept your eyes on Kaminari, the blond taking a deep breath and attempting to think clearly.
"I... I... I spoke to a friend, and he suggested inviting you in to join us tonight."
"Oh? So the Heroes know you have a villain captive by the gates?" You teased in a small jest.
"Not only that but they want to meet you. Not in a scary way, you know, in a good way. Like they want to get to know you, not like interrogating you just, really meet you, and-"
"I guess you've been saying good things about me," you interrupted softly. "Well, as long as you're my chaperone for the night?"
Kaminari turned his eyes onto your smiling ones, beaming with a grin, his face still running warm from the alcohol. "Of course! I mean, if you want to."
A soft smile tugged at the corner of your lips while your hands still held onto Kaminari's throughout this conversation. "I would be honored," you replied with a slight bow of your head.
Immediately in his drunken stupor, Kaminari leapt from his seat and out of his car, running over to your door. Sadly, in a momentary lapse of drunkenness, he had forgotten about your wrists still bound by the door with cuffs, causing Kaminari to immediately in his hurry unlatch you from them.
"Sorry," he apologized while he helped you out of his car.
"It's all right Kaminari. I'm okay," you reassured, finding your feet and soon holding Kaminari up as a support for his clumsy ones. He paid no mind though, allowing you to keep his arm propped against you, ensuring his stability on his weak drunken legs.
"Shall we?" He asked.
"Lead the way."
Kaminari shifted while you held onto his arms, propping his weight onto you. Still, he held you, leading this drunken sway from his car down the laneways towards the bright lights of the auditorium. He leaned his head on yours, smelling the alcohol and feeling the flush of his skin on yours. Kaminari had never been this close before, knowing in the back of your mind that his inhibitions were driving him now more than his common sense. You allowed his actions to dictate the trek to the auditorium, until his breath tickled your ear, his words breathless.
"I love you..."
Your smile disappeared for a moment, still on the walk while he continued on.
"... and that's the beginning and end of everything."
You sighed with a heavy heart, smirking at his quotability still drunk, and knowing you've been reading The Great Gatsby thrice now. Yet his choice of words only hurt.
"May I ask, was this friend of yours your French tutor you mentioned earlier?" You asked curiously, trying to keep your thoughts at bay.
All you received was a nervous chuckle from Kaminari, his grin only captivating you despite the hindsight. "That obvious?" He asked while he clumsily tripped on his feet every once in a while.
"Just an educated guess, Cherie."
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HANTA SERO | Outfoxed
Hanta Sero smiled up at the large white gates of his academy, memories flooding back in torrents and waves on all of the adventures, and a few mishaps, he got himself involved in with his ragtag of friends. After making his way to his old haunting grounds, Sero greeted Kirishima outside Gym Gamma, smart and casual for the evening to begin.
"Oh yeah, your date!" exclaimed Kirishima in mid-conversation. "How did it go?"
"Uh... it went pretty all right actually," answered Sero, grinning wryly while he recalled a few points made during his rendezvous in the city's museum.
"As long as you feel good about it, there shouldn't be any problems," piped Kirishima's partner. "Seeing them again soon?"
"Hey guys!"
Sero inwardly sighed in relief hearing Ashido's cry from afar, interrupting the conversation, and soon finding Kaminari along with her setting his mind at ease. Kaminari was the only one amongst the group who had full knowledge of his working relationship with you. Having heard of his work with the Commission, and his constant supervision over one of their more villainous assets, Sero thought he could find some advice from the Stun Gun Hero and close friend.
That was until the night was underway.
With Kaminari and Kirishima drunk from punch, Sero had to unfortunately be the sober one at the reunion, seeing how Bakugou couldn't care less about the current situation. A loose eye around the dance floor ensured Kirishima was taken care of, and soon enough, Kaminari became chatty with old schoolmates, leaving Sero a moment of reprieve for himself. He sighed in exasperation, finally relaxing into his chair until he spotted something on his dirty plate.
It looked awfully familiar.
Salutations Bucky.
Sero choked on his breath sitting up on his seat, immediately turning his eyes to scan the enormous auditorium, filled to the brim of every student across their year. How on earth did you get inside, he thought, his eyes darting around the room hoping to spot something familiar - your fur-trimmed clothes, your outfit, even your eyes.
He didn't even notice Kaminari approach him from across the table, his arms leaning onto it in a drunken stupor.
"Sero, hey! About that text message you sent-"
"Uh dude, now's not a good time," interrupted Sero anxiously.
"Huh? Okay, I'll talk to you later, actually, have you seen Aoyama anywhere?"
Sero's mind was elsewhere, his eyes were focused more so through the crowd rather than Kaminari's presence whatsoever. "Uh, yeah, I just spoke to him a while ago. He's probably at the-"
"Oh there he is!"
Sero didn't pay any mind to Kaminari's movements or whereabouts. He only managed to notice something move in the distance, something out of sorts until a flash of eyes met his, disappearing into the crowd. Idle chatter and the cacophony of voices drowned his senses. He could only spot a glimpse of this person, who weaved through the crowd until he emerged finding nobody in the middle of nowhere.
Perhaps he was imagining it. Surely if he walked back to his table that card wouldn't be there. All a trick of the mind, and probably one too many patrols in the city. He scratched the back of his head, playing with the bristles that tickled his palm without realizing he was still being watched.
You stood by the makeshift bar, eyeing the Pro Hero in the middle of the crowd with a smile. Sneaking into the event was a little troublesome, but nothing like taking out a waiter and disguising as them solved that problem. It was strange to walk around... normal. No black eye makeup, no mask, no outfit. Just you, in a waiter's outfit, but truly you.
Looking around the auditorium was a sight to behold. Everyone was here, and you couldn't help the coy feeling that bubbled inside knowing you stood amongst the most prominent Heroes to grace Musatafu this day and age. To your estimate, you had eavesdropped on a fair few conversations, finding some boring, and others mildly amusing. To your dismay, there had been nothing relative to what you were searching for. Nothing close to the Paranormal Liberation Front. Perhaps a reunion wasn't the right locale to discuss work matters, at least in the company you kept.
You started to reset your tray of horderves by the bar, attempting to keep your cover when a strikingly handsome man stood beside you, helping himself to some already on your tray.
"Couldn't wait?" You asked.
"Ah, but it is just too delectable to wait upon Cher," he spoke, his flamboyant nature almost lighting up the room. That accent was just-
"Are you French?" You asked, earning a dazzling smile from the man.
"Oui, well, I do speak French. Aoyama," he introduced with a bow.
You stared at the man inquisitively, wondering about his mannerisms, his speech, and how he projected himself until-
"Nice to meet you," you started while you set yourself with the tray to serve. "I have a question that you might help me with."
"Whatever for?" Asked Aoyama with a flamboyant flair.
"You reckon there are better alternatives to Mio Caro? I don't mind it but I think it's cute."
You soon walked into the crowd, leaving Aoyama off-guard at least. You merged back into the crowd with a smile on your face, semi-proud of your elusiveness while you kept an eye on where Sero had disappeared amongst the large body of alumni around the auditorium. It didn't stop you from stealing an horderve or two for yourself until you felt a tug on your shirt.
"Hey, been working hard?"
The voice was not familiar, and yet it wasn't also at your level, looking down to find a short man beside you. He grinned widely while his eyes looked you up and, well, up.
"You know I could take you behind the scenes of this academy. Show you around," he spoke with an attempt at temptation.
You stifled a chortle that almost burst through your nostrils, only to cover it clearing your throat. You looked around the room, hoping that ignoring him and his comment may be the solution.
"I know all of the more romantic spots here."
Or at least you thought.
"No thank you sir," you spoke as formally as you could.
"Really? You're the most gorgeous person I've seen aside from my fellow classmates here," he continued.
"Why thank you. But I must be going."
You continued your way through the crowds, handing more horderves around only to feel that presence next to you. That short man just didn't quit.
"How about we step outside for some fresh air?" He suggested. "Get out of the noise."
"I quite like it here sir," you rebutted, noticing the tray growing empty until the last horderve was procured through the crowd. "The noise helps me think."
"Well then, if you like to be noisy we could-"
You quickly threw the empty tray into the man's face. Not so difficult given how short he was before you teleported yourself across the room, your light bursting momentarily through the air. You hoped the commotion with the tray would keep eyes away from you, appearing on the other side, out of sight.
You breathed a sigh of relief. You had never seen persistence to that degree. Still, you couldn't blame the guy for having some good taste, smiling at the thought with a roll of your eyes. You brushed the uniform down from the commotion earlier when the sound of footsteps caught your ear, spotting a shadow that stretched ahead of you from the fairy lights.
Until the tall frame of a dual-haired man in a white suit exited the party, with phone in hand.
He looked distracted, paying attention more to his phone call than to you standing by the doors, until you recognised that it was the one and only Shouto.
"There is nothing more you found?" he asked calmly and yet with a presence that would make your blood run cold, frozen even, despite the irony in that.
"I don't trust them," he continued on the line. "Has the Commission been a little co-operative on their end?"
The word caught your ear, perked them in curiosity and interest, while you leaned against the open doors, intently listening in on this one-sided conversation. A sigh was all you heard, hearing the frustration in the Hero's voice before his eyes looked up at the night sky, watching the stars sparkle brightly above.
"Keep an eye out on anything that's related to Rainmaker at least," he ordered over the phone. "There's something about him I don't like."
A pause cut through the air, waiting for another piece of the conversation to continue only to meet the Hero's exasperated sigh.
"No, it's got nothing to do with my Love, all right?" he spat, almost embarrassed over the comment, until the light tone of a laugh could be discerned over his phone. "Send Aizawa my regards."
With that, Todoroki hung up on his phone, turning back into the auditorium before his eyes merely glanced at you, his scar prominent in the light. You stared at awe at the Hero, watching his aloof and nonchalant gaze follow you while he walked, only for that expression to soften into a smile, nodding at your presence. Your eyes followed him back inside while he affixed his cuffs on his suit. For someone who had a cold front, he was actually a warm person, you thought, leaning back onto the doors again.
"Hate to break it to you, but you seem to be stuck," spoke a voice beside you, catching you off guard, until a smile cracked on your lips.
"All right, you caught me, fair and square," you conceded with your arms in the air, turning to face Sero now by the doors. Sero only stared, seeing you without the getup, without the makeup, without the added exhaustion from troublesome chases the both of you endured. He just saw you, bare for him to see.
"Like what you see?" You piped, almost shyly this time around.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, suspicious of your presence.
"It's all in the news, and I didn't want to miss seeing all of your friends," you replied in jest. "The ones who celebrated your birthday I'd imagine? Besides, it's good to get out and meet new people. And there's nothing worth going after in town anyway."
Sero continued to only stare, lost while he absorbed the most normal facade you wore. His eyes trailed along the outfit, while you chuckled inwardly, feeling the awkwardness in the air.
"I'm sorry," slowly spoke Sero. "It's just... did you steal that outfit?"
"No," you replied in slight offense. "I borrowed it."
Sero eyed you again with a raised brow, assessing your response with suspicion. As he should be. Finding you here amongst his friends was a surprise, but ever since that "date", and every other time he encountered you, there was always a catch.
"... after I knocked the guy out," you ended, earning a slightly panic-strickened Sero to react intensely momentarily. "But they're fine! I made them comfortable... in a kitchen pantry, but they're not hurt!"
Sero sighed exasperatedly at your explanation, giving up in this weak interrogation for your supposed gatecrash into the reunion. Soon the tempo of the music changed, turning into a slow and rhythmic sway. Sero turned to spot the dance floor now calmer, filled with those who began to slow dance in the room. It was a magical sight with the fairy lights, almost like graduation returned to the present again.
"Don't worry, I'll leave. I've brought too much attention anyway," you reassured him. "At least let me have one doggy bag to go."
You turned to the Pro Hero only to find his hand open to you, his torso in a semi-bow while he smiled. It was an odd interaction, one you weren't familiar with.
"May I offer this dance before I do?" He asked genially. "You're here now, so you may as well experience prom."
Your confused stare slowly turned into a smile, taking his hand and being pulled into a sway just outside the doors. He was extremely coordinated, no less from the most agile Pro Hero you've encountered, but he held you gently in his arms while you instinctively without thought, laid your head on his chest. Though the crowd inside enjoyed the atmosphere, you enjoyed Sero's company, underneath the night sky, swaying in his arms. A smile crept on your lips, involuntarily you'd admit. But the sound of Sero's heartbeat felt calming, the deep thrum engulfing your senses.
You felt... normal.
Sero held your body against his wondering how this felt so different from every other time he had encountered you outside of this academy. It felt as if you melted into him, allowing him to take the lead this time. Relinquishing control must have been foreign to you, or so Sero thought, still swaying alone by the doors outside of anyone's prying eyes.
The both of you stopped while you held each other in your arms, embracing this feeling the both of you shared in this moment together. You never would have imagined baring everything you were to this man, staring back into his genuine grin and eyes, silhouetted by the fairy lights behind him. You peeked past him, spying on the crowds that congregated in the auditorium until a familiar face strode gracefully towards Sero from behind.
"Sero, mon ami," called out Aoyama, his hands waving in the air. "I've been looking for you everywhere."
Sero blinked from the sudden disappearance of your figure, left with only fractals of light before he turned around to greet Aoyama.
"Hey Aoyama," he replied nervously in acknowledgement.
"How goes that thief you were talking about?"
Sero's hairs stood on end in panic. Were you spotted with him, dancing moments ago together? If he were lucky, he would imagine Aoyama commenting about him dancing with the catering staff, a good sign if he did.
"Well, they've been... elusive," answered Sero, his eyes darting around the doors hoping to spot you somewhere nearby.
"Elusive indeed. I've been thinking about another kind of code name you could tease them with next time you spot them," motioned Aoyama with a sense of pride.
"I've been thinking that calling them Mio Caro was too, what's the word, specific? It sounded boring the more I thought about it."
Sero wondered what came about with this conversation, but to his relief, Aoyama showed no inkling of him witnessing you with him moments before he interrupted the moment.
"Oh really?" Slowly asked Sero, suspicious about how this came about. "What other ideas do you-"
"Aoyama!" Cooed a voice from outside. "Come meet them! They're awesome!"
Sero and Aoyama both turned to find Kaminari, still drunk, being led or leading his plus one to the door. It looked to be a mess from the both of them, more so because of Kaminari's inebriation. Both men instinctively approached the couple, Sero taking Kaminari and Aoyama offering his arm to his plus one, the villain turned Commission's witness. The group, despite the sloppiness in Kaminari's slurred speech, made their ways back to the doors, unaware of them being watched by you, your eyes taking in the scene, but mostly on Sero before he disappeared into the auditorium.
You breathed a sigh of relief, lying your body atop the roof of the auditorium, staring up at the stars in the sky twinkling much like the fairy lights inside. Your chest bubbled with laughter, happily taking in that moment with Sero - the warmth of his hands, the sway of his feet, the sight of his smile while he led you step by step.
Gate crashing was worth it. You've experienced prom, even if it was only for that brief moment.
"Thanks Bucky."
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It was a long day at the Commission's office before you hopped out to make your way to your reunion. Given that you had only recently spoken to Bakugou and Kirishima due to their mission on Nabu Island, you smiled at the thought to see them dressed up for the night, rather than their disheveled, bandaged selves from whatever happened in the quiet town.
The thought of the reports were fresh in your mind while you strolled towards the academy. Headshots of the suspect were included as well, seeing his smiling face in frame. Compared to most captives, he wasn't cocky, but it looked genuine despite the photo. Still, interrogations would commence in a few days seeing that due process was required before any more information could be collated together.
You spotted a few familiar faces in the street heading towards the school, most of them faces from other classes that you recognized until a mop of purple hair caught your eye loitering by the tall white gates. Hitoshi Shinsou was dressed to the nines, prim and proper, but not in that dark purple suit.
"Hey," you called from afar, catching his eye before you reached him by the gates. "Were you waiting long?"
"Not really," he answered dryly, stretching his limbs. "I was actually getting comfortable."
"I'm just a little disappointed," you commented with a smirk, catching wind of Shinsou's confused expression. "I was really hoping to see you in that suit again."
"Oh, that suit," he murmured apathetically before he sniggered under his breath, walking up to you lazily before his nose hovered close to yours. "Am I not good enough?"
You couldn't help but burst into a giggle with him being so close. An involuntary reaction you were sure, but it gave him a smile seeing you react the way you did, grabbing hold of your hand while his fingers entwined in yours.
"Well you've proven the suit doesn't make the man," you quipped happily.
You could feel his chuckle close to your ear before he slowly pulled away from you, taking you by the hand back into your academy once more. It felt surreal to walk through the paths again, recalling the times you've seen Shinsou take laps around the dorms during off-hour training. Memories flooded back, watching the new generation of students walking past, whispering under their breaths. It didn't phase you though. You could hear every word they were thinking, smiling at their curious natures.
"Did I miss something?" Asked Shinsou beside you.
"Not much," you snarked through your giggles. "Just heard some good things about you."
"Oh really?"
You beamed a smile at him, gently caressing his hand with your thumb while you tried to keep his eye on you. "Sounds like you're a role model for the underprivileged, but you also have a fan club."
News of such magnitude caused his shoulders to stiffen. You spotted it despite the flattering suit he wore only making you chuckle deeper. The look in his eye was a multitude of emotions, ranging from confused, shocked, and utter disappointment. You continued to comfort his hand in yours, still walking past while spotting a group of students whispering, attempting to steal gazes at the both of you making your way to Gym Gamma.
"It's hard to ignore," you concluded, still looking up at Shinsou who looked away, slightly embarrassed. "Want to know what they're saying-"
"No," he interrupted. "I don't need any self-serving praise. I'm here to spend a night with the one person I trust the most. And work needs to be as far away as possible."
You sighed in agreement. Work was becoming a little too close to home having taken on the case with the assassin and the Tartarus prison break. The trip to Polis Massa Bay yielded very little results despite witness accounts of a trio who fit some description to the members of the prison coup. There were no other sightings during that weekend.
Night was on its approach with the dark blues merging with the last dregs of sunset pinks in the sky. Ahead, you spotted the last of your alumni entering the auditorium, pulling gently on Shinsou's arm to quicken your pace. You weren't extremely late by any means, but seeing that most invitees have already entered made it seem so.
"No need to rush Kitten," spoke Shinsou, still allowing you to pull him by the arm.
"Come on, we can't miss Iida's and Yaoyoruzu's welcoming speech," you advised.
"Is that the highlight of your night?"
"No, but it'll make for great vocabulary building."
Shinsou sighed at your rationale but can only smile at your fervent need to join the others inside. It wasn't often either of you would surround yourself with many friends, whether it was work, or just general bad timing. To him, he still couldn't fathom the idea of calling the others friends, but a slip of the tongue here and there had seeped into his own vocabulary, only caught by your ear. He took a deep breath before the both of you reached the doors to the auditorium, filled to the brim of all the students of their graduating year, now grown older and hopefully wiser.
"Shall we?" You asked while your arm wrapped around his.
Shinsou said nothing, only smiling at you before he took the lead inside the brightly lit auditorium, sprinkled with fairy lights.
After taking your seats and enjoying the night's festivities, the both of you soon caught up with your former classmates, holding conversation and learning more on the gossip. You smiled at the sight of Bakugou and his now fiancé, recalling that weekend away bumping into the both of them there and chuckling wryly at the awkwardness at the time. You soon noticed Shinsou approach Bakugou and converse with him from afar, watching the irate blond pull faces at him, most probably after a mild insult. You shook your head at how the two of them would still butt heads with one another until you felt something different in the air.
Out of all the surface thoughts you could hear, you suddenly gained access to the conversation between Shinsou and Bakugou, staring off at nothing while you sat at your table amongst the rest of its residents still chatting away. It was difficult to ignore while you intently listened.
"Eh? What about it, Eyebags?" Spoke Bakugou while he took a sip of punch.
"Congratulations," simply replied Shinsou, opening his hand out to the blond.
Bakugou stared at him with a furrowed brow, however he took his hand, shaking it firmly. "Tch, it was nothing."
"So how do you feel?"
"What do you mean?"
"Was the frustration worth it in the end? You were pretty mad on that lunch date," reminded Shinsou with a smirk.
"It's because people like you and your weakass partner were getting in my way the whole time we were there," complained Bakugou.
You cringed at his comment. Bakugou was Bakugou, even though he had softened his edges over the years. Still, it didn't help his rude undertones every once in a while.
"Hey, firstly, they're not weak, and secondly, you just had the worst case of bad luck," explained Shinsou with a slight harsh edge to his voice.
Bakugou scoffed before downing the last of his punch, eyeing the crowd of guffawing alumni until they laid on his fiancé not too far away, laughing and chiding away with his friends at their table. Shinsou caught that look on his face, that cocky smirk obvious to see.
"You worry too much sometimes," he uttered nonchalantly.
"What was that?" Snapped Bakugou.
"You want to make a grandiose gesture, and I bet that you had to slow down when it all went down, right?"
Bakugou sneered at Shinsou's question, almost turning his lips into a pout which caught Shinsou's eye again.
"So, you did take my advice."
"Shut it Eyebags," snapped Bakugou once more, earning a chuckle from the sleep-deprived man while he enjoyed his cup of punch. "You say one more goddamn word-"
"Your secret is safe with me," interrupted Shinsou. "No one needs to know, and besides, nobody would believe that you and I enjoyed that lunch date together anyway."
The sound of Bakugou's scoff echoed in your mind again, realizing that you had finally discovered at least to some degree what Shinsou was insinuating back at Polis Massa Bay. The mere idea that Bakugou had the patience to go through, let alone listen to, Shinsou's advice was astonishing. Perhaps there was a mutual respect between the two over the years since their first encounter back at UA.
You felt proud, swelling almost inside with content that Shinsou grew to become sociable in his own way. However, your eyes turned towards the duo across the hall, spotting Shinsou's eye now on you, sipping his punch from the cup he held. Your shoulders stiffened at his gaze, turning your eyes away from him in slight embarrassment. No one had noticed your reactions at the table as of yet, however Shinsou's words in your head echoed loudly.
"Enjoyed the show?" He asked in your head, feeling it lower between your shoulders, unsure how to react until a hand calmly rested on your back.
You turned up to find Shinsou now by your side with a smirk on his face, as if he could feel every fibre in your being burn with mortification over your impromptu eavesdropping. The next thing you knew, he took you by the hand, leading you from the table and walking with you around the auditorium, circling the dance floor filled with already jovial fellow alumni.
"We never did dance at our graduation, didn't we?" asked Shinsou, taking your mind from the earlier teasing nature he threw at you so suddenly.
"No, I think we both agreed to stay out of it," you answered, reminiscing the year graduation was underway, filled with already drunken students enjoying the night from years of tutelage.
Shinsou hummed in thought while he clutched onto your arm, your hand in his, until the song slowly turned into a slower tempo, watching the swarm of alumni shift on the floor and the couples taking stage. Still standing outside the ring of the dance floor, Shinsou turned to face you, guiding your hand onto his shoulder while he held onto you, soon swaying on the spot irregardless of whoever was watching.
Hitoshi, we should be on the dance floor, you spoke in your head, staring up into his tired yet smiling eyes.
It doesn't matter. We can dance wherever we want, he replied back in your mind, his lopsided smile turning into a small grin.
The both of you shared this moment together, swaying to and fro outside of everybody else, to the tune of your own beat and in each other's company. You melted into Shinsou, while you listened to the beat of his heart in his chest, slow and calm. Shinsou only wrapped you in his arms, content to have you, and yet pondered further on many things. After conversing with Bakugou over the course of his life decisions, at least unexpectedly, Shinsou thought more on the topic at hand. It felt just right for him to make plans.
And he hoped you weren't eavesdropping this time, while his hands trailed up your back, holding you to him.
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TENYA IIDA | Belated
The sound of your breath heaved violently in your lungs while you rushed through the streets, every so often weaving past passersby with ease.
Some of the time.
"Hey watch it!"
"Oops, sorry!" You called back with a twirl, adjusting a piece of your outfit while still in motion. Crossing the street yielded catastrophic results, at least for some of the drivers who blared their horns at your seeming obliviousness.
You grinned happily at your anticipation, the excitement brewing in your gut when you spotted the tall white gates ahead belonging to the most prestigious Hero Academy in all of Musatafu. To step foot through those gates felt like a privilege in itself, otherwise it was just general hype over the years staring off into the distance from your school grounds years ago.
Why must you be such a fanatic? No wonder people saw you differently, you thought, shrugging it away until you approached the tall gates, handing your pass for this reunion that most probably was about to proceed with its orientation speech. You bit your lip nervously. After being allowed onto the premises, a little dread crept in your mind that you were going to miss the reason why you were invited.
Your boss, Tenya Iida, was about to make the honorary welcoming speech.
And you were fashionably late.
Now fully dressed despite being a little rough around the edges from your rush through the city from Idaten's agency, you ran with large strides towards Gym Gamma, thankful that you had quickly asked the security guards by the gates the general direction towards the auditorium. You ignored the confused looks of students who were leaving the premises, heaving heavily again until you spotted the fairy lights that decorated the paths.
You chuckled brightly, rekindling some hope that maybe you made it just in time. Perhaps they stalled for a moment, like how cinemas ran advertisements before the commencement of the movie. Maybe they were still mingling about, something you can easily just slip into without anyone knowing the wiser. There were many ways this would end, but surely, once you reached the open doors of the auditorium, you rounded the corner abruptly.
"And safe!" you yelled, suddenly catching wind of the echo of your voice that blasted in the very silent auditorium.
The awkwardness felt so thick that you could potentially slice it with a knife, finding that all eyes were on you by the doors. You slowly peeked into the large room, your eyes immediately drawn towards the podium set up for the night where the two MCs stood - one a voluptuous dark-haired beauty with hair you wished was your own, and the other, your boss, mouth slightly agape while he eyeballed you through his glasses. You cringed at the scene before you cleared your throat, lightly waving at everybody inside before you slowly walked away from the doors, turning to hide from prying eyes.
You couldn't help a groan escape from your throat, head heavy, wondering if that was the exhaustion catching up to you from your rush to get here, or the embarrassment of possibly interrupting the party. Still, you overheard the MCs continue on with their speech, listening into their anecdotes over the course of their school years. It was pleasant to imagine how they coloured their experiences while you leaned against the wall, smiling, listening intently to Iida's regimental tone.
Eventually the rising volume of voices and chatter was your queue to enter into the auditorium, less rowdy and out-of-breath than you were earlier. Your eyes darted around in search for Iida, but quickly found your way towards the flurry of tables when a green-haired gentleman called you over - quickly realising it was the Number One Hero, Deku. Your heart skipped inside your ribcage, but you attempted to keep a cool facade, welcomed by the table of Heroes while they led you to your seat right next to Iida's, which was empty.
"Glad you could make it," welcomed the Number One. "We've heard a lot of things about you.."
"Oh, good things I hope?" You questioned nervously.
"Well, I figured your grand entrance was the cherry on top."
That nervousness grew tenfold upon hearing that from the Number One. It only set your mind to wonder what exactly Iida had said about you to others, let alone, and most probably, to all his close friends and classmates.
The churn in your stomach was blatantly difficult to ignore, clutching onto it while you nervously laughed further. "Sorry, I just ran from work to get here. Haven't had a bite to eat since breakfast this morning."
Suddenly, as if by some miracle, a plate appeared in front of you, served with tonight's dinner now lukewarm. The sound of the chair beside you pulled from the table caught your ear until you felt the presence of a large figure sit by your side, his arms crossed in mild frustration.
You knew that judgemental energy anywhere.
"Thanks Tenya," you slowly spoke, eyeing the tall man while he righted his glasses upon the bridge of his nose.
"You're late," he spoke dryly.
"Don't start."
"But I was on a roll," you explained with a whine. "I was on the precipice of completing Stage Two!"
"Didn't you call them Phases?"
"Close enough."
"No it isn't. You need to be consistent."
"Is everything all right?" Asked Todoroki, eyeing the both of you next to Midoriya.
"Everything's fine," clarified Iida, clearing his throat in an attempt to redirect the conversation.
"Sorry, I just get excited when I talk about Big Blue," you admitted before you dug into your plate of food.
"Big Blue?" Continued Todoroki, still with an aloof expression despite the question.
"Yeah, she's my baby," you simply replied between gulps of food.
"You named your daughter Big Blue?"
"Uh, Todoroki, I think that's not exactly what they're talking about," clarified Midoriya.
"Big Blue is one of their passion projects back in Idaten's Research and Development," explained Iida with a sigh, eyeing you still gorging on the dinner plate. "It's meant to be used in an emergency, once they've completed the build and preliminary tests."
"It's officially called Belligerent Backup, or BB for short," you emphasized while still trying to be in conversation. "But I like Big Blue better."
Iida pinched the bridge of his nose, exhausted from your high levels of energy and excitement. Aside from the few coffee trips he made to R&D, he hadn't heard much from you coming up to this reunion, cooped up in the workshops at the agency to even take notice of the day and time. He felt lucky that he rescued a plate for you when you surely arrived, seeing as you never made it earlier this evening before doors opened into Gym Gamma.
"You're really passionate about this, huh?" Asked Yaoyoruzu from across the way, recognizing that she was the one that stood next to Iida on stage.
"It's not the act of creating the invention, it's the process and journey along the way that really excites me," you admitted. "Like the one time when I had to test for Tenya's breathing performance, which required having to create a mold of his-"
"Okay that's enough," interrupted Iida, causing a small pout to form on your lips before you finished the rest of your meal.
Despite being close to age, Iida still held rank above you. Of course, being the brother of Tensei Iida, the man behind the formation of the agency, was a good reason why, but that didn't stop Iida's tendency to check on your health every chance he had. The thought of it brought a smile on your face.
Soon the party was underway, you watched the crowd mingle and dance together on the dance floor, spotting many congregate around some key players. Iida made the rounds with you only for you to trap Cellophane in conversation after he discussed his recent happenstance with a certain thief on his patrols as of late. The thought of upgrading his gear was tantalizing.
"Seriously, you need the latest tech to help you out, and I know just the thing," you quipped excitedly.
"Really?" Asked Sero, curious of your suggestion.
"That my friend would be me!" You piped with thumbs pointing at you. "This thief of yours won't have a chance against any tech I make."
"You're sounding a lot like Hatsume."
"Wait, you know her?"
"We all do. She made most of our tech back when we were students."
Slack-jawed from the epiphany, you turned to Iida next to you, your expression hurt and betrayed. "You didn't tell me this!" You shouted, throwing a finger at Iida.
"I thought it wasn't relevant," he replied dryly.
"I need to know these things. How else do I know who I'm up against previously?"
"It's none of your concern."
"Anyway, it'd be great if you swung by Idaten," you suggested while turning to Sero with a smile. "I can solve your dilemma, or at least give you an upper hand." With a flick of your wrist, you handed Sero a business card, complete with your details and the Idaten insignia emblazoned on its stock. You completely ignored the exasperated sigh from Iida behind you.
"Uh... thanks," mused Sero while he took the card from your hand, spotting his eye towards the dance floor. "It was nice meeting you, but I gotta save a friend, sorry."
"Give me a call!" You shouted after, watching the Tape Hero make his way towards the floor, noticing his intention to help Chargebolt who draped over his plus one.
Your eyes drifted around, feeling the heaviness of sleep weigh on your mind before you decided to recite to yourself what you observed. Earphone Jack, the muso who headed the night's entertainment along with her Hero career, enjoyed a night along with her classmates; Uravity, the caring Gravity Hero who had been rising in rank as of late, conversing with Deku; Tsukuyomi, the dark Hero enjoying the night while chaperoning a friend of his by the looks of it, and then-
"What's the progress on BB?" Asked Iida next to you. Your eyes piqued at his voice, spotting his tall frame now with a serious look.
"Oh? Um, she's coming along," you started. "As you know Phase One was a success, but by my calibrations, she needs to have more injection in her acceleration capacitors. Phase Two should be complete in the next couple of days, give or take, depending on how her balance and suspension perform."
"They're Phases now?" Questioned Iida with a quirked brow.
"They've always been Phases," you beamed with a smile, earning an exasperated sigh from Iida. "Although, it would be wise that we test it on the field. I'd need to know exactly how it would function in a live scenario. Dummies would be ineffective in seeing how it would perform."
Iida spotted the serious look on your face, your mind mulling over the quandaries in your head. "How about you test it with me?" He suggested.
"What? No!" You cried with an outburst. "It's meant to be a surprise!"
"Having anyone else in our agency as volunteers to your projects is unwise," explained Iida. "At least I'm aware of BB's project."
"Yeah but that would destroy any usable data on its effectiveness."
"Call it a control group. You'll need to understand how BB works with someone who knows the weapon before improving its capabilities for someone who doesn't. What fun would there be if you don't continue mastering and finessing?"
You eyed Iida, watching his calm smile on his lips. You couldn't disagree when he was being agreeable.
"Fine, I concede," you spoke dryly. "Would you be available by the end of this week for an hour session?"
"It's a date," he replied, squeezing your shoulder tenderly before he opened his arm to you, inviting you to join him while you stared at this invitation.
"Want to meet more of my friends?" He asked smoothly while you took his arm in yours, standing next to the tall man with a grin.
"Why, I do declare Mr. Iida. You are too kind," you jested with a humorous accent.
"Please don't speak like that when I introduce you."
You only beamed at the man with a toothy smile before being chaperoned throughout the reunion, meeting a very drunk Chargebolt hanging off from his plus one still, a demure Shouto with his infamous Sidekick partner, and bypassing Ground Zero without a hello (and probably for the better). After knowing Iida for years back at the agency, he had opened up a part of his world to you, happy to introduce you to the eyes of Pro-Hero Society a little later than ever.
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shadyteacup · 3 years
Part two of Partners
Tw: None..only some fluff..
A plethora of muffled noises filled your ears. It felt as though you had been under water for as long as you remember, and had just peeked at the surface.  Your eyes were still closed, but you could see a white light above the surface. You push yourself to swim to the edge, towards that light. As you swam closer, the noises became clearer. Louder. It hurt your head. But you had to continue forward. So you pushed yourself to the surface.
Finally opening your eyes, it felt as though you had broken through the surface that was trapping you in a deep slumber. You were no longer under water. The voices became much clearer. You could hear multiple people. Some of whom you recognized.
You took in a deep breath, feeling the crisp air around you.
A silky voice said, right next to you.
You peered your eyes open a little more, fighting the sting of the brightness of your surroundings.
You could see a pale ceiling. And smell antiseptic. You were in the hospital.
Looking to your side, you were met with concerned brown orbs.
"Hey.." You smile at him.
All of a sudden, he hugs you. He buries his head in your neck, whispering an almost inaudible, "I almost lost you.."
You froze. You could smell his cologne. It was refreshing. Soft brown hair tickled your face as he stayed like that for a while. You didn't know what to do. You and Dazai have been friends for a really long time, and have hugged before. But this time it felt different. It felt deep and meaningful. You just stayed there, letting the feeling of his warm breath on your neck, his strong arms around your shoulders, and the concerned, timid tone of his voice sink in.
Abruptly pulling back, he stands up straight, facing away from you. Placing his hands in his pockets, he mumbles,
"I'll tell the others."
With that, he was out of the room in an instant.
You were so confused. Did he just hug you? Does he care about you? Did he fear losing you?
And what's this warm feeling? Do you like him?? Well, ofcourse you like him. But does he like you too?
"You're awake!"
Kunikida strides in, followed shortly by Yosano and Ranpo.
"I'm so glad!", Yosano says as she hugs you, kissing your cheek.
You hug her back, smiling at them.
"Hey, guys!"
Ranpo was quietly watching you.
"Hey Ranpo San.. "
He acknowledged you with a nod.
"Is everything ok??", you ask, worried about him.
His green eyes bore into yours.
"I was worried about you. Don't do that again. I missed you."
That was huge coming from him.
"Come here" you open your arms, inviting him for a hug.
You hugged the emerald eyed man child; Yosano forcefully pulling Kunikida along with her to join you guys. You lot bonded over a group hug.
"Y/N San!! Are you OK! I was so worried! I'm so glad you're awake!"
Atsushi rushed into the room, followed by Kyoka and Kenji, hot on his heels.
He and Kenji joined in the hug.The usually conserved Kyoka also jumped into the hug. You kissed their tiny heads, telling them how much you had missed them.
A few moments later, the president walked in, carrying a cup of tea for you. He said that he was glad that you were feeling better. The tea he had gotten had healing qualities, so he pretty much forced it down your throat.
"President, about the case.. What happened?"
The president filled you in.
The girl you two encountered, Sakura Yagami, wasn't the one that was kidnapped. She was an ability user who could mess with minds. She wasn't very experienced, but she had mastered the art of making her opponents see a different face when they saw her, making them believe that she was someone else entirely. Her height and build matched that of the girl that was taken. She used her ability to manipulate your mind, and make you believe that she looked like Aiko, the missing girl.
Sakura had used the help of light and shadows to mask majority of her features. Afterall, the ambush had taken place in a dark, abandoned warehouse, where there were no artificial sources of light. This resulted in half of her features being hidden in the shadows, making it difficult for Dazai, who wasn't affected by her ability, to recognize a different face. Most of the time, Dazai stayed behind Ito and Sakura, and hence never got a chance to properly inspect her facial features.
Meanwhile, Aiko has been kept in some hideout. The ability users will shortly be interviewed, and hopefully, the location of the missing girl will be known.
"I see. So she was the mastermind of the entire fiasco, not Ito."
The president then excused himself, along with Yosano and Ranpo, who had to carry out the interrogation.
Atsushi and Kyoka were forced out by Kunikida, who believed that they would only cause ruckus in here.
"Have you talked to Dazai yet?"
He asked you.
"Yes, and no."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I did get to say hi, but didn't get a chance to say anything more.."
"I see... He was very worried. The most worried, actually."
"I'll go get him."
Kunikida left to get Dazai. He didn't return, only sending Dazai to the room.
Dazai walked into the room with a smile, one that didn't reach his eyes.
"Y/N! Don't tell Kunikida, but I stole his glasses "
You giggled.
"You really don't change, do you?"
He grinned boyishly at you.
You hesitate to ask him, but you do anyways.
"Dazai, why were you so worried about me?"
He blinked for a moment, processing what you had asked him, choosing his next words carefully.
"Because you are a valued member of the organization, ofcourse!"
Your heart sank at his words. Maybe you had overthought. Maybe it was just one sided. You had always liked him. He had a certain aura around him that dragged you in. But you were never able to guage whether he liked you back. So you never said anything. You understood him, in a way. The darkness that he tries so hard to hide, is pretty easy to notice for you.
You have been through quite a lot, seen a lot, and have experienced a similar darkness. You used to be a part of that darkness too. But not anymore. Now, you were trying to heal. And so was he. You thought you understood him to a deep level, because you both were going through the same process; the process of healing. But maybe, you were reading a little too much. Maybe, there isn't anything in between the lines. Maybe, he doesn't get you, or maybe you don't get him at all.
"Why do you ask?"
"No reason!", there it was. Your own mask. Dazai was amazing at hiding his emotions behind a façade. But so were you.
"Ne, Dazai, what are you going to do with those glasses? Do you have anything planned? I want to join in the prank!"
You say, grinning at him.
He stays silent, observing your face.
"What are you thinking?"
He moves closer to you, seating himself on the chair next to your bed.
"Y/N.. I.."
His heart was thumping in his chest. It was beating so hard, he felt that at any second, it would jump out and start dancing on the floor.
He had seen your expressions just now. It was just for a split second, but you had let your guard down, and a variety of emotions had run through your eyes. He had seen that. He had seen the slight disappointment in your eyes when he had closed himself up from you.
Nobody understood him the way you did. Whenever he was having a bad day, you would always cheer him up. And not always in a traditional way, either. You could read his feelings. He felt like an open book when you were around. He couldn't hide his thoughts from you, even if he tried. You would accurately gauge what he was feeling, and do whatever you deemed would make him feel good. And it always worked. Sometimes, it was a random walk at 3 am, when he would text you telling you that he couldn't sleep.. Sometimes it was some stupid prank that you would devise, roping him in, and relieving him of the pent up stress he was experiencing. At other times, you would randomly show up at his house, carrying cans of crab, or bottles of sake and beer , distracting him from his dark thoughts. He didn't know how you managed to do that, how you always knew that he needed you, and what you needed to do to make him feel better. He really cherished having you in his life.
He had harbored a crush on you for months now. He hadn't said a word about it, fearing that all you felt for him were friendly feelings. He always held himself back, and had to control his urge to shout his feelings for you from the top of some building. He liked you so much, he knew it was love. Lord, you hadn't even started dating yet! Still, he knew he loved you. You are a unique, amazing person, and he couldn't imagine his life without you in it. So when you were hurt today, when you passed out from the pain, he almost lost it. He couldn't think straight. He doesn't even remember what he did afterwards. All he remembers is thinking ,'Please be ok, please be ok ' on repeat. His sole purpose was to get you to safety. When you had finally gained consciousness, he had let all his guards down. He couldn't help the overflow of relief that flooded his body at that moment. So he hugged you.
He thought that maybe this is the right moment to finally tell you how he truly felt. But what if you don't like him back?
No. He had seen your expressions. You could read him easily, but he could read you too. He knew now, for a fact, that you felt the same way. He had seen it on your face. But what if he's wrong?
Well, one must take a chance to know the result.
"I like you, Y/N."
He finally says.
You look at him wide eyed. Then start laughing.
"You're scaring me."
You wipe your tears.
"No, please don't misunderstand... I like you too! Oh my God, I was so worried! I thought you didn't like me back..."
You continued laughing. Dazai sighed in relief, happy to know that his feelings were reciprocated.
"How long have you liked me, Dazai?"
You ask him.
"How long have you liked me, Y/N?"
He countered.
"Ha! Don't turn the question on me! Answer me, first!"
Dazai stuck his tongue out, shaking his head like a child.
"No way. I bet you have been liking me for over a year now. I'm so charming, afterall!"
You gasp at that.
"Don't tell me.... you've been liking me for months now, haven't you!"
"Hah?? I never said that!"
"Oh, but you made it quite clear!"
"How so?!"
"You said 'you must've liked me for a year'!"
Dazai scoffed.
"That  doesn't prove anything!"
"It does! You tried to quote a time period greater than yours, to seem superior!" You exclaim, pointing your finger at him.
"It's simple psychology. You should know this by now.", you say smugly, smirking at him.
"You're a terrible person reader!"
"Seriously? 'Person reader'? Improve your vocabulary."
"Haah?! You tell me what it's called, then!"
"It doesn't matter what I say! You suck!" You stick your tongue out this time.
You two are children, I swear.
"I suppose you leave me no other choice."
Dazai smirks, leaning closer to you.
"Oh? And what are you going to do exactly? You lost. Accept it-"
He shut you up with a kiss.
Your face flushes a deep red, but you don't miss the light red that coated his cheeks.
"You're blushing!" , you say.
"That's funny coming from you!"
"I'm not blushing, idiot.. "
Dazai pinches your cheeks.
"Aww.. is my baby embarrassed?"
You push his hand away, annoyed at his antics.
"Oh my, you really are embarrassed! How cute of-"
This time, you shut him up. With a kiss. A slightly more heated one.
He just stares at you with wide eyes, a deep red tint on his face.
You smirk at him, proudly announcing your win.
You two continued bickering, until a nurse had forcefully shoved Dazai out, as he wasn't letting you take rest.
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Blank Space
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 2
"There once was a girl known by everyone and no one"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 4,864
Warnings: medium level angst I guess, and language as always.
A/N: writing this was challenging and I complained about this for like half of my mutuals lol. However, I did find the perfect song to mix with the title track obv and it was perfect to show their past. You will learn more about their past in future chapters.
A/N: thanks to @chrissquares for making me beautiful dividers especially for this series and @nacho-bucky for beta reading it all! A reminder to check out the song before reading/during!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
song on Spotify and YouTube
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 "You know him? Y/N, why didn't you tell us?" Steve scolded you as you sat in one of the rooms, in front of him, Natasha, Thor, and Tony. This felt more like an interrogation than a talk.
"Is this an interrogation?" you looked him dead in the eyes, you saw him falter.
"It doesn't have to be if you don't lie to us again."
"I never lied to you."
"You held back information." Natasha said then.
"Fine, yes I know him, I knew him." You sighed, remembering the night you met him, before everything went wrong.
You were walking through the park in the night, was it dangerous? Of course, but you needed to clear your head. That was when you saw him, sitting on a bench in the rain. He was different, you knew that the minute you noticed him- it wasn't even the weird attire he wore, but rather the feeling that came along with him, you didn't feel threatened and you have mace in your bag, so you approached him.
"You will get a cold if you keep sitting in the rain, don't you have an umbrella?" he looked at you and you got shivers from his blue eyes.
"No, I will be fine. Thank you my lady for your concern." God was his voice enchanting. Curiousity got the better of you then.
"You saw him on earth and you didn't say anything? He is not allowed to be here." Tony said, his fingers fidgeting with his cuffs.
"I knew him long before the invasion happened, it wasn't near the time when I became an avenger, or on shield's radar at all." You tried to explain yourself to them. You never lied to then, you never thought you'd see him again especially in the tower. "Look it is all in the past, there is no reason to talk about it."
"You were mad when you saw him, why was that?" Natasha glanced at you, you knew she would read you if you lied.
"Well, I knew him for a while. But he is the god of lies, I don't like being lied to. So that says it all." You shrugged it off.
"So you won't tell me where you're from?"
"I told you, I'm from England."
"No you're not, you're a pretty lousy liar you know?" you smirked at his taken aback look.
"I think you'd be surprised."
"Nope, I can already tell- you're a bad liar. Or you might be good, but I'm better." He gave you a curious look as the rain kept falling around you, the umbrella you were both sitting under protected you.
"He never mentioned you, or going to earth at all. When was this?" Thor asked you.
"Around 2009" it was so long ago, you now realized, but it still felt close to you.
"You should take my umbrella." You suggested to the man but he just laughed as you sat beside him. "What? You said that you need to go, and I live closer than you, I'll be just fine without it, the thunder doesn't scare me."
"I am not quite fond of it actually. But you should get home, it is getting late." He smiled at you and you got up.
"Let's make a trade then, you will take my umbrella" the two of you stood now. "And you will give me your name."
He eventually took the umbrella with a smile, his fingers were cold when they lightly brushed yours, and you went your separate ways.
"You have no reason not to trust me, I never saw him again after 2011!" you just wanted them to understand that it is all behind you.
"I never said I don't trust you, but kid why would you hide this from us?" Steve asked you, you were pretty close, he was kind of like a protective older brother to you- ironic since he is pretty reckless and Bucky is saner than him, but he cared about you.
"It isn't important Steve, he is a liar that isn't new to any of us. It's nothing personal or important anymore."
"Kid it seems pretty personal-" Tony started to say.
"Well it's not!"
"Okay fine, but just know that he will be here for a while until we figure out and deal with this hydra shit. Then after that Point Break over here will take him away." Tony was sincere now, you could see the worry in his eyes, you knew he was affected by the invasion the most. "So take my advice, and make sure that it really isn't personal."
You nodded to him.
"You are however more than welcome to throw him in a little nightmare, I'll pay you." He smiled and you chuckled.
"What are you saying Stark? My lady," oh you haven't heard that in a while. Fuck. "Do not give my brother nightmares, however you plan on doing that." He looked you up and down, and it was as if you could read him like an open book, you didn't have to use any of your powers because you already knew exactly what he thought in his head.
"I'll stay away from him. Just make sure he does the same."
You looked innocent, not harmful, the kind of girl you would offer help to with even the smallest stuff- a good girl. That's what they all saw before getting to know you, and maybe that was you before you got these dark powers, you knew you missed the old you but you could barely remember her.
 "Are you certain that's what they said?" Natasha asked you from the kitchen table as you made her pancakes.
"I know, it sounds weird but it's Asgardian, they have weird names. Plus I doubt they were lying, they were sleep deprived and I can assure you they have been through a lot of stuff before I started to actually talk to them. Ready?" you looked back at her and she nodded.
You threw the pancake back and by the small 'yay' Natasha let out, you didn't have to turn back to know she caught it with her plate.
"Well, I think I'll go and make them write it down because I am certain we are pronouncing it incorrectly."
"Well I tried! Their accent didn't help at all!" you defended yourself.
"You're still pronouncing it wrongly." You froze, turning around to look at Loki and Thor who walked towards the kitchen. "One would think it was made up by how horribly you ruined the word. How would you know they were truthful after all? What could you have possibly done?"
You held his gaze before deciding to not retort back, you ignored that curious familiar look. He has some nerve to talk. You sat in front of Natasha with your own batch of pancakes, the room was quiet before Thor chimed in to break the tension.
"Are those the cakes from the pan? Oh they are tasty! Would you mind making me and my brother some, Lady Y/N?" Thor was actually nice, how could you say no?
"Of course!" you got up with a smile. "Oh, but I'm afraid there isn't enough batter for the two of you I'm afraid."
You let a small frown take over your face, and you saw Natasha's small smile when you turned to make Thor some pancakes.
"You are a bad liar." Loki pointed out and you didn't have to think.
"I fooled you." Soon enough you turned around to give Thor his pancakes with a smile, pouring the rest of the batter in the sink before sitting down to eat. "Oh and Thor, this is the second warning about what we discussed yesterday, I won't hesitate."
"Very well, however you never did tell me what-"
"It's not important." Thor glared at his brother.
"Brother please be more civil, it's for your benefit." You felt Loki's gaze on you as you ate.
"Do tell me brother, how is it for my benefit?" Loki chuckled.
"Well, you have wronged a lot of people here, and so lady Y/N agreed to not harm you if you stay away. We are here to help my friends!" Thor's booming voice alongside his hopeful smile contrasted his brother's.
You should have known he would test it.
"Oh, and how can she harm me now?" the minute Loki uttered these words you glanced at him for a moment, and the next thing he knew, his heart beat loudly as he fell down from the portal in New York, terrified when he saw the Chitauri around him, one monster opened its mouth and Loki was a moment from dying in its clutches when he heard Thor's voice.
"Enough!" Thor said sternly and Loki was back in the kitchen, disoriented as he took in his surroundings. You only nodded at Thor before you kept eating. Loki disappeared a moment later with a green shimmer.
"I don't like using my powers Thor, but if you care for your brother keep him civil." You said, sorry that Thor had to get offended by it too.
"I understand, but he is here to help right now, mere comments are the least harmful things he could do, there is no need to take it to heart." He put a hand on your shoulder and it was warm enough to get you to agree with him. Stopping hydra should be your top priority.
 "I hate it when he does that." Tony groaned at the marking on the ground just outside of the compound.
Thor and Loki were now back at the palace gates, they heard a call, and Loki turned to see Iyllir walking up to him. She smiled at him and he smiled back, grateful for the lack of observant eyes to tell his fake smiles apart from the real ones.
"Prince Loki, what took you so long? You missed our picnic." The lady put her arm through his and he heard his brother snicker.
"How unfortunate. My brother and I still have very urgent business to tend to. I must go to a court meeting now." Loki gently tugged his hand out of hers.
"I thought you said this won't take long?" she frowned at him. She certainly was beautiful, with red hair and grey eyes, always majestic like a lady, and yet he couldn't follow both of their families' wishes.
"Well I am afraid things have changed, I won't stay here for long this visit." With that he went and followed his brother towards the big doors that opened for them and he saw Odin there alongside trusted advisers and of course- the warriors three. And then the meeting began.
Loki sat in his chair, bored as they talked about the mortals.
"Father, I can assure you that as of now there is no need in sending Asgardian forces there. My friends are handling it well now." Thor explained to his father and Loki couldn't help but get distracted.
"Let me help you, Y/N" he asked you, chuckling and biting his lip when you glared at him.
"I can handle it Loki!" you said as you tried to handle the pile of books in your hands so you could get the key for your apartment. He was thankful that you couldn't see his face now as he watched you struggle to balance the books on your thigh.
You let out a small shriek as the books fell out and were about to hit the floor when they just stopped midair, and you looked at Loki only to see him leaning on the wall, arms crossed with a smug smile on his face.
"I bet you liked my help now." You groaned.
"Yes thank you and your stupid magic Loki." You leaned down to pick up the books and stack them again after opening your door.
"If I remember correctly you were, oh what's the word- petrified when you first saw my magic"
"That is a big exaggeration! I was just a bit… startled maybe." You walked into the apartment and he closed the door behind you when you suddenly stopped, turning to him with an annoyed shocked expression, your mouth agape and your eyes wide and not amused. "You knocked my books down!"
You were met with a mischievous grin.
"You hurt my feelings darling, do you have any proof?" you huffed out a breath.
"You are insufferable!"
"You seem to manage so far."
"From what I gathered so far, the group called Hydra there seemed to have a hold of some old weapons of ours, nothing too big yet but we are looking into it to find out if there is more stuff we don't know about."
"And do you really think the mortals can handle this?" Odin asked the brothers.
"Yes father, they are very powerful." Loki couldn't help but agree with Thor, they really did manage to surprise him this time. He never expected her.
 "What is this A children's playground? Stop pulling your punches and fight me." You grunted as you tried hitting Bucky again, you've been too distracted lately, your training didn't go too well and you ended up on the mat more often than not. At this point you considered just using your powers to make it seem like you're winning but now you were fighting Bucky, and from the day you met him you swore to yourself that you will never use your powers on him. He doesn't need anyone messing with his mind again.
So long story short you were getting your ass handed to you.
"I'm not a supersoldier may I remind you, so I'm sorry if I am a little tired! Bucky come on let's take a break." You ducked another punch.
"Maybe your mind just isn't with us right now." Natasha helpfully provided as she sat on the side with a smoothie.
"Fuck off."
"No, really, what is your deal with Loki?" at his mention you delivered a kick to Bucky that made him fall on the mattress with a thud.
"Nothing. Is this good enough for you now Bucky?" you reached out a hand to help him up.
"Now that we got you riled up about him, yes- let's go again." He laughed at the glare you gave him. Your jaw clenched as the two of you got into position.
"Bring it on, Barnes." He went in with his left arm now.
"I will, how did you know him? It certainly looks pretty personal and in-" you turned him around and pinned him to the ground.
"Shut up, just fight me." You heard Natasha laugh beside you and in that moment Bucky took advantage and got you on the ground instead. And you went back.
"What the fuck!" you screamed when you saw the figure in your room, Loki stood there, his face scrunched up.
"Sorry, my love."
"We talked about this Loki, you can't just teleport here- especially when I am sleeping!" you sighed when you saw his regretful face. "Don't stand there like a creep, come here I missed you."
He smiled and you closed your eyes, you still saw the green light that lit up the room when he changed his clothes and got under the covers with you. His hand was cold, making your skin prickle but it was worth it when he pulled you to him and the warmth spread between the two of you.
You fell asleep content with a smile on your face at the kisses he laid on your neck.
"What?" you looked up at Bucky who sat back on his heels, his brow was raised.
"You kind of spaced out, you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm- I'm fine. I probably should go though." you got up. "Bruce probably needs help in the lab."
 "You did not tell father about lady Y/N." Thor stated the obvious.
"Don't call her that. Why would I do that? She is of no import." Loki walked towards his chambers, but alas Thor decided to escort him there with preying questions.
"How did none of us know that you spent time in Midgard?" Thor stopped Loki with a hand on his shoulder.
"That was a long time ago brother."
"And yet it seems that you have quite a history, what happened between the two of you? Were the two of you…?" Thor trailed off and Loki groaned.
"Don't insinuate that, there wasn’t anything. We knew each other for a while and then we didn't. Now, if you will excuse me, I'll go to my room. Alone."
Loki shut the door behind him, in his mind he still saw you and your eyes and then the flashes of the battle of New York. The day was tiring; he decided to get some much needed rest, to get you out of his mind.
The day was exhausting; he had to stay back in Asgard. He couldn't put up illusions all the time, it was taking a toll on him, but it was worth it in his eyes.
The palace was now quiet as everybody went to sleep. Loki wanted to rest too, so he snuck out towards the bifrost. Heimdall had already seen him coming, and was ready to open the way.
"Are you going to keep going to her every night, my prince?" Heimdall asked him and Loki let out a smile.
"Yes. Thank you, truly for keeping this a secret for so long." Heimdall only nodded at him.
"If you are going to keep sneaking out to see her, someone will end up seeing you sometime." Heimdall stepped down and came to Loki. "I think I should show you another way to pass through the realms, I think you are mad enough in love for it to work for you."
When Heimdall showed him the way, he thanked him sincerely, it looked impossible at first but soon enough he was there in your room. You already fell asleep. He watched your figure as you rested, your state of calmness washed over him, and then you suddenly screamed at him, maybe he should have tried to wake you sooner, it didn't exactly matter to him much when just a few moments later he was curled up in the warmest bed he'd ever known.
 "So you see, this part here it seems to be controlled by the holder of the gun, that must be the Asgardian tech combined with our own." Bruce told you as you gently examined the weapon.
"Damn, how long do you think they had that then? Like, just the time that it took them to develop it…" you thought. There were probably much worse things out there at their hands.
"I'd say at least a couple of months. It's a shame about those scientists." He hesitated to say that and you knew why.
"I didn't know they had that, no one checked their teeth. I was doing my job. It's okay, you can talk about it." You shrugged it off. With a power like yours, you have to get used to using it, you must fit yourself to it… because it certainly won't happen the other way around. But you were fine. You were different now.
"Well, next time we will check their teeth, to make sure this won't repeat itself. But at least we got some information before that's good right?" you nodded to Bruce and took out the bullets from one of the guns. There was something red, or was it orange, inside it. You examined it closer, moving towards the microscope to try to see for yourself before you ask Bruce about it.
Curiousity killed the cat.
Before you could reach the table, there was a warm sensation in your hand where you held it and then all you knew was that your hand hurt and you hit the floor, the bullet exploding with whatever was in it. Maybe you should've worn gloves.
Oh well, satisfaction resurrected it.
"Bruce, did you see that?"
"Yes Y/N, are you okay?"
"My head hurts but I'm fine, did you know those bullets do that?" you got up a little too fast for Bruce and your head's liking, but you went to the table nevertheless.
"No, they were fine before, you shouldn't have touched them," he fussed around.
"But I saw something-"
"You need to ice your head, tell me or Cho if you feel anything weird. This isn't something we know about Y/N." he handed you an ice pack for your head and told you to sit down, to which you grumbled but obeyed.
"Ah, Y/N, F.R.I.D.A.Y has been telling me that you've been trying to blow up the lab." Tony laughed at you as he entered.
"No, I would never try to steal your job." You shot back and he winked.
"Okay Elsa, I thought you'd like to know that we managed to make sense of some of the files we found in the warehouse and it looks like they have been making trades and dividing what they found."
"What do you mean?" Bruce asked him.
"That place we found was only dedicated to create a couple of things, but they have more out there, dedicated to building who knows what." Tony groaned, "We will need to divide and conquer this, we can't waste time and there is no way I am letting those Asgardian warriors come here. Don't blow things up kiddo!" you nodded to him, things were getting worse by the minute. You pressed your hand holding the ice pack harder against the back of your head. You were not looking forward to tomorrow, so you kept Bruce company until you were too tired to push it any longer. You went to bed and magically managed to convince Bruce to go to sleep.
 You woke up groaning, you apparently forgot to close the blinds the night before. Going back to sleep will only cause you to oversleep, which will cause Steve to activate the stupid alarm protocol Tony built for him after you annoyed him.
You did not want to wake up to old Captain America songs blasting your ears off.
So you got up and after a short breakfast you reluctantly got on with your duties and important paperwork.
"Miss Y/L/N, you called me? I'm Mike, you asked for an analysis check on some data?" you turned to him then from looking at the board in the small conference room.
"Yes! Hi Mike, thank you. We have some encryptions that probably lead to very specific locations, check radars of isolated places or you know what- scratch that, they could be under our nose in the middle of a city." You looked at him apologetically. "Sorry, I can't narrow it down but we do need those answers as soon as possible. Okay?"
The poor guy looked horrified, his brown eyes were wide and you let out a small sorry when you handed him the big file.
"Yeah, of course Y/N, I will get right to it." With that you were alone in the room once again, going over the information you managed to get from the now dead scientists. This is going to be a long day. You saw it coming and that didn't help at all.
"Oh fuck." You cursed when the cold water from the sink touched your palm, it wasn't badly burned but it still hurt you.
You closed the door to your bathroom and turned around to see him standing in your room. Your eyes locked with blue ones, they certainly were familiar even after all this time, but while you could see the hesitation and the other swirling emotions in his eyes you couldn't tell anymore if you could trust what you thought you knew.
"When?" you felt your blood boil, but you knew you couldn't avoid him forever.
"Sometime after-" you hesitated with your words, walking towards your cabinet to put away the first aid kit you had. "After." You settled with that.
"What are you doing here Y/N?" Loki heard his own heartbeats, seeing you here… After all this time and he never forgot you. How could he?
"I'm an avenger now Loki," his name felt bitter on your tongue and you had to swallow to continue. "A lot has changed you know, you don't need to ask all these questions. There is no point to them."
"Oh but there is," at his angry tone you turned around. It was years of bottling the fight that you never had, he never let you have it. "You never wanted this life Y/N! What are you doing fighting out there with heroes or whatever they like to call themselves?"
"They are heroes, they help people. You however seemed to do the opposite from what I remember seeing on the TV." You laughed and shook your head. "I was still there you know, I was right in that same apartment where you left me. And there I saw you on the TV and I didn't even recognize it was you."
"Did you get hurt?" the question startled you.
"No, but it doesn't matter Loki! I am fighting alongside heroes now, I changed since the last time I saw you, this is my place now!"
"Oh darling you can pretend all you want in front of them, but I still know you." He matched your stare now. "This is not your life."
"Well yes it is!" you shook your head when he got closer now, every emotion you never got to express came back to the surface. "Why are you here? Huh? You're the one who left in the first place!"
"I've come here to help-" you stomped up to him.
"You know damn well that is not what I asked." You hated how your voice wavered.
"I did come here to help with the weapons," he continued before you could try to intervene. "And I didn't expect to see you again. But you're here now, and so am I."
"Damnit Loki, we have been through so much together, we weren't dating for only a month or two. A year. We were dating for more than a year and that is a lot." The tears were brimming now when you remembered your theory, that one little theory that ate your heart out, this one theory you found only a few days after. "Or at least here it is. Maybe in Asgard with all the almost-immortal gods a year is insignificant to you- that sure explains it all."
"No, it's not!" he dismissed it immediately and you felt your defenses shattering when he walked towards you. "I know there's pain inside of you, which was caused by me. But I am here now and I can't deny that I can still feel what I felt all those years ago. Just hear me out, we can call it even, just for a little while."
The last time you played this game it left you with a nasty scar. The more that he said, the less you knew what to think anymore.
So you didn't.
You hated the calmness that took over you the moment his lips touched yours, tongue sliding over the other, it left you breathless. You knew it was still love for you, but it was torture, you knew the high will not be worth the pain but he felt too good, too familiar that it made you question that. You didn't know how long has passed, all you knew was Loki, you still fit perfectly with his body which was pressed against you. Time flew by and you didn't know how you got here.
One moment his lips were on yours, the next you were pressed into the mattress, his figure pressing on yours. Maybe this could be good for the weekend… the next moment your legs somehow were wrapped around him and pulled him more into you. His lips trailed down to your throat, making breathy moans come out of your mouth. Your eyes opened and were focused on one spot on the ceiling, when you managed to break out of this delusional pleasure time flew by.
"No Loki, stop." You pushed him off of you. You sat up, curling your legs.
"What? Darling-" he tried reaching out for your thigh but you shook your head.
"You should go, Loki." You didn't look at him. Your hand covered your mouth as you sank into thought.
"Go? Why would I go? I know you feel exactly like I do." You couldn't deny it. You both knew that.
"You left me before Loki, what is the problem with leaving me now?" While you couldn't see him now, you had to get him out of here, so you could think clearly. This was too reckless. "It doesn't matter, this was just a relapse."
He left you there, and once the door shut you broke down, hating yourself for drowning into him again. You knew you were the one breaking your own heart when he took his warmth from the now cold bed. But it is better that you'll break it before he ever gets the chance to do it again.
Tags: @ayybtch  @buckys-other-punk  @chaoticpete   @madcrazy50   @mishkatelwarriorgoddess
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charliedawn · 3 years
The lost son part 2
Agent Ross is reading a book when he hears a knock at his window. He turns his head towards it, but not seeing anything, decides to get back to his book. However, another louder knock makes itself heard and, this time, he sees you. His book falls to the floor in surprise, but you raise your finger to your mouth to make him understand that he needs to remain quiet. He closes his mouth and, after a moment of hesitation, opens the window. You get in and get your mask off.
"Agent Ross."
You greet him promptly before looking around the small appartement of the agent while he stays still, eyeing you up and down in astonishment.
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"Do I know you ?"
He finally asks.
You chuckle in response before admitting.
"No, you don't. But, I know you, agent Ross. Shuri told me you're the one who caught Ulysses ?"
He nods reluctantly, still trying to decipher if you are to be considered a threat or not ?
"Don't worry. I'm just here to get Ulysses Klaue.."
He frowns in incomprehension.
"Get..Ulysses Klaue ? But, Ulysses Klaue is under the American government's jurisdiction ? Wait..Let me check with Shuri, okay ?"
You sigh. You really wished it wouldn't come to that ? You put your mask back on and get your claws out before grabbing agent Ross' arm and raising your claws against his throat.
"You're going to take me to Ulysses Klaue. Now."
An hour later :
Agent Ross enters with you, dressed as another agent. You both enter a room and you stop dead in your tracks when you see the man..He looks up at agent Ross, then his eyes fall on you. He smirks.
"Well, hello there, agent Ross ?! And I see that you've brought company ? Lovely !"
Agent Ross sits down in front of Ulysses and coughs a little before starting the "interrogation". He gets out the paper where you had written down the questions you wanted to ask him.
"Were you in Wakanda on the 26th of November ?"
You can see that Ulysses is taken by surprise at the question, but he leans back and shrugs nonchalantly.
"Perhaps ? You know that my memory isn't what it used to be ?"
You can barely remain calm as he seems to be taken this interrogation as a mere friendly conversation. It is infuriating. You sit down next to agent Ross and Ulysses' eyes glance one more at you before returning to agent Ross that gets on to the next question.
"Did you know (your mother's name) ?"
Ulysses scratches his beard pensively, looking up at the ceiling while pretending to think about it.
"Hmm..? Nope. Sorry. Doesn't ring a bell.."
That smug sh*t-eating grin..You want to wipe it out of his face, permanently. You clench your knuckles into fists under the table and agent Ross seems to notice as he quickly gets to the last question.
"Did you participate in the murder of (H/F)(L/N) on the 26th of November in Wakanda ?"
You stare angrily at Ulysses that seems to be completely focused on you now. His cold blue eye taking you in..He knows. He remembers. Suddenly, his eyes lit up in recognition and he chuckles.
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"Oh ! I knew it ! I know you ! I recognize you, my precious.."
You instinctively wrap your fingers around your necklace and your breath quickens as he closes his eyes and takes a big inhale in the air, as if smelling your fear.
"How's your mama by the way ? Still kicking ?"
Your eyes fill with tears and, in an instant, you are on top of the man and scream.
"You stole everything from me ! Why ?! WHY ?!"
He shrugs with a small smirk.
"Business is business..Your mother didn't want to leave, so I had to send her away. Permanently. It was not personal, precious."
Precious..He used to call you that, when he wasn't so much of a douchebag. Him and your mom used to be work partners, they used to trust each other, until..You grit your teeth and can't help but punch him. You punch him—again and again—until agent Ross stops you. He tackles you to the ground as you screech and try to claw your way out of his grip, to kill the bastard who dares laugh at your misery.
"Poor precious..Too bad you weren't man enough to protect her back then, heh ?"
You feel pure rage coursing through your veins and agent Ross shouts for some guards that come in to take Ulysses away. He still has the time to address you one last smug grin before he disappears.
"Maybe I'll see you around, precious ?"
You let out such a powerful and painfully raw scream that it makes agent Ross wince.
"I'll kill you Ulysses Klaue ! I don't care how much time it takes me, but I'll kill you !"
You scream and agent Ross—not knowing what to do—doesn't let you go and wraps his arms around your body. He gently strokes your hair, like a parent trying to comfort his child.
"Shh..Everything's gonna be okay..Your father's coming."
Your eyes widen as you suddenly yank yourself out of his hold.
"WHAT ?! HOW ?!"
He smiles apologetically.
"He called me before you got to my appartement.."
"And I'm glad he did !"
You groan in annoyance, not even having to turn around to know who is standing behind you..He puts his hand on your shoulder, and you know that it's over. You failed..
A few hours later :
You are on the roof of Stark's tower, admiring the view and thinking about how things could have turned out different, when Tony approaches. He has two cans of soda in his hands: a peace offering.
"I'm sorry. I got angry..I didn't want to snap at you the way I did."
You shrug, looking down at the city..So many lights, and yet none strong enough to warm you from the coldness you feel inside.
"It doesn't matter. What did I think ? That you would welcome me with open arms ? I failed.."
He stays silent for a moment before giving you one of the soda cans.
"I'm glad you failed..I may not have been there before, but I'm here now. I know that there is work to do, but I'm willing to try and be a father to you ? If you'd let me ?"
You look at the soda can before accepting it and nodding.
"Fine..But, what if I fail at that too ? It seems that every time I try something new, it doesn't end well.."
"Then, I guess we will have failed together ?"
He replies with a smile before sitting down next to you. You sip your respective drinks in comfortable silence before Tony has an idea. He smiles before putting his glass down. He then stands up and walks to the edge of the building. You ark an eyebrow quizzically at him until he turns around and extends his hand towards you.
"There's something I love to do whenever I'm up here. Wanna try ?"
You look at his hand before putting down your own drink and taking it. Suddenly, he yanks you forward into his arms.
"Trust me ?"
He asks, and you don't even hesitate before replying.
He smiles before you both fall backward into the void. Strangely enough, you don't feel afraid ? You feel at peace. And then, you feel the cold contact of iron surrounding you. You open your eyes to find yourself flying in one of Tony's iron suits. He holds your hand and guides you in the dark. You fly up the buildings and down, just above the river. You feel giddy and start zigzagging between the buildings. It is the best memory you'll ever have of your father, before he decides to save the world..
3 years later :
"Are you sure you want to do that ? He won't forgive you.."
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Thanos says and Tony turns his face towards you with a small sad smile.
"I know..So long, Y/N Stark."
He clicks his fingers together and there is a big flash of light. You feel your tears flow as you hear you father's screams. A few seconds later, the world turns back to normal and you desperately try to find your father among the ship wrecks and other remains of the battle. When you find him, you gasp. Tony's side is all burnt and he hardly has the strength to smile.
"Hey, kid.."
Pepper crouches near you and forces herself to smile even though—deep down—she knows that he won't make it. She gently strokes his cheek.
"My hero.."
She whispers and Tony can't help but chuckle, even though the effort makes him cough in pain.
"I need..I need you to promise me that..you'll be okay, without me ?"
You shake your head, refusing to believe that there would be a "without him". However, he then takes both of your hands and makes you promise.
"Please ? Do it. For me.."
You close your eyes and inhale deeply before smiling up at him and nodding.
"I promise.."
He smiles fondly at you before turning his head towards Pepper who smile and nods too.
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"We're going to be okay..I promise."
Tony smiles before his eyes close and his last breath leaves his body. As soon as he is truly gone, you both start sobbing in each other's arms. You don't see it, but the Avengers all drop on one knee behind you, in respect for the Iron man. The man of steel with the heart of gold..
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