#so if it isn't moving the pace you want check back in a few chapters if you're still interested
ldrfanatic · 3 months
the night i nearly lost you
Theodore Nott x Reader "13" Series pt 5 warnings - death, cursing, torture, reader almost gets killed
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You were pacing through the dark corridor a little ways down from the room of requirement, turning your head every few seconds to look out for Filch. Theo had sent you an owl begging to meet you and here he was, late. You checked your watch again. 12:28. In his owl, Theo had asked to meet at midnight.
You sighed and tried to stop disappointment from settling in your stomach. Obviously this was some cruel sick joke, no doubt orchestrated by Mattheo. Just as you turned to make your way back to your dorm room, Theo appeared. "Wait! Y/n."
"What do you want Theo?" Theo wasn't the only one who was taken aback by the tone of your voice. Even you hadn't intended to be that rude. "I'm sorry. It's just I'm tired and you asked to me nearly half an hour ago!"
"I know. I apologize. I just," Theo let out a harsh breath through his nose and ran an olive-skinned hand through his hair. "I'm sorry for what I said to you on the train. My struggles... I know how much you care for me. Please. Just allow me to prove it to you. Just one date."
Your heart started to soften. For the first time since your Hogsmeade date, when you look at Theo, your heart swelled. Theo's eyes followed your actions as your hand reached up to pull nervously at the bracelet on your wrist. His eyes shined with recognition as he looked at it.
"You still wear that old thing?"
"Of course. You gave it to me. Theo I-" You were cut short as Theo yelped out in pain and began clutching his dark mark. He fell to his knees and let out another gut wrenching scream. Immediately, you ran to his side. When you looked, your skin began to crawl. The mark on his arm was moving. The jaw of the skull was opening to make way for a snake that was slithering down towards his wrist in fractional movements.
"Y/n Run."
"What? Why?!"
"They're here. The Death Eaters are coming."
You stepped back and stared at Theo in horror. He wasn't shocked or surprised. He knew this was happening. The apology wasn't just for what he said on the train. It was for what he did. He helped them. "Theo... Please tell me that this isn't what I think it is." The words came out in hiccupped sobs and his silence told you everything. He did this.
"I'm sorry. Please understand I had no choice. My father would've killed me."
"Run with me Theo. We can get away from all of this. The war. My parents set me up with safehouses and galleons. Once the Dark Lord makes his official return, all magical families are at risk. Please."
"Y/n. I'd love to."
"What is it we have here? Little Theodore has found something to play with." The voice of Bellatrix LeStrange sent chills down your spine. "Oh. It's my dear little blood traitor niece." Her eyes locked with yours and she raised her wand. Theo placed an arm out to her.
"What's this? You want to do it yourself little Theo? Do it then." Bellatrix stepped close to Theo and raised his arm so that his wand was pointed directly at your chest. Your eyes immediately started to water. You'd gladly give your life for Theo's. She leaned in to whisper in his ear with a wicked smile. "My son says you've grown quite fond of her. Prove yourself to the Dark Lord. Kill her."
Theo's eyes watered and his arm started to shake.
"It's okay, Theo. I'd rather die by your hand than anyone else's. Just promise me that you won't let this turn you into your father."
"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK OF HIS FATHER IN THAT WAY?! YOU LITTLE BITCH. HIS FATHER IS AN ESTEEMED AND PROUD SERVANT OF THE DARK LORD!" Bellatrix came up behind you and placed her blade against the side of your next. "Kill her now, Theodore. Or I will."
Theo's eyes hardened and he steadied his arm. He mouthed 'I'm sorry' to you and you nodded your head softly in acceptance. You locked eyes with him. The last thing you would see in this life was Theodore Nott's eyes.
Suddenly, Draco ran behind Theo and Bellatrix threw you to the ground. "After him!" She took off running wildly with the Carrows following quickly. Theo walked up to you and helped you stand from the floor, then he pulled your crying form into his arms. "I'm so so sorry, cuore." You clutched him as close to you as possible. Theo pulled back slightly. Just enough to smash his lips onto yours.
"Let's go." He grabbed your hand in his and took off down the hall in the direction opposite of wherever Draco was running. You quickly noticed that he was leading you to the Dark Forest. "Where are we going, Theo?"
"I have a plan! We can escape Hogwarts this way."
You stopped reluctantly at the edge of the forest. A commotion was heard behind you. When you turned, you saw Harry Potter chasing after Snape, Bellatrix, and a few others. Suddenly, Potter fired a spell at Snape who deflected it and then the two began conversing. Bellatrix was dancing around Hagrid's burning hut and Draco, who look hilariously out of place, turned to look directly at you. But he didn't tell Bellatrix he'd seen the two of you. He just turned away and you thanked every God you could think of that your cousin had a sliver of his heart left.
Theo tugged on your wrist.
"Come on, Y/n." Tearing your gaze away from the scene, you took off after Theo into the trees. He guided you through the woods until you came to a clearing. A hippogriff was standing there chained to a tree.
"What is this, Theo?"
"I've been preparing this for you, Y/n. At this past Pureblood Ball, the one that you skipped, I met with your parents. I'm your escape plan. He knows where he's going, all you have to do is get on his back, and hold on tight."
"What do you mean? You're not coming with me?"
Theo grabbed ahold of your shaking form. "Listen to me. I can't come with you. If I go, my father will never stop looking for me. You'll be in danger constantly."
"I don't care! I'm not leaving without you Theo!"
Theo sighed. He'd hoped it wouldn't come to this. He raised his wand and made to cast Stupefy, but you blocked it. Then you pointed your wand directly at his chest. "I'm not going without you Theo." Your eyes were determined and your arm was steady. Theo on the other hand, was shaking like a leaf uncontrollably. He wouldn't fight you. He couldn't.
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You held on tighter to Theo's waist as the wind blew through your hair. Wherever you were going, the journey was long. "How did the Death Eaters even get into Hogwarts?" Theo sighed and looked back at you. He'd hoped you wouldn't be asking these kinds of questions.
"I'd been tasked with helping him fix the issues he was having with the vanishing cabinet. I'm particularly adept with magical artifacts."
You continued silently for few minutes longer and then your melodic voice sounded in Theo's ears again. "But how can the Death Eaters take over Hogwarts? Dumbledore would never allow it."
Theo looked at you over his shoulder. "Draco's task was to kill Dumbledore. Should he fail, Snape made an unbreakable vow with your aunt that he would carry out the task if Draco failed to do so. And even if neither of them did, Bellatrix happily would."
"So they cornered him? And why does Bellatrix care if its Draco or Snape?"
"Not Bellatrix. Narcissa."
Your heart clenched in your chest. Though you hated the Malfoys and despised your cousin, Narcissa was your most favorite family member from that side of the family. She was always kind to you. When you'd stayed at Malfoy Manor in the years they hosted the Pureblood Ball, Narcissa was always there to make you comfortable. She hadn't done this out of fear of Voldemort nor spite for Dumbledore. She'd done it to protect her son.
Somehow that made you feel a little bit better. As unbearable as your cousin could be, without the influence of Voldemort or the disgusting vermin Lucius Malfoy, deep down he had a good heart. Knowing his mother was looking out for him where his father wasn't made your heart just a little bit happier. Theo's voice interrupted your thoughts.
"Hey. None of that matters now. I'll never let anything happen to you."
You buried your face into Theo's back and remained silent for the remainder of the journey. Finally, the hippogriff began to descent. "That's it, Quickwing. Nice and steady girl." Theo brushed his hand soothingly along the feathers on the animal's neck. As you got closer to the structure, you noticed two figures standing outside of it.
She pulled you into a tight hug and kissed all over your face. Fleur had been a close friend of yours during the Triwizard tournament. Gabrielle and Bill were standing off to the side with soft smiles. After he finished tying up Quickwing, Theo approached the four of you apprehensively. Bill immediately pointed his wand at him. You stepped in front of Theo with your arms spread wide but Bill didn't lower his wand.
"Step aside Y/n. I don't know why you've brought a Death Eater here, but he can't stay."
"Wait! Bill, please." You looked at him with pleading eyes until finally, he lowered his wand. "He helped me escape Hogwarts. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be alive."
Bill scoffed as Gabrielle hid behind him. "If it wasn't for him, your life wouldn't have been in danger in the first place. And now you've brought him here. To where my fiancee and her sister stay."
"I didn't even know I was coming here! Please understand. Theo risked his life and defied Voldemort for me. Please." Fleur walked up to Bill and grabbed his large hand in two of her smaller ones. "Amour."
"Fine. But I'm watching you..." He trailed off and stared expectedly at Theo.
"Nott. Theo Nott."
wc 4.1.2024
--- taglist @moonlightreader649
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theemptyartdeco · 10 months
Twin Tides (Nate Jacobs)
Chapter 1: Carnival | Nate Pov
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Warning; toxic fucked up Nate (his pov is fucked up)
"Yo are you at this Ferris wheel or that Ferris wheel?"
"I know I'm on my way. How the fuck am I supposed to know there are two Ferris wheels?"
Nate paced through the crowd, Maddy's complaints combined with the overwhelming carnival music raged the familiar storm of anger in his chest, threatening to explode at any moment. Finally, the sight of Maddy in that outfit drove him off the edge.
"Why are you dressed like a hooker?"
He demanded furiously.
What my ass.
"Jesus Christ, Maddy, I'm here with my parents."
His ire grew with every word, a storm brewing beneath the surface.
"So? It's a carnival."
"No, it's the chilli cook-off, it's very important. I can't have you hanging around the booth dressed like that." Nate walked past her impatiently, attempting to keep his temper in check, not because he felt the need to, but because the thought of Maddy's endless complaints and provocations once she was triggered made him want to do things.
Risky things.
The ones that would feel good yet which his rational judgement dissuaded him from constantly.
Nate Jacobs was many things.
Driven, manipulative, angry, narcissistic, even dangerous maybe, but impulsiveness was not one of them, let alone stupidity. Every time the boy makes a move, he already anticipates the next three.
The cycle was not that complicated.
Anger, evaluation, calculation, action and scheme.
Each of those steps was essential, and he had gotten away every single time, but it didn't mean the process was not exhausting.
So there he was.
He succeeded in controlling his body, team, grades, and people around him. And now comes the most challenging task: controlling his rage.
"Maybe it will sell better."
His fists clenched Maddy's flirtatious and coquette comment. A part of him desired to rip off her revealing pieces, mock her and take her right there and then, "If you want to dress like a whore, I shall treat you like one." The other part burnt with frustration and rage.
"This isn't a fucking joke, ok?"
Does she ever have fucking common sense?
"Why are you being like this?"
No, she does not.
"Listen, my parents already don't like you."
"Go home, get changed, and come back looking like a person."
Nate hissed and left her standing in the middle of the crowd, toning down the aggression in his voice as much as possible with effort.
"Another breakup?" he queried, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"No," Nate replied tersely, every muscle in his body tensed.
Keep your damn nose out of my business.
"She's nothing but a distraction," Cal observed nonchalantly.
A muffled scoff escaped Nate's lips. Maybe Cal had a point.
Yet what had it ever not been a distraction for him? Some things slip away more quickly, some less so.
First, it was conquering his body, followed by conquering the field, next conquering his mind in the classroom, then Maddy, who was often undoubtedly a pain in his ass, like the night at Mckay's party. Still, it was exactly her unpredictability and her boldness, which some would call shamelessness, that made his quest of conquest interminable, more addicting.
In Cal's head, Maddy was the distraction from his goals.
He didn't like to think about it, but he knew the truth. It seemed that none of it, whether it was football, victories on the field or Maddy, could contain the flame of anger blazing in his chest forever, and it scared him.
Aaron yawned. Nate frowned, sensing the revolting scent of alcohol in his brother's throat even if he wasn't facing him.
"Now that-" Aaron grinned foolishly at Cal, pointing drunkenly, "Is what you don't call a distraction. That's a girl you fuck for life."
Nate chuckled blatantly with disdain. The mere idea that a girl finding her cunt buried with Aaron's weak drunken cock was one the few things that could echo sympathy in Nate Jacobs' blackened heart.
Nate raised his head, the amusement and disdain written only in the depth of his pupils, which were met unexpectedly with another pair of dark eyes, which, as ridiculous and improbable as it sounds, were so beautifully similar to his.
She was standing in front of the booth, her mouth slightly opened, clearly shocked, disturbed, offended yet holding back her irritation at Aaron's comment for the sake of politeness.
Nate was momentarily taken by her presence, a reaction he would've usually blamed himself for, but this time, he couldn't.
The stranger girl appeared out of place in ways he couldn't even count. Among the teenagers like him, whose hormones for sex and high misted everywhere, her perfectly toned figure balanced between slenderness and fullness, molded into simple yet stylish black dress just above her knees that revealed just the right amount of her flesh straddled the fine between seduction and elegance. It was also the way she held her head high, showcasing her collarbones and snow-like slender neck, despite the ostensible discomfort and startle. It was an inborn pride.
"Excuse my brother," Nate apologized tactfully, putting on the mask of the charming gentleman, "He's a loser."
"Apologize, Aaron."
"Are you fucking serious right now?" The older brother's widened in annoyance.
Before Aaron could retort by unveiling Nate's label-whoring routine.
Nate repeated, his voice unyielding, it was a command.
"Fuck this," Aaron threw the beer can in the garbage, "Sorry."
Nate watched the irritated and conflicting tension among her features dissipating naturally, replaced by a sweet smile on her doll-like face, "I appreciate it."
He chuckled when pouring the hot chilli into the cup, "I don't recognize you from here," he raised his eyes calculatedly, observing her face, "Are you new in town?"
She nodded with that harmless and innocent smile, "Just arrived last weekend. My mother and I are still adjusting."
Her cheeks seemed so soft, delicate, untouched. And her voice.
If only a girl in East Highland had that voice chord...
"Going to East Highland High soon?" He hands her the chili cup, his fingers brushed against hers, "It's on the house, as an apology on my brother's behalf. It's Nate, by the way."
"I'm Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn Arundel," her lips curled naturally, "Yeah, I'll be attending East Highland High."
He raised his brows, "Junior?"
"Senior," she swallowed.
Nate noticed that faint hesitance, shame, and something else... anger behind radiating through her carefully crafted innocence.
"It's nice to meet you, Kaitlyn," he simply nodded in acknowledgment without further pursuing questions, knowing that he would crack them, one by one, eventually.
"You may want to be careful around here. My brother just has a loud mouth, but he bears no ill intentions."
Kaitlyn tilted her head, her dark doe eyes seemingly confused and surprised.
"A beautiful girl like you," Nate approached her quietly, his large figure hovering over hers, "A lot of men would try to get their hands on a beautiful girl like you. You don't want to get yourself in that kind of situation."
"I'm not trying to," she whispers softly.
"Good girl," He brushes his finger tips on her cheek.
If only Maddy saw this.
It amused him how she would have reacted.
Call him a cunt? Slap her on the face?
He could get used to imagine how he would shield this innocent, sweet, beautiful, decent girl, her face red from the slap, sobbing in shock in his chest, from Maddy.
"It was nice meeting you," Kaitlyn retreated slowly but firmly from their proximity, yet her voice still gentle, her smile defenceless, "Nate Jacobs."
With that, she disappeared into the crowd, the last glint in her eyes screamed an innocence and purity that made his cock twitch, yet something behind those dark eyes had left him unsettled.
Until next time, little girl.
Taglist; @tember1
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cutecurly-hair · 6 months
Hearts Unleashed (Part 4)
Pairing: Nick Nelson x Black!fem!reader
Warning: Fluff, Smut in later chapters, Body Shaming
Words: 3,718
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In future chapters I am going to change a few things and spice a few things up just for story purposes.
"Charlie, slow down!" I yelled, my breath coming in gasps as my heart pounded in my chest. The air was crisp with cold, but my body burned with the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Trying to keep up with Charlie, my feet felt like they were on the verge of giving out.
He glanced back with a smug expression. "This is a race, isn't it?" he questioned, maintaining his brisk pace. I'd have a witty comeback if I weren't currently running for dear life.
As if reading my thoughts, Charlie offered a tempting proposition, "If you can make it to the finish line, I'll get you that milkshake you've been craving." He casually wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead. Internally groaning, I realized Charlie knew precisely where to hit me my weakness for sweets.
"Come on, Year 10!" Coach Singh's voice echoed across the field. "We've been doing this all term, and no one's beaten Charlie's time yet."
Feeling a surge of determination, I picked up my pace, pulling alongside Charlie. Gasping for breath, I managed to blurt out, "I want a vanilla shake with sprinkles on top." He shot me an impressed look, nodding, "A deal is a deal."
"Come on! Yes!" Coach cheered. "There you go, Y/N. Keep at it. Keep it moving!" she urged.
"Don't stop, Y/N, before Charlie leaves you in the dust!" she shouted. My face grew warm, and it wasn't just from the running. Maintaining my focus on the finish line, I couldn't ignore Nick Nelson's gaze fixed on me. My breath caught, causing me to stumble and lose my footing. Falling face first in the ground, Coach winced blowing the whistle.
I did not get up; I did not move I just laid there in embarrassment. as if the ground could somehow swallow me whole.
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ +
As I pressed the bandage onto my knee, wincing at the pain, Charlie shot me a concerned look. "You sure you're, okay?" he asked, and I just nodded, trying to ignore the ache.
"At least you'll have a good-looking scar," he joked while struggling with his books from the stubborn locker. I scoffed, "Trust me, I've got enough scars already," giving Charlie a quick glance as he continued his battle with the uncooperative locker.
"You know we're going to be late for class, right?" I reminded him, checking the clock across the hall.
He grimaced, "Don't worry, I almost got it—" Suddenly, a loud ripping sound filled the air, and he gasped, eyes widening.
"Clearly, you don't," I teased, nudging him aside to take matters into my own hands.
Grabbing the books, I tugged gently, finally loosening them. I couldn't help but smile, saying, "See, it's all about the touch—"
"Hey," Nick Nelson's voice interrupted as he approached. Startled, I lost my grip, and all the books came crashing to the floor.
"Maybe it's not all about the touch," Charlie said sarcastically, and I could see annoyance written all over his face as he eyed the scattered books on the floor. Ignoring his comment, I crouched down to pick up the books, and Nick followed suit. As I nervously gathered the books, I cursed at myself, wondering why I was suddenly so nervous.
Standing up, I finally looked at him, and he gave me a soft smile. Quickly grabbing the books from him, I didn't want him to notice how sweaty my hands had gotten in the last ten seconds.
"Thanks," I said, smiling back. He looked down at my hands and quirked a brow, "You play the drums?"
I shook my head, "These are actually Charlie's drumsticks. I'm more into photography, actually," cringing internally at why that piece of information was necessary.
"Nevertheless, that's really cool," he said with genuine excitement in his eyes. My smile grew wider; it was the first time someone had complimented my love for photography. My stomach felt like it was doing somersaults again, and I didn't quite understand what this boy was doing to me.
Charlie cleared his throat. "We have class, so…" he intervened. I looked back at him, giving him a 'now you want to go to class?' look, and he just shrugged his shoulders.
Nick got the point "Oh right, sorry I had something I wanted to ask you...Do you think that maybe you can be our equipment manager?" he said looking at me hopefully but a look with uncertainty.
"I also think that you should join the Rugby team to, we have enough for the team but were not allowed to actually play against other teams without a reserve," Nick explained to Charlie, he continued "And I saw you run in PE and you're, like, really fast." he confessed.
Turning back to me, looking down at my knee worried etched into to his face. Making me remember all over again how I fell flat on my ass right in front of him, I swear I can feel my face getting hot. "So...I thought you might be interested." he finished.
Me staring agape at him not really knowing what to say, Charlie speaking up "I don't know how to play,"
"I can teach you how to play if that makes you feel any better?" Nick offered looking at me for my response.
Feeling a little hesitant, I joined in, "And I have no experience as an equipment manager."
"You just have to make sure that you have enough equipment for the game when the time comes," he reassured me. Still not feeling good about it, he could sense the unease in my eyes.
"There's only a good number of guys on the team, so I am sure it won't be too difficult for you,"
Crossing my arms, I replied, "I am sure I will be able to handle it; it shouldn't be that difficult."
"Wait, no. no," Nick said, shaking his head, clearly regretting his words.
I smiled, breaking the tension. Sensing my sarcasm, we both broke into laughter. I don't know why I like messing with him from time to time.
"Um… so, do you want to join?"
I might be over my head; I never get cold feet, but this was definitely out of my element. The idea of becoming the equipment manager for the rugby team and possibly joining them felt like I had stepped into uncharted territory. It's not that I wasn't up for a challenge, but sports and managing equipment weren't exactly my forte. Maybe I should have offered to take pictures for the yearbook or something.
Regret started to seep in as I made my way toward the locker room, spotting just outside of the door. "Charlie, why are you-" I stopped mid-sentence when I heard voices behind the door.
"He's, like, well skinny though."
"Can he even play?"
"I am sure he's a nice guy, but we actually want to be decent."
"Does he even like sports? Everyone knows that he is gay."
Glancing at Charlie, the look of absolute despair on his face mirrored the flood of laughter that filled my ears.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" I interrupted, pushing through the door. The group fell silent, their laughter trailing off as they turned to face me. The tension in the air was palpable. The distinct aroma of sweat and feet hung in the air, making me scrunch my nose. "Did a cat catch your tongue, or is this the first time you've seen a girl before?" I snapped, the sarcasm dripping from every word.
The silence was deafening, and I caught a little smirk on Nick's face as he tried to hide it.
Charlie, not knowing what else to do, just said, "Hi."
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ +
Watching the boys tackle each other on the field made me wince inside. I forgot how physical and intense rugby could be, and judging by Charlie's expression, he was probably having second thoughts about joining the team. Coach Singh had filled me in on my duties as the equipment manager, and it seemed I was essentially the team's maid. Cleaning uniforms before practice, ensuring gear was in good condition, and tidying up the storage room were all part of my newfound responsibilities. The glamorous life of an equipment manager.
"I am definitely too weak for this," Charlie muttered under his breath.
"Well, I'm sure it's not that bad. You just run and tackle, right?" I said, attempting to uplift the mood, though I was probably talking straight out of my ass.
"Y/N is exactly right. Where is your 'can-do' attitude?" Nick chimed in, coming into full view. My eyes widened as I took in the sight of him in his rugby gear. His athleticism stood out, creating a whole different demeanor that I am not used to. The lopsided smile appeared on his face, and all my coherent thoughts seemed to vanish away.
"She left. Long ago," Charlie retaliated, not budging for a second, trying to encourage him.
"I am sure that you can do it" I said giving him a nudged earning me a glare.
"Y/N why don't you just tackling me so you can give Charlie an example," Nick suggested like it was most wonderful thing in the world.
My jaw dropped, I can hear Charlie chuckling in the background, "Absolutely not!" I exclaimed shaking my head.
"Just try. Tackle me, I won't dodge. I promise," he said getting into position. "I will go easy on you,"
My jaw ticked. Oh, he definitely doesn't have to go easy on me. I was more than capable. "I won't hold back," I stated, and Charlie caught a glance of my determined face, kindly taking a step back.
"Come on, I bet you can do it," Nick persisted, giving me a challenging smile. The field seemed to narrow down to just the two of us, the anticipation building with every step I took. With a deep breath, I charged toward Nick, focusing solely on making a solid tackle.
His body felt like a solid rock beneath me as I pinned him down, the satisfying thud echoing across the field. I couldn't help but grin. "Was that good?" I panted, catching my breath.
"That was perfect," he replied, his surprise evident as he swiftly got back on his feet. The rugby team, observing from the sidelines, exchanged weird glances.
"Was it really?" I asked, a surge of excitement coursing through me.
"Yeah, it was actually pretty impressive," Nick admitted, his eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and amusement.
"Now, let's try again while I'm actually moving," he suggested, his infectious smile revealing he was relishing the challenge.
"Don't you think it's Charlie's turn to practice?" I playfully suggested, glancing at Charlie, whose grin mirrored my own. Nick erupted into laughter, and the sound reverberated through the air, welcoming that fuzzy feeling again.
As he laughed, Nick's whole vibe shifted, and I could swear I saw glimpses of that rumored golden retriever in him. The warmth in his eyes and the sheer joy of the moment made me oddly glad that I had stepped in for Charlie.
It was in that moment, as Nick's laughter filled the air and the warmth of his gaze lingered on me, that a subtle warmth crept into my face. In the midst of all the fun, something inside me was starting to spark, even if I didn't fully realize it at the time.
The days melted together, leaving me with moments I'll definitely try not to forget. It's funny, from the intense tackling drills to scrubbing jerseys, I somehow became this part of the rugby world. Like, way more involved than I'd openly admit.
And then there's Nick. His smile? Always there. Every laugh we shared felt like this tiny step closer to... well, I wasn't quite sure. But it was something. The sun would set, casting this warm glow over the field, I would snap a few pictures here and there some with just the boys acting complete idiots or some with just...Nick.
Between the banter and the constant thud of rugby boots, Nick and I found these quiet corners where we'd talk about more than just the game. He'd patiently explain the ins and outs of rugby, which I'd sometimes compared to a mix of American football and soccer. Let's just say he wasn't exactly thrilled about that.
I hung around until all the guys had left the locker room, finally giving me the chance to grab my book bag. Coach Singh had made it crystal clear that I should steer clear when the guys are changing or in the locker room. It doesn't bother me much, but it's clear that some of the guys aren't thrilled about having me as the equipment manager.
Exiting the locker room, I caught sight of Nick lingering by the exit. "Hey, aren't you supposed to be gone by now?" I asked, trying to sound casual, but I couldn't help stealing a quick glance at him. I have noticed I have been doing that a lot lately.
He sighed "My mum is running late, actually. Are you going to be heading home by yourself," he asked looking around noticing no one is with me.
"Me and Charlie usually walk home together," I said lowly noticing that he is not even outside, Nick noticing my confusion he looked even more confused "I just saw Charlie leave a couple minutes ago? Do you need a ride I can always ask my mum," he offered his voiced laced with concerned already pulling out his phone.
I waved him off "Please, there is no need, I am fine with walking," you explained.
"I can't have you walking by yourself, it's almost getting dark," he explained already texting his mom.
Grabbing hold of his arm, I tried to stop him from texting. "Absolutely not! You're not winning this time!" he shouted, struggling to break free from my grip. He held his phone up high, just out of my reach, and for a split second, I saw his thumb brush the send button.
A triumphant smile broke out on his face, and my chest deflated. "I can't believe you did that," I sighed.
"You'll thank me later. You would've gotten frostbite by the time you got home," he argued.
Crossing my arms over my chest, I retorted, "I can handle the cold just fine, thank you very much," hugging myself tighter to conserve warmth.
He clearly didn't believe me, but I couldn't care less. "You know, you've got a pretty strong grip there," he remarked, wincing a bit on the arm that I had grabbed.
"I did say I wouldn't hold back that day, and I meant it," I replied with a proud smile.
"Are you sure you don't want me on the team officially? You could be a pretty good asset," he teased, well aware that it wasn't possible, and truth be told, I didn't want to join.
"Thanks for the offer, but I'm sure the guys on the team would despise me even more," I confessed, lacing my words with sarcasm.
"Huh, what are you talking about? None of the guys think that" he asserted.
I chuckled. "Please, don't think I haven't noticed the things they say behind my back. Especially Charlie! That Harry guy really has some nerve-"
"Well, they can simply piss off then. You don't owe them anything. I don't know why they can be such dicks sometimes," he huffed, frustration darkening his eyes, his jaw tightly clenched. I began to realize that I had never seen him angry or upset before. Curiosity getting the better of me, I asked,
"Why did you even ask me to join anyway?" holding my arms closer to my chest.
"Well, I kind of noticed how sad you were about the whole Film club being shut down, so I thought this would help," he said lowly, scratching the back of his head.
A small speck of warmth started to fill my chest; my stomach started to get all fuzzy again. Did he care that much? I tried not smile from ear to ear covering it with a cough.
"We should get out, we'll get locked in if we stay here much longer,"
Walking out the school, I finally noticed how the seasons has changed, looking upon the trees noticing how the leaves have changed at such short amount of time. Reminding me that it's going to get even colder as the days go on.
A sleek black car idled on the school's side, and as I approached, an unexpected wave of nervousness hit me. The realization that I was about to catch a ride with the most popular guy in school, and more importantly, with his mom, made my palms slightly sweaty.
Nick graciously opened the car door for me, and with a mumbled 'thank you,' I settled into the back seat. An inviting blend of subtle vanilla, smoke, and musk lingered in the air. The warmth enveloped me, a clear sign that the heater was working overtime, prompting a sigh of relief as I sank into the seat, finding an unexpected sense of relaxation.
As the car hummed to life, Nick's mom, turned around with a friendly smile that illuminated the interior. Her hazel brown eyes seemed to effortlessly match Nick's, and the smile lines etched around her eyes added a touch of genuine warmth. He clearly inherited more than just looks from his mom.
"Oh, thank you so much for giving me a ride Ms. Nelson,"
"Oh, it is certainly not a problem. I can't have you walking home by yourself. Feel free to call me Sarah," she beamed, her gaze meeting mine through the rearview mirror. I wasn't about to call a full-grown adult by their first name; my mom would kill me for that.
Nick quickly got in car buckling his seatbelt, I can tell he's nervous just by his posture, I have never seen him sit that straight in my life.
"Where do you live dear?" she said, driving out of the school in the street.
"Its 5693 Railway Drive, it's called the Avalone Suites," I said hesitantly, I am still struggling to remember my street name.
"You accent is just adorable, I rarely get to hear it unless I am watching TV," she commented.
I smiled, appreciating the compliment, it better than getting gawked at from just speaking.
As we drove through the familiar streets, Sarah turned to me with a warm smile. "So, Y/N, how's everything at school? Making friends? Nicky has been telling about you being the equipment manager for the team."
Nick flamed up like a Christmas tree, he looked utterly embarrassed. Sarah looked at him oddly for a brief moment. I tried to surpass a laugh. Has he really been talking about me to his mom?
I nodded, feeling at ease with her friendly demeanor. "Yeah, it's going well. I'm getting to know people, especially with the rugby team. They're an interesting bunch."
Nick chuckled from the front seat, "Yeah, they are something. But Y/N's been a great addition, though."
I blushed a bit, if I get anymore compliments today, I think I might just overheat. Sarah joined in, "That's wonderful to hear. Nicky always been social, but it's nice to see him meeting new friends."
With a glance at Nick, I added, "Yeah, he's been a great friend, too. Really made me feel welcome on the team."
Nick, looking briefly at me, gave a small, appreciative smile. Sarah, noticing the exchange, smiled knowingly. It was silence throughout the ride until we pulled at my house.
Getting out of the car being welcomed back into the cold air I made sure to thank Nick's mom and giving Nick a grateful smile "Thank you so much for the ride, I really appreciate it,"
Sarah waved me off with a warm smile. "Oh, love, it was the least I could do. Anytime you need a lift, just let me know."
Grateful for the ride, I said, "Thanks, Ms. Nelson. I'll remember that." With a friendly smile, I walked into the house, and the smile just wouldn't fade.
Mom, still in her work clothes and seemingly ready to start dinner, peeked through the doorway. "Back so soon? What's making you smile like that?"
I shook my head, "Oh, nothing much. Just got a ride from a friend." I kept it short; no need to spill all the details, especially about getting a ride from a boy and his mom. That might lead to more questions than I was ready to answer.
My mom shot me a suspicious look before pointing at my shoes. "Make sure to take your shoes off; I just mopped the floors," she ordered, retreating back into the kitchen. I quickly kicked off my shoes and headed to my room, feeling the relief of finally being in my own space.
As I opened my phone, I shot a text to Charlie to make sure he got home okay. Ignoring the stack of homework on my desk, I decided to scroll through Instagram. The usual suggestions of people I barely knew filled the screen, but out of the corner of my eye, I caught Nick's profile popping up.
My finger hesitated over the screen, stuck in that classic "to click or not to click" dilemma. After a brief mental battle, I thought, "Ah, screw it," and tapped on his profile.
Surprise hit me when I saw he was already following me. His profile was like a window into his life, and I found myself scrolling through the mix of photos and posts. My fingers moved across the screen, unsure of where to start.
I groaned at my own indecisiveness. Thinking for a moment, I decided to send a text, pondering over what to say. I hesitated over each word, the cursor blinking impatiently on my screen. "Come on, Y/N, get it together," I muttered under my breath, my fingers hovering over the keys.
I typed in a simple 'Thank you' and sent it, blinking twice at the text, realizing that I accidentally included a heart emoji. I could have sent a smiley face or something but for god sakes not the heart emoji. Fucking autocorrect.
Checking to see if Charlie texted back yet, but all he did was leave me on read.
Part 5: https://www.tumblr.com/cutecurly-hair/742105652967669760/the-weekend-flew-by-and-before-i-knew-it-monday?source=share
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rorywritesjunk · 8 months
For these foamy green hills are but saltwater desert
Richie, Mohji's lion, isn't doing so well. The crew end up at a small island with a dwindling population to seek help and Buggy meets Midori, the mayor who is far more stubborn and trusting with his crew than he can really comprehend. Rating: PG-13, gonna have smut at some point later though. Warnings: Buggy being obnoxious, of course. I'd call this a fast paced slow burn. It takes the place over the course of the week and days are split into two chapters. There's also some drama and other pirates. A/N: Full confession. I honestly wrote this because I have been watching the anime and Richie is one of the best characters. Do I know a lot about the anime? No. Is some of this chaotic and characters OOC? Of course! It's a fanfic. Is it self indulgent? Hell yes. I had fun writing this and wanted to share it. Also, I wrote this more with anime!Buggy in mind since we don't get to see Richie in the live action. Title comes from the song "Dryad's Promise" by Tricky Pixie.
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Chapter 1
Day 1 pt 1
It was Mohji who requested they dock at the first island they came to on behalf of Richie. He said the lion wasn’t doing well, seemed depressed and was refusing to eat. It had gone on for days and the first mate was worried, and well, Richie was part of the crew so Buggy relented. It was another few days before they spotted an island they could dock at and Mohji hoped he could find someone to help his lion companion. Buggy thought anyone willing to go near a lion had to be pretty stupid.
He knew what Richie was capable of. He’d seen the lion wreak havoc and destruction on unsuspecting people and animals. Those paws of his could level a city block with one swipe. 
So when Mohji left the ship and came back an hour later with a woman, Buggy realized there was someone stupid out there, even if she was pretty.
She was wearing boots, a dress with a thick wool apron over it, and a bulky sweater. Her boots and hem of the skirt were caked in mud and the apron had what looked like crumbs stuck to it. Was she a vet or a baker, or something else? Buggy wasn’t sure but he followed Mohji as he led the woman to where Richie was resting.
“How long since he last ate?” The woman asked as she approached the lion. Buggy instinctively wanted to tell her to be careful, that that was a damn lion, but she held her hand out for Richie to sniff it, and when the lion nudged her hand she moved closer. “When did he start acting like this?”
“He last ate a few days ago.” Mohji told her as he chewed on his nails worryingly. “And he’s been acting weird for about a week. I don’t know what it is.”
Nodding, she knelt down in front of him and lifted up one of his paws, checking over his toes and feeling between his pads, checking for any splinters that could be bothering him. Buggy crossed his arms as he leaned over to his first mate.
“Shouldn’t we be concerned he may eat her?” He asked as Richie opened his mouth all of a sudden, but only to yawn. Mohji shook his head.
“He wouldn’t unless I told him to.” He replied as he watched nervously. He was a wreck over Richie. He hated it when the large feline wasn’t feeling well, and especially since they had been out to sea for so long, it worried him how long it took for them to get help. “I think she knows what she’s doing.”
“Wait, you think?” Buggy asked. “Is she even a vet?”
“Oh, uh…” Mohji shrugged. “I found her at a farm near the shore. She was feeding her animals and she said hi to me. I asked for help and she came with me.”
Buggy stared incredulously at his first mate. He really brought the first person he saw to the ship? He would wait to berate him after the woman left.
“How long have you been out to sea?” The woman asked as she reached up to run her fingers through Richie’s mane. The lion closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. She smiled and scratched behind one of his ears. “Because I think he’s bored. He needs some enrichment on land.”
“He’s used to being out at sea!” Buggy told her harshly. “He’s fine on the ship.”
“Bored?” Mohji repeated. “Oh, Richie! I’m sorry! It’s been a while since we raided any place, no wonder he’s miserable!”
“Raided?” She frowned. “Are you pirates?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact!” Buggy laughed. “You’re looking at the Buggy Pirates!”
“Oh.” A pause. “I’ve never heard of you. We don’t get a lot of visitors to our island.” She pulled back from Richie and looked at Mohji. “If you and your crew are able to stay for a few days, maybe a week, your lion can spend time on the island. There’s not a lot of us to worry about here, and I have some old cows and sheep he could hunt.”
“W-Wait, I’m the Captain!” Buggy snapped. “You should be asking me this!”
“Are you Richie’s owner though?” She asked with a frown. He looked dumbfounded but shook his head. “See, that’s why I’m talking to this guy. He came to me for help, not you.”
Buggy seemed, well, shocked he was being spoken to like that. Mohji looked to his Captain with a pleading expression; Richie looked at him the same way. Buggy grumbled under his breath and caved. He didn’t want his first mate or first lion to be miserable.
“Fine. Only a week!”
Her name was Midori. She was the mayor of the only village on the island, population 15. She wasn’t a veterinarian by any means, just a farmer who had been tending to her animals when Mohji came across her. She was kind, as were the villagers, to the crew as they came on shore. Richie was given a bed of hay in one of her smaller barns. Mohji joined him. She even offered her guest room to Buggy, saying it was proper for the mayor to host the Captain. He accepted, but he wasn’t sure what to think of her yet.
Buggy was confused. The villagers didn’t seem scared of him or his crew. Had none of them ever heard of him? Was he not famous in these parts? How could his name not strike fear in the heart of Midori when he had told her who he was?
He sat at her kitchen table as she fixed lunch for the two of them. It was a little odd. It was just him, the rest of the crew were going about the island, checking out the bar for beer and food. He watched her suspiciously, wondering what she had planned for him. Was she going to poison him to collect a bounty? Was this all an act and planned to murder him in his sleep? 
She placed a bowl of soup with some bread on a plate in front of him before grabbing him a beer. He watched her open the beer and took it from her, taking a few sips. That couldn’t have been poisoned, right? He would wait for her to start eating before he made his next move. 
“So, Captain Buggy, I’d love to hear about some of your adventures.” Midori said as she started eating. He watched her have a few spoonfuls before he started helping himself.
“What d’you wanna know?” He asked between mouthfuls. 
“Anything at all.” She smiled. “Please?”
Buggy eyed her suspiciously before he lifted the bowl up to his lips, drinking half of the soup before setting the bowl down and downing the beer. He swore she giggled before getting up to grab him another bottle. The hospitality was borderline uncomfortable for him, but if she wanted to hear stories then he would tell her stories.
By the fourth bottle he was telling of their last raid where they leveled an entire town and took all of their treasure. Midori was listening with rapt attention, hanging onto his every word, and she even let out a gasp at a particularly exciting part. Buggy sat back in his chair as he finished off his drink. She got up to grab him another one and he watched her, suspicion in his eyes.
“What are you getting at?” He suddenly asked. She looked at him in confusion as she opened the bottle for him. He took it from her.
“I don’t understand what you’re asking.” She frowned. “I… just wanted to hear stories of your adventures, Captain Buggy.” She sat back down. “That’s all.”
“You’ve really never heard of me or my crew?” He asked. Midori shook her head. He looked a little put out by that.
“Captain, there’s only 15 of us on this island, including me.” She told him. “When I came here 17 years ago with my family, the town was bustling and full of people, but now everyone wants to leave to find treasure or have their own adventures, leaving many of us behind. We are either leaving on our own or dying, and it won’t be long until I’m the last one here.”
He took a sip of his beer, contemplating her words. “Why would you be the last one?”
“I love it here.” She smiled sadly. “It’s a beautiful island and I can’t imagine leaving it.”
“You may have to leave some day if you’re the last one left.” He said. “It would be stupid to stick around.”
“I guess I’m a bit of a romantic then.” She laughed. “I’m waiting for someone to take me away from here, you know, and we will fall in love and all that.” A wistful look crossed her face as she looked out toward the kitchen window. His ship was in view. She looked back at him with a small smile. “But like I said, not many visitors come through here so that limits my chances that a handsome stranger would come by and take me away. Who knows, maybe someone on your crew would offer me the chance!” 
He nearly choked on his drink, cheeks flushing. Take her away from here? What if… no, no. He couldn’t. He didn’t know her and couldn’t ask her to join the crew, to come along with him and leave the island. He was supposed to be suspicious of her, not feel wooed by her words of longing like that. It was a romantic notion, to be swept away by a handsome stranger like that, taken far from home for new adventures, having tales of her own. Instead he shook his head and sat back in chair. It wouldn’t be him since what woman would find him handsome? Even with a dwindling population she would have better luck finding a husband on this island than with a pirate. 
“Yea, well…” He grumbled as he raised his bottle to his lips once more. “I’m sure something will happen.”
Midori smiled at him as she collected the empty bottles and took them to the sink to rinse out. He kept his eyes on her, a thought coming to his mind. His hand detached from his wrist and flew over to her, tugging on the back of her dress. At least he was being polite enough not to pinch her ass (though there was a bit of temptation there). She turned around, eyes widening at the floating hand. Buggy let out a laugh as his hand flew back to him.
“H-How do you do that?!” She demanded as she stomped over to him, grabbing his hand and pulling it towards her. She gave it a few tugs, trying to see if she could remove it herself. Buggy jerked back from her.
“It’s the Devil Fruit I ate.” He told her, slightly alarmed by her more physical reaction than fear. “The Chop Chop fruit… my body can separate.”
He didn’t like the look in her eyes right then. Now he was regretting even accepting the offer for lunch at that point.
“I need your help with something, Captain.”
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kit-williams · 6 months
Bun in the Oven
Ya'll are just animals for Brother Roland aren't you? Well you can't have him he still has his Bäckerin and even then he'd probably take a couple decades to mourn his Bäckerin then you'd lot have a shot with him.
For @the-californicationist for the follow and the request to see him with his Bäckerin "pregnant as hell"
@moodymisty Here's some fluff for Brother Roland
Pregnancy source: I just had a child 6 months ago so yeah I remember being pregnant as hell
tw: Roland being a bit of a pervert towards his wife (not much triggering but don't be surprised when he perves over his wife)
I hope you all enjoy this I've gone back and forth on if I'm happy about it.
His Bäckerin smelt like bread. Roland opened an eye as he inhaled deeply of her hair. He lifted a head to check the time... it would normally be about time she would have gotten up to start in the kitchens her duty as a Bäckerin. Roland was not ashamed to admit that his muscle gut had grown a bit more since bringing her home.
He was moved to a different unit and put on short term missions until she entered menopause to which he could go on missions that could last a few years and then after his Bäckerin goes to the throne he would be put on mourning missions but thankfully for Roland that isn't for awhile.
He felt a kick against his hand as he looked down to the beautifully round stomach of his Bäckerin. A healthy baby boy the midwife had said. He didn't understand why she wanted the pictures of what looked like a blob to him... the way she cooed and giggled at her stomach already talking to him like he was there already... he didn't understand it but he rubs his hand against where the baby had been kicking. He was his Bäckerin's personal heating pad, as she affectionately said.
He knelt on the bed rubbing his face against her stomach just gently as he whispers in his mother tongue, "Sei gut für deine Mutter." :: Be good for your mother. :: He gently kissed the unborn feeling their small foot against his chin earning a chuckle from Roland. He had morning prayers and training as he kissed her forehead, "Ich liebe dich." :: I love you. :: He whispered to her.
Pregnancies were hard... it had been awhile since Roland had delt with the hormonoes of a pregnant woman but he did his best... being there to lick up her tears... to please her with his tongue or fingers... to do whatever it is that she needed. But these final months were going to be hard on her as she couldn't handle the pace of the large bakery on the ship but that didn't stop him from seeing his Bäckerin in the communal kitchen.
The way she was laughing with one of the serf wives or serf husbands... they were doing their best but this Crusade of Black Templars tried their best to not take civilian spouses. Though the Cadian in the communal kitchen would argue from morning prayers to night prayers that they did not count as a civilian... to the chapter serfs if you were not a serf you were a civilian to them.
Roland would happily accept the title of pervert if it meant that he could just watch his Bäckerin all day. She had filled back out so nicely... and the stretch marks on her body were divine, much like her thighs. From behind you could hardly tell she was pregnant it was only when she turned that one could see the heavy belly and swollen breasts she was like a bread roll... a happy bread roll.
Roland would join the mortals for their evening meal, well would join his Bäckerin Frau. And while he looked down at her eating her strange meal she would pass him some of the rolls she made today. He hoped that one of his children would learn to bake like their mutter... because he would miss this when it was gone.
He casually just pulled her into his lap and lifted the heavy weight of their child on her body earning him a sigh of relief. This was just the first of many babies... oh yes he was aware that it would be hard on her body but neither of their bodies were their own much anymore... it was all by the will of the God Emperor. She could have only a couple of children or they could have ten and Roland would happily be there for all of them.
"Roland." His Bäckerin looked up at him.
"Ja?" He said after swallowing a mouthful of her sweet rolls... and his hungry eyes went right to her breasts and he lustfully hopped he could have a drink from them later.
"What do you think about Reiner? Or the name Stefan?" She said as she loudly slurped on her soup and popped a boiled egg into her mouth.
"They are names. Kurt is a name too... or Wotan." He suggested watching her nod.
They had returned to their room after she started to fall asleep into her soup. He helped her out of her clothes and pulled his off. He'd get a few hours of cuddling his wife before night prayers and then would return to rest and start it all over again. Their nude bodies pressed against each other as she just mumbled her 'I love you' before sleep claimed her and he lovingly whispered it back into her ear along with other whispers of both love and lust to her.
And all was good.
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clumsiestgiantess · 10 months
Chapter nine of the Other-world Universe; drunken shenanigans! Amongst other things. (This chapter’s one of my favorites)
all chapters linked here
[Hangover? I hardly know her]
On one boring Saturday, several weeks from my first attempt at redemption, I left for the other-world after dinner.  It seemed so much more inviting now that Erica had forgiven me.  Well, not forgiven me, actually.  It was more along the lines of facing the reality that I occasionally wandered through her world whether she wanted me there or not.  I had a better feeling about things, regardless.  I still wanted to make a better impression than I had when we first officially met.  Erica had willingly spent time with me, and she'd actually enjoyed it.  She said so herself.  The thought of that rainy day made my heart skip a beat.  Befriending the people of the other-world was a lot more gratifying than sitting around invisibly controlling them.  Albeit, it was a lot harder.
It wasn't raining that evening, but large clouds hung heavily in the air.  Erica's house was empty when I meandered past the cliffside, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sorrow at the sight.  What was I going to tell her, anyways? I asked myself internally.  'I came back because my world's boring and you aren't?'  No, it was for the best that she wasn't home.  I could wait for tomorrow — maybe get there a bit earlier.  I’d come later into the night, but then again, I always come around dark.  It stresses me out less and makes me feel a bit more hidden.
Wandering further through the outskirts of the city, I debated controlling someone to get closer to its center.  However, since everything that happened, I was really trying to be less lenient with my own rules.  'Absolutely necessary' was already vague enough.  Deep in thought, I stumbled over a car in the street, not even realizing it had turned down the road I was walking on.  I glanced backwards to find the vehicle flipped upside down in the road behind me.  Too many bystanders had seen it happen, though.  This was a residential area, and people were already flocking out of their homes to witness the damage.  Like so many other accidents I'd caused, I could do nothing to help without making a scene.
I guiltily slunk off to a different, less inhabited place.  The streets were filled with pawn shops and sketchy offices that were most likely fronts for a plethora of illegal things.  I quickly moved on from that section and continued around the outside of the city.  After finding nothing of particular interest, I was ready to call it a night and head back to my own world.  A split second from vanishing away, I felt a magnetic-esque tug.  Erica.  Should I look for her?  Will she think I’m stalking her if I do?  In the end, I decided to just check in on her, then head back home.  Strange streets slowly became more recognizable as I traversed the roadways trying to follow my and Erica's sixth sense.
Once the old club came into view, I picked up the pace, suddenly realizing where she must be.  Erica was nowhere in sight when I arrived, and I had to wait later into the dark morning for her to emerge from the building.  This time, she actually recognized her car, so I assumed she wasn't too buzzed.  However, the second her car was running, she proceeded to put it into drive rather than reverse.  She came horribly close to smashing directly into the car parked in front of her.  Thankfully, my reflexes reacted before my brain did.  I quickly stopped the vehicle in its tracks with a free hand.  Eyeing the empty streets for any passerby, I brought her car to the empty lot I'd sat in to watch the city over a year ago — only a block or two down the street.  It took a few moments after I'd placed it down, but Erica eventually stepped out of her car and looked around the lot, confused.  "This isn't my house," she stated confusedly after examining the darkening streets.
Oh boy.  "Erica, what are you doing trying to drive this drunk?" I asked quietly, slightly exasperated, "Weren't you already arrested for doing this?"   She whirled around towards the sound of my voice, glancing around the dark with a bewildered expression.  "H- hello?  God, is that you?"  Shortly afterwards, she dissolved into a mess of giggles and slumped back down into the driver's seat.  "Don't take me yet!" Erica exclaimed drunkenly, "Wait until the hangover starts, then I'll want to leave."  Sighing, I kneeled on the concrete and considered my options.  I couldn’t leave Erica in the lot; she was far too drunk to stay by herself in the city, especially at night.  My first thought was to take her home myself, but that meant I’d have to pick her up either in her car or just in my hand.  I knew for a fact that sober Erica would passionately refuse both options.
Taking her car was basically out of the question, though.  It would be way too risky trying to hide it from the view of all the people in the other-world who might look up and spot it, even if it was the dead of night.  The only way to get Erica home is to carry her there.  I debated my decision for a moment.  “Erica, can you come out of the car for a second?  I- I need to take you home, but I’m honestly not sure how.”  Erica shrugged and stepped off her seat, stumbling on the cracked cement.  Hesitating a few times, I reached for her.  Unfortunately, I had to keep myself invisible in the outskirts of the city.  Erica would have a fit if I were to try this while she was sober, but I had no other choice.  
My fingers slowly curled around Erica’s torso, lifting her a few inches into the air.  The second her feet left the ground, she shrieked like she was being murdered.  I quickly set her back down, regretfully watching as she scrambled behind her car for safety.  Her bubbly mood was replaced with a newly terrified one.  It was heartbreaking; all her newfound trust in me was instantly revoked.
Erica’s frightened voice echoed from her hiding spot.  “I can’t be controlled again.  Please, it has to stop.  I don’t want to be a puppet.”  She sounded like she was on the verge of tears.  Was she really this scared of me, or is that the alcohol talking?  Sitting up as much as I could without fully standing, I surveyed the area for people.  Streetlights and neon signs hummed with life, but otherwise the surrounding streets were completely dead.  Tentatively, I came out of invisibility.  “Erica,” I called softly, “It’s just me.  I won’t control you, I promise.”  Her head popped up from her hiding place behind her car.  “You’re not?” she asked, looking me over warily.  I shook my head and she slid out of hiding.
Erica meandered around the lot for about 20 minutes afterwards, blabbering drunken nonsense and pacing around aimlessly.  She tried twice to drive home, but I refused to let her get in her car.  I’d quickly slide my hand over the door every time I saw Erica make a move towards it.  The second time I blocked her, she pressed herself into my fingers, trying to force them apart so she could get past them.  It was strangely adorable, but I still refused to let her in.  Driving in her disoriented state was basically a death sentence.  
“Come on,” she whined, “I wanna go home already!”  “I can’t let you drive this drunk,” I replied.  She sighed, giving one last attempt to pry my fingers free.  Finally, she sat down tiredly on the back of her car.  A few minutes later, Erica nearly slid off her seat in drowsiness.  I quickly reached over and caught her before she got a face full of cement.
Immediately, Erica slid out of my grip and hurried to the newly opened doorway.  At that point, I was worried I might have to hold her car aloft to stop her from using it.  However, Erica paused at the door, hand hovering over its handle.  Slowly, she turned to look up at my exhausted expression.  "You're..." she paused, considering my large form sitting cross-legged in the lot, taking up more than half the empty space.  "You're my friend, right?  I can trust you?"  
I was baffled by her questions, but immediately had the answer.  "Of course you can trust me."  Erica gave me an oblivious, innocent smile, "That's good.  I like you.  I'd invite you over to my house, but you won't let me go."  She wandered over to my hand, laying back on it like a bed.  "Guess I'll just sleep here tonight.  But I’m going to make it your problem."  I sat stunned while Erica rambled on in a half asleep voice.  In her slightly delirious state, she'd asked me where my house was and questioned whether I even had one or just slept in the mountains somewhere.  Before I could try to explain my situation to her, she'd fallen asleep.
After a few minutes, I bent over to see her closer, fingers cupping around her ever so slightly.  I didn't dare get too close though, just in case she woke up and my closeness scared her.  Butterflies flitted around my chest as I gazed down at Erica tucked sleepily in my palm.  I gushed over how sweet a moment it was before realizing something like that would probably never happen again.  Once she sobered up, I doubted Erica would ever be that trusting of me.  I can enjoy this moment now, though.  Before it ends, and I go back to being seen as an 'untrustworthy monster' not a 'safe friend'.
My pulse quickened slightly as I felt Erica shift unconsciously on my palm.  Her arm slid over my thumb, pulling it closer to herself as she nestled her head on the pad of another finger.  The feeling was so overwhelming, I felt my eyes tearing up.  Seeing her sleeping soundly was making me doubly tired.  It was definitely well past midnight, and I still hadn’t slept, myself.  Even when I closed my eyes to get some rest, there would always be some suspicious sounds out on the street or a slight movement from Erica, and I'd suddenly be woken again.
Eventually, I must've fallen asleep, because when I woke up the sun had drifted above the horizon.  My heart dropped in panic as I quickly became invisible once more.  Hopefully no one had spotted me while I was sleeping.  Erica was still out cold, so I slid my hoodie out from its previous use as a pillow for myself, and placed it on the ground with Erica on top of it.  My hand prickled awfully from the loss of blood over the course of the night.  I had to hold it still for hours so Erica wouldn't wake up.  As I shook out my hand and bent my fingers to get them back to normal, I pulled away from the building behind me to check how much damage I'd undoubtedly caused by leaning against it.  There was a large dent in its side where my back rested.  Thankfully, the building looked long abandoned.
Early city sounds started up for the day, and I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.  Horns blared in the direction of the highway, and a flock of tiny pigeons scattered into the sky.  Suddenly, a small yelp startled me mid-yawn.  I glanced over at my hoodie where Erica was now sitting upright in confusion.  "What-  Where am I?  What happened?  Alexis, are you-"  "I'm here," I replied softly, not wanting to draw too much attention to myself.  Erica flinched slightly at my voice before calming down once she recognized it.  A few seconds passed as she stared into the distance, possibly remembering vague details from the night before.  
"You.. wouldn't let me drive home last night..."  "Because you were ridiculously drunk and almost crashed within five seconds of trying to drive," I finished.  Erica sucked in a pained breath of air as she clutched her head and slowly laid back down.  "Fucking hangover," she cursed under her breath.  "I think the drinks might’ve been spiked.  I.. I really shouldn’t keep going back there.”  She rolled over and clutched fistfuls of my hoodie closer to herself. “Thank you though, for keeping me off the road.  I could've died; I wasn't really thinking." I smiled, breathing in the early morning air.  "You're welcome."
"I have some water in my car," Erica realized aloud.  "If I could just get it..."  I would offer to get it for her, but I doubted I could get to the bottle without accidentally tearing the door off.  We sat in the lot for some time, Erica trying to power through her headache long enough to make it to her car.  She got two thirds of the way there before doubling over in pain.  I had to reach out and catch her before she fell to the ground.  Erica froze when she felt my fingers hoist her back up, but she quickly got over it and made her way into the driver's seat with my help.  Finally, she got out the bottle and swallowed a few sips, slumping over in pain and exhaustion afterwards.
I noticed her cast a longing stare directed at my hoodie.  Erica wanted to lie back down, but didn't want to keep me here longer than she already had.  She sat sideways, legs still dangling out of the car, and looked up in my direction.  "Did I-” she stopped for a second then started her sentence again.  "I don't remember much of last night, but.. did I fall asleep in your hand?" she asked hesitantly.  "Yes," I confessed, "You wanted somewhere to sleep, and since I didn't let you into the car…"  "I'm sorry," Erica interjected, "That's.. embarrassing, I'm so sorry.  I kept you here all night."  I let out a breathy laugh, "No, it's fine Erica.  I really didn't mind!  It's not like anyone's missing me back home."  She seemed slightly concerned for a moment, sitting up to get off her seat before letting out a small yelp of pain and reaching for her temples, again staring longingly at the comfortable pile of fabric a few feet away.
"Hold out your hand," I instructed.  Shockingly, Erica made no argument.  Her tiny digits brushed over the pads of my own, leaning her weight onto me.  Gently, I hauled her up out of her seat.  With small careful movements, I managed to guide her back to my hoodie so she could lay down again.  With a wan smile, she burrowed herself in its folds.  "Did you know I'd be out drinking last night?" Erica asked after laying there for a while, her eyes closed in a half-sleep.  "No, I was just sightseeing in the city again," I answered honestly, "I was about to leave when I felt you were nearby and went to investigate."  
"By 'investigate', do you mean 'spy on me'?"  When I answered with a dull silence, she opened her eyes and sat up slightly to look at me.  Well, to look at the empty space that I sat in.  "That was supposed to be a joke, sorry.  I wasn't trying to chastise you."  This was new.  I don't think Erica had ever apologized to me before.  Not that she had anything to apologize for.  "I'm just glad I came when I did," I replied, "before anything happened."  She must've sensed my tone shift a bit, because she frowned at me and stood slightly before realizing that wasn't helping her headache.  "You were worried about me?"  Erica asked, looking slightly flattered.  "That's.. really sweet of you."
I nodded vigorously, though Erica couldn't see me.  "Of course I was worried about you!" I exclaimed before realizing I should probably keep my voice a bit quieter.  It hurt my throat, but it probably kept me a bit more secretive.  Even if it didn’t, whispering would also be better for Erica’s headache regardless.  "Imagine how awful I'd feel if I came back to the mansion to visit and you weren't there.  I guess I would think you blew me off, but I'd really start to worry once you were gone for weeks afterward."  
Erica sat silently for a bit, deep in thought.  "I..." she started, "I guess I didn't realize you cared about me that much."  A long silence followed, her last words resonating in the empty air.  Erica's expression became clouded with emotions I couldn't quite read.  "Are you alright?" I asked uncertainly.  The silence broken, Erica shook herself off and straightened up.  "Yeah, I'm just thinking.  I really should head home, though."  "Alright, I guess I'll do that too.  Do you need help?"  She shook her head and stood slowly, "I should be alright until I get home."  I watched her return to the driver's seat, readily waiting to catch her if she fell.
Before closing the car door, Erica slowly turned to look at me.  "Thank you, again, for dealing with me last night.  I swear I'll try not to get that drunk from now on.  It’s not that I want to, it just kinda.. happens, I guess."  I laughed slightly, "You work on that."  Erica started up the car, smiling lightheartedly.  With a little wave, she drove off back to the mansion, leaving me behind on the cracked concrete lot.  Just in case, I trailed her car from a distance.  She said she was alright to drive, but I wanted to make sure she made it home safely before I left.
I could barely sleep that evening, far too awake thanks to the events of the day, along with the fact that I’d just woken up.  Erica had trusted me so wholly that she’d slept in my hand.  I felt giddy just thinking about it, but at the same time, I had to come to terms with the fact that the incident had everything to do with the alcohol and whatever else she’d consumed and nothing to do with her actual trust in me.  However, even when she’d slept it all off, Erica had still trusted me enough to touch her that morning.  
I hadn’t touched her or even got very close to her since I’d grabbed her during our first true meeting.  She made it crystal clear that she didn’t want my massive appendages anywhere near her since then.  That was until just this morning, when she’d willingly taken my hand.  It might’ve just been Erica being in too much pain to be stingy, but she was stubborn; if she didn’t want to do something, it was near impossible to get her to change her mind.  The only reason I say near is because of my abilities, but using those was obviously out of the question.
Exited that Erica finally seemed to be warming up to me, I eagerly returned on the following Saturday.  I’d chosen Saturdays simply because they were the day I had the most free time.  I raced downstairs right after lunch and zapped off to the other-world, almost jogging to the cliffside before realizing the tremors I would undoubtedly cause.  Stepping up to the mansion, I found Erica on the phone with someone inside.  Resting on the cliffside a bit further down, I waited for Erica to finish the call and come to the door.  It was taking a suspiciously long time for her to get there, so I began wandering off to the areas nearby.  
Eventually, I noticed the glass door, which had now been fixed, sliding open.  Erica stepped hesitantly onto the patio outside.  "Alexis?  Are you out here?"  I made my way over to the mansion again.  "Yeah," I answered, "It's Saturday.  I'm here."  My sudden voice caused Erica to jump a few feet in the air.  Her face scrunched up in thought, “You came today?  It’s.. not the best time for me.  I have errands to run today."  I stared blankly at her, suddenly feeling very awkward.  "I.. oh."  I felt so stupid — it was all I could say.  “N- Nevermind.  Sorry to bother you.”
Erica snickered, shaking her head slightly in embarrassment for me.  She thought for a moment, then made a small 'aha' gesture.  "Hey, you know what?  While you're here, do you think you could help out with stuff?  I was just on the phone with a decor store.  See, I have this new couch coming, but the store's being big jerks about it and they won't deliver it for me.  They said they'd have someone help load it into my car, but.."  She stepped out a ways, gesturing to her two-seater sports car parked in the driveway.  Its trunk was only a few feet long, and that was in other-world measurements.  "It won't exactly fit.  I told them that, but I don't think the lady on the phone particularly gave a shit, so.. I'm thinking maybe, while you're here and everything, you can get the couch for me?"  
I mulled her idea over.  I don't really have anything else to do, and I was planning to spend the rest of the day here anyway.  "Well, I can't just go there and get it by myself, you have to go and claim it."  Erica waved a hand to shush me, "Yeah, yeah, I know.  I'm coming too.  I just need someone to take the couch."  "Alright," I agreed, "I'll help out.  I was planning to be here today, anyway."  My agreeance was instantly rewarded with a rare genuine smile from Erica, which was compensation enough for me.
It took Erica a few minutes to get herself ready, but soon we hit the road.  Well, she hit the road and I followed from a distance.  I was still amazed by how easily I could keep up with vehicles like her car.  Technically they were only toy-sized so I guessed it made sense.  We had to diverge paths for a bit when the highway turned through a forested area I couldn’t walk in, but using our sixth sense, I was still able to follow her despite not being able to see her.  When she got to the parking lot, she took a space at the very far end.  
“Alexis?” Erica called, stepping out of the car.  “I’m here,” I replied quietly, kneeling down.  There was an empty dog walk beside the lot on this side that gave me just enough room to stay.  Erica had probably parked all the way over here because of it.  “I’m going to have them leave the couch out on the corner over there.  Do you think you could take it without anyone noticing?”  “In front of the entire parking lot?” I asked skeptically, looking out over the stretch of asphalt and cars, "I'll try."  Soon, the new couch was brought out to the corner.  Erica told the employees who took it out there that a truck would be coming by any second to take it, but they insisted on waiting for it to arrive so they could load it inside.  It was their policy or whatnot.
Erica began to get annoyed, realizing that they would get suspicious when no one actually showed up.  Spying a van nearby, I got an idea.  I made sure Erica was preoccupied with the moving guys before stepping over and latching onto the driver.  I had them pull up to where the couch was waiting, then call out to the movers and Erica.  ("I'm here!  Is this the couch?")  Erica's eyes went wide in shock, her face paling as she rapidly figured out what I’d done.  I instantly regretted my decision, but the two movers got right to work placing things inside.  
The moment they left, Erica glared at me through the person she realized I must be controlling.  "My car.  Now."  I hesitated, but begrudgingly had the person drive out and park beside her fancy red sports car.  Erica marched up to the driver, "What the hell is wrong with you?  I thought you weren't doing any of this shit anymore!"  It was weird watching her yell at the innocent person I was controlling instead of my actual self, who was watching invisibly from above.  ("They weren't going to leave, so I thought this might help,") I explained.  She stared at the driver a moment, "Can.. Can whoever you're controlling see what's happening right now?  I remember it was like spacing out and watching things happen around me…”  Her expression shifted from anxious to enraged in a matter of seconds.  “Alexis, you can't do this to people!"  ("I know, I know.  I just need to do one thing, then they'll go off and forget this ever happened.")
Erica stood irritated the entire time as I, myself, got the couch out of the van.  Quickly, I had the driver pull away and forget the last few minutes.  "See, they're gone.  It's like they were never here," I said quietly.  I knew what I did was not going to be cast aside that easily.  "Can we just… go back to the mansion and I can explain-"  "Explain what?  You controlled someone right in front of me!"  "Erica, I controlled them for five minutes.  They were completely fine and I did nothing to hurt them.  I- I understand that what I did to you was very wrong, but it wasn't like that.  I had someone do us a favor, and that's all."  "Just bring the damn couch home."  Erica slammed her car door and sped away before I could reply.  I took up the piece of furniture and held it beneath my shirt to keep it hidden.  
I stood in numb shock as I watched Erica’s car disappear down the freeway.  What was I thinking, controlling someone in front of her, even if it was only for a moment?  On my way back, I realized that without my sixth sense to guide me, I was a bit lost.  I followed the trail of places I recognized, unsure whether I recognized them from the trip today or from another time.  The sudden sound of something ripping apart startled me from my pensive mood.  I nearly tripped over a stoplight when I looked up.  
A pitch-black tear broke through the sky to my right.  It was as if the atmosphere itself had been cut open, filled with a gaping black void of whatever was inside.  There were only two or three other cars on this backroad, but everyone who saw it stopped and watched in frightened awe.  The tear looked exactly like the strange instance of black lightning I’d noticed from a distance a long time ago.  I’d completely forgotten about it until then.  Now that it had opened a yard or so away from me, I realized that the strange phenomenon was definitely not natural.
A few seconds of stunned silence later, the tear slowly closed back in on itself, sealing up the sky once more.  What in the world was that!?  Clearly, no one else seemed to know either.  A crowd of bystanders formed in the street by their abandoned vehicles, debating over what exactly they’d witnessed.  Talk of aliens and dark magic drifted to my ears from the road below me.  Whatever strange things were going on, this time, they were not my fault.  Not wanting to stick around in case any government agencies came looking, I backed off and continued the long walk to the mansion.
When I got back, Erica was there waiting for me.  Silently, she opened the back doors and pointed inside to where the old couch used to be.  I delicately placed it inside like you would a piece of dollhouse furniture.  It wasn't completely dark yet, but it was getting there.  It had taken me a while to find my way back without Erica to guide me.  Her back was turned and it looked as if she might shut the back doors on me, so I quickly shifted to visibility.
"Erica, I'm sorry.  I'm so, so sorry," I pleaded, "It's not fair what I did.  It should never have been that long, I- I just got into the habit and didn't stop…"  She turned around to face me.  My eyes were brimming with tears, and I was gripping the cliffside so hard that chunks of rock came away in my hands.  "You're not talking about today, are you?" Erica asked, leaning tiredly against the doorframe.  I shook my head, bending down to look her in the eyes.  "You.. didn't deserve that.  I stole eight months of your life, and I convinced myself that you were better off because of it…"  I took a shuddering breath and continued.  "I don't want to scare you or hurt you, I promise."  
There was a long moment of dull silence where I could've sworn Erica would tell me to leave her alone, but all she did was sigh and step inside.  My stomach plummeted.  I stepped away, trying desperately to keep myself from full-on crying.  I had come so close.  "Hey, I'm-  I'm still here," a whisper echoed from the second floor of the mansion.  "I just came up here to talk to you easier."  I wiped the tears from my face as best as I could in the pitch dark of the coming night before stepping into the light of the house.
"You genuinely care about me, right?" Erica asked once I came back over.  I nodded furiously.  "You're lucky that I care about you, too.  We’re friends, which means we’re supposed to look out for each other.  So just.. Please don't control people anymore.  It’s not right and it freaks me out."  She crossed her arms defiantly, "And if I ever see you do anything like that again, even if it's for a few minutes, even if a person isn't affected by it in the slightest, that's it.  You and I are done."  I blinked, slightly astounded despite my awful predicament.  "There's.. there's a you and me?  We’re friends?"  Erica rolled her eyes, "That's what you got out of all this?  You know what, maybe there isn't a you and me after all."  "No, no!" I backtracked, "I agree with what you said before, I won't control anyone again!”  "You better not," she chided, pointing a finger at me, "Or else."
I stood feeling chastised while Erica glanced awkwardly back into her house.  “I should really go make dinner," she mused, more to herself than to me.  "I haven’t had anything to eat since eleven o’clock this morning.  I’d order in because I really don’t feel like cooking, but I did that yesterday.”  I stood up so fast, Erica flinched.  “I can get us something to eat!”  Instantly, I vanished into my world and grabbed the backpack I’d been planning to bring.  A few sandwiches were packed inside.  
Moments later, I was back at the mansion.  Erica still stood hesitantly on the balcony.  “It.. might be a bit too much, but I have these,” I said, offering her one of the sandwiches.  It occurred to me then that I probably seemed a bit desperate to make amends by doing this.  I watched Erica’s expression.  She mostly seemed shook by the fact that I had a sandwich the length of the room behind her.  “Are you trying to win me back with food?” she questioned, glancing at me smugly.  I looked away, embarrassed, “I just.. don’t want you to be mad.”  “Then maybe you should listen to me the next time I tell you not to do something.”
“Ok..” I answered guiltily, letting the sandwich fall to my side in my hand.  She did have the right to refuse my peace offering.  “Woah, wait,” Erica stopped me, “I take bribes, hand that back.”  At her sudden remark, I let out a surprised laugh and took the sandwich out of the bag it was in, breaking off a piece that would be semi-manageable for her.  “Here you go, then,” I offered it to her.  We spent the rest of the evening eating and talking until we both started getting tired.  Before I could say my goodbyes, Erica stopped me.
“I.. You..."  Erica paused, mouth opening and closing silently as she searched for a way to tell me what was on her mind.  "You’re not controlling me anymore, are you?  And then making me forget?”  “What?” I asked, genuinely confused.  “L- Like that guy in the parking lot?  You made him forget about what he did.”  I leaned over to rest my head on my hands, propped up on the side lawn.  “Why would I want to control you?” I asked her earnestly, “What would I possibly hope to gain from doing that to you now?”  
Erica hesitated, thinking.  “I only did that to make you live an easier life.  Now that I know I was only making things harder for you, why would I keep doing it?”  She sighed, resting her head face down on the railing in front of her, staring silently at the floor for a while.  “I guess that makes sense.  And I don’t have any strange gaps in my memory like I used to.  That.. was you making me forget stuff, I think.  Some people just don’t care about others’ opinions, you know?” she explained, “I just wanted to know if you listened to me about that at the very least.”
I nodded, understanding.  Slowly, I shifted back upright.  It had to be scary — realizing that someone could take a part of your life away without you even knowing about it, or knowing what that piece of your life was for that matter.  “I swear on my life that I haven’t controlled you since the night you called me out on it,” I promised.  Erica’s head lifted, and she scrutinized my expression, searching for the truth.  “I believe you,” she said after a brief silence.  “And if I need anything in the future, like.. I don’t know.. Iike how you forced John to leave me alone, or when you stopped me from getting in a drunken accident a week ago, you’ll still be here, right?”  
“I’ll be around,” I answered.  “Every day I’ll come over here for a minute or two, probably right before I go to bed.  I’ll come check on you, and if you need anything, you can let me know, and I’ll see what I can do.  How does that sound?”  Erica let out a relieved breath, “It sounds like the right way to help me fix my life.  Thank you.  I- I guess it was wrong of me to tell you I wanted you to stop controlling people, end of story, because I agree that it is a useful ability.  So maybe you should only do it if I ask you to?  I don’t know, it just.. it scares me.”  I so badly wanted to hug her.  My hands twitched at the thought, inching closer before realizing she probably wouldn’t enjoy my giant form encroaching in her small space.
Hesitantly, I brought a hand over to the balcony and reached out a single finger instead.  “You shouldn’t have to be scared when I do that.  I want you to know for certain that I will never ever even try to control you.”  Erica stepped backwards in concern, unsure what I intended to do as I got closer.  When I paused right in front of her, her eyes widened slightly, and she stared at the outstretched digit in awe.  Slowly, Erica’s gaze lifted to meet mine.  “It’s alright,” I told her softly.  With a shaking hand, Erica reached out and delicately put her hand over the pad of my upturned finger, mouth dropping open slightly in wonder.  She dazedly traced the swirling marks of my fingerprint, shook by something so much larger in scale.
A brief moment later, I took back my arm, leaving Erica standing there speechless.  “I’ll be back tomorrow,” I promised, “to check on you like you asked.”  I backed off the cliffside and smiled at her hopeful gaze.  After a small goodbye, I left for my own world with Erica still standing wide-eyed on her balcony.
The following few months were filled with similar affairs.  Erica and I got together for a few meals, and she’d started letting me in on a few things that had been happening in her life that she’d previously kept hidden.  She admitted she’d been afraid that I’d mess with things again if she told me about them — a subtle hint to the fact that she was no longer afraid of my ability to do so, and realized that I really did never intend to use it on her again.  
Once we even had an accidental meeting when her car died in the back roads by her house.  It was deathly hot out now that summer was coming, and without any air conditioning, it was stifling.  Thankfully, I came by a little while after the car died.  I’d already been to her house and decided to walk back through the mountains where there was a bit more of a breeze, only to find Erica’s very noticeable car on the side of the road there.  Erica had been halfway passed out from the heat by the time I found her.  Her phone had died as she tried to call a towing company because she spent all her time trying to find a well-reviewed one.  
Hesitantly, I'd asked if she wanted me to get someone to help, but she strongly refused, knowing that meant I'd have to control someone again.  Even when her life might depend on it, Erica refused to break her own rules — something I seemed to be in the habit of doing, though I was getting better at it.  All she’d done was tell me: "I'd be too nervous sitting in someone else's car while you're controlling them," and I immediately halted mid-argument.  If Erica wasn’t comfortable with it, then neither was I.
I ended up taking the car back to the house with her inside it — a quick transport to the air-conditioned mansion.  Erica was thankful for the lift, even though she didn’t approve of my methods whatsoever.  I had to argue with her for fifteen minutes straight just to convince her that I wouldn’t accidentally drop her.  Erica claimed she nearly had a heart attack when I picked up the vehicle without warning.  Still, she thanked me with a gift: a bottle of champagne.
“My last bottle of alcohol in the house,” Erica admitted, “It’s yours.”  She handed me the tiny bottle, which couldn’t have been more than an inch long.  “I’m finally going sober.”  Erica beamed up at me; her eyes shone with an excitement I'd never seen before, even when I showed up to meals with oversized food from my own world.  Ever since I’d brought her that sandwich, it was like she’d finally realized that I had a whole world full of comparatively gigantic things.  Many of my recent trips, I’d brought along either food or an item for Erica to mess with.  She’d practically fainted when I came with a full-sized tube of lipstick a few days ago.  It was nearly as tall as she was, and she’d made a huge mess of it when she tried to use it herself, staining her outfit red, permanently.
Now, I stared down at the tiny champagne bottle in my hands, feeling the same strange wonder of seeing something normal at an entirely different scale.  "How about you start that tomorrow?" I asked, referring to Erica’s remark about being sober, "Go inside and get yourself a glass, will you?"  Erica nodded happily and disappeared into the mansion, returning with one of her champagne glasses.  She took the bottle from me and poured herself a cup, carefully handing it back so it wouldn't spill.  Taking the bottle between two fingers, I held it up to Erica's glass.  "Cheers," I announced, "to you finally getting your life back."  "Oh, I'll definitely drink to that," Erica remarked, clinking her glass with mine before taking a sip.  I took the wine bottle and poured the entire thing into my mouth.  It was barely more than a sip, but it tasted good.  It occurred to me then that I wasn’t supposed to be drinking alcohol; I was only a few months into being eighteen.  It wasn’t much, and I didn’t really care, but still.
It also occurred to me that I had no idea how old Erica was.  She didn’t look that much older than me, but I’d never asked.  “Erica,” I began, resting myself on the edge of the cliff so my head was even with the patio.  “How old are you?”  She froze mid-sip and glanced over at me.  “Why do you ask?”  “I just realized that I technically shouldn’t even be drinking alcohol at my age.  Not that I mind the tiny amount I got from this bottle,” I added with a shrug. “Are you.. I mean…  You’re out drinking all the time, so I assume you’re at least twenty-one, right?”  The look of guilt that sprung to her face immediately made me think otherwise.  “W- Well how old are you?”  I shook my head, “You first.”  “I’m.. I’m only twenty,” she confessed, “but legal drinking age is.. like.. eighteen so…  Yeah.  Now answer my question.”  
It took a moment for me to respond after that.  Not only was I unsure whether she was lying about the age a person could drink in her world, I realized that when I first saw her a year before, absolutely wasted in the parking lot, trying to break into a car she’d mistaken for her own — she was only nineteen.  In my book, that was too young an age for her to be in that situation, and way too young an age to be in the situation with John in the alleyway.
“Alexis?” Erica asked questioningly.  Her voice held the tiniest tinge of fear in it.  “I’m eighteen,” I told her.  My junior year of high school’s almost over.”  She nodded, “Unpopular opinion, but I actually liked high school.”  As I voiced my opinion against her own, claiming she probably just wasn’t remembering it clearly as a joke, I noticed her look darken for a moment, but chose not to press her about it.  I changed the topic entirely and made some small talk for a bit before we parted ways for the night.  I kept the empty champagne bottle as a souvenir, rubbing it thoughtfully between my fingers in bed that night.  "Cheers," I whispered to myself, "to finally getting things right.
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mooncakesofpan · 2 years
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The life of a top designer is stressful in itself how much will change when you find 2 glowing eyes peering back at you from your yard.  
Poly!Skz x Tall!Nonbinary!Reader
Series Warnings: mention of abuse, hybrid au, omegaverse themes, strong language, suggestive topics and themes (see individual chapters for specific warnings)
Chapter warnings: Felix is uncounsious, mentions of stress, anxiety, slight angst, mention of someone potentially dying (they dont), Reader uses they/them adressed using Mx. 
Word count: 2.5k
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First Person
My boots hit the hard floor loudly as I move toward my office.
8:00 am
“Okay you have that meeting with Colra at 12:00 and the two magazine shoots and interviews today. One at 3:00 and one at 5:00, I-I have word that the creative directors from Colra are excited to see what you've created for this season’s line,” Micah says quickly trying to keep up with my pace.
I roll my eyes at the last part not particularly happy to have to deal with Colra and their stuffy creative directors.
“Thank you, Micah, make sure the small auditorium is set up and the lunch is on its way. I’d rather not have them giving their opinions on an empty stomach,” I say with a flat tone.
I turn towards to the shorter male making sure he understood what needed to be done.Micah’s been my assistant for a good few months he’s got black hair dark brown eyes and isn't very tall 5’6 at most.
“Of course, I will take care of that immediately,” The shorter male replies nervously.
“Please let anyone know if they need anything to contact me before 11:00,” I say, going into my office and closing the door.
All these 4 months of work were all leading up to the right moment, this moment finally showing the creative directors of Colra my designs for the collaboration. The months I had spent hunched over a sewing machine, sketchbooks, and thrown-away design led to this. I take pride in my work I won't lie but I’ve been working so hard and have sacrificed so much for this project hopefully assist Script in progressing in the fashion industry. Script Fashion is a fashion company made with the intention to be inclusive and make more practical clothing for everyday people who want to dip their toes into high fashion but don’t have the money to buy high fashion. The artist and designers under the company name deserve some type of Kudos for the work they put in this project. The designs and pieces I’ve been sent over the past few months have been amazing.
I sit at my desk looking through emails and checking the details and designs for some other lines coming from other designers in the company. Script strives for comorbidity and wearability, a stark contrast from high fashion and extravagant ballgowns Colra was known for.
I watch the clock tick closer hour by hour.
I look up from answering the emails eyes tired.
I turned off my computer and walked out of my office making my way across the campus to the smaller auditorium. I see some of the creative directors and board members from Colra Along with a few hybrids with them. Colra has had a history of the board and director members having bad treatment of hybrids and it was one of the reasons I had preferred to not work with Colra in the first place. Script is a place that is known for speaking out about hybrid mistreatment and it irritates me that most of the board had approved the collaboration. I motion Micah over to me behind the curtain. He walks over to me, a tablet held to his chest.
“Can we get more chairs for the hybrid? they should be in the storage room,” I say motioning to the hybrids sitting on the floor.
I turn back to check on the model's outfits and how everyone is feeling most of the designers felt very confident in their abilities for this line. I personally hope that the designs will be good enough for Colra. Soon the music started to play. One by one the models walk down the runway taking the time to pose at the end and come back.
I turn back to check on the model's outfits and how everyone is feeling most of the designers felt very confident in theyre abilities for this line. I personally hope that the designs will be good enough for Colra. Soon the music started to play. One by one the models walk down the runway taking the time to pose at the end and come back.
As I hear the sounds of pretentious clapping I walk out to address the directors and board of Colra. "Thank you all for coming today.  We appreciate the time you took out of your busy schedule. I am currently the main designer on this project, Y/n L/n.”
I hear the small chattering as I stand at the end of the slightly elevated stage.
“Thank you We have been concerned with the casualness of the line? Our brand exudes elegance dont you think your taking more of that way with your design?” One of the board members says from the ground.
”Thank you for your concerns. Script fashion is well known for practicality and wearability for the everyday person, the idea of the collaboration was to combine the extravagance of Colra’s ballroom theme and Scripts wearability and alternative approach to high fashion,” I say trying to keep my voice steady.
“Well we are willing to continue the collaboration if we can see more extravagant designs from you and your designers, we wouldn’t want our company to be marketed to the wrong people. Thank you for your time Mx.L/n,” the group files out the room leaving me on the edge of the stage shocked.
There was so much time and energy put into this project already, there isn’t much money left in the project budget to completely redo the line. Which means I’m gonna have to fix most of it myself to try and stretch what moneys left in the budget.
Standing there I send myself spiraling about this project.
‘Breathe it'll be okay thank the designers and the models and you will figure this out ’ I think to myself.
I turn to face the group behind me after taking a deep breath.
“I would like to thank you all for your work that led up to today. I promise your work won't go to waste. Please enjoy the lunch that's been provided,” I say before walking off the stage and out the auditorium.
Now I have to deal with making sure these designs make it into a  line because none of them will be able to be used by this Colra x Script Line.
‘it's fine it’s all fine it's not like I have any other projects to do.’ I make it to my desk with some hope that I can at least fix some things before my own photoshoot.
I spend hours in my office sending out emails talking to marketing and project managers trying to get the designs into a line to be released since we wouldn't be able to put them in the Colra line. The day went by so slow the interview was uninteresting. One can only fake interest so much, and I'm well aware that makes me an asshole. But with all the things on my mind right now I'm ready to go home. By the time I got back to the office it was pouring rain and I was unprepared meaning I would probably have a long commute home.
I put my laptop in my bag along with some of the sketchbooks and binders I have. I'm probably gonna spend tomorrow, my day off working on fixing designs. I get to the garage walking through the cold rain soaking the black turtleneck and slacks I wore today to work. I get in my car resting my head on the steering wheel, wishing that the day would get better or at least end. But I still have to get home and make dinner. I told myself I would still work on those new designs tonight before I went to sleep.
I turn the engine on to my car hoping to get home as soon as possible. As I drive out I pass the soft street lights that line the road. Driving out of town to my house, cozy and away from the busyness of the city while it takes a good hour to get to it but it's worth it.
My house sits against the woods. Trees in my front yard and the forest comforting to me. I see my two-story farmhouse, the thing I poured my love into. I park my car in the garage. Closing the garage doors once parked. Grabbing my bags, I walk inside setting my things on the cabinets as I enter from the garage. I drag myself upstairs, hop in the shower feeling the hot water run down my shoulders warming me up. Getting out and changing into a sweater and sweats finally in warmer clothes I can relax.
I started making a pasta recipe I've been wanting to try for the past week though it's late, I don't have to work much tomorrow and pasta sounds really good. As I turn some music on, pre-heat the oven. I chop the squash I picked days ago in half and scoop out the seeds ready to put it in the oven.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see something moving outside in my garden. I drop the knife and decide to look out the window. I make eye contact with yellow eyes staring back at me, I move closer to the glass making out the thing I'm looking at. Looking closer I recognize the body of a wolf which would be okay if it wasn't for the fact there were no wolves in the forest behind my house. It could be a hybrid and it's cold and raining which would be no good. They could possibly get sick and they must be hungry. This is probably the dumbest thing I could do at 9:00 at night.
I open the door knowing this could possibly be dangerous. stepping onto my back porch.
“Hi, are you hungry? I'm making food,” I say, testing the waters.
Getting close to the wolf I could see something on its back shivering. ” I can help you both, I have warm clothes and food,” I say, getting closer.
The wolf starts to growl at me as I get closer leading me to stop. I stand there thinking before going back inside, grabbing towels from my closet, and bringing them to the covered porch.
“I have towels, a shower, and a fireplace to keep you warm and a room you can sleep in,”
I drop the towels on the porch waiting for the wolf to creep up to me. I turned to walk back inside before the wolf made a noise. I faced the wolf seeing it motioning to their back. I see something small no more than 5 inches getting closer I recognize it's a bat.
”Would you like me to take them inside?” The wolf makes a nodding motion.
“You can come in and take a shower too, I’m sure your cold as well,” I say softly, not wanting to scare the wolf off.
The wolf seems to think before following me through the sliding door and into the house to the bathroom.
“Let me light the fireplace and bring you and your friend some clothes,” the words leave my mouth quietly, the air thick already with tension.
The poor bat was shivering. The loud screeching could be heard as I brought the bat to the living room where I lit the fireplace. Before running up to my room and grabbing some of my sweaters and sweats, hoping they would be big enough. I came back down with the clothes and put them on the bathroom counter with more towels.
“If you turn it all the way left it's hot and if it's to the right it's cold,” I say before closing the door.
The poor bat I brought in snuggled into the warm blanket as I peeked into the living room. I go back to cooking in the kitchen. I finally get the food finished and on the stove. I hear someone talking in the living room. I'm assuming the wolf hybrid is talking to the bat. 10 minutes later I hear the sound of the shower turning on again through the walls.
As I finish the food and began putting the pasta in bowls I hear labored footsteps making their way to the kitchen.
”I’m glad the clothes fit oh–,” I turn to see the wolf hybrid holding up his friend.
“You can sit him down in this room,” I say hurrying to help him with the boy who seemed to be mostly unconscious, and bring him into the room on the first floor past my studio.
“You guys can stay here for the night if you would like, I can bring you some food I just finished,” I offer after setting his asleep friend on the bed.
“Yes thank you,” the wolf said, staring at me as I backed away from his friend.
This is the first moment I’ve really been able to look at him. His hair was still wet but maintained its curls. The wolf ears sitting atop his head, grey despite the brown of his hair. He has very wide shoulders and strong arms along with a wet wolf tail hanging behind him. I avert my eyes moving to go get the food bringing 2 bowls from the counter.
”I’m Y/n by the way, I’ll be in the living room, You’re free to stay the night if you would like.”
”Thank you,” his voice also had a strong accent– Australian? I'm pretty sure.
Though shorter than me, the man is intimidating. His eyes are intense as they watch me move around, his face unreadable when resting–Though I wouldn’t put it past him he doesn't know me, I don’t know him but he does make me nervous.
“Oh the door locks by the way if it makes you feel more comfortable,” I could tell he didn't entirely trust me.
I don't blame him, he barely knows me and he's a hybrid who possibly hasn't had many good experiences with regular humans.
Going into the living room to eat in front of the fireplace with a good book was my original plan for the night and I’d like to at least do some of it– especially since I won't get to the designs I need to “Fix”.
After I clean from making dinner I walk to the front of the house, knocking on the door of the room. The door cracks open to reveal the wolf hybrid he looks back into the room for a second before stepping out and closing the door quietly.
“I'm gonna head to bed, my rooms up the stairs on the right if you need anything– and stay as long as you would like seriously,” I say nervously
“Thank you again, really you probably saved my friend by bringing us in my names Bang Chan– I'm staying in your home you should know my name,” He says holding his hand out. He has a warmer smile than before.
“I'm glad I could help let me know if there's anything else I can do, sleep well Chan,” I say shaking his hand, warm and slightly calloused. I give him a warm smile and a small wave as I make my way down the hall toward the stairs.
Laying in my bed I think to myself
‘God this has been a long day.’
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the-werdna · 2 months
Title: Robcina Week Day 1 - First Date
Description: They'd been dating for awhile, but in truth they'd never actually gone on a date. Not the kind of normal one you'd expect of the couple in love. So it was, at Morgan's insistence and with their wedding only a few weeks away, the two set about rectifying that lapse.
Notes: Takes place some time after the Valm arc, but before the final Grima arc of Fire Emblem Awakening.
Words: 3637
Robin wet his hair in the basin before dabbing at it, trying, yet again, in vain to keep the wild strands to lay flat and in place. He stared into the mirror, switching to the comb again. Maybe I should have cut it short and been done with it, he mused, his frown deepening. Then he sighed, setting the comb down next to the basin. It was too late for that now, at any rate, meaning he'd have to make due.
He again checked the buttons of the leather surcoat he was wearing, before moving on to the cuffs and collar of the white shirt underneath. He rubbed at a wrinkle in the sleeve with a finger, wetting it in the basin a few times to try to straighten the fabric out. Then he seized his wrist with his other hand, forcing his own arm down to his side with an effort of will.
Relax, Robin, it will be fine. You're fidgeting, this isn't helping, he told himself, trying and failing to take a few slow, steady breaths to calm his nerves. It's fine, you look fine. Lucina won't mind, you look great Stop being nervous and just relax. Relax. Breathe. Relax.
He tried again to breathe in and out slowly. Yet his heart still raced. Involuntarily, he went back to peering into the mirror and trying to straighten his hair. Only, after a moment, did he realize what he was doing and forced himself to stop.
What are you even worried about? You and Lucina have been together for months. You two are already engaged for gods' sake. It's just a date, relax. Just a nice dinner, nothing to worry about, he reminded himself as he began to pace and fidget with his cuffs. This is silly. Why, Robin? Why are you worried about messing this up?
This had all been Morgan's idea, of course, his daughter having set up the whole thing. She'd insisted that he and Lucina just couldn't get married without going on a normal date like normal people would. She'd nagged and begged for days on end to get both of them to relent and give in to going on the 'first date' she'd apparently already made reservations for. Before even suggesting it, mind you.
He reminded himself to consider punching Inigo the next time he saw him. This was his fault. It was because of Morgan and him dating that Morgan had gotten the idea in her head that this was necessary. Only, just as quickly, did Robin also remind himself not to do that. Morgan's inclination was innocent enough, even if the date was ultimately a distraction from far more pressing matters.
Sighing, Robin tried one last time to get his hair to lay in place. Then, seeing the attempt futile, tossed the comb aside. He needed to get going, the reservation was for only half an hour from now. He just hoped his appearance was presentable enough. He was certain Lucina wouldn't mind, but…
I guess I just don't want to embarrass us. I've never done this before and…
Gods, dammit, why did he care so much about doing this right? When he knew full well Lucina never concerned herself about things like this?
Just relax, Robin. It'll be fine. Just fine.
. . . . .
"Don't worry, Mother, you look great! Father will love it."
Lucina frowned as she gazed into the mirror intently.. "Are you sure? Is it not a tad, understated?"
"Do you trust Grandmother? She picked out the dress, not me," Morgan countered, stepping up and giving her several reassuring pats on the back. Through the mirror, Lucina could see her beaming smile.
"I do, but…" Lucina said hesitantly. Shouldn't I be wearing something a bit more regal for such an occasion? she wondered to herself. The dress her mother had picked out for the date was a simple white, with only a few accessories in the arm of two leather belts, one braided and clasped with gold, long enough to wrap twice around her waist, the second shorter and of a simple design with a silver clasp. The jewelry she was given to wear likewise had come from her mother, being a gold bracer and armband to adorn one arm and a silver bracelet wrought to look like a chain of flowers. Unlike the dress, however, these had not been purchased in the past few days, instead coming from her mother's own collection per her position as queen.
Lucina reached up to touch the top of her head, fingers running through her hair as she felt the absence of her tiara. Both Morgan and her mother had assured her several times that she looked fine without it and that it would not go well with the rest of the outfit, not to mention that it would draw undue attention. Perhaps they were right, it would be better that the two of them were not recognized nor stood out too much during the date, as things would certainly go much more smoothly.
Still… Lucina felt oddly naked without it, so accustomed was she to wearing it. However, perhaps the events of just two weeks prior had something to do with her reluctance to part with it. After all, it had been quite the ordeal that she and her friends had embarked on into the Outrealms to retrieve. She is still not quite sure how her replacement tiara had killed those Risen, but that was a moot point now.
Without realizing it, she began to fidget with her hands, scratching at her fingers while wringing them together.
"Nervous?" Morgan asked. She was still grinning even as her eyes looked almost thoughtful as they regarded her.
"How could you tell?" Lucina asked.
"You're fidgeting and asking way way more questions than you usually do. I mean, I'm the one who's supposed to do that. It's like my trademark! It's weird when you do it, Mother!" Morgan answered. She patted her again, this time on the shoulder. "You'll be fine, trust me. I have the whole date all planned out. You just have to go and have a good time. It should be easy. First dinner, then a nice moonlit stroll. Easypeasy!"
"I've just… never done this before," she admitted. She found herself fidgeting again, wringing her hands and staring at the floor. She had no experience with this. Sure, she and Robin had been together for a long while now, but they hadn't gone on anything so formal. How was she supposed to know how to act, how to embarrass herself or him with inexperience?
She shook her head again, failing to shake away the doubts. "How are you sure I won't-" Lucina started to ask.
"Mess up? You won't, mother, trust me. I have been on a ton of dates now and I've never messed up any of them," Morgan assured her. She gave her another slap on the back. "Just relax and remember-"
Somewhere outside, a bell chimed six times.
"Oops, no time! You need to get going now. Don't want to be late for your date!" Morgan exclaimed. She grabbed Lucina by the arm, pulling her towards the door.
"But- Morgan I-" Lucina stammered, mind a whirlwind as she found herself now abruptly thrown to the proverbial wolves.
"Not enough time! Go, go, go! You'll do fine! You don't want to be late!" Morgan exclaimed, twirling around her in a flurry of movement to begin pushing the rest of the way. In moments, Lucina was outside the door. "Have fun, Mother!" Then, with that final exclamation from Morgan, the door was slammed shut behind her.
Thrown out by my own daughter. I do not think that's usually how this is supposed to go, Lucina mused, too stunned for a moment to really know how to respond. She absently reached up to straighten her tiara, fingers passing through nothing but strands of hair. The habit was so second nature that she only now realized how often she did it. She sighed deeply, forcing her hands stiffly to her sides.
I best get going then, Lucina thought to herself at last. Morgan is right about that at least, I do not wish to be late.
. . . . .
Robin hurried through the streets of Ylisstol, occasionally stopping to check the directions Morgan had written him for getting to the restaurant she'd booked for him and Lucina. He squinted at them intently, trying to make out the barely-legible scratches that were his daughter's handwriting. She could write much clearer than this, but only when she actually slowed down and took her time. It seemed, however, that not rushing wasn't exactly in Morgan's nature.
Never mind Morgan's sloppy penmanship, I should be almost there. I can work on that with her later. Date now, don't screw this up. You got this Robin, he told himself as he tucked the slip of paper into his pocket.
Rounding the corner, Robin found the place, a bustling cafe near the heart of the city's market district. The place was already packed, with customers seated at every table outside the building and all those he could see through the circular windows that lined the wall facing him. That explains the need for reservations, Robin noted, peering around intently, searching for Lucina
"Robin, there you are!" came a voice behind him.
He turned, then froze as he caught sight of her. Lucina was always beautiful, stunningly so, but today she looked particularly gorgeous. She'd let her hair down without any tie or tiara to hold it back, allowing it to cascade around her shoulders in gentle waves. She wore a simple white dress, which somehow managed to accentuate her natural beauty than a more elaborate dress would have.
"I- Hi," Robin said lamely, his heart skipping a beat just as the words caught in his throat. He dearly hoped he wasn't staring too much and appearing as some drooling, love-drunk idiot. "You look… nice…" he managed to stammer out, his words coming in even more of an awkward jumble than his initial greeting.
Really, Robin? "You look nice"? That's the best you could do? He scolded himself, feeling his cheeks burning in embarrassment.
"Oh, so do you. Your outfit I mean, I love it," Lucina answered, her words coming haltingly. Her cheeks flushed as well, matching his. "Um, so do we…" She trailed off, hastily tucking the handwritten note away she'd been clutching. Robin caught a glimpse of Morgan's handwriting on it before it vanished from view.
I guess she needed directions as well. This calmed his nerves slightly, knowing he wasn't the only one going in blind here. "Oh, I almost forgot, here. I got you these." He thrust out his hand, producing the bouquet of white flowers he'd been holding behind his back.
"Oh, Robin. Did you get flowers for me?" Lucina asked, accepting the bouquet. She held them up to her face, taking a moment to smell their fragrance. "These are the same kind, are they not?"
"Yes, the same as when I first, you know, told you how I felt," Robin confirmed, feeling more embarrassed than he probably ought to have. "I thought it fitting, for the occasion. I hope you like them."
"Robin, of course, I love them. That was so thoughtful of you. Thank you," Lucina answered.
There was an awkward pause, neither of them making any move. Lucina opened her mouth to say something, hesitated, then shut it again.
"I…" Robin trailed off.
"So…" Lucina offered, blushing.
"Should we go inside?" Robin asked. He stiffly stuck out a hand, offering it to her.
"Yes! Shall we?" Lucina asked, seizing his hand so fiercely that Robin nearly winced.
They exchanged one last nervous glance, then went inside to make their reservation.
. . . . .
"Oh come on, that was the perfect chance to kiss, you idiots!" Morgan exclaimed from her vantage point on the rooftop overlooking the restaurant. She'd arrived there long before either of her parents, relying on the roundabout directions she'd given to buy her enough time to beat them there via a more direct route.
"Popcorn?" Cynthia asked, offering her the bowl she'd brought along.
"Not now, I need to get these dorks to stop acting dumb and do actual couple stuff!" Morgan fumed, shoving the bowl aside.
"I thought you said it was gross when your parents made out," Cynthia asked through stuffed cheeks as she munched away.
"Well yeah, normally I do. But this is different. Their wedding is in three weeks and they haven't done, like, half the normal boyfriend-girlfriend things that normal people do! This needs to go right before it's too late!"
"Well, I'm having fun either way. Let's just see how this goes and then, if it goes terribly, we step in to save the day and possibly their soon-to-be marriage," Cynthia assured her. She threw the now empty bowl behind her, not even seeming to notice as it shattered loudly against the roof tiles. "Shame Owain isn't here to help. What was so important to keep him from serious Justice Cabal business?"
"Eh, I think Severa took custody of him for the day. Something about needing someone to carry her things on her shopping trip. That poor, poor doomed fool…" Morgan shook her head sadly as she returned to spying on her parents.
. . . . .
"Oops!" Lucina exclaimed, hands shooting upward to hide her face as it turned bright red in embarrassment. She'd accidentally bumped the pitcher of water sitting at the end of the table while reaching for her own drink, spilling it directly into Robin's lap. His trousers and the entire bottom half of his shirt were now completely soaked with water, the rest dripping from him onto his chair and the floor.
"I'm- Robin, I- I'm so, so very sorry. That was dreadfully clumsy of me and- I am truly sorry for-" Lucina stammered through her fingers, feeling her face burning even hotter with every word as a part of her just wanted to curl up and die.
There was a painfully long pause before, slowly, Robin reached for his napkin, mopping up the water as best he could. "It's alright, Lucina. Accidents happen," Robin assured her, smiling gently. He chuckled then as Lucina hastily thrust her napkin into his hands as well, using it as well to dry off. He waved off the waiter who rushed over to help, quickly apologizing on Lucina's behalf. Still mortified as she was, Lucina found herself even more thankful for Robin handling it so as to not cause even more of a scene.
It was only after a few moments longer and when Robin had managed to somewhat dry himself off that Lucina finally worked up the courage to speak again. "Are you quite alright? I'm dreadfully sorry, it was an accident and very clumsy of me. I didn't mean- I hope I didn't ruin your clothes, did I?"
"Well other than the fact water is my one weakness and I am going to melt into a puddle at any moment, I'm alright," Robin answered, his jest certainly an attempt to dispel any tension from the matter. He flashed her a reassuring smile, holding out his palms in a gesture for her to relax. "It's just water, Lucina. It's no big deal, really."
"I know but… now I've gone and embarrassed both of us," Lucina told him, sheepishly, wishing she could hide from the looks the other patrons had given them during the commotion.
"I came in here certain I'd do something to completely ruin the whole date. Since that hasn't happened, I consider this a victory," Robin told her.
"Really, you do not need to jest so, Robin. I admit my mistake and ask for your forgiveness for my lack of coordination," Lucina told him. "I knew this would happen, that I'd mess this up and- make a scene or- embarrass both of us. I hope you can understand, that I am still terrible at this. I've never been on a date before and I wanted this to go well," She looked away fidgeting with her hands as her cheeks flushed again.
His response caught her completely off guard, a deep belly laugh emanating from the tactician. "No, I- I'm dead serious, Lucina. I honestly expected to somehow blow this whole thing, Truly, I've been a nervous wreck all day, terrified. It's still, I know, but…" he shook his head, the gesture carrying with it both bewilderment and bemusement in equal measure. "I am just thankful it seems like we both were driving ourselves crazy over this."
Lucina nodded. "And you are sure then that I am not embarrassing you?" she asked.
Robin reached out, taking her hand. "Of course not. And even if you did, it couldn't be any worse than I could embarrass myself."
Lucina laughed at this, finding herself at last put at ease by both his admission and jest. She smiled back.
It was about then that the waiter returned with their food. So it was that their date resumed, the incident quickly behind them and forgotten.
. . . . .
Morgan peered through the book she was holding up over her face, having ingeniously cut eye-holes to allow her to see through it. Next to her on the bench, Cynthia was doing the same, their disguises having allowed them to move to a spot with a direct view through a window to the couples' table.
"Nice recovery from father, but why are they still not making out? They started holding hands and everything!" Morgan fumed, stamping her foot in frustration.
"You are really hung up on this, huh?" Cynthia noted. She was snacking again, having slipped away to buy doughnuts from a nearby stall. She offered one to Morgan, who again shoved her hand away.
Normally, Morgan would have taken the doughnut, but this wasn't a normal situation. This was serious business after all, so serious that not even a delicious pastry could sway her focus!
"I had a plan Cynthia, and the two of them making out is part of it! This needs to be romantic! Romantic, I say!" Morgan answered, practically shouting. She threw her book up into the air to punctuate her statement, froze, and then scrambled to retrieve it before she could be spotted.
"If you say so… oooh, I wonder what they ordered," Cynthia said, peering intently through the eyeholes in her own book.
As Morgan reoriented her ingenious disguise, she was already planning their next move. Once they finished eating, she and Cynthia would need to get moving. The moonlit stroll was to be alongside the river that ran through the city, meaning before then they'd need to get to their chosen hiding spot. Luckily, there were several large trees growing by the water that would be perfectly suited for that very purpose.
. . . . .
Hand in hand, the two of them walked alongside the cobbled street that ran alongside the river, the way illuminated from the candle lamps that glowed above and the light of the full moon overhead. The air was calm and the riverside peaceful, away from the continued bustle of the market even after sunset.
"I was skeptical of her plan at first, but I think we can say Morgan's idea was a good one," Lucina noted, speaking up after a while. They'd spoken little since leaving the cafe, having been more than content to just enjoy each other's company while on the stroll
"Nerves aside, I agree. I've had a wonderful time," Robin agreed. The two came to a stop, gazing out over the water near a large oak tree. The moon shone bright overhead, its silvery disk reflected as a rippling mirror on the surface of the river. "I hope I wasn't too nervous though. As I've said before, I don't have much experience with this sort of thing and…" he trailed off, realizing he was ruining the moment.
Lucina squeezed his hand reassuringly, turning to look into his eyes. "Neither have I. But regardless, I loved this evening greatly, Robin. I hope we can continue to spend moments like these together, even after we are no longer dating and instead are properly wed."
"I'd like that," Robin agreed. He found himself entranced by her beauty there, her eyes seeming almost to shimmer where they caught the silvery moonlight and the distant flicker of the lanterns.
Slowly, the two of them began to step closer, leaning closer and closer until their lips almost met. There was a gust of wind, dry leaves swirling upon it. Amongst the soft whistle, there was something else. Almost sounding like muffled voices.
Robin stepped back, breaking from soon-to-be-kiss. "Sorry, hold on one moment," Robin apologized, holding up a hand for her to wait. He turned suddenly, sweeping a hand towards a nearby tree. "Elwind!" A vortex of air shot towards the treetops, shaking the branches and sending a flurry of leaves into the air. There were two surprised yelps, followed by the silhouettes of two figures falling from the branches into the river with two loud splashes.
"There we go," Robin said, turning back to Lucina.
"Was that…"
"Yeah…" Robin confirmed. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Morgan and Cynthia have been spying on us the whole date."
"Ah, I suppose we can scold them later then. Provided the unexpected bath isn't punishment enough." Lucina laughed, squeezing his hands tighter. "Now, where were we?"
Smiling back, and satisfied there were no more onlookers, Robin leaned in, his and Lucina's lips meeting in a long, drawn-out kiss. When they at last separated, both were blushing, yet with huge, dumb smiles on both their lips.
"This was nice. We should do it again sometime," Lucina told him.
"Yes. We should," Robin agreed. As first dates went, this hadn't been all too bad.
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crmsnmth · 2 months
September Sky Chapter Four, part 4
That had been on Monday. Six days ago. It felt like it was a whole different time period, yet somehow that it just happened. Sitting here, in the early morning dark royal purples, time didn't matter. My heart finally caught up to itself and my breathing came easy. Soon enough I was asleep again.
* * * *
I had maybe an hour or so before Addison would be here. We had decided on some place I've never heard of called Atomic Cafe. I ended up making her pick where, because I don't know shit for vegan places. According to Addison, this place had a great menu, featuring vegan and omnivore foods. And although I was thankful it did have other options, I would've been fine with a place that just served vegan or vegetarian foods. i was so thankful she had picked something. I would've never figured it out.
I was out in the backyard, chain-smoking and pacing along the small and neglected lawn. Most of the gross was brown and dead, and soon the earth would reclaim its place, and this would all be dirt. It wasn't our fault. it was already crappy when we first moved in. And the landlord never tried to blame us for it. I guess we had a pretty good landlord. He wasn't a slumlord and if something went wrong, you better believe he be there.
A nervous, panicky energy was flowing through me, riding the highways of my veins. It made it impossible to sit still, for even just a second. Trust me, I tried. The power plant inside of me held me tight from the moment I woke up this morning. I tried every distraction I could, from playing video games to walking around the block. Nothing helped.
Not for the first time, I panicked and wanted to call her and cancel. Somehow I was working through it. I think knowing I couldn't fuck this chance up was more of a help then a hindrance. I was freaking out, yeah, that was true, but I was freaking out alone. Maybe I'd get it all out of my system. This, of course, was just wishful thinking.
I paced, making a trail in the dead grass. Back and forth, back and forth. I tossed a cigarette butt off into the alley behind the house. Tom usually parked back here, but he wasn't home.
It seemed I was looking at my phone every minute. At least that's what it felt like. In all reality, I don't think even a full minute would pass before I would check it again. I'd look at the screen in some word form of hope and desperation.
Anticipation plus high anxiety is like being made entirely of electricity. It wasn't really that horrible of a feeling. Actually, it was kind of nice. And oddly exhilarating. I couldn't tell you why though. I could almost feel the bolts in my fingertips. I looked around quick, making sure no was looking at me, or around. Then I tried to use Force lightning because I am geeky kid in a punk frame. It did not work, just in case you were wondering.
I stopped pacing, tossed my half full cigarette into the alley, and headed back inside. I headed through the house, moving fast to get to my room. Dennis's gunshots were bleeding into the hall, like normal. I checked to make sure I had everything I needed. I didn't really need all that much. My wallet, which I wore chained cause I won't let that image fade away, my phone, cigarettes, lighter and keys. That's it. Four things. I had already hit the ATM earlier in the day.
My laptop sat open on the bed. I dropped myself next to it, grabbing it and clicking on to Facebook, for the millionth time that day. I had nothing from anybody, so I just sat their scrolling and looking at the clock every few seconds. Chad suddenly was online.
CHRIS: What's up?
CHAD: Not much. Isn't today your date?
CHRIS: In about a half hour.
CHAD: Ah, that makes sense.
CHRIS: I'm a fucking ball of lightning right now. I even tried to use Force Lightning.
CHAD: Lol, for real? CHRIS: Yeah, in the backyard.
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casspurrjoybell-26 · 2 months
Too Old For This - Chapter 17 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*    
As early as six in the morning on Saturday Zachary was sitting in his wheelchair next to the full-length window in the sunroom.
The event of the day was Leroy coming over.
Since the man had asked if he was allowed to come over on the phone on Friday even, Zachary was barely able to catch a wink of sleep.
The past week of deep anxiety and crying over the state of their relationship, had molded into panicked pacing in his room and staring up at the ceiling deep in the night as he waited for the aforementioned Saturday to come around.
The whole week had been hard on his body.
Dehydration from crying and lack of sleep.
Forgetting to eat and being constantly on the edge checking his cell-phone even though the light hurt his eyes.
He didn't feel well.
In fact, that whole situation was something he'd probably need a week or two to recover from but he didn't want to turn down Leroy coming over.
The thought of seeing the man after he thought Sunday was probably their last day meeting made his chest tight and face warm.
So, he watched from the sunroom, patiently waiting for the lean man with thick eyebrows and a head of shiny dark hair.
"He's taking his time, isn't he?" Zachary said, turning over to one of the cats who had walked up to him and meowed.
It was only maybe nine in the morning now but Zach was impatient.
He tapped his feet against the floorboards and occasionally looked back to the sitting room area to look at the clock right about the sofa.
Time moved so fast and he wondered why he'd never noticed that before.
He wasn't sure what they were going to do besides talk.
They hadn't planned for anything besides meeting up but Zachary couldn't really care less.
They'd figure something out.
Leroy didn't text Zachary until a few minutes to eleven in the morning.
I'll be heading out in a bit. Had to talk to my mum and sort some things out for work.
Zachary stared at the text, nibbling on his lower lip as he read it.
He sent Leroy a thumbs-up emoji as he tried to figure out when exactly Leroy might get there.
From how long it usually took Leroy to confirm he's gotten home after leaving his place, he would guess it was anywhere from a ten to twenty-minute walk and if Leroy wasn't leaving right away, he would probably leave at eleven on the dot, so Zachary started to expect him anywhere between eleven ten to eleven-thirty.    
Time continued to pass slowly and at a point, Zachary was even counting the seconds, he was so focused on that, that he didn't hear the knock on the door and the cat meowing from outside.
It was only when his ears picked up Leroy's voice did, he look up and was met with the sight of the man on the porch squatting and petting a cat.
His face flushed and he felt like there was something lodged up in his throat.
He got up as quickly as he could, making his way to the door and when it creaked open Leroy looked up at him.
The two men both stayed quiet for a bit, with Zachary staring down at Leroy and Leroy looking up at him.
They both seemed to be taking in each other's looks, as if much could change in five days.
They both looked exactly the same of course but the intensity of the emotions they felt had them looking for little changes in appearances and demeanor.   
For example, it was the first time Zachary noticed how long Leroy's bottom lashes were.     
'Fuck,' the older man scolded himself, blinking and then opening his eyes again.
"Do you want to come in?" he asked and Leroy blinked as if he'd just realized they'd been staring at each other in silence for what seemed like minutes.   
"Yeah, of course," the younger man said, letting go of the protesting cat, before standing up.
Zachary had always been taller than him but Leroy felt it more now that his eyes were in line with the man's lips.
He swallowed the spit in the back of his mouth before making himself stare at the floor.
It was plain and not as interesting as Zachary's face but at least he wouldn't be tempted to make out with it.  
"Err... I don't know what we can do... I guess we didn't figure that part out," Zachary said, laughing awkwardly as he stepped out of the way.
Leroy walked into the house, still avoiding Zachary's gaze as he made his way into the spacey bungalow.     
Leroy followed Zachary to take a seat on the sofa and they both sat in silence for a while, not saying much to each other.     
"So..." Leroy trailed, breaking the silence.
"I... I don't know where to start..."     
"You said you liked me," Zachary said, cutting him off.
"Are you gay? Or bisexual maybe?"
He'd been wondering about this since Sunday.
Trying to figure out if he had a chance or if this was something Leroy would run from when it all got too much.     
"I.... I don't know," Leroy answered honestly.
"I mean, I tried to date girls because I'm sure I like girls. I've not really had thoughts about men like that until you..." Leroy trailed.   
"Though, I think growing up people called me gay a lot because of my height, how I look like my sister, etc. So, I guess I never entertained the idea because I was too self-conscious about it," Leroy admitted and Zachary nodded.     
"I see," the older man said and Leroy sighed, shrugging his shoulders.
"I liked kissing you. I'd do it again and again, fuck," he said, closing his eyes briefly before letting out a sigh.
"When I'm with you, I overthink things because I want to touch you... I want to be with you that way, I think."
"You think?"
"You know what I mean..."
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whatwewrotepodcast · 3 months
Pride and Prejudice in Space Chapter 1
Okay so this isn't ever going to be published, it's just a bit of fun, so I figured I'd start posting chapters here when I remember. So, enjoy our queer, enemies to lovers, slow burn scifi romance adventure, Pride and Prejudice in Space! No it hasn't got a better name, it's a working title okay. Would love to hear your feedback!
Chapter 1: Theo
Theo walked through the halls of Genesis station. Most people moved out the way when they saw a figure his size moving at the pace he did, so he made good time. It wasn’t a long walk from the docks, but his impatience burred in his chest with every second that passed. He had never actually been to the shop himself, though he remembered the address clearly enough. He’d had to check it multiple times for the trial, after all. Still, he wasn’t quite sure what to expect as he rounded the corner to Section 14, Passage C3.
Whatever he had expected, the reality was well below it. He’d nearly walked past it altogether. There was no shop front, no window. Just a grimy neon sign hanging above the door with a purple spanner on it. The door itself had once been red, but it had faded under the artificial UV lights, its paint chipping and peeling off in large patches. Theo frowned, but knew better than to judge on appearances alone. By all accounts the mechanic here had shown textbook work, except for one, albeit rather large, mishap. Not only that, they were one of the few mechanics on Genesis that would do the work that he required. He couldn’t stand the thought of spending anymore time on Sequi than strictly necessary, so here he was.
He tested the door, and finding it open, pushed his way inside. The interior matched the exterior in that it looked like the kind of place that had been here for a good long time. The walls were lined with shelving, packed full of various parts, boxes of screws and washers and who knew what else. There were tools packed hastily away, plastic boxes with labels so faded they could barely be read and what appeared to be simple scraps of metal strewn everywhere. He checked where he stood, making sure there was nothing on the ground he needed to worry about, but the walkways were clear.
Nestled in the midst of all this was a battered counter, which looked to him like it had been dragged through an asteroid field on the back of a cruiser. Behind it sat the person he was looking for.
Onyx Rathbone sat in an office chair that creaked ever so slightly with each breath they took. They were leaning back, their heavy black boots propped up on the desk. Their vivid indigo hair was so bright he thought it might have been the only source of light in the room. It was buzzed short around the sides, and the longer strands on top were brushed straight forward over their brow. He could see the glint of several piercings through their hair. They disregarded his entrance completely, though Theo knew there was no way they could not have been aware of his presence, instead continuing to tap away at their keyboard on their lap, absently chewing on the toothpick tucked into the corner of their mouth.
He came to stand in front of the counter, tucking his hands behind his back, a force of habit making him square his shoulders and settle his feet beneath his hips.
“Aye then?” Onyx said distractedly, still not deigning to look up at their new customer. “Watcha want like?” Theo narrowed his eyes, wondering if they were even interested in picking up business. Never the less, he cleared his throat.
“I was wondering if you had time to look at my ship. It is a class M Starscape Frigate,” he said. Onyx snorted, flicking their toothpick to the other side of their mouth in a move practiced enough to lead him to believe they held one between their teeth more often than not.
“Class M? Where’s you finding one of those these days?” They asked, finally pulling their feet down off the table and tossing the keyboard carelessly onto the table. They swung around to look up at him and froze like a dodgy android on the fritz, blinking as they clearly recognised him. “Oh, you’re fucking shitting me.”
“Excuse me?” Theo’s answer to their question escaping at their exclamation, his brows drawing together. Their expression shifted into curiousity as they let their dark eyes run the length of him. He could practically feel their gaze picking at his plain black flight suit, zipped up to his throat. They chuckled under their breath.
“Ay, you can take the grunt out of the suit but ya can’t take the suit outta the grunt, huh?” They said, leaning back in their chair as they considered him. Theo clenched his teeth, feeling the rumble in his ears. They were right of course. He was no longer with the Alliance. A fresh wound barely healed. The hair on the back of his neck bristled, a feeling he wasn’t used to having kept his hair buzzed short for most of his life. Even now the thick dark fuzz growing back was barely a centimetre long, but he felt positively woolly.
“I checked your profile,” he continued, narrowing his eyes at them, deciding to ignore their comment. “You state that you are able to work with this class. There are not many mechanics who will, and fewer still that have the time to spare.” They rocked forward in their chair suddenly, spitting out their toothpick and slamming their hands flat on the desk, their eyes darkening to a pitch black, staring him down intensely. They wanted to startle him, he knew, but he’d faced far more intimidating things than a prickly mechanic.
“Funny that, ey?” They snapped at him. “I reckon they call that shit karma. Mebbe you should have been thinking twice,” they tapped their finger against their temple. “Before you fucked me reputation and ruined my business, ay? Piss off, boot licker.” They flopped back into their chair, rather like a petulant child, Theo thought, smouldering. Theo looked down at them for a moment, taking a second to consider their response. Clearly they had lost business after the trial. And no surprise. When a mechanic is pulled up for making a mistake that killed two soliders and injured dozens more, word got around. Genesis was heavy on Alliance influence. If you got offside with the Alliance, Genesis became a difficult place to live. But not impossible. At least that’s what he was currently banking on.
“The AA contracts are not and have never been under my instruction. Their longevity is also not guaranteed. Particularly when the business in question is involved in an accident such as the one that happened. Accidents do happen, however. And I am in need of a mechanic for my ship. Or should I take my credits elsewhere?” he asked, flicking one eyebrow up. Perhaps it was cruel to call their bluff, but if business really was that bad for them, turning away any business seemed like a foolish plan. He watched a muscle twitch in their jaw, the sound of them grinding their teeth audible in the pressing silence between them.
“What’s wrong with it?” They growled eventually. Theo nodded, glad they came to their senses. Perhaps it wouldn’t be an easy partnership, but he felt it would be symbiotic at the least.
“My shields took a beating travelling through an asteroid belt off Sector 9. They have not been at full strength since. My portside thruster also seems to be lacking,” he hesitated, but figured there was no hiding the fact that the Idalia was a little closer to ‘antique’ than most. “And the door to the bridge… sticks.” Onyx stared him down for another long moment, grinding their teeth for moment before they put another toothpick in their mouth. They glanced down at the display on their monitor and he watched their nostrils flare as they exhaled through their nose. Clearly whatever was presented there worked in his favour.
“Ay, fine. I guess shit kicker creds spend as good as others. Park it in the hanger bay, I’ll take a look,” they said, shoving themselves back from the desk and rolling over to hit a button. A yellow light started to flash, highlighting what he’d missed to be a sliding metal door, tucked away behind the shelves. Theo nodded, ignoring the insult for now. He knew all too well the taste the Alliance left behind in some peoples’ mouths.
“I’ll bring her around,” he said, turning and heading back out of the shop. He hadn’t quite made it out yet when he heard them mutter softly behind him,
“Fuck,” and he glanced back briefly as he closed the door, seeing them pinch the bridge of their nose as they breathed. His brow furrowed a little. He didn’t hold much sway now he was no longer in service of the Alliance. But perhaps working for him would help reignite their business. He had meant want he’d told them. He’d always known their work to be exemplary, barring the one mistake. It was simply unfortunate that the mistake in question had had such significant ramifications.
He sighed softly to himself and began the journey back to the docks to fetch the Idalia.
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theorphaninthetardis · 6 months
Chapter Six
The Doctor leads Jack into the adjacent room, leaving Sophie in the main room of the office. She can hear muffled conversation from the two, but mainly just sits in the office, her brain replaying the events of the previous day in her head. She can see the Master crumbled on the floor, the blood pooling in his lap, while the Doctor cradles his limp body. How she even managed to do it, she is unsure, but somehow it happened.
She slumps down in the seat, as the Doctor and Jack step back into the office. "So," Sophie asks, glancing up at the duo, "What have you got? Any way to get me back home?"
Jack comes back and takes the seat next to her, "We're working on it, but there are a few things you need to realise," the Captain says, placing a hand on her knee.
The Doctor leans forward in his seat on the opposite side of the desk. "If we send you home, your parents won't be alive. All of the events that formed your life in your world will go back to normal, including any trauma."
Sophie nods, "I know. And as much as I love my parents, I don't know them. I know you, Theta Sigma, Jack Harkness. You are my family, and I want to get back to them."
The Doctor's eyes widen when Sophie uses his Gallifreyan nickname. "Alright then, follow me." He stands from his desk, and walks right to the TARDIS, not checking to see if anyone is following him. Jack and Sophie obediently head into the ship, and the TARDIS starts to hum.
Sophie presses a hand against the console, and the room brightens. The Doctor looks around, and walks up to the screen on the time rotor. He presses a few different keys on the keyboard, and scans the readings, "That's strange."
"That doesn't sound good," Jack says, walking up and standing behind the Time Lord.
"The TARDIS recognizes Sophie, which, if this were a parallel universe, she shouldn't know her."
"So wait, are you saying this isn't a parallel universe?" Sophie asks, her eyebrows rising. "But then, why doesn't anyone recognize me? And how do you explain my parents being alive?"
"Shut up," the Doctor says, and turns back to the screen. Sophie rolls her eyes, trying not to look affronted. The Time Lord starts typing more furiously on the console, reading faster than a human's eyes can move. He steps back from the time rotor, and clasps his hands behind his back, and begins to pace across the TARDIS floor. "This doesn't make any logical sense."
"Does your life usually make logical sense?" Jack asks, leaning against the console.
The Doctor ignores him, and walks over to the chalkboard on the second walkway on the ship. He turns, and points a piece of chalk at her, "Tell me everything."
Her eyes widen, "About what?"
"Your life, my life, Jack's life. Everything you know about aliens, the universe. Everything."
She tells the Doctor and Jack about every moment in her life, at least those that aren't spoilers. As she tells him the Doctor's face gets more and more pensive, and the smile on Jack's grows. Sophie starts to talk about the Year That Never Was, and hesitates. Jack raises an eyebrow, and she takes a deep breath, and tells the Doctor about how she shot his best friend.
He shrugs, and turns back to the computer. "I'm not seeing much about what could have caused the world to forget you. And the strange appearance of your parents."
"I've got about as much of a clue as you, Doc. That's why I came to you, thought maybe you could figure this out."
"I'm working on it," he grumbles.
"Great, what do I do till then? I can't go back to my old house, I'll say the wrong thing, and my 'parents' will know something is up. And I don't really have anywhere else to go either."
Jack cups her shoulder, "You can stay at the Hub, if you'd like. We have a bunk room, or you could stay in my room, if you'd prefer."
She sighs in relief, "Thanks Jack. The bunk room will be fine."
He smiles, "Don't worry, we'll get this all sorted out."
"With you two on the case, I think that's pretty obvious. I'll always trust you two with my life, no matter what."
Jack drives back to Torchwood. By the time they get there, the rest of the crew has clocked out for the day. Jack glances around, "Guess we'll have to wait till tomorrow for introductions, at least of you to the team. Bunk room is—"
"Down the corridor, take the left at the end, four doors down."
He chuckles, "Guess it shouldn't surprise me that you know that already. I'll see you in the morning."
She nods, and heads off down the hallway. Sophie tugs out her mobile when she arrives in the room. She sends a quick silent thank you to Ianto for always being prepared, and having the beds made up. She scrolls through her contacts again, trying to see if she recognizes any of the names on the list. She reads each name individually, and knows that none of the numbers are her friends. She tosses the phone onto the bed, and starts to pace across the room. Sophie knows she doesn't have her backpack, which means no sonic screwdriver, so she can't even scan herself.
Flopping down on the bed, she sighs deeply, and stares up at the ceiling, her brain running at a mile a minute. Sophie lays on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling for hours, wanting more than anything that the memories of the Year to leave her alone. But everything that the Master forced her to do is flooding back in all at once, and she can't stop it. She doesn't realize when the tears start, but when they start to come as floods out of her eyes, she curls into a ball, and hugs herself.
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kittymaine · 7 months
Spooky Boys Sneak Peak #1
NaNoWriMo is going good so far! I'm on track to get to 50k at least. So, I wanted to post a little snippet from chapter one. Keep in mind that this isn't edited or anything, so there will probably be typos and weird pacing and stuff.
It was a shitty cold rainy April day when Chardi Sodhi stopped in at the restaurant he had been working at to check on his schedule. He had just gotten out of his Nursing Chemistry class and had just enough time to stop in at <<stupid restaurant name>> before his next class. But, it still meant a sprint across campus to the nearest bus stop, which of course had no cover so he got to stand in the drizzling freezing cold rain until the bus rumbled up to the curb fifteen minutes late to take him into town. The restaurant was hopping with the lunch rush, but Chardi pushed past it all to get back to the kitchen and the little corkboard tacked up outside the tiny cramped office that the owner used to store their ancient dell tower PC and their precariously stacked paper files. It was Monday, so the new schedule should already be up and hopefully his hours that week would be better than the last.
Chardi was constantly behind on all his bills. It had been his state of being since he turned 18, so he was used to it, but he had been cutting it especially close the past few weeks. He had just given the entirety of his last week of pay to his roommate to cover his rent for the past month, but he was still behind. His boss had been steadily cutting his hours back at the restaurant for months. Really, he should just get a new job, but he was so close to graduating and the hassle of having to learn a whole new job, learn a whole new sea of faces, a whole new rhythm felt like the most exhausting thing he could imagine.
He just wanted to squeak by with this shitty job until he could graduate and get a real fucking job that paid real big boy money.
Judging by the shedule that Chardi was looking at that wasn't about to happen though.
"Hey, Chardi! My favorite dish boy! What are you doing here? You're not on the schedule today," shouted a large tattooed man cheerily. He threw his arm around Chardi's shoulders and he tried not to tense up and definitely failed.
"Yeah, I'm barely on the schedule at all," Chardi snapped, still staring at the schedule.
Two days. They gave him two days next week at only six hours a shift that was twelve hours. He didn't even have money for food that week, how was he going to pay his rent or anything with twelve hours of pay?
"Ah, yeah, it's too bad," said Ray, the head chef. He was a handsome guy, with a thick head of dark slicked back hair and lean muscled arms and a perpetual five o'clock shadow. "With Gregor just starting and Mika not ready for line cook yet, it's tough to balance all three of you. Once Mika is shifted all the way over to line cook, your hours will pick way up."
"You've been saying that for weeks," Chardi growled, shrugging Ray's arm off his shoulders. "Why the hell did you hire a new guy before you moved Mika?"
Ray's face darkened. "Why the hell do you care?" Ray asked with a wrinkle of his nose as he looked down at Chardi. "You can't tell me you won't be out of here the second that you graduate. With you leaving soon and Mika taking on a new role, I need to get my new guys trained up."
Chardi felt his face going red with frustration, but tried to bite it back. He needed this job, he reminded himself. But, his anger was burning bright, a familiar feeling of outrage and violence that he had struggled with since adolescence.
He clenched his teeth and tried to breathe through his nose. "But, I'm not graduated yet. And, I can't pay my bills with these hours, Ray."
Ray shrugged, the distaste smoothing out of his face as if it was never there. "Talk to Barb, I guess," he shrugged. "She handles all the scheduling." With that Ray swanned off back into the kitchen, already shouting at someone to watch the fryer.
Chardi clenched and relaxed his fists over and over, he counted backward in his head, he focused on the feeling of his scratchy wool jacket against his neck, of the sounds of stainless steel utensils clanging against pots and pans in the kitchen. Slowly, his rage receded, as steadily and reliably as it always did once he had a second to work on willing it away. But, what took it's place was a more solid sense of sickness and desperation.
Charging through the back door, Chardi threw himself back out into the cold wet midday gloom. The clear coldness of the air outside was a welcome relief from the smell of fried food and the constant cacophony of the kitchen behind him. But, it didn't solve any of his problems.
Sitting down on the stone steps leading down to the alley behind the restaurant, Chardi put his head in his hands and tried to breathe. This time, trying to work through the steadily building nausea in his stomach.He had nothing to make it through the end of the week and even once he got paid it would be a little bit of nothing. He could promise his roommate he would pay him back once he graduated, but he was on such thin ice already that he had little hope that he would hear him out. Despairingly, Chardi started thinking about sleeping in the college library, showering at the gym, storing changes of clothes in his backpack. He was no stranger to living rough, but it had been a few years since he had had to. He had hoped college would be a new chapter in his life and in a lot of ways it was. But, it felt just as fraught if not more so than his years of living in the foster system had been.
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mirthlxss · 1 year
hellohello, i stalk you consistently on tumblr and a03, probably one of my favourite writers, i love the way you move between action and description, it resonates with me a lot, especially following lilith and her own journey, i can place myself in her shoes but also within other groups of the story.
as per my previous mention of stalking, i kinda noticed you weren't posting as much, and am also now /worried/! i hope everything is okay and that you're doing well! hopefully this doesn't come off as imposing or rude but i really hope you haven't dropped this fic, i am clinging to it and kinda /have/ to know where it goes.
please feel free not to reply to this, just wanted to send my love and many, many, many thanks for writing so well, i love off to the races, i saw another ask talking about how it kind of felt real? like i can't agree enough, the balance between actions and the fantasy of a story is so well done. the whole 'it wasn't quite legal' and the reveal of her personal life through the background checks, the intel team pushing it too far, idk its just, plot twist after another but in such a well paced way. like how is this only 6 chapters, yet so juicy?
also gaz! i adore your choice of their friendship, i feel like a lot of cod writers rely too heavily on soap for comic relief and friendship with their oc/reader, which is lovely but i totally fucking agree so hard with the fact that lilith would've befriended gaz first as he's understated but dependable, it works so well.
one last thing, the pacing of the relationship between price and lilith. chefs kiss. the back and forth, him struggling between trying to maintain his team and the morality of practically kidnapping someone, then getting softer as it becomes clear she isn't a threat? again, so fucking well timed and balanced. the hug. THE HUG. her guard being up and him knowing it is, approaching her with the right temperance, letting her lash out for a bit before he takes control again??? wtf. its so good. the best part is, you don't spoon feed the reader like a lot of fanfic writers do, it is left with description and dialogue, i'm lead into the situation with them, im THERE with them. in the rain. i was there, i KNOW IT.
my goodness, i am honestly floored at this, thankyouthankyou.
im mildly terrified that my lull in posting has been noticed, i think i mentioned it in my last ask but i have just been through really important exams. i crammed out another chapter or so of Off to the races and then completely burnt out after everything, so please bare with me, i am recovering mentally and want to put out good writing, so thank you so much for the concern, i am most definitely not cancelling Off to the races just taking a few days to recoup.
i was also there with them in the rain, lurking somewhere so ;)
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nix-needs-coffee · 5 years
But Songs May Live Forever - Ch. 7
Jane is full of doubts about her ability to care for another human. 
Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6
AO3 Link
“Katherine, love, can I get you a-” Jane stood in the door of the living room, her question caught in her throat. Katherine was curled up in the corner of the couch, her knees tucked beneath her oversized sweatshirt. The starkly contrasting white drawstrings had been pulled tight to frame her face with her black hood, letting just a few wisps of brunette hair stick out at odd angles around her forehead. A single pink tendril wrapped underneath her chin, slick and shining with sweat and tangled in one of the drawstrings. Her face was relaxed, finally finding peace as she slept.
Jane smiled at the sight. Katherine’s sweet face, innocent and child-like, filled Jane with wholehearted, sincere protectiveness. Though she knew Katherine was an adult, she couldn’t stop an irrational side of herself that demanded she care for her as if she had been her own baby. Having never held her child, it was all she could do not to go to Katherine and cradle her against her chest, whispering to her that all would be well. Jane would move mountains to give Katherine that comfort and make her feel safe again.
She stepped further into the room, engaged in a conflict with her own mind and better judgement over her desire to give her a cuddle. Having cared for other children, she could almost feel the warm weight of the girl, pliable and boneless in sleep in her arms. She was desperate to provide the love that only a mother could, but knew the irreparable havoc that could be wrought on their relationship if she were to make an attempt to pull her into her arms without consent, especially when the trauma of Katherine’s past was taken into consideration.
Sighing and finally settling on keeping her distance, she looked at her sleeping form again. She didn’t quite understand how the girl could be comfortable enough to fall asleep in that position, pressed tightly against the arm of the chair and contorted inside the confines of her hoodie, not to mention wrapped so tightly in extra layers considering the continuing heat wave. Jane, in a thin sundress, still found the temperature to be almost unbearable. She was tempted to wake the girl and help her change into a more breathable fabric so she could rest easier.
Staring at her, Jane weighed her options. She knew how little sleep Katherine had been getting. Even when she did sleep, it was fitful at best. Dark circles had taken up permanent residency under Katherine’s eyes, dull and bloodshot, no longer bright and glinting with mischief as they had been only weeks before.
On the other hand, Katherine had given them all such a scare and the heat had been to blame for it. She was putting herself at risk of another heat-related episode if she was going to insist on bundling in winter wear. Jane tried to remember the last time she had seen her fill the water bottle sitting on the side table. Was it this morning? It might have been yesterday, Jane wondered. With Katherine’s wardrobe choices lately it was hard to discern the memory of one day from another.
Sleep deprivation or severe dehydration and heat stroke? Jane worried her lip as she questioned which scenario would be the most detrimental to Katherine’s health. She took a furtive step forward and promptly backtracked. Stuck in a repetitive loop, back and forth, Jane was once again at odds with herself. She could see the sheen of sweat on the only skin Katherine had exposed - her face. She’s overheating with that sweatshirt bunched about her. Jane took one step forward. But what was that saying about sleeping babies? Let sleeping babies lie? Did that saying apply for when those babies were ill and feverish? Did it still apply for babies who were no longer, in fact, babies? A step back to where she started.
A soft murmur on an exhalation brought her out of her cycle of self-torment. Katherine shifted a bit, arching her back. Her spine crunched and cracked, loudly protesting the position it had been held in for much too long. With a yawn, Katherine signified the end of Jane’s anguish.
“Hello, sweetheart,” Jane whispered.
Startled, Katherine nearly jumped off the edge of the couch. Snapping stitches, stretched beyond their limits by Katherine’s knees beneath the hoodie by her chin, popped loudly as her legs flailed to find balance.
“God! Jane! Were you watching me sleep?” Katherine’s voice was rough from disuse, cracking in odd places and refusing to sound in others. She pushed her arms through the sleeves, and righted herself on the couch again, breathing heavily. Her eyes darted around the room as if she were expecting another person to be around and watching her.
“No, love, I was just coming in to see if you wanted some tea,” Jane explained softly. She hoped that her face was earnest and that the sweat dripping from her hairline was not a dead give away that she had, indeed, been watching Katherine sleep for quite some time.
“No,” Katherine answered almost before the last word had left Jane’s mouth. She cleared her throat and started again, “No, thank you.” Unnerved, she looked around the room again.
“Alright. We’ll need to get going soon if we’re going to be on time. Do you want some help packing your bag?”
“No. I’m fine,” she responded curtly. Her face scrunched a bit before she added, “Thanks, though.”
It was difficult not to take Katherine’s surly behavior to heart. Jane watched as she unfolded herself and stood, heading toward the stairs without another word. Jane returned to the kitchen, the kettle long since cooled, and flicked it on to boil again. She began to pack Katherine tea for later. She hadn’t eaten all day. She was bound to be ravenous before the show started.
As she snapped the lid on a container of fruit, Jane resolved that she would not back down next time. Katherine needed to know that she was cared for and loved, even if that meant being a little too overbearing. She might not have had the chance to be there for her Edward, but she was here, now, and Katherine needed a mother.
Katherine’s heart had yet to slow to its normal pace, even after finding solace in Anna’s bedroom. The room was empty, but Anna had offered it as a safe haven from the relentless hounding of the others.
She hadn’t been able to shake the feeling of being watched. As she woke from her nap, stiff and uncomfortable from her position, she thought she felt eyes on her. She had just convinced herself that she was being paranoid, that there was no one there, before opening her eyes to find Jane gawking at her.
Guilt racked her for her inability to appreciate the good intentions Jane had in being there. She only wanted to help. Her persistence in caring was unparalleled; however, her tireless devotions were exhausting Katherine, standing on her chest and stealing the breath from her lungs. It was suffocating her.
The unwavering dedication was smothering, reminiscent of long-past flings. Indistinguishable to the tenacity once shown to her when she was very young.
Those eyes that still found her.
Not even in the comfort of her own home was she able to escape from the sense that his gaze was on her, sizing her up, ready to devour her.
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jboofan · 2 years
There's something wrong with Manager Kim Chapter 6 I just give Up
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Jin looked up from his phone. "Hey, your Uber is here, are you sure you're gonna be alright? YN" He spotted Yoongi traipse to his room, and slam the door hard. Again.
"Course homie," she patted his cheek before heading for the front door. "I would like to be on my own. You guys need rest before the big concert tomorrow and I would like to take a bath and chill."
Jin wasn't convinced.
"I think it's better if you stay here. Clear the air with him."
"He'll be fine, he just needs some time to get used to the idea. And me the chance to decompress. You know it's hard to be around everyone all the time."
"I know," he smiled, "I've done it for nearly ten years. Go on. Go. Or you'll be late," he absentmindedly patted her head like he used to do when they were kids. "I'll miss you though."
"I'm only going to stay at your place for the night, and I'll be back tomorrow to help Yoongi. My plane isn't until the weekend."
YN sat down on the floor, blowing her hair back and looking around at the clothes surrounding her. This wasn't even a lot of things, but she was beginning to wonder where to put everything she had accumulated during her short months at the dorm. Jin hardly used the place so she didn't need to worry about space, the guest room was empty. But let's face it, that was no where near enough.
She went into the spare room and soon started sorting her clothes out. She would have to move her things here and just take the necessary back home.
YN had been up here half the evening and when heir stomach rumbled she realised she must be hungry. Realising the fridge was definitely not be fully stocked like the dorm's one she was absolutely nothing to eat, unless you count ice as a meal. That or one of Jin's frozen healthy meals. Yuck.
YN yearned for a generous helping of lobster boullabaise​, with French onion soup; she would eat it every Friday, washed down with a beautiful glass of wine.
She sighed as she made herself comfortable on the sofa, looking around her. 
This was definitely going to be harder than she thought. She'd done her job. Yoongi was a job and she completed it. YN made Yoongi walk the straight line and she just needed to have Bang confirm it.
Yoongi dumped himself on sofa of his hotel room and looked around. Things felt different. He'd hoped she would have turned up with his schedule but instead he'd been checked in and been left alone.
Beginning to regret pushing management to let him check in the night before he twiddled his thumbs not sure what to do. He couldn't stay at the dorm. Not when the place reminded him of the manager that had betrayed him. Out of spite, he packed his bags in anger and refused to stay there.
He checked his watch. It was only eleven pm, maybe she was still awake? He paced the length of the room as his phone continued to ring out until she picked up.
"Hello?" replied YN sleepily.
"Hey what's my schedule tomorrow," he bit his nails as he sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Hair and make up at 10, lunch at 11.30. Press conference at 12.30," she replied with a small yawn that anyone but Yoongi found adorable. The stress evaporated from his shoulders as soon as he heard her voice. 
"We were starting to get on," his voice came out small and vulnerable.
YN sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. "I know, but it was never gonna be permanent. I thought I would only be there a few days but we managed to go a while without killing eachother. It's just a few days right? Then you'll be off on more tours and I'll be outta your hair. We both get what we want. So cheer up champ," she smiled.
How could she be so calm, and cheerful? His anger rose, not believing that she actually sounded relieved. She'd left him high and dry and didn't even feel guilty.
"I know," he sulked. "How can you be so relaxed when you've left me without a manager. Are you enjoying your wonderful life?!"
YN looked around the darkened room. "I hadn't thought you would be this petty, but I'm going to put it down to having your routine change and you don't like it," she admitted, "but it's cool."
She heard him sigh too angry at her, frustrated at her to talk.
"I quit Yoongi. And it's late. Go to sleep."
"There's no way. I won't let you."
This time she laughed, "Yah pabo! I said I quit. There's nothing you can do. Accept it, move on."
"No. I refuse to accept your resignation and I'm going to hold you personally responsible for me."
"What? Have you gone mad or something. I'm not being responsible for you or anyone else anymore. Now go to sleep like a good little boy before I have to and block you."
Yoongi smiled, "no, you just wait and see. No one leave Min Yoong—"
Did she just cut him off?
"Uh hello? Yeob-yeob-yeoboseyo?"
He held the phone so tight he thought his hand might bleed.
YN smiled as she hung up on him and turned her phone to silent. Getting back into her bed, she snuggled back into her warm covers. "That's what you get for burping and hanging up on me. Bang YN forgets nothing. And forgives? Never."
It had been hours since she hung up on Yoongi and decided to sleep. YN had stared at the ceiling and counted the ticks of the nearby clock, even counting sheep had been a waste of time. She stared at the ceiling once more, counting down the hours till she would be free. Maybe she could go and meet her friends and not worry about having rush around, carrying phones and a bag full of his extra things. It wouldn't be that hard to figure out what to do when she got back home to the States, it was time to have face to face meetings with her staff, see how the businesses were ticking over and finally have a decent burger.
But now she was back in bed, no Jungkook and Jimin gaming loudly, or Taehyung's practising his instruments or Hobi asking her if she wanted to go get something to drink at the newest cafe she had found.
It pained her to admit she actually missed Seokjin.
YN shook her head and talked herself out of it. "Grow up. You can't go running to Seokjin just cos you lived with them a couple of months. You're a grown ass woman. You've never relied on anyone for anything. You miss hanging with them, but this is your chance to show people, to show Dad that you can do things for yourself. You've always done things for yourself."
YN slumped back on the bed, "Who am I kidding, this place sucks. And it's too quiet."
Tomorrow she would scout out the area and figure out how to make Seoul work for her. Maybe she would come back and visit Jin and the others from time to time. But she was staying here for a few days, so the first thing she needed to do was find the most important place ever: Starbucks.
By the late morning, after having had three Uber orders cancelled, whilst still trying to figure out how to make the coffee machine work; and desperate for a meal, she nearly cried with happiness when Jin arrived.
"I thought I'd see how you were settling in," he smiled, as he went to hug her but she shoved him out the way for the bag of food.
"I was going to explore the neighbourhood, but was going to see if I could figure out how to use the coffee machine. I am dying for a cup of coffee, the nearest Starbucks is over half an hour away and I need a Starbucks in my life," she pleaded.
Jin smiled, "I can help you sis," he sympathised, "how have you been?" he asked as she followed him to the kitchen where he took out their breakfast.
YN hungrily tore into a croissant like an animal. "I feel like I've been quarantined, I am so hungry the place is too quiet, but I'm fine," when to be honest she was just so happy to see another human being other then the pigeon that kept cooing near the window.
"You sure? You don't sound it?" He looked at her for a moment. The poor girl looked miserable, and was trying hard to hide it, but Jin instantly recognised the look in her eyes. He knew that look well.
He saw it on a regular basis with Yoongi; it was misery and loneliness.
"I'm fine," YN said as she stood by the coffee machine. She showed him that it wasn't working.
"Dumbass, have you tried switching it on from the mains?" He tried not to chuckle at her as she switched it on, and the machine sprang into life.
"Oh my God, you must think I'm so stupid," YN shook her head, and looked at the floor embarrassed.
"I've never had to make coffee before. Someone always makes it, or I go to Starbucks."
Jin looked at her, and cupped her face squishing it up completely until she looked like a blob. "I think you are a sweet, honest, and a wonderful person who has sacrificed alot for those she cares about. But still a dumbass who can't figure out lifts and coffee machines."
YN swatted him away in search of coffee cups, whilst Jin gave her a windscreen wiper laugh as he presented her with Starbucks coffee.
"There's no milk in the fridge for coffee," he reminded her.
"Look, I'm not going to judge you. Or Yoongi. Or your friendship relationship," he told her.
"There's no friendship or relationship, not even a ship."
YN suddenly felt anxiety. Not at what had happened with Yoongi but what her father had in store for her.
"I've got a meeting with him later today, to confirm I've done my bit so I can go home."
Jin looked at her shaking his head. "Don't you realise after two months that you are home? Seoul has always been your home."
"Not for me it hasn't. You? Sure. Me? Not so much."
"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, from what everyone tells me whenever they spend time with you is that you are so great, and funny and intelligent," he chuckled, "even I can see what a good daughter you are."
YN swirled her spoon around her coffee. "Believe me, I wish I could be the perfect daughter, but I always find a way to mess it up no matter how hard I try."
Jin watched her intently with a sigh, "I'm sure that's not true. You can't always be perfect, no matter how hard a person tries. You can only try and be a good human being."
"I'm trying to be a decent person, trying my best with this fake Kim YN shit. It's just not easy, not knowing how far it'll go," she couldn't stop as words spilled out of her mouth. No matter the distance between them, she always knew she could be comfortable around Jin.
"We are all happy that you are here. Me, Dad and definitely Mom once you actually tell her you are here."
YN looked at him and shook her head, "she'd fucking kill me," she sighed.
"Everyone is happy, but it was all by design. Our mother's plans. She's the real architect in the family," she said ironically. "Everyone in this family has a role, I'm the only one that hasn't been fulfilling hers til now."
She sipped her coffee again, "Why do you keep forgetting that part of the story? That I'm the black sheep of the family?"
YN laughed as her brother here needed at the accusation. She knew he genuinely loved her. She hoped with all her heart that someone in this world did. Unconditionally, unfiltered, and without boundaries. And however little or much it was, she was willing to accept it.
She drained her cup and looked at him.
"But I don't have to tell you any of this, because you already know don't you? You know she will marry me off to the the richest one she can get her hands on. Cos it's all about the status. She didn't care about what we want. Well, what I want. Never has."
YN turned her phone over to silence it again.
"Is that Yoongi?" He saw the messages. "Don't over think, and it's just a long shot, but maybe he likes you. Maybe he's got a crush on you. Oo maybe he lurvesss you."
YN had never heard anything so ridiculous in her life. This far surpassed the time that Jin sent her a picture of him in double denim citing it was the fashion outfit the world wasn't ready for.
"Miserable Min Yoongi? Likes me? Lurves me. I mean loves me? You must be having a laugh. He isn't capable of the feeling. I've seen him catch himself in the mirror and get lost in his own reflection. And tell himself he looks gorgeous. Besides," she dumped the packaging in the bin, "I made sure he didn't fall for my charms."
"How considerate of you."
"Why thank you," she theatrically bowed.
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YN's chuckle was cut off by the knock at the door.
"Did you order something?" Jin asked as he went to the door, YN shrugged as she shook her head.
“Miss YN Bang? Mr Seokjin Bang,” the man asks, tilting his head to look past Jin, at her.
"Why?" Jin asked standing between the two of them.
"Yeah, who's asking?" YN joined him.
He removed his glasses.
“That’s me,” she says, nervously holding onto the spare keys in her hands in case she had to stab this dude in the eye.
The stranger reaches into his suit pocket and pulls out a silver card, she skimmed over the name, but his position..
“Seokjinna, it's Dad's personal secretary," she handed the stiff expensive card to Jin, waiting for him to read it. Instantly she recalled the last time they had met, and she felt bad she hadn't remembered him.
"Mister Bang," he bowed slightly as he looked at Jin before turning to her, "Vice Chairman Bang."
"No no no, silent Vice Chairman Bang. Not involved with anything silent Vice Chairman Bang," she waved her hands.
"Mr Bang Senior has suffered a heart attack earlier this morning. He is settled in a private hospital and I'm required to escort you both to him."
YN and Jin grabbed hands and stared at each other anxiously.
There was only a handful of people who knew their mother would make good on her threat to ensure that if anything happened to their father or her, that the person they had pumped their money, hopes, and responsibilities onto would be required to take over the company their father had left JYP all those years ago to create.
They knew, since Bang was often very vocal in discussing the terms of his will, they were going to let her take control of a very large portion of the shares of HYBE and it's subsidiaries and never be outvoted for the position as Chief Executive Officer.
Granting Jin the chance to live his life on his terms, their mother had instilled in her from an early age that she wanted YN to take her father’s place at the head of the board table. YN had chosen to flee, not confident enough in her teens to confront them, but now? She was older, a little wiser and she knew her mother's renewed efforts to ensure that the Bang's family name was protected, no matter what happened to herself and her husband.
Neither of the children had known that Bang had quietly been approaching the shareholders in the privately-owned company to be sure YN had their support if the situation ever changed.
Secretary Kim didn’t blink when he looked at them and broke the news.
“He had a heart attack? Fuck," YN swallowed a curse and swiped her face with her hand.
“But he's not even that old. Why?” Jin asked, shock hitting him like a sledge hammer.
“Fifty-seven and supposed to be slowing down, but he doesn't know the definition of the word. I don’t think the man has taken a holiday in twenty years. And now this," she couldn't believe the timing.
Just before she was supposed to cut loose and run back home.
The two of them were silent for a few minutes before YN realised what this meant for her battle for freedom. It was going to have to be placed on the back burner for a little while.
Oh fuck. She continued to rub her forehead until it went red. This could not be happening.
“I know this isn’t a great time to bring this up, but—" YN began before Jin cut in.
“But nothing. You can't run back to America sis. Not right now."
Secretary Kim agreed.
"You have to think about the rest of the shareholders, the company, its employees—there’s a lot at stake for a lot of people here, Vice Chairman. Your father wants you to be his proxy. That is until he meets satisfactory medical standards to go back to work. We need to go to the Chairman immediately please. Your mother wishes to confirm with the family when you will proxy the control of all shares."
This time YN didn’t bother to swallow her curse. She let fly with a few words their mother would have been pissed to hear coming from her perfectly trained mouth.
“Let's go,” she said. “We’ll deal with this there.” YN didn’t wait for an answer. She grabbed her bag, snatched the keys and looked to Jin. He always did turn to a puddle of mush when family shit blew up.
The ride to the hospital was awkward as she contemplated the latest catastrophe in the ongoing drama that was her life.
"You okay?' YN asked as she poked and prodded her brother's shoulders.
He looked at her, and sighed.
YN silenced the call coming in from Yoongi and faced her brother.
"I'll be fine. What about you?"
"I've been hiding out for a couple months without her knowing, so she'll be shocked to even know I'm here. She makes me feel stuck. Like we're going 100 miles and hour and got hit."
"And mother was driving the car?"
YN took a deep breath.
Yoongi finished his promo in a green room and made his way back to the catering area to grab some food. He hadn't eaten since breakfast. He looked at his phone and sighed. That YN was still not answering his calls.
Jin had arrived a short while ago and slapped him upside the head telling him to stop bothering YN.
Rolling his eyes he spotted Taehyung getting something hot to eat.
"Hey, you seen YN?" he asked. Tae gave him a raised eyebrow and put down his bowl and crossed his arms. 
"Why? We happen to like YN, and if you wanna be an ass again.."
"Look, it's a work thing I gotta talk to her about, do you know where she is?" he said getting impatient.
"I dunno, ask Jimin maybe?"
Jimin was in the green room with Jungkook, as they unboxed sushi to wolf down.
"Hey you guys seen YN?"
Jimin gave him a dirty look. "If you were nicer to her you wouldn't need to ask everyone else where she is. But I think she's in her office."
"Wait, she has an office?"
Yoongi knocked on the door and waited. No answer. He gave the handle a quick turn but it was locked.
Where was she?
Sure she had told him his schedule last night, but he'd been too lazy to note it down and now couldn't remember timings. Pride way too high for its own good, he wasn't going to prove everyone right at his sheer laziness by asking the managers for his diary.
Of course, he had no idea the schedule she gave him had been with his gym stuff, and he had accidentally spilt his protein shake over it, and had been too proud to ask for a new one from her after breakfast.
She came out of Bang's office and saw him.
Crap. That fucking loser again.
"Hey, I need you to check what I'm doing this Friday," he said jogging over to her.
"So you're not even gonna apologise for before?"
He looked at her confused.
YN scoffed. The dumbass was rude and still didn't apologise. Why was she not surprised.
"Forget it. You have nothing going on other than the concerts. Follow the others."
She stood a moment as he watched her click some buttons on her phone.
"There, I've synced all your appointments on your calendar, so you don't need to bother me about what you are doing when. So you simply gotta take a look at your calendar. We all know how good you are with your phone, so you should have no problems."
She waved the phone in his face, "this phone goes back to Se-Jin Hyung in a few days time. So don't call it asking for me."
YN felt knackered. Dad in hospital, Jin worried and not being able to show it, for fear of getting questioned on it..How come she got her own office?
Her thoughts spun around and around like a merry go round.
How long can I keep this up before I'm busted? Maybe I should just come clean?
And she still wanted fucking donuts but couldn't find them anywhere. But more than that, she needed to talk to another human, the only one that got it, she wanted to see her brother. He was always the calm one. Usually.
"Hey," she said as he picked up. She listened for noise in the background, until it went quiet. Jin shuffled to a spare room to speak.
"Hey," he finally said. "How are you?" he asked.
She knew what he was talking about. No one expected their dad to be plugged in to monitors.
YN sniffed, "I'm not feeling so good about lying anymore. I got all this new stuff to do, I dunno what I should do."
"Talk to your brother, we can figure out all out."
"I gotta sit in on meetings. Talk to people. Have pictures taken. Interviews. Dude I dunno if I can do this. This is not going to end well brother."
"How so?" he always was so positive it annoyed her.
"I'm not making any headway with anything they told me. I've tried acting dumb, smart and asking for help. I do not know why they are putting this all on me. I'm beginning to think I'm gonna have to resort to plan c."
"What's that hun?"
"Well, I haven't figured that part out yet. I'm a Bang. Might as well roll with that for a start. For fuck sake. We wrote the book on emotional warfare. It's time to take a few plays out of the Bang book of war, brother dearest."
Jin chuckled. "Give them hell baby sis."
"I intend to. But first we get through your concerts then we figure this out."
Taehyung's eyebrows deepened in confusion as he watched YN end her call and return to Bang's office.
"Bang? She's Bang's d-d-daughter?"
He coughed loudly choking on his apple trying to hide as his eyes watered, finding himself shoved into an empty office.
Scared, he opened his eyes spotting YN staring a hole into his soul.
"How much did you hear?"
Taehyung opened and closed his mouth. She'd looked like YN, spoke like her, dressed like her but the look in her eyes made him panick.
"I didn't hear that you are Bang's d-d-daughter I swear!!"
YN looked at the cowering man in front of her, wiping his eyes and coughing like a little child. Phew, so he didn't hear about Jin, that was good.
Knowing that she was a Bang? That was a very bad thing.
"Taehyung," she smiled, knowing that being scary would likely cause him to poop himself. "Whatever you think you heard, unthink it. I'm just little old Kim YN."
"So you're not Bang YN?"
"Of course not."
"Noona you shouldn't lie you know, it's not good."
"Firstly I'm not your noona, and secondly sometimes we have to lie to protect those we love. So I need you to just, sit still and look pretty ok?"
Taehyung clapped, giddy. "This is so exciting! Like a drama! Are we going undercover? What's our mission?"
YN facepalmed herself, "no we are not. I'm just Kim YN. But the mission is not to get caught."
He bunched his eyebrows up. "Not get caught? Or what?"
YN left the room and continued down the corridor. "I will have to ruin your life and BTS will be a six member group. You do the math."
@craftymoonchaos @bbl32 @ireadthensuetheauthors @pb-n-juju @audreonne @larenelizabeth @kyle-told-me-whats-up
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