#so if u want to talk about weasley cousins
birlwrites · 11 months
hi just wanted to say that i love heather brown. tell me about heather brown. if you want to. <3
i'm just going to say random facts about her afjlskghljksdf, some of these may be things i've said before but who cares, LETS GO
so, she's the middle child, the only girl, and the only slytherin among her siblings - she has an older brother rowan, who's heir to house brown, a former gryffindor who graduated at the end of heather's 4th year (so, reg was in 3rd year). she also has a younger brother linden, who's going to start hogwarts this fall and go to gryffindor. gryffindor is a common house for the browns - they have kind of an even mix of the other houses, when someone does get sorted into another house
(side note, heather's younger brother is going to be in the same year as the eldest of priam's younger siblings - his sister is going to go into ravenclaw though)
she loves pink because a) she loves it and b) she associates it with things like sunset clouds and other things that are both soft and fun, like cotton candy, except not because cotton candy is the american term, but u know. it's basically her comfort color lmao. it's her go-to in any situation and like, Her Color
and heather genuinely loves being around people - she thinks people are fascinating, she loves figuring out what makes them tick, she's very chatty and it's a good thing she and regulus have never tried to study together because they'd drive each other bonkers, what with heather keeping up a steady stream of Unrelated Talking and regulus responding with monosyllables if at all. she's bored and he can't focus. hell. (but that's why heather does most of her schoolwork in the slytherin common room - she gets to hang out with her friends as she does it, and also chances are high of priscilla parkinson appearing, aka heather's favorite cat)
priscilla is not heather's favorite ANIMAL because heather has a beloved barn owl named thistle, who has been very helpful to the plot, but thistle doesn't really hang out in the dungeons so
her birthday is december 1, i feel like i've mentioned that before but i'm saying it again - it renders her birthday Very close to evan's, which i didn't plan and am actually only realizing now ajfhglkjdf. such is life, i don't think that'll affect the plot so we carry on
she has a generally solid relationship with her immediate family - they keep in touch during the school year and like, spend time with each other over the summers and all that jazz. her mom is first cousins with arnold macmillan's dad. heather is capable of getting along with arnold, but he's a very straightforward person, so she kind of picked him apart long ago and there's no more puzzle to be had there, which means she's kind of whatever about him
the browns are the highest-ranked non-dark family in the sacred 28 (which tells you how much the dark families DOMINATE). they and the weasleys are the only non-dark noble and anciente families, and the weasleys basically don't count, so. heather's not on regulus's level, but nobody is.
she tends to run cold and has Many blankets in her room, which she will either use as a cape or put over her lap when she's in the dungeons - she can cope without them, but like, why be uncomfortable when you could be comfortable. (priam is also an option for Heat Source afjslghjskf)
she loves sour candy - anything that's a combination of sour and sweet really
and she's in slytherin because she is very good at piecing together how to get what she wants!
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xlucygraysongbirdx · 3 years
Weasley Wednesdays
Hello! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another Weasley Wednesdays! For this week, due to my lack of writing ability and my love for this fic and the Weasley cousins, I’m here to do a shameful self-promo. 
This here is a snippet from Chapter 3 of my fanfiction: Room On The Third Floor, which is a scene with all the Weasley cousins who show up in support of Scorpius (and Albus) and remind Albus what family is all about. Enjoy :) It’s long, so I do apologise for that!
“Guys? Everything all right?” Lily’s voice sounded from the other side of the door. They jumped apart and shared an exasperated look before Scorpius unlocked the door and opened it with his wand. The moment had disappeared, and Albus couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.
His overbearing family and Jenny piled into the classroom. It seemed more of Albus’ cousins had showed up. Domi, Louis, Freddie, Hugo and little Lucy had popped up from somewhere. It seemed only Roxanne and Rose were missing and- nope, there they were. Albus didn’t realise he’d signed up for a family meeting.
“Fine,” Scorpius spoke, but his voice was strained.
“That was rough, Scorp,” James said, walking over and placing a hand on Scorpius’ shoulder. He had clearly witnessed it.
“Yeah, Fletcher is a douche,” Molly chipped in helpfully, jumping onto a desk.
“What happened?” Hugo asked.
“Fletcher Adams refused to make Scorpius Slytherin seeker purely because of who he is, which is not only extremely discriminating but also just plain mean. Scorpius, I’ve literally known you for five days, but you’re the nicest person I’ve ever met and deserve to be treated better than that,” Jenny said, making her way through the mass of Weasley-Potters to stand next to Scorpius. She pulled him in for a hug, and Albus saw him tense slightly before he settled into it.
“Thanks, Jen,” he smiled, though Albus could tell it was forced.
“So, what’re we going to do?” Louis asked, a grin on his face that mirrored Freddie’s.
“Yeah, are we going to get him back?” Freddie asked, and Albus could swear that if you looked close enough, you could see the ideas swirling through his brain.
“No,” Scorpius cut them off and they both deflated. “You guys are amazing, but I’m not going to do anything to him.”
“Why not?” Lily asked. She had a bone for pranks too.
“Because it’s not me. Look, I wanted to join Quidditch because I wanted people to look at me and see Scorpius. Not a Death-Eater’s son or the boy who fucked up the world by trying to change time,” at that, Albus reached out and squeezed his hand. “Obviously, even Quidditch can’t do that for me. So, I’m going to do something different. I’m going to find a different way, my way, to show people I’m not a monster. To show them that I’m only a Malfoy by name but not by personality.”
The fire in his eyes had returned, but this time it wasn’t anger. No, it was determination. Albus had no idea what he was cooking up in that brain of his, but if he knew Scorpius, then it would be brilliant.
“So, then what are you going to do?” Hugo asked, and the Weasley-Potters looked among themselves when Scorpius shrugged. Albus watched as his mind faded away, letting him get lost in his thoughts for a moment.
He looked to his family, who were all looking at him with such intensity it was heart-warming. It had only just occurred to him that they hadn’t come here because it was Albus that was being discriminated against, but because it was Scorpius. That day Scorpius came over the summer, he was welcomed into the family with open arms. Albus smiled knowing his family were still looking out for him. They were willing to risk detention because of some prick who somehow made Quidditch captain. They were treating him like one of their own without Albus asking them to.
He looked among them. To James, Freddie and Louis who looked ready for a fight if that what Scorpius asked for. To Domi, Molly and Lucy who were ready with their arms open if Scorpius requested a hug. To Rose and Roxy, who had a fire in their eyes not unlike Lilys, ready to hex if needed. To Hugo, who looked at Scorpius with a proud smile, and he knew he would be proud no matter what came out of Scorpius’ mouth next.
Albus felt a swell of love for his family in his heart and thanked every star he could imagine for their existence. Twenty years ago, the Weasley’s would never have dreamed of being in the same room as a Malfoy and ready to defend his honour. As a family, they had overlooked the prejudices’ of the past that even their parents suffered through, and openly accepted Scorpius. If the Weasley-Potters could achieve that in one day over summer break, then why couldn’t the rest of the world get on board just as easily?
Scorpius snapped from his reverie and gave Albus a proud smile.
“So…?” Rose prompted, clearly noting Scorpius’ breakthrough.
“I’m going to change the world, one lonely nerd at a time,” he spoke proudly, a grin of pure elation on his lips. No one had any idea what it meant, but for the second time that day, Scorpius was out the room in a rush of black and green robes.
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the-al-chemist · 3 years
hola!!!!!! 8, 25, 37 for the ask game if u want!!!!!!!! thanks so much!!!!!!!
Of COURSE I want!! Thank you for asking 🧡
What do you look for in a beta?
I look for my phone, open WhatsAp, and message my bestie @lifeofkaze
Talk about your current wips.
I have several WIPs on the go ATM! Let’s have a delve!
Y5 of the Hexley Saga - it’s written! But the last 5 chapters (of a colossal 24!) still need editing before I can publish. Rewrite of Y5 of HPHM.
When Stars Ignite - @lifeofkaze and my Rockstar AU fic. I have the epilogue left to write, and a whole lot of editing.
Learning to Fly - I have the last two chapters to write. It’s a story about Charlie Weasley rehabilitating a dragon, and it’s a sister story to Rockstar.
Gunpowder and Plot - Chapter for the @phoenixresistance. I’m planning on writing maybe 3-4 chapters for the Phoenix Resistance project, that will potentially become included in a longer fic about Artemis during the Wizarding War at some point.
The Beginning of a Symphony - AKA The Hexley Legacy. It’s planned out, and I’ve written the prologue. I’m planning on writing the first few chapters once I’m done with Y5, WSI, and LtF
Dragon Heartstring - Or, How Charlie Weasley Got A New Wand. Short story, will be published at the start of the new year to tie in with similar events happening in the saga.
Y6/Y7 of the Hexley Saga - still at the planning stage, but I have good roadmaps for both. Y6 is a rewrite of Y6 in-game, Y7 I have my own plot based on some left over side quests, some Y6 and Y7 material, and my headcanons. Terrifying stuff, that one.
Human Errors - a hurt-comfort short story that may or may not ever be published. @lifeofkaze and @kc-needs-coffee have read it, though.
The Unnamed Hinny Wedding Fic - A farce with some very sweet and emotional moments set at the wedding of Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter. Charlie asks Artemis to go as his date, and Aunt Muriel and Molly get the wrong idea about the nature of their relationship. Chaos ensues.
Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Answering this last so I can put a cut underneath! Generally, I really enjoy writing dialogue, and I have several dialogue pieces that I am fond of. I’ve picked a piece of dialogue from Chapter 4 of Figures in the Shadows (The Problem with Penny). I’m proud of it because it’s the first time I’ve written anything that explicitly emotionally charged with no light relief. It’s angsty and sad. I felt uncomfortable writing it, but reading it back I’m really pleased that I pushed through.
“Penny, please. Just tell me what’s going on. Why have you made yourself a Forgetfulness Potion?”
“To… to make me forget.”
“Forget what, Penny?”
“Something that happened this summer,” as Penny drew a deep shaky breath, Artemis held her own. She knew somehow that if she spoke now, Penny would go silent again. “When I was in Cornwall with my family. My grandparents own a little cottage there, and we’ve had a big family holiday every year since I was little. It’s beautiful there. It’s right on the cliff overlooking the sea, and if you walk down the cliff path, you get to the beach, and…
“And, well, one evening, me and my cousin Scarlett, we decided to go to a party on the beach with some boys we’d met earlier on in the week. You see, there was this lifeguard that we both thought was really good-looking, and we wanted to impress him,” Penny blinked and let out a short, sharp laugh that sent a shiver down Artemis’ spine. “We were just being silly, really. He was far too old and far too cool to be interested in either of us. I don’t know why we even bothered going. I wish… I wish we hadn’t.”
Artemis stared unwaveringly at Penny, a sensation of dread creeping through her bones. The silence was deafening, but she didn’t break it. Penny shuddered and closed her eyes tight.
“We stayed out on the beach until it was dark, and we were having such… such a good time, so much fun, that we didn’t realise that we were way past our curfew. So, we walked back up the cliff path to the cottage and… well, we were walking, and we heard this noise, a rustling noise in a hedge. Scarlett said she heard something whimpering, like an injured animal. So she… she went over to see what it was, thinking that someone’s dog was hurt, or something. And then… and then…”
Penny broke down in tears. Instinctively, Artemis shuffled closer to her, and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
“And then?” she whispered.
Penny could hardly speak through her sobs. Eventually, she managed to find her voice again.
“It… it jumped out at her. But it wasn’t a dog. It was a werewolf,” for the first time, she looked directly at Artemis, who was staring at her in horror, her eyes wide and unblinking. “It attacked her, and I… I must have screamed, really screamed, because my mum Apparated there straight away and started casting all these spells. But it was too late. Scarlett was… she was already…”
As Penny started to cry again, Artemis wrapped her other arm around her, allowing her friend to dampen the shoulder of her robes with her tears.
“Oh, Penny. I’m so sorry,” Artemis whispered into Penny’s blonde hair. Penny lifted her head from Artemis’ shoulder, and brought her hands to her face. The skin around her nailbeds was sore, as if she had been biting them. “Why didn’t you say anything before?”
“I don’t… I just couldn’t. It was too hard. And I felt so… so guilty.”
“But it wasn’t your fault.”
“It was my idea to go to that stupid party, and I was the one who wanted to stay later. If we hadn’t gone, or if we’d left earlier, this never would have happened. And I’m a witch, I should have known it was a full moon, and I should have had my wand with me, and I should have been more careful.”
“Penny, no. This wasn’t anyone’s fault but the werewolf that attacked you. You mustn’t blame yourself.”
“I just thought that if… maybe if I pretended that everything was normal, I’d start to feel normal again,” Penny shook her head. Her whole body was trembling. “But it hasn’t worked. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t concentrate. I just keep remembering what happened, and thinking how I could have stopped it, and…” her voice tailed off, and she picked up her vial of Forgetfulness Potion, holding it in her lap in both hands. “As long as I can remember, I’ll never be normal again.”
Artemis fought the urge to rip the potion out of Penny’s hands.
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limetameta · 3 years
for the prompts u asked.... maybe tom being jealous? Or tombrax + showing off, whatever you want
Tom Riddle hid his disdain as best as he could. What with growing up in the orphanage where fickle matrons took offence to every little sneer, he had thought himself a master of disguise and impassivness. Alas, Abraxas Malfoy seemed to bring out the worst in him.
Eileen Prince was just talking to him for fuck's sake. But the way she was talking to him! Oh ! Now that was something he couldn't easily forgive or forget. Tom was one of those remember and resent type of people. It kept things interesting in his life. Against everyone's most ardent tries, Tom had not grown up a good christian.
She had been partnered with Abraxas in potions while Tom dealt with the scatter brained Septimus Weasley. While the Gryffindor was brilliant, he wasn't nearly as funny or fun to work with as Abraxas was.
Septimus glanced over to Eileen and Abraxas' table and failed to hide his curious smile. "Ohoho." He only said. Tom asked him if he wished to elaborate on these inarticulate noises. Septimus only replied with an even more confusing eyebrow wriggle. THE FIEND! Tom Riddle refused to be mocked. He diced the ingredients and cursed Slughorn for his inter-house friendship bullshit. Dumbledore was happy with how everyone sat. So was every other professor. But no! Slughorn had to be the better person! He wanted to help everyone network and branch out of their comfort zone so he could collect more students.
Abraxas was the odd man out and he remained sitting with a Slytherin. He laughed that high laughter of his, not unlike a peacock. And Tom almost cut his finger from the rage that overcame him that Abraxas was laughing at Eileen's commentary on anything.
Septimus whistled.
Tom glared.
Septimus' grin widened. That bastard.
"You really want to try me?" Tom hissed under his breath so only Septimus heard him, defaulting to his Woolwich accent. "I'm a prefect, Weasley. I can make your life hell."
"What's hell?"
Tom forgot that most of these purebloods had fuck all clue about christianity. He sputtered, momentarily forgetting to be intimidating. "It's," then he thought better of it and gave up because if he started explaining hell then he would have to explain what heaven was and then he would have to explain Jesus AND THEN he would have to explain the holy trinity and from his previous experience it just was not worth it.
Slughorn instructed them that after they made their amortentia everyone would go around describing their smell.
Tom thought that he didn't want others to know what his smelled like.
But damn it. He couldn't sabotage his potion now.
Eileen giggled.
Tom's foot began to tap. He hated this lack of control.
Walburga Black was the first one to demand that Slughorn inspect her potion. "It is perfect," she said. Slughorn just smiled and told her not to get ahead of herself. "AND IF IT ISN'T PERFECT, THAT'S BECAUSE OF PREWETT'S LACK OF SKILL!"
Prewett, wisely, said nothing. Everyone and their cousin knew that nobody talked back to Walburga Black.
"What does it smell like for you?"
"It smells like victory."
That was vague to anyone that did not know that Orion Black had lucky socks he called victory. Tom did not say anything about them being cousins but he thought that it was... a little...backward.
Tom catalogued most people's smells just out of curiosity.
Avery's amortentia smelled like weed. Not weeds. No. Literally marijuana. Tom was amazed that that could be a bloody smell.
Lestrange's smelled like quidditch locker room. Tom was somehow disgusted in a way he did not know he could be.
He tried to smell his amortentia and couldn't find a distinct smell. This worried him. Had he bungled the potion???
Septimus Weasley looked too giddy to not have a smell.
Walburga yelled at Orion when he said that his amortentia smelled like lavender. "AND NOT ROSES?!" Everyone knew that Walburga's perfume was made of roses. "NOT ROSES!!!"
Orion looked away and tried to hide behind Shafiq.
Walburga almost crossed over to him to fight. People held her back.
Slughorn tried to calm her down. "Miss Black, I will be taking points from Slytherin if you do not calm down."
That did it.
Eileen looked at Abraxas and said: "I smell birds." Abraxas owned like 5 peacocks. After being rich that was his key personality trait. Tom wanted to remove Eileen off of the face of the Earth.
Avery noticed Tom's balled fists and took initiative. He gasped. Everyone looked at him.
Zephyr Avery, proud founder od Hogwarts' orinthology club, had this to say: "Eileen, I'm beyond flattered. But my heart does not belong to anyone except the call of birds!"
Abraxas began laughing again. Tom smiled at Abraxas.
It was Abraxas' turn to say what his smelled like. He bent down. Smelled the potion. And recoiled.
Tom did not think this was a good sign.
"It smells like cheap cologne! Ugh!"
It was so silent that if someone dropped a pin it would echo.
Laughter filled the classroom. Slughorn patted him on the back in consolation.
Tom Riddle wanted to die. But he was happy. But he wanted to die. But not literally die because he was terrified of dying. But he did not want to exist anymore.
"What does your amortentia smell like, Mr. Weasley?"
"Smells like carrots and apples."
"Okay." Slughorn and everyone had no idea who this might be but Septimus was smug.
"Mr. Riddle?"
His amortentia smelled like nothing. But he couldn't say that. So, he looked at Walburga Black and whispered, shyly (HA! AS IF HE WERE EVER SHY!): "The most beautiful rose."
Walburga Black took out her wand: "MUDBLOOD!!!! YOU UPSTART! YOU FIEND!!!"
She was not properly held back this time. Tom Riddle had to run out of the classroom, trying his best to stifle his laughter as he dodged her curses.
Slytherin wound up losing 15 points for that. Tom made them 20 so they were still winning.
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bostoniangirl85 · 3 years
‘Harry Potter’ book-verse fanfic: Harry and Dursley’s kids
Just a little idea I’ve been toying with of late. This is bookverse and completely ignores ‘The Cursed Child’ as I grew up reading the original seven books and I’m going based off of the books rather than movies. Enjoy!
Gwen read the note her father had left, sniffling as she hastily wiped away her tears. 
‘Gwennie - if you’re reading this then I guess you’re in trouble and your mum and I aren’t around to help. Contact your Uncle Harry. Just follow the instructions. Trust me on this. Love, Daddy.’
Confused but not knowing what else to do, Gwen followed the instructions, throwing the shimmering powder onto the burning fireplace.
Gwen shrieked and scampered ungracefully backwards as her Uncle Harry’s face appeared in the flames, wavering like a mirage in the desert.
“Gwen? What’s wrong?” said Harry, alarmed by his niece’s tear-streaked face. It had been at least five years since he had last seen his second cousin and she had changed so much from the seven year-old he had last seen. It was easier for her to address him as “Uncle” and he in turn had always called her “niece”.
“U-Uncle Harry...Daddy...he, he had a heart attack...Mum’s with him in the hospital...” Gwen struggled to control her sobs.
Harry’s face softened. “Where’s your mum now?” he said quietly but firmly, his paternal instincts rising to the fore.
“W-w-with Daddy...” Gwen struggled to get the next words out. “The d-doctors say he w-won’t live...” She broke off, unable to stop her sobs. Harry watched his niece for a moment before speaking.
“Gwen, listen to me. Are you at home now?” She nodded.  “And are you safe? Is there food in the house?” “Yes, Uncle.” “Alright then,” said her uncle calmly. “I want you to listen carefully to me. I’m going to send over my brother-in-law and his wife, my two best friends and the people I trust most in the world, over to you soon. Do you remember me talking about Ron and Hermione?” She nodded again, wiping away more tears.
“They’ll come through the fireplace,” continued Harry. “I’d come over now if I could, but I’m tied up in meetings at the ministry. They’ll take you to my house, alright?” Gwen nodded a third time, unable to speak.
Her uncle’s face softened as he gave her a reassuring look. “Everything will be fine, my dear. I’ll see you soon.” The flames wooshed up and Gwen didn’t realize until hours later that he had never called her “my dear” before now.
“Bloody flood powder!” “Ron! Watch your language in front of the child!” Gwen eyed the man and woman who stepped out of her living room’s fireplace warily. She had never met Mr. and Mrs. Weasley-Granger but they matched her Uncle Harry’s description perfectly.
The man - Mr. Weasley - finished dusting himself off and smiled down at Gwen. “Hullo. You’ll be Harry’s niece, I take it.” Gwen nodded, feeling slightly less apprehensive. Mr. Weasley was very tall and lanky with wavy ginger hair and a goatee to match. His blue eyes were warm and kind above a long, freckled nose. His wife had gentle brown eyes and a mass of curling brown hair.
It was she who smiled and knelt in front of Gwen. “Hullo,” she said softly, holding out her hand. “I’m Hermione. Pleased to meet you, Guinevere.” “Hello, ma’am,” said Gwen, suddenly feeling safe for the first time in days.
It was all too much. Her father’s illness and magic and floo powder and flying broomsticks...Gwen dropped her face into her hands, desperately trying hard not to sob.
Sirius and Albus exchanged anxious looks and just when Ginny was about to intervene the fireplace flared up.
Harry stepped out of the flames, brushing ash and embers off of his robes. He looked up, took in the scene before him, and strode forward towards his niece.
“Gwen,” he said, kneeling in front of the thirteen year-old and placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.
Gwen sobbed harder and suddenly she was wrapped in a pair of slim but strong arms, soft robes brushing against her cheek as she sobbed into her uncle’s shoulder.
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vibraniumwing · 3 years
Hi! Congrats on the milestone! Can I request a ✨ for my fic, "Unravelling Love's Mystery" Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day!
hello lovely ! thank you so so much !! i hope you have a wonderful day as well !!
✨ - for a fic review + blog compliment!
Unravelling Love’s Mystery by @onlyfreds
okay so first of all, i love the color theme of your blog! it’s so cute! <3
“The Psychology of Love, that was our lecture topic for today. Don’t get me wrong, it is quite an interesting topic. But there was one person in the whole universe who could make the tables turn, and that was an arrogant, stubborn, and increasingly annoying classmate of mine named Fred Weasley. “
as a student who’s gonna take up psychology in college (im graduating my senior year in hs in a few weeks actually!) this really piqued my interest in the story, you got me sold already. + y/n and fred are enemies? alright lets go i love enemies to lovers !!
“McGonagall pursed her lips, “Well, you two will just have to work with it. Like I said, no switching partners. And may I remind you Mr. Weasley and Ms. L/N, that this project contributes to 60% of your final grade. So, it’s either you give both of your best or you both fail.” She said, before walking out of the door, leaving both Fred and I alone in the now deserted lecture hall. “
miss minnie goes hard huh,, , im guessing she’s doing this so she can have the faculty members bet on who falls first 😭🤚 they definitely gossip abt fred and y/n inside the faculty room
“It took all of my willpower to bite back a retort, “Look Weasley, I am trying so hard to be nice to you. I don’t want to be here and neither do you. So, will you please stop being so arrogant and stubborn so we could get over with this?”
Fred scoffed, “Me? Being arrogant and stubborn? I’m sorry, but I’m trying my best to make this work because I don’t want to fail just because of a self-centered, ignorant little minx like you.””
OHHH so they’re fighting now, huh? but tbh if someone talked to me like that im throwing hands im sorry fnsjdkfdf their fight is spicy though i love it 
“I took a deep breath, “I mean, I know I’m not perfect. Nobody is, but my biggest fear has always been failing. I’m an only child and when my parents found out that I’m academically gifted, it made me their greatest treasure, it made me their pride and joy. I’ve always been insecure about that, whether if I’m already good enough or not. And hearing somebody voice out those insecurities, felt a million times worst. That’s the reason why I’m always trying to one up you. Because, if I fail, I would go from my parents’ pride and joy to being the disappointment of the family in a split second. And it’s just so stressful. And with our little argument, I just got so overwhelmed by my emotions that I had to let it all out.” I explained. “
okay but this is actually so relatable in a way. im the oldest in the family (siblings and cousins wise) so their eyes are all on me so i feel the pressure all the time; the thoughts are tiring because you’re stuck in between wanting to please them and just letting loose. ha ha burnt out kid shit <3
“I stretched for a bit, for the first time in my life, I felt lazy. Turning onto my side, giving myself five more minutes of peace and tranquility before I had to get up. I took a deep breath, inhaling the lingering scent of Fred from the sweater I was wearing, which just added to the calm atmosphere in my little bubble of relaxation.”
this is me, every morning. well exclude the fred part bcs it’s hot and humid from where i am so no sweaters for me u w u
““But is being friends enough for us? What if one of us wants more?””
“Our professor laughed, “Go on ahead, don’t let me stop you. I have been working at this institution for years, but the two of you are the cutest couple I have ever seen.””
okay but for real this story was so so cute !! it’s hard to believe that this is your first enemies to lovers story because you ate this up, i swear. the writing was perfect and their bickering was the perfect amount of pettiness. i rarely read 1st pov fics and this one really caught my attention !! 
i love it so much, really i do. i’m looking forward to read more fics from you!
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strvngemagics · 4 years
{ cisgender woman, she/her } ❝ I'm a juvenile product of the working class / whose best friend floats in the bottom of a glass ❞ huh, who’s FIVEL STEWART? no, you’re mistaken, that’s actually MOLLY WEASLEY II. she is a 24 year old HALFBLOOD witch who is a CHASER FOR PUDDLEMERE UNITED. she is known for being FLIGHTY, IMPULSIVE, DISORGANIZED, FORGETFUL, and REBELLIOUS but also TRUSTING, DEDICATED, VIBRANT, ADAPTABLE, and INDEPENDENT, so that must be why she always reminds me of the song GLAZIN’ - JACUZZI BOYS and ROLLER SKATING DOWN A STEEP INCLINE, FOREHEAD KISSES, AN OUT-OF-TUNE ACOUSTIC GUITAR, AN UNMADE BED WITH LOTS OF PILLOWS, CHERRY LIMEADE SLUSHIES, PUTTING ON YOUR FAVORITE SWEATSHIRT. i hear she is aligned with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX so be sure to keep an eye on her. 
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Molly Adelaide Weasley was born into a (relatively) peaceful world but adopted into an ever-growing and infinitely chaotic family - and her father, having had a near-catastrophic falling out with this family in favor of furthering his career, made it CLEAR to her that her status as a Weasley was to be cherished, not derided, never forgone for more ambitious aims. Percy, sometimes rigid, though always loving, threw this lesson in familial love along with his more practical teachings.
Her first real sentence was “Molly do it!”, which was put to excessive use as a toddler. Doing the laundry? “Molly do it!” Her father’s bent over a stack of paperwork with a next-day deadline? Molly’s rushing over to help with a fat, color-changing crayon in hand: “Molly do it!” When Audrey was ill with a stomach bug, Lucy happened upon her sister, barely even three, mashing a ginger root with the handle of Mama’s wand in an attempt to make ginger biscuits. In short, Molly has always been headstrong and maternal. She takes a lot of pride in the traits that she shares with her namesake, her wonderful Gran, but regrettably never learned to knit.
Molly arrived at Hogwarts with a gaggle of cousins who’d already set the tone for who the Weasleys were and how they behaved. She found it difficult to find a life and identity outside of them - and still worries that she’s just another face in the family, unimportant compared to their accomplishments and accolades. Her time in Hufflepuff house passed without any prefect badges, school awards, or major academic achievements — even her five-year stint on the house Quidditch team was marred by the fact that she was always playing against some cousin or close family friend.
Life after Hogwarts has treated Molly well — she’s played professional Quidditch since age 18, something that she still can’t quite believe has happened. She was a reserve Chaser for the Kenmore Kestrels until 2027, when she was offered a contract by Puddlemere United. She took it, because wow that’s a lot of galleons, but Puddlemere’s always had a reputation for producing a lot of (painfully) straight-laced and by-the-book players………..which Molly definitely is not. She’s not allowed to speak at press conferences anymore due to PU’s management dubbing her “a PR nightmare” and “too foul-mouthed for a Dementor to want to Kiss”.
(TW DEATH MENTION) Memories of Uncle Harry pop up nearly every day - his voice, his rough hands positioning her arms and shoulders in a proper dueling stance, the smudges on his glasses, the way he looked at Aunt Ginny like she hung the moon in the sky. She misses him, dearly, but feels selfish and silly for doing so - she wasn’t his kid, and there are so many people who looked to Harry Potter as a symbol for the hope that carried them through wartime. She often worries that she isn’t doing enough - not enough to support her cousins, not enough for the muggleborns she knows and those she does not. There are days in which her inadequacy threatens to swallow her whole, when her hands tremble and breath rattles in her chest - but she’s able to bite it back for the moment. There’s bigger things ahead. (END TW).
okay so i always describe molly as a “disaster lesbian” or “chaotic dumbass” and i mean that with a lot of affection. she’s just very much motivated by pleasure and by fun, and much less motivated by duty or responsibility. she wants to stand out in both good and bad ways and more often achieves that in bad ways. she is also, like i mentioned, very headstrong. i consider her one of my funniest characters and that’s mostly unintentional because she just. says whatever pops into her head. i regularly giggle at what i make molly say. i am not ashamed of this.
uhhhh. what else? she’s a big old jock, one of those heinous people who for the most part actually enjoys exercising! will definitely ask you to join her on a sunrise run because she’s Ridiculous
loves her family so so so much, even though there’s at least 3 group chats where she’s currently trashing a cousin or two. is very down to take part in harmless pranks and shenanigans. someone outside the family tries to trash the cousins tho?!?!?! lmao kill bill sirens immediately go off. she and lucy probably call themselves twins bc they’re not blood-related but they are almost always on the same wavelength and in my eyes (jane u can confirm this for me) just get each other on a very fundamental level.
huge fuckin’ aries energy. you can find some personality assessments below:
aries (sun)
“aries is an active, energetic sign. people with sun in aries are direct, straightforward, and uncomplicated. they expect the same from others, and are baffled when they don’t always get it.”
gemini (moon)
“nervousness and worry are common traits with this lunar position. An underlying restlessness is common, and many lunar geminis need more stimulation than others. they usually read a lot, talk a lot, and think a lot.”
mbti.  esfj (the consul)
+ strong practical skills, strong sense of duty, sensitive and warm, connects well with others
- inflexible, vulnerable to criticism, reluctant to improvise, needy, worries about social status
name. molly adelaide weasley
nickname. molls
birthdate. 4 april 2005 (she’s supposed to be 24? idk math)
place of birth. st. mungo’s
family.  percy weasley (father), audrey weasley (mother), lucy weasley (sister), extended family in the form of various weasley-potter aunts, uncles and cousins.
residence. (tbd), but roommates: rose granger-weasley, natalia bardon, lucy weasley
occupation. chaser for puddlemere united
gender identity. cis woman
romantic orientation. homoromantic
sexuality. lesbian
blood status. half-blood
relationship status. single
pets. a bright pink pygmy puff named romeo
hogwarts house. hufflepuff
extracurriculars/leadership. hogwarts orchestra (clarinet), dueling club, charms club (president)
allegiance. order of the pheonix
n.e.w.t. grades. charms (o), transfiguration (a), herbology (e), d.a.d.a (a), potions (e), care of magical creatures (e), astronomy (e), history of magic (o), muggle studies (o).
wand. alder, ten inches, dragon heartstring core.
boggart. inferi
patronus. corporeal, brown bear
amortentia. vanilla bath fizz, lemon peels, sandalwood, mint
magical strengths. charms, nonverbal casting, transfiguration, flying
magical weaknesses. defensive magic, hexes and curses, potions.
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oliivverwood · 5 years
marcus/oliver + social media for @rlversongs
LONG POST- idk how to put the keep reading from my phone sorry
marcus flint for NBA @marcflintofficial 
Are you ready for thrilling Raptors vs Bucks Eastern Conference Final game 5? Tune in on YouTube 2nite aftergame for play by play analysis + predictions. Watch for live tweets. #NBA #Basketball  
12:00 PM      2,340 likes   1,226 retweets
montyyyyy @grahamcracker
yo @casswarr five dollas on raps making history. wood has been straight sniping this year. bucks have no chance with that offense. #rapsin5
12:48 PM        5 likes 3 retweets
cassius ;) @casswarr
@grahamcracker ur fuckin insane if u think its gonna be easy for the raps. diggory's been an absolute wall this szn. he'll block potter's nasty dunks easy
1:05 PM          4 likes 1 retweets
oliver wood #0 @oliverw00dofficial
Game 5. Tonight. Air Canada Arena. #WeTheNorth
4:00 PM         1,904 likes 837 retweets
marcus flint for NBA @marcflintofficial
5 into 1st quarter, Wood from the Raps with the filthy cross on Malfoy, ballhandling like a dream. #NBA #NBAGame5 #Basketball
8:43 PM         734 likes 437 retweets
pants park (marky flints cuzzy) @panzyparkkk
@marcflintofficial im sure handling his balls is your dream ;))
8:50 PM        523 likes 277 retweets
marcus flint for NBA (@marcflintofficial) blocked pants park (marky flints cuzzy) (@panzyparkkk)
marcus flint for NBA @marcflintofficial
Potter steals from Diggory, lobs it to Weasley, throws it up to Wood for a dunk on Bole. The Raptors chemistry is off the charts this game. #NBA #NBAGame5 #Basketball
9:22 PM       256 likes 153 retweets
mclaggen the frat god @nolaggingmclaggen
yo why the fuck is flint being so nice about the raps rn. i don't want wood favouritism, i miss asshole flint. talk shit about bole's shitty defense, please. 
10:00 PM   333 likes 457 retweets
oliver wood #0 (@oliverw00dofficial) liked a tweet by mclaggen the frat god (@nolaggingmclaggen)
oliver wood #0 @oliverw00dofficial
Eastern Conference dubs, absolutely ecstatic. See you against the Warriors for NBA finals. #WeTheNorth
11:54 PM   937 likes 765 retweets
HARRY POTTER #3 @harrypottter
to the finalsssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!! #WeTheNorth
11:56 PM      832 likes 655 retweets
NBA by Marcus Flint 
1,267,457 subscribers
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"A tremendous game for the Raptors, starting right off the bat. Bulgarian transfer Viktor Krum started it right from the tipoff, an offense immediately set into play by captain Oliver Wood. The Bucks weren't ready for them to come at them so hard so quickly, which was [redacted] stupid of them, it's the [redacted] Eastern Conference Finals. Diggory did steal from rookie Finnegan, who was lucky to have Wood track back as fast as he did for the defense. Further into the first quarter, Wood executed one of the dirtiest [redacted] crossovers I've ever seen in my two years of working in the NBA. Poor Urquhart didn't stand a chance. He's probably wallowing in the memes being made of him now, bless his heart--no, he deserves it. Urquhart, get it together, set your [redacted] feet."
"The second quarter had the Bucks catch up, with Roger Davies shooting 3 for 4 from the three point line, two assists from Bucks rookie Zach Smith, one from Draco Malfoy. The fourth one bounced off the rim into Wood's hands- his offensive rebounding stats have been crazy--
"The third quarter had Weasley on the boards, dribbling out to the corner and lobbing it to Potter on the fast break, and what a [redacted] fast break it was! If you blinked you would have missed it, which apparently Bole did, blink that is. Potter tosses it up to Wood for a nasty dunk on Bole. Humiliating. I'd never show my face to the world again, if that happened to me."
Rita Skeeter for TMZ @ritaskeets
Renowned basketball analyser and former NBA player Marcus Flint's cousin, Pansy Parkinson with a shocking tweet during yesterday's game 5. #marcusflint
6:00 AM     4,003 likes   2,692 retweets
Rita Skeeter for TMZ @ritaskeets
This certainly is a strange development. Through injuries, scandals and incidents, Marcus Flint has had quite a life. Learn more in my article on tmz.com/articles/ritaskeeter #marcusflint
6:08 AM      2,455 likes   1,234 retweets
Excerpt of Marcus Flint Through the Years, by Rita Skeeter for TMZ
Marcus Caradoc Flint, Chicago born and raised and was eventually the first draft pick, going to nowhere else but the Chicago Red Bull's, and evidently changing the team dynamic forever, and for the better. Flint played rough, fouling out of a game dozens of times and racking up the most fines in the league, but it was worth it. He was still skillful, dazzling audiences with his awe striking shots and dunks. He won rookie of the year, finals MVP, and had 2 championship rings, one from his time on the Bulls, the other from his time with the Cleveland Cavaliers. 
Flint was known to be a little violent on the court, some of the more notable players he got in fights with being Roger Davies, Remus Lupin and Oliver Wood, who we'll be discussing later this article. 
Suddenly, injury struck, and Flint could never play basketball again, a freak accident on the court where he was pushed midair, lost his balance and tore his ACL. He was immediately offered a spot on the NBA reporting crew, where he popularised the channel with his calculated analyses and his filthy mouth. The channel ratings shot up, and the rest was history. 
Flint was never out of the spotlight for long. Two years ago, he was seen walking out of the Peninsula New York with Charlie Weasley, New York Knicks, one morning, the two of them awfully close and sharing an embrace before parting ways. This led to speculation about their relationship status and Flint's sexuality. Not long after that, he was photographed leaving The Monster, a gay bar in New York, again, with an unidentified male. 
Recently, Marcus Flint's cousin, Pansy Parkinson,  a well known tattoo artist in Los Angeles replied to Flint's tweets.
Attached: Screenshot of Pansy Parkinson's reply to Marcus Flint,"im sure handling his balls are your dream ;)))*
Is this an indicator of something between Flint and Wood? Our reporters have reached out to all three parties involved for comment.
mclaggen the frat god @nolaggingmclaggen
broooo that's why flint was sucking woods dick so hard during live tweet. i don't care if the man likes it up the ass i want some CORRECT analysis #marcusflint
12:00 AM   600 likes 236 retweets
cassius ;) @casswarr
wood and the raps have a presser today maybe he'll say smth about the sitch #marcusflint
12:52 PM   132 likes 121 retweets
#WeTheNorthh @torontoraptorsnumber1fan
*Attached: Clip from the Raptors Press Conference. A journalist from Sports Illustrated asks as question directed towards Oliver Wood, captain. "What are your thoughts on the online blowup regarding your status with Marcus Flint?" Oliver has a faint smile. Harry Potter is sniggering behind his hand on the other end of the table. Oliver goes to the mike. "I didn't realise there was a blowup. We gotta prepare for our next game now. See you all then." The entire team gets out and exits. The journalists clamour for their attention, with more questions.*
1:07 PM     4,082 likes   5,239 retweets
gin n tonic @ginnywheezy
y'all saw that cheeky smirk no?? @harrypottter laughing in the corner no??? my big bro @ronwheezy turning bright red NO???? 
1:20 PM        345 likes   233 retweets
marcus flint for NBA (@marcflintofficial), oliver wood #0 (@oliverw00dofficial), HARRY POTTER #3 (@harrypottter), Draco Malfoy (@dracoma1foy), angie johnson (@angelinaj), forge weasley (@georgewheezy), gred weasley (@fredwheezy) liked gin n tonic (@ginnywheezy)'s tweet
fan account, im in love with marcus flint
Recent Posts:
*Blurry picture of two male figures, seemingly joined by the hand. One of them is brunette, the other black haired. Both tall. One is dressed in a grey tracksuit and clunky basketball shoes, the other in a pressed white shirt and black pants, tie looseness. They are smiling - the photo is too blurry to specify exactly who it is.
marcusflintbae this is obviously marcus flint and oliver wood, that's the tea. im so jealous of wood ugh. 
Posted 1 hour ago
Liked by ginnywheeze, percyweasley, panspark, terhiggs, adrianpuc3y, k8iebell, hazzapotter, fredwheeze and 2943 others
Private Chat between Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint
oliver wood: marcus ur an idiot
marcus flint: how is this my fault
oliver wood: u were too nice to me on highlight analysis
oliver wood: and u forgot to tell parkinson that we're not public yet 
marcus flint: well u should be happy u wanted to go public like six months ago
oliver wood: nOT LIKE THIS
oliver wood: let's announce it on twitter we've let them suffer long enough 
marcus flint: don't use the photo that im wearing the purple tie in
marcus flint: it's ugly 
oliver wood: you are in no position to be making demands
oliver wood: im not going to use a photo, i love you, I'll call you later
marcus flint: love u too babe
marcus flint for NBA @marcflintofficial
I'm dating Oliver Wood. I'm not biased to the raptors at all, don't tell him but I actually bet on the Warriors. #NBAFinals
9:03 PM   608,767 likes 438,898 retweets
oliver wood #0 @oliverw00dofficial
Marcus Flint and I have BEEN dating. Keep up. He fr didn't bet on us. If you stop watching him I'll request a trade. Joking. Not really. #NBAFinals
9:06 PM     453,738 likes 234,725 retweets
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vicweasley · 5 years
I was born with a HURRICANE HEART with wild rains and unchallenged rogue winds;           I am constantly fighting, fighting to keep those dear to me within its eye.
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DICHEN LACHMAN? No, that’s actually VICTOIRE WEASLEY from the NEXT GEN ERA. You know, the child of FLEUR WEASLEY ( NEÉ DELACOUR ) and BILL WEASLEY? Only 27 years old, this SLYTHERIN alumni works as a DRAGONOLOGIST and is sided with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. SHE identifies as GENDERQUEER and is a 1/8TH VEELA who is known to be MERCURIAL, SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, and STUBBORN but also LOYAL, PASSIONATE, and STRATEGIC. — &&. ( JINX, PST, SHE/THEY, 24. ) Note: Victoire is adopted.
CHARACTER INSPIRATIONS: Mercutio ( Romeo and Juliet ), Kady Orloff Diaz ( The Magicians ), Bellamy Blake ( The 100 ), Kara Thrace ( Battlestar Galatica ), Sara Lance ( Legends of Tomorrow )
Character Name: Victoire Apolline Delacour-Weasley
VICTOIRE: Seventeen years of hearing stories about those who died on her ‘birthday’ before her. Over a decade of not celebrating it when she realized what it meant to others. Of course, she understands that this is the burden she carries – while her cousins bear namesakes of those who had fallen before them, she is the painful reminder of the day they lost people – so they could win freedom. She is the h e l l f i r e that is left after a victory, scorching technicolor brutal memories into the minds of those who were left behind. Still, she is a Victory none the less, and her family adopted her the day of a horrible day when she was a baby. They chose her instead of the pain, they named her after the good instead of seeing the bad.   APOLLINE: The french derivative of the name Apollonia which comes from the Greek god, Apollo. Apollo, the god of the sun, prophecy, music, beauty, healing, poetry, plague and so much more. It could be said that Victoire is her own brand of beautiful – of course the Veela genes help ( or do they? ) but if there’s anything she’s gotten from this namesake it’s the love of music. She’s sure that if she wasn’t going to work with dragons when she was older it would be with music – something she practically speaks as a language. The name might sound too flowery or too soft for Victoire – but her grandmother from which she was given this name was still a Veela. She still had the siren song that was deadly to almost associated with her name. Still, just because Victoire is comparable to a constantly raging storm – she has times where parts of her mother and grandmother comes out.   DELACOUR: While she embraces the Weasley, Victoire also embraces her mother’s French heritage. If there’s anything of her mother, of this side of the family that comes out – it’s when she speaks French. She refuses to call her mother anything but maman, and will quickly switch to French around her during Weasley-Potter-Lupin gatherings at the burrow to make her feel even a little more comfortable. For Victoire, the Delacour name embodies softness and embodies femininity that she’s not always connected to. It reminds her that she’s not been alone in being discriminated against or objectified, that others understand what it’s like to be in her place to some extent. It’s then that she’s able to embrace the girl, that she’s able to feel like one and not always so at war with her body and herself. WEASLEY: If the other parts of her name didn’t already come with enough precedence – perhaps the name ‘Weasley’ was the icing on the cake. She couldn’t be prouder to be a Weasley, no matter how much fussing her grandmother does or how everyone is in everyone’s business – Victoire knows she is lucky. Vic is well aware of how privileged she is & how her infamous family of blood traitors are lucky to have the life they do. Even though she looked different from some of her family, so did so many of her other extended family members. She took comfort in the fact that Weasley-Potters were a mixed bunch, in personality, in races, in ideals, and her being different was celebrated. There may have been a thirst to know her heritage the older she got, one that would later be quenched, but her real family were the Weasley’s. They chose her, they were better than her blood family ever was, not that she could remember them.
Pronouns & Gender:   She/Her. Victoire identifies as Genderqueer.
gender dysphoria tw
C h a n g i n g. From the minute Victoire was born, she was always fidgeting, always moving and her first display of magic was at 4 years old, when she tried to change her hair blue like Teddy’s. Instead, it changed her beautiful crop of dark brown into a dirty blonde. Often, she’d find herself envying Teddy’s abilities to change, feeling uncomfortable in her skin and angry that it wasn’t as easy for her. As she grew older, she came to understand  what her body was, what it would be and that she’d never be able to change herself like Teddy or change herself at all. Any change that she’d make would be permanent and she found herself not wanting that in the slightest. Not wanting to limit herself because while Victoire loved her feminine side – there was something she felt growing in her soul that was just … something else. It didn’t have a label but it became her, it was her, and it was confusing but it was who she was. Victoire did research and after a while the closest thing she could find to what she felt her gender was the term: genderqueer. Of course, after she realized this she told her parents, getting nothing but support from them. A reason they’ve let Victoire dye her hair so much and wear clothes that some parents would have heart attacks at, is so she feels like she has an option to be who she is. Even though they know that their child will be who she is with or without their permission, they figure helping her along the way in a world where there are many people who are against what her gender is & think it’s unnatural. They are Vic’s parents after all and after a war where they lost family and friends who gave their lives so their children could have freedom  – it seems trivial to ever fuss over something like gender. At twenty seven, Vic is more comfortable in herself but still struggles. She keeps it to herself instead of talking about her own dysphoria because it seems trivial compared the war going on around her, compared to so much else.
Storm with skin. The performer. { Secret Strategist }. Masochistic with sadistic tendencies because she is just so filled with A N G E R ( being sexualized at a young age, her ass pinched on her first Hogsmeade trip, and so so much more that she doesn’t have a language to explain it in — only violent actions ). N o t that she’d let you know.  Warrior, no,VALKYRIE more of a DRAGON than a girl ( if she ever was a g i r l in the first place ), fiercely protective of the people she loves — and if you dare mess with her family, friends, or any of the sort, you better run for oblivion.  V I C T O R Y in her veins that she will hold onto until her dying breath.
Victoire Weasley is more than just a simple human being, she’s the true embodiment of what it means to be a storm with skin. Enigmatic even.
Victoire is quite sure of who she is, what she wants in life & what she will get, she’s quite sure of everything that she is —-
                …but in those moments she blacks out in pure rage — she’s not so sure.
She’s h o r r i f i e d. In those moments where she looks for pain like she’s a drug addict and it’s her next fix, she mortified. She can’t remember how it quite started – a punch to the wall there after a fight, a purpose slap in the face, anything that released the rage she had. Victoire didn’t dare release it on the people she loved because she’d never be able to forgive herself for that, but it grew. The feeling grew and soon she had to hurt herself. But she can remember when she knew. When she needed reminders, when she needed blood and big bruises to litter her body. It’s something she’s so ashamed of, that she hasn’t let on to anyone. A reason Victoire craves fights and sometimes throws them is because of this masochistic need to hurt herself – just letting people beat her to unconsciousness. Her anger is so great, so c o n s u m i n g, there’s the small hope if she finds a way to release it somehow – it’ll go away.
              “I will always scare; and more than anyone else — myself.”
It was in House of Serpents that she learned there is grey. There is moral grey, and it’s where she lives. With a heart so big, so W I D E, that even she doesn’t realize it’s part of the reason her anger can consume her. Feeling things for Victoire Weasley is never half arsed, it’s full arsed, and her passion, her ambition, could be the death of her. Her ambition to save the ones she loves, to protect her family. F a m i l y. A word redefined by Victoire fucking Weasley.
But when you meet her, she’ll s m i l e. She’ll laugh, she’ll charm you most likely and she’ll talk about the fact that Freddie Mercury is much more interesting than John Lennon, thank you very much. How Johnny Cash, Jeff Buckley, Arctic Monkeys, HAIM, and Aerosmith should be listened to at least once a day and how if she wanted anyone’s singing voice besides Freddie’s, it would be Hayley Williams, no doubt. She’d take off her shirt to show you the tattoos that run down her back, tell you about the ones that s n a k e down shoulders, arms, legs and how they’re ones dedicated to each and every one of her family members. For her best friends. For past people she loved. With child like w o n d e r m e n t and pure genuine glee, she’ll talk about her dragon, Mercury, and how her and Hagrid planned to try to start a campaign to get real dragons at Hogwarts — or at least they had. Never has she doubted being a Dragonologist and never has she had so much peace.
THOUGHTS ON THE TIMECLASH: Victoire thinks it’s amazing, sure she’s worried about the world as a whole, but she thinks this timeclash is kind of lit! It’s like a big party to her in a way, she’s never been more excited to learn about history than through the actual people she actually read about in the history books. If anything, she’s trying to learn from the new people around her, often sparking up random conversations with absolutely anyone she can to try to understand where they all come from. 
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priisakilljoy · 5 years
Now that May, Myself and I is over I’d like to reflect on this month a little bit. This project was super interesting to me so i’ll talk about every day 
Day one (running) had to be a homage to Carrie Hope Fletcher, it was my only idea and felt like the right way to kick off the month
Day 2 (star) might just be my least favorite of all, not only because I was not super exited but also bc the execution is not great. I would normally never post it but the fun thing about this kind of project it that I can push myself
Day 3 (donuts) came with the conclusion that I like to draw. Was that obvious to anyone else? Not to me lmao. I just had so much fun with the white donut and I don’t even like donuts so that was exciting. Feels like something big, I was wondering for a wile and now I finally have an answer
Day 4 (red lips) isis one of my favorites and I didn’t even plan it a lot, it just happened. I usually have a very clear idea of what I want the end result to look like but this one happened very organically
Day 5 (eggs) is cute as hell imo. i was really excited when i had this idea 
For Day 6 (weight) I just had to make some Luther fan art because that’s one of my favorite choices of character design. He is a big guy who carries the word on his shoulders, it’s a lot of weight
Day 7 (salty) freaked me out a bit tbh because I only had the mermaid idea but I felt like I couldn’t do it justice. I almost didn’t post it but again, it’s about putting myself out there
Day 8 (pranks) was easy and felt right to make some fan content about the Weasley twins again, trow back to my 2012 fic lmao
Day 9 (umbrella) just had to be about TUA, but the idea to do the totoro rain scene came later. I wasn’t expecting to do two fan arts of Luther but he is big and five is small so it fits and I love how it turned out. It was also fun to explore the comics style, I love Gabriel Ba’s work
Day 10 (bodies) is about my own relationship with body hair, so that was a obvious choice. I’m in a very happy place with my body at the moment and feel like I’m finally caring for it for the first time ever, but the body hair is still a struggle and I’m exploring with it. This day was also part of this exploration
Day 11 (sunflowers) is the most personal of them all. It’s my cousin who I love a lot and she planted a sunflower earlier this year so it fit perfectly
Day 12 (storms) looks cool, I struggled with the video colors so had to change a bit and I’m happy with how Kirstin turned out
Day 13 (little) was so funny to me and I feel like is seriously underrated lmao. It’s moomin! It’s John mulaney! Y’all are supposed to love that shit
Day 14 (curtains) was hard. I was so uninspired and it looks rough
Day 15 (black and white) looks cute. Every time I read the prompt list the song started playing in my had so it had to be
Day 16 (conscience) was also very personal because it carries a lot o weight to me and basically shaped who I am so there’s that. I like the end result
Day 17 (luck) was bad lol. I only had the idea very late and was not feeling so good, but it looks cool! The background was from another danger days fan art I did earlier this year and it was my first time mixing media like this
Day 18 (sparkles) was easy to choose and I like it
Day 19 (Myself) was a challenge! I wasn’t sure where I was going with it tbh but feels right
Day 20 (mundane) is honestly one of my favorites. I just love Mitch so much and he is anything but mundane so I wanted to play with it. The color palette came from his horny demon tattoo and I wanted to do some supernatural stuff but subtle, so mostly on the shadow. It looks really good in my humble opinion lol
Day 21 (space) is another one that I love. I wasn’t sure what to do with this prompt because my first idea was something that I still relate a lot with my ex and I’m not quite there yet to reclaim and not think about him. Lucky I couldn’t stop listening to thank u, next and ari gave me some inspiration. The color palette of this one is the nasa logo
Day 22 (bloom) was maybe the first idea I had for this month lol. I just love the album in general and this song in particular and it looks exactly how I hoped it would
Day 23 (kindness) was terrible, probably because I’m very unkind to myself. I make bulbasaur because he makes me happy and he is great but honestly it was a bad day
For Day 24 (letters) I was going to be sappy and write a letter to myself instead of drawing something but Sza saved me and I did her supermodel look instead. I still listen to this album a lot and it hits home for me
Day 25 (moon) was also easy. I love avatar, I love Yue, it looks just how I wanted it to look
Day 26 (Jekyll and Hyde) was challenging bc I’m not super familiar with it and I was going to read the novel but was not in the mood lol. I did listen to the musical tho and confrontation reminded of left brain right brain By bo burnham. What. is one of my favorite stand ups of all time so I used this as an excuse to watch it again. It fits tho, I’m happy with it
Day 27 (circles) is basically a redraw of one of my inktober posts. I was not feeling inspired but it looks better than the first one so there’s that
Day 28 (chaos) is all about my mental health and I think it translated it well. The colors are not the ones I usually reach for but that was cool and different. I think this one really stands out
Day 29 (praise) is the one day I skipped. I was feeling bad and had nothing, zero ideas. So I didn’t push it. It was a day to remind myself that this is a challenge but it’s supposed to be fun, it’s something I’m doing for myself
On Day 30 (apologies) I woke up feeling terrible and scared so I decided to listen to some soft music to calm down. That did Not work lmao, so I listened to my chemical romance and the used instead. This empty with you quote was on my IM messenger for a long time and it fit with both the prompt and my mood
Day 31 (Hope) I came full circle and made another Carrie Hope fletcher fan art. I talked a lot already about how I look up to Carrie, so that was a perfect way to finish this month
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angelicistics · 5 years
Hi!!! Character development hard mode: 1 - 15 of Eileen please, I love her and want to know more about her !!!
thank u so much for asking
does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? which one are they closest with? She’s an only child! And she doesn’t talk much to her mother’s side of the family (like, she doesn’t speak to them at all), but she has a few cousins on her father’s side that are about her age, she just doesn’t get to see them often. 
what is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like? It’s not very good, tbh. Her mother doesn’t show affection (and she has a reason), so they don’t get along so well.
what is/was your character’s relationship with their father like? Eileen loves him more than anything and he loves her even more! He would do anything for her.
has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? if so, does anyone else know? Not yet
on an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets? lipstick, money, a small mirror, bubblegum… those kind of things.
does your character have recurring themes in their dreams? Not really. 
does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares? Not really, not yet hehe
has your character ever fired a gun? if so, what was their first target? No, but she has hexed Fred Weasley a lot of times lol
is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up? Not at all… Eileen doesn’t really pay attention to this because she’s so used to being rich, but she knows that she’s still very, very rich.
does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing? depends on the weather, but Eileen loves summer/spring, so perhaps less clothing. 
in what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been? the first time she realized the effects of the curse that someone cast upon her. 
in what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been? whenever she’s with her father, tbh… like, hanging out or something like that. 
is your character bothered by the sight of blood? if so, in what way? you know… Eileen doesn’t like to see blood, she thinks it’s disgusting (or terrifying, if it’s her own blood), but she wouldn’t freak out over it or faint or anything. It’s just disgust that she feels. 
does your character remember names or faces easier? faces!
is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? why or why not? she is!!! not as much as her mother, but she’s gotten certain things from her personality and Eileen’s quite materialistic sometimes, especially considered that she’s used to having a lot and she’s an only child, so she’s kind of possessive over the things she owns. 
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latenightbotanist · 7 years
*guitar intro*
underneath these stairs i hear the sneers and feel the glares of my cousin my uncle and my aunt cant believe how cruel the are and it sting my lightning scar to know theyll NEver ever give me... what i wa-ant I know i dont deserve these AWful ruules made by the Dursleys here on    PRIIIIIiivet driiive cant take these stupid Muggles but despite all of my struggles... IM STILL ALIIIIIIIVE im sick of summer and this waiting around * dun dun* man its september so imm skipping this town hey its no mysteryy theres nothing here fore me noooow i gotta get back to hogwart! i gotta get back to schooool i gotta get back to hogwarts! where everybody knows im cooOool back to witches! and wizards! and magical beasts to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts! ita all that i Love and its all that i need at Hogwarts! hogwarts! i think im going back      I’LL see my friends gonna laugh till we cry TAke my firebolt gonna take to the sky No Way this year anyONES Gonna Die and its gonna be tOtally awesome!ill cast some spells with a flick of my wand defeat the Dark Arts yeAH Bring it On and do it all with my best friend RON cause together were totally awesomYEAH CAUSE TOGETHER WERE TOTALLY AWESOME DId sOmebody say roOON?? Ron?! what are u doing here? sorry it took me so long to get here i had to get some floo powder But get everything u need and lets get goin! where are we going? to DIagon alley of course cool FLoo powder Power floo powder power floo powder power floo powder power Its been so long but were going back dont go for work dont go there for Class as long as were together gonna kick some AsS and its gonna be toOtally aWEsome this year well take everybody by storm sneak Stay up all night sneak out of our dorm but LEts not fOrget that we Need to PerfFORm Well in ClAss if we want to pass our OWLS aargh hermioine Why do you have to be such a BUZzkill? beCAUSE guys school is not all about Fun and Games we have to study hard if we wanna become good wizards and Witches ugh I may be frumpy but im super smart CHeck out my grades   theyre As for a startwhat i lack in looks well i make up in heART and well guys that is totally awESOme This year i plan to Study A Lot That would be cool if you were actually Hot HEy ron Cmon were the only friends that shes got and thats cool and thats tOtally Awesome yeah its so cool it is totally aWESOME were sick of summer and this waiting around *dun dun* its like were sitting in the lost and found * dun dun* dont take no SorcerYY for anyone to se hooOOOOOooOOoOw   we gotta get back to hogwarts! we gotta get back to schoooOOl  we gotta get us back to hogwarts! where everything is magicooOOOOOOl bck to wizards and witches and magical beasts to Goblins and Ghosts and to magical feasts its all that i love and its all that i need at hogwarts! hogwarts! i think were going back! rOooOoON you were supposed to take me to madam malkins and use those  sIckles mom gave you for my RObe fitting! whos this? aAhhhthis is stupid dumb little sister ginny ginny this is harry      Potter  hhHArry Potter youre the boy who lived yah and youre ginny uh its genevra uuuh ill just stick with ginny Stupid sister *clap* dont crowd the famous friend! Do you guys hear Music? someones coming Cho Chang  Domo arigato Cho Chang gung hey Fat Cho CHang happy happy new year Cho chang oooh whos that? thats..thats cho chang yeah thats the girl harrys been TOtally In Love with since freshman year yeah but he wont say anything to her yeah you never tell a girl you like her it makes you look like an idiot! KonIchiWa cho chang it is Good to meet you  my name is Ginny WEAsley BITCH I AINT CHO CHANG that is lAVender brOwn *clap* RACIST sister! oh that allright im Cho Chang YAllshes perfect yeah but too bad she dating cedric diggory srsly who the Hell is cedric diggory?! hes that guy u know hes just huge and tall Cho chaang I Am So In LOve  with CHoOo Chaaang from bangkook to dIINgdaaAng I sing my love aLoud for Choo CHaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAANg UGH iHATE that guy DID SOMEONE SAY DRACO MALFOOY? ugh malfaoy what do you want?  SO pottah   Back for another year at Hogwarts are you? maybe this year you WIse up and hang out with a HIGher caliber of wizard listen draco.. ron and hermoine are my Best Friends in the Whole World i wouldnt trade them for ANYthing  Have it your way WAit dont tell me   Red hair Hand me down Clothes and a Stuupid Complexion Youu must be a WEeasley hey malfoy lay off my sister ok? she may be a pain in the ass but she MY pain in the ass well isnt this CuUte its like a little looser fAHmily hogwarts has really gone to the Dogs Luckily next year   Ill be Transferred to Pigfaarts! this years you bet gonna get outta here the Reign of Malfoy its growing near ill have the Greatest Wizard carrier its gonna be TOAtally Awesooome look out world for the Dawn of the day when everyone one will do  whATEVER I SAY! and pooottah wont bee in my way then ill be the one who is tOtally Awesome YEAH YOULL BE THE ONE WHO IS TOTALLY AWESOME! *choo* Cmon guys were gonna Miss the Traiin who knows how fast this years gonna go Hand me a Glass let the butterbeer flow! maybee at last i will talk to cho Oh No thatd be Way Too Awesome were back to learn everything that we can its great to come back to where it began And here we are! and ALAKAZAM here we go this is totally awesome! cmon and teach us everything you know! *un dun* the summers over and were aching to go! *dun dun* I think were ready for    ALbus DUmbleDore ahhhhhhhHHHHHH welcoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooOoOooOome all of you to Hogwarts! I welcome all of you to schooooool did you know that here at Hogwarts    weve got  a Hidden Swimming Poooooool welcomewelcomewelcome Hogwarts! welcome Hotties Nerds and Tooools! now that ive got you here at hogwarts       id umm liketogooverjustacoupleofrules My name is Albus Dumbledore and i am HEadmaster of Hogwarts! you can all call me      Dmbledore. s’pose you could also call me Albus if you wanted DEtEntion nah    im just kidding  Ill Expel YA if ya Call me Albus! *dun dun dun* back to witches and wizards aand magical beasts to Goblins and Ghosts and to magical feasts Its All that i Love and its All that i Need at Hogwarts! hogwarts! back to spells and *funky background clapping* enchantments potions and Friends! To Gryffindooor! HUfflePuff! RavEnclAaw! SLYTHERIN! Back to the place where our story begins at Hogwarts! hogwarts! Im sorry what its name?! HOgwarts! HOGwarts! Iii Didnt HEar you Kids! HOGWARTS! HOGWARTS! man im glad i went back!
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lostinthelightss · 4 years
literal chaos fire (ch.7)
Tumblr media
amazing banner by @downn-in-flames​ / down-in-flames@FFT
find it elsewhere: fft | ao3 | ff.net | hpff learn more: chaos universe link to other chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 link to missing moments: 5.5, 7.5, 8.5, 15.5
pairing: Lily Luna Potter / OC genre: AU, Humor, Romance rating: mature audiences
Victoire Weasley is a masters student in infectious diseases handling a devastating break up with her girlfriend of two years. Lily Potter is a first year law student navigating a figurative minefield that is the star quarterback’s unrequited affection. Molly Weasley is pursuing her bachelors in engineering while pining over her best friend - who doesn’t seem to realize it.
Three women, three vastly different lives, all coming together with group chats, family dinners, and a whole lot of chaos.
chapter summary:
mollydramatic: i just want to point out im not the one crying in a bathroom right now mollydramatic: and thats on character development
OCTOBER 29TH, 2021
‘literal chaos fire' (psychiclilz, mollydramatic, VickyBaby) 6:12pm
mollydramatic: please tell me you guys will be here soon mollydramatic: i made this mistake of letting xander bring someone mollydramatic: its been two fucking days and he's already got another girl mollydramatic: also she's dressed like an angel *gag*
VickyBaby: wait aren't you dressed like a devil?
mollydramatic: i don't wanna talk about it...
VickyBaby: also you have to stop letting this guy bring his fuck buddies to your house...
mollydramatic: i dont wanna talk about it!!!
psychiclilz: ugh, dont talk about costumes psychiclilz: i cant believe i let you guys talk me into this
VickyBaby: hey, monkeys are cute
psychiclilz: okay, but like i dont get why i *just had to be* a monkey? psychiclilz: why couldnt i be an angel? psychiclilz: then at least molly wouldn't look like she matches with some rando
mollydramatic: nope, i dont need an angel mollydramatic: if it becomes a problem, ill just spill some punch on her
VickyBaby: that's not exactly a great way to deal with your feelings
psychiclilz: yeah... maybe you should just tell him you like him psychiclilz: at least then he'll stop shoving his ‘relationships' in ur face
mollydramatic: ABSOLUTELY NOT
VickyBaby: have you met her? VickyBaby: she has no backbone VickyBaby: she'd probably start crying and then lock herself in the bathroom for an hour
mollydramatic: i know that's based on true events, but i still resent that mollydramatic: now get over here, and FAST
psychiclilz: ugh i still dont get why i agreed to this
VickyBaby: at least you arent a tree VickyBaby: evan decided to go as bob ross, but APPARENTLY VickyBaby: a white guy in an afro with a paint palette doesn't SCREAM bob ross VickyBaby: and now im covered in leaves and its so fucking itchy
mollydramatic: hey, you chose your couple costume buddy mollydramatic: im stuck with this weirdo
psychiclilz: have you even talked to her? psychiclilz: she could be nice
mollydramatic: yeah, her names *emerson* mollydramatic: gag mollydramatic: what kinda pretentious name is *emerson* mollydramatic: and in terms of talking, she hasn't *stopped* talking to me mollydramatic: help, please
psychiclilz: oh im gonna murder you psychiclilz: WILLIAM FUCKING FLYNN psychiclilz: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???
VickyBaby: hey, curious george and the man in the yellow hat are classics VickyBaby: anyways you guys look cute
mollydramatic: well, you might if you weren't AWOL
VickyBaby: oh, shut up, you like it
mollydramatic: i just want to point out im not the one crying in a bathroom right now mollydramatic: and thats on character development
psychiclilz: this is so embarrassing, he probably thinks i planned this psychiclilz: and after the disaster date too psychiclilz: he thinks im a stalker and is gonna get a restraining order
mollydramatic: hey, ive spent like 2 hours with people coming up to me and saying emerson and i are a ‘cute couple' mollydramatic: you can deal with being coupled with the hottest person at this party
VickyBaby: excuse you
mollydramatic: sorry, hottest *guy*
VickyBaby: thank you <3 VickyBaby: anyways, emerson is really hot in that babydoll
mollydramatic: wow, thanks so much, my ego really needed that hit mollydramatic: alright, i need some alcohol and im guessing lilz does too mollydramatic: shots?
psychiclilz: god, yes please
(Scorpius Malfoy, William Flynn) 9:04pm
William: i thought you said she wanted nothing to do with me William: now i look like an insane person William: she's going to think i'm a stalker
Scorpius: hey, i had no part in this Scorpius: but rose wont stop smiling, so im guessing it was the unholy trinity
William: what?
Scorpius: the unholy trinity - vic, lily, molly Scorpius: disasters, all three of them, especially when together
William: wait so... lily planned this?
Scorpius: ... Scorpius: probably not, but i'd bet my life the others two did Scorpius: and managed to convince rose to help
William: but lily wants nothing to do with me William: she even ran away as soon as she saw me...
Scorpius: yeah, idk man Scorpius: the weasleys are terrors, the lot of them Scorpius: but especially the unholy trinity
(Lily Potter, William Flynn) 10:44pm
Lily: wiiiilliam flynn Lily: whhhere did u go???
William: oh, uh, hey William: sorry, i wasnt having a great time so i ducked out about half an hour ago William: whats up
Lily: i justt Lily: im sorry my cousins orchrestated this whole thing Lily: im swear i didnt know anything Lily: not that ur not a sexy af man in the yellow hat Lily: but im sure ur gf wouldve been a better curous geroge
William: i dont have a girlfriend
Lily: ... scorp saif you were seeing someone
William: oh, yeah, one of the cheerleaders asked me out a few times William: but that was nothing William: im kinda into someone else... 
Lily: oh... Lily: wwwwwillliam flyyyn
William: Lily Potter
Lily: will u com back and drive mehome? Lily: i will buy u ice cream
William: yeah, of course, ill be right there
(Lysander Scamander, Molly Weasley) 11:26pm
Lysander: hey, have you seen emerson? Lysander: i cant find her Lysander: or you for that matter, but that's not surprising
‘old fogies' (Fred [the smart dumb one], Lily [ur 15mins older], James [the older twin], Molly [the dumb smart one], Rose [the granger], Vic [the science beb]) 11:42pm
James [the older twin]: guyss, wheres @Molly [the dumb smart one] and @Lily [ur 15mins older] James [the older twin]: aslo fuck offf lily, im stil older
Rose [the granger]: ARE THEY LOST AGAIN!?!
Lily [ur 15mins older]: sooory, iw ent home Lily [ur 15mins older]: @Vic [the science beb] have u seen mollz?
Vic [the science beb]: i think she said shee was gonna crash?
James [the older twin]: hmmm, allrgith James [the older twin]: fuck James [the older twin]: anyways, if you seee a girl in an angle cosutme let xander now James [the older twin]: his dates missing
0 notes
nylonsandlipstick · 7 years
lala my babe what are your unpopular opinions about the harry potter fandom?
omg. what aren’t they? nina, you know the right questions to ask. i’m literally so salty about everything in the books. tbh this is gonna turn more into an anti jkr post so if anyone is sensitive about rowling hate, scroll down.
jkr is such a terrible “feminist” as she calls herself, because she treats her female characters so poorly.
cho is just basically treated like shit because she’s soft and gentle? like, way to be a hypocrite, rowling (she called lewis a sexist for his treatment of susan and hasn’t even read the books and she’s literally doing the same exact shit).
she didn’t bat an eyelash when lavender brown, a explicitly described as black, was whitewashed in the films, it’s not like she treated lavender any better as she killed lavender off in the battle of hogwarts but there you go.
she hated and mistreated pansy just because she’s a nasty slytherin girl, like, that’s a child, have her grow up, have her learn from her mistakes, have her develop, who the hell hurt you so much that you can’t give a girl like pansy a redemption arc???
tonks deserved so much better but the fuck with that incest shit with her crushing on her cousin (in a pottermore story)?? like, damn, guess i know now where cc came up with her incest obsession.
the patil twins are basically ignored by rowling. they’re kind of there for woc brownie points but rowling couldn’t even be bothered to confirm whether the twins died or not at the end of the battle of hogwarts.
hermione is literally the worst. i hate hermione so much. she’s just so annoying and so high and mighty and it’s like, fuck off, nobody cares.
in the entire series there are about 15 poc characters (angelina johnson, alicia spinnet, bane the centaur, blaise zabini, cho, dean, duncan inglebee, fred weasley ii, gweong jones, kingsley shacklebolt, lavender brown, lee jordan, padma and parvati patil, and roxanne) and only a handful of them even have speaking lines. there are a total of 772 characters. only 15 have been worth being mentioned as poc, even less than that even have speaking roles. gonna let that speak for itself.
rowling literally fucking apologized for snape’s death and i’m like, the death of a white supremacist parallel, bullying, prejudiced, narrow-minded man who fucking hated kids that he worked with and didn’t give a damn about the child of the woman that he was fucking obsessed over (do not give me that “but he was james’s son so snape wasn’t obligated to like harry” bullshit, snape could totally have had harry close to him as his last tie to lily and could have tried to protect harry as that would have been lily’s wish). i understand that it’s tradition to apologize for some death on the anniversary of the war or whatever but maybe you should apologize for deaths of characters that weren’t such assholes???
also, the fact that rowling could give such a shitty guy a redemption arc (that a lot of people in the fandom fawn over!!!) yet draco, a child, was mistreated and straight up hated by rowling just because he grew up in a bigoted, close-minded household and didn’t know any better and ended up in slytherin and only continued to follow voldemort out of fear for voldie and his father and he’s such a great and three-dimensional character yet rowling constantly hates him for ????? being a slytherin???
which, like, what the fuck is up with rowling and hating on slytherins?? she acts like they’re terrible people yet gave us some pretty complex characters coming out of that house and it’s like, if your intent was to make us hate slytherin just because you do, it didn’t work.
the goblins are heavily coded as jewish and just the fact that literally the only jewish rep in the entire series are a bunch of goblins that work in banks just blows. my. fucking. mind. wow. as if jewish people haven’t experienced enough antisemitism in europe as it is now they’re gross and greedy goblins. yup. rowling is great.
how is it that draco, a child who is so very obviously suffering from depression, is seen as evil and terrible because of his mental illness (because his depression is what makes him “go crazy” and paranoia is a punchline to rowling) yet everyone who had to spend 12 years in azkaban (who all happen to be her favorite characters) and had to go through a shit ton of terrible crap somehow come out perfect and unaffected. like, not only is that a gross display of ableism but an insane lack of understanding of anything psychological. and, sirius, the only person who even displayed a small amount of mental instability was killed off so. ableism.
i am so mad about dumbledore. what the fuck, rowling, what the fuck? rowling is nowhere near being an ally as literally her only hp books character (i’ll talk about fantastic beasts in a mo) that’s confirmed as gay was confirmed so several years later in an interview (as if rita skeeter wouldn’t have figured that shit out asap??) and he’s an evil dude because of the fact that he’s gay and rowling explains his rejection of his homosexuality as being asexual and like, that’s not how it fucking works, rowling. first, you can’t turn off your sexuality like that, and second, asexuality isn’t just what you call being celibate or whatever.
the fact that werewolves are supposed to represent hiv+ gays. oh. my. g o d. wha t  t h e  f u ck???? what the fuck is that? oh my g o d. i can’t even handle this. i’m going to the next bullet point because the homophobia is destroying my soul.
gonna continue with the homophobia with the fact that rowling has a gay character in fantastic beasts that’s a fucking piece of shit and a total abuser and oh, look at that, played by an abuser. and little miss “i don’t support aggressors” literally supported an abuser playing the character. like. oh my god. look, i never gave a rat’s patootie about johnny depp or amber heard before the abuse allegations came out but olivia benson taught me better than to veer on the side of the alleged abuser just because he’s famous and the victim is bisexual and settled the court case with money.
eurocentrism is a real thing and rowling just seems to love to show that off. how the fuck are you gonna tell me that in the entire world there would be 11 wizarding schools and 3 of them would be in europe?? you know what, how the fuck are you gonna tell me that europe itself would have only 3 schools??? do you not understand that europe, the home of nationalism, would have almost one school per fucking country?? do you not understand that most of the european countries turn their nose in the air to each other because they all think that they’re better than each other and that they wouldn’t all totally have their own schools??? maybe benelux would share their own school, the uk would share their own school (although don’t doubt that the scottish would say a big fuck you to england and block all of the non-scottish kids out of hogwarts and force the rest of the uk to make their own new school at some point), and a few other places would share but literally do not tell me that spain, who cannot stand france, would share a fucking school with the french. like, i know a lot of hp fans are american but xenophobia in europe is a big thing.
but, on to the other wizarding schools. don’t tell me that latin america would have one fucking school for all of latin america. like, do you not understand that latin america is a mix of spanish, indigenous, african, and asian with different forms of ancient practices and brujeria that wouldn’t mix well with each other??? brazil doesn’t even fucking speak spanish!!!!!! brazil, with it’s large ass population of portuguese-speakers would need their own school while the caribbean would need their own school (if not two, because don’t tell me that a school full of cubans, puerto ricans, and dominicans wouldn’t be fucking insane and need to be divided), mexico would probably need their own school, and central and south american would need at least two other schools. and that’s just latin america. you can imagine how many schools asia would need what with most of southeast asia not being able to share a school (china and north korea would definitely have their own schools, don’t fight me), south asia having completely different practices than southeast, and the middle east would have to divide several schools between each other. and africa would need several schools. and australians??? jk never even mentioned them if i remember correctly????
eurocentrism mixed in with cultural appropriation and straight up racism is what i call ilvermorny. how the fuck are you gonna tell me that white racists are gonna be okay with sending their kids over to a school of native american magic. no, actually, how the fuck are you gonna tell me that native americans are gonna be okay with sharing their magic? magic that is so sacred and has so many rules and isn’t some fucking fictional fantasy to actual native americans but is complete reality to them??? and they’re going to be totally okay with a bunch of white people (people who’s ancestors committed mass genocides full of native americans because they wanted fucking land and power and gold and gave no fucks for the real human beings that were the natives because they weren’t apparently civilized and therefor weren’t real human beings) coming and putting a school where sacred native magic is taught in boston of all places??? rowling, you didn’t even try to research this shit.
boston wouldn’t even be where the new england wizarding school would be in. it would be in fucking salem, massachusetts. fight me if you disagree but i will fight back so hard on that shit. midwest would have its own school. the south would have one. texas would have its own school because fuck texas, nobody wants them. and florida would have its own school because where the fuck are we in?? the south?? north cuba?? who fucking knows. and let’s not forget louisianna would have its own school and the african americans in the north would have their own school too and asians in the u.s.??? their own schools. and the native americans would have a shit ton of smaller schools because there are different tribes with different histories and some wouldn’t be able to share a school because of those differences like in asia.
and canada would have two schools because fuck you if you think that french canadians (read: quebec) would willingly share a school with english canadians and don’t tell me that canada wouldn’t have tried pushing everyone into one school where the question of “what about french-speakers? what about us catholics? we’re magicians but we’re still good french catholics and we’re sure as hell not practicing protestantism”. and actually, i’m wrong. it would be three schools as indigenous people in canada fucking exist.
i’m done with the school shit (not done but at least on this post). like, okay, tell me how the fuck fantastic beasts takes place in harlem yet even the fucking extras are a bunch of crackers? i’m sorry jk, i didn’t realize that the jazz age wasn’t led by black people and that harlem hasn’t been hsitorically black. thank you, a white english woman, for teaching me that. thank you very much.
how the fuck is it that we have native american-based magic being used and yet not one single fucking native american in the entire movie? tell me. i want a good ass explanation for that shit because so far the only one i’m thinking of is that rowling just supports cultural appropriation.
how the fuck is it that newt schammander is seen as an angel when he literally was the one to begin werewolf oppression? oppression of the people that are supposed to be hiv+ gays??
an abuse victim is literally turned into a fucking monster and then killed. i cannot fathom this shit.
the film is supposed to be a parallel to racism yet cracker cast.
i think i’m done for now. now excuse me as i go scream because i just can’t. fight me on anything but i swear to god i am pissed and i will not be kind. i am done with jk rowling’s horseshit. absolute horseshit.
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vicweasleya · 7 years
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Hey all, I’m Jules!! I’m 21, PST timezone, your resident patron st. of chipotle and this is Victoire ‘I Speak Dragon’ Weasley my punk, dragon & family loving, queer child!! Under the cut is a lot of info on Vic and it’s pretty long ( though I cut it ) but my other characters won’t be as long!! If still need to fix her profile but her pronouns are she/her & gon/gons for the ambitious. If you want to plot you can like this or send a bat signal or something and I’ll come to you.  I’m also playing Jane Longbottom, Adele Rosier, Cecilia Diggory, Riley Hayes & Clarabel Moreau!
Character Name: Victoire Apolline Delacour-Weasley
VICTOIRE: Seventeen years of hearing stories about those who died on her birthday before her. Almost a decade of not celebrating her own birthday when she realized what it meant to others. Of course, she understands that this is the burden she carries – while her cousins bear namesakes of those who had fallen before them, she is the painful reminder of the day they lost people – so they could win freedom. She is the h e l l f i r ethat is left after a victory, scorching technicolor brutal memories into the minds of those who were left behind.  APOLLINE: The french derivative of the name Apollonia which comes from the Greek god, Apollo. Apollo, the god of the sun, prophecy, music, beauty, healing, poetry, plague and so much more. It could be said that Victoire is her own brand of beautiful – of course the Veela genes help ( or do they? ) but if there’s anything she’s gotten from this namesake it’s the love of music. She’s sure that if she wasn’t going to work with dragons when she was older it would be with music – something she practically speaks as a language. The name might sound too flowery or too soft for Victoire – but her grandmother from which she was given this name was still a Veela. She still had the siren song that was deadly to almost associated with her name. Still, just because Victoire is comparable to a constantly raging storm – she has times where parts of her mother and grandmother comes out.   DELACOUR: While she embraces the Weasley, Victoire also embraces her French heritage. If there’s anything of her mother, of this side of the family that comes out – it’s when she speaks French. She refuses to call her mother anything but maman, and will quickly switch to French around her during Weasley-Potter-Lupin gatherings at the burrow to make her feel even a little more comfortable. For Victoire, the Delacour name embodies softness and embodies femininity that she’s not always connected to. It reminds her that she’s not been alone in being discriminated against or objectified, that others understand what it’s like to be in her place to some extent. It’s then that she’s able to embrace the girl, that she’s able to feel like one and not always so at war with her body and herself. WEASLEY: If the other parts of her name didn’t already come with enough precedence – perhaps the name ‘Weasley’ was the icing on the cake. She couldn’t be prouder to be a Weasley, no matter how much fussing her grandmother does or how everyone is in everyone’s business – Victoire knows she is lucky. Vic is well aware of how privileged she is & how her infamous family of blood traitors are lucky to have the life they do.
Year: Seventh Year. This makes Victoire seventeen years old.
Pronouns & Gender:   She/Her or Gon/Gons. Victoire identifies as a Demigirl.
C h a n g i n g. From the minute Victoire was born, she was always fidgeting, alwaysmoving and her first display of magic was at 4 years old, when she tried to change her hair blue like Teddy’s. Instead, it changed her beautiful crop of ginger hair into a dirty blonde. Often, she’d find herself envying Teddy’s abilities to change, feeling uncomfortable in her skin and angry that it wasn’t as easy for her. As she grew older, she came to understand  what her body was, what it would be and that she’d never be able to change herself like Teddy or change herself at all. Any change that she’d make would be permanent and she found herself not wanting that in the slightest. Not wanting to limit herself because while Victoire loved her feminine side – there was something she felt growing in her soul that was just … something else. It didn’t have a label but it became her, it was her, and it was confusing but it was who she was. Victoire did research and after a while the closest thing she could find to what she felt her gender was the term:demigirl. Of course, after she realized this she told her parents, getting nothing but support from them. A reason they’ve let Victoire dye her hair so much and wear clothes that some parents would have heart attacks at, is so she feels like she has an option to be who she is. Even though they know that their child will be who she is with or without their permission, they figure helping her along the way in a world where there are many people who are against what her gender is & think it’s unnatural. They are Vic’s parents after all and after a war where they lost family and friends who gave their lives so their children could have freedom  – it seems trivial to ever fuss over something like gender.
House: Slytherin
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and is associated with the neck and throat. Positive characteristics include stamina, patience, practicality, frugality, creativity, a love of beauty and nature, faithfulness, loyalty, determination, sensuality, and affection.Negative characteristics are stubbornness (there’s a reason why stubborn people are called bullheaded), materialism, resistance to change, laziness, a terrible temper once aroused, prejudice, and sometimes an unimaginative nature. In this House, the traits associated with Taurus that will be most emphasized are materialism and loyalty. These Slytherins will be almost blindly loyal to their friends and allies, and they will value wealth and the trappings of wealth over more intangible assets.Determination will also be emphasized. All Slytherins are determined, but the stubborn Taurus Slytherin is unstoppable once they have their mind set on something. A large number of Slytheirns in this sign work for Gringotts after graduating from Hogwarts, for they are very good with money.
NICKNAME[S]: Vic, Tweety Bird, Valk, Toire, Uses the alias Freddie Bowie when getting arrested in the Muggle world. Blood Status: 1/8th veela. Special Powers & Abilities: 1/8 Veela. Allegiance: Unaffiliated. Student Functions: Care of Magical Creatures Club. Dueling Club. Face Claim Choices: Penelople Mitchell, Maddie Hasson, Alona Tal, Amber Heard,  Eliza Taylor, Adele Exarchopoulos, Natalie Dormer, Terese Pagh, Rita Volk, Arielle Kebbel, Hattie Watson, Madeline Rae Mason Secrets:  TW: VIOLENCE, SELF HARM, DEATH, BLOOD
It’s a secret that: Victoire Weasley thinks she killed someone. A month and a half after Victoire’s big seventeenth birthday, she went to a bar with her cousin, Lily. It was nice, the birthday rush still in her veins, the fact that she was legal ( at least in one world ) was nice. She easily used her charm to get past the front, and just sat at the pub drinking away at a Shirley Temple cocktail and before long she got talking with a random man. Really, there was nothing romantic on her part – but he got a little too friendly and just before Victoire could punish him for doing so, his girlfriend came out of the lavatory. She was smashed, so obviously, and angry as well but Victoire was able to slip away outside for a minute before her anger and thirst for release got the best of her. While she smoked a spliff, thinking that she had finally been able to get it under control, her itch for a fight – the girlfriend came outside and started a fight with Vic, something Victoire engaged in. It wasn’t before long that the other girl was being beaten senseless by the wix, and Victoire hadn’t stopped until she was suddenly snapped from her blackout. Inspecting the girl – Victoire’s veins practically went to ice when she saw she wasn’t moving. The girl looked dead – she had to be. Victoire ran. The next day in the muggle newspaper, Victoire couldn’t find a report of what had happened which just solidified the fear that she had actually killed someone. Unknown to her, the girl was okay choosing not to share her story with the press. It’s a secret that: Victoire Weasley self harms. She can’t remember how it quite started – a punch to the wall there after a fight, a purpose slap in the face, anything that released the rage she had. Victoire didn’t dare release it on the people she loved because she’d never be able to forgive herself for that, but it grew. The feeling grew and soon she had to hurt herself. But she can remember when she knew. When she needed reminders, when she needed blood and big bruises to litter her body. It’s something she’s so ashamed of, that she hasn’t let on to anyone. A reason Victoire craves fights and sometimes throws them is because of this masochistic need to hurt herself – just letting people beat her to unconsciousness. Her anger is so great, so c o n s u m i n g, there’s the small hope if she finds a way to release it somehow – it’ll go away. It’s a secret that: Victoire Weasley has hated her birthday since she was eight. Being born on May 2nd was more of a curse than anything as far as Victoire is concerned. She’s not selfish enough to be mad at everyone for grieving on her birthday, not at all, just mad that she doesn’t have it on a different day. Each year, there’s been at least one family member crying and one of her best friends parents died on the day she was born. When she was younger, before she knew why it was truly so upsetting for the people she loved – she didn’t understand. Now that she does, she hates the day and wishes she was born on another like she was supposed to be ( Victoire was a month early ). Still, she treats it as the day it is for everyone else and doesn’t express how she really feels about the day.
Storm with skin. The performer. { Secret Strategist }. Masochistic with sadistic tendencies because she is just so filled with A N G E R ( being sexualized at a young age, her ass pinched on her first Hogsmeade trip, and so so much more that she doesn’t have a language to explain it in — only violent actions ). N o t that she’d let you know.  Warrior, no, VALKYRIE more of a DRAGON than a girl ( if she ever was a g i r l in the first place ), fiercely protective of the people she loves — and if you dare mess with her family, friends, or any of the sort, you better run for oblivion. V I C T O R Y in her veins that she will hold onto until her dying breath.
Victoire Weasley is more than just a simple human being, she’s the true embodiment of what it means to be a storm with skin. Enigmatic even. First approaching this version of Victoire – I was nervous. It’s been a year and I’ve still been nervous to play her as well as how I imagine she’s percieved. An improper Victoire who wears leather pants more than pajamas? A Slytherin Victoire? A bar fighting, dragon loving/part dragon, tattoo adorning Victoire Weasley? Punk to the core? Constantly dyeing her hair? Terrified. Victoire is quite sure of who she is, what she wants in life & what she will get, she’s quite sure of everything that she is —- but in those moments she blacks out in pure rage — she’s not so sure. She’s h o r r i f i e d. In those moments where she looks for pain like she’s a drug addict and it’s her next fix, she’s mortified.  “I will always scare; and more than anyone else — myself.”
It was in House of Serpents that she learned there is grey. There is moral grey, and it’s where she lives. With a heart so big, so W I D E, that even she doesn’t realize it’s part of the reason her anger can consume her. Feeling things for Victoire Weasley is never half arsed, it’s full arsed, and her passion, her ambition, could be the death of her. Her ambition to save the ones she loves, to protect her family. F a m i l y. A word redefined by Victoire fucking Weasley. But when you meet her, she’ll s m i l e. She’ll laugh, she’ll charm you most likely and she’ll talk about the fact that Freddie Mercury is much more interesting than John Lennon, thank you very much. How Johnny Cash, Jeff Buckley, Arctic Monkeys, Queen, HAIM, and Aerosmith should be listened to at least once a day and how if she wanted anyone’s singing voice besides Freddie’s, it would be Hayley Williams, no doubt. She’d take off her shirt to show you the tattoos that run down her back, tell you about the ones that s n a k e down shoulders, arms, legs and how they’re ones dedicated to each and every one of her family members. For her best friends. With child like w o n d e r m e n t and pure genuine glee, she’ll talk about her dragon, Mercury, and how her and Hagrid have planned to try to start a campaign to get real dragons at Hogwarts.
Then, a competition that made her think of The Goblet of Fire came along and she couldn’t help the suspicion that flared within her. Everything might’ve been safe, dandy, fine, but it could change in the drop of a hat. Victoire just wanted to be excited but time showed that was not going to be easy.  All she knows that if it does go wrong, she will protect them, she has to. She’s had to put herself together, she had to keep herself more composed. Her family & friends need to her to her stable – as stable as she could be. Vic may have gone about a month without an incident, as well as been in the eye of the storm that is herself, but there’s a storm around her now.
—& she is now a hurricane. Controlled chaos because despite it all, she’s a Slytherin for a reason. She’s manipulative, cunning, a silver tongue used mostly for words, and she needs to become some sort of matriarch. There were crushing expectations that were supposed to do just that but were thrown out the window since day one. Now, the expectations of being Victoire Weasley must be embraced. Now, they are because her family needs her, and she finally can be what they wanted her to be. A leader of sorts. Their VICTORY. Beneath the chaos is kindness she shows to people, is the gentle touch and wise words that make you wonder — who exactly is Victoire Weasley? A teenage hurricane, in the middle of a chaos, who came to find that maybe she was born to fight.
✪ : Critique they have about others
While she can understand some her classmates animosity and anger she doesn’t approve of how they choose to take it out. Vic as well doesn’t approve of their reasoning for it — yessome of them may be brainwashed into their views but she still feels it’s unacceptable.
✫ : Pet peeve
When people don’t understand the word “no”. Having a history of being harassed by various men in some of the places she hangs out (Hogshead at times, Romania when she’s there with her uncle Charlie, anywhere really Merlin knows her curiosity and badass-ness has gotten her into some sticky situations as well as weird places ) she absolutely hates when people don’t respect the word “no” — especially in those situations.
✬ : Something minor they enjoy
Rainbows. Colors. While colors might not necessarily be minor, even little things, little colors that she loves make her really happy and intrigued. What is that color?  Is there a name for it? She idly in her spare time likes to name colors on her own. One day she hopes to successfully dye her hair rainbow on her own without any magic.
✭ : An obscure interest
Dragons and Care of Magical Creatures. Mostly dragons, Vic loves everything dragons — especially the uses of dragon blood, which she has tried before. Even dragon dung as fertilizer (even if she’s not the most knowledgable on Herbology ) interests her.
✮ : A moral standard
As Vic aligns with the Chaotic Good alignment there are Ten Chaotic Good sins which of a few, Victoire definitely identifies with. Though, there is one in particular that Victoire practices and holds as a standard for herself. “ Failing to perform a random act of kindness when appropriate.” Vic feels deep down quite ashamed of some of her actions while blinded by rage, especially the ones that involve hurting herself. Performing random acts of kindness to her sort of makes up for her actions, sort of balancing good and bad — even if it’s just in herself. Sort of like Stitch from Lilo & Stitch when Lilo illustrates those drawings of Stitch’s bad and good. While she knows it’s not that black & white, she can’t help but feel that it is when it comes to herself. She knows that she acts out and is flawed as well as acts irrationally — so maybe just maybe that helps her add to her own goodness.
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bylerchoseme · 8 years
Oneshot #45 :)
The eldest brother James sat cross legged in the room of requirement advising his brother on the art of love. "I know you liked Scorpius for two years now. I will help you win his heart." He chuckled, briefly. "Although, I doubt he isn't interested." A frustrated 13 year old ran fingers through his hair with a deep sigh. "Thanks for taking interest in my love life. However, there is a possibility I'll get rejected." He couldn't fathom not having the blond haired Slytherin as a boyfriend. "I am gonna hand it to you straight. You are very dense." "There is no way Scorpius would ever fall for the chosen one's son." With every excuse delayed a possible relationship between the two which wasn't helping anyone. James in utter disbelief ignored the comment. "We don't have time to waste. Let's get to it." Suddenly, it was as if the whole world froze. It's one thing to not be ready and it's a whole other thing to take action. "I hope he likes me. I really hope he likes me." Albus crossed his fingers. "You don't have to hope he likes you. Anyways, the first step is to get him alone with you." "How and where?" An entire bundle of scenarios ran through Jame's mind, some more direct then others. "Considering the fact the two of you are inseparable, it shouldn't be difficult. I was thinking.....-" He paused for a moment. "Take him to the chamber of secrets." Just a table over sat Rose Weasley, eavesdropping. She saw this as a perfect opportunity to intervene. She closed her book and walked over to them. "Are you out of your mind? How can you suggest such thing? Do you know how many school rules that's breaking?" She gave James a disapproving look. If there is a pet peeve James hated the most, it's others meddling. "Ahh it's the she devil talking. Where does this concern you?" He said with an aggravated voice. She didn't like the tone in his voice. "Excuse me, you have no right to talk to me like that." She couldn't stand her cousin sometimes. "No one asked you to be a part of the conversation. You just waltzed your way in thinking your opinion matters." James crossed his hands. "You are a bad influence. I suggest working on your attitude first before offering horrible advice." She held hands at her hips. Breaking the little argument, Albus had a few words of his own. "If I want to take Scorpius to the chamber of secrets, it's my decision. I'll face consequences if we get caught." Rose turned to Albus, "If you say so." She walked away, exiting the library. "Finally, she left. Good riddance." James shook his head. Albus thought about the previous talk. "How do I tell Scorpius I like him?" "Next step is to take each letter of his full name and provide an adjective to describe him beginning with said letter and turn it into a poem." As basic as this sounds, James felt simple fits into Scorpius's personality. For a second, Albus blushed. "That sounds beautiful. Will it work?" Moments like these made James feel important to some degree. "Do what Tom Riddle did and have the poem be on display in gold and magical writing." "What else can you tell me?" An enlightened Albus wanted all the answers. "When you ask him out, do it in a way that keeps him guessing like for example, you can play coy at first and slowly ease your way into confession." From so much experience in relationships, comes wisdom. Albus was moved. "You are very insightful. Thanks for leading me in the right direction." James smiled for the first time today. "Besides, I ship you and Scorpius together." "What?" Albus couldn't believe the words. "Nothing. Go get your man." James encouraged him. Albus stood up to leave mouthing, "thank you," to James. When the coast was clear, James smiled to himself finishing the drawing of Scorpius and Albus. While running in the halls, Albus bumped into someone. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to.-" He looked up and saw Scorpius. "It's all good. Where have you been? I missed you" Scorpius didn't mind the bump. In fact, he was glad it happened. Biting his lip, Albus sucked in a breath. "I was with James talking about stuff." He said convincingly. Raising his eyebrows, Scorpius asked follow up questions. "Stuff, you talked to him about stuff? What kind of stuff?" "Mostly, we talked about you." Albus admitted half the truth. "What about me?" Scorpius nudged his shoulder, playfully. Albus jumped, clearly distracted. "Your eyes are grayer today." Scorpius was confused. "My eyes are grayer? What's going on?" "I'll tell you tonight. I gotta go." Albus walked past him very fast. Hours passed and shortly enough, supper arrived. However, Albus had other plans in mind. "Instead of eating dinner, tonight we are heading to the chamber of secrets." "We, as in you and I?" Scorpius reacted, amused. Albus nodded. "Just you and I." He repeated to him. "Normally I would talk you out of it but this I gotta see." Scorpius smirked. They arrived to the sink of the chamber and opened the entrance. Albus jumped in first followed by Albus. It was completed sealed shut. "Thanks for coming, Scorpius. I didn't think you had it in you." That's all he managed to say. "I had a feeling I had to and besides, we only live once." Remembering everything James said stuck with Albus. "Let's go further inside to be alone. We don't want any distractions." Albus took the lead in front. "I know exactly where to go." "I am sure you do." Scorpius ran beside him brushing their shoulders. That alone was enough to send Albus in a frenzy. "That was new. I liked it." Scorpius walked as closely as possible next to Albus. Silence remained for a while. "And we are here." Albus stated. "The place where your father fought Tom Riddle. It's also the same place where he uhhhh.-" Realizing what he was close to saying, he stopped himself. Albus studied him. "You can tell me anything, you know." "Same goes for you." Scorpius snuck up behind him to whisper in his year. "I have something I wanna give you." Albus pulled out a fancy hand written piece of paper. Scorpius wondered about the content. "What is it?" He asked curiously. Taking the biggest breath of his life wasn't easy. "I wrote you a poem. Read it." He handed the poem to Scorpius with shaky hands. Willingly, Scorpius took it flipping it to the front. "I am nervous too." He added. S- Scorpius is my superb best friend with a sweetness unlike any other and he grows sweeter then all sweets combined C- Scorpius is a cutie with a cool attitude that makes me want to cuddle him O- Scorpius is outgoing R- Scorpius is real and my reality P- Scorpius is perfect and beauty couldn't define such pure innocence I- Scorpius is intriguing to my liking and an incredible person at heart with an interesting personality U- Scorpius is undeniably the most understanding and unifying soul S- Scorpius is the surest secret known to man M- Scorpius is mostly miraculously mine A- Scorpius is amazingly addicting to my core L- Scorpius is lovely F- Scorpius is funny O- Scorpius is outstanding Y- Scorpius is a yearning so great that my heart cannot take The ending was something else. Scorpius read it a few times to make sure he read the poem right. Albus and Scorpius exchanged looks. "Albus, this is........-" Scorpius couldn't even gather his thoughts. Albus held his breath. He couldn't respond. Scorpius continued, "No. One. Ever. Wrote. Me. A. Poem. EVER." He emphasized. "D-D-did y-y-you like it?" Albus stuttered with his sentence. "Did I like it? No. I loved it." Scorpius placed the poem in his pocket. Albus was relieved but what came next couldn't have prepared him. Without stalling, Scorpius grabbed him by the face and lightly stroked his cheek as he stared deeply into his eyes. "You won't forget this moment." Before Albus knew it, he was kissed by Scorpius Malfoy. At first, Albus's eyes were open wide in shock. Slowly, he eased into the kiss and let his eyes close. Hands wrapped around his waist pulling him closer. His first instinct was wrapping his hands around Scorpius's neck. Their bodies were in perfect alignment and making physical contact. Lightly, Albus stroked Scorpius's neck with his fingers. The kiss deepened as two tongues joined together, both seeking dominance of the other. Scorpius suckled on the tip of his best friends future boyfriends tongue tenderly as if making love to the flesh. Albus gripped his shirt in response, feeling a range of hormones he had not known existed. Each taste of Albus made Scorpius weak as if he wanted to do something else altogether unaware of what it could mean. Upon feeling satisfied, Scorpius drew out his tongue to lick Albus's upper and lower lip. Neither knew how to stop the kissing session, not that either wanted it to end. Albus and Scorpius kissed each other breathlessly forgetting time was a thing. Besides, they weren't rushing anywhere. At one point, Scorpius brought Albus to the ground. He had his hands pinned as he kissed him nonstop. A first kiss is supposed to be simple yet their's is passionate. Scorpius kissed every corner of Albus's lips and everywhere in between. He was short of breath. Regaining air could wait. Albus kissed back, delicately like the touch of a feather making it special. He bit on Scorpius's lower lip. Kissing carried on for hours. By the time they finished making out, Albus and Scorpius had swollen lips. "I didn't know you'd be this addicting because if I did I would have kissed you in first year." Scorpius felt like he missed out on a lot of kisses he could have had if they started sooner. "It's better now then never. This won't be the last time. We can make it our thing." Albus wanted to time travel to the past and make it so they were kissing since eleven. Scorpius planned on keeping him. "You're mine." He kissed Albus again. "I have a question for you." Albus took out his wand to make the message appear in gold writing on the wall. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Grabbing his own wand, Scorpius wrote yes inside a heart. Albus was full of happiness. "We are official now. What happened next?" "More making out and hopefully marriage." Scorpius found his one and only. "Married or not, making out is in our future." Albus put the invisibility cloak over them. The making out resumed.
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