#so it's mainly those things changed i'm taking the opportunity
izzymalec · 11 months
hey besties!! i've finally caved and starting today (saturday, 15. july) i'll slowly but surely (more surely than slowly) post things from other media as well 💔
everything will be tagged w the media name + the #not sh (that geniuely nobody has blacklisted but it's for me), if there are any triggers etc pls let me know so i can tag accordingly!!
this also means that my sideblog @deemacs will no longer be active bc anything that would've gone on here will now be on main
also this itty bitty change will be accompanied by tiny little changes in my (v faithful) icon and header (these aren't actually related, it's just good timing honestly)
thank u for reading and happy tumbling!!! 🩷🩷🩷
#txt#saskia talks#not sh#i'm mainly changing my icon bc i got a new laptop a whole back and i'm so so bothered by how the skin colour looks on there#and i'm bothered by how the legs disappear in the purple in the header#and how the colours of the icon and header don't match#so it's mainly those things changed i'm taking the opportunity#bc i kind of identify w those things on here so they're staying akdjsksj#the multifandom change is bc i'm more on here again and idk now i kinda want to enjoy it fully on the blog i love the most??#and not just sideline that enjoyment if that makes sense#like the shadowhunters content will he tagged the same it's still the main thing#but i want to have the full fun with the rest as well#and idk i'm just not feeling the side blog life for other fandoms anymore#i first wanted to do this on august 6 bc that would have been my 11 year anniversary on this webiste#but i don't want to wait also it's ridiculous bc it's not actually a big event or anything lmao#but yeah!! now the second week of may isn't as special anymore (kidding it still is the most special week of all)#+ explanation for the change: i just feel like this blog has become more personal to me again (?) (due to being more on here probably)#and it just feels right to make it more personal with current interest as well#shadowhunters is so deep in my heart tho i'm not getting rid of that#but i want to share other things as well idk i'm probably repeating myself nvm good night#not good night i drafted this at like midnight few days back but meant to post it much earlier today but uh here we are!!#new icon and header drop in like an hour ig i gotta go cook & eat and watch wwdits
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vimeddiart · 9 months
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The folks at XPPen sent me the XPPen Deco Pro (Gen 2):
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XPPen is having its 18th anniversary, and is celebrating with sales and product promos, so it's worth checking those out.
My thoughts on the tablet (and purchase links) under the cut!
⭐ Review ⭐
First impressions: After unboxing the tablet, I thought it sleek and professional-looking, especially after setting it up with my PC.
The remote I LOVED right out of the box because I enjoy fiddling with buttons and wheels. The keys are super satisfying to press.
The pen and storage case are nicely complete, lots of spare nibs to switch out (though I mainly stuck to the default nib while drawing, the textured ones have a nice gritty feel similar to paper).
I had some troubleshooting when I started, as connecting to Bluetooth wasn't happening with either the tablet or the remote. I tested the Bluetooth connection with a different device and my phone successfully, but couldn't with my work PC. I was promptly helped by XPPen Support, and it turned out to be a Windows update messing things up, so I uninstalled it and Boom; I could connect both the tablet and remote, no problem. Up until then, I used both via cable, which was a convenient option!
The tablet: The XL model at 15 x 9 inches, with plenty of space to work (although you'll need space to put it, luckily I have a lot of desk to spare), and can connect via cable or Bluetooth. It also looks so dang pretty.
The tablet was so smooth, and the pressure (16k pressure levels) felt amazing to draw with. After fiddling around with the pen settings, I barely had to press down to get a nice flowy line.
I usually work on a screen tablet, so it took some getting used to returning to a pen tablet and looking at my PC screen again, but it came back to me quickly. It actually helped my posture, as I tend to shrimp-curl over my screen tablet while working.
As lovely as it was to work on, I feel this size may be too large for me, despite it being perfectly proportional to my PC screen. I like to draw quickly, and I noticed myself making more effort to travel over the surface of the tablet and tiring my arm out faster than usual. I needed to take more breaks and stretch often, although I could classify that as positive. That said, this tablet has a sloped resting area that helped. All my drawing tablets have been medium-sized, so I'm probably just conditioned to that surface area.
The battery lasted as long as it took to draw this piece and more! I didn't need to charge it the entire time.
The remote: I love this thing so much. It has ten shortcut keys and a wheel you can configure to your heart's desire. Five sets of key functions!!! That's fifty shortcuts!! I only configured four sets and struggle to memorise them, but it's very convenient. I have my keyboard right next to the tablet and would bang out shortcuts there, but this remote changed my life.
I've been using it for a month now, and it still hasn't needed charging!
The pen: Comfy to use, with a design I was already accustomed to, and one thing I noticed was that the nib wasn't scratching the heck out of the tablet. After all the drawing I did with it, not a single mark.
I LOVE popping the case open to retrieve or store the pen, and it's one of those physical things that I find satisfying and so rare with digital products. I thought it would be nice to have a pen stand too, but I have pet birds that will (and have) run away with my tablet pens, so a storage case is a strong solution.
Final thoughts: This is a solid tablet with the potential to become an essential tool for industry professionals and freelancers. I didn't think I could be convinced out of a screen tablet, but I was offered a super strong contender. I can confidently recommend it, plus my experience with support was a positive one that boosted my trust in the brand. Overall, I had a great time using this tablet and really appreciate the opportunity I've been given to try it out!
⭐ Purchase links ⭐
US Walmart Store
CA official store
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kentosbabes · 1 year
University Student Eren who is undertaking a major in sport but is in you biology class.
Eren who strides into class after football practice with Jean and Armin following behind him sending you a quick smile his green eyes staring into yours. Sweat is still dripping down the side of his face and he runs his fingers through his long brown hair as he takes his seat in front of you. The smell of grass and sweat fills your senses as he reaches back and gathers up his hair putting it in a tight bun.
Eren who gets partnered up with you for the next project on the human body. He turns around sending you a wide smile before grabbing his things and sitting next to you. 'Hi' you say looking up at him through your frames and batting your eyelashes, even when he's sitting he still towers over you. 'Hey love' he says while smirking before you both go back to focusing on the lesson. But you notice how he doesn't pay attention at all he just keeps staring at you.
Eren who spends the rest of the class wondering about you and trying to find the reason for the growing tension between you. He doesn't understand why all of a sudden he's so drawn to you. You had spoken before but only really in the classroom when he needed a pen or was stuck on a question. You were closer to Jean who often spoke about how cute and innocent you were bragging about your friendship and gushing over how you hugged him or kissed his cheek. So this project was the perfect opportunity for him to get his head around you and understand who you are.
Eren who asks for your number as you both begin walking out the classroom door. You stutter not sure what to say 'for the project' he confirms sending another mischievous smirk your way. You write down your number and give it to him before sending him one of your adorable smiles before walking off down the corridor.
Eren who can't get you out of his head when he's at practice later that day. Your quiet but assured personality only furthered his curiosity, you weren't like other girls he's met who often act dumb and throw themselves at him. You were confident within yourself yet still when he'd slightly tease you, your cheeks turn a plush pink. Even at a party, the same image is imprinted into his head. Deciding he's had enough he messages you,
Hey love, it's Eren wanna meet up for the project?
You reply is almost immediate
oh hey yeah whenever your free :)
He smiles at his phone screen his group of friends confused at his sudden change of emotion.
Eren who spends more time than usual picking an outfit when he's getting ready to meet up with you, constantly checking with Armin that he doesn't look like a douche. When he arrives at the cute café you picked out he sees you straight away dressed in a tiny crop top and jeans too innocent to know what it does to him. 'you changed your glasses' he says as he sits opposite you. 'ah hey yeah these ones help when I'm reading close up' you give him another of your adorable smiles and blush noting how he noticed something so small.
Eren who offers to drive you back to your dorm in his car. Not wanting to be rude considering the surprising amount of input he had on the project itself, you say yes. The ride itself was fairly peaceful with some small talk being shared. Eren mainly listens to your rants about your interests with one of those thigh-clenching smiles that he keeps looking at you with leaving you more sexually frustrated than you had planned.
Eren who sits in his car with you even when your at your dorm talking about everything he can think of not wanting you to leave just yet. He even builds up the courage to ask you to come to his next game hoping you say yes, and you do and he knows he's going to be thinking about you in his jersey cheering for him later that night.
Eren who walks you to your dorm then blushes so hard when you hug him with your hands wrapped tight around his neck, his hands finding their way to your waist as he bends down so you don't have to go on your tip toes. so this is why Jean always talks about you he thinks to himself. He begins letting go giving you a small wave before walking down the corridor.
Eren who stands in shock when you grab onto his sleeve and ask
'do you maybe want to come inside for a bit we can watch something or do whatever' giving him another adorable smile your cheeks pressing up against your frames fluttering your lashes while you look up at him anticipating his answer.
'I thought you'd never ask ma'
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bunny-yan · 5 months
how would your yandere's feel about a male reader? 🐸
most of my stories, unless specified otherwise, have gender-neutral readers so male or female, it doesn't really matter to them.
the dynamics might change depending on which yan you mean. Idris would only have more opportunities to take advantage of a male darling, asking for sleepovers or for you to join him in baths in your younger years. if anyone had an issue with a male concubine, they'd become the pig's supper.
Sax would follow you into bathrooms, using every opportunity to make you uncomfortable by glancing over your shoulder to comment on what you're packing or playing into your possible fears of being ostracized if you were to have an openly gay relationship at your current high school. the bullying would mainly be targeted towards you and while Sax doesn't like other people talking about what's his, it is nice to slowly isolate you from the rest of the school leaving you only him to rely on.
Our fan yan would probably ramble all the time, comparing your bodies and while you would still be an untouchable idol in his eyes, some unsavory behavior might rear its head since he'd reason that it's okay since you're both guys.
i also think it would be interesting to explore yans who are homophobic despite clearly being attracted to you and using you as a punching bag when they can't help the homoerotic dreams they have of you or those who might not be malicious but are clearly in denial about the way they swing, slowly doing things that wouldn't really be considered "appropriate" for two regular totally heterosexual guy friends, but i'm not there quite yet.
Just a couple of examples, but if you want anything more specific, don't hesitate to ask. I've already had a couple of requests for female darlings, so it'll be no problem at all.
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guardian5tiger3 · 2 months
Summer reading . Looking ahead ☀️
Pick a group
1. 2. 3.
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Group 1
Something about disorganization, trying to collect something disorganized, collecting, gathering, trying to bring something and or yourself together. Running. You might get or be sick and or feel disappointed that you are missing out.you may be in the internet a lot, you may witness something changing probably form an outside perspective. You may have a vision, realization, profound thought(s) about the world, and even may go through a death rebirth situation. You might see something happen outside of yourself for instance you see an event take place outside of your window . It would be a good idea to seek tranquility or you might just end up doing so , especially outside. I'm getting someone will have the opportunity to sit aside a waterfall. Guess what!! Some of you are gonna have a romance , find love, or your relationship seems it will just be on good terms and the situation will be very nice. If you're in a relationship at the time of reading this, you will go do something fun together outdoors that is significant I see holding hands . I see someone's mom here has short grey curly hair and small earrings , whoever mom this is do not let her encourage you to miss out on something or some things for something else or something boring it is not actually important even if the alternative is not productive fun is very important for instance. Yeah so y'all gotta go places and do things and this is gonna be nice if you do don't let anything stop you basically. Really take in sensations this season, the color feels and smells
Group 2
"renegade" a motorcycle is significant to some. Something about a sheet or thin cloth somehow ?
The veil is thin for you this group is going to be channeling very well, very fast, a lot of information. Be sure to take time to sit still and mellow out and take in stuff so as to not get overwhelmed. I'm seeing a lot of you like tea so that is a good idea. Someone is going to visit a store for just tea at least mainly and this is very good what tea you get is very good as well. :) You might attend a sports game someone's going to soccer , it may be a kids game, someone's going to football, baseball. Something where you hit a ball with a stick . I also see those long socks on a girl while she runs , you know the socks worn in sports hopefully you know what I mean. You have the opportunity to attend a campfire but this situation is less complete destiny and more up to you somehow. You all definitely have more say in your life and the universe gives you more free will and choice so you are being suggested to go ahead and make the choice to be in nature more and push yourself to do that and other activities. You may feel incomplete if you don't have yourself go live as much as possible. I'm seeing an old box TV someone may be visiting a cabin or traveling though ? Believe it or not it's being suggested you spend less time studying or reading or sitting , more time doing activities and living and also it is good to focus on breathing in certain situations . Do not be rude to kids even if they are annoying if a kid that is too much is sent your way it is some way of the world trying to teach you something or show you something.
Group 3
You guys are more on a mission in life , spiritual or otherwise, so you might miss out and you may or you may not feel some way about this. Like maybe you'll see everyone else having fun and it gets to you but, everyone has play time and everyone has work time and your time will come, just as well as their time. What you're doing will pay off well and is very important it seems . My suggestion is, that if you have even on sudden opportunity to do something outside of your work, healing, whatever it may be, you should take it. Somehow it will be even sweeter of an experience due to circumstances. Someone's gonna eat Mexican I'm picking up a quesadilla and a restaurant maybe you will also sit outside of the restaurant if this is your message . You may have an older relative that only has so much time, this could be years but my point is they're later in life so , I see you do everything you can but just make sure you savor every moment with them I'm starting to cry. They mean a lot to your soul and it's all for a reason but I'm feeling that I shouldn't try to say too much to help I feel that the timing , whenever, or maybe a process as well , is supposed to be helpful for your own development and this is what they also deep down want for you .
Try to avoid numbness, self sabotage, etc. This is very odd but I'm picking up on the green fake tree type Christmas decoration you may hang on railings and stuff . ?,
And also , slightly less odd, toothpaste.
Someone is going to have boneless wings , saucy, to eat, but may make you somewhat sick more or less I just feel a certain type of uncomfortablility I've felt in my stomach with food like that before as well. I suggest milk, aloe, pacing yourself with water, or Tums but of course. Or .... Candy like ... You know the candy that comes in a roll and they actually look like small tums... Smarties but I'll leave this maybe it's a sign how I couldn't remember or something.
Not channeled but if anyone ever has a stomach ache vanilla ice cream can demolish any feeling of uncomfortablility and you'll doubt it to the second you try it.
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bird-inacage · 9 months
Only Friends: Episode 5 Preview (A walk in Sand's 'Rough & Dusty' World)
I'm really looking forward to where Episode 5 is taking us with Ray and Sand's storyline. This almost feels like the proper start to these two as a 'couple'. Having seen more to Ray last week, we're now getting a better insight into Sand's life, which looks peppered with sweet and spicy moments throughout.
We start with breakfast at Sand's. Can we safely assume this is a morning after scene, which means they slept together again? (How adorable does Ray look whilst he peeks into the kitchen? He's an actual child, I weep).
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At the end of Episode 4, Ray seems to have arrived at the conclusion that he's now open to the idea of welcoming Sand into his life, and being more sincere about their (cough) 'friendship'. And with that, he intends to make more of a conscious effort, to show he has taken on board what Sand said.
So Ray suggests they spend the day together, "Can I stay with you? I wanna get to know you better." (A nice parallel to Ray's usual 'stay with me') It's an immediate indication that someone is starting to take you seriously, because they are initiating opportunities to see your world, to understand your perspective - to better appreciate all the things that make you who you are.
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So far, Sand has mainly operated in Ray's world when they've crossed paths. Ray knows very little of Sand's life, other than his job as a bar singer. The fact that Ray is taking an active interest is a huge step. This isn't 'I'm paying or begging you to spend time with me' (aka Ray wanting Sand to keep him company), it's 'I want to spend time with you' (I'm keeping you company). That's a very notable distinction.
This request also means that Sand will be leading the day's activities, with Ray following along. That's another role reversal of how their dynamic has played out so far. Ray is the one who dictates what he'd like to do, and he persuades Sand to agree. Giving Sand full control is another example of Ray welcoming his opinion and preferences. It's a sign of moving towards more equality and balance in their relationship.
(How powerful is Sand in the leather jacket? The whole riding a motorbike together screams boyfriend energy).
Try to stay sane folks, because we should also be getting THIS notorious scene. It looks like they're in a changing room but who knows, maybe Sand has a weird privacy corner in his flat? The shirt Ray wears for the rest of the episode is hanging on the wall. We get Sand changing Ray (because his role as Ray's caretaker reigns supreme), and whilst doing so, he goes in for a cheeky fondle.
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Sand continues to open Ray's eyes through music at a gig, which is a nice continuation of the lovely scene they shared at the record store. They also return to the go-go bar, where Ray publicly serenades our resident singer?
And we'll bear witness to Sand falling more and more visibly in love by the second. It's just as Mew called it - Ray should be a ray of sunshine and that's exactly the way Sand looks at him. That gaze is full of warmth and awe. Sand is completely aware of Ray's faults and bad habits, because he saw those first and upfront. And yet he sees Ray beaming underneath, despite all those things.
(As a side note to Ray - the superficial attention of many doesn't come close when compared against the all-encompassing attention of just one. Do you see how that man looks at you??)
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After a long day out of playing actual boyfriends, they have a quiet, steamy make out session on Sand's balcony. Having had Ray accompany him all day, there's no doubt Sand is even more head over heels now.
If they did indeed sleep together the previous night and were gunning for 2 in a row, I really don't think you can shirk that off as 'friendship' anymore. I don't care how deep or convincing you think your denial is.
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Aaaand OH. It was only a matter of time before this inevitably happened. Either Sand would walk in on Boston/Nick wildin', or they would catch him and Ray doing the dirty. My worry is how Boston is going to react, because not only has Top given him the cold shoulder, Ray is swiftly veering off his plan and how he ideally wanted to manipulate the situation. In a desperate bid to clutch at straws, I really hope Boston doesn't try to stir shit up with Sand instead (in regards to that Ray and Mew kiss).
Boston, you better steer well clear of our unproblematic couple. Let them be happy without the fuckery that is your mind games.
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(Ray's expression cracked me up. He looks completely out of it 'Huh? What's happening? Who dis?' Boy was so consumed in kissing Sand, he forgot who he was).
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How do I make my writing less.. like I'm rambling? I speak and type in a way that is very much rambling but I want my writing (even if it's just a fanfic) to be more on topic ig?
How to Ramble Less in Your Writing
1 - Have a plan - Planning doesn't have to mean figuring out every last detail--creating scene lists, outlines, and timelines. It can mean that, and if that would help you, do it! But mainly "having a plan" in writing just means that you know the general plot. Who is this story about? What is the conflict? Why does the protagonist want to resolve the conflict? How will they go about it? What obstacles do they face along the way? Who or what placed those obstacles there? How will the character, their situation, or their world have changed by the end of the story? At the very least, having a beginning to end summary is a great way to format the answers to these questions and give you a plan to follow.
2 - Balance Exposition, Dialogue, and Action - If you find yourself rambling a lot in your story, you might be doing too much exposition, aka "explaining things." Remember that scenes (and your story in general) should be a balance of exposition, dialogue (conversation), and action (things happening). When you balance these things out in your story, you will find that you probably ramble less.
3 - Ramble First, Edit Later - Rambling in your writing isn't always a bad thing. For some writers, that's just part of the first draft process. It's sort of a "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" method of writing, but it works really well for some writers. Some of the best stories in the world were written that way. The key is to go back and edit what's there so you can take out the things that "didn't stick" and clean up the things that did.
4 - Start With a Mind Map - If you find yourself having difficulty staying on topic in your story, try doing a mind map before you start writing and let all those rambling thoughts come out in an organized way. This can help you see all those seemingly random connections your brain is making between elements in your story, which is what sends you off on these rambling paths in the first place. Not only does this let your brain get all those random connections out of its system before you start writing, it also gives you the ability to look at what's there and see if there's anything worth working into something more relevant and cohesive to the story.
5 - Break It Up Into Smaller Parts - Another thing you can try is to break your writing up into smaller parts, which has the effect of putting up barriers that keep you from rambling too far off course. Try to focus on writing a scene... know what you want to accomplish in the scene before you start writing. Figure out the beginning point, the midpoint, and the end point. Then, plot the path between each point. If you still find yourself rambling, break it up by point. Write from the beginning to the midpoint. Then from the midpoint to the end point. Breaking it into smaller parts forces your brain to focus on that smaller part rather than giving it the opportunity to run off into the wild.
Happy writing! ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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garbagechocolate · 8 months
Would I be able to request some lore on your Servant of Evil AU? I really like those little guys and want to know more about them. °˖˚˳•.
Oh I'm glad you asked.
First off: this au is completely alm over the place.
This is because this AU is technically part of Remy (my Y/N) and Silly Boy Eclipse's universe. It's like a connected universe. Adding on,, it is very heavily inspired by TSAMS.
But anyways, Servant of Evil au (yes I know about the vocaloid aong) is mainly focused on Solar (Eclipse), Lunar, and Bloodmoon.
Eclipse thought that he could perhaps manage things better around the daycare. Sun and Moon had been separated and himself too. Thanks to that, he's been able to observe that his coworkers were not.. the best at their jobs. He needed to change them, yet he had no power to do such. That is, until he discovered a certain substance. Substance that allowed him to have more freedom than what his code allowed. Different from the virus- It was like he could wake up. He became obsessed with it, and was eventually able to find that it was made of human souls. After a incident, he ran from the pizzaplex, ripping himself apart and rebuilding himself as he saw fit for himself. He changed. Maybe due to the substance.
[Everything after this as not been fleshed out yet.]
Sometime after Eclipse Solar ran, he knew he needed more of the substance, and that he couldn't achieve it alone. As he started working to make himself an assistant of sorts, he heard rumors of a murderer. Deciding that a murderer would be a source of the substance and thay no one would care if said murderer were to die, he set to find them. To his surprise, what he found wasn't a person at all. It was a shifting mass of black that stared up at him with red eyes. Later he learns that the said mass of black cannot keep a form and needs a temporary body. He offers it one and it accepts.
This is Bloodmoon. To keep it in check Solar also included a AI into its systems, but it decided to turn on Solar and work with the creature instead. These are the Bloodmoon twins. The Creature is OG, while the AI is Dapt. They don't betray Solar yet, but they plan on it. OG still drinks blood and needs it to survive, but the body itself also needs to charge. The body can move while it is lacking electrical charge, but will be extremely weak.
Solar, having failed to have gotten a reasonable henchman, decides to create one from scratch. Taking inspiration from Sun and Moon, he created Lunar. Much more intelligent than Bloodmoon and easier to deal with, though he got bored extremely quickly. Lunar would still assist Solar, but they both know that given the opportunity, they'd stab each other in the back.
Lunar is cunning. He's bored because everything Solae does is predictable. Solar moves with one simple goal, and it's to have enough of the "substance" for him to fully break free from his code. Lunar cares less. Both Dapt and Lunar have had a little of the substance in their systems to try to get them also wanting freedom, but it just doesn't work. Lunar doesn't about that, he just wants to see something out of the ordinary for once. Maybe that's why he enjoys Bloodmoon's company more.
So yeah that's the Eclipse Brothers. Tell me if you'd like to hear more!!
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youthinluv · 7 months
i know you
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I'll quiet down if it's what you want I understand I'm not the only one For you I'm here regardless of the pain Don't ever tell me to go away From you
sypnosis ; following his childhood bestsfriend's heartbreak, he decides to take the risk and come clean to her. [bonus chapter of this oneshot]
pairing ; gyuvin x fem! reader
wc ; 2,395
genre ; angst, non-idol! & highschool! au
tags + warnings ; swearing, unrequited love, one-sided pining, hurt no comfort, mixed signals, love triangle (kinda), zb1 members featured, mainly in gyuvin's pov, gyuvin's jealous and insecure and probably maybe has an inferiority complex
playlist ; i know you - faye webster, she likes another boy - oscar lang,
author's note ; RAHHHH even more angst and love triangle !!! i kinda hate how this turned out tho LMAOOO
the story's title and how it's integrated into the plot is actually more subtle than i'd like but i really wanted to push through w the ideas i had i mind w/o changing the title even tho it came out mess in the end saur don't mind that pls tysm
Gyuvin has hated Ricky on three occasions.
Or that’s what he likes to think, at least. They were the only times he acknowledged those harsh feelings anyways.
It wasn’t a feeling that lingered anyways, he didn’t actually hate him, of course. If anything, they were on good terms. It’s one of those times where you feel hate towards someone in the spur of the moment because of a situation.
The first time was when he was alone in his dark room, the dim light coming from his PC screen illuminated his face as he watched himself die in game for the nth time again, resulting in their team’s loss.
He sighs, unable to focus on the game he was playing with Gunwook and Hanbin. Glancing at the time, he noticed that it was getting rather late and you haven’t sent him a message yet.
“Hey man, you okay?” Gunwook’s voice broke him from his train of thoughts as he realized he was zoning out, and that his friends had actually been trying to get his attention for the past few minutes now. “You’re acting differently today, is something wrong?” Hanbin adds.
“Yeah, just tired. And a little distracted, but I just don’t think I'm in my best condition right now.” he runs his hands over his face. Gunwook tells his friends that he’ll be leaving to do homework, and Gyuvin doesn’t miss the chance to call him a nerd. As he leaves the call, Hanbin takes this opportunity to talk to him with no filter.
“It’s about Ricky and Y/N, isn't it?”
“Was it that obvious?”
“If they knew the whole story, yeah.”
The call falls into silence as Gyuvin stares blankly at his PC screen. As he opens his mouth to say something, his phone suddenly rings.
After seeing the caller ID, he tells Hanbin he’ll be muting to answer a call and rushes to answer his phone.
“Y/N, hey! How’d the whole thing go? Did you profess your undying love for him yet? Did you two kiss? C’monn tell me!”
Gyuvin teases, trying to make sure it didn’t seem like he wasn’t about to die of worry over you earlier.
“Girl, shut up! I just got home, it went pretty well, but that’s not why I called. I actually wanted to ask you something.” you shush him.
Gyuvin gulps. “Uh– yeah, shoot.”
You seem to hesitate, and shifting could be heard from the other side of the line.
“Um, so Ricky told me that he, along with your entire friend group, thought we were dating? And he mentioned that you’d act weird whenever they’d try to talk to you about me.”
Gyuvin goes silent, and you take this as an opportunity to elaborate and ask him more questions.
“Are you… embarrassed of me? I’m not mad, don’t worry! If anything it’s kind of understandable so—”
“No, no!” Gyuvin sputters. “That’s not it, I swear. I just don’t want them annoying you if they actually knew who you were. The last thing I’d want is them making you uncomfortable.”
“...Oh. Uh, yeah, that makes sense. Sorry, I’m a little tired so I’ll go now. I’ll see you and let you in on what happened.” you nod, giggling at the last part which somewhat put Gyuvin at ease. The call ends and he could’ve sworn he almost collapsed back in his seat.
“Everything alright?” Hanbin asks as soon as he heard that Gyuvin turned his mic back on.
“Fucking Ricky!” Gyuvin couldn’t help but curse, frustration and rage slowly seeping in. “He told her some stuff about how I act whenever she gets brought up in the group and she thought I was embarrassed of her. She could’ve snuffed me out if she didn’t think that! Who does he think he is, causing misunderstandings like that?”
“Okay, okay, calm down. You and I both know he doesn’t think before speaking sometimes, he probably blurted it out without thinking about the consequences…” Hanbin tries to calm him down.
Gyuvin starts to be thankful that he came to Hanbin with this problem as he always relied on the elder, always having seen him like an older brother. 
Hanbin understands that this was much deeper than Y/N finding out about Gyuvin’s feelings.
It was about how he was always jealous of Ricky for having the things he wanted.
It was about how Ricky was so much more likable compared to him.
It was about how Ricky, in short, was perfect.
And it was especially about how Ricky was blind to not notice the girl pining over him. The same girl Gyuvin has been longing for the same way she does for Ricky.
The worst part was that it’s not his fault, and Gyuvin knew that well. 
Ricky had no control over those kinds of situations, he was just lucky enough to be born into a life where everything seemed to go his way. Even if it wasn't on purpose.
And Gyuvin knew that better than anyone else.
The second time was more of a buildup, in comparison to the first which was a burst.
But at the same time, he wouldn’t really consider it hate. Disdain felt more appropriate to describe it.
It started when Ricky and Y/N started to get closer, making them spend more time together, and less time individually with him.
It progressed even more the day that Gyuvin and Y/N spotted Ricky and Alexa together. 
While his best friend’s expression was unreadable, he could see that she felt uncomfortable and pained.
Why couldn’t he see that you liked him?
Over two weeks passed and Gyuvin found himself back in his room with you once again. 
“God knows what I should do! I feel like it’s too late for me to go back on what I’ve done since I’ve been ignoring them for days now and it’s a little embarrassing to talk to them out of nowhere.” you finish, taking a breath after the long rant you went on.
“Maybe it’s better for you to talk to Ricky and Ricky only. This way you can communicate, tell him everything and probably even confess to him. At the rate everything’s going, it’s now or never.” Gyuvin tells you, putting down his controller and watching you throw yourself on his bed face down.
After a brief silence, you mutter a muffled “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”
Getting up and grabbing your phone, Gyuvin sits next to you and watches you look for Ricky’s contact.
“hey. it's been a while. is everything alright? you’ve been avoiding and ignoring me all of a sudden. please let me know if i did anything to offend you and i hope we can talk again soon. i’m sorry.” it read.
He looks at you, seeing how you’re typing and deleting your message back and forth, you were finally able to send him a message.
“hi. I’m so sorry for everything that’s happened. are you free tomorrow? i was hoping to talk to you. does the nearby park sound good if ever?”
It took less than a minute for Ricky to respond, taking the best friends by surprise.
“oh my god, you responded. and ofc, it’s all good with me, i’m free tomorrow. i’ll see you then.”
You stared at your phone, rereading the short convo you two had. Getting up, you look over to Gyuvin to tell him you’ve made up your mind. 
“I’m confessing to him tomorrow.”
“Seriously?” He was completely surprised at this.
“I mean– go for it! I can’t believe you finally have the guts to tell him.” he stutters out in hopes that the twinge of disapproval in his tone wasn’t obvious.
“Yeah. You were right about the now or never thing. I’m gonna tell him no matter what happens. The sooner I do it, the sooner I’ll get over it. It’s much better that way.”
You sigh and grab your bag. “I’m going home. It’s getting late.” “You want me to walk you home?” Gyuvin purses his lips
“Nah. I kinda need some alone time right now. Y’know, to figure out what to do and say tomorrow.”
“Oh okay, get home safe.”
You exchange goodbyes, and leave Gyuvin’s house. 
As he watches you leave, the boy is left behind alone with negative and conflicted feelings to your plans.
He plops down on his bed, slightly tearing up as he sends Hanbin a message.
> it’s over for me
> ?
>What happened?
> Do you want me to call or come over?
> eh
> she’s gonna confess to ricky tomorrow lmao
>What? Really??
He tosses his phone to the side, ignoring the pings that followed.
Sighing, Gyuvin’s vision blurs as he contemplates everything that happened so far.
Would it have been better for him if you didn’t get close? Or meet at all?
Why couldn’t everything stay the same? 
Gyuvin pauses. Why was he even thinking like this? Shouldn’t he be happy you’ve finally gathered the courage after all these years? And then it hit him.
Ah. It’s because he’s scared that you actually have a chance with him. 
It’s the fact that despite everything that’s happened, there’s still a slight chance that Ricky can reciprocate your feelings. 
“I hate you so much.” Gyuvin whispers, unsure who he’s directing it to. Was it for you, Ricky or himself? Maybe it was all three.
Maybe he hated how you still tried to pursue Ricky even despite how things turned out. 
Hated how blind Ricky was for not seeing how he had someone who’d drop everything for him. 
Hated himself for being so frustrated and selfish. For how he felt about… all this.
Gyuvin eventually drifts off to sleep, dreading how tomorrow would turn out for all three of you.
Third time was when Ricky rejected you.
Initially, Gyuvin had mixed feelings. He thought about how this meant he still had a chance with you, before quickly shutting off the idea, feeling bad that he thought selfishly while you were still devastated.
He wouldn’t dare take advantage of your emotional state, right? Right?
A few days after you confessed, you actively avoided both Ricky and Alexa once again, especially seeing how often they’ve been together ever since. Gyuvin never missed the expression you bore every time you caught a glimpse of them, and one day, he decided he had enough of your state.
In the middle of lunch period, he grabs your arm and pulls you back as you were on your way to the cafeteria. “Hey,” he whispered. “Let’s skip the rest of school.”
You look at him with wide eyes before he leads you close to the exit, careful that no faculty member catches you. 
Once the coast was clear, he swiftly and quietly went through the exit, pulling you behind and now holding your hand while trying to keep it cool.
The both of you walked aimlessly afterwards, going to wherever your feet took you.
One free lunch later, you two spent the afternoon goofing off and exploring the city as much as you wanted. Then, the evening came and you found yourself enjoying the local fair with Gyuvin, before deciding you two were tired and walked home.
“Shit, I haven’t done that much walking in— well, at all, I think.” you sigh and Gyuvin laughs behind you, breaking the silence in the quiet, chilly night.
“Hey, thanks for today. Seriously. I haven’t had that much fun in a long time, so thank you.”
You turn to him and smile as you arrive in front of your house.
“Anytime. I kinda got sick of you moping around, so I figured you needed this, y’know?”
Silence hung between the two of you and you become unsure of what else to say.
As you turn to leave, Gyuvin calls out your name.
“Y/N. Can… Can I tell you something?” he hesitates, and you tilt your head.
He was unsure what possessed him to do this. He didn’t know if it was a spur of the moment thing, or because he felt that you two were still high on emotions, but everything he’d been keeping from you for years came out in seconds.
“I like you. I always have. And I have for years. I know now’s not the best time to tell you this, but after seeing everything you went through for Ricky, I genuinely couldn’t take it anymore. I hated how you were doing everything for him when I knew I could treat you better, but I didn’t want to ruin the years of friendship we had together. I’m so sorry.” 
Gyuvin confessed, the reality of the situation quickly hitting him as he watched your face morph into different expressions.
You were stunned, to say the least, and then you remembered what Ricky told you when you first hung out. And then all the signs you didn’t even notice before came swarming to you and everything made sense. In the end, you didn’t know how to feel.
“I’m– I’m so sorry Gyuvin.” you sputtered out, and you can see how his heart broke through his eyes. “I didn’t realize, I’m so stupid. I feel like an asshole now, I should’ve considered how you felt especially when I talked about—”
“It’s fine. Really. I knew I didn’t stand a chance with him anyways, so I kept quiet. I didn’t want to ruin the years we had together instead.” Gyuvin smiles sadly, as tears shone his eyes.
“Um, I should go. I didn’t mean to keep you this long, I’m sorry.” He turns and starts to walk away.
“Wait!” you call for him, but fall silent after seeing him turn.
“Hey, it’s fine, really. I didn’t expect much anyways. You know how you told Ricky it wasn’t his fault? It’s not yours, either. I understand I'm not the only one for you. So please, don’t beat yourself up over it. I might stay out for a while though, I need some time and space. But always remember that I’m here regardless of the pain, so don’t tell me to go away from you.”
Gyuvin takes a big breath to compose himself, before bidding his goodbyes. “I’ll see you around, yeah?” You couldn’t do anything else but nod and watch as he walks away, disappearing into the night and leaving you alone once again.
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Hello! I'm a trans man who (as far as I'm aware) is not an alterhuman/therian/other, so I was wondering, is species dysphoria anything like gender dysphoria from your experience?
hi!! thanks for the ask! sorry it took me so long to answer, anon, i hope you’re still hanging around. it took me a while to figure out how to phrase this.
ok, so! for me, both species and gender dysphoria can be separated into two different categories: body and social. species also has a third category: mental dysphoria (not an actual term in the community, as far as i know, but it describes my experiences).
gender dysphoria 
body dysphoria
this dysphoria is concentrated on mainly three things; my chest, my voice, and rarely but occasionally my jawline. the first is the worst, but as long as i’m wearing the right clothes my chest usually doesn’t bother me enough to keep me from functioning. i plan to have surgery to change it. the second thing only bothers me when i’m Aware of my voice, which most of the time i’m not. i plan on taking voice training for that. the third bothers me so little that i don’t care to change it.
social dysphoria
this dysphoria is bad. i hate being called my assigned gender, and i hate people using my deadname and assigned pronouns. i didn’t used to think it was as intense as it is, but last year i had the opportunity to be fully out for a couple weeks in a place away from home, and coming back to being misgendered felt like a punch in my gut every time. 
species dysphoria
body dysphoria
this fluctuates wildly, both in intensity and the things it’s directed at. i usually have a few weeks where i feel phantom limbs and species dysphoria all the time, and then a few weeks where it’s hardly there. when it’s bad, it’s really bad. instead of a few specific traits that distress me, my whole body feels wrong, down to the bone structure. and there’s no way for me to realistically change it. it’s difficult to make your entire legs not be shaped like a human’s, y’know? minor species dysphoria is somewhat better; having claws can be achieved by buying wearable ones, fangs can be had by attaching costume accessories, incorrectly shaped pupils can be fixed by wearing fancy contacts. unfortunately i don’t currently have any of those items, but i could definitely get them in the future.
social dysphoria 
i don’t have this with species as badly as i do with gender. ideally, i would be treated as i normally am but while in a nonhuman body. except when my fae or cryptid ‘types are strong. when that happens, i usually want to have the social aspects associated with them — making bargains with humans, people being unnerved by me, things like that. i don’t think i get as much social dysphoria from my other kintypes.
mental dysphoria 
this one has no gender-y equivalent. it’s dysphoria over your thought patterns and knowledge level not being the same as that of your species’. i don’t think the same way i would if i was bodily a fae, or fox, or pocket dragon, or etc, and that can be distressing. during mental shifts (when thought patterns do seem to match more closely to that of your species), it’s still not exactly correct, and that’s quite frustrating. mental dysphoria is worst for me with my pocket dragon ‘type, since that mind is the most different from my usual mind. 
sometimes my gender intertwines with my species (becoming cryptidgender while also being a cryptid for example). the dysphoria doesn’t really change, just the identity thing i attribute it to.
i’d also like to mention my cecil palmer hearttype (a hearttype, in case you aren’t aware, means i identify *with* him rather than *as* him. he’s important to me and affects me in a way different from other fictional characters. i wish i was him, but i’m not). cecil gives me a LOT of gender envy, which is ironic considering he has no canon design. i have a sort of mental dysphoria towards him, in that i very much wish i knew what it was like to think the way he thinks, but it’s not distressing the way it can be for my kintypes.
so to conclude my answer: yes, my species dysphoria is similar to my gender dysphoria, but different enough to be distinct. i’d consider my species dysphoria worse on the whole, though.
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celisconfused · 1 year
The Bird-Locker-Room (aka. La Locker Room Aux Folles)
Having just rewatched The Birdcage in preparation, I am now ready to wildly speculate about how Ted Lasso episode 9 could parallel Folles. We have 3 confirmed queer main characters and 3 directions this can go. I could see each of these options happening individually or I could see some combination of them.
Side note: if you are in the US (or have a VPN) The Birdcage (1996) is currently free with ads on youtube.
Also for those who don't know, this weeks episode title "La Locker Room Aux Folles" is a reference to La Cage Aux Folles, a french musical with songs in the show's soundtrack. It was then adapted into the movie The Birdcage with Robin Williams.
Here are what I see as the essential elements of La Cage/Birdcage:
An elaborate scheme to overcompensate and hide one's sexuality
Well meaning character asks gay character to act straight
Media Circus
Drag (the fourth element of Total Football is Drag :) )
Option 1: Colin Hughes
Obviously, we know that Colin's plot line is going to play in the next episode. It's in the first line of the episode summary. Here are the ways I could see that playing out. Many of these I don't want to see happen but I am saying they could.
Colin concocts some kind of elaborate rouse in order to try to convince Issac that he is straight and those photos of men were just a joke
Issac asks Colin to be more careful in order to protect the reputation of the team
Issac takes Colin to a drag show to be supportive but the press show up
Some kind of interaction with a conservative politician. Could mirror Sam's experiences and change Colin's mind about wanting not wanting to be a representative for the queer community
Michael. Just think he's going to be involved
Option 2: Trent Crimm
Realistically, I think it is likely that Trent plays into this next episode mainly as an accessory of Colin's story. That said there is the opportunity here for a B plot that mirrors Colin's A plot.
Trent attempts to play off a boyfriend as a friend around the club (similar to how Colin introduced Michael in Episode 3)
Trent finds ways to subvert the media circus or throw off the trope. Think of this as: what the Birdcage might have been like if the reporters were gay and wanted to respect everyone's privacy
Less likely but what all the Tedependent girlies (ungendered) want, fake dating trope
Option 3: Keeley Jones
I don't think Keeley is going to play a major role in this episode simply because we have seen so much of her in the last 2 episodes. Typically we don't see the show focus on one character (other than Ted) for 3 episodes in a row.
Keeley as publicist could be involved in the media circus and/or subverting the media circus
Other wild connections to Ted Lasso that I made while watching the movie:
The Fiance and her family have the last name Keeley
Agador trying to wear dress shoes reminds me of Dani at the funeral
Armand's mustache and a certain other mustached protagonist
Things I'm hopeful about:
Jokes. One of the strengths of The Birdcage is that it is a comedy. It takes a very serious topic like coming out and makes it appealing to a broader audience by making it funny. I'm going to call it now, this episode is going to get backlash. By cutting it with jokes like they did in the Birdcage/La Cage, the reception might be better.
This being an extremely homosexual episode
Things I'm nervous about:
To many jokes. They are walking a line. We all know it.
Not enough drag. It's such an important part of the original but I can't see it happening in Ted Lasso
The fact that my mom is in town and will be watching with me
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hooked-on-elvis · 4 months
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The above 'Have A Happy' production number was filmed on the Universal back lot park (between March and April, 1969).
The scene was in fact shot three times. The first shoot used a small old merry-go-round, which looked out of place. The second shoot had technical problems with the sync and the camera, (The playback system had just been used on 'Sweet Charity', another 1969 movie with, among others, Sammy Davis Jr. on the cast, using quarter inch tape) then after a third attempt, some pick ups were still needed because Amanda (Autistic child character played by Lorena Kirk) wasn't smiling at the end of the number.
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About that 'no smile' issue, Cynnie Troup (assistant trainee script supervisor) said:
To get that little girl to smile, oh my god! They had a day of re-takes, after the whole movie was over, after the wrap party, which Elvis was certainly involved. It was not a very good song, that scene was awful. It was tough to match, who sitting on what horse, it wasn't fun scene at all.
I highly disagree with 'the scene was awful' thing, but possibly Cynnie Troup is talking about the production work behind the cameras and not the final cut properly, but even if those are her thoughts on the final scene, it's a matter of opinion, really. Even though the scene is perceived as 'silly' mainly by adult audience, to me it looks joyful and carefree and personally I enjoy the song very much. The merry-go-round scene is cute, except one of the final moments when Mary Tyler Moore arches her back so slowly while she's silly smiling, looking kinda horny even, and it looks the character is on a acid trip (something common back in the 60s, so it's funny watching her look like that on the movie but it's a just a brief moment). The only thing I say as a viewer that slightly bothers me on the scene is that I get a little dizzy while watching it because of the obvious - the camera work and the actors walking around in that gyrating thing. I can't even imagine how Elvis must have felt filming this, since he is the only actor moving around that merry-go-round the entire time - and they filmed it 3 times fully!
On the same scene, Director William A. Graham recalled:
We were shooting this musical number on a merry-go-round where he's taken this little girl to the park. He takes her on the merry-go-round and she's riding around and Elvis is singing to her. Well, she was a very young girl and she could only work for a few hours a day with us getting into all kinds of penalties and overtime. So when it came time to do Elvis' close up the little girl wasn't available to do the offstage. Also, you know, her attention span was not that great. So Elvis said to me, 'I always feel better when I'm singing a song if I can look at somebody and if I can sing to somebody'. He says, 'I wonder if you would mind standing beside the camera and let me sing to you when I do my close ups'. So I had Elvis Presley sing a song directly to me in a movie, and that was quite a thrill.
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Source: This article comes from the website www.elvis.com.au.
Taking the opportunity since we're mentioning 'Change of Habit', there's one brief interview from elvis.com.au with another actor on the cast of the movie, you can find it in HERE: Interview with Ed Asner (below), who played a cop in 'Change of Habit'.
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I shared this article because, watching all the Elvis movies, I often wondered if Elvis felt even slightly shy while having to sing directly at one person over and over again while filming his movies. Yes, he was used to sing to people, obviously, but singing in a movie set while there's more actors in the scene with him is one thing, while singing looking directly at one person (normally his love interests in the movies, all attractive females) is another, so I wondered if he ever felt uncomfortable singing directly at the ladies in his movies but it turns out he probably didn't. He liked it better this way. Haha, funny. ♥
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shock-micro · 5 months
Hi, I'm Mira! I'm a silly gay robot on the internet, in the theta-delta way if you catch my drift! I'm also transfem, if you couldn't already tell by the trans flag in my profile picture.
I used to mainly do Minecraft stuff, trying to make the game live up to its visual potential while staying within the confines of the vanilla game's engine. Now, I don't do that as much, but it's still a fun game to mess with. Take a nice sunset from those days.
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My interests are mostly gaming-related, but I've tried to dabble in art occasionally. I like all sorts of games, like Zelda, Pokémon, Minecraft, Celeste, Hollow Knight, Rain World, Cassette Beasts, Risk of Rain, Ultrakill, Bug Fables and probably even more that I'm missing, and definitely more after this post is made. Might update it as I go!
I get very excited over things sometimes, so bare with me if I ramble a lot about stuff! This includes: vagueposting about games I've become obsessed with, ranting about music or game design in something, and more!
Feel free to send me asks whether we're mutuals or not!
I do have a sona, designed by a good friend of mine, @quantumpickle! I don't quite have a reference sheet, but I don't really care if you get it inaccurate- I love seeing how different people interpret the design. Whatever you do, though, don't forget the body fat- it's a reflection of who I am, at the end of the day. If you want a good picture of what I look like, look at Pickle's amazing work:
My posts are mostly reblogs, but I always end each session of scrolling with a post of my own, to know where to end next time I log on. I try as best I can to keep this account safe for work in both reblogs and original posts, though I am an adult. I will say something if this ever changes.
I am plural, sharing a body with a rabbit girl named Moon and a zoroark named Zoey. They'll chime in every once in a while, with Moon being represented by her blue text and formal language, and Zoey being represented by her red text and general attitude. You can call us "Team Berry" as a collective!
Hello, all! It's Moon. It's always a pleasure to be here! I do love an opportunity to talk to all you folks, even if I'm not usually there to respond.
heya, it's zoey. not sure how often i'll use this thing, but it's good to keep options open, y'know? ✌️.
I do have a partner, and I will always talk about them given the opportunity, but I carry a certain form of love for all of my close friends. The people I know mean a lot to me.
I love the simple things in life, from food, to nature, to the contrast of light and dark in both a literal and literary sense. I often find myself overwhelmed by everything that goes on in the world, but I find comfort in knowing the bad stuff is only a few bad people out of a beautifully diverse species.
If you couldn't tell, I generally prefer looking on the bright side and finding something to love about things rather than staying miserable all of the time. I don't get out much, and so I'd much rather give people that light to hold onto than spread the same old bleak story that you've heard from countless other people, regardless of how important it is to share. Change is built on hope, after all.
Normally people put a DNI in their bio or their pinned post, but I don't really care to do that. If you're a bitch, I'll block and move on. I don't care how you use a label, or where the other folks in your head came from, or whatever other queer-adjacent drama is the hot topic, I accept you regardless. I'm ace, I still love my partner, I can love anyone, I use it/its pronouns, I'm robokin, I've got two other folks in my head whose origins are unknown, do you really think I'd hate you for being you?
That's actually an important point- even if I do think something someone's done is unforgivable, I believe that bad people are still people. In some ways, that makes things better, they have lives outside of what they commit, but it also makes things worse when you realize someone woke up and actively chose to perpetuate genocide. Some people are genuinely that bad, others are just misguided and can be helped. Ultimately, it's not my job to "save" anyone. I just try to provide a light of kindness when I can.
Wow, that was long-winded for a post that's just supposed to describe me. I suppose that's in-character for me, though. Agree with me or not, I don't really care, as long as you're respectful. I hope you've found this post helpful in understanding who I am as a person, long-winded as it is. Have a good one, whoever and wherever you are.
...now how do I pin this?
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bridgertonopinions · 4 days
PR Anon - Part 2 (last post from me because i should really unplug and enjoy my vacation lol. I appreciate everyone being interested in my opinion, i do enjoy my job and human behavior. For context, I work in corporate PR, mainly male executives. I'll say this, regardless of industry, men are men. sometimes...) Here is my personal thoughts about LN. I think he's a good actor and handsome, none of what i'm about to say is to hate on him at all. I'm thinking of him in context as if he was my client/a male actor on a hit show. 1. LN was/is underprepared for what he needed to do to really take this opportunity to the next level for his personal career. Idk if it's because he expected things to just happen, didn't pay attention to his team or is just choosing to ignore advice; but he's fumbling the bag. I truly understand that he can be overwhelmed by it all, but you have a team you can lean on and utilize. He may be 31, but I think he lacks some maturity that's coming into play. 2. The Canada interview was at least the second time LN has mentioned that he's learning from NC because she's had previous success with Derry Girls. He needs to stop with that narrative because i have a feeling it's going to bite him in the butt. I think it's an immature way of thinking because LN was on a Disney Show (Disney training/media/etc for their actors is no joke) plus he was in a boy band. They may have not amounted to the same amount of hype/success as Derry Girls, but it's nothing to scoff at and he should be building upon those things as well. This feels like he's using it as an excuse for the way he's handling things.... 3. Social media is critical to the success of actors these days. The industry wants a ROI on their investments. So much of the $$ actors make these days will come from brand sponsorships/marketing and right now, his social media scoring is not great for someone on a highly promoted show compared to NC. (yes, marketers will compare bc as of right now, they are tied together) 4. Idk what type of actor he's looking to be (artistic vs commercial) but either way, he's going to struggle if he doesn't make some changes IMO. If he wants to do artsy films that get critical acclaim, they don't pay well and he'll need to supplement income via brand sponsorships etc. Hence the issue with #2. If he wants to do commercial things, he'll need to get onboard with media training for studios to consider him. I said it in a previous post, the marketing money into season is insane, it's being noticed by the industry. 5. Lastly, I think he's in a real pickle at the moment. NC is very beloved; she's getting critical, commercial and public love. If he does launch his relationship with A (who knows, don't care) the internet is not forgiving and the same shitstorm from last week will come up over and over again. If he says nothing, then he needs to be aware of how he's perceived by the general public in all the upcoming promo. He was a bit standoffish (IMO!) on the Canada show (crossed arms, distance between themselves, deflection in answers). People have noticed and there is chatter already about it online. He needs to warm it up to smooth out the "landing" of this promo season. I really do wish LN success and want to see him really grow into his own. I wish both NC and LN a ton of success in the near future. If anything, this has been a really interesting case study for those of us in the PR industry and maybe for those of you who are interested in how the PR industry thinks of things. It's not an easy job, lots of consider with human behavior and free will of your client.
I’m not sure I am buying into this but thank you for sharing!
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ven10 · 5 months
hello :D! i'm curious that with the quagmires being your favorite characters, do you have headcanons for them, pre and/or post canon?
Hiya! :) I have SO MANY hcs about them so thanks for asking!!!! :D
Pre-canon relationship dynamic:
Quigley was closer to Isadora than to Duncan before the fire although he still was really close to Duncan too. I mainly think this bc in ‘The Slippery Slope’ Quigley mentioned Isadora on her own a few times, even quoting a couplet she wrote, whereas he only mentioned Duncan when talking about both of his siblings.
In order of most to least mischievous growing up I feel like it’d go Quigley, then Isadora and lastly Duncan.
Games/How the triplets would play when they were young:
Duncan: Would grab any random object of *aproximately* the right size (could be one of his mother’s shoes or it could be a spatula) and pretend it was a microphone. He’d follow people around “reporting” (more so narrating,really) what they were doing. This would REALLY annoy Isadora bc the worst thing when having writer’s block would be to have someone right beside you describing how you “stare blankly at a page in anguish. No inspiration detected for at least another treacherous week”.
Quigley: Strikes me as the kind of guy to climb trees, regardless of age tbh. He just has the vibe.
He would build forts at EVERY opportunity. Duncan once challenged him to build one in every room of the mansion and he almost did, with the exception of his parents’ office which was always locked.
He’d also draw loads. His drawing of a cave in TSS was described as an “elegant rendering” so I imagine he started doing art young. He’d get too passionate with a box of crayons and end up snapping most of them though. For his sixth birthday he’s gifted one of those pencils with multiple colours in the led and somehow angles it so that all the purple is used up first.
Isadora: She’d write plays for her+her siblings to perform for their parents+their parents’ friends that had surprisingly dark plot lines, especially for a 7 year old. Oh, and all the lines would rhyme, of course. She’d get annoyed when people read the script and asked if it was all one long song rather that the masterpiece of poetry she intended it to be perceived as.
Quigley would really enjoy acting in her plays+pour his heart and soul into the performance. Duncan would get really excited about it and do great when practicing with just the three of them but when it came to the actual performance he’d get shy+back out meaning Quigley or Isadora have to fill in for his role.
🎃 Halloween:
For Halloween one year, Isadora thought it’d be an amazing idea to dress up as Evelyn the conjoined twin bc she loved the song ‘Evelyn Evelyn’ based on her but Quigley found their story too depressing and Duncan didn’t like that it meant one of the triplets would get left out. Quigley suggests ‘Alvin and the chipmunks’ as a group costume earning instant “no”s from his siblings. They end up dressing in individual costumes based off historical figures (A poet, an investigative journalist and an explorer) but create their own story involving time-travel that connects the 3 characters.
Isadora loves Halloween as she is a goth(headcannon) so it really goes with her vibe. Quigley takes information about monsters/spooky creatures like vampires or werewolves and uses it to decide on which part of the world would be best for them to inhabit. Duncan then uses Quigley’s theories to research newspaper articles from the area, searching for any sign of the creatures.
Style/Fashion sense 🌟🧥
Duncan 📰:
Comfy green jumpers/sweaters or sweater-vests, white short-sleeved dress shirts and dress trousers/pants. (Pre-canon)
Comfy green polo-neck jumpers and (usually brown) corduroy pants/trousers and either dark green or white high top shoes. (Post-canon) Occasionally wears neatly applied eyeliner. The slight change in style is bc Duncan doesn’t want to wear clothes that feel so similar to a school uniform after spending so much time with those as his only clothes at Prufrock. He’ll occasionally wear hoodies but not if he’s to be seen in public.
Owns a few T-shirts with Dorothy Parker quotes which he cherishes and wears daily, even if they can’t be seen under the jumper/sweater. One quote he’d have is: “The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue”
Isadora+Quigley once bought him a quirky reporter’s hat with a feather in it as a joke but Duncan ended up adoring it; convincing himself it gave him an extra boost of inspiration when writing articles. 🪶
Has a Polaroid camera looped round his neck 📸
Quigley 🗺:
Initially, he struck me as a rucksack guy but I was reading over TSS yesterday and discovered he canonically uses a totebag, “I was putting an atlas in a totebag I found”-Quigley Quagmire (‘The Slippery Slope’ Chapter 8, page 148) so technically that’s a canon not a headcanon but oh well 🙃
Wears clothes more so for practicality than for style, although if he has a choice he’ll get things in dark purple.
He’d wear cargo pants bc of all the pockets; this would inspire Isadora to write a poem titled ‘Two and a half’ about a scientist who was trying to clone someone twice but messed up, resulting in one of the copies (Quigley) having no legs.
He would also wear a jacket with tonnes of pockets bc it’s practical for the explorer’s life he leads plus it looks cool. Although, it looks a little less cool when he stitches on a hood with fabric that doesn’t even match.
He drew maps on a couple of T-shirts and wears those, unfortunately he has to redraw them every time they get washed.
Wears exclusively boots bc of their grip+durability, one boot would have purple laces and the boot on the other foot would have black laces bc the original lace got stuck in a thorn bush so he stole borrowed one of Isadora’s.
As for accessories; a compass on string looped round his neck, clips shoved in at random to keep hair from falling in his face as he climbs, a hat/beanie with pins on it
Also: Frayed fingerless gloves!!! I saw this in one of Quill’s art pieces of Quigley and like the idea immensely ( @lemonysnicket ) :))
Always has the most RANDOM items in his pockets; will reach in looking for a packet of gum and come out with binoculars.
Isadora 📜:
Wears almost exclusively black: Black boots or high top converse (with doodles on the white toe bit in sharpie),
Wore black nail polish pre-canon. At Prufrock she improvises using black markers+pens on her nails. She once tried the same trick for mimicking eyeliner…it did not turn out well and Duncan brings it up at the WORST times.
Wears winged black eyeliner, smudged under the eyes.
Likes long swishy skirts (midi skirts). They’re sometimes a bit impractical but if she’s just spending the day writing poetry it’s fine. Otherwise she likes cuffed shorts with leggings underneath.
Violet once bought fishnet gloves bc she liked how they looked but gave them to Isa after they kept getting caught in her inventions. Isadora loves them even more bc they’re from Violet.
Has a really cool leather jacket but doesn’t wear it much bc she secretly worries that she isn’t cool enough for the jacket.
Has a T-shirt with all of Sappho’s poems printed out really small and arranged into a picture of Sappho herself. Quigley owns a similar one but his contains the bee-movie script.
Cooking abilities ranked🍳:
1: Quigley 🗺- he’s the best bc he had to cook for himself while “dead”. Granted, he did just eat canned peaches, toasted marshmallows, almonds and carrots but he had to find his own food anyway so that’s a start.
2: Isadora 📜- Her meals at Prufrock were cooked for her but it’s possible she had to cook for Duncan and herself at previous guardians. This task would fall on her as Duncan used to be afraid of stoves for a while after the fire
‘ “For a long time,” Duncan admitted, “I was afraid of any kind of fire. I didn’t even like to look at stoves.”’ -The Austere Academy, Chapter 3, page 47.
3: Duncan 📰- For the reason above and also bc he seems like the kind of guy who would mess up simple dishes by trying to apply extra information, “I read in a news article once about a famous chef who’d put mozzarella in porridge for extra flavour, let’s try that!” (Made-up quote)
Choice of stationary 🖊
Isadora: Fountain pen ✒️ bc it makes her poetry look fancy
Duncan: Biro bc it doesn’t smudge easily and he needs to writes down a lot of info quickly for his journalism 🖊
Quigley: Coloured biros bc they make maps easily decipherable+they don’t smudge easily which is useful for accuracy
In a modern AU Quigley has a 6 hour screen time average and it is ENTIRELY Google maps. Duncan listens to podcasts. Isadora’s Pinterest is made up completely of quotes.
Books/Literature 📚:
Apart from atlases, Quigley reads fantasy books with maps. He would adore books in the Grishaverse bc of this, especially obsessing over the canal system of Ketterdam which can be seen in detail in a map in ‘Crooked Kingdom’ by Leigh Bardugo. 📚 🧙‍♀️ However, with the Grisha triology (Shadow and Bone, Siege and Storm + Ruin and Rising) he would be disappointed by how little the cartographer/ex-cartographer protagonist mentions maps.
Duncan would enjoy the ‘A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder’ series due to the strategic, organised layout alongside Pip-the protagonist- ‘s note-taking skills. As Duncan aspires to be an investigative journalist he’d be enthralled by the investigations that are central in these books. He would annotate the books as he reads them; filling them with his own theories as well as highlighting important information.
The poem ‘Long Distance II’ by Tony Harrison doesn’t consist of rhyming couplets but I think Isadora would find its portrayal of grief powerful regardless of whether it’s in her preferred poetic format. Especially as it’s about the loss of family members.
Quigley would create his own fantasy map using tea-stained paper with rice spilled on it, drawing around the rice to get the outline of a country. He’d be really strategic about the details he draws though; having mountains before rivers so the water runs off of them etc. 🗺
Favourite Colours 🎨:
Isadora: Pitch black 🖤
Duncan: Dark green 💚
Quigley: Dark purple💜
(Bc of their notebooks 📓)
Thanks for the ask!! :) <3
I wasn’t sure what to include so I wrote quite a bit, this was me restraining myself tho. I think about the Quagmire triplets a LOT :). This is only the tip of the iceberg ;)! :) I also have kind of detailed hcs about injuries the triplets would have after the eagle fight if u want to hear about that.
Please send more asks if you like! You can be as specific as you like, especially if it’s about the Quagmires! :D
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tom-whore-dleston · 1 year
good days: I think you should write for sam wilson and I'm giving you this prompt: "don't play dumb, you know what i want." "spell it out for me, baby."
Bad Days and Good Head
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Pairing: Sam Wilson x f. reader
Genre: smut (lemon)
Warnings: sub!Sam, dom!reader, mommy kink (she came back w/o an invitation), face sitting, tongue fucking, implied blowjob
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Sam is more than ready to make you feel better after a bad day at work.
Notes: Thank you queen Selene for the request! I love Sam and am so excited to share my first fic of him 🥹🫶 And thank you @mochie85 for beta reading 🥰 Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed what you read 😊
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What makes you feel empowered?
There is no right or wrong answer to this question. In fact, that answer can change at any point in your life. When you were a young child, you felt empowered when you won your school spelling bee. As a teenager, you felt empowered when you confronted your sworn enemy after being fed up with her bullying. Now that you are an adult, nothing is more empowering than having a beautiful man submit to your every desire, giving you orgasm after orgasm.
That man being Captain America himself, Mr. Sam Wilson. 
You landed your dream job of working at the White House, which was where you met Sam. He was a frequent visitor, mainly so the President could have an excuse to take pictures with him and post them on social media. The two of you met in a meeting and the sexual tension between you was so strong that the President had to table the meeting out of awkwardness. It didn’t take long for you and Sam to sneak into the closest bathroom to fuck each other’s brains out. And so that was the beginning of your blossoming relationship.
Although you were grateful to be given the opportunity to work your dream job, today was one of those days where you wished you could be anywhere but the White House. You were slammed with paperwork and meetings that could have easily been an email. As you sunk into the couch with your feet kicked up on the coffee table, Sam was immediately by your side, massaging your aching feet. 
“Bad day?” He asked sympathetically.
You sighed. “”Bad’ doesn’t even cut it.” 
Sam puckered his lower lip and gazed up at you with sullen eyes. “Any way I can make it better?”
“Don’t play dumb, you know what I want.” You didn’t care how demanding and snappy you sounded. Your main priority was to forget about how awful work was while getting some mind blowing head. Lucky for you, Sam was turned on by your feistiness and he was ready to please you on your signal.
“Yes, ma’am,” he responded. Your star spangled man began to crawl on top of you when you stopped him.
“Actually, I think we should spice things up.” Sam stared at you like a deer in headlights. “Lie down on the couch.” 
He switched positions with you, his back flat against the leather cushions as you hovered over him. As you unzipped your skirt and pulled your tights down, Sam grew curious as to what you had in store for him. However, he knew better than to question your motives. You trained him well enough to only ask the important questions such as “Is this okay?” or “Do you like when I do this?” You liked things simple. It turned you off when Sam, and even past partners, would try to have small talk during sex so you made it a point to keep conversation to a minimum. 
Sam’s eyes landed on your bare pussy, which inched closer to his face as you climbed over him. At this point, he had a few ideas of what you wanted him to do to you. 
“Ready to eat Mommy’s pussy, baby?” 
It was as if a switch was flipped inside Sam. A switch that only you were allowed to turn on and off. His voice became whiny and his cock strained in his pants.
“Fuck, yes, Mommy! I just want to make you feel good.”
You let out a sinister chuckle. “Good boy.”
With that, you lowered your hips down until your pussy pressed snugly against his plush lips. A blissful sigh escaped your throat as he devoured your cunt. 
What were you so worked up about again? Doesn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was your pleasure. 
Sam’s tongue teased your slick hole, causing you to lightly rut your hips against his face. He gripped your thighs before plunging his tongue inside you and stretching your entrance. 
“Oh, fuck!” You shouted, grasping the couch for leverage. “Leave your tongue out like that. I wanna fuck it.” Sam did as you asked and you bounced on top of his tongue, your uncontrolled moans filling the room. 
The sight of you riding his tongue with your eyes rolling to the back of your head made his cock throb with need. The need to feel your hands and lips and pussy around his length, giving him the same attention he was giving you. But he knew that moment would come. Right now was about you. 
“God, I love your tongue! Feels so good- shit!” At that moment, Sam started flicking your clit with his fingers while shoving his tongue in and out of you. Your nails dug into the upholstery as you felt your release approaching. The man beneath you smirked against your heat as your legs began to tremble. 
“Keep going, baby. Make me come like that, please, please, please! I’m so close!” Your beau rubbed your clit faster while tracing figure eights in your pussy. 
You couldn’t pinpoint the moment it happened. It could’ve been a move Sam did or it could have been the pressure building up like air in a balloon. Either way, your pleasure exploded into little sparkles of bliss. Your back arched into a perfect curve as you cried your lover’s name into the abyss. Sam lapped up the sticky mess between his face and your mound as the aftershocks coursed through your body. He kissed your bud, which was your cue to hop off his face and join him on the couch.
“Jesus, Sam, that was-“
“Yeah, I could tell.” Sam laughed, petting your head as you pressed your ear to his heartbeat. Your head bobbed along with his chest as he cleared his throat.
“So, can I, uhhh…” 
You rolled onto your front side, resting your chin on top your folded arms and kicking your feet in the air. Part of you could already guess what Sam wanted to say, but something about the way he would get flustered after eating you out was cute and sexy at the same time. 
“What is it? Spell it out for me, baby.”
Sam chuckled shyly. “Can you suck my cock? Please…Mommy?”
Your lips brushed his softly before you slid down his body to unbutton his pants.
“Thought you would never ask, baby.”
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