#so it's not like i had today off. and yesterday i had pt and packed all the other orders from last week
mildmayfoxe · 10 months
ok here's the thing: i'm supposed to have a market tomorrow. but it's supposed to rain all day (i am not looking forward to loading in, waiting, and then packing up in the rain, all my things are paper) and the last market i did with these organizers had a horrible turnout and it WASNT raining all day. i've spent most of last month prepping for my black friday sale and it was the biggest sale orders-wise i've had to date. as i posted the other week i printed over 100 prints in like a week and a half leading up to it & i still have more to do for my patreon. so obviously i have been very busy. of course it seems silly to turn down an opportunity to make some money and i would love to see my market friends but like.................. i really am not sure i want to go. i feel like i haven't had a day off in one hundred years. and if i don't do the market tomorrow i'm still going to do work (aforementioned patreon prints) but at least i won't be absolutely drained from 7 hours of standing and talking to people and not eating lunch. but if i don't go who knows how many gift shoppers i am going to miss out on
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sophsbookstore · 4 months
The Perfect Day
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Charles Leclerc x hairdresser!reader pt. 2 。・:*˚:✧。
Masterlist can be found in navigation!
Read pt. 1 here
A/N: In honor of Charles Leclerc winning the freakin Monaco Grand Prix!! 
Word count: 2,453
“Looks like you have no one on schedule.” The front desk lady says to Y/N.
Y/N looks up from her phone, constantly refreshing her calendar, checking to make sure what she’s hearing is correct. There has to be some mistake? Just yesterday she was completely booked for the day.
“I think everyone canceled for the grand prix, I mean who would want to miss it, Charles is starting on pole!” The lady raved. All of Monaco was rooting for Charles, there was something in the air, everyone knew that Charles was going to win the Grand Prix, he had to.
“So I guess I'm off for the day?” Y/N looks at the lady puzzled, regretting her rejection of Charles' invitation to the Grand Prix.
Y/N waves goodbye to the other employees packing their things, the girl goes back to her car, sitting in science before calling Charles’ mom. She picks up within the first couple of rings. Y/N asks for Charles, his mom calling to Charles on the other line, passing her phone to her son.
“Sorry for telling you on such short notice but my schedule is cleared if there's still an available spot to see you race today.” Y/N starts fiddling with her hands, although Charles can't see, she hopes he doesn't pick up on the pleas in her voice.
“For you? There is always room.” With that Y/N gets an address sent to her and digital tickets to let her in. “I'll meet you at the entrance so I can give you your pass.” Y/N nods rapidly, thanking Charles for his generosity. Telling her that it was no problem at all, Charles bids her farewell, promising to see her later at the Grand Prix. Y/N rushes home, knowing she doesn't have long until the event starts.
She rummages through her closest, trying to find an outfit she deems perfect for the occasion. Finally landing on an outfit that satisfies her she looks at the clock, noticing that it's about time she leaves. She locks the door to her apartment behind her, shaking her hands with anxiety, reminding herself that she's there to support Charles.
When she finally gets to the Grand Prix she notices a group of people huddled near the entrance. She follows security, parking her car, dusting herself off, rolling her shoulders back, and walking closer to the commotion. 
As Y/N steps closer she finally sees what's at the center of the huddle, Charles. She waves her hand up in the air, hoping he catches her signal to him. Luckily he does. Quickly he makes his way over to her, pushing through the interviewers and paparazzi, with the green paddock pass in his hand.
“I'm so happy you came.” He says, pulling her in for a hug, kissing her cheek as he does so.
“I'm so happy you still let me come.” The pair laugh, pulling away from the embrace.
Charles wraps his arm around Y/N’s waist, pulling her close to him as the two enter the paddock. Charles lets go of Y/N for a moment, stepping in front of her and placing the pass around her neck as they reconnect with one another officially entering the grounds.
Y/N can feel everyone staring at her, anxiety starts to bubble in her chest, wondering if she was being stared at in disgust or curiosity. “Don't worry about them.” Charles turns whispering in her ear.
“It's hard, they keep staring at me like I'm some kind of animal at the zoo.”
“Y/N they are most likely looking at how pretty you are, I mean I can't help but stare too.” He smirks, Y/N playfully removing her hand around him to give him a little smack on the arm, quickly moving it back around him.
The pair make their way to the Ferrari hospitality, Charles introduces Y/N to the various staff scattered around before making his way over to his brother Arthur. Y/N has met Arthur before, giving him ‘hellos’ here and there when he comes in to get his haircut by his mom.
“Y/N! What are you doing here?” The younger driver asked in excitement.
“She's my plus one.” Charles smiles at his brother, Y/N blushing, nodding in agreement.
Before the three could say any more to each other someone taps Chalres shoulder, his engineer signaling to him that it's time for him to leave. Charles frowns, nodding understanding he gives his brother a hug, the younger of the two hyping up his older brother.
Charles goes back to Y/N giving her a long embrace before kissing the side of her head. “You're going to win today, I just know it.” Y/N whispers to Charles moments before he leaves.
“I really hope you're right.” He gives her one last glance before following his engineer toward the car.
Y/N and Arthur mingle around the paddock, Arthur introducing Y/N to almost everyone that he knows. “Is that my nephew?” Arthur yells out, moving quickly towards a man that Y/N has never seen before.
“Y/N, this is my adopted nephew Oscar.” Oscar walks over to the both of them, shaking Y/N’s hand. 
“Ahh, so you must be Charles’ new son. Congratulations on P2, I wish you luck on your race today.” Y/N gives him a warm smile, the driver smiling back.
“Thank you.” Moments later Oscar is also pulled away, saying goodbye to the two as he makes his way towards his Mclaren.
Arthur motions for Y/N to follow him, together they make their way over to their designated area, Arthur slipping some headphones onto Y/N’s head as the two settle in, anxiously watching the screen in front of them as Monaco settles in silence, manifesting Charles' win.
Needless to say the race was stressful, with the red flag barely into the first lap Y/N worried that someone would overtake Charles, wanting to scream to the other drivers not to pass Charles on such a special and important day.
Arthur and Y/N hold onto one another during every touch, maneuver, and tire change, wishing the best for Ferrari, but most importantly Charles. As the lap starts coming to an end Y/N and Arthur look at one another, is this it? Is Charles going to win his home race and finally break the Monaco curse?
As Charles pulls closer to the finish line everyone from Ferrari runs closer to the barriers, screaming for Charles as he crosses the line. Tears hit Y/N's eyes, the girl cheering as loud as she can. He has done it, Charles Leclerc wins the 2024 Monaco Grand prix.
Charles practically jumps out of his car, tears trickling out of his eyes as he cheers atop his Ferrari. Jumping down before running and leaping towards his team. As if the cries of joy couldn't be any louder they did. At that moment it seemed that all of Monaco was cheering for him. 
Charles moves throughout the crowd hugging the people who helped him most to get this victory, finally making his way to Arthur and Y/N. Y/N steps to the side, letting the brothers have their moment first, hugging one another before the driver turns to Y/N.
The two melt in their embrace, Y/N crying tears of joy for Charles. “You did it!” She pulls back, her arms still tightly around Charles' big frame. “I knew you would.” 
Charles continues to hold her. “Meet me after the race, I still have dinner with you tonight. '' Y/N nods rapidly. Charles finally stepped away to go with his rest of the team to the doc, getting ready to do their celebratory jump into the water.
Arthur and Y/N follow behind the large group, Y/N taking out her phone to snap a few pictures in celebration. One by one the big group starts to taper off, either going off to celebrate or do interviews, Arthur says goodbye to Y/N leaving the girl to wait for Charles.
After countless interviews the driver finally returns to Y/N, now fully dried he gives her a hug. “Thank you for waiting.”
“No worries! Congratulations on your race, seriously.” She smiles up at him. “You don't have to go to dinner with me, I know you would much rather be partying with everyone.”
“Nonsense, the parties will go on later in the night. Right now, I want to be with you.” He holds out his hand, Y/N gladly takes it, the pair walking towards Ferrari hospitality so Charles can change into less damp, non-Ferrari clothes.
Y/N waits outside for Charles to change, once ready the pair walk toward the parking lot. “The restaurant is fairly close if you want to walk?” He offers. Y/N looks over at her car, then back at Charles. “Sure!”
Together the pair walk out of the circuit, now entering the streets of Monte Carlo. They continue to talk with one another, getting interrupted every few meters by fans noticing Charles, everyone giving him high praise for his victory.
“Maybe we should have driven.” Charles jokes, the pair walking faster trying to get rid of the crowd following them, getting larger by the minute.
“Next time we will for sure.” Y/N nods in agreement.
“Next time? Already planning a second date before the first?” Charles smiles, the tips of his ears getting hot.
Y/N blushes in embarrassment. “Oh! I- ummm.” She stutters, getting caught off guard by Charles' question.
“I'd be more than happy to go on another date with you Y/N.” He smiles, the pair silently brushing their fingers together, slowly intertwining their hands as they continue down the busy Monte Carlo street.
Finally making it to the restaurant the staff immediately identify Charles, moving rapidly getting Charles and Y/N a room in the back. Patrons and staff of the restaurant give Charles loud cheers and high praise the further they walk into the restaurant.
Charles steps in front of Y/N pulling the girl's chair out for her to sit, thanking him she does so, Charles scooting her chair forward before taking his rightful seat across from her. The two open up their menus, engaging in slight conversation before both put their menus down, leaning forward, getting closer to one another.
“Thank you for coming to the race, and to dinner with me after.” Charles smiles, blushing ever so slightly.
“Thank you for the invite! Surprisingly, I'm glad that everyone canceled their appointments, if they hadn't I wouldn't have gotten to see you win.”
“I don't know how to feel, I'm just so excited and happy. I wish that my father would have been here to see it. We both dreamed of me winning my home race.” He looks down at the menu, quickly wiping his eyes.
“He is, he might not be physically here but he is always with you. I can say with 100% certainty that wherever he might be, he is jumping up and down cheering the hardest for you.” Charles looks up at Y/N, his eyes glossy.
“Thank you Y/N, truly.”
Before the pair can say any more, the waiter comes to the table. Both Charles and Y/N put in their orders continuing the conversation once he leaves. Charles asks Y/N about her life, wanting to get to know her more as the pair had only met days prior.
“I should really give you my number, especially since we are going on a second date. It would be weird if you kept calling my mom and asking for me.” Charles laughs, pulling his phone from his back pocket.
“Yeah…sorry about that.” Y/N looks away.
“Don't worry at all, it was my mistake for not asking for your number when we first met.” Charles hands his phone to Y/N the girl typing in her information before texting herself on his phone.
Their food soon arrives, the conversation not dying down one bit. The couple talked, not once did an awkward silence fall upon them. As the sun began to set the waiter came back with the bill. Y/N starts to reach for it, but Charles is too quick.
“Please let me, the date was my idea.”
“Charles, you literally won the Monaco Grand Prix, it's the least I could do.”
“You showing up, and coming with me tonight is everything I wanted. You can get the next one if you really want to.” He hands his card to the waiter, who soon comes back with Charles' card and the receipt.
Charles and Y/N both get up, interlocking hands once more before leaving the restaurant, Charles thanking the wait staff as they leave. “Let me walk you back to your car. I don't want you walking alone.”
The two walk in silence, taking in the warm summer air, gazing at the beautiful monte carlo sights. Charles notices Y/N’s face contorting in discomfort. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, my shoes are kinda hurting, but we’re almost there.” She shrugs.
Charles stops, Y/N following his lead the pair stand on the near empty Monte Carlo sidewalk. “Here let me.” Charles bends down, putting his knee up signaling Y/N to rest her foot on top. She does so, Charles taking off her shoes for her before getting back up off the floor, shoes in hand.
“Get on.” Charles turns around, squatting down for Y/N to get on his back. Once again she does so, quickly hopping onto his back as the pair continue to venture further into the night.
They finally get back to the parking lot, Y/N unlocks her car as Charles, ever the gentleman holds her door open for him. Y/N hops off of Charles back, staring ahead at her car, looking back at Charles who's looking back at her.
“Can I kiss you?” She asks, nervous for his response. 
Charles lets go of the door handle. “I thought you'd never ask.” He takes the sides of her face in his hands, the two engaging in a passionate kiss. Y/N wraps her arms around his neck, pulling herself closer to him. After a moment the pair pull back, still holding each other close.
“What a perfect way to finish the night.” Y/N smiles, pulling Charles in for another kiss.
“I couldn't have said it better myself.”
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myerssimp21 · 10 months
Knife's Canvas (Pt. 1)
Yandere Poly!Ghostface x Reader
warnings: mention of torture (not reader), planned stalking.
prompt inspired by @jadedstarlight03 's prompt to @creepyyanderegirl on yandere stu with artistic reader. I liked it and took my own spin with it since I simp for Billy too.
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"I admired your sketch!"
The cursive note, adorned with a smiley face, stared back at you, earning an A+ grade on your inaugural in-class creative writing assignment at Woodsboro High. As a newcomer, you had hoped your depictions of characters like Garfield and Scooby Doo would endear you to the teachers, and it appeared they did. Sketched in red pen and colored with pastel pink highlighter, your drawings grinned up at you, surrounded by tiny glitter hearts.
"Oh, those are wicked!"
The cute blonde girl seated behind you leaned over your shoulder, her minty breath fanning into your face as she praised, "Do you draw a lot? Did you do those in class? It's pretty fast if you did."
"Yeah! I started doing art last year, but you get better and faster with practice," you replied with a warm smile, eager to make your first friend. "I think these took about 3-4 minutes each."
Your face warmed as she leaned closer, her chest lightly pressing against your back as she inspected your paper. She pointed to the little hearts, "Those are so cute!" Her approving face turned toward you as she introduced herself, "I'm Tatum."
"I'm ____," you replied, pleased to make introductions effortlessly. The teacher's allowance for 5 minutes of free time before class's end was a welcome opportunity for socializing.
"You should join my friends and me after our next class for lunch; maybe some of us will be in your classes!"
"That would be so nice," you said, relief evident in your voice. "I'm honestly pretty shy, so making friends can be intimidating."
Her dazzling smile accompanied her words, "Perfect! If you have Chemistry next with Mr. Scott, I'll show you where it is if you don't already know."
"Um," you leaned down to your backpack, sifting through your new student documents to find your schedule. "Oh, it's actually history with Ms. Johnson."
"Hmm," Tatum leaned back, crossing her legs as she thought. "I think Billy has that class. Maybe if you leave a little early, you can catch him. He's the guy with the, uh," she seemed to struggle for words, "grunge hairstyle? I think he's wearing a dark red t-shirt today if that helps. He's a little grumpy sometimes, though, so if you're too nervous or he's mean, we'll look for you at lunch."
The bell rang, and students not already congregating by the door got up to leave. You neatly tucked your graded paper into its designated folder and stood, slinging your backpack over your shoulder as Tatum rose in tandem.
"I'll try!" you said with a giggle, even though meeting Billy made you nervous. "It was nice to meet you."
"You too," Tatum said, pulling a pack of gum from her bag and offering you a piece before you left. "I think your next class should be in that building, right? I’m not sure if you had it yesterday or if it’s a Tuesday-Thursday class."
Thanking her again, you made sure your Discman had the CD you liked the most before connecting your headphones and heading off in that direction. You'd only have a few minutes of music, but it was worth it!
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After finding your next class, you lingered around the door since you were early, hoping to at least place who Billy was from Tatum's description. After a moment of trying to not look awkward as you stood around, you spotted him.
He did have a grungier hair style, reminding you of a movie star you'd seen on TV recently. It threatened to fall in his eyes as he stalked towards the door, a bored look on his face. Now that you noticed him more, it was hard to ignore that he had a pretty face. Trying to not overthink it now that you realized you thought he was kind of cute, you pulled your headphones down from your ears until they hung around your neck as he came closer to the class.
When he noticed you looking at him as he drew closer, his eyes narrowed suspiciously, the scowl on his face deepening and making you feel even more nervous.
"Hi," you said somewhat sheepishly, "I'm ___. I'm new and met Tatum in my last class. You must be Billy."
His eyebrow raises and his eyes soften, but the scowl remains, “Oh?”
“Yeah…” you trail off a little, unsure of what to say since his response was sort of dry, “I’m from the more southern part of the state and we moved up here for my dad’s new job. I hear you guys experience the seasons up here so I’m excited to see them! The leaves never change in the fall where I’m from.”
His dark brown eyes have been boring into yours as you speak, making your face feel warm for the second time today. They dart down to the folder in your hands and he smirks as he says, “That’s cool.”
For your history folder, you’d tried to paint torsos and busts like the ancient historic statues from Greece and Rome you’d seen in a National Geographic magazine on the cover. They were naked torsos, but you had tried to make the nipples on the women look less prominent to avoid getting into trouble. If you had any sense, you’d have depicted something else to entirely avoid the possibility of getting into trouble, but you’d gotten irritated at the idea of censoring art.
“Oh, thank you! I hope I don’t get shit for the nudity, but I guess I could probably give them all clothes if I need to.”
He nods towards the classroom and you notice the hallways are getting quieter, “We should head in. There’s a couple empty seats near me.”
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Ms. Johnson's strategy to get the kids interested in history was to start with the brutality of the medieval age, it seemed; with diagrams of the torture methods they created being the highlight of her second class after syllabus day.
The history class, guided by Ms. Johnson's unwavering enthusiasm, delved into the unsettling corners of medieval history. As the lesson progressed, she took a moment to present an image of a haunting artifact, projecting it onto the screen for the entire class to see.
"Now, can anyone tell me what this is?" Ms. Johnson asked, gesturing to the screen. It was a grotesque device, an iron contraption with a cold, heartless design. Sharp spikes protruded inward, forming a cage around the wearer's head. The unsettling silence lingered as the class peered at the image, growing discomfort palpable.
To everyone's surprise, ____ confidently raised her hand, her eyes betraying an unexpected depth of knowledge.
"It's called the Scold's Bridle," she answered, her voice steady. "An oppressive device designed to silence women who dared to speak their minds. The spikes prevented any speaking, ensuring their voices remained stifled."
Billy arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "How do you know about that?"
____ shrugged, a nonchalant smile playing on her lips. "I read a lot. History isn't just about dates and battles; it's about the struggles people faced, especially women, and respecting the challenges they went through."
Billy's skepticism softened as he nodded slightly. "Guess history is more twisted than we think."
____ leaned towards him slightly, a smile on her face that didn't quite reach her eyes and made his spine tingle slightly, "Oh, you have no idea."
"Ah, ____," Ms. Johnson said with genuine admiration and ____'s attention snapped back to her, "Impressive knowledge there. I'm eager to see your thoughts on this in more detail, perhaps in an essay. It's always refreshing when students connect with the material on a deeper level."
"Now, let's delve further into the complexities of medieval society. How these devices were not only instruments of physical torment but also symbolic of the societal norms of the time."
The lesson continued, and ____ slowly flipped through her sketchbook to find a fresh page, seemingly reviewing her previous art briefly as she did so. Billy faced the board, but his eyes were turned downward, toward ____'s hands. He caught a glimpse of previous drawings – a mix of cartoon characters and a few creepier depictions.
Angry faces splattered with red marks resembling blood and figures wearing intimidating masks (or just freaks with the scariest faces ever) caught his eye. Intrigued, he discreetly watched as she began absentmindedly sketching the torture devices described in class as she listened, switching out her pens to smear red ink on them. He caught his scoff before he uttered it when he realized she was drawing the devices in glitter pens, her eyes flickering from the images on the screen to back down at her paper.
He must have been too obvious, leaning in too closely or being too pointed with his staring now because she had flipped to a fresh page and locked eyes, an unreadable expression across her face. There was a pause before she tucked her sketchbook into her bag and turned her attention back towards the board.
Billy felt a mischievous idea forming in his head as he let his eyes linger on her, knowing she could probably see him staring in her peripheral. If she wasn't thrilled about him seeing her portfolio, perhaps there was more hiding in that sketchbook than just cutesy cartoons. It could be amusing for him and Stu to explore her place once they found out where she lived, hunting for more art she wasn't ready to showcase while they scoped out their new potential victim. If the glimpses of what he saw when she had flipped through it implied there was anything more beneath her vanilla exterior, Billy was confident that he and Stu could uncover it.
As the bell rang, she turned to him with what he'd call friendly eyes, the strange demeanor now gone, "Are you hungry or what? Is the cafeteria food at Woodsboro High edible or would I be better off hunting a bird?"
He huffed, "You'd be better off starving." Nodding towards the door, he started towards it, hardly waiting for ____ to collect her bag, "Maybe Randy will be enough of a simp to offer you whatever his mommy made for him."
Noticing the disdain Billy seemed to have for Randy's mother but feeling too tentative about the potential for conflict to ask more about it, ____ decided to leave it alone and hurry after him into the now bustling hallway.
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pretty-circa006 · 15 days
Unhealthy Attachments pt.3
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◀︎previous part
Coach! Negan x Student! F! Reader
summary The relationship between you and Negan progresses, but is that necessarily a good thing? tags mentions of bullying, violence, angst, crying
wc 1.2k words
*you are responsible for your own content consumption. if this is something you DO NOT like, simply DO NOT read or interact! :) *
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆ 
 It was finally the Friday before spring break. After what happened yesterday, you didn't want to come to school, but you had to give Negan his sweater back. You were tempted to keep the garment and just tell him you lost it, but stealing is wrong which is why you washed it and put it in your backpack to give back to him. 
 Your leg bounced anxiously as you watched the clock. Lunch couldn't come sooner. It wasn't that you were starving and eager to eat, you just wanted to be with Negan. Today was going horribly; people would point and snicker whenever you walked by but just roll their eyes and ignore you whenever you asked what was so funny. Being the butt of a joke always sucked, but not knowing what the joke was made it that much worse. As soon as the clock read 12:45 and the lunch bell rang, you were out of there, backpack on your back and quickly striding down the halls. 
"Hurrying off to see your boyfriend?" Some random taunted in the hallway. You ignored them, not knowing who they were or what they were talking about and continued your path to the gymnasium. 
"Hi!" you greeted cheerily. You felt better once you were in his office. Spending time with Negan felt like stepping into the sun after being in a freezing room. 
"Hello," he replied, but he didn't sound like his usual self. He greeted you as if you were any other student and not his favorite. You parked yourself in your usual chair and handed him his sweater. 
"Thanks again for helping me out yesterday," you mumbled, cringing at the memory of being in that locker room. He just hummed in response and accepted the sweater. You were on edge, he was off and not knowing why made your heart sink. Was he mad at you? Had he finally had enough of you coming into his office every day? You wanted to ask, but every time you thought you built up the courage to, the words died in your throat. You took out your lunch and handed Negan the extra sandwich you always packed for him. Concern flooded your face when he didn't accept. 
"Is something wrong?" you asked weakly. 
 Negan sighed. He didn't want to hurt you like this, but he had no choice if he wanted to keep his job. He already felt bad for being so cold toward you, but he needed to bite the bullet and get this over with. 
"Listen, kid." He knew you hated when he called you that. He called all his students 'kid' since he didn't feel like memorizing so many names; so him calling you that really made you feel less special. 
"You can't keep comin' in here during lunch...or ever." Your face dropped and you started nervously fidgeting with your fingers. 
"Why? Did I do something wrong?" Negan noticed you were already struggling to fight back your tears, which made this all the more harder. 
"There have been rumors going around and in light of those rumors, I realized it is inappropriate for us to be hanging out together like this." 
“What rumors?” You asked indignantly. He so desperately wished you could connect the dots and figure it out for yourself so he didn’t have to say it, but he knew your mind wasn’t twisted like that. So disgusting and twisted as to think that something as innocent as a teacher and student sharing lunch could be anything but that. 
“Rumors that…” he thought of a more delicate way to put this, not wanting to say ‘people think we’re fucking,’ “the relationship between us is inappropriate. Inappropriate in the way that I could lose my goddamn job, you could get fuckin’ expelled, or I could even get my ass thrown in jail.” He didn’t mean to raise his voice, especially after seeing the way you cowered in your seat with tears silently streaming down your face. 
“B-but we’re not doing anything wrong? Can’t you j-just tell them that?” You pleaded. 
“Now you know that won’t work,” he said softly. 
“I-I’ll tell them, I c-can explain-” He said your name firmly, and that shut you up immediately. 
“You gotta go. Now.” He gestured to the door and waited for you to leave. Your hands shook as you placed Negan’s sandwich on his desk and clumsily gathered your things, the tears blurring your vision making it difficult. Your pleading eyes bored into his hazel ones as if to beg him to take it all back, but he couldn’t, and he couldn’t even bear to look at you anymore. 
“Negan?” You whimpered. 
You grabbed your backpack and hurried out the door, closing it gently behind you. Negan let out a sigh, not quite one of relief, but he still felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders, but at the cost of a pit in his stomach. He was relieved that he may have put the rumors to rest, but having to hurt you in order to do so overshadowed that relief. He looked up at the clock, only five minutes had passed since lunch started, meaning he left you to fend for yourself for the remaining time. When he grabbed the sandwich you left him, guilt crushed him. How you could still be so kind to him after he deliberately crushed your heart puzzled him. 
“Break up with your boyfriend?” One of the girls from yesterday jeered as you stormed through the halls. Her smug face boiled your blood. The one good thing you had going for you at this hellhole of a high school was ripped from you by the very people who made your life a living hell in the first place. The aggravating laugh that tore from her throat had you seeing red. The ringing in your ears tuned out everything but her shrill laughter and before you knew it your fist made contact with her face, knocking her over. She wasn’t the only person who’s bullied you, but she was the one beneath you, at your mercy, so you took out all those years of repressed rage on her face. You landed blow after blow on her, her pained screams nothing but background noise. 
“Leave me alone!” You sobbed as your rage dissipated into emptiness. Seeing the bloodied half-conscious girl wailing on the floor brought you back to your senses. The shocked faces of the surrounding crowd of students as staff hurried to the girl’s aid made you nauseous. You were yanked up from the floor by someone, your mind was too addled to care who, and dragged to the principal’s office. You looked back at the scene only to make eye contact with a shocked Negan. You tore your eyes from him, not wanting him to see you like this, to see this side of you you didn’t even know existed. Neither did Negan. He was actually happy to see you defend yourself for once instead of just rolling over and taking it. He couldn’t even hide the pride that swelled in his chest. 
 You felt numb sitting there in the principal’s office waiting for one of your parents to get here. This was no way to start spring break. 
next part ▶︎
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notthecutesttrash · 1 month
Grey (Pt. 3/Final)
Warnings: Reader is painfully nice, angst, ultra fluff
Word count: 8k
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At lunch, you sit in your old spot. Your feet dangling above the ground atop the bench while eating the food your mother made yesterday. She didn’t leave you a note this time, seeing how upset you have been these past few days, which is a relief. It was quiet today. No girls to bother you, no one near your favorite large tree that the wind loved to surround. 
Sure you’re relieved that you can finally eat food, relieved that you’re undisturbed, relieved you won’t have any more bruises.. but you aren’t happy. And you’re only able to eat half of your food before you lose your appetite. 
You make sure to avoid everyone if possible. Throughout the scowls, the glances, and the even more hidden whispers, you keep your head low and move quickly to avoid interaction. Especially making sure to ignore a specific Miya twin. It’s not like he would deliberately talk to you now that the project is over, but still, you’d rather not see him at all. 
Practice always arrived promptly. Although you’re doing all right, better than before perhaps, you don’t say much. Lucy looks like she wants to approach you a few times, but you make sure to pack up and exit so fast she’s unable to. Several times you nearly stumble into a set of yellow and grey-haired twins who leave their practice around the same time as you, as unfortunately, the other gym is right across theirs. Fortunately, you manage to quickly scurry away, enough for them not to notice you. 
Atsumu lately is giving you more glances than usual as if he is planning on saying something. So when the bell rings you would rapidly spring out of your seat and run to the bathroom. Closing the stall, you’d sit on the toilet and hold your lunch to your lap, exhaling a relieved sigh. 
You didn’t want to hear any more teasing. Not after that embarrassing display you showed.
It keeps replaying in your head over and over. The way you're pushed to the ground, surrounded by bullies, revealing your terror so promptly. The way Mr. Knight in shining black armor saves the day and makes you feel even worse. 
I don’t need your help. Leave me alone. That phrase echoes in your head. 
Pathetic. You can’t even deal with your problems, instead, Atsumu of all people helped, and worse.. it did something. You aren’t being targeted anymore and that was irritating. If it hadn’t been for him, you wouldn’t be in this stall right now miserably eating your lunch. Food would be in your hair, you’d come home to your mom and dad who’d ask how the day went, and you'd have to keep up the stupid lie of sharing your food. 
Sighing, you pack up the rest of your lunch.
Kiyoko and the women trudge into the area, their hair a little damp, bits of food poking in it. Their heads hang low, and some are snickering at them. 
It seemed the tables had also now turned, and you didn't know why.
You’re confused as you spot Atsumu chuckling, and some part of you is disappointed in him.  
When you’re studying them, they manage to gather a collective scowl at you, and accustomed to the fear you swiftly spin.  
Before everything, you'd eat alone, avoid any interaction, ignore bullying, play, run off, go home, stay in your room all day, do homework, and then go to sleep. It was just as it was, back to normal. No pathetic fangirls, no men, and no motherly teasing. No one spoke to you, everyone (besides Atsumu striving to get your attention) ignored you as you did to them.
Kiyoko might give you a few scowls sure, but did she deserve that? 
It was perfectly justified, just how everyone decided it should be… Right? 
A voice would selfishly reason that it is better than being the one who is repeatedly bullied. You would no longer dread going back to school, no more panic attacks at 4 am, just a plain good night’s sleep. 
But you're not satisfied now.
It's just wrong.. all wrong.
When class ends, you encounter eyes with Atsumu.. then you do the unthinkable. 
You start fixating as Kiyoko's aggressively packs her bags before going home. She’s too drowsy to even force a glare yet still has a hard hatred in her eyes when fixated. “Uh… hey, Kiyoko.”
Atsumu is confused, and he’s frozen beside the door as he watches the exchange. You’re shyly fidgeting with your fingers and she scowls at you. 
You mutter to not be heard by a certain someone. “Are you… okay?” 
Kiyoko’s eyes widen, but It sharply settles to a glower that feels similar to Atsumu before he had told her off. 
“Like you care.” She shoves past you, bumping your shoulder, and stomps out the room. It’s a silent pitiful pause before you start to do the same and Atsumu calls out to you.
“(Y/n) wait-“ 
He blocks the doorway, and you stand, crossing your arms. You have a cold expression, and you're glaring angrily. “What are you doing?”
“Getting your attention.” He looks pathetically desperate, and you grunt.
“No. I mean, what are you doing?” You firmly repeat, and he's visibly lost and doesn’t understand.
“Are you bullying Kiyoko?” He’s taken aback at your words, shocked. He doesn’t respond, he’s not sure how to when the answer is around the lines of, "yes- but not in that way."
A pin drop can be heard in the heaviness. You gather every bit of courage and force your way out, declaring something that makes him still. 
“You’re such a jerk.” 
Atsumu is accustomed to these words. Osamu, his team members, women, friends and, so on would say similar phrases along these lines. It shouldn’t have hurt, but when you did, there was a pang in his chest like none other. 
This time when you rushed out of practice today, you saw Atsumu waiting outside. 
“(Y/n) lis-“ You spin on your heel the opposite way and rush off. He sighs, slumping disappointedly. He fixates on your retreating form, a twitch prodding his lips into a small inevitable frown. 
Osamu elbows him hard in the side, forcing him out of his trance and causing him to grumble.
“Talk to her.”  
His shoulders fall as he watches your even farther form. You’re clutching your bag desperately tight, and your speed walking like you’re politely running away. 
“Yea, easy for you to say. She doesn’t want to be talked to.” 
“And how do you know?” 
“Hm, I dunno, maybe her saying the words “leave me alone.” or you’re such a jerk.” 
Rintaro joins the conversation as he walks out of the gym. “She’s a girl. All of them do that. In reality, that’s code for “give me attention.” Because if you don’t they’ll just get even more mad.” 
Shinsuke follows after, stoically blinking. “Were you talking with her normally before?”
“I mean.. a little.. yeah.”
“So did you do anything impolite to make her not want to talk to you?”
Atsumu’s expression falters, and he rubs the back of his neck. “Well..” 
“He made her cry, twice.” Osamu chips in, and Atsumu elbows him hard, his expression changing into a glare. 
“Huh, maybe she does want you to leave her alone then,” Rintaro says.
He quickly slumps in defeat. “Yeah… I’ve been.. a bit of a jerk.” 
The team side eyes each other. “A bit?” 
“There's a possibility it can all be fixed by communication. Go apologize and talk about it,” Shinsuke says simply. Atsumi groans aloud, face planting. 
“What if she hates me now Samu?” 
“I was just trying to help.”
“Do you think I really am mean?”
“Do I deserve redemption?” 
Osamu’s eye twitches at the tenth whine and nearly decks his brother in the face when they arrive home. 
When you open the door to yours, you look miserable. 
“Are you okay?” Your mother asks, and you let out an exhausted breath. 
“Yeah.” Slipping your shoes off, you leave the rest of your lunch on the table and rush to go upstairs. Your mother is frowning once she opens the bento, finding the food only half eaten. It was just like before when there was no project, no bullies, and no boy. 
Cuddling your blankets you turn on the TV to watch whatever. You remain like that for a few minutes before a gentle buzz vibrates the bed. Pulling it to your sight, you see 
Miya Atsumu: “Can we talk?” 
You huff and throw the phone away from you. What did he possibly have to talk about to have the nerve to text you? 
The worst part is you didn’t even hate him for it, and you despised that you didn’t.
Maybe if you were a vengeful person, you’d be at peace now. You should just be happy that Kiyoko and the others are getting a taste of their own medicine. But you aren't. You’re not happy, it doesn’t make you proud, It makes you sad.
Frankly, you just want nothing happening at all. You’re okay with a boring life, no one speaking to you, no one being bullied, eating lunch, going to practice, coming home, eating dinner, and going to sleep. That’s it, that’s all you needed and you’d be happy.
But would you though? 
All you can think about is the warm sputter of butterflies in your stomach when he brushed up against your leg at that desk last Friday. The way he so genuinely smiled and how it made your heart bloom. He’s so different when it’s with you alone, so how could he be so cruel? 
At dinner time, you’re quiet and your parents send a few glimpses to another. There is a dull ache in your chest as you eat, and you can’t help but remember how your mom giggled when Atsumu was at the table. It’s a direct comparison to the painful silence right now. Your dad is reading the paper, your mom is awkwardly eating, and you’re pressing your hand against your cheek while shoving small forceful bits of food into your mouth. 
“So..” your dad starts and you’re already dreading this. 
“Anything new happening lately?” Your mom gives him a certain look as if saying are you sure you want to go into that? 
“How was the project?” 
You shrug. “It was fine.” 
“You’re no longer talking to that boy?” Your dad hesitantly asks. Your mom clears her throat when you go silent. 
Your tone is frustrated and drawn out as you battle with your patience. “It was just a project Dad. We did our work and now it’s done, it’s been done since Tuesday.”
He slowly nods and looks at your mom again. 
“Well..” she starts and you don’t know where it’s going but you give her a fed-up look. “Do you like him?” 
You go silent again and you’re no longer eating, just playing with your food. There's a mixture of both disgust and affirmation to that question.
They share a look. “Okay.”
You sigh when it still keeps going.
“If you do… maybe you should talk to him.” 
They don’t know the full story. All they know is a man you might like gets assigned to be your partner and sparks fly. They don’t know your mixed emotions.
They don’t know how he made you cry twice. The first from him practically calling you a loser and laughing in your face. The second, him seeing the embarrassing display of being bullied by his own fangirls, and worse, saving you from it. They don’t know the evil side of him when he is returning the favor to them right after.
“Yeah.. I guess.” You take a small unenthused bite of food, then stand, signaling that you’re done talking. 
A buzz vibrates your phone, and you’re washing the dishes, ignoring the sound. You know who it is. 
“Is that Atsumu?” Your mother chirps in, also just happening to know. It rumbles again and you sigh. 
You want to say it was another friend or Lucy, but that would be a fat lie. No one texts you, you have no friends. Lucy didn’t even have your number, she was just a nice teammate. Your parents have been trying not to pester you about it, but now and then they would imply something along the lines of getting together or inviting a certain someone for dinner. 
They didn’t know what was happening, they had zero rights. 
Your curiosity gets the better of you. Subconsciously you pull it to your view and you see 2 notifications belonging to the name of Miya Atsumu. 
Miya Atsumu: “Can I just explain?” 
Miya Atsumu: “Please?” 
Why did he want to talk to you so badly? You just can't understand it. Did he care about you or something? No. That’s out of the question. 
For the first time you’re instinctively typing an angry response, forgetting that he can see the bubbles on his end. Crap. You delete it quickly and your heart stammers when you see an immediate text forming from him. A minute passes of nothing and you exhale a breath of relief, maybe he didn’t see and was caught up in his own text. Or he respected your lack of answer, which you doubted, but you’re glad you don’t see another. 
Why did you still have his number in your phone anyway? The project was over, he isn't going to keep talking to you after he's bored. Just because he hasn’t been mean to you for those few days during the project didn't mean he suddenly changed.
A sting in your heart rejects that notion, remembering again the feeling of your heart when you both share a laugh and work beside each other. Whenever his eyes would twinkle at you so sweetly like he actually cared. 
You should hate his stupid smug face, the way it looks at you, the way his eyes glimmer. You should hate him, and Kiyoko, and Angie, and Osamu, and.. and.. ugh. You’re practically scrubbing a plate down to the bone before your mother plucks it out of your hand. 
“I think it’s clean now.” You’re groaning, jaw clenched so tightly you’re sure you’re going to snap something. 
“Why don’t you just go upstairs, for now, I’ll finish the rest.” She says, grabbing the sponge out of your hands. 
You breathe what feels like steam. “Fine.” 
Over the next few days Atsumu is still desperately trying to get your attention. Practically doing anything in his power to make sure the stars align to speak to you. But you’re quicker. 
Whenever you see that yellow hair you make sure to run far, bolting at the slightest resemblance. You never even manage to get to your locker before he’s in the hallway, so you’re forced to carry obnoxious books while you sprint off. Besides, even if the fangirls were told off, you’re sure they would do something once they see you speaking with him again. And it's not like you’d tell him either if something did. They can easily threaten you, and force you to meet up outside of school so you can get thrashed around.
Today he’s nowhere in sight and you’re finally releasing the pounds of weight off your arms. 
“Hey.” A familiar stern voice shakes you to your core, and you slowly stand around to get a view of the person.
Osamu, thank god. 
“Hi..?” You awkwardly press your back against the locker, staring at the calm features that replicate Atsumu. He looked much different, and his features are more relaxed.
“You’re (Y/n) right?” He asks.
You’d think he'd remember that after the time his brother made you run off with tears. 
“Yeah..” you trail off, unable to meet his eye while you grip the strap of your bag tightly.
“Hm.” He pauses randomly, studying you, and you’re shuffling your legs nervously. 
Finally, he speaks. “Do me a favor, tell Sumu off so he can finally stop bothering me.” You furrow confusedly. 
“He won’t shut up about you, I’ve been hearing it for weeks now," he groans. You’re eyes widen. You can't believe him, but he looks terribly annoyed just thinking about it that it makes it seem truthful. 
“What? Weeks?” That didn’t make sense. 
“Or get together already, I don’t care.” He sighs tiredly, like fed up with the world. 
You huff, “All he cares about is bullying,” under your breath. 
He shrugs, “He can't pull that off, he's too focused on whining like a baby trying to get your attention.”  
If Atsumu was here, surely he’d be arguing with his brother, exclaiming, “That’s not true!” But you’re ogling at the imaginary scene, unable to even picture that. 
You awkwardly say an "okay.." mainly to end the conversation.
He lets out a sigh, the only thing his mind can go to as he walks off is food. “I’m hungry.” 
He’s gone before you could even respond, and you’re standing there, completely dazed. What even just happened?
It’s cold outside, it's the weekend luckily, and you’re bumping your volleyball at home to the wall, practicing your receives. No texts were received today which was nice. You knew he’d get bored. He’s fed up and the chain of command continues. You're free while others take your stead.
Guilt aches in your chest from that thought. 
“Dinners almost ready (Y/n)!” Your mom calls out, and you pant into the wispy air. Setting the volleyball down, you take off your outside shoes and slide the door behind you. It’s warm, and your dry hands clasp together, receiving the heat. Your moms about to serve the food, and you stand at the bottom of the stairs. 
“I’m going to get my gloves for outside.” 
She nods and you rush up. Where were they? You haven’t used them since last winter. You search in your closet, crouching to see if you can find the labeled bin. Hands digging deep into the space, you’re so concentrated on trying to find the mitts that you don’t even hear the knocking on the door. 
You do hear small mutterings of your mother down the stairs, but can’t make it out too well. You shrug, assuming she was just talking to your father anyway. 
“Oh my- yes yes, of course, come in. You must be freezing, poor dear.” 
Ah! There they are! Stuffed in between your summer shorts and sandals. Guess you must’ve disorganized them along the way. 
“Got them!” You walk downstairs with your head down, holding the mitts in your hand. You turn to set them on the table and cease the movement, eyes widened in shock. Your heart nearly leaps to your tight throat, and your stomach is anxiously swarming.
“What’s he doing here?” You look to your mom who just allowed your worst nightmare to come in. He’s panting, looking at you with determined eyes, his brows furrowed and his expression serious. 
“Don’t be rude (Y/n). He came to see you. You don’t expect me to leave him out there in the cold do you?” She waves you off and walks to the kitchen to leave you two peering at another. You’re about to turn away to run back up the stairs, and he shouts out, “Wait!” You stop in your tracks, pursing your lips, eyes shut. 
“Can we just talk.. please?” Your fingers are holding onto the railing, your right foot at the first step. Don’t look, don’t listen, just leave. 
You turn around to face him, and his eyes widen a little. You turn to your mother who is making herself busy, and you gesture your head up the stairs. Were you really going to do this again? Why? Why are you doing this? Why aren’t you sending him out, shoving him away, and saying leave me alone?
He nods quickly and follows. Once the door closes you whip around to him, crossing your arms firmly. “Why are you here?” 
You’re taken aback at his exhaustion, he’s panting, and his blonde hair is a little disheveled. He’s a mess, and you’re confused, he’s always so well put together with that plastered smirk that said “I’m better at everyone at everything, and I know it.” 
You bite your lip, some guilt settling in your chest as you wait for him to catch his breath. 
Eventually, he brushes his hair to the side, breathing deeply and fixating calmly on you. “Listen, I know you don’t want to talk to me. I know you don’t like me.. for good reasons.” You remain quiet, nodding to his words. He thinks a second before speaking again. 
"But I didn't hurt Kiyoko or anyone else." You squint your eyes and he stumbles over his words. "Maybe I indirectly started it after I called her some mean things, but I wasn't the one who did that, like they did to you." You're humming as you think. You aren't sure if that pleases you.
He suddenly gestures low for a bow and you flinch a little at the fast movement. “I’m sorry for being a jerk. I'll do better, i'll make it up to you I promise.” You’re shocked at this change of heart and he continues, sputtering a little.
“I hope you can forgive me, it doesn’t have to be now.. just someday.. and I'll do whatever it takes to regain your trust, and if you still decide that I am not worthy of it in the end.. " He pauses. "That’s okay.. I’ll understand.” 
You don’t even know what to say, but those are the last words you expected. He really felt.. sorry? Was that even possible? No that wasn’t right, this must be a ploy. Frankly, you don't get why he wants your trust so badly in the first place, but you’re kind of flattered. 
Though.. Atsumu wouldn't lie would he? He’s hardly the type to even feel guilty over tears, he’d never stoop so low to beg for forgiveness if he didn’t want to. He is a jerk and he even admitted that, but he can’t be serious, can he?  
Standing straight again, his serious expression alone proves you as wrong as can be, and he’s desperately scanning your expression, looking for any possible emotion. You quietly turn your head to the side, mind still mulling over the current scene.
When he recognizes the absence of words, he bows again, this time politely. “That’s.. all I wanted to say, I will leave now.” He turns his back to you, signaling his movement. The door opens and he’s about to step out, and you have a voice that’s screaming at you to stop him before it’s too late. 
He stops and looks at you expectantly, and you inhale deep. You shouldn’t be saying this, but you are. 
“Apologize to Kiyoko too.” He grimaces like you just uttered the most foul words in existence. 
He breaks out with a, “Huh?” 
“Apologize to her, and the other girls.” 
Again, he repeats even louder. “What?” 
You press your hands against your waist, frustrated he isn't understanding. 
“No, I heard you.” He presses a hand to his forehead and sighs.
"Why?" He asks, and you breathe deep.
"Because.. even if they started it.. I know how it feels, and I never want anyone to go through that."
It wasn’t exactly what he expected when he said he’d do anything for your trust, but he'd still do it for your sake. Although he might not agree with the choice, he can understand the need to have peace in your mind.
“Promise.” Your tone is firm and you’re pointing at him with your pinky. “Promise you’ll do it and be nice." You don’t even know why you expect him to agree and follow through, but you oddly trusted him.
The idea of apologizing to those girls of all people makes him grumble under his breath. He presses his pinky into yours and locks it, his voice filled with reluctance, “Yeah, I promise.” 
“Good.” You nod, and when it gets silent again you clear your throat. "So.. do you want to stay for dinner?"
He gently laughs and shoves back the idea of what he'd have to do later.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” He smiles genuinely and you nod.
Dinner is only awkward for a few seconds until your mother begins speaking to Atsumu. They laugh amongst each other and a small tug pries your lips.
The conversation stops as the front door opens and closes. Your father walks in and your mother claps her hands in excitement. He makes eye contact with Atsumu and they greet one another very politely. You’re suddenly anxious as your dad takes a seat beside you. He has a firm expression and presence, but it eases into pleasantness as holds his hand out to Atsumu.
“Atsumu right? I heard a lot about you, nice to meet you.” Atsumu shakes his hand and glimpses your way.
“Heard a lot about me?”
You know what he’s thinking and you turn a small shade of pink, glaring at your mom whose stifling a laugh. Your dad joins in the laughter, even Atsumu, and you’re beet red. You aren’t the one always talking about him.  
“We’re just teasing (Y/n).” Your mom waves and you huff, forcing more food into your mouth. 
“So tell me Atsumu, what’s your favorite food?” Your mom asks for no particular reason and you cough. 
“Anything you make for (Y/n) is enough to keep me happy.” He responds pleasantly and your mom presses a hand to her chest. 
“What a charmer.”
You're planning on rolling your eyes when you look at him. But you're surprised the way he seems so genuine. Most cases he is confident and smug, but the way he grins so happily right now shows you that you're wrong.
You avert from the scene and you can see him gazing at you longingly in your peripheral. Your cheeks dust pink.
The room gradually cascades with laughter, and your stomach flutters whenever he makes your parents laugh. 
When it’s time for him to go, he politely thanks them for the meal and says his farewell. They let you walk him out. He steps outside and you’re fidgeting a little with your fingers. “Um so.. I’ll see you..” 
He beams and rotates. “Yeah. Cya (Y/n)”  
“Don’t forget the promise!!” You call out and even if it makes him sigh, he answers “I won’t.” 
You close the door, walk to your room, and lay in the bed. Gazing at the ceiling you think of the scene that just transpired. Shoving your face into the pillow, a loud squeal escapes, and your legs dangle like a schoolgirl. 
You did it. You actually fell for the jerk Miya Atsumu. 
When it's Monday, you're nervous yet excited to finally get the peace you so crave and to prove to your heart that he is a good person.
He's dreading when he glances to Kiyoko. She’s visibly scared in her seat as he approaches her. "Hey." He starts, a little too aggressively right off the bat. You clear your throat, signaling him to be aware.
Exhaling a sigh, he presses his hand behind his neck. "Come on, you guys too." They all stand and jitter nervously, and you tail behind them.
They look like kicked puppies, and in a way it almost makes you feel pitiful.
He walks to the same terrible corridor you had frequented for those dreadful days. You remember the way they would dump food on you and kick you, yet even if it slightly hurt to witness what you're forcing him to do when.. you know it'll be worth it in the end. Finally he stops, and you do the same. Atsumu shuffles uncomfortably, like unsure he was going to get this far. They look freaked out and tense as planks while waiting.
He grits his teeth and sucks in every little bit of pride he has. "I'm sorry." Everyone blanks at the tone. It was a bit forced, but you suppose it had to do.
They're confused, unsure if this was some trick before you appear at his side and elbow him lightly. He's peering at you with a look that says “I have to say more?"
Grumbling and huffing, he continues, “sorry for treating you the way I did. I won’t do it again.” The apology comes out so eerily even they cringe. That was harder to force out than anything he’s said in his life, and that said a lot.
His eyes zone in on Kyoko mainly. She's bewildered and you wriggle awkwardly. The tension is worse than when you were forced to work with him on the project the first day. It's quiet and you touch his arm, forcing him to look at you with a certain gaze. You signal for him to leave them alone.
"Lets go."
He exhales a sigh, and his hand presses against your shoulder. Even in this weird scene you're blushing at the action. The girls are staring at you like deers in headlights, their mouths agape, slack jawed and stuck. The struggle to not send them a threat shooting down their spines had him walking away a lot faster than you would've thought and he's gone before you know it.
You awkwardly walk pass the group whose heads follow you like dolls. "Atsumu!" You call out, sprinting and panting down the halls.
He's grumbling to himself, speaking nonsensically and because of the height difference, his steps are like twice of yours. "Wait up!" He finally pauses, and turns to you surprised when he sees you holding your hands to your knees, exhausted.
He wants to be annoyed at you, but its hard to frankly, and when you're done heaving, you press your hand to him. He twitches a little and you look to him with wide twinkling orbs. "Thank you for doing that."
He blinks at you and pulls back nervously, a stammer in his chest. "Y-Yea.. no problem."
Suddenly every bit of him is glad it worked out this way.
As the days pass, you've been gradually getting more comfortable with him. You've been exchanging bentos, teasing another, sharing advice about volleyball(mainly on his side), and walking each other to practice. And Kiyoko wasn't sending you glares that much anymore which was nice.
You’re packing up your things as slowly as usual, and Sumu is stretching, complaining. “We’re gonna be late for practicee (Y/n).”
 “Then goo.” 
Atsumu huffs, stuffing his hands in his pockets. You catch a side glance of Kiyoko who is still in class, feigning patience as she anxiously looks towards you and back. It could just be your imagination, but it looks like she might want to say something.
You angle your head toward her subtlety and he understands, fixating on the sight. She jolts at just the glimpse and is finding things to touch and direct her attention to. He gives you an annoyed look and you shoo him away.
If it wasn’t for appeasing you on this promise, he probably would be giving her hell right now you're sure. You pat him on the shoulder, practically begging with your eyes, and he nearly rolls his. Exhaling in defeat he points to the door.
“I’ll be outside.”
It’s a weird tension when he’s gone. You should've been timid and scared but you're not. Perhaps it’s because of Mr. fussy outside, or maybe because you just feel better about the situation and you're ready to hear what she has to say.
She walks to you very slowly and keeps her lips separated as she thinks. “So… um..” 
“I did a lot of bad things to you..” She’s biting her lip and she speaks vaguely, either too ashamed or hesitant to confront you. You purse your lips when it gets silent, beginning to writhe at the heaviness.
“Your mom’s cooking really wasn’t that bad, I just.. wanted to be mean.. among other things..” She trails her words like there's more. Her voice gets real low, but you hear it, and she says "Sorry.."
It's a small pause before she continues, “I’d.. um.. probably be getting the same treatment.. if.. um..” she’s clearly struggling to elaborate, for fear perhaps it’d be too pitiful or embarrassing.
Her voice gets lower and she’s fixated on the corner of the room. 
“I appreciate it.. Thanks..” 
You awkwardly respond with a nod.
She mimics that motion, then grabs her things and timidly sprints off. Surely she met Atsumu on the way out, and hopefully, nothing is said between the two. A small contempt smile is on your face. You're happy.
Before you can even finish walking out the door hands instantly meet your shoulders. You’re abruptly whirled around to meet Atsumu who is filled with concern. 
“Did she do anything?” His hands touch your chin, moving it directly yet gently to the left, then to the right, up, and down. He's carefully examining the way your strands are positioned to see if it differed from when he left, if there's a crinkle in your clothes, if your skin is touched, anything he could possibly notice. 
You playfully slap his fingers away. “I’m fine Sumu, nothing happened. We just talked.” 
His eyes raise, and he doesn't look like he believes you. “You just talked?” You nod shyly.  
“About what?” He’s trying to hide the small irritation in his voice but you can tell it’s just slightly there. You supposed it was reasonable though. 
You want to tell him, but for the sake of her privacy (and pride mainly) you say “… Girl things.” 
He still doesn’t seem to believe you but he hums anyway. “Nothin' bad?” You hold your pinky out to him. 
You two would then stroll to the gymnasiums, and Lucy would greet the both of you before you'd separate and begin conversing. Then when practice would finish you found that you had been bolting out the door much faster than anyone and shouting, “Bye! See you tomorrow!” 
You'd rush to meet with the twins who usually were just beginning to walk out. Atsumu would grin at you, and you’d blush as you talk to him, pushing stray hair behind your ear. He walked you home like usual, sometimes even greeting your mother who will try to (always) invite him to dinner.
He might make some excuse and say he’s busy, or.. secretly your favorite, when he decides to stay and sometimes even hang out with you in your room to do homework together. But nothing else came of it, just homework. You enjoyed the time together when he and you would sit very close, quietly writing, reveling in the peace. 
Luckily today was one of those days. 
Atsumu likes concentration, he is oddly very silent and focused when he works. The only time he would get a little annoyed is when there were unnecessary sounds, like pens clicking too much or chatter. You understood that, so it’s easy for you two to work together.
Yet even when you two are starting at the same time, he manages to do it very quickly once he gets himself in the moment. This skill he had made it so that he was always done first, and from there he would typically head off since it’d always be like 8 or so. That always made your heart drop a little. 
This time though, he sits on your bed and yawns. You blink at him confused, and he gestures you over. “Let’s watch a movie.” Your heart thumps at the idea, but you remember there's still work sitting on your desk. 
“I still have a bit more to do..”  
“It’s Friday, I’m confident you can get it done before Monday.” He teases and you avert your attention to the worksheets left. It wasn’t that much, that’s true. You could just do it tomorrow. 
He’s a bit more gentle with his tone when he speaks. “I’ll make it up to you if you don’t get it done, promise.” 
You sit near him but not too near. You're unsure if he wants you close in this case. You never actually sat next to him without being in chairs. It was kind of strange.
Your stomach is blooming with nervous butterflies again, and your heart is racing at the idea of just being on the bed with him. Atsumu grabs the remote and pulls you out of your daze. 
“Any picks?” 
“Um... maybe a comedy?” He’s a little taken aback by that choice but then shrugs, a casual smirk returning. 
“Comedy it is.” 
He picks a random movie, and settles into his spot comfortably. On the other hand, you’re tense in yours, and perhaps a foot or so away from him.
“What are you so nervous lookin' about?" Sumu nudges.
“You’re not gonna bite me?” You joke, and he laughs, easing your anxiety quickly. You make an excuse to shuffle a little closer to him as you move into “comfort” as well. 
“Unless you want me to. No," he says jokingly. You quiet, a blush forming. Just like how you sit beside another in the chairs, your knee is nearly touching his, but without a sort of barrier.. this feels almost closer. 
The movie starts and you side-eye him, watching as his attention is on the TV. You look away and attempt to mimic. He does the same once you focus ahead, examining you for more than a few before averting. The movie is quick to make you both snicker in your seats. Still, for almost half an hour, you’re struggling to pay attention, you’re just so focused on how he feels next to you. Safe and.. warm. 
He leans in a little closer. You fail to notice and yawn. He blinks down at you, moving back. “Tired?” 
You mumble “A little bit.” 
“Want me to pause it for now?” He waits for your answer and your lips purse. If you say yes he might leave, you can’t waste this moment on tiredness. He’s right, it’s Saturday tomorrow, you can relax all you want then. 
“(Y/n).” He calls and you’re still lost in thought. 
Suddenly his fingers gently turn your chin, and when you blink back to reality, he’s very close to you. He’s so pretty too.
After a second or two you instantly pull back. “Oh, sorry, yes… you can do that.” He nods and pauses it. For some reason, his expression is a little defeated, but you're not sure why. He stands up and you know where this is going.
“It’s getting late, so.. time for me to go home.” He fakes a stretch and you nod. 
“I’ll walk you out.” 
Before he leaves you call out to him. “Hey..”
“Let’s finish that movie okay?” 
He smiles at that. 
Over the next few weeks, the same still repeated. You hung out a little more, but it was nothing too different, just small closeness and intimate lunch moments for 30 minutes. Though lately you find yourself confused and saddened when he refuses to come in. He’s politely said no to your mother nearly all of the time now. 
“Does he like me, Mom? What do you think? Why won’t he come in?” You anxiously groan, pressing your hands to your face at the 20th imaginary scenario that plays. 
“I’m sure he does sweetie, I just think he needs some time to think about it.” She’s washing the dishes while you groan. 
“Think about if he likes me? If he has to think about it, doesn’t that mean he doesn’t?” 
“No, that doesn’t mean that.” 
“Then what does it mean?” 
She sighs a little. 
Before you were always quiet about the details, embarrassed even, but now you are so frustrated and scared you just won’t stop talking. 
Did you do something wrong? No, you still ate lunch together most of the day. He still walked with you after volleyball, (even if occasionally he’s been making more excuses). So what was it? 
Atsumu was more than a little disappointed after that day at your house. He finally made a move, and you were not the slightest bit interested. After all that time together he thought maybe you’d reciprocate, at least a tiny bit. You might’ve still thought of him as a bully which was a sucky thought, even if fair. 
He loses focus in practice today, setting a little too high, a little too low, serving into the net, and sometimes missing completely. That was completely new for him, and he had to say, it blew more than he thought. 
“Hey,” Osamu points at him. "You set way too high there this time. One more mess up and you owe me."
Atsumu groans loudly.
“Why are you so mopey lately?” Michinari asks.
“He thinks he blew it with his crush,” Osamu answers and his twin nearly kicks him in his side. Shinsuke walks behind them, and the aura alone is enough to make them stop fighting. 
Hitoshi gasps as if Atsumu being in love is so uncharacteristic. “You have a crush?!” 
Rintaro rolls his eyes. “Just talk to her.” 
Aran pats the setter’s shoulder. “Just proclaim your love man, it’s a whole lot better than overthinking.” 
“What’s the worst that could happen?” Shinsuke asks, completely oblivious. “If she doesn’t like you, then it just means you can move on and not have to worry about it anymore.” Although painfully realistic, it strikes something in Atsumu.
His expression shifts and he nods firmly. If you declare you don’t like him, then the ache in his chest will move on and he won’t have to deal with this anxiety anymore. 
This was it then, this was going to be the day he asked you. 
Practice runs a little later than usual and he makes sure to run out as fast as possible to see you walking kind of mopey. “Hey, (Y/n)!” Atsumu calls to you, making you rotate. 
Your eyes instantly lighten, and you grin. “Sumu!” 
He returns the smile. “Practice good?” He asks. 
“It was good! It was good. I’d say I can teach you some things now.” You lightly jab, poking him.
He scoffs, “Once you finally receive my serve, I’ll think about it.”
His hand mockingly pats your head to measure the height difference, and you pout, face a little pink. The rest of the walk is filled with both of you play-fighting with each other and teasing until you reach your house. 
You’re silent, shuffling as to delay the inevitable.
“So.. do you want to come in..?” You ask, a hopeful trail at the end of your word. You’re sure he’s going to say no. 
“Yup, I can do that today.” 
“That’s o- wait-“ you gasp, “really?!” 
He smiles, enamored at your excitement. 
“I’m free all night.” 
Butterflies are shooting, and you’re secretly hopping as you open the door.
“Welcome ho- oh! Atsumu! It’s been so long, how are you?” Your mother greets. 
“Evening miss (L/n), just been busy is all.” Atsumu is politely smiling and you dazzle.  
“It happens. Dinner isn’t ready, so you guys can do your work and I’ll call you after.”  
You nod, and he does the same before you bolt off to your room. 
His heart is probably stammering faster than yours now.
“Want to finish that movie?” You ask gleefully. 
He chuckles and answers, "really? No workin' today?"
Seeing it as a rejection, you can’t help but slump in defeat, instantaneously frowning. The scene breaks his heart a little and he rushes to respond with better words before you cut him off.
“No- we can, I just thought- maybe- well.. yeah- never mind. After though?” You’re staring at him with big eyes, and he is smiling sweetly again.
“Unless you have to go after, which is fine, that’s okay.” He shuts you up by placing his hand on your arm, and you blink up at him through your lashes so prettily it makes him hold his breath. 
“Yes, that’s fine.” 
Quickly nodding, you impatiently sit down at your desk and gesture for him to do the same. 
“Listen (Y/n)..” Atsumu has a tone in his voice that sounds serious, maybe scared, and you turn, pursing your lips. A sudden nervousness washes over you. 
When he sees your sad expression he zips his lips. “Nothing, never mind.” 
“Okay..” you say, unconvinced. He takes a seat next to you, and a blush dusts your cheeks. You really miss this.
Eventually, it becomes comfortable again, and you're pointing to your phrases and looking to him for advice. Truthfully it was sort of an excuse to keep talking to him before he might leave in a few. "Is this good?" You ask.
"Yup." He'd say, and then purposely you'll talk about grammar or other subjects to get him going. But today he wasn't really responsive, he looked tense and felt strange. He was fidgeting, which is never much his thing, and half the time he wasn't working. When you turn to him, his eyes are always lost in thought, contemplating blankly while his pen is unmoving.
You'd occasionally ask, "Are.. you okay Sumu..?"
"Hm? Oh, yea, I'm good." He'd shake himself out of the strange fixation and get back to work like nothing happened.
Your heart falls a little. Maybe he just doesn't want to hang out with you.
"Um.. listen.. (Y/n)." He finally turns to you after a long hour of silence. His tone is more serious again, and you're terrified he's going to say what you hope to not be true. You wait for him to talk, but your patience is thinning as he opens his mouth, closes it, opens, and closes, and you spit out, "Do you want to leave?"
"Wha- no no, it's um.." He clears his throat and he presses his hands together.
"I.. like you (Y/n)."
It takes a second or two before the words sink in, and you're frozen. What?
As in platonic right? Or..
He’s desperately searching for your reaction, waiting to see either reciprocation or disgust. Your mind is rushing for what to think but it's empty. His stomach starts to drop when he doesn’t receive a reply, and he assumes that means denial. His body sinks and the disappointment is clear in his face. 
The silence is disturbed by a shaky inhale. You ask, “What… do you mean?”
Atsumu opens his mouth to speak but keeps it slightly agape, his gaze glued to you. 
“Like.. love, (Y/n). I love you.” 
He's aching to see any clear expression again and your eyes widen in surprise. You feel weightless, there's an explosion in your head and you're unable to think.
"I.." he's holding his breath as you sputter nervously.
"I um.." he's nodding, biting his lower lip and waiting impatiently.
"I.. love you too.."
He's now mimicking your past emotions, and it goes quiet.
You start, "So.. does that mean..um.." you're mumbling now, too anxious to finish the question.
"You'll be my girlfriend?" He asks, and you twinkle up at him. His eyes look so vibrant even in the dim lighting, and his hair falls a little at his face. You move to shyly brush it back, pushing closer to him.
He takes this as a move, and suddenly his lips are pressed into yours. You're frozen for a moment but ease into it quickly. It's like fireworks went off in your brain, and you answer a breathless "Yes," as he pulls away.
“I’m glad..” Atsumu finally lets out a small laugh, and you share in it, your face a fuming pink.
"Do you.. want to finish that movie now?" You shyly ask, and he nods, grinning.
Your bodies are huddled close to each other, his arm wrapped around you. You're leaning into the warmth as the light from the TV flickers. A lingering smile is shared and you turn to him. Your eyes meet and you're already instinctively moving. A kiss is shared again, this time longer and deeper. Your breath hitches when it ends, but you're smiling, and so is he. Hearts softly thumping against one another.
This is finally the peace you wanted.
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kakashiislut · 10 months
Who is it?~ GhostFace
Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7
“HEY!! You brought the stuff right?!”
You nod your head at Tatum, opening up your backpack as you’re walking towards the fountain.
You pull out a large container of fruit. Slices of watermelon, honey dew, strawberries, black berries, raspberries and some blue berries.
“NICEEEE!!!” Stu exclaims, hands already out for the container. You sit down in between Sid and Stu and pick at the green grapes they bought.
“Please, eat it all, I have so much more” you smile sweetly, Billy reaches across of you to grab a piece of melon.
“How do you gut someone?” Syd mumbles, voice icy.
“You take a knife and you slit them from groin to sternum…” Stu sounds like he’s done this before, but you simply stare.
“Hey, it’s called tact, you fuck rag.” Billy speaks sternly.
You only moved to Woodsboro, California 3 weeks ago…over a past incident…but you could tell something was up. You noticed it every day. Every time that you’re around them, Billy and Stu always looked at each other weird. Almost like they had something to hide, almost like they were doing something. If stu would act out, Billy would stare at him until he’d shut up. They always exchanged looks like they knew something we didn’t.
And Billy? Billy always stared like he despised everyone in the group. Even syd. His own girlfriend. You tried to brush it off, maybe he’s stressed? Maybe it’s his resting bitch face? Every time he’d stop smiling, it’s almost like he was deep in thought. Maybe that’s what it was. Just a resting face.
It didn’t matter anyways, someone was dead and that’s what was causing an outrage at school. You cut back into the conversation, something about Stu killing Casey.
“You killed Casey?” You mumbled, eyes flicking towards Stu then at Randy. “Stu was with me last night, okay?” Tatum confirms, “ya I wasss…” stu grins like a horny dog.
“Was that before or after he sliced and diced!” Randy impersonates a lisp, causing you chuckle a tiny bit.
“Fuck rag,” you say, causing Randy to frown, but you cut in again, “what’s a fuck rag?” You lean over to eye Billy.
“Fuck rag? Like a rag a man cum’s in when he’s done jerking off, or like a rag he uses to wipe up cum and sweat, I guess” Billy shrugs his shoulders.
You just stare at him for a bit. You turn to look at Stu and point at him “are you made out of cum, Stu?” You question. “HELL YA I AM!” He screeches, picking up a grape and tossing it in his mouth.
“Oh my god, stupidity leek!” Tatum groans, smacking her boyfriend in the chest.
Stupidity leek? What’s so stupid about Stu? He’s tall…large, clean, funny and so so so handsome. It’s something you can’t get over, it’s something you’d die for….no maybe..kill for? Stu was easily the man of your dreams and yet here he is, dating some stuck up cheerleader who doesn’t even know how to handle all that.
Everything that comes out of her mouth is selfish and syd only says backhanded shit. Are they both even thinking at times? Fuck no.
What the fuck is wrong with them. They’re basically asking to be bullied. Tatum’s pretty, but that’s all she got going for her. That SNOTTY LITTLE BITCH-
You gasp, turning to look at syd, before looking at her hand. You pull your hand back. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t even notice I was squeezing your wrist, syd. I got lost in thought, I’m sorry” you squeal, rubbing at her red wrist.
“I-it’s okay! I was just worried, you got quiet and s-stuff!” She stutters a bit, she looks scared, so you pull away and pack the empty container in your bag. “I’m leaving early today, my last two classes have substitutes.” You toss your bag on your shoulder.
“You don’t love us?” Randy whines, causing Billy to do the same. “I didn’t even get to ask you what you did yesterday…”
“I did nothing. I stayed home.”
“For the three weeks I have known you, that’s been your answer everyday that I’ve asked you.” Randy groans, “I’ll figure it out, ya know! If you have a boy friend or not” Randy yells after you as you walk away. You simply wave before heading to your car.
Maybe he’ll call again?
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milkteaarttime · 2 months
First Meet (Pt.1)
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This is the first meeting of my OC Latte with the Ghosts. A big shout out and thanks to @blacktacmopsi for allowing me to reference the MRE fic she wrote! It's my first ever fic; please be kind to me and enjoy (^ V ^ )!!!
Hiking up the trail leading to the nearby makeshift military base was not how Latte expected to spend her weekends. Well, it's not like she had any expectations for the weekends. She's always called back to the hospital for work because of a lack of nurses after the ODIN event or because the unit is understaffed. Whenever she was promised a day off, her manager called her to get to the unit and help. So when the phone call came at 6 am, blasting her out of the peaceful sleep she was in. She was surprised that her manager tasked her not with coming into the unit to help but rather with a travel shift day. 
“Some special task force is coming to the base near us for a check-up. They said it was food poisoning related.” her manager said. 
“Isn’t it usually the RN or the nurse practitioner’s job to travel out of the hospital for checkups?” Latte asked a slight protest in her voice. 
She’d much rather stay in. Yesterday, she had a shit show of a shift, and her manager promised her she’d get today off. Although, her manager says that every time she's supposed to have a day off, only to call her anyway. So, unfortunately, Latte is used to her manager’s shenanigans by now. 
‘At least she's speaking nicer to me after I threatened to quit that one time,’ Latte thought, attempting to find the silver lining. 
“…We all did a lil’ vote and decided you should volunteer!” She said as if she was congratulating Latte for winning the lottery. “Since you’re so polite, we figured a little Canadian niceness would be better for these folks!” 
“Lauren… I don’t even have words right now.”
”Sorry, but there are only 2 RNs here today, and our nurse practitioner is sick. We can’t afford to send an RN out. Anyway, I sent you the details and the location of the base. Good luck!” 
Her manager then hung up faster than you can say, ‘Labour law violation.’ She let out a sigh before she began packing her essentials. “Stethoscope, portable pulse monitor, manual blood pressure cuff, a temporal thermometer scanner, penlight, notepad, and pen…So much for letting me have the day off, huh?” She grumbled as she listed each item being shoved in her sling bag. She looked at her comfortable room before sadly walking out, locking the door behind her.
“I think I'm almost there…” Latte mutters, looking up from her GPS and taking in her surroundings. The forest around her is a gorgeous green, dewdrops glistening in the beautiful early morning light. The lush vegetation and the crunch of gravel under her boots are a refreshing change from the narrow hallways and nose-stinging disinfectant-scented floors of the hospital unit. She was even able to see a chipmunk today. 
‘It has been a while since I could take a nice walk.’ Latte smiled, pulling down her surgical mask and inhaling the crisp morning air. A gentle breeze brushed against her face. ‘Maybe today won’t be so bad after all.’
She finally arrives at the temporary base after a rather pleasant 20-minute walk. She energetically greets the two soldiers standing guard at the entrance. Latte explains she was assigned to do nursing assessments for some soldiers here—something about a bad case of food poisoning. The guards exchange a glance, confusion and suspicion evident on their faces.
“Weren’t told anything of that sort. You don’t look like the usual nurse I’ve seen from the little hospital down the trail. Name?” The older-looking of the two soldiers chimes in sternly, narrowing his eyes at her. Taking aback by the sense of hostility from the soldiers, she quickly tried to explain,
”Uh…My name is Latte. I was sent here by—" She attempted to show them her ID and explain before being cut off. 
”Latte? Like the coffee? Look, Lady, If you are messing with us. It ain’t funny.” The soldiers begin eyeing her suspiciously. 
‘Jesus, they are not bullshiting about the security here!!’ Latte panics internally. She wasn’t sure what to do. The longer she stammers for an answer, the more suspicious the soldiers are of her. So far, any attempts at an explanation have been shut down. She wanted to say fuck it and go home, no call, no show, get fired, and maybe she won’t have to answer her inconsiderate manager’s calls, and won’t need to show up to the shitty unit the next day, and won’t need to work overtime without pay again and—
”Easy fellas, we asked for a nurse.” A different voice stuns her out of the little exhaustion-fueled spiral her mind was funnelling down. Her head whips at mach speed towards her saviour—no, saviours. She took in their appearance: an older man with short white hair followed by a man with no hair, but at least he's got a beard. The pair strolled up to where Latte was standing. The white-haired one gave her a reassuring smile before nodding to the soldiers guarding the gate,
“We called for the nurse. Some of our boys aren’t feeling too great. Sorry for the mix-up.” The soldiers guarding the gate backed off with a quick ‘yes commander,’ allowing the two men to lead Latte into the base. 
“Sorry, kid. Our men are just cautious. We can never be too careful with the feds still crawling around.” The older gentleman with white hair piped up after a little walking. The bald man behind Latte grunted in agreement. 
”Ah- Where are my manners? I’m Elias Walker, the commander of Task Force Stalkers.” Elias glanced towards Merrick. “And that's Merrick, my captain.” Merrick nods at Latte. 
"It's nice to meet you, commander and captain, um...my name is Latte, Latte Wong." She often feels a little embarrassed introducing herself. When her family first immigrated to Canada,  her mom saw the word 'Latte' on a quaint little local café's menu and decided it was cute enough for her two-year-old daughter. She wishes she received a regular English name like her little brother Viktor. He was lucky their mom didn't see his name on a café menu. Sometimes she wishes he received a dumbass name, too, so he could match her, like Americano or Muffin. She could go by her birth name, KaiXuan, but that would mean countless butchering of the pronunciation. Plus, as stupid as 'Latte' may sound, this name is given to her by her late parents, and she's reluctant to let go of it. 
“Latte? A special name you got there.” Elias chuckled, “That a nickname?” 
“No, commander. My parents didn’t speak English, and my mother thought it was cute?” she answered, nervousness creeping up her back as she tightened her grip on her bag strap. 
“You got family here?” Elias spoke up once more as they approached a building with a smaller gate. While Merrick went up to press the buzzer and verify their Identities, Elias looked at her, waiting for her answer. 
“It’s just me and my little brother after ODIN, commander.” She responded honestly. Elias nodded knowingly at her, sympathy and perhaps empathy in his gaze. Before anything else can be said, the gates open, allowing the men and her to enter the building. 
The two of them led her into a large meeting room of sorts, two of the three tables pushed near each other, making a larger table on the left side of the room, multiple giant screens mounted to the wall in front of the larger table, the last table on the other side of the room. The men sat around the larger table, some donning different yet similarly designed masks. Some notable men were one seated with a skull mask with his eyes closed, one in a white-streaked black mask, another with his mask on the table in front of him, a man with a buzzed head and an interesting facial hair style sitting next to a dark blond that looked similar to him. The one in the black mask and painted white streaks looked up from his computer at the sound of the door opening. 
“Ah Commander, and Merrick, welcome back.” He said, amused, “That didn’t take long.” The other men quieted their chatters and looked at their leaders, waiting for orders or explanations. Latte filed into the room after them, hiding behind Merrick’s stature. “It was a quick walk, Kick. We said we would be back soon.” Elias responds to Kick before turning to address the rest of the group.
“Boys, after the review we sent back to DOD, the heads decided that a health checkup must be completed to ensure that no one has lingering side effects from eating those MREs.” As Elias began, the faces of the men around the table contorted into disgust and pain at the mention of said MREs. Elias shot Merrick a glance, and Merrick moved to the side, revealing Latte’s short form. With the spotlight suddenly cast on her, she can't help but feel a little out of place under the gazes of these elite soldiers. But when her eyes scanned across the room and landed on a familiar-looking face, the buzzed head, mutton chop facial hair… She was stuck staring at him for a while as she jogged her memories to recall where she had seen him before. 
“The head sent us a nurse from nearby,” Merrick commented, then looked at Latte, expecting her to introduce herself. Realizing that the attention was directed at her again, she snapped out of the impromptu staring contest she accidentally held with mutton chops. 
“Uh…Good morning everyone…My name is Latte. I was instructed to come here at the last minute by my manager Lauren. I am from the hospital—The small one just by the base.” Latte stammered through her introduction, feeling ridiculous once more about her name and praying that no one was secretly thinking, ‘What dumbass name is Latte?’ Or smirking under their masks. “I understand that usually a more experienced nurse or a higher calibre nurse would be the one to do out-of-site visits, but something must have come up on the unit!… So, I was sent. My manager didn’t explain why, but I will do my best to assess you guys.” Latte attempted to hide the shakiness of her voice and smiled reassuringly at the men in front of her. 
“So…Uh...Let's get started! If it’s okay, I will set up a little questioning and assessment booth at that table on the far side of the room.” She looked at Elias, waiting for his approval. 
“Sure.” Elias agreed, and before he could offer his help, Latte sprung into action, grabbing two extra chairs, hauling them to the unused table, and beginning to set up. Elias looked back at the group, “So, who wants to go first?” 
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and-claudia · 1 year
His Heir pt. 37 (Darth Maul x pregnant! reader)
Warnings: angst
Word count: 2200
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gif not mine (look at his lil pouty lip)
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I sighed as I looked over the agenda for the day. It felt like everything had picked up since the gender announcement. Both mine and Maul’s days were jammed packed with meetings, going over data, and answering members of Crimson Dawn. It was tiring. Luckily though, Maul was making me go once either my work was done or when my day was supposed to be over so I didn’t overwork myself. On one hand that is great because I don’t have to pick any extra work or do overtime, but it also meant that I spent most evenings alone and went to bed alone most nights. 
“You ready for our briefing?” Qi’ra asked. 
I sighed mentally preparing myself to get up. Maul had said the baby’s growth will slow down soon, but I swear he had actually gone through a growth spurt. I was currently 26 weeks but I wasn’t too sure how big he was measuring at, but luckily we would get to find out tomorrow before we leave for Dasar’s wedding. 
“Do you need a hand?” Qi’ra asked, slightly teasing. 
“No, not yet.” I said with a laugh before getting up. 
We walked into Maul’s office and took our seats in front of his desk.
“Have you both looked over your own agendas for the day?” Maul asked. 
“Yes.” We both said with a nod. 
“Good. Be sure to stick to them strictly. That means when having meetings you make sure all parties are aware of the time frame and do not go over the allotted time,” we nodded along as he spoke, “Lady Yn, my only note for you today is to not skip lunch.” He said with a stern look. 
“I won’t and for the record, I didn’t do that yesterday. I ate while I worked.” I explained. 
“Not today. Give yourself the break. Understood?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“As for Lady Qi’ra…” 
His tone had me worried as I glanced over at her. 
“Dryden Vos. What can you tell me about his death?” Maul asked, sitting up a little bit straighter and crossing his arms over his chest as he gave her a pointed look. 
“What do you mean, Lord Maul?” 
I could tell she was scared. 
“Well, you were the only one currently working here that was present at the time of his death… you must know something. Right?” 
I watched Qi’ra as she took a deep breath, “His ship was attacked. He was killed by the attackers, along with almost everyone on board.” 
“And yet you managed to escape?” Maul asked, raising an eyebrow ridge. 
“Luckily, yes.” 
“Hm.” Maul said as he contemplated what she had just said, “Lady Qi’ra now that this is the story you’ve told me, it better be the one you stick to. Though if I find out you're discussing the matter again you won’t get the chance to speak of it ever again. Have I made myself clear?” 
“Yes, sir.” She said, voice shaking. 
“Oh and, I don’t want to hear of this Han Solo ever again.” Maul added. 
She nodded. 
“You’re dismissed, Lady Qi’ra. Lady Yn please stay for a moment.” Maul said. 
Qi’ra nodded and quickly stood and left the room. 
“Sorry I wasn’t there this morning, I wanted to get here early enough to get a head start on work.”
“It’s okay.” I brushed it off. 
“I’ll be home for dinner tonight though.” 
“I look forward to it.” I smiled, causing him to do the same, even just briefly before his com went off. 
“Meetings.” He said apologetically. 
“Don’t worry. I will see you later, love you.”
“I love you too, my dear.” 
I got up and left his office to go back to mine and Qi’ra’s office. For the time being, I had it to myself since Qi’ra had left for a meeting as well. 
One of the perks of being busy at work meant that time flew. So, right now I was collecting my things and getting ready to leave. I was going to ask if Qi’ra knew if Maul was in a meeting or not, but ever since this morning she’d been very quiet. 
When I made it to our quarters the first thing I did was change. Business wear was not baby bump friendly in terms of being comfortable to wear all day. After I changed I decided to spend some time reading while I waited for Maul to return. I went over to the large bookcase he had in the living area and began reading the titles on the spine. I absolutely loved that he still had real books. My eyes landed on one towards the end that piqued my interest. 
“Stories of the Nightbrothers and Nightsisters. How does that one sound, kih ik'aad? (little baby)” I asked as I grabbed it. 
I had recently taken up calling him that without really realizing it, but it seemed to be sticking for the time being. At least for me. 
I took the book over to the couch and got comfortable as I began reading one of the stories out loud to the baby. I finished that one and began a second, and then a third. Before I knew it, I had been reading for nearly an hour and a half… Maul should be home soon. After some thought, I decided to mark the page I had left off on by folding the top corner down before closing the book and setting it on the side table. Then I grabbed my datapad and began messaging the kitchens to bring us dinner. It would take at least half an hour for the food to get here so I had plenty of time to get the table set. In the meantime, I decided to double-check the plan for tomorrow. 
I had the housekeeping droids pack my luggage for me for the trip to Dasar’s wedding. Maul and I were set to leave tomorrow at 3:00 pm. We were going to leave at 10:00 am but a last-minute meeting forced us to push it back some. Once I was done checking, I set the table and waited for Maul. 
He should be here by now. 
I got a message from the kitchens telling me the food was being brought up. 
Any minute now. I messaged Maul telling him dinner would be here soon. Nothing. 
Foods here. 
I ended up waiting as long as I could before going ahead and eating. Alone. I took my time eating, hoping Maul would show up to join me. No such luck. Once I was finished I decided to shower, but before leaving the dining room I made sure Maul’s food was covered and placed in the warming drawer so in case he showed up while I was in the shower, he could eat. 
I stayed in the shower as long as I could, once again hoping that when I got out, got my soft robe wrapped around me, and walked out I would find him waiting for me. He wasn’t. I checked my datapad for any messages from him. Once again nothing. 
My last attempt to see him before I went to bed was staying up watching a holo. I made it halfway through before I could barely keep my eyes open. I had to get to bed. I sent Maul a message telling him that his dinner was in the kitchen, I was going to bed, and reminding him about my appointment tomorrow at 8. He didn’t have any meetings at that time for a reason. 
It took me a while to fall asleep but even then, I never heard Maul come home. 
The next morning I was woken up by Maul pressing a kiss to my forehead before he left. I didn’t have anything planned for today since we were supposed to leave earlier. So I laid in bed for another few minutes before finally getting up. Before I got ready I sent Maul a message asking him if he’d rather meet at the medical unit or come by here and walk with me there. I set down my datapad as I got ready. Once I was I grabbed it and saw no messages from Maul… he hadn’t even read the message. 
I sighed as I slipped my shoes on. He had never missed one yet. And sure I could reschedule it, but this was my last check-up before our trip. So I had to get it done now. 
When I got there I went through all the standard check-up stuff before we got to my favorite part, the ultrasound. 
"And there he is." The medical droid said. 
I looked over at the screen and couldn't help but smile. My son. 
"Would like copies of the scan?" The droid asked. 
"Yeah, just have them sent to my data pad. I'll share them Lord Maul later." 
"Very well. I must have a few questions before you leave, is that alright?" 
"Yeah." I nodded. 
"Okay. Question one, how are you feeling?" 
"Fine." I sighed. 
"Care to elaborate?" 
"Note really.” I suddenly didn’t really want to answer these questions because they were making me think about how Maul had seemingly forgotten about today. 
"Question two, have you been eating properly?" 
"Yup." I was being short with the droid. 
"Question three, have you been experiencing any discomfort?" 
"I'm carrying a human/zabrak hybrid, force-sensitive baby in my uterus, and despite only being 26 ½ weeks he’s had a growth spurt and is measuring 29, almost 30 weeks, so yes, I've been experiencing discomfort." I sassed. 
"How would you rate your discomfort, on a scale of 1-10." 
I let out a frustrated sigh, I was tired and missed Maul, "it's like a 5-6, very annoying but manageable. Are we almost done?" 
"Question four, have you been sleeping properly?" The droid ignored my question. 
"No." I said quietly. 
"Do you know what the cause is? If you're uncomfortable, try laying on your side. Many women at this stage in their pregnancy find it is more com-" 
"I'm not uncomfortable, just lonely. Maul's been super busy." I bit my lip, keeping the tears at bay, "I'm done. I'd like to leave now. Send me the scans." I sat up and pulled my shirt down. 
Before the droid could say anything I was gone. I went straight to Maul's office. He shouldn't have anyone right now. I opened the door and he didn't even bother to look up and see who it was.
"Don't you understand the concept of a closed door!? If the door is closed you do not enter. I do not have time for drop-ins right now. Go to Qi'ra and schedule a meeting. Now get out!" He said, not even glancing up to see it was just me. 
Suddenly all the sadness I felt melted away and was replaced with anger. 
"Didn't know I needed a meeting to speak to the father of the child I'm carrying." I snapped. 
He turned to face me eyes wide. 
"Yn, I'm sorry, I didn't kn-" he began, clearly upset that he yelled at me. 
"It's whatever." I cut him off, "Your heir is doing fine by the way. I'll send you the scans." I turned to leave and he used the force to shut the door before me. 
"Maul, open the door." I practically growled. 
I heard him sigh defeated and the door opened. 
"I'll see you tonight." He said gently. 
I scoffed, "I've heard that one before." 
"I will." 
"You better, we leave at 3:00." I said before leaving.
I made my way to where Qi'ra was working. 
"Yn, everything alright?" 
"Yes, do you have Maul's schedule?" 
"Send it to me." I said taking a seat at my desk. 
"Yes ma'am." She could tell I was in one of those moods where you don't question me. 
I looked it over and saw that he had meeting well into the evening again. 
"What the hell?" 
"Is something wrong?" 
"Why does he have meetings after 3:00?" 
"Last minute, urgent meetings." She replied. 
"We're supposed to leave at 3:00 for Dasar's wedding." 
"That's not until next week." 
"No, it's not. No... does he think it's next week?" 
Her silence gave me my answer. 
Without any hesitation, I sent a message to the hangar for them to prep my ship for departure. Then I pushed myself up out of my chair and went back to Maul's office. He looked panicked as he scrolled on his datapad. 
"So I guess I'm going alone?" 
"Yn- I-"
"Save it. I've been reminding you and reminding you about this. Clearly, you weren't listening. My stuff is packed. I already sent for my ship to be prepared. I was waiting until 3:00 to let you finish for the day but since you're not going I don't have to wait and I can get there earlier for my friend..." I was crying at this point. 
“Yn, please give me some time to figure something out.” Maul pleaded. 
“No. I am leaving. Feel free to show up when you can. Or don’t. I literally couldn’t give a single fuck about what you do right now.” I said before turning to leave. 
@fan-g0rl @mxkyrie @onceuponanightmareisawme @lothiriel9 @wordsfromshona @kgbtardis @wondermia69 @mh073099 @ktrivia @fifithexeno @perseny @justalittletomato @pomiotszatana @ameliachastain @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @its-me-meg  @bluusugar @happyheartsss @clairebear1621 @rljart @xxxqueenlaufeysonxxxxo @lilallybug @ghoulishjester @kizzyxren @welcometothepedroverse @kaos-bringer @asxrum @kittenlover614 @kugelblubb90 @qweenrogerina @pedropcl @kbarnes-2001
@lunanightguard @moonsua1
@mimisalad @satanlovedays
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jsprnt · 10 months
Healing Hearts PT. 12 | Virgil van Dijk
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Would a fresh start bring you more than just a new job?
A/N: I’ve been watching the national team games lately and man I miss the World Cup so much :(
WC: 3.199
Summary: Y/N L/N is a very skilled and praised physiotherapist. A certain event pushing her for a fresh start, as a physiotherapist for Liverpool FC. One question always being in the back of her mind: Will she be able to let go of her past and allow herself to experience new things?
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I check the time before I get up, walking out of my office to look for Cody. I knew he would be in the gym, that's were he'd been at this past week.
Not being able to train or play in matches definitely made him want to be still be at the training center. Just to not miss out. He had been in a brace since the game against Tottenham, causing him to miss out on yesterdays match against Union St. Gilloise.
Walking into the the gym and spotting him sitting on the exercising equipment, watching the other players exercise as he chats with them.
"Cody!" I call out, realizing it had probably attracted way more attention then if I had just gone up to him. I ignore the looks of some staff members and players, particularly Virgil's as I walk up to Cody.
I had pressed on to hide our relationship. The only thing everyone should know was that we were friendly as physiotherapist and player, nothing more or less. I was wondering if we were even good at it, so far we did not have any hiccups. Or so we thought.
"Hey, are you ready to come with me?" I ask.
"Oh yeah. Of course." He says, getting his crutches together to stand up.
"So, no greeting today Doctor." I hear a Scouser accent say.
Turning my head I make eye contact with a cheeky looking Trent.
"Hello Trent." I say, a smile on my lips.
My eyes dart at Virgil behind him who's talking to another staff member. Though, it seems like he can feel me staring at the side of his face as his eyes move to make eye contact with mine.
And of course he fucking winks
No, not even a fast wink and look away- no he had to keep staring after
I catch myself quickly trying to play it off swiftly and return my gaze to Trent.
This man was testing me.
"You've been very busy lately? Not having lunch with us either." He says pointing at me.
"Well my schedule has been packed you know that. I got to make sure you and your fellow national team players are in top shape."
He chuckles his hand coming up to my shoulder, slightly squeezing it. "Appreciate it Doc."
I nod at him, warm smile forming at my lips. I loved it when my work was respected or praised. It was definitely a huge motivation to keep helping and supporting my patients.
"Thank you. Speaking of, I have to see you in a about thirty minutes. Southgate's people have been emailing nonstop for your progress report. I've got to update it before sending it tonight."
His grin turns wider, his pearly teeth showing as the corners of his mouth crinkle.
"I'll leave before I boost your ego even more! See you in a bit." I say, laughing at his change of expression.
I look back at Cody who had already found another chatting partner and tap his shoulder to signal we had to go.
"You need any support?" I ask watching him walk with the crutches.
"Oh no it's fine." He say as we walk towards my office.
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"Alright so-" I begin, reading my notes again to a worried looking Cody.
"I did discuss your injury earlier with the other physio's. I was advised to check your injury again today. Just to confirm our final conclusion. Initially, we estimated the healing time would be around seven weeks. With the progress you have already made with the brace you have on- we think you'll be back on the pitch in about four weeks. We're guessing it won't take anymore time since you definitely have a record of healing pretty fast."
"So no EURO qualifications?" He say a disappointed look on his face.
"Yeah- I'm sorry Cody. You know you have both internal and external help ready for you. Just mention it if you think you need extra support to one of us and it will be handled. Besides, I think our country definitely has a huge chance of making it to the EURO's. Just focus on healing so you can be in Germany next year. I promise you you'll be back better than ever." I say, looking at him with sympathy.
"Thank you. I know I can definitely trust the team." He smiles, though he still has disappointment written all over his face.
"Speaking of the EURO's- are you taking the optional leave during it? It has probably been a while since you've seen your family and friends." He asks changing the focus of the conversation from him to me.
I hadn't even thought of home in a while. After the infuriating phone call with Theo I had vowed to myself I'd stop letting it bother me as much. It wasn't healthy for me mentally. So I let everything be handled by my new attorney I had recently become acquainted with and of course the authorities.
I had moved back home, installed some fancy security system that costs me thousands and changed my key-code and lock. I was so done with being stomped on like a bug by a ratty looking man - I had to take control of my life somehow.
Me living alone again did take some convincing on Virgil's side. He was understandably very concerned for me- but obviously I was grown enough to handle that part on my own and he understood. He helped me move back in and everything was going very smooth so far. Of course Sophie made sure to check on me many times by knocking on my door. We had girls nights almost every other day at this point.
"I don't know- haven't thought of it yet." I answer, it did sound nice to go home to see my friends and parents. None of them knew what had happened. FaceTiming with the girls when I was living with Virgil was difficult. Especially, when his house looked so different compared to mine. To try to hide that I was living somewhere else was an actual pain in the ass. I was glad I did not have to do that anymore.
"It does sound nice but I'll have to think about it since we could have some more injuries coming up. Fingers crossed everyone will stay healthy though."
Cody ends up leaving shortly after, and I follow him out to find Trent. Hoping he's still in the gym. Thankfully, he is, and we walk into my office together and I go over the most important things that needed to be updated on his progress report.
It doesn't take much time and my appointment with Trent is done quicker than I had scheduled. Leaving me alone in my office, absentmindedly doodling in the corner of my planner, oblivious to the world outside of my office doors until the door handle is moving. The sound of the door being opened and locked after removing my attention from the flower I had drawn.
"Virgil? Did something happen?" I ask, worried about something going wrong at the gym.
He smiles walking up behind my desk and turning my office chair towards him so I face him.
"Just wanted to see my doctor." He says, and I try to not look flustered. He effect his words had on me needed to be studied by a renowned university.
I stand up, looking up at his tall frame, it slightly sweaty. The smell mixed with his musky cologne.
His hands travel to the small of my back pulling me closer.
"Virgil!" I hush, my eyes darting around even though I didn't have any glass panels or windows facing the hallway.
"What I can't see my beautiful girlfriend now?"
He smirks, his eyes roaming around my face.
Oh he was definitely enjoying this
My hands travel down to remove his hands from my back, stepping aside for a moment.
"What if there is like paparazzi hiding into those trees or houses? Can't they see us?" I whisper, my expression bewildered. My eyes travel to the window that faces the training pitch, darting around to look at the scenery behind the large pitch.
"Don't be absurd how would that be possible. No one will see us y/n." He says, his hands traveling to my jaw, gently making me face him.
"You're fine. We'll be fine. Just tell me- did you miss me?" He asks another cheeky smile on his face. I roll my eyes, though a smile pulls at the corners of my lips.
"Nope, not at all. You weren't even gone. Besides, you smell like sweat. Move!" I tease, stepping away again. He reaches out again and I step away again, a laugh leaving my lips at the desperate look in his eyes.
"Now you're being childish."
"I'm not. Go back to training. I have another appointment in a bit." He steps towards me again, this time managing to catch me in another hug.
I open my mouth to protest again, but we're interrupted as someone knocks on my door. My blood going cold for a moment as I pull away from Virgil. I look at him mortified, my heart thumping in my chest.
How would it look? If the physiotherapist and a player of the team were in her office. With the door locked?
Virgil notices the panic in my face, his face coming closer to my ear. His hand coming to run up and down my upper arm.
"Calm down. Go open the door. I'll sit on the table to pretend you just treated me and I wanted privacy."
"Okay." I whisper back, trying to release the tension in my body.
"Muscle tenseness." He adds.
I walk quickly, glancing back at Virgil before opening the door.
"Why is your door locked. Got someone in here?" The German accent booms, and I don't know if I should be relieved or embarrassed.
"Oh Jürgen?"
The name falls off my lips awkwardly, he'd insisted we'd be on first name bases. It would break down some hierarchy and our teamwork would be better he had said.
I step aside to let him in.
"Oh yeah- treated Virgil for something- tense muscle." I lie, forcing a smile on my face.
He raises an eyebrow as he catches Virgil on the treatment table, his shorts slightly hiked up to pretend I had just finished treating him.
He exclaims getting up and greeting Klopp with a hug. Leaving me practically third wheeling there for a moment.
"I am sorry y/n thought you were free but you had a patient here." He says and I can't help but notice he's definitely teasing us.
"It's okay- what was it that you wanted to see me for?" I ask, trying to dismiss the topic. Discreetly trying to make eyes at Virgil for him to leave. But he shakes his head, obviously this wasn't torturous enough for him.
"It was about you staying here or taking a leave during national break. Should he leave or is he allowed to hear about it?" He points a thumb at Virgil both of them obviously now trying to crack jokes about the entire situation.
I chuckle, sure I shouldn't be awkward around Klopp. He'd known about almost everything so far, our relationship, the break in. Most embarrassingly a bit about my relationship with my ex. He was required to know at least some of it, so there was no reason to feel weird around him.
"Shouldn't he be in the gym right now?" I ask raising a cocky brow at Virgil.
"You heard your missus get out of here already!" He jokes, using the British slang, lightly punching Virgil's shoulder. His perfect pearly white teeth showing.
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"I need you to leave."
"Excuse me?" I ask, the tone of my voice high as his words make my heart skip a beat.
"You need to leave for a bit during national break. I do not want you working then."
I quietly exhale at the rest of his sentence. He almost had me thinking I was getting fired.
"Why?" I ask, fidgeting with the pen in my hand.
"You've been through a lot and I think it's best that you go home for a bit. See your family and your friends."
I raise my brow at his words, my face morphing into a confused expression.
"Oh I'll be fine here there is no reason-"
"Listen and trust me y/n you've been through something that requires some more rest and healing. It's a little longer than a week and I need you to get out of here for a bit."
I stare up at him with wide eyes- a manager also taking care of the staff. That was new.
"I'll think about it Jürgen. Thank you."
"Fill in the leave application and I'll make sure it gets confirmed immediately."
I lean back in my chair after finally emailing some progress reports to my fellow physiotherapists of the national teams.
I let Klopp's words sink in, it was occupying my mind when I wasn't treating or assessing the players. Why was everyone so curious and insisting I'd take a leave?
My thoughts are cut short as I hear a notification pop up on my phone. My hands going to reach over as I'm still leaning in my chair.
The message being from Virgil. He's says training ended and to come over to his when I clock out. I shoot a quick message back agreeing before sitting up and working on the last progress report I had to send before getting out of the office.
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"Should I come with you? Back home?" I say, fidgeting with the blanket on my lap as I look at Virgil. He turns his head from the Netflix show he was occupied with, a slight surprise on his face.
"You want to?"
"Yeah- thought it would be good for me and everything-"
He suddenly throws his arms around me, his face coming closer to mine to plant kisses on my face and lips.
"Of course- you’ll come to my matches and everything- let me check the flights. There should be a lot of availability."
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I watch the plane land through the window. I had taken so many flights in my life due my work, that I could practically fall asleep through the turbulence. Though, first class made it ten times more comfortable.
I rub my tired eyes, the last few days had been hectic with me not knowing what to pack and in true me fashion I over packed. Virgil had already left a couple days earlier. The training camp in Zeist requiring him to be there earlier.
I had told everyone back home I was returning and everyone was very surprised to hear I was visiting so early. My dad was picking me up from the airport which did make a bit nervous. I hadn't seen him in a while. Which made me curious as to how he would react.
Thankfully, my luggage comes quickly and I immediately make my way outside of the airport. Dragging my heavy baggage behind me. Of course in typical Dutch fall fashion the weather was shitty as ever. The rain dripping on my face and body, making me shiver.
Spotting my dad in his car I nervously approach it. Taking deep breaths to try to calm my nerves.
He steps out after parking, his door opening immediately as he walks towards me.
"Hi dad."
I'm caught of off guard as he wraps his arms around me in a hug. My dad giving me this much affection? That was a new one.
"Let me have a look at you." He mumbles, pulling away and planting his hands on my shoulders.
"You've gotten skinny. Is the food there not good enough for my daughter?"
I chuckle, dismissing his concerned expression.
"I'm fine, but can we go home? It's cold out here."
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"Here we thought y/n was going to England for a new job, but she also snatched a man as well?" Monet exclaims, taking a sip of her drink.
I had told them of my relationship with Virgil. From beginning to end, leaving some- crazy details out, but they were happy for me.
We all came together to Monet's home for a nice movie night. We had a lot of catching up to do. The movie had long finished, leaving us lounging around her huge sofa with drinks and snacks on the table.
"Oh stop you know I didn't plan shit." I exclaim throwing her a piece of popcorn which she avoids quickly with the duck of her head. A laugh leaving her nicely painted lips.
"Hey, no reason to be embarrassed. You're a WAG now-" Juliette teases and I resist the urge to throw another piece popcorn her way this time.
"Stop making it sound so weird- it just happened."
I complain taking another sip of my drink. My eyes dancing over the marble tiles of the home. Monet had opened her own clinic a couple years after graduating, and looking at how beautiful her home was maybe I should've taken that route too.
"Right- let's talk about something else, or we're never passing the Bechdel test." Priya chimes in.
Oh yeah, that would be much appreciated.
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The night passes with many laughs and juicy gossip. Half of the friend group being flat out drunk when it's time to go home. Clumsily calling Uber's and getting home late. Making them remember their old university memories of partying it up on weekends.
y/n enters her childhood bedroom, stumbling across across the pink carpet before drunkenly throwing herself on her twin bed. She groans softly, the mattress being harder than she had recalled.
Her sleepy and drunken daze is interrupted by her phone ringing in her hand bag. She grumbles before sitting up, moving her hands to look for the bag. Only to find it on the floor, and sleepily pulling out her phone.
"Hello?" She mumbles holding the cool phone against her warm cheeks and throwing herself on to the bed again, her cheek squashed against her fluffy pillow.
"y/n?" The deep voice calls out, and she gasps softy at the recognition of the comforting voice.
"Virgil? Why haven't you called me all day? I've missed you." She giggles, her cheeks hot from the alcohol.
"I've been busy at the training center. You okay? You sound different." He asks, wondering why his girlfriend sounds so giggly and is slurring her words.
"Drinks with the girls. Half of us got drunk. Liz almost tripped when entering the cab." She laughs, trying to whisper so her parents don't wake up.
"Oh yeah?" He says, amused by her drunken story and speech.
"It was funny." She whispers, her drunken mind repeating the scenario, making her burst out in laughter again.
"Okay, but when can I see you? We're in the same country but I still miss you." She unconsciously pouts.
"We'll be in Amsterdam tomorrow, two days before the match. Come over to my place yeah? I'll see you tomorrow night. Go to sleep now sweetheart. You must be tired."
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simpingwriter · 1 year
Cal Kestis x Kyra Yarmot
'In the Name of Love' Pt.4 (1/2)
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A/N: guess this one got too long oops-
I'm writing this all on Google Docs and unfortunately they got a word limit for Spellcheck. And I got carried away with this chapter, so for the sake of at least some grammatical editing, I had to split this one up to two parts. Maybe even 3ish, depending on how easily I can end the 2nd part of Chapter 4 because a bomb is getting dropped in that part...
I will post the 2nd part either still tonight, if I got enough fuel left, or tomorrow afternoon.
Enjoy (pls and thx :) )
Word Count: approx. 3000
When you first set foot, or feet, onto the Bardottian Market – well, one of many, to be honest – you felt a totally different atmosphere to the one from yesterday.
Calmer, more civilized…less dirt.
And much less people, or the path was just bigger, letting it appear less packed than the other one.
"Wow, I can't hear a street fight around the next corner of these stalls. The other one…well", in the other one, you wouldn't have just heard the fights happening, chances were high you felt the blood of the one losing splatter onto your face when you choose to be stupid and pass directly by it.
And it was not exactly rare to end up in one yourself either, from totally not personal experience.
You nod in agreement while getting busy with scanning the stalls selling their farms' produce. The meat choices looked like their prices would put a miniature black hole in your wallet. But they also made your mouth water, knowing you couldn't afford them was like plain torture.
"Wait…over there. A Blue Milk Stand." Cal calls out excited – drawing some critiquing looks onto yourselves in turn, all quickly deterred with you snarling at them –, pointing like an overjoyed toddler towards said colorful stand, pulling you after him, giving you not much choice but to stumble after him, him to 100% oblivious to your suddenly heated up face.
The direct hand contact didn't make you blush yesterday…so why now??
"For a minute, I was worried about even finding Blue Milk all the way on Bardotta, since Banthas aren't part of the natural fauna. But I guess they just…shipped…them here??" That would probably be the case…
You weren't really sure either, shrugging once he let go of your now almost clammy hand again, still none the wiser to your very sudden reaction. Why should he, you dragged him through the streets hand in hand yesterday as well and didn't bat an eye at that moment of close contact.
Hell, you almost karking straddled him when you met and didn't react like this on the inside! Probably because of your peaking adrenaline fogging up your thoughts at that time, but who knows.
Holy karking bantha shit, you totally did straddle him...oh makers...
The blush that was on its verge of disappearing again, shot back into your face as your tried to shake the pictures from your head, at least for now.
"Okay, got the milk…can cross that one off at lea-... Kyra, you...okay there?" Instead of waving his hand in front of you – remembering the almost accident today – he simply poked your shoulder, barely getting any resistance back at first. But it did the trick. "Y-yeah? Oh, you already bought the blue milk?" "While you were occupied with daydreaming, yes. Are you really sure you're alright? If you don't feel well, I can finish the list myself, there shouldn't be that many any…ways…oh...oh no..."
He stopped himself as he looked down at the list written on a sheet of paper. You, curious, also took a glance.
It wasn't exactly what you would call small – not in your vocabulary at least –, the list.
Baffled, he clears his throat after a few moments of taking in the small list, "I stand by my words though, if you're not fe-" "I was just preoccupied with my thoughts for a moment, Cal. I'm fine, honestly." You assured him as you slipped the list from his hands to take a better look at it while he carefully put the milk bottles inside the backpack you decided to carry when you went out.
You became more than used to having to carrying heavy gear since you used to carry your entire life of clothes and resources on your back – before Cal found you of course – so this wasn't going to break your back just yet. Dragon People once were supposed to be "working animals", your whole evolutionary line filled with traits to do and carry a lot of work, be it holding out extreme lengths of bloody wars or just farm work.
Sometimes though, you had to question if you have really gotten all these traits. Sure, you could carry a lot of stuff for a long period of time…but you had your limitations on that and they looked awfully human and fragile for your heritage, if you looked at the apparent feats they had accomplished centuries ago...
"Is Cere sure we can find all these things here?" You scan the list over and over, some standing out to be bound to certain planets and their cultures. Mentally, you skipped over those after making sure you wouldn't find them here. It shrunk the list not by a lot though.
"We all wrote stuff on it freely, we never know when and where we get to restock…so I don't think so. We just have to try our luck with most of them."
You now mentally list the things needed on them:
Pack of paper
New Tool harness (Cal)
Chewstim (Cal and Merrin)
1 pack of vacuumized Stimcaf (Cal)
3 packs of vacuumized Coffee
2 packs of Chocolate Cookies (Greez)
Huge amounts of various cooking ingredients (Greez)
Synthmilk (no name)
Gatalentan Tea (Merrin)
Gesha Tea (Cere)
Karlini Tea (Greez)
10 bottles of Water
Pack of Toilet Paper
"By the makers, I think we need to go twice, alone because of the water bottles, the backpack isn't even big enough for that…" Cal mutters irritated at the list, shaking his head, some more unkept locks of red falling into his face, "Why didn't they all come with us?" He said quietly to himself, but you caught it just all too well, keeping quiet anyways. If someone whispers, they probably didn't plan for it to be heard. So you play none the wiser…again.
"That's fine with me…but the more important question…who the hell put Synthmilk on there?!?"
Tried it once, puked once. That stuff was the karking worst you had put into your mouth at that point. Sure, later you would have to take that back, finding out what a bowl of Gruel that went bad from standing in the way too humid air of Gelgelar for probably…hours...tasted like. Hadn't gotten out of the refresher for actual hours either.
"Don't know, but I guess we'll just get it? If we even find it. Never had it myself, so you might need to help me with finding it." "It's absolutely not worth the credits…but yeah, let's just buy it. And even if just to find the nasty ass culprit." Walking away from the Blue Milk Stand, Cal laughs at your pure and unfiltered hatred for Synthmilk before taking the list back from your claws, saying it must be oh so very heavy for you. What a jokester.
Jokesters get pushed. The pusher gets pushed back. In the end, you're both dizzy, laughing like idiots as you stumble down the market paths.
You're both just childish, but you could very well look past that for such good company as Cal.
While he had to hide his lightsaber higher up under his Poncho, you were still left without yours, it being another thought doing extra and extra rounds in your head at night. You needed it back. But you didn't even know where that Karker went with it, if he even still had it or if he long sold it. And where the possible seller went or what they did with it.
With your great – absolute bantha shit – luck, it's been taken apart, its pieces and your kyber crystal out on the black market for the highest, most certainly dubious bidder…
"You're missing your lightsaber…" How did he- "You have been staring at mine all morning…I just didn't find the right time to mention it." Oh, yeah…that does make sense.
"Sorry for that… It's just…it was taken from me in a moment of weakness, Cal. Not just that I lost it bothers me…", it kept reminding you of the fact that you lost in that encounter with an enemy. It ate at you, like a damned parasite, you couldn't even keep your lightsaber safe, not even THAT.
How were you supposed to keep those apparent Force Sensitive Children safe if you ever found them? There weren't many adult Jedi left that could teach them the right way…
And just for the sake of…of whatever was left of the old Jedi Order, you should not be one of the people to continue the teachings. You never used to like following these stupid rules too much yourself.
Not to forget, the dead Council would twist in their not-too-nice graves if you would teach them. You were taught partial Dark Side Arts by your late Master, if anything, you would've been a traitor to them if they had ever found out what happened right under their noses.
Squinting at yourself for slowly losing total track of your busy train of thoughts, you sigh out, shaking your head dismissively, "I can't keep hanging myself up on it, I know that myself, you don't need to think that for me…because i know you are.".
You just wished for at least a sliver of a clue to its current location, or even its last…
"I will do anything in my power to help you find it, Kyra..." He promised to you, an almost pained but a certainly strong expression on his freckled face, "Since I'm guessing yours also belonged to someone you once knew." Of course it did, you…you weren't trusted with your own yet at that time, left with a stupid training lightsaber when the attack happened, unable to hurt even a bug with the weak blade the Kathracite in it would create, unlike the actual Kyber Crystals.
Or Bondar Crystals, oh boy. For the, ehem, "shock value" as your master used to joke.
They really weren't fun to get hit with but indeed a shocking experience, to not get sliced to dragon meat dices on immediate impact....
"It belonged to my master…" even more why you needed it back.
Its the last thing you had left of him. The last physical thing. His unusual teachings would never leave your head, his stories of his adventures of crossing the Galaxy before becoming a teacher for Younglings and Padawans like you and his own, very special ways of explaining his points of view always kept close to your heart.
"So just like mine?" The whole time while you went to talk about your lightsabers, you had to remember to tone it down a lot more than usual, your eyes constantly busy making sure nobody in the crowd stood out for being with the Empire. Or even a local was enough right now, this being Bardotta.
During that, you chipped a good portion of the list off, the backpack growing heavier and heavier by each stall you passed. Until Cal unfortunately interrupts your well flowing conversation, seconds after you told an absolutely horrible joke you heard from an old companion of yours, Cal choking at the punchline to a point you had to help him cough his water back up, "Wait- Wait…I think we really should get some of the stuff back to the ship now…" He looked at you and the backpack with an amount of worry you hadn't felt being laid upon you for too long.
It weirdly enough felt really nice, knowing that for once, not everyone thought of you like some unbeatable and inexhaustible creature - even if it was just him. Well okay, with the way he liked to shamelessly admire your nonhuman parts, you couldn't be 100% sure he didn't think you're a creature at least to a certain degree.
"Sure. But no big talky talky breaks with Merrin and the rest, it's going to get dark sooner or later. Bardotta gets cold at night…" you turn on your heels, having kept the way back to the ship somewhat memorized, holding back a laugh as Cal took a moment to realize you actually agreed to his plan instead of arguing, stuck in place, brain buffering like a terrible HoloNet connection, yelling for you to wait for him as he jogs back up to walk next to you. "Well, not that cold though…I'm sure this place looks really nice at night, i mean, look at all the lights around the stalls!"
He was right, there are alot of fairy lights strewn about…
"I don't know…it does sound nice. But, well…" you rub your arm in embarrassment, remembering the undoubtedly incredibly childish teasing back in your not-too-long-ago childhood. Even though you should've grown out of that memory by now. "I get cold real easily…i wouldn't want to ruin this for you with my constant shivering…I'm sure Merrin wouldn't say no to it though! She would be thrilled to see them as well!"
The two of you had nearly left the market as you unexpectedly got stopped by Cal, eyebrows uncharacteristically knitted together as he looked down to you, just a head taller than you, thinking about what to actually say for a minute.
"She definitely would, sure. I definitely could, sure. But I want to get to know you a bit better. Without Greez panicking every two seconds about you devouring him head to toe in his sleep and Merrin interrupting me." He let go of your shoulders, hands falling back down to his sides, something you didn't even register as you were busy staring up into his eyes. The eyes you, without any filter whatsoever, called pretty yesterday before heading to bed.
And you would never take it back. They were pretty, especially in addition to his overall handsome face…wait no!
"Also, please don't worry about feeling cold, if you really got such a bad problem with it. I meant it when I said you could get some of my Ponchos as well, I guarantee you, on BD, there is a warm and cozy one under them!" Immediately BD seemed to almost glare at Cal in disbelief and you didn't know how you discerned that from his usual "expression" but you're sure he was, a small and muted beep that translated to 'Rude' was the only thing he had to say.
As you continued walking, him telling you with passion about all his favorite Ponchos, the one he wanted to show and gift to you specifically, you felt a weird tug at your heart. All the time, you had been so so lonely, the loneliness eating at your live conscious at some nights, you nearly forgot what it was like to have someone actually caring for one and their personal opinions, for their wellbeing even. After a certain event after the purge, you never had spent long enough with people to get to know them, for them to get to know you, neither did it ever matter, all having been short acquaintances solely to get you from Planet A to Planet B. Or C. Or D.
None of them even bothered to ask about you…and with the kind of people you had to travel sometimes, you were very glad about that.
Why was it feeling differently with Cal then?
Because you knew you would stay with them for a while? Because you wanted to stay for a while?
Cal stops at the front of the raised door of the ship, using his comm link to tell Cere that you were back with the first things on the list for now. The door opened quickly, letting both of you back onto the Mantis. After waving a quick 'hey' to Merrin – while also informing her of having found her requested Tea – who was reading a book in the living room, you left the backpack leaning against the couch, hoping at least someone felt inclined to unpack it.
Cal didn't give you lot of time, keeping you to your own words a few minutes ago and already went to usher you back to the quarters in the engine room you shared, teasing you about the fact that you told him to not waste time with talking to the others for too long.
BD, who was until a few minutes ago, surprisingly quiet during the whole trip, hopped off his shoulder to stretch his small legs, a chuckle quick to follow from you, "Since when do Droids need to stretch?"
'Ever since I only get taken to boring missions!' He beeps back irritated before quickly resuming his place back up higher. This time it was your upper back and shoulders as he beeps quickly, 'Quick, take me on an actual adventure, oh pretty pretty Kyra!'
Rummaging through his drawer, Cal scoffs playfully at BD's theatrical request, "You say it like we don't get nearly shot dead on sight on every second planet we decide to set foot on! I would call that pretty adventurous..." He mumbles the last part with fake hurt in his voice.
'Those aren't adventures. Those are eventual death traps…'
From his mention to their danger, your thoughts went to the eventual first real mission for you on the Mantis. Well, would've, weren't it for Cal's thought-puncturing shout, "HA! Found it! This one should be perfect for your little dilemma!"
In his hands he held a nearly white poncho, some grey scale specks over it. The inside looked not just insulated, you were sure you saw some warm fur coating poking out at the folded edges. A cold climate poncho. Clearly not perfect for actual subzero regions…since it was a karking Poncho for crying out loud, but it would be great for cold nights on normal planets.
You wondered where he got it from, your hands naturally going out to grab it from his. A short, yet unexpected brush of his own hands, slightly roughed up and a bit dry from training, sent immediate shivers down your spine and your first "most logical" reaction was to let go of the Poncho in shock, hearing it drop to the ground with a muted thud. For a moment he was about to say something before just smiling at you. "Sorry, thought you had it already, slippery fingers I guess!"
Was the redhead aware of the sudden skin contact and your increasingly stupid behavior today and he just... played it off…or did he really not notice when you pulled your hands off of his like he physically burned you? Which wasn't possible by the way. Dragon People were almost all "fireproof".
You wouldn't make matters worse, nodding at his comment, "Happens sometimes if you got fingers like mine." Wasn't even a total lie, claws were sometimes difficult to do certain things with. And you couldn't even shorten them by a lot, blood vessels starting to run through them at some point. "I think they look…" He stops himself to think, looking at them intently while he crouches down to pick the thick Poncho back up, "I think they look not just cool. They look good on you, they suit you...a dragon without claws would look odd though, wouldn't they?" They definitely would, it was one of your main defense or offense tactics after all.
For your comfort's sake, he seemed to notice that for some reason, he left the conversation subject at that for now, walking back to the main living area with you once more. The backpack was luckily actually empty again, so without much of a break, only to quickly take a sip from the water bottle you took for yourself during breakfast today, like you warned him and he teased you, you once more left the Mantis to go and buy the rest of the list.
And just like you predicted, night came in quickly. Very quickly. Only three hours later, the sun had nearly fully set, only a few of its rays left scattered across the ground as it disappeared behind a distant snowed in mountain.
Now the streets were only illuminated by the Bardottan Moon and street lights. But also by one third important thing, the sole reason you stayed out this long anyways.
Before you even had the chance to start shivering, also like you predicted, Cal took the liberty to take the Poncho from the backpack's strap from its current place on the ground where you put the once again heavy object for a short break. You weren't able to get your question about 'what he was doing exactly' out when he was already carefully placing the poncho over your head, taking note of your wings and horns – trying his absolute hardest to not accidentally brush against the later after your very obvious reaction about them yesterday.
A small sheepish wave when your head popped back out on the other end of the opening woke you from your trance, staring in surprised awe at him, "Hello there, welcome to comfy town." He sang, a bright undoubtedly happy smile on his face, using your moment of needing to mentally hard reboot yourself to reach for the backpack himself this time, a huff leaving his lips.
Back to reality, you're about to protest about him carrying it, when he stops you with his single-gloved hand, telling you it was alright if he carried it now. He was strong as well after all, not like you, but he wouldn't break and fall apart like the plastic brick toys you both apparently got to know after a heated discussion about them this morning. You vaguely remember the name Jego, initial envy playing a big part in those memories. Envy you had to swallow as a Padawan back then. Until you got a set on one of your sparsely celerated birthdays, a gift from the commander of the Clone Troop that served under your Master.
"Come, stop daydreaming for once. I wanna see the lights…we won't get this much time everyday for a while now, so we should enjoy it while it lasts. Or while the rest don't actively collect us to leave again of course." Once again, as if automatic, his bigger hands found yours. It also – once more – sent more shivers down your scaley spine, feeling your wings subtly react to said shiver as well. But you left your hand right in his anyways, the warmth radiating alone from just his hands feeling incredible.
Getting to the nicely decorated stalls was even easier now, the shopping crowd gone now that the actual market was closed for the night. That only left you, other visitors and general off world tourists, all those that weren't already used to the bright lights basically lighting up the night on their own. Fairy lights were a weird thing, so small and yet they managed to bring so much simple joy to a whole mass of people.
All by just doing their job. By doing only as they were supposed to do.
"Look, those even change their color, Cal!" You point out to one in particular, the colors ranging from pink all the way to orange, the most vivid variations of the colors in between being showcased. It transfixed both of you almost immediately as you both had the same baffled expression on your faces, mouths hanging slightly open. "I…I never saw such things on the other planets…not the colorful ones at least."
And especially not at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant…
(To part 2 of chapter 4)
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monkeymeghan · 1 year
I had an amazing day. I spent the entire day with my sister. We spent four hours at the mall. We were on a quest for a few things, but we walked the whole mall and browsed stores, and even dabbled in some retail therapy. I was pretty good, though, and said no to a lot of things that were calling my name. Let’s see, in a beauty store I got some purple hair dye for when my color fades more, a nail file and buffer, and a bottle of OPI gold flecks that was on clearance; I got a Christmas gift for one of my nephews in Boxlunch; 2 new much needed bras in Victoria’s Secret (I had a birthday coupon and one was half off!; a drink at Starbucks using my stars and a drink for my sister using money on my Starbucks card; and lunch at a Chinese place in the food court. We succeeded in most things on our quest, and with everything that we bought and all that we did, we both felt very accomplished! When we got back to her house I played legos with one of my nephews for a while. He has this whole incredible story with characters and fleshed out ideas and we all keep telling him he has to write it down. So that’s what we were playing. After a while I looked at my Fitbit and saw it was after 5! I still had to go to Walmart to pick up a few things, so I agreed to come back over tomorrow afternoon to play video games. At Walmart I treated myself to a two-pack of Grogu slippers for $6. You can’t beat that! I’m currently wearing the rainbow pair and they are so soft and comfy. :)
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Tomorrow I’m going to spend most of the day with my sister again. We are going to purchase tickets for a tricky tray that’s in a few weeks. It’s huge, with hundreds of prizes and well over a thousand attendees, and we all go every year. Then I have physical therapy for my shoulder.* After PT I’m going back to watch Ghosts with my sister and just veg before my nephews get home from school.
*PT yesterday kicked my ass, but I’ve already made progress. My passive range of motion has gotten better, but it’s nowhere close to full. I’m impatient and want it to get better, but tomorrow is only my third session. Today I’ve been sore from all of the work I did yesterday and I’m sitting here with ice on my shoulder/upper arm. The pain isn’t really in the shoulder, it feels like it’s my deltoid.
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mechanicalauthor · 8 days
Jack looked out on the dusty street he walked each day, the sun was lowering to the horizon line painting the sky a mix of oranges and purples. It somehow always made even the drab, eroding buildings and small tin shacks look oddly beautiful to him. It was approaching the time he'd be expected home, carrying his rucksack filled with bread, cans of vegetables, and the week's meat rations. He was always expected to grab them on his way home from school, since Ma was tending to Dad and it was easy for him to make the stop.
He walked down the road after shouldering his pack, walking past buildings that used to stand taller than a hundred of his dad, wondering what kinds of people lived in them. Most of the glass was cracked or blown out completely from their walls long before he'd ever seen them, the concrete flesh surrounding their metal bones was crumbling away, exposing them to rust and decay. The higher the building climbed, the more broken and dilapidated it became.
One such building was the one his family called home, it clearly used to be far taller, but now only the first floor remained accessible. Rubble blocked off any stairwells, but the concrete shell of the first floor looked relatively untouched. He approached his home, once yet another glass pillar breaching the heavens, but now that glass had been covered with boards by his father. He stepped through the door, a slapdash wooden one made to fill one of the voids that was once glass. He closed it before too much dust was blown in by the wind. He didn't want to hear the coughing fit that would come if he'd left it open too long.
His eyes adjusted, a small cluster of fluorescent lights still working lit the scene of his home. Walls made from scrap pieces of wood outlined the rooms, and separated the various parts of the building. He walked into the makeshift kitchen, his mother stood over a steaming pot on a camp stove. The flames were beginning to dwindle, so she reached into what was once a filing cabinet and quickly replaced the gas canister with a fresh one.
"Hey Ma! Brought the food for the week. They didn't give me a lot of bread this time around but we have a ton of peas, carrots, and canned meat!"
"That's great Jack, can you just put it where it all belongs for me? I need to bring your dad this tea as soon as it's ready, he's been having a rough time today."
His mother gave him that smile, that special smile, the one that said, "I'm sorry I have to put you through a life like this, but I love you more than anything."
Jack put all of the cans in their designated filing cabinet drawers, they were all labeled with scratches in their dull paint. Once finished, he went through the maze of plywood walls to his father's room. His dad was sat up in a squat cot, watching the news playing on the screen. The same thing as yesterday and the day before, another protest at the Serpentium mines being put to rest by Prism Energy's task forces, and a list of those who wouldn't be returning home. His dad held out an arm and brought him in for a hug.
"Hey buddy, learn anything new at school today?" His father always spoke in a warm voice, it was rough and most would take it as stern, almost cruel, but Jack always knew that his dad sounded very different when he was angry, it was just the sickness ruining his throat that made everything come out gruff and gravelly.
"They taught us about how Nyx was made, and how we used to only have a single moon."
"Oh did we now? Well what happened?"
"A long time ago, before you and mom were ever born, a meteor came and crashed into the earth. I guess it was a really really big one, because it bounced off and started orbiting. When it came, it destroyed a bunch of stuff, but it also filled the earth with Serpentium, giving us our new moon Nyx."
Jack always loved to tell his dad about the things he learned about the world. He knew his dad probably already knew all about this stuff, especially since he used to mine for Serpentium, but his dad still looked at him with wide eyes and an interested smile.
Dad covered his mouth with a rag as he broke out into a coughing fit, he gently pushed Jack away so nothing would get on him as he clutched the tattered thing to his face. When he pulled it away his wheezy, rattling breaths came back slowly. The rag was stained red.
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Why did you elbow me? 206
Achilles Castle part 108
Lemonade and lies Part 51
Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek undercover part 15
Monique: pov I know what you mean I had a patient once who was sensitive to caffeine, Lanie says Kate has heart issues so caffeine is a big no and so is salt. If you don't mind me asking how long, have you had a heart condition. Kate Says a few years. Oh so you weren't born with it. Kate says no. Do your Dr's know what caused it? Was it like a defect or a condition that caused it? I hear Lanie say just loud enough that something definitely caused it all right.
Kate/Stana: pov I was shot I explain everything and Lanie explains to her my emergency heart surgery. Monique says that must have been traumatizing, does it still bother you. Sometimes the scars hurt and I still deal with the PTSD I got from it. My immune system isn't the best so I get sick more often. Me and Greig say our goodbyes while the 4 of us help pack the car. Noelle is already in the car waiting for her sister to get in.
Lanie: pov I say goodbye to Kate and Nick since I have work and they have somewhere to be right now. Esposito has been texting me like crazy since he misses me, I have something nice planned for tonight, I hope Esposito likes it.
Castle: pov I quickly get ready, grabbing a blue shirt and comfortable pants. I eat eggs for breakfast. I have physical therapy today. Mother is dropping me off and picking me up today, we are then having lunch together. The car ride to the hospital is short, she drops me off at the door. As I'm walking into the hospital I almost bump into an EMT who is leaving, I apologize for almost bumping into him. He asks if I’m Richard Castle, the EMT does look familiar to me. Why yes I am. He says he was one of the EMTs that rode in the ambulance with me and Kate Beckett after she was shot at that funeral. He asks how she is doing. Kate is doing okay after what happened. She has a heart condition now and is still struggling with PTSD, plus her immune system isn't great. She is still a cop, a homicide Captain now they thought it would be better for her less field work more time behind a desk. Once in pt the therapist mentions how great i’m doing and no longer need the crutches. Which is amazing,
Jenny: pov I slowly climb out of bed, being pregnant is rough. Sarah Grace is now up and helping me make breakfast and her lunch before kindergarten. Today is frozen waffles with fruit, whip cream and yogurt on the side and some orange juice to wash it down for Sarah grace. Me and Ryan are having bagels instead with orange juice for me and coffee for Ryan. After she is done eating I get her dressed and ready for school. Today's lunch for Sarah Grace is a grilled cheese with chips on the side and some fruit. I also put a juice box in and a cute note.
Ryan: pov i’m in charge of dropping Sarah Grace off at school since I don't have a crime scene to head to. Esposito is already at work and getting some stuff done. Hey Esposito, do you know how Kate is? I’m Worried and was hoping that Lanie told you something.
Esposito: pov she did tell me something, Kate is okay she had no lasting effects from her episode. Nick did have to give Kate her meds after the tire blew on the car which scared her for some reason. Plus she must have just gotten overheated, in the store, Lanie said she was fine this morning before she headed off to work at the morgue. Nick is going to keep a close eye on her. A woman whose husband had been murdered recently is waiting for us in the breakroom. Lt told her she could wait for us there. She has with her a large gift basket of snacks, candy and some drinks. This is so nice of her she saysit's a thank you for solving her husband's murder. Me and Ryan can't wait to get into it since everything looks so good.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov we arrive at the warehouse to pick up the drugs and the onse Kovach was nice enough to pick up yesterday when we had the flat tire. It shouldn't take that long to load the boxes into the truck and drop them off at our warehouse.
Martha: pov Richard who was that man you were talking to before he says, an EMT he was in the ambulance with me, Kate and Lanie when she went into cardiac arrest after her shooting. What did he want Richard?
Castle: pov nothing mother he just recognized me and wanted to know how Kate is doing. Now should we head off to lunch, mother. I don't want to have to wait too long because the place Is packed for lunch. The ride to the restaurant was short and there was barely any traffic on the way. After Mother parked in a front spot we both headed inside the Italian Restaurant. The wait wasn't too long. I pick a booth near the front so I don't have to walk too far. A waiter came over with some menus for us after ordering which only took a few minutes. We chatted about life. 20 minutes later our food arrives quickly. I ordered the stuffed shells with triple cheese cheese. Mother ordered the shrimp pasta in garlic sauce with garlic bread on the side. The food looks amazing. I can't wait to dig into it.
Kate/Stana: pov on the ride to the warehouse which is short. I talk with Nick about some of my weirdest cases as a homicide detective/ captain. Some of them, he can't even believe they happened. I tell him about my other brushes with death like standing on a bomb being thrown off a roof by my shooter and hanging on until Ryan could save me. Standing on a bomb, being kidnapped by a psychopath plastic surgeon who helped out 3xk also known as Jerry tyson. To be continued. …..
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afr0-thunder · 11 months
[Poor Chronicles Pt. 29]
Topics: The Poor (Work/Hours/Wage)/Shopping/Work Birthday/The Pipe Situation/Living Arrangements
Using this as means to correct my last post.
The poor has resumed, but my head coach asked me to stay longer yesterday which doubled my hours. It mostly consisted of various cleaning tasks. Garbage, bathrooms, scrubbing floors, it was outrageous, but money is money. I considered using this income to buy Jordans (I don’t even like Jordans anymore). Also, not the new releases. I also considering them including white and not matching my color theme. I gazed over a few at the new store I’ve been going to and thought, “Maybe they have some I like, I’ll check again.”. I also considered jeans as well (or both).
Today is my former favorite coworker’s birthday. Yesterday my head coach got him a cake. It was ironically, the one I considered buying myself to celebrate my birthday this year (oreo cake). He offered everyone slices. I finally took food offered at work for the first time since about July.
*10 months. The pipe held for 10 months, we’re going on month 11, so this would be the 11th month. Technically the 12th, not sure if I started on New Years or New Year’s Eve. I had just came home from work that night. My housemate was oblivious to the pipe situation. It turns out the other washer is here, she just moved it and put it in a drawer. It is currently still not being used. I went to the hardware store while I was doing laundry to look for new pipes and washers. I found some, but was not prepared to buy, just checking it out. I’d never been there before. She called the neighbor over to fix it when I got back. He did no such thing. He attached the pipe, put the bowl I was using to catch the water (and dump outside every use) underneath it so it held in place. I didn’t check until today because when leaving I heard him say, “It should hold, I’ll be back in a few days to finish it.”. I considered not using it until he came back. To see if it’d fall off again. While at work I said, “Fuck it, I’m not starving.”.
I made some noodles today. Apparently the drain is just clogged. I considered getting draino, but I’ll probably just end up abandoning the ramen noodle diet unfortunately and all home cooking. With no kitchen sink, I refuse to use any other methods. I will most likely just revert to the snack diet (candy and chips, possibly fruit juice). Requires a lot of teeth brushing, but that’s fine.
This also means I cannot move. Between the pipes and her daughter’s dog ruining the carpet, I cannot see myself not having to pay after doing so. One of those situations no longer exists, but you can see why all dogs should go to heaven, “expeditiously” - Kodak Black. The winter will be a wild ride, not sure how I’ll manage with just chips. I MAY find something else to eat, but if it requires dishes, consider it out of my diet. Unsure of what to do with these packs of Ramen Noodles, there are about 80+ left.
I may have to wait until one of the neighbors move and get a 2nd apartment here, for cooking…and fucking these bitches. I may not even have to, but I see this as a very likely option.
- MH (2023)
[11/09/2023 - 3:23PM]
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themaelstrommind · 1 year
March 20th, 2009
5am wake up. I roll out of the bottom bunk, throwing the spank tank curtain to the side. Couple of others wake up with me, but we have to keep quiet. Other guys are on different schedules due to mission timings and such. I quietly change out of my regulation PT gear and into my regulation uniform. No lights, just a headlamp with red lights. Don't want to wake others. Don't wanna draw attention from outsiders looking in. Such was the rules not spoken. Who would wanna be a target in a warzone?
I grab my battle rattle from the top bunk that protected me from possible mortar shrapnel as I slept. It was sitting next to my heavy ass duffel and A-bag that carries my chemical warfare gear. Just in case. I strap my leg holster to my right. M9 and M16 grabbed from the top bunk. M9 in holster. M16 to be slung over shoulder. I pick up my boots, upside down. Can't be too sure, so I shake them and bang them against my fist just in case the camel spider decided to do a sneak attack. Put on, strapped in, time to go.
The first smell of the morning Kirkuk air is filled with smoke from the burn pits. The open sewage that is on the other side of the mods and tents. It's early still, but just enough light to see where to go. You can hear the sounds of the mosques announce the day with the Fajr, the first of the Salah. We walk to the truck. It's time to head to The Swamp, HQ for Gator Sector.
Morning brief. Intel reports. Supply convoy coming from Balad got tagged 2 hours prior. Troops in contact, no injuries. The boys were smart and saw the pressure plate wires in time. Another failed ambush. Convoy to Q-West today departing. Not me. Today, I work the Gator gate. I am not enthused.
I got an hour before changeover happens. Now's the time to run to get some food if ya want it. I wasn't hungry. I grab a black and mild from the last pack I had. I remind myself to buy more from Zo the next time he gets a package from his girl back home. One last begrudgingly bad gulp of dog shit coffee. One flick from the lighter to start the cigar. I jump onto the hood of the nearby Humvee and watch the sky wake up as I press play on my iPod. Coheed and Cambria's "In Keeping Secret Of Silent Earth: 3" - the first song that bears the album's name.
This was tradition now. This is what I did to get my head right. This is what I did 6,500 miles from home, where no one likes you. You are a target. You are at war.
The victim to our fathers' lost war...
Why am I even here, man? First, it was getting mission qual'd. Then SERE. Now here. Like, I know I was the dumbfuck that signed, but...still. Why am I here?
The restless children sit and mourn the graves of those they've never seen before...
I hope nothing happens today. Not today. Of all days. Bravo sector got lit the fuck up yesterday. Which they never get lit the fuck up. It's usually Gator. This is strange. This isn't typical TTPs for them. Something is amiss.
Will they be buried here, among the dead?
In the silent secret?
Fuck, I'm gonna think about this all god damn day until I figure it out. Was it mere coincidence? Maybe. But my fuckery sense is tingling. They don't shit where they eat. They aren't that dumb. I bet you they're trying to bring in someone through Gator. Which means overwatch. I'll need to take a look at recent new entries and coordinate with L3. Something seems off.
The pioneers - In dealing with if they march for dawn...Of will and worthy...
The boys are back from chow. It's time to load up and drive off. 12 hours of fantastic surprises await. 12 hours in the crosshairs. Happy birthday, Stephan. 24 years might just be my high score. We'll see what happens.
Man your own jackhammer!
Man your battle stations!
We'll have you dead pretty soon...
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irelandsojourn2023 · 1 year
And so it begins.......
In 2014 I did a 3 month sojourn in the South of France and enjoyed keeping my friends and family updated on my adventures. So here begins another sojourn on the magical island of Ireland.
I arrived late yesterday (Wednesday, 4/27) afternoon. I was so tired having not slept on the plane. However, everything went smoothly with picking up the rental car and getting out of Dublin and on the road. Mid-way to my destination, exhaustion hit so I pulled over in a rest stop and rested for about 40 minutes and then continued on.
My little cottage in New Quay (pronounced "New Key") is attached to the main home of a lovely couple, RoÍsín and Brendan. It is 2 rooms, one on entry with full kitchen and one bedroom and bath upstairs. I am across the street from Galway Bay to my left and Lisanne's Restaurant and Bar.
Once unpacked, I headed back into Kinvara for food provisions at the local Spar. The village of Kinvara doesn't have much - a pharmacy, Spar, beauty shop, few restaurants/pubs and small hotel, an old castle ruin, Dunguaire Castle, around a little port.. By the time I got home I was famished. Too tired to cook I wandered over to Lisanne's for fish and chips and a glass of wine. The former were delicious, the latter not so much :-(. A long hot hot shower and I finally collapsed by 9:30p.m. just as the sun was setting.
Had quiet time this morning with my coffee, newspapers and readings. I had purchased the fixings for hamburger soup so I set about getting that prepared. OMG the knives were so dull I couldn't cut through the onion. (Note to self: afternoon activity to find knife sharpener). Once the soup had simmered for a while, I packed up to find the knife sharpener and a small bluetooth speaker. The radio/cd/tape player here is out of the 80's and with no CD's provided seems useless. TV only has about 5 stations, but the internet works and I can stream on my iPad.
No luck in Kinvara for the items I was searching for so I ventured farther afield and closer to Galway to Orcombe where I found a Tesco - much bigger grocery store (more like Carrefour in France) and a few small appliances and limited clothing selections. I scored the speaker for 20E and the knife sharpener for 11E and headed home.
The weather is hovering around low to mid-50's and is overcast. We have had spitting showers today intermittently. I got back from my errands about 2:30 and made short shrift of my soup with some warmed baguette purchased at Tesco. I decided to do another walk along the Flaggy Shore. Before I did though, I drove all along it first to see where it went and how far it was. I love meandering down the country roads looking at houses, stopping to talk to the cows and sheep. I came back and parked the car and began my walk.
I have to admit I am having a lot of pain in my knee while walking. I think it's more from the bursa behind the knee rather than the meniscus or arthritis in the knee. I walked about 1 1/2 miles very slowly and am now home and icing. No swelling and the pain doesn't persist when stationary. I did a good bit of stretching when I got back and have been given more stretching exercises from PT. Bottom line is that I will not let this keep me from walking. However, Roísín mentioned she might be able to find me a bike which is lower impact for the knee.
I keep referring to the Flaggy Shore. It's a lovely walk around Galway Bay where it empties into the Atlantic Ocean. You have Connemara across the Bay and the Limestone Mountains of the Burren behind you. Seamus Heaney immortalized it in a poem, Postscripts, which I will add and hope you enjoy!
Seamus Heaney
And some time make the time to drive out west
Into County Clare, along the Flaggy Shore,
In September or October, when the wind
And the light are working off each other
So that the ocean on one side is wildWith foam and glitter, and inland among stones
The surface of a slate-grey lake is lit
By the earthed lightning of a flock of swans,
Their feathers roughed and ruffling, white on white,
Their fully grown headstrong-looking heads
Tucked or cresting or busy underwater.
Useless to think you’ll park and capture it
More thoroughly. You are neither here nor there,
A hurry through which known and strange things pass
As big soft buffetings come at the car sideways
And catch the heart off guard and blow it open.
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