#so its not an emergency but a hope that y'all can help me out again
boytoyfaun · 1 year
Healthcare in this country sucks so bad. If you are feeling generous or have enjoyed my content, please consider helping me pay for an upcoming diagnostic test that my insurance won't cover.
I'm saving as much as I can but I'll still be $600 short by the time of the appointment in March, if my budget is correct.
Any amount to $boytoyfaun or buymeacoffee gets you custom content. I'm kink friendly and never judge. If you have qs about my situation or what kind of content I'll do, please send me a message!
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rosielovesf1 · 3 months
adventures in baby-sitting | LN4
sorry can't talk, at a tea party
word count: 1.1k
warnings: so. much. fluff.
author's note: thank y'all so much for the love on my last post!! sharing stuff i write has always been difficult for me, so it means a ton. hope you enjoy this one!!
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“Maybe we should’ve chosen the pink one.”
“Lando, my love.” The corner of y/n's eyes crinkled as she turned to face her boyfriend. He was turning over a small stuffed dog in his hands, fiddling with the soft fluff on its ears. “She’s four and loves animals. She’s going to be ecstatic.” 
He grunted and kept his gaze focused on the stuffed animal. 
“You’re so cute,” she couldn’t help but laugh at him, even in his distressed state. He finally looked up and met her eyes at the soft touch of her fingers under his chin. “Don’t be nervous, lovie.”
“Don’t laugh at me,” he whined, despite melting into her touch. “I’ve been less nervous to walk into big meetings. I don’t know why the thought of Maisie not liking me is making me shit myself.” 
“Because you have a huge heart, you’re kind and caring-” Lando’s eyes locked onto hers and softened, the fading daylight bringing out flecks of brown and green. “And happen to be intimidated by a four-year-old.” She kissed his nose playfully before he could pull away. 
“Now come on. She hates when people are late.” That got him moving, pulling her closer to him so he could squeeze her hand as they walked up her sister’s paved driveway. “Ready?” 
He nodded and she kissed his cheek before knocking on the door. It opened pretty much immediately, Lando sucking in a breath as the couple had to look down to see their host. Maisie stood in the entryway with a toothy grin on her face and her hair pulled up into two wispy pigtails. 
“Auntie y/n!” she squealed, launching herself forward to wrap her tiny arms around y/n's legs. 
“Hi, sweetpea.” y/n bent at the waist to hug her back. “I brought a friend with me, too! Oh-”
y/n's sentence was cut off as Maisie ducked behind her legs, peering up at Lando from between them. 
“Maisie, darling, remember that you only open the door with Mummy or Daddy,” y/n's sister, y/s/n, clucked affectionately at her daughter. 
Maisie didn’t look the least bit sorry from her hiding spot. 
“Hi, you guys,” y/s/n said, squeezing y/n into a hug before moving over to hug Lando. “Thank you so much for babysitting!”
“Anytime, y/s/n,” Lando smiled, his eyes darting curiously back and forth between y/s/n and Maisie. 
“Mais, Auntie y/n and Uncle Lando are going to stay with you tonight, okay?” y/s/n said, beckoning her daughter out from behind y/n's legs. Lando’s cheeks warmed at y/s/n's verbal confirmation of his place in their family. “Can you say hi to him?” 
Maisie waved shyly, still clinging to her mum. 
“Hi, Maisie!” Lando said, bending down to her level. y/n couldn’t help but giggle at the change in his tone of voice. “Your auntie and I brought you something.” 
He brought out the dog from behind his back, and Maisie’s eyes widened. She let out a squeal of delight and rushed forward, happily accepting the stuffed animal from Lando’s outstretched hands. 
Maisie hugged the dog tightly, tucking it under her arm. “She’s pink!”
y/n bumped Lando’s shoulder as he stood back up, saving her “I told you so” for later. 
“Lucky girl. Alright, I’ll be back by nine, and all of the emergency info is on the counter.” y/s/n beckoned them into the house and grabbed her purse from the table by the door. “Thank you both, again. Call if you need anything.” 
“Of course,” y/n said, running a hand over Maisie’s hair. “Say bye to Mummy!”
Maisie waved goodbye, the door shutting softly behind y/s/n after she blew her daughter a kiss, and all of a sudden the house was quiet. y/n waited one, two, three seconds and blew out a sigh of relief when it seemed that the risk of the little girl crying at the departure of her mum was low. 
Maisie looked up at them, seemingly taking a second to assess their presence. Her mind made up, she grabbed both of their hands, leading them over to a tiny table with two chairs and a pink teapot. “You sit here with doggie,” Lando was led to the chair on the left, and she placed her dog carefully in his lap. “And auntie goes here.” y/n sat down in the chair next to him, shifting to get comfortable in the toddler-sized seat. 
“This is Maisie’s tea party!” She exclaimed excitedly, dashing around to fill their cups from the teapot. She waited expectantly for them to drink and they both compiled, lifting the tiny cups to their lips. y/n winked at Lando over her cup, and he nudged her foot with his under the table. 
Their moment was interrupted by their host, who chastised Lando for not pointing his pinky out while holding his cup. Lando happily complied, and the trio enjoyed their tea party as the clock ticked closer to Maisie’s bedtime. 
After y/n and Lando had their fourth cups of tea, y/n set hers down and turned to face her little niece. “Hey goober. We gotta get to bed.” 
“Can doggie come to bed, too?” Maisie asked, sticking out her bottom lip at Lando. 
“Of course,” he replied, passing the stuffed animal over to her. 
“Okayyyy.” Maisie got up from her chair at the head of the table, one hand securely wrapped around her stuffed animal, and the other reaching up to grasp Lando’s. His eyebrows raised in surprise at y/n, and she grinned at him, mouthing “I think somebody likes you.”
Lando smiled down at the little girl and let her lead him over to her ocean themed room, complying with her request to be tucked in. He took extra care to make sure that the dog was securely tucked under the blankets as well. y/n just hung out in the doorway, her heart swelling at the sight of her boyfriend being so tender with her niece. 
As Lando said goodnight and y/n turned off the lights, Maisie mumbled out a sleepy “Good night, Uncle Lando.” 
“Good night, Maisie,” he called back, a wide smile breaking out across his face as he walked to stand behind y/n in the doorway.
“Did you hear that?” he whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. “She called me Uncle.” 
“I did, love,” she smiled, turning her head to meet his eyes. “You’re so good with her.” 
The corners of his eyes crinkled at the compliment, and he moved so he was facing her. “Maybe Maisie needs a cousin,” he said with a cheesy grin. 
“Hmm, maybe.” She stood up on her tiptoes to brush her nose against his, before capturing his lips in a kiss. “It’d be fun to have another little one running around.”
“I can’t wait.”
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@landonorris: sorry can’t talk, at a tea party 🫖
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@y/nl/n: auntie duties 🫡
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moralesmilesanhour · 3 months
Or an AU drabble where Miles and Margo go to the same HBCU and they have crushes on each other. Someone’s pet trarantula is loose and Miles who has arachnophobia grabs the first person who he can find (Margo) to help him get rid of it.
(obvious spider trigger warning to anyone else reading) Thank you for requesting!! :) Idk the specifics of how HBCU dorms work so I just went by my own experience cuz I couldn't find anything just looking it up lmao I hope that's okay (I also don't know how you're actually meant to handle tarantulas so maybe don't try this at home)
"Miles, don't look now, but - man, I said don't look!"
Miles' head immediately snapped to the wall opposite him where he was typing out a response to one of his discussion posts. Jude sighed and plugged his ears in preparation for the blood-curdling, slasher film-worthy scream that followed.
Miles had seen spiders in his house before; ones no larger than an ant that could easily be mistaken for a different kind of bug until it began to crawl and convulse in that way that only spiders do. He had made it a point to bring in boxes upon boxes of EcoVenger on move-in day to make sure he never had to see any sign of the creatures in his vicinity.
The spider currently ambling up the wall across the room from him after he leapt backwards was the stuff of his worst nightmares.
"Who the fuck brought a tarantula to school?!?"
Miles and Jude were both in the hallway now in their PJs after the former refused to go back inside until it was gone.
"That's Alex's pet. We all saw it at his party last weekend, you didn't-?"
Miles crossed his arms and gave him a look.
"...Right. Of course you didn't."
The door to their right creaked open, half a face peeking out from behind it. Both men recognized the young woman's sharp eyeliner before she even began to speak.
"Aye, Margo!"
"Hey," she smiled as she fully emerged from her room in her usual green sweatshirt and shorts. "Whatchy'all yelling about? I don't think I've ever heard your voice reach that octave."
"Oh that wasn't-"
"Yeah, Alex's tarantula snuck into our room, right next to his head!" Miles interrupted, leaning casually on the wall with an easy grin as if he wasn't just cussing out his roommate and about to do the same to Alex.
Jude gave him a nasty glare, but didn't say anything.
"Oh my god, it got out?" Margo gasped, sounding more like a kid at the zoo than a concerned neighbor.
"Yeah, it's really been botherin' Jude," Miles continued with great affect. "Care to lend a hand?"
"Lemme see - I mean, I can help!"
She clapped her hands together and strolled right past Jude towards their room.
"I'll make sure it's safe and put it in a jar to bring back to Alex, and you," Miles yelped when she grabbed his wrist and tugged him behind her, "are gonna help me catch it."
He hesitated and looked to Jude for help, but the other man shrugged with a self-satisfied smirk spreading across his face.
"S-sure," he smiled painfully, "I'm right behind you!"
By the time they made it to the shared bedroom, the spider was nowhere to be seen. Miles swore he felt his stomach drop. He swept the room with anxious eyes while Margo ventured into the kitchen in search of a proper container. It wasn't on either of the desks or desk lamps, and after counting to three and pulling away their bed sheets, it did not seem to be hiding there, either.
He found her again while she rummaged through the cupboards to report his findings. She pulled out a mug with the faces of several 'Bleach' characters printed on the front and examined it.
Miles winked, "Don't use that one, that's my good mug."
Margo snickered and handed it back to him.
"Y'all got any mason jars I can use, then? I didn't see any around."
"Sure, they're just behind the...the... "
Miles had made the grave mistake of looking up, and stopped dead in his tracks. There, just inches away from his forehead, was the tarantula. The dark mass was slowly climbing its way up the cupboard where the mason jars were supposed to be.
"Oh, sweet, it's right there!"
He looked like someone had gotten out a remote and pressed 'pause', his eyes the size of saucers.
Margo's brows furrowed in concern.
"Miles? Aren't you gonna get it?"
His chest began to rise and fall more rapidly as the spider continued its ascent, and she quickly realized that he was a little more than just startled. She took back the mug, set it on the counter, and gently pushed him aside.
"Actually, I got it."
Margo reached up to where the spider was and let it crawl onto her hand. Her other hand, she used to open the cupboard and grab a jar, which she turned to hand over to Miles.
"Open this for me?"
"Now that I can do," he said, taking the jar carefully as if the tarantula would leap off of Margo's hand at any moment. "There."
She deposited the creature into the jar with such ease that Miles half-expected to be made fun of, but she didn't say anything. Just observed with a little smile as it crawled aimlessly around the container and pushed its legs against the glass.
"Y'know, Alex actually let me hold this little guy once."
Miles leaned back against the opposite counter.
"Do you, like, regularly pet bugs?"
She hummed before answering, "I like some bugs, but I'm not exactly diggin' in the grass looking for 'em. Tarantulas are cool, though. They can shoot their hairs out at people to defend themselves. Wish I could do that."
"It'd be a hell of a superpower," he laughed. "You wanna take this guy across the hall?"
"I do, but are you gonna be able to handle it?"
"He's trapped and he cannot hurt me," Miles got off the counter and gestured for Margo to go ahead of him. "I'll be fine."
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dira333 · 3 months
Pretty Woman Sneak Peek
thought I would do another one of these, it's been some time
tagging: @misfit-megumi @the2ndl @cup-of-fluff @alienaiver @shoulmate @fuzztacular
You can’t help but watch them leave, can’t help but overhear.
“Who’s that, Sobo?”
“Oh, I used to know her mother. She must have mistaken us.”
You close the door with a click, shut them out and yourself in. 
You’re not sure how long you stand there, firm grip on the doorknob, eyes closed as your temple rests on the cool wood. 
No tears come and in a way, you’re thankful for that. It hurts less to be frozen like this. 
Your phone chimes, the soft tone pulling you back to the present.
Izuku booked you for tonight.
A message follows, its tone frantic with too many exclamation marks.
He’s sorry he forgot to book you yesterday.
He’s a little confused as to why you’re not home yet.
Are you okay?
You numbly blink down at the last text. Are you okay, you ask yourself, wondering if there’s an answer to that.
Before you can find it, your phone chimes again.
“Please answer me. I’m a little worried. If you don’t answer in five minutes, I’ll have to ask Shinsou for your number so that I can call you.”
You blink, once, twice, before realizing what that text means.
I’m here. You text back. Got held up by a late grandparent.
It’s not a lie, but you still feel guilty about it. Yet how can you tell him the truth?
How can you burden the symbol of hope when you’re the one knowing just how burdened he is already?
You’re quiet when you return, excuse yourself to the bathroom to wash your hands the moment you step through the door. It feels a little like you’re avoiding his usual hug, but you’re not like that, have never been like that before.
He’s overthinking again, isn’t he?
Izuku places your new laptop on the kitchen table complete with a little green bow on top of it before he begins preparing dinner.
The bathroom door stays close for too long for you to be just washing your hands. 
But you emerge before he can get reasonably worried, a smile painted onto your lips. It doesn’t feel real.
“Do you want to take a nap?” He asks, feels how your roles have been reversed.
To your surprise you agree immediately, crawl into bed without attempting an argument.
Maybe you’re coming down with something?
“Hey.” He tiptoes over to your bed, kneels down so you’re on eye-level. “I’m here for you if you need anything.”
“Thanks, Izuku.” You mumble softly and close your eyes.
If your roles would be reversed, you’d know what to do. You’d drag your hand through his hair or press a kiss to his temple and he’d feel better again. But you’re not him. What if you don’t like this kind of thing when it’s done to you? 
Izuku drops one hand on your back as softly as he can, rubs one slow comforting circle over it. You don’t seem to react. 
“Is that okay?” He asks. You swallow instead of answering and for a while there’s nothing but silence, his hand on your back, his eyes on your face.
“It’s just been a long day.” You eventually say. “I’ll just nap for twenty minutes. I’m sure I’ll be much better after.”
“Oh, okay. I’m… I’m going to make dinner. I’ll wake you when it’s ready.”
This one's a little bit sadder than the rest, but I wanted to share this with y'all
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redorich · 3 years
Hello! Can we get a little something for the hermit canyon AU? I was thinking something Karl centered, maybe they accidentally find his library or otherwise find out about his "travels". They're probably invisible for the whole thing, but do they do anything afterwards? Do they leave little notes and reminders? Would they try to help at all? Or would they push it to the back of their minds and try to forget about it?
Unlike most discoveries made by Hermits, Joe does not find a secret location on a normal surface run. When Etho found the Pogtopia ravine, it was a mystery to him, unsettling and vivid. When Grian found Technoblade's snowy cabin, it was on complete accident, just because Grian needed to explore, to get out of the canyon for a few hours.
When Joe exits the canyon, as he rarely does, he makes a beeline for Karl's library. Time is... not something Joe concerns himself with, but he prefers to constrict himself to the linear travel of the fourth dimension nowadays-- if such a thing as "nowadays" can be said to exist when tangling with time.
Where was he? Ah, yes. He moves quickly, because he dislikes spending more time away from Xisuma's side than absolutely necessary, even if the admin has been having a run of good health days and there are twenty-two other Hermits to attend to the admin in an emergency. He doesn't bother with invisibility, or walking, or other mundane things. Joe simply hovers in the air, flying toward his destination and perhaps fiddling with the tick speed just a little, just enough to get him there faster.
There's a residual feeling of familiarity, like a relationship with an ex-girlfriend which has long since turned sour, near the canyon. There's a whisper there of magic, of gleaming white spires, but all Joe can see is red.
"It's a shame, what they did to this library," Joe mutters with a tsk. Posters of hazy LSD-esque drawings of various time periods and locations line the walls, molding away as red vines climb on them, devour them.
He shrugs. Might as well move on; nothing of value remains here.
To the south is a place Etho has visited only briefly and in passing: Kinoko Kingdom. It's a hotspot of activity at times, and a ghost town at others. Etho didn't even know the name of the place until Puffy reported it. Joe doesn't care. For all that Etho likes to present himself as a cryptid, scaring poor innocent wood-dwelling folk who are just looking for a big fuzzy triclopean spouse, Joe is the one with experience as a cryptid. Let them see him. What are they going to say, "I saw Herobrine"?
He touches down, finally, in front of another library made from mushrooms and wood. Allowing his eyes to flash white for a moment so that he can ferret out the building's secret room, he is both disappointed and unsurprised to see it empty of life. Karl Jacobs, resident time traveller, is not there.
Joe closes his eyes. He doesn't want to have to do this. For decades, there was a place he called home, a place he built from the ground up. It was a place in between life and death, and so he called it the Inbetween.
He opens his eyes, and he is there. It's like walking down a street you've been down a hundred thousand times before; even with your eyes closed, you know where you're going. There are no longer dozens of imperfect copies of himself running around, brainless and waiting to be culled like lambs to the slaughter in order to fuel an affront against nature. Now, there are many iterations of Karl, all wandering aimlessly... save one.
The only version of Karl wearing color stands in an open-air corridor near the courtyard. Even from a distance, Joe can see his chest rise and fall far too rapidly for him to actually be getting any air. (Joe sees everything here, where his eyes are white and cannot be anything but white.)
"Why am I here?" Karl babbles to himself. "I haven't time-travelled-- or did I already forget?"
"You didn't forget," Joe reassures him. It does not have the intended effect.
Karl screams, turning around so quickly that he falls on his ass. He scoots away like a crab missing a leg, scrambling for some distance. "Your eyes--!"
"Come closer," Joe says. "I won't hurt you."
"You're Herobrine!"
Joe exhales slowly. "I was Herobrine. What I am is the only person who can help you."
Karl warily clambers to his feet. None of the other Karls dressed in white pay the two men any mind. "What do you mean?"
"You've got yourself stuck in a dimensional loop of Homestuck proportions, Karl," Joe says. "So did I, when I built this place. It took me decades to figure out how to get out of it, and I knew what I was doing. You don't have that."
"Am I stuck here forever, then?" Karl says mournfully. He waves a hand at the carefree automatons wearing his face. "Will I become one of them?"
Joe takes a few slow steps closer, keeping his hands where the stressed-out time traveller can see them. "I'll take care of things on this end. You won't ever have to come back here again."
Karl sags in relief like a marionette with its strings cut.
"Does the name Eret mean anything to you?" Joe asks. It's a name he's heard from Puffy's lips once or twice, and if her information holds true, things could get much easier.
Karl blinks. "Uh... Yeah? What about them?"
Joe continues. "Dark hair, tall, white eyes like mine?"
"I've never seen Eret without their sunglasses, but I guess, yeah," Karl replies. Of all the things he would have expected Herobrine to ask about, Eret isn't one of them.
"Imagine what Eret looks like," Joe suggests. "Think real hard about them. Imagine them here, in the Inbetween, right in front of us."
Karl has no idea why Herobrine wants him to daydream about Eret (even if their voice is very nice), but if the man is pulling his leg, well-- it's fucking Herobrine, he can do what he wants.
Speaking of that nice voice, Karl hears the voice in question scream out of nowhere. Karl flinches away from the sudden loud noise, before his eyes catch up to his brain and he realizes that he just magicked Eret into existence in the Inbetween.
"What the fuck," Eret says. "H-Herobrine, uh, long time no s-see..?"
"Sorry about that time I kinda tortured you," Herobrine says brightly. "I'm nicer now."
"I doubt--" Eret begins caustically, then remembers exactly who they're talking to and shuts their mouth. "...Why is everything so dark?"
"Take off your sunglasses," Herobrine suggests.
Eret grimaces, but obeys. This place is practically humming with magic, so they just know they're going to get blinded by it the moment they remove their glasses, but they remember what happened last time they pissed Herobrine off.
Wincing, they remove the sunglasses, expecting pain and receiving... nothing. The glint of light on quartz is a bit uncomfortable, but that's a normal human uncomfortable that Eret hasn't experienced since they were a teenager.
Herobrine smacks them on the forehead with his palm. "I take back what I said about 'living with this power for the rest of your life', and all that," he says. "You can turn 'em off now. I'd recommend not turning those eyes back on, though-- at least, not here. It's a little bright, magic-wise."
Eret gapes. All these years, they feared the day they'd meet this powerful man again, imagined what they'd say as they cursed his name or begged his forgiveness... and here he is, giving them exactly what they desperately hoped for but knew they'd never receive simply because he's 'nicer now'.
"Herobrine," Eret says, "why have you done this?"
"Call me Joe," Herobrine says.
Karl interjects, "Joe mama," under his breath. It is with the utmost shock on Eret's behalf that Karl does not in fact get immediately smited into oblivion, merely smacked on the forehead.
"Now you won't forget," Herobrine-- Joe says. "Anyway, I have shenanigans to be up to back in the canyon, so I'll send y'all back now. Those red vines are bad news, and so is their egg, so y'all better take care of that, please. It's really messing your server up."
Karl blanches. "The canyon?"
"Oh, look at the time. Have fun, be safe, bye," Joe says with affected mild disinterest.
Both Karl and Eret have so much to say, so many questions to ask, but they fade away before they get the chance.
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claudemblems · 3 years
I see everyone's taking about periods and hhhhh mine are supposed to come this week and the wait is killing me, I don't wannaaaaa .·´¯(>▂<)´¯·.
So to bring justice to us all, hcs for the 4 tall genshin ikemens dealing with their s/o's periods ? Bruhhh just thinking about the cramps, hope I won't faint or throw up, cross your fingers for me y'all 🤞🤞
First off I want to say sorry that this is coming to you so late 😭 But I hope that these headcanons will give you a little bit of comfort whenever you find yourself on your period again. I know it sucks and it's super painful, so make sure you get proper rest and take care of yourself <3 Thank you for requesting the Genshin ikemens hehe (also can we talk about how pretty these gifs are, shout out to the wonderful creators that make them for us :3)
Warnings: none, this is just really long lol
Kaeya Alberich
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The ideal man. Kaeya treats you like royalty the entire time you’re on your period
If he can, he takes some time off from his knightly duties to tend to you
Extra patient and understanding. He knows that mood swings can get the better of you, and he is fully prepared for the storm that might follow
He won’t let you lift even a finger—if you need something, he’s got it taken care of
Dotes on you more than usual. There’s just something about your pleading gaze that makes him puddy in your hands
He helps you keep track of your period and makes sure you’re all prepped for your next one. He even carries period supplies with him in case of an emergency
He kind of likes when you’re on your period, partly because you’re more cuddly and affectionate and partly because he gets to take care of you
Kaeya also just really appreciates the fact that you trust him enough to keep you safe and comfortable
You don’t have to feel embarrassed at all with him. He will never be disgusted by you being on your period. In fact, he has a lot of respect for you. He knows he’d never be able to handle going through that pain every month
After your period has run its course, he takes you out so you can start to enjoy yourself again
Diluc Ragnvindr
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Ah, Diluc...he’s not that well-versed in these menstrual matters
He tries to act like he’s not panicking, but deep down inside, he is
He goes to Jean and Lisa asking for advice on what to do, and he gets a little lesson in women’s anatomy, too
Once he learns about exactly what you go through each month, he’s a little horrified. No wonder you feel so miserable
Will travel all the way to Liyue to get you something to help with the pain if he has to. He’s so incredibly worried about you. It’s kind of strange to see him hover over you with concerned eyes
When you were cuddling with him and you remarked how the warmth from his pyro vision felt so nice on your cramps, he then decided to become your personal heating pad
You’re glued to his side for several days, falling asleep in his arms, his vision relieving some of the pain. His heart swells in his chest when he sees you sleeping so peacefully, and his worries finally start to ease up
His massages are literally heaven. His rough hands combined with the heat from his vision? You never want to leave his touch again
His constant skin-to-skin contact with you over the course of your period leaves him a little needy. Once your period is finally long gone, he’ll brush past his shyness and let you know just how much he’s craving your touch
You suppose your period isn’t all that bad if it gives you a greedy Diluc afterwards
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Childe knows a thing or two about periods since he’s grown up with sisters, so thankfully he’s aware of what he needs to do to help you get through yours
While Childe is extra sweet and loving to you during these times, he’s also much more intimidating than usual to his colleagues (and his enemies). If anyone dares to lay a finger on you while you’re in so much pain...well good luck to them lol
Will happily run to the pharmacy to get you some pain medication, and he does so without an ounce of embarrassment. He sees no reason to feel ashamed getting you things for your period. Besides, your periods are not a sign of weakness but of strength. He’s impressed you can deal with so much pain each month!
Childe tells you stories about his family and Snezhnaya to get your mind off everything. Your head resting on his chest, his hands massaging gently into your aching sides, his presence is so comforting that you often fall asleep
He will spend all the money he needs to get you whatever you want. La Signora might scold him for using the funds allotted to him for “all the wrong reasons”, but there’s no budging him: whatever you want, you get
When he can’t get off from his Fatui duties, he asks Zhongli to watch over you. Setting aside the fact that he and La Signora took his gnosis from him, the two are on good terms. Zhongli is one of the only people in Liyue that Childe trusts enough to leave you in his care
After his work is done, Childe goes straight home to you. Before you even have to ask, he’s making you a warm cup of tea, gathering a hot towel, and tucking you into a giant pile of blankets, asking you if there’s anything else he can do for you
If you just want to cuddle or have him shower you with kisses, he simply can’t refuse such an innocent request~
During these times where he gets to hold you in his arms, he makes sure to remind you of how much he loves you, promising that he’ll always be there whenever you need him
As the saying goes, “You make a pinkie promise, you keep it all your life. You break a pinkie promise, I throw you on the ice. The cold will kill the pinkie that once betrayed your friend, the frost will freeze your tongue off so you never lie again.”
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While Zhongli has acquired a vast array of knowledge of a variety of things during his time as Morax, he’s not particularly educated in the realm of menstruation
At first he fears something terrible has happened to you when he sees you clutching your sides in agony and how your face is as white as paper
Then you tell him it’s just your period pains and he responds with, “Oh, I see…” but inside he is in panic mode
Tries to help you out the best he can with the limited knowledge he has, but once he gets you a nice cup of tea and has you settled into some warm blankets, he picks up every book he can find on the subject of female anatomy
He reads through them at a pace that isn’t quite human, and by the next morning, he’s using every helpful tip that he’s stored in his mind to get you feeling okay again
Sometimes you ask him to just tell you a story of his past or tell you everything about a topic that particularly intrigues him. He’s a little confused by your request, thinking his endless rambling might bore you to death. But when you say you just really like the sound of his voice and that you think it’s cute when he goes off on a tangent, he will gladly oblige (and you can’t help but notice the blush dusting his cheeks <3)
Zhongli is extremely protective of you during this time as shown through his actions. One hand is always holding yours or is pressed to the small of your back, his fingers tracing up and down your skin, reminding you that he’s right there should you need him
He has a hard time watching you endure so much pain. If you’re comfortable with the idea, he suggests taking a trip to Bubu Pharmacy to see if Baizhu can give you something to help with your periods
Zhongli will move heaven and earth for you. He quite simply adores you, and he will make sure you never forget it. So when you’re back to feeling better, you can see the relief clearly in his eyes. He’s just happy to see you smiling once more
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nurseofren · 3 years
Keeping Your Promise - Chapter 30 (NSFW)
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Read chapter twenty-nine (NSFW-lite)
Title: Not a Fascination
Words: 14.1k (Um... don't look at me lmfao)
Summary: The other side of tragedy.
Warnings: vaginal fisting, needles, inappropriate use of medical equipment
ST Rambles: Here to drop this absolute MONSTROSITY of a 14.1k word chapter. But boy howdy was this thing a long time coming. Thigh riding, fisting, vein kink -- OH MY. To be honest, this thing was not supposed to be what it is, but I went with it and like how it turned out and how it will help the story along.
I take my NCLEX on July 7th and start my orientation on the 19th. Life is crazy y'all. Enjoy this.
[MASTERLIST] || BANNER // @elmidol
Bloodied faces, jagged flesh, the smell of iron scorching your nose, screams scraping against your ears and never ending, never faltering no matter how much you did.
All these things, these horrid thoughts, crowded your mind, and all you could do was keep running, keep tumbling through the unfamiliar halls of this place and hope you could get to him in time. Get to Kylo in time.
Because how many chances could the galaxy or the stars or the gods offer you? It felt like you’d used those chances up, maxed them out between Robbie and Snoke and Starkiller.
But you could not think like that, or at least you didn’t want to. It was useless, none of those gut-wrenching thoughts could help you or Kylo, and all of them just made you want to crumple to the floor and give up.
If he wasn’t okay, if he was dying…
The thought made you stumble forward, your fingers clamping onto a doorframe as you made another tight turn into the next hallway that looked like all the previous. You shot past couplets of workers, their shocked gasps dwindling behind as you raced away from them to wherever your watch was leading you.
CB-7070 raced just behind you, and maybe it appeared as if you were being chased by security, but you couldn’t care less, not as you felt the phantom flood of crimson slither along your leg, its ghost a cold, wicked reminder of how bad things could be again. The stormtrooper didn’t stop you, though, and you wondered briefly if she had been alerted to Kylo’s emergency as well. But it was a fleeting thought, and all you could think of was getting to him and being with him and not letting him go ever again.
Your heart burned in your chest and your legs flew faster than you ever knew they could, fast like your sprint toward the Command Shuttle when the planet was exploding alongside your life. This was all too familiar, too chaotic. You couldn’t do this again.
You wouldn’t.
The next turn you hurdled past, you promised yourself that you would do everything you could to ensure Kylo would never be helpless like he had been ever again. Trial be damned, license be damned, Snoke be damned! None of it mattered. Nothing mattered. Nothing but him, nothing mattered except him. It was always him.
It would always be him.
The tiny red blip of your radar display became centered, and you looked up just before you met a badge-protected door face first. Before you could process the thought completely, your hand flung to the badge hanging from your collar and slammed it into the scanner on the wall. The door hissed open and you catapulted into whatever room you’d been led to.
And then you connected with a hard wall of heat and muscle. Kylo.
Breath heaved from your lungs as your hands skimmed along his front, assessing for damage and wounds, searching for the sinister slip of blood beneath the tips of your fingers. You were only vaguely aware of the questions fumbling from your trembling lips, your ears ringing and head pounding as your hands took one of his clothed arms and smoothed along its strong length, wandering until they found nothing of concern and shifting to the opposite.
After finding his front and upper half free from injury, you went to spin to his back, but a hand caught your hip – a warm, firm hand that broke through the cloud of panic that’d swallowed you – and kept you from moving. You urged away from it, but it remained and kept you steady, and when you tried a third time, it grasped a little tighter, and you found your way back to the present.
Breath wheezed out of you and you looked up. Kylo was peering down at you, unmasked. It was there again, that odd, unreadable expression from the Command Shuttle that day, the one that looked like awe, but now it was laced with something more. The way he looked at you… Kylo seemed stunned, but there was this strength to it, like he hadn’t been expecting your worry, but that he liked it.
“Kylo,” you whimpered, your fingers reaching up to skim his face, the pad of your left ring finger etching along the black-and-red scar that struck through his face.
His Jaw tightened and your eyes fled to his, the weight of his molten amber gaze making you shiver. Something wet and hot slipped over your top lip, and only then did you realize you’d begun to cry.
“Kylo,” you mouthed, and then you rested your forehead against the broad width of his chest, your hands slipping from his face and reaching around his waist so you could pull him to you.
He seemed to relax slightly with you tight against him, but he was still rigid.
“Leave us,” Kylo stated simply, and your blood ran cold while your face heated.
In your panicked state, you forgot that CB-7070 had followed after you. She’d kept up with you through the halls and was now standing in the same room where you’d just caressed the Commander of the First Order’s face and hugged him. The room where you were still hugging him.
“Commander Ren, I am to remain with your provider during her time away from the Consulate,” CB-7070 said, an uneasiness clear even in her altered voice. “To leave her would go against my assignment.”
“Your assignment is with the General, is it not?” Kylo demanded, the hand on your hip flexing but never releasing.
There was a tense pause, and you heard the stormtrooper at your back shuffle uncomfortably, undoubtedly under the intense glare your master was shooting her right now.
“She is my provider, after all. Report to the General that you left her with me.” His heart was steady and unwavering in his chest, and you knew you should pull away from him, but you were too caught up in the reassurance of his strong form to do so.
Another moment of silence passed, you felt the steady gawk of CB-7070’s face centered on you, and you went to finally let go of Kylo. But he had other plans. Instead of letting you go, Kylo took the hand that wasn’t clasped to your hip and let it trail up your spine, dragging it along your back until it cupped the base of your skull and shifted your head so your cheek lay flat against his chest.
“Tell your general he can come to me if he has an issue with my order. I’ll be interested to hear his… perspective on the matter, if he feels so compelled.”
The lethal confidence that Kylo spoke with seeped into your bones. And though you couldn’t see his face, you heard the slight snarl he’d ended his words with.
A second passed, you took a breath, and the heat of Kylo’s gloved hand atop your nape sent a scalding shiver down your spine. Movement sounded at your back, and you could almost feel CB-7070’s surrender in the way the remaining rigidity left Kylo altogether.
The stormtrooper cleared her throat. “I will report as you’ve advised, Commander Ren.” Out of the corner of your eye, CB-7070 shifted toward you. “Officer,” she said in resignation, wariness tingeing her tone.
You couldn’t look at her. The only thing meeting her mask-hidden eyes would do is solidify that you had an odd, extremely inappropriate relationship with Kylo Ren. Between the trial, the shitty shift, and whatever Kylo called you here for, the last thing you needed was Hux up your ass. Or, further up your ass than he already was.
So you only nodded against Kylo’s chest, attempting to speak but knowing your words would be rasped by how thick your throat had become.
Boots sounded on the tile floor, then a rush of hydraulics, and finally the room settled around you. It was quiet, the only sound that of Kylo’s rhythmic, unfaltering heart and your own pulse finally slowing in your ears. He still held you to him – hand on hip and head – and for however long he did, whether it was minutes or hours, you felt the chaos of Starkiller’s downfall flood away. Kylo held you and you held onto him, and the planet at your feet kept still and steady, so you allowed a second a peace, clinging to every rise and fall of the chest that tided beneath your cheek.
Had you ever held Kylo Ren before? The thought struck through you, and you tightened your hold just a measure more, and you felt your body sigh against his.
Kylo had held you before, held tight your sob-wracked body on that all-too-recent day that seemed to have changed so much. Seemed to have changed everything, really.
“I thought something happened,” you murmured. “I thought you were hurt again like… like last time. And that I’d find you and you wouldn’t…” You swallowed, the grim thought choking you. “And you wouldn’t wake up this time.”
The hand on your hip smoothed over to the small of your back, the breath of his heavy sigh cooling the crown of your head. “I’m not that easy to kill,” Kylo said, blunt yet gentle.
You ran your hands up his back, surreptitiously searching for damage. “There’s nothing wrong with you,” you mumbled.
A gust of amusement left him, and he teasingly said, “I think a lot of people would disagree with that statement.”
He was… joking? “Nothing physically wrong, then. So why are you here, Kylo?”
He hummed, and the feel of his vibrating chest against your ear was chilling. The hand that rested on the back of your neck toyed with the stray hair there, and just as soon as your eyes lulled shut did they fling back open.
The Force returned with unyielding, unforgiving strength. It laved and pushed and whirled through your cunt, and you shuddered against Kylo and he held you to him, trapped you against him while you yipped and squealed and bit back wanton moans.
“I can’t just come see you?” Kylo rumbled, and you could hear the smirk he now wore. “It has been such a long, boring day, what with you ordering me against training for the foreseeable future, so I thought I’d pay a visit to my little nurse.” He sighed a low chuckle. “Thought I’d see how memorable your first day has been.”
Your hands bunched in the material of his outer tunic, your jaw slack and brow pinched, but through the thick pleasure you found yourself annoyed and… angry.
You were angry with him.
He came here with the intent to toy with you, just as he’d done during your entire shift. The same toying – albeit, much more vehement now – that caused you to be publicly reprimanded and shamed not even an hour ago. It made you feel so worthless, so unimportant that he hadn’t considered that you wouldn’t want to do this with him right now. Even worse was the fact you thought he was hurt or so much worse when your watch had alerted.
It felt like he didn’t care how these shifts would affect your trial. It felt like he hadn’t given a second thought to summoning you here, like he didn’t consider that you’d lose your mind at the thought of something worse happening to him as the events of Starkiller occurred not even two weeks ago.
“Kylo,” you warned, but it came out on a lusting breath. “Kylo, stop.”
“Is that another one of your orders you seem to be so keen on today? In that case…”
The Force shifted, and while it kept a masterful pattern on your clit, you now felt it move inside you, pushing into you just as his thick, heavy cock would. But the Force grew, it stretched you and you felt it deep, deepinside. A pitiful wheeze jolted from your lungs, and when your knees quivered, Kylo only pressed you harder into his massive, broad body, the Force filling you with relentless strokes.
“Kylo, stop it. Stop it, now,” you panted, your voice rising a pitch when you felt the frays of pleasure tickle along your nerves. You didn’t want to cum, not for him, not right now when he’d made you so livid.
“You should be begging me to let you cum, not for me to stop” he hummed, a note of uncertainty present in his tone. “Why are you fighting me on this?”
“Because I don’t want to do this with you!”
The exclamation ripped through your throat, your nails nearly shredding through his thick tunic, and as you prepared to be drowned in the ecstasy of orgasm, the Force left you. It all stopped, and all you knew in that moment was that you were relieved he listened to you. Relieved he stopped and recognized that this wasn’t an empty plea born from a pleasure high. Recognized you were serious.
As you calmed, still holding tight to him, you felt the absence of his touch, and the room went completely still around you. It didn’t even seem like Kylo was breathing, or he was and it was disconcertingly quiet and insidious.
You took your hands from him and stepped away, seeing you were in a nondescript assessment room, a simple exam table in its center and a set of windows peering out toward the bay. The sun was slowly sinking toward the water now, casting the cabinet-lined walls with rich orange and purple hues. Only now did you realize the lights weren’t on, the panic you’d entered the room with quick to steal your attention from such details.
As you took another step back, wiping your face with the backs of your hands, you turned your focus back to Kylo. You were mad at him. He didn’t get to throw a fit right now. You did.
But before you could start, Kylo spoke, his voice deathly and haunted as he did. “Then who do you want to do this with?”
“What are you talking about, Kylo?”
“You said you didn’t want to do this with me. That implies there is another who you would rather be doing this with.” His face was forged in impenetrable steel, and yours was warped with exasperated confusion.
“Yeah, I don’t want to do this with you. Fuck, no I don’t want to fuck you right now. I don’t want to be fucked by you right now.”
He was entirely off base, and it sent a wave of quiet outrage through you that he couldn’t see why you were so angry with him.
He ground his teeth together, so hard it seemed likely he would crack a molar. The scarred side of his face hitched in a snarl when he whispered, “The physician, right? That would make the most sense. You wanted to fuck him before.”
“Hey!” you barked, stomping a pace toward him, utterly dumbfounded by how he was missing the point. “You don’t get to call me a slut. You know what? You don’t get to be mad right now. You don’t get to imply that I want to fuck anyone other than you just because your fragile ego can’t take that I don’t want to fuck you right now, that I don’t want you to touch me right now because…”
Thoughts were somehow coming too quickly and leaving too soon as you floundered in front of him. When you didn’t speak, when your hands grasped for the words that you couldn’t find, your eyes settled on the rigid flow of his breathing. And then lower to the fists at his sides, flexing and unflexing as the room settled into silence.
“You don’t get to be mad,” you said, and it was a quiet murmur from your lips but the room around you boomed as they left you. “You don’t get to be mad right now because I…” And it took a final moment, one where his eyes lit at the threat of more silence, but you finally understood what you were feeling. “You don’t get to be mad right now because I am more than your fuck toy.”
“Of course you are—,”
“No!” you interrupted, flinging a hand just inches from his chest. “You talk so much about how I need you and how I need to trust you first, but how can I when you won’t respect… me?”
Kylo’s nostrils flared, and you saw the heave of breath that left him, but he kept quiet. So you continued. “You don’t respect me. Or maybe you do and you just suck at showing it. Because you called me here, you alerted me that there was something wrong and I thought you were dead, alright? I thought you were hurt and that you were bleeding out and that if I didn’t get to you in time that you were going to die and that it would be my fault.”
“I’m fine. There’s nothing wrong,” he said, voice laden with visceral restraint.
“And that’s the whole problem, don’t you see?” You bored one last stabbing glare into his eyes, and then rage clutched at your chest. A whiny, tired roar tore through your throat. “I’m such a joke. I… I can’t do anything. I’ve lost so much time and opportunity being assigned to you that I never learned how to do anything right! And you don’t care! You don’t care that I’m working under a preceptor who graduated the same month I did. You don’t care that I’m here, working unpaid shifts so I can prove to the Board that even if I’m unfit for practice, I am still worthy of life.”
Breath burned your throat, but it never seemed to fill your lungs. Kylo glared at you, a cold, flat expression dulling his features. You didn’t care. He needed to hear this. You needed to say it.
“I sprinted here from the Infirmary, and all I could think about was that I couldn’t lose you. That I wouldn’t live in a world where I wasn’t with you.” His brow narrowed at that, but you couldn’t stop. “And when I got here and you were okay, I felt like I could breathe again. But then you start with your Force-fucking bullshit and made me realize that you will never take me seriously. None of this will ever matter to you – not the fact that I won’t ever practice again, not the fact that you caused me to miss an IV, not the fact that that got me humiliated in front of a whole floor of staff who will forever know me as Kylo Ren’s Provider, the girl with the red embroidery and the too-short uniform.”
You hadn’t noticed, but your hand had gone to trace the embroidery you’d just mentioned, and when you flung your hand away, you saw a flicker of something unfamiliar in Kylo’s eyes.
A bitter, cold laugh croaked out of you. “Do you know who I’m working under? Does the name Calliope Silvren sound familiar to you?” You eyed him, and when he didn’t speak, you nearly barked at him, “Do you know who she is, Kylo?”
“No,” he said, and it sounded like the truth, but it didn’t matter to you if it was or not.
“Calliope Silvren is everything I was supposed to be. She’s everything I’m not, and… and she’s the one you are supposed to be fucking!”
“What are you talking about?” He ended the question with a tense cut of your name.
“Because I was your little fascination, right?” You scoffed, rolling your eyes at the thought as your vision blurred with tears. “I was nothing more than a game to you, and she was the one who was supposed to be assigned to you.” Gulps of breath hiccupped in your throat. “She wouldn’t have gotten herself into this situation!” The heels of your hands dug into your eyes, and you realized you were trembling. “Calliope fucking Silvren wouldn’t have taken the blood from that fridge, and she wouldn’t have fucked her Commander! Calliope fucking Silvren wouldn’t have named a stormtrooper and she wouldn’t have gotten raped and she wouldn’t have killed anyone!”
Something hard and cold cracked across your knees, and your hands fell out in front of you. The floor. Your legs had given out and you were sobbing uncontrollably on the sterile, frigid floor.
With a stuttering chest, you hugged your knees and cried into them. “I was never supposed to be here, none of this was supposed to happen. I was supposed to graduate and work in the Stormtrooper Hub and live a boring, mundane life.” Crushing pain flooded your chest, and your next words were nastier than you meant them to be. “A boring, mundane life where I fucked the physician until the day I died.” You looked up at him, then, and he was only a blurry outline of black and orange and purple. “Because that’s what I am to you, right? Just some slut who fucks all the men in her life.”
You scraped at your wet, burning eyes and a sob hitched in your throat. Kylo looked down at you, and you could feel the violent emotion that lived in his blackened eyes. But he said nothing, and when the silence pressed into you, the thought that came to mind was too loud to keep inside.
But that riotous thought came out on the meager dying breath of a whisper. “If your biggest concern right now is that I want to fuck Mason, then I have… I have deluded myself into believing that you care for me. That you ever cared for me.” The truth of it burned your tongue, and your chest ached for the death of the future you’d come running for.
Kylo didn’t look away from you for a long moment, and though he remained guarded, you saw something tense in his eyes. It wasn’t anger but sorrow. Sorrow and fear hidden behind a cracked mask. But then the notch in his throat moved and he turned away.
Anticipating his departure, you shut your eyes and braced yourself for the hydraulic hiss. Memories of the past few months flooded your mind’s eye, and you questioned if all this time it had been one-sided and imagined. The idea tore through you, and your chest hollowed when you thought of all the times you’d considered so dear could have only been ploys so he could control you, so he’d have access to his little fascination whenever he wanted.
The storm of thoughts overwhelmed you, but when you heard a drawer-release in the distance, muffled by the blood pounding through your skull, you lifted your head and opened your eyes to find Kylo hadn’t left. He was looking at you from across the room, his face haunted with a stabbing emotion you couldn’t quite place. His hands, glove-free now, held something, and when you caught view of it Kylo started toward you.
He didn’t stop until he stood just a stride in front of you, and when you stared up at him you saw his jaw was set, yet anger remained absent from him, still that sorrowful fear, but now it was softer, yielding. He took a silent breath, his shoulders rising evenly, and then you gasped and jolted upright as he folded himself to the floor before you and sat.
You gulped, gawking at him, noting he held an… IV starter kit?
“What are you doing?” you asked, taking in how awkward his massive form looked as he sat with his legs open and his knees slightly bent.
He said nothing, dropping the IV kit to the floor between his legs and proceeding to unclasp and shrug off the top layers of his uniform. He watched his hands while doing so, allowing you to observe him without the weight of his eyes pressing into you. He kept his eyes away until his chest was bare and you saw his biceps flex and flow as he placed the last of his clothing to the side.
Kylo picked up the sealed kit with one hand and your own in his other. He clasped the kit into your palm and pinned you with his gaze. “You are not a fascination,” he stated, clarity ringing in his voice.
He dropped your hand, only after squeezing it between his own, and then gripped the sides of your thighs and pulled you between his spread legs. You swallowed, heart thumping hard when he positioned your face just a breath from his.
He never looked away from you, and you couldn’t take your eyes from his, so when he next spoke you felt each powerful word kiss your cheeks and sink into your soul. “You are the light that has shown me my way.”
All at once, your heart stopped. Words refused to form. The harsh knit of his brow softened, and he lifted his forearm to rest on his flexed knee. With an unsteady, almost nervous emotion, he said, “You have not deluded yourself,” your name was a faint yearn off his tongue. “I care for you.”
He held his palm open and up, and the tips of his fingers played with the tab of the kit still resting in your hand, slight tremors coursing through your fingers. “Make this even. Use this,” he nudged the plastic container again, “and right the wrong I caused.”
It took a moment for your mouth to catch up with your brain, and when you finally spoke, your voice was small and weak. “I don’t know what you think will be proven by me placing an IV in your arm.”
“Just do it,” he urged, “because this won’t work unless you trust me, and-,”
“I can’t trust you if you don’t tell me what “this” is, Kylo,” you said, and it was louder than you’d meant for it to be. But you peeled open the kit and scooted back from Kylo so you could begin prodding at his arm for a good vein.
As you looked, finding bountiful fat, bouncy, obvious veins poking just under his skin, you felt him watching you. He pumped his hand a few times, and the sight of his veins and muscles swirling and popping dizzied you for a moment, a steady pulse now throbbing between your thighs. When your fingers danced down one particular vein, the one you’d admired while he slept this morning, you pressed against its spongey prominence and trailed it all the way down to his wrist.
“Your veins are literal artwork,” you sighed, but you hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
There was a fragment of amusement in Kylo’s brow, but he brushed over your compliment like you wished he would. “If I tell you what “this” is, “this” won’t work.”
“Then I guess I won’t trust you,” you said, sassy and defiant.
“Mm, that won’t work for either of us,” he rumbled, and you wanted to slap him for his sly tone.
You flicked his vein and reached for the kit, but there were no gloves, and you needed a saline flush. And an alcohol wipe. “You know, it’s a bad look when you come ill-prepared for any procedure,” you said, looking at him before standing and searching for your supplies, “it makes you look like you have no idea what you’re doing.” Once you had what you needed, you gave him a pointed stare as you walked back to him, looking down at him as you said, “It creates a lack of trust between patient and provider.”
There was that whispered amusement in his brow again, the same in the set of his mouth. “What happens if the provider doesn’t trust the patient?”
“Then the patient gets a dose of Ativan and goes to sleep so the provider can do her job effectively.” You knelt within the cradle of his hips again and repositioned his arm so you had better access to it. Using the cleanser provided in the kit, you scrubbed his arm, a bit more forcefully than you needed to, but it wouldn’t hurt him. And if it did… so be it.
You could feel the humor he found in your feisty comments. It irked you. You continued, staring him dead in the eye while you snapped the rubber tourniquet above his elbow. “Or if the chemical restraint isn’t appropriate, there’s always good old-fashioned mechanical ones.”
“Is that what you want to do to me, nurse?” Kylo purred, and even though it was infuriating that he was leaning into your anger, the tone of his voice made your legs quiver. “You want to tie me up and have your way with me?” Kylo hummed and it went straight to your center. “Seems like I’d have to trust my provider for that to occur.”
“You have no reason not to trust your provider,” you said blandly, priming the extension tubing with saline.
“And what do blatant lies do to your all-important patient-provider relationship?”
That stopped you. And what squeezed something deep in your heart were the hard eyes you found when looking back to him. You swallowed a gasp, your throat bobbing harshly. “What are you saying?”
“You know what I’m saying.” There was a cautious chill to his tone, like he fully believed what he was alluding to.
It wilted your insides. “You think I lie to you? You think I’ve lied to you?”
“You have. Many times. You’re lying to me even now.” Without taking his eyes from yours, Kylo nudged the open IV kit. “Continue. You’re getting to my favorite part.”
“I’m not going to continue. I can’t. Not after you tell me you… tell me you think I’m lying to you.”
“Continue and I’ll explain.” He was all too casual for what he was saying, and the half-grin he gave you was more alarming than comforting. “A compromise.”
A deep breath did nothing to fill your lungs, but you gave him a small nod and turned back to his arm. The tourniquet had been on for a while, and you’d rather not bruise your pride further from a blown vein so you released the knot.
“I’m letting those veins rest for a few minutes.” You swallowed, tugging at your bottom lip with your teeth. “Explain, I guess.”
Again, he didn’t look angry with you, and you didn’t know what to think of the firm calmness he was exhibiting. But he tightened his jaw for a moment and began.
“To start, the first night you were assigned to me. You weren’t there. And I’m sure you remember the outcome of that.”
Heat rose to your cheeks as you remembered him pulling your head back as water rocketed down your throat, burning your lungs. A shiver slid down your back. “I apologized for that. And it technically wasn’t a lie, as I explained that same night. Your ship got back early.”
“And then the time you stumbled in drunk in the middle of the night.” He went on as if you hadn’t said anything, and you swore there was a faint fond smile tugging at his lips.
“I apologized for both of those occurrences. And, in my defense, you hadn’t shown up for curfew until the night I got home late. You were never there, not when I got home and not when I left for the medbay. I didn’t see you for a week.”
“But I saw you,” he said, and it struck you silent. “My training with Snoke was unpredictable, but I always found myself… checking to see if you were there. It was always in the early hours of the morning when I got back, so you were sleeping.” He swallowed hard before he spoke again, like he didn’t want to admit whatever it was. “I liked seeing you so peaceful. You were never peaceful around me.”
You stared at him in awe, the tourniquet limp in your hand, and no words dared come to mind as he continued.
“So when you weren’t there the night I’d finally made it home before midnight, something in me… I realized that you’d started to mean something more to me. More than the fascination I thought you were.” His eyes were practically burning now, and your heart squeezed tight in your chest. “And then I carried you to your bed and saw you’d kept my cape from the previous week. And I knew if I allowed myself to let you keep it, that I’d be permitting whatever I felt then to give into that more. So I took the cape, and I decided that would be the end of it.” His throat bobbed. “I wanted that to be the end of it.”
Truthfully, your head was swimming in all he was saying. You didn’t know how to deal with it, and you found yourself staring at the floor, thinking back to that night a few months back, thinking about how you’d wanted him to stay. And now it was more haunting, knowing that he’d felt similar to you then, and you’d just accused him of never caring for you.
Kylo’s large hand came into view and tugged gently on the limp tourniquet threaded through your fingers. “My veins have rested long enough. Continue.”
The weight of his eyes was back and it took a moment to take yours away and focus back on his arm. Sitting between his legs was… nice, but it would be awkward angling a needle from this position. So you fixed yourself to straddle his thigh, sitting back on your heels and resting his hand palm-up on your thigh.
“Comfortable?” Kylo asked, and you heard his slight grin in the word.
“Shut up,” you grumbled, extremely aware of the heat of his leg pressing against your sex, against the pair of briefs you took from him this morning.
“I thought you wanted me to explain?”
You sucked your teeth and snapped the tourniquet in place in the same second. A low chuckle rumbled from Kylo, and you felt heat rise to your cheeks, so confused by his casual demeanor.
Gliding a gloved finger along your chosen vein, you whispered, “Continue,” before activating the cleansing sponge and scrubbing along his arm vigorously.
His nails brushed along your inner thigh and you swallowed a gasp, but when you grabbed the needle, he spoke up. “When we got back to Starkiller, and you chose to stay in the medbay after seeing what that stormtrooper had done.” Kylo broke off, deep, seething anger simmering along the mention of Robbie. “The next morning I found you’d slept there, completely open to harm from anyone who wanted to cause it—”
“Those doors are coded to badge access. I was fine.”
“So was your residence, but he found a way, didn’t he?” The harshness of his tone stole your focus, and you found his set jaw and knew that harshness wasn’t for you, but for the one he spoke of. “You weren’t safe and when I found you’d slept there that night, I was…”
Kylo looked at you with hard eyes, and you thought you knew what he wanted to say – or what he couldn’t say, really. “You were… concerned?”
“No,” he said, “I was enraged.” He swallowed. “Not with you, or that stormtrooper. With myself.”
The intensity of his gaze was too much, so you looked down and turned the bevel of the needle upward and began to angle it against his skin. “Why,” you whispered, voice a mere rasp.
“Because I should have killed him the moment we landed back on Starkiller.”
The words boomed through the small room, the rich violet of the sinking sun curling around the chilled tone of Kylo’s voice. A halo of fire lit his folded frame from behind, and you thought it matched that which now lived in the molten amber of his eyes. You realized in that moment that Kylo blamed himself for Robbie, and he’d just told you a truth he’d known for a long time.
You went to speak, but his other hand came to the one you grasped the needle with and pressed so the metal tip advanced beneath his skin. A curse fell from your agape mouth when his touch left and you saw blood return, advancing the IV catheter quickly and watching as crimson threatened to spill out. You released the tourniquet and fumbled with the extension tubing, securing it and flushing the vein with saline, something of pride and relief spreading through your chest as you met no resistance.
The next steps went by quickly – clamping the tubing, placing the transparent dressing over top, securing with extra tape, and slipping off your gloves – but you felt Kylo’s eyes on you the whole time. He was patient, and he shifted his leg and made you wince as it hit just the right spot, so when you finished gathering your trash and looked up again, you didn’t expect to find him with an expression of such… fondness. Still tense, but strong and unyielding, reverent almost.
“What he did to… to me, it is not your fault, Kylo.” You clasped your hand over his that rested on your thigh.
“It’s not your fault,” Kylo corrected, and you knew he meant it. He squeezed your hand and pulled you nearer, his leg pressing into that bundle of nerves and making you shiver. “And maybe it’s not mine either, but that doesn’t change the fact that I wanted to kill him.”
“Why does that matter?”
He took a long pause and sighed, searching your eyes and looking at your lips when he said, “I shouldn’t have cared that he hurt you, or that he took you out in the first place. I shouldn’t have cared that you didn’t consider that I would have kept you safe, or that I would have wanted you with me that night and not alone on a freezing exam table.” He swallowed. “And I should never have cared so much that you went to McCarty the next night, even when you’d agreed to come to me.”
You licked your lips, unsure when you said, “I was scared that the Board would see me on surveillance. You knew that.”
“Yes,” he said and huffed out something that resembled a tired laugh. “I knew that and yet I still wanted you with me. Because I am selfish and consider you something of an invaluable piece of me.”
A piece of him, you thought, dizzied by the outpouring of truth he was allowing. You skated your thumb along the veins of his hand, heart racing as the sun continued to set behind him. In a whisper, you asked, “But why should you have never cared about… those things? I… I like that you cared about them.”
He leaned into you after a slow second, and his forehead met yours. His breath warmed your face before he said, “I should never have cared about them because it meant that I cared about you. That I care about you.” He said, and when you gasped you felt him shudder. “I care about you, and that makes you a pawn in games you aren’t even aware of. And that isn’t your choice. It is wholly unfair to you for me to make you a target for my enemies.”
“I think I know at least one of the games I’m a pawn in,” you said, voice so shaky you could barely recognize it. He stilled, and you took one hand from his and grasped the back of his neck, threading your fingers through his sun-emblazoned hair. “And Kylo, what if it is my choice?”
“Then I am every bit the monster people know me to be.” Kylo said it more to himself, and you wondered why he sounded so haunted in that moment.
“You’re not a monster, Kylo. At least, you aren’t my monster.”
“No, you killed him.”
“Yes,” you swallowed, and you couldn’t help the hesitance that crept into your voice. “I did.”
Kylo lifted his head from yours then, and you knew he wanted you to keep your eyes on his as he said, “I say that because it’s true and you shouldn’t feel shame for doing so. I told you I wanted to kill him, but I didn’t know how satisfying it would be to hear you say you’d done it yourself.”
“You’re proud that I killed him?”
“I am proud that you did not hesitate.” He swallowed, eyes haunted once more. “I am proud that you recognized your enemy, and you knew what it would take to beat him.”
You didn’t say a word, but you nodded, sliding your hand from his nape to his chest. You searched his eyes as he looked down to where his hand was, and you felt his fingertips find the raised, off-color skin of the initials he’d branded you with. He knit his brow just slightly, and you moved your hand to cup his scarred cheek. He spent several more seconds gazing at the scar he’d given you, but his gaze found yours soon enough.
“I’ll tell you something that I shouldn’t like.” His eyes narrowed a small measure. With the pad of your thumb running along the curve of his healing scar, the black-and-white stitching still there but lesser, you admired him for a long, quiet moment. He continued to trace along your scar, and his leg shifted again, your breath catching before you could stop it.
“You told me you like my scars already.”
A slight smile tilted your lips to the side, but you spoke with little amusement when you whispered, “I like my scar, too.”
Kylo went utterly still, and then he slid his hand up so his heated palm closed over the raised letters on your thigh. “When I did this, I didn’t know…”
“You weren’t supposed to know,” you murmured, and your heart sank to your gut as memories of that horrid day flooded back, images of Snoke’s mangled existence, echoes of Mason’s pained screams ringing through your commlink.
“I could have known.” Again there was no anger in his tone, but something aching, regretful almost.
You brushed a few stray curls back from his face and smoothed a thumb along his temple. “Snoke would have killed Mason. He was monitoring your thoughts that entire day. I had no choice. I told you this yesterday.”
“And as I told you earlier, I am selfish.” He shrugged his shoulders slightly at the same moment you felt his thumb swipe the inside of your thigh. “You could have told me, right after you’d met with him. That’s why you weren’t home when I returned, wasn’t it?” You nodded and he went on. “I should have known something was wrong the second you got back to the Finalizer residence.”
“No you shouldn’t have. That’s the point—”
“No, the point is that you don’t trust me.”
“No, the point is that I couldn’t tell you or imply anything was wrong because Mason—”
“I do not care about McCarty,” Kylo nearly barked, but it was a reined in response by the way his voice lowered at the end. “I don’t care about anyone apart from you, and no matter how duty-bound you felt to protect your friend, you should have come to me.”
“And what would you have done but gotten him killed and risked my life in the process?”
“I will never risk your life,” Kylo seethed, his hand clamping over the scar he’d made. “But that’s the one thing you’re willing to gamble away at any sign of trouble for others, isn’t it?”
“What are you implying?”
“I’m not implying anything, I’m only speaking the truth when I say that you are so focused on trying to save everyone around you, that you fail to see how often you jeopardize yourself.” His nostrils flared, but the grip on your thigh lightened, and you didn’t feel threatened by him at all. “I have to be selfish because you will always be recklessly selfless.”
“And is that such a bad thing? I’ve saved two people, three if you count yourself, while being oh so recklessly selfless.”
Kylo’s face fell into incredulity. “And you now have the sweet promise of three more weeks with a pulse. And the added bonus of a chancefor more, but with the swift revocation of your license for however long you live afterward.”
The truth stung, but not quite so much as it did coming from him. “So, what? I should stop helping people?”
“I will never ask that of you,” he stated. “But I do ask that you not get yourself killed in the process.”
“Like you said, it’s probably too late for that.”
He looked at you hard and long, chewing his tongue. His eyes narrowed and he swallowed, staring at you with a thousand thoughts whirling in his gaze. He cleared his throat and fixed his features so he was no longer studying you so much as he was admiring you. Sultry eyes landed on your lips, and the hand over your thigh tightened, his other coming to mirror over your remaining thigh. He reared his leg upward and you yelped as the sudden friction settled into your clit, your torso slamming into the hard muscle of his chest so your arms were flung around his neck.
Kylo shifted you over his thigh, inching you up and back over the hard, thick muscles. His head turned so you felt his nose trace over the shell of your ear, his lips catching your ear lobe for a moment before you sighed from the pleasure of his movements.
He let you breathe for a moment, your fingers dipping into the curl of hair at his nape, his warm breath heating your neck. “Are you trying to distract me?”
“Not entirely,” he rumbled, his thigh inching up another measure, his hands pulling, grinding you against him. A small, contented moan fled your lips when another rush of heat coiled in your belly. “But if I were, I’d say I’m doing a good job of it.”
Your hips shifted of their own volition, a seethe rushed past your teeth, and you felt the day’s torture rush up all at once. Hours and hours of being led and teased with the Force, withstanding Kylo’s earlier intentions to catapult you into ecstasy. Being so close to him now, the heat of his bare chest sinking through the material of your uniform, your thighs straddled against the muscles he’d trained over years and years – you felt yourself giving into his touch.
And maybe it was because of everything he’d just told you, but you felt… better about allowing him to pleasure you now. There was less of an overarching sense that you were nothing but a toy for him. The idea of giving into him now, letting yourself go and enjoying the feel of his massive form under you, it felt good. It felt different from before, and even though you still had questions, mostly pertaining to why he was here in the first place, you knew you wouldn’t deny yourself or him any longer.
As you held onto him, he rocked you back and forth along the length of his thigh, rubbing you just right, keeping a sweet pace and listening as you let out tiny gasps from each synchronized roll of your hips.
“I was angry that I’d allowed myself to feel so much,” he breathed onto your neck as he kept his pace with your hips. “I couldn’t stand the thought that I meant nothing to you, that I was nothing to you.” You felt the flicker of orgasm as your body began to tense, his words an urging caress. “So I marked you as my own, and I watched you bear the pain of it in near silence. I wanted you to react, to scream at me with the shattering rage I knew in that moment. But you didn’t. You were so quiet and still…”
Your arms were going limp around his neck, so you slumped into him. Kylo curled his head further so his lips were pressed against your ear, his voice no louder than the breath of a whisper. “I thought about how just hours before, I’d felt your tears stream down my back, and I couldn’t shake the thought that you’d betrayed me so thoroughly for so long. I was so angry, I couldn’t see you. I couldn’t think of what it meant that you were silent while I cut into you with every ill-intent I felt in that moment. I was blinded by your betrayal, but also my own, because I knew better than to allow myself to get so involved with someone, because I was bested by a weakness that never should have existed. The weakness I created.”
Tendrils of release crept up your chest and you rode the edge of pleasure as your breath panted against his skin and he ground you harder into him. His teeth pulled at your ear lobe and shivers quaked outward along your neck and spine, his touch and words a separate charge toward pleasure.
“You don’t have weaknesses, Kylo,” you panted, barely recognizing your voice. “You are not weak.”
“No, I am not,” he breathed, kissing the hinge of your jaw, “but you are a weakness of mine, a piece of me, and a target because of it.” You whimpered against him as your body sprinted toward sweet release, losing grip on that last fraying string of sanity when Kylo said, his voice ragged and raw, “And I am selfish enough to ask that you trust me. Trust that I will never risk you even though I am a risk to you, because you are an extension of me, and I will defend you as I would my very own flesh and blood.”
In that moment, you felt more than the sexual bliss of orgasm, sinking deeply into the rasped words he’d given life from his tongue, but were born from his heart. His heart that beat so steadily when you lay against it, the heart you’d ran toward so often, even when you hadn’t realized it. Euphoria pulsed through your body as every word and breath he’d just gifted raced around your mind, leaving you to settle into him as you returned to the present.
“Be selfish,” you murmured, breathing heavily. “I will trust you. I do trust you.”
The strength of his arms tight against your back, pulling you into him, was as shocking as it was calming. He was holding onto you, not just holding you, but keeping you to him as tightly and surely as he could.
Through closed eyes you knew the sun would soon be hidden from the sky and taken over by night, but you didn’t care that time was passing. Because as your breath fell into step with Kylo’s own, time might as well have stopped existing.
“Why are you seeing McCarty tomorrow?”
Although the words were quiet, even as he spoke directly against your ear, their sudden presence spread like ice water over your heated skin. It’s not that he spoke with any harsh emotion, just that it shocked the silence you’d been nestled into. The room settled as you took a few more silent moments, but then it occurred to you that you’d never told him that.
“How do you know that I’m seeing him tomorrow?”
Neither of you moved, and you even toyed with a black curl as he said, “I told you I didn’t need to be near you anymore to… sense you.” He sighed, and it melted along the length of your spine. “I heard you at breakfast this morning. Talking to Hux’s provider.”
Swallowing, you braced your hands on his shoulders so you could peel away from him. He didn’t go easily, not tightening his hold but not letting you go either. The palms of your hands pressed gently into the warm skin of his chest, and soon your eyes found his in the faltering light of day. With a kiss of deep purple still hazing through the room, you searched his gaze with your own, and you wondered if the conversation you’d shared with Talia had anything to do with why he was here.
But there was more to that conversation than your plans to see Mason, and you needed to know how much he’d heard. “How does this… sensingthing work? It’s the Force, right?”
Kylo nodded, his hands resting on the curve of your hips. “It’s developed over time. The first time it was like I could hear you speaking right against my ear, but it was like the connection was weak. I could hear you, but it was unclear.”
Slight heat nipped at your cheeks. “It was the morning after I stayed with you on Starkiller, right?” The morning you’d rode your fingers like they were Kylo’s as you wore the briefs he’d put out for you.
“That was a great morning for both of us, I think.”
“I like how easy you’re being right now,” you whispered, and you weren’t sure if you meant to say that aloud.
“I can be hard if you want me to. I am, actually. Very.” A smirk lit his face and he led one of your hands down to the hard press of his prominent erection along the fly of his pants.
“I’m sure we’ll get to that later,” you said, glancing a thumb along his length before placing your hand back on his chest.
“If you’re sure,” he mumbled, and he leaned in to brush his lips against the base of your neck. He pulled away and looked at you, a finger now tracing the length of the “K” etched into your thigh. “Now, though, if I want, I can hear you however far away you are, and it’s like you’re standing next to me.” He cleared his throat and narrowed his eyes, their focus landing on your lips when he said, “I think due to the strengthening of the connection…”
His heart skipped under your palm. It startled you so much you had to stop yourself from flinching. His heart skipped… for me. “Our connection is… stronger now?”
He swallowed, his heart steadied, and he murmured into the dying light, “I want it to be stronger.”
“Why? If you can hear me clearly, why would it need to be strengthened?”
Kylo lifted a hand so it smoothed over one side of your face and found its way to the nape of your neck. “I can hear your words, what you say out loud and to others. But not your thoughts. Never your thoughts.” His expression was far away for a moment, his thumb pressing idle circles along the length of your throat. “Sometimes, though, I feel what you feel. Only recently.”
“What I feel?”
“Strong emotions, mostly.” Kylo continued to stare over your shoulder, and something dark and dangerous settled in his jaw when he paused. “The first time I could recognize it for what it was – recognize it was you– was just before Starkiller fell. It was right after I’d been struck. I remember blinking up, blinking blood out of my eye as I was flat on my back willing myself to get up, and through the pain of my injuries came this surge of…” His nose scrunched, and his lip lifted into something of a snarl. “It felt like I was on fire. Not my face or my side. But like the Force was burning through my whole body. And then I heard you, like you were screaming right next to me, and you were screaming at someone to get off of you.”
Kylo paused, his chest entirely still, like breathing was hard where his mind had taken him. His hand dropped from your nape and absently curled around your wrist, toying with the band of your watch. The pad of your thumb drew slowly along his sternum, and you watched the warm amber of his irises drown in a stark, frigid black.
“And then I wasn’t burning. I felt my own injuries again, and I was no longer trying to move. I was laid out on my back, Starkiller crumbling all around me, and the only thought I had was that…” Kylo shuddered, the hand around your wrist stilled, and his jaw hardened to steel. “I thought you were dead. And I didn’t know why, but that thought stalled me. I should never have cared for you, but especially not then, not when I thought you’d betrayed me.”
Kylo looked at you then, the very last remnants of the sun a muted halo behind him, and whatever breath remaining in your lungs fled under his searing gaze. “I sent a signal to your watch, but that burning didn’t come back.” He swallowed. “You were dead, and I couldn’t… I wouldn’t move. I knew I had to, but all I did was fall into the absence of that burning. The absence of you.”
Once more you thought of how Kylo had looked at you in the dark of the Command Shuttle, remembered how you thought it was wonder or shock. With an ember of breath you croaked, “You thought I was dead.” Such a redundant statement, but you said it and you felt the haunt of that awed expression die away. “You thought I was dead, but then…”
“Then you were there, and I thought I had died.” Kylo slid his hand up your palm and clasped his fingers around yours, squeezing tight and pressing it to the middle of his chest. Just above his heart. “But then I heard your voice again, but it was different. You weren’t in my head, but you were with me. I tried to reach out to you, but I couldn’t. I warred in my mind until I realized you were there, but I wasn’t.”
“The coma.” Kylo had tried to reach out to your voice. You’d thought he hated you then, that he wouldn’t want to be violated by the one who had wounded him so deeply. He told you he’d heard you days ago, but knowing he wantedyou there, even if he never said otherwise – it struck through to your soul.
“I could just barely feel your hands. I heard everything you said and it was agony. To be there, listening to you blame yourself, hearing the guilt and pain in your voice – and not be able to do anything? It felt like I was burning from the inside out.”
Before you could process it, a hand was behind your nape and your mouth was against his. It wasn’t a violent kiss, no thrashing tongues or frantic lips; rather, it was a kiss full of dead regrets and roiling anguish. Kylo claimed your mouth in a slow, steady pace set by a war between pain and need. It was a kiss of mourning and grief.
His lips left yours but only enough so when you breathed, yours would glance off of them. He panted and swallowed, and the hand keeping yours to his chest spread your fingers so you could feel the deep, steady thump of his heart beneath them.
“But that moment, it was me burning, not you. Just before you left, when I felt your lips on mine and pleaded with my body to finally come back to me, your presence was like a salve. It found me through the darkness, and it calmed me, quieted the flames roaring in my mind, and it steadied me.”
As close as he was, he found your eyes, and you felt them sink deeply into your own. “You couldn’t have given me more,” he kissed your name to your lips, “because when I woke up, when I found my body and felt the braids, it was all real to me. You were real to me.” Kylo paused, breathed, and his heart skipped beneath your hand. “You couldn’t have given me more. You were alive. There will never be anything more than that.” He kissed you again, and this time it was hungry, ravenous as he stole your breath and claimed your mouth. “It was everything. It is everything.”
Words were thick in your throat, heavy in your mind, but the whole of what came from your parted lips, between the soft pants of breath that fell from them as he continued to nod his own full mouth into yours, were sighs and gasps of contentedness. In his arms, right now, after all was said and all was done, you thought for a moment that should you have died, you would have gone happily.
It was a feat to pull away from him, but you did, and you watched as the purple and orange of the sun wasted away behind him. “I am seeing Mason tomorrow because he’s letting me grab some clothes for the trial. And he’s been weird since Starkiller. And weirder since getting to Canto Bight. I know you don’t like him much, but he’s important to me, and I need to talk to him.” Kylo’s lashes lowered after his heavy gaze pulled away from you, the hand on your nape going back to trace the scar on your thigh. “Is that why you really came here? Because you overheard me this morning talking about visiting him?”
For a moment he remained quiet, the faintest touch of his fourth finger kissing your skin, but he looked up to you and found your eyes. “I’m here because you were still concerned with the Board, and even Hux, and knew if that was true, that it would also be true that you hadn’t listened to me. That you still didn’t trust me.”
“I should never have expected you to trust me so blindly, not after I’ve given you countless reasons not to.” He swallowed then, something of an apology knitting his brows together. “But for your own safety, you cannot know everything—”
“About the elusive “this” you keep referencing?”
“Yes,” he said, and his voice was clear and adamant. “By whatever means, you will survive this trial. Trust in that.”
“Okay,” you said, and you meant it. He’d said a lot today. It was enough. For now, at least. “But may I propose something that maybe you haven’t thought of?”
With a deep, cleansing breath, you took both his hands and dropped them in your lap, dismounting his leg and once more settling in the cradle of his thighs, propped on your knees as you met him with an unfaltering stare. “I will trust you, but you have to trust me back.” You trailed a finger over the secured IV you’d placed. “Trust me with more than your body. Trust me… wholly.”
Kylo seemed off-put by the thought of that, and he studied you for long, seemingly eternal minutes; he looked conflicted, like he was weighing every outcome of what that meant. When you thought he wouldn’t answer, he cleared his throat and said, “I’ve done that before.”
He had, you knew that, but you needed to say something before he decided he wouldn’t do so again. “And the only reason you stopped was because Snoke weaponized me, used me to get to you so he can have you in his arsenal, at his expense whenever he wants. You are more than that, Kylo. More than his or anyone’s to use. Do not let him win. Not again. Not anymore.”
His jaw steeled as each of your hard words met their mark with deadly precision. And when he spoke next, his tongue was a blade, his tone a sharp, unyielding promise. “He’s already lost. He just doesn’t know yet.”
“So it’s settled. I trust you, you trust me.”
There was hesitance, but he gave a single, curt nod. His brows knit for a moment and then his features seemed to soften. “I can get you clothes. Although, I do prefer you without them.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks, but you knew what he was doing, and as endearing as it was, you wouldn’t yield to him on this. “I’m seeing Mason tomorrow, and no amount of dirty words or pretty clothes will change my mind.” You notched a brow. “You’ll just have to trust me, I guess.”
“Already abusing your power,” he purred, and he pulled you into him so your legs opened and splayed over his hips and behind him. “Don’t make me regret this decision.” His tongue traced along your carotid, followed by the plush press of his lips. “At least, not so soon.”
He pushed a hand into your hair and turned your neck to the side, sucking the tender skin until he surely left a mark. His teeth skated along the hinge of your jaw, his lips trailing up your chin until his skillful tongue pushed past the seam of your mouth. It found yours and led you into a breathtaking whirl of sensation. You moaned into him, loving his weighted breath, feeling his cock harden beneath, growing as you rolled your hips into him.
He hummed, slipping his tongue away and sucking your bottom lip, your hands leading into his thick, midnight locks as the room settled in the darkness of night. He nudged his nose into you and teased your lips again, chuckling as you leaned into his efforts and chased his toying mouth.
“Tell me one more thing,” he hummed, and his tone was decadent and rich, a pulse of heat lighting between your legs.
“Anything, Kylo,” you sighed, finally catching his mouth and biting his bottom lip.
“Were you going to mention that your friend is pregnant with the General’s illegitimate kid, or were you hoping I didn’t catch onto that part of your talk this morning?”
Well. If anything was going to kill the mood, that was it.
“You know,” you sighed, bracing yourself on his shoulders and pulling out of his embrace, “as much as I dislike General Hux, mentioning him doesn’t count as dirty talk.”
Kylo chuckled deep in his chest, and his mouth was twisted in a lopsided smirk. He insisted again, not a fowl note in his voice, “Were you going to tell me?”
“It wasn’t my news to tell.” You shoved his shoulder. “And it’s not yours either, understand?”
“Really? I was looking forward to congratulating him and sharing a few cigars with the father-to-be.” You shoved him again and he laughed, appearing so young as he put his hand atop yours and traced his thumb over the back of your hand. “I don’t plan on telling him. And I don’t care if your friend—”
“You are allowed to call her Talia. You’re also allowed to call him Mason, if you didn’t know.”
“I’m not very fond of being on a first-name basis with someone I don’t plan on ever knowing. As for the physician,” his brow ticked as you frowned at the title he used so often, “I just don’t like him.” He cleared his throat. “Anyway, I don’t care if Harper”—you smiled at the compromise—“tells him or not. I’d actually find it quite funny if she kept it from him until the very last second. He could use a good kick in the pants.”
“So, you really won’t tell him, then?” You pushed a lock of hair back from his temple with your free hand.
He sighed exaggeratedly, and the next thing you knew, you were in the air and being lifted to sit on the edge of the exam table, Kylo’s hands resting on the tops of your thighs. “No, I won’t tell the General of his bastard lovechild. Or maybe I will,” he raised a teasing brow, “I guess you’ll just have to trust me.”
“Oh, really?” you challenged, leading the flat of your hand up the rigid muscles of his chest.
“Really,” he breathed in answer, dipping his head and laving his tongue past your lips, stroking it against your own as his hands caught the hem of your uniform and pulled it from the length of your body.
Your hands lifted for him, and soon you were bare – bare to the cool room, bare to the city that sprawled behind you. Bare to him. The only remaining article was his black briefs. His mouth was on your neck, kissing and biting and sucking along your pulse. Large, bold hands slid down the curved lines of your sides, thumbs petting over your belly. Kylo leaned down to your chest, kissing into the tender flesh, mouthing at the swell of your breast until he pulled a nipple into his mouth and tongued over it, around it, until your head fell back and a long, throaty groan left you.
“I need to taste you,” he breathed, taking his mouth from your breast only for a moment.
A needy hand found the back of his neck, and you pulled him closer as you arched into his mouth, into the heat of his tongue trailing to take your other nipple between his plump, scorching lips. He looked up at you, heated amber seeping into your eyes as you saw his mouth move and felt his tongue draw on the tip of your breast.
Kylo smirked when you shuddered against him, and then his hands left you. There was a metallic squeak, and he popped your breast from his mouth. When you looked down at him next, his eyes were full of mischief and a tantalizing glint that made your heart drop.
Kylo had pulled out a set of stirrups that had been locked beneath the table. And by that damn glint in his eye, you knew his every intention. You knew, too, by that very same glint, you wouldn’t need convincing.
“Trust me?” he asked, and the devil lived in the smirk that spread across his face.
“I probably shouldn’t.”
“Much too late for that.”
Kylo leaned forward like a predator readying to strike. First his mouth found yours, kissing you deeply, his hands cupping the back of your neck. Then, he kissed down to your breasts, tonguing a nipple, looking up at you when he bit down. A rumble rolled in the depths of his chest. Large hands smoothed over the curves of your silhouette, gripped your thighs and led you toward the edge of the table.
He stopped for a moment, his chin skimming your soft belly, his gaze a vice grip on your own. And when he had you positioned as he wanted, his thumbs curled into the briefs’ waistline and he pulled them out from under you. Kylo stopped once he uncovered your sex; keeping his eyes on yours, a tether of pure lust between you, he dipped his head and dragged his nose over your mound. His inhale was self-indulgent, slow and torturous, his eyes slipping back before his lids shut, the smell of you seemingly a drug of the highest potency.
Kylo groaned, inhaling a second time, the fog of his exhale flourishing over your tender, slick flesh. He slipped the briefs free from your legs, holding your ankles in one massive, binding hand.
“As much as I enjoy you wearing what’s mine,” he hummed, a hand under each ankle now, and leaned down to join his nose to the supple skin of your inner thigh, dragging ever closer to the pulse now aching to be attended to, “I admit taking it off you is much more satisfying.” His lips pressed into the sensitive flesh, his hot exhale whispering along the top of you slit. “Ask me why that is.”
Heat was enveloping your body, and your breasts heaved as breath came in short, harsh pants, but when you went to speak, Kylo’s tongue distracted you. Just before the question left your lips, he sucked the skin of your inner thigh and bit down. And as you moaned at the heady sensation – that wondrous pleasure pain – his arm encircled the leg already attended to and blindly placed it into the hard cradle of the stirrup. When it was secure, his hand slinked up the length of your body, grasping your breast while he kissed and sucked and nipped at your left thigh.
“Why,” you breathed out, unsure if you said anything, head spinning impossibly.
“Because,” Kylo crooned, muffled against the tissue he mouthed at, “the clothes are mine, but so are you. And I am undone at the sight of what is mine bared and sprawled for my taking.”
Soft, pretty moans slipped from you when he repeated the process of placing your leg in the second stirrup, his words a sweet poison in your thrumming veins. Once you were settled, and after he’d kissed his way up your calf, he stood between your raised legs – the sight of his purely masculine form laving your nerves with anticipation and lust – and watched, perhaps too intently, as he pushed your legs apart until you were sure you’d split in two.
In the light of fresh dusk, the notch in his throat bobbed, the weight of his gaze settled on the sight of your dripping, desperate cunt. Kylo’s tongue dipped into sight momentarily, glinting when it unthinkingly swept over his bottom lip. His eyes remained steady, the flat of his palms lighting sparks along your inner legs, and you watched as he brushed two long fingers down your folds, parting your sex and slipping through the wetness that was welled there.
Finally, his gaze lifted, the scalding, rich amber of his irises melting into you when the thick tips of his fingers prodded your entrance. Kylo watched you, enthralled, as those fingers sunk into you, deeply, wholly, filling you until you writhed around them.
Eager hips lifted from the table, leveraging the stirrups, guiding him that much deeper. He granted your silent wish, grasping one hip and pulling you forward, leading his fingers back and forth, curling them upward and pressing that oh-so-decadent spot in a paced, torturous pattern. You met him with each thrust, slowly rolling your hips, raising your hands to touch and mold your breasts.
A strong thumb found residence over the aching body of your clit, your answering moan unapologetic and entirely too loud. He rolled his hand over and inside you, stroking and filling you so masterfully that you quickly felt the first stirrings of orgasm.
Right when you were poised to cum, you felt it, felt a third finger push into your cunt, the sensation indulgent and overwhelming. It’s like his hand was lodged so full and far in your body that you could feel him in your throat. Kylo continued stroking your nerve as your hands clutched the edges of the exam table, your back arched and head flung back. The room was filled with sounds of sex, the smell of it too, and it all built on what you knew would be a world-shattering release.
“I feel so full, Kylo,” you moaned.
Before he answered, heat crowded your torso, and the brand of his lips burned the line of your breastbone, the hand that filled you never stalling. “You can take more, though.” His nose nudged the base of your breast, his teeth glancing off of the tender tissue. “You can, and you will.”
He didn’t know what he was saying, because there was no way—
“Oh, fuck,” you mewled, throaty and deep, when you felt a fourth finger fill your brimming cunt. “Kylo, there’s… oh, I can feel you… everywhere. You’re everywhere.”
It was no lie, the flow of his four thick, long fingers deep inside your soaked pussy engulfed every nerve you had, and the way his thumb continued to stroke your clit made it so you felt like your soul would float from your body.
But then that thumb left, Kylo moved down the length of your abdomen, kissing and claiming, until you felt his tongue draw against that bundle of nerves. The hand that grasped your hip anchored your writhing body to the table, but the press of his fingers suddenly deepened. Then, just as suddenly, occurring in the very same breath, you felt his thumb join those other four fingers.
A guttural, animal cry born from the deepest depths of your lungs filled the room and shattered against the night-peering transparisteel. His whole hand, fisted and tight, moved against you, filled you unthinkably, and snapped the last coil of sanity that bound your body and soul. His mouth sucked your clit, his tongue striking you with tight, paced licks.
It was all too much, he was too much – his hand, his mouth – your body bowing from the table, legs shaking and sweaty. Every sensation drenched your skin, every shared word blared through your mind, and ecstasy rushed you with a force that rivaled that which precipitated the fall of Starkiller.
Luminous, you were a nebula at the mercy of a black hole. Though you knew the deep pull of him left you broken and breathless, you found yourself surrendering to it, and it called to you just the same. He blazed with darkness while you drowned him with light; in this moment, neither of you could tell where one ended and the other began.
Slowly, the world around you reentered your thoughts. The sound of heavy, breathless pants spilled from your parted lips. A branding heat covered your front, and your hand had at some point come to tangle into Kylo’s hair, scratching the back of his head in idle patterns. There was a slight ache coming from the now vacant space of where he’d just had his hand, but it was pleasant in a way. You opened your eyes, and you couldn’t help your gasp.
The stars were out tonight. They looked so different from when you were in space, far away yet crowding every inch of the evening sky. Clusters twinkled on one end, groups seemingly traveling together. Every so often, as you spent minutes on your back admiring the night’s speckled beauty, a hazy cloud would drift in and out of view. Some were a dusky orange, others a lush violet that cast such complementary shadow over the backdrop of the star-brimming sky.
“The stars are out,” you murmured, melting into the feel of his weight covering you.
Kylo didn’t say anything, but you felt the soft press of his lips dip into your belly. Then lower, and lower. His actions carried no sexual intent, and you soon learned why.
A certain reverence lived in the hand that brushed over the scar etched into your left thigh. Kylo’s thumb swept over the raised, healed lines of his initials, circling the area over and over again. Soon, the warm breath of his exhales grazed the exposed skin, and you gasped when you felt the familiar touch of his lips.
He kissed the flesh there, a kiss of longing, a kiss full of silent… apology? No, not apology. Not sorrow or remorse. It was a kiss of gratitude, and you thought you could hear the soft murmurings of words too quiet to comprehend just as he pressed his lips again to those two precise etchings that would live on you forever.
You lifted your left leg from the stirrup and led it down his back, hooking it around his hips before leading the other in the same path. He looked at you then, and you leaned up and cupped his jaw in your hands before pulling him up and kissing him softly. He held your waist and lowered his head as you moved your mouth against his.
When your hands led down the pane of his abdomen, you broke away from him and held his eyes in your own. Even with so little light, there was something bright about them now, like the smoking embers of a long-burned fire. The scar that cut through his features was healing, you regarded, and you made a mental note to have a physician remove the black-and-white stitching that remained nestled across his cheek.
His eyes narrowed for a second, but he turned away before you could question it. Kylo took your discarded clothes from the floor and helped you redress. His touch was achingly gentle, such a contrast to what you knew he could do to people with the strength imbedded in his soul. Soon the hooks of your bra were met and the light caress of his briefs returned to your hips. You held your arms up as he slid your uniform over your head and onto your waiting body.
“Thank you,” you whispered.
Kylo nodded and began gathering his clothes. You slid from the exam table and slipped your shoes on, wandering to the wall of windows and peering out over the city. It was truly magnificent, especially now that it surrounded you with all the life of night buzzing down below. It carried this silent threat that it could swallow you whole if you allowed it.
Then, from the corner of your eye, you spotted what Quynnland had been staring at so intently. It was closer now, and you could see that it was a large, hollow structure. It was a racing track, like you’d thought, but it was enormous. There was movement inside of it, but even squinting you couldn’t quite catch any detail of what was going on.
Warm hands met your shoulders, and you knew he wore his gloves now. “Why are you staring at the fathier track?”
“Fathiers?” you wondered aloud, leaning into him and clasping a hand over one of his.
“Racing creatures that serve as entertainment to the corrupt wealth that live in this city. Impressive beings, really.” He leaned down and his lips caressed the shell of your ear. “What’s interested you with them?”
“I had a patient today. He told me his brother is there. His kid brother.” You swallowed, offput by the memory of how helpless Quynnland had sounded, had appeared as he told you this. “He asked me to get him away from there.”
Kylo tensed behind you, and a long push of breath fogged the side of your neck. “Always trying to save everyone.”
“I won’t get myself killed. I promise.” You sighed, running your hand down the length of his arm. “Did you take that IV out? You should have let me help.”
“I’m healing, not incapacitated.” Kylo took a step back from you and you turned, seeing him waiting for you at the door. “We should get back to the Consulate. I’m sure your shadow has given her report by now.” A half-smirk pulled his mouth up.
“Why does it look like you think that’s a good thing?” You walked over to him and he activated the door, the two of you stepping out and meandering through unfamiliar halls.
“If he suspects that there is something going on between you and I, Hux would likely use that information when he testifies next week. But, to claim you had inappropriate relations with me would force him to publicly acknowledge that all similar relations between any provider and their assignment are inherently inappropriate…”
Kylo pulled open a door and let you pass, the two of you walking toward a transport docking bay stationed at the top of the medical structure. When you stood in front of a familiar transport, he stopped next to you and you watched as the entrance descended to let you in.
Kylo stepped forward, his boots heavy on the ramp, and he turned and looked at you with features gilded in prideful victory. “As much as Armitage Hux dislikes you and hates me, he is an intelligent man. He would never make himself appear so weak by publicly contradicting himself by shaming you for fucking your assignment when he is actively doing the same with his provider.”
He spoke so powerfully, it was like the night around you had quieted to hear him. You took a breath, all the air having seeped from your lungs under the weight of his adamant eyes. “And you’re sure of that?”
Kylo held out a gloved hand, offered it to you before he said, his voice the deepest caress, “Do you trust me?”
In that moment, with the night cloaking you from the city, with the words he’d earlier spoken echoing around your mind, and the touch he’d painted your body with that was altogether yearning and claiming at once, you knew you did. Wholly and completely, and perhaps too much, you trusted him.
So you took his hand, and you looked up at him with the same strength that lived in his eyes, and said, without a single doubt in your mind, or your heart, “Yes, Kylo. I trust you.”
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anathewierdo · 3 years
Call of the Ocean Chapter 43: The Surface Through New Eyes
Pairing: CEO!Mechanic!Dean Winchester x Mermaid!Reader
Word count: 5908 (get ready y'all cause this one is loooong)
Chapter Summary: Now that Sindarta is finally safe, everybody’s trying to figure out where they fit in the reconstruction of their home.
Series summary: CEO of Winchester Auto Dean Winchester has had enough of the office life. With his father keeping him from what he wants to do, which is work on the plant floor, Dean decides to leave for a quiet life. In Matagorda, Texas, he finds something he never thought he would, a chance encounter with a mythical creature.
COTO Book 3 Masterlist
A/N: I forgot to post this chapter last week (my apologies) But! Here we are! I hope y'all like it... there's only two/three chapters left :) This series is a collaboration with @flamencodiva
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When the time came for them to leave for the surface, Y/N noticed her cousin was looking sad. She’d had a chance to try and talk to him, promising that she would visit as much as she could and that she was expecting him to visit as well. Thasman had been quick to shrug off her advances, telling her that he knew all of that. Y/N wondered if he was thinking about his parents, whether Bobby and Thames would be together again, whether Thames would decide to stay… She and Dathan kept a close eye on him as they made sure once more that everyone was ready to leave for the surface.
“Thasman?” The sound of Dathan’s voice interrupted the princess, who slowed down to hear the conversation.
“Yes?” Thasman replied as he focused on looking ahead.
“That merman at the market was wrong,” Dathan said. “The people love you, and you are worthy.”
Y/N could see out of the corner of her eye, Thasman’s lips curling into a small smile. “Thank you, Dathan.”
“Thas,” Dathan looked at his friend, “I have known you since our days in the academy. I know the thoughts that plague you. And I want you to believe me when I say the kingdom loves you. Every citizen loves you, Thasman.”
“I don’t know about every citizen, but I appreciate it, old friend.”
“So, you and Roan,” Dathan smirked at Thasman as they swam through the current towards the cave. “I take it you will need to discuss the ceremony when we get back?”
“I think so,” Thasman glanced back at Roan, who was swimming beside Dean, helping the human try and keep pace.
“So, we are going to Dean’s pod?” Dathan asked as he glanced at Dean.
“The place we are going, Dathan,” Thasman said solemnly, “No one else is to know, is that understood?”
Dathan gave a nod as they continued their journey.
There were a total of three guards, including Dathan, that had been trusted enough and assigned to accompany the royal family to the surface. Dean racked his brain as to what he was going to tell everyone when they got back. Bobby and Ellen weren’t a problem because they knew about mermaids, but what about his friends? That would be harder to explain.
“Dean,” Y/N said as she held his hand. “Are you okay? Do you need to rest?”
“Just thinking what I’m gonna tell everybody if they ask where I was,” Dean said before bringing her hand up to his lips and giving it a gentle kiss.
“That is going to be hard to explain,” Y/N agreed. “But Bobby did tell them that you had something called the Flu?” She tilted her head in confusion at him.
“They won’t just buy that. My friends would’ve wanted to check on me. Cas still lives in my house, not to mention I just lost two days straight of work.”
Y/N nodded and let out a soft hum, “are they trustworthy?” she asked with a slightly shaky voice.
“They are, but you don’t need to do what you’re thinking, alright?” he smiled. “I’ll figure something out. I promise.”
“Dean, sooner or later, they are going to ask questions,” she reasoned. “And they’re your friends. I don’t want to come between your friendship.”
“You won’t. But I’m not asking you to do that. I tried to get you to tell me, and it didn’t exactly go well.”
“If the need arises,” she said as they neared the mouth of the cave that led to the surface, “Then we can show them. I’m just happy you can join me every month for a swim.”
“I think that sounds like a good idea, angelfish,” Dean said as he caressed her cheek.
The group swam through the caves underwater, opening and up into the lagoon. Y/N, Dean, Roan, and Thasman led the way with Thames and the king not far behind. The king stayed back with the guards as he watched his daughter, sister, and nephew swim up to the shore with the people they love. The king looked at his guards and nodded before they all cautiously swam towards the lagoon’s shore. There they saw the group of heroes with legs and putting on strange clothing.
“Father, here,” Y/N said as she handed him a pair of pants and a shirt.
“Thank you,” he said as he got dressed. He looked over to his guards and sighed. “Don’t just stand there. Get dressed and try and keep up.”
A chorus of ‘Yes, Your Highness’ resounded, and soon enough, the three lasting mermen were staring speechless at their own legs, trying and failing to get up and learn to walk before they were offered clothing to cover up. Even the King himself walked a little wobbly, leading to the four inexperienced mermen to have one arm draped over the shoulders of a partner to help them steady themselves as they got down the gist of walking.
Nereus was looking solemnly at his surroundings, taking in the cave that would’ve made everything so much easier if only he had known about its existence. A little flash of worry for the Kingdom coursed through him, but it went away as fast as it came, for he knew Sereia could be trusted, and the council was now back in motion and on the right track.
“Are we all ready?” Y/N asked as she looked at her father. She stood at the cave’s mouth leading towards the human world dressed in a lovely flowy dress and sandals.
“I’m ready,” Dean breathed as he nervously looked at her father before looking back at her, “I take it we’re going to Ellen’s?”
Y/N nodded, excitement beginning to pour out of her by the second. “That’s probably where Bobby will be. And I would like my father to meet the woman who helped us so much during our stay here.”
“Couldn’t agree more, angelfish,” Dean chuckled, “Your Highness, will you be staying for dinner?”
The King stared at empty space for half a second before blinking and shrugging. “Most likely.”
“Sounds good,” Dean said with a smile. “I can show you my dwelling, and you can try steak.”
They led everyone across the beach and towards Ellen’s house. Y/N and Dean leading the way while Thasman and roan pulled up behind. Lifting her fist, she knocked on the door and waited for Ellen to answer.
The door opened, and said human barrelled herself into the closest person she could find, screaming in excitement. “You’re alive!”
“We are, but it was a close call,” Dean said as he waited for Ellen to finish hugging Y/N. “So what did you guys tell the garage?”
“That you had taken an unprompted trip to Austin. And they’ve been asking why you haven’t answered your phone in two days.”
“Shit,” Dean sighed as he ran his hand across his face, “Not sure how I’m going to explain not answering my phone,”  He walked into the house once Ellen let everyone in. “Guess I can say that it was an emergency, and I forgot my charger resulting in my phone dying?”
“Dean,” Y/N said softly as she placed her hand on his shoulder, “I’m sure everything will work out.” she gave him a smile and looked at Ellen, “There is someone I want you to meet, Ellen. This is my father, King Nereus of Sindarta.”
The human stopped short, finally taking a good look at Thasman, Roan, Thames, and the mermen leaning against them for support. She slowly turned to the merman Dean was helping and looked at Y/N. “Seriously?”
Y/N nodded, “Yes, this is my father.”
“Ms. Ellen,” the king said as he gave a soft bow, “Thank you for taking care of my daughter, nephew, and his betrothed. I have no way of repaying your kindness.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Your Highness. I jus’– It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“The pleasure is mine,” Nereus said as he smiled at Ellen. “Do you know where I could find a Bobby Singer?”
At that very moment, Bobby came from the back porch, not noticing that his son had come back with more than just Roan, Y/N, and Dean.
“Ellen, I tell you, you need to get a damn new car!” he huffed grumpily, “I don’t know how many times you want me to fix your carburetor.”
“Bobby, we have guests, again.”
“Ellen, don’t try to talk me out of telling you that you need a new car,” Bobby growled, only focusing on washing his hands and complaining to Ellen, “That damn truck is older than I am!”
“This is the human you forsook your family for?” Nereus asked as he looked at Thames, “Well, at least he isn’t drunk.”
Bobby turned around quickly, eyes wild and big as he saw how many people were in the house before shaking his hands nervously and putting them in his pockets. “I knew you guys would be just fine.”
Thasman gently pushed through and pulled Bobby into a hug, “I’m so glad to be back, Dad.”
“Did something happen?” Bobby said as he hugged Thasman back.
“We can talk about it later,” Thasman whispered, “But for now, this is my--”
“You?!” Bobby exclaimed, “You came to my house twenty-five years ago looking for Thames!”
“Well, you were the only lead I had to find my sister,” Nereus said as he crossed his arms over his chest, “but you were drunk and looked heartbroken, so I figured she wasn’t with you.”
“You are little Nereus?“ Bobby said, looking at the man who was slightly taller than him.
“I forgot Thames used to call me that,” the king said between a shudder and a smile. “I think you and I need to talk.”
Nereus placed his arm around Bobby’s shoulder and led him out to the back porch. Thames chewed on her lip nervously, only imagining what would happen between her brother and the father of her child. Both men came in after sharing a handshake. Y/N noticed it was awkward but nonetheless effective. Dean cleared his throat as he looked at Y/N.
“We should take your Dad over to my house for dinner,” Dean said as he caressed her cheek, “We can talk more there.”
“Okay,” She agreed. “What about the guards?”
Dean looked over at them and shrugged his shoulders, “They can come too if they want? Not sure if Thasman needs guards. I mean, he’s freakishly strong.”
Y/N turned to the guards and her father. “Is that okay with you?”
“It is perfectly fine sea star,” Nereus said before looking at Dean, “show us to your dwelling, please.”
Dean had to admit: The merman King looked very out of place sitting at his kitchen table watching him, and Y/N prepare dinner while three merguards who kept looking at everything like it might jump up and harm them sat in his living room. Cas had received Dean with a mix of shock and anger that Dean hadn’t seen since their first year after graduating college, demanding answers to tell him where Dean had been for two days unannounced. Luckily for everyone, he’d calmed down quickly when Dean introduced Y/N’s father and told him he’d finally been invited to visit Y/N’s home… which was, technically, not a complete lie if you think about it.
“Sea star,” he called, once Cas was out on the porch showing the guards the house. “If you’re staying here with this human, have you thought of precautions?”
“I will use Thames’ cuff and go swim every month to prevent drying up. Probably more, considering how close to the ocean we are.”
“What about human currency?”
“The garage got off to a good start, and we’re doing good so far,” Dean piped in. “Y/N has a job at the diner with Ellen, and we don’t make much, but we make enough.”
“What about Dean’s friends?”
“Working on it,” The human confirmed, looking back to the living room where Cas was trying to make conversation with the other mermen.
Nereus pursed his lips at that answer, clearly uncomfortable at the possibility of more humans knowing about the existence of mermaids. “What about visits?”
“What do you mean, Father?”
“I mean,” The King took a deep breath. “Would it be alright if I decided to visit you hereafter Thasman’s coronation?”
Y/N stopped cutting the tomatoes for the salad and sat next to her father at the kitchen table. She smiled softly at him and only smiled wider at feeling Dean’s hand land on her shoulder. She reached up to hold it back and looked at Nereus.
“I would love it if you visited,” She confirmed.
Nereus smiled wobbly at them before clearing his throat. “And will you come home every now and then as well?”
“Of course… would it be okay if Dean came with me?”
“Absolutely. As long as Dean doesn’t expose you, your aunt, or our existence to the human world.”
“Never, sir,” Dean swore.
After breakfast the following day, to which the guards and the King all marveled at the food before them, Dean and Y/N decided to show the king around the small town. They decided on starting at the garage. Of course, it wasn’t without the four mermen marveling at Dean’s metal beast.
“This is how humans can travel around quickly?” Nereus said as his fingers ghosted over the shiny metal car.
“Father,” Y/N said with a chuckle, “This is Dean’s car. He calls her Baby.”
“So these things have names?” Nereus asked as he tilted his head. “Do all cars have names?”
“No. Baby’s very special to me, is all,” Dean stated proudly, hand patting the top of the car affectionately.
“Ah, I see,” Nereus sighed as he nodded. “Well then, I suppose we will be using this beast to move around?”
“I promise you, father, it’s fun and exciting!” Y/N said as she opened the door for the three guards to slide in.
The guards seemed hesitant to climb in, but one small smile from the princess seemed to help ease them. Once they climbed in, Y/N opened the front passenger door and climbed in Nereus after her, with Dean sliding in on the driver’s side behind the wheel. When Dean turned the ignition, the mermen all gasped once the car roared to life.
“Poseidon’s fury!” the king exclaimed. “This beast sounds angry.”
“Your daughter said those exact words when she first got inside my car,” Dean chuckled. “It’s alright, Your Highness!” he assured. “That’s just Baby’s engine. She’s coming to life, and she does that every time.”
The king nodded as he tried to relax once Dean began to drive. The drive was filled with the music playing low as Y/N started pointing out the different areas of the town on their way to the garage.
“There is Ellen’s diner!” she exclaimed with a smile. “We can visit it after we show you the garage. Father, Ellen’s food is amazing! If you loved the food last night, you will absolutely love and enjoy the dinner food.”
The visit to the garage was not supposed to be something big, mainly because it was Dean’s workplace, and well, it would be kind of hard to drag around four strange men around while showing them everything and just going, oh, they’re Y/N’s friends, don’t worry!
No, Y/N was thinking more about showing her father the front desk and her aunt’s portrait. She didn’t want their presence to distract the other workers of the auto shop.
“Dean?” Benny said as he watched Dean walking in with Y/N and a group of men, “Where have you been? And who are these guys?”
“Uhm, Benny, this–” Dean put a hand on the King’s shoulder, who gave him a ‘did you just do that?’ look, prompting him to take back his hand, “is Y/N’s father. King Nereus of Sindarta. He brought along some guards for protection as well.”
Benny’s eyes widened at what Dean said, “You… is this why you were in Austin? You had to pick him up or use your grandfather’s connections or something?”
“Exactly. Y/N received a message, and next thing we knew, we were picking them up in Austin.”
Benny nodded and sighed, “I’m glad you’re safe, but you know you could have called.” Benny placed his arm around Dean moving him away from the group. “What about the fact that their Island wasn’t on the map?”
“That you have to ask google,” Dean shrugged. “They put in a code to keep the island hidden,” the lie flowed from his lips.
Benny, however, wasn’t completely buying it. “Okay. You alright, though? No funny business while you were gone?”
“Everything is good,” he smiled. “I promise. Besides, Thasman is going to rule. It turns out he’s Y/N’s cousin. Big family secrets came out, and there was a whole legal thing. It and it got sorted out,” Dean rambled.
“We’re going to need to have a guy’s night and talk about all of this,” Benny said as he raised an eyebrow at his friend. “Does that mean Y/N gets to stay?”
The fucking stupid dopey smile that made its way through his face (not like he could help it when it came to his girlfriend) was answer alone, but his friend’s question hit him like a ton of bricks as he realized: “Y/N gets to stay.”
“That’s good news, brotha,” Benny said as he placed a hand on Dean’s shoulder, “I take it you’re going to show his highness around the shop and the town before he goes?”
Dean kept the dopey smile on his face, “Yup. Gonna finish up with Al’s before he has to go.”
“You trying to charm him off his feet?” Benny teased.
“Mark my words, Benjamin: Al’s is the golden bow to Matagorda and after eating the pastries? Even I wouldn’t want to ever leave town.”
Benny let out a laugh, “Can’t disagree with that.” He walked over to the king and extended his hand, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness. I’m Benjamin Lafitte. I am the co-owner of the garage.”
“I suppose you are one of Dean’s friends?” The King smiled curiously as he shook the offered hand.
“I am one of his best friends,” Benny confirmed, “I’m sure you met Cas last night?”
Letting go of Benny’s hand, he looked at Y/N before answering, “Yes, I believe so. You have to forgive me, our… Island… doesn’t have cars. We are relatively small and can’t get to different locations quickly.”
“I’ve heard so, don’t worry.”
“Is my nephew here yet?” he asked, looking around for Thasman.
“He’s over at Singer’s house with Roan and the old man. Seems like they had some things to discuss.”
“Father,” Y/N said. “I am sorry for interrupting, but I want to show you something Dean made for me,” she looked at Benny. “It’s good to see you again Benny, thank you for allowing Dean to help us.”
“No problem, Cher. But I want my boy back tomorrow, please. Gonna go check on Andrea. She’d probably like to meet your father as well.”
“I will make sure he wakes up early and ready for a new day to start working,” Y/N said with a soft giggle. “I will be at the diner tomorrow, so it will be a busy day,” she added with a smile.
With that said, Dean and Y/N began showing the king around the garage. They were just about to show him the mermaid wall when the doors burst open.
“Ms. Braden, I told you,” Andrea’s voice growled at the brunette, “You cannot be here. You need to leave before I call the police.”
“Out of my way, secretary,” Lisa sneered.
“Over my dead body, gold digger,” Andrea spat. Benny stood behind her, looking as angry as she was.
Dean looked over and growled, “What is she doing here?” he let out a huff and turned to Y/N and her father. “I’m sorry, I’ll be right back.”
Dean made his way towards the two women and crossed his arms just as Benny came to join him.
Benny leaned in and sighed, “Does this woman know how to take no for an answer?”
“I don’t think she was ever taught to take no for an answer, Benny,” Dean said as his voice dripped with annoyance. “What can we do for you, Ms. Braden?” he looked at Lisa.
“I am here for my contract,” she stated with a smile.
“I’ve told you I am not signing anything, Braden.”
“It’s either you sign or your father ends up in jail for corruption and faulty car equipment,” she said as she pulled out a file.
“John never let a car go out with faulty equipment!” Benny growled. “I was plant manager, and he never approved a car that wasn’t up to standard!”
“That’s not what the media and the government is going to see when I give them these papers,” she said with a devilish smirk.
“Lisa, we both know that sooner or later it would come out to light that you falsified the evidence.” Dean sighed. “You have no leverage, no–”
“Will it?” she said with a tilt of her head. “Not with my father and Nick’s connections,” she pointed out. “And we both know the kind of pull Nick has. And with this, he can take your grandfather's company right out from under him.”
Dean pursed his lips at the response before turning to Benny. “Has John talked to the media yet?”
Benny shook his head, “Not that I know, brotha. But what she’s suggesting is far worse than exposing Adam.”
Dean knew that already. Still, one could only dream. He closed his eyes and steeled himself up. “Miss Braden, if you were so kind to follow me into my office, I’m sure we can come to an agreement on all of this.”
“Drop the diner girl and be with me and I can drop everything,” She said as she watched Y/N walk up to them.
He could barely contain a shudder in disgust at the request. “Whatever fantasy you’ve worked up for yourself is entirely different to the contract and the company, Lisa. My office, now. And we negotiate like actual business people.”
“Did you read the contract, sweetheart?” she laughed. “It’s in the contract. You dump diner girl, and you be with me, and everything will be square. Your grandfather’s company gets the engine, and I will let you keep this--” she sucked in air between her teeth, “dingy garage.”
At that moment, King Nereus walked up to her and flashed his ring in her face, and smiled.
“I would be very careful with how you talk to my Daughter, Princess Y/N of Sindarta,” he said with a glare.
“Yeah, right.” She snapped back, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow at the king.
The king placed his ring in her face showing the royal crest of Sindarta, “I do not lie. You are a despicable excuse for a human being. I hope they imprison you for the lies you are telling.”
"Ms. Braeden,” Dean said as he was tapping away at his phone and smiled, “He isn’t lying,” he turned his phone to show her the webpage he had found on Sindarta with the royal crest on it.
Lisa stared wide-eyed at the small screen, “No fucking way.”
“She’s the real deal,” Dean said with a smile. “And she has way better manners than you do. Plus, she appreciates hard work. It’s what the people of Sindarta love about her,” he laughed. “Y/N is everything you will never be.”
“You seriously believe this bitch and the delusional old man that they are royalty to some made-up place?” she let out a laugh and shook her head. “I knew you were dumb, Winchester. I just didn’t know how pathetic and gullible you actually are.”
“You believe what you want,” Dean said with a smile. “But I pick her over you every time.”
“Well,” she said and turned to Y/N, “we’ll see just how good she is when I make her face look like ground beef!” she growled and began to charge at the princess.
Before she could get close enough, the three men that had been standing behind the old man and Y/N had stepped in front of her, tall and menacing, growling in a language Lisa hadn’t heard in her life. Two of them had blades drawn, and Lisa found herself stepping back.
“Who are you guys? What language is that?” she looked at them and glared. “I guess you use your body to get these men to protect you. Nice Dean, told you she was a whore.”
Y/N opened her mouth to retort but was beaten by Dathan, who looked as angry as she was. “Call her that one more time,” He snarled.
“What are you gonna do?” Lisa sassed. “You touch me, and you’ll be in jail until you rot. She. Is. A. Whore,” she repeated with malice in her voice.
“Okay, everybody, calm down!” Dean shouted as he came in between the bitch and Dathan. “Lisa, shut the hell up, and fucking go to my office so we can talk about that goddamned contract. And you guys–” he turned to the King. “Nereus, tell them to fucking put away the knives!” Dean closed his eyes, realizing his tone, “I’m sorry, your Highness,” He said in a quieter tone, “Please have them put the daggers away. I will handle her,” he pointed to Lisa.
“Handle me?” she huffed, watching as the men reluctantly listened to him. “you couldn’t handle your own dick, Winchester. Now I see why that Cassie Robinson from your grandfather’s birthday dumped you by fucking another guy behind your back.”
“Agent’s,” A voice called from the front of the garage. “Arrest that woman. She is the daughter of Alphonse Braden, who is scamming people of their money and companies through a Ponzi scheme. His engine is faulty and has caused accidents all over the country.”
At that moment, John walked in, adjusting his suit as he walked in, followed by federal agents. Lisa looked around in a panic and shook her head as she looked at Dean.
“Honey, tell them,” she said sweetly to Dean. “I am not like my father.”
“Oh no, sweetheart, no. Gentlemen, she’s right: she is not like her father. She’s worse. And threatened to frame and falsify information to destroy my grandfather’s company. Please, go right ahead.”
“No!” she shrieked, “You can’t do this to me, Winchester! All for what? A crappy garage and a whore from a diner?”
The next thing Lisa knew, her head was jerking back as she got a punch in the face. When the dizziness caused by the blow went away, she looked up to find Y/N standing right in front of her with her fists still clenched.
“Now you can arrest her,” She mumbled, turning back to her father and guards.
The federal agents grabbed Lisa and placed her arms behind her back as they handcuffed her. Y/N walked over to Dean and caressed his cheek. For a moment, they stood in silence. Dean placed his forehead against hers and sighed in relief that Lisa was going away; far, far, away.
“Sorry to do this in your garage, son,” John said as he placed his hands in his pockets, “It took Mick and Toni a while to find all the dirt they could on Lisa and Nick along with dirt on her father and his schemes,” he explained and turned to see the four mermen who gawked at him. “I’m sorry, where are my manners,” he chuckled and walked up to Nereus, “My name is John Winchester. I’m Dean’s father.”
“Nereus. I’m Y/N’s father.”
John turned to Y/N, “yes, the famous Y/N. I haven’t been formally introduced to her, but she makes my son happy.”
“He makes her pretty happy as well.”
Dean looked at his father and down at Y/N and sighed, “Come here angelfish,” he said to her as he led her to stand in front of his father, “Y/N, this is my father John Winchester,” he said, “Dad, this is Y/N.”
“It’s nice to officially meet you, John,” She smiled.
“You know,” John said, “Mary would love to meet you. Maybe after this whole circus is over, we could come down and have dinner with the two of you?” he asked as he looked at Dean.
He nodded. “Maybe.”
“If you both excuse me, I should go with the agents. We need to make sure Lisa, her father, and Nick are put away for a long time,” he offered them a smile, “It was nice to meet you, Y/N, although I wish it was under better circumstances.” he offered her his hand and smiled when she shook it.
John left shortly after that, leaving the garage to go back to normal once Benny got everyone back to work. Y/N and Dean held each other for a minute before they turned to the four mermen.
“I believe there is something we wanted to show you,” Y/N said as she pulled Dean with her so that her father and the guards could follow.
Her father’s first reaction to the Mermaid Wall was awe at how beautiful it was. Then came the teary eyes once he realized his sister and daughter were the mermaids in the picture, then turned to Dean, asked if it had been his idea, then hugged him after listening to the human answer the question.
“I only added the painting of Y/N,” he clarified. “The picture of Thames was originally Bobby’s.”
“I owe Singer a visit, then.”
“Your Highness, you are always welcome to come and visit,” Dean said, “And Thasman has a place here in the garage to work when he needs to let out some steam.”
“I will hold you to it,” Nereus said as he looked around, “I know my daughter will be happy here.”
Once Nereus saw that Bobby was living in the same place, Dean and Y/N decided it was time to visit Al’s. The king and guards marveled at the pastries and sweets the human world had to offer. With a box full of pastries, they all made their way back to Ellen’s. She had offered to cook, so a trip to the diner was unnecessary. But once everyone had their fill of food and pastries, it was time for the king to go back.
“I will miss you, my seastar,” he said as they were in the cave, “stay safe.”
Y/N smiled wobbly before clutching Nereus into a hug and rested her head on his shoulder. “You too, Father.”
The king let go and turned to Dean, “I have your word you will keep her safe?”
“You have my word, Your Highness.”
Nereus nodded and turned to Thasman and Roan, who were saying their goodbyes. Thames stood by her brother, avoiding Bobby as their son was talking to him.
“He is taking too long,” Thames whispered as she watched her son hug the man she loves. “We must get back to the kingdom.”
“Aren’t you gonna say something to your human?”
She shook her head, “I already said my goodbyes last night.”
“Go to him. Nothing is stopping you now other than yourself.”
“He’s saying goodbye to his son,” she objected in a whisper.
Nereus was having none of it. With a roll of his eyes, he took his sister’s hand and, much to her dismay, led her towards Bobby and planted her right in front of him before apologizing and letting the human know he’d have Thasman back in a couple of minutes.
“I’m sorry,” Thames said as she smiled apologetically. “My brother is not good with the word no.”
“It’s alright,” Bobby chuckled. “I suppose you’ll be going with him and staying with Thasman to make sure he adjusts well?”
“Yes. And until the coronation has passed and Thasman’s wedding with Roan is ready…” she trailed off. “We’ll come back and do another ceremony on land. I’m sure Thasman mentioned that to you.”
“He did,” Bobby nodded as he rocked on his heels. “Thames, if you regret what happened last night--”
The princess blushed at the kiss they shared in his home. Moving a strand of hair behind her ear, she swallowed the lump in her throat. “I-- I’m not sure what there is between us, Robert,” she admitted. “I can’t abandon my home and my son, but--”
“Y/N’s staying here, and she’s not abandoning her father, don’t you agree?”
“Y/N and I are different,” she whispered. “Besides, what would you want with an old mermaid like me? I should go.”
Thames was about to turn when Nereus sighed and walked over, “You are as stubborn as your son,” he muttered. “Stay.”
“Nereus…” Thames sighed. “It will not work. Please let me pass.”
“No,” he said as he crossed his arms, “You lost your chance at love once, Thames, don’t throw it away when you have been given a second chance.”
“I’m not throwing anything away. I just– I’m not leaving Thasman to figure everything about being King by himself. And there’s a coronation and wedding to plan.”
“And you can visit to help,” Nereus said. “You need to rekindle your life with Bobby. I remember how happy he made you, sister, please, stay.”
“It’s okay,” Bobby huffed. “She doesn’t want a grump like me anyways. Guess last night was our goodbye.” He turned to look at his son, “you visit when you can, you hear me?”
“Dad,” Thasman whispered as he looked at his father, “Don’t give up. I know she loves you. She’s just a-- a-- a stingray like me,” he couldn’t help but chuckle.
By then, Nereus had taken Thames by her arm and moved her away from Bobby and Thasman. The two of them speaking in a slew of mermish that the human could not keep up with.
“Son,” Bobby sighed. “Sometimes, you gotta learn when to stop swimming against the current and just go with the flow.” He offered his son a smile. “You go and learn everything you need to rule that kingdom of yours. I’m so proud of you, boy,” he said, placing his hand on the back of Thasman’s neck, holding his tears at bay. “I couldn’t have asked for a better son. I love you. You hear me?”
Thasman nodded, smiling softly. “Yeah.”
“Robert,” Thames said as she cleared her throat and held out her hand, “Goodbye.”
The human cleared his throat as he shook the offered hand. “You will come back this time, right? At the very least tell me about our son’s wedding.”
Thames smiled softly, nodding. Her face made a pained expression before yanking Bobby’s hand and pulling the man in into a kiss. When they pulled away, tears were streaming down her face.
Dean, Y/N, and Bobby watched as Thasman, Roan, Thames, the guards, and the king all dove back into the lagoon to head home.
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Gonna tag y'all in a reblog because I can't do it here
Hopefully next chapter will be posted next Saturday. Take care y'all!
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empress-simps · 3 years
Too Late (two)
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▪︎Featuring: Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei and Yachi Hitoka from Haikyuu!
▪︎Pronouns: She/Her [fem!reader]
▪︎Genre: Angst
▪︎Synopsis: Tsukishima Kei left yku behind,what he didn't know is that there will be no one whom he can turn back to after what he did.
▪︎Warnings: Slight spoilers, and strained relationship of Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.
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》 previous
》 Main Masterlist
》 Karasuno Masterlist
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You threw your head back and laughed.
"Kei-chan, I thought you were smart!" He gritted his teeth, "I can explain-"
Yachi teared up and left hurriedly, Tsukishima scrambling to get up and ran after her. The sight alone made your heart hurt. It made you realize one thing.
He never cared for you like he does for Yachi. He likes her better than you.
Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you heard Tsukishima yelling for her, voice full of emotions. You laughed as you felt your already broken heart getting trampled all over again.
"I should've known.." You mumbled as you furiously wiped your eyes. Yamaguchi groaned as he stood up and staggered over you. "Are you okay..?" He looked at you worriedly, putting his hand on your face to cup your cheek.
"Im fine, but you on the other hand.. You should worry about yourself. Let me treat your wounds." You said while grabbing your emergency first aid kit. Yamaguchi raised a brow as an amused smile made it's way on his face.
You rolled your eyes at him, "Yea, I have one. I'm on the track and field dummy, I can get scrapes and stuff like that since im clumsy." He hissed as he felt the antiseptic stinging on the cut near his brow. He winced as you continued to clean all the wounds he acquired earlier from the fight.
You clicked your tounge as you stared at him, examining your work, all patched up thanks to you. "Tell me you're not the only one injured." Yamaguchi let out a laugh "I probably busted his lip?" You let out a chuckle. "Good. Because If you didn't i would've given him one myself."
Tsukishima manuevers around the sea of students to find the blonde heather, he felt his heart rate pick up as fear clawed him on his insides, scanning the crowd. He tries to keep his composure but it slowly crumbles apart every second. He didn't care if people is staring at him, heck he can't even feel his busted lip dripping down with blood and pulsing in pain.
Then there she was.
He felt like he could breathe again as he saw the familiar short blonde hair with a small ponytail on the side. He took big strides towards the quivering frame.
"Don't come near me."
He felt his body freeze, halting in his tracks. "Yachi." He said, voice full of emotions. Yachi turned to face him, tear tracks ran down her face as her eyes became puffy and bloodshot.
Tsukishima furrowed his brows, "what do you mean?" Yachi shook with anger, "why did you lie to me?! Do you think I'll be happy knowing the fact I stole you away from Y/n?!"
Tsukishima opened his mouth then closed it, he couldn't find the right words to say to the girl crying across him. "I love you, Tsukishima. But I don't want us to be together. Not like this. Not when someone is hurting, we won't be happy." Yachi said as she turned and slowly walked away.
Tsukishima could feel his heart shatter, he fucked up.
"...but I love you..."
Yachi stopped at his proclamation, not bothering to even turn around as she resumed to walk away.
Tsukishima let his hands dropped to his sides as he looked down, gritting his teeth. He fucked up and he knows it would be too late to fix.
Yamaguchi looked at you longingly, he tried to keep his feelings at bay since you were already his bestfriend's girlfirend. Evrytime he saw you always trying to make your relationship with Kei makes his heart hurt. It should've been him that's with you.
He could've treat you right.
Now, you're here before him, broken. Maybe, just maybe.. He could help you build yourslef up and make you realize your worth.
Tadashi would wait, even if its a month or 100 years.
He wouldn't mind. Your wellbeing comes first.
After a few years
A gentle breeze made you look more ethereal.
Tsukishima noticed, he stood in the midst of the Karasuno's Volleball Club Reunion. Of course you would be here, even if you weren't officially a manager.
You were the wife of the former captain of Karasuno Volleyball Club after all.
He watched you acting like a watch man as children of his former team mates play with each other. Suddenly, a girl no older than five years old tripped and fell.
"Mamaa!" She yelled out, fat tears staining her freckle-coated cheeks. You rushed towards her, wiping her face. "I told you to be careful..." You sighed, as you brushed her long locks similar to yours.
Tsukishima widened his eyes in realization, is she...?
"Everything alright?"
Yamaguchi emerged, looking concerned while staring at his child and wife. You looked at him and chuckled, your husband is such a worrywart. Yamaguchi picked up his daughter "She tripped, thank goodness there's no cuts." You said as you continued to wipe her face.
Tsukishima's heart ached at the sight, but somehow, he cannot look away. So many what if's ran through his head the lonnger he stared at the child you and Yamaguchi created.
Stop it. You're torturing yourself.
Tsukishima balled his fist as unshed tears threatened to pour down his face the longer he stared at the family across him. More specifically, the child filled with curiosity staring at him with your husband's eyes that seem to haunt him everytime.
If only Tsukishima didn't do those things, the way he made you feel, the way he let you slip past his fingertips..
Then maybe, your child could've had his eyes.
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Taglist [CLOSED]: @semhal @hellokittykuroo @alejandrasenpai3 @meiikuki @verajaegr @lazyexuseforausername @masaquette @shoyosbitchh @kimiiiiiiiiii @egrieme @iforgotthemelody @yams-wants-that-booty @pluviophilefangirl @elianetsantana @why-000 @peachiikichu
I couldn't tag some of you for some reason :/
* hope the ending is okay for y'all! Thank you for reading!
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wreckofawriter · 4 years
Minnie's Daughter
Pairing: James Potter x McGonagall's Daughter!Reader
Word Count: 3,984
Warnings: Swearing? None? Fluffy
Summary: When James finds out his favorite proffesser has a daughter he can't seem to keep her from his head
A/n: I fuckin loved writing this, I wrote it all today and I'm now finishing it at 12:46 at night. This is #12 from the fanfic vote and got the second highest number of votes, hope y'all enjoy! Look at me posting twice in one week
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James flinched slightly before turning around a large grin plastered onto his visage, “Minnie! So good to see you!” He cheered 
The older woman rolled her eyes on instinct, “I told you not to call me that James. I am your professor you shall treat me accordingly.” she spoke sharply.
“Jeez, Minnie you seem more angry than usual.” The boy shuddered in his usual fashion; dramatically. 
She sighed rubbing her temple with one hand, “Just come with me, Potter.” 
“Yes, ma’am!” He saluted smile not faltering despite the nerves which now slowly consumed him. 
The two slowly made their way towards McGonagle’s office, something James knew a bit too familiarly. As they walked everything he had ever done flashed through his memory, the thousands of school rules he had abandoned, the laws he had broken, pranks he had pulled. What was he in for this time? It seemed there were far too many possibilities. 
The second that the door shut behind him he opened his mouth. 
“Minnie if this is about the Grindylows in the prefects’ bath, I had nothing to do with it, I swear on my life. That prank was simply untasteful and you know I would never do something so dull.” He defended putting on his most innocent mask. 
“Potter you aren’t in trouble, I simply- wait, what Grindylows are you talking about?” She asked brows furrowed.
The boy’s eyes widened, “Oh, um, i-it’s nothing you need to worry about.” He spoke his voice gaining false confidence. 
Another exasperated sigh left the professor’s lips but she didn’t address what she was sure to become a problem, “I simply wanted to talk to you about your plans for the quidditch team now that you are the captain.” 
“Ooohhh,” The boy nodded in understanding, a wave of relief washing over him. Excitement built in his stomach as quidditch was mentioned and he bounced happily on his heels a shimmer appearing in his dark eyes. “I can show you my workouts and plays and stuff if you want.” He offered eagerly, “I have some written in my bag.” 
“That sounds perfect James.” She grinned, “Bring them to my desk.”
He nodded walking forward while rummaging for the notebook he had spent the summer scribbling in. He found it and placed it on his professor’s desk before opening it’s worn cover and flipping through the pages. 
Both individuals quickly became immersed in the plans as the captain explained his workouts, strategies and more. In fact, they became so engrossed they didn’t notice a third figure enter the room.
You rolled your eyes as you heard your mother jabber about the sport she loved so much. You sighed walking up towards the pair being purposefully quieter than needed. You suppressed a giggle as you neared the duo. You stood just to the right of the boy who was crouched over his notes, you then leaned your head so your chin was resting just above his shoulder, you could smell the cologne he wore but ignored its sweetness. Your lips centimeters from his ear you spoke, “Whatcha guys talkin’ about?” 
The dark-haired boy let out a shrill shriek as your mother gasped in surprise.
You burst into a wave of laughter doubling over as the quidditch star glared at you, clearly offended.
“You scream like a four-year-old girl Potter.” You cackled blinking back tears. 
James opened his mouth to shoot back an insult but something stopped him. You looked oddly familiar, your eyes gleamed in a recognizable fashion, your smile all too common to his view. Despite this, he had no clue who you were. 
“Merlin y/n!” the professor gasped, “That was uncalled for.”
“Sorry, mum.” You giggled, “I couldn’t help it.”
In that exact moment, James’ bain imploded. His jaw dropped, eyes growing to the size of saucers as if he had just been slapped. 
“Minnie! You have a daughter!” he gasped, completely appalled by this new information. 
“James! You have a brain!” You mimicked him, false surprise emerging on your face. 
“Y/n, be polite.” Your mother scolded although it was hard to miss the smirk on her lips. 
James wasn’t even bothered by the jeer, he was far too preoccupied with attempting to figure out what the hell was happening. 
“It’s nice to formally meet you, James.” You grinned sticking out your hand for him to take, “I’m y/n y/l/n. Minnie’s daughter” 
He shook his head quickly his hair bouncing slightly before he took your hand, which he found surprisingly soft and slightly cold, “James Potter.” He mumbled before turning to the woman who had returned to the notebook. 
“Minnie!” He shouted.
You giggled at the nickname biting your lip lightly.
McGonagall’s eyes snapped upward dangerously but at this point, James was too shocked to care. 
“Why didn’t you tell me that you had a daughter!?” He asked in complete dismay, “I thought we were friends!”
The witch simply rolled her eyes, “If you had paid any attention to those around you, you would have noticed I had a daughter years ago.” She spoke, seemingly unfazed. 
“Minniiieeee. That’s not fair.” He pouted.
McGonagall shrugged. 
“Oooo, are those quidditch notes?” You asked peering over James’ shoulder like an excited puppy. “Mind if I take a look?”
“Yeah sur-” 
“No way.” your mother interrupted eyebrows raised as she peered over her glasses at you. 
Now it was your turn to pout, “But mum.” You attempted to reason.
James choked in a breath as you widen your eyes and jutted out your bottom lip. Did you always look this adorable?
“Nu-uh.” She shook her head.
“Why not?” You whined placing your hands on the desk and leaning over it attempting to catch a glimpse of the ink-stained pages. 
“Because last time I made the mistake of letting you ‘look through’ my quidditch notes, you charmed it and gave a copy to the Ravenclaw Captain.” She huffed, closing the notebook from your prying eyes. 
James gasped again, “That was you!” 
You nodded, smirking proudly.
“We lost the quidditch cup because of that!” He heaved. 
You just shrugged, “Yeah well, we won because of it.”
He glared back at you, tucking the notebook protectively under his arm. 
“Shit!” You swore glancing at the clock behind your mother’s desk. 
“Language y/n!” 
“Sorry, mum,” You yelled over your shoulder scrambling from the room, the door thudding against its frame as it closed behind you. 
James opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by you dashing back into the room. 
“I forgot what I came here for.” You groaned, “Where is my herbology textbook?” 
McGonagall opened a drawer in her desk handing it to you.
“Thanks, mum.” You rushed as you snatched it from her and sprinted back towards the door. 
“I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me you had a daughter.” James sulked, his eyes glued to where you had resided moments before. 
McGonagal was met with a hell storm when James spread the news of his new discovery. That hell storm’s name was Sirius Black. He had crashed into her classroom while she was in the middle of a class and began his tearful act. He whined and gasped and pouted, stating his betrayal and his loss of trust. 
The professor tiredly massaged her closed eyelids as his antics continued.
    Thankfully the other marauders were surprised but lacked the same gusto Black held, although James seemed to have a sudden problem on his hands. For some reason he couldn’t seem to pull you from his head, it was like you were cemented there, your giggle rinning in his ears as your voice echoed through his head. You were strangely captivating. 
He wondered if that’s how his professor had been in her youth, although he refused to picture McGonagall as beautiful. You were simply alluring, your entire aura drawing him towards you. He wasn’t quite sure what it was but he found himself needing to be near you. He foolishly allowed himself to wonder if you thought the same of him.
Your heart pounded lightly as you snuck to the owlery, you fought a wide smile as you climbed the seemingly endless steps, taking them two at a time out of excitement.  When you finally reached the top you let out a slight squeal noticing your large barn owl perched near the door. 
You whistled once and let it land lightly on your outstretched arm. You then carefully untied the thread from his leg taking the note in your hand and dropping your arm as your owl departed. You unthreaded the scroll and began slowly down the stairs as you read it. By the second line of words, your throat went dry. You could feel your heart beginning to throb painfully as the back of your eyes began to sting. 
You sped through the remainder of the letter a sob ripping from your throat as the words sunk into your skin. Your vision blurred and you grasped at the stone wall to your right. The wind tore overhead, suddenly the pleasant breeze felt threatening. You crashed downwards, the stone step you sat on causing shivers to conquer your body. You let tears drip down your cheeks and slide off your chin as you raked your hands through your hair. Another cry unlodged itself from your throat and echoed around you. You pulled one of your hands from your hair slamming it over your mouth as you squeeze your eyes shut in mental agony. You bit your lip harshly bringing your shaking hands to your cheeks and wiping them dry. You gasped in a sharp breath blinking furiously to keep the tears at bay. Finally, you shoved the letter into your robe pocket and stood continuing down the stairs as if nothing had happened. 
You saw this coming, you thought, you knew it would, why are you so surprised?
You shake your head blinking rapidly again. You slipped into the castle feeling emptier than usual, your heart still aching, your head starting to. You ran your tongue over your lips, feeling just how dry they were. Water rose to your eyes again and you swore, leaning your head back and squeezing them shut. 
You snapped your head forward, eyes opening wide.
“Are you okay?” James asked walking towards you, concern etched into his sharp features. 
“Uh, hey James.” You spoke attempting to sound normal and failing miserably as your voice came out in a croak. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
He didn’t believe you, he narrowed his eyes, “Are you sure?”
You coughed attempting to clear your suddenly clogged throat, “Yeah seriously, I’m fine.” 
“You don’t look like it.” He responded eyebrows still furrowed. 
“Thanks.” You muttered sarcastically attempting a small smile. 
James felt his ears grow hot, hoping you didn’t notice in the dull light of his wand, “I-I didn’t mean it like that.” he spoke quickly, “I mean you look pretty today, umm I mean you always look pretty and uhh you just look a little worn out...But like not in a bad way! Just you uhh-”
Your giggle cut his rambles short, you bite your lip looking down at your feet, “You’re fine James, I was only joking.” You mumbled.
“Oh.” He replied sheepishly his cheeks flaming. 
The hallway fell into an awkward silence, tension feeling thick, like the air on a humid day. 
James coughed uncomfortably, “Do you want me to walk you to your common room?” he asked ruffling his hair, something you had the sudden urge to do. 
“Yeah, that would be nice.” You smiled sticking your hands in your pockets. You felt the letter you stowed away in your hand and you swallowed another sob. 
The two of you walked in silence, the only noise being your shoes on the floors of the castle. 
Your mind reeled, the words replaying, still raw in your head. 
You’re always gone at that boarding school. I never even see you anymore… I don’t know y/n/n we just lost something.  
You could feel tears begin to well again, your world falling blurry.  
 I just don’t love you anymore. I’m sorry.
You couldn’t hold it back anymore. You let out a strangled whimper halting where you stood and burying your head in your hands as your body shook. 
James turned toward you in alarm, his heart throbbed as you cried into your hands attempting to muffle the sound. He stood there for a second before taking a step towards you and wrapping his arms around you shaking form. 
You leaned into his touch, your head thumping as you wailed into the boy’s chest, your hands still pressed to your face. 
“Hey, you’re okay.” James cooed as he gently ran his hand down your back, “You’re gonna be okay.” 
He continued whispering sweet nothings in your ears, until you calmed a considerable amount, your sobs turning into shaky breaths and small sniffles. 
Your face felt hot, embarrassment took you over as your head began to clear. You pushed yourself from James’ hold.
“I’m sorry,” You chocked out, “I must look pathetic right now and I barely know you and I’m a fucking mess, I’m so sorry James.” you gushed attempting to wipe your face clean. 
James looked confused, “Y/n you have nothing to apologize for.” he spoke so softly you almost swooned. 
You stood quietly shifting back and forth on your feet, unsure what you were supposed to do now.
“What happened?” James asked, “If someone hurt you y/n I will beat-”
You laughed lightly, “No one hurt me, James, I just um.” You took a large breath release it slowly, “I just got dumped.” 
James's eyes widened, “Oh.”
“Yeah,” You huffed picking at your lips, “I mean it wasn't like I didn't see it coming, we had barely seen each other at all for the past year and honestly I don't think I have loved him since then, but we were together for so long, it just hurts. And I guess I’m just scared to be alone again.” You laughed bitterly at your own self-pitying rant.
“Did he just break up with you tonight?” James asked he seemed to hold a mixture of anger and concern in his dark eyes. 
“Well umm, he’s a muggle.” You spoke awkwardly, “I just received the letter.” 
“Oh.” James mentally slapped himself for repeating that word so many times. 
You chuckled stiffly, “It really shouldn’t be that big of a deal, I mean I saw it coming, I just didn’t think it would happen this soon.” 
“Obviously it’s a big deal y/n, you can be sad after a breakup.” He smiled down at you a certain shine in his eyes telling you there was more. “Do you still have the letter by any chance?”
You tilted your head in confusion, “I do.” You answered hesitantly, “Why?” 
“Wanna burn it?” 
You never wanted to do anything more. 
The two of you sat shoulder to shoulder in the astronomy tower watching as the letter your ex-boyfriend had sent burned. You felt a sense of relief as it turned to ash, its words and meaning disintegrating before your eyes. You sighed suddenly feeling exhausted as if someone had flipped a switch and drained you of all your energy. Your eyelids became heavy, breaths became longer and soon you felt yourself drifting into a dreamless sleep. 
James felt a light pressure on his shoulder and turned to see your head resting on it. Your y/h/c hair gleamed in the light of the small fire you had created. He smiled softly carefully brushing the loose strands of y/h/c from your face. He then leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead, his heart thumping as his cheeks flushed red. 
He softly shook his head, what was he doing?
You and James grew surprisingly close, surprisingly quickly. It was frightening how well you got along. Whispers coated the halls of some secret relationship that blossomed between you. You always laughed it off as James grew pink and denied it entirely. 
The head boy had come to terms with his feelings for you the moment you fell asleep on his shoulder and he had been forced to carry you back to your common room solve an impossible riddle and get you in bed.  
He wasn't as smooth as he thought he was when it came to you. When he had liked other girls it was easy, he would just make a few flirtatious remarks ad then ask them out, but with you, it was complicated. 
First, there was the fact that you just got out of a two and a half year relationship. Then the fact that your mother was McGonagall. And of course, the fact that every time he tried to confess to you his words would get lodged in his throat and refuse to move. 
Day after day he told himself he would tell you, he would share the feelings that lodged themselves into his brain and heart. But as cliche, as it sounded days, turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and soon he was sitting across from you in the library thinking about how badly he wanted to push your hair from your face and decorate your neck with hickeys. 
But he kept his mouth closed cursing himself for every moment he let tick by which he didn't hold you in his arms. 
When he hit month four Sirius said he was hopeless and Remus agreed. James had become completely intoxicated by you. The dreams he had of you becoming lewd, looking you in the eyes became difficult as he could only think of how your lips would taste. 
Month five rolled around and James had decided he was hopeless, he had tried desperately to convey the message he kept bottled to you, but for being so smart you were extremely oblivious. Then the unthinkable happened. 
“James, can you stay after class please,” McGonagal asked, her voice sharp, but her eyes soft. 
James nodded numbly his mind wandering back to you, wondering if you had eaten enough for breakfast, you had slept in and only gotten there for the last five minutes. Maybe he would grab you a snack from the kitchens on his way to his next class and drop it off for you. Slughorn wouldn't mind if he was a bit late to potions.  
The class was dismissed and he stood from his seat absentmindedly standing to leave.
“James!” McGonagall called and he snapped back to attention. 
He walked up to her desk and stared at the women, deja vu making him blink rapidly. 
“I'm not going to beat around the bush Potter, I know you like my daughter,” McGonagall spoke peering at the now blushing boy over her glasses. 
James sputtered desperately for an answer, looking for a sentence to deny such a claim but he was cut off.
“James, I’m not here to hear your denial, I am here to beg you to ask her out.” 
And his brain exploded again. 
“She talks about you constantly, she cannot get out a sentence without your name being in it, it is simply ridiculous. Even worse you are getting spacey not only in the classroom but on the field. We almost lost our last game because you couldn't keep your head in the game. So please for both of your sakes, just ask her out.” McGonagall stared at the boy, looking desperate.
After a moment of silence, James spoke: “You aren’t mad that I like her?”  He chose his words carefully, not sure if he was on thin ice or not.
“No James.” The professor sighed, “If any of the boys in this school were to date her I would hope it to be you, I know you, you’re a good kid.” She admitted painfully. 
“You actually want me to ask her out?” James asked hesitantly, unsure if it was a type of test or if he was going crazy.
“Yes, James.” She huffed, “Please just do it so I don't have to hear about how adorable you look in hoodies ever again.” 
James flushed again, “Y/n said I look cute in hoodies?” 
“Oh, Merlin.” She muttered under her breath, “Just do it James.” 
And with that, he ushered him out the door. 
You hummed quietly, music blasting far too loudly through your walkman, you lay on your back a book held above your head as you thumbed through it. 
You didn't take notice of your roommate busting into the room, a giggle on her lips as she smiled brightly. 
She called out your name twice, groaning and rolling her eyes before walking over to you and plucking the headphones from your ears. 
You sent her a glare. 
“Don’t glare at me,” She huffed, “I'm just here to tell you that James Potter is waiting outside the common room for you.”
“He is?” You asked. You were pretty sure you didn't have plans with him today. 
“No, I’m making it up.” She scowled rolling her eyes. 
“Okay, okay, I'm going.” You exhaled loudly pushing yourself from the bed. 
You wandered down the spiral stairs waving to a couple of people who seemed to be staring. You noticed a few girls whispering something to each other before catching your gaze, almost looking… jealous?
You frowned before exiting the common room.
“Hey James, what’s up…”  Your voice died in your throat at the sight in front of you. There stood a blushing mess of a boy, a bouquet of bright yellow roses and daisies grasped in his hands. He was adorned in his school pants and dress shirt, a yellow hoodie thrown over it, his dark curly hair springing from underneath its hood making him look positively adorable. 
He refused to meet your eye, his cheeks so red you swear they must have been on fire.
You felt your own cheeks heat as you stared up at him, his glasses perched lazily at the end of his nose as he stared at his feet. 
He finally raised his gaze meeting your own and instantly regretted it. Your head was tilted slightly in confusion, your cheeks dusted pink, your eyes wide, shining with a doe-like innocence. You were simply stunning. 
He pushed his glasses up his nose nervously and he spoke. He spoke the words he had wanted to say for five months. 
“I think I’m in love with you.”
Your heart stopped, jaw-dropping eyes growing wider, you were left completely speechless as your mind reeled with the words he just spoke.  
James’ throat went dry and he nervously fiddled with his glasses again, “I totally get it if you don't feel the same way, I just I can't stop thinking about you, and honestly I just couldn't keep it bottled up anymore.”
You just stood there. So stunned your mouth forgot how to move. 
“Say something,” James spoke his voice practically a whimper. 
You still didn't speak, you weren't sure you trusted your words at that moment, so instead, you took two steps forward and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling his lips onto yours. 
The kiss was messy at first, your noses collided at the speed you pulled James towards you, his arms soon reached around you, bouquet still secured in one hand as he straightened you and plunged his tongue into your mouth. He tasted like honey and cinnamon. His scent surrounded you, the soft odor of expensive cologne and the tinge of sweat. 
You pulled away slowly lips still touching a moment after the kiss broke, breath mingling as you looked up into his deep eyes, you could feel yourself begin to fall into them, your heart pounding at an inhuman rate. 
“I love you too James.” You whispered and the smile he wore was brighter than anything you could ever imagine. 
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ohitshoneybee · 3 years
Loki (2021) Self Insert AU
Summary: An odd group of friends has a movie night in one of the Time Theaters, and shenanigans ensue.
Word Count: 1384
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, that's it
A/N: You guys. My first ever fic here on tumblr?? I'm so hyped, y'all have no idea! Special thanks to @nebulousfishgills for being my motivation and helping co-create this funky AU and for creating this *incredible* mood board! Enjoy.
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The sight of a mountain of blankets, pillows, and other soft items sitting in Time Theater 27, along with a buffet of cookies, chips, and drinks, wasn't unusual. The appearance of the Time Door, precisely at half-past eight wasn't odd either. In fact, it had become a sort of routine for a handful of TVA employees. Ravonna always showed up early to set things up, Casey and Hunter B-15 not far behind. Mobius strolling in at around ten till, with Loki, Olivia, and Sylvie showing up at nine on the dot.
Now, you may have asked yourself, 'What relevance does the time door have? Are we missing someone? And why all the blankets and everything?' Well dear reader, at approximately eight-forty, Oliver walks through the door for the final time that night, the last armful of blankets and tray of brownies in hand.
A cheery "Hey B-15! I made your favorite brownies again!" heard from across the room piques the hunter’s interest, as well as Mobius'.
"Oliver! You made it! I mean of course you made it, what am I even saying? Whatever, come sit down!" Mobius jumps up to accept the platter of brownies, sneaking a couple before anyone else could get to them. Olivia and Loki, arm in arm, saunter over to greet Oliver.
"Hey, you're here! And just in time too, we were about to pick tonight’s genre!” Olivia snatches the tray from Mobius’ hand, setting it on the buffet table. “Yeah? What are the options? And for the love of the Gods, don’t tell me there’s horror on the list, I’m not playing ‘Snakes and Ladders’ in the corner with Miss Minutes again. No offense, but I’d rather hang out with everyone, rather than sit in the corner for almost two hours.” Oliver smiles and elbows Olivia in the arm, dropping their pile of blankets next to the table.
“I am pleased to inform you that we have comedy or adventure as our picks tonight! Votes starting with Ravonna, as always,” B-15 chimes in, cutting Olivia off before she could retort.
“Comedy,” Ravonna starts.
“I think I’d like adventure,” says Casey.
“Ditto, on the adventure,” from Mobius.
“Comedy,” Sylvie and Loki respond, in unison.
“Adventure!” Olivia exclaims, striking a rather piratey pose.
“Adventure for me too, hon,” Miss Minutes nods to the hunter.
“And comedy for me,” B-15 notes.
“Oliver, that leaves you as the tiebreaker. Chose carefully,” Mobius teases.
“Well... I think I’ll pick… adventure?” Oliver answers, earning groans from half of the group and cheers from the other half.
Olivia, quite literally jumping with joy, just about tackles Oliver with a hug. “I knew I could count on you! Unlike those weirdos over there,” Olivia sticks her tongue out at Loki and Sylvie, earning an amused chuckle from Loki.
Mobius waves Ravonna over, talking to her in hushed tones, as to not disrupt the rest of the group. “Ravonna, I still think we should get one of those popcorn machines for these movie night sleepover things.. It isn’t fair to Oliver that they have to run back and forth whenever we want popcorn.”
“Mobius… it’s already hard enough to hide all of these blankets and the table and, well… everything. I just don’t know where we would put the popcorn maker. On top of that, none of us would even know how to use it!”
“Well, it can’t be that hard to figure out, I’ve seen kids on Earth use them and it’s gone fine for them!” Mobius argues.
“I’ll… I’ll think about it, okay? Just.. Don’t get your hopes up,” Ravonna sighs, waving Mobius off.
The projector boots up, and with a flicker of golden hues, the title screen for ‘The Mummy’ appears, earning a cheer from Oliver, who is wrapped up in a white comforter with a plate of various snacks in their lap.
“What? This movie was my bisexual awakening, it holds a special place in my heart because of it,” they defend, albeit through a mouthful of brownie.
“Nobody was judging you, Oliver, we were just a little...surprised,” Sylvie responds, snuggling closer to Olivia.
“You know what else is surprising? The fact that you three haven’t run off to a broom closet yet,” B-15 interrupts.
“Yeah, well, at least Oliver isn’t climbing over me yet,” Mobius teases.
“Wait, has nobody told you? Yeah, when you’re asleep, you end up snuggled with Mobius, no matter where in the room you are,” Olivia adds, rather suggestively.
“W-Well, there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation! Uh.. yeah.. an explanation…” Oliver mutters, flustered and embarrassed.
“Hey, nobody said they were bothered. I’m certainly not. There’s no need to stress over it,” Mobius adds, trying his best to be comforting.
B-15 shushes the group as the opening scene starts, the room bathed in golden hues.
Halfway through the movie, Oliver is already asleep, curled up with three or four pillows and a mountain of blankets, as well as a green cactus plushie. Ravonna is the only thing between Loki and Sylvie staking piles of Cheez-Its on their face, and Casey and B-15 are quietly chatting about the movie so far. Olivia is laying on her stomach, the blanket over her slightly askew, and Mobius is up getting more snacks.
“You really are a bottomless pit, aren’t you Moby Dick?” Olivia jokes. The nickname ‘Moby Dick’ caught on when Olivia showed up to the TVA and used it to poke fun at the analyst. After that, it stuck and is just a bit of fun.
“Yeah, well you kinda eat whatever you can when you live off the food here. Ollie’s baking is a real treat, so I’m enjoying it while I can,” Mobius retorts, stacking his plate with chips and the last of the brownies.
“Loki, Sylvie, stop it. Oliver isn’t gonna be happy when they go home and their cat is licking their face when they smell like Cheez-Its,” Ravonna whisper-yells at the pair as she throws a pillow and nails Sylvie in the face.
“Oh, I see how it is, old lady. It’s on!” Sylvie grabs the pillow and climbs over Oliver, running for Ravonna. “Pillow fiiiiiight!”
Oliver sits up and rubs the sleep from their eyes, almost immediately getting hit in the face with a pillow thrown by Mobius. “Oh so suddenly I’m not your favorite, Moby? I’ll just take those brownies back!” They grab their cactus plush and chuck it at the analyst, ducking with a squeal of surprise as another pillow flies past their head.
“Nobody decks Mobius like that except for me!” B-15 shouts, standing over a mountain of pillows.
“Hey, that’s not cool! You can’t hog the pillows!” Casey protests, ducking behind the food table.
“Well neither is teaming up, but us three already have!” Olivia announces, using Loki and Sylvie as shields to avoid getting hit with a pillow from Ravonna.
“Oh come on! That would’ve hit you!”
“Moby! Catch!” as Oliver chucks a couple of pillows in rapid succession. “You’ll never win! Not against me!”
“That’s where you’re wrong, hon,” Miss Minutes pops up next to Oliver and whacks them in the arm with a decorative pillow, a distinct rip heard through the room as stuffing flies.
“Oh. My. Gods. You’re so dead!” Sylvie shouts with a smile, and suddenly, alarms are blaring. Ravonna fishes through the pockets in her pajamas for her TemPad.
With a sigh of relief, she announces to the group, “It’s not an emergency, but I’m going to need to borrow you two for a bit,” she says, nodding to Mobius and B-15.
“Let’s make it a group trip since it isn’t an emergency!” Olivia proposes, earning a groan of disapproval from Ravonna and B-15, almost in unison.
“Olivia, we’ve been over this. Oliver isn’t allowed anywhere else in the TVA, other than here and the bathroom. If anything were to happen to them, I’d be the one to blame, and I’m not taking that risk.”
“Ravonna’s right, it’s a miracle that having Ollie here hasn’t created a Nexus event yet. Who knows what would happen if something went wrong,” Mobius reasons.
With a reluctant sigh, Oliver, Olivia, Loki, Sylvie, and Casey settle back into their respective blanket piles and finish the movie while B-15, Ravonna, and Mobius run off to handle the cause of the alarms.
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just-an-adventurer · 3 years
@sweaterangst Wait I just mentally processed your tags and now I have feelings again-
That would be so amazing for John to experience: An Angel! Lifting him up high into the sky so that he can look upon the earth below him!
Ok, this was supposed to be a tiny cute lil headcanon of our favorite monsignor flying with the Angel, but it had a mind of its own and I got carried away. I think you'll still like this... Whatever this is... I hope? 😅
Also tagging @monsignorpruitt and @yanderebeat because y'all are in midnight mass hell with me too
Under his wings you will find refuge...
It was a leap of faith. The first time the Angel took him on a flight was the night after he reawakened. He had taken his first steps out from the ruins, slim legs strong and footsteps agile and spry with new life. He crested the steep dune, and felt a small dismay at what he saw. When he was still a withered, disoriented old man, he had wandered far, far from Jerusalem, and indeed from any civilization. John could not see any structure, any hint of civilization anywhere in sight; just endless waves of sand.
A sudden, powerful gust of wind sent sand skittering against his back and pushed John's hair - now hanging in rich black curls - into his face. Bringing a hand to clear his vision, he turned, only for his jaw to drop in awe. The Angel had emerged from the crypt, magnificent wings folding again as it landed next to him.
John marvelled at it for a heartbeat, seeing it in all its glory for the first time by the light of the full moon. However, he was a pious man, and wasted no time in prostrating himself before it, the Angel of the Lord that had brought mercy upon him after providence had guided his weary steps to its resting place.
John surprised himself when he spoke, his voice coming out loud and clear. "Oh Angel of the Lord, neither word nor prayer can express the depth of my gratitude to thee, thee who has acted in the service of the Lord and granted me mercy and life anew." He looked up through his eyelashes at the Angel. A slight movement, a slight opening of its posture and a shuffle of wings was its only response. John took it as a good sign. He was not afraid of it - no, he was far past that point now. He understood now. The Angel had drank the fear from him, leaving him with the only message he needed: be not afraid. God had sent one of His Angels to save him for a reason. It had granted him life anew, and if it could give him that gift, then surely he could spread this miracle, return to his parish and help the flock he had wandered so far away from. Maybe he can begin again. Maybe, just maybe, if he does everything right this time, he can begin again with her.
But he had to get to her first. Clearing his throat, he started again. "I know not the workings of His plan, but I am His servant. As a messenger of His will, I too am in service to you. I come from a parish in need of aid, and I can bring you back to them, to heal them. But I must find a means to return. Could you show me the way?" John waited for the response to his proposal with bated breath. The answer came not in words, but in the form of a swift breeze and long, sinewy fingers digging into his shoulders. An almost-deafening rush of wind followed, and John's feet lifted from the sand.
Since his return to Crockett Island, the Angel had become more... selective in its appearances. John would pray and call for it by night, but it would not always answer him. Oftentimes he would simply request it to refill the decanter. But occasionally, on nights like tonight when the sky was clear and the moon was as bright as it was when he emerged from those ruins, he would make an additional request.
John never could get accustomed to the view from high above. In all his years at St. Patrick's, he never would have dreamed he'd be able to see this, Crocket Island, in its full glory: the sea, glistening, ever-shifting in the moonlight, the soft web of streetlamps and porchlights connecting the town like so many little campfires, keeping vigil while townsfolk slept in their beds. Dark swaths of pine trees separating the golden glow of the streetlamps and the silvery sparkling waves. The air so high up is quiet, just the rushing of wind and the steady, hypnotizing beat of the Angel's wings.
When he's this high up, for a moment, the island, the people, and all of humanity's problems seem so small, so tiny, so far away. And John wonders if this is what God sees, and he sees why God doesn't answer every prayer - how could He, when there are so many small words spoken by so many small people. It would be like putting your ear to the ground and trying to hear the ants speak.
And he's grateful - oh he's so, so grateful, God must have seen him, one ant among many, chosen him, and brought one of His Angels down to help him. Because when he puts his feet back on the ground, he can carry out God's work. He doesn't have to wait for Him to put His ear to the ground next to this tiny, tiny island. Because John is here to carry out His work. He can help the people. He can help Leeza, he can help Riley. He can help Millie. And when he looks at the tasks ahead of him from so high up, it's really a small feat. With the Angel's help, he can save all of them.
John knows he can't miraculously save the world. Because he's not God, no, of course not. He can't save the whole world himself. But he can do God's work on Crockett Island, save just a little part of the world. He could build just a small slice of Eden right here on the island. A place with no death, and no suffering. John had returned to the island to find its people drained of life. Weary. Just waiting for something, anything to happen, feeling like they were at a dead end. But he is here to change it. As the Angel did him, John is giving the people life. A second chance. He knows it. He's seeing it in Riley, he saw it in Leeza. And his dear, dear Millie is showing more life every day.
John's feet touch the ground once more, near the porch of the rectory. The Angel swoops into the darkness of the trees. The stars are dimming in the firmament above; daylight will come soon. And with it, another Sunday mass.
A second chance. John Pruitt feels a warmth in his chest and a smile tug at his lips as he awaits the dawn of a new day.
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bbyhaikyuu · 4 years
Heya!! Would you mind writing a head cannon, please? I think it would be so cool if it was about some of the boys dating a girl libero who was crazy good. Like she can receive Ushijima’s spikes and get to the freak quick, I think that would be so awesome! I’d love to see Noya, Oikawa, Bokuto and Kuroo! Thank you so much!!
Heya!! Thanks for the request love, I'm not entirely confident at this but I hope you'll like it!! Btw I made it quite short because there's four characters, my brain died when i got to kuroo and bokuto.
Yuu Nishinoya || Oikawa Tooru || Kuroo Tetsurou || Bokuto Koutarou : s/o is a crazy good libero.
Warnings: Swearing
Headcanons, fem!reader.
M.List || Requests
Yuu Nishinoya
Best female libero in the prefecture. Yeah, that's what you are. Always featured in the monthly volleyball magazine, the player who would jump over barricades just to save the ball.
Now imagine all the shocked faces as you enter the Karasuno gym, well don't include Noya, he's already running at you at full speed with his arms wide open.
You've known each other ever since you were at Chidoriyama, that's a well-known fact. But they didn't expect that you two kept contact.
Noya was quick to challenge you to a 3 vs. 3 match. Smol boi was itching to see how much you both improved.
Him, Kageyama, and Hinata vs. You, Sugawara, and Tanaka.
All eyes were on the game. You always made the ball go up flawlessly, allowing suga and tanaka to score for your team. There's atleast a two-point difference.
The freak quick. You finally saw it, you've been itching to see it with your own eyes, and you did. You weren't able to receive it the first time, and you saw the smug smirk the three boys sported, but you just smiled, "Got surprised there." and scratched the back of your head.
Once. To see it once was all it took. You never let the ball fall ever again. Your agility and speed was far superior than Hinata's, as well as your reflexes. To say that everyone was in awe was an understatement.
1-2, in favour of your team. You thanked each other for the good game. Kiyoko handed you a spare towel and the boys just literally threw you questions about your techniques. Even coach Ukai was very interested.
Unfortunately you had to get going, Kiyoko accompanied you to the changing room, but not before Noya said that he'll walk you home, you happily accepted the offer.
"Oh yeah Noya, you never told us why she dropped by and actually agreed to your challenge."
"Huh? Aren't girlfriends allowed to visit their boyfriends when they have time?"
Oikawa Tooru
"Send me one of your serves again Tooru-chan!" Of course, what kind of libero are you when you can't even recieve the monster serve of your boyfriend?
Oikawa was already having an inner debate. Your arms were red and it looks like it was ready to fall. You've been recieving his serves for a good 15 minutes, his teammates watched you in awe as you flawlessly hopped around the court. Oikawa was ready to gauge their eyes out.
"Alright, this is the last one." Oikawa was serious about this. So are you. You recieved it without any problem, well, in the team's perspective.
"Damn, that was as hard to get as Ushijima-san's spikes!" You said as you stretched out your body.
On cue the team's eyes widened and they stood up. Hovering over you and throwing you questions.
Oikawa and Iwaizumi literally had to pluck them off of you one by one lmao. Oikawa held you by his side, his arm slung over your shoulder.
Oikawa basically had to explain to them that you were the libero for the girls' vbc of Shiratorizawa. And that practice with Ushijima and the rest of the boys was a common occurrence. You were there because it was a rest day for the club.
The team knew that you were his girlfriend. But not the fact that you were from Shiratorizawa, the rival school.
Oikawa shoo'd them away and y'all changed back into your school uniforms. Saying something about rarely seeing you because you were at another school and his team having practices until late at night.
Iwaizumi overheard him and sent him a glare, "you should've gone to Shiratorizawa then."
Kuroo Tetsurou
During the summer camp, you dropped by one night because Kuroo and Yaku wanted help in whipping Lev into shape.
Coincidentally they were doing drills with hinata, kageyama and tsukishima.
You?? Just?? Casually?? Recieved?? Their?? Quicks??
You really do scoop up their quicks like its nothing, discarding your track jacket in a blink of an eye. (peek noya)
"That was like lightning fast, but you lack strength smol tangerine." Hinata didn't even process the word tangerine, he was just like WOAH and BAM and PON, he was all over you. Kuroo had to literally peel him off.
"I would appreciate it if you weren't all over my girlfriend, chibi-chan." Kuroo's team knew, bokuto and akaashi knew, hinata, kageyama, and tsukki... Didn't.
Their eyes just LIT UP. That sentence was for Hinata.
Tsukki literally had to remind the orange ball of hyperactivity that you called his spikes weak. So the tangerine pouted at you.
You laughed it off and whispered to him; "wanna learn how to spike like Ushiwaka?" and that's all it took.
They learned about that one time you were at the nationals and standing at the sides of the volleyball court. Ushiwaka was serving and he accidentally applied too much power, making the ball fly towards the camera crew. You were fast enough to run over and recieve the ball as well as save the lives of the cameramen. You got bruised a lil bit but it was worth it in the end. Ushiwaka actually approached you guys and apologized.
So for the rest of the night, you taught all of them how to spike and recieve the ball. Along with some handy dandy tricks that they could use in case of an emergency.
Kuroo was jealous that the boys were hogging you, but felt extremely proud of his little kitten. He offered to walk you home that night because your house is literally minutes away. He got them smooches too hehe.
Bokuto Kotaro
If your babe is one of the top 5 aces in the country, of course you need to step up your libero game too!!
And that's how you ended up being in the top 3 female libero in the nation. To say that Bokuto was proud was an understatement.
He brags about you SO much he doesn't even realize it. Akaashi has to ground him down every once in a while.
Fast forward to the spring tournament, baby boi owl just finished his game and was hell bent on cheering you ON
He took the little orange haired crow with him too!!! His pupil needs to meet his significant other!!!
Everyone in the sub arena was engrossed in your game. It seems that no matter how hard the opposing team attacked, you were always there to recieve the ball. When they tried to do dumps, it always seemed that you were there waiting.
It wasn't long before they tire out, allowing your team to easily score.
The game was done and you instantly spotted your owl boyfriend frantically waving for you to notice him.
You approached them and Bokuto instantly covered you with his jacket and continued hyping you up.
Hinata was just like OvO watching you both, quite intensely.
You noticed his stares and looked at him, before smiling and patting his head.
Then Bokuto realized that he needed to introduce you both, so he did.
"Oh? So you are Tarō's student? You're so smol and cute." You pinched his cheeks, The tangerine became a tomato.
Ofcourse you needed to up your compliments on your boyfriend too, or else you were in for a whiny and emo Bokuto.
The coach called you over so you bid your goodbyes to them, forgetting the fact that you still had Bokuto's jacket.
Hinata reminded Bokuto about the jacket and the owl just laughed it off, saying something about spending time with her later that evening. Then they just proceeded to talk about you as they walked back to their teams.
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
— 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐮𝐩 !
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; matsukawa takes you on a date, filled with surprises until the very end.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; cursing bc i can't see mattsun not cursing
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; fluff, like, FLUFF
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 2266 (it's a pretty number)
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; 1. this came in a dream 2. can y'all tell how obsessed am i with the idea of stargazing with mattsun??
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i’m here, hurry or i’ll leave u <3
the effect issei had on you never changed, a giggle emerged from your throat and escaped your mouth. you could picture your impatient boyfriend, tapping with his fingers on the wheel at the rhythm of the music, looking at the entry of your building every two seconds, his moody expression being as adorable as usual. on purpose, you walked lazily outside your place, hoping to get on his nerves. issei never was one who worried a lot, but he lost his cool rather quickly against waits, no matter how short they were. however, his annoyed mock changed the moment he saw your figure appear from behind the door, looking gorgeous as always. a smitten grin took place in his face, watching you getting nearer and nearer. if hanamaki would’ve been there, he most definitely would’ve teased him. 
“hey, since you won’t tell me what we’re doing i thought i—” matsukawa’s hand cup your face, pulling you softly for a kiss. his lips were a little dry at first, but nothing you weren’t used to. a taste of his usual monster drink was noticeable in his mouth, making you smile in the middle of the kiss. such an eboy, you thought, choosing to keep it to yourself instead of ruining the moment.
“you’re pretty, want to be my girlfriend?” he asked, playfully smirking at you, his hands still held your face close enough to feel his breath mixing with yours.
“sorry but i’m a little out of your league, don’t you think?” his mouth opened in an O at your answer before leaning in to kiss you again. you responded, after so many kisses, in perfect synch while your hands placed on top of his. 
despite the first feeling of disconcert, you chose to follow your boyfriend’s game. issei was more reserved than one would think, usually not the one who initiated physical affection beyond hand holding or a peck on the lips, but sometimes he had his moments of clinginess where he couldn’t keep his hands to himself and kisses were spread all over you. he took distance from you, breaking the kiss to stare at your face and caress your cheek with his fingers, making you rub it against his hand as a cat would do. his smile widened before he united your noses in a skimal kiss, and then finally letting you go off his gentle grab. matsukawa sat back in the driver seat, accommodating himself while you put on the belt. 
“sorry” he whispered before starting the car, you knew he had a hard time after realizing he had been a little more intense than usual, no matter how many times you reaffirmed you absolutely loved being the object of his affection. his mouth said sorry, but his hand wandered to yours, once he caught it, he led you to take the gear lever and place his hand on top of yours. 
a sudden heat attacked your cheeks at the act, thinking about the way issei had done that out of complete habit.
“i’ve missed you” you said, hoping to make him a little more comfortable with the shown affection.  
another smile, just like the one from when he saw you, appeared on his face. at least now he didn’t try to hide it, unlike when you first started dating. his response to your confession was a squeeze on your trapped hand and an entertained glance from him. the rest of the car ride both stayed silent, to feel the other’s presence was enough to be content. matsukawa drove with such confidence, you couldn’t help but wonder where he was taking you. a curious look to the back seat gained you a groan from your boyfriend, warning you to stay in your place so his surprise wasn’t ruined. the sun was already setting when you finally got to your destiny, although issei’s hand never abandoned your skin. whenever you took away your hand to scratch your face or accommodate your hair, his travelled to your nearer thigh, and as soon as he saw your hand free again, he would catch it.
“close your eyes.” said mattsun before opening his door, you looked at him in confusion, a little scared of what he had planned. “oh come on, trust me a little” hesitantly, you shut your eyes, squeezing his hand in yours. 
“isse do—” but it was too late, a blindfold was already covering your eyes, preventing any spoiler of the so awaited surprise “you kinky bastard” you joked, trying to ease the increasing anxiety you were beginning to feel.
“don’t be so surprised about it” he chuckled, planting a kiss on your cheek and laughing at your scared reaction, “wait for me here, don’t take it off” 
if you said you weren’t scared you’d be lying, not because you thought he could hurt you… on purpose, at least, but matsukawa had a fame for not thinking things through completely, usually leading to a mess. right now, he parked in the middle of a forest, you thought, and seemed to be looking for something in the back of the car. a shovel, said your most dumb self, only to laugh at yourself for even think something like that.
“what are you laughing at?” he questioned, you could hear the smile in his voice, which only made you giggle more.
“nothing. you aren’t looking for a shovel, are you?” it was his turn to laugh before he closed the door that allowed you to hear him. you waited for him to help you outside the car at that moment, but minutes passed and no sign of your boyfriend was to be heard.
“issei?” you said, a little louder than regular. when you got no answer, your hand went to the fold on your eyes. “if this is a joke it’s not fucking funny” a partial laugh went along your voice, how many times have you and issei laughed at that exact same phrase while you watched an horror movie?. the time he had been gone could easily be ten minutes, even more, and your worry was starting to overcome your initial anxiety “i’m taking this off and you better be alive when i do it” you warned, hoping that it stayed as a joke. 
the sight in front of you hadn’t changed at all from when you arrived, something your mind took as a good sign. you opened the door, taking your head out first to check for anyone hiding outside your line of view, and once the coast was clear, you finally stepped outside. the first thing you saw behind the car, the last spot you’ve heard matsukawa, was one of his shoes. you had no idea if he was wearing that pair, but why would another pair of shoes be in the middle of nowhere?
“mattsun i swear to god, if you’re fucking with me i’ll break up with you right now” your voice was loud enough to be heard around yourself and the car, but nobody answered. 
your eyes tracked the way the shoe must’ve come from to find its twin, and a long line of the rest of issei’s clothing. you damned yourself for not remembering if he was wearing them earlier. against all your better judgement, you decided to follow the obvious path the clothes were pointing, praying for it to be just one of your boyfriends stupid pranks.
please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead.
a small light made its way to your eyes, behind a heavy curtain of trees and bushes, as you got closer, you realized it wasn’t just one light, but candles spread all over the place. a blanket, with drinks and food carefully displayed, was in the middle, and on top of everything, an almost naked mattsun waited for you with a stuffed animal between his hands. he had the most wholesome smile printed on his face, his eyes glowing with happiness at seeing you. the only thing he had on was a jacket, his underwear and his socks, the rest of his clothes rested in your hands.
“hi” he whispered, you looked at him up and down, in shock, catching a subtle shiver in his legs. it was freezing, yet there he was, naked in the middle of a forest at night. “i forgot to bring something to mark your way here, so i had to improvise” 
“you’re such a… dork” you said, trying to get over your surprise, fear and blossoming warmth growing in your chest.
“dork? that's all i get? i’m standing in the middle of night, naked, in a forest for you, at least you could give my clothes back” he laughed it off, walking towards you. his arms wrapped you in a firm grip, bringing you closer to him. despite the cold surroundings, you could feel his hot skin through the fabric. 
“i love you, know that?” you confessed, staring at his dark eyes.
“i thought you were out of my league,” joked issei, before uniting once again with your lips in a slow kiss.  you pulled away before the kiss deepened, suddenly remembering he was half naked in front of you.
“get dressed. now.” 
“but there’s so much more we can do like this—”
“we’re not having sex in a forest, what if a bug crawls up your pee pee?” you whispered the last part closer to his ear, earning a disgusted mock in his face replacing his smitten expression.
“we agreed you wouldn’t call it pee pee anymore, it makes it seem like it’s small” issei whined, getting offended by the second seeing you weren’t denying what he said. 
mumbling how, sometimes, you were even meaner than him and makki together, that he was going to get back at you someday and you weren’t going to like it, he took the clothes from you and finally put them on. you sat on the blanket, absorbing your surrounding and the small details mattsun had set up. it was impossible he prepared everything in just ten minutes, meaning, he came before and advanced some of the arrangements, like the candled, carefully set in safe positions to avoid initiating a fire, or how the ground beneath the blanket was without a single rock or stick, as if someone had cleaned it before. the basket only carried two more blankets for later, when cuddles weren’t enough to keep the warmth in your bodies, and the food and drinks were displayed in front of it, a collection of both yours and his favorites. too focused you were on issei’s masterpiece that only when he laid by your side, you noticed the only light remaining came from the sky.
“what happened with the candles?” you complained, cuddling to his side and burying your head on his chest, closing your eyes to enjoy the closeness.
“open your eyes, you’re going to miss it” before you could even think of how he knew your eyes were closed, a shooting star crossed the sky above you in a gleam. your head shook to look at your boyfriend in amazement. “you’re going to miss it” he cooed, your eyes opened wide at his comment. wasn’t it already over?
your question was answered seconds after, it wasn’t one, two, nor three stars falling, tons of them plowed the sky, bathing your sight in a completely new scenery. the dark colors of the night danced with the coming and going flashes of the meteor shower in front of your eyes, it seemed like an endless fantasy happening just for the two of you. it felt like issei was behind all of it, as impossible as it sounded, your heart fluttered at the mere thought of his love being strong enough to make stars fall from the sky. you had time to laugh at your idiotic thoughts later. 
matsukawa’s arm brought you closer to him, his eyes fixed on your astonished expression. the stars made it seem like your eyes were actually glowing, they might as well have, he thought. as much as he wanted to look away and enjoy the astronomical event happening, his eyes and head weren’t answering to his commands. it felt almost sacrilegious to look away from you, more beautiful than ever, with wonder printed on every single pore of your skin, shining under the unique glow of the night. issei swore, he could’ve stayed there, admiring you, for the rest of his life. for a moment, time stopped. there was nothing behind those trees circling you, you and him were the only ones in the world and your love was never coming to an end. he wouldn’t even notice when the shower ended if it weren’t for your slightly bumped expression. 
your head turned to him again, a few inches from his face, your mouth opened but no sound came out of it, then it closed, and opened again. you couldn’t find any right thing to say.
“did you like it?” he asked, with a little smile flourishing on his lips.
“i can’t even describe it, issei” you said softly, looking straight into his eyes. you had no doubt, you were in love with that man and that wasn’t going to change any time soon.
“are you still out of my league, then?” he teased, his thumb finding its way to your bottom lip.
“right now, you could ask me to marry you and i’d say yes” his silly smile widened, leaning into you to seal the moment with a kiss.
“i’ll do it, someday”
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𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭; matsukawa heard about the meteor shower because oikawa wouldn't shut up about it for the past three weeks. he was actually the one who pointed out how good of a date it would be.
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Witcher Of The Night (Chapter 10)
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Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: Geralt has found a djinn as your ticket for your way home. Though, some conditions doomed his fate. Your confession for the witcher got him climbing down towards the goal of sending you away; reconsidering what could happen when you stay for a week or maybe more. Howbeit, your panic-stricken confession lead into unlocking the Djinn out of its confinement and thus, leading you into becoming one possessed human and giving Geralt factual reasons as to why he was destined to you.
Warnings: Possessed reader. A gushing reader who managed to accidentally confess her feelings for the witcher. Upset Cirilla. Weird shit going on. Soft, hardheaded but smiley and frustrated Geralt all at once. A VERY MUCH NOT accurate words of Elder speech. AHONHONHON. I’m sorry in advance. Mention of blood. LOTS of Geralt Gif’s because…why not?
Words: 5.9k
A/N: You’ll have tension on the next chapters. When I mean tension, I mean sexual tension. I can hear y'all screaming and waiting for this moment to shine. HAHAHHAHAHA. I hope the wait is worth it.
Disclaimer: PNG’s used in edits are not mine even the GIF’s too. However, the edits and oneshots are definitely from moi. Characters, places and said monsters aren’t from moi as well. GIF’s INCLUDED ARE CREDITED TO THOSE WHO MADE THEM! I DO NOT OWN THEM!
MY WORKS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOOOOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have for writing aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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You understood everything now. Very perfectly. Geralt was acting weirdly soft to you because he was finally throwing you away.
That was a more reasonable explanation to his sudden supple treatment towards you as you remembered how he was avoiding you the day before you were captured by those asshats. Though, it stopped there. He saved you and that was it. That was the only thing you remembered aside from the blurry image of you confessing something heartfelt to the witcher as he carried you to send you off to some healer.
You didn’t tell him anything ridiculous, didn’t you?
Those cheeky, dashing smiles he tries to give whenever he catches you staring made you narrow your eyes once you timidly avoided his beams like a blushing baby.
He was probably just happy that you were going to be out of his majestic hair once you wish for a genie to take you back home. It hurts to know that the witcher was happy and basically twerking inside his head about shooing you away.
Truly, your heart was feeling heavy because of it. The heavy feeling being brought as you had your steady hike with his family. Those lips that were jutted out in a pout was ineradicable even till the moment you’ve arrived at a tranquil looking lake.
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Geralt took notice of your vexatious pout that was permanently carved as he threw the fishnet out in the lake. Dismissing your attitude with a faint shake of his head at the wonder why you were looking downright dejected when it was finally the time you could go home and leave the havoc that you were in.
“So, a Djinn is a fish? Since you’re using a fish net…” he’d heard you question the bard that was leaning on a dead tree, arms crossed like an executive in some company as he watched Geralt trawl for your Djinn. The witcher tugged on the rope of the fishnet and pulled; seeing no pitcher yet that had a Djinn and only an empty bottle of wine that was thrown out in the lake. He frustratingly exhaled a breath and ceaselessly tossed the fishnet back in the water.
Cirilla and Kolby were crouching down beside the swamp as they were playing with the water in their hands. Patiently waiting for whatever you were finding.
“Haven’t you heard of genies?” Jaskier bellowed, making your eyebrows twist together in ire for his attitude. You crossed your arm and gave yourself a second before a loud cajole left your lips, “—The mystical creatures that grant you three wishes?”
Your frowning self promptly turned the opposite as you remembered a movie that you’ve loved back in your laptop, “Oh! The one from Aladdin! Will the Genie come out of it? Is it a smoke of blue?!”
The bard let out a perceptible loud sigh, eyes focused at the witcher who was mindlessly cussing to himself for finding his Djinnie-Djinn-Djinn that took three hours already. He gave you a look that consisted of abounding judgement.
You shrugged to yourself; dusting off his sarcasm, “I suppose not,”
“—The last time it came out, it attacked my throat and gave me the ill-fate of having no voice to talk nor sing. I’ve been brought to a healer—thanks to Geralt and his selfless virtue, and been brought to an orgy which eventually; Yennefer–” Jaskier’s chatters were ceased by Geralt’s stern tone that echoed a meter away as he was hauling over his fishnet, audibly groaning as he felt something heavy that has been caught.
He hoped it was no monster or anything.
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“That’s enough, Bard.”
Jaskier leaned off the dead tree, hands on either side of his hips as he looked offended by always being cut-off in the middle of his chitter-chatters with you, “Why do you always cut me off when it’s about the mage from Vengerberg?” a teasing pause. “—It’s like you don’t want me mentioning about her because the small rat is around,”
The witcher gave no response other than a displeased hum, not giving his amber eyes while the fish net dripped as he dragged it out to see some type of vase that had a peculiar seal, “Hmm.”
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He’d heard a clap and it was from the bard, “Oh, a pitcher! It’s the Djinn!” before his voice suddenly upturned into a softer tone like he was avoiding something. The leaves crumpled beneath his shoe as you felt Jaskier discreetly side stepped away from you or everyone like a frog in the mud, “I’m just going to…give you space and peace like you hoped for,”
The message was for Geralt as he slowly but surely hid behind a tree where Cirilla and Kolby was. A distance which is still coherent for him to hear you both from a distance. You’ve eyed him like he was going loco when he gave a thumbs up behind the tree and peeked with only his head showing to the both of you, a beam on show.
“Don’t forget to make three wishes when the harsh wind hits you! Also, make it fast so it doesn’t thwack you in the neck!”
Geralt held onto the pitcher, inspecting a different seal in his hands. Much more different than the one they had decades ago. It was an eight figure hand clustered in a circle with random stars all over.
“Are you sure this wouldn’t be a snake in the grass, Geralt?” the witcher heard the bard speak from behind the tree, loud enough for you to hear his question thrown. There was a moment of silence as Geralt studied the pitcher a lot more closely, trying to understand and remember what the seal meant.
He’d finally taken the chance to voice out to the bard in a gruff tone, “As long as she doesn’t wish for anything that would mutilate anyone,”
You gave them looks; back and forth as they went on to their talk like you weren’t there with them. It’s not like you could understand whatever magic or terms they were even talking about. This was the problem for living in a world that you weren’t familiar with; not a single thing that you were used to besides the cooking. Other than that, their world was living in history that you somehow didn’t wish to have lived in.
With magic even involved in their lives like it was a normal thing.
“What if this backfires, Geralt? You know..like it would give her a tumor in the neck and then you’ll go find a healer again and—” Jaskier cut his sentence in haste when the witcher gave him a scolding glare. He’d shut his mouth, contemplating on what his next words would be.
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“—You sure it’ll give her what she wants?”
“It can grant the most far-fetched wishes,”
“So, when you wished for peace prior to that day; giving me tumor is the best idea for your Djinn?”
Geralt gave him a mocking smile, one that consists that his patience was wearing thin again for the talkative bard who asks too much questions like he was the person who came from another world and not you, “But, it quite helped, didn’t it?”
The bard rolled his eyes back at him, puffing out a breath as he emerged behind the tree and leaned his shoulders on the dry wood; his face contorting in anxiety as he saw Kolby crouched in front who was giving him those puppy eyes.
You were too engrossed from their talk and didn’t notice Geralt who was now in front of you; handing over the pitcher where a Djinn was kept.
“As long as she’s the master, the Djinn won’t hurt her.” he reassured for you; feeling your agitation take over as you were realizing that there was a risk that their genie could hurt you. Though, those glowing eyes of his that resting on you; giving an unfamiliar tenderness of his gaze was simply telling you that it won’t happen.
But, the stingy feeling inside your heart wasn’t helping those warmth within his eyes.
“Make your wish, Midget.” he simply said, dropping his gaze for a second before returning back on your glum filled eyes, “—Once unbarred and has three of your wishes, the djinn is set free,”
You loosely held onto the pitcher like you were hesitant. It was there now. Your way for home. One of the options that can get you coming back from where you came from. Away from their chaotic world that had too many fremd explanations about their way of living other than earth where having a stable job was the only problem you had.
Not for the fear of monsters and people selling you off to some duke or king.
“—and…you are also..” the witcher drawled out his words, seeming to be in deep thought as his features turned stony and inexplainable, “—free. Back to where you came from,”
He sounded like he was choking when the witcher continued his speech; or maybe it was just you who wanted to think he actually didn’t want you leaving?
Shocking to say, you actually didn’t want to. His family was extraordinaire and caring. The type where they wouldn’t blink just to save you from danger even if it would involve them bleeding to death.
Geralt’s family was one of a kind. Thus, you realize how much of a family you had back in earth. A family who let you work overseas to help them in their lives as you work your ass off so they could pay their bills. It’s not that you weren’t thankful that they’ve taken care of you when you were a kid and even paid for your college fees, but sometimes working abroad can be depressing when you have no one around.
No one to hold and share your sadness with.
“What if I…” Wish to stay? your thoughts were in a mess. You trailed off and anxiously bit the insides of your cheeks as Geralt waited for you to finish your sentence. Yet, you clicked your tongue and changed what you wanted to say instead, “—What if it hurts me? As much as how it did to Jaskier?”
Geralt’s shook his head, frowning as he does so, “I won’t let that happen, midget.”
The way he said it; soft and reassuring like he promised that this option you had involves no pain. Leading you into yearning for something that seemed to be unreachable and utterly fantastical for it to happen in reality. That is; if their world was really your reality.
Nevertheless, you could feel every sorts of emotions and feelings. It was frustrating you to the point of being unreasonable by wanting to stay.
Jaskier faintly smiled as the bard realized what you were already holding. This was it. The last time to have you around. He was indecisive about it despite of him not wanting to welcome you warmly on the first day since you were hunted by an Alghoul. However, it seems like the latter had a change of heart and actually began to appreciate your annoying, little presence. Definitely like a cute rat that he probably feeds when nobody is looking.
“Should I bid you a goodbye right now?” he solemnly muttered as he fidgeted with his fingers. An action he does when he was anxious or thinking about something. You gave him back a gloomy smile and felt your chest feel even more heavier than it ever did.
The princess had her nose scrunched to its extent. Eyebrows furrowed in total bewilderment as she was trying to understand what was happening behind her back. “Why do we need to say farewell? To whom?”
Jaskier mustered up the courage to tell her, expecting for another set of her tantrums because of the sudden decision that Geralt has made for you, “—To Y/N.”
With just two words, it was enough for the princess to squeak and protest, completely objecting at the plan ahead as she gave the witcher a furious glare. “What? Geralt!”
She’d hopped forward against the muddy ground, hissing as she does so while Jaskier tried to catch her but she was too quick for him to slide away from. Geralt heard her heavy marches, closing his eyes in fatigue and stress as he murmured, “I shouldn’t have brought you both with me,”
It took five seconds for Cirilla’s steam to blow like a train; throwing angered protests at the witcher that was bound to protect her till the day she dies, “How dare you not tell me this?! I demand for her not to leave!”
“Princess.” Geralt firmly stated, a sigh leaving his lips as he does so and continued, “She doesn’t belong here,”
“I don’t want her to leave!”
“She belongs to her rightful dimension,”
Cirilla gave out a frustrated huff of her breath, snobbishly crossing her arms before the witcher as she gave him a scowl, “Don’t act like I didn’t see you both together in your bed last night, hugging her to sleep!”
Jaskier blinked repeatedly at that; giving the witcher a double take and also making you narrow your eyes at them from what they were pointing out.
The princess knew. She knew what she saw when she wanted to check if you were already awake yet and saw Geralt sleeping like a baby. Beside you with an arm surrounding you close as his palms rested along the middle of your back; intentionally avoiding the wounds before it could even open up itself.
It was the first time she ever saw the witcher having to sleep like a deadbeat without waking up due to his heightened senses because she tried to peek. He was completely vulnerable and seemed like to be in deep slumber; cuddling another person in his arms like it was his comfort.
“Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon.” Geralt snarled, giving her the sharp eyes as and a tone that tells her to stop before he doesn’t talk to her for weeks end. He’d used her full name for the first time in forever and simply to say; Geralt was pissed.
Cirilla’s voice wavered, feeling her throat run dry and eyes seem to appear cloudy as she took in Geralt’s hostility towards the truth that has been said. He was always like this, pushing people away when he seemed to feel like they were finally having a connection; fearing for being attached and for what outcomes it may bring.
“You are certainly an idiot, Geralt.”
The witcher’s nose flared in discontent, her narks immediately went straight to his head as he wore a nasty scowl; letting the irritation straight out of his mouth as he starts spitting ire at everyone who seemed to make his life a little more difficult, “Are you done talking shit now?”
The princess went on with her glares, peering up at the witcher with a piercing glint of her eyes, “You never fail to disappoint me,”
“Thank you, Princess. I always do plan to disappoint people. Comes in becoming a witcher,” was the only sarcastic remark that the witcher managed to reply with a rough grouse and an obvious roll of his eyes.
In between their heated argument, Jaskier even had the guts to butt in like what he always do; his face sketched in opposition for the sudden decision at hand like Geralt wanted it done in haste, “Do you really need to go back? I mean, I’ve talked to Geralt about it last night! He’s just one stubborn witcher and trying to push you away because he’s scared of being attached! We can always keep your Djinnie-Djinn-Djinn and just use it when you feel like going home—”
The latter was harshly cut off by a gruff sputter of Geralt’s warning, “Bard.” his nose flared even more, “—Will you fucking shut up? Even just for a minute?”
You didn’t know what to do. Everyone was telling you not to do it yet, even your heart as well. It was crazy, to even choose between living in a dimension that was full of peril or a world where it keeps you depressed because something was hugely missing in your life back in earth.
There was someone intensely staring at your face and you knew it was the angered witcher, no doubt because he seemed like he wanted you away already, “Wish for what your heart desires, midget.” he lowly hissed and gave a nasty grimace to the two pair of people who was strongly ceasing the progression of you going home to where you belong.
Everybody didn’t dare to make any form of noise except for the Hirikka who was looking at you in curiosity; never knowing what was going on. Jaskier shook his head in disappointment at the witcher, giving him a look that was pure of dissatisfaction and it was the first time that the bard ever did. He was trying to make Geralt feel guilty for his decisions or whatsoever.
“Final words for us before you go, small rat?”
Your heart was downright heavy as you began to send off your final messages to the people who did nothing but be kind enough for letting you stay despite of not knowing who you are. You gave Cirilla a look full of warmth, faintly smiling back at the princess who was now sobbing because the only person whom she felt a different type of connection was now leaving. The idea of not being able to see you again because you didn’t belong to their world was giving her distraught as you were the only person she connected with that involved with a woman’s touch.
“To Cirilla,” you choked in your own words, feeling the hesitance in your throat as you evidently swallowed. “—Hey, don’t cry. You’re going to be the strongest and bravest woman I can ever know. With a witcher by your side, he’ll mold you into becoming a better person as well,”
Your voice was faltering like a thin sheet of paper. Silently, the witcher stared; feeling the heat of his gaze grazing on the side of your face as you continued to bid your goodbyes.
“Jaskier,” an acknowledge that made the bard scoff with a forced grin, trying to make the situation lighter for everyone, “I know you’re utterly enamoured by my singing, small rat. Now is the perfect time for your confession!”
You managed to roll your eyes a him, “Keep annoying everyone. I hope Kolby bites you in your sleep,”
“I shall die a brokenhearted man!”
Last but not the least, a message for the witcher who has always been saving you like a knight in shining armor. An expected knight in your fantasies.
Never even expecting to like him in a way that you wondered how it would be like to be his lover. Nonetheless, the thought was a blur because he wasn’t just a mere human. He was a mutated one and a person who takes his job very seriously as a monster-slayer.
Maybe being his other half would be pretty much an adventure.
“Geralt,” you turned your heel to face him, considering the distance that he was an arm away from you. He’d given you an apathetic gaze, masking in whatever he was feeling right now as you couldn’t see right through him as of the moment, “—I’ve seen this in the movies too much and I understand why you’re handling everything in silence,”
He was just that type of person. You knew because there has been lots of people you’ve encountered who had his type of personality and you understood his character completely.
Hence, the type of person he was needed care because they weren’t used to people caring for them. He needed the conciliatory affection because he craves for it even though he hardly says he don’t; and even when he does receives it, the brightest way to do it is to push that person away because he knew he didn’t deserve the tender care.
“You’re no monster for me,” you genuinely spoke with all your heart. Geralt’s stoic expression seeming to waver as you’ve given him a look of appreciation for everything he did for you, “—You’ll never be because I know you have a good heart,”
He gazed at you even longer than he should, eyebrows in a pained twist that created a frown etched on his face. What were you even saying? Your mind was literally a ball of yarn right now as you stand in front of him; thoughts flying elsewhere as you started to panic because you wanted something off your chest before you go. Permanently.
Therefore, your mind thought it was the right moment to confess such feelings that you knew it wouldn’t ever be said once you go back, you snapped your head away as you cringed for your stupidity, “—andthatIlikeyoubutnobodyneedstoknowthatbecauseIneverconfessedtoanymanever! Like really really like you. My heart is just–just pounding like a drum whenever you’re around—”
It was fast. A mere whisper of your heart being a YOLO little bitch by speaking out your feelings like a crazed woman offering some type of sacrifice as you were citing spells to your own; that type of fast talking that won’t get any normal person to understand the heck you wanted to comprehend.
You were idiotic enough to forget that he wasn’t any type of normal.
Geralt’s hum seem to stop your panicking mental state. His hum sounded perplexed and utterly…amused.
You swallowed the nervous jitters down your throat before opening an eye to see him cocking his head to the side, judging your embarrassed self and probably judging you from even confessing despite knowing it would be a one-sided affection from the witcher.
“Midget.” you’ve heard your conscience speaking to you, his tone somewhat quieter but still in that gruff voice of his that made your insides tingle. Your eyes was squinted shut as you looked away, avoiding his stares and went on with your audible monologue, “Oh my God, I should’ve wished first before confessing like a lovestruck high school girl,”
Geralt couldn’t help but subtly clear his throat. You always never fail to amaze him in terms of your panicking, clumsy gestures. He raised a surprised brow, thoroughly understanding what has happened prior to your rants.
“You didn’t hear anything!” you squealed and held onto the handle of the Djinn, furiously tapping it with your index finger in sheer embarrassment for the failed confession. The witcher clicked his tongue, shifting on his own burly weight and keeping his teeth together as he tried to think of an answer to your sudden confession.
“What do you mean hmm? IT WAS JUST A WHISPER!?”
Jaskier had his forehead furrowed in utter curiosity, just hearing the soft mumbles and your yelping kept his curiosity at bay. Yet, he’d heard you screaming, “Small rat, don’t you know that witchers have heightened senses and he understood you a lot? Probably even hear your heart pounding fast every time you’re—”
You’ve snapped your eyes open, realizing you were covering your face away from the witcher who was faintly smirking down at you with an unfathomable twinkle in his eyes that weirded you out. However, Jaskier’s words seeming to whack you in the head for being stupid and not asking more for what the witcher’s abilities consists of.
“Wait, what? He can even hear my—I SHOULDN’T HAVE SAID THAT!” His super hearing caught you off-guard. You didn’t expect that he had that kind of skill because all you knew was that he was strong and exceptionally good at using his swords.
Well, the news definitely shocked you to the core. You were mouthing words at Jaskier as the bard narrowed his eyes back, not understanding a thing from your silent mouthing of words as you wanted the ground to eat you alive. “WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME, THEN?!”
Your hostile reactions was surely bewildering the bard, “Why? What did you tell him, Y/N?”
You’ve heard Geralt’s stern baritone pitch of his, thus igniting a fast shake of your head as you could feel the heat travelling up in your face like a jet plane, ignoring the witcher who stood tall before you, “NOTHING, Jaskier! I’m so stupid!”
“Your reaction doesn’t mean nothing…”
The discomfort was making you deal with a lot of things. Rejection, anxiety and being a butter finger. Your eyes caught the Djinn wrapped around your fingers as you tried to cover your face from the witcher. So, you’ve did the inevitable and ungracefully held onto the seal before giving Geralt a once over.
Hence, you didn’t know what he was thinking when he suddenly ceased your wrists from doing so.
His bright amber eyes looked at you in warning, meeting yours in a reluctant shadow of his emotions when you’ve held onto the seal looking like he had a change of heart and didn’t want it to happen.
Maybe, it wasn’t too bad to let you stay for a little more while. Just a week or maybe more. His consciousness spoke at the back of his Ivory head. He wanted to make sure of something; if it was really destiny trying to play with his emotions for whatever bullcrap he was feeling when he’d heard your confession.
“Midget!” roughly scolded Geralt as he’d realized you already had opened the seal before he even stopped you. Jaskier had Cirilla and Kolby behind a far end tree as they watched you both struggle from trying to open the Djinn prior to your confession.
Both of you held onto the seal. Eyes locked onto each other; his in utmost dismay and worry as the pitcher was ajar from the seal, currently unimpeded from its body. Then, there was a strong ripple of the brisk wind clawing down your feet, crawling up the curves of your bodice in a way that could frighten you because it was not any normal.
The whistle of the wind came in with hushed voices that you couldn’t understand nor recognized. An invisible phantom of cold fingers reaching your head like it wanted to crush your skull as the voices whispered louder; like a spell that you couldn’t comprehend.
Your knees were giving up from the pain it wanted to bestow. Those eyelids of yours fluttering shut as the spirit was trying to suck on the energy you only had. But, you didn’t flop on the ground as you could feel tangible warmth surrounding your body; not letting you fall nor letting go.
The cluster of wind became stronger. You’ve heard him yell back, keeping you as close as he can and felt strong, calloused fingers grab onto the side of your face; shaking you awake as he kept you standing still, “Make your wish!” he loudly demanded amongst the rustle of everything.
The pitcher loosely lost its touch from you as it fell to the ground. A wish. You needed to make wishes. Your eyes drooped, blinking in a daze as your vision caught the only thing in your fore sight.
A medallion. His medallion. A witcher’s medallion that was currently vibrating on his chest like something alarming was happening or was nearby.
“I-I wish…” you whispered more so to yourself, hearing the witcher groan out loud as he tried hard to keep you still. The force trying to keep you both apart but Geralt wasn’t backing down nor did he plan on letting go.
Jaskier, Cirilla and Kolby had their palms over their ears from the harsh wind encircling them. Keeping still behind the huge Oak tree. Then, the winds abruptly ceased as they were crouched behind for cover.
You were unconscious for one second; your whole weight given to the witcher as he had an arm on the small of your back, your face tightly smothered on his hairy chest that you awfully find endearing and pleasing. You’ve inhaled a long breath like you weren’t given oxygen, batting your eyelashes up at the witcher who was supporting all your weight with his strength.
A listless look for the witcher was all it took for him to narrow his eyes back at you, checking for any signs that you weren’t you. Though, none. You were okay and…you were still there with them.
The bard peeked his head out, checking what happened when he seen you with complete limbs and being hugged by the witcher himself. Jaskier shrugged to whatever the hell happened and hollered, “Well, that was pretty much an anticlimax for the second time.”
Gently, the witcher pulled you away from him. His strong fingers clasped upon your shoulders as he eyed you very seriously. The sudden shift of the wind keeping him uneasy as he didn’t trusted the harmless process of having your wishes. “What did you wish for, Midget?”
You shook your head from the delicate pain in your head; sighing as you wearily told him, trying to give him a smile that appeared thoroughly forced because you kept on wincing and holding onto your temples, “Don’t wishes shouldn’t be told? Because it never comes true when it does? Especially when you wish upon the stars? I’m not telling it—”
Your words were cut short by a shrilling scream that made Jaskier, Cirilla and Kolby jumped from behind their tree; hastily striding to where you were. “Stay back!” the latter ceased them from coming any closer as you fell on the ground, back flat and your back arched in a horrifying way.
The veins in your throat was throbbing as you felt pain in the valley of your breast. A part that was scorching hot like you were being burnt alive. You painfully whimpered as your body felt fluid, desperately grasping onto your chest to relieve the pain or try to take off whatever causes it but there was none.
You yelped another loud scream; feeling it boring holes inside your body and in your heart. Geralt hurriedly knelt in panic, the panic suddenly crashing him like a freight train as his face was stern in confusion. He’d held onto the side if your neck, his thumb stroking your jaw which got you hissing as the pain incredibly added another; like a gas to the flames as you’ve moaned from the intolerable pain.
“Cáerme,” You’ve suddenly hushed, hearing the unfamiliar voices violently ruining your peace; making everything hurt as you whispered it out loud.
The witcher couldn’t help but stare you down in ponder and utter worry. He heard you. A word that sounded familiar but he didn’t quite understand as it only took a person who was an expertise in it that could interpret the words you started to say.
“Saov,” Geralt’s breath hitched, golden eyes agape and his expression in thorough shock as he tried shaking your body to wake you up from whatever is trying to possess you.
It was like fighting for something you could never see.
Amber eyes. Chalky white hair. A distinguishable face was the only image in your head as you could hear Geralt’s angered voice screaming ‘no!’ in the background; a blurry image sketched inside your head as he was fighting knights and unfamiliar people surrounding his family who came with him.
Including you.
With Jaskier and Cirilla who had blood staining their clothes as the night swallows her loud cries.
Despite of the witcher’s warning, the bard scooted off to where you were; dragging Cirilla with him as Kolby trailed like a pup. Howling at the same time as you screamed once more, “Geralt, what’s happening?!”
You’ve suddenly snapped your eyes opened as you threw your head back, the color of your eyes giving Jaskier a fright as he also knelt before you, his eyes bulging out of his eye sockets as he saw black. Raven black.
“Certainly not the small rat!” the bard shrieked before pulling away from peering down at you, falling onto his back as he gave Geralt a once over.
His brawny physique was crouched beside you, his wild, disheveled hair framing his face as he loudly groaned out loud like he was also in deep pain, seeming to hold onto his chest like he was having a toxic heart attack.
Your words. It was used for magic and spells. Next thing Geralt knows is that he was suddenly pushed off the ground, his back hitting the ground with a loud thud as he felt phantom fingers keeping him steady and still. He harshly breathed through his nose, struggling with the force that was keeping him down.
Though, to no use; he couldn’t. It was some sort of potent spirit.
Every word you say was filling vile inside his chest. It hurt as much as you did. But, he could withstand the pain more than you do as he was roughly growling beneath his chest.
“Geralt?!” Jaskier and Cirilla yelled out in chorus when they’ve seen him get hauled back by some unforeseen creature. Their focal point on Geralt that they didn’t notice you hurriedly crawling towards the witcher like a possessed woman.
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You sat on his shredded, prominent torso once you’ve reached the witcher, tilting your head to the side as your eyes were completely pitch black. His eyelids fell shut once he was dragged down; Geralt was unconscious. You’ve held a palm in front of his face before uttering one last speech that certainly didn’t come from yourself. It was a bedevilled version of you that had no control over your system.
With that, you’ve leaned down very closely to his face. Warm breath hitting his face as you were tilting your head like a single strand of string can only be passed onto both of your lips together. The witcher sighed as he does so, face in a peaceful state as an unpredictable line of dark smoke escaped your lips, streaming down his ajar lips of the witcher who was down and unconscious.
Jaskier and Cirilla couldn’t move. They were dumbstruck at the scene that unfolded before them. All of your energy was taken from you as the possession has started and so, you’ve dropped dead on the ground. Closely beside Geralt as a blurry vision of you dropping on the rocky ground in the night sky ended your consciousness.
It was a blurry image that had you seeing Geralt run over for you, his face covered in grime and blood as he appeared to be on the verge of crying.
As your head fell on the ground with a soft thud; without warning, the witcher snapped his eyes open. Thick, robust fingers grasping onto his medallion that laid on his sturdy, bewhiskered chest. His eyelids drooping in total weary as he remembered a short event that concluded when he’d shortly fallen off in unconsciousness; giving him a dream as to why you were bound to him; destined to be with him forever.
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The witcher saw a future with you. It wasn’t just any ordinary dream that he had because this time; he was euphoric in it. Utterly happy and smiling with you in the picture.
Destiny really never fails to fuck him hard for the second damn time.
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Taglist: @alyxkbrl​​ @himarisolace​​ @barkingbullfrog​​ @ayamenimthiriel​​ @hellodevilslittlesister​​ @vania-marie​​ @spookypeachx​ @grungelovebug @fangirl-inthe-us​ @nympeth​ @amirahiddleston​ @gabethelobster​ @dreaming-about-starfleet​ @uncoolcloudyhead​ @melaninstylezz​ @psychosupernatural​ @missjenniferb @dance-dreamer​​​​ @marvelousell​​​​ @kingniazx​​​​ @angelias134​​​​ @tapismyforte​​ @chook007
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badger-writes · 3 years
Star Wars OC Ship Week 2021 - for light and love
uhhhh Hello! 😄
This fic and all its chapters was written for Star Wars OC Ship Week's inaugural year 2021, an event spotlighting OCxEC romances & platonic friendships helmed by @findswoman! It's also the first time I've personally ever taken part in an event week so I hope I do a good job! 😅
Whether you're a High Republic fan or you just want to see the big lizard get smooches, hope you enjoy! Leave comments and kudos if you do! Looking forward to sharing all I've written over the course of the week w/ y'all!
1 - How They Met
It all started, as these things do, in a medical bay.
Kelto Lem, a Jedi healer, had been busying himself with organizing the implements and instruments of the first aid wing in the Halls of Healing. This was light work, and peaceful, which suited him fine. Rarely, if ever, were there emergencies in the Jedi Temple of such scope and scale as to totally overwhelm the medical ward, and to the best of his recollection they had never occurred in the early morning, when dew was still settled on the trees and grasses of Monument Park. This made it an optimal time for preparing the ward for most of the day’s eventualities well ahead of schedule; this making good sense to him, he settled into this habit as a padawan and had never quite given it up. In time, it became almost a meditative practice for him - refilling stores of fresh bandages, taking stock of available pharmaceuticals and herbal remedies, refilling the kolto canisters…
And so it was in the middle of this daily routine that he was interrupted by the door sliding open. He turned to look and nearly dropped the medical scanner he was holding - for two reasons.
 The first: his guest was built like a permacrete E-Web bunker. Broad and tall, with an implied physicality that not even Jedi robes concealed, the visitor - a Trandoshan - strode into the ward with an aura of stern command, stolid orange eyes locking upon Kelto almost immediately. His emerald scales shone with a slight luster as he walked, the claws of his toes clicking against the tile floor, until he came to the edge of the biobed in the center of the room less than a foot away from the resident healer. The sheer weight of his presence made Kelto feel small by comparison - he, a shorter pale-scaled Rodian with stripes of deep blue running along his jaw and neck, who wore a satchel of first aid essentials on his hip everywhere he went and tied back his spines in a long, narrow topknot ending in a spiky pom where they escaped the hold of the strip of linen which restrained them.
The second: he was covered in scorchmarks.
“Star’s End,” Kelto said, when he could finally get his (dry, dry) mouth to work correctly. “What in the world happened to you?”
The Trandoshan rumbled, mouth pulling to one side in chagrin. It was a deep, bassy sound, and it landed straight in the pit of Kelto’s stomach. 
“A… mishap with the duelling droid,” he grunted, in the sibilant speech of his species. “I was not focused. Lost sight of my present. It seized the opportunity, as you can see,” he added, gesturing to his scorched robes.
“You were training? This early? Chee,” Kelto said, shaking his head. “And I thought my morning habits were odd - jump up on the bench, here, I’ll patch you up.”
He turned away to fetch some burn relief supplies, piling them on a tray. When he turned back, the Trandoshan had sat upon the biobed - and his tunic was resting carefully folded on the bench beside him.
“Ahghg,” he said, and everything on his tray rattled as he short-circuited.
The Trandoshan gave him an odd look. “Yes?”
“Oh, nothing. Nothing. I’m fine,” Kelto stammered. “Let me just, uhhh… set this down here.”
He let the tray’s repulsorlifts catch it in midair, so that it would hover at his side. Then he took a ball of fluff and daubed it in a squat open vial of kolto, letting the excess drip off and trying not to think too much about the barrel-chested masterpiece of physicality sitting just within arm’s reach to his right.
“So, how did this happen, Master …?”
“Knight, actually,” the patient replied. “Not master - not yet, anyway. And as I said, I was training.”
“Only a Knight? ...Well, I guess if you were a Master, you wouldn’t have ended up - err, you know what, forget I said that.”
With kolto-ball and medigauze dressings in hand, Kelto turned to his patient and gave him a quick once-over. There were injuries in areas roughly corresponding to the placement of scorch marks on the surface of his clothes, but fortunately, most of them didn’t seem too severe - the robes acting as a layer of insulation against the worst of it. Quite intentionally, he started on the outside limbs, an attempt to spare himself another hot flush provoked by looking straight on at his patient’s torso. Sskeer didn’t even flinch when he touched the wet medical fluff against an abrasion on the side of his arm.
“I train on one or two levels above the normal training setting,” the Trandoshan offered, by way of explanation. “Thus, my injuries.”
“Ah,” Kelto murmured, mostly to himself. “A masochist.”
Sskeer grunted reproachfully. “The training settings are designed to hold back. There will be no such reprieve in the field. Therefore, I train the body to anticipate the presence of harm - to become numb to its threat, and then, to surpass it.”
“So you’re fine with the pain?”
“Pain can be ignored. And my people have thick hides. I endure.” 
“Well, I’m no duelist, but in my estimation you could probably stand to bump back down a few levels,” Kelto observed, winding a bandage around his forearm. “At least until you can defeat one of those saber-happy droids.”
Sskeer hrrred. The sound landed in Kelto’s gut again. “Bold words from a nurse.”
“Bold enough to be a Knight, like you.” The Rodian retorted, flashing him a smirk - and turning away immediately when the sensation of being perceived became too much. (His cheeks were so warm - was it supposed to be so hot in here?) Falling silent, he took one of Sskeer’s wide, thick-fingered hands in his own, turning it to inspect the green welt on its back.
“I did not realize you had risen to Knighthood as well,” the Trandoshan offered as Kelto dressed his injury. “If I offended, it was not by intent.”
“It’s fine. I’d rather people forget, honestly. Most people, they see a Jedi and think, ‘wow! Laser swords! Magic powers!’ - but that’s… never really where I felt comfortable.”
“You feel your place is here.”
“It’s where my talents lie, I think. I’ve sort of been drawn to the healing halls ever since I left the creche. And… well, to be honest, I like being able to help people doing this. So… I guess it’s true what they say, about the Force having a path for us all, and all that.”
Sskeer hummed. “That is good.”
“Yeah, and I remember when I was little, Master Rancisis came by the ward and said a-- I’m sorry, am I rambling? I’m rambling, aren’t I? I’ll just shut up and tend you--”
“It’s fine.”
“Are you sure? I mean, I just dropped basically my whole backstory on you--”
“It’s fine,” Sskeer said - firmly, but patiently. “Really.”
And Kelto believed him.
It’s funny, he thought suddenly, how quickly you can get comfortable with someone else. A moment ago he could barely stand to meet Sskeer’s gaze - now, though, he could look him straight in the eye without feeling like wilting. Sskeer had surprisingly deep eyes, he noticed, for how small they were. Deep and dark. Like he could dip into his pupils and fall forever --
Oh gosh, there’s a huge green mark right on his temple. How did he miss that??
Kelto dunked a fresh puffball in the healing fluid and held it up to the Trandoshan’s brow, cradling it in his long, sucker-tipped fingers. This time, when it touched his skin, Sskeer flinched and barely suppressed a hiss. On instinct, Kelto shushed him - a habit picked up from soothing much younger patients, when he got his start tending the younglings’ skinned knees and broken bones.
“This one’s not so bad, I think,” he murmurs. “Just needs a little kolto to help keep it clean. Just put some ice on it every few hours for the swelling and it’ll go away soon.”
“And this?”
Sskeer gestured again to a long line of angry green flesh across his trunk.
“OH Force,” the Rodian cried, slapping a hand against his forehead. “I completely missed that somehow, thank you so much, I’m so sorry. Gods, I’ll get right on that--”
The Trandoshan surprises him with a chuckle. “Rather absentminded for a healer, aren’t you?”
“D-don’t judge!” Kelto sputters. “I’ve been distracted.”
“By what, exactly?” Sskeer asked, with a smirk.
“... J-just lie all the way down, please?”
Sskeer leaned back onto the biobed, hands resting behind his back. Now the whole of his broad, stocky abdomen lies prone under the glowlights, throwing the long diagonal burn across his trunk into stark, unmistakable relief.
“Why is this one so much worse,” Kelto wonders aloud.
“I wouldn’t call it ‘worse’. As I said, I endure.”
“I’m sorry, this doesn’t look like a giant, stinging saber-welt to you?” Kelto peered closer at the mark, hesitantly plying the flesh of the Trandoshan’s belly under his fingers. “...Actually, wait. This is almost a first degree burn. What kind of training saber makes marks like these?”
Now it was Sskeer’s turn to fall quiet and avoid eye contact.
“...You… did something pretty dumb, didn’t you.”
“...When my performance against the droids began to suffer, I… disabled some of the limiters on the droids,” Sskeer growled, at length.
“Y-you did WHAT?”
“I thought it would motivate me to improve,” he shrugged.
“So when I called you a masochist earlier and you didn’t really deny it--”
This time, Sskeer almost snarled. “It’s no crime to seek out a proper challenge.”
“Oh, and if every adrenaline junkie Padawan jumped off the High Council Tower, you would too?”
“Will you just stop arguing and fix this?”
“I--” Kelto groaned. “Okay, whatever, big guy. Just - just hang on.”
He arranged his hands on either side of Sskeer’s wound - one above on his chest, one below on his stomach. Then he sucked in a deep breath through his snout and released it slowly, letting his eyes fall shut as he exhaled. 
He was panicking, he knew. Overcorrecting. There was no reason to take things this far when he was literally standing in a room filled with other, more practical solutions - and certainly not over something so silly as a shouting match with a Knight he barely knew. But by now, good sense and training had momentarily fled him. 
Here, in this moment, Kelto sank into the Force and let himself be guided by the simple instinct to help.
He took another slow breath in, and out, and began to concentrate.
And then…
Sskeer sensed it before he saw it. He craned his neck over his chest to see - and rose up on his elbows, watching intensely.
With preternatural speed, the hideous burn across his torso lightened, shrank - and then vanished. In its place only unblemished scales remained.
Like he’d never even been touched.
Kelto let out one final, explosive breath - and almost collapsed. Sskeer jolted to his feet and grabbed his arms, cradled his back in one arm, steadying him on his feet until he could recover.
“Nice catch,” Kelto panted, when he’d finally recovered.
Sskeer was looking at him differently, the Rodian noticed through the blur of lightheadedness. Looking with him with something like awe.
“That was… quite a feat,” the Trandoshan noted. “It seems you were correct to follow the path of the healers.” 
“Y-yes, well,” Kelto murmured sleepily, “we all have our own special talents.” 
His eyes trailed back to Sskeer’s chest, fingertips idly following their gaze down his trunk. They tickled, just slightly; Sskeer registered an unexpected, but not wholly unpleasant shiver down his spine.
“Think we’re all done now,” the Rodian mumbled. Then his big, sea-blue eyes blinked - slowly, then rapidly, like a Wookiee propeller-engine starting up - and he realized his hand was just shy of cupping one of Sskeer’s pecs.
“UM,” he said loudly, jumping away. “YEAH, so, all done. Clean bill of health. You should be completely fine within the next day or so, and then you can go get your butt handed to you by the training droids again, right? Yup, glad to help, have a nice day, May the Force Be With You and all that jizz, ahaha~”
The Rodian became a flurry of hyperactivity around the ward, re-stocking and re-checking shelves and cabinets for reasons Sskeer could not divine. To appear busy, he supposed - and discourage his continued presence.
It was, he decided, reather endearing. 
Sskeer let the flustered healer flail a moment more before saying, “I don’t think you ever shared your name.”
When he looked over his shoulder, Kelto’s face looked as bright as a Life Day orb - only much, much greener. “Huh?”
“Force healing is no small feat,” the Trandoshan observed, slipping his tunic and tabard back over his shoulders. “To have seen it performed is a privilege; for something as small as my own self-inflicted injury, and after my own stubbornness - an honor. 
“I’d prefer to thank you for it properly, and to apologize. But for that, I must ask your name.”
The Rodian stared. Then coughed, turning to lean back against the counter before him. “Uh, well… That’s … kind of you, but I - you know, we’re Jedi and all. W-we don’t really serve for gratitude’s sake.”
“For the sake of a fellow Jedi, then, and a friend?” 
A bemused head tilt. “Are we not?”
“W-well, that’s moving a bit quickly, isn’t it? I mean - we don’t even know each other’s names.”
Sskeer stared.
“Sorry. Sorry. I’m not dumb, I swear, I’m just -- panicking.”
The Trandoshan gave him a funny look. (It was kinda cute, Kelto noticed, when his nose scrunched up like that.) 
Just spit it out. Spit it out. Spit it out. You’re blowing it. Just spit it out spititout spititout---
“My name’s Kolto,” he said -- and groaned.
“Your name,” Sskeer echoed, “is...‘Kolto’?”
“Noooo, no, not ‘Kolto’ - Kelto! Kelto! My name is Kelto. Kelto Lem. I just - I’m just called ‘Kolto’. By - certain people.”
“Because… you work with kolto?” he ventured. “Or because it happens to sound similar?”
Kelto sulked, crossing his arms. “Because Torban Buck thinks he’s funny.” 
Understanding dawned. “Ah. Yes, he certainly does.”
“Mmmmgh. Well, now that I’ve botched my own introduction, I guess you know me. So you can leave me to my shame, now, I guess.” Kelto returned to the business of managing the ward - opening and closing cabinet doors slightly harder, this time.
A wide, three-fingered hand landed on his narrow shoulder, making him jump.
“Thank you, Kelto Lem,” Sskeer said. “Truly, you’re a credit to the Order.”
His voice was deep and warm. Kelto swore he could feel his breath tickling his ear.
“A-anytime,” he replied, spine locking ramrod straight.
He senses Sskeer’s presence pass by behind him, and imagines it’s what little Rodian swamp-fish feel like when big surface trawlers pass by, and catch them in their wake. “And perhaps when I continue my training,” Sskeer added, “I will remember to return here, for my wounds to be dressed.”
“Orrr you could crush those droids and never need to come back here again!” Kelto shakily returned.
“I’m sure I could, at that,” Sskeer chuckled. And the door slides shut behind him.
The moment Kelto was certain he was alone, he took a little paper cup and pours himself a drink of cool sinkwater. It takes gulping down two full cupfuls before he cools down, sinking heavily on his elbows against the counter.
“‘Kolto’,” he muttered, scoffing. “God damn it.”
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