#so like. yeah here's how you can keep my ass from going insane. 'but mitch it's free' LISTEN I KNOW. leave me alone.
astramachina · 9 months
did you guys know i'm a writer? yeah i had no idea either.
anyway, AMAPOLAS IN THE DESERT is a new short story (3.4k words) that just went up for free on patreon if anyone's feeling zesty and wants to read about a displaced latino roaming the american southwest, coming across a questionable watering hole, getting flirted with by trickster gods, and getting torn asunder by a trans woman who may or may not be a primordial deity.
but also, for like a whole $1, you can get access to a T4T sci-fi romance short (8k words) inspired by H.G. Wells' The Time Machine.
but also also, i've got a couple of nonfiction essays dropping next year where i set out to piss people off by arguing that their favorite pieces of media are grossly mis-categorized (in a fun and non-judgy way; and who knows, it might make it onto podcast or even video format if i can afford to outsource editing). among other things.
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seokgyuu · 1 year
hello mitch!
relate your moots with svt songs go!
oh my god hi!! took me a while but here i am... this really took some time lmao.
@honeykyeom - Adore You, because she literally brought me back into writing and it felt like a "debut" all over again, also i adore her so so much, my little peanut <3
@bitchlessdino - IDUBIL - mainly because we both go feral at dino's part, but also because i know how much she loves the song and how this just is THE performance unit song like nothing else matters!!!
@smileysuh - HOT - well, first of all, my baby is hot ;) HDSJF but also idk just a real banger and always fun to listen to, its unique and a completely new style for svt and it really lifts me up and so does nova!!
@cheolism - Hello - I can't really explain it, but I think because I love talking to katie so much a simple hello from her just makes my day <3 the fact that the song is a banger just adds to it, hehe.
@lovelyhan - Domino - just a true feel good song, and kai always makes me feel good and brightens my mood!! not to mention this is one of my fav svt songs ever and kai is one of my fav writers ever!!
@onlymingyus - CHEERS - just an overall cool song, and mars is an overall insanely cool person. never a skip, always delivers, just like mars does!
@idyllic-ghost - Darling - this is truly one of my all time favs and its so cute and sweet and uplifting and SO ARE THEY!! its a soft song, and they are a soft human ily
@strawberryya - April shower - once again, amazing song for an amazing person!! gives me spring vibes (duh) and nea also kind of does?? i can't explain it! but overall a warm and comforting feeling i get from the song that i can associate with beloved nea <3
@onlyhuis - Crush - no, this is in fact not a confession, BUT crush just never misses, like it's fun and it's catchy and it keeps you on your toes and june literally never stop keeping me on my toes, like no one can ever know what her next move is basically like how it felt when I listened to this song for the first time
@onlyseokmins - Lie again - not accusing elv of being a liar, but this is one of my fav vocal unit songs and since we are both seokmin simps i feel like it fits. its soft and sweet just like elv, but its still sentimental in a way and i feel like elv can be too?? maybe i'm wrong but yeah. hehe.
@playmetheclassics - Rock with you - just a banger. always there to cheer you up. just like indi, for real. makes you wanna dance, makes you wanna shake your ass, and indi makes me wanna dance too but in like a not really going to dance, but just feeling really good and happy kind of way?
oh god, i probably forgot people and i am SORRY but this is already so fucking long i love all my moots so much, you're my favs ily <3
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 4 years
Wolves: Part 3
Harry is a werewolf & Y/N keeps appearing in his life. 
THIS ONE IS LONG! But its the 2nd to last part! WC: ~21k
Part 1    
Part 2
When Mitch and Jeff entered Harry’s study they were a bit shocked at the state it was in. Books everywhere, half the shelves in there were empty, he had his laptop and iPad on the desk and he was pacing around, reading something.
“H, are you okay?” Jeff asked as Mitch pressed himself against the door to shut it and Harry glanced up frantically, shaking his head.
“This might sound… insane to you guys, but I think my mate is a human.” He said nervously and both their eyes widened in surprise. “I know nothing of bonding or anything except the basics we’ve been taught, you two are my only friends that have found their mates so just- what’s it like?” He asked and well, Mitch started.
He explained how he felt when he first saw Sarah, how it was like a magnet between them, a craving for her to be near. Jeff also mentioned that with Glenne, he felt very protective of her, he also craved her company, and basically everything he had been feeling for Y/N was starting to fall into these categories. He nodded along, listening carefully until they were finished and he sighed.
“Is it the one who helped Max?” Jeff asked and Harry nodded.
“She’s in our sociology class, Mitch.” Harry added and his eyes widened.
“The one that shushed you?” He asked chuckling.
“Yeah… that one.” He shrugged. “I just… from that moment I just- I don’t know I’d never seen her before that class. But that day when she turned around it’s like I had found something I didn’t even know I was looking for… I don’t know how I never noticed her before? I just thought that on edge feeling was nerves or a premonition. Then, I saw how she helped Max and when we were looking for Sam? I knew she was out there, that’s why I called you lot. And maybe I’ve spent a few nights at the clearing behind her house, but I just need to make sure she’s okay. And then, when we touch… it’s like lightning through my veins, it just feels right. I’ve been pushing it aside and the more I do, the more I want her. The more I miss her…” he explained and Mitch and Jeff were smiling, they could feel how happy he was, but also his slight worry. “I mean, is it even possible? Feeling this way towards a human?” He asked the two.
“I don’t know.” Mitch said honestly.
“I’ve been looking things up all night and I just stumble upon wikipedia pages with lots of opinions. I found one instance in a book, but it was a female werewolf and the guy died, so we don’t know the long term.” He said and Jeff nodded.
“We’ll find out, okay?” He encouraged and Harry nodded, pulling each of them in for a hug before sighing.
“She was asking about Max so I told her she can come visit for the weekend. I’m going to pick her up around one.” He said.
“We haven’t had a human here since… god, I was at least 12 or 13…” Jeff mumbled and Harry nodded.
“Yeah… I think she’ll love it here.” He said smiling, more to himself than at the boys, but they were happy for Harry. “So, how about we tidy the place up and we can have a movie night?” He asked and Jeff nodded.
“We’re on it, boss.” He smiled before him and Mitch left and well, he needed to tidy up the study.
Y/N woke up at the ass-crack of dawn because she was too excited to sleep. Only yesterday did she really notice the way it felt to be with Harry. Not having him close by had her body craving his now that he wasn’t around. She’s not sure why, but she had the world’s biggest crush on him and she wondered if he could sense it. So in her time up Y/N finished her assignments and started a paper. She gave Jojo a bath, and she had gone out to the store and got to baking. When Y/N had set the batch in the oven she looked at the time and saw it was nearing noon!
“Shit!” She squeaked and headed off to get ready, she checked on the brownies sporadically until it was time to take them out, then she cut them all into generous sized squares and put them on the platter, all while hurrying around to get dressed and finish her make up… she was a nervous wreck.
“Coming!” She shouted across the smaller house when she heard the doorbell. She swung it open only to see Harry standing there nonchalantly, offering her a smile.
“Hey, Y/N, you alright?” He asked and she huffed.
“Hey! Yeah, just…”
“Nervous?” He asked and she nodded, “Yeah, can practically smell it off you, love.” He said as she let him further in. Jojo walked up to him, sniffing him out and he bent down to pet at his head and then he picked him up to pet at him again and she smiled sweetly at him.
“Well, I need to put mascara on my other eye and we’ll be good to go!” She said.
“Perfect!” He said excitedly and she smiled before heading back to her room.
The drive to the estate was about half an hour, so he told her to get comfy and she was definitely comfy. His car was warm and smelled of him, Jojo also seemed to like Harry, usually he wasn’t great with new people.
“So, you guys aren’t scared of humans?” She asked suddenly and he shook his head.
“We know that for the most part they’re scared of us more than we are of them. We used to have a large human presence in the pack when my dad was just taking over as the alpha. We were still building up our resources and we had a staff and all that, we even had our own doctor!” he said and Y/N glanced over to him quickly.
“Your own doctor?” She asked and he nodded, “I uh- that may have been my grandmother.” She said softly and he glanced to her in surprise, “Harry the road!” She squealed and he swerved back just in time to avoid some road markers.
“Sorry, that was just-”
“Weird, right?”
“Yeah, Donna is her name, right?” He asked and Y/N nodded with a smile.
“Yep, that’s her! She always taught me that certain creatures were real and a few little things here and there, like the wolfsbane thing. My dad thought she was insane so they stopped me from seeing her. I used to visit every summer, though it is a bit… foggy.” She explained.
“Well, knowing her she was an amazing lady. When she left we missed her.” He elaborated, “I mean I was just a kid, but everyone loved her.”
“You know, she recently shared with me why she decided not to go back to work with the pack. Is it… that awful to lose someone?” Harry nodded.
“When one of us dies it’s harder in general since we’re all so connected. But when someone loses a mate, it’s possibly the deepest pain that exists. We only take one true mate for life and once that bond is there nothing can break it.” He said and she nodded slowly, “Our professor explained to us that losing a mate felt like you lost them again every single day. The man, the one who lost his mate that time she told you about? He killed himself.” Harry said seriously and Y/N gasped, Harry nodded. “I remember, his howls and cries when he lost her… those went on for months until he decided it wasn’t worth it anymore. I was only like 8, but you don’t forget a thing like that. And we’re all connected in a way, so his pain was our pain.” He said sadly and Y/N nodded.
“That’s so sad… I mean who would want to love someone that much if that’s a risk?” She asked and he shrugged.
“It is terrifying, but we don’t really have a say in it. I mean, the universe has made someone just for you… how could you turn down such a gift?” He asked quietly and she bit her lip pensively.
“Yeah, that’s true…” she mumbled, “Have you… bonded like that with someone?” She asked and his spine tingled because he wanted to say right then and there that it was her. That she was his person and that, that unexplainable pull between them was just the universe working to get them together. He couldn’t though, he didn’t want to pursue anything unless he knew that bonding with her was possible, he doesn’t want to risk his heart either, she’s right about the risk that goes into bonding and mating, especially with someone who isn’t the same as he is.
“Uh, no I haven’t, actually. Two of my closest friends have though, since they were 16. That’s the earliest you can find your mate. It was easy for them, both with girls in our pack.” He said and she nodded.
“That’s interesting… that makes cheating impossible, right? Like you love them too much to do that.” He nodded and she scoffed, “Had I known that I would’ve dated one of you years ago! Any potentials you can introduce me to?” She asked, brows wiggling suggestively and he frowned, she was his! “Hey chill, I’m only joking.” She smiled, reaching for his hand that rested on his thigh and gave it a small squeeze. Now that he thought of it he hadn’t really asked if she was seeing anyone… if she was he would feel stupid and rejected beyond belief, so he asked.
“D-do you have a boyfriend?”
“Pfff, no!” She scoffed before chuckling, “I’m too boring for guys our age.” She said and he chuckled.
“Why do you say that?” He asked curiously.
“I’m a homebody, Har. Can I call you that? Har?”she asked glancing over to him and he nodded, a little smile playing on his lips as he turned back to the road. “I just like to spend time cuddled up, reading a good book, or cooking, playing with Jojo, being out in the woods… like going out is okay, but I definitely enjoy more relaxing activities.”
“Are you sure you aren’t part werewolf?” He asked and she giggled.
“I’m certain, but yeah, I’m more toned down. I only go out with Jojo. Lots of walks and parks with his friends, s’like being a parent.” She giggled, “Also, he mostly hates everyone he meets, except you actually!” She said excitedly and Harry smiled, “Well considering you’re, y’know.” She said and he nodded.
“So boys don’t like you because you’re a homebody… interesting.” He chuckled and she laughed as well.
“I didn’t say they didn’t like me, they just… lose interest, I’m kinda shy anyway… so actually the idea of opening up to someone in a dating setting just makes me a little anxious.” She explained.
He could really just picture her, being the big spoon, or him laying on her tummy while she reads… taking Jojo on walks together… helping her make the brownies next time. He wanted to kiss all over her face. She likes staying indoors… god, his mind shouldn’t travel there but when his rut hits he wouldn’t have to be alone. He could spend that whole day or two fucking into her, pleasuring himself and her… fuck, she’s perfect.
“You alright there? Your jaw’s a little tense.” She said and he smiled softly.
“Yeah sorry, just nervous is all.” He explained, “Well, we’re almost there.” He promised.
As soon they arrived on the property Y/N’s jaw dropped, the place was huge judging by the wall covered in vines that seemed to go for miles.
“Wow, it’s beautiful up here.”  She said looking out towards the forest and he smiled.
“Yeah, I love it. I don’t even mind the drive into town or for classes.” He said.
“What I would give to live here…” she mumbled quietly, but he’s a werewolf, he can even hear her heart beating if he wanted to. They finally drove up to a big wooden gate where he put in a code and the doors began to open and she gasped.
“Holy crap, this is gorgeous!” She squeaked as she glanced around, it was a clear view to the front of the mansion that stood a ways away. There was a small orchard on the sides of the gravel road that lead to the round-about type thing where a few other cars were parked, a gorgeous fountain was smack in the center of it. Harry put the car in park and then looked over to her.
“Ready?” He asked and she nodded in excitement.
Harry took the brownies because Jojo stayed in Y/N’s arms and she just let her eyes wander as she was let inside of the giant home.
“Wow, this place is so pretty.” She marveled as they made it to the back door, their screen was some huge inflatable thing and they were getting it to full capacity. Everyone seemed to turn at the same time once they sensed the presence of their alpha. Y/N put Jojo down, allowing him to get familiar with the area.
“Hey Harry!” Called one of his friends, she recognized him from their sociology class.
“Shut it down, Max!” Called one of the guys who helped with Max when he got hurt. The air pump stopped and Harry and Y/N continued forward towards them and when they finally were close enough, the man’s arms extended towards her.
“Hi Y/N, I’m Jeff.” Y/N took the embrace and hugged him softly, “Nice to formally meet you.” He grinned.
“You too!” She assured.
“Who’s this little guy?” Asked Jeff.
“That is Jojo and so far he only likes me.” Harry informed proudly and Jeff chuckled, stooping down to let the dog sniff him out.
“I’m Mitch, nice to meet you properly.” He said also hugging her.
“S’nice to meet you.” She smiled and before she even straightened up Max was wrapped around her tightly, squeezing her hard.
“You saved my life, thank you so much!” He exclaimed and she chuckled, patting his back softly. As Harry watched this unfold he had half the mind to tear Max away because Y/N is his and he doesn’t want her gorgeous body to be dripping with Max’s hormonal body’s scent. She’s supposed to wreak of him and everyone is supposed to know that she belongs to him.
“That’s quite enough, don’t break her.” Harry stated flatly, tapping at Max’s shoulder and he immediately released her.
“S’alright, Har, he wasn’t hurting me.” She assured.
“Oh look, here come the girls.” He ignored Y/N’s statement and she glanced back quickly and was soon introduced to Sarah and Glenne, “Hey, can you guys leave these in the kitchen,” he said of the brownies, “and then have Y/N put her stuff in my room?” He asked and they nodded, taking her off as he grabbed Jojo off the ground and pet at his head as she had been in the car.
“Har?” Jeff teased and chuckled with Mitch as Harry scoffed.
“It’s a nickname, alright? You don’t want me calling you Jeffrey, do you? And you Mitchell?” He said glancing to Mitch. They could sense his unease, he was very nervous about having Y/N here. So they just laughed a little at his expense hoping he’d ease up a bit.
“Now, when’s the pizza coming?” Harry asked.
“This place is beautiful.” Y/N said to Sarah as she helped her with Jojo’s things.
“Yeah, it is.” she smiled.
“Okay, let’s head up.” Glenne said when she returned from leaving the brownies. Y/N followed close behind the two girls. Feeling kind of nervous about being alone with them. They could sense her anxiety so Sarah spoke up.
“How’d you meet Harry?” She asked.
“Oh I ummm shushed him in class.” She said and the two girls laughed loudly, making Y/N snigger as well, “After that we just kinda kept running into each other.” She elaborated as they walked down a long hall towards his bedroom.
“Well, I’m glad you got one shush in because well, being the alpha, doubt it’ll happen again.” Glenne giggled and Y/N grinned.
“M’not a werewolf, so he’s not my alpha. So you girls let me know when he needs a little talking to.” She sassed making them grin as they stepped into the room.
Y/N looked around as she stepped inside, taking in the sort of modern/rustic style of decor he had going on. She set her bag down on the floor in front of a book case and started eyeing over the titles. It was an eclectic collection for sure. She was now curious if he had read any or all of the books or if they were simply an aesthetic thing he was going for.
“Y/N.” She twirled around at the sound of her name.
“Yeah?” She hummed, facing Sarah and Glenne.
“I just ummm, I wanted to say thank you for restoring my hope in humans. You didn’t have to help Max, but you did and that’s so amazing.” Glenne said.
“Restore your hope? I mean, he was hurt it was the right thing to do.” Y/N stated.
“Well, you know in light of everything that’s been happening in our world, it just gave us hope.” Sarah added.
“You also nearly died digging out the rest of those pikes out of the ground… I mean, it’s a really noble and good thing you did.” Glenne said and Y/N smiled sheepishly.
“Really, it was nothing. Just didn’t want anyone else to get hurt.” She assured. They chatted a bit more, getting a little more familiar with each other as they showed Y/N around the house, and soon they were heading into the kitchen to go back outside.
“So, I have to ask! Harry… do you like him?” Sarah asked with a playful grin and Y/N giggled like a school girl.
“Ummm… he’s cute.” She shrugged, twisting her fingers together, feeling the heat traveling up her face.
“Who’s cute?” They all heard and Y/N glanced back to see a very smug Harry.
“Her dog.” Glenne answered, throwing her a little wink, which Y/N was eternally grateful for.
“We’ll see you guys outside.” Sarah said, tugging Glenne along and soon it was just her and Harry.
“So you think I’m cute?” , “Where’s Jojo?” They asked at the same time and her eyes widened at his question.
“Ummm I-”
“Supernatural hearing.” He interrupted with a grin.
“Cheater.” She said softly. He could hear her heart thumping loudly as he came closer to her.
“And Jojo has taken quite the liking to Max, can’t get enough of him.” He said as he extended his hand to her.
“I’m glad he’s making friends.” She said and Harry smiled. “So Glenne said there’s something happening in your world…are you guys okay?” She asked looking up into his eyes. He could see her worry clouding up her usually bright eyes.
“Let’s not talk about that right now.” He said, lips turning down into a small frown.
“Oh Har, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”
“I know.” He said, looking into her eyes again, “Well, the pizza is almost here. Maybe we should head down there.” He said and she nodded. His fingers interlaced with hers as he walked her out of the bedroom.
“Do you guys do this all the time?” Y/N asked quietly as they settled into some outdoor, beanbag style seats.
“Not all the time, but enough times that we’ve invested in making it comfortable.” He smiled as he handed her their plates of food so he could settle in his own seat. Jojo was still with Max surprisingly. The evening was getting chill, so she was more than grateful when Sarah stopped beside her and handed her a blanket.
“You’re not cold?” She asked Harry.
“Don’t really get cold easily.” He explained and her eyes went wide.
“Right! Lucky you.” She responded with a smile which he reciprocated.
Harry could not describe how much at ease he felt with Y/N at his side. The ambience was light and happy all around because he was in such a good mood. Every time the breeze would pick up he’d get a lovely waft of her scent. It made him want to pull her close and never let her go. He was also slightly worried because while he knew that she felt things regarding this bond he was growing with her, she was human. Humans don’t bond like werewolves. Their love can be fickle and momentary. What if she liked him but didn’t grow to love him as he would love her. What if he didn’t get her for the entirety of their lives? It was definitely something that kept part of his heart back. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he hadn’t even noticed the film’s credits were rolling until some loud song started playing.
“Welcome back!” Y/N giggled.
“What?” He asked and she sniggered.
“You were spaced out the entire time basically.” She said and he felt a blush creeping up his cheeks.
“Well was the film any good?”
“It was alright.” She shrugged. Y/N was about ready to help the others pick up their little area, but she was being tugged along by Harry.
“C’mon, let’s get you ready for bed.” He said and she just let herself be whisked away, sparing a glance back at Jojo who was following the rest of Harry’s friends around, hardly noticing her being pulled away.
It wasn’t all that late, but Harry explained that his friends needed to patrol around the area before they went to bed. So while a few of them were off doing that, she was laid in his bed listening to the wood in the fireplace crackling beautifully. Jojo was a little ball at her feet, already sound asleep and Harry was on some make shift bed on the ground. Despite the fire, Y/N was cold. It was autumn, and as much as she loved the season, she was a cold person. So she rolled onto her tummy, glancing down at Harry who was just staring at the ceiling before their eyes met.
“We can share the bed, y’know?” She asked.
“You sure?”
“S’your bed, not mine. B’sides I’m kinda cold.” She confessed and he smiled, heaving himself up off the ground and onto the bed.
Maybe he wasn’t cuddling her how he would prefer, but their shoulders were touching and her breathing seemed more relaxed as his warmth radiated towards her.
“So… what’s it like, being the alpha?” She asked and he glanced towards her as he answered.
“It’s no easy feat, but once your family has been in charge long enough certain aspects of it just come naturally.”
“Interesting. I hope m’not prying but your parents are…”
“Both alive, f’that’s what you’re wondering.” He said and she nodded, “My family is from England, f’you couldn’t tell.” He said and she giggled, “There’s been some trouble in our world, so as soon as I was able to take charge they headed back there to help with the issues out there.” He explained and Y/N nodded, brows furrowed as she took in the information.
“I see… so this trouble… s’that why there are so many traps in the forest?” She asked and he sighed and nodded.
“They’re hunters. There are many groups, but they’re just reinvigorated since they appointed a new global leader.”
“Oh wow, so many things going on and I’m not even aware.”
“Well then, we’re doing a good job of keeping to our selves.” He smiled and she sighed worriedly.
“Tell me, honestly, are you in any danger?” She asked seriously and she sighed.
“I’m not sure anymore. We weren’t before, but we started taking in a few of the survivors from some of the packs that were wiped out, those wolves that you found before, they want to avenge their packs, naturally. We had to kick them out because if they’re followed back here…” he couldn’t even say it, “Anyway, Max is also the only survivor of his pack. He’s still young, barely learning the ropes and controlling his full shift, he wanted to stay, so he’s with us now.” He explained to Y/N.
“Oh my god… I’m astonished, I’m sorry. It is a lot of pressure I can imagine. If there’s ever anything I can do to help you guys out, please tell me.” She said.
“Yeah, you’ve proven yourself quite useful.” He said and she smiled.
“So… for your shifts, are they always into a full on wolf, or like how does that work?”
“Well, there’s an in-between stage, which is usually what we’re at, but when the threat is large we tend to shift into a full on wolf…” and so Harry spent quite some time answering Y/N’s questions about how things worked. And the more they spoke the closer they ended up until she was right up against his chest. Her hums and breaths were tickling at his chin and neck, and time seemed to stand still.
“Last question.” She said and he chuckled.
“All those books, have you read any of them?” She asked and he hummed.
“Mmmm, probably most of them. I like reading.” He explained and she smiled.
“Brawn and brains, I like that.” She teased and he chuckled.
Their eyes met and they were both melting in the other’s embrace. She wasn’t sure what was brewing between them, sexual tension? Familiarity? All she knew was that he was leaning down to kiss her and that her eyes fluttered shut as his lips met her own. All she could do from that moment on was give in to the way her body thirsted after his. Their kiss was charged with a longing unlike anything either of them had ever felt before. She moaned as his weight slightly crushed her, at the way his hand felt while it squeezed her hip, at the way his tongue felt as it rolled against hers. She’d never felt her heart swelling with adoration as much as she was now. The skin on his toned chest felt warm against her hands and she loved the intensity of his kiss.
Meanwhile, Harry was fighting his hardest not to lose control. Not to go to fast or say too much, but he knew from the moment their lips met that he would never be able to love anyone else ever again. He was showing her in lieu of saying it. But it seemed that maybe their bond was also working its magic against her because her hand kept slipping lower down his chest, and he could sense her conflicted feelings. So with all the strength he could muster he parted from her mouth with a soft gasp and she looked in his eyes and sat up quickly.
“I’m sorry I don’t usually move that fast. Fuck, I’m sorry, Harry.” She panted and he grabbed her hand.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He assured, “I was also moving kind of fast, I just-”
“No, like I can’t even confidently say we’re friends, you know? Like this isn’t me. But I just feel like I’ve known you forever and I know that’s kinda of stupid, but thank you for stopping because I don’t think I would’ve been okay with just going further right now.” She said and he nodded in understanding.
“I understand. And I’m sorry too, I just needed to kiss you.” He said.
“Yeah, I need to kiss you too.” She smiled timidly.
“Y/N, I need to tell you some-” Harry stopped at the harsh pounding on his door, “Come in!” He called out and Liam and Mitch burst in panting, eyes wide in fear. He could hear their hearts beating erratically and Jojo was barking now and there was just a lot going on.
“Sam and Henry! They’re dead!” Liam rushed out and Harry felt his heart stop and Y/N was in shock.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Harry growled, rushing out of the bed, “Do you know what happened?” He asked them and they both shook their heads.
“We were doing a round around the grounds and we heard Cathy’s howl.” Mitch explained.
“We need to go now. I’ll be right down, gather the others.” He said and they both hurried out. Harry was scrambling around trying to find a shirt.
“Where are you going?”
“To find the bodies.” He said and Y/N gulped down her nerves.
“Harry, you can’t its too dangerous! The hunters could still be out there and if anything happened to you-”
“It’s my job.” He said and she bit on her lip in worry was he finally pulled on a shirt.
“Please be careful.” She said as she got out of the bed and followed him to his bedroom door.
“I will be.” He assured, “Max isn’t going and Sarah isn’t a fighter, I’ll call her up here so you’re not alone, alright?” He said and Y/N nodded, “I’ll be back.” He assured as he hurried out the door and she sighed, rushing after him.
“Harry, wait.” She sighed, tugging on his arm and he stopped and turned to see her in a puddle of anxiety. But then her hand was on the nape of his neck and she was pulling him down to meet her lips. Their kiss was fast, but it made him feel better. Their breaths were heavy and intermingling when they parted, their noses touching slightly by the tips, “Please come back safe.” She whispered instinctively and he nodded against her.
“I will. I promise.” He promised before hurrying off.
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hockeytrashgoblin · 4 years
Ice Cold ~Part 11
A/N: For once in a story I’m writing, I’m not going to be writing any actual smut. Wild I know. I’m just not feeling like it’s very important for this one. Hope you guys understand and if you want that kind of thing I have many other stories and one shots that you might enjoy. But in the meantime enjoy this also lol
I ended up deciding to move in with Will and Kasperi. It had been a really wonderful three months in the apartment. I felt safer and working so close to where I lived now was so handy. There had been a few nights where Amy slept over because it would be more convenient for work. I loved that I could do that. They were very clear that what was theirs was mine even though I couldn't pay a lot for rent. The boys were going to be home from a road trip any minute and I was so excited. I still hated the road trips a lot. Never got used to being alone in this place.
I heard William's loud happy laugh from down the hall. I opened the door and ran down the hall to him. He smiled wide as I got to him and jumped into his arms. I kissed his face all over with smiley kisses.
"Happy to see me?"
"Pfft no." I replied kissing his lips once before jumping down.
"Yeah everyone really believes that." Kasperi said rolling his eyes, holding up his phone.
"Hi Kappy." I gave him a big hug around his waist and smiled up at him.
"Hi you little shit."
"I made some cookies for you guys!"
"That is so sweet of you love, let's go inside."
We went in and I followed William to the bedroom. He was unpacking his bags with his back to me. I went up and smacked his ass before hugging him from behind. He laughed loud, and heartily. He grabbed onto my forearm and twisted so he could face me. He held my face and kissed me hard.
"You're so funny. I love you."
"Love you." I kissed him again until we heard a throat clearing.
"Hey, I'm gonna um.. go for a walk." Kasperi said awkwardly.
"Dude if you need to feed just say so. I can tell you know. Your eyes kinda give it away."
"Oh shit true. How bad are they?"
"They're pretty much all red."
"I'm sorry (y/n)."
"Kasperi. Stop. You don't have to act human all the time. I know what and how you guys are. I'm not scared of you."
"We just don't want to make you uncomfortable, love." William said, playing with my hair.
"I'm not though. I want you guys to be comfortable as yourselves with me around. I'm going to be around for a long time and I don't know when I'll be like you. I don't want you guys to hold yourselves back until then."
"Don't talk like that."
"Alright well then I'm going to the woods around Mo's. I should be back by morning, I might spend the night."
"Alright bye Kas."
"Bye!" I called out as the door closed.
I was quiet after he left as I left the room heading for the living room. I was feeling really upset that William shut me down all the time when I said I was going to be like them. I just kept thinking about it. I couldn't help it, it was a little crushing.
"What's the matter?" He asked softly, coming to sit beside me on the couch.
"Your eyebrows are creased and your jaw is tight. On top of that your heart is beating harder, like you're mad."
"Do you not want to be with me for a long time?"
"What? That's crazy talking. Are you serious right now my love?"
"Yes. Every time anyone mentions me turning and being around for a long time you get mad. Do you not want me around for a long time?"
"Baby of course I want you around for a long time. I want you around forever. You're going to be with me forever. I'm sorry if I ever made you doubt that." He held me face and brought me in for a really short but incredibly intense kiss. "I love you and can't wait to spend forever with you."
"Then why do you get so upset when I talk about it?"
"I've seen how awful it is to be changed with Mitch. He couldn't stomach the blood, he just kept puking so because Auston wasn't controlled enough to bite and inject the venom without drinking his blood and Morgan had to do it. It was really painful for Mitch. He was in so much pain for a couple of days. I keep thinking about him and I'm so afraid that you're going to have a bad experience like he did and regret everything."
"William I love you more than you could ever know. If I have to be in pain for a few days to spend my whole extended life with you I will. Gladly."
"You're perfect." He kissed me again but Mitch busted through the door. "Way to knock Mitchell."
"This is important, hide me."
"Mitchy what's wrong?" I asked, trying to calm him down.
"(Y/n) I need to talk to you in private. Will please stop Auston and take him somewhere else."
"I don't have time for questions William! Please! Just do this for me right now and I'll explain later. Please!" He was exasperated, running his hands through his hair and pulling on it.
"Willy obviously this is important. Please just take Auston out and we can relax together when they're good, okay?"
"Okay." He said with a frustrated sigh.
"See you later." I gave him a kiss and he ran out of the apartment.
"Mitchy what's happening?"
"I don't want to say anything yet. Can I just get a hug?"
"Of course you can honey, come here." I opened my arms and he fell into them crying. "Oh Mitch."
"It's okay, I'm just really flustered right now. I don't know what to do."
"Is everything okay?"
"No. How was your day?"
"It was boring. I really missed you guys."
"I know it sucked that we got split up on two flights. I don't even know how that happens. Fucking stupid. They're lucky we didn't have a game this afternoon."
"It was probably because of the snow storm. A lot of planes were grounded. What time did you guys get in?"
"Half of us got in last night around 4am."
"Gross that's such a shitty time."
"Like yeah it is but Auston drove so I slept the whole drive home."
"Poor sleepy Auston."
"He's good."
"Are you ready to talk yet?"
"Yeah they should be far enough away to not hear me."
"What happened Mitch?"
"I thought a lot about what you said. About Steph and stuff. I broke up with her this morning."
"Oh man. I'm sorry Mitchy, that's never easy."
"She was devastated. She thought I was cheating, then she thought I was gay, then she thought I was just scared to get serious, then she thought I was trying to ruin her 10 year plan..she was big on those. Before 10 years she wanted to be married with at least one child. I couldn't do that hurting for Auston the way I was. It was all a big mess."
"That sounds awful."
"It lasted for literally 3 hours. It was a three hour breakup where she kept me trapped in the house."
"God that's awful. Do you want something to drink?"
"Alcohol. Strongest you've got, I beg you." I went to the kitchen and came back with a white coconut lime flavoured wine and two glasses. He downed his first glass like it was nothing.
"This stuff is strong, you might want to pace yourself."
"After the day I've had, I don't care."
"So what happened after she stopped freaking out?"
"I had brought her stuff back from my place, she threw it everywhere and broke stuff. I didn't have much at her place but she threw all that stuff too. Only broke one thing though and luckily it wasn't that important."
"That's insane."
"It legit was the worse case scenario."
We kept drinking as he explained what happened with Stephanie. I was shocked. I understood heartbreak but I didn't understand psychotic meltdown. The more he explained it, the less sense she made and the drunker we got. I was only tipsy but Mitch was getting pretty drunk. He was laying on the floor with his feet up on the couch still.
"So wait how did that turn into you running away from Aus?"
"Oh shit right! So basically I came home upset, as you can imagine. Auston wasn't home until a couple hours later. I was in bed sad and he came in. He asked me what was wrong and I told him what happened. He tried to cheer me up but it wasn't working so he volunteered to bring me here to talk to you, see if you could help I guess."
"That makes sense so far."
"So we're walking and suddenly out of fucking nowhere he unblocks his thoughts!"
"Oh for fuck sakes." I said face palming.
"I was so surprised that I could hear him again I didn't even realize what he was thinking. His mind's voice was screaming at me though. Yelling for me to pay attention so I did and God it was intense. It was so much and I was so overwhelmed."
"Oh jeez."
"Oh jeez is right! Like it was every thought he's had about me was right there."
"That is a lot. I can't even imagine that."
"I thought he didn't even like me but he loves me (y/n), he really does. He's not grossed out that I'm a guy, he's not worried about me being young or annoying..he's not ashamed of me. He loves me."
"I know honey, I figured it out when I was talking to him like a month ago. I told him to unblock his thoughts."
"You told him to do this?!"
"I suggested it because it might be easier for him than working up the nerve to talk about it. I meant for him to do once he was out of that cell not after you broke up with your girlfriend."
"I don't care. I want to know. I'm so happy that I know. I love him so much. I can't believe I just took off."
"Do you want me to get them back?"
"Yes I need to see him. I need to talk." 
"Okay I text William and he said they'll be here in a couple minutes."
"I can't wait. I'm gonna kiss him as soon as I see him." He said smiling and kicking his legs a little. I laughed at how cute he was. We were quiet for a little while, I didn't know if he wanted to talk anymore or not. After a minute I spoke up again though. I couldn't keep my mouth shut if I tried.
"You doin okay down there?"
"Yeah I'm just thinking."
"About what?"
"What about him?"
"I just hope I didn't ruin everything."
"You didn't." Auston and I said at the same time. I whipped around making William snort, I hadn't heard them come in.
"Aus, I'm sorry for running." Mitch said getting up. He stumbled a bit but ran over to him pulling his head down to smash their lips together in a sloppy kiss. "I'm sorry I was just really overwhelmed."
"Don't be sorry. I was a little shit to do that to you after today. I'm sorry, Mouse." He said into Mitch's hair as he held him close.
"It's okay. It's okay. Can we talk more about this tomorrow? I don't want to be drunk for it."
"Of course we can. I'll give you all the time you need."
"Can you take me home? I wanna go back home."
"Absolutely. We can do whatever you want." He kissed Mitch's head and pulled away holding his hand.
"Sorry that we interrupted your guy's night." Mitch said swaying into Auston. "And drank all your wine."
"It's okay Mitchy, no harm done."
Mitch gave me a big hug and to my surprise Auston gave me a hug too. It wasn't like the one Mitch gave, it was only a one arm thing but I was still surprised.
"Thank you for everything." He whispered to me before they left. We waved goodbye as they left the apartment and shut the door behind themselves. William wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me close to him.
"You did that babygirl. That happiness? You help them find it. You're incredible."
"I just wanted them to be happy. Auston was having a really hard time, Mitchy was really upset. I didn't like it."
"You're so lovely."
"Will stop." I said blushing.
"No. You're the sweetest girl I've ever met in my life." He lifted me up and I squealed, wrapping my limbs around him. 
"I am so in love with you."
"And I with you." He smiled the prettiest smile I had ever seen in my life and I couldn't help but smile back. He sat me on the kitchen counter which was a surprise because I didn't know we were moving at all, so wrapped up in the beauty of him.
"You guys can do normal pictures right?"
"Love you literally take pictures of me for a living." He teased kissing my nose.
"Yeah but that's with a professional camera I was just wondering with phones and stu- okay. Stop laughing at me you ass." I hit his shoulder angry.
"Baby how can I not? You should know the answer."
"Maybe I'm drunker than previously thought."
"Yeah those cheeks are awfully rosy. Get into the wine did we?"
"Don't pinch my cheeks! I'm not a child." I smacked his hand.
"Oou a violent drunk." He teased again, grabbing my wrists and pinning them beside my head on the cupboards. I whimpered lightly. "You okay?"
"Um yes."
"Why are you making those little sounds?" He asked breathing against my neck while running his bottom lip against it. I shivered and he chuckled. "Use your words baby."
"I um..I like this. A lot. Too much probably."
"Yeah? You're into giving up control?"
"Y-yeah.. I like it a lot." 
"We can play around with these kinds of things later on if you want? I'd like to explore the things you like."
"I want to do that too with you." I tried to kiss him but he pulled back biting the smirk on his lips. "Kiss me right now."
"Ah, ah, ah baby. Be patient."
"I caaaan't."
"Fine, I'll let it slide this time you big baby."
"Your baby."
"Yes darling, my baby." He let my hands go to grip my hips. 
He didn't answer, just pressed his lips to mine in a fevered kiss. It was really intense and my head was spinning. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip and I opened my mouth slightly to meet his tongue. I wrapped my hands into his hair and pulled him closer to me. We were making out pretty heavily until the door opened and Kappy walked in.
"Oh shit, sorry! I uh decided to come back. Mo and Tessa were fighting. Forget I was here." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.
"It's fine Kas." William said stepping away from me.
"Your ugly face kinda ruined the mood anyway."
"Excuse me?! My ugly face? Have you seen my face? I'm gorgeous."
"Sure Kappy if you say so." I shrugged.
"I'm going to bed, I've had enough drunk (y/n) nonsense."
"I'm not that drunk!"
"Whatever." He called closing his door.
"I'm sorry that we got interrupted princess."
"It's okay Will. I wasn't kidding though, he did ruin the mood."
"I'm glad he did."
"I wouldn't have been able to stop and I have plans for us next weekend. Special plans."
"Just us?"
"Yeah. A little vacation just you and me."
"What are these plans?"
"I've rented a cabin for the weekend. I have a game Friday night but the plan is to leave that night after the game to go up north to Bracebridge. We stay all day Saturday and Sunday. We leave Sunday night after dinner to come back for work Monday."
"I love that! You're not gonna try to make me ski or something are you?" I asked suspiciously, eyeing him up.
"You ski? Absolutely not darling. I'm not even going to risk that. No we're probably going to be inside for the most part. Aside from those winter walks through the woods you like so much."
"Can we try to feed birds?!" I asked getting excited.
"You can try. I don't think I'll have much success."
"How come?"
"Animals don't usually like vampires much. There's always exceptions but most don't want anything to do with us."
"Fair enough I suppose. But! You can stay super still so maybe birds will want something to do with you!"
"We shall see baby, we shall see."
"I'm so excited to go spend time just us. It sounds romantic!"
"It will be."
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softestgentlest · 5 years
Lily & Harry - high school fanfic
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Harry Styles.
Harry fucking Styles.
An egotistical, quick witted asshole with a silver tongue and easy charisma.
He's also irritatingly privileged; not only is he filthy fucking rich, but he's also extraordinarily intelligent, and to top it all off, positively, mercilessly, despicably gorgeous. As if he wasn't already dealt the winning hand, his otherworldly physical attractiveness afforded him the freedom to do whatever the hell he pleased, whenever, and wherever he wanted to do it.
And, of course, in some cruel twist of fate, he most often chose to utilize his influence by victimizing me: Lillian Mercier, a quiet, harmless junior, whose sole desire is to graduate ASAP, so I can move onto Cambridge University by the Fall of next year.
I'm on track to receive my diploma a year early, according to my guidance counselor, but I've got to keep my GPA above a 3.8 at least, if I have any hope of getting admitted into my uni of choice.
My mind is humming, sifting through upcoming exams, assignments, papers that need writing, and a number of other priorities as I open up my locker.
I'm just pulling out my SAT prep book, when a series of excited murmurs echo through the crowded hallway. A girl a few feet away turns, whispering to her friend, "I think my ovaries just exploded, dude. Look at Harry's haircut."
I roll my eyes, swapping the prep book with the AP English text that's currently weighing down my bag. I try to focus on my mental "to do" list, but I'm now annoyingly in-tune with the girl's conversation, unable to block them out.
"I know! How could he have gotten even hotter? And look at his outfit...like, he can literally make anything look good."
"Oh my goooodd dude, he's graduating this year. I honestly think I'll die, like, he's the only thing that makes this school tolerable."
"Shhhh, they're coming over here."
The girls go quiet, and I tense, keeping my eyes trained on the interior of my locker. Harry will be graduating at the end of the year, as he's a senior, and with that knowledge, I feel intensely relieved.
Even if I can't graduate early, he'll be gone, and I'll actually be able to enjoy my senior year.
A smile plays across my lips as I stretch to reach the top shelf of my locker, standing on my tippy toes. I'm 5'3, and these lockers were clearly built by men of average height, with little to no regard for high schoolers of smaller statures.
I know I threw some flash cards up there in the rush to make the bus yesterday, but even when I step up and onto the metal base of my assigned storage space, I still can't seem to-
I gasp, as I lose my footing and fall backwards. Luckily - or, maybe unluckily - my fall is broken by something solid. I hear a soft grunt, and large hands grip my waist, steadying me.
I pant, pressing a hand to my racing heart, when I feel something soft brush against the sensitive shell of my ear, "good morning to you too, clumsy."
I shiver, and pull away, immediately recognizing that deep, accented voice as it burns hotly into my skin.
Do not engage, I mentally remind myself, forcing my trembling hands to occupy themselves with the contents of my backpack.
He tssks, clicking his tongue, "Aren't you going to thank me?"
"Thanks." I concede through gritted teeth.
He chuckles, leaning too close for comfort once again, "it was my pleasure, Lillian." His voice drops an octave on the word 'pleasure,' giving it an unnecessarily sexual undertone, if only to get under my skin.
At the corner of my vision, I see his shadowed silhouette as he leans against the locker beside mine, tall and domineering as ever.
I ignore his presence, slowly zippering up my bag, and securing my lock, before reluctantly turning to face him.
The first thing I notice is the lack of hair. What had once been long, lustrous, chocolaty curls, is now shortened gossamer strands of hair falling over his forehead in a provocative, untidy tumble. The new cut exposes his defined jawline, and those sharp, light catching cheekbones.
As usual, he's dressed to the nines, somehow managing to make his unexpected attire look effortlessly appealing. Today, he's clad in a strange mix of professional, and bohemian pieces: a blue and white checkered wool jacket, a dark pinstriped suit, a red beaded necklace. He's got on bright pink socks, and white loafers, and his signature assortment of rings.
I clear my throat when he catches me checking him out, "Harry, I didn't know you could sew."
He looks perplexed, considering my assumption with furrowed brows, "I can't."
"Oh, then I suppose it was your mother who made that jacket from one of her tablecloths?"
He tilts his head to one side, and runs his fingers roughly through his freshly cut curls, "this," he snarks, smoothing his hands down the woolen fabric, "is a $2,000 jacket, love."
I roll my eyes, hitching my bag over my shoulder, and turn to walk away, only to come face to face with Mitch and Nick, two of Harry's equally asinine friends.
"Excuse me." I prompt. The two boys ignore me, smirking over my head at their scumbag leader.
I huff, turning back around, knowing full well that they aren't going to do anything unless he commands it. "I don't have time for this, Harry." I cross my arms, pursing my lips in annoyance, "I'm gonna be late to class, and so are you."
His mouth curves dangerously, drawing my attention to the pillow-soft push of his lips. "And we wouldn't want that, now would we, Lillian?" he pronounces my name so that it drips from his shapely lips leisurely, provocatively. "What with your big plans to graduate early."
Immediately, I recoil, meeting his expectant stare with wide eyes, "H-how...?"
"Oh, you thought I wouldn't find out?" He pushes off the lockers, Stepping closer, "did you know that you're GPA is just .01 points less than mine?" His voice is honeyed, sickeningly sweet - it sets off warning bells in my head.
I swallow nervously, taking a small step backwards, "I don't see what that has to do with my plan-"
"Oh, but it has everything to do with your plans." Again, he advances, but this time I hold my ground, tilting my head to meet his stare, "you see, we weren't competing before...not really. But, if you graduate ahead of your class and maintain that same GPA, well...Cambridge won't even look at me, regardless of my achievements, because you'll have the edge."
I blink, processing his words, "You want to go to Cambridge...?"
He quirks a dark brow, the corner of his mouth twitching in amusement.
I'm dumbfounded, "But...but I-you...but-that's just ridiculous!" I nearly stomp my foot at the sheer absurdity of the notion, but opt to clench my fists at my sides instead.
He looks utterly amused, and leans a bit closer, a challenge in his eyes: "is that right?"
"Why would you want to go to Cambridge?!" I note how whiny my voice sounds, but I'm too distressed to care.
He's full on grinning now, his emerald eyes dancing with glee. "wouldn't you like to know" He purrs in that slow, sexy drawl, his voice dropping so low that it can only be heard by the two of us.
It is then that the bell rings, shrill and disruptive, tearing me from his trance-like stare.
I realize how close we've gotten, our faces perhaps six inches apart. I can feel the warmth of his body radiating off of him and wrapping around me. Before I can stop myself, I inhale his intoxicating scent: spicy and earthy and masculine, like cigarettes and pine and the leather spines of old books.
For a fraction of a second, my eyes slip shut...he smells so damn good.
Then, just as quickly, I blink, and step back, my heart racing in my chest. I did NOT just...
He straightens, raking his eyes over my trembling frame with an air of affected smugness. Silently, he steps the side, watching me as I collect myself, an embarrassing blush infusing my cheeks.
Slowly, I move down the hallway towards my class, uncharacteristically unconcerned with the possibility of being marked tardy. I can tell that he's following, as students all around turn to stare behind me. We're in the same English class.
My brain seems to have gone into overdrive, conjuring up insane reasons for why I'd smelled him and liked it enough to consider doing it again. Impossible. Harry's a prick. The bane of my existence. Sure, he's wildly attractive, but never have I ever been even remotely interested in him...sexually. So what the hell was that?
Why am I all hot and blushing and trembly? Why?! Especially after he'd dropped the Cambridge bomb! I mean, really? Of all the schools for him to choose, it had to be my dream school. And of the thousands of people I'll be competing with to be admitted, it just had to be him.
Harry's one of the smartest people I've ever met, and he's got the resources and connections to get into any school he wants. The chances of two kids from the same high school getting into Cambridge are absolutely zero, and whether I graduate early or not, Harry's a shoe in for a spot there - he's the ideal student: rich and intelligent and driven, with a shit ton of community service and extracurriculars under his belt, and with a number of published poems and short stories.
He'll take my spot there just by aiming his perfect white grin in the right direction. And if we were both admitted, by some miracle, that would be even worse! 6 more years with him?! I'd die. I couldn't take it. I'd-
"Ah!" I gasp, colliding with a tall boy for the second time today. My books fly out of my arms again, and I fall flat in my ass with a soft yelp of pain.
"Woah! Are you ok?" A voice asks, and I glance up to find a familiar blonde boy looking down at me.
"Um, y-yeah." I say, quickly moving to stand up. Like a gentleman, he reaches down, offering me a hand, and I take it, allowing him to pull me gently to my feet. "Uh, sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention..." I smile sheepishly,
"Oh, no, it's totally fine." He grins back, then kneels down to pick up my books. "As long as your ok."
"Really, I'm fine." I giggle, kneeling down to help. "Your Neil, right? I think we have psych together?"
He hands me my things, standing up, "close! It's Niall, and yeah, 6th period right?"
I nod, "Niall. Yeah, I'm Lily. I'm the one always shouting out the answers and then getting yelled at." I giggle nervously, feeling a little self conscious around this boy with pretty blue eyes and a kind smile.
He laughs, "well, I'm definitely not one to shout out answers. I'm terrible at Psych." He gestures for me to walk with him, and I do, "I'll walk you to your class, just to make sure your alright."
I roll my eyes playfully, but follow, "I already ran into you. Don't let me be the reason that your late to class too."
I lead the way to the English wing, and we joke lightly about our Psych teacher, Mrs. Campbell. By the time we've arrived, the bell has rung, and I know that he's going to be late because of me, but he doesn't seem to care.
"Hey," he calls out, just as I'm about to open the door to my classroom, "maybe you could tutor me sometime? In Psych? You always seem to be yelling the right answers, and I could really use the help..." he rubs the back of his neck nervously, and I can't help but smile at how cute he looks.
"It's the least I can do after running into you." I say, "let's talk in class later?"
"Yeah, sure!" He backs down the hallway, "I'll see you then, Lily!"
When I enter the classroom, there's still a smile on my face, and I quietly make my way to an empty seat in the back. My teacher, Mr. Gray, shoots me an inquisitive look, since I'm not one to show up late to my favorite class, but he doesn't call me out on it.
"Alright guys," he says, "while I was reading you essay submissions from last week, I noticed quite a few spelling errors, so I thought we might have a little bit of a...spelling bee today, just to see where we all stand when it comes to commonly misspelled words." The class groaned collectively, and he laughed, "nothing to worry about. This won't count for a grade, I just want a chance to see where everyone stands. It'll be fun!"
Mr. Gray proceeded to split the class into two groups, and two at a time, he called students up to the board, and in tournament fashion, the winner played the winner from the opposite team. I could tell that he was saving certain students for the end, since they would likely beat out all the competition, thereby depriving their teammates of turns. By the time it got to me, only a few students were left on the opposing team.
"Ok, Kim," he called to my competitor, "your word is Accidentally" Kim correctly spelled two words, and then swapped out with another teammate, Jamie, who only beat me on one word.
"Alright, this is it, guys. Last two. Harry, join Lily up front."
Immediately, my eyes found him, just as the rest of the class turned to watch him rising from his seat. He took a step towards me. Then another. I sort of shivered, watching him move, observing his long legs, slowly closing the space between us with their every measured step. There's something almost feline about it - the way he moves - very masculine...and very...sexual, if that makes any sense at all.
I averted my eyes as he took up the space beside me. Again, the drowsy scent of books and pine with undertones of coffee and tobacco invaded my senses, and I felt my knees threatening to buckle.
"Harry, your word is 'allegiance'"
I felt him smiling, tasted his smooth baritone, skating hotly down my spine: "A-L-L-E-G-I-A-N-C-E. Allegiance."
"Lily, controversy."
I spelled it correctly and held my breath, gazing stubbornly straight ahead.
"Harry, 'immediately.'" He did the same.
"I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-C-E, Intelligence." I glanced over at Harry, noting the look of intense boredom on his face as he stared off into the distance. Clearly, this was too easy for both of us.
"Too easy is it, Lillian?"
"Uh, w-what?" I snapped out of my reverie, glancing at Mr. Gray, who looked rather amused.
"If you think it's too easy, we can really put you two to the test. What do you think class?" Mr. Gray looked around, and the class erupted into excited giggles and shouts.
Realizing my mistake, I felt my cheeks flush hot with embarrassment, "oh I-I didn't m-mean to say that um...out loud sir..."
The damage had already been done. Mr. Gray grinned, clearly excited to have piqued the class's interest, "alright then, let's try....sacrilegious."
Harry, looking rather more alert than he had before, turned to look at me, holding my stare even as each honeyed letter fell from his lips "S-A-C-R-I-L-E-G-I-O-U-S" the flecks of gold in his eyes danced, embers crackling, glittering.
"Conscientious, Lily."
"Oh, um..." I quickly averted my gaze, glancing nervously at my trembling fingers, "C-O-N..." my heart wobbled in my chest. What's comes next? "...S-C-I-E-N-T-I-O-U-S, Conscientious." I want this to be over...
Harry chuckled beside me, low and slow. I felt his eyes on me. "bureaucratic." He spelled, quick as a whip, and all eyes were back on me.
"Bourgeoisie." Amidst the nerves and exhaustion, my stubbornness gave way to another correct answer. I won't lose to him. Not this, not Cambridge.
He managed "clairvoyant," "coalescence," and "kaleidoscope." I got through "lachrymose," "mnemonic," and "pharmaceutical," and then, finally, he messed up.
I heard it in his voice first, knew before it happened that I had won. Mr. Gray - once again proving himself to be my favorite teacher- threw "triskaidekaphobia" at Harry, and we both froze.
"T-R-I-S-K....A-D-E-K-A-P-H-O-B-I-A." Harry murmured uncertainly, sounding just as breathless as I felt. The class had gone silent, and I could hear my heart racing.
"Incorrect." Mr. Gray uttered, but before the class could erupt into cheers, he continued, "let me just say, Harry, Lily, that was extraordinary. Really, very good show." He slowly began to clap, and our classmates followed suit, whooping and jeering at Harry good-naturedly.
I turned to glance at him then, not feeling very excited about having won. I couldn't help the little gasp that escaped my throat when I saw his face. He had curved his mouth into a grin, ran a hand through his hair boyishly, a calculated carelessness slackening his features - but I saw it in the way his lips twitched, in the way his eyes glossed over and darkened to muted jade.
He's upset. I realized, moving closer without really thinking about it. He's really, really upset.
"H-Harry?" I heard myself whisper, voice trembling. Everyone had, by now, moved into their own little groups, all talking animatedly about the results of our little duel, so they weren't really paying us any mind.
His smile faltered - just for a moment - "good game." He husked, his voice raw. He held out a hand, quirking a brow, watching me with those expectant eyes.
It was then, in that moment, that I realized, very suddenly, that Harry is...beautiful. Like, proper beautiful, like earth shatteringly, mind numbingly gorgeous.
The realization hit me with such immense force that I had to grab his outstretched hand to keep from crumbling to the ground. "O-oh." My mouth parts on the startled little noise, and suddenly I'm very aware of the gentle press of his cold rings against my fingers, his large hand claiming mine, the muscles in his forearm flexing as he holds me. "Uh-huh." My response catches in my throat and comes out sounding like a strangled hiccup.
Quickly, I pull away, stumbling back a few steps, I tear my eyes from his face, flailing my hands around like a monkey.
What the fuck?
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Mitch and Erik’s First Tutor Session
Well, unofficially.
As the class filed out, the Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher's Assistant raised his voice to call over the din. "Mr. Hodge -- would you stay after for just a moment. I'd like a word." His voice wasn't stern exactly, but it was predictably blunt.
Mitch paused in his steps, tension in every muscle as he turned to face Mr. Apollo, eyes going wide behind his glasses as he nodded. Watching his classmates leave, Mitch’s thoughts spiraled, thinking back on any possible missteps he could have made.
Erik settled himself on top of the desk at the head of the classroom and patiently waited for the rest of the class to file out and for the door to close behind the last student. Once everyone else was fully gone, he lightly crossed his arms over his chest and addressed Mitch. "Mr. Hodge," he said levelly, "I would like to see you attempt the Disarming Charm on that dummy, please." He nodded to the black training dummy he'd placed in the center of the room.
Mitch’s eyes darted to the dummy, and back at his teacher. His hands gripped the sleeves of his school robe nervously, the sleeves spooling past them. He blinked in confusion. “P-Pardon, Mr. Apollo?”
Erik inclined his head slightly. "I would like to see your wandwork up close, one-on-one," he explained, his voice remaining very level. He again nodded to the dummy. "When you're ready."
Ready. As easy as that. Mitch looked at the dummy again, and shuffled forward. He grabbed the wand from his pocket — It still felt too big, too long, too clunky — and looked between the wand and the dummy. He could feel Erik’s eyes on him as he stood there. Just stood there, staring and not saying a single word. Oh God. “Um, I think... I think I forgot the spell, s-sir.”
Erik could see Mitch's nerves. As he suspected -- there were insecurities there, getting in the way. His eyes softening ever-so-slightly, just enough that his face became much more casual, he sidled up onto his feet and over to Mitch. "Put the spell out of your mind, for the moment." He took out his own wand, holding it out in front of him just as Mitch was holding his. "Focus on your wand and your grip. I know it seems too big for your hand, too temperamental and wild -- like some crazy wild horse you're afraid to let go of, for fear it'll trample you. But your wand isn't where the magic comes from -- it's merely a conduit for it. The power comes from inside of you, not the wand. Think of it like a lightning rod, helping you focus your power and control it. You don't need to hold it in a vice grip -- you don't need to control it -- instead, see it merely as a tool. Picture the way you hold your pencil in your mind. Your wand is like a pencil. It's a tool -- the only difference is that it helps you express yourself through magic, rather than through the written word." As he speaks, Erik's focus is largely on the dummy in front of him and Mitch: he could sense that Mitch was growing uncomfortable, with how much he was looking at him and thought it might work better to merely show the proper posture by example, holding his own wand out the proper way, rather than staring at Mitch or physically adjusting the Hufflepuff's grip himself.
Mitch took in his instructor’s words carefully, feeing embarrassment come through him. He wanted to do better, he really did, and it was... nice, that Erik seemed to understand, but it didn’t stop him from feeling foolish. He shook his head and looked at Erik’s posture, slowly moving to match. When they did, he took a deep breath and looked back at Erik, nodding to show he was ready to continue.
Erik gave Mitch a curt nod of approval in return, his edges of his mouth touched by the faintest hint of a smirk. “Now then,” he said, keeping his focus on the dummy, “we’ll practice the wand movement next. To cast the Disarming Charm, you’ll move your wrist to the right and then down — kind of like an upside down backwards ‘L,’ see?” He demonstrated the wand movement slowly several times as he spoke. “Get the movement in your wrist, nice and easy.”
Mitch gave a nod back, setting his jaw, tamping down his nerves. He trusted that his teacher knew what he was doing, with the spell and with his help. Mitch watched the movement and repeated, slowly flicking his wrist a few times before taking the wand in it. “Mr. Apollo? Just out of curiosity... How badly can this spell go wrong?”
The question made Erik laugh. His laugh was a low cackle in the back of his throat — one that could’ve sounded evil, were it not for how sincerely amused and honest it was. He looked down at the Hufflepuff with a rather mischievous gleam in his eye. “Worst case scenario for you? You lose your balance and fall over. Best case scenario? You both disarm your opponent and knock them clean off their feet, making them look like an idiot for underestimating you.” The teacher’s assistant looked quite a bit younger, with that look in his eye. His lips spread into a brighter smirk. “Are you up to try the spell with the incantation? I’ll make sure you don’t fall over.”
Mitch let out a small, nervous laugh, little more than a huff of breath. He looked at the dummy and nodded. “If I do fall over, sir,” He said, gripping his wand the smallest bit tighter, “Promise you won’t laugh?” Feeling more confident in his posture and hand movement, he looked up at his teacher once more for support. “Please?”
Erik’s smirk loosened slightly and his ice blue eyes became a little smaller. “I give you my word,” he said, before adding with a broader smirk, “And whether I’m swearing an oath or swearing like a sailor, I mean what I say. Now then...the incantation is ‘Expelliarmus.’ Take your time and remember to enunciate the consonants. Ex. Pell. Lee. Air. Moose.”
Mitch nodded once more, repeating the syllables under his breath a few times before taking one last deep breath. He inhaled, stood at posture and stared the dummy down. “Expelliarmus!” While not the most powerful of spells, the dummy wobbled back a few inches, enough to show the spell had succeeded. “FUCK YEAH!” Mitch shouted in triumph, only realizing after the fact that he had shouted right in his teacher’s ear. “Oops. Sorry.”
The volume had startled Erik, but not long after Mitch had apologized, the TA burst out laughing. His loud, low cackle filled the room as he flicked his own wrist, silently moving the dummy back into its starting position with his wand, and then turned back to Mitch with a more devilish smirk. "So you DO have some fire in there," he said. "Thank God -- it's a pain in the ass, trying to drag students by their ears to their fullest potential."
Mitch quickly recovered from his apologies and headed straight into pouting. “I want to be good at magic, I do! I’m just not used to it like you are! It’s all so, so... weird! I’m used to everything being one way and then suddenly, guess what! Magic is real and you have it! Here’s a stick that helps you make things float but also set things on fire but also turn cats into cauldrons and also kill people. Have fun!” He scuffed at the floor, shoving his wand back into his pocket and sighing. “I want to be good but it’s... scary. Does it... Does it ever stop being... a lot?” He twisted his hands in his robe sleeves again. “I mean, it’s got to get easier, practice and all that but... I’m just... scared that I’ll hurt somebody.” He blinked and screwed up his face. “I’m also scared of the tree that hits you in the front lawn. Seems like a safety hazard.”
Erik's smirk slid slowly off his face, making him look a bit more serious. "You're Muggle-born too, then?" he said softly. He turned, strolling over to the desk at the head of the classroom again. He sat back down on top of the desk, patting the wood next to him as if offering Mitch a seat on it too. "It is very overwhelming, you're right," he said patiently. "Having so much thrown at you, all at once -- having your whole world up-ended, and everything you thought you knew disrupted -- making you feel like you're constantly falling behind...like...it's you, against the whole world." There was something almost haunted in Erik's eyes as he looked at Mitch. The memory of him as a boy Mitch's age standing in front of Dolores Umbridge and the Muggle-Born Registration Commission, cowering under the dark, draining, despair-inducing shadow of the dementors rippled over his mind. "...It will take a while to get your bearings," said Erik, his voice a bit lower in his throat with muted sympathy, "and it will take longer to find yourself and a place that can be all yours in this new World you've been enveloped in. The good news is...along with all of the scary stuff that you don't understand yet, there is also a lot of amazing stuff. And even if everything at once can seem overwhelming...if you take it a bit at a time, patiently making notches in your belt for everything you've learned -- you can look at each thing with awe, not just fear. And if you don't lose sight of that good thought you've got -- that desire not to hurt people -- then you'll be able to work hard to understand that magic as much as you can so that you never do." His mouth then twisted into another smirk. "As for the Whomping Willow, I don't blame you for that. That plant is fucking nuts."
Mitch laughed, nodding. “It’s insane.” He looked at Erik. His advice was sound and it was... nice, knowing that he wasn’t alone in this. That it got better. But he knew a far off look when he saw it, and he hoped that whatever Erik saw, it wasn’t something he had to deal with. He really did hope to be as used to the Wizarding World as everyone else one day, but Erik was just... so much cooler than Mitch, could do SO much cooler shit than him. Whatever haunted Erik’s memories would no doubt make Mitch piss himself. Mitch nodded once more and smiled. “Thank you Mr. Apollo. Do you... um, I heard Jordi, uh, Prewett was taking tutoring with you. Is that... Do I have to sign up for that, is that a special thing for him, should I just leave now and save you the trouble, or...?”
Erik's smirk broadened, revealing white teeth. " 'Save me the trouble?' Mr. Hodge, I *love* trouble -- and I reckon a nipper like you is *exactly* my kind of trouble. I could use more students with both drive and a good sense of humor." He adjusted his crossed arms over his chest. "I 'tutor' on a person-by-person basis, based on when both of our schedules are open. Week-days only -- even assholes like me deserve a good night's sleep once in a while. You may either bring something Defense-related that you would like to practice to me, or I will pick something myself." His ice-blue eyes twinkled mischievously again. "I'll warn you -- I'll expect you to give me 120%, both in class sessions and especially when we work one on one. If you're willing to put in the work, then I will do whatever I have to to make sure you succeed. But you'll need to be ready to kick some ass, got it?"
Mitch nods back, grinning. “Kicking ass is my middle name. That’s what the C really stands for.” Distantly, a bell rang in the hall, and Mitch felt himself blanche. “Potions. Shit.” He scrambled to shove his books away and nodded at the still smirking TA. “Week-days, bring material, 120%, got it.” With his bag haphazardly packed away, he sprinted towards the classroom’s door, only to stop at the threshold and turn back towards Erik. He raised his hand to his forehead and saluted him. “I’ll come back with my A Game, Mr. Apollo, or my name isn’t Mitch ‘Cicking Ass’ Hodge!” He swung the door open and sprinted down the hallway, muttering cusses at himself the entire way down to the dungeons.
Erik cackled as the Hufflepuff dashed out of the room. He liked this kid. It was going to be a lot of fun, training him.
Thank you so much @carewyncromwell for the rp session to help flesh Mitch and Erik’s dynamic out! It was so much fun having the Sour Patch and the Anxiety Boi interact and I hope we can do it again sometime!
I hope everybody else enjoys this exchange too! I really need to upload more original content for Mitch, my poor son :’(((
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ericsonclan · 4 years
Chore Time
Summary: Clementine and Violet adjust to life at Ericson with their injuries. 
Read on A03: 
“Just kill me now,” Violet groaned as she continued scrubbing the dirt off the Jerusalem artichokes in preparation for dinner.
This was the fifth night in a row that she and Clementine had been assigned to food prep, likely because it was the only thing they were capable of given their injuries. It wasn’t like keeping watch or going hunting would be on the table anytime soon. So instead they sat around day in and day out washing clothes, sewing up holes or preparing ingredients for meals. Needless to say, both girls were already sick of the work.
“It could be worse,” Clementine mused, cutting through the skin on a freshly caught rabbit. “We could still have Omar looking over our shoulders every other second,”
Violet sighed. “You got me there. At least we’ve graduated beyond only having dish duty. Wish I could hold the knife though,”
“You’ll get there eventually. Your eyesight’s improving every day,”
Violet scoffed. “Yeah, keep telling me that. Let’s face it: this is as good as it’s going to get,” She did a circular motion around her face before throwing another tuber onto the pile.
“Got another rabbit to peel,” Clementine offered. She held the beheaded carcass up by its legs. Violet leaned forward, grabbing the skin on either side and beginning to pull back. They rocked back and forth slightly as they removed the skin from the flesh, Clementine holding fast to the legs as Violet tugged steadily on the fur. Eventually the skin came off with a final schlorp. “Thanks,” Clem said, laying the carcass back down on the board to butcher.
They could hear A.J. laughing from somewhere else in the yard. Louis was with him right now. Clem smiled. Louis was probably telling another one of his crazy stories about hunting mountain lions or wrestling barracudas to A.J. It was good to see the two of them getting along so well. She was still getting used to having others around that could watch out for A.J., but she had to admit it was sort of nice to have some time without him underfoot.
Violet squinted as she looked over toward the admin building. “Is that Aasim over there?”
Clementine turned to look. “Yup. Writing as always,”
“God, I wonder what he comes up with to write every day. ‘Dear Diary, today we caught three rabbits instead of two. One of the fish traps broke. What an amazing day!’”
Clementine chuckled. “It’s a journal, remember? Not a diary,” Aasim and Louis had gotten into a fight just two nights ago on that very topic.
Violet rolled her eyes. “Oh, of course! My bad. Honestly though, most of his entries are probably just complaints about Louis. Hunting with him every day must be driving Aasim insane,”
“You mean to tell me Louis is not Aasim’s first choice of a hunting partner?” Clementine asked, her brows wiggling playfully.
Violet snorted. “Marlon sure paired them up enough for all Aasim’s complaining,” Her expression grew sad as she looked down at her hands resting in the dirty water. “Sometimes he’d tag along to keep the peace between those two. Mitch and Brody also took a lot of hunting shifts,”
Clementine’s eyes dropped too. To think she’d only known Marlon, Brody, Mitch, and Tenn for a few days and then they were gone… the marks they’d left in her memory felt so much stronger than that. Perhaps because of their importance in the remaining kids’ lives. Even though they were gone, their presence was felt everywhere around the school. In the test beakers still sitting in the greenhouse lab, the lull of the river – the closest Brody ever got to the ocean - the nameplate in the headmaster’s office that Marlon had made for himself, Tenn’s drawing he’d gifted to Clem and A.J. on one of their first nights at Ericson. Clementine missed each of them in their own way, but for Violet the pain must be so much deeper. To lose those she’d survived alongside for eight years… Clementine didn’t have anyone who’d stuck by her side that long, not even A.J. There was no way to address the pain of such loss in any way that could help, so instead she sat with Violet in silence and stillness, dwelling in the grief of all that had come to pass.
“Well, you two sure don’t look happy,” They were shaken from their thoughts by Louis’ voice as he made his way over to them. He grinned at the two girls, standing in front of the table with his hands proudly tugging his lapels. “I see you’re butchering my rabbit there. Impressive, isn’t he? The biggest one we’ve caught all season!”
“Is that why you’re over here, Louis?” Violet glared at him. “To boast about your hunting while we’ve been stuck on our asses all day?”
“Actually, your asses are exactly why I’m over here,” Louis quickly raised a finger. “And before you say anything, yes, I just realized how bad that sounds. What I was thinking was that a brisk walk about the courtyard might be exactly what both of you need to turn those frowns upside down!”
“Ok then,” Clementine said with a casual shrug. “I only have my crutches outside right now…”
“A.J. ran inside to grab your prosthetic. We’ll be off on our stroll momentarily!”
“I’m out,” Violet declared.
“Participation is mandatory,”
Violet grumbled incoherently but stayed put.
It certainly took longer than momentarily for the prosthetic to be retrieved, attached, and for both girls to maneuver safely into position, each taking one of Louis’ arms. Eventually they were off though, traveling round the yard at what Louis described as a “leisurely” pace as Clementine struggled with each and every step she took. The prosthetic had been improved with each iteration Willy put forth over these last few months, but she was still figuring out how to balance properly on it without each forward motion throwing off her center of balance. Her friends were patient with her though, neither seeming put off at all by the agonizing crawl that was their speed.
“What a perfect evening,” Louis said with a grin. “The warm breeze wafting through the trees as I take a stroll with my two best girls,”
Violet snorted. “Lou, if you ever refer to me as ‘your girl’ again, I will sneak into your room in the middle of the night and strangle you in your sleep,”
“Noted. So, Clem, anything exciting happen today?”
“Actually, yes. James dropped by,”
“Really? In his full getup and everything?”
“He took the mask off before coming inside. He wanted to let us know that he’s planning on filling up the barn again. He also said he’d drop off the salt lick soon. Apparently A.J. mentioned it to Omar and Omar got the message out to James that he wanted it if James didn’t need it. Omar says it’ll be a game-changer when it comes to food,”
“Well, I certainly have no reason to doubt the words of our all-knowing chef. You excited for a change in food, Vi?”
“It’ll still be stew every night, just like it’s always been. I can’t imagine a salt block will make that much of a difference,”
Louis shrugged. “Time will tell, I suppose. Clem, how you holding up? Need to take a rest?”
“No, I can go a few more minutes,” Clementine tried to mask the hitch in her breathing as Louis eyed her worriedly. “I want to increase my endurance,”
“Alright, but if I see you slipping, I’m carrying you princess style the rest of the night and there’s nothing you can do about it,”
“Fine, it’s a deal,”
They continued their path around the yard, pausing by the greenhouse to greet Ruby as she came through with an armful of fresh herbs. A.J. ran over too, insisting that he should help Clem too. She placed her free hand on his shoulder, leaning on it ever so slightly as they circled back toward the picnic benches. Violet was steady for the most part, the occasional slipup coming from the rough terrain underfoot. But for the most part Louis kept his eye out for potential pitfalls, gently guiding her out of the way, chatting all the while to distract both girls from the toll the stroll took on their bodies.
Finally they made it all the way around the yard. Clementine and Violet sat down with appreciative groans, Louis and A.J. grabbing their bowls to fill up before they got their own food. Clementine looked over at Violet. The peevish frown that had stayed on her face all throughout dinner prep was gone, replaced by a small, contented smile. It always warmed Clem’s heart when she caught Violet smiling. “Good day after all?” she asked good-naturedly.
Violet seemed surprised at the question for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah. Good day,”
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harianadimples · 4 years
I Know You’re Not Far, But I Still Can’t Handle All The Distance
1.8k: hariana friendship rise warning(s): unedited soz just had to get this one out before I overthink
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“I wanna sing.”
Harry stops playing for a moment so he could hear what Ariana had to say.
“My fans have been wanting me to jump on Instagram Live to sing a few songs but I really can’t handle all that real-time shit. I just want to sing and then dip so I’m just going to record a quick video. I think it’d be a nice surprise to have you join in, finally feed your fans some new content of you.”
“Hmm, I suppose but I won’t sing.”
“Why not? They’ve been wanting some sort of duet for a while, you know.”
“Um, and show the world how rubbish I am singing next to you?”
“You are not rubbish! Have you forgotten our killer duet of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ when we watched ‘Wayne’s World’?”
“No, I just wanna listen to y’voice. I miss it,” Harry pouts, leaning into his elbow as it rested on the hood of the piano.
“Okay, then, H,” Ariana rolls her eyes, smiling as she fixes herself. “Suppose you’d like a relatively easy song to play. How does ‘My Everything’ sound? For old time’s sake?”
“I Know You’re Not Far, But I Still Can’t Handle All The Distance”
The one inspired by an alternate universe where Harry played the piano for Ariana’s 2020 version of ‘My Everything’ while in Quarantine
“‘Lo love, how are you?” Harry asks as he fixes his laptop screen, leaning it just right so the light coming from his bedroom window wouldn’t cause such a harsh glare. When it was just right he could see Ariana much better but it seemed like her picture needed another moment to catch up with her voice, as behind the frozen image he could hear her giggling softly.
“That was quick,” Ariana’s voice strays as if she walked away for a moment, but the picture’s finally changed and is moving so Harry just waits on his phone until she appears again. When the movement settles Harry sees that Ariana is sitting in her living room. “I’m good by the way; miss hugging everyone, I swear when we’re given the all clear I’m inviting y’all over and cooking the biggest fucking Italian dinner y’all will ever have,” she says.
“I could so go for Italian right now,” Harry sighs as he sets his phone down and shifts himself up a bit so he can be more comfortable, “Been eating all the bread in this household m’tooting up a storm in here.”
“That is… horrendous.”
Harry chuckles at her reaction, fiddling with the strings of his hoodie. “‘ave you got the pups with you?”
“Always,” Ariana smiles, “Toulouse is right here, Pignoli is watching me from the other sofa and Myron’s having a nap.”
“Miss the little ones so much–,” Harry is suddenly interrupted by a guttural snort which scares even Ariana. She soon breaks into laughter as she picks up Piggy Smallz who’d been lurking behind her. “Aw does miss Piggy want her Harry love too, my big girl?” Piggy makes a noise which sounds extremely happy which causes laughs all round.
“Yeah, miss ‘aving the wind knocked out of me whenever you give me kisses,” Harry chuckles.
Of her pets, Piggy became to be the most territorial over Harry.
It started when Harry went to support Ariana at her Sweetener Tour show in London. He’d finally gotten the privilege to meet Piggy in person, and after some time holding her thinking they’d become the best of friends, she took a massive shit which splattered on his white pants. He just had to have been wearing an all-white outfit that evening.
“You reading anything good?” Harry asks.
“Um… I’m currently reading ‘We Have Always Lived in the Castle’. Seems good so far.”
“‘Kay, adding it to my cart right now,” Harry mumbles. “I’ve read like two books so far. Trying to get through this third one but I keep fallin’ asleep. So nice to just sleep.”
“I know right. It’s weird actually getting like fourteen hours of sleep for once, instead of two.”
“You deserve the rest though. Bloody insane, your tour. Can’t believe the year you had. I like… honoured to have witnessed history unfold, y’know?”
“Oh please, can we talk about your music though. I genuinely cried listening to ‘She’ earlier, like full-out, ruined-my-makeup, swollen-eyes, everything– just… tears.”
“Thanks? I guess?”
“No, H, really. My mind can’t fully comprehend Mitch’s solo in that song.”
“Oh, well, thanks, I’m only the one singing the song.”
“It’s nice to hear you exploring different vocal dynamics. You have the range and it really shines on a song like ‘She’. These are all things I’ve told you before H.”
“I know but it’s nice to have my voice praised by the vocalist of our generation.”
“Oh my God–.”
“No, seriously, I have not stopped listening to the song you showed me a couple days ago. Can’t believe you posted it to your socials.”
“Yeah I don’t really care if I get in trouble at this point, I’m like in that place mentally, emotionally, whatever where I’m creating and it’s nice and free and I just wanna share that. But thank you.”
“That reminds me I’m writing something and sort of like putting the skeleton of the music together and I was wonderin’ if you mind if I use your vocals for the synth?”
“Yeah sure, use whatever’s on google drive.”
This folder on Google Drive that Ariana’s referring to, is a shared folder with a couple vocal notes they’ve made in the past that they’ve sometimes dipped into for production samples. Harry’s relatively new to using vocal samples as instrumentation on a song since his previous record was mostly classic rock inspired. Apart from double tracking his voice, the extent of his vocal exploration on that record had been the infamous duck sound on “Woman”.
With Fine Line he’d really been inspired by Ariana’s vocal production and wanted to do a lot more of it on this record. With his producers he got a lot better at curating his own sound but if it weren’t for Ariana’s support he wouldn’t have known where to start with figuring out what else his voice can do.
He liked the idea of sampling someone’s voice, hiding it within a song where no one knows it’s even there. Who better than Ariana to be that voice.
“Can I hear what you got so far?” Ariana asks.
Harry nods and gets out of bed (with great effort which makes Ariana roll her eyes). He brings his laptop with him as he descends down the corridor. He enters the living room where a grand piano sits in the centre and props the laptop down on its surface as he sits by the keys.
“Fair warning, m’still learning,” Harry says as he plays a few random notes to prep his fingers before he begins to play.
Harry’s only got a verse and a pre-chorus, and a sort-of chorus figured out. It’s mid-tempo for now, but it might change once he can get in the studio. He starts singing, trying not to focus entirely on his fingers playing but he’s still a beginner so he’s got his head down more or less the whole time. When he finishes, he looks up again and is honestly… not surprised to see Ariana crying into her sleeve-covered hands.
“It’s sooo good.”
“Obviously, it’s not done yet–.”
“The first verse got me, but that pre-chorus– damn it,” Ariana quickly, and quite dramatically wipes under her eyes as Harry smiles with warm cheeks, kind of loving the praise coming from her, “like you’re so fucking talented, and can I just say your piano playing has improved a lot! You have nothing to worry about.”
“Thanks love,” Harry looks down and plays a few keys, hoping the terrible MacBook camera quality would hide his sudden bashfulness.
“I wanna sing.”
Harry stops playing for a moment so he could hear what Ariana had to say.
“My fans have been wanting me to jump on Instagram Live to sing a few songs but I really can’t handle all that real-time shit. I just want to sing and then dip so I’m just going to record a quick video. I think it’d be a nice surprise to have you join in, finally feed your fans some new content of you.”
“Hmm, I suppose but I won’t sing.”
“Why not? They’ve been wanting some sort of duet for a while, you know.”
“Um, and show the world how rubbish I am singing next to you?”
“You are not rubbish! Have you forgotten our killer duet of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ when we watched ‘Wayne’s World’?”
“No, I just wanna listen to y’voice. I miss it,” Harry pouts, leaning into his elbow as it rested on the hood of the piano.
“Okay, then, H,” Ariana rolls her eyes, smiling as she fixes herself. “Suppose you’d like a relatively easy song to play. How does ‘My Everything’ sound? For old time’s sake?”
“You’re in luck, that’s literally my go-to practice song at the moment. Surprisingly quite a vocal heavy track, or maybe I just don’t know how to sing.”
“Harry I fucking swear to God, you say one more self-deprecating thing–.”
“Sorry, sorry, m’just blown away every time I listen to it. Right then, let me take this old thing off. Gotta look good if I’m gonna be playing next to you,” Harry says as he pulls his hoodie off and sets it aside. He’s got on a black t-shirt that’s two days old and counting but the camera probably won’t pick up much quality anyway so he’s got nothing to worry about. Harry pulls his hair out of its scrunchy and runs his fingers through until his fringe looked somewhat contained.
“Got sent some cute-ass nails today,” Ariana says as Harry leans up close to his screen, being met with her brand new white nails with small light-grey clouds on the very tips. “Cute,” he agrees. “My nails are looking God-awful. Fuck, you think the camera will pick them up?”
The blue colour on his nails had mostly chipped off, leaving them in a ‘too naked to be fully edgy’ situation that has Harry hiding his hands from sight.
“I barely noticed.”
“I’ll just angle the camera so they don’t show.”
“You ready then? I’m gonna record the screen. Hopefully it works.”
“Okay, yeah, hold on. Okay, yeah.”
They eventually do two takes. One to see if it was actually recording and sounded good, and the second was the actual recording that Ariana planned to post.
This should have been easy, real simple, considering it isn’t their first time just hanging out, singing songs on the piano or whatever. Literally the other day she sent him a voice note singing some random meme and it didn’t phase him at all because it’s expected at this point. When it’s just them it’s not nearly as nerve wracking. Now he’s torn between wanting to play the piano well as to not mess her up, wanting to sound good to prove to himself that he’s doing better at playing like she’s said, but also wanting to just melt into himself and listen to her sing.
It seems this internal struggle appeared very well in the video as he and Ariana watched it back. Ariana sang beautifully; effortlessly as per usual, while Harry looked genuinely lost between playing and listening to her sing which with their videos side-by-side made it look like Harry was sort of in disbelief that the person next to him was singing so angelically, which wouldn’t even be far from the truth.
“Hah, that’s funny,” Ariana grins, “I’m posting it now. Prepare to become a meme.”
The video quickly went viral apparently. Neither Harry or Ariana would know since right after she posted the video they did as she wished and let it be, allowing the internet to have at it while they curled up in their beds and put on “Tiger King” to see what the hype was all about.
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gentlemanmendes · 6 years
Beauty Behind the Madness | 14
a/n: I will be posting a part of bbtm each day until it is finished. previous chapters can be found in my masterlist under Beauty behind the Madness
Now that I look back at it bringing Layla home with me was probably the worst idea I had ever come up with. After having sex I had expected her to leave but she didn't, instead she stayed in bed and clung onto my arm like a leech. When Miranda had rocked up to do our assignment Layla had sat with us in the dining room and kept talking about rubbish to distract us. It had become too much even for Miranda to handle so she had left and told me she would just email me the rest. So instead Aaliyah had sat with us, reluctantly , in the lounge room and watched a movie.
Now it was five in the afternoon on a Saturday and she still hadn't left. She was really beginning to bug me. Layla had never been one of those annoyingly clingy girls which was making me wonder why had she been acting this way since yesterday afternoon.
Thankfully my parents wouldn't be getting in until late tonight meaning that I had from now until then to find a way to get rid of Layla. Everywhere that I went she would follow and it was beginning to drive me insane.
As I got out of bed I made my way to the window pulling on my tee shirt just needing to put as much space as I possibly could between Layla and I who was sat on my bed watching me with prying eyes.
The last thing I had expected to see, which shouldn't have come as a surprise considering this was once a normal thing , was Arleigh sitting on the front steps of the house her sketch book on her lap and her fingers gripping a pencil that seemed to be attacking the page before her, a cup of coffee next to her.
Not being able to help it I allow a smile to take over my face as I watch Arleigh. This had once been her Saturday morning ritual, and now she was finally doing it again. Was she becoming herself again?
Looking through the kitchen window I had found Arleigh seated on the front steps of her house and hurried over to see her. Mr Axle and Arleigh had left not long after I had dropped her off on Friday afternoon and considering I hadn't seen the car in the driveway yesterday or this morning I'm positive that they have just gotten home. Without hesitation I hurry out the front door and down the driveway to see Arleigh. The last time we had seen each other things hadn't actually gone as well as they should have.
"Hey." I greet once I'm seated next to her. She doesn't respond and I can't help but wonder if she is still mad at me for what happened on Friday afternoon. Just as I'm about to open my mouth and apologies Arleigh starts crying.
"I'm sorry." She whispered as she covered her face with her hands. In panic I wrap my arms around her and pull her into my chest.
"No don't cry, it's not your fault, I was kind of an ass." I admit wanting nothing more than for Arleigh to stop crying. She shook her head and mumbled a 'no' that was muffled by my shirt as she continued to sob gripping onto me tightly in hopes of comfort. Not knowing what else to do, I hold her tight and kiss her forehead every now and then.
To be honest I never really knew how to act around Arleigh when she cried, she always seemed so fragile and broken when she cries causing me to feel hopeless because I know that there is nothing I can do to help. But right now sitting here with her sobbing into my chest I realise that the best thing to do is allow her this chance to let it all out.
Eventually she had managed to calm herself down and pulled her face out of My chest but kept close with her head against my chest as my arms stayed  securely wrapped around her. She was looking down the driveway at nothing in particular when she started talking.
"My dad took me to Newtown." She sighed as she ran a hand through her hair hoping to push away the few strands that were sticking to her tear stained cheeks.
"Where you lived before you moved here?" I couldn't help but interrupt. She had only spoken of the place she had lived before she moved next door a handful of times and most of those times had been when she first moved here.
"Yeah." She nodded her head in response as she used the sleeve of her shirt to wipe away the tears that were still falling.
She took in a deep breath and let out a shaky one as if she wasn't ready to say what she wanted to say. In hopes of encouraging her I began rubbing small circles on her back. This seemed to work as she leaned further into me.
"We moved because my mum died, my dad hated the me,oth and moved somewhere else." She breathed out uneasily as she choked on more tears. To say that I was shocked by her confession would be an understatement. "Yesterday was her birthday, she would be forty this year. My dad took me to see her grave for the first time, I hadn't even gone to her funeral because he wouldn't let me. Since he had let me go see her for the first time I assumed that he would finally tell me how she died but he refused to and forced me in the car and back here."
All this time I have hated Arleigh for her highly built walls and constant secrets but now I realise she had ever right to. Only now do I realise that she has true horrors in her past that I would never understand. She had lost her mother and didn't even know what had happened to her. She didn't have something as simple as closure.
So many questions were running through my mind but I didn't know how to ask them or if I should ask them. Arleigh was finally letting it all out, right now wasn't the time to interrogate her.
"He never used to be like this. We were a very happy family but when my mum died he changed so much. I lost both my parents and I don't even know why or how." She continued to sob.
Not knowing what to say I allow my head to drop to her shoulder as I let out a deep sigh. I want to know what had changed, why is she telling me all this now but obviously it isn't the right time.
"I want you to help me find out." For the first time since I got here, when I look to Arleigh she is looking back at me. My insides clench at the sight of how broken she looks and I promise myself that I will help her no matter what.
Turning around abruptly I make my way back to my bed and attach my lips to Layla's. She seems thrown off by my sudden action but is quick to react.
To be honest I can't remember how man rounds we went or how long we lasted all I know was that for hours I kept trying and trying to forget Arleigh until I realised I couldn't. I needed to finally except the fact that there is no possible way for me to forget Arleigh because I don't want to. For the last six years she has been my best friend and girlfriend for three and a half of those years. I saw her every single day and I wouldn't have had it any other way. A part of me doesn't want to forget Arleigh because I still have hope that things will return to what they once were. How am I supposed to move on when I am still clinging on to the past?
A knock came at my bedroom door followed by the door swinging open. Aaliyah hurries into my room only to let out a horrified scream causing me to cock my head to see her.
"Ewh, I just saw your butt!" She cried out.
"Aaliyah get out!" I yell as I try to cover myself from my sisters eyes. I heard the door slam shut and when I looked back at where Aaliyah had been standing I find that she was gone.
"Arleigh's here to see you." Aaliyah calls through the door causing my whole body to freeze. Did I hear Aaliyah wrong? I must have. Arleigh wouldn't come to see me, she had no reason to. She has a restraining order against me. Why would she approach me?
However without hesitation I jump up from my bed and pull the closest thing I can find on which is a pair of old grey sweatpants and a dirty white tee shirt. When I pull open the door Aaliyah is still standing there and seems shocked by how quick I was. Following her down the stairs attempting to fix up my messed up hair. Sure enough when I am down stairs Arleigh is standing awkwardly in the entrance hall right next to the door as if she was making sure she was close enough to an exit if she needed to escape.
Once I am in plain sight and Arleigh's eyes fall on me I stop running and walk slowly. I don't know what to say or how to approach her. A million thoughts are running through my mind and it feels good. I'm excited.
With one more step I'm standing right in front of Arleigh looking down at her, my heart is fluttering and I want to confess to her how much I have missed her. I want to cry and tell her that I'm sorry for what I did and everything I put her through. I just want to wrap my arms around her and hold her close. She stares back at me blankly adding to the pressure. This is my last shot and I can't afford to mess it up.
Just as I open my mouth to speak heavy footsteps from upstairs can be heard hurrying down the stairs. Both mine and Arleigh's gazes turn towards the stairs where we find Layla hurrying down with nothing but one of my tee shirts on. Layla is about to approach us but Aaliayh who is standing at the end of the hall, hiding hopelessly behind the wall ears dropping, pulls her to a stop. Quickly I turn back to Arleigh to find her looking else where. I want to know what is going through her mind. I want to apologise and tell her that Layla means nothing to me, that Arleigh is all I ever think about. But instead I stay silent. I don't know how to speak, or how I would say it.
"Um, I need your help." She mumbles sheepishly as she keeps her attention on the floorboards. When I don't respond she finally looks up at me again and continues. "Mitch is drunk and he showed up at my house. I need him gone before my dad comes home. He will go crazy if he sees Mitch." Arleigh's voice is a lot softer than I remember, she also seems more timid then she used to be. Well at least around me she was always a little more laid back and confident.
It's Saturday. Meaning Mitch went to his parents today and is now drunk. What doesn't make sense is why would he show up at Arleigh's place? The only time he ever stepped foot in that house was that night. He has no reason to go back, besides he hates Arleigh. Maybe this was his plot at seeking revenge.
Still unable to find my words I nod my head and follow Arleigh out the door sliding on an old pair of sneakers that I had left outside by the door.
Just as we are making our way down the drive Layla comes after us but I tell her to go back inside. I don't want her around Arleigh, or me while I am with Arleigh.
The walk is a tense silence but I still can't help but feel giddy about the fact that Arleigh came to me, she still wants to come to me! After everything that happened we might still have a chance.
As we walk through the house painful memories fill my mind of that night,I hadn't been in this house all that much and the strongest memory I have is of me running through these halls hopping to get away from that dreaded mess that I had caused. I try to push the thought away as we make our way to the lounge room where sure enough Mitch is sprawled out on the lounge looking as though he was about to pass out. Pulling him up I can't help but groan in irritation at the situation. Why did Mitch have to be such a wreck? As a kid he was great and sure he might have been a bit of a dick in middle school but now he's a full blown wreck of an asshole. He was becoming worse and worse to deal with.
As I walk through the front door Aaliyah gives me a questioning look when she notices I'm pulling along Mitch. Mitch hasn't set foot in this house for six months, she probably thought we weren't  friends anymore. Well we are barley friends now compared to when we were kids.
tag list: @honeypotmendes @illuminatedestiny @youllbemineandillbeyours@justanotherfangirl272 @clarissityy @bianca-warriorwriter
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puckmatthews · 7 years
Goodbye - (a.m. imagine)
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A/N: This is my first ever imagine/writing outside the classroom experience so pls be nice lol. All jokes aside pls let me know what you think and if you want a part 2 or not whatever you like. ps: I just started watching hockey so yeah. I kinda made up the whole game scenerio so yes idk
word count: 1,751
warning: cheating, heartbreak, couple swear words?
part 2
You were never a really big fan of crowds or being the center of attention. Just the way it was and would continue to be. You worked on it of course, took speech in college and had plenty of practice speaking in front of the class. It helped a bit when speaking with crowds but that didn’t change the fact that crowds still scared you. Everyday civilians like yourself weren’t accustomed to being followed and then pushed around and asked a hundred different questions a second. You should’ve known this would happened yet you were foolish enough to hope a mob wasn’t already waiting for your arrival. Auston really had done a number on this.
“Is it true?” “What can you say about the matter?” “Are you taking him back?” “Do you have any comments” “Are the pictures real or are you also going with them being Photoshop?” To say you were overwhelmed was the understatement of the century. Gosh, you really wish you were a more controversial person and didn’t freak over sticking up for yourself. Now you weren’t sure if you wanted to cry from the rumors you knew were about to be confirmed or over the vultures trying to pry answers from you. Halfway through trying, keyword trying, to reach the front door you felt an arm grab you. You were about to push them off when you noticed it was Mitch. You had never been more grateful and soon enough were been pulled through the crowd. The comments kept on coming and you just wanted to scream. Luckily Mitch wasn’t taking any of their noisy questions. “No comment. Now please leave her alone.” Once you stepped into the lobby you let out a deep breath. Your heart felt like it was about to shatter and you knew you were on the verge on tears. You refused to let them fall and much less for him. You knew he wasn’t worth it but god did it hurt. It hurt so damn much. It was getting hard to breath and just the thought that a couple floors above you there he was, probably without a care in the world, was making you contemplate running back out and taking a chance with the vultures. “Breath, it’s okay.” Mitch said grabbing your shoulders and looking into your eyes. You nodded and attempted to get some air into you lungs. Gosh, you hated this. The feeling of hopelessness. You hated this feeling. Your body shaking but there’s nothing to do but face it head on. That’s what your speech professor said anyway. Big girl panties, put on your big girl panties. You can do this, totally, no problem. You chanted to yourself. Looking up at Mitch you nodded ready to face the end. You hoped it was false. That somehow those pictures of your boyfriend in a heavy make out session that looked like it was leading somewhere else soon were Photoshop. Or it even a look-a-like but it was too damn hard to believe that. You really hoped that the past year you had spent with the most amazing guy wasn’t about to be shatter and come to an end. “Thanks for saving my ass out there by the way. I felt like I was going to go insane.” You whispered to Mitch as you ascended towards the 6th floor towards Auston’s room. “No worries. Sorry I couldn’t be there sooner.” He replied. “It’s okay. I’m not your responsibility. You didn’t have to but I appreciate it. Everything you’ve done. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend.” “Y/n-” “Don’t. Please don’t, Mitchy.” The bell rung signaling the arrival and the doors opened. Stepping into the hallway felt like you were carrying an extra twenty pounds on each foot. Mitch led you towards the end of the hall and the second to last door on the left. He knocked twice before opening it. You saw Auston stand from the couch as you followed Mitch in. You sucked in a breath. Even with stubble and his hair disheveled with wrinkles all over his shirt he couldn’t look more attractive. This was bad. You were supposed to hate him. You needed to hate him. “Hey” you said. You couldn’t help the small smile that covered your face. “Babe..” Auston walked towards you. “Thank you so much for coming.” You nodded and walked around him sitting on the couch across from where he was sitting just seconds before. “We should talk.” “I’ll be on the other room if you guys need anything.” Mitch said as he walked out the room. You needed answers. The same shrivel of hope you had left needed it. For your own well-being. “Are they real?” You asked. Auston ran his hands through his hair and then down his face. “It’s not like that.” “Just answer the question Aus. Please.” “Yes.” That word. That dumb three letter word destroyed you. “But it wasn’t that simple y/n, please.” You tried to hide in your sob but failed. And soon Auston rushed to you. “It was a mistake she meant nothing. I swear to you that it was nothing. You’re it, babe.” Shaking your head at his response you took a second to adsorb it all. “When?” “Y/n, we don’t have to do this.” He was looking at you with those eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes that you adored so much. Letting out a sigh, he replied, “Couple weeks ago. Maybe a month or so ago. I don’t know.” Doing some mental math you thought back to a month ago. “You had a playoff game that month. You ended up losing. I remember. You were so sad and angry, kept telling me that it was your fault that you lost. We didn’t talk long that night, you said you were going to have a couple drinks with the boys.” Grabbing drinks with the guys after games with the guys wasn’t unusual for Auston. You often felt bad that you couldn’t be there cheering him on due to you living in another country but that game you had felt terrible. You knew how badly the team wanted that win. You had even requested a couple days off from work and had saved any extra money in order to buy a ticket. Sadly life had other plans and you were unable to make it. That didn’t stop you from watching it from the comfort of you living room. When the buzzer sounded and the Leafs had only scored 2 to the Jet’s 3 goals you were heartbroken. You could’ve only imagined how Auston felt. “I was so angry for myself and I wanted to feel something else. Anything to get rid of the anger inside. The guys didn’t get it. They were sad yeah but I could have scored that last goal. We could have gone to overtime if I hadn’t missed that shot. We could have had a chance.” Auston continued on looking away from you and towards the other end of the room. “She was there and I had a couple drinks. I’m not trying to make excuses but you wouldn’t understand the pressure i’m constantly under. And I missed you and you weren’t here and I … i’m sorry” You were astounded. Your sadness soon faded to anger. “How dare you blame me? You think it’s easy for me? You think I enjoyed living miles away from you? Knowing thousands of girls want to fuck you? How much prettier they are? How they have more in common with you that I do? I have pressure as well Auston! I may not have thousands of fans watching me play hockey but I am well damn struggling. I work WEEKS to make what you probably make in an hour. I have to study my ass off in order to get my degree and better myself. So don’t you EVER make me seem LIKE I AM GUILTY FOR A DECISION YOU MADE! For throwing what we had away like it meant nothing!” You couldn’t help yourself. You were livid. Getting up from your place in the couch you began pacing. “Is make-out all you did?” “No.” “Oh my god.” You didn’t know if you could have felt any worse until that moment. You felt sick and rushed to restroom. Closing the door behind you, you knelt over the toilet but nothing came out. Getting up you face the reflection in front of you. You were a mess and you didn’t want anything more than for this to be a dream. You obviously weren’t waking up anytime soon so tears were the second best thing. But what you were not doing here was crying. Auston didn’t deserve to see the tears he caused. Back in the living area Auston was sitting with his head down. He knew how fucked this was. Hearing you step out he looked up, eyes red. “I am so sorry.” He apologized. “I never wanted to hurt you but it’s so hard. I get so frustrated baby.” “No one said it was easy.” You needed to get out. “You hurt me and what hurts the most is that you KNEW how much of a big deal cheating is in my life. I told you how it nearly broke my family apart and the fact that you didn’t feel the need to tell me about it. That I needed to see pictures from gossip magazines to get you to text me that “hey maybe we need to talk?” What the fuck was that Auston?? Maybe we could have worked it out if you had told me sooner. That you regretted it. Maybe I wouldn’t have but now we’ll never know will we? The fact that you didn’t….The person I trusted most wasn’t the one to warn me. To even give me a heads up. That you wouldn’t have mentioned it..The fact you did it in the first place.“ You shook your head again. The tears fast approaching as your anger faded. “Goodbye, Aus.” Mitch walked out, having heard your discussion, ready to walk you outside. “You need a ride as well?” “Yes, please. I would really appreciate it Mitch.” “Y/n..” Auston whispered. You couldn’t it bare to hear him, much less look at him. Keeping your back to him you took a breath and walked out.
Up in room 216 on the 6th floor, a call was made. “Hello? Everything okay Auston? Shouldn’t you be asleep?” “Mom, I messed up.” “Oh, honey”
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tylerhoechlin · 7 years
Dylan O'Brien Talks Recovery, Death Cure & American Assassin
Dylan O'Brien is going to blow audiences away with his gritty performance in American Assassin. His turn as Mitch Rapp will be mentioned in the same breath as Matt Damon's Jason Bourne and Daniel Craig's James Bond. He shreds the screen with an intense, physical ferocity. The role would be demanding for any actor. It's astonishing to think that Dylan O'Brien shot American Assassin seven months after his headline making injuries on the set of The Maze Runner: The Death Cure last March. He suffered life threatening facial fractures and body lacerations from an ill-conceived stunt.
The Maze Runner: The Death Cure halted production until Dylan O'Brien could recover. The accident also endangered the rights to American Assassin. The rights for the film would revert from Lionsgate and CBS Films back to the estate of author Vince Flynn if not completed that year. American Assassin is one in a series of books about CIA hit man Mitch Rapp. The script had been around Hollywood for a decade, where at one point Chris Hemsworth was attached to star. Once Director Michael Cuesta took over the project, he wanted to make the character younger and more vulnerable. Cuesta was committed to O'Brien as his lead. The actor had to fast track his return in order to make the film.
American Assassin is a story of vengeance and patriotism. Mitch Rapp watches as his fiance is brutally murdered by terrorists. He becomes obsessed with finding the man responsible, thus turning up on the radar of the CIA. The film costars Michael Keaton as Rapp's uncompromising mentor and Taylor Kitsch as his seriously bad-assed adversary. It's wall to wall with extreme, graphic violence. Dylan O'Brien needed to heal, get back in shape, and then do months of martial arts and weapons training.
My interview with Dylan O'Brien was remarkable. It took place in New York City at the office of his publicist. I was able to sit with him and have a detailed conversation about the last year of his life. He was quite candid about the accident, preparing for American Assassin, and what the film means for his career. It was a life changing experience that tested him in every way. O'Brien made sure to thank the people who helped him through the recovery process. He was in a fragile place, but wasn't going to let the injuries derail his future. It was a fascinating conversation. Please read below our exclusive interview with Dylan O'Brien. He discusses the accident, his new American Assassin movie, completing The Maze Runner: The Death Cure, and his future ambitions as an actor.
How long was it from your accident on The Death Cure to filming American Assassin?
Dylan O'Brien: I was severely injured. It was really soon. I started filming seven months after the accident. I wasn't allowed to do anything for three months. Then about a month after that, I had to start early training. I had a lot of limitations at that point still. It was just breathing and stretching stuff, just getting back on my feet at first. Then we were able to ramp up the training once it got to the fifth and sixth month removed from surgery. I was able to do more strenuous stuff. But mentally, man, that was the biggest battle. The physical part was one thing. Whatever, I broke my face, that'll heal. The mental aspect was the biggest shock to the system. You just don't know how to experience stuff like that. You don't have any control over it either. It's just how your body and brain reacts to something like that happening. The psychological battle was really emotional and difficult. I struggled in a lot of ways. It took a lot of work to get back and do this movie. That six months, in a way, it feels like a lifetime. For every one of those days, the accident still felt like it was yesterday. So it was odd. It's absolutely the toughest thing I have ever experienced.
I saw American Assassin cold. I was blown away by the grittiness and intensity. It's really hardcore. Your fans know you from Teen Wolf and The Maze Runner series. You transcend here into a hardcore, ass-kicking action star. Coming off the accident, did you have any trepidation that you could do this role?
Dylan O'Brien: Oh yeah man, it was a lot. But I pushed through it. I ultimately felt that it would be good for me and it was. There were so many doubts I had. Physically, all the limitations I had, I was so stressed out. (laughs)
Your MMA fighting is incredible. How on earth did you get through that training and filming after such serious injuries?
Dylan O'Brien: F**k yeah man, it was INSANE. It was a lot. There so much in me that didn't think I'd be able to push it and get myself in shape in time. I didn't want to feel pressured when my doctor was telling me I wasn't ready. There was a lot I was balancing. There were multiple days where I would freak out and panic. I wanted to jump ship. I can't f**king do this. I can't handle what I'm going through right now. And then balancing the stress of going to the f**king gym every day. It was overwhelming. I had multiple days where I had to be talked down from the ledge.
I give you major credit. Nothing in your previous work even hints at how ferocious you are in this film. Did the bond company for American Assassin have strict limitations as to what you could and couldn't do? I can imagine they were really nervous after what happened on The Death Cure? How did Michael Cuesta (director) handle that stuff?
Dylan O'Brien: The producers, Cuesta, everyone knew what I was coming from. Everyone was overtly mindful at that point. There was nothing we were going to do...that was the big piece of the puzzle early on. I was a couple months out of surgery and met with the stunt coordinator in LA. I wanted to make sure he understood what happened to me, that I was in a fragile place, physically and mentally, and really wanted to make sure he had my back. From the get go, he really did. The biggest thing I can say about the stunt coordinator, Buster Reeves, was that he set me up with a trainer that could not have been more perfect for me at the time.
Dylan O'Brien: This guy became everything, way more than a trainer to me. He's how this whole process started for me. Even leaving my house, I was so isolated. I didn't want to see anybody, even when I could. He became so much more to me than a trainer. He became my friend. He was someone I went to with a lot of my issues at the time. He also experienced a lot of my freak outs, and episodes of doubt, panic. I was completely overwhelmed. I just wanted to run. He became someone who was really instrumental in getting through that time. And also getting me in shape, getting me to the movie, educating me on the fighting styles. Taking me to a ju-jitsu gym twice a week. He educated me on the martial arts he was expert in, movement, speed. He even showed me how to fight for camera. And he'd talk me down from the ledge when I would show up at the gym hyperventilating. This guy was everything. I had a lot of support on the movie. My dad went out with me, which was huge. Roger is my trainer. I don't think I would have been able to get on that plane without my dad and Roger.
Great to hear man, let's get off the injury tangent. Audiences are going to be putting you in the Bond and Bourne category once American Assassin is released. Where you aware of the Vince Flynn books and Mitch Rapp character before signing on?
Dylan O'Brien: No, I wasn't. The first thing I read was the script when it got sent to me. I liked it, felt connected to it. I then learned about the books, that there were fifteen of them at the time. This was the eleventh book. But no, I was not aware of the books before this got sent to me.
So when the script got to you, they were already making Mitch Rapp a younger character?
Dylan O'Brien: Yes, it had been around for a decade. They were definitely going to do the American Assassin book. They were starting with him young. The question being how young. In the book, he's twenty-three, they were still deciding between making him early twenties or early thirties. But they were set on Assassin being the beginning.
You're signed for multiple films? You're definitely playing this character long term?
Dylan O'Brien: Yes, if we keep going.
The film is no holds barred. There isn't a shred of decency to the villain. The bad guy, Taylor Kitsch, is so awesome. The film has you both an a track to an epic showdown. Talk about the climactic boat scene? Taylor told me that you guys beat the crap out of each other.
Dylan O'Brien: Oh yeah, the forearms (laughs), the jumping around was done by rigs. You mean when we're getting tossed around on the boat right?
Dylan O'Brien: I loved that sh*t. The fight was designed in three sections. They were divided by when the boat moved. We would go into our hits, then had pull systems with wires. That fight was exhausting. We even added more to it, which was great. It really helped the fight. It lengthened it and gave it more of an arc. But it added more days. We beat the crap out of each other. You do get bruised and beat up in those scenes obviously, but we were also really careful. We both wanted to get it. We wanted that scene to be brutal and intense. You're finally getting to see these two guys go at it. We wanted it to deliver. That really mattered to us. Taylor is really dedicated. We gave it everything. F**ck, the next day, I couldn't even move, my forearms, from all the blocks, you're actually connecting. You get beat up, but it was great. We were both really happy with how that came out. You never want to pull any punches. You want that stuff to be as real and as vicious as possible.
Michael Keaton is also on a different level here. Audiences have never seen him like this. What was it like working with him?
Dylan O'Brien: It's the coolest thing ever. It was a trip. I would just sit back sometimes. He was a huge reason I signed on. I dug the character, I dug the script, I loved my conversations with the director, Michael Cuesta. I felt something was there, that we could be great. It was a beneficial business decision and something that could fulfill me as an actor. You have to try to balance both. When I heard Keaton was on, I was like, I'm in. He's great. He truly is one of my heroes. I grew up watching him. I grew up loving him as a kid, genuinely, even before I was an actor. I'd love to accomplish what he's accomplished, in terms of his versatility. He always f**king shows up. He raised his kid on his own. He had his own personal life. I just dig him. I dig everything about it him. It was a dream working with him. I really learned a lot from him.
Going back to The Maze Runner series, you have completed the last film, The Death Cure?
Dylan O'Brien: Yes, it comes out January next year.
And Teen Wolf is in its last season, so you're done there as well?
Dylan O'Brien: Yup, that's done and The Death Cure is done.
So you're untethered?
Dylan O'Brien: Yes, for the first time ever.
You're waiting to see how American Assassin does before you choose your next role?
Dylan O'Brien: Yes, I wanted to take some time. I've got this coming out. I wanted to chill for a bit, have the fall, have the holidays. Then be selective about the next thing I do, make sure it's with a filmmaker that I love and trust. It doesn't have to be anyone who's known. I just want to be selective and have it be something I'm passionate about, connected to. I want it to be different, a new challenge. I don't know exactly what that's going to be, or what it looks like, but that's how I'll go about it.
[source: movieweb]
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mitjo-deactivated · 7 years
Can you do one of scratch being a good (terrible?) wingman? Either way she trys her best and has fun and thats all that matters and its not about winning or loosing.
Another one down!!! Thank you for your prompt have some wingman Scratch!! Or… Scratch trying to be a wingman that is.
(I don’t know how wingmans work)
Mitch grumbles incessantly, picking at the cuts still fresh and open on his knuckles out of irritation alone. He’s not saying anything intelligible, however it all comes out quick and angry like some sort of death mantra.
Introducing Jonas to his garbage group may have been a bad idea after all.
Shame is not in Mitch’s vocabulary. He’d like to say he never half asses anything, instead, he whole asses everything. Complete mediocrity at one hundred percent and only ever doing the bare minimum. With this motto in his life he doesn’t care much for being “shameful” or whatever the fuck.
He knows his friends are fucking batshit, and just cause he’s a solid six foot tall menace doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about what his crush thinks about him.
The thought of Jonas slipping out of his grasp a second time is enough to break the skin off the knuckle he’s been scratching.
Right now their little makeshift mess of a group decided to crash a 7/11 and currently stocking up on snacks. He’s not one to get hungry but he’s just a little high off his ass and doritos are really sounding good right about now.
Jonas usually sticks by him, mostly because he’s only close to Mitch but another silent saying of “I like being around you” doesn’t go dismissed. However, one second he has his hopeless crush nearby and the second he’s disappeared from his sight. Mitch nearly knocked over the entire chip stand when he realized his little nerd wasn’t by his side and promptly smacked into several freezer doors trying to find him.
“Dude, what the fuck are you doing?” Javier deadpans, watching Mitch catching himself on a shelf so he doesn’t go scattering over the floor.
“Where the- where the fuck is Joey?” He asks, and Jesus, maybe he shouldn’t have had a beer with his last hit.
“He’s…. In the ice cream aisle? He’s been with Scratch for like three minutes now, how did you miss that?” Javier asks, concerned with his friends health. It isn’t fair that Javier is a more composed high, only getting chill while Mitch turns into a puddle of uncoordinated soup.
“Why the fuck… Is he with Scratch?”
“I dunno! Did you get your doritos yet or do I have to get them for you?”
Mitch wants to curse him out and demand he stop patronizing him but he’s way too high to know how to say the word “patronize” so he just shrugs and gives a nod. “Yah get… The blue bag.” He stumbles forward, trying to guide his high drunk ass into the ice cream aisle.
He finds them after what feels like an eternity later. Scratch is practically vibrating besides Jonas who snorts and laughs behind his hand, it’s a beautiful sight. Jonas that is, Mitch can give less of a shit about Scratch. He walks with purpose over to them when he hears wind of their conversation that makes warning alarms start going off in his head.
“So he jumps out the freaking window and he’s still holding the sandwich but it’s all fuckin’ drippy by now-”
“Isn’t he still naked?!”
They break down into another round of laughter and the story is much too familiar that Mitch ends up walking faster. When they finally see Mitch coming over they exchange glances, grinning and trying to conceal their mischief.
“Hey,” Mitch says as if he’s not screaming on the inside, “This nutjob botherin’ you, Joey?”
Before Jonas can answer Scratch interrupts, “I was just telling him about the time you outran the cops using sand and half a sandwich.”
Ah yes, one of the many low points in his life. “And why are you telling him that old story you freak?” He asks through gritted teeth.
“Because it’s awesome!! Duh!” Scratch shouts like it’s obvious, rolling her eyes. She makes some kind of motion with her eyes, almost as if she’s trying to say ‘I’m trying to work something out here.’
Jonas snorts, “Yeah… Totally awesome.”
Despite not being a man of shame, Mitch feels every nerve in his body start to shake because, as much as he hates to admit, he’s only human and knowing his crush now knows a humiliating event in his life is kind of a low blow. “We gotta fuckin’ head out before they start houndin’ us,” he says as a last ditch effort to get the hell out of this place.
It works surprisingly. They all make their way out and the lanky teenager at the counter is stuttering nervously because they’re all leaving without paying but he doesn’t make a move to stop them so they keep going.
“… Did you really throw sand in a cop’s eyes?” Jonas asks while they’re walking back to the car and Mitch groans immediately.
He rubs at his eyes annoyed, “Um, yeah. I was off my fuckin’ rockers so it’s not like I was thinkin’ clearly.”
Jonas makes a “pfft” sound and he watches as he gazes up at him like he’s untouchable, “Look at you Mr. Baller. Throwing sand at cops and breaking windows with your bare fists.”
“Baller? The fucks that supposed to mean? It was a dumb last ditch effort to not get arrested… Again.” He shrugs like it’s nothing and Jonas only scoffs.
“You’re insane. In that situation I would just start crying and hope they’d go easy on me.”
“I slapped a foot long on a cop car.”
“That has to be some kind of strategy out there.”
They both dissolve into giggles, not knowing they’ve been standing outside the car the entire time with very little distance between them.
Javier looks exhausted while Cliff pretends not to see anything. Scratch stares at them through window, giving Mitch the smuggiest fucking look in the world. He doesn’t know what game she’s playing at but…
Maybe Jonas meeting his friends isn’t all that bad.
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obrienpascal · 6 years
Our Deal
Author: dylanobriens-world
Summary: Mitch Rapp is assigned a partner by Stan Hurley. Her name is Nastasia Aleski. The two of them go through some highs and lows and eventually Mitch finds out some bad news about Nastasia and can no longer trust her. But things start to backfire that can lead them both dead.
Author's note: Hey! So I wrote this on AO3 so I will continue this story on there but I wanted to post the first chapter here:) hope you enjoy!!
AO3 link: is above^^
I knew I had to wake up to go to the bar to meet my new partner my mentor Stan Hurley said I was going to have. He did not mention if it were man or a woman. Although, by the way he looked I can tell he knew who the person was just wanted me to find out myself. I lifted myself out of bed cracking my bones. The dark clouds made it seem it was four in the morning even though it was seventy o'clock at night. It was raining all day meaning I stood asleep till it was time to meet this John doe.
Whoever this person I was going to meet better like drinking at seven at night. It made me think if I should just follow my own path or let them lead the way. Yeah right, if anything they better follow my ass or their out of a job. I don't give a fuck what Kennedy or Hurley says to me. It wasn't hard for me to read people, I take one look at them and I know their intentions immediately. Are they hiding something? Did they hire someone to come with them to make sure I'm not going to kill them or such? It was a gift I had, Hurley helped with it at most but more of me.
Putting on a black shirt with my leather jacket, throwing on a pair of jeans I snatched from my floor and slipping on pair of Adidas shoes, I looked in the mirror realizing I need to shave. I could care less right now. My intentions were to go meet this new partner of mine. I grabbed my wallet and Marbelo cigarettes as well as my cell phone stuffing it in my pocket.
I undid the chains on my apartment front door. I trust no one which is why I put all these chains on my door. I walked out putting my key to lock my door then heading outside. The breeze flowed through my thick dark hair giving my the chills as I stepped into my car.
"Fucking weather," I hissed under my breath starting the engine. My gray Sedan took off to the bar Hurley said my "partner" would be located at. If they recognize me I'll be astonished they wouldn't make a run for it. I've killed many people. Most of them sleep with one eye open because they know I'm coming for them. It's smart, but doesn't stop me from killing them once I lay my eye on the prey.
My sedan came to stop parking in the bars lot. It was packed with vehicles and motorcycles. This better be one hell of a night. I sighed under my nose slipping my hands in my pockets walking into the bar. Immediately chatter fills my ears. Men rambling about the football game. Bar tenders walking around trying to sell drinks, and woman trying to seduce men and drag them to the bathrooms.
Not one of these people looked like a fit to be working with me. Let along able to hold a conversation with half of the drunkies here. I walked over to the bar and sat down on the stool. The man was on the other side taking an order while I sat at the corner with my back to the wall. It was what I always did anyone could sneak up on me. I always needed to be able to look over my shoulder. I fetched out a cigarette lighting it blowing out smoke to my left. Seconds later the man comes over to me.
"What will it be?" He asked cleaning a shot glass with a rag.
I put my cigarette between my index finger and my middle finger. "Just a beer." My tone louder than his over the loud music. They couldn't play better music? Couldn't even hear the game over the beats and the loud hollering from the crazed Giants fans. As my eyes were wandering about they stopped on a woman sitting alone in the corner her back to the wall.
Her long brown hair pushed to the right while she brought her cigarette to her red lips. Her breasts practically were screaming to get out of that tight red dress she was wearing revealing sexy toned legs. She uncrossed her legs when her eyes met mine. The mysterious woman tapped the end of her cigarette letting the ashes fall to the ground as she looked back at me with a flirtatious smirk.
I tried to look away but I couldn't. My eyes were glued to the beautiful woman just a couple of seats away from me. All of a sudden she stood from her chair walking over to me. As she sat down next to me she sat tall with good posture waving for the bar tender to head over. When he came over he tried hard not to stare at her tits. She didn't seem to mind though when he kept sneaking a peak.
Finally, he went to go make her drink then she rested her elbows in the counter bringing her hands together turning her head to me.
"Hurley said you never arrive early." She said to me with a honest tone looking at me with concentrated eyes. I did my best to hide my surprisement in my eyes. How did I not see she was my partner? It all ran so clear. This woman sat in a corner her back to the wall just as me. Along with that, she minded he'd own business letting all this ruckus smooth past us.
"Hurley can mind his fucking business." I snarl taking a sip from my beer. The nameless woman looks away letting out a giggle as the man comes back with her drink.
"Thank you, dear." She says taking it in her hands giving him a wink. The man blushes hard before walking off to another customer. I guess she had her ways to get out of paying for her drinks. Smart girl.
"Would you give me your name or it's a secret?" I ask waving my cigarette around as I spoke.
Her eyes batted as she turned to me sipping her liquor through a thin straw. As she let out a sigh of relief as she was satisfied with her drink of choice she moved her body more to me meaning she doesn't want anyone else to here what she's about to say.
"I am Nastasia Aleski" she smiled through her teeths holding out her small hand for me to shake. I took it in mine giving it a firm shake as I tried to study her face to find a any hint she was lying. I couldn't find any hint of her not telling me the truth or she was just good at hiding it. "I know who you are," she pauses leaning closely, "Mitch Rapp." She whispered that sending shivers down my spine. Nastasia moved away bringing her straw back to her lips.
"I bet you know I've killed people." I say in a low tone but loud enough for her to hear. Nastasia gives a small nod.
"So have I and every other insane person in this world. Your no different. Stan was very clear on who I was going to be dealing with. A sad man who lost his wife and hasn't been himself since." Why would he tell this woman all my deep personal shit if I haven't met her till today. The next time I see him he better hope I don't beat the living shit out of him. "But don't worry I too lost someone close to me. It's not a pleasant feeling."
"Who was it? A husband?" I guessed bringing my cigarette to my lips.
Nastasia shakes her head putting her drink down stirring it in circles with her straw. "My father just when I was a little girl. I was close to him more than my drug addict mother who left us when I was ten. Haven't seen her since and never want to see her again. I do miss my father dearly, sometimes I think he's in my dreams with me." She states looking in the different drink choices on the shelves in front of us. It was hard to read this girl she had years of practice to never let a stranger or anyone be able to read her.
"I'm sorry for your lost."
"I don't need your pity. Now, let's just get to business. Hurley told me to meet at Irene Kennedy's office with you by the morning. Kennedy also knows you won't make it there in time so she suggested I spend the night with you to make sure you get there in time because this meeting is very important." She stated shitfting in her seat to face me. Was she joking? We'd only just met also why isn't Irene telling me any of this? I knew the reason, it would have stopped me to meet up with the woman. It was hard enough to be read her now she has to be with me in my apartment.
"Mitch?" She called out grabbing my full attention.
"Right, sorry. All right, sure let's go now." I tell her stepping out of the stool. I held out my hand for her to get down on her high heels and she took it giving it a squeeze. Nastasia smiled hard releasing her hand out of my grasp waiting for me to lead the way. I walked out of the bar holding the door open for her and she thanked me walking tall outside. It was raining once again as it was darker than before when I just arrived here. The long brown haired woman started to shake at the cold temperature. Standing just outside the driver's seat I walked took off my jacket handing it to Nastasia.
"Thank you, Mitch." She greeted as I unlocked the car and she climbed in the passenger seat. Who knew my night would end in bringing home a woman who is my partner for however long Hurley keeps her in my life.
I drove away from the bar turning on my wipers wiping the rain drops away. She was still shivering so I moved my hand to turn the heat up. The rain was getting heavy by the minute which didn't help how cold my car was. The red light turned green and I drove up the road. Next I turned right and drove up to my parking space.
"This is me." I point to my apartment building. I took the keys out the ignition opening my door. "Well, I hope you can run in heels doll face." I smirk at her before leaping out of the car. I jogged to my front door looking for my key. Seconds later I heard heels clacking against the concrete then hopping up my stairs. I found my key opening the door rushing in as did Nastasia. She throws my jacket to the ground running her hand through her wet hair.
"Boy, was it raining hard. I have to get out of this dress." She says staring down at her wet body.
"The shower is down hall to the right. And I suppose your not going to wear that dress again so I'll just leave my clothes in the spare bedroom." I tell her taking my shoes off to leave them on the mat by my front door.
"Thank you, Mitch." She says once again leaving her heels on the mat then walking down the hall to the shower. I let out a exhausted sigh then walk to my bedroom tearing off my clothes. I didn't mind not showering till she was done. For now I put on a new pair of boxers and turn on the TV. Light flashed in my room from the lighting that just started. Right after the lighting it thundered loudly.
I was surprised she wasn't alarmed by that. Well, thunder storms are more for kids to be afraid of right? I lifted my head from my pillow and noticed it was now soaked. Oh well, I has to get out of bed anyways to give Nastasia clothing. I crawled out of bed to my draws. I opened the top one taking out a T-shirt then next to that draw I took out a pair of checkered red and blue pants.
Holding the clothes in my hand I walked down the hall opening the guest bedroom noticing she already settled in. Her phone was on the night stand along with her cigarettes and purse. Was it okay if I snooped a little? I mean she was in my home. I put the clothes on the bed as I walked over slowly to her cell phone. Finger prints can leave on anything. A phone you'll catch the finger print in a heart beat. My long finger was hovering over the home button until I heard a females voice from behind.
"What do you think your doing?" Nastasia questioned gripping the towel her angry eyes staring back at me. She walked over by me grabbing her phone. I stepped back pointing to the clothes.
"I told you I was bringing you clothes."
"You left out snooping through my phone." She snarled at me her nostrils flared up.
"It's hard to trust someone I just met who's in my home. So I wanted to check if your not someone Hurley did sign."
She let's out a long sigh closing her eyes, "Mitch. I know it's hard for you to trust someone but, I mean no harm. I'm just doing this business for Kennedy and Hurley that's all. You have absolutely nothing to worry about now please can I get dressed I'm exhausted." She explained unwrapping her towel slowly cuing me to leave. I raised my eyebrows then sprinted to the door. Without looking back I said.
"Enjoy your night," I closed the door behind me heading to the shower. I was exhausted as well and couldn't wait to finally get some rest for the hell I'm going to get tomorrow.
I turned on the water letting my boxers fall to the floor as I stepped into the shower. The warm water hit my back as it felt like a massage. I ran my fingers through my wet hair putting shampoo in it. I let the soap fall to the floor, next I washed my body then turned off the shower. I stepped out grabbing a towel drying my hair and face then wrapping it around my waist.
Maybe I should shave so Irene doesn't bother me about it tomorrow. I grab my shaver shaving my thick beard. I put it down rubbing my face as there no longer is a monster beard on my chin. I walk over to open the door walking to my bedroom. Should I check on Nastasia? Or just let her rest? I walked to her room as the door was cracked open. I peaked my eye in not being able to see much which made me open the door a little more noticing she was sleeping with the clothes I gave her snuggling one of the pillows. Good thing she was asleep for all I know she would've tried to leave. I did only meet her a couple of hours ago. Tomorrow better be one hell of a meeting. Otherwise, this woman is in my spare bedroom for no apparent reason.
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blackbatpurplecat · 8 years
My Thoughts on Batman #14
By popular demand (which surprised me and now I feel honored <3 ), here’s a little review on the latest issue of the current Batman run, #14: Rooftops Part 1.
What’s the story?
After the arc I Am Suicide, we are finally back in Gotham and follow BatCat through the city. Both are the main characters and apart from three speech bubbles of Clock King, even the only characters that speak and act in a fairly simple narrative.
The mood’s pretty melancholic; Batman reveals that Catwoman’s death penalty has been revoked by the President, thanks to Amanda Waller. Even though we’ve never seen or heard of any evidence against Selina. All we have is her claiming to have killed almost 300 men and that’s apparently enough for a death sentence... Yeah. Sure. Ugh. Now Catwoman needs to go to Blackgate, I assume for theft, and Batman has to take her in that same night. You can feel the tearful goodbye hanging above them and their mutual feelings for each other don’t make it any easier. It’s simply what we’ve seen over and over: Batman is struggling with two sides. He knows what’s right (arrest the criminal) and he knows what he wants to do (let the woman he loves go free), and those two things cancel each other out. We know he will always pick the side of the law but that doesn’t mean it won’t hurt less.
Catwoman, also saddened by the turn of events, pretty much accepts her faith though. She knows what’s coming for her and tries to lighten the mood a little bit by making suggestive comments and initiating a lovely make out session beneath the stars. She states that she wants one more night, living and enjoying her freedom. 
They again bring up the mass murder committed by her. Bruce doesn’t believe that Selina killed almost 300 people and wants to prove her innocence, yet he doesn’t know how. Selina repeats that she did kill those guys and promises to give him the truth if he takes her to Blackgate in the morning instead of right then and there. While Bruce states he knows she’ll try to flee, Selina replies she knows he will come after her.
So since they’ve come to some kind of an understanding, Selina very obviously suggests making the monster with two backs to say goodbye. Well OF COURSE! A farewell fuck! Since we still have no idea why or for how long Selina has known Bruce’s identity, we don’t know if it’d be their first (and last) time or if they’ve done it before. If they’ve been having an on-off-relationship like over the last decades or only fucked like in The New52. We can take into account that we’ve seen Bruce talk fondly and intimately to her so it’s not only fucking. But since I don’t care for anything outside of this issue, I’ll go with my own assumption and say “first time.” Bitter-sweet would be an understatement.
But, alas, the Bat signal pops up in the sky and dutiful Batman reacts just like we’d ALL expect him to react - work now, have fun later! But this time, he invites Catwoman to come along.
We jump to a clocktower where Batman faces Clock King who rambles on like a Bond villain and gets knocked out by Catwoman who swings in from behind. Is their work done, can they finally bang? The Bat signal in the sky says NOPE! So they go from villain to villain, Batman kicks the shit out of a various number of Rogues, Catwoman stays in the background and asks if that’s how he spends all of his nights.
Eventually, Catwoman grows tired and frustrated with him constantly postponing their boning and finally wants to do what she wants to do - breaking & entering! And Batsy comes along. Reluctantly.
They break into an apartment where Bruce sees a stolen cat figurine floating in the middle of the room. “It’s hanging by a thread, too thin to see” - God knows why. Selina simply grabs the cat and tells Bruce to run. They jump out of the window before the apartment explodes. Oh, and the apartment also belongs to Selina who had rented it under the name Holly Robinson. Ehm... okay...? Dunno what to do with that info. But another, more important thing: was that her alarm system in case another thief broke in and stole the cat? She would just... blow them up???!!! The thread is too thin, not even she can work around it so in order to take the cat, you HAVE to pull it down and trigger the explosion. This trap was set up with the intension to kill! What the fuck, Selina?!
BatCat watch the burning building from a rooftop far away and we learn that Selina owns the floors above and below the apartment and the sprinklers are awesome and everyone there is safe - again WHAT THE FUCK??? NO! This is fucking dumb! And Selina’s apparently so damn rich that she can rent 3 whole floors high in a skyscraper in the middle of the city?! WHAT?! And after revealing that load of info, she shows us that there are diamonds inside the cat figurine, kind of like a piggy bank for bad times.
She wants Bruce to have the diamonds and tells him to build dozens of orphanages after she’s gone. Sure. Because BRUCE FUCKING WAYNE needs financial support... Okay, let’s say the diamonds are a donation. Okay, I can buy that.
And to conclude this issue, Selina throws the tiny diamonds on the ground, takes her mask off, they start making out and FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY HAVE  S E X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, what did I think of all this?
I really liked the art. Sure, it’s not the best art I’ve ever seen but it looks good and it’s definitely better than what Guillem March did in the Catwoman run. BatCat look like real people, no extreme poses or overdone, dramatic movements. There are some not so pretty angles here and there and on the first page, Batman’s face looks like covered in dirt but in general, the art is quite decent! Especially in the last panels where it matters the most!
The first two and the last two pages are wonderful. Buy the issue for those four pages, they are SO worth it! Everything inbetween is filler. The BatCat teamwork is way too short and while Batsy roughing up some C-List Rogues looked funny, it wasn’t engaging or anything. If it was meant to prove a point, I didn’t need it. I know that his duty will always come first. But I can try and interpret something into it if you want me to: Bruce kept pushing the expected sex back more and more, the Bat signal was the ultimate cockblock in this issue. But at the very end, the Bat signal shines above them while they’re going at it cowgirl style and Bruce does not shove her away to grab cowl and cape. Maybe it’s supposed to show us that for once, something or someone was more important than the Mission. And it would be incredibly rude to leave in mid-coitus.
The BatCat sex scene is like a kiss to my soul. I’ve been wanting some decent love scenes of my ship for so SO SOOO LOOONG!!! Lois and Clark got so many good ones, there are some of Bruce and the Demon Spawn, hell, there’s even a (granted, awful) sex scene between Batman and Black Canary! Why has it taken decades for DC to release a decent BatCat sex scene??? It’s what we freaking deserve!!! And I want every single BatCat shipper to see it!!! We’ve been denied something magical for too long, not only Batsy and Kitten were frustrated with this lack of sexy times.
And it’s even not creepy or rapey or anything, no! It’s very tastefully drawn, it’s sensual and lovely and just beautiful! They even drew Bruce’s scars all over his body, nice attention to detail. BUT fucking on hundreds of tiny diamonds CAN’T BE COMFORTABLE!!! Imagine rolling around naked on Legos! Not so sexy, heh??? What if you get one up the crack? They are sharp and can cut your ass skin open!
Now, apart from the nonsense I’ve already mentioned, like the booby trap, Selina’s financial situations, the weird laws Gotham operates in, and the mass murder bullcrap, there is one thing that I absolutely detest in this issue: the dialogues! Holy fucking shit! Has King ever in his life talked to another human being? Or heard people have conversations?! The dialogues are awful! This is Nocenti level of awfulness in my opinion. Imagine if Frank “I’m an insane sexist racist asshole” Miller and Nocenti had a hate child and that hate child was writing dialogues. THAT is what King produces in this issue! He even recycles big chunks of those terrible lines! And don’t get me started on the fact that BatCat STILL call each other “Bat” and “Cat”. Ugh, that’s so fucking dumb. My God, honestly, try to skip the dialogues, guys. It’s what I had mentioned before; King tries to sound so deep and clever while he delivers a pile of bullshit.
Will I go back to this issue in the future? HELL YEAH!!! I would print the sex panels out and frame them and put them on my walls!!! The art thankfully saved the issue from becoming another generic DC fart. They could have easily screwed up the emotional scenes between BatCat but artist Mitch Gerads did a great job with the facial expressions, the close-ups, and the angles. You (thankfully) don’t need the bad lines to understand what’s happening between our leads. Just look at their faces and you’ll feel what they feel.
And I am SO thankful that we FUCKING FINALLY got a beautiful BatCat love scene! I hope there are many more to come in the future!
Part 2 got the teaser “The final farewell?” - I hope we will finally find out what the deal is with that stupid as fuck mass murder plot. It annoys the hell out of me that King keeps going back and forth “yes, she did it”, “no, she didn’t”, “but she clearly states she did it”, “but he doesn’t believe it”, “but she says it” etc etc. It doesn’t make the plot more exciting or interesting but frustrating and boring. Just like the “will-they-won’t-they” DC have been doing with BatCat for decades now.
The way they’re handling it at the moment, the next issue will probably reveal the biggest twist *gasp* that she did not kill almost 300 people! She only claimed it and willingly went to Arkham and wanted to be sentenced and put to death because................. ?????????????? And then she will flee and lay low. And we will be without our beloved Kitten again. And that was important to the plot HOW?!?!?! Who needed it??? Ugh, King really isn’t the best writer.
Tl;dr Batman #14 is THE issue for BatCat shippers!!! Just marvel at the panels and don’t read the dialogues.
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survivornavarino · 6 years
Episode #14: I’m Going To Hell -Autumn
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Me laughing at the jury because they're mad at the same people i am even though "i don't care" about this season anymore: https://m.popkey.co/fa7308/DYlMx.gif
These links are a post-tribal tribe call. https://youtu.be/LJ9UcEgBOI0   https://youtu.be/_NUNvAFi8qs
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Two rounds later AKA TWO SHIELDS LATER https://pa1.narvii.com/6191/e2e4039d94ed5fb23fca27cf1ad010f5ae95711a_hq.gif https://78.media.tumblr.com/006229c7f6e7daf8a83e86ddd7d14620/tumblr_inline_p5av0mfzzw1u91fpe_250.gif http://replygif.net/i/562.gif
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Wow. What a round. So I was going to target Shoib at the beginning of the round and me and Julia ended up having calls with Eddie and Mitch seperately to talk about it because I knew something was up with Shoib and didn't trust him. The problem is that Julia wanted Heather and Trixie to know about it because she didn't want people to blame just her for it, and when we told Trixie she wasn't feeling it that much and tried to have us clear things up with Shoib. I still didn't trust Shoib fully but Trixie pushed hard for me/Julia/Heather to flip and when Julia and Heather flipped back to voting Mitch, I wasn't going to tie it because I felt that it would ruin my relationships with Trixie/Julia/Heather. So Mitch ends up getting voted out and Eddie is pissed, which is understandable. Shit hit the fan though because we had an instant tribal after Heather won immunity. First off, I have a lot of feelings about the Eddie thing that are really complicated. He turned on me and tried to get me out at this instant tribal, and I know a lot of it was out of anger but a lot of what he accused me of hurt on a personal level. Because me and Eddie talked decently enough before this game and had a lot in common, so when we got to play together and finally got on the same tribe I was very happy to work with him. As you all saw, we didn't work that well together and things really started to unravel after I kept him out of the Matt vote. He was very angry with me and said that I was trying to use him and that he wasn't going to be my bitch and whatever, and it didn't feel good to hear that from him, but the day after he told me that no matter what happened in this game, he wanted us to be friends in the community afterwards. And that meant a lot to me, because I didn't want this game to ruin the bond we formed before the game. And we still didn't vote together after that vote or after we made up, but I thought he understood it. What was ultimately best for my game didn't include him, but I still tried to keep him safe no matter what. Like anytime Julia suggested targeting I immediately said no and I tried to keep in the loop as much as I could while others on my side ignored him. And I don't know if the past two votes contributed him to being mad, but we talked the most the past two days than we probably have ever because Eddie called a lot just to talk about life or to watch shows, and it was nice, and I felt like I found a genuine friendship in this ORG community. And like Eddie said before, he didn't want this game to ruin whatever we built. So his reaction after the Mitch vote just stung me on a lot of levels. Before we even had the instant, Eddie was PMing me saying that I only cared for myself in the game, and that I only viewed him as a number in the game. I understand why he would think that way but even when I tried to talk to him at the instant tribal he would shut me off or tell me that i was full of shit basically. I don't know if he did all of that out of anger or if he truly feels that way, but I'll find out when we can talk again. I hope everything we talked about outside of the game was genuine to him and not just something he did on a game level to get me to trust him. It's hard for me to decide what the truth is there but I guess I'll see what happens post game. Anyways, back to the crazy ass tribal. Eddie immediately started throwing me and Julia under the bus to Shoib and when Shoib said that he had the idol and that he would vote one of us, I was shook. Once he got Heather invovled and Heather said she wanted to vote for me I felt that it was over. But the real shocker is that Autumn admitted to voting out Eddie instead of me at the tribal, which made Eddie beg for Shoib to idol him even more. It was a fight but thankfully Shoib decided not to, and I somehow managed to survive that tribal and make the final 6. I understand why Eddie decided to flip on me this round, and I always said that I wouldn't take it personal if he did. And I don't. But everything associated with how he turned on me, and what he accused me of sucked. I hope it was just a heat of the moment things and that we're okay after the game, and that he meant it when he said that he didn't want this game to effect our friendship.
Alright now that I'm outta my feelings I have to analyze what happened yesterday and figure out how I can get to the end. At this point, I think my best bet is to stick with Julia and Trixie. Especially since Autumn is the biggest threat to win and because Shoib and Heather tried to vote me out. I don't believe that Shoib got the merge idol. I think it was all a show to make us not vote him and so that we would be too afraid to vote him the next two rounds. I need Autumn this round. If Autumn works with us, I want to vote out Shoib 4-2. If that works out, my hope is to take Autumn out at the final 5, but really I just don't want to sit with her at the end because I do think she'll beat me (again). Soo yeah, I think my best shot at winning will be with Julia and Trixie, even though I think the jury will like Trixie more than Julia and I, but Trixie has never done me wrong in this game and I won't turn on her unless she turns on me.
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fuck. ok. My final 2 is Trixie so i wanted to separate from her so no one suspects us, now we are on opposite sides for info. I know she has the merge idol so I can claim to have it and she wont say anything about having it. so I won't look like a liar, now they will be too scared to vote me final 6 or 5. If I am gonna get votes she will know about it and if she is gonna get votes I will know about it. Now I need to talk to Autumn and see what she has to say, I don't know whether or not it is better to take out Autumn or Jake first. Decisions, decisions.
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Live tribal was too insane for me. Too short lived of immunity. I flipped on Jake cuz to be honest, I tried to get him out two times prior and didn't want Julia gone at all. Sadly Autumn voted Eddie, which is cool too I guess. Now I think Shoib and I are much closer and all so I would like to bring him to at least f4, cuz I dont think many people could win against him at all. My dream f4 would be him Julia Trixie and I but I don't know if bringing Trixie would be good either. UGHH Struggles struggles.
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THAT ENTIRE MEGA ALLIANCE PUBLICLY CRUMBLING IS THE GREATEST THING IVE EVER LIVED TO SEE https://media.giphy.com/media/HSQqpieLQfPQQ/200.gif Like text receipts AND A CALL?? WIIIIIIIGGGG!! Here are some highlights for the kids/ I hate y'all didn't live to see it: Jake: I'm loyal Shoib: tell that to Eddie Jake: BITCH --- Jake: SHOIB URTHE BIGGEST TROLL HERE BITCHH Trixie: shoib acts and looks like a troll Jake: GET THE FUCK BACK TO THAT BRIDGE Shoib: OMG Trixie: GET UNDER THE BRIDGE --- Trixie: shoib please take your teeth out so that you look like how u did that day i saved you --- Francie: there is only one bad bitch here actually Jake: who Trixie: my furby Autumn: Kathy --- Julia @ Shoib: ILL FUCKING HEX YOU BITCH -- Jake: don't use that British shit on me I'm American bitch
Final 6 Cast Assessment
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Maybe she snapped... yeah I popped off on Shoib last night but it needed to be done because he thinks he can fool me with his fake idol? Try again. I'm so annoyed that he won immunity but it is what it is. I'd rather vote Heather out but I don't know if Julia would do that. I feel like they're either actually voting me or pretending to so Trixie uses her idol on me. Urgghhhh. I don't think Autumn or Heather will vote with us, so it's either gonna tie or I go home. I might have to work on Heather to take Autumn out, but I need to know wtf Julia wants to do and if she tries to take me out I'll be VERY VENOMOUS. Wish me luck ladies, I'm not ready to be voted out of a Tumblr Org for the first time.
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This round is the last time i can use either idols and that makes me very sad. I have grown attached to them. Their names are Terrence and Fiesta.
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survivortaveuni · 7 years
Episode 6: “Uwu Her Way Out The Door” -Shea
Finally, finally the swap arrived! A schoolyard pick, with LA, Nic, and Steffen as team captains for their original tribes. This tribe swap shook up the game somewhat and also got people to submit confessionals. Waitavala was also dissolved due to flopping. 
On new Bouma, Steffen gave Jack E access to the Rainbow Reef almost as soon as he met him. Steffen also formed an alliance with Billy, Lily, and himself (which never went to tribal together, either). They did search for stuff in the Rainbow Reef, though. Steffen was somewhat aligned with Jack E, which left Steven on the outs. 
On new Motomaiqi, Charlotte and LA met up for the first time in the game. LA, the captain of the tribe, was glad Jordan was gone, because she felt like she was on the bottom of the old Motomaiqi with him and Jack C as a duo. Tribewise though, it was 2 Motomaiqi with Jack C and LA, and 2 Bouma with Charlotte and Tyler, and 1 Waitavala in the middle with William. This might make William the swing vote, but we’ll see...  
On the new Ravi Levu, Nic quickly aligned with Jordan, gaining access to the Prism Reef from him. Nic continued his agenda of getting out the people with connections, except he was trying to get out Jordan’s people which was...yeah. Shea felt concerned because nobody from the undefeated original Bouma was with them on their tribe, hoping for merge to come soon. 
Anyway, the challenge this round was the Word Game, aka Lily slaughtering everyone in her path. It was a little scary. It was also a double tribal, which meant two people were going to tribal council. Lily carried her new Bouma tribe to victory, sending the new Ravi Levu and Motomaiqi tribes to tribal council. 
On the new Ravi Levu tribe, Nic and Jordan pulled in Gavin to form the Demon Hunters alliance which targeted Roxy and Shea. Jordan pushed for Roxy, Nic pushed for Shea, and ultimately Jordan got his way with Roxy going home 4-1. 
On Motomaiqi, everyone decided to vote out William for being a weak player and for not really being connected to anyone on this tribe. Jack C was a little paranoid, thinking about playing his idol, but he managed to control his paranoia and not play his idol. If only he managed to do that in the future as well... William was sent home unanimously as planned 4-1.
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Endurance immunity challenge! I like to call this 'how long can we all stay awake so we don't end up dragging our asses to tribal council.' I haven't been yet, and I don't wanna for as long as I can.
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Right so we had the swap and I got to be team captain which was exciting. *puts on captain america shirt* (lowkey wanted to be on tribe with steffen) I think the new tribe is pretty good, we have some strong players so we should be okay. Honestly I feel more comfortable without Jordan because I felt at the bottom, I'm pretty sure he would have kept Billy and Jack over me but now I don't have to worry about that and I have a chance to get closer to Jack  and hopefully keep him as an ally moving forward. This double tribal is stressful though, cause Lily is slaying in this challenge but  hopefully we can pull through.
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The swap was rough for me. I was probably the weakest member of the strongest tribe being Bouma, and I ended up on a tribe alone with nobody else from OG Bouma. We're getting our asses handed to us hard in this challenge and it's a little difficult to swallow. I'm pretty much going to tribal no matter what since I don't feel like we can pull this out. I think I have a decent chance of surviving this tribal, and hopefully merge is next. If push comes to shove, I'd be willing to vote out any one of these people, I'm not attached to any of them. 
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OKAY WOW! I'm doing REALLY good with this challenge, I seem to be socializing quite a bit (by my standards), and everyone seems to be on good terms with me. It looks like we'll be evading double tribal, but it looks like if we do end up vulnerable at some point, I'll have the trust of a lot of people here. I feel like the planets are slowly aligning for me to end up winning this game, if I'm being honest! I don't wanna jinx it, of course... But still. I score high in challenges, which might put a target on my back at merge when I'm left non-immune, but... Jordan likes me, Steffen likes me, Billy likes me, Charlotte likes me, LA likes me, and it looks like Jack and Steven like me too. So, uh... F5 TR6 C7 is on the horizon for me. ;)
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Dear Heartbroken Diary, Well seems that while my actual life is garbage, this game isn't going the worst? I dunno, but I promised Kevin to write a confessional, so HERE I AM.  So since last time, I formed that small alliance on my old Bouma tribe with Lily and Charolette, and gurl it wasn't just lit, it was about to burn the island down.  So we figured out the Rainbow Reef, and we pretty much mapped out the entire thing, like we got it, we know where the stamps are to get the Rainbow Idol, like thats a plus, oh ALSO, GUESS WHO NOW HAS A RAINBOW IDOL!!!! not me, but like, I can get it whenever I want, however there's a catch.  So I got my prism pass all pretty like right (shoutout to Mitch), I got all the stamps, but turns out if I swap it, then I can never EVER head back to the Rainbow Reef, which is insanely problematic.  So while I could get the rainbow idol, why would I do that now, I mean sure I could have it, but extra votes and shite could still be waiting over there.  My plan for the time being is just to make sure I can keep my lines open so I know that if Im going home, I can get that rainbow idol.  Otherwise rn, me and Lily and probably Billy are gonna use our Bouma Bussy map to find what advantages we can, which will be difficult since those clues are vague as heckle.  Anyways the next big thing is the swap.  FINALLY, though its weird cause when I wanted a swap, it couldn't come soon enough, but now, when I dont necessarily want a swap, it happens.....YAY LIFE.  So here's the dealio, Liana leaves and I get assigned as the tribe captain of Bouma, LA for Moto, and Nic for Ravi, and we go in order picking what tribemates we want, WHICH MEANS I DONT HAVE TO BE ON A TRIBE WITH NIC THANK THE LORD, tbh with any luck he'll leave soon enough.  So heading into this I needed to make sure I could easily gain majority on the new Bouma tribe, thus I picked Billy, I got Billy to pick Lily, thus my majority was formed since we know each other.  The next thing was to pick someone who wouldn't vote for me if we were in the minority, so I got Lily to pick Jack E. my bae from all stars, so if all goes well I should be ok???? Who knows, he says he just wants to make jury, but hey if that helps me get further, yay me.  So that leaves Steven, who I don't really know, but he seems sweet as heckle, so main goal is if we don't go to tribal until merge, cozy on up to him, if not, I'd rather him go next.  I can't get too comfortable in this game, even if I have access to an idol, an alliance and hopefully winning this challenge, but who the heck knows at this point, right now the goal is to win so I don't need to be in jeopardy.  Also I'm calling it rn, we're gonna merge next round cause apparently now 13 person merges are peoples kinks.  But I was also hella wrong over the swaps before so I say don't trust a word that comes out of my mouth.  SO LETS HAVE FUN With spite, Steffen
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We swapped and I am finally away from people I was with from the beginning of the game. Steffen is on my new tribe, which is kind of disappointing, but I am going to have to deal with it. I decided that for this tribe, I'm just going to be a social butterfly, maybe the comic relief of some sort. I have started calls in the tribe chat just to rant and hopefully get a few people interested in working with me. I am not going to try very hard in the challenges, like I have been before, because I think it's more fun to live your life in this game on the edge, and tribal council is just the tip of the iceberg. My tribe is most likely going to win immunity, but it's a double tribal so I am kind of disappointed that we're winning, but just think about it, we're gonna have a numbers advantage and I like everyone here! I think I can use my skills to get myself to the merge and finally become a complete mess. Thank goodness I am likeable!
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Fuck. I'm pretty worried, because the way I see it, me and LA vote together, and Charlotte and Tyler do. While I think the smartest move is to vote out the weak link William, it'd be very easy for the ex-boumese to just snag his vote and get me or LA out. I'd prefer to not waste my idol, but i also don't wanna die with it in my hands. This situation's all different dimensions of fucked.
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Here's hoping that tomorrow's tribal is an easy one. I think we're all on the same page with voting William. He's the one person I haven't really talked to since we swapped tribes. Also lily, I love you girl, but I wanted to murder you a little during this challenge. Holy fuck, you're a beast. I miss Bouma guys. Wah.
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So that challenge was a shitshow. Like how did Lily even do that? After a certain point we shouldn't have even bothered but whatever. So the plan is for Charolette, LA, and I and possibly Jack to all vote William. I'm putting my trust in Charolette. I hope she is right when she says LA will vote with us. I don't know I just don't want to get voted out yet.
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I'm really worried about this vote. I was good friends with everyone else in Waitavala, and now that nobody is still with me in Motomaiqi, I don't think I'll last very long. 
I'm sorry Tyler, but you're my vote. 
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Going to tribal sucks, and not a surprise, my name has been brought up by a few people. I'm lucky I'm on a tribe with Jordan, someone who has a lot of trust in me and will go out of his way to protect me, which he has. I didn't do much in the challenge and I'm the only person here from Bouma, I'd be an easy vote, but I am very skilled in the art of making sure I'm not the one going home, and I'm gonna make sure I do that tonight by shoving Roxy so far under the bus that it just runs her right over. I know I have Jordan's vote, he isn't gonna betray me as it just isn't an option for him right now. All I need is to get either Nic or Gavin, both very easy to manipulate. Strong guys with big egos is who I like to surround myself with, and you all have left me with many of those. All I need to do now is for Roxy to uwu her way out the door and hopefully merge will be next.
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Voted William. I see this vote going 1 of 2 ways, either its 4-1 against William or 3-2 against me/LA. Guess we'll see.
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Lily's back must hurt, cause SHE CARRIED THAT FUCKING TEAM, damn. (sorry kids, I swear sometimes) So Moto is going to tribal, I'm not too stressed about this one? The plan is to vote out William and I hope everyone will stick to it. Jack was worried but I'm working with Charlotte and she said Tyler was down to vote out William too so unless the boys teamed up, we're golden. 
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We lost.. no surprise.. fuck everyone on Bouma. Fuck them. So Gavin/Jordan and I form an alliance. Jordan wants Roxy gone cause Roxy hates him lol. Roxy knows Jordan/Shea are a duo and wants one of them gone. She originally brings up Jordan's name, but I switch it to Shea because Jordan's my ally and I love making subtle moves. I'm literally the most subtle person on this island. I want Shea gone because I think we could do better with Roxy for reasons I'm too lazy to type out. But Jordan gets his way and I gotta vote out Roxy even though I don't wanna. Oh well. My edit must suck uugggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhh maybe I'll do something chaotic to stand out like tell Roxy she's getting votes. Too bad she's not online.
Also like Roxy/Jack/I made a deal to stick together. Voting out Roxy ostracizes Jack E. Jack C is also good with Roxy so goodbye to our chances of working with him and making a majority alliance at merge!!!!! Anyway Roxy's on. Do I tell her the news or what. Also fuck the Rainbow Reef. It makes me homophobic
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the biggest nut in this game is me doing absolutely nothing but calling the tribe chat to rant about things and STILL going to be immune because they’re winning for me I haven’t talked to anyone but stiffen I’m literally gonna die vdofjgbgh but at least I'm selfaware!
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you know whats hilarious nic is going after my friend group in the game, people like andrew steffen and billy and lily or whatever and like thats fine by me but nic is telling me as if I’m not apart of that friend group or whatever like okay give me info now ill choose my side later
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