#so many people do this around where I live and it pisses me off!!!
natugood · 3 months
I wanna know what it’s like to live in other cities cause every damn time I do a long walk here (ESPECIALLY at night) I end up so fucking angry!!!!! Like super pissed off and deeply bothered at the world!!!! and idk if it’s just the disparities and contrasts of issues *here* that bother me so deeply or if it’s more stuff related to modern US/western society in general, or if it’s a little bit of both and I’m just more sensitive to it here cause it’s more visible to me.
#but like djsjdjeje I got SO MAD last night walking around cause I didn’t know where I was and accidentally ended up walking through#a wealthier neighborhood. like range rovers and mowed lawns and ADT security signs#and it was night and I was just walking along and it was empty except for three older couples with dogs#all of them had like. lots of lights on them and were very visible whereas I was just in a hoodie and shorts#none of them smiled at me or acted like they were comfy with me being there. and I was like fuck off#and it was like. if you get uncomfy with someone who you perceive as… poor and visibly neurodivergent??? then like.#how shitty do you treat everyone else? how many POC do you call the cops on? how many disabled ppl or more visibly trans ppl do you stare#down and glare at? how do you treat the unhoused or addicts or anyone else who isn’t rich and white and old who god forbit walks down the#street you live off of??? sorry for existing in a public space???#but to me I really get pissed off cause these ppl hate on the suburbs and act like they’re sooooo progressive and are helping the world and#are so morally righteous blah blah. but they can’t even see that they’ve turned their own CITY that they LIVE IN into a suburb#by ridding their streets of the *painful eyesores* that they don’t want to see and by pretending harm doesn’t exist!!!!#like good for fucking you!! I get they don’t want to have to face the fentanyl crisis and homelessness and mental illness 24/7#but like. what about the people experiencing those things? your solution is to push them away where you can’t see them and not provide any#direct help or sense of community and then just expect them to magically feel better and be stable and happy and disappear#????#like no!!! they are all people too!! you can’t ignore them or sweep them away!!!! we exist and we deserve compassion and community!!!#we are a PART of your fucking prescious progressive community!!! fuck off and treat us like it!!!#and also stop shitting on the suburbs when they have more poor people than the official city does now!!! like fuck OFF#googoogajoob
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grison-in-space · 24 days
Has Biden actually done anything at all? There's evidence going around and I think it's compelling, the alternate to voting is instead doing actual social work and participating in protests and organizing political action, which is a good idea i think
1) Yes. Inarguably this has been the most effective progressive domestic administration since I have been alive, and I'm in my thirties. What in the fuck are you talking about? It's not perfect, but it's better than we've seen in fifty years: Obama tried, but Democratic Congressional organization was just not yet used to working with a completely obstructionist GOP Congress in the wake of the tea party.
Even in terms of foreign policy, this is also pretty much as good as US involvement gets. Sorry. Our foreign policy has been shaped by monsters for decades, and that's even without dealing with our huge and active branch of Christian doom cultists. There ain't a candidate in the world that could stop the entire accumulated momentum of geopolitics with a snap of the finger, and I'm not really willing to pretend that Biden is particularly notable for not managing to fix Israel/Palestine relations.
2) In your own words, anon, what precisely does organizing political action entail without participating in the political process? Do you think that abstaining from the part of the gig where you, the citizen, get to say which official gets the job somehow makes your opinions matter more to your elected public officials? Have you ever organized to get so much as a municipal one-time library project budget expanded? Are you perhaps only skilled at political argument with people who already agree with you on the Internet?
What is your leverage, and could it reasonably be described as "extortion" or "blackmail" or "political corruption?" Because those are pretty much the only things on the table that can work more effectively to drive an elected official than a disciplined coalition of political allies (who can be purchased with, you guessed it, votes) or a reliable bloc of voter support. Your vote matters less than the ones you bring with you, sure. Do you think that not voting yourself somehow helps people organize to drive more votes? Have you perhaps replaced your complex reasoning skills with a rapidly dying jellyfish?
3) Holy passive vagueness, Batman! "Evidence is going around." What a masterpiece of a sentence! How it suggests everything while providing nothing! What evidence? Who collected it? Who is talking about the evidence "going around?" Who is listening? How many of them are there? What did they think before? The more I think, the more questions I have, and damn if they ain't predisposing me to be even less charitable.
Like, this is so catastrophically poorly supported that I have to confess that I not only believe this is probably an ask in bad faith (i.e. by someone who is expecting to piss me off or otherwise engage with me adversarially, probably spammed to a whole host of blogs at once with no expectation of response) but I actively hope that it is. The alternative is to have to grapple with the reality that some people are so uncomfortable with the responsibility of moral agency that they're willing to release useful levers of legal and social power just so that they never do anything problematic with that power. Much better, of course, to wash one's hands of anything that might have the stink of responsibility clinging to it. Might fall from the membership of the Elect if you actually get yourself all muddy by doing things, I reckon.
I don't even believe that voting is the only lever we have when it comes to our elected officials or that votes are necessary to secure change, and I am certainly not talking about the presidential ticket alone when I talk voting. What I do believe is two things: one, that voting is a potential lever of power on the emergent chaos of the society in which we live. And two, that anyone telling me to leave a lever of power on the ground without a damn good reason is either incompetent, malicious, or both.
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bloatedandalone04 · 2 years
The First Cut is the Deepest
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➪the one where you break up then make up. (requested)
Warnings: 18+, angst, smut, fluff, break ups, make ups, swearing, mentions of drugs and alcohol, unprotected sex, make up sex, choking, oral (f receiving), ethan being an ass under the influence, he makes up for it, talks of insecurity, insecure reader (y'all are beautiful, i promise you this), this is a bit of a roller coaster
Word Count: 6.3k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine <3
This place was crowded. Way too crowded. 
You were surprised the walls didn’t fall down with how many people were compacted in each room and from how loud the music was, if you could even call it that. 
Someone bumps into you for the third time in the five minutes since you arrived and you had to refrain from yelling at the stranger. He probably wouldn’t have heard you, anyway, so why waste your breath? 
“Y/n! Hi!” Anika says as she wraps her arm around your shoulders. She brought the red cup to her lips and emptied it in one sip, wiping her mouth afterwards. “You’re here!”
“And you’re drunk,” you say back just as Mindy walks up to you. 
“There you are,” she says as she wraps Anika’s other arm around her shoulder. “I told you to stay on the couch. Oh, hey, Y/n.”
You give her a quick smile as she takes her girlfriend from you. “Hey,” you replied. “Have you guys seen Ethan?”
Mindy gave Anika a look before shaking her head. “No, no, I don’t think he’s here,”
Anika gave her a confused smile. “What are you talking about?” She asked before turning to you. “He’s in the living room. He was flirting with a bunch of girls, the last time I checked.”
Your brows furrow while Mindy lets out a sigh. “What?”
“You’re right, she sure is drunk,” Mindy laughed awkwardly. “Can’t trust a word she says.”
At that, you move past them and head towards the living room, ignoring the calls of Mindy. The first person you see is Chad when you enter the living room. He was talking to Tara when you walked up to him, the two of them standing close to one another in the packed room. He greeted you with a smile before he noticed the pissed off look on your face. “Woah, what’s the matter?”
“Have you seen Ethan?” You ask him, ignoring his question.
“Um, yeah, he’s..” he trailed off, turning his head to the right and towards the couch. You do the same and your face heats up when you catch sight of your boyfriend. “Huh.”
Ethan’s appearance wasn’t what caught your attention, no, it was the girl that was sitting a bit too close to him that did. 
Muttering an ‘excuse me’ under your breath, you push past Chad and walk towards Ethan, watching he doesn’t even look up at you when you stand in front of him. “What the hell is this?” You question and cross your arms. 
That got his attention as he finally looked up at you, a grin forming on his lips. “Hey! You made it!” He said and right away you knew he was drunk, no, wasted. “I didn’t think you’d show.”
“You told me to come,” you point out and glare at the way the girl rested her hand on his chest. 
Ethan looked at the floor and opened his mouth in thought. “Oh, yeah,” he said after a few seconds. “I forgot about that.”
“Yeah, no kidding,” you rolled your eyes. “What is this? You ask me to come to this party just so I can see you with some girl all over you?
“What? No, don’t be like that,” he whined and wrapped his arm around the blonde’s shoulder. “This is my new friend, Jaz.”
The way Jaz moved closer to Ethan, and the way he did nothing about it had your blood boiling. “Well, it looks like you’ve got enough company,” you mutter, dropping your arms to your sides as you back away. “I’ll just go home.”
When you turn around and head for the door, you ignore Ethan’s calls of your name, followed by an annoyed grunt as he stood up and went after you. 
You reached the sidewalk when he finally stumbled his way out of the house and caught up to you, nearly tripping over the bush that lined the walkway of the house. He grabbed your arm and stopped you from walking away by turning you to face him. “What was that about?”
At his genuine look of confusion, you glare at him and pull your arm away from him. “What do you mean?”
“That,” he pointed to the house. “In there. What was that all about? Why’d you storm off?”
“There’s no way you just asked me that,” you say and look him up and down, taking in just how drunk he was. “How much have you had to drink?”
He gave you a smile and a shrug. “I don’t know, like, five?”
“Five what?”
“Five cups of everything that was in the kitchen,” he answered as if it were the most obvious thing ever. At your look of shock, he steps away from you. “What’s it matter?”
“It matters because you’re completely wasted and that girl in there was going to take advantage of you,” you say slowly, hoping his drunk mind would process your words.
“Who? Jaz?” At the nod you give him, he waves you off and discreetly rolls his eyes, making your anger rise. “Jaz is a friend, she wouldn’t do that.”
“How do you even know her? Why have I never heard you mention her until now?”
“Because,” he dragged the word out. “She’s in my physics class and invited me tonight. She also gave me some of this powder stuff earlier, but I only had a little bit of it.”
Your eyes widened and you reached over to smack his shoulder. “Ethan! How could you be so stupid?” You ask and his face falls at your words. “Why would you take powder from a stranger? At a party?”
Ethan felt like he was being backed into a corner right now, and even though one part of his brain was screaming at him to ask you to take him home, the other part was telling him that you were his girlfriend, not his mother. “Maybe I thought it would relieve some of the stress you put on me everyday of my life,” he said back.
You furrow your brows and cross your arms again, standing a bit straighter. “Was this before or after you invited me tonight?”
Ethan copied you by crossing his own arms. “Before,” he answered. “But maybe I made a mistake by inviting you since you clearly don’t know how to stop treating me like a fucking child. You’re my girlfriend, not my parent.”
You knew he didn’t mean the harsh words, seeing how drunk he was, but that didn’t stop you from fighting back. It was his decision to get to this point and he’d have to deal with the consequences. “I’m supposed to worry about you, Ethan,” you say, trying to calm the situation down as best as you could. “That’s what people in relationships do.”
Ethan would regret his next words. “Being with you for this long was a mistake,” he muttered, not knowing if you heard him or not. The silence that followed, as well as the tears that gathered in your eyes gave him his answer. His words were harsh and untrue. He knew that, still his drunk self didn’t allow him to give in. “Look, I didn’t mean that. You said it yourself, I’m wasted.”
“And that makes it okay?” You ask as you turn away from him. Ethan sighed from behind you and reached out to grab your arm, retracting his hand when you pulled away from him. “Why don’t you go back to Jaz? Seems like the two of you were having a great time together before I got here.”
“Fine,” he muttered. “We’ll talk later.”
“No, we won’t,” you tell him and he turns back around to face you. “I mean it, we’re over. Don’t text me and don’t call me.”
Your words cut him deeper than you would ever know, and his heart ached at the tears that streamed down your face. But he was angry, and drunk, and a bit embarrassed. And so very drunk. “Fine,” he said again. “You don’t want me to text you? That’s fine by me. Thanks for ruining my night.”
He turned back around and went inside the house. You were left alone on the sidewalk, your eyes stinging as you grabbed your phone. After sending Chad a text about getting Ethan home safely, you began the walk back to your apartment and hoped to anyone that was listening that he didn’t go back to Jaz.
Not that you had a say in what he does, anymore.
The spam of texts you woke up to the next morning were unexpected and unwanted. But you still read each and every one of them.
2:34 AM
Ethan <3: we’re not rly broken up are we?
2:35 AM
Ethan <3: I didn’t mean what i said :/
2:56 AM
Ethan <3: pls answer me, I’m sorry
3:23 AM
Ethan <3: I told Jaz to fuck off for you haha
3:26 AM
Ethan <3: she punched me
3:34 AM
Ethan <3: i wish u were here :C
4:43 AM
Ethan <3: goodnight i love you im sorry
10:32 AM
Ethan <3: I don’t remember much of last night, but I do remember how awful I was to you. I’m so sorry, baby, I didn’t mean any of it. 
10:37 AM
Ethan <3: If I could take it all back, I would. I love you and I hope you slept well because I sure as shit didn’t. Can we please meet up and talk about it in person? I miss you.
Your eyes ached from crying last night, and the brightness of your phone screen didn’t help.
After reading every text, you were more upset than you were last night. 
You tried to remember that he was very wasted and wasn’t himself because of that, but he still said what was on his mind; how being with you was a mistake. 
What was that saying? Drunk words are sober thoughts? Maybe it was true. Maybe Ethan had to get himself drunk so he could tell you how he really felt. 
What about the texts? He seemed pretty genuine. 
But how could you tell that over text? Maybe he was just feeling guilty and wanted to end things on a better note. 
Endless thoughts flooded your mind and you felt a headache beginning to set in.
So, unsure of what to say to him, you type a message that would surely get how you were feeling across perfectly.
I thought I told you not to text me.
Seen at 10:56 AM
“Y/n,” Ethan said as he stood in front of you. “There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.”
The sound of his voice made you look up from your sketchbook, your eyes narrowing at your ex. You exhale harshly, looking back down at the page, scribbling in the grass you drew with a green pencil crayon. “I thought I told you not to talk to me,”
“Come on, you were serious?” He asked as he gripped the strap of his bag tighter. 
You looked up at him from your spot against the tree, bringing your knees up to your chest and placing the book against your thighs. “Were you serious?” You ask instead of answering his question. Your eyes linger on the bruise on his cheek, your mind going back to his texts of ‘I told Jaz to fuck off for you’ and ‘she punched me’. 
Your eyes darkened at the thought of her hitting him when she was the one who went and gave him drugs while also hanging off of him right in front of you.
But that was a conversation for another time.
He looked down at you, his brows furrowing as he stepped closer to you. “What do you mean?”
You glare up at him, dreading having to repeat his words from last night as you take a deep breath. “‘Being with you for this long was a mistake’?” You quote him and watch as his eyes squeeze shut and his head tilts back. “Ring any bells?”
Ethan cursed under his breath before opening his eyes again and you could clearly see the regret clouding in them. “Fuck, Y/n,” he muttered and shook his head. “Baby, I didn’t mean that, I swear.”
You wanted to believe him, but you were also far too stubborn for your own good. “Then why did you say it?” You closed the sketchbook and reached for your bag as you held eye contact with him.
“I don’t- fuck, I don’t know,” he said, watching as you began to gather your things. His eyes widened at that, knowing damn well that you were seconds away from getting up and leaving him behind. “I’m an idiot and I promise I will never go near alcohol or drugs ever again.”
“It’s not about the alcohol or drugs, God, Ethan,” you shake your head and shove the book in your bag before standing up. “Do you even know it felt for me to hear you say those things? To hear the one person I trust and love more than- you know what? Forget it.” You begin to walk away from him, slinging your bag over your shoulder as you did so. 
“What? No, please, Y/n, baby, wait, I-” he was cut off when a guy from one of your classes stopped in front of you and blocked your way out of the gated area of the school.
“Hey, it’s Y/n, right?” The boy asked and Ethan glared at him from behind you. 
You give him a forced smile before nodding. “Yes,” you answer, stepping back to create some much needed distance between you two. “Hi, Simon.”
Simon gave you a sly smirk, glancing at the pissed off looking guy behind you. His smirk only grew and he looked you up and down before meeting your eyes once again. “I heard you and that boyfriend of yours are finally done,” he begins, knowing very well that your boyfriend was standing right behind you. 
“Finally?” You question and watch as his smirk widens. 
“I know, right?” He purposely takes your question out of context and steps closer. “So now that you and lover boy are over, what do you say about being with a real man?”
You visibly cringed and opened your mouth to respond when his hand reached out to touch your arm. Before it could, though, a hand wrapped around his wrist and roughly pulled his arm away from you. 
Ethan stood next to you, a protective and dangerous glint in his eyes that you had never seen before. It made you swallow silently as you looked between the two guys, subconsciously moving closer to Ethan. “I think you’re a little bit out of your league there, Simon,” his voice was deep and deadly as he stepped in front of you, shielding you from Simon’s view. 
He didn’t give up easily, however, as Simon stood a bit taller, matching Ethan’s height. “Is that so?” He asks, tilting his head at the boy who covered you from his sight. “What makes you think that?”
“Mainly the confidence,” Ethan answers, watching as Simon squints at him in confusion. “It’s clearly just a cover up for how hopelessly useless you are to any girl who gives you the time of day. How many girls have you talked to within the past two hours? I’m assuming way too many as you had to resort to going after one that’s taken. Let me spare you the rejection we both know is going to happen if you continue to bore her with your awful excuse of a pick up line. She’s not interested.”
Simon remained silent as he glared at Ethan, his shoulders raising with every angry inhale he took. “You’ve got a lot of nerve,” he muttered, most likely wanting to intimidate the smaller, though not by much, boy. 
Ethan held his ground as he let out a sarcastic laugh. “What, that wasn’t clear enough for you?” He asked and dared to move closer to the jock. “Let me make it simple as possible; fuck off.”
While Ethan didn’t look mean or have the face of someone to fear, he became a different version of himself when defending those he cared for and loved. In this case; you. He wasn’t one to give assholes like Simon the time of day, but when it came down to defending you against guys like him? He was a completely different person. 
And Simon must’ve seen this as he scoffed and backed off, raising his hands in defense. His eyes lingered on the bruise Ethan wore and must’ve thought he had gotten it for a completely different reason, like a fist fight or something, as it clearly intimidated him just the smallest bit. “My bad, bro,” he muttered before turning around.
Ethan watched him walk away until he was out of sight, before turning to a stunned and silent you. His heart fell at the shocked look displayed across your face, taking it as a sign that he fucked up again. Would you ever talk to him again after this?
He opened his mouth to apologize, but closed it when he saw your look of surprise morph into one he’s seen you give him many times before. 
The walk back to his apartment went by in a blur and before he knew it, he was pushing open the door to his room without disconnecting his lips from yours. He backs you into the room and towards his bed, guiding your body around the various furniture crowding the space. He shrugs off his bag and throws it to the floor, and you do the same, sliding the strap off your shoulder and dropping it beside the bed just seconds before you fall onto it.
Ethan hovers over you, his lips never breaking away from yours as he grabs your waist and pulls your lower half against his. His tongue swipes across your lip and you open your mouth without a second thought, making him smirk into the kiss.
You were still his, and still so responsive. 
His lips broke from yours as he trailed kisses down your neck and shoulders, sucking a sizable mark onto your collar bone. And you allowed him, further proving to him that breaking up for even a second was a mistake, and that, as long as he had a say in it, you’d always be his.
“Did you sleep with Jaz?” You ask out of the blue, making his attack on your neck come to a complete stop.
“What?” He asked against your skin, his voice sounding muffled. 
You swallowed heavily and reached your hands up to grip his shoulders, making him lift his head to look at you. “It’s just…after what happened last night and the fight….” you trial off, looking to the side. “I just want to know if you slept with her, that’s all.”
“That’s all?” He asked in disbelief as he pulled away from your neck to getsure to his cheek. “Does this look like the face of someone who had sex last night?”
You stare at the bruise, your eyes softening as you bite down on your bottom lip. “No, but, the thought was there,” you say quietly, not wanting to ruin the moment but needing to get your feelings out. “She’s really pretty.”
Ethan narrowed his eyes at you, leaning down to brush his nose against yours. “You’re prettier,” 
You force a smile out at that before shaking your head. “I bet all the guys find her hot,”
“All the guys except one,” he said and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. “What’s this about? We’ve never had any trust issues before.”
“I know, it’s just….I thought, maybe, you liked her more than me,” Ethan’s mouth opens in shock at your words but you continue before he could say anything. “I mean, she invited you to that party for a reason. She likes to have fun, go to parties, get drunk, do drugs and I don’t like to do any of that stuff. I thought that maybe….maybe you realized you made a mistake by being with me when you could instead be with someone like her.”
When Ethan was sure you were finished, he positioned himself so his lower body was laying on yours and his arms were by either side of your head. “Baby,” he said softly, his gaze lingering on your lips. “I already told you, the only mistake I made with you last night was letting you walk home alone and letting you think that you’re not good enough for me. You’re better than every single other person in my life and I don’t deserve you. I love you and I fall in love with you more and more everyday. You’re my person, my best friend and my girl. I don’t care about anyone else. How could I when I have you?”
Your eyes stare into his and the familiar sting of tears forms, but you blink them away and caress the sides of his face. “I love you,”
Ethan leans forward and presses a kiss to your lips, pulling away for just a second to mumble back an “I love you,” before he was closing the gap once more. One of his hands slid up your body to grasp at your chest, his thumb rubbing against the peak of your breast through your shirt. “You’re so beautiful, so perfect. Too perfect for me.”
His words set butterflies loose all over your body and send jolts of want directly to your core. Slowly, you could feel each and every negative thought you had about yourself slip away, and they were replaced with an overwhelming feeling of love for the boy currently on top of you. 
Ethan’s lips moved back down your neck and continued until he reached the hem of your shirt, where his fingers lifted it up enough to expose the skin of your stomach. “My pretty girl, how could I ever even look at someone else when you’re everything I could possibly want?” He pops open the button of your shorts and unzips them before sliding the jean fabric down your legs. “‘M so sorry I made you feel like you weren’t enough.”
You watch him with blown wide eyes as he inches closer and closer to your clothed core, a small smirk gracing his lips when he meets your eyes.
“Let me make up for it,” he murmured against the skin of your thigh. He placed a few kisses to both of your hip bones before tugging on the lace of your underwear with his teeth. “Let me show you how beautiful you are to me.”
The thin fabric was pulled from your body in one swift motion and he was back to hovering over your core.
“Will you let me?” 
You’ve never nodded faster in your life.
That was all Ethan needed before he got to work with one goal in mind; fuck the insecurity out of you.
He licked a flat stripe up your folds before wrapping his lips around your clit. He sucks on it harshly, giving you no warning as he got right into it. Your mouth opened in a quiet moan, your head dropping back on his pillow. 
Your hand reaches down to tug on his hair, your fingers threading through he curls as he swirled his tongue on your bundle of nerves. He moaned against you at the feeling of your hand tugging his hair and you felt another wave of want ripple through you. Your hips buck up involuntarily, making Ethan’s arms wrap under your thighs and his hands grip your waist as he pinned you down on the sheets. 
Ethan was never one to hold back his sounds in bed. If he was feeling good while taking part in bedroom activities, he made it known by the grunts, groans and whines that left him. It made you never question whether or not you were pleasing him as his sounds were proof enough. He even found pleasure when he wasn’t the one being touched, like right now. Just the thought of him being the one to get you off was more than enough to satisfy him. 
“Fuck, Ethan,” you moaned when he continued to circle his tongue around your clit, flicking and sucking and tugging until he felt your thighs press against his wrists, begging to close around his head. “Please.”
Ethan was stronger than you, though, especially in a situation like this, so his hands easily grabbed hold of your thighs and kept them spread apart. “My needy girl,” he mumbled when he pulled away from your swollen clit. “I’ve barely started and you’re already begging me for more.”
You knew you wouldn’t last long, not with the way he was touching you and definitely not with the way he was talking to you. Behind closed doors, he became a different person. It was such a big contrast to how he was in public. He was always seen as the shy, quiet guy who couldn’t possibly have one bone to fear in his body, but it was just an act, really. 
He liked playing up the role as the nice guy, the quiet friend who was always just there, when in reality, the things he did in his alone time were nothing short of sinful. And most of those sinful things happened when he was with you. 
When he was alone with you he became more needy, more desperate for you and he never failed to be overcome with the desire to please you, touch you, fuck you in any way he could. 
You were so beautiful and hot and his, how could he not want to just devour you everytime he got you alone?
Ethan pressed a final kiss to your clit before moving down and licking a line up your folds, hearing the sharp intake of breath from you as you tried to relax your thighs. 
Your other hand joined the one that was tangled in his hair, needing something, anything at this point, to hold onto as the last bit of your self control was slipping away from you as the seconds went on. 
Ethan spread your lips apart with the tip of his tongue before it easily slipped inside and was instantly coated in you. He keeps it there, still and unmoving, and waits for you to lift your head to look at him. When you do, like he knew you would, the corner of his mouth turns upwards and he begins to fuck the set of muscles into you.
Your eyes stare into his as his hands release the tight grip they had on your hips. Your hands leave his hair when he gently tugs at your wrists and he laces your fingers together before resting your joined hands on your stomach. 
Keeping eye contact, Ethan ran his tongue along your walls, feeling how they pulsated around him. You hopelessly clenched around him as a fire burns in the pit of your stomach, urging him to continue as desperate pleads leave your lips. “I love you,” you whispered in between moans. “Fuck, I love you.”
Your words fill in the holes in his heart that had formed last night, when he went to bed without knowing where you two stood, not knowing whether or not you were his anymore. As he let Chad push him onto this very bed a few hours after you broke up with him, he quickly realized that sleep wouldn’t overtake him as quickly as it would when he had the reassurance that you were still together. 
He was tired, but he also never felt more alive and awake than he did right now. It was only a couple of hours ago that he had set out to look for you (after reading your text that broke his heart further) with a sore face that he had yet to do anything about as it wasn’t even close to being a priority at this point. He had to find you, apologize and possibly beg you to take him back. 
Now he had you pinned to the bed, practically dripping for him because it was true. Your heart belonged to him, and his belonged to you. It was as simple as that.
At the feeling of your hands tightening against his, he knew you were close and he was desperate to get you to that point where you couldn’t focus on anything else other than him.
Him, who fucked you so good like he always did. 
“Don’t stop,” you begged, your voice barely a whisper. “Please, please.”
When he lifted his head just a bit higher so his nose brushed against your sensitive clit, you were coming without warning. Your thighs encased his head, and this time he let you, and your body shook at the release flowing through you. 
Ethan continued to fuck his tongue into you until he was sure he swallowed every drop you had to give him, before pulling away with a boyish grin gracing his face. 
Heavy pants leave your lips as he wipes at his mouth with the back of his hand, pulling his shirt off a few seconds later. He drops the fabric to the floor and pops open the button on his jeans but makes no move to push them down as he crawls back on top of you. His lips capture yours again, quickly taking your breath away once more. 
Within seconds his hands are tugging your shirt upwards and off your shoulders, carelessly tossing it aside to join his. Your fingers find themselves on the waistline of his jeans and you make quick work of unzipping them and pushing them down his legs, all while keeping your lips locked on his. 
Tugging down his boxers as well, you break away from the kiss and instantly his lips are on your neck, sucking his mark on you. Your hands hold his waist, pulling him even closer to you as you shift your hips upwards, creating the tiniest bit of much needed friction. 
Ethan got the hint pretty quickly, sensing that you had recovered enough and weren’t as sensitive as you were a couple of minutes before. Keeping one hand under your back, he moved his other downwards and lined himself up with you. Before he could allow himself to enter you, he looked deep into your eyes, his hand inching around your shoulders to brush away the stray strands of hair that messily covered your face. He tucked them behind your ear, keeping eye contact as he murmured, “You’re the only girl I could ever want. The only one I love,”
His lips brushed against yours as he slid past your folds, entering you easily. You moaned into the kiss, pressing your lips harder against his as you threw your arms around his neck, your nails lightly scraping against his skin as he began to set a steady pace. 
“‘M sorry,” you whisper as your body moves with his thrusts. “I got jealous and I wasn’t being fair to you.”
Ethan shook his head as his pace slowed a bit, but not enough to the point where you felt the need to complain about the speed. You don’t think you could ever complain when being intimate with him as he never gave you a reason to. 
He leaned down to press his forehead against yours, his nose bumping gently into yours every time he slid back into you. “You have nothing to be sorry for, pretty girl,” he told you, and his words made a small smile form on your lips as you stared at his slightly open mouth. “Nothing to apologize for when I’m the fuck up here.”
Your eyes flickered upwards and you looked into his brown irises, seeing a hint of guilt still present in them. “It doesn’t matter anymore,” you murmur, keeping his face close to yours. “Nothing matters as long as we’re together.”
Ethan grins as that, his hand smoothing down your hair as his hips grind into yours. “My sweet girl,” he mumbled. “You’re too good for me.”
His lips pressed to yours in a gentle kiss. Your hands move up to tug on his hair, your fingers threading through the strands when he resumed his pace from a couple seconds ago. Your moans are lost to his mouth as he kisses you with a desperation you haven’t seen since your very first time together, back when both of you were still virgins in high school. 
It wasn’t all that long ago, maybe just over a year, but it had still been a while since he kissed you, touched you, fucked you with such need, desperation and want. It had you feeling lightheaded and chills appeared all over your body, despite the room getting hotter as the seconds went on. 
The kiss was broken as Ethan tucked his head away against your neck, where he let out throaty groans that sent waves of heat directly to your core. You clenched around him when you heard his breathy grunts, your arms sliding under his to claw at his back.
The sting of your nails sinking into him had Ethan groaning loudly, his pace picking up and his hands gripping your waist tightly. While your fingers were sure to leave crescent shaped indentations on his skin, his were undoubtedly going to leave bruises on yours. 
He was actually surprised he hadn’t broken you yet with how rough his thrusts were and how tight his hands were holding you. You took everything he gave you and more and the thought had him holding himself back from an early release, one of his hands sliding down to wrap your leg around his waist. 
The new angle caused him to reach deeper into you, his tip brushing against the sensitive spot deep in your core. Your eyes rolled back and your chest arched up into his. Once your legs were locked around his hips, he used his free hand to tug down one strap of your bra. 
It fell off your shoulder easily and he reached around you to unclasp the black material. You helped him by sliding the other strap off and removing it from your body completely, dropping it into the growing pile of clothing beside his bed. 
With your chest now fully exposed to him, Ethan had no control over his movements as he leaned down and wrapped his lips around your nipple. He tugged on the bud, making breathy moans leave your lips and your eyes close. 
The sensation from both his hitting yours and his mouth on you was beginning to be too much. It didn’t help that every time he fucked into you, his skin would brush against your swollen and sensitive clit. 
Moans were freely leaving your mouth at this point and you no longer had any control over them. Your heels pressed against his lower back, effectively making him inch even deeper into your greedy heat. Your walls hugged his length in a tight grip that could only be described as a vice, your previous release allowing him to slip in and out of you with no resistance.
You tugged his head closer to yours, your teeth tugging on the skin below his ear. “I’m close,” you mumbled, the fire in your stomach growing with each thrust of his hips. 
“Yeah?” He asked, one hand reaching up to wrap around your throat. Your eyes widen at the sudden pressure and your moans become more breathless as you lean into his touch. It wasn’t a tight hold he had on you, but it wasn’t a gentle one either. It was just enough to have you seeing stars in the best way possible. “You’re going to come for me again?”
The words he said in bed never failed to turn you on and have you unraveling beneath him. “Fuck, yes,” you whimpered, both from nearing the edge and from his grip on your neck. “Please, please, Eth.”
“Let me feel you,” he said through a clenched jaw, refraining from finishing before you did as his tip continued to graze against your sweet spot. “All over me.”
His words, that were borderline filthy, send you over the edge and you clench around him again, arching your back and pressing your head against the soft pillows. Your moans are music to his ears and he would happily have your sounds play on repeat in his head over and over again for the rest of his life.
Your eyes close as you let him use you in chase of his own release. The sensitivity makes your hands grip his shoulders tightly, your legs shaking around his waist as he reaches his climax as well. 
His warmth fills you up entirely, and you thread your fingers through his hair as he rides out his high, his whimpers and whines being lost to the skin of your neck.
Minutes go by with him still buried in your warmth, both your chests beginning to rise and fall at a regular pace. Ethan grins as he lifts his head, making your lips turn upwards as well as he leans in and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. “I really am sorry,” he mumbles when he pulls away, his eyes fixated on your kiss swollen lips. “Again.”
You just shake your head and pull him back onto you as you turn on your side and cuddle into his chest. “It’s okay,” you say back, running your fingers over his chest. “Next time, instead of inviting me through text, just take me with you.”
Ethan nods in agreement, wrapping his arms around you as you tangle your legs together. “Deal,”
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icarusallusion · 5 months
One of the main reasons I've been so fond of Otasune since I first knew it was a thing was because I think they're genuinely one of the purest forms of love in Metal Gear.
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Throughout the series we see horrible relationships between horrible people trying to get by and then that relationship gets dragged through the awful scenarios they live with, be it war, internal struggles, infidelity etc. Despite this common place struggle with so many other characters, we see Otacon and Snake steadfast loyal and healthy throughout every struggle they go through.
They may not be an official couple, but they will always stay the most communicative relationship even outside of shipping. I see people joke about how Otacon kind of bosses Snake around (especially in MGS4), but I always saw it as refreshing. In the series, there is so many times where x character does something horrendous and y character just sits aside and silently sulks about it.
But this doesn't happen, like at all, with Dave and Hal. There are many times where Snake doesn't think about consequences to his actions as a general rule of soldier, however Hal has never been a soldier. So when these things happen, Otacon tells him off and it's something Snake genuinely needs to hear. It's something human, away from combat. Because Otacon is one of the very few characters that talks to Snake as a person, as a human, not as a soldier or fucked up clone baby.
Snake has gone his whole life scrapping the bottom of the barrel to stop feeling so lonely, he flirts with every woman he sees, he attaches himself very easily onto superiors, etc. Snake is a man who has spent his whole life trying to appeal to people, to get the praise he was never allowed as a child. Otacon gives him the comfort he never got. While any military superior can say Dave is the best of the best. None will look him in the face and tell him he has to live to just live.
Hal also opens a lot of doors to Snake's own discovery about himself. While this next point might sound a little cringy, stick with me. People may joke about the anime interest Snake and Otacon share, but it always came across so genuinely sweet to me. Snake's only interests up until he met Otacon have been, stop feeling lonely and war. I think even part of his musher life and interests within sledding can contribute to part of this. I mean come on, not even a regular musher keeps 50 dogs in their house and dogs are a natural remedy to loneliness. But in all seriousness, David refers to the huskies as his only family and I don't see him connecting with any other mushers he works with, it reads as him wanting to not be alone while also still being so lonely. As well as how mushing is considered a more normal interest than being an otaku, especially in the early 2000s. Mushing is a sport, and being an Otaku was pretty much unheard of or hated. Watching this guy who has been stuffed full of war propaganda scream a dorky "falcon punch" and "ninjutsu" with his best friend is so heartwarming in a way.
As well as Otacon's whole meme turned question of "do you think love can bloom on the battlefield?" Is something that I think Snake needed to be asked. It's probably been something he's been thinking about. It is also one of the most human things Snake asked throughout the game. About finding love in fear. Otacon constantly prods into Snake's heart and brings out the good in him.
Not only does Hal open up a space for Snake to have genuine unashamed interests and show true pure humanity. He also shows off their childhood. Both Hal and David never got proper childhoods. They connect that with each other through cheesy animes, talking about uncertainty in love, finding out what life is all about, navigating feelings, and through that damn cheesy handshake hug. It's all genuinely pure and wholesome love that connects what they didn't get to explore in childhood with one another. When Snake opened that piss covered locker and saved Otacon, he brought his own salvation into his life without knowing it. The very presence of Otacon saved Snake. It's why MGS4 felt so depressing for me especially, the strain between Snake and Otacon left a hole in my little heart and made Snake feel even more hopeless.
I also want to talk about how Snake benefited Otacon.
Otacon begins as cowardly and timid, he's an incredibly insecure character that struggles to connect with others, probably stemming from the issues in his younger life. When he meets Snake, he's faced with someone he could relate to that has an outward appearance that makes him seem so much more confident than he is. Snake is not this, he's as insecure as Otacon. Indirectly, Snake is the whole reason Otacon gets on his feet to take action against terrorism, takes action to become a better person. Snake shows Hal that he doesn't haven't to be strong to do the right thing. Throughout time, Snake helps Otacon come to terms with his own self worth and issues.
In MGS2, it has one of my favorite examples. The infamous bro hug scene.
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Before it, this is when Otacon allows himself to open up about his childhood, not even just Infront of Snake, Infront of Raiden too. This showcased such a development in his character because he's proudly talking about it, while even through tears he doesn't hide it anymore.
Did you know that during that scene if you pan the camera to Snake, you can see that he is crying too?
When Hal has a breakdown over his sister's death, Snake is there to comfort him as well as tell him how it is in bluntness with a hand on his back that he needs to save people. It isn't cold or callous, it's letting Otacon know that he has something worth fighting for after a loss like that. Then when they face one another, they embrace each other and Snake tells Hal that he believes in him. Hal spent a lot of time as a scientist, hoping for someone to believe in him, while Snake puts all of his belief into Hal.
I can never forget the iconic "You're the only god I can pray to, Otacon" line. Snake has a deep loyalty, love, and belief in Otacon that Otacon has never been truly given before.
They both, in turn love each other till the end of their lives. Their love was one of the most heart wrenching and beautiful things in Metal Gear Solid and it's no surprise it captivated so many people. Their relationship, whether you ship them or just see them as a bromance. There is no denying the love they feel for one another as friends or lovers is one of the most iconic and sweetest bromances out theres They have impacted so much pop culture and I love them forever, as I'm sure many of you do who read all the way to the bottom.
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halfvalid · 1 year
Hey! I was wondering if you could do a live action Zoro smut where it's enemies to lovers (boy X girl). I don't mind how hardcore smut (18+?) but I would love if there was some tension (argument or fight!) 😁
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speak teeth
| 18+ | smut | explicit |
alternate title: i need the lord
rating: explicit
characters: live action!roronoa zoro | fem!reader
pairing: live action!roronoa zoro x fem!reader
word count: 4.9k
description: you and zoro have never gotten along. after a incident in town escaping from marines, you resolve to sort out your issues with unconventional means. (aka sex.)
tags: strawhat!reader, female reader, enemies to lovers, except it's more like frenemies to frenemies with benefits, kissing, kiss to distract trope, no use of “y/n”, reader calls zoro "roronoa", penis in vagina sex, creampie, pwp, cowgirl position
author’s note: thanks for the request! i kind of lost the plot on this one because i'm terrible at writing enemies-to-lovers and there's not much 'lovers' involved in this since i couldn't exactly fit that into a oneshot. hopefully you still like it anyway? i tried my best.
tags make it seem so much worse than it actually is.
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Roronoa Zoro did not like you. 
The feeling was mutual, so you didn’t mind the fact, really. Zoro was annoying, with his three swords, and that stupid low voice, and how he never seemed interested in conversation unless it was either about alcohol or beating someone up. You were undoubtedly annoying to him for various reasons not so different in number to your own grievances of his personality. You two didn’t like each other. It was fine. It was normal. 
It was pissing off the rest of the Straw Hat crew. 
In your defense, you were never outwardly aggressive towards the man. You didn’t purposely exclude him from conversations or avoid looking at him if he dared haunt a room you were in with his presence. You just… didn’t speak to him unless spoken to. And maybe you had a tendency to roll your eyes or mutter some insults when he was talking, but it wasn’t that big of an issue. 
Zoro, on the other hand, was a master of discord. He’d killed and hunted so many people it only made sense for him to be, but it seemed he hadn’t skipped his lessons in petty fights either. Because he was bullheaded and a buzzkill and always opened his big mouth when you were around. Those sarcastic remarks of his were common, sure, but when you were in the room they were tenfold and laced with genuine venom. 
You weren’t sure who’d even started the strife between you two. It had been so long that you’d forgotten. While everyone else had seemingly bonded after your journey together, you and Zoro remained firmly in the stage you’d been while trapped in Buggy’s green room—antagonistic. Obviously you didn’t hate each other—when Zoro had nearly died to Mihawk, you hadn’t been happy—but you didn’t get along, and both of you were just fine with that arrangement. 
Nobody else was, though.
And so obviously you didn’t like it when Luffy announced, as you were docked, that you were assigned to scout the surrounding village together. Your lips twisted, but you refrained from saying anything up until Luffy finished his speech with: “And that’s the plan! Any objections?” 
There were head shakes from all around the deck of the Going Merry. You eyed Zoro in the very corner—his arms were crossed, and carefully he raised a hand, just barely lifting it into the air as he motioned. “Why is she coming with me?” 
You bit your tongue, suppressing the irritated sigh that threatened to escape. “Because,” Luffy said, bright as ever, “You two need to learn how to be friends. Think of it as a bonding activity!” 
“I’d really rather go with Sanji,” you optioned, trying to be more civil than Zoro at least. “He could use a hand carrying the stock barrels.” 
“Nope,” Luffy chirped. “It makes most sense for the two of you to be the one to buy the weapons, anyway.” 
“He’s right. You both are the most knowledgeable on the subject,” Nami whispered, though she gave you an apologetic look. You sighed. Zoro opted to say nothing. 
“Fine. Let’s go, Roronoa,” you said, getting up off the Going Merry’s railing to start walking off the ship. You heard Zoro grumble from behind you, but he soon caught up. You said absolutely nothing to each other for the first few minutes of walking, keeping to yourselves until you eventually reached the market. 
“What kind of weapons are we looking for?” you asked, glancing over your shoulder at the man who trailed just barely behind you. “I know Luffy wants backups, but did he say specifically what?” 
“Probably a few guns, maybe some swords,” Zoro replied. “A katana for me. Extra staff for Nami, in case hers breaks.” 
“Right. Nami gave me five-hundred thousand berry. Let’s spend it wisely. No pit stops.” 
Zoro gave you a look. “It’s not like I’m going to slip into the nearest tavern and abandon you. Luffy said we go together, so we go together.” 
“Right.” You turned away so you could roll your eyes in private. You had to appreciate that, at least; Zoro’s loyalty to Luffy at least meant he wouldn’t be a bitch to you if Luffy told him not to, and Nami kept you more or less under wraps too. “Pistols first. Let’s just get two, and save the rest for a sword because those are more pricey.” 
Focusing on business was fine. You could be a responsible adult and not be petty. And it really did go okay for the first half-hour, wherein you bartered one of the weapons sellers down to a reasonable price for two pistols and also picked up a bo staff on the way.
You were just heading towards another district of the town when Zoro slowed to a stop. You glanced over to see what he was looking at—a wall pasted with bounty posters, various pirates plastered on paper with big numbers shouting out their worth. 
“Look, it’s Luffy,” you said, eyes catching a bundle of posters near the top. Sure enough, all six members of the Straw Hat crew were there. You noticed with distaste that Zoro’s bounty was higher than yours.
Zoro tore all of the posters off, and you were almost surprised when he took yours off too. He crumpled them up into balls, about to toss them behind his shoulder before you grabbed them, carefully tucking them away in your bag. “What’s that for?” he asked. 
“So I can shoot darts at your face,” you replied. “Come on. Should finish and get back to the ship before anyone recognizes us.” 
Zoro shrugged, but followed you as you led him to the closest armory you could find. The shop was small and rickety, and a silver bell announced your presence as you entered the building. There were blades of every kind in the shop; you could see a table of knives and daggers, along with a stand full of long swords by the front. Near the back, you glimpsed some hanging rapiers, and—
“Katanas,” Zoro muttered, pushing past you to slip to the back of the store. You sighed, but followed, glancing over the array of jians instead. Zoro was already picking one up and pulling it out of its sheath, checking the quality of the blade. 
“Don’t—” you hissed, and he glanced up at you, brow raised in question as he spun the blade around in his hand. “You’re going to knock something over.” 
Zoro sheathed the sword, a satisfying click filling the room with the motion. “Calm down.” 
“I am calm,” you snapped. “If you’d just stop stomping around with those big boots of yours, though—” 
Zoro looked far less affected by the entire ordeal than you did, and that pissed you off even more. Logically, you knew he didn’t show much emotion in general, and even his annoyances tended to be deep and quiet—but still. He strung the katana back up where it belonged. “I am not stomping.” 
“Yes, you are—” You cut yourself off as the bell of the store rang again, announcing the arrival of more patrons. These two were whispering to each other, gruff voices that sounded almost scared. “He came in here, right?” One of them asked the other. “Are you sure it’s him?” 
“He tore down his own wanted poster!” The other hissed back. 
You caught onto what was happening quickly, letting a sigh out from between your teeth and grabbing onto Zoro’s arm to yank him further back into the store. You turned a corner, where a narrow hall cut off at a dead end, a wardrobe of swords blocking off the area to any prying eyes. “Now look at what you did,” you grumbled, before you could stop yourself. “You’ve got fucking bounty hunters after us.” You glanced through the stands of swords for a double take—the pair were standing at the front, outfitted in familiar white-and-blue uniforms. “Scratch that, even worse. Marines.” 
“I can take them in a fight,” Zoro muttered, hand going to his swords. You grabbed his wrist and gave him a look. 
“No. We’re not due to leave the docks for another two days,” you snapped. “Can you figure out a way to get out of a situation without stabbing someone?” 
“How can you be sure it was him, though? The Demon?” The more timid marine asked. They’d started moving, and you shoved Zoro into the corner, attempting to hide his ridiculously broad figure with an armoire of weapons. He scoffed, but made no move to adjust, back flat against the wall.
“He had the three swords. And the three earrings, too. Of course it was him,” the other one replied. You rolled your eyes. 
“Ever try being a little less obvious, Roronoa?” you muttered, shooting another glare in Zoro’s direction. “You’re like a flashing red light for every marine within a two-mile radius with your stupid swords. I’m Roronoa Zoro, the pirate hunter!” 
“I don’t hear you yelling at Luffy to take his hat off,” Zoro hissed back. 
“They’re coming this way,” you answered, entirely ignoring his retort. “Hide your stupid swords. Shove them behind a stand or something.” 
“I don’t see why we can’t just—” 
“No fighting.” You swiveled around, tugging his holsters off his belt and tossing the swords behind him with a graceless clatter. Zoro just sighed. “Shit,” you muttered as the marines turned at the noise, starting to move towards the back of the store.
“Now look at what you did,” Zoro mumbled, mocking your words straight back at you. You glared at him. 
“Shut up and stay put,” you snapped. “Let me think of something.” The marines were coming closer, and you huffed out a nervous breath. Zoro watched you from his position. 
“They know your face, too,” he said carefully. Almost derisively, like he was looking down on your idea; making you seem stupid. “Just let me fight them. It makes the most sense.” The footsteps grew louder, then, the marines moving towards the back of the store. 
“I think I heard voices,” one of them muttered to the other. You shushed Zoro, unconsciously moving closer to him until your arm bumped into his. You startled, and then looked up, finding Zoro’s chest just inches away from your face. 
“Is this some new sort of hiding tactic?” Zoro asked, voice dry as a desert. “Are you trying to melt us into the wall—” 
The voices tapered off as the marines moved closer. Your hand shot up to cradle Zoro’s face, covering his dangling gold earrings with your fingers to hide them away. “Fuck this,” Zoro muttered, leaning back to pick up his swords. You shushed him, and he stopped, bent halfway over you so your faces were just inches apart. 
“Just trust me,” you snapped. Zoro opened his mouth to argue, but then the marines’ footsteps got louder—they’d turn the corner any moment now. 
“Fine,” he breathed. “But if it doesn’t work, I’m taking out my swords.” 
Your mind ran a million miles a minute trying to figure out what to do. The marines were just around the corner now, and your breath caught, eyes meeting Zoro’s as you wracked your brain for something, anything that might distract the marines away from the two of you. Zoro’s lips parted, a split-second away from undoubtedly whispering some grand insult when the marines finally turned the corner.
You were kissing Zoro before you could even think. 
“Oh,” one of the marines said, as your fingers nearly pinched Zoro’s earlobe, still covering his earrings. Zoro was frozen for a moment, but the marines behind you seemed startled enough that he realized it was working. A rush of satisfaction filled you for a moment—see, Roronoa, you don’t have to stab shit all the time—before Zoro was kissing you back.
And. Well. You’d started it, but you had not anticipated this. 
Zoro was almost rough, his hand curling around the nape of your neck and tugging you down closer to him. His other hand came to rest on your waist, so impossibly big around your torso that you shivered. What had started out as a simple kiss slipped into one all messy, your breaths coming out in sharp gasps as Zoro barely gave you a moment to breathe. 
His teeth dug into your lip, and you groaned into his mouth, tongue darting along his gums with the motion. He snickered at that, and you felt a little bundle of vexation starting at the pit of stomach at the sound. You ran your tongue into the crevices of his mouth, licking into him with ease. Another rush of satisfaction filled you as Zoro’s grip tightened on your waist. You were winning.
He fought back just as hard, practically merciless as his tongue slid against yours, prying into your mouth like he was trying to bare you empty of secrets. You felt stripped raw like this, but it wasn’t a terrible feeling—the opposite, actually, soft whimpers leaving your lungs as he dug more fiercely into you. Zoro sucked on your lower lip with teeth, and you barely managed to suppress the stuttered sound it tugged out from the back of your throat. 
There were hasty footsteps receding somewhere behind you, which was the only sound that snapped you out of your motions. You were the first to break away—another score gained there—glancing over your shoulder to ensure the marines had really left before fully detaching yourself from Zoro. The silver bell rung again, signaling the marines had made their exit, and you let out a relieved sigh. 
Zoro glanced over your shoulder, straightening his clothes as his tongue ran along his top teeth. The top teeth you’d had your tongue on just seconds ago. “If you wanted to kiss me, you could’ve just said so.” 
“I did not—” You sucked in a breath, all your general irritated feelings towards the man coming back at full force with just that one sentence. “Shut the fuck up. I got us out of the situation, didn’t I?” 
“You have questionable methods,” Zoro replied, leaning over to pick up his abandoned swords and strap them back along his hip. “Don’t think about that all night.” 
“You were not that good of a kisser,” you snapped, though you could feel your face getting hot. Your mouth tingled, like you could still taste him on your tongue; on your teeth; in your gums. There was a vaguely empty sensation at the curve of your waist you tried your best to ignore. “Don’t be so full of yourself. Roronoa. Now pick a sword to buy so we can leave already.”
Zoro seemed irritated, but he complied, brushing past you to inspect a few more of the swords before picking out one. You paid for it as quickly as possible, in a rush to get back to the ship; not even trying to talk the salesman down from his price like you usually would. 
Zoro followed you languidly, absolutely nothing urgent about his motions as you trailed after you back through the village. You wanted to uppercut him so badly. 
“Oh, there you guys are,” Usopp said upon stepping foot back onto the Going Merry. You shot him an apologetic smile before breezing past, beelining for your bedroom without a second thought. “Uh—okay! You good?” he called after you, but you were too far away to respond at this point. 
You slammed the door of your room shut upon entering, heaving out a breath of jumbled emotion all in one go. Fuck Roronoa Zoro and his three stupid swords and his three stupid earrings. He was the most lumbering, bullheaded oaf you’d ever had the displeasure of engaging with. 
He’d been a ridiculously good kisser. Now you hated him even more. 
You locked yourself in your room for the next four hours, busying yourself with various tasks whilst simultaneously seething over Zoro. It wasn’t even that he’d done anything specifically to you in the past. You just—didn’t get along, really. He was irritating, and stupid, and always tried to solve his problems with a blade rather than attempting to use his wits. Not that he had any wits of any kind. He was—
He was, as you were starting to find out, kind of attractive. Which. Okay. You’d known his face was at least easy on the eyes, despite his personality and general attitude not retaining the same qualities. But this was an entirely unappreciated development. 
Someone knocked on your door, snapping you out of your irritated haze. The sun had nearly set, a kiss of dusk coming in from outside as you shuffled over to the door. You yanked it open. “What—”
Zoro was standing in the doorway, arm propped against the side and keeping your door open even as you attempted to close it on him. “Roronoa.” 
“You’re hiding,” Zoro said, a tinge of mirth just barely visible in his eyes. You glared at him. 
“I am not.” 
“Do you have to disagree with everything I say?” Zoro asked. He was still wearing his swords even now, though he’d dressed down as the hour grew late. “You skipped dinner.” 
“Leave me alone,” you muttered. 
Zoro took that as an invitation to step fully into the room. “I told the rest of the crew about the marines,” he said, and you flinched. “Not about that. Just that we got away. Nami wants to leave tomorrow evening now, so we’ll be busy.” 
You stared at him, suspicious right from the start. “And you care enough to tell me? Did someone put you up to this?” 
Zoro stiffened. “I just thought you might want to know.” 
Your eyes narrowed. He looked as normal as ever—face blank, leaving no expression to be seen. But his muscles were tenser than usual, and the veins running up his arm were prominent, like his hand was tightened into a fist where it hid away in his pocket. “You have ulterior motives.”
“You’re so annoying,” Zoro muttered, but he didn’t budge. You scoffed. 
“What, are you here to admit that you were wrong and my plan really did get us away from the marines?” you asked, voice sugary sweet as you riled him up. His jaw clenched, a vein tracing up his neck bulging with the pressure. “You don’t need to inflate my ego—”
Zoro moved across the room swiftly, and you stumbled back in surprise as he pinned you to the wall, hand tight around your arm. Your words died in your throat as his lips sealed over yours with a bruising kiss. His fingers dug into the skin of your bicep—tight, but not tight enough to hurt. 
“I don’t need to inflate your ego,” Zoro snapped, finishing your sentence from where it’d died on your lips. “You do that enough yourself.” 
You stared at him, the tingle of his lips still left as an afterthought on your mouth. “If you’re going to make out with me, take your fucking swords off.” 
Zoro barely suppressed an eye roll, hands working at his belt to slide his holsters off from his hip. “What’s your problem with them?” 
“I think your emotional dependency on a bunch of oversized butter knifes—”
Zoro’s head jerked up, eyes dark when they met yours. “Don’t call them that.” 
You couldn’t resist the quip off your tongue. “You asked.” 
Zoro slowly made his way across the room again, steps careful and languid as he moved closer. “I take it back,” he said, voice a near whisper, every word crisp on his tongue. You shivered. 
This time, you expected it when he kissed you. He wasn’t careful with it, and you didn’t want it any other way—your arms wrapped around the back of his neck, tugging him down closer to you. It got aggressive quick, his fingers coming down to clutch your waist, one of your hands tight around the locks of his hair as you pried open his mouth with your tongue. 
Neither of you complied easily, both trying to get the better of the other. Zoro’s tongue forced itself into your mouth before you tugged on his lower lip with teeth. Both his hands came to wrap around your waist, now, hoisting you up and onto your hanging bed in the center of the room. His fingers dug in hard enough to leave bruises. 
Zoro abandoned your mouth in favor of your neck, biting open-mouthed kisses into your jawline before moving down your jugular. Each one was more hasty than the last, wet and warm with licks of tongue and scrapes of teeth. You didn’t bother moving to give him better access—he had to do that himself, a large hand coming to rest on the back of your skull and pulling your head back to bare the rest of your neck to him. You heard him mutter something in Japanese—probably some obscenity, which pleased you more than you’d like to admit. 
His kisses stopped at the hinge of your neck and shoulder, Zoro pausing to lean over and work his fingers up your spine. They danced over the clasp of your shirt, and you had to choke back a wry laugh, surprised. “I thought the Demon just took what he wanted,” you murmured. 
Zoro didn’t seem to like that. He started unfastening the buttons going down the back of your top. “At least I was polite enough to ask,” he muttered. 
“Just take my clothes off already,” you said, and he stopped his work, leaning back to glare into your eyes. You let out an annoyed sigh, and he rolled his eyes, going back to what he’d been doing. “Are we going to talk about it?” you asked, eyeing Zoro’s chest in front of you. 
You pressed a kiss to his neck, sucking at the skin before grazing it ever-so-slightly with your teeth. His throat hitched under your mouth. 
“Nope,” he grunted, finally unclasping the last button and pulling your top over your head. Since you didn’t have an issue with that arrangement, you didn’t say anything, even as Zoro practically shoved you flat on your back. 
“Rude,” you muttered. Zoro didn’t bother apologizing; he just leaned down to take your breast in his mouth, tongue circling around your nipple. You weren’t fast enough to suppress your gasp this time—a point in Zoro’s favor then, one you allowed with a bitter taste on your tongue. Zoro’s mouth formed a smile against your skin. You brought your knee up between his legs, shoving into his crotch in retaliation. 
“Stop,” Zoro hissed, the consonants of the words brushing across your skin when he spoke. You ignored him, and he let out a groan, hand clamping around your thigh to keep you from moving. “Do you have to be such a brat?” 
“I am not a brat.” You hooked your ankle around his, causing him to slip from where he lay suspended above you, mouths mashing in another too-aggressive facsimile of a kiss. “You’re just a gigantic manwhore with an overinflated ego.” 
“You did not just call me—” You shut him up with another kiss, teeth digging deep into the inner gums of his lip. You ran your hands up the sides of Zoro’s figure, trying your hardest to ignore the stiff muscles of his ribcage. He wasn’t that well-built. He wasn’t even that attractive, you tried to convince yourself. Still, you found the buttons of his shirt, trying to unfasten them quicker than Zoro had with yours. 
One of them caught, and Zoro had the audacity to laugh. You grumbled something incoherent under your breath, tugging his shirt off all the way and tossing it somewhere behind you. “Shut up.” 
“You’ve been the one complaining this entire time,” Zoro replied easily. He leaned down, tugging at your trousers to pull them off, pressing sloppy kisses down your torso now. You resisted the urge to say something in response, knowing it would just give him the satisfaction of being right. Were your points tied now? You couldn’t remember. 
Zoro had pulled your pants down to your knees by now, and you kicked them off all the way, watching as he pushed them off the bed and leaned down to work at the inward slope of your hip. You shivered, legs trembling as you felt your core grow tight, the cloth of your underwear already wet with anticipation. Seeing the ever-steadying tent in Zoro’s pants made you feel just a little bit better, and you were nice enough to let a stuttering moan out as his tongue licked down to the band of your panties. 
He pulled your underwear all the way off, then, but to your distaste completely ignored your fully exposed core to unbutton his own pants instead. “I hate you,” you muttered. 
Zoro stopped in the middle of what he was doing, pants halfway down his thighs and length already out. “Oh, I’m sorry,” he said, voice careful—you could still hear the mocking tone beyond the coolness of his voice, though, and your jaw clenched in irritation. “Did you want something?” 
“Yeah, for you to shut the fuck up.” You pushed yourself up by the elbows, grabbing one of Zoro’s arms and yanking him down onto the mattress. You used both hands to strip him of the last of his clothes—God, his legs were long—before returning to press your own open-mouthed bruises along his neck. His hips bucked up against yours, insistently chasing any friction, but you tightened a grip on his thigh to get him to stop. “Give me a second.” 
“I don’t like that I’m suddenly under you,” Zoro said drily, and you could feel the words as they formed in his throat, still biting hickeys into his skin. You rolled your eyes, lips disconnecting from skin with a dull pop.
“Deal with it, Roronoa. I’m not moving.” With that, you finally reached down to coax his legs apart, hovering your core over his hips as you lined your entrance up with his length. 
There was an audible hitch of breath on Zoro’s part as you sunk onto him. Point. 
One of his hands tangled in your hair when you started moving, the other coming to press on the small of your back as you worked yourself up and down around him. For the complaining he’d done about the position, he didn’t seem so bothered about it, pulling you into a rough kiss. 
You bit back with force, breath escaping you as your hips bucked against Zoro’s. The wet pool in your lower belly only grew stronger with every thrust, pressure building up inside of you as Zoro’s tongue ran across your teeth. You moaned freely now, too lost in the daze of your pleasure to remember to be annoying. Evidently Zoro felt the same way—he swallowed every one of your gasps up, grunting as you pulsed around him.
Your hips stuttered, thigh muscles contracting with the effort as you clenched down on Zoro. Still, you pushed through even as your muscles started to tire, encouraged by the deep, throaty sounds that escaped Zoro's lips between each kiss. He was big, filling you up damn near wholeheartedly, the crevices inside of you seeming to mould to his skin as you worked yourself on him.
Zoro started moving against you, and you gasped as his angle changed, somehow reaching farther in your body and causing tingles to erupt all along your skin. Your mind buzzed as he thrust into you with renewed vigor, core pulsing as you felt yourself come closer and closer to the edge. 
You came all at once, teeth biting down in Zoro’s mouth before you parted from him. You let out a gasping moan, attempting to toss your head back as stars burst across your vision. Zoro’s hand in your hair dragged you back into a kiss, though; this one was slower, less teeth this time, like him coming had lessened the urge to bite. 
Your movements slowed, coming to rest against Zoro’s skin, warm and—although you wouldn’t say so out loud—almost comfortable. His hand hadn’t budged from where it was pressed against your lower back, holding you tight to him. 
There was a sticky wetness spreading fast by your thighs, and you grimaced, lifting yourself off of Zoro and rolling beside him on your back in one fluid motion. He stifled a groan at the movement, clearly irritated at the fact you hadn’t given any warning. 
You lay there, breath heaving, rising out your high and making no move to touch the man laying by your side. 
After you’d regained some of your dignity, you sat up, eyes narrowing at Zoro. “Get off my bed.” 
Zoro gave you an exasperated look, but he didn’t argue; he just climbed off your bed, retrieving his clothes from where you’d tossed them about the room. He donned them slowly, like he had all the time in the world. Your eyes traced along his figure while he did, and you only felt sort of annoyed by it. 
“I still hate you,” you snapped, after he’d finished changing. Zoro just scoffed, picking up his swords and slinging them across one shoulder. You could see a bruise purpling by his neck. At least you’d done damage. 
“Fine by me,” he replied, straightening his shirt and giving you a look—not quite irritated, not quite sarcastic. “Dinner’s still waiting for you.” 
You glared at his back as he opened the door to your bedroom. “Get lost, Roronoa,” you said, and that was that. 
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© halfvalid 2023
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itsdannycragg · 2 months
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Hi Tumblr!
I logged da fuck off at some point and will continue to be very much so not on social media! Believe me when I tell you life is better on the other side.
I do want to pop in with a life update for the curious!
I'm out here in Durham, NC, and three years after moving here with Shelby and Brian, I can confidently say there isn't a place in the world I'd rather put my roots down.
I never knew what actual community looked or felt like until I came here. I'd made friends in town everywhere I'd lived, of course, and we would go out to eat or on a vacation, visit a gallery or something, but in Durham it's just different. Looking out the window during a car ride, chatting with a stranger in a grocery store, checking out a thrift shop or going to the library, I find myself declaring "I love living here..." the same compulsive way I tell my partners I love them. Durham isn't just a place I live, it's where I belong.
I've been calling myself an ex-cartoonist, and preaching the nightmare of trying to make art for infinite-profit focused megacorps. It's not that I didn't love making cartoons, it's that I did. It may not be that way for everyone, but for me, working a job I loved meant I was working every second of my life. Being an artist is a core part of my heart and soul, and near the end, I had become so burnt out I would spend hours just trying to start doing the work I used to fly out of bed excited to do.
So I did some of this and that, worked a retail job that fucked my hands up so bad that I had to have double carpal tunnel release surgery. 29 years as an artist and I get carpal tunnel from hefting around boxes in a warehouse!
Since then, I've pivoted into building a career as a graphic designer. (And I'm learning web dev too!) I'm getting involved in the local nonprofit scene, meeting so many incredible people and finding so many cool and exciting opportunities to focus my design work on community awareness, nonprofits, small businesses!! I didn't expect that to be so viable for a Graphic Designer. I had the misconception for a long time that I'd have to put my creative sensibilities aside for more dry, sensible corporate phooey. But there's so much more. Graphic design is truly a delight and a challenge! I have always enjoyed thinking critically about all forms of human creation. Why am I so drawn to this book cover? What makes that building so weird? Why do these casserole mix boxes piss me off? Why does that person's outfit look so fucking awesome?
Taking those thoughts and using them to inform how I approach design is an entirely different beast from animating and illustrating. I'm fighting for my life out there formatting text, morphing vectors and and scooting things around a comp until it works. A picture's worth a thousand words, but you don't have space for a thousand words in a graphic design. Condense! Condense! It's challenging, and a lot of fun.
Working as a cartoonist was my dream come true, and I am forever proud of and thankful for the part I have played in the history of animation and queer representation in entertainment. I had the privilege of having the life crisis I had at 21— "I never thought I'd get this far. What more could I want? What do I do now?"
Well, a decade later I confidently know what comes after having my dreams come true. I get older, and I experience new things, meet new people, struggle paying bills, endure all kinds of misfortunes and problems, and come out the other side astounded and proud to have survived it. Grow closer to my family friends and community as the years deepen our history together, and just be amazed and thankful that I made it this far, over and over.
It's funny being called old by my younger friends, because I have never felt so young in my life! I JUST cracked 30. There are so many things I haven't done yet, and so many things I don't know that I don't know yet. And I have the power to take ALL of this and to create art about it. Hopy shit!
Speaking of making art and sharing it, one of the reasons I'm excited to be learning web dev is so I can carve out places online where I can share anything and everything I want to. Media Crit, comics, essays, comics, illos, however I want to present it. I'll share it when I get the site running. Or maybe I wont and you'll have to find it by chance.
And of course, I'm still actively writing Neokosmos with Shelby and Brian, and doing other little things here and there. :) See ya when I see ya, Danny
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12percentspider · 6 months
Info time: Diabetes and related issues [this is long but I highly suggest reading]
Do you ever see something and you go "that doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about diabetes to dispute it"? Well, I can help you there. I can help you know enough about diabetes to dispute it if need be. Especially because well, there are seemingly a lot of scams going around where people claim to be diabetic [in my experience it's maybe 3 scammers that just remake] and the information is not very correct in most cases. Not to mention this type of scam pisses me off because I am in fact diabetic, and not only are people preying off of others' lack of information about the chronic condition, but it's also trivializing a serious lifelong condition that can be fatal. If you have now or have lost a loved one to diabetes complications, you are already aware of how dangerous it can be as well as how dangerous misinformation is as well.
What is diabetes? Diabetes is a chronic condition related to the endocrine system- the pancreas specifically. However, if complications get serious enough other parts of the body will be affected. In type 2 diabetes, the body's cells have become resistant to insulin, which is a hormone produced by the pancreas that allows cells to use glucose from the blood- your body's energy it needs to function. When someone is 'type 2', the food that person is eating is not able to fuel them, regardless of caloric content. Glucose is commonly called "blood sugar". It's a type of sugar that is processed and then transported via the circulatory system to your cells where it's needed. With type 1 diabetes (which used to be called "juvenile diabetes"), the pancreas does not produce any/enough insulin for some reason or another, generally because of autoimmune or other damage. [For me personally, I was diagnosed as an adult and had to have it confirmed as type 1 due to the presence of autoimmune antibodies, also apparently my pancreas hadn't quite given up at that point.] As we've seen before, insulin allows your body to use the food you are putting into it. As a double whammy, you can have type 1 with resistance, so not only is your body not producing any/enough insulin, what's there can't be used properly. [RIP Spider who has this] So to explain the effects, think about what happens when you're literally starving. Now imagine that's happening no matter how much you eat. Your body may go into starvation mode and store fat. This can be misleading, which when combined with fatphobia has people concluding that "well, you have diabetes because you're fat, duh". Heck, I have/had diabetic relatives who believed that eating too many carbs will automatically cause the condition because that's what everyone is told/assumes. Eventually, you'd starve and your body would start deteriorating as so. HOWEVER because you would have so much glucose that just sits there because it can't be used, your kidneys are going to work overtime to try and correct this- and they can't do it alone. Your liver can also suffer severe damage. That's not to mention a whole host of other complications that can occur.
So what about it? Well, obviously there are treatments. Insulin injections have existed since the 1920s. There are also medications that can help your body actually use the insulin it's being provided, be it naturally or artificially. So yes, people with diabetes are dependent on prescriptions to survive. My grandma lost a sister in childhood due to insulin treatments apparently not being available in the extremely rural area they were living in at the time. More recently, the israeli occupation has banned insulin from being distributed to Palestinians. [Insulin has also been used historically in psychiatric hospitals to force low blood sugar in psychiatric patients, but that's a whole other rabbithole about psychiatric abuse.] There are resources for the US and beyond if you or someone you know and/or love are in dire straits financially and need help with insulin or other diabetes medications/ related medical help. That's only one aspect of treatment, though. Because pain, stress, hormone changes, other medical issues, and plenty of other factors can raise your blood sugar to dangerous levels, other kinds of treatment to manage other factors may be necessary.
Now that that's out of the way, let's get to specifics. So the most common problem you're going to see mentioned is high blood sugar. We've already covered what the effects are, but what is considered high? For the most part, "high" is 200 milligrams per deciliter. My CGM (continuous glucose monitor) lists "high" as anything 181 or higher but stops giving an exact number after 350. This is why I had a good laugh that time I saw a scammer using an image of a meter reading glucose in the 120s- that's good blood sugar. If you're going to get even more specific you want your pre-breakfast blood sugar to be 80-130. So when you see an accompanying image reading in the 500s, that's extremely dangerous. That's "you're in danger of going into a coma" dangerous.
Insulin pricing? How come I'm seeing people saying they need $300? In the US, pricing cap was set to $35 somewhat recently. What this means is that per insulin pen (as far as I've experienced, the above-linked resource post should have links with better clarification) it's $35. Can't be more than that for one pen. How many doses that provides is very up in the air. It absolutely varies from person to person. I have relatives with type 2 that have to inject a dose of very long-acting insulin weekly, one has gone back and forth with daily doses on top of that. I'm type 1 and have to take one dose of long-acting nightly with injections of a short-acting insulin before every meal, with the exact dosage amounts varying per meal. Insulin is measured in units (there's probably an actual mL amount, both of mine are 100 units per mL with a 3mL pen). How many units someone needs is determined with their medical provider (or care team? When I went to 'diabetes education' after diagnosis I was set up with a "care team").
["...pharmacies can refuse to split boxes of insulin pens depending on company/store policy. so if someone lost their insulin and needed to get a replacement because insurance wont pay for more, the pharmacy could make them get a full box of three or five pens."]
via: anon ask (thank you much!!!) So it turns out that yes, with $35 being a cap it would very much likely be for EACH pen, with 3 being $105 in this case and 5 being $175.
But at any rate, if someone is in an emergency situation in the US should be able to get an insulin pen for $35 pretty much when they get to a pharmacy [again, from edit: no, not every pharmacy]. Yes, I get that this can be difficult in some situations, but that's outside the concept of insulin prices.
If someone's blood sugar is over 500 though, they almost certainly need a hospital more than they need an insulin pen. Yes, alright, the actual real single mother on twitter who was the source of the profile images/meter images that whatever the current url for vero-og has stolen and been using for months... that was actually months ago and I'm sure she doesn't need to be told to go to the hospital right now. [That said, if you get an ask from someone and the url is a variation off of 'vero-og' that is a confirmed scammer.] And then on top of that, yes, why would you block people that can get you free or discounted insulin? If someone was offering to save your life for free or find you what you need for far less than what you were expecting to spend, why wouldn't you take it? Unless what you're actually after is money.
SO TO RECAP: Insulin does not cost $300, $350, $370, whatever someone is sending you an ask about. In the US, it is federally capped at $35 per pen, with further resources available, as well as further resources being available internationally. If you need help, please be honest about it. I promise there are people who care, you don't have to try and explain yourself- but it absolutely does not cost that much and if it did, there are ways to lower the cost by quite a bit if there aren't resources to make it free. Diabetes is a lifelong chronic condition that is not caused by "being fat" or "eating too much", it is caused by your body not functioning right and your body can starve no matter how much food you eat. Unfortunately, people have been lying on this site for months if not years claiming to have type 1 with an insulin emergency. These people cannot possibly have diabetes, or they would be well aware that they do not need hundreds of dollars to get their insulin. They are counting on you not knowing this so you will donate to them. The 'vero-og' scammer had been harassing someone who donated and threatening them with the intention of bullying more money out of the donor.
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remember-the-fanfics · 7 months
An asked 'I feel like if Adam met the gen Z overlord before he came to the hotel they talk circles around him.'
But it came out as their first interaction, they still roasting Adam when they can.
Set in the first episode
"Ah yes, the first man. The reason I had to live my life and have responsibilities. So wonderful." Said (Y/n), after Adam revealed who he actually was..
"Who the fuck do you think you're talking too? I'm the dickmaster!" Adam said finally noticing (Y/n)'s presence in the room.
"Well being the first man, you really had nothing else to compare it to." They told him with a smile.
"This is (Y/n), they came with me because-."
"I don't trust any of you so I'm making sure Charlie stays safe." (Y/n) finished the sentence not wanting Charlie to soften any words with the Angels.
"No sinner should be here, I should end you for even setting a foot in here." Said Lute, glaring and getting close to (Y/n), who just glared back while getting up from their chair.
"Test me, bit-." Getting interrupted by Charlie pulling them back into their chair. (Y/n) looked at Charlie with a upset glare but settled back down while Lute returned back to Adam's side.
"I want to discuss biggest problem." Said Charlie, trying to get back on track on why she was here.
"Oh herpes. Yeah, that's a bitch." Adam replied.
"Seems to be a you problem." Said (Y/n), seeming already done with Adam.
"No! Our... other biggest problem."
"Ugly people? Math? Global Warming? No wait, that's earth problem." Said Adam, earning a deadpan look from Charlie, who (Y/n) patted on the back.
"You can't change stupid, Charlie. No matter how you try." They whispered to Charlie. "But hey maybe he isn't a complete moron."
Which (Y/n) completely took back after tuning in to Adam being on a different topic now. Being sexist and boasting his own masculinity.
"Do you cope by being a complete ass?" They said, Adam completely ignoring (Y/n) went on.
"-expects you to pay the check but you're like 'Hey, I thought you wanted equality."
"I'm gonna kill him." Said (Y/n), looking at Charlie.
"No! Our shared problem of overpopulation in Hell!" Charlie finally said before (Y/n) could try and kill him.
"Ohh, well that's not a problem! We got that covered." Adam said before turning to Lute. "Lute, how many demons did you kill this year?"
"A good 275 this year, sir."
"275? Woah, badass! Awesome job, danger tits! Pound it." Adam said putting his hand up for a fist bump which Lute did.
"That's not good! They aren't your people to kill!" Said (Y/n), upset with how casual the two seem to be about it. "They are Charlie's people, me including."
"Well that must suck for you." Said Adam before laughing, making (Y/n) pissed. But Charlie jumped in before they could get any more heated about it.
"But these are souls...Humans souls just the same as the ones you have up in heaven." Said Charlie, getting (Y/n) to sit back down.
"They're not the same. They had their chance and they earned damnation." Lute coldly said before looking at (Y/n). "Like you."
"Oooo, so scary." Said (Y/n), flipping Lute off.
"You're wrong. Sinners made mistakes, sure, but everyone makes mistakes." Said Charlie.
"Angels don't make mistakes."
"You really believe that?" Said Charlie and (Y/n).
"I know that."
"Yeah, I've never made a mistake in my fucking life." Said Adam.
"Didn't you get kicked out of the Garden?" (Y/n) asked him.
"That was one tim-."
"And apparently had your first wife leave you."
"Low blow, tiny." Adam said before Lute walk around the table to where Charlie and (Y/n) was seated.
"The only reason you're still here is because daddy gave you and your hellborn kind a pardon from an exorcist blade. How does that feel, to know how little you matter?" Lute said, taunting Charlie.
"Bitch, he probably did that because he cares about her." Said (Y/n), glaring at Lute. "So go fuck yourself with a chainsaw."
"Nothing is stopping me from killing you now, sinner." Lute said, getting close to (Y/n)'s face for to long before moving on.
"Opps, almost out of time. Guess we should get into it." Said Adam.
"Oh fuck!" Said Charlie, getting her presentation ready. "Okay I've got a lot to get through and not a lot of time and I feel like you weren't hearing me before so here it goes."
-I ain't typing a whole ass song-
"-Ugh, Shit!" Said Charlie, after (Y/n) and her got pushed out of the room.
"Mother- trucker!" Yelled (Y/n), not wanting motherfucker and Adam in the same sentence or thought. "Dude that hurt like a buttcheck on a stick." They said getting off the floor and helping Charlie up.
"Are you okay? You weren't treated kindly in there." Asked Charlie.
"It's fine, I knew what I was walking into when I came with you." Said (Y/n), shrugging.
"I'm sorry you got dragged here for nothing." Charlie said before getting a side hug from (Y/n).
"You got nothing to apologize for. I knew from the dipshit's face from the start it would be a long shot if he is in charge."
"Thank you, (Y/n)."
"Soo.. 6 months, huh? I have to go back to my territory to get ahead start with that but I'll meet you at the hotel afterwards, okay?"
"Alright, see you then!"
"Byyyyeee~" With that (Y/n) took off to their territory.
"(Y/n)... where have I heard that name before?"
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totaly-obsessed · 11 months
Family away from Home
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Barca femení x reader request
-> Ingrid's little sister spends the Summer holidays with her and gets into trouble, leaving the whole team worried
-> Warning: talk of rape, drugs, and stalking - do not take this lightly
-> For this request, I hope you like it!
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Eight weeks of pure free time, a blessing – especially when your sister lives in Spain and you can stay there for free. Ingrid lives in a nice apartment in the middle of Barcelona, together with her girlfriend Maria and two cats. It was a nice surprise when she asked you if you would like to spend the summer with them – of course, you said yes. Who wouldn’t?
Mapi was nice, very nice and while there was a language barrier and situations were hard sometimes, everyone did their best to get around it. You learned Spanish in school, but it was very different from actual Spanish, especially in Barcelona where many people speak Català.
The two footballers had early training sessions but usually, you all had breakfast together, or at least for the last ten days that you had been there. Today, however, you were nowhere to be found, and Ingrid was panicking.
You had gone out last night, which she knew, but you had not returned and now it was eight in the morning. She called and called you, made Maria call you, and even tracked your location, which was still at the club.
No ten minutes later she was pulling you out of the dark environment by your hair. It’s not like she didn’t try pulling you by your arms but your body was much too sweaty and she kept slipping.
The brunette didn’t even talk to you on the way home, just depositing you in the backseat. It was Maria who took care of you at home, guiding you to the shower and pulling out an outfit for you, thankfully with sunglasses.
Half an hour later Mapi pulled into the training grounds, helping you out of the car while Ingrid stormed ahead. As thankful that she was, that you were okay, she was pissed. You had promised her that you would be back at least by three in the morning, you had promised her that you would take care of yourself and be watchful – which you obviously had not been.
At some point during the night, you noticed that everything was a little hazier, and disoriented and you completely forgot where you were.
Your drink had been spiked.
Terrified of seeing Ingrid like this – or rather her seeing you like this, you had decided to stay there, in the hope that she would be gone once you headed home. But when your sister had seen your dilated pupils and wonky behavior, she knew that you were not ‘just’ drunk. She was so pissed that you took drugs, putting that toxic stuff into your body, that she did not even question if you wanted it.
Her angry stomping was interrupted once she ran into Keira, Lucy, and Ona who stood in the hallway chatting. “Jeez, what happened to you?” The heavy Spanish accent teased the Norwegian just enough to give an answer. “My sister happened to me.” Just at that moment, Mapi dragged you around the corner – a cap pulled deep into your face, together with sunglasses effectively hiding it.
The three footballers quickly understood the situation, huge grins on their faces, thinking you were drunk of your ass.
In the changing room, Maria dropped you in your sister’s cubby, who immediately sat down next to the blonde in hers. Upon seeing the taller woman’s facial impression most people just ignored your presence, going about their day as usual but it was Frido who approached you first. “Lille Ingrid!“
You were pulled into a tight hug, the blonde footballer having missed you – effectively ignoring the pained expression on your face. “Hi, Frido.” Kisses were pressed on your cheeks as she pulled off the sunglasses.
Both of you winced. You because of the bright light, Frido because of your wide eyes. “Hva har du gjort? Ingrid is pretty mad.“ You pushed her hands away, pulling the glasses back on, trying to hide once you saw Pina and Patri curiously looking at you. “I didn’t do anything Frido, I promise. But Inni is mad at me.” Your voice was low, just above a whisper that the Swede could understand you. With soft coos and head pats she went back to her own cubby.
The girls started to walk out the door, ready to hit the pitch. This time it was your sister who pulled you up, pushing an isotonic drink into your hands. Maria had been fine with letting you sleep in the changing room but Ingrid decided to punish you – sitting you down next to the field, in the early heat. It was unbearable to sit there – the sun burning down on you, the shrill sounds of the whistle annoying your forming headache.
It was Lucy who was sent off to take a break because of her knee, and Alexia who still struggled with her ACL, who took a seat on both sides of you.
¡Hola, nena! The captain pressed a series of soft kisses on the top of your head, pulling you into her body. While she was even warmer, she shielded your body from the sun – and she was very comforting to your upset head. “How’s your hangover?” Lucy’s teasing voice was quieter than usual, going easy on you. “Hasn’t even formed yet.” The two older women shared a look over the top of your head, knowing that did not mean anything good.
It was silent for a good couple of minutes, with everyone watching Claudia score a screamer – the two women at your side cheering.
Ana joined you after a bit, sinking in front of you effectively barricading your view of the pitch as she pulled the glasses off again. “Ai! Did you take drugs?” Her voice was shockingly loud, alarming everyone in your vicinity but especially Lucy and Alexia, as their heads snapped to you.
The Spaniard grabbed your face, squishing your cheeks as she observed your eyes – the Brit copying her shortly after. “Do you know how dangerous drugs are? You are ruining your body!” Alexia was rambling in Spanish and Ana just looked disappointed. Her blue eyes were drilling into your soul, there was something wrong and she knew it. She just didn’t know what it was.
The whole situation was uncomfortable – three women who you respected a lot talking about you, talking at you, about how bad what you did was. “I didn’t take them.”
It was finally silent, giving your buzzing head a short break.
The other girls were still on the pitch, blissfully unaware, but you could see Ingrid and Mapi eyeing your little circle. “What do you mean you didn’t take them?” Lucy was the first to find her words, but it was Ana’s pleading eyes that made you spit it out. “Someone put something in my drink. I didn’t take anything. I promise.” Alexia’s eyes teared up, hoping that she misunderstood. But upon repeating yourself the blonde understood that she heard you correctly.
You pleaded with them that they would not tell your sister or her girlfriend, and they agreed – under the condition that you would join them at team night that evening – which you agreed to.
The rest of the day was hard. Ingrid ignored you for most of it. While her teammates had begged you to let them tell her, you refused. You didn’t want your sister to worry even more than she already did. Her heavily tattooed girlfriend however made you food, something to drink and brought you to bed – in the hope that you would feel better when you woke up, or at least be sober.
Your head still hurts after waking up, a hangover having taken the place of your previous drunken state. After some food, an Advil, and a nice long shower you felt much better – dressed to impress and ready to go.
The team bonding for the night was cooking together at Alexia’s place, seeing as her kitchen was the biggest. Upon arriving Ingrid sat you down on the couch where you were quickly joined by Claudia, Patri, Jana, and Bruna, the younger ones on the team. They didn’t even question why you were at their training in the morning, just happy that you were with them again as they had last seen you for a spring vacation in Greece. It didn’t take long until you were filled in on all the newest gossip;
Jana’s girlfriend Jill is a very good partner
The girl Patri got with a couple of weeks ago became clingy, she panicked and told her she was married, which she wasn’t and a quick Google search proved that
Bruna’s brother had gotten a girl pregnant, so now they were getting married with the young brunette as a bridesmaid
Alexia and her girlfriend had broken up and it was messy
And apparently, not even Lucy, Keira, and Ona knew what was happening with them.
It was Sandra who called them over to help prepare the food but you and Claudia were sent away again, not trusted with the sharp knives, so you took your previous places on the couch. “How long are you staying with Ingrid?” The two of you fell into a comfortable chatter, the short brunette taking up her favorite place with her head in your lap as you braided her hair.
The kitchen was noisy as they made food, just a few people were scattered throughout the room. A phone started ringing - yours. The number in the display was unknown to you, so you pressed the red button.
Just a few seconds later it started to ring again – declined again.
After that Pina and you talked for a bit, your eyes falling to the phone from time to time until it rang again. Annoyed you answered with a pissed “Hello?” The silence on the other line was disturbing until you heard a creepy chuckle. “Hello?” Claudia watched the interaction as your brows furrowed, and so did the brunettes. “Don’t you remember me?”
Your heart started to beat incredibly fast and loud. Sure, you hadn’t actually fallen asleep from the drug that spiked your drink but there was still severe memory loss from the night. “I thought you liked my drink. I made it just for you.” His voice was just a whisper that reached your brain in a very uncomfortable place. “Who is this?” The chuckle was back and instead of an answer, your phone dinged – a message from the same unknown number that was talking to you.
The Spaniard on your lap watched as you took the phone away from your ear, opening the message. It was a picture of you. And it was taken at the bar from last night.
In it, you were sitting on a guy's lap but your pupils were blown large, a stare that didn’t reach anybody facing the camera, as his ankles crossed yours keeping you in place, as did the hands whose knuckles turned white as they were holding onto your wrists. “Don’t you like this picture? You were so happy when we took it.”
By now the other youngsters were back, leaning over the couch, watching you. Once Bruna understood what was happening, she ran off, just to return with the rest of the team – forget cooking.
Ingrid practically sprinted at you as she took the phone, throwing it to her girlfriend who took a screenshot of the number and yelled down the line. Your sister took your shaking form in her arms as Alexia went to help Mapi with whatever she was doing.
Once you had calmed down a silence filled the room, a silence that was waiting for you to explain. “I didn’t take any drugs last night, my drink was spiked. And apparently, some things happened that I don’t remember. I- I don’t know how he got my number, and I don’t remember doing anything with him. And, and-“
You were crying, burying your face in Ingrid's thick hair, trying to hide from the world. Frido and Caro tried to calm down your sister who was also crying while Lucy pulled you into her own arms.
The whole team was there for you – and now they knew that you hadn’t voluntarily taken drugs. They also knew what a blackout could mean, especially when the guy had your number and pictures like that.
It was Ale, the trusted captain who voiced the next step. “Let’s get you to a hospital, Nena. Get a rape kit done.” Tears were streaming down your face as Claudia and Patri tried to hand you tissue after tissue. “I’m scared.” Ingrid, who felt so incredibly guilty for treating you the way that she did, not even questioning you if you really had taken drugs, took you in her arms. “I know, baby – but you have us, you’ll never be alone again.”
And she was right, you were not alone.
Ingrid, Fridolina, and Ana accompanied you to the hospital, where you got tested. It was positive, but you were not pregnant or had syphilis but you had definitely been taken advantage of. The good news? There was a DNA sample that you could take to the police, along with the picture of you and the guy, the number you were called from, and a drug test positive for Rohypnol.
Maria, Lucy, and Alexia went into the station with you and held you as you cried when retelling what happened, but the rest of the team was waiting outside – hoping that they could find the guy who did this.
Turns out that they could.
Two weeks later you had gotten the notification that they had caught him with Rohypnol on his body and pictures of you on his phone – it was over.
The whole team of Barcelona Femení took you under their wings you spent training with them, went out on team nights with them, and went on little hangouts with some of them.
You had found a second family – away from home.
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writervaul-t · 2 months
something about you
chapter four: the wild wolf
summary: chiara calls [name] and unexpectedly sees more sides of benji.
pairing: modern!benjicot blackwood x reader
note: anyone got songs that are reader or benji coded? i'm expanding my playlist 😫
masterlist | playlist
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There were many things [Name] could describe Chiara and one of them had not been predictable.
She had told [Name] she would be out with a couple of friends from her department at The Wild Wolf, a club just right outside the campus and a frequent place most students gravitated to after a torturous month of exams and classes.
Chiara had lived with the concept "Party it out" whenever a mildly inconvenient problem had found itself on her lap. [Name] elected to stay home during those times, either working the night shift at Rhaenyra's store or sitting at home. There were rarely ever days where their street was dead silent and [Name] took every opportunity to enjoy the minimal noise pollution.
That's why she found herself dumbfounded as she stood in front of The Wild Wolf, her phone gripped tightly in her hand as the music from her phone was nearly synced with what she was hearing outside. The guard, tall and burly Cregan Stark, was also the TA at her Data Analytics class last semester. He stood awkwardly in front of her as they tried to decode what Chiara was saying.
"I'm - hic - too druuuunk." Chiara says for the sixth time that night to her. "I'm at the sears by the bar. Do you think you can come gerk me please? I promise I won't ever doew thith agai--"
The line cut off, making both Cregan and [Name] shoot each other exhasperated looks. "I'll let you in since I know you're just going in to get her." Is all Cregan can offer, motioning to the ever growing line at to the club.
"I owe you one." [Name] says in response, letting Cregan stamp her hand before opening the door to the sound of loud EDM and body heat. Lights strobbed all around her, making [Name] disoriented as she made her way toward the booths, hoping to find Chiara quickly.
Worry seemed to work its way up as she couldn't find her friend after three booths. She couldn't have wandered too far away from how recent the call was. Still, it was Chiara of all people and the possibility of her wandering off anywhere while inebriated wasn't a new concept.
"Is that [Name]?" A voice calls out as she passes by a group, stopping her from checking another booth just past them. Her eyes go wide as she makes eye contact with a Tully. Beside him stood his brother and a couple of other people she could barely recognize but they certainly knew her from the way they looked at her. She kept herself still before she finally met a set of familiar dark eyes.
Benji looked as shocked as [Name] was as they made eye contact. His hair had been loose of its usual style, the brown strands covering his forehead and as if he'd run his hand through if one too many times all night. He wasn't dressed any differently then usual but she wasn't sure she'd seen him in the striped shirt and jeans he had on.
Or the chain around his neck and rings on his fingers. Or the girl clinging to his arm. A girlfriend? [Name] asked herself before remembering Chiara mentioning he hasn't been seen with anyone.
"Hi?" [Name] says. Benji pulls away from the girl - his friend group entirely - as he comes up to her. [Name] puts a hand up to stop him from coming closer, doing her best to speak loud enough so only he can hear. "I'm not here to party."
"I gathered that much." Benji says, looking at the starry sweater and leggings she threw on before leaving her apartment. "Are you alright? What's wrong?"
From the corner of her eye, she can spot the brothers put their heads together, looking over Benji's shoulder and waving. The girl he had stood with looked at her curiously as she put her attention back on the man, worry settling in again as she remembered why she was here.
"My friend - Chiara Tyrell. She called me piss drunk and asked me to come get her. Have you seen her?" She asked him hopefully before looking around.
"No, I haven't but let's find her together, yeah?" Benji calls over the music, before turning back to his friends to tell them he would help [Name] and guiding her through the booths.
They checked diligently, Benji asking anyone he knew if they saw a brunette girl passed out anywhere. [Name] had nearly lost hope in everything until she heard a shriek and felt someone tackle her from behind. She nearly lost her footing had Benji caught her before falling over.
Chiara grinned dopily at the two of them, wrapping her arms around [Name] as she stared straight at Benji and said, "Ben! I'm so glad you're here. Do you think you can convince your girlfriend to go out sometime? It would so much more fun if you'd come with us! But I know that this place probably isn't part of your thing--"
[Name] stared her friend down, hand reaching to cover her mouth but Benji interrupts them, helping Chiara stand up after moving [Name] beside him. "Let's ask her when she's not about to kill you." He interrupts, working as a barrier between them and the dancing crowd.
[Name] groans as she puts her friend's arm around her. "How do you weight nothing but everything at the same time?" She huffs at her friend.
Chiara doesn't respond, seemingly falling asleep after realizing [Name] had found her. Benji grabs the other side of Chiara, helping [Name] move her to a booth close to where he originally was. Kermit and Oscar, having watched the whole ordeal, walks up to them, peering over at Chiara.
"Oh, she's gone." One of them chimes in.
"Do you need help?" The other adds, to which [Name] paused at the thought.
Chiara was small but definitely not light enough for her to walk five blocks on her back. She looked from her friend to the three men in front them then to the group they had came with. All of them seemed invested in what was happening, which made [Name] wonder if any of them were made aware of their agreement at all.
"Um, maybe just to take her outside? I can call a rideshare--" She started but nearly felt sandpaper go down her throat as she caught sight of a familiar mass of brown hair coming their way.
"Odd group to see!" Aeron calls out, a smile on his face that could only mean he drank one too many. His eyes blearily focused on [Name]. "Coming to pick your boyfriend up, [Name]? Ulla Greyjoy was all over him just a moment ago."
A pit in her stomach fell. He saw Benji with another girl? A fear struck in her as she realized they might get caught if she doesn't think of something quickly. "Um, no. I was with Chiara all night. We just separated from everyone."
Aeron glanced at her "In that bingo get up?"
[Name]'s cheeks turned red as she remembered her ridiculously put together outfit. Even in the dim light, she probably did look like a displaced librarian who just finished her night shift. Still, she wouldn't let his comments bother him, turning away to check on Chiara.
Being ignored had been Aeron's least favorite activity. [Name] was set on doing just that as she focused on her friend's needs. She pulled at her sleeves, wishing nothing more than to ignore Aeron and even Benji's subtle comments about her clothing right now. Sure, she did dress up like she was going to a flower field majority of the time, but the clothing made her comfortable but should she have more... Variety?
She could only go so far and wonder as she heard Aeron chime in again. "You know, its alright to admit if you made it all up, [Name]. It was pretty obvious when you said it at the beginning and now its clear you didn't even come in with this group."
The words made her blood run cold. She was sure whoever was around heard it. Aeron made sure it was made to be that way. Typical of someone like him. Benji stepped up this time, toe to toe with Aeron as he loomed over him.
"Say another word, Bracken. I dare you." He snapped, shoving the brunette's shoulder lightly. "[Name] is with us. Or are you too drunk to figure that out?"
"She's dressed like a nun on her off day!"
"So what?"
"Stop covering for her, Blackwood. We all know you haven't touched a woman in forever unless you paid for her." Aeron says before looking over at [Name] and grinning. "Though, who knows what [Name] will do to get money. Tyrell might be in on it as well. Didn't know you were into that kind of stuff, Blackwoo--"
A loud smack sounded in their corner of the club, making a few of the dancing club goers beside them stop. Aeron collapsed to the ground, holding his cheek as he stared at [Name]. Her chest heaved from adrenaline, palm burning as if it could still feel the heat of Aeron's cheek.
"I have a lot of patience for pompus, egotistical dolts like you but don't mistaken that as me being a dormat, Bracken." She seethes, walking closer to him. She leans over, making sure he had a good look at her face. "The next time you insult my friends like that, it won't just be a little bitch slap."
She backs away, not giving him a single glance as she grabs Chiara, the newfound adrenaline finding some strength in her to pull her friend up. A crowd had begun to form, Cregan Stark's burly build breaking through the bodies of skinny first and second years that swarmed them all.
"We're leaving." [Name] says to him. Cregan glanced down at Aeron, now standing in drunken disbelief with his friends as they watched [Name] coax Chiara to sit up.
Cregan nods. "Right. Just so you know, though, you're not allowed in for another few weeks. Any of you."
He stares pointedly between Benji's and Aeron's group. Clearly they he's had to speak to them before and this was a final straw. [Name] glanced apologetically at Benji, who only shook his head, motioning to the Tully brothers.
Kermit and Oscar were quick to come to herside, moving her out of the way as they picked up Chiara on either side. Benji strolled beside [Name], rubbing his hands along the length of her arms as he looked down at her.
"Alright?" He asked quietly, only low enough for her to hear and intimate enough between them for people to think they were together. A ploy to extinguish whatever fire Aeron almost started. Still, there was a genuineness in Benji's question. As a friend, he did want to know how she felt and she knew in her heart he really did, especially with how concerned he looks at her.
Play your part. "Yeah." She murmured, leaning into him without a second thought. She hadn't realized how shaken she was from such a simple comment and slap but when she had found herself against Benji's body, she could feel her shaking fingers clutch at his shirt to ground herself. "Just take us home. Please."
Benji wraps his arms around her, one of his hands smoothing her hair as he places a kiss on it, nodding with another quiet, "Okay. Our apartment is closer, so let's go there tonight, yeah?"
[Name] didn't answer, just nodded as she felt Benji pull away from her and grab her hand instead. She felt him plant another kiss to her forehad, maybe an attempt to sell their romance even more or maybe to calm her down, she hadn't known. Either way, she was nearly glued to Benji as they made their way out the club, hand in hand.
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"We'll take Ulla and Aly home." She remembers a voice say. Benji, Kermit, and Oscar nod at them, the four of them (save for an unconscious Chiara who was being carried like a sack of potatoes by Kermit after losing rock-paper-scissors to Oscar) walked down in silence.
[Name] hadn't loosened her grip on Benji's hand, afraid if he might disappear on her despite them walking down a quiet and open street.
"I'm sorry I got you guys kicked out." Was all she could muster.
Oscar was the first to speak up, laughing as he says. "That is the only way we should get kicked out next time. When are you free again after a couple of weeks? I know you and Ben are only dating for a certain time period because of that weird deal and all but you seem like loads of fun with how fast you whipped around to slap Aeron!"
[Name] looked at Benji, who squeezed her hand. "I told my friends, like how you told Chiara. Don't worry, they won't say anything." He promises and she only nods, seemingly trusting his word. So far, anything Benji says makes [Name] comfortable enough to believe.
"She's busy, Oscar. Some people have lives outside of this school, yeah?" Kermit reminds him. "Besides, who would want to hang out with you?"
The two brothers start to bicker right then and there, only to stop when Chiara groans at them to stop. [Name] giggles at her drunk friend as she pushes some hair out of her face.
"You're not allowed to complain, Chiara. The guys are nice enough to carry you and let us stay with them. Say thank you."
"Thaaaaank ye-yewwww." Chiara manages to slur out.
She's going to be so hungover. [Name] thinks to herself, looking over to see Benji observing her as well. They both share a look of amusement as they come to terms with the possible monster they have to deal with tomorrow morning.
When they make it back to their apartment - or more like a renovated warehouse loft - Chiara is set down on the couch. [Name] takes the time to remove her shoes and make up, letting the three men do whatever it is they needed for the night before asking for anything.
She had wiped the last of Chiara's makeup off when she hears footsteps from the metal stairs. Benji had just finished showering, his hair plastered against his forehead. He was holding a blanket with some clothes and a towel on top. [Name] offers a smile of thanks before throwing the blanket on top of Chiara.
A snort comes out of Benji when Chiara starts to snore loudly. "That's how you know she won't be waking up any time." [Name] informs.
"Well, we should all enjoy it until then." Benji comments. "There's a bathroom attached to our spare room. I usually use it because Oscar takes so long but I didn't want to fog it up just in case."
"Right. Thanks."
"And you can keep the clothes. In case you need to convince someone at your apartments you have a boyfriend and all."
"Cool. Got it." [Name] awkwardly fiddles with the sweatshirt and shorts. "Thank you for covering me, by the way. I so was caught up in Aeron and his comments that I could barely even register what I did."
Benji shook his head. "No, I understand. I would've done the same thing if he said that. He deserved that slap and more. You're a good friend for defending Chiara."
"And you," [Name] adds, raising an eyebrow at him. "He almost called you a pimp if I hadn't slapped him fast enough."
He grinned, recalling the events earlier. "Did you see his face? He couldn't believe it wasn't me who struck first."
They both laugh at the moment, remembering the shock and horror on Aeron's face when they all realized it had been [Name] who smacked him. [Name] stared at her palm. For once she felt the anxieties of the world wash away when she told Aeron off. Like a piece of a puzzle fell into place when she defined a line.
"Either way, it drained me. Who knew going to a club does that." [Name] jokes, making Benji perk up a little.
"Its more fun when there's no pricks like Bracken around. Join us next time." He urges. [Name] only nods, not ready to protest and reason right now. Not to mention, she'd get too curious and ask about Ulla Greyjoy.
Benji seemed to have sensed her hesitation from how he opened his mouth before quickly shutting it to not comment on it as [Name] walked up the stairs. She was grateful for his silence, not sure she was ready to open that kind of box yet.
Mingling, socializing, making friends - all of this was a new concept to [Name]. The only friends she had outside of Chiara was Syrax the store cat. It was a strange feeling but it sent a buzz in her system that made her want to continue looking for it. Still, it was a scary feeling and [Name] wanted nothing more than to push it away for now, the club, the slap, and Ulla's hand on Benji's arm still fresh in her mind.
"Baby steps." [Name] whispers to herself, shutting the guest room door so she can finally let the energy from tonight wash away in the shower.
@not-a-glad-gladiator @opheliaas-stuff @sahvlren @nikki-is-a-nerd @weird-things-i-think-about @cxcilla @anakilusmos @haydee5010 @waystarkia @newestobsessionishere @herejhsttostan @hardkiddonut @aisselasstuff @rebeccawinters @aemondsb1tch @radiantdanvers @northofvalyria @accidentpronedork @cafemirka @hobis-hope95 @nixtape-foryou
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thatsexcpisces · 1 year
Astrology observations pt.9 🌌💙🌀🦋
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Disclaimer: again, these are just my experiences and personal observations on things I’ve encountered, I’m not a professional astrologer or saying that these are always correct.
Virgo risings have such a naturally beautiful “clean girl” look or are a perfect example of the “clean girl” aesthetic
Gemini and Pisces mercuries have a true talent when it comes to lying. They’re amazing of thinking quick on their feet or making up lies to get out of something because their excuses are so damn CREATIVE
I’ve noticed that almost every Pisces moon has puppy dog eyes. (Especially the men) It’s so easy for me to spot Pisces moons or other water moons because they just have these adorable doe eyes or their eyes look like those of lost puppies idk how to explain it💀 this is specifically something I see the most in cancer and Pisces moons, Scorpio moon’s eyes are also “puppy dog” but more intense.
Ex.) Michael Jackson, kanye west, and Ben stiller all have their moon in Pisces and they just have THAT look. Yk what I mean?? 💀
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Capricorn Venus/Venus in 10h house people tend to kiss up to those who are popular or have some sort of prominent status because they want to be around people they think will make them look good
People with the same element of their rising sign tend to become friends or attract each other.
• For example, earth risings May tend to attract friends or become friends that have earth rising top. (Cap, Virgo, Taurus rising.) I’m a Libra rising and my closest friends have usually been other Libra risings and Aquarius risings.
People with Virgo in the big 3 are goody two- shoes
Most Libra moons I’ve met have luxurious or comfortable home lives like they may have a good relationship with their family and are the type to have an aesthetic home routine (ex. My friend has a Libra moon and her family always bakes together or they sit and watch a movie together at their mountain house and drink hot chocolate & shit like that lmao)
Pluto in 2h people truly are obsessed with their money and possessions. As someone with this placement myself, I can say that the most Pluto 2h thing I did was hide even the smallest amounts of money in the most secretive places so they wouldn’t be stolen, not sleep unless I found that necklace or top that I realized went missing, and literally got in the faces of people who owed me money until I got that shit back😭
why do so many sun in Scorpio men get rejected so much by girls😭 this is just something I noticed but most of them tend to feel unlucky in love either cause they’re very active pursuers when they’re interested in someone and sometimes come off a bit too strong and then they end up feeling insecure abt themselves after getting shut down by their love Interests. They’re so hot tho
Venus-Neptune aspect people: how’s it going idealizing and fantasizing about your crush that are really not as amazing as you’re making them seem?
Scorpio Venus people’s flirting style is staring at you intensely but not approaching you or saying anything
Leo risings and moons would rather swallow a jean jacket and DIE then to have people see them at their worst or see that stuff they’ve been bragging about and “good stuff” happening in their life that they talk about to people to impress them and be popular, is not actually true or happened lol. They’re always keep that perfect image of themselves to others
Capricorn risings have this face where it looks like they literally couldn’t care less about you or anything you’re saying. Or they just look bored of being in your presence and wanna leave
Don’t piss of a Gemini moon. They take revenge through their biggest strength: gossiping and then spreading that shit. They’ll have the whole building hate you a day later over some rumor they made up of you and managed to convince others is true
If you have Venus in your 12th house you’re gonna go through many karmic relationships in your life time
Libra risings can be the darkest or shittiest people on the inside but that Venus-ruled aura or just their looks or the way they carry themselves will literally make people delusional into thinking they’re an angel on earth
Pisces in big 3 culture is being told “why is your head always in the clouds? ” or “are you even listening to what I’m saying?” Constantly because those daydreams will literally get the best of them
Aquarius And Capricorn men when they were younger give me the vibes of those nerds in school who literally don’t care what anyone thinks and won’t have an issue calmly roasting or talking back to a bully but would never be able to physically fight them instead they just use sarcastic and monotone sentences to win. 💀
Fixed sign moons especially Scorpio moons attract so many people who are possessive and obsess over them
If a Sagittarius moon feels betrayed by you or is angry with you to the point that you did something they can’t ever forgive, they won’t bother getting revenge or being upset and shady with you. They will simply just erase your existence from their life and forget about you. They can still act nice and behave normally with you but that’s only because they master indifference and the concept of acting like you just came and left, which will hurt you the most.
I swear Mercury in the 5h or 8h people house think about sex on a daily basis omg
Aquarius and Sagittarius Venuses always attract each other somehow. They’re a good pairing
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BSD Dead Apple manga highlights!!
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Kunikida is insane. "Oh yeah getting shot in the gut is no big deal dwai" and then he proceeds to run around and fight both his own Ability and Demon Snow after this. Jesus.
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Kunikida's so resourceful tbh. I love watching him fight. Akutagawa's later fight with Rashoumon (where he demonstrates similar resourcefulness using the molten metal) is also cool for the same reason, because like it's one thing to be TOLD these characters are cool under pressure and smart as long as Dazai's not there to piss them off and a whole other to be shown it.
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SO THIS CONFIRMS MY THEORY. I need a fight scene where Yosano detaches her limbs and uses them as weapons after she heals them omg she's so fucking badass. Side note the fact that Kenji and Yosano held up so long against their Abilities is so impressive? Like all of them are ofc but Undefeated and Thou Shalt Not Die are both like, extremely powerful. Your fighting a power that rearranged a mountain and a power that basically can't be killed. Like damn.
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Lmfao Akutagawa's main priority is watching their Abilities fight each other
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Confirmation Dazai fucking hates both of them. He was probably tearing his hair out internally this whole time. Literally him going "friendless behavior" at Shibusawa lmao- ALSO THE 'MEOW EXCHANGE. HE ACTUALLY MEOWED. THIS IS SO FUCKING DRY LMFAO.
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Akutagawa's monologue is conveyed in a really cool way via manga adaptation... like DA has some great development for Akutagawa, Kyouka and Atsushi, but Akutagawa's in particular stands out to me because it doesn't really disprove his strength-based worldview?? He finds his own self worth through that view instead which is interesting, by overpowering his Ability instead of finding somewhere he's valued beyond it like say, Yosano.
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This is also SUCH an interesting panel. "That I control Demon Snow/That I didn't want to hate her" it's like Atsushi has previously only seen Kyouka as a victim, as being controlled against her will and never wanting any of the violence she partook in when this kinda... confirms it's not all the case? DA as a whole kinda tries to break Atsushi's black and white worldview but I also think, between this and how well Akutagawa and Kyouka work together in DA, there was likely a part of Kyouka who knew she was good at killing and violence, and liked that about herself, if nothing else. The ability to not be completely helpless, even if her circumstances as a whole were not within her control.
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"Are you fucking serious" he is SO DONE with Dazai's shit lmfao.
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Soukoku are fucking insane. What do you MEAN you noticed Dazai's hidden message from a mention of a microscope. What do you mean you remember all your interactions with him that clearly. What do you mean-
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Ohh my fucking god is that a tear in the last panel?? Oh my god did Chuuya mean he just doesn't want Dazai to stop him in Corruption. Chuuya cannot catch a fucking BREAK oh my god.
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So Ango is also suicidal right?? Like sure he has a reason for saying this but also this is not a normal thing to say. He uses Chuuya's vow to kill him to try and stop Chuuya from what he sees as a suicidal mission later. Like this is not normal.
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"Dazai doesn't care about the ADA!" shut the fuck up
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Oh my god. This was so fucked up oh my god. Poor baby Atsushi oh my god.
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The repetition of "I raised by claws" is SO chilling here omg. But I also find it so so interesting that I think Atsushi is... the only BSD character who just... wants to live. Not for other people, he definitely doesn't want to die. Like so many characters in BSD (Dazai, Yosano, Chuuya, Kunikida, Kyouka, Ango, arguably Akutagawa) are in some manner suicidal, or even the ones who aren't have reasons they life for. But Atsushi's base desire is just... he wants to live. That's where his Ability comes from. It's why he killed Shibusawa. It's so interesting.
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So there are two sides to Fyodor's Ability. But he CALLS HIMSELF crime in this case?? Bc the Crime avatar is wearing what Fyodor was wearing. I've seen theories Fyodor himself is just the manifestation of his own Ability or something and tbh... that might have merit.
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Tbh, I often wonder how Ango ended up working with the government. It's repeatedly mentioned how he dislikes and opposes their use of human lives as value metrics, or plans like this for the 'greater good', and yet he still does their bidding. He's still here. Even though no one listens to his oppositions. Why?
Anyway so if anyone has manga translations past Ch 13 please help I can't find any lol.
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Ross Lynch: givemewhatuwant
*on tour with the driver era 2024*
“Y/N do you know where we are at?” Garrison calls from the back of the bus with all the boys.
The Driver Era has been on tour for about a month now, traveling all over the east coast showcasing their phenomenal songs that they made from scratch. I had the amazing opportunity to come on the tour as one of the equipment managers. This has been my biggest dream in my career, working at “The Doors Rock Shop”. It’s a well known instrument company in Atlanta Georgia where people would go to get a guitar and a crystal at the same time. I got this amazing job with touring The Driver Era with my cousin Poppy who is with us on tour as one of the tour photographers.
“Y/N!” Ryland shouts from the back. I look outside to see we are about to arrive to the venue in Asheville North Carolina. “we are about to pull up to the venue guys!” I said looking to the back of the bus and I see Ross in the hall with just pajamas pants on. “Word! i’m ready to stretch my legs and get out and move.” Ross said stretching his arms looking like he just woke up from a nap.
Ross and I have gotten really close on this tour. i’m normally not on their bus, i travel in a large van behind the bus with the crew. We haven’t stopped talking to each other whether it’s in person while im helping carry his beautiful gibson to him when he goes in for his solos or text. We make these jokes everytime I have to give his guitar to him in a show and I always make a bet with him about how many girls will scream “take your shirt off!”. Secretly I was jealous I couldn’t be those beautiful girls making him smile and shake his hips like that and pleading to take his shirt off for me. Having him as a friend is the best, I just know he could never like me that way. I’m his equipment manager, I lift speakers and drums for a living and he’s a fucking rockstar sex god. I mean look at his recent ex. like how can I compare to Jaz Sinclair. I have to be just a friend to protect myself from that energy.
Everyone ends up scattering across the venue to start their projects for the day. The show starts at 8 so I scramble around to the strings van to transfer the instruments to their spots on the stage so the boys can start soundchecking and tuning their guitars to the songs.
“Y/N why is it you’re always the one carrying the most stuff in the building when Greg is suppose to do that because of your knee.” Riker says from the green room where I walked in with a coffee for myself and him. “Riker i’m telling you Greg is so fucking slow I can’t bear watching him take 45 minutes to set up a guitar stand. I gotta get the shit done so I can actually enjoy myself for the day.” I express to him and i’m frazzled pinging from one corner of the stage to the other figuring out all the wires and amps so they can start their sound check.
“Y/N take a deep breath or a certain someone is going to come in here and see this and raise hell.” Riker laughed as he secretly points in the direction of Ross and Rocky’s green room. I roll my eyes and wave him off not believing a word he said.
Riker thinks he’s slick with trying to hook me up with Ross ever since we started the tour. i’ve seen the small hints of asking ross to come to me when he can’t find the setlist or where his extra picks are. Riker is basically our tour mom, he is making everyone smoothies and making sure everyone is hydrated before every show. Besides Ross, me and Riker have been attached to the hip.
“Shut up Riker before I grab a pair of scissors and cut your bass strings” I jokingly threaten him with a huge smile on my face.
“Oh God Riker what did you do to piss Y/N off again?” Ross said coming out of the side stage with a vintage baseball cap that says “i’m a local celebrity” with a white tee and baggy light washed denim pants. he slings his arm over my shoulder making us sway to the random song playing on the speakers. I look up to see him already looking down at me with that infamous smile he wears. “Nice Hat pretty boy.” i laughed and flicked the bill of the hat. “So which songs are we playing tonight? any newbies?” I smile back at him really hoping he’ll play one of my favorite songs at the show tonight. “Yes Y/N we are playing givemewhatuwant and Natural if that’s what you’re asking.” he chuckles and pulls away from me to pick up his guitar to start sound checking. I squeal and jump off the stage and start jogging to the doors to get the rest of the equipment “YES ROSS YOURE THE BEST” I scream at him and blow him a friendly kiss as I run out the door.
*Ross’ POV*
Y/N is the most precious and loving human I have ever met. she just brightens the room when she walks in. Whether it’s her bubbly personality or just her energy she radiates, it’s one of the reasons why I love having her close by. She makes me feel like life is worth living again. Heartbreak after heartbreak, I felt like love isn’t an option for me anymore. I have thousands of people falling at my feet but it never fills the void of feeling unloved. Hookups and one night stands can only do so much to the point even sex isn’t appealing to you anymore. Ever since Y/N walked into my life, it’s has taken a complete 180. I feel lighter. happier. I wake up excited for the day knowing I get to see and talk to the most beautiful woman I have ever met. She doesn’t compare to any girl I have ever been with or even seen. Befriending her was my first hit in the game and i’m ready for the home run. I want her to be mine. I need her to be my girl. I feel like I can’t live life without her by my side. she completes me in a way I have never felt before. I’m worried i’ll scare her away if I confess what i’ve been feeling inside. I just need to rip the bandaid and just go for it, be a man and express this to this wonderful girl.
*10 minutes before showtime*
“what’s our bet tonight Ross?” I ask him walking up to the band. I just finished helping set up the stage for The Driver Era after Valé’s performance. She did amazing as she does every night. Tonight however the energy feels a bit off. Ross looks like he’s in his head about something and I just don’t know what. Everything went smoothly today and the crowd already has such a good vibe for the night, there’s nothing else to worry about. “Ross? You good?” I asked while rubbing his arm while he looks off in the distance.
“Yeah i’m good, just in my head a bit. Nothing to worry about, probably stage fright.” he has a fake smile plastered on his face to try and not worry me. I know him better than anyone that he is in his head about something and it’s definitely not stage fright.
“Do you need to talk before you go on? you are not good. you can try and fake smile at me but you know it’s not going to work. What’s going on in that head of yours?” I step forward to see his full face instead of the side and look up in those beautiful hazel brown eyes he adorns on his face. he sighs loudly and closes his eyes before opening them he says. “Y/N there’s been a lot of shit going on in my life and ever since I met you, it seems like everything disappeared when you walked in the room. You make me so happy and giddy to the point I get antsy when I don’t see you first thing in the morning. You light up my life and I know we only have known each other for a month but I feel it. My God I hope you feel it too so I don’t feel like the biggest idiot before this sold out show. I like you Y/N, I don’t want to wake up without you by my side. Please tell me you feel the same.” he pleads and grabs
my face in his hands and put his forehead to mine.
“Just shut up and kiss me Ross. I’ve been waiting way too long for you to say those words. I just need your lips on mine before you-“ he slams his lips on mine before I could sentence my sentence. I wrap my arms around his neck melting in his arms loving every second of this moment.
“Ross let’s go! you’ll have plenty of time to make out with Y/N after the show, come on!” Rocky shouts from the side stage making us break away from our heavy kiss. I smile and push him towards his brother. “Lucky for you i’m going to be in the pit with Poppy helping her take photos. I promise to get the best angles, I might sneak a couple just for my entertainment.” I smirk and he laughs and kisses my cheek and runs on stage right on his cue.
The boys are rocking out and came out full throttle. I’ve been helping poppy this show because one of the extra photographers called out and couldn’t make it. I can already feel the energy in this knowing it’s gonna be a great night. “ Y/N why has Ross been staring and smirking at you all night? Did he finally have the balls to do it?” She smirks at me side glancing to the stage. I look up and sure enough he’s staring at me with hooded eyes with his hair clinging to his sweaty forehead. He squats down to my level and curls his finger for me to come closer. I take a step towards him and he whispers “you are making it incredibly hard for me to stop this show and take you backstage to have my girl strip that skirt off so I can fuck that beautiful pussy.” he kisses my earlobe and pulls away before I could even react. my jaw drops and I step back and look at poppy and she’s busting out laughing at my reactions and hugs me and squeals in excitement. She always said from day one that Ross will end up falling over me. I brushed it out because of stupidity and insecurities. Now i’m like ‘fuck she’s right…. again’.
“That man is already planning the wedding in his brain and he hasn’t even gotten in your pants yet. I saw the kiss when I was setting up. “ She says while snapping pictures of the band while they play “Natural”. I get excited and dance and sing along. I decide to tease ross a bit, i shake my hips to the beat and drag my palms up my stomach making my shirt ride up a bit. He notices and bites his lip and tilts his hat down and looks at me with sultry eyes. I wink at him and flick him off. he smirks and proceeds to perform the rest of the song.
The show finally ended and the boys are celebrating in the green room with a couple of drinks. I finished my job for the night when I start searching for Ross to actually start my night. I feel hands wrap around my middle and I instantly melt when I smell fresh body wash and sandalwood. “Let’s go to the bus, I promise to keep my hands to myself” Ross mumbles kissing my neck with his hands roaming my hips pulling me closer to his warmth. I chuckle and turn my head to see his face and tease his lips with mine before I dart towards the direction of the bus. I hear his laughs behind me when I get up to the door to the bus.
he meets me inside and starts teasing my neck again guiding me to the back of the bus. He closes the sliding door and locks it in place. I arch my neck towards him in a way to let him know I want his lips on me. He starts sucking on my neck behind my ear. he kisses all the way to my lips and he slams his lips on mine. I moan and run my fingers through his hair and tug at the ends. He groans in my mouth and starts unzipping my corset like top. I gasp when I feel the cold air on my bare back. The shirts comes loose from my body and falls at our feet. “Beautiful” He whispers to himself when he see my breasts in full exposure. He starts peppering kisses all over my breasts and he cups his lips around my nipple and start sucking to drive me wild. I moan a sound that has never escaped from me before and I tug his face up to mine “Just fuck me already Ross. I need you so bad. Feel how wet I am” I whimper grabbing his hand and pressing it to my core. he rubs his fingertips against the sensitive nub and I moan loudly biting my lip. He shrugs his pants off and throws his shirt somewhere while I undress myself as fast as I can. “I wanted this to be slow and make this moment last as long as possible but I can’t bear anything anymore. I need to be inside you baby.” Ross said as he slips on a condom with a groan. He pushes the tip towards my entrance and I close my eyes waiting for the first push. “Look at me Y/N. I need to see your face” he pleads. I open my eyes the same time he enters me and I gasp at the size of him. He slowly thrusts in and out letting me get used to his size.
“Faster Baby. Fuck you feel so good” I scream as his pace picks up. he grabs my leg and throws it over his left shoulder slamming his hips into the back of my thighs. He presses a hand against my stomach and I moan feeling him deeper inside of me. “Fuck baby I can feel it. My god your pussy is perfect. You’re so tight, you were made for me” He groans fucking me harder making me slam a hand on the window beside me. “Ross i’m so close. please let me cum. fuck baby” I moan in his ear and drag my nails down his back. “Yes baby. Let go for me. Cum all over my cock. Make a mess of me. “ he slams his hips into mine as we both hit our climax at the same time. he thrusts slowly while we come from our highs. I breathe heavily and rest my head on the armrest of couch. Ross slowly lays his head on my breast letting some of his weight fall on me. I run my hand through his hair and just smile wanting this moment to never end.
“Whatcha thinking about beautiful?” he asked slowly pulling out making me wince. “Just realizing how did I get this lucky? I don’t deserve you.” my eyes start tearing up looking at his eyes and studying all of his features. “You don’t deserve me? You got it all wrong baby. You are the most beautiful human I have ever laid my eyes on. We are meant to be here in this moment for a reason and I know down the road we will look back at this time and just laugh and smile about all these memories we have made together. I want to make memories with you forever Y/N. l- I love you so fucking much I can’t hold it in anymore.” He rambles sitting up on the L shaped couch and pulling me to his chest. I breathe in his scent and close my eyes. “Ross, I love you so much it makes it hard for me to breathe. I’ll love you to the day I die.” I look up at him and he slams his lips on mine putting a hand over my heart to feel the thumps of my rapid heartbeat. Our lips move and he slips his tongue in and our tongues dance along together lazily.
We finally had the energy to get up after 30 minutes of lazy kisses and just appreciating the moment we just shared. Everyone comes back to the bus after the celebratory shots.
“So where did both of you guys run off too earlier?” Garrison asked slipping on a hoodie and a crochet bucket hat I made for him in Wisconsin. “I don’t kiss and tell but it was definitely fun for sure.” Ross winks and pulls me to sit on his lap.
“They fucked in the back of the bus. there’s a hand print on the window to prove it.” Ryland said smirking into his tequila soda. I roll my eyes and tap the bottom of his cup to make it spill all over his neck and shirt. “Y/N what the fuck dude!” he shouts snatching napkins from Riker. I laugh so hard I snort and then that makes everyone in the bus have a laughing fit. I lean my head back on ross’ shoulder and he kisses the top of my head whispering “I love you” in my ear. my eyes start drooping and I fall asleep on the love of my life and already can’t wait to wake up to experience this life with him.
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mamirhodessxox · 6 months
One request. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Angry black suit cody. 😍😍😍
That's all.🙃🙃🙃
Ask and you shall recieve shnookum 🤓☝️
Settle Down
Cody Rhodes x Fem!Reader
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Desc: Cody fires himself up during his Monday Night Raw promo which results into Y/N having to help calm him down backstage.
Contents: Fluff, Cussing, Y/N being a sweetie, angry cody 🤗‼️ (No smut in this one since next oneshot will include smut)
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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“The Rock, took to instagram last week following up with a very entertaining rock concert, too bad he didn’t wanna be here tonight..” the crowd booed “Rock referred to himself as our favorite heel..?” Cody’s voice echoed throughout the arena talking & saying “The nature boy rick flair was a heel. Rock..I don’t think you’re a heel I think you’re an asshole..” Cody scowled directly into the Camera while standing inside the ring as if you two were making eye contact despite the fact you were backstage watching this all go down on the tv that laid against the wall of his dressing room.
“Haven’t you been crying behind the scenes this whole time? I mean once that hashtag came out once they started chanting something else, you went and CRIED to your buddies on the TKO board ‘HEY HEY! This is gonna be some good pr for the rock I need to save wwe’ god knows look at thise house we sure needed saving right?! He said it’s gonna be this great pr for the rock until it wasn’t..” Cody ranted while circling around staring directly at the live camera & you immediately noticed that he was beginning to fire himself up the more he spoke.
“Rock, the TKO folks said to you oh my gosh yes rock yes put on your gucci shirt your muscles will look so big YES YES YES YES! The reason they said it is because they are YES people they are enablers they don’t tell you like it is, so I’m going to.” Cody scoffed as he went on another tangent on how he could admit many things on the Rock but then he pissed himself off so much to the point where he started becoming more verbally agressive “Rock you are also a terrible Salesman a carny succubus and for those who don’t know what that means..Your a whiney BITCH.” He snapped.
Y/N sat in the dressing room staring directly into the fury of his eyes right through the television screen, all this talk about the rock had genuinely started becoming angering to him & bothersome that he somehow managed to upset himself the more he spoke. “You haven’t been in the ring in real time action in YEARS! And April 6th the BELL is gonna ring! What happens rock when it rings? Are you gonna have all that Big Dwayne Energy or LDS?! Little. DICK. Syndrome!” He shouted while all of the fans within the arena started Chanting, Cheering, Shouting waving around their signs while even the announcers chuckled to themselves.
For the rest of his promo he continued ranting, shouting & even going as far as making a sudden deal with The Wiseman Paul Heyman, threatening to pull a Homelander & rip out his throat if he didn’t get to the point which left Paul a little shocked. Once his promo for the night was finished You immediately left the dressing room just as he rushed his way backstage huffing and puffing mumbling with Jey & then approaching you hut you held up your hands that lightly knocked against his chest about to speak but you shook your head
“Cody I can tell you’re pissed off, You upset your own self just by talking about Dwayne alone & before You do anything like take off the suit, get comfortable, go to the bus I need you to grab some water & take a breath.” You spoke softly as you noticed his hands were shaking in irritation and inner rage before he took a deep breath & exhaled while nodding.
“Good. Now let’s get you out of that suit & into the bus before Pharaoh looses his mind..” you pat his shoulder while you two went to the dressing room. You helped him get undressed and for a moment he just legit stood there with boxers on ranting his heart out “Had the nerve on him to mention MY mother y/n and complain about me shedding ONE tear ONE SINGULAR TEAR but this entire time he’s bitching and WHINING to TKO” he started shouting a bit while you folded his suit & packed it away. You turned around & started shushing him softly and pat his chest “Baby your yelling, Settle down okay? I know your pissed hell I would be do if someone talked about my parents like that. But I need you to lower your voice, your throats gonna go raw. Like Monday.”
Cody chuckled at the corny joke you had made to help cheer him up while pulling him into a warm hug as you practiced deep breathes with him “Thank you sweetheart I don’t know what i’d do without you.” You smiled shrugging “I don’t know either.” He snorted and pressed a kiss against your lips “alright now pipe down a bit.” You laughed before giving him one more kiss.
Cody was not an easily angered man, until things like his parents or loved ones getting mentioned but when he had You around? He was going to go a long way when you knew how to calm down in the right ways.
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xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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justaaveragereader · 11 months
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Pairing: Wooyoung x Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: Dom!Wooyoung, Sex Machine, Restraints, Toys, BDSM, Sub!Reader, Orgasm Denial, Orgasm Control, Voyeurism, Wooyoung Has Cameras In The Readers Home, Masterbating, If I Missed Anything👀….Lemme Know!
Slashtober Masterlist
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The second to last to arrive was none other than Jung Wooyoung. The absolute bane of your existence. With the laugh of a hyena, and the mockery of a clown, he was the one person you couldn’t break no matter what. It didn’t matter how many times you greeted him, how nice you were to him, he was just a constant arrogant jerk. You would’ve thought he was in highschool with the way he acted. He was so obnoxious, he knew how to get under your skin and poke at you. He always greeted you with that fake smile, waving his hand wildly so you couldn’t miss him. He reminded you of that one kid in class that you just wanted to hit with a pencil box due to his constant need to piss off not only the teacher but the entire class. Living right next door to you, he went out of his way to irk you. The most irritating part about it? He knew he was hot shit. He was the one person who knew the effect he had on people. His ego was constantly inflated.
“Hey! Hey!” You yelled out, trying your best to get Wooyoungs attention over the loud leaf blower, it was well past 9:30 pm, why he decided to leaf blow so late? One reason, because he’s Jung Wooyoung.
With his headphones over his ears, he danced slightly as he blew the leaves, the street lights being the only form of lighting for him. Deciding you were fed up, you march right over to him. Tapping him on his back, with a slight jump he turns, cutting the leaf blower off. Throwing you his signature smile.
“Why good evening neighbor!”
“Cut the shit Wooyoung, it’s literally night time. Can’t this wait til the morning?!” You semi yell, loud enough so it would annoy him, but low enough to where it wouldn’t awaken any of your neighbors.
“Princess if you wanted to spend some time with me that’s all you had to say.” He says lowering his leaf blower, taking his headphones off, and letting them pool around his veiny neck. Making sure to smile at you through hooded eyes. Ooh he knew what he was doing. Letting a hand run over your face, you let out a groan, clearly annoyed by his antics. Jabbing his chest with your finger you cut your eyes at him..
“Spend time with you my ass. Save the leaf blowing for the a.m. Jung Wooyoung.” Taking your finger off his very firm chest you turn around, marching back to your home. With a stupid grin on his face he calls out your name, you stop half way, turning around to look at him.
“If you want me that’s all you gotta say, Princess!”
Flipping him off you angrily march into your home. Clearly annoyed at his stupid handsome face, that matches horribly with his dumb actions. You decide the best way to blow off some steam is to pull out your hand dandy rose toy. Maybe that was your problem, it had been 3 weeks since Mingi had basically thrown you on display for the neighbors to see. With Wooyoung trotting around at all hours of the night you couldn’t have that slip up, you didn’t want ammo for Wooyoung to use against you.
Throwing the toy on your bed, you make yourself comfortable against your pillows, searching on your phone for some porn to get you in the mood, yet all you can think about is Wooyoung, his eyes, the way his veins bulge from his arm, how his eyes crinkle in the corner when he laughs, how his hands have the perfect amount of bulging veins, the image of his bulging hands choking you makes you drop your phone. Oh no, no, no, you completely want to fuck your annoying neighbor. Letting out a whine you lock your phone, kicking your pants off, letting your panties pool around your ankles. You have one person and one person only on your mind right now. Letting the images run through your head, you are going to make sure you put your rose toy to perfect use. Little did you know while you were bringing yourself to complete bliss, orgasm, after orgasm, you had given your annoying neighbor a front row seat to your pleasure cruise, fueling that blood lust within him, all he wanted to do was play with you.
As your eyes cracked open, you tried to move your arms, the realization of not being able to, takes a minute to load into your brain. As you open your eyes further. You wince at the bright red led lights in the room. Since when did you get these lights in your home? Trying your best to move, bringing your hand up to wipe the sleep out of your eyes, suddenly you are blocked. You are not able to move even your wrist. Eyes shooting open, taking in your full surroundings. You are strapped to a cool table, your warm skin immediately warming the table up, with your wrists tied to each side of you, with your feet up on the table with your ankles being strapped down. You quickly turn your head trying to soak in what is all around you.
“Oh my god. Oh My God!” You slightly yell out, not believing where you are. The red led lights are almost blinding to you. Trying to find any way out, even suddenly a deep voice fills the room.
“Rise and shine Princess.” Voice clearly being distorted, that nickname runs a chill down your spine. Trying to shut your legs, you close your eyes so hard the corners of them crinkle.
“Where the fuck am I?” You semi yell out, trailing off at the end of your sentence due to a door opening, all you see is a pitch black hallway, you can make out a figure of someone standing there. Was this person going to watch you? You see their pearly white teeth in the dark hallway, causing a chill of fear to shoot through you, turning your head away, you try to find something else to focus on.
“You know we always enjoy the show you put on for us.” The disfigured voice says. You can hear a chipper undertone to their tone despite it being distorted.
Your eyes shoot to the figure with its teeth still on display, you can’t see their eyes but you know they are there.
“Wh-what show?” You stutter out, trying to sound as brave as possible. Just when you thought the smile on the figure's face couldn’t grow any bigger. You watch as their eyes trail to the right of your body, a white screen with static comes to, you are shocked by what you see. On four different small screens there you were. One screened showed when you were getting your spine rearranged by Mingi, another screen when you were getting fucked by God knows what in your bedroom, the other when you were getting fucked by the three masked men, and the other when you were playing with your rose toy, silently moaning Wooyoungs name. Heat rises to your neck. You are embarrassed, yet turned on. To see your face in such bliss numerous times. Remembering each way one of them fucked you, remembering the way Woos veins bulged when he was holding the leaf blower. Your eyes continue to grow wide with each movement in the videos. The figure in the hallway soaks you in, watching you feverishly. Drifting his eyes down to your pussy, he watches the way it clenches around nothing, the way your arousal beads, dripping down slowly.
“What a slut.” He mutters out, clearly amused by what he sees. Stepping back, he leaves the door open. Your eyes are still never leaving the screens. It never dawns on you that there are cameras in your home, taken back by the fact that you can see a 4k version of you getting your shit railed by various people. You try your best to shut your legs, trying to get any sense of stimulation on your neglected cunt just as you are getting fed up, the figure walks back in with his head low so you can’t make out his face, you can see bits of his face, his nose is so sharp, you can’t make out much due to the red lights distorting his face. You do catch a beautiful side profile of him. You can see streaks of makeup on him though. Making his way around the table you see his hands rise, he is blind folding you. Trying your best to shimmy out of the restraints, you want to feel whoever is above you, their hands, their hands could choke you and you’d be grateful for it. Keeping your head straight you don’t even try to put up a fight because you know you want this. You wanna see how far this person is going to take you, are they going to bring you past the tipping point like Mingi? Are they going to rough house you like the masked men?
“Such an obedient girl, princess.” Putting the blind fold over your eyes, it was lace, while it disfigured a lot of things in your view, you could still make out certain things. You could see the person above you, hovering over you. You could still see the red lights.
“Such an obedient girl, I might just reward you.” Wooyoung whispers out, voice laced with need yet you can still hear a playful hue to his tone despite it being disfigured. The thought of you being rewarded made your heart beat fast, how would you be rewarded? With the options being endless, you gulp, nodding your head to the person above you.
Stepping away Wooyoung leaves the room, you can hear his steps fade away, your nerves are eating you up. You aren’t sure if he is even going to come back. When you hear a loud boom, like he’s moving heavy equipment. You hear the wheels to something moving at a fast pace down to the room you are in. Craning your neck you try to make out what you see, all you can make out is that the figure is right by your spread legs, hooking something up in the room. Biting your lip you lay back down, trying your best to calm your nerves. While excitement and anxiety can often be mistaken for the same feeling, you know the feeling in your body is something that you need itched.
While you are lost in your mind, you feel something cool brush against your folds. The sudden intrusion makes your body jump slightly. Looking down you squint your eyes behind the blind fold trying to piece together what is sitting below your feet, he leaves the room once more, grabbing more things before he returns. Standing on the side of you, his hard cock by the side of your face he lets out a small groan looking at your body, your breast out with your nipples hardened, your glistening cunt spread open, with your mouth slightly gaping ready for whatever Woo was going to give you.
“Are you always this cock hungry?” The sudden sound of the distorted voice takes you by surprise, making your body slightly jump, you have no shame, it had been weeks since you last saw Mingi and you needed a release, the rose only could do so much.
“Y-Yes.” You whisper out, shivers riddling your body, yet the fire that ignited in your core was fully in a blaze. Letting out a chuckle, Wooyoung presses his hardened cock to the side of your face, your mouth dropping open further. He grabs the side of your face pressing his hard length into your warm cheek. When your ears hear a loud click, a loud moan leaves your throat immediately. You feel something fill your warm cunt. Clicking the remote twice more the speed picks up, the pace going steady. Grabbing your face once more he unzips his pants, pulling his hard cock out.
“Be a good girl and open your mouth.”
Removing your teeth from your lip, the thrusting of the dildo between your legs has your body slightly moving up and down on the table with each thrust. Trying your best to open your mouth as wide as you can so you can take Wooyoungs cock in your mouth. Rubbing the tip around your lips, your tongue hungrily looking for his cock, licking up as much pre cum as you can, you kiss his length before he taps the head of his cock on your tongue. Pulling back he tucks himself back in his pants. Clicking the remote once more. The machine moves faster in and out of you. It dawns on you that he’s not going to actually give you what you want. This is a reward for him, not for you. Pulling away from you, he pockets the remote to the sex machine, stepping back.
He places nipple clamps on your hard nubs, hitting another small remote, sending a small electric current to your nipples making your back arch. You let out the loudest moan yet, the sound not even daring to bounce off of the walls. Grabbing the side of your face he rubs your cheek against his hard length again. Cocking his head back, the heat of your skin, mixing with the sweet sounds you were making, had his cock throb with need. Hitting the remote once again another shock gets sent to your nipples. Your jaw dropping at the feeling. Pulling back your pussy lips, he wedges a vibrator between them, positioning it so it’s right on your clit, testing the remote he hits a button, the vibration startling you, making your legs tense at the feeling. Your mouth drops open once again, taking in this new sensation.
“God, you are such a slut truly. Always so cock hungry. If I had knew you were like this I could’ve fucked you sooner.”
Letting out a small laugh, he pushes away once more, hitting his remote so it shocks your nipples again. As he pulls back you hear the sound of his shoes exiting the room.
“Please, please!” You quickly shout, you aren’t even sure what you are asking for. Maybe it was for a harsher grip on reality? Or maybe it was for permission to cum?
“Keep begging baby, it does something to me everytime.” He groans out, continuing to exit the room. Gripping his cock harshly, right before he exits the room he speaks to you one final time.
“Scream as loud as you want, baby, no one can hear you but me.”
Making his way to his office, with various screens, one watching all the various rooms in your home, the other with views to all the others neighbors homes, and then biggest screen of all the one with your naked body on it, while the sex machine fucks a dildo in and out of you. Hitting the remote the clamps shock your nipples again, your body jolting at the feeling once more. Letting out a loud moan you clench your fists. He teeters you on the edge of an orgasm each time, just as he gets any sign that you are going to cum he cuts it, or changes the pace.
Your body is riddled with sweat, and arousal drips down your ass, the sex machine continuously thrusts a dildo in and out of you, a squelching noise fills your ears each time. Clenching your toes, you feel the vibration of the vibrator between your legs with the timed shocks to your nipples. Your body feels a billion things at once. Just as you think you are about to cum he stops everything all together, giving your body a couple minutes to cool down before he starts having the equipment pick up pace once more.
Taking his cock out of his pants, he spits on his hand, wrapping his hand tightly around his hard cock, giving it two quick pumps, letting out a small moan of his own, he tries to match the pace of the sex machine that’s thrusting in and out of you. He can see your slick covering the piece of rubber, taking him to an even higher feeling he pauses his hand. Not trying to blow his load already, he can hear the sounds of your moaning dancing in his ears. It fills a void in him that he never knew he needed, ever since he moved in you had always been a brat to him so to see you so submissive and so willingly giving yourself to him it sparked the match in him.
Deciding enough was enough, he wanted to reach an orgasm just as bad as you did, constantly bringing himself to the edge just to stop and halt the activities, he cuts on everything at once, at high speed. The sex machine fucking you at a inhumane pace, turning the shock levels up on the nipple clamps, and cutting the vibrator on a high pulse pattern he cuts the microphone on so you can hear him jacking off to you. Biting his lip he lets out a small groan which you completely miss due to your loud screaming. Tears are soaking the lace blindfold, your mouth constantly in an O formation, while your throat feels so dry from all the moaning you’ve been doing.
His hand tightly wrapped around his spit soaked cock, he cuts the microphone back on, you can hear the sounds of him stroking himself once more. A tingling sensation spreads out through your body, whoever this was, was enjoying himself just as much as you had been.
“You can count how many restraints are holding down your body. Every time you cum, that’ll be one restraint I remove from your body.”
Letting out a loud moan, you bite your lip trying your best to focus on an orgasm before he slows down the machine once more, sending a slight shock to your nipples. Your body is dripping with sweat now, the cool room is now heated.
“Ho-How am I su-supposed to cum, wh-when you keep teasing m-me.” You huff out.
Letting a sadistic smile grace his face, you can still hear the wet noises of him pumping his cock.
“We are playing my game, princess.”
Your legs shook, as they are held up and open, you couldn’t help but let out a loud groan, toes continuously curling. The warm air in the room hitting your warm dripping cunt, as the sex machine slid the dildo rapidly in and out of you. The leg restraints from the table made it impossible to close your legs. As your body writhed in pleasure, Wooyoung sat behind the large screen watching you be denied of an orgasm over and over again. The sheer look of pleasure and desperation coursing through your body was enough to bring him to his own pleasure.
You blink yourself awake, in your own bed. Looking around your…. bedroom? Sitting up slowly, you blink the sleep out of your eyes. Was it all a dream? Were you truly losing your mind? Gathering yourself you slowly rise out of bed, wincing at the aching between your legs, your limbs feel so sore. Rolling your shoulder out, you make your way to the bathroom, getting a good look at yourself in the mirror. Cutting the sink on you splash some water in your face trying to gather your thoughts, trying to gather yourself. You bend down to splash more water when you see a piece of paper taped to the wall behind you. Turning around quickly you peek your head out of the bathroom, trying to see if someone besides you was there.
Quickly snatching the paper down, you open the inside of it, written in red ink you read out loud…
“How about we play another game soon?”
Tossing the paper on the floor, you quickly look around your home, trying to find if there is any sign of anyone else here. As you walk in a disarray of panic, trying to find who or what put that paper in your home. Wooyoung watches you with a huge smile on his face. Your state of panic makes him giggle. Cutting the screen to different angles of you in your own home freaking out, he walks out of the room grabbing his leaf blower, making his way towards his lawn. You are still running around filled with worry. As you hear the annoying sound of Wooyoungs leaf blower. Quickly making a beeline for outside. Bare foot, completely in your pajamas you run straight into Wooyoung, catching him “off guard” cutting his leaf blower off, his eyes take in your frightened state you are out of breath trying to explain to Wooyoung what happened in your home.
“And, and this paper Woo! It came out of nowhere! I swear Woo you gotta believe me, it wasn’t there when I walked into the bathroom. Please, please believe me.”
The sound of you begging makes his body do a slight shiver, biting his lip and nodding his head listening closely to you. Putting his hands on your shoulders, you feel your body heat up, his hands on your body feels so familiar, looking up at him with tears in your eyes.
“How about I go see this paper and scope out your home to see if anyone is in there. Does that sound okay?”
As he finishes his sentence out of his peripheral vision he sees the window to your bedroom slide open, he knows it’s Hongjoong making his way out of your home with the paper. Nodding your head just as you are about to turn around,Wooyoung grabs you back trying to buy Hongjoong more time to make his way down from your window. Shrugging off his long sleeve button up he pulls it over your shoulders. Pulling it tightly around you.
“You are out here in your pajamas, no socks, and no shoes, despite our Tom and Jerry feud I don’t want you to get cold.
Just then it dawns on you that you are in your pajamas, the cool breeze nips at your skin. Pulling his long sleeve closer you nod, smiling at him, you both turn around and make your way towards your home. Letting you walk in first, Wooyoung insists on wiping his feet saying he will be with you in a second.
“What the fuck took you so long?” Wooyoungs whisper yells at Hongjoong.
“Oh fuck off, like you could’ve did any better.” He whispers harshly to Woo. Rolling his eyes, he and Hongjoong start to bicker, when your voice calls out to Wooyoung, he can hear your footsteps coming close to him.
“S-Sorry! These pesky bugs! Didn’t want any coming into your home.” Wooyoung says loudly, loud enough so Hongjoong can hear, letting out an annoyed huff. Hongjoong begins to make his way back to his home.
Walking behind you, before Wooyoung closes the door, he flips off Hongjoong.
“Alright Princess, where do you want me to look first?” His deep voice rings out, a smile sketched on his face. Your body shivers at the way he calls you princess, like you’ve heard it before.
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rowretro · 8 months
ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝔼𝕒𝕔𝕙 𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣
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✧taglist: @enha-ism
✧warnings: toxic/yandere themes, violence, stalking Blood, forceful kiss
✧synopsis: Yandere Riki kidnaps you after planning for so long. He finally gets to keep you, you're all his. The male expected you to scream, shout and put up a fight so he can punish and tame you, however things were a lot different with his y/n...
Finally, after all those years of watching other boys and girls be so close with his pretty princess, he finally got her to himself. Y/n woke up, chained in a basement, she was quite shocked and a little frightened by her surroundings. When she set her eyes on Riki, she felt like she was dreaming.
"Look here princess... outside of this basement is a beautiful home for you and me to live in. If you behave and do as I say princess... I'll spoil you with everything you want." He said as he twirled her hair "But if you disobey me... you will face harsh consequences darling..." He added as he yanked on her hair, glaring at her. "I'll do anything you say babe" The girl said staring up at him as Riki frowned.
"How cute... so easy to scare hmm?" Riki asked as he pecked her lips softly, leaving the girl blushing. After an hour or so of silence in the basement, he let her out, leading her to their bedroom, he took her to the walk in closet where all of y/n's clothes, and other beautiful clothes exactly like the ones on her wish list or basket hung in order. "This is your side of the closet, like it?" he asked as the girl smiled.
"Don't think I'll ever let you out darling... the only time you'd ever be allowed out is to skool, with me." He sternly said as y/n nodded. "You know I'm not that scary right?" Riki said and she smiled at him "I know babe, but I want to make you happy" the girl said as the male seemed shocked, he gave her a towel and kissed her forehead, realizing she was sincere about that. She fucking loves him the way he loves her.
Since that day, even the school knows that the 2 are openly dating, though unaware of his yandere tendencies. So many people shipped them, they were just so cute together, inseparable. However other. 2 boys in specific. Really hated the 2 being together. Ryan and Tyler, who had been trying to pursue y/n for the past year or so, are pissed to see how Riki swooped in and took her away.
So they acted on it. Riki had gotten into detention as per usual and you waited for him outside as the teacher wouldn't let you in. Knowing this, Tyler dragged her to an empty classroom, while Ryan covered your mouth with his hand, the males smirked as she tried to leave the classroom.
"Not so fast pretty girl..." Tyler said pulling her back by her hair. "The 2 of us fucking tried all we could to get you for the past year, we were so sweet so fucking perfect... yet you went out with that freak?!!!" Ryan yelled at her as he slapped her hard enough to make her head hit the board. He pulled her back, forcefully kissing her. Before any of them can even lay another hand on her, the door went flying off it's hinges, hitting Tyler.
When the 2 males turned around, they were met with a very pissed off Riki. Do I even need to tell you what happened to them? According to the teachers there, the boys fought each other so badly, they ended up killing each other. So says the police, the court, and everyone. Riki kissed the girl's forehead as he dried her hair "Next time I get into detention, cause some trouble and get in with me hmm baby?" Riki asked as the girl nodded with a smile.
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