#so me and some friends came up with our own au type thing where all our inserts and f/os live in one apartment LOL and it's just for the
dira333 · 5 months
soulmate AU: if your soulmate colors their hair, your hair turns the same color + ATSUMU!!!!!!!!!!
for some reason i'm picturing the fic being like a through the years type of thing? where when you're kids your hair is just a normal brown but then in middle and high school it becomes a sort of ombre bleached blonde and it's just your journey with your hair and you wondering why your soulmate doesn't take better care of theirs lol. i also picture it like you see atsumu on tv a lot just because he's a really famous volleyball player and you have a little bit of suspicion but you don't think too much about it because he's really famous and there's no way you would be soulmates with this celebrity (who's known for being boyish and charming and flirty yk).
Let me run from you - Miya Atsumu x Reader
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You suppose it could have been worse.
Mukai-chan's hair is a bright red today. Nakao-Kun's lovely black hair has turned an ugly grey color. And Taniguchi-chan chopped off all her curls, not realizing that it's only her hair color that will mark her soulmate.
But you hate it, the garish yellow of your hair. You hadn't mind all the stages before, the dark brown that turned lighter and lighter each month. It had been kinda fun too, not knowing when your soulmate got another chance to see their hairdresser. But now?
You twirl a strand between your fingers.
"You know, it reminds me of gold," Emi, your best friend, points out. "And I could be silver." She points at her own, greyish curls.
You sigh. "That's nice of you. But I think it looks more like piss."
"Hey, have you seen that already?" Emi turns the magazine so you can see. It's a poster of some high school Volleyball team.
"What about it?"
"Look at these two." She points at two guys who look eerily similar - well, except for their hair color. "They match. Just like we do."
"Mhm, maybe," you turn your head to squint down at it. "The grey one matches, but the yellow doesn't look as bad on him as it does on me. And who says our soulmates will be related?"
"Excuse me?" Emi scoffs. "Like anything else could be true. You're my platonic soulmate after all."
You snort. "True. Do you want to swap lunch again?"
"Thought you'd never ask. Oh, I made Onigiri last night, do you wanna try the new flavor I came up with?"
College is College. Fun and hell at the same time.
"Your hair," one of the girls from your class points out over a cup of something you don't want to taste again. You snort. "Don't remind me. I've tried every toner there is, but I think I need to start at the source."
"No," she starts again, but this time it's Emi who cuts her off, clawing into your arm.
"You'll never believe who I just spotted," she says, voice hushed, breath rushed. "The most beautiful guy to ever exist."
"Oh, so Kageyama Tobio is around?" You joke, but she shakes your arm violently, letting you know this is serious.
"No, no, you don't understand. His hair is the same color as mine. And he's in the kitchen making food, I-"
"Oh, you mean Samu." The two of you turn to the girl. She grins smugly at your now obvious interest in her knowledge.
"He's in my business class. He wants to open a restaurant. He's got a twin brother too. Your hair reminds me of his."
"No way," you wave her off, "If you're talking about the Miya twins you must be mistaken. No way my soulmate could be famous enough to be part of the Miya Twins. He's too dumb to use conditioner."
She laughs. "Oh, boy, are you in for a surprise. I think he's here today. Stay here, I'll get him."
She turns away and you use your chance to grab Emi and go, moving a fast as possible in the direction of the kitchen.
"What are you doing?" She asks, clearly confused.
"Getting out of here and making sure you still meet your soulmate."
"But what if that Miya guy is yours?"
"No way," you shake your head, "I didn't struggle my way through school to be the soulmate of some rich dude. That's too cliché."
You burst through the doors of the kitchen, now face to face with a guy you can only describe as handsome. He's got that lazy smile that Emi's always liked best, arms deep in a bowl of dough.
"Oh, hey," he smiles, "If you're hungry there's some chips and dip in the fridge. Pizza is almost ready to go in the oven too."
"This is my best friend," you tell him, pulling Emi out from behind you, "Avid food blogger, talented cook, and pretty much your soulmate. Thank me later."
She squeaks but you squeeze her shoulder and make a run for the backdoor - you're not sure why they're always located in the kitchen but you're not one to complain tonight.
You've almost made it to safety, the curb already in sight, when something hits you in the face - hard enough to let you tumble over, and land face-first in the dirt.
"Oh shit! Are you okay?!"
You groan, push yourself up only to come face to face with the guy from the kitchen - no, his twin. The hair color is different.
"Wow," he grins cheekily, "I knew I'm great but that's the first time someone literally fell at my feet."
"You wish," you snarl, "Is that your way of flirting? Hitting innocent girls?"
"You don't look that innocent," he jokes, "But no, I only do that for the cute ones."
"Har har," you sit up properly, and put a hand to your chin where it hurts the most. "What did you hit me with anyway?"
"Volleyball," he offers you his hand, "Come on, let me help you up."
"Tsumu!" Someone yells from an open window, "Hoga-chan's looking for you, she said- Oh, so you found her."
"Found who?" Tsumu, your attacker, doesn't turn around. His stare is a little unnerving. It would help a lot if he was a little less attractive.
"Your soulmate."
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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mrsstruggle · 3 months
The Beast of War - Chapter 1 // Teen Wolf x Marvel AU
This is the second part of the Shadow Wolf Series. Read The Lost Child First if you haven't!
Series Summary: In the aftermath of discovering her true identity and reuniting with her long-lost family, Y/N Stilinski finds herself adjusting to a new chapter of her life in Beacon Hills. With her brother and his friends in their senior year at High School, the town faces a fresh new threat. Y/N must navigate the complexities of her new life while confronting the looming threat that threatens to hurt her and the people she loves.
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Death/Injury/Grief/Torture, Possible Grammar Mistakes (please let me know if there is anything else)
Series Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader, Stiles Stilinski x Malia Tate (for now), Steve Rodgers x Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff, Vision x Wanda Maximoff
Words: 4.5k
Note: I am aware this is late! Please don't hate me!
Additional Note: While this is a Teen Wolf x Marvel AU, not everything is true to the shows/movies/comics. I had to change things for the story.
One Last Note: Y/N was adopted by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I did this so more people can see themselves in this story.
***I do not own Teen Wolf or Marvel or any related characters. This is a work of fanfiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.***
The Beast of War Masterlist
The Lost Child Masterlist
Previous Chapter
“Are you going to keep secretly writing notes about me or ask me that question you’ve been too afraid to ask?” Y/N questions, her eyes never leaving the computer where she is tying in the new patient information. She is currently six hours into her ten-hour shift.
The boy sitting on the exam table freezes. His thumbs stop typing in his notes app as he looks at Y/N in surprise. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, “Mhm, sure. This is the fifth time you’ve been in this week, but you always seem to leave with nothing wrong. You either have hypochondria or you’ve kept coming back until I was your nurse.”
“Maybe the previous nurses and doctors didn’t do a good job and sent me home without properly helping me.” He picks at the bottom of his shirt in a nervous habit.
“The first time you came in was for pink eye, which has been noted that you didn’t have that. The second time was for a rash on your arm that you didn’t have.” Y/N says, looking over his previous visit notes, “The third time was a bump on your knee that turned out to be your kneecap. The fourth time was for a broken wrist that turned out to be broken or even sprained. Now you’re here due to flu-like symptoms, but your vitals are all good and there is currently no indication of you being sick.”
He forces out a fake cough, “Are you sure about that?”
Y/N turns to look at him, “I’m sure. You do know this is an emergency room, right? We have actual patients that need help, and we are short staffed. We don’t need some kid coming in trying to meet the Stark girl to get a good photo for his Instagram or whatever.”
“First of all, I’m not a kid—we’re the same age. Second, this isn’t for my Instagram, this is for my criminology class.” He says, dropping his act. He knew there was no point in tripling down on his lies.
“Well, your parents must have a lot of money or some really good insurance for you to be able to show up here five different times.”
“Something like that.”
Y/N looks him up and down, contemplating what she should do. She should just send him home, but she’s worried he will keep showing up until he gets what he wants. “The school year just started, why do you need to speak with me for your criminology class now?”
“Our first assignment is to do a paper on a famous crime. What’s more famous than the kidnapping of Tony Stark’s daughter?”
“I can think of several.” Y/N lets out a sigh, turning her body to fully face him, “You get five questions. If I don’t want to answer one, then it’s still going to count as one of your questions. After that, you have to leave and also promise not to come back here unless you have an actual emergency.”
He smiles in victory, turning his phone back on, “Do you mind if I record this so I can type out your answers later?”
He opens the Voice Memos app on his phone, hits the record button, and holds it up between Y/N and himself. “Okay, first question, I am aware that the Avengers are currently relocating to a little outside of Beacon Hills, but have you been back to the other Avengers compound or the place you lived while with them?”
“No, I have not been back.”
He opens his mouth to ask her to elaborate but decides against it in case she counts that as a question. “Second question, what was your initial reaction when you discovered the truth?”
Y/N pauses as she thinks of an answer. For safety reasons, when they announced who she was, they changed the story of how it happened. Instead of telling the public she was re-kidnapped by Hydra, they told them about Bucky discovering the photo of her in Derek’s auto shop. It’s part of the reason some people like to show up there.
To the public’s knowledge, Hydra kidnapped her in hopes of raising her to be their soldier before she was able to escape on her own when they left her unattended outside. She was then found by a friend of Talia Stilinski and adopted by the Stilinski’s. To the public’s knowledge, Pepper didn’t hand her over to Hydra, she was never experimented on, she has no powers, and she didn’t know about the Avengers because she was too young—not because her memories were blocked.
“Mostly confusion. It’s not every day that someone shows up and claims to be your other family.  Now I’m just waiting for my biological family to do the same thing.” Y/N jokes.
“Third question, I know thanks to photos online that you spend some time with your brother, Peter, but have you spent any time with your sister, Morgan?”
Y/N debates on whether she wants to answer the question or not. The answer is no, she hasn’t spent any time with her sister, nor has she met her. She has nothing against Morgan, and she doesn’t blame her for Pepper’s actions, but she’s not sure if Morgan feels the same way. According to Peter, she is close with her mother, and her relationship with Tony is strained due to his shortcomings as a father to her.
Y/N is unsure if Morgan blames her for those shortcomings. It’s because of Tony’s obsession with finding her that caused him to neglect to be a good father for Morgan. It’s because of his resentment and anger toward Pepper’s nonchalance at Y/N being gone and her happiness toward the new baby that caused him to leave Pepper in the first place. It’s because of his grief of losing her that caused him to be unable to hold her until she was three years old.
It wasn’t until Morgan became a teenager did Tony start to step up as her father. He still isn’t perfect, and he can never make up for her younger years, but he is a lot better. Y/N adds Tony and Peter moving to Beacon Hills as another reason for Morgan to be justified to hate her.
Y/N knows that if Derek or Peter knew her thoughts about Morgan, they would tell her that she can’t blame herself for Tony’s mistakes. The choices Tony made were his own, not hers. Right now, she’s told Peter and Tony that the decision to meet, form a relationship, or anything is fully up to Morgan. She doesn’t want to cause any upheaval in Morgan’s life by inserting herself into it. If Morgan wants Y/N in her life, then she will be. If she doesn’t want anything to do with her, that’s okay. If she wants to meet her once and then never again, Y/N will do that too.
She does however know—thanks to Peter—that Morgan has decided that she prefers a private life away from the spotlight. While Peter attends all charity and public events in the Stark name, Morgan likes to stay home away from the crowds and paparazzi. She even keeps away from social media, so she doesn’t see anything about herself or her family.
“Um, I’m going to pass on that question. Morgan is a minor and prefers to stay out of the press. I don’t feel comfortable talking about whatever relationship I may or may not have with her. That’s private and it will stay that way.” Y/N answers. “You have two questions left.”
The guy huffs in frustration, “Fine. Fourth question, what are your thoughts on the theories and videos people were making after it was first brought to the public’s attention that you’re Y/N Stark?”
“I think the best word to describe I how felt, and still feel, about the things people were saying is disappointment. I’m disappointed in how people were, and still are, talking about my family. Honestly, I don’t really care what people say about me,” That’s a lie but she isn’t going to correct herself, “but I am disappointed in the way people talked about my family and the people I love.”
He nods his head in understanding, “Okay, last question, do you plan on changing your name back to Stark?”
No, she doesn’t. To be honest, it’s not even a thought that has crossed her mind. Scott asked her about it once when he saw her driver’s license and her only thought was that she hopes Derek proposes before Tony asks so she has an excuse that won’t hurt his feelings.
“Maybe, I guess we’ll see,” Y/N says instead. “Now, you can be on your way, and I’ll make sure to let the front desk know I refuse to see you if you come back with anything less than a life-threatening injury. Hopefully, that will keep you away and make you reconsider faking injuries and illnesses, and taking a room away from someone who actually needs it.”
He hits the stop button before turning off his phone and thanking her for answering his questions. He follows her out of the room and rushes out of the building to start working on his paper.
“What’s that about?” Melissa asks, watching the boy run out of the hospital.
Y/N rolls her eyes and sighs, “Just another person who wanted to interview me. I humored him for a few questions before I told him to not come back unless he’s dying.” She hands Melissa the boy’s file that’s in her hand. “Can you put a note in his file to let the others know I won’t see him if he comes back unless necessary?”
“That’s like the fourth one this month,” Melissa laughs in disbelief.
“What can I say, I’m famous,” Y/N winks at her. She and Melissa both know how much she hates the amount of attention she’s gotten since Kate exposed her. At one point in her life, she dreamed of being a star that everyone loved and was extremely famous. Now she wishes she could go back to being a nobody.
“When do you get off today?”
“I have about four hours left and then I’m out of here. I’ve got to go home a prepare myself for family dinner.” Y/N says, grabbing a new patient’s clipboard.
“I heard Stiles telling Scott about that. Is this the first dinner with all of you together?”
“Yep, and I’m already regretting it.”
Melissa lets out a laugh, “I’m sure it will be fine, and if it isn’t, you can tell me all about it tomorrow.”
“I actually have the next two days off, so it will be a few days until I can give you a play-by-play.” With her working so many shifts to make up for her unintended long absence, she decided she needed two days to take a break. She’s exhausted and just wants to sleep in for a day.
“I can’t wait.”
“Hey! Where’s Stiles?” Y/N asks as she greets her dad. He’s the first one to arrive for dinner and she expected Stiles to be with him.
“He said that he could drive himself here, so I drove here straight after work.” The sheriff replies, pulling Y/N into a big hug.
“Okay, well, the others should be here soon if you want to go ahead and sit at the table, or I can turn the TV on, and you can sit in the living room and wait.”
“Where’s Derek?” He questions.
“In here!” Derek calls out from the kitchen.
The sheriff follows Y/N into the kitchen to see Derek checking on the rolls in the oven. “How are you, Derek?”
“I’m good, sir. How are you?” Derek asks, shaking Noah’s hand in greeting.
“Well, I’m still here so I guess I’m good.”
“Dad, why don’t you sit down, and I’ll help Derek finish up,” Y/N says, gesturing her hand toward their dining table. She moves to help Derek when there’s a knock on the front door. “Never mind.”
Walking toward the front door, she can hear two heartbeats on the other side. Opening the door, Tony and Peter are now standing in front of her, “Hey. Thanks for coming.” She hugs them both as they enter the loft.
They had a few conversations after taking down Kate and the hunters, but they are still a little awkward around each other. Y/N and Peter not so much, but she isn’t sure how to navigate a relationship with Tony. She doesn’t want to come off as she doesn’t care about him, but she also needs time to get used to having another dad.
With Peter it’s different. They’re close in age and they have the shared trauma from Hydra. She also feels like she talking to Stiles most of the time.
Y/N shuts the door behind them, she leads them into the kitchen. She pulls out her phone to text Stiles as they greet Derek and Noah. Tony and Peter sit down at the table, and she helps Derek bring the food over.
She looks down at her phone when it vibrates in her hand, “Stiles says he’s a bit caught up and that we should start without him. He’ll be a bit late.”
“What’s he caught up with?” Derek asks, sitting at the head of the table next to Noah and Y/N.
“He didn’t say.” She hopes it’s just something to do with school and not supernatural-related.
“So, Derek, when are you going to start working on your old house?” Peter asks Derek. Y/N has told him a bit about Derek’s plans, but she hasn’t told him everything.
“Um, soon. I’m waiting until after I hire someone to help out at the shop.” Derek replies. A few people have applied to the open position, but two of them ended up being Avengers fans who faked their resumes.
“You know who would probably be interested in the position, Barnes,” Tony says. “He would know what to do and he’s been looking for a job.”
Bucky hasn’t applied to any yet, but he has a few saved. He’d been thinking about taking a step back from the Avengers for a bit. After seeing the files and the videos of what happened to Y/N, they seemed to trigger some bad memories that he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about. He’s also had several nightmares about what they could’ve possibly done to Y/N if she wasn’t rescued when she was.
Derek shares a small look with Y/N as if to ask for help with what he should say, “Yeah, I could send him the listing to see if he’s interested, or it’s on our website too. At least, that’s what Lydia told me.”
Y/N shrugs her shoulders a little when Derek looks back at her. She’s not going to tell Derek whether he should hire him or not, or even give Bucky a chance. It’s Derek’s business so that decision is completely up to him.
Tony opens his mouth to say something else, but Y/N decides to interrupt him. She’s sure Tony is about to say something that he thinks will be helpful for Derek, and she knows Derek probably doesn’t care to hear it. Derek likes doing things his way and he doesn’t always love people injecting their opinions. “So, Dad, is there anything you’d like to tell me?”
Y/N ignores the longing look in Tony’s eyes as she speaks to the other man who raised her.
“Uh, not to my knowledge, no.” Sheriff Stilinski doesn’t know what she’s talking about. The tone in her voice says he should, but he can’t think of anything.
“Really?” Y/N looks down at his left ring finger where his wedding ring used to be.
“Right, I may or may not have a date tomorrow night.”
“Good for you,” Derek says proudly, patting him on the back. They haven’t always seen eye-to-eye, but he and the sheriff have grown closer after he started dating Y/N. It was rough at first, but they started to get along after the sheriff saw how well Derek took care of Y/N after she was attacked one night by a hunter. They bonded that night as Y/N rested. It’s why Derek knows that the sheriff going on a date is a big deal for him.
“Who’s it with?” Y/N asks with a teasing smile.
“It’s with someone you know,” Noah says, keeping it vague.
“Well, it’s not with Melissa because she would’ve told me. But you also didn’t tell me until now. Oh my god, you’re date’s with Melissa.”
“No, it’s not.”
“It’s with a woman.”
“Well, who else do I know that’s at an appropriate age for you to date?” Y/N mutters mostly to herself.
Tony and Peter silently eat their food and watch the conversation with amused smiles on their faces. They like seeing Y/N with a smile on her face. It’s a lot better than what she looked like when dealing with Hydra, the hunters, and Derek getting shot with an arrow.
“It’s Lydia’s mom,” Derek states.
Noah looks at him a little shocked. He didn’t expect Derek to guess correctly or even chime in. “How’d you know?”
“I didn’t, but I do now.” Derek sends a triumph wink toward Y/N. She’s a little surprised he’s showing this side of himself with Tony and Peter here. With strangers, and sometimes the pack, he prefers to only let them see him as the tall, broody guy who doesn’t have many feelings.
“Just don’t tell Stiles. I haven’t told him I’m going on a date yet either.” He looks pointedly toward Y/N.
“Fine. My lips are sealed.” Y/N pretends to zip her lips for added effect. “What about you Peter? How’s MJ?”
The last time Peter had talked to her about MJ he wasn’t sure about the direction of their relationship. He loves her, but she’s still in college going for her master’s and he’s moving to Beacon Hills to be closer to his sister. They hadn’t decided if they wanted to try long-distance, have Peter go back and forth, or if they should call it quits for now.
Y/N told him that she shouldn’t be the reason his relationship with MJ should change. He just replies that he thought she was dead for several years and has missed out on being in her life, so he doesn’t plan on missing anymore.
“She’s good. We still haven’t decided what we’re going to do yet.” Peter replies, keeping his eyes down on the food on his plate to avoid looking at her.
“How has it been at the hospital? Are people still showing up and harassing you?” Tony asks, turning the attention away from Peter because he can feel he doesn’t want to talk about MJ.
“Yeah, we had a guy come in today asking me questions. It’s the fifth time he’s been in this week.” Y/N rolls her eyes in annoyance.
Tony frowns at her answer. He offered her a job to work with the Avengers in their medical wing to avoid the crazy press and fans and to spend more time with her, but she declined. She likes her job, and she likes that she can help her brother and friends by having her job.
“He’s been in five times?” Derek questions, his tone on the protective side.
“Yeah, he’s some college guy who wanted to interview me for some school project.”
“College guy?” “Didn’t the school year just start?” Derek and Peter question at the same time.
“He said it was for a paper for his criminology class. I let him ask me a few questions and then told the front desk not to let him back unless he’s dying.”
“What questions did he ask you?” Peter asks.
“Like ‘how did I react when I found out’ and ‘how did I feel about the videos people were making about me.’ I gave him five questions and only answered the ones I wanted to.” Y/N shrugs like it’s no big deal. “I only did it so that he’d stop wasting the staff’s time with his fake injuries and illnesses.”
“Has Stiles told you if he’s on his way?” Noah asks, changing the subject.
Y/N checks her phone and sees that Stiles hasn’t texted her, “Nope, but you know how he gets. He probably lost track of time, or he’s still caught up in whatever he’s doing.”
The table goes quiet, and everyone continues eating. No one knows what to say. This isn’t the first dinner they’ve had together, but they all typically end in silence. They do some polite small talk in the beginning—mostly everyone only speaking to Y/N—then finish their food in silence.
Derek takes his and Y/N’s empty plates to the sink when they're done. Y/N packs up some of the leftovers for her dad to take home.
“I should go. I’ve got a long shift in the morning.” Noah says. He pats Derek on the shoulder as a goodbye. He takes the leftovers from Y/N’s hands and follows her to the front door. “I’m assuming you’re going to show up to the station before my date tomorrow.”
“You know me so well.” Y/N smiles, hugging him goodbye. “See you tomorrow. Love you.”
“Love you too.” He closes the door behind himself as he leaves. Y/N turns to Tony and Peter who are ready to leave as well.
“Thanks for having us over. Dinner was good.” Tony says, putting his jacket back on that he took off while eating.
“Thanks for coming,” Y/N says, hugging them both goodbye. “My schedule is starting to slow down so I’ll let you know when I’m free for us to do something.” She notices Tony perk up at the thought of spending more time with her.
She waves at them goodbye before closing and locking the loft door. Sighing in exhaustion, she turns to see Derek standing and staring at her with a familiar lovestruck look in his eyes.
“I feel like I could sleep for a week,” Y/N says, slowly walking over to him.
Derek wraps his arms around her when she reaches him, “Well, I’ve done the dishes, so how about we go upstairs, take a nice hot bath, and then get you to bed?”
“Keep saying things like that and I’ll get on one knee right now and ask you to marry me.”
“I prefer when you get on both knees.”
Y/N scoffs at his joke, “Just take me upstairs to a bath. If you treat me right, maybe the bath could turn into something more.”
“I’m holding you to that,” Derek says. Y/N lets out a laugh when Derek wraps his arms around her thighs and picks her up, carrying her upstairs.
Y/N slowly opens her eyes to see Derek asleep next to her. She smiles a little at how cute he looks when he’s asleep. Turning to the clock on her bedside table, she notices that it’s almost midnight. She’s only been asleep for a little over an hour and she’s not sure what woke her up. As she turns back to Derek, their bedroom door flies open.
“Y/N?” Stiles calls out from the doorway.
“What the fuck Stiles?” Y/N groans, clamping her eyes shut when he flicks on the bedroom light. She can feel Derek waking up next to her. “Why the fuck are you here so late?”
Stiles walks into the room and sits on the bed next to Y/N, “I feel like I’m going crazy and you’re the only one that believes me.” Y/N can smell that he reeks of anxiety.
“Go home,” Derek groans, wraps an arm around Y/N’s waist, and pulls her in closer to him, pushing his face into the back of her neck to try and hide from the light.
Y/N sighs, using her hands to block the ceiling light, “You can tell me what’s going on after you turn off the light.”
Stiles huffs in frustration but gets up and turns off the light before sitting back on the bed, “There’s something off about Theo but no one believes me. Scott thinks I should give him the benefit of the doubt and that, even if he is bad, everyone is savable.”
“Does some of this have to do with why you didn’t show up to dinner?”
“Sorry about that. Me and Liam followed him around to see what he’d do.”
“And what did he do?”
“We may have followed him to the bridge near where his sister was found.” Stiles mumbles, fiddling with the drawstrings on his hoodie.
“He could’ve noticed you following him and put on a ‘good guy’ act,” Y/N says, trying to think of something that would support Stiles’ theory.
“Don’t encourage him,” Derek mumbles sleepily behind her.
“I broke into the administration office and found the transfer form his dad signed and compared it to a speeding ticket he signed eight years ago. The signatures are completely different.” Stiles says. He knows he’s right about Theo and he doesn’t get why Scott doesn’t believe him.
“Okay, I believe you. Look, I’m exhausted so how about we get some sleep and talk about this some more later? You’ve got school tomorrow, so you need some sleep too.” Y/N says as gently as she can. She doesn’t want him to feel like she doesn’t believe him either, but she might fall back asleep any minute now. “You know you are welcome to the guest room. It’s practically yours now anyway.”
“Can I sleep in here tonight?” Stiles asks shyly.
“No,” Derek answers quickly.
“Not like in your bed, but like can I drag the guest room’s mattress in here and sleep on it on the floor?”
Even in the dark, Y/N can see the vulnerability in his eyes, “Yes, you can sleep in here.” Stiles smiles and runs out of the room toward the guest room.
“You should’ve said no,” Derek groans.
“He’s worried about his friends and senior year has been giving him a lot of anxiety after asking Dad about his high school buddies.”
“How has that given him so much anxiety that he stinks of it?”
“Dad told him that he no longer speaks to any of his friends from high school and he’s scared him and his friends will end up the same way.”
Derek sighs, “Fine, but him staying in here is a one-time thing.”
Y/N starts to reply when Stiles comes back into the room, pulling the guest bedroom mattress behind him with one hand and his pillows and blankets in the other. He puts the mattress against the wall that faces Y/N’s side of the bed.
He puts his pillows down on the mattress before laying down and wrapping his blankets around himself, “Okay, goodnight. Don’t do anything gross since I’m here.”
Y/N rolls her eyes at his last sentence, “Goodnight Stiles.”
As she starts to drift back off to sleep, she hears Stiles speak again, “Y/N?”
“Did you notice that Dad stopped wearing his ring?”
“Yeah,” Y/N replies gently.
“Do you think he’s met someone?”
“You’d have to ask him that.” She would’ve responded with yes, but she promised her dad earlier that she wouldn’t tell Stiles because he wanted to be the one to do it.
“I just want him to be happy,” Stiles says, staring up at the ceiling.
“Me too.”
There’s a moment of silence before Stiles says, “I miss Mom.”
“Me too.”
“Okay, goodnight,” Stiles rolls over to his side to face the wall.
“Goodnight,” Y/N pushes herself back into Derek’s loose embrace. After Stiles laid out the mattress, he was out like a light. She starts to drift off again when Stiles interrupts her again.
“Hey Y/N?”
“Thanks for believing me.”
@xxemmarldxx @esposadomd @ladyjenjay @ts1mp0ne @misshale21
@n1ght5h4d3-24 @xoxoloverb
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sparrowrye · 7 months
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, part 24
Synopsis: soulmate AU where you have the same mark on your body as your soulmate, and if your soulmate dies, you die too. Alastor needs to make sure that his soulmate is safe so he can continue his reign - whatever that takes. Though it looks like we have a couple secrets of our own.
Previous part
Part 24: fulfillment
"There needs to be a central place," Charlie paced around the small map lying on the library floor. "Somewhere for everyone to hang out and share feelings and meet each other."
Husker and I sat on one of the window seats with a drink in hand. He had alcohol and I had tea. The hot summer days brought heavy rain in most of the afternoons, either cooling things off or making everything hot and muggy. Fortunately, today was a cool day.
Alastor stood in the corner between me and the fireplace. Since the start of this project only two days ago, he had been increasingly annoying and bothersome. He always had some snide, rude, or sarcastic remark to make to anyone and everyone. When it came to me, he was always putting a hand on my shoulder. Each and every time I pushed it off.
"What about just one big hall? Meals and other activities can be held there, too." Vaggie was just as smiley as Charlie. If I had to guess, they had been bored out of their minds for decades since their hotel went under.
To my great dismay, I had been outvoted for location of the Safe Haven. We were going to build it from the ground up in the field and forest right outside the house. Alastor had casted a smug smile, one without teeth, in my direction when the decision had been made. It infuriated me.
Later, when the sun had sunk into the ocean, I was told there would be two more people arriving shortly. They were residents of Charlie's hotel long ago and apparently jumped at the chance to help her again.
She greeted the Demons at the back door and brought them into the library. One of them was a huge black snake with red eyes dotted across his skin. He wore a black hat and had long fangs poking out of his sweet smile.
The other one had four arms and a pair of legs. I thought he was a woman until he spoke and introduced himself otherwise. Husker had immediately stood beside him and the new Demon wrapped his arm around his shoulders. Husker had never told me about him before.
My veins suddenly tightened. 
Oh no. 
I asked if anyone wanted anything to eat or drink and hurried into the kitchen. I used my tail to move the one door closed, quietly, and leaned on the counter. I clutched at my chest and tried to push the feeling down. I had forgotten to hunt this morning since Charlie had practically dragged me out of bed and downstairs to plan.
"Everything alright?" Alastor's condescending tone reached my ears.
"Never better," I said through gritted teeth. I took a deep breath and grabbed mugs from the cabinet. "And no, I don't need you."
"I didn't ask."
I casted a glare up at him. I used magic to heat the kettle faster and poured hot drinks for four Demons, knowing Husker wouldn't take anything other than alcohol. I brought the drinks into the library and set them in the desk. They were all in heated discussion and I realized just then how good of friends they were with each other. I suddenly felt very out of place.
I silently disappeared and fled the house. I shifted into my Dragon and hunted through the forest for any critters. I needed something to make the pain stop.
It ended up being a bat. I sat under a large tree to stay out of the rain and sunk my teeth into its skin. No matter how much of it I drank and ate, the satisfaction grew worse. It was almost as if my body had grown immune to this type of blood.
I made my way back to the house. Once the planning for the Safe Haven was finished, I needed to convince Charlie to let the first inhabitants be the children from the ring fights. I could get what I needed in the skirmish.
Alastor was waiting just inside the front door. "Did it suffice?"
"Leave me alone." I went back into the library feeling itchy all over. Even my blood felt itchy. At least the sharp pain was gone and it was just an annoying thorn in my back.
I was quiet for the remainder of the night for the most part. I let the group do their own thing and only offered my input when no one could decide on something. Alastor perched himself on one of the chairs in the corner and was also relatively quiet. He pushed my shields a few times as if to remind me he was there.
Building began the very next day. Alastor, Husker, and I spent the morning casting the water into the ocean and drying up the earth. Apparently all Demons hated rain, execept for me. Fortunately, the sun came out and helped speed up the process.
The group from last night came back ready to build. My heart stopped when I saw the King of Hell walking down in front of them. Alastor's eyes locked on the small man and static gurgled in his throat. It took all of three seconds before the two of them were at each other's throat. No one could tell me why they hated each other.
The group had decided to focus on creating basic housing 'huts', food gardens, and a common space for the newcomers to use. Once we had more people, the easier it would be to truly build the city. Charlie seemed to have a certain vision for it and some of her sketches looked interesting. She was incorporating a lot of nature into the layout. I couldn't say that I hated it. I had lived on concrete most of my life and being close to nature in the past year was really nice.
The basic layout followed most of what today's cities followed: brick and stone. She was already accounting for lots of inhabitants so the building had at least two layers to them. Everything had lots of windows to allow as much sunlight in as possible. It made sense since, even in the summer time, all the Demons wore long sleeves and pants. Husker and I were the odd ones out who were always sweating and complaining of the heat.
Alastor didn't do much to help the group. He stayed on the porch and simply watched from afar. Lucifer helped by magically spawning the material into existence but even he didn't do much to actually build anything. The rest of us used bits of magic to build the basic huts and the 'grand hall', as Charlie put it.
It felt good to have something physical to do. It was also refreshing to be around people other than Alastor and Husker. I didn't really say much, content with being silent and observant. They all seemed like really good friends and I even noticed Husker was especially close with Angel.
Everything was going fine for the most part. The huts were made from basic wood dug deep into the ground. There was a glass wall at the front where a curtain could be pulled across at night for privacy. Each one held four beds. They would soon be filled with ex-ring fighters.
Everything was going fine...until it wasn't.
We were nailing in one of the boards on the side of the hut when Angel nicked one of his arms on a nail. He pressed at the wound and dropped the hammer. My eyes widened as the smell reached my nose.
Oh no.
My feet were bolted to the ground and my hands hung still in the air. My Demon side came out as the smell only strengthened when he pulled his hand away. My veins tightened and breathing became really hard. Everything hurt. Husker was too busy tending to him to notice my state.
I breathed out through my nose and held my breath. I squeezed my eyes shut and took the to the sky in my Dragon form. I wanted to turn around so bad. I wanted to taste his sweet blood. It had been so long since I last had Demon's blood and he was so close to me. But I couldn't. That wasn't me. I wasn't a Demon like that.
But boy did Demon's blood taste sweet.
My mind started to hurt. I flew deep into the forest and landed in a cold river. I tried covering myself in the freezing water but it did nothing to rid the feeling. My eyes scanned the scenery for life, finally landing on a deer. I ran and caught it within seconds, tearing apart it's fresh and drinking it's blood.
It did nothing.
I shifted to my Demon form and tried again. No amount of blood or flesh eased the agony. It was so painful everywhere, inside and out. I needed to breathe, to think, to be normal. I needed blood other than an animal's.
I looked at the dead animal in front of me. My claws up to my elbows were covered in blood and the fronts of my pants were soaked with it. The poor creature had died for nothing.
Pain surged through me again. I curled inward and fell on my back. It felt like my body was eating itself from the inside. I crawled over to the water and looked at my reflection. My horns were obvious and blood was smeared across my face. I looked like a real Demon.
I dunked my head into the river and rubbed it off. It took several tries before most of it had finally come off my skin. My shirt and pants would need to be thrown out.
"This is very unbecoming of you." My head jerked up to see Alastor standing a few paces from me, cane in hand.
"What the hell do you want?" I snapped. I dried my face with the clean part of my shirt. I was afraid to stand in case it made the pain pulse again.
"To ensure my soulmate doesn't die because of her stubbornness and stupidity."
"I'm not stupid."
"You have waited so long and let yourself reach such a painful state because you couldn't set your ego and morals aside."
"You're one to talk about ego." Another pulse ran through my body. I curled further into myself as nausea took hold of me. I dug my hands into the earth and let out a strangled yell. I just needed it all to stop.
"All you had to do was ask." His cane tapped the rocks as he stepped near me. He knelt down and held out his hand. A piece of red meat sat on brown paper in his palm. He used his claw to poke it so blood dripped out.
Hunger and pain threw me off balance. I clung to the grass as my world began to tilt wildly to one side. My breathing came out in long, hard gasps. My head felt cloudy and I couldn't think straight. All I could focus on was the sweet smell of the blood in his hand.
I reached for it but he held it up. "Ah ah, you have to ask me first."
"What?" I choked.
"If you want this pain to go away, you have to ask me for this simple antidote."
"I'm not...you're...you can't..." I gagged as the pain worsened. I put a hand into the cold water but it did nothing to wake me up. "P-please..."
"Please what?"
"Please..." I started to drool as I struggled to push myself to my elbows. Everything took thrice the effort. I didn't want to ask him but it was so close. All I had to do was ask. That's it. "Can...can I have it?"
"What was that, dear?" He put a hand up to his ear condescendingly.
"Can I have it?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"Of course, darling." He held out the meat and I snatched it from his grasp. My teeth pierced the sweet flesh and the blood soothed every ache and pain in my body. It felt so satisfying as it slipped down my throat and warmed my body.
My head cleared and my muscles relaxed as I swallowed it. I let out a heavy sigh and laid down. I craved more but it had satisfied what I needed. I felt calm.
"Come, darling, let's make you presentable."
Author's Note:
OoooOoOOoh I liked this one a lot. Also, would y'all be interested in the Spotify playlist I listen to when I write this story?
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hemeruni · 5 months
Well. Here’s what I’ve been planning on doing… I’d like to introduce you all to-
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The FIRST ANNUAL tumblr User hemeruni direct, a special event where I get to actually go into more detail about the projects I’m currently more so focused on, while giving important news to what’s next on our menus.
Now let’s go ahead and get this show rolling shall we?
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As you know, Nurse Philly has been placed on the back burner for a while as I took the time to work on my other projects. But, starting today, I’m working full speed ahead to officially get the Askblog up and rolling! The scripting process has been tough, but a rough outline has been finished and a overall timeline of arcs and events are all laid out, so it shouldn’t be long for you all to see the nurse in person!
I’m not the type to give out dates, but expect this hush puppy to start around mid-late 2024.
Alright we’re getting the hang of things! What’s next?
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This project started as a one off post that quickly spiraled into one of my favorite projects thus far under the hemeruni brand. While there isn’t plans to get a Askblog rolling anytime soon, the askbox will always be open for asking questions to these mysterious folk.
This project doesn’t have much besides that, but if things change revolving my work ethic, I’ll surely consider it.
No date on this one, as it’s currently in a fine state from where I’m seeing it.
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By the time I’m writing this, Hemera’s birthday is still ongoing and it might honestly been the most exciting days I’ve had in a long time, considering the fact that I’ve just… haven’t been active as much.
This fox means so much to me and I have Sparklecare and only Sparklecare to thank for creating such a wonderful creature that deserves everything wonderful on this blue marble of a planet.
I love you Hemmy, don’t stop being you.
Me and Uni are making a coffee shop au
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Yeah idk what else to say
It’s news to me but I’m just posting this since I thought the idea was funny.
Personal au?? I think?? Only WE get to make one not YOU /J
Now. I mentioned something at the beginning of the whole thing about a change that is going to happen. Before we end this, I might as well say what I want to say.
The Future.
I’m breaking away from this community, for my own mental sake. I’m saying this with a heavy heart, knowing that this whole 'fame' thing isn’t something I enjoy. Besides fame, I’ve been so caught up in comments and reblogs that it mentally drains me to see one post that I spent less time on doing better then one I actually put my effort into.
This culminated in a unfollow from the official Sparklecare account that I’m still assuming is over the criticblog situation. Nevertheless, it left me bed ridden for weeks, realizing that what I worked so hard for was taken from my own dumb mistake.
That taught me a valuable lesson though, which is why I’m finally deciding to just cut contact with the community entirely, besides friend groups and servers I’m in you won’t really see me active on my main, mostly just au updates.
That also means I’m no longer reblogging stuff to my main account, but I’ve already came up with a solution revolving a account called hemerunireblogs (which will be linked later down the line)
That’s the most you’ll see me interacting with this community, I hope you can understand.
We’ve reached an absolute.
The End.
I wish things could’ve been different, but it’s either I continue down this path and further ruin myself for others sakes, or I finally start to work on myself again. In the end, I decided to choose myself. Call me selfish, I could care less.
For some, I’d like to wish the best, even though we may have not talked much, I’d love to see you again sometime soon.
You all have been a wonderful audience, I hope you all had a wonderful Hemmy Hatchday. Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight my friends.
-Mx. Hemmy
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stormy-blossom · 3 months
Hello, and welcome to the Magical Girl AU I made for some unknown reason and have invested a lot of time into:
I got this idea one day and was expanding it with a friend and honestly I think I cooked a little...
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First on our little team is Elora:
Age: 16
Power: Arceus
Special Ability: Judgement
Transformation words: "Blessing from above, guide me!"
Elora has amnesia, waking up one day in an unknown area with a strange phone that is able to transform her into a magical girl.
Elodie is the one who found her, and managed to convince her parents to let her stay with them. The two go to school together and work to try and figure out who she is, where she came from and to regain her abilities
It takes her a while to figure out that her powers were gifted to her by Arceus.
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Next is Elodie
Age: 17
Power: Meowscarada
Special Ability: Flower Trick
Transformation words: "It's showtime!"
Elodie is a pretty regular high-school girl who is also a huge history nerd. She got her powers shortly after finding Elora and the two work together to stop the monsters that attack the town.
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Next is Erisu
Age: 24
Power: Hisuian Typhlosian
Special Ability: Purify
Transformation Words: "Purify the forsaken!"
Erisu is one of the girl's teachers, she has been a magical girl longer than they have, having been protecting the city from various things. Her ability is to Purify Distorted Souls, saving a person's soul so they're no longer the monster they have become.
She does her best to mentor the girls, and refuses to let them take heavy damage. She never had someone to guide her so she wants to make sure they do. Also being an adult figure in their life, she's able to make up cover stories a lot easier.
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Now our first canon character: Kieran
Age: 17
Power: Dipplin
Special Ability: Syrup Bomb
Transformation words: "Stick to it!"
Kieran's alter ego, the team doesn't know his real identity until later, Elora calls his Syrup boy, Elodie calls him the prince and Erius calls him Dipplin kid. He's not really privy to these nicknames... except one.
I took inspiration from Disney's Snow White's prince. He doesn't act much like Kieran normally does, because he's a idealized version of himself, how he wishes he could be you could say.
I thought the sword was cool, so that's why he has one.
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Finally our villains and my obvious favorite: Volo!
Age: 25
Power: Giratina
Special Ability: Distortion
Transformation words: "Shadows of the forgotten!"
Volo is a history teacher at Elodie's school, him and Erisu are pretty close.
He has the ability to take the worst of people and distort them into monsters who follow his will. He's a menacing, manipulative person like this, though puts up a friendly persona when he's not powered up.
Hes taken a liking to Elodie because of her passion for history that matches his own. He's closest with Erisu, her being the only person he's willing to really open up to.
He does not know their identities and they do not know his, though he has a suspicion his aunt knows more than she let's on...
Some notes:
Everyone but Elora had a special Pokeball that allows them to transform.
Their goal is to collect all the plates, each one allows a person to power up their typing, only one at a time can be used however and must correspond to a Pokémon typing. For example: Elodie can use the grass or dark plate.
Elora is the exception however, and can use any plate collected, but like the others is limited to one every battle.
Every plate collected restores a little of Elora's memory and she becomes a little more powerful.
Pokemon do not exist as battle partners and are more like deities who can bestow blessings upon certain people.
If a Pokeball is broken that person's connection to the Pokémon is severed completely.
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it-happened-one-fic · 11 months
Ghostly Happenings - Silver (Part 3)
Author Notes: Only one more section to go after this one! Anyhow, this is the third section of my Halloween/October twst fic series. Much of what I said about the first and second parts of this fic holds true for this one. The entire series is post Diasomnia overblot, hopefully non canon-compliant, and was greatly inspired by the 1947 movie "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir." I also listened to "Freaking Me Out" by Ava Max while writing this fic series. As per usual, reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ Ghost AU/ noncanon compliant/ Post Diasomnia overblot/ tad bit of angst with comfort/ fluff/ romance implied/ pining
Word Count: 1105
{Part 1}, {Part 2}, {Part 3: You're Here!}, {Part 4}
Also available on AO3 (link deleted due to glitches)
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Predictably, I didn’t get much sleep that night, and I was still exhausted even as I trudged into the bathroom to scrub the floors.
I hadn’t said anything to Grim about the identity of our new ghostly companion, and I hadn’t seen Silver since he’d disappeared last night.
To be honest, a part of me doubted that I’d ever even seen him and hadn’t just dreamed him up in one of those brief snatches of rest I had gotten.
After all, I had been reminiscing about my school days, and the memory of Silver was an indelible one. 
His death was something I would never forget. How could I, when it had happened the way it did after I’d just become close to him?
In addition to that, Silver always had looked like someone a person could only dream up. Being that attractive ought to be impossible. Though, to be fair, a lot of my classmates had been and remained unrealistically attractive. 
I’d always just assumed it was something about the water in this world.
I scrubbed at one particularly stained tile with a frown as I continued to muse to myself about the events of last night.
 It really did make more sense for me to have dreamed up Silver being the new ghost at Ramshackle. His being here didn’t make any sense. 
While it was true he probably was unhappy with the fact his life had been cut short, I couldn’t see Silver being someone to keep clinging to life. He’d always been so accepting of everything that came his way.
Not to say that he hadn’t been a fighter, but… He hadn’t struck me as someone who kept clinging to something after it was already over. He was graceful that way. It was something I’d always admired.
And then there was the matter of Lilia, Sebek, and Malleus. Silver would stay near them if he’d become a ghost. They were the people he’d been closest to. His family. He wouldn’t come and live at Ramshackle dorm, even if that was where a lot of ghosts liked to come.
I’d probably just dreamed up the events of last night due to missing him, regretting things that had happened, and having let myself wallow in nostalgia for a brief bit. 
I’d always had weird dreams since coming to Twisted Wonderland anyway. Plus, it wasn’t like I hadn’t ever dreamed of Silver before… It was just that they weren’t usually quite so realistic and usually left me waking up with a frown. Wishing I could just go back to sleep and re-enter my pleasant dreams rather than having to get up.
The worst part about my dream about ghostly Silver was that I couldn’t talk about it with anyone. They’d only worry about how I was living alone with just Grim and some ghosts.
Pretty much all of my friends would invite me to come live with them just for fear that the solitude was getting to me. And it would be kind of them to do so even after I’d already told them no several times.
Malleus, in particular, wouldn’t let the matter go. I knew perfectly well that he blamed himself for Silver’s death and had always regretted everything about his overblot including, my involvement in it, since, up until then, I had been his means of escape from the chains his own life held.
Bringing up a strange dream about Silver haunting me at Ramshackle would only serve to drag up those nasty old memories.
So I knew, for a fact, that Malleus would insist that I come and live at his palace in the Valley of Thorns so that I would no longer be alone. Because he knew and understood loneliness to a special degree that many didn’t.
I sighed to myself as I pondered the fae who remained a close friend of mine even after everything that had happened. He was one of the ones who always expressed so much concern as to how I was coping with continuing to live at Ramshackle dorm.
I had no doubts that he was, to a degree, projecting his past loneliness and sorrow onto me. Because that’s just the way Malleus was.
There was no way I could ever broach the subject of a ghostly Silver to him or any of my other friends from the Valley of Thorns. After all, Lilia had blamed himself much like Malleus did, and so did Sebek.
All of them persisted in blaming themselves even though, in reality, there was one person who bore far more blame when it came to Silver’s death….
I shook my head, annoyed with myself for even starting to go through that same dusty old thought process as I willed myself to stop thinking about the dream that continued to haunt me, much like how its contents would have been if it had been reality. And perhaps I wished it were reality.
But going down that line of thought was never a good idea and was precisely the reason I avoided thinking about Malleus’s overblot in particular. Nothing good ever came of it since it always brought silly little what-ifs to mind that could never come true.
Guilt-tripping myself wouldn’t fix anything. It wouldn’t bring Silver back, and it wouldn’t change anything at all. 
My fingers curled around the wet cloth in my hand as I focused hard on the floor. Swallowing thickly as I repeated that same harsh truth to myself as a way to ground myself from my own depressing thoughts.
Silver hadn’t come back just to haunt my home and spend time with me. And I couldn’t decide if that was a truth that relieved me or broke my heart.
I dropped the now-filthy rag back into my bucket of now-dirty water as the bell tolled that classes were about to start. I was right on time with finishing my cleaning as usual.
The bathroom was clean for the upcoming horde of students who may or may not maintain a reasonably clean state. But I wasn’t actually bitter about it. 
After all, I’d been far harder on this school than any of them had managed thus far, and I honestly prayed it stayed that way. I didn’t know if the teachers could handle that level of drama again.
Now all that was left to my day was a bit of mopping and cleaning up any accidents that occurred in alchemy or potionology. Both were, without a doubt, the messiest classes outside of P.E. And the lawn wasn’t part of my job, so P.E. was of no concern to me.
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mareenavee · 1 year
Fic Authors Self Rec!
Tagged by the indominable @kookaburra1701! Rules:
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!
I love this. OKAY LET'S GO. Tell me about how proud you are of your work, friends. You've come so far <3
Tagging: @paraparadigm, @polypolymorph, @changelingsandothernonsense, @thana-topsy, @dirty-bosmer, @thequeenofthewinter, @gilgamish, @archangelsunited, @throughtrialbyfire, @expended-sleeper, @ladytanithia and YOU yes if you see this, talk kindly about your writing journey and TAG ME BACK <3
Below the cut because I do be ramblin' (: They're not really in any particular order, I just love them all for different reasons.
1) If We Knew Anything At All
This one was a hell ship prompted by a list that Topsy shared with a bunch of us and I had a brainwyrm, then ended up crying while I wrote the end of it. Quite possibly one of my favorite ever pieces. This one is both the inevitable end to my fic universe and something completely outside time. How did I manage this? Via Sheogorath's voicing. I don't think it gets more unreliable than that.
2) Metempsychosis
A very dear friend and fantastic teammate I met through Skywind sent me this prompt and it gave me such an excellent challenge not only to flex on weird god voice stuff again, but also to bust out some spoken word poetry tricks. I did end up recording myself reading this one too and it felt like old times. I loved all the layers of references I shoved into 1,000 words. It is also my first Morrowfic. And also one that reminded me what I am capable of even more strongly than some of my other projects did. 🥰
3) Serpens Caput
This one is newer, yes BUT OH MY GODS what a flex it was. ANOTHER Morrowfic but it's set in Ceth's fic universe featuring not only major character death but the mindset of a villain in his final moments. And we get to see Danger!Josh through his eyes. It was WEIRD. WEIRD WEIRD but so much fun. I don't think I've yelled so much about a fic whilst writing before. Ceth threw me this prompt, but I don't think was expecting this to end up...being this way (: Borrowed the description of Teldryn and Nerevar from her universe and just RAN WITH IT.
4) Little Dragon
This was written as part of my cute, happy LDB!Athis polycule AU where nothing is quite as horrifically messy as my main fic universe. It is a different kind of catharsis to write, often fun and humorous and a flex in that direction, since I didn't know what i was capable of—I always write pining and heartbreak lol. This came about as part of a fic writer's duel with AU (judged by Poly) which was honestly one of the coolest fandom experiences I've ever been in. It has become its own thing now with multiple other stories and I've been in yet another fandom duel since then. So it's all cute fuzzy feelings and happy memories and I love it to bits.
and last but certainly not least:
5) The World on Our Shoulders
My longfic which throws characters into extremely tough situations, handles horribly difficult themes and topics, shows people being messy and still finds ways to show it all with grace. It's what got me out of my multi-year writing slump and truly, truly brought me back to myself. So yes maybe some of the characters have some of my irl nonsense. Some scenes are far too relatable and it's a little scary sometimes how horrible that is, but it's a different kind of Catharsis. I love also the support its gotten so far for its specific type of storytelling structure as well as all the weird details that sprawl into other stories (Like my honorable mention written for Para, Recurse) and sequels and spin offs. It's been a great joy to be writing this and it's continued to inspire me. From draft one, which I wrote in challenge mode, posting every day this last February to now, where I am mid-ground-up-edit, I love this project to bits and will do all I can to see it through to the end. I see how much I can accomplish in this project. I see what can be done with common tropes and themes and even Fic in general. It's unalienated labor that I do for the sheer hell of it because I can and it's mine and I don't have to follow The Rules. There's something beautiful about that. It's one reason I get up at the crack of dawn every day -- to write for the sake of writing. Out of spite sometimes for all the ways the world tries to crush this kind of self expression out of us. This is my gem of a project. And I am proud of it and how far I've come since I started it. (:
So now it's your turn, if you got this far. Why do you write? How have your favorite fics you've written changed your perspective on the craft so far?
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thedevotedhealer · 7 months
A MODERN! Naruto Zombie Apocalypse AU (happy v day)
Short reader x Male! Sakura
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// I got motivated to write modern AU version while I was working on the IMVU model of Sakuro. Enjoy~
"Oh, You're here! I didn't notice how you came in" Sakuro got up and scratched his head sheepishly. "sorry about the mess... The recon mission got a little... heated" he bit his lip, averting his gaze from your eyes.
You look around, taking in the gruesome scene, people and zombies alike scattered about, some had bullet holes, some were missing body parts. even though you were used to the dead by now, three years had passed since the Zombie virus breakout. people screaming and dying, either from being brutally murdered by one-another or eaten alive by the zombies left and right, you still had the urge to vomit from the stench of the rotting flesh.
You covered you nose and mouth with your hand, brows furrowed from disgust.
the man infront of you, Sakuro Haruno, as he introduced himself earlier had been given an order from a man named "Tsubasa Senjū" to go out scavenging for food and perhaps any survivors.
And that's how you two met. It has been a week since the encounter with the pinkette and his team.
Tsubasa had paired you up with him and Ino for the past few missions, since you didn't really know anyone else, therefore couldn't trust them. all of them were weird in their own way, you mused in your mind. Inochin Yamanaka or Ino, for short, was a tall blonde-haired male. The man was good with scouting and scavenging missions like these. he had boasted multiple times about it. He knew where to find what and always whipped out an escape plan out of the most unfathomable death or life situations. He was obsessed with his hair, therefore an extra bag was needed for conditioners he would stuff in them.
Then there was Sakuro: The man was an inch or two taller than his blonde best friend, his skin, unlike the blonde male, was covered with small scars and big gashes from the thee years of hell they had been living in, his frame bulkier than Ino's, but also lean-ish. He was an ex-military, serving 5 years and a veteran. Unlike Ino-kun, Sakuro prided himself on his monstrous strength and medical knowledge. He was an apprentice of their current group leader, Tsubasa, an ex-veteran of old wars. you later found out that the two had met during their service and Sakuro helped open a hospital in their old town-village, Konoha and trained many medics in their wake. Medics and comrades that would soon fall in the misfortune of the current world. Aside from Tsubasa, he had no biological family. His parents passed away during the first days of the walker attacks. That, you two had in common. Your own parents and sister died in crossfire of guns and Zombies.
Over the short period of time of hanging around with him, he managed to teach you how to use various types of weapons, like: hunting knives, shuriken and kunai, which was awesome, senbon and guns, preferably hand pistols. It was basic-level self-defense but it was good enough so you wouldn't die from some unfortunate encounter with a walker or a man.
Over the course of the week, you managed to grow fond of him, but one thing that never ceased to amuse and awe you at the same time was the man's capability to shatter bones and rip bodies, shoot them down and still manage come out uninjured and almost squeaky clean from the close-combat fights.
Shaking your head you paid attention "come on, Sakruo. this is not the time to be fooling about. The amount of noise your havoc has made will surely draw more walkers our way. me and Ino-san managed to scavange a decent amount from this warehouse. Time to go."
The pink-haired male looked down at you, standing tall over 6'2. "Yeah, sure. let's go pipsqueak." he ruffled your hair.
You growled at him, swatting his hand away "Hey! stop calling me that!"
He chuckled and headed for the door. "Sure, pipsqueak. I'll stop calling you pipsqueak, when you grow. But I guess that won't be happening anytime soon now will it?" he teased you.
infuriated by his reply, you ran after him "Hey, wait up,damn it!! i ough to teach you a lesson!!!' you yelled with your fist up in the air.
As soon as you left the place, distantly you could hear groaning and snarls.
A herd was coming your way.
You two looked at each other with wide eyes before both of you got in the car. Incohin started the car and drove away into the sunset.
Another successful day.
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depressedhatakekakashi · 11 months
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Rock Tunnel Face-Off
Words: 2,668
Pokemon AU- Evolution (Lol)
Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Obito (Minor Rin and Gai. Mentioned Asuma and Kurenai)
@alumort (I'm so sorry T.T) @abyssaldespair
Stealing Pokemon was the lowest someone could go. To think that they had the right to snatch away another trainer’s partner and try to make them their own. It was despicable. 
Kakashi had always known that Root was full of the worst type of people, but he’d never realized they were willing to stoop to stealing until Obito had called him up asking for help to track down two of Root's operatives who had stolen his Charmander.
His partner Pokemon. The one he’d caught himself in Professor Senju’s lab before beginning his Pokemon journey. 
Kakashi didn’t waste a second in catching the next train back to Lavender town where Obito told him to meet up, and he’d made sure to call in some backup on the way just in case they needed it.
Turns out, they had definitely needed it. As soon as they headed into the Rock Tunnel where Obito said he’d seen the Root Operatives run off to, they were greeted by more than just the two that had battled Obito and promptly snatched away his Charmander.
There were at least twelve Root Operatives littering the Tunnel, and every single one of them came running when Tatsuma saw his opponents coming and called for backup. 
“Give him back!” Obito screamed while Gai and Asuma tried to keep him from running straight at Tatsuma who was standing directly between him and his Charmander while some other operatives restrained the tiny fire Pokemon.
“I told you, we’ll be needing him,” Tatsuma dismissed Obito’s demand with a shrug. “We have a duty to protect Kanto and to do that we need as many Pokemon as we can get our hands on.”
“Protect Kanto?” Kakashi hissed. “There’s not a single thing you morons have ever done to protect the region, and even if that was your goal why would we leave it up to you?”
“Trusting you lot with Kanto’s safety would be the worst idea,” Asuma agreed as he held his arm around Obito’s waist and dug his heels into the ground. “Besides, stealing a trainer’s Pokemon is the exact opposite of ‘protecting’”
“Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good,” Tatsuma bit back. “Now why don’t you children run along? There are adult matters that I need to deal with.”
“We’re not leaving without Charmander,” Kakashi insisted.
“In that case, I guess we’ll have to force you to leave,” lifting his left hand, he signaled to the other operatives to spread out and quickly followed those orders. In just a second every single one of them moved from their position behind Tatsuma and created a circle around the kids, blocking them in. 
“Well, this could be a problem,” Rin glanced Kakashi's way. “What do we do now?”
“Why are you asking me?”
“You’re the leader in this operation.”
“I thought Obito was the leader!?” He argued, not wanting the responsibility of getting his friends out of this placed onto his shoulders even though he knew he’d already accepted that responsibility when they called them in to help.
“Kakashi!” turning his attention to Obito, he cringed when he saw him staring at him with a stern, desperate expression in his eyes. “What do we do?”
Every single one of his friends was now staring at him, waiting for him to decide what they were going to do next. Whether he wanted to be or not, they’d selected him as the team leader and it was his responsibility to get them all out of this unscathed.
He only hoped he could manage it.
“Fine,” examining the situation, he put together and quick plan and pointed at Asuma. “You and Kurenai together against the four morons closest to you. Rin and Obito, you’ll take the four near the wall. Gai,”
“Yosh!” Pumping a fist up into the air, Gai smiled at his Hitmonlee. “Are you ready to win?”
“Good,” Kakashi turned to Tatsuma and the three operatives standing around him. They were the ones that they needed to get through in order to get to Charmander. “This should be easy for us.”
“Easy?” Grabbing a Pokeball off of his hip, Tatsuma chucked it into the air. Out sprang a Sandslash that immediately squared up when Jolteon jumped out in front of Kakashi. “I’m about to teach you a lesson in manners, brat.”
“Oh sorry,” Beside him Gai snickered, far too used to Kakashi’s terrible arrogance to not know what was about to be said. “I only take lessons from talented trainers, not losers who have to steal other people’s Pokemon to buff up their own team.”
“Why, you- Sandslash use crush claw!”
Winning had been, as expected, easy.
Kakashi and Gai barely broke a sweat taking care of their opponents Pokemon and their friends seemed to be having an equally easy time in their own battles. Before long every single Root operative found themselves out of usable Pokemon.
Twelve adults versus six kids, and they’d been thoroughly defeated.
Kakashi would feel sorry for them, but they’d brought it on themselves. If they had simply given Charmander back without a fight they would have been able to keep their dignity intact.
“Now,” Jolteon returned to his side, her bright yellow fur dirty but not a single scratch on her. “Give Charmander back.”
Gripping his last Pokeball in his hand, Tatsuma growled. “You think you’re so good,” he hissed, signaling to one of the operatives standing behind him. “You win a few Pokemon battles and suddenly you’re on top of the world. Is that it?”
Feet pounded against the ground as every single operative except Tatsuma began to run, all of them heading to the south, in the direction of Lavender Town. 
“Guys,” a terrible feeling settled into Kakashi’s gut. Something bad was about to happen and if they didn’t get out of there soon they were going to be trapped in it. “Get out.”
“But Kakashi-” Asuma stepped forward to argue.
“Get out, now!” He screamed, and without a second thought, every single one of them turned to run as Tatsuma chucked his Pokeball into the air. 
“Voltorb!” he called out, his voice growing distant as Kakashi waved his way past rocks in a desperate attempt to make it to the exit. “Self Destruct!”
The entire cave rocked with the explosion, sending everyone crashing to the ground as pieces of the cave roof started to fall all around them. “A cave-in,” he whispered, scanning the area for his friends.
Asuma and Kurenai were safe, already helping each other up and on their way toward Rin. Beside him, Gai was halfway up with Hitmonlee’s help and Jolteon was already on her feet ready to go. The only one left was Obito. 
No matter where he looked, Kakashi couldn’t find him.
He wasn’t at Rin’s side, which was where he should have been since they had fought together, and he wasn’t lying somewhere nearby recovering from his fall.
He was nowhere in sight.
“Charmander!” Rin called out, panic etched into her facial features when everyone looked her way. “Obito must have gone back for Charmander! He’s still back there!”
He’s still back there.
Looking back where they had come from, Kakashi felt his stomach drop. Tatsuma had set off a huge explosion that was causing the cave to collapse around them and Obito was still back there, surrounded by enemy trainer’s with no backup.
They’d left him behind.
“Go!” He ordered, waving his friends off as he clambered to his feet “Get out of here!”
“But, Kakashi!” 
“Go!” he didn’t turn back to look at them, too afraid that he’d waste precious time that couldn’t be sacrificed. “We’ll be out! I’ll get him!”
I have to get him.
The group hadn’t gotten far before the explosion went off, but with all of the falling rubble, Kakashi felt like he was fighting to get back to another city. Every step he took was blocked off by more rubble, and even though he would have been able to see Obito from his original position before the explosion, there was too much in the way now. Beside him he could see Jolteon running, keeping pace with every step he took and effortlessly dodging the rocks that fell from the ceiling. 
“Charmander!” Hearing his friend call out to his Pokemon, Kakashi weaved around a large piece of rock that had fallen in the explosion and squinted. There was dust everywhere impeding his view, but as it began to settle he finally caught sight of Obito. There, not too far in front of him, his friend sat kneeling on the ground beside a large wall of rocks. A wall that seemed to perfectly block them off from the other side of the cave. “Charmander! Just hold on I- I’ll find a way!”
Making his way toward his friend, Kakashi cringed when he saw the scene in front of him. What he had thought was a wall separating Obito from his precious Pokemon, was instead something that could only be described as a grave.
Under the rubble, there were two visible bodies, or at least what was left of their bodies. 
Charmander's arm, which was clasped in Obito’s hand, and a bright red metal piece which had been crushed under the wall. If he had to take a guess, he’d say it was the Voltorb that had been instructed to cause all of this havoc.
A Pokemon who’d simply followed its trainer's orders and paid for it with its own life.
“Obito…” coming to a stop behind his friend, he cringed. The sight was worse than he could ever have imagined, and he knew without a doubt that it would be a hard thing to forget. 
“I’m coming, I just have to get Charmander out,” Obito insisted, though his hands never moved to try and push the rocks away or dig out the Pokemon. “I need to save him. I promised.”
Even as the words fell from his lips, Obito continued to sit there holding Charmander's paw in his hands. His brain told him to do one thing, but his body refused to budge even as the cave continued to collapse around them. 
“Obito, he-”
“He’s here,” his friend insisted, his voice cracking. “He’s right here, I just have to get him out.” If Kakashi looked at his face he was sure he’d see tears spilling down his cheeks, and for once he wouldn’t roll his eyes and tell Obito to stop being such a crybaby.
For once, Obito had every right to cry.
“Obito, we need to get out of here,” he insisted, grunting when a small rock bounced off of his shoulder. “The cave isn’t going to hold up much longer. If we don’t go now-”
“No!” Obito screamed. “No, I can’t leave him! I can’t let him-”
“He’s already gone!'' Gripping his friend's shoulder, Kakashi tried to pull him back but was instead forced to watch as Obito turned around and tackled him to the ground. His back hit the floor hard, knocking the wind right out of him as Obito sat himself down on his waist.
Jolteon jumped into action, grabbing a mouth full of the back of Obito’s shirt and tugging on it to try and get him off of Kakashi. He didn’t budge, though. He simply sat there staring down at Kakashi with angry red eyes.
“We were supposed to save him!” Obito yelled, grabbing a fist full of Kakashi’s jacket. “We came here to save him, not to…we can’t just leave him!”
Sucking in a harsh breath, Kakashi stared up at the ceiling and tried to ignore the way his throat burned. Just above Obito’s head he saw a chunk of rock breaking free from the ceiling and crashing down toward them. Without a moment’s thought or even a second to get some actual wind into his lungs, he grabbed hold of Obito’s jacket and rolled.
The crash of that large piece of rock echoed throughout the cave while Kakashi and Obito stared at the spot they had just been occupying, the fear of what could have happened to them if Kakashi hadn’t reacted twisting in their stomachs making them nauseous. 
“I failed,.” his friend whispered, his voice heavy with regret. “I promised Charmander I’d save him. I swore I’d get him back, but…” his eyes closed and more tears began to spill down his face. “He was my partner.”
 “I know…” Kakashi didn’t want to imagine what he would do if it had been Jolteon under that rock. Some people might think they were ridiculous to care so much about their Pokemon, childish even, but Kakashi knew the bond that Obito had with his Charmander.
It was the same bond that he had with Jolteon, and Gai had with Hitmonlee. A bond of friendship that couldn’t be broken, and would never be replaced.
“Jol!” Glancing to his side, Kakashi cringed when he saw his own Partner standing there holding her left front paw up, a large scratch across the skin. He hadn’t seen what happened to her when the rock came crashing down toward them, but he knew she’d still been holding onto Obito when he began to roll away.
In trying to save all of them, he’d gone and injured Jolteon.
“We don’t have much time,” he whispered, the sound of the cave falling apart around them filling his ears. “Obito, I know it hurts. I’m sorry that we couldn’t do anything, but Charmander wouldn’t want you to stay here. He would want you to get out.”
“He would want to be here!” Obito screamed, barely moving when a Pokeball-sized rock came crashing down just a few inches beside his head. “He would want to escape with us!”
“I know,” releasing his grip on Obito’s shirt, he sat up and looked back over at where Charmander and Voltorb were now buried. Even if they wanted to there was no possibility of moving the rocks, and it wouldn’t matter anyways
There was no way either of the Pokemon had survived being crushed under all of those rocks. Most likely, and what Kakashi hoped would happen, they had died instantly. At least then they wouldn’t have had to suffer at all. 
“I’m sorry, Obito,” he whispered, turning back to his friend. “But I will knock you out if I have to. We’re leaving, now!”
Not waiting for a response, he got to his feet and grabbed hold of Obito’s right arm, dragging him up with him. Once they were standing, he began to move. “Jolteon!” His partner ran up to his side, a low, pained whimper escaping its mouth as it attempted to walk on its wounded paw.
He expected resistance, but instead, there was nothing.
Obito didn’t fight, or scream, or even argue.
For the first time in their lives, Obito simply followed Kakashi without complaint. 
Dodging between falling rocks, Kakashi pulled Obito along behind him and listened to Jolteon’s whimpers, never stopping for even a second until finally they passed the threshold and stepped outside.
“Kakashi!” Gai cheered, rushing forward and wrapping his arms around Kakashi’s neck for a hug. Releasing his hold on Obito’s arm, Kakashi simply lowered his head and buried his face into Gai’s shoulder without a word. “Kakashi? Are you alright?”
“What about you?” Rin asked, rushing past them and straight to Obito while Asuma and Kurenai followed close behind. “Are you injured? Did you get hit? Where is Charmander?”
A hundred questions a second, and she didn’t receive a single answer. Obito simply stood there staring at the ground, his eyes puffy and red from all the crying. Neither he nor Kakashi said a thing, and after a few moments of silence and the realization that Charmander was not with them, the crushing sadness that had already enveloped Obito and Kakashi began to spread to the others.
They’d won the fight.
Beaton the bad guys
But at the end of the day, none of them felt like a winner at all.
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lilmissnatcat24 · 1 year
Turn Left Ch 9- Sir, They Have Flashlight Heads
Shepard and Garrus, investigating the lead from Anderson, come across something far more dangerous than they bargained for.
Rating: E
Relationship: Femshep/Garrus Vakarian
Archive Warnings in author's note (CW- blood, violence)
Additional tags: enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, slow build, alternate universe- canon divergence, detective noir, sex club, anonymous sex, canon temporary character death, murder mystery, drug use, dom garrus vakarian, whump, smut, heavy angst, alien sex, dual pov, an overly sexual elcor named candy, earthborn, ruthless, fake/pretend relationship, dead dove: do not eat, identity porn, yall when i say slow burn i mean SLOW like they're not getting together in this fic slow
Detective AU mixed with identity porn mixed with so much whump my fingers are bleeding
(or, start from the beginning here)
lil text blurb:
“Shepard!” Garrus called out after her, swearing under his breath. He jogged to catch up, grabbing her arm to stop her. His grip was tight, like her arm was a twig. Instinctively, she thought of Archangel. She felt a little lurch in her stomach. She chose to ignore that. “ Hold on ,” he snapped through gritted teeth. 
“Come on, Garrus. This is our probable cause! This building is deserted, we can say that we were walking past and saw looters or squatters or something. It’s not against protocols to investigate a type of situation like this.” 
“You have a very loose understanding of what C-Sec protocols actually are,” said Garrus. Shepard shook his grip on her arm and kept going forward, taking out the shotgun she kept strapped to her back. “ Will you hold on a minute ?” 
“What now?” 
“We can’t just barge in there! We have no idea what to expect! You’re not even wearing any armor.” Which was bold of him to say, seeing as he wasn’t either. She supposed that turians had an evolutionary sort of armor, at least from the top. 
Shepard tapped the side of her temple a few times, where her biotic implant is drilled into her brain. “Natural armor. Biotic barriers. Besides, I’m quicker than you think. Anything else, or can we finally do this?” 
“ Delia .” Shepard had never heard Garrus use her first name before. She didn’t like people calling her by her first name. There was no real reason for it. She was just always Shepard. She wasn’t even a huge fan when Elyria or Anderson called her Delia. But when Garrus said it, she didn’t automatically hate it or cringe like normal. His eyes were intently soaking in her face, moving up from her eyes to her lips and back up. “Can we please just slow up a bit? Maybe call for some backup?” 
She had no clue where the indecisiveness was coming from all of a sudden. Garrus was so gung-ho typically when it came to just about everything else. Why was he getting cold feet now? “Listen. You wanna call for backup, botch this whole thing up, be my guest. It’ll be twenty minutes for C-Sec to get out here anyways, minimum . While you do that, I’ll go check out the building. Least I can do is secure the location.” 
Garrus opened his mouth to argue, then closed it. He did that a few more times, as if he was having trouble finding the words. Finally, he gave a jerky little shrug of the shoulders. “Alright. Alright . But the second we’re in over our heads, we turn back and call for help. Agreed?” 
“Yeah, yeah, fine,” Shepard said, waiving Garrus’s concerns aside. “Should we split? Take two separate entrances?” 
“ Fuck no ,” he gargled. “Are you crazy? You stay close to me, you hear?” 
“Or what?” Shepard said, egging him on with a devious little grin. “Didn’t realize you were in charge here.” 
Garrus just glared at that. She didn’t expect him to play along. He pulled out his rifle from his back, checking the sights. “Stay low and quiet, okay?” 
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Dead Poets Dance Au
Pt. 2; Neil Perry
welcome to part two! i’m actually really excited to write about neil, so we’ll see how it goes!
His strong-suits, when it comes to specific types of dance, are jazz and (obviously)musical theatre.
Neil our little star <3
His stamina tops the rest of his group. Always giving 110%, even if he feels his lungs may collapse to his stomach and his heart may explode out of his chest.
His energy??? Top tier. Always one of the first comments on an adjudicator’s sheet at competitions.
He improvises, but not as well as Todd. He more just- does because he has to, rather than willingly(improv sucks and I hate it).
Him and Todd? Partners for everything. Acro lifts, duets, inseparable until their days are done. Whenever there’s different tricks in group dances, they’re always paired up doing the same tricks on different sides.
Since Neil is left-handed, his tricks are probably all best on his left, too.
Because of his height, Neil makes a strong base/lifter in any lifts. Which he doesn’t mind, getting picked up sounds more scary to him than anything.
Gets yelled at by Todd whenever chickening out of tricks, but lovingly; or so he says…
“rAAAAGhh. fINE dAd.”
Always the first to say he doesn’t like a song or costume, but never usually the most picky. Most of the group just kinda goes what he says, they just wait for him to say it first.
Always gives his teammates hugs after performing and if they win awards.
Like Todd, he’s so upset when he graduates and has to say goodbye. Probably cries during his friends’ speeches and is a mess for his own (but he probably comes back whenever he’s in town and helps choreograph).
Always cracking some sort of joint. He’s always stiff before he stretches to dance.
This man can PERFORM, he’s an actor, after all.
Always dominates in his solo categories. Competitors always double take when they see him backstage, but he’s humble and kind to them, nonetheless :)
His TURNS. Lord have mercy, this man turns like a top. He can go on forever and do pretty much any combo asked of him.
Makes weird noises when doing tricks or messing up things in practice.
Sings stupidly to whatever song is blaring over the speakers.
Always makes funny movements backstage to get the nerves out of his teammates. Mans is another person in the curtain wings.
Gets playfully picked on for his height, along with Pitts. Makes formations hard sometimes.
When he messes up a trick, he usually flops on the floor and just admits defeat.
“Neil, get up and try again, dude.”
“No, I’ve died.”
Usually gets hysterical for no reason if he lays on his back on the floor. It makes for some interesting contemporary exercises intended to be peaceful. Meanwhile you got chuckles going off in the corner.
Yes, it becomes infectious.
He genuinely loves all of his friends and teachers at the studio, they’re like his second family. Whatever he learns from there, he takes with him for the rest of his life.
His musical theatre choreography is always so good. He loves choreographing big group productions with his whole studio.
His expressions are always the best. His signature one is giving a lil’ wink.
Bro makes singing and dancing look way too easy.
hi, me again. it was bugging me where i got the nickname “chuckles” and then remembered when it finally came up in an unus annus clip compilation. enjoy free content!
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sukirichi · 3 years
like crashing waves
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Love comes to you like waves crashing upon one another.
REQUEST. mutual pining au + best friends to lovers + breeding kink 
CONTENT/WARNINGS. beach sex, unprotected sex, fingering, titty sucking, smut, nanami being a sweetheart <3 + the mandatory unedited note!
NOTES. thank you for requesting and joining the milestone event! I hope you like this <3
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Your squeals echo as you run out of the car, arms flinging behind you with your best friend, Nanami, trailing behind you. His brows furrow upon seeing the familiar scenery of a light ultramarine sky, the sound of crashing waves calming upon his senses. His gaze falls on your waving form, figure jumping from the sand as you call out to him. Your smile is a lot brighter than the sun right behind you, and captivated, he follows your motions, his hands falling into the spaces between yours before allowing you to tug him closer to the beach.
“You brought me here,” he announces a little dazed, subconsciously gripping your hand tighter. “You remembered.”
“Of course I did!”
This isn’t just some regular beach. This is the place where the two of you first met when you were both little, awkward stubby legs running around the sand and scooping sand castles. As always, Nanami’s been more of a timid child, frowning at how you splashed on the water, uninterested with simpler tasks like the one he’s busy with.
When you see him silently enjoying himself, you trudge up to him. His hands immediately come up to protect his castle, having had his other friend Satoru kick and destroy them one too many times.
He’s surprised when you only gasp in awe, carrying your own plastic shovel and helping him build a bigger one afterwards. Your connection was natural – instantaneous.
Everything goes downhill from there. Despite living in another town, your family kept close contact, leading to you enrolling into Nanami’s middle school and staying solid all the way until he has to go attend Jujutsu High. He’s made it clear that he wishes to not be too attached to anyone or even get a wife, firm in his belief that he doesn’t want to hurt anyone by leaving a loved one behind. You, though? He makes an exception for you.
You’re his best friend and everything more, the one who pulled him away from being a salary man and telling him he could be capable of doing something wore instead of just fattening his bosses up while he does all the hard and honest work.
Nanami isn’t...cynical, per se, but he has a painfully honest outlook in his life while you’re more of the type to enjoy the little things, claiming that it’s never a sin to be happy despite the darkness looming. He’s been so used to you being a lot brighter and more cheerful than him, total opposites, really, that when the tables have turned and you’re the one holding his face as you scold him to save people and be the hero he is, he can’t really find it in himself to refuse.
Until now, he’s surprised you’re taking his profession extremely well. You never once blinked when he told you about his abilities and even takes away a fly head off your shoulder once, jumping in his arms instead to thank him.
He wonders how he ever came lucky enough to find someone like you, one that he actually cherishes more than he values the rules he’s set to keep himself in line.
Nanami doesn’t get the chance to think any more when you start stripping in front of him, your bubbling laughter syncing perfectly with the lapping of waves when you fling your clothes at him. He regrets ever letting you meet Gojo; you’re naughty, but never this pressing. His glare is half hearted as you run straight to the beach, however, and the blond man sighs.
His birthday was planned perfectly down to a tee. He’ll invite you over to celebrate, spend the silence and read books with you, have coffee, cuddle, and call it a day.
You had other plans in mind the moment you barged into his room though, dragging and pushing your friend all the way inside your car. His queries are silenced by the blasting radio, the man leaning back in his seat as his fingers tap against his thigh, wondering what you had in mind. There’s never really any telling with you and your spontaneous habits, so he just closes his eyes, allowing his blond hair to be swept away by the wind.
The last thing his wildest dreams could ever imagine is you taking him right back where everything started, his hands deft and careful as he unbuckles his belt. His cheeks tints a little because you never gave him the chance to pack, save for you throwing in hoodies and random underwear into a duffel bag.
Nanami folds both your clothes on the sand, shivering a bit from the chilly liquid. He glares at you once more with a tired sigh, about to ask how you have so much energy after driving for four hours straight when you splash water on him.
He is silent in comparison to your mocking laughter, waddling all around him until you’re whisking the water at every direction of his body.
Nanami stands there still like a statue, eyes closed to prevent the saltwater from hurting him, his hair sticking to his skin. His muscles are tense the whole while, preventing himself from just reaching over – not yet, anyway – for you were still too far away. But your guard is lowered, forgetting for a moment that your best friend is a jujutsu sorcerer and he’s spent years honing his senses until he’s mastered them to the extremity of his capabilities.
As your laughter grows closer, the splashing turning harder as it pads against his skin, Nanami opens his eyes and grabs you by your wrist hard.
You let out an ‘oop’ when he effortlessly pulls you into his chest, your forehead knocking against the solid muscles of his chest. “Ow!” you rub your forehead, lips formed into a pout and about to complain when your eyes snap wide open, the first thing in sight his pecs. Clearing your throat, you try to push yourself off him, suddenly completely aware of his warmth and his other hand sliding down your hip, lower, lower, and lower. “Nanami—”
“Having fun?”
His voice is low, a tinge of warning behind his words. Guiltily, you glance down at your wrist wrapped around his large, bony hand, noting the size and strength difference between the both of you.
You don’t want him to see you’re flustered – even if it’s painfully obvious already – so you snicker up at him, tilting your jaw upwards until he’s looking down straight at you. Nanami cocks an eyebrow in challenge, awaiting what snarky response would leave your lips when you smirk, using your free arm to splash on him one more time.
Nanami reels back when the water shoots straight in his eyes. Okay, you have to admit that maybe that was a little mean, but you’re having so much –
You’re immediately hoisted up into his arms, the water sliding off your body and the ground slipping off your feet. Panic rises in your system when you’re lifted off the seafloor, hands desperate and slippery as you cling onto his broad shoulders. “N-Nanami!” you protest, clinging to him like a koala when he only smirks, walking farther until he’s reached a spot he knows you can’t reach. “Hey, that’s cheating, put me down this instant!”
“Do you really want me to do that?”
Nanami knows you’ve surrendered to loss when you huff, leaving you with no choice but to wrap your legs around him tighter, nails subconsciously gliding down his back. He stiffens at your movements, brows furrowed as he ponders if bringing you here and rendering you helpless really is the best idea.
You’re pressed so close to him until space becomes nothing but a myth, your breathy intake of air wafting into his ear like bait. Nanami tightens his hold on your grip a bit, his swallowing audible at the feeling of your breasts pushed and flicking against his chest.
Fuck, of course you’re wearing your best bikini.
Nanami tries to push those lewd thoughts at the back of his head, drilling into his mind that you’re his best friend and you’re untouchable. He opts to stare beyond the horizon instead, train of thought too distracted of not letting himself be distracted by you that he doesn’t notice you pulling away to look at him.
He’s brought back to life when your wet palm caresses his cheek, thumbs smoothed over his cheeks. Nanami’s gaze flickers back to you, a sigh on his lips as he presses closer, daunting enough to leave a kiss on the crook of your palm.
That snaps something inside you.
You take his breath away – literally – as you cup his cheeks with both his hands, panting as you dove straight to his lips. Nanami’s reaction comes like reflex, both hands cupped under your ass as he meets your kiss with the same hunger and longing that has always been blossoming between the both of you the moment you both knew what love meant like.
Nanami’s groans are masculine and low when you begin to grind down on him, teasing as you push your breasts harder against his chest. Your nipples are hard enough that he feels the pebbled buds grazing across his chest, the sensation sending blood rushing to his cock.
He pulls away, cock swelling harder when he sees you all breathless with lips bruised. There’s something about knowing he’s the cause of you nearly falling apart like this, his mind wandering off a dangerous path at the fantasy of what you’d look like if he does something more.
The voice at the back of his head is responsible to keep him in his reigns, something he’s more than thankful of; otherwise he’ll completely ravage you senselessly at this moment.
“Do you really want our first time together to be out here in the open?” he rasps with short, quick pecks while you whine in his arms, the desire for that something more an aching and almost painful image on your face. “Won’t you like it more if we’re behind closed doors...” he brushes a thumb on your lip, coaxing your lips to part for him obediently. Nanami clenches his jaw when you eagerly suck at his thumb, your eyes dark and hazy with lust as you swirl your tongue around his digits. “...and I’d get to do whatever I want with you?”
“Are you going to hold back if we’re here?” you tease, popping his thumb off with a loud and wet pop. “It’s kind of romantic, don’t you think? The sun is setting behind us and it’s just the two of us anyway,” your words are breathy, panted and needy in its manner of delivery. Really, you can’t think straight anymore, not when his fingers are grazing over the swell of your ass and his face is bathed by the golden glow. Right now is perfect. “I just really want to be with you.”
You shudder when Nanami finally tugs your underwear to the side, the feeling of his fingers smoothing over your inner thighs and just hovering right where you want him to be enough to make you go crazy. You’re shaking, panting, almost crying.
Who knows how long you’ve wanted him – you’re simply too impatient if he plans to take his time with you.
A demand is ready to fall from your lips to just get him to take you already, but Nanami beats you to it, his pointer finger grazing against your slit. “I’m not going anywhere,” he promises, gritting his teeth the moment his thick, long finger sinks into you beautifully. Your head falls back in a moan as he pumps his fingers inside, testing the waters, and your pleasure is only amplified with the struggle of him trying to quicken his pace under the sea. “You’re so wet already.”
“Shut up, I-I wasn’t—”
“You’re beautiful,” Nanami growls, taking you by surprise when he takes two fingers to spring the knots of your top away. You gasp when your top slides off at the curve off your breasts before your erect nipples are revealed all for him, hard and swollen while he inserts another finger in your heat.
Clutching harder on his shoulders and bouncing yourself off on his finger, Nanami’s self control is tethering dangerously across the edge.
He leans down to suck at your breasts dutifully, fighting against the water that’s surrounding you both. “You’re extremely beautiful,” he praises, “Thank you – for letting me have you this way, for trusting me,” An elongated groan falls from both your lips when he sinks you down on his cock, your heat a great and mind-numbing contrast to the chill of the water. “I think you’re the best birthday gift.”
“Always so romantic, Nanami,” you managed through a laugh, allowing him to fuck into you senselessly. You’re all over him, hands wrapped around his neck, fingers tugging at his hair and tongue swiping out to taste the saltiness of the water on his skin. He’s amazing, so fucking good, and you snap your eyes shut while the soft, crashing waves match the rhythm of his thrusts. “No one could blame me for falling for you.”
“You are?” he grasps your ass until he squeezes it hard enough to make your walls clamp down on him, your grunting muffled by the teeth nibbling his earlobe. “Do you love me?”
“For so long.”
Nanami smiles even if you can’t see it, but it doesn’t matter. He’ll just have to show you, make you feel the words and emotions weighing heavily at his heart. Nanami leans sideways to capture your lips in a wet kiss, hands heavy and harsh compared to his passionate kisses as he keeps bouncing you up and down his cock. He’ll just have to show you.
“I’ll make up for the lost time then.”
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You’re wearing your favourite hoodie of Nanami’s as you stand before the counter, stirring both mugs with your hands wrapped around it to warm you up. After your lovemaking session that has turned into more than two rounds, you’re downright spent, the both of you too tired to drive back home and opting for a hotel instead.
The aroma of coffee along with Nanami’s scent lingering on his clothes brings a smile to your face, your heart and skin still fluttery from today’s event.
Just then, strong arms wrap around your waist, soft lips coming down to press at the apples of your cheeks. You giggle in his arms as Nanami sways you both side to side, his head resting on your shoulder.
“I love you,” he announces quietly, so softly and tenderly as if it’s a secret only you’re allowed to know. You already became aware of his feelings – he’s shown it enough – but hearing it come from his own lips feels different.
Growing up, you always believed that love would come to you rapidly, overwhelmingly. But as Nanami swoops down to kiss you once more, his lips tasting faintly of the cake you both got on the way, you realize love is more like the soft crashing waves that comes gradually, slowly, yet constantly until you’re surrounded and it consumes you whole. It buds and grows larger until the crashing waves expand into an ocean of feelings that can’t even comprehend the depth of what you feel him, and you kiss him hard, embrace him hard – you just want to show him.
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1kook · 4 years
new parent syndrome
— kim namjoon x (f) reader
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SUMMARY You love Namjoon, honest. But you love your daughter Hyejoo even more— it’s not a controversial sentiment when you know he’s the same way! —and going back to a regular adult life sans kids absolutely sucks. (Or so you thought.) WARNINGS dilf!joon, dreamy husband joon, loving parents au, jimin is also a dad, bathtub sexy times, exhibitionism 😳 kinda sorta, tiny praise kink, joon calls her wifey TT, fingering, cunninglingus, doggy style, it’s kinda cheesy n romantic /.\, unprotected sex, …. impreg kink RATINGS m (18+) WC 9.5k 
NOTES writing parent fics is harder than i thought :/ i had this idea last week n was like yes, lets write this fic that absolutely no one asked for... except me! <3 so here we are, fantasizing about dreamy dad joon.... as always i have to thank rumu ( @kigurumu​ ) who is kind enough to edit these n b like that don't make no sense -_- anyway lemme know what u think !! enjoy !!
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No matter how hard you try, the letter f refuses to fit itself into Hyejoo’s phonemic understanding. She’s a growing toddler so it’s only normal that there are sounds she still can’t pronounce, words she doesn’t quite get. But her inability to say food or family or friends, which are undoubtedly the three most important things in her three year-old world right now, is definitely a setback you didn’t see coming. 
Your worrywart husband has taken matters into his own hands, using the power of Google and about twelve parenting books to create an extensive, one-hour-a-day, mini lesson to try and increase her pronunciation skills. Of course, Hyejoo already attends daycare in the mornings while you and Namjoon are off at work, and gets sufficient learning done there. So she can’t exactly sit through Joon’s lectures, no matter how pretty he tries to decorate her flashcards. She’s still tiny— she’s still your baby, and you want her to enjoy the last of her daycare years before you’re forced to submit her to the worst twelve years of her life (also known as compulsory education). 
But as you’ve mentioned before, Namjoon doesn’t quite feel the same way. 
“She can’t sound out the letter,” he mopes in bed that night. He’s laying down beside you, face smushed against your thigh. The lamp on your side of the bed is the only thing on, casting a faint golden hue on his cheeks.
This conversation has occurred a variety of times these past few weeks, and you’ve just about ran out of every comforting reassurance possible. You settle on stroking a hand through his hair. There are emails to respond to and clients to check in with, but there’s also a huffy husband in bed beside you who quite pitifully crawls up into your arms. 
It’s with his face between your boobs that he speaks again. “What if she’s getting made fun of at school? Or her teachers think she’s dumb?” You roll your eyes. “My baby is not dumb, __,” he says, as if you don’t know. “Her IQ came back above average when I took her to the development specialist that one time, remember?” You have half the mind to tell him an IQ test on a three year old isn’t exactly valid, but there’s already enough stacked on his plate. Finding out he wasted a hundred bucks for an invalid test would just be the cherry on top of all his worries. 
Water clings to the very tips of his hair, remnants of his bath with Hyejoo. Namjoon is getting older now, nothing like the dashing grad student you had met what feels like a lifetime ago. There’s bags under his eyes, bags that surpass any all-nighter-pulling college student’s, induced by none other than the sheer power of becoming a parent. And still, he retains his beauty, looks like a doll with his skin so dewy from his skincare routine, lips puffy and red and kissable. 
He looks up, and you take the opportunity to place a kiss on his lips, his familiar scent making you melt into his arms. When he pulls away, there’s still a subtle furrow between his brows. 
“Hyejoo is fine,” you reassure him, carding his brown hair out of his face. He leans into the touch, eyes falling shut. “Our girl is the smartest three year-old out there,” you huff, feeling the slightest bit annoyed that he could even insinuate otherwise. “And if she was having problems at school, you know I would be the first one in there, fighting all the other moms.” 
Namjoon relents, face falling back into its haven between your tits. “Okay,” he mumbles, muffled from the way his plush lips drag against the soft skin over your sternum. 
The subject of Namjoon’s worries is in the other room sound asleep, not the least bit concerned with measly letters and sounds. It’s really only Namjoon who is, his stack of letter flashcards glaring at you from on top of the dresser. “Your mother hen is showing,” you tease as he slips beneath the covers, leaning over you to flick off your lamp. Just like everything else in your house, his t-shirt smells like him. It’s a natural, woodsy scent that floods your nostrils and makes your toes curl when he comes so close. 
Namjoon snorts as he settles beside you, beefy arm pillowing your head as he pulls you close. “I’m not a mother hen,” he says, hand on your waist, the tantalizing expanse of his neck before your eyes. “I’m the rooster— the cock,” he snickers, and you reward his terrible attempt at a joke with a pinch to his side that has him retreating to the other end of the bed. 
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Hyejoo’s best friend in the entire world— or, as she says, her best pren in the entire world —is none other than Park Yerin from daycare. As the universe would have it, Park Yerin is also the one and only daughter of your college philosophy seat neighbor, Park Jimin. 
Crossing paths with him later down the road was not something you could ever anticipate, especially when you and Jimin were never that close in college to begin with. It was the only class you had with him in all four years, one where you had quietly acknowledged his charisma and occasionally shared homework answers, before never speaking to him again. You could have greeted him on campus, as you often crossed paths. But Park Jimin was a walking friendship magnet who seemed to bring with him a parade of followers everywhere he went, and approaching him required three layers of strategic planning if you wanted to catch him alone. 
So bumping into him at the entrance of Hyejoo’s daycare six years later comes as a bit of a shock. You had never pegged him as the type to settle down so quickly— you don’t mean to label him, but there were certain college stereotypes that he fit like a glove —but there he was, carrying the tiny love of his life who’s currently dressed in a bright pink Minnie Mouse dress. 
Unsurprisingly, just like her father, Park Yerin has the same enthralling personality that makes everyone in the three to four year-old daycare class want to be her friend, and your sweet little Hyejoo is not exempt. 
Long story short, out of all the kids at Sunny Side Daycare, Yerin is Hyejoo’s favorite, and Hyejoo is Yerin’s favorite. 
So now it’s been a little over a year since the two girls have established their friendship, which means it’s been a little over a year of acquainting yourself with Jimin again. He’s a house husband, something you never expected, and he loves his daughter like no other. Some afternoons after daycare are spent with Jimin and Yerin at the nearest coffee shop, watching the girls haphazardly scribble over every piece of paper they can get their hands on while the two of you catch up. 
Overall, you’re happy Hyejoo can have a friend like Yerin, and secretly, you're also happy you can finally befriend a fellow parent as nice and put together as Jimin. On top of that, Namjoon’s liked him on the few occasions he’s met him; the two have even gone out for drinks. 
However, befriending Jimin and Yerin comes at a cost, and that cost is seeing your little girl grow up.  
It’s your turn to mope. 
“Yerin asked her to sleepover,” you groan, sadly patting in your skincare routine the next night. Namjoon is somewhere behind you, his naked back glaring at you through the reflection of your vanity mirror. He’s so broad and big, sleep shorts clinging to his waist as he lotions up his body post-shower. There’s a thin gold chain around his neck that glints everytime he moves around, biceps flexing and bulging in plain view until he finally slips his shirt on. There was a time in your life where his back could not go more than two days unscathed, your rabid (read: horny) claw marks painting rosy trails down his spine. These days, you can barely remember the last time he’s held your hand. 
“Who?” he asks once he’s settled beneath the covers with whatever book he’s reading now and his thick-rimmed reading glasses. 
“Who else,” you say, tugging your night robe closer to your chest as if it’ll prevent your heart from breaking anymore than it already was. “Hyejoo’s first sleepover,” you sigh. 
You take it harder than you imagined. In the back of your mind, you’ve always known your little girl was growing up— hello, you were literally watching her grow more and more inches every single day —but you had convinced yourself she would stay your baby for a little while longer. As much as you wanted her to see and learn about the world, you selfishly wanted to keep her home too. She was your baby, your only one at that.
At least Namjoon feels the same way. “Absolutely not,” he squawks, abruptly slamming his book shut. He’s usually really meticulous about lining up his fancy bookmark right on the line he left off on, so his sudden carelessness tells you all you need to know about how he feels. 
You sit down beside him, hand over his. “It’s Yerin’s birthday,” you inform him in what you hope is a comforting tone; unbeknownst to him, you’re trying to reassure yourself as well. “And Jimin said he and his wife are gonna be there the whole night.” You trust Jimin, you really do. If there’s anyone who’s more in love with their kid than you and Namjoon, it’s Jimin. He would never let anything happen to his Yerin, and by extension, he would never let anything happen to your Hyejoo. He’s a good dad. 
Namjoon rubs at his eyes. In the span of two minutes, he’s aged about five years. “No,” he sighs softly, squeezing your hand tightly. “Once she starts going to sleepovers she’ll start wearing makeup and getting into relationships and having her heart broken—“ 
A kiss is enough to silence him when he gets like this, his warm breath fanning across your bottom lip when you pull away. “She just wants to wear tutus and sing Baby Shark right now,” you murmur, hand creeping up over his chest. His heart is beating fast as hell beneath his t-shirt, feels like it’ll burst straight out of his chest if you don’t calm him down. 
He’s the bigger worrier out of the two of you, has a classic case of paranoid parent syndrome. 
It’s no secret that Namjoon has a big brain; he’s an educated man with a respectable job. For every problem he encounters, he can procure a variety of solutions with different approaches. He’s always prepared and part of you thinks he’s a huge reason you managed to survive those first few weeks as a mom. Unlike you, who had attended a whopping two mommy classes in preparation for your upcoming child, Namjoon had studied up on parenting. A lot. He had read books and reviewed scientific studies, had learned about development on the chemistry level and the social level, did all he could until he was confident in his own dad abilities. 
But, for every solution Namjoon can find, there are always twenty-eight other factors to worry about. 
“What if she has an allergic reaction and Jimin doesn’t know what to do,” he pales, death grip on your hand. His matching wedding band digs into your skin and you have to wrestle his hand away before he accidentally breaks your finger. He nearly broke your neck once when you were in college, had almost sent you to the ER mid-thrust because he had underestimated his own strength while trying to choke you.
“Hyejoo doesn’t have any allergies,” you remind him, giving up on your awkward half-seated position as you clamber over him. His thighs are full beneath you, tense up as you move over him and he manhandles you into his chest. 
He’s not done. “What if she asks Jimin for a fizzy drink and he can’t understand her?” His eyes are owlish beneath his glasses, covered in what you can only describe as a visible sheen of absolute terror. “What if he thinks she’s saying ‘pissy’ not ‘fizzy,’ __— what then?” It’s amazing, really, how a man who graduated cum laude can hypothesize this many disasters pertaining to a four year-old’s sleepover. 
In the other room, Hyejoo calls for you, so you gladly take the opportunity to remove yourself from Namjoon and his spiraling thoughts. “Look,” you say, tightening the sash of your robe as you get back up. “I’m gonna go tell her that she can go to Yerin’s sleepover tomorrow,” you tell him, giving him exactly three seconds to groan dramatically, before continuing, “and you figure out how to turn that big brain off by the time I come back.” 
Luckily, the cause of Hyejoo’s sudden wake up is a tiny bug bite she got from playing outside that just won’t stop itching. “Mommy, it hurts,” she whines, digging her nails into the tiny red mark by her knee. 
“Uh huh, lemme see,” you order, turning on her bedside lamp to illuminate the space. Her room is the prettiest shade of yellow, fitting for a ball of sunshine such as herself. “Were you playing by the flowerbeds?” You ask, running a finger over the mark a little too weird looking to simply be another mosquito bite. 
She knows she’s not supposed to play near the flowers— the bugs like her a little too much. It’s with a hesitant little nod that she confesses to it. You give her a pointed look. “You’re not supposed to play too close to the flowers,” you remind her, a tiny scolding for now. 
With a sniffle she responds, “not by the plowers.” 
A little bit of anti-itch cream has her settling, and by the time you return to your bedroom, Namjoon is out cold. 
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“How old is Yerin turning?” Namjoon asks her at the door, heartbreak clearly painting his features as you help Hyejoo into her shoes. 
“Pour,” she beams, her tiny hand held up to show four stubby fingers. She has Namjoon’s pretty smile, an honest look in her eyes that makes you want to put her in your pocket and never let her go. Alas, Yerin’s sleepover party starts at five and Hyejoo has been trying to leave since noon. 
“Pour,” Namjoon repeats, shooting you a pointed look as if to say see. He had fought the decision up until the end, had even tried to tactically convince your daughter to stay home by getting a head start on preparing her favorite food. And well. She said no. So now the two of you are stuck having dinosaur chicken nuggets for dinner without her. 
She’s got her little travel bag on now, tiny feet stuffed into her ladybug rain boots because it had rained last night and she’s awfully addicted to jumping in muddy puddles. She’s absolutely adorable, your little girl, and you think Namjoon might’ve let out a tiny sob earlier. (Or maybe it was you.)
Namjoon joins you at the front door. “Be good,” he warns her. His eyes are suspiciously wet, but you don’t say anything because yours are too. You’re both crouched in front of her, her big eyes glancing back and forth between the two of you without a care in the world. Mixing your self-assured personality with Namjoon’s (mostly) composed attitude was quite possibly the worst genetic crossover to ever happen; Hyejoo doesn’t even seem remotely bothered by the fact she’s spending her first night away from home. Meanwhile, you and Namjoon are on the verge of a joint breakdown. 
Anyway, Namjoon gives in first. “Love you forever, princess,” he tells her, their ritual expression, and kisses her forehead. 
She accepts it and then, in an unexpected turn of events, surges forward to hug him around the neck. “Love you pporever, daddy,” she repeats, and your heart feels so painfully full at the sight, like you just unlocked a new life achievement from seeing your daughter and her father be so cute together. You don’t get to coo at them for long, because then she’s giving you a warm hug as well, the same phrase muttered in your ear. 
It’s the hardest thing about parenting. 
Seeing your kid slowly broaden their horizons, meeting new people and learning new things. Leaving home. (Granted, she’ll be back by tomorrow afternoon but even that feels like an eternity away to the dramatic parents you and Namjoon have become.) The second goodbye on Jimin’s doorstep isn’t any easier, especially when Hyejoo tugs on your arm and asks you to “say night to daddy please” for her, and your heart breaks just a little more. Jimin flashes you an understanding smile but all you want to do is punch him in the nose for ever telling Yerin what a sleepover is. 
You get home and Namjoon is in a calmer state by now, some old sitcom he hates playing on the TV. Usually, this time of day is reserved for his daily phonemic lessons with Hyejoo, drilling the f sound into her tiny brain, so you guess this is his preferred method of coping in its place: torturing himself with some boring television show. 
“Hey,” he says, and you crawl into his lap with a sad sniffle. “Shh,” he soothes, hand on the back of your head as he guides you into his chest. You’re actually crying now, which is super embarrassing in itself considering you scolded Namjoon for this exact behavior last night. He doesn’t mention it as he pats your back, stupid sitcom paused in favor of soothing you with the deep vibrations of his voice. “Hye’s gonna be back tomorrow, baby.”
“I want her back now,” you huff, vaguely aware of how childish and silly you sound. The tables have turned, and you find yourself wishing you had the same emotional fortitude as Namjoon now. All those parenting books have clearly amounted for something. Somehow, you will the feeling back into your body and pull away from his chest. You must look a mess because he doesn’t even try to hide the amusement on his face. “This is the worst day of my life.” 
Namjoon laughs, deep and hearty, with his eyes squeezing shut from the force. “Come on, wifey, those chicken nuggets aren’t gonna eat themselves.”
It’s quite possibly the most boring evening you’ve had in years. 
(The internet calls it new parent syndrome, where you’re so undeniably in love with your first child and the parenting experience that the rest of the world is put on pause.)
You love Namjoon, honest. But you love your daughter Hyejoo even more— it’s not a controversial sentiment when you know he’s the same way! —and going back to a regular adult life sans kids absolutely sucks. (Or so you thought.)
Kids are prone to asking weirdly philosophical questions, a fact that had greatly delighted you when Hyejoo first started speaking. Who am I? What’s money? Why not? It could get annoying sometimes, trying to answer all of Hyejoo’s curiosities. But as you begin on your second batch of dinosaur chicken nuggets, all you can think about is how Jimin gets to answer them tonight. 
Anyway, seven rolls around and you and Namjoon are bored. You can only watch so many episodes of Seinfield before you get tired of feigning interest, so you retire from the living room for the night. “I’m gonna take a bath,” you tell him, but he’s as brain dead as you by now. 
A second later, “lemme join.” 
It’s been a while since the two of you have squeezed into the bathtub together, usually assigning each other days to individually join Hyejoo. So it’s really not either of your faults when you realize a second too late how small the space is. One on each end, feet bumping into each other with every movement, it’s like trying to squeeze two feet into one shoe. You try to readjust yourself, but the bath flooring is slippery and you nearly take away Namjoon’s procreative abilities with a mighty kick. 
To make a long story short, you end up pressed against his chest, Namjoon’s thick thighs framing you as you relax into the steaming water. Instinctively, he reaches for Hyejoo’s bottle of baby shampoo that sits on the tub’s ledge and only catches himself just as the first droplet is meeting his palm. “Oh, fuck,” he sighs, quickly closing the lid before he can waste any more precious product. “Shit, I’m so sad.”
You snort, sinking farther back into his chest. He’s warm and soft in all the right ways, the hot water making him slippery. “What did we even do before Hyejoo?” you ask, reaching into the deepest crevices of your mind for answers. Namjoon’s hand comes around, fingers sprawled out over your knee, the one you have propped up and breaking the water’s surface 
He makes a rather vague sound, something like I don’t know, as he lolls forward, forehead on your shoulder. “Go on dates,” he responds eventually. “Fuck like crazy.” 
You roll your eyes. “Besides that,” you chide, pinching the back of his palm. “Don’t we have any hobbies? Any interests?” He doesn’t answer, which is all the answer you need. Why didn’t you get into puzzle solving back when it was a trend? “Is this what our life has become? Crying in a bathtub at seven pm because our emotional support child isn’t here?”
“Our only child,” he corrects. Namjoon tries to placate your looming existential crisis with a kiss to your shoulder, lips against wet skin, that he trails up to your neck. “And what’s wrong with going on dates and fucking?” he murmurs, hands around your stomach. “That’s how we got here,” he teases, and you’re not sure if it’s the warm water or the way his voice is like melted chocolate dripping down your body, but you become all too aware of his presence at that moment. Particularly, of the plush lips mindlessly kissing your shoulder, the wet smack of their motions. 
Another kiss, this time right below your ear. It has your head rolling to the side, exposing more skin for him to kiss up on. There’s still that overwhelming cloud of worry in the back of your mind, but it’s gradually nudged away by Namjoon’s warm hands on your skin. Sensing your weakening resolve, Namjoon strikes again. A hand slips down over your stomach, brushes over your belly button and finds itself between your thighs. “You used to love date nights, baby,” he says, the pad of his pointer finger grazing your clit. 
It’s been so long since you and Namjoon have been alone like this, months since you’ve been able to touch him beyond a simple make out session, a halfhearted grope beneath the sheets. Your daughter, as much as you loved her, made intimacy impossible for the two of you. She was always around, always looking for one or the both of you, so there was never time to even think about getting frisky. 
Only now, with his finger circling your clit, do you realize the blessing in disguise that was your daughter’s first slumber party away from home. 
His finger nudges your clit, flicks it teasingly. “Why don’t you let me take care of you, hm?” he hums, the hand that had been soothingly stroking the inside of your thigh coming up to rub at your breasts. 
“Yes, please,” you whine. Resting your head on his shoulder leaves Namjoon with a clear view down your front, lips kissing and sucking along your neck. His huge hand palms your breast, massaging the sensitive skin. You hadn’t realized how sore you’d been until now, his nimble fingers pressing deliciously into the skin. If your nipples weren’t already hard before, they certainly were now. 
He traps one pearled nipple between two fingers, the sudden pinch making you hiss. “Easy, now,” he chuckles, his low tenor paired with his wandering hands making your eyes roll back. 
Namjoon liked to use a higher tone around the house. He read somewhere that children prefer lighter, sweeter tones, so the last few years have been spent listening to him lighten the tone of his voice for the sake of your daughter. The deeper, growlier voice that had first made you fall in love with him became a rarity in your household, reserved for quiet nights in the living room or long drives where Hyejoo was asleep in the backseat. Only then does he unleash the gravelly qualities of his voice. 
Then, and apparently, now. 
His doll-like lips press against your jaw, suck lightly enough to make your body tingle. “Do you remember how it was the first time?” he says suddenly, his hot breath against your neck. 
Namjoon’s got your clit trapped between two wandering fingers, has your pussy twitching with the vibrations of his voice alone. And for some reason, he’s trying to reminisce about your first time sleeping together. 
“N- Not really,” you confess, subtly reaching down. You cover his palm with yours, hoping your touch will encourage him to carry on with his actions. It doesn’t. It just leaves both your hands hovering over your pussy, your thighs instinctively closing in on them to keep him there. Namjoon responds to that, releasing the breast he had been gently massaging in order to pry your legs apart. He does it so easily, despite the way your legs feel tight as hell, and the fact makes you whimper. 
Once he’s got his hands back between your thighs— this time, he uses one hand to carefully part your quivering lips, the other one gingerly pressing down against your clit to draw the most heavenly sensations out of you —Namjoon feels the need to dive into a recap of your first fuck. “You were so cute,” he laughs, and you don’t know if you should take offense. Well, considering you're married and have a kid now, it’s probably too late to say anything anyway. His hand suddenly switches gears, three fingers joining together to begin caressing them over your throbbing clit. “Kept talking to me so politely, even when you were creaming my cock.”
You scoff, but it gets cancelled out by the moan he draws out of you. “D- Didn’t know you that well,” you remind him, your thighs twitching. You desperately want to buck forward into his giving hands, want to feel the true power of those long, pretty fingers on your cunt. 
Behind you, Namjoon’s cock grows thick, his breathing a slow and steady pace by your ear. You can already imagine how heavy he is, the vein that runs along the underside and throbs with each new bit of stimulus he receives. Normally you would reach back and try to offer him the same helping hand he gives you, but your thighs feel wobbly already. Your libido has been dormant for so long that even just the barest flick of his thumb has you dissolving into his arms like this is your first time. 
It’s as if Namjoon’s sensing your inner battle, a muffled laugh against the side of your neck. “This is about you,” he reminds you. As much as you want to protest, a sudden hard rub against your quivering lips has you gasping for breath. “Give me a kiss,” he commands softly, nudging his nose against the side of your face. It takes a second for you to ground yourself, draw yourself away from your building pleasure, to turn toward his waiting lips. 
Namjoon kisses you slowly, like he’s taking his time with you. For the first time in a long time, he truly can. He doesn’t have to worry about a certain someone waking up in the middle of the night or walking in or anything along those lines, lips molding against yours. Plush as always, the faint taste of dinosaur chicken nuggets clinging to his lips. It makes you laugh a little, drawing away with an airy giggle. Namjoon smiles at your reaction, murmuring a soft, “what is it?”
You shake your head, eyes fluttering shut as he continues his circular motions against your clit. “Nothing,” you pant, finally getting in your first thrust against his fingers. “I just really need you,” you say instead, pushing his hand harder down against you. 
You’re feeling a little antsy, having been deprived of this sensation for so long. Namjoon knows this, which is why he very purposely slows down. “There’s no rush,” he smirks, placing a kiss against your chin. “How do you want it, baby?”
The inside of your brain is a scrambled mess, filled with fantasies and ideas that have been plaguing you for months. There’s so much you want to do, want to try, but it’s like your brain completely blanks out when he asks. It’s just as you’re beginning to formulate a thought that you’re interrupted by the sound of your ringtone in the other room. Your husband’s arms tighten around you. “Don’t go,” he says quietly, the tip of his nose running along your neck. It’s so tempting to stay here, to let yourself go in his arms and chase the pleasure you’ve been craving for so long. 
But the endless possibilities of who exactly could be calling wins over. Was it work? Was it your parents? Jimin?
It is with a heavy sigh that you reach for Namjoon’s hand, slowly pushing him away from your cunt. “I’m sorry, honey,” you frown, standing up out of the tub. Your legs really do feel like jelly, and you nearly slip and crack your skull on the porcelain edge. Luckily, Namjoon is there to steady you with two secure hands on your waist. “I’ll make it quick,” you reassure him, dropping a kiss on his pouty lips as you fasten a towel around your body. 
The phone is just starting up its final ring when you reach it. It’s Jimin, and you’re torn between being thankful that you’re getting word on Hyejoo and full blown panic from the fact Jimin is calling you while Hyejoo is in his care. The unease has you accepting the call without a second more to waste. “Hello?” you say, hand tightening on the front of your towel. Stray water droplets trace ticklish trails down the backs of your thighs.
“__?” comes Jimin’s sweet voice. It’s normally soothing, but right now it has every hair on your body standing on end. Before you can even respond, Jimin is jumping headfirst into a whirlwind of a conversation. “Sorry for calling so late, but I just wanted to check in on you, babe. I know you were really panicked about Hye’s first night away from home, but don’t worry! Me and the missus are doing everything we can to make sure she’s fine.”
His confidence reassures you, lessens the weight that had been sitting on your chest all afternoon. But at the same time, you find yourself wanting to throttle him. 
Your gorgeous, sexy hunk of a husband is sitting in the other room, cock at full mast and ready to pleasure you to the moon and back, and here you are listening to Jimin brag about how good of a caretaker he is. You were definitely going to make Jimin pay for this. 
Deep breaths, you tell yourself, toying with a stray thread on your towel. “Really,” you drawl, and you can practically see Jimin’s ego swell over the line. 
“Yup,” Jimin agrees, and by the sounds of it, doesn’t seem like he’s hoping to end this call anytime soon. You want to shoulder part of the blame; you had been extra sad and mopey when you dropped your daughter off. On top of being a good dad, Jimin was also a good friend. It was only naturally he wanted to reassure you when he could. 
Still, the memory of Namjoon’s wet chest was calling out to you. 
“The girls are playing princess in the living room with the missus right now,” Jimin chats on. “New dresses and everything— the Yerin Birthday Special —and they asked me to be their handsome prince!” You sincerely cannot wait for the day you get to introduce Jimin to your right fist. 
“That’s great,” you offer, not that he’s really listening. He’s too busy talking about Yerin (and making sure to include Hyejoo in for your sake) and how amazing it is to watch your kids grow up before your very eyes. And while you agree with the sentiment, you really wish he had called you and told you this earlier, when you were at the peak of your motherly meltdown. Not now with Namjoon waiting for you in the bathtub. Was the water even warm anymore? 
The mind blowing orgasm practically slips from your fingertips the longer Jimin talks. “Anyway! Enough about them. I’m thinking of trying out that blueberry bread recipe that aired on TV last night. You know, the one they had that actress make.”
You’ve just about resigned yourself to listening to Jimin talk about his love for pastries for the next thirty minutes when something brushes up behind you. “What the fu—“
He’s so tall and broad, practically covers your entire frame when he stands so close. And his smile is so pretty when he aims it your way. “Sh,” Namjoon murmurs, gesturing towards your phone.  
“__?” Jimin calls. “Everything alright?” 
Namjoon nods eagerly, the hands on your waist properly positioning you in front of him. It’s with a shudder running down your spine that you respond. “I’m fine,” you tell Jimin, letting go of the front of your towel when Namjoon abruptly pushes you over. The white comforter infused with both of your scents comes all too close, your elbow barely managing to reach out in time to catch you.  
Wide eyed, you turn to throw Namjoon a scandalized look over your shoulder. He meets you with a close-mouthed smile, the dimples in his cheeks making themselves known. His chest is drier now, the smooth planes covered in a thin dewy glow and a spattering of droplets he missed. There’s a towel around his waist that’s barely doing its job, especially when you catch sight of the erection tenting beneath it. 
“As I was saying,” Jimin rambles on. Namjoon nods towards the device, refusing to move again until you finally turn back around to finish your conversation with Jimin. “That actress fucked it up so bad. They really give anyone with a pretty face screen time these days, huh? At least I know how to properly preheat an oven.”
You nod. “You do make the best cookies in town,” you respond, a ball of anticipation building in your throat from the mere fact Namjoon is standing behind you. 
It’s completely warranted once you feel two cold fingers trail up the back of your thigh, your towel gradually pushed up to drape around your waist. The air in your room is a little chilly, and the goosebumps that raise on your skin are partly due to that, as well as the ghostlike touch of Namjoon’s fingers. “Pretty,” he murmurs, so deep and gravelly it has you shuddering.  
Two fingers dance along your skin, and you subconsciously jolt away when they meet the tender skin around your pussy. By your ear, Jimin says, “if I completely fuck it up, we’ll just pretend this conversation never happened. Deal?”
Using your own body against you, Namjoon lets one finger dip just the smallest bit into your quivering hole. You clench up, thighs trembling when he eventually pulls it back out and traces your own wetness over your folds. “Perfect,” you bite out, clutching at the sheets beneath you as Namjoon reaches for your forgotten clit. It’s still so sensitive from your little fun in the bath, and it takes every ounce of strength in you to hold back the whiny gasp in your throat. 
Behind you, Namjoon suddenly presses in close. One hand on your hip, he gently encourages you onto the bed. Your knees sink into the mattress, one less strain on your legs. “Good girl,” he praises quietly, rewarding your behavior with a finger sinking into your cunt. 
“Joo—“ you almost slip, burying your face into the sheets just in time. 
A devastatingly slow pace, his finger just barely moving in and out of you. The bulk of your pleasure is coming from that bundle of nerves towards your front, but the teasing gesture isn’t appreciated anyway. When he leans over you, breath against your neck, you feel the length of his cock against your thigh. “He’s asking you a question,” Namjoon whispers, “answer him, baby.”
You nod, eyes rolling to the back of your head when he presses himself closer. Jimin hasn’t even noticed your lack of participation, mindlessly humming a song. The sounds of a running sink highlight his vocals. “Oh, absolutely,” you babble. “I wouldn’t tell a soul.” 
“Ha!” Jimin scoffs. “I knew I could always count on you, Miss __,” he snarks playfully. 
The hand toying with your clit comes around your waist, fingers stroking against your folds from this new angle. A silent moan has you writhing forward, unconsciously away from him as Jimin babbles on the other end of the line. He’s none the wiser to the lewd acts happening on the line, listening to the sound of his own voice. Namjoon lands a mean little bite against your shoulder, plunging his finger deeper inside of your clenching hole. 
Paired with his teasing fingers, it’s nearly impossible to withhold your moans, biting your lip until it stings. “Fuck, fuck,” you whimper against the sheets, holding your phone as far away as possible from your mouth as a litany of curse words spill from your lips. Namjoon chuckles at your dramatics, not like he has his fingers deep inside of you right now or anything. 
“So cute,” he hums, removing his hand from your clit to snatch your towel away. It gives way too easily, messily thrown over the edge of the bed. With your back completely exposed now, Namjoon wastes no time trailing a line of kisses up your spine, finishing off with an especially wet and hard one behind your ear. “Hang up now.”
His permission sets your body on edge, drawing your phone close again. Jimin is talking about dinner or something, you don’t even know. Not an ounce of remorse fills you when you clear your throat and hurriedly announce, “I have to—“ Namjoon’s cock, finally uncovered by his towel, presses against your folds and you nearly lose it. “—I have to go now, Jimin,” you say, leveling your breathing as best as you can. 
“Wait, what the fuck?” Jimin says, thrown off by your sudden departure. 
The mushroom tip of his cock kisses your clit. “Fuck— I really have to go.” And you hang up, chucking the phone off to the side hastily. With your hands both freed, you scramble onto your back, meeting the amused gaze of your husband behind you. “Fuck me, now.”
Namjoon laughs, reaching for the towel barely clinging onto his waist. One suave swoop later and it joins yours on the floor. “You did good,” he praises, lowering himself between your spread thighs. You roll your eyes, grabby hands reaching for his hips until he’s sitting snugly against you, cock resting over your throbbing cunt. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you snap, the tight feeling in your tummy growing with every second that passes. Namjoon isn’t as unaffected as he pretends to be, a pearly bead of cum appearing at the tip of his engorged cock. “Just fuck me now.”
He raises a brow. “Missionary?” As if it’s the first time. 
“Is there something wrong with it?” you ask anyway, self-consciously reaching an arm over yourself to cover your naked breasts. They’ve pebbled over just from his stare alone. 
Namjoon hesitates, the hand on your hip drawing slow circles with his thumb. Eventually, he responds with a halfhearted shrug. “It’s not the best.” This is news to you, and you find yourself sitting up at the sudden bomb he’s dropped. 
He’s still hard as rock between you, his dick laying almost artfully against your slit. You really just want to throw aside all reservations and begin grinding against him, penetration be damned, but now Namjoon’s got that thoughtful quirk to his lips. The one that usually accompanies any big brained idea, so you settle down, nudging him with your thigh until he’s looking at you again. “Penny for your thoughts?” What you really want to say is please fuck me like I’m just another cum rag of yours and make it hurt, but alas. 
Namjoon sits back on his haunches. “I read somewhere that on your hands and knees is the best way to get pregnant.” You choke on your own tongue, face ablaze from his forward statement. Meanwhile, Namjoon is looking as relaxed as ever. 
You hadn’t really discussed children after Hyejoo. The wordless agreement had been that sure, you were both down for another kid sometime in the future. But the exact date had sort of been murky. Hyejoo is three now, and you heard from another mom that it’s difficult for children with wide age gaps to get along. You don’t want her growing up being far removed from another sibling. 
But also, now?
It’s like Namjoon knows your thoughts before you even do. “Alright, wifey, say no more,” he says, leaning down to place a kiss against your lips. “I’ll get the condom, alright?”
And then he’s stepping off the bed, every muscle of his toned body flexing as he swaggers over towards the dresser. He’s a walking dream, the physical embodiment of all your crazy sex fantasies, and he wants to fuck a baby into you. Your pussy says yes, but your rationality is still on the fence. 
You roll onto your side, head propped into your open palm. “You want another baby?” you ask tentatively. Namjoon shrugs, carefully opening the new box of condoms you had bought half a year ago. 
“It wouldn’t hurt to have another kid,” he answers, procuring a tiny foil packet from the box and returning to his spot between your legs. It’s like staring at a marble statue from this angle, the defined planes of his chest and abdomen, the gorgeous slope of his nose, the sharp angles of his face. You really lucked out. 
Your decision comes just as he’s easing the rubber over the tip of his cock, the swollen head just barely enveloped. You place a hand against his wrist, earning his attention. “Take it off,” you mumble, and you swear on your entire life he swells another inch. 
“Oh, baby,” he groans, hastily throwing the condom somewhere across the room. He rolls over you, bulging arms sweeping you up into his embrace, lips capturing yours in a sloppy kiss. You whimper, letting his tongue push itself past your lips. When he pulls away, it’s with a wet pop and glistening lips. They’re so puffy now, flushed a nice rosy color, that makes him look even more handsome when he smiles down at you. “Gonna look so pretty all pregnant,” he beams, placing a chaste kiss against you one last time before he’s hurriedly rolling you onto your stomach. 
You hide your bashful expression against the sheets, suddenly feeling very shy before him. But then Namjoon’s cock is running along your lips and you’re left a shivering mess. “Please just fuck me,” you beg hoarsely, and Namjoon obeys. 
“Whatever you want, wifey,” he teases, and before you can call him out for his cheesiness, he’s pressing his thumb into your aching hole once more. “Is this okay?” he asks, somberly for the first time in what seems like forever. 
“I’m okay,” you confess, a little shyly now that you know his true motives.  
Namjoon chuckles, quickly removing his finger from inside of you to give your ass one soothing pat. “Going in,” he warns you, and finally, you’re rewarded for all your struggles. It’s only as his mushroom head squeezes in that you realize you could have done with a bit more stretching, but that thought fades away the more and more he pushes in. “Fuck,” he groans, the low intonation of his voice making your toes curl.
If it’s not his voice, it’s the sheer length of his cock inside of you. The girth makes your spine tingle, has you muffling a pitiful whimper into the comforter beneath you. “Relax for me,” he directs, and then suddenly he’s placing a palm against your back, pushing you further down. “Hips up.” 
You groan. The normally soft fabric of the blanket feels like hell on your sensitive breasts. “I’m trying,” you whine, pushing back onto him in an effort to familiarize yourself with his cock again. It’s been so long since he’s been inside of you like this, since he’s filled you so well, that your body acts a little stupid now. He hasn’t even begun thrusting and you already feel like you’ll cum just from this.  
The angle is different than your usual style, has him moving along every inch of you as he sinks in. Two big hands grab at your waist, manhandling you closer to him until you’re just like he wants you to be. “There we go,” he sighs, and with him motionless, you finally relax. It’s about a two second pause before he begins to draw himself back out. “How do you want it?” he grunts, but it’s lost beneath the moan that escapes you. It’s the same question he asked you in the tub, right before Jimin called, except this time you have an answer. 
“Fast,” you gasp, the pain from the stretch finally, finally, melting away as your body grows accustomed to his presence inside of you. “Do it fast, please.”
Namjoon does as he’s told, waiting until he’s pulled out until the tip to satisfy your requests. And then he’s off. 
Your body isn’t as young as it once was, left a little worn from the entire child-bearing process. Sometimes you wonder how exactly you and Namjoon would fuck until sunrise before, how your sex drive was so high that it allowed such a thing to happen. Admittedly, there’s currently a stiffness inside of you that has been there for a while now, and you barely remember how you got rid of it before. Apparently, this is how.
Namjoon’s hard cock rams into you once, makes you release the most embarrassingly loud moan at the sudden intrusion, and it’s like all those months of tension that built up in your body are melted away. His cock pushes past your folds, creating a lewd squelching sound that would otherwise leave you mortified to learn it came from your body. You shudder, desperately pushing your ass back against him in a feeble attempt to feel it again. 
“Still so fucking tight for me,” he growls, snapping his hips forwards. His skin slaps against yours, leaves you feeling tender from the brutal movements of his body. But at the same time, it feels absolutely terrific. 
Your lips are still coated in your own wetness, have him noisily moving in and out. “J- Joon,” you whimper softly, but you doubt he hears it over the sound of his own labored breathing. “More.”
He responds with a sudden piston inside of you that has the tip of his cock nearly kissing your cervix. “More?” he huffs, the hand on your back pressing down until you fear you’ll become one with the mattress. “You want more?” You nod hurriedly, somehow managing to stretch a hand down between you to toy with your clit. The brush of your own fingers has you bucking back onto him in surprise.
Wordlessly, he speeds up his pace, thrusting his hips into your velvety walls at a faster speed than before. It’s a weird sensation, a sort of ticklish feeling m that makes you tremble with each roll forward. You can’t say the two of you have done it in this position a lot, always preferring the more romantic missionary position to anything else, but this experience was quickly making you an avid believer of its validity as a top tier sex position. 
You swirl your pointer finger around your clit, trying to sync up your shaky touch with his steady thrusts. It’s useless, because every time you feel like you’ve gotten into the same groove, Namjoon one ups you by hauling you back against him. “Oh, f- fuck,” you sob, clawing at the sheets beneath you. 
Namjoon groans, momentarily pausing his rapid thrusts to roll his buried cock against you. “Come on, baby,” he husks, the hilt of his cock kissing your folds. 
There’s a lot of built up sexual tension inside of you, months on top of months of nothingness. Not to mention that little scene in the bathtub just now. So you’re not really surprised that your orgasm rears its head so early, curling up tightly in your stomach the longer Namjoon fucks you. He’s back to thrusting now, shallow little movements that make you see stars every time his cock glides inside of you. “Joon, I'm gonna...” you rasp out pitifully, grinding back against him. 
“Whenever you want,” he murmurs, leaning forward to press a kiss against your shoulder. It’s sweet, but on top of that, it has him pushing in further than before, finally pressed against that sensitive spot inside of you that makes your entire body lock up. You sob, thighs quivering when he reaches an arm around you. It’s almost romantic how your hands meet, his fingers covering yours as he guides them over your clit slowly. “Give it to me, baby,” he croons, lips pressed securely against your neck. He leaves soft kisses there, smooches really, that make you melt. 
Another shallow buck of his hips forward and you’re cumming, breaths picking up until they accumulate into a choked wail against the sheets. “Fuck— oh, fuck,” you cry, your thighs spasming from the force of your first satisfying orgasm in months. Namjoon holds you through it, slowly thrusting inside of you until he’s drawn out your entire orgasm.
The new added pleasure makes his movements sound even wetter, dirtier even. “That’s it,” he purrs, pushing himself back up to his full height behind you. You feel absolutely boneless beneath him, laying limply against the mattress as Namjoon repositions your hips for himself. “Can I finish like this, sweetheart?” he asks anyway, thumbs drawing a soothing pattern along your hip. 
You can barely catch your breath, so you settle on a halfhearted nod that has him huffing out a laugh. 
For some reason, Namjoon fucks you harder once he knows you’ve had your fill. Like he’s trying to draw another orgasm out of you, but is also the least bit concerned with you. Honestly, it works. He moves fast and hard, like he has no regard for your pleasure, and for some reason that turns you on more than it should. It’s this weird fantasy of yours, to be mistreated by a man as respectful as Namjoon, and you find yourself weirdly fulfilling it now as he fucks his cock into you. 
His fingers dig into your skin, wildly bucking into you as he chases his own high, and it’s embarrassing how quickly a second one builds up for you. You moan at one particular thrust, body sensitive all over. “Oh,” you whimper, “Namjoon.”
He grunts, your cries fueling him on as he continues his mad race to the end. “Gonna cum with me again?” he pants, his quick pace rocking you forward. You nod, using your killer grip on the sheets to ground yourself as you weakly attempt to meet his thrusts. “Aren’t you the sweetest,” he hums, and doesn’t let you respond as he continues to jackhammer his way into your pussy at a bruising pace. 
It takes a few more thrusts, and one whiny cry of his name— “come on, Joonie,” you whimper, turning to throw him a teary-eyed gaze over your shoulder; he shudders at the sight —until Namjoon is finally tipped over the edge, shooting his pleasure deep into you on the next thrust. It’s warm, paints your walls and threatens to spill out when he finally pulls out. 
But Namjoon has read up, using those big strong arms of his to keep you from collapsing onto your tummy as he scrambles around for something to keep your hips up. “It sticks better this way,” he says, a sheen of sweat against his temples when he flops down beside you. 
“What sticks better,” you groan, the achy feeling of just having your world rocked quickly settling into your bones. 
Namjoon leans forward and places a kiss against your lips, as if saying here, for all your hard work. “You know... it,” he shrugs, hands behind his head as he prepares himself to supervise your post-sex nap, just to make sure you don’t accidentally move around and let his cum leak out. “You did good, wifey,” he praises with another smooch. “Maybe we should let Hyejoo sleep over at Jimin’s more.”
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Hyejoo’s return is the highlight of the year. 
You pick her up around noon, and your heart nearly grows ten sizes when you see her come running down Jimin’s front steps and into your arms. “Hi, mommy,” she beams, the same smile as Namjoon. And just like Namjoon, you can’t stop yourself from covering her face in tiny kisses. She says they tickle and squirms and squeals in your embrace. 
Jimin’s at the door with this weirdly blank look on his face. “Hey, Jimin,” you call out, helping Hyejoo load her bag into the backseat.
“Hey…” he greets, just as Hyejoo frantically begins calling for you to buckle her in. “Um, __,” Jimin says, but you’re a little busy securing the tiny love of your life into her booster seat, so you just throw him a quick glance to let him know you’re listening. Kinda. “There’s something I have to tell you—“
“I wanna see daddy!” Hyejoo babbles from the backseat, wildly waving her hands around as you finally close the door on her. With it shut, her loud voice is drowned out and you’re left raising a brow at Jimin as you round the front of the car. 
“What’s up?” you ask. 
Jimin comes down the steps, awkwardly hovering by the front of your car. “Um, when we were on the phone—“ Hyejoo knocks her tiny hands against the window, gesturing for you to hurry up. You flash Jimin an apologetic frown at the interruption. “Well, you see. She kinda heard us— well, me—” 
Another flurry of knocks, and you can’t wait to relay to Namjoon how excited your daughter had been to see him again. It’ll boost his ego, not that he really needs it to be any bigger. “That’s fine,” you tell Jimin, swinging your door open. Immediately, Hyejoo’s high-pitched voice fills the space between you and Jimin. “You know I don’t mind talking to the missus,” you joke, nudging his side. “She’s my friend too, ya know.”
“Gotta show daddy something!” Hyejoo shouts from the backseat, has this big smile on her face that makes you smile as well. 
Beside you, Jimin is quickly falling apart. “No, well—” you drop down into your seat “it wasn’t her who heard—“ You shut the door, lowering the window to thank Jimin one more time. Hyejoo beats you to it.
“Bye, Mr. Jimin!” she says, tiny legs kicking around all wildly in her excitement. You shake your head with a grin, waving goodbye to Jimin one last time as you pull out of his driveway. 
“Daddy!” Hyejoo shrieks upon entering your home. Her tiny overnight bag is tossed down at the entryway, ladybug rain boots haphazardly kicked towards the general direction of the shoe closet. Namjoon had been upstairs in his study when you left, but he now comes bounding down the steps at the sound of your daughter’s voice. He cries out a dopey, “princess”, as he scoops her up in his big arms. He does a twirl and everything, so dramatic. But it makes Hyejoo giggle like crazy. 
She allows one big fat kiss against her chubby cheeks before she’s shushing him with the news of her announcement. “Daddy, look,” she beams, holding his face between her tiny hands. “I can say the f sound now!”
Namjoon has been avidly working towards this ability for months now. Namjoon, who has spent nights reading every page of every child development book possible, who has spent hours decorating pretty flashcards for her, who has sectioned off time from his busy schedule everyday just to go over lessons with her. Well, Namjoon looks over the goddamn moon at the news. 
“Let’s hear it, honey,” you urge, stepping in when his happiness renders him incapable of speech. So he just nods along, looks like a bobblehead doll beside you. 
And with both of her proud, sometimes overprotective, parents standing before her, Hyejoo puts on a big grin and says, “fuck.”
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Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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Con Man's Daughter
Posting this because there isn't enough biodad! John Constantine content.
(Part 2)
I feel like this should be a Damianette story or just platonic relationship after Jon got aged-up to seventeen and Damian wanted a friend his age but doesn’t want to admit it.
So basically there is this big bad in Gotham using magic that Batman was fighting at the time and enlisted John Constantine to help out.
John realizes that the villain is using a Miraculous.
“Oh. I think I know how he gets his powers. And lucky for you, Bats, I know an expert on this special brand of magic.”
And he did the smart thing and called up Marinette who at the time was already Guardian and was looking for other lost Miraculouses like in the Treasure Hunter AU I wrote.
He calls her at a really bad time. She was in the process of being chased by the guardians of the place. Monsters and evil spirits.
“Hello, Dad. What do you need and can you do it quickly?”
“Hey, sweetheart, it’s me. How is my little cupcake up to these days?”
“You called at a bad time.” Gunshots.
“Somewhere in Japan. Getting a Miraculous. And why can’t you call me to check in on me and not ask me to help you with whatever mess you got yourself into.” More gunshots sounds and it was telling that Marinette was using a gun.
“Where did you get a gun? And don’t you have school?”
“It’s summer break. Don’t worry Maman and Papa know. Well, the fact that I am in Japan anyways.” Marinette sounded a little out of breath. Roaring and horrifying sounds at the other end. “Can we do this later?”
“As it happens, there is a villain going around Gotham with what I think is a Miraculous.”
Swears on the other end.
“Oi. Watch your fucking language, young lady.”
“How about a No and move the fuck back, old man. I am coming over right now.”
“Old man? I am not that old-” as a magic blue portal opens up in the Bat Cave.
And a red Chinese dragon comes out with someone riding it.
Its rider was a black-haired girl. She had a trench coat similar to Constantine's. I imagine her with a fedora. Like Carmen Sandiego style but not red. Sometimes red but only when she has to steal it from a museum or high security places and she leaves a name card with the name Carmen Sandiego. A sword strapped to her back and a dagger to her thigh.
She had a gun in her hand which she used to shoot the monsters as it was halfway through the portal and yelled out the spell to close it.
“Brilliant entrance but you are in lots of trouble, little lady. What were you thinking about going to another country unsupervised? And isn’t there still a butterfly problem in Paris?”
“One, I wasn’t unsupervised. I had Tikki, a billion years old being and a sort of god. Two.Well, it got boring trying to track Hawk-bitch down. And I found this legend about a guy with a Miraculous who disappeared in the temple and thought hey, more miraculous could mean another edge to defeating Moth-man.”
More bickering and John grounding Marinette who was acting very nonchalant about it.
Okay, at this point, I should say that Batman and Robin are in the background trying to make some sense.
Batman is surprised to find out that Constantine has a daughter who is also involved in magic like her Father but an apparently more specialised kind called the Miraculous. He is a little miffed that he didn’t know about John having a daughter. He did consider it weird at first that she had a slight french accent unlike her father’s Liverpool accent although she pronounced some words like he does.
He also connected some dots that she is also the Parisian heroine, Lady Rouge who Wonder Woman introduced to the League a while back and had declined to join the Young Justice or Teen Titans until everything in Paris was resolved.
Damian on the other hand was suspicious of the new arrival and came to the same conclusion as his father about the daughter thing.
Batman after a few minutes, clears his throat.
The Constantines stop arguing.
“Bonjour. Batman. Robin. Pleasure to meet you. I am Mari Constantine and yes, I am this homeless looking man’s brilliant daughter.” “Hey”
“Well, Mari. Your father thinks you can help us with this new criminal turning Gotham upside down. Literally in some cases. He said that you might be able to help us.” Batman said as he pulled up zoomed in picture of the Miraculous.
Mari looks through the Miraculous grimoire and tells them all about it and power-ups, basically the most effective thing to defeat the guy is to get the Miraculous off them. Plus a spell that would make the Miraculous ineffective if casted within a certain radius of it.
“Thank you for the information, Mari. Constantine, let’s go.”
Mari made to follow them.
“You young lady are grounded and staying here.”
“I don’t need another supervillain using the Miraculous which are my responsibility as Guardian to retrieve them for their own misuse and wreaking havoc on the city. And what if there is an akuma in Paris? I can’t go there if I am grounded in the Batcave although it is a cool place to hang out.”
“You can portal back to Paris but you are not going to follow me. Understood?”
“yes. crystal”
“Good. After me and Batsy get the Miraculous, you can do your Guardian duties.”
Damian snickers. Until Batman cut his mood short, “You are staying behind too. Robin.”
“But Father, why? I am much more capable than Constantine.”
“Hey!” Both father and daughter.
Damian is staying behind too because of the Miraculous power or other reasons and keeps an eye on Mari.
Damian stays behind and there were some protests about mari mad about having a babysitter and Damian doesn’t want to be a babysitter. Despite the two of them being around the same age.
“I got an eye on you so no funny business.”
“Okay, Dad, I am not going to have sex with Robin.” Mari said with a shit- eating grin. Robin definitely didn’t blush.
“I hate you sometimes.”
“I love you too, Dad. Go save the world. Byee.”
John eyes her suspiciously because she is not one to give up that easily usually.
He casts a spell to watch her as they leave. and which she totally knew about.
“So...I have one question.”
“Tt, ask and don’t bother me anymore.”
“Is Batman Bruce Wayne?”
Damian looks up, totally caught off guard.
“I am going to take that as a yes.”
Puts sword at her neck. “How did you find out?!”
“Opened up Google Maps and saw that we are under Wayne Manor. Connected the dots. Also I already knew when Dad made a bet with me once to find out Batman’s secret identity but he never did confirm it for me. And can you please not tell your father about this? I don’t feel like being interrogated by the Bat in the future yet.”
“Father must know about this.”
“I saw you looking at Scarlet here. An animal lover then? You can give her some belly rubs. She deserves it after helping me outrun those monsters.”
His silence was brought. To pet a dragon.
One thing after another and he ends up bringing out his pets-Jerry the turkey, Goliath the dragon-bat, Titus- and her introducing him to her other pets like a hellhound, griffin and other mythical creatures who mostly roam free but come to her when she calls for them and also the kwamis, at least the ones who came with her.
After 30 mins have passed, “So Robin how do you feel about disobeying our fathers?”
“I am in.”
“Depends. Are we going after the (villain's name) ?”
Awesome montage of them getting rid of the spell John casted and flying out of the Batcave on their respective giant flying pets to the villain’s base.
Meanwhile, their fathers are not doing so well and are trapped in a death trap. John can’t say the spell because the villain made him unable to talk.
“At least, the kids are staying put.”
Cut to Damian and Mari jumping off their pets and onto the roof. Taking out the guards posted there and going into the building all sneakily and also taking out the guards that come their way.
They dropped into the room where their fathers and the villain is.
“Why am I not surprised?”
Villain starts an evil monologue about his mastermind plan to which Damian cuts it short by trying to cut him down with his katana. Mari goes to deactivate the death trap.
They are evenly matched with Damian’s training and the Miraculous.
Mari steps in as Damian was about to be killed. Taps on the shoulder of the villain and when he turns around, gives an awesome right hook that knocks him out.
Takes away the Miraculous and curses him. Wiped the dude’s memories of it.
“When I said stay in the Batcave, I meant stay behind at the Batcave. What point of being grounded, don’t you understand?”
“You mean, Oh, Mari, light of my life, my wonderful daughter, thank you for saving my ass. You are the best.’ by that, right?”
Mari and Damian exchanged numbers and email addresses.
As she was about to leave the Batcave, “It’s been nice meeting you, Mr. Wayne.” and leaves with a wink.
John ‘ungrounds’ her for the look on Batman’s face.
After this, Marinette and Damian become friends who bitch and vent to each other about their alter egos and various villains of their respective cities. (In codes, just in case) They also share updates about their pets and love of drawings.
They have that type of friendship where they trade favors. Mari calls Damian to Paris sometimes to help out with the akuma of the day and Damian sometimes calls her in when Bruce doesn’t let him go investigate a case so he can sneak out by magical means or as back up for when his brothers were too annoying to deal with.
It’s summer break so no missing school.
John and Bruce are aware of their friendship and some of the shenanigans the pair gets into behind their back.
Right. how this all started...
John and Sabine first met when the latter was still in college somewhere in France. John was tracking down a demonic entity which was targeting Sabine for some reason and she was the next target.
John saved her life and exorcised the demon. There was a heat of the moment thing and they had a one-night stand. There were a few more flings and hook-ups after that night.
And nine months later, Marinette Cheryl Cheng-Constantine was born.
When Sabine first found out, she called John to come over and he thought that it was a call for another hook-up and was very surprised to find out that it was not and that he was going to be a father.
They both like each other but do not want to be in a relationship together so they both remained as friends and John agreed after some strong-arming at the very least to meet his daughter before he goes to do his job. And pay for child support. And help Sabine during her pregnancy.
Pregnant Sabine was someone you don’t want to mess with. And John has never met a demon or anyone scarier than her.
He was at first not into meeting his child and there was a self-pity party he threw himself with how the child was going to live a bad life because he was the dad and how he destroyed every good thing in his life.
That’s why he is going to meet the baby once and leave maybe a letter and the occasional birthday present and stay out of their life. Forever.
The day Marinette was born and it took one look into her eyes for the HellBlazer to fall under the spell and all of his plans to stay out of her life to burn away.
At first, he tried. He really tried but he couldn’t do it.
Lasted 4 months before he came back, wanting to place protection spells on her and sigils around the house to keep away the forces of Heaven and Hell and other entities so they won’t use her against him as a bargaining chip.
Sabine calls him to babysit. He could have refused and Sabine would have easily found a babysitter. He moans and whines about how he is a great mage and not a bloody babysitter. Sabine retorts that it is actually called parenting since he is Marinette’s father. He grumbles but in the end, agrees.
The great John Constantine is wrapped around the little girl’s finger.
He was around for some of Marinette’s firsts. Her first word was “John”.
It made him cry. He wasn’t a good man and he doesn’t deserve someone this precious. His daughter doesn’t deserve someone like him as a father but fate made it that way and what can you do about it.
After an exhausting week of doing the usual and coming back from Hell, he saw that Sabine had sent him a video. It was Marinette taking her first steps.
Chas swears that in all the years that he has known John Constantine he has never seen the man look so happy.
When Tom came into the picture, John was there to take care of a toddler Marinette while Tom and Sabine went on dates.
Insert John threatening a much bigger Tom while holding a baby Marinette with wide eyes and hugging a teddy bear with the same coat as John’s. (It was something Sabine brought on a whim and to tease John when he came around.)
Tom is supportive and treats Marinette like his own flesh and blood.
John resolved to leave for good now that Tom would be there to be a father figure for Marinette.
That plan fell into the drain the moment he was going to leave for what was supposed to be the last time before Sabine pulled him back and knocked some sense into him.
His face was a big giveaway. Sabine knows that despite his claims of being a terrible father for Marinette, he was a good one and damnit she was going to make sure that Marinette would get to know her actual father.
Tom later made an awkward talk with John about how he was not going to replace John’s role as Marinette’s father.
Marinette was the flower girl at Tom and Sabine’s wedding. John was there too.
During bedtime, John would read her stories and use his magic to make it come to life. Although he would feel a little drained afterwards, it was worth it to see her smile.
Sometimes he told stories about his tamer adventures. (After cutting out some of the inappropriate bits)
When Marinette was about 5 or 6, Sabine was out on an errand and Tom was at home with Mari and helping her with her homework. There was a crash downstairs at the bakery. Tom went down to check it out to find John lying on the ground.
With a weak cough, he said, “Close the door. Close it.” Before losing consciousness
Tom did before a man with pitch black eyes slammed against it.
Thankfully John had installed heavy wards around the bakery when it first opened.
They held against the demon on John’s tail. Tom brought John inside and unsure of what to do, grabbed a rolling pin on the counter.
The man outside started pounding on the glass door and every time his hands touched the door, light glowed outwards, showing the invisible magic barrier around the bakery. Sparks and steams fizzled with every pound.
Despite the reddening and burns of his hands, the not-human didn’t slow down.
“ʝօɦռ....ʏօʊ ӄռօա ȶɦǟȶ ɨȶ'ֆ օռʟʏ ǟ ʍǟȶȶɛʀ օʄ ȶɨʍɛ ɮɛʄօʀɛ ɨ ɮʀɛǟӄ ȶɦʀօʊɢɦ ȶɦɛֆɛ աǟʀɖֆ. օռƈɛ ɨ ɢɛȶ ʏօʊ,” He laughs, the sound sends chills down the large man’s spine, “ȶɦɛʀɛ ǟʀɛ ֆօ ʍǟռʏ ȶɦɨռɢֆ ɨ ɦǟʋɛ քʟǟռռɛɖ ʄօʀ ʏօʊ.”
Tom knew that Marinette’s father was a con man. Come on, Master and Practitioner of the Dark Arts and Occult. But he was a good father nonetheless despite all his flaws and Sabine liked him enough so that was good enough for him.
Before today, magic was just the sleight of hands and use of fancy tools to sell the illusions. Now, with a could-be-a-demon knocking on his door to get to the father of the girl he sees as his daughter, he’s not so sure.
“Tom? Qu'est-ce qui se passe? (What’s going on?)” A little voice came from the stairs, “Dad!” Marinette padded across the floor to the body of her passed out father.
She shook him awake and there were a few soft slaps to the face.
“Dad, what’s happened?”
John mumbles, “Demon…. possessing some rich guy….. Exorcism…. Doesn’t like me very much…Don’t worry...wards going to hold.”
John manages to stand before falling down and Tom catches him before he hits the floor. He has a concussion. Tom turns to Marinette, “Go, Hide and don’t come out until It’s safe.” which she did
Unfortunately, a while later, Sabine returns from her night out and the demon upon seeing Sabine. “ɛӼƈɛʟʟɛռȶ..”
The demon possessed Sabine and the previously possessed dude hit the sidewalk with a thud.
“ɨռȶɛʀɛֆȶɨռɢ....” The voice coming out of Sabine didn’t sound like her mother which scared Marinette a lot. “օքɛռ ȶɦɨֆ ɖօօʀ օʀ,”the demon pulled a knife out of thin air, ,“ȶɦɨֆ ɮօɖʏ ɢɛȶֆ ɨȶ.”
Tom hesitated until the demon put the knife on Sabine’s neck and put enough force for a thin line of blood to be shown.
He opens the door and the demon knocks him out. Stepping over his unconscious body and looking down on it, “ʄօʀ ȶɦǟȶ, ɨ ǟʍ ɢօɨռɢ ȶօ ʟɛȶ ʏօʊ ʟɨʋɛ ʊռȶɨʟ ɨ ǟʍ ɖօռɛ աɨȶɦ ʝօɦռ, օʄ ƈօʊʀֆɛ.” and cackles. The sound was so wrong and unnerving and little Marinette tried very hard for her sobs not to be heard.
Too bad the demon had super hearing. “Come out, my little blossom. Maman is home. Why don’t you come out and give me a hug?”
It sounded so much like her mother and she nearly believed that it was her mother and not some entity in control of her body.
But she knew better from John’s stories of dealing with demons and how they would use the voice of loved ones to lure them out and into a trap. (Definitely not something one should tell as a bedtime story but Marinette was very different and had an unconventional childhood with John Constantine as her father.)
Wait...she got struck with an idea but she wasn’t sure if it would work.
Before she could do anything, the door of the cabinet she was hiding in was opened and she was dragged out.
The demon lifted her a few feet above the ground by the collar of her dress.
It heard Marinette saying something. “աɦǟȶ ǟʀɛ ʏօʊ ֆǟʏɨռɢ ƈɦɨʟɖ, ֆքɛǟӄ ʟօʊɖɛʀ?”
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.” Marinette was now screaming the words at the top of her lungs. She repeated the spell over and over again with fierce determination.
John, being his paranoid self, taught her the spell for an exorcism, just in case. Demons spared no one, not even a girl.
It screamed “NO….” as Sabine’s body contorted in strange angles before a dark shadow seemed to be dragged down into the ground. It made a desperate attempt to possess John before it was pulled away and disappeared. There was no sign that there was a demon attack.
After John woke up, he managed to piece together that his 5-years-old (Sorry 5 and a half) daughter sent a demon back to hell.
He was a very proud dad. (He was a tad worried about the consequences from this event and demons hold one hell of a grudge. He wanted his daughter to live a very safe and happy life. The bakery’s wards also need an upgrade.)
He also got the job of explaining what he actually did to Tom. And lots of reassuring.
Sabine, on one hand, was not happy that Marinette knew how to do magic. That is until John told her that he did it just in case so she can protect herself and later it was agreed that Marinette can learn some Magic spells and charms to better protect herself and when she is older, she can decide if she wants to continue or not.
(Part 2)
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cocobeanncteez · 3 years
ATEEZ San- Back to you (oneshot)
Genre: angst, fluff, suggestive, university au.
Pairing: badboy!San x reader (fem)
Word Count: 7.3K
Warnings: profanities, alcohol consumption, smoking, mentions of bullying and cheating, drink spiking, and attempted sexual assault.
Except Ateez, all other names are fictional.
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"I don't understand how these stupid people party here when we've got exams in two weeks," your bestfriend, Doyeon, muttered under her breath while scribbling down some notes. You both were at a café in your university, studying for the upcoming exams.
You chuckled, glancing up at her from your notebook. "Your boyfriend is one of those stupid people who are partying right now."
She rolled her eyes. "Believe me, I want to smack Yunho with this," she held up her notebook, making you snort. "I'm surprised you don't get frustrated when San is literally doing the same thing."
"Well, it's his life," you said. "I'm not his parent who can nag at him to study."
San and you have been dating for a little over eight months now; other than Doyeon and San's friends, no one else knew about your relationship. Doyeon and Yunho were also dating for a while now. You both didn't really know why the boys didn't want other people to know about your relationship, but you both just went with the flow despite witnessing girls throwing themselves at them everyday. Doyeon was really calm about the whole situation, but you actually weren't even though you never let it show; you were quite worried about San leaving you for other women who were like him. You never understood why he's dating someone like you: the type who rarely parties, rarely drinks, never smokes, decently studies and gets good grades, never gets involved in fights; the opposite of him, basically.
Doyeon was about to say something, but your conversation was interrupted by someone who suddenly sat beside you in your booth, placing a textbook on the table. "Don't mind me, ladies," one of your university's badboys, Kangmin, said. "There was no place to sit, so here I am."
Ji Kangmin was handsome, and a typical badboy from what you've heard. You didn't really know much about him personally, but you knew his friend group and your boyfriend's group were rivals and often got into fights.
"I'm surprised you're here," Doyeon stated, raising an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be at some party?"
"I don't party when exams are near," he said with a small smile. "I know I don't have a good reputation, but unlike other people here who have the same reputation as me, I actually want to score well and decently graduate." You were stunned, not expecting to hear that from someone like him. Well, maybe all badboys aren't the same.
"Babe!" San whined sleepily when you pulled his blanket off his body. "God, my head fucking hurts."
"Serves you right for drinking all night," you said, running a hand through his messy black hair.
"But the party was epic," he mumbled, eyes closing at the way you played with his hair.
After a few minutes, San took some painkillers and got up to take a shower. When he finished, he immediately pulled you into a hug. "I missed you," he said, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
You chuckled. "You saw me yesterday morning."
"But that was in class," he murmured, placing soft kisses on your neck, making your heart race. "I didn't get to talk to you."
"Then maybe you should start talking to me in class," you said and immediately regretted it when you felt San tense up.
San moved a step back to look at you. "Babe, you know I can't do that," he stated. "I don't want people to know about us or start—"
"Yeah, I know," you cut him off with a small smile, hiding your disappointment. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."
"It's fine," he said, kissing your forehead. "Let's go have breakfast, yeah?"
"Um, actually, I have to go back to my dorm," you said, making San frown and ask why. "I've got a study session with Doyeon," you lied; you just didn't feel like being here at the moment.
San sighed, cupping your cheeks. "Babe, you study so much. These exams don't matter much."
Your eyebrows furrowed. "San, these are end of the first semester exams. They're extremely important."
San didn't say anything; he only leaned down to capture your lips with his own. "Stay for a little while, please," he murmured against your lips. Before you could protest, he kissed you again, this time more passionately. He gently pushed you onto his bed, hovering above you before reconnecting your lips. Your hands wrapped around his neck, playing with the hair at his nape. One of San's hands slipped under your blouse, moving to cup your breast, giving it a squeeze. You gasped due to his actions and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. Your phone began ringing but both of you ignored it. You were getting wetter by the second and you could feel San's growing bulge pressing against you. When your phone rang for the fourth time, San pulled away with an annoyed sigh. You chuckled, getting up from his bed to get your phone from your bag.
"Hello?" you answered.
"Where are you?! Class is gonna start in ten minutes!" Doyeon exclaimed.
"What? What class? All our classes were canceled for today."
"Mr. Byun said he's gonna take class today. Didn't you check your email?"
"Fuck. I'll be there in five." You hung up and quickly checked your reflection in San's mirror, reapplying your lip balm and tying your hair into a ponytail. San's eyes were on you the entire time.
"Are you ditching your lovely boyfriend for a class?" San asked with a pout. "Especially when you made him get all hard?"
"Yes," you replied with a small giggle. "I'll make it up to you when I'm done, I promise." you placed a quick kiss on his lips before rushing to your dorm to collect your stuff.
"Can I sit here?" you heard someone ask, making you look up from your notebook. Ji Kangmin was giving you a small smirk. "Seats are full."
"Go ahead," you said, returning your attention back onto your books. Fortunately, Kangmin studied quietly, not disturbing you even once.
"Why is this so hard?" you muttered under your breath, eyebrows furrowing in irritation due to the differentiation problem you've been breaking your head for.
"Need help?" Kangmin asked.
"Are you good at calculus?"
He snorted, showing you the cover of his textbook. "I'm a math major, darling." Your eyes widened, not expecting that at all. "I thought you knew but you clearly don't," he said with a chuckle. "But I know you're a computer science major." He reached for your notebook, scanning through what you've written. "Ah, so this is where you went wrong," he murmured before explaining everything to you.
After a good three hours of studying, you got up and stretched your arms. Kangmin helped you with a few sums and told you many tricks and tips to save time and make the problems easier to solve. He walked with you to your dorm building since his was right opposite yours. You caught a few people staring at the two of you, but you brushed it off; Kangmin was popular, so obviously they would stare. You had to admit, it felt quite weird to see people staring at you. You were sure they all would react the same way if you were with San.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Kangmin grinned, running his hand through his brown hair. You nodded with a smile before entering your dorm building.
You spent the entire week studying with Kangmin and sometimes Doyeon joined the two of you. You were really anxious about the exams, but Kangmin managed to make you calm down a little; you were really grateful for his company.
"So Jihoon asked me out and I said yes!" Hyewon said, making you and Doyeon squeal.
"Girl! I told you this day would come!" Doyeon exclaimed, making Hyewon blush. You and Doyeon teased her for blushing, laughing at how her cheeks got even pinker.
San secretly glanced at you from across the classroom, smiling at the sight of you laughing; he thought you were absolutely beautiful.
"What's he doing here?" Jongho muttered, making San and Mingi follow his line of sight.
"Probably here to find someone to fuck," Mingi said in an unbothered tone.
San focused his attention back on you until that very person tapped your shoulder. "Why the fuck is he talking to my girl?!"
You turned to look at the person who tapped your shoulder. "Oh, hey, Kangmin! What are you doing here?" you asked.
He pulled a notebook from his bag, handing it over to you. "I accidentally took your notebook yesterday, so I came to return it," he said. "Sorry about that."
"Oh no, it's okay, don't worry about it," you smiled. He was about to say something, but your professor arrived, so he had to leave and go to his own class.
After the lecture ended, you had lunch with Doyeon, Hyewon, and Jihoon at your dorm's dining hall. You couldn't help but gush about how great Hyewon and Jihoon's chemistry was; they were the cutest couple you have ever seen.
Your phone rang and you picked it up as it was San. "Hello?"
"Where are you?" San asked, sounding a little annoyed.
"At my dorm's dining hall," you replied. "Why?"
"Come to your room right now," he said and hung up before you could say anything. You quickly had the last few bites of your food before excusing yourself, telling your friends you had some work to do.
You made your way over to your room, spotting San right outside your door, wearing a blue hoodie with the hood up and a black mask. You unlocked your door with your key-card, feeling a little anxious due the serious look in your boyfriend's eyes. He closed the door before moving to sit on your bed.
"Sannie, what's wrong?" you asked, moving to stand in front of him. He stared up at you, staying silent for a while before he took off his mask, tossing it on your desk.
"Why did Ji Kangmin talk to you today?"
"He accidentally took my notebook yesterday so he came to return it," you answered honestly.
San raised an eyebrow. "Yesterday? Why were you with him yesterday?" he asked in a stern tone.
"We were studying. He was helping me with calculus."
San scoffed, getting off your bed. "I'm sure that's not what his true intentions are. Stay away from him." San's words annoyed you.
"And how do you know what his true intentions are?" you asked. "We were literally just studying, that's all."
"I don't fucking like him, Y/N. He isn't a good person and I don't want him anywhere near you. So please just stay away from him."
You sighed, glancing at the tiny cat tattoo on San's finger. "Fine..."
San gently cupped your cheek, making you look at him. He didn't like how disappointed you looked and he couldn't help but think about Kangmin stealing you away from him. "Baby... please trust me, he's just trying to get into your pants." You wanted to tell him that all those girls who flirt with him wanted the same, but you knew he already knew that and he liked the attention he got.
"Okay..." You moved away from him, picking up your textbook from your desk and placing it on your bed. "Do you wanna study with me?" you asked San.
"Nah, I'm not in the mood to study."
"You never are," you snorted, earning a wink from him.
"You study, I'll just take a nap here beside you," he said, placing a kiss on your forehead, lying down on your bed.
"Don't try anything, San," you warned him, lying down beside him. He chuckled, placing an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to his body.
San fell asleep while you studied. When you took a small break, you couldn't help but admire your sleeping boyfriend; he looked so angelic... ethereal, even. You placed a light kiss on his cheek before slowly getting off the bed to go to the bathroom.
When you came back, San was awake. "How long did I sleep?" he asked in a raspy voice.
"Almost two hours," you said, returning to your bed.
"Oh... oh crap! I should get ready. I've got a party to go to tonight," he said, stretching his arms. "Do you wanna come?"
You raised an eyebrow. "You already know my answer to that."
He chuckled, kissing your head. "Have fun studying, babe."
"Finally!" Doyeon yelled in happiness. "We're finally done after two weeks of torture!"
"Thank god we have an entire week off," you said, gently massaging your aching wrist.
"These exams were way harder than I expected," Hyewon said and you agreed. "You both are coming for Kang Hyunsuk's party tonight, right?"
"Of course! It's in a huge mansion, you know? Besides, I need to get drunk and laid in luxury," Doyeon said, making you and Hyewon laugh.
You quickly got ready at Doyeon's dorm in the evening before taking a cab to Kang Hyunsuk's mansion that was fortunately not too far away.
The mansion was decorated with LED lights inside and out. The large hall was converted into a dance floor and he even hired a DJ. You were sure more than half of the students at your college was here, and there were certainly a lot of people from the neighboring colleges as well.
Doyeon grabbed your hand, pulling you to the large kitchen where the drinks and snacks were. You both took two shots of vodka each before you greeted some of your classmates. Doyeon was already really tipsy due to her poor alcohol tolerance. On the other hand, you took another shot and you were still quite sober.
"Wow, Y/N, you look so hot!" Hyewon said, approaching you with Jihoon.
You were wearing a lacy dusty-rose bralette with black ripped jeans and combat boots. The bralette showed off more cleavage than you'd usually show, but you were feeling a little extra today.
You noticed Yunho approaching the kitchen with Seonghwa and Hongjoong, his eyes scanning Doyeon from head to toe. You nudged Doyeon with your elbow, gesturing to Yunho with your eyes. She glanced around, eyes landing on Yunho who gave her a smirk. She smiled at him before moving towards him. She whispered something in his ears, making him drag her away immediately. You weren't expecting your bestfriend to ditch you this early, but oh well.
"Hey Y/N," Seonghwa greeted you. "Have you seen San or Jongho?"
"Nope, I came to the kitchen as soon as I got here," you replied, pouring yourself another shot.
"Ah, all right." Seonghwa and Hongjoong took a drink before they disappeared into the crowd.
One of your friends dragged you outside to the area beside the swimming pool; she wanted to introduce you to some people from another university. You spotted San, Jongho, Wooyoung, Mingi, and Yeosang on the other of the pool, surrounded by girls as usual. There were a few guys there and they were all playing a game of spin the bottle. There was a girl sitting on your boyfriend's lap, and that annoyed you a lot. You couldn't do anything about it since San didn't want anyone to know about your relationship. When you got to see the girl's face, your eyes widened; it was your ex-bestfriend, Park Hyejoo. You scoffed in disbelief; San knew who she was and what she did to you in high school, yet he let her sit on his lap. You tried not to pay attention to them by focusing on the conversation your friend was having with the people she had introduced you to. It somewhat worked... until you heard cheers and whistles which caught everyone's attention.
Hyejoo's face was buried in San's neck, no doubt giving him a hickey. He wasn't even pushing her away. You felt your eyes tear up, but you blinked it away. You couldn't look away until she pulled away. And then she kissed him, causing you to gasp.
"Why are you so surprised?" your drunk friend asked you. "She fucks around as much as Choi San does. I even heard they're fuck buddies."
San pulled away from Hyejoo, but he only smirked at her, making no effort to push her off his lap. Yeosang—who was sitting beside San—noticed you watching, and he immediately elbowed San. "You fucked up big time, bro," Yeosang murmured in his ear.
"What do you mean?" San asked.
"Y/N's over there. She saw everything."
San glanced around until his eyes found your disappointed and sad ones. He wasn't even expecting you to attend the party. He scanned you from head to toe, eyes darkening due to the way you looked in that outfit.
"You dumb fuck," Yeosang muttered, low enough for only San to hear. "Are you seriously eye-fucking her right now? Put your damn reputation aside and go talk to her before you fuck shit up more, idiot!"
San excused himself, pushing your ex-bestfriend off his lap, making his way over to you. But of course, he couldn't be seen with you, so he just gestured with his head for you to follow him. Even though you were so upset, you followed him a few seconds later. He stopped at the garden where there was no one; you could still hear the blasting music from here.
San was dressed in all black and he looked absolutely irresistible. You would've asked him to fuck you right here against the wall, but you were damn pissed at the moment.
"Damn, babe," he said, lips pulling into a smirk. "My girl's looking so hot." He reached out to pull you into his arms, but you took a step back. San frowned. "Babe..."
"You knew what Hyejoo did to me," you said with a bitter chuckle. "And you let her sit on your lap." You pointed at the hickey on his neck. "You let her do that to you despite the fact that you have a girlfriend, who is in fact, standing right in front of you!" You would never lash out like this if it wasn't for the alcohol in your system. Hyejoo bullied you a lot in high school to the point where you had to change schools. San knew every little detail of what Hyejoo did, and you remembered how angry he was when you told him about it.
"Babe, calm down, please," San said softly.
"Calm down? You want me to calm down?! That fucking bitch was sitting on your fucking lap the entire time and she gave you a damn hickey! You didn't even stop her!"
"It was just a dare and—"
You scoffed. "And what about the kiss?"
"She kissed me. I didn't kiss back, I swear!"
"And you made no effort to push her off your damn lap even after that, right?"
San sighed; he really didn't want to fight with you right now. "I think you're overreacting, Y/N. Like I said, it was only a dare."
"Yeah, how about I go sit on another man's lap and suck his neck, hmm? I fucking bet you would love that," you chuckled bitterly. San clenched his jaw at your words; if that were to ever happen, he wouldn't hesitate to punch that guy.
"That's not going to happen," he placed his hands on your bare waist, pulling you against his body. "Let's not fight, okay?" he murmured, kissing your head.
You moved away from him, eyeing the hickey on his neck with disgust. "Fuck off, San," you mumbled. "I need a damn drink." Before San could could say anything, you made your way to the table of drinks beside the pool. You quickly downed three shots, eyes closing at the way the liquid burned your throat.
"Woah, woah, slow down there. You'll choke," you heard someone say from behind you.
"Who gives a fuck?" you muttered.
"Well, I certainly do, darling," Kangmin said, moving to stand in front of you. "You look really nice, even though you look like you could murder someone right now."
You glanced at San who returned back to where he was sitting before. Hyejoo started clinging to him, and he made no effort to do anything about it again. You rolled your eyes, not even surprised that your words went into San's ears and left just as fast. "Believe me, I want to," you said, feeling the alcohol starting to hit you harder.
"I don't know who pissed you off, but loosen up, yeah?" Kangmin said, pouring himself a drink. You noticed the tattoos all over his arms, one of them catching your eye. You grabbed his arm, trying to get a better look. "It's a... squirting dick?" you tried to control yourself from laughing.
"My friend's a tattoo artist and he tattooed it on me without telling me," he said with a chuckle.
"I want one too," you whined. "I want one now."
"What? A squirting dick?"
You lightly punched his bicep, swaying a little due to the effect of the alcohol in your system. "No, a good tattoo!"
"You're drunk right now, darling," he chuckled. "It's never a good idea to get a tattoo when you're drunk, trust me."
You pouted. "But I want a tattoo."
He placed his cup on the table and moved his hands to cup your cheeks. "I promise I'll take you to get a tattoo this week, okay? Now, let's go dance, hmm?" You nodded, letting him drag you inside to the dance floor.
San saw everything and his hands clenched into fists. He was so tempted to punch Kangmin and yell at him to stay away from you, but he couldn't risk his reputation like that; he didn't want anyone to know about your relationship no matter what. San went to where you were standing before, taking a tequila shot while he wondered what to do.
"Ji Kangmin and Y/N? Damn!" San overheard someone say.
"I didn't expect him to make a move on her," the other person said. "She's a goody two shoes and he's far from that."
"Kangmin likes women like that actually," the first person said. "And Y/N is very pretty. I'm not very surprised that he went for her."
"Hmm. They do look great together. He seems to like her a lot, no? I saw him walk her to her dorm last week." San's jaw clenched and he quickly made his way inside, searching for you. The dance floor was so crowded, he couldn't even get a glimpse of you anywhere. He tried calling you, but you didn't pick up. He tried calling Doyeon, but she didn't pick up as well.
"Fucking hell," he muttered under his breath, moving through tons of drunk, sweaty people, trying to find you.
After nearly fifteen minutes, he found you sitting alone on of the sofas, head resting on the armrest. "Y/N!"
"Kangmin...?" you lifted your head. "Oh, it's you."
"We're leaving," San said, grabbing your hand.
"No, f-fuck you," you hiccupped. "Go fuck off to Hyejoo." San ignored your words, taking his phone out to book a cab to his apartment. He helped you stand up and pulled you along with him. You wanted to protest, but your body was aching and you really just wanted to sleep.
You fell asleep on San's shoulder in the cab. He carried you bridal style and unlocked his door with the passcode, moving to his bedroom. He gently placed you on the bed and removed your boots. You opened your eyes due to the movement, feeling quite sick. "San..." you murmured. "I think I'm gonna throw up." San quickly lifted you up and took you to the bathroom, holding your hair back while you threw up in his toilet. He gently rubbed your back until you were done.
You brushed your teeth with the toothbrush you kept at San's place, and you took a quick hot shower, sobering a little. San gave you one of his t-shirts to wear and he dried your hair for you.
As soon as your head landed on the pillow, you fell asleep.
When you woke up, your head was pounding terribly. You slowly opened your eyes, immediately recognizing that you were in San's apartment; you couldn't remember much of what happened last night. You moved to his bathroom to take a painkiller and finish your morning routine. After you took a shower, you wore one of his black hoodies with one of your shorts that you usually kept at his place.
You felt a pair of muscly arms wrap around you. "You look so good in my clothes," San murmured, placing a kiss on your head. You turned around in his arms, titling your head back to look at him. You were about to wrap your arms around his neck, but your eyes landed on the hickey on his neck, reminding you of the events that happened last night, making you immediately pull yourself away from his embrace.
San frowned. "Babe—"
"San," you start. "Is your reputation that important that you can't even push another girl away when she's throwing herself at you? Especially when you know just how terrible that girl is?" you asked.
San took your hands in his. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have let—"
"But you still did," you argued. "Why don't you want to tell people about us, San? Is it because I'm not like you or your friends? Do you think I'm not attractive enough to be next to you?" He didn't say anything. "I feel like you're just using me," you continued, remembering the amount of times you've heard people say San only screws around. "Do you even love me?" The last question made San freeze. You had fallen in love with San months ago, but he didn't know and probably wouldn't have even noticed.
You waited for him to say something, but he only kept quiet, eyes fixated to the floor. "San, I think we should just," you gulped, eyes tearing up again. "We should b-break up. I really can't tolerate this anymore..." Your words felt like knifes were constantly slicing his heart. "Don't you have anything to say?" you asked, hoping he would fight for you or convince you that continuing this relationship is worth it. You wished he would change.
"How can I when you've already made up your mind?" San murmured, avoiding your eyes. "If you think breaking up is what's best then okay..." he wanted to say much more. He wanted to beg you to not leave him. He wanted to tell you just how much he loved you. But he couldn't. Even if he tried, he just couldn't.
"I'll collect my stuff from here tomorrow," you mumbled, putting your boots on. San could only nod as he watched you.
Before you could leave, San stopped you. "I... I just wanted to ask you... if you ever," he took a deep breath. "If you ever loved me."
You smiled sadly. "It doesn't matter," you whispered, but it was loud enough for him to hear you. "Take care, San," you mumbled before walking out the door, shattering his heart.
"You fucked up even more," Yeosang said, watching San smoke a cigarette.
"That's very helpful. Makes me feel great," San stated sarcastically, blowing the smoke to the air.
"No offense, Sannie, but I agree with Yeosang," Hongjoong said. "You should've told her how you felt instead of keeping quiet."
"I know," San sighed. "But she already made up her mind."
"Dude, you're really dense," Wooyoung stated. "She asked you if you had something to say. That translates to 'fight for me.' I don't think you've noticed, but Y/N is definitely in love with you."
San's head shot up. "She wouldn't have broken up with me if she really loved me, Woo."
Seonghwa groaned in frustration. "If I was in Y/N's place, I would dump your stupid ass too."
"Agreed," Yeosang said. "I told you before, San, your reputation is going to fuck up everything. You need to let go of your past as well before it's too late."
"Ji Kangmin's got his eyes on her," Mingi stated. "I heard his friends talking about it."
"Yeah, I heard that too. Y/N is close to him," Jongho added.
San rolled his eyes, taking a drag from the cigarette. "He has nothing else to do other than stealing the girls I like."
"Exactly, and you're letting him do it again," Yunho said, taking the cigarette away from San and crushing it with his shoes. "You have to make a decision Sannie. Either you sort things out with Y/N, or you lose the woman you love to that very bastard again."
"So you had the hots for Y/N, huh?" Kangmin asked San while he waited in line to order his drink.
"That's none of your business," San said in a cold tone to his ex-bestfriend.
"I saw you talking to her privately that day," he said, referring to the party you attended almost two weeks ago. San ignored his words. "I don't know what was going on between the two of you," Kangmin continued. "But whatever it was, I'm glad it didn't last long. I want to make her mine."
San scoffed. "You just want to get into her pants."
Kangmin snorted. "Obviously. But after spending two weeks with her, without you around, I'm quite interested. Y/N is gorgeous and has a great personality. She's a rare gem, you know? I bet she'd be just as wonderful in bed and tastes as sweet as she loo—"
San took a step towards Kangmin, grabbing the collar of his shirt. "If you don't shut the fuck up, I'll break your damn face!" San warned.
"Ohhh, I'm so scared," he teased, pushing San away. "Fuck off, Choi San. Someone like Y/N doesn't deserve a bastard like you. You weren't and will never be good enough for her." San chose to ignore him, not wanting to cause a big scene at the café. Kangmin's words stabbed him in the heart. San always thought he wasn't good enough for you, but he never expected to hear anyone say it out loud.
Kangmin's phone started ringing and he couldn't help the smirk that formed on his face. "Hey, gorgeous," he answered, loud and clear. "I'm at the café near your building, getting you your favorite drink and some cupcakes. I'll pick you up from class."
"That won't be necessary," you replied, pushing the door of the café to enter. You instantly spotted Kangmin and made your way towards him, unaware of San who was standing right behind him. "Hi!" you said to Kangmin who hung up once he saw you.
"Hey, beautiful! How was class?" he asked, secretly glancing at San; you still hadn't noticed San as your back was facing him.
"Ugh, tiring. I hate extra classes. I couldn't understand any—" your phone started ringing, interrupting your sentence. You answered the call as it was from your bestfriend.
"Where are you?" Doyeon asked.
"At the café near our dorm," you replied.
"Come over fast, we have to get ready for Hyewon's party. She wants us to come early cause she needs help."
"I'll be there in a bit."
"I didn't expect any of them to be here," you said to Doyeon while drinking some whiskey and coke from a red cup, watching your ex-boyfriend converse with his infamous group of friends; they usually went clubbing on Saturday nights. "Aren't you gonna go over to Yunho?"
"I don't wanna ditch you," she answered. You gently pushed her in Yunho's direction.
"Go, I'll be fine."
Before she could reply, Kangmin wrapped his arms around you, startling you a little. Doyeon gave you a wink before making her way towards her boyfriend, leaving you with Kangmin.
"Can we talk?" he whispered in your ear, making sure to move closer to your body once he noticed San watching. You nodded, letting him pull you upstairs. You had gotten quite close to Kangmin these last two weeks; you were really glad to have a friend like him. He distracted you from the pain you felt from not being with San anymore.
Kangmin gently pushed against the wall, trapping you between his arms. You gasped. "What are you doing?"
"I like you, Y/N," he confessed with a smile. "I wanna date you." Before you could say anything, he kissed you. You were a little too shocked, so you let him kiss you for a few seconds. When you regained your senses, you pushed him away. He stared at you, confused by your actions.
"Kangmin, I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way..."
Kangmin rolled his eyes. "It's cause of Choi San, isn't it?"
"No," you lied. Of course it's cause of San. You were still in love with him. You didn't want to date anyone until you got over him. "I only see us as friends, Kangmin," you stated honestly. "You're a really good friend and I don't want to lose you."
Kangmin sighed. "Okay, let's just forget about this. Let's have a drink, hmm?" You nodded, following him downstairs to the kitchen.
You were talking to one of your friends while Kangmin got a drink for you.
"Thanks," you said, taking the cup from him. You took a sip of your drink. It tasted a little salty, but you didn't mind. You felt yourself relaxing a little while you nodded your head to the music. By the time you finished your drink, you felt pretty lightheaded. You clinged to Kangmin's arm. "Hey, could you take me to the couch?" you requested, words slurred. "I don't feel very good..."
"Of course," Kangmin lifted you into his arms, bridal style. He carried you upstairs into one of the rooms, shutting the door behind him with his foot. He placed you on the bed. "You don't know how long I've waited for this," he said, licking his lips while he took your crop-top off. You didn't know what was happening and your vision was really blurry. Kangmin pushed you onto your back before hovering above you. The sudden movement made your head spin even more, causing you to pass out. "Oh, too bad she couldn't stay conscious for this..." he murmured to himself. He ran his hands up from your jean-clad legs to the soft skin of your abdomen before reaching behind your body to unclasp your bra. Before he could pull the piece of clothing away from your body, the door swung open.
"You fucking bastard!" San yelled, pushing Kangmin off of you. Jongho and Hongjoong were right behind San.
"What the fuck, dude?!" Kangmin yelled. "Get out! Can't you see we're busy?!" His words pissed Jongho off. He immediately grabbed Kangmin by the collar and punched him twice in the nose. Kangmin fell to the floor, holding his broken, bloody nose in pain. Jongho wanted to punch him one more time, but Hongjoong held him back. "Don't. You'll end up killing him."
San started crying when he saw your passed out form; he couldn't even think about what would've happened if his friends didn't overhear Kangmin's friends talking about him spiking your drink. San clasped your bra back and put your crop-top on you before he lifted you into his arms. "I'm taking her to my apartment," he said to his friends.
"I'll drive you," Hongjoong offered.
When you woke up, you immediately recognized your surroundings. You had absolutely no idea of how you ended up in your ex-boyfriend's bedroom.
Your head was pounding and you wondered what time it was as it was really sunny outside. Before you could get off San's bed, he entered the room.
"You're awake," he said softly, relief clear in his eyes. "Take a shower and come eat. You must be really hungry."
"What happened? What's the time right now?" you questioned, your heart racing at the mere sight of him in a lilac hoodie and black sweatpants.
"I'll tell you after you eat," he said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "It's three in the afternoon. Doyeon got some clothes for you. There's a spare toothbrush in the bathroom."
"Thanks," you mumbled, getting up to go to the bathroom.
After you took a shower, you made your way to San's kitchen. You took a seat at the dining table, looking at all the different dishes on the table.
"You made all this?"
San shook his head. "I wasn't able to cook today. Wooyoung and Seonghwa made it. They left a few minutes ago." You noticed how tensed and sad he was; you wanted to ask him what was bothering him, but you knew he wouldn't answer your question until you ate.
You both ate in a comfortable silence. You tried to recall the events from last night, but you weren't able to. You frowned, wondering if you really drank that much.
"Are you all right, San?" you asked, settling on his couch after you both finished eating.
He took a deep breath and you noticed the slight dark circles beneath his eyes. "Can I hug y-you?" he asked, voice cracking while his eyes teared up.
You immediately scooted closer to him on the couch, wrapping your arms around him. He buried his face in the crook of your neck while he held you tightly. His body shook convulsively while he cried, his tears wetting your neck. You ran a hand through his soft hair, knowing it would help calm him down a little.
San pulled away from you, wiping his tears with the sleeve of his lilac hoodie. "I'm sorry..."
You grabbed his hand, intertwining it with yours. "What happened, Sannie?"
Hearing you call him by his nickname brought another set of fresh tears to his eyes. Your other hand reached up to wipe his tears away.
"I love you, Y/N," he confessed, more tears rolling down his cheeks. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you that before. I'm so sorry for being a jerk to you and prioritizing my reputation. I fucked up and I regret it so much." You took a deep breath, trying to control your rapid heartbeat while you listened to every word he said. "I felt like dying after what happened last night. I'm so sorry, this is all my fault," he sobbed.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What happened last night?"
"O-Oh you don't remember...?" You shook your head. San cleared his throat, trying his best to not to break down again. "Wooyoung and Hongjoong overhead Ji Kangmin's friends say that he spiked your drink after you rejected him." you froze in shock. "They immediately told us about it, and me, Hongjoong, and Jongho rushed over to you. You weren't conscious when we found you. Your top was off and he was about to take your bra off as well, but I pushed him away. Then Jongho punched him. I brought you here after that."
You stared at San in disbelief. "Kangmin s-spiked my drink...?"
San nodded. "He had it all planned. I'm sorry, Y/N... none of this would've happened if he didn't see us together." You were too shocked to say anything; you couldn't believe Kangmin would go this low just cause you rejected him. "Ji Kangmin was my bestfriend in high school. After I got a girlfriend, he acted like a bitch to me cause he wanted her. I really loved her, and she cheated on me with him. He spread a lot of false shit about me after I ended our friendship. When I tried to move on with another girl, he took her away from me too. I didn't want other people to know about us only because he would find out. I didn't want him anywhere near you because I knew he would try to take you away from me. I didn't push Hyejoo away that day because he was watching me and would get suspicious of my actions if I pushed her away. I tried my best to do everything that would keep him away from you, but I still failed..."
You burst into tears, wrapping your arms around San; you had no idea he went through all this. "I'm sorry, San. I should've listened to you when you told me he wasn't a good person," you managed to say through sobs.
"No, Y/N, I'm the one who should say sorry for not telling you all of this before." He held you, gently rocking you back and forth while he cried with you. "Thank you for rejecting him..."
You pulled away, cupping his cheek. "How could I ever date someone else when I'm love with you, San?"
His heart raced in his chest due to your words. "That's why you rejected him?"
You nodded. "And I'm glad I did."
San smiled, leaning his forehead against yours. "Can I..." he hesitated "Can I kiss you?"
"Yes, please."
San immediately captured your lips with his own, kissing you oh so gently. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He smiled, causing you to smile as well while you kissed him; you both missed this so much. The kiss was slow and soft, the two of you just wanting to savor this moment. Your hands played with his hair while his hands lazily ran down the expanse of your back. San pulled away, holding you tight against his chest.
"I know I hurt you a lot and I don't even deserve to speak to you right now... but I want to start over, Y/N," San said honestly. "I want to treat you the way you deserve... show you off to the world... I want to make things right between us. These two weeks were pure torture without you, and I realized that I can't... I can't live without you, Y/N. I really need you, baby."
You rested your head on his chest and you could hear his fast heartbeat. "I need some time, Sannie." you noticed him tense up a little and you knew exactly what he was thinking. "And no, this isn't me indirectly rejecting you or anything. I want to be with you, San. I always have and that isn't gonna change. I just need a little time, considering everything that happened." San nodded in understanding. "I promise that I will come back to you."
"I love you and I'll wait for you," San said, placing a kiss on your head.
"Thank you... I love you too, Sannie." He giggled, loving the way you say those three heart-fluttering words. He cupped your cheek to pull you into another sweet kiss, making your heart race again.
The two of you knew that no matter what, you both would always find your way back to each other.
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myherowritings · 4 years
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SUMMARY. Todoroki Shouto was a wealthy, young CEO who inherited his father’s enterprise. You were a barista at a local cafe who wouldn’t mind some extra cash. One day, Shouto came in during an early morning shift and tipped you such a large sum of money, you were certain it had to have been an accident. To your surprise and complete pleasure: It was not.
PAIRING. ceo!todoroki shouto x barista!reader
GENRE. ceo/barista au, fluff, eventual smut
WARNINGS. none in this chapter
A/N. thank u guys for all the positive feedback on this series so far and i really hope u enjoy this chapter too ! ^-^ xx sof
© myherowritings — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, copying, or translating of any kind is not allowed. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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It seemed your subtle pleas to the gods to see the mysterious businessman again had been answered, since only the day after Shouto gave you a $100 tip, you saw him at the cafe. 
You looked to the skies with a hint of suspicion. This seemed too easy— You were expecting at least a few weeks of your heart pining as you wondered where-oh-where your dreamy customer could have gone. But instead, after a mere 24 hours later, you saw him enter the store in a pair of pressed trousers and a light blue, button up shirt that was rolled just below his elbows. 
Blinking, you drew your attention away from his exposed forearms. You knew he was attractive from your first encounter, but was he always this hot? 
Sadly, you couldn’t focus too much on that since he had to get behind the line and obstruct himself from your view, and you had to take the order of the next customer. 
“Hi! I can take the next person in line.” You smiled. “Good morning! What can I get started for you today?”
After repeating that five or so more times and starting a few drinks on hot bar, you finally reached Shouto’s place and, thankfully, there didn’t seem to be too many patrons piling behind him. 
“Good morning, Shouto!” you greeted when he stepped forward to the counter. “How are you this morning?”
“Better now that I saw you.” 
Your smile faltered as your cheeks heated up, but you tried to brush it off with a laugh. While Shouto had the definite looks of a so-called businessman playboy, his words held none of the flirtatious intonation as one might expect. In fact, he sounded like he genuinely meant it— Like he was only stating a simple fact and had no reason to be shameful. 
It felt both like an attack on your heart and like a refreshing glass of water at the same time. 
“How about you?” he continued. 
“I could say the same thing,” you said with a chuckle, but you found yourself meaning everything you told him. Though you didn’t expect to see him again at the cafe so soon, you couldn’t deny the instant he walked through the doors, your morning felt just a little bit brighter. “Didn’t think I’d see you again so soon, but this is a pleasant surprise.” 
Shouto had the decency to look a little bashful as he averted his gaze slightly. “Yeah. I…really liked the...cheese danishes.” 
Surprised, a small giggle left your lips. “Don’t tell me you finished all three dozen of them!”
“Well…” He looked even more sheepish. “I didn’t exactly… I guess you could say that.” 
“I’m glad you liked them so much you came back for more,” you teased, looking down at the pastries from the oven you just stocked. “Sadly, our fresh pastry today is a chocolate croissant. I can tell my manager to have cheese danishes made again soon though!”
He shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll try the chocolate croissants today then. Maybe five dozen this time.” 
Five multiplied by twelve… A whole 60 chocolate croissants? Were they all for him? You shrugged, not one to judge. If someone wanted to eat 60 croissants, so be it. Though you did hope he wouldn’t eat it all in one sitting. That might give him a stomachache. 
“Alrighty, five dozen chocolate croissants,” you repeated as you typed it into the register. “And would you like any beverages with that? Another flat white maybe?” 
“Actually, I’ll have a large macchiato with two extra shots of espresso this time.” 
You nodded with a hum. “Long day ahead?” 
“I hope the coffee and croissants can carry you through, Shouto!” you said, wishing his day would go by smoothly. “Will that be all for you today?”
“Thank you, Y/N. I hope so too. And yes, that’s it.”
“Great. $73.24 is your total then! Will you be paying in card again?” 
He nodded. 
“Go ahead and scan and sign when you’re ready.”
You busied yourself by writing his name and order on a large cup and starting the espresso pulls. Your manager was helping get the pastries and other orders ready this morning, so it was nowhere near as hectic as yesterday. 
“Your order will be to your right. It was nice seeing you again, Shouto.” You smiled, giving him a small wave and already wishing you could hold the line up to talk to him longer. “See you tomorrow morning?” you asked almost hesitantly.
He returned your smile with upturned lips of his own. “Yeah. Tomorrow.” Before he left the counter, he pulled out another $100 bill—did he go to a dry cleaners to have his cash steamed and ironed? It was almost ridiculously crisp—and handed it to you. “A tip to show my appreciation for your service.”
“A-Again?” you stammered, eyes wide. That was $200 in two days from just his tip alone. That was more than you made in two weeks when you worked part-time! “Are you sure?”
Whether he had money to spare or not, this was incredibly generous of him and you would never have expected this amount from anyone. And it wasn’t like Shouto made it a scene for everyone in the shop to look at and gawk; he was subtle yet unashamed. Like he wanted to do it for no other reason than to do it. 
“Of course. You deserve it for your work, Y/N.”
The customer behind him made an impatient noise and you winced. You wanted to be able to thank him more, but all you had time for was a simple, “Thank you, I really appreciate it.”
Shouto nodded in response before walking to the other side of the cafe to wait for his order while you managed the other customers in line, a fuzzy but warm feeling lingering in your stomach from your bizarre interaction. Money or not, you enjoyed seeing him in the mornings and were already looking forward to your brief conversations that would take place the next days to come.
He certainly gave you something to look forward to amidst the inconsiderate customers who barely saw you as human every morning. Sometimes, that was all you could ask for. 
When Shouto left the store and the line had died down towards the end of rush hour, your manager approached you with a curious look on her face. 
“That guy named Shouto…?” Miyazaki said. 
You nodded. 
“A friend of yours?”
“You could say that… We just met yesterday’s morning shift,” you said as you finished up the green tea latte for one of the remaining stragglers from the last hour’s boom. “But he’s really friendly I think.”
“You only recently became associated?” she asked, lifting a brow. “It seemed like you two were quite chummy today.” Then, nudged your side. “He was rather attractive don’t you think? And rich-looking.”
Fumbling with the lid on the beverage, you stifled a surprised cough. Sure, you got along with your boss and thought she was one of the more understanding and kind individuals you have worked under, but gossiping about the looks and potential income of a customer with your 56-year-old manager was not on your bingo sheet as a worker here.
“I…” You called out the order for the latte before turning back to your manager. “He is.”
“Ooh, he’s rich?”
“I meant he’s attractive!” you sputtered, feeling abashed at her blunt words. You thought of the tip he gave you in your pocket and his orders of dozens of pastries. “Rich…maybe so. Not that it matters!” 
Miyazaki tsked. “Of course it matters! Marry rich and your life will be easier. That’s what my mother told me and what her mother told her.” She shook her head. “Should’ve listened.” 
You laughed, feeling only a little awkward. It wasn’t the first time you heard that sentiment from someone older than you. It wasn’t uncommon for family members or even workers you were close to to share that same advice—if you could even call it that.
While you agreed money could make a lot of things easier, marrying someone for wealth didn’t appeal to you. But you recognized that even that may come from a place of privilege to be able to say. 
“He seems like a wealthy suitor for you, yes?”
“Suitor—?” you choked out. “No! I mean— We just met! We don’t know anything about each other really.”
She sighed, “Young people and their obsession with marrying someone they ‘know’ for true love. When do you really know someone anyway?” Waving a hand she changed the topic. “But enough of that. What I wanted to say was next time that man comes in here, we can offer him a complimentary box of a dozen pastries— Since he’s spent so much in so little it feels like the right thing to do.”
“Sure. A complimentary dozen.” Finally. Work. A topic you felt much more comfortable talking about. “That, I can do.” 
“And then maybe offer a hand in marriage while you’re at it.”
“Mrs. Miyazaki!” you gasped, feeling only mildly affronted. 
“I joke.” She ruffled her hair and smoothed down her apron. “I’m going to make more pastries now. Can you hold up the front?” 
“You can count on me.”
“I know I can. Thanks for your hard work!” 
And with that, she headed to the backroom where the kitchen was to leave you alone with your thoughts in a quiet cafe. Rush hour ended so there were only a few customers trickling in, most much kinder and more pleasant to talk to than the bustling businessmen of the earlier shift. 
Throughout your small conversations with the patrons, you found yourself thinking back to two things— One, how interesting traditional values and teachings in collectivist cultures were and questioning where you fell into place with them, and two…wondering about Shouto. 
Tomorrow, he had said before he left. You’d see him again tomorrow. 
Oddly enough, you were looking forward to it more than you’d like to admit. 
— ✩ —
It was the fifth day of the week, the fifth time he had seen you at the cafe, and he was already tempted to see you again. Would it be invasive to get another pastry after work? Would you even be there working at that hour?
Shouto saw you this morning (along with all the other mornings before that) and yet he couldn’t quell the pull he felt towards you with only the short interaction time you had together. But he would take what he could get without being weird. 
He had been told in the past he could be too forward and dysregulate his feelings and scare people off, and that wasn’t something he wanted to risk with you, though he was certainly much better at it now with learning and practice. If he was reading things correctly, you at least seemed to enjoy seeing him during your shift. 
“You got more pastries, sir?” an employee from the medical supplies sector asked him gleefully. “I swear they get better each time!”
Shouto nodded with a smile. “I’m glad you like it. I’ll be sure to relay your compliment.”
With the dozens of pastries he’s been ordering from your cafe (each order seeming to grow every time he visited after realizing just how much his employees enjoyed it), he would place them around the breakrooms and staff kitchens in the establishment. Those areas were always fully stocked with drinks and sandwiches and chocolates in case anyone needed a little boost, but nothing seemed to bring as much comfort as freshly baked pastries did. And a different baked good almost everyday seemed to give people more to get excited about. 
He owed it all to your sales’ pitch and blinding smile that made him want to buy it. And your personality, of course.
His Personal Secretary had started to wonder why she no longer was tasked with his early morning coffee runs, and Shouto had to find a way to answer without saying it was because there was a barista he wanted to keep talking to. 
Not even he was that shameless. 
The first time, his PS had just called in sick and Shouto decided he might as well head to a cafe himself for the first time in a while. He worried he might have been rusty while ordering, but you did such a good job at being welcoming and guiding the transaction that he found himself actually enjoying it. (Enjoying you, maybe. But it was too soon to admit that.) 
And now, after that initial meeting, he decided it was worth half an hour of his day to give his PS some early morning break time and visit the cafe himself. 
It was worth it so much, in fact, that the next morning on a Saturday, despite most of his employees being given the weekend off, he still went to buy some coffee and pastries. 
“Good morning!” an older lady called as he entered the front doors. Shouto had seen her assisting in shifts and baking pastries when you were busy working the cash register. “What can I get started for you today?”
He looked around the store—relatively quiet compared to the rush hour during the weekdays—and to his disappointment, saw no sight of you. 
The current barista laughed, seeming to read his very thoughts. “Looking for someone? Y/N perhaps?”
His gaze shot up, feeling like a kid getting caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to by his guardian. Cautiously, he gave a small nod. 
“‘Fraid they have the weekends off, actually,” the lady—her name tag read Miyazaki—said. “But don’t look so down, they’ll be back on Monday morning to greet you with a smile.”
He nodded again, feeling his face heat up. Was he that transparent or did Miyazaki just know too much? “Thank you, ma’am.”
She chuckled, waving him over. “No need to be so formal. Now, is there anything I can get for you? Or were you just visiting in hopes of asking our dear Y/N out?”
“No— I…” Shouto felt himself averting his gaze. “I’ll order something.”
At his apparent discomfort, her mischievous gaze softened. “Of course, hon. Sorry for teasing too much. I was just excited seeing how adorable you and Y/N were.” She cleared her throat. “I mean, that’s not my business. Anyway. What can I get started for you?”
He asked for a macchiato and a couple dozen of today’s pastries, paid, and tipped. (Though, it was initially met with a blatant rejection. He didn’t take it too hard; he knew some older members of society thought of tips as insulting and he’d never force anyone to take a tip if it made them feel bad. But after offering again, she thankfully accepted it.)
When he left the cafe, although the exchange was pleasant enough, Shouto still found himself disappointed he wasn’t able to see you. 
At least he had something to look forward to next Monday morning, though part of him wished the day would somehow come sooner. 
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a/n: hope u enjoyed miyazaki’s words of wisdom u.u FHKDF i’m totally kidding, but if ur asian like me then u kNOW what convos like that are like omg ,, just had my mom and two grandmas tell me that recently :’/ kskskfd but anyway i hope u enjoyed this chapter and liked seeing a glimpse of shouto’s thoughts ;3 tysm for reading!
what to expect in the next part:
more shouto and y/n :>
maybe some ~flirting~ pfft idk idk u.u
some minor...misunderstandings 
“hello, zuko here” vibes
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