#so now I gotta figure out how I’m gonna take all of it without breaking anything so :-(
mcnuggyy · 1 year
ough :-( realizing I may have to ship another box cause I underestimated just how much art stuff and clothes I still have left waa </3
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yourplayersaidwhat · 1 month
Context: We had just robbed the NPC’s mansion during a party, stealing an amulet required for our quest, his wife, and his stepdaughter. This was a couple of years ago so my memory is a little hazy.
DM: As you go to leave, you hear a noise behind you and turn to see [NPC] floating down from the bedroom window, his cloak billowing.
Other players ooc: Should we attack him?
Druid (Me) ooc: Wait hold on a minute… Yes! I have Charm Person! Nobody attack I’m gonna charm him.
DM: Alright you charm him. What do you want to do now?
Party: Tell him to let us go without a fight!
Me: Alright, uh, [NPC], how about you just… Don’t attack us for stealing from you?
NPC: What? Why would I attack you, my bestie? Hey, why don’t you come in and enjoy the party? There’s plenty of food and drink to go around!
Me: Um, well, we’ve actually gotta head off now, get back home and get some sleep you know?
NPC: Are you sure you don’t want to come in for a quick drink? But if you really have to head off, I look forward to seeing you around. Well, I’d better get back inside then!
Me: Wait one last thing
Party: ???
Me: Your cloak is so cool, why is it always billowing like that when there’s no wind?
NPC: Oh, it’s magic! It always billows no matter what.
Me: Ok, that’s cool. Can I have it?
DM: Yes, he’s wearing other clothes. He takes of his cloak and gives it to you then walks back inside.
Me: Noice. I quickly run back into the main party room and grab my pigeons from under the table, as well as all the snacks I can carry.
Around a year later, we were sailing a stolen pirate ship across the ocean in the middle of nowhere on our way back to the mainland when we spotted another ship on the horizon. 
DM: As the ship draws nearer, you recognise- wait who was here with the same characters last year? Ok, Druid and Warlock recognise the figure standing at the stern of the ship, his cloak billowing. Also on the ship you see a few other people who were at that party, including the guy with the giant lizard, the man in a dress that Rogue wanted to fuck before they realised he was a hippo, and a few other people.
NPC: HEY GUYS WHAT WHERE’S MY WIFE? (he had sent a great deal of angry letters to us over the year asking for her back. We had left her in a town where she went off to be a strong independent woman with her daughter)
Me: We don’t have her! I sent you a pigeon explaining it!
DM: The boats pull up side to side, and a fight breaks out.
(one fight later)
Me: I approach the npc’s body. Is his cloak still billowing on his corpse?
DM: Yeah I guess.
Me: I pick it up and put it on over the top of my other cloak.
452 notes · View notes
brunchable · 28 days
LAZARUS SERUM || Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Part I
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Part Two | Part Three Words: 8.5K Themes: Very Angsty?, Break-up, Violence, Kidnapped, Super Human transformation, Action, Attempted Assault, Lovers to Enemies, Enemies to Lovers. Summary: Set in 1942. Steve allowed being a Super Soldier inflate his ego. After a breaking up with Steve, your world shatters then you're abducted and subjected to a mysterious experiment. A/N: I was washing the dishes when this came to me. I thought Y/N was really BADASS at the end. Baby girl is bad bitch, she on Fire. Paint the town red can be her song. A reblog would be noice <3
The sun was setting over Brooklyn, casting long shadows across the streets. You and Steve walked side by side, your fingers intertwined, the cool breeze of the evening wrapping around you both. Steve’s small hand fit perfectly in yours, a comforting reminder of the years you had spent together, supporting each other through thick and thin. 
It wasn’t easy being with him, especially with how the world treated him—just a scrawny, sickly guy who never knew when to give up. 
Your parents disapproved and your friends laughed at you for choosing Steve over James. You always tell Steve, ‘If they laugh, then fuck'em all.’
He has a good heart and you loved him for it— for his determination, his kindness, and his unwavering sense of right and wrong.
As you walked, a heavy silence hung between you. The reason was clear: James or known as Bucky Barnes, was shipping out to fight in the war. The three of you had been inseparable, a trio bound by shared history and deep affection. But now, Bucky was leaving, and the thought of losing him weighed heavily on your heart.
“Well, I guess this is it. I’m heading out tomorrow.” Bucky finally stopped and turned to you both, forcing a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
You nodded, trying to keep the sadness from showing on your face. “It’s not going to be the same without you, Bucky.”
He gave a small chuckle, though it lacked its usual warmth. “You’ll manage. You’ve got this punk to keep you busy.” He playfully nudged Steve, who smiled weakly in return.
“I should be going with you, Bucky,” Steve said, his voice tight with emotion.
“You’re gonna be fine, Steve. You’ve got that heart of yours, and that’s stronger than any muscle.” Bucky’s expression softened, and he reached out, placing a firm hand on Steve’s shoulder. He turned to you, his gaze filled with concern. 
“And you, Y/N… take care of him, will ya? Someone’s gotta keep him out of trouble.”
You forced a smile, swallowing the lump in your throat. “I will, Bucky. I promise.”
Bucky pulled you into a tight hug, holding you for a moment longer than necessary. When he finally let go, he clasped hands with Steve, their handshake lingering as they both tried to hold onto the moment.
“Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone,” Bucky said, trying to lighten the mood.
Steve gave a small laugh, but it was strained. “No promises.”
With one last look at both of you, Bucky nodded, then turned and walked away, his figure disappearing into the distance. 
As he left, the weight of his absence settled over you like a thick fog. The world suddenly felt colder, emptier without Bucky’s presence.
“He’ll be okay,” Steve said quietly, more to himself than to you, as you both stood there in silence, watching Bucky disappear.You leaned into Steve, seeking comfort in his presence. 
“I hope so. I don’t know what we’ll do if something happens to him.” Steve squeezed your hand, trying to be reassuring. 
“He’s strong. He’ll make it back.” But deep down, both of you knew there were no guarantees in war.
× × × × 
A few weeks later, the day finally came when Steve received his enlistment notice. You were there when he got the news, a mixture of pride and worry swirling in your chest. He had finally done it—he was going to fight in the war, just like Bucky. But that also meant he was leaving you behind, just like Bucky.
“I can’t believe it,” Steve said, staring at the paper in his hands, his voice filled with excitement. “I’m actually going.”
You smiled, though it was bittersweet. “I knew you would. You’re the most determined person I’ve ever met, Steve. They’d be crazy not to let you in.”
 “I couldn’t have done it without you, Y/N. You’ve always believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself.” Steve looked up at you, his expression softening.
You reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. “I’m so proud of you, Steve. You’re going to do great things. Just… promise me you’ll be careful.”
Steve’s eyes were filled with emotion as he pulled you into a tight embrace. “I promise, Y/N. I’ll come back to you. I swear.”
But as you held him, a deep sadness settled over you. First Bucky, now Steve—everyone you cared about was leaving, going off to fight a war that seemed so far removed from your life in Brooklyn. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread, a fear that things would never be the same again.
× × × × 
The day Steve came back from the super-soldier program, everything changed. You had waited anxiously for news, praying that everything would go smoothly, that he would come back to you safe and sound. When you finally saw him again, it was nothing like you imagined.
The first time you laid eyes on the new Steve Rogers was outside a government building, where a crowd had gathered. You pushed your way through, eager to see him after weeks of silence. When you finally spotted him, your breath caught in your throat.There he was—tall, muscular, and impossibly different. The boy you once knew was gone, replaced by a man who exuded power and confidence. It was Steve, and yet it wasn’t.
“Steve!” you called out, your voice lost in the noise of the crowd. You tried to make your way toward him, but the throng of people pushed you back, jostling you aside as they clamored for a closer look at the hero.
Steve seemed oblivious to the crowd around him, focused entirely on the conversation he was having with a woman by his side—Peggy Carter. You had heard about her, of course, but seeing them together was different. There was an ease between them that made your heart sink.
“Steve!” you called out again, louder this time, but he didn’t hear you—or if he did, he didn’t acknowledge it. You watched as Peggy leaned in closer, her hand resting on his arm in a way that felt far too familiar.
Then, as if in slow motion, you saw Steve get into a car with her, leaving you standing alone in the crowd, feeling completely invisible.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He was supposed to see you, to run to you, to hold you in his arms like he always did. But instead, he was driving away with someone else, and you were left behind, forgotten.
× × × ×
A few weeks pass by with not one word from Steve, the last time you heard his voice was on the radio, giving a speech that would motivate the soldiers out there or in the newspaper. You were sitting by the window, reading a book while your cat rested peacefully on your lap. Then, there was a knock at the door. You kept your ears attentive, though your eyes were focused somewhere else.
You heard your mother answer it, and you listened as she exchanged a few words with whoever was at the door. A moment later, she called out to you, “Y/N, there’s a soldier here to see you.”
You furrowed your brow in confusion as you walked toward the door. A soldier? Why would—?
As you reached the doorway, your breath caught in your throat. There, standing in the threshold, was Steve Rogers, but not the Steve you remembered. He was taller, broader, wearing an army uniform that fit him perfectly, and his entire presence seemed… different. The frail, sickly boy you had known was gone, replaced by a man you barely recognized.
“Do you know this gentleman, dear?” Your mother, still standing by the door, looked between you and Steve, clearly confused. 
“It’s me, Mrs. L/N, Steve Rogers.” Steve gave her a warm smile, his voice deeper than you remembered. 
Your mother blinked, looking Steve up and down before recognition finally dawned on her face. “Steve? My goodness, look at you! I didn’t even recognize you. You look… Well, you look like a different person altogether!”
“Yes, he… he certainly does.” You forced a smile, still trying to process the fact that he's standing there. 
“Well, I’ll leave you two to catch up. I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything.” Your mother gave you a strange look as she walked past, heading back into the house. 
The heck was that about?
As she disappeared into the other room, you turned your attention back to Steve, your heart pounding. You looked up at him, which was something you weren't used to. He's so. . .tall.
“Steve… is that really you?”
“It’s me, Y/N,” Steve replied, his voice deeper than you remembered. “I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch. Things have been… crazy in the last couple of days.”
“I’m just glad you’re okay.” You nodded, trying to hide your disappointment.
Steve smiled, a hint of the old Steve you knew shining through. “I’m more than okay. I want to make it up to you. How about I take you out to dinner tonight? Just the two of us.”
Your heart lifted at the thought. Maybe this was your chance to reconnect, to get back to the way things were. 
“I’d like that,” you said softly. “I’d like that a lot.”
“Listen, I need to go back but I'll see you at our favorite spot? Six-thirty?” He reaches for your hands and kissed the back of it. 
“I’ll be there,” you chuckled at his romantic gesture.
“Don’t keep me waiting.” He winks at you, and you couldn’t help but giggle. This new playful side of him, got you hooked like a fish.
× × × ×
“Good evening, Ma'am. Do you have a reservation for tonight?” the hostess asked politely, her hands poised over the guest book.
“Yes. Steve Rogers?”
The hostess scanned the list, her finger trailing down the page. “Table 11. Right this way.” She smiled warmly and gestured for you to follow.
Your heart quickened as you anticipated seeing Steve, but when you reached the table, your smile faltered. The chair opposite you was empty. The hostess pulled it out for you, and with a quiet sigh, you sat down, your eyes flickering anxiously toward the door.
“Can I offer you any refreshments?” 
“Not at the moment.”
“No problem. Let us know if you need anything.” With a nod, she left you alone, leaving the weight of the evening to settle over you.
Minutes turned into an hour, and you found yourself glancing at the door every time it opened, only to be met with disappointment as someone other than Steve entered. As the hours passed, your hope began to wane, replaced by a growing knot of irritation in your chest.
But as the hours ticked by, your hope began to fade. The restaurant was closing, and still, there was no sign of him. The waitstaff was cleaning up around you, giving you sympathetic looks as you sat there alone, trying to hold back the tears.
The restaurant was winding down, the waitstaff quietly cleaning up around you. Their sympathetic looks were hard to ignore as you sat alone, struggling to keep your emotions in check. You felt a lump in your throat, your eyes stinging as you blinked back tears.
“Miss, I don’t mean to be rude, but we’re closing,” a waiter said gently, approaching you with a cautious smile.
You nodded, trying to muster some semblance of dignity, “I’m so sorry. I’ll be on my way.” You snuffled and smiled as you got up from your seat. Getting up alone was hard, the weight of embarrassment was weighing you down. 
Just as you turned to leave, the door swung open. Steve rushed in, his face flushed and hair slightly disheveled. “Y/N, I’m so sorry,” he blurted out, hurrying over to you. “I got caught up in something important. I didn’t mean to be late.”
The staff paused in their work, their eyes shifting between you and Steve. There stood the dashing soldier, looking every bit the hero in his crisp uniform, yet here he was, unmistakably late. As their gazes turned to you in your lavender shirtwaist dress, it was clear they understood why you had waited so long.
“It’s eleven.” Your voice seethed after glancing at your watch, noticing a red smudge on his collar, “They’re closed. Let’s talk outside.”
Without waiting for a response, you cleared your throat and walked out, brushing past him intentionally to make your anger known. Steve followed closely behind, sensing the storm brewing between you two. This was the first time he had been this late, and you were struggling to decide whether to forgive him easily or let him feel the full weight of your emotions.
“Steve, where were you? I waited for hours,” you said, trying to keep your voice whole, this feeling like you were losing him is foreign and hard to keep internally.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I got caught up with something… important.” Steve barely met your gaze, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. 
“More important than us?” The words slipped out before you could stop them, the pain of being pushed aside finally surfacing.
Steve sighed, his shoulders slumping. “It’s not like that. You know I’m trying to do the right thing. There’s so much going on, and I—”
“Forgot about me?” You didn’t want to be this person, but the loneliness and the fear of losing him had been building up for too long. Without Bucky around, you had no one to turn to, no one to share this burden with. “I understand that you have responsibilities now, but you made a promise.”
He finally looked at you, guilt flashing in his eyes. “Y/N, I’m not leaving you behind. I just. . . things are different.”
“I can see that,” you said, you look at him from head to toe. The man standing in front of you wasn’t the same Steve who used to hold you and make you feel like the most important person in the world. This was someone else, someone who had outgrown you, “You’ve changed, and I’m not talking about your appearance.”
“I’m still me, Y/N. But now, I have responsibilities, people who rely on me.” Steve looked down, guilt flashing in his eyes. 
“And what about me?” you asked, the hurt evident in your voice. “Do I even matter anymore, or was I just someone to keep you company when you had nothing else?”
“Don’t say that,” Steve replied quickly out of spite, “Maybe… maybe you were only with me because you felt sorry for me. For who I was.”
His words cut deep, and you recoiled as if he had struck you. “You think I was with you out of pity? Is that what you believe?”
“I don’t know,” Steve said, his voice strained.
“How could you think that?” you said, your voice rising with a mix of anger and hurt. “I was with you because I love you, Steve. Not because I felt sorry for you. I believed in you, and I loved you for who you were, not because of what you couldn’t do or how you appear.”
“I’m just not sure where I fit in this new world, and I’m not sure where you fit in it either. I'm trying to wo—”
Your chest began feeling tight because of his words. You had always known that things would change after the serum, but you never expected him to question your feelings like this. 
“So, what are you saying? That there’s no place for me in your life anymore? That I don’t belong because you’ve become someone else?” You emphasized his structure with your hand.
Steve shook his head, looking frustrated. “I don’t know what I’m saying. I just… I feel like we’re both hanging on to something that’s already gone.”
“Already gone? Nothing was gone, at least not on my part.” Tears welled up in your eyes, but you fought to keep your voice from cracking, “Is there someone else? Is that why you’re looking for a way out?”
“No! Of course not. It's because for once in myself I feel like I'm worth something,” he said, running a hand through his hair.
The finality of his words hit you like a punch to the gut. You had fought so hard to hold onto him, to keep the love between you alive, but now it felt like you were losing that battle. You had wanted him to stay tonight, to make things right, but now you weren’t sure if there was anything left to salvage.
Finally, you couldn’t take it anymore. You turned away, the tears you had been holding back finally spilling over. 
“You know what? Just… go, Steve. Do whatever it is you have to do. I will not think less of myself just because you do not know how to love me anymore.” you said, your voice heavy with resignation.
“Y/N…” Steve’s voice was soft, filled with regret, but you couldn’t face him. Not now.
“Please, Steve. Just go.”
What you really wanted to say was, “Please stay. Show me that I still matter to you.” But you couldn’t bring yourself to say it. You were too afraid that he wouldn’t fight for you, and the thought of that was too painful to bear.
Steve hesitated, his eyes wandering as if trying to find the right words. He just stood there, saying nothing. 
You took a deep breath, your heart pounding as you walked closer to him, his face softening as you reached up and gently adjusted his collar. Your fingers brushed against the fabric, lingering just a moment longer than necessary. 
Then, in the calmest voice you could muster, you said, “Lemon helps with removing lipstick stains.”
Steve’s eyes widened in panic, his hand instinctively reaching up to touch the spot where your fingers had been.
“Y/N, I seriously don't know how this got here—” he began and it almost sounded genuine, his voice filled with panic as he tried to close the distance between you.
But you took a step back, your eyes now red and brimming with tears. You raised a hand to stop him, your voice breaking as you sobbed deeply, “Don’t. Just… don’t.”
Steve’s heart shattered at the sight of you sobbing, your pain a statement in every tear that fell. His instinct was to reach out, to hold you, but your outstretched hand and the heartbreak in your eyes kept him rooted to the spot.
If Bucky were here… The thought pierced his mind like a knife, and suddenly, jealousy coursed through him, hot and irrational. Bucky. The one person who had always managed to make you smile, even when he couldn’t. The one who could draw out your laughter with just a word, a look. The one who, despite being his best friend, had always been a shadow in the corner of Steve’s mind when it came to you.
Was it easier with Bucky? Did you love Bucky more than him? Had you ever thought of Bucky in ways that Steve couldn’t bear to imagine?
“You should’ve just chosen Bucky.” Steve muttered and with one last, tortured look at you, Steve turned away, his steps. He walked away, leaving you standing there, your tears flowing freely now. He didn’t look back, too afraid of what he might see if he did.
Your breath caught in your throat, the shock of his words slicing through the already unbearable pain. You stared at him, wide-eyed, unable to process the bitterness in his voice, the finality of his statement.
The Steve you had known was gone. You didn’t know if looking for him would be worth it because you knew how it would feel—it would feel like reaching for smoke.
Heartbroken and feeling more isolated than ever, you decided to walk home alone. Your cries echoes the street, water gushing out of your eyes like it’s being released by a dam. The echo of your footsteps on the empty streets was a haunting reminder of just how alone you felt. Steve had left, and with him, it felt like a part of your heart had been ripped away.
Steve’s words replayed in your mind, cutting deeper with every repetition. The idea that he thought you might have been with him out of pity or that you're better off with Bucky was a knife to your heart, twisting with every breath.
The streets of Brooklyn were eerily quiet, the usual bustle replaced by an unsettling stillness. The lamps cast long, distorted shadows across the pavement, and every sound seemed amplified in the silence. You quickened your pace, trying to escape the weight of your thoughts, but it was no use. 
As you turned down a narrow street, the familiar surroundings suddenly felt foreign and oppressive. You hugged your coat tighter around you, your mind racing with a mixture of fear and despair. Ahead, the road forked into two directions—one leading to your home, the other into an even darker, narrower alley. You turned towards home, your heart pounding as you tried to shake the feeling of being watched.
Then, without warning, you heard the screech of tires on the asphalt. Before you could react, a van skidded to a stop in front of you, its headlights blinding in the dark street. The doors flew open, and three men in dark clothing jumped out, their faces obscured by shadows.
Panic surged through you as you spun on your heel, trying to run, but it was too late. They were on you in an instant, their grips like iron as they dragged you towards the van.
“No! Let me go! Help! Please someone!” you screamed, thrashing against their hold, but your voice was swallowed by the night, and the empty streets offered no help. Your heart raced, the fear consuming you as you struggled with the best you can.
A cloth was suddenly pressed against your mouth and nose, and a sickly sweet smell filled your senses. You tried to hold your breath, to fight against the drowsiness that quickly overtook you, but it was no use. The world around you started to blur, your vision darkening as your body went limp.
The last thing you heard before everything went black was the sound of the van doors slamming shut and the dull roar of the engine as it sped away into the night.
× × × ×
When you woke, the world was a haze of pain and confusion. The first thing you noticed was the cold metal pressing against your back, you were naked. Your wrists and ankles were strapped to a metal table, the restraints biting into your skin. Panic clawed at your chest as you struggled against the bonds, but they held firm, keeping you pinned down.
Your vision was blurry, your head pounding from whatever they had used to knock you out. Slowly, the room around you came into focus—bare, clinical, with walls of stark white. You weren’t in Brooklyn anymore. You weren’t anywhere you recognized.
You heard voices, cold and detached, speaking in hushed tones. You couldn’t make out the words, but the tone sent chills down your spine. Footsteps approached, and a shadow loomed over you.
A man’s face came into view, his expression devoid of any warmth or compassion. “She’s awake. Prepare the serum.”
The word “serum” sent a jolt of fear through you, and you renewed your struggles, trying to break free. But the restraints didn’t budge, and the man paid no attention to your terror or the muffled screams that bounced off the walls.
You felt a sharp prick in your arm as they injected something into your veins. Immediately, a searing pain shot through your body, like liquid fire burning through every nerve. You tried to scream, but your voice was caught in your throat, choked off by the agony that consumed you.
The pain was unbearable and you could feel your body convulsing on the table, your muscles seizing as the serum spread through you. It felt like your entire being was being torn apart, every cell screaming in protest. You began to foam in the mouth, the scene your captors watched was like out of an exorcist movie.
And then… nothing. The world around you went dark, and you slipped into unconsciousness, the pain finally giving way to merciful oblivion.
“Sir, should we stop?” One of them said, “Her vital signs are getting dangerously out of limits, she might go into cardiac arrest.”
“No, keep going until that last vial is finished. I want to see what’ll happen. Then we repeat until there’s signs of success.” 
You awoke to the sensation of your body being dragged, rough hands gripping your arms as they pulled you across the cold, unforgiving floor. Your vision was clouded, your mind struggling to grasp onto reality as the fog of unconsciousness began to lift. Every inch of you ached, a dull, throbbing pain that seemed to seep into your very bones.
As you were hoisted back onto the metal table, the cold surface pressed against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. The restraints clamped down on your wrists and ankles once more, their cruel bite familiar by now. The room around you was still the same—sterile, white, and devoid of any humanity.
You tried to speak, but your throat was on dry and on fire, your voice barely a whisper. "Please... stop..."
Your plea fell on deaf ears. The figures in lab coats moved around you with the same clinical detachment as before, their faces obscured by surgical masks. One of them approached, holding a clipboard, his eyes scanning the data as if you were nothing more than a lab rat.
"Her vitals stabilized overnight," he said, his tone matter-of-fact. "But... the readings are inconsistent. I'm not sure if the serum is taking effect."
The man from before—the one who had ordered the serum—stepped into view, his expression as cold and unreadable as ever. He leaned over you, his eyes scrutinizing your face with a mix of curiosity and impatience.
"Let's see if she can handle more," he said, his voice flat, giving nothing away.
Panic surged through you, your heart racing as you remembered the excruciating pain from the day before. You tried to struggle, but your body was too weak, too drained from the torment they had already inflicted on you.
The man nodded to one of his colleagues, who approached with another syringe, the liquid inside glowing with an ominous, sickly hue. You watched in horror as the needle approached your arm, every muscle in your body tensing with dread.
"No... no, please..." you begged, your voice breaking.
But they didn't stop. The needle pierced your skin once again, and the liquid fire coursed through your veins, more intense than before. The pain was immediate, searing through you like a thousand white-hot knives. You thrashed against the restraints, your screams tearing through the air, but there was no escape from the agony.
The world around you blurred as the pain became all-consuming, every nerve in your body ablaze. You could feel your heart pounding erratically, your vision darkening at the edges. It was too much, too overwhelming.
But this time, there was no merciful oblivion waiting for you. The pain persisted, dragging you down into a nightmare from which there was no escape. Your body convulsed violently, your muscles seizing as the serum wreaked havoc within you.
The voices around you became distant, muffled by the roaring in your ears. You couldn't make out what they were saying, but their tone was one of cold observation, detached from the suffering they were causing.
"Her body's reacting... but the patterns aren't consistent. It’s hard to tell if it’s working or if she’s just... rejecting it."
"Increase the dosage," the man ordered, his eyes narrowing slightly as he watched your writhing form. "We need to push her further. If there's any sign of success, we'll see it soon enough."
"But sir," one of the lab technicians hesitated, his voice uncertain. "If we push too hard, she might not survive the next round. The readings are already erratic—she could go into shock or worse."
"That’s a risk I’m willing to take," the man replied coldly. "We won’t know until we push her limits."
Your heart sank at his words. There was no end to this. They were going to keep pushing, keep testing, until either the serum took hold of your body or gave out entirely.
As you lay there, barely conscious, the pain began to ebb slightly, leaving you trembling and drenched in sweat. Your breaths came in ragged gasps, your chest heaving as you tried to cling to consciousness.
"Prepare the next dose," the man ordered, his voice devoid of any empathy.
This time, your heart sank even deeper. The nightmare wasn’t just beginning—it was accelerating, and there was no way out. You were trapped in this hell, at the mercy of those who saw you as nothing more than an experiment, a means to an end. And whether or not the serum was taking effect, you knew that whatever happened next would push you to your breaking point—and beyond.
When you woke, the familiar chill of the metal table greeted you. The room was as stark and clinical as ever, but something had changed within you. The pain was still there, a constant, gnawing presence, but it no longer controlled you. You had become accustomed to it, numb to its bite. It was just another part of your existence now.
Eighty days.
Eighty days of torment, of relentless experimentation, of feeling your body and mind pushed to their breaking points and beyond. You had lost track of time somewhere around the third week, the days and nights blending into a seamless blur of agony and darkness. But even as the days passed, you remained conscious, aware—alive.
The door to the room opened, and you didn’t bother to turn your head. You knew who it was. The man with the cold eyes approached, his footsteps echoing on the hard floor. He had become a constant in your world, his presence as regular as the pain he inflicted. 
“You’re still with us, I see,” he remarked, his tone as detached as ever. He moved closer, inspecting the restraints that held you down. “Most impressive.”
You didn’t respond. You hadn’t spoken in days—there was nothing left to say. Every word, every plea had fallen on deaf ears. You had learned long ago that silence was your only companion in this hell.
“Her vitals are stronger,” a technician noted, glancing at the monitors that tracked your every heartbeat. “We’ve noticed a significant increase in her strength and resilience. The serum seems to be taking effect.”
The man nodded, though there was no satisfaction in his expression. “Eighty days,” he mused, as if talking to himself. “Eighty days, and you’re still here. Stronger, faster… more than we ever anticipated.”
He turned his gaze to you, his eyes narrowing slightly. “But are you in control, I wonder? Or has the serum taken control of you?”
His words hung in the air, but you didn’t flinch. The battle for control was something you fought every day, every hour. The serum coursing through your veins had changed you in ways you couldn’t fully understand yet, but you were still you—or so you told yourself.
“Let’s see if we can push it further,” he said, signaling to the technician.
The restraints were released, and you felt the cold metal slide away from your wrists and ankles. You didn’t move, not yet. You had learned to conserve your strength, to hold back until the moment was right.
“Sit up,” he commanded.
You obeyed, slowly raising yourself into a seated position. Your movements were deliberate, controlled. You could feel the power coursing through your body, every muscle coiled with potential energy, but you kept it in check.
The man stepped back, giving you space, watching you closely. “Stand.”
You slid off the table, your bare feet touching the cold floor. You stood, swaying slightly as the blood rushed to your head. But you remained upright, your gaze locked on the man who had been your tormentor for nearly three months.
“Walk,” he ordered, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.
You took a step forward, then another. Your legs were shaky at first, but you quickly found your balance. Each movement felt strange, foreign, as if you were inhabiting a body that wasn’t entirely your own. But you continued, step after step, until you were standing directly in front of him.
“Good,” he said, nodding approvingly. “Very good.”
He reached out, placing a hand on your shoulder. The touch was light, almost gentle, but you could sense the underlying threat in it. “Now, let’s see just how far we can take this.”
You didn’t react as he motioned for the guards to step forward, their weapons at the ready. You knew what was coming next. This was another test, another attempt to push you beyond your limits.
The guards surrounded you, their faces expressionless, their grips tight on their weapons. The man gave a slight nod, and they moved as one, striking out at you with calculated precision.
But this time, you were ready. The serum had done its work. You were faster, stronger, and as their blows came toward you, you reacted with a speed that surprised even you. You deflected the first strike with ease, the second with even greater efficiency. Your movements were fluid, instinctual, a dance of power and precision.
Within moments, the guards were on the ground, groaning in pain, their weapons scattered across the floor. You stood over them, breathing heavily, your heart pounding with adrenaline. The power surging through you was intoxicating, overwhelming, but you were in control. For now.
The man watched you with a hint of something in his eyes—respect, maybe, or perhaps something more sinister.
“Yes,” he murmured, more to himself than to you. “This is what we’ve been waiting for.”
You stood there, the blood rushing in your ears, your body alive with the thrill of what you had just done. But beneath it all, there was a gnawing sense of unease. You had changed, become something different, something more. But at what cost?
As the guards were dragged away, the man turned to you once more. “Eighty days,” he repeated, a slight smile playing on his lips. “And now, the real work begins.”
You didn’t respond. You had nothing left to say. The battle was far from over, and as you looked into the cold, calculating eyes of your captor, you knew that whatever came next would push you even further into the darkness.
But you were ready. Because after eighty days of hell, you had learned one thing—you would survive, no matter what.
DAY 100
The pain had reached a point where it was almost surreal, as if your mind had detached itself from your body to protect what was left of your sanity. You lay strapped to the cold metal table, your skin clammy, your breaths shallow. The serum that had been forced into your veins was taking its final toll. Your vision blurred, the edges of your world darkening as you teetered on the brink of consciousness.
The man with the cold eyes stood over you, his expression hard as he watched the monitors tracking your vitals. He had been relentless, pushing the experiments further each day, determined to force the serum to work. But today, something was different. The lines on the monitor were becoming erratic, your heart rate spiking and dipping unpredictably.
"Her vitals are deteriorating rapidly," a technician warned, his voice tinged with anxiety. "She's not stabilizing. We should stop."
The man clenched his jaw, his eyes narrowing. "We’re too close. Increase the dosage."
"But sir, she won't survive—"
"Do it!" he barked, cutting off the protest.The technician hesitated for a moment before injecting you with another dose of the glowing serum. The liquid fire surged through your veins, and the world around you exploded into pain once again. But this time, it was different—this time, your body couldn’t take it.
You convulsed violently on the table, the restraints digging into your skin as your body fought a losing battle. Your vision darkened further, the room around you fading into an indistinct blur. Your heart pounded wildly in your chest, a desperate rhythm that couldn’t keep pace with the assault on your system.
And then, it stopped. The world around you went silent. your life flashed before your eyes, beginning with the warmth of your childhood—the comforting embrace of your mother as she read you stories at night, the sound of her laughter filling your small apartment in Brooklyn. You remembered the day you met Steve, the shy, awkward boy who had tripped over his own feet trying to impress you, and Bucky’s teasing grin as he nudged Steve forward, encouraging him to finally ask you out. There were memories of long summer days spent in the park, the three of you inseparable, sharing ice cream and dreams of the future.
But then, the memories shifted. The warmth drained away as you saw Steve walking away from you, his back turned, his footsteps echoing in the empty space between you. . .
“Dispose of the body.”
× × × ×
D - 100
When you woke up this time, you weren’t in the cold, sterile room. Instead, you were lying in an alley, discarded like trash. The hard, wet pavement was unforgiving against your body, and the chill in the air bit through your clothes. You don’t know what day or even month it was.
Your once neat and tidy outfit was now torn and filthy, covered in grime and dirt from the alleyway. The lavender shirtwaist dress you had worn so proudly earlier was now barely recognizable, stained with mud and who knows what else.
Your hair, once carefully styled, was now a tangled mess, strands sticking to your face, damp with sweat and the moisture of the night. You could feel the grit and dirt under your nails, the remnants of your struggle to free yourself from whatever hellish place you had been held. Your hands were scraped and raw, the skin broken and bleeding in places.
Your face felt gritty, as if you’d been dragged through the dirt. As you lifted a hand to touch your cheek, you could feel the rough texture of dried blood and dirt clinging to your skin. Your body aches all over, every muscle sore from the strain of whatever had been done to you. The cold dusk air bit into your exposed skin, making you shiver as you struggled to push yourself up from the ground.
The street was dimly lit, the sound of distant traffic the only sign of life around you. The once-familiar streets of Brooklyn now felt alien and hostile, and in your current state, you felt like a ghost haunting the city you once knew.
You stood there, shivering and alone, the reality of your situation sank in. Whoever had taken you had done something to you—something that had changed you. But they had deemed you a failure, or perhaps an afterthought, and simply left you to fend for yourself.
You felt stronger, different, but the overwhelming sense of abandonment weighed heavily on your heart. You looked down at your hands, trembling as you tried to comprehend what had happened to you.
Just as you began to move, your disheveled appearance caught the attention of a group of men lurking in the shadows. They saw an easy target—someone weak, vulnerable, alone. Their eyes locked onto you, and you could feel their gazes crawling over you like a predator sizing up its prey. But they had no idea what they were about to face.
“Hey, look what we got here,” one of them called out, his voice dripping with malice. He stepped forward, a smirk spreading across his face as he took in your bedraggled state. “You look like you’ve had a rough night, sweetheart.”
Another man snickered, his eyes narrowing as he moved to block your path. “Where you headed in such a hurry? We could keep you company.”
The men began to circle you, cutting off any chance of escape. Their leers and mocking laughter echoed off the walls of the alley, making your skin crawl. You backed away, your heart racing, but they kept closing in, their intent all too clear.
One of them reached out to grab your arm, but before his hand could make contact, something snapped inside you. The fear that had gripped you earlier was replaced by a cold, detached resolve. 
With a sudden burst of strength, you lashed out, your fist connecting with the man’s jaw. The impact sent him reeling backward, blood spurting from his mouth. He stumbled, crashing into a pile of trash cans with a loud clatter, his smug expression replaced by shock.
The other men hesitated, their bravado faltering as they realized you were not the helpless victim they had assumed. But their hesitation quickly turned to anger, and they surged forward, determined to make you pay for their friend’s humiliation.
But they didn’t stand a chance.
With a newfound power surging through your veins, you moved like a force of nature. You dodged their clumsy attempts to grab you, your movements fluid and precise. Every strike you landed sent them staggering back, their groans of pain filling the air.
One man lunged at you, his hands reaching for your throat, but you ducked under his grasp, spinning on your heel to deliver a powerful kick to his midsection. The force of the blow knocked the wind out of him, and he crumpled to the ground, gasping for breath.
Another man tried to grab you from behind, but you twisted out of his grip, your elbow slamming into his ribs with a sickening crack. He howled in pain, clutching his side as he fell to his knees.
The last man standing looked at you with wide, fearful eyes, his confidence shattered. “What the hell are you?” he stammered, backing away.
You stared at him, feeling that cold detachment settle over you once more. “Someone you should never have messed with,” you replied, your voice calm and steady.
Without another word, you stepped forward and struck him with a swift, powerful punch. He didn’t have time to react before he was sent crashing to the ground, unconscious.
As you stood there, surrounded by the groaning forms of the men who had tried to attack you, the reality of what you had just done began to sink in. You had taken them down with ease, without even thinking. The fear that had gripped you earlier was gone, replaced by something else—something darker, more dangerous.
You looked down at your hands, trembling slightly as you tried to process what had just happened. They were bruised and dirty, knuckles bloodied from the fight, but they were steady, powerful. You weren’t the same person who had been taken from the streets and subjected to whatever hellish experiment had been done to you.
You were stronger now, and that strength came with a cold, hard edge that scared you as much as it empowered you.
But there was no time to dwell on it. You needed to get out of there, to find somewhere safe where you could figure out what had been done to you. You took a deep breath, steadying yourself before you began to walk away from the alley, leaving the men behind.
As you disappeared into the early morning light, the realization that you were truly alone settled in your heart. You had been discarded, left to fend for yourself. But you would survive this. You would become stronger, faster, more powerful than anyone who had ever underestimated you.
And if Steve had truly discarded you as well, if he had moved on and left you behind, then you would prove that you didn’t need him—or anyone else.
By the time the sun began to rise, you were no longer the same person who had waited at that restaurant, hoping for a fresh start. The flame that once burned brightly for Steve had turned to cold, hardened embers.
You vowed never to let anyone discard you again.
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, you trudged through the streets, your skin a canvas of bruises and cuts, each one a testament to the brutality you had endured. The world around you seemed surreal, almost detached, as if you were walking through a twisted dream. 
People noticed you—how could they not? Their eyes lingered a fraction too long before they darted away, some filled with pity, others with fear or disgust. Concerned mothers pulled their children closer, shielding them from the sight of you as if you were a monster, something to be feared and avoided. Whispers followed you like a shadow, just out of earshot but thick with judgment, dripping with the cruelty of strangers who saw only the surface.
No one approached you. No one dared. The stares didn’t bother you. In fact, you welcomed them. Let them look, let them fear. You would not be pitied. You would not be scorned. If the world wanted to see you as a monster—then so be it. 
As you walked, a familiar part of town began to come into view. You knew these streets well, every crack in the sidewalk, every faded storefront. It had been a place of comfort, of familiarity—but now it felt foreign, like you were an intruder in a place that no longer belonged to you.
Then, through the blur of people, you saw her. Your mother. She stood on the corner, frantically handing out pieces of paper with your picture on them, her eyes scanning every face that passed by, desperate and searching
When her gaze landed on you, her expression shifted—first to shock, then to fear, relief, and heartbreak that hit you like a punch to the gut. Your heart clenched, a pang of pity slicing through the wall you’d built around yourself. You had steeled yourself against so much, but seeing her there, so fragile, so broken, was almost too much to bear.
“M-Mom?” Your voice cracked, a betrayal of the emotions you fought so hard to suppress. For a split second, you felt like yourself again, but then that cold voice in your head reminded you: no tears, no weakness.
She rushed toward you, disbelief widening her eyes, her hand trembling as she covered her mouth in shock.
“Y/N? Is that you?” she gasped, her voice trembling.
You stood there, rooted to the spot, unable to speak as she reached out to you. Her hands, trembling, cupped your face, her touch so familiar yet so foreign. Tears welled in her eyes as she took in your appearance.
“What… what happened to you?” she whispered, her voice barely holding together.
The tears in her eyes reflected the pain you had tried so hard to bury. But you couldn’t let it out—not now. Not after everything.
“I’m fine,” you managed to say, though the words felt hollow. You pulled away from her touch, the warmth of it almost too painful to bear.
“No, you’re not,” she insisted, her voice shaking as she looked you up and down, trying to understand what had happened to her daughter. “Who did this to you? Where have you been?”
You shook your head, the emotions churning inside you too chaotic to form into coherent thoughts.
“It doesn’t matter,” you replied, your voice colder than you intended. “I just need to go home.”
Your mother’s brow furrowed, as she looked at you with a mother’s instinctive fear. “No, we need to take you to the hospital. You need to be checked out, Y/N. You’re hurt—”
“No!” you snapped, the force of your voice startling both of you, desperation in your tone, “No hospitals, no police report.”
“Y/N, please. You need help. We have to tell someone—”
Help? No one helped. 
“I said no!” you repeated, your voice trembling with an intensity that silenced her. “They won’t help. They’ll just ask questions, questions I can’t answer. They won’t understand, Mom. No one will.”
“But, Y/N—”
“I don’t need a doctor. I don’t need the police. I just need to go home. Please, Mom… just take me home.” Your breath came faster, panic rising in your chest as the thought of being in a hospital, of facing the police and their endless probing, became unbearable. 
Her face crumpled with worry, but she didn’t press further. Instead, she wrapped her arms around you, holding you tightly as if trying to shield you from whatever had hurt you. 
Slowly, she nodded, though her worry was still palpable. “Okay. Okay, we’ll go home. But promise me… promise me that if you need help, you’ll let me know. Just… don’t shut me out.”
You nodded, but the motion felt distant, like it didn’t quite belong to you. “I promise,” you whispered, though even as the words left your mouth, they felt empty, a hollow reassurance to ease her fears.
× × × × 
The rain poured down like icy needles, but you barely felt it through your black raincoat. Across the street, through the glowing window, Steve and Peggy danced together, they danced together like a well-rehearsed melody, a song you had once known by heart but now could only hear as a distant echo. Their connection was a knife, twisting in the hollowed-out space where your heart used to be.
Your hands clenched into fists at your sides, your nails digging into your palms as you stood there, seething. Every drop of rain that pelted against your coat felt like a reminder of the cold, hard truth—you had been replaced. Forgotten. Left to rot in the streets while he found comfort in another’s arms.
Your anger simmered, bubbling up from the depths of your chest. You had been willing to fight for him, to stand by his side no matter what. But what had that loyalty gotten you? Abandonment. Betrayal? And now, as you watched them dance, that anger solidified into something colder, harder.
“Y/L/N.” a deep commanding voice called your name.
Two officials stood in the shadows, their presence barely registering as you finally tore your gaze away from the window. They weren’t there for the party—they were there for you. Without a word, you pushed past them and joined their side.
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Stolen Goods 3
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Warnings: noncon and other dark elements. As usual, be mindful of your content consumption.
Ft. Lloyd Hansen, petite!pregnant reader
I also beg of you to leave me some tuppence in the form of a comment and/or reblog. You are cherished!
Enjoy, my loverlies.
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You hit the back of the trunk with your fist, the tires put to the limit as the man drives without caution. He's honked several times and screeched to many jarring halts. You're trapped in more than just that compartment, bouncing around with the groceries, you're enshrined in a fervour of fear and despair. 
Why is this happening to you? Who is this man? What is he going to do to you? 
Well, what has he already done? 
“Please, sir, I won't tell anyone,” you beg through the back seat, "please. Just take me back--" 
"Do you like classic rock? Jazz?" He asks as the car swerves and he switches lanes. Holy shoot, is he on the highway?  
"What? Please, I promise--" 
"You're distracting me, sweet stuff, you're gonna get us both pancaked by a sixteen-wheeler," he clucks, "just calm down and enjoy the music." 
He flips on the stereo and the local pop station plays. He hums along for a moment, "Ariana, nice." He turns up the familiar top ten and you whimper. 
This is surreal. You really can't believe it. It all happened so quickly. The way he touched you, the way you just stood there and let it happen, then how he just locked you in here! Who does that? Who lets someone do that? Who doesn't raise her voice and tell him to stop? Or ignore him and get in the car and drive away? 
You. You're stupid. You should have been patient and waited for Jake. You should have done so much differently.  
Your tears spring as easily as ever. Your hormones have you always ready to overflow and now seems as suiting as that cat food commercial. You crumble completely, giving up on begging, and bawl. You're going to die, your baby too. 
Maybe that's your fault too. You were so scared when you saw the positive. When you realised the condom broke. There was that split second you wished it wasn't true. When you hoped that it might undo itself. Then you wanted it. You still do. Your baby. Things aren't perfect but you can make them better. 
You jostle with the paper bags, wallowing in your resignation and dread. Time throttles you until it feels like the whole world is on your chest. You hug your belly and apologise to your child. You're supposed to take care of them. 
When the car stops, the sudden dearth of sound slaps you in the face. You sniffle and listen with breath bated. The driver's side opens and dips. He stands and his footfalls stride undaunted towards the trunk. 
You brace yourself. You can't give up yet. The lock clicks and the lid lifts. You push it up before he can open it all the way but he has his hand on your neck before you can leap out. 
"Oh, baby cakes," he squeezes and you cough, "you don't think I'm that stupid, do you?" 
The dimming sky shrouds his figure and he puts cold metal to your cheek, "you don't wanna get yourself hurt. Or the kid, huh?" He presses the metal barrel firmly to your temple, "I don't wanna hurt you either but you gotta give a little." 
"S-sorry," you choke out and latch onto his thick wrist, teetering on your knees as the rest against the edge of the trunk, "I---I--" 
"I know, baby. You're scared. Change is terrifying but I heard you talking to the deadbeat," he pulls the gun away and holsters it. He eases you forward and helps you put your feet to the ground. He keeps a strong hold on you, "you can do better." He smirks, "hi, I'm better, but you can call me Lloyd." 
You gape at him. Is that a joke? 
“And you are...” he enunciates your name. “Sorry about your purse, I tossed it some ditch, but I got the important shit out of it.” 
“Huh?” You blink at him dumbly. 
“Phone’s wiped too. So, I’ll probably just break that down for parts--” 
“Wait, what? Why—please, why are you doing this?” 
“I’m not too sure myself, shortcake, but we’ll figure it out.”  
He slips his hand down to your wrist and pulls you away from the car. He shuts the trunk and the noise echoes off the high ceiling. You look up at the interior of the garage. Several cars are parked in the space. What kind of place is this? 
“Come on, you don’t wanna hang out in here,” he snorts and tugs you to follow him. 
All you can do is let him guide you. You keep your free hand on your stomach as your eyes burn. You can’t give up. You have to keep going for your baby. 
He takes you up a short set of steps and into a house just as colossal as the garage. He looks down at your feet as you stand on the mat. He tuts. Your slides were lost somewhere in your struggle. Your feet are cold and dirty. 
“Hm, well... what now?” He asks. 
“What now?” You squeak. “What do you--” 
“Look, honey buns, I’m not asking you,” he turns and keeps his hand around your wrist, walking you forward as if you’re on a leash. 
You’re confused. What does he mean? He doesn’t even know what he’s doing. What kind of man just does this spontaneously? 
“Erm, Lloyd,” you say softly, “it’s... not too late to take me back.” 
“Ah, but you’re wrong, sweet stuff. It’s way too late,” he snickers. “I scrubbed the traffic cams and the surveillance at the grocery store. It’s all gone. You’re gone.” He stops you in a bright foyer and faces you, “I don’t give my toys back.” 
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mulansaucey · 2 years
Bat Wives Wine Night - 2
Thank you for all the feedback, hearing how much you guys liked it means so much to me. This part is very steamy so please enjoy. I kept this as reader’s POV because I’m so swamped with work right now I dont have time to switch POVs. My request is open so if you want me to write something for you, I’d be more than happy. I’m still figuring how I’m gonna start writing more so bear with me. I hope you guys like it!
WARNINGS: Alch use, P in V, oral sex, semi public sex, fingering, BDSM vibes/dynamic, sex under the influence but consensual, established relationship and boundaries. 
    Shit. We were finally caught. It looked kind of absurd, six people standing in a semi circle completely still with raunchy, erotic music booming hard in the background. I feel a talon poking at my shields and I at first thought it was Rhys ready to tell me off and get my ass out of here but instead it was darling Feyre. 
    Didn’t have to tell me twice. I go to move but the shadow firmly wraps around each of our legs, cementing us to the floor. I narrowed my eyes at Azriel and the shadows, soothing shadows wrap around my arms like an apology. 
    “I gotta piss!” I scream out, not only did I actually have to piss but I needed an excuse to go somewhere quiet and try to sober up to explain to my mate why I was getting wasted without telling him where I was. Cass grins and starts cackling, the first bat boy to break. He goes over to Nesta immediately finding his place within her arms, lips already on her neck. She struggles to contain a moan, by now Az relents his shadows.
    He walks towards me with an amused expression, “That was quite a show up there.” He said, gesturing to the stunt I pulled on the table. He wrapped his arms around me while I hid in his shoulder. I’m blushing furiously by now. 
    “I can explain, just let me sober up a bit in the bathroom first.” I go to grab Nesta, seeing her making out with Cass, peeling them off each other. I make my way to Feyre giggling in Rhys neck. Once I gather both girls we stumble into the surprisingly empty bathroom and just sit. Not the cleanest surface but honestly we just need a minute to process. I take the time to actually pee, moving back to the floor once I get done washing my hands (A/N PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS). 
    “I’m a little relieved but a little sad we got caught.” Feyre says, resting the back of her head against a stall, Nesta leaning hers on the sink to my right. I give a nod but smile looking at them both. The shit we got up to has been great and I think we accomplished what we needed these past years. Drunk me is nostalgic so I open my mouth to reminisce on a night out a few months back. 
    “Remember one night we snuck out to Day Court to party with Helion?” We can’t help but laugh. Nesta adds, “Of course I do, he made us lift him up during a keg stand. His thighs were huge, felt like I was holding a beef cake.” I cackle at the memory of helping a High Lord do something so absurd. 
    “My favorite is when Y/N tried to dance battle a sentry, never knew you could do the splits.” Feyre gasping at the end of her sentence, not being able to hold in her laughter. 
    Nesta’s eyes brightened and she stood up. She pulled Feyre and I to our feet and said, “The fun has just begun now, let’s get out of here. Leave the boys to ponder.” I started giggling, the alcohol making me ten times more likely to agree to anything. 
    “Where would we go?” I ask, everything is closed and we can’t just bar hop the boys will eventually find us AGAIN. 
     “LET'S GO SEE AMREN!” Feyre squeals, she winnows us out before we can even agree. We pop up right in front of Amren’s apartment door. We knocked probably more than we should have. Amren’s pale but beautiful face is revealed. 
    “What do you want?” Straight to the point like she always is. We all smile brightly at her very unamused face. 
    “The boys caught us drinking so we ditched them to come see you.” I let out while giving my biggest puppy dog eyes that work on Azriel, not so much on Amren. She reluctantly opens up to let us through, not willing to close the door on her High Lady, being sisters with Feyre has its perks. We tumble in, getting comfortable in her living room. 
    “You can’t stay long, Varian comes over in an hour or two.” Amren says walking back to her room to clean up a bit. I just now notice she’s in her nice silk robe, with probably nothing underneath. The faelights are turned to a dark red, casting the apartment in a sensual vibe. They be fucking. 
    I then feel Azriel calling for me through the bond. I send back a reassuring push, to let him know I’m fine. 
    “Where are you?” his words echoing through me. I feel slightly bad so I answer back, “I’m at a friend's house, I’m fine.” I can feel him get annoyed and ask where I am. I just send another push of love and reassurance and ignore his calls. Will I regret it by the morning? Yes. I can already feel the spanks coming my way when he finds me. I’ve broken so many of his “rules”. They call it “funishment” for a reason. 
    Amren hands us each a glass of water and some bread to sober up. 
    “So, what the fuck are you guys doing here?” Amren asks, settling onto an armchair. We go into detail about our secret Wine Nights. The only sign of amusement from the short, scary woman was a smirk. “Well, you sure do give them a run for their money, girl.” 
     We spend the hour sipping on our water and gossiping with Amren, enjoying the chill of the night. “Sorry to burst your bubble, girl but your mate is asking if you’re here and I don’t plan on lying to my High Lord.” We all groan, not wanting to move from our spot. 
    “Plus Varian will  be here any second and I do not care if you are here to see us fucking.” Amren lets out in a breathy laugh. That scrambles us to our feet fast. Not before snagging a bottle of Amren’s nice wine. We all leave to walk the streets until we get to almost the back of Velaris. Walking along the Sidra until it’s just docks and water. I feel a talon on my shields and judging from the looks on my friends faces I can tell Rhys is reaching out to all of us. 
    “You went to Amren’s? Are you guys serious right now? Tell me where you are, NOW.” Rhys almost shouts into our minds. I can tell Feyre relents and lets him know we’re towards the end of the city. Knowing the boys will be here any minute we admire the water. We’re all leaning on the rail and each other. Taking turns sipping on the red wine. 
    “I wanna swiiiiimmmmm” Feyre whines, she’s already taking off her shoes and I agree and go to start stripping. Nesta grabs my arm with a warning looking around to make sure nobody saw her sisters butt ass naked. 
    “We shouldn’t, what if someone sees us!” Nesta tries to whisper but it comes out more like a loud shout. I clamp my hand on her mouth, less gracefully than I liked. 
    “Shhhh! Come in, we will be fine, the water sounds soooo nice.” I say, going to take off my pants. We all strip down to our underwear, Fey and I wanted to be naked but we stayed in our panties and bra to appease Nesta’s worry. Of course my High Lady jumped in first, a loud splash echoed throughout the empty courtyard. I glance back to Nesta, I wink at her before cannonballing my way into the water. I return to the surface, smiling at Feyre. I wave Nesta into the water, and a third splash echoed. We all enjoy floating on our backs, looking up into the stars littering the sky. 
    The distinct sound of flapping of wings. I hear three pairs of shoes touch down the wooden pier. I can feel the bond flow with relief that quickly follows by irritation from my mate. Seems like he didn’t appreciate having to track across Velaris to find me, drunk and floating in the back part of the Sidra. 
    “What the hell are you guys doing? Get out of there now, please!” Rhy’s silky voice reaches our ears. “We’ve been looking for you for hours!” Cass yells out. We finally sat up right in the water, taking a look at our exhausted mates. 
    “Well you found us!” I shout back. “Come in and join us, look at the stars, just chill for a minute.” I say more quietly which pisses my mate off even more.
     “Get your ass out of the water before I drag you out of there.” Azriel’s voice never going above a shout, but his words are filled with tension nonetheless. 
    “Scared, boys? C’mon Cass, come join me.” Nesta almost purrs to her mate, throwing her soaking bra at his feet. She swims farther away to her right towards a small cluster of rocks. Well, there goes Nesta’s modesty. Looking around to see three clusters of rock, far away enough from us to have privacy but close enough to know what Nesta was thinking. I’m getting fucked in the river tonight.  
    Cassian looks at his brothers and takes off his shirt, Feyre and I start hooting at him to encourage our mates. 
    “Tits out, balls out, brothers.” Cass says as he drops his pants splashing in, swimming towards Nes. That man would follow her anywhere. 
    Azriel looks at me, waiting for me to swim to him. Honestly, I submit to him most of the time. Our dynamic naturally fell into that role. And as much as I love being Az’s good girl, being bad is much more fun. Rhys strips down, jumping and leading a giggling Feyre to a cluster of rocks towards my left. Leaving the middle and the farthest rocks to me, I swim back keeping eye contact with my mate. Every step further away from him, I feel the pulse of the bond pound harder in my chest, daring me to make my next move. I slide the straps of my bra down, his eyes never leaving mine. I take it off, letting my nipples perk up under the water, raising my chest a bit to throw it at him and maybe to tease him. 
    One thing about Azriel is he doesn't like to share and he doesn't like people seeing what’s his. Although his brothers are very much preoccupied with their own mates, I know he’s boiling with jealousy. He speaks through the bond, “Don’t make me come in there, I won’t play nice.” 
    I squeeze my thighs under the water and send a rush of arousal through the bond. 
    “I don't want nice.” I say back, out loud. His wings perk up in challenge before he starts stripping down, his tattoos showing against his beautiful tan skin. I hear him mutter under his breath, “I’m going to regret this.” He slowly sinks in, taking his god damn precious time while my friends are getting some sort of fucked on the the two sides of me. I can’t hear them but can see the tops of their heads from my distance. I hear enough water splashing to know they aren’t innocently playing in the water. 
    He just about reaches me when I jump back laughing loudly. I wasn’t done with this game yet, Azriel and I love the build up almost more than the actual sex. Whether he wants to admit it or not, he loves when I’ve been bad. He loves having an excuse to spank me red, to deny or give my pleasure. He firmly but gently grabs my wrist holding me to his chest and pushes us behind the rocks, ensuring no one can see us. He releases his shadows cocooning our sounds.
     Az leans down his lips touching the shell of my ear, “You’ve been a bad girl, bunny. Not answering me when I called. Running to Amren’s of all places. Just know when I’m done with you here, I won’t be holding back at home.” He kisses my cheek, a sweet gesture as if his words didn’t promise me a world of pain and dizzying pleasure. His hand that practically dwarfs my body,  gently feels up my side. When he reaches my throat his grip tightens pulling my chest flush to his, his lips crashing down on mine. His tongue dominates my mouth, my nipples rubbing against his skin in the most delicious way. This kiss wasn't nice, it was all consuming. It was claiming. My hands run through his hair, pulling him closer to me. I let out a moan as he tongues the hollow of my throat, sinking his teeth on my sweet spot behind my ear. He gives my inner thigh a spank, I yelp out in surprise as he chuckles. I’m already soaked, arousal flooding my senses. My craving for him can only be soothed with him deep inside me. My hand finds his godly cock, stroking him gently, “I want you, please.”
    “Already begging for it and I’ve barely touched you, bunny.” he grunts out, I twist my hands around the head of his cock as he hisses from the sensation. He grabs my hand, twisting my body around while holding both hands behind my back. 
    “I’m doing the touching tonight. You had me worried baby, you know I don’t like being denied. Especially from you.” He presses open mouthed kisses along my spine, I can barely breathe by the time his mouth meets the flesh of my ass, he bites down. Hard. Likely leaving an imprint of his teeth, Illyrians are such territorial babies. He rips my underwear off, tearing it nearly in two. 
    I feel the rock against my cheek, the cold surface cooling my overheated body. Without warning, Az’s tongue sweeps through my arousal. He approves in a grunt, going right back into feast on me. I moan loudly, knowing the shadows are muffling my sounds.  I just now notice his shadows are holding my arms together while Az grabs handfuls of my ass. Water drips down my back into his hair, making all of this so erotic. He switches between pulling my clit gently between his lips to full on lapping at it. He pushes his large finger into me making me push back against his face, he pushes me further into the rocks as he stands, still fucking me with his hand. He grabs a fistful of my hair, his lips on my ear. “Enjoy this, bunny because you won’t be cumming for the rest of the night.” His breath hot against my skin, he added two more fingers stretching me wide to take him later. At this point, I’m moaning shamelessly. 
    “Oh, yes. Fuck yes. Azriel.” I moan out his name, knowing just how riled up my mate gets hearing his name from my lips. He fucks me harder with his fingers, applying the smallest amount of pressure around my throat. His hard chest, flush against my back. It’s weirdly intimate for being in the gods damn river. I can feel the knot building in my stomach, I clench around his fingers and before I can cum he rips his hand away from my sex. I whine in protest. 
    “You’re soaking, bunny.” He says rubbing his almost painfully hard cock between my ass cheeks. He strokes his cock with the hand he pleasured me with, getting ready to absolutely rearrange my guts. I push my hips back, grinding on any part of him I can. “I don't think you want it enough though, you’re gonna have to beg for it. Say you’re sorry, bunny. Tell me how much you want it.” He purrs into my ear. I look over my shoulder, not caring how pathetic I look right now. Bent over a rock with my hands behind my back, whining for him. 
    “Please fuck me, Az. I’m sorry, I really am. Just please fuck me, I need you mate.” I knew pulling the mate card would get Azriel inside me quicker than lightning. And I was right, I could feel the head of his perfect cock push inside me. I moan at the feeling of the first stretch, no matter how many years have passed, I’ll never be tired of this feeling. Az lets out a small moan as he fully sheaths himself inside me. He rests his forehead on the top of my back and lets out another moan as I shift to get used to his size. “Fuuck” he whispers in pleasure. He’s never been one to make a lot of noise at all, so hearing any sound of pleasure from him made everything much more rewarding. He rises again, using one hand to hold my hands, the other around my hip. Promising a bruise the next day. 
    “You ready, bunny?” he asks me, the loving side of Azriel returning for a moment. He kisses my cheek sweetly as I nod, weakly, “Pleeeease…” I moan out. He chuckles as he pulls himself almost all the way out before thrusting hard. I moaned loudly this time. He chooses a harsh pace, barely giving me time to breathe before the next thrust. The water splashes around us, that sound mixed with Azriel’s grunting and hearing just how wet I am every time he thrusts in makes me feel almost embarrassed, almost. If it wasn't for how amazing I felt. I could feel the bond thrumming with lust. I was moaning out Azriel’s name when he slowed down just a bit, enough to slow down my orgasm that so badly wanted to burst. 
    “You look so good, bunny. You feel fucking amazing, this pretty little cunt was made for me.” He made a point to slowly grind into me, letting me hear the mess he was making at the apex of my thighs. The squelching sound made me blush.  “Tell me how good you feel, bunny.” Az requested, then immediately returned to his harsh pace making my words sound jumbled and frantic. 
    “F-fuuck, I-I feel so good, yo-you make me feel good. Keep fucking me, pl-please.” I moan out, I have enough strength to meet his hips snapping into mine, Az lets out a deep groan. He snakes his hand to my clit, giving it the attention I very much desired. I start yelling out his name at the added stimulation. At this point we let our desire control us, fucking into each other like it was the last time we have the chance to. The tension builds in my stomach and I start clenching down on his cock, Az lets out another deep groan. 
    “Yeah, bunny. Come all over my cock, fuck me til you’re hoarse.” He grits through his teeth. I scream out his name like a prayer as my orgasm tears through me, he can feel me cumming around him. I can feel his stomach tightening on my back, he ruts into me moaning my name as he cums inside me. Feeling his hot seed against my walls makes me want to cum again so I moan and push against him selfishly wanting more of him. I always want more. His shadows release my arms and Az turns me around in the water, surprisingly still keeping himself inside me. I wrap my arms around his shoulder, breathing in his scent. I place gentle kisses along his neck while he slows his breathing against my shoulder. He looks up at me after a moment and kisses me fully. His smooth lips taking place on mine, the kind of kiss that makes you dizzy and wanting more. I can't tell you how long we stayed in that position, lazily making out and enjoying each other. 
    “HEY YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE IN HERE AFTER DARK!” I hear a distant shout, pulling my face off Az’s I scoot closer to him trying to hide my naked body. He slowly pulls out of me chuckling. 
    “I thought you were feeling brave tonight, bunny.” He presses a soft kiss to my forehead. I blush, hiding my face in his neck, biting down gently on him for teasing me. He gives me a small spank in return.
    “GET OUT OF THERE NOW!” The sentry yells out to us. I hear Rhys speak up, pushing his body enough to where the guard can see his face. 
    “Hey Felix, uhh look I’ll give you a bonus if you turn around and forget this happened.” The sentry’s eyes widen when he realizes he caught the most important people in his court skinny dipping. I can hear Feyre’s giggle as she peeks her head up. Rhys slowly pushes her down, again proving how possessive our Illyrian babies are. 
    “Yes, my Lord. Good night.” He’s gone before I can even look up again. We all burst out laughing, the absurdity of this night all hitting us. We should get out of here before we traumatize another sentry. I cling onto Azriel as he waddles us through the water towards our clothes. We’re the first to get dressed, Az shielding my body with his wing. When the others start climbing out and dressing Az wraps me in his arms whispering in my ear, “I hope you had fun, my love. Your punishment starts when we get home.” I bite my lip, staring up at him. I hum in agreement, “I can’t wait.” I wink at him, giving him a soft kiss. He returns the kiss with his own, biting my bottom lip. 
    “Alright, brother. Wait til you get home, I’m too tired to witness this.” Rhy says, gesturing for us ladies to walk ahead first. Probably scared we’re gonna run off again. Once we get out into the empty street, the boys grab us and haul ass into the sky. I can’t blame them, we sorta made them chase around Velaris for like three hours. I scream as Az does intricate tricks, once we land at the River House I stumble inside, not used to gravity yet. I am completely sober though so that’s a plus. 
    “Go grab your things, sweetheart. I’ll be waiting in here.” Az says to me passing by to sit on a chair. I rush to grab my bag and meet him back in the sitting room.
         I hear Cass grumble, “I’m getting too old for this shit.” Rubbing Nes’s thighs as she sits on his lap. Love bites litter Cass’s neck. Rhys nods along, holding Feyre’s hand, he looks as if he could fall asleep right there on the couch. Us girls look at each other in annoyance. I speak up, my hand running through Az’s hair, “We keep you young and y’all know it.” He just smirks up at me, pulling himself to stand. Azriel has got plans and he’s trying to get me alone as soon as possible.  
    “Alright, ladies. Next month, same time?” Feyre says, the boys' protests falling on deaf ears. 
    “Maybe we should discuss next month, darling. Before you give me a heart attack.” Rhy says, kissing her hand. Azriel drags me outside, not bothering for goodbyes. I can feel his impatience through the bond. Insteading of flying, he winnows us home. Leading me through our house and to our room. I go to take off my damp clothes, his helpful hands tugging the material down. 
    “Lay on the bed, bunny.” Az commands. A part of me didn’t take his threats earlier seriously but he watches me walk to our bed and lay down. His eyes darken. He looks pointedly at my hands, I lift my arms up letting his shadows twine though, holding me down. The shadows doing the same to ankles and thighs spread me apart. I'm embarrassingly wet again. 
    “You’ve been a bad, bad girl. I’m gonna have to teach you my rules again.” he takes his time undressing, letting the wetness gather between my legs. He kisses my ankles, all the way up to the tops of my thighs. I whimpered as he purposely avoids the area I want him most. 
I whimper out a please, begging for him. 
“You know you’ve been bad, bunny?” 
“Yes, sir.” I moan as he liked my inner thigh. 
“You won’t go out without letting me know?” 
“Yes, sir.” Another lick on the other side. 
“You’ll answer back when I call out to you?” 
“Yes, sir.” I moan again as he brushes his lips against my clit, barely touching me. 
I look down at him, seeing his eyes light up with hunger. He licks his lips, looking at me. 
“Good, then let's begin.” 
TAGLIST:  @azriels-mate123  @blueeclipsepaperstudent  @feyretopia  @percyjacksonspeen @ bubbles-for-all-of-us @ despoinasstuff @ brekkershadowsinger  @ capbuckyfalcon  @ tsibba01 @ elizarikaallen @ azzydaddy  @ weirdo-fun @ lena-davina @ ktmylady @ frawst-disasta @ onlyhereforthelolsss 
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smallsdotcom · 2 years
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EXPECTING … drabble
pairing : hoseok x idol!f!reader (background poly bts) genre : fluff, comedy, idol au warnings : drunk hobi, drunk hobi is dramatic
hoseok notices how you’ve been acting strange and automatically assumes something that’s not necessarily true. oops, but he already told the others.
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hoseok wasn’t one to assume things. especially when it came to you, he was always the first one to talk to you in order to figure out what’s wrong.
but this is the first time he’s so sure about something that he doesn’t talk to you about it. instead he immediately sends a text to the group’s leader, so many spelling errors thanks to his rushed and slightly buzzed mind.
namjoon could only facepalm at the text before he ends up just calling the rapper.
“what are you talking about?” namjoon does well in keeping a calm tone, but can’t help the butterflies that begin to form in his stomach.
“i’m teelllling youuuu that i think our baby princess cinnamon roll is cooking a bun in the ovennnnnn,” hoseok is probably more than buzzed right now and namjoon realizes that the longer he listens to his boyfriend speak.
“why do you think y/n’s pregnant?” namjoon asks and a gasp is immediately heard from behind him where he sees taehyung looking at him in shock.
“y/n’s pregnant?” his tone is so cheery that he would really hate to be the one to break the news, but knows he will have to do it anyways.
“hoseok claims she is, but hoseok is also drunk right now,” namjoon says which is a roundabout way of saying don’t get your hopes up.
taehyung will still get his hopes up.
“listen, she’s not drinking anything and she ALWAYS drinks when we go out. why else would she not??”
“because it’s your night and she’s trying to watch after you while you have fun?” namjoon responds back with a raise eyebrow and he knows hoseok is probably rolling his eyes.
“if she’s pregnant does this mean i’m gonna be a daddy?” hoseok completely ignore namjoon and is now in his own little world. “does this mean we are ALL GOING TO BE DADDIES??”
“hoseok calm down.”
“I AM CALM JOON BUT AM I READY TO BE A DADDY!? oh god, i think i’m going to pass out.”
“hobi give the phone to y/n,” namjoon says making the male groan.
“i can’t she went to get me more drinks. oh god i don’t deserve her. she’s here with me pregnant and also getting me more drinks. what a beautiful mommy.”
namjoon feels his eyes roll so far into the back of his head that he fears they might get stuck.
“is y/n pregnant?” namjoon turns to see maknae line, minus you of course, now standing behind him. their eyes all twinkling at the news of their girlfriend being pregnant.
“i don’t know, go away,” he shoos the three off, but instead jungkook is quick to pull out his phone in favor of trying to call you.
“ARE YOU PREGNANT!?” you pull the phone away from your ear at the sheer volume of jungkook’s voice.
“umm… ow. no! i’m not pregnant, why are asking something like that all of a sudden?”
“cause hobi called namjoon and is crying about you being pregnant,” taehyung explains and you are the one who rolls your eyes.
“i’m not pregnant. there, happy now? gotta go bye, maybe love you,” you say quickly hanging up as you make your way over to your drunk boyfriend. you are quick to take the phone out of his hand, hanging up without a word.
hoseok is quick to pout at you but you grab the sides of his face making him look at you.
“my pretty mommy,” he says with a drunk slur, eyes glazed over as he looks at you.
“i. am. not. pregnant,” you tell him with a stern tone which immediately makes his pout bigger.
“you aren’t? so i was worried for nothing?”
“why would you be worried about if i was pregnant? is that a bad thing if i was?”
“no! i’m just worried if i would be a good dad or not. what if you have the baby and then the i turn out to do a terrible job and let you and the others down?”
“hobi, you will be a wonderful dad someday. me and the others would have nothing to worry when it comes to you being a good dad. so don’t worry okay?”
“okay… but wait, if you aren’t pregnant then why aren’t you drinking?”
“because i need to take care of you, silly boy,” you laugh before kissing his nose making him smile warmly at you.
“come on, let’s party a little longer!” hoseok says before dragging you with him to the dancefloor.
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half-oz-eddie · 4 months
One More Night Before I Turn Myself In
18+, Graphic Depictions of violence, mentions of abuse, fetishizing
Steve Harrington has had it up to his ears with Hawkins. He lost Nancy, his parents divorced and all anyone ever cared about was dumping their kids on Steve, with the big house and all the free time—no, fuck that. He needed to be somebody that could enjoy life somehow. 
In the middle of the night, he got in his car with every intention of quietly disappearing from Hawkins for good. Not like anyone would miss him anyway—
He screamed when a dark figure slammed down on the hood of his car. He trembled as it made its way to the passenger’s side. 
Oh. He sighed in relief. It’s just Hargrove. 
Steve rolled down the window. “Whaddya want, Hargrove? I’m not in the mood for a fight.”
“Not here to fight, Harrington. Where ya headed?” He asked, leaning into the open window. 
“Dunno. But I’m getting outta here.”
Billy pulled the door handle. “Open up.”
“C’mon just—“ he struggled with the door handle until Steve unlocked it and allowed him in. “Take me wherever you’re going.”
“What? No—“
“C’mon! Please? I need to get outta here for awhile.”
Since when was Billy the type of guy to say please? 
“Ugh, fine.” He groaned. “But I don’t wanna hear any complaints.”
“I’m not gonna say shit.”
Steve took off in the silent night, driving past the Now Leaving Hawkins sign before Billy glanced over at him in the dim moonlight.
“No radio?”
“I thought you weren’t gonna say anything.” Steve snapped.
“Touchy.” Billy tusked. “Just saying. It’s too damn quiet. It’s creepy.”
Steve turned on the radio, just as a breaking news story was broadcasting.
“—was shot and killed in his home—“
Billy reached over and changed the station, letting Hungry Like The Wolf play.
“You like this song, right?”
“Yeah, it’s…one of my favorites.”
“Cool.” Billy muttered. 
They drove in silence for another 10 miles before Billy asked Steve to pull over so he could “take a piss in the woods.”
“Can’t you wait til we reach a gas station?”
“I can’t hold it.” Billy insisted.
“Fine. Go.” Steve pulled over and Billy jumped out. 
He went behind the closest tree and Steve turned up the radio slightly, none the wiser to the sounds of Billy discarding something in the woods. 
He returned to Steve’s car and the drive continued on. 
Eventually Billy had fallen asleep, slowly waking up before sunrise.
“Where are we?” He asked in a groggy voice.
“Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.”
Billy stretched and sat up. “Why here?”
“It’s far from home and I saw an ad for a job here. I’m checking into a motel. What do you plan on doing?”
Billy shrugged. “Whatever you’re doing.”
“Hey, I said I’d drive you. I’m not carrying you along and taking care of you—“
“I didn’t ask you to take care of me. I can take care of myself. I have money for my own fuckin’ room.” Billy said matter-of-factly. 
“Whatever, fine.”
They walked into the motel together and Steve requested two separate rooms. 
“It’s cheaper if you double up.” The desk agent suggested. 
They looked at each other then shrugged, agreeing to split the fees for a double room. 
They each received keys to room 206 and stepped inside. Neither of them had any luggage on them so there was no need to settle in. 
Billy claimed the bed closest to the bathroom, tossing his jacket on the chair and lying down on the bed. He turned on the TV and found an old movie to watch.
“It might be cheaper if we split for breakfast too.” Steve presented the idea.
Billy passed Steve a $5. “Get me a six pack.”
“You’ve gotta eat—“
“No. I don’t know how long I’m gonna be out here, or what I’m gonna do next, so I gotta save my money.”
Steve sighed, leaving the motel room without another word.
Billy fell asleep once more, springing up when Steve returned.
“I got your six pack, but I also got you some food.” Steve passed Billy a sandwich. 
“…Thanks.” He reluctantly accepted. 
They ate in awkward silence. They didn’t exactly like each other, or know what to talk to each other about. Deep down, they were both scared because of how foolish and impulsive they were being, but they didn’t want to discuss it at the moment.
“I’m gonna go and, uh…try to find a job. Want me to drive you anywhere?”
“No, I’ll just hang out here.”
“Suit yourself.”
Once Steve was gone, Billy decided to take a shower and go for a walk to clear his head.
But his head would never be clear after what happened. It still felt like a hazy nightmare. A nightmare that would never end. 
He was so in his head, he didn’t realize that he’d been walking around aimlessly for hours. 
When he returned to the motel, Steve was already there, this time, with lunch. 
“Stopped at a KFC. Want some chicken?”
“Just a little.”
Steve passed Billy some chicken and a biscuit. They enjoyed it with some beers. 
“So, uh…where’d you go?” Steve asked. “Sightseeing?”
“Something like that.” Billy answered vaguely.
“I um…I got a job. It’s at a uh…bowling alley nearby.”
“Congratulations, Harrington.”
The awkward silence returned. Steve felt like he had to tread carefully with Billy. He still didn’t understand why they were playing survivor in a motel room, or why they both decided to run away the same night—or why he agreed they’d do it together. Was Steve this desperate to not be alone? 
Maybe so.
“Hey, do you like—wanna go to a club tonight or something? Get drunk, meet some hot girls, I dunno.” Steve laughed.
Billy glared at him before his expression softened with a snicker. “Whatever, sure.”
Billy shrugged. “You’re cooler than I thought, Harrington.”
“Sucks we got off on the wrong foot, right? But it’s not too late to start over.”
Unbeknownst to Steve, it was far too late for that. But just for tonight, Billy wanted to enjoy it.
Steve took Billy to a thrift store and they bought something affordable to wear for their night out, then found a nightclub. 
They opened a tab, got some drinks in their systems and mingled with some girls, but oddly enough, felt more comfortable clinging to each other instead. 
“You two look kinda cute together.” One of the women they met mentioned. 
Steve emphatically shook his head and Billy waved it off. “O-oh we’re not—“
“We’ll pay you a hundred bucks if you let us watch you dance together.” The second woman proposed. 
Was this like…some sort of fetish to them? Do they get off on seeing guys dance together?
“I mean, for a hundred bucks…”
Steve snapped his head in Billy’s direction. “What the hell? You serious?”
“What’s the problem? It’s just a dance. You scared?”
“I—no—whatever, c’mon.” He acquiesced, taking another shot before allowing Billy to drag him onto the dance floor. 
They glanced over at the women who watched them, expecting a good show.
Billy pulled Steve close by his belt loops. “Just close your eyes and pretend I’m somebody else.”
“I don’t mind dancing with you.” Steve admitted. “It’s not like you’re—ugly—or something.”
Billy smirked and leaned into Steve’s ear. “Hey, Harrington…”
“Are you fuckin’ flirting with me?”
Steve pulled back to get a read on Billy’s expression, relieved to see a smile on his face. Maybe he’s just joking.
Steve began to shake his head, before smiling and shrugging.
Maybe Steve’s just joking too, Billy considered.
They let themselves relax and enjoy each other’s company, invading each other’s personal space, swaying and gyrating to the music, half hard cocks obviously felt against each other’s.
There was electricity coursing through them, and they found themselves liking this far too much. It had to be the alcohol, they both believed. 
Billy leaned into Steve’s ear again as Steve’s hand made its way onto Billy’s ass. 
“I’m horny.” Billy confessed. 
“What do you want me to do about it?” Steve asked.
“Do you wanna do something about it?”
“Kinda, yeah. Is that weird?”
“No. You wanna go back to the motel?”
Steve’s cock was throbbing at this point. Of course he wanted to go back to the fucking motel.
Billy pulled Steve in the direction of the women, hand out for the payment. 
“We’ll double it if you kiss.”
“Oh, that’s no problem.” Billy grabbed Steve, leading him in a sensual tongue kiss. Steve couldn’t resist the urge to grab Billy’s cock while Billy grabbed the back of his neck.
Fuck. He didn’t know what was in the air, or those drinks but Jesus Christ did he want to bring Billy back to the motel and fuck his brains out. 
The women paid them their $200 and they took a taxi back to the motel. 
They didn’t think, they didn’t discuss, they didn’t reconsider. Clothes were simply flying off at the door before they landed on Steve’s bed, Billy’s hand wrapped around both of their cocks as they kissed. 
The night felt like a fever dream but the feeling of their cocks touching and the sensation of their tongues darting against each other’s reminded them both that this was real—for whatever reason it was happening. It was fucking happening. 
“Have you ever done this before?” Billy asked, lips still pressed to Steve’s.
“Had sex? Mhm. Of course.”
“With a guy, Harrington.”
“No, but a hole’s a hole, right?”
Billy tusked. “You make me sound like a cheap whore.”
“Not cheap.” Steve corrected. “You’re definitely worth $200.”
They laughed against each other’s lips before their kissing resumed. 
Billy continued to jerk their cocks until they were painfully hard. He loosened his fist and spat into his hand, rubbing it all over Steve’s cock. 
“Fuck me.” He exhaled. “Don’t be a pussy.”
Steve positioned himself between Billy’s legs and slowly slid his cock inside. 
“Oh fuck, you’re so tight.” Steve moaned, thrusting in and out and in and out. Faster, harder, rougher. 
Billy had done this before, and didn’t mind that Steve was being so rough, but shit…his cock was massive, and he could feel every inch as he thrusted. 
Steve didn’t understand anything except the feeling of his cock drooling inside a man’s tight asshole. And the man happened to be Billy Hargrove, who was as pretty as ever writhing beneath him. 
He slowed down his thrusts, savoring their kisses, relishing in how incredible sex felt.
“I’m gonna cum.” Billy moaned out.
“Me too, holy shit. You feel so good.”
“Cum in me, if you like it that much.”
Billy’s invitation was just enough to send a rippling feeling down Steve’s spine as he came inside Billy, emptying himself inside his hole.
Billy soon followed, spilling out all over himself.
They stared into each other’s eyes, still in disbelief that they acted on their sudden attraction to one another. 
They got cleaned up and slightly sobered up, then sat at the table, eating some chips. 
“So…uh…I wasn’t sure—“
“Wanna hear something crazy, Billy?”
“I guess.”
“I think…” Steve chuckled. “Maybe this was meant to be. It just—all of it felt so right, didn’t it? I’m not saying we have to jump right into anything, but—“
“I can’t, Steve.” Billy deflated. “I can’t…we can’t.”
“O-oh I—“ He nervously laughed. “I wasn’t trying to be weird but—“
“It’s not that. Tonight was…great, but…I can’t because…I need to…turn myself in.”
Steve narrowed his eyes. “Turn yourself in…for what?” He warily asked.
“I got so fucking sick of…him…beating me and treating me like shit so…I went in his room…I got his gun, and while he sat at table reading the paper and waiting for dinner, I raised his gun to his face, and...”  Billy pointed a finger gun at Steve “blam.”
Steve’s eyes widened. “Y-you…killed your father?!”
“And tossed the gun in the woods when we made that pit stop.”
Billy didn’t seem remorseful at all, but if he was indeed a victim, well, then Steve was willing to defend him.
“Hey, you’re a victim in this.” Steve comforted, holding Billy’s hand across the table. “I’m sure they’ll understand—“
“I shot him right in front of Susan.” Billy replied emotionlessly. “She would never speak up for me.”
“What about Max?”
“She’s just a stupid kid. It doesn’t matter what she says.”
“I don’t want—I don’t want you to go and spend the rest of your life in prison over someone who abused you.” 
“Doesn’t matter. I can’t be on the run for the rest of my life.” He frowned. 
“Let’s go to sleep and sort it out together tomorrow, yeah?”
Billy noticed how desperate Steve was for him to stay. Why, though? It didn’t make sense. It’s not like they were in love or anything. Sure, he liked the guy and felt this insane connection to him. And maybe Steve felt like Billy was the only familiar piece of Hawkins he had with him. 
Whatever it was, it didn’t matter.
Billy couldn’t stay. 
But for the night, he humored Steve. They talked, they cuddled in bed, and Billy let Steve fuck him one last time.
But this time, he was gentler, slower, and it felt like, maybe, Steve knew he’d leave in the morning, whether he wanted him to or not. 
Which was true.
When Steve woke up the next morning, Billy was long gone. All he left behind was his watch and a note.
“Put some money on my books, pretty boy.”
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jessejaredstories · 1 year
Relationship Changes
Tony and Salma were, for the most part, your typical Mexican American couple. They had first met at new student orientation when they were placed in the same group together. The two instantly hit it off. They were best friends for their first two years of college until Tony finally asked her out the summer before their junior year. They started dating and from there the rest was history. Tony and Salma just celebrated their five year anniversary too! They were truly as happy as could be. 
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However, this was only how it looked on the outside. The truth was that their “perfect” relationship was nothing but a facade. Behind closed doors laid a relationship full of nothing but anger, fighting, and headaches. While every relationship was bound to have their ups and downs, Tony and Salma’s relationship only seemed to be going down lately. But even though they were both willing to put in the work to save the relationship, nothing seemed to be working. Not even several sessions of couples therapy could help! That special spark they had when they first dated was gone, and although Tony wasn’t planning on going anywhere, Salma had already decided she would be breaking it off very soon. After all, if all they did was fight nowadays, splitting up would be the best option for both of them.
One day, after going out to brunch together, Tony and Salma were sitting quietly in the car as Tony drove back to their apartament. Another date had gone to shit. Snide remarks and passive aggression were the only things on the menu that day. As expected, that made for an awkward car ride back home full of quiet tension between the two lovebirds. 
Once Tony pulled up into the parking garage, Salma stormed out of the car without delay. Tony hopped out after her.
“Where are you going!?” Tony called out.
“To shower! You got a problem with that too or what!?” Salma shouted back.
“Aren’t we gonna talk about what happened at the cafe today first!?”
“Why? So you can just ignore everything I have to say again?”
“Maybe I wouldn’t ignore you if you actually had something nice to say for once! All you did is bitch about everything!!”
That last remark made Salma stop right in her tracks. She then turned around with eyebrows furrowed and a face full of disbelief.
“I’M the one that bitches about everything!?”
“YES! Everything I do, you gotta find a problem with it!!”
“Cuz you don’t do anything!! And even when you do, you do it only because I tell you to, not because you want to!”
The two kept bickering back and forth for another minute or so before Salma finally had enough and walked away. Tony let out a heavy sigh as he slammed his car door shut, taking some of his frustration out on the vehicle. He was at his wits’ end trying to figure out how to save his relationship. It seemed like no matter what he said or did, it just wasn’t enough anymore. In fact, it only seemed to make things worse! Unable to come up with anything, Tony looked up at the sky and wondered if breaking up was really the only option left. He hated the thought, but without some type of divine intervention, he knew they were only going to get worse for them the longer it goes on.
Meanwhile, Salma had just hopped into the shower. She breathed in and out as she let the warm water hit her nude body, letting the water melt away any tension in her body. Salma truly believed Tony was the one for her, but it was pretty clear that just wasn’t true. She frowned, but she did not cry. She already cried everything she had, now she was just left with the bitter indifference. Although she was ready to break it off, a part of her secretly wished they could somehow find a way to stay together. Salma wasn’t sure what exactly that miracle solution would’ve entailed. She perished the thought, then proceeded to wash her hair. 
But while both Tony and Salma were busy trying to calm down after their latest fight, their wishes did not go unheard. Because they both expressed wanting to stay together, the universe went to work making a new reality where they could happily stay together. 
The changes in reality began with Salma. As she was about to finish her shower, she began to feel a strange yet strong warmness radiating within her body. In an effort to make it stop, she tried turning the shower faucet to cold, but that did nothing. The warmness grew stronger. Her body began to ache, and she held her hands against the aching parts of her body to apply pressure. 
“Why am I so hot all of a sudden…?” Salma questioned. As soon as she finished that sentence, the changes began.
Salma kneeled over as the body aches grew more intense. She felt the pain in her breasts the most. Salma cupped her breasts with her hands. She could literally feel as her tiddies miraculously shrunk in size! She could also feel tiny hairs start sprouting around her nipples. Within seconds, her breasts had transformed into a man’s chest with a set of firm, well toned pecs— Pecs that looked exactly like Tony’s.
The transformation continued throughout Salma’s body. All the body hair she meticulously kept shaved grew right back in. She could feel the tiny pricks on her skin as the hair grew. Arm hair, leg hair, armpit and even pubic hair all grew right in until she possessed bushes of black hair everywhere. But that wasn’t all, she also grew a well-groomed mustache and beard just like her boyfriend’s goatee. Her once long, flowing hair receded until she had a buzzcut to match Tony’s hairstyle. 
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Her body then began thickening with muscle as her body started pumping out testosterone instead of estrogen. She soon lost her curvy, womanly figure and instead gained her boyfriend’s manly, athletic build. And while Salma’s body took on muscle mass, the new hormones began changing her genitalia too. Salma could not suppress her moans as the warm sensations overtook her vagina. Her clit stretched and projected outwards while her ovaries transformed into a pair of hairy balls. They then flopped out of her pussy while her clit finished morphing itself to look like a dick. Everything grew and transformed until Salma possessed an identical set of cock and balls to Tony’s. 
“Ohhh fuck… What the fuck is happening to me…” Salma said in between moans, not noticing that her voice had dropped several pitches in tone as her Adam’s apple grew in. The warm sensations of body transformation left her in a state of arousal. Perhaps if it was the testosterone talking, but Salma found herself wanting to fuck something with her cock as she finished becoming Tony. “He” hopped out of the shower and admired his body in the mirror with a cocky smirk on his face, just like Tony would’ve done. 
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While Salma was busy in the shower, Tony was busy in their shared bedroom. He eventually came inside after pacing around the parking lot. But needing a way to relieve some stress himself, Tony turned to rubbing one out while watching one of his favorite videos. “Couple fuck in public at Walmart!” That video was his number one favorite. Although with how often he had been watching it lately, Salma would’ve killed him if she found out he turned to videos to get off.
“Nrghhh, fuck yeah! Just like that…!” Tony said with bated breath. Sounds of fapping filled the room as he got closer and closer to finishing. However, just before he could climax, his own transformation started. 
A heat flash hit Tony like a dumpster truck. He got red in the face and began sweating buckets because of it, but the sudden warmth wasn't enough to deter him from getting his rocks off. Instead, he started stroking his already leaking cock even faster while groaning and grunting sensually even louder than before. While Tony was too busy jerking off to notice, his body began going through a transformation of its own. 
Any body and facial hair Tony had had rescinded back into his pores, leaving him perfectly smooth all over. As his body started producing more estrogen, all of his well-earned muscles grew softer and softer until they were gone. His pecs ballooned outward and his nipples grew in size until he had a nice, perky set of tits. Tony's body then grew more curvy and voluptuous until he had the exact same hourglass figure Salma had. 
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"Arghh... oh fuck..." Tony groaned. His heavy, cum-filled balls were bouncing furiously as he kept stroking his cock. He was oblivious to the fact that every guttural grunt he let out was growing increasingly higher pitched. Soon enough, his manish groans had turned into womanly moans too. 
"Ughhh... fuck yeahh... ohh yeah...! Oh my God ahhh ohhh yeahh...!!"
Tony was getting closer and closer to finishing. He closed his eyes and focused solely on getting off. But then his cock and balls started sinking back into his body. Within seconds, his genitalia had transformed into a pussy, moist and wet from Tony masturbating. Obviously without a dick, Tony couldn't stroke himself off anymore. So instead, he turned to fingering himself. Just like Salma, Tony had become a picture perfect copy of his girlfriend and all without him noticing. 
"Salma" filled the room with her loud moans and wet macaroni noises while she kept fingering her new coochie. Then, out of nowhere, Tony came into the room dressed in nothing but a white towel. He took one look at his naked girlfriend, smirked, then dropped the towel to reveal his already growing erection. Salma beckoned him by biting her lip and opening her legs wide. Then without hesitation, Tony rushed in and joined her on the bed. He kissed her while he stuck his rock hard cock inside of her. She matched his energy, and the two proceeded to fuck until they both came about an hour later. 
They fucked passionately, just like they did back when they first started dancing. Although Tony and Salma had transformed into one another on both a physical and mental level, they were lucky enough to retain their original feelings and memories. It was because of that sudden literal change in perspective that the two lovebirds were able to understand where the other was coming from. They were finally able to sort out their issues and continued being the lovey dovey couple both in front of company as well as behind closed doors. 
And although the new Tony and Salma have no idea why they switched bodies the way they did, they learned to just forget about it and move on. After all, they were both able to perfectly simulate into their new identities without a problem. Nowadays, the only major problem they have is how to plan a big wedding. Cheers to newly engaged "Tony" and "Salma"!
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b0nten · 1 year
[SYNOPSIS] ˚⁀➷。 you know you can’t roam without caesar. hanma reacting to you drawing him.
[NOTES] ˚⁀➷。 this is so cute. not a kanye fan but i couldn’t help quoting flashing lights. hope this is to your liking anon <3
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“whaddup, baby?” hanma waltzes into the living room, casually, as always. he greets you with a smile, but it dissipates once you don’t answer. he stands there eyeing you, and he can’t help but wonder what it is that you’re so concentrated on.
your eyes scan the weasel, and you let a big sigh out. your hands find their way to your temples and start massaging small circles. you close your eyes and sigh again. when the ritual is complete, you get up to go into the kitchen, but when your view expands, you’re scared of how and when hanma got into your apartment in the first place.
“what the fuck!” you scream and take a step back, almost falling, “shuji! when did you get here?!” you question and he just bursts out laughing.
“i’ve been here for… like ten minutes?” he says sarcastically, mimicking looking at a watch, but it’s just his bare wrist.
“oh.. i’m so sorry i didn’t see you..” you apologize and get closer to him, falling into his embrace.
“what’s bothering you, shortcake?” he asks, eyes softening on you figure.
“oh, nothing, that damn weasel just isn’t holding the paint correctly. thought i should spare some money, got this piece of crap instead of my regular ones. now i gotta suffer.” you half-laugh, and so does he.
“well, i’m assuming you’d like to have a break, right?” he says, lifting the white nylon bag he’s been holding all this time in his hand. “guess what i got.”
“ice cream is just what i needed, thank you, shuji.” you kiss him to on the cheek and snatch away the bag, running into the kitchen.
“hey! leave some for me!” he shouts from behind, following you.
you eat your ice cream and chat a bit. it’s refreshing, and when you finally sit back down to confront the painting, you actually feel optimistic. picking up a brush and an enormous tube of white paint, you bring the canvas back to square one. ready to start anew.
“i’m just gonna sit here and read… this, that okay with you?” hanma asks and randomly picks up a book.
“are you sure you want to read ulysses? that shit’s tough.” you smile while asking. he flips the book around in his hand and shrugs.
“i’ll manage, i’m a big boy.”
you nod and continue brainstorming for ideas. you scan the room, close your eyes, sing a song in your head, but seemingly nothing seems to spark up any ideas. your glance drifts off to hanma, peacefully reading the book you had warned him about.
then, something in your head lights up and you grab the paints and start it.
half an hour, an hour, two, it had been just three when the valhalla leader decided he had enough of that bullshit. the words were too many and reading all pf that book was tiresome. he got up and started stretching. once he turned to you, he couldn’t not notice how deeply invested you were in that painting.
slowly creeping behind you as not to bother or disturb your work, he wondered what it could be that your were painting so passionately. once he saw it, his heart dropped, albeit in a good way.
there he was, sitting on your emerald sofa, manspreading, with the book in his hand. everything was down to a t, the kitchen behind you, the lights, even the colors of his clothes, not to mention his hair or facial expressions. you were working on what he thought was shading when he finally spoke up.
“you’d like to design a tattoo for me?”
you jump up, paintbrush flying into his face.
“shuji, babe, i’m so sorry!” you quickly snatch a wet wipe and clean his face, while continuing to apologize.
after maybe the tenth apology he takes your hand in his, chastely kissing it.
“i’m sorry for scaring you, baby.” he says, “but the offer’s serious. you’re crazy good, i look even hotter made out of oil paint.”
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titanlord231 · 3 months
“Hey Buck, there is something I gotta talk to you about.” Eddie said
Buck turned around from what he was cooking to look at Eddie sitting at the counter. It had been another night of hanging out between the two of them at Buck’s loft. The house had been too quiet for Eddie without Chris so Eddie had been spending lots of time with Tommy and Buck just to get out of the house, and tonight was no different.
“Yeah man, whatever it is tell me.” Buck replied.
“Hanging out with you and Tommy these last few months has been really fun, but it’s made me start thinking about somethings I hadn’t thought of before.”
“Like what?”
“Well it’s just, you and Tommy being so happy together made me realize I want that. I think I’ve been spending so long looking for someone to replace Shannon that I wasn’t actually looking for someone who made me happy. Ana, Marisol, and especially Kim we’re all people I thought I’d be able to make a picture perfect life with, but I’m realizing that it never actually made me happy.”
“Hey man, it’s okay. I know things are rough right now with Chris gone and everything but you’ll figure it out. I’ll even take you out to a bar or something and help wingman an amazing lady for you.”
“The thing is Buck, is that I don’t think I’m looking for a lady.”
“Oh, I get it, after everything that happened with Marisol and Kim it’s fine if you need a break from women for a while.”
“No Buck, it’s not that I am not ready to get back out there, it’s that I don’t wanna get back out there with a woman.”
“Wait I’m confused, what do you mean?”
“I mean, I want to get out there, but I don’t think I’m looking for a woman. I think I’m looking for a guy.”
“Wait! You mean, like you wanna date a guy! Are you coming out to me right now?”
“Yes Buck, I am. I think I wanna find a guy to-“ Eddie says, interrupted as Buck launches himself around the counter to give Eddie a massive bear hug.
“Thank you for telling me this Eddie, I know how hard it can be. I’m so proud of you for sharing this. I’m gonna wingman for you so hard. There is this gay bar that me and Tommy like to go to, and I’m taking you, and we aren’t leaving til we have found you someone!”
“Thanks Buck, but could you lighten up on the hug you are crushing me. And I think the sauce is starting to burn.”
“Shit not again!” Buck says running back around the counter.
Eddie laughed. Buck was a good friend, and even though he knew it was probably gonna be awkward he was excited for Buck’s help at potentially finding him a date.
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
As Master Joe Wishes - Track 04
Seasonal Team Event - L4mps
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My parts are coming up! Thank you TLWard for letting me work with you!
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Location:  HAMA House - Lesson Room
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Ryui: (I don’t give a shit if that damn bear is getting targeted. I don’t, but…) 
(Whatever Toi wants is what I want. I’ll grant any of his wishes, even if I have to go through hell and back for it…!)
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Sakujiro: Ryui-san, you’re not bowing low enough! The most respectful bow is at a precise 45 degree angle, you must bend until you can see your feet clearly! 
Ryui: Ugh… 
Sakujiro: Keep going! 56, 57… 
Netaro: I can’t do this anymooore~
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Toi: Me neither~
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Nagi:  My lower back is already waving a white flag because Ryui won’t recite the commandments…. 
Ryui: Aaaaaahhh!! Fuck!! 
Sakujiro: Oh dear… I suppose I can offer you a short respite from your little “bowing” punishment. 
Nagi: Oof… 
Chief: I see now… So that’s why Sakujiro-san is giving you special training on servitude? 
Toi: I have a feeling this is gonna lead up to a dramatic and heartfelt scenario!
Netaro: Perhaps the Suspension Bridge effect will give birth to many many new couples! 
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Netaro and Toi: Ooh~~~~! 
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Nagi: Chief, this might get dangerous, so it’s best if you don’t get involved. This kinda work that involves the 3Es is better suited for someone like me… 
Yodaka: I believe they were, “𝓔mbrace without” looking out of place, “𝓔xposure to danger is OK”, and “𝓔asily counted on.”
Chief: Oh… To be honest, I’m extremely worried about you guys, but unfortunately, Kafka called me in earlier… I’ll need to leave for an overseas business trip tomorrow. 
Ryui: (He probably figured this was gonna be a dangerous job… I’d do the same if I could.)
Yodaka: Not only do we have the police, we even have Danny, the brawn of HAMA Tours, on our side. I’m sure it will be fine.
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Daniel: You can bet I’m gonna apply for that worker’s insurance and paid leave after this.
Ryui: —There’s something I just don’t get.
Ryui: We were only asked to escort her, I don’t see why we gotta dress up as maids or butlers and blend in as the manor’s staff. 
Sakujiro: I must disagree.
Ryui: … Go on.
Sakujiro: It would be quite unnatural to have multiple unknown faces wandering about the manor out of the blue. 
Nagi: Um, then why can’t we act as security guards instead?
Sakujiro: We must not give away that Joe-sama is the treasure. Introducing security into the picture would only bring unwanted attention.
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Netaro: Indeed… Having guards around would only rouse suspicion. 
Ryui: Tch… 
Sakujiro: I’m certain you understand the necessity of your roles. Now then, let us take a short recess. We shall continue your punishment from the 58th bow.
Sakujiro: I apologize for disturbing you all during your break time, but I have something that requires your attention.
Nagi: ? Sakujiro-san, you look pretty excited?
Sakujiro: Fufufu… Was I perhaps too obvious? Please, take a look at these.
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Toi: Wow…! It’s a sketch of butler and maid uniforms! 
Sakujiro: The moment I heard that you would all be working at a manor for your next assignment, inspiration welled up within me. Should you find these designs acceptable, it would be an honor to sew them up for you. 
Yodaka: These iterations honor the classic designs of old. I think they’re splendid.
Toi: But, I’m a maid? Not a butler?
Sakujiro: I believe being a maid would suit you better.
Ryui: You got that right. But… The hell you putting me and Hachinoya in dresses for too…? 
Sakujiro: I believe being a maid would suit you better.
Netaro: Lookie!! Daa’s gonna be a maid too!
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Nagi: Woah, I feel like that’s gonna show up in my dreams, somehow.
Daniel: Whatever… I’d rather wear a maid dress than have to bow down one more time… 
Ryui: An old man like you should know how to stand your fucking ground! There’s no way in HELL I’m wearing a dress! I’d rather bite my tongue and let it fucking bleed out!
Toi: Ah, if Ani-sama is biting his tongue off then I will too…!
Netaro: Count me in~
Nagi: That’s a lot of “Tongue-cut Sparrows”… *
Yodaka: With this response… I’m sorry to say, but we should probably shelve that idea… 
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Sakujiro: Understood… Boohoo… 
Sakujiro: Good work, everyone. Please keep in mind what you learned today. I expect you to become the absolute most perfect servants.
Location: HAMA House 2nd floor
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Ryui: (Ugh… My back’s stiff as a board…) 
Sakujiro: Ryui-san, a moment, please.
Ryui: What? I ain’t doing any more bows.
Sakujiro: No, I didn’t stop you for such a reason… I have something I need to share about Joe-sama.
Sakujiro: As I recall, Joe-sama was actually a present that the late madam Brunhild had received from her father at a tender age. 
Sakujiro: She must have been treasured greatly as a close companion.
Ryui: …..
Sakujiro: When a person senses that they are not being valued, that is when they experience true anger. The duty of a servant is to find the true meaning hidden within their master’s demands, and act accordingly.
Ryui: And? What’s your point?
Sakujiro: Please keep in mind that if you perform insincerely, the other person will know.
Ryui: Yeah yeah, thanks for the warning, or whatever. 
Sakujiro: ….. 
Location: Manor - Large Parlor
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Hiramei: Good morning everyone! We’re counting on you all for this mission! 
Hiramei: Please try to act natural! Samejima-san and I will be checking in on you guys every once in a while!
Ryui: ( –Is what that guy said, but… )
Location:  Manor - Bedroom
Ryui: What was next again, making the bed? How’s it even getting messed up when there’s only a plushie in here… 
Ryui: –The fuck! The heck you loungin’ around for, old man?
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Daniel: My back… it hurts… It’s as stiff as a board… Give me a break already… 
Ryui: That’s what you said last time when you were lazin’ about on the sofa! For fuck’s sake, you’re a lost cause—
*loud tumbling noises*
Ryui: … Who messed up this time… 
Location: Manor - Large Parlor
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Joe: My goodness! What in the world happened for the room to get to this state!
Toi: Wha- The laundry room and corridor are totally covered in foam...!
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Nagi: I’m sorry… It’s my first time using a washing machine like this, so I put in a random amount of detergent and clicked some random buttons, and this is how it ended up… 
Ryui: Ah… Hachinoya’s technology impairment rears its ugly head… 
Yodaka: Joe-sama, pardon us. We’ll clean this up right away, so please overlook this. Nagi, could you bring in the cleaning supplies?
Nagi: Joe-sama…I apologize for my carelessness… 
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*loud tumbling noises*
Joe: W-What in the world is it this time!?
Location: Manor
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Netaro: Hmm. I thought I could grow some fresh veggies for dinner, but I seem to have injected a cell-positive agent instead of a growth promotant… 
Tomato Monster: GRRR—!
Toi: Wah! There’s a cluster of man-eating tomatoes with fangs surrounding us!
Joe: The manner in which they gnash their sharp fangs is giving me a fright! I-I fear for my life!
Yodaka: Pardon us, we will promptly harvest them. Netaro, please bring a shovel and a trowel.
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Netaro: Roger that! Joe-sama, sorry about this!
Ryui: (Damn, can’t believe Natsume could clean up this mess so fast… Glad we have him around.)
Ryui: By the way, why’s Joe been on Toi’s back this entire time? You’ve even got him using a baby sling… 
Toi: Hehe, I’m Joe’s nanny right now! Joe-sama, are you comfortable on my back?
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Joe: As expected of my “nursemaid.” I am feeling quite comfortable indeed!
Toi: Ehehe~ I’m glad to hear that.
Ryui: (Well, it’s all good if Toi’s happy with it.)
Ryui: Joe, you better not work Toi too hard, got it?
Joe: …..
Joe: My, whyever could it be that you are the only one to show me such disrespect… 
Nagi is referring to an old Japanese fable "Shita-kiri Suzume" or "The Sparrow with the Slit Tongue"
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areyoudreaminof · 1 year
Golden Hour: An Elucien Week Playlist
It's all come to this. To say I've been waiting on pins and needles for @elucienweekofficial is the biggest understatement. I spent months curating every song, beat, and lyric to best represent Elucien for Day 1: Mates.
SJM said that Elain was the person that she and Lucien didn't see coming, and that they would find "tension, growth, and healing," together. How great of a love story will that be? So for this playlist, I structured the 20 tracks around that narrative. Side A is the tension and Side B is healing and growth. Listen to it here! And come with me behind the cut for the lyrics. I hope this playlist inspires all of you to write, draw, create, and just jam.
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Just Pretend-Bad Omens:
I know the pain That you hide behind the smile on your face And not a day Goes by where I don't think I feel the same So will you wait me out Or will you drown me out? I can wait for you at the bottom I can stay away if you want me to I can wait for years if I gotta Heaven knows I ain't getting over you
S P A C E-Amber Marks:
I know, it is hard to comprehend Why won’t, you let me be in my head? Alone, I need to be So don’t, straight up come walking in I tried, to warn you many times Now I, don’t want to start a fight But I, can’t go on this way So why, won’t you just give me some time?
Sunflower-Tamino :
Oh baby, don’t you notice me? Notice me, so ready to lose everything Everything for your love Every day I’m getting closer to you But you never answer my song I know love does not come easy Oh there must be someone who hears me
I Wanna Be Yours-Arctic Monkeys:
Let me be the portable heater That you'll get cold without I wanna be your setting lotion (Wanna be) Hold your hair in deep devotion (How deep?) At least as deep as the Pacific Ocean I wanna be yours Secrets I have held in my heart Are harder to hide than I thought Maybe I just wanna be yours
It's 2am and I've gone and lost my friends But I can't sleep alone again No, I can't sleep alone, I just wanna go home And it's 2am again And all these years, I've been running from my fears But I can't sleep alone again And all my life, I've been looking for a light That I can't reignite again
It’s the nights When I keep you in my mind That I hoped that I'd be fine But I've started showing signs Of another late night Of another night time Oh, I hoped that you'd be mine
Old Stone-Laura Marling
Old stone Ten thousand years and you're still on your own Don't you love, don't you love me that way? And if you swear that you're alright I'm not gonna try and change your mind Because the same night I dream that I lose you I'll fall in love Oh, honey don't let me walk away from this If I'm trying to fuck up my own life Then until I figure out why I think it's best you keep your distance Lest I fall in love
1957-Milo Greene
The scent you wear moves in lines from your apartment into mine, You act like you don't know me My god you tempt my anxious mind, Takes me away, takes me away, takes me away
Shut Up, Kiss Me-Angel Olsen I could make it all disappear You could feed me all of your fears We could end all this pain right here We could rewind all of those tears I could take it down to the floor You don't have to feel it anymore A love so real that it can't be ignored It's all over, baby blue, I'm still yours
Spanish Sahara-Foals
Forget the horror here Leave it all down here It's future rust and it's future dust I'm the fury in your head I'm the fury in your bed I'm the ghost in the back of your head 'Cause I am
Waiting for You-The Aces
And I hope you know that I want you I've been sitting here waiting I've been waiting for you I've sent out invitations It's getting frustrating waiting for you I think you know, I'm waiting for you I'll take your hand and kiss your fingers So you don't have to break the ice No need for chill, just lose your filter I'm ready to dive in Melt the ice and just swim
Worship-Years and Years
Wanna be here tonight Wanna hide in your light Wanna cover my eyes I feel you reflecting me I worship all that you see
Just tell me how I can prove I'm the one for your fire And I'll take you higher I'll do it for you And you can worship me too
My My My! Troye Sivyan
Now, let's stop running from love Running from love Let's stop, my baby Let's stop running from us Let's stop, my baby Oh my, my, my I die every night with you Oh my, my, my Living for your every move
Butterflies-Kacey Musgraves
Kiss full of color makes me wonder where you've always been I was hiding in doubt 'til you brought me out of my chrysalis And I came out new All because of you
And now, you're lifting me up 'stead of holding me down Stealing my heart 'stead of stealing my crown Untangled all the strings 'round my wings that were tied I didn't know him and I didn't know me Cloud Nine was always out of reach Now, I remember what it feels like to fly
Cutty Love-Milo Greene
Time can over-complicate But darling I refuse to wait There's no way of planning For the fall All your paths will fade away Questions read by years in pain I can be the answer to it all
Even if your heart stops I'll be there to hold you up Even as the world turns I'll be there to watch the fire burn Burn us both alive
The Lamb You Lost-Jesca Hoop & Sam Beam
There is music in the sea And we swim into the sound Far adrift like I am free When your voice turns me around
Any heart could burst its shell Love is made for broken things Bring your hands to know me well Know my heart for what it sings
Moon in a tidal lock And I am born to love you
If It Feels Good, Then It Must Be-Leon Bridges
More than I choose to, I’m falling in love, And love I ain’t used to You give me that stuff No, I can’t refuse you You and I in the light, it’s alright Say you will, say you might If this is wrong, then nothing’s right See yourself like I do Oh, tonight looks good on you
All the tales the same Told before and told again A soul that’s born in cold and rain Knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight And at last can grant a name To a buried and a burning flame As love and its decisive pain Oh, my sunlight
Dog Years-Maggie Rogers
I spend my time daydreaming As sure as the sea It's just you and me Oh, and I'm the one that loves you
Come what may I'll still stay Inside your mind For all of time
Made to Love-John Legend
Oooh, I've never seen anything It's much more than you and me Extraordinary machine I was sent here for you We were made to love You were sent for me too We were made to love
Golden Hour-Kacey Musgraves
Baby, don't you know? That you're my golden hour The color of my sky You've set my world on fire And I know, I know everything's gonna be alright I used to get sad And lonely when the sun went down But it's different now 'Cause I love the light that I've found In you
I would not be here, writing or making playlists, were it not for Elucien. More importantly, were it not for Elucien, I wouldn't have met all of the wonderful people I now get to call my friends.
@acowarelucien @asnowfern @andrigyn @bookofmirth @bagelfyre @cursebrkr @c-e-d-dreamer @carmasi @damedechance @foundress0fnothing @iftheshoef1tz @melting-houses-of-gold @iheartfjords @krem-has-a-mess @kingofsummer93 @acourtdelaluna @lovingelucien @ofduskanddreams @mossytrashcan @octobers-veryown @panicatthenightcourt @reverie-tales @spell-cleavers @separatist-apologist @stickyelectrons @sunshinebingo @thelovelymadone @the-lonelybarricade @tuzna-pesma-snova @vulpes-fennec @velidewrites @wittyrejoinder @wilde-knight @yazthebookish @ineffable-resplendence @sideralwriting @ablogofbipanic @acourtdelaluna @foreverinelysian @filthyglamdoll @thesistersarcheron @ultadverb, @bellatrixship @potatocolada, @bennylavasbuns @lady-yenn @millameazza @acourtofthought
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frierengf · 1 year
drabble collection — gojo satoru x reader
The five stages of falling in Love
— Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression & Acceptance. You hate Gojo Satoru, without a doubt. The flutter in your stomach, the heat on your face, the way you can barely speak around him. There can’t be any other explanation. You love Gojo Satoru, without a doubt.
wc : 100 - 250 x5 [1.1k] | ao3 [tags & notes]
— Denial (2017) ”I’m not in love with him Shoko, I hate his guts! You know this!” Shoko meets your gaze with doubting eyes, eyebrows raised. You roll closer to her, dragging your chair across the floor with your feet, before grasping her hands between yours. ”Gojo Satoru has been my nemesis for years, and that isn’t gonna stop anytime soon,” you say, as earnest as physically possible. ”Sure,” is what she replies, more doubting than you’ve ever heard before. ”You suck Shoko,” you mutter. ”You owe me dinner when you finally figure it out.” ”Which will be never!” ”Uh huh, sure. Shoko stands up, pulling her hands from your grasp. You lean back, looking up at her. She walks over to her desk and pulls out a few files before sitting down on the table, facing you. ”It’s fine y’know? To like him.” You flinch, looking to the side, down at the floor, at your hands. Anywhere but Shokos knowing gaze. ”Yeah, well, I don’t. So it’s fine. Even if I did like him, it’s not like he would like me back. He’s been nothing but a pain in my ass since the first time we met. Is he even capable of liking people like that?” Shoko just sighs. You look at your watch. ”I gotta go now. Class in 5,” you say, looking back at her. ”Let’s go out to dinner tonight. My treat, even though I’ll hate Gojo forever.” ”Deal.” —————— — Anger (2005) ”It’s unfair as hell! How is Kyoto meant to win anything with those two on the opposing team!” Gojo Satoru stares you down with the smuggest grin you could ever fathom. Geto Suguru looks slightly remorseful. You’re sure you look murderous. Gakuganji pats your shoulder. You frown at your principal. ”I won’t deny that it is unfair, but I have faith in all of you,” he says, adressing your classmates and upperclassmen. You roll your eyes. ”Sorry, but I doubt faith is going to do anything against two special grades. And the six eyes.” ”Sorcery won’t be your only weapon. Use your wits, your strength, your motivation.” ”They wiped the floor with us last year,” Utahime says, slight grimace on her face. ”But we can definetly outsmart them. I have a plan.” You grin before looking across the courtyard to meet eyes with Gojo once more. His smile widens and yours turns to a frown. You stick out your tounge at him, and you think he laughs. You break eyecontact. He’s annoying as hell. Tokyo wipes the floor with Kyoto for the second year in a row. You’re pissed. Utahime is holding back tears, apologizing for failing her underclassmen. You hug her and she sniffs into the crook of your shoulder. Only one thing is on your mind. I hate Gojo Satoru. —————— — Bargaining (2015) ”Nothing can be worth having to work with Gojo Satoru.” ”Not even a 100% pay increase?” You frown at Gakuganji, but his expression is unmoving. ”Are you messing with me? If this is just to piss off Gojo I’m not going to accept that offer.” He sighs, turning his head to the side before looking back at you. ”You’ve undoubtedly been a great asset to the Kyoto school for these past five years you’ve worked here, that is something I won’t deny. But alas, the Tokyo school recently let us know that they are in need of a teacher for their third years, and I couldn’t help but recommend you.” You frown, leaning forward to rest your elbows against the table. ”And this would give me double my current income?” ”Yes.” ”And Gojo teaches first years, correct?” ”That is correct, yes.” You lean back in your seat, crossing your arms. Gakuganji keeps looking at you, analyzing, scrutinizing. ”When would I be starting?” ”As soon as you’re able. For now the other Tokyo teachers are taking turns with the third year classes, but they’d appreciate you there within the week.” You frown and tilt your head to the side. A lot of pros, but one major con. Is it really worth it? You love Kyoto, your coworkers, your students, the city. But… money is also nice, is it not? Tokyo is nice. Everyone at the Tokyo school is nice, if you exclude one certain person. ”Fine, I accept,” you say, standing up and brushing over your clothes. ”I’ll start packing right away.” ——————
— Depression (2018) ”What do you mean he isn’t here?” Ijichi falters under your gaze. You take a step closer. ”He just isn’t here anymore? What does that mean?” ”The… um… the prison realm. He’s been sealed,” Ijichi mutters, and you swear you hear your mind shatter into pieces like a crystal ball. You swallow. A drop of sweat runs down your temple. Another runs down your cheek. And then one on your other cheek. Ah. I’m crying. ”Hm. I see.” The husk of you walks in to Shibuya station, not caring about coming back. You run. You exorcise. You fight. Muscle memory. Auto pilot. Why do I feel like this? I hate him. Don’t I? Even if I hate him, he’s still my colleauge. He’s still my friend. The carnage of Shibuya station overwhelms you. You fall to your knees, dryheaving. Tears are running down your face, uncontrollable and chaotic. How are we supposed to do this without Gojo? Screams of civillians ring in your ears. The wet, sticky feel of blood and the taste of your tears cut through it all. How am I supposed to do this without Satoru here? —————— — Acceptance (2019) ”I never hated you y’know?” You and Gojo sit next to each other, sun setting over the lake, feet skimming the waters surface. You lay down against the wooden dock before looking up at his silhouette. ”I didn’t know,” you mumble. He turns and looks at you. ”Now you do then,” he says, turning back to the lake. ”I guess I do,” you reply. The wind plays with his hair as the golden sun shines through it. He’s gorgeous. Your heart beats, pumping blood through your body, rushing through your ears. The sound of the lake, the crickets, the birds, all dulled. You pull your feet out of the lake before crawling to lay down next to him. He looks down at you, azure eyes gleaming. ”Maybe I don’t hate you either,” you say. He smiles that stupid smug smile that pissed you off so many years ago. ”Oh?” ”Mm. Just maybe though, so don’t push it.” ”Ah, I wouldn’t dare.” You smile up at him, and his turns tender, matching yours. ”Maybe it was love all along?” he asks. You laugh. ”Didn’t you just say you wouldn’t push it?” ”Can’t help it when it comes to you babe.” ”Ugh shut up, I hate you.” ”No you don’t.” ”Mm, I don’t.”
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iheartmomochi · 11 months
Dear Vocalist Momochi A•CHI•KO•CHI \No Limit!!!/ translation
Important: i DID NOT make this translation. I commissioned currytantou on twitter (an entire month ago LOL), so all credit goes to them! I 10000% recommend you also commission them if you want a jpn -> eng translation!! And please do not repost this translation anywhere or use it for re-translations into another language.
You can listen to the cd here
[closes door] Ahhh, just cramming the luggages and it tires me already. It doesn’t make sense how I have to drive now. Ugh. I should have hired a mover to carry all this stuff. In the first place, why do I have to keep costumes at the office? If there’s no space to store them, just add a new building or something. It’s not like they don’t have the money.
Anyway, the interior of this car really sucks! Wood paneling?! Seriously, why did he buy this of all cars? I’d definitely refuse it if he offered it to me even for free. Way too lame. Well, not that it matters. It’s not like I’m gonna get in this car anymore after this. Actually, how do I start the engine? Where’s the key?
Huh? Of course I have a license. I just didn’t tell you about it. Well, I’ve only driven twice since I got the license though...Besides, I can survive in the Tokyo metropolitan area without driving. Actually, it’s a bother to have a car. What is this button? Ah, it’s on. Geez, what’s the deal? Nobody needs cars to be so high tech. Why can’t it just be like those cars at driving school? Just use a key and we’re all set. We’ll go now- ..oh right. Gotta set the navigation. I have it but it’s a hassle so can you set it up? You remember my home address, don’t yo- Ah.
Ahem. If so, then what? It’s fine. Just a slight scrape on the mirror won’t affect the driving. It’s their fault for parking next to a pillar. Put that aside, hurry up with the gps! I told you to set it up, right? Figure it out by the time we come out of this basement parking.
[beeps] Tch, so noisy. I just gotta turn right next. I know that much. [beeps] Ugh!! That red car keeps tailgating us, right? Stop bullshitting me. Now I can’t enter the right lane! Whatever. I’m going straight. [beeps] Shut up. Why don’t you drive, then? It’s not like we’re in a rush anyway. Can you not complain just because we’re taking the longer way? Ughh. How irritating. Oh. We can just enter that family restaurant. We’re taking a break. A break. [horns from other cars] Huh???! Shut it!! You don’t have to horn that loud. I can hear it just fine!
Ughhh. Huh? I just need drinks. If you wanna eat, just go ahead. Anyway, will you bring me anything to drink? I’m tired from driving. No way I can move even one step from this seat. Whatever works. Ah, but not that lemon squash from earlier. The one at this place tastes so awful. Also not coffee or tea. I’m not in the mood now. Also, don’t add any ice. It’s so inconvenient anyway. (sighs) I still gotta drive after this. It’s unthinkable we’re not even halfway to home. I’m so fed up, seriously. Ahhh! I wanna go home soon!
Tch. How long do you think I waited? You’re too slow. Come on, let’s go. Huh? Where else? Obviously back home. We’ll grab a taxi somewhere. The car? Just leave it here. I’ll just make up some random excuse and have one of the members pick it up. I can just ask them to carry the luggages while they’re at it too. I see. Then stay here by yourself. If you’re that concerned about the car.
[car slows down] Hm, I’m gonna read out the address so can you insert it in the navigation? Yes, please do- Ugh! Hey, what are you doing? You’re gonna get those hands caught! Ehehe! Sorry about that. Seems like this girl is a little drunk...Hey, what are you crying for?! Stop it! Uhh, I’ll get off for now. I’m really sorry, after I made you stop the car! Alright. [car leaves]
(sighs) Hey. Stop your bullshit. The driver gave me a weird look! Seriously, what were you thinking? Not only you wrench opened the door I’m about to shut, you even cried out loud! Nobody knows who’s watching us on this high traffic road. You’re seriously unbelievable. Come over here!
Looks like nobody’s around here. Hey, will you get over it? I’m already irritated enough..! Huh? It hurts? You got those grass as a cushion, so isn’t that fine? Or maybe I should’ve pushed you against that wall? Huh? Roses? Ahh, the thorns hurt you. I see. Huhhh..! Haha! I know, and that’s why I did it. Nggh...! Feel more pain! There! There!
Hm? Are you gonna cry again? Even when everything is your fault? I really don’t get it. Hm? Your neck is bleeding. Did a thorn pierce you? [sucks] Hey, what are you doing? It’s teared up because you moved unnecessarily. I was being kind enough, because that cloth looks new. But I guess it’s too late. You fell down the grass and you already got yourself dirty earlier. I suppose it doesn’t matter anymore. This cloth..! (tears) Ahhh, it tore up more than I thought it would. Now you’re gonna be full of scars, no? Hehe! But what can I do? Because everything is your fault..!
Haha! Feel more pain! I’ll ruin you even more while we’re at it! You have such a pathetic look right now. But that makes me feel a little better. Depending on how you behave, I might feel like driving again. Actually, isn’t it going to be inconvenient for you if I don’t drive? How are you coming home when you’re like this? Your clothes are all torn. Your makeup, hair - all messed up. You probably can’t even catch a taxi so that means you have to rely on me, don’t you agree? So, there’s only one thing that you can do. Do your best and put me in a good mood. I told you before, remember? That I’m the only one who can love a miserable girl like you. Don’t ever forget that. Your answer? Don’t tell me you already forgot. If you get it then be desperate and behave in my favor. If you don’t want to be abandoned. Okay? (kisses)
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personasintro · 2 years
The new me chapter was so gooood 😭 the fight is nicely wrapped up and my heart is full and happy with closure but also that best-friends-again-w/o-benefits thing was such a nice twist (almost cliffhanger?) and I can already smell the drama of the future chapters and I’m still hooked.
Y’know what’s… weird? That part of them taking a break wasn’t really planned, I’ve toyed with a few ideas because we’re slowly reaching the end (don’t worry, there’s still quite a lot chapters ahead of us & no I don’t know how many 🫣). The main points, scenes and moments are already planned but I still gotta figure out what’s gonna happen in between that, to “connect” those big moments so they make sense and are more natural. It’s one of the reasons why it takes me longer now, drafting really helps but this time I still changed things lol so my drafting notes look a little different for 55. I’ve got a few ideas in my head, so now I’m in the stage when I wonder whether to use them or not. Sometimes I come up with new stuff and all that. But don’t worry, I’m not trying to prolong this story!!
We’ll see how they’re gonna handle being back to best friends without being intimate lmao. We all know they thought it’s pretty simple to hook up. “It’s fine, we have fun and nothing much changes” that’s something they had in mind the whole time. We could see that even if they were hooking up, not much has changed. It’s very debatable and for much longer conversation, but the core of their friendship hasn’t changed. They’re still very close, but they’re some changes for sure but that’s understandable when they took their “friendship” to next level.
Anyway, enjoy the ride and I’m sure each chapter will give you more answers! 💌 I’m gonna stop explaining things now, I’ll let the story itself to do that 😌🫶
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Mocking Jay stream of consciousness
Howdy bitches (in a loving tone)
I want to apologize about the harsh and wrong things I said about Gale in a deleted post. I called him cold and aggressive which was out of complete ignorance because I was separating him from the context of his situation. I really am sorry. Gale is a character I do not understand well and that’s on me. It’s fun to dunk on characters you don’t like but not when it’s causing harm and I was causing harm and I do apologize for that. I didn’t want to talk about the books I’m reading without holding myself to better standards and addressing that first.
Now then— onto the fried eggs for brains thoughts about mockingjay (I’m in chapter 9)
- I cannot remember their username but someone brought of the fact that Gale is getting groomed by Coin which hit me in the face like a baseball bat because fucking duh— it’s right in your face and it went over my head. While I was reading I was like “GALE NO— YOU ASS KISSER”— nah girl he is a victim and you missed the point.
- Coin you can rot in hell— you are grooming a literal child (I think he is like 18 but I don’t care he is a child). You are taking advantage of an 18 year old who watched his home burn to the ground. YUCK!
- fuck you snow you ugly bitch— when I catch you it’s on sight you sad sack of garbage. All I gotta do is wack those old ass knees of yours and down goes you and your fuck ass empire.
- Peeta blink twice if you need help sweetheart
- Peeta baby I am so sorry. We are gonna bring you home sweetheart.
- I am not handling peeta’s interview well :) I’m gonna need 10 business days to process.
- top 3 characters— Haymitch, Finnick, Peeta
- I liked Peeta in the movies and the first book— I really LOVED Peeta in Catching Fire— I did not want to care about him because I know how all this ends and caring hurts my feelings but Peeta wormed his way into my heart in Catching Fire.
- not haymitch threatening to staple a helmet to katniss and then eating her lunch.
- FINNICK YOU POOR BABY I AM SO SORRY. Y’all he scrambled to Katniss because he was distraught that they wouldn’t let him go to district 8. He was down so bad that even Katniss thought it was a bad idea. He is SO not okay without his wife and it makes me cry every time. It’s okay princess we will get your wife back— TRUST and believe— Annie baby we are gonna get you :’)
- Finnick coming through for Katniss after peeta’s second interview— YUUUUUUP YUUUUUUUUUHP
- one thing about Finnick is he will snap out of it to protect someone else. Finnick will come through in a pinch.
- Finnick and Katniss are the best friends ever
- mutually assured destruction to mutual understanding that they are both drowning and their is nothing that they can do for each other except drown together— Finnick and Katniss’ friendship progression from Catching Fire to Mockingjay
- Gale annoys me a lot throughout this book— I do not see the point to his character outside of pissing katniss off or getting her to participate when she is uncooperative.
- Coin I’m still on your ass— I hate you
- District 8 😢 I lost my marbles— I was freaking out the whole time. Snow I hope you break your foot.
- 🧍‍♀️me hoping the Haymitch father figure scenes aren’t only in the movies
- “if you knew what Finnick has been through you would know how remarkable it’s that he is still with us” OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY IM OKAY THAT DIDN’T HURT MY SOUL AT ALL 🤧
- wishing haymitch was in this book more— where are you friend
- Gale putting two and two together that Peeta is trying to keep Katniss alive still— I clapped. I cheered. Gale annoys the fuck out of me but this was the one scene I was rooting for him.
- Gale and Katniss being mad at each other off and on throughout this book is getting old. JUST TALK TO EACH OTHER FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS THAT KEEP ME SANE HOLY FUCK.
- Buttercup making it into the deal is funny— buttercup getting regulated is so fucking funny to me.
- the trauma aging Prim made me wanna throw myself to the floor and scream— it’s so unfair— relatable because girl same— but WHYYYYYYYY
- when Finnick and Annie reunify I’m gonna run through the parking lot and cheer like a crazy person. I just want them to be happy.
- so far Catchig Fire is my favorite book
- I know a lot of people like to forget that Finnick and Annie are careers from district 4 because we love them and Finnick teamed up with Katniss— I do think their stories are more powerful knowing that they are career tributes. They are a testimony to haymitch’s statement about the games— there are no winners. Only survivors.
- Finnick and Annie’s purpose in the story are more than just being allies or foils to Katniss. They are reminders that careers are also victims. D1, D2, and D4 are all under the thumb of the capital despite the food on their plates and the quality of their lives. Finnick and Annie are both deeply traumatized people who can’t function without one another. Finnick was exploited in the most unethical ways and Annie watched someone get decapitated. All of this happened before the age of 20.
- it was so easy to hate Kato and Clove because they treated THG like a fun and fair competition and it shows how well propaganda works. They became human to the audience (through Katniss’ pov) just as they were coming upon their deaths. Finnick and Annie are reminders that careers are also victims and that no matter how much pride they carry or how big their ego is— they will never sleep through the night peacefully again. There are no winners.
Sorry for the yapping 🤠
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