#so now i’m looking at ‘minimizing’ bra’s
daisybees · 1 year
not to stop being fun and cool and chill on main but i’ve been super dysphoric about my chest lately and it’s really starting to get to me
#i spent the last two hours looking up bra stuff ™#i’ve never had one that fits and i’ve tried binders too but i don’t like the squish ™ plus they’re super uncomfortable for me#so now i’m looking at ‘minimizing’ bra’s#like i don’t mind my chest i’m ok with like it being there— but everything i wear accentuates then and i hate it so much#like#i have a big band/cup size but smaller rib cage and waist so like#anything i wear really draws attention to my chest and i do not vibe with that at ALL#all i wear are graphic tees too so like if the print is in a weird place it makes it even WORSE#like the last time i was fitted was 9th grade and i went from an A to a D Then a D to a DDD/G and now I’m looking at H and I#i hate it here#they’re so fucking heavy too like#the only acceptable reason to even have these at this point is if a pretty person offers to hold them for me#i was looking up reductions straight up recently#the way i feel about gender and my relationship with being nb makes me think about this a lot and idk who else can relate but#i want LESS of a chest but i don’t want it gone completely you feel? like not quite top surgery but like…. less#like i will even take like AVERAGE bra size like i don’t care im cool with a C#just not this duo planet ORBIT i have currently#like i said sorry to rant but it’s really bothering me today#plus like anything that even remotely fits or feels comfortable is so expensive.#luckily i found some cheaper brands that don’t make me feel horrible#i thank adoreme every day of my life fr
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katiexpunk · 21 days
Summertime Sadness
Pairing: Mr. Ben X fem!Reader | W/C: ~4.3K | Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Summary: With your Senior year coming to a close, Mr. Ben tells you how he feels about your class behavior. Some lessons are hard to learn.
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Warnings: Dub-con (could even say non-con) dark themes. This fic absolutely contains an exploitation of authority. You alone are responsible for what you consume on this platform; just keep scrolling if that’s not your cup of tea. Student/teacher relationship. Dom/Sub undertones. Age gap. Reader just turned 18. Sexual tension. Blatant flirting. Teasing. Bratty behavior. Use of sir. Use of daddy. Semi-public sex. Desk sex. Loss of virginity. Orgasm denial (!! the fic theme per the challenge). Light spanking. Crying. Some Spanish. Unprotected rough P in V. Oral (both). Creampie. Dirty talk. A smidge of degradation. Twisted morals. No aftercare. A/N: I have to say, writing orgasm denial for Mr. Ben was definitely not something I saw on being on my 2024 dance card, but I’m here for it. This fic was written as part of @iamasaddie Kinky May follower celebration. Aly, congrats babe. Thanks for the fun prompt.
Fic title and final line inspired that song. You know the one. Minimally edited.
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Fresh off the heels of your 18th birthday, you stride into the final day of your senior year. 
Only two classes left. It feels strange, a bittersweet blend of nostalgia and excitement. In some ways, you've acknowledged your growth, recognizing the woman you’re becoming. In others, many things have remained the same—the bright pink on your bedroom walls, the frill of your bedspread, the chipped glitter on your nails. But in many ways, everything has changed.
You certainly no longer look like a young girl; boys are suddenly turning heads left and right. Your shirts fill out more, and your jeans are tighter. You stand taller now, and your reflection in the mirror reveals confidence you didn’t have a year ago. 
Your dad now gets very nervous when the weekend arrives and you tell him you have movie plans. He hides his worry behind a weak smile and a stern warning. You roll your eyes but appreciate his concern. You wonder how he might react if you told him it’s not the boys he has to worry about in the first place. 
You have fun with them, of course. It doesn’t take much—a flick of a pen, a pop of gum, and a good push-up bra—but none of them have ever really captured your attention. No, after the lights go out, with your hand between your thighs, you let yourself dream of rough hands, the tickle of a beard on your soft skin, and a much firmer, much older presence.
So what if he’s your teacher? 
Cyndi Lauper said it best, girls just want to have fun.  ++++
“Excelente, Matt. Muy bien hecho (excellent, Matt. Very well done),” you hear Mrs. Martinez say shortly before she turns to you, red lipstick smudged on her teeth. 
¿Puedes decir, "Next month, I intend to participate in a cultural exchange program with students from Spain."
Despite having spent the past year in this class, you haven’t really gotten much better. You might be if Spanish just didn’t happen to fall right before English, before his class. 
You pause, wide-eyed and suddenly very nervous. 
“Uhh –,” you clear your throat. “El próximo mes, tengo la intención de participar en un programa…” you pause again, looking at her for any sign of reassurance that you’re not totally messing the sentence up, “de intercambio cultural con estudiantes de España…” you elongate the a in España, almost a question to it. 
“Perfecto,” she praises “Excelente pronunciación y uso del subjuntivo (excellent pronunciation and use of the subjunctive).” 
You sink back into your seat, satisfied and self-assured. The clock on the wall suddenly commands your attention, each tick a tiny torment, counting down the minutes until the next period. Your last class. Not just the end of the day this time, but what feels like the end of an era. 
Your stomach feels like it’s in knots, your palms suddenly a little clammy. You're unsure if it’s the lingering anxiety from the pop quiz or the bittersweet realization that you won’t see Mr. Ben after this.
You knew this moment would come; you had prepared for it. If this was the last time you’d see him, you figured, why not put on a little show? That’s why you slipped into a short skirt and a dainty little tank top this morning. You swear you saw your mother clutch her pearls when you walked out the door, but she didn’t bother to say anything, and you knew she wouldn’t, not since your last argument. “Mom, I’m 18 now, I can dress however I want,” you had said. 
This wasn’t entirely new. You’ve slowly gotten more and more suggestive in your outfits over the progression of the year, particularly in Mr. Ben’s class. You didn’t mind hiding behind a hoodie or a sweater in your other periods, but you always made sure to tuck that into your backpack before English. 
It hadn’t been your plan at first, but when you showed up in his class earlier this year, your white tank top soaked from the rain, you noticed how he couldn’t take his eyes off you, the way his eyes fluttered down to your hard nipples hidden behind the transparent fabric. 
But there was something different about the way he looked at you, unlike how the boys in your grade did. His gaze held something deeper, something darker, perhaps. He looked at you as if you were the devil sent to destroy him and an angel destined to save him all at once.
And you love it. 
Week by week, you began dressing a little more suggestively. You couldn't help but smile when you approached him after class one day, wearing a pretty sundress that hinted at the creases between your thighs and ass if you bent over just right, and he went beet red. 
You had spent the entire year chipping away at the exterior he had built to maintain any sense of professionalism.
And today was the day you were going to watch it all crumble.
To your dismay, Mr. Ben hardly spends any time looking at you during class. In fact, he seems to be trying to look anywhere but. You do your best to catch his attention. You even go as far as to pull a lollipop out of your bag, provocatively sucking on it in the hopes of catching his eye.
Despite your best efforts, he pays you no mind. 
Your heart sinks when the final bell rings, and Mr. Ben wishes the rest of the class a good summer and says he'll see everyone at graduation. 
You can't hide the disappointment on your face as you start to pack up your bag, the sweetness of the lollipop on your tongue a stark contrast to your now gray mood. Just as the rest of the students shuffle out of the room, you hear him call your name, asking you to stay behind. You pause, curiosity piqued despite your lingering disappointment, and turn to face him, wondering what he could possibly want you to stay behind for.
The classroom empties, and he closes the door, leaving an electric silence hanging in the air at the sound of the lock. You turn to face him, heart pounding in your chest. His eyes finally meet yours, and you see a flicker of the same tension that has been simmering all year. 
"You wanted me to stay?" you ask, the lollipop pinched between your fingers, still toying with it on your lips.
"Yes, I did," he says, rounding the desk and coming to sit on the front of it, arms crossed over his chest. His broad frame fills your vision, the dress shirt clinging to his skin just right, his salt-and-pepper curls framing the crease between his brows.
You drop your bag on a nearby desk and take a step closer to him.
"I've been really disappointed with your behavior this past year," he rasps, his voice firm.
And oh. It catches you off guard. 
"And why is that, Mr. Ben?" you ask, playing the innocent card, deciding to go along with whatever this is, your attention mostly on the sweet stickiness of the lollipop on your tongue.
He scoffs, but his eyes are glued to your mouth. “Please, sweetheart. Don't think I haven't noticed the way you've been looking at me, dressing like a little slut just to catch my eye."
“Oh, so you did notice then…” you say, your voice teasing as you swirl the lollipop in your mouth.
"You like tarting yourself out for a grown man, sweetheart? Someone old enough to be your daddy?" He rises to stand and towers over you. His eyes glaze over your face, that same darkness even stronger now. His pupils are dark enough to edge out the brown, while your eyes are bright enough to cut glass as you look up at him.
"And what if I say yes?" you ask, removing the lollipop and holding it between your bodies. Your eyes drop to his lips, watching as his jaw tenses and the vein in his forehead becomes more pronounced. He seems to wrestle with his thoughts for a moment before his gaze locks onto yours, intense and scrutinizing. 
"Come on, Mr. Ben, don't you want a taste?" you say suggestively, your voice dripping with playful teasing. Slowly, you rub the glassy texture of the candy over his lips. His eyes widen slightly, and his lips instinctively part. With a hint of a smile, he accepts the candy on his tongue, savoring the sweet flavor as it dissolves.
"Yeah, sweetheart, I do," he groans, his voice rough with desire. He breaks the lollipop with his teeth, the hardness crunching audibly. The sweet shards scatter across his tongue, and he grins at you like he wants to do the same to you. 
His hands find your hips, and he pulls you into him, his cheek grazing the soft skin of your jaw as he dips to your neck. His lips latch onto your skin, sucking gently, leaving a mark, eliciting a soft moan from you. 
He pulls back, his breath hot against your ear as he whispers, “Naughty fuckin’ girl, I oughta teach you a different kind of lesson, one you might actually listen to. Poor little baby’s been too cock drunk in my class, probably didn’t learn a damn thing in this class all year, did you?” 
"No, sir," you giggle, your laughter light and playful. He responds with a low groan, the sound filled with a mix of frustration and arousal.
“Guess we’re gonna have to do something about that,” his hands drop to your ass, and he plants a firm smack on your backside with his right hand. 
“I’m gonna tell you what to do, but I’m not gonna tell you twice,” he says as his large palm comes up to hold the column of your throat, his thumb just under your jaw, tilting you up to face him.
“When I tell you to get on your knees, you’re gonna do it,” he says, voice low. “If I tell you to look at me, you’re gonna do it,” he continues, “And if I tell you not to touch yourself, you’re not going to,” he says, dipping his face lower to you. You wonder if he can feel your pulse quickening under his hand, caught in a lusty daze fueled by hot breath and the sight of his blown pupils.
“Tell me you understand,” he commands, not really questioning.
“Yes,” you rasp. 
“Yes, what?” 
You look up at him, confusion painted on your face, but then you realize what he’s asking for, what he’s giving you. What he wants you to call him. 
“Yes, daddy. I understand,” you say, tightening your grip on his forearm, feeling his muscles' strength still grasp you, pulling you closer to him.
He looks down at you, apparently satisfied. 
You think for a moment he might kiss you, his lips barely an inch from yours, but he doesn’t.
“Oh so you are capable of listening,” he praises, releasing his grip on you.
“Get on your fucking knees, baby. You wanna dress like a whore, I’ll treat you like one.”
His words wrack through you, the filth and the promise behind them sending shivers down your spine. You fall to your knees, feeling the hard, scuffed-up linoleum beneath you. Positioning yourself beneath him, you fold your hands in your lap, waiting for his next command. He reaches down, his pointer finger lifting your chin to face him. He runs his thumb slowly over your lips, even his touch is demanding. 
“Been thinkin’ about what this pretty little mouth could do all year long.”
As he releases you, you take that as permission and reach out to undo the buckle of his belt. You momentarily fumble with the cool metal until it’s completely unbuckled before you begin working with the zipper on his slacks. You tug both his pants and his underwear down just below his hips, and his thick length springs to attention.
Your breath hitches in your throat at the size of him. He’s big. His cock is already at full attention, red and weeping. Your mouth waters at the sight of it. You look up at him, silently asking for permission to touch him, and he nods. 
“Go on,” he says, and your hand comes to wrap around the base of him. The thought of all of him being yours stirs something low in your belly. If something is so wrong, why does it feel so right? 
You stroke along his length, feeling the silky warmth of his skin, the heat, and the thick veins that add texture to each pass of your palm. You pause at the top of him and let out a little squeeze until a small bead of precum forms at the tip. You lap it up, and he lets out a groan, and his hands fall to grab the back of your neck.
“Keep that mouth wide open for me,” he orders. 
You part your lips and tease your tongue around and then start sucking on the tip, slowly taking more in until you’re sucking on the full head of his cock, and your tongue is whirling around it. His grip on the back of your neck tightens, and he gently cants his hips forward, urging you to take more of him.
You’re barely halfway down, and the back of his cock is already on your throat. You start bobbing your head up and down, and he mutters a little curse under his breath and bites down on his lip.
“Look so pretty with your teacher’s cock down your sweet little throat,” you moan around him, the sound reverberating against him, “This what you wanted, hmm? Needed your throat fucked like a slut?”
Your thighs clench together, a syrupy mess of your own slick smears on your skin beneath your skirt, barely contained in the thin strip of your thong, his filthy words adding to the roaring ache in your cunt. This doesn’t go unnoticed by him as you notice him stiffen just a little more. 
He holds your head and forces you to pick up the pace, pushing yourself to take more of him. He thrusts firmly, meeting your movements along his shaft.
“Tha’s it, just like that…” his groans are lecherous, coupled with the profane sounds of you gagging on his cock. It’s rough. He’s bigger, thicker than any high school boy you’ve ever had in your mouth. You can hardly breathe, but he doesn’t seem to care. 
He tightens his grip on your hair and fucks your mouth the way he wants to, the way you always hoped he would. When you try to pull off of him to catch your breath, he tsks at you, and holds you on his cock for a second longer before letting go and letting you off him to catch your breath. 
You cough and try to fill your lungs with fresh air. He takes a moment to watch you wipe the saliva and precum from your mouth with the back of your hand. It’s a vulgar sight, his freshly legal student on her knees in his classroom, mascara smudged from the tears you’ve begun to cry from his cock. He commits it to memory. 
“That was your first lesson,” he rasps, “Now it’s time for your second.” 
You rise, your knees burning from the harshness of the floor. He takes a step forward, guiding you back until your backside presses against the front of the desk. His knuckles trail over the front of your body, pausing on the swell of your breasts before dipping lower to the edge of your skirt. With a deft flick of his wrist, the pads of his fingers graze over the front of your sex, feeling the wetness that has soaked through the fabric.
“I’d ask if this is all for me, but I already know it is. Sloppy little cunt has been dripping for me all year, hasn’t it?” he coos, slipping his fingers beneath the fabric, grazing against your clit. You gasp in response. He uses his fingers to draw a few tight circles on your clit, eliciting a moan from you as he does. 
“Please, daddy. Need it so bad.” 
“Misbehavin all year, and you really think you deserve to come?”
He uses his middle finger and prods at the entrance of your wet hole. You pout. 
“Daddy, please, I’ll be a good girl from now on, I promise.” 
“I don’t think you will, sweetheart. Can’t be giving ya whatever you want. Everything comes with a set of consequences,” he kisses your neck and continues to tease your clit. 
“Including fucking your teacher,” he rasps in your ear, punctuating it with a bite on the flesh there. He shoves his middle finger up into your cunt. You yelp, it’s so much, almost too much. 
He moans in response. 
“Oh, and you’re tight, too. Thought you might be. You ever been fucked here?” 
“No…” you sound shy saying it. 
“Never?” he asks, eyebrows raised. 
“No, only ever fingers,” you whine as he slips another finger in. There’s a stretch and a burn from the intrusion. 
“Fuck,” he groans as he thrusts his fingers in and out of you. You’re so wet that the burn is beginning to lessen as he gently moves his fingers inside of you. 
“Gonna be a teacher’s pet, and let me help you out with that? Gotta earn it to get back on my good side, and you can start by givin’ up that sweet little v-card of yours to me.” 
You look up at him, a little unsure, a little nervous. You glance down at his cock, he’s so big, you’re not sure you can take all of him, but you know you want to try. 
“Yes – yes, daddy.” 
“Lay down on the desk,” he commands, and you listen. 
Your upper back rests on the oak desk, draped over the final grades for the year. There's just enough room for your hips to slightly dangle off the edge, with his hips positioned between your legs.
He pauses to admire the way you look up at him, your chest rising and falling rapidly, your perky tits still in your bra, a little sheen of sweat on your chest. He notes the way you still look flustered from taking him in his mouth, still a little nervous. He smiles, knowing he’s going to fuck every ounce of that right out of you.
He wants to claim ownership of every inch of your body, and he doesn’t want to wait any longer.
He drops to his own knees this time, hooking his thumbs into your underwear to pull them down with him. His face immediately finds your cunt, and he wastes no time before he lays a trail of soft kisses over your wet and waiting folds. He starts slow, a kiss here, a lap there, and eventually begins to pick up his pace.
He sinks a thick middle finger into you again, and this time you're ready for it. Your hips cant up at the welcomed intrusion, and your back arches, unable to stay on the desk. You feel his hot breath on your pussy and let out a small mmm at the way he presses his forearm across your lower half to lower you back down to the desk, to keep you still.
His mouth returns to your clit to work you, and he adds another finger, twisting and working them both into you with precision. You’re so fucking close – your slow crawl to the cliff of your orgasm turns into a full-on sprint. As if he couldn’t already tell from the way you’re moving, you verbally confirm your closeness for him. 
“Please,” you moan. “Please – ugh, need to come, please let me come,” you beg.
“You come when I say you can,” he says, voice slightly muffed against your wet skin.
He presses his lips against your clit, but doesn’t give you enough tongue to get you where you need to go. You’re already so swollen, sensitive – you know all you’ll need is a little suck, and you’ll be gone.
You don’t know how much longer you can stave off your pleasure, but you want to be good for him, to listen, to obey.
He knows you want to come, that’s obvious, and god does he want to know what you look like when you do, to feel it, to be the reason; but still, he continues to tease and let it build. Your face twists, your jaw goes slack, and your eyes close and it all but screams I’m close, make me come, make me come. 
It’s all too much, way too much. Tears begin to fall from your eyes. 
“Consequences, sweetheart,” he rasps, “you gotta learn.” 
He sucks your clit into his mouth and he grazes it with the top of his tongue and closes around you. You flutter your eyes closed. You warn him that you’re close, “Daddy, fuck, please let me come. I’ve learned my lesson, I swear,” you rasp out your pleas with a symphony of moans.
Satisfied with your pleading, he decides to take mercy on you. He looks up at you through his thick lashes, drinking in the way he has you melting, the way he has you crying, begging for him. 
“Alright, sweetheart. I believe you. Go ahead and come, want you to soak my face,” he says, voice hoarse but still smooth like velvet.
You obey and feel the taste of your sweet release rush through you like a warm summer breeze on a hot day. Your vision goes white, and your whole body tenses with pleasure as he works you through it.
“You gonna tell your daddy thank you for letting you come?” His dilated pupils tell you he’s high on it; on you. His beard shines with your slick under the harsh fluorescents. 
And shit, it’s filthy. He looks indecent in the most delectable of ways.
“Go on, wanna hear you say it,” he says, grabbing his thick cock in hand and lining the head of it up against your wet and waiting hole, pausing there before pressing in, waiting to hear your gratitude for what he gave to you. You let out a little whine.
“Thank you, daddy,” you tell him, and he nods, once more satisfied. Both of his hands come to your hips, surely leaving little bruises under his strong grip. Your slick makes it easy for him to bury himself in you to the hilt, even with the size of him.
“You sure you’re a virgin? Sure are taking this cock like it’s your fucking job, like it was made for me, aren’t you?” 
He pauses for a moment to give you a second to adjust; you feel so full, you swear you feel him in your lungs. He begins a relentless pace, thrusting his cock deep inside of you, the obscene sounds of the clapping noises fill the classroom. 
“Daddy, daddy, daddy, thank you, oh fuck,” you cry.
“That’s right. Say thank you for giving you this cock, for fucking you smart,” he commands.
Thank you – thrust – tha - thrust – thank you, fuck, thrust.
“Please tell me you’re on the pill or somethin’, wanna fill up this tight cunt, give her a taste of what she’s been asking for all year,” he groans as he continues thrusting into you. 
“I am, I’m on the pill, please, daddy, give it to me.” 
“Fuck, shit. Gonna fill this tight pussy up.” He fills you deeply, pausing buried deep inside of you, and you feel him explode inside of you. Your breath comes in stilted as the world begins to fade back in. 
When he takes a step back, his tip smears against your inner thigh, leaving a trail of precum on your flesh. You bring your hand to cup your pussy, collecting the cum in your palm. You catch most of it, but some of it smears and pools onto the papers below. 
He pulls up his pants and walks across the classroom to a box of tissues on the back wall. He hands them to you, and you use them to clean yourself up. You both adjust your clothing in silence. Once you're both fully dressed, you stand there quietly, the weight of the moment settling heavily between you.
"You did good. I'll make sure you get an A for your final grade," he says, his voice hollow and detached. He avoids your gaze, the weight of his actions now sinking in, the line he's crossed glaringly obvious. You open your mouth to say something, but he's already turned away, striding towards the door. Without a word, he opens it and holds it for you, the silence between you deafening.
"Have a good summer," he tells you, his tone almost too casual. "I'll see you at graduation."
You try not to read into what he might mean by that. 
You walk away from him, feeling a little used, confused, changed. 
Somehow, everything and nothing has changed at the same time. As you walk away, a whirlwind of emotions churns inside you. 
What's summertime without a little sadness?
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Tagging some moots who might enjoy: @toxicanonymity @syd-djarin @endlessthxxghts @auteurdelabre @yxtkiwiyxt @joelmillerisapunk @xdaddysprincessxx @javipispunk @survivingandenduring
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
I’ve been looking more and more into investing in a custom corset to see if it’ll help with my back pain. I had a custom leather one made years ago when I was going through my steampunk burlesque phase, as well as my wedding corset and a few other off the rack ones, but that was over a decade ago and my size has changed a lot since then. So I’m no stranger to the world of corsets. I’m just new to getting one made here in the US.
And twice now I’ve run into the same problem where I explain what I want (bust support with minimal compression of my lower abdomen due to medical issues) and I get told the same thing. “Oh, but that shape won’t slim your waist” and like… bestie, I don’t want to slim my waist down. I want support for my 34EE/F tits before my back breaks and a bra strap subluxates both my shoulders again.
I’m this close to taking a risk on a $300 purchase on an off-the-rack (heh) option if it’ll let me avoid human interaction 😖
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savorypink · 5 months
need late sias!alex as a barista and u as the annoying customer who comes in during closing time. he angry fucks you in the bathroom cuz u annoy him
“cuz u annoy him” makes me giggle, but here you are anon!
“...and that’s why I stopped paying my taxes!” 
You speak into your phone’s speaker, swinging the doors of the small cafe open. Caught up in a conversation over the phone, you miss the scowl on the barista’s face as you saunter towards the counter. The lights of your favorite coffee spot have warmly dimmed, the minimal lighting enhancing the coziness of the atmosphere. This lighting, however, is an indication that closing time is near. To the dismay of the night shift barista, Alex, you have always made it your business to show up right before the doors close. Your horrible timing isn’t entirely your fault, though; 1) you’ve got things to do, 2) the cafe has become rather popular recently, and your patience isn’t the best. Why would you want to wait in line? 
Your conversation continues even when faced with the barista, completely ignoring the chairs sitting on the empty tables, the lemon scent of cleaning products breezing past your nose entirely. The barista’s cute, large doe eyes look up at you from the counter he’s wiping down with a bleach-stained rag; he doesn’t seem happy to see you. 
“Hold on just one second...” you say to the barista and your rambling friend on the phone. Digging into your bra, you pull out the crumpled-up bills and coins for your usual drink, all in exact change. You hand him the money with a warm, lip gloss-coated smile. You’ll see if he’s worthy of a tip. 
“You know what to do.” You finish with a wink before he takes the money out of your manicured hands. Your perfume's pleasant candy scent lingers when you turn your heel to the tables behind you, dizzying and addictive to his nostrils, but he scowls as soon as you pick up a chair. Plopping down, you continue entertaining your friend on the phone, and you aren’t quiet about it.
“Yeah, I’m at the cafe now. It’s so cute!” you squeal. “You should totally hit it up sometime. Make sure the Elvis-looking guy makes your drink, though. He’s the best.” 
Your words wash away the barista’s annoyance as he prepares your drink, knowing your preferences like strings on a guitar, pure muscle memory. Your loud mouth quickly tarnishes this somewhat peaceful moment.
“It’s the ginger-haired girl you gotta watch out for. Ugh, she’s the worst! Can’t make a drink for shit. And guess what? I found a hair in my muffin! When I flipped out on her, she kept saying, ‘Calm down,’” You do perhaps your worst impression of the nasally lady, “and she was like, ‘Do you want another muffin?’ No! I want my money back, Ed Sheeran!”
Your friend on the other line laughs alongside you, a bubbly yet ear-piercing cackle that makes Alex almost crush the mixer in his hands. His brain bounces from wanting to hear your laughter again to shutting you up with a kiss. As your gums continue flapping, you allow your eyes to examine the barista behind the counter. His backside is as cute as his front, the lean muscle of his shoulders contracting under his white t-shirt, strong arms flexing as he scoops up the ice and pours it into the mixer. You put a gelled nail between your teeth as you watch him, shifting in your seat as your panties become uncomfortably wet.
“Hey! Are you still there?” Your friend calls on the other line.
“Yeah!” Your cheeks warm up at the interruption, “Like I said, make sure Elvis makes your drink. You’ll know exactly what he looks like. If his back is turned, just look for the one with the cute butt.”
Alex is thankful his back is turned, your words tinting his face a rosy red. The silver bell on the counter dings once your drink is prepared. You don’t bother putting the chair back as you approach the counter. You thoroughly look through the transparent cup, ensuring the amount of ice and the number of dried fruit is accurate; you have no notes. Taking a sip, you let the liquid linger on your tongue before swallowing. Cold, sweet, and punchy; you couldn’t ask for more. You reenter your bra, dig out some change, and place it into the tip jar near the register. Your sunny, warm smile conflicts with the barista’s snowy, freezing shoulder.
“Thanks, Alan!” 
Your eyes dart to the pastry case behind him, a croissant drizzled with chocolate catching your eye. “How much for that croissant? It looks tasty…”
“For you? Free of charge.” He’s more concerned with getting you out of here before you give him gray hairs. 
“Wow, really?” you beam in amazement. “You’re so kind! Alan, you’re the best! You’re way nicer than that ginger chick who tried to poison me. Ugh, she doesn’t work here anymore, does she? So unprofessional. She’d be better at scrubbing toilets than making drinks.”
Alex smirks at your remarks as he hands you the pastry in a white paper bag. “You mean my boss?”
“That’s your boss?” You immediately take the pastry out of the bag, biting into the flaky treat. “She’s in the wrong line of work if you ask me!” 
“Oh, yeah? Do tell.”
Your mouth moves before you can detect the sarcasm in his voice. You’re oblivious to the flakes falling into your shirt, decorating your cleavage as you continue munching and talking. Alex second-guesses giving you a napkin before handing you a few from the dispenser. If he didn't, he’d have more reason to stare at your chest. Flakes and chocolate stain the corners of your mouth and lip, and he hates to admit it, but you’re looking very…cute.
“Anyway,” you finish, wiping yourself clean, “You should totally be running this place, Alan. It doesn’t hurt that you’re super hot, too. Just work on the resting bitch face, and you’ll be amazing!”
Your final comment digs painfully into his skin, and it’s a shame. He was starting to like you.
“You’re too pretty to be talking with your mouth full,” Alex crosses his lean arms over his chest. “ I could teach you proper etiquette if you’d like. I’m a tough teacher, though. Be warned.”
Offended, you blink wildly before smiling at the compliment he snuck into his invitation. You gladly accept.
“You think I’m pretty?”
The cold marble of the bathroom sink raises the tiny hairs on your skin. You claw at it to no avail, sheepishly bent over the sink with your thong and velour tracksuit pants hugging your ankles. The empty bathroom echoes a slapping sound, a mixture of wetness and the noise of your ass against Alex’s relentless hips. His cock drives in and out of you at a brutal pace; each thrust angrier than the next. 
“You’re awfully quiet,” his large palm comes down on your ass with a vicious spank. “Come on…you were mouthin’ off about a muffin just a minute ago.”
Your cunt gushes at his words, the tight walls of your core needily squeezing him in a vice grip. Lust clouds your brain, unable to form a witty comeback to his statements, your weak moans becoming a new language. Before you lay your head on the marble, Alex fists your hair in a ponytail, tugging you upwards to face the mirror. Ignoring the messy reflection, you allow your eyes to roll into your skull, heat beginning to pool in your stomach, his cock hitting the right spots repeatedly and harshly.
“We’ll figure out a use for your mouth in the next lesson. You're doing a great job at taking me, muffin.”
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foranidalas · 4 months
how about pope fingering reader in the back of the twinkie ..
oh anon .. this concept 😵‍💫
*.⊹˚𝜗୧ ‧₊˚
“john b is going to kill me,” he stresses as you drag him by the hand over to the battered van with a devilish giggle. you’re quick to push him into the unlocked car, stumbling on top of him as you try to hurriedly press your lips against his.
“jesus— slow— slow down?” you’re all over him, his body half on the couch seat of the van, and he’s desperately trying to find the lock so as to minimize the chance that someone were to show up unprompted. your hand flies to his jeans, now seated on top of him, desperately trying to undo his belt buckle in a surge of adrenaline.
“missed you— so much—“ you mumble in between kisses, keening into his touch as his fingers massage into your thighs, still trying to get you to slow down a bit, “you saw me this morning,” he reasons, sucking in a sharp breath as you finally undo his pants, not hesitating to fit your hand into the opening.
“yeah, that was like, hours ago.”
“it’s eleven thirty—“
“shut up, pope.”
you’re quick to undo your own pants now, haphazardly pulling your shirt off, breasts spilling out from your bra. you laugh at the way it makes his lips part, eyes focusing completely on the lace of your bra and the way it compliments your soft skin. he reaches to grab the back of your thigh, just below the fold of your ass, pulling you under him swiftly before you could assume complete control of the situation.
he’s on his knees now, and your legs find their way over his shoulder as he inspects the want evident on your underwear. two fingers reach to rub you through the fabric, and you stifle a whimper. “pope..”
“isn’t this what you wanted? don’t worry, i’m gonna give you what you need.”
your head falls back as he moves his fingers to tug your panties to the side, pad of his index quick to find the wetness pooling by your hole. he coos, and it makes your face burn with embarrassment.
when he finally dips a finger in, knuckles deep, you let out a deep groan. he’s quiet as he find his rhythm, twisting and curling his long digits as he tries to find what makes you cry out in the specific way you like. he’s studying your every reaction, every twitch of your body and sound of your lips, face scrunched in a way you can only describe as pure desire as he watches you writhe above him.
every protest you make is cut off by a different thrust of his hand. you wanted more of him, you had since you’d tricked him into meeting you here, but he was determined to have you fall apart with his hands alone. he slides another finger in agonizingly slow, and your hand flies to grip his hair as you try to maintain composure. your eyes flutter closed, and he angles his fingers up farther into your cunt.
“look at me.”
when you do, it only stirs you on more. his gaze is hard, eyes loyal to maintaining contact with your desperate ones. the dominance of it only brings you closer to release. it’s all he’s said to you since he’s brought you apart with his fingers, and it does something to you. your lips part as he brings you closer, brows scrunching as you search for some sort of purchase. his eyes are still locked in with yours, and you can see him fight back his smile.
“let go, baby. just let go.” it sends you over the edge, body falling limp as you cry out weakly. he doesn’t stop thrusting into you as your orgasm takes you over, fingers repeatedly massaging that one spot inside of you that has you falling apart. you try wiggle your way away from him, overstimulation replacing pleasure, but he clamps a firm hand to your thigh to keep you from moving.
“give me another one,” you can see his hardness through the thin material of his briefs, strained and neglected, but his tone commands you keep your eyes on his, and you struggle to find it in you to fight back.
when he finishes you off for the third time, he pops his fingers in his mouth with a cocky smile, sucking off the remnants of your juices happily. it makes you roll your eyes, before you jump at the sound of sudden intrude.
“seriously, dude? pope?” john b calls from outside the twinkie, hand covered over his eyes as he shamefully shakes his head at the two of you. strings of curses fall from his mouth as you scramble to find your clothes and put them on, scolding you as you giggle as you do so. you can faintly hear jj wolf-whistle from next to john b, and popes face falls in his hands, red from embarrassment.
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somanyratsinthewalls · 6 months
Congrats on 300 folower 🎉🎉🎉 can I request caramel lily it's totally ok if you can't lol btw love the way you write
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Thanks so much for the req! This is SO much plot with a bit of porn, I'm not sure what got into me here! Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Sanji x Afab!Reader
WC: 2100 LOL
Prompt: “I’d eat 10 devil fruits if it meant I could see you naked.” 
— — 
It was Robin’s birthday, so you and the rest of the Straw Hats were enjoying an evening of drinking and celebrating. Empty bottles littered the dining room table and your captain was asleep and snoring on the deck, distended belly evident of his overindulgence. A few of your crew mates had returned to their quarters, the hour having grown late. You sat at the wooden table with Nami, Zoro, Franky and Robin playing cards while Sanji finished up dishes at the sink. You were all a bit tipsy, some more than others *cough* Zoro *cough* but it was clear the party was winding down. 
“I’m not tired yet. What if we made this game more interesting?” Robin made a suggestion and set her hand of cards down on the table. 
“*yawn* like a drinking game? I’m in.” Zoro takes another swig from his bottle of sake. 
“How about we put real money on the table? I know I’d kick your asses if there was actually something at stake.” Nami suggests. 
“I was actually thinking we could play strip poker.” Robin smirks as she makes the lewd proposal. 
In what seemed like the blink of an eye, Sanji was somehow squeezed in between Nami and Robin on the dining room bench when he was all the way across the room at the sink not a second ago. 
“What an incredible idea, Robin! And it is your birthday after all, so we should all do whatever Robin suggests!” Sanji hurriedly spits out with hearts in his eyes, seemingly out of breath from rushing over. 
“Absolutely not. If you think for a second that I’m going to-“ Nami protests. 
“Sure, I’m in.” Zoro interrupts her. 
“Yeah I’m down I guess.” You chime in, wanting to keep the party going. You had known these people for years now, they were your best friends. Everyone has a body, who cares if they see you naked? What’s the worst that could happen. 
“Aww come on, bros! That’s like super unfair! I’ll obviously lose first! This game is rigged!” Franky exclaims while gesturing to his lack of clothing. 
“Rigged against who? Perverts?” Zoro cocks his head and smirks. 
“Whatever, I’m out. I have maintenance to do on the engine anyway.” Franky excuses himself and heads down into the belly of the ship to finish his tasks. 
“Come on, Nami. We can still put real money on it. Well… most of us could, anyway…” Robin smirks as she looks at Zoro hunched over his drink at the other end of the table. “Hey! I have… some.. cash.. somewhere…” Zoro looks in his pockets and inside his sash trying to find some semblance of money. 
Nami sighed. She pulls a small stack of berries out of her pocket and puts it on the table in front of Zoro. 
“I’ll add this to your tab. I’m going to bed, goodnight guys.” She turns back to Zoro. “Don’t lose it all at once, idiot.” 
After Nami exits, the four of you that remained settled your first bets and started the first round of cards. 
Much to Sanji’s dismay, he lost the first three hands and has already removed his tie, sport coat and belt while the two beautiful women before him were still fully clothed. Zoro lost the next few, casually shedding his shirt and boots. Eventually, after many more hands of cards and many more bottles of booze, the four of you are all minimally clothed. Robin was winning, still in her bra and skirt. You were sat in your bra and panties, happy that you chose a nicer looking pair to wear today. The boys were both left in their pants. 
“Alright, guesshh I’m out…” a very drunk Zoro sighs out as he puts his losing hand down on the table. Wordlessly he stands up and pulls his pants down to his ankles. 
“OH MY GOD MY EYES-“ Sanji throws his head down on the table to shield himself from the now fully nude swordsman. “ROBIN? Y/N? AM I BLIND?” Sanji continues to scream towards the floor.
“WHY don’t you wear underwear! That’s gross! I do our laundry!” You exclaim with wide eyes. 
“Hmm.” Robin hums. “Carpet does match the drapes.” She raises an eyebrow.
“Screw you guyshhh… I.. I’m going to… to lie downshh…” Zoro stumbles fully naked out of the dining room. 
“I’m going to make sure he makes it back to his room…” Robin stands up and dresses herself. Hands sprout from the floor and gather Zoro’s shed clothing and neatly folds it into a pile. Robin grabs the pile and heads towards the door. “… and make sure he doesn’t permanently traumatize Chopper in the process.” 
The door slammed closed and you and Sanji were left alone at opposite sides of the table. 
Sanji cleared his throat. 
“Shall we play on, angel?” 
You roll your eyes. You were up tons of berries, there was no reason for you to keep playing, but something urged you to keep going. 
“Bring it on, Mr. Cook.” You give him a wink and you could swear your saw a drop of blood spill from his nose. 
Perhaps distracted by your tipsy flirting, Sanji loses the next hand and stands up from the table to remove his slacks. He returns to his seat quickly but not quick enough for the large bulge in his briefs to go unnoticed. You smirk. You spot his hands trembling as Sanji pushes his money into the center of the table for the next hand. 
“Wow, Sanji, that’s the last of your berries! What if you lose? How are you going to afford cigarettes this week? It’s worth that much to you?” You laugh and take a sip of your drink. 
“It’s not the money, angel.” Sanji looks across the table at you with sparkling eyes. “I’d pay any cost. I’d eat 10 devil fruits if it meant I could see you naked.” You couldn’t help but smile at his desperation. 
“Well…” You say teasingly. “Let’s play then.” 
Your confidence betrays you. You lose the hand. 
“Shit!” You throw your losing hand on the table. You rub your eyes with your hand, realizing that you have very little left to remove. The air in the room is different from before. Earlier it had been four crew mates laughing and goofing around, now the air was heavy with tension. It was just you and Sanji, sitting across from each other in your underwear. He was handsome and you found yourself admiring his lithe, slim body. You couldn’t help yourself from becoming aroused. 
“Well, fair is fair.” You push the money back towards Sanji and move your hand behind your back to unhook your bra. Your other arm held the cups of your bra in place over your chest as you undid the clasp. You look across the table at Sanji and his mouth was hanging open in anticipation. You aren’t sure why, but you decide to tease him a bit. You use your arm holding your breasts to push them up and together before you let them fall out of your bra, bouncing dramatically. 
“Merde, y/n…” Sanji couldn’t pry his gaze from your bare tits. 
“We still have one more round to play, don’t we?” You pick up a new hand of cards and hold it with both hands. Doing this, you push your naked breasts together with your elbows, teasing the poor cook further. 
“I… Y-yes…” Sanji grabs another hand while shaking himself out of his stupor. 
You had four of a kind, there was no way you could lose. You were going to make off with all the money and Sanji’s dignity. 
“Royal Flush.” 
“What?!” You balk at the cards Sanji had laid on the table. It was his turn to lean back in his seat and smirk. You were speechless. You stared blankly at the table for a few moments before you slide out from your seat on the bench. Sanji watched you intently. 
You turn around so that your back is towards him. You hook both of your thumbs into the sides of your light pink panties. You bent forward at the hip, poking your ass closer to Sanji’s face. You slowly, dramatically peel your panties down your bottom, revealing your supple skin inch by inch. Sanji groans as your glistening cunt is revealed to him. You straighten your back and step out of your panties. You turn around. 
“Well, Sanji. Looks like you won. I guess you could take the money…” You slink towards him and swiftly hop onto his lap, straddling his trapped erection. You place both your hands on the side of his face to make him look up at you. You gently grind your bare pussy onto his throbbing crotch. 
“Or you could have me…” You purr at him, lips almost touching. 
Sanji takes no time to weigh his options before slamming his mouth onto yours. His hands fly into your hair, trying to force your lips impossibly closer to his. His tongue forces its needy way into your mouth. You kiss wildly for several minutes before you snake your hand down Sanji’s slender torso and lift your pelvis up so you can free his aching cock from its confines in his silk briefs. You give his member a few slow strokes before Sanji whimpers into your mouth desperately. 
“Mmm… Y/n.. please…” Sanji mutters. 
You pull away and kiss down his neck. 
“Please what, Mr. Cook? I can’t quite understand…” You seductively whisper out. You lick and suck his collarbone as you continue to pump his cock. 
“Need you…” Sanji is panting like he ran a marathon, he can’t handle your teasing anymore.
“Need me what, Sanji? Come on… tell me what you need…” You bring your hand that isn’t wrapped around his member up to his chest to tweak and squeeze at his nipple. Sanji lets out a high pitched moan. 
“Need to be inside you, please angel, let me feel you…” Sanji grips your hips suddenly and firmly. He could barely form a coherent sentence. You giggled. 
“Hm…. Fair is fair…” You smiled as you lifted your pelvis and aligned Sanji’s cock up with your hole before slowly sinking down him. The stretch overwhelmed you at first as you moved your hands up to grip at his shoulders tightly. 
“Shit, angel… so tight and wet…” Sanji buries his face in your breasts as you adjust your body to his length. 
“Fuck…” You moan softly as you begin to bounce softly on Sanji’s cock. He was thicker than expected, and the anticipation had your body alight with sensation. 
“Does it feel nice, my love? Is my cock good for you? Please tell me…” Sanji breaths out as you use him for your pleasure, trying to contain his own release. 
“Mmmh…” You let out a moan as you switch from bouncing to grinding yourself onto the blonde’s slim hips. “You feel so good inside me, baby… you’re doing so good for me…” You rub your clit into the base of his shaft as Sanji hits that sweet spot inside of you. You bring your gaze to look into his eyes. Those gorgeous ice-blue eyes stared up at you with what could only be described as adoration and amazement. You saw tears well in his glazed eyes, he was clearly so lost inside the pleasure that was your warm cunt. 
“So good…” You continued to praise him. “Gonna cum…” You throw your head back and grip Sanji’s shoulders tighter. 
“Please cum on me, angel, want to feel your pussy when you cum, please…” You hear Sanji’s muttering but you were too focused on reaching your peak. 
You shriek out a loud moan as your orgasm rolls through your body. You fall forward into Sanji’s neck and stop your movements as the spasms slow down. Sanji picks up the slack and pumps his hips upwards into yours, finally able to let go. 
“Fuck, love, I’m cumming!” Sanji slams your hips down onto his and works his load deep into your cunt with a loud groan. 
After you both catch your breath from the intense love-making session you had just experienced in the dining room, you slide yourself off of Sanji’s cock and sit onto the seat next to him. You put your head on his shoulder, feeling exhausted. 
Sanji reached for his pack of cigarettes, desperately needing one after his climax. He finds the pack empty. He looks at all the money that is now rightfully yours on the table. 
“So…. I might need to borrow a little cash this week…” 
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corazondebeskar-reads · 6 months
ain't no rest for the wicked - chapter three
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ain't no rest for the wicked series
three: been sinnin' in this city
series masterlist | prev chapter | next chapter
Tess Servopoulos x f!reader x Joel Miller
words: 5.7k
summary: Tess and Joel go AWOL for a while, but return with a gift.
warnings: dark-ish Joel and Tess, smuggler!Joel, smuggler!Tess, boston QZ, QZ life, poorly negotiated d/s-style dynamics, poor communication, enthusiastic consent, oral sex (m & f receiving), p in v, degradation, stalking, canon-typical violence, threesome, cum eating, light rope bondage, cloth gag, spanking, punishment, sub drop, aftercare, strap-on, anal sex, rimming, light angst, edging, orgasm denial
IMPORTANT NOTE: I have updated the warnings on the masterlist to reflect that this has a bittersweet (imo) ending. It's not a happily ever after. Please feel free to DM me if you want to know spoilers before you decide if you will continue reading.
also on ao3
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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“Soon” doesn’t quite happen. It’s a month before you hear from them.
Honestly, you had forced yourself to accept that it was over. Maybe Joel coming over alone was crossing a line.
Not that it stops you from looking over your shoulder or getting your hopes up when you come home. But there isn’t even a moment where you feel watched from afar. You consider drawing a line of flour across your threshold, but you have a feeling it’d be undisturbed when you get back, no matter if they came or not.
The disappointment sits bitter at the base of your throat.
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That is, until you get home one evening, soaked from head to toe in sleet, and Tess is in your apartment.
When you walk in, you’re too busy trying to get your soaked boots and coat off with minimal sludge on your floor to notice. But when you do, you jerk so fast you nearly slide on the wet floor, falling back against the door.
“What the fuck,” you gasp, trying to recover from the embarrassing screech.
“Joel was right. You really ain’t got a sense of your surroundings, huh?”
“Not in my own home! M’not supposed to have to—“
She smirks.
Not that you notice; too distracted by where she’s lounging. It’s your bed but also it very much is not.
Your mattress is set up on a wooden frame. It’s not fancy, just unstained boards, but it looks well-crafted and sturdy.
“Um,” you say.
“Gonna come try it out?”
“Don’t you like it, sunflower?”
“I-I do, I’m just—“
“I told you, we’ll take care of you.” The smirk is gone, now. She’s startlingly serious.
“You said when I’m at yours,” you say.
“Did Joel not take care of you while he was here?”
“No, he did, I—“
She sits up and grabs your wrist, tugging you over. You follow easily, acquiescing when she pulls you on the bed and manhandles you…
(womanhandles you? Are you failing feminism? Where does the movement stand at the end of the world?)
… until you’re laying beside her with your head on her stomach.
“Isn’t this more comfortable?” she says.
She’s so soft, and she smells so good. You’re a little unfocused between taking deep breaths and curling your arm around her waist. “Yes, ma’am,” you say.
She grins. “Good girl.”
For a moment, you are both content to lay there. It really is comfortable. Soon, though, you’re pressing absentminded kisses to her stomach and nuzzling her breasts.
She rubs her hand up and down your back.
Your hand twitches near the hem of her shirt. “Um,” you mumble, anxious fingers fiddling with the folded fabric.
She lifts just enough to tug it off, going after yours in nearly the same motion. Your mouth waters.
She snaps your bra strap. “Off.”
You scramble to obey, not even bothering to unhook it but yanking the old, worn cotton over your head and tossing it to the floor.
She grins at your over-eagerness, but you barely notice, unabashedly focused on her tits.
“Please,” you whisper.
She nods, and before she can voice the answer, you find yourself clinging to her.
You had meant to latch your mouth around her nipple, but you’re practically climbing her to get close.
Her skin against yours feels like heaven. The creeping loneliness that burrowed into your bones hurts more than ever. At the same time, though, it’s beginning to bleed out.
She gasps softly as your nails dig into her side. Not enough to hurt but enough that she seems to recognize your desperation.
“I know, sunflower. I’m sorry,” she murmurs, holding you tight, just on the right side of painful. But you need it. The twinge in your ribs is giving you more comfort than you’ve known in weeks.
You nuzzle into her chest, placing kisses across her skin that swiftly shift from soft to sloppy. You suck and lick at any inch you can reach, finally mouthing your way to her breasts. Every brush scatters sparks across your shoulders and between your ribs, leaving you shuddering and gasping against her.
She moans as you lave at each hardened bud, and holds your head with an unforgiving grip when you suckle at one. Her back arches, pushing the fat of her breast into your face.
You don’t mind. Oxygen doesn’t seem super important right now. Her other hand has captured one of your own nipples, and she pinches and tugs harshly, her moans drawn out when you whimper against her.
She laughs, and it’s on the edge of cruel, but you’re unbothered.
“Look at you,” she teases. “So fuckin’ needy, huh?”
You hadn’t even realized, but you’ve thrown a leg over hers and are rocking your hips against her thigh.
“M’sorry,” you pant, after pulling off her breast with a lewd pop. You go to move away.
“Don’t stop; it’s cute,” she says, guiding you by the back of your head to her other breast.
Heat spreads across your face but also through your spine until it pools between your thighs. Fuck it, your brain decides, before it turns off for the day.
You’re gasping as you mouth at her, your panties dragging against your clit as you grind.
She slides her hands down and tugs at them, and you quickly lift and help her wiggle them off before sliding down to dispose of hers.
You had planned on returning to her tits and maybe trying to make out, but now that you’re down here, making out with her pussy seems like a much better idea.
You press a soft kiss to her thigh and look up at her, but she surprises you and reaches her hand out to pull you back up.
She guides you, pushing and pulling your pliant limbs where she likes. You let go of the knots anxiety tied to hold you stiff and quiet, a tug behind your ribcage urging you to give in, give up, give everything to Tess.
Something hazy and lax trickles through your veins—it doesn’t go unnoticed, either.
“There you go,” she croons as you gaze up at her.
You didn’t even really notice her laying you down or getting on top of you, but you don’t think about it for long because her knee slides up to your core, grinding until it pushes against your clit.
She catches your moan in a kiss just as she settles her cunt against your thigh.
The feeling of her heat on your leg sends your hips canting against the relentless pressure of her knee. As you squirm and buck, your thigh moves against her, and she moans, biting at your lips until they part with a gasp.
She’s less rough with you than Joel but no less commanding. Her hands grip true and firm, and one winds its way around your neck to squeeze at the sides as she kisses you. You can’t tell which makes you dizzier, but either way, you writhe beneath her just the way she intended.
“I know you’re his,” she murmurs against your swollen lips. “But you’re mine, too, ain’tcha?”
You nod frantically, or at least to the best of your ability, trapped as you are. She eases up a little to let you gasp. You manage to squeak out a “yes, ma’am,” before she increases the pressure again. You’re squirming now, each wriggle of your body bringing you together in a rush of warm, wet ecstasy.
“That’s right,” she says before releasing your throat and focusing her attention on grinding against you. “You wanna cum, sunflower?” Her finger tweaks your nipple.
You reach for her breasts with one hand, the other settling on her thigh, where she’s spread across you. “Want you to,” you pant.
“Oh, I plan on it,” she says. Her smirk is intoxicating, and so is the way her hair falls around her face while she looks down at you. “But you’re gonna cum now.”
Her voice permits no choice, and she jerks her knee against your cunt. The shock and delicious pain of it have you obeying immediately, with her not far behind.
She, at least, has the sense of mind to cover your mouth with her hand. When she’s coming down from her high, she slides it slightly to cover your nose, too.
“Cum again, baby,” she says.
You cling to her with bruising fingers as you cum, and everything goes fuzzy and gray. She pulls her hand away at the last second, rolling her hips against your leg until she cums again, too.
“Please,” you sob.
She doesn’t need you to explain, just rolls back until you can pull your leg out from under her and lunge, burying your face between her thighs.
Her nails scratch against your scalp, and she gasps when you suck on her swollen clit. She lets you lick and draw two more orgasms out of her before she pulls you away from her cunt.
“No more,” she scolds when you whine. “I don’t wanna be sore tomorrow when you come over.”
“Oh, am I coming over tomorrow?” you tease.
“Well, I just said you were, didn’t I? Don’t be late.”
You frown, something too close to a pout, when she rises from the bed and pulls her clothes back on.
“I know,” she says softly, pinching your chin. “You be good and get some sleep, okay? You’re gonna need it.”
She pauses, looking at your bathroom door. “You really got mice in there on purpose?”
You bury your face in your hands and nod. “I can scare ‘em off if you need it.”
She snorts and shakes her head, something almost fond in her eyes, something that will haunt you. “Nah, leave ‘em be.” With one last kiss to your forehead, she slips out of the door.
You hesitate, but get up and lock all the locks behind her.
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You’d be lying if you said you weren’t expecting Joel to be outside your work. He isn’t, though. You hesitate for a minute, wondering if it means you shouldn’t go over after all.
In the end, your cunt makes the call, and you find your way to their apartment successfully. Look at that, you think. You were paying attention, after all. They never need to know you knocked on two wrong doors first.
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Tess opens the third door and smiles. You flush immediately and give her a soft smile back, slipping inside and toeing off your boots. Once you set your bag by the door, you sink onto your knees. It’s all you could think about at work, and you don’t have the strength to fight the urge.
She ruffles your hair. “Look how good you are, pretty girl.”
Your eyes close briefly at the praise, and you look up at her. The fluorescent yellow bulb is obscured behind her head, warmth framing her like a halo.
“Unfortunately, Joel’s not been so good today, sunflower. You’re going to help me remind him how, okay?”
She gives you a hand and doesn’t let go after you stand, leading you into the bedroom. You freeze, though, when you see Joel tied to the bedposts with short lengths of rope and a bandana shoved in his mouth.
He squeezes his eyes tight when he sees you like he can block out the way your eyes are wide and brows furrowed. The shame burns across his body, but more than that, he aches to wipe the concern off your face.
So, he opens his eyes and forces himself into something calm. Accepting. He twitches two fingers against his bond to beckon you.
“Go ahead,” Tess gives you a little shove.
Logically, you know he submits to her. You’ve seen it. But it’s never been like this, never been him restrained or suffering.
He’s usually more like a devoted beast, content to kiss the hand that feeds.
Either way, you go to him and obediently duck so he can cup your face to the best of his ability. You press a kiss to his palm before looking to Tess.
“Someone here decided he couldn’t wait and jerked himself off in the shower this morning, even though you were comin’ over,” she says.
You look at Joel, baffled by the way you almost feel… hurt? It doesn’t make sense, but Tess’s tone seemed to imply you should.
She laughs at the look on your face. “Told ya,” she says to Joel. She comes up behind you, one arm slung across your collarbone and the other hand curling under your chin to grip your jaw. “Little slut’s disappointed.”
You, as always, burn for her amusement.
“Ain’t that right? You woulda been willing to help him out, huh?” she asks. Her grip on your jaw jerks your head up and down even as you’re whimpering, “Yes, ma’am.”
He spits the bandana out. “Told you, I wouldn’t have lasted. Had to take the edge off.”
Oh, she knows. She had come home last night and stroked his cock while telling him all about her visit. She hadn’t let him cum, then, either.
“That’s not for you to decide,” she says, letting you go so she can stuff his mouth full again. “Guess you gotta learn.”
She turns to you. “Climb up and get comfortable between his legs.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
He growls. You look sad, and he doesn’t like it. It doesn’t suit you.
Tess catches his eye and looks you over. “Hey,” she says, a hand on your shoulder. “You trust me?”
“Yes, ma’am.” And you mean it, more than you realized.
“Then stop feelin’ bad for him and help him out.”
“Yes, ma’am,” you murmur and climb up onto the bed, finding a home for yourself between his thighs. The dark hair tickles your nose when you press a kiss to the inside of his leg, nuzzling your cheek against it.
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You’re not stupid, but you think you might be an idiot. You know what this is. And what it isn’t. But the way your chest warms at being close, at being allowed to see him vulnerable, at being coddled a little by the both of them—well, it’s dangerous.
When Tess rubs a hand over your back and whispers “good girl,” in your ear, you decide you don’t care. So what if your foolish heart is collateral? How many times since the world ended have you gotten to feel anything? You don’t need forever; you just need whatever you have in these moments.
So you’ll take it and swallow it up, bottle it inside for when you need something soft and warm at the end of a bad day.
Unfortunately, all the thinking about things that aren’t has you jittering your right leg. It’s tucked under you and jostles your whole body a little. Your head rests on Joel’s thigh, a torturous inch from his leaking cock.
But you know better. And so you wait.
She takes her sweet time, letting him watch you watch precum leak down. The longer she leaves you there in silence, the more the buzzing in your brain fades to a gentle breeze. Your leg stops its fussing, and you breathe deeper, easier. His thigh is wide and warm, and you’re close enough to smell the deep musk of him.
It makes your mouth water and your mind quiet. She comes back over, and you shudder when her fingers trip up the length of your spine until they come to rest on the back of your neck.
“Go real slow,” she says. “Just kisses and licks, for now.”
You’re in a haze; the world narrowed to her voice and his cock. First, you wipe his leaking slit clean with the broad stripe of your tongue before kissing it softly. He groans, but it settles into a whine when you kiss down the underside until you reach his balls.
They’re hanging at a bit of an awkward angle for you to reach, so you shift to sink lower, steadying yourself with a hand on each of his thighs. You don’t think you’ve ever gotten to properly appreciate him like this, to feel the velvet skin against your cheek as you nuzzle in.
Tess’s hand stays steady on the back of your neck, tethering you to the world without having to focus on the threadbare sheets or the clangs and shouts from the open window.
You’re not sure how long you spend like that, wrapping your tongue around wherever you can reach without actually taking him into your mouth. He’s twitching here and there, rewarding you with tiny tastes of him as you go.
She tugs on your neck, pulling you back. You whine, but he whimpers louder. She lets both of you sit and catch your breath for a moment before she’s pushing you down again.
“Just the tip,” she tells you with a playful wink at Joel.
You wrap your lips around it and can’t help but suck hard. His hips jerk up, but Tess is faster, pulling you out of his reach.
“Hold still,” she says, swatting at his thigh. “Be grateful for what you’re getting.”
She waits until he nods before pushing you back down. You try to be gentler, a softer, pulsing pressure, but he’s squirming beneath you, and you’re aching to have him deeper, sliding just a little further onto his shaft.
Tess yanks you by the neck away from him and fixes you with a stern scowl.
“I’m sorry! I’ll be good,” you cry.
“You better be,” she warns and pushes you back down.
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By the time she lets you bury him in your throat, your knees are aching, and Joel is shaking with the effort to hold still. You don’t like the way he gasps and struggles; each sound sending a hairline fracture through something in your chest.
You don’t need to look to know he has tears in his eyes. You can hear it in the ragged breaths and grit of his teeth.
The sun has set. It has to have been at least an hour, maybe two, since this all started.
He lets out a wounded sound, and your own follows.
“Hey,” Tess’s voice cuts through Joel’s whimpers. She tugs at you gently, and you pull off.
“Why’re you crying, sunflower?” she says.
You don’t know how she knew it wasn’t from choking on his cock. It wasn’t like you hadn’t gotten teary before. You weren’t even really sure you were crying. But now that she’s asked, your chest feels tight.
Joel’s focused on you, too, throbbing cock forgotten for a moment.
“I’m okay,” you say, but it’s hardly convincing after it breaks on a sobbing gasp. “I-I—“
She gets on the bed and pulls you into her lap, where you curl around her and begin to cry in earnest. With one hand, she’s able to tug one of Joel’s free, and he’s more than capable of undoing the other.
He sits up on his knees and hovers, hands clenching and unclenching at his side. Tess cradles you and whispers soothing nothings.
Joel finally reaches out and puts his hand on the back of your neck, cupping close. He doesn’t really know what to do with himself.
When you feel his hand on you, unmistakably Joel, both in the breadth of his grip and considering you know where both of Tess’s hands are, you peek up to look at him.
“I’m sorry,” you say, and the chest-wracking gasps take over again. “I’m sorry.”
You’re clinging; you know you are. But it feels all wrong, all jumbled in your chest, like instead of finishing the puzzle, someone just jammed the pieces together until they stuck, no matter the damage.
“Why’re you sorry, huh? You did exactly as you were told,” he says, thumb rubbing over the nape of your neck.
“I don’t know, I feel sad,” you mumble into Tess’s shoulder.
Tess rubs her hand between your shoulder blades. “That was too confusing for you, huh? Put you in a weird place? Like you betrayed him a little bit?”
You nod, rubbing your hand over your clavicle. “Feels wrong.”
“I’m sorry, sunflower.” She kisses your forehead. “You need him to forgive you?”
Your throat is cinched around stone. All you can do is nod.
“Hey, c’mere,” Joel says and pulls you from her lap to his.
You curl up with your face buried in the crook of his arm.
“Ain’t nothin’ to forgive,” he murmurs, kissing the top of your head.
Your inhale sounds mortifyingly like a sob.
Tess shakes her head and raises an eyebrow at him, knowing he gets the same way. “You need to show her. Prove it. Let her earn it.”
“That what ya need? Need your own punishment, remember your place?”
You nod frantically against his collarbone.
“Okay, sweet girl. I can do that.”
Once you’ve settled and the tears subsided, he pries you away and tilts your chin up to look at him. “Lay across my lap.”
You remember his threat from your apartment, and for whatever reason, warmth spreads from your chest to your toes.
He helps you shift into position, arranging you how he wants. A broad hand splays across your hips while the other grips you by the jaw.
“Look at you. You’re just a little girl who needs a spanking, huh?” His grip intensifies, craning your neck.
“Yes sir,” you cry.
“Say it.”
“I—I’m just a little girl who needs a spanking.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
“‘Cause you’ll take care of me.”
It’s not the answer any of you expected. Tess gives a low whistle. Joel’s grip on your jaw slackens just a little.
His other hand comes up to brush against your cheek. He clears his throat, and when he speaks, it’s softer, quieter. “That’s right. I’m gonna take care of ya.”
Your lip quivers, and you don’t know why. Everything is suddenly in stereo sound. Your scalp stings. The brush of his dry finger scrapes against the apple of your cheek. There’s a crack opening somewhere, maybe your throat, maybe your stomach.
Tess runs a hand through Joel’s hair, and he releases your jaw, broad palm finding purchase on the upturned curve of your back.
“Jus’ relax ‘n let me take care of ya,” he rumbles.
The first hit is soft. A test. You don’t flinch when he lifts his hand to strike you again.
The third one stings, and you huff out a breath but hold steady. His hand on your back seems to be supporting your entire spine, given that the rest of you feels like it may melt into the horrible carpet. Another stain in their apartment, but at least this one will bring good memories. You hope.
You might have spent more on the thought, but the next smack lands hard and heavy, and you yelp, nails digging into his calf where they cling for stability. Physical and mental.
“Shh, you’re alright,” he says, rubbing his thumb back and forth where it lays.
The next hit is hard again. And the next. And the three after that.
You’re wriggling in his lap now, not trying to escape but simply squirming after each spank as if you could douse the fire he’s started.
He rubs your ass where his palm had just bounced from, and you suck in a soft hiss.
“I want to give you five more,” he says. “Can you take it?”
You don’t even think about it. “Yes, sir,” you say, shuddering.
His hand cracks down hard before you can brace yourself, and you whimper, kicking your feet a little and squirming.
The next one pushes the tears over the edge as you cry out, writhing a little.
“Good girl, you’re doing so good, darlin’,” he croons.
You want nothing more than to believe him. The words sink beneath your skin, and you expect them to itch like all praise. But they don’t.
The next three aren’t as harsh. At least, you think they aren’t? You’re feeling kind of sleepy. Or dizzy. Maybe both.
“C’mere,” he says, pulling you up seated in his lap. “You took that so well. So good for us, baby.”
Tess hands you a glass of water and kisses the top of your head. She kisses Joel’s, too.
“Y’did good, sweet boy,” she tells him.
You sip at the water while they kiss, something silent passing overhead. You don’t try to catch it; it’s not for you.
You feel quiet. Like sitting there in Joel’s lap, drinking your water is the only thing in your life. Nothing buzzes behind your skull; nothing sends you jittering and twitching and bouncing. It’s… well, it’s quiet.
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“Alright, I think you’ve both earned a reward,” Tess says.
Joel looks up at her.
She grins. “I’m going to fuck you while you fuck her.”
His grip on your waist tightens. “Can I…”
“Yes, I’ll let you come, baby,” she says. “I think you learned your lesson. And you’ve done such a good job with our girl there.”
You’re leaning against his chest, now, listening to the rumble of his voice. You’re not really sure what they’re talking about, but you think maybe you’re going to get fucked now. Which sounds great. You sigh softly, eyes fluttering shut.
“Hey,” he jostles you a little. “You awake enough to fuck?”
He nudges you again, and you blink up at him. “I’m awake,” you whine, nuzzling into his neck and setting your teeth gently against the tendon in protest.
“Didn’t you just get spanked?” he scolds. “You need another round?”
“No,” you mumble, even though maybe your pussy is saying yes. But you’re starting to think she doesn’t have your best interests in mind. “I dunno. Maybe later.”
He sighs, shaking his head. “Lay down,” he says, pushing slowly at your shoulder. You whine and cling with your arms around his neck. He wants you to move? It seems so cruel.
You tell him so, and he rolls his eyes before slipping an arm under your knees and standing up. You squeak.
You try to bury your face further into Joel, but he dumps you unceremoniously on the bed.
You pout, and he smirks as he prowls, trapping you between his knees and bringing your arms up over your head.
“You wanna keep up the attitude? I don’t have to let you cum tonight,” he says as he cages you in.
You whimper, less at his words than at the way you’re throbbing. “I’ll be good,” you whisper.
“Wanna try that again?”
“I’ll be good, sir.”
He kisses your forehead, still looming over you. “Yeah, you will.”
“You want her to help get you ready, baby?” Tess says.
“Oh fuck,” Joel whispers. He looks down at you. “Ever eaten ass, princess?”
You can’t help the moan that slips out, nodding. “Not in a long time.”
He cocks an eyebrow at you. “Y’keep sayin’ that. How long was it for ya, before us?”
You flush and suddenly can’t look at him. “Like. Years. Too long.”
“Don’t gotta be shy about it, sunflower,” Tess says. “We were just curious.”
Mortifyingly, you realize that means they talked about you when you weren’t there. Of course, they did, but you didn’t think it really went beyond “Hey did you like that” and “Do we want to fuck her again?”
“Oh god,” you whisper.
“C’mon and put that mouth to better use,” Joel says, rolling his eyes. He tugs you down further on the mattress before kneeling at the top of the bed, knees bracketing your head.
You don’t waste time, leaning forward to first lick at his balls before dragging your tongue back. You can’t help but nip at his butt. He pinches at your breast in return, and you grin as you drag your tongue in circles, coming close but never quite touching where he needs you.
He gasps when you finally lick across his hole, soaking him in your saliva but only using soft, light touches. He grinds down onto your face, forcing you to devote your attention to him, kissing and licking until your face is covered in your own spit from how buried in him you are.
It’s your turn to gasp when, just as you press the tip of your tongue inside him, Tess slides two fingers into your cunt and curls them. Having regained control of the situation, Joel gropes at your breasts, tugging your nipples until they’re stretched almost too painfully, and you don’t really recognize the wet sounds above you right away.
You almost cum when you realize they’re making out as they toy with you. Tess works you open with three fingers now as you twirl your tongue in tight circles. She pulls her hand free and breaks the kiss just to shove her fingers into his mouth. He sucks and licks your slick from her, and when she pulls her hand away, they both move in tandem without speaking a word.
He moves down off the bed to bury his face between your legs, bent at the waist so she can work lubed-up fingers into his ass. He moans against your clit, and you writhe under the weight of his strong arm across your hips.
He smacks your hip. “Cum,” he growls, pinching your clit and licking as deep as he can inside you. You do, crying out just a little too loud and wincing at the sound.
“Don’t,” Tess scolds. “Let us hear you, sunflower.”
“You think we give a fuck about the neighbors?” She pulls back from Joel and slaps his ass. “C’mon, give her your cock now.”
He taps your thigh and jerks his head toward the top of the bed. You scoot back a little.
“Ready, sunflower? You want me t’fill you up?” His fist is wrapped around the base of his cock.
“Please, sir,” you say, spreading your legs wide and tilting your hips up.
“Attagirl,” he murmurs. Once he’s settled on top of you, Tess grabs him by the hair.
“Just the tip, baby,” she says. “Let me fuck you into her.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he says while you moan.
He notches himself at your slit and gently pushes until the head of his cock is nestled inside you. His hands are balled into fists where they cage you in, and his chest heaves with the effort. After all the wretched edging earlier, he’s not actually sure he can hold back.
“Good boy,” Tess murmurs.
It helps, at least until he hears the vibrator click to life inside her. She moans and adjusts the harness a little before she slaps his ass and pushes in agonizingly slow.
It doesn’t stay slow. She drags it out just until you both are desperate before grabbing his hips and shoving the rest of her strap in. It knocks him forward to split you open.
You think you might actually die this time. How is it that she keeps coming up with even better ways to fuck?
You expect him to try to take control, but he lets her set the unforgiving rhythm, fucking herself on the cock held tight inside her by the harness and taking Joel apart with the other half. Each time her hips crash into him, he rocks into you.
“Fuckin’ hell,” Joel grunts, leaning down to bite at your tits so you writhe and whine beneath him.
You grip one of his biceps and reach up for Tess with the other hand. She entwines your fingers, grinning as you grip on desperately. Joel’s teeth have found your neck, leaving marks for you to find later.
You’re not sure how many times you cum. Or Tess, for that matter. Joel manages two. When Tess takes pity on him for the first, he breaks apart so hard that he buries his face in your tits, biting down and leaving hot tears behind. She fucks him through it, and he never goes fully soft, still twitching and throbbing inside you.
When he starts to protest from the overstimulation, she clicks her tongue at him. “No. Another.”
“I can’t,” he whimpers.
“Yeah, you can. Don’t you want him to cum again, sunflower?���
“Uh-huh,” is all you manage as the breath gets knocked out of you on each thrust.
“Be a good boy and cum for me again,” she says. She lets go of your hand to wrap hers around his throat.
You moan, remembering the way she held yours just yesterday.
He gets a glint in his eye even as they glaze over a little, and slides his hand up to do the same to you.
“Fuck, look at you,” Tess says, eyes flicking between you. “Both bein’ so good for me.”
It’s really all it takes. Joel starts to cum first, and when you feel him jerk inside you, this orgasm forcing some of his first load out to pool on the sheet, you snap, warmth flooding you as you tremble beneath them.
All of it sends Tess over the edge, too, and she reaches out to stroke your cheek as she cums, her other hand still loosely cupping Joel’s neck.
Joel’s shaking as he holds himself over you carefully, waiting as Tess gently pulls out. He follows, concern in his wrinkles as you wince.
“M’ok,” you mumble.
Tess goes to head to the bathroom for a towel but he stops her, grabbing her hand and bringing it to his lips. He jerks his head to the bed, and she sighs but crawls beside you to let him handle cleanup.
You watch him, brow furrowed just a little. He should be more tired than either of you.
“He likes to take care of me,” she says. “Of both of us. Sometimes, we just gotta let him.” She tucks an arm under you, and you roll to wrap your arm around her waist.
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Tess insists they walk you home that night. “But will you make it back before curfew?” you try to protest.
“Y’ain’t gotta worry about us,” Joel cuts in gruffly. “We’re the ones that gotta worry about you.”
You bite your lip but don’t argue. There’s no point once they’ve decided something, anyway.
Something about it feels off, like you’re in someone else’s skin, but then she slips her hand into yours. Joel trails behind you, scowl firmly locked in place as he shoots dark looks around.
You draw the line at them coming into the building. It feels sickeningly silly, like you’re playing pretend in dangerous waters. Your firm “no” doesn’t stop Tess from kissing your cheek or Joel from rubbing your shoulder before you go inside.
You’d always been fine by yourself before, but your new bed feels cold and lonely.
next chapter
*title from "HandClap" by Fitz and the Tantrums
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sxcret-garden · 10 months
Keeho ღ 9:25pm [M]
ღ P1Harmony Keeho x fem!reader ღ words: ~800 ღ genre: smut (thigh riding, fingering, choking, a bit of praise (all reader receiving)) ღ warnings: (him picking up the reader)
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“Steph…” you breathe out while you run your fingers through his short white hair slowly. He hums in response, palms pressing down on your hips and he raises his eyebrows cockily. He always gets like that when he knows he has you at his mercy, and you start calling him Steph instead of Keeho.
You let your other hand dance down his chest, grazing the skin that isn’t covered by his unbuttoned shirt only slighty, and your hand comes to rest on his growing bulge that’s putting a strain on his pants.
“Nuh-uh,” he mutters and he removes your hand. “I wanna have something to watch first.” The way he keeps his voice low sends a shiver down your spine, and when he makes you roll your hips in his lap once, your eyelids flutter shut. The friction is only minimal when your core comes in contact with his thigh, yet the anticipation for what’s to come makes heat rush through your whole body. 
“You’re gorgeous,” he whispers, causing you to open your eyes and to look at him. He drags his hands up from the waistband of your skirt and makes them disappear under your shirt, palms running up your stomach and chest and then back down, only to peel the piece of clothing off you in one swift motion. Once it’s tossed to the ground, Keeho brings you in for a kiss, lips pressed against yours chastely in order to tease you. You whine at his playfulness, and you can immediately see him grinning victoriously. Then he connects his lips to yours in a kiss that is quickly deepened, and you lose yourself in the way he kisses you with so much want and passion.
“Babe,” he mutters against your lips, just before breaking the kiss. “Be good and get yourself off on me, yeah?” Breathless, all you can do is nod. You reach behind yourself to unclasp your bra, throwing it to the ground and then you reach for your boyfriend’s wrists to bring his hands up to your chest. A lustful glint flares up in his eyes at your bold motion, and it doesn’t take any more than that to convey to him what you want him to do. As he starts slowly massaging your breasts, you place your arms loosely around his shoulders and begin to grind down on his thigh. The friction makes you moan and you throw your head back.
“So pretty…” Keeho sighs and he uses the opening to attach his lips to your neck. Taken by surprise, you mewl at the touch, but you don’t stop moving your hips. You tug at the short strands of hair at the back of his head when you feel his teeth grazing your neck, nipping at the delicate skin. He kisses his way up to your jaw and eventually connects his lips with yours, while he takes one hand away from your chest and he slips it around your throat. You moan into the kiss, moving your hips faster while he gradually makes you go crazy. 
“Fuck,” you mutter when he pulls back, and you hear him chuckle in response. Tightening his grip on your neck, he asks,
“What? You’re gonna cum already?” All you can do is moan his name in response, chasing your high as your head starts to spin.
“Steph… fuck…” you mewl. “Am I pretty to you like this?”
“Very…” he answers. 
“Am I pretty… with your hand around my neck?” you ask once again, and you can feel that you’re about to tumble over the edge. Keeho chuckles at your question, and he slips his other hand underneath you, fingers sliding inside your soaked panties.
“So wet,” he comments when his fingertips come in contact with your core, and you cry out when he slips two digits inside with ease.
“Fuck, Steph!” You grind down on his hand now, as his fingers pump in and out of you quickly. “I-… I’m gonna cum…!” He hums at your words in appreciation, keeping a steady pace, and mere seconds later your orgasm hits you. You clench around his fingers, calling out his name with every wave of pleasure shaking your body, and as you’re coming down from your high, he pulls out carefully.
“Such a good girl,” he coos, leaning in to kiss you, and hooking his arms under your thighs to pick you up as he stands. He carries you over to the bedroom, sharing needy kisses in between, and when he throws you onto the mattress, climbing on top of you, he says,
“Now it’s my turn.”
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justpearlysworld · 7 months
Your hyper feminine reader x König has me SCREAMING. Too precious and loving for this world !!!! :……)
Can I request pregnant hyper feminine reader x König???
Like can you imagine König’s big hands rubbing readers belly and cooing at his child as she wears a lil soft pink slip dress fit snug over her belly and he NEVER lets her lift a finger. If he was clingy before they’re now joined at the hip! 🎀🎀
i’m not gonna lie, i sat here for like a good 2 minutes trying to understand the request😭 like it literally wasn’t clicking in my brain lol ,, hope you enjoy!!!!!🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️
also,, i mashed the actual request with some general headcannons!!
könig w/ pregnant! hyperfem!reader
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
*~*holy guacamole!!!!! you’re pregnant!!! and it’s his!!!!!!!!!!!
*~*obviously it’s his but he is not safe from self doubt
*~*he absolutely fell deeper in love with you after you told him <33 he had always wanted nothing more than to be even more connected to you than he was before. now that you were bearing his child, he couldn’t leave you alone!
*~*want to cook? absolutely not! sit down libeling! let me cook for you, ja?
*~*want to help around the house with chores? that’s absurd! sitting down and looking pretty is just fine for him!
*~*seriously, he wouldn’t really let you do anything! you just lied in bed, snuggled up to all of your stuffies while he did the bulk of the house work
*~*when you had begun putting on weight from the baby, you had requested to go to some of the boutiques that you usually go to and find some maternity clothes
*~*this particular store had all the pink and lacy dresses you could ever want!
*~*könig followed you around like a post puppy while you picked up some new panties, bras, lingerie sets, and loungewear
*~*while könig was looking around a separate part of the store, you had found a small pink slip dress that had white lace as trim around the bottom of the dress as well as the cleavage
*~*this was your kinda thing! for a little while, you’ve been stuck wearing königs shirts because your other clothes didn’t fit and you hadn’t gone out to get new ones.
*~*you threw that little gem into the basket alone with a few other items you had found.
*~*you had both quickly checked out and made your way home so you could finally get refreshed!
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
you carefully took a step out of the shower with your hand falling on the side of the sink. once you had both feet on the floor, you wrapped yourself in a big pink towel and began your rigorous skincare routine.
your hands danced along your face as you took a deep breath of relaxation. you had done your serum, moisturizer, toner, as well as the stuff for your hair.
you scampered over to the the door that had the bag from earlier hanging on it. you pulled the items out carefully until you reached the bottom of the bag. you pulled the little slip dress out and giggled quietly to yourself. you let the towel drop and placed the dress over your head and pulled it down.
after some adjusting, you had finally gotten yourself all situated. the dress itself had minimal padding but because of your growing supply of milk, your breasts naturally looked bigger an fuller. you spritzed on some perfume and made your way to the bedroom.
the door to the bathroom shutting was a big indicator that you were out of the bathroom. könig glanced over at you but was enamored. he shamelessly raked his eyes over your body.
the way your plush thighs and round hips looked under the soft, satin material had almost sent his brain into overdrive. it was nothing compared to the way your perfect tits looked! squished against the fabric of the dress, begging to be touched.
-“liebling, wann hast du das bekommen? i do not remember you grabbing this at the store?”
-“i picked it out while you were looking at something else! do you like it?”
-“of course i do! you look very soft”
you giggled and climbed onto the bed. you scooted around until you were pressed against his chest. his hair fell off his shoulders and had enveloped you, almost like a security blanket.
his hands roamed around your thighs and abdomen but had stopped on your tummy. the warmth of his hands seeped through the fabric and basically warmed your whole body up. you nuzzled into the underside of his chin and snaked your arms around his.
you let out a small content sigh and smiled sweetly up at him.
“i love you so much kö”
“ich liebe dich auch, engel”
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
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.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
(a/n): hope you enjoy!!🤍🤍🐻‍❄️
Requests are Open!
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wongyuseokie · 1 year
Ruby Lips | l.j.h
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Summary: Your boyfriend looks incredibly hot while working and you can’t help but get distracted. 
☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff |  ♕ smut |  ♥ completed works 
Word Count:  709 words
Pairings: Lee Jihoon x Female Reader 
Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: PWP, Established relationship  
Content Warnings: Smut, fluff, reader tries to distract Jihoon, mentions of red lingerie. Honestly, minimal plot because all I can think about with Jihoon is a good ol’ romp in the studio. Smut Warnings: Oral sex (male receiving).Cum swallowing, deep throating.  Semi-public sexual behaviours, they fool around in his studio. Praise kink. Name-calling (he calls her kitten)
Authors Note 1: Thank you, my lovely @the-boy-meets-evil, for beta'ing this fic for me!! 💕 Love you dearly 💕 Banner Credits: @classicscreations Tagging: @baljinciaga, @angelwoozi & @onlymingyus because it's Jihoon 💕 Cross Posted to AO3 © wongyuseokie 2023. All rights reserved.
“I’m hungry,” you complained. 
“Ten more minutes,” your boyfriend replied. 
“Jihoon, you said that thirty minutes ago, ” you pointed out. While you were complaining, there was no real anger in your voice. You loved watching your boyfriend work. It was incredible watching him be so passionate about his music and his craft, frankly speaking. It was also very arousing.  
“Jihoon, I even wore something special for you,” you said playfully as you got up from the couch and inched towards your boyfriend, opting to sit on his lap. You smiled as he wrapped one arm around your waist, and his hand rested on the swell of your ass. 
“Hi, kitten,” Jihoon greeted, a playful smirk on his lips. 
“God, I love when you call me that,” you noted, almost moaning. 
“I know. I’m pretty sure if I were inside you, you’d be clenching,” Jihoon teased, making you scoff at the accuracy. 
“Shut up,” you mumbled as you buried your face in the crook of his neck. 
“You’re cute when you’re shy,” Jihoon said, making you squirm in his lap. “Now, what did you wear for me?” 
You moved your face away to stare at him. 
Deliberately, you pulled off your hoodie–well, his hoodie–and Jihoon’s eyes widened as he took in the red lace bra. 
“Oh, you play dirty,” Jihoon whined, and you shrugged. 
“I thought you liked the colour. You sang about it,” you joked. “Do you want to see the panties?” 
You didn’t wait for an answer as you moved in his lap and pushed your leggings down a bit to expose the red lace. 
“Shit, these are red, too,” Jihoon said with a smirk that made you grin.
“You like?” 
“Very much.”Jihoon sighed because his will was frayed. “Ten more minutes, kitten, and then we can eat,” you shrugged and leaned forward to kiss him. You latched your lips onto his neck and sucked, sure to leave a mark and just as sure to run your tongue over it after. You couldn’t do it very often and had to be careful, so you took great pride in the marks tonight. You knew that you’d get shit from him later, but the way he was bucking his hips, you knew he liked every second of it. 
“Kitten,” Jihoon warned with no real power in his voice. “Now, you, my darling, are the reason I have to wear a turtleneck for some time. How will you make it up to me?” 
“Easy, I’ll take care of you,” you said as you got off his lap and sank to your knees in front of him. You ran your hands along his thighs and sighed.
“Fuck, you’re getting so fucking buff.” 
“Problem?” Jihoon asked as you traced his muscles.
Jihoon’s eyes narrowed as he laced his fingers through your hair and pulled you closer to his hardened length. The outline of his cock was so painfully prominent through his boxers. 
“Let me taste you?” You asked with a smile and batted your eyelashes at Jihoon. His nod was lazy.
“Good girl,” Jihoon said, and you smiled at him. 
You moved quickly, pulled his stiff cock out of his boxers and immediately placed your mouth on his length. 
“Oh fuck, good girl,” Jihoon groaned as you wrapped your lips around the thick head of his cock, moaning as you tasted him. You twirled your tongue around the tip of his cock. Even though you knew you didn’t have much time, you slowly licked up his length before you took it into your mouth and sucked hard. “Fucking hell,” Jihoon groaned, throwing his head back in pleasure. Jihoon moved to thread his hands in your hair, making you slightly choke on his length. 
“Good girl, can I fuck your throat?” Jihoon asked, and you tapped his thigh, letting him know it was okay. Jihoon slowly started to move, allowing his cock to thrust in and out of your mouth. 
“Fucking hell,” Jihoon cursed as you hollowed your cheeks and allowed yourself to take more of his length in your mouth.
“Fucking hell, I’m so close, kitten,” Jihoon moaned as his movements got sloppier, and you kept taking in as much of him as you could until you heard a throaty groan, and seconds later, you felt his warmth release into your mouth. You swallowed and sat back with a smirk. 
“Ten more minutes, right?” You asked as you wiped your lips. 
“I thought you were hungry?” Jihoon asked breathlessly. 
“Not anymore.”
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silent-sanctum · 1 year
First Times - Jotaro x Reader
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so college has been kicking my ass these past few weeks but FINALLY i got this finished~ Yes I did the soft, intimate smut result from that poll i did a while ago because hey, if im about to debut myself as a smut writer, then might as well start slow ^^ everything after will be mostly rough :D. For now enjoy!
word count: 3.7k+
“And then? What did you do?”
“What that ass deserved- a good kick in the shins. Serves him right for eyeing me like a piece of meat.” You both chuckle at that.
Evenings were spent in bliss as you found yourself often ditching your little apartment room to have sleepovers over at Jotaro’s place when studies weren’t as hectic as a never-ending traffic of responsibilities.                         
Who could think of the troubles of school work when you are cozy sitting in-between your boyfriend’s legs with your back pressed against his chest, a can of beer in both of your hands as you two sat on the outside porch of his bedroom, hanging out in peace with slow R&B music playing in the background to help with the calm ambience. It was late at night, around 11 when most people now slept, helping minimize the noise outside the two’s peaceful bubble.
Beyond the four walls, the slow autumn breeze brushed past you but you couldn’t care less, not when you were dressed in one of his large shirts and customized gakuran. Aside from that those 2 articles, you didn’t wear anything below but standard “bra-and-panty” undergarments.
You turned to look at his closed eyes and the curl of his lips, likely enjoying the songs being played combined with you in his arms. One could see this rough delinquent and do a double take, unable to process how such “rude” and “aggressive” prick could be this… tranquil and blissfully happy.
Unable to help yourself, you pushed yourself up to plant a quick, soft kiss on his lips, startling the guy out of his trance. He blinked in surprise, faint pink dusting his cheeks. “All of a sudden?”
You pouted as you turned yourself around to wrap your arms around his neck, adjusting a bit so your legs bracketed his thighs. “Mm, can’t help it.” You huffed and peppered a few more featherlight kisses on his cheek, jaw, and throat. “You’re so adorable like this.”
Jotaro raised a brow in intrigue, his large hand coming to softly hold the small of your back to secure you on his lap. “Hm? Like what?” A quiet purr left you as he slowly caressed the length of your back.
“Like…,” You rose an index finger to boop him on the nose. “A big sleeping puppy.”
The delinquent scoffed, albeit with affection, returning your tiny gesture with a soft pinch of your flushed cheek that elicited a yelp from you. “You’re drunk, aren’t you?”
A playful whine as you swatted his shoulder. “You and I know very well that I have a high tolerance to alcohol,” you said as a matter of fact. “Besides, we only drank one can of beer tonight.” You shook your now-empty can to make a point. “I’m just naturally lovey-dovey around you.”
“Don’t need to remind me,” Jotaro said. “But I can’t escape from your annoying little clutches anymore.” He lightly flicked your forehead, to which you let out a surprised “ah” with both your hands coming to hold the area.
“Ya! That’s two fouls right there Kujo-ssi!” You quietly hissed, still pouting. “You can’t just pinch my cheeks and flick my head and not get away with it that easy.”
The raven-haired smirked, putting down his beer and leaning forward until his nose grazed yours. “And what are you going to do about it then, Y/N-san? Tell me.”
“I-I’ll wipe that smug expression of your face.” You fumed at the proximity of his lips near yours, your hands dropping to hold his shoulders. Warming up two-fold, you buried your face on the crook of his neck. “I hate when you smirk like that so close to me.”
Your boyfriend hummed and directed you to look back at him with a gentle tilt of his fingers under your chin, his thumb tracing the outline of your lips. As if on instinct, you sighed and parted them by a bit. “Feels nice when I get you flustered once in a while… is all.” He whispered, gaze hooded and focused.
“That’s my line, you ass,” you muttered back with equally hooded eyes, scoffing a bit before deciding to close the small gap between you two as you slotted your lips with his. A small moan left you as the delinquent leaned more onto the kiss, both his hands now gripping your waist just like your arms were around his neck.
You ignored the clank of your empty can against the mat as you two drew back by a few millimeters, gasping for air before drawing back to each other in a split second with the continuous slide of lips lasting longer than normal.
You felt his tongue prod your lower lip, and with much eagerness, you allowed it entry and yourself a more prolonged soft moan as the muscle met yours. Delightful tingles crept down your arms every time he moved- his hands coming to lightly grip the strands of your hair as he craved for more kisses after every breathless withdraw, the contented tiny purrs he made as you panted against his lips, the miniscule movement of his hips underneath your crotch, to which you unconsciously moved with.
What you would give just to feel this close to your lover every night. To give and receive kisses this much, to be in his strong arms holding you close to him-
Just then, you gasped at something prodding against the fabric of your underwear. You drew back after what felt like 15 minutes with a string of spit still connecting your tongues together. Both you and Jotaro’s eyes remained hooded, catching your breaths with foreheads leaning on each other as you slid your hands down to grasp his tank top.
You giggled. “Someone’s excited.” You took one glance at the area at the area between his legs and saw the prominent bulge hidden inside his pants. With one peck on his nose, you decided to tease him and trailed one hand down his body until it reached the tent.
He bit back a pleased groan as you began to caress him with slow and firm movements. He gripped your hips hard and said, “Y/N, I… I’m not sure if what I know is right…”
“But do you want to, love?” You mumbled, tracing the outline of his covered cock with the tip of your finger. With a single nod, you smiled. “We can take it slow. I’ll be the judge of your craft.”
“Fuck.” Jotaro held the back of your head to nudge you forward to kiss you hard again, immediately using his tongue to send you back into bliss with a muffled moan. You adjusted yourself a bit to wrap your legs around his waist, planting your crotch atop his bulge for you to start sliding against it.
At the same time, you shrugged off his uniform and dropped it to the floor, allowing him to roam your body with his hands, occasionally slipping them underneath the hem of your shirt to graze your warm skin.
Your boyfriend took the initiative to grab your thighs and stand without disconnecting the kiss. Beyond closed eyes, you heard a shimmer from behind you followed by the porch doors to slide close. 
Reaching his futon, Jotaro parted back for a moment to gently lower you on top of the sheets. In the next second, you surged forward to pull him back for another heated kiss. Eager, you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, letting your hands roam the expanse of his sturdy back until you pulled the hem of his top.
He pulled away, kneeling upright for enough time to remove his tank top and for you to slide your shirt off of you, and toss both to the side, before he leaned down to savor your kisses. Now, with the brush of his bare hard muscles on your soft skin, you couldn’t help but moan and arch your back to feel more of him on top of you.
From time to time, you lightly nudged him back only for you to pepper soft kisses on his eyes, nose, and cheeks. Returning your gesture, he leaned down to trail a couple open-mouth kisses from the corner of your lips down the line of your jaw, until he reached your ear.
There he whispered, “Tell me if I’m doing this wrong…” You gasped out a moan when you felt his teeth nibble the lobe of your ear, kissing it afterward before resuming his path down the column of your neck. You whimpered at the sensation of his lips nipping and sucking your skin, leaving his love marks on his precious canvas.
A sigh was what came next from you as your lover continued to press soft pecks down your collarbones and shoulders. When you felt his fingers glide down your side, you arched your back and allowed him to unhook your bra, slipping them off of you and adding it to the collection of discarded clothes.
A shiver ran throughout your now bare torso, contrasting the fuming warmth of your face and pinked areas of your skin. Jotaro sat back to look at you and you couldn’t help but hide your face behind your hands with a quiet whine. “Oh my god, stop staring. I’m still a bit conscious about… this.”
“Don’t overthink,” he simply said, lowering himself to mutter deep into your ear. “You’re perfect.”
Reassured, you heeded his words and nodded. With an amused huff and another press of his lips on your neck, you jolted as a hand came to hold your breast, lightly kneading it with special attention on your nipple. A string of tiny moans fled your throat as you kept arching, craving the delightful tingles of pleasure from his fondling and the kisses on your neck. 
You had your eyes closed the entire time, making the sudden kiss on your perky nipple much more surprising. Your initial yelp turned to a whimpered moan as your boyfriend focused on sucking the bud atop your breast, complete with the swirl of his tongue and the nip of his teeth.
You panted and squirmed under his touch as you grew wetter and wetter with every ministration, the heat in your belly coiling. It didn’t help either when his hand continued to fondle the other while he mouthed your now spit-slicked nipple.
He drew back with a quiet pop and repeated the same on the other side. You encouraged him to continue as you held his head against your chest.
Just as you neared your peak, he left your chest and continued his trail of kisses down the plane of your abdomen, below your belly button, until his lips grazed the garter of your panty. With his hands smoothing over your thighs, Jotaro took the time to look at you, asking for permission.
You couldn’t say anything, too eager and flustered to say something. Instead, you combed through his black curls, nodding once to give him your answer. Wasting no time, Jotaro slid the last of your clothing down your legs, adding it to the pile nearby.
This was it.
Your bare body exposed only for him to see, though the latter had his eyes trained on your pussy lips, as if he was fascinated, for him to see you as a whole. Not that it mattered. He’d take him time admiring you once he’s done with-
A sharp gasp came out of you when his finger traced over your folds with the same featherlight care, the tickling sensations making your breaths coming in short. Just then, you let out a loud moan in surprise, hips bucking up at the sudden contact of your lover’s mouth on your clit.
His low hums paired with the wet sounds of suckling and licking drove you crazy every second, the build-up of pleasure doubling than before. You whined every time you felt the drag of his tongue over the sensitive bundle of nerves in between your legs to savor in your leaking juices, the vibrations of his quiet sounds adding on top of it all.
“Fuck,” you gasped out squirming, unable to control your impending release. “F-Fuck Jota- Ah!”
Another startled moan echoed throughout his bedroom as one long finger prodded your wet hole, sliding inside a second later with no trouble. You felt it wriggle around, feeling the space around it as if to find something. Nevertheless, the movement alone was enough for your body to grow wetter to welcome its guest.
However, with one curl, you let out one, pitched sharp “ah!”. Through the slurping noise your boyfriend was making with your clit, you felt his mouth curl into a smile as he slowly drew his finger out of you, only to thrust into your heat abruptly in a second.
You widened your eyes and your jaw slackened with a silent scream, your hands gripping his hair tight and your hips bucking wildly, desperate for more. For that sweet release.
Jotaro never stopped tasting your pussy, tongue still lapping you clean, when he added a finger into your hole, followed by another a few seconds later, and with each entry, you just grew wetter and wetter to accommodate the three digits jabbing that sweet spot in you non-stop.
“I… I-I’m gonna… g-gonna- ahh ah ah!”
Like a snap, you offered a muted scream as your eyes rolled into the back, your head thrown back with your back arched, body convulsing to your orgasm.
He leaned back with his mouth and chin glistening, licking his lips as he finally took a look at your entire body- sweaty, flushed, and tinted reddish pink in some areas of your skin. But what really got to him was your expression. The way you had your eyes closed behind your sweat-plastered hair, lips ajar due to your post-orgasmic panting with a thin line of spit trailing from the corner, cheeks fuming warm.
You managed to croak out a whine, opening your eyes a bit to lock his hooded gaze with yours. When he still continued to stare, you decided to entice him with your arms raised towards him, beckoning him close as your hips swayed against the sheets. You whispered, “Come here.”
And Jotaro followed, promptly licking his lips before leaning down to slot his lips with yours messily to accompany the next round of open-mouthed kisses. You let out a quiet moan the second he pulled back for air, connecting back to you a millisecond later. You tangled your fingers through his curls, sliding them down until your arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, fingertips brushing his sweat-slicked skin.
With a gasp and a wet pop, your lover pulled back. The shuffling of clothes could be heard followed by a dull thud of fabric on fabric, and when you opened your eyes to see, you gaped at how toned his entire frame was. A solid wall of lean muscle, dipping down to reveal his erect cock with its red, leaking tip.
It was long and thick. And that made your hips jolt up and your hole gushing out, as if it had a mind of its own, wanting that erection in as soon as possible.
“Oh god,” you gasped as Jotaro pressed his forehead against yours, reaching down to stroke his cock before letting its engorged tip tap against your eager pussy and gliding its entire length over your clit. Waves of delightful tingling pleasure swept through you as your breath hitched with every slick thrust.
Just then, your boyfriend stroked himself again with some of its white pre-cum dripping onto your already-sensitive clitoris. As a response, you let out one tiny whine as you parted your legs and began rubbing yourself as means for him to hurry up.
Through his strokes, he reached for his pant pocket nearby with his other hand and fumbled around until he pulled out his wallet and took out a square foil.
Despite the mess that you became, you let out a breathless giggle out of fondness. Was he waiting for the time they’d do it all this time? For him to have a condom ready in his pants seemed to imply so. Jotaro ripped open the foil and immediately slid the covering over his cock.  
You met his gaze above you as he guided the tip towards your entrance, poking and prodding but never entering. A few teasing dips inside only to pull out shortly after. Your breaths came in hot pants with a mix of eagerness and nervousness. “I’m… putting it in.”
That whole thing. Inside me. Fuck. You locked your arms around his neck and nodded. “Be slow… please.”
He didn’t say anything in return but he took in your words as is and offered a nod. Finally, after what felt like forever, you felt the tip dip inside but this time, it continued further in.
A sharp hiss fled your lips as the slow yet wet drag of his thick length against your warm walls made you full in a way you never felt before. To make it better, you shared the sentiments with Jotaro, who had his eyes shut and his brows furrowed as he bit back his groans with every inch he slid inside.
You felt it continue further deep inside until his hips met yours, his cock completely sheathed inside you. He paused for a moment and leaned onto his elbows, cursing under his breath while you relished in your pants from how full you were with him in you.
It didn’t take long for your walls to accommodate the length inside, loosening itself as more of your juices leaked out of you. You cupped your boyfriend’s cheek and muttered, “You can move now.”
Jotaro took one good glimpse of your hooded eyes and pressed a light kiss on your forehead, before leaning back and drawing out his cock back with an audible wet sound that surely didn’t help your steadily growing pleasure calm down.
Once most of its length slid out of you with its tip still in, he thrusted back in with one sharp motion. You let out a silent scream followed by a string of whines and moans once he began to increase his pace with every thrust, the distinct fwop fwop fwop of his balls slapping against your ass plus the shlick of every rapid slide echoing throughout his room.
At this moment, all lucidity left your mind as you grew to become pliant and dazed from the accumulating pleasure coiling in your belly. Your eyes lost its focus, tears spilling out from it all, and your jaw remained slack leaving your lips open for every gasping moan that you made. Shameless, you locked your legs around his waist and synced your hips with his, wanting to chase your peak.
Your hands gripped the sheets beside you as your body moved along with every pound of his hips into you, your breasts bouncing from the movement. Seeing your tits move, Jotaro couldn’t resist missing the opportunity and dived to take one of your nipples into his mouth, suckling and nibbling on the bud again.
You loudly moaned into the space, arching your back to meet his lips, head tilted back as you became overwhelmed with so much sensation you were receiving. At this rate, you were going to cum in any minute.
Just as you thought of that, your boyfriend’s thrusts turned erratic and his breath grew laborious, grunting louder than before once he left your sensitive nipple alone. He was close. But so were you.
Your moans turned into desperate whimpers and prolonged whines. Hearing your pleas, Jotaro rose to meet you in a sloppy kiss with the mess of uncoordinated tongues exploring inside each other’s mouths. You combed through his sweaty hair with one hand, as the other crept its way down until it made contact with where your hole was stretched around his now-slicked cock.
You and Jotaro pulled back from the kiss with strings of spit still connected between your tongues. Through a blurry vision, you saw your boyfriend grit his teeth as he neared his release. “Jojo…” You whimpered as you slid your hand to your pussy and rubbed it as fast his thrusts. “Jojo I-I’m cumming-!”
You convulsed the second later, back arching sharpy, letting out the loudest moan you could have cried out as you began to shake from the intensity of your second orgasm. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, tongue lolling out unable to keep yourself in check.
Your lover slammed himself into you over and over again with no sense of rhythm present, and all you could do was let out weak whimpers as you began to feel overstimulated from his harsh thrusts. “F-Fuck I’m gonna-“
Through your sleepy haze, you uttered out a quiet and pitchy phrase, enough to send him off the edge. “Cum for me baby.”
As simple as that, Jotaro dropped his head onto the crook of your neck, groaning loudly into your shoulder as his hips slammed into you one more time before stilling inside, the warmth of his cum felt through the latex surface of the condom.
The noise from your first lovemaking simmered into a quiet panting of breaths, his and yours. While he still reeled from his first orgasm, you raked your fingers through his damp curls and held him close to you.
Sensing you, Jotaro took in a deep breath and pulled himself back together, albeit in a mess. He raised himself up until he found your lips, wanting to kiss them one last time with more gentleness than the ones prior.
Minutes later, he got up and eased himself out of your now puffy hole- making you hiss at the sensitive drag- discarded the cum-filled condom, and returned and adjusted both of your sweaty bodies until the two of you lay on your sides, spooning.
“How was it?” He uttered into your ear, traces of sleep beginning to kick in.
“Not bad,” you nuzzled your face into the pillow, closing your eyes wanting to sleep. “For a first timer.”
“You say it like you’ve done this with someone else before…”
You huffed and reached down to hold his hand that’s wrapped around your waist, securing you to him. “You’re my first, don’t worry you loving grump.”
Jotaro grumbled and buried his nose into the nape of your neck, eliciting a quiet giggle from you. “Just go to sleep.”
“No need to tell me twice.”
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
Heyy kaia!! I Hope you're feeling good and happy these days!!
Can I request NSFW headcanons for Law, Bartolomeo, and Shanks reacting to their female S/O shyly suggesting they use their Devil Fruit powers in bed? And like they never really thought of their powers THAT way so they're teasing them A LOT 😭
Thank you very much if you accept the request! And stay hydrated!! 💚
hi angel 😊 i am feeling ok today, i hope you're having a fantastic day 💛 love the idea of the s/o being shy when she asks; i took a bit of liberties with their powers bc, well, it's my world and everyone has to deal 😌 i had fun writing, so i hope you have a lot of fun reading 💙
2k words, fem reader, nsfw, 18+, mdni; it's relatively tame smut if i'm honest, but then again what i consider tame isn't really tame is it 😭feat. cute stuff like nipple play, a lil bit of blood, exhibitionism, there are ropes, maybe a lil knife play but not really (it's minimal i promise), oral (m receiving, f giving), fingering, other stuff i'm sure; all three of these men are menaces to society *locks them up* they're mean when they're aroused idk what else to say <3
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he’s not quite sure if he heard you correctly, so he asks you to repeat it again; slowly. if you could die from embarrassment, you would in an instant, your words tumble out of your mouth clumsily as you ask him again. the way he’s looking at you, the intensity behind his gaze makes your hands shake — not out of fear, but excitement — so you quickly tuck them under your thighs as you sit on the edge of your bed.
law, being too damn observant for his own good, catches that; he also catches the way you can’t seem to look at him anymore and the way you keep bouncing your leg as if it’ll will away all your anxiety. eyelids lowering, amber eyes darkening at the prospect of your request, he sighs and leans against the wall opposite you.
“are you sure?”
your eyes widen but you nod and manage to squeak out a soft, “yes, of course.” your cheeks burn painfully, making you breathless and lightheaded, but you’ve finally said it — and out loud, at that. he thinks it’s cute that you’re so shy now when you weren’t this shy earlier, but he refrains from saying that. instead he pushes off of the wall and stalks over to you.
he supposes there’s no real harm in using his devil fruit this time; it’s not something he likes to use unless necessary, but law really can’t say no to you, not when you’re looking at him like he’s the only person you’d rather be around for the rest of your life. in order to combat the way his heart beats a little faster at that impossible thought, he summons a few items from his office and motions for you to lay on your back.
“w-what are you going to do?” you try to sound brave but when you see him take out his favorite scalpel, watch as it floats through the air, tears through the fabric of your dress with ease — shredding it to pieces, his long fingers twitching as he grabs some rope.
“before anything else, i’m a doctor first,” he says before tearing through your bra and panties, “and if i’m not mistaken, it’s been some time since your last check up, hasn’t it?” goosebumps prick your skin obnoxiously, making you shudder the moment his hand pushes your legs apart. eyes narrowed, law utters a single command, “speak.”
you don’t need to be told twice. “yes, you’re right.” because what else can you say? a devilish smile graces his lips and he quickly ties you to the bed — your wrists bound tightly above your head, legs spread and every time you move your ankle, the rope digs into your skin there. he thinks you look beautiful like this; naked, chest heaving, nipples hard, your cunt glistening with your arousal.
he runs a calloused hand along your soft thigh, your back arches off the bed at his touch, and try as you might, you can’t do a thing. you whimper unintentionally when he pinches your nipples to get your attention. you hate the way your pussy clenches and how you want him to touch you more.
“ah, ah,” he says in disapproval, clicking his tongue as he leans closer, using the flat end of his scalpel to tilt your chin up. “you don’t get to close your eyes for this examination.” while you might’ve thought that law using his devil fruit power would be to your advantage, but he’s completely reversed the situation; your naivety is your downfall, unfortunately. but, you know that whatever it is law has in store for you, will be exhilarating and otherworldly.
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as someone who thrives off spontaneity, he’s not surprised that you’ve asked him about using his devil fruit powers in bed.
“about damn time,” he says casually, eyes full of mischief when he picks you up suddenly, in the middle of lunch, and places you on his shoulder. he’s much too tall for you to fight him at that height, and you don’t want to fall down, so you let him have his way and ignore the taunts and jokes your crew mates hurl at you. he flips them off with his free hand and strides to his cabin without saying another word.
the mortification you feel at him carrying you like that, so publicly, not caring who saw, is a double-edged sword. you’re both annoyed and aroused and you want to hate him for it but can’t. when he shuts the door behind him, you fuss loudly, voice shrill in his ear, but he only laughs in response. you tug on his ear with your fingers, and he finally lets you down.
“it’s really not a big deal.”
bartolomeo isn’t even close to feeling apologetic, nor does he understand why you’re all riled up, but he likes that side of you. he likes the way you shoot him heated looks that are laced with irritation, likes how even though you probably want to strangle him, you still press your body against his. he seeks out the warmth of your tongue, lips slanted against yours, teeth pricking your skin and drawing blood.
the pain is minimal, and you can’t help but feel a little weak in the knees when you feel his tongue lick away your blood. you should not like this, but you do — so much that you’re practically begging him to fuck you as you whimper against his lips, fingers grasping the front of his shirt tightly. he presses his erection against you — a reminder that he won’t be done with you anytime soon.
he gets the brilliant idea to create a barrier inside the room, running it along the walls — his theory is that it’ll be thick enough to muffle your moans and he can have his way without interruption. he’s determined enough, although you’re a little unsure even as he explains as he sets up. still, you can’t say that you’re not interested in seeing this through.
you just hope your crew mates won’t hear a thing, especially once you sink to your knees in front of him, eagerly unbuckling his pants and pulling his cock free. he watches you, eyes hazy and expectant, smirking when you take a tentative lick, tongue soft against the thick head of his cock, before you get comfortable and wrap your lips around him completely, slowly bobbing up and down.
“don’t tease, i want the real thing,” he says gruffly, grabbing a fistful of your hair as he pushes his cock further inside your mouth, making you gag but you have no intention of losing to him — today. you watch him through your lashes, relaxing your jaw and throat as you take him deeper, enjoying the way his moans ripple along your skin, gliding down your back, prompting you to squeeze your thighs together as you ignore the ache that builds inside you. your hands grab onto his thighs for balance, tongue flat against the length of his hardened cock, as his hips jerk forward. if the way he’s cursing under his breath is any indication of his enjoyment, you’re well on your way to turning things around in your favor.
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“wait, what?”
his lips twitch as he schools his features, attempting to keep an impassive face as he listens to you repeat yourself. there’s nothing shanks enjoys more than watching you squirm under his gaze — it’s frustrating, the power he holds over you without even trying. he’s impossibly handsome, even more so when he plays stupid, as if he didn’t hear what you said loud and clear.
another party at another rowdy pub — he can’t help himself; he enjoys living life without worry, and his crew mates are always down to entertain their captain’s whims. you’re in the same boat as them, except your boat’s a little more special. case in point — you’re sitting on his lap at a back table, quietly sipping your drink as you watch the other patrons drunkenly laugh and argue with one another. with your back pressed against his chest, you sigh softly and try not to act too bashful.
“if you don’t want to…,” you start, face flushed as you press your lips together and stifle whatever indecent noise that threatens to escape from your mouth; he presses his lips against your neck, mumbling go on, doll, finish your sentence. it’s not the alcohol, or the stifling air that floats around the pub that makes you feel warm — it’s him. granted, you’re the one who started it all off by not wearing panties under your skirt; a fact you so happily whispered into his ear before everyone started drinking.
naturally, he pulled you onto his lap, pressed his cock against your ass and told you it would be fun to fool around a bit. his definition of “fooling around” is stuffing your pussy with his cock, all the while keeping up friendly conversation with the others. every time someone bumped into the table or shouted for shanks’ attention, you rock your hips against his subtly, ass plush and soft, his large hand gripping your thigh so he can thrust into you a few times, making you spill your drink down the front of your blouse.
“oh, no,” he says, sadly, feigning concern; but you know better. you can feel just how smug he is when you clench your pussy, his dark chuckles tickling the back of your neck as you grip the wooden table before you.
“shanks,” you pinch his arm and he thrusts into you again; you nearly bite your tongue off trying to keep quiet, breathing erratic as your heart beats rapidly, choking you as the party rages on.
“now, on to your request,” his voice is deep and husky, making your pussy even wetter, especially when his thumb rubs circles on your inner thigh. “i thought you knew already?” when you don’t answer, because you’re trying your best not to moan too loudly, especially when yasopp glances over at you two suspiciously, eyes narrowing before he grins at shanks — the shame you’d normally feel doesn’t find you, and later you’ll blame the alcohol for that.
“know what?” you say, lip quivering, a shudder working its way through you when your breathing becomes a bit more labored.
“i don’t have a devil fruit power.” you blink at the confession, confusion taking hold of your face as you try to look at him.
“b-but, they said,” your eyes widen, and he laughs at your surprise; it’s adorable the way you willingly believe anything anyone in his crew says. “yasopp and —”
he dips his hand in between your thighs, fingers deftly stroking your clit. “lucky roux and yasopp are idiots,” he says gruffly, casting a sharp glance their way; they shrink back, laughing hysterically, and your face heats up all over again. they fooled you into thinking their captain had a devil fruit — they said his stamina was unmatched, that it was definitely the cause of a devil fruit but were too coy to say which one.
“but they’re not wrong about the stamina, doll. you know better than all of them how true that is.” he pinches your clit and you unintentionally yelp before clamping your hand down over your mouth. several people look over in your direction, shanks waves them off, telling them that you thought you saw a bug, but that everything’s all good.
“right?” he goads, rubbing your clit mercilessly, making your cunt squeeze down harder, and while you know that all of this is wrong, you nod, slowly buck your hips against him, hoping to chase the orgasm that’s dangling right in front of you. “now, be a good girl,” he drawls, “i want to feel your pretty pussy cum all over me.”
it’s not an impossible request, since you’re almost there, but you hate that you nearly tip over the edge at his words, and while you should probably be much more subtle, you end up bouncing on his lap in the end, much to his amusement and pleasure, his groans soft and tantalizing against your ear. and when he pinches your clit roughly, you clench your teeth tightly, try to breathe through your nose, and almost give yourself away again as you start panting. your orgasm causes sweat to trickle down your brow, makes your limbs weak as he holds you close and thrusts into you again. “see,” he places a kiss on your jaw, “that wasn’t so hard, now, was it?” if you had the strength, you slap him for his audacious behavior.
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dreamersparacosm · 2 years
I’m in NEED of some rooster blurbs, imagine you two being all sweaty because your air conditioner stopped working in your apartment and you’re both hot and bothered so you take off clothes to get comfy and he’s turned on
it’s getting hot in here - rooster (top gun)
note ; i have been RABID for rooster since i saw this movie. i am so happy y’all share the love because the way i am imagining rooster being a little brat because it’s so damn hot and he doesn’t know how else to cool off.
warnings ; cursing, suggestive language
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“this is fucking ridiculous,” he wiped another droplet of sweat from his forehead. he was standing up again after being sat down on the leather couch for about .2 seconds. how was he supposed to be comfortable when the air conditioner wasn’t working in 100 degree weather? it was preposterous, if you asked him. to save on rent, you and rooster had moved into a loft that had more problems than it was worth. to make matters worse, california was enduring a massive heat wave.
“baby, relax. complaining about it isn’t gonna make it any better,” you fanned yourself off with a nearby magazine you were reading before. you were too sweaty to focus on anything else but unsticking your thighs every three seconds. rooster wasn’t always in a bad mood, but when he was, he really was.
“you know, you would think our landlord would hop in his car because at least it has fucking air conditioning,” he was referring to your landlord’s attitude towards coming to your apartment to fix your issue. however, he seemed reluctant over the phone to budge.
“he’s probably sitting on his couch eating a fucking popsicle,” you agreed as you put your wet strands of hair up in a messy bun. “the only good thing is at least i’m shedding calories here. i feel like i’m in a damn sauna.”
“that’s it. i’ve had it up to here,” and with that, rooster took off his tank top, his abdominal muscles glistening with sweat. you had to look away, because you were just going to make yourself more hot if you stared at him. the last thing you needed was another part of you being wet.
he collapsed down next to you on the couch, sprawled out in refusal of letting any of his body parts touch. you were still trying to maintain minimal eye contact. wrong time to be horny, and you knew it. he knew this was going to be a problem for you, especially because your favorite pastime was commenting on his physique. the first time you noticed him at the hard deck, you thought to yourself damn, this guy works out. so, keeping your hands to yourself in this situation was not an easy one. “what happened, cat’s got your tongue?” he joked.
“oh, shut it,” you rolled your eyes. “i’m not in the mood.”
you couldn’t help but realize that the only way to play this game fair and square was to also take off a piece of clothing. “you know what, it is actually getting a little too hot in here,” you said as you began to remove your crop top. underneath was a black lace bra that normally wouldn’t have been worn on a day like today, but your breasts would have sagged without it. now, they were perked up and right in front of his eyes for their viewing. “god, that’s much better.”
“you’re kidding.”
“what? i feel like this is fair,” you quipped. he was practically drooling, eyes glued to your chest. you were well-endowed and he made sure you knew it. this time, however, they were covered in sweat and although that might sound disgusting to the normal person, that was a meal to him.
“don’t do this to me, [y/n],” he begged. eyes had not moved once. you weren’t even sure if he was blinking.
“if you play your cards right, bradley, i might even let you touch them,” you smirked at him before picking up your magazine once more and reading where you left off. oh, he was absolutely going to lose his mind today.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
keep your ideas coming here!
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Long Distance
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Summary: You and Spencer have to do long-distance for a moment due to work, and he comes up with a solution to satisfy both your needs.
Warnings: smut, phone sex, nervous Spencer, masturbation, pet names, subtle dom reader, Spencer becomes slightly dom, minimal use of Y/N,
Word Count: Less than 1k.
Even if you and Spencer both worked in the B.A.U. and were by each other’s sides almost all day, there were times when you were separated. Sometimes Spencer had to go to another city or state to get more information, or you used your minimal vacation days to visit your family, and Spencer had to stay behind to help while you were gone. It was difficult, but it worked out. But this time you couldn’t bear to be without him. Not only were you yearning for one of his warm hugs once again, or a statistical ramble just so you can hear his voice again, but there was also a throbbing sensation in your stomach that wouldn’t go away.
Spencer gulps slowly into the phone before he decides to break the silence. “So, um. Where do we start?” he asks. You let out a chuckle. “This was your idea, Spencer,” you say. “You said phone sex was an effective way to keep relationships solid during long distant times.”
“You’re right,” he says as he clears his throat. “What are you wearing?” he asks in a straining-low voice, and you have to hold back your laughter.
“Did you search up ‘how to have phone sex’ online?” you ask and hear a faint mouse click on the other end, presumably closing a tab. “No.” He lies. You laugh softly. “Well, that’s not a bad start,” you say, which eases his nerves slightly. “I can tell you that I'm wearing far too much.” You hum. “Do you want me to take some off?” You ask, almost teasing.
“Yes.” He says without a second to wait or think. You chuckle as you remove your shirt, looking at yourself in the large mirror across the bedroom to admire your physique, imagining Spencer’s hands along your curves. 
“I took off my shirt.” You tell him. “Good.” He replies, almost dominant. “Now take off your bra.” He instructs, and you laugh. “Hey, watch it. I’m not taking anything else off until I know you’ve at least taken off your shirt,” you explain. “It’s only fair.” You grin. Spencer sighs, painstakingly taking off his shirt at your orders.
“Is it off?” You ask. “Yes.” He says. “Good boy.” You just know he’s blushing uncontrollably, and that the erection in his pants, which was inevitable, was soon to be rock solid.
You unclip your bra, tossing it to the side as if Spencer is watching. “Bet you miss my tits,” you say as you knead one in your palm. “Wish you were touching them, sucking them.” Spencer whimpers at your words, his hand already palming his erection.
“I don’t think I can wait so long, baby.” He huffed. “Wait for what?” You ask. He gulps again, shifting his hips as the erection becomes unbearable. “Can’t wait to touch myself. To hear you moan- and come.” He says almost pathetically.
“Touch yourself, Spence. For me.” He wastes no time taking his pants off and slowly toys and his tip. He hums at the immediate pleasure. “Mmm… wish you were here, babe…” He whispers. You remove your pants as he spoke, peeling off your soaked panties as you slowly begin circling your own throbbing clit. “I am, baby. Imagine that your hand is mine.” You tell him.
You hum into the receiver, imagining Spencer's large, slender fingers rubbing you perfectly. “Spencer…” You moan softly, and he whimpered at your voice. “You sound so pretty.” He whispers to you as his hand gets faster, working on his entire length instead of just the tip. “So, so pretty…” He hums, letting out a low moan as he thrusts into his hand.
Your hand trembles on the phone as you struggle to hold it securely, the constant stimulation and pleasure washing through you like heat waves. “Fuck…” You curse. It felt so good. He felt so good. Spencer whines your name as he squeezes his hand around his cock, almost moaning fully as the pleasure sent alerts to the millions of nerve endings in his body, each one putting him in complete bliss as he chases his high like a mad man. He moans “Y/N…” as he moves faster and faster.
“I’m gonna- Fuck. Oh my god. I’m gonna come.” He says, almost screaming it as pregnant beads of sweat trickle down his forehead. “M-me too…” You struggle to say as another moan escapes your lips. 
“Are you gonna… gonna be a good girl for me? Gonna come?” He hesitantly says like stepping into unfamiliar ground, afraid it might crumble right from his feet. You nod over and over again as your head swims in ecstasy. “Yes, yes. I’ll come. I’ll come,” you whine. You never saw this side of Spencer. You liked it.
“Good- good girl.” You moan at the name, his sultry yet shaky voice was enough to push you right over the edge and fall into the everlasting pit of pleasure and bliss. You moan painfully. Just knowing that he was furiously stroking his cock and thinking of you, moaning your name and telling you to come. As you reached your high, Spencer was not far behind, finally feeling his release as his come shoots out from his tip, covering him in his mess as his body spasms from the overwhelming pleasure. 
No words were spoken before Spencer decided to break the wordless silence of faint whines and laboured breath. “Y/N…?” He calls out. “Yes?”
He smiled as he heard your voice, identifying the smile on your lips by your tone. “Did you… did you like that?” He asked, reverting back to a more introverted version of himself, as always. 
“Baby, I loved it.”
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volturi-imagines · 2 years
Alec’s Pet
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I always thought Bella was exaggerating when she talked about the other vampires, she had met besides the Cullens but when we met the Volturi I realized Bella had greatly minimized just how terrifying, red-eyed vampires were, but none terrified me like the brown-haired boy, Alec. He left me feeling petrified the first I glanced at him in the throne room of the Volturi palace in Italy. After narrowly escaping the jaws of death and managing to make it back home to Forks, Washington I never expected to see Alec again but after only a few short months he appeared in my room.
I stood frozen in the doorway, my heart hammered in my chest as he was sitting at my computer desk swiveling a little as he stared me down.
“Are you going to just stand there?”
His harsh voice caught me off guard, he had broken into my room and was now speaking to me like I was in the wrong.
“Ugh… um… hi?”
Taking a deep breath, I closed my bedroom door as Alec raised a single eyebrow at me, I could feel my skin prickle with anxiety. I shuffled my feet as I now felt unwelcome and uneasy in my own bedroom.
“Stop fidgeting and sit down.”
Jumping I all but ran to my bed and sat on the edge, facing him as he stared me down with a blank expression on his face.
“You are mine, so I have some expectations and rules for you to follow.”
I was completely caught off guard again, almost choking on air as Alec sounded so casual at the proclamation that I belonged to him.
“Ugh… i-I don’t belong to you. I’m a human, you can’t own someone.”
That was apparently the wrong thing to say as he stood up, towering over me as I had to look up at him.
“You owe me your life, you stupid pet. If I had willed it, you would have never left the throne room alive.”
I leaned back as he bent down, getting in my face as his voice deepened to an almost threatening level.
“So, I expect some gratitude out of you, pet.”
My breath was caught in my throat as he stood back up, giving my head a condescending pet to prove his point. He ran his fingers through my hair before grabbing a fist full and pulling on it harshly, forcing my head back so I was looking up at him again.
“Be a good pet and I’ll treat you good but be disobedient and I’ll make you wish you were never born.”
Letting go of my hair Alec harshly pushed me down to lay on my back as he got on top of me.
“I thought about getting you a collar but that can easily be taken off, so I thought of something more permanent.”
I whimpered in fright as Alec pulled a knife out, waving it in front of my face before cutting away my shirt, exposing my bra clad chest to him. Alec’s red eyes gleamed joyfully as he drags the flat side of the knife down my chest, taunting me. I didn’t know if begging would just entice him more, but I was desperate for this to stop.
“Please, I don’t want this.”
Letting out an animalistic growl, Alec roughly grabbed my face with his free hand.
“I don’t care what you want. I want this, and I always get what I want. You should remember that.”
Turning my head to the side he leaned over, stuffing his nose into the side of my neck and inhaling as his tongue darted out to lap at my skin. It felt like my heart was going to combust with fright as I started to physically shake. My eyes were closed as I waited for the venom filled bite that would end me, but it never came, instead I felt the cold steel of the knife in the middle of my chest. A scream ripped through my body as Alec carved letters into my chest, hot pain seared through me and when he finally pulled the now bloody knife away, he leaned forward again and licked my chest clean of blood. Fat hot tears streaked down my face as Alec finally got off of me, giving me an obnoxious smirk as he eyed his work.
“There. Now everyone will know who you belong to.”
My chest heaved with every raggedy breath I took, trying to calm myself as I dared to look down and see what he had carved into me.
In big bloody capital letters, the letters ALEC were carved into my chest forever.
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Joel/Tess, PG-ish, also on ao3.
Prompt - sickfic (thanks again @seethesunny)
Tess feels like she’s on fire.
She normally runs warm enough, not a walking space heater but at least comfortable, but this…
It’s not normal for her to wander around the apartment in very minimal clothing, but she’s doing what she can here.
She’d toughed out today’s keeping-up-appearances menial task without any attention – there were enough people around, taking off her jacket was understandable, she’s still decent in a tank top – but she’s home now and the first thing she does is strip down, boots pants tank top bra everything but underwear because she does have some standards for bare skin on furniture and-
Not that she’s in any mood to sit down right now. Her body is vibrating, and she’s-
It’s been a bit since she’s randomly blacked out. Used to happen every couple years. Might happen again. Would be the first time with somebody possibly around to take care of her.
That’s the unknown of it all ahead of her, the fact that at some point in the next hour or two her partner is going to get home and how does she even explain-
Her body hates her, she thinks. That’s about as much explaining as she ever does. They’re not really…
She’s pacing the kitchen area when she hears a key in the lock, and there have been times she’s done almost all of this as some form of seduction, not that she’s ever needed to do much with that man, and-
Tess instinctively covers her chest with her arms, just to make sure her lover doesn’t get the wrong idea, just to-
“Do I wanna know?”
She could kiss him right now, if she wasn’t so many mixed emotions, if she wasn’t so-
“Not sure what’s wrong with me but I’m not-“
Joel looks her up and down with the comfort of familiarity, not looking too close like he’s about to pounce, more-
“Get over here.”
She does, but if he puts his hands anywhere she’s going to-
Fine. A hand on her forehead isn’t their kind of foreplay, and his touch feels cold and that ain’t normal, and-
“You were gonna-“
“Figured I’d wait for you and share the cold shower,” she mutters, almost a laugh. “I’m-“
She’s been around too many people too much lately, too many sorting jobs just to make herself look just enough like a cooperative member of society and look what that’s gotten her, she’d heard some rumors about-
She feels herself get weak and that’s not normal either, and it’s a good thing her partner’s right there and big enough to catch her and-
“Can’t say this is what I thought I’d come home to,” he murmurs.
“Least I gave you a view before-“
She knows that look in his eyes, all worried about her, reminder she don’t need that she’s his main tether these days and she’s-
“You at least thought about sleep?”
She rolls her eyes, hidden as they are against his shoulder. “Wanted to make sure-“
She’s a damn good girlfriend, even if that isn’t officially what she is, and usually she’s not the one-
“C’mon. Me and you.”
Normally she’s the one leading, she thinks as he helps her move forward. Normally she’s the one deciding what happens when, and they both like that, and-
Her mind’s in a fog, but she’s still lucid enough to appreciate the view of her partner shedding layers, not quite stripping down completely but at least enough to-
“You should be on the couch,” she murmurs. “Or I should. No reason for you to-“
“Want to.”
Well. Who the hell is she to fight that?
She curls into him despite her better judgement, and his hands still don’t feel right on her skin but at least the light pressure is good, at least-
“I owe you,” she murmurs.
He just kisses her forehead, and she knows… they don’t work like that, and she’s not the one who gets really bad dreams on a weekly basis, her body has been a consistent map of things done in sleep since she took him into her bed and she still-
They’ll balance, Tess thinks as she lets her eyes close. They always do.
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