#i’ve never had one that fits and i’ve tried binders too but i don’t like the squish ™ plus they’re super uncomfortable for me
daisybees · 2 years
not to stop being fun and cool and chill on main but i’ve been super dysphoric about my chest lately and it’s really starting to get to me
#i spent the last two hours looking up bra stuff ™#i’ve never had one that fits and i’ve tried binders too but i don’t like the squish ™ plus they’re super uncomfortable for me#so now i’m looking at ‘minimizing’ bra’s#like i don’t mind my chest i’m ok with like it being there— but everything i wear accentuates then and i hate it so much#like#i have a big band/cup size but smaller rib cage and waist so like#anything i wear really draws attention to my chest and i do not vibe with that at ALL#all i wear are graphic tees too so like if the print is in a weird place it makes it even WORSE#like the last time i was fitted was 9th grade and i went from an A to a D Then a D to a DDD/G and now I’m looking at H and I#i hate it here#they’re so fucking heavy too like#the only acceptable reason to even have these at this point is if a pretty person offers to hold them for me#i was looking up reductions straight up recently#the way i feel about gender and my relationship with being nb makes me think about this a lot and idk who else can relate but#i want LESS of a chest but i don’t want it gone completely you feel? like not quite top surgery but like…. less#like i will even take like AVERAGE bra size like i don’t care im cool with a C#just not this duo planet ORBIT i have currently#like i said sorry to rant but it’s really bothering me today#plus like anything that even remotely fits or feels comfortable is so expensive.#luckily i found some cheaper brands that don’t make me feel horrible#i thank adoreme every day of my life fr
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goldenboywrites · 3 months
Scorpius senses a trace of magic as he enters his apartment. It is his first sign that something is wrong.
Because no one knows where he is, he made sure of that when he graduated from Hogwarts and left everything and everyone behind. For a while, they had tried to seek him out. Anytime they got close, he would move. Finally, it seemed they had given up, and he had been in Cashel, Ireland ever since. 
It’s been too long for him to remember who the magical signature belongs to, but his magic recognizes it, and he knows it’s not a threat. When he gets to his apartment door, he finds it locked. Slotting the key into place, he steps into his one-bedroom apartment and looks around. It takes a second until he faces a familiar red-head from his past.
“Lily,” Scorpius greets in a warning. “I don’t recall inviting you over for tea.” 
She smiles sweetly at him from his couch and crosses her legs, raising a finger to point at his hair. “Been a while. What, like five years? Also, I hate the brown hair thing you’re doing. It doesn’t suit you.” Scorpius reaches up involuntarily to tug at the strands, hating the wave of self-consciousness that overcomes him at her comment. “You always felt like you needed to hide and change, but no one ever asked you to.” 
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And it’s just like her to assume that his life has been easy when in fact, the entire fucking wizarding world had wanted him to change and to atone for things he hadn’t done. “Why are you here?” 
At this, she straightens up, pulling a binder out of her bag and placing it on the coffee table. “Before we dive into this. Let me tell you what I do know. I know you’re in between jobs. Honestly, you’ve been in between jobs for a very long time. I know that you have been attempting for a while now to open up a hybrid herbology shop and potions shop but all of your efforts have been for naught. So I tracked you down because I believe in your dream and want to make it happen. I already bought the location; as we speak, it’s being constructed. We split ownership 33% and some change between the two of us, but mostly, it’ll be yours to run as you see fit.” 
Scorpius steps forward and slides the binder off of the coffee table. He thumbs through the pages slowly. “33% and some change,” He says mockingly, “between us does not equal 100%. What are you not telling me?” His gaze flickers to hers, and he sees the truth on her face. She’s mostly telling the truth. But the business plan itself is legit. She’s not even renting the building; she bought it. It’s in a cozy little area where Teddy owns his bar, and Rose has her business. She’s trying to get him to come back into the fold. To come home. 
“There is a third investor, but he is not fully committed yet. He’s my next st-”
“I will no-” He starts, but she shakes her head, glaring up at him.
“Can you relax for a second? It’s not Albus. As if he would ever want to invest in a business like this. You may have been gone without a word for five years, but he hasn’t gotten any better at potions in that time.” 
“I was going to say I won’t work with James.” He wasn’t, but that’s no one’s business, only his own. 
She doesn’t buy it; she just rolls his eyes and lets him escape with it. “It’s a good deal, Scor. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted, and I’ve wrapped it all up in a pretty little bow for you.” 
“It’s just like a Potter to expect me to drop my entire life to come running home to run your business. I know what you do. You do whatever easy work you want, and I’ll be doing all the heavy lifting.”
“There is one Potter who you should drop your entire life and come running home to, but he’s not here asking you to do that. He has never asked you to do that, even when he should have. If you want my honest opinion-”
“I don’t.” Scorpius cuts her off because he doesn’t want to hear it. And then, “I’ll do it.”
So, in the short few weeks following Lily Potter’s visit, Scorpius moves back home. Not home, home, but in the area. He unpacks, repacks, and then unpacks again. He is committed to this; a part of him wants this. He won’t back down now. 
Two weeks after moving back home, Scorpius dyes his hair back to his original white blonde and gathers the courage to see the progress in the shop. He studied Lily’s binder front to back and sent her his edits and demands. That kept him busy for a bit, but he’s been itching to see the shop. 
So he goes. He avoids Rose’s shop because that is not a confrontation he is eager to face. Depending on how the day goes, he will stop by Teddy’s bar because he was the only one Scorpius kept in constant contact with when he moved away, and there will be no confrontation with him. The rest…will have to be baby steps taken very, very slowly. 
The sign for the shop is up when he arrives. ‘LAS BOTANICALS & POTIONS’ it reads. The name stops Scorpius in his tracks. Three letters, three owners. Lily, Scorpius, and then it clicks. And he knows, he fucking knows what the ‘a’ in the name stands for, and he knows he’s been played, probably by all of them. But it doesn’t matter. He committed; he made the move already. He was contracted into this because Lily Luna Potter crosses her t’s and dots all of her i’s. His hands curl into fists as he reads the sign repeatedly, looking for any other meaning in the name, but he knows her far too well. He knows all of them far too well. 
He knows Albus will be there when he steps into that store.
So he walks in. 
And there he is, standing behind the register in all of his glory. Every moment between the two of them hits Scorpius like a bullet. It had always been them, side by side. Two people but one soul. It had gotten more intimate, deeper when they were teenagers. First kisses and shared touches. Until Albus wanted more, and Scorpius said no. He remembers that day as if it were yesterday. They had been sleeping together for a few months at that point. Albus was making their plan for after graduation. He asked, already expecting the answer, if they were together and Scorpius had been so struck by it, scared of its commitment, the realness, his last name tarnishing Albus’ reputation, that he had said we are not together. 
He moved the day after graduation and hasn’t looked back since. 
Until now. 
“Did you know?” He asked, his gaze scanning over the man’s features. He was five years older, but he would always be Albus Potter. Scorpius would always know him in a crowd. “LAS,” He said, pointing at the signage inside of the store. “I assume it stands for Lily, Albus, and Scorpius?” He couldn’t tell by looking at him if he was in on it. The Albus he had known always wore his emotions on his face, but the man in front of him annoyedly remained neutral. “What did she do to get you to agree to this? From what I remember, these were subjects you had no interest or talent in school.” This wasn’t what I signed up for. He wanted to scream because he was scared and felt backed into a corner, all while Albus was eerily calm and collected. “Forget it,” Scorpius said with an air of defeat. “Tell your sister I don’t appreciate being deceived, and I’m backing out.” 
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v3nusxsky · 2 years
Hey first of all i’ve been loving your fics they’re so good. I was wondering if i could request maybe a a larissa x reader with a trans (ftm) reader or maybe a non binary reader who bind and it’s a really big deal for them to let people be around them or see them without their binder on so when they are finally ready it’s a big deal and larissa just showers them with love and reassurances that she will always see them for themselves. if u don’t wanna write this just completely ignore me anyways have a wonderful day :)
Hey anon i gave this my best shot I hope it’s what you were searching for and that I haven’t messed up too badly. I hope you have a wonderful day/night.
This is me| fluff
*Authors note| it's a short one I'm sorry! I hope I've done this okay, I don't have much experience with this topic but I wanted to give it my best shot, thank you to the people who bind that gave me some irl experience.*
Trigger warnings ~ none? Binding? Dysphoria
Prompt ~see ask^^
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Feeling comfortable in your own skin is always so important. After all if your not comfortable with yourself how could you be confident and live life to the fullest. Some people are lucky and they are comfortable in the skin they are born with, some aren't so lucky and unfortunately that was you. For years now you'd battled with this alone, not quite fitting into a specific "box" which was always frustrating. Truthfully you wondered if you would ever be happy with a specific label or gender. For now though you decided not to stress about a label, after all it's just a word at the end of the day.
You had clothes for every emotion, feminine great you had clothes for that, male? Easily you'd whip out the flannel jackets and baggy trousers and in between those? Easy you could mix and match until you found the right outfit for you that day. Sometimes it would feel like every outfit you tried didn't work. You still felt wrong. And on those days your stunning girlfriend would come and hold you. Kisses being pressed anywhere she could reach while she showered you with love, praise and comforting words.
One thing that remains constant is you would wear your binder. Safely of course, you knew the rules and had done extensive research to ensure you were binding safely and correctly. Larissa would also help you by paying attention to how long you were binding for and supporting you through the whole experience. Honestly you couldn't believe just how lucky you had been the day she asked you to be hers. The reason binding was a constant feature for you is that it made you feel comfortable. You hated the thought of your chest not at least being smaller than you were born with. Binding gave that release and look you truly desired. So you hadn't actually been around anyone without binding. Larissa had respected that boundary and always left the lights off or turned away until you were happy for her to see you.
She'd done this for months now, you knew you could trust her, she wouldn't say or do anything that made you uncomfortable and you knew that for a fact. That's why tonight you were determined to push past this routine and allow her to see all of you. Yes the binder didn't change you, but there was something about showing her, something special and that's what made you really want to do it. You were ready and you knew you were safe with her.
The plan was to go and change before her, tell her you were ready and let her just see you. Yet when the plan had been set in motion the nervous bubbled up to the surface. This shouldn't be so hard. Ultimately it was now or never. So you pushed through that and continued with the plan. Your voice wavered as you called her into the room. Sat on the bed topless and exposed while your fingers shook in your lap. You heard the gasp and tears prickled in your eyes. Shit! She didn't like it. Tears flowed freely as you moved to cover yourself.
"Darling? I'm so so sorry I thought you had finished and that's why you called me. Im so sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable my love please forgive me" she hurried out coming closer to you. Wait what? She didn't? That was confusing. You whimpered out "I wanted to show you" as you sucked a shaky breath in between each word. "My darling, you did? That's great love I just want you to know I think you're stunning. Binder or no binder" she reassured gathering you in her arms, you twisted your body to hide your chest knowing she had seen it. The words causing tears to stream now. Larissa always made you feel like you were amazing in every way. And this was no exception.
Sensing you were feeling uncomfortable Larissa offered you your shirt which you took mumbling a thank you and put it on, before settling in her arms on the bed. Whispers of praise love and gratitude were cocooning you as you listened to the beating of her heart. Although you didn't feel you fit in a label or box, here in her arms you felt the happiest you ever could be.
Word count~ 880
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rainydaydally · 1 year
You’re like the light of my life
Sexuality crisis
Crying/Kinda a mental breakdown
Cartman is homophobic but in a joke way (hes gay)
Unsafe binding (I don’t think you are supposed to swim in a binder, but I’m not sure!)
The Broflovski family is staying in a hotel after camping, and Shiela and Gerald are napping in one bed, and Ike is napping in the other. Kyle, however, is laying next to Ike, wide awake. He takes his mind off of everything, starting to use pinterest on his phone. He gets bored pretty quickly, so he places it next to his head. As he stares at the white ceiling of the hotel, he starts to think. Think about way too much confusing things he cant help but focus on. He thinks about his sexuality, his friends, his looks- *especially* his looks. He sighs, fighting back tears as he grabs his headphones and phone and walks to the bathroom. He stares at himself in the mirror, listening to Mac DeMarco, as he feels tears fall from his eyes. He cries and cries, and he moves to sit on the closed toilet lid, knees up to his chest, tears spilling uncontrollably. He takes his phone out to text his friend, Stan.
“Hey. Can you call?”
No reply. “He’s probably busy.” He thinks to himself, setting his phone down. He decides to call Cartman, which even though he hates him, he can still cheer him up with his blunt and annoying comments and jokes. Kyle tries opening up to him about his sexuality, which he has also been really confused about. Cartman just says “F*g.” which causes him and Kyle to burst into a silent laughter, making it funnier that he cant laugh, or he will wake his family. After Kyle angrily hangs up on Cartman after some dumb shit he was saying, he goes and sits against the wall, and continues crying. He wipes his nose and his eyes but the tears never seem to stop coming. He’s just so, so confused. One day he will think he’s AroAce, and the next day he will get butterflies when he sees a cute boy at a store. He feels like everyone around him is getting into stable relationships now, like Stan and Wendy. Oh how he wishes he had a relationship like them, they seem so perfect. Suddenly, his phone lights up. 
It’s Stan. 
Kyle quickly replies back, he doesn’t want Stan to see him so hysterical.
“Oh, okay.”
“Can I tell you something??”
Kyle texts, instantly regretting his decision.
“Of course.” 
Stan replies. Kyle can almost hear the text in Stan’s voice, as if he was right next to him. Before Kyle knows it, he’s confessing deep, dark secrets to Stan over text. His fingers tapping the letters quickly.
“Okay, so this is stupid. But, I feel like everyone loves someone, or someone loves them. I know we are still young but im just so ugly and unwantable and I feel like I might be Aromantic Asexual, but I’m just so confused because I want a relationship. I really have never had someone have a crush on me because I’m so ugly and I’ve always been the ugly one too, and I feel like I’m nothing. Most of the guys are so handsome, and I really dont fit in compared to the rest of them. When we were on vacation at the beach I just felt so sick and insecure because you guys (not trying to be weird) looked really good in your bathing suits, but I just felt uncomfy and I just didnt fit in with you guys.”
“I can’t believe I just texted Stan that.” He thinks, and Stan seems to be taking hours to respond, even though it’s only been 5 seconds at the maximum.
“You are not ugly, I really don’t think you are ugly.”
Why did Kyle feel a feeling in his stomach when Stan had texted him that? Stan not only said he wasnt ugly, but he said HE really doesn’t think he is. 
“You definitely fit in. We don’t care what you look like. You think you are ugly, but no one is our friend group thinks you are ugly.”
Kyle smiles, “Except Cartman.” He thinks to himself. An other text appears.
“I’m sorry but what does aromantic asexual mean?”
Kyle knew this would happen. Most people don’t know what it means He tries to explain it, hoping Stan will understand what he’s trying to say.
“Thanks so much, Dude. Also, it means like you’re not attracted to anyone and dont wanna have sex with anyone basically. But I’m just not sure yet because I’ve never had a crush where the other person really liked me. I mean, I’ve dated people but it was mostly over text and facetime. We never hugged or kissed or anything. I’m probably just asexual, but sometimes I have a crush on someone and later it goes away.”
Kyle continues.
“And I’ve only kissed two people before, and I know thats two more than most people our age. I just feel really terrible for not feeling anything towards them. I mean, they were both girls, so I could be gay.”
Kyle desperately wants to tell Stan about his dysphoria, how his mother keeps telling him he looks just like her, and that he hates how feminine his body is getting. He does not say a word.
“You do have that rizz. I’ve never really talked to anybody in a romantic way before besides Wendy… and that hot sub we had in 3rd grade.”
“Dude! Gross! Also thanks. I just don’t know if I want it, I guess. I mean, your first kiss is supposed to be magical, but I felt nothing. I didn’t think I’d be kissing a girl in a pool bathroom who never even thought of me romantically.”
It was Bebe. Now she acts like nothing happened, but it did, and she knows it did. She is so perfect and pretty and smart, so why didn’t he like her?
“I wasted it. It sucked.”
“Wow. You never told me that before.” 
Stan replies. Kyle feels bad for not sharing it with him before, but it just never seemed appropriate. 
“Yeah. I’m still friends with her, and I don’t want to seem mean, but I really wasted my first kiss.”
“You know how in the movies their first kiss is like amazing magical stuff? Well, we are weird, crazy teenagers that go through stuff and things do not always go according to plan, and that’s ok. I know you will find a perfect kiss one day.”
Kyle really wants to just text Stan right then and there and tell him everything, that Stan sometimes gives him butterflies, and when the backs of their hands graze he feels his face heat up. He can’t tell him that, though, obviously. He doesn’t want to ruin Stan and Wendy’s relationship over a *maybe* crush.
“Dude, I don’t deserve you, I love you so much. You are way too kind and caring.”
“I love you too, bro.” 
Stan replies. Kyle feels a smile grow on his face.
“Also, I don’t mean to be nosy, but who was your first kiss?”
Kyle was really hoping Stan wouldn’t ask that. 
“She would get mad if I told you.”
Is all Kyle replies with.
“That’s okay.”
Kyle continues with his rant.
“I’m going through so much right now though. I hate being trans so much, I’m so jealous of everyone who isn’t tbh.”
“I’m sorry, I’m glad you are telling me so I can try my best to help you through it.”
Kyle sighs. How can Stan be so kind to him? Like he said before, he really doesn’t deserve to be best friends with such a sweet boy.
“I love you so much, you’re like the light of my life.”
Kyle jokes, smiling while thinking about hanging out with Stan. 
Suddenly, theres a loud knock at the door. “Kyle? Kyle, are you in there?” “Oh shit, it’s mom!” He thinks. “Yeah!” He replies, trying not to have his voice break from the crying that was happening before. “Kyle, we’re going to the pool soon. Ike and Dad already left. Do you want to come? I know you’re uncomfortable at the pool-” “I’ll go. Give me a second, though.” Kyle grumbles, sitting up and wiping his tears with the back of his hand. He would be looking foward to the pool- he really loves to swim- but lately he’s been so uncomfortable going, like his mom said. He hates going because he doesn’t know what to wear, and if he wears his binder with his trunks people give him such weird looks. He changes into the clothes nonetheless and steps outside the bathroom, arms crossing over his chest.
Shiela must have noticed he was insecure, because she went up to him and hugged him. “You are such a wonderful son, Kyle.” Kyle feels his stomach turn as he tries his best to hold back his tears, but they spill out again. Instead this time, he isn’t silent. His sobs are loud as he holds onto his mother. She lets go of the hug and walks him to sit on the edge of the bed together. “Are you okay? Is there anything I can do?” She asks. He shakes his head, wiping his tears. “Can we just stay like this for a while?” He asks. “Of course.”
AO3 Link: You’re like the light of my life
Wattpad Link: You’re like the light of my life
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odiesdayoff · 2 years
Studying Pays Off
pair: edward nashton (professor!) x fem!reader (student but also not)
summary: Edward Nashton’s a tough professor, but you’re up for the challenge.
warnings: SMUT (MINORS DNI 18++++); oral sex (f. receiving); questionable student/teacher relationship (they are but they aren’t); age gap
slay. I’ve been posting this series on AO3 and decided to take it to my tumblr as well :)
part two
You heard horror stories about Professor Nashton. One of the two professors that taught advanced forensic accounting, a class that you needed to take for your major. Professor Ives was kind and very generous with extra credit. Unfortunately, the only class that you could take that fit into your schedule wasn’t with Professor Ives.
Most people complained about his lectures, usually long and boring and full of riddles that didn’t have much to do with the actual subject. He was strict about grading and the smallest error in a project might turn your A into a B. Unfortunately, you weren’t an exception to the normal borderline failing student that became the norm.
The thirty seconds that you stood outside of his room, too nervous to start your office hour session with him, felt like an eternity. It was common knowledge that nobody dared trying to go to his office hours. Students were too afraid to get on his bad side to even attempt to ask questions about the lecture. You were different, though. You were determined to get at least a B- in this class even if it meant spending an awkward few minutes with the man.
He didn’t look at you as you walked in and took your seat on the other side of the desk. You clutched your binder close to your chest, sheets upon sheets of printed-out homework and projects thickening it. You wrote your own notes over and around the notes that he gave you. You practiced everything that you wanted to talk to him about.
He wrote the grade with a large red marker on someone’s project. D. You hoped that it wasn’t yours. “I don’t offer extra credit if that’s what you came here for. And I will not be bribed by any means,” He flipped the stack of papers over, pushing them to the side and finally looking up at you. For a moment, you wondered what students might have tried to use to bribe him.
“That…That’s not what I’m here for, sir. I wanted to discuss the last project and what I could do better for the next time,” You opened your binder and nervously pulled the stapled stack of paper with a marked B- on the top out of the front fold. You offered the paper to him and he took it.
That project, in particular, getting a report from some made-up company and logging their accounts as well as any discrepancies, didn’t seem too difficult for you. You finished it with time to spare and found nothing wrong when you went over it, yet you barely passed. You began to wonder if you were doing everything wrong and you were in the wrong field.
He flipped through the pages faster than any person could possibly be looking at the content. You sat quietly, hoping that your breathing didn’t disturb his work. “While there aren’t many mistakes, the ones that you did make were those that should have been eradicated in basic accounting. It might be a problem with you rather than this individual project.” His facial features were soft, but that didn’t seem to translate to his harsh personality.
Your breathing halted, maybe you should have listened when you were told to avoid going to his office hours. Was he calling you stupid? “I’ve never had a problem before this class. Is there anything that I can do about that?” The voice in your head wanted to lean over the desk and slap the shit out of the man, but you knew that it would only make things worse for you. His words would get to you tonight when you were able to cry about it if you needed.
“I can’t fix what was broken from the start, I’m afraid,” he handed the stack of papers back to you and you took them with a shaky hand. At this point, you weren’t sure if the shaking came from anger or you fighting back the urge to cry. Your life’s passion, the one thing you were sure that you excelled at, he was telling you that you never had a chance. What an asshole.
You looked down at the papers in your lap, “Is there… any way to improve in this class? Even with my…problems?” You weren’t sure why this was such a blow to your self-confidence. You’ve had much worse said to you by your parents when you told them that you wanted to go into accounting. You nearly failed geometry and their hope for you fell down the drain.
He sighed as if this wasn’t literally the job that he signed up to do for a living. “Unless you want to dedicate your time to coming to my office hours every single time there’s an assignment to go over things, I suggest you drop the class before it affects your GPA too much,” He looked at someone else’s project and shook his head. It was like you weren’t even there.
And that’s exactly what you did for the rest of the semester. From the time that he started his office hours to when he kicked you out, you worked on your assignments. Maybe you were a bit delusional, but you started to wonder if he was finally warming up to you. Your grades definitely reflected a more positive relationship with the man. You were probably the only person in the class that had an A by December.
The final was in two days and you were still committing to your office hour sessions with Professor Nashton. “You intrigue me, Y/n,” He spoke out of the blue.
You looked up from your papers, “How so?”
He leaned back into his chair. It squeaked slightly, “Most students just give up after that first office hour visit. They…curse me out and then drop a shitty rate my professor review. But not you, Y/n.” He spoke along with his hands, “You never let me spend a class or office hour alone.”
“It definitely paid off. I think I’m one of the only people not either failing or borderline failing. Why do you grade like that?” You’ve been meaning to ask that question for so long, but it never seemed right. Now that you two felt like somewhat friends and he was getting personal, maybe he would find out.
He bit his lip, “This subject relies on precision. One mistake could jail an innocent person or let a guilty one roam free. Forensic accountants are crucial and perhaps the foundation of the justice system. Financially, that is. If I start my students with a work ethic that relies strongly on attention to detail and little mistakes, justice will be served in the future. Most of them just don’t want to work hard.”
You nodded along. You agreed with him to a point but thought that he should have been a bit less harsh in the way that he conducts this message. “That…actually makes a lot of sense. Maybe you should say that at the beginning of the semester,” You suggested.
He shook his head, “If they didn’t try before, it’s not going to make them suddenly start. Most people at this school are privileged little fucks that’ll go into their daddy’s firm once they graduate. Pardon my French. People like us work for our success.”
He wasn’t wrong there. Gotham University was built on nepotism and will always be that way, it seemed.
The final wasn’t bad, just as you had expected. It was exactly what you studied and discussed with the professor, so you were pretty sure that you got a decent grade. The other students filtered out of the classroom as soon as they wrote down their final number and rejoiced in their winter break starting. Once the last person left, you took the opportunity to talk to Professor Nashton one last time.
“How was it?” He asked, sorting through the stacks of finished tests all over his desk.
You shrugged, “It was good. Not to brag, but I think I got an almost perfect score.” This earned you a smile from him. You took a deep breath and adjusted your bag on your shoulder, “Now that we’re not technically student and teacher anymore, I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy talking with you. I work at this little diner by the Iceberg Lounge and if you’re ever in the area, you’re free to stop by. I’ll even throw in a free coffee and slice of pumpkin pie.”
“That’s very generous of you, Y/n. I’ll keep that in mind,” You had your suspicions that he was only saying that to be polite, but a small part of you wanted to see him again. Seeing him in a less professional setting and without the big label of instructor might do him some good.
Your winter break was uneventful. You worked, occasionally spent time with your friends, and avoided your family’s judgment throughout the holiday season. It wasn’t until the second week of January that things got interesting again.
Working at a 24-hour diner meant that you had to be available for work at all times of the day. You drew the short straw and found yourself behind the counter, completely void of co-workers and customers, at 2 in the morning on a Wednesday. You were halfway through Pride and Prejudice when you were startled by the doorbell.
Standing in the doorway was him. Your former professor in a large raincoat and informal wear. “What are you doing here so late?” You asked, smirking. You were relieved to have someone to talk to other than yourself and that he wasn’t some random creep.
“I could ask you the same thing. I couldn’t sleep,” He sat on one of the barstools and you turned on the coffee machine. If it were anyone else, you would’ve served the stale, hours-old coffee.
“What does your spouse think of your late-night diner runs?” You took a relatively hot slice of pie and placed it in front of him with a fork.
He took a bite of the pie, “Not married.”
You raised a brow, “I can’t imagine why not. You’re smart, attractive, and literally a tenured professor at an esteemed university.” You turned to grab a cup for the coffee.
Edward paused and looked up from his pie, “You of all people should not be saying that I’m attractive.”
“Why? Because you’re older than me?” You snorted.
“Because you’re beautiful. And frankly, I feel guilty even saying that.”
You poured the coffee in silence and placed it in front of him. He found you attractive. Now that there was no formal rule that could get him fired, you had all the opportunity in the world to mess with him. And by mess with him, you really just want to jump his arrogant bones.
“Are you sure that pie’s the only thing in here you wanna eat?” You put on your best seductive voice, making him slightly choke on his coffee. He glared at you, “Oh, come on. We’re not limited to roles anymore. We’re just two adults that know each other from university.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to, trust me, I’ve shamefully thought about it before. It’s just-”
“Just nothing! I’m offering to get on this counter, lift my skirt up, and let you eat me out. Yes or no?”
He sat in silence for a second, staring. The gears in his brain were turning. He grabbed the plate and the cup and pushed them to the side, “Get up.”
This was a first for you. Sex with a professor and doing it at work. Despite it all, you sat up on the counter and showed yourself to him. He stared for a moment, nervous, before hooking his arms under your legs and diving in.
Other than the buzzing of the various machines in the diner, the only noises in the room were of Edward licking and the moans that you held back. You didn’t expect him to be that good, no man ever was when it came to oral. He found your clit after a few seconds and began to suck on it, not giving you a chance to register the sudden rush of pleasure.
“Fuck!” You moved your hand on the counter, accidentally swiping the coffee cup off. It shattered, but Edward didn’t look up or stop. It wasn’t like you were going to stop and clean it up now, anyway.
“Y/n, you taste so good,” He whispered into your pussy. You grabbed his hair and twirled it with your fingers.
He pushed two fingers into you and you felt the pleasure fully begin to coil in your stomach. You moaned and tugged on his hair. That only made him go faster.
With Edward relentlessly pleasuring you, it took not long for you to see stars. The walls were not soundproof and you had forgotten if they had security cameras or not, but that didn’t stop you from calling out his name as you came around his fingers.
He finally looked up at you with a goofy smile on his face. Your face was flushed and your chest noticeably rose and fell. Now, you were more confused that he wasn’t married. “How was that?”
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local-lesboy · 6 months
i was six when I really loved dresses. i had a beautiful pre-school teacher and told my mom i wanted to look exactly like her. she used to have to fight me to put on pants and even asked my teacher to wear pants so I would want to. i had no concept of femininity or masculinity, all i knew was i saw someone who looked nice and i wanted the same
i was eight and wrestled with my older brother. i played his video games and action figures while he was gone, hoping to gain common interests. i wanted to be a cool boy like him. though, i wouldn’t have said i wanted to be a boy. i wasn’t too sure of the concept of gender
i was ten when i started growing. i started developing features that i didn’t see in my peers. the clothes made for kids like me didn’t fit quite right and i started noticing something was wrong. i couldn’t tell you what, but i started to get insecure. i wore hoodies more often so my body was less noticeable. getting my hair cut short for the first time was a freeing moment i’ll never forget
i was thirteen when i fully felt disconnected from my body. i stopped wearing dresses as often and when i did it felt painful to be called beautiful. i tried looking up ways to hide my chest and found tips on using ACE bandages. i was told it could hurt me but i was willing to take the risk. in the bathroom late at night i would go just to see myself with a flatter chest for a couple minutes. i never told my parents and i’m lucky i didn’t cause any damage
i was fourteen when I learned what gender fluidity was. the joy i felt when i found out there was a whole community full of people who felt the same way. my middle school friends helped me practice a new name and pronouns and i felt so comfortable i went to the adults in my life. the school decided they wouldn’t help me socially transition and i had to learn to hold my bladder until I got home. i couldn’t use the restroom at school unless it was the one in the nurse’s office. my parents laughed at me and asked if i was “sometimes an alien.”
i was fifteen when i found the umbrella term ‘transgender’. i learned that the rain of feelings about myself were covered by this umbrella. i later learned that nonbinary felt even better than calling myself trans. i had come to my parents with this new information, hoping it would go easier, and they asked if i considered how they felt about having a trans child. they did not support my transition and they would not refer to me the way i wanted. i got my first real binder using my holiday money and started attending a support group for LGBTQ+ youth.
i was seventeen when i got my gender dysphoria diagnosis. my supportive place away from home pointed me in the right direction of help and it felt good to be told by a doctor what I could do to fix what I knew to be wrong. she tried to educate my parents, who started calling me the name I liked, but still couldn’t get on board with anything changing. my mother said “you will always be [deadname] to me.” at this point, hormones wouldn’t fix everything and surgical intervention was going to be needed
i was eighteen when i started my transition. my doctor taught me how to properly give myself injections and i began to document everything. my voice changed, my facial hair started to develop, and I was…sweaty. all the time. my doctor warned my of the side effects, but they were nothing compared to the joy i would feel knowing i could fix things. getting gendered properly was easier now and i had more people rooting for my success. nothing could go wrong for me in that moment.
i’ve since made it most of the way through my journey. i’ve been on hormones for five years and received top surgery before my twenty-first birthday. my parents don’t hear from me and maybe it’s for the better. this is what happens when you don’t give a child the language for their feelings. this is what happens when you alienate a child. they will learn to chase their own happiness and it won’t involve you. they will find people to accept them the way you were supposed to.
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why can’t i be like the other boys - pandora rosier
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summary - yn is feeling major dysmorphia. pandora helps them and makes a deal to help with it.
warnings - panic attacks, body dysmorphia, crying. i think that’s it.
a/n - if there are any trans people or plus size people struggling with body dysmorphia, please do not read this right now as there are very negative thoughts mentioned in this post. my dms are open if anyone wants to talk.
post number - 9
word count - 839
reader - trans male, pre-transition, plus sized.
you and stared into your mirror; why couldn’t you just be like the other boys. why were you born in the wrong body? why couldn’t you just be flat? all of the thoughts racing around your head were getting to you.
‘you’re too fat.’
‘you’re not a real boy.’
‘they’ll never treat you like the other guys.’
‘a real boy has a flat chest’
all of the false information in your head drove you nuts; tears fell from your eyes to the floor faster than you could say ‘expelliarmus’. your breathing got faster and your breath became heavier.
the salty tears fell onto your lips, making it harder to focus on your breathing.
suddenly, the door to your dorm room opened, and you couldn’t even control your emotions enough to bother trying to hide what was happening from which ever one of your roommates came in.
“yn? what’s wrong?” the familiar voice of pandora rosier spoke to you, “what happened?”
pandora sat down next to you and immediately pulled you into a hug.
“what’s going on?” she quickly realised that you couldn’t breathe properly and pulled away from you.
she held your hands, giving you a soft squeeze of reassurance that everything would be okay.
“deep breaths, okay?” her soft voice rang, your ears were ringing, and her face was spinning softly and had duplicated by now.
“inhale, exhale.”
you followed her breathing pattern, slowing down your breathing, bringing it back to normal, along with your vision and hearing.
“that’s better. can you tell me what’s wrong? it’s okay if you’re not comfortable talking about it. i’m here to talk - or just to listen if you need me though. always.”
you open your mouth to speak but no words come out, just a small squeak. you sighed, as tears came to your eyes again.
this time pandora pulled you into a tight hug, knowing you needed it, and softly rubbed your back.
“everything’s gonna be okay, yn. i’m here for you.”
you pulled away, now ready to talk, “i hate myself- im not a real boy, and i never will be, nothings gonna change that. i can’t make myself flat - i’ve tried it all, binders, spells that are too difficult for me to do, tape, clingfilm, literally everything and nothing works.” you ranted.
pandoras eyes softened, listening to your voice break as you spoke, “why don’t the binders work? i thought they were meant to be one of the best things?”
“they are!” you accidentally raised your voice, “sorry. i- they-“
“it’s okay. i’m listening.”
“i’m too fat. they don’t fit me. even the large sizes. i hate that nowhere does bigger sizes than a large and i hate myself for not fitting into the biggest size.”
“please don’t talk about yourself like that. you really shouldn’t use the word fat as a way to insult yourself. it’s not a bad word, you know?” pandora reassured, “it’s just a word that people try to make sound bad, but it’s not, it’s just a word. you are perfect no matter how you look. yes, you’re a plus size guy, but do you realise how many men are too? millions! take peter as an example, he’s plus size - he doesn’t care; i know you’re not him, but if you just look at how happy he is, you can be that happy, just don’t let your body bother you. your body is beautiful no matter how big, or small it is.”
your mouth opened in awe, you didn’t know what to say, “but i’m not flat either, peter can’t relate to that.”
“how about this, if you can do one thing for me, i’ll measure you and make you a binder that fits you perfectly?”
“what’s the one thing?” you asked, concerned it would be something you couldn’t do.
“every day when you wake up, say something nice about yourself, maybe a couple things, doesn’t matter if you don’t mean it. you don’t even have to believe it. just say it. eventually you’ll trick your brain into believing the things you don’t believe and you’ll thing good things about yourself.”
you chuckled, “you don’t really thing that works, do you.”
“it does.” pandora raised her point, “i do it all the time, have been since i was a kid. and i got reggie doing it - he used to despise himself, and the way he looks. he hated that he wasn’t flat for so long, even though he is now cause of the spells he learnt, he wasn’t for a long time, but he learnt to love his body even before, and after, by saying nice things to himself.”
“okay. i’ll do it.”
pandora’s smiles beamed, “excellent! i’ll get making your binder first thing saturday. so only a few days; i should have it done by monday or tuesday!”
you pulled her into a tight hug, squeezing her slightly, “thank you.” you whispered.
“no problem.”
“i love you, pandora. you’re the best friend i could ever ask for.”
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hedge-bones · 1 year
i started using my name 7 years ago today, and just...holy shit. somehow it both feels like it was just yesterday and like it’s the only name i’ve ever had, even though i didn’t change it until i was 20. it’s such a weird feeling, but a good weird, y’know?
like, half the time i forget i have a deadname/old name (you’d think i’d remember, since mine cost me like $300 lmao). i’m not secretive or protective of it, i don’t care who knows what it is, but there’s such a disconnect there.
there are just straight up people who’ve never known me by any other name and that is just so weird to me. it’s not like i hated my old name--and i never felt like it wasn’t mine, it was, but it didn’t fit right, like a shirt that’s too short but too loose--but ‘remy’ fit. i’d only tried binding a couple times with a hand-me-down binder i got from a friend (who had a significantly larger chest than me) and hadn’t even considered trying T, but i knew i wanted to change my name. it’s still the most affirming thing i’ve ever done.
i know a bunch of people use multiple names or try a few before they settle on it, but mine is the only one i ever tried. i knew my name as soon as i paired it with my middle and last name and it felt like me, and i’m just really happy
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animefankotaro · 2 years
Trans Peter Park (MCU)
Peter Parker was at Tony Starks house trying his new spidy-suit. He was grateful to Tony for helping him. The suit was much more high-tech than his homemade suit. It made him feel like a real Avenger. It also felt better.
“It's not too tight, is it?” Tony asked. Peter was in front of a mirror with his new suit. Tony was behind him arms crossed.
“No. It fits fine.” Peter replied.
“Are you sure? I can make some tweeks. I know it felt a little tight last time. I want you to breath okay in there and not feel like it's a tight space. I can make it bigger around the hips as well.”
“No. It's the best feeling one yet. I don't even notice the binder in there.” Peter put his hand on his chest. It felt flat. He smiled at the feeling of this. It made him feel like we was truly Spider-man. A man.
When he first met Tony he wasn't sure how to tell him he was really a girl. Aunt May changed his records so he was legally male and his name was Peter. She was a big help. Uncle Ben was too. He died just a few years after he came out to them. Ben even gave him his first short haircut. Granted, it looked like he did it himself but he looked like a boy.
Peter was shocked to know that Tony already knew his little secret; well, two of his secrets. Of course his school knew but he never tried to make it public knowledge he was trans. He didn't do interviews or had his own show. He liked the part where he was normal. His celebrity stats as Spiderman were enough.
“I should be approved for top surgery pretty soon.” Peter said. “Than this won't be a problem anymore.
“As long as you don't shoot web out your boobs while you're be operated you'll be okay.” Peter laughed at this.
“It never does. My web comes out these shooters I make. Though I wonder if I had a weiner it would shoot out there.” Tony chuckled. Not many people can have a conversation about spider web coming out certain parts.
“I'm glad your friend Ned was always there for you. Some might have walked away. But he stood by you when you told him. Michelle is also supportive from what I heard.”
Peter nodded. “I was scared. But he was my best friend. He had to know. I almost broke down when I told him. He told me we'll always be friends. He helped me when Flash would make fun of me. Flash likes to call me “Penis Parker. He knew about me. He would never tell my secret as Spiderman to anyone. MJ too. She said I might be Penis Parker to him but he's the true dick” They both chuckled.
“You like her?” Tony asked.
“Huh?” Peter looked at Tony. He did hear the question correctly but hoped Tony wouldn't ask again.
“Do you like her?”
“MJ? Well, I, Um... I mean she is smart, and funny, cool, creative....pretty. But so I like her? It's um.. So how about you and Pepper?”
“Our wedding is just a couple months away. It's the biggest moment I've been waiting for since 2008.”
“I guess telling a girl you like her is hard as a grown up too, huh?”
“Harder than saving the world sometimes.” Peter nodded.
“Was is love at first sight or did it happen after time?” Peter asked. Tony was silent a moment as if we was thinking it.
“You know, I'm not sure. She did become me favorite worker. She believed I had a heart when no one else would.” Peter looked at Tony's chest. “I mean that in the philological scene not the logical.” Tony touched his chest.
“Oh. Uh, sorry.” Peter looked at Tony again.”
Didn't you have any friends? True friends I mean” “I had Hogan. Rhodey too.” Tony stopped trying to think of others. “They were all with me though thick and thin.”
“That's like Ned and MJ.
“Maybe we should have named you Ironman Jr. Or Ironboy.”
“Hey, it's better than Spider-boy. Or worse Spider-girl or Spider-Woman. I was always worried I would be found out in my homemade suit with mt chest sticking out.”
“You sure it doesn't hurt.” Tony asked.
“100%. Once I get top surgery it won't matter anymore. I got approved for the surgery and a date has been set.”
“I can still pay for it, you know.” Peter shook his head.
“Thanks but I think May and I should. It's more of a personal matter, you know. Besides, you've done enough for me already.” Tony looked at his watch.
“It's time for your T-pill.” Peter nodded. Tony handed him pill and a glass of water. Peter swallowed the pill.
“It won't be much longer till your facial hair becomes thicker.” Tony said.
“Think I can grow a beard like yours?”
“Can you? Yes. Should you? Sorry, kid. It's kind of a Tony Stark thing only.” Peter laughed.
“Come on. Let's go out and try that new binder.”
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arrowflier · 3 years
Lovely Arrow, a random plot bunny appeared and I just know you could do it justice: what if Franny has some friends over at Mickey and Ian's place when she's older and one of them is new to the group and wants to learn a little more about her uncles? And Franny starts waxing poetic about how they're made for each other and complement each other so well and both Ian and Mickey overhear and it makes them tear up a little. Just a thought 😋🥰
Evie, thank you! I've decided that Franny's friends love her uncles almost as much as she does, so that's kind of where this went.
“Why are we here again?” Tiffany asks as they crowd onto the stoop of the little southside worker’s cottage. Franny doesn’t bother to answer as she knocks on the door, but one of the other girls takes pity.
“It’s her Uncle’s house,” Susan says. “Jesus, Tiff, pay attention.”
Well, not too much pity. There was a reason she’d never been invited before, after all.
“Yikes, Suze,” Tiffany mutters with a frown. “I just meant why weren’t we at her actual house.”
“Because my actual house is loud as shit,” Franny finally chimes in, not even looking back. “My mom gets lonely so we live with like three other families, it’s a nightmare for schoolwork.”
“You’d have known that if you paid any attention,” Susan adds, and they all ignore Tiffany’s pout.
It doesn’t last long anyway, because the door creaks open not a moment later.
“Hey Fran,” Ian says from the other side. His hair is longer than usual right now, and looks windswept—or like someone had been carding hands through it all morning. His shirt was tight-fitting and a little too short, like it didn’t belong to him, and the socks on his feet didn’t match.
“Hey Uncle Ian,” Franny greets, then gestures to her friends. “It still cool if we take over the living room for a bit? This group paper is a beast.”
“Of course,” Ian agrees with a wide smile. “Anything to help my favorite niece.” He opens the door wider to let them in.
“Nice to see you all again,” he says as they start to file inside. “John, Rachel,” he greets them individually. “Susan, that new haircut is fantastic, I told you it would be.”
“Thanks, Mr. Gallagher,” Susan says with a grin, tucking a loose curl behind her ear.
Ian grimaces at her, playfully.
"Ian, please," he begs. "I've never met a Mr. Gallagher I didn't want to punch."
Susan giggles, and moves inside.
“I don’t think I’ve met you,” Ian says with a thoughtful frown when it's Tiffany's turn, and Franny jumps in with an introduction.
“Uncle Ian, this is Tiff,” she says. “She got put with us for the project.”
“Nice to meet you,” Ian says, and holds out a hand.
Tiffany takes it, and when Ian lets go, her hand just hovers there.
“Make yourselves at home,” Ian says as he closes the door behind them. “I’ll be in the other room if you need anything, but—
“Try not to need anything,” they all chorus, with the exception of Tiffany.
“Good kids,” Ian laughs, and then he’s gone, disappearing through the archway that leads through to the rest of the house.
They settle quickly. John and Rachel take the love seat, as they’re always wont to do, sitting just a little too close. Rachel giggles as their knees brush, and Franny rolls her eyes at John’s blush.
She takes her own usual spot next to Susan on the floor, notebooks spread out across the ottoman, and startles when Tiffany suddenly appears on her other side.
“Dude,” Tiffany hisses, poking Franny in the shoulder. “Your uncle is so hot.”
Franny frowns, staring down at the wrinkle Tiffany left on her sleeve.
“Yeah,” she says idly as she smooths it. “So I’ve heard.”
“I mean I mean I always thought red hair looked weird--no offence," she tacks on hastily, "but it really works for him."
Franny focuses on arranging her things to avoid smacking Tiffany in the face.
"Does he have a girlfriend?” Tiffany asks, biting her lip. She toys with the ends of her over-crimped hair, bright nail polish flashing between blonde strands.
“No,” Franny answers, and doesn’t give Tiffany any time to think about that before adding, “he has a husband.”
Tiffany pouts, shimmery pink lips sticking out comically. Franny exchanges a look with Susan, who mimics the expression in a way that has Franny trying to swallow her laughter.
“So not fair,” Tiffany whines beside them, crossing her arms. “Why are all the cute ones taken?”
“Hey!” John protests from across the room, but they all ignore him except for Rachel, who hits him with her three-ring binder.
“Mickey would probably kill you for looking at him,” Susan chimes in, “so you should probably keep your eyes to yourself anyway.”
“Yeah,” Rachel agrees, even as she rubs John’s arm in apology. “He’s been to jail, you know.”
“Ew,” Tiffany says, wrinkling her nose. “There’s no way he deserves someone like Ian, then.”
Franny grips her pencil too tightly. Susan sends her a warning look, but she ignores it.
“Actually,” she says casually, hiding her irritation, “they’re perfect for each other.”
Tiffany‘s brow wrinkles.
“No way,” she disagrees. “You Uncle seems so sweet, he deserves someone nice at least.”
Franny’s pencil snaps.
“Shit, she’s done it now,” John mutters.
“Uncle Mickey is nice,” Franny grits out between clenched teeth. “He’s a hell of a lot nicer than you, actually.”
“Franny—” Rachel tries to interrupt, but Susan cuts in over her.
“She’s not wrong,” Susan says. “You’re in the man’s home, Tiff, have a little tact.”
“Besides,” John speaks up, “Mickey is great. He helped me with my math homework last week.”
“Come on!” Tiffany cries. “There’s no way some ex-con should be married to that hunk out there.”
“Ian’s an ex-con too, though,” Susan says. “Right, Fran?”
Franny smiles.
“That’s right,” she confirms gleefully. “They were in jail together, actually.”
Tiffany pales.
“No way,” she mumbles, but they aren’t done.
“Yeah, it’s the most romantic story!” Rachel all but squeals. “Mickey wasn’t even in the country, but he heard Ian needed him and he came right back!”
“They’d been together for like, years already,” John contributes. “High school sweethearts or something like that.”
Rachel latches onto him at that, and he flushes again.
“And they take such good care of each other,” Susan adds. “Last time I was here Ian wasn’t feeling too good, and Mickey made us all be quiet so he could sleep. Then I helped him make some soup, ‘cause he isn’t good at that stuff.”
Tiffany is biting her lip again, staring at them each in turn.
“But Ian seems so—”
“In love with his husband?” Franny cuts her off dryly. “Sounds right to me.”
The others all agree, but Franny isn’t done.
“My Uncles have the best relationship I’ve ever seen,” Franny continues, “and I was a little kid for most of it. So if you think they’re gonna care what some random kid their niece hangs out with thinks about their marriage…” she trails off.
Tiffany’s eyes are downcast.
“Didn’t mean anything by it,” she mutters, then looks up through her eyelashes. “Sorry.”
Silence, broken by Franny’s tired sigh.
“It’s okay, I guess,” she says. Then she hands Tiffany her notebook. “Here, you can write the introduction.”
Behind a half-closed door down the hall, Mickey stands quietly, eyes wide. He startles when the door creaks open an extra inch, Ian slipping inside.
Ian’s eyes are soft when they fall on his face, and Mickey blinks hurriedly to hide the wetness in his own.
“You heard all that, I take it?” Ian whispers, and Mickey nods.
“Yeah,” he says hoarsely. “Kind of hard not to, those kids are fucking banshees.”
Ian laughs, soft and quiet.
“Banshees that love you,” he says, stepping closer. “As they should,” he adds when Mickey lets him wrap strong arms around him.
“Sounds like one of ‘em loves you more,” Mickey mumbles into Ian’s chest, and it shakes as Ian huffs.
“She’ll learn,” he says, holding Mickey tighter. “They all do eventually.”
“That I’m the better husband?” Mickey jokes, even as he rubs his face into the fabric of his own shirt over Ian’s broad chest.
“That we’re best together,” Ian corrects, and Mickey smiles.
“Yeah,” he breathes out, pressing a kiss to Ian’s sternum.
“Yeah, we really are.”
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ackerfics · 3 years
hi, rory! <3 what majors would the sc veterans take if they were in the modern world?
hi, anon !! thank you so much for this ask, this is heaven in disguise from all my schoolwork. tbh, the whole time i was working for a lab report, my mind will go back to this ask bc i wanted to have the association as accurate as possible hhhajshw
i asked one of my friends for help and thank God for them bc my single brain cell really said 'it's time for you to rest' after staring at one backlog. without further ado, here are the veterans' majors if they're studying in university:
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first off, hange zoe, because if you ask me this question in real life, they would be the only one i can answer. every damn time i would think of them in a college setting, being a biology major is really hange's forte. at this point, this is what everyone would associate them with.
hange is all about experimenting and doing brilliant breakthroughs in any field of science but knowing that they have this unparalleled fascination with the unusual and unexpected life-forms (ahem titans ahem), the biology lab would be the surest place where you could find hange. i feel like biology is too broad so i will add that microbiology or bacteriology are just some of the specializations they will be taking in their time in college.
imagine, being lab partners with hange and immediately knowing that you will have one of the highest grades in the class because they're that well-versed in a specific lab report. and if you're partners with them for the rest of the academic year, you might as well have a shot at an immaculate grade. i'm not saying that you should depend on them too much though hHHHH, hange is still a member of the majority of the student body who relies heavily on caffeine to keep them invigorated. who isn't at this point?
so far, some of the biology majors that i encountered (well, more like chatted behind a screen — online classes suck), they have this energy that could drain my social battery too quickly and hange fits that description. (note that this doesn't apply to any college bc i observed this in mine soooo 🤭) they're the type to always go on a tangent on a certain science article or coerce you into joining this org thing. i can imagine levi just looking at hange like they're the one sucking his brain cells out whenever they speak about a documentary in bbc they watched the night before.
and if you're stuck on anything biology-related, hange will be the best person to ask help from. they're the first ray of sunlight you get while waking up. they're that approachable.
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okay, so erwin smith.
don't come at me but he just radiates this ceo vibes and with that, one of his probably majors is business administration. i know this is so stereotypical of me but let's face it, erwin is a smooth talker through and through and if he doesn't take up marketing, business is one way to spend his college years. knowing his personality in attack on titan of establishing deals easily with a determined resolve, he fits the broadest description of being a business administration major. (again, don't come at me because my consultant for this statement is google and nobody comes after google sometimes hhhhh)
just for the benefit of myself, i will add what google says about this major, "[they] learn the mechanics of business through classes in fundamentals, such as finance, accounting and marketing ... students find ways to solve problems using data and they develop communication and managerial skills." and i thank you.
he's also probably the most well-spoken and most professional when conversing with others among his friends (and i'm not saying this to drag the other characters but this is what i pick up on) and that is exactly the qualities his major specializes. it is expected for them to strike deals and be a people person and who better character for the job than our very own erwin smith 🤩
now i mentioned 'one of the probable majors' and yes, aside from business administration, philosophy just exudes erwin smith. ngl, when i imagined erwin in a college setting, this major will always come first. his mind is just so sexy to me??? and i hope you guys think the same, too, because i don't want to be the only one who thinks that 👀 kidding aside, erwin is one of the smartest people in attack on titan and every time he speaks in one episode, my brain will instantly go mush, and that's what i feel when i hear philosophy majors talk.
philosophy majors (according to any other youtuber who does lookbooks for various majors hhhhhh) challenge what is unanswerable and analyze questions with no right answer. i feel like erwin, like hange, will talk all night to explain a theory. just imagine a date with him and you just listen to him rant about a topic that they should be making a report on. just listen to this man, okay?? it's adorable when he lets his guard down to include you in his little bubble of philosophies. he would also mention random things that he learned in classes, sometimes finding joy in knowing the philosophies of other people, or even deciphering levi's dream of an apocalyptic world. (it pisses levi off but he just leave him be.)
if you want a man who can do both of these majors, erwin smith is the answer 😉
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sigh, mike zacharias.
this man holds so many talents and will forever amaze me.
i assume all of us here watched the movie perfume. and no, i'm not saying that mike is going to be a murderer but just like the main character of that film, making perfumes will be his forte with that sense of smell of his. and here, i conclude that mike will definitely take up chemical engineering.
he gives me the vibes that if it covers the one thing he does best, he will love his major. (mr. zacharias, can you please spare me that quality because i really need that now 😩) being in the labs while experimenting mundane things that can be found in the environment to create different scents is also a likely situation you can find him in, again, very much like hange. he's the type of student who really puts so much effort in staying afloat the honors list, even to the point of topping midterms in his major, for the sake of his dream. there will never be a moment where you will catch him complain about his major and professors.
he's that type of friend in college who agrees to any rant you say but in reality, he's got his life easy 😭
i headcanon mike owning a perfume shop after college just like how levi always dreamed of having a tea shop.
okay, imagine this little scenario if you're dating mike where he creates this unique perfumes as random gifts for you. they're not the typical perfumes that can seep through the room and can make you gag for no reason, they're subtle scents that will stay for the duration of the day. because again, he's got a sensitive nose, so making perfumes according to what his sense of smell dictates will always result in a revolutionary experiment. if you're randomly blurting out that you want a fusion of flowers and fruits as your perfume, say no more, he's your man.
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now, the veteran who i find the hardest to associate a major with — levi ackerman.
after much deliberation and a break from plant physiology, i see him taking up law or criminology.
(i asked some of this from my mom because she attended law school :>>>)
levi is so organized and detailed in the things that he do and he fits in either of these majors since they require tedious memorizations and analysis of laws and crime scenes while being assertive enough to defend someone. he's the typical person who blurts out the true situation of a crime scene when watching film adaptations. yeah, he's that person, the one who sucks the enthusiasm out of you while watching a movie because he just had to correct some of the scenes. nevertheless, he means well though, he just wanted you to understand the reality unlike how films portray gruesome murders. movie nights always end up with levi ranting about half-assed mystery clichés.
levi's binder of readings are always too bright for everyone's good. his notes are full of highlighters and scribbles that it can blind someone. for one, he's always up all night studying his readings and cases for a practice court so by choosing neon highlighters, it's a way for him to wake up. there isn't one book in his possession that he doesn't highlight like it's a fricking coloring book. hange once jokingly said that his binder now acts like his bible and for once, he agrees because he was never seen without one. hange had a field day since levi never agrees with them.
when doing practice courts though, his go-to resting bitch face always come in handy when carrying out his role as one of the lawyers. he's just so sexy with his hands in the pockets of his slacks as he tries to justify his supposed client. the way he questions the accused definitely isn't hot because he's like one of the panelists in your thesis defense, the one who just comes up with questions that have you melting on the spot. he's dangerous i tell you. it also doesn't help if you accidentally hurt one of his friends or just landed randomly in his blacklist for being annoying as hell. relax though, he doesn't mean harm other than the fact that he's ready to throw some hands from all the pent-up rage he gathered in his body.
of course, i couldn't forget how he dresses up like a typical dark academia fanatic so look out for eye-candy.
if you want someone who can recite articles from the constitution, this man is perfect for you 😌
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i had so much fun doing this !! again, i'm not generalizing every major i've talked about in these little headcanons, this is all for fun and based on the people i encountered in college. if you want more of this, don't hesitate to ask !! 😚
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erensangel444 · 4 years
i think i’m falling in love
oikawa tōru x reader
the title is inspired by i think by tyler the creator :-)
this fic is oikawa x fem!reader, if you guys would want to see some gender neutral fics just let me know in my asks inbox! i’m open to any suggestions, if you want a fic that’s specifically tailored to you whether that be race-wise, gender-wise, any disabilities, etc,. just let me know!
likes/reblogs/comments are always appreciated:D
this fic has been proofread but if i missed something just let me know!
this would be oikawa in his last year(when he was a third-year), for this fic, the reader would also be a third-year!
a/n: i remember when i first started watching haikyū!! i had hated oikawa, and now looking back i don’t know how. he’s a beautifully written character and like actually thinking about it makes me so sad. he tries so hard and just :(            i’m gonna start crying about it again. 
there’s a lot of fluff in this fic, probably the most i’ve ever written, but there’s also smut cause you know your girl couldn’t resist🙄
warnings: language(most of my fics do contain language), drug usage(just weed, small mention), alcohol consumption, smut; semi-public sex(bathroom at a party), oral(fem and male!receiving), unprotected sex(use of the shitty pull-out method, practice safe sex don’t be a weirdo), dryhumping.
word count: 5.3k
summary: moments in oikawa tōru’s life that helped him come to the conclusion that he was in love with you.
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oikawa didn’t think love was a real thing, and he knows that’s cliché, but it’s the truth. did you know that around 40-50% percent of marriages end in divorce? what’s the point in getting married if there’s only half a chance of it lasting? oikawa thought it seemed like too much work.
until he saw you, and then, maybe, he thought it might be worth it to work that hard. maybe he could understand why couples stay together despite the fights, the yelling matches. maybe he could take a stab at love.
or not. he expected you to fawn over him the first time you met, like most girls do(men too!), but you didn’t. in all honesty, you seemed bored while conversing with oikawa. you shattered his newly-born hopes of love...well maybe that’s a little dramatic, but oikawa was always one for the dramatic flair. 
from that moment forward, he had deduced that he strongly disliked you, at least he had until that one day in math class. he was struggling, the equations on the pages seeming like an entirely different language. he was huffing out breaths in frustration, roughly erasing the writing his pencil had made. 
he was certain he was doomed, there was a test tomorrow and this review made no sense, yet there was a glimmer of hope when he felt that light tap on his shoulder.
he looked up, meeting your eyes, all doe-like, a light blush on your cheeks as you sentence stumbled from your lips, “h-hey um it seemed like you were a little confused, um i-i could help if you’d want,”. oikawa couldn’t do anything but stare up at you, “or- or not! maybe it was rude for me to come over here, sorry-” “no, i could actually use some help,”. oikawa’s response caused a smile to show on your face, and for a split second he dreamt of making you smile like that for the rest of your life. 
he brought himself back to reality, remembering his declared disdain towards you, but all of it slowly drifted away as you grabbed a chair from a nearby table, setting it down next to oikawa’s desk and sitting down.  “so what’s confusing you?” you asked, your voice soft as you peered up at oikawa. 
he couldn’t control the slight blush that rushed to his cheeks, calming himself down before he spoke, “well i’m confused on the variables, and i don’t understand what i’m supposed to do after setting it equal to zero, and it doesn’t help that the professor doesn’t teach for shit,” he whispered the last part, causing you to laugh a little as you grabbed the pencil from his hand. 
oikawa shuddered at your laugh, and at the contact of your hand on his, even if it was for a slight moment. there was too much of you stimulating him at once, fuck, what were you doing to him? 
“i know he fucking sucks,” you responded, the word slipping out of your mouth seeming so foreign to oikawa, even if he had only talked to you for a couple minutes, but he liked it, nonetheless. “okay so,” you turned oikawa’s paper slightly towards you, “after setting it equal to 0, you have factor the quadratic equation,”. your handwriting looked so neat compared to his, so delicate. he listened intently as you continued writing on the paper, your tongue slipping out to wet your lips. 
after explaining it to him, he tried one at your request, the math seeming easier now, no eraser marks littering the page. after checking his answer, you grinned at oikawa, lifting your hand up. oikawa was confused for a moment, smiling after realizing, and softly high-fiving you. 
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oikawa started to notice you in the hallways after that day in math class. you walked through the halls not necessarily confidently, but giving off an aura of aloofness. it was almost like you thought no one was paying attention to you. ‘how could you think that?’ oikawa thought. he was paying attention, he couldn’t help but to pay attention.
not when you always carried your binder under your left arm, it slipping some times, causing a slightly shocked expression to grace your blank face as you resettled it in your arms. your tote bag slang off of your right shoulder, a light cream color. he always noticed your outfits, different for every day of the week. he always thought they were cute though, fitting for you. 
he noted the rings on your fingers, the necklaces you sometimes wore. some days you had on makeup, other days you were bare-face. he thought both were equally beautiful.
after a couple days of passing you in the hall, he finally worked up the courage to wave to you. his hand softly ran through the air, his arm rigid. yet, you didn’t notice him, your eyes taken by something else. the failed greeting embarrassed oikawa immensely, he remembered beating himself up about it for the rest of the day.
when he thought about trying again, he realized he should probably just call your name. which he couldn’t remember. you had met last year, and in his memory, the entire encounter was centered around his ‘dislike’ for you. you also hadn’t told him your name in math class. he racked his brain for any memory, wanting to know the name that fit your pretty face. 
in the hallway the next, day he decided he’d just yell out a ‘hey!’, hoping you’d turn to him, which you did. oikawa waved at you, a smile lighting up your face -god he could get used to that- as you waved back. oikawa couldn’t help but feel your smile for the rest of the day.
he had learned your name the next day in math class, the teacher calling on you. ‘y/n’, he almost didn’t catch the teacher say it, but he did, and he was so glad he did. lying in his bed later that night, he let the word fall off his lips, your name quietly echoing throughout his room. he couldn’t imagine calling you anything else, it fit you so well.
a couple of days later(he had waved at you every day since), you were walking in the hall with a friend. more specifically a friend who was a boy. honestly it didn’t matter their gender, oikawa would’ve been jealous either way. why were they making you smile like that, and why was your binder in their arms instead of in it’s usual spot, tucked under your left arm?
he wanted to walk in the halls with you, look down at you smiling at him. he devised a plan that night, running through the scenario in his head before he fell asleep. 
the next day, he called out your name as you walked out the door of the math classroom, doing a slight jog to catch up with you. “hey, um i never got to thank you,” your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “for that day in math” he explained, as he continued, attempting to push down his nerves. “you really helped me,” this caused you to smile softly, and oikawa couldn’t help but smile back at you. that’s all he wanted, to make you smile. 
“of course, no problem,” you had said softly. oikawa offered to walk you to your next class, and you obliged. suddenly it shifted into a daily thing, walking out of math class with you, and oikawa could get used to it. 
he learned more about you every day, your favorite movie was pride and prejudice, you loved key lime pie, you had a mini-garden in your backyard, you hated shellfish, you loved painting, you never left the house without chapstick. he found himself adapting to your humor, telling jokes that he knew would make you laugh. he wanted to hear your laugh all the time, he wanted it to echo throughout his brain on a constant loop.
in math class one day, you had pulled lotion out of your bag, popping open the cap, and squirting some into your hand. upon seeing you pull it out of your bag, oikawa walked over to your desk with his hand held out, “can i have some?” his voice was light as he looked down at you, a dollop of lotion in your hand. “yeah!” you said softly, rubbing some of the lotion from your hand onto oikawa’s.
he had just expected you to give him some from the bottle, and he could walk back to his desk, happy with the small encounter. now as he walked back to his desk, he was happy, so happy, but reeling at your touch. he wanted to feel your hand on his again, he longed for it now, knowing now what it felt like. why couldn’t you just give him lotion from the bottle?
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oikawa had gathered the courage to ask for your number a couple days later, and to his delight you smiled after telling him that you planned to ask him for his. the idea caused him to smile internally as he wondered if you thought about him as much as he thought about you.
the nights after he had put his number in your phone were spent texting you. he’d send you random tweets that he’d thought you’d like, and videos that reminded you of him -he wouldn’t ever tell you that, though. one night when he had decided to watch pride and prejudice, for no apparent reason, he sent you a picture, to which you replied with a picture of your hand covering your mouth, your eyes lit up. he stared at the picture for a solid five minutes, unable to tear his eyes away.
you looked so pretty, your hair up in a bun, your eyes looking up at the camera. he finally shut off his phone, turning back to the movie, excited to see you the next day.
one night, oikawa texted and asked you if you wanted to facetime. instant regret filled him after sending the text, his search history littered with ‘how to delete imessage’ ‘is there a way to delete message on iphone’. he opened the text app back up, three bubbles popping up on the screen. they disappeared shortly after, oikawa’s regret increasing. 
he threw his phone down on the bed, shoving his head into his pillow as he muttered, “fuckin’ stupid, god what am i doi-”, a text message ping interrupting his self-deprecating mumbles. the text from you read, ‘hey, sorry just got out the shower, i was trying to text before but i got a fucking eyelash in my eye LMAO’ oikawa chuckled at your message, a second one popping up below, ‘lemme get dressed rq and then i’ll call u:D’. 
oikawa had so many thoughts rushing through his brain. you were in the shower? after rationalizing, he realized he shouldn’t be surprised that you showered, it was just the fact that you were naked in the shower. and if you were getting dressed now, that means you were naked while you texted him. 
oikawa attempted to shift his thoughts elsewhere, chastising himself in his head for being a ‘perv’. he didn’t need a boner while he was on a facetime call with you. he thought about how you offered to call him, did you really want to? he had hoped you weren’t just doing this to pity him.
his phone rang, interrupting his slew thoughts, your name flashing against his screen. he fumbled for his phone, his finger hesitating before he hit the green button. “hi,” you said softly. oikawa took in your appearance, a few water droplets still falling from your hair, your eyebrows slightly disheveled, cheeks a light pink. “hey” he responded. 
“why’d you wanna facetime?” you asked, oikawa blushing more at your question, ready to respond before you continued. “not that i didn’t want to too, cause i did, i do, i w-was just wondering why you wanted to,” oikawa smiled at the camera before speaking. “well i thought that we really needed to discuss the plot holes in pride and prejudice,”.
oikawa had spent the whole night talking to you, reluctantly hanging up at 4AM.
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the nights after that were followed by facetime calls, oikawa’s mom knocking on his door and telling him to quiet down, his laughter too loud. on one call, he had invited you to his volleyball game the next day, and you quickly said that you’d ‘love to go’, oikawa’s smile growing.
surprisingly, he wasn’t nervous. oikawa knew he was good at volleyball, everybody did. he knew that this was a moment where he could show off in front of you. what if he hits the net on a serve though? 
okay, so maybe he was a little nervous, but he wouldn’t let his nerves consume him. stepping onto the court, he did his best not to look up at the crowd, not wanting to see your smiling face in the stands. he was set to serve first, the volleyball in his hands a familiar feeling, comforting him. 
the power behind his serve was incredible, one of the best one’s he’s hit, he thought to himself. the ball landed right in the corner of the opposing team’s court, before bouncing out of bounds. 
a service ace right out the bat. oikawa cheered in his head, his teammates patting him on the back. “are you gonna look for her now or what,” iwaizumi said to him, ever so-bluntly, “looking down at the floor like a pussy,” hajime muttered the last part. “iwa-chan!” oikawa slightly raised his voice, his eyes looking up towards the stands.
you had secured a seat in the front row, and when oikawa noticed your face he couldn’t help but smile. you were grinning down at him, waving like a lunatic, causing him to lightly chuckle. he waved back, the volleyball being handed back to him as he set up for his second serve. 
you had waited outside the locker room for him, and when he walked out with iwaizumi and issei, he spotted you leaning against the wall parallel to the locker room door, scrolling through your phone. hearing the door open, you looked up, meeting oikawa’s smiling face.
“hey,” he said softly, his heart doing flips at the fact that you waited for him. you responded softly with a ‘hi’, holding your arms open for a hug. oikawa couldn’t help but grin, his heartbeat growing in pace as he pulled you in for a hug, his arms falling to the small of your back. “did so good,” you said, your voice muffled by his chest. 
“thank you,” he smiled at you, “for-for uh coming,” “of course,” you smiled back at him. suddenly an awkward tension had consumed the conversation, both of you peering at the other, than looking away, the silent words behind your looks so obvious. “so i- “i just-”, you both started at the same time. you laughed, oikawa joining in as he motioned for you to go first. 
“um, i-i came today because i wanted to, but also cause i wanted to ask you something,” oikawa nodded for you to continue, biting his lip in anticipation. “i feel like i’m not just imaging things here, and i don-don’t want you to think you are either,” you hesitated for a moment, oikawa noticing it before speaking up, “i like you,” he said abruptly. he could feel his blood pumping, feel his heart beating on his chest. you smiled at him, eyes wide, “i-i like you too,”. you both stared at each other in silence, the eye contact easier. “what now?” you said jokingly, oikawa laughing. “wanna go get mcdonald’s?”
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the first few weeks with you had been bliss, oikawa thinks that he’s died and floated up to heaven. you’ve gone on small adventures together, late night drives, reveling in the honeymoon-like phase of your new relationship. now, oikawa sits across from you atop the striped picnic blanket. oikawa knew that this past week had been stressful for you with school and some stuff going on with your friends so he decided to surprise you with a picnic.
he got sushi from your favorite place, ordering a wide-spread of different rolls and then picked up two boba drinks before heading to your house. much to your dismay, he wouldn’t tell you where you were going until you could hear the water brushing along the shoreline, oikawa had taken you to the beach.
now, there you sat on the blanket on the sand, sushi laid out in front of you as you took in the beautiful day, a slight breeze brushing past your figures, small clouds in the sky. oikawa grabbed a california roll with his chopsticks, bringing it over to you as you opened for mouth for the food. “so good,” you mumbled mouth full of california roll causing oikawa to chuckle. 
“my mom asked about you today,” oikawa noticed the slight hiccup in your breath as he continued, “wants to meet you,” you stayed silent, peering at oikawa. “no pressure, if you don’t want to, i just wanted to let you know,”. you took a sip from you drink before you spoke, “no i want to. just nervous, don’t wanna make a fool of myself,”. oikawa smiled at that, happy that you wanted to make a good impression with his mom. “she’ll love you,” he said softly, blush rushing to your cheeks. 
“here you have to try this tuna roll,” you said, the roll between your chopsticks and headed for oikawa’s mouth. “mmm so good,” oikawa said mimicking your response, making a show of the food in his mouth. you laughed before shoving him, “you’re disgusting,” 
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oikawa had picked you up for dinner at his house, and now here you both were, in his car, in the driveway of his home. he could see you bouncing your leg, your bottom lip taken in by your teeth. “you’re gonna be fine, i promise she’ll love you,” “i hope so,” you said, your voice so quiet. 
oikawa racked his brain for a way to help calm your nerves, settling for a kiss. his lips met yours, and you whimpered at the abruptness, but kissed him back. your leg stopped it’s incessant bouncing, and oikawa smiled at you. “alright i’m ready,” you said softly. you reached for the car door, oikawa stopping you with an ‘uh uh uh’, exiting the driver side of the car and running over to the passenger side to open your door.
“my knight in shining armor,” you joked, oikawa grinning at you. the pair of you walked to his front door, hand in hand. oikawa wasn’t nervous, he knew his mom would love you because she knew that he loved you. woah. he loved you. or maybe it was the excitement of the night forcing him to say those words. he pushed the thought away, opening his front door as he yelled out a “i’m home!”
his mom ran over from the kitchen, looking to you and then oikawa and smiling so brightly. “hi!” she said, her voiced laced with excitement as she shuffled over to you, pulling you in for a hug, “i’m a hugger,” you laughed, hugging her back. 
“oikawa’s talked about you so much,” “mom!” your smile grew. you took off your shoes, setting them neatly next to the door, oikawa’s mom leading you to the kitchen. it smelled amazing, meat buns sat in a container on the stove, orange chicken in a separate container next to them. white rice was in the steamer, the whole kitchen filled with wonderful smells.
oikawa pulled out a chair for you as you thanked him, sitting down. eventually the food was in front of you, oikawa had made your plate for you, asking if you wanted anything to drink. he began rambling, listing off options, but you opted for water in not wanting to be difficult. 
you all sat, oikawa’s mom and you discussing your current course schedule in school as she smiled “oikawa bagged a smart and pretty one, i raised him right,”. you couldn’t help but blush at her words, oikawa smiling at your reaction.
dinner had left your stomach happy, oikawa’s mom giving you another hug when you left and making you promise that you’d be back soon. oikawa ushered you into his car, holding your door open for him. he told his mom you were driving to get icecream from somewhere, and that wasn’t necessarily a lie.
you had gotten the icecream, it’s just that now it sat, forgotten in the passenger seat as you straddled oikawa in the backseat, your mouths moving against each other, your hips grinding on his. “fuck,” oikawa panted against your lips, the friction of your hips grinding on his feeling indescribable.
before you knew it, you were grinding on oikawa’s lap like a woman possessed, set on reaching your high. “tōru,” your voice sounded so soft, oikawa did a double take. he’d only heard his first name slip past your lips one time, and the desperation that came with it this time had his cock straining in his pants even more.
“g-gonna cum!” you yelped, your hips stuttering from the pleasure. oikawa’s hands drifted to your hips, rocking you on his lap, wanting you to reach your high, but also desperate for his own. your whimpers increased in volume as you finally reached your orgasm, your face contorting in pleasure. seeing you come on his lap was all oikawa need to cream his pants, the liquid seeping through the fabric of his boxers and black jeans.
you both panted, catching your breath, your head laying in oikawa’s shoulder. “that was fucking hot,” oikawa remarked, causing you to laugh and remove your head from his shoulder, pulling him in for a kiss. 
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oikawa had invited you over a couple nights later to watch a movie. you had come over in plaid pajama pants and one of oikawa’s hoodies that you had borrowed last week. you were laid in his bed, snuggling into his figure, Love, Rosie playing on his laptop. As the movie progressed, and the popcorn disappeared from the bowl, you began to slowly drift into sleep, feeling comfort from being so close to oikawa.
as the movie neared it’s end, oikawa could hear your light breaths, looking down at your sleeping figure. drool had slightly started to dribble out of your mouth, your eyes were shut ever so softly, and you looked so peaceful. so angelic, oikawa thought. he wanted to wake up to this, to you for the rest of his life.
‘getting ahead of myself’ oikawa reasoned, pushing away any and all thoughts of the future as he relished in your sleeping features and irked at the funny feeling in his stomach, was it butterflies? it was something, because he felt it whenever he saw you. you turned his brain to mush, made his heart beat faster. oikawa’s love for you was so obvious on a physical level just based on how he reacted to anything and everything you did. 
his love for you was obvious, wasn’t it? did you know he loved you? he loves you. ‘i love you’ the words softly fell from his lips, the breaths still falling from your lips as you slept. 
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your parents were out of town, your mom on a business trip, your dad visiting some friends in the states. you had invited oikawa over to bake some brownies, but somehow baking led to his head now being buried between your thighs.
“oh my-tōru!” you moaned, oikawa’s tongue working magic on your clit. he changed from kitten licks to sucking, moaning into your center, the vibrations making you whimper even more. his fingers plunged in and out of your entrance.
oikawa had transcended from himself, or at least he thought he had. there was no way he was buried between your thighs right now, your pretty moans sounding from above him. there was no way he was holding eye contact with you as he sucked on your clit, admiring the blush accompanying your features. 
“gonna cum for me angel?” oikawa wanted you to come so bad, he wanted you to feel good, he wanted to be the one to make you feel good. “yes, yes, yes-please!” oikawa increased the intensity of his tongue lapping at your clit, the pace of his fingers increasing. 
one more look down at tōru had you coming, your hands moving to grip his hair as your orgasmed. panting, recovering from your orgasm, oikawa kissed up your body, nipping at your jaw up to your lips, kissing you passionately. 
“did so good for me, angel,” oikawa mumbled into your lips. you pulled him in for another kiss, your hand drifting down to the bulge in his pants, palming him through the fabric. 
“fuck,” oikawa softly moaned, grinding into your palm. you pushed him over, oikawa laying on the other side of the bed. your hands navigated their way to the hem of his sweatpants, tapping his hip, oikawa lifting up. you tugged the pants down his legs, his boxers along with them.
his cock bounced back to his stomach, hard and leaking precum. oikawa eyed you as your hand drifted to the base of his cock, your tongue licking at the tip, oikawa moaning loudly. he had definitely gone to heaven.
eventually your mouth and hand were moving in tandem on his cock, moans flying freely from oikawa’s lips. “fuck! y/n, god, making me feel so go-ood!”. oikawa thrusted his hips up into your mouth, his hands holding on to your hair. you placed your hands on his thigh letting him thrust into your mouth. 
“go-gonna cum!” you moved one hand down to his balls, rolling them in your hand and moaning around his cock. “shit-ah!”, toru’s cum flooded your mouth as his mind went numb from the pleasure. he’d never felt like this, god, you were ruining him. 
you opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out to show tōru that you had swallowed all of his cum. “god you’re so fucking dirty,” oikawa said smirking at you, pulling you in for another kiss.
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you and oikawa sat in his car, passing the joint between yourselves, staring at the sunset, stealing glances at one another. you inhaled, the joint placed between your lips, the substance filling your lungs.
oikawa couldn’t help but stare at you, “you’re so fucking pretty,” he whispered. “no you’re so fucking pretty,” you smiled at him. “we’re both fucking pretty let’s be honest,” oikawa joked, pulling you in for a kiss.
‘wanna be yours’ by artic monkeys came on shuffle through the speaker’s as you mouthed the lyrics. “i’m hungry” oikawa said plainly, “jack in the box?” you offered, oikawa turning the car into drive. more songs shuffled, oikawa turning up the volume when cupid’s chokehold blasted through the speakers.
he had rolled the windows down, his left hand hanging out the window. he turned towards you, his eyes shifting from the road to your face, singing the lyrics to you, ‘i mean she even cooks me pancakes and alka seltzer when my tummy aches,’ his hand held yours atop the console, his left hand now on the steering wheel. ‘i know i’m young but if i had to choose her or the sun i’d be one nocturnal son of a gun’ your smile grew, staring at oikawa as he pulled into the jack in the box drive-thru. 
there were no other cars, oikawa pulling straight up to the machine. “hi could we get two buttery jack meals with curly fries and chocolate milkshakes for both,”, the server read back your order, telling oikawa the total, oikawa saying a curt thank you.
oikawa had pulled into a an empty parking lot, the music shifted to nights by frank ocean, both you and oikawa digging into your food. oikawa looked over at you, seemingly mesmerized by your buttery jack. you looked up at the sound of his laughter, staring at him perplexed before laughing too. 
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oikawa had dragged you a party that daichi was throwing. you walked in waving at a girl from your history class, oikawa dragging you to the kitchen by your hand. he grabbed two shot glasses, pouring tequila into them. he clinked his glass with yours, throwing the liquid back into his throat
you walked next to oikawa working your way through the mass of sweaty bodies, spotting hajime in the crowd. oikawa patted him on the back, iwaizumi wincing at his heavy-handiness. while oikawa talked with hajime, you whispered letting him know you were gonna go talk to kiyoko, oikawa nodding and giving you a quick kiss. he watched you walk away, your ass looking so good in those pants. his eyes traveled up your figure to your smiling face, his own smile growing. 
after talking for a while, oikawa walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist, and kissing your cheek. “wanna go dance?” you nodded, waving bye to kiyoko, oikawa leading you to the middle of the room. ‘can’t say’ by travis scott. oikawa’s chest pressed against your back, your hands looping around to the back of his neck. 
after a few songs played, someone yelled out ‘body shots!’ people shuffling into the kitchen. oikawa pushed through the crowd bringing you to the countertop.  he lifted you up to sit on the countertop, people cheering as you laid down. he poured a shot glass of tequila, sprinkling salt over your cleavage, while eyeing it heavily. he placed the lime in your mouth smirking at you. 
oikawa shot back the alcohol, wincing at the burn. his tongue lolled out of his mouth, licking the salt on your cleavage, moving to your lips. his body hovered over yours, his lips meeting yours. he sucked the lime from your mouth, pulling away and spitting the lime out before moving down to your lips again, kissing you harshly. louder cheers sounded through the room.
oikawa pulled away as you blushed, grinning nonetheless. you grabbed the tequila pouring another shot and letting the liquid fall down your throat. ‘woo!’ you let out, shaking your head at the burn from the alcohol, dragging oikawa back out to the other room.
somehow, you and oikawa had navigated your way to the bathroom, tōru’s cock deep inside you as your moans accompanied the music playing throughout the house.
“g-gonna cum!” “me too, fuc-ah! come on angel, gotta come now,” oikawa pleaded with you, pushing you over the edge. oikawa pulled out, jerking himself off, and coming on your back.
“god,” he sighed, leaning on the wall next to you. you both grinned at each other, your lips meeting again.
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your phone was ringing, tōru was calling. you answered as he said hi, his voice shaky. “are you okay?” you worried, oikawa assuring you everything was fine, “just come outside,”. confused, you threw on some pants and walked downstairs unlocking your front door.
“tōru? are you okay, you look sick,” “i need to tell you something,”. oikawa realizes now that maybe wording it that way was stupid, he could see in your facial expression your heart drop to your stomach. “no! nothing bad,” “oh okay” you sighed softly.
“i-i feel like i should’ve said this earlier, and i wanted t-to i just didn’t know how to,” you nodded at him, grabbing his hand and brushing your thumb along the back of his hand in an attempt to comfort him.
“i love you,” oikawa blurted out. “i love you so fucking much,” he said again. meeting your eyes, oikawa couldn’t help but feel nervous, he was stupid for doing this, he knew it too, yet all those thoughts melted away when he felt your lips on his.
“i love you too,” you said, smiling, your eyes slightly watering. though you and tōru had been dating for a decent amount of time, you both knew the weight those words carried.
tōru felt the weight of those words as they left his lips, and he wanted them to flow past his lips forever. he wanted their weight, he wanted his love to impact you and only you.
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yay! i loved writing this fic :D i really hope you guys enjoyed it, sending you so much love<3
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theringers · 3 years
V-card anon: hi sorry about that first ask i kinda went into a fugue state (spelling?) altered state of reality maybe when i wrote that and damn near outlined a fic in your inbox
The way we played hot seat was either part of a larger drinking game when a certain card was pulled from a deck, or just on it's own. You sit in a circle, everyone has a drink, usually a beer or cider. In the card pull version, the one who pulls the card gets asked a question by every person playing and if they refuse to answer they drink from their drink. In the standalone, you do that but everyone gets a turn being asked until people get bored and leave. Fun way to find out shit about people. Usually the unwritten rule is that you can't lie. I imagine everyone sitting on shitty chouches and chairs in a semi circle around a table full of cups and bottles playing it
Questions i have been asked: are you a top or bottom? Do you like anal? Wheres the weirdest place you've fucked? Body count? Favorite position (sexual)? Fuck marry kill/ignore people in this room (EVERY TIME I PLAYED I GOT THIS QUESTION)? Tits or ass or other? Favorite non sexual body part ex. Thigh? Ideal fuck buddy? Sex regrets? Etc
Also more weird details i have head cannoned out for some drivers and most likely does not fit with irl personalities, do with this what you will, use it or don't i just have feelings. Also everyone is like compressed in age to like 20-27ish except for some of the grid who i will just think of as younger alumns who come back:
Danny R: social chair, owns a jeep he takes the doors off of in the summer, walks girls home at night to make sure they're ok, tries to DJ house events and is rebuffed by literally everyone, has like 30 pairs of vans you trip over in his room, stolen roadsigns everywhere, masters in something arigcultural or physiological, cutoff frat shirts for days, fuckboy but nice, a bit cringe, will drive around with you at night so you can scream, met reader bc she had a band tee on and wanted to talk to her about it (no gatekeeping)
Charles: some kind of engineering or math degree but no one has any idea how the fuck he's gotten so far, 4.0 never studies, games with other house members, will show up at events randomly you will have no idea how he gets on your couch but he is there, the best and worst taste in clothes, is the only one allowed to play the piano in the house, sweet, cannot help you with studies but is always down for helping you out after, has to be reminded to clean stuff, disaster bi, reader met his gf first and they probably met through that
Pierre: good fashion and music taste, shirt is gone halfway through the night, also fuckboy but wholesome, actually studies, plays a sport for sure probably soccer in some way either club or Division he's too good for rec, will hold your hair back so you can throw up, will tell you your outfit sucks, good at math, also part of the squad that games, econ major, workout buddies with reader anday have taken a math class together
Max: is part of the hockey team he will go pro, also actually studies, got into gaming because of Charles, has the nicest car, is serious until he gets a couple drinks in him, he and Daniel are close and roomed together at some point, owns like 30 sets of the same outfit a white tee and jeans, knows reader through Dan and they get dragged by him to some of the same stuff
Lando: is a pledge or new member his big is Carlos, undeclared major, just happy to be here, gaming squad, used to play lacrosse or something equally obscure, king of knowing where the good snacks are, weirdly good at beer pong, growing into a fuckboy wholesomeness level tbd, probably sweet with reader as she helped him through a blackout or something, met her because she's basically house mom for some of the new boys (the kind of mom who will teach you to do laundry or iron ONCE)
Carlos: hockey flow but does not play hockey, actually studies and is smarter than what people give him credit for, came from a private high school and uni really opened his horizons, also good study buddy, gets along with most people, goes to office hours the most out of the actually studies gang, fun at parties, owns the frat dogs, he and reader met at Office hours (they were the only students) and found they had mutual friends too
Lewis: is/was president of frat, great grades greater bod, did full evolution from fuckboy to good man, has the back tests and the moral support, up for late noght talks about life, definitely was a D1 athlete, best fashion game, implemented no hazing policy, fits into notable alum or PhD category
Mick: undergrad like Lando, also plays soccer or something, too sweet, also walks girls home/holds your hair back etc, cleans parts of the house that aren't his responsibility, higher alcohol tolerance than you expect, everyone is bizarrely protective of him, legacy member (his dad was a legend), drives a motorbike around campus and can't decide between law and psychology, actually studies, met reader through the frat and she would die for him, brings her to class on the bike sometimes because the bike is faster
George: business major, frat treasurer, three ring binder business casual in class kind of guy, nice enough, shirt comes off when drunk, runs marathons and a podcast about investments, best notes in the game and great study partner, actually studies, is drinking monster at 6AM but not because he stayed up late, he and reader met through the frat and sometimes drink wine and bitch together
Lance: hockey player, legacy member, studies sometimes, sarcasm on point, great at stack cup, very chill, knows every good nap spot on campus, also has high alcohol tolerance, is the kind of person who does well in the cold but does not like it, wears headphones so people don't talk to him, great one on one but not in crowds, business major and minor in computer science, probably also met thru Lance's gf but vibe as more introverted people and will cover for each other if one does not want to go out
Nicky: a good boy, part of the walks people home squad, sets up designated drivers for parties, good snack game, future in medical field, good listener, pretty good study buddy, midnight snack enabler, met reader through frat and his gf he and reader are on babysitting duty together sometimes when others get too drunk/high
Yuki: also a pledge or new, majoring in games or computer science as they gave me the same energy as him, games squad, bit of a mad lad, has several stolen street signs, good, met reader through frat and Yuki is the only one patient enough to explain some games to reader, they cuss people out on mic
Esteban: good man, has a full ride scholarship, actually studies, also good study buddy, Dan's little, plays soccer but maybe on a rec team because he prioritizes school, very sweet guy as well, probably chose a really practical major/dual major, met reader through Dan and are also dragged similar places by him
Antonio: manbun, philosophy or classics major possibly business dual, generally good natured but can be seen supplying his own wine at parties, used to be really into metal but kept the hair, does not know that people find him attractive, soccer boi, met reader through frat and she's the only one who will (pretend) to listen to him rant about philosophy
Alex Albon: another full scholarship guy, somehow gets along with everyone, switched majors due to an asshole professor, electrical engineering or computer engineering, actually studies, helps with frat pets,will show you pictures of his cats at home, sweetie, another contender for will hold your hair or walk you home, probably met reader through a class or club and found they had mutual friends and that reader is friends with his gf
Notable alums:
Checo - dad, successful in finance somehow (he looks like an really successful accountant of CFO to me idk why)
Kimi - dad but people forget he is, holds the record for most drinks in 24 hours that will never be come close to by anyone else, shows up on random alum weekends with 2 kegs, legally cannot tell you what he does or he would actually have to murder you
Valterri - was good at a sport when he was there, now a very effective lead engineer at an architectural firm
Seb - environmental or mechanical engineering, all around good guy with someone the best grades in frat history
Alonso - legendary for sexual exploits (consensual)
Anyone I put as actually studies is probably the type reader would hang around for more serious stuff/schoolwork and would probably be closer to, with the exception of Dan bc I feel like he'd be like we're friends now :)) we shall hang or Charles bc he will just show up. I also imagine she has a pretty good friendship with any existing gf, however if a driver does have a gf and he is the love interest sorry bb girl u gotta go for the purposes of this fic
Sorry this is so long hahaaaaaaa glad you liked my Charles thoughts ilu
i honestly wasn’t going to share this like the rest of the anon asks i’ve gotten that i keep close to my heart but this was just too good to keep to myself.
f1 drivers as frat bros/college students headcannon
i’m writing a series - each “chapter” will be a smut with a different frat bro and i’m hoping to post a sneak peek this week some time but here’s something to hold you over and give you some ideas
to my vcard anon - i appreciate this so much. my inbox is always open for ur thoughts bc they are SO GOOD !! can’t wait for you to read the first part of the series bby
PS if some of this doesn’t make sense to u feel free to send in asks (i know a lot of this is focused on american college culture so if u don’t get it i’m happy to explain)
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crispy-chan · 4 years
burning sunflower | yang jeongin
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↠ pairing: yang jeongin x gn!reader
↠ genre & warnings: fluff, hanahaki au (vomiting flower petals), lil bit of angst, strangers to friends to lovers, school au, soccer player!jeongin
↠ summary: your only friend Seungmin introduces you to Jeongin, the star of the school's soccer club and one of the most popular guys in the school. you two become friends quickly but you start to catch feelings...
↠ word count: 6.8k
↠ a/n: sooo, this was written for the @newskynet Valentine's day special event. Not sure if it's too late but it's Sunday evening where I live... if I slipped up with the gn! reader, please let me know. feel free to roast me for my lame header, I just decided to put the lectures on how to use GIMP to good use lmao
the prompts I used were: 21 “For me?”,  6. “No one’s ever given me something like this before.”  16. “Will you be my valentine?”
my masterlist
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You're not really sure when you started to like Jeongin. I mean, you two were friends, don't get me wrong but that was it. Friends.
That was all he would ever see you as, you thought bitterly. The label that many would love to have but you cursed yourself for it every day. You see, you were first introduced to the smiling boy by your good friend Seungmin who thought you should at least try to make friends other than him, claiming that he won't be with you forever.
“Oh come on Min, I thought we'd always be friends,” you whined as he dragged you to a small cafe after school where you would meet his friend.
“Stop acting so childish Y/N, you have to start talking to other people too, you know.”
“But whyyyy? I have you, right?” you giggled at his unamused expression, telling you that he had enough of your shit.
“Nope. You're going to make other friends and that's final. You wouldn't want to really turn into a hermit crab,” he said smugly.
Now it was your turn to look unimpressed. “You don't need to bring up my spirit animal, sheesh. What a low blow, even for someone like you, Min.”
“What was a low blow?” a boy around your age with a cheerful smile approached you giving you a questioning look. You just stood there nervously, staring at him for god knows how long until Seungmin finally broke the ice with a rather awkward cough and proceeded to introduce you guys.
“Y/N, this is Jeongin. Jeongin, this is Y/N,” he pointed at the two of you, swiftly introducing you to the other.
“Um,” you awkwardly extended your hand for a handshake, “hello, I'm Y/N, Seungmin's friend.”
He shook your hand with a firm grip before smiling from ear to ear, “I'm Jeongin, from the neighboring class.”
After you guys settled, you proceeded to order your drinks and snacks. The atmosphere was undeniably awkward, but Seungmin seemed adamant about reaching his goal.
“So look guys, I brought you both here because you both need more friends. You're both introverts who like to hide in their shells and I think you two have a lot in common, so I think this would be beneficial for both parties.”
“So you're basically trying to say that you don't want to hang out with us anymore?”
The innocence in his tone almost fooled you for a second, before you noticed the smug expression on his face and couldn't hold in the burst of laughter.
“Man, I like him already,” you sniggered after you caught your breath, patting a visibly annoyed Seungmin on the back.
“Who would have thought there is someone more savage than you in this school.”
The unimpressed deadpan he gave you made you fall into another fit of giggles, prompting Jeongin to chuckle too.
After the waitress came back with your beverages, you proceeded to distract yourself by making little paper balls and blowing them through your straw into the ceramic pot on the table. You got so distracted, that you spaced out and didn’t notice when Seungmin started waving his hand in front of your face.
“Y/N, Y/N! Are you even listening?”
You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment at being caught zoning out. No wonder you had no friends. Slowly lifting your head, you faced Seungmin, waiting for him to repeat what he just said.
“I asked if you wanted to come to watch him play on Saturday.”
“Watch who?” you asked confusedly.
“Jeongin, he's on our school's soccer team,” he deadpanned, annoyed at your lack of concentration.
“Umm, sure...I guess. I'm not much of a sports person but I have nothing to do on the weekend,” you mumbled, mentally checking for any possible plans or chores you could have. Well jokes on you, you had none.
Jeongin beamed at that, taking a sip from his beverage as he pulled out his phone. “I'm glad you can make it - Seungmin would come but he has an exam he has to prepare for,” he explained, “the match starts at five o'clock.”
“Wait, wait, what? There's an exam next week?” you screeched. You were almost positive that there weren't any but dread filled you at even the slightest possibility.
The boy let out a chuckle at your obvious panic, shaking his head. “No, the exam is in two weeks but you know how he is.”
You could feel a weight being lifted from your heart as you sighed in relief. “Thank god, I thought I missed something,” you giggled.
Jeongin smiled at the display. Maybe hanging out with you wouldn't be that bad, at least he'd have someone he knew watching the game other than Seungmin who wasn't exactly the most supportive when it came to sports, opting to rearrange his binder or do his homework instead of watching.
“Thanks, it means a lot to me. I'm always happy if there is someone cheering for me in the stands,” he winked, making your heart skip a beat.
Wait a minute.
Something wasn't right here.
After the two of you bid goodbye to Jeongin, you dragged Seungmin out of the cafe, the gears in your head spinning at maximum speed.
“Wait a second Seungmin, he's not that popular striker who scores most of our school's goals that all the girls swoon over, right? Please tell me I'm right,” you stammered, pulling on his sleeve.
“Relax Y/N, he's really nice-”
“So it's him?!”
“Yes,” he sighed, opening his mouth to say something, probably to convince you to not bail on his friend but you didn't even give him the chance.
“I can't believe it! Why didn't you tell me? You made me agree to accompany one of the most popular guys in our school! His fangirls will kill me,” you hissed. Although you never remembered his name, it was practically basic knowledge that anyone on the soccer team was insanely popular with a cult-like following of crazed fans who went after anyone near them.
“Calm down, ok,” he held you by the shoulders, “ you will be ok, alright? He's a really nice guy who could also use some friends. All the other guys on the team are seniors so it's hard for him to find someone he can talk to face to face,” he tried to explain.
“And don't worry,” he added with a smile, “you don't have to do anything, just come and watch the match and cheer him on a bit, alright?”
“Alright,” you groaned.
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You should have never agreed to come to that soccer game. That ultimately became your downfall. If you had never agreed to this, maybe you wouldn't be like this today.
You sighed, rummaging through your closet and trying to figure out what the hell were you supposed to wear. I mean - what was it even. You had no clue what was going to happen, you only knew that he and his teammates would pick you up on their way to the match.
He texted you the day before that he and the boys would stop by your house at three-thirty to come and collect you. After ten minutes of just standing there, you finally decided on a casual outfit and ran to your door to put your sneakers on. As if on cue, you could hear a car honking right outside your door and your phone lit up with a new text message.
Jeongin [03:32]
We're here.
You slammed the door shut and made your way to the vehicle. You could see a boy you recognized but didn't remember his name, behind the wheel. Inside the van, there were a few other boys scattered around, including Jeongin who sat in the back alone.
“Hi Y/N, hop in,” he beamed, rolling down the window. You smiled back, opening the door and taking a seat next to him.
“So, are you excited?” the boy driving turned to look at you with a grin as he slowly backed the car, driving away from your house.
“Yeah, it's been a while since I watched our team play and from what I’ve heard, you guys are pretty good,” you smiled nervously under their gazes.
They all laughed at that, happy to hear they had a good reputation even amongst the students not involved in sports.
“I'm Chan, by the way, captain of our schools’ soccer club,” the boy behind the wheel stated. Oh, so that's why he seemed so familiar. Practically everyone knew him, and he knew everyone too. He'd often greet people who didn't think he knew they existed and was always extra kind which combined with his captain status led to his immense popularity.
“The grumpy one next to me is Minho,” he pointed to the currently sleeping figure in the passenger's seat.
“Hey! I’m not grumpy!”
Well. Looks like he wasn't asleep after all.
“I'm Jisung,” the cheerful boy in front of you chimed as he turned around and gave you a big smile.
“And I'm Hyunjin.”
“Um, well...I'm Y/N,” you winced at how awkward you sounded but luckily, they didn't seem to mind as they all giggled.
“We know,” came Minho's curt reply, “Jeongin wouldn't shut up about you.”
“Ouch,” Minho screeched as Jeonging threw his shoe at him.
The rest of the car ride went rather smoothly, other than the occasional bickering of the guys but you honestly didn't mind. It was kind of comforting to just let go of everything and laugh along. It surprised you how nice they were, you kind of imagined them as selfish pricks but that clearly wasn't the case.
At one point, Hyunjin and Jisung started arguing over which color uniform they should wear for the match. You watched with a hint of amusement, that was until they turned to you for help.
“But look, if we choose the red one, Chan will be able to live out his dream as Christiano Bangnaldo,” Jisung pleaded as Chan let out an embarrassed chuckle.
“Christiano Bangnaldo? Wow, I'm wheezing.”
“Exactly,” Hyunjin cut you guys off, “that's why we should choose the blue one, it goes better with my skin tone.”
“Oi, nobody cares about your damn skin tone, I want to see Christiano Bangnaldo,” Minho stated loudly, completely shutting up the younger two. Welp, seems like it was decided. What Minho wants, Minho gets.
After you finally arrived at the dimly lit school stadium, you made your way out of the car as Jeongin held the door open for you. Smiling, you thanked him for the kind gesture before finally looking around. And your socks were pretty much blown off.
Now you were wondering, why you never came here before. The field was slowly starting to fill with other students slash players but that didn't manage to hide the undeniable beauty of this place. The bleachers were surprisingly clean, unlike most high school stadiums. The dim lights cast a nice glow over the stadium, giving it a really homey feel. You looked around in awe, still surprised by the atmosphere of this place.
“Have you ever been here during the night?” a lean figure stood behind you, observing you and effectively cutting off your train of thought.
“Nope. This is the first time,” you breathed out.
“That's what I thought. It looks completely different when it's dark,” he chuckled, turning around to head to the locker rooms.
“So... I have to head back so we can all change. You can take a seat wherever you want, I'd recommend the first row,” he winked cheekily, accompanying the gesture with a throaty laugh.
You blushed at that, choosing to snuggle into your shirt, to hide your embarrassment. How could he be so cheesy so casually? He must have noticed your slight shiver as he slipped out of his varsity jacket.
Before you could even protest, he had already placed the jacket around your shoulders, patting your head. You opened your mouth to object but he cut you off, “it's ok Y/N, I’m not gonna need it anyways. And by the way...thank you for coming, I really appreciate it.”
You smiled, realizing that something that seemed so pointless, so small could mean so much to someone else. He seemed genuinely excited to have someone cheering for him, even if he had tens of fangirls doing just that. You huffed in the chilly wind, lifting your head up to gaze at him.
“No problem Jeongin, I'm happy I came.”
Something about how he smiled at you, stirred your insides, made your heart skip a beat. Your eyes trailed after him, lingering on his receding figure. You didn't look away until he stepped into the locker room, the door pretty much obstructing your gaze and snapping you out of this trance.
Looking around, you could sense that the stadium was slowly filling up. If you wanted to have a seat, you would have to be quick. You ran down to the first row seats but with a sigh realized that most of them were already taken. You were about to give up and run up to find a spot in the next row but a sharp tug on your sleeve stopped you.
Turning around, you spotted a boy, maybe a year or two older than you, looking at you with a curious face. You tried to pry out of his hold, tugging on your hand but he didn't let go. Right when you were about to scream, he finally spoke, “are you Jeongin's friend? We saved you a seat,” he motioned to the spot next to him.
“How the hell do you know that?” you asked, confusion evident.
“Well,” he chuckled, “the jacket…”
Oh. right. You were wearing Jeongin's varsity jacket. You almost forgot.
“So… are you and Jeongin-”
“No,” you cut him off before he could even finish the sentence, “I'm a friend of a friend who couldn't make it today so I came instead.”
“Oh, you see - I thought, Hyunjin said-” he suddenly stopped, not bothering to continue, instead opting to tug you down to sit next to him.
“Watch,” was all he said.
You sat there obediently, watching the game and occasionally cheering Jeongin on, whenever he passed the ball or attempted to score. He was really good, especially considering that he was the youngest on the team.
During the less intense parts of the game, you made small talk with the boy next to you. He introduced himself as Jinyoung. He was the captain of the lacrosse team and a good friend of Chan and Hyunjin. You found out that as a captain, he would attend almost all the other sports events that his friends partook in, claiming it to be common courtesy.
Both of you refocused your attention on the game. Your team seemed to be on the offensive again, Hyunjin passing the ball to Jisung, who maneuvered around one of the opposing team’s defenders before eventually passing to Minho.
Just when he was about to kick it, another leg appeared from the side, tripping him and making him fall flat on his face. He managed to at least stick out his hands so they would take the brunt of the fall but he struggled to get up on his feet.
Before the other boy could get away with the ball, the referee blew the whistle, signalizing a foul and stopping the game.
“What happened? Is he ok?” you asked, frantically scrambling up and leaning into the field from behind the barrier.
“Don't worry,” Jinyoung chuckled, “he'll be fine. They'll probably be getting a penalty kick. And I bet you a hundred bucks that Jeongin will be the one to take the shot.”
“Wait really? Is he that good?” you surprisedly inquired.
“Yeah, he's the best shot on the team.”
Now you were excited. You heard that he was good but never realized to what extent.
Jinyoung was right. You could see the coach huddled with the players in a circle, probably talking strategy or something before Chan patted Jeongin on the back. They all withdrew from the group circle leaving Jeongin to stand in front of the ball and the other team's goalkeeper to hunch down in preparation for the kick.
The referee blew the whistle, signalizing the resuming of the game. Jeongin took a few steps back before bursting into a run, kicking the ball into the upper left corner with utmost control.
You all stood up in anticipation, the kick seeming almost as if in slow motion, you could see the goalkeeper jump to his left, desperate to catch the ball before it landed in the net but his attempt was futile.
The kick he delivered was far too good to be caught, the expert technique and control visible to any onlooker. Paired with a huge roar of applause, you could all see the ball land in the goal with a thud.
Everyone erupted in cheers, including you and the atmosphere was great. You could see a few photographers who probably worked for the local sports columns, their cameras clicking like crazy, trying to capture the moment of glory of this young high schooler.
All of his teammates pulled Jeongin into a collective embrace, Chan slipping off his goalkeeper gloves before hoisting the boy on his shoulder.
In the heat of the moment, Jeongin looked through the spectators, trying to find the person that came to watch him. When he spotted you, cheering him on with a big grin, he couldn't help the fond smile from appearing. After he finally caught your gaze, he shot you a friendly wink, laughing at your flustered reaction.
“Wow, just friends you say,” Jinyoung teased, witnessing the whole exchange.
“Oh shut up! We met like a week ago.”
Fast forward to the end of the match. You guys won two to none, the second goal scored by Minho with the assistance of Jeongin and Hyunjin. Everyone was excited, the adrenalin and momentum of the game still hasn't passed. The smell of sweat and coke (coca-cola!) heavy in the air as you sat with the team on the benches and reminiscenced the game.
“Jeongin! That goal of yours was really great, you had so much control over the ball. All those hours of practice have paid off!”
Jeongin shyly hid his face, all the praise from his captain making him feel fuzzy from the inside.
“Yeah, everyone in the bleachers froze in anticipation when you kicked the ball,” you chimed in, feeling the need to join the praise bandwagon for the boy, “it was really cool.”
After that, Jeongin continued to receive pats on the back from fellow teammates, a few coaches, and random people that you didn't even know who came to congratulate him on his flawless playing today.
Overall, everyone had a great time. The stars were out and you all just wanted to soak up the atmosphere. So this is what having a social life during your teenage years meant? It made you wonder, how much were you missing out on. You wished time would just freeze, allowing you to live in this moment forever. You were gonna have to thank Seungmin for this later.
Jeongin, who was seated next to you must have noticed you zoning out. He placed his palm on your shoulder and asked, “are you ok Y/N? Do you want us to take you home?”
You blinked. Once. Twice. And only after the third time did you realize, that you still haven’t answered his question. You smiled before letting the reassuring words slip out of your mouth, “I'm fine. Great actually. Can't remember when was the last time I had so much fun.”
He sighed in relief, glad that you were having fun. From what he could tell (and from what Seungmin told him) you didn't have many friends nor did you hang out with people. The only person you considered a friend was Seungmin and he wasn't exactly a social butterfly himself, opting to study in most of his free time.
All of you ended up chatting until nine pm, completely forgetting about the time and simply enjoying yourselves. You checked your phone at nine-thirty, gasping in shock at the time.
“Everything ok?” Chan asked with concern.
“Um, yeah. Just didn’t realize it was so late. I should probably get going,” you muttered nervously, picking up all your belongings and shoving them into your bag.
“Oh right, it's quite late already. We'll give you a ride, right Chan?” Jeongin turned to his captain.
“Of course. Let's all get going. Chop chop. C'mon Hyunjin, you can tell them about your skincare routine next time,” he pulled the whining boy away from his third victim today.
You packed yourselves into the van, the seating arrangements only slightly different from on your way here. Hyunjin must have been still pissed at Chan for cutting his skincare speech short because he wouldn't shut up about it on the way to the parking lot. He kept going on and on about how moisturizing is important, even if you have oily skin. The captain dismissed his rant with a laugh and started the engine as the complaining boy sat down in the passenger seat.
At some point, Into the unknown came on shuffle and all the boys except Jeongin started singing. You burst out in laughter at their failed attempts at singing the high notes, seeing Jeongin hide his face in embarrassment.
“Guys! Come on, stop it,” he pleaded but the older boys only smirked in response and started singing even louder. By now, you were dying from laughing so hard, Jeongin having to pat your back aggressively so you won't choke on your own spit.
After they got bored of singing, you became their main talking point and they kept asking you borderline intrusive questions until Jeongin told them off, seeing how you turned slightly uneasy. Because of the typical Saturday evening traffic, you ended up falling asleep on the shoulder of a slightly pink Jeongin. He became super nervous once he realized you weren't awake and tried his best not to move and to hold you steady on every speed bump.
It took about fifteen more minutes for you guys to arrive in front of your place. Chan parked on the street and turned to say goodbye.
“Thanks for coming, Y/N. We're glad you came. Hope you had fun too,” he smiled, his dimples making an appearance.
“Jeongin especially,” Jisung whispered not-so-quietly and squeaked from the death glare Chan shot him.
You laughed softly, your cheeks bunching up as you waved them goodbye.
When you were laying in bed, your mind wandered off to today's events. As much as you didn't want to admit it, Seungmin was right. You really enjoyed yourself.
It was a sunny Monday morning when you were walking up the steps to your school entrance. You spent the rest of the weekend thinking about the Saturday game, not yet sure, how you felt about this newfound hobby. Maybe you should really spend more time with people. You also washed up Jeongin's varsity jacket that you forgot to return on Saturday evening.
You held the paper bag containing the washed piece of clothing in your right hand as you pushed the entrance door with your left. It felt all too easy, almost as if the door opened on its own. And you realized that no, you didn't grow stronger from that one arm toning workout you did yesterday as you saw a veiny hand press into the glass.
You turned to face that mystery person, only to sigh in relief as you were left face to face with Chan.
“Oh, hello,” you smiled, greeting him rather timidly. Because let's face it - you weren't exactly sure if they even considered you a friend. You were just some random girl that came to their soccer game.
Thankfully, he seemed to consider you a friend too as he gave you his dimpled smile, “hey Y/N, how was your weekend?”
“It was pretty good. I had lots of fun on Saturday and yesterday I just chilled,” you beamed.
“Same here,” he laughed, “we all pretty much passed out when we got home- oh shoot, the bell's off, I have to get to class. See you around.”
With a simple wave, he dashed out of your sight, turning around the corner to climb up the stairs to his classroom. You then remembered that you too had class and if you didn't wanna be late, you'd have to make a dash for it too.
It was during lunch break that you remembered that you had to return Jeongin his jacket. You nervously walked to his homeroom, anxious about what was going to happen. Will he think you're weird for coming to his class? Will he be embarrassed when you come up to him in front of all his friends? You sighed as you entered the classroom. It seemed like nobody noticed you at first, everyone was way too immersed with their own stuff. You could see that they all got along, the room booming with chatter and laughter.
Jeongin's table was near the window, a girl's chair turned to face him as they both engaged in a conversation. You awkwardly shuffled a few meters away, not wanting to interrupt. It was a truly wrecking moment, you even considered just turning around and disappearing without a trace but Jeongin noticed you and gave you a wide smile.
“Hey Y/N. What brings you here?”
You stood there for a few seconds before you finally remembered, what you came for. “Umm, hi. Just wanted to return this,” you handed him the bag, “I washed it and everything. Thanks for borrowing it.”
His eyes flashed in recognition after he peeked into the bag and he immediately returned the bag to your hand.
“It's fine,” he mumbled with slightly rosy cheeks (not that you noticed), “you can have it, I don't mind.”
You stared at him in shock, mouth slightly agape to which he awkwardly laughed. You were about to protest but the bell rang and Jeongin muttered that you should better get back to class.
You nodded in embarrassment, not even being able to look him in the eye as you hastily waved and ran out of the classroom.
You were mentally beating yourself up for that, you should have never come to his class, he must have been embarrassed that someone like you came to his class, everyone was probably used to him hanging around popular people like that girl he was talking to.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. You stuffed the paper bag with his jacket into your backpack, what were you even supposed to do with it - did he not hear that you washed it or something?
When you arrived home, you hung the jacket on one of the hooks near the door and headed to your room to get some homework done.
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It was a few months later that you and Jeongin officially became friends. During that time, the both of you hung out a lot more, courtesy of Seungmin and the rest of the soccer team who thought the two of you made great friends. It started out simple at first: getting coffee together, working on homework, and cursing that physics assignment you both had no clue how to finish.
Times like these made you realize how much of a fun person Jeongin was. There was never a dull moment around him yet despite his easygoing and fun nature, you noticed he preferred to keep to himself, only hanging out with his closest circle of friends. A category which you seemed to now fall under too.
Despite all your anxiousness about whether you were even “worthy” (as some would say) of being his friend, Jeongin always told you that he didn't care if you weren't labeled as popular by the rest of the student body.
“Y/N, we've had this conversation many times already. I really couldn't care less that you aren't a popular cheerleader and don't have Gucci bags,” he smiled, pushing a stray strand of hair that fell in front of your face, behind your ear.
“I know, I know. Sorry Jeongin, I know you aren't like that. I just get really anxious when those kids bury me with their gazes when I dare look at you.”
“Look, if anyone is bothering you, please tell me ok? I'll talk to them. I don't want you to suffer from being my friend,” he smiled, waving the waitress over to order for you guys.
“Don't worry, Jeongin. I promise I will,” you smiled, turning back to your physics workbook. The homework was on magnetic motors or something like that and you had no clue how to do it.
“Umm, do you know the answer to question three?” you asked, chewing on your bottom lip.
“Nope. I fell asleep during that class,” he admitted with a chuckle.
“Oh come on. You can't do that. You should pay attention.”
“Like you paid any,” he pointed, taking a sip of his lemonade.
“Excuse me!” you gasped, “I did pay attention. I just didn't understand any of it. That's different.”
“Hmm. It sure is.”
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You were leaning over the sink in your bathroom, blood and flower petals splattered all over as you tried your best to get it all out of your throat. The petals were bright yellow. Sunflower petals.
How ironic, you thought. Sunflowers represented adoration, longevity, and pure thoughts. Just like how you felt towards Jeongin. And how he'd never feel towards you.
You bit back a sob as you choked on even more of the soft petals. In a sense, you were quite lucky - had you been coughing up any other flower (especially roses), it would probably hurt way more. But that still didn't mean that it wasn't painful. Your breath heaved as you tried your best to take deep breaths, your constricted lungs filled with petals, not exactly helping.
You have been suffering from the hanahaki disease for a few weeks now. You always thought it was a myth from the internet, never once have you expected to run to the bathroom at three am to hurl petals into the sink. It started slowly at first. You'd only cough out some petals and drops of blood, but it got progressively worse.
You'd have days that you wouldn't be able to even get out of bed with the exhaustion you felt. All you wanted to do was sleep and forget about the cute boy with dimples. But no, you could never be angry at Jeongin. He was an absolute sweetheart who was nothing but kind to everybody. You couldn't exactly blame him for being around other people. That's right, you didn't know if they were dating but he seemed to hang around this girl called Lia a lot recently, the one he was talking to months prior. They seemed to be good friends too, apparently knowing each other for years now. You tried your best to suppress the jealousy that was rising in you, along with the petals.
You quickly turned back to the sink, just in time for it to catch the new batch of bloodied petals. Even thinking about her made your heart ache and you absolutely despised yourself for that. Lia was nothing but a sweet girl that always smiled at you in the hallway and occasionally made small talk with you.
A week later you were walking down the corridor, looking for the vending machine. It seems like they recently moved it from its original location, in front of the lab. You turned around the corner, your eyes bulging out of your skull at what you saw.
Jeongin and Lia were hunched near the lockers, whispering and giggling at something. He said something, making the girl shake her head in denial as he arched his brow. You couldn't watch anymore, quickly running back and abandoning your original plan of finding the vending machine and instead, running to the bathroom. You slammed the door shut, flinging yourself over the toilet as you vomited heaps of the yellow petals, this time mixed with some green leaves and stems. This was by far the worst case, you have never thrown up green before.
You wiped your dry lips, attempting to take deep breaths and calm your heart. It was horrible what seeing the two together did to you. You couldn't believe you lost control like that only a few meters away from him. What would happen if he saw you?
You had to suppress it. He could never find out.
It was a truly painful day. Tomorrow was Valentine's Day and you could see all the stores decorated with pinks and reds, hearts everywhere, and signs welcoming couples with tempting discounts.
Your stomach did flips as you walked the path to the school door. It hurt. It hurt so fucking much. You contemplated calling sick the next day and not going to school at all, but you had an important paper to hand in and the professor was especially grumpy and wanted it on his desk on that particular day.
You trudged up the steps with a frown, when you heard your name being called.
“Hey, Y/N,” Chan called after you, running up the stairs to catch up.
“Oh hey, Chan,” you mumbled, mustering up your best fake smile but he still managed to see through it.
“Is everything ok?” he asked, obviously concerned.
“Yeah, just a little tired,” you dismissed, leaving him and running towards your locker.
Good job Y/N, you groaned, now you can't even hang out with your other friends.
You spent the rest of the day avoiding the whole group, trying your best to overpower the need to throw up petals. You didn't want to repeat the previous incident in school. Jeongin must have by now noticed how distant you were. He probably thought you hated him by how you kept avoiding him for the past month.
He probably wanted to ask you to come to his game tomorrow which you sure as hell weren't planning to attend. On top of the fact that you could literally shower the whole stands with petals, it was also going to be Valentine's day and there was no telling if the boy was going to ask Lia out or something like that.
And your heart wouldn't be able to handle that.
You ran home after your last period. Your stomach growled at the lack of lunch but you figured it was better than running into one of them.
You stomped into the bathroom, not even taking off your shoes as you threw up into the bin. There was more blood today. There was no telling of what would happen tomorrow, the romantic atmosphere would probably only serve as a bitter reminder of your broken heart.
You wiped your lips, deciding that taking a shower would be in your best interest. After that, you sat by your desk and made some finishing touches to the essay due tomorrow.
Maybe you would just come to turn it in and then dip…
You woke up with a strangled cry, the dream you had still playing in your head. With a groan you slumped out of bed, ready to prepare for the day but to your horror, you realized that you overslept. You had approximately ten minutes before you had to leave.  You brushed your teeth, shoved some toast down your throat, and gathered your things. With a sense of urgency, you threw on jeans, a blouse, and some sneakers, not feeling like dressing up.
You had to leave immediately. Like now. You grabbed your backpack, quickly checking the essay was there, took your keys off the hook, and grabbed the first jacked you could find. It was dark blue (and very soft) meaning it would match almost anything you had on and since the weather was chilly, you wouldn't want to risk catching a cold.
Running out the door, you pulled it on and slung the backpack on your shoulder, running to the bus stop. Only then did you notice the engraved initials YJ on the sleeve and cursed yourself for bringing the wrong one. You would have taken it off right away if it wasn't for the blasting AC.
You stomped up the chairs, annoyance coursing through your veins. This day couldn't get any worse. Still thinking about leaving after handing in the assignment, you almost avoided going to your locker but remembered the jacket. You'd just drop it in and head to the professor's office.
You dug around for your keys until you finally found them in the bottom of your backpack. You slid it in the keyhole and opened the locker.
You were surprised by a giant teddy plushie and a box of chocolates. Your eyes widened in surprise before you heard a loud “surprise”.
Turning around, you were face to face with a grinning Jeongin. He stood over you with a large bouquet of beautiful sunflowers and the rest of the team, Lia, and Seungmin were all behind him cheering and throwing confetti.
To say that you were in shock would be a massive understatement. The look of utter confusion must have been plastered on your face as Jeongin smiled and handed you the bouquet.
“For me?”
He nodded slowly, examining your expression. You took the flowers from him, lowering your head to smell them.
“No one's ever given me something like this before,” you croaked, tears beginning to well in your eyes.
Jeongin nervously stood there before grabbing your hand and looking you in the eyes.
“Y/N, we've been friends for some time now but I wanted to ask you… Will you be my valentine?”
“Of course I will,” you whispered, almost jumping at him and swallowing him in a bone-crushing hug.
“I've liked you for some time now,” you admitted after a while, burying your head into his chest and enjoying the sudden way you seemed to breathe easier, not feeling the itchy petals in your throat anymore.
“Same here,” he laughed.
“Wait really? Since when?” you asked perplexed.
“Since I gave you my jacket,” he grinned, “I'm glad to see that you're making proper use of it.”
“Come on everybody, let's leave them alone,” Chan hollered, dragging everybody away to give you guys some privacy.
“I'm sorry if it seemed like I was avoiding you for the past week. I was planning with Lia on how to do, how to do all of this, you know,” he pointed at all the gifts he got you.
“Thank you,” you smiled again, “I really appreciate it Jeongin.”
“Do you want to come to the game today? I'd introduce you to all my other friends.”
“I'd love to.”
He seemed to be thinking about something, his nose scrunching up before he looked at you and placed his hands on your waist.
You peered at him through your lashes as he slowly leaned down, pressing his plush lips to yours and sealing them into a kiss. You closed your eyes, leaning down to get even closer to him as you gripped his shirt for support. The kiss was short but sweet and you were startled apart by a loud wolf whistle.
You turned around, cheeks burning in embarrassment at Jisung doing kissy faces and Hyunjin laughing in the background. You almost jumped away and Jeongin just chuckled.
“The game starts two hours after school. Do you want to go on like a proper date before that?”
“Sure,” you smiled, “I should probably get going, I have to submit this essay,” you waved the piece of paper that counted for nearly half of your final grade for the quarter.
“Don't forget the flowers,” he pointed to the bouquet.
“About that, maybe I should leave it in my locker. You know - to not start anything,”
“Y/N,” he said with a serious tone, “I don't care what the others think. They'll know by the evening anyways.”
You were startled at first, but then realized that he was right. No more caring about what others thought about you.
Now it was just you and Jeongin. You liked the sound of that.
“Okay,” you smiled, picking up the flowers, “I'll meet you at two in front of the lockers.”
With a smile, you walked in the direction of your classroom. After weeks of pain and sorrow, you finally felt like everything fell into place.
a/n: aaaaaaah. idk why all my oneshots so far are for jeongin but nvm. hope you liked it. it couldn't resist the idea of soccer player jeongin ;)
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sotheywrotestories · 3 years
The They Them Agenda
you know it :) maybe an enby reader x bucky? He's really confused by their pronouns and some fluffy explanation? ooooo or their first time sleeping in the same bed and maybe mentions of a binder and explaining what that is?
- @mad-malory
(Sorry this was so late)
Pairings; Bucky x Nonbinary Reader
Warnings; None, although there are mentions of a chest binder :)
Bucky grew up in a different time. Not that he necessarily had a hard time adjusting to modern times, but he wasn’t caught up with all the dynamics of the world.
Which is why he always thought (Y/N) was a group of people the Avengers out before Steve introduced them to Bucky.
“Buck, this is (Y/N), they’re from our downtown office,” Steve presented (Y/N) to Bucky, who, in fact, was only one person.
“Hi…nice to meet you,” Bucky grimaced. Not because (Y/N) had given him any reason to, but because he was so awkward.
“Hi, Bucky!” (Y/N) reached their hand out to Bucky. “It’s so nice to finally meet you! Steve talks about you all the time.”

Bucky tried to let his genuine smile come through this time.
“Likewise…I was under the impression that you were a group..but you know how Steve is,” Bucky huffed a bit.
(Y/N) gave Bucky a rather strange look. One of those “no-I-don’t-really-get-what-you-mean” looks.
“Right…well, I’m gonna go move in.” (Y/N) turned to Steve. “Thanks for letting me stay here while we rebuild, Stevie.”
(Y/N) gave one last smile to Bucky, then went on their way.
“Buck, ask (Y/N) about their pronouns when you have the chance,” Steve placed a hand on Bucky’s shoulder. “It took some getting used to, don’t worry.”
Bucky was even more confused. Not only was (Y/N) not a group of people, but now Bucky had to have them give him a grammar lesson? He knew he was old but it’s not like he forgot everything he learned way back when.
It must’ve read on his face.
“Trust me, Buck. Things are different now, people are different now. I don’t want you to accidentally hurt anyone just because you don’t know what’s going on.”
Bucky heard everyone in the tower refer to (Y/N) as if they were more than one person. Bucky wondered if there was some joke that he just wasn’t let in on.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Bucky smiled at (Y/N).
It wasn’t often that Bucky and (Y/N) really got to interact, they were both very busy.
(Y/N) spent most of their time studying and working from their room. Bucky liked to spend most of his time not being around people for as long as he could. So to see (Y/N) in the kitchen made him very excited.
“Morning, Buck! How have you been doing?”
“I’ve been good. Really good. I’ve been going to therapy.”
Why in the world would he share that with someone he’s interacted with once?
“I’m so good to hear that, Buck! I’m really proud of you.”
It sounded so earnest Bucky almost didn’t know what to do with himself. It wasn’t often people actually cared about what Bucky had to say. Nonetheless, someone he barely knew.
“I um..thank you.”
The pair shared a smile and (Y/N) went back to their tablet.
“Oh,” Bucky started. “Steve told me I needed to ask you about your…nouns.”

(Y/N) laughed a bit but still smiled at Bucky anyway.
“My pronouns,” (Y/N) gestured for Bucky to take a seat. “My pronouns are different than something you might be used to.”
“What do you mean.” Bucky took a seat.
“Well,” (Y/N) took a big sigh. “You know there’s she and he.”
(Y/N) paused and Bucky assumed he was meant to nod. He did.
“I’m not him or her. Gender is much more flexible now than it was when you were growing up. I use ‘they/them ‘ pronouns because I’m non-binary. Not all non-binary people use ‘they/them’, some use other pronouns and some people use Neo-pronouns.”
Bucky was trying to understand. He truly was. He was always much more accepting than anyone he ever knew back in the ’40s. It wasn’t that he thought there was something wrong with it, it was just that he didn’t understand. How couldn’t you be a boy or a girl?
“I…don’t get it,” he said with a small smile. “Were you born that way?”

(Y/N) gave Bucky a thoughtful look.
Great. He’s done something wrong.
“Gender-wise? Yes, I was born this way. I’ve been non-binary as long as I’ve been alive. Not everyone is like that. Some people discover that they’re non-binary later in their life.”
That didn’t clarify anything.
“I should preface that your gender and your biological sex are two different things.”
Oh oh oh.
So they weren’t talking about- oh.
“Yeah,” (Y/N) laughed. “My gender identity is different than the sex I was assigned at birth. But- even today, you CAN change your sex to fit who you really are.”
Bucky knew a little bit about someone being transgender, it was in the crash course Steve gave him when he really started adjusting to new life in modern times.
“Right. But your gender and sex aren’t the same things.”
“Well…,” (Y/N) heaved a sigh. “Sometimes it is, some people do let their gender and sex define each other. It really depends. That’s why it’s always best to ask someone what their pronouns are before perceiving them in any way.”
It made a little bit of sense.
“So you’re not a she or a he, you’re they,” Bucky said.
“Yes. So you know…gender-neutral. I just don’t feel comfortable being perceived as a man or as a woman, I’d rather be perceived as neither.”
“Got it. So that’s why everyone refers to you as they,” Bucky nodded.
It wasn’t a hard concept to grasp that “they” could be used in a singular term.
“Thank you for telling me,” Bucky smiled. “Sorry if I slip up and call you something else, I’ll do my best.”
“Well, thank you for listening,” (Y/N) smiled. “I look forward to working with you.”
Working with (Y/N) turned into hanging out with (Y/N) every minute of every day. They were so easy to be around. Hanging out with (Y/N) turned into sleepovers with (Y/N), which quickly turned into a very confusing ordeal.
They had shared a bed with Bucky before, but never when the weather had been so ungodly hot. 

Tony messed up something in the wiring and now the ac wasn’t working.
“Bucky,” (Y/N) whined, drawing out the y. “Let me use your arm it’s too hot.”
“(N/N), you’ve been hugging on my arm all day, it’s not cold anymore,” Bucky laughed. “Give it some time cool off.”
(Y/N) huffed and flopped down onto the bed.
“You’ve forced my hand, Barnes, I have to remove my clothes.”
Bucky felt his face heat up. A lot.
“You’ve caught me in m master plan,” Bucky threw his hand over his face. “I really just want to see you naked.”
“Psh- men.”
There was a moment of silence.
“Do you mind if I take off my clothes?”

Bucky gulped. “Do you? Mind? Not mine. Yours. Do you mind. Like- if I see. Would you mind? I don’t mind. I really don’t. But I don’t want to make you uncomfortable if you do mind-“
“Bucky. I don’t mind,” (Y/N) smiled. “I’ll just take off my shirt.”
Taking off their shirt, (Y/N) exposed a nude-colored strap wrapped around their body.
“Are you hurt?” Bucky exclaimed.
The piece of clothing looked very similar to the skin-color wrappings Helen would give the team when they were hurt. It’s the only time Bucky had seen anything else like it.
“No…?” (Y/N) gave Bucky a weird look. “Oh, oh no. This is my binder.”

“It’s…part of being the whole non-binary thing. I’m…I really hate the way my chest looks, but I don’t really want to get surgery on it, so I wear something super tight to make my chest seem flatter than it is.”
Bucky was starting to understand that it was anything related to gender that (Y/N) didn’t like. He never thought about its physical attributes.
“Oh, okay. That makes sense. Sorry if I drew attention to it.”
“It’s fine, Buck,” (Y/N) smiled. “I should’ve warned you, I can see what it looks like to you.”

Bucky was grateful (Y/N) was so patient with him while he was learning more about people being non-binary. He truly wanted to understand everything about them before he made a move on them. Though, every time he thought he knew everything, (Y/N) has to teach him something new.
“Hey, Buck? Everything okay?” (Y/N) moved closer to Bucky. “I lost you there.”

“I just…feel so bad that you have to teach me so much,” Bucky plopped down on the bed. “It’s not your responsibility to have to teach me everything.”
(Y/N) gave him a soft smile and brushed his hair out of his face.
“I wouldn’t teach you if I thought you didn’t care. I can tell you care, that’s why I teach you so much.”
They can tell that he cares?
“You can tell?”

(Y/N) gave him the softest look he’s ever seen. “Buck, you’re easier to read than you think. I’ve been waiting on you.”
“I wanted to know everything before I made a move-“
“Why would you put that pressure on yourself, Buck?” (Y/N) sighed. “You’re never going to know everything about everything there is to know, neither will I!”
“But it’s your thing! It’s your identity!”

“And it’s always changing and there are always new things to learn. I appreciate the thought, Buck, it’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. But you can’t put that weight on your shoulders.”
As if (Y/N) couldn’t get any more perfect.
“So…,” Bucky trailed off.
“So…make a move you goofus,” (Y/N) smiled.
And maybe he did.
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Oh my god NSFW alphabet requests are back open. Can I ask about Commander Cody for those?
Requested by Anon: commander Cody NSFW alphabet?
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Slow kisses up and down your body, praising you with soft words while he cleans you up.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I’m going to go ahead and say he’s an ass man.  Can’t tell you why, I just feel it in my soul.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Let the man cum inside you.  He will do just about anything to feel your body clench around his cock and milk him dry. If you’re not keen on that, his next go you place is on your back and ass.  Either way, it’s almost like he’s marking you with his cum.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
One of his more recurring fantasies is having a three way with you and General Kenobi.  He has no idea how to even approach Kenobi with something like that, and doesn’t dare give it voice.  But if he sees you and Kenobi talking and laughing together? It gets his mind turning.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not as prolific as you’d think.  He’s had a few one night stands, but genuinely prefers having an emotional connection with his sexual partner.  After the first few times, he decided he was content just to wait.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Genuine tie between you riding his face or him taking you from behind.
Having you sit on his face, lets him just get lost in your taste while giving you full control.  He can just focus on the view and bringing you so much pleasure he can feel your thighs shake with every stroke of his tongue.
On the other hand, having your on your hands and knees while he fucks you into the mattress is it’s own kind of thrill. He lets himself forget everything but the feel of you gripping his cock, using your body as he sees fit and filling you with so much cum it’s still dripping out of you in the morning.
My point is, the man is a switch.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It switches back and forth.  He can be surprisingly funny in bed, teasing you and making off color jokes.  But just as often it can feel like he’s trying to forget the outside work exist and it’s just you and him.  The man is a mystery at times.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Very well maintained, like the rest of his body; closely cut and clean at all times.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Whether he’s being funny, serious, submissive, or dominant, he is constantly aware of your body.  It’s just as much about making you feel good as making him feel good.  So, even if you’re fucking like animals, there’s always a sense that he’s going to take care of you. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He’ll use it as a stress reliever, but will try other methods before then.  He honestly gets a little embarrassed, like he’s a cadet again hoping not be be caught by one of his batch mates.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Daddy Kink, Competency Kink, Loves being called “Commander” and Light BDSM
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’s not picky; barracks, your place, shower, bathroom at 79′s, it’s all the same to him. He just wants to be with you.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Going back to the competency kink, if he sees you kicking any sort of ass, either on the battle field or just doing your job, it takes everything in him not to throw you over his shoulder and carry you to the closest empty room.
He also does get worked up after a battle.  Usually he can either work out or focus on reports to calm him down; but if he as the option to fuck out his adrenaline on you, he will.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Age Play. Daddy kink or not, he hates the idea of you pretending to be a literal child.  That’s just a step too far.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Tie between giving and receiving.  Like I said before, you could suffocate him with your pussy and he’d die a happy man. He loves being the one to make you feel that good, and that’s just with his tongue.
On the other hand, you on your knees with your hands tied behind your back looking up at him with tears in your eyes as he fucks your mouth is an image he can get off to again and again.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Usually on the faster side, but varies from rough to more playful. First round is always a scramble to pull clothes off and just find some release. Second round can be a bit more slow and methodical.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Usually down for a quickie. Mostly like to happen just after a battle and he just wants to let go of some of his pent up energy.  Or you haven’t seen each other for a while, and you go for a fast fuck in the bathroom before pulling each other in a cab to go home. Either way, a quickie is never just a quickie.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Cody is perfectly open to try new things so long as you talk about it before hand.  He might be considered and older clone but in some ways he’s still exploring his sexuality and is happy to know you’re willing to try things as well.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
All the clones have the stamina of Gods. Three rounds average a night and he can go for as long as you want.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
You’ve got a nice little collection at your apartment; vibrators, dildos, cock ring, strap ons, binders, the works.  There are some you’ve used more than others, but there are always choices.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not as good as a tease as he wants to be.  When he’s in a more dominant mode, he tries to string it out, denying you again and again.  But he usually cave, deciding to go into the opposite direction and overstimulate you until you cry.  Either way it’s the best kind of torture.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s surprisingly talkative.  It’s like the filter he usually keeps on in meetings or among his brothers gets switched off and he says anything and everything that comes to mind.  He only get louder the closer he gets to coming to the point where you’ve gotten a few noise complaints.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Absolute switch.  You cannot tell what mood he’s going to be in when he starts kissing you in that way, but that’s what makes it exciting.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand times: ALL CLONES HAVE BIG DICKS! The man had BDE and he has the anatomy to prove it.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Solid 5. Certainly has a sex drive and can get stressed if he hasn’t been laid in a while, but knows how to keep it in control. Don’t let that fool you though. Just because he can go a while without sex, doesn’t mean he’s not going to go completely unhinged when he finally does. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It takes him a while to come down.  You’re usually long asleep by the time he lays his head on the pillow and finally drifts off.
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