#so now my teachers gonna be like 'wow this kid got so into it they had to add on after printing'
convxction · 7 months
ooc. i'd like to interact with more people so if u wanna let me know. i should continue sending v day asks but for tomorrow cuz brain melts. if u want one for a specific muse i haven't send to yet let me know. looks at your muses lists and mass send to all because sharing is caring weeee.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 7 months
I said it before in a previous rant, but I feel like this story needs repeating for no particular reason whatsoever.
my middle school was very small. there was only one class of 18 kids in the entire 6th grade. we had to deal with each other every single day. I only started this school in 6th grade, but some of these kids have known each other since pre-k. so when I joined, I was a stranger, an outcast, someone different. and having undiagnosed autism did not help at all.
one of my classmates was named Jacob. he was the only kid shorter than me. but he was an aggressive bully. every day, he'd grab me, slap me, pull my hair. he'd torment me physically, call me names, the whole shebang. typical bully stuff. there was never a reason for this, other than I was a new kid. I was a faggot. I was a downey. I was a retard. I was a sissy. I was a pussy. I was "the other". I think Jacob somehow knew I was trans and queer about five years before I did, and treated me as you'd expect.
every single day, I'd complain to my teachers and the principal. "Jacob is bullying me. he's hitting me, calling me names, harassing me, even after I tell him to leave me alone". and the responses I got did not help.
"just leave. walk away" gee, thanks. I'd love to. unfortunately I'm stuck in a classroom with him all day. unless you're gonna let me go home early, your advice is worthless.
"stop being a tattletale" and just let him continue to bully me? wow, thanks for being a supportive adult figure in my life...
and I'll never forget what my hardcore conservative catholic principal said to me. "if you don't want him to call you a faggot, then stop being a faggot".
in all of these situations of begging for help, not once did Jacob ever face consequences for his actions. even when I showed them the bruises and horrible notes he gave me. even when the harassment happened right in front of the teachers. the most he would ever receive is "hey, both of you, stop fighting!" even though it was always one sided and I never fought back.
until one day on the bus. he was in the seat behind me, poking my head, slapping me, trying to get my attention. I was already pissed that day, and Jacob was only making things worse. I told him to stop. repeatedly. to just leave me alone. but he didn't.
without thinking about it, I tried to swat away his hands. but I ended up brushing my hand against his face. he interpreted this as a slap. he immediately got off the bus at his stop and ran home crying.
that afternoon, my mom got a phone call saying that I was at risk of being expelled. apparently, Jacob had told his parents that I had beat him up, and his parents called the school.
in the end, because of my accidental unintentional "slap" that I had only done because I was angry and wanted to be left alone and stop being bullied, I was suspended for a week, forced to write a handwritten apology note to Jacob, and fell behind in my classes.
Jacob was never punished. he never faced consequences for his actions. he was always seen as the victim by adults. I was the aggressor since I was mad and complained about being bullied.
soon after this, I attempted suicide. I backed out, thankfully. but I can't stop thinking about how my life almost ended because no one cared about the harassment I faced.
being harassed, and having no one do anything about it, which causes you to get angry until you act a tiny bit irrational and upset, and suddenly you're punished much harder than your attackers ever were and ever will be.
I'm saying this for no reason at all. it totally doesn't apply to any real life situations happening right now on tumblr.
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jenscx · 8 months
[01] tumblr girls — first and last
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it was cliché; being in love with danielle marsh, the straightest girl on earth. you thought your feelings were hopeless, until you discover her tumblr blog.
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you squint your eyes at the excel sheet being flashed on screen. mo jihye? did your class even have someone called jihye? you sigh. the student was probably one of the kids at the back and would leave you to do all the work.
just your luck, that the project worth almost 30 percent of your final grade relied on some random person.
“i got jiwoo…” minji says.
hanni rolls her eyes, “that’s not bad. i got yeonjun. bro is gonna be so annoying.”
you turn to your two friends, confusion apparent on your face, “who the hell is mo jihye?”
minji and hanni both look at you with widened eyes, mouths agape.
“you don’t know jihye?” hanni asks, “she’s one of the most popular girls in school!”
“you saying that doesn’t help at all,” you murmur, heart racing at the thought of your high school’s most popular friend group. minji stares at you incredulously and you have the urge to slap your best friends.
“she’s australian and has a really nice voice,” hanni supplies unhelpfully. you furrow your brows, who else was australian other than danielle? maybe a new student.
sighing, you turn around to look at the screen again. the teacher now explaining the rubrics after the commotion about partners had died down. you frown, still thinking about jihye. somehow, you hadn’t heard of her and she was one of the most popular girls in school?
your eyes brighten when you realise that, one, jihye and danielle are probably in the same friend group, and two, becoming friends with jihye would basically mean becoming friends with danielle. you thought smugly to yourself.
(minji and hanni glance at you, concerned, when they hear you laugh quietly.)
“i encourage everyone to be in contact with their partners by the end of today. final assessment is due the last week of next month, please do take this project seriously as it is thirty percent of your grade,” mr lee says. your eyes dart around the class, danielle catching your onlooking gaze immediately. you feel your face flush and evert your eyes instantly.
you hear danielle’s god-gifted giggle and would have melted if not for the judging look from hanni. you try to sneak another glance at the girl, who crinkles her eyes when she smiles at you and you know it’s game over.
you were madly in love with a girl that probably didn’t even know your name. her brown gleaming eyes, angel-like smile, perfect wavy hair… you’re so screwed—
“y/n,” you snap out of your haze. “the bell just rung, class is over.” after blinking a few times, you realise that, one, minji and hanni had just ditched you, and two, danielle knows your name.
“ah… sorry,” you mumble a reply, embarrassed. danielle shakes her head and reaches out a hand to help you pack up. stunned, you glance at her and feel your cheeks heat up. wow… she has really long lashes…
“i saw you staring just now,” you freeze, “wanted to ask if you needed anything.”
she gazed at you expectantly.
“uhm…” you struggle to find a response, and was it always this hot in the classroom?
“sorry… i was just zoning out…”
danielle clicks her tongue and you feel guilty for making her impatient. she turns away, eyebrows furrowed.
“okay. i’ll see you later?”
fuck, you were so lame.
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“yeonjun keeps sending me hedgehog videos,” hanni complains, “who the hell keeps a hedgehog as a pet?” you pause momentarily, thinking, oh my god, i forgot about the project.
minji notices your stunned silence and nudges you with her elbow. “you good?”
“yup,” your voice cracks, “i don’t have jihye’s number.”
“oh, but didn’t you stay back in class—”
hanni gets interrupted when someone places a hand on your shoulder from behind. you slightly tense up and turn around slowly, eyes widening.
“hi y/n! i wanted to ask if you’re coming to the game later?” danielle smiles. you don’t have the heart to tell her that there’s a sea of homework piling up on your desk.
“uh, sure.”
“great! i’ll text you?”
with that, danielle bounces off. when you turn back to your friends, minji looks constipated and hanni’s brows are forming a judgemental look.
your two friends turn to look at each other and both release a coordinated sigh.
“for someone that gets straight As, you’re surprisingly stupid.”
“hey— what!”
“how could you not have her number if she just said that she’ll text you?” minji asks, exasperated. you gape at her, momentarily paused in time while hanni rolls her eyes at your stupidity.
“wait, what?”
“you didn’t know danielle and jihye were the same person— oh my god, are you even breathing? holy shit, hanni, do something bro!”
“what the hell?”
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you blink, hands pulling at the varsity jacket minji had lent you. danielle got your number from haerin, who got it from jiwon, who got it from hanni. she texted you after school, making sure that you were attending the game and asking you to wait for her after so that you could work on your project. this was not how you wanted to spend the rest of the day. the stands were filled with students who cheered the cheerleaders on. they were performing some sort of routine before the game started.
despite the impressive flips and stunts they did, you could only focus on the brunette who was beaming brightly while performing. you stare in awe as they lift her up to do an aerial move. right as she is lifted, danielle (or jihye?) raises her head, making eye contact with you. hesitantly, you wave.
“—holy shit, did danielle just fall?” gasps erupt from the crowd as the cheerleader basically crashes down, arms flailing as she falls. the whole team rushes to her aid, and your eyes widen at the stink look one of them gives you.
the stands are filled with murmurs, mostly of worry and confusion. you feel guilt wreck you, did you distract danielle from performing? if she was injured, you would never forgive yourself. resisting the urge to get up from your seat to go see her, you sit back down, leg bouncing nervously. minji and hanni are seated beside you, muttering and whispering.
“it’s our first time attending a game and something goes wrong. this is why we don’t hang out with the popular kids,” hanni groans. minji nods in agreement while all you can do is shift in your seat in anxiety.
after danielle is escorted from the field to a bench, the game begins. you’re not focused on the game at all, more worried about danielle and whether she was okay. at the halfway point, minji and hanni leave to go get snacks, and you’re alone at the bench once more. feeling an urge to check in danielle, you groan, following your heart instead of your mind, and rushing down to the field. no one really notices you, more focused on the players and the game itself.
despite her injury, the girl still looks bright. her eyes gleaming and a cheerful smile on her face. she occasionally shouts out words of encouragement to the players and her fellow cheerleaders.
she doesn’t even notice you lingering around until one of your steps causes the grass to crinkle.
“oh, y/n!” danielle smiles awkwardly. you return the same. “wanna sit down here?”
“uh, i thought only cheerleaders were allowed to sit here?” you ask nervously, shifting your weight from one foot to another. danielle shrugs, “i don’t actually know. it’s okay if you sit though, i can just say you came to check up on me.”
you nod, hovering over the seat, unsure if you could actually take a seat. either fate, or danielle, decides you were taking too long, since she reaches out to your wrist, pulling you abruptly down.
with a yelp, you fall onto the bench ungracefully, cheeks heating up at the grip on your wrist and the shriek you let out. danielle, unable to resist, lets out the loudest laugh you’ve ever heard. your face flushing even more, you feel somewhat accomplished at the fact you managed to make her laugh.
now that you are sitting side by side with danielle, your throat constricts. wanting to start a conversation, you open your mouth, only to be interrupted by danielle who chirps happily, “let’s discuss our project!”
your posture deflates, an awkward smile put back onto your face. “sure.” you had wanted to avoid this topic the most; between your blunder of oh my god, jihye and danielle are the same person, and oh my god, my partner is danielle, it wasn’t a favourable position to be in.
“which topic do you want to do? i think we could do either cultural and prejudice or psychological affairs,” danielle says, “discrimination, inferiority of women— oh! maybe human attraction?”
you stiffen noticeably at the topic. human. attraction. of course danielle wanted to do a topic about human attraction. who wouldn’t be attracted to her? the brown, naturally-curled hair, hazelnut eyes, full lips—
“yeah, sure,” you croak out.
“great!” danielle smiles, “i think the game is ending soon, so i’ll text you about the project later? i gotta go hang out with my team.”
another nod. with her expectant gaze, you stand up, almost robotically, arms swinging by the side.
“uhm, that jacket…” danielle trails off. you tilt your head, what about your jacket?
“it’s minji’s?” she asks.
“uh, yeah.” you suddenly feel self-conscious, how’d she know it was minji’s? danielle seems to notice your confusion, since she points at the back, “says kim in big, bold lettering.”
you furrow your eyebrows. was there something wrong with your (minji’s) varsity jacket?
“you okay?”
danielle smiles, albeit dimmer than before, “yup. i gotta go.”
and with a wave, danielle leaves, limping towards her teammates, who welcome her with open arms. haerin sends you a stink eye and you gulp.
sighing, you head back up to the stands, minji and hanni celebrating the triumph of your school.
“where’d you go?” hanni asks.
you groan, “hell.”
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
AAAAHHHHHHHH It's TIM! 1000% strong MN girl here and boy it's been real fun to watch Tim (and Peggy! Our amazing lieutenant governor) take a small small Democratic majority and do incredible things. My kid ate two meals at school every day for free. DELIGHTED that he's the VP pick. LET'S GOOOOOOOO!!!!
Listen, I am just ECSTATIC. Ever since I seriously became tuned into the veepstakes, he was my number one pick (I mean, I was not immune to the brief flirtation everyone had with Beshear/Buttigieg/etc), but yes. Walz was my top pick and I was trying desperately not to get my heart too set on him in case it fell through, but he was the obvious best choice of the contenders by a country mile. He has an almost absurdly Midwestern pro-America background (military veteran, public school teacher, football coach from a small rural town, etc) AND he has managed to enact a long list of progressive policies in Minnesota with a very narrow majority in the state legislature. Also, you're going to be seeing a lot of this video, for good reason:
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Also.... let's be real, Shapiro would have been an incredible distraction/drag on the ticket, unfortunately. We don't need to deal with his retrograde views on Gaza and his other baggage, and while he is a very popular governor in Pennsylvania, it's less certain that his appeal would translate to other states. We can argue (or you know, let's not and move on) about whether or not that was fair, but this is just not the year to try to win the most critical high-stakes election ever by pissing off young voters. Shapiro has done plenty of good things and has time to develop his career further, but he would have been a BAD pick for 2024 and I was alarmed at how many Respected Pundits (tm) were pulling for him. Reuters even claimed that picking him would "defang Republican attempts to make Israel-Gaza a wedge issue for Democrats," which is such a mind-bogglingly stupid statement that it makes you wonder how anyone writing it actually got paid for their political insight, but it also explains a lot about mainstream media these days. Picking Shapiro would have been an absolute gift to the Republicans and bad-faith actors and others (plus like, I don't want to have to spend time winning back the young voters who are actually once more engaged in the process!) and would have led to the media eagerly jumping into the feeding frenzy (because they're desperate to have a reason not to cover Trump's increasingly crazy-ass shit) and other Democratic-on-Democratic infighting. And it goes without saying that WE CANNOT AFFORD THAT.
As well, picking Shapiro just because you need to win PA this election cycle is yet another example of why the Electoral College sucks, and the polling averages in PA have been moving solidly blue anyway. You can just park Shapiro there and have him campaign in the state as the sitting popular governor, rather than expose him to the liability of a nationwide campaign where, as noted, all the other stuff would be a drag. If it's true that the establishment was pushing Harris to pick Shapiro and she picked Walz instead, a) GOOD! and b) if anything, this election cycle needs to fucking teach us that we have got to stop going with the Conventional Wisdom Tee Em. Walz was already out there, he was already popular with the public/energizing the grassroots, AND he was the guy who coined the "Weird" attack line that is actually effective and organically popular against the Republicans and drives them batshit. So for Kamala to lean into that and take him as her running mate is... zomgz... smart, and I am not used to the Democrats playing smart and aggressive and not just passive-defensive. I don't understand. Wow.
Anyway, now watch the New York Times (and the others, lbr, but especially the NYT) desperately try to dig up scandalous stories about that time Walz didn't stop at the 4H booth at the county fair, or walked past someone without saying "Ope just gonna sneak by ya first" or some other terrible Midwestern sin, but fuck those guys. I am EXCITED I am ENERGIZED I am THRILLED. This is a GREAT new ticket that came together at incredibly short notice and completely changed the dynamics everywhere, Walz is gonna make JD Vance cry (unsure whether I want to see Harris demolish Trumpster or Midwestern Dad to turn the cranks on Weird Couchfucking Fascist Skidmark more, but both, both, both is good). LET'S GO GET THOSE WEIRD MOTHERFUCKERS, Y'ALL!!
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kalliyen · 2 years
Seatmate Sweetness
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Pairing: 4nemo Boys x GN!Reader (seperate)
Featuring: Venti, Xiao, Heizou, Kazuha, Wanderer
Genre: Fluff, Crack, teasing?? is that a genre idk, school au, modern au
Summary: Seatmates who have a sweet secret crush on you ;)
Reader’s Pronouns: Not specified
Warning: this is gonna be shit cause i haven’t written i so long bye 😘 🤾‍♀️
Disclaimer: ⚠️ ONLY A WORK OF FICTION!
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♯ Venti !
Venti as a seatmate would be….interesting to say the least
he’s that kid who’s always late even if he lives literally just across the school
he also has this tendency to sleep in class, when he finds the topic boring
which is, every topic in every subject
but when your homeroom adviser changed the seating arrangements and you were assigned to sit next to him, he started changing
he noticed that you were a very precise person. always at class on time very smart responsible the whole smart kid shebang yk
and when YOU were assigned to seat beside him, you were dreading it. great, now someone was just going to get in the way of your studies.
a few weeks go bye and venti is still the same as ever, slacking off, sleeping in class, and one day he even drooled a bit on your paper, which finally made you snap
luckily there wasn’t any teacher in class at the moment to witness you snapping
let’s just say his cheek was red for the whole day, and not in a good way.
he told his friends about it, which they said he deserved, which made him seethe even more
at night he thought about it, how you would focus in class, how your hair would cover you face when you double checking your notes
you looked adorable while doing it, he thought. now his face got even more red, now this time out of embarrassment
how could he realize he liked you after you slapped him infront of the class? was it a kink or something?
the next day, you apologize to him, which he didn’t even notice or listen to you for that matter, focused on your lips rather than what was coming out of it.
“venti? hello? are you listening?” you say waving your hand around his face
“i know how you can make it up to me y/n” venti starts, “really? what is it?” you say confused, tilting your head to the side
“we could go on a date together!” now both of your cheeks were a rosy pink
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♯ Xiao
now xiao here was the silent smart type as we all know, while you were the giddy type who couldn’t seem to stay in your seat
he didn’t really mind it to be honest, you rarely talked to each other. but there was an understanding that you both respected each other’s space.
when your history teacher, mr. zhongli, assigned you together for an assignment, you didn’t really mind. xiao was smart and hot, from what you could tell he was also somewhat kind in his own peculiar way
you worked on it together for the rest of the period, and xiao couldn’t help but notice his heart beating even faster than it did before. it always beated quickly when you were around, which made him feel confuse inside.
after class, he asked his father figure mr. zhongli (wow who would’ve thought i did this)
“i don’t know sir, whenever im near them my heart beats 10 miles an hour, i don’t know if this is a good or bad feeling sir, perhaps whenever im close to them i might meet my demise? is this a sign that something bad will happen if i go near them? should i stay away from them? but i don’t want to stay away from them, their very kind and sweet, albeit sometimes loud, and sometimes i-“
zhongli cuts off xiao before he can utter another word, zhongli comes to the conclusion that his son was very down bad for you.
“it seems that you have developed romantic feelings for y/n. and might i add xiao, i do approve of this liking towards them, they are a very caring and sweet person indeed. this is merely a suggestion, but why don’t you tell them how they make you feel? the school festival is about to commence soon, that would be a good opportunity wouldn’t it?”
xiao thought about it for a minute, yes it was a good idea. but how will he ask you?
zhongli suggests to ask you by word, or if xiao is too nervous then by letter, xiao decides on the latter part.
he goes home that day, on his desk, pen in hand and staring at the paper.
he has so much to say and at the same time, nothing at all. he wants to tell you everything and nothing at the same time. is this what love feels like?
finally after what felt like hours, he’s finished his letter to you, making sure it looks presentable, because you only deserve the best.
he makes sure to wake up extra early the next morning, and make it to school before you do
he places the letter on your desk, and waits for you, anxiously replaying all the possibilities in his head
lucky for him, the outcome he was expecting most, came to fruition
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♯ Heizou
heizou here is the diligent yet flirty president of your class. while you were quiet and kept mostly to yourself, choosing to draw in your sketchbook rather than converse with anyone.
it’s not like you didn’t have friends, you just didn’t like talking much.
since you sit on the front beside heizou, your often bombarded with the amount of paper he has piled on his desk because of yhe obscene homeworks the teachers assign you.
it kinda bothers you a bit when you barely have any room to put your things on your side of the desk but you don’t say anything, because every morning heizou sits at his side of the desk you can see his baggy eyes and unkempt hair which makes him 10x more attractive in your opinion. but he didn’t need to know that
during another one of his stress sessions you seem him struggling with a particular project in a subject you were quite good at.
but of course heizou didn’t have any balls to ask anyone for help, having the mindset of “because i am the president, i shan’t let anyone see any weakness.” (which was total bullshit btw)
you meekly tapped his shoulder which made his face bolt directly to you, way closer than he was intending
you offer your help, saying he clearly needed it and at this point heizou doesn’t have the energy to decline, so he listens to you explain the assignment in full detail, taking note how your eyes seems to glint in the sunlight and how your soft hands brushed his slightly calloused ones
he may or may not go to you when there’s an assignment on purpose, even if he fully understands the concept.
he thinks it’s a win win, he can spend more time with you and complete his tasks
(even if he’s just staring at you 99% of the time)
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♯ Kazuha
let’s be real this boy is rarely in school
but when he is at school, he’s just sleeping most of the time
when the teachers try to corner him with a question when they catch him dozing off, he manages to answer them correctly
they ignore him after that LMAOOOOO
but when you, transfer to his school in the middle of the year and get assigned next to him, he starts to take a liking to you
you’d make notes for him in class while he sleeps, thinking he had a rough night before, which he finds really nice and so adorable
of course in return, he helps you with concepts you don’t understand or if you’re having trouble understanding japanese
he doesn’t know how he ended up in this situation but right now your in his home, speaking to his moms and having dinner with them
it’s not like he didn’t like that you were at his home, quite the opposite frankly but it turns out that his mothers find out about his little crush on you
all evening his mothers have been indirectly teasing him, even going as far as almost revealing his crush on you
after dinner was finally over, he takes you to his room (his moms gave him teasing winks that made his face all red) and showed you all the memorabilia he’s acquired from his adventures with his moms
you found them so amazing, and when you look back at him he’s stepping forward to you which makes you freeze in place, despite feeling a quick warmth on your lips
your at his house even more often after that event ;)
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♯ Wanderer
but is one of the top students 🤷‍♂️
his aunt makes him go saying that learning is an essential part at life
“auntie that’s bs i don’t-“ he gets slapped in the face
goes to school cause he didn’t wanna get spanked in the face again LMAOOAOAOA
as his deskmate he actually really really likes you, even more than a deskmate actually
but boy has no way to tell you
sometimes he sees that you have nothing to eat for lunch so he gives you his “extra” saying that he doesn’t want you to faint in class, making him take you to the nurse’s office
nahida always wonders why her nephew stays up so late to make food for 2 people, but she doesn’t push the subject further
you thought it was really sweet of him, and his cooking was amazing! why would people say that he’s mean and an arrogant bastard? (he is tho just not to you lol)
you wanna repay him with something, so you decide to make some brownies for him, not knowing he despises sweets
you stay up all night, wanting to make them as perfect as the food he gives you
you pack it in a cute lil bento with a lil thank you note sticked to it and get to bad, excited of what his reaction will be to the pastry you’ve made him
the next do you can clearly see the disinterest in his face when he sees your brownies (he thinks he’s hiding it well he’s really not) which makes you feel really bad
“do you not like them? i can make something else for you, i just wanted to return the favor since you always give me your extra lunch, i’m sorry if this isn’t what you like”
his face goes IMMEDIATELY red with embarrassment, mostly at himself because of how a dumbass he is 💀
“i didn’t mean it with i’ll intent y/n, it’s just that i’m not really fond of sweets, but i would like to try one” he responds an idea popping into his head
“really? what is it? i’ll make it for you! to make up for these ones you don’t like, just give me the recipe and-“ you get cut off by him hooking his fingers under your chin
a/n: bye this is so cringe if my friends see this they will never let me live this down
if your my friend irl PLEASE RESPECTFULLY STFU 😂😂😂
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
If it’s not too much trouble, could you do a platonic team star x team star member!reader who became a dragon type specialist squad leader and joined because they got bullied for being a fan of other famous dragon type users like Lance and Raihan?
(Sorry if this is too specific)
Oh no worries, I like specific so it's all good!
"I'm gonna be just like them one day.." Sighing dreamily, you sat down at the cafeteria table, watching a video on your rotomphone while chowing down breakfast.
It was footage of a fierce Pokémon battle in Galar--a showdown between two of your idols, who were among the most famous dragon trainers of all time: Lance and Raihan.
Of course, you looked up to many other dragon type users in Paldea, but these two in particular kickstarted your dreams of becoming one yourself, inspired by their interviews and fierce determination.
You also hoped to meet them and have a battle, although that was a little too farfetched for you right now..
Yet you didn't let that discourage you from forming your own dragon team, using your studies at Uva/Naranja Academy to teach them all the best moves and remember type matchups.
Tatsugiri was your main partner, and when combined with your Dondozo..it was an absolute powerhouse in double-battles--albeit this academy usually focused on the traditional single battles.
You were also currently raising a Drakalok, Cyclizar, Arctibax, and Sliggoo, and you cherished all of them dearly. Tatsugiri was a bit of an attention hog at times, though, and always wanted to stay out of its ball and on your shoulder.
You didn't mind it, of course. Whether you're heading to class or to a tournament where dragon trainers were going to participate, you always went together.
Life was perfect.
Except for-
"Still prattling on about being the next famous dragon gym leader, huh?"
-one of your bullies already ruining your day before it could even begin.
For some reason..a few kids at the academy really had it out for you simply because you admired famous dragon trainers. You didn't think there was anything wrong with looking up to your idols. But apparently they thought you were being too "obnoxious" about it and sought to make your life utterly miserable.
It only got worse when you spoke up about it to a teacher, as that bully got off with nothing but a slap on the wrist--that being to train their Pokémon as "punishment".
By sheer convenience, they had ice and fairy types. And that teacher only gave them the chance to make their team stronger and further intimidate you...to the point where you're afraid to go outside, fearing they'll drag you into a battle.
You've kept silent since, hoping to avoid them at all costs and try to keep your grades up. But unfortunately, Arceus wasn't smiling upon you today...and quite frankly, you were tired.
Huffing, you switched off your phone and scowled up at the bully. "Still following me around campus, huh?" You mocked, with Tatsugiri hopping on the table and mimicking your expression. "That's kinda creepy if you ask me."
"Well those stupid fangs of yours are creeping everyone out." They sneered, pointing out your sharp teeth. "Halloween is over, y'know."
"I've already told you..these are canines, and they are real."
"Yeah? More like real freaky."
"Look, just leave me alone before you anger Tatsugiri." You warned, watching as their gaze shifted to your ace, falling silent for a moment or two...
Before erupting into laughter. "Oh wow, I'm soooooo scared of your stupid sushi roll! What ever will I do??" They shook their head. "If you want my advice, dump this thing and get yourself a real dragon. Like a Charizard or-"
"You don't get to decide WHO I can have as a partner!!!" Your hands slammed onto the table as you stood up, fists clenched with anger. Even though you could see people's heads turning in your peripheral vision, you didn't care. "Tatsugiri may not look it, but it's more powerful than you'll ever know! You don't know our bond, so just back off already!!"
"Oooooh, I didn't know you knew Outrage..better not hit yourself in confusion." They snickered.
"...why are you like this?" With slumped shoulders, you frowned at them. "Why do you keep tormenting me day after day?! I've done nothing to you. Is it a crime to admire my heroes? To wanna be like them?"
"No, but you'd be an embarrassment to every future dragon tamer. I mean who'd wanna see a pathetic thing like that in the Elite Four? Or on a Champion's team? Raihan and Lance would laugh in your face and crush you if they saw-"
"STOP IT!!" You finally snapped, hitting the table again before taking out one of your pokeballs. "Do you want a battle?! Is that what you want?!! Then you'll get it-!!"
"[Y/n], what is the meaning of this?"
Hearing the voice of the director made all the color drain from your face. The bully just smirked as you slowly turned to Harrington, seeing him looking at you with a frown.
"This is the second disturbance you've caused in this same area. You know battles aren't permitted inside the academy."
It's only then did you realize everybody in the cafeteria was staring..and you shrunk back in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, Director. I didn't mean to shout. They were just-"
But when you tried to point out the bully, they were gone.
How convenient.
"From how it looks..you were intimidating them. And you should also know we have a zero tolerance policy for such behavior."
"But I wasn't..they-!" You tried in vain to defend yourself, yet the look on Harrington's face told you he didn't wanna hear any of it.
"We can discuss this further in my office. Return your Tatsugiri to its pokeball and follow me, if you will."
"....yes, sir." Defeated, you gathered your things and put Tatsugiri back into the pokeball (much to its dismay), before commencing the long walk of shame to the director's office.
Maybe he will believe you.
"He didn't believe me either. What's the point of "standing up for myself" if I'm just gonna get in trouble?! What's the point if they're always gonna get away with it while I face suspension?!"
"I know I kinda let myself go back there, but...th-they kept pushing me and pushing me! Why couldn't he understand that? Why doesn't anyone here understand-?!"
Calming yourself down a little, you looked to Tatsugiri, who sat on your bed and looked up at you with sad eyes, wishing you weren't being so harsh on yourself.
"....well, I know you understand me, buddy." You quietly sighed and sat down, bringing it into your hands as it nuzzled your cheek. Immediately your shoulders relaxed. "I'm sorry. Thank you. I'm just...it's been frustrating. But I swear I'll never replace you for any other dragon. Not even for a shiny Charizard."
"Yip-yip?!" It cried out.
"Believe me! I won't." You chuckled, although you stopped as you thought over this morning's events...
And suddenly you felt sick to your stomach.
Just thinking about going to your afternoon class today made you feel ill, wondering who was going to harass you two next...and if you'll be able to do anything about it without getting into trouble with the director.
Now that you've gotten your second strike, you had to be careful not to lash out like that again.
But what else were you supposed to do?
Let them continue to bully you around and make your poor partner feel absolutely worthless? How was that fair to either of you?
At this point, you've ran out of adults in this academy to talk to...besides the nurse, of course, although she seemed more adept at healing Pokémon than counseling students.
Even if she was willing to listen, you doubt anything would change.
Nobody here took your side or could possibly understand what you were going through-
Your rotomphone started ringing, displaying an unknown caller ID. Normally you'd ignore it, although Tatsugiri had a better idea and decided to slap the screen with its fin, answering it.
"Tatsu!" You grumbled, pulling it away from your phone before addressing the stranger, feeling embarrassed. "Sorry! My Pokémon-"
"Greetings, am I speaking to [y/n]?"
".....uh...yeah?" Your eyebrows furrowed with confusion, not expecting to hear a distorted voice on the other end of the line. "And who am I speaking to exactly?"
"My name is Cassiopeia. Leader of Team Star."
"Team Star?" You blinked, remembering all of the rumors you've heard about this organization. They were a small group of kids who got bad grades, skipped school often...and sometimes harassed others into joining them or pulled pranks on teachers.
Why would their leader contact you?
Or better yet...how did they even get ahold of your number?
"Correct. We've been watching you for some time, and we see your pain. It must feel awful...being pushed around and intimidated all because you admire some famous trainers. And when you finally have the courage to defend yourself and your Pokémon...suddenly you're the bad guy? It's so unfair."
"How do you.....l-look, um..Cassiopeia. I got a lot going on right now." You mumbled, hoping to end this conversation quickly. "I'm facing suspension if I cause one more scene, so I don't think I should be talking to delinquents like-"
"That is a lie. Team Star isn't a group of delinquents. We're so much more than that." They interrupted you, sounding a bit annoyed. "The truth is that WE are the victims. We who were shamed and excluded for the crime of being ourselves. The system has failed us, [y/n], and we formed this group as a way to stand up and stand out."
"...ah, I see." Now you were growing a bit more understanding and sympathetic towards them. You always had a feeling that your classmates overexaggerated how "evil" this team really was, making comparisons to Team Rocket and organizations that were legitimately evil and criminal.
But obviously, you never put your two cents in. You were already getting bullied enough just for saying Lance and Raihan are cool dragon trainers you wished to meet.
You were already getting bullied enough just for admiring some famous dragon trainers.
"So...obviously you're trying to sell me something." You huffed, kicking your feet up on the desk. "You want me to join your team as one of your goons-?"
"Oh no. I actually have something much better in mind." Cassiopeia cut in once more. "We've seen how you battle with dragon types. Very impressive, I must say. You never back down from a challenge. You're fierce, protective..and you demonstrate incredible leadership."
That felt flattering to hear, considering all the times you've gotten criticized for your battling techniques during Ms. Dendra's class.
Recently, she actually made you apologize to your classmate, whose Pokémon was actively bullying yours and provoked it into using a powerful move that knocked it out in one hit.
Why was that such a problem?
Because you weren't supposed to be battling, but the bully kept pushing you into one--and of course, Ms. Dendra didn't see that part.
Only the part where you broke the "No-OHKO" rule she had written into her lesson plan for that day.
Now you were struggling to get your grades back up in battle strategies, which was hard since you gained a reputation as being "too aggressive"..when in reality you were just so afraid and fed up that no one would listen to you.
So hearing this complete stranger give you praise felt genuinely good.
"Oh! Ah...thank you." You decided to bite the bullet. "So what's your offer?"
"We believe you're a good fit to be a squad leader. We have one more slot available. Interested?"
Your heart immediately jumped at the opportunity, although part of you was still holding back.....wondering if it was worth getting mixed-up with people like Cassiopeia and Team Star's revered leaders.
This could very well throw away your entire future and your goals of becoming the next dragon type gym leader. You could be expelled for sure, or even blacklisted from partaking in tournaments.
But at the same time, you were so tired of living in fear and dealing with all of this alone.
Why should you have to? That's setting a terrible example for your Pokémon--they shouldn't have to see their trainer living like that. You had to be brave and stronger, but that was almost impossible if you were just going to suffer repercussions for trying.
Cassiopeia took your silence as hesitation. "I know this is a lot to think about. But trust me, [y/n]. Team Star can do more for you than the Academy ever did. You'll get to train without limits. Your name will be known by all, and nobody will mock you or Tatsugiri ever again. That is what you want, isn't it? To grow stronger together? To stand up against those who wronged you?"
Hearing them mention your partner made you look to the Mimicry Pokemon in your lap. Seeing the way they put their fin on your hand and gave you a small nod ultimately solidified your answer.
You weren't turning back now.
"We can discuss this tomorrow if you'd like-"
"No, I made up my mind. I'll take it. When do I start?"
"Looking sharp as always, Revavroom."
With a sharp-toothed grin, you gently patted the head of your Starmobile--specifically the Revavroom attached to it, as it rumbled in happiness.
Then you hopped onto the vehicle, climbing up to the stage where you could survey the rest of your camp, observing your goons hanging out by the vending machines and driving around on their Cyclizars.
This was the Achird Squad base stationed at Casseroya Lake, and for about a year or so...you've also called it home.
The location was perfect for a mighty dragon leader such as yourself, allowing you to keep watch over the Tatsugiri and Dratini herds you'd see in the waters from time to time.
It was far better than the cramped dorms of the Academy. They would never have let your dragons roam free like Dragapult, Baxcalibur, and all the rest were doing right now..
Ever since joining Team Star, you never looked back and never regretted your decision. You became fast friends with the other bosses, with Atticus even designing some cool armor plates for your outfit that resembled a Kommo-o's scales.
Although things have been...rather weird as of late.
Especially since it was the anniversary of the incident.
Back at the Academy, you and all of the leaders came together with the ultimate to confront your bullies once and for all. It was meant to finally settle who was the strongest, and how you were sick of being pushed around.
Least to say..the tables have turned, and everyone knew your names.
The bullies ended up running scared, barely putting up a fight themselves before scrambling to heal and recall their Pokémon.
You felt pretty good about it, especially when you knocked out that jerk who made fun of your teeth and admiration for dragon trainers in one fell swoop.
But then you looked around and saw everyone's scared faces. Many were recording the battles, spreading them all over social media, or shielding their own Pokémon from potential harm--even though you never intended to hurt them whatsoever.
It turned into a huge scandal over who was in the right or wrong, although in the end your bullies played the victims, dropped out of school, and ended up being listened to the most.
They made you out to be monsters who just attacked them for no reason..and it almost got you all expelled.
However, Cassiopeia took the blame, and while you were pardoned, Harrington, the deputy director (who tried erasing all records of the scandal and bullying to "preserve" the Academy's image), and many teachers left, guilty that they didn't do more to prevent this.
It would have been a bittersweet victory for Team Star---had your leader not also vanished, their last message being a call for the organization to disband.
To this day, none of you understood why they'd do that...or why they think you'd ever wanna leave this team and go back to your studies.
How could you after the faculty messed up this badly?
How could you after they still sided with the bullies?
How could you after they tried to cover up what really happened?
In the end, you all promised to stick together, abiding by your codes and living out on the squad bases. You occasionally met up for discussions and battle plans, although you always held onto hope that if the team kept going long enough....Cassiopeia might come back.
You've tried contacting them through various means, yet none of your Rotoms could retrace their calls nor social media posts. Everything was gone.
As though they wanted you all to forget ever meeting them..
It never made sense to you, considering you could really use a leader back then.
But what's done is done, and you winded up assuming a de factor leader position, given your team was the strongest out of all of theirs. Of course, Ortega was less-than-pleased about holding a vote on it, but you won the majority and he eventually got over it.
Now you've been training your Pokémon more frequently, and only because there's something called "Operation: Starfall" going around--and apparently some Paldean trainer was going around tackling each base with the hope of claiming their badges.
One of the codes was that being defeated in battle meant surrendering it, and that means...
Someone was dead set on shutting down Team Star for good.
But you wouldn't let them. The other bosses were your friends, family..and you'll be damned if you lost them, too.
"Boss! The others are comin' in!" You heard one of the grunts shout, and you looked towards the horizon in surprise.
She wasn't kidding.
Ortega, Mela, Eri, Giacomo, and Atticus were at your base's entrance, waiting for you. Although you were eager to see them after being occupied with training for so long...it didn't concern you that all of them chose to show up at once.
But you refused to show any sort of alarm, huffing as you jumped off the stage, mounting your partner Cyclizar. "Let's ride!" You barked, allowing it to sprint towards the group at full speed.
Your cape fluttered in the wind as it leaped across a small stream, all while Tatsugiri--who was resting in a small basket attached to it--held on for dear life.
Upon arriving, the bosses stopped their chatter and turned as you slowed down, stepping off Cyclizar. You gave it a small pat on the head, assuring that it could rest, before looking at the group.
"So we meet again...what's with the sour faces?" Your eyebrows furrowed at their expressions. When nobody was immediately speaking up, you huffed. "Come on, out with it. You can't come all this way to my base just assume I can read your minds-"
"We come before thee bearing..a warning." Atticus muttered, bowing his head in shame. "The student you've spoken of hath proven to be quite the adversary."
"Is that so? Surely they haven't claimed all of your badges, have they?"
"Why is no one talking-?"
"Because we got our asses handed to us." Mela bluntly stated, clenching her fists. "We got absolutely smoked...and now you're the only one left."
Your eyes widened in shock and horror, although you didn't get the chance to respond as Ortega cut you off.
"Now before you freak out on us all..we did try our best. We did everything you and Cassiopeia taught us. But this kid....they're good. Almost too good. And this guy named Clive was helping them out the whole time, getting under our skin and everything...."
"Well I wouldn't say that." Eri looked at the fairy trainer, crossing her arms over her chest as she frowned. "He wanted to know where we're coming from and why we're doing all of this."
"...and you just told him?"
You could see everyone tense up, and you just scowled, wondering why they would do this.
"What makes you all think he would care...or why anybody from that academy would care about us now?" Your eyebrows furrowed as Tatsugiri sat on your shoulder, mimicking your expression. "Nobody cared when they hurt us...nobody cared when we were literally begging for help. Look, I know keeping this group together was hard, but it's no excuse to-"
"Honestly...I'm kinda tired of this charade. At least someone's willin' to listen to us now.." Giacomo remarked, frowning a little bit. "But here's the lowdown, [y/n]: we got beaten into the dirt and followed our code, so now we're here to give ya a little heads up before this kid comes after you next. We're sorry. But we tried."
"And we still don't know who's really behind this sting operation.." Mela grumbled, shaking her head in worry. "Someone wants to shut us down for good, and it's definitely not either of those new students. They're just being used to carry out the dirty work."
"I might have a good idea on who it is...and I swear, they'll answer for this." You bared your teeth. "But I'll save my dragon rage for this trainer. Wherever they are, whatever they're doing...I hope they know I'm ready. Because I'm gonna defend Team Star...defend us....until my last breath."
"Su! Su!!" Tatsugiri trilled in agreement, nuzzling your cheek, to which you couldn't help but smile a little bit.
"Well whatever happens next, you have our full support, [y/n]." Eri smiled as she patted your shoulder. "Badge or no badge, we stand behind you."
Everyone else chimed in with agreements, smiles on all of their faces as well--although Atticus' wasn't immediately noticeable, you could see it in his eyes.
Knowing this group still cared about you and believed in your battling skills made all the tension leave your shoulders.
"Thank you, my friends. Hasta la vistar ~☆"
""""Hasta la vistar, and good luck, [y/n]!! ~☆""""
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stardust-sunset · 2 months
You sent me some hcs so now I’ll send you some in return ❤️🎞️
• sometimes the gang will have sleepovers where they’ll all sleep in the living room on the floor. They’ll drag out all the blankets and pillows from their room and just be in a puppy pile on the floor
• going off your hc of Darry being a daycare worker, one day he came home from work looking utterly green and Soda and Pony are like oh hell no this bitch brought a stomach bug home and of course they all get sick and it’s a miserable experience. It gets passed through everyone in the gang, no one is safe, and it’s all Steve and Soda’s fault because they can’t stay apart for too long without being bored so Steve tried to hang out w him while they were sick and got sick himself then everyone else got it too 😭
• in the summer they’ll all go to a lake to go swimming and Darry will pack everyone sandwiches and sodas and they’ll have a fun day in the water <3 he attempts to teach everyone how to swim but Soda and Steve are roughhousing, Two-Bit is scared of going where he can’t reach and is clinging to Darry (Darry literally has Two-Bit on his hip like a baby 😭), and Dally is getting a kick out of trying to wrestle Pony and Johnny at the same time 💀 they were doing chicken fights at one time like where you sit on someone’s shoulders but Steve was on Soda’s and Pony was on Two-Bit’s and Pony “accidentally” poked Steve in the eye so they had to stop
• Soda saved up for awhile and got Darry a really nice heating pad for his birthday that he could use on his back when he’s sore but Soda ends up using it more than him because he steals it every time he has a stomachache smh 🤦🏼‍♀️
• Darry LOVES gossip. You know who else does? Dally and Steve. Between the three of them, they know EVERYONE’S business in town. Dally knows a lot of people from the different gangs, Steve hears stuff at work, and so does Darry, especially stuff about the adults in town like teachers from school and peoples parents and stuff. The three of them will be sitting at the kitchen table with their chins in their hands just like “and THEN what happened?” they’re so nosy
• Two-Bit is super good with kids so maybe one day Darry helps him get a job at the daycare so he can finally start getting his life together and he LOVES it so much and is actually really good at it 🥺
• Johnny skips school allll the time literally just because like he’ll sleep over the Curtis house and everyone is getting ready in the morning and he’s just laying on the couch still. Darry will be like “come on Johnny you’re gonna be late if you don’t get up now!!” And Johnny’s just like “um no 😊 no school today ❤️” and Darry’s just like bruh. Pony tries to pull the same thing after seeing Johnny do it and Darry’s like absolutely not
• whenever Soda is sad, Darry is who he wants. He finds so much comfort in his big brother, especially because Darry can always tell when something is wrong. He’ll just get this look on his face when he’s upset and Darry’s like “come here” and just pulls Soda into a nice long hug and lets him talk about whatever he needs to <3
I hope you liked these! Most of them were just silly and fun ❤️ love Johnnycakesswitch ❤️🎞️
BROO the happy little dance I did when I saw you sent me an ask, your hcs are my favorites i swear 😭😭😭
THEY DO HAVE CUDDLE PILES 🗣️ Like I know it starts out with just the Curtises and then Steve drags his ass over and crawls next to Soda and then Two Bit JUMPS in and crushes everyone’s legs (bitch) and they just invite Johnny over because he will NOT insinuate cuddles, you have to do that but he doesn’t put up a fight. Then Johnny drags Dally in like “I will if Dal does” and Dally’s just like “Fine man 😡”
Darry definitely brings home illnesses and sicknesses all the fucking time because little kids are gross and don’t have the ability to be hygienic so he comes home with spit and snot on himself sometimes and then he’s like “wow I feel like shit”-Pony gets SO mad he’s like “Darry it’s your fault I feel like shit because you brought home a stomach bug 😡” he uses it to guilt Darry into rubbing his tummy for him-Soda just whines a lot but in all seriousness they take good care of Darry (who can be a TERRIBLE PATIENT BTW-the only reason he stays home is because Soda’s like “you’re gonna throw up on a roof or in front of kids” and Darry thinks about it and is just like “😨”
I love headcanons of them swimming! I’m working on the holiday headcanons you sent in and I was JUST typing about them going swimming-they totally do! Darry loves anything where he can show his strength off so he’s just there with Two Bit on his waist like a wet cat-Johnny has to get Dally in-he tries to be nice like “cmon Dal there’s no sense in you sweating your butt off while there’s water right here” but Dally is a stubborn BITCH so he’s like “no” and then Sassy Bitch comes to light and he’s like “what are you on your period or something?” and Dally gets PISSED and tackles Johnny into the water-they got him in tho. Only problem is being in the water for so long makes them SO hungry and Darry is dealing with six whiny bitches as he drives to Dairy Queen 😭 (Also Pony poking Steve in the eye is so real, he’s such a hater. I also know he scratches him with his nails and Steve gets so mad because he has scratch marks all over his chest. “It was an accident Darry I was just tryna push him off 😇”
Soda would so do that-he just wants Darry to be happy and comfortable :( I feel like Darry ends up looking for it after work but sees either Soda or Pony curled up with it-Soda is just sitting there like “Darry I’ll give you a massage if you let me use this for five more hours minutes” and Darry’s like “fine” but in the end he just lets his brothers use it because he doesn’t feel like fighting them lmao-Soda is frequently getting stomachaches because his stomach is sensitive. Pony just doesn’t drink anything but Pepsi and he has a habit of not eating and then he wonders why his stomach is killing him
Darry being into gossip is SO funny like we’re not gonna sit here and pretend he doesn’t eavesdrop on conversations while he’s roofing homes. He also gets flirted with a LOT at work-one time he was roofing his old third grade teacher’s house and she would not stop flirting with him-he shrugged it off until he was finished and he was like “yeah do you happen to know a Darry Curtis?” and he just has this smirk on his face and she’s just like “shit 😨”-yeah that one had the whole squad laughing. He also knows Dally knows stuff from being in jail and just snooping around at night so those two are gossip QUEENS. They all gossip-Pony and Johnny report back to Soda and Darry about their old teachers and they love it.
Awwwww YES-especially because I think Two Bits mom would send his sister there sometimes and bumping off your headcanon about him watching her a lot so when Two Bit is picking her up one day he just hands him and application like “Just think about it” and he does. And he works there in the end-his little sister introduces him to all her friends too-she’s one of the oldest ones there but she doesn’t care. Two just loves interacting with the kids and goofing off-I feel like it also leads him to drink less because he doesn’t wanna be intoxicated around little kids so working there helps manage his alcoholism. He also doesn’t mind being dressed up by the kids-I love using the musical’s Two Bit-they love playing with his curls and they think his tattoos are the coolest things in the world. He’s so happy there 🥺
Johnny literally just says that and Darey’s like “whatever, I’m not your dad” so he just lets him stay at his home 😭 Pony’s always like “why do you let Johnny stay home 😡” and he’s like “I’m not Johnny’s caretaker, now get up.” and Pony just bitches about it so so much-Darry’s just like “Fine Johnny I won’t make you go, there’s food in the fridge and just sleep or smth” like Darry learned to stop giving a shit but Pony is SO whiny about it-
Darry just knowing when his brothers are sad, UGH it’s the purest thing-I feel like Soda prefers Darry because Darry just knows how to properly hold and comfort Sosa in the way he likes. Darry also knows Pony LOVES deep pressure and honestly it’s just like second nature. Darry lets Soda listen to his heartbeat or rest his head on his stomach. He always knows when Soda’s feeling better because he’s like “it’s nice your belly’s happy” because it’s just making noises and Darry just laughs a bit and they just talk it out-babies 💜
I love your headcanons, never feel scared to just spam my inbox! This goes for anyone lol
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bibibbon · 6 months
MHA chapter 419 rant
What the actual hell is this chapter ?!?!?!? What is going on horikoshi?!?!??
So suprise AFO IS BACK👎👎👎 seriously what the hell I knew he was gonna come back but he is so boring and I hate him as a villain like wdym you only pulling up with a plan that failed multiple times cos you have thing for your brother like!?!? The doctor and the hero comission could of been better villains. My point still stands AFO being the main bad guy even though this mf was killed and injured by everyone is lame and stupid 😭. Like can AFO just disappear out of existence already like?!?! Also I really doubt that dfo is true considering this guy just loves to act like a season 1 bakugo and call Izuku useless every breathing moment he gets. Also at this point afo out here using shigaraki like a wet human suit thing and that's it
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Shigaraki is dead?!?!!!? Vile. Y'all telling me that shigaraki is basically dead this guy basically killed himself after a little fight (it wasn't little that's a hyperbole it was huge he deserves better than this disservice) sigh so shigaraki died with all his memories and the truth of his own origin which is completely sad and wow the amount of retconning for this is insane. Wdym to tell me that AFO needed someone emotionally weak to take advantage of so he chose kotaro, befriended the guy and manipulated him into having Tenko and then used Tenko as his little thing to make the perfect vessel!?!???!? DAM SHIGARAKI IAM SORRRY HORI DID YOU LIKE THIS
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Izuku lost two arms and is getting the worst end of the stick as always. As an izuku Stan this isn't it for me like what are you telling me that HE LOST TWO ARMS AND THEN PEOPLE DO COME BUT I AINT SEEING NONE TRYNA HELP THIS GUY. ALSO IZUKU IS NOW ARMLESS AND QUIRKLESS WHATS GOOD ON HERE??!?????!?!? Also looks like izuku out here being the only one who doesn't actually get a full heart to heart with their villain at least ochako and toga were treated better and got that little sob scene where they called eachothers names out and what not but izuku and shigaraki gotta be sentenced to pure suffering for no reason 🤦‍♀️. Also the whole page is Hella and I mean Hella creepy and off like wth is this it's too gory (I know that's not valid criticism but this is my opinion) Izuku out here being the only one who can't be a proper hero like the guy couldn't even stand up to AFO unlike bk this is just mountains and mountains of disrespect and disservice . SOMEONE CHECK UP ON POOR INKO AND IZUKU
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The quirks the backstory the things?!?!. So basically overhaul had the oh quirk or whoever the guy in the picture manga panel thingy which looks like OVERHAUL. This guy had an op quirk like he had the power of destruction and reconstruction but then afo takes that away and then has the doctor somehow somehow genetically modify it ( istg i still dont know how that works or how he could do that) and then TOOK SHIGARAKIS OG QUIRK WHICH (what was his og quirk we arent ever told) and then proceedes to set this child who wanted to be a hero for pure failure. Also what is going on with AFO and kotaros relationship and why does the description of kotaro being mentally/emotionally weak heavily remind me of inko midoriya. Also the RETCON LIKE OH AFO IS LIKE HAVE A KID FOR ME OR SOME BS AND HE HAS A KID AND THEN KOTARO APPARENTLY FULLY LOVES HIS FAMILY HOWEVER IT LOOKS LIKE KOTARO LOVES AFO More THAN HIS FAMILY
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Eraserhead making a comeback and finally apologising (or not). I mean at least Eraserhead is back and apologising to his student for failing to be a teacher to him which ok cool cliffhanger I guess. Also where is mic I don't think I can take it if mic is secretly off screened especially cos Eraserhead is crying why is the guy crying like is he crying for izuku which dam as he should your student is dying but he was legit shouting left and right for bakugo 🤷‍♀️. Also Eraserhead has a lot of apologies for izuku considering how he treated the poor dude. ALSO DOES THIS MEAN OBORO IS BACK TO THE PLOT SOMEHOW ( I love oboro) but how does this work how did it happen how did he break free Iam so confused did much due for oboro or something.
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Sato, ojirou and sero out here coming in clutch. but none y'all running to see if izuku ain't gonna die from blood loss or something. Cool entry I guess everyone can take a good fight with AFO but Izuku because hori doesn't like izuku and izuku just sucks!!!. I get it 1A is too big so hori out here needing to give everyone their little moments but like?!?! This just makes afo seem so weak it first went from only all might being the one to even fouch and defeat afo and now its everyone thats not the ofa users which great (sarcasm if you couldn't tell). ALSO THIS MOMENT DONT WORK BECAUSE IZUKU LACKS DEVELOPMENT AND SO DOES 1A and their whole dynamic?!?!?!!!!!???!
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In conclusion, I hope both izuku and shigaraki die and izuku to be remembered as the greatest hero and that's it honestly!!
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crescentmel · 18 days
i watched the x-men films for the first time ever here are my thoughts *spoilers obviously* :D
small backstory: i was going to go watch Deadpool & Wolverine however i have seen the previous deadpool movies but i’ve never watch the x-men films at all, my knowledge of that universe is minimal. my coworker suggested i at least watch Logan before watching Deadpool & Wolverine so i did.
Logan is easily one of the best Marvel films i have ever watched in my life, like top 3 films for sure it was amazing im still thinking about this movie weeks later. so i watch Deadpool & Wolverine and realize im low key obsessed with logan so might as well watch all the x-men films ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The Original Trilogy
Overall i enjoyed the first two films, i think The Last Stand might be my least favorite of the whole franchise im not gonna lie
i’m just gonna say it, i was so not here for the Logan & Jean romance, like im kind of a hater so if this upsets you than this post is not for you lmao
Right of the bat, Logan & Jean’s romance felt SO forced. like it wasn’t believable for me, in the first movie it felt like Logan decided he was in love with Jean, not that he is actively falling in love with her, it was kinda weird
Meanwhile you can like clearly tell that Scott & Jean are in love with each other, but it feels like Logan’s character is just disregarding that
I understand in the comics it’s supposed to be a love triangle of sorts, i just think that if they wanted to do that for the films they could have portrayed it better
Ororo is an angel i love her
charles & eric need to make out
scott summers you ball of sunshine
i’m glad the rogue crush thing died in the first film bc ohmygod that was hard to watch
my favorite is X2 of this trilogy i really liked the plot and how it expanded more into Logan’s story
The Wolverine Trilogy
Origins wasn’t like, super terrible? i guess? my least favorite of this trilogy for sure though
i liked the plot twist that his girlfriend of 6 years was manipulating him, i didn’t see it coming, i was like WOW that’s fucked up
was disappointed he forgave her like wtf 😭
deadpool thing was weird i didn’t like that
good film to learn logan’s backstory, his brother was so fucking annoying though
The Wolverine was a decent film, if ur looking for an x-men film that’s more action centric than mutant centric this is your film
it felt like a wolverine side quest lol, nothing crazy going on, but i liked it more than Origins
logan is just tired
snake lady’s powers were cool
this girl is never going to see logan again so at least she got what she could
it goes without saying that Logan 2017 is the best film in the whole x-men/fox franchise
i could definitely make a whole post going into a deep dive of Logan but i’ll just keep it short
Logan’s dedication to taking care of Charles warms my heart in a way you cannot imagine, he truly cares so deeply for that man, charles gave him the opportunity of having a new family and i feel like logan will always be grateful for him
Logan & Laura :’)
it was like watching Logan go from only caring about kids in a “i’m a teacher” way to seeing Laura in a “i’m her caretaker now” kind of way, like there was a shift in his character that he wasn’t expecting
my little family of three that definitely lived happily ever after
my favorite scene of the whole film was when Logan realizes that it was his clone self that stabbed Charles, and his immediate gut reaction was to say “It wasn’t me” and to reassure Charles that Logan would NEVER do that
so that Charles would never die thinking one of his closest friends (AND SON FIGURE) would ever betray him like that and kill him
Logan 2017 the film that you are
X-Men Prequel Films
oh boy here go
right off the bat i’m going to say Days of Future Past exceeds all four of these films, so fucking good, my favorite after Logan
but yeah First Class wasn’t like, terrible per say, i just found myself a little bored ngl
absolutely here for eric & charles love story, they’re literally friends to lovers to enemies to still lovers but they’re still enemies i adore it
i liked the character that mystique brought (& jennifer lawrence) but it was just such a jump from the mystique in the first films
also i just think that if eric wants to kill his abuser then he should go for it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just saying charles it was a lil weird u wanted to stop him
i get the premise, setting up the basis of the x-men, but i just found it a little lacking
amazing 10/10 movie, i genuinely enjoyed every second, actually felt like a superhero movie
great balance of logan not knowing what the fuck is going on vs charles knowing exactly what to do next & logan just going along with it i love it
i’ve heard legends of how amazing quicksilver is in these films and this went beyond my expectations, fantastic character AND amazing showcase of his powers, the writers cooked on this, also makes me want to rewatch wandavision bc i didn’t appreciate his character enough son i’m so sorry
prison breaking out eric sequence was amazing
there’s so much more but just overall amazing film
apocalypse was definitely something? i mean it was probably difficult to follow up days of futures past so i can’t blame them, not like the worst film ever but ….. idk
THINGS I LOVED !! young jean & scott :’) !!!!! genuinely so happy to see the beginning of their friendship & romantic relationship, they’re literally so fucking cute AND young storm omfg a baby 🫶🏾
took me a second to realize it was oscar isaac lol, also OUCH eric’s little family but also like wtf was that death ??? 😭
idk plot was just kinda everywhere, nothing super memorable, also i just found it funny that logan was there for like less that 5 minutes and all he did was grunt lmfao at least he popped off on stryker for the millionth time fuck that guy
uhm dark phoenix
the one and only highlight for me for dark phoenix was once again, jean & scott lmfao
the whole solar flare & alien race thing was kinda weird, they didn’t even explain the alien race thing that well, idk what to even say about this movie
i thought it was weird that hank & eric were suddenly jumping on the “let’s kill jean” train when like they know she didn’t mean to kill raven ??? 😭 like wtf
someone explain the timeline bs to me bc i was surprised that jean “died” AGAIN.
wasn’t the point of futures past that logan now in the present is experiencing the new timeline in which charles, scott, and jean are all alive
so why did jean die in this, does that not defeat the purpose, like she’s alive in the present
or were they trying to plan another prequel film in which she comes back, again. then it’s just a repeating storyline from the og trilogy
anyways it was kinda bad
i don’t even want to talk about The New Mutants i’m gonna be real, it was also bad
and that is my long af reaction to watching all the x-men films for the first time. if you’re reading this and read all my yapping then thank you i really appreciate it lol 🫶🏾 in conclusion, i’m sad i missed out on a whole era of these movies when they were being released (probably bc im avengers obsessed lol) but i’m glad i did watch them now, and now i have a new universe to hyper fixate on lmfao (and logan) amazing movies !! gonna go rewatch Logan now ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
also here is my full x-men movies ranking, deadpool films included:
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(soulmates AU: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3)
“You never told me your folks were soulmates," he says out of the blue. He'd meant to wait until it came up naturally or something, but they're just standing in awkward silence outside what the kids insist on calling the M&M house, waiting for the stupid dragon game to wrap up on the Munson side. He doesn't even know he's going to say it until it's already out there, sitting between them. 
Nancy says "Fuck," very quietly. Steve can't remember if she used to swear so much. He thinks not, but also, she was sixteen the last time he really felt like he knew her.
Steve’s tenth grade geometry teacher once told them: think about railroad tracks. That’s what parallel means, that there are two lines that never get closer together or farther away. No matter how long the railroad tracks get, there’s always exactly the same amount of space between them.
Now Steve thinks maybe that’s bullshit, that you can’t keep going separate from someone else and stay the same distance apart. If you’re not together, if you don’t cling as hard as you can, then the distance between you is going to grow faster and faster until you can’t even see the other person. 
He thinks maybe he doesn’t know Nancy at all anymore. 
Nancy smooths down her skirt in a nervous gesture he doesn’t recognize. “You’ve met my parents, Steve. Did you really think that’s what I want?”
It’s the kind of question where he knows the right answer from the way she’s saying it, but he doesn’t know why. Yeah, he’s met Ted and Karen. He always thought they seemed happy enough. They’ve got three kids, so they have to be happy, right? 
But he’s starting to think that Nancy—the new Nancy, how she is now—might not want to be happy. Or at least that it might not be the most important thing to her, compared to everything else she always talked about. Now that he’s thinking about it for real, he can’t really see her stepping into her mom’s shoes, never really doing anything but chasing after kids and power-walking around the mall. 
Shit, is he the Ted Wheeler in this scenario? Not that there’s anything wrong with Ted, but—wow, okay, he’s starting to understand Nancy’s reaction. 
He hasn’t said anything for a little while, and Nancy sighs. “Steve, I’m sorry, I can’t…”
“It’s fine, Nance,” he says. He even thinks he means it, this time. 
“Do you think she’s going to get a cover-up, like Eddie?”
Robin squints at him. “I think she’s the only one who can answer that.”
“Sure, okay, but I can’t ask her because I’ve decided I’m not gonna bring this shit up around her anymore. It’s called tact, Robin.”
“Fuck off, I’m a million times more tactful than you could ever be.” She chucks a roll of NEW RELEASE stickers at him, which he dodges with a little spin, just to show off.
“Are you kidding me? Who was it that got out of a parking ticket last week just by talking to the cop?”
“Uh, who was it that expertly finessed us both jobs at Family Video just by talking to Keith?”
“You gotta stop bringing that up,” Steve groans. “That was like a whole year ago. Get some new material, Buckley.”
“Get us a new job, Harrington! One that pays more than this shit!”
“Nah, I’m gonna be a trophy husband to some rich old lady. That’s my new plan, now that I’m totally unattached.” It comes out pretty steady, he thinks.
She sidles up to him, awkward in the way she gets sometimes, and bumps their shoulders together. “Hey, you know you could totally find someone else, right? It doesn’t have to be…” She trails off, gesturing helplessly.
He tips his head back and stares at the ceiling. The fluorescent lights leave blurry ghosts on his eyelids when he blinks. 
Robin Buckley is the best friend he’ll ever have and does sometimes actually know what tact is, so she just tips her head against his shoulder and stares at the ceiling with him in silence until the next customer comes in. 
“You can never, ever tell Steve this.” Nancy’s voice is just barely audible from the front step, and Steve freezes. He snatches his hand back from where he’d been reaching for the doorbell.
“Cross my heart, et cetera, Wheeler.” Eddie sounds lazy, like he doesn’t even care.
“It’s crazy, but I used to feel really—happy. About the soulmark. I mean, it’s every girl’s dream, right? The cutest guy in school with her name on his wrist.”
“Can’t say I relate.” 
Nancy lets out a strangled laugh and Steve silently shuffles as close as he dares, shutting his eyes like that’ll help him hear better or something.
“I know, Eddie, that’s why I’m…I don’t know what changed. I don’t know why that stopped being enough for me. I second-guess myself all the freaking time now, and I hate that! I remember the way it felt when it turned out Steve was actually really sweet, and sometimes I just want to—to crawl back inside that feeling, except it’s not real. I know it’s not real.”
“You sure about that? Doth the lady not protest too much?”
“I’m sure.”
She hadn’t even hesitated. Steve’s nails are cutting into his palms. He feels dizzy with how quick she’d answered; how calm she’d sounded. 
It hits him, then, that it’s actually over, like for real. Maybe he really is an idiot, because it’s been years, and he thought he’d already known that. Turns out there’d been a stupid little corner of hope in him after all.
He tunes back in to hear Eddie say, “Okay, okay, you don’t gotta convince me, Wheeler. If you end up deciding to, y’know, take the plunge…yeah, I can hook you up. But no rush, okay?”
Steve turns around and walks down the drive, all the way around the corner to where he’s parked. Dustin’s stretched all the way across the seats, head poking out of the driver’s side window, squinting in the afternoon sun.
“Is Eddie coming to the arcade with us?” Dustin yells.
“He’s busy, leave him alone,” says Steve.
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gayuu-the-necromancer · 7 months
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Roger: "Oh, about that."
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Harrison: "First of all, why didn't you say anything about knowing them?"
Roger: "Because you didn't ask me."
Harrison: *sighs*
Roger: "Besides, I don't have a very close relationship with them either."
Roger: "So, it's hard to say whether they can be trusted."
Harrison: ".....So, how did you know each other?"
Roger: "Just a doctor and patient relationship. Jude's got weak bronchial tubes to begin with."
Roger: "They used to come to my parents' house sometimes, when my dad was a town doctor, because they said my dad had good skills."
Roger: "When he was a patient of my father's, I knew him, but....."
Roger: "Then one night, he rolled in, saying he had been stabbed with a knife. Not to my dad, but to me."
Harrison: ".....Do you know why was he stabbed?"
Roger: "All he said was he got stabbed because of a grudge."
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Jude: "I won't say anything more than that. Don't ask me anymore."
Roger: "Oh, really? Well, I can't believe you're asking me instead of my dad just because you didn't want to make it public."
Jude: "You wanted a training ground for your techniques, right?"
Jude: "You can practice on me without a medical license."
Jude: "In return, we won't tell anyone about how I got treated to keep the reputation of your father's hospital intact."
Roger: "Good for both of us, huh? Well, guess that's true too."
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Ellis: ".....Will he be okay? Mr. Roger."
Roger: "Ah, don't worry. He's a valuable training ground, so I won't kill him."
Ellis: "Thank god. I can't have him dying now."
Roger: "What's that? Then when would you let him die?"
Ellis: "When he's at the happiest moment of his life...."
Roger: "Oh? Then there's a long way to go if you keep hurting yourself like this everyday."
Jude: "Hey you quack! Either stitch me up or pull out the needle. I'm gonna die anyway if you leave it like that!"
Harrison: "....So you treated him before you got a medical license."
Roger: "Hahaha. Isn't the statute of limitations now?"
Harrison: "Anything else? You know about them?"
Roger: "Hmmm? Well....Jude is an early bird and Ellis isn't a picky eater."
Harrison: "I don't wanna know about that."
Roger: "Jude doesn't go down easily and can drink at the same pace as me. But Ellis gets drunk easily."
Harrison: "No. Not that.....I don't want their unnecessary profile information in my head."
Roger: ".....Like I said, my story won't be much of a help to judge whether to trust them or not."
Roger: "There are things they're keeping from me too. I heard they're doing a research that costs a lot of money or something."
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Roger: "Well, I don't know if you can trust them, but I at least am sure that they are people who won't do anything half-heartedly."
Roger: "Was that helpful?"
Harrison: ".....Well, sort of. At least the information I got from you wasn't false."
Roger: "Then I'm glad."
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Liam: "Found you."
Harrison: "Hm? .....Ah, how did you know I was here?"
Liam: "I heard from Will. Are you working?"
Harrison: "I wanted a distraction from the report. That's all."
Liam: "Oh. I wanted to report something. Is it not okay now?"
Harrison: "It's fine. I lost concentration anyways...when you called for me."
Harrison: "So, what is it?"
Liam: "Okay. First, Jude..."
Liam: "I heard that he enrolled in a public school through a doctor or....was it a scholar, I think?"
Liam: "Isn't that surprising? I bet it must have been hard for him to fit in with all those aristocratic kids....I'm curious how it was like for him?"
Liam: "Ellis on the other hand, he never went to school."
Liam: "His father used to be a teacher at the church, but they split up a long time ago."
Liam: "Ah...I also promised to go skating with Ellis by the lake next time."
Harrison: "Wow. How did you manage to get those two to talk about themselves....? I didn't see you at the castle last few days."
Liam: "I just went invisible and followed them, found out what they have been doing over for the past few days."
Liam: "All the way home?"
Harrison: "....You went that far?"
Liam: "I thought Harry would be happy. Well, half of it was simply my curiosity as a cat."
Liam: "If I didn't follow them and tried talking to them directly, I think they'd say, 'I can't trust you'."
Liam: "I feel like it's a bit inconclusive...."
Harrison: "That look on your face, you're up to something...."
Liam: "That's my evil buddy! You know me so well!"
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Liam: "So, why don't you give them a try?"
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glitteringsunshine · 2 months
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PAIRING : Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Reader
“ Good morning sweetie” I say kissing her neck.
“ Mhmm morning love” she replies in her sleepy voice.
I ground my cock against her butt.
“ Hmm Jethro” she giggled.
I pushed the USMC hoodie up cupping her ass before lightly spanking it.
I rubbed her clit and pushed my fingers into her pussy feeling her wetness.
“ Are you wet baby girl?” I whispered.
“ Fuck yes” she gasped as I hit the right spot.
“ So what do you want love?” I teased
“ Well you inside me. I want that lovely cock of yours to fill me up” she giggled.
I pulled down my sweatpants, and my hard cock sprang up.
Lining my cock against her pussy, I entered her while still spooning her.
She swayed her hips grinding against me as I kneaded her breasts and rubbed her clit while leaving trails of kisses on her neck.
She is so tight. I grunted in pleasure as she clenched her pussy . I thrust deeper hitting her g spot as she moaned my name. 
“ Jethro Ohh Jethro, Yeah baby, like that”
“ Y/N ohh fuck . wow ,uhh” I mirrored her pleasure.
As I moved faster and harder, she unfurled at my cock which led to my own climax as I shot my load deep inside her.  Pulling away I pulled her close cupping her face and kissing her. She stroked my cock . Then I pulled her on top of me as she lined her pussy against my cock . I thrust hard and she matched my rhythm.  I took off her hoodie as she took of my sweatshirt. I flicked her nipples with my tongue as I rubbed her clit. She came again while she was riding me. She  licked and rubbed my chest and stomach trailing kisses. I claimed her mouth holding her against me , as we both came together.
“ Wow”
“ I Know,  Wow”
I picked her up and carried her to the shower.  Turning the shower on I kneeled down in front of her eating her out.  I held her hips as she came. She drew me close kissing me. “ My turn”  she giggled kneeling down and taking my hard cock in her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down making me shoot my load. She swallowed it all, licking her lips. I pulled her up ,kissing her wildly. As we made out , I pushed her against the wall pinning her hands on top her  as I thrust into her. As I let go off her hands she put her hands around my neck and wrapping her legs around me. We moved in perfect rhythm  as we climaxed together kissing each other to silence our screams of pleasure.
After our shower as we towelled ourselves dry I kiss her again and she passionately responded.
“ We should really get ready now honey “ Y/n says “ kids are gonna be late for school. So are we”
“ Yeah.  But I want you in my bed tonight love” I whispered
“ With pleasure” she quips.
“ I love you Y/N”
“ I love you too Jethro”.
“ Sorry guys we are late.” We chirped as we came down to the kitchen.
“ We are already on with breakfast . Toast and Eggs” our two kids chirped in.
“ Hey Dad , I was thinking “ our son said , “ I am really good with computers and tech and I love the Marines. Think I will make a good one like you?”
“ You need to stop questioning your superior officers. Right now  kiddo, you are arguing with your teachers” . “Y/N “ chuckled.
“ Hey it’s an academic debate” he defended.
“ I am proud Dad that you are a marine. I want to follow your footsteps. “
“ Ahh son, there are other ways to serve your nation. I am proud of you whatever you choose to be.” I say.
“ Thanks Dad. I like playing with data and tech stuff. Maybe I can work in the DOD or NCIS as a data scientist. It’s a desk job but sure is exciting. Or I can go to law school.”
“ You know mum got accepted into Harvard, Yale and Columbia Law School” I say proudly.
“ But I didn’t  enroll. Instead I pursued my masters and PhD in English Lit”  Y/N chuckled.  “ But I think you got the gift of the gab and the mind to become one”.
“ Yep got it from your Badass diplomat Mum”
“ Some of it has been from your side Darling. He surely has that strong personality inherited from you.”  Y/N chuckled.
“ What about you kid?” I ask our daughter.
“ I think I wanna be a writer or go into fashion maybe. Hey Dad here’s some of my sketches” handing over a sketchbook and a tab to me. “ Ohh shoot I forgot my homework “ she said running up to her room. “ Me too “ my son exclaimed running up.
“ You know Jethro , she is really good at this. The writings, the sketches” Y/N says
“ Darling all I can see are some stick figures.  But I am proud”
“ Ohh you don’t know shit about fashion Darling” she giggled tiptoing to kiss me.
“ That reminds me. We will hijack your basement workstation this weekend.  No woodwork this week for you. Our daughter is the lead designer for her school’s  fashion show. We need the space. Her friends will be coming over to help her. “
“ You take care of my wood Darling ,I am all happy” I smirked.
“ Jethro “ she giggled as I kissed her.
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moonlit-imagines · 9 months
Headcanons for being Scott and Hope’s child (Hank Jr. Edition)
Scott Lang/Hope van Dyne x child!reader
prompt: anonymous: “Scott and Hope have a baby girl (reader). And everything seems to be fine, but somewhere from the age of five, it becomes clear that the reader is a complete copy of her grandfather Hank Pym, that is: she is incredibly smart, she loves ants (she can talk about them for hours), she also has problems controlling anger (she hit a guy in the face at school for saying that ant-man sucks), thinks that there is no one smarter than her and her grandfather, and she also transferred his sarcastic communication style and views on things and people around, for example, when she first met Tony, she said: "You can never trust Stark."”
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somewhere in the distant future a special kid was born
and that special kid had special parents and special grandparents
and those parents and grandparents were two generations of superheroes who saved countless lives (and, well, the world)
so it was no surprise to them that this next generation would be just as intelligent and caring as the ones before them
*cue a toddler with crayons in class*
“and then my grandpa asked the ants nicely to fly him to a bunch of different places and do all these cool things like move stuff around and like do other stuff” -you rambling on
“do you like anything besides ants?” -your teacher
“no” -you, continuing to draw ants on your paper
hank and janet were quite proud grandparents
and scott and hope, your wonderful amazing parents…couldn’t get enough of it
“honey, what about wasps? wasps are cool, right?” -hope
“no” -you
“she’s spending too much time with my dad” -hope
“well, he’s the only babysitter we’ve got since cassie got that new job” -scott
“oh, you mean our old job? yeah, miss those days where we could go flying around getting into trouble and beating people up” -hope
“well, you promised we’d retire so y/n wouldn’t end up with a childhood like yours” -scott
“y/n’s gonna want to be a superhero when they get older, arent they?” -hope
“let’s not think too far ahead. it might kill me” -scott
scott reads you his biography every night before bed
and you always giggle at the parts where your mom and grandpa bully him
“hey, not funny!” -scott
“so funny” -you
“dont get any ideas” -scott
“daddy, are you gonna get arrested again?” -you
“if i do it’ll be grandpa hank’s fault” -scott
you continued spending time with grandpa hank and grandma janet
and they spoiled the crap out of you
hank…got you an ant farm
“now you’re just being ridiculous, hank” -janet
“what? i’m just having some bonding time with my grandchild! hope never wanted anything to do with me growing up” -hank
once you started getting older, you wanted to hang out in grandpa’s lab allll the time. day and night
your parents hated it
“hey, think this one will suck us all into the quantum realm?” -scott
“it was one time!” -cassie
cassie was at hank and janet’s a lot, too, actually. they always wanted to help her with her suits and gadgets and all that
and make sure she had plenty of pym particles
“you have enough, right? here, take some more, i have plenty” -hank
“grandpa, please, i have more than enough, thank you” -cassie
“can i have some pym particles?” -you
“we can play with them in the backyard next time youre over” -hank
you draw new suit designs for cassie all the time
some of them she actually incorporates into her suits
and as you get older, you try to start designing more tech for her
“y/n is really scaring me” -hope
“why?” -scott
“just watch her and my parents together…they’re the same” -hope
“dear god, what have we done” -scott
“dad, look at this new pym particle powered weapon, i just finished the prototype!” -you
“okay, now i’m mad because where was this when i needed it!” -scott
“fifteen to twenty years too late” -hope
“we should have gotten together sooner” -scott
“i disagree” -hope
“wow, not even a pity agreement” -scott
asking your parents if they’ll get back into crime fighting
they said no
asking if you can get into crime fighting
they said no again
so you just kinda stockpiled all your ideas
and did everything you could to further your grandpa’s work
and help your sister
and keep your parents’ minds at ease (doesn’t really work)
and maybe one day you’ll be able to ride those ants and kick some ass like you always dreamed
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @zoeyserpentluck // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 //
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bengiyo · 3 months
Only Boo! Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, we spent time with Kang to see what he's been up to in the last year. We learned that Kang moved, blocked Moo, and changed universities to create distance between them, continuing the GMMTV trend of making the poor boy rearrange their entire life for the benefit of the richer one. When Moo finally found him, the show essentially said that Kang was correct to do this, because Moo immediately lost all composure in trying to reunite them. After spiraling, Moo got kicked in the face and hospitalized (apparently based on something that happened to my boy Aungpao). Meanwhile, Moo continues to have Potae as his inexplicable confidant, who remains jealous of Payos and Jang BGP. Also, Shone has been hanging out with Kang and occasionally flirting with him, which is gross since he encouraged them to break up.
Oh, right. Time to find out if this scene is real.
Yep, it wasn't real!
Shone... This is gross.
I struggle with the constant dissonance of this show not saying gay even as it's constantly demanding its protagonist accept reality.
Umm...why is Moo apologizing??
I kinda wish this has been a story about Potae and Payos struggling with an asymmetric relationship and navigating that space as idols instead. Having Potae come around in the last episode like this is not satisfying.
I'm trying to be with Moo about the blank letters, but it's like he's never really understood the social and financial expectations of being an idol at all. This why is not rhetorical for why Kang can't go to him.
Why is Kang in Hong Kong in a mascot?? Moo is gonna recognize him.
Again, Kang seems to be the only one aware of consequences.
Wow, do they really think this one scene fixes everything wrong with Potae's relationship with his parents and how they've made him feel like he's not worthy?
Is Jang now okay with his band members dating? Why??
I'm glad these two reunited, but do we really think one more conversation with his label is gonna change anything? Does Moo think he has that level of clout after a year of being in the industry?
Keen is fun to watch flirt. This has been the most engaged with it we've seen out of Sea in a while.
Why would they just agree to end the rule after all this drama? What has changed?
There is almost something here about these boys going back to their high school but knowing what they are to each other now.
It is admittedly nice to see some of the teachers again. That part was solid.
What in the pair the spares is this???
At least they're implying Kang dealt with some of his shyness around intimacy.
Final Verdict: 5, I Liked The High School Portion Mostly, and I Liked Keen. This show was truly thematically bankrupt in a way that is actually offensive to me, and part of a trend with GMMTV of wanting only implied queerness in their shows about boys kissing each other. It is absolutely ridiculous to set up a show where a queer kid has been so loved and sheltered that he doesn't really conceive of the structures of homophobia to fall in love with a boy who seems to understand them, and then not have this be about how Moo either succumbs to this expectations or fully rejects them. It's frustrating that he's not allowed to make many choices here because it would pop the bubble around him. I'm also just so frustrated with the inclusion of Book and Louis in this show because they added so little, and I actually found Shone to be gross.
They also fully betrayed Payos as a character. He and Moo should have been gay besties and that should have been the beginning of Moo coming to understand that other queers were not afforded the luxury he has. I will not forgive this show for ruining the relationship between Moo and Payos by having Moo exclude him from his closet in favor of Potae.
On a positive note, I will say I enjoyed the character work and themes around the teachers when they were in school, and I thought Keen was rather charming in this show. I'd like to see him again.
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seungmonggg · 9 months
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summary: Han Jisung was an angel. You hated his guts, at least thats what you always thought, but what would happen if you got snowed in with him for a night?
CONTENT WARNING: SMUT; p in v, reader is a female, unprotected sex (seriously, don't do that.), han is a little crybaby, sub!han, dom!reader, reader is a bit of a meanie and a psycho in the beginning, kind of open end?
Han Jisung was an Angel. At least thats what you liked to call him. He had this really bright, gummy smile that could light up the whole room as soon as he stepped into it. Han always liked to help others, either with Homework or personal problems, he never said no if getting asked to help. He was the smartest Kid in school, and he knew that. Always getting good grades, always being the teachers favorite student, no matter what.
Fuck, you hated his guts. He was so effortlessly perfect, always smiling and laughing. What the fuck was there to be happy about every day? You were a pretty quiet girl, not liking too much attention, never ever talking in class and nearly always getting bad grades. Jisung was the excact opposite, maybe thats why you hated him so much.
Hate was a big word, maybe you didnt really hate him, you just really badly wanted to fuck him. But you often thought that his nice face and happy aura was all a mask so nobody could see the real him. Noone is just born as perfect as he pretends to be. Sometimes you sit in class, the very last row, where you can perfectly stare at him without anyone noticing. At times like that you think of how you could discover the real Jisung. Your dark, twisted and filthy mind screams at you to break him, make him cry, open up his mind layer by layer.
Maybe you really were a psycopath, at least thats what your best friend, minho, liked to call you. He was friends with Jisung since childhood and always insisted on him being a really good guy. „He'd never do any Harm, believe me.“ you'd always scoff at that, not believing anything pouring ot of that mans mouth.
Thats exactly why you came up with a plan. A plan on how to get closer to Jisung without him getting too suspicous of your sudden nice personality. Exams were gonna start soon and as you walked up to Han with the Question you prepared burning on your tounge, you swallowed. What if he just says no? Fuck it, its too late to turn back now. So you walk up to him and make yourself known by tapping him on the shoulder, he turns around and looks a little pale all of a sudden, What? Did you look that bad? You put on extra nice clothes and even put your hair up into a ponytail so he could see your eyes better.
„Y-Y/N? H-Hi.... um.. c-can i help you with something?“
was he nervous to talk to you, or what was his problem? God he was really annoying you right now, but you decided to cover your annoyance up with the fakest, brightest smile you could muster.
„Hey, Jisung! Sorry to bother you, but uh.. do you have a study partner? Its just that i sometimes see you in the library studying by yourself and i thought it'd be nice to study together, you know, help each other maybe?“
you looked up at him with hoping eyes and that same sweet smile plastered onto your face. The Man in front of you turned paniced, breath slightly quickening and face getting a little red. Nobody else could have seen it, but you followed his every move, like a predator stalking its prey. Han Jisung was your prey.
„Oh, wow. I-I never thought t-that you even knew my name...“
is he making fun of you or is he dead serious right now? How could you not know who he was? He was the most popular guy in college.
„Of course i know who you are!“ you slightly laughed at his baffeled face. „So, about my propose... what do you say?“ you raised an eyebrow as you stared into his eyes.
Jisungs head was in the clouds. He never thought youd willingly talk to him. You, the shy, quiet Girl from most of his classes.The Girl he'd always look at in the hallways when noone could see. Your instagram pictures saved in a folder deep inside his phone only for him to see.
Some might think that he's crazy, obsessed even. Maybe he is, but in his head all he can think is that youre his one true love. He immediatly fell in love with you at first sight. First day of college when someone threw a little party to get everyone to know eachother. When he saw you coming in with Minho right behin you he nearly fainted. Maybe he could get to know you through Minho.
That turned out to be the wrong way, Minho immediatly told him that yoou were off limits. He said you were „differrent“ and not easy to get close to. Jisung stopped his advances the first time you two talked. Or, he talked and you stared at him like he stole your favorite plushie and burned it. What? Wasn't he smiling bright enough? Normally that worked on everyone he met. Maybe he needed to joke around more and try to make you laugh to win you over?
That was the wrong choice as you looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights as you turned around and walked aways fastly. Ever since that day you didnt like him. You immediatly saw trough his facade, saw his eyes not light up as bright as his smile. You thought it was weird of him to put on that fake smile, who was he trying to impress? You for sure weren't impressed.
„Jisung? Han Jisung!“ He awoke from his thoughts as you waved your hand in front of his face. He turned a deep shade of red and coughed a little in embarassment.
„Yeah, uh.. sorry about that... But y-yeah, i would really like to s-study with you.“ Why was he stuttering like a moron? God, this was really embarassing. He would like the earth to split open and swallow him whole in that moment. How was he supposed to work with you at the same table as him?
This was hard. Really hard. Trying to keep up the act of the sweet girl in front of him for over a month and fake laughing at every stupid joke he made to impress you. But at least you got what you wanted as he invited you over to his place for yet another study session. This was your chance, you thought. Your chance to finally look into his home, into him. You couldnt wait to finally solve the mistery that was han jisung.
As you knocked on his front door, slightly shaking from the cold airin seoul, you thought about your game pkan. How were you going to get into his head? How could you get him to open up to you? Your train of thougt was interrupted by him opening the frontdoor and smiling brightly at you, as always.
„Hey Y/N! Come on in, i already prepared some smnacks and drinks for us!“ he seemed pretty happy, which was good because it meant he felt comfortable around you.
You quickly nodded and stepped past him into his warm, and welcoming home. Everything was pretty cozy, well cleaned and organized. Weird, you always thought he was a kind of chaotic type, considering his way of speech was always pretty fast and he seemed too loud, too funny to focus on things like cleaning his flat.
Maybe that was the first red flag you should have seen. Why was his home this organized when his whole personality wasn't? As you two studied and talking deep into the night you learned a lot more about him than you thought you would.
You glanced at your phone and sighed, you had to get going. But deep down you knew you didn't really want to. You wanted to know more about him, about his life. He was never like this when you saw him in college. This calm, collected and controlled.
„I probably should get going now, its getting pretty late and i don't want to keep you up too long..“ You said as you started to pack all of your things into your backpack.
��no worries, i'd stay up late either way, i still haven't looked at yo-“ he stopped himself, fuck he nearly said the wrong thing. He lost focus for one second and almost told you about him looking at your pictures, your little webcam on your laptop that you always forgot to turn off before heading to bed...
„Sorry, i meant i still haven't learned enough..“ he quickly said as to not get you suspicous of him. He could'nt scare you away yet. He wasnt ready to let you go that fast. He needed more of you, needed more time to really get to know you, inside and out.
You obviously didn't know he was always looking for you in every crowded room, always standing close to you, hoping to get close enough so he was able to smell you coconut scented shampoo. Fuck it drew him crazy, he could imagine you laying sprawled under him, your hair messy, your bodies sweating against each other as he fucked you dumb. He needed you like oxygen, he was crazy after you, couldn't get enough. Nothing, noone could stop him, not even you.
As you made your way to his frontdoor you glanced outside only to see that it ha snowed a lot while you were here. „Oh fuck..“ you muttered as you couldn't believe how much snow had come down in only a couple of hours.
„Wha-? Oh... shit, you're walking home, right? I can't let you go in a snow storm like this...“ he said as he looked down at you, inside of him he was jumping around, already starting to get hard at the thought of you sleeping on his bed. „Uh... you could stay over if you want to.. i can sleep on the couch and you sleep on the bed..“ he told you in a hurry.
You looked up at him and outside again, it would really be a dumb idea to walk home in this weather.. you couldn't even see further than two meters. You sighed as you turned back to him. „If i really stay over i don't want you sleeping on the couch because of me...“
„If it doesn't bother you, we'll just both sleep on my bed.“
„No worries, i won't do anythingweird..“ he added. The jisung inside his head laughing at what he was saying, of course he was going to stare at your beautiful face all night...
You seemed to think about his idea and finally nodded at him as you dropped your backpack back to the floor. „Alright, can i wash up in your bathroom?“ He immediatlynodded at your question and showed you to his bathroom. As you closed the door behind yourself, this was getting ridicolous, how would you be able to resist him when you were together all night?
You breathed out as you looked at yourself in the mirror. At least you had dressed up nicely tonight, just for him. You even did your hair and as you undressed you remembered you even put on you best pair of underwear tonight. Fuck, you really were prepared if anything would happen tonight.
After taking a quick shower and putting your panties on you realised you didn't even have anything to sleep in. „Shit..“ you quietly muttered to yourself as you considered asking him for clothes... but maybe.. maybe this was the perfect chance to tease him, maybe you could get him to crack if you walked out of this bathroom in just this towel.
You smiled at your reflection and opened the door as you confidently stepped out into his bedroom. „Jisung?“ you said.
Jisung looked up at you and nearly pissed himself at your sight. Holy fuck, was this really happening or was he already dreaming about you? He snapped himself out of his haze as he let out a small noise for you to know he was listenign to what you were saying.
„ Do you maybe have a shirt i could sleep in? I didn't think i'd stay over so i didn't bring any clothes..“ Rhe man in front of you sputtered as he got up onto his feet as fast as he could to go over to his wardrobe and pull out a shirt for you to wear, „Yeah, of course, take this..“
You thanked him as you went back into the bathroom to change into the shirt. It was mid-thigh length, which was perfect to tease him. You already got the reaction you wanted when you wlaked into his room again, his cheeks turned red and he looked like he was going to explode any second now. You put on a worried look as you stepped closer.
„Jisungie? Are you alright?“ you cringed inside as you called him that stupid name, maybe he wouldn't like that?
„Oh holy fuck call me that again...“ he groaned as if he was in pain and as you looked down you saw a growing tent in his pants. You started grinning like crazy and looked back up to his eyes.
„Aww, are you getting hard because you saw a bit of my skin? What are you, a fucking pervert?“ you spit out as you slowly felt yourself getting wet at the thought of him being aroused because of you.
„W-what? I-i'm not i-i swear...“ he stuttered as he put up his hand in front of him. His eyes turning glassy and slightly blown out, exactly the reaction you wanted. You knew it, you fucking knew he wasn't just a nice guy. You knew he was as sick and twisted as you were. You laughed out lough.
„holy shit, you like me talking to you like that? You like when women put you in your place?“ you grabbed his chin and made him look up at you. He whined and nodded quickly, trying to blink away the tears of humiliation that started to form on his waterline.
You grinned as your other hand squeezed his thigh and he whimpered at your harsh touch. „Say it. Say you want me to fuck you.“ you spit in his face as you stared intensly at him.
„I-I want it so bad, you don't even know how much i need it..“ he whispered the last part, but you heard him loud and clear. Fuck , you were going to ruin him.
You pushed him back by the chest and made quick work of ripping his shirt off before climbing onto his lap and softly grinding on his now fully erect cock, making him moan out loud. „Please!“ he almost whailed.
You cooed at him, seeing him get antsy and touching you all over. If you were going to tease him any further he was for sure blow soon. „Aww, are you already getting close from just a little touching, jisungie? You need me to fuck you right now?“ you softly spoke against his ear to which he whined and you felt his cock twitch against your core.
„Y-Yes.. need it now.. please.“
„Well how could i deny you if you ask that nicely..“ you said as you pulled his shirt over your head and connected your lips in a first kiss. The kiss was messy and wet, filthy with all of that spit coming out of his mouth. He couldn't help but drool at the thought of getting to finally be inside of you after waiting for all this time.
You made quick work of his sweatpants and shortly after realised he wasn't even wearing any boxershorts underneath. „So needy for me, you didn't even put on underwear, huh babyboy?“ he moaned loudly at that petname, not even caring if anyone would hear him. All that mattered was you sitting on top of him, ready to fuck him into oblivion.
He shook his hand as he pulled at your panties impatiently. „O-Off... please“ you giggled at his already fuicked out speeck, his blown out pupils, looking up at you so beggingly. You decided against teasing him any further, as you were also getting impatient. You pulled your panties off ans xou grabbed his dick and spit right onto the tip, making him shudder and let out a noice like he was sobbing.
You pumped him a few times to spread the slick of your spit and positioned yourself over his cockhead. „You ready for me, baby?“ you cooed at him nodding and muttering a series of pleas under his breath.
As you sunk down on him you enjoyed the stretch on the way down, while han was quietly sobbing into is arm, too embarassed to let you see him like that. You pulled his arm away as you finally were completely filled out by him. „Need to see your face baby, gonna treat you so well.“ You muttered to him and left a slow and soft kiss on his lips, a stark contrast to the way you were talking to him before.
But seeing him look like that made you soften up a bit, wanting to take care of him and baby him until he was ruined for anyone else and sobbing from the pleasure you were giving him. You slowly started rocking your hips against him and looked for any sign of discomfort in him. When you didn't find any, you started fully bouncing on top of him, making him nearly scream out from the pleasure he felt.
Jisung was full on crying now, shamelessly grabbing on your tits and littering your neck in messy, wet kisses and hickeys. No matter how fucked out he already was, he still wanted to mark you, making anyone in college see you had someone to fuck. „Gon-gonna c-cum too fast! AH!“ he moaned out and shut his eyes tightly to focus on the band in his belly.
He was already on the verge of cumming so you started rubbing tight circles on your clit. „O-Okay.. fuck, i'm going to cum too!“ you finally moaned out as your movements got messy and uncoordinated. Luckily Jisung saw that you were running out of breath and quickly grabbed your thighs whit his strong hands as he held you up to fuck up into you at an ungodly pace that was makíng you see stars.
Fast and hushed praises were raining from your lips and when you looked down at his tear stained, concentrated face the band in you finally snapped, making you cum harder than you have ever before. You cumming on top of him made him finally let go too, moaning your name loudly as he came into you.
As you laid against his chest, letting him cum and cum and cum into you, you steadied your breathing slowly. „That was the best sex i ever had.“ he whispered, completly spent under you.
„Uh-Huh.“ you just said as you closed your eyes and cuddled up to him.
You vaguely remember him cleaning you and putting the blanket over you before drifting off into a deep sleep.
Maybe Han Jisung wasn't as bad as you thought he would be, maybe he was just a loud and awkward guy, but you now were sure that you indeed didn't hate him, you liked him.
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considerablecolors · 1 year
so anyways thinking about Muriel trying to learn more about humans and watching TV and such and how they would absolutely undeniably be OBSESSED with Bluey once they discovered it. how they would immediately feel connected to characters that are also learning more about the world around them everyday and being proud of themselves for slowly picking up on jokes for the older audience and such. which is a fun thought by itself. BUT THEN.
this brings to mind Muriel wanting to show Bluey to Crowley and Aziraphale (this takes place sometime after season 3 where they're all a family again), and Crowley's like "yeah everyone Below tried really hard to stop it from getting distributed in the US, big blow for us" to which Aziraphale replies "oh yes I spoke with the angel that worked on it, they got quite the promotion!"
anywho both of them try to get out of watching it because "it's a bloody kids show" and "I'm really not too fond of modern television" but Muriel is making puppy dog eyes so OBVIOUSLY they're gonna cave in eventually.
and at first they're not really paying TOO much attention, Aziraphale is charmed by the soundtrack and animation and Crowley does snort at "this isn't the eighties anymore" but like obviously they're not INTO it, they can just admittedly see why Muriel likes it. and then. AND THEN. THE BLUEY EFFECT.
pause. we all know of the Bluey phenomenon. like oh it's this kids show for babies like peppa pig to -> oh there's some fun jokes for the parents here the teachers really like it to -> oh god I'm a 22 year old mentally ill queer person who's been sobbing my eyes out on tiktok for ten minutes why didn't my dad ever love me.
something something the soft gentle tone of the show and its lessons combined with how honest and blunt they are about things combined with the kind and powerful parenting displayed by the main family. it breaks people. it heals wounds. it gets through to those repressed issues. we all know the bluey effect.
literally centuries worth of repressed trauma, NO emotional intelligence or awareness whatsoever, every mental barrier you can think of, literally mommy issues from GOD, and on top of it all, they're an angel and a demon right so obviously they don't need to worry about petty human things like "therapy" and "coping skills" and "talking through issues" and "boundaries" and ""self-worth"".
like oh yes this is a charming show but I'm not sure it's quite for me and then BOOM. Aziraphale gets hit with "there's something going on with me" "does your outside voice sometimes say yes when your inside voice says no?" "I don't think I know how to relax" "I just... felt like I was doing everything wrong"
like wow angel are you actually crying over cartoon dogs you're so emotional and then BOOM. Crowley gets hit with the "you don't need to keep coming back to this place" "he should take care of himself because I still need him" "now you've got all that upset and angry in your hands- do you want to keep it?" "why can’t she just have the thing she wants?"
i'm just saying if aziraphale and crowley had been blueypilled before then maybe there would've actually been some fucking nightingales ok.
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