#so please go with the flow lmao
boomerang109 · 2 years
i defo agree with the earthbending status !!! but if u werent i think my next would be air ??? like for earthbending ur very down to earth and really a go getter but as air you’re really light and fun and willing to go with the flow so !!!!
that’s 3:2 earth:air if i count both your opinions! i honestly love this ask because it really shows my duality, since earth and air are literally the most opposite (but you’re also so right)
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savageday6 · 6 years
hi!!! i just wna say thank you soooo much for all your messages ahhh i’m doing better today so that’s great! i’ll get to replying to the messages soon; just wanted to pop by briefly to let you guys know that i’m doing fine!!! and that i’m so so so so grateful for all the love... just thank you angels for putting aside a little bit of your time just to let me know that you’re here to listen. it meant the entire world to me and i got SO MUCH comfort from reading them. thank u 💖💖
#i hope i can be there for all of you as you were here for me yesterday! and i mean it. please drop me a message whenever you're feeling down#or when u need a listening ear...im here!#i think a big reason why i was so upset yesterday was bc i've been holding in quite a lot of insecurities i never knew i've been bottling?#and i just imploded yesterday#i was just tired of being the second option lmao like . my best friend probably values the company of the guy she likes more than mine#it's kinda obvious and like . she doesn't tell us much nowadays too and like#idk im just tired of asking and asking and waiting and waiting for a half-assed response#yeah...there's only so much i energy i can invest?#she either doesn't reply or just . shows that she's not all that interested#she's not a rude or insensitive person..she's sweet and kind but yeah her replies (or lack thereof) is so patronising sometimes n it makes-#-me feel like shit....idk like w my other friends we'd fill one another in on our lives and go about our conversations w a natural flow but-#i feel like my convo with her has been so perfunctory these days....not much depth going on and like just . she just doesnt seem willing to-#- tell me what's going on in her life what she's doing atm#and like yeah idk im just tired to always have to be the person who talks or initiates things like . shouldnt it be a two way thing lmao#but then she doesnt show the same disinterest when she's with the company of the guy she likes? and i dont wna say that im salty but#i think i am....#my second source of insecurity probably stems from how i feel like i'm always the one reaching out and initiating things lmao#i'm just tired of having to be the planner like . i guess people just don't care at all?#i've also been feeling rly troubled over some trivial and stupid things i guess and i needed to talk so i reached out#to a close friend and i asked if we could talk for a while#and she said it'll depend on her schedule bc she's out travelling which i understand#and so i left it as that since i asked her in the morning and she obv had to travel then!!! so yeah#but then the aforementioned best friend who's in the same friend group was talking about her troubles on our gc at night#and asked if anyone wanted to skype to watch the world cup lmao and the travelling friend said ok readily bc she was back from travelling#and i was just ... dumbfounded like . just bc i don't talk regularly about my deeper troubles like she does doesnt mean that they dont exist#the fact that people were so ready to listen to someone else but not me lmfao i was just#beyond hurt#tldr: feelings of insecurity stemming from constant dismissals / invalidation of feelings made me implode#and rly tbvh they're amazing girls and have been there for me when i was down too! it's just that occasions like this happen sometimes so...#and so the feeling of always being the one with the least valid/pressing/help-worthy troubles has been eating me alive for some time
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satorhime · 2 years
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ଘ genre: fluff, comfort ଘ pairing: fushiguro toji x female reader ଘ from 呪術廻戦 / jujutsu kaisen ଘ word count: 2.3k ଘ beware: no real warnings, fushiguro toji’s third housewife arc, mentions of menstrual symptoms (cramping and fever), descriptions of menstrual pain, mention of birth control, a sprinkle of toji-typical cuss words, toji is a himbo in disguise, soft toji, he’s a little insecure now that he’s falling in love (took him long enough) lmao ଘ synopsis: it’s really surprising that when toji experiences you on your period for the first time, he is a manic cross between horrified and overprotective.  ଘ request: anonymous asked: im a sucker for husband!toji so if u don't mind, I'll ask for a fluffy oneshot/headcanon? where reader is on her period while toji here takes care of her :> please & thank u! ଘ notes: soft toji soft toji SOFT TOJI. writing fluff gives me the biggest, most active butterflies for this man ever. i was originally going to do headcanons but i’m too longwinded hehe, hope you enjoy <333 p.s. make sure to click the link for toji visual because this is how i imagined him the entire damn time LMAO. reblogs are loved  (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)
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 fushiguro toji is absolutely horrible with gals. 
sure, he’s good at sweet talking them into causing trouble with him in the dark but when it comes to being supportive, a shoulder to lean on when a woman’s tears start flowing in big, fat waves toji locks up, the grimace on his scarred features only making them cry harder. 
he also has a terrible habit, much worse than being a chain smoker: toji will downright scoff and call them a crybaby. to their faces. while they’re crying. 
but when you’re the one in pain, something in toji shifts. breaking down into the man you likely dream of him being before he can help it. not that he’d ever admit it to you or himself, but his corroded heart has a deep soft spot for you, his little wife. filled to the brim and overflowing with annoyingly pink, heart-shaped candies you probably put there yourself. 
still, it’s really surprising that when toji experiences you on your period for the first time, he is a manic cross between horrified and overprotective. 
after all, you don’t expect him to be caring. 
but toji wakes up to the sharp sound of a pained whimper somewhere in the apartment as soon as he hears it, heavenly restriction giving him sharp ears. usually, it’s the light bleeping of that annoying phone game you’re obsessed with lately or you kissing his cheek before heading to jujutsu high that wakes him up every morning so the sound is new to him. 
cracking one eye open just enough to roll his annoyed gaze to your side of the bed, he finds it empty. the sheets cold, but neatly made. figuring he should make sure a curse isn’t picking your bones in the kitchen, he drags himself slow out of bed. popping stiff joints as he yawns, bulging muscles stretched above his head. unhurried as ever as he reaches for his black tee he tossed before bed— to find it gone too. 
most likely on your body. 
“gotta be kidding me,” he mutters grumpily to himself, a rough hand shaking out the mess of his fringe as he peels open the bedroom door to pad into the hallway. 
only to collide hard with a smaller lump waddling out of the guest bathroom, wrapped head to toe in a plush throw blanket, his mountainous frame nearly bulldozing over you. 
“who the hell are you?” toji demands as he steadies you, pushing you away from his chest— not wanting to admit that you knocked a couple of years off his life by the way his heart speeds from being startled. the little lump in question barely glances up at him, but he still catches a flash of dark circles when the blanket shifts.
“oh, toji, i didnt know you were awake,” you greet him with a wet sniffle, void of your usual loving cadence and morning breath kiss for him. you simply give him an absent pat on his bare chest and then you’re off to the living room while toji’s slow brain tries to wrack up a reason for the cold shoulder, concluding with a sneer in his mind that she’s probably gettin’ ready to leave.
he will spit on his heart for making his chest burn at the thought.
his large body lumbers behind you all the way to the living room, a brow cocked in confusion as you crumble onto the couch like a broken thing, curling your knees up to your chest inside your blanket ball. your husband watches you close from the threshold to the living area and you wish he would go away— you don’t think you’re in the mood for the handful that is fushiguro toji when twisted pain wracks your lower belly, seizing your limbs as it spreads out to every nerve it can find. you can’t even move, it hurts so terribly. 
how fickle your hormones are during your period, to want the very man you spend most of your time missing to get out of your sight. 
“what’s wrong, doll?” he rasps out, voice still rough with sleep but he is concerned. of course, the moment he starts getting used to spending time around you and not disappearing for months, you decide to kick the bucket. “you dying on me?” 
he can’t see your face, but he can feel the irritation burning holes into his thick skull that rivals his terrifying glare.  “no, you idiot,” you snap and his expression clouds over with his own irritation at you for treating him like he’s stupid. it’s worth it, you think. “i’m just cursed, that’s all.” 
“what? you on that thing or somethin’?” toji stands there with an oblivious frown on his face that makes you want to wipe his existence from the earth, that stupid man. “i thought you don’t get—” 
“i don’t feel like explaining it to you, toji.” oh, he must be rubbing off on you because you sound exactly like him in that moment when you growl your words at him. voice gruff and all. obviously nothing is out here trying to eat you, you’re the foe. he should’ve stayed asleep. “my periods are heavier now because i stopped taking birth control, god.”
anger would’ve festered in his chest at your attitude with him if sickening warmth had not bloomed there instead at your answer. he knows you’re in pain and it’s because of that one discussion the two of you had last month— you wanted a family. god, you’re turning him soft. he hates it. 
toji shakes his head and moves into the kitchen, yanking open the dryer to snatch one of his shirts from inside the drum. hasted in the way he throws it over his head. 
“‘right then, i got somethin’ to take care of. you need anything, doll?” he throws over his shoulder while passing the suspicious, angry lump under the throw blanket on his way to the door. 
“for you to go away, doll.” you bite back in response and toji whistles, sporting a smirk; maybe he loves your feistiness, a bit. but your emotions are shifting like the tide— you were so rude. what if he doesn’t come back? you hurry to uncover your head, tears fattening up at the corner of your eyes as you watch his retreating back, throat clogged. “w-wait, i didn’t— toji! where are you going?!” 
“away like you asked, brat.” he sneers, and then he’s gone. 
toji doesn’t actually go far, though. that something to take care of is a quick trip to the pharmacy a few blocks away from your apartment complex. the sorcerer killer is so tall that the top of his head snags on the dangling bell at the entrance and he spends too much time untangling it from his unruly mop of hair, a scowl curled on his scarred lip so severe that it makes the old ladies scurry away, much to his delight. 
why is he at a damned pharmacy? it was all because of that stupid app named after a ticking clock or whatever. you were scrolling through your for you page while resting your head on his lap one night, making moon eyes at the blond pushover on the video preparing a care package for his girlfriend on her period. 
toji has a habit of wanting to please you when he isn’t being a grump and this is one of those times. 
the assassin shoves his hands into his pockets, feeling out of place. cutting sharp eyes to the young clerk at the counter staring at him like he’s a serial killer as he shuffles by, squinting up at the signs until he finds the aisle that reads: 13, feminine care, family planning
he didn’t die in 2006 when he fought that sorcerer brat, but he is about to now. 
coming here was a bad idea. toji is not like the man on that video; he kills, steals, and gambles. he can’t be domesticated, like a feral wild cat. but still, seeing you curled up on the sofa like that, his wife in pain— he at least wants to try. 
narrowing his eyes, toji surveys his surroundings and what he finds horrifies him. 
the aisle is more intimidating than any enemy, fully stocked with an assortment of products he’s never seen before in his life, and this is a man who’s been married twice before you. pads, tampons, washes. bright packaging boasting wings, daily liners, overnight diapers. sporty tampons advertising that you could un-sink the titanic with them, they’re so absorbent. even washes that promise you’ll smell like a spring blossom if you buy. 
toji scratches the temple of his skull and promptly reaches for the first thing that catches his confused male gaze. 
“those are known to give women nasty yeasties,” an amused voice points out to him, his head dragging around as his scowl deepens over being interrupted. 
“the fuck is a yeasty?” he deadpans, staring at the square package of pads in his big hand. he wants to leave so bad, but you looked so fragile and there was nothing he could do besides this so… “well?” 
one of the little old ladies who didn’t run away when he entered the pharmacy is standing next to him, barely reaching his elbow. big smile pulled over wrinkled lips. “a yeast infection, handsome lad.” 
huh. well, damn. 
toji pointedly ignores the woman, but he shoves the package back on the shelf anyway.
“do you need help?” she asks kindly and the assassin rolls his eyes. this is why he doesn’t do nice things. “something tells me you weren’t sent here or you’d know what to get.”
“can do it on my own, can’t i? mind your business,” he flips off, rude and not taking his eyes from the shelf. what in the hell did you prefer? flexfoam? infinity? there’s sizes, too. what size is your— “fine, which ones?”
the woman smiles wider, irritating old hag. “get those herbal ones there if she has cramps, boy. it’ll clear them up in minutes! if she uses tampons, organic is the best way to go.” she explains calmly while toji’s mind shifts to a visual of you hiding under the blanket back at home, cramps paralyzing you in a steady state of pain so his gaze zeroes in on the pink product in front of him reading honeypot. he drags a pack off the shelf and tucks it in the crook of his arm. “whatever, thanks.”
toji loses track of how much time he spends glooming around the pharmacy, picking up things you probably won’t even like. by the time he finishes, his arms are weighed down with items and there’s a fine sheen of perspiration plastered to his forehead. he wastes no time leaving once he’s coughed up enough pocket change to pay at the register, though. eager to get the hell out of there and back to you— ahem, to make sure you haven’t croaked over, of course.
outside your apartment, toji is struggling .. sitting on the stairs and arranging the items into a cheap cardboard box the old woman gave him. inside are some of your favorite snacks— greasy potato chips, chocolates, brownies, fruity candies, and a protein bar— when did he buy that? whatever, it goes in too— along with some other essentials the old woman insisted you needed for a painful period. scratching his cheek, the display is nothing like the package the guy gave his girlfriend on the video. the box is plain, he accidentally crushed the chips, the chocolates are melted from being clenched in his fist for too long, and then he just threw everything in there haphazardly.
of course, he would manage to fail something as simple as arranging a box of snacks for his sick wife, he thinks bitterly, but it’ll have to do. he’s shit at decorating and that’s all you’re getting.
you perk up when the front door opens, peeking your head from under the blanket— even that slight movement shoots a hot jolt of agony up the length of your back. your eyes are rimmed red and puffy from your frustrated, pained crying. “t-toji?”
“you’re still living, huh,” he quips, one side of his mouth quirking up in a smirk. keys tossed on the coffee table as he shifts the box in his arm, tossing himself on the couch next. “get up, princess.”
“where did you go? i thought—”
“come on, up i said. got somethin’ for you.”
“you do?” you blow out your breath in a soft groan. pins and needles pressing down on nerves as you move; you feel so chilly, your fever high enough to turn your skin to ice so you clutch the blanket around your body and sit upright, a little closer to toji whose body radiates warmth like summer year around. the idea of a gift did excite you a little— you loved the knickknacks he would bring home for you, but that anticipation is drastically dulled in comparison to the nasty cramps throbbing across your hips right now. “i’m up.”
“good girl,” toji deposits the box into your lap without fanfare, awkward as his big hand reaches over to pat the top of your head. “happy birthday, i guess.”
“it’s not my birthday,” you reply with a weak smile, a tradition. you lift the flap on the box preciously, a peek at the items inside making your heart instantly warm with love.
surprise colors your entire expression as you exclaim a soft squeak, but to toji’s horror when your gaze shoots up to his face, your eyes are glazing over with tears again, spilling hot and salty down your cheeks out of your control. not again, you’ve been crying all day.
“for real? why are you crying— just take it back if you don’t like—”
moving hurts so bad, but you swallow it down to close the distance between the two of you. wrapping your arms around your husband in a hug, smooshing your face to his chest. “iloveyousomuchthisissosweet!” eyes wide at your muffled words and sudden shift in mood, toji chuckles a little. then he slides warm hands around your waist that makes you sigh, carefully tugging you toward him to be cradled on his lap; your face buried in his chest now and he doesn’t even mind it when your nose goo gets on his last clean shirt. he even makes sure you’re still wrapped up in your blanket, his little burrito.
“yeah, doll. i know.” the woman at the pharmacy gave him good advice, he thinks. toji moves an arm to reach into your care package, retrieving a bunny-shaped instant heat pack. squeezes the life out of the thing in his big fist until it warms to a scald against his skin.
“c’mere, princess. lady said this’d help with it all or somethin’.” toji grunts, moving the edges of your blanket apart just for a second, tucking the heat packet in between the band of your shorts and your (his) shirt so it won’t burn your skin.
you’re a grown woman, a jujutsu sorcerer at that— you don’t need anyone to care for you like this. you know it, toji knows it. it’s why he’s never worried about you when he leaves. but he still digs his hand back into that box, the protectiveness burning in his chest easing some now that your whimpers are starting to cease, the heat pack working its magic.
toji yanks out one of the chocolate bars he bought for you. splitting the wrapping open so he can break off a piece to nudge to your lips gently. “hurry up, this shit’s gettin’ on my fingers.”
you’re melting under the attention from your usually uncaring husband, eagerly accepting the square of chocolate. the burst of flavor is the perfect balance of bittersweet warming your tastebuds, momentarily distracting you from your bleeding uterus and the unforgiving cramps that travel with it.
his behavior would give you whiplash if you weren’t so in love at this moment, content to let toji spoil you rotten with head pats, cuddles and hand-fed chocolates— a special grade weapon against your period because your mood is slowly lifting.
you don’t even notice when you lick the chocolate from toji’s fingertips, that one little piece not enough to sate you.
“don’t gotta bite my fingers off, doll. there’s more.”
“then hurry up, you slow old geezer.”
“spoiled wench, y’ gonna pay for this attitude of yours in four more days.”
“if you keep feeding me chocolate, i’ll let you charge me for it in one.”
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horanghoe · 2 years
until it hurts a little less
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members/group: Beomgyu / TXT --- (mentions of Jon / NCT)
pairing: Hybrid!Beomgyu x Reader (Fem perspective)
genre: angst, fluff, heavy smut, hybrid!txt, minors dni !!
word count: 15.9k
T/W’s : heavy smut with frequent mention of hybrid features; this is purely fiction and not intended to harm. If you don’t like hybrid!au’s, please scroll on, peace and love!! (Pls dm me if you would like a trigger warning added ♡ )
shoutout to my fellow furry loving idiot ~ @raibebe
& A HUGE THANK YOU to all my beta readers ~ @kthpurplesyou / @rairecommends again / @gyukult / @flowerboykun
special cameo shoutout to miss angel ~ @moonctzeny
IMPORTANT AUTHOR NOTE - This fic has received a mass update since its original publishing date. I hope the edit serves as a greater service to returning readers; and doesn't take away from the original experience felt ♡
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Music to listen to while reading ♡ (in no particular order)
Settle - (BAYNK, Sinead Harnett)
Never Seen You Get So Low - (Aquilo)
Be Like That - (Kane Brown, Swae Lee & Khalid)
Lo Que Siento - (Cuco)
Deja Vu - (Post Malone, Justin Bieber)
Come Over - (Jorja Smith, Popcaan)
Bleu - (agajon, Leonie Barbot)
A Storm on a Summers Day - (Full Crate, Gaidaa)
Happier Than Ever - Edit - (Billie Eilish)
긴 밤 (The Long Night) - (Seori, GIRIBOY)
Lonely - (Chloe x Halle)
Broken Clocks - (SZA)
Good Days - (SZA)
Frank Ocean as a genre, lmao
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Your day had been simply awful.
It was like everything that could go wrong in the world, did. And everything that didn’t; sure as hell gave it a try.
The pain started as soon as you woke up.
You were old enough to know when you were due on your period. Even had an app for it - with notifications, etc. But the past month had totally whipped by, and you awoke to ruined pajamas and a deep ache in your lower back. 
Fumbling for your phone, you swiped clumsily at the alarm cutting out the harsh noise before it could offend your ears any further.
Grumbling, you cursed your body for having such a heavy flow out of nowhere, before pulling your corpse-like body out from under the sheets and out into the cold air.
It was just a Friday. One day until the weekend. You could do this.
Willing yourself into positive thinking, you stumbled out of your room and down the hall - straight towards the medicine cupboard to dull the ache in your body and head.
"Jeez! You look like shit. Maybe you should brush your hair before bed, owner."
Almost missing the cat hybrid's words until the pointed end - the prophetical sentence a well-crafted hilt and the end the tip of the sword - you turned around with a sleepy frown and an exasperated sigh, ready to fight without your eyes fully opened.
But he had already disappeared.
Maybe you had imagined it.
Maybe adopting Beomgyu had been one huge, massive dream (or nightmare), and you were due to wake up any minute.
Unfortunately, that was not the case.
The bathroom door in front of you slammed shut, making your body shoot up and back against the hallway wall. Beomgyu's laugh could be heard behind the door; high and lilted, full of mockery.
Clinging to your nightshirt and abdomen you whined softly.
"Beomgyu! That was mean! Get out of there, I need to get ready for work!”
Said idiot snorted from behind the door, thumping his clothes into the washing basket. 
“Sorry, no can do. I’m going out to the cafe today to meet Yeonjun. Wouldn’t want to walk around smelling like you.”
Absolutely at a loss of words, you garbled a noise of frustration and pleading.
“Beomgyu - please - can you at least grab something from the cupboard? I need some … medicine… fuck. Nevermind."
You knew as soon as you had begun to beg, that you had already lost.
The sound of the shower tapped out from behind the very much locked and sealed door, the male humming to himself as you knocked your head against the wood. You curled over at a wave of pain, breathing through it before it subsided.
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The night before, there had been... a disagreement. 
You had tried to initiate some ground rules. 
(Albeit, three months in could be considered a little late for a peace treaty, but it’s the thought that counts, right? Spoiler alert: it didn't make a difference).
The first point was that Beomgyu was to remain second on the pecking list.
He was arrogant. And a brat. But you were willing to work through it to not send him back to the adoption centre. He was a grown-ass cat-man and had the right to his own space; even if the local laws meant he had to have a human on his registry to do that. He was welcome to stay, on the terms that he could temper his ego, even just a little bit.
You had placed the handwritten ‘new-rules list’ in front of him.
He had peered over it with sharp eyes and a scoff, before crossing his arms and leaning back into the dining room chair.
"I'm literally older, bigger and smarter than you, Y/N. What exactly is your point? On all of this? I already work part-time to pay my way - this is a null request."
He had leered at you. Disgustingly smart, seemingly only when he needed to be.
"But - I'm - I'm your owner… Your - I adopted you…"
Beomgyu had howled with laughter, shaking his headbefore his eyes dropped and his gaze bore straight into you. 
"And? Just because you brought me here, signed the leasing papers; doesn’t mean I have to listen to your every beck and call. I’m not your little puppy on a leash, Y/N. Or maybe you’d prefer that. Someone to follow your every order. Maybe you should go back for Mingyu, I’m sure he’d die to get bossed around so much."
It was such a shocking change of aura that you were struck dumb. Sharp feline eyes and rigid tall triangle ears pointed straight at you had made you weak at the knees - the push of dominance, a very unfamiliar feeling. At least where the hybrid was involved.
He had always edged around your limitations but had never directly opposed you before.
At a lack of words, you had withdrawn the list. Shoving it into a kitchen drawer and trying your very best to avoid the emotions swimming in your lungs. Unsure whether to evict yourself or your anger via a punch straight into his - annoyingly charming, handsome, clean, frustrating, stupidly beautiful - face.
The rain had been relentless all week, and it had only seemed to add to your misery after defeat had been admitted. 
You sent yourself to sleep with a heavy head full of thoughts and a heart full of frustration. Sleeping through the loud music he played through the TV speakers. Fighting the occasional wakes from flashes of lightning and the thought of work looming over your next day.
Your sleep was troubled, at best.
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It seems that last night's confrontation had only made him more irate.
And you knew it was stupid - knew it was mean and entirely selfish - but you couldn't stop the spike of emotions in the apprehension of a very long office shift.
Thoughts of emails, processing paperwork and phone calls and attending meetings; all flooded your mind's eye until you lashed out your frustration at the selfish idiot behind the bathroom door.
You knew he didn’t deserve it, but it sort of just happened before you could stop it.
Your fist solidly thumped against the door, with more strength than Beomgyu had ever expected to hear from you. You had never lashed out. So, in the comfort of the shower, he flinched harshly, bating his breath. 
Were you finally going to send him back? None of his ‘owners’ had ever lasted this long. He considered you more of an equal, but that uncertainty was like murky waters that left him too scared to test fate.
Considering the fact he fought bad types of hierarchy with the fervour of a forest fire; he was insufferable towards your lax rules around the flat.
And he would bite on purpose, just for some attention.
But, weirdly, he liked you. You were his opposite - disgustingly happy and optimistic. Buying him gifts when all he knew was hand-downs. Taking his bad behaviour as it came. That’s why your words dug deep into his psyche, deeper than he wanted. 
"God, you're insufferable! It's my flat! I brought you back here, pay for your shit! And you're the worst hybrid I've ever met! Maybe it would be a good idea to send you back since you keep fucking suggesting it!!"
Beomgyu closed off the shower. Breathing heavily as he quickly dried himself off. He needed to get away from you and fast before he said something he would regret. 
The door snapped open.
You realised your mistake as soon as the male stepped out from behind the door, shoving past your body and down the hall.
The look he had given you was as sharp as any knife. A pure scowl that was full of all the discontentment in the world. Piercing your lungs and squeezing your guts into a flood of guilt.
"I-I'm sorry - I didn't mean that - I just -"
You tried to call out to him; before his bedroom door slammed tightly shut.
As you showered, you considered the feeling sitting heavy inside of your chest. Empty and aching.
You - you didn't even like him, so why the hell did you feel so bad about confrontation when it came to Beomgyu? You had always bitten your tongue at his snide remarks, the poking. But you just couldn’t do it today.
You didn't even have much time to consider it. The second of your third alarms rang out, tapping your phone with a hurriedly dried hand to quickly cut it off before placing your forehead on the cold shower tiles.
It could only go up from here, right?
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Your car wouldn't turn on.
Thrusting the key forward; one, two, three times. Before releasing a small cry and shaking the wheel in desperation.
"Why? Why me?! Today, of all days!! I swear, I'm cursed by this stupid black cat! Handsome fucking - cat boy! Stupid - argh!"
To anyone outside of the car... well they may have called the police.
The small vehicle rocked as you yelled into the (somewhat) private space. Each shout was permeated by the aggressive turning of your keys against the very dead ignition - probably doing more harm than good. 
Eventually, you pulled back to slump against the seat, admitting yet another defeat.
Reaching for your phone, you dialed the first number you could think of.
"Kun! Oh my god, thank you for picking up. Please, I need to ask a massive favour -"
In reaction to your rushed voice, Kun, your friend of maybe ten years or so, pulled the breaks on the conversation. He knew something was up, simply by you calling him instead of texting.
Who even does that nowadays?
"Woaahhhh there Y/N, good morning - what's up? Did something happen?"
"Yeah - yeah and no, actually. The issue is that nothing is happening... My car won't start - Beomgyu - and then - I don't - it’s all just going wrong, Kun. Sending a friendly SOS. Very much won’t be making it into work without your help."
The light laughter from across the phone pulled your migraine tighter across your head, but you were at least comforted by his silent support.
"You need me to come and pick you up?"
He asked calmly. Ever the rock in a flowing storm. Speaking of; a gust of wind battered the rain against your windshield enough to make you flinch.
"God - yes, yes please! Then we'll both make the briefing! Wet, but on time… at least."
Kun chuckled, confirming your location before hanging up.
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The two of you made it into the briefing, barely on time.
Running through the halls in the mandatory but entirely stupid low heels. Cursing every God, Demon and Spirit on Earth for your luck today.
Upon arriving at the office’s car park, the storm outside only seemed to match your inner emotions. It welled, swirled, and looked entirely miserable but angry at the same time, with sharp changes of winds, and heavy downpour matching the ache at your core. You had totally forgotten to bring extra pain medication - and didn’t have the heart to ask Kun.
You and Kun had dashed out from his large Jeep to skid across the car park.
Obviously, your umbrella broke immediately.
But it hurt less as Kun hurried you in, taking the metal cage from you with bubbly laughter and throwing the metal immediately in the trash behind reception, pushing you through the doors to avoid the hawk-like receptionists.
"Jeez, I mean this as your close friend Y/N, but you might want to go clean up -"
Peering at yourself in the shiny plastic noticeboard, you grimaced.
Nodding at the wisdom of your best friend and immediately dashing to the women's bathroom to dab yourself with tissue. Contorting your damp clothes under the hand dryer, and simply begging for the day to get better.
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It was within the first 15 minutes of the official meeting that you realised you had forgotten breakfast.
Some people could go without. You were not one of those people on a good day, and with today going the way it was - ah. The first rumble. 
Like a beast had just made its way into the quiet room and stomped on the table, demanding 'hear me! I am hunger!'.
You slinked down into your chair, positively embarrassed.
Across from you, a particular Johnny Suh smirked in knowing. He reached forward to tap at his half-closed laptop before a ping made itself known on your own laptop messaging system.
He nodded towards it, before turning his gaze in faux concentration to the projected screen upfront.
Groaning internally at the office hotshot noticing you for all the wrong reasons; you pulled your PC onto your lap, slapping the mute button and - pulling your open coffee cup onto the ground with your momentum.
The one Kun had shoved into your hands outside of the meeting room.
The one he had instructed you to keep a lid on, like your parent.
The men around you whipped their heads on a swivel to see the source of the noise.
The feeling of absolute dread and humiliation washed over you like a cold sweat. What you wouldn’t do to have the earth swallow you whole; bending down to pick up the half-empty cup and release a pent breath.
The guest speaker at the front cleared his throat. Continuing the meeting with enough decorum to exchange a nod with you.
Well, at least the coffee hadn’t - oh. Nevermind.
The hot liquid hitting your sleeve made you jolt, the last of the liquid spilling from the cup and into your upper forearm. You withheld a squeal - only for your face to flush and the cup to hit the floor all over again.
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As soon as you hit the third hour of your workday - 11 pm sharp - your phone buzzed from within your bag. A flurry of messages hit your device enough to distract you from the current email draft.
Idiot Feline (Beomgyu) -  4 new messages
Sighing, you pulled the phone fully onto your desk to open it.
- I’m going out to the cafe to see yeonjun
- me and the band will be fucking around for a few hours after. not really sure for how long
- you left your house keys in the kitchen
- text me and I might be able to drop the keys off. or come find me. bye
You’re not sure why, or how, but the dull-sharp tone of Beomgyu’s messages really hit harder than usual today. Maybe it was your hormones, but it hurt to read such an empty message. 
The guilt in your stomach twisted into a ghostly kind of pain.
Why should he even say hi? Why should he care how your day was going? After saying what you did to him this morning, his lack of compassion towards your reply was mostly expected.
- ah - thanks for letting me know… I finish at five today - don’t suppose you could get me from work? It would be really appreciated…car broke, had to get someone to drop me in…
His response was immediate. The blue dots flashed up and fizzled out in an angry wave.
- shame. nope, sorry. like I said - we’re practising later. would probably miss your calls/the time anyways. break a window or something, since you’re so big and clever. 
You sighed, choosing not to text back.
Leaning forward to flop onto your desk. Closing your eyes - if only for a moment.
Taking a few deep breaths, the bags under your eyes began to feel heavier. The ache in your back just beginning to settle.
But the peace was momentary.
You were at work. There were phone calls to take. Work to be done, and deadlines to be met. Within this soulless shell of an office hall, you could at least ignore the storm outside for a little while.
Basking instead, in the aggressively white installation lights.
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Your phone was dead.
Of course, it was. Why wouldn’t it be? 
Crying out loud in the staffroom, you willed the swelling of tears back down your throat like a python wrestling to escape your grip. 
The door opened, and a familiar - and not so unwanted person - stepped inside.
Local water-tank fuck-boy, Sir Johnny Suh. 
“Oh - hey Jon. What is it with you and catching me at bad moments today, huh?”
Quickly swiping at your cheeks in case of any escapee tears - you laughed through a sniffle.
Jon sat down opposite you. The large white table reflected his handsome face, but his smile was a lot kinder than usual. He dragged the chair under his legs before laughing and placing a lunchbox on the table.
Huh. That was very - domesticated, for him. You didn’t mean to judge, but he always struck you as more of a pot-noodle kind of guy. Not that there’s anything wrong with pot noodles.
“Hey, Y/N. Not sure, I just have this way with people, sometimes, I guess.”
His smile breached his eyes as he nodded towards your one folded sleeve. Pulling out a fork to prod at - okay, this was getting a little odd. A salad? In a cutesy little pre-made box? That was totally left field from what you were expecting.
“You okay? Didn’t burn your arm or anything?” 
His voice brought you back into the room. You shook your head sheepishly, brandishing your arm until he nodded. He was a little - awkward when caught alone, it seemed.
“No, just clumsy today for some reason. One of those days.”
Jon released a sound of understanding.
“Ah - gotcha. Bit of a shit show?”
You pulled back, feeling weirdly comfortable around the guy you had avoided for quite some time. Laughing weakly you nodded, placing your phone down on top of your laptop to massage your temples.
“Yeah - yeah you could say that. Car broke down, my phone just died, and I’ve been typing up an endless report.”
The two of you were oddly compatible, it seemed.
At least, he made you laugh for the first time since 8 am this morning. And that was pure gold. You told him about your morning, while he revealed some details about his life. He came here from America and had a cool family. No partner, but had a cat hybrid called Angel. Cute name.
Eventually, Johnny nodded towards your phone.
“Hey - that’s an old model, right?”
You pulled your spine up straight with a nod, about to explain why you hadn’t been able to buy a new one after adopting Beomgyu before he nodded.
“If you want - you totally don’t have to - I have a charger in my car that’s compatible with that port? I don’t mind taking you as far as the hybrid clinic if you want?”
You almost choked on your coffee (again), wiping your mouth to nod enthusiastically.
“Oh my God - you’re actually kidding me? Yes, please, that would be amazing - but wait, isn’t that the opposite way to where you live? I can ask Kun -”
Jon laughed kindly, shaking his head with a shrug.
“No, it’s totally chill, it’s fine. I need to get Angel from the clinic anyways. That’s on the way to yours, with a slight detour. She’s working part-time there, so, yeah. No worries.”
At his slight wink, you grimaced. You hadn’t been flirted with in years, and it was telling.
He laughed at your expression before you blurted an explanation to avoid offence. But he brushed it off, enamoured by your honesty.
It was different - and he liked different.
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You managed to survive the rest of the day relatively well.
At least you had thought - you sat snug in the back of Johnny’s lush car, charger stretching from the centre of the vehicle console to your phone. 
Leaving it to charge while you chatted with Jon on the twenty-minute journey, until a message dinged on your phone.
Kun - 1 new message
- Idiot !! You left your computer on !!!! And your emails are wide open !!!! Hope you didn’t have anything important on there, with the 12 pm forced shutdown and everything. I at least locked it for you. Lots of love, shit for brains. Call me ~
The laughing emoji at the end of the sentence oddly, hauntingly, took your mind back to Beomgyu so early that morning. Or maybe it was the initial ‘idiot’. The feline had claimed that word in your mind, annoyingly. Every time you read it you heard his stupid voice.
Being around Jon - had been the only time in the day where things had actually worked out.
But it seemed like his luck was wearing off. 
Groaning, you thumped your head back against the headrest, sliding down the seat. The leather immediately seemed more uncomfortable than before.
Jon laughed softly before peering at you in the inside mirror.
“What? What’s happening now?”
Something about him asking. Something about him taking the time to care. It struck up that deep aching feeling in your gut once more, pushing you to take a few seconds with your eyes closed before releasing a held breath.
“My report - It’s gone. I don’t - I didn’t save it, literally any of it because I was in such a rush to go - I don’t… I’m gonna be in so much shit…” 
You forced yourself to clip your voice before you started to sob in the back of the hot man’s car. Dipping your head and masking your face by massaging your skull.
“Y/N - I’m so sorry. That’s so shit. I’ll put in a word for you - honestly, it happens to the best of us. I’m sure they’ll understand!”
Johnny’s attempts at comforting you were… futile. 
He didn’t know you.
He didn't know the importance of your document. Nor the time sensitivity. But you were too tired to argue, and too emotionally strung to fully explain. You knew you were homebound to an arrogant boy and journeying through the downpour was nothing but fodder for longing. Longing for it all to stop, so you could simply catch a breath.
Just one day. A few more hours. The weekend was within eyesight.
Defeated once more, you simply nodded.
The next ten or so minutes passed slowly. For the first time in days, the rain was a light drizzle. And the sun was trying its damndest to make an appearance.
The inside of Jon's car smelt like - well, him. A foreign cologne mixed with new-car leather. It was sort of nice. But also very unfamiliar. 
You were left feeling alone; in a car, you never belonged in.
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Making it to the clinic, Johnny’s companion jogged out to meet your vehicle at the curb.
You were driven down the next motorway before Jon pulled off to let you out. He felt a little mean and apologised profusely, but you shushed him immediately.
Honestly - you were kind of happy to get out of the car.
Jon’s hybrid was lovely. Truly; an Angel. 
A cat hybrid whose tawny brown fur matched her pulled-back, soft-looking hair. She was pretty, very tall, and had a delicate, twinkling accent. And you got to see a different side to Jon too, if only for a moment. 
But that wasn’t what you had noticed, or been shocked by the most, within your brief exchange. You were shocked by her mannerisms.
You understood that every hybrid worked a little differently - but the characteristics were usually the same across the board. The innate, animalistic instincts, that is. But you hadn’t seen a lot of these behaviours before. Something was… off.
As soon as Angel had entered the car, she emitted a strong purr at Johnny’s side hug. Pulling away to quickly scan you before deciding you were trustworthy; smiles and greetings were exchanged.
Beomgyu… had never purred around you.
Come to think of it - Beomgyu had never even shown you his tail.
Angel seemed to groom hers out of habit, the limb resting on her lap as she smoothed and unknotted the fur. 
And her ears - Beomgyu always tried to hide his in his messy emo-looking mullet. Or at least, that’s what you came to presume; ogling at the way Angel’s seemed to flick and move about so freely.
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Exiting the car, you took the break in the downpour to start quickly walking home. Pushing through the ache in your thighs to cut the distance by as much dryness as possible.
It wasn’t until you tugged your bag tightly over your shoulder that you realised you had forgotten your phone on Johnny’s centre console, charger still inserted.
What the fuck was going on with you today?
You couldn’t walk straight, couldn’t keep your emotions in check, couldn’t breathe as you fought the tears blurring your eyes. A slurry of grief slamming into you like a falling brick wall.
Just another straw on your back.
A stray droplet of moisture hit your nose. Your forehead. Your cheek.
What started as a light drizzle, soon picked up into relentless rain. It took less than a minute, and your skin was already wet to the touch.
You tugged your puffy black hood even tighter around your head. Lungs burning at the effort to not sob pathetically into the middle of the street. Your feet hurt. You were sopping wet. And you had a twenty-minute walk ahead of you, into the outskirts of town.
A soft gust of wind forced you to look away, tucking your chin into the coat even further. When something struck you. The inner lining of the coat smelt familiar - yet, different from your own perfume.
This - wasn’t even your coat?
What? How was that even possible? Did you pick the wrong one up from work?
Confused, you swiped your wet face with your wet sleeve, tugging at the collar until you revealed the inner tag on the side of the hood.
‘Beomgyu’ It read, in neat black sharpie.
Confused. Alone. Shivering, and enveloped by the aura of someone who hated you. 
You sort of forgot how to exist for a step or two.
You stopped, and turned to look up and down the empty country road as you considered the bus stop shelter in front of you. It was somewhere past 6 pm, and the autumn sun was on its fast descent into the darkness.
But you needed to stop. Just - just for a moment, a short while. You couldn’t take it anymore. Tired, and lonely. Surrounded by bustling trees and large splatters of liquid splooshing against rivers in the street. 
Following the stream up the slight hill by the side of the road, you approached the last dimly lit bus stop before your house. The lighthouse in your washed-up storm. Meekly entering to see nobody present. You crumbled onto the seat inside of the shelter. You were torn between ripping your coat off, taking your shoes off or simply not moving.
Choosing the latter, you took a moment to release some of the tears in debt from the night before. So troubled by something you wanted to forget. Such a stupid, stupid thing to be upset over.
You considered every step of your day. Everything you could have avoided, changed. It was your fault, your mind yelled. You chose bad luck by adopting a black cat, right? No - you argued mentally - you were the issue. Not the person in your home, nor the superstitions.
Everything bad was down to your decisions, and it would be you who had to pick up the pieces. Alone.
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Pulling your body and thrown off items up from the refuge, you followed the street lights of the familiar home-bound path. Numb to the lashing of wind, the coldness of the night seeped into your soul and the jittering of your teeth was violently dimmed by the sound of mother nature's passionate winds.
The house was in sight.
With bare feet - coat and shoes in hand - you continued your slow and defeated pace towards the building.
You almost dreaded entering - the lights inside all switched on alerting you to Beomgyu’s presence - even considered turning away.
But without a phone - your money all on contactless - no keys, and in this state.
Where else could you go?
Stepping into the house entryway, you took a moment to wipe your face.
You weren’t even sure if you were crying anymore. It could have been the rain.
You were dissociative as you knocked weakly at the door. Expecting no answer. You wouldn’t blame him for leaving you outside. It was your fault your day had ended up like this, anyways.
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Beomgyu had been trying to reach you for hours.
You never ignored his texts - and for a while, the calls didn’t go through to dial.
But after a good twenty attempts, the call finally went through.
An unfamiliar voice answered. A male colleague. Johnny. 
Beomgyu couldn’t help but prickle - this being the last person you had supposedly been in contact with. And as much as he had no right to want you back after being nothing but a nuisance - god, he couldn’t think about you with another man.
After the first hour, he ran circles. Entirely triggered by the ordeal. It took him to his deepest darkest fears trapped inside, but he couldn’t lie to himself. He couldn’t let himself not care. Maybe he had pushed you too far? Had you abandoned him? Did you hate him enough to leave, and never come back? Had he truly hurt you?
He was an idiot. A mean, selfish, stubborn feline. But God, he was still part human. And it pained him to think of you stranded and potentially swept away by the storm raging outside. He would take a screaming match over this situation, any day.
He couldn’t leave the house - since you didn’t have a key. And he had no neighbours to leave the key to. The other half of the flat is vacant, and Beomgyu is untrusting of strangers. He called his older friend, heart racing as he considered calling the police. You were so - small, and kind - what if someone had taken you?
“Hey, hey, hey, cool off kiddo. I’m sure she’s fine. Maybe she found a lift or something? It’s not too late, don’t panic just yet. She could be walking home.”
Yeonjun had offered over the phone call, shocked by the panic in his friend's voice. It was rare for him to worry about someone so much. The last time he saw Beomgyu so distraught was the last time he was taken back to the adoption centre.
Three years ago, after his owner’s boyfriend fought him over nothing but faux dominance within the home. He was left scared and scarred. Doubting of strangers and prickly to kindness. With that morning being the only time you had ever shouted at him - he was scared of the worst-case scenario. 
“You guys had an argument this morning, right? Maybe she went to a friend’s place to cool off. Y’know, like you came round mine today? Give it an hour Gyu. If she doesn’t turn up before eight, we’ll get the boys to help find her. She’s probably fine, I promise.”
The elder fox hybrid did his best to calm him before he had to go. Leaving Beomgyu to sit anxiously in the silent apartment. Fiddling with his hands, pacing. He just wanted you home.
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Around 7 pm was when a weak knock hit the thick wooden front door.
Beomgyu practically leapt from his place on the sofa, padding out to the hallway. Skidding around the corner to reach for the handle and lock, to pull simultaneously. 
Not even taking a moment to compose himself, he pulled the heavy door open to see you standing there.
Your makeup had streaked down your face. Hair matted. Body sopping wet.
He could hear your erratic heartbeat pressing through your thin fabric, despite the whipping winds whistling against the buildings.
He could smell the hormones of sadness and fear rolling off of you in waves; like a tsunami flooding the hall.
You were barefoot - and somewhere between your bottom lip wobbling and your shivering body holding his coat, he couldn’t help the anger that washed over him.
For what felt like a millennium, the two of you stood like two rangers, awaiting the other to draw their weapons first. In reality, the time elapsed was less than a few seconds.
Ultimately, Beomgyu was the first to shoot. And he aimed well.
”You - fucking idiot Y/N - would it kill you to be more careful?! Jesus, get inside -”
His large hand gripped at your elbow, pulling you in and past his body in the thin space available.
“Where were you?! It doesn’t take that fucking long to walk from the highway - you’ve been gone for hours!”
"Y-Your c-coat-t -" You began to apologise, teeth jittering from the cold.
The door slammed shut behind you, Beomgyu snatching his coat from your grip, taking your shoes, and throwing them at the doorway behind his legs.
Anger is a secondary emotion to sadness, and fear.
He had felt both today, and he was struggling to temper himself. 
You tried your best not to cry. Humiliated, and at a loss. Backed up against the cold exposed brick wall.
“Why the fuck did you take my coat?! It’s not even waterproof Y/N - seriously, are you trying to get ill? Is that what you want? To get sick? To get hospitalised because you’re so fucking forgetful? Because you take joy in other people worrying about you?!”
You stifled a whimper, tucking your head down as you shrugged. Gripping at your icy skin.
Beomgyu’s ears flicked up out of his long hair, aching to hear the sounds coming from you. He was stunned for a moment. They aimed at your dipped head and the way you swiped aggressively at your weathered skin. The moving water on your cheeks - they were tears. 
The emotion in his voice ripped through you, water pooling at your feet as you trembled. You were so overwhelmed - couldn’t speak, couldn’t even look at him. Closing your eyes you flinched at the sound of him punching at the wall behind you. He didn’t want to scare you but had to express his twisted emotions somehow.
“Please, please, please can you try to pay a little more attention to things, so I don’t have to worry about your safety all the goddamn time? Shit, Y/N, what if I wasn’t here? Who - who would have come to find you? Nobody Y/N!  Don’t do that shit to me ever, ever again! What if you had been taken - or - or hurt in the storm?! I was ready to get the boys for fuck sa-”
Your eyes were pressed shut, hands reaching up to show your palms in defence.
“I-I’m sorry, okay. I’m sorry for making you worry. But please stop shouting at me, I - I’m so tired, Beomgyu. A-and I’ve had such a s-shit day… P-please… Just stop shouting, I can’t take it anymore…”
The sore heaviness of your words cut short Beomgyu’s breathing pattern. The silence in the hall became so thick you could slice it. The only sound coming from your jittering teeth. 
Something painful bloomed in Beomgyu’s chest.
Frowning in an effort not to cry, he let out a sound of desperation. In the most gentle movement you had ever experienced, Beomgyu stepped forward to carefully cup your face.
“You - you pretty idiot, Y/N.”
His warm palms covered your jaw, pushing the hair out of your face before gently kissing your forehead. His body drew closer as he choked up. Adam's apple bobbing as he pulled you into his chest for a tight squeeze. It sent you for a spin, eyes bleary and unfocused as he pulled you back to the wall by the shoulders, face irrevocably close to your own.
“P-pretty -?” You whimpered, a little lost. 
“You might be a forgetful clutz, but that doesn’t mean I don’t see how hard you try… Jeez, Y/N, I've never been more worried about someone in my entire life. You’re so beautiful, but - God, such an idiot. Don’t scare me like that ever, ever again. Shit -”
The world kind of stopped spinning for a moment, when Beomgyu showed you how much he truly did care.
A shaky hand tilted your head back, to place a kiss on your lips.
It was pressed. Slow, heavy. Weakly, you gripped his shirt. He could feel your heart pound against his fingertips through your pulse; your mixed scents washing over him in an unknown shiver.
His lips warmed your cold ones, pulling away to wipe at his own face. He was crying. For you.
You reached cold fingertips up to his cheek to wipe them - it made the area wetter than before and did little to help, but he smiled, laughing softly.
Shaking his head, Beomgyu pushed you back against the wall, peppering your lips with quick anxious kisses until his mouth stayed long enough that his tongue danced with your own. 
Truly, he was just happy to be able to hold you.
He gripped at your thighs; pulling them up around his waist to press you against the wall in one swift motion, securing you with his hips.
Heavy kisses were pressed against your neck and jaw, as hot tears slipped over your cheeks. 
Small, sharp canines nipped gently at the soft skin of your collarbone. Before kissing open-mouthed love bites against your throat. So deliberate, careful and passionate.
You considered never leaving, as his hands dutifully held you against his body. Head tipping back as more and more waves of emotion started to flood out, now that the plug had finally been pulled. 
"Why are you so upset, Y/N?" The feline asked gently. Pulling away to press a feather-light kiss to your lips. He watched the way your face pinched, struggling to form an answer. Noting your white knuckles from the grip of the warm fabric at his shoulders.
“I know it’s not just the storm.” He whispered. “And I know it can’t be totally down to your hormones.”
Beomgyu could feel it in his gut, smell it on your skin; the way you ached about something even harsher than getting caught in the rain. “Tell me.” He pushed, gently coaxing you to open up to him.
“I won’t leave you alone until you do.” Each kiss to your body proved to press the seam of pain apart until it ripped suddenly; revealing the anguish tucked neatly underneath.
Unable to speak, you carded your hands into the back of Beomgyu’s hair, heart painfully beating at pace with the butterflies sparking up a fire in your belly.
He paused for a moment. Dipping his head to your shoulder as your body scrunched up against his torso, tightly, before you unleashed an ugly bubbly, cry. He allowed you to push your fingers up and through his hair, pulling him against you. Enveloped in security. Boards against your shoulders weakened by the weight but withstanding the push.
He was warm, and smelt like home. And you never wanted to let go.
“I’m so sorry.” You whimpered, a sob ripping through you. 
“I-I’m a really awful person, and I can’t seem to get anything r-right. My car broke down, m-my phone died, I burnt myself, f-fucked up at work. And I've been in s-s-so much pain - and so, so hungry - all f-freaking day. My favourite work blouse is ruined and I just - I'm s-so sorry, sorry that I'm so useless, that I forget th-things a-and I drop things, I get tired, and th-then I shout -”
Beomgyu, surprised even at himself, emitted a deep, stomach-rumbling purr.
He pressed his lips to the nape of your neck one last time, before relenting the weighty affection to instead rub his nose up against the curve of your jaw. Purring gently through pursed lips.
He considered how your unhappiness had made his guts churn inside out; how his mood changed by proxy of your unhappiness. And he realised he had become vexed by your sudden lack of vibrancy.
Seeing you, his person, so upset; pulled a piece of his heart apart.
Weak at the knees to your pleading, your need to be comforted. Even if that wasn’t what you were verbally saying, he understood. Understood the feeling of breaking. But unlike what he had suffered, Beomgyu wasn’t prepared to let you go through this alone.
"I don't - I can't even d-deal with myself anymore - I don't - I'm so tired B-Beomgyu that I can't - I won't -"
Beomgyu shushed you quietly, rubbing his nose against your damp cheek. He stayed silent as he let you cry into the open air. Your voice tangled with the garble of pure emotion and jittering bones. Unable to do more than choke for breath and release bubbling rounds of tears.
Beomgyu had never scented anyone before. Avoided it out of shyness.
But the emotion that washed over him was like a happy full-body buzz at you slowly, slowly, starting to smell familiar again. He resisted the push inside of his gut, at least until you were able to truly advocate for your body.
The rain dampened the smell of your clothes, even weakened the smell of Johnny’s cologne and the aroma of the wet electric-fuelled storm. But his gut compelled him to go further. Pupils dilating at the marks blooming against your cold skin. Ears still firmly folded back against his hair as he pulled back to see your face.
You were so distressed.
“Just - shut up.” He whispered, delicately.
“You’re soaking wet, aggressively hormonal, and smell like - well, nothing, but also that guy Jon - Anyways, let me do the talking. You’re a mess, hmm? Don't want you saying anything you don't mean.”
Weirdly, you knew you were safe with Beomgyu taking control. Considering your entire three months of history together, you should have been doubting the trust you instantly felt around him.
But you knew he was more thoughtful than he let on - underneath all those protective insults and mean glares. Knew to boil the kettle after he had used it, leaving hot water for your coffee in the morning. Even leaving your leftovers, without a word. Love appears in the unspoken corners of a person.
“I’m sor-” 
Beomgyu pressed his lips against yours, effectively swallowing the remaining irritation between the two of you. Pulling away, his lips brushed your own as he spoke.
“I said - stop, baby. Just trust me. Trust this. I've got you… Just - I'm happy you're safe… Let me take care of you for once, 'cause I know nobody else fucking does. And I’m not about to let you go mope about and cry alone in the same apartment, hmm? We both know I’m not that mean.”
The tenderness in his voice was entirely new. And for once, he had shown his vulnerability. He showed how much he saw you for who you truly were. How he knew your mannerisms already. How you tried to hide the pain.
And the pet name. Baby?
If you weren’t crying before, you sure as hell were crying now.
You nodded weakly. Truly in no position to fight. Your defences settled and you slumped into his awaiting arms.
Beomgyu shushed you as he moved to carry you both into the shared bathroom. Back to where all of this frustration had started. You held onto his hips with your thighs, gripping his shoulders as he held you to his body. Melting into his temperate movements and the hushing of your tears.
You were so used to being shoved away from him or distancing yourself from his annoying anti-socialism, that being near him like this - was so nice. Strange. But like finding a new path through a forest, you were willing to take the risk for the sake of admiring the scenery. 
He just fit right.
You were starting to believe what you had heard about the healing of purring, as you wiped the tears from your face. Stiffening as he entered the bathroom, tipping you to slide off his hips.
Beomgyu dropped you onto the sink counter.
And his heart bounded in his chest at the sight in front of him. You had covered your face with your hands, wiping and sniffling with a bowed head. Still trying to hide from him.
“Oh g-gosh, I’ve made such a t-tit out of myself, Gyu… God, you m-must think I’m s-so pathetic...”
The boy smiled to himself, while your eyes were distracted. Ears swivelling over the side of his head solely to hear you better.
He chuckled with a small “Didn’t I tell you to shut up?” before lacing his fingers between the ones hiding your face. Pulling them back to kiss the edges of your lips. Once, twice. A few more times. Until your lips melded together; hands gripping his shirt as he licked into your mouth. At your soft moan, he pulled away with a bite to your lip, chuckling at you being so much more malleable than usual.
“Come on - clothes off princess.” He poked at your stomach, making you buck in surprise. Laughing gently, he settled your sides with patient hands. “You’ll get a nasty cold otherwise.”
Despite his nonchalant tone, Beomgyu wanted nothing more than to wrap you up in one of his jumpers and keep you there as long as possible. The thought of him claiming you entirely made his neck flush with a feeble purr, pressing a kiss against your cheek. And the thought of how he would have acted if the other hybrid boys had in fact joined the hunt - flooded him with guilt.
What he said was true. You probably would get a cold if you stayed in them any longer. But he didn’t press you. 
His voice stayed hushed as the pads of his fingers wiped the dark liquid from under your eyes, flicking them against his joggers.
“Shh, baby. You’re okay. Let it all out.” 
And when you thought you had stopped crying; his words pushed you to sob against the back of your hand.
As you curled over, he hushed you further.
"You're okay," Pulling your fortified cross-arm-defence apart to let him inside your bubble.
He placed your arms around his neck as he kissed your cheeks, urging you to let him into your pain. With clenched fists you let him tug you closer, pressing his lean and tall chest against you, purring deeply. A deep wash of comfort poured over your scalp until your muscles thawed.
"I've got you…" He rubbed his cheek against yours before kissing your nose. As you tensed away from him, his ears folded and his expression changed.
For just a second, a flash of annoyance had washed over him - a sound of irritation emitted before his tongue licked a quick stripe up the side of your neck. Sucking suddenly and harshly at your neck until you cried out. The distraction ended with another nip of his canines. Scattering kisses against the new aching bruise set in the middle of your pulse until you softened in his arms.
Satisfied, he trailed butterfly kisses up to your lips.
“You smell better when you’re happy.” He grumbled against your lips. Purring through them, almost. “Like warm honey. Turns sour when you're upset. Disgusting and bitter. Not a fan. Not in the slightest.”
Shocked, you laughed. “H-huh? W-what do you m-mean?” Wiping the tears from your eyes to clear the blur.
Beomgyu rolled his eyes, ears flattening to throw his head back dramatically and whine. When he rounded back with a sarcastic love-dipped smile, you laughed, distracted by how beautiful he was. And for a moment, just a single small inhale, you started to smell like yourself again.
“There it is.” He smiled. “Much better.” So quiet you almost couldn’t hear it. 
Before you could react, Beomgyu pulled away from you entirely. Dragging the questions away with him. He moved in such a feline manner; swiftly, and with such grace. Stretching his body upright between your knees on the counter. 
Peering over you, he looked at your clothes expectantly.
The change in pace made you stiff, mumbling a small sound of confusion.
“W-why are you staring at me like that?” 
Beomgyu rolled his eyes before coaxing just one more french kiss from you, drawing away to lick his gums.
Purring, he flicked his gaze down to your top.
“Come on. Clothes, now. Seriously. You’re still shivering.”
“Yes, yes, okay.” You huffed, shuffling forward.
His hands lingered at your side as you slipped off the counter. Silently ready to catch you if you fell.
Standing in front of him, you considered where the hell to even start undressing.
Moving away from his body heat had pushed the shivers to become more aggressive, and as you reached for the buttons of your fitted trousers, you felt your fingers tremble uselessly.
You puffed a small sigh, wiping at your face.
“Do you need help, babe?” Beomgyu questioned after watching you struggle for a good minute.
You paused. Peering up at him. You shrugged, and nodded. Shrugged your shoulders again. Awkward and unsure.
Beomgyu kissed his teeth before going to kneel, choosing for you instead.
He swatted your hands away to unclasp your fabric trousers, tugging the tightly squelching material from your thighs until he could free your legs completely. A slight embarrassment washed through you, but with the way he averted his eyes, you knew you were safe. Using the sink edge as a brace as you looked away bashfully.
Throwing them into a corner, he stood back up, watching as you swiped the damp hair from your face.
“You okay pretty? We can stop, if it’s too much? Still your housemate, you know…” He checked in, breath bated at your possible rejection. He would die if you pushed him away right now, but you had every right to do so. You had stopped crying, finally. And seemed more mentally present than in the hall.
You nodded then shook your head. Falling forward into his chest to wrap your arms around his torso. 
"Thank you." You sniffled into the fabric of his hoodie, face smushed entirely.
Beomgyu stood, a little shocked, before tugging his arms free, and holding you against his body with a shocked laugh. Standing with you - as close as you could possibly be. Scrunching up the material just to grip you tighter. He paused his breath, aching at your sniffles against his chest. Ears tipping to hear you on his left side.
"You're welcome, Y/N -" He mumbled against your hair, relaxing into the hug, voice wavering and tears brimming in his eyes. Smoothing hair from your cheek to rest his face against your own.
“I’m sorry for shouting at you - period - but you scared me, alright? You scare me. The way you make me feel, it’s so strange and, I - I think, I love you, Y/N. Just - please, don’t ever do that shit ever again.” 
Beomgyu’s chest bounced against you as he sniffled away a small, very strong stimulus of a cry; pulling you tighter to his body.
You had never seen him emote like this. Never seen him portray anything stronger than annoyance or irritation.
“I- I thought you had run off, that you were in some serious trouble - that I’d have to go back to the shelter - I don’t know… I thought anything, everything had gone wrong. Next time - I don’t know, hopefully, there never is a next time but - please promise you’ll wait for me? I would have come eventually… if-if I knew you were in that much trouble…”
He coughed slightly, wiping his eyes. Flicking his long hair out of his face. You couldn’t stop the tears that spilled from your cheeks. The way he clung to you - gently and without any evil intent - made you feel so loved and cared for. 
Such a strange thing to suddenly be revealed, from a man that you had been convinced, was placed in your life to make your day-to-day inherently challenging.
You could see now that the lack of communication was the real fiend. 
“And for god’s sake - don’t go calling other men for help anymore! Friend or not - please, God, I hate it when you stink of other people - especially when you come home from a shit day, stinking of your dog friend from the cafe… Ugh, it makes me feel like I'm not good enough. Like - like you don’t feel safe around me?”
You squeezed him tighter at that. 
His lack of confidence and security had been eating away at him. And the guilt had evidently played a part in his emotions, too.
You knew in your heart of hearts that despite being an all-around-dick, he truly would have picked you up had you expressed what had truly happened.
Beomgyu’s tears welled up little by little until he was fully crying. His ears folded back against his hair until they almost disappeared. Neck bent and hand busy wiping any remnants of tears away.
Looking up at his pained expression, you smiled softly. You reached to wipe the hairs from his eyes. Equally, a line of dampness materialised over the height of your cheek. He truly was such a sweetheart, underneath such a brash exterior.
“I’m sorry, I just - I’m here for you, I always will be. Just because I’m a dick sometimes, doesn’t mean I'm always a horrible person. It hurts me to see you in so much pain. Just - please - stop crying! It’s making me cry!!”
As Beomgyu pulled back a hand to swipe at his own face, he sniffled through a forced laugh. Smiling, you reached to brace his shoulders, tipping his chin to leave a kiss on the corner of his lips. His ears pulled forward into a hopeful, puppy-dog expression. It was… cute.
“I never knew you could be so nice, Gyu. You should try it more often.” 
The tall feline released an airy laugh, lifting you back onto the sink with welcome strength. 
“Yeah, whatever.” He scoffed as he dipped his face down to chase your lips; gripping at the soft flesh of your hips to pull you closer to his body.
Your hands rested at his neck, gently holding his face. Beomgyu pressed at your pursed lips with his own, until a small unfamiliar sound like a feline whine distracted you enough for Beomgyu to huff, pinching your chin up to allow his tongue to lick up in one swift movement against your palette.
It made your head immediately spin, your mood easily spiralling as you moaned softly. Beomgyu's hands squeezed at your behind as he fought for dominance; eventually pulling your face away with his hands, cutting short the passion to see your puffed lips and slackened jaw, keening softly at his teasing.
To your absolute shock-horror and amusement, a string of saliva cut between the air, connecting your mouths in such a filthy way that Beomgyu immediately groaned at the sight. 
“Fuck, you’re so cute like that, baby.” He whispered breathlessly; only to break the string of spit with another forceful approach. Pressing against your body to hold you in place as a hand snaked to hold your neck; at will to the feline who probed at your gums and pulled such wanton sighs from your body.
The tongues caught between each other's teeth reflected how the two of you felt so strongly about each other. How much you had been hiding from each other. How you yearned to be near him, even if he teased you endlessly. How he loved to be near you, even if you made him beet-red from anger. Three months of pent-up emotion released into each other through flesh and energy. The fear and love of the two of you trapped on either side of a literal storm, coming to a singular point.
Beomgyu settled, soothing his palms over your thighs. Obviously, his mind had wandered; changing pace once more. He pulled away from your face as your cold skin drew his attention away from your lips. Your fingers combed through the hair at his neck, welcoming the kiss to your jaw. Soft to the touch. Streaks of white flicked over your hand as you played with it. Pulling it against your knuckles to hear his gentle sigh.
Then, something new flicked in the corner of your vision. Using the moment to test your curiosity, you reached for the tall triangle felt black ear peeking from the top of his head. It jerked harshly, sensitive to your touch as your cold fingers brushed against the skin, sending a shiver down Beomgyu’s body. Namely, straight down his spine and into his crotch.
"Ah- stop, Y/N I’m sensitive - nngh, fuck…"
He grit his teeth to resist emitting a ridiculously loud purr as you leaned towards his scalp for a proper angle. Taking advantage of his body tensing up in surprise; you reached for his ear again before he could pull away completely, ignoring his whine of protest.
You tested your lightbulb idea - pinching the inside and the outside of his ear between your thumb and forefingers, to rub the pads of your fingers together with a slight pull away from the skull, very close to the base of the ear. If it was heavenly for pet cats, you expected it to be the same for humans.
It turned out to be almost orgasmic.
Beomgyu moaned softly, eyes fluttering until his forehead flopped forward onto your shoulder. You laughed softly in disbelief, applying more pressure now you knew you were safe.
His voice was so pretty. His lips parted as his head fuzzed over, jaw slack. Consumed completely by the feeling of electricity dancing all over his scalp and the top of his spine. And that deep, rumbling purr he had been trying to hold in so desperately; vibrated loudly against your collarbone. Almost unconsciously, Beomgyu nuzzled against the juncture of your neck. His hands rested next to your thighs, as you brushed his hair with the other hand. Laughing at the second shiver bolting down his spine, purely from adding a scratching element.
He hadn't  - nobody had touched his ears like that in years. He had almost forgotten how sensitive they were.
You used your spare hand to rub his neck, then shoulder. Sliding down his jumper to follow his arms, eventually slipping into the knuckles at your sides. His fingers relaxed before gripping your palms together. Weirdly, it was even more intimate than making out, and your hearts hummed in glee.
The purring vibrating across your shoulders had almost distracted you from the bulge in Beomgyu’s sweatpants pressing directly against the counter.
The flush to his cheeks and neck was giving his true emotions away. The way his left hand kneaded at the skin on your thighs, ass, and hips. The wholesomeness of the purr had almost distracted from all of this. And you had never thought about the prospect of such a reaction in a sexual setting - but if his lips and chest were vibrating this much from such a gentle touch; you could only imagine the implications of an even stronger vibration in other positions.
But the slower your circular motions, and the more you tugged against the tight muscles of his scalp; the deeper he seemed to slip into this mind-numbing state. You were almost 90% sure he would cream his pants before you could do much about anything. The thought made you smile, fondly. His demeanour, so malleable in this submissive state. And you were half tempted to push the dynamic - but you were too tired, at least for now.
Finally relenting your ear-mania, you ruffled his hair back into place with a small smile. Swiping at the last sniffles from your nose, before meeting his eyes as he pulled away.
“Sorry - I just, always wanted to do that. And you always hide them, so…” You spoke shyly, unsure what to do with yourself now that the ball was back in his court.
But - something was different. The way Beomgyu looked back up at you. His aura had changed. It had switched into something totally new and unfamiliar. His pupils pinched quickly, before expanding in a mesmerizing display of affection.
You searched his face for more clues as his palm pressed solidly over your thigh, over your underwear at your hips and up to the edge of your stomach until his palm rested against your ribs.
His hands from under the fabric tugged up; encouraging you to pull the thick blouse over your head. With patient hands the item eventually broke free from your body, cringing as the fabric slopped onto the sink before Beomgyu tossed it behind him and into the pile at the door. Once again, his ears pulled back in momentary softness as he met your eyes, hands restless to find purchase on your skin.
Being naked in front of him like this; strangely, you were okay with it. And, to add to your newfound joy; he was still purring. And smiling. Maybe this was all a dream, and you had fallen asleep at your work desk? But no, the twitch in his smile brought you back into this reality.
“Your eyes are different, Gyu?” You had asked, bemused at his body's reaction. Voice scratchy and hoarse from the crying.
Reacting to your tone, naivety, and curiosity in place of judgement, even his new pet name - it all made his ears fold back until his eyes creased into an oddly soft smile. A natural reaction to your voice that he was sick and tired of hiding.
With a tongue pressed to his canines, he giggled. Not quite the reaction you had expected, but refreshing nonetheless.
Beomgyu pulled you closer by the hips via his grip on your love handles; until your noses met and your hip bone tilted forward, ultimately pressing your core up against his very solid erection. The action made you moan airily, hips fidgeting against such a sudden change of pace, hands bracing at his shoulders. Your cheeks heated up, your body twitching in anticipation. 
You had kissed, but now this was something different.
Beomgyu’s smile was Cheshire-like - and his pupils were blown out wide as he nuzzled your face aside to kiss and nip at your jawline. It was funny; his feline tendencies showed in the most random ways. His energy remained unpredictable as he began running his nose against the juncture of your jaw, ear, and neck. Until he seemed to settle at the bruise blooming against your pulse.
Purring softly, Beomgyu’s hold on you softened. Supporting your spine now instead of securely holding it. His energy was entirely focused on leaving open-mouthed kisses on top of your pulse; ears flickering with how hard your heart beat the blood to the surface. Beomgyu sucked at the same spot until your knees drew together at his hips, scraping his blunt nails down your legs to soothe you. Encouraging your breathy moans with his own purrs dipping lower in vibrato, confirming every twitch and movement to gain friction against your core.
Beomgyu pulled away suddenly with a lewd pop, rubbing his nose against your own as you came eye-to-eye with a cat who looked like he had snorted a week's worth of catnip. Before you could respond, he bit playfully at your lip, dragging it with him as he pulled away to mumble into your hairline and ear.
“I can smell how needy you are, baby. It's pretty, and sweet, just like you. My eyes are different ‘cause they dilate when I want to fuck something. And I can tell you want to fuck me, too. Can tell you really need it,  baby. Can tell how much your body is aching for those cramps to go away, hmm? How wet you are already? You've needed a good fuck ever since I got here angel, God you smell so much like warm honey when you're turned on, it's insane… intoxicating, even. So much prettier when you smile.” 
Letting you process what he had so brazenly pointed out, he chuckled at your flushed and abashed expression. The change in pace he kept setting was giving you whiplash - dominant, straight into playful, then back into a domineering pace.
And it was so unlike him to speak like that - in such a filthy way. But it wasn’t unwelcome. 
Your eyes told him all that he needed to know; your eyebrows and nose pulled into an expression of confusion while you released a gentle sound of pleasure at the thin skin pulled delicately between his teeth. Pulling back, he laughed at you playfully.
“What? They never told you about a hybrid’s sense of smell amongst all that shitty fuckin’ paperwork?”
Pulling down your brows, you shook your head.
“No?” You mumbled, questioning yourself now too.
Beomgyu hummed in amusement while tilting his head to the side incredulously. Now, this was curious. His nose and ear twitched as he considered how naive you truly were in this situation. 
“They told you nothing about our sense, at all? Not even heightened hearing?” He questioned in disbelief. And his tone once again slid from mockery, into kindness.
You shook your head again.
The feline thought about it for a moment, gaze floating inwardly before centring back on your face. He hummed, kissing the edge of your lips only to pull away as you chased him.
“Mmmm, that explains a lot, actually. The past three months have been absolute torture.”
Beomgyu pressed his forefinger against your lips as you attempted to spurt some very sudden thoughtless questions (probably); shaking his head with a mocking smile. It wasn’t a dominance you were used to. Stern, yet somehow playful in the way he moved with you. 
Testing the waters - you let your jaw fall enough for your lips to fall open. Beomgyu’s short bout of shock melted into pride; pleased, as he pressed the digit down against your tongue.
It was such an unfamiliar feeling, so unlike anything you had ever done with other people. But despite his teasing and his insufferable attitude, something told you that you could trust him. Something jittering in your heart like a bird in a cage. A purr rippled across his chest as you sucked, so obviously satisfied. Ears dropping forward, canines appearing in his adoring smile.
“We can smell around three times the strength and distance that humans can.” He started, rubbing his thumb against your chin as you moved your tongue around the digits, sitting patiently on your hands. It was awfully demeaning - but with the way hearts formed in his eyes, you had to painfully admit to yourself how much you loved it.
“Our hearing is better, too. Some breeds have heightened physical abilities… Not that that really matters. Shit, Y/N, every time you pleased yourself after a long shift - it was absolute fuckin’ torture, babe. I thought you were doing it as - as part of our little game, but - how could you have known? You had no idea what you were doing to me - Had no idea how beautiful you sounded.”
Beomgyu pulled his hand away to exchange a delicate kiss, purring against your lips as he reached around to gently unhook your damp bra. Sliding it off to throw it into the wash bin without moving his gaze. Wow, that was weirdly attractive.
“I’m sorry, I thought you knew. I took it as part of the power-play. I should have said something, maybe?”
You quickly noted the change in expression; he almost seemed deflated. His ears folded to the side as he withdrew into shyness. 
“No - no - it’s fine it - it doesn’t change anything, really. If anything I - you’re lucky, I’m kind of really into voyeurism.”
Beomgyu’s attention snapped up, tall triangles standing to attention as his poker face remained unreadable. “What? Seriously?”
You forced yourself to explain before you burned up in embarrassment, or before this whole thing got awkward. If you can’t beat ‘em - tell them your most intense fetishes? That always works, right?
“Like - I’ve never thought about actually doing it before but - but the fact you could hear me do stuff and potentially even - smell? all of that - it’s kinda hot Gyu, as weird as that is to admit. And if it was helping you get off as well… I sort of, don’t mind? I promise - I’m not offended. Promise.”
Beomgyu’s eyes checked your expression - attempting to find any hint of foul play - before exchanging a nod. Followed by a slight pause for the two of you to smile in agreement - two perverted consenting adults to the other - before his eyes and hands flitted towards your chest. Focus, obviously switched now that was out of the way.
His intermittent bouts of purring hiked up a good pitch, ears folding sideways, a sign of obvious joy. He peered back up at your shy squirming expression, moving to press easing kisses against your lips.
Releasing a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding, your hands found purchase on his forearms, allowing him to marginally move away.
“You really are so pretty baby, but you’re still so cold ~” He mumbled through a purr, fixated on how cold your skin was under his seemingly burning hot palms. As his hands soothed over your ribs and a thumb brushed the underside of your breast, his brows pulled into a frown. He seemed hesitant. And so you reached to pull his face closer for a kiss. You met his lips at an angle and broke apart for air after another shared smile.
A sigh slipped through your lips as he moved to kiss and nip against the skin at your jugular, softness melting into passion once again - his body moving down until his lips suckled around your nipple, leaving kisses all over your chest - but not touching you where you truly wanted him. You whined softly, gaining his attention. Beomgyu’s ears flicked up, followed by his face.
"Gyu - please… Quit teasing…"
He peeked back up at you with a guilty, playful look. 
“Sorry. You’re just beautiful, Y/N.” He giggled.
Such an - honest compliment, from him. You smiled, thanking him quietly.
His hands finally found their place as he gently squeezed your breasts in either palm. It was an amazing feeling - but far too intense. A small shocked yowl sounded from the back of Beomgyu’s throat as you hissed at the soreness of your body, gripping his wrist to stop before releasing a breath and relaxing again. His ears had immediately jerked up and forward at your discomfort; eyes wide as he watched you anxiously, stiff as a board.
“Ouch, Gyu - gently, please… period boobs. No harm done, just - easy tiger...” 
He nodded sheepishly in understanding, eyes, and ears softening, kissing at your cheek in apology before dipping to kiss your collarbone, hands working gently to ease the ache in your breasts. He even ignored the hated nickname - tempering his emotions for you.
But as much as he knew he could move on, he found himself drawn back again and again to the juncture of your neck. At this point he was frustrating himself; sucking at the broken skin until your moans turned into whines and your hips moved mindlessly,  chasing the friction. He needed to do something about it before he truly did cum from fantasy alone. 
He pulled away from yet another mind-melding hickey that was being placed at the same sensitive spot he had been abusing this whole interaction, a moan spilling from your lips as the pleasure was suddenly pulled away. His words were breathy, restless, eyes pleading.
“Bringing all the blood to the surface in just the right spot - fuck, baby, it brings your scent out so strongly. It’s so addictive. God, you smell so good - please, please let me mark you? Fuck, please - I’ll do anything - it might hurt but God I need to do it before I go insane -”
“Yes, fine! Jeez you’re starting to freak me out Gyu - take a breath!”  Laughing softly at his desperateness to get your approval, you nodded with a bashful expression.  “What do you even mean? Not like that Twilight shit?”
Beomgyu was losing his mind, so much so that the humour flew over his head.
“Fuck, I think I might cry -” His choked voice matched with his hurried kiss, leaving you breathless as he tugged you closer to his crotch on the edge of the sink.
“or come - fuck, it means - marking means nobody else can touch you, you’re mine only to play with. Think about it, if you smell this good on any given day I’m surprised nobody has tried to propose already -” 
As he moved to dive into your jugular you scoffed, pushing his forehead back as you made a face.
“Woah! Easy there cowboy! Care to explain a little more about claiming my soul before you take it please?!”
Beomgyu groaned deeply, whining like a child as his ears folded back.
“Ugh, fine!” He cried at your attempt to push him away, but not before gripping your chin to kiss you into a moaning mess. Your hips tilting to gain some kind of friction against the boner pressing up against your core. It made him groan airily as he pulled away, purring deeply once more.
“It means,” He started sarcastically, before moving to lick at the shell of your ear, a moan slipping from your throat in embarrassingly fast record time and a shiver shaking your body.
“No other hybrid fucker can put their hands on you. It means you’re protected if you’re into that. It means that I love you - fuck -” He groaned gently, biting at your bruised jugular with sharp teeth. You flinched, whining until he pulled away.
“Means only I can touch you, baby. Come on, I can tell you want it, look at you ~ you’re so sensitive ~” He purred against your ear as his thumb rolled over your nipples, biting at your ear lobe. You had been completely called out. Panties sticking to your core as your face heated; Beomgyu’s the finger that tapping against the edge of your underwear. Caught, red-handed.
“O-okay…” You offered, a little unsure. “Just be gentle with - whatever it is…”
He smiled against your neck, a new and somehow even deeper purr making a short rumble across your shoulder. 
He left a kiss at your cheek in thanks before his hands gripped the back of your hips, pressing your hips into his at such a tilt that he was holding you from falling. You started to grind against his member pressing against your clit from behind his joggers, reaching for a kiss before he sucked harshly at your neck.
The kisses were gentle; until they weren't. Beomgyu’s barely dulled canines pressed into your pulse until your body stiffened and you tried to pull away. Beomgyu pushed a purr, maintaining the pressure to not break the skin but not leave without some obvious remnant of a bruise. 
His patient hands began guiding your hips, which made you moan softly, ignoring the pain to scrape your nails up against the back of his ears. He responded in kind, finally releasing your skin to kiss at the juncture of your neck and jaw. 
The pain settled after a few harsh seconds; the friction of your bodies proved to distract you beautifully. 
Pulling away with a deep moan mixed with a rumble, Beomgyu’s eyes blew open again, ears flopped back into a doting expression, his thumb coming to wipe at the skin. Followed by his hands in a mesmerized state, before leaning to rub his cheek against yours in a soft embrace.
“You sound like an old radiator, Gyu.” You giggled, actually enjoying this side of him.
He smiled. “That’s all you, baby. Just happy you’re okay.” 
He had bit down hard enough to leave a mark, but not enough to break the skin. The two of you took a moment to hold each other.
“So - what now?” You offered quietly, loving his scoff at your sudden bravery.
“Well, Yeonjun will stop fucking bothering you, for one. That guy sticks around you like a fly and now finally he might get the hint. Soobin, too. Those guys are dogs, seriously -”
“But Soobin’s a bunny?” You laughed.
“Yeah, well,” Beomgyu laughed back, “they’re even worse sometimes. Rabbits have an almost endless libido - honestly, I pray every day for his partner.”
“Someone sounds jealous. Scared you’ve got competition? Maybe Yeonjun has more game?”
Beomgyu released a low yowl sound, lip twitching into an annoyed expression and tutting as his ears folded against his scalp. You obviously touched a nerve, a solid slap sounding against your thigh. Laughing with a scoff of surprise, you soothed a hand down his chest, kissing him into security. 
“Stop it, you sensitive feline. They don’t even mean anything to me. Where are they now, hmm?” He hummed gently before rolling his eyes, purring softly at your nails scratching at the base of his ear until he melted, moving your hand away to peck your lips.
“Not between your legs, I know that much. Think they'd kill to be here though.” Beomgyu huffed moodily, sucking his gums.
Laughing you nodded, pointing to the hand securely attached to your boob.
“Yeah, and they're not the ones touching me up, either! Seriously, as if I'd even let that sly fox within a foot of any of this…" Beomgyu smiled proudly, expression softening until you pulled him into a gentle embrace, butterfly kissing his lips until he truly melted.
Your foreheads rested together for a moment. Just breathing, settling your minds. 
All until Beomgyu released a sharp yawn against your hair. Stretching up and away from you suddenly as he moved to turn on the shower. Testing the water with his hand for a while before nodding his head towards the lush rainfall. You thanked yourself for that renovation. Watching him in curiosity. Still enamoured by the parts of his personality that kept appearing.
You slipped off the sink, hands covering your chest in modesty. Beomgyu smiled familiarly, ears folding as his eyes crescented. You stepped forward to pinch his oversized shirt. Tugging the fabric.
He laughed softly, confirming your intentions before reaching to tug it off, throwing it to the corner. Timid, his demeanour curved for a second before you reached to pull him closer for a kiss. He accepted, humming against your lips.
Curious, you spread your hands against his skin. Much to your amusement - his stomach was firm, yet soft.
Unsurprisingly, your hands dipped to his hips next. 
Beomgyu was definitely in shape - abs mellowed by his soft honey-coloured skin. But it really showed at his waist. Beomgyu laughed at your eagerness as you smiled back up at him. Willing yourself to calm your heart down as you decided to commit to what was happening.
Your cold hands against Beomgyu made him shiver, moan and purr all in a disjointed rhythm as you dipped under the waistband of his joggers.
He laughed softly, before your hands fully found their way around his shaft, pressing gently just to hear his pretty moan. With flushed cheeks, his jaw slacked. Eyes pulling over a haze as boys do when their body is full of lust.
The steam in the bathroom was quickly rising against the strength of the wall fan, your shivers tempered by the warmth. Your lover's body warmed your hands, overheating for your sake. What a waste of water.
Beomgyu sighed as you worked your hands up and down his cock, reaching to kiss his neck as your thumb swiped the precum down the vein on the underside. Pulling with a slight twist as your tacky foreheads met in the dim bathroom light - not even able to see him fully yet, but thrilled by the weight and length in your hands.
He leaned into your touch until his head became fuzzy, and then he needed to move on. Wanting to get you warm before you did anything together. Selfish, to be selfless.
The kisses on your skin were so kind. Loving. Gentle. As his fingers danced against your hips, before gently cupping you over your underwear. You moaned directly against his ear as he rubbed softly against the fabric and around your clit in a circular motion, the flicking of his ears and a deep purr letting you know how happy he was to hear you.
Finally, as you pressed your thighs together, Beomgyu hooked his fingers into the fabric, slipping them down to your feet. He groaned openly, enveloping you into a kiss before pulling away with your lip between his canines. He had smelt the aftermath or build-up of your hormones before - but being the reason behind them made his hands shake in anticipation.
“Your sweats -” You mumbled against his lips, loving the way he smiled back at you. Nodding in glee.
He moved away to fully undress, kicking the fabric away before shyly looking back at you.
You didn’t know where to look.
At his beautiful body as a whole. Pretty cock. Or gorgeous shaggy pitch-black tail.
He watched you with affection as you scanned him, taking a second to return the gesture before your eyes met again. He could tell you had questions, smiling as he brushed the hair off your face.
“Maine coon mix. I prefer to keep it short. Otherwise, it’s big, fluffy and annoying as hell. Especially when people call me cute, because of it.” 
Beomgyu’s ears twitched forward at your giggles. An ease washed over him. You were so much happier than when you had come in. And the tears had finally stopped.
“You’re pretty Gyu. Really handsome. Y-you should show it off more often!”
A loud purr sounded as his ears folded, and he nodded shyly. It was so - expressive. His tail. You couldn't stop staring at it. The way it twitched at your voice, curling then unfurling around his ankles. 
Beomgyu laughed. Laughed harder than he had all night. But it was all a show; hiding the heat flushing his neck by tugging you into the shower after him.
Holding your wrists as he walked you backwards into the water stream, kissing you under the hot water. 
It was thrilling. The feeling of being so surrounded. He moved back to shake his hair, laughing as you splashed him back in the face in retaliation. Only for you to grip his scalp to meet his mouth for a kiss, Beomgyu releasing a loud whine before a beastly purr. 
Hair pulling. You bookmarked that for a later date.
Somehow - despite your age and the situation - you ended up fighting. In the shower. What started as innocent water flicks at the other when their back was turned; quickly ended with you, wrists gripped at your abdomen as Beomgyu’s arms flexed to keep you still.
"Stop fucking flicking me with water! I am trying to help you warm up! Not drown in the shower!" He cried, taking the opportunity to bite at your shoulder.
You both laughed until you no longer could, humming as you looked up behind you. Beomgyu rolled his eyes, as a light purr settled against your back.
Dipping his head to meet your lips, he covered your face from the water. Giggling through his kisses at his long hair creating a slight cove in the stream. Something out of an artsy-emo edit, probably.
You didn’t care.
In your heart of hearts, you prayed it wasn’t a one-time thing. Part of you could tell - his eyes were following your every movement with a blush to his cheeks - that every second was full of love. 
And for once, with a partner, you weren’t nervous.
It’s not that he was totally experienced, but he was prepared to just wait, and to hold you, and to be held. He wasn’t in it just for the outcome. And you never knew sex could be fun; that you’d be laughing as he gripped at your chest, heart warmed through till your skin was on fire.
Beomgyu gently prodded you until your face was out of the shower stream, shoulders pressed against cool tiles. He bit at your lip, pulling it with him as you pushed the hair out of his face affectionately, trailing open mouth kisses down against your collarbone.
The boy was pretty tall. Having to shake out his hair when going to kneel in the restricted space, tail laying over his calves. He kissed down your sternum until he met your stomach, lips paying attention to your hips and hands holding the back of your thighs.
But his ears twitched from the water, pulling away in annoyance. 
Reaching over to the water, you turned it down halfway, Beomgyu’s ears folding as he shyly smiled.
“Thanks, pretty girl.” He mumbled against your thigh. “It’ll be good, I promise.”
You weren’t exactly sure what he was referring to, but as he hooked your thigh up and over his shoulder, your heartbeat almost leapt out of your mouth and you had no thoughts to spare.
He placed a pretty kiss to your core, before moving to place deep hickeys to your thighs, winking at you with a grin as his arm wrapped around your other leg. It held you in place as his thumb came from underneath, tapping at your clit to see you jump and squeal. 
“Aah!! Gyu! I’m sensitive, don’t be a tease!” Your body flushed as his shoulders shook with his airy laughter. Beomgyu apologised, nipping at your thigh before setting.
He turned his attention to eating you out with more intent than you had ever seen from him.
He started with kisses; testing the waters as he held you still. It was heavenly. Warm lips sucking and licking in a steady pattern, curling the coil in your stomach. Your hands found purchase at his shoulders, watching the water cascade down his beautiful back as your abdomen filled with bumbling warmth.
“Ngh - Gyu -” You whined softly, enveloped by his attentiveness.
He chose not to communicate; instead watching you with curious eyes as he circled your entrance with his thumb, before dipping a finger into your core. Moaning softly, your nails gripped at his skin. After a few pumps, he entered another finger, shallower but curling towards him.
He pulled away for a breath. “You’re so pretty, baby. Try and relax for me. You deserve it. I love you.”
He licked a long strip against your folds as he moved his fingers at a steady pace, your mind and body fuzzed over almost instantly. He had proclaimed his feelings so confidently, and it sent you for a spin.
You hadn’t even realised you had closed your eyes, but they jumped back open as he hummed against you, pulling away with a pop.
“You should cum first baby. Go on, I can tell you’re close.” His mumbled encouragements were so soft; fingers curling against him as you cried out. Holding on, on, on, on, until you crumbled.
As he pulled away, Beomgyu placed a kiss at the soft of your belly, holding your hips steady before kissing your forehead. Dazed, you melted into his touch.
Loving him just felt right.
Falling against his hold as he spun you away from the stream of water. The shower curtains rustled before his chest pressed against your back. He held you for a moment. Fingers wandering to your chest, nipples rolled against his palm.
The purr was back, against your shoulder blades. Matching how your mind felt as you heard lewd sounds behind you. 
“You’re so pretty Gyu…” You mumbled, head resting against the tiles. 
You didn’t have to see him to know it. You’d seen him plenty.
Beomgyu kissed your shoulder in response, thankful he was able to hide the smile breaching his hazed features. 
Working himself until a point didn’t take very long; having such a beautiful muse made the creation of a boner, pretty damn easy.
“You sure about this, Y/N?” 
Beomgyu’s mellowed question pulled you to peer behind, over your shoulder. He seemed worried. That this wasn’t the right decision. That he was showing his vulnerabilities far too soon. His brows were furrowed, inside of his mind.
Leaning back, you left a kiss against his neck.
“I’m sure, Gyu. I want this. Promise.”
That seemed to pull him out of his self-doubt. A tender expression breached his handsome features. Leaning in to kiss you deeply as he held your stomach at a curve, chest pressed against the tiles. 
With your legs straight and standing up; Beomgyu hit deep. As he entered you sighed deeply, Beomgyu moaning beautifully. When he bottomed out, your thighs shook in anticipation. He ran his nose at your skin, purring. Taking a moment just to savour this feeling of connection.
After a moment, your shuffles and moans told him when it was good to move. Hands reaching for yours, intertwining between your shoulders and the tiles. 
It really didn’t take very long for the whole thing to hit peak. But then; heaven has never had a time limit.
Beomgyu found no need for empty dirty-talk like your past lovers. Instead; the steam, the sounds of pure instinctual love, the shared words of care and devotion, the running water, his soft groans and even your own; it was the best music either of you had ever heard. 
Beomgyu continued his steady thrusts, before a slight stutter of his hips threw his rhythm off. Hips hitting hard, deep and heavy until you cried out; Beomgyu cumming with breathless pants. He tried not to collapse from the best orgasm he had maybe ever had - steadying himself before checking on you.
His purr’s were deep against your back, his arms falling to dip his forehead into the crook of your neck and hold you. He pulled his mind out of the gutter, biting at your ear and jaw as he drew you back, via his hold across your stomach. Staying inside of you, he held your wrists up as he met your lips - a kiss full of tongue and teeth, pure filth - before his other hand flicked a quick pace at your clit. The pads of his fingers skilled as your body shivered.
“Quickly baby, com’ on, I know you can do it. Look at you, fucked out and all trembly, just for me. Come on, you can do it. Quickly baby.”
Without any control, still full and clenching around him - sensitive moans sounding from Beomgyu pushing his sensitivity - it didn’t take very long for you to submit to his pleasant pleading, pushing you to come just one more time.
Just for him.
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The two of you did, eventually clean up. 
Holding each other for a while before he left you to shower per request; meeting you with a large towel and radiant kisses to wrap you up as soon as you stepped out of the tub.
Things were - going to be okay.
Different than before. But good. You didn’t feel so alone in this big blue storm, anymore.
Of course, some things would never change. Bullying Beomgyu into doing house chores was just another thing left on your list. And your inability to cook left you both bickering over take-out options. 
Beomgyu's abs flinched against your cold hands. Body settling again to let you slide your hand under his shirt, pulling the cotton fabric up against your forearm - before pulling back entirely. Legs perched either side of his hips, as he lay lazily lengthways on the sofa.
Beomgyu's ears flicked, a small purr of contentment floating out of his lips.
You were avoiding meeting his face, and so much quieter than normal. He wasn't so sure how to handle you. This new intimacy. He was afraid he would somehow fuck it all up. But he could only try his best.
"What is it, Y/N?"
You bit your cheek. Turning your head to avert your eyes as you moved to tug your shirt off, underwear loose but maintaining your modesty as you were otherwise bared.
"I'm cold..." You mumbled, covering yourself with your arms before resting down between his chest and chin. Arms folded between your bodies.
"You're so clingy." Beomgyu laughed. Softly, and for once without menace.
He tried his best to push out a large purr, breathing deeply as your erratic heartbeat began to thump more kindly against his skin. He liked this feeling. Skin against his. When your pulse slowed after comfort.
His knuckles soothed down your back as he reached for the throw on the back of the sofa; tucking you between his legs and enveloping you in affection. Tail loosely wrapping around your ankle and resting there.
"You can cry - if you need to, you know. You deserve that. I know you’re still upset, I can smell it hanging over you like a sour rain cloud. And - I know you don’t know how to explain what is going on in your mind. And we both know I’m not very good at talking. So we’re at a stalemate. But - I’ll stay. I promise. I’ll just stay with you until whatever it is, hurts a little less. Okay?"
His offer twinged like a hot coil in your gut. Your body going stiff; before a slight shudder and a whimper emanated from the small hole in the blanket. You were crying. Pressing his tongue against his palette, he pushed himself to purr even deeper.
Getting a sore throat was nothing when it came to comforting his person.
He could deal with a sore throat. But he didn’t think he could deal with you being upset for too long, as selfish as that was.
“I’ve got you.” He spoke into the open air. Your sniffles masked by insistent pattering thundering rain. Tight arms compressing you both into healing. Your souls content, if not in a reasonable amount of pain. “I know you’ve got me too.”
“For the record,” You snuffed into his clothes, pulling away to cough against your hand. "You’re the idiot, idiot." You wiped at your face; nose sore from earlier and a cold slowly approaching through the sleepy haze.
His fingers brushed against the bumps against your neck. He almost felt bad for leaving them there, fangs indented into your jugular. But he couldn’t deny the fuzzy pride that he filled with when you shyly caught his hand, holding it there. 
He smiled sadly. “That will go in a few days, you know.”
You smiled, poking his chest with a giggle.
“We can always make another one, Gyu?”
Beomgyu blinked before his ears peeled back and his smile turned gummy, shrugging shyly.
“Oh, hahaha.” He laughed, humbled by your return of the pet name. Ah, this was what love felt like. He had almost forgotten. “Are you sure you - want me, like that, Y/N?”
Rolling your eyes, you shrugged.
“Depends - will you start hoovering?”
Beomgyu’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head, jumping up before flopping down as you stayed sitting on his stomach.
“Fuck no!!” He cried desperately, “But I’ll let you come to band practice if you want to be around me so badly.”
You squinted at his faux smugness, punching his chest before crossing your arms.
He cried out, giggling until he could pull you to slide between him and the back of the sofa, ignoring your whining to drown you in fabric.
“Gyu! Get off me! HELP! I’m drowning - SEND HELP!” 
But you were merely playing. Accepting kisses between giggles.
“Shut up, and get some rest. We’re ordering food tonight.”
“I’m so squished and stuffy Beomgyu -”
“Good. Oh, and, I love you, idiot.”
“Laundry duty and I’ll say it back?”
“Fuck no, but I still love you. Even if you don’t say it back.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“And you have a cat-boy for a boyfriend. Nerd.”
“Oh - when did I say it could be official?”
"You didn't - I did. It’s in your best interest. Trust me. I would know.”
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well would you look at that: updated 5/DECEMBER/2023
2K notes · View notes
bonky-n-steeb · 2 years
you love when I fall apart
— bucky barnes x steve rogers x maid! reader
summary || Your employers give you an unexpected offer when you’re caught doing something you shouldn’t.
warnings || smut. threesome. mean dom! bucky. gentle dom! steve. dom/sub dynamics. double penetration. daddy kink. sir kink. vaginal sex. anal sex. oral sex. fingering. rimming. blowjob. degradation. praise kink. choking. dacryphilia. hair pulling. voyeurism. exhibitionism. petnames (bunny, doll). possessive bucky. mean bucky. possessive steve. sweet steve. filthy bucky. dirty talk. lots of sexual tension. horny thots. PWP — MINORS DNI 🔞 if any of this makes you uncomfortable then please do not read!
I have decided to not do taglists anymore, so if you wished to be notified of my newest updates please follow @bonky-n-steeb-lib and turn on the notifications!
this is one of the filthiest thing I’ve written. Hope you like it lmao ;)
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You pressed your hand against your mouth so as to stop a little whimper from escaping your lips. The duster had slipped from your hand and was now long forgotten on the floor. Your eyes were wide as you took in the glorious sight in front of you.
You knew you should be looking away; it was wrong to openly stare. But you couldn’t. The view before you was enchanting and you were so hypnotised by it that found yourself incapable of looking away. You nearly even forgot to blink as you drank the scene enfolding before you.
Looking through the little open slit in the door, you saw the way Steve and Bucky pressed against each other. The flow of their body as they kissed and nipped was too engrossing to look away. They looked so beautiful together that you thought you might disrespect them by taking your eyes off.
Both of them were panting and smiling as they undressed each other. You traced every inch of their skin with your eyes and your hands ached to to touch them. Gladly, the hand over your mouth muffled your gasps when Steve took off his shirt and your eyes were met with rippling muscles and hard abs.
Seeing the former Captain America partially naked was tingling your core and you rubbed your thighs together to alleviate some pressure. Bucky followed next, and though you had seen his torso many times before as the former assassin usually walked around the house in just sweatpants, you still felt your mouth go dry.
It was public knowledge that both Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes had left their profession and were now living their best lives in retirement. These two owned a cozy brownstone home and you were one of the three housekeepers who worked here. Unlike many of your other clients, these two weren’t rude or disrespectful.
Rather they were kind and understanding. While Bucky was a little aloof, Steve always checked up on you when you came to work. These two weren’t just cute, they were irresistibly hot. You always had a crush on both of them right from before, but after working for them, it only amplified.
But you were just a housekeeper and those two were avengers. So you took all the secret glances you could and kept your thoughts to yourself. But watching these two passionately make out was crossing the boundaries of professionalism.
You were about to turn around and start cleaning the place as you were supposed to, but then Steve’s hand disappeared in Bucky’s pants and he let out a strained groan. You could see the tent in Bucky’s slacks as Steve rubbed his length and your mouth salivated thinking of all the possibilities.
But then suddenly their ministrations came to an abrupt stop and your eyes snapped up to see them staring right back at you. You were caught. You gulped nervously as shame filled your senses. Overcome with guilt, you wanted to run away, but you were too afraid to do that either.
You were shaking like a leaf with fear and trepidation as they approached you like a prey caught in a trap. Their eyes were sharp and their faces held an unreadable expression. You were sure that they were going to fire you and complain about your indiscretions to your higher ups so that you didn’t get any other job.
Your eyes were clouded with tears and a stray tear slipped down your cheek when Bucky walked too close to you. You flinched when he raised his hand to your face, but when he tenderly placed it on your cheek and and wiped off the tear, you let out a moan like a wounded animal.
“Do you wanna join us?”
Your mouth fell open when you heard Bucky’s question. You hadn’t ever thought that Bucky would ever say something like this. He was most likely toying with you. Pulling a prank on you only to laugh on your face. “N.. No…” you stammered.
“Oh doll, you don’t have to lie. We know.” His tone was purely condescending and you hope this earth would crack and swallow you at the moment. You were beyond embarrassed and guilty and the only thing that came to your mind was to apologise. “I’m… I’m sorry. I didn’t….”
“Shhh…. Calm down. Though we like seeing you flustered, don’t we?” He looked at Steve who was openly smirking at you. These two didn’t look angry, at all. Instead their eyes were dark until only a thin ring of lustrous blue remained.
“What?” Your voice was barely above a whisper but the super soldiers heard it well enough to chuckle at your expense. “Did you really think we wouldn’t notice? The way you shamelessly eye fuck us?” Bucky’s eyes were peering into you as if he wanted to see straight into your soul.
Your head wasn’t able to process what was happening and you found yourself at the lack of words. “Bucky! You’re scaring her.” Steve reprimanded. You sucked in a breath when Bucky leaned a little back. “Look bunny, I’ll be straightforward. We want you just as much as you want us.”
This wasn’t real. Your heart was hammering in your chest and you feared that it would burst past your ribs like in the cartoons. These two exquisite men wouldn’t possibly want you, right? Steve’s face was genuine and he wasn’t a man to lie, but you still couldn’t believe it. “Is this a prank?”
Both of them laughed at your question, but they weren’t mocking you. Instead they looked genuinely amused at your innocence. Steve placed his hands on your arms and his palms looked so much bigger on you. “This is not a joke. We are serious. Do you wanna join us? We promise we’ll show you a fun time.”
You must be dreaming, because there was no chance this was happening. But feeling the body heat radiating from both of them made you realise that this was very much real. This was once in a lifetime offer, and you weren’t a fool to let this go.
“Yes.” You said with a small smile on your lips. “Good. This is what we wanted too.” Bucky sighed as he pulled you inside the bedroom and locked the door. The house was empty except you three yet this act felt very private. Standing between the four walls of the room, surrounded by two super soldiers, everything felt surreal for you.
“Relax for us bunny. We’ll take good care of you.” Steve’s voice was deeper than usual as he whispered into your ear from behind and you closed your eyes as you relished in the baritone. Steve calling you bunny in his raspy voice was making your tummy flutter.
Goosebumps travelled down your flesh when Bucky placed his metal fingers on your chin and made you look up at him. There was no warning before Bucky’s lips descended upon yours. The kiss was rough and passionate and you feared your legs would give out from under you.
You closed your eyes and swayed on his rhythm as Bucky passionately explored your mouth with his hot tongue. You moaned in the kiss when you felt Steve’s hands exploring your body, squeezing and kneading your soft curves. “You’re so pretty bunny. Did you know how difficult it was to keep my hands to myself everytime you bent down?”
Your cheeks heated up at Steve’s compliments and his wandering hands. On the other hand, you were breathless by the time Bucky parted from your mouth. He just scoffed at Steve, “Of course Stevie found you irresistible, the way you kept showing off that ass like a whore.”
You gaped like a fish at Bucky’s words and yet you couldn’t deny the wetness that formed between your legs. The contrast between Steve’s sweet praise and Bucky’s harsh words was giving you a whiplash, it was a mix of ice and fire that you didn’t knew you needed, but now that you had tasted it, you didn’t want to let go.
Bucky started unbuttoning your slacks while Steve went for your shirt. Trapped between the two, you just moved around the way they shifted you and it didn’t take much time for them to undress you with deft fingers. You squirmed under their hungry gazes as they drank in your naked form.
“I can’t wait.” You squealed when Bucky picked you up and unceremoniously dropped you down on the bed. You got up on your hands to watch with wide eyes as Steve and Bucky pulled down their pants and boxers.
“Fuck.” Was the only suitable word that spilled out of your mouth when you saw their bodies. It felt as if you were heaven and looking at some gods. Their physique was unlike any you had seen, hard corded muscles and battered with battle scars. You wanted to run your hands and tongue over ridge of their body and you wiggled with excitement as you were about to do just that.
Their hard lengths stood proud and you couldn’t take your eyes off it. Both of their cocks were suiting their super soldier status. Steve’s length was a little longer, while Bucky was thicker. And both of them made you salivate with anticipation.
“Spread your legs baby doll.” Bucky demanded as he situated himself on the bed. Hesitantly, you spread your legs, suddenly conscious of yourself. But your worries we’re out at rest when Bucky’s licked his lips and Steve said, “You’re so beautiful bunny. Just like I knew you would be.”
Everything next happened in the blink of an eye, Bucky flipped you over on the bed until you were on your stomach while Steve situated himself between your legs. You got up on your hands and knees as Bucky came in front of you.
You spluttered when Bucky weaved his flesh hand through your hair and while his metal palm curled around your neck. You had always imagined him doing filthy things to you with his metal arm, but the reality was still making you shiver with arousal.
“You’re gonna be a good girl, aren’t you?” Bucky’s voice was octaves lower and you nodded as much as you could in this position. “I need words doll.” Bucky reprimanded and you gulped. “Yes..” you could feel Bucky’s hand around your throat as you spoke.
But still Bucky clicked his tongue. “You’ll address me as daddy the next time you open your mouth, is that clear?” You nearly went cross eyed as his command and licked your dry lips. This was wilder than your fantasies and you were loving every second of it. “Yes daddy.”
“Good girl. And you can call me sir.” Steve chimed in from behind you. His thick arms curved around your thighs and spread them further apart and you gasped when you felt his hot breath on your already heated cunt. “Yes sir.”
“Just say Brooklyn or tap three times and we will stop. If you don’t like something, don’t hesitate to tell us.” Steve was using his well known captain voice and you loved how they cared for you in their own way. “Yes sir.”
You moaned out when Steve started eating you out like a starved man. Lost in the pleasure of his tongue skilfully lapping at your folds, you let out a little scream when Bucky’s hand tightened around your neck. “My cock ain’t gonna suck itself. Be a good whore and make it wet.”
Before you could say anything ahead, Bucky thrust his cock into your open mouth. Your lips stretched around his girthy cock and your mouth was filled to the brim. Bucky didn’t give you any breather as he began thrusting inside your mouth, though he was slow, it still felt too much.
You body was writhing as it was trapped between Steve lapping up your slick and Bucky fucking your mouth. You keened when Steve sucked around your clit as his tongue flicked it and Bucky groaned as the vibrations travelled up his spine. “You’re such a good cocksucker. If I knew it I would’ve done this much sooner.”
Your brain was getting dizzy from the lack of oxygen as Bucky’s cock was hitting the back of your throat and every minute sensation was getting doubled down. Steve’s tongue was fucking your clenching hole skilfully as his thumb rubbed tight circles around your bundle of nerves.
You knew you were going to cum, but still your orgasm hit you like a freight train. Your nerves sizzled as indescribable pleasure flowed through your veins. You could hear the praises and grunt of Steve and Bucky, and it only made you shake even harder.
You didn’t realise you were crying until you heard Bucky mock you. “Can’t even take my cock without crying. I wonder what is going to happen when she takes both of us.” Bucky still hadn’t stopped pumping into your mouth, though he was at a much leisure pace now.
You knew you looked like a terrible mess with tears running down your face and spit slobbering down your chin, but with the look in Bucky’s eyes, you knew he was getting off on it. You hips were still twitching as Steve hadn’t stopped and whenever you tried speaking anything, Bucky only groaned as you moaned against his cock.
Your body froze when you felt Steve’s tongue dip in your ass. He circled the tight ring of muscles with his tongue until they were lax. You hadn’t ever done this before, and yet you loved it so much that you began grinding your face over Steve. This action didn’t go unnoticed by Bucky, “Look at this whore. I bet she’s gonna love it when I fuck her ass open.”
The way he was talking to Steve as if you didn’t exist was making you quake in your core. “Yeah. She’s gonna take our cocks like a good girl. Aren’t you, bunny?” Steve parted for a minute as he spoke. You tried nodding your head and that was probably enough for them.
You sucked in a deep breath when Bucky pulled out of your mouth. Your throat was raw and yet you loved the sensation of the lingering pain. “Oh fuck..!” You gasped throatily when you not just heard but felt Steve’s warm spit land on your tight hole.
You nearly melted in the bed when both of them parted from you. You were very much aware that they were changing their positions but you were too tired to move. This time Bucky came up behind you and placed his metal arm on your shoulder blades to keep you down while Steve kneeled at your side.
Two of Bucky’s warm fingers circled your tight hole while Steve searched for something in their bedside table. Your eyes dimly saw it was lube and you relaxed a little. Bucky squeezed a glob of lube directly on your asshole and pressed his middle finger inside.
You clutched the bed covers with your fingers tightly and your body clenched down hard. “Relax. Don’t clench down or you’ll hurt yourself.” Steve’s voice was soothing as he gently petted your head. You relaxed when you felt his pouty lips kiss down your cheeks.
After making sure you were comfortable with one finger, Bucky added another. Steve kept petting your head with one hand while with the other he kept jerking himself slowly, as if just to alleviate pressure than to reach an end. Bucky’s hold was tight and it kept you from squirming.
Steve stopped stroking himself and you jerked in Bucky’s hold when you felt Steve’s fingers circle your throbbing clit. “Please..” you cried out as you felt yourself approach another shattering orgasm. “A little more bunny and then you can cum.” Steve whispered.
Soon, two fingers turned to three and the stretch at your hole was delicious. Bucky was precise and made sure you were comfortable and not hurt in the slightest. Both of their fingers constantly playing with your holes and clit was too much and you began sobbing. “Please.. please let me cum!”
“Go on. Cum for us baby doll.” Bucky’s hand tightened on your shoulder as he pressed you into the bed. Your entire body trembled with the intensity of the mind shattering orgasm. Everything in this world stopped existing for that one precious second as you just floated on the cloud of bliss.
You were nearly boneless and slack when they manhandled you to sit on Steve’s lap with Bucky behind you. Steve was sitting with his back pressed against the headboard with you straddling his lap. You weakly kept your hands on Steve’s shoulders as you adjusted yourself. “Are you good bunny?” Steve asked and you nodded your head.
“We need words babydoll.” Bucky rubbed his hands along your body to calm you down a little. “Yes daddy. I’m good. Thanks for asking, sir.” You weren’t really thinking but rather mumbling whatever came to your mind. “Please don’t stop.” You whined and both of them cooed.
“You’re insatiable.” Steve chuckled and you smiled dopily. You held on to his broad shoulders as you felt him line up with your cunt. He held your hips as you slowly sank down on his cock. You kept your head pressed up against his pecs once he finally filled you to the brim. You were already feeling so full, you wondered what would happen when Bucky entered you.
You didn’t have to think for long as you soon felt Bucky prod at your ass. He had slobbered his cock with lube and it was making the slide much easier. The three of you were panting heavily and Bucky had only popped his head in. “You’re so tight, fuck. I can already feel Stevie.”
Steve kept kissing, nibbling and biting on the column of your throat while Bucky entered you from behind. Bucky was slowly thrusting his way up, inch by inch and all three of you collectively groaned once he too was settled inside you. “This feels like heaven.” Steve mumbled.
That was all the moment of peace you got as at the next second, both of their arms wrapped up around you to hold you tightly as they began fucking up into you. Steve’s long cock was kissing all the spots you didn’t even know existed whole Bucky was stretching you deliciously.
“You’re so good for us bunny. So good. Taking our cocks like a champ.” Steve grunted as he rammed into your wet cunt. “Fuck yeah! Look at how her hole is hungry for my cock. It’s doesn’t wanna let me go. Don’t worry doll, I’m gonna train you well. A cock hungry whore like you shouldn’t be left empty.” Bucky murmured.
“Ohmygod.” Your eyes nearly rolled back from all this dirty talking. Both Bucky and Steve were fucking up in a rhythm that was making your toes curl. One was thrusting up when the other pulled out only to continue this over and over again. You had lost all coherent thoughts and the only things that mattered truly were their cocks rubbing against your walls.
“Steve, I think we’ve fucked her dumb. Look at her, she’s a goner.” Bucky chuckled while Steve cooed at you. “Aww bunny, look at you going all sweet for us.” Despite the hard fucking, Steve pressed a tender kiss to your nose and the gesture felt oddly intimate.
“I can’t stop thinking about you warming our cocks when we come home after a long day. You’d do that for us doll?” The mental images were making shocks of arousal spark in your already hot wire of a body and you enthusiastically nodded. “Yes daddy. I’ll… I’ll keep you warm.”
“You’re such a slut, you’d do anything to have our cocks in you.” His humorous tone died down the next instant when he placed his metal hand back around your throat and you pulled you back such that your back arched and you felt both of them go deeper. “But you’re our whore, aren’t you?”
Your heart thrummed at the sudden show of possessiveness. You hadn’t expected Bucky out of all to get so possessive over you. You didn’t care if this was just for one day, you still craved it more than any fix. “Yes daddy. I’m yours.”
“And what about me? Don’t you belong to me?” Steve’s voice was thick with lust as he kept moving you over his cock. Your eyes were glassy as you looked at him. “Yes sir. I’m yours too.” Despite your blurry vision, you still saw Steve smile.
“You belong to us now, bunny.”
Steve’s words were enough for you to tumble down into the waves of the oncoming orgasm. It felt as if you’d dived down from a cliff into the fresh waves of the sea and you felt yourself get immersed into the deep ocean of pleasure. Everything else was muted as rode the waves of your orgasm.
You faintly heard both of them groaning and cursing as they came deep inside you. You felt their hot cum fill you up until it was leaking from besides their cock and trickling down your thighs. This sensation heightened your orgasm until you reached a state of pure bliss.
It felt as you were under a warm blanket as everything else felt honeyed when you came back. Your legs twitched and you realised that Bucky was cleaning you up with a warm washcloth as Steve pressed loving kisses to your body.
“Hello there!” Steve greeted you as you faintly opened your eyes. You were smiling like a doofus until Bucky cleaned you up to his content and came to lay back besides you. Both of them wrapped you up in their arms and you had never felt more safer and sated in your life.
“How are you feeling babydoll?” Bucky inquired and you nearly giggled at his concern after all the filth he had spewed. “Good. Nice. Out of this world” Both of them chuckled as they cuddled you tighter. “Umm, can I ask you something?” You asked meekly. “Sure.” Came back their reply.
“Umm, about my job…. Uhh, actually I really really need it. So please don’t fire me…” their faces changed to something serious and you nearly wanted to cry. “You shouldn’t be thinking right now bunny. Relax.” Steve’s voice didn’t sound angry, but it still didn’t quench your worries.
“Look at me babydoll.” Bucky gently turned your face to his side. “We told you you belong to us now, and we meant it. You don’t have to worry about anything anymore.“ This time you had tears in your eyes, but not from fear or worry, but rather from happiness.
“Will you let us take care of you, bunny?” Steve asked. You still weren’t sure if this was your dream, and even if it was, you didn’t care because it was the best one you ever had. But deep down in your heart, you knew all this was real. You didn’t even have to think twice when you answered, “YES.”
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gabzlovesu · 2 years
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itto x reader
warnings: fingering (and heavy on the hand kink!), kinda dom! itto, reader calls him daddy like once, marking (i deadass think this man would give you love bites and mark you as his own. don't argue with me), overstimulating, i think my oral fixation popped out at one point... idk what else this was a lot lmao.
It was too much. Pleasure surged through every inch of your body as you went limp. If someone were to see you right now, they would think a monstrous oni was ravaging you. 
But you wanted this. You begged for him to take you underneath the sakura tree, you could care less if anyone saw. All you wanted was to be encased in Itto’s toned arms as your poor clit was abused by his marked fingers, oni blood flowing through the veins that dared to pop out of his skin. 
It was a shame that you could get off like this. He had ripped orgasm after orgasm from you with his hands alone — it had become a challenge to him as he found it amusing how your body quivered with every release. He would switch from toying with your sensitive bud to stretching your tight hole with his fingers, starting with one and gradually increasing until he couldn’t fit anymore in your weeping cunt. And his calloused palm provided little friction so you were practically bucking your hips against his hand for more.
As one hand made easy work of your drenched flower, Itto’s other hand was nestled underneath the fabric of your shirt, palming your breast like it was a stress ball. By now you were spouting nonsense and focused on seeing straight rather than speaking words, but every time you fell silent — drifting off into the plane of euphoria — he would pinch your hardened peaks to earn a soft squeak from you. Itto rolled and tugged on your nipples as he pleased.
“You tapping out on me, baby?” His mouth that had been terrorizing your neck by leaving marks and nipping at your tender flesh is now pressed against the shell of your ear. His breath was warm and added fuel to the raging fire in your core, yet it sent shivers down your spine in excitement. “Come on, I know you got one more in ya.”
You could practically feel him grinning into you when you give a small groan in response. “I-Itto I can’t…please.” The slender digits that were stuffing you full begin to move faster, hitting the spot that made your toes curl and you try to reel from the sensation by squeezing your legs closed. You dig your nails into his arms, feeling the way his muscles moved as he worked. 
Itto laughs a little. It was funny how you thought you could outmatch him in strength when he pries your legs right back open like it was nothing. The feeling of his nails pricking at the inside of your thigh was a nice contrast to the feeling of him rubbing along your gummy walls. “Why are you running from me? Doesn’t this feel good?” 
“Feels so good, mm—fuck,” you slur out, drunk off of this insatiable feeling. And you bet the view was even better. You could only imagine how it looked as he dipped between your slick folds, using your own essence as lube. How his wrist flexed at just the right angle to reach even deeper into your cunt, leaving not a single inch untouched.
He lets go of your leg to grab your face, making your lips poke out slightly, showing how shiny they were from your drool. He glares at you from over your shoulder. “Hey, do I need to put something in that filthy mouth of yours?”
You look up at him with tear-stained eyes, “N-No, ‘m sorry daddy.” Ittodares you to act out again by pinching your clit, but he only gets a squeal in return as you screw your eyes shut and bear down harder on his arms. Hearing you whimper and feeling you squirm hopelessly in his grasp feeds his carnal desire.
“Stop fighting it, you’re not gonna beat me.” The feeling of fullness is gone when he pulls out of your wet cunt. Although Itto isn’t the brightest, he knows exactly how to have you bending to his will at times like this. He knows you’re reaching your breaking point and tending to your neglected clit would be enough to send you over the edge.
With every circle he traced, you jerk slightly in his arms as if you were getting hit with bolts of electricity. You could feel that familiar knot winding up in your core, coiling tighter like an angry snake. His sharp canines drag along your shoulder before sinking into your hot skin, and you swear you were going to die as you jolt up. But he holds fast, hugging you close and refusing to unhinge his jaw —  emitting low grunts to match your cries. When the knot finally snaps, you fall limp again, settling back against his broad chest.
“Atta girl. I knew my girl could do it” he coos, rubbing you affectionately as you come down from your high and kissing away the pain from his bite.
You were spent and you were sure you looked the part: lose hairs hanging in your face, your shirt was nearly torn in half by the oni, and your skin was covered in loves marks. You could already see your skin darkening where he gripped your thighs. You touch the mark on your neck and smile weakly at the thought of being his girl. Now everyone knows who you belong to.
tagging: @hungrynessforfics @dejwrites @rinhoes @iloveitblackbhna @protectpancakes @fight-me-bitch @nneedynymph @indiecursor @po3ticb3auty @nanaminshousewife @festive @apollostears @cosmicglowe @thenerdyrebel @luffysthickwaifu @svlims @4ngrysgf @daichisbunnybaby @urwifey2 @picayunne @kurtaclangobrr @kookieflvr @woahhajime @syomi @chrolloderulo @vivisspamm @erentoes @kutosznn @queenmjp @sweeneyblue1 @tyga-lily @jeanslove @getoswhore @thicksimpx @cosmicyeager @sakurashell @38riku @tonaken @muzanskimono @wiserebelpartypie @hellavile @g0revixen @sintiva @sleepy3 @simpliheavenli @yuujilove @yooniluvbot444 @sukosie @imperatorkhaleesi @scandescent
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cryptocism · 2 years
OK so I just found your comics. I'm not the biggest DC fan but I know a bit so I get most of it. But can you please explain the og thads (1+2 and maybe any others u didn't make for ur too many Thad's au?) Im very confused and Google won't help =[ its fine if u choose not too, I'm just curious
ok yes absolutely here we go ive made some flow charts with visual cues so hopefully this AU will make more sense. consider this the masterpost:
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Within DC canon: Barry Allen is Bart's grandfather on his fathers side, President Thaddeus Thawne is Bart's grandfather on his mothers side. After some failed attempts to get Bart to join the Thawne side of the family in all their evildoing, President Thawne created a clone of Bart, tweaked the genes a lil bit, and then named that clone after himself.
Thad Thawne the Second/Inertia is the first clone of Bart to ever be made, and also the one who appears in the pages of Impulse 1998.
Where the Too Many Thad's AU diverges from canon is by deciding that the Inertia who appears after the events of Impulse #65, (causing various random acts of evil before being revenge-murdered in The Flash #760,) was in fact a different person altogether and an entirely separate clone.
This is all the stuff that's been added with the AU:
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Three and Four (Thaddeus' the Third and Fourth) were created as backup clones in the event that Thad II botched his mission. (which he did, after he ran off into the speedforce after the events of Mercury Falling and CRAYDL presumed him dead)
The whole "backup clones" concept makes for a nice explanation as to why Thad/Inertia's motivations and behaviors don't align with where he actually left off. Also as an explanation for why Thad didn't know that there even were backup clones: the only reason Three and Four would need to be woken up is in the event of Thad's death. He wouldn't have needed to know.
Where this whole AU goes uhhh off the rails is that after Four gets revenge-murdered, Three proceeds with the plan: continue making more clones. (the idea being "Inertia" is just this terminator-like figure in Bart's life who always comes back no matter how many times he dies)
Unbeknownst to Three, CRAYDL was messing with the cloning equipment long beforehand when they secretly created Eight and Nine, so the whole process is unstable as hell and results in Five - who has to be sprung from stasis early to deal with some Rapid Aging issues, and Six - who seems pretty gung ho about the whole "Inertia" thing until he tries to fight the Teen Titans and gets his shit rocked big time. (this ties into canon in issues #98-100 of Teen Titans, wherein a new Inertia shows up but is never explained lmao)
Afterwards, Six starts focusing instead on timeline manipulation rather than anything to do with President Thawne, Inertia, or Impulse. He also does some Weird Science with the speedforce and basically controls a small facet of the speedforce by binding it to a physical form (this is Seven).
Eight and Nine are the only clones who experienced regular aging and a semi-regular childhood. CRAYDL didn't raise them with an Allen/Thawne Family Obsession, and gave them each their own names so they could forge their own identities outside of being a clone.
Once Three finds out about them that all goes out the window though; he downloads CRAYDL's memories of Eight and Nine and puts those memories on a hard drive, which he keeps as leverage so that they do what he says. (it's a big ol YIKES of a situation)
Actually I guess this means Eight and Nine would be chronologically the 4th and 5th clones of Bart that were made, since they technically were created before Five and Six. But this is confusing enough so I'm going to stop there lmao
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rae-is-typing · 2 years
hi! For the dialogue prompts things, can I request 17, 20, 24 with Chris e and Sebastian please? Also if you could add chemistry as a class please, it's really getting me down :( thanks!
This was also written a long time ago. Sorry for the wait my love!!! I too hate chemistry with a passion. Although, I do prefer it to biology. Enjoy :)
Chemical Equations
Description: Fuck chemistry lmao
Characters: You, Evans, Stan
Warning: Mentions of self-harm as a result of compounding stress, homework, and chemistry
Word count: 600
17: “You look like you need a hug.”
20: “How long have you been standing there?”
24: “Be nice to the kid, it’s been a rough day.”
“So take 3 mols of sulfuric acid and put it over 72 grams of NaCl- shit, fuck. No-” You cut yourself off with a groan. “Why is this shit so hard?”
Huffing in defeat, you drop your pencil onto your notes and your face into your hands. Chemistry, stoichiometry more specifically is kicking your ass. All of your other classes, writing 115, history 111, and comm 112, were going swimmingly. But chemistry was something else entirely… All of the different elements, terms, and equations confused you more than the two languages you had to learn for a movie early in your career.
“Okay, I am fluent in three languages, I am managing to do high school, a movie for a multi-million dollar industry with up to 12 hour work days. I can do some chemical equations before my day ends. I’m smart. I can fucking do this.”
You flip to your original notes from the online lecture. Near illegible instructions and notes scribbled on the side fill the coffee stained paper. You do your best to make out the instructions and copy the steps on another piece of coffee stained paper. Worrying an eraser between your fingers, you try to work out the problem.
After three unsuccessful attempts, you threw your pencil at the wall with a shout of pure rage. “I am so fucking over this! I swear to God that I am going to jump off a fucking cliff or shoot myself in the fucking head! This shit is absolutely fucking ridiculous.”
During your time trying to focus, you missed footsteps echoing through your trailer. But you didn’t miss the creaking of the door as someone leaned against the door frame. With your head resting on your desk and tears of frustration beginning to slip onto the paper littering your desk. “How long have you been standing there?” You choke out, keeping your head down.
“Long enough.” The worried voice of Chris Evans rings throughout your small study area. “Are you okay, kiddo?” Sebastian’s voice joins the party. “You look like you need a hug.” That was enough to make the tears flow more freely than they were beforehand. “I fucking hate high school,”
“Oh, Y/N.” Chris sighs, moving to crouch by you. Chris always treated you like one of his little nieces or nephews. “What’s up? C’mon, talk to us.”
You sniffle, turning towards him. “Fuck chemistry.” In spite of the situation, Chris smiles. “I’m sorry, hon,” He begins to rub your back. “I think you should stop for the night then.” You furrow your brows. It was only about seven PM, you still had plenty of time to get your chem homework done. “It’s only seven, Chris,” You start, sitting up and wiping your face. “I have to get this done.” “Y/N, it’s eleven PM.” Sebastian cuts in, checking his phone. “You really should call it a night.”
“Really?” You ask, rubbing your eyes.
“Yeah, come on then. You need to go to bed,” Sebastian says, stepping forward and offering you a hand.
“Thanks,” You mumble, letting him pull you up and walk you to your bed right next to the small study area. Meanwhile, Chris takes a look at your homework, trying to decide whether or not he would be able to help. His face contorts in confusion as he flipped through your chaotic notes.
“Jesus, kid. No wonder you're having trouble. These notes are something else.” Sebastian throws a pointed look at his blond co-star and friend. “Be nice to the kid, it’s been a rough day.”
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skiller0dani · 3 years
Old Prison Blues | Spencer Reid
M A S T E R L I S T Criminal Minds Masterlist
smut | dom!spencer x bau!reader requests info w.c | 7.2k summary | when your husband Spencer gets released from Prison, he's much different then you remember.
I have it so bad for this man, enjoy! Also guys this piece made butterflies squirm in my belly lmao this one is so HOT it made me blush. Guys, it made me B L U S H. I need to go dunk myself in holy water to atone for this SIN. (just kidding lmao I'm agnostic).
you can see his bulge in this gif and I can't stop admiring looking at it.
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When you were in college you'd been an undergraduate in Criminal Justice, so you were familiar with the effects Prison has on the psyche. In other words, you knew Spencer would come back different. No person could pass through Prison unscathed and frankly you'd be more concerned if he came back and nothing had changed at all. At home, he seemed to be relatively okay, and those 6 mandatory weeks of break had allowed him the rest he deserved. Nothing exciting had happened during those weeks, the only thing you did was curl up on the couch next to him and watch movies. You'd made up for all those weeks in Prison during the evenings when you would cling to him and cry out his name in ecstasy.
Spencer really did seem to be fine, until you returned to work. That's when you started to see all the ways Prison had hardened him.
At first, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. If you were someone who knew Spencer well then you knew that he wasn't a man who was confident in his looks. When you and Spencer first got married he was insecure, and would be discouraged when you hung out with other guys. You wouldn't say he was jealous because jealously in itself requires a certain amount of anger. But when Spencer saw you around other men he wasn't angry, he was sad. Absolutely convinced you were going to leave him any second, despite you telling him you married him because you love him. Deep down, he always thought somebody would steal you from him even though you consistently reminded him how much you love him. That's just the kind of guy Spencer is.
Or, was.
The darkness that brews in Prison, the violent hatred, the anger seems to have followed Spencer to freedom. It has made a home in his chest, and while you're not worried about Spencer flying off the deep end and shooting an innocent, the anger reveals itself in much more subtle ways. It's in the way he clenches his jaw when he can't figure something out, or the blanching of his knuckles as he grips the steering wheel with a crushing force, it's the agitation in his eyes when he watches Alvez's knuckles brush against your lower back for the 3rd time since you two had arrived at the office this morning. The anger has adapted to civilian life like Spencer has, it's learned. It's subtle. Unfortunately you know Spencer almost better then he knows himself, you can tell when something is bothering him.
You slide your hands over his shoulders, and much to your surprise you feel him tense.
"You okay?" You know it's a stupid question, but you have to ask.
"Yeah, fine." Spencer's tone is clipped, shoulders rigid, back straight. Something is definitely bothering him. You squeeze his shoulders and begin to work at the tightened muscles, slowly easing them to relax. The tension flows out of him as he relaxes back in his desk chair, the frustration ebbing away slightly when his eyes catch your wedding ring. The object that binds you to him.
"Don't shut me out." You whisper, a soft plea in your voice. Spencer's heart wretches when he hears the fear in your tone, and one of his hands comes up to catch yours. He presses a chaste kiss to one of your knuckles before swiveling around to face you. You always find a way to soothe the violent, raging beast inside of him. Spencer's hands find your hips as he turns his gaze up to look at you.
"You're right I'm sorry. Just tense today." He says softly, and while there is a little lie to his words, his statement remains mostly the truth. He just leaves out the part where he pictures enacting varying forms of violence on Luke Alvez. The man who keeps unnecessarily touching his wife. You lean down to press a kiss to his forehead, your head snapping up when Garcia calls from the conference room.
"Got a case folks, and it's an ugly one." Her nose scrunches up into a frown before she turns into the room. You pull away from Spencer, yanking him to his feet by his hand. Luke sends you a playful wink as he trots up the stairs, and while you don't necessarily react to it, it still puts Spencer on edge. Deep down Spencer always knew you were way out of his league, but that never became clearer then when you came to visit him in Prison.
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You were trembling as you lowered yourself into the chair. Dried tears were on your cheeks, and you haven't even seen Spencer yet. The last time you saw him was a few weeks prior after he first got back from Mexico. Seeing his wrists bound in those metal handcuffs had broken your heart in a way you never anticipated. You wrung your hands together, luckily when Penelope had made the visitation Chart she scheduled you as the first person to come see him. The plastic chair was uncomfortable, but what was worse was the plastic guard separating you from Spencer. The clock ticked loudly, it was clearly mocking you. Reminding you of the seconds you were losing with Spencer, reminding you of all the seconds he was spending in Prison.
When you hear the buzzer scream loudly, you nearly come out of your seat you're so excited to see him. You and Spencer got married back in 2005, and you've never been separated from him for longer then a week. It's been over a month now, and each day he's not with you leaves a bigger hole in your chest. You watch him follow the other prisoners out, and the handcuffs around his wrists breaks your heart. His eyes light up the second he sees you, he nearly shoves the other guy over to get to you faster. There are tears in your eyes as Spencer's wrists are released from the cuffs from the guard standing nearby.
"Hey baby." Spencer says softly as he takes his seat across from you. All you want is to reach across the stupid barrier and touch him, hold his hand, anything. But you know the guards will punish him if he does, but being this close to him without being able to hold him is absolutely killing you. You try to blink the tears out of your eyes so that Spencer won't see, but it's all too much. Seeing him in a jumpsuit, with cuff bruises around his wrists, having to sleep in the same building as murderers. The first tear falls and you immediately look away from him.
"Please don't cry." Spencer begs softly. "I'm okay, really."
You wipe your tears before you look back up at him, digging around in your bag for a gift from Henry. You smile when you see the happiness cross onto his face as you pull the piece of paper out.
"Henry drew this for you, it's from when you guys went to the park." You hold it up for him to see and you try to fight another onslaught of tears when you see his eyes misting.
"You know, when I get out of here we should have one." Spencer says it so casually, you almost miss it. Your eyes nearly pop out of your head as you carefully lower the drawing.
"You want to try for a baby?" You can't hide the smile, and you see Spencer's eyes shine for the first time since he's been in here.
"Yeah, I want to have a baby with you." You and Spencer had a brief conversation about kids a few years ago, and you knew Spencer wasn't ready for it back then. His Father ran out on him and Diana when Spencer was just a kid, it made Spencer insecure about the type of Father he would end up being. In Spencer's mind, a fatherless man would never make a good Father. But it seems he's changed his mind. You had no issues agreeing to wait before you had kids until he was ready, you always knew Spencer would be a fantastic Father.
Suddenly from Spencer's right you hear a low wolf whistle. The tenderness that was on Spencer's face is instantly wiped away. His expression tenses, his jaw clenching as he turns his gaze to a large burly looking man covered in tattoos. The man sitting across from him, the one who was visiting, looked similar. Both of the biker looking men were eyeing me hungrily, it made my skin crawl.
"Something I can help you with?" Spencer asks, his voice tense. The tension in the room grows tenfold, and you fight the instinct to try and scoot closer to Spencer. The Biker looks Spencer in the eyes, a taunting smile on his face.
"That your sister?"
"Wife." Spencer snaps instantly.
"Your wife?" The Biker says incrediously, Spencer raises a brow, daring him to continue. "There's no way a woman with an ass that tight would marry a man as scrawny as you."
You expected to see insecurity flash in Spencer's eyes, instead all you saw was rage. Unbridled, violent rage.
"Choose your next words carefully." Spencer's voice was low, and as sharp as the edge of a blade. You almost didn't recognize him. The Biker leaned forward, fueled only by the knowledge that he was getting under Spencer's skin.
"She as tight as she looks? If I wasn't locked up, I'd fuck her so good she wouldn't even remember what your little pecker feels like."
Spencer's jaw clenches, and his fists curl tightly. The Biker is about 2 words away from a broken nose.
"Baby just let it go." You plead, and normally you don't really use pet names in public but right now you needed to show him that you're his.
"I'll tell you what Klein, I'll fuck her for you and tell you how it felt." The other man says, the man visiting. Upon hearing the words come out of his mouth, Spencer is shoving up from the chair but almost instantly a guard is tightly gripping Spencer's shirt and shoving him back into the chair. Spencer is fuming, and there's nothing you can do to calm him down.
"If you so much as lay a finger on her, your friend here will be dead before you can have another visit." Spencer hisses, and the two large men chuckle.
Spencer instantly took you off the visitors list, and while that felt like a blow to your heart you understood why. You didn't want to stress him out by visiting him.
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So, yeah, Spencer knew you were out of his league and when Luke pulled your chair out for you at the table before he had the chance to, it made his blood boil. Why is Luke trying to take care of you? Doesn't he know that Spencer has been released from Prison? You don't need anybody else to take care of you, your husband is more than capable of doing it himself. When Spencer sat down in the chair next to you, he rested one hand on your thigh. You're only slightly surprised, normally Spencer isn't this 'handsy' in public, but in recent weeks he's been more assertive around other men.
"The body of 23 year old Cassandra Richardson was found 2 weeks ago in Lincoln, Nebraska. Her body was mutilated and showed signs of sexual assault. Yesterday another body, 20 year old Francesca Williams was found around the same warehouse district with similar wounds to the first victim." Penelope rushes the words out, almost as though saying them pains her. Various images show on the screen of the two victims, both bloodied and battered.
"Other than similar injuries, what makes the local police think it's the same unsub?" Luke asks, his eyes flickering towards you for the briefest second. While Spencer was locked away, Luke became a shoulder to cry on. Normally when you were upset and Spencer wasn't around, you'd talk to Derek. But since he's been gone you've felt more isolated then you normally do. Luke had found you crying one morning before you had taken off, and ever since he's had an "older brother" protection over you.
"A tattoo on both of the victims thighs, the words 'temerata virginem' which is Latin for 'desecrated virgin'." With the click of a button on her remote, Penelope pulls up a photo of the tattoos. The lines are shaky, although they stay mostly straight.
"It almost looks professional, except the lines aren't perfectly straight. A professional would make the line work perfect." JJ says, examining the photo closer in the folder each of you received. You turn your gaze to Spencer when you feel his hand leave your thigh to examine the photo closer. You could practically see the gears turning in that beautiful mind of his.
"It's possible an outside source is causing a tremble in the unsubs hands, if he is a professional tattoo artist." Spencer mumbles, almost to himself. Sometimes when he's in deep concentration, he nearly forgets other people are in the room with him.
"Could be drugs-" Luke starts but is sharply cut off.
"Actually it's more likely to be alcohol, withdraw from other drugs would be too severe to operate the tattoo machine." Spencer snaps, causing a few heads to turn and look at him. Maybe under other circumstances someone would say something to him, but since Spencer got released from Prison only a few weeks ago, nobody says anything. Luke's eyebrows furrow together as he shoots Spencer a confused look, one Spencer chooses to ignore as his hand returns to your thigh. Spencer knows he's acting like a jerk but he can't help it, Luke needs to know who you belong to. Spencer had everything taken from him in Prison, he won't let anyone take you from him too.
"We've been personally asked by the local police to assist, so wheels up in 30." Emily concludes, shooting one more look at Spencer before everybody rises.
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The tension on the jet is thick, you're absolutely sure everybody can feel it. Hardly anyone has interacted with Spencer, except to ask him a question about the case. You sit back against the couch, Luke sitting in one of the chairs at the table, and Spencer sitting on the arm of the chair next to you. In your hand was a nearly empty cup of coffee, and just as you move to refill, Luke rises with his own empty cup.
"Need a refill?" He asks, offering you a friendly smile.
"Yeah actually-"
"I got it." Spencer says abruptly, standing from where he was sitting. His eyes meet Luke's, silently challenging him. You try to be understanding, but you can't help but feel annoyed at Spencer. If he was acting like this to some random guy then that's one thing, but this is Luke. He's your friend, he's Spencer's friend. Luke, and the rest of the team, put everything on the line to free Spencer from Prison.
"It's cool man, I can do it-" Luke offers again, but Spencer isn't having it.
"I said I got it." Spencer reaches his hand out for your mug, which you instantly give to him. His eyes don't leave Luke's until he turns around and heads to the back of the jet to refill your coffee. Luke pauses for a few seconds, his eyes meeting yours and mirroring the same look of concern before he heads for the coffee pot as well. Luke isn't even upset by how Spencer is treating him, he- like everyone else, is worried about Spencer's psyche.
"What is going on with Spencer?" JJ whispers once she's sure Spencer is out of earshot. You shrug, your worried eyes landing on your husband. His posture is tense, almost defensive.
"Well can you blame him? In Prison, everything that's yours can and will be stolen by the other male inmates. Now that he's free, Spencer is being protective of his wife, someone that is his and can be taken by other men." Rossi says, always naturally a tad protective of Spencer.
"There isn't a man on this planet that would make me leave Spencer." You say defensively, although you know Rossi didn't mean anything by what he said.
"That might be obvious to you, but not to Spencer." JJ says, eyeing Spencer standing back near the coffee machine.
"Doing okay man?" Luke asks hesitantly as he moves to stand next to Spencer.
"Yep." Spencer says shortly, waiting for the pot to brew. Luke feels the tension rolling off Spencer in waves, and it's all being directed at him and he's not sure why.
"Look, if I've done something to upset you, just talk to me about it Reid." Luke's voice is gentle, understanding. Spencer's jaw clenches again as the pot finishes brewing and he refreshes your cup before reaching for the creamer.
"I'm fine Alvez. Really." Spencer says again, but Luke isn't willing to let this go yet.
"No Reid, you're not-"
"Stop flirting with my wife." Spencer's tone is firm, and the look in his eyes tells Luke just how on edge Spencer is.
"You got it." Luke agrees instantly, even though he was never flirting with you. But he knows that right now arguing with Spencer will only make things worse. Seemingly satisfied with Luke's answer, Spencer carries your cup back you, slinging an arm around you.
┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈
Spencer twists his wedding ring around his ring finger, something he does when he's stressed out or tense. You're currently sat in the interrogation room with the male suspect, a tattoo artist attending AA meetings, the tattoo on the first victim was the shakiest because he had just quit drinking. The other, more recent, victims tattoo's were more steady. The longer he stayed sober, the more his trembling faded. In Spencer's other palm is your wedding ring, you fit the physical preference of this killer perfectly, but he only went after single women. Emily thought sending somebody in fitting his victimology would throw him off enough to say something incriminating. In order for the rouse to work, you needed to appear single- meaning the wedding ring had to come off. The thought didn't settle well in Spencer's gut.
"You have to relax." JJ said suddenly from Spencer's right. He nearly ignored her but his frayed nerves were beginning to eat at him.
"I can't. Do you see the way he's looking at her?" Spencer was pacing back and forth in front of the one way glass like a caged animal, unable to take his eyes off of the train wreck happening in front of him.
"She can handle herself Spence." JJ insists gently, almost using a motherly tone to talk to him.
"She's mine!" And suddenly the crux of the issue comes to light, and Spencer pinches the bridge of his nose, releasing a heavy breath. JJ thinks about her words carefully, trying to find something to say that will calm him at least a little.
"Yeah, and nothing is going to change that Spencer. You need to relax, and you have to trust her. You're not in Prison anymore, nobody is going to take her from you." JJ says, looking him in the eyes. Suddenly the sound of metal screeching across a concrete floor sounds from behind Spencer and when he turns around, his blood boils hot in his veins. The suspect, Alan Baker, has shoved out of his chair and has started towards you.
"Spencer-" JJ's voice is distant, and comes too late. Spencer isn't listening to her anymore when his fist curls around the door handle and he nearly rips it off its hinges.
"You need to step back." Spencer snaps, reaching for his gun as Alan Baker backs you into the corner of the interrogation room. You weren't ever truly afraid, you could have handled Alan. Slowly, Alan backs away from you and Spencer instantly reaches for you. He leads you out of the room with a gentle but firm hand on your back. Once you're out of the interrogation room you turn to Spencer.
"What the hell? I could have dealt with him!" You insist, frustration laced in your tone. At this point JJ silently slips out of the room, giving you and Spencer some much needed privacy. Spencer crosses his arms as he leans back against the one way mirror.
"You didn't need to, I did." Spencer huffs and you seriously resist the urge to throw something at him.
"What is your problem today? You could have compromised my entire interrogation, he's never going to tell me anything now!" You snap, anger pinching at your features.
"Good! Now you have no reason to talk to him again." Spencer snaps back, can't you see that he's just protecting what's his?
"Spencer we're trying to save somebody! You're being selfish!" You say to him angrily, trying your best not to start yelling at him. Spencer's selfish possessiveness over you could have just ruined your entire investigation.
"This is why the Bureau was hesitant to reinstate you. They were scared you wouldn't be able to control yourself." You snap at him, crossing your arms.
"Are you saying they made a mistake?" Spencer asks incrediously, suddenly becoming defensive.
"Maybe they did. Because you're acting like an asshole right now. You've been a jerk to Luke the entire day when he busted his ass to help get you out of Prison and back to me! Since when have you not trusted me during an interrogation? What did you think was going to happen? That I was going to let him touch me? I thought you trusted me." You cry out, tears filling your eyes now. Spencer didn't say anything as you turned for the door, anger still laced in his features.
"This has nothing to do with me not trusting you-"
"If you don't trust me, then maybe you should just hold onto my wedding ring for a while. I don't want it." You snap quietly, and you regret the words the second they leave your lips. No matter how mad he makes you, you'd never leave Spencer. You watch Spencer's expression shift from anger to...hurt. He watches silently as you slam the door behind you. Prison has turned him into somebody he isn't, and Spencer doesn't know how to turn off this part of his brain. The part telling him that you belong to him, and that he needs to protect what's his.
Rossi catches the sight of your tear stained cheeks as you move back towards the kitchen in the precinct. You wipe your tears as he comes to stand beside you, and the look on his face tells you that he overheard your fight with Spencer. Rossi bumps you with his elbow gently, a small smile on his face.
"You don't look okay." He says softly and you let out a self-depreciating laugh.
"I'm not. I don't know how to help Spencer, he doesn't trust me." You say sadly, your heart breaking in your chest.
"It's not you he doesn't trust, it's other men." Rossi clarifies, although it does little to ease the pain. You reach up to brush your hair behind your ear when Rossi catches your hand, examining your ring finger.
"Where's your wedding ring?"
"Told Spencer I didn't want it." The words are laced with heavy regret, and when you remember the look on his face when you said it you almost start to cry again. Rossi wraps an arm around you, and you lean your head on his shoulder.
"Deep down, he knows you didn't mean it." He tries to reassure you.
"That's the problem, he probably thinks I meant it."
┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈
Normally it only takes you and Spencer a few hours to smooth things over after a fight. But this time, it's been nearly 3 hours and you haven't spoken a word to each other. You're both working on searching through Alan Baker's financial records without speaking at all. Neither of you have said anything, and Spencer still has your wedding ring. You desperately want it back, but you don't know how to start that conversation. You're angry about how he's been treating everybody, and you feel like asking for your ring is accepting defeat. You're not ready to accept defeat. When Emily comes into the room, her eyes settle on the two of you.
"Okay, what's going on with you guys?" Her arms are crossed.
"Nothing." The word comes from both yours and Spencer's mouths at the same time, and you say it far too quickly. Emily raises one brow at the two of you before closing the door behind her.
"Alright I'm going to have to be a boss now. We are not going to lock this guy away if the two of you are fighting. We need everybody on their A-game. Fix it. Now, and I mean right now." She says, leaving the room but closing the door behind her. There's a suffocating silence that fills the room, both you and Spencer too stubborn to speak first. But you can't take it, you hate it when he's mad at you. You hate it when you guys fight, which isn't often but it does happen occasionally.
"I didn't mean it." You whisper, leaning on the table, facing away from him. Spencer doesn't say anything but you know he's listening.
"I didn't mean it Spencer, I want my ring." He'd be lying if he said he wasn't relieved to hear you say that, his entire world crashed down around him the second you told him to keep the ring. The irrational part of his brain told him you were going to divorce him.
"Can I please have it back?" You ask, barely turning your head to look at him. With a huff Spencer pushes away from the table to move in front of you. His eyes are focused on your hand, he has yet to look at you. Spencer fishes around in his pocket before he finds your ring and gently slides it onto your ring finger.
"You have to stop glaring at any man that gets to close to me, especially Luke." You tell him, but he continues to look away from you. Spencer pushes past you to stand near the windows, his back facing you. The thing about Spencer is that he's stubborn, really stubborn. You take a few steps towards him, nibbling on your lower lip.
"I love you Spencer, I'm sorry. I was an ass, but you acted like an ass too." You tell him, but Spencer only turns his head further away from you. You move to stand in front of him, but his eyes turn to the ground and his arms are crossed tightly. Seriously?
"Please talk to me Spencer, tell me what's going on." You can see the frustration laced in his features, there's something on the tip of his tongue that he needs to say.
"After you left from your visit, do you know why I didn't let you come back?" Spencer snaps, his hands finding your shoulders to yank your body against his. Your chest collides with his and suddenly you feel a dampness building between your legs. You instantly turn to putty in his hands.
"I didn't let you come back because that asshole told everybody about you. Told everybody what a tight little body you have. Soon the entire cell block was fantasizing about my 'sexy wife'. Do you have any idea what it's like to listen to men constantly talk about fucking your wife?" Spencer's voice is tense, but you can see it. The lust building behind his eyes, the frustration, and the fear of losing you simmering underneath it all.
"N-No." Your voice is breathy, and your eyes are lidded as Spencer's hands slide up your arms to your shoulders.
"It's fucking hell Y/N. Every time I see any man look at you I want to rip his eyes out, and I can't turn it off. I've tried, and the way that Alvez looks at you- it drives me fucking crazy." Spencer snaps, the anger building by the second. Your entire body begins to hum with an intense need, and Spencer can see it in your eyes. Spencer releases you then and he turns for the door, at first you're afraid he's going to leave but instead he locks the door. Luckily it's late, so the police station is more deserted then it is during the day. Turning back to you, Spencer reaches for the blinds next and you can't help but follow his every movement with your eyes.
"Get on your knees." Spencer says suddenly, and you freeze in shock. Did he just say...?
"Get. On. Your. Knees." Spencer says again through clenched teeth, leaning back against the table, heat simmering in his eyes. His hands grip the edge of the table and you feel a throb from between your legs. Quickly you scramble onto your knees in front of him, your hands reaching up to undo his belt. Once the belt is unfastened, you're quickly unbuttoning his dress slacks, your eagerness making your hands a bit clumsy. Spencer has never been this dominant during sex, but you have no complaints. He has your knees weak and he hasn't even touched you. You quickly dip your hand into his boxers to pull his hardening cock out. As soon as his cock is freed, your lips are wrapping around the head. Spencer's head tosses back in ecstasy.
"Your lips look so pretty stretched around my cock. Those bastards could only imagine having you on your knees for them." Spencer snaps, his hand weaving into the hair at the back of your head. You moan softly around him at his crude words, slowly sliding down his cock. Spencer groans when he feels your tongue laving the underside of his cock, along the vein that runs from base to tip. Apparently feeling impatient, Spencer pushes your head further down his cock. He feels his tip right at the entrance of your throat, and with one gentle thrust he breaches your throat and his cock slides all the way into your mouth.
"Fuck," Spencer hisses, and Spencer does not curse often. So the fact that you have been able to draw curses from his mouth is nothing short of a miracle. Spencer's chest heaves slightly as you gag lightly around him, drawing another deep groan from his chest. You feel nearly desperate to please him, you need to make him cum. You want him to fucking pound you, you want him to use your body for his pleasure. You want him to release all of his frustration out on you, you want to be sore when he's done.
"You're mine. This is my body to touch and admire, my tight pussy to stretch open, mine." Spencer growls, thrusting gently to meet your hasty movements. You whimper around his cock, gagging slightly again as spit dribbles down your chin. Your eyes are wide and watery as you look up at him, and the sight of you nearly causes him to blow his load. You just look so fucking beautiful on your knees in front of him, drool on your chin and your mouth full of cock. It's a sight he will never forget. You move your head faster, keeping your eyes locked on his. Spencer squeezes the edge of the table, his head tossing back when his orgasm hits him. You feel his cum shooting in spurts to the back of your throat and you swallow every drop. Once you pull off him, Spencer is grabbing your elbows to pull you to stand.
Spencer's hands are reaching for the button of your dress slacks as his mouth presses messily to yours. Spencer's tongue pushes into your mouth, his hands pushing your pants down and you kick them off. Instantly, Spencer's fingers are sliding into your panties and through your slick folds. You whine loudly against his mouth, your eyes fluttering shut as his palm roughly cradles the back of your head.
"Need to make sure you know who you belong to." Spencer snaps as he pulls away from you, quickly pushing two long fingers into your dripping hole. You cry out before Spencer is slapping a hand over your mouth, your back pressed against the wall. Spencer's slender frame is leaning against you, effectively trapping you against the wall and his body. Your eyes are rolling when Spencer's finger crook inside of you while roughly thrusting into you.
"Gotta be quiet, wouldn't want Luke to catch us now would we?" Spencer breathes in the shell of your ear, sending goosebumps spreading over your skin. You are completely at Spencer's mercy and you wouldn't have it any other way. The pleasure shooting through you goes rocketing up your spine when Spencer scissors his fingers inside of you. You're mumbling incoherently against his palm, desperate pleas not to stop, to please let you cum. Your entire body is flushed, and you feel sweat on your skin like a sheen layer over you. Spencer feels you begin to squeeze around his fingers and he replaces his palm with his mouth, swallowing all of your moans and desperate cries.
Your back is arching as your high approaches, and you climb higher and higher to meet it. Spencer never lets up, his fingers steadily pumping into you and his lips muffling all of your cries of pleasure. The sounds you make are music to his ears, they tell him that you will always be his, no matter what childish fears he has. Your hands come up to unbutton the buttons on Spencer's dress shirt, you need to feel more of him. Before you can finish undressing your husband, his fingers nudge your cervix and you instantly clamp around his fingers, your body convulsing.
"You look so beautiful when you cum." Spencer praises, his cock rock hard again. He needs to be inside of you as soon as humanely possible. Spencer pulls away from you to grasp the base of his cock, no need to bother with protection. The two of you already agreed that you want to try for a baby anyway.
"Please baby, please get inside me. How could you think I'd ever leave you? I love you, and nobody could make me cum like you can." You moan desperately, turning to bend over the table. Spencer's hand runs up your spine, enjoying the way you wriggle your hips in search of his cock. There are butterflies squirming in your stomach as you spread your legs apart wider for him, but he still doesn't bring his cock closer to you.
"Oh c'mon Spence don't do this please. Baby, fuck me." You plead, nearly sobbing as you shamlessly beg. He presses his tip against your soaked entrance and you whine. You hear fabric rustling around and you turn your head just in time to see him pull his tie from around his neck.
"I needed to hear you beg for me, and this is to keep you quiet. As much as I love the sounds you make when I'm inside you, I can't let anyone else hear you." Spencer says, his voice low and rumbling from his chest. You open your mouth to let him tie the silk fabric in your mouth. You try to whimper but you gag around the tie in your mouth, and you see a pleased smile cross onto Spencer's face. Your fingers grasp at the edge of the table as you impatiently wait for Spencer to push into you. You feel his glorious cock nestled at your entrance, the tip barely nudging in. You feel another wave of slick gush out of you and Spencer is running his tip through your already drenched folds. Such a tease.
You whine softly, trying to push back against him. Spencer chuckles darkly before his hands grasp your hips to hold you steady. With one firm thrust, Spencer is breaching your folds and sliding deep inside you. You feel heat searing through you, your head dropping to the table as you whimper through the burn. The stretch burns more then you anticipated, and you hear Spencer groaning softly, which sends another wave of liquid heat rushing through you.
"God you feel so good baby, you take my cock so fucking well." Spencer praises, gently pulling out to slowly thrust back in. His eyes are locked on the place where you two connect, watching with hooded eyes as his cock disappears inside you.
"I wish you could see this baby, I love watching you take my cock." He praises through a soft moan, and you drink up every sound he makes. Spencer needed this so bad and you love the fact that you can give him a type of relief nobody else on the planet can give him. Spencer steadily thrusts into you when you both hear footsteps slowly passing outside the room. You expect Spencer to stop, to pull out of you and start redressing but he doesn't. He slows his pace considerably, but he still slowly thrusts into you.
"Shh, I would hate for whoever that is to see my cock buried in your pretty pussy." Spencer whispers as he leans forward to whisper in your ear. You struggle to contain the whimpers, but somehow you remain completely silent as Spencer gently thrusts into you. Once whoever it is passes by, Spencer resumes his quicker thrusts. His pelvis hits your ass with enough force to send you lurching across the table and your fingers scramble to find purchase against the smooth surface.
"This is my pussy, you're my wife, you're mine. Not Luke's, not that dick from the Prison. Mine." Spencer says, punctuating the words with a sharp thrust into you. You wished you could answer him, that you could cry to the heavens that you belong to Spencer Reid- that you never want to belong to anybody else. You settle for squeezing his cock whenever it returns to your velvety warmth, chanting the same word in your head over and over.
Yours yours yours yours yours.
Your forehead presses against the table, muffled and strangled cries escaping your lips every time Spencer hits deep inside you. His cock stretches you perfectly, and always hits places deep inside you. Places you didn't know existed. Soon you feel your orgasm creeping up on you, and you feel lightheaded so you reach up to yank the tie away from your mouth.
"Please make me cum Spence, I'm so close baby please don't stop." You beg, muffling your moans with your palm as he drives his cock into you. You feel sweat covering your entire body and Spencer holds your hips with a bruising force. You feel that coil winding tighter and tighter, and you release a high pitched whine when Spencer's hand snakes around your body to thumb your clit.
"Oh Spencer your cock feels so good, soo good baby. Always feels so good, fuck baby I love you," You're not sure what you're saying at this point, an incoherent mess of praises for the man above you. Spencer loves when he reduces you to this, speaking in a jumble of words and disconnected statements because you can't think with his cock inside you.
"I, shit, I love you-" Spencer gasps, slamming his cock inside you and rolling your clit before you're squeezing around him tightly, your mouth falling open in a silent scream. You cum in hot gushes around him and Spencer can only offer a few more stuttering thrusts before he's cumming with a loud growl, coating your walls in his hot cum. Spencer keeps his cock inside you, ensuring his cum stays inside you. He wants to get you pregnant. His palms gently hold your hips, and all the frustration he's felt all day has completely disappeared. His chest is heaving from the exertion but he feels more relaxed then he has all day. There's a smile on your face and your eyes are closed as your legs finally give out and you collapse against the table.
"You okay?" You hear Spencer's voice, and you can't help but smile when you hear that he's panting slightly. You hum with a smile on your face.
"I'm amazing." You mumble back, feeling Spencer begin to gently massage your back. You love enjoying the afterglow with him, even if you're laying on a table. Slowly Spencer pulls out, but he groans softly when he sees his cum inside your pussy. He reaches to the floor to pull your panties and dress slacks back up your legs and he quickly tucks himself back into his pants. He buttons the 4 buttons you managed to open on his shirt before he's gently pulling you to stand.
"You sure you're alright?" Spencer asks, concern in his eyes. You nod with a smile, but when he releases his hold on your shoulders, you feel your legs tremble and give out underneath you. Spencer immediately catches you and sets you down on the table. You laugh softly.
"Guess you fucked me good."
"Sorry." Spencer says sheepishly, but you press a chaste kiss to his lips.
"Don't be, that had to have been the best sex we've had in a long time." You mumble against his lips and Spencer hums in agreement. Reaching for his tie, Spencer shoves it in his pocket before he pokes his head out of the room you guys just defiled.
"Spencer, I'm so sorry about what I said. I love you so much, I didn't mean what I said about my ring-" You blubber suddenly, drawing Spencer's attention to you. He cradles your head against his chest, pressing kisses to your forehead.
"I know baby, it's okay. I love you." Spencer answers quietly, holding you to him tightly.
"I'm sorry I was a jerk today. I'm just so protective of you. I can't let anything steal you from me." Spencer admits softly and you cup his cheeks to make him look at you. There is a sadness in his eyes that you want to obliterate, you can't stand it when he's sad. It breaks your heart.
"Nothing could steal me from you. I only want you Spencer." You say quietly and you see tears misting his eyes. He presses his lips desperately against yours, and you feel tears cascading down yours and his cheeks. The kiss is wet, but it's passionate and you throw every ounce of love you have for this man into it. When you and Spencer part, your foreheads are pressed together.
"Hey Spence? How am I gonna get to the hotel. I can't walk." You say softly with a giggle and Spencer smiles mischievously.
"I guess I'll have to carry you." He scoops you bridal style into his arms then and you blush deeply when he carries you out of the room and towards the front entrance.
"Spencer! Everybody is going to know!" You whisper into his ear and he chuckles.
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rubywithecat · 2 years
Aot girls reaction when they yell at you
She is always calm during argument but when you get on her nerves, she will raise her voice and that is really scary. After that she will feel really bad and leave the room quietly because she doesn't want to hurt you again. __ Historia She will stare at you in awe if you yell at her. She will started to ask you questions like what did she do wrong and why are you acting so scary like that. So instead of arguing more, you guys end up setteling down the problem and cuddling each other and pretended like nothing ever happened. --
She will definately use cuss words. "Did you just cuss me?!" you asked. "Well fu-k yeah!" she yelled back. And you shouted back "Fu-k you!" It goes on like that and at last, you two will end up laughing at each other lmao.
Pieck will never yell at you. But when she got yelled in the arguments, she will make you feel like the worst person in the world. She will start crying and telling you about what she had done for you and how much she loved you but all you gave back her is this. You will have to beg her several times until she laughed again.
-- Annie She will ignore every words you say when you guys argue. And that really pissed you off. But when you didn't give up and still continuing like for hours, she will suddenly yell like "SHUT UP! I don't want to hear your nonscene anymore!" and when you went silent and shocked at her, she will not feel bad. She will just continue to do what she is doing. (Please don't hate me for this--I'm just trying to be true, looking back at how she killed people mercilessly T-T But still I like Annie) --
It might not be in an argument. She yelled at you when you two were doing experiments on titans. You did something wrong and messed up the experiment and then she scolded you harshly because the experiment is absoultely ruined. You sobbed and mumbled "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." Then she realized how much you sacred of her so she sighed. "Don't make the same mistake next time" and hugged you. "I'm not mad at you. It's ok" she said.
She will yell at you for not letting her explain about whatever you guys are arguing about. She would not do anything that time but later she will propably make it up with giving you her favourite food (potato or meat) lol
-- Yelena She will never give up unless you apologize. As the argument goes on, she will use a little violent to stop you. She grabbed your shoulder and yelled "LET'S JUST STOP!" And then you guys stare each other for a few seconds and tears started to flow from your eyes. When she see that she will properly let you go and whispered at you "Don't argue with me next time. You will only get hurt" and she wiped your tears and gently kissed your cheek. --
(I write this bcoz someone ask me and thank u so much for that! 💖
I hope you will enjoy and like this. Also, you guys can request me for next one!)
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aurumbelis · 2 years
𝐁𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞.
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem! Y/N
TW: soft Freddieboy, dry humping lmao, handjob, fingering, if you squint also slightly Dom! Reader, things by the lake because you have to imagine some sunset and shining waters, okay? Okay.
Minors do not interact!!
Late in the afternoon we decided that we were going to go on a little promenade to the lake that was near the Burrow, it was nice and intimate, and that’s what Fred and I needed after almost a whole summer of being surrounded by family and friends, being able to have the minimum one-on-one encounters.
We took towels and some food, our wish was to stay until the sunset, so that Molly would not get worried even if she knew where we were going.
The sun was still high in the sky when we arrived at the lake, making a bath even more desirable, we quickly put down our things and take our clothes off. I cannot avoid looking at Fred twice once he only has his swimming trunks, Quidditch pays off very well, his body was all contoured, skin sparkled with freckles.
-I really want to do the same as you are doing right now, darling. – a smirk came across his face, still waiting for me to be in my bathing suit.
I took off my clothes as he stared at me with his intense gaze, he might have fixated his eyes on my thighs more than anywhere else.
I took his hand in mine and made him run to the water, not minding the cold temperature of it when it dampened our skin. I let go of his hand and submerged myself completely into the lake.
Fred did the same and we both swam for a little. I was exhausted after moving my body so much, so I let my body float, flowing with the soft current. All that I could hear was the water around me, the birds chirping, and I could feel the sun partially drying the skin that was not under water.
Suddenly a pair of hands pushed my body down into the water, making me inhale lots of it because I was very unprepared. I remerged and looked at my attacker, who was of course smiling widely at my now furious face.
-Fred, I swear to Godric you are very dead. - I said as I pushed him back trying to make him stumble, but clearly, my raging brain hadn’t thought about the fact that he was strong and large, and of course he was prepared for my attack. I tried again, but still failed. Now facing his back, I tried pushing his elbows down, but nothing worked, and he still had that fucking smirk on him, I knew he was enjoying this.
I surrendered, still angry at him, and made my way to where our towels were. He followed me, saying my name over and over again.
-¡Y/n, come on, please, do not be angry at me for this! – he was not shouting at me, but he still had to raise his voice due to him being far away, and me not wanting to face him.
-Y/n/n, please…
Fred put his hands on my towel covered arms, and his head on the crook of my neck.
-Come on love, please, I am very sorry.
I turned to him, breathing deeply trying not to be mad still, even though my nostrils hurt badly. I looked up at his eyes, which were already looking at me, and I could see that he really regretted what he had done. I put my hand up to his cheek and I caressed it softly.
-It’s okay Freddie, but please try and at least tell me to cover my nose. -I smiled slightly,  trying to take the heavy feelings out of our systems.
-I promise I’ll tell you, I’ll wait and then I’ll do it, I don’t want you to be mad at me, and I did not intend to hurt you.
-I know you did not want to hurt me Fred, trust me.
I put both my arms around his neck, and he put his around my waist as he pulled me closer. He hugged me as softly, as tender, but as intensely as he always does. He pulled my body a bit upwards, signalling for me to cling onto him. I did and he walked to the neatly laid towel on the grass, sitting himself down, and as he did so I was also sitting on him, still embracing him. It was all making me feel loads better.
I put my head up from his shoulder and I place my lips in his into a sweet and brief kiss, which he decides for both of us that it is in fact too brief, as he gives me small pecks, just innocent ones, that gradually become longer, our lips now starting to act on the action, moving smoothly against each other, without any rush.
If possible, his hands now on my hips moved me closer to him, and they stayed there, caressing my sides as the kiss continued. I decided to move my hips against him, I felt like I needed the friction, and by the bite on my lower lip I knew he needed it too. It was all rhythmic, from my hands buried in his ginger hair, to his caresses on my hips, which were on a slow but steady pace, matching to the one that our lips had.
We had to stop for air some minutes, but we physically needed to continue, it was not often that we got to do these things without being interrupted, and we wanted to get to the very end.
As I was sitting on him, I could feel him getting harder and harder by the second, and that motivated me to deepen my movements onto him and making them slightly faster. He kissed me slightly off my lips, on the corner of my mouth, on my jawline, and all towards my neck, kisses getting softer and wetter. He sometimes slightly licked and then kissed again.
I decided to separate a bit from him, still sitting on him, to approach his dick, he looked at me as if he was saying “are you sure?” to which I replied with a simple nod and with getting my hand into his swimming trunks. He was already very hard, a bit of precum leaking from his tip, which I used to make my movements a lot smoother. Going up and down, sometimes massaging the sensitive tip, and making him moan for more.
My grip on him became a little stronger, and my movements faster, I looked up at him, eyes closed, mouth slightly opened, breathing heavily and cursing a bit at the same time.
-Fuck, Y/n/n, I’m so fucking close.
That is all it took for me to keep my motions steady, and to quicken my pace. With that, he moaned audibly as he came onto my hand, mumbling about; “how fucking hot I am”, and about how I am going to need to get ready for him. Before putting me off of him, he kissed me sweetly. He laid me down, and he did not waste any time. He put his middle and ring finger on my lips.
-Suck them for me, love. -His still recovering breathing did not make his commanding tone to change, but it made everything seem a lot more fast paced… It made it seemed like it, which does not mean that it was faster this time.
He put the fingers in my mouth, far in, not making me gag, but almost. As quick as he put them in, he pulled them out making his way down my body with the two fingers, making me shiver because of the tingles and the anticipation. He pulled my panties down with his other hand, taking his fingers to my slit, which was already wet because of all the friction early.
-You look so beautiful darling.
He ran his fingers softly, up and down, almost as if he did not want to touch me just yet. He then began to trace circles around my clit very lightly, adding nearly no pressure to his movements on me. Fred did this for a long time, making me starting to whimper as I was aching for more pressure.
He obliged to the sounds I was making, adding more pressure, making his circling motion even more narrow, making my legs shake up a bit because of the sensitivity. He moved his fingers faster now, which made me into a bit of a quiet moaned mess. He stopped his movements on my clit, to enter first one finger into me, and then two, making me still want friction to my swollen clit. He made me wait for it, fingers going in and out at a painfully slow pace.
I wanted to orgasm very badly, so I vocalized it, to which Fred replied with a simple hum. Pulling his fingers out slowly from me, and returning them to my clit, which made me arch my back, and it stayed that way as he quickened his pace even more than before, making me now audibly moan into my orgasm.
He continued making circles gradually slower to help me ride my high out. He came up to my face and kissed me, softly, letting me breath as I was still trying to slow down my breathing and my heart rate.
He laid down next to me, and we stayed like that until the sun was almost down, and that is when in between kisses we started collecting our things and making our way back to the Burrow.
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whiskeynwriting · 2 years
Watch Me
Agent Daddy Whiskey x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI) dirty talk, spanking, slight degradation (he calls you cockdumb and I’m WEAK), vaginal sex, rough sex, jealous and possessive Whiskey (god YES)
A/N: Okay, I’m about to shock y’all: this is one of VERY FEW Daddy Whiskey fics where we don’t have the daddy kink. We are taking a trip back to the beginning of Whiskey and Babycakes’ relationship, about three or four months in. Don’t worry, it still gets spicy (;
Co-written by @sweetangel0069 because dear lord Anna did you give me some BEAUTIFUL ideas. If you guys find yourselves liking a certain line or description in this fic, it’s damn near a coin toss as to whether I wrote it, or Anna did lmao. Anna, please NEVER stop sending me your incredible thots <3
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You know you’re still in that honeymoon phase, still in your own perfect little world the two of you had made together. There was never anything wrong, never any fights, only peace, love, and happiness. You knew it would come to an end eventually, you knew that if you were going to stay together that there would eventually be hardships, but you were ready to face those when they came. Because as far as you’re concerned, Jack Daniels is in your life to stay.
While your age gap was more than obvious, the two of you had plenty of things in common. One of them being your love for loud music and trashy dive-bars. Something about the atmosphere is just so fun; the two of you downing your favorite drinks while dancing to old country songs. To Jack, it was his slice of heaven.
Speaking of Jack…
“Hey, darlin’.” He returns, his tone displaying his grin. “I’m here, parked right outside.”
“Okay, I’ll be out in just a minute.” You tell him, smiling like a damn fool.
“See you then, sweet pea.”
Once you hang up the phone, you move to get your purse. You were so excited for the date you got ready nearly an hour early, making sure to wear that short dress you know Jack likes. It’s made of denim, the light blue fabric soft and smooth. The dress cinches in at your waist and ends a dangerous few inches past your hip. The sleeves are short, reaching your mid-bicep, and there are three buttons that allow you to choose your neckline, which you leave entirely open, knowing that’s how Jack likes it best. You finished your outfit off with a pair of simple, light brown, open-toed heels, the shade matching your bag.
When you walk outside, you’re delighted to see Jack waiting for you in his vintage Bronco. He has his elbow on the side of the car, his jaw in hand as he waits. His other hand rests on the steering wheel, lightly tapping along to a song. He’s wearing his aviator shades, his black hat matching the tone of his leather jacket. Beneath it, he wears a plan white t-shirt.
“Hey, sugar.” He greets, climbing out of the car to wrap you in a hug.
“Hi, baby.” You happily return, welcoming his kiss when he pulls back just enough to deliver it.
The rest of Jack’s attire consist of dark blue jeans, his flask belt buckle, and brown cowboy boots. You grin, humming happily at how he looks.
“Yeah?” he coos, watching your eyes dip down his figure. “You like what I’m wearin’, sweet cheeks?”
“Mhm,” your eyes return to his, lips curling to mirror his.
“I find myself feelin’ the same,” he flirts. “You look gorgeous, sugar.”
Even though Jack had certain outfits he liked best on you, he thought you looked beautiful in anything. After all, it’s really you who made the outfit look good.
Jack keeps his hand on your bare knee throughout the short drive, his thumb rubbing across the skin your dress had exposed, riding up slightly when you sat down. The top to the Bronco is down, the nighttime breeze flowing through your hair. You feel so at peace, so incredibly happy by his side. Nothing made a night more memorable than spending it with him.
The specific bar he takes you to is one the two of you have visited before. The bar tenders were nice, the drinks knocked you on your ass, and they even had a Jukebox, too. There was also a pool table in the back, the very table Jack taught you how to play on.
“Hey, Jack,”
“Hey there, Charlie.” Jack returns, pulling out a stool for you before taking a seat on one himself.
The bar tender greets you, too, having known you by name for some weeks now. He assumes both your drink orders, and assumes right.
“What do you wanna do tonight, sugar?” Jack asks, turning to you while Charlie makes your drinks.
“Do you wanna play pool again? I’m getting pretty good.” You smirk, knowing he’ll accept your playful challenge.
“You sure you wanna try that?” he teases. “You’re quite new to the game, babycakes. Wouldn’t want to embarrass you on your first independent round.”
You roll your eyes with a grin, grabbing your drink in hand when Charlie sets it down. “C’mon cowboy, I’ll show you what I got.”
And to Jack’s surprise, you’re giving him quite a run for his money. He wonders if you’d been practicing on your own or if you were just a natural talent. Up until now, he’d been helping you out on every turn whenever you’d play. But today, you’re all on your own, and he’s really having to give it his all.
Damn, he grins to himself. My baby’s got a spark.
When Jack’s about to take his final shot, aiming for the eight ball, he hears a few men murmur up ahead of him. His eyes glance up beneath his brow, looking at you from across the velvety green. Further behind you he sees a group of guys standing around, a couple of them turning to scan your form.
“Thanks for giving me the game, baby.” You tease, watching as he misses his shot.
Jack gives you a faux smile, fooling you but glaring at the younger men as soon as you turn around.
“Look at you,” he grins. “Guess I really did teach you well, huh?”
You giggle, reveling in his words as well as your first win. When you walk over to him, he wraps an arm around you, holding his cue stick in the other. His heart leaps from his chest when you give him a celebratory kiss, the hand on your back pressing your body against his. He can feel eyes on you as you do it, the attention only making him smirk against your lips.
She’s mine.
You convince Jack to play another round with you, thinking he’s hell bent on beating you now. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Honestly, he’s not even paying attention to the game anymore. That group of guys is still there, about five of them lurking behind you. Seeing them check you out for so long makes him want to take you home and wrap you in his arms, keep you in bed and never let anyone else look at you ever again. It also makes him want to knock their teeth out.
“Oh, come on! It’s like you’re not even trying!” you tease, winning once again.
With graceful feet and swinging hips, you saunter over to him, lightly patting his chest.
“You’re somethin’, baby.” He says, grinning down at you before his eyes flicker back up to the younger boys behind you. “C’mon, why don’t we go get another drink?”
With his hand on your lower back, he leads you over to the bar, ordering another round for you both. As usual, Charlie whips them up quick, a new drink back in your hand in mere seconds.
As you begin to take a sip, someone to your left clears their throat, drawing your attention. You turn, setting down your drink as you look at the man standing beside you.
“Hi,” he says, smiling kindly.
“Hi,” you return, unfamiliar with the man.
“I saw you playin’ pool over there and I just gotta say, you’re quite a good shooter.”
You smirk, “Oh, thanks. It’s only because I have the best teacher.” You’re referencing Jack, of course, and it makes him smile, heart pounding proudly in his chest. But the guy next to you doesn’t seem to get the hint.
“I guess so.” he grins. “How ‘bout I buy you a drink and let you play a round with me?”
Your eyes widen at his offer, quickly furrowing your eyebrows with one raising high. And while your reaction seems appropriate, Jack’s is anything but. He’s doing everything he can to stay calm. He can’t fucking believe this guy just asked to take you out right in front of him. He knows for a fact he saw your kiss; what an arrogant little prick.
“Oh, I’m fine, thank you. I’m actually here with my boyfriend.” You smile proudly, turning slightly toward Jack.
Jack eyes the younger man and has been since he first stepped toward you, hell, he’s been eyeing him since he first looked at you. Jack’s gaze is mean yet smug, knowing he has what the other men want, what this man wants. He gives him a slight nod, raising two fingers to his forehead in a cocky little salute.
Your rejection, although in the kindest form, infuriates him. He scowls at Jack, and then turns to you, laughing arrogantly.
“Boyfriend? That’s gotta be a joke.”
Jack’s even-expression turns sour at this, his thread of patience officially cut. Your jaw drops, both brows raising in shock. Who the fuck does he think he is?
“He’s old enough to be your dad! There’s no fucking way you’re with him.”
At this point, he’s officially pissed you off. You knew the age gap between you and Jack raised some eyebrows, but neither of you cared about that. The people close to you supported you no matter what, and honestly, your age gap just made the two of you even hotter for each other.
“I’m well aware of his age,” you retort, giving him an unamused frown after you scoff. “And I actually really like it. I’m more than done with this conversation, so you can go fuck off.”
Jack is absolutely fuming, and even though your back is turned toward him for the moment, you can practically feel the anger radiating off him. You feel so bad, he must be so upset. What if he’s embarrassed? Immediately, you turn to him, blabbering out every word you can as you try to piece together some sort of an apology. And while your efforts don’t go unnoticed, they’re certainly unnecessary. Jack isn’t even listening. He just stares at you, stares into you, and before you know it, he’s grabbing you by your arm and hauling you out of your seat.
You’re stumbling along behind him as he struts toward the door. Is he taking you home? Is he upset with you? You’ve never had an argument before, not a real one, at least. You’ve had disagreements, sure, but you’ve never seen him so angry before. You were having such a good night, is he really going to let some stupid guy ruin it all for you?
Just as you’re about to walk up to the door, he turns, leading you down a short hall. At the end of it sits a door leading to the establishment’s only bathroom. Your breath catches in your throat, your heart racing and nearly lurching from your chest. With one push, he opens the door, a second shove forcing you in. You stumble forward, turning to see him locking the door.
“B – baby,” you stammer out. “I’m so sorry! That guy was an asshole! Please, don’t be mad.”
Your words stumble out haphazardly, doing whatever you can to deescalate the situation. But toward the end of your brief ramble, Jack turns, moving forward with sure steps. The bathroom door opened up into another short hall, a corridor to the right of it leading into the small space with a single toilet and sink. As Jack approaches you, your steps move backward, his body quickly pinning you against the wall at the back of the short hall. His body crowds yours against the firm surface, his hot breath in your face.
“Oh, baby, I know that guy is a prick. He pissed me off, but you… you sweet, young thing. The way you told him off got me hard, sugar.” His body moves against you, grinding his hips into yours as his mouth lowers to your ear. “You like that I’m older? Huh? Does my age turn you on, darlin’?”
You realize now that Jack isn’t mad at you, and that any anger he felt has been clouded by an incredibly exciting arousal. The fact that this all turned him on makes you feel needy, submissive, eager to please. An uncontrollable passion overcomes you, consuming both your body and mind alike.
All at once, your lips crash into his, forcing a groan from his throat. Both of your hands reach for his neck, pushing his mouth further against your own. He parts your lips with his mouth, eagerly licking inside. He moans into you when your teeth nip at his lower lip, your lips capturing his tongue and sucking it out of his mouth. He shoves his head away from you, ripping himself from the hold your lips have on his tongue before he returns, diving back inside all over again.
As you continue to kiss, continue to lick into the other’s mouth, Jack moves his hands to your hips. His strong arms force you to the side, pulling you over to the counter before spinning you around. Jack smiles, looking over your shoulder as you gaze at your reflection together. You’re already a mess, your chest heaving with anticipation, your lips already swollen beneath lust-blown eyes.
“You’re so beautiful, baby.” Jack always did love to see you wrecked, and in all honesty, this is nothing compared to when you were at home. His eyes dip lower, exploring your exposed cleavage. "My pretty little girl."
“Jesus Christ,” he mumbles, strong hands pawing at your ass. “You sexy little thing.”
He groans out, leaning back to hike your dress up over your ass. His hands return, now landing on bare skin. His jaw drops at the sight, eagerly landing a single, harsh slap.
“Watch me, baby.” Jack says, his eyes meeting yours in the mirror, his handsome face on full display. “Want you to watch this old man fuck your pretty little pussy.”
“Baby,” you gasp out, lips parting in awe at his words. Your fingers grip the porcelain sink, skin shivering with excitement.
Thick fingers wrap around the fabric of your thong, pulling it down your thighs just enough for him to slide inside. He can already feel how wet you are, how turned on you are from him. Jack’s head then drops back down, unbuckling his belt and then undoing his zipper.
“You’re so handsome, baby.” You sigh out, unable to pull your eyes away from the reflection of him.
Jack grins at your words, his lips parting as he pulls himself out. He keeps his head down, lifting his right hand and spitting into his palm. Your inner walls clench at the sight and sound, watching as he grips himself, running his fist over his thick length and using his own spit to lube himself up. Jack’s left hand then grabs hold of your lower cheek, spreading you slightly as he steadies his breath. But you barely have a chance to catch your own before he’s slamming his cock into you. You’re used to Jack’s eager passion, his pace always rough and hard, shoving himself deep, but for some reason, you didn’t expect him to do so here. You’re shocked at the stretch, his length feeling even bigger from behind.
The force of his thrusts nearly make your muscles go limp, your head dropping down between your shoulders as he fucks into you. And he sees this when he lifts his head, both hands now on your hips. He frowns, narrowing his brows. He told you to watch, so that’s exactly what he’s going to make you do. Almost instantly, his right hand reaches around, gripping your chin in hand to pull your face back up. Your eyes return to the lewd image, the reflection of you and him.
“Keep that pretty head up, babycakes. Told you to watch me; watch me fuck you.” he grunts out, his hips snapping harshly against your backside as he repeatedly plunges inside. “Such a pretty young thing, ain’t you, baby? Taking this old man’s cock so well. You’re such a fuckin’ slut, sugar. My slut.”
Jack’s filthy words never fail to turn you on, his voice alone enough to make your center weep. It’s unbelievable, the amount of euphoria Jack’s able to pull from your veins.
You want to speak to him, return the filth that falls so easily from his lips, but all you can manage out are small, breathy moans. He’s so close to you, his chest pressed flush against your back. He hits deep, punching himself against that sweet spot that makes you fucking drool. And all you can do is keep yourself in place for him, taking every single thrust he gives you.
“Oh, look at that. Is my baby goin’ cockdumb already?” he teases, nuzzling his nose against your neck, just below your ear.
You can feel his smirk pressing up against your skin, his heated breaths washing over you in waves. The barely-there stubble along his jawline rubs harshly against your skin, the hairs of his mustache tickling your neck.
His hands wander your body, one of them rising to the cleavage you so proudly show off. Due to your lack of secured buttons, he’s able to slip a hand inside, grabbing a fistful of your tit.
“No bra, huh?” he murmurs, the thickness of him throbbing inside you. He palms at you, sliding his thumb over your nipple. “I knew I could see those perky tits; knew I could see those pretty little nipples showing through.”
Jack’s mouth moves to your ear, nipping at your lobe before licking a stripe up the cuff. He groans, the vibrations from his chest and throat rumbling across your shoulder.
“B – baby, fuck – oh my god,”
“What is it, honey? You not like what I’m doin’?”
Jack’s other hand is wrapped around your midsection, holding you against him.
“No, no baby, I love it. I fucking love it!” you cry out, neither of you caring in the slightest how loud you are.
“Hm,” he hums, mouthing at your neck. “That’s what I thought.”
There’s never been a more beautiful sound than that of Jack’s pleasurable grunts and groans, the punched-out noises making your eyes roll back. You love to hear him, love to hear how fucking aroused he is. And he knows it.
“I’ve been thinkin’ about you all day, sugar. All. Fucking. Day.” he confesses, the hand around your waist retracting and lowering to grab your ass. “You’re my fucking girl, you know that?”
You whimper, nodding your head with closed eyes.
“Let me hear it, sweetheart.” The sudden sting of his hand on your ass causes your eyes to shoot open. “I thought I told you to watch.”
You’re so overwhelmed you completely forgot what he said, swallowing thickly as you try to gain some semblance of your bearings.
“Tell me you’re mine.” He demands, voice incredibly low.
“I’m yours, Jack. I’m yours, I’m always yours.”
“So good, so good, baby girl. You’re so fuckin’ pretty, sugar. Always drawin’ all those eyes, huh? You like that? You like the attention, honey?”
“No,” you whimper. “No, baby. I only want yours.” And it’s true, and he knows it.
It was during your very first sexual encounter that Jack’s possessive side came out, unable to help himself from claiming your beautiful form.
“Mm – fuck.” he groans, choked out gasps punching out from his throat. “Oh, honey, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum, okay? And then I’ll take you home, take you home and lick your pussy, make your pretty pussy cum all over my tongue and fingers. Would you like that, babycakes?”
“God, yes. Please, yes.” you immediately beg, turning your head to the side. “Please let me feel it, baby. Let me feel you cum inside.”
Jack groans, a sound that turns into a growl against your neck. He can feel himself shaking, his muscles working to hold both of you up as he begins to cum. You coax him to his peak, grinding your hips back against him until it forces him off the edge. Shortly after your words, you feel it inside, welcoming the warmth as he paints your inner channel white.
You can feel the muscles in his chest and stomach as they press up behind you, grinding his hips against your ass and forcing himself even deeper inside. His ragged breaths make you sigh, your head tilting slightly as he begins peppering your neck with passionate kisses. He slips his hand out of your dress, both arms wrapping tightly around you, his cock softening and sliding out. His mouth trails up to your cheek, smirking against you.
“C’mon baby,” he murmurs, nose nuzzling into your neck as he feels you relax into his loving hold. “Let’s take you home.”
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Thank you for reading <3
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Agent Daddy Whiskey Taglist: @takochansugoi @movievillainess721 @thisisdeftheway @amirra88 @https-austyn-com @bbyanarchist @stuck-on-writing @singular-itae @anaaaispunk @punkerthanpascal @theherothesavior @xaestheticalien @pedropascalswife @thewintersoldierswife @kirsteng42
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Hi! Hope you're doing ok, and I wanted you to know that I absolutely love your writing! You said your request are open and I wonder if it would be to much trouble to do a poly!MC x Dorm leaders headcannons? If not, it's ok, mostly just wanted you to know that you are amazing and I am grateful you made this blog!
Thank you my dear for the ask! I'm so excited for the first ask on this blog, no less from an account I regonize!! Also, thank you for the kind words 💙
Some of these characters I'm not completely comfortable writing yet, so please bear with me. But if anyone has any poly! Twst recommendations, send them my way!
There is so much competition it's not even funny.
(^If you're just in a relationship with the dorm leaders, it's some what manageable. However, if you add the vice dorm heads, and everyone else, it's so much worse. I won't get into all that though. We might be here forever.)
Everyone is always trying to one up the other, often times dragging their dorms into their mess to compete via academics, sport, and whatever else the love stricken men can think of.
Leona is especially bad at involving his dorm in his little displays of superiority. Ruggie can't complain though. He finds it fun to watch all the dorm leaders fumble and over-exert themselves in attempts to impress you.
Well, not everyone. Kalim is possibly one of the only dorm heads not to actually compete with the mindset that he has something to prove.
^Sure he likes showing off but he's fairly content to just go with the flow.
Idia's stance is a little similar. He doesn't much care for all the song and dance that comes with these loud displays. Butttttt it would be lying to say he doesn't enjoy beating everyone in areas he has more skill.
On another note, Riddles need for rules and Vil's entitlement cause clashes a lot. The queens usually get along fine otherwise.
Azul has a tendency to try and bargin with everyone, often using you as some sort of pawn. Contract or not, it's just a habit the merman has a hard time shaking.
^Sometimes this starts fights, other times Leona is seriously considering whether he's willing to trade your date night for that grilled cheese.
Entering one another's dorms is just common practice now. There's hardly any announcement.
(^Afterall, if there were any sort of formal address, Leona would definitely cause a scene whe Kalim comes to steal you for a party during your nap sessions and Vil wouldn't get to have his hissy-fits when he sees you and Idia staying up all night)
Everyone remembers to invite Malleus to even the most mundane gatherings simply because you have committed to going on strike when he's not invited to things.
Kalim thinks this relationship means he can throw parties with all the dorm leaders. He is Idia's worst nightmare.
Riddle has nearly had a fight with every single dorm leader for not respecting his schedualing. Azul is probably the only one who hasn't faced the real weight of his wrath, but that's mostly because he himself has a busy schedule.
Vil loves to post about you online in the like "Instagram couple" way. Idia also loves to post about you, but his "look at my human, they just ran into a pole, aren't they cute?" style conflicts with the queen's.
^Thank goodness they do not use the same platforms.
Azul might use their posts to pit one against the other. He's not saying he will for sure, but it's just a backup plan incase someone gets too cocky.
Some of the leaders give you little gifts occasionally. Others have no problem stealing/disposing of these gifts.
(^Leona, Vil, and Malleus specifically have no care for other's tokens of affection. Leona usually goes for food, Vil throws out things he deems unseemly, and Malleus honestly... it's hard to say.)
Idia rarely sleeps over at the Ramshackle Dorm but when he does there's really no sleep. There is lots of trash though lmao.
No personal space whatsoever.
^Riddle might be the only one who doesn't invade your privacy/space on the regular but even he has his moments.
Crowley has had to resort to disciplinary measures often.
Azul sometimes is able to work out deals so no one is punished too hard, but he fully expects your praise.
Also you better love physical affection because at least four of these men are in constant need.
(^Kalim and Leona are both physically affectionate, Riddle and Azul are touch starved.)
Hey, despite their faults, you love them. What you don't love is waking up to Lilia hanging over your damn bed.
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baddiedaddy7 · 3 years
💚🐸𝙈𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙮 𝙎𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙨🐸💚
attention span is not long. may ditch old ideas, if they get bored, or find something more interesting. HAS to win an argument. may think being the louder one during an argument is the way to win lmao. talks in a dynamic way. argumentive. may make a good public speaker. may text too fast, and mess up on a few words. communication style is aggressive(always has to be right, loud, might scapegoat, etc). humor may be childish(fart jokes, butt jokes, burp jokes, just dumb shit in general lol), or humor that involves getting injured(hitting your head on something, tripping, etc). slapstick humor
great attention span, but may be a slow learner or talker. talks with stability/most likely doesn’t stutter. doesn’t mind staying on the same topic/not changing the subject. like aries, in an argument they will rarely admit they were wrong, hard-headed. arguing with these ppl are the worst, since they don’t allow others to have opinions which is annoying asf(my sister has this lmao, and i have a taurus mars, so you could imagine💀). your mind rarely changes, once made up. not the most open minded. talks with practicality. may type slow tbh lmao, and dry. may also take a century to reply. communication style may be passive aggressive(may not like being straightforward, “i didn’t think you’d pass this class, but good job”, etc) humor may be well written skits, or roasts.
attention span is fleeting. curious about numerous of things. may stutter thanks to gemini jittery energy. rarely turns down a debate, might even lie in a disagreement to win😃. first to speak if it’s too quiet for too long. type of person to have random knowledge or may know fun facts. talks with wit. types fast, replies fast, just very active on social media. meme user. sends messages in short patches instead of just one big paragraph. communication style is passive aggressive(may mumble under breath, etc). humor may be random. may love puns.
attention span is good, esp if it’s topics they feel with. may be bias in an argument between other ppl😬. may want to “hug” it out lmao. may like to talk abt emotional topics. talks with care. probably uses emojis a lot. writes paragraphs/in long sentences. communication style varies tbh😭. i’m just gonna do passive-aggressive(backhanded compliments, talks behind your back instead of confronting you) or assertive(expressing your wants and needs, while considering others feelings). inside jokes are your thing, goofy asf with ppl you’re comfortable with. dry humor
attention span may be short lived. may only talk abt themselves which can be annoying💀. believe it or not, they may take a calm/chill approach in an argument. overdramatic in their speech. talks with confidence. keeps the conversation interesting/not dry. initiator in group chats. usually replies fast. communication style is assertive(uses “i”, knows their worth, etc). playful name calling is their type of humor.
attention span may not be that good tbh(like their opposite sign, they daydream off into the distance). talks with practicality. make sure to fact check, when arguing with these ppl, or they may verbally violate you. very nit picky ppl, and may be big complainers. may abbreviate a lot of words lmao. another dry texting placement, and rarely uses emojis. communication style is passive aggressive(throws shade lmao, may like to just go with the flow, etc). may make fun of yourself to get laughs. might like humor that criticizes/makes fun of things/ppl in general. their humor has some truth to it😓.
attention span is usually good. easy going in speech. talks with equality. can also be charismatic. may ppl please. in arguments, they can try to compromise, and fix everything, even when it’s unfixable. dislikes conflict, and may need to learn to embrace them. may dislike ppl that curse a lot, or are loud. the way you text may be unclear to some. also texting isn’t direct, and may use things like “k” or “nice”. communication style is passive(lacks eye contact, doesn’t want any conflict even though they feel some type of way, etc). another placement that likes well written jokes, and may have a strong dislike for dark/inappropriate humor lol.
attention span is attentive. you’re not easy to read, and it can take time to truly know you. you may over analyze and get suspicious over the dumbest things. observant, and might be into psychology. in arguments, doesn’t tolerate dumb shit. can be a bit of a ghost when it comes to texting. tries to get in your business and asks random shit. might not text too much info, since they don’t want ppl to screenshot the chat lmao. assertive is your communication style(considers others feelings, uses “i”, etc) or aggressive(yells, tries to intimidate you, etc). humor may be dark, offensive, and/or taboo/inappropriate. sexual jokes.
attention span is actually good, if they’re interested, if not then it’s non existent. either rlly open or rlly closed minded. you may mistake being blunt for being honest or some ppl may mistake your realness for being rude. talks with rowdiness. in arguments, may be hostile. uses “:), </3” instead of “😃💔” in text. but then again, may use actual emojis a bit. communication style is aggressive(loud, doesn’t consider others feelings, etc). humor may be mocking accents, sarcasm, and/or satire.
attention span is short, if what you’re talking abt isn’t important to us. fluent in atleast 2 languages, which are sarcasm, and facts. we don’t have time or patience for ignorance. we may come off as standoffish, when in reality we just stick to ourselves or we’re just too honest. talks with common sense. talking is soothing, atleast i’ve been told. i feel like we use facts in an argument more than emotions, but me personally i try to include both(this is my placement :)). probably doesn’t use caps in text. may have a lot of ppl on delivered. reply game varies based on person, only replies fast to important ppl. communication style is most likely assertive(has a backbone, stands up for themselves without being loud, etc). humor is satire, dark/offensive, and/or sarcastic. if you have tiktok, you definitely know abt satire humor LMAO.
attention span is only good if they care. says random things. takes forever to reply. talks with detachment. observant. in arguments, probably doesn’t think of others feelings, and just says whatever. may be harsh in arguing. another placement that probably uses this “<3, :), etc” instead of “❤️😃”. may ghost your messages. communication style is passive aggressive(talks shit behind your back, may not care to confront others, etc). surreal humor, humor is eccentric lol. may like adult animated shows
attention span isn’t good, since they daydream a lot. might say personal stuff in accident. relatable. great listeners. talks with warm heartedness. cool in arguments, and will stand up for what they feel is right if necessary. another placement that may use emojis a lot. texting may be emotional. shitty grammar. communication style is passive(goes with the flow, bad eye contact/body language, hates drama, etc). another placement that makes jokes abt sex. may joke abt drugs(other ppl doing it or themselves, or ppl acting like their on drugs lmao)
please keep in mind that other things will affect certain traits, like your moon sign. don’t plagiarize, and have a good day🤍
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etherealinowrites · 2 years
7:42 pm | leggings | lee minho | M
❤️pairing- fem reader x leeknow
❤️genre- smut, suggestive, ~sexual tension~, foreplay, mentions of sex, use of petnames, kinda pervy leeknow lmao but only for his girlfriend, 
❤️summary- “your ass looks hot” - lee minho
working out with your boyfriend led to some other *uh uh* not so decent activities. but hey, you sweated and your heartbeat reached peaks, maybe it was a good active session after all.
❤️requested- no
❤️wc- 0.5K
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you gasped softly as minho’s hands reached out from behind as you rose up from your squat. “min?’ you quizzed, furrowing your eyebrows together.
you’d just begun your workout; still in your warm up stage, you were happily listening to music as you stretched your stiff muscles.
“y/nnie, can we stop now?” a low whisper emanated from the male behind you as he dug his nose in the crook of your neck.
you chuckled, covering his hands that were around your waist.”why though?min we just started-”
a gasp completed the rest of your sentence as minho pulled you closer and his hard on rubbed against your ass. “now do you see why?” harsh mumbles against your ear sent vibrations deep down your chest.
as tempting as his offer was, you had to workout. you’d been slacking off for around a week now and today was finally a day you were free enough to join your boyfriend during his workout.
“min baby-” you cooed, prying his hands away from you and you turned to see a slight pleading in his eyes. 
“but babe-” he began, arms lighter around your body yet he still stood dangerously close. “you’re freaking bending over in those skin fit leggings of yours and i can’t help but stare at your ass.” he let out shamelessly and your eyes widened. “your ass looks hot.”
when you unconsciously clenched your legs together, a small smirk lit up minho’s face as he dragged you closer. “looks like you wanna stop working out too.” he cooed, cradling your face in one hand. “come on kitten, let’s go.”
the petname had you flowing with the urge to kneel down and submit to his mercy, yet you took a deep breath, peeling your eyes away from the dangerously hot man and ignored the growing dampness in your panties.
“but minho, i haven’t worked out in forever” you pouted, yet you did not complain or made any signs of conflict when he started placing feather light kisses on your neck. 
“so what.” he said it like a statement, reaching out to grab your ass and squeezing. 
a whine escaped you as you held onto his shoulders and he grinned against your collarbone.
“looks like kitten wants to be touched too.” he repeated and when he rolled his hips into yours, you practically mewled into his touch, folding your body into his.
“fuck, i need you right now kitten.” he whispered, moulding his lips to yours as he kissed you with a ferocity of a man denied of love.
you whined, letting him take control of the kiss as he nipped at your lips and his hands roamed your body.
“please.” you mumbled, almost pleading as minho broke the kiss.
“please what?” he mumbled, moving his hands painfully slow near your ass and in between your legs.
“please fuck me master.”
“don’t worry kitten, i’ll make you sweat and your heart race. it’ll be just the perfect workout for you.” he smirked as he held you by your waist, lifting you up as he carried you to the bedroom.
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bnha-dumpster · 3 years
The thought of a submissive incubus just came to mind and now I can’t stop imagining the reader (incubus) trying to take control of the situation but gets fucked and tamed instead.
this? this is a good idea. i feel like doing some priest au iida lmao
Pairing: Priest Iida x Incubus Reader Content tags/warnings: dub-con, dom/sub dynamics, spanking, mind break/mild dumbification, aphrodisiac spit Word count: 1.6k
You’re a poor excuse of an incubus, you know this. Naturally submissive, shy and introverted, inexperienced with sex- all things that an incubus shouldn’t be. You’ve been feeding off of other incubi and some succubi for energy. You knew that it wouldn’t last forever, that you’d eventually have to feed off humans. But it’s dangerous with your submissive nature. That’s why you’ve been trying to stay with your kind for as long as possible. 
Now you’ve been tossed out, left on your own without any sort of advice. There’s an intense hunger inside you that’s clawing at you, one that’s clouding your reasoning. You stumble through the streets as if you’re drunk. Humans ignore you thinking you’re just an annoying drunk and you know you’re not going to get energy in time. 
Then you run into a priest. 
“No, I’m fine-” Your speech is slightly slurred as you protest his help. A priest is the last person you need to run into right now. He’ll exorcise you or contain you until you tell him about other incubi in town. Both things scare you and you try to tug yourself out of his hold. Unfortunately for you, the priest you’ve run into is not only stubborn but strong. If you weren’t so weak, you might’ve been able to break away. There are so many things that would’ve been solved if you weren’t so weak.
He helps you walk, leading you to his church. The second you reach the steps, you tug on his cassock and shake your head. 
“I can’t go in there. I can’t. I’m sorry, I can’t.” 
Your hopes of him listening to you are crushed instantly as he shushes you and opens the large doors. The moment you step in, your already fading human disguise vanishes. Large, spiraling horns protrude from the sides of your head, a thin tail at the base of your spine, your hands and feet turned to claws and the small tattoo below your navel; if he can’t tell you’re an incubus from this, you don’t know what will.
The priest stops and stares at you, letting go of you. You fall to your knees on the floor, no longer strong enough to keep yourself standing. It’s humiliating to be found out in such a way. Though it’s your fault for allowing yourself to be grabbed by the priest in the first place. 
“An incubus?” He seems a bit curious as he kneels before you, lifting your chin to look at your face. “You’re not doing so well. What happened to you?” 
What little pride you have left keeps you from answering. 
“You must be hungry. While my fellow clergy may look down at me for this, I’ll help you.”
Confusion is clear on your face. You look at him like he’s insane. Maybe he is, but the thought of being able to feed matters a bit more than figuring out where the hell his common sense went. 
“I thought incubi were good at pleasing their partners.” He’s mocking you. The priest, who introduced himself as Iida Tenya, looks down at you as you do your best to take him into your mouth. He’s thick and your jaw aches slightly, but that ache naturally turns into pleasure that goes straight to your core. “You’re inexperienced, aren’t you? Don’t worry, I’ll help you.” 
Hands grab your horns and force your face further, making you take his cock down your throat. While you don’t gag, you’re clearly uncomfortable. You claw at his wrists to make him stop but it doesn’t seem to bother him. 
“See, you take all of your partner’s cock into your mouth.” Iida groans. “Suck and move your tongue around it. You can do it, I’m sure you can.” 
Surely he’s making fun of you. You may not be like the others, but you can still do what you were born to do. So you begin to bob your head up and down, letting things come to you naturally. His cock is heavy on your tongue as you lick the underside of it, teasing the vein that runs along it. You make use of your lack of gag reflex and make sure that you take him fully each time. 
It seems like it’s working, like you’re gaining some semblance of control. Just from this, energy is already beginning to flow your body. If you can make him cum, then maybe-
“Tsk, I thought you’d be better than this.” Seems like he knows exactly what’s going through your mind. “Do you really think you can overtake a priest when you’re in such a state? Don’t be foolish.” 
You’re tugged off his cock. Iida is about to grab you by your hair and bring you up onto the bed until you press a hand on his lower stomach. You have enough strength to leave a branding: a piece of incubus magic that forces a human to be overcome with lust. It typically leaves them a mess, unable to do anything but beg for pleasure. But going along with your lack of luck, it backfires. 
The feeling of intense lust fills the room and instead of the priest curling in himself, he drags you onto the bed by your horns. You’re laying on the bed with your ass up, Iida already lining himself up with your hole. 
“Natural lubricant, hm?” There’s a bit of slick coating your ass and inner thighs. It’s something incubi are able to make when they’re anticipating being the bottom. 
He pushes in slowly. Your hole greedily swallows his cock, clenching around it to milk him. Iida grabs hold of your tail and wraps it around his hand like a leash, using it to bring your ass against his hips. You can feel the heat of the brand and the lust radiating from him. The fact that he’s managing to stay even the slightest bit composed is amazing. 
“You’re begging for me to give in, aren’t you? You just want me to let go and let you have your way with me, yes?” 
Once the words leave your lips, a harsh spank is left on your ass. The pain instantly changes to pleasure and you tighten around him. He begins to spank you more, enjoying the way your walls clench and shudder with each impact. You’re doing your best to hold in any moans and pleasured noises to spite Iida. It’s all you can seem to manage to do. Even with strength filling you, he’s still got a good hold on you.
Your cock twitches from neglect. It’s not that you need it to be touched, you just prefer it. Yes, you can cum without touching it, but you want to touch it. So you reach between your legs to pump your cock, letting out a small groan. But your hand is swatted away. 
“Who said you could touch yourself?
He lets go of your tail and and pulls out, watching you flip yourself over. His cock twitches in anticipation when you pull him towards you for a kiss. 
Your tongue is long and clearly inhuman. It invades his throat and nearly makes him gag. The properties of your saliva are forgotten, letting his mind become a haze. Between the brand fueling his lust and the sudden warmth caused by your saliva, he loses what little cleric dignity he had. 
Iida pulls your face away from his by your hair, pushing you back onto the bed so he can thrust into you again. Your legs go over his shoulders and you’re able to recognize that the priest has you in a mating press before he begins to pound into you. He smashes his lips against yours, mouth open- he’s asking you to kiss him more. You happily do so, thinking that the haze he’s being enveloped in will give you a chance to take control. Lips mash against each other as you shove your spit down his throat with your tongue. 
The aphrodisiacs in his system must be too much and he cums, filling you. A strange daze washes over you and you lose your focus on the brand. Is this what human energy is like? It’s absolutely addicting. That addicting feeling pushes you over the edge, your own cock covering your stomach in cum. Your eyes roll back into your skull and you lose yourself for a few seconds.
He hasn’t stopped and you don’t think he will anytime soon. His cock is still hard, stretching you and pushing his cum even deeper inside you. 
“Maybe I’ll keep you, hm?” When did he regain his mind? “Keep you like a little pet. You’ll have to rely on me to survive anyways.”
Your mind is still in a haze and he takes advantage of it. He continues to pound into you with no pause, his own stamina still high. While your cock is limp against your stomach, he watches as more cum dribbles out of it. 
“Be a good incubus and cum more and more. If you do what I ask, I’ll give you more than you could ever need.” 
If you could think properly, you would curse how obedient your body is. Your cock twitches to life for a few moments before you cum again, an almost never ending stream of cum landing on your stomach. He groans as your walls clench around him. It’s like your body is begging for more of him, which it is. 
“There you go. I’ll keep you here so you can’t hurt anyone else.” That’s not the real reason he’s keeping you, but that doesn’t matter. You’re already lost to his words, the feeling of a human’s energy destroying your mind.
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