#so she had all the ingredients on hand to make a veggie knock-off
bondsmagii · 2 years
Because of your blog and you discussing how Parmesan is vegetarian I was able to tell my vegetarian friend when we went out for drinks on night right before she ate some chips with it on so cheers my friend didn’t eat any non vegetarian food
good! I am so glad, it always annoys me so much when I see vegetarian options on menus smothered in parmesan. I know (and have seen) that there's vegetarian parmesan cheese out there, and at least around here menus tend to specify if it's vegetarian -- I actually went out the other day and the parmesan on our loaded fries was veggie, and it was cool how the place clearly did their research into what's actually veggie!
I can't even be too mad because like. how the fuck could people guess that a literal cheese is not vegetarian lol, even a lot of vegetarians themselves don't realise. but now i know, I see it everywhere, and it's insane. I also think the same about Worcestershire sauce, which is also not vegetarian (it has anchovies in it!). I can see why there are different tiers of strictness re: animal products for vegetarians and vegans, because christ it really is in everything. fucked up that it's in so many places you would not expect.
(fun fact if you like facts about cheese: "Parmesan" is one of those names you have to earn by making your cheese in a certain way, so while veggie parmesan is called parmesan, it's technically not, as it doesn't meet the criteria. anything with the word "Parmesan" on it, check the ingredients/info. anything called something more vague/without the brand name, like "Italian hard cheese" or "Italian-style hard cheese," check anyway, but this is likely to be made without the stomach enzymes that makes Official Parmesan unsuitable for vegetarians.)
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sunandsstars · 2 years
Ok but how would the squad react if another human was putting the moves on their lil medic?
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Recombinants x Medic!Reader
Summary: A science guy was making a move on their girl, jealousy and insecurities ran through the squad like wildfire.
Warnings: Language
Word count: 1.3k A/N: I’m so sorry with not sending this off sooner, I have so many asks in my inbox to get through! 😩
Taglist: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @eywas-heir @reneehillary69 @cavvedinn @itsyoboysparkel @doggodorime @dumb-fawkin-bitch @pandoragalora @thecrazyswamp @the-black-pines @fanboyluvr @mooniequeen @berrybluez @netherklutz @luciddasher @avtprint @theesexystallion @annaleesworld
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Soft laughter can be heard from the direction of ___’s office, catching the attention of Fike who wanted to deliver a fresh batch of cookies he baked. He crept towards the open door and stood behind the wall, blocking their view of him so he stayed hidden. Peering around the corner he saw his girlfriend with a…guy?
A human guy.
He was a scientist, judging by the lab coat over his body and Fike briefly remembered seeing him here and there around the medbay. He had very handsome features too, if the recom didn’t know any better he would’ve thought he was a model, staring on Vogue or whatever.
His ears pinned down when more soft giggling flowed out of ___’s mouth, what the guy was saying wasn’t even that funny. Or interesting. Just nerdy science stuff. What’s so funny about the composition of atoms?
Fike decided to interrupt whatever was going on and knocked on the door, walking to where they could see him. “Oh! Sean!” ___ stood from the chair she sat on and walked around her desk and towards the man “what are you doing here?” she looked up at him with pretty doe eyes and he couldn’t help but swoon.
“Just to give you these..” he held out the box of marbled sugar cookies, grinning when she squealed and took them. Opening the box and munching on one, giving her thanks.
“Oh, nice man!” the scientist walked behind his girl and took the cookie from her hand, biting into the spot she did just moments ago. “This is pretty good”
___ turned and smacked his arm, “Jason! You can’t just do that” she pouted, looking up at Fike “sorry honey, they were delicious though, where did you get the ingredients?”
“Um, just from the recent shipment” he stared at the man who stood too close to her, a look of bewilderment and confusion on his face. What was he trying to do? “Hey, I gotta go” the Na’vi man bent down and cupped her face, kissing her cheek and walking off towards the rest of the squad.
He’s gotta fill them in ASAP.
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“No. Fucking. WAY!” Zdinarsk growled “a puny little science punk! Trying to steal our girl?!” she crossed her muscular arms over her chest with her ears pinned to her head. Glaring. “What did he look like Fike?”
“Brown hair, brown eyes, ___ said his name was Jason”
“Ah shit, I think I know him” all eyes turned to Zhang who stood against the wall of the gym with his arms crossed, muscles bulging out. “He’s got quite a reputation with the woman on base” he stood up straighter and walked towards the small group near the door who were gossiping “heard he was a real womaniser”
Fike rolled his eyes “yeah he did seem like a bit of a pretty boy, even got her giggling at stuff” he huffed.
“She knows she’s ours, we don’t have to worry about ___. But it’s him we gotta keep an eye on. I don’t like this team” Zhang, Fike, and Mansk, who stood silent, agreed with Zdinarsk. “Oh, and don’t tell colonel, he’d go ape shit” they murmured at that, nodding their heads. If Quaritch ever found out that a guy, a science guy, was hitting on their lover, he would smash his skull to pieces.
“HEY! What are you ladies gossiping about?! GET BACK TO WORK SOLDIERS!”
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The squad sat in the cafeteria for some good afternoon grub, munching on some veggies and drinking their water. The recoms had to have a specific diet to sustain their bodies, none of the sweet shit the humans were aloud to eat.
___ spotted her partners in the far corner of the room, grabbing her tray and preparing to head over there when a hand grasped her arm and stopped her form moving. “Hey pretty girl, just wondered if you wanna sit with me and my crew today?” Jason glanced down at her with a charming grin.
Unsure, the woman looked at him then towards the recoms, shaking her head and looking back at Jason “I’m sorry, but I gotta go sit with them, being their medic and all”
“But they got a medic already, they don’t need you” Jason’s smile turned a little sour upon closer inspection, ___ was a human, she was supposed to sit with her kind. Why bother with these animals?
“Yes but- Jason let go!” the man grasped her wrist this time, dragging her over to his table to sit her down until a blue palm rested on his shoulder.
Jason froze and looked at the hand, chest starting to palpitate and his pupils shrunk from fear. He may act all big and mighty, but he was all bark and no bite. The scientist strained his head to look up and saw one of the recoms glaring at him, “I believe the lady said to let her go”. Immediately Jason let go, stepping away from both of them and clearing his through, looking towards ___ for some sort of stability but she simply stepped behind Lopez for cover. “Cmon mì amore, let’s get you back with the others”
___ held Victor’s pinky with her hand and followed him as he escorted her towards the table at the back, offering to hold her tray of food and placing it onto the table in front of Lyle.
“So who was that prick that was botherin’ you?” Wainfleet immediately stated, not one to keep quiet. Zdinarsk, Mansk, Fike and Zhang audibly winced when a bang sounded onto the table. Quaritch stood up from his seat and glared across the cafeteria towards where Jason was.
“He ain’t cause you any trouble? Right darlin’?” he drawled in his southern accent, if she said yes then he’ll show no mercy. His hands were empty, and a human sized skull would be a perfect fit to fill it out.
___ noticed the change in atmosphere and wanted to sooth the man, she didn’t need anyone fighting on her behalf. “No! He wasn’t, just being silly. Sit down Miles, you gotta finish that plate” she reached over and tried to take both of his massive hands in her own, pulling him down to sit again. Quaritch huffed and complied, still staring the human man down.
‘That’s right…feel my stank eye’
Zdinarsk decided to cut the tension, not baring to sit through the heavy testosterone “so…who knew that scientists got game?”. Fike gave her a blank stare and Prager choked on his food, laughing. She weren’t wrong, none of the scientists could even stand taking to another human being, let alone try and get one in their bed.
“Z, enough” ___ laughed, covering her mouth, “I don’t want you guys to bother him ok? I think he almost had a heart attack seeing Lopez, I couldn’t imagine him seeing the rest of you”
Ja rolled his yellow eyes, “maybe he needs a heart attack just to get it through his thick ass skull that you’re a taken woman”
“Alexander Ja!”
“Oo she hit you with the full name” Prager cheekily chuckled, Lyle joining in and slapping Ja on the back, “don’t wanna make mummy angry do you?”. Ja’s face flushed a dark purple, grumping as he finished his food.
Mansk chimed in, having the perfect view of the scientist across the hall “He’s staring at you ___”. A squeak of a chair echoed through the room and the stomping of footsteps carried across the cafeteria.
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A Period Drama
Summary: When that time of the month hits, Y/n wants nothing more than to curl up in bed and forget about the world. Lucky for her, Dean has other plans. 
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 2.1K+
Warnings: Language, discussion of menstrual cycle 
Author’s Note: I guess I'm emotional this cycle, who knew? Anyway, I wrote this because I wanted to die the other day, and imagining Dean's cuddles was the only way for me to get through it. This is a work of self-indulgence and therefore the Reader is a little less non-descript than I usually try to write, but that's what these things are for! Hope this helps my fellow menstruating people lie it did me xoxo Alex
Check out Alexandra’s Library for more works by yours truly!
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A nagging sensation tugged on her strings of consciousness, bringing the sleeping huntress back to the world of the living. Her mind fought against waking, knowing not nearly enough time had passed since she had retreated to her room the previous evening. As the ache deep in her abdomen became more obvious, she stopped fighting and opened her eyes to the darkness of her room. 
“Fuck,” she groaned as she tossed the covers from her body, instantly missing the heat they provided in the recess of the bunker. Y/n rolled from the bed and stood, the action occurring too quickly and the huntress felt the familiar rush between her legs. She cursed herself as she bounded off to the bathroom on the opposite end of the hallway. The socks on her feet muffled her hurried steps as she passed the boys’ rooms. 
Once inside, she went straight for the showers and turned the hot water all the way up. Steam enveloped the space as she stripped her soiled panties and old t-shirt from her body. She let the bathroom turn into a makeshift sauna as she rinsed the blood from her undergarments before finally stepping into the boiling shower. 
It was unclear how long she stood under the water, searing her flesh and scrubbing away the metaphorical grime, all she knew was the relentless heat was managing to ease the ache from her angry uterus. The tentative knock on the bathroom door snapped her back from the silent reverie she had been indulging in, and Y/n noted how the water had gone almost cold. It was likely she had been in there long enough for Sam to have taken his morning run and if her own body wasn’t attacking itself, she might have felt guilty about using up all the bunker’s hot water. 
When she walked out in just a towel, her dirty pajamas rolled into a ball in her arms, she was met with a confused younger Winchester. All she could mutter was a weak ‘sorry’ before she breezed past him and back to her room. The huntress wrapped herself into a pair of sweats and a clean tee, braided her hair out of her face, swallowed a few pain killers, and crawled back under her covers. She thanked whatever higher power had made sure they were hunt-free for the foreseeable future so she could spend the day curled up in a ball. The pills kicked in quick enough to allow her to easily slip back into a blissful sleep.
It was nearing one in the afternoon when Dean made his way back inside the bunker, his hands covered in grease and oil from his work tuning up the Impala. He was wiping his hands on an equally dirty towel as he walked into the kitchen to find his little brother making himself a lunch. 
“Please tell me that is not your veggie bacon?” Dean wrinkled his nose as he watched Sam putting together a BLT, the various ingredients strewn about the island. 
“Fine, then I won’t tell you,” Sam didn’t bother to look up from his task to answer his brother. The look of disgust only depended on Dean’s face as he moved around his sibling to wash his hands in the sink. 
The older hunter glanced over his shoulder as the sound of shuffling footsteps grew louder, his gaze landing on a disheveled Y/n. The sweats that hung from her body were wrinkled and she had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. There were lines across the left side of her face, indicating she had been sleeping recently. Worry instantly flooded his system as it was unlike their hunting partner to sleep this late unless she was ill. 
“Sam, what did you do with my heating pad?” her voice was coarse as she didn’t even bother with pleasantries. No ‘hello’, no ‘ how are you’, just straight to whatever business she had in with the younger Winchester. 
“Uh, I’m pretty sure it’s in the linen closet in the bathroom?” Sam answered, completely unperturbed by her callousness.
“So you put my heating pad in the bathroom,” Y/n rolled her eyes and Sam could only offer her a bewildered nod. “What is with you guys and not being able to put shit back where you found it?” The huntress turned on her heel, not waiting for a response before heading to retrieve the item she was seeking. 
Sam looked over his shoulder at his older brother, his brows knit together in the middle of his forehead. “What the hell was that?” 
“What’s the one thing Y/n uses her heating pad for?” Dean’s lips cured up on one side as he watched the look of realization flash across his brother’s features. The oldest Winchester dried his hands before peeking in the fridge and a few cupboards. “Looks like she could use a supply run. You need anything?” 
“Nah, I’m just going to retreat to my room and pretend like I don’t exist for the rest of the day,” Sam picked up the plate that held his lunch and scurried off, leaving a chuckling Dean behind. 
The only light filling her room came from the laptop that was perched in her lap, playing some television show she had stopped paying attention to a while ago, and the filtered light from the hall through the slats in her door. The huntress was still curled into a ball under her covers, attempting to use what little bit of heat from her computer she could muster as she had been unsuccessful in located her heating pad. She felt bad for ripping into Sam about it, but the truth was he had misplaced her belongings, something that she found happened often around the Winchesters, and she was over it today. Pain tended to make her grumpy, as it did most people, and she wasn’t going to apologize for being pissed at their carelessness. 
A soft rapping against her door had her pausing the show as she shoved the device aside. The guest didn’t wait for a response before they pushed the door open, bringing with them a flood of light. Y/n cringed at the sudden change, hiding her face behind her hand. 
“Sorry, sweetheart,” Dean’s familiar chuckle sounded before the click of the latch indicated he had closed the door behind him. “I come bearing gifts.” 
“What?” she was confused by his words as she dropped her hand and allowed her eyes to adjust back to the relative darkness. 
“Your water bottle, half ice, half water,” he set the green canteen on her bedside table. “The heating pad Sammy somehow managed to lose behind the washing machine,” Dean handed her the light green pad folded neatly with the cord sitting on top. Y/n sighed a breath of relief as the eldest Winchester continued. “And a sharable size bag of dark chocolate peanut M&M’s.”
“Dean,” Y/n caught the purple bag as he tossed it her way, biting back a gleeful moan. “I fucking love you.” She unceremoniously tore into the bag and popped a couple of the chocolate candies into her mouth, missing the rush of blood on the Winchester’s cheeks. 
“And finally,” he mimicked a drum roll with his mouth and procured a box from his arms, placing it on her bedside table. The woman frowned, unable to make out the object at first in the darkness. 
“You bought me tampons? How,” she trailed off, not only awestruck by the hunter’s gesture but amazed at his attention to detail as she read the label. 
“There is only one thing you need your heating pad for,” he remarked as he took the referenced object back to plug it into an outlet for her. “Also, you never snap at Sammy.”
“But how did you know what kind to buy?” 
“Kind of hard not to when you have a box of them stashed away in Baby’s trunk,” Dean countered as he perched himself on the edge of her bed. 
“Hey, those are for emergencies. Besides, I’m sure Baby understands.”
“I’m sure she does.” 
Y/n chewed on the inside of her cheek as she fiddled with the bag of candy in her lap, the kindness shown by Dean throwing her off. She offered the open bag to her hunting partner, who snatched a handful for himself with a grin. 
“Thank you, Dean, seriously. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me,” her voice was low as the admittance slipped past her lips. “Want to watch some Scooby-Doo with me? You know, if you aren’t busy or anything?”
“I’d love to, sweetheart,” Dean winked at her, that shit-eating grin never leaving his face even as he stood and shucked off his jacket and boots so he could climb into the bed next to her. “Who could pass up Daphne?”
The huntress sat back against the headboard with a roll of her eyes and switched the streaming show on her laptop before unfolding her already warmed heating pad and laid it across her lower abdomen. She moved the laptop at the end of the bed so they could both see it and set the bag of M&M’s between her and Dean to share. 
The two settled into the cartoon, laughing in unison at the ridiculous parts and commenting on how the Scooby gang couldn’t have handled that monster had it been real. Three episodes passed by before a shredding cramp ripped through her stomach, the shock of it enough that she was unable to hide the groan as she had been so far. 
“You okay?” Dean shifted in his spot next to her, his head turning from the kids’ show to his friend beside him.
“No, I’m not okay. It feels like my internal organs are attempting to exit my body,” she snapped, instantly regretting it when Dean subtly recoiled. “Shit, I’m sorry. I--I didn’t mean…” Y/n was cut off as the pain returned just as intense as it had been moments ago, causing her to roll onto her side and into a ball, clutching the heat of the pad against her body like a lifeline. 
“Alright,” Dean huffed before moving the candy and laptop from the bed. Y/n could hear the hunter shift behind her, but her eyes were clamped shut as she tried to breathe through the pain like she was experiencing the contractions of labor of something. She felt the hard lines of his body lock around the curves of her own and his arm snake around her abdomen. His hand rested over hers as he pulled her tight against him, putting more pressure than she had been able to muster against her lower belly. “I’ve got you.”
The heat of his body on one side and the pad against her stomach, combined with the force he was exerting on her uterus, finally allowed her to relax fully for the first time since she had awoken that morning. She never wanted to leave this moment, utterly content in the peace that his presence in her bed brought her. The idea scared her a little, but she figured that was a problem for another day. Now she chose to just live in this moment for as long as he would let her. 
“Why?” she muttered into the dark space after she was sure he had fallen asleep as his grip had relented a touch and his breathing evened out, hoping he wouldn’t answer but knowing she had to ask. 
“Cause I wanted to,” his voice was gruff, indicating he had probably been on the cusp of falling asleep when she spoke up. “I hate seeing you like this. Figured it was the least I could do.”
“Dean Winchester, are you going soft on me?” she quirked up one corner of her lips, unable to fight the giddiness his words instilled in her chest. 
“Sweetheart, there is nothing soft about me when I’m around you,” he chuckled, earning himself an elbow to the gut. He grunted and the two of them fell into a fit of laughter. 
“I’m serious.”
“So am I.” The hunter was ready for her arm this time, his hand moving to wrap around her forearm and pull it into him so as to trap her even tighter than before in his embrace. Y/n struggled against his hold, giggling like an idiot as the two wrestled in the bed a moment before she relented that he was much stronger than she. 
“Honestly,” Dean placed a gentle kiss to her shoulder once she had settled, only encouraging her to melt further into his arms. “I’d do anything to make you smile, Y/n.”
“Well, then mission accomplished, Winchester,” she turned her head to flash him a genuine smile to which he reciprocated before planting his pillow-soft lips against hers.
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P.S. I didn't even try on this title because this is just a little therapy piece and therefore no one should judge me. 
Forevers: @22sarah08​ @440mxs-wife​ @akshi8278​ @anathewierdo​ @asgoodasdancingqueen @atc74​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @briagallen​ @callmekda​ @dawnie1988​ @deandreamernp​ @deangirl93​ @deanwanddamons​ @ellewritesfix05​ @emoryhemsworth​ @foxyjwls007​ @hobby27​ @janicho88​ @jbsgirl4ever11​ @jensengirl83​ @lunarmoon8​ @lyarr24​ @mishacollins4evah @miss-nerd95​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @msmarvelouswinchester​ @polina-93​​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @squirrelnotsam​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ @suckmyapplejacks​ @supraveng​ @tatted-trina6​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @traceyaudette​ @tranquility-or-chaos​​ @waywardbeanie​ @winchest09​ 
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johnsamericano · 3 years
𝓓𝓪𝔂 15:
нυαиg яєиנυи
23 days of NCT masterlist.
taglist: @notbeforelong @silent-potato @mrcarbonatedmilk @whathamelon @curieouscapt @unknown5tar @ajhdr @gjheaaa
warnings: drunk confession, tooth rotting fluff.
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“Y/n, Can I come in?” Renjun asked while knocking on your bedroom’s door.
With your head buried inside the fluffy pillows, you muttered a small ‘no’, your roommate groaning from the opposite side of the door
“You haven’t eaten or drank anything since you came back from school.”
“Shut up and leave me alone.”
“Jeez.” He complained, walking back to the kitchen to resume his cooking.
He stared down at the chopped veggies for a while, a plan to make you feel better already forming inside his head. He pulled out of the fridge all of the ingredients needed to make your favorite meal, the one you’d once told him your mom cooked for you when you were feeling down.
Even though you hadn’t treated him nicely, he still wanted to comfort you. Renjun knew you were supposed to have a date that day with the guy you liked, and you coming home right after classes was more than enough to let him know what had happened.
Just as Renjun was serving the plates, you came out of your room, rushing to wrap your arms around his waist.
“I’m sorry, Junnie.” There was no point in denying his heart picked up the pace at your touch. “Thank you for the food.”
“No problem. Now, go sit while I finish up.”
You set the table while he pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses. As you ate your meal, he failed to notice how fast you’d empty your glass. It wasn’t until he grabbed the bottle to refill his own glass that he realized it was empty.
“Y/n, how much did you drink?” Your flushed cheeks spoke for themselves.
“Just a-” hiccup. “little.”
“Y/n.” He sighed, disappointment flooding his words.
“I want to puke.” You gagged, getting to the bathroom with Renjun holding you steadily. He grabbed your hair in a makeshift ponytail, making sure no strand of hair would get in your way while you threw up the dinner he’d made.
After a few minutes waiting for something else to come out, you finally sat back against the title.
“Am I ugly?” Tears pricked your eyes.
“What are you talking about? You’re beautiful, y/n.” He kneeled down in front of you, his knees slightly cracking and making you chuckle.
“Then why won’t you look at me?”
“What do you mean? I’m looking at you right now.” He placed a hand above your shoulder, which you quickly brushed off.
“You know what I mean.”
Something clicked inside him. Were you really confessing to him while sitting beside a toilet? It was probably the most unromantic scene he’d ever seen, but your words didn’t fail to make him blush.
“I didn’t know you thought about me that way. I mean, you’re always talking about that guy who stood you up just a few hours ago.”
“I was trying to make you jealous.” Your back suddenly started sliding to your left, Renjun’s quick hand avoiding your head from hitting the toilet. “But then I thought, well maybe he doesn’t like me so I might as well give it a try with Xiaojun. But then that son of a bi-”
“Sorry, that despicable man, rejected me. I’m probably too ugly to date, from tomorrow on I shall start buying cats to accompany me during my lonely life.”
“God, you’re so dramatic.” He moved his hands below your armpits to lift the whining mess you were. “Stop squirming.”
“Let me go.” You sobbed, body going limp between his arms.
“Alright, I’ll tell you a secret if you cooperate.” You immediately straightened your posture, grinning at him.
“Go on.”
He tsked, using his fingers to brush off some strands of hair sticking to your forehead.
“It’s about the girl I like...”
“Forget it, I’ll stay here.”
He kept speaking, every word making your heart clench.
“She’s the kindest person alive, also the most beautiful. She’s kinda dumb at times, though.” He couldn’t resist giggling at your small pout.
“I hate you. One day I’ll pack my bags and leave you to pay the rent all alone.” His hands caressed your flushed face, your disoriented eyes trying to figure out the situation.
“You know what’s the best part about liking her?” You groaned in frustration, trying to push him away with all your might. “She lives really close to me, so I get to see her pretty face every single day.”
“Is she the girl who lives on the fifth floor? I’ll kick her ass.” You tried walking out by yourself, miserably failing because of your wobbly legs.
“She lives right in front of my room.” Renjun could almost swear he could see the little engines moving in your head.
“Wait, me?”
“Yes, dummy.” You gasped dramatically, your rosy cheeks rising as your lips curved into a smile.
“Really? Even though sometimes I don’t shower for days?”
He let out a breathy laugh, sweeping you off your feet to carry you back to your room.
“Yes, I like your smelly ass.” He nuzzled your forehead, resting your body over the mattress. “Lay on your side.”
Although you'd already thrown up, he wasn't taking any chances.
“Are you leaving?” You held onto his wrist as he tried to exit your room.
“Do you want me to stay?”
“You can't possibly think of leaving me after confessing. What kind of human are you?” You clung onto his arm, not wanting to let go.
“Alright, big baby.” He reluctantly laid down beside you, his face inches away from yours. Your noses were touching, lips craving for each other.
“Can I kiss you?” It felt right to ask.
“No.” Your jaw dropped in disbelief. “We’ll kiss when you sober up, when I’m certain that you won’t forget what’s gonna be the best kiss of your whole damn life.”
“Sounds exciting.” You inched closer, burying your head in his chest.
“Go to sleep, I’ll stay up to guard you from any closet monsters.”
“My man’s so brave.” You mumbled against his cotton shirt, his heartbeat lulling you. “You better give me that kiss when I wake up.”
Though he’d never admit it, Renjun dozed off with a big smile, excited for the next day.
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tomtenadia · 3 years
Remember Us - part 6
Monday surprise!
As some of you might have read from my post from yesterday, I officially finished this fic and it will have 10 parts. this was the original plan and I am glad I kept it. The idea of having many more chapters of Rowan not recognising his family was far too painful.
Chapter 9 and 10 are so sweet that they will probably give you cavities, but I just thought they deserved the best happy ending.
Also, i got very attached to Thomas and he is a great fan of his parents.
Well, I hope you will enjoy this.
Rowan had been staying at Lorcan’s while Aelin still kept her distance. It had been two weeks and they had been horrendous. She had blocked him off of her life. She was not answering his calls or texts and apparently had told Elide not to tell him anything about her. He was furious. They should be together and face such a tragic moment in their lives, together. But Aelin would not listen. He had tried everything to talk to her.
Someone knocked on the door and, since he was home alone, he went to open it.
On the other side he found Aelin. But the woman in front of him had a lifeless stare and deep shadows under her eyes. She was the ghost of his wife.
“Ro…” she said in a thin voice and then broke down in heavy sob.
Rowan didn’t even think. His arms pulled her at his chest and kissed her head. The sight of an Aelin so heartbroken was a shot to his heart.
“I am sorry.” She added, hiding her face in his chest and inhaling his scent that always gave her comfort.
“Shhh… I am here. I am never letting you go again, no matter how much you shout at me.” Another tender kiss “I am coming home and we’ll get through this.”
Rowan was in bed and staring at the ceiling after the dream woke him up. The Aelin from the dream was a shell compared to the version sleeping at his side. He turned his head and stared at her sleepy face and a deep part of him hoped she was fine. That the baby was fine. Because he knew for sure he didn’t want to see her again in the conditions she had been in the dream. Seeing Aelin in pain or sad hurt him.
He sighed and got off the bed and walked to the kitchen but once he got there he realised he had no idea where anything was. Aelin had said he would make pancakes but could not remember the day she had said. 
A splitting headache hit him and Rowan sat down on the sofa, head in his hands and then for a moment he felt disoriented and could not recognise his surroundings. Panic hit him. He looked up and saw a boy staring at him. He jumped up and almost fell.
“Dad.” The boy’s voice was almost tearful.
And as quickly as the moment of disorientation came, just as rapidly it went away and lucidity returned.
“Tom,” he ran to the boy and hugged him to console him as soon as he started crying. He had scared him “I am sorry I frightened you.” Thomas hugged his father and stopped crying and Rowan relaxed for an instant.
“Do you want pancakes?” He asked his son, still not letting him go.
“It’s not Saturday.” Said the boy, looking at his father in his eyes.
“Shhhh…” said Rowan with a finger against his mouth “You can have pancakes all the time.” He lifted the boy in his arms “but you need to tell me where everything is.”
Thomas grinned and pointed to the kitchen and once in there he started pointing at the doors and Rowan finally found a pan. Then he grabbed his phone and searched for a recipe, grabbed eggs and milk from the fridge and joined Thomas back at the counter who, in the meantime, had grabbed a chair and was kneeling on it so he could follow his dad.
“Will you be my assistant?” the boy nodded eagerly.
After ten minutes he was mixing the batter making sure it was smooth as the instructions recommended.
“Ok, Tom, are you ready for the first one?”
“Pancakes,” he shouted happily and Rowan smiled. He might remember a very few things about his son but he was definitely going to cherish that moment. It didn’t matter if it had been only a day. He was already in love with the two children. He just hoped he could become a good father to them once again.
Aelin woke up and found the bed empty and for a moment she thought it had been only a dream, but as she rolled over she noticed Rowan’s side was crumpled and gently caressed his pillow. He had always been an early riser and it seemed that some things had not changed.
She sat up, grabbed her fleece from the chair and left the bed looking for Rowan.
As she exited the bedroom she heard laughter coming from the kitchen and followed the sounds and once inside she could not believe the scene. Thomas was kneeling on a chair beside Rowan trying to cook something.
“Pancakes on a Wednesday?”
Thomas turned to her “shhh mum, it’s a secret.”
Aelin walked to her son and kissed his head “good morning, my love.”
“I am helping dad with pancakes. He doesn’t remember how to make them.”
Rowan flipped one and Thomas clapped “that is mine.” He grabbed a plate and placed the pancake on it “go and sit while I make more.”
Thomas climbed down the chair and walked to the table with his plate.
Aelin moved to Rowan’s side “did you sleep well?”
Her husband nodded and hesitated for a moment wether to tell her about his episode. Then he sighed and told her what had happened and Aelin looked at him with a doctor’s eye.
“A TBI can have such effects. It can cause moments of disorientation in which the person doesn’t know where he is. It can also affect short term memory, making it difficult to learn new things or even remember things you just did.” She placed a few more pancakes in Thomas’ plate “but there are ways to help you. We can do lists, have notepads and clipboards in the house. Have a note book and note down things.” She explained going back at his side “long term memory is stored already in your brain,” and playfully patted his head “you actually haven’t lost them. They are still all there. It’s just your brain has to sort through them again. It’s very complicated and technical, but they will come back. Short term memory is another issue. Do you still feel confused?”
Rowan shook his head and passed Aelin a plate with pancakes and then grabbed the jar of Nutella “go and scoff your breakfast.”
Aelin grinned “see? You remembered I take them with Nutella.”
In that instant they heard a cry and Aelin realised Freyja had woken up. She was about to stand when Rowan stopped her “Eat,” he commanded and again she had a glimpse of past Rowan. The one who would made sure she ate.
A moment later he came back with his daughter in his arms “I think our princess wants to join the breakfast club as well.” Freyja threw her chubby arms around his neck, snuggling close to him “what does she eat?”
Aelin went to the fridge and grabbed one of her pressed meals and Rowan began feeding his daughter.
It was an hour later when Aelin was ready for work “mum should be back very soon and I am taking Thomas to the nursery. Will you be okay with Freyja for half an hour tops? I changed her and she is fed, it should be easy.”
Rowan lifted the little girl in his arms “we should be fine.” And gave her his best reassuring smile.
“You call me if you have any problems.”
Thomas went to hug his dad before following Aelin out of the door.
Once he was alone with his daughter he stood, with her still in his arms and hobbled around the living room and stared at their impressive bookcase. Freyja leaned forward and with her hands tried to grab a book “ ‘tory” she babbled.
“Do you want me to read you a story?” He asked her and the girl green eyes were fixed on him and then she nodded.
He placed her down on the carpet and turned to the library in search of a storybook for her.
“I think I— ” he turned with a book in his hands and froze. Freyja was gone. Shit.
“Freyja.” He called her, panic rising in his voice. She couldn’t have gone far. How fast could a 18 months toddler go? He took his cane and started looking around the house “Freyja?”
In that instant Evalin came back and he breathed in relief.
“Rowan, are you okay?”
He was the worst father ever “I lost Freyja. I was looking for a storybook and when I turned she was gone.” He was preparing himself from some lashing from his mother in law but the woman burst into laughter.
“She does that. Thomas has been teaching her how to play hide and seek,” the woman explained calmly walking around the house and then going to the girl’s bedroom. Rowan followed her.
Evalin lifted the blanket from the side of the bed and pointed at under her bed.
Rowan heard a faint giggle.
“I wonder where my girl is.” Said Evalin keeping up the pretence. She opened the wardrobe “no, she is not here.” Rowan observed her and then joined in “she is not in the toy box either.”
Evalin placed her hands on her hips and grinned at Rowan then crouched down “here you are.”
The little girl screamed in delight as her grandma caught her.
The three of  them went back to the living room and Evalin passed Freyja back to Rowan and went to unpack her shopping bags.
“Do you need a hand?” He offered.
“No, it’s just fruits and veggies and a few more things. I love to go down at the market in the morning and buy fresh ingredients.” She told him, “you love to go too on your day off, wake up early and also go to the fish market and get the first catch.”
Rowan sat on a chair at the big table with his daughter in his arms.
“Aelin can cook, but you are the chef of the family.”
He smiled back and gently bounced Freyja on his knee and she giggled.
“How does it feel being back home?” She asked her son in law while stashing away the groceries.
Rowan sighed “it feels good and strange at the same time.” It was hard to explain how he felt without sounding like a lunatic “Some things are starting to feel familiar. But others feel totally new and others scare me.” He confessed but the woman in front of him looked at him with tenderness “the kids for example, I feel like I love them madly already but it pains me that the memories with them are still fuzzy. I want to give them back their father.”
“And Aelin?”
Rowan sighed “I think I feel something for her. I would not call it love yet. But yesterday we kissed and it felt like the most normal thing ever.”
Evalin smiled.
“But my memories are a jumble in my head right now. I have them, they are there and I found that being at home is triggering more and more of them. I want to do this. I want us to be a family again.” He grabbed his phone and showed her the photo on his home screen. The one on the beach, all of them smiling and happy. “I want this again. I just don’t know how to get there.”
“Rowan,” Evalin walked to him once done with the groceries and sat at his side “you have been awake for a month and at home for two days.” She patted his knee “both Aelin and I think that being home will help trigger more of your memories. Look through photo albums.” She stood and opened a cabinet and took out a box which once opened he discovered it contained a lot of photo albums. “Digital is good, but you and Aelin both love to print out the photos and make scrapbooks.” She rummaged in the box for a moment and then passed him an album “start with this.”
Rowan took it and it noticed it was their wedding album “Her friend Chaol took all the photos and then Aelin made a scrapbook and added notes and comments on it. She said she did not want the usual boring wedding album.”
He opened the first page and in big colourful letter and nice calligraphy it said Buzzard & Fireheart: the beginning of an epic tale.
The second page it had a picture of the two of them in an armour, back to back and swords drawn.
“You two hired some costumes for that photo.”
Rowan laughed and kept on flipping through the photo album. It was organised like a story, with small narrating paragraphs near the photos and he read each one of them.
“You two got married on a beach, then had a gigantic barbecue for all your friends and then when night came you lit a bonfire and had your first dance as husband and wife in front of the fire. Both of you barefoot.”
Rowan smiled “it sounds like fun.”
“It was a great day.” She bounced Freyja on her lap “all the albums tell a story. You did all of them like that so when looking back you could also remember more of those moments.”
Rowan reached the page where they were standing in front of Aedion, who officiated the wedding, and he stared at Aelin. Her light blue dress was gorgeous, but he was stuck on her smile. In the photo he was looking at she has the brightest of smiles and he realised that falling for her would be so easy. She was caring, brilliant, funny and sarcastic. She had passion. She had fire.
She was his Fireheart.
69 notes · View notes
aristobun · 2 years
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‘ Is that the biggest one you could find at the market? ‘ brown eyes look on in horror as Joshua and Jesse walk through the door, the younger of the two holding the pumpkin while the older of the two carried all of the bags filled to the brims with decor and party food ingredients.
‘ Hel, don’t you think this is a bit much for one night? ‘ Jesse asks, coming over to the kitchen so he can drop the bags onto the counter and go about removing every item she asked for.
‘ Absolutely not—while aunt Debbie and uncle Bobby are out for the evening I figured we could all have some fun of our own with a small party slash get together type situation, ‘ Helene never once during their childhoods refused to have a good time on Halloween. ‘ Colly will be here soon and Joseph is coming over in a few hours, too, ‘ she adds.
‘ Yea but, Hel.. there’s sweets in this bag that would even take a kid a week to eat, ‘ Joshua adds his own input, backing up Jesse with how extreme their cousin seems to get during any given holiday, yet forgetting entirely that their parents go all out for Christmas every year, too. 
‘ You guys realise my Dad is workin’ every Halloween night, right? I can’t go over there to have a bit of spooky fun, so I have no choice but to come here and celebrate with you guys and my best friend, ‘ she states, tossing and turning the pumpkin a few times to figure out its best angle while deep down she wanted to curse it for being the tiniest one she’d ever seen.
Deducing that it wasn’t too sorry a sight given it was larger than her head at least, she called to Joshua to collect the knife and begin carving the mouth, because lord knows she messed that one up something terrible the year before and it looked less like a horrifying vegetable and more like a kid-friendly mascot for an advert that tried to convince the wee ones to eat their greens.
‘ I got this, ‘ he says, grabbing the sharpest knife in the drawer and working away on the rather tough-skinned veggie while Helene spread out all the bags of sweets Jesse had collected from the nearest supermarket. ‘ Do you want pee your pants scary or chill up your spine scary? ‘ he asks, debating between square edges or pointy edges for the mouth.
‘ Pointy if you can, Josh.. just not too terrifying in case the parents come knocking, ‘ she laughs, opening the bags of vampire fangs, jelly snakes, fizzy lollipops, haribos, fun size chocolate bars and chocolate buttons. ‘ There’s so much here, Jess, ‘ she laughed, emptying each bag into the halloween themed bags for each child to take when they knocked.
Helene spent a good hour at least sorting through the sweets when the doorbell rang, but it was only 5pm so they had plenty of time yet and she squealed with excitement when Colleen popped her head into the kitchen and made her way over, booze in hand and a box or two of cadbury’s roses and nestle’s quality street, which had Helene screeching in joy.
‘ You’re a life saver, ‘ she said, spotting the chocolate first and feeling her mouth start to water as she knew full well they were for the adults this evening because the kids had their own ready to go as soon as they arrived. ‘ What’s in the bottles? ‘ she asks, trying to read the labels.
‘ A bottle of bucks fizz, champagne and some red wine to keep us going, ‘ Colleen answered, the bottles being placed down on the kitchen table as soon as she walks into the room, but she very quickly gets to work on opening a box of chocolates and letting Helene snoop first to pick a piece before digging in herself to get the night started earlier than usual. 
‘ That’s my girl, ‘ brown eyes glance over at green ones as both ladies start to cackle and Joshua immediately makes some wacky remark about the pair of them sounding like witches as he keeps carving the spooky face into the pumpkin. 
‘ Yep, so better watch out, Josh, ‘ Colleen pipes up, swooping closer behind him to whisper those words almost menacingly over his shoulder, which he shrugs off with a laugh of his own.
4 notes · View notes
rosy-wooyoung · 4 years
ATEEZ reaction : surprising them with homemade food
requested: yes, thank you! [honey, I am SO sorry for only doing it now] prompt : their s/o surprising them with homemade food genre : fluff warnings : !! food mention !! (obviously but I prefer repeating it), very poorly written, overbearingly cliché. A/N : so uhm, hi again? this got requested like months ago and i never actually sat down to write it [commitment issues oops] but now I’m happy that i actually manage to do it today! Also don’t mind the mistakes, pleaaaase I feel like I speak like a 5-year old when I have to write something in english (even though I have an c1 diploma in english sdfjhsf i’m so sorry if it’s bad)
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You finished eating dinner near 8 pm and laid on the couch after doing the dishes.
After having patiently waited for your boyfriend to come home, you decided to go to bed as the clock neared midnight, still no trace of him.
It’s only when you washed your face and applied your serum that you changed your mind.
Putting on your shoes and your coat, you grabbed the plastic bag carrying the Tupperware filled with the food you had prepared for dinner and made your way out the door.
You weren’t keen on walking alone at night, but fortunately, his studio wasn’t that far, so you managed to make it safely there.
Knocking on the wooden door, you received no answer, so you slightly pulled the door open, only to be met with silence.
Hongjoong had noise-cancelling headphones latched on his ears, head bobbing at a certain rhythm as he scribbled some lyrics in his brown leather notebook.
The notebook he carried everywhere, even when he was around you.
Sometimes, he would get inspiration just by watching you sleep, read or cook. Writing down whatever crossed his mind, he never showed you what they said. 
However, you paid no mind to his privacy. You respected that he kept it a secret, you did the same with your poetry book.
You knew how it felt when someone read pieces of art you’ve created, you feel naked and exposed to the reader, and it made your guts churn of anxiety when someone even tried to look into your notebooks.
But now, you had a problem to deal with. How do you make yourself noticeable without scaring your boyfriend to death? 
Banging your fist on the door didn’t work and calling his name didn’t work either.
He jumped out of his skin when you softly placed a hand on his shoulder, a yelp unintentionally coming out of his mouth. 
Turning around, he noticed your figure and laid a hand on his chest, the other grabbing your forearm as a sign of affection.
“Sorry baby, I didn’t know how to make myself noticeable.” You said with an apologetic look, but Hongjoong waved it off.
“It’s okay, sugarplum. Are you okay? What are you doing here?”
“Well, since it’s past midnight and you weren’t coming back, I decided to bring a piece of home to you and brought you this.” You lifted the plastic bag and handed it to him. It was his turn to look at you, remorse filling his eyes as he realised that he lost the notion of time and stayed behind at the studio to produce.
“Thank you baby, but I’m sorry,” he mumbled, and he stood up, hugging you tightly as he kissed your cheek. “What did I do to deserve you?”
“It’s nothing, baby. You should eat now, it’s going to cool down,” you whispered as you let go and he sat down, drawing another chair to have you by his side. He kissed your temple before you rushed him to eat, noticing his eyebags and his tiredness written all over his face.
You were getting tired as well, but Hongjoong was a hundred times worth it to stay up late at night, to see him with a bright smile and adoring eyes on his face as he tasted the food you cooked.
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“Hello Miss, where can I find the office of Mr Park?”
“Park Seonghwa?” the receptionist said, and you nodded, replacing a piece of hair behind your ear. “The head department is on the 19th floor, at the far end of the left corridor.” You thanked her and made your way to the elevators, waiting with other employees.
You greeted people you knew by sight with a nod and a smile, going to the floor reception. Some people stopped talking, listening to your words.
“Excuse me, is Mr Park Seonghwa here?”
“Yes, but he’s currently in a meeting. It’ll end in a few minutes,” she said, looking up what seemed to be his schedule on the computer. “Do you have an appointment with him?”
“Oh no,” you stuttered as you could almost feel his coworkers’ eyes on you, “I’m just his wife, and I need to give him something he forgot at home.”
“No problem, I’ll guide you to his office. Please follow me,” she announced, standing up, her heels clicking on the white tiles. You awkwardly smiled and bowed at his colleagues and followed the secretary, thanking her as she showed you the door of his office.
Your husband appeared a couple of minutes later, reading a file while talking on the phone. You cleared your throat, and Seonghwa looked up, his phone almost falling from the shoulder that was pressing it against his ear.
“Can you please fix a schedule with my secretary, I have a lot of work to deal with right now. Yes, yes thank you. Have a nice day too. Goodbye Sir.” he ended his phone call, sliding his smartphone in his pants pocket. 
Tenderly looking at you, he smiled and approached you.
“Honey, baby. I didn’t expect you to see you here,” he warmly said before capturing your lips in a sweet yet passionate kiss, an arm wrapping around your waist.
“I’m because my husband, whose head is constantly into business, forgot his lunch before going to work this morning,” you stated as you lifted the brown paper bag, his eyes widening as his shoulders softly subside in relief.
“What did I do to deserve a wonderful wife like you?” he asked as he took the bag, kissing your cheek at the same time.
“I don’t know, but your wonderful wife would appreciate that her husband wouldn’t forget his lunch every day because she’s taking time on her lunch break to bring the food to him.” You arched a brow, and he chuckled, his arm never leaving your waist.
“I love you,” he muttered, and you softly kissed his lips.
“I love you too. Enjoy your lunch darling,” you said as you made your way towards the door, shooting him a smile before walking away.
Little did you know that once you were out of sight, he went out to the lunchroom to eat his food - something that he never did -, showing off the fact that his wife came to bring him lunch.
He earned the complaints and whines from his colleagues, whose partners didn’t even look at them when they came home. 
And with that, he asked his secretary to cancel a meeting in the early evening to come home earlier than you, preparing you a nice, lovely dinner to thank you for your gesture. 
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Architect student!Yunho
In the small apartment that you shared with your lovely Yunho, you were about to prepare dinner, but you realised that there was nothing in the fridge. 
Quickly turning off the stove, you put on your shoes and jacket and made your way out the door, a quick trip to the convenience store.
You arrived in front of the store as the sun was setting, the last rays of sunshine hitting the windows, sending beautiful scenery in front of you.
You knew that Yunho was working hard, as much as you did, but you wanted to surprise him a bit, so you decided to buy the ingredients to cook his favourite food.
Packs of meat, vegetables and rice in your bag, you were off to go home.
Riding the bus, you checked that you had everything and stepped off at your stop. 
Yunho hadn’t moved from his spot while you were absent. He was still focused on his work, an HB pencil in one hand and a ruler in the other.
You placed everything down on the counter and started working on your duty.
Boiling water, grilling the meat and stirring the vegetables in a pot. You were so in your thoughts that you didn’t even register your boyfriend walking in the kitchen, sneaking his arms around your waist while prepping your shoulder with kisses.
“What’s cooking, good looking,” you snorted at the pun, and he chuckled, kissing your cheek as you cooked the meat while stirring the veggies.
“Open up, handsome,” you say as you bring a piece of meat to his mouth with the spatula. He opened his mouth, and you dropped the piece of meat on his extended tongue, munching on it after kissing you.
“Maybe two more minutes? But otherwise, it’s perfect, I liked the way you seasoned it, baby,” he stated, and you smile, stirring the food for a couple more minutes.
While eating, Yunho looked exhausted but happy. He did a little happy dance when you placed the plate in front of him, earning a kiss on the cheek for taking care of everything.
“I know we can get pretty busy with college and work,” he started before taking a sip of water, the food feeling extremely hot in his mouth, “but I’m glad we established a pattern of regularly eating together,” he admitted, smiling as he reached across the table for your hand.
“It feels good to be just the two of us, it’s sometimes tiring to have someone around constantly,” he nodded at your words, his thumb softly rubbing your knuckles.
“You’re right, our friends can get pretty hectic,” he chuckled and so did you, the subject of the conversation coming back on studies.
“So, how’s your project doing?” you demanded, and he just shrugged.
“It’s sometimes hard to get inspiration, but once I get it, everything goes smoothly,” you nodded and kept listening as your partner explained his work, a passionate sparkle in his eyes, outshining the ceiling light hanging above your heads.
“So yeah, we’ll see how it goes. Normally, if I didn’t mess up too much, my professor should be happy about the plans.”
“Why wouldn’t he be happy?” you questioned as you took the last piece of food that you had on your plate before crossing your cutlery.
“I mean… There are elements of my imagination in my work,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, his warm hand leaving yours, “but I took into account every piece of advice that you gave me since the beginning of my work, and honestly, I think I wouldn’t have gotten this far without them.”
“Oh shut it,” you snorted at your boyfriend, but immediately calmed down as you noticed the same serious expression on his face, “are-are you serious?”
“Dead serious,” he smirked, and you both stood up, going back to the kitchen to fill up the dishwasher.
“But you’re the one majoring in architecture, not me,”
“I know,” he retorted as he wiped the counter, “but it sometimes helps to have an outside point of view. Someone who doesn’t constantly have their nose in the theory and lecture notes is very helpful for creativity. You’re my muse Y/N, you have such amazing ideas that everything seems brighter and easier when you help.”
You chuckled at your boyfriend’s praise and went for a hug, squeezing him tight around you.
“I’m so happy that we’re together,” you said as you laid your head against his chest, his hand going into your hair.
“You don’t know how much I love you Y/N,” he said as he kissed the crown of your head.
“I think I have an idea,” you said as you looked up at him.
“No, you don’t, I love you more than you can ever see or imagine,” he mumbled as he pressed his lips on yours in a sweet kiss. He was giving you all the love and affection he had for you in this kiss, and you felt complete.
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Waking up to the sound of your alarm, you were quick to turn it off to not wake up your boyfriend sleeping next to you.
Forcing yourself to start your day this early is such a pain in the ass, but your income makes it motivating and worth it. Plus, you wanted to save time for tonight because you knew how lazy you could get when it came to cooking.
So, at 6 am, you put on an apron over your pyjamas and started cooking the meal for tonight - Yeosang’s favourite - while preparing your breakfast at the same time.
Being good at multitasking has its perks after all.
Around an hour and a half later, you were done with cooking and washing the dishes, now getting ready to go to work.
The sun was rising, making the task of getting out of your comfortable apartment a little less painful.
Yeosang didn’t move an inch when you closed the main door, still dead asleep in your shared bed.
It was his first day off after going a few months without truly resting, and you could tell that his body needed it. When he came home last night, he was slow and could barely keep his eyes open during the show you chose to watch, he was tempted to use your shoulder as a pillow.
But it was one of the rare times that he could spend alone with you so he wouldn’t let that pass.
It was finally midday when you looked at your phone, still no news of Yeosang. 
Knowing how tired he was, you didn’t worry about it, he was probably still asleep.
And you were right, his body went into recovery mode.
He woke up around two in the afternoon, shaken awake as a truck honked just under your windows.
Yeosang was still tired even though he slept for over twelve hours, so he decided to stay in bed for a bit longer.
He finally got out of bed around three as the rest of the group asked to play a bit of Among Us with them.
He stayed behind the computer for the rest of the afternoon, deciding to go for a run as the day was coming to an end, only eating a banana while he was getting ready.
It smelt like you had cooked something this morning, so he wanted to wait a bit until you came home to eat with you. 
You were about to close the door behind you when you heard a familiar low voice.
“Y/N, wait!” Yeosang was in his sports equipment, slightly out of breath as you let him in.
“Hi,” you said with a smile as you swiftly pecked his lips. You both took off your shoes, hurrying your boyfriend to take a shower as you entered the kitchen.
You could finally settle down to eat when he appeared from his shower, making your way towards you before prepping your neck with kisses, asking about your day.
“Woah, you cooked my favourite dish?” he asked as you put a plate in the microwave.
“Yes! I figured out that you’d appreciate eating something special on your free day,” you replied, and Yeosang hugged you tightly from behind, giving you a big smooch on your cheek.
“Thank you, love,” he mumbled against your skin as a ‘ding’ drowned his voice out. 
You both sat down on the couch, your plate in hand and enjoyed the food and each other’s company for the rest of the evening.
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“Sannie?” you asked as you walked into his dimmed bedroom, his computer screens being the only sources of light in the room, alongside with LEDs ornating the walls.
Headphones screwed on his ears, he rapidly typed on his computer, lines of coding appearing on the screen. San couldn’t hear you, he was a tad bit too focused on his task to pay attention to his surroundings.
As a way to make yourself noticeable, you turned on his bedside lamp, startling him as he took off his blue light glasses, Grime blasting from his headphones as he let them fall around his neck.
“Sweetie, do you need anything?” he said as he spun his chair around, observing you.
You were balancing a plate, a glass filled with coke, a napkin and some cutlery on a trail, carefully making your way towards your boyfriend as you tried not to spill anything on his fancy setup.
“Dinner’s served,” you sweetly chanted as you finally laid the trail in front of him, the smell of fresh, homemade food invading his nostrils.
“Thank you, baby, you’re amazing,” he said as he encircled an arm around your waist, making you fall on his lap. You smiled as he laid a soft kiss on your upper arm, grabbing the fork with his other hand before bringing the food to his mouth. He gratefully hummed and nodded as he munched on it, shooting you a wink as he looked up at you.
“It’s delicious baby girl,” he mumbled after swallowing, directly taking another bite. He lightly frowned as he didn’t see a plate for you. “You already ate?”
“Yeah, I called you a couple of times from the kitchen, but you seemed busy so I didn’t want to bother you,” you said as you shyly tightened your ponytail, a disappointed look growing on his face.
“Y/N, babe,” he started, tightening his grip around your figure as he put the fork down, “you should’ve yelled for me to come to eat with you... You’re my girlfriend, coding and hacking come after you, okay? I love you more than anything, I can and I will put everything aside to spend time with you. So next time, I’ll come downstairs to eat with you, alright? I don’t want to know that you’re eating alone in our home.”
“Yes Sannie, but-”
“Shht, there are no buts,” he said as he kissed you on the lips, keeping on eating the food you cooked for him with you still on his lap after he made sure that this wouldn’t happen again. You watched your boyfriend filling his stomach and talked with him about everything, just catching up on the last few days that you spent separated from each other.
“I love you darling, thank you for the amazing food,” San said as he cupped your face, placing a big, soft kiss on your cheek.
You giggled and slightly moved his beanie, being able to play with the hair at the back of his head.
“I love you too San, I do,” you whispered as you straddled him and rested your head on his collarbone, his hand rubbing your back up and down your spine.
“Wanna cuddle?” he suggested, and you were about to say no since he looked busy, but you caught yourself just on time, his light scolding coming back in your mind.
“Yes, please,” you mumbled, and he approved, removing his headset from his neck and shook the beanie off his head, replacing his hair in a somewhat correct way.
“Alright,” he softly mumbled while wrapping his arms around you, carefully standing up as he laid kisses on your exposed skin. It didn’t matter where it was, every spot that he saw some skin, he had to kiss it.
And that’s how you spent the rest of the night cuddled in San’s arms, his cold hand drawing circled on your stomach, sending shivers in your body as he soothingly rubbed the skin.
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You huffed as you nonchalantly threw your phone on the table, your boyfriend being unreachable as you called him for the nth time tonight.
You knew that he was training and improving his dancing skills, but you wished that he could take small breaks here and there.
Not to text you back, you could wait, but for his sanity and health.
There’s a reason between working hard and overworking yourself.
And Mingi seemed to struggle to distinguish the difference between the two notions.
You never said that it was easy, you were struggling as well, but sometimes you wished that he’d understand it better than you do. 
The clock neared midnight, and he still wasn’t home. You started getting slightly irritated as he was probably overworking himself and not eating.
But you couldn’t blame it for that, you did the same when you had big exams or assignments coming up, you tended to ditch breaks and skip meals.
So, since you were caring about your boyfriend’s well being, you stood up and went to the fridge, where a container filled with the potion you had prepared for your boyfriend was.
Putting on a warm sweater and some pants before making your way out, locking the door behind you.
You took a longer road to go to his practice studio, but you found with relief that the convenience store was still open, sighing in relief as you read that it wasn’t going to close anytime soon.
You took drinks for the two of you and some extras as you thought that some of the boys could be still practising, paid and headed to the practice room.
When you arrived, you waved at San, who looked exhausted and sweaty, surprised to see you out at this hour.
“You’re here for your lovely Mingi?” he teased as he declined to give you a side hug due to his current state.
“Yes, I was getting worried since he wasn’t coming home,” you declared, and San smiled, finding adorable that you were looking after your boyfriend.
“You can go, he’s still in the practice room, he’s the only one left.” you thanked him and gave him one of the spare drinks that you bought since you didn’t know who would still be there with your boyfriend. His dimples appeared when he thanked you, and you wished him a good - yet short - night of rest before entering the building.
When you arrived in front of the practice room door, you noticed your boyfriend dancing through the window, and you could see that his movements were slower and less energised than usual.
You slowly opened the door, your eardrums being attacked by loud music, the bass resonating in your stomach as you made yourself seen.
When Mingi saw you, a sort of relieved yet guilty look appeared on his face as he went to the stereo to lower the music.
“Hey,” he said in a whisper, eyes carrying a truck of guilt in them.
“Hi babe,” you said as you handed him the plastic bag, “I knew it. I knew you wouldn’t have eaten, so I went out and bought this for you,” you said as you sat down together, in the middle of the room.
Mingi was more tired than he wanted to show. You had identified a pattern within him, his looks on his face and his figure betraying him. When he was as hunched over as he currently was, you knew that his back was hurting and that he was overworking himself.
However, you didn’t say anything, your behaviour and gaze unintentionally telling him what your opinion was. The silence was the best option. You were both exhausted, and the last thing you wanted to do was to start a fight this late in the evening. 
“Thank you for taking care of me, Y/N,” he said before clenching his jaw to stifle a yawn, but you caught it.
“You’re welcome honey, but you know my opinion on your behaviour,” you added, and he nodded, eating his mouthful.
“I know, I know,” he sighed and kept on eating while you opened the two soda cans laying in front of you. Mingi took a few gulps of it, and you got another one from the plastic bag, your boyfriend looking at you with wide eyes.
“But, let’s not talk about this now, the last thing I wanna do is get in an argument with you,” you said, and he listened, thanking you as you handed him the can. “I already barely see you during the week, so I don’t want to get into a fight when I have an opportunity to see you,” you sighed but smiled anyway, Mingi’s guilt increasing in his heart.
“I’m sorry-” 
“Shht,” you said to your boyfriend as you gently rubbed his back up and down, applying some pressure on spots that you knew were aching. “Are you coming home soon or do you plan on sleeping in the guest room in the building?” you asked as you watch your boyfriend take another bite of the food you had prepared for the two of you.
“Let me finish this amazing food, and we’re going home,” he answered, and you nodded, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “It’s very tasty by the way,” you knew that he was trying to change the subject and you appreciated the effort, trying to forget his neglect of self-care and simply smiled at him.
When he finished his meal, you stood up and put everything in the trash, noticing in the mirror that Mingi struggled to get up, a grimace abruptly replacing the smile he was giving you moments ago. As soon as you turned to face him, he tried his best to erase the pain off his face. You didn’t raise it, but you made a mental note to yourself to try and reason him later. And, if it wasn’t working, you’d call Hongjoong for help. Maybe he’ll listen to him. 
The walk home was silent, quite awkward. Your boyfriend tried his best to be as natural as possible, but his back pains were making him hiss and silently groan in pain at almost every step he took.
“Okay, maybe I did a bit too much tonight,” he said as his voice hesitated, alerting you. He looked broken, his bottom lip between his teeth as he kept on walking to your place, feeling a wave of relief as your apartment building came into sight. 
You held his hand and grabbed his forearm with your other free hand, helping him to walk until you finally arrived in front of the elevator.
As soon as you entered your home, you sped to the bathroom and ran a warm bath, sprinkling some relaxing salt in it before helping Mingi to take off his shirt.
Once he was done, you helped him to get out of the tub and took care of him. He stared at you in awe as you dried his hair with the blow dryer and assisted him in putting on his pyjamas before walking him to bed.
Quickly doing your nighttime routine, you walked to your bed with heating patches as your boyfriend was already lying on his stomach, the most relieving position for him to sleep into. You slightly pressed some areas in his back, and you applied some patches where he grunted more loudly.
“Alright, now rest, baby,” you kissed his cheek, and he extended his hand to grab yours.
“Thank you for everything, baby,” he said as you shook your head with a faint smile, feeling the tiredness getting the best of you.
"It's okay, Mingi," you whispered as he lifted your linked hands to his mouth, kissing the back of your hand, a loving gesture that you particularly appreciated.
“Sleep well, baby, and think about what we’ve talked about at the studio, okay?” you mumbled, giving him one last kiss before falling asleep, still holding his hand.
“I love you,” Mingi mumbled before falling asleep, as well. 
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College AU
Entering the library, you tried your best to hide the plastic bag from the librarian, hoping that she wouldn’t notice the smell of food following you like your shadow.
You weren’t allowed to bring food inside the library, school authorities were scared that you’d stain the books or not clean the tables, which was the case when you went to work in the library.
You had always found this disrespectful that people would leave their trash on the tables without cleaning, it exasperated you.
Why was it so complicated to put your trash in a bin?
But since you thought that you were quite a clean, hygienic student, you allowed yourself to sneak in food for you and your friends.
When you arrived near your friends, Mingi was the first one to spot you, hungry for the content of the plastic bags you were carrying.
Your friends discreetly clapped their hands as you arrived as a hero at the table. You shushed them when they got a bit too excited over the food, reminding them that you weren’t supposed to eat there.
Since you were the one that went and bought the food, you were the one distributing the small containers the Chinese takeout the employees had put the food in.
Wooyoung was the only one who was kind of sulky because he wasn’t fond of the place you bought the food from since that event. That event where one of the cooks had put in a sauce containing bell pepper, and he hated them.
He always associated this restaurant with this event, and now he doesn’t set foot at this establishment anymore.
But before he could even say anything, you took the container in front of him and gave him a blue bento box, making him frown yet didn’t say anything.
“Enjoy, everyone!” you whispered as you all started to eat. 
You slightly observed your friend’s reaction next to you as he opened the container.
Wooyoung discovered that his food had nothing to do with Chinese takeout. It was homemade food, cooked by you and his eyes opened wide.
You giggled as he took his fork and started eating hastily, munching on the food with closed eyes and a content look on his face.
“Is it good?” you questioned, and Wooyoung eagerly nodded, taking another bite as he didn’t even swallow his first one. 
“It’s perfect,” he answered, rice almost falling from his mouth as it was full. Hongjoong, who was sitting next to you, slightly elbowed you in the ribs, a smug look on his face.
Wooyoung wasn’t expecting the fact that you would make a detour to your apartment to take and heat homemade food just for him. 
He was touched, but now he was too focused on devouring his plate to care about anything surrounding him.
A few moments later, as he had finally emptied the lunch box, he rested back a bit, a hand on his stomach.
“Wow, I’m full,” he said as a hiccup took over him, immediately slapping his mouth as the sound came out of his organism. 
“Did you see at the pace you ate? Y/N isn’t even done yet,” you puffed as Seonghwa took you as an example, known among your friend group that you were the quickest to shove your food down your throat.
“It was worth it, though,” Wooyoung said, and you shook your head, the indirect compliment sending warmth to your cheeks. 
“And what do you say to Y/N?” Hongjoong said before taking a sip of coke as if he was a mother scolding her child.
“Thank youuuuu,” he said as his voice trailed on the last word, resting his head against your forearm, only to have you put your fork down and ruffle his hair, a way you use to say “you’re welcome” when your mouth was full.
Once you were all done with eating, you placed everything back in the plastic bags and started working again, Wooyoung’s head never leaving the spot on your upper arm.
You didn’t mind him, you were sometimes adjusting his head as your muscles started getting sore, but nothing much.
A while later, as you wanted to stretch your arms above your head, you woke Wooyoung up, his head almost slamming on the table as you moved your arm.
“Mmh?” he said as he woke up, wiping the fatigue away from his eyes, nodding as you asked him if he was alright. “Food coma is kicking hard right now,” he added, and you smiled, relieved that he felt a bit better after his nap. 
“It’s okay, but you need to go to bed now, it’s getting late,” you said as you packed your stuff in your backpack, putting your coat back on.
“You’re going home already?”
“Yes, it’s almost midnight, and I have a presentation tomorrow at eight,” you explained as a pained smile drew on his face, and you agreed with him by nodding. 
“I’m out now, good night guys!” you said to your friends as you stood up, waving goodbye as some of them looked like they would leave this place near dawn.
You bid farewell to the librarian as well and braved the freezing night, hurrying home as not to catch a cold.
And run into someone suspicious and creepy but that’s another thing.
“Y/N!” someone said behind you as you paused in your steps, recognising your friend’s voice.
“Woo? Aren’t you staying with them?"
“No, I’m tired, I honestly don't know how I'm still awake,” he said, and you started walking again with him by your side.
“And…” he stopped in his tracks, and you frowned but imitated him. “I wanted to thank you for being considerate and caring towards us, but particularly towards me,” he said, and you chuckled, waving it off.
“Of course, you are all my friends after all,” you said with a smile as you looked at your friend, who had an indecipherable look on his face.
“That’s... that’s the problem, Y/N,” you looked at him confused and blinked, not knowing where he was coming from.
“What do-”
“Y/N, I like you,” he blurted out, your eyes widening in surprise, not expecting him to confess right now, in the middle of the night in the freezing cold when you could both fall asleep standing up. “More than friends,” he added, and you nodded while looking away, feeling the red spreading on your cheeks. Your friend took a step closer and cupped your face with his cold hand to make you look at him.
“What about you? I've been dying to know, even if you don't feel the same,” he said in a breath, and you inhaled sharply, confused about the sudden question.
“I- I think I do too b-”
“That’s all I needed to hear,” he said, and you suck in a breath, anticipating his next move.
“Can I kiss you?” Wooyoung asked, face dangerously close to yours, his eyes going back and forth between your eyes and your lips.
“Of course.” 
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College AU, Student abroad AU
“Mom?” you asked as you came into the living room, your iPad with a Chrome tab opened in hand.
“Yes honey?” she answered, looking up from the TV, your dad slightly huffing as he couldn’t hear the news.
“You know Jongho, right?” she nodded at her words, initiating you to keep going, “I’ve just gotten off the phone with him, and he seems very sad and down,” you explained as you sat down next to her.
Your dad’s attention immediately shifted to you and your mother as a boy was brought up in the conversation.
“Honey, no, it’s not her boyfriend,” your mother said, and your dad blinked, surprised by her reaction and shrugged, his attention going back on the telly. “And? Do you want to do something to cheer him up?”
“Well, I concluded that he’s a bit homesick, so I wanted to prepare a Korean dish for him. Wanna help?” Your mother agreed and stood up from her seat, fixing her glasses on the bridge of her nose.
“Sure!” she says as she washed her hand. “So, kimchi fried rice. What do we need?”
A few hours later, here you were, in the kitchen with your mom, right back from a trip to the convenience store to get the ingredients. You read a bunch of recipes and even watched a tutorial, trying your best to make it as similar as possible to the way they made it in South Korea.
You were struggling a bit at first, but everything turned out alright in the end, happily placing the mixture in a safe spot to let it rest for a couple of days. You were proud and satisfied with what you’ve created, truly hoping that it would heal his visible homesickness.
A few days later, you placed a container filled with your preparation in a paper bag along with your lunch and went out the door after saying goodbye to your parents, who were still eating breakfast. For once, you were happy to go to college, because you were dying to see Jongho and his potentially positive reaction. 
The lectures go faster when you pay attention to the teachers, amazing. In no time, here you were in the cafeteria, eyes scanning the crowd to see your friend. Once you caught sight of your “target”, you made your way over and sat across from him, a gentle yet faint smile decorating his face when he saw you.
“Hi Y/N,” he said after swallowing a piece of his industrial sandwich. He looked heavyhearted and tired as if he had spent the entire night on his phone speaking with his family on the other side of the world.
“Are you okay?” you sweetly asked, and he weakly nodded, and you kept staring at him. “You sure?” you raised your eyebrow with a concerned look, and he just shrugged.
“My feelings didn’t really subside,” he stated as he referred to the conversation he's had over the phone with you the other night. You reached across the table and softly rubbed his forearm, the gesture making him weakly smile.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know how I can help,” you say, and he shook your head.
“I appreciate your kindness Y/N, but I don’t think you can do anything about this…” his voice faded as he thickly swallowed, the sight of your friend being so close to crying made you pout.
“Okay,” you said as you withdrew your hand, Jongho internally whining at the lack of warmth. You searched in your bag and pulled out two steaming lunch boxes, one for you.
And one for him.
“What is this?” he asked as he turned the box between his hands.
“It’s a surprise! Open it,” you smiled as you innocently opened yours, stabbing your hot food with your fork.
Taking the lid off, his eyes widened, going back and forth between the kimchi and you, sitting across from him with a soft smile on your face.
“You seemed so down last time we called,” you said as you ate a spoonful of your lunch, “so I made you a dish with my mom that I remembered you liking. I know it won’t bring your family to you, but it’s still something I guess,” you explained as Jongho pursed his lips, nodding at your explanations, never looking at you in the eyes.
It took you a few seconds to register what was happening, and you drop your fork in your box.
He was crying.
You stood up and sat down next to him, circling your arm around his shoulders.
“Oh Jongho,” you said in a concerned tone, “I didn’t mean to make you cry, I just wanted to make you happy. I know how hard it is when you miss your home and family, I just wanted to give you a bit of family love and warmth that you can’t have right now.”
“Thank you so much Y/N, really,” he said as he sniffled, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. He chuckled as he realised how emotional he's just gotten over food, and he turned to the side to give you a proper hug. 
“Thank you,” he whispered in your ear and squeezed you tight against him, feeling his rapid heart beating against your chest.
“It’s okay, Jongho. Taste it first, I wanna know if we can make you some more further in the school year,” you gently rubbed his upper back and he smiled, grabbing your fork from your lunch box.
“It’s delicious,” he said as he munched on the kimchi fried rice, reaching for your hand and rubbing your knuckles. 
He looked at you with such adoration in his eyes that you got shy and flustered, your hands going clammy as he wholeheartedly approved your work, taking another bite of the food.
“You’re welcome,” you said in a soft voice, and you smiled at each other, enjoying each other’s company for the rest of the lunch break.
A/N: I like it but not a lot... I don’t like it. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it!!  
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officialwittek · 4 years
pt. 2
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*gif is not mine* 
word count: 1,987 
“SAGE” a voice yells, my eyes shoot open and I fall out of the bed, David laughs loudly holding his vlog camera
“Fuck you” I groan, standing up I notice I was changed and all my makeup was taken off
“Wow I was so productive even while drunk, I even took my makeup off bitches” I say, collecting my things off the floor and plugging my phone into the charger
“Nah, it was Jeff. You passed out after taking shots with Zane and Ilya. So he carried you into Natalie’s room and took care of you before he left” David explained, tucking his camera under his arm
“Oh nice, where’s Natalie?” I ask, putting on some shorts and walking to the kitchen with David
“She went to get coffee for everyone” He says, I laugh quietly seeing all of our friends passed out on the floor or the couch
“I guess I’ll make breakfast. Then I’ll help clean after we eat” I say, David nods and follows me to the kitchen
I grab some eggs, bacon, and pancake mix and start making breakfast for everyone. I notice Jeff and Todd aren’t here and assume they went to work out so I make extra food just in case they come by after. I shoot Jeff a text and ask him but I just get left on read. Weird. I pout a little and David suddenly takes my phone.
“Why did Jeff leave you on read?” He asks, I shrug and David takes out his own phone and texts him and of course gets an immediate response
“Interesting, whatever. I ain’t tripping ‘bout no hoe” I say, spooning the scrambled eggs into a big bowl
After I finished making breakfast, Natalie walks in with the coffee, Todd helping her carry everything. Our friends wake up one by one and join us in the kitchen
“Sage, baby marry me” Zane says, I laugh and take everyones empty plates and put them in the dishwasher
“Baby.. you couldn’t pay me enough money” I reply, our group laughing even harder
I wash the dishes while Matt helps me put them away. He also offers to help me clean the rest of the house. I take the soiled couch blankets and throw them in the wash while Matt takes the trash out. I grab the empty beer cans, solo cups, and hard liquor bottles and take them to the recycling and trash. After about an hour we had David’s house looking as nice as possible. I say bye to David and Natalie before Matt and I head our separate ways for the afternoon.
I finally get home and take a shower. Cleaning David’s house had me in the mood to be productive and Carly was probably with Erin I open our curtains and play some music over the speakers. Quietly singing to myself I take my laundry and start separating the loads before throwing the first one in. I walk to the kitchen and start cleaning out our fridge. Expired foods, old take out, nasty old fruits and veggies. After that I compile a grocery list and send a quick text to Carly to see if she needs anything, she sends me a handful of items and tells me to let her know how much she should PayPal me. I wash the dishes and put everything in their respected cabinets. After a few hours of cleaning and washing laundry, I get dressed to run errands.
I choose some brown patchwork jeans, a white tank top, a chocolate brown oversized zip up jacket with my white Air Force ones. I throw my hair in a ponytail and text Jeff.
Sage: Hi bub, ik you left me on read, but do you want to run errands with me?
Jeff: nah i’m good.
I sigh in annoyance and shove my phone in my purse. I grab my keys and walk down to the parking lot. I get a text from Corinna and Natalie asking if they can tag along with me since they’re bored and I agree, the three of us meeting at David’s house. After they pile into my Honda Civic and we go to the grocery store.
“So.. what’s got you all annoyed?” Corinna asks, I realize my eyebrows have been furrowed the whole time
“Jeff keeps leaving me on read or he’s being dry. Even at breakfast he didn’t even acknowledge me. I mean what the fuck. I would never ever do that to him. The fuck is his problem” I whine, grabbing a carton of oat milk
“Well you did kiss him last night and you haven’t said anything” Nat points out, my eyes widen and my jaws go slack, the two girls giggle at my expression  
“I k-kissed him? I mean shit go me, but now I feel like an asshole” I ask, turning to them and I sigh
“I’m never drinking again” I reply, making them laugh. After a bit more shopping we all go to pay for our stuff.
We stop by my apartment and they help me put the groceries away. We all go back to Dave’s house and hang out for a bit. I start editing some pictures I took for my instagram. While editing Todd, Jeff, Zane, Carly, and Erin walk in. They all come up to me and give me a hug, well except a certain someone. I’ll admit I feel like an asshole about not saying anything but I didn’t know it pissed him off that much. I text and ask if we can talk in the studio and he leaves me on read right in front of my eyes.
I roll my eyes and just sit at the kitchen island alone. Mindlessly scrolling through my phone as I hear some people approaching me. I turn and see Mariah, Carly, and Erin. They immediately knew something was up, my eyebrows were furrowed so we walk outside to my car.
“It’s fucking Jeff. So Nat and Corinna told me what happened last night and I obviously felt bad. So I texted Jeff about five minutes and asked him if we could talk in the podcast studio for a bit and he left me on read. He probably hates me now. He’s been ignoring me all day” I cry, Mariah rubs my shoulder to help console me
“I’m not going out with you guys tonight. I think I’m just going to stay home” I say, the three of them nod
“Well then all the girls are coming over tonight. I hate seeing princess peach being sad” Mariah says, princess peach is her nickname for me since I love anything to do with peaches and everyone treats me like a princess since I’m the youngest member
“Finee, bring wine and I’ll make pasta” I say, finally letting a small smile appear as we head back to the house
“Where the fuck did you guys go?” Heath asks, wrapping his arms around Mariah as I pretend to throw up
“We went to make out real quick” I retort, walking over to collect my things
“Nat, Corinna let’s go babes” I call, they excitedly grab their things and we hop in Nat’s Mercedes
“Oh c’mon guys” Todd says, but Carly promptly stops the rest from coming
“No we’re having a girl’s night. Sage isn’t feeling well, no boys allowed. Especially Jeff” she says, mumbling the last part so only the girls could hear and we let out giggles
“Fuck men” I yell, closing Nat’s door as we head to my place with Carly
Nat drops us off while her, Mariah, and Corinna get some alcohol. I grab the ingredients from the pantry and fridge. I decide to make a simple pasta with garlic, cherry tomatoes and basil. While I was cooking the other girls come back and we all gather in the kitchen. Talking about everything and anything, Nat starts snapping pictures on a disposable camera. After a few minutes the food was ready and we all gathered in our living room to watch some movies. After some bickering we all decide on Always Be My Maybe.
“T-that was so good” I cry, heavy tears streaming down my face, I look and see them all with tears in their eyes
“I hate being single” I whine, grabbing a pillow and crying into it and the others start laughing at me
“Sure sure” Corinna says, taking all of our plates to the sink. After countless bottles of wine we started dipping into the vodka. Natalie decides to stay sober for tonight  since she’ll probably have to take everyone else home
“Wait hold on David’s calling” Natalie says, I turn the music down and sit there nursing my vodka bottle and another bottle of sparkling pink lemonade
“Yea I’m not sure Sage is in any shape to go anywhere” She comments with a laugh, watching Corinna take the bottle and pour more vodka in my mouth
“Uhm I don’t know, let me talk to her” Nat says, her smile falling as she covers the mic with her hand
“Is it cool if the boys come here? They’re tired of staying at David’s and he needs drunk Sage content” She asks, I look at the rest of the girls and sigh
“I guess” I reply, Natalie purses her lips before replying
“No, we said it was girl’s night. You can get drunk Sage content any day of the week” She says, soon there’s some jiggling by our door as Natalie and Carly quickly run to the door and lock the door with the latch above the handle
“David get the fuck out of here” Natalie yells, stopping them from kicking our door down
“It’s ok I guess, just let them in” I reply, getting off the floor and unlocking it, quickly  walking to my balcony and Erin locks the door behind me, knowing I should have some alone time
I play some music on my phone and just sip the vodka in my hand. I take a hit from my puff bar, just enjoying the cool breeze on my skin. I let some tears fall down, thoughts invade my head. Maybe Jeff is just over how clingy I am? Is he tired of being friends with me? I sigh and sink deeper into my chair. I jump when I hear a knock, I quickly wipe the tears off my face and turn. I’m greeted by that dumb face and nod.
“Hey” I said, taking a hit of my puff, watching the vapor disappear as Jeff take a seat next to me
“Hi..” he replies softly, I can feel him burning holes in the side of my head
“Carly said I should probably come talk to you” he continued, I roll my eyes and collect my things
“Thing is, I don’t really want to talk to you anymore ok? This is me, leaving your dumbass on read in real life” I slur, putting my phone in my pants as I reach the door he grabs my wrist
“Please, I know you’re mad and I don’t really know why” Jeff replies, I scoff and set my things back down
“You ignore me all day, LEAVE ME ON READ WHILE I’M TEN FUCKING FEET BEHIND YOU, over a fucking drunk kiss for the vlog. Why would I be mad? You asshole” I yell, finally getting someone to open the door and I storm back in, sitting in the kitchen with the girls
“I DOn’T ReaLlY kNoW WhY You’Re MAd. The fucking NERVE of him” I rant, Nat pats my back as the girls and I talk on the kitchen floor
After another hour everyone leaves and I get ready for bed. Sure, I could’ve actually talked to him and I really was until he asked why I’m mad. I mean what the fuck? Whatever, I set my alarm and slip off into a peaceful sleep.
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years
anyone can cook
rafe cameron x reader
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words: 3729
warnings: usual cursing, mentions of drugs 
synopsis: college au, four times you cook for rafe and one time he cooks for you
Growing up, your mom taught you the importance of food. For most of your childhood, you loved cooking with her. Learning family recipes, and spending time in the kitchen with her instead of doing homework was thrilling to you. As you aged, you started to resent it, feeling like your mother was perpetuating the harmful stereotype that women are meant to be in the kitchen.
And then you left school early and came home to see the shit your dad was putting your mom through and was forced to immediately take that hard pill to swallow. Perspective was a bitch. Your mom didn’t cook to please your dad, she cooked to keep him happy enough for you to be fooled. It was heartbreaking.
You decided then that you’d not take any time cooking with your mom for granted. She loved you and she wanted you to be happier than her. For her, you could certainly fucking try. It was all going great until the storm that knocked out power, rendered the kitchen useless, and drove your dad’s patience level to its breaking point.
He’d never been that angry before, at least not in front of you. You weren’t sure what to do as he lashed out at your mom and then you, without warning and in the end, without apology. Normally if you were upset, your mom would make cookies with you, letting you use cookie cutters and dirty unnecessary dishes. That time though, you had to figure it out alone.
When you got to college, your parents helped pay rent for your first apartment. It had a good kitchen with lots of room, and your mom bought you a ton of kitchen tools, pots and pans, and other cooking necessities as a graduation gift. Her and your dad helped you move in, and that night, with shaky hands, she held your face in her hands. Tears in her eyes she whispered, “Promise me you won’t stop cooking.”
You couldn’t stop your own tears as you gulped and nodded a little frantically, “Of course not, Mama.”
Rafe lived a very different life. His real mother wasn’t in the picture and his step mother didn’t really want kids, so his experience with cooking was very limited compared to yours. Coincidentally that’s how the two of you met, outside your apartment building at 11:48 p.m. while the fire department sorted out the disaster that was his dinner attempt.
You knew it was his fault because he was very carefully trying to make himself look small. The only reason you knew what had gone wrong was you overheard the fireman talking to the landlord saying it was just a small kitchen fire in 227 and wouldn’t be too much to fix.
It was really out of character, but you walked over to where he was sitting on the curb and sat down next to him, “227?”
His head turned toward you sharply, “Figured me out, huh?”
“You were trying a little too hard to look inconspicuous.”
He shrugged, “Didn’t want a bunch of angry neighbors.”
Which you understood, so you nudged his shoulder with yours, “Well, I’m not angry and I know, but I’m not so sure I’d risk it with her,” you pointed at a lady who seemed to be ranting into the phone.
The boy followed your point and winced, “Yeah maybe not. Cooking clearly isn’t for me.”
“What were you making?”
“Kraft mac and cheese.”
You let out a loud laugh, assuming it was a joke. But then he didn’t meet your eyes or laugh along and you quickly stopped laughing, “Wait actually?”
With a shrug, he answered, “No one really taught me how to cook.”
And here you had a choice. Years and years of stored up cooking knowledge, endless recipes memorized, and a fantastic kitchen begging to be used by more than one person made the choice obvious.
“Well then take this as my standing dinner invitation whenever you want. I’ll give you my number and you can let me know when you’re hungry.”
“So, you’re gonna what, teach me how to cook.”
“Well, we can start small. I’ll cook for you first.”
The first time Rafe texted you was on a night you actually had a fridge full of leftovers, but the boy who lived alone with sad eyes deserved better than leftovers. Rafe knocked on the door a few minutes later and he was dressed similarly to the first time you’d seen him, in sweats and a hoodie, and his hands were folded nervously in front of him.
You let him in, and he followed you to the kitchen, “So what’s on the menu for tonight?” he asked.
“Chicken pot pie,” you told him over your shoulder. You’d turned the oven on to preheat and had the potatoes and carrots chopped already. He stood behind you, peering over your shoulder.
Before you could continue, he cut in, “Is there something I can do?”
You thought for a minute, “You can control the music. My phone is synced up to the bluetooth speaker and I have Spotify pulled up, so have at it.”
Rafe nodded and sat down as you put the veggies into a pot and added water to start boiling them. You quickly went into your cooking zone as Rafe sat quietly queuing up songs. They were from your chill playlist and you appreciated that he was sticking to your playlists, humming along every so often.
By the time you pulled the chicken and veggie mixture from the heat, Rafe was leaning forward in his seat, and he looked excited to see what you’d do next. Reaching down, you pulled out a glass pie tin and looked over at him, “After I press the crust down, will you help me pour the mixture in?”
Rafe nodded eagerly and you made quick work of the pie crust, motioning him to come around the counter. He looked hesitant for the first time since you’d started cooking, and you tried to smile reassuringly. Returning the smile, he moved closer, “What do you want me to do.”
You held out the potholders, “If you pour, I’ll scoop.”
He picked the pot up and slowly poured the mixture into the tin and you quickly scooped the stuff that didn’t pour. Rafe set the pot down and you held the second crust out to him to press on top. He mimicked your actions from earlier carefully, and you couldn’t help but smile. You showed him how to press the edges down with a fork and he did so, slowly. Covering the edges, you let Rafe put it in the oven and then led him to the living room to start a movie while the two of you waited for it to finish.
The pot pie was a family recipe, and when Rafe tried it, the look on his face made it worth him seeing the secret ingredients your mom added to jazz it up. It felt good seeing someone enjoying your cooking again.
You weren’t entirely sure the relationship Rafe had with his family, but on fried catfish night, Rafe showed up at your doorstep unexpectedly. Fortunately, you had a few extra, so you invited him in for dinner. It wasn’t exactly what he was gunning for when he showed up, but he’d never say no to your cooking.
While you battered and seasoned the fish, he vented about his dad.
“I just don’t understand how a 4.0 isn’t fucking good enough. He’ll never give me any credit as long as Sarah does well in school and plays volleyball, I just want to be good enough.”
His words pulled at your heartstrings, and you found yourself tearing up on his behalf. You paused the music that had been softly playing in the background, “Fuck your dad, you deserve better.”
Rafe laughed drily, “I’ve done some dumb shit, this is my karma. I just don’t like it.”
“I fail to see any mistakes bad enough to warrant a parent totally disregarding their child like that. Did you kill someone or something?”
He shook his head, chuckling, “No, I didn’t kill anyone. But I had a drug problem in high school. I’m clean now, but it was me attempting to get my dad’s attention and it all spiraled out of control. Clearly it didn’t work out the way I wanted it to because my dad just kicked me out.”
You were horrified, “He kicked you out?!”
“Yeah, I went from couch to couch for a while until checking myself into rehab so I could get clean. I was tired of being dependent on something and really I wanted to prove my dad wrong.”
“God, Rafe, I’m so sorry.”
He shrugged and you started heating the oil up to start frying. There was an extended pause before he softly continued, “He didn’t let me move back in, even when I showed up clean. News of everything had gotten around town and he didn’t want me to further disgrace the family name.”
Brushing a tear off your cheek, you caught his eye, “Karma will come for your dad someday. You deserve only good things, Rafe.”
With a faint smile, he tapped his fingers on the cabinet, almost nervously, “Maybe one day I’ll be able to see it that way, but for now, I just don’t.”
“I’ll keep telling you until you believe it,” you promised fiercely. And you really meant it.
You finished frying the fish, silence between the two of you. It was no longer heavy and it wasn’t as awkward as the first time, you were proud of the progress. Rafe grabbed plates from the cabinet and at your instruction, the coleslaw you had already made and stored in the fridge.
Courtesy kicked in, and you let Rafe make his plate first. You figured he deserved to feel first choice for once. He almost looked like he wanted to argue, but you weren’t about to back down, so he filled his plate and sat back at the bar, patiently waiting for you to sit down before eating.
You fixed your plate and sat down next to him before squeezing his shoulder, “Thanks for keeping me company tonight.”
Rafe laughed, “Thanks for letting me rant.”
“Fuck,” you muttered under your breath and your laptop confirmed what you feared, your last bio exam had gone very poorly. It was just one test, but you weren’t used to seeing such a low grade, and you had to try really hard not to cry. Everything in you wanted to go lay down for days and forget about the rest of your classes, but the logical part of your brain texted Rafe to invite him for dinner.
He showed up not even five minutes later, and you decided breakfast sounded like the most comforting thing. You didn’t want to come across as too needy, so you didn’t mention the bad grade and tried to cover how you were actually feeling.
Unfortunately, the music you had playing gave it away. Rafe took one look at your face and the slight slump in your shoulders, and immediately wrapped you into a hug. You squeezed your eyes shut, fighting the tears, and he held you tighter.
“What happened, bud?”
“It’s nothing,” you tried to deflect, “fucked up on a bio test. We still have a few more, but it’s not a great start.”
“Which bio?”
Rafe thought for a few seconds, “I know a guy who has taken that, want me to see if I can get his notes?”
“That would be great actually.”
He smiled, “Good, now why don’t we get some happier music and get to cooking.”
And you could do that. Rafe changed to a playlist he’d made and sent to you a few weeks ago called Good Vibes for Cooking Nights and you couldn’t argue, they were good songs. A Wallows song started playing and you fell into a rhythm of pouring batter and flipping pancakes, feeling immensely better than when Rafe had first showed up.
You were thankful for him, this boy who had totally changed your life in the four months he’d known you. Four months of baring your hearts to each other in your own little ways. Rafe showing up to your apartment looking casual, not at all how he looked normally during the day. You letting him control the music and watch you cook, something so personal and special to you. It was new for the both of you.
Rafe heated up syrup while you quickly buttered the pancakes and washed some fruit for toppings. For the first time, you made your plate and sat down first. Rafe sat down next to you a few minutes later, plate heaped high with pancakes and raspberries.
After a few minutes of eating, the music being the only noise in the kitchen, Rafe turned to you, “You’re so intelligent and I don’t want you to let this one test discourage you. I know you’ll bounce back.”
“I studied so hard,” you told him, almost whispering, “I knew this was going to be hard, but I have no prior experience to fall back on, and it’s killing me.”
“But you’ll learn. Now you know how exams are structured, and you can adjust your studying habits. Next test will go great, I promise.”
You couldn’t stop it, it had been building between the two of you for months, and in your extra emotional state, you acted more rashly than normal. Setting your fork down, you turned to him and grabbed the front of his shirt. Rafe was startled, but turned to face you, not prepared for you to kiss him.
He froze and you almost regretted it, loosening your grip on his shirt, about to pull away embarrassed when he started kissing you back. Rafe tasted like syrup and raspberries, an addicting combination. Unfortunately, you eventually had to pull away to breathe, and Rafe pressed a soft kiss to your forehead while you caught your breath.
He picked his fork back up and smiled widely at you, “So that was nice.”
You blushed, “Yeah, um, sorry.”
“I’m not,” he stole a strawberry off your plate, “I didn’t want to make a move and make you uncomfortable if I was reading this whole thing wrong.”
“You, um, you weren’t reading it wrong.”
“I see that.”
Your blush deepened as he smiled wider at you. You shrugged, “So, what now?”
“Well, hopefully, now you’ll let me take you out and see where we go from there.”
“I’d like that.”
You weren’t sure if it was an out of sight, out of mind situation, but your parents planned a couple’s trip for Christmas, and you weren’t invited. Which would make this the first time in your entire life you wouldn’t spend Christmas with your family. You had mixed feelings. On one hand, you were hurt at the blatant disregard of you and your feelings, but on the other hand it gave you the chance to spend your first holiday alone with Rafe.
The two of you were eating hummus and doing homework when you decided to bring it up. He was on the floor, and you were on the couch, so you nudged his shoulder with your foot to get his attention, “How do you feel about spending Christmas together?”
He looked back at you with a wide smile, “I feel like it would be the best Christmas I’ve ever had.”
You grabbed a blank sheet of paper and handed it down to him, “Write down specific foods you want.”
“What do you normally eat on Christmas?” he asked, not taking the paper.
With a shrug, you pulled the paper back, “I don’t know, we normally do gumbo and cornbread and German chocolate cake.”
Rafe grabbed your ankle, shaking your leg a few times, “Let’s do that.”
“You don’t want to add anything?” you asked, hesitant.
He bit the inside of his cheek, clearly thinking, “Maybe we could do a baked mac and cheese. We had those a lot growing up before Mom left.”
“Find me the recipe and I’ll make it for you, bub.”
With a wide smile, Rafe grabbed your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it, “You’re the best.”
When Christmas finally rolled around, you woke up early to start cooking. Your mom suggested a Dutch oven, something you didn’t already own, and to buy file powder instead of trying the cornstarch method. She also told you to make the cake a day earlier so you wouldn’t have to worry about it with the rest of the food.
You worked with Christmas music playing softly in the background, focusing on making sure the flour and oil combination didn’t burn before adding the veggies. The recipe wasn’t hard, but it did require a lot of stirring and paying attention and exact timing.
By the time it was ready to start simmering for about 30 minutes, you had started boiling the pasta for the mac and cheese. That recipe was simple, and you’d been playing with the cheese topping in your own time to make the flavor blend better with the gumbo, and you were pretty sure you’d figured it out.
With practiced ease, you finished it and poured it over the pasta before setting it to bake. By then, it was time to finish the gumbo, make the cornbread, and get dressed.
Rafe showed up just as you finished getting dressed and the cornbread timer was going off. He had a key and let himself in, and you knew he could handle taking the cornbread out.
“Babe, I’m here,” he called out as he shut the timer off.
“Coming,” you yelled back, smoothing your sweater down.
By the time you finally made it to the kitchen Rafe had set all of the food on the counter and he was leaned next to it in his own sweater and jeans. He held his arms out for a hug, and you walked into them happily.
“Merry Christmas, babe,” he told you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You hummed and reached up to kiss him.
“Merry Christmas,” you told him, pulling away.
“Food looks good,” he complimented, reaching for the bowls and plates he’d gotten out.
You looked over the spread and smiled proudly, “It does, doesn’t it?”
“You want to eat on the couch and watch the Jim Carrey Grinch?”
Nodding enthusiastically, you grabbed a plate, “Fuck yes.”
The two of you settled on the couch, a gingerbread scented candle burning in the background. Rafe started the movie and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, plate in his lap. You leaned into him and let out a long breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding in. This Christmas, while out of the ordinary, was your favorite one yet.
+ One:
You got home after work, exhausted. Your apartment was dark and cold and it made you want to curl up into a ball and cry. Work had been so time consuming over the past month you’d barely seen Rafe and you missed him. But if you got the promotion your boss had been hinting at, you’d get more manageable hours and higher pay, so you were grinding it out until then.
Dropping your bag by the door, you kicked off your shoes before slowly walking to the couch. Before you could sit down, there was a knock at the door. You considered ignoring it, but it persisted, so you walked slowly back to answer.
Rafe was standing there, giant grin on his face, with a steaming pot of something which explained why he didn’t use his key. It was very surreal and you blinked a few times in confusion before letting him in. He walked past you to the kitchen and set the dish down before digging through your drawer for the matches to light your favorite candle on the counter.
“Go get changed,” he urged, “I’ll get plates set up.”
Your phone rang as you were changing into shorts and you grabbed it out of the discarded pants pocket. When you saw your boss’s name, your heart rate doubled and you answered shakily. The phone call was brief, and the gist was that you’d gotten the promotion and the next day off.
Energy immediately filled your body and you ran to the kitchen where Rafe was scooping out what looked like mac and cheese onto plates.
He looked up, startled, “What’s up?”
“I got it!”
“The promotion?” he asked, eagerly.
You nodded, beaming, and jumped into his arms when he opened them. Rafe spun you around a few times and kissed you hard. Slowly setting you back down to your feet, he deepened the kiss, your hands winding into his hair.
Rafe pulled away first, pressing soft kisses to both of your cheeks and your forehead before standing up fully. You let go of his hair and took the hand he offered to you. Leading you to the couch, he sat down and motioned for you to do the same.
“Is this mac and cheese?” you asked, poking at the food with the fork he’d brought you.
“It is. I went on snapchat earlier and realized that it’s an anniversary of sorts. I wanted to make you dinner for once since I know you’ve had a long week.”
A faint blush rose on his cheeks and he cleared his throat, “Um, yeah, a year since we met.”
You laughed loudly, “When you set your fucking kitchen on fire making mac and cheese?”
“A year ago, today. And with your cooking help, I can now make mac and cheese without setting the kitchen on fire.”
Poking at it again, you looked up at him, almost fearing the answer, “This isn’t Kraft right?”
“Of course not,” he scoffed, “I called your mom to get her recipe.”
Biting your lip to hold back the onslaught of emotions, you took in a shaky breath, “Right. Okay. Um, I love you, Bub. And this is genuinely the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
Rafe kissed your temple before lifting your chin to make you look him in the eye, “I love you too, and as crazy as it sounds, I’m glad I set my kitchen on fire.”
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d-ama-ien · 4 years
Take a Break
Summary: The District Attorney is sick, yet they drag themselves to work anyways. Damien convinces them to take a break, helping care for them after they agree to take the rest of the day off. 
Pairing: Mayor Attorney (Damien x the DA)
Warning: Some mentions of nausea and other cold symptoms
A fic for @fgfluidity 
Author note: It’s cold season y’all, take care of yourselves! Damien wants you to be health uwu
You know you're sick- yesterday your body felt tired, bone achingly tired, you weren't able to finish even half of the dinner you made yourself, and you passed out before the clock chimed 8, barely waking up to your alarm this morning. But, you're not allowed to be sick, not with the trial coming up, with all the work you need to do. So, you trudge through your morning routine, managing to make yourself look something like presentable, arriving at the office on time, as usual, smiling at the secretary like there wasn't a worry in the world. Just the short walk to your office had you exhausted, but fortunately, you could sit while doing your work, and then you'd be fine.
You were not fine. It didn't matter that the only thing you had been doing for the last hour was paperwork; you were exhausted, barely able to focus on the paperwork in front of you. Just another hour or so until lunch, then another 5 hours until you could go home, then another three days until the weekend, and then you could rest. For now, it was out of the question, and you page the secretary for some coffee before quickly changing your order to tea. Yeah, coffee wasn't the best idea with your stomach. Tea would have to do for the caffeine fix.
The tea didn't do much for your fatigue. It was warm, tasted nice, and it felt good to have something in your nearly empty stomach, but you managed to get through to lunchtime, at least. You sigh as the phone rings, not wanting to deal with a last-minute request for a lunch meeting or anything that would add to your workload, and accidentally let the phone ring through. Whoops.
It starts ringing again a moment later, and this time you force yourself to take the call.
"I'm sorry to bother you, DA. I know your lunch break just started, but the mayor has requested a meeting," You bite back a groan at the secretary's message, instead saying they could send the mayor in. You groan after hanging up, though- if it was anyone, literally anyone, else you could've said to claim you're busy and out of the office and that they could make an appointment for later. Yeah, that's not an option when it comes to the mayor.
Of course, the mayor isn't just the mayor; he's Damien, your dearest friend, and usually, you'd happily clear the day for him at the drop of a hat. Today wasn't the usual; you are sick and wanted to steal a quick nap during your lunch break so that you could push through the rest of the day. But, if Damien requests your presence, then your presence is given. There's a knock on the door then, and you prepare yourself before calling out, "Come in!"
Damien comes in, a warm smile on his face, though it falls slightly when he sees your face. He seems to know something is off, even though you had done your best to force a smile before he came in.
"Are you doing well, friend?" Damien asks, voice gentle with concern.
"Just a bit tired is all," you wave off his concern, gesturing for him to come in and sit. No reason to make him stand around; the cane only offers so much support after all.
"I'm sorry to pop in on you without warning. I realized how long it's been since we got to spend time together casually, and I know this is your usual lunchtime, so I figured we could go eat together," Damien sits on the edge of his seat, eyes trained on my face.
"That sounds lovely. Just let me grab my coat," you rise from your seat, having to pause and brace your weight on the desk when a wave of dizziness hits. Well, that's new. Damien is openly concerned now, standing and leaning on his cane as he puts a hesitant hand on your shoulder.
"Are you sure you're well? I wasn't going to say it, but you look awful," you figure you must look really bad for Damien to say something like that. He never says anything negative about your appearance, except for in university when he would be laughing about how terrible you'd look after a good party.
"I'm fine, really, just-"
"This is more than "just tired," you look like you're going to pass out!" Damien's grip leaves your shoulder, and he briefly rests the back of his hand on your forehead. You'd blush at that if your face wasn't already so hot. "You're burning up. What on Earth possessed you to come in today? Get your stuff; we're taking you home this instant,"
"Damien, I can't just leave in the middle of the day. I have work to do!" You protest, blushing as Damien levels you with a stern stare- the kind he uses when his staff acts up and needs to be reprimanded. You've always shuddered just witnessing it, but seeing it could never prepare you for being on the receiving end of it.
"You're just putting your health at risk by staying. How much work will you get done if you end up needing to go to the hospital?"
"Okay, Dames, it's a cold,"
"Colds can become serious if not properly dealt with. Gather your things now. You're taking today and tomorrow off,"
“Tomorrow?” He knows the case you have coming up, the work you have to do, and he thinks you're going to take a day and a half off?
"Tomorrow. Friend, your work will suffer if you aren't well. I know you have that case coming up, and doing this to yourself is just putting that at risk,"
You want to keep protesting, should keep protesting, but Damien is right. You and your work will only suffer if you don't nip this issue in the bud. So, with a deep sigh, you fetch your coat, obediently locking up the office and following Damien down the hall. He pauses to speak to the secretary, informing them you'll be out of the office for the remainder of today and all of tomorrow, on Damien's orders. You're glad Damien doesn't say the truth, that he's forcing you out of work because you're sick. After all, it would be rather embarrassing for the mayor to need to drag an ill district attorney home. Well, it was embarrassing, but only to you, as no one else knew about it.
Damien brought you to where his driver was waiting outside the building, quickly rattling your address off to the driver as you get settled. It isn't too far a drive, you live reasonably close to where you work after all, and soon you're sitting at your own kitchen table as Damien wanders through the kitchen, gradually collecting ingredients and cooking tools as he goes. He's taken off his jacket and vest, eventually rolling up the sleeves of his shirt as he starts fusing with some of the ingredients he had gathered.
"Dames, what are you doing?" You ask, "You got me home, you don't have to stay," Damien looks at you like you’ve grown a second head, pausing for only a moment before continuing his quest.
"Friend, you were barely able to walk from the car to your table. There's no way I would just leave you here unattended. Would you even be able to cook for yourself?"
"You don't need to cook for me. I'm fine,"
"When's the last time you ate, then?"
"Dinner last night,"
"And did you actually eat a full meal?"
"Yes?" Damien pauses again, frowning at you, "Fine, no. I couldn't finish it,"
"You need to eat, so I'll cook for you," Damien sets a glass of water in front of you before going to the pot, starting to fill it with water and putting it on the stove.
"Drink that; with your fever, you'll need the hydration," he calls over his shoulder, ignoring your grumbling. The more stubborn part of you is a bit indignant at the treatment- you're an adult, a freaking district attorney, and Damien is instructing you on how to take care of yourself like you don't know any better. The more honest part of you is relishing in the attention because it's Damien taking care of you, sweetly looking out for your health and well being. You drink the water as you watch Damien work. He slowly added things to the pot, having dug up some veggies and herbs that you had nearly forgotten about, and adding those once they're cleaned and cut.
In a half-hour, there's a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of you, Damien smiling warmly as he sits at the other side of the table with his own bowl.
"I had to improvise some of the ratios, so I hope it tastes alright," he says, sounding almost nervous. Is he worried you won't like it?
It's definitely one of the better soups you've had, not over seasoned but not bland like most foods made for an upset stomach are. You find yourself smiling as you take another spoonful.
"I didn't know you cooked," you say. The last time you had seen Damien cook was back in university- if that could be called cooking with the less than stellar results of most of his attempts.
"Well, I learned the basics from Celine before she moved in with Mark, but my staff does most of the cooking anymore," Damien explains, starting on his own bowl.
"I owe Celine a thank you. Last time you cooked for me, it's what caused me to be sick," you laugh slightly as you remember that "meal," using the term "meal" loosely, of course.
"In my defense, we were drunk," Damien points out, smiling at the memory. He's only smiling because he wasn't unlucky enough to eat it.
"Yes, and then I was suffering from food poisoning," he laughs fully at that, and you're thankful that at least a funny story came out of your misery. Damien finishes much faster than you do, but he sits with you and entertains with some more reminiscing as you slowly finish the full bowl.
"Why don't you go to your room and get in something more comfortable? I'll tidy up here and will be up in a moment," Damien suggests, standing to take your bowls to the sink.
"Dames, you really don't need to stay,"
"None of that, I always have time to be there for you. Go on upstairs," your protest dies in your throat when Damien briefly rests his hand on top of yours, squeezing gently. Then he's heading back over to the sink, starting the water and rinsing the dishes. You make your way upstairs, changing into a more comfortable outfit, resting on the edge of your bed after the effort of getting upstairs and getting changed. Damien knocks before coming in, always the gentleman, bringing a glass of water with him.
"I really don't need you to supervise me taking a nap," you point out as he sets the glass on your bedside table.
"I won't be supervising; I'm just keeping you company. You get settled in; I have to grab something." Part of you is embarrassed at the idea of Damien sitting with you while you sleep, but the other part of you recognizes the number of things he had seen you do in university and, well, taking a nap beside him was nothing compared to that.
You're laying down, just getting comfortable, when Damien reenters, carrying his briefcase in the hand not occupied by his cane.
"Do you mind if I sit beside you?" He asks, not even resting his hand on the bed until you nod. You glance over at him as he settles in, first noticing he was polite enough to kick off his shoes, then noticing his bare forearms, sleeves still rolled up from preparing lunch. He pulls out a file from the briefcase, starting to read it over while humming something under his breath. Damien's voice is rich and sweet enough when speaking, but his hums are like melted chocolate. You don't even notice how tired and relaxed you are until you're dozing off, asleep in mere minutes.
The sun is setting when you wake up, Damien's silhouette practically glowing with the late afternoon sunlight that hits him from the window. He's buried in another file, pen in hand. His other hand, you notice with surprise, is holding one of yours, thumb idly stroking the back of your hand as he reads, occasionally making a note. Now that you're awake, you should pull away, because this isn't proper- Damien's your friend, and your boss, but he's also so warm, and you're so comfortable, and you never want to let go of his hand. You shift slightly, drawing his attention your way, and you could die from how much affection is held in his smile as he notices you're awake.
"Ah, there's the little monster," he greets, and even though you're awake, he doesn't pull his hand away. You look down at your joined hands, Damien following your gaze- for a second, you swear he's blushing as he pulls away, but it could easily be the lighting.
"I'm sorry about that, you grabbed at my hand while you were asleep, and I didn't want to disturb you," he explains.
"Ah, sorry about grabbing you," you reply, a bit embarrassed.
"Don't apologize, I didn't mind," now that's definitely a blush rising on his face as he realizes what he said. You don't press the topic anymore; it's clear that he's flustered,  so you just roll over and reach your arms above your head to stretch. You slowly move to sit, grabbing the water off your bedside table, and taking a long drink.
"Are you hungry? I can heat the soup, or maybe I could make some pasta if your stomach is feeling better,"
"I think I could handle some pasta," you say, Damien nodding and moving to stand up.
"Take your time getting downstairs; it shouldn't take too long to have dinner prepared," Damien says as he packs his files and pen away into his briefcase, sliding his shoes on and grabbing his cane before leaving the room. You take your sweet time stretching and moving to stand. The water is boiling, and Damien is adding pasta to the pot as you get downstairs. True to his word, it doesn't take very long for the noodles to be prepared, Damien adding a bit of butter and a hint of salt and pepper before serving you a plate.
"Hopefully, it isn't too dull a meal, but we don't want to take any chances agitating your stomach even if it's feeling better right now," Damien says. The noodles are, admittedly, very plain, but it's also nice to have something a bit heavier in your stomach, even if it isn't a very exciting meal. There's less conversation this meal- you aren't sure that you fully woke up from your afternoon nap, and Damien seems content with the silence. It's quiet even after you finish, Damien talking and washing your plates as you finish another glass of water.
"Well," Damien starts once the dishes are set in the drying rack, fusing with his cane in a way that betrays discomfort.
"Well?" You question, not having enough context to prompt him further.
"I know it's a bit early, but since you're sick, you probably should be heading to bed soon," he says.
"Right. Would you want to stay the night?" You're not sure where the boldness to ask that question came from, your face burning with a blush as soon as you say it. Damien looks just as embarrassed but, well. He hasn't shut you down, hasn't proclaimed how immoral it is to even suggest that.
And then, "Do you really want me to stay?"
That's not the response you were expecting.
"I'd be happy to have you," while the sentiment was true, it was much bolder than you would usually be.
"Then I'd be happy to stay," your heart melts when he looks at you like that- if you were a little younger, a little more confident and naive, you would call that expression one of love. As it were, you knew better than to call it that, but it made your heart flutter nonetheless.
So, you end up lying on your side in bed, respectfully facing away as Damien removes his shirt and belt and his slacks. It was the only practical way for him to sleep, you had both agreed, but you wouldn't encroach on his privacy and observe as he disrobes. The situation was indecent enough as it is; there was certainly no reason to add to it. You're blushing as the bed dips, the covers shifting a bit as he slides between them.
You reach for the bedside table, turning off the lamp, plunging the room into a darkness that feels almost oppressive. You're hyper-aware of everything- his breathing, your own breathing, the warmth of having another person in the bed, the way the bed moves as Damien shifts. Then, a deep breath.
"Would you," Damien pauses, speaking quietly, "could I hold you?"
That isn't a question you asked a friend, you think, blushing at the implications behind him asking that.
"I wouldn't mind that," you answer, and your voice sounds too loud in the quiet room. There's more shifting then, a hesitant arm resting over your side, and you can tell that Damien hasn't fully settled, posed to pull away at any moment. So, you snuggle back, feeling his chest against your back, sighing as you let yourself relax into his touch. He relaxes a moment later, his arm a comfortable pressure on your side, breath warm where it occasionally brushes your ear. You fall asleep like that, his warmth almost painfully comfortable, and you have a blissfully deep sleep for the first time in ages.
The first thing you notice is how bright the room is, the sun much deeper in the sky than it would usually be when you get up. The next thing you notice is how much better you feel, no traces of nausea and barely tired. Then you notice that your bed is empty, and it's an incredibly disappointing realization that Damien had left while you were sleeping. But, on your bedside table was a glass of water, still cool, and a folded note with your name on it in curling script.
"My dearest,
I am terribly sorry to leave while you're still asleep. Unfortunately, I received an urgent request and had to go into the office earlier than I had been planning, and you needed the rest, so I didn't want to wake you. I left instructions for reheating the soup down in the kitchen, make sure you eat lunch and drink plenty of water. After work today, I will be stopping by check in on you, but you can call me if you need anything. Feel better soon.
He called you his dearest and he signed the note with love, and you’re nearly swooning. You can't count how many times you skim the note, grinning every time your eyes cross his signature. Eventually, you manage to get up- you haven't had a proper day off in forever, and you fully intend to take advantage of it with a proper lazy day. And, at the end of the day, you get to look forward to your dearest, your Damien, coming home to you.
Well, maybe coming down with a cold isn't the worst thing after all.
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sabinemorans · 4 years
I love your writing so much! Could you please write something about the reader surprising Din with something that reminds him of Mandalore? Maybe a special meal or trinket? 🥺 My heart aches for some Din fluff lol
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You smiled down at the dark outline of your Mandalorian asleep in your shared bunk. It had been a hard few weeks of hunting and he deserved a good long rest. After the last bounty you’d made him dinner, ordered him to the fresher and then bed. He normally couldn’t sleep well without you but by the time the Child was asleep and snuggled in his pod Kuil made for him, Mando was snoring. You’d laughed softly and joined him, holding him close and whispering sweet thing into his ear.
But now you leaned down to kiss his hair and leave for a special surprise you’d planned. While alone with the Child yesterday you’d found a little shop tucked away in the market that had the most wonderful spices and as the ship’s cook you had to have them. While looking one particular bottle the shopkeeper had offhandedly mentioned that the spice wasn’t for the faint of heart.
“I’ve seen fully grown men cry using a dash of that stuff in their food,” the old woman said. “It’s one of the best if you’re making a dish for someone who can handle it. Like those Mandalorians you don’t see much of anymore! I knew one once, she said ‘if you’re nostrils aren’t burning and your eyes aren’t watering it’s not authentic mandalorian food.’” And that’s all you’d needed to hear to form a plan.
You had to go now, before he woke up and insisted on leaving the planet to turn in the bounties so you scurried off to the market to buy fresh ingredients. Hopefully you’d be back before he woke up since even with the note he always worried about you. You didn’t like how he always seems to have a tremor in his voice through the helmet or the way he shifted on his feet more when you had to explain where you’d been. Like he wanted to tell you not to but knew he didn’t have a right to. So you had to hurry.
Having scoped out most of the shops you needed to go to the day before you rushed around like a madperson shoving credits into people’s hands for spices, meat, plants and fruit. When your list had been completed you bought a candied stick for your self and hired transport to take you halfway back to the Crest, which knocked your walking time into a third of what it would’ve been.
Thankfully you didn’t hear Mando up and grumbling but you did hear the Child, and after picking him up and kissing him you told him of your plan for later.
“He’ll be excited don’t you think?” You asked taking your bag heavy with groceries off and and setting it on the kitchen counter. The Child lifted its ears and cooed softly. “I think so too.”
Mando woke up about an hour after you got back and walked into the kitchen area acting like he was well rested for the first time in days. His steps weren’t dragging, his shoulders weren’t slumped and he actually greeted you with a word and not a grunt.
“Hey,” he said in that raspy, modulated voice of his you’d come to love. The Child gave a little squeal and reaches for him from the makeshift high chair the two of you had cobbled together when you realized he was very done with being held while eating.
Mando picks the baby up and lets him touch the helmet as had become custom to them. It was obvious by the way Mando was leaning his helmet into the touch that he enjoyed it even if he couldn’t feel it. It was interesting how much love could be seen through body language and you smiled at the pair of them. Your boys.
“Morning,” you returned brightly with a touch to his arm. You’d finished making breakfast already and had his in a bowl all ready for him to take up to the cockpit when he was ready. “Feel better?”
“Tons, I’m glad this week is over. We can turn all the bounties in and relax for as long as I can take it.” Mando’s thumb rubs affectionately over your wrist as you laugh.
“So maybe two days?”
“At least.”
“It’ll be nice not to be on the move for a little bit. I can’t wait” You pressed a kiss to his helmet and with difficulty held your tongue about something else you couldn’t wait for. With Mando you figured it was best to not even hint at a surprise or he’d wring the information from you somehow. Either with a tip of the helmet or a teasing word in that low voice of his and you’d crack-he knew how to get you that bastard. But you were determined to hold onto this. He had changed your life completely and he was so far from home...wouldn’t it be nice to give him a taste of what you knew he missed?
After your pilot had eaten breakfast and had donned his helmet again the Razor Crest took off, headed to cash in two weeks worth of blood, sweat and tears (on the bounties’ part.) The trip in hyperspace took the perfect amount of time and when you waved Mando goodbye with the carbonite bound bounties piled up in his transport and you with the Child on your hip it was around the time you would be making dinner anyway. You waited until the transport was out of sight before looking down at the baby with a grin.
“Let’s get cookin’ cutie!” He squeals happily in response and you make your way back into the crest. “Yes you can be my little taste tester.”
A few hours later and you heard the ramp to the ship activate and a grin split your flour covered face in two. Listening to his footsteps you knew exactly when the right time to shout, “In here!” Was and you turned as the heavy boots clunked at the entrance to the kitchen. His body language said “stunned” and yoy couldn’t grin any wider. 
“Ta daaa!!”
The table was set already though you knew Mando wouldn’t eat with you, and in the middle was a pot of spicy Mandalorian stew. On the small amount of counter space you had there were spicy veggie dumplings, frog dumplings (for the little one) and a small pot of non spicy stew. You launched into an explanation of how you’d heard the shopkeeper talk about Mandalorian food and the research you’d done to make it all as authentic as possible.
“I made non spicy options for the baby of course but I thought this would be a nice surprise! You nearly killed yourself this week and I just wanted to bring a little of your old home into your new home.” You finished with a shrug and fiddled with your fingers while you waited for a response. He hadn’t moved from the doorway except to turn his visor to everything when you pointed it out. 
He turns back to you and with determination comes forward to scoop your up into his arms and hug you tightly, your body pressed so hard into the beskar the breath was knocked out of you. 
“Thank you sweet one... Thank you.” The words were nearly whispered through the helmet, the filter crackling a little at the low volume. He sounded near tears, his whole body clutching around you like he was afraid you were going to disappear. Your arms snaked around his waist and held him as tightly as he was holding you, your face buried in the crook between his armor and his helmet. 
“Anything...” you mumbled into the fabric separating his skin form your lips. “Anything for you Mando...”
When you pulled back to smile at him his hand came up and covered your eyes You felt the soft fullness of his lips on yours and gasped softly. The kiss was so soft, so gentle if your lips weren’t tingling like they always did when he kissed you, you would’ve doubted it had happened at all. When his lips were gone you let out a shocked little laugh. 
“Is that my reward?” You tease he pulls his hand back. 
“If the spices nearly burn out my taste buds in true Mandalorian fashion you’ll get an even better reward.” That sexy voice of his rumbles and the way he looks at you makes you shiver... God you hoped this food was good!
According to him (and the baby, who popped his dumplings in his hands before messily eating the leftovers) the food was perfect. Just spicy enough and when you pulled out some Uj'alayi (a traditional cake dessert) you swear through the helmet you could see his eyes get big. The Child was sleepy after dinner and after Mando put him down he blindfolded you so he could try the cake. He was extremely quiet, which worried you until you felt his lips on you again and the sweet/spicy taste of the cake on his tongue transferring to your mouth.
“Ready for your reward?” He asked, his gloved hands suddenly tugging on your shorts with a sense or urgency.
“Oh Maker yes.”
Traditional Mandalorian food soon became your specialty.
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n-ctarinenga · 4 years
Best Friend [ luke hemmings ]
surfer!luke au | pt.1 | word count: 5,222 | masterlist
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If anyone had been your bestest friend in your life so far, it was definitely Luke Hemmings.
Since day one, when you ran into him looking at skateboards in your friend's store not far from Venice Beach, you've been somehow cosmically tethered to him. 
What started out as an offer to help him pick a board and learn to skate, him telling you he's always been more of a surfer than a skater, soon turned into hanging out without your respective boards, going to shows together, being at the same parties, both of you being on your friend Michael's exclusive dinner party guest list, basically, you guys hit it off.
After hanging out with Luke more over time, you learned that he had moved to California after dropping out of university in Sydney, not happy with the path he could see his life was on and following his passions instead, which led him to the same place it led you when you left your hometown, California.
You had been one of the first true friends Luke had made after his big move, and even though you told him to lay off, he would often remind you that you were the one to help him settle into the life he has now, your friend group quickly adopting him not long before he ending up running the surf section of your friend's shop that you'd met him in all those years ago.
It started out like any normal day for you, getting up, getting ready, and heading to your job at the cafe you'd been working at for a few years now. It didn't take you long to make friends, evident by the way people greeted you like an old friend as they came in for their morning coffees or lunch break meals. You were a generally sociable person, and enjoyed the daily interaction with the regulars and new customers that would come through the doors.
It was just a little after the lunch time rush that Luke came strolling in the door, knowing well how busy you would be at the peak of rush hour.
"Afternoon handsome, what can I getcha?" You ask with a grin, leaning forward and putting your elbows on the counter to prop your head up on your fists as you looked to him.
Luke lets out a laugh as he copies your pose, him having to bend down a lot more because of his height, the small space of the counter meaning you were pretty much face to face with him.
"Coffee and a apple cinnamon muffin please, knucklehead." He responds, his accent all over the place as normal.
You give a nod and slap the counter as you push yourself up, walking to the espresso machine on the bench behind you.
"Michael came in today." Luke announces, still leaning on the counter.
"How is he?" You ask, scraping off the coffee grounds to make it level and putting it in to brew before turning back around to see him.
"Good, we've got dinner with him on Friday."
You raise your eyebrows with a nod, pleased at the news.
It wasn't unusual for you or Luke to make plans involving the other without them there, your friends joking you've been a package deal as long as you've known each other. Besides, how could you be upset considering Michael's food was involved?
"What's the theme this time?" You ask curiously. 
Since Michael had become an apprentice chef at a local restaurant, he had been hosting dinner parties for his friends every couple weeks, his vegan cooking some of the best you'd ever had. To spice things up a bit, he started giving each night a theme, everyone showing up dressed in costumes to fit. It was one of your favorite nights of the week when it came around, and you were already excited at the thought of this Friday. 
"Pina Colada, the song. Apparently dress code is hawiian shirts and lei's at the door." He says with a laugh. 
You hold your tongue as you put the lid on his coffee, placing it on the counter in front of him. 
"Go on, say it, I know you wanna." He sighs with a smile on his face. 
"So are you looking forward to finally getting lei'd?" You ask with a sly smile on your face as you grab the apple cinnamon muffin from under the glass cover beside the till. 
He groans dramatically, but his grin still covers his face. For the whole time you'd known Luke, while he had been on a couple dates here and there during your friendship, he hadn't been in an actual relationship since you met. Neither had you, the reason unknown to him, but it did mean you would casually poke fun at each other because of it. 
"You're really on fire today y/n/n." You roll your eyes as you hand Luke his muffin and coffee, ringing up his order. 
"You try getting sleep while Calum and a special guest is in the next room." You say with a raised eyebrow. 
Getting what you mean, Luke laughs, putting his hand on your shoulder and giving it a supportive squeeze. 
"You're a stronger person than I am. But if you do want a break, my door is always open." 
You smile at him, letting out a light sigh as you pat his hand, thankful for his offer. 
"I appreciate it. Now go get back to work before Sierra kicks your ass." You smirk, referring to your other best friend, and his boss. 
"See ya later, sweetheart." He says with a wink, picking up his food and walking towards the door. 
"Will do, darlin'." You smile. 
Feeling her presence behind you, you roll your eyes as you can practically already hear her comment. 
"You guys are cute together." Ali, your workmate and committed work wife says as she returns from her own lunch break. 
"Ma'am." You say in a warning tone, and she brushes you off with a light laugh. 
"What? I'm right." 
"Yeah, you are." You think to yourself. 
With Ali back, you busy yourself grabbing a muffin, before you turn to walk out back and take your own lunch break. 
After replying to texts and watching too many tiktoks while you ate, you went back out front until closing, where Ali offered to shut up shop so you could get home a little earlier since she lived closer than you did. 
After thanking her so many times she broke and finally told you to fuck off, you offered to return the favour whenever she needed it and made your way back to the apartment you shared with Calum.
Calum was like a brother to you. Him being a year older and around you basically since you moved to California, as not only did you end up having the same friend circle, but his sister Mali was also your boss, being the owner of the cafe.
Sighing in relief as you pull your keys and lanyard out of your pocket, you unlock the door to your apartment and quickly regret it when you hear loud moans and banging coming from Calum's room yet again. 
With a frown already set on your face, you refuse to put up with another night of disrupted sleep, putting your airpods in and turning them up before venturing down the hallway to your room. 
Pulling one of your bigger bags from your closet, you set to work putting some things together in a makeshift overnight kit. Grabbing a couple outfits you could wear to work tomorrow depending on your mood and the weather, as well as all your other basic items, you write a post it note message for Cal, still being able to hear the sound of the action in his room over Awsten Knight loudly trying to drown it out. 
"Safe sex or no sex, you two!!" You call out as you stick the note to his door. 
You collect the last of what you'd need from the bathroom, before walking out and locking the front door again behind you. 
The walk between your place and Luke's wasn't that bad, it's close proximity being one of the selling points to you when you and Calum were first looking for somewhere new after your last lease ended.
You already knew that Luke would be home at this time, him finishing an hour and a half before you and spending most of that time at the beach until it passed golden hour, which was just fading as you walked out of your apartment. 
Climbing up the exterior steps that lead to his apartment unit, you could already see the light on through his window, his silhouette being framed for a moment as he walked past it letting you know he was home. 
Readjusting the bag over your shoulder, you step onto the "welcome" doormat you brought him as a housewarming present, knocking twice, then once, then three times. 
It only takes a second for you to hear his footsteps coming towards the door, and as he opens it, a smile appears on his face as he realises who it is. 
"Hey stranger." He greets with a slight grin, but you could see he was slightly confused about why you'd shown up. 
"Hey, do you ah, is that offer still on the table?"
Luke's face softens as he remembers what he told you earlier in the day, raising an eyebrow. 
"He was at it again huh?" He asks, and when you nod, he shakes his head as he steps aside, letting you in. 
"Of course the offer is open, but you are gonna have to help me cook dinner." 
You smile as you look up at him while you pass through into his apartment. 
"Sounds like a plan to me." You laugh happily, making yourself at home and dropping your bag at the end of the couch as you hear Luke shut the door behind you. 
Turns out veggie stir-fry is on the menu for the night, one of your favorites. You both take a knife and chopping board each, chopping up ingredients and adding them to the fry pan before Luke takes it to the stove to get the garlic and onion started while you get going on the carrots and bok choy. 
You and Luke move around each other easily, naturally. You'd been in his kitchen enough times to know where everything was, and even with music playing from the corner covering the sound of your movements, you both seemed to know where each was the whole time. 
Taking a deep breath and inhaling the gorgeous scent of the cooking food, you lean up against the counter, crossing your arms casually and looking over to Luke. 
He stood with spatula in hand, moving the food around while slightly swaying to the music. You felt a small smile come to your face, getting to admire him for a minute while he was distracted with the food in front of him. 
There was a part of you that very much wanted to ignore and deny the warm feeling that would bloom in your chest around Luke, but an even bigger part of you that knew it was pointless to even try. 
The feeling wasn't a stranger to you, in fact you'd been living with it nearly since the day you'd met him, even though it was a lot less back then, the seed was still planted. 
But, you knew that the feeling would remain just that, a feeling. At this point in your life, you couldn't imagine what you'd do if you lost Luke. While yeah, he was your best friend, and you would regularly flirt with each other casually, there was still part of you scared that if you did let him in on the secret you hadn't told a soul, you would lose him completely. You knew the possibility of losing him was there no matter what, but you'd be damned if it was gonna be because of something you had done. 
A change in song brings you back to reality, and your eyes snap to the ground, clearing your throat before speaking. 
"So how have you been? We haven't caught up in a minute." 
With summer fast approaching, this was peak season for Sierra's store, meaning you'd been missing out on both of your best friends lately to tourists and hobbyists coming out of hibernation. 
Luke shrugs slightly, looking to you for a moment with a perplexed expression. 
"It feels like we get busier every year, which I'm not complaining about at all, but it's just…. draining I guess." He sighs. 
Frowning, you turn towards him more, waving slightly to let him know it's okay to keep going if he wants to. 
"I end up missing things more than usual. Sleep mainly." He says with a hint of humor to his voice and a small smile on his face. "And the sea, and you, and the guys. All my favourites."
Never really being one to comfort with words, you place a supportive hand on his, as it rests on the counter beside the stove, propping him up as he stirred with the other hand. You let your thumb brush over the back of his hand, understanding exactly what he meant. 
Luke smiles as he looks down, wordlessly moving his hand slightly so he can hold onto yours. 
You ignore the way your heart skips a beat as you look up from your joined hands to his face, a kind smile on yours as you speak. 
"We're not going anywhere hun. I know I won't be." You say softly, clearing your throat as you realise there's a small chance he could read into the last part of your sentence. "I'm pretty sure the sea isn't going anywhere either." You add on quickly. 
Luke takes a deep breath, his gaze lingering on you for a moment before he laughs, turning his attention back to the food as you slip your hand away from his. 
"Yeah, good point." 
You nod, holding your hands together in front of you and looking down at your socked feet against the tile of the kitchen floor. 
"Hey, uh, can you grab some plates? I think we're nearly ready to go here." Luke asks casually, diffusing the tension you could feel had built in the room. 
You agree with a nod, moving around the kitchen and collecting together what you'd need. While Luke dishes up, grabbing you both drinks as well, you grab some cutlery and place mats for the table, setting them out and helping Luke carry everything the couple feet journey from the kitchen to the table before sitting down, taking a quick picture of your combined efforts before picking up your fork. 
You both dive into the meal, singing your praises to his cooking skills as you complement the food in front of you. You smile as you see Luke turn a slight shade of pink as you do. 
Distracted by your conversation, your empty plates sit on the table beside you as Luke pokes fun at you for what happened on some random day you'd mostly forgotten, one where you both had ended up nearly getting your friend group kicked out of a club a few months ago. 
You're both laughing as you recall the details when Luke's phone starts vibrating closer to the edge of the table, him quickly catching it before it can fall. 
"Shit, I'm meant to be calling my mum in ten minutes." He frowns, mad at himself for losing track of time. 
"Okay. You get set up, I'll do the dishes, you should be good to go in ten if you start now." You say, jumping into action and stacking the dishes as he looks up to you to protest. 
"You don't have to do the dishes, I'll just stack them and get to them later." He fights, but quickly loses the battle when you point to him, then his laptop, silently instructing him to get going. 
He looks at you defiantly before deeply sighing and getting up, grabbing his laptop and setting it up on the other side of the open plan room on the coffee table in front of the couch. 
"You're too good to me." He sings while he does as he's told, you smiling to yourself as you run the water. 
"Enjoy it while it lasts." You sing back. 
The familiar chime of the Skype call ringtone emanates from the other side of the room, and you look over to see a bright grin covering Luke's face as the call connects. 
Luke loved his family, and especially his mum. You knew he would still go through bouts of homesickness from missing them, which is why you knew any contact he did have with them was extremely important.
"Hey mum." Luke grins. 
"Hi bub, how are you?" You hear his mum ask though the speakers. 
You do your best to zone out of the conversation, wanting to give him privacy. Instead, you focus on the music still playing in the corner, though it's playing more softly than before.
Doing your best to stay quiet, your ears perk up as you hear your name from across the room. 
Realizing it came through the speakers instead of from Luke, you fight your better judgment and try to eavesdrop, having no success when Luke starts to talk a lot quieter. 
Why would Luke's mom ask about you? Sure you were best friends, but you didn't see yourself as that important. 
Lost in your thoughts, you lose your grip on the plate in your hand, flinching as it drops back into the sink with a loud clattering noise. 
"Are you okay?" Luke asks, bolting up with a concerned look on his face, ready to help in an instant. 
Looking in the sink, you see the plate still fully intact and nod as you take a deep breath. 
"Yeah it's all good, just lost my grip." You explain, giving him a thumbs up. 
He examined you for a moment before sitting back down with his laptop, but instead of picking up where he left off, you hear his mom asking who that was, referring to you.
"Y/n is staying over, loud roommate issues." He explains with a slight laugh. 
"Why are you hiding her?! I want to see the pretty girl I've heard so much about." You hear her reply, your cheeks growing pink as you do your best to smother a laugh at the light telling off he was getting. 
Looking over to Luke, he raises his eyebrows at you, silently asking if you wanted to come over and say hi. Looking between him and the laptop, you silently mouth "you sure?" to him, receiving a small smile and a nod in return. 
You dry your hands on a kitchen towel hanging on the oven door, nervously wringing your hands as you walk over to the couch, sitting down beside Luke and waving to the webcam. 
"Hi Mrs. Hemmings, it's nice to finally kinda meet you." You smile as you laugh slightly. 
"Nice to meet you too love! Luke's told me a lot about you, all good things I promise." She laughs lightly. Even through a screen, you could feel the warm nature of the woman who'd raised your best friend, though it did make sense his mom would be a sweetheart if he was. 
"I'm glad to know I've made such an impact." You bump your elbow into Luke's arm, his head down as he laughs to himself, blonde hair falling over his face. "I promise Luke's done the same for you. I probably don't have to tell you how family proud he is."
His mom smiles, a sense of pride about her for a moment before she looks to the side of the screen where Luke would be. 
"You wouldn't be able to tell with how he's trying to hide now." She teases, Luke shifting sideways so he's more in frame, your shoulders and knees now touching. 
"I thought mums had to be nice to their kids in front of their friends?" He asks with squinted eyes. 
"I don't remember that being a rule. Besides, you don't have the same accent I remember my son having so I'd say it's fair game." 
"That's because I spend too much time with this one." Luke says, nodding his head towards you. 
"Excuse me?" You say with a raised eyebrow. Luke just smiles at you, his teasing having the desired effect. You don't manage to hold onto your hard exterior for long, cracking and smiling back at him. 
Liz laughs at the two of you, dispelling the moment as you both look back to her. 
"Yeah we do spend a lot of time together." You say, Luke nodding in agreement as the three of you fall into easy conversation. 
You end up staying for the whole video call, Liz asking you about your life, what you do, all the story details Luke had failed to tell her himself. 
As you both say a lengthy goodbye, Luke promises to call Liz more between video calls, and you promise to keep an eye on him for her in the time in between those as well. 
After closing his laptop, Luke leans back into the couch with a sigh. 
"She likes you." He says quietly, looking over to you with soft eyes and a softer smile as you mimic his actions and lean back into the couch, turning your head to look at him. 
"You think so?" You ask, just as quietly as he spoke. 
He nods tiredly, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his side, his hand squeezing your shoulder as your rest your head against his. 
Ever since Luke had hit end on the call, you felt a wave of tiredness wash over you, which you half blamed on the time, and half on stressing yourself out trying to make a good impression. 
You can feel yourself falling asleep as you sit there, feeling comforted and comfortable as your breathing turns shallower, the scent of salt water and cologne clouding the front of your mind. 
"We should probably go to bed." You suggest, right as Luke covers his mouth with his spare hand as a yawn escapes him. 
"Good idea." He agrees. 
He gives your shoulder another squeeze before you both get up, him moving to get you a blanket and pillow and you moving to get something to sleep in out of your bag. 
Tiredly digging through, your hands pass your work uniform, toiletries, and a sweater, but not one of your old t-shirts you normally slept in. 
Seeing the annoyed look on your face, Luke frowns slightly as he returns to the room. 
"What's up?" 
You groan as you sit back on your legs, gesturing to your bag.
"All I packed was my uniform for tomorrow and a sweater in case I got cold. I was in too much of a rush to get out of there I guess and didn't pack a shirt to sleep in." You frown, mentally scolding yourself. 
"Hey, don't worry about it. You can just borrow one of my shirts." He says with a light shrug, like it's the obvious answer to the issue. 
"Are you sure?" You ask, and he nods, placing the pillows and blanket down on the end of the couch. 
"I'll go grab one and you can get dressed in the bathroom while I change in my room, then it's all yours." He says, and before he walks off, you call him back. 
 "What do you mean all mine?" You ask. 
"You can have my room for the night and I'll take the couch." 
You raise your eyebrow, standing up and crossing your arms. 
"If you think I'm making you sleep on your couch in your own house then you obviously don't know me." 
Luke sighs, well aware of your stubborn nature and already knowing he's fighting a losing battle. 
"You must not know me if you think I'm gonna let you sleep on the couch." He responds. 
You stare each other down for a minute, both of you not backing down on your point until you relax your face and stance, picking up your toiletries bag and shrugging.
"Guess we're sharing a bed then. I'm gonna go brush my teeth." You say casually, leaving Luke standing in the doorway of his bedroom open mouthed in shock. 
As you stared yourself down in the mirror while you brushed your teeth, your internal monologue was punching you in the face repeatedly. 
There’s a huge difference between passing out on the same couch together and actively choosing to sleep in the same bed together, and it was only one of those things you’d done with Luke in the past. Sure, there had been times where you had slept in Calum’s or Sierra’s beds, but with Luke, it had never been something to come up.
You remind yourself that it doesn’t mean anything. You and Luke are both grown adults, two stubborn grown adults, but adults all the same. You weren’t strangers to each other by any stretch, so you couldn’t figure out why the plan you’d put upon yourself made your heart beat a million times faster.
Little did you know, Luke was doing the exact same thing in the room over. As soon as you had stepped out of the room, his hands started to sweat. He was nervous, more so than he had been in a long while. 
That was the thing that scared Luke the most about you, apart from the fact he’d seen you take down a man twice your size after getting cat called on Pasific Ave, was the special type of nervous that you made him without even trying. He knew the reason why it happened, not that he was willing to admit it to you, or anyone else but Ashton and his mom for that matter.
How was he meant to spend the night in the same bed as the girl he’s in love with, let alone fall asleep at all? 
Mentally slapping himself in the face to make himself move, he pulls one of his favorite t-shirts from his closet, knowing that not only did you like it, but it was also one of the most comfortable things he owned.
To someone who hadn’t known Luke a while, they would be surprised to know how organized he is, clothing and home always organized just as well as the boards and gear he overlooked in Sierra’s store.
You rinse the toothpaste out of the sink, taking a deep breath as you hear Luke’s footsteps come closer. He knocks first, opening the door slowly just in case after you tell him to come in.
“Here, to sleep in. I know you like Guns n Roses.” He says with a cheeky wink as he hands you the shirt.
You scoff lightly as you take it, it being a running joke between you how much you disliked Guns n Roses, while he counted them as one of the all time greats.
“Thanks, you really know me.” You grin as you roll your eyes, lightly pushing him out of the bathroom and closing the door.
You hold the shirt up in front of you, looking in the mirror to see the difference in size between you and your best friend. While it fit normally on Luke, you could see it would graze your upper thighs, your height not all that different from his.
Taking your clothes off, you fold and stack them into a pile by the sink while you change your underwear and pull Luke’s shirt over your head, the smell of cologne and salt water hitting you again as you inspect yourself in the mirror.
Even though you had your reservations about the design on the shirt, you couldn’t deny it was one of the most comfortable things you’d ever worn.
Gathering your stuff, you open the bathroom door and walk back to your bag by the couch. Moving your uniform for the morning to the top, you put your old clothes in the bottom of your bag, calling out to Luke who must be in his bedroom.
“Bathroom’s all yours.” You call, zipping your bag again as you sit down on the couch to pull on your socks.
It was more out of habit than anything else, and consideration for the person you shared a bed with, knowing your feet always get freezing cold at night.
Luke walks out of his bedroom dressed in sweatpants and a black undershirt, pausing when he sees you. You see him take a deep breath in as you stand up, setting your bag back at the end of the couch again. 
"Alright hun?" You ask, frowning slightly in confusion as he seems rooted to the spot. 
He shakes himself out of it, nodding quickly before ducking into the bathroom. You stay in your spot, still confused as ever til his head pops out the door. 
"You can head to bed if you like, I'll be there soon." 
You nod as the door shuts again, ignoring whatever just happened as you walk to his bedroom, smiling at the sight of the glow in the dark stars you put up around the head of his bed still there from well over a year ago. 
Walking over to what you could tell was the lesser used side of the bed, telling by just the lamp on the bedside table instead of the books piled on the other, you pull the bedding back, sliding between the cold sheets and letting your head fall back onto the pillow. 
You let out a low groan as your body sinks into the bed, comfort washing over you as it felt like your bones sank back into the right place again after your long day. 
As Luke walks back to the room, you're still lightly groaning, making him laugh as he shuts off the overhead light, walking into the room and shutting the door behind him. 
"You okay there?" He questions, pulling back the bedding on his side and sliding in next to you. 
"Your bed is so fucking comfortable." 
Luke just laughs at you again, turning onto his side to look at you. You can feel him looking at you, so you decide to level the playing field and turn on your side too, your breath catching in your throat as you do when you realise your faces are now only inches away from each other. 
You both just lay there, smiling softly as you unapologetically take in his features so close, the curve of his nose, his lips, the shade of his gorgeous blue eyes. 
“Stop being cute.” He laughs, pulling your hair over your face.
"I will when you do too." You fire back. 
Luke just slightly shakes his head, letting out a deep breath before leaning forward, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, lingering for a moment before pulling back. 
"Goodnight, y/n." He sighs, and as your heartbeat rings in your ears, you slowly lean forward, returning the soft kiss to his forehead. 
"Goodnight Luke."
taglist: @spicycal @softbabiestan
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jojo-reader-hell · 4 years
Hey idk if your request are open, but if they are can you do some headcanons of Team Bucciarati with a gender neutral s/o that really likes plants. Like they have a liitle garden, or are just super into botany. Would mean alot to me, (also I might have binged all your hcs in one day.)
Ooooh yes, I have as of lately been bitten by the garden bug and have been trying out my hand at growing my own plönt, so this is super fun!
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In general, everyone’s pretty supportive when you mention that you may have “one or two” little greens that you’d like to place around your shared abode. It might make the house a little more homey to have some greenery around. However nobody was prepared for the endless addition of pots and green that took over the kitchen, the bathrooms, even some little cuttings have been sneaking into the boy’s bedrooms when they’re not looking.
Bruno finds it rather interesting to see some new specimens every now and again. What draws him in are the aquatic plants you keep in empty fish tanks such as the floating frog bit or the fat leaves of the anubias barteri. Sometimes you’ll catch him playing with the frog bit, swirling his finger in the tank and making odd noises as though he’s a fish.
If Abbacchio sees another fucking cactus lingering around the room he’s going to start throwing them in the garbage. He had the misfortune of knocking one down in the dark and stepping on it, and you spent a long sleepless night picking spines out of his toes as he screamed at you for keeping those goddamned things where anyone can get pricked. He’s pissed off that you have so many, it’s like a hoarding addiction to him since he’s very minimalistic with decor.
Mista doesn’t mind a few plants. In fact he quite likes the monstera you moved into his room because it’s a nice balance of brightness without direct sunlight. The Pistols often like to sleep under the leaves, and they’re the first to let you know when it’s time to water the plants because they always test the soil with their tiny peets (feets). Sometimes he will even help you change the soil in the plants if you need to. Doesn’t mind getting dirty.
Narancia was really interested in the indoor garden you started in your room. Lots of things do well indoors like spinach, kale, basil, and various other micro greens (even carrots!), so sometimes he’ll help you sow seeds and eagerly look forward to waking up and checking to see if anything sprouted. Absolutely wants a mini garden for his own windowsill, and he will grow various things in unusual planters like buckets or tea tins (even discarded coffee bags).
Fugo really digs the succulents. He likes the fact that they’re fairly low maintenance for a plant, especially since you have to wait for the soil to completely dry out before you water it again. His favorite succulents are the ones that are bright colors, pinks and turquoise being his favorites and often the ones you can find in his room out of your collection. He digs the desert vibe it gives his room, and likes to make planter boxes out of ladles and glass terraniums.
Giorno Giovanna is the PLANT KILLER. In a cruel twist of irony, he cannot keep any of your entrusted plants alive for some reason and is constantly having to make a new one for you whenever you see this poor wilted thing in the pot. He’s killed so many ferns you’ve banned him from even looking at them, and is the main culprit for overwatering Fugo’s succulents. The only thing he can’t seem to kill is a single sunflower named Ivan that lives in his room, you gifted it to him one winter and let him grow it indoors. You suspect Ivan might be one of several clones and not the original that sprouted from the seed.
Trish loves your indoor herb garden, because fresh ingredients are always within reach should she get a hankering to cook up some delicious greens for herself. She likes to take your indoor veggies and make juices from them, her favorite recipe being orange, carrot and apple with a tiny piece of ginger thrown into the mix. Especially likes to sit in the living room among all your plants if she’s ever not able to leave the house. She insists the air quality is better with your plants around.
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Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare
Feelings, become One
Part 1 of 2
Writer's block is being rough on me, so the only thing I was able to create lately was a short story of my MC Clover and Leviathan. It shows their adorable friendship as they experience an idol live show together.
Enjoy 🧡
One evening, the demon of Envy, Leviathan, made his way to the human exchange students' room. The human girl Clover had borrowed a manga from him, but it happened that Levi needed that exact book right now.
As he was strolling through the hallways, finally he reached the door, so he knocked like a polite creature before coming in.
"Hey" Levi called out into the room. "I need that Ruri-chan manga back for a sec. Some idiot Normie posted stupid fake information on the fanclub's Devcord server and is not believing me when I tell him he's wrong, so I need screenshots to prove what a fake fan he is lolol."
As he had been more eyeing his D.D.D. than paying attention to his surroundings, he only noticed at the end of his comment that a pair of unpleasantly surprised eyes were staring back at him. Levi raised his eyebrows, puzzled, looking back at Clover sitting on her bed, only being illuminated by the small lamp on her bedside table.
Just so making out her reddened eyes, paired with how she was hugging her legs, the demon immediately understood that she was crying.
"C... Clover?"
"A-ah, Levia-tan..." she mumbled, quick to put away the used tissue in her hand. Sniffling shortly, she sprung up in the next moment, walking over to her desk. "I didn't get to read this chapter yet, so I'd like to have it back after you've shown that peasant what a real Ruri stan looks like..."
Handing him the manga, Clover put on a very unconvincing smile.
Unsure how to react, Levi took the book but kept giving her a worried look. "Are you... okay?"
The girl only gave a nod.
"B-because you look, uhm..." Levi could have punched himself for being so bad at social interactions. "Were you crying just now?"
A flash of panic crossed Clover's face, but in the end, she assured him she was fine.
"It's embarrassing but I was, uh, crying over a stupid video. So nothin' to worry about, really!"
Holding the door open, she kind of gestured for him to make his leave, so Levi stepped out into the corridor again.
"Now go get that loser's ass", she cheered, but as she closed the door, Levi caught a tiny glimpse of the frown that was forming on her face.
The demon had planned to go back into his room, yet somehow he found himself in the kitchen instead. Turning his head to the fridge, he spotted Beelzebub head-deep in the ingredients for tomorrow's lunch.
Levi's younger brother noticed his presence when Levi let out a troubled sigh.
"Huh? Levi?" Beel shot him a glance. "Are you hungry, too?"
"Like there would even be anything left for me to eat!" Levi hissed, mustering how Beel's cheek were filled to the brim like those of a hamster. "No, I..." He let out another sigh. "Did something happen to Clover? She seemed really down just now and behaved all weird."
In an instant, Beel stopped his scavenging and closed the fridge to turn towards his brother.
"So you think so, too..." Beel said. "I noticed it when we returned home from RAD today, so I wanted to cook something to cheer her up."
Levi let out a huff. "Doesn't look like you had success in doing that..."
However putting his sarcasm aside, he asked whether Beel knew any reason for Clover's sadness.
"I think she had some stressful days" Beel explained, scratching his head as he actually began to prepare said food. "She had a lot of projects to hand in for her additional courses lately. And it seems the grades she got weren't quite what she expected. Or what she deserved for the amount of work she put in, honestly."
Nodding to himself, Levi indeed remembered that the human girl had been working until late recently. He crossed his arms. "But their grades aren't really that important to the exchange students, right? There's no need to cry over that."
For a while, they remained silent, listening to the veggies sizzling in the frying pan.
Then, Beel spoke up again.
"You know how she is" he said. "She was very passionate about it, and now beats herself up for not doing well enough."
Frowning, Levi narrowed his gaze. "But then why didn't she tell me about it? I thought we were friends..."
Beel had returned to the fridge, originally to grab the next ingredients, but ended up stuffing half of that into his own mouth.
"I thought you of all would understand her reasoning the best" he grumbled into the fridge.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
So Beelzebub shot him another look.
"Aren't you afraid of people thinking low of you, too?"
That evening, Beelzebub continued to take care of the human girl. He had managed to cook her a delicious meal and stayed with her to watch some movies.
Levi was amazed to see how easily his brother had managed to lift her spirits. Overall, it had surprised him to hear how well Beel knew about her feelings in the first place.
But what troubled Levi the most were Beel's last words before he had knocked on Clover's door:
"She'll probably stay this sad for longer. It would be great if you could help, too."
The next day, the avatar of Envy didn't feel like gaming at all. He forced himself to do his daily log-ins to his thirty-ish online games, but his mind kept wandering off to the happenings of the last evening.
Why would anyone think low of Clover because of school grades? Why would she be that sad, even if she put a lot of work into it?
She was his confidant. His friend. That alone meant she had to be a person worthy of one's time.
So... Why would someone like her ever worry about not being good enough?
Lying in his bed/bathtub/really-unsuited-sleeping-spot, Levi bit his lip.
He understood what Beel had meant now. The more he tried to understand Clover, the more he spiralled into self-loathing, toxic thoughts that he knew all too well himself.
And just the thought that Clover might be pained by this nonsense made him so angry that he couldn't focus on anything else than searching for a way to cheer her up.
Grumbling and brainstorming, his messy thoughts suddenly saw a spark of hope when he read a notification on his D.D.D.:
'Aqours 4th LoveLive! ~ Sailing to the Sunshine ~ -- Tickets for sale NOW!!'
Eyes wide, he had this hesitation of "that's too good to be true" when his thumb lowered to press the "see more" button.
But the second after, his otaku mode activated. Baving opened his five favourite websites for booking concert tickets in an instant, Levi was determined to get two tickets for this live show...
Naturally, the period of buying tickets and the actual concert were painfully far apart.
At first, Leviathan wanted to keep it a secret that he had obtained two premium seats for the Aqours concert.
However, Clover's state seemed to worsen as time went by. New things kept piling on her head, and one disappointment set the requirements for her to fail whatever she aimed to do next. It might not seem that bad to others, but as someone who is struggling with his self-worth himself, Levi could guess that Clover's mindset had to be suffering more and more.
So one day, he decided to tell her about the tickets.
Spam-calling her until she would angrily stomp into his room, Levi was waiting for her, the tickets ready in his hands.
"Levia-tan, I'm BEGGING you, if I tell you 'I'll be there in a minute', please don't call me another fifteen times to make sure I wasn't ly-"
She went silent the second her eyes landed on the tickets.
The demon couldn't hide a cheeky grin.
"You were supposed to hurry, Normie" he mocked. "Feeling your concert tickets the second they're out of the printer is a NECESSITY!"
Clover wouldn't respond.
In all honesty, she COULDN'T respond.
Every time she opened her mouth, she was too baffled to press out a single tone.
"Here, this is yours" Levi said as he handed her one ticket. "It's still long until the day of the live show, so make sure to keep this somewhere safe! Ah, you know, actually... If you store the ticket in your room, Mammon might find it and sell it, so it might be for the best if I keep your ticket here with mine... C-Clover?!"
The girl had taken hold of the ticket, staring at it while Levi was rambling. But she had puzzled him when suddenly, tears were dropping on the piece of paper.
"I-is... Is this for real...?" Clover asked with an incredibly thin voice.
"W-wah..." Levi panicked, softly tugging the ticket out of her shaking hands. "It's all wet now... But I guess I can just print it out a second time..."
"Am I... really... going to... Japan...? To... a live show of... of A-aqours...?" Clover asked with a trembling lip.
"You bet!" Levi cheered. "I've been trying to get these tickets for HOURS! It was really tough, but you should never underestimate my Otaku skills!"
"I've... I've always dreamed of... experiencing a live show in person..." Clover continued to mumble. "And now you're being... So kind... What did I do to deserve this..."
Grabbing his phone, Levi tapped on his messenger app to show her something else.
Confused, Clover was looking at Levi's chatroom with Solomon. In his own excitement, Levi had to tell it before Clover could finish reading.
"And don't worry about the language issues. You'll be able to understand it all!" He babbled. "Solomon will do his best to mix you a potion to help with that! See it as subtitles, but send directly into your brain lolol."
The demon grinned from ear to ear,
and, well, expected that the human would do the same...
Or at least, he really didn't expect for her to suddenly burst into loud sobbing, pressing her hands against her face as she couldn't stop crying.
"O-oh..." All colour left Levi's face at once. "Are... Uhm... Are you not happy?"
Looking back and forth between her, the tickets and his phone, he was frantically trying to figure out the reason for her outburst.
His heart broke into pieces as his own toxic mind gave him an answer.
"Oh..." Levi pressed out. "I didn't ask you if you even want to go there if it's with me..." Now he felt really stupid. In all his preparation and anticipation, he forgot what a yucky creature he was. "Uh... I guess... I mean I can understand if you don't want to, it must be really embarrassing to go outside with someone like me, so, y-you can... take someone else along i-if that will make you stop crying... I was looking forward to it, but making you smile again was my utmost priority, so I would... You can... go with, like, Beel or som-"
"L-levia-tan?" Clover suddenly pressed out, not looking up though.
"Y-yes? Are you mad at m-"
"Can I hug you?"
"... Eh?"
"P-please...!" Clover's head shot upwards as she met him with a pleading, crying face. "I d-don't know how to respond to this... this wonderful gesture... I'm..." Not able to hold herself, she engulfed Levi in an embrace.
"I'm so happy..." Clover sobbed into his shoulder. "Thank you so much... Levi..."
Now Levi was the one at loss for words. With cheeks painted a bright pink, he awkwardly wrapped his arms around her body.
"S-so... You're okay with going with... with me?"
"Of course! I'm flattered that you'd even thought of inviting me..." The girl pressed out, slowly letting go of him.
And finally, a grin was spreading on her face again."Please teach me everything I need to know about lives, Levia-sensei!"
The sight was so contagious that Levi was smiling himself.
"Yes! Leave it to me!!"
For the following weeks, the two of them spent huge parts of their free time preparing for the live show.
Leviathan taught Clover all there is to know about using glowsticks: from the shaking technique that destroys your arms and wrists the least, to ultra orange glowstick usage and cycloning. They listened to Aqours' songs so much that at some point Clover remembered all their lyrics perfectly despite not even speaking the language. Additionally, they looked into older live shows to learn where the crowd would engage in which kind of chanting.
"Waah, no, I can't that part of the first live show... I'll cry, Levia-tan...!" Clover had whined.
"Ah, do you mean the performance of 'Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare'? Where Rikyako messed up her piano play?"
"Yes... It was so brave that she learned playing piano from scratch just for that song... But then the poor girl was so stressed, messed up and started sobbing... That part just kills me, especially when the rest who were performing the dance came to comfort her... Ugh I love them all so muuuuch..."
The house of Lamentation was glad to see the human girl had regained her joyful energy. Even if, after a few weeks, their patience was being put under the test...
To give a short input:
When greeting the audience at the beginning of the live show, each idol introduces themselves and engages in a unique call and response with the crowd to get everyone pumped.
And so one day, Levi went to Clover saying this:
"We also need to practice our responses to their character introductions! From this day onwards, I will randomly initiate one of the girls' calls, and you have to respond correctly!"
So... Yeah. The other inhabitants of the house didn't quite understand what any of those "Ganbarubyyyy"s or sudden "BUU BUU DESU-WA"s meant, but eventually, even they remembered some of the call & responses.
... Just that not everyone was so amused by the whole ordeal as Leviathan seemed to be.
Not when Clover was preparing breakfast with Satan in a great hurry (because SOMEONE ate what they had prepared earlier...).
You can imagine that, when already stressed out, Satan wasn't really happy over his older brother dashing into the room, shouting a random "KAN KAN" from the top of his lungs.
"Mikan!" Clover had correctly responded, however quiet as she was fully aware of Satan's anger level.
However, as this particular call & response repeated three times, Levi continued to animate the human girl, going once again even louder: "KAN KAN!"
"Come on, I can't hear you... KAAAAN, KAAA-"
He couldn't finish his chanting as Satan had thrown a devil-blood orange right into his face with such force that it pulled Levi off his feet.
[Mikans are small, japanese oranges (´ ∀ ` *)]
Finally, the day of the concert had come.
Asmodeus had made it his mission to plan Clover's outfit so she'd be as "dazzling as the girls on stage". Levi had been prompting her to go with comfortable, practical clothes instead, so they had to find a middle where neither of them would complain.
Once all done, some of the brothers came to muster the soon leaving duo.
"Hm... Are you sure you don't want to put on any make up, darling?" Asmo asked Clover after doing his final check.
"Absolutely. I will be in tears the second Aqours' enters the stage, so there's no point in that."
Standing in the doorframe, the avatar of Greed gave a huff.
"Isn't that skirt a bit too short? And that whole outfit... No, you can't go out like this."
"Huh?" Clover turned to him in confusion. "Why not?"
"It's way too eye-catching!" He grumbled. "What if some filthy human makes a move on you?"
The girl gave a slight chuckle. "I go to school with incubi and succubi, Mammon. I think compared to that the human world should be pretty safe."
"B-but...!" Mammon wanted to protest, but Beelzebub covered his brother's mouth to silence him.
"I think you look cute" He beamed Clover an encouraging smile. "But be careful nonetheless. Levi, take care of her."
"Y-yes! I will!"
-- to be continued in part two --
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justjessame · 3 years
Starting Over Chapter 6
When I first came back, after poofing back into my bedroom in a house devoid of any of my loved ones, once the powers that be contacted me and group therapy was proven a dud, I was pushed toward the idea of a pet.  
“You should adopt a cat,” my best friend, looking so sincere and so much older, intoned.  “Or a dog.”  
I wasn’t against having a furry pal, but considering I’d been basically trapped in nothingness for five years and I came back looking like I did before I got poofed, well I didn’t think I was in the right state to go forth and take care of something else.  I would have found adopting a baby just as ridiculous, but I heard that a few too many of the returned thought that would help them reintegrate too, so what did I know?
After Bucky left and I locked up, I made sure the lights were off downstairs and I brushed my teeth, washed my face, braided my hair and gave myself the pep talk I gave myself right before bed every single night since I had the first nightmare.  
Green eyes staring back at me from the mirror, I took a deep breath.  “The flashes aren’t real.  You can’t remember what happened during those five years.  No one remembers what happened during the past five years when we were lost.  You are NOT that special, Brooke Ashley, so stop with the fucking nightmares.”  A stiff nod and then I was clicking off the bathroom light and heading for my bed.  Praying that tonight would be the night that the pep talk actually fucking worked.
Flashes of red and blue, then colors that I couldn’t name.  It always started with the flashes.  If I were prone for seizures, I would worry for my health, but I wasn’t, so this part was almost soothing, but it was what came next.  The feeling of being pinned down, of being stuck in place and forced to watch, but I couldn’t SEE what I was watching.  It was terrible, I could FEEL the fear and the terror, but I couldn’t actually SEE it.  Which was worse, somehow.  Then the flashes would come, more colors with no known names, and then blue and red and I’d scream myself awake in a sweating, gasping mess.
 I was having breakfast in front of the news.  Juice and a cold slice, judge me as harshly as you dare.  I was semi-listening, the daily paper spread out in front of me on the coffee table, when I heard something that made me raise my head.  Reaching for the remote, I pushed the volume button until I could hear the words that I knew would make Bucky’s day incredibly bad, and I sighed because I’d put MY number in HIS phone, but forgot to get his number.  That showed excellent clarity and forethought. Maybe I shouldn’t add those to my resume.
I tried, throughout the day, to put my mind on more menial tasks.  I had a resume to pad.  I had a life to get back on track.  Bucky Barnes had my phone number, so he could call me if he wanted to.  Right?  Right.
I had my laptop open, trying desperately to utilize all the resources available online to give me a leg up in the job market.  My mind kept drifting to Bucky and the shield being handed to - but I couldn’t do that.  I had a life to live.  Whether Bucky needed me in his or not.  
A few more additions and my cell phone chirped.  I picked it up and sighed.  Spam. Always spam. That hadn’t changed in five years.  Sitting it down, I went back to ‘work’.  
I was considering whether I wanted to finish off the pizza from Romeo’s when my phone finally rang.  Glancing at it didn’t really give me any clue as to who it was, and since I’d uploaded my resume to about a thousand job sites, I knew I couldn’t ignore it.
“Hello?” I was staring into the fridge, hoping for a sign as to what dinner might be.  Nothing came from the other end.  “Hello?”  I tried again, sighing and leaning away from the Magic 8 ball that wasn’t, and leaning against my countertop.  “Listen, if you’re a telemarketer, you’re going to have to give your pitch because you and I both know that you get recorded and you’ll end up fired if you don’t speak. If you’re a pervert, could you go ahead and start heavy breathing so I can toss out my best low blow and get on with my night? I have to make a choice for dinner and you’re cutting in on my decision making time.”  
A sharp inhale and then that laugh that I’d decided I wanted to get used to came through loud and clear.  “Do you always answer the phone like this, Brooke?”  
“Do you always just lurk on the other end of the phone, Bucky?”  I was smiling like a loon, happy that he’d reached out after the crappy news about Cap’s shield from this morning.  “What’s up?”  
“The sky.”  I chuckled and rolled my eyes at the old Dad joke.  “Since you treated me to dinner last night,” I bit my lip while he worked through his pitch.  “I thought I’d treat you, if you wanted to that is?”  
I waited a beat, then two.  “You started out strong, then you sort of faded on me there, Buck.”  He snorted and I grinned.  “Come over, I have everything I need to make -” I reopened the fridge and took stock again.  “Something edible.”  I sounded vague, but I was pretty confident that we wouldn’t starve.  
“I’ll be there in an hour?”  I laughed and he sighed.  “I don’t want to -”
“Presume, I know, Buck, I know.”  I licked my lips and remembered our dinner at Romeo’s.  “If you want your beer, you might want to do a pit stop at a bodega for some, I don’t -”
“Drink that rot gut, I know.”  I could swear I heard his smile through the phone.  “I’ll be there in a little while, Brooke.”
“And I’ll have dinner at least partially cooking,” I promised.  
I found all the ingredients for a recipe my mom used to make when my dad would invite friends over without ample warning. She called it a dump recipe, but it was always really filling and it was comfort food.  Chicken breasts, cream of chicken soup, chicken broth, then once it was all bubbly and shredded, a can of refrigerated biscuits cut up into chunks to make dumplings.  Sometimes she’d add some carrots or other veggies, either to the gravy or on the side, but other times she’d just serve it alone.  
The best part?  I could literally dump it and leave it.
It would take over an hour to cook, but I thought that Bucky probably wanted company to go along with the food.  At least I hoped so.  
The knock was softer than I expected, but then again, I didn’t think he was gonna use his metal arm to pound through the side of my house.  Opening the door, seeing Bucky standing in the halo of my porch light holding a bag from the store at the corner of my street in one hand and - my grin grew as he held up a clutch of flowers.  
“They were near the till,” he murmured, holding them out for me.  “And I thought -”
“Thank you,” I took them, biting my lip and moving aside so he could come in.  “Dinner is going to take a little longer than I thought,” I warned him, walking toward the kitchen so he could put his burden down.  I turned to see him pulling his gloves off after he put the bag on the counter.  Smiling at how comfortable he was around me, I pulled a vase from the windowsill and filled it with water.  
“What are you making?”  I watched in the window as he put the beer away in the fridge.  “It smells like,” he stood up and I could see him take a deep breath.  “Sunday morning.”
Turning around, I put the vase on the kitchen table.  “Mom used to make this all the time, it’s dump chicken and dumplings, so it makes sense that it would remind you of Sunday mornings.”  I smiled up at him as he opened one of his green bottles.  “I just have to remember to cut up the dumpling part in like an hour.”  I grabbed the turquoise plastic owl shaped timer and set it and then led the way into the living room.  “How was your day?”
Bucky let out a long breath and took a drink as he sat in the chair.  “Therapy,” I nodded, curling up in my spot on the sofa and putting the timer beside me on the table.  “Had lunch with a friend,” I smiled while he studied me.  “He was trying to talk me into asking our server out,” I raised my eyebrow, and he shook his head.  “Had to tell him I had plans.”  
“Plans?”  I could swear that I swallowed a few live butterflies.  “Do I know the lucky person?”  
His eyes fell to his lap, a smirk playing on his lips while his teeth worried the fullness of his lower one.  “I really wish you and Steve could have met,” when he raised his head, those silvery orbs locked on mine and the wings inside my belly seemed to go into overdrive.  “He’d help you bust my chops, give you extra help. Not that you need it.”  
“That Steve,” breathless, it came out hushed.  “He’s a lot to live up to.” 
“Yeah,” those brilliant white teeth of his, tugging at that impossibly full lip of his was probably going to kill me.  “I didn’t want to make time with another girl, Brooke.”  He took another drink out of his bottle, but his eyes didn’t leave mine.  Fortified, he continued.  “Not when I have you.”
“Well, I mean, who would want to waste time with anyone else, Buck?” I took a deep breath and bit my lip.  “When I remind you of your tiny, asthmatic, anemic, smartass best friend who picked fights in alleys with people three times their size?”  His teeth met his lip again, but I wasn’t through.  “Who had also had a dick.”
He snorted, eyes flashing and I shook my head, smiling back.  “Yeah, exactly.”  He nodded.  “This is MUCH better than a date.” 
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Accidental Happiness | Part Two
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Words: 3,035
Summary: Sams being overprotective and Y/N decides on a midwife.
Warnings: Pregnancy, non-graphic description of labor.
Betaed by @manawhaat. Written for @saxxxology's October Angel request.
You pause at the top of the kitchen steps, rubbing your palm against your belly, and then move to start down the two steps.
“Hey, hey, let me help you.”
You can’t help an eye roll as Sam appears at your side, one hand on your back and the other hand on your elbow as he helps you down into the kitchen.
“Do you want to sit down?” he asks, already steering you towards the nearest seat. “Here, sit down. I’ll make you something for lunch.”
You sink into the kitchen chair, more than happy to get off your aching feet. You’re only just starting to really look pregnant at going on five months but you’re definitely feeling it. At least the morning sickness is over. Now you’re getting into craving territory, though you haven’t been craving anything too strange - no pickles in ice cream or whatever weird shit people joke about pregnant women wanting. You know Sam wouldn’t stop you from satisfying those cravings if you had them, but he definitely wouldn’t be happy about it. While you love your boyfriend to death, he’s taking ‘protective father-to-be’ to a whole new level.
“You need to eat more veggies,” Sam is saying, rummaging through the fridge in search of something to make for you. “And of course we don’t have any.”
“That’s because you keep feeding them all to me,” you grumble. “I want a burger. With cheese. And bacon. And fries.”
Sam makes a face. “But you need good, healthy meals. Lots of leafy greens, lean proteins, you know. If you’re craving red meat ‘cause it has iron or something, why not just eat spinach?”
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, I know. You’ve been telling me for months.”
He doesn’t seem to hear you, emerging from the freezer with a triumphant sound and a package of frozen salmon in one hand. You groan at the sight and he drops the fish onto the counter, rushing to your side.
“Is everything okay?” he asks, crouching beside you with one hand on your belly.
“Will you stop fucking touching my stomach?” you growl, knocking his hand away.
Sam flinches back with an expression like a kicked puppy and you immediately feel bad.
“I’m sorry,” you sigh. “I just don’t want to be touched like that right now.”
Sam flushes, rising. “Sorry. I didn’t realize.”
You reach out one hand to grab his closest one. “Sam, baby. I love you but right now I also want to kick your ass.”
“I just want you and the baby to be healthy,” he murmurs.
You tug him down so you can kiss him softly. He braces his free hand against the kitchen table and returns the kiss. “I know and I love that about you. But I also would love it if you gave me a little room to breathe. I’m not made of glass. I can get down two steps on my own. I can walk across the kitchen on my own. You don’t have to hover over me every moment of every day.”
He starts to speak but you silence him with another kiss.
“You’re just stressing yourself out. I will let you know when I need help,” you promise him. “And one burger, cooked through, with some cheese, fresh lettuce and tomato, a few slices of bacon, and a healthy serving of fries isn’t going to do me or the baby any harm. I’m even willing to eat a salad on the side if you want to throw one together. Maybe something with Italian dressing?”
“We don’t have any of the veggies I would need,” Sam says quietly.
“Well,” you pat his cheek. “I don’t think we have any of the things for burgers, either. Sounds like you need to go grocery shopping. Have Dean go with you. Take your time. Go find a used bookstore, play a round of pool, something to get you out of the house for more than thirty minutes. Then go grocery shopping and come home so Dean can make me one of those delicious burgers.”
Sam hesitates and then nods, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You’ll be fine here with Cas and Rowena?”
“You know I will be. Cas is too excited about being an uncle to let anything happen to me and Rowena wouldn’t dare, not if she wants to still have access to the library.”
He chuckles, straightening up. “Good point. Make me a grocery list, then.”
“Go get me something to write it on,” you respond, poking his hip.
“I thought you weren’t made of glass,” he teases even as he moves to fetch the notepad and pen Dean keeps by the fridge for grocery lists.
“Listen. My feet hurt.” You take the items from him. “Now that I’m sitting down, I’m not getting up until I have to.”
“Which means until you need to pee.”
You shake the pen at him. “Whose fault is that?”
He leans gently against your back, folding over you to see the list as you write it. “Last time I checked, it takes two to tango.”
“You’re the one with the super swimmers that beat my birth control.”
“I really didn’t need to hear that,” Dean grumbles as he enters the kitchen, making a face.
“If you don’t know how babies are made, that’s not my fault,” you shoot back, grinning as you finish off your list. “I’ve got a chore for you boys.”
You tear the list off the notepad and hold it up. Sam moves to take it but Dean gets there first.
"Groceries?" he whines.
"I want one of your burgers and we don't have any of the shit we need."
"Mmm burgers," Dean says, more to himself than anyone else as he leaves the kitchen.
"You're sure you'll be fine?" Sam asks, leaning down to kiss you one last time.
"I'm sure." You give his ass a smack. "Go get some air, and then come home and rub my feet.”
Sam laughs. “Deal.”
Eventually, you drag yourself to your feet and make your way down the hall to the bathroom, gently scolding your baby for sitting on your bladder. It’s as you’re sitting on the toilet that you realize you haven’t felt the baby kick in a while, which is really abnormal considered how active they’ve been since you were first able to feel them. You wrack your brains as you wash your hands, trying to remember when you last felt the baby and quickly coming to the conclusion that you don’t know.
Your stomach twists at the thought and you hurry to the library, calling for Cas. You only find Rowena, though.
“Where’s Cas?” you ask, trying to remain calm.
“No idea,” she says, glancing up from the book she’s buried her nose in. Her bag sits next to her on the table, open to reveal a variety of spell ingredients. “What’s wrong?”
You hesitate to trust Rowena with something like this but Cas is going to insist on calling Sam and you don’t want to worry Sam if it turns out to not be anything serious. That makes Rowena your best option.
“I can’t feel the baby,” you manage, curling your arms around your belly.
She immediately drops her book, rounding the table to guide you into a seat. “Oh, goodness. That’s always stressful. Here, sit. When did you feel the wee one last?”
You shrug, watching as she rummages through her bag. “I don’t know.”
“That’s quite all right,” she soothes, tossing a little of this and that into her mortar before grinding everything into a paste. “Lift your shirt a little, please. I need to draw a sigil on your skin in order to check on the baby.”
“And this is safe?” you ask, already lifting your shirt to reveal your belly.
“Perfectly safe,” she assures you, carefully drawing the sigil onto your skin just above your belly button. The paste is a little cold and you can’t help a shiver. “This is an old spell midwives have been using for centuries. I used it myself many a time when I was carrying Fergus.”
She finishes the sigil and wipes her hands clean on a cloth she pulls from somewhere in her bag. Then she lays her palms on either side of your belly and says a few words in a language you don’t recognize. The sigil glows purple and Rowena is silent a moment, concentrating on whatever the spell is doing. Then she draws a deep breath and straightens up, the glow of the sigil fading as soon as her hands leave your skin.
“Your baby is perfectly healthy,” she says with a soft smile. “Just sleeping.”
Relief floods your body as she gently wipes the sigil away and you slump a little in your chair. Of course the baby’s sleeping. Babies do that.
“Thank you,” you say, pulling your shirt down.
“It was nothing,” Rowena replies with a soft smile. “I’m more than happy to help an expecting mother. It’s been a long time since I was able to use my midwifery skills.”
“You were a midwife?”
Rowena pauses in cleaning up the spell ingredients. “I’ve taken that role several times over the centuries. I quite enjoy it and if I could do it permanently, I would. But it’s better to leave at least a few decades between. Keep people from being suspicious and all that.”
You nod. “That makes sense.”
The two of you settle into silence, Rowena cleaning and you watching while your mind rolls over this new information and you come to a decision.
She glances over at you. “Yes?”
“Will you be my midwife?”
“What the hell, Y/N?” Sam says through gritted teeth, dragging you into the hall outside the library. “She’s a witch!”
“A witch with several centuries of midwife experience,” you explain, fighting to keep calm despite your annoyance with Sam.
“So she says,” he snaps back. “We can’t trust her.”
“You’ve trusted her in the past!”
Sam tenses and there’s a moment where his gaze on you softens but it's only a moment. “I can’t trust her with this, Y/N. With you. And with them.”
With understanding eyes cast up at him, you can’t hold your tongue, no matter how sweet Sam’s objection is. “Don’t you think this is something I should have the final say in?”
“It’s our baby,” he sneers, all too possessive for something he can’t even touch, yet.
You stab him in the chest with one finger. “Yes, but they’re living in my body. I want Rowena as my midwife.”
His jaw clenches and he steps back, glaring down at you. “And if I say no?”
You return his angry glare. “You can’t, Sam. I’m doing this. Your choice is whether you’re going to be there for the birth of our child, or not.”
The corners of his mouth twitch and he takes another few steps away, clearly putting distance between the two of you and the emotions he’s clinging to.
He mouths your name and you know what he’s feeling - you know Sam. He’s terrified of the possible complications that you could run into in labor, in a hospital, let alone with a centuries-old witch overseeing things at home. You’re scared of those things, too. But you know what scares Sam the most is that the look in your eyes means you’re serious. If he walks away, you will do this without him.
“Okay, he sighs, voice weak but growing stronger as he approaches again. “Okay. It’s your decision and I’ll respect it. I don’t like it, but I’ll respect it.”
You lay your hands on Sam’s waist. “Thank you.”
He nods stiffly. “Yeah.”
You sigh and kiss the corner of his mouth. “Sam. I’m not doing this to make you upset. She really does know what she’s talking about and I feel safe with her. Plus, this means we can have the home birth I wanted.”
“I know,” Sam admits.
You smile and bring his hands up to press flat against your belly. “Give her a chance? For us?”
Sam’s expression softens as his thumbs stroke back and forth. The baby shifts to kick at his hands, pulling a smile to Sam’s face.  “Anything for you,” he says quietly, kissing your forehead.
“Anything?” you lift a playful eyebrow at him.
“Anything,” he repeats.
“Good because I want a foot massage while Dean makes dinner.”
Sam chuckles but allows you to lead him down the hall to your shared bedroom. He doesn’t even complain when you choose a really flowery-scented lotion for him to use, just pulls your feet into his lap and gets to work.
If you’re going to be honest, you decide as you lay back against a pile of pillows,  you could definitely get used to this.
Rowena is a dedicated midwife. Sam is still wary of her but he relaxes when he sees how comfortable she makes you, how attentive she is to the needs of both you and the baby. She teams up with him in making you eat a healthy diet but is willing to take your side when you’re craving something that’s not on the list of recommended foods. She introduces you to the wonders of red raspberry leaf tea. When she mentioned raspberries, you were excited to try it, but you were soon disappointed to discover it to be more of a green tea than a fruit one. Still good but not as good as plain raspberry tea would be.
With her help, the final months of your pregnancy are slightly easier to handle. She’s there to answer any questions you or Sam have, which lowers your stress levels immensely. Possibly the best thing she does, though, is show Sam all the ways to massage your aching body and actually make things feel better. Sam’s a quick learner and his hands are magical. So magical, in fact, that you almost don't notice you're in labor. Almost.
"Fucking hell," you grumble, rolling your neck when Sam stops rubbing your lower back. Nothing quite like a massage to get you ready for bed - though you're still aching. "I don't know why I've been so sore. It's worse than it was yesterday."
Sam frowns and presses a kiss to your shoulder. "Want me to go get Rowena?"
You shake your head, tugging on one of Sam's shirts. “I'll talk to her if I'm still hurting in the morning. I’m just,” you sigh, “really fucking uncomfortable.”
Sam nuzzles softly into the curve of your neck. “You’re sure?”
“Yeah. It’s late and she’s probably already in bed. I don’t want to bother her. Lemme up, I need to pee before we go to bed."
Sam pouts but lets go and you get up. You only make it two steps, though, before you feel what can only be described as a slight pop and then a small gush of liquid escapes your body. At that moment, everything - the discomfort and pain in your lower belly and back, the pressure on your pelvis - makes sense.
“Sam?” you say softly, reaching behind you blindly until you find his hand and lacing your fingers together.
“Maybe you should go get Rowena.”
He’s immediately on his feet, come around to grip your shoulders with a concerned expression. “Is everything okay?”
You nod, looking up at him with what you hope is a smile full of excitement and nervousness, but is really a grimace full of terror. “My water just broke.”
Rowena is by your side in minutes, bag in hand. She gives Sam a list of things to gather for her. He looks grateful to have something to do. Things develop slowly from there - much slower than you expected - and it isn’t until over a day later that things really start to pick up and you go into what Rowena calls active labor. Rowena and Sam are by your side through it all and when the time finally comes to push seven hours later, Rowena is there guiding you with her soft voice and Sam providing his hands for you to cling to. You know you’ll feel bad about cussing him out later but in the moment, the words are therapeutic.
After a total of about thirty-two hours of labor, including the time you were in labor but didn’t realize it, the room is filled with the angry cries of your brand new baby girl.
“Oh,” you breath when Rowena places her right on your chest, umbilical cord still attached. You’re naked except for some sheets, having ditched your clothes sometime earlier because they were drenched in sweat, and the press of your baby’s skin against your own sends a surge of warmth through your body and happy tears leaking from your eyes. She settles immediately once you offer her a nipple to nurse at. It takes a moment for you to get the angle right and for her to latch on properly, but once she does, you’re filled with a maternal instinct you never knew could be so strong.“Hi, little one,” you murmur as Rowena works around your hands to clean her up. “Hi.” You’d planned for either a boy or a girl after deciding you didn’t want to find out until the birth, and now, looking at her, you know the name Sam picked is perfect.
Sam is watching in awe. He shifts to sit next to you on the bed, one arm around your shoulders as he tentatively reaches the other hand out to brush his fingertips over her cheek.
“Hi,” he says, voice trembling a little. “Welcome to the world, Rose.”
When you look up at him, there are tears in his eyes. “Sam?”
He sniffs and presses his cheek to the top of your head. “I just… I never thought I would get to have this. You, her. A home, a family. And now she’s here and we weren’t even trying to have her, but she’s perfect.” He squeezes your shoulders, drawing a deep breath. “Everything is perfect.”
You smile, fresh tears dotting your cheeks as you stroke Rose’s fuzzy head and lean into Sam’s embrace. “Yeah. Yeah, it is.”
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