#so sorry if you are reading this chlo
massivedrickhead · 7 months
1. “Baby, please respond.” PLEEEEEEASE 🙏🙏🙏 Love your writing so much x
Thank you for sending this prompt! I'm sorry for the delay and I hope you like it!
1. “Baby, please respond.”
Prompt taken from here.
Read on AO3
8:41 pm. Chloe: Beca, please reply, or answer your phone, or something! You were supposed to be home hours ago, I’m going out of my mind here! 
9:04 pm. Chloe: I am this close to calling the cops. Please just say something, just let me know you’re okay.
9:25 pm. Chloe: Baby, please respond.
Chloe’s phone vibrating in her hand made her jump so much she almost dropped it, and she clicked the green answer button before she’d even registered who it was that was calling.
“No,” came a defeated voice on the other end. “It’s Aubrey.”
Chloe’s heart sank, and she pulled her phone away from her ear to see Aubrey’s name on the screen.
“I take it you still haven’t heard anything?” Aubrey asked when Chloe didn’t respond.
“No,” Chloe said. “I don’t know what to do, I called her office and they said she left work hours ago. Her phone is just going straight to voicemail.”
“I’m gonna come over,” Aubrey said. 
“You don’t have to,” Chloe said.
“Look, please don’t freak out when I tell you this, but I’ve just checked the news, and there’s been an accident.”
Chloe swallowed and it felt like her whole stomach turned to ice.
“What?” Her voice was close to a whisper, and her hands shook as she turned on the TV.
“That’s the road that Beca takes to work, right?” Aubrey asked, the news report from Chloe’s TV travelling through the phone.
Chloe nodded but didn’t speak.
This was serious now.
It was real now.
“Yeah,” Chloe said, her voice thick. “Fuck.”
With every minute that ticked by, it became more and more obvious that Beca wasn’t suddenly going to walk through the front door and apologise for being so late.
Something had happened to stop Beca from coming home to her wife and child, and that could only be something bad.
“Try not to jump to the worst-case scenario,” Aubrey said when she arrived thirty minutes later. 
“How am I supposed to do that?” Chloe snapped, before dissolving into tears. “I’m sorry, ‘Bree.”
Aubrey waved her off, no apologies were necessary. “Call the cops,” Aubrey said. “Tell them what happened, and I’ll start calling the hospitals in the area and-”
The sound of keys in the door cut Aubrey off, and soon it was being pushed open.
“You would not believe the night-”
Chloe didn’t even let Beca finish her sentence before she launched herself at her, throwing her arms around her and breaking down into heavy sobs.
“Uh, Chlo’?”
With wide eyes Beca looked to Aubrey, who was sinking back onto the sofa in relief, her hands coming up to cover her face.
Beca glanced at the TV and saw the very accident that had kept her stuck in traffic for close to four hours.
“My phone died,” Beca said, returning Chloe’s hug now that she realised what it was for. “Baby, I’m so sorry. It was bumper to bumper to traffic, I couldn’t do anything.”
“I thought you died, you jerk,” Chloe sobbed into Beca’s chest. 
“I’m sorry,” Beca said, rubbing a hand up and down her back. “I’m okay. I’m home, I’m right here.”
“Beca I’m thrilled you’re alive, but if you do something like that again, I might kill you,” Aubrey said, standing from the sofa and walking towards the front door, where they were both still standing. “Chlo’ I’m gonna head home.”
Chloe nodded but made no effort to extract herself from Beca’s arms.
“Thank you for being here,” Beca said, sidestepping so Aubrey could open the door. 
“Thank you for not being dead,” Aubrey replied, placing a hand on Beca’s shoulder and squeezing. 
With Chloe still firmly attached to her, Beca managed to manoeuvre them so they were further into the living room. 
“I need to plug my phone in,” Beca said. “And I am desperate to pee.”
Reluctantly, Chloe let Beca go, and she dropped onto the sofa. All the tension and stress left her in a second, and she felt suddenly boneless. 
Beca returned after a few minutes with two glasses of wine.
“Here,” Beca said, handing her a glass. “I think we both need this.”
She sat down next to her and, after downing half of her glass and setting it on the coffee table, Chloe re-attached herself to Beca’s side.
“I had about fifty missed calls from everyone we know,” Beca said, trying to sound playful, even though it felt out of place.
“I had 9-1 typed into my phone when you opened the door,” Chloe said. “One second later there’d have been a country-wide search party for you.”
“I don’t know if they do a country-wide search party when an adult woman has been missing for four hours,” Beca said, chuckling softly.
“They do when that woman is my wife,” Chloe replied. 
Beca laughed again and kissed the top of Chloe’s head.
“If I was in your shoes I’d have done the exact same thing,” Beca said. “I’m so sorry I scared you.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” Chloe said, closing her eyes at the feeling of Beca’s hands running through her hair.
“No,” Beca agreed. “But I’m still sorry. From now on I’ll make sure I have an iPhone cable or something in my car. I won’t put you through that again.”
“I’d appreciate that,” Chloe said.
“Liv didn’t know anything, did she?”
“No,” Chloe said. “She was in bed before I started really panicking. She’s going to be cross with you for not making it home for dinner though.”
“Speaking of dinner,” Beca said, her stomach rumbling in response to the word.
“I kept you a plate,” Chloe said, leaning up to kiss her cheek. 
“You’re the best,” Beca said, lifting her arms to stretch above her head. “I’m gonna inhale that, and then I think we should go to bed.” Chloe sat up so Beca could get up from the sofa.
“What time are you at work tomorrow?”
“I’m taking the day off,” Beca said. “Who knows what the highway will be like. Plus, I think we need a little family time.”
Chloe grinned. “I love you, and I’m so so glad you’re okay.”
“Me too,” Beca said, kissing her before making her way into the kitchen. “Me too.”
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daycourtofficial · 5 months
Fave fan fiction atm? ✍️
This got lost in my drafts sorry babe but I usually reblog fics I like. I haven’t been reading that much lately because I’ve been writing a ton, but here are the fics/users I think about a lot.
@illyrianbitch’s enemies to lovers series An Education in Malice is sooo good (so are her Cassian best friends to lovers fics those are the best Cassian fics on this site tbh they’re sooo good I genuinely want to squeal)
Honestly I’ve been obsessed with @nocasdatsgay ‘s Neapolitan bonds since it dropped and every time she posts another update I grow feral again. Azris is supreme and I find her interpretation to be very interesting (honestly not sure if I’ve ever seen an Azris x reader where Az and Eris are already established)
I’m (im)patiently waiting for @itsswritten ‘s next part to their series about Az/Eris/reader. It’s got such good political set up and plot (and Lucien!). I’m so excited to see where it goes. I also really liked their butterfly kisses fics.
@prythianpages has a great Eris series where each fic can be read as a standalone (and their abba series is soooo good too!!)
Uhhhh I’m kinda blanking but I’ve devoured everything by @serpentandlily and @assassinsblade multiple times. Their series are incredible, they write tension so well.
Genuinely loooove @writingcroissant’s fics - her established relationship fics with Azriel make me feral and I reread them all the time. Peak comfort fics I must say. Her writing is so warm and inviting.
@dawneternal’s Eris x healer OC is really good - love the way they write Lady of Autumn as quite cunning and strategic. So excited to see this fic develop!!
Recently went back and am slowly making my way through @azrielhours masterlist and it’s divine - Captured was especially fantastic, their fics are just so soft!!
Oh and @pellucid-constellations her series If It All Fell and Of Oblivious Minds are soooo good, along with her standalones. If you ever want to read Bucky Barnes fics, read her fics!! Her series Undisclosed is sooo good, as her Bucky fics (and her Steve fics - both Rogers and Harrington!!). Her entire masterlist is phenomenal.
And I have to mention my favorite series of all time on here @writingsbychlo Under the Mistletoe (yes I even hyperlinked it for you bc I love it that much). This series is so fun and so cute and I can’t mention fics on here without mentioning that one (but Chlo’s work in general is fantastic - her fic about Az being touch starved is soooo perfect 🤌🏻)
This is definitely an incomplete list!! A lot of these are current series so they’re on my brain rn.
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theosconfessions · 9 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here:)
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here:)
marlee- jami
jami- im guessing youre here because of chloe? i called you. said she didnt want to go home so im not going to make her
marlee- shes seven. she doesnt get to make those decisions by herself and neither do you
jami- im her dad. i get some say in this. especially becasue shes basically living here,mars. its not good to MAKE her do everything
marlee- i just think its kinda funny that im standing in front of a kline lecturing me about parenting
jami- and i think its kinda funny im standing here listening to you critique my parenting choices you know being that you were married to my dad once. cant deny youre NOT GREAT at parenting choices yourself or you know. just choices.
marlee-i cant believe you just said that to me
jami- i dont mean to be an ass but if youre on my doorstep lecturing me about being a shitty parent i think its fair game
marlee- i wasnt the only one participating jami. obviously
jami- obviously yeah. BUT you low blow me im going to low blow you. we going to talk about chloe or just keep taking shots at eachother
marlee- [sighs] why doesnt she want to be home with me?
jami- i dont know . weve always been tight. im assuming when i moved out and i only seen her on weekends it kinda just..set it off. that or the parade of dudes you keep bringing home to meet them
marlee- thought we said we werent going to low blow eachother. its not a parade of dues. its one dude
jami- right . my bad. and im sorry about what i said earlier i just get.
marlee- assholey . so do i
jami- i guess thats why we stayed together for so long
marlee- guess so. and some other things
jami- innocent ears marls. listen i think the separation has been rough on her. she misses me being around all of the time. the other kids maybe not but it definitely is messing with chlo. the last thing i want is a scarlett situation
marlee- scarlett is different. she left because i was so up your ass and that was..irresponsible of me
jami- well i mean its kind of the same thing. its a small give here ,marls. lets just. see how she does
marlee-i miss her
jami- i know look. just a small give here. see if her attitude improves. her outlook improves. and we go from there
marlee- okay but ..just a trial period. to see if this makes the separation easier
jami- shes gonna be so happy marls! AHHHH
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atotalpitch · 2 months
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Bechloe week 2024 day 2: "you're up early"
read on ao3 here Fandom(s): Pitch Perfect (movies) Relationship(s): implied Beca/Chloe, can be seen as either pre- or during relationship! Word count: 666 Warning(s): none Other tag(s): mild hurt/comfort, fluff Summary: they have a conversation. literally that's it. i'm terrible at summaries. A/N: ooffff this is short, but i'm still happy with it!! my best friend, the only person i run these through, thought it's adorable and i trust her. any criticism or thoughts are always welcome!
--- Beca drops her headphones around her neck as she walks into the kitchen. It’s oddly quiet for the Bellas house, but it is five in the morning. She figures she’s the only one awake at the ass crack of dawn. That is until her heart jumps all the way up to her throat at the sight of a familiar redhead. “Jesus fucking Christ you scared me,” Beca mumbles under her breath, not knowing whether Chloe heard her or not. “Sorry,” Chloe half-whispers with a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. Opening the fridge and picking up a can of redbull, Beca does a mental double take on the time. “You’re up early,” she states matter-of-factly. “I’m always up early. You’re up early,” Chloe shoots back, raising an eyebrow challengingly. “Your first alarm is at 6.15, it’s 5.42,” Beca ignores the accusation and sits down on one of the kitchen aisle stools. She opens the cold can and takes a sip. “Spill. What’s keeping you up?” Chloe sighs. She knows there is no logical way out of this anymore. “I, uh… it’s dumb. My brother’s getting married. I mean, don’t get me wrong I’m happy for him! I love his fiancée too. It just made me think… I’m only a year younger than him and I’m still stuck in college, while he’s out there living his life and experiencing all these things I thought I would by this age,” Chloe looks out the kitchen window, twirling a spoon in her now cold mug of tea. Beca gathers she must’ve been there for quite a while now, because normally Chloe would never let her tea get cold. “Chlo, you are living your life. Just because you aren’t completing the guidebook of a stereotypical straight woman doesn’t mean your life isn’t good,” she manages to make Chloe at least smile with her insight. “I know I… I just thought my life would be different, I guess,” she shrugs, turning her gaze to meet Beca’s. There is an edge of something in her eyes that Beca hasn’t seen before. Sadness doesn’t suit Chloe, and neither does the tornado of emotions currently whirling in her stare, Beca is sure of it. “Are you happy now? With the Bellas, I mean;” what Beca wants to ask is if Chloe’s happy with her, but she decides against going too deep too early. “I am, yeah,” the answer comes out quickly and it seems to click something back to place inside Chloe’s mind. She still seems unsure, though. “Well there’s your answer. Look, dude, I know I’m not the best with all this emotional shit but what matters is that you’re happy and feel content with your own life. You still have life left to live and there’s no rush to get married or whatever it is that you want,” Beca shrugs, taking another long chug of her drink. “Who knew Beca Mitchell could give actually sensible life advice before six in the morning,” Chloe seems to get a part of herself back as she teases. Beca rolls her eyes, finishing the redbull in her hand with one last swig. (The normal cans are small, you can’t blame her.) She drops the can on the aisle and slides off the stool. “Remember to turn off your alarm so you don’t wake the others up,” she says in a form of goodbye. “Wait, can we go back to why you’re up at this time?” Chloe narrows her eyes and Beca can feel the intensity of the stare on her back. She turns her head and flashes a smile oddly similar to a toddler getting caught doing mischief. “Beca! What did I say about staying up the whole night?” the disappointed exclamation goes to deaf ears as Beca is already halfway up the stairs with her headphones firmly back in place. Chloe sighs and shakes her head, but a small smile forms on her lips. She really is in love with an idiot.
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Tony DiNozzo x Teen!reader - unconditionally
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Heya! - I'm sorry for requesting so much I was wondering if you could do a Tony Dinozzo x Teen reader Where Tony is sorta like a parental Figure and Reader is Gay and has a Girlfriend and is Afraid to come out to come out and when she finally does tell him its just very comforting. - @marvelfunkopop101💜
Tony had been your legal guardian for a few years now, and you loved him, he was everything you could ask for in a guardian and more.
He was like the father you never had.
He taught you things you never knew you could do, showed you things you never thought you’d see.
You trusted him with your whole life.
But when your long term girlfriend, Chloe, asked to meet him? That’s when your whole world had come crashing down around you.
You hadn’t told Tony you were a lesbian, you had never brought it up, and he never asked about your love life since that was your business.
You didn’t know how Tony felt about the pride community, was he an ally? Was he going to be supportive?
You had no idea.
“You won’t find out unless you tell him.” Chloe whispered.
She wasn’t going to force you to tell him, but she knew if you didn’t find out this was going to eat you alive, drive you away from him.
And she knew the last thing you wanted was to loose him.
“What if he’s homophobic or something Chlo? I’ll loose everything..”
“Then you come live with me! You know mom loves you, and you’ll know how he truly feels.” She smiled.
You nodded a little, because she had a good point, at least you would know how he felt then, and you’d know the real him.
Looking at Chloe, at her smiling face you felt your tension melt away a little.
“I’ll.. I’ll figure something out..”
She held out her arms and you fell into her making her laugh loudly as she held you tightly.
You spent a week trying to figure out how to break the news to Tony, and you settled for just telling him straight up and inviting Chloe over with his permission.
So here you sat on the couch while Tony brought you a drink from the kitchen and set it down in front of you, taking a seat on the other couch as he frowned slightly.
“What’s wrong?” He asked softly.
“I… I have something to tell you…”
“I hope it’s not you drank my alcohol again, that’s expensive stuff.” He chuckled.
You laughed weakly but your smile quickly faded and Tony leant forward a a little.
He’d never seen you so serious, not when you told him you were failing a bunch of classes, when you told him you had been suspended or broke one of his ornaments by accident.
He’d never seen you so anxious and worried and it scared him a little.
He didn’t know what to say, because he didn’t know why, so all he could do was just sit there.
“I… I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while…”
He slowed nodded his head and offered you a warm smile.
“You can tell me anything sweetheart.”
Looking at his soft gaze and warm smile, you felt yourself tense up a little, memorising the imagine just in case it was going to be the last time you saw it.
“I… I want you to meet my girlfriend!” You blurted.
Tony blinked and leant back.
“One of your friends? Sure, I don’t mind.” He grinned.
“No.. my girlfriend… I’m gay…”
Tony shrugged a little and smiled.
“I know.”
“You know?”
You looked up at him in confusion.
“Sweetheart, I saw your phone by accident months ago. I know someone doesn’t send that many hearts to just a friend, she also came by once.”
Your worry had melted away and now you were just pouting because if Chloe had already met your Tony and spoken to him, why did you have to tell him?
And if he already knew why didn’t he tell you he knew or bring it up?
As if reading your thoughts he replied.
“I didn’t say anything because I wanted you to tell me yourself, and she didn’t know it was me, she thought she had the wrong apartment and left.”
You slowly nodded your head.
“So it’s okay…?”
Getting up, Tony walked over and sat next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“Of course it is, you love whoever you love, that’s up to you okay? As long as you’re happy I’m happy. You could love bright pink aliens and I couldn’t care as long as you were safe and happy (Y/N).”
Tony hugged you a little tighter and leant back.
“If that’s what makes you happy.” He mused.
Slapping him lightly, you laughed and rested your head on his shoulder as you let the stress and fear leave your body.
“Can she come over tomorrow?”
“Why not now? We’ve not had anything to eat, and we can watch some movies.” Tony smiled.
You nodded excitedly and ran to get your phone.
Tony couldn’t wait to meet the girl who had managed to capture your heart
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harmonica-demon · 1 month
Who wanted more of Eddie Munsons little half-sister? Jk, I can’t hear you so I’m going to write them anyways. I’ll take it
Another drabble (ish) work with Chloe and Eddie (This is a standalone thing but can be read with the other ones I’ve written as it takes place in the same au)
Eddie was waiting for Chloe when she got off the bus, as he always was. It was just a new part of his routine, picking her up from the Elementary bus stop closest to the trailer park. Today she hopped off the bus as usual, only a whole lot more sulky when she walked up to him.
“What’s up, Chlo?”
She huffed and didn’t respond, skulking past him like he was any other annoying person on the street.
He followed her, at least she was walking down the path to the trailer and not defiantly going another way, “did something happen?”
No response.
“Okay, yeah, dumb question,” he relented, “something always happens. Was it a fight?”
“Right. Teacher say something?” She turned on her heels, her fists clenched tight at her sides as she glared up at him, “shut up!”
He stopped walking when he turned around, “what the hell, Chloe? I’m just trying to help.”
She made a noise of frustration and started walking again, the opposite way of the trailer this time, great.
He still followed her, he wasn’t going to leave her to get lost and starve to death. “Hey, where are you going, little miss grumpy?”
“I said shut up!” She yelled back at him.
“Sorry, princess grumpy then.” He rolled his eyes, “seriously, what’s up with you?”
Chloe stopped again, turning to him with the same pose, fists held tightly at her side. “I hate you! Go away!”
He crossed his arms, “you can hate me, but I’m not leaving, princess.” “Why not?” She whined, her shoulders slumping, her eyebrows un-scrunching. The whiplash of her emotions still caught him off guard. Screaming at him one moment, being what looked on the verge of tears the next.
Eddie couldn’t be mad at her. His expression softened, “because you’re my sister, you know? We stick together, alright?”
She looked down and kicked at a rock, “just your half-sister,” she mumbled.
“Doesn’t matter, I care about you. That’s what counts.” He paused, when she didn’t say anything, Eddie continued, “you wanna talk about it?”
She shook her head.
“Okay.” He wouldn’t push her, she didn’t need that. Being here was enough, “It’s pretty cold out. You really should start wearing you jacket,” he nodded his head in the direction of the trailer, “better get inside. I’ll make you hot chocolate.”
She glanced up at him, her head still tilted towards the ground, “really?”
“Sure,” he shrugged, sticking his hands in his pocket “I do happen to make the best hot chocolate. Be a shame to waste that talent,” he grinned at her, “what do you say, milady, up for a sugary treat to warm your insides?”
She smiled softly, and it was a start.
It didn’t matter what happened, he figured as they walked back together, as long as she was okay. As long as he could get her to smile at the end of the day, as long as she could be safe and happy somewhere, that’s what mattered.
And he would always make sure she had that.
Other shorts with Chloe and Eddie if you liked this one :] Dead of Night 
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fairycosmos · 1 year
barely surviving saturday chlo😞. i love love LOVE YOUR DRESS. all your outfits radiate fairy energy fr. you are so so pretty <3 also what are some coping mechanisms that help you when youre having a bad day? :{
thank you angel ily always i can always tell who you are even tho ur anonymous by the loveliness coming through my screen <3 im sorry to hear your day has been crappy honestly sometimes some days you just want to explode the whole universe with your mind once and for all. anyway i'm going to link you to my fav coping mechanisms pdf because it's the only thing i rely on when i'm feeling like this and ive already used it today a lot too!! if you don't have time to look at it rn i'll list my fav suggestions from it below for you to consider. they all sound like crap btw and they kind of are but they're Something. ever since i read that post that was like coping mechanisms aren't meant to make you feel great they're just meant to put some space between you and your thoughts/feelings i've been more receptive to them, and i hope at some point you're able to be as well. sending a giant hug x
coping mechanisms i resort to often: guided meditation (there's great 10 min ones on youtube from the channel great meditation), breathwork, laying on the floor with music on and slowly stretching my muscles out from that position, crying, punching pillows or dunking my face in cold water, free writing (opening a google docs page and just writing without judgement or pausing just letting it go), tensing my fists and muscles for 10 seconds then relaxing them and breathing out (repeat 5 times), watching studio ghibli movies, doing duolingo or crossword challenges, downloading a book pdf and reading it, doing this quick easy vagus nerve reset, repeating affirmations that aren't overly positive or empty platitudes but are just neutral e.g "i am not better or worse than anyone else." "i have survived difficult situations before." "i can survive this, i'm doing it right now." "i am grateful to have a body." "i can feel the fear/pain and do it (survive) anyway." "i notice i handle things better when i identify and correct my thought distortions." "just for today i will..." " "doing something is better than doing nothing (e.g if all you manage to do today is brush your teeth then that's truly better than doing nothing at all.)
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iiwaijime · 2 months
HANYA! hi hon!
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i saw this post & just wanted to talk really quick. i’m pretty sure i have a request in your inbox rn(?) so first and foremost!! feel free to put that on the back burner. i totally understand what you mean and i don’t want you feeling pressured to do it!!! seriously don’t worry about it. focus on other things!!
on top of that, i just wanted to say that i totally understand what you’re feeling. it can be difficult to feel like there’s all this pressure on you. just remember you have free will. if you don’t want to write a request, you don’t have to! oftentimes i’ll just say hey sorry i don’t feel comfortable doing this request or i don’t feel knowledgeable enough to do it.
and also! nobody who sends requests knows how many requests are before theirs in the inbox……. so u can hold off as long as u want & write what YOU want.
alsooo my favorite thing to do when i’m struggling w writing other ppls requests is i write whatever the hell i want whenever i feel like it. you made this blog to fill your basket.. not other people’s baskets. remember that!! with most of my works im my own target audience tbh loll
anyways! i hope that helped. dms & asks are always open if you want to talk !!
chlo!!! have i ever told u how much i love u. i love u so much. now i have. anyways um this was really nice to read thank u so much <33 ur so nice im gna start crying🥹🥹 ALSO thank u for the advice and stuff;; i think i really need to be more self indulgent sometimes
IT HELPED A LOT I FEEL SO MUCH HAPPIER AND LIGHTER AND LIKE I COULD FLY even though its 4am and raining outside BUT AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS REALLY MEANS A LOT TO ME!! my dms n asks r also always open to u !! 🫶🫶🫶
ps if i ever decide to actually log in to my sideblog and never log back out i will totally follow u from there🙏
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theforgottenmcrmy · 2 years
Growing Strong: Chapters 8 and 9 Sneak Peek
᯽ the masterlist for this fic can be found HERE ᯽
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Pairing: Ser Harwin Strong x Tyrell! Female Reader
Warnings: GOT typical sexism, canon divergence, suggestive themes, violence
Honor was subjective; it meant different things to different people. That was one of the most difficult concepts you’d ever had to come to terms with, but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t a lesson worth learning.
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Honor, Part 1/2 (coming 10/31/22)
You accused teasingly, “He gets that from his father, you know.”
“Funny,” Harwin exhaled, looking down at you with an amused twinkle in his eyes. “I always thought he got it from his mother.”
A comfortable moment of silence passed between you. Only the sound of the children’s laughter and the crackling of the fireplace was able to be heard.
It was an oddly peaceful moment that made it so very easy to forget that there had been any strain at all between you and Harwin as of late.
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Honor, Part 2/2 (coming 11/03/22)
“Though it is not today, there shall be a time when I will be able to properly compensate you for your unyielding support. Y/N, I swear to you, by the old gods and the new, that when that day comes, I will not hesitate to do so.”
What Princess Rhaenyra would offer you, and Harwin, in exchange for your silence was beyond your wildest imagination. But, as she was still clinging on to your hand so tightly, you decided it was best to simply agree.
You nodded understandingly. “Thank you, Your Grace.”
Harwin had been forced to silently endure years of insults not only to his honor, but to yours, and your family. Not to mention that of Princess Rhaenyra and the Princes. It’d been the only thing he could think of to keep you all safe.
But he’d be damned if he let pretentious scum like Ser Criston Cole get away with his snide little comments any longer.
And so… Breakbones broke.
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A/N: I’m sorry this has taken longer to get out then previous chapters. This part has been kinda difficult to write, and I wanted to make sure I got the tone and general character motivations right.
btw, there’s most definitely not little hidden easter eggs about previous and future parts in the new banner I made for this fic, and you definitely should not try to find them if you feel so inclined
Taglist: @whitetigerlover17 @littlebirdgot @te5s3ract  @nerdboylover @piper570 @ephemeralninon @linkpk88  @kaygilles @hippzella @wicked-hg @thatgaytevinter @nowheredreamer @ateliefloresdaprimavera  @saintspector @thebigbadbatswife @blazinglioness @itevilhag @chlo-feigh @bettybrainrot  @liadamerondjarin @fuckmylifedudee @hippzella @my-dark-prince @sweetestrose569 @kaygilles @lol-im-done @im-married-to-chris-evans @chetpuff @venus2eros @wicked-hg @mamamooqa  @prettymingwoo @bxdbxtxh15 @ateliefloresdaprimavera  brbaabs @novazoldyck @hoyaharper @shanzeyxsyed  @microwaveallthedemons @piper570   @fireghost-x @lakamaa12 @holb32 @thesheelfsworld  @inkareds @fuckoffthanos @mortallyspookyglitter  @akinatrix @bingewatche @guerraandpaes @nonniecannie @mousse-au-citron @autumnleaves1991-reads @thesithdiaries @potatingpotato-reads @perpetual-exhaustion21  @sinful-wxrld @marvelcriminalhoe2 @redpool @blazinglioness @re-enjoy @itevilhag @jfcreading @prettywhencry1234 @dankpunks @justonemore-fic @yonduismarrypoppins @luckyplums1 @logiclies @avoirlu @iunknownveritgo @theflowerpot @anoymousbye @strawbbyjamb @landofdreamsworld @green-beanie @queenofterrasen418 @michovisk @psychwardsiren @green-lxght @smptxx @electric-bloo @acciowolfstar1 @good-night-starlight @never-not-eating @minetticawonderland @idkjj04 @raven-queenworld @marvel-ousnesss @ibong-adarnaaa @answer-the-sirens @harwinstrongwife @writings-i-like @blazinglioness @hallway5 @aprilfooledyou @qhuedie @ryugujii-ken @rebloggalore @rainydaylady420 @crowssixof @moonlight-dragon @severewobblerlightdragon @poohxlove @mrs.tangerinejohnson @jrosefangirl @roguephoenix1 @serenatonin @agentstarkid @lucyysthings @byudssc @nairafeather @thanyatargaryen @mostclevermiss​​ @tearsarcane @andyrazzledazzle​ @whiterosesblackroses​ @rainyasff @her-fandom-sanctum
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writingsbychlo · 1 year
i adore you and your writing so much i'm so annoyed that anon sent that in?? like it really isn't that hard to click away, in fact wouldve taken less time and effort to CLOSE THE TAB of something you dont like rather than writing paragraphs about why you don't like someone's work. if you feel the need to say "idk if i can say this bc of how cruel it is" before your message, maybe dont fucking send it in.
we are so fortunate to get to read chlo's writing, to read any fanfic at all because it's a labour of love; a gift economy -- no one is getting paid from it, no one is profiting. we do this for the love of the characters and the stories and the fandom aspect. readers are in no place to send in criticism for something they get freely, especially when
chlo i'm sorry they said a bunch of bs that made you feel unmotivated :( the way you write them, the plots and concepts, and your characterization is so special to me. for every hater in ur inbox pls remember there are tons of us that love you and the way you write!!!! <3<3
🥹😭 thank you so much you’re so kind. I normally get such lovely anons so this one was such a shock, and I still don’t know what the expected outcome was supposed to be? I don’t know what they wanted me to say to that? it really just seemed like being mean for the sake of it 😫
anyways, hopefully I’ll get a chance to get back to writing SLS soon! I’ve been resting since sunday (my flight got back on sunday afternoon) but I have been itching to write something! hopefully soon 🤍
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massivedrickhead · 10 months
23 please if I’m not too late?
This was the perfect prompt to land in my inbox today. I hope everyone's cool that I wrote something very self-indulgent to try and get all my bad feelings out.
23. “You’re still awake.  Something on your mind?”
Trigger warnings: depression, anxiety
Prompt taken from here
Read on AO3
Chloe had been quiet all night, or at least for as long as Beca had been home from work.
Dinner passed without much conversation, and Chloe had spent the few hours before bed mostly staring at her phone.
It was unusual for Chloe.
Or it used to be unusual for Chloe.
Now it was becoming a little more frequent. Now she seemed to be having more bad days than good ones, and each one caused the knot of worry in Beca’s stomach to tighten. 
That night Beca rolled over in bed, still half asleep, and she reached out for Chloe.
Her hand ended up smacking against Chloe’s phone, almost knocking it out of her hand, and the quiet chuckle caused Beca to open a bleary eye.
“You’re still up?” Beca mumbled, squinting as the light of Chloe’s phone screen punctured the room. “Time is it?”
“Late,” Chloe said. “I must have lost track of time.” She took out her earphones and put her phone down on its charger. She adjusted her pillows and lay down further on the bed, letting Beca drape an arm over her stomach.
She knew the moment Beca dropped back off by the sound of her breathing, and she eased herself out from under Beca’s arm and then out of the bed.
Beca grumbled but didn’t wake up, and Chloe crept out of the bedroom.
She was getting that feeling in her chest again.
That tightness.
Like her body was telling her there was something to be worried about - something to be afraid of - but she couldn’t figure out what. 
She sat at the kitchen table, closed her eyes, and forced herself to take as deep of a breath as she could.
It felt like none of the air reached her lungs, so she did it again, and again.
She knew she was breathing, she knew oxygen was entering her lungs, but it just didn’t feel like she was. The tightness in her chest remained, worsening with every useless breath.
It was the same low-grade panic she’d been carrying around with her for days, and she didn’t know how to fix it.
In the grand scheme of things, she didn’t think she could realistically complain. She wasn’t having full-blown panic attacks. She was able to go out, go to work, and function the same way she always had.
She just had to carry this extra weight on her chest while she did it. She had to do it while feeling like no matter what she tried, she couldn’t get a full breath of air in her lungs.
It made her feel irritable, upset, and tired, but it also stopped her from sleeping. 
She’d spent the last few nights only able to grab a few hours here and there, which had resulted in extra coffee the next morning, which made everything worse. 
She was so lost in her head, that she hadn’t heard the squeak of the stairs, and she didn’t realise Beca was beside her until she felt a hand on her back. She jumped, and the silence of their apartment was disrupted by the scraping of the chair against the floor.
“Sorry,” Beca said, hands held up. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Chloe’s heart was pounding, the fake panic that the anxiety had created was temporarily replaced by actual panic. 
Chloe just shook her head, her hand held against her chest as she waited for her heart rate to settle.
“What’s going on, Chlo’?” Beca’s voice was low and scratchy the way it always was when she was tired. 
“You almost gave me a heart attack,” Chloe replied, forcing herself to take another pointless deep breath.
“There’s nothing going on,” Chloe said. “I just couldn’t sleep. Go back to bed.”
“Is there something on your mind?” Beca said, taking a seat beside her at the table. “Something keeping you up?”
Chloe looked at Beca, and Beca saw hopelessness reflected back at her. It was enough to make her throat feel tight, and she had to clear it before she spoke again.
“Baby, talk to me,” Beca said.
“I… I don’t know how to explain it,” Chloe said.
“Is it back?”
Chloe swallowed and slowly nodded her head. “I think so.”
It’s what Beca had been afraid of. What Chloe had been scared of admitting.
Chloe had struggled with anxiety and depression during their last year of college, and she’d kept it all to herself until she couldn’t. Until she’d confessed it all to Beca one night, who’d held her and promised to help in any way she could.
After a year of therapy, and a lot of working on herself, Chloe came out of the other side of it.
She thought she was doing better.
She thought she’d beaten it.
Beca reached across the table and took Chloe’s hand in hers. “How bad?”
“Manageable,” Chloe said. “But I don’t want it to get worse. I don’t want it to get as bad as it was then.”
“We won’t let it,” Beca said, sounding confident. Sounding so sure of herself that it almost made Chloe believe her. “We can get ahead of this, we know what we’re up against this time.”
Chloe squeezed her hand. “You keep saying ‘we’,” she said.
“Because you aren’t doing this alone,” Beca replied. “Because I’m going to be right there with you, holding your hand the entire time.”
Chloe sniffed and nodded, and Beca pulled her into a hug. She held her so tightly it was almost painful, but it was exactly what Chloe needed.
“What do you need to be able to get some rest tonight? I think I have some of those melatonin gummies still,” Beca said.
Chloe shook her head. “They gave me crazy dreams last time,” she said. “I know it’s late, and you have work tomorrow, but do you think we could go watch some TV on the couch? I get it if you need to go back to bed, I can stay-”
“Whatever you need,” Beca said, cutting her off. “Do you want some tea?”
“Please,” Chloe said, giving Beca a smile that made her heart hurt. “Thank you.”
Beca kissed the side of her head. “Go pick a show, I’ll be right in.”
Beca made them some chamomile tea and brought it through to the living room. She put the mugs on the coffee table, grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch, and used it to cover them up. “What are we watching?” Beca asked.
“Grey’s Anatomy,” Chloe said, cuddling into Beca’s side while she waited for her tea to cool.
“Again?” Beca asked, a hint of amusement in her voice. 
“You love it really.”
“I don’t hate it,” Beca said. “Not really the same thing.”
Chloe hit play on the episode, already feeling the tightness in her chest beginning to ease.
“I love you,” Chloe said, her head resting on Beca’s chest. Beca’s heartbeat was steady, and her breathing was calm, her chest rising and falling like the waves of the sea. 
“I love you too,” Beca replied. “More and more every day.” She kissed the top of Chloe’s head and her hand trailed up and down her arm. “Thank you for telling me,” she added. “Thank you for not trying to push it down and push me away.”
“I wouldn’t be able to get through this without you,” Chloe said, her voice softer, quieter. “And I want to get through it.”
“You will,” Beca said. “I promise.”
They fell back into silence as the show continued to play out in front of them.
“How mad would you be if I fell asleep on the couch?”
“I’d never be mad at you for that,” Beca said. “As long as you’re getting some rest, I don’t mind where it happens.”
“Even though we could both be tucked up in bed right now?” Chloe asked. 
Beca laughed, jostling Chloe’s head. Chloe smiled and the sound and feeling of it. It was her favourite sound in the world.
“Do you want to go get tucked up in bed?”
“Not yet,” Chloe said.
“Then as long as you’re happy, I’m happy. You know me, I can sleep anywhere.”
“Liar,” Chloe said, smiling sleepily as the tightness in her chest was all but gone. She took a deep breath and felt the air finally fill her lungs. 
“Fine,” Beca said. “I can sleep anywhere as long as you’re there, how’s that?”
“A little more truthful at least.”
Chloe took another deep breath which turned into a yawn, and she let her eyes close as Beca pressed another kiss to her head. 
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amewinterswriting · 2 years
Find the Word Tag Game
Tagged by @authoralexharvey
Tagging @red-pen-ally and @btranwrites and a big old open tag for literally everyone who wants to do this! (Even you. Especially you. You reading these words right now.) Your words are: illusion, flower, music and hide.
Response under read more to save everyone's dash:
(From Magic's Servant. Talli - an ordinary welsh teenager - has been tasked by the immortal and intimidating Morgana to investigate strange, potentially magic-induced, events at Llyn Llech Owain. Cerberus - an articulate cat who has been serving Morgana's whims reluctantly for many centuries - is tasked with looking after her and making sure she does the job.)
Despite the overcast sky, the lake looked beautiful, it's water ruffled by the winds, surrounded by paths that led into forests on all sides.
“Great day for it,” Talli remarked, shivering beneath her jacket.
Cerberus shot her the look of pure misery that only a soaked cat can truly produce. Only Owain seemed unaffected by both the cold and the water.
“Nothing looks out of the ordinary,” Cerberus said. “I can't sense any trace of magic, or excess souls…looks like this has been a wasted journey.”
Talli nodded, her teeth chattering despite her clenched mouth. “What do we do now? I can't really see her being happy with saying that there's nothing here.”
“I don't know,” Cerberus said slowly. “We can't turn back yet, but looking aimlessly doesn't help us, either.”
“Have you looked at the water?” Owain muttered.
Talli followed his gaze. The lake did not look unusual, just darkened by the overcast skies and whipped up slightly by the wind. Then she noticed large bubbles of air breaking on the surface. Every second, a slow slurping pop breaking the silence.
“The bubbles?”
A frown creased Owain’s brow. The deep lines made him look suddenly far more weary, and Talli increased her estimate of his age by another century or so. He certainly seemed ancient by her estimation.
“It indicates that there is something very big breathing down there.”
“So the lake has some big fish in it, so what?”
“Not some. One.”
(I have nothing for spout. But I do know that the spout of a teapot is integral to creating the perfect pour on a cup of tea, and no one likes a drippy spout.)
(A sidestory to Magic's Servant. Chloe - a Venetian cafe owner - has a couple of unusual customers one day - Amato and Desidero. Desidero claims to remember her from school and invites her to their bar - the Bella Muerte - for a catch up. But something doesn't seem quite right...)
It was only when she got home that she thought to look up a bit more information about the Bella Muerte. All the Internet could tell her that it was a ‘energetic, sensual experience, seamlessly mixing 1600s Venetian architecture with the sleek modern world’ and that the building was built in 1563.
Chloe decided to phone Anna. While they were not as close as they used to be, especially since Anna’s move down to southern Italy, they were still friends, and right now, Chloe needed a familiar voice.
“Hi, it’s Chloe.”
“Chlo! How are you doing?”
“I’m fine. Yeah, I ran into someone from school today. You remember Desidero, right?”
“Uh…no, not really. Not at all, actually…”
“You sure? He was quiet. Always reading something or other. Didn’t really get along with us.”
“Chlo? There was no one called Desidero in our class. I knew everyone – well, it was such a small class, you remember… Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, I must have been thinking about university.”
A nice reassuring lie for Anna. But Chloe knew it had to have been from school. Desidero had said he remembered Anna.
“Hey, no problem. Sometimes the time just blurs together! Anyway, I’ve got to go – I’m in the middle of some family stuff. But it was great to hear from you again! We should meet up sometime!”
“Yeah, we should,” Chloe lied, knowing that she would be too busy with the café to visit Anna, and Anna would be too busy with her family and work to come up to Venice.
Chloe said farewell and hung up, staring listlessly out the darkened window. Something was not right. As she grabbed her coat and keys, Chloe decided she was going to find out what.
(Same side story of Magic's Servant, some time later...)
Amato watched quietly from the shade of a tree, as a crow flew into the little sun drenched courtyard and deposited a few glass beads on a length of string in front of a young girl. The child could not have been older than six, though she seemed well behaved for her age, quietly waiting for her parents to finish whatever boring adult conversation they had struck up a few yards away.
"Thank you, crow-friend!"
The child moved carefully, as not to startle the wild creature. With slow and gentle patience, she extended her hand, eventually reaching the sleek black feathers with a soft stroke.
The crow accepted this attention patiently, then flew off as the parents of the girl came over to admonish the girl for playing with wild animals.
The girl did not protest, but quietly pocketed the beads while her parents were distracted.
Amato raised an eyebrow at the crow landing in the tree, just above him. While he was very aware of how smart corvids could be, he suspected this particular one was acting with a more human intelligence than most.
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punkscowardschampions · 9 months
Java Pt.1
Ava: Teddy has your journal
Ava: I don’t know how but he sent a page to me, in case I could decode it, I didn’t, of course
Ava: She knows, except neither of them knows what any of it means, that’s something…
Ava: I’m so sorry, James, tell me you’re okay when you can, please?
James: [Obviously not replying until after this screaming match has occurred and Chlo has to take herself off to bed like an invalid, god knows how long said public argument went on for]
James: I’m sorry, that must have been an alarming message to receive 
Ava: I thought he had worked it out, my name, or something
Ava: I’m almost entirely certain he hasn’t, he wouldn’t be able to bluff that convincingly
Ava: How are you, as ridiculous as it feels to ask
James: Yes, I would’ve liked to warn you, but I was rather tied up and opportunely his inability to comprehend any of what he read quickly became apparent
Ava: What’s going to happen now?
James: In the immediate aftermath of our drawn out confrontation, she has gone to bed exhausted, a response I can’t fault, feeling similar myself
Ava: That doesn’t seem like the worst idea
James: Tomorrow, I don’t know
Ava: You can’t possibly know, predict any of this
Ava: Is Jay okay?
James: She’s picked up on the lingering tension, unavoidably, but she didn’t witness anything, as opposed to everyone else here
Ava: I’m glad that she didn’t, it is bad enough that you had to be part of the spectacle 
Ava: Do you want me to go away, or is there anything else I can do for you?
James: Please don’t, my family are predictably inebriated and the conversation I attempted with my marginally more sensible sister didn’t exactly leave me with the ally I hoped for
Ava: She can’t be on your wife’s side though, surely?
James: No, but she is my father’s, and they are inclined to hold fast to the, admittedly not untrue, belief that it’s my mess and sympathy is therefore limited
Ava: The mess, like the marriage, takes two
James: Yes, but their willingness to vilify her for her part in things doesn’t help me rectify them, I’ve been trying to make her understand that our separation doesn’t mean I’ll abandon her entirely and a witch hunt led by my relatives somewhat contradicts that
Ava: I see your dilemma
James: Perhaps I’m wasting my breath, having given her an ultimatum when she was issuing her threats which hardly lends credibility to those attempts to keep the situation civil
Ava: Or perhaps you can apologise, and undoubtedly she said things she could also apologise for
Ava: I think you should leave, you and her, as you can’t really make everyone else leave you without people having opinions on the politeness of that
Ava: Show you intend to work it out between you and not an entire jury panel
James: She refuses, nonetheless, you’re right, if I grovel suitably there’s the smallest chance she may reconsider
Ava: She’s going to sleep on it, the reaction has to be less explosive by default in the morning
James: All I can do is continue to try
Ava: Precisely, and I think removing the family element will make her feel protected, prioritised…
Ava: and I think I should actually let you do that, without any interference 
James: I can’t insist you go against what your instincts and good judgment are telling you to do when I scarcely trust my own in either case
Ava: I can’t make this any harder for you, however painful it is for me, it could be so much worse for you
James: You’re the lone person making it any easier, but I’m aware, too, I shouldn’t be saying so
Ava: I don’t want to do this
Ava: but I want your separation to work, for it to be as good as it can be, for you all
Ava: Me being in the picture jeopardises that chance for you 
James: It isn’t your fault, we’re sabotaged by my wife’s fixation upon how the situation may look in place of how she or I feel
Ava: I wouldn’t expect anything less than loathing of me from her
James: An amicable split was always a reach, but I foolishly endeavoured to suggest the possibility, because of my desperation to escape the alternative, the blame lands squarely at my feet, not yours
Ava: Maybe not, not if you stay for now, until she feels it’s her decision, or, mostly hers but still enough to do it
James: I already promised to, whilst I was still capable of conducting myself relatively calmly, allowing her time to decide the story she wishes to concoct, as that’s all she cares about, coming out of this whole sorry saga well, or as well as can be expected
Ava: Well, stories are your forte
Ava: Can you help her?
James: I don’t know
Ava: There’s no rush, you’ve told the truth
James: I haven’t, not about you
Ava: You’ve done it before, it doesn’t matter who I am
James: It does to me
Ava: James
James: I didn’t mean to betray you, for today to proceed as it has, I wouldn’t have forced the conversation, allowed it occur in this moment or location, if my hand hadn’t been by Teddy’s antics
Ava: You didn’t betray me, it was him, and I couldn’t say anything, not enough
James: I should’ve acted otherwise, as usual
James: Gia isn’t wrong, my entire life is comprised of a litany of mistakes
Ava: You couldn’t have done anything else, nor more, not in this situation
James: Am I making another by demanding that you stay?
Ava: I don’t know how to answer that
James: The answer I have is that I’d beg, go against your valid points, against all reason, in fact, without hesitation
James: because you do matter to me, I told her the first time my brother stirred the pot after your birthday party, I don’t have a guilty conscience, and I truly do not
Ava: I don’t think I can untangle myself from this now either, from you
Ava: That might sound ridiculous, in comparison to your real potential separation but I truly mean it, the dread I feel at having to begin is unbearably real
James: It sounds like an echo of how I feel
James: I’d repeat these actions, ours, tenfold
James: more than that, I’d begin us over and over again
Ava: I won’t go, I can’t
Ava: I’ll do everything else I can not to complicate things but I have to stay
James: It’s me putting you in unthinkable positions and I hate myself for that, acutely
Ava: Please don’t, I wanted this as much as you, I still do
James: It clearly isn’t wise for your association with Teddy to carry on, which is yet another thing I feel awful for having to bluntly state
Ava: No, you’re right
Ava: He hasn’t intentionally done this to me but he has to you, and I don’t believe he wouldn’t continue so
Ava: He isn’t all that interested in being my friend, it shouldn’t be that hard
James: I’m upset not to have the slightest indication of when and how he became this callous
Ava: I won’t attempt any excuses or reasoning on his behalf
Ava: Sometimes I don’t think he sees the seriousness, other times, I’m not so sure
James: Granted, my sister’s often cold indifference should have prepared me, but it’s different with him, his active delight at participating in the torment of people close to him, there isn’t an adjustment I know how to, or was ready to make in order to accommodate such a nature
Ava: I know what you mean, I have witnessed it too, on a lesser scale perhaps but still, it does ring true
Ava: If he was always like it, it would be easier for you to write him off
James: He’s too young to be written off, as I was
James: but to feel so unsupported has been challenging, the day has been a bleak one, and I supposed, absurdly in hindsight, as we got older we’d provide a measure of it where our parents seemingly won’t
Ava: I don’t think that’s an unreasonable thing to imagine, definitely not to want
Ava: I’m sorry, that it didn’t work out that way, that you’ve felt so alone with it all
James: I know better, still I also want better, for all of us, nevertheless
Ava: If there’s nothing else to do, all that’s left is hope, right
Ava: The disappointment can’t be as bad as giving up feels
James: Agreed, giving up is inconceivable and would be unforgivable
Ava: but I do know, how tempting it can be, I have my own sibling issues that are, somehow, not all too dissimilar to the ones you’re describing so
James: I can’t help yearning for a rewrite in which I exited the car with you and holed up, or we fled in search of a wanted holiday, the three of us, however temporary the fix and unproductive the solution
Ava: It feels so much worse now, you being there, that there’s no quick way to you when you need me
James: I’m most afraid I’ll drink once she and I commit to remaining here alone, she goads me to, prefers the person I am when I indulge and the life we shared before which I barely recall
James: I thought I could explain to Gia and she simply reminded me of the expense as a deterrent
Ava: If you gave her everything she wanted, then this wouldn’t be a separation, things have to change, you have your principles and things you aren’t willing to compromise on
Ava: I know you can do this
James: Everything is tenuous and then there’s you
James: I couldn’t do this if you weren’t with me, Ava
Ava: It doesn’t scare me, for you to ask me to stay
James: I need you, as you said
Ava: I want to be a constant, for you
James: I’m sorry I’m in the state that I am
Ava: I’m sorry for what today became for you
Ava: Do you think you’ll be able to sleep, you said you were exhausted
James: No, if Jay had her own room I’d sleep there but she’s with her grandparents
Ava: Let’s think then
Ava: Is there some kind of indoor pool, you could snooze on a sun lounger
James: I’ll pretend I’m [a character in a book, idk, I’m sure it or something similar has happened]
Ava: Were you swimming when he got the book?
Ava: That was the only scenario I could imagine when I was going over and over it
James: Yes, in light of what happened as a result I may never venture into a pool again though
Ava: It’s such a violation, those are your private thoughts, I’m so angry
James: At least they have been kept private
Ava: Only by your incredible foresight 
James: It throws a devious light upon my habits, but I promise I haven’t written novels about each affair
Ava: It’s okay if you have
James: Be that as it may, it’s a new creative pursuit
James: rediscovered from when I was a small child, one could argue, but I certainly didn’t write romance stories at that age
Ava: You have to tell me what you did write about, it’s too adorable
James: I had a pet hamster for a time, he featured heavily
James: rugby, of course, when I wanted to be a star player as previously mentioned
Ava: Did the two ever crossover, hamster rugby could be a whole thing 
Ava: that is rugby for and played by hamsters, I’m not a sadist
James: They did, I’ll have to scour my parents’ attic as additional bedtime reading for you
Ava: I don’t know if I’ll survive 
James: Please find a way to, you’re extremely important, and not just for further plot of my current book
Ava: I’ll try my best but you are very, very sweet
James: Talk to me about your [the bookshop] adventure, there’s a reason to live
Ava: Yes, luckily I did complete that mission before the world was momentarily turned upside down or I would have horrified even the people on the tube, I think
Ava: [tell him all about it, nerd out]
James: [be a nerd back because you both need this reprieve from the drama]
Ava: Oh I miss you
Ava: I bet it’s nice and warm in there though, like sleeping in a greenhouse
James: Your balcony is my nearest approximate exposure to how I imagine stepping into a greenhouse would be
Ava: When it’s warm here, we can sleep out there, we’ll not need a blanket
James: Summer will arrive soon
James: Would you be warm enough with a blanket, sleeping out now?
Ava: Yes
Ava: and Frank is like a hot water bottle
James: How is he?
James: I fear I may be forced to relent on my daughter having a puppy after all
Ava: I’ve given him so many treats whilst you’ve been away, he is benefitting from my love having no other outlet
James: Oh, I’m happy to hear someone is
Ava: But I think he misses you too, though he’s sworn to secrecy
James: I’ll have to bring him a thank you gift, for looking after you as devotedly as he has
Ava: If you wanted, you and Jay could take him for walks, to let her get an understanding of having a puppy before you commit 
James: You’re incredibly thoughtful
Ava: It sounded a bit like I already can’t be bothered to walk him myself
Ava: but I assure you, my own dedication hasn’t waned
James: I would never doubt you, my darling
Ava: [send him a selfie from your balcony ft the blanket and this pup]
James: [send her one back of this toll boy on his sun lounger]
Ava: It’s so comforting to see your face
James: [send her a voice note, which is just you being a nerd and saying hello to her and Frank basically so she can hear your voice too because we all know them falling asleep on the phone together the way they used to OG is coming, but for now]
Ava: [send him a video back of this pup listening and doing the head tilt thing when they’re like HEWWO because adorable and isn’t just you screaming ILY so we gotta]
James: She’ll be too excited to walk, I’m under no illusion, I’ll end up carrying them both
Ava: I might have to come and give you a hand then
James: You’re always welcome
Ava: I didn’t know, if that would be okay
James: To quote you, as I am want to do when you’re being brilliant, things have to change
Ava: You flatter me, I don’t deserve it 
James: You deserve more compliments than I have the time or energy to pen
Ava: You certainly looked quite cosy
Ava: I should be telling you a story tonight, I think
James: As did you, I’m pleased he has a good listening face for the barrage of questions he’ll be asked during his first walk
James: Oh, will we fight for the honour of storytelling?
Ava: He’s nothing if not a fabulous listener, I didn’t intend for him to be my captive audience but I fear he may be
Ava: We could but fighting with you is just the last thing I ever want to do 
James: Naturally he’s a good boy, you’re his owner
James: Do you really want to read to me or be read to? I haven’t forgotten I owe you tonight’s chapter of [what they are reading] but I’m unopposed to you taking a turn if it’ll make you happy
Ava: I only want to make you happy, you do so much for me, I feel so spoiled
James: What you’ve done and how you make me feel is impossible to put into words, it’s going to forever elude me, I know it
Ava: I feel kinda tongue-tied now too 
James: It’s okay, we can both read, I’ll go first
Ava: I do prefer it when you take the lead
James: [write her a little dancing scene because you can hear music coming from somewhere and you’re in love rn so gotta bring the peak romance with a what if]
Ava: [read this back to him, even though he said he’d go first, you simply gotta because it killed you and you need to be like LOOK WHAT YOU DID]
James: I’m sorry, I can’t go to sleep yet
Ava: I’m not going without you
James: Just to [another bookshop like he’s giving her a clue for this book hunt] and back
Ava: One step closer
James: Another day endured
Ava: But what a day
Ava: how you’ve not passed out is beyond me
James: I had to spend time with you
Ava: I am beyond grateful, I thought you might stop talking to me, fairly so
James: No, you’re mine and these moments are ours, albeit snatched and hurried too frequently
Ava: I was just scared, that you may need to
Ava: but you’re here and I’m here
James: I’m deeply sorry Teddy frightened you with his theft and the subsequent events stopped me from quieting said anxiety as fast as would have chosen to, had I been offered a choice
Ava: You’re a good person, do you know that
James: My heart breaks at the idea of you upset, that’s all
Ava: I promise I can handle it
James: You’re a brave and resilient person
Ava: You might just be my favourite person
James: May I? If you’d allow me to be, I think I’d be content with that
Ava: There aren’t any other contenders but I only want it to be you, no matter what
James: Thank you for bestowing upon me a future I sincerely look forward to experiencing
Ava: Do you believe that things can change, that it will work?
James: I have no faith in her, but I do in us
Ava: That’s enough
Ava: I won’t let you live life only in stolen moments, it isn’t good enough for you
James: It won’t be like this indefinitely, which is so much more than I once dared to consider possible
Ava: [write him a lil what if that is basically how you imagine his life and is him getting to do all the things he wants and actually being happy]
James: Ava
Ava: I can picture it so easily
James: You’re ever that vivid, I understand
Ava: I can feel your arms around me now, if I concentrate
James: And my watch proves any moment is capable of lasting beyond itself, to linger until we’re reunited
Ava: Exactly
Ava: alone feels less lonely, you exist in so many places my senses can comfort themselves, you are my constant too now
James: [tell her about how whatever trinket she gave you from her bedroom has moved from where you were keeping it on your desk at work while you were there hating it to being with you on this holiday, in a more poetic and extra manner but that’s the gist]
Ava: Oh
Ava: a piece of me being there brings me such an intense feeling of comfort, my head is reeling
James: It feels reckless with the fate of my notebook what it was, but I made the decision prior, and I’m not sorry I did
Ava: It could be worse, I had intended to gift you my underwear but that didn’t feel appropriate as work colleagues 
James: [ofc writing a what if for if she could have though, because we all know how feral he’d be being with them rn if she had, much like when he took that pair to work that time to get through it, but even more so because the feels are even higher and he is essentially alone on this sun lounger at this o clock clearly with less chill needed than at his office]
Ava: Around the time you had fucked my ankles behind my head was when I realised my error in logic, definitely
Ava: now the only reason to wear any is to have something to present to you
James: My impatiently awaited homecoming will be faultless, yes
James: you and I have both fervently learned lessons
Ava: You won’t ever want to leave me behind again
Ava: Deciding whether to drop my pants or to my knees first is going to be a tough decision
James: Let me help you
James: [write both of these scenarios for her, as if that won’t just make it harder to decide lol]
Ava: James
James: You have my permission for either, for anything
Ava: I’m thinking about the positions a sun lounger affords us, that’s what I’m picturing now
James: [again write about it, this boy is on a roll, and we’re all buzzing Teddy can’t read this the sneaky rat]
Ava: It can be just like in the car
Ava: but you’re coming back to me
James: Yes
Ava: I want you home
James: A home with you is all I want
Ava: Do you mean that
James: Completely
Ava: Being a recluse has never sounded more heavenly, wow
James: I swear I’ll free you on occasion
Ava: Just take me those unavoidable places you have to go that aren’t our home
James: The absolutely perfect office paperweight, your body on my desk
Ava: Yours, to admire or play with until it’s a quivering mess that begs for you
James: An ideal stress ball too
Ava: I want to feel it, to take on the pressure and absorb it, be so used and useful for you
James: Can you take all of it?
Ava: You know I can, you taught me 
James: You’re a pleasure to teach
Ava: You’re a very good teacher
James: [asking her a revision question, how they do]?
Ava: That’s not fair, sir
James: Have you been neglecting your revision?
Ava: It’s just been hard to concentrate
James: Perhaps, but there are people you’d like to make proud, aren’t there?
Ava: Yes, very much
Ava: I’ll try harder, I promise
James: [asking her the question again like okay go on]?
Ava: [give your best answer after having clearly thought about it and truly done your best here and now]
James: I knew you could do it
Ava: Are you proud of me, sir?
James: You’re top of my class
Ava: then I’m proud of myself
James: As you should be, you’re going to have a bright future and achieve a lot of great things
Ava: I couldn’t do it without you, you push me to be better
James: You could but you never need to
Ava: I need your encouragement
James: You earn it
Ava: I can do anything if it means I earn your approval
James: You’re capable of an extraordinary amount
Ava: You can’t believe it either, how I’ve blossomed under your tutelage 
James: I recognised your potential immediately, from the moment I first saw you, remember?
Ava: I’ll never forget
Ava: I wanted you to take me, uncover every hidden depth, mould me into the woman I want to be, the one you need
James: You have the most unmarred beauty, irrespective of how deep I go
Ava: Nothing is out of bounds for you, you know I want more, I want you to see everything
James: You’ve claimed that word, I don’t hear it in any voice but yours
Ava: I can’t pretend I’m sorry about that
James: No apologies
Ava: I don’t think I’ll be satisfied until you’ve claimed and charted every inch of me, even then
James: Every inch of you is mine already and you definitely aren’t
Ava: No apologies?
James: None
Ava: You can ask me another, I’m ready this time
James: [do, clearly a harder question]?
Ava: [we still gotta slay, I’m afraid, we have been revising, until this latest drama, unlike some people]
James: Good girl, it’s apparent you’ve worked diligently and will reap every reward
Ava: Yours, always
Ava: You know how devoted I am, don’t you?
James: I’d struggle to question your passion even as a shameless ruse to praise you anew
Ava: I’ve never met anyone as encouraging as you, it makes me feel lucky to have you in my life 
James: I’m the lucky one, my life has changed drastically thanks to you
Ava: You’re the one making the changes, and you deserve me, entirely
James: Your strong will inspires me
Ava: You make stubborn sound much sweeter
James: You’ve turned it into a positive trait
Ava: Do I even need to say how worth it I think this all is, if something seems worth pursuing, I just can’t not
James: I’d encourage you to say whatever you desire, especially out loud
Ava: It does feel as if I could speak it to the sky and those thoughts could get to you, undisturbed and unobserved by anyone else
James: And selfishly, I miss hearing your voice
Ava: [send a voice note of you doing that, with the ambience of being outside on a summer’s night and all the extra shit you just have to say]
James: I appreciate not being on the tube considering my reaction
Ava: I’m glad you’re alone too
Ava: I have to admit how thoroughly I enjoy monopolising your attention
James: You did with my drunk brother on my arm and a waiting car in our peripheral vision, my attention hasn’t shifted since
Ava: I’m still not sorry
Ava: I wasn’t then, only in my moments of fear and doubt have I questioned any of this
James: I’ll keep you safer, I promise
Ava: Do you want to?
James: Of course
Ava: I’m not hard work, am I?
James: You aren’t work at all
Ava: Good
Ava: because I want that
James: Then I’ll better protect you
Ava: You do it amazingly
Ava: you think about me more than anyone else, just knowing and believing that makes me feel so cared for
James: No, I let you down earlier
Ava: You didn’t
James: From now on, I refuse to
Ava: [send him a blushy selfie because he’s being so daddy and you can’t cope]
James: [drop a peak romance poetic af line about it which could be a quote but isn’t]
Ava: I feel like I’m getting better at spotting your work, as I should as your biggest fan
James: [see if you can guess what page she’s on because you left her the fancy notebook aka the whole story so far, just dropping a page number without any context like ? because you know she’ll know what you’re asking]
Ava: So close
Ava: [going to say you have read slightly more because keen ofc]
James: Are you going to read the other [however many pages she has left, because he’s so nervous and nearly didn’t pack that lol]?
Ava: Of course I am, I should have lingered and really savoured every word but I can read it at least another few times before you’re back
James: I’ll rewrite it as many times as you think fitting
Ava: But I like it how it is
Ava: I know that rewriting and multiple drafts are key to being a serious author but it’s exactly how it felt, how it happened
Ava: I wouldn’t want that lost on the cutting room floor
James: [tell her how many drafts you’ve done pre-fancy notebook because likewise keen obvs, tis all he do atm haha, like maybe it’s okay to not again and I can still be a serious author]
Ava: The words I can come up with now off the top of my head aren’t sufficient enough to tell you how good it is
Ava: my extraordinary bias taken into account beforehand too
James: The number of pages you’ve read through is a fair indicator, it must be passable
Ava: Absolutely
Ava: I’ve noted my favourite parts but I want to give it back to you so you can read along with my notes
James: Or your bias is substantial enough to overcome my lacklustre efforts
James: but, your notes will reveal more on that
Ava: Do you know any of the English faculty at King’s?
Ava: I bet you could charm one of them for a more expert and unbiased opinion, if you wanted
James: Yours is the only opinion which matters, will ever have any real significance to me
Ava: Okay, then you’ll have to believe me, I love it
James: I adore you
Ava: I adore you too
James: I’m risking getting you into trouble if the bear’s eyes aren’t covered, my apologies
Ava: [do cover them with his paws and send a pic like lol]
James: Crisis narrowly averted, well done, darling
Ava: I’m sure I could talk him ‘round if necessary, after all, he’s got to spend all this time with me and not you
James: True, you are the sweetest talker and it’s I who should be envious of his privileged position
Ava: I may have to find him a new position, pride of place, when you come home
Ava: we won’t all fit
James: And perhaps momentarily, as he is my temporary stand in
Ava: Oh
Ava: that is an idea
James: [obviously wax lyrical about the position this bear should be aka you wanna be in sir, in explicit detail, which at this precise moment of time is head between her legs doing the absolute most]
Ava: Fuck, James
James: That’s my aim, yes
Ava: I’m truly sorry for what I’m about to do to this bear’s face, Jesus
James: He isn’t because I’m not
Ava: You’re still proud of me
James: Didn’t I tell you that you deserve every reward?
Ava: I feel like I’m behaving very badly now though
James: You’re acting on my instructions
Ava: True
Ava: my favourite way to behave
James: So be a good girl
Ava: Yes
Ava: I’m doing it just like you showed me
James: As promised, I’ll look after you
Ava: You can look, hear, whatever you ask of me
Ava: though my blushes may reach catastrophic levels if you listen to the things I didn’t even know I wanted to say to you
James: I’m afraid to ask everything of you, it would form an instant habit
Ava: But that does seem right, as you never leave my mind, nor does the effect you have on my body, so I think you have a right to know at any given moment
James: It would feel right
Ava: [send him video of your unhinged behaviour because literally cannot stop yourself grinding against this bear, nor can you stop the 🥺 noises or the way you are unable to not call him daddy in this moment]
James: Oh fuck
Ava: Is that okay, I’ve felt this way for so long but I don’t have to tell you
James: You can tell me anything, you should
Ava: You’re just so protective and capable and supportive and everything I already have told you, it’s fitting
James: It’s okay, more than
Ava: That’s how I feel too
James: I don’t know how to verbalise what it means that you construct for me an identity I didn’t have, always
Ava: It’s just how you are, to me, what I see
James: Ava
Ava: What are you doing right now, I want to know I’m not alone with how much I’m doing in almost public
James: [send her a video of your own unhinged behaviour, soz to this sun lounger getting abused in this manner but he doesn’t have a bear to]
Ava: I can feel that, the hold you have over my imagination is like nothing I’ve ever known before
Ava: I’ve missed you
James: I love your imagination, I don’t intend to ever leave
Ava: Stay, stay, stay
Ava: Please
James: It’s a home away from home, I won’t
Ava: I’d offer you the key but you have it already, clearly
James: You can have a key when I move
Ava: I can?
Ava: That means so much
James: Yes, I want you to stay as well
Ava: It would be really strange if I started crying now, all things considered
Ava: just know how touched I am
James: You’d have to move the bear to let him hold you as I would
Ava: and I don’t think I can
James: Not yet
Ava: You tell me when
James: When I’m back, a moment prior would be too soon
Ava: The practicalities of this intrigue me and make for a maybe hilarious maybe as tantalising mental image
James: You’ll need to remain where you are
Ava: I would love that, missing you is easier when not surrounded by other people
James: [do a countdown as if she’s really gonna not move]
Ava: [make it a reminder on your phone calendar, again, like you won’t move a muscle]
James: [not this boy writing it on his hand like you do with casual reminders but not at all casually and exactly like when she wrote his name on her thigh, we all remember]
Ava: Being right where you left me feels like where I should be
James: Can you put my watch on without getting up or going inside?
Ava: Without going inside, yes, hold on
Ava: [I imagine you have everything he gave you in the bag out here with you so get to that without moving from this bear and send him the proof]
James: I stand corrected, it’s yours
Ava: I couldn’t possibly keep it but I like wearing it, and the time is memorised and imprinted on my brain
James: Please
Ava: Won’t you miss it?
James: Should I we’ll stop another
Ava: An excellent plan
Ava: I fear nothing we do is replicable but we can try our hardest
James: As long as you’re sure that what you’re doing is something I can, and am going to
James: [write about it again in detail because you are extra and you’ve seen her doing it now so you fully can]
Ava: Obviously it’ll be unbearably better when it’s you
Ava: even the best replacement is only that
James: He has an advantage over me in that he doesn’t require pauses for breath, but I’d gladly sacrifice taking any
Ava: You know you’ll kill me before you run out of breath
James: The only way I’ll permit you to die for me
James: [a countdown for this like die rn immediately because I say so please and thank you]
Ava: Shit
James: [write all the praise and encouragement in all the ways like you did until the moment she was standing in front of you IRL]
Ava: [taking what would feel like ages, for the constant back and forth you have been having, to reply because that killed you, even if it’s just a minute]
Ava: I
James: You can tell me, it’s okay
Ava: I’m still searching for the words to
James: There’s time, you and I have plenty
Ava: So much more to come
James: Absolutely
Ava: You seem confident, in a way you didn’t before
James: I am
Ava: I love it
James: The prospect of you nobly walking away reiterated to me I’m totally unprepared for our separation 
Ava: I am only hypothetically interested in how I intended to pull it off myself, I can’t bear to think about it any other way
James: I crave you, this life
Ava: We’ll find a way to make it happen, we need to, this is so right that any other life is rendered irrelevant 
James: I’m hostile to the mere possibility and exclusively open to actions which help me to hold onto you
Ava: I’m not going anywhere, I want this to be long-term
James: I could die happy if I got to see you every day, to publicly be with you on any number of those days
Ava: The idea that, one day, that can be more than fantasy in my head is wild
James: I had hope before, but I recently have resolve too
Ava: No secrets, no lies, it’s liberating
James: A new leaf
Ava: I don’t know where you’re going to find the time to write about us when we never have to be apart
James: I’ll insist you sleep for the recommended hours
Ava: Hey, what about your recommended hours
James: I’ve been deprived for the last four years, I’ll be fine
Ava: No
Ava: I admit that storytime had the opposite effect tonight but I will work out how to get you to sleep
James: [shade authors how you two like to do being like you could read them to me lol without actually saying that, and then pick some journalists because she is gonna be one who won’t suck, casual list of boring bastards]
Ava: I don’t want to bore you to death, darling
James: I could listen to you recite [something really REALLY boring, like the phonebook but they don’t exist, you know what I mean, maybe he’s sassing school/the revision she hates most, just for fun], and indeed will
Ava: You’ll love running lines with me just as much as I will then
James: I’m really looking forward to it
Ava: There’s a lot I’m looking forward to
James: Me too
Ava: I know this part is going to be really hard for you
Ava: but I’ll be here for you
James: Thank you
Ava: Of course, you shouldn’t be on your own through this
James: Shy of imposing, which I baulk at, I’ll try to embrace your full support
Ava: That’s what friends are for
James: Rarely has anything of the sort been my experience
Ava: No
Ava: A good friend, then, a rarity, not to toot my own horn but I shall try to be one
James: You’re a wonderful companion, along with esteemed faux work colleague, lest we forget
Ava: How could we?
Ava: Our lunch dates are the highlight of every working day
James: They are
Ava: I hope we can keep it up
James: Retirement is far off
Ava: So is Uni for me, I think we can manage
James: A little less so, but yes
Ava: Two whole years before we need to think about that
James: Shh, [a teacher he had that she therefore still has who is that bitch] would despair to hear that you aren’t
Ava: They have bigger fish to fry right now, maybe [this teacher] can beg your brother and the other culprits to do some revision before final exam…
James: It is a tactic he’d be inclined to respond to, unlike [another teacher who we are shading because they either do nothing or they are shouty and go too hard, whichever]
Ava: Mm, more carrot less stick
Ava: He is like Frank in that way
James: Most are partial to honey rather than vinegar
Ava: [this aggy teacher] will have to get some treats in
James: A student council worthy recommendation
Ava: I can assume you had different priorities than my brother and were not on the prefect team in sixth form, right?
Ava: Competition for head boy had to have been thin on the ground 
James: I wasn’t many years into secondary in advance of being deemed an academic lost cause, [the head teacher] would have been taken ill, I fear, dare I utter the words head boy
Ava: I don’t know if I can call that a shame in good conscience, even only as a hypothetical 
James: I’m intrigued what you would call it
Ava: Don’t get me wrong, I’m not wishing death on [the head] and the rest of the faculty 
Ava: I just think [their school] is as questionable an institution as any other people buy their way into
James: You’ll hear no counter arguments from me on the subject
Ava: Even though I apparently give off prefect energy, I doubt I’ll bother with it
James: Undercover journalism is bound to be time consuming, I can’t in good conscience champion the assignment
Ava: Exactly
Ava: My friend Raz will have to report back to me when she invariably decides she must be head girl
James: You’ll have your own hands full with [some hilarious guesses for what the school play might be] once you get the bug this term
Ava: Will you even be able to cope if I go full theatre kid annoying?
James: The weekly dose of baby ballerinas and their mothers stands me in good stead, I suspect
Ava: Oh, well that is just not a favourable comparison at all
Ava: I don’t think I can live with that
James: You’ll have to hold onto the character you’re already endowed with, in that instance
Ava: Or hold onto summer as long as we can
James: I think I can live with that
Ava: It isn’t too late for me to consider other schools, if necessary
James: You have the luxury of time to contemplate all manner of things
Ava: Not that long but, again, the summer
Ava: I hadn’t contemplated anywhere else but it would be less complicated, for numerous reasons, I don’t know
James: Perhaps and one less complication is one less complication
Ava: Sorry, what you don’t need right now is another choice to make
Ava: I’ll work it out, it doesn’t matter right now
James: It isn’t my choice and I won’t make it for you, but that doesn’t mean we’re barred from discussing it, that’s never the case
Ava: I know
Ava: I think the shock has perhaps worn off and I just feel a bit, well, you know
James: Yes, but don’t worry, I’d dissuade you from a hasty decision, as much as I possess any influence
Ava: You possess plenty of influence, I care about your opinion 
James: And I the trajectory of your life, the smaller steps and the larger
Ava: Knowing everyone and everyone knowing you has always seemed like such a negative 
Ava: but if I don’t know anyone at a new school, maybe that’s a different kind of awful
James: There is a loneliness in fresh starts which are seldom talked about
Ava: It must be hard, losing friends because you need to lose a lifestyle, especially so young
James: That said, you’re not me, I believe you’d make new ones
Ava: That wasn’t entirely under your control, don’t say it like a failing
James: It was a failing to relinquish control over the amount of things I did
Ava: If it were possible to resist, you would have
James: Defiance is always possible, if you’re willing to face the consequences, I wasn’t
Ava: You were trying to make it work, whether you see that as a foolish endeavour now
James: A house built on sand, not that I’m poised to make your bedtime reading biblical all of a sudden 
Ava: An interesting proposition
James: You’d sleep for the recommended hours but your dreams may be fascinating
Ava: The Book of Revelation is meant to be a trip
Ava: I don’t want to go to bed, still
James: I’m not ready to let you either
Ava: We could go for a swim, if I was there
James: [write about it ofc, any excuse for a what if scenario and that would be peak romance as well as a hot move]
Ava: Just add skinny dipping to the endless list of things I need to do with you
James: Turn to the back of the notebook and compose your list please
Ava: You told me to so nicely, I have to
James: I’ll contribute my own ideas when you return it
Ava: I’m afraid this list can’t be rushed, what if I miss something and you think I don’t want to do it?
James: The handover doesn’t need to be rushed, I trust you to take care of this draft of my scribblings
Ava: I’ll take all the care deserving, though I fear I will need more drafts than even you, darling
James: Perhaps you deserve your own notebook for this venture
Ava: I doubt the gift shop has any worthy
James: I’ll organise a detour via [where they were shopping the other day, deliberately so]
Ava: I owe you so many presents
James: You don’t owe me a thing
Ava: Okay, owe isn’t the word
Ava: I want to spoil you as much as you do me
James: I am, the sensitivity and attentiveness you show is unparalleled 
Ava: But I want to give you more
James: You’re giving everything you can, I know that
Ava: Don’t forget
James: How could I?
Ava: I know I’m not as mature or as interesting as the girls you’ll be free to see when you’re through all this
James: You’ve approached this with a maturity no one else I’ve spoken with has come close to, not to mention, you’re the most enchanting person I’ve ever met
Ava: It wasn’t super mature of me to bring up my insecurities there though
Ava: I like you, more than just a fling, I want you to know that
James: Well, that’s a relief because this is more than just a fling, isn’t it?
Ava: Yeah
Ava: I hope so
James: I want us to be
Ava: I know, and I do too
Ava: I just know how fast this has been and where you are in your life, I don’t want to be foolish
James: I’d hate to pressure you, I hope you don’t feel that way
Ava: No, not at all
Ava: I told you, I have a habit of getting carried away
James: I’d be suspicious of someone who wasn’t, with emotions as intense as these
Ava: If I had learned any lessons, heeded any advice, we wouldn’t be here
Ava: I’m not mad that we are, by any means
James: I’m typically plagued by regret, but it hasn’t found me here
Ava: I’ll never regret you
James: On the contrary, I’ll pay tribute to you whenever the opportunity arises
Ava: This isn’t too much, it’s the idea that one day it could be taken away, that’s what I was trying to say
James: I’m scared too, again, how could we not be?
Ava: It’s normal, you’re right
Ava: Thank goodness, right
James: Whether or not I’ve learned nearly enough from my copious errors in judgment and bad choices, it’s fair to say I’ve grasped that it’s worth having things you’re anxious you may lose in lieu of having nothing you much care for
Ava: I entirely agree
James: Will you agree to be my girlfriend? I realise it’s just a word, that we can’t actually be together officially, but despite that hurdle yet to be navigated
Ava: Yes
Ava: It means a lot when everything would be simplified by not acknowledging me at all, I know that to be true but to say I don’t want this would be a complete lie
James: You mean a lot, Ava
Ava: I might be floating, I hope that doesn’t break the rules about not leaving here
James: Kindly drift toward me, if so
Ava: I know you can’t possibly guess at this point
Ava: but tell me you’ll be home soon
James: We’ll create a home together soon, I promise
Ava: I can’t even comprehend how happy I would be, to see you that often, get to be with you
James: Until that moment I’m homeless, and aware how dramatic that sounds
Ava: I am a fan of your flair for the dramatic, it matches my own so well
James: It would be awkward for me to disclose something like that if we weren’t perfectly suited to each other, thank you for sparing my blushes
Ava: I do miss them but we need to be in person for me to fully appreciate
Ava: Where shall we live?
James: [send her a picture anyway, just cos]
James: I don’t know, I’ve lived in a grand total of one postcode to date
Ava: God, I can already feel the hours I’m going to spend staring at that rushing past
Ava: I barely have you beat, but that’ll mean it’ll be all the more fun searching
James: I almost feel as though I should get in the pool, then we can both float for a while
Ava: I absolutely think you should
Ava: We all know they’ve had to tolerate worse debauchery from guests who think they can buy their way out of rules, you’ll be fine
James: Shall I? Okay
Ava: I wish I had a pool to get in right now, maybe I’ll get in the hot tub, if I find IV a suitable floaty to keep him, hm, dry is no longer the word 
James: [send her a picture of you on one so she can copy it with this bear]
Ava: 🥺
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thereignwoman · 3 years
Listening to my old faves from the rwby soundtracks, and all that matters is making me cry again omg s o b b i n g
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scmg11 · 2 years
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Sorry for disappearing again, but I was on vacation! I got to visit Bruxelles and it was amazing!!!
Anyway, I'm here to make up with a new chapter! I hope you'll like it.
PS: I need to ask you guys a question. I've been working on an idea I had about a new Hailee imagine and I'm still working on it. I just noticed I just hit like 13k words (lol) and I'm not finished yet (spoiler: it's gonna be smut *wink*). What I want to ask you guys is, do you prefer reading the whole chapter (it'll have at least 15k words I think), or do you prefer if I split it in two parts? Let me know in the comments!
Without further ado, enjoy!
Sending love ❤️
Summary: Y/N admits her feelings for Emily to Stacie. The Bellas go to a music retreat.
Warnings: none.
Word count: 4833 words.
"Hey Y/N, have you seen Beca?" Chloe peeked her head into Y/N’s room when she noticed her door was open and found her on her bed typing away on her laptop with a few books and a notebook strewn all over it.
"No Chlo, we got lunch together, but I hadn’t seen her since then."
"Do you know where she could be? I need to talk to her about our WORLDS setlist." Chloe asked, her face pleading Y/N to tell her her sister’s whereabouts. Y/N knew exactly where Beca was, but she promised her she wouldn’t tell anyone about her job, so even if it physically pained her to lie to the redhead, that now resembled a kicked puppy, she had to.
"I don’t know. She may be in her favorite cafe. She likes their espresso." Okay maybe she need to strengthen up her resolve around the redhead, because it seemed almost impossible to let her down when she pouted at her that way. It is almost as hard as letting Emily down. But let’s not go there, Y/N wasn’t in the mood to self-embarrass herself for every time she caved in with just a glint of Emily’s pout and puppy dog eyes.
"Great! I’ll go there. Oh and Y/N/N-" Chloe opened her mouth to say something more but was interrupted when a muffled sound of feet climbing up the stairs stopped her. "Oh hey Emily." At the mention of the brunette Y/N sat up straight on her bed and instinctively adjusted her appearance, glad that Chloe had her head turned to the side to greet Emily and her vision was blocked by the door frame so she couldn’t notice how desperately she fixed her disheveled self - little did she knew, Chloe totally noticed.
"Hey Cap, how is it going?" The beauty that is Emily Junk appeared a few moments later at Y/N’s room’s doorstep, causing Y/N’s throat to dry up right away at how effortlessly beautiful Emily was, clad in worn, ripped jeans and what Y/N just noticed was one of her Lady Gaga old t-shirts. "Y/N/N!"
"Hey Em."
"I’m good, legacy! I’m in a hurry, I’m going out to go find Beca. She is at the cafe out of campus. Do you guys want something from there?"
"No, I’m good."
"Nope, thank you. I’ll see you later Chlo. Oh and tell my sister that she still needs to hear my new mix."
"Noted, I’ll see you later guys." Chloe waved at them enthusiastically, Y/N eyeing her entrance just until she heard the house’s door close before hurriedly standing up and closing the door. In her focused state she didn’t notice Emily entered her bedroom and neatly closed Y/N’s books and notebook and placed them on her nightstand so she could sit on the mattress, so when she turned around to grab her phone on the bed, she met a curious, confused gaze.
"What’s wrong?"
"I’ll explain it to you in a second, I need to call Beca first." Emily silently nodded and watched Y/N dial Beca’s phone number before sitting beside her on the bed. "Becs! Hey- Yeah, no, I’m fine! Listen, you need to get out of the studio in like 5 seconds. Chloe came here to ask me where you were, again." Emily watched intently the Y/H/C girl talk on the phone with her sister, clearly not hearing what Beca was saying but she could take a wild guess what the short brunette told the Y/H/C girl as Y/N resumed her talk after stopping for a few seconds to let her sister speak, "Yeah! That pout is irresistible! I couldn’t lie to her again, so I told an half lie." Emily’s eyes inadvertently trailed down to follow the gentle nibbling Y/N’s teeth were doing on her bottom lip, snapping out of her gaze when she noticed her mouth started moving again, "you need to go to the coffee shop right out of campus. She is going there." Emily felt bad for Y/N when she heard slight yelling from the other end and watched Y/N grimace guiltily at her sister’s obvious scolding. "I’m sorry. She would’ve asked too many question Becs. Yeah, okay. I’ll talk to you later. Bye sis, love you."
Emily watched as a soft grin lightened the girl’s previous troubled features, guessing Beca told Y/N ‘I love you’ back, before hanging up her phone, "everything okay?"
"Yeah, or I think so." Y/N snorted as she blocked her phone and discarded it on the mattress beside her to regard Emily with a warm smile.
"You told me you would’ve explained what was happening." Emily’s words seemed to darken Y/N’s bright expression with a worried, anxious one, but the hand that she quickly put on Y/N’s one to comfort her seemed to restore her gentle grin.
"Can you keep a secret?" Y/N asked with her eyes locked intently into Emily’s brown ones while her hand turned around to entwine their fingers together instinctively. This small, insignificant gesture sparked shivers throughout their bodies and sent free wild butterflies flying around their stomaches, while small, shy smiles settled on the two girls’ features.
"Yes, you can trust me." Emily nodded resolutely, her eyes locked into Y/N’s Y/E/C magnetic irises to convey how truthful she was being. "I won’t tell anyone. I just want to know because I can clearly see this is troubling you, so I want to help you. And sharing it with just one person, me, it may help you feel a bit better about keeping secrets from the Bellas."
Y/N almost tore up at how thoughtful Emily was being, so she did the first thing that came to mind and hugged the girl tightly, "thank you Em."
"Don’t thank me, I’m here for you, you know that."
"You are one of a kind miss Junk." Y/N spoke up after they pulled away from the embrace, watching a big grin fold over Emily’s lips before bumping their shoulders together instead of doing what the irrational part of her mind was screaming her to do, kissing her cheek. "Anyway, this secret is about Beca."
"Duh, I already figured it out." Emily said matter-of-factly, having witnessed the conversation the two sisters had on the phone, smiling cheekily at the girl sat beside her and pointed with her hand Y/N’s phone on the mattress beside her.
"Okay, Sherlock-" Y/N rolled her eyes good naturedly at Emily’s big, teasing grin, a gesture that pulled an inebriating giggle to leave her lips and that sent her stomach into a spiral of mushy feelings, "she got an internship at a recording label."
"Oh that’s so great!" Emily screeched at the top of her lungs from the great news, only to be shushed by Y/N a second after, "sorry! I’m so happy for her, she is starting to make her dream come true, I hope it will happen for you too, soon." Emily continued in a quieter tone, a genuine, supportive smile etched on her beautiful features as her thumb caressed the back of Y/N’s hand still entwined with hers.
"Thank you Em. You will be the first talent I’ll produce. You will be one hell of a popstar!" Y/N stated with a big, smile of her own, patting herself on her shoulder when a blush tinted Emily’s cheekbones and a shy smile took place over her previous confident ones.
"Anyway, why is she keeping it a secret? It’s awesome!" Emily reasoned when her mind processed the whole confidential deal, shaking her head to focus on their conversation and not on how beautiful Y/N’s eyes were this close.
"Because she didn’t want Chloe and the Bellas to think that she is not 100% focused on WORLDS. When she got the news we just got out of the dean’s office where we were given the only chance to save the Bellas with WORLDS. She didn’t want to add more concerns to Chloe."
"Oh, I get it. I think she could tell Chloe and the Bellas about it now, they won’t be mad. We support each other and she doesn’t have to sneak in and out of our house anymore."
"It’s what I’ve been trying to convince her to do since day one, but she is stubborn." Y/N smiled at her sister’s obstinacy in doing what she thinks is the best without noticing it wasn’t exactly the greatest option she has. "She will come around, eventually." They stayed quiet for a few seconds then, basking in their rarely quiet house, the girls all closed in their rooms to study, before Emily snickered loudly, causing a confused expression to furrow Y/N’s eyebrows, "what?"
"I was thinking about the fact that from all this mess, you managed to arrange them a date at the coffee shop."
Emily’s sentence instantly brightened Y/N’s face, who regarded the brunette with a sly smirk and wiggling eyebrows, "of course I did. My sister is not only stubborn, but also an useless lesbian. She had been pining over Chloe for a year and she had never made a move."
"Well to be fair, neither did Chloe." Emily reasoned, pulling Y/N down so they both could lay down on her comfortable bed.
"I think Chloe is scared of ruining their friendship. Beca dating Jessie was though on her, I can tell."
"Oh so she doesn’t make a move because she thinks Beca is straight." Emily hummed pensively, following with Y/N’s train of thoughts.
"Exactly. But she’s not. In the end, my sister is an idiot."
"Stacie no, give it back!"
"Relax Y/N/N. I’m not going to sext Emily." Stacie waved Y/N off as she closed the Y/H/C girl’s and Emily’s combo and blocked the girl’s phone so Y/N could focus on what she had to say instead of texting the brunette legacy with a dumb (but totally cute in Stacie’s opinion) grin on her face. "But y’know I could always do that. Just tiny a bit to give you enough courage to finally tell her how you feel."
"I can’t Stace. I don’t want to lose her friendship." Y/N sighed out dejected, taking her phone back from Stacie’s outstretched hand and placing it beside her on the nightstand.
"You totally can. You never know how she feels if you don’t try." Stacie sat on Y/N’s left and wrapped her arm around her shoulders to let her lean her head in the crook of her neck and brushed her hand up and down her bicep in comfort.
"I’m too scared to lose her as a friend." Y/N admitted in a whisper, staring blankly at Stacie’s bed and letting the blonde’s reassuring touch to soothe her insecurities.
"I’m sure you won’t." They let silence linger for a few more seconds before Stacie steered the conversation on a more lighter subject to distract her best friend from her thoughts, "anyway, I took your phone because I wanted to tell you about my day."
"Oh yeah, I’m sure your day was way better than my lazy day off." Y/N lifted her head up from the blonde’s shoulder and met the girl’s eager eyes, urging her on with a nod and a big smile.
"Aubrey is here for a few days before she has to go back to work." Stacie started enthusiastically, Y/N understanding then the girl’s bright mood.
"Oh that’s amazing!" Y/N smiled knowingly at the girl, wiggling suggestively her eyebrows and reveling in the crimson blush splashing over Stacie’s cheeks at the gesture. She found Stacie’s crush for Aubrey extremely cute and adorable since the blonde never acted so shy and nervous around anyone before.
"Stop! I know what you’re doing!" Stacie stated with a warning tone, her eyes rolling good-naturedly at her as she pushed her best friend gently on the shoulder.
"I’m not doing anything!" Y/N replied with a soft tone but the big, smug smirk told the blonde she was far from innocent. "Y’know, I could always sext Aubrey. Just a tiny bit to give enough courage to finally tell her how you feel." Y/N repeated Stacie’s exact words from before, but now she was the one smiling brightly as the blonde blushed hard.
"Shut up."
"Oh Stace, c’mon! I’m so happy for you. I’ve never seen you act so shy around anyone, hell I’ve never seen you blush before!"
"That’s not true." Stacie stubbornly denied as she crossed her arms and pouted adorably.
"Ohw, look at that cute pout." Y/N pinched Stacie’s cheeks despite the girl tried to push her away and awed aloud. "Ok, let’s make a deal. If you admit you like Aubrey more than a friend, I’ll open up more about my feelings for Emily."
Stacie looked up from the floor and met Y/N’s truthful, warm Y/E/C irises, considering the offer a few seconds before making up her mind, "okay."
"Great!" The big grin Y/N sent her way instantly put a similar one on Stacie’s face at the girl’s eagerness, her chest filling up with warmth at her best friend’s thoughtfulness.
"I like Aubrey. Like a lot." Stacie whispered after almost a minute of silence, Y/N not pushing the girl to talk, knowing she would’ve talked on her own terms and when she was completely ready to share her true, deep feelings.
"I knew it! Oh it was so clear! And it’s so fucking cute!" Y/N excitedly stated as she animatedly talked with her hands, her smile getting bigger as she gushed over the two girls.
"I’ve never felt like this before." Stacie admitted, playing with her ring on her middle finger nervously, her eyes trained on the floor as she shyly avoided the girl’s eager eyes.
"But you’ve been in relationships before, right?"
"Yeah, of course. I had a few boyfriends and girlfriends, but I’ve never felt something so deep for anyone of them." Stacie sighed as she thought about her previous relationships and compared her old feelings for her former partners to her current ones for Aubrey. "She is special." The blonde let out dreamily as a dumb, giddy grin appeared on her lips at the mere thought of the former captain of the Bellas.
"Ohw, look at you so adorably mushy thinking about Aubrey." Y/N circled her arm around Stacie’s shoulders and squeezed her into a side hug, "I’ve never seen you act like this. Remember that party when Aubrey tagged along?" Y/N waited for Stacie to nod at her question, which she did a few seconds later when realization hit her after she remembered the party Y/N was talking about, "I’ve never seen you act so shy around someone when you talked with Aubrey and the most shocking thing was seeing you reject anyone that wanted to have sex with you that night, just because Aubrey was there."
Stacie blushed furiously at Y/N’s statement, straying her eyes away again from her best friend’s gaze and focusing on her hand still playing with her ring on her other hand’s middle finger. "I’m actually having less and less casual sex since I’ve admitted to myself I feel something for her."
Stacie whispered so lowly that Y/N almost didn’t catch what she told her, but luckily she did and she gasped in shock and excitement at the blonde’s statement as a big smile settled on her lips, "Stacie my chest is almost ready to explode from this cuteness overload, shit. I’m so so happy for you."
A small smile adorned the girl’s face as she snickered gently and shook her head in amusement, her head moving to the side to look her best friend regarding her with the biggest dopey grin she had ever seen and eyes full of enthusiasm. "You’re a dork."
Y/N stayed quiet for just a few seconds before asking in a soft tone, "did you tell her?"
"Are you out of your mind?! No!" Stacie replied in an instant, her eyes going wide as she stared at Y/N like she just went insane.
"You should, but I’m not pressuring you. Aubrey looks at you like you’re the most precious thing in the world. So don’t be afraid of telling her." Y/N admitted to calm the blonde’s nerves down, conveying how truthful she was being at the still not-so-convinced look Stacie sent her way.
"Anyway, let’s talk about you now." Stacie steered the conversation away from her crush on Aubrey and lifted her eyebrow up in question, before wiggling both of them suggestively with a big, sly smirk on her lips.
Y/N rolled her eyes at the blonde’s elusive change of subject, but she knew the girl will come around eventually to talk more about her crush on Aubrey, and at the dirty look she was giving her, coercing her to spill her feelings for the adorable Bellas’ legacy, "oh yeah, right." Y/N cleared her throat to get rid of the sudden lump forming there and took a deep, grounding breath to give her the courage to just admit what she realized a few weeks prior and was trying to summon enough bravery to tell to her best friend. "Not too long ago, I- I came to the conclusion, that I- fell in love with Emily."
"What?" Stacie asked, her grin falling off her face replaced by an O shape as shock kicked in, not really expecting Y/N to confess something this big.
"I’m truly, madly, deeply, in love with Emily Junk."
"Holy shit, you got it bad baby Mitchell." Stacie stated still stunned by Y/N’s admission, embracing her harder and kissing the top of her head sweetly, "I know how hard it is, keeping it all to yourself and not telling her."
"We’re two idiots, aren’t we?" Y/N asked rhetorically, smiling bittersweetly at hiding her feelings to not ruin her friendship with the cute brunette if she doesn’t feel the same way, and looking at Stacie who was staring back at her in understanding.
"Talk for yourself Mitchell. I’m great." Stacie flipped her blonde hair over her free shoulder and smiled appreciatively when she heard Y/N giggle at her joke, with a small shake of her head.
"Guys! Stop arguing! It’s taking us nowhere!" Chloe scolded loudly at the other Bellas bickering after their umpteenth disaster of a show. And it was in a freaking rest home. They almost risked to set the whole rest home on fire after CR’s hair caught fire during their performance.
"Chlo calm down." Beca tried to help the distressed redhead to relax just that tad bit, but she was fidgety and dejected, like they all were, at the fact that they lost their tune and it was affecting their performances as a whole group.
"I can’t! WORLDS will start in a month and we fucking suck!" Chloe slumped down on her seat beside Beca and huffed with her hands crossed under her chest and a big pout on her lips. No one dared to say a word, they just stared at the ground with sad faces as they played absentmindedly with what they had in their hands. "Okay, listen up-" The redhead spoke up after maybe less than 2 minutes, her face now sporting a determined expression and a big encouraging smile as she sat up again, "tough times require drastic measures! Bellas it’s time for a musical retreat!"
The other girls didn’t understand what Chloe meant until they set foot on the ground and an authoritative voice reached their ears. "I’m so fucking disappointed in you Bellas! Line up."
After getting roasted by Aubrey for 10 minutes straight, the girl decided to implement the usual business program of their retreat campus and fitting music in it. They started by setting a big tent, then warming up their voices and singing a few songs over and over until Aubrey was satisfied, then the blonde forced them to run 50 laps around their small camp, alternating between singing a few more songs and running without a break in between. "Stace please tell your girlfriend to give us a break! I’m in shape and I’m barely keeping up!" Y/N said out of breath when Aubrey gave them only 3 minutes for a water break.
"Yeah, I think I lost my left leg about 5 laps ago." Emily was bent on her knees and taking big gulps of air, her face red and sweat running down her face. Y/N thought she has never looked so beautiful and adorable as she was right now.
"Guys she’s not my girlfriend. And she is in her Aubreyzilla mode, no one can stop her."
"I’m sure your fingers can help her relax a bit." Y/N murmured after taking another sip of water, watching with amusement Emily’s and Stacie’s faces burn with a crimson blush at her cheeky comeback, but Aubrey calling them to sing their last round of songs prevented her to deepen their blushes with more teasing words.
"Okay! Good job girls. Bathrooms are right over there for you all to go take a shower. I will join you guys later for dinner, I need to take care of some paperwork."
After showering, the girls worked together to light a campfire to cook some dinner as they waited for Aubrey to join them, which she did not too long after. Since they were pretty tired from the hell of an evening their former captain put them through, they went to sleep right away, everyone passing out as soon as they entered their shared tent.
Although they were tired, sleeping in one big tent wasn’t the ultimate comfort, too little space to sleep, air too much stuffy and snores that were too irritating to let a few Bellas have a good night of sleep, so when a loud, blaring trumpet blasted outside their tent around 6 a.m., every Bellas member exited it with loud groans of pain and from lack of proper sleep. "Good morning my lazy Bellas. Day 2 of this amazing retreat. 6 days to come. Y’know the drill, 50 laps. Go go go."
As the day progressed and the Bellas went through over Aubrey’s almost impossible tasks, the lack of sleep and the weather too hot to function, Beca got irritated more and more each passing second, causing her to burst in anger not too long after lunch. Her outburst caused her to spill her secret about her internship job and have a fight with Chloe for her lacking of enthusiasm to save their group.
After taking Beca down from the bear trap she fell into when she walked away from her argument with Chloe, the girls had a proper talk over dinner and made up. They felt the air between them shift and they were glad it did, because they felt already so much more connected compared to when they arrived the day prior. They finally sorted out their problems without stuffing everything inside themselves and talk without filters. Fighting and make up was a daily occurrence with a group of friends that everyone in the group considered family, but making up like real adults was the real deal for them.
"Aubrey, I love you, but please tell me you have more tents for us. I love you guys but that big tent, even though is huge, it can’t have 10 girls sleeping there."
Aubrey looked at Y/N with her signature stoic face for a few seconds, causing the Bellas to hold their breaths in hopeful anticipation, before breaking her serious façade with a big grin that made the other girls mirror her with sighs of relief after she spoke up with a light tone, "yeah, I do. That experience takes place for only one night, where it helps people bond on a deeper level and go through the other activities with a more deep and determined group spirit."
Y/N snorted at her words and shook her head, "the only things I bonded with last night were Amy’s farts and Stacie’s knee in my back. So I think you guys should rethink about that aspect of the program." Y/N’s words elicited loud laughs from everyone except from Amy and Stacie, Amy murmuring an ‘it’s a natural thing’ while Stacie pushed on her shoulder with an ‘you’re a jerk’, causing Y/N’s smile to broad widely.
After tidying everything up, Stacie volunteered to help Aubrey bring all their new tents to the girls, a gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by Emily and Y/N, whose shared suggestive looks and wiggled their eyebrows as the two blondes passed by them.
"Okay girls I have 3 tents for 2 people, 1 for 3 people and 1 for only one person."
"Who wants to give Amy the one for herself so she can fart all she wants?" Stacie asked in a serious tone, giggling out loud right after 8 hands lifted immediately at her question.
"Whatever! More room for me bitches."
"We can take the one for three people." Flo walked over Aubrey to take the tent, then she walked back towards Jessica and Ashley to start setting it, all the while Stacie gave the rest of them their tents. She first walked towards Chloe and Beca, knowing the two would absolutely share a tent to talk more about their previous fight, before she approached Emily and Y/N that were just finishing up setting Amy’s tent, who totally helped with setting her own tent.
"Y/N, Em, is it okay if I-"
"Yes Stace, of course." Emily stopped Stacie’s nervous stuttering with a warm smile, before grabbing the item from the blonde’s hands and hugging it to her chest in an adorable manner that made Y/N almost combust right then and there from too much cuteness.
"Thank you, so so much."
"Try not to be too loud tonight. I’m in serious need of sleep." Y/N cracked a joke and reveled in the blush Stacie sported, a sight Y/N was trying to get used to since it had been happening every single time the former Bellas’ captain was involved in their conversations in the past months.
"Y/N!" Emily slapped Y/N’s shoulder, causing her snickers to increase in volume, as she tried to subdue her embarrassed blush.
When Stacie bid them goodbye and said goodnight to them, Emily started to unpack the tent, leaning down on her knees and figuring out all the pieces, "I’ll be right back Em." Y/N caressed Emily’s right shoulder as she passed by her to approach Stacie who was walking back towards Aubrey, busy with their own tent, and grasped her arm gently in a comfort manner, "on a serious note, how are you feeling about sharing a tent with Aubrey? You okay?"
Stacie smiled at the words of concern her best friend whispered in her ear to not be heard by anyone and shook her head gently in affirmation, "yeah, just a bit nervous. I’m a blushing mess when she is around. What if I make a fool out of myself?"
"Stace, I’ve never seen Aubrey be so soft with anyone. She looks at you like you put the stars in the sky. I’m not pushing you into telling her how you feel, but just relax, okay? If it’s meant to be, it’ll be. Go with the flow, see how she react if you flirt with her. I’m sure she likes you back, Emily thinks so too."
"Thanks, Y/N/N. I needed that. I’ll tell you what happened in the morning."
"Mhmh, you better!" Y/N warned with her forefinger pointed towards Stacie, "and remember, we are sleeping near you guys. So keep quiet." Y/N winked at a once again blushing Stacie, before hugging the girl and walking back to Emily to help her set up their tent.
After everything was ready, the two girls positioned the tent like the others did, with a bit of distance to allow everyone to sleep peacefully without risking to overheat the tents by attaching them to one another and walked in to settle theirselves to sleep. "Ugh this is so much better than last night."
"Oh my god yes! And now we can finally have a proper sleepover!" Y/N stated excitedly, adjusting herself in her sleep bag and watching Emily do the same before making up her mind and trying to be brave for once, "how about we link our sleeping bags together? So we can be more comfortable. And of course if it gets colder tonight we c-can cuddle."
Before Y/N could mentally slap herself for stuttering and for asking a dumb question she thought the brunette was going to say ‘no’ to, Emily grinned brightly at her and got to work to join their sleeping bags before slipping in and immediately cuddling into Y/N, her gesture causing the Y/H/C girl’s stomach to flutter wildly and her cheeks to redden at a quick pace. Y/N was grateful their tent was wrapped around by just a dim light coming from the light pole not too far from their camp, so Emily couldn’t notice her beet red face, but she instantly tightened her arms around Emily’s body and pushed more into hers, "so Em, tell me about your classes."
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
an angry sex chloe price x f!reader fic/whatever please 💗
ilyyyy <3
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Chloe Price x Fem!Reader 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, Smut, afab reader, almost no plot, tribbing, oral (r reading), fingering, face riding, hickey's, Chloe's praise kink, slight degradation towards Chloe, switch!Chloe, switch!Reader, pure smut my guy
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope/Hell no I am lazy today
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - ily too sweets and thank you for resending! Sorry this took so long been stressed and a lot has been happening! <3
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You'd been fighting with her the whole day. At least it felt like the whole day, the sun already setting and you could barely look at her. You were getting ready to leave while she'd disappeared to talk to Joyce for a moment, pissed off as you threw your things into your bag.
You just kept arguing, she had to fight with you about everything. You couldn't tell if she was mad at you or David and her mom. Either way, she was taking it out on you and you were done with it. Picking up your bag from the bed and turning towards her door.
You went to grab the handle just as she opened it. Nearly running into each other, Chloe looking at you with slight surprise.
"Where are you going?" "Home." You stated, moving past her until she grabbed your arm. "What the fuck?" "Let me go Chloe." Chloe scoffed, turning you to stand in front of her, back to the door.
"Let me go." "Mmm.... no." You huffed, going to turn around again to the door. "C'mon, my mom and step-douche just left." You looked at her, rolling your eyes. "I'm done arguing, I just want to go home." "Please, Y/n."
You shook your head, annoyed with her. Turning around to open the door when she grabbed you. Arms around your waist, turning you around before walking towards the bed.
"Chloe!" "C'mon step-führer just left. Let's have some fun." "I'm not having fucking fun right now Chloe." Chloe scoffed and rolled her eyes, hands going to your hips as you swiveled around once again. Pushing her backwards so that she stumbled. "What the fuck?" "Let me leave."
But she grabbed you once again, anger fueling your eyes as she only smirked. Shaking her head at you. "You're not leaving." "Why not?" "Because then I'll be alone, and why waste the alone time being alone?" You stared at her still angry, "fuck off." But you were only making her more frustrated, the girl rolling her eyes once again.
"Fine, then fucking leave." You pushed past her but felt her push you. Making you fall onto the bed, your mouth widening. "You bitch." You kicked her, a laugh admitting from her throat. "You wanted to leave so leave." "Okay." You went to stand up again when Chloe then moved to lay on top of you, holding back a grin at your pissed off face.
"Chloe." You spoke like an aggravated mother, her lips moving down your neck. "Chloe." You said again, a bit softer as her lips met your sweet spot. "You're pissing me off." "I beg to differ." She said as she sucked on the skin, creating a nice purple mark for you to cover later.
"Chlo..." You said her nickname, soft, anger disappearing from your voice as you moved your head to give her more access to your skin. "Told you to stay." Though, that sparked a fire in you, frustrations rising again, pushing her backwards so that she fell onto the bed. Laying back.
"No fuck you." You held a smile back as you shoved her backwards the girl laying on her back. "Really?" "Yeah, you don't get to just fuck me after all of that. I'm still mad at you." Chloe groaned, her tattooed arm resting above her head while the other held your waist.
"Why?" "Because you don't listen." You then stated, messing with the end of Chloe's t-shirt. "I'll listen now." She smirked, watching you bite back a grin. "Mm, I don't know." You moved, setting your hands on her chest, resting your head on them.
But then you had an idea, staring at Chloe with anger in your eyes you sat up. Taking your shirt off, exposing the very lacy bralette underneath. Doing nothing to hide what was underneath.
Chloe instinctively moved her hands, but you had another idea. Grabbing her wrist you shook your head.
"Nope. No touching." "Oh come on!" "Nope. You have to listen to me." She groaned watching you strip out of the bralette, your nipples immediately perking at the cool air, still holding Chloe's wrist, your other hand moved to play with your tit.
"What, now you're getting mad?" You asked as Chloe grumbled something, watching your face before looking down at your fingers running over your chest. You could feel yourself growing wetter and wetter at the sight of her frustration, suddenly the arguments you'd been having didn't seem so bad.
"C'mon Y/n." "Mmm.. no." You laughed, standing up in front of her and the bed. "Stay." You said, grinning as you slowly pushed down the pants you were wearing. Exposing the thong you'd only thrown on this morning, the last thing you had left as your laundry was still drying. Now, you were grateful for it.
You didn't say a word, stepping forward and unbuttoning Chloe's jeans. Looking up at her once again, face slightly flustered.
"On second thought..." The dull ache between your legs was just begging to be treated, a smirk playing on your face as you stared at Chloe. "What?" You stayed silent again as you crawled up her body towards her face, a grin suddenly appearing on her face.
"No touching, remember?" "I hate you." "I can get myself off if you'd like." Chloe shut up after that, your now throbbing cunt covering just above her face. Your hands grabbing hers, a small whine leaving her lips. "Chloe." You stated.
Slowly, you moved, slipping your thong off one leg before lowering yourself on her face.
You moaned the second your pussy met her tongue, the girl showing no mercy as she licked around your swollen clit. Sucking on it like she was starved, hands pinned above her head.
"Fuck Chloe, just like that baby." You loved the reaction you got from her when you praised her, a little moan leaving her lips sending vibrations through you. "You're doing so fucking good, fuck-" You leaned forward, grinding down onto her face farther, squeezing her wrist, sure to leave marks.
"This what you wanted? Fucking arguing with me all day? Horny and frustrated?" She hummed, swirling her tongue around your hole, pussy clenching around nothing as she dragged her tongue up and down. Causing you to throw your head back in pleasure, eyes closing.
"Fuck, Chloe keep going. Don't stop." You said, dragging your cunt along her face, riding her tongue like your life depended on it. And she loved every second of it, a growing pain entering her own heat. Spreading her legs, yet knew it would only make the ache worse.
"Keep going pretty girl, make me cum and you can touch me." At this, Chloe began thrusting her tongue in and out of you. One of your hands finally letting go of Chloe's, moving to rub your clit. "Just like that baby." You circled your clit again and again, finally feeling the familiar feeling entering your stomach.
"I'm- I'm gonna cum." You felt yourself finally let go, Chloe still eating you like you were her last meal. Drinking up all of your juices as your legs shook around her head, loud pornographic moans filling the room.
"Fuck." You muttered, catching your breath as you sat up. Backing up from her face, looking down at her wet lips a smile on your face as you leaned down to kiss her. Then down her jaw, then her neck.
"Y/n." "You did so good." You didn't even have to look at her to know how flustered she'd gotten. The praise running straight to her aching pussy. "Now, your turn." "Finally." You stood up, practically ripping Chloe's jeans off her body, tossing them aside along with your thong before taking off her own underwear.
You moved to the edge of the bed spreading her legs as she took off her shirt. Her black bra coming into view as she threw the shirt towards another part of the room.
But instead of going down on her like she thought you would, you climbed up to her. Both of your cunts hovering over each other as you leaned over to kiss her. Chloe pushing into the kiss, happily running her fingers down to your ass where she squeezed.
"I hate it when we argue." You then muttered against her lips, kissing her jaw as you lowered yourself down. Rubbing your wet pussies together, Chloe little moans meeting your ears like your favorite song.
"I like what happens after though." You continued, holding her leg as you moved back and forth, a wet sound feeling the air as your clits ran against each other. Pleasure shooting through your body. The sounds of your moans bouncing off the walls.
Chloe then flipped you both over, so that now you were on your back, the girl on top of you. "Fuck Chloe, faster." You hugged her close to you, feeling her kissing down your chest leaving little marks here and there. Holding your legs open as she continuously humped into you.
"I'm gonna cum-" Chloe mutter, feeling your lips on her neck as you left hickey after hickey on her skin. Moans falling past her lips along with little whines and cries. "Come on Chloe, cum for me. Maybe then you'll shut the fuck up once in a while." Chloe would've laughed if your hand hadn't moved down to rub her clit, the girl still grinding into you like her life depended on it.
"Y/n-" You felt her come undone above you, her grip tightening as you finally felt yourself begin to come close. Pussy clenching as Chloe moved to rub your clit, her movements slowing as she calmed herself down, watching you get closer and closer.
"Your turn Y/n. Come on, cum for me." Mirroring your words, she smiled. "Fuck Chloe." You threw your head back, exposing your marked up neck to the girl. Her lips immediately meeting your skin as she rubbed harder, slipping her fingers into your cunt. "Come on, cum." You came, hard around Chloe's fingers, eyes nearly rolling into the back of your head as you moaned loudly. Not caring who heard.
She rubbed you, bringing you down from your high as your eyes finally met. Her hand pulling away from your sensitive area.
"We should get mad at each other more often." "I'd prefer not but if this happens after, I can deal."
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A/n: I'm a slut
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