#bechloe hurt/comfort
massivedrickhead · 6 months
41. "Sleep. I'll keep you safe.”
Oopsie, I got a little serious with this one. Defintely more hurt/comfort than fluff. I don't know if this is good or not, I'm very tired and this took much longer to write than I thought it would.
Trigger warnings: violence, injury, blood, panic attack
Prompt taken from here
Read on AO3
Chloe’s hands were shaking as she gripped the steering wheel, her driving bordering on reckless, as she sped down the highway and towards the hospital.
Theo’s words were still ringing in her ears as she thought of every possible scenario, each one worse than the last. 
“Don’t freak out, but there was an incident at Beca’s show.”
Chloe laid on her horn as a car swerved out of its lane in front of her, and she forced herself to slow down.
She’d be no use to Beca if she got herself killed.
“What do you mean an incident?! What happened?!”
“She’s okay, but we’re taking her to the hospital.”
Her heart was hammering so hard in her chest that she thought it might break through her ribs. She’d never been so happy to see the sign for her exit.
When she reached the hospital she parked haphazardly in the first space she saw, and sprinted towards the ER, where she knew Theo was waiting for her.
“You don’t need to come-”
“Don’t even bother finishing that sentence.”
She pushed her way through the crowd of paparazzi that the hospital security was managing to hold back.
By the time they realised who she was Chloe had made it through the double doors and was marching towards Theo.
Their shouts and the flashing of their cameras chased her down the hall.
“Theo!” She said, as soon as he was in sight.
She saw him tense and brace himself.
“Chloe-” he began, his hands held up as if to try and placate her.
“Where is she?” 
He sighed and gestured for her to follow him. “She’s getting stitched up. I told you, she’s okay. She’s cracking jokes with the nurses and everything.”
Chloe had to swallow every ounce of anger she had because if she didn’t she would have hit him.
“Don’t tell me she’s okay,” Chloe said. “How the hell could you let this happen?”
“Don’t blame this on me,” he snapped back. “How the hell was I supposed to know some weirdo fan would bring a brick to a meet and greet?”
Chloe stopped walking, a cold wave of nausea sweeping over her. “What?” She asked, her voice now quiet and shaking, 
He grimaced and stopped too. “Sorry,” he said. “I hadn’t told you the details yet, had I?”
Chloe felt like she was going to throw up, or pass out, or burst into tears. “Someone hit her with a brick?”
Theo nodded.
“Wha… How?”
“He wrapped it,” Theo said. “Had it in a gift bag. Venue security didn’t question it when he went through the bag check.”
Chloe’s hands were covering her mouth as tears filled her eyes. “He could have killed her,” she said.
“She’s okay,” Theo said. “They did a head CT and it came back clear, it’s just a superficial wound.”
“Please, just take me to her,” Chloe said. Theo nodded and they carried on walking.
Chloe could hear the laughter before she got to the room, and she tried to quickly remove any trace that she’d been crying.
Theo opened the door to the private room Beca had been given, and Beca’s smile grew as she saw Chloe enter.
“Hey,” she said. “You didn’t have to come.”
“Shut up,” Chloe said, any attempt at trying to seem calm out of the window. “Of course I had to come.”
Beca rolled her eyes, which was difficult for her to do while someone was stitching up the gash on her forehead. “Everyone, this is my wife Chloe. Chloe, meet Dr Bauer, who is the head of plastics.” She gestured to the doctor stitching her up. “And this is his intern Dr Larson, who apparently isn’t allowed anywhere near me with a needle.”
“Not on his first week he’s not,” Dr Bauer said. “I’m not having you out there on tour with a messy scar because I let some intern botch your stitches. Nice to meet you, by the way,” he added glancing at Chloe.
Chloe just nodded.
“Here, honey,” a nurse said, who had been sitting at Beca’s other side. She gestured to her spot. “I offered to hold her hand until you got here.”
“This is Nurse Stevens,” Beca said.
“Trish,” the nurse said, shaking Chloe’s hand.
Again, Chloe just smiled politely and took the nurse’s seat. She took hold of Beca’s hand and gave it a squeeze.
She wanted all of these people to leave.
She needed them all to leave.
Because Beca might have seemed calm, but Chloe knew her wife.
Chloe knew when she was On, and Beca was On right now. She was Beca Mitchell the popstar. The Grammy winner. The celebrity.
These people would go home and talk to their friends and family about this. They’d remember it. 
And Chloe knew that Beca was doing everything in her power to mask how she was really feeling.
Because Beca had never been good at letting her guard down, and her years in the spotlight had hardened every one of her defences. Had made her an expert at putting on a smile and hiding how she really felt.
But Chloe could see right through them.
She’d always been able to see right through them.
And she knew without a doubt that, right now, Beca was terrified. 
They’d been able to read each other like a book for years now, and Chloe could see the fear burning in her eyes. Could feel it in the way that Beca squeezed her hand. 
Beca was running on adrenaline, and she was using it all to keep the shake from her voice. To keep the persona up. 
She hated Theo for not being able to see it.
He’d told her Beca was okay, but she was far from it. 
“Do you know how much longer?” Chloe asked, voicing the question that Beca couldn’t. 
“Almost done,” he said. 
Chloe ran her thumb back and forth across Beca’s knuckles and gave her hand another light squeeze.
You’re okay, I’ve got you.
“And she can go home after this?”
“Sure,” he said. “Neuro checks came back clear, so once these are done she’ll be good to go.” He looked at his intern. “What does she need to watch out for over the next few days?”
“Uh, headaches that don’t go away with painkillers, vomiting, loss of consciousness, seizures, memory loss, changes in behaviour, vision loss-”
“Kid, I’m not going to remember any of this,” Beca said. “And that’s not because of the head injury.”
“We’ll give you some pamphlets,” he said, blushing slightly. “All the information is in there.”
“Thank you,” Chloe said.
“Okay,” Dr Bauer said, “you are good to go, Ms Mitchell.”
“Thanks so much,” Beca said. “If I ever need a face-lift, I know who I’m coming to.”
“Really, thank you for everything,” Chloe said. She turned to Trish. “Thank you for taking such good care of her.”
“Just doing our jobs,” she said, smiling. “Ms Mitchell, if you want to hop in here, we can get you moving.” She patted the seat of a wheelchair that an orderly had just brought.
“Really guys, I can walk,” Beca said. Chloe could see that her edges were beginning to fray. 
“Hospital policy,” Trish said. “Come on, we’ve rolled out the red carpet and everything.”
Beca shrugged and smiled, and got into the wheelchair. 
“There’s, um, a few paparazzi at the main entrance,” Chloe said, trying to sound casual. “Is there another exit we can use?”
“We’ll take care of them,” one of Beca’s security guards said. 
“I don’t want them following us to my car,” Chloe said, lowering her voice. 
“We won’t let anything happen to her, ma’am,” he said. 
“Something already happened!” Chloe snapped. “I’m trying to stop it from getting worse!”
“Chloe,” Beca said, “it’s okay. I can handle it.”
But you shouldn’t have to, Chloe wanted to scream. 
They reached the hospital entrance and Chloe saw the lights already to begin flashing through the doors. Both Beca’s personal security and hospital security managed to force them back enough to form a gap for Beca, Chloe, and Theo to walk out.
They followed them to the car. Shouting questions, camera bulbs flashing. 
“Hey!” Chloe snapped, turning on them. “She has a head injury, can you fucking cool it with the flashing lights?!”
Beca tugged Chloe’s hand and they carried on walking.
The pictures didn’t stop. 
“I know,” Chloe said, squeezing Beca’s hand as they reached the car. “I know, baby.”
Chloe could hear it in her voice.
She was about to break.
“Keys,” Theo said to Chloe. She tossed them to him without a second thought. “Beca’s security will follow us back and keep watch tonight. I can call an Uber later.”
“Thank you,” Chloe said. 
They reached the car and Chloe helped Beca into the back before climbing in beside her. The cameras couldn’t penetrate the blacked-out windows, but that didn’t stop the photographers from trying.
“Fucking cockroaches,” Chloe muttered as Theo pulled out of the parking lot, laying on the horn when they crowded the car.
Chloe waited for Beca to make a joke about her potty mouth that only came out when Chloe was stressed, but it didn’t come. 
Beca was finally letting herself feel the panic. The fear. 
“You’re okay,” Chloe said, trying not to wince as Beca’s hand tightened around hers. “Just take a breath.”
Her breathing was coming in short sharp gasps, and Chloe knew they were in the beginnings of a panic attack that would likely last the rest of the night.
“Do I need to go back to the hospital?” Theo asked, glancing in the rear-view mirror.
“No,” Beca and Chloe said at the same time,
“I have her,” Chloe said to Theo. She focused her attention on Beca again. “I have you, okay?”
Beca nodded and tried to focus on her breathing.
“I thought I was going to die,” Beca said, between gasping breaths. “Why did he do that?”
“I don’t know, baby,” Chloe said. 
The drive home seemed to take forever, but finally, Theo was pulling up to their drive and hitting the button to open the gate. 
“Get her inside,” he said. “I’ll sort everything out, out here.”
“Thank you, Theo,” Chloe said. 
“Stay home for the next few days,” he said. “It’ll blow over.”
Beca seemed calm again as they got out of the car, and she walked steadily towards the house without looking back. 
Chloe followed, her hand resting on Beca’s back.
When the front door was finally shut behind them, Chloe wasted no time in pulling Beca into her arms, letting her own tears fall as she clung to her wife.
“I was so scared,” Chloe said. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
Beca clung back, her eyes squeezed shut as she buried her face into Chloe’s neck.
Her head was hurting badly, the gash on her head stung and throbbed as the local anaesthetic began wearing off, but that all felt small compared to the panic that was growing larger in her chest.
“Can I get you anything?” Chloe asked, unwilling to let her go just yet. “Water, or something to eat?”
“No,” Beca said. “Just… Please just hold me.”
“Okay,” Chloe said, holding her tighter. “I can do that.”
They stood there for a while in the entryway of their home, Beca wrapped protectively in Chloe’s arms until Beca spoke again.
“He looked at me like he hated me,” she said. “What had I done to make him hate me like that?”
“This wasn’t your fault,” Chloe said, finally ending their hug so she could look at Beca. 
Her eye was beginning to bruise now, and Chloe thought it might have started swelling too. There was dried blood in her hair and all down the front of her shirt. 
“He gift-wrapped it,” Beca said. “He planned it. What if… What if he’d brought a knife? Or a gun?”
“Hey,” Chloe said, cupping Beca’s face with her hands. “Look at me. He can’t get you now, okay? He was arrested, and even if he wasn’t, your security guys are right outside.” 
Chloe pressed a kiss to the uninjured side of her head.
“Come on, you need to rest,” Chloe said, taking Beca’s hand and leading her upstairs. 
Beca tried to change out of her clothes, but her hands were feeling too clumsy. She couldn’t get them to cooperate enough to un-do the buttons on her shirt, so Chloe took over. 
“I don’t feel good,” Beca said, watching as Chloe eased her out of her shirt. 
“Do you feel like you need to be sick?” Chloe asked, trying not to panic.
Beca shook her head, which turned out to be a mistake. She winced and squeezed her eyes shut.
“Bec, talk to me,” Chloe said. 
“I just feel…” Beca trailed off as she searched for the word. “I keep going from numbness to fear and I just… I don’t feel like myself.” She let out a huff as tears fell quickly. “I want it to stop. I want this day to be done.”
Chloe swallowed the lump in her throat. “I know you do,” Chloe said. “I do too. I wish I could say something that would fix this, but all I can do is promise that I’ll be with you every step of the way through whatever happens next.”
Beca nodded and gave Chloe the first genuine smile she’d had all night. Chloe helped Beca out of the rest of her clothes and into a baggy t-shirt.
“Thanks,” Beca said, climbing into bed.
“Does your head hurt?” Chloe asked, looking for something concrete that she could do to help. 
“Yeah,” Beca replied. 
“I’ll get you something,” Chloe said.
She grabbed a bottle of water and some painkillers, and while she was downstairs she looked outside.
She could see that the paparazzi seemed to have left, but Beca’s security team was still there, and that made her feel safer. 
She double-checked that both the front and back doors were locked before returning to the bedroom. 
When Chloe got back, Beca was scrolling on her phone, her bottom lip caught between her teeth.
“It’s already on the internet,” Beca said. 
Chloe didn’t tell Beca that she already knew. While they’d been waiting for the doctor to finish stitching her head up, Chloe had been fielding texts from the Bellas.
Chloe sat on the bed beside Beca and had to stifle a gasp when she looked at her phone.
It was one thing to hear about it, but quite another to see it in high definition. To see it looped, again and again. The brick connecting with the side of her head. The confusion on her face being quickly replaced by fear and then pain. 
“Okay,” Chloe said, taking Beca’s phone from her hand. She closed whatever app had been open and put her phone on the nightstand. “Here, take these.” She handed Beca the pills and the water. Beca did so without complaint. “You need to try and get some rest.”
“I can’t,” Beca said. “Everyone has seen it now. What if they all get the same idea? What if… what if they come here? The press knows where we live, anyone could have followed us home.”
“Shh,” Chloe said, gathering Beca into her arms. “That isn’t going to happen.”
“You don’t know that,” Beca said.
“I know that I’m not going to let anything else happen to you,” Chloe said. “I know that there are men and women outside right now who are here to protect you. And I know that you’re running on adrenaline right now and that sleep feels impossible, but you need to try.”
Chloe knew Beca wasn’t going to lie down and try to sleep willingly, she was too wired for that, so she adjusted their positions until Beca was lying with the uninjured side of her head on Chloe’s chest.
As carefully as she could, Chloe began stroking the hair from her face, making sure not to get anywhere near her stitches.
“Do you want an ice pack or anything for your head?”
“No,” Beca said, her breathing beginning to even out. “Please don’t leave.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Chloe said. “We’ll call your therapist in the morning to see if she can squeeze you in.”
“She’s probably seen the video,” Beca said. 
“Well, then she has all night to figure out what to say to make it better.”
Beca gave a soft laugh.
They stayed in that position for hours, the only sound was the occasional sniffle from Beca. At one point, Chloe asked if she wanted her to turn out the light, but Beca said she’d rather keep it on.
Chloe knew her eyes were fixed on the doorway, waiting for someone to burst through the door and attack her.
“You need to try and sleep,” Chloe said. 
Beca gave a grunt in response, and Chloe knew that was all she could manage. All her energy was going into just keeping her eyes open.
“Sleep,” Chloe said again. “I’ll keep you safe, I promise.”
It wasn’t a choice anymore, and Chloe felt Beca’s body finally relax against hers.
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betterto-burnout · 4 months
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Have you ever met the right person but at the complete wrong time in your life? Beca and Chloe are meant to be together, that much is clear to everyone around them, but despite dating in college the couple never made it past graduation, and now ten years down the line they're still wondering whether there's anything left to pursue. In other words, a tiny oneshot about living life in your late 20s, feat. some hurt/comfort with a nice ending. CW mention of alcohol/drinking.
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softelectriclight · 6 months
actually finished a multichap fic (was it 2 chapters no one needs to know) enjoy:
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Okay folks; I am obsessed with hurt/comfort one shots but I need specific fandom ones. Please comment any quality hurt/comforts with the following ships;
- Bechloe (pitch perfect)
- wolfstar (Harry Potter)
- ronance (stranger things)
- jorie (victorious)
- pretty much any lesbian ship from Harry Potter
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crazyintheeast · 1 year
I am guessing by now a lot of you have heard about Avatrice but you are a bit reluctant to get into it. You have been hurt before after all and doesn't it feel safer to stay in those comfortable Supercorp and Clexa fanfics or just endlessly rewatch Raylla,Deanoru or Shoni scenes all while cursing at the networks for cancelling them? Hell maybe you are even still hoping that someday Bechloe will get justice. So why get into Avatrice? Why give a show about nuns fighting demons a chance? Well the answer is on how people are reacting to it. Pay close attention to the specific way everyone is freaking about Avatrice. Do you know notice a slight difference in the way we are taking about it compared to the usual ships? Yup that's right not only do we get two actresses with amazing chemistry i mean just look at them
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but we also got GOOD WRITING! Yes you heard me right. WE GOT GOOD WRITING! This is not a ship where the actresses do the all the heavy lifting while the writers barely give them some crumbs and where fanfiction writers to fix all he mess canon give us. No this is a show where the main sapphic ship is respected and they give us proper deeply emotional and well written slow burn the ENTIRE SEASON 2! I cannot describe to you what a joy it is to see a show where the writers work WITH the actresses to deliver us a beautiful ship. I haven't felt like this since the first season of Motherland and Bly Manor. It's the feeling of goddamn respect. So I deeply urge you to watch it. Season 1 is fun enough but season 2? It will change your life
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dinosauring130 · 19 days
Fandom: Pitch Perfect Rating: T Category: F/F Relationship: Beca Mitchell/Chloe Beale (Bechloe) Characters: Beca Mitchell, Chloe Beale Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Established Relationship, Canon Compliant, Pre-Canon, Pitch Perfect 3, Domestic Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell
Beca hates everything about her life in New York City. She hates her job, the apartment she lives in is falling apart, and she hates the city in general.
The one thing she didn't hate about New York... was Chloe. The one good thing that she's got.
New fic alert!! I haven't written for the Pitch Perfect fandom since 2021, which is wild.
Shout out to the regional train system for giving me time to write this fic.
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beca-mitchell · 2 years
can you recommend some hurt/comfort bechloe fics?
i know hurt/comfort is like...its own thing and often categorized separate from angst, but a lot of angst is tagged just as angst when i think it falls a little bit under hurt/comfort too, so here are some recs based on my feelings on that genre:
almost anything by @massivedrickhead and dare i recommend some of the stuff she has on ff dot net too that didn't make it to ao3 (don't hate me! they're such solid fics!)
in the middle of my chaos, there was you by themetgayla (asexual!beca)
hold on (i still need you) by @backtobasicbellas (yes i will still tag u binch even if u never come online)
quiet my fears (with the touch of your hand) by jacobperalta
suffocating (i’m tearing up, across your face) by @teacupsandbechloe​ / @paintedviolet
Burn by idontknowmaybe (firefighter!beca; actually anything by this author is great)
I'm ready to learn by Awesam (teacher!chloe with beca being a guardian for her kid brother; warnings for some chapters)
I See The Light (Shining On Me) by NeedleToTheGroove (melissa7187)
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas by NeedleToTheGroove (melissa7187)
keep breathing series by melissa7187 (same author as above, she just didn't migrate this to AO3)
and almost anything by suituuup
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mollywall-e · 1 year
AO3 Ask Thing!
Tagged by @astoriacolumnstaircase :)
How many fandoms have you written for?
Just Critical Role as of now! I may or may not delve into other fandoms, but for now the Imodna brainrot is too real.
What’s your favorite fic on your Ao3?
It’s gotta be “If I Go, I’m Goin’ Shameless”. It’s the first long fic I started, and it’s been such a fun ride! The fact that people seem to really enjoy it doesn’t hurt either ;) My Western fic “Till the Moon Don’t Shine” is a strong second. I’m so excited to get into the meat of it because man I have so many ideas.
Have you posted elsewhere? If yes, which of those fics is your favourite? 
I wrote a tiny Bechloe drabble on tumblr like, a decade ago, but I’m pretty sure I deleted it because I hated it lol
How many bookmarks do you have on AO3?
Two! For two longfics from GOT and BTVS. I’m one of those monsters who just leaves endless tabs open for the most part though.
How many unread comments do you have?
I had about 15 but this was a lovely reminder to go through them!!
Any subscriptions?
Nope! But I accidentally subscribed to my own fic once.
Any favorite tags?
Anything hurt/comfort and first kiss because I’m a sucker for romance
Tagging @laudanumsweetsleep if you feel like it friend
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kailoraurelius · 2 years
Great now I gotta re-read your stories cause your hc post made me realize how much I miss and love them 😪 but on that note I am interested to know your favorite tropes or opinions on them other than the iconic “fake-dating AU”!
Enemies to lovers? Forbidden love? Teacher-cop AU? Im certain anything you think of will quite literally turn me into an emotional wreck
Omg I hope they still hold up on a reread! Lol
Oh man, my favorite tropes. I have so many and I have story ideas for every single one. Um. Strap in, this will be a long answer.
Enemies to lovers is a huge one. I really like variations of it too: enemies to lovers, but only one of them knows they're enemies. Enemies to lovers but they don't want to be enemies. Enemies to lovers with a healthy dose of unwilling allies. Just all so good. I love a really good antagonistic relationship that slowly gets pulled apart or turned on its head.
Forbidden love, yes, but usually with that princess and peasant dynamic. Like, we can't be together because of our station.
A very favored trope of mine is the runaway and her pretend reluctant protector. I love a good story where Chloe is on the run from whatever and finds or is sent to Beca, who helps but in a "ugh this is too much work" kinda way. But really Beca is going above and beyond behind the scenes to make sure Chloe is safe. And Chloe is just blasting down emotional walls until she finds that out.
I love a good au of almost any kind, but particularly a Fantasy AU. I've already mentioned it lol but the princess and her knight or the bandit and the miller's daughter. I love, love, LOVE some sword fighting and declarations of love on a battlefield. Pirates and mystical creatures and magic mixed with Beca's awkward, but fiercely protective and loyal nature from the movies. And Chloe’s desperate, overwhelming love for her friends. A perfect recipe. I want it to be just way too many chapters long, possibly never end.
One Has A Kid. I don't often seek out fics with this in it, but I do occasionally find one that is super good and I can't put down. I especially love when the kid's father was either absent or sucked in some way and so the mother is stunned when the new partner is just the opposite of all that. I find it fascinating watching people unlearn negative things. Like a mother who's used to the father of the child scolding the kid for breaking something, getting to see someone react calmly and casually to that. "You didn't mean to, it's okay. No, I'm not mad, it's alright." Obsessed with that dynamic and the way it can both build trust and distrust in the same instant, because it's like "oh that was nice" vs "why are you being so nice". So much fun to write.
Found Family. Find me immediately filling my plate with that at the Fanfic buffet any day.
I like a good hurt/comfort, but usually not if that's the whole fic. I just like it to be a part of it.
We love a "There's only one bed", of course.
And I'll end with a trope I don't think I've seen in a Bechloe work yet, but I would love to, so any recs are appreciated: the arranged marriage trope. Love me some Swan Princess vibes. Maybe they hate each other and grow to realize they actually hate the situation, not each other. Maybe they still hate each other after they're married and begrudgingly grow to respect one another, then like, then love desperately. Delicious. 10/10.
Oh man, this one was very fun to answer lol. My mind is really rolling through all the fics I wanna write 🤣 Thank you so much!!!
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pinkpastels113 · 3 years
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let me be the laughter to your cry
Rating: T
Word Count: 4,308
Relationship: Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell
Summary: Sometimes all you need is a good laugh.
The one where Chloe has a mental breakdown and Beca incidentally makes a fool out of herself in trying to make her feel better.
End B/C. One-shot. Feels. Fluff.
As Beca stood outside Chloe’s room, the carpet just beyond the threshold elevating her toes above the wooden panels of the hallway, the sounds of the rest of the Bellas mingling and conversing in various places throughout the house fading into background noise, she doesn’t believe that she could feel any more useless than she is feeling right that very moment.
It’s been five minutes. Beca had been standing there, in that exact spot, for five whole minutes and with each passing second, her heart squeezes just a tad bit tighter into itself.
Chloe is crying.
Beca had never seen Chloe cry before. Sure, in the two and a half years that they have known each other, Beca has seen more than her fair share of Chloe tearing up and blubbering over—what she deemed—minuscule events, but that had just been her best friend getting emotional over a puppy commercial or Titanic or Aubrey moving on. Never before had Beca seen her cry , never like this: silent and gasping and quivering, her body curled up into a protective ball, her heels rocking back and forth atop her pristinely made sheets.
Never before had she seen Chloe have a mental breakdown.
A particularly painful gasp permeates the air, and Beca swallows with difficulty, her breath sticking tremulously in her throat and her lungs struggling to expand as if she is physically sharing the struggle as the crying redhead in the room to breathe.
She should do something. Anything. Anything besides just stand there and stare and be useless in her second-hand suffocation amongst the thick distress in the room.
Read on ao3 or ff.net.
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becasbelt · 3 years
fix my heart (hurts like hell)
Summary: “Beca feels her emotions swell in her chest. It hits her just how close she came to dying today, and how she would have died with so many regrets if she had. Maybe it’s the leftover adrenaline from earlier, maybe it’s the fact that she literally got blown up, but suddenly Beca isn’t so afraid anymore.” 
Or, a possible deleted scene from the boat scene in PP3.
Words: 2,439
Rating: G
Notes: @thehorriblyslowmurderer requested some PP3 boat angst, and I was all too happy to comply!
Beca was never really a fan of action movies.
Granted, she’s never really been a big fan of movies in general. Even now, after going through roughly five (six?) years of living with girls who forced her to sit through countless rom-coms and an entire relationship with Jesse Swanson, she still finds herself unable to muster up any kind of genuine excitement when someone suggests watching a movie. Which, she knows makes her seem like kind of a pretentious asshole at times, but hey, Beca has been called much worse things in her lifetime.
Off topic. Anyways.
Beca wasn’t a fan of movies in general, but she especially didn’t like sitting through action movies. She found them the most cliché of all. Some bad guy wants to either destroy the world or gain even more money than he (because it’s always a dude) already has, heroes rise up against the bad guy to stop him, the guy gets the (one) girl, and then New York gets destroyed during the fight. Roll credits.
Really hard-hitting stuff, honestly.
So action movies didn’t exactly do it for Beca. Weren’t her slice of cake, or however that saying goes. Except, looking at her current situation made Beca wish she’d paid a little more attention to all those James Bond movies Jesse made her watch.
Read the rest on AO3!
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massivedrickhead · 5 months
23 please if I’m not too late?
This was the perfect prompt to land in my inbox today. I hope everyone's cool that I wrote something very self-indulgent to try and get all my bad feelings out.
23. “You’re still awake.  Something on your mind?”
Trigger warnings: depression, anxiety
Prompt taken from here
Read on AO3
Chloe had been quiet all night, or at least for as long as Beca had been home from work.
Dinner passed without much conversation, and Chloe had spent the few hours before bed mostly staring at her phone.
It was unusual for Chloe.
Or it used to be unusual for Chloe.
Now it was becoming a little more frequent. Now she seemed to be having more bad days than good ones, and each one caused the knot of worry in Beca’s stomach to tighten. 
That night Beca rolled over in bed, still half asleep, and she reached out for Chloe.
Her hand ended up smacking against Chloe’s phone, almost knocking it out of her hand, and the quiet chuckle caused Beca to open a bleary eye.
“You’re still up?” Beca mumbled, squinting as the light of Chloe’s phone screen punctured the room. “Time is it?”
“Late,” Chloe said. “I must have lost track of time.” She took out her earphones and put her phone down on its charger. She adjusted her pillows and lay down further on the bed, letting Beca drape an arm over her stomach.
She knew the moment Beca dropped back off by the sound of her breathing, and she eased herself out from under Beca’s arm and then out of the bed.
Beca grumbled but didn’t wake up, and Chloe crept out of the bedroom.
She was getting that feeling in her chest again.
That tightness.
Like her body was telling her there was something to be worried about - something to be afraid of - but she couldn’t figure out what. 
She sat at the kitchen table, closed her eyes, and forced herself to take as deep of a breath as she could.
It felt like none of the air reached her lungs, so she did it again, and again.
She knew she was breathing, she knew oxygen was entering her lungs, but it just didn’t feel like she was. The tightness in her chest remained, worsening with every useless breath.
It was the same low-grade panic she’d been carrying around with her for days, and she didn’t know how to fix it.
In the grand scheme of things, she didn’t think she could realistically complain. She wasn’t having full-blown panic attacks. She was able to go out, go to work, and function the same way she always had.
She just had to carry this extra weight on her chest while she did it. She had to do it while feeling like no matter what she tried, she couldn’t get a full breath of air in her lungs.
It made her feel irritable, upset, and tired, but it also stopped her from sleeping. 
She’d spent the last few nights only able to grab a few hours here and there, which had resulted in extra coffee the next morning, which made everything worse. 
She was so lost in her head, that she hadn’t heard the squeak of the stairs, and she didn’t realise Beca was beside her until she felt a hand on her back. She jumped, and the silence of their apartment was disrupted by the scraping of the chair against the floor.
“Sorry,” Beca said, hands held up. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Chloe’s heart was pounding, the fake panic that the anxiety had created was temporarily replaced by actual panic. 
Chloe just shook her head, her hand held against her chest as she waited for her heart rate to settle.
“What’s going on, Chlo’?” Beca’s voice was low and scratchy the way it always was when she was tired. 
“You almost gave me a heart attack,” Chloe replied, forcing herself to take another pointless deep breath.
“There’s nothing going on,” Chloe said. “I just couldn’t sleep. Go back to bed.”
“Is there something on your mind?” Beca said, taking a seat beside her at the table. “Something keeping you up?”
Chloe looked at Beca, and Beca saw hopelessness reflected back at her. It was enough to make her throat feel tight, and she had to clear it before she spoke again.
“Baby, talk to me,” Beca said.
“I… I don’t know how to explain it,” Chloe said.
“Is it back?”
Chloe swallowed and slowly nodded her head. “I think so.”
It’s what Beca had been afraid of. What Chloe had been scared of admitting.
Chloe had struggled with anxiety and depression during their last year of college, and she’d kept it all to herself until she couldn’t. Until she’d confessed it all to Beca one night, who’d held her and promised to help in any way she could.
After a year of therapy, and a lot of working on herself, Chloe came out of the other side of it.
She thought she was doing better.
She thought she’d beaten it.
Beca reached across the table and took Chloe’s hand in hers. “How bad?”
“Manageable,” Chloe said. “But I don’t want it to get worse. I don’t want it to get as bad as it was then.”
“We won’t let it,” Beca said, sounding confident. Sounding so sure of herself that it almost made Chloe believe her. “We can get ahead of this, we know what we’re up against this time.”
Chloe squeezed her hand. “You keep saying ‘we’,” she said.
“Because you aren’t doing this alone,” Beca replied. “Because I’m going to be right there with you, holding your hand the entire time.”
Chloe sniffed and nodded, and Beca pulled her into a hug. She held her so tightly it was almost painful, but it was exactly what Chloe needed.
“What do you need to be able to get some rest tonight? I think I have some of those melatonin gummies still,” Beca said.
Chloe shook her head. “They gave me crazy dreams last time,” she said. “I know it’s late, and you have work tomorrow, but do you think we could go watch some TV on the couch? I get it if you need to go back to bed, I can stay-”
“Whatever you need,” Beca said, cutting her off. “Do you want some tea?”
“Please,” Chloe said, giving Beca a smile that made her heart hurt. “Thank you.”
Beca kissed the side of her head. “Go pick a show, I’ll be right in.”
Beca made them some chamomile tea and brought it through to the living room. She put the mugs on the coffee table, grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch, and used it to cover them up. “What are we watching?” Beca asked.
“Grey’s Anatomy,” Chloe said, cuddling into Beca’s side while she waited for her tea to cool.
“Again?” Beca asked, a hint of amusement in her voice. 
“You love it really.”
“I don’t hate it,” Beca said. “Not really the same thing.”
Chloe hit play on the episode, already feeling the tightness in her chest beginning to ease.
“I love you,” Chloe said, her head resting on Beca’s chest. Beca’s heartbeat was steady, and her breathing was calm, her chest rising and falling like the waves of the sea. 
“I love you too,” Beca replied. “More and more every day.” She kissed the top of Chloe’s head and her hand trailed up and down her arm. “Thank you for telling me,” she added. “Thank you for not trying to push it down and push me away.”
“I wouldn’t be able to get through this without you,” Chloe said, her voice softer, quieter. “And I want to get through it.”
“You will,” Beca said. “I promise.”
They fell back into silence as the show continued to play out in front of them.
“How mad would you be if I fell asleep on the couch?”
“I’d never be mad at you for that,” Beca said. “As long as you’re getting some rest, I don’t mind where it happens.”
“Even though we could both be tucked up in bed right now?” Chloe asked. 
Beca laughed, jostling Chloe’s head. Chloe smiled and the sound and feeling of it. It was her favourite sound in the world.
“Do you want to go get tucked up in bed?”
“Not yet,” Chloe said.
“Then as long as you’re happy, I’m happy. You know me, I can sleep anywhere.”
“Liar,” Chloe said, smiling sleepily as the tightness in her chest was all but gone. She took a deep breath and felt the air finally fill her lungs. 
“Fine,” Beca said. “I can sleep anywhere as long as you’re there, how’s that?”
“A little more truthful at least.”
Chloe took another deep breath which turned into a yawn, and she let her eyes close as Beca pressed another kiss to her head. 
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Read my fic here folks.
No tragedy, but spoilers for the film, toothrotting fluff, minor character deaths, traumatic experiences and hardships, and one emotional roller coaster.
I hope you enjoy it
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Bechloe prompt- one of them has bulimia and the other finds out accidentally. The one with bulimia freaks out and acts all defensive before breaking down and admitting they have a problem. Fluff
This was a difficult write for me, hence why it sat in my ask box for almost two months. For one with my own personal history with self abuse, and for two, I have no idea how the anon intended this dark subject to be fluffy. This is angsty hurt/comfort with a light at the end of the tunnel at best.
TRIGGER WARNING: graphic depictions of self harm (cutting and eating disorders)
Read “I Can’t Drown My Demons; They Know How to Swim” here.
Links to hotlines (phone and text) if you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, self harm, eating disorders, etc. Please reach out to someone if you are in a dark place. You don’t have to do it alone.
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An Avocado and an Upset Tummy- A Bechloe One-shot
So, I reread the fanfiction I wrote while drinking last night, and it actually is decent. It’s super short and not really deep, but it’s your typical sick fic. Hope you all enjoy! And, if you don’t enjoy it, I was drinking while writing this so it’s not exactly going to be Shakespeare. 
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“Motherfucker, being a woman is the worst thing on this goddamn planet!” Beca shrieked from inside her bedroom.
“Ah.” Chloe stepped inside the younger Bella’s room. “That time again?”
“God, you sound so cliché.” Beca whined, gripping her lower stomach. “But yeah, yeah it is.”
“Okay, okay.” Chloe embraced Beca, who reluctantly let her. “I’ve been there, been a woman for quite some time, and I think I can help you.”
“You can permanently eliminate periods and have the uterus just send a letter every month that says, ‘Congrats, you’re not pregnant!’?”
“Oh, if I could.” Chloe sighed. “No, just give me a second.” Chloe started to walk out, but than turned back to Beca. “Get comfortable, hun. Momma Chloe is going to take care of you night.”
“Since you’re my girlfriend, that really creeped me out.” Beca muttered but went to get her pajamas on. By the time she was dressed and in bed, Chloe had come back with a glass of milk, Advil, and a stuffed avocado.
“Um, what’s with the avocado?” Beca asked.
“It’s a heating pad!” Chloe said cheerfully.
“You have to be kidding.”
“I am not!” Chloe said, handing her the warm avocado. “Put that on your tummy.”
“Have I ever mentioned I hate the word ‘tummy’?” Beca growled.
“I know you’re just saying that because you’re moody in your lady time.” Chloe said, handing Beca the milk and the Advil.
“Bold of you to assume I’m not moody constantly.” Beca muttered, taking two pills and swallowing them. “How many of these do you think I can take at once before it’s dangerous?”
“And I think I will take the rest of these.” Chloe said, grabbing the bottle.
“How about this, what’s with the milk?” Beca asked.
“Calcium is good for you while you are PMSing.” Chloe explained.
“When did you become a walking PMS dictionary?”
“Oh, honey, I used to be a disaster with PMS.” Chloe said. “I used to have to stay home from school every month they were so bad. But getting on birth control helped a lot.”
“Huh.” Beca sighed. “As a lesbian, I have never really considered birth control.”
“Makes sense.” Chloe laughed. “But just keep that in mind. It is useful for more things than just, ya know, preventing pregnancy.”
“Good to know. But I mean, my periods aren’t usually this bad, I’m not sure why it chose this month to be a huge dick.” Beca said and winced. “Shit.”
“You okay, hun?” Chloe asked, casually climbing into bed next to Beca. “You gonna be too moody to cuddle?”
“No, I’m just too much of a badass to cuddle.” Beca insisted.
“Fine, I’ll leave then.” Chloe said, making a move to get out of bed.
“Wait, no, I’m in pain. Stay.” Beca said, grabbing Chloe’s hand.
“That’s what I thought.” Chloe smirked and climbed back into bed with Beca. Chloe wrapped her arms around Beca and kissed her forehead.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Beca spat out suddenly. “Jesus, this is such bullshit.”
“Are you holding the heating pad against your tummy?” Chloe asked.
“Please stop calling it a ‘tummy’ that makes me sound like I’m five years old.” Beca said.
“Your tummy?” Chloe cooed. Beca groaned.
“I don’t know what you are trying to do but it’s not working.” Beca told her.
“I’m trying to annoy you, and it seems like it’s working perfectly.” Chloe laughed.
“You are particularly good at that.” Beca teased. She then winced. “God, Chloe, this avocado isn’t doing shit!”
“Hey, hey, don’t be bitchy to Avy!”
“You named the heating pad?” Beca snapped.
“He has a face, of course I named him.” Chloe laughed. “Here, here.” Chloe moved the stuffed avocado and started rubbing Beca’s lower abs. “How’s this?”
“Actually, wait.” Beca thought for a second. “Okay, that helps a lot, actually. Please don’t stop.”
“’Please don’t stop’? Not the first time I’ve heard you say that.” Chloe teased.
Beca rolled her eyes. “I love you so much, you weirdo.”
“I love you too, baby.” Chloe said, reaching to kiss Beca’s forehead again. “Even if you’re even moodier than usual.”
“Shit, that’s saying something.” Beca whistled.
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bigonsarcasm · 4 years
Idea #8
A Bechloe AU where Beca is a star athlete who loses a good friend and the ability to walk (possibly not permanently) in a terrible car accident. Chloe is the physical therapist who won't let her give up. Romance ensues. Beca can be finishing high school or college depending on if you want age difference to be a factor.
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