#so that revelation wont even shock him but
charmingbrute · 1 year
just imagine how fucking sad it would be if emet-selch didn't preserve azem's crystal like... they'd just be gone in history? just like that?
with nobody to remember them at all?
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SUMMARY | agreeing to come along with the group to amsterdam to participate in not one, but two tom simons videos, can get a little crazy
PAIRING | cc!tommyinnit x reader
WORD COUNT | 1.1k+
AUTHORS NOTES | the tom simons channel is probably my favorite vlog channel ever
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This was the third time Charlie had destroyed your lego creation, and you were this close to locking him out of the room.
"I swear to god you fucker—" Another blocky build crumbled to peices as the brunette slapped his hand down on your own pair, laughing good naturedly all the while.
"Phiiiiil!" You turned your torso halfway to whine at the other man in the generic hotel room, who was looking at his phone blandly while resting on the foot of a bed opposite you. "Tell Charlie to stop being an asshole before I bite him!"
"Stop being an asshole to them Charlie before they bite you. And they will, it's not just a threat mate." The middle aged man echoed back without so much as looking up from his phone.
"Wow. Gee thanks Phil. Glad to know my pain and suffering is less important than your phon—Charlie I swear to fucking god!! One more time, and I mean it, one more time and I'm going to sic Tubbo on you in the video tomorrow!" You had since stopped looking at Phil, now scooping as many stray legos as you could close to your chest while Charlie attempted to steal them away from you.
"I paid for these with my own twitch prime! Back! Back, I say."
"Noooo." Charlie made a sound that reminded you of a gremlin, wiggling his fingers comically while trying to take more out of your pile. "The lego goblin must have his legos!!! Otherwise he may become, the tickle monster!"
"Oh no he fucking wont." You deadpanned at Charlie. He just smiled back at you innocently before wiggling his fingers once more and lunging for you, nearly knocking you both into Phil on the other bed with the effort of it.
"Take that, you hoarder!" He laughed, glasses knocked askew as his hands viciously attacked your sides with pokes and jabs as you screamed.
"Jesus fucking christ you two!!" Phil was looking at the both of you on the floor, clutching his phone to his chest in surprise while laughing.
"Phil! Help me! I'm dying! Tell my wife that—that I love her." You choked out a surprisingly loud and shocking gasp before going limp, your tounge dramatically lolling out of your mouth the way a cartoon character's might.
It was a lot harder than you thought it would be to hold in your laughter as you watched Charlie fall to his knees somberly, listening as he wailed on about how he had 'killed' you. It was even harder when you got a glimpse of Phil sitting above you, stuffing his fist in his mouth to try not to laugh at the two of you.
"—ow will I ever redeem myself!? I'll be tried in court, given years of prison time! I'll never make it in there! I'm too soft, too—oh hey Tommy."
You immediately scrambled to get to your feet alongside Charlie at that revelation, the both of you adjusting your disheviled appearances the best you could all while Phil cackled.
"Hey Toms." You smiled crookedly, trying to look nonchalaunt as possible while looking at the confused face of the boy currently peaking his head into your hotel room. Light from the hallway was now peaking into the room, washing over the few shadows left from spare luggage and souvenir bags people had left lying on the floor.
"What the fuck are you guys doing in here?" He furrowed his brows, laughing lightly at how put of breath everyone was. "We can hear you all the way across the wall. Wil sent me over here to get you to shut up. Managment was looking pretty upset when I was making my way over here too. Might be because I stole some candy from the reception desk earlier too though." He muttered the last bit quieter, covering it up poorly with a cough before looking back at you.
"Oh. Uh, sorry about that. Well, I died for a little bit, I think?" You scratched the back of your neck. Charlie nodded vigorously. A bit too vigorously to be discussing the topic of your supposed death if you were being honest.
"Yes. And from natural causes. Definitely not murder of any sorts! No, not at all! An all natural one. All natural death that is."
Tommy just tilted his head in Phil's direction, clearly not believing either of your very convincing tales.
"They were having a tickle fight over the legos you lot bought earlier." He ignored you and Charlie's whines to shut up as he talked to Tommy, who by now was laughing.
"A tickle fight?" He stepped forward and closed the door behind him, blue eyes shining with mischief as he grinned. "Without me? For shame you bastards."
"No. Tommy dont you dare, I know what you're thinking, mate. No no no I'm not about to let all of you just—and there you go. For christ's sake, Wil's going to kill me."
Phil backed away further on the bed, just nearly being missed as Tommy jumped onto Charlie and sent him sprawling, the two of them rolling around in a blur of colors in the hotel room while each tried to overpower the other.
You yourself were practically kneeling over with laughter, pumping a fist in the air while rooting for Tommy, only stopping at one point to pick up Charlie's glasses off the ground so they wouldn't get crushed in all the chaos.
It didn't last long, really, before Charlie let out a guttural cry and replicated what you had done earlier, falling limp as if he was now nothing but a corpse on a battlefield.
"And the winner is Tommathy Innit!!" You hollered cheerfully despite the groans of Phil to shut up, beaming at Tommy as he stood triumphantly, Charlie laying on the ground below spread out like a starfish. A very sweaty, very exhausted starfish. You imagined that you didn't look much different from him at the time though.
"Thank you, thank you! Really!" Tommy was now parading around the small confines of the room with his nose in the air. Doing what sounded like a very bad impression of a snooty car salesman as he went. "I'd like to thank my many wives, including Philza Minecraft's, and—oof!"
Everyone laughed as they watched Tommy shakily raise a fist from where he was now lying face first on the carpet, shooting a thumbs up to let you all know that he was okay from his sudden trip over a luggage bag.
"Graceful mate. Real graceful. Watch out for the suitcases next time though, Tommy."
"Fuck you lot." Was all he said before dissolving into laughter, most everyone following suit.
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lizaluvsthis · 7 months
Okay other SMG34 shippers I see what you've been talking about...👀
Presenting the Axoøny and SmgØles THEORY!!!
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I have ALL eyes yknow?
If none of the people understand this context-
I put up a screenshot of how similar these things are that they referenced from Smg3 and Smg4's interactions
The first one that I screenshotted is the episode/Movie called REVELATIONS its where Niles took over in Melony's control and his goal is to rebuild their world thinking those SMG's are some bunch of extras/wannabes
But when Niles is so close to that, SMG0 knew that the world would be in danger if he lets Niles continue. So SMG0 tried to keep telling Niles to stop.
From Niles` anger his poses, his actions, the temper were the same that referenced to SMG4 when he did to SMG3 from the Movie ITS GOTTA BE PERFECT.
SMG0 looking at Niles in shock?
Smg3 looking at SMG4 in shock.
Niles yelling and telling him that the world of theirs is gotta be better?
Smg4 yelling and telling him to leave him alone to make his perfect video. But the perfect video requires sacrifice.
And what similarities from the sacrifice?
Niles doing all that he could to make the world a better place for him and SMG0 his sacrifice had to be done by lending more power and almost took out the world and himself by doing so.
Smg4 doing all that he could from his power to make a perfect video, a perfect meme to show the world, the internet, on youtube that he's not a failure and he wanted to make everyone happy. The sacrifice? Himself too.
The similarities of "having you here is the best thing thats ever happened to me" ?
Smg0 telling Niles that he's already done enough and even tho in the end didnt end up quite as Niles expected, that almost destroying the whole world had happened, and SMG0 says he's still there with Niles in the end. They're already together. And the two left this corrupted soul and went somewhere to rest. Niles ended up changing and went with SMG0.
Smg3 telling Smg4 that he understood whatever he'd felt and that his friends are always by his side and not giving up on anything at all. Telling him that his friends- I mean- They- will always have lots of fun and laugh together. Even tho the three are almost sucked down from the black-ish mud. Smg4 breaks out of the keyboard's spell and saved them just in time, with also the tears. He didnt know smg3 had felt that way from him. SMG4 ended up refusing to let three of his friends die, even tho he needed to complete the perfect video. Smg3 helped him out of there and the two succeeded.
And for the Melony and Axol theory... "doodle"
After watching near the end of the WOTFI 2023 video
I saw what seems to be SMG3 doodling a precious memory, a moment where he and smg4 did in such a day. This spat out my coffee. I recogniced that similar spot.
Its where Melony drew herself and Axol being together even tho Axol passed on, she'll remember that memory.
So what if... smg3 or smg4... one of them... no no- i think thats too much- just- what if... one of them dies...?
We've had this theory here- since axol is possessed by corrupted smg0 and melony KILLS axol in order to make corrupt 0 to perish.
Then what if Smg3 or either Smg4 gets possessed or manipulated by the new antagonist "TV guy" from the end of wotfi 2023? And one of them actually kills... oh my god- this is too MUCH honestly... I actually doubt this is ever gonna happen- It wont happen heheh... right...?
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aita-blorbos · 5 months
AITA for lashing out at my aunt and running away from home?
Before anyone calls CPS i'm a full grown adult.
My brothers (lets call them Leon and Jay, fake names, both in their mid 20s) and I have always been super close. Our mom went back to work fast after our birth (didnt even take her full maternity leave as authorized) and our dad is great but he's busy too so we really took care of each other.
Anyway, at some point my brother Jay, who is disabled, was offered a medical internship under the responsability of our aunt (L, currently... 45? 46?) and he took it. At first i was offered the internship but i wasnt suited for it so he took it ans became very good at it. Anyway, he's been training for years under L, and the other day there was a natural disaster that threatened our home, so we ran away with our mom and her ex-boyfriend tried to stall us so the disaster would kill us, to "punish" her for leaving him for our dad or something. To make him lay off, she revealed that we werent her kids actually and she'd adopted us.
Anyway my brothers and I investigated and we discovered that our real mom was our aunt L! Which is super shocking because it's forbidden to train your own children and she trained Jay and me. And for other reasons i wont get into.
That was quite the revelation, honestly we didnt expect that. I mean, Leon looks a lot like our granpa! So my world started to break into pieces you know.
I told everyone we knew the truth to get it off my chest, and might have let my anger off on the ex boyfriend who started it all and said some pretty hurtful things to my aunt. Then i ran away and because of how/where i ran away, most of my family is convinced i'm dead. So Aita for lashing out at my aunt/bio mom?
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obislittleone · 2 years
House Of Memories (26/?)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader
Warnings: angst, trauma, the beginning of ptsd and emotional devastation (oh also anakin and ahsoka are a warning in and of themselves now
Summary: The mission is over, and you think you failed. Obi-Wan's embrace awaits you, but you struggle to let it ease you. You're safe now, but at what cost?
A/n: for those of you hurting bc of this, I want you to know I'm hurting myself with it too, so just know you aren't alone I'm also in misery...
Words: 2.2k
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Obi-Wan had been beaten and bruised for days, but he wasn't nearly as harmed by that as he was by the electric shock that had coursed through him on the day he'd been captured. They whipped him, trying to sell him off to one of the many buyers who had attended the auction. Anakin of course jumped in before anything could progress too far, but in the end, Obi-Wan and Rex were put to work in one of the labor holds.
His spirit was slowly breaking, which he didn't think was possible, but it wasn't due to weakness. It was due to the fact that he felt you get the life shocked out of your body, and hasn't been able to become in tune with your signature since then. He knew it was foolish to believe that you'd simply been unconscious for this long, but he wasn't willing to acknowledge your death, so he held onto his hope that you were only sleeping.
By the time the recue had been set into fruition, he wasn't sure what he was to do. He felt he had somehow lost his role in all this, and it was taking a toll on him to try and find his way back.
He and Rex took on all the guards in the command center, and upon coming closer to the slave keeper named Argos, he could feel some of your signature radiating off of the man from when you had used the force on him. He was the one responsible for whatever happened to you. He was the one who had you in a state of panic. He was absolutely furious with the man but would wait until the opportune moment to deal with him.
After all the guards were down, and the doors were sealed shut, it was down to Obi-Wan, Rex, and the slaver, who was cornered to a wall.
"You're a Jedi, you wont kill an unarmed man," he taunted, holding his hands up in surrender. He could see the vengeance in Obi-Wan's eyes, but knew he was unable to act upon it. He was reveling in the satisfaction, but a second later, Rex hurdled the electric spear straight into his chest, short circuiting him, and the console behund him as well. It was over, now.
"I'm no Jedi," Rex said with ferocity, though his words never reached the ears of the man he killed.
The mission was a success, on all accounts, the only setback: you.
Once they started loading the Togruta colony onto the starship, it was up to Anakin and Obi-Wan to find you, but where? Your signature wasn't very strong, simple a lull in the force, which echoed every so often. It all seemed lost until Anakin searched the broken database and was just barely able to find a cell with a lifeform unaccounted for.
Obi-Wan didn't hesitate to go running in that direction, others going behind him.
The cell block had been completely cleared out, with one door locked as an exception. He nodded to Rex, who shot the control panel beside said door a moment later. The door slid open, and the room exposed to them was dark and dusty.
When Obi-Wan saw you lied in the center of the floor, curled up into yourself for warmth and protection, his heart broke. It reminded him of when Count Dooku had taken you, keeping you under lock and key and torturing you. He swore he'd never let it happen to you again, but he did. Your body was even more exposed to the world than it had been originally, the top of your slave outfit being torn up, so it was only suitable as a bralette, now. The skirt was ripped all the way on both sides, giving him sight of your legs and hips, covered with bruises, and rough hand marks. Come to think of it, the more he looked at your body, the more bruises and marks he saw on you.
He sensed your force presence stronger now, and wrapped himself around it, trying to bring you to consciousness. You stirred in your sleep but refused to wake up. He wasn't going to waste any more time, he decided, so he lifted you up and cradled you in his arms, walking out of the cell and nodding for the men to follow him.
"We got her," Rex spoke into the comm link, and Obi-Wan swore he could hear Anakin and Ahsoka's breaths of relief on the other end.
Once on the ship, everyone offered Obi-Wan to take you off his hands, to make sure you were well cared for and to make sure you were in a secure environment where you could rest. He declined to every person, politely of course, but his responses were quite immediate.
He never even let you leave his arms. Given that there was an entire colony aboard the starship at the moment, there weren't many places to sit, so Obi-Wan found a quiet corner of the ground in the large hull, sitting down and holding you close to him, all wrapped up in his cloak to give you more coverage than the slave girl outfit you had been wearing.
The first time he saw you walk out of the fresher wearing it, he froze. He couldn't take his eyes off of you, because he'd never seen you that way before, never seen that much of your body. He hated how exposed you were in that outfit, because others were going to see you in it. He didn't even feel particularly right staring at you for so long when you put it on, but he couldn't help himself. You did look beautiful.... but you always looked beautiful.
He watched down upon your face as you began to wake, your eyes squinting against the rough lights that were so intense. You shifted in his arms, and when you began to feel your surroundings, you panicked. Your eyes went wide, and you felt the sensation of being trapped in someone's hold. You spazzed out, falling from his embrace and onto the ground, only then realizing who it was that was holding you.
"It's just me," he leaned forward, letting you see his face and trying to calm you down. You were breathing erratically, and he wanted to help, but the closer he got, the more you seemed to freak out.
"Obi," you said, closing your eyes and wrapping your arms around yourself. "I'm sorry, I didn't-"
"What have they done to you?" he sat you up next to him, keeping a safe distance for now, seeing as if he touched you too much it made you uneasy.
You sat for a moment, not really sure if you were ready to explain it to him yet. You felt embarrassed at telling him you'd been touched by another man. You were scared to let him know that you'd lost some of your innocence. It wouldn't have been so bad if he was the one to do it, in fact, you'd always imagined it would be him, but it wasn't, and you had to tell him that.
"My keeper touched me," you let out, staring ahead at the wall across from you. You didn't want to see the look in his eyes when he heard it. You were wise to do so; his face fell almost instantly and the anger from earlier had returned to him. He wished he'd killed Argos when he had the chance, and not let Rex have his outlet for revenge.
It wasn't the Jedi way, his own voice echoed in his head, reminding him why he made that choice. But neither is falling in love....
"Did he-?" he didn't even get out the full question before you cut him off, because in all honestly, you really just didn't want to hear him ask you that.
"No, I stopped him before it went too far."
He put a hand on your shoulder to gently caress it, and you flinched, leaning away from his touch, before you could even realize what you were doing.
"Sorry," you said with a dull tone, but he was the one who was sorry. Were you now sensitive to his touch? Anyone's touch? Those bruises you wore weren't for nothing, the keeper must have forced himself on you.
"Don't be... Is there anything I can do?" He asked, hoping that maybe you'd at least spare him a glance. He hated that he was unable to assist you, but he would still offer any services he may provide for you.
"Yes, actually," you scooted closer to him, turning in his direction and peering up at him through long lashes. You reached for his hand, and he opened his palm to you. You hesitantly lifted it up and placed it on your shoulder where he had tried to lay it before.
You made a physical movement of discomfort when his skin met yours, but you closed your eyes and breathed deeply, just trying to revel in how it felt to be near him again, with his hands on you. It was so much different than how anyone else felt, because it was gentle and warm, and it felt like home. It was familiar, and it was helping you to adjust.
"Are you sure this is alright, little one?" he sounded unsure, but you shook your head, keeping still with your hand atop his, holding it to the bare skin of your shoulder to help with your nerves.
"I need to get used to it again."
You were breaking his heart right now. Had they messed you up so badly that you needed to let yourself adjust to him giving you the simplest gesture? He was horribly angry on the inside of his mind, fuming at the person responsible for this. He was dead now, and couldn't hurt you anymore, but for what he had done? Obi-Wan would rather see him face a life sentence, in a prison where he would be treated as less than garbage, because that's all he was. Garbage that hurt his beautiful, precious little one.
"I'm sorry that I wasn't there," he apologized, but you had to stop him before he could continue. If you knew him, and you did, he was about to blame himself for this, and you wouldn't allow it.
"No," you opened your eyes and looked at him sternly. "You won't always be there to protect me. I need to learn how to make better decisions and protect myself. This was not your fault, you had a mission, and I had mine. You succeeded at yours, and I failed. If anything, you should be reprimanding me."
He held a hand to the side of your face, stopping you before you could continue this nonsense.
"As your Master, I took an oath to protect my padawan, with my own life if it should come down to it. I haven't been doing a very good job at it lately. You did not fail anything, and what happened to you was horrible," he had tears in his eyes, ones that he would let fall freely to show his emotion over what he spoke. "I promise you; no one will ever lay a hand on you like that again."
You knew he meant it, and in the moment of sincerity, you had no fears anymore all of a sudden.
You reached a hand up and wiped the tears off of his cheeks. His cloak had fallen off of your body, but you couldn't seem to care right now. You were lost in the oceans of his lovely eyes, the crashing waves within them that soothed you to no end. You stayed that way for a long time, just being comforted in his presence, his hand on your face, and yours caressing the sides of his.
Anakin and Ahsoka were standing not too far away, witnessing the scene that unfolded before them. Ahsoka sighed, not wanting to give up your secret to her Master, who she thought was clueless.... until he started talking.
"Just kiss her, damnit," he muttered under his breath, but with her attuned hearing, she picked it up right away and gasped, turning to face Anakin.
"You know?" Ahsoka narrowed her gaze and crossed her arms, almost surprised that he had found out. Did you tell him recently and forget to let her know? That was unlikely.
"Of course, I know, I didn't know you did," he mimicked her position, and scanned her features for any answers, but she was only looming with her own questions.
"I found out by accident. She was talking to Rex and let it out into her signature, she didn't know I was there at the time..."
Anakin's eyes widened at her confession. "Wait, what?"
"She pulled me into the weapons chamber on the ship and told me not to tell anyone," clearly, that didn't last. She was spilling her guts to Anakin even though he hadn't even asked her directly. He smiled brilliantly and a smirk spread on his face.
He was perhaps the only person in the galaxy with both sides of information now, and though it made his head grow bigger than it already was, he decided it was for the best to have one other person in the galaxy know what he did.
"Ahsoka, listen to me, this is very important..." he trailed off, and she held onto his every word.
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sapphic-agent · 7 months
Here my new ask. Its about Shiggy!
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I always will love the dream sequence and I do think it was better in the manga but is odd how Shig is saying "I forgive you Hana" and wake up to destroy everything and everyone.
I know people can feel more than one emotion. "I love Susan but I fear her" sure sure but Shig's only time ever saying those words of forgiviness ...should mean smth.
Yet...it doesn't.
Also...when in the dream sequel Shig kills his dad again...I dont see him happy about, he seems shocked and sad.
1) is Shig an unreliable narrator? To me, yes. But Hori wont explore this.
2) if afo was forcing those memories...for what reason? It was crucial for Shig to suffer and be mad forever? Does afo feed on hate? Bc I swear the amount of things Afo has done in canon towards Shig should have made Shig resent the fuck out of him
3) the ghost of his family try to save him(kotaro, who fandom sees as a monster while still cheering for Endy tries to do smth) and failed....what Izu can do here? Ge barely knows Shig.
4)Shig wake up serve cunt (that scene was cool. I give him that) and....as you said before is shallow. The dream sequence meant nothing, his family meant nothing to him. Actually his emotions meant nothing for the damn story.
5) afo made bold assumptions that Shig would still be his brainless pawn...and only works bc Hori says so. In true, Shig should have dessert him a long time ago (shig got shoot on the ua invasion. Shig got the hands of his parents and afo laughs)
It was such a cool sequence...it seems it would go somewhere but is hollow. Ita just a waste. Even more as he says he wont forgive anyone (while I get Izu saying "I wont forgive you" this line works way better for bk or aizawa. Feels strangely personal for a man Izu interacted 2 times only and shig canonically has Izu on his mind, knows he is quirkless and likes quirkless stuff never try to contact Izu)
1. Shigaraki is indeed an unreliable narrator! I forgot which user brought it up, but his narration and the actions taken by his younger self don't align. He says that he wanted to and reveled in killing his family, but the expression on his face through it all is broken. He doesn't look happy or gleeful, he looks horrified and desperate. Even with his awful father, he's shown reaching out for him and only changes when his father hits him. AFO's conditioning affected him in ways he doesn't understand, he's trapped by the undisputable (to him) fact that he's a villain who craves destruction
2. AFO is a master manipulator. He doesn't feed on hate, he feeds on how vulnerable and usable Shigaraki becomes when fueled by that hate. You'll notice he never scolds Shigaraki for his temper. He knows if Shigaraki stays petulant and full of anger, AFO can use it against him later. Shigaraki has started to realize that he's being manipulated, but it's overshadowed by the box AFO's forced him into
3. See, this is why we needed more interaction between Izuku and Shigaraki than we got. Other than the mall scene they barely interacted before the war. I've always said that Shigaraki was Izuku's parallel. They're two sides of the same coin. Izuku doesn't understand Shigaraki, he said so himself at the mall. You can't save someone you don't understand long-term. There should have been a scene- any kind of scene- where they're stuck together, can't attack one another, and forced to talk. Even if they can't (and shouldn't) come to an agreement, they still would have a better understanding of one another
4. Hori is too focused on making Shigaraki narrow minded and hellbent on destruction to give him any other emotion
5. Yeah... The lack of agency Hori forced on Shigaraki after just giving him agency wasn't the best. He isn't someone who's weak-willed. He's insanely stubborn and resilient
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sheloves-toomuch · 2 months
The Spawn and the Siren
Chapter 4: The Devil you don't remember.
Astarion does some self-reflection as he lays out his plans, the siren meets her butler... and the party becomes acquainted with a cunning devil that seems to already know Zenosyne...
This is my first attempt at a multi chapter fanfiction in a very long time.
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Some weeks had passed following the events at Ethel’s cottage, and Zenosyne found herself heartbroken at what she had seen of who she was. Still, she longed to learn so much more about herself. The revelations imparted to her left more questions in her mind than they had answered. Who was Raphael? Who was the pale, otherworldly woman she had called sister? Why was her mind burdened with the overwhelming allure of blood and death?
Like so many times before, she found herself in her siren form, laying in the river as it ran over her like a baptism washing away whatever sins of the day that she had committed. Her skin was cold, and the icy waters made her feel alive and grounded when her mind would pull her to dark places. Lazily her tail swayed back and forth as it pulled the water along in its wake. Her arms were crossed out in front of her as she laid on her stomach. Her head rested firmly in her forearms as the little parasite wiggled in her mind with power.
There was still the matter of her bloodlust. She pondered over the guilt that gnawed in her mind over what she had been wont to do over the past few weeks. When her secrets began to unravel before herself and the members of the party, and she realized that silent powers were hidden in her siren form, she used them as a shield against her fears. Unsuspecting goblins and other enemies would find themselves entranced up until the moment she would strike- each time she became more and more creative with her deadly fury, savoring the chase. Her blade tasted blood at every chance she could find. And while the others did what they had to in order to survive, she lay there in the water trying to quiet the loud voice in her head that berated her and demeaned her. She found no comfort in who she was finding herself to be. Neither did the others that she traveled with.
Then, there was still the matter of Astarion to reckon with. Following her near-demise Astarion had carried her back to the camp until she found the strength within her to walk again. The others had seen as much as she had in her dreams as they looked into the hag’s mirror, and their trust in her wavered. Very few sirens still existed, and what few did still live remained in hiding beneath the dark oceans. They remained ever loyal to Umberlee and to themselves alone, finding no allies on the surface. Astarion had teased her at first about it.
“Such a rare catch you are, little fish!” He had said in that melodic, seductive tone of his that pulled at Zenosyne’s mind even in her sleep. “Aren’t we lucky to have found you. Now, you know my secret, and I know your’s!”
He was of course referring to what had been revealed the day that Gandrel had announced he was searching for the vampire spawn Astarion. The way that Zenosyne had, without missing a beat, nodded and played along with the ruse had shocked him. She’d unquestioningly protected his identity- and then protected his life that day. It was the first moment in his life, he recalled, that he felt as though someone other than himself was watching his back. That was the moment he realized he did not want to have to go without that ever again. If the siren was willing to stick her neck out for him, he would play that card for as long as he could. It had been a knee-jerk reaction from years of survival at the hands of Cazador. Yet, the longer he thought about it- the more he felt like her demonstration of care had meant even more to him that he wanted to acknowledge.
I’m not a details person, Astarion thought to himself, …But I can enjoy this, can’t I? I don’t see why I can’t enjoy it. I deserve it, after all. I’m owed something for myself after all these years of misery and hells.
“You seem to be the only one making light of this discovery.” She replied, unable to hold back the quiet sigh that danced on the edge of being a laugh.
“Darling, I don’t care what you are, or where you came from, when you’ve proven to be such a formidable adversary to our foes.” He had remained on the word darling for a moment- he knew that she had taken notice of his suggestive pet names- small hints at his master plan. She was falling hard.
“And what’s more” he went on, “It’s always a pleasure to see a siren ensnare her prey so close- at a distance most mortals could only dream of and live to tell the tale.” One of his pale, dexterous hands reaching up to grasp at the air in front of him- just close enough to her face to keep her eyes busy as she absorbed his words like a sponge.
“Some people would call me a monster.” She said plainly, her eyes betrayed her reticence to accept his praise.
“Some people would call me a monster.” He echoed.
His simple statement left Zenosyne open mouthed- ready for her rebuttal. She found none. He was right. He was, by definition, like her. Monstrous.
“That gives me an unreasonable feeling of...?” She struggled to find the words that might describe the feeling that made her shoulders relax, and her breath release from their tight grip within her lungs. At her genuine shift in demeanor, she thought she saw a hint of something change in his eyes- as if he were faltering. His sure and arrogant smirk cracked for a split second, but whatever she saw- or thought that she saw disappeared just as soon as it had come.
“I feel like…”
“Feeling… understood?” He asked. His voice was a little lower this time. There were less theatrics behind his stance now. His arms fell slightly under an invisible weight. The truth was, he was very good at what he did. He could lead someone on and seduce them into doing whatever he wanted. It took a little poise and tweaks here and there to appease the individual in question, but the game remained largely the same. However, it would work often enough and quickly- so that all of it was over by morning, and he could move on to the next one. There were few facades he had to maintain for this amount of time. He tried desperately not to get to know the people that he…
No, no stop it now. Astarion thought to himself.
“I think so.” She said, even quieter. She reached out to him instinctively, as if to find some kind of comfort. She didn’t expect him to flinch at her advancement- and when she saw it, she let her arms fall quickly, her hands grasping each other in front of her.
“Thank you.” She said quickly, turning away from him. “That means more to me than I can say, truly.”
Her mind snapped back into the present, and the cold water suddenly felt a little warmer. Her face lifted from it’s daydream to meet the eyes of a terrifying, quite ugly creature.
“Your excellence!” it said.
She screamed. It was the small butler she had seen in the dream she had while under the hag’s spell. His tall hat smelled of the hells- like he had just come from the inside of a hot, raging volcano.
“No, no, your unholiness, please! Don’t be alarmed! I bring you gifts!” He bowed low, his voice excited. “A small piece of your most wonderful inheritance.”
“Inheritance? Are you the…”
“Sceleritas Vel, my lady. Your butler, humbly at your service as I have always been, and always will be!”
A red cloak appeared suddenly in his outstretched hands, his face still downturned in reverence at her shocked expression.
“Tell me who I am!” She demanded. She wasted no time in getting to the point. She wanted answers.
“No, no, my lady I’m afraid I cannot do that. That is not for me to reveal, not for me to say!” A hint of nervousness was in his voice now. He feared what she might do.
“But know, my lady, that your actions have not gone unnoticed by your father. He is most pleased with the fearsome initiative you have taken of late!” The excitement in Sceleritas Vel’s voice began to rise up again.
“Initiative? I wouldn’t call it initiative. I’ve been unable to… stop myself.” She said, her brows raising together in concern.
“Because you cannot hide from who you are destined to be- who you have always been destined to become!” He said, his encouragement would have been very motivational, if it were used for the right purpose. As it was- his words were bittersweet to Zenosyne and twisted with evil she could not ignore.
“What CAN you tell me?!” She shouted, grabbing at his jacket collar. She shook him with fury in her eyes and bared her teeth. She felt her gums in her mouth give way a little- and it almost felt like a relief when the long, needle like teeth pushed their way through. Her grimace widened to an unnatural size- what was once a pair of rosy cheeks was now all sharp and curved fangs, overlapping and horrifyingly sharp. Her lips were something in between a wicked smile and a forceful display of rage- and where her nose had been, a scaly nose-like feature flared with sharp breaths.
“I… No! No, My lady please, do not unleash your anger at me! I have and always will live to-”
Startled by her own growls, Zenosyne let go of Sceleritas. With a gasp her face quickly eased back into the one she had come to know up until that point. She had never become a monster like that before. Not insofar as she just had. She had literally changed her form again- into a creature worse than she’d seen in her own twisted nightmares.
She stood up, her tail turning into legs. Slipping her beaded skirt back on with shaking hands she hastily strode in the direction of the campsite. She watched as her companions went about their own business.
Shadowheart was gently and absently petting scratch as she read a book. Gale was reading as well, but much more intently. His eyes scanned old pages that crinkled loudly under his touch. Wyll rested with eyes that slowly blinked away sleep- trying to remain awake at the fireside while Karlach put up her tent.
Just as Zenosyne entered the clearing where the others sat around restlessly, the sound of flames burst from the ground- a place where she’d not ever seen them come from before. She jumped and let out a shriek that caught the attention of the others. Wyll had already drawn a blade from his side- Astarion remaining low in his instinctive prowl. Karlach bolted upright and made no hesitation in picking up her greataxe. Lae’zel was even quicker to assume an offensive stance.
“A devil!” Karlach shouted, knowing right away what was coming.
Yet instead of the flaming, fearsome creature they were all anticipating rising out of the fires and smoke, a tall and proud figure of a man stood before them. His navy doublet pristinely kept and his hair neatly combed to rest with careful control at his shoulders. His expression was one of amusement.
“Well, well, well” He said, very slowly. “…What’s better than the devil you don’t know….?”
Painfully, Zenosyne waited for him to do something. Her heart pounded and she looked to the others, who seemed just as confused as she.
“The devil you do.” He finished.
Before any more could be said, Karlach cut the tension in the air with resolution in her voice- “He’s not some friendly face, despite what he’s making you think” Karlach said, “Don’t trust him. They’re all like that. Devious fuckers.”
“… And what about the devil I can’t quite… remember? Are you another infernal butler?” She asked.
“Hah! Don’t flatter yourself, little mermaid!” He laughed heartily. “Allow me to introduce myself to you once again, sweet Zenosyne.”
The well-kept human looking devil bowed his head and shoulders ever so slightly, as if to show respect but not inferiority.
“Lord Raphael. Son of Mephistopheles.”
“Oh, hells!” Karlach shouted in rage.
“Precisely!” Raphael said with a smile. “But you, Lady Zenosyne, have always had better taste for where you rest than can be afforded out here in the wilds. Allow me to bring us to a more… comfortable place to discuss the matters at hand.”
Just as he had appeared before them, so did they all suddenly appear in a beautifully decorated dining hall. The hall was rounded, columns all around them leading the way in three directions from the large, circular marble dining table that stood prominently in the center of the room. A fire flickered atop an immensely large painting of Raphael himself that was framed in the finest gold money- or, souls- could buy.
“The House of Hope. A most luxurious place in which you formerly loved to spend time.” He said, hands extended to urge Zenosyne to turn around. There was an endless feast of the finest, most beautiful foods she had seen until now.
She chuckled. One thing that she knew about herself- if anything, was that she had an insatiable sweet tooth. Before he could invite her to indulge herself in the exquisite options laid out before them she reached out to one of the little towers that held the small, rich chocolate cakes and popped it in her mouth.
“Don’t restrain yourself on my behalf, please, help yourself.” Raphael teased.
She reached for another, and with her other hand began to sort through the decadent desserts assorted on a silver tray nearby as well.
“We’re in the hells.” Karlach said, a bit of relief in her voice from the eased pain in her chest. Her engine felt a little less hot here.
“I’d know the stench anywhere.” Wyll confirmed, “And the… company.” He sneered. Judgement on his face as he watched Zenosyne dig into the delicious food without hesitation.
“And, ah… how exactly do you know our companion here, if she doesn’t know you?” Astarion spoke up, inserting himself into the conversation.
Raphael turned slowly to the now concerned looking vampire spawn. Zenosyne looked at Astarion out of the corner of her eye as she chewed the overly sweet cake. Astarion’s eyes were wider than she’d seen them before, almost a look of vulnerability. He looked almost childlike when the devil scoffed at him. Then, he recollected himself and sneered back.
“You have a bit of a problem, don’t you, little mermaid?” Raphael asked pointedly, “Yet another resident within your mind. One uninvited guest that won’t leave your brain.”
“You know it?” She asked, her mouth still full of the sticky icing.
He chuckled, “I do. If you… wanted help… you know, you used to come to me for help…” Raphael started.
“Don’t” Karlach interrupted, and Wyll looked at Karlach in silent agreement. His nod said all that he was thinking. There was no trust for this devil among her companions.
Raphael looked at Zenosyne, the dark green locs that fell in soft waves down to her waist swayed with her alluring siren’s magic. To be certain, Raphael mused, she would not have been some extraordinary beauty if she were just another woman. What made her beautiful was a combination of her magic, her easy and soft voice, and the way she knew just how to look into one’s eyes as if the world started and stopped in their gaze. It was enough to make mortals feel something between being needed and wanted. This was the draw of a siren.
Raphael was lost for a moment, thinking about how she had looked at him with those eyes not so long ago in the soft glow of the caverns of the hells. She had come to him, using every charm she had to convince him to help her to escape the temple of Bhaal she called her prison. He heard her pleading voice in his mind again, her small, soft hands resting on his chest as she pleaded. She rested her head there, nestling into him.
“I cannot stay here, with him. I need to go up there. I need to see Faerun for myself.” She cried gently into Raphael’s arms, salty tears falling from her black lashes. “My father would have me live and die down here. What if I don’t want it?” She went on.
“You poor, sweet thing.” He had said, finally pulling her from his chest. “My precious little siren. I would deny you nothing in this world.”
Raphael blinked away the memory.
“I… don’t know If I am willing to take a deal with a devil.” Zenosyne said.
It was a far cry from the pleading girl he once knew. She had no idea.
“I will be here, Zenosyne. Just as I always have been. And when you realize you need me, you will return.” He said.
And suddenly, they were back in their camp.
“My cake!” She cried out, her hands now empty. “Well, shit.”
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I KNOW MIKA WANTS A BIG FAMILY WITH MANY JAEGERLINGS! Like Eren has four years to live, that's about three kids, counting conservatively!!
JAEGERLINGS!! HELP ANON THAT'S SO FUNNY BLESS U OMG ! But no literally, like don't tell me that's not what MIkasa wants, she needs company after he's gone, and Mikasa has always wanted a family!!! Why wouldn't she make one with Eren!!!
Mikasa doesn't know how to broach it.
Rarely in their relationship has she had trouble speaking her mind to Eren, trusting him implicitly with every facet of her heart and soul, but not this, no this he's made himself very clear on. He hasn't verbally told her, but it's obvious. Obvious in the way he pulls out to spill all over her stomach, on her breasts, in her mouth, anywhere but inside her, wasting his spend in tissues.
And really, to Mikasa, that's what it is, an absolute waste and she can't help the ache in her heart every time she watches him wipe it away from her skin, mourning the children he wont let her have even a chance at.
But she doesn't know what to say, doesn't know why he won't even consider cumming inside her, she'd tried once, and he'd looked utterly shocked, shaking his head, "Don't want to get you pregnant." She'd wanted to scream, why not!
She loves Eren, more than life itself, more than anything, and yet she knows, knows his time is limited, the days numbered, and her heart aches so badly at just the thought, the idea of being without him. She tries not to think about it, her breath coming quickly, the anxiety taking over whenever she does.
She'll be alone.
It's not that she wants children for the sole purpose of solving her loneliness, she doesn't. She wants children because she always has, wants them so desperately she dreams of it, of holding a sweet green eyed, dark haired little boy or girl, of seeing Eren as a father, a loving dad.
In all the chaos of their world, is it so wrong to want to bring a little happiness into it, a little more love? To have something to hold onto once Eren is gone.
Evidently, Eren thinks so, because tonight he won't even allow himself inside her, claiming he's too keyed up, will cum almost immediately.
She's never been so nefarious in her life, but she wants this, needs it, wants him to spill himself inside her, get her pregnant so she can feel what it's like, her tummy swollen with his child, Eren doting upon her, she needs it like she needs air to breathe. So, before she can stop herself she's encouraging him, "Please Eren, I need it, please," she begs desperately, her voice breathy, high, begging him with her eyes. And like she knows he will, he acquiesces, promising himself just a moment and then he'll pull out, but Mikasa has other plans. He slips inside her so easily, her cunt molded to the shape of him, made to take his cock, and it's almost a relief when he taps against her cervix. Mikasa is safe, so close to him, closer than anyone else has ever been, ever will be, his one, his only.
Eren groans as he bottoms out, grunting softly against her neck and Mikasa revels in it, her walls squeezing at him desperately, and before he can really protest she's wrapping her legs around his waist, arms locking around his neck, that Ackerman strength coming in handy.
"Fuck Mika," Eren groans, beginning a quick steady rhythm he knows will get them both off and Mikasa revels in it, her cunt pulsing with his every thrust, never letting him stray to far from her aching hole.
Eren is right, it doesn't take long for him at all to reach his climax, she can feel it in how he tenses his body, knows he's going to cum soon, so she takes his lips in a bruising kiss, keeping her legs knotted around his waist, and just as he looks like he's about to say something she whispers naughty words in his ear, trying her best to look her most lewd, most ravishing.
"Oh Eren," She cries out desperately, hands raking down his back, and it's too late, he can't stop himself, and finally she feels it, how his dick pulses inside her, painting her inside white with his seed. And it's everything, the warmth, the knowledge that she is completely and totally his. Mikasa follows him right over the ledge, soft cries of his name, desperate kisses following. After, Eren is white as a sheet, his hand on her thigh desperately, "Oh no." Mikasa says nothing, refusing to admit the part she had to play in this, just hoping to god she'll get pregnant, she needs this.
"Baby I have to get it out, lie back, i'm going to-" Mikasa scampers up to the head of the bead, her legs crossed tight, her voice harsh as she responds, "No." "What?" Eren looks at her, his eyes flashing dark green, surprised.
"No, you can't. I want it," she admits quietly. "You want to get pregnant." She shrugs, "Yes." Eren's eyes almost bug out of his head, "No, no way, I'm not leaving you with that, come here." "No!" She smarts back, defiant. "Mikasa," his tone is final, brokering no argument but she won't let him take this from her. Carefully, she steps off the bed, heading towards the door to the living room.
"No," she tells him again, and she feels like a naughty child who's taken candy she shouldn't.
And then she's running, sprinting down the hall, Eren quick to give chase, Eren yelling behind her, "Mikasa I'm not letting you have my kid!"
"Then we're never having sex again," she calls back, thinking of places to hide, "Because I want at least three of them!" "Three!?" Eren wheezes out and Mikasa lets out a genuine laugh as she sees his facial expression. "Three," she repeats back, a soft smile blooming on her face as she finally tells him, "Please Eren, I want it, I've always wanted this with you. Let me bear your children." "Oh my god," he groans and Mikasa beams as he begins to come around, the harsh lines of his face softening, "You really want that?"
Mikasa melts, her voice breathy just thinking about it, "So much Eren, so much." He rakes a hand over his face and back through his hair, sighing, "Fuck, okay, get back in the bedroom then we have work to do." She gets pregnant almost immediately, Eren's sperm more potent than she thought, but that doesn't stop Eren from telling her they have to 'make sure' of it, and dragging her back to their room every chance he gets.
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dykewithafatpussy · 3 years
here i go simping again
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Dating Jill Valentine headcanons pt2. (revelations & re5)
warnings: jill has ptsd, mentions of kidnapping, mindcontrol, and jill has depression, angst
pt. 1
dating jill valentine would include....
the years go on after raccoon city and jill starts the BSAA with chris on others
you're there every step of the way and supporting her every way you can
she is more open about what shes going through realizing that if you know what she's dealing with you'll be more willing to listen when she wants you to hide
youre not
you want to work for the BSAA
just doing paperwork bc you're definitely not fit for field work
jill wont allow it
she wants you as far away from her line of work as possible outside of her telling you vague details of what she's doing
you understand she wants to keep you safe but you want to help her
eventually you drop it and focus on stuff you can do
she's supportive of you when you're not putting yourself in harms way
her and chris are close and you somewhat get jealous but you know jill would go to the end of the earth for you too, she cares a lot about everyone she loves platonically and romantically.
even with knowing that it had you feeling a type of way when she rushed off in the middle of the night to go look for him in the middle of the ocean
you understood it was to possibly save his life, so it wasnt that bad but emotions dont like listening to reason sometimes
you just hoped she'd be safe
you stayed up all night hoping she'd walk through that door having found him easy enough
you feel asleep alone
when you woke up Jill wasnt there and you knew then it was going to be a long mission
a day or two passes before jill is walking through the door in her standard BSAA outfit
you rushed to hug her rapid firing questions at her to which she kissed you in order to silence you
"i had a long mission baby and an even longer week ahead of me, i just want to sleep and hold you for a little"
so you did
hours later you awoke and she was on the phone with who you could only assume was chris
you listened as she talked about their next course of action with the FBC and the BSAA, what you heard shocked you
what shocked you even more was the news on tv
jill explained everything to you
"so theres just boats full of infected creatures in the ocean right now?" you asked
jill chuckled and said it was being cleaned up by a crew
after everything settled down with the fall of the FBC (which was like a week) jill was off on another mission with chris
you wished her luck giving her a kiss like you did before every mission
she promised to take you out on a date when she got back to apologize for being so busy
she didnt come back
3 long years without her
you grew depressed
you wanted to be mad at chris but you couldn't not with how torn up he was
you kindled a better friendship with him after jill's death
you started working at the BSAA doing paper work against jill's wishes but you had to do something to feel closer to her
chris left for Africa without telling you why like he had done with every mission losing him on top of losing jill would be too much. you relied on him a lot bc of his connection to jill
while looking through papers and files you saw why,
there she was a picture of Jill
but not jill
she was blond and far to pale
but it was her
but she was dead
is this why chris left? to bring her home if it really is her?
you didnt sleep for most of the time he was gone (which was like 2 days)
eventually you passed out only to be awoken by loud knocking on your door.
you dragged yourself out of bed to see claire, chris's little sister, standing there
"you werent answering your phone so chris sent me to get you"
"whats going on?"
"shes home"
and with that you felt the tears well up in your eyes, relief flooded you thankful chris wasnt dead, and jill really was alive
you rushed to the hospital with claire
chris was waiting for you
"shes asleep right now but she wanted to see you as soon as possible, i tried calling but you werent answering, i hope it was ok i sent claire, i didnt want to leave jill"
you just hugged him
"ill that as a yes"
he lead you to jill
she looked so fragile
you wanted to cry seeing her
she really was pale and blond now
"what happened to her"
"wesker had her under mind control"
you stayed with her until she eventually woke up it was a day or so later, chris had left to give time with her
you couldn't stop crying knowing she was really here and she just wanted to hold you close
recovery was long and hard for jill, not physically but mentally, she did horrible things under weskers control, carried out his orders, killed innocent people.
she often didnt want to be touch after a nightmare
she couldnt look at herself in the mirror
and most of all she felt useless
~angst ends~
you were a big help in her recovery assuring her she wasnt useless and that you needed her
and she needed you, god did she need you
on the days she did want to be touched and held, good luck getting out of bed, even for a glass of water
she didnt want to you to go anywhere probably scared she would wake up still there
but she never did and you werent just a dream
chris stopped by often to clue jill in on whats going on
jill found out you worked at the BSAA
she wanted you to quit but she couldn't make you do that
especially after hearing how working there helped you
and she had an inkling chris wasnt telling her everything so you became her back up source of information
schemeing buddies :)
she missed kissing you
she missed everything about you
and you her
eventually she was alright to go back to work after a very long year of intense therapy
which she still needs
youre much more protective of her
a little script flip
it amuses her but she greatly appreciates it
you're never letting her go again
sorry again for some more long angst, i hope this was alright seeing as i wrote most of it (nearly all of it) running on zero sleep after playing acnh for almost 24hrs bc i hit overtired and couldnt sleep <3
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
The Stand In Chapter Fourteen
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Summary: After your little adventure in the meadow henry has no issues with showing off the budding relationship. And you soon find that the closer you got the harder it was to ignore the attraction between you both. Henry was suffering just as much as you, so why not just ask to help?
Warnings: Adult Situations 18+, Smut, No Minors!!, Swearing, Hand Job, Slight Sounding, Ruined Orgasm, Horny Nerds Being Horny, Violence, Heated confrontation Fluff.
A/N: so ended up switching a few things around on this one. I'm proud of this though, I'm trying to make this realistic with their interactions with the anxiety and nerves but in the end love conquers all. I hope you all enjoy xx
wordcount: 21,000+ (sorry 😅)
Taglist- many tags aren't working and I'm unsrue why so I'm going to add them ass reblogs to try and fix it.
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You shrunk into the seat of the car as henry pulled into set. He swung the car around parking it just between your and joeys buses. You saw Joey, Tee and Anya watching you both from the small tent awning Joey had on the front of his bus. They eyed you knowingly as they sat outside in the shade having a little break between takes.
"You know I forgot how fun these little Peugeots are! Shes like a little turbo go cart!" Henry said grinning ear from ear as he flicked off the ignition. And leaned slumping in the seat, then made you jump with a heavy hand landing on your thigh with a clap sound, his hand swooped down between your legs lightly smoothing the tiny swollen wound. You winced a little at the small sting but henry hushed you, pivoting in the seat to face you concerned, hand still smoothing over your leg, then patted as he spoke to you.
"Honey? You doing okay there? You look upset" he said slowly drawing your attention away from the others who were chatting away to one another stealing glances. And your not suprized, henry was driving topless and they could see it no doubt.
"Y-yeah I'm fine... I'm not upset just? Thinking is all?" you stuttered a little turning to face him pressing a hand to his curling your fingers around his thumb. Henry sighed, he could see the worry in your eyes. You were frightened of being judged, for some reason. He had to school his features as you bit your lip. He told himself it was because that had been the first time anything like that had happened. He was going to be your first everything. But you needed time to adjust to it, needed time to realise you were an adult and you were allowed to do these things. That it was okay- more then okay! Perfect even. You needed time to realise you were allowed to fall in love With him, and he had to give you a good enough reason.
"Hey its fine, please don't worry I've got you love, no one will know if we don't tell them... What we do is our business. We don't owe anyone any explanations and even if they do find out about our little naughtiness I doubt they will tell on us" he spoke up, trying to reassure you, he wanted you to know he had your back, that he understood and was with you every step of the way. He could remember his first ever sexual exploration. It was scary and new, but fantastic and rewarding. He wanted you to be comfortable. And you had been! You hadn't given him any indication you hadn't liked it. In fact your all but curled around him afterwards, blushing sweetly and littering his chest with kisses and soft caresses.  
You were both on cloud nine, it was only when he got a few hundred yards away you began getting quiet and shy again. You thought they would know. Mind racing, feeling more and more upset with yourself as he drove the car into the carpark along side the busses.
" y/n if you want to keep this... relationship a secret a little longer I don't mind, I will wait as long as you need love-"
"I-its not that- I'm not ashamed of what we did...or do! I don't care if they know we are... together?" Henry nodded slowly smiling more and more. He couldn't help feeling a small sense of pride, he had a victory! You were coming around! He was ecstatic, it was the first time you ever admitted you were going steady. The first time he had heard you call this what it is. You were together. A couple, courting dating whatever! It all came to the same end result.  
You were his, and he was yours exclusively. Henry was soo caught up in his excitement, the revelation that you were ready to be seen as his little lady about set 'officially' that he had almost missed your next words.
"I just I mean I'm not used to it is all... I'm happy with us though with how things are going...Like the dates and...Exploring and stuff..." you muttered squeezing his thumb in your hand trying not to sound whiney, or childish. But you were embarrassed.
"I just don't want you to feel that you have to let everyone know if you don't want to... if word got out, I don't want to embarrass you" you uttered quietly letting your fears come to light. You were uneasy and aware of what this could be seen as- people could mistake you for boyfriend and girlfriend and you didn't want them to until you knew yourself. For the time being you were just dating. Nothing was set in stone or official yet, and you wasn't going to press him and come across as a selfish, needy little virgin. Your eyes flicked to the others once more and a panic set in.
'what if they knew?- they could see it or smell it... And Henry isn't wearing a top- its fucking drenched! And... Oh my god I'm a fucking slag! They will know! Joey Anya- they would find out and then? Oh god no... This was a bad idea- he's gonna drop you now... Your a fucking slut! And ruined his tank... Because your a slut... OH GOD What is Tee gonna say? Would she judge you too? think your throwing yourself at henry? That you were too easy? Were you a whore? Slut? You'd let him do that in the middle of a fucking field? Wouldn't they all see that as something slutty?... What does he really think of me now?... I'm a fucking cheap slut, I should have stopped him, and... And then I'd? Regret it... could I ever regret it? He fucked me on his tongue?! HE FUCKED ME! OH GOD.. OH MY GOD , TALK ABOUT BAPTISM OF FIRE!... no no I'd  never regret that, never regret my first sexual encounter being with this gorgeous man, strong gorgeous experienced man who had me riding his face like a champ'
Your thoughts raged and you slowly began flushing reliving the way he had managed to have you come undone to thoroughly, but suddenly you were snapped out of them by a warm set of lips pressing sweetly against yours. A hand cupping the back of your neck possessively. You moaned a little as henry pulled you to meet him in the middle of the car, snogging you over the hand break. You shivered drinking him in as he invaded, conquering your mouth with teeth and tongue that had a slightly different taste. Your tummy flipped as you realised it was probably you... But it didn't gross you out? Not like you thought it would, if anything it gave you a rush. He tasted of you, you had branded him in a way. Claimed his mouth for yourself in a new and enticing way. It made you feel smug.
He groaned tightening his hand on your thigh that he still held and began a languid journey north. His hand finally settled twisting cupping your still damp centre makeing you whine and try to arch away from him, stupidly you didn't want him to feel how needy you was for him. Which was silly as he knew by now just how much he turned you on.
"You still there honey?" he purred against your lips smiling as you fluttered your lashes at him, revealing a dazed set of eyes. You bit your lip and nodded trying to ignore the huge possesive hand holding you intimately.
"Good, I'd hate to loose your attention again~ especially when your thinking yourself in circles, making yourself guilty for something you shouldn't." He muttered into your cheek pressing kiss after kiss along the smooth skin moving lower and lower teasing your jaw with a sharp nip. His hand stayed put not moving at all, instead it was you who moved, unable to deny your hips from rolling onto his palm despite your knickers still being wet from your earlier activities. You were weak for him, and you wont even deny it.
"I'm so happy, so happy to hear you say that you don't want to hide love. I want nothing more then to parade you around set, to kiss and cuddle you as I see fit, I find it hard holding back sometimes I just want to scoop you up and steal kisses... Do you really mean it? Can I? Can I love you openly?" He asked in a needy tone you'd not heard before. Your heart seized as the word love left him. 'L-love did he just? HOLY SHIT... OH MY GOD-HE LOVES ME?! I... no no no ... just no he didn't say he loves you... just that he could love you as in affection... but he didn't say I love you so... But... He wants people to see! To know you were... a couple? Or dating, he isn't ashamed or anything! so that must count! It must mean he has real feelings! This isn't a fling! FUCK YOUR NOT IN A FLING! YOUR BUILDING A FUCKING RELATIONSHIP! Fuck yes! That's my man.  My man. Henry Cavill, Mr thunder thighs himself- Geralt of mother fucking Rivia in the flesh- and what tantalising flesh it is... thick and fucking juicy'  
Henry held his breath cursing inwardly as you froze face morphing into shock as he asked his final question. The word love slipping out, he didn't regret it, it was the truth. But he did panic, it was too early for him to say that! Fuck he was only just making this into a semi-public relationship. Still trying to convince you that he wanted you truly and he goes and jumps the gun, saying too much too soon. But he meant every word. Henry was in love with you it was just that simple. He opened his mouth to try and save himself some humiliation of being called out on it, or turned down. God forbid. But a smile lit up your face and you tipped your head to the side becoming shy flushing and twiddling your fingers nervously then spoke sweetly.  
"I-yes Henry... There's no harm, I thought you didn't want to? Not in public anyway..." you uttered feeling light, you hadn't realised how much you had needed to hear him say the words out loud. That he wanted  to be affectionate in public. I mean sure he was a little handsy in front of your parents but that was different they were your parents. But in front of the others? On set?  
But then again you shouldn't be too surprised, the man had kissed you in front of the crew after 'that' scene. At the time you just thought... Well you wasn't sure what you'd thought. But you handt thought it was on purpose, it was an accident wasn't it? He hadn't meant to kiss you or hold you as he did.
"Of course I want to show affection to my girl~ I always want to kiss and hold you but.. I don't want to push you, don't want to frighten you away and screw everything up" he spoke into your jaw still lathering you with kisses then trailed further down, pressing an open mouthed kiss on your neck. You responded quietly groaning when his hot mouth captured your pulse point and his tongue danced over it swiping  across it in fast motions mimicking what he had been doing earlier between your thighs then he pulled back ,sucking hard on the humming vein below making you whine.
"I-I'm not frightened, and  and I don't think you can frighten me aw-ay... or s-screw up. I-I love the time we spend together and the direction we are heading in, I'm just shy and nervous your my-" You stopped the trembling in your voice and stuttering coming to an end. You didn't want to finish that sentence. He wasn't your anything, you went on dates but there was nothing officially said, he called you his but never his girlfriend or other half. So really you wasn't a proper couple quite yet. And honestly you wasn't sure how to approach the subject. Asking him to be your boyfriend seemed to juvenile but saying you wasn't a couple out loud could ruin what relationship you had with one another. It was a risk you didn't want to take.
"I just? I wasn't frightened okay?. Of any of that, I was just ah!~ wond-dering if they will report you for drivi-ing uninsured" you said with a small shy smile gasping placing a hand to his chest as he helped himself to your slim neck, gnawing gently before dragging his teeth over the now damp skin. You groaned as his hand on your crotch began moving slowly side to side fingers curling them, clawing at you teasingly as if trying to tear a hole in your wet knickers.
You gasped and arched at him dropping a hand to his thick wrist as you saw the others eyeing the car curiously. Wondering why you both hadn't got out of the car yet. Henry chuckled pulling away from you completely letting you slump into the seat with a slow breath.
"Oh yeah? Me too I mean me driving your car is technically illegal~ don't tell me your mind was in the gutter?" He said with a cheeky grin and bit his lip sending you an over exaggerated wink. Then opened the door slipping out of the car.
"I-you HENRY!" You called out to him flushing knowing damn well what he had meant! Henry just shook his head at you snorting a laugh and waved a lazy hand to the small group sitting out side joeys bus watching.  
"The one an only honey, now come on out of the car, I think Joey is gonna be sick she doesn't look to happy" Henry said pulling the seat forward releasing the hounds from their seat belts in the back of the car.
"I'm not surprized! Her second car ride and you drove like a mad man!" You snipped exiting the car the  faced henry looking at him over the roof as he scooped up a queasy pup who looked traumatised.
"I'm sorry love these are just too fun!" He said closing the door behind him as Kal darted out of the car, even he seemed to be happy once having all four paws on the ground.
You rolled your eyes and rounded the car taking the keys as Henry locked it then found yourself tucked up beside him under one arm. You tensed as henry directed you both over to the others. You did try to pull away, but it was a knee jerk reaction. This was the first time he had acted like a couple in front of them and honestly? You were nervous. You didn't know why you just were.
Henry squeezed you to him then handed you joey, which you were thankful for, it gave you something to do with your hands. You petted her slowly as she wriggled to get comfy.  
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"So where were you two all morning?" Joey asked as you both stood under the shade wanting to be out of the sun asap. It was too damn hot!
Tee watched with a knowing smile, she could definitely tell something had happened but not what. The look she gave meant she'd be hounding you later. Joey was grinning up at you arching his brows the half naked man then you clearly enjoying you both being all snuggly. Then again he had a bet. Anya took a sip of her drink smirking eyeing you carefully, as if you were a puzzle to be solved.
"Well I went to my mums then-" you began with a small rosey tint on your cheeks but Henry added his own two cents.
"We decided to eat alfresco~" Henry piped up smugly, chuckling giving you a little hip bump. You faltered. Huh? What was he playing at?
"Isn't that right love?" He asked suggestively. You snapped your gaze to him shocked. 'Did he really? He wants them to know?! HOLY SHIT! HES FLAUNTING! is this flaunting?... Well he does seem to want them to see you all...Snuggly..Soo? He did mean to show you off? And he did mean to kiss you and hug and be all cosy? FUCK ME YOU LUCKY SLUT! GO GIRL- GET YOUR PUSS EATEN BY A GOD AND THEN HAVE HIM BRAG ABOUT IT?!....No no he is just ? Just?... Okay he is teasing about eating out...AAAAHHHHH YESH! FUCKING YES GET THIS MAN PUSSY WHIPPED! Or a whipped pussy~ fucking hell how did I get here? How is this happening? what if? Wait he is teasing... they wont really figure it out... would they?'
"Ohhoho! Really now? That is interesting~ tell me was it a wholesome meal? did Tinks let you have some dessert?" Joey started wriggling his brows as he spoke drawing you from your thoughts. You squeaked heart skipping a beat realising your mind had wandered into the fan-slut territory once more, she was a rabid fangirl currently squealing and convulsing inside the recesses of your mind foaming at the mouth and weeping from her needy slit reliving the incredible experience Henry had treated you too... And was now casually throwing in everyone's faces.  
As happy as you were to have him being so open about what was happening between you and not making you feel like a sordid secret. You could have died on the spot. Henry laughed boisterously and his cheeks tinged pink, but he nodded making to reply. You panicked dreading what ever was going to come out of his mouth, he seemed like he really had no qualms about letting people know what had happened... Or that you were a 'sort of couple' especially after letting him know you didn't mind being seen, that you wasn't ashamed.  
In fact you think he may have a thing for it with the way his hand dug into your side and his eyes began to darken as they did before he began teasing you. Before Henry could reply you managed to cut him off with what could be classed as a yip more then anything.
"PICNIC! a picnic.. we had a picnic in the meadow... and some lead training for Joey that's all. I want to get her walking nicely" you said quickly. A little too quickly from the looks you were getting from the small group.
"Oh yes! Look at my sweet niece! How grown up she looks with her harness! Was she good?" Tee piped up seeing you were uncomfortable. She could see that something had happened, not bad. But something had you on edge and she didn't want to embarrass you or knock your confidence.
"The princess refused to walk on the grass until Kal walked beside her" Henry added rubbing your side trying to give you a few moments to calm down.
"Y-Yeah, then she darted under him and stayed put!" You sighed rubbing the pup's ears she leaned into you then turned lathering your fingers with kisses before tucking her head down trying to get more ear rubs.  
"Ah yes that's all well and good but I'm more interested in this picnic?" Joey huffed peering at you curiously, but there was a glee barely hidden behind it. He was quivering ready to burst from  excitement.
"It was a little lunch date Joey there's nothing much to tell apart from that" you said slowly trying to wash over what happened.
"Okay Tinks, you had a romantic picnic date... alone in the meadow.. with a half naked Henry-hunk and he got no dessert" Joey clarified with a small smirk putting the pressure on you.
"Yeah err?..." you said quietly trying desperately not to look any of them in the eye as they eye you critically. Henry huffed a laugh and tipped his head to you then tightened his arm around you pressing a small kiss to your head with a chuckle then spoke. You held your breath seeing the teasing look in his eyes and your gut twisted, blood running cold. You made to intervene but this time he was to quick for you to avoid disaster.
"I wouldn't say that, I ended up being treated to peaches and cream love" Henry said mainly to you making the others all gasp and giggle as your face flamed and you blinked up at him dumbly. 'Mother fucker said what now?'
"And I'm sure you enjoyed it?" Anya added with a soft snort finding the little teasing comments funny. Henry beamed down at you and snuggled you closer ,winking down at you. You stood there stupidly blinking trying to figure out just what the fuck was going on. And more importantly what to say, a comment like that was bound to have given up the ghost.
"Very much so!" he hummed leaning down pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek and chuckling as he pulled back.
"Good for you Henry we could all use a treat now and then!" Tee added trying not to laugh too much. You hadn't cried or got upset so it would seem you were fine with a little teasing. Which was good, it meant you were comfortable with the whole thing... Well more comfortable then she initially thought.
"And what a treat it was~" Henry purred into your ear watching you glow for him. You whined and moved pressing weakly at his chest as he snuggled you dragging you around to face him and curling around you, crowding you with his huge mass. You tried squirming away but he was having none of it and poked your sides below your ribs tickling at you until you were arching into him. Then once you stepped closer he could around you properly ensnaring you in his sweet embrace for the world to see..  
The others looked on watching the two of you fawn over one another blissful without a care in the world. Henry growled playfully pinning you to him laughing at the weak protest, and then began rubbing his stubbled face into your cheek. You yelped between whines and small grunts pouting at him. He rolled his eyes then twisted his head pressing dozens of kisses to your cheeks until you stopped whining and began giggling. Giving into him finally planting a solid kiss to his lips making his heart all but burst with pride as the others watched you kiss him!
"So you visited your parent's how are they? I really need to go and eat all their food..." Tee said quietly almost hoping you hadn't heard her as she saw the sheer admiration and love as you gazed to one another. It was about damn time! She doesn't even care what happened on your date now! What ever happened, it seemed the penny had dropped and the both of you were now an item. Hallelujah!
"They are fine, dads back from fishing now" you said to her pulling your eyes away from Henry and rested your head on him winding an arm around his waist holding him sweetly. No one had said anything really, they hadn't been nasty or sent you judgemental looks... So it was okay? Everything was fine! Better then fine it was perfect!
"Yeah he said he'd broken his carp record" Henry added nonchalantly shrugging peering down at you once more. He couldn't stop, and neither did he want to. You were here, in his arms publicly kissing and snuggling without a care! And by god now that he didn't have to hide your relationship he would stare at you as much as he pleased!
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"Whoa wait- you met her dad too?" Anya said leaning forward and blinked casting Tee a glace. Even she seemed taken back He had met your dad too.  
"Yeah I went round with Kal to take Tinks on the picnic... It was my idea" Henry frowned not finding it shocking... Was meeting your dad a big deal? He was nervous sure and it was another step forward, meeting your other halves parents. But they were acting like it was a huge revelation.  
"Well fuck me" Tee muttered snorting slapping her thighs.
"Sorry Tee but your not my type~" He quipped smirking prompting a chorus of sighs and scoffs. Henry may be a loved up puppy but he was still a teasing little shit... If anything he was worse, on his own little high as he finally got to parade his woman around~ 'his woman. His no one elses~ fuck and what a woman you were?! Funny sweet cute and sexy... The most adorable cock tease on the planet and all mine! Mine to fuck and kiss as i see fit! God yes! The way you quivered and grinded shy on my tongue~' henry though licking his lips trying to recount to sweetest cunt he'd ever tasted, fresh and wanton!
He wanted to do it all over again all day every day! He'd happily survive of your dripping slit if he could. He hummed deep in his chest eyes fluttering closed and he tucking his face back into the crook of your neck unable to stop his imps from finding your neck once more, perssing a chaste kiss to the bright mark he'd suckled onto the supple skin in the car. Images of just how he'd latch onto the mark later when laying in bed with you, tangle in the sheets as he caged you below him~ 'yes... Fuck yes just roll on top trap your tiny form below him and have his wicked way with you, make you needy and pliant~ maybe grind your hot little pussy until you cum again and again, until your begging... Fuck yes! Make you beg for his mouth on your hot delicious cunt again!' he truly couldn't wait to taste you again, force you to succumb to his pleasure over and over and teach your body to let go and just feel. No anxiety. No fear. No thoughts, just him all over your body making you feel like the sexiest most beautiful woman on the planet. Worshipping you like you deserved to be worshipped!
"Yeah get your own" you snipped playfully squeezing Henry tighter. Henrys eyes snapped open at that and he grinned, you were becoming possessive. Good. Tee burst out laughing as you scrunched your nose at her for a second then gasped covering your mouth and ducked back into Henry's chest shocked by your own little outburst.
"Now now honey. You know I have my eyes firmly set on you~" Henry soothed whilst chuckling and pinching your ass making you jerk into him yipping then huffed at him pouting. But he stuck his bottom lip out at you mocking you and cupped the small sore spot he'd pinched.
"And hands by the looks of it~" Anya spoke wriggling her brows at you. But you just rolled your eyes and held him tighter still hiding somewhat.
"Why you standing like that though?" Joey asked noting the way you were trying not to put to much pressure on one of your legs. Your thigh still ached and you didn't want to pull it.
"She got stung by a wasp" Henry said for you with a sigh. You flushed as the others all sighed heavily with an unsurprised look. As if they didn't even need to question it, of course you'd get stung it just made sense, you freaked out over wasps at one point you had even dived into Freya's bus to escape one... It had been a running joke for days afterwards.
"Oh seriously? You ran didn't you? How many times have I said not to fucking run... Jesus" Tee shook her head at you finding t funny and exhausting. Each time you saw a wasp you ran. Every single time! She can't even begin to count the amount of times in school you'd jump up and haul ass at lunch when a wasp got too close. She would always have to pack up your shit and move spots to a 'safe zone'
"Yes she did, but its fine all sorted isn't it honey" Henry spoke sweetly, biting his lip trying to stop his own chuckles. But it had been funny, the way you growled and attacked then bolted. Running as fast as your little legs could carry you and then dropped to the floor like you'd been shot. He swore he'd seen similar scenes in wonder woman.
"I yeah... He sorted it, its just tender an swollen" you muttered quietly feeling embarrassed. But even you had to admit it was funny... Looking back on it anyway. And it had worked out in your favour so you wont complain too much.
"Well I'm sure a damp cool cloth will help, here why don't you go freshen up and then we can all hang out?" Henry said slowly trying to usher you away knowing you'd probably want to freshen up after he'd made such a mess of you, not even his tank had managed to clean you up properly.
"Yeah we should really start talking about the press tour" Tee quipped eyeing each of you slowly.
"Press tour? I thought you sorted that this morning?" You asked quickly looking at Henry who nodded then tipped his head to the others.
"Well I gave my views it seems I was too late though this lot beat me to it"  
"Beat you-oh about Tinks?" Joey exclaimed cryptically making you frown. You? What did they mean? Had you done something wrong. You made to ask what had been said but Any grinned at you making you relax.
"You our sweet little fairy are not flying solo on any interviews" she announced and you slumped in relief. You'd admit it had begun to play on your mind a bit now that filming was only for another ten weeks or so... Honestly you wasn't even sure when that side of things started.
"Oh thank god really?!" your words came fast as you breathed a massive sigh, a breath you hadn't known you were holding.
"Yes we cant throw you to the wolves can we?" Joey asked rhetorically whilst wiggling his brows. The choice of words made everyone scoff and you rolled your eyes smirking. It was nice having this type of banter so openly for a change without the worry.
"Err... well? Depends on the wolf I guess~" You teased looking to the 'white wolf' who smirked at you quirking a brow at you and gave a fanged 'Geralt' smile.
"Anything you'd like to share with the class honey?" He teased slipping into character for a second eyes becoming hungry even though you'd just fucking fed him... Maybe it true what they said about canines their hunger was never sated! The voice made you shiver, the low octaves making your body melt. You couldn't help it he just had one of those voices... The type of voice that destroyed every females knickers within a ten meter radius, but then using his Geralt rasp like a weapon? Jesus Christ! It was just too sexy! Very unfair really, he was a glorious man there should be a compromise! Like surely this type of perfection should have a flaw! But you'd yet to find it.
"No?... No I err fuck" you stuttered as he smirked smugly and laughed at you then began stepping away from the others with you.
"Soon love. Very soon. I promise" he hummed into your ear making you all flustered again. And with that Henry waved the others off pivoting around and made his way to your trailer deciding it was just too hot for anymore excitement today.
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Henry moved through the set, he was in a little mood. Filming had been cancelled for the day, one of the generators that powered the cameras had died due to the heat, so half of set had a power cut. And honestly he was thankful. He was sweating bullets in the armour and it was fucking up the shots!
It had just been a bad day. First he woke up alone in bed, which meant he couldn't snuggle with you as he woke up properly, or feast on your cunt like he'd been trying to for the past few days since finally having you withering on his tongue. Kal had an accident in your bus which wasn't to bad but... He felt guilty as you mopped up the pee. Then he'd burnt his tongue on his coffee, been late getting in the chair and late for the shoot.  
And he just wanted to relax... And have an ice lolly. And to steal you away and feast on you... Probably feast on you then share the ice lolly to cool the both of you... Then go again. Currently he was waltzing across set back to his bus... Well your bus, that both he and Kal had migrated to. It had quickly become his own home away from home. Kal had not been impressed when the both of you left this morning having work to do. The bear didn't like being shut away in the air-conditioned bus with his tiny sister but it was tough luck. The pups wont be able to stand this heat and sometimes you had to do what you had to do. But Henry will make it up to them, he'd sneak some sausages from the food tent as a bribe.
Henry frowned seeing something fly high into the air and then heard yells of excitement. Followed by some loud feminine... Sexy growls and grunts. Curiosity got the better of him and he turned making his way to the large open space.
He came to a halt next to the group of spectators Freya, Anya, Tee and Joey were there watching. He frowned looking into the open space not sure what everyone was watching, you were there chatting with wolfgang and nodded then tugged your headphones on and spun around dragging in a few deep breaths.
Then it happened, you burst forth with a speed he hadn't known you'd had and twisted. You flung your hands out and struck, both hands holding your staff prop. Henrys jaw dropped. You looked fucking magnificent! You twisted and turned roaring angrily in a war cry as your twirled the prop around fluidly wielding it like a blade, in feminine swooping motions and fast twists.
"Why does she have headphones on?" Henry asked slowly eyes still fixed on you as you ran and rolled halting in a crouch baring your teeth in faux anger and bolted forward jumping high and spinning in something akin to a gymnastic move. He gulped watching your tight lithe body work and stretch in ways he'd only dreamed of.
"She's treating it like a dance... The only way she can do it she didn't have the time to learn like you" Anya piped up watching you as you covered ground halting in a jolt.
"What's she listening to?" Joey quipped moving to peek at your phone that was in Tees hand.
"Extended version of Geralt's theme from the first season... Gets her in the right frame of mind... This is for your fight scene Henry..." Tee said showing Joey the screen. There was a collective his and wincing as wolfgang instructed a tall extra to run at you with Geralt's rubber sword prop acting out the fight in Henry's stead. You grunted and staggered back as you were hit and ducked spinning striking the sword tipping 'Geralt' off balance and then tried to retreat only to be hit with 'arrd' and knocked off your feet into a dramatic 'head over heels' tumble.
"WHAT THE FUCK HOW? How did she spin that around her neck?!" Joey cried jumping on the spot as you did a fast back neckroll with the prop whilst ducking from 'Geralt' Tee grinned and eyed you. You were still good.
"She did baton twirling for quite a few years as a kid... She was really good won a few nationals... Its why we gave her the rubber one to practice everything not just close ups" she explained to the group who burst into another round of oo's and ah's as you did another little trick. An angle roll to swap hands and strike.
"She did? You mean she doesn't now?" Freya asked still unable to look away as your practiced your fight scene.
"Nah after she broke her wrist it used to play up she did three more circuits and then had to stop it got to much. She twirls occasionally but she don't compete anymore"  the woman explained watching as the fight began to wind down. Geralt winning.
"Fuck me look at her go! She isn't going down easy!" Joey said leaning forward completely investing in watching his play out even though he knew the outcome.
"Those moves are pretty cool... They look like feminine combat moves." Henry murmured in awe, shifting on his feet eyes glued to your sweaty, panting grunting form. He licked his lips as he watched everything, taking in the erotic sight before him. It was surreal watching someone act out the very moves he himself had been mastering. Watching the way he was going to subdue Keira. Holding her and rolling her to the floor and wrestling her weapon from her. Fuck knows how he is going to manage that without a hard on!
"Yeah its why she did it, her brothers all did karate. She wanted to but aunt Terry wanted sparkles and hairspray so this was the compromise. Y/n got to pretend she was kicking ass when she twirled and her mum got the glitz and glamour of competition." Tees explanation was met with a course of hums in agreement.
"Hey look Henry? Almost the splits lucky boy~..." Joey teased craning his head around to see the giant man. Henry dry swallowed and nodded jaw locking. He could see. You had managed to right yourself only to drop to the floor again staggering trying to dodge the well aimed hits.
"...A very loose set of hips...So even with the size difference you'll be good to go to town henners~" Freya added giggling behind her hand at him. henry hung his head and sighed. His arms crossed and fingers dug almost painfully into his biceps, willing his cock to stop twitching from the sight before him.  
"Oh fuck me..." he muttered quietly shaking his head and took another deep breath composing himself before returning his gaze to the dirt covered growling sexy vixen working her ass off to try and perfect the scene.
"She probably would if you asked nicely like a good boy.. Maybe a pretty please with a cherry on top? Seriously you gotta hurry up and tap that Henry, she wont make the first move you know~" Tee snorted out making everyone laugh. Henry grit his teeth. If only they knew, when he had you spread eagle before him there was only one cherry one his mind... And it wasn't going to be from him begging.  
Suddenly there was a cry. A true cry of pain that snapped everyone's attention to you. You were on the floor alone, your leg at a painful angle. It had been a running scene and your training partner was nowhere near you. It was obvious by the skid marks your slipped, one leg had stretched from under you and you crumpled to the floor landing on the other leg heavily.
Henry froze for a second and then snarled as he saw Mathew race to your side and start pulling at you trying to heave you up off the floor. You pushed at him hissing and yelping trying to bat him away crying. Mathew didn't listen and instead crouched and pulled you up with his hands on your ass. Henry saw red.
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You sobbed as one thigh locked, cramping from your skidding then falling. And your other knee ached, feeling close to popping out. God it hurt! You remembered now, why you spent extra time stretching before doing this shit. You'd halved your warm up because you just wanted this over with so you can get back to the cool bus.
Mathew raced over and began tugging and pulling at you but you were in pain! You knew you should stay down and just roll so your legs weren't so twisted and relax before even thinking about standing up. But you just couldn't get the words out. Instead releasing hisses and gruntle moans as your legs tensed and screamed at you. Finally he had enough and forced you up making you cry out as you felt as if your knee and hip needed to click. Finally after some struggling you sobbed and pressed at him tears rolling down your face.
It was as you tried twisting away from him you felt it, he had his hands on your ass trying to  support your weight. It wasn't an accident either, he squeezed digging his fingers in making sure to cop a feel. You yipped gasping freezing for a second. This was the first time someone had done this, that someone was touching you- groping you without your consent. This was the kind of thing your brothers had protected you from.
Your knees shock and you lashed out at him as he tried tugging you up on your feet trying to coax you to slump forward and lean on him, his own feet trying to move your legs below you and force you to stand. You batted at him trying to make him release you as he pulled you closer hands still firmly on your behind, but you were cut off by a furious roar.
"GET THE FUCK OFF HER" Henry shouted as he  launched himself across the space, long legs carrying him over to you. Your blood ran cold when you noticed no one was close enough to stop him this time. Joey had tried to grasp him but henry was deceptively quick and he managed the thunder across the open space ridiculously fast and seemed to be within arms reach in seconds.
Henry dived at him fist swinging already barrelling towards the man who'd just been groping you seconds ago holding you in a tight grip. You yelped as Mathew spun and dropped you in a heap on the floor once again.
"NO-HENRY NO!-" you shouted from the floor trying to get up slowly but winced crumpling to the floor with your cramping leg. You watched in slow motion along with everyone else as Henrys huge form arched following the balled fist only to frown as another form darted past him shoving Henry out of the way with a grunt.
"MOVE OUTTA MY WAY!-" you gaped as you recognised the voice then everything caught up with you as you realised just who had shoved Henry out the way and pounced on Mathew.
"What? Kane?-OH GOD OH MY GOD NO! KANE NO LET HIM GO!-" you shouted watching in horror as he managed to capture an unsuspecting Mathew.
"I HEARD YOU WERE FUCKING WITH MY BABY SISTER?!" Kane screamed holding Mathew by his collar pulling him off the ground. Kane was older then Henry slimmer but slightly Taller and just .as strong. And very very frightening when angry with his battle warn appearance. He shook Mathew who was by this point squirm in panicking in the grip of your oldest brother as Kane screamed at him. He looked over his shoulder to henry nodding to you.
"You take care of her I got this no need getting your hands dirty~" he grinned evilly and turned facing the boy who looked ready to piss himself.
"holy shit henry no fuck stop him!"  You pleaded as henry leant down next to you and began straightening your legs and help you sit on the floor properly.
"You wanna fuck with my little sister huh? You think it's fun fucking embarrassing her you little cunt? Wanna start shit with her you got to go through me!!" You trembled on the spot as Kane began shaking the smaller man by his collar growling at him.
"Wh-what no I didn't- I haven't done anything!" Mathew squealed like a pig trying to save his bacon but Kane wasn't buying it.
"Oi Henry this the little cunt whose been stalking her?" He said turning around both fists still holding Mathew still overcoming the mans struggles.
"Henry don't you dare-" you warned hands tangling into his loose t-shirt now trying to pull yourself, the need to try and stop your brother from beating Mathew to a pulp was absolute. The pain in your leg becoming the least of your worries.
"You hush and sit your little ass down before you pull that leg anymore, I'll have words with you later" Kane growled removing a hand from Mathews collar to point at you making you whimper and shrink.
"Yeah that's him" henry confirmed with a shrug as Kane looked back to the huge man fawning over you. Then he turned slowly back to you his face softened as he saw the tears staining your cheeks and he wiped them away before managing to scoop you up quickly and hold you to his chest.  
"Henry?! oh god KANE NO?! PUT HIM DOWN! HENRY DO SOMETHING?! HELP HIM!" You panicked as henry began walking with you over to the busses out of the sun so you could rest up for a bit.
"Who Kane?" He asked glancing at your brother who was screaming in Mathews face almost reducing the little prick to tears.
"NO NOT FUCKING KANE OBVIOUSLY HELP MATHEW! GET KANE OFF HIM FOR FUCK SAKE KANE!!?" You shouted turning in henry's arms craning your head to see what your crazy ass brother was doing whilst henry walked passed the scene.  
"HENRY?!" You pleaded as he carried you further from the volatile man still shaking your creepy stalker.
"What? I will...Just give it a minuet... I need to sort my girl out first~" he said unperturbed by your brothers verbal and quite possibly brutal beat down of Mathew. Henry was actually a little glad... and annoyed that he himself hadn't got to Mathew quick enough. He sat you down and placed a hand on your shoulder pressing you to stay seated as you tried getting up to wobble across the space and stop Kane. Instead all you could do was watch from afar as your brother did what ever he was going to do.
"The only one who I will allow to put his hands on my sister is her boyfriend... Are you her boyfriend?" You heard Kane as he roared into Mathews face holding him tight making the smaller man look him in the eye.  
"N-no no I'm not" Mathew cried feet still kicking up dust as he tried getting distance between him and your irate brother.
"That's right your not-I'd never let her date such a fucking weasel" Kane pulled Mathew even closer to his face and craned over him growling slowly.
"if I ever hear you've been stalking her again-she even utters your name around me or I see you fucking blink in her direction again then I will come back over here rip of your head and shit down your scrawny little neck? We clear on that?" Your brother snarled cruely with a smile. It had been a long time since he'd scared off a creep... he forgot how much fun it was!
"Y-yes I wont I'll stay away I promise" Mathew sobbed quivering terrified.
"Good make sure you do because there are fucking eight of us as we don't take to kindly to our little sister being harassed cunt." With that said Kane released him letting him stumble back before Mathew could get his Barings Kane had pulled his arm back and punched him as hard as he physically could.
"Oh my god?! Oh my god? Kane you cant just? Kane you fucking knocked him out!" Kane rolled his eyes a you and turned to Tee before approaching the group. The others were speechless, it was one thing to hear about your protective brothers... another thing to see one in action. who you'd thought was a little to dressed up today and held an arm out to her.
"Wait a minuet- are you two? Are you with my brother?!" You asked frowning pointing from  one to the other.
"Errr...Guilty?" Tee grinned and held out your phone to you.  
"I? you-wait? How long?" You asked slowly taking the phone from her blinking dumbly
"Like...A few months?...like five?" She said timidly tucking herself into Kane's side much like you do with henry.
"I started messaging her to keep tabs on you here and then...Well then tee got mouthy and things were said...Its why I came home on leave now...I wanted to see her and tell mum and dad..." Kane said pressing a kiss to her head making Tee beam and giggle. You smiled nodding finding it cute.  
"Your not angry are you?" Tee asked anxiously, almost like she ha been dreading you finding out. Your face softened. You understood, by god you understood her fear. But it was ridiculous!
"No of course not! You silly cow its just a shock I mean... Kane? No offence bro but your like....A hard ass" you loved them! They both deserved happiness and if it was with each other then you wasn't going to complain.
"Yeah...But she loves it~ well over long distance maybe not when I've got her tied up-" he teased making her flush and you laughed loudly. Well well looks like the shoes on the other foot now~ But then you pulled a face as you realised what was said and gagged.
"Okay okay ew no- your my brother just no....do not need that image ever" you snapped growling at him as he gave a boisterous laugh.
"Yes because your any better loved up with this guy?" Kane asked tipping his head to henry who shrugged before nodding.  He couldn't argue. Henry quickly sat down next to you slinging an arm around your shoulders as if making a point.  
"Well we are off before security come running and arrest me~" Kane said slipping a hand into the back pocket of Tees playsuit making her jump and flush. You giggled melting into henry's side. It was a nice change not being the centre of attention as the others looked on in amusement as Tee flushed and giggled like a giddy school girl, a far cry from the mighty woman you all knew and loved one embarrassed and loved up~
"Kane love no need to rush...Security were watching they don't give a shit" tee said trying to fend off her embarrassment but Kane wasn't letting her get off lightly. Tee had been telling him all about the teasing she'd been doing and this was time for a little payback. She may be his woman, but shed been teasing his baby sister.
"...I was making an excuse to sneak away and rail you as soon as I could" he said loud and proud shrugging not missing a beat. You all burst out laughing a whooping as the usually brazen woman began stuttering all flustered unsure what to do with herself. Finally she gave up with a pout and settled for tucking her head into Kane's chest trying to hide away.
"Oh my god Kane seriously" you heard her mutter into your brothers chest pitifully. Trying her best to scold him but couldn't quite make the words strong enough.
"Right well then we shall see you the day after tomorrow, Henry keep and eye on that little cunt for me? If he so much as breathes in her direction you tell me" Kane said tipping his head to henry. You growled crossing your arms as your brother who was speaking over you to henry who was still curled around you.
"No he will not! Ah hen?" You snapped leaning forward trying to stand up getting ready to chew out your brother with the old 'I'm and adult, I can handle it!' But Henry wound an arm around the front of your waist and dragged you back to sit in his lap. Your rant died on your tongue as your ass met his thick strong thighs. You squeaked and looked back at him flushing when both arms coiled around you and he rested his chin on your shoulder.
"I will look after her Kane, you have my word" he hummed before dipping down placing a sweet kiss to your shoulder making you melt into his hard frame below you.
"I glad, someone needs to" Kane said with a grin before turning dragging tee away from set for their... activities.
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You moved slowly back to your bus, wolfgang had decided to leave it there today. No one needed you hurting your leg even more today as tomorrow you were meant to practice with henry in the gym to finalise a few moves.
You grunted trying to lift the leg high to get up the steps which prompted henry to intervene.  He curled an arm around you opening the bus door  and stood right up against you.
"Here love let me" he said quietly and pushed the door wide open before two huge hands were at your waist plucking you from the floor.
"Oh its fine-" you said wincing try to scale the steep steps on your own but it was no good and you hissed once more. The ache in your legs was just to much at the moment. You needed a hot water bottle, pain killers and probably a hot shower too.
"Its not, that was a nasty pull honey, just let me take care of you" henry muttered in your ear and stretched his arms up showing off the raw power he possessed. If you hadn't been so shocked or in pain you'd have swooned.... On second thought you'll swoon about it later.
"S-sure" you agreed unable to argue when he was being so sweet with you. Within seconds you were carried into the bus. He kicked the door shut and still held you managing to dodge both excited pups as they came running to greet the two of you. But henry continued to the bedroom and placed you on the bed.  
"Now you stay right there until your legs sorted... you got any painkillers?" He asked stepping back hands on his hips looking like a big mother hen. You giggled at him and nodded finding him cute in that moment. It was sweet seeing him so worried it showed he cared.
"Err yeah paracetamol in the cupboard and maybe some biofreeze too" you informed him then preened as he grinned nodding before praising you.
"Good girl at least your prepared" he smiled impishly at you as you rolled your eyes and shuffled up the bed fluffing your pillow before flopping back on it.  
"Ok baby just stay right there no moving about you hear me?" He warned pointing an accusing finger at you.
"I wont love." You promised  crossing your heart making him scoff and look down only now paying attention to the hyper active howling sausage dog and her eager brother bear tapping and jumping about.
"Good. Kal, Joey watch over your mama. But be careful she's hurt" he added clicking his fingers coaxing Kal up onto on the bed and quickly scooped up Joey placing her on the pillow next to you. You didn't even have time to register the fact he'd called you Kal and Joeys mama. Because suddenly you were pinned by two happy pups trying to get cuddles and kisses.  
Kal laid ontop of you and began kissing your cheeks enthusiastically his huge tail thumping the covers hard enough to make the mattress bounce a little and Joey was up at the side of your face lathering you with her own kisses and occasional over excited nips to your nose.
Henry came back over a few minuets later as the two pups had calmed and were now just lounging with you on the bed, Kal had retrieved one of his rope toys and was chewing one end sharing it with joey; who was digging and chewing the tassel... That was bigger then her.
"Okay come on now take these and get your kit off~" Henry hummed handing you two paracetamol and glass of water then uncapped the biofreeze squirting some in his hands and rubbed coating both palms eyeing you critically.
"What?!" You yipped  almost choking on the tablets as he spoke. You coughed making some unflattering retching sounds and gulped more water down and your face glowed. You could  feel yourself shrink under his gaze, his eyes both darkening and twinkling with amusement.
"Gosh calm down~ I'm gonna massage my little ladies legs...is all~" he said cheekily knowing full well what he was doing to you. Not that he had any issues giving you the once over, if he thought your leg wouldn't seize and lock hurting it even more he would be going down on you already. You were weak and defenceless it'd be so easy to just crawl ontop of you and get to work. But like he said, he didn't want to hurt your leg any more.
"I'm fine Henry" you said shifting wincing drawing your legs up and digging your toes into the bed below you. You tried avoiding his gaze and wriggled nervously.  
"Mm hmm fine you may be but your already starting to wriggle out of your leggings my sweet~" he cooed nodding his head to you with a chuckle.  
"No I'm not- oh?? Err okay" You frowned at him and began to protest only to look down and see you had began using your feet to drag the leggings down your legs slightly. Tugging the cuffs down your feet.
"Come on roll over let me get a look at those buns~" he preened eagle watching as you fidgeted with your fingers peeling your leggings off of you and letting them fall to the floor. Henry kneeled on the bed at you rolled on your tummy. You wasn't mad enough to pass up a massage from him, even if you was embarrassed and had doubt. Fears about him touching your legs feeling the extra pudge and ripple like stretch marks. Which was stupid because the man had burried his fucking face between them just a few days ago, wearing your thighs like ear muffs! He knew what your thighs felt and looked like-fuck he knew what they tasted like among other things~
You trembled gasping when his hands parted your legs and tugged you down the bed a little settling on his knees between them. You swallowed drawing slow calming breaths into your quivering lungs. His large thick legs pressing your apart wider and wider as he drew you closer finally pressing his palms on your tender leg. You moaned softly as his huge strong hands pressed the tight knotted muscle. He was gentle at first the usual warmth that he had naturally in his hands was lost under the cool tingle of the biofreeze, the cooling gel helping to soothe the screaming tired muscle.
"That's it love just relax I got you" he breathed calmly making you shudder and melt into the bed. He pressed in slow smooth motions slowly easing out the tight muscle with fluid strokes.
You arched and flicked a foot tapping the his back lightly, hissing as he worked the muscle tissue deeper in wide pinching motions, plucking and rotating the hard lump. You pressed your face into the bed making the blankets muffle your moan of pain panting as he pressed insistantly.
"Good girl I know, I know honey but if it don't press harder its just going to go up~" he said guilty, he didn't want to hurt you, but a pull this bad? It could lock your leg and cease it, which would be incredibly painful. Henry knew from experience just how brutal that could be.
"Yeah I-I know" you heaved out wincing as he worked diligently over the flesh chaseing away the tense knots. You flinched when he hit another sore spot but he caught your leg before repositioning himself to kneel between your calves and pressed on with the massage determined to get this over with now rather then let it build over the next few days.
"Shh shh just breath deep, its eased already... slow breaths, not much more to go now love, but I need to get rid of it if not its going to creep into your butt cheek. Not that I would mind massaging this little peach but it would be very uncomfortable for you~" he soothed you and made you chuckle at his little teaseing explanation. After a few more minuets your leg finally went lax and relaxed no longer tight or in pain and Henry began on the other one, which wasn't nearly as bad, but was still tender in certain spots.
"I cant believe they are together" you finally spoke up as your mind wandered. You never thought Tee would end up with your brothers, well not seriously, sure she kissed both of your triplets but you were what fifteen? So it didn't count! But she was dating Kane? Honestly you could see it! She was rash and a scatter brain. 'Act first ask questions later' kind off woman and Kane? He was a 'you'll sit down and answer all my questions or else' which in all honesty Tee needed sometimes.  
There were many instances you had got her out of shit because she'd run in head first- or in many cases fucking swan dived into stupid situations with out thinking. Kane would be good for her, and maybe he'd lighten up a bit. Being the oldest he always took on the role as second dad. He acted like the weight of the world was on his shoulders, he believed he had to be a role model for all of you.
"What? Are you?-hey you supposed to be thinking of me when I'm lubing you up!" Henry pouted and tapped the tiny portion of ass cheek peaking from your underwear making you jolt and pout back at him before rolling your eyes.
"Henry that's menthol if we used that for lube we'd both be out of commission" you replied trying to ease the worried look on his face. He clearly thought you were about to mouth off at him for playfully slapping your ass. You wouldn't it actually sent a little thrill through you. Something you'd explore at a later date... Alone with porn.
"You'll be out of commission what ever lube I use that little miss is a promise~" he hummed grinning wriggling his brows trying to be sexy, yet he came across more like a cheesy johny bravo.
"Oh god really? That was Cheesy" you snorted shaking your head and looking forward once more resting your chin on your palm. The leg massage had somehow crept up on to your butt and was now slipping up your back, not that you were complaining.  The power in this mans hands alone was fucking heavenly. He was rubbing away what felt like a life time of stress. You'd be a new woman by the end if he carried on. So needless to say you wasn't going to stop him, fuck you were debating rolling over and going the whole hog!
'Fuck yes~ his hand would be magnificent on my tits! Just fucking yes! His meaty paws can squeeze a boob anyday~' you thought and closed your eyes trying to imagine the slow circles being rubbed on your breast, rolling them about grazing and teasing your nipples until they were hard... Your mind wandered during your sex scene he paid attention, even when acting he was thorough. Using your nipples to draw you higher, fuck using them to guide you to him! Pinching and plucking, he'd even bit! Bit your boob and suckled lightly~
"What can I say? I get all twisted when your thinking of your brother when I'm giving you a massage" he purred and crawled up you straddling the back of your waist his weight pressing you into the bed and his hands dragged your top higher up to your shoulders still languid firm drags  manipulating the muscles turning you to putty one perfect stroke at a time.
"I'm sorry what can I do to make it up to you?" You hummed quietly fluttering your lashes at him trying look over your shoulder innocently. He grunted and peered over your shoulder with a smirk making your stomach flipflop, breath hitching at the playfully look in his eyes.  
"Well that's a loaded question~" he quipped with a light scoff, and thrusted his hips a little before leaning down pressing a kiss to your shoulder blade then smoothed his hands up under your shirt to your ribs. You gasped when he began rubbing up and down, his long fingers grazing the sides of you boobs in featherlight touches.
"So back rub honey?" he asked sitting up pressing the heals of his palms into your back making you pout as his touch was pulled from your sides just as you began loosing yourself to the teaseing touches of your breasts.
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An hour later you lounged back on the bed with henry, your blankets pulled loosely over your legs warming them keeping the pain at bay. Henry's massage had been a God send. Both your legs were feeling much better and you could move them without too much pain. They should be even better tomorrow if you too some tablets and took it easy.
It had gotten dark out both dogs were sprawled on the floor each munching on their very own raw hide chew sent over from your mum. Well they were both munching on Kal's raw hide chew, Joey had eyes bigger then her belly and was gnawing a tiny corner that Kal had softened and broke free. You and Henry were scrolling social media with a show on the tv for background noise. Occasionally you would show one another a funny meme or video you came across.
"Am... Am I your lock screen?" You froze hearing his amused warm tone as you locked your phone and flushed. Embarrassingly enough he was... Well Geralt was.
"I err yeah... Well its Geralt but.... Fuck I'll change it sorry its probably creepy right?" You said anxiously kicking yourself for not changing it. 'Fuck if this doesn't scream stalker vibes I don't know what will! Oh god! Think! Think- you forgot? It was to remind you what you were working for?-HELL NO! That's worse...Why is he smiling? He... He's laughing at me? Fuck no-he doesn't take me seriously... fuck I really am coming across as a fucking stupid fangirl-' Henry pulled you closer smooshing you against him and nuzzled his light scruff against your face making you whine and try to wriggle away. But he wasn't letting you go.
"I'm flattered honey~ I really am... But maybe we could upgrade?" He added smoothly. Before you could even register what he meant he was tapping your phone and slid to the camera.  
"Smile honey~" he said and pressed his face next to yours snapping a few shots of the both of you. You grinned and posed for a few giggling having fun then faltered as he dragged you in for another kiss locking lips with you whilst still snapping shots slowly he pulled back kissing your cheeks making you giggle a little.
"Now you set one of those as your background I'm not competing with my own characters little miss" he said snuggling you once again littering your face with kisses.
"Do you want one?... Like for your phone?" You asked in a small voice nibbling your thumb nervously. As he leant his head on your shoulder watching your phone over your shoulder.
"Well I will have a few but... Here take a peak" he said thrusting his phone at you. You gasped grinning seeing that the photo Joey had posted all those weeks ago was his background, resized so that you and him were the main focus dead centre.
"I'm... Your background?" You breathed out finding it surreal that you were here. You wanted to pinch yourself, somehow your life felt like a dream.  
"Yep since the day Joey posted it. Its the only photo I have of us so close you know? The one on the first day of filming you were so nervous, this one is just... Well its us you know? I'm going to get one of both my girls soon to replace it with" he said in a chipper tone not really seeing how the tiny detail had made your heart burst.  
"Both?" you said swallowing the excitement of realising he liked you enough to replace Kal as his background.
"You and Joey nugget of course" He reassured watching you scroll trough the photos setting one for your background, it was of the both of you grinning into the camera. You loved his smile, blue eyes glowing with happiness and handsome face soft and sweet! You just loved him happy... You just loved him.
You moved placing your phone down trying to lie comfortably but growled sitting up and shifting, beating the pillow fluffing it. Henry moved hitting your pillow and pulled it up trying to help frowning, he could see you were uncomfortable.
"Are you okay honey? Any pain?" He said worriedly the biofreeze was brilliant but sticky. And you were uncomfortable.  
"Er yeah I'm fine... I just... I'm just thinking about having a quick shower... The biofreeze is sticky Is all..." you trailed off, you really were uncomfortable, your blankets sticking to you making you feel gross.
"O-oh... right err yeah fine do you...I mean should I...Go out for a bit then and come back or?... I should probably get back" he muttered quietly pulling away unsure if you were hinting he should leave or not. He shuffled off of the bed and stretched, you sat up following eyes wide not wanting him to leave you but halted. Were you being selfish? You couldn't expect him to be with you all the time. But that's what you wanted.
Henry glanced at you he was becoming nervous worrying that he was overstaying his welcome. He supposed he was anxious you were both so very close now to becoming the couple he knew you could be. The single family unit but he wanted to let you make the decision's. He wont linger, no matter how much he wanted to stay.
"Oh no! No don't go!...Unless you want to err go or stay? Fuck you know you want to I mean I- you don't have to stay" you paused flushing when you realised how clingy you'd sounded. You had to admit you liked having Henry and Kal around. It made you feel safer having the both of them with you, the bus seemed empty without them.
"I don't... I-I'd like to stay. I... Can I stay? In the bed room of course! I will find something to play with" Henry froze holding his breath then cursed realizing what he had said and panicked stepping forward waving his arms about shaking his head.
"Fuck no that didn't sound right! I meant I can play with my phone! Or-or Netflix?!" He scrambled stumbling over his words as he cried them out hastily trying to undo the damage. You laughed watching him flounder about like proverbial fish out of water. Even Kal snorted at Henry unimpressed by his humans embarassing display.
"I know what you meant love... I wont be to long just a quick rinse okay? You can get changed while I'm in there and get comfy" You reassured with a smile. He turned to you slowly before clearing his throat and nodding he was pleased if not still embarrassed he thought he was over those pesky nerves but it seemed you just managed to make him crumble and forget himself.  
"I haven't got any clothes. I did bring another few bags over but they're gone." He said scanning the room quickly looking around for the bag he had stuffed away beside the bed again... Just incase.
"I.. They are in the top drawer... I found them when I was having a sort through and unpacked... I don't like the idea of you living out of a plastic bags" you said sweetly at him nodding to the drawer you'd folded his clothes into... You'd admit to taking your time folding them, his scent smothered them and you couldn't help but be drawn to them. You folded and refolded them each day. You said it was just to have something to do but you were lying. It was an excuse to smell him on the rare occasion he wasn't here with you.  
"Thank you love, that's really thoughtful  I will... Be in here just... yeah have a nice shower" Henry mused quietly reversing into the bedroom pointing a thumb behind him with a nervous chuckle then switched tactics ushering the pups into the room trying to distract himself.
You grinned and pulled a towel from the small pile of fresh laundry your mum had let you do yesterday morning. She had been a saint and most of the people on set were making frequent visits to your childhood home for showers and to use the washing machine. She didn't mind, in fact she loved it. And they had begun taking her chocolates as thanks, Anya had even made a point to find out what her favourite chocolates were.
You spun around slipping into the tiny bathroom trying to ignore the fact henry would be just the other side of the thin wall... where you'd be naked... and wet... and naked... completely starkers! You were a little on edge as you stripped and managed to step into the shower under the warm spray.  
It was then that your mind began wandering conjuring up scenarios of him bursting in on you. Unable to contain himself as he heard the water running. Images of the both of you standing below the spray tangled up in one another's arms kissing and rubbing~ rutting one another in the tiny space finally giving in to one another and making love.  
You slapped a hand over your mouth as you panted louder and closed your eyes. Knees weak and knocking against one another as you imagined him towering over you, fingers wandering over your form and settling at your nape pulling your hair until. You were angled up, lips parted moaning breathlessly as his magnificent blues bore into your own bright eyes. Then without warning he'd dive forward kissing you like never before and pick you up. Huge meaty paws holding your ass coaxing you to wrap your legs around his hips. A single hand would wander and with one small flick of his wrist he'd rub the weeping head of his cock along your clit, teasing you, wetting you with the creamy head before finally sink home! You could almost feel it.... Wait? WHAT WAS THAT?!
You gasped and slammed a hand to the side of the shower snapping your eyes open panting in shock. You whined looking down and flushed seeing your fingers had crept over your frame. Two deft fingers were nestled between your petals rolling your erect bud between them. You pulled them away slowly whining in both embarrassment and disappointment. You flushed lost yourself in the fantasy and he was just the other side of the fucking wall!? Jesus Christ! You just hoped you handt moaned outloud... if so you could try and say the water temperature changed or something. With any luck he would buy that. In the end you quickly shook your head deciding it'd be safer to just wash, rinse and get out asap.
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You moved quietly out of the bathroom wrapped in a nighty,  a small towel around your shoulders catching the drips from your hair. You walked into the bed room and saw henry lounging back on the bed. The man was watching the small tv one arm behind his head stretching out his chest and abs he had shead his top and shorts... He always ended up half naked in here for some reason.
You eyed him appreciatively from the door he wasn't alone, Kal was laying along side the gorgeous man, the dogs back against his masters wide set of ribs. Joey was sprawled out flat on her back all four legs in the air on your pillow, and had Henry's hand supporting her snoring form as she teetered head first on the edge. You noticed it had been fluffed lightly, Henry spoiling the pup no doubt. His whole hand swallowing her and one finger curling rubbing the side of it against her tiny pot belly.
"Any room for me over there? You know? It being my bed and all~" you quipped making him turn to face you grinning eyeing you up and down.
"Well I can think of a few places to seat you my love~" he said and licked his lips making you go all bashful laughing at him before throwing the small towel from your shoulders at his chest making him chuckle and throw it on the floor beside the bed and hold out a hand.
"Come here you~" he said with a soft look he was far to hot to look this sweet! He was a huge built like a brick shit house, an insanely buff man.  And buff men were supposed to be meat heads, carnivorous manly men all 'fuck yeah testosterone!' Not sweethearts laying on a bed supporting the weight of a sleeping tiny sausage pup.
He moved over making room beside him letting you sprawl out cuddling up to him snuggling throwing one leg over him and settled, his hand around your waist breathing you in. You tipped back trying to avoid laying on him too much when your were still damp. You tipped your head back head to see what he was watching, and to your surprize he'd settled on a nature documentary narrated by David Attenborough.
Henry nuzzled into your neck groaning quietly littering your neck with kisses and sweet nips. It wasn't long before he'd rolled over managing to pin you to the bed below him with nothing kore then his huge frame. Two huge palms pressed either side of you taking just enough weight so he wouldn't crush you. Not that, that had any change to the way your breath hitched, pausing then laboured harder, lungs fighting for air and you heart thundering to life in your rib cage. You whimpered and moaned softly, mewling whilst feebly stretching out your legs then clenched trapping on of his own thighs between yours.
He chuckled then moaned into you, his barrelled chest vibrating against you with the low timbre of his groans. You huffed and grunted weakly below him. Henry continued mouthing and dragging his teeth over your neck before pressing on with his assault. He sucked and began biting harder and rocking over you. Rubbing his crotch on your thigh hissing and crying out, the godly sounds muffled by your neck that stayed securely between his mighty fanged jaws.
"Hen! Ah god~ I'm all wet stop!" You said and began giggling uncontrollably and he blew a raspberry on your neck tickling you.
"I thought that was the point?" He grinned cheekily at you then leaned forward pressing the gentlest of kisses to the bright red mark he'd left. He couldn't help feeling a sense of pride, in the coming days the red would become a bruise... Not that he wanted to leave bruises on you but this? This was different~ a love bite full of his passion and devotion, a little mark to show everyone you were spoken for. He smiled at you as you whined still trying to pull free from him and the bed that you were getting damp from your shower.
"Wetter is better love~ And trust me when I say you can drench me any day~" henry said pulling away from your neck and resting over you with a Cheshire grin and huffed a deep laugh at your flat look.
"Its not better on the sheets" you deadpanned at him tipping your head back watching him curiously, waiting for what ever mischief he had planned next.
"I beg to differ" he said winking then froze. He jolted and got up from you slowly sitting back on his ass. You frowned and shuffled to sit up beside him. But he wouldn't look at you instead shied away face burning red.
"H-Henry are you okay?" You asked watching as he pulled back and sat up awkwardly. He seemed to get uncomfortable and shy trying to cross his legs but you still didn't understand.
"Yes! Yes I'm fine I'm just fuck... It err I mean he..." henry breathed out quickly becoming more and more flustered.  He looked panicked.  
"He? What? Who Kal?" you frowned looking to the dog who was sleeping soundly at the bottom of the bed after moving over for you to lay beside henry. You scrunched your nose and followed the line of henrys huge muscular legs over his knees and fussy massive thighs then to his... oh.
"Oh err that shit I'm sorry did I? I mean I..." you stuttered looking away shyly as his boxers were straining against a huge lump, pulled tight over the hidden erect cock that had... popped up. You pulled back sitting up giving him some space and began apologizing saying sorry over and over as your face reddened, but you couldn't help staring at the bulge. It was just right there.
"No no its not you-well it is, but you couldn't have...You just drive me wild love" henry said unsure what to do, the man was embarrassed-mortified! He couldn't belive kissing you... Making out like a fumbling teenager would have made him this hard! Normally he had it under control, or managed to hide the half erect cock by tucking it into the waist band of his bottoms. But it had and now the question was what was he gonna do about it? If he left you'd know he would be at his bus whacking one out over you... And if he stayed? Well... he cant exactly just sit here with it can he?
"Well atleast I'm not the only one...you err I mean its..." you chuckled nervously trying weakly to make this a small thing and laugh about it. But that was not small! And there was nothing laughable about it!
"Fuck er... I'm so sorry god this is embarrassing!....shit love I, you just I really am sorry fuck... I was fuck I should have a cold shower it'll go away" he stuttered one hand dropping to cover the huge bulge in his boxers that had drawn all of you attention. Before you could even think you stopped him, moving a hand to his bare thigh tentativly. He froze and snapped his gaze to you as he felt your quivering fingers press lightly into his revealed thigh. You swallowed and placed your hand on the fuzzy thigh and drew a deep breath. You stared at him as he opened and closed his mouth, trying to speak but couldn't. He was far to shocked and finally closed his mouth and gulped as your hand smoothed small circles on his leg inching higher and higher you were eyeing him to see if he'd let you explore or stop you in your track.
"I Err... I'll do it-get rid of it" you all but whispered to him, your voice was weak and breathless as you battled yourself. You really did want to help him, as he helped you but... You'd never done anything like this before... never touched or played with someone before. You were a tad frightened that you were pushing it, that he'd say no and laugh... that he'd shoot you down and crush any confidence you had gained with him. It took a lot of courage to push yourself like this, to ask if you could explore a little... It was courage or stupidity, one of the two.
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"What you? Oh god you don't have too love. I don't want to force you" henry said trembling in excitement, he couldn't help it. He wanted to jump for joy and drop his cacks. He wanted to smother you in sweet adorable kisses and tell you hat it was okay, there was no need to be shy. He wanted to let you do as you pleased and watch you as you innocently toyed with him and played with his cock! Your first ever cock!
He groaned and tilted his hips forward chaseing the image with his cock. Imagining your doe eyes looking at him in shock and wonder as you saw him for the first time. He smirked at the look on your face. Perfect pouty lips forming a tiny o, and your cheeks flushing. Your dainty hand trembling as it gripped him... just a little too tight making him cry out and rut up into your hand-
Fuck! he had to stop. He couldn't let you know how eager he was, how much he wanted to christen your hand with his cum and drench it. He grunted and bit his lip the image of him releasing over your hand, seeping through your fingers and lacing your wrist. Marking you for the first time in, marking you for himself. He had to calm down, otherwise you could feel to pressured, he didn't want you the feel as if you had to do anything.  
"... I know that.... But? What if I...Wanted to?" You said shyly looking away from him twiddling the downy hair on his thigh with your fingers. Twisting and stroking it making him shiver. You were still unsure of yourself but wanted to make him feel good, it was also a way to prove to yourself you were... Well an adult woman. As silly as it sounded you just wanted to please him and prove to him you wanted him and that if... If he did want to take this whole relationship further it wouldn't be once sided. You'd give as well as take, you didn't want to be a pillow princess and be more hassle then you were worth.
"You want to? Babe I don't expect anything-you don't owe me you know that right?" Henry said trying to temper his excitement. He placed his hand over your palm that was still resting on his thigh teasing him unknowingly.
"I-I'll help... If I can... I want to" you stuttered your face burning brightly still downturned not wanting him to see how embarrassed you were. You didn't want him to think you were forcing yourself, because you wasn't it was just? This was the first time you'd asked to... Wank someone before and you wasn't really sure how you were meant to ask. And you were probably making a hash of it. Plus this was Henry the sweetest, incredibly gorgeous sexy man who you had a crush on for years. The man you could whole heartedly say you loved.
"Oh okay well you can I just didn't think... I don't want to push you honey, this is a big step for you and I never want you to feel pressured" he continued making you swoon. He was so caring and thoughtful. How anyone could ever let this man slip between their fingers was beyond you. Because he was perfect, chivalrous and polite but cheeky and funny. He managed to put you at ease and make you feel invincible all at once. Even now when you quivered and flushed brightly, when you are an anxious mess one beaming grin is enough to wash away all the fear and doubt. He gave you a strength and confidence you'd never had before.
"Can I help?... I won't if you don't want me to-" you said a little jittery but he laughed cutting you off then pressed a sweet kiss to your cheek shutting you up in the most gentle of ways making your heart melt. He didn't pull back instead resting his head on yours looking you in the eye.
"I want you to, trust me I fucking want you too! Just be... careful I kinda need him" he chuckled slowly leaning back giving you some space then nodded to you slowly finally giving you permission to touch him. You gulped flushing brighter taking a breath but faltered freezing. It was one thing saying you'd touch him, but a completely different ball game actually doing it. Henry saw the hesitation and acted quickly, moving to you kissing your lips hard prying your mouth open whilst sneakily guiding your hand to his cock giving you the little nudge you needed.
You snapped your eyes open and squeaked into his mouth trying to free your hand as he moved making you cup his erection. Henry met your eyes smiling against your lips, but he didn't pull away instead pushed against you harder licking into your mouth and nipping at your lips every few seconds.
He rolled his hips up into your hand guiding you to pet his crotch heavily. He moaned when a few seconds later you took over testing him in your hand.
He was large and for a better word. Meaty. Thick and hard yet soft and pliable. You felt silly you'd expected his cock to be almost solid like the few toys you had! But no, he was stiff and thick, much more pleasant then any toy you had.
"whoa... That's err...swollen...hard.. Never err fuck sorry" you berated yourself as you realised you were speaking outloud.  
"No no, don't apologize honey... Its the first huh? Your fine.. Perfectly fine" he said softly  in a whisper almost frightened that if he were too loud you'd get spooked and run off locking yourself in the bathroom... He moved a hand to your outer thigh and rubbed slow circles ready to capture you should you try to make a hasty retreat. It was up to you how far you wanted to go, but he didn't want you running off scared. No. He would rather you said enough was enough and then everything would stop.  
Well maybe not everything, depending on how far you got he would have to make a quick trip to the bathroom to quickly rub one out. And if it came to that he wouldn't mind, it wouldn't be a loss. He would make it the loudest and most erotic hand job of his life. Moaning and grunting making sure you can hear just what you did to him, he'd cry your name over and over until he painted his hand with his cum and only be thinking of you. He wanted you to know just what you did to him, and it was you that did this to him. No one else.
"I… Yeah I've never.. Touched one before...  Sorry I should just shut up.. You don't need me narrating" you muttered the apology quickly still cursing yourself for being such a virgin. Fuck he must be getting sick of it, you felt like you were becoming too much work. That you were too new and inexperienced that you'd be a shit fuck and you'd chicken out at the last minuet. henry Squeezed his fingers around you ushering you to hold him tighter but didn't move, he let you lead but helped you along.
You gasped as his huge hand curled around yours and snapped your fact to him gulping slightly before wetting your lips and dragging your bottom lip between your teeth. he chuckled at you before groaning the low purr like sound shaking you to your core and you trembled analysing him as his eyes fluttered closed and he grinned at you.
"Its cute~ I find it very enticing, something about being your first just makes me wild! I love it when your exploring... The fact you trust me to share this with you makes me so happy~" he finished with a small chuckle which did make you feel better if you were completely honest it made you feel special.
"I just... Its? I don't want to be all pathetic and stuff over it, I'm not your first-" you prattled on nervously looking down once more only to pause and flush when you saw your hand dwarfed by his and felt a the throbbing in your hand. Him. His large cock trapped between your fingers that where still curiously testing him, pressing and prodding at him absentmindedly.
"Your my first virgin, its why I'm going so slow I want to go at your pace love. You can do what ever you want to do" he finalized and released your hand dragging his fingers across your wrist and arm in a feather light touch. You had to say you were shook by that, you had thought he'd popped someone's cherry... I mean look at him! He was stunning any girl would jump at the chance for this huge hunk to be their first. But he hadn't? So?  That would make this even more special? Wouldn't it?  
"I want to... Please you and... Play a little?" You cooed rolling your tongue around your mouth behind your teeth. You avoided looking at him, missing the beaming thousand Watt smile that lit up his handsome face.
"Then you do just that, no complaints from me. None at all"
"O-okay... Just tell me if I'm... Rough o-or hurt you okay?" You stuttered drawing in a deep breath steeling yourself for this new and hopefully pleasurable experience.
"I will love. I promise"
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With that you moved twisting him in your hand and rubbing him drawing soft moans and keens from him. You flicked your eyes back to him. Your pupils dilated as you soaked in the sight. His brow was slightly furrowed and his pink lips parted, lip darting out lapping at them in concentration. His eyes fluttered, almost like when he was fighting sleep. He seemed unwilling to look away from you but couldn't help closeing the lids hiding the deep blue pools. You got more adventurous pressing your fingers a Tad deeper into the fleshy shaft and roaming him with your thumb drawing circles on the underneath. His reaction was a jolt, his hips swayed rolling up into you trying to chase something.
Henry tensed at the feeling of you delicatly holding him, tight yet at the same time soft, so soft as if he'd break. It was breath-taking to have your hands on him finally without him guiding you either. This was you ad you along, you were touching him because you wanted to! His head tipped back and he groaned unable to stop himself from arching his hips up, feeding your hand a little more of his cock. You gasped as he did and tightened your hold as if frightened he would slip free of your grasp.
"Y-You know? You can get him out love, he wont bite~" Henry said hands moving the lay flat on the covers either side of him his head lulled back  
"I wasn't... sure if that was okay..."
"There's nothing I want more then to have your tiny hands on my cock, I don't want to scare you is all... I'm not small and... it... I just don't want you to get worried" he said with a genuine look of concern. Your heart soared as the reality washed over you that he was more worried about you and how comfortable your were then just getting his rocks off. It was proof of just how much he cared about you, proof that he knew how big of a del this was for you. It almost made you believe he loved you back.
"... I wont be, I have seen cocks before, just not... touched is all... I want to I want to make you feel good but... don't know how" you muttered twisting your fingers a little more. For now you were content to just hold him, you wanted to take baby steps curling them around him through the boxers your eyes cast down at the admission but continue to play with him.
"O-Oh Fuck~ shit babe- that's it~ugh ughooofuck!" Henrys ground out, trying to remember to cry out rather then just grit his teeth and fuck into your palm with a quiet determination. Henry was a quiet lover for the most part... Well atleast during foreplay groans and grunts mostly until he was inside a soft wet cunt. Then he'd be as loud as he could! He loved the danger, the risk that someone might hear him having his way with a sexy little minx. And you were the only one he had eyes for now. And he wants nothing more then to let everyone know it.
Henry squinted his eyes at you for a second, his blues were dazed, blurred even from the throbbing pleasure that came from just having your hand around him. He watched you as you bit your lip rising to sit on your knees and lean over him resting on your other hand. It was cute, your face flushing as you concentrated on his cock, trying to forget just what it was in your hand no doubt. you were shy and nervous as expected and he couldn't find you anymore endearing. You were so sexy to him, pure an innocent but a little vixen in your own right.
"I could show you?" he offered moving his hand over yours again making you move lower trying to encourage you further. But his boxers didn't allow much more movement. He sighed and pulled your hand free. You tried ripping your hand away worried you'd crossed the line, but he didn't release you.
"No... no your fine honey, perfectly fine, here I'm just moving this out of the way is all~" he reassured you holding your hand in his while using the other, hooking a thumb under he elastic of his boxers twisting around behind him and shimmied them down under his ass. At the same time he scooted back, sitting up on your bed leaning his back against the built in head board behind him. You followed, well you had to he refused to release your hand, far too worried of you scampering off and looseing your nerve, if that happened he'd probably never get another chance. He had to encourage you, push past the nerves and thoughts and just feel. He wanted to make you feel comfortable and confident... And to do that he had to let you know you were doing well, that you were pleasuring him.  
And quite frankly, you were. So much so his cock was already dribbling all over the place eager to have your hands on him. He wanted you like no other, he wanted to kiss and bite at you, press himself inside of you and share your body, take you for his own morning noon and night! You completed him in a way he'd feared he would never experiance and he hoped it was the same for you.  
You were two sides of one coin, two puzzle pieces that he was eager to come together, to collide with you in the most primal of ways and prove just how perfect you both were for each other.
As the days ,weeks and months had gone by he had realised that this truly was it. He loved you, completely in every way shape and form you could love another. And it was his greatest hope to one day finally have you, not just in his bed, but in his life, his home and his family. Each day he grew closer to achieving that, each day he could see a life with you more clearly. But he was still holding back, because one wrong move could ruin it all. And he was not going to ruin this, his mother always said good things come to those who wait, and by god henry had waited a long time for you and he wont wreck it because he moved too fast.
You moved up beside him almost sitting on your own pillow that Joey had been curled up on, instead she had nestled herself under kal's chin at the bottom of the bed. Henry grinned at you licking his lip once before leaning over to you pressing a single loving kiss to your lips. It was innocent but no less intense, but this time wasn't full of the passion from before. It was the love, the emotion he put into the single peck. It blew you away. You could almost say it was love. Like the burning all encompassing love you admitted you had for him. He pressed your hand flat to his lower abs.  
You gasped when he smoothed a palm over yours holding it flat to his skin then dragged the palm south. He keened softly not holding back the small shudder as your fingertips burying into a thick thatch of curls then you froze. Your breath hitched when he'd pressed your hand into his boxers that were hanging low, barley covering the root of his cock, some curls showing over the top. He moved you further still letting you feel him, caressing the thick tame curls until you were touching the soft skin of his cock.
Henry arched groaning breathlessly as you cupped him instinctively, slowly pressing your fingertips in soft lines over the thick fleshy rod. He was warm to touch, unlike your toys that were cold... And the skin had a little movement as your slowly touched him managing to twist your fingers around him. Finally after what seemed like and eternity you had you hand wrapped around him in a loose fist. Fingers and thumb still pressing and rubbing at him trying to get used to the feel of him. He was weighty? Heavier than you'd thought he would be, and you couldn't tell just how long he was but your hand wasn't at his tip... Or touching his pelvis.
You eyed him biting your lip trying to watch him for any displeasure or tell tale signs that he wanted to stop. Consent went both ways and you didn't want to do anything he didn't want to. Even with all his praise and reassurance you still wanted to be mindful. You knew you could accidentally hurt him. Henry noticed you were eyeing him knowing at your lip consciously. He moved his hand from yours and placed his fingers to your chin curling them then pulled your lip free from your teeth with a smile.
"Go on love, its okay I want you to. I want to feel you explore and you can stop whenever you like. Remember you don't owe me anything honey, you don't have to do anything you don't want to" Henry praised smoothing a thumb over your lip and pressing a little firmer, without thinking you kissed the digit. Swiping your tongue over the pad in soft shy kitten licks. He chuckled and pressed a tad harder only to gasp when you sucked his thumb in your mouth trapping it between your teeth and suckled lightly making him moan at the sight of your slightly hollowed cheeks.  
He let you do as you pleased, your hand still on his cock tentative strokes being added to the little massage you were treating him to. He suddenly pulled back needing to fist both hands in the sheets below as you squeezed his cock a little tighter once more, like how you had over his boxers. Henry remained like that grunting throwing his head back trying desperately to hold his hips still wanting to give you time and space to have your own little adventure.
You tipped your head to him slowly then cast your eyes down to the twitching muscles over his abdomen finding the way they moved enticing, each slow tiny pump of your hand had him reacting, grunts and keens small jolts and stretching his legs out below him. Your skin prickled as he opened his eyes, the blues half lidded and lusty gazing at you strained, full of need. A need you understood. Your breaths became quiet pants whilst watching him tremble, flicking his feet placeing them flat on the bed with his knees bent only to kick out and straighten them again with a grunt.
You hissed still working him, moveing faster finding a rhythm, you noticed you got the best reaction from him if the squeezed him harder near his tip and used your thumb to rub over his slit as you reached the crown. He widened his legs and tried closeing them at one point. But you didn't stop, your hand moved all the time just toying with him, trying different motioned and flexing your hand trying to find out what he liked and what he didn't. Slowly swaying from side to side yourself making your own lips rub against your now swollen clit. Your nipples peaked thought the cotton making him watch your heaving chest licking his lips and huff a broken chuckle. He was glad you were also enjoying yourself.  
You slowly twisted your hand taking hold of him firmer holding your wrist in a less uncomfortable position. He was hot and very thick, your fingertips couldn't meet around him. Henry grunted as you held him before sliding down, following the velvet twitching flesh searching for his base. Henry eyed you as your eyes got wider as your hand travelled the distance of his cock. Then after what felt like hours your hand hit home. Nestling into his curls.
You swallowed dryly and squeezed a little harder watching as his mouth fell open in a wordless cry. You would have pulled away thinking he was in pain but the uncontrolled buck of his hips told another story. You grinned and moved your thumb pressing on the underside of him, feeling a thick... muscle? That was flexing, straining and twitching below him. It throbbed faster under the small circles your drew with your thumb.  
"fuck uugh aah shit yes that's it-FUCK FUCK BABE~ AHAHAHAAAUGH!" you flicked your gaze to Henry watching him fist the sheets either side of him tensing and flexing his powerfull body and curling forward slightly, his hips rising to meet you in shallow thrusts.  
You pulled your hand up holding him tightly all the way. He yelped and tried to follow your hand hiding a red flush creeping up his chest. It was incredible, you could feel him quivering, see every mighty muscle in him come to life and tense. His ABS spasmed beautifully and the pectorals in his chest flexed, biceps tense and bulging as he gripped the covers in two glorious fists. Then his shoulders? God the were stunning, broad and rippling as he jolted tugging at the muscles in his neck, muscles that looked perfect for biting. Your eyes blew wide and mouth ran dry, the fist wrapped around him was now pumping him in short fast strokes on auto pilot, like you just instinctively knew what to do. You'd not really put much thought into tossing someone off, never thought this could be that erotic. Many friends said it was a chore. Boring and a pain in the ass... And the wrists. Honestly they must have been doing it wrong, because this was insanely arousing!  
Just watching him was causing the heat to pool between your legs, every gasp and whine he released was echoed by your own soft mewls. Your thighs rubbing ever so slightly. His pulse beating faster and faster and the mewls became louder until they were true moans, cries of pleasure that were just as deep and powerful as he was.  
You moved your hand all the way across his shaft watching his face, the needy look was something that would always stay with you. You held the crown of his cock and twisted your hand pressing down on it letting it wet your hand. His warm precum dousing it in proverbial fire. You slowly drew up higher only petting him with your fingertips and  massaged, pressing into the wet thick flesh in slowly drags and twists. Henry jerked up yelping as you did so making the elastic of his boxers ping and slip front your hand revealing the once concealed sight of his huge erect cock in your tiny hands grip.
"Oh god, I'm sorry did I hurt you?!" You breathed out panicked making to releasing him fearing you'd caught him with a fingernail or something. But Henry was quick amazingly so. His hands snapping you yours holding you still and he moved moaning louder as he rutted the head of his cock into you almost cage like fingers bumping the tip onto your palm wetting it with small drops of cum already.
"Fuck! I-no its no ones ever-UHGH FUCK AHA SSHIT~ please! Please don't I need!" Henry babbled grunting and moaning as you flexed your fingers.
"Fuck I need you love~ soo bad please!" You grinned feeling more and more confident and grasped his hand prying it from your own and held it sweetly. You tipped your other hand around fisting him again then began to stroke him whilst rubbing circles into his sensitive tip. He grunted louder panting and pleading with every breath he had when both your hands worked in tandem slow short pumps at first then gradually longer and faster.  
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Henry went wild below you moaning as your hand moved with ease along him coaxing out more cum from his tip that dribbled down over your moving hand. You tried to concentrate, watching as the taught skin wrapped around his cock give way to a beautiful glistening tip, the mushroom head was pink, but quickly becoming deeper in colour as you moved along him.
You slowed once more watching fascinated by him, your grip tightened again, all the... cum was making him slip through your hand easily so much so you were worried he would slip free of your fist. He growled almost snarling at you his hands came up to grab your hands once more only to stop and clench into fists and pin them to his sides not wanting to take over but at the same time needing you to finish him. Your nervous exploration quickly became almost sadistic teasing. You were fascinated with him, his reactions and sounds that drove your own blood racing faster and arousal to pool between your legs.
Henry's patience paid of when you smoothed his wet cock with your fingers and curled your thumb over his head as you reached the crown once more and stopped stroking. Instead you drew the pad of your thumb over his slit, exploring still, acquainting yourself with him. He was now hot, very very hot in your hand and seemed to have gotten harder and dare you say thicker from your... playing.
You leaned over him trying to get a better look. He was magnificent it a strange way? You'd never thought that cocks could be anything more then weirdly erotic, never beautiful but his was. A pleasing looking curve to him, thick and powerful just like the rest of him and... veiny? The thick throbbing veins wound around him like lace. Coiling and pretty?
He was frightening to behold in his glory long, longer than you thought a cock should be if you were completely honest, it was the type of cock that would pop in a 'monster cock' search on porn. yet you wasn't frightened? Far from it! You didn't care that your small frame would barley take him as far as you were concerned he was welcome to rearrange your guts!  
Your eyes trailed over him as you teased his slit, rubbing it and prodding with the flesh of your thumb it was big enough to press the tip of your thumb into. You did so gently remembering a video of a hand job once. The man had loved it but you knew you had to be gentle. You mimicked what you remembered pressing the tip of your thumb into it, just so the skin parted and the flicked, rubbing the sensitive flesh.
Henry cried out a gruntle moan growling and tried fucking up into you muttering 'oh god' over and over closing his eyes and throwing his head back. He liked that then? His groans got louder as you rubbed at him then squeezed with the rest of your fingers trying to hold him still.
"I-is that? Okay?... I mean its err... not to tight?" You asked frowning but he just cried out and widened his legs rocking meeting your hand with shaky thrusts. You quickly added your other hand to him. This time curling them both around him and jerking him up and down as fast as you could making sure to press your finger is along the veins as you went. He roared and ached up not expecting you to go at it like that be was thankfull for it, a few tears escaped his eyes as you work him through both hands, his eyes snap open and a cacophony of unintelligible sound pouring from him as his body spasmed.
You grinned and leaned over him pressing a sweet kiss to his shoulder before resting your cheek on it looking down as you continued fucking him with your hands twisting as you reached his base drawing a delicious high yip from him. He turned his head to you moaning into your ear, one of his hands wrapped around your waist digging the strong fingers into the soft swell of your love handles and closed his eyes. You followed suit loosing yourself in his harsh sounds, imagining him holding you rutting up into you singing this new beautiful melody.
Then without so much as a warning he arched throwing his head back again jerking harshly into your hand, his cock was tensing tugging his balls up meeting your hand and began pleading desperately eyes wide and wanting. He watched you, nothing else his eyes didn't look at your face instead his needy gaze bored into yours you could see he was close his eyes glazed both with unshed tears and an addictive heady lust that you want to see again and again. You'd never get tired of that look, the needy sexy thirsty look pick tongue wetting his lips and a flushed sweaty face torn between a tight look of concentration and a serene happiness. Giddy and excitable.  
"F-fuck DONT STOP! PLEASE-oh goooooddd fuck fuck please-love I -don't stop I want you to! AhUGH!" He babbled rolling his he'd back trembling legs trying to fuck up into your hands. You moaned yourself watching him loose himself.
"Your doing perfect-FUCK SOO~ YES PERFECT! Just- please don't stop fuck OH-OHGOD! I-I'm gonna cum! Fuck fuck yes just-oh God fuck babe please?!" He roared loud and suddenly stilled arched high. You felt it, the way his cock jerked in your hand pumping his release from his balls. Then he was releasing thick dribbles of cum spurt from his tip. In a blind panic you tightened your hand just under his crown and slapped your hand over his head suddenly afraid of him getting your sheets messy. You wasn't sure why. It was irrational but it was a knee jerk reaction.  
"FUCK FUCK- BABE?! Yes- OH! God ple-please I need to- please please fuck let go please I can't?!"He swore at contorted bucking into you powerfully as you did so. The flat of your palm blocking his release, forcing his orgasm to last longer as his cumulative was trapped in his cock. Henry squinted and rocked up into your palm grunting and choking on his own moans almost unable to breath then you finally pulled away. Gasping as he finally growled cumming in thick ropes across himself. The force of his delayed release making his cock bob and sway under its own power. He grunted and thrusted his hips moaning breathing heavy still letting loose more cumulative dribbling from him even as his cock began softening and laid back on his abdomen.
You blinked eyeing him cautiously as he panted looking up at the ceiling groaning, bringing his hands to his hair and dragging his fingers through it wiping his sweaty brow. You flicked your gaze to your hand smothered in his release. Without even a though you brought you palm to your face and sniffed, there wasn't really a smell to it, just male but clean? Then you craned forward and tentatively lapped at it.
It was... strange a peculiar taste but not unpleasant, musty and male but not salty like others had lead you to belive. You lapped gingerly and paused hearing him growl a very low Geralt growl through some harsh pants the force of his erratic breaths rocking the bed.  
"Baby you really need to stop that~ because if not we will end up doing this all night~" You flushed wide eyed at him and  
"I-Is that such a bad thing?" you quipped popping a finger into your mouth and sucking feeling sexier then you probably looked. You quickly tore your hand away from your face embarrassed at the thought wiped it on the covers beside you.
"oh god you think you can just tease huh? Well if you get me hard again I may have to just roll you over and show you just how long in can hold you on the edge hm?" he teased making you falter the image of being below him thrashing as he held you on the edge of rapture, which you just knew he would be able to do effortlessly, the ache between your thighs deepen. But he didn't give you a chance to dwell on it as he grinned mischievously at you and pounced. You squealed as he dived over you caging you below him not caring that h was now fully naked over you, or that his now flaccid cock was dirtying your nighty. He held you dragging your lips to meet his in a deep kiss, tongue and teeth both ravaging your mouth biting your lips and nipping at your tongue as you prodding him with it trying to ease yourself into his mouth keening.
You whined feeling a wet patch form on your belly from his cock rubbing into it. He rocked over you grunting and claiming your mouth as his own once more, not caring in the slightest that you now tasted of him. But then again it was probably the same for him and it was you. There was a possessiveness that came with tasting of one another. He pulled back holding himself over you with one hand gazeing down at you still pinning you with his abdomen and waist. His heavy from wasn't  uncomfortable, in fact it was very nice having him over you like this, comforting in a strange way?
He breathed in deep trying to draw in lungfulls of the delicious coconut mango shampoo and body wash you used. His free hand smoothed over your cheek cupping it in his hand. You whined closing your eyes nuzzling into the gentle palm sighing and fluttered your eyes relaxing in your own skin for what felt like the first time on your life. Henry's face softened, settling into a warm smile, wide blue eyes staring at you adoringly.
"I love you Y/n" you froze mouth hanging open as he whispered the words at you. You blinked and tried to breath or speak or anything! But you were shell shocked. 'he... He just? Oh my- no but? Henry just? OH FUCK! FUCK HE DOES- HE LOVES ME? HE LOVES ME! Joey, mum Anya tee- they were right! He-henry loves me back! I'm... Oh god' tears gathered in your eyes at the thoughts, the realisation that you were in love and loved in return!
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He held his breath biting his lip cursing himself as you went quiet, the room became tense as the seconds passed.  Somehow he just couldn't hold back this time. He just had to finally tell you premature or not. He loved you whole heartedly and you needed to know. It had just felt right but maybe he shouldn't have blurted it out in his afterglow like that. But he had and he couldn't take it back. He wouldn't.  
You managed to compose yourself and swallow the lump in your throat just as panic washed over you when he opened his mouth. He looked apologetic and as if he was about to start to take it back. You didn't give him a chance to and moved sitting up on your elbows diving in for another kiss trying to pour your feeling into it. He must have got the message, he relaxed and smiled against your lips making you pulled back as tears began rolling down your face and you sniffed quietly trying not to bawl like silly little girl.
"I l-love you too H-Henry" you wept quietly somehow giggling through the tears and admission. Henry rolled on his side and wound his arms around you dragging you to his chest snuggling you. He grinned his heart about ready to burst as you told him what he'd been waiting so long to hear. He tucked his head into your neck kissing you as you cried sweetly. Happy tears of his own slowly streaking his face wetting your neck as he nuzzled into it muttering over and over I love you almost like he was making up for lost time, all the instances he'd wanted to tell you now spilling from him. And the best thing? Was you uttering it back every single time.  
This was it. This is what love was supposed to be open, warm and unafraid. Freeing and all consuming. And now he knew what true love felt like he wasn't letting go. He was never letting you go. He summarized holding you tighter as you clutched at him. Now all he had to do was fuck you silly to drive home the message, but that could wait. For now he was going to enjoy this feeling of finally having the love of his life in his arms. No secrets. No wondering. No uncertainty. You loved him and he loved you and from here on out it was the two of you against the world. He eyes you as your breathing evened out your tears stopped and you watched him skimming a finger over his chest swirling the small curls.
"I think we should get some sleep love, afterall you are training with me tomorrow and I wont be going easy on you~" he teased chuckling as you pouted.
"B-but I hurt my leg" you whined at him
"Your leg was fine when you were rocking on it earlier... Why were you rocking anyway love? Have an inch needing scratching?" he quipped prodding your side making you squirm and whimper at him cheeks flushing. He definetly knew you had an inch needing scratching. It was just a shame you really did need to be wide awake tomorrow.
"I-I? Just shut up you!" you grunted and snuggled into his chest more hiding away from him.
"Aww don't be like that, I promise once I'm done throwing you about tomorrow I will tend to your little Eden~" he teased making your whole body glow bright red at his sweet yet tempting promise.  
"D-Don't call it that!" you squeaked out at him.
"But Eden is cute? Or do you prefer kitty? Cunny? Princess parts? Love box? Fanny? No your right I don't like that oh what about Quim? Peach... But your ass is more like a peach-" he started listing off more nicknames for your most intimate parts each one worse then the others.
"Fuck okay okay Eden! Eden it is! Jesus Christ just stop!" you snipped trying to stop this madness. He released a deep belly laugh at your flustered look and held you tighter.
"Never~ come on lights out love"
"fucking give you lights out if you carry on" you huffed pouting but snuggled into him making him laugh as he flicked off the tv and bed side light.
"Ooo feisty I like it~" he muttered into the darkness pulling the covers over the both of you getting ready to settle for the night.
"Oh go to sleep, aren't men supposed to pass out after popping one off?" you asked with a sigh.
"Most men but love you forget I am a Witcher we have inhuman stamina so another three should do it if your offering~" he said cheekily making you sigh loudly making him press a kiss to your head.
"Good night honey, I love you" instantly the slight irritation you had melted and you tipped your face up and pressed a kiss to his lips making him freeze obviously not expecting the kiss.
"I love you too now get some sleep, if your throwing me around I want you well rested and on your A game." with that you both fell into silence drifting off to sleep tangled in one another's embrace the prefect image of a blissful couple.
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yandereacademia · 4 years
So I have dependent personality disorder, and that got me thinking, how would shouta, hizashi and Toshinori react to a darling who has DPD (feel free to ignore if this question is too uncomfortable)
Ohh! I had to do a little research to make sure I had some facts and ideas straight, I’m really sorry if I don’t get it! Thank you for asking!!
“Dependant on You”
TW:Abusive relationships, Emotional manipulation, mention of alcohol & drugs
The Teacher Trio x Reader with DPD (Dependant Personality Disorder)
Shouta Aizawa (EraserHead)
An easy way to put it, is that he is uninterested. If anything, he sees you as a puppy wanting its owner to play with it constantly.
He won’t admit it, but when you ask him if what you’re wearing is ok, he feels a sense of pride swelling up in his chest. He loves having that control over you.
He’s going to use this against you if you disobey him. He’ll lock you in a room and leave you there until you’re calling for him like a horrified child. He knows he probably isn’t helping the situation, but that doesn’t stop him from using your weaknesses against you.
You’re his. He makes sure you know it, asking you who takes such good care of you and who makes you feel better when you’re upset.
He doesn’t do anything to help you with this, instead he indulges in having your focus on him, and he focuses on how dependent you are on him. Revels in it.
He would never hurt you though, not unless you deserved it, and even then he would probably only break a bone to get his point across. He wants you to depend on him, not be horrified of him.
You can say goodbye to therapists if you have them, you’ll be talking all your problems out with him and only ever him, he wont let you leave his side anyways. But why would you want to when he takes such good care of you?
Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic)
He likes it like this. How you cling to his arm and ask his permission to do things. He thinks its cute and he loves the way you act when you’re around him.
He likes to hold you close to him, and he spoils you to death. All of the clothes in your shared closet are from him, so when you ask him what you’re allowed to wear he looks a little shocked, “what do you MEAN can you wear that? Of COURSE you can babe! You look hot!”
You’re going to get complimented constantly wether he knows about it or not. If he does know about it, he’ll be even more suffocating then he means to be, trying to get you to do things on your own so he can get some work done.
Hizashi hates punishing you, that’s obvious, however, he does like to force you to ‘relax’ at times. But you trust him, and the alcohol and pills he offers you at times are something you just have to take.
He leaves you home alone often. However, a dog is likely to keep you company, just ask and you can have whatever your heart desires. The man is probably loaded after all.
You are his most precious possession. And he can be very possessive. If you want to go out with friends he needs to know who, why, and if he can come. If he can’t come? You can’t go.
He doesn’t offer you a chance to get away from him, and he’ll scold you if you try. How dare you try to leave the man that cares so much?
Yagi Toshinori (All-Might)
Out of these three, he focuses on you more then his desires. He wants you to feel confident about yourself, he wants you to not have to depend on him. He knows good and damn well that he’s growing weaker and he can’t stay with you forever.
He cares about you, so much. You dont deserve to be taken advantage of by anyone or anything, and he’ll make sure of that.
Like a parent teaching their child to ride a bike, you won’t even realize he’s not around after he lets you go. You’re welcome to come back whenever you like, and you do. You come back to him every time.
He praises you and tells you what not to do of course, but he doesn’t scream at you. He’s gentle with you and caring, and he’ll help you through anything that happens.
He loves you, and even though he wants to keep you to himself, your health is more important to him. He needs you to be healthy.
He always seems to be around however, following you at night just to ensure noone comes after you. After all he doesn’t need you dying on him.
He’s very supportive of you, so supportive that it makes you forget the fact that he kidnapped you from the home you were happy with, and he is the reason you’re so lonely, but he cares. That’s all that matters, right?
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markley · 3 years
movie night with choi beomgyu part two
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your heart is racing as you panic. how the hell do you face beomgyu with this new revelation? like what? you just look your best friend in the eye and say ‘hey i think im in love with your dumbass. alright now lets watch disney’s hercules’?
because thats sure to go well.
you’d love to be able to pretend you never realized how you felt but beom can read you like an open book... or rather an open music sheet? he’s never been one for reading. he’s always preferred finding entertainment in music.
the image of beomgyu teaching you guitar years ago flashes through your mind. his eyes crinkling at the edges when you completely messed up the chord and the way his hands moved over yours as he took the guitar away to show you how to play. and the way his hair was so-
creak. the sound of the unoiled door opening snaps you from your memories of beomgyu. you look up from your spot on the couch to see the boy in question standing there with a wide grin and arms full of movies, snacks and plushies. the typical best friend movie night essentials.
beomgyu immediately ran to you, tackling you into a hug on the couch. “you ready for the BEST movie night ever?”
“you say that every movie night, beom.”
“and im always right! they just keep getting better and better.” you can’t help but giggle an the surety of his words. “plus tonight i rented pretty much every disney movie in existence and we’re gonna be binging it all and its gonna be great.”
an excited beomgyu gets up from his seat on top of you to slide one of the dvds in. disney’s hercules.
when he sits back down he slides an arm around your shoulder like he always does, but unlike every other time, you freeze under his touch. he gives you a slightly worried look but seems to shake it off in favor of cuddling closer to you.
even by halfway through the movie he hasn’t stopped touching you. whether that be an arm around you, a hand on top of yours or even fucking feeding you popcorn as he messily belts the lyrics to wont say im in love. ironic, you think, attempting to shove the growing feeling of anxiety at his touch down your throat. maybe if you continue to ignore it, your feelings will go away and everything will be back to normal?
beomgyu has always been touchy but not this suffocatingly so. it’s almost like he’s testing your boundaries- and you are at your limit. either you are an insanely good actor or he just doesnt care because he seems to not notice your growing stress.
“okay so you are acting weird.” he says it so casually, like he’s just talking about the movie or the weather, that you barely notice his words. when they register, however, your breath catches in your throat. shit—so its definitely not because you’re a good actor.
you look up at him, but he’s eyes stay trained on the movie. “w-what do you mean, gyu?” even you wouldn’t believe your attempted nonchalant words. why is your voice shaking so much, you bitterly think. you may have been able to escape questioning if you didn’t sound so suspicious.
he finally looks at you, eyes soft but unimpressed. he raises an eyebrow, prompting you to explain. but how the hell do you explain to your best friend that you may or may not be deeply in love with him? so you choose to stay silent, just gazing back at him.
you two are locked in a staring battle until he seems to lose, looking away disappointedly. “fine, dont tell me, your best friend, what the hell has been going on with you.” he huffs, shoving popcorn in his mouth, annoyance clear in his eyes. you tell eachother everything, so it makes sense he’d be annoyed by you hiding something from him.
you dont know if its the noticeable pout on his bitten lips and the guilt in your gut upon seeing it, or if its simply the adorable way he looks sitting there, bundled up in a hoodie, hair tousled and shoving popcorn in his mouth instead of talking to you that makes you impulsively speak, not a word being thought through before its spoken into the tense air. “i think im in love with you.”
now its beomgyus turn to tense up, his previously annoyed eyes turning to you in surprise. he looks like a deer in headlights and youd think it was cute if it wasnt a reaction to you confessing. but then, his shoulders drop, his eyes close, and he giggles. “you think?”
your frozen in place at his casual response. you expected a bit more surprise, and a lot of discomfort, but all beomgyu does is smile, raising an eyebrow at your indecisive words. “you think that you’re in love with me? come on, i dont even get the pleasure of you being sure?”
you gape at your best friend, in shock of how unbothered, and perhaps even happy, he seems. taking a deep breath, you look him in the eye. “beomgyu.” he hums in response, grinning at the seriousness in your voice. “gyu, im in love with you.”
“god it took you long enough!” he complains, whining as you sit there frozen when he pulls you closer to him, forcing you to cuddle into his side. it’s a normal position for the two of you, but now that you’ve confessed it’s just different. “i thought i’d have to deal with you acting weird for forever and then i’d have to be the one to confess so you’d stop acting like i killed your puppy.”
“beom what the hell are you talking about?”
“oh yeah that’d be pretty important to mention...hey y/n, im in love with you too.” he shrugs, acting like he didn’t just confess his love to you. you shoot up from under his arm with wide, annoyed eyes. you’re best friend was never one to be serious but this is ridiculous!
“beomgyu why are you being so casual about this?!”
“because we might as well already be dating. we’ve known eachother for years, live together and cuddle like we’re dating. ive known i liked you for a while so basically all i was waiting for was a confession.”
“so why didn’t you confess first?!”
“i wanted to wait for you to figure it out! you weren’t acting weird until today so i figured you didnt consider loving me until well, right now.” he’s grinning at you, giggling and unshaken.
“you are the worst beomgyu”
“yeah well, you love me.”
“...unfortunately.” he’s looking you in the eye now, a smile still playing along his red lips. lips you’ve never wanted to kiss this much until right now; lips you’ve never even considered kissing until today. but when he finally slots them against yours, it feels right. yeah, you were so in love with choi beomgyu.
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20rubixcubes · 3 years
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enhypen as baristas
maknae line x gn!reader (comedy, fluff, mild angst)
~1.2k words ea (headcanons)
warnings: cursing
a/n: i just wrote this for funsies, please be mindful that there is heavy swearing in these headcanons (particularly in ni-ki’s part), so if that isn’t your taste, perhaps skip this one! other than that, the rest of this is pretty chill, so i hope you enjoy my shitposting. oh, and lmk if you like this enough to want part two with the hyung line 👀 just maybe i’ll do it
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was only recently employed as an afternoon shift employee and was both shocked and distressed after discovering the cafe didnt have an instagram
“what do you MEAN you dont have instagram??? how do we post selfies???” “sunoo we sell coffee” “NO ONE WANTS COFFEE JUNGWON THEY WANT CUTE BARISTAS”
starts an instagram for the cafe and takes aesthetic pictures of his latte art
his selfies get way more likes though
speaking of his latte art, he masters the skill like a week in and everyone else is incredibly jealous
their jealousy wears off when jungwon tells him that he has to start training the new apprentices
pretends he forgot how to do it for like a week but it hurts his pride so he begrudgingly agrees to train the apprentices instead
in his free time he can be found snapping pictures around the shop, eventually expanding to taking pictures of the others too
“sunghoon stop moving you look cute and i need to take a photo” “sunoo im holding hot milk” “does it look like i care beauty is pain sweetie”
other than that, he sometimes sits in the booths to snack on muffins and do his homework since he only comes in to the shop for about an hour during his school lunch break and on the weekends
you meet sunoo after applying for an apprenticeship, wanting to get a job before you finish high school and start college
seen as though jungwon looks like the boss, you approach him, nervous for your first shift
“i’m here for the apprenticeship program?” “oh yeah! one second!”
he trots off to the back room, leaving you standing awkwardly in the middle of the cafe
the yelling pauses before who you presume is sunoo stomps through the back room door, a scowl on his face
he spots you, groaning loudly “are you the apprentice?”
“yes” you say meekly, guilty for seeming to ruin his shift
he gestures you to follow him behind the counter, pulling an apron out from under the sink and shoving it to your chest
its clear that hes pissed, yanking his tools out from the cupboards as you tie your apron behind your back quietly
“have you made coffee before?” “only instant coffee” “oh fantastic”
he seems to be getting more irritated by the minute before he takes a deep breath and starts directing you around the machines
“to do the art, you angle the mug like this and draw with the milk, but it wont show until it reaches the top so dont go crazy”
as if its nothing, he demonstrates by drawing a perfect swan in the milk, setting the latte down and dusting his hands off
“wow… thats amazing” “i know right? no one here appreciates me enough” “they should! this is the best i’ve ever seen”
he grins at your compliment, nodding with satisfaction and sending a wave of relief over you as you notice he looks less angry with you now
“um… im sorry if i interrupted whatever you were doing before” “oh, that? i was just doing jay’s makeup” “you like makeup? me too! i’ve never seen a boy interested in it though, thats really cool” you smile genuinely at him as he blinks in surprise
“really? you think its cool?” “definitely!”
you watch the gears turn in his head before he smiles widely, seeming to have come to some kind of revelation as he nods
“i like you.”
your cheeks heat up immediately, but before you can say anything in return, he starts calling out for jungwon, leaning over the counter
“well thats up to them” he looks up from the table hes wiping down, adjusting his apron as he walks over to the counter
“so youre all finished with the course? i hope sunoo wasnt too much for you”
“i wasnt! anyways, youre employed, okay?” “sunoo stop theyre just an apprentice”
he groans loudly, irritated once more as he whips his head to you
“you have to work here, ok? i said so, so come back and apply or i’ll be mad!”
you laugh at his antics and smile “i’ll see what i can do”
after jungwon pries sunoo off of your arm, you return your apron and leave the shop with a wave
“YOU BETTER COME BACK!” is the last thing you hear as you step out onto the street, the bell ringing to signal your exit
a week later, you return to the shop, slightly anxious that your new friend(?) might have forgotten about you
but this is quickly washed away when you hear a high pitched squeal from the counter
you laugh as you approach the counter, a teasing tone on your voice
“are you supposed to be talking to your boss like that?” “whats he gonna do? fire me? im the only one who can make coffee in this place” “true”
soon enough, jungwon comes out of his hiding place, his hands clasped together
“im really sorry to ask this but please, you have to work here, sunoo hasnt shut up about you all week and i dont know if i can stand him anymore, i’ll even pay you extra please dear god”
you give sunoo a look, only receiving an innocent smile and puppy eyes back
“sure, i’ll take the job!”
jungwon sighs in relief as sunoo begins jumping up and down, yelling something about having his own little baby to take care around the shop as you groan, covering your blushing face
once you have your hours established (sunoo made you take the same as all of his, but you did the nights instead of the afternoons on the weekends, to his displeasure), you get straight to working
… well, sort of
it was hard to get work done with sunoo pestering you around the clock
“you think im cute right?” “yes sunoo” “even though i have bags under my eyes? “yes sunoo” “you promise?” “yes sunoo” “good”
admittedly he is slightly of help when it comes to the more fiddly parts of making coffee, but every other second of the day he seems to be flirting nonstop
“can i kiss you?” “no” “why not” “sunoo we’ve been over this” “BEING AT WORK ISNT A VALID EXCUSE”
worn down after his incessant yelling all day, you find yourself snapping faster than usual
“we’re not even dating, sunoo! why would i kiss you!? just stop playing with my feelings already!”
for the first time since you’ve known him, sunoo goes quiet
“why not?”
“what are you talking about now sunoo?” “why arent we dating”
now its your turn to go quiet
“do you not like me?” “what? no, sunoo-” before you can reason with him, you watch him quickly rush away from you around the counter, slamming the break room door behind him with tears in his eyes
cursing to yourself, you ensure there are no customers to serve before quickly darting after him
after looking around a bit, you hear sniffling from the supply closet and knock on the door quietly
“sunoo?” “leave me alone!”
you sigh, taking a step back and turning on your heel to face the opposite direction, running a hand through your hair as you think
you spot a dog bed at your feet, suddenly remembering that jake usually keeps his dog supplies covered in dog hair in the closet
“sunoo arent you allergic to dogs?”
“... *sniffle* y-yeah”
after you persuade him to come out by mentioning that his face is going to get all puffy, he steps out, eyes glued to the floor as he looks away from you in shame
placing a hand on his shoulder, you speak to him softly
“sunoo, look at me”
he does, hesitantly, his eyes red and watery and, as you said, puffy and inflamed
despite this, you smile
“i do like you back”
his eyes start watering again, your heart skipping a beat in fear that you had said something wrong
“e-even if my face is all puffy and gross?” his voice wobbles, the tears filling his eyes giving him a sense of vulnerability as you sigh
“yes, even if your face is all puffy and gross”
he smiles at that, shutting his eyes cutely as you press a kiss to his cheek
“and theres your kiss”
he whines “i was supposed to do that!”
“you can do it after we finish work, okay?” “WORK STILL ISNT A VALID EXCUSE…. but maybe today just because i need to ice my face” “yeah you really should, can you even see?” “no not at all” “great”
the previous manager left suddenly and jungwon was given a semi-forced promotion as he was the only employee with at least half of a brain cell
poor boy is stressed 24/7
doesnt get paid enough for this
goes through hell every day just to make sure the others dont burn the cafe down
is supposed to be on the morning shift but he stays until the afternoon
in his rare moments of downtime, he likes to go around and water the hanging plants around the shop
is that one vine where the mom listens to nicki minaj for the first time and screams “no” over and over whenever ni-ki gets control of the cafe music
is only 16 but acts like a 32-year-old father going through a midlife crisis
lifts boxes of supplies all day yet his joints are famously brittle
“hey jungwon did you hear glass shattering too?” “sorry jay that was my back” “you need to invest in physical therapy” “maybe if i wasnt paying for property damage every other week 😊”
you meet jungwon when you drop into the cafe for a croissant and a coffee before your class starts
usually you come at night maybe an hour before closing so you had never seen him before, but here you were watching this cute but clearly stressed boy scramble around the shop carrying boxes of supplies to the back
trying not to be creepy, you sigh, turning back to your phone after watching him for a solid five minutes straight
as you do, you hear a crash coming from what you assume is the supply closet followed by a disgruntled groan
pausing, looking around at the other customers typing away at their laptops and waiting for another staff member to go check on the boy, you stand up as you discern that he must be the only one working and hesitantly go to see if he’s okay
“hello? are you okay?” you peer through the door, your eyes widening at the sight of him rubbing his head with a wince on his features, supplies strewn around him at his feet and a box knocked over beside him
“ah… um, yes, i’m okay, sorry if i disturbed you with that noise…” he smiles bashfully, pulling himself back onto his feet
“do you need help with all of that stuff?”
he opens his mouth to protest, not wanting to have to ask for help from a customer, but after seeing the amount of crap off of the shelves, he realises that there is no way in hell he’s going to be able to clean all of it up alone before his shift ends
“um… is that okay?” his cheeks flush with embarrassment as you smile
over the next couple of hours you two establish a little system of bagging the spilt supplies and passes them to eachother to put in boxes, chatting never ceasing as you discover that you actually have a lot of things in common
“since you work here, what’s your favourite kind of coffee?” “i like lattes… i cant stand bitter things” “me too! my friend drinks espressos though” “ditch them”
you also find out that he started being homeschooled after becoming the manager as he doesnt have time to attend normal school
the both of you find yourselves laughing nonstop, having fun in eachother’s company
so much so that you end up late for school
“oh shit! i completely missed my first class”
guilty for making you late, he offers to take you
“i can take you?” “you drive?” “well….. not exactly”
once sunoo and ni-ki arrive to care for the shop, he takes you out to the car park, pulling a spare helmet out of his backpack and securing it on your head before giving your head a pat as he gets onto his scooter
“you look cute” “i look like a bug” “a cute bug”
once you get to school, face red after having to hold onto him the entire time, you hop off and pass him the helmet with a shy smile
“thanks for driving me” you mutter, brushing off imaginary dirt from your shirt as you do your best to avoid eye contact, your face still flushed and heart racing
is it possible to develop a crush on someone this quickly???
jungwon is so cute that he makes it possible, you surmise
“of course” he mirrors your nervous smile, a blush finding its way to his own cheeks
as you bow and spin on your heel to start walking inside, he stops you
“what is it?” you turn to him, your heart still thundering against your ribcage at the fond expression he has plastered on his features
“actually… can i pick you up? after school?”
when you pause, your face growing hotter and hotter, he begins to sputter
“i-i’m really sorry, its fine if not! that was way too forward, i just really like you and- oh god that was even more forward- um-” “okay” “yeah i’m sorry that was a stupid questio- wait, what?”
before he can say anything else, your smile widens
“i’ll see you later, okay? don’t be late!” you wave, skipping into the building with a fluffy feeling in your chest
with an awkward wave, jungwon watches you leave, his mouth wide open in shock before a grin replaces his expression
getting back into his seat, the lovestruck smile never leaving his face as he drives off, he begins to count down the minutes until he gets to see you again
works the afternoon shift
technically an apprentice but he gets paid and has been there forever so basically an employee at this point
or he would be if he ever actually made coffee
he sits with the work phone all morning and chooses the music
perpetually dancing to 7 rings by ariana grande (look up his cover. youre welcome in advance)
jungwon and jay scream at him to at least do the mopping to which he complies, but not without performing a whole ass concert with it
once they saw him twirl and dip the mop
eventually they just told him to go back to curating the music because he was scaring customers away and they were losing business
he was horrible at cleaning anyway
“hey jungwon i think i got window cleaner in your plant” “im firing you” “i dont even go here” “STOP QUOTING MEAN GIRLS AND FIX THE DAMAGE YOUVE CAUSED”
you meet ni-ki while youre drinking your coffee at a booth and he plays your favourite obscure indie song so you have to compliment his taste and get to talking
he plays your favourite songs whenever youre in the shop and audibly hisses at anyone who tries to change it
makes choreography to said songs at home and tries to impress you by casually belting it out by your booth
when you compliment his dancing and ask how long hes been practicing that choreography hes all like “oh hahaha it was just casual freestyle super easy peasy”
(hes been practicing for two weeks)
thought he was being super obvious by doing these things but apparently nOT because you have not caught the hint at all and hes getting impatient
asks for advice from the others begrudgingly
“give them flowers” “jay thats so boring” “do you want to use one of my dogs? everyone loves dogs” “wtf jake since when have you had more than one dog” “make them latte art with a heart on it” “sunoo ive literally never made a coffee in my life” “why dont you just ask them out like a normal perso-” “shut the fuck up grandpa thats so weird no one does that”
eventually he settles on sunoo’s idea of making you latte art and he embarks on his journey to make his first coffee
rather than focusing on the actual taste, sunoo tells him to just do whatever so that he can show him how to do the art
“why is it green ni-ki” “you said to do whatever” “and your first idea was to make poison? idk if this is the best idea if youre trying to ask this person out” “shut up and pass me the milk”
burns his hands on the steaming milk jug at least fifteen times and ends up with so many bandaids on his fingers
despite how stiff the bandages are on his hands, he eventually manages to make a sort-of legible heart
“it looks like africa” “have you ever had steamed milk poured on your eyes sunoo?”
poor ni-ki waits for you all day, his heart leaping every time the bell on the door rings only to roll his eyes when it isnt you
he even stays past his shift so youd better let him take you on a date or hes quitting
when you finally arrive he trips over the bucket at his feet he was using to clean and spills dirty water all over his pants
“omg ni-ki are you okay what happened” *five octaves higher* “NOTHING I'M COMPLETELY FINE WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT”
by the time he’s finished cleaning himself up (and by that i mean fixing his hair in the mirror for twenty minutes) he takes a deep breath and walks over to you, somewhat cold latte in hand
“um,” he clears his throat, his face growing red as he slides the mug towards you “i made this for you”
“aw thanks ni-ki! why is it green” “........its matcha?”
youre slightly suspicious but you look back to the mug and slowly realise that the “drawing” slightly resembles a heart, smiling a little bit to yourself
when you look back to him, youre a little confused as to why hes just standing there
“is something wrong?” you press the mug to your lips, taking a sip
“o-uh uh actually, i wanted to ask if… if you would uh maybe sort of go on a date with me”
you can only smile
“yes, but…”
his heart starts beating faster, watching you anxiously
you stand up, taking the notepad and pen from his apron pocket and scribbling your phone number
“only if you promise to learn how to make actual coffee” you wink, handing him the notepad and sauntering out of the shop
hes stood there dumbstruck, stars in his eyes at the slip of paper in his hand
but then he realises: he has a new mission
rushing to the back room, he slams the door open
“grandpa, i need you to teach me how to make coffee right now” “literally why do i pay you”
with your promise in mind, the others see him work more diligently at the counter than they ever have before
“wow youre actually working today?” “shut up i need to figure out how to do this butterfly before i pry my eyes out with a fork” “haha funny joke ni-” “did i stutter”
at the end of the week, he forces heeseung (the cafe’s best coffee maker) and sunoo (the cafe’s best latte artist) to judge his latte
“this is… surprisingly good” heeseung peers into the mug, smiling at the swan ni-ki created with the latte foam as sunoo grumbles “dont tell me im gonna have to start competing with this kid, it probably tastes gross” “it tastes amazing too” “im quitting”
with his coworkers’ notes in mind, he finally works up the nerve to send you a quick message telling you to come into the shop
when you arrive the next day, ni-ki greets you and immediately gets to work, making sure to stand as close as humanly possible to your booth so he can show off his newly acquired coffee making skills
with you only inches away, he does make a mistake and spill milk on his shirt after looking at you and not his hands for a second too long, but you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt when he sets the mug in front of you
“wow! this heart is perfect!”
you smile, looking up to him “did you seriously learn how to do latte art just so you could take me on a date?” “… y-yeah, and?”
you can only chuckle as you press the mug to your lips, readying yourself to drink liquid dirt…
“this is… really good!” you grin, taking another sip and putting the mug down on its saucer
“i think you’ve definitely earned yourself a date… or two”
at this news, ni-ki’s face lights up, shoving the urge to scream down his throat before nodding stiffly to try and contain his excitement with a strained “cool” escaping his lips
“are you okay ni-ki?” “yes just give me one second”
he quickly scrambles to the break room, a moment of silence wafting through the store before a shrill scream fills the air
eyes wide, you turn to jay, who had been manning the till, after hearing him burst into laughter
“what is he doing?”
“we told him the freezer was sound proof”
132 notes · View notes
hei-ch0u · 3 years
It’s long...(fair warning) ✰
 Shingeki no Kyojin 139 (Theories)
Since everyone is throwing around their theories from the wild to the more likely, I thought I should contribute. After all, it will be the last time we can theorise this amazing manga full of all its twists and turns. Like most, I do agree with the popular fan theories simply because this manga is consistently unpredictable with each chapter. Let’s face it, some stories are easily picked apart these days and finding one that continuously has you thinking about what could occur is a winning tale. So first, I will start off by saying that I am so sad that Shingeki no Kyojin is coming to an end. But! I will never forget this amazing manga as I have grown so attached to the characters and the story as you can tell from the past nearly 9 years of running this blog. So, thank you yams for being such a genius! Regardless of the ending, it will go down in history as one of the best stories I personally have ever read and witnessed.
With typical fan theories, I won’t go into them too much as I feel the concept of the “time loop” has been written about to filth and I think it is very blatantly clear at this point that the concept of a time loop is very likely in one way or another given the overall concept within aot/snk in general - there is a obvious manipulation of past, present and future. I will hold my hands up and say that I definitely do agree with ‘some’ popular fan theories and will list a fair few below in brief detail - as I do think they are highly likely to be true in some way or at least implied within the last chapter. Now, with the usual leak dates coming up on the horizon, I wanted to put my input in before hand. Although, because of recent prosecution warnings for leaking the final chapter - I would advise others just to wait for the 9th of April on official release for concrete facts rather than speculations and leaks simply because we have seen with past few chapters that a lot of false spoilers get released and I think with the final chapter it would be wise to wait as I have previously stated on here that it will be the ‘revelation’ chapter that ties this manga together.
So! With the typical fan theories, we see the likes of:
Eren being the baby daddy to Historia’s baby
Eren sacrificing his reason for living - freedom. By being the greater evil to bring about the greater good
The baby itself could become the new beast titan or baby Eren/Ymir reborn
Eren isn’t dead, but on Paradis by way of transferring his subconscious into a crystallised version of himself
Eren and Ymir have struck a deal
And of course - the time loop concept
…The list is endless of popular fan theories. It would be silly not to agree with any of them given the story and where we are currently at, its very clear that Historia, Eren and Ymir will play a big part somehow in the final chapter (if not id be genuinely shocked) since majority of the past few chapters they have been absent in full form and I feel this needs to be explained. After all we still haven’t seen the full extent of the memories of past/future that Eren was aware of from his contact with Historia and his connection with Ymir in Paths. We saw 137 being predominantly Armin based, 138 being Mikasa based and I think it is only reasonable given his absence as the initial protagonist that Eren will be the revelation within 139. Ultimately culminating EMA / the trio as a whole. We began with them, so it only makes sense to end with them (albeit separately as individuals).
Moving on, as you can see I agree with said fan theories as I think any route could be possible! The thing with Shingeki no Kyojin is that it has many hidden ‘Easter eggs’ (how fitting given its easter), whether it be in the background of scenes, characters wording, placement of scenes/characters, flashbacks, paths and even in the opening and ending credits of the anime we see hidden meanings through imagery. It has all been laid out very well for our finding, its just if we have an intuitive enough imagination to pick it apart and figure things out. This leads on to my own theory/theories (it can go any way and I wont sugarcoat it - I could be reaching)
I generally have 2 theories that run about in my head with how the story itself could turn out or how it works. Both theories kind of tie together in one way or another featuring predominantly Eren and then Mikasa or overall ‘Ackerman’ blood/gene concept and its potential involvement in control of said time loop. I will do my best to include manga panels to give visual insight to the points.
To begin, I want to touch on Mikasa's “dream” in 138 - although devastating, I think it is being taken as the opposite of what it was and personally I see many looking at it through rose tinted glasses. This wasn’t an alternative universe (in my opinion), this was Mikasa’s Ideal life - her dream. When it comes to Eren as a connection to Mikasa, he is her reason for being, even in death she chooses not to part with him for her own good and creates a dreamlike reality for herself to make herself go through with the deed. She as a character has dominantly surrounded her existence on Eren, he is categorised many times within the manga as ‘home’ - like other fan theories have stated, it has been mentioned many times Mikasa referencing the word ‘home’ and also how she wants to ‘be close to him’ because it gives her comfort and strength. The Ackermans as a whole have attachments to people and this is where they ultimately gain strength from. Without any of the Ackermans ‘attachments’ being in danger or being killed, their powers wouldn’t be awakened and without them I feel their strength almost weakens until they find a new reason for living to keep moving forward. I’ll touch more on the ‘Ackerman’ theory later as its one of the open loopholes still currently alive within the manga.
Mikasa has always been a character that confuses me, particularly with the way she acts and things she says or thinks. She has said many things that don’t make sense unless she has a certain belief system or knows of things from past lives.
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As you can see and I will produce more evidence of such comments further in. She implies that she either believes in reincarnation or she is aware of different periods within the said time loop. She speaks of starting over, being dead and returning and implies in different ways that she is scared of the same thing happening again. The last panel - what plan is she on about here? Her own plan. In my opinion it is - "Don't let Eren die". As we have seen, that may be what has to happen. It's fate. She interferes with this and never lets him go.
Mikasa does have an unhealthy bond with Eren, I do think he loves her ( I’m not dismissing that ) but do I think its the type of intense love she feels? no. Some things she has came out with has even shocked other characters and countless times her comrades have tried to ‘break the barrier’ to get her to realise her way of thinking when it comes to Eren is unhealthy. Hence why I think we seen Jean in this particular scene below so frustrated
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not because he himself has feelings for her, but because she’s not letting them get through to her that she is refusing to believe Eren could ultimately be a changed person (which he definitely is, I’ll not go into my rant of why he isn’t ‘evil or a ‘monster’ because i’ve done so already) but overall, Mikasa constantly makes excuses for Eren and doesn’t recognise it, her life revolves around being close to Eren and she gets very emotionally troubled at the idea of not being with him or him ultimately taking a path that doesn’t involve her. We even seen Annie question her and this wasn't many chapters ago and she replies with the same mindset of bringing back "the old Eren". He is not the person he once was particularly as a child. Something that is implied at beginning of manga, it opens with them as children and somehow links with 138.
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As stated by Armin below we see him even explaining to Mikasa that Eren’s never close, he always takes his own route and that ultimately both Armin and Mikasa aren’t his reason for living. Let’s face it - Freedom is Eren’s reason for being, his only desire. Armin has also expressed disbelief and almost frustration at her way of thinking when it comes to him (below examples) I think in a way the famed ‘table scene’ was Eren trying to break the bond, but he’s not doing that for no reason, its implied he does it to protect them, but it could also be because of what he has seen in memories past and future - he has perhaps became aware of Mikasa’s involvement within paths and the loop. He has to try to alter her way of thinking to protect her, but maybe also himself.
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Armin + Other comrades reactions to Mikasa’s mindset 
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Another visual point to make regarding Mikasa’s ties with previous loops and Armin, was her comment made about him at a very early stage in the manga just after Eren had been eaten by a titan after saving Armin - leaving his fate at this point unknown. 
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this is implying that Mikasa has some knowledge of previous times Armin has helped them with his ‘ability’ which if we are referencing him as a character is his methodical intelligence. But, even here he is confused by the comment, simply because at this point there has been no signs of Armin’s usage of this ability - mainly fear and lack of confidence with that in comparison of his peers. We don’t necessarily see this until perhaps even a chapter later and as far as we are aware, Mikasa doesn't follow through with “i’ll tell you about it later”.
I don’t know about anyone else, but it seems odd she has such an attachment to Eren like this that is so intense. It’s not normal to be as intense as she is about someone unless she is used to losing that person over and over. Even as children Mikasa acted possessive over the ‘concept’ of Eren dying - it wasn’t allowed to happen. She doesn’t have this intense reaction with Armin or other comrades. She fixates on the idea of Eren being her saviour, the one to give her a ‘home’ and a ‘purpose’. Mikasa consistently opposes his death and his death alone, I can only see this from a standpoint that deep within her own memory she has experienced his death countless times before. She even uses force a couple of times to increase this intensity. Here are some examples of this even in childhood -
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There are many more examples of this throughout the manga and her refusal to accept that what she doesn’t want, may just happen. Now this might just be my over active imagination or my own ability of media studies kicking in. But, previously I had been under the impression in the presence of a time loop that Eren was in charge of it and controlling it, that somehow it would constantly reoccur when he himself died and he would have to come up with a way to either prevent his death or ultimately stop the timeline of the titans. Whether that be under making a deal with Ymir herself or by essentially “breaking the wheel” and turning others against him to show Eldians as triumphant heroes.
However, the more i’ve thought about it and given the revelations of 138 - i would be more inclined to say it is Mikasa Ackerman herself due to either her specifically or her Ackerman gene. There is something about the bloodline that is missing and we have not had the fabled Ackertalk or much explanation of how they work (something I’d like to see covered in 139 - although i feel it will be an Eren chapter, I also think it will include the visions Eren has seen to give an explanation of why the previous 138 chapters played out the way they did)
I think there is a possibility Eren had to break the wheel on the loop,  Mikasa would go back each time and always Eren would die, something we’ve established she tries to prevent and never accepts. The only escape was her accepting his death therefore he did everything he could to push her away, break the bond and push her to kill him to end the cycle (since he’s seen the future). As I have a hunch previously in other loops he was not killed by her hand - it had to be her to break the cycle or vice versa (but we will get to this).
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there is hints of this in the “Lost Girls” OVA. Yes, I am aware it’s said that OVAS are not necessarily canon per say, but I don’t think it would have so many open links if Isayama himself didn't want it to. This particular one gives many hints to Mikasa’s involvement in the loop and alternative universe theories. The anime adaptations are on point with showing us details we only recognise after more plot points are revealed. It may explain the headaches, every time Eren dies, she reverses the loop or changes realities. This ailment could be a product of her memory issues. In the OVA we see Mikasa in real time thinking about Eren and his constant state of taking his own path.
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After this moment, the said “Scene” she speaks of is revealed to us. Another example of Mikasa’s dreamlike state or perhaps another timeline? We are taken back to the time where she had given up, had ran out of gas, a titan was approaching and she was ‘lost’ - her reason for being was gone and she knew her death was coming, but also in the manga during this scene she is “worried” she’ll have to start again (above in examples). This again implies she knows something we don’t. We then hear Mikasa’s voice speaking to Mikasa herself, telling her that if she simply didn’t like this reality she could choose the place she wanted, but as we have seen before - she can’t stop his death.
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The peculiar scene in this OVA that got me intrigued by this theory is the masked figure and young mikasa scene. Mikasa is rushing to meet with Eren and Armin to escape the walls in a hot air balloon, but she has to be there by a certain time or the plan fails. As she is running she is stopped by a mysterious masked figure who asks her to join in on his hypnotism trick to spectators. Comments he makes involve him telling her that her ‘friend’ will ultimately leave her and that she couldn’t accept his death and created this universe. Also, that he is no one, but someone at the same time. I think this holds great significance since the strange thing about this is that his voice mirages into a distant adult Mikasa.
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implying that she has to ‘kill’ a part of herself or she has to die to prevent and hault the loop. She has to return from her idealistic dreams of keeping him alive as it will only fail otherwise. Upon hearing of Eren’s yet again untimely death within this universe, she begins to have memory flashes of multiple scenes appearing within her eyes with a typical media ‘rewind’ sound as she wakes up back in the street with no gas and a titan approaching but... she says something I find interesting and links to what Eren says at the beginning of the manga 
“the feeling I’ve had a really long dream”
We witness Mikasa have these “headaches” multiple times within the manga and in the anime they are heavily focused on whenever it happens, which we can only recognise that this is an important part of the story itself. Eren too has random headaches, just not as much as Mikasa, he mainly experiences them when he accesses new memories. However, what if Mikasa too is affected by memories she cannot tap into or it is paths/ackerman gene warning her she is repeating past mistakes?
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Notice how there is a lot of emphasis on the word ‘again’ when it comes to her headaches or the thought of losing Eren. It is constantly repeated. I think it is highly likely she only remembers some parts from previous loops, but the one that sticks is simply - she has to save Eren each time, but fails. Everything begins again after his or her’s demise. Perhaps each time Eren is the one who dies first, creating a somewhat butterfly effect. That maybe Mikasa has died once like she implies in previous example. However, the one to die first (in this case primarily Eren) loses all memories of the past loops - again this is implied as Eren does tell Mikasa he cannot remember his dream. I think deep within his mind Mikasa does remember, but given the fact she has potentially reversed the outcome many times...her memory is simply warped - that or she died in the previous loop and lost those components. 
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Will she not remember due to her memories being altered in her death?
Either way something needs to change. Eren Kruger says this in Eren’s attack titan memories. They are doing something wrong.
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I believe Eren in 138 within Mikasa’s dream, was trying to tell her to move on, not necessarily forget him, but at least accept his passing - to stop the loop reoccurring, he influenced part of her reality...maybe with the help of Ymir. In a way it could be implied Eren almost regrets wrapping the scarf around her (this is heavily emphasised as a symbol of their relationship), for me the scarf seems like a softer symbolism for a chain - a binding if you will. By wrapping it round Mikasa he binds her to him. He has always insisted she should throw it away, even in 138 within her own conjured reality he says the same. She needs to kill this part of herself or “the same history” will be repeated. I do have a HUGE feeling in my heart, head and gut that Mikasa may need to end up dead first as I do have another HUGE feeling that Eren is not dead (maybe its wishful thinking, but his death doesn’t make sense right now, so Yams I trust in you for explanation). His death seemed too convenient.
Now, before I go onto “Ackerman” gene factors, I’ll briefly bring in another peculiarity I have always had about a particular scene in the beginning of the manga. After it is decided Eren will carry the boulder to plug the wall, Eren (the attack titan) seemingly loses control and succumbs to pure rage, in turn he attacks Mikasa. Something he hasn’t done against humans unless its free will.
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However, a part of me has always felt that this could be the attack titan itself (in past inhabitants and memories) recognising her as a threat and trying to rid her of the world first to avoid the loop of Eren dying first to Mikasa controlling the loop to return to try to save Eren - nothing changes. This is what I meant by “breaking the wheel”, we have saw it in other tales, things can’t change unless you choose a different path than the same one with the same brutal cycle. As Kruger says, to save Mikasa and Armin, Eren has to change things - this could be to separate not only Armin, but Mikasa from him, that maybe in previous loops...they follow him. In this instance, he has definitely separated Armin and by way of second hand - Mikasa too. Hence why Ymir says goodbye to Eren in 138, he is free. Another notable concept is that aot/snk is made up of trios, we see it in:
Eren / Mikasa / Armin
Reiner / Bertholdt / Annie
Connie / Jean / Sasha
Hanji / Erwin / Levi
Levi / Farlan / Isabel 
Kenny / Levi / Mikasa
It would partially make sense for the trio to be the reasoning for the ending. Almost illuminati based - very yams style. 
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Why not Mikasa?
Lets talk Ackerman and a slightly different theory, but with relation! 
(Obviously, I cannot provide much evidence to support any Ackerman based theories other than what has already been provided, which isn’t a lot to be fair. Dammit Yams)
I want to briefly start off on the Ackerman front with a brief comparison of our two currently known Ackermans: Levi and Mikasa. The main categorising difference between these two is that Levi moves on regardless of what happens to him or his comrades or his ‘attachments’. He also does not appear to experience these headaches, some say he does, but I can’t find evidence. Isayama shows these headaches with a throbbing sign around Mikasa’s head - so unless the Ackertalk happens and Levi confirms it, its still absent in theory. Levi treats Ackerman-ism as moving on, making choices with no regrets (as his backstory indicates) and even in current states he has said he doesn’t regret his decisions. It is why he is able to move forward and keep surviving. Its simple...his mindset is stronger than Mikasa's, she is the weaker link. This could be due to age difference and overall past experience, Levi has more life experience as an Ackerman to have mastered his emotion and reactions to outcomes - he accepts the bad. 
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Mikasa is weaker in this regard, perhaps if you link it back to the theory of her control of the loop...due to this weakness she creates the loop since she can’t accept his death and tries to return to make amends. I think in reality, Eren knows due to the attack titan ability - he will die. Hence why he appeared so shocked upon making contact with Historia to then very depressed and detached before vanishing in Marley. He became aware of the outcome and I don’t know about anyone else, but I’d be depressed too after finding out my life was made to end especially since all he wanted as a character was Freedom. Eren x Freedom will be the only canon ship at this rate.
However, I do think the only way she can create said loop is through her Ackerman gene. Ackermans are products of ‘titan science’, they were genetically engineered (if you want to put it that way) to have titan like abilities while still maintaining their human form and sense of self being. Created to protect the Fritz family (royal blood), to eventually being ostracised for their dismissal of the plan to wipe Eldian’s memories. Therefore banished, but allowed to live, I can only see there being one reason why - they would be still useful at some point and their deaths/extinction would be wasteful. 
From what we know and can tell from mere viewing, the Ackermans are very skilled and powerful beings that have ‘hosts’ or attachments (I like this name better) to channel their goals, strength and energy into. They were made to protect, fight and survive. The only surviving Ackermans are Levi and Mikasa.
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They cannot be affected by the founding titan and their memories cannot be altered. But, this brings about another question. Why were they created to protect the founding titan, yet could not be controlled by it? The theory with this bloodline is that they can do more than what we see, that they themselves don’t know it yet. One in particular can alter realities - that being Mikasa (as we don’t have mass amounts of information on Levi’s experiences other than his surge of power awakenings demonstrated throughout the manga to confirm his part) due to fact Levi really only knew he was an Ackerman within his 30′s after the previous Ackerman - Kenny, dies and informs him of this. Mikasa has always been aware. 
Mikasa’s ‘Power’ ultimately has something to do with the Attack Titan and the Founding titan - that being Eren and Ymir combined. In past loops, I believe each time she has seen Eren die she has said “see you later, Eren”... hence the ending of 138 and the beginning of the manga. Isayama did say the beginning would relate to the ending. Each time this happens they are transcended to the point Eren wakes up at the tree within the walls to begin once more, its the only clear explanation for why Eren comments of her hair length. The attack titan itself is the component of Ymir that captivates her freedom, it continues to move forward for 2000 years each successor until one has the power (the desire for freedom like her) to release her from enslavement to the power of the titans. In this instance Eren too has been a slave to the power, lets for arguments sake blame Grisha for passing it on to him. 
Again, with the Ackermans there is something I’ve always noticed between Levi and Mikasa - they have never touched skin to skin. It has always been over their clothing. I wonder if their Ackerman powers may stem similar to how Eren draws memories from contact with the royal family, i.e. Historia. They need to touch in order to access Paths and manifest it into their control. Eren is aware of this due to his connection to Ymir - there is heavy implied material to denote the idea of Ragnarok and reincarnation. Eren is the reincarnate of Ymir and previously I don’t think they were aware of this.
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For anyone not familiar with the term “Ragnorok” - its definition has multiple meanings in Norse mythology. Particularly - development, origin, cause, relation and fate. It is a series of events that often lead to a great battle, the deaths of multiple people of importance to the ultimate end revelation of the world being remade and fertile (the opposite of Zeke’s plan) with the remaining ‘gods’ returning and ‘two’ human survivors repopulating the world. I personally believe this to be either two of these: Levi and Mikasa or Eren and Historia by the way of Ymir as the ultimate god, but just in different ways. The Ragnorok element is particularly of importance within Germanic studies, this would connect with Shingeki no Kyojin since it is implied its set in early germany/europe and given characters name origins - it makes sense.
The two human survivors are that of Lif and Lifbrasir (shown below) who survive by ‘hiding’ in the woods while the great battle commences. 
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They repopulate the world starting with a daughter. In germanic regions, the concept of mankind originated from trees is an ancient notion “the tree of life” essentially. Trees have a massive importance and connection in Shingeki no Kyojin, we see Eren wake up at one in the beginning, the main Path coordinate resembles a tree, Ymir originated from trees and being within the woods would indicate “trees”. This would make me more inclined to believe the Eren and Historia theory to be likely, simply because Historia is all the way back in Paradis and potentially Eren himself by transferring subconscious. To me it seems very likely the leaked final panel released by Yams himself is Eren holding a child rather than anyone else as whoever this figure is tells the child they are free and this could only relate to both Ymir and Eren, the ones who sought freedom. This could mean in this instance Levi and Mikasa are the ‘gods’, the ones with the power to restore and mend, again through the concept of the Ackerman Gene being more than what meets the eye. Ymir will be reborn ultimately and no longer enslaved as will Eren. 
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Ragnarok and Shingeki no Kyojin combined have connotations of ‘fate’ being a big part of their depths. It is fated. Everything is. Just like Eren’s death and potentially ability to be reborn into another timeline. Just like Eren’s fate to obtain the founding titan and attack titan, both very powerful titans in the manipulation of time and events. Eren makes a statement around chapter 123 in Paths when talking with Zeke that if someone tried to take his freedom, no matter who, he would remove theirs. That he has been like that since birth because he was “born into this world”.
Zeke: “Since birth?”
this further implies fate. He was born free, he expresses detest for people who aren’t free and bound by something, 2000 years, Ymir etc. This only ties together if Eren himself in past lives was someone with the same views and personality traits, like Mikasa, except hers are the opposite. Paths has always been there and everything that has happened in the past is imbedded within its clutches through Ymir. These two titans needed to be combined, Grisha was informed by Eren himself through Kruger and future versions of himself that he had to obtain the founder or nothing could be changed. Grisha is even seen asking Eren to show him everything that happens, whether carla dies etc. He did not have full control, this was made for Eren’s inhabitant period and he did not have access to all memories due to only being able to access the ones the future successor sends back in time. Like the mirror scene for example, Eren is speaking to someone else, not himself. Grisha was only instructed to go within the walls and have a family. Eren was instructed to save everyone. Remember that the common rule with time is that you cannot change the past or it significantly alters the future.
I believe all the memories (the ones we are seeing even now) are actually in paths, the story has always had an indication it is being ‘narrated’ by someone - in most instances this is Armin. This has implied he will survive into the future, but that others may not. How this will happen...I can only theorise that Ymir will factor into who lives or dies. She will need to leave paths however, the only way the titan curse will end is if she leaves and no one is there to build titans. She will be either reborn to capture her freedom or reborn through Eren for them both to obtain the same dream. There has been multiple theories that some other titan other than the attack titan could be the key or another character, like that of the Ackermans or armin for example as I do think the trio concept is likely. But, remember the manga is called “Shingeki no Kyojin” meaning “the attack titan” - its always been the key and Eren is that key...again, key? Eren. scarf? Mikasa. Equals symbolism.
At the end of the day, the characters who I feel personally will tie together the ending are Eren, Ymir, Historia and Levi, Mikasa, Armin - both trios on different sides of the coin. Just remember, this isn’t the type of story where the characters get what they desire and that they could die without obtaining these desires. Erwin died before learning the truth of the outside world. Hanji died. Sasha died, Niccolo lost her. Floch did not live to see Eldian rule. Levi may have killed Zeke, but what for? He killed a different version of him, not the one who murdered innocents in Shinganshina. Levi lost every attachment of his. Mikasa lost Eren. I’d be angry and sad for him, but Eren also could lose his freedom by striking a deal with Ymir for her own freedom. But! he could free the world and his friends through both Mikasa and Armin, the chain will break, the titan curse will end and he will cease to exist or be lost in Paths dormant, unlike Ymir for 2000 years. This would be a good culmination of Eren’s character, extremely heart breaking, but fitting. A character who only sought freedom for humanity. He is humanity’s hope after all. Remember, Kaji Yuki (Eren’s Japanese voice actor) expressed extreme sadness at learning Eren’s fate from Isayama. It has always been a manga that indicates a bittersweet ending, so this could also be highly likely. (Eren is my favourite character...so this guts my heart from my chest)
To conclude, these are merely my own speculation of the final events within 139 and although sad of its ending, my excitement for this final instalment knows no bounds. I can only wish for the best and I know Isayama will deliver. 
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makeyourdeanabi · 3 years
Goodbye Stranger
Re-watching episodes that I haven’t seen since I became a member of the destiel faction. I’m seeing these episodes in a new light and realizing that I fell for the ALL the tricks the writers pulled for misdirection. Case in point: “Goodbye Stranger” season 8 episode 17. This is regarded as one of the stronger destiel centered episodes, hell I think season 8 was peak destiel, and this episode ranks near the top for so many reasons. 
“If he’s so sketchy, why were you praying to him?” “Were family, we need you, I need you” The originally scripted but then changed “I love you” “I wont hurt Dean” I remember watching this episode and being intrigued by the chemistry between Meg and Cas, even rooting for them.  I loved the reference to the Pizza Man and their kiss.  Flirting about getting a pizza and moving furniture. Hell, even Dean called them “Megstiel” and I laughed and smiled.  I WAS DUMB and just what the writers were hoping for in their target audience.  
Watching with my new eyes and I see that Meg was placed in this episode as a callback to Cas’s pre-purgatory life, before he made all his mistakes. She was a “happy memory.”  Meg did not need to be in this episode, don’t get me wrong, MEG IS QUEEN, but they could have left her out of the episode and the plot would not have changed.  So why add her?  I think the writers needed a distraction.  I think the premise of Dean snapping Castiel out of Naomi’s spell by telling him he needed him was a little too close to a “homosexual declaration of love” in their eyes.  So they needed to present a conflicting subplot that would distract the viewer.  Here death near the end presented for shock value to overshadow any revelations or implications that any viewers may have gathered from Dean’s speech to Castiel.  
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lady-of-all-cards · 3 years
Ikemen Revolution: Spiked Love (Zedgar NSFW One-Shot)
NSFW One-Shot Statistics: Pages: 4 Word Count: 2203 Characters: 12377 Characters (without spaces): 10214
Fandom: Ikemen Revolution Characters: Edgar Bright, Zero (Ikemen Revolution) Pairings: Edgar Bright/Zero Summary: To find the Ace of Hearts sharing a comfortingly warm cup of tea in the room of his sword master was no rare occurrence, but with a spiked drink and the captivating jaden eyes of the Crimson Jack, he is roped into a night he wont soon forget...
WARNINGS: BL (BxB), NSFW. Reader discretion is highly recommended. If you are choosing to read this, I hope you enjoy as always! Notes: I haven’t seen a single NSFW shot for this ship, so I’m taking matters into my own hands and write my own. This is my first time writing and posting something like this, so if it’s awful and you think I can improve somehow, constructive criticism is welcome!
                        ✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
The sound of steaming water clattering into a ceramic cup, the rattling of a spoon on the walls containing the sweetened drink, were so comfortable familiar amongst the soft yellow walls that Zero paid his sword master no visual attention as he sat on the sofa.
He revealed how comfortable, as something he had quickly noticed was that the Ace of Hearts got the short end of the stick in comfortable furniture. Where Zero could get uncomfortable after a while, and made walking a hobby, the sofa he sat on now felt more like a cloud, dipping to fit his form perfectly.
The tap of a cup on a glass place mat brought Zero out of his reverie, and he looked up at Edgar as he settled beside him, his own cup of Earl Grey tea trapped between his hands.
“I’m surprised, Zero.” His light, airy voice began. “It’s rare for you to come by this late, but I guess I shouldn’t complain.” He added, a cheeky, but wistful smile crossing his lips.
“Why shouldn’t you complain?” Zero asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he leaned forward to pick up his drink, only just missing the way Edgar shuffled back and squirmed to get comfortable.
“I rarely get the pleasure of even a smile in the hallway from you nowadays.” Zero frowned, turning to scowl at the Jack. “Now now, there’s no need for that look, is there?” This time, Zero managed to catch Edgar’s lip being caught between his lips and how he swallowed thickly after. Zero would be lying if he said it wasn’t a good look for Edgar, but it wasn’t something he would admit, so he settled back in his seat and took a sip of his steaming tea.
The two sat just like that, sharing reports and memories in a rare moment between them, a moment neither of them wanted to end, but it was as Zero took the last sip of his now lukewarm that he noticed his body was heating up...
As he bit his lip, Edgar watched as Zero began to squirm, knowing that the aphrodisiac was beginning to settle into Zero’s bloodstream.
“Something up, Zero? You look a bit... uncomfortable.” That comment was all it took for Zero to try to muster an angered and accusing glare, but the waves of pleasure coursing through him prevented an effective glance.
“Wh- what did you do to me>!” He panted, his chest heaving as he squirmed more, the intensity of the pleasure becoming near critical as he rubbed his thighs together. 
Edgar took a moment to drink in the sight before him- his love squirming, knowing he couldn’t leave and risk being caught by another, but knowing remaining could be just as risky and dangerous...
Just as it looked like Zero was going to stand up, his commander straddled his thighs, running his gloved hands over Zero’s unfortunately clothed chest. Zero’s hand flew to Edgar’s thigh, pushing against it, trying to resist the actions of his commander.
“Ed-Edgar?!” Zero panted, both in fear and anticipation.
“A simple aphrodisiac, nothing too bad. Trust me- it could be a lot worse. I just decided to be kind for the first time...”
“F-first time?! Edgar- ngh-” 
Whatever protest Zero had died on his throat as Edgar leaned down to nibble on his neck, skillfully hiding a hickey over the ominous tattoo. Zero’s free hand grabbed the nape of Edgar’s neck, both pulling him closer and pushing him away as Edgar slowly ground his hips, giving himself pleasure whilst at the same time teasing Zero, not quite touching where the Ace needed it most.
“You should be a little quieter, Zero.” Edgar purred in his ear, nibbling on the soft cartilage, pushing a moan through Zero’s now mangled lips, his eyes screwed shut. His hand gripped Edgar’s hip tighter, pushing it back, conflicted still, but it was this movement that finally forced Edgar back, but of his own volition.
Edgar sat near the top of Zero’s knees, looking down at Zero, waiting patiently for the Ace to meet his eyes. Already Zero was a moaning mess, his innocence and inexperience shining in the face of how sensitive his body was. Eventually his clouded sky blue orbs met the jaded ones. Edgar’s long fingers gently grazed over Zero’s cheek, and Zero once again lost his breath at the look he was receiving from his superior- it was something he had never expected to see, something gentle, something close to adoration...
“I... I... I won’t do this without your permission, Zero.” Edgar breathlessly whispered, looking away. It appeared that he was losing hope, and for a moment, looked pained and nervous.
It made Zero pause for a moment. For once in his life, Edgar seemed serious. He wasn’t teasing him, his trademark smile had faded, and he looked broken. Right now, he was more transparent than ever. And honestly... Zero was impartial to Edgar’s beauty, skill and mysterious auror.
The Ace reached up to the hand pressed against his cheek, lacing his fingers with Edgar’s gloved ones. His other hand tightened where it rested on the Jack’s hip, sliding him down his legs to rest comfortably in his lap. Edgar’s face softened more into a shockingly sweet smile as he laid his head on Zero’s shoulder.
Everything was shocking Zero, but seeing Edgar so small and vulnerable, curled up in his lap gave him, for the first time in the eight years since he’d known the benevolent devil, a sense of control. He saw this as his only chance to dominate the man, as sadistic as it was to a man presenting his weaknesses so easily...
But Zero made up his mind. He had suffered Edgar’s teasing too long to let this opportunity slip through his fingers, which had moved to slowly explore Edgar’s body. At least, his left hand did. His right hand, clasped in Edgar’s, squeezed the other’s hand, slowly rubbing circles on the back of his hand.
Although his movements were slow, it was clear Zero was exploring the limits, both nervous and excited about every new revelation. Edgar wasn’t very sensitive, his body trained to ignore such desires, and his pristine white and red uniform wasn’t offering Zero many advantages either, but for a moment, when Zero’s hand was sneaking up his thigh, moving to the trademark jacket, pressing a bit more pressure in that one special spot had Edgar tensing and twitching, clutching his protege tighter.
It actually forced a smirk to cross Zero’s expression, but the pleasurable feeling quickly passed as Zero’s touch climbed higher and higher, eventually picking apart each and every one with one hand. He didn’t want to let go of Edgar’s other hand, knowing that taking this leap took a lot of courage for the usually secluded officer.
Coming to the last button, Zero was forced to pry his hand from Edgar’s to slip the garment off his shoulders, but he never let the hand leave him, trailing the comforting heat up his arm and over his shoulders as Zero tugged the overcoat down his arms.
The jacket, however, was momentarily trapped at Edgar’s elbows as the Jack sat up and immediately locked his lips with his dearest Zero, passion sparking more magic between them than any crystal could hope to do. Edgar’s hands tangled in Zero’s hair, pulling him closer as he kneeled more for leverage. He wasn’t exactly trying to dominate Zero, but it was painfully clear that he wanted 
, a lust had taken over his body, a need only satable by Zero’s touch.
Edgar did, however, take matters into his own hands by pulling his jacket off, and manhandling Zero for a few moments to do the same, never once breaking the intoxicating kiss. Zero held Edgar’s hips to him tightly, and for a moment, the pure, raw emotions bottled up inside the young Bright was poured in that kiss, speaking miles more than any spoken word could.
Pulling away, Edgar slowly began to unbutton the soft white jumper Zero always wore under his uniform jacket, tugging at the belt and holster wrapped around Zero before unbuckling his own and tossing them off to the side, abandoned until the morning. The base endurance of the two men was great, but even their breath came short as they pulled apart. They pressed their foreheads together, taking a moment to just enjoy the other, both partially undressed, both panting, both transparent and bare for the other.
“I never thought-” the second of hesitation in Edgar’s words was all Zero needed to gently peck his lips.
“Don’t think, not now.” He gave that heartwarming smile, a smile he rarely gave Edgar anymore, but one that had been seared into his brain since the first time Zero smiled when they were young. It hurt his heart, but it was a pleasant pain, a pain that promised a future of even a slither of happiness. Tears pricked to Edgar’s eyes as he looked down.
“Zero... thank you...” He whispered, refusing to show this level of weakness, but it was hard to hide, and the way he was being held made it almost impossible for him to easily leave. He felt too vulnerable and he hated it, but the soft hand that reached up to wipe at his eye and kiss his cheek chased the doubt away. Zero didn’t care about his past and his aversions, of course he didn’t, Zero just wanted people to be happy, to smile, and no matter how hard he tried, Edgar couldn’t help the bright, sweet smile that crossed his lips, and Zero just couldn’t help kissing his lips in response.
Piece by piece, each article of their clothing was peeled off their bodies, which quickly began to rise in temperature, a layer of sweat pouring over their bodies. Edgar became gradually quieter, knowing he was now in no position to turn the tables and dominate Zero. Hell- he was struggling to not crumble into a moaning mess at Zero’s gentle strokes, nevermind what he knew was to come. He was nearly quivering at the thought...
Zero’s hand, which had been gently stroking as Edgar’s head lay against his chest, moved to nudge against Edgar’s lips. He whimpered for a second, turning away just to feel the comforting stroke of his calloused fingers. Zero obliged, knowing Edgar liked to have control of the situation he was in. The younger male slowly nudged his fingers occasionally against Edgar’s lips, and eventually, the Jack took the two fingers into his mouth, moaning at the feeling surfacing deep within his gut.
It was embarrassing, to say the least, to have not only his subordinate, but also his personal protege, but there was a part of him that didn’t care it was Zero, a part of him that had such a strong love for the boy that nothing else mattered in that moment but his love, and his touch. But even that thought couldn’t prepare him for the pleasure brought on by only Zero’s finger...
Initially, it felt weird. He, as the heir of the Bright family, was raised to believe everything about this was ‘unnatural’, but the thing so far that was even close to the description was how much pleasure mere fingers could provide. His body was set ablaze, and helpless moans and breathless begs of Zero’s name played off his lips like a piano, some notes harsh, some soft, and some horribly out of tune, with Zero as the conductor, sat in his plush seat with the gentle control of a professional, despite his innocence in the area.
But that was when the ‘main event’ came. Although Zero had been sure to carefully prepare Edgar, it still hurt like hell to enact the pleasure they were both seeking, however... there was one thing Edgar noticed...
Zero had stopped manhandling him to what position he wanted Edgar in, handing the control to Edgar, letting him take it how he wanted, go at what speed he wanted. Of course he would. Even in a situation like this, Zero’s concern was everywhere but himself. Even when Zero finally had the control between them, he still gave it back to him, sending another pang of pleasing pain through his heart.
Edgar took it slowly, sinking down onto Zero with caution, gasping at the sensation. He knew that Zero would, of course, be bigger than a mere two fingers, but there was a vast difference in length and width that it took a good moment for him to fully adjust to it, though it was no less pleasurable, he’d even go to say it felt better, far better, than just to fingers.
And the effects were the same.
Edgar was softly panting, starting slowly, not wanting to rush things. He didn’t know how pleasurable it was for Zero, but he didn’t want to overload him. For this first time, it had to be special. Slow... sensual, and a display of emotion rather than just meaningless raw sex...
The two men indulged each other through the night, finally exploring the limitations of their relationship into something more... being more selfish than either dared to ever be...
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