#so the writing might be suffering more grammar wise
panics-side-blog · 2 years
New cycle
Part:1 (??)
Small edit: decide to update the story once a month about mid-end of the month to be exact. Maybe i will sprinkle 2 chapters per month as a treat if i feel like it :)
I really really tried to not do a fanfic because I'm terrible at finishing shit i started. But damn bro i want some slow burn-ish comfort-ish fanfic where reader is autistic coded and them pulling a bad bitch (Soundwave and maybe shockwave) by being autistic.
Bc like, there are no fics i found who have an autistic coded reader?? And that's a fucking crime. Especially when their with the king of autism,Soundwave, who clearly got some sort of Cybertronian Version of it. /hj
This story is probably going to be darker. Dealing with mental health issues and unhealthy obsession(??). Maybe gonna have some smut later on but idk
I will try to not make the reader x Soundwave Stockholm syndrome-y because i want a happy consensual relationship. I still try to figure out how i will make it from here to there but, eh we will see, i have a plan just don't know how to execute it right.
I procrastinate a lot so i don't even know how far I will go. No promises!
Also like i am really insecure about my writing because i know i tend to write sloppy sentences that derail a lot but i hope you all still can enjoy it :))
reader is gender neutral ❤️ (and human)
Tw for this chapter: clear signs of mental health issues, trauma flashback, mention of puke and eating disorder (not related) Panic attack/ autistic meltdown and blacking out.
Also English is not my first language so please keep it in mind. Thank you :))
Today was the day you told yourself, "Today I will go outside," you said, yet you have been standing in front of the door of the hallway for almost two hours. Your shoes and socks feel like they have creeped into your skin, the t-shirt you wore feels itchy and heavy, and your hair that slipped into your collar makes you almost lose your mind.
The sun that shone inside your dark room was slowly going down, a slight red and pink already weaving itself into the sky. But there were still a lot of people outside; you could hear them talking even though your windows were sealed shut.
Everything around you appears to be too much: the way you can hear your own pulse in your ears; the way your bones feel inside your gross, soft, meaty body;the lingering smell of the food you cooked two days ago; and your eyes strained from the light.
You felt like crying. Yet again, you didn't go outside. Yet again, your fear  whatever imaginary threat might be waiting for you in the overstimulation of the outer world. It was just too much for you, to the point that the thought alone almost made you have a meltdown.
But you promised yourself to go outside, at least to the ice cream shop a few blocks away. You heard the ice cream they had was really good, so you wanted to take a look. It's not that far away, you think to yourself, about a 15-minute walk. But these few minutes were still too much. Hell, that you even stood in front of the hallway door was a miracle all by itself. Hot tears begin to form and roll down your cheeks. How long have you been isolating yourself now? Almost a whole year, a whole year with barely any human interaction, a whole year you almost slept through, a whole year of nothing. Just your white fall and the music coming from your headphones. Your body, with its physical needs, feels at this point more like a burden than anything else.
It's not the first time this has happened, and it makes you feel like shit. You are wasting your life in your home, which has become more of a prison, but this prison is the only thing that feels somewhat safe. A place that makes you feel in control, where nothing changes without your permission. It's the only thing that gives you a tiny bit of comfort.
" It's alright, you're doing great! Don't be so hard on yourself! "
The voice of a past friend echoed inside your brain. But even those motivating words of affirmation they always spoke out didn't help you. You still feel like a failure. You don't have a job; you live off of your guardian's money and have lost all contact with the few friends you have. You didn't finish high school due to massive stress and mental health issues. Hell, you didn't even manage to make friends after losing your older one, or even talk to your neighbor next door once. They probably think you died here. It doesn't help that you leave the dirty dishes to soak for weeks because you don't have enough energy to clean them up. So it sometimes smells like a rat died in there.
What you would rather do is sleep some more. At least your dreams give you a beautiful world full of adventures where everything is right and you do not need to fear anything. where everything is perfect and you don't have to worry about a thing. Living in a small cottage somewhere far away but still close enough to your imaginary friends. With a pretty garden and colorful birds greeting you every morning, while big,strong,warm arms are wrapped protectively around you by your dream lover. But every time you wake up, you get an ugly reminder of how grey and full of disappointment your life is.
Another hour has passed, and the ice cream shop is most likely closed now. Only the small market that is a bit further away should still be open. They too got some good snacks, but honestly, even food can't motivate you anymore. You're so aware of how it feels on your tongue and slides down your throat that just thinking about it makes you gag. The presence of it already makes you feel ill and icky. You wish you didn't have to drink or eat, but you know it's not good.
Oh, you know so much, yet you do the exact opposite of what said knowledge actually tells you.
The sun has almost vanished at this point. Most people are inside, the street lights are on, and only the sounds of the few leaves that are still on the trees can be heard. You would go out now if you weren't terribly scared of the dark. But as your brain made you imagine how the cool winter night would taste on the tip of your tongue, you couldn't resist anymore. Especially with the way the snow makes this funny, crisp noise. Your hand takes the door handle and slowly moves it down. You take your first step and the cool air already strikes your face with such an intensity you haven't felt in ages.
It made you remember those days when you were a child and you ran around for hours making snow angels.
The steps under your feet made a satisfying crunching noise, and you had to control yourself to not flap your hands around in excitement. Carefully, you close the door and lock it. You look up as you walk further down the street, not having a destination, or rather forgetting it, the gorgeous night sky making you forget your worries. How clear it was and how bright the stars shone. And not a person around to ruin this moment. The sudden feeling of long-lost childhood memories crashing into your brain caused you to make tiny bunny hops, excitedly giggling.
A flashback at this moment in time was one of the last things you wanted right now, but yet, you zoned out.
Memories flooded your mind; some were pleasant, but others quickly turned bitter as they became contaminated with other things. Everything around you is barely existent anymore. You only have in front of your eyes how you cried out as a small child, freezing, calling out for your parents but nobody answering. Sniffling, rubbing your tiny red hands together in hopes of getting warm; clothes way too thin and soaking wet because you walked over some ice that couldn't hold your weight.
You were so deep in thought you didn't hear how an aircraft came dangerously close to you or how the rumbling of a semi truck came speeding towards your frozen form.
You got ripped out of your thoughts, which also happened to your body, as something grabbed you from the sidewalk. Everything happened so fast. Your brain  trying to process whatever just happened, coming back from whatever deep dark depths it stayed in.
Your vision is too blurry due to tears that formed without your realization.
You only hear loud screeching and rumbling from an engine. A deep voice that made your very core shake called out, but you couldn't make out what it said. Your wide eyes looked up to see what was holding you.
The tears were rubbed away by the sleeves to make it clearer. You couldn't believe what you saw; a man made out of metal who had a few body parts that reminded you of a heavy and big truck. And close to them was another humanoid machine with wings. It all looked like a bad action movie.
The loud crashing noises of metal trashing against each other hurt your brain; their echo lingers way too long for comfort. How do the people from your small town not get alerted by all the noise?
You heard another strange noise near by, and then a blue, much smaller mech joined in. They jump up high, kicking whatever live form that was in front of you on the head, knocking it down. It tried to stand back up, but the blue machine gave it a brutal beat down, scratching its purple paint clean off of its chest.
But the sudden fight stopped without warning.
The bigger one who held you is running away and making this strange noise you heard earlier. Everything around you began to shake, and you blacked out for a second. You wish you could remember exactly what happened, but the way you hit metal with your head was too strong. The holes filling your memory spread like a plague, and the longer you try to think about it, the more it vanishes, like some type of maggot devouring it like it's their last meal.
But you soon come fully into your senses. As you realized your surroundings didn't look familiar, you panicked, opening your mouth trying to scream, but nothing came out.
A voice called out, but your ears were still ringing loudly due to the collision earlier.
"What?" you whisper back to whatever voice was trying to free you from your fearful frenzy. As you move nervously around trying to open the door,
You look at the steering wheel in confusion. What is happening? This can't be real! Where does the voice come from? Oh, please let this be a bad dream! I knew I should've stayed inside!! The thought of just taking this magically moving steering wheel came to mind as the pulling on the door became more intense. But, you can't drive, so your cramped up fingers didn't even dare to touch it.
"Are you okay, tiny human?"
The voice, finally now clear, was deep and smooth, like thick honey. It would have been comforting in any other scenario.
You want to ask who is there and what they are, but your body fails you. After an awkward silence, the voice spoke again.
"You are probably very confused and scared. My apologies to humans. My name is Optimus Prime, and we "
"Optimus? I-,,, are-,,,is-? truck?"
You clumsily said,
"Indeed, as I wanted to explain, we saved you from an attack by the Desepticons. My partner Arcee is still fighting off their Vehicon in order for us to escape safely. "
You just looked in disbelief at the speaking machine. At least, that's what you believe based on Optimus' reaction.
"I'm deeply sorry for this situation, but I can assure you that you are safe now and have nothing to fear. Me and my team will take you under our protection. "
" Can I-can I go home then? I'm sure whatever attacked is surely gone, right? "
You say, with a nervous smile, sweat building up on your forehead, your body all of a sudden feeling very hot.
" For whatever reason yet to be explained, the Desepticons found out where you live, and for whatever reason yet to be explained, they are fixated on you. That's why they tried to kidnap you."
"Kidnap!! No, this can't be happening. Surely you're just joking. Surely this is all just a terrific nightmare! "
You feel as if your heart has sunk to the bottom of the earth. Breathing has become more erratic.
" I'm sorry, tiny human, but it isn't. In order to insure your safety, you have to stay with us until we find another safe hideout for you. "
You just stayed silent and leaned back into the seat, still not believing what had just occurred. You looked outside; nothing but rocks and hills, going further and further away from your home. It's dark and the big sky now feels not as pretty and comforting as before. The wide and empty steppe made you feel tiny and vulnerable.
Bright lights appeared from your side of the window. A blue bike without a driver soon joined in.
"Are they all right, Optimus?"
They asked, their voices soft yet stern and serious.
"Yes, but they seem to be under shock. I already did an intercom with Ratchet to check their vitals".
You sobbed quietly, not wanting them to hear you. Hands flexing and soon balling into fists hit your thighs gently, desperately trying to regulate your emotions. But you can feel how a panic attack and meltdown crawl up your rips, holding your heart with its disgustingly cold, frost-bitten giving hands. It is clawing at it like some sort of toy that it wants to break. And soon, this toy popped.
Your head is spinning, your breathing has no rhythm, and the bit of food you had is coming back up with some stomach acid. No, this is something you can't get out of. The more gentle-ish hitting became violent. Your body begins to sway back and forth. You started to claw at your jacket, trying to rip it away from your body. Everything feels way too hot and sticky. Your nails are digging into your skin, giving it an ugly red line. Tears and snot form. Puke spills little by little from your lips as the erratic movements become violent.
Until your brain couldn't handle it anymore and pulled the plug. Your body thumped itself one more time against the leather seat. Your hands were hitting your head and clawing at your hair for the last time, until everything went black.
You hate the feeling of falling unconscious; it's weirdly light, like when you sit on an airplane and it starts to fly off, just instead of it flying straight up, it goes in circles.
You desperately want to wake up in your cozy bed, with your headphones next to you, playing your comfort playlist to help you fall asleep. But it won't. Something inside of you knows that nothing will be the same. A part of you is happy that this disfigured devil cycle has been broken; another is very, very scared. You are uncertain about your wellbeing and do not know what will come next for you.
And having to hide from whatever those things are, those ginormous, sentient metal beings who, for whatever reason, have it out for you?
What did you even do that peaked their interest? Did you make them angry? You'd hoped not.
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agonistesesthelos · 1 year
yeah I wrote it!
My fancy and fanciful history final exam! Thoughts are carried out to the point where I'm even satisfied with it -- for the short lapse of time that we call now.
Some jokes and twists may look natural, even effortless, but they are the fruits of deliberations long and bitter. I'd like to pull up a quote by F Poulenc but I can't (this dude's music sounds effortless). There are a ton of grammar mistakes. I know (sad face).
Here it goes.
We sailed past the pillars of Heracles and were suddenly taken by a violent storm. After the weather cleared we spotted a man riding on a dolphin. We took the stranger on board and found him to be Herodotus of Halicarnassus, who sailed off Elysium to greet his old Egyptian friend, shipwrecked, and was saved by Greek-speaking dolphins drawn to his ship to hear the conflicts between Hellenes and barbarians. 
Before he could write down his inquiry on geography beneath the surface, and how that shaped dolphin customs, we cut him off with questions, citing the advice from Pythia before we disembark: “They who ride in the air should be inspected after a storm.” Herodotus’ protest that the oracle referred to inspecting sails was completely ignored. 
I asked him why did he stumbled upon the Arion interlude in the middle of the war between the  Milesians and the Lydian king. He said that we all know what happened after. If he didn’t discredit the poets early enough as the boastful dolphin-riding sort, people would listen to Simonides’ Palatea and Aeschylus’ Salamis instead — but instead the Corinthians were cowards and hardly anything changed in Susa. Until today, he believed Arion must have bribed the sailors for mercy, and hitchhiked on a faster ship. If Europa didn’t ride a bull but a ship, how could Arion ride a dolphin? However, his contemporary Athenians loved stories about wicked Corinthians, so he left the dolphin-riding undisputed. I was about to say that his Cambyses dream-god was no more credible. Reminded that he had Artabazus demoting that to the King’s daytime anxieties and nighttime insomnia, I kept silent.
Besides, Herodotus continued, he was impatient to set the stage, which was to be the entire Hellas and beyond. The first few sections already encompassed mainland Greece, Phoenicia, Asia Minor, Egypt, and the Euxine Sea — but his scope was beyond that. He’d better put Italy on his map soon: his friends in Thurii were already mad at him. I admitted that just reading the opening, a map unfurled before my eyes, within which the rest of the deeds could be located. Except for the field of meat in Ethiopia.
I then asked why he turned to Cyrus, Egyptians, and other barbarians, after finishing whatever he had to say about Croesus. He could simply jump to the Ionian revolt, following the sequence of Helleno-barbarian conflicts. 
Herodotus was very much startled. “How was Croesus finished? He appears as Cambyses’ advisor much later in the book. Not even at his death can you say ‘That’s all that can be said about him’. Who can say at some point an episode truly ends or truly begins? Who can say he knows all the causes and all the ramifications? The Great King descending upon Hellas may well be his ancestor Cyrus’ fault, or the result of what he eats, wears and worships. Moreover, I wonder if there is ever a conflict not Helleno-barbarian, at least god-wise. Might not it be Zeus, much appeased by our sacrificial oxen, help Cyrus defeat the Medes? Have we not seen enough Persia meddling in our affairs?”
I agreed that human historia can never fully reveal the workings of the world, including but not limited to the fact that we were now heading to what looked like the Styx. A mighty fleet was ferrying people across, for there had been a plague earlier this year. On the bank, we found Lysander and Conon, both lately deceased, elected co-navarchs to regulate the traffic. 
Herodotus was moved by the suffering of plague victims. But Lysander and Conon said such misery was nothing compared to theirs. Hence we were made judges over whose life was worse. 
Lysander said he was a relativist. Honor, virtue, justice, nomos, institutions were all social constructs. Born a Heraclid in poverty, he said descent didn’t make a difference. It was the justification of the privileged. Man must earn what he has — Lysander was a self-made man; Callicrates must beg for Persian alms himself. The Agiad and Eurypontid monopoly on kingship was just historical detritus. One should be given leadership solely based on his excellence, for as long as contingency requires — law forbade Lysander from serving admiral twice; Lysander served more than twice. Power by excellence doesn’t mean democracy was the best regime — the people couldn’t judge competence after all — look at that disaster called Athens. Neither could people judge good advice — the Spartan king restoring democracy to Athens, deaf to Lysander’s opposition, was a bad move. People’s opinion doesn’t matter. Posthumous reputation doesn’t matter. Lysander the Good, Lysander the Cruel, Lysander the Magnificent — doesn’t matter. What matters is hedone. To pursue pleasure is to help your friends and hurt your enemies — that’s the most pleasant justice. To pursue pleasure is to exceed all limits, to slaughter, to spare, to be worshiped, to be reviled, to dominate Hellas with sovereignty, to obey one man with obsequiousness. Because life and death didn’t matter, and gods were social constructs. 
Tragically, nothing mattered to him in the end. Not even happiness. Well, love used to matter to him. That was before Cyrus died too young, and Agesilaus dumped Lysander. From then on friends and enemies mattered no more, and he often gave in to melancholy. He held nothing dear, not even his own life, and his life became hollow. 
We applauded the sweeping rhetoric of Lysander and said he must have studied under the Sophists. Lysander said he was denied such an opportunity, being a Spartan, and thus Conon led a better life. The latter disagreed, and hence he spoke: 
“From youth I’ve always hated the Sophists and loved the poets. But most of all I love Athens — I am Athenaios before I am Conon. And this unqualified love brought me much pain. Often I deemed her orders unwise, yet I obeyed them. Growing up in the war and educated in the Theater of Dionysus, I knew well that Panhellenic unity is the best course for all. I witnessed the chorus turning shoddier every year due to Athens’ destitution. But the only option to procure more funds was more war. Serving her as navarch, I missed many a Dionysia and Lenaea. Out at sea, I had my sailors sing Euripides, on the way to create the misery Euripides condemned. I only left my post after the defeat at Aigospotamoi, when I had no chance of survival had I returned to Athens. Warmly welcomed I was at Evogoras’ court, I nonetheless witnessed her surrender and bloodshed from afar. 
When I was offered to lead the King’s army, again I was torn in two. 
Bear in mind that such are the penalties for deeds like these, and hold Athens and Hellas in your memory.
I took command for the sake of Athens, well aware that this is a failed course from the start. The King would never allow her to be restored to her former glory, and enlisting Persians would only ruin all Greeks alike. My only consolation was the thought that it was the first time (correct me if I’m wrong, Herodotus) a Hellene ruled barbarians.” — “Remember Artemisia.” — “Right. Then I should’ve been more miserable than I was. Hoping to win renown for Athens in the distant lands, I fought with vigor and despair, and the favor of the gods. I restored the Long Walls and gave on this occasion a public entertainment to all the Athenians. But I could not restore the Theater to its former splendor — neither the lofty spirit nor the personal invectives. Τhe love for freedom shared by those on the Delphi tripod, even if they were but a fraction of the Hellenes, had been exchanged for Persian money. Day and night I wait on the bank of Styx, but there is no Dionysus to fetch Aeschylus home.”
We discussed among ourselves. Meanwhile, Herodotus, well-informed of events after his death, was talking to a dead sailor who had been to Thule. Finally, we judged Conon’s life more miserable, for 
α. he had an audience with the King — all the gold and glitter must have hurt his eyes, while Lysander didn’t bother to look at actual money
β. Lysander doesn’t care about other’s opinions anyway.
Lysander laughed, and allowed Herodotus to appropriate a ship for himself to look for the Hyperboreans. He then ran into an argument with Conon on if walls were necessary for freedom. Before Herodotus departed, I asked him why he ended his history with a flashback to Cyrus. He said someone challenged him that there were no Persians as a people, only the intersection of those who ruled among the barbarians, obeyed the King, and hated the Hellenes. Herodotus answered that the Persians all came from a certain land, though now they are all over the place. And it would not be bad for the Hellenes to learn the differences between Persians, Medians, Scythians and so on, rather than indulge in their self-image — and anti-image of “barbarian” as everything base and non-Greek. He then bade us farewell. 
That didn’t sound like an answer to me. I speculated is that men, who moved and turned soft, served as a summary of his book, since Persians and Hellenes both settled in soft lands. Or, moving and turning soft was the universal behavior of all peoples? Was he against expansionism? Was he against ethnocentrism, as the Persians presupposed slavery to be yoke under another people, not under a despot? Was he against salted fish, since Artayktes said someone as dead and salted as the fish could exert great power, and so could Cyrus? Protesilaus moved to the Chersonese, but once his shrine settled long enough, moving it constituted sacrilege…
My thoughts were turning towards Zeno of Elea, when they were cut off by the sight of a mountain on the horizon. We pulled in, and found a man in kingly Persian attire with his entourage. He revealed himself to be Cyrus the Great (!), who finally discovered the whereabouts of Darius — up on the mountain peak, a hermit devoting his life to Ahuramazda — and he was here to revenge his grandson. Verily, people as dead as salted fish were powerful still. 
Cyrus vehemently denounced all of his successors: for their bad royal education, their ignoble deaths by poison or assassination, their periodical succession crises, their inability to give anyone audience without leveling him to the floor. Standing upright, we were nonetheless afraid of the unassuming world conqueror. I wanted to ask who his parents were, but in the end, merely approved his opinions. Then we bade each other safe travels.
Back at sea, we had nothing to do but talk. Risking Medism, we agreed that there’s a strange charm around Cyrus and that Xenophon finally got his subject matter right. Personally, if for afterlife I could only choose between the lives of Great Kings, I would choose that of Cyrus, because I have always romanticized the life of the shepherd. Besides goat-herding, I would rather be loyal to friends and lenient to enemies, than kill the Apis bull or become another Lysander. At least, become a master propagandist than average propagandist, a religious pragmatist than heresy-intolerant. It’s much more exciting to establish how a king should rule than be ruled by my father's institutions. The excitement also holds for exploring Asia as an uncharted land, rather than as family possessions in a well-known inventory, posted everywhere from statue bases to midair epitaphs. Cyrus was hubristic and expansionist, but a life on the move was better than one confined to the harem.
“When Cyrus put on Median dresses and cosmetics, it required true leadership to quell Persian dissent. I can’t imagine any Hellene would endure a Greek tyrant in Persian dress.” I would hold onto this opinion, until we visited another island and met a Macedonian youth. In the next book I shall detail this encounter.
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rigelmejo · 3 years
was told today i have an impressive vocabulary in chinese. also that it shows that i still kind of write like i’m saying things like how i might in english
i’ll take it lol ToT. my vocabulary is not very big actually, but if its big to someone else maybe it IS in the B1-B2 intermediate stage now.
i 100% agree with the grammar critique. i think i write okay enough to be understood by others, since generally the past several months no one has been so confused by how i phrased things that they had to ask me to clarify. but i am very aware of the fact i tend to not use: repeating verbs, bei, ba constructions. particularly the ba and bei constructions, because to me they seem pretty common and usual to hear/run into, i can read them without thinking about it, i just do not use them very much. i also tend to avoid measure words, often phrasing things in a way where i can just use nage/naxie and zhege/zhexie, and youxie. i also know that the whole ‘make a clause and then attach de at the end’ which is a very easy construction to read, but a different sentence order than english, is another sentence structure i tend to avoid a lot. i mainly rely on le and de and yao when speaking (no idea why i rarely use hui though as reading-wise that is not hard for me and i feel like i understand how to use it as well as yao). but yeah if i was interacting with me? i would definitely notice most of my grammar stays at this sort of hsk3 or lower level, even though the vocab is going way over those levels. 
this is a big reason why i think i just... need way more grammar drills (as in writing/speaking several examples After studying one grammar point etc).  i can tell that reading/watching passively is not helping me get into the habit of producing language in the right patterns even though i can understand it passively. 
i mean i’m still happy and excited. because i wrote a decent length paragraph without looking any words up (except my home’s name in chinese), and i did not grammar check what i wrote so that means its comprehensible enough other people can understand what i expressed. its not the kind of grammar that’s as natural or correct, but it was at least understood so yay at least my brain is making sentences from its active vocabulary that can convey information without being so messed up they’re impossible to understand. baby steps. 
i’m thinking probably until december at least, I’m going to keep focusing mainly on reading (and/or listening as the urge hits me to listen to audio instead). Ideally, I’d like to continue focusing on reading until at least some of my goal novels are things I can read extensively to the point of finishing reading the novels (Zhenhun, Modu, qi ye, living to suffer, liuli etc). I think once I have a much more solid vocabulary as far as reading and listening, then I will want to build up my active vocabulary AND GRAMMAR more to a decent level. So I’m thinking probably not until 2022 do I want to focus on grammar drills (maybe then I can read all the cool grammar books I have!). Realistically? I am probably going to work on grammar whenever I get the urge. Which is how much of my studying actually pans out. 
i studied like. a Touch of italian a couple weeks ago. and it is such a difference switching to a romance language that has so much more similar to languages i already know compared to chinese. just like. i can feel the base level of what’s not comprehendible is never as low as it was with chinese the first year i started. i was going through dantes inferno a little in italian, and i would have NOT been able to go through romance of the three kingdoms or the red chamber with a translation side by side on DAY 1 of chinese ToT (or year 1, or year 2 which is where i am now)
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incendiaris · 3 years
i dare you to answer all of them for rocket :)
unusual character questions. [ always accepting. ]
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what percentage does your muse start charging their phone at?
the moment it drops below around 35%, she's treating it as though it's gonna die any second.
do they drive? what kind of car do they have?
for the most part, she drives a 2019 audi sq8 (dark grey). it has a 4-litre v8 hybrid-diesel engine, adaptive air suspension, a top speed of 155mph, and can accelerate from 0-60mph in 4.6 seconds. rocket likes cars.
what difficulty mode does your muse play video games on?
she likes to start out on whatever difficulty comes just above the default. and then, if there are any higher and she likes the game, she'll try and work her way to the highest difficulty.
what's their go-to drunk / high snack?
lucky charms.
how many pillows and blankets do they sleep with?
four pillows; two for general head support, one to cushion, and one to cuddle. only one blanket, though, which usually gets discarded halfway through the night unless it's particularly cold. she runs kinda hot, especially when she sleeps.
what's the majority of their camera roll (pets, selfies, screenshots, memes, food)?
it's fairly sparse, but the vast majority is probably screenshots of important things that she needs to have easily to hand.
what's their texting style like?
pretty formal. full sentences, proper grammar, nary an emoji in sight. she has, at the very least, fallen into the all-lower-case trap. she likes the neatness of it.
if your muse is pretty chill, what's something they're weirdly high-strung about?
if your muse is pretty high-strung, what's something they're weirdly chill about?
rocket tends to be fairly chilled out about the media she consumes; movies, books, tv shows, music... she likes a lot of different things, isn't remotely picky about them, and actually sort of enjoys having things recommended to her. which isn't the case at all in terms of virtually anything else in her life.
do they prefer to write with pen or pencil, or something else?
ballpoint pen. preferably black, though she will settle for blue if it's the only thing available.
what's their sims play style?
one sim. needs kept ridiculously high at all times. house always immaculately tidy. that sim only has friends for the sake of climbing their career path. she refuses to use cheat codes.
what's that one story their parents always tell about their childhood?
n/a. no parents, very little childhood.
if there's a tornado warning, do they get to safety or do they go stand on the porch?
oh, she's watching for sure. what's the worst that's gonna happen, right?
how often do they do their laundry?
once a week, religiously. on saturday mornings, unless she has something else on.
if they had to have a side hustle, what would it be?
she's always loved gadgets, electronics, etc., so with a little research and a lot of practice, she'd enjoy running a repair-gig for phones, computers, small electronics, things like that.
do they still have a baby blanket or childhood stuffed animal?
n/a. and also I am sad.
how does your muse think they'll die?
answered here.
does your muse dream at night? what about and do they remember?
the vast majority of her dreams are just vague little fleeting images that she doesn't recall when she wakes up. other times, her dreams will be more like memories. these have a lot more detail; so much so that when she wakes up, it'll be with old surface thoughts that she had otherwise lost years ago. she'll remember little details about the other kids she grew up with that she didn't even know she still retained, for example, or old feelings she abandoned will start to surface.
how often do they actually think about texting their ex?
answered here.
have they ever gotten in trouble at work? what was the reason?
answered here.
do they have a favourite vine or tiktok sound?
absolutely not. vine is dead and tiktok is for children.
'road work ahead? uh, yeah, I sure hope it does.'
if they could pick a superpower, which one would they pick?
not the one she has, that's for sure. if she really, honestly thought about it, she'd settle on a variation, though; one where she could use her healing on other people instead of exclusively on herself. it would make her feel so completely fulfilled if she could take away the injuries and the suffering that people go through on a daily basis.
what's scarier to them: the ocean or space?
the ocean, for sure. unexplored, full of horrifying creatures, and close to home. besides, she loves space.
what does your muse call pill bugs (roly-polies, potato bugs, doodle bugs, etc)?
are they allergic to anything? if so, do they still eat it / keep it around?
none. possibly invoked deliberately.
what do they call their grandparents?
she doesn't.
do they like ice in their drinks? crushed or cubed?
ice adds sensation to her drinks by making them significantly colder, and she's not all that bothered about taste, so she prefers ice. cubed, though, not crushed. she's not a child.
how often do they wash their hair?
every other day. more frequently if there's blood in it, obviously.
what is their preferred streaming service?
dis/ney plus. good chance to catch up on everything she missed out on as a child.
could they eat a person if they would starve to death otherwise?
no. she'd be full of bravado about it, but no, she'd rather just starve. or, at least, see if she can starve.
they get three wishes - what are they? all typical rules apply.
1) she'd like the names and locations of the people behind the facility that she grew up in. 2) she'd like the current names and locations of the other people that she grew up alongside in that same facility. 3) she'd like to get rid of her healing factor. this wish would be made after she'd handled the results of the first two.
what's a weird food combo your muse swears by?
sushi and hot sauce.
what is something that they wish they could do appearance-wise but don't have the confidence or ability to (piercings, haircut, clothing style, etc.)?
piercings! tattoos! she would love to just go absolutely crazy with them.
if they have pets, which one is their favourite?
rocket keeps a variety of tropical fish in a purpose-built aquarium. she tries not to have favourites, but she secretly loves her golden barbs the most.
what's their favourite form of media to consume?
books. specifically the kind of trashy, garbage books that people normally only buy in airports. she can't help it; she loves them and she will never, ever figure out why.
do they crack their knuckles?
absolutely. and those babies crack themselves right back.
have they been diagnosed with any diseases / illnesses?
nope, and she's pretty convinced she's never going to have to worry about that. a therapist might say otherwise, but first you'd have to actually get her to a therapist.
how old is your muse and how much younger and older are they willing to date?
rocket is twenty-two. she wouldn't date any younger than twenty, but she'd be a lot more willing to date someone older. perhaps she's into milfs, who knows?
how do they eat oreos?
peel them apart, eat the cream first, and then nibble on the biscuits.
what's a show that everyone's seen but they haven't yet?
bridgerton. most of the hype, as far as she's concerned, tends to be centred around this guy playing the lead. and how sexy and intimate and erotic it is. honestly, it's putting her off more than actually encouraging her to give it a look.
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Out Of Character Questions
Tagged by: @hedonistschambers
Tagging: @ask-skeksa-the-mariner, @allpowerfulemperor, @asktheornamentalist, @askurva-thearcher, and anyone else who wants to :)
OOC About Your Character(s)
1.     What do you want to get out of playing this character(s)?
I used to RP on Tumblr a lot in the Megamind fandom, and seeing other Dark Crystal RPers on here made me want to try getting back into RP a little. Since I don’t have any Dark Crystal OCs who lend themselves well to RP, I decided to go with a canon character, and skekZok was a prominent one who hadn’t gotten a blog yet. I’ve always liked looking at characters and thinking about what makes them tick, so this gives me a fun chance to do that for him.  
2.     Describe your character(s) with three words.
Cultured | Sadistic | Hypocritical 
3.     What made you decide to write this muse?
I’d been following the blogs of a few other Skeksis RPers, and the absence of Zok had been remarked on. Since he’s one of my favorites, I decided to make a blog for him and join in the fun.
4.     If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
That’s a tough one, because Zok really doesn’t suffer that much in canon compared to other characters. I might stop ZokZah from trying to burn out part of his soul, but skekZok wouldn’t exist and there wouldn’t be much of a story if I did that. (If we include the JM Lee novels, I’d change it so he doesn’t throw skekSa under the bus.)
5.     If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them?
“Don’t stab the blonde Gelfling girl. It won’t prevent the prophecy, and she’ll just come back to life anyway.”
6.     If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them?
I’d love to see his reaction to a Swiss Army knife.
7.     If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away?
I’m not sure how positive this is, but I’d take away his ability to believe his own lies. It would be interesting to see how he tries to juggle all the conflicting rules and stories he’s come up with over the centuries. 
8.     If you could “borrow” one aspect of your muse and apply it to yourself or your own life, what would you borrow?
His talent for speaking in public. I wish I could command an audience like he does.
9.     Do you genuinely want your muse to be happy? What do you think would make them most happy in life?
Considering the kind of things that tend to make Zok happy? Maybe. As for what would make him happiest, he believes it would be achieving immortality and remaining one of the highest-ranked of the court and having skekSa as his permanent mate, but that still won’t heal the spiritual emptiness inside him. Much as I enjoy Zok and Zah as separate beings, I do think reunification was the best thing for them. If he and SaSan could have been together after that, that would have been even better.
10. Do you enjoy putting your muse through angst? What do you think would break their heart the most?
I don’t mind angst in small doses, as long as I plot it out with the other player(s) beforehand and we agree how it will turn out in the end. Zok doesn’t lend himself easily to angst, but losing his place in the court hierarchy or having one of his allies turn on him would do it. He’s also come to genuinely believe the mythology he’s invented over the centuries -- anything that seriously challenged that worldview would be hard for him to deal with. 
11. What do you love about your muse?
A lot of things. His charisma, his striking blue eyes, the way his voice is deeper and smoother than most of the other Skeksis, how over-the-top his gold outfit is, how he’s so attached to his headdress that he doesn’t even take it off in the spa, how unrepentantly creepy and sadistic he is -- he’s a very enjoyable character, even if he is a horrible birb.
12. What do you hate about your muse?
He's not an easy character to have interact with everyone. He can pretend to be nice when it suits him, and he’s not totally incapable of caring about people, but he’s still nasty enough that I can tell in advance a lot of interactions wouldn’t go well. 
13. What about your muse amuses you?
The contrast between the austere image he tries to keep up, and how frazzled he gets when something upsets that image (”MY CARRIAGE!”). Also when he gets sarcastic or looks down on the others when they act in a less-than-civilized way. 
14. What about your muse makes you sad?
All the people he’s hurt, and how unwilling he is to see that his way of life isn’t sustainable and won’t truly make him happy in the end.
15. How would you describe your muse to someone about to meet them, in person, for the first time?
“This guy is a creep, but he believes in good manners. Tread lightly, and you should be okay.”
16. Would you like your muse as a person if you met them in real life?
LOL no. He’s an awful person who is best left in the realm of fiction.
17. In what ways are you better than your muse? In what ways are they better than you?
I like to think I’m a much nicer person than he is. I can be blunt and a bit of a troll sometimes, but I really don’t like hurting anyone, or trying to force people to do stuff they don’t like. As for Zok, he’s much more confident and well-spoken than I am, and he’s had the determination to stick with one job for a thousand years. 
18. Why do you think you connect to your muse?
We’re both interested in culture, myth, and history, and feel better when we can assign some order to the world around us. 
19. What aspect of your muse’s personality is most important to you? What aspect of your muse’s personality do you think is most important to them? Is it the same? Why or why not?
As I see it, the core of Zok’s character is that he wants to bring order to the world; that’s why his job title is ‘Ritual Master’ rather than ‘High Priest’ or something more overtly religious. If he can’t see an obvious reason why things are the way they are, he’ll invent one that makes sense to him (and serves his needs). 
I think this is what Zok sees as his most important trait too -- in his mind, he took a bunch of feral newborn creatures who (by all rights) were never meant to have existed in the first place, and helped turn them into a civilized, godlike people who rule an entire planet. But that feral nature is always under the surface, and they still need ritual and order (and yes, punishment) to keep it in check. 
20. Has your character(s) changed over the time that you have been playing them? How have they changed?
I haven’t been playing Zok for very long, but I’ve recently had a chance to write how he feels about deeper questions, like what it would mean for Skeksis to have children, and what happens to Skeksis and urRu souls after they die. I think it’s made him a bit more three-dimensional. 
About You!
1.     What is your name?
Kate, a.k.a. Crow or Lady Stormcrow
2.     What is your profession?
Social worker, currently working in substance abuse treatment.
3.     What do you do to relax?
Watch favorite TV shows, play video games, listen to music, hang out outdoors, chat online. 
4.     What is your favorite treat (desert)?
I have a big weakness for flan and other custard desserts. Also caramel.
5.     Favorite movie
Amadeus (1984).
6.     Favorite book
Good Omens (and yes I loved the series too). 
7.     Favorite vacation spot
Grand Cayman. We were supposed to visit again this spring, but COVID happened.
8.     Favorite Disney movie
I’m not sure I have one favorite, but I love Fantasia and The Rescuers.
9.     How did you first get into role playing?
Almost 20 years ago, lol. When I first started going online in high school, I made an online friend ( @ksclaw ) who introduced me to the concept. We played interactions with our SWAT Kats fan characters, and she helped me get the hang of it.
10. What was your first platform? If it was something other than Tumblr, what made you get into Tumblr?
It was Livejournal. I discovered Tumblr in late 2011 after my friends in the Megamind fandom introduced me to it, and most of us migrated here from our old LJ community. I loved being able to reblog whatever struck my fancy, and while my interest has waxed and waned, as you can see I’m still here.
11. What’s a grammar rule you find yourself breaking or ignoring a lot?
I like to think I have pretty good grammar. I know I’m guilty of run-on sentences, though, and I overuse ellipses and mix up ; and -- far too much. 
12. Are there any languages besides English in which you think you could comfortably roleplay?
Not really. I can speak and understand a little Spanish and French, but not enough to write anything meaningful, and I’m wary of translation software for anything beyond a short sentence. Sorry!
13. Do you listen to music while your write?
Sometimes. Usually not when I’m doing the actual writing (that’s distracting, and I like to hear the words in my head), but I’ll listen to it beforehand to get myself in a mood or get some inspiration.
14. Are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer?
Late morning after I’ve had my coffee is usually my best time. Unfortunately I’m usually at work during that time, but on slow days and weekends I try to take advantage of it.
15. How does tiredness affect your writing?
It turns me into a zombie who can dream but cannot actually write.
16. What is your biggest obstacle to writing every day, if time doesn’t count?
Lack of motivation. I daydream and imagine stuff easily enough, but putting it down into writing is much harder, especially when I’m braindead from work.
17. How many drafts is a paralyzing amount?
More than 5 is daunting, though fortunately Zok hasn’t gotten that many yet.
18. Is there anything character-wise or writing style-wise that you can’t stand?
Players who are unwilling to have their characters be in the wrong, or who get upset if my character doesn’t react the way they wanted. Not all interactions are going to be smooth and happy, and I’m fine with that. Your character is not you, just like mine is not me.
19. What kind of anonymous questions are your favorite?
Weird ones. I like having my muses react to them.
20. What is your weakest point in writing? Angst, fluff, dialogue, etc.?
Fluff is kind of tricky. I don’t have trouble imagining it, but I get paralyzed thinking “this is too indulgent, I shouldn’t publish it, no one but me will like it, etc.” Maybe that’s part of why Zok appeals to me, because he’s not the fluffy type. 
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
💜💜 PG MM Anon 💜💜 Interpretation Collection - 2
Anon said:
You go PG!!! ��😊😊🌸🌸🌹🐼🐼🐝🐝👍👍👍💖💖💖🌻🌻🌼🌼🌼😊😊😍😍💜💜🌹🌹🌹🌺🌺🌺💙💙💙🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌹🌹🌹❤❤❤👍👍👍👍 Violets 🌼
Anon said:
💗🌲🌞😺 hi Skippy this is for PG and JG 🏡🌲🥰🥰🧚‍♀️👑👑🐱🐰🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🐥🌺🌹🌼🌸💐🐿
MM Anon
MM ANON… Hope SPRINGS eternal. “ you’ve brought SHAM-E upon this house”. SussexRoyal,one potato two potato…… (Amazing grace,how sweet… ). A Fall in the fall ? But…but, I still have friends!! “ grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel”. The deal was…NO DEAL !!!! “Ladies”do NOT … BBQ. 🎼 ‘Put it in the family …album 🎼
Hope SPRINGS eternal.
Besides the obvious mean of , there is always hope, this has a possible second meaning as SPRINGS is capitalized. Knowing our MM ANON , that was done for meaning. In fact, SPRINGS is a city in S Transvaal, in the E Republic of South Africa, E of Johannesburg. Does this mean South Africa is still a possibility?
You’ve brought SHAM-E to this house.
Sham is something that is not what it is purported to be. Shame is embarrassment, at the least. The House, is the House of Windsor.
Sussex Royal, one potato two potato.
Supposed foundation collecting money for supposed charities. One potato is a children’s counting game. Is the foundation treatment of donors childlike, ie that phrase like taking candy from s baby?
(Amazing grace, how sweet…)
It’s in brackets, the old hymn, a wretched soul saved by God’s love and expressing gratitude for same. Is this our Harry , reaching out??
A Fall in the fall….but l still have friends!!
Things are near bubbling over, might things snap in the fall. Fall is capitalized so it’s important. She is still threatening with having friends!!
“grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steal” as said earlier another Shakespearean reference from our beloved MM ANON . Hold your trusted friends close. Harry still close with friends even though not appearing so publicly? Pure supposition on my part. The phrase holds your friends close and your enemies closer.
The deal was ..NO DEAL,!
She was offered a financial settlement before the wedding, allegedly, first accepted, than changed mind at the last minute and went through with the wedding. Allegedly she was told if she didn’t take the offer THERE WOULD BE NO FURTHER DEALS, Also play of words on her suitcases tv career game show.
Ladies do NOT….BBQ . Reference to her trashy bbq burger tv commercial. Also long list of things allegedly done, that ladies, real ladies ala our Catherine, do NOT DO!!
🎼 put it in the family…album🎼
Is this reference to photos to put in the family photo album? I am not absolutely certain of that due to the musical notes. So it’s musical album, is this used perjoratively? Or do the royals like karaoke? Either way it’s musical related.
That’s my best go at it , not the best day but that’s me.
Great job PG!!!!! I so appreciate you doing this, as I know how difficult it can be for you, so thank you so much!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
27 notes
Jul 18th, 2019
Blood diamonds and a immaculate conception. The Three wise men- in grey suits. Gold, Frank-incensed and mur-der?… Sussex Royals ‘ boiled or Roasted. A royal tape-worm. Shrouded in mustique …… Sunset bully-vard. “We’re gonna need a bigger wall”. 🎼” ain’t no cure for the summertime blues “ 🎼
Blood diamonds and a (an) immaculate conception.
Blood diamonds are illegally sourced, literally via the blood/back breaking work of locals. Is this to suggest her diamonds are blood /illegally smuggled? Immaculate conception, is she faking yet another pregnancy? Everything is so sleazy, it’s really hard for my head to wrap around it all!
The Three wise men -in grey suits. Gold, Frank-incensed and mur-dear?
Obvious Christmas carols. Men in grey suits LG and his team, incensed at what they have learned , they are still investigating, is there mur-der in the past?? The island is still in play…..LOTS of wicked wicked things to be revealed and big names. We keep hearing warnings from the government legal teams ie SDNY, preparing the public for the horrors.
Sussex royals…boiled or roasted…🤣
Obvious reference to the 🥔 potato. Deeper meaning perhaps boiled/roasted may mean legal troubles.
A royal tape-worm
I hate referencing her as royal but as a tape worms does inside it’s hose, it uses and takes anything and everything the host needs to survive. We have seen that in spades, ESPECIALLY with a Harry, he looks on the edge. I know many disagree but he is our Harry, we have loved him since before he was born.
Shrouded in mustique …..sunset bully-vard
Shrouded in mystery, lots of the past years unknown. Mustique, is also an island in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Sunset Boulevard is an old movie about a haggard ageing actress trying desperately to make a comeback, the line “ I’m ready for my close-up Mr.DeMille” hilarious was made fun of by Carol Burnett on her tv show. I believe this means she is still trying to bully and get her way, using PR, Harry was missing 48 hours oh me , oh my, AS IF!!!
“We’re gonna need a bigger wall” a twist on the Jaws reference MM ANON made in an earlier riddle. They needing to do more to contain her, maybe also her access to media and PR teams.
🎼ain’t no cure for the summertime blues🎼
Is this meaning things won’t be wrapped up in summer, the above use of two Christmas carols also suggests patience, patience and more patience!
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you PG! I know how you struggled to do this! Great job!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
43 notes
Jul 19th, 2019
MM Anon -PG
MM ANON ……… many thanks to PG for her excellent an succinct interpretation of the riddle. Kind regards and gentle prayers 💜💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you…..😁❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
23 notes
Jul 19th, 2019
💜💜💜💜💜 I AM SO HONOURED!!!!💜💜💜💜💜
💜💜💜MY DEAR MM ANON, my deepest and most sincere thank you, for your kind words and wishes. God bless you richly.💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
I think you are quite popular here my friend!😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
19 notes
Jul 19th, 2019
MM Anon
MM ANON …… Fab 4 2.0. It’s not rocket science. Northern parlour games will be a welcome distraction. The odds are in his Flavour. She can hide, but she can’t run. “Thank goodness it’s My little helpers. An unwelcome birthday present. (How old!!!!!!!!)………” its Carmen Miranda. “ Tomorrow is another daydream.”
Fab 4 2.0 It’s not rocket science.
Perhaps Catherine may be pregnant, two things give me pause though, with all her pregnancies she has suffered very severe hyperemesis gravidarum, so perhaps the fourth times the charm? Second is the trip to Asia, Afghanistan they are taking, high risk stressful trip. However, Catherine is not one to let much stop her. It’s not rocket science may be reference to the ‘ normal’ way to get pregnant and appear while pregnant versus the 10 month long tummy clutching horror show we all endured for a non pregnant pregnancy. Pardon my grammar.
Northern parlour games will be a welcome distraction.the odds are in his Flavour.
Reference to Balmoral, time spent there to relax and be together as a family. We know the Royals like goofy silly games, Christmas gifts etc, so do we all😁. Parlour makes me think of ice cream and odds being in his, l take to be Harry, Flavours, things will be in his favour in the media as more comes out.
She can hide, but she can’t run.
She likely has no passport in her possession, she may try and hide but she is under 24/7/365 supervision by LG and the men in grey suits, she is running nowhere, except a treadmill, not to be mean, but l doubt that too.
Thank goodness it’s my little helpers.
I want to go nice here, if indeed Catherine is pregnant l often hear expecting or new mums say that to the other children to include them and feel special.
An unwelcome birthday present…..
Her real age will be revealed with the avalanche of media….it’s going to get real for her. Or she will stay forever in her own narcissistic world.
It’s Carmen Miranda..l loved her in the old musicals..there are a couple of ways this fits, her fruit hat ie banana reference for the instagram pic mm posted of the two bananas and her writings to sex workers on bananas, she was thinking how nice it would have been to get one sent to her in her yachting days. The other way is the age…..l am not convinced l am correct on either.
Tomorrow is another daydream.
She will continue in her narcissistic way of thinking and behaving, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace. A man struts and frets his hour upon the stage…sorry, l digressed to Shakespeare, l know MM ANON loves Shakespeare!
THANK YOU everyone for all my mentions and suggestions, love you for it. I just a few weeks ago got fibre optic tv, l get so many channels now, and finally can watch the shopping channel!! I love my new Korres wrinkle creams and oils!! No joke. Also has a PVR, on demand, hbo, crave, music stations etc etc.
Thank you to all who post animals, historical items and anything Royal especially the royal jewelry. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
Thank you so much! Lovely post! God Bless you dear PG!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
19 notes
Jul 21st, 2019
MM Anon
MM ANON … sympathy for a milked visit to Di for. … A troop amend awaits … they txt each other …… PR or BS,go figure ……… A “tell ALL” in the PIPE’ Oh No!!!…… “this conversation will be taped for TRAINing purposes “ …… LIE- DOWN and take a nest………The Mouse-TRAP will run and RUN. ……How many sugars to screw in a LIGHTbulb.
THANK YOU MM ANON, I hope you’re well😊🙏🏻💜
Sympathy milked visit to Di for
Lovely photos of Prince Harry today visiting hospital patients, so like his mother, just naturally loving
A troop amend awaits,
Is something in the work for Harry going to Lion King instead of attend the memorial of the 30th anniversary of the IRA attack, perhaps another memorial, late but will he be forgiven?
They text each other…
Is this Harry and Chelsea, mm and ma ???
PR or BS..go figure
All the stuff in the papers, her PR is going fast and furious and yes all BS! Figure, is this the rumour about her working a deal with weight watchers? I could be way off!
A TELL all in the PIPE..oh No!!!
Rumours of a tell all book, and also the book that is readying for release in the U.S. we have seen articles here about that..PIPE, crack pipe????
Conversation taped for TRAINing purposes…
First out was the totally unusual overnight on the train with the Queen..was she recorded on the phone?? Ooo HM and LG BRILLIANT!!
LIE-DOWN and take a rest…
Continued lies, PR LIES, we all need a break from it
The mouse TRAP will run and RUN
she is caught in the trap, is she going to try and do a runner? impossible l doubt she has a passport but she is resourceful if nothing else! Constantly seeking PR and attention, running the hamster wheel every day
How many sugars to screw in a LIGHT bulb?
We have seen sugars realizing the lies , panicking. What will they do today with the paper saying Archie born in March….sugars are abandoning ship, but hard core remain……
That’s my best
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦💜💜💜🙏🏻💜
Prayers for you dearest MM ANON
Thank you so much PG! Excellent!😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
36 notes
Jul 25th, 2019
MM Anon
MM ANON,… HOW OLD !!! … Forty something?Bal-moral birthday. …… 38,a-Gain … Broadsheet birthday?Sunday subversion. … who will blink?… Ageing elbows! Photos please …TPTB pouring concrete down the rabbit hole …online blogs followed with fervour … Lamestream media GAG on evidence. …Eps-And sulks won’t get parole. …🎼 “in a rich mans world “🎼
HOW OLD!!! Forty something/ Balmoral birthday….38 a-again
Whew have talked about, what is her real age? Sounds like she will be at Balmoral for 38 th birthday all over again, like Groundhog Day !
Broadsheet birthday?Sunday subversion…who will blink
Will the Sunday papers reveal her real age or articles about that. Who is gonna pull the pin and throw the grenade, metaphorically and public the real truths they have been sitting on FOREVER,?Subversion (Latin subvertere: overthrow) refers to a process by which the values and principles of a system in place are contradicted or reversed, in an attempt to transform the established social order and its structures of power, authority, hierarchy, and social norms. We have seen any sense of Royal protocols norms, even social functioning at a decent persons level non-existent, narcissism extraordinaire! Me Me Me-gain.
Ageing elbows, photos please, we all saw and read and some commented, especially photos from behind at Wimbledon how old her elbows looked😮😲
TPTB pouring concrete down a rabbit hole..why, what are they burying or further covering permanently….curiouser and curiouser🤔
What are they blocking, covering up?? This is curious, protecting someone . PA??
Online blogs followed with fervour..
Mm following blogs with fervour, might this be the KP team also doing so?
Lame stream media GAG on evidence..
Lame versus main, lame as in not being able to do their job because they’re lame, or lame as in a joke being lame, l think it’s the first. GAG is obvious something oral, and the media gags watching it as perhaps the person in photos or video is gagging 🤮🤢
EPS-n-sulks won’t get parole…
JE will not get parole, is she sulks? Because she does sulk! A LOT!
Song lyrics, rich mans world
Hip hop star Immortal Technique, l encourage you all to google and read the lyrics, they are bang on how the upper crust gets away with everything, look up the lyrics!!!
THANK YOU MM ANON💜💜🙏🏻💜💜👋💜💜😊💜💜🇨🇦💜💜
Thank you PG! Looks good!😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
20 notes
Jul 26th, 2019
I think what happened is outrageous, Cawdor or any family place of that historically significance should remain with blood family.
My take on why MM ANON uses Shakespeare, 1), she obviously loves it, l remain firm she is a professor of literature or English studies, that’s just my supposition, based on her submissions and vast knowledge. 2) There are no dramas or tragedies like Shakespeare, also involving royalty. Revenge, adultery, murder, ghosts, wars, etc it’s all a version of what we have seen unfold before our eyes in the last few years, since the day of mourners when she who shall not be named wore a white dress.
Shakespeare just lends itself to tragedy. There are so many quotes etc that fit in so well.
Interesting ….makes sense to me…thank you😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
9 notes
Jul 26th, 2019
MM ANON, … delusional acceptance of a VB co-edit.… “I’m worried about spiralling “… “ she needs help grandma”… not very straight’ that jacket … but, there’s no more rope left. … “good morning LG, we need to talk “… the hidden pre-nup.… “Down and out in Scotland and L.A. “. “Don’t argue darling , just shoot the messenger “ … Very interesting intelligence’ thank you M.
Delusional acceptance of the September Vogue Book, as it’s their largest issue. Somehow she got her way again, absolutely delusional thinking, she is editing co-, this issue. She is now the official dictator to the fashion ‘bible’ , no blasphemy intended.
Spiralling, needs help, no more ropes…
Her mental state is drastically spiralling downward, due to substance use, illness or both, she does need help legal and medical. The BRF have watched her cause damage to herself. She has defied kicking and screaming, disrupting from seas to sea.
Good morning LG, we need to talk,
I suspect HM is done and dusted with her, enough is enough! And called LG to say it’s time to pull the plug on this horror show.
Hidden pre-nup 😮very interesting,
First l have heard of that, maybe that’s what they were signing after that ceremony when Harry held the book so camera couldn’t see it. Hooray for hidden pre-nup!
Down and out in Scotland and L.A.
She has absolutely no where to go, no one to turn to……it’s finished
Don’t argue darling, just shoot the messenger.
I know what shoot the messenger, blame the bringer of bad for the bad news itself. No arguments now, but not sure who darling is, perhaps PP to HM?
Very interesting intelligence, thank you M,
LG thanking HM for making the final decision and he will carry out her orders. Yippitty doooo bring it on,
I think you hit it spot on….MM Anon…what do you think? Thank you PG!😁💜💜💜💜💜����💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
53 notes
Jul 30th, 2019
PG Anon you have mail!😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
MM ANON … nice one PG. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
12 notes
Jul 30th, 2019
Thank you for all the loving comments directed my way, it’s so very much appreciated!👋😊
I try and live my Christian Faith without being pushy, if l ever am, please tell me. I think God and Jesus’ words in Scripture are guidelines, encouragements, love, hope as well as reminding us we live in a spiritual realm, and evil is insidious and the vile pedophelia, sorry my spelling, that word is not on auto correct! Anyhow, l do feel Scripture, reading it and memorizing it helps me a great deal AND arms us against evil. I have had many medical tests etc, MRI’S are not fun, Psalm 121 got me through that, l don’t know how many of them l have had but, Scripture helps me. When l read that you were benefiting from it, my heart just sings😊. Due to being home bound, my opportunities to share faith are not what they used to be. God has continually amazed me. GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU💜🙏🏻😊👋💜🐼💜🐼💜💜🐼💜💜🐼
Lots of love and prayers for our Royal family and especially HMTQ.
🐼, lots of 💜🙏🏻👋😊💜 for all you do for us. I am so very blessed to have found this wonderful place.
Sweet dreams everyone 💤😴. Till the ‘morrow.💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you so much! You are our treasure! God Bless, and happy dreams🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
15 notes
Jul 31st, 2019
MM ANON …Negative In Positano !!…TWO ? OUCH!! a sanctimonious prick!!… defending the indefensible… racist!! Sorry’ I was unconscious … the conscious distain of a nation… useless damage control ……… try backpedaling uphill … I’m on planet privilege’ you’re not… middle England turns on a minor irritation. …Granny is VERY upset. … exiles in there own lunchtime … “Cha’Cha’Cha’Changes”… “Graves at my command have waked their sleepers
Negative in Positano…
Catherine and William were NOT at the celeb ‘woke’ environment saving, jet flying celeb meetings in Italy as has been rumoured by hmmmm whose PR?
TWO? Ouch a sanctimonious prick
Harry in his interview with Dr. Jane Goodall, in the Vogue edited, well, co-edited by mm, says no more than TWO children is responsible thing to do for the world and environment, slamming his brothers family and he comes off as a sanctimonious p****.
Defending the indefensible, racist…..
Huge backlash to this interview, did he really say the things about racism being unconscious😮, oops subconscious or was he edited? Either way, gasoline thrown on a fire, raging out of control now..
Conscious distain of a nation, backpedaling uphill, useless damage control, l’m on planet privilege you’re not
The unmitigated nerve, do as l say, not as l do, l am woke, you’re all ‘subconsciously’ racist…..there is no recovery from this, Harry, dear Harry if you actually said these things, l don’t see a way back to being beloved as you were, killing me to say this, but is she edited it, either way, there is no unringing this bell and the damage it’s doing and how angry people are!
Middle England turns,
As above, oh the people are just a minor irritation, we are on planet privilege, we CAN DO ANYTHING WE WANT,,
Granny is VERY upset, exiles in their own lunchtime, cha cha changes,
HMTQ is VERY upset. They have been exiled to meals alone, if at Balmoral. Changes, big changes are forthcoming. The purse strings may be cut off now that separated from CH. That might happen quicker than first thought. We know she lives, eats breaths $$$$$££££££€€€€€€€ and PR , PR COSTS A LOT OF MONEY!
Graves at my command have wakened their sleepers.
HM has given the official go ahead for all the silence to be broken, all the truths that had been buried and laid silent are going to explode in the media, Hang on, it’s going to be a very bumpy ride!
Excellent! Thank you so much PG!😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
87 notes
Jul 31st, 2019
PG you have mail from MM Anon
MM ANON…… 💜💜💜💜 WOW , PG You’re quickly becoming the new emsi247. Thank you for your de-coding …… Bletchley Park awaits 😉😉😉 ‘ quick break out the wrinkle cream. 🤣🤣🤣
32 notes
Jul 31st, 2019
It has been awhile since my critical thinking and knowledge have been put to the test, given my health issues. It is so nice to use that part of my brain! No joking! I am honoured to even be mentioned in the likes of emsi. Thank you.💜🙏🏻😊👋💜 GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Wonderful PG!😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
24 notes · View notes
Review | Northern Star
Judged by Mary Seph (ArimaMary)
Category: Simple Is Best
[ Author: Tieg2001 ]
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>Title 3/5: "Northern Star" does the trick. It tells the reader the story is about Fubuki. Perhaps it is merely bad luck, but I have read that title being used recently in other stories so it does not come across as impressive or eye-catching. It is an alternate ending of Fubuki's arc, so something like Rising Star or taking another step and tie the title with something referenced in the story itself (basically, using a metaphor) will make it more relevant and eye-catching, making the reader go "ahhhh" or "ohhhh "when they understand why the story was named that way.
>Plot 16/25: I have to say, it took me quite a few reads to understand what was going on. Perhaps it was the word choice or the lack of physical description that made the story feel as if the characters were floating. This caused a snowball effect that affected your other scores in its respective categories. I would say half was the plot shown in the anime, and another half was your own twist; although at the first read I didn't see any divergence as you mentioned because of the first thing I said. I judged only on the plot of your own creation. What made the story fall in this item is how these new events were handled. The beginning is interesting; it would be so much better if the word choice improves considerably. The second twist didn't quite work as well because it seems to come out of nowhere. Starting from the beginning of the story, I don't know the protocol when an avalanche occurs so I will guess it is similar to a landslide. Someone reports it, and authorities like the police and the ambulance come to investigate. It is unclear if the sirens are getting close because of the accident or because of the avalanche (which has to be cleaned of course). On another topic, it would have been interesting to have had a solid visual of the state of the scarf when it was first mentioned. Was it hanging from a branch, a piece of metal, or in the floor? How come the lady asked if it was Fubuki's and not who did it belong to? On the topic of the lady, someone definitely should have stayed by his side to get a testimony or for emotional support. I was sure it was going to be her. He's just a little boy after all!
The next scene suffers from the recurring fault I first mentioned, unclear wording. I had no idea which soccer match it was because there were no pointers at the very beginning, grounding the scene. And it was just as hard to know who this goalkeeper was without a name--recommendations for these points are in Grammar and Style where I bring up more of these examples. The part I had the most trouble understanding was the turning point which hints a time skip, I think. Because I am still confused after thoroughly dissecting this one-shot. The change in the characters around Fubuki after this skip seemed baseless, out of nowhere. First being aggressive then supportive. Where did that come from? It needs a trigger, a strong one; and it will raise the emotions--the rising action--to swipe the reader off their feet. The ground has plenty of potential. You need to dig deeper.
>Characterization 11/20: I will be scoring the following characters: Shirou (little and teen), Atsuya, the lady, and those two characters whom I won't name due to spoilers. Firstly, Little Shirou didn't portray much of his personality save from "Atsuya. . ." which by this point is a trope. Personality is best shown through actions, and the most distinct, the more a character's psyche is exposed. With third person narrator, this is where I recommend you place your focus. Secondly, the lady seemed really cold, leaving little Shirou alone. Her dialogue seemed to be merely for plot purposes rather than anything else. I want to bring up the turning point again, the rising action, and this is a key point where Fubuki's personality would--should-- have shone. He was like clogged water where he should have risen like a tsunami and flood the reader with emotions: anger, sadness, helplessness, and hope. With a character as beloved as Fubuki which rose the popularity polls (like the wind!), it was this strong relatability and capacity to make the viewer feel empathy that he became a favorite. From the ten points of his character, I gave you five, and a two for Atsuya because, sure, the dialogue was in-character, but his personality/actions were inconsistent. The lady didn't do much, and those two characters seemed to be for plot purposes rather than having actual personalities.
>Grammar and Writing Style 11/15: Now for the good stuff. I put extra effort in this part because of the time you have been writing. I hope this can help a lot. The way you used spacing is quite messy and at times confusing--those short scenes in which extra spacing. Sadly, Wattpad doesn't quite work well with an extra space like in books. But! I just read a story which made great use of this spacing. In general, you have three options: spacing, symbols, and transition phrases. For this part, a transition phrase might work well. You need to find when to use which. But the symbols were used appropriately. Good job.
On another topic, there was some glaring use of passive voice, two clear examples being "Silence reigned, no sound was to be processed by Fubuki" and "By the use of skilled faints, the football got carried away forward by Gran." Use active voice instead. This is big. Always check for passive voice while editing. Onto style, there were instances in which some descriptions were too vague like "creature of [the] wild". "Wolf" delivers a clear and concise image in the readers head. Use clear words. I can say this the whole story. This is crucial. Fortunately, this can be easily fixed with adding sensory descriptions: the yells from the team, the grass at Fubuki's feet, the distance he feels from the match as if he weren't there. Ground the story, and you can ground a reader to it. Perhaps you are trying to sound fancy (and I apologize if those words sounded rude) but trying to make something seem bigger than it is in the narration shows the writer is trying to make something seem bigger than it is. Dialogue-wise, it seems the lack of dialogue tags in the italicized dialogue ended up backfiring, merely adding to the confusion. Save from the lines that were obviously Atsuya's, I had no idea who this person was or how to follow their lines. If you want to add mystery to the identity, you can describe their voice or throw hints about their appearance for the reader to put the pieces together, like breadcrumbs leading to a house made of candy.
You requested some analysis in your use of metaphors and I will focus on that now. One of the best metaphors was mirroring Fubuki's actions with his tears, and I will mention this again in Feels Factor. Using his tears as a starting point glued the tragedy tighter. You also compared the pure white snow with the smoke. To make this one more effective, you could add what the black smoke represents (tragedy, loss, trauma, etc) to the purity of the snow, because both are blinding but in different ways. The white snow seemed to represent Fubuki's desire to escape from reality aka the black smoke! Years passing like a blizzard was really nice too!
>Originality 8/10: I took two points for half of the one-shot being about events shown in the anime. I like you chose to show the accident at the very beginning and write about Fubuki in his best and its worst. My scoring is harsh enough so I will cut this part short.
>Feels Factor 11/15: Readability definitely seems to be the rock Northern Star bumped and fell face first on. It didn't make me feel because I was busy trying to understand what was going on, and in some moments when I felt a ripple, it was because the phrasing seemed out of place. As I said previously, clear words. "The boy with no family" would be easily replaced with "orphan boy" and be saved from a weird sense of pity that didn't quite belong there in my opinion. The events in this story are crucial moments for Fubuki as a character and a person. The readers should have felt all the emotions that flooded him: despair, helpless, sadness, anger, emptiness, and whatever else you wanted to show.
One thing that worked really well was "One tear fell. And then the boy." That's tragedy. The impact that caused the second sentence being the start of a new paragraph was so effective. Also, when he found Atsuya. I winced a little. Third person point of view is detached, but can also allow some strong imagery and description that are limited in other POVs. Tell me about the bloody snow, the smell of gasoline, the yells of Raimon, Gouenji's angry frown. I know I have said this quite a few times, but your writing reminds me of the first years I started to write. Don't lose faith, each story counts!
Total: [Raw] 60/90 [Final] 67%
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the-crippled-god · 3 years
Steam Next Fest, October 2021
Here’s a few sentences on the demos I’ve played thus far. We’ll see if I get to more...
A=B: Of the genre of 'Esolang programming games' (of which there are many), this might be one of the easiest to get into. However, nearly all the fun is going to come out of weird tricks you can pull off with the new instructions added in each section, which kinda defeats the premise. That being said, I was pleasantly surprised at how clever the game let me be with the the base 'one instruction'. It's not really programming, it's pattern matching and replacing (that being said, folks are starting to work out that well implemented pattern matching is one of the most powerful tools a programming language can have), and a condition that if a rule matches, the instructions start over, rather than continue. I wonder if there's any real world langs that behave like this, but support regex patterns (including capture groups), it might actually be a neat way of building things like custom file renaming rules... Games like this always feel like I'm doing work while not at work, but the simplicity of the base instruction makes this feel more like a puzzle game than something like TIS-100 or Shenzen IO, so provided the extra instructions don't make it feel more like programming (avoid adding branching, don't let me loop beyond the base loop, etc.), I'll probably enjoy this. Verdict: interesting, I'll probably buy it if it's cheap.
Galaxy's Extreme: This is another "Nintendo won't make a new F-Zero game so we'll do it ourselves", and it's... fine. Momentum feels good, and the controls feel good, it's just, too simplistic. I really feel like a spiritual successor to F-Zero needs the strafe and slide turning of GX (or some equivalent), without absurd goofy snaking, it's just, not the same, let alone an escalation of the style. You also only seem to leave the ground and prescribed points, rather than behaving like a hover craft, which doesn't quite feel right. Verdict: I'll probably pass on this one, if it gets rave reviews on release, and has online multiplayer, I could see grabbing it to play casually with friends.
Rayze: There's a good idea here, this isn't a good implementation of it. Momentum feels weird, and the game doesn't use raw mouse input, for some reason. An 'Aim racer' feels like a good idea, but this is more of a puzzle game where you're trying to work out how the level designer wants you to click things. Verdict: pass, absolutely not for me.
Dread Delusion: Open world immersive sim, focused on being weird. Seems alright, demo is a little too limited to tell, and I allocated my stats wrong to be able to see all of it (you seem to need high Lore to get to a few areas), but I enjoyed what was here, and will probably pick it up as just a weird thing to explore. Verdict: neat, be interested to see how the full version is.
Titanium Hound: This one looked cool, but it's really not good. Sounds in the menus are ear piercing, control scheme makes no sense on either the keyboard or controller. None of the attacks feel like they have impact. Controls are floaty and weird, like everything is on ice. Enemy sounds are muted, music is boring. Verdict: Really disappointed in this one, hard pass.
Transiruby: C...Cute... This seems like a fun light hearted metroidvania. Dialogue is witty, Siruby and pals are cute. Music is charming. Controls are tight. Graphics lean a little to simple for my tastes, but otherwise no complaints. Verdict: I'll probably buy this, seems like a good coping game for me.
Gastova: The Witches of Arkana: Meh. Some of the cutscene and character detail art is cute. Writing feels like it has a good premise, but could use an editor to punch up the jokes and quips a bit, since they don't quite land. It's almost like English isn't the writers first language, they have a good grasp of how to put words together so they're coherent, but they're not great at pacing dialogue so it feels natural. Gameplay is, bland? This feels aggressively like a 3rd party SNES platformer, like a Super Adventure Island or something. This is in all respects. It eats inputs randomly, attacks have no impact, enemies take too many hits, basic platoforming requires you stand on the very edge of the platforms, etc. I'm sure there are people who will get a kick out of this, but it's not for me. Verdict: pass.
Ex-Zodiac: It's a Starfox clone! Kinda halfway between SNES and 64. It's pretty good, not really doing anything original, but it plays well. Only weird issue I noticed is that enemies behind you can shoot at you, and there's not really a way to avoid it. Other than that my main complaint is the camera feels a little tight, definitely more like Starfox SNES, and it's a bit annoying. Verdict: I'll wishlist it, purchase is going to depend on the length and price of the full game.
Exo One: Interesting, likely not for me. I dig the movement scheme, though certain aspects of it suffer from the minimal UI/HUD. Manoeuvring through big wide open Unity terrain maps is not really compelling to me, I think I'd really like this if it was a more concentrated experience. Verdict: Pass, but I'll keep an eye on it.
POSTAL Brain Damaged: Hell yeah, this seems good. Think I like it more than Postal 4, at least in its current state. Writing is very Postal, except weirdly more subtle than usual? Dunno, this I like it more than Postal's usual crassness. Weapons are all versatile and cool (in the demo the rocket launcher weirdly feels the worst), and level design and aesthetics are on point. Didn't finish the demo cause I'd kinda rather play this on release, but really liked what I played. Verdict: Wishlisted, to pick up next time I'm in the mood for a boomer shooter.
Hypnagogia: Boundless Dreams: I was expecting something different. This seems to be a mostly linear 1st person platformer set in a childish dreamscape. It's fine for what it is, but at least as a demo, it didn't grab me. I think Anodyne 2 did this aesthetic better, this kinda feels like someone looked at Spyro the Dragon, and decided that's what dreams looked like. Maybe it gets weirder later, but I'm not sure I want to wait around to find out. Verdict: Pass for now, but I'll check the reviews when it comes out.
Cleo: A Pirate's Tale: It's alright, for a one person game, it seems pretty dang good. But, I don't think I'll play it. Everything about it is just a little off. Writing isn't quite funny, voice acting has weird intonation and direction, controls don't quite work intuitively, art style feels a touch unrealized, etc. Definitely give this one a try, especially if you liked old LucasArts games, you might love this, but I didn't. Verdict: Pass, but I have a few friends I'll probably recommend this to.
Hunt the Night: There's a good (potentially great) game here, but it leans just a little too into being difficult/punishing for my taste. You can animation cancel into a dash, except when there's hit stun from contacting an enemy with your sword, so you can't dodge ranged attacks while you're engaged in melee? Sometimes enemies are hit stunned by your attacks, sometimes the same enemies can attack through your hits? There's no stamina bar, but there's like 4 different meters to manage, and they work pretty well at forcing you to use all the options available to you. The weapons I found seemed to only differ in attack speed, melee combos did not change meaningfully, which is disappointing, but I didn't experiment much. Otherwise, for a 'bloodborne but as top-down zelda' it seems pretty great. Story seems interesting enough, if predictable, gameplay has a lot of good ideas, but it maybe needs another round of polish. A range indicator on the dash, and a solid explanation of if I'm suppose to be using it to dodge (and when I can cancel into a dodge and when I can't), along with a clear timer on how long I need to hold the heal button, would go a long way into making the game feel more fair. Verdict: On wishlist for now, because the trailer makes it look really fun, but I'll likely take a look at the reviews on release.
Anuchard: I swear I've seen this main character design before, I think they were a cameo design in CrossCode? Oh wow is English not the writer's first language, grammar issues all over the place. Thankfully, not so bad as to be incomprehensible, but I really hope they get an editor fluent in English before release. Gameplay wise, this seems a little too simple? Combat is satisfying, but you can stun lock the boss? And while the shield/heavy attack system seems like a good idea, it doesn't add much depth. Puzzle solving by bouncing the gems around feels bad. You can't aim in more than the 8 cardinal directions, and even that's inconsistent, and hit detection requires you to be really precise. Art is cute, writing seems like it has potential, if it gets a good proof read, music was interesting to good. Verdict: I think I'll pass, but I'll look into it after release.
Marmoreal: Can you tell this game wanted to be a Touhou fangame, but the art was worse than even ZUNs so they couldn't get the license? Joking aside, ignoring every art asset in this game (except the animation, but we'll get to that), this game is great. Gameplay feels really good, though I feel I need to re-map the abilities buttons a bit, I kept hitting them at inopportune times. And, the animation in cutscenes, along with the writing, make this a stupid ridiculous romp that nearly had me falling off my chair in laughter. This game knows exactly what it is, and I'm here for it. Verdict: Wishlisted, and I'll probably play more of the demo, since it's pretty substantial.
Transmute: A very clearly inspired by Axiom Verge (and maybe Environmental Station Alpha) metroidvania. My biggest complaint is the writing falls flat. Crazy shit is happening to and around the protag, and she hardly reacts (the writing puts more emphasis on her being 'anti-colonialist' than it does on the fact that she'd been in stasis for several years). Game plays well, though not being able to shoot at an angle, or downwards feels weird. Has an augment and retrieval system like Hollow Knight. the augment system even let me combine 2 things I didn't think it would allow me to. Difficulty spikes up after the 2nd boss, so I peaked my head into the 2 areas that open up, but wasn't really interested in banging my head against them when I know I'll have to start over when the game comes out. Verdict: Seems pretty well put together for a metroidvania, I'll wishlist it.
Tunic: This seems so close to brilliance, but it's just not there. The game looks adorable, but here's the issue: There's a massive amount of latency to the controls, you constantly feel like you're manoeuvring through muck. Even the most basic enemy can react to you faster than you can to it, enemies do a lot of damage, healing is very limited, and it has retrieval mechanics on death. This game feels really difficult for no reason. It's clearly trying to look like zelda, why does it play like a wannabe took-all-the-wrong-lessons-from-dark-souls game? If this game played closer to a 2d zelda game, it'd be a lot of fun, but as it plays right now, I have no interest. Verdict: Pass.
0 notes
fullformworld · 3 years
500+Instagram Captions - Cute,Couples,Workout,Friendship,Cool,Sassy,One word,Short,Selfies,Adventure,Happy,Aesthetic,funny,Sunset,Fall,Fire,Beach,Dog,Savage
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Looking for Best Instagram captions - Cute,Couples,Workout,Friendship,Cool,Sassy,One word,Short,Selfies,Adventure,Happy,Aesthetic,funny,Sunset,Fall,Fire,Beach,Dog,Savage. Now a days , everyone is using the Instagram app on their mobile. Instagram is one of the most popular and widely used Photo sharing application which is owned by Facebook allow users to share their Photos and Videos. WHAT ARE INSTAGRAM CAPTIONS ? An Instagram caption is a written description or explanation about the Instagram photo to provide more context. Instagram captions can include emojis, hashtags, and tags. Instagram captions are very useful for making your post (photos/videos) look attractive.Without a caption a post doesn't look good at all. Having an excellent and attractive Instagram Caption is very important! It can be very useful to you for receiving a lot of likes of the articles and finding none. But thinking about great Instagram Captions might be challenging, so we made it easy to run out of unique Instagram caption ideas in 20+ different categories when you’re publishing a lot of photo. HOW TO WRITE INSTAGRAM CAPTIONS ? As you upload a selective picture of yours after clicking 100+ of them just because its perfect. So, you need to check out these points : i) Use Smileys with your Instagram captions Using Smileys or Emojis with your captions make the post really attractive and cool. An emoji describes your posts very clearly if you use it in a right way. An emoji only can be placed as a caption on your post. So, keep in mind that a caption with a perfect emoji will make your post look better than others. ii) Do use Hashtags (#) Using appropriate Hashtags with your Instagram captions can help you to grow your profile reach. There are millions of hashtags used by peoples. A a particular hashtag determines your category, so that anyone searching for your type, will easily find you. Best Instagram captions 2021        Instagram is a social media platform where thousands of pictures and videos are uploaded daily with Instagram captions. As the audience on Instagram is increasing day by day.There are approx 400 million+ users on this social media platform.     Here is my collection of 30+ Instagram captions categories which you will definitely love to use as your "Instagram captions" and bookmark this Homepage for regular uses.Here in this article, we are going to share Instagram captions for Instagram 2018.
 Cute Instagram captions
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cute instagram captions Being in a relationship is a full-time job. So don’t apply if you’re not ready. Your speed doesn’t matter, forward is forward The secret of getting ahead is getting started. Lift up your head princess, if not the crown falls. Always wear your invisible crown. Never look down on anybody UNLESS you’re helping him up. Always hold your head up. You have to be ODD, to be number ONE. Time is precious, waste it wisely. Don’t tell people your dreams, SHOW THEM! Do not worry, be happy The road to success is always under construction. If sky is the limit, then go there There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. Love is when you accept a person the way he or she is. You’ll never understand love until you You can love the person you trust but you can not always trust the person you love. Love is the greatest feeling in the word but it can also be the worse. Being in a relationship is a full-time job. So don’t apply if you’re not ready. Your speed doesn’t matter, forward is forward The secret of getting ahead is getting started. Lift up your head princess, if not the crown falls. Always wear your invisible crown. Never look down on anybody UNLESS you’re helping him up. Always hold your head up. You have to be ODD, to be number ONE. Time is precious, waste it wisely. Don’t tell people your dreams, SHOW THEM! Do not worry, be happy.  
Couple Goals Instagram captions
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Couple Goals Instagram captions   You are mine, I am damn yours. You are my today and all of my tomorrows. You know! I want to be the reason of smile😀 on your face. I might be too late to be your first, but I can certainly be your last. Borrow me a Kiss💋💋, please? I wanna give it back, with full interest. They say it’s rude to stare, but I don’t care. You are too cute 😊not to stare at. If you’re alone, I’ll be your shadow.👥 I thought I was normal until I met you. Then, I realized we’re both pretty weird and I like that about us. What I have with you is something I never want with anyone else. You are the lovely distraction. I can resist any more, not to love you. What made you fall for him? He never asked me to justify my past. Cold nights, warm blankets, cozy days. I still fall for you every day of my life. Life starts again when fall hits, but I’m so glad it’s with you. Friends say you are a distraction to me. Believe me, I want to be distracted forever. She knew she loved him when “home” 🏠went from being a place to being a person. Love is a two-way street constantly under construction. Love: Two minds without a single thought. You’re my reflection, all I see is you. If I lost you I would cry, oh how I love you baby. Without you I would be so lost. You are the compass that guides me in life. We balance each other out so perfectly. You have made me the man / woman that I am today. You are my rock, my home, and my everything.  I can’t wait to tell our love story to our children and our grandchildren one day. all I used to see you make me see the world in brighter colours when before was dull shades of grey. My life has been such a wonderful adventure since you came along. Our life together is one for the history books. Forget the fairy tales, I think our love story is the best one ever told. Even after all this time you still make me weak in the knees I barely remember what I was doing with my life before you came along.  
Workout instagram captions
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workout instagram captions The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination. Suck it up and one day you won't have to suck it in. Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you. The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. Go the extra mile. it's never crowded. I'm so unfamiliar with the gym, I call it James! I exercise every day. I swim, I bike, I run and I go to the gym. Fall in love with process and results will come.. Every beauty needs a beast That is why don't skip Leg's day. Let the gains begin Strong peoples don't pull others down, them pull them up. Your fitness is 100% mental. Think of your workouts as important meetings A lot of women like to be super tiny When you want to give up, remember why you started. It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.  
Friendship goals Instagram captions
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workout instagram captions Nothing last forever, except these memories. I and My group of friends are the funniest👭😃 humans I know. A friend👬 knows the song in my heart 💙and sings it to me when my memory fails. Best friends👬 stick together till the end. They are like a straight➖ line that will not bend. Strangers think I’m quiet, my friends👬🤔 think I’m out-going, only my best friends know that I’m completely insane! A real friend 👬is one with whom you can be silent. Good friends are like stars 🌟. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there… True friendship 👭is seen through the heart, 💛not through the eyes.👁 Best Friends make good times better and hard times easier! Friends take the word WORRY😔 out of my vocabulary and just replace it with HAPPINESS.😊 Friendship is the candle🕯 that lights up your heart❤ whenever it is dark outside. It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for. If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever. I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light. Life is an awful, ugly place to not have a best friend. What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies. Only a true best friend can protect you from your immortal enemies. It's hard to tell who h There's not a word yet, for old friends who've just met.as your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it. “Be slow to fall into friendship, but when you are in, continue firm and constant. Stay is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary. We should meet in another life, we should meet in air, me and you. The best mirror is an old friend. Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit. Storm Sister--a friend who sticks close when storms hit her friend's life. On our own, we’d look totally normal. Together, we’re something else. Together, we’re special. Being first to ask for help in a friendship takes courage and humility. Stick by your friends, and they'll help resolve your issues. Or, at the very least, help you forget they exist for a while. Conversations between friends are the craziest and funniest of all.  
Cool captions for instagram
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Cool captions for instagram   When money talks nobody notices what grammar it uses. The only disability in life is a bad attitude. It's not about ideas. It's about ideas making happen. I am back with my same attitude.👓 Attitude is my middle name. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition. It’s the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter. It’s the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time. Someday I want to be perfect; until then, I’ll be happy being incredible. Old age is no place for sissies. If you rest, you rust. Life is hard. After all, it kills you. When someone makes you an option, make them a memory. Make today so awesome, Yesterday gets jealous. Sell the problem you solve, not product. Not everyone likes me, But not everyone matters. Being in a good frame of mind helps keep one in the picture of health. I’m gonna make the rest of my life, the best of my life. They laugh at me because I’m different, I laugh at them because they’re all the same. When I’m good, I’m God’s son 😊. But when I’m bad, I’m devil’s dad. 😈 !! Criticize me when you are at my level. Until then you may just admire. You can have RESULTS or EXCUSES not both. I’m not cranky. I just have a violent reaction to stupid people. Self-love isn’t selfish, it is important. I am not for everyone. When I was born...The devil said..👓”Oh, Shit..!! Competition” Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache. Let a smile be your umbrella if you want to stand out in the rain like a grinning idiot. A woman is like a tea bag you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water. If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun. The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off. I do not want people to be agreeable, as it saves me that trouble of liking them.  
Sassy instagram captions
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Sassy instagram captions “I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man” “We gonna party like it’s your birthday” “I got 99 problems, but ain’t one” “The more money we come across, the more problems we see” Big poppa. You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime.” “Drop it like it’s hot” Only God Can Judge Me “I’m feeling’ myself” “To live doesn’t mean you’re alive”  
One Word instagram captions
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One Word instagram captions Live. Breathe. Forgive. Ambition. Love. Processing. Inspire Succeed Fly Shine Appreciate grow Dream Positivity Enthusiastic Kind Troublemaker Cute Passionate Instagramer  
Short Instagram captions
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Short Instagram captions Do it now . Appreciate the moment. Change is good. Remember to live. Learn from yesterday. Nothing is fair in love. Do or die. Make it happen Feed your soul Now or never Smile. Sparkle. Shine You are enough. Every moment matters. Take the risk. Hit the goals Never look back. Hit the success. It's my journey. You're mine. Never look back Success breads success Winners never quit.  
Instagram captions for selfies
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Instagram captions for selfies - In a world full of trends, I want to remain a classic. - Today, I will be as useless as the 'g' in lasagna. - Stress doesn't really go with my outfit. - Reality called, so I hung up. - Dare to be a donut in a world of plain bagels. - I love looking in the mirror and feeling good about what I see. - Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in the mirror. - I walk around like everything is fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off." - Less perfection, more authenticity. - To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid. - This reality is a beautiful illusion. - The mirror reflects my light. - Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in the mirror. - What does a mirror look at? - What you seek is seeking you. - Eyes are never quiet. - Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly. - Mirrors tell you the truth. - And I usually use myself as a model, posing in front of a mirror. - Beauty is truth’s smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror.  
Adventure Instagram captions
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Adventure Instagram captions Work hard, travel harder. Travel expands the mind and fills the gap. Have a safe flight back home✈🛫 Happiness is looking down for the next destination from your plane 🛬 window. The best part about solo travel is rediscovering that I enjoy my own company. Travel has a way of stretching the mind. Travel is not really about leaving our homes but leaving out habits. To take travel is to take a journey into yourself. Adventure is worthwhile. Where ever I go, it became part of me. Life is short and the world 🌏is wide. Forget champagne and caviar – Taste the world instead! The world is a book 📕, who do not travel read only a page. Travel✈ brings power and loves ❤back to your life Some beautiful paths 🛣 can't be discovered without getting lost. Travel is never a matter of money, but of courage. Let's pack our bags 👜 and travel the world. Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world. Someday I'm going to be free and I'm going to travel the world. Let's go on a road trip together.
Happy instagram captions
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Happy instagram captions - Put some color in your life 🌈 - Happiness is a little corner of paradise in my life. - Happiness is not a goal… it’s a by-product of a life well-lived. - If you want to be happy, be. - We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - Be Wild. Be True. Be Happy 💕 - Being happy never goes out of style. - Look for the magic in every moment💙 - Don’t stop to dream. - Be a flower in a world made of stones🌺 - Life is a gift, live it now - You decide to be happy or not - No matter how hard I try, I can never be unhappy. - Happiness consists of living each day as if it were the first day of your honeymoon and the last day of your vacation. Read the full article
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asmakahf · 3 years
Someone Loves You, and You are Not Aware of it yet!
Suppose there's a 3 year course in Language.
First Year they teach alphabets
Second year they teach Grammar.
Third year they teach how to make proper sentences.
If Third year students could make sentences of the same language Doesn't it prove they were very much part of the whole curriculum?
This example means Christians, jews, Muslims are consecutive religions, one completes the other. Each is incomplete without other.
Christians, Jews and Muslims are not three different religions.
They are religions of different centuries.
When messengers of each religion came they were denied and bothered by the then enemies of faith.
These enemies of faith had similar reasons for rejecting the message, that was some worldly/personal loss.
But the moment messengers left the world almost all people follow the religion, because then finally they come to now that messengers dint have any personal ambition and He wished well for people.
The denial of Prophet Mohammed s.a.w by jews and Christians of that time and this time is illogical.
Have seen lot of scholars of these religions go deep in history, terminology of ancient languages, minutes details about what might have happened
You dont need to be history expert for using common sense.
Be it Prophet Moses (Peace be Upon Him)
Or Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him)
Or Prophet Jonas (Peace be Upon Him)
They all gave message about God and people or tyrants bothered them, rejected them and subjected them to pain, difficulties and suffering.
They had few followers for long time, their popularity reached far, generation of thier time discussed them and amazed by them.
They gave messages which was easily accepted by some, they had small group of loyal people with them.
Each Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) showed a miracle in something that was valued by people of that time.
Some Prophets showed miracles which was beyond Any magic of the world,
Some cured people, some brought food from sky, etc.
This history forms a pattern, this pattern is made obvious by Divine power.
Why? So that corrupt people who obviously manipulate truth, can never hide what was known through the ages.
Why truth is hidden?
It's hidden because it harms worldly desires or profit of some people.
Moses (Peace be Upon Him) was rejected because his message that God is one, unseen, harmed Pharaoh who made people fear him by saying that he is God .
Similarly messages of Prophets ( (Peace be Upon them) were rejected by people who thought if they accepted it then they would lose something.
Some thought they would lose wealth, some thought they will have to leave adultery, interest and some religious people thought they would lose position of being highly respected.
When THIS pattern is UNIQUE to PROPHETS.
How can any sane person refuse to believe in Prophet Mohammed (Peace be Upon Him) when HE SUFFERED THE SAME THINGS, SHOWED MIRACLES, PEOPLE AROUND HIM COULD SWEAR HE NEVER LIES?
Accepting Prophet Mohammed s.a.w was difficult for Idol worshippers, but it was easy for jews and Christians as they had scriptures, they knew and learned how people treated Prophets in the past. They had an idea what sort of atmosphere is created when a Prophet starts sharing divine message. It should have been doubts free and firm belief in Prophet Mohammed (Peace be Upon Him) when he was sharing stories of other prophets, even though he couldn't read or write nor was he from Christians or Jewish family to have heard detailed account of prophets.
His initial story was so similar to Prophet Abraham (Peace be Upon Him).
I Think the best example of people who reject Him (Peace be Upon Him) is like a group who was told there will come to them a guest, and they have to treat that guest well for he is important official. If they treat him well their issues will be solved.
All of them waited eagerly to welcome him, then a black man entered.
They pushed him aside saying an important person is expected, move away!
A few of wise people understood that this is the much awaited person, treated him well and took him with them. And this group kept waiting and waiting and they taught thier generations to wait for him!
So this is rejection of truth due to lack of humility and arrogance.
Its arrogance because they decided and were adamant about what the person of high importance should look like!
It was height of ignorance and stubborn mindset that stopped them from getting benefits of truth.
When Prophet Mohammed (Peace be Upon Him) declared truth, fulfilled every criteria of being in touch with Divine power yet some jews and Christians rejected the message because it was thier obstinance that The last messenger should be from thier group.
They had really shallow fears, the priests thought they would stop getting money from worshippers, will have a lower position now and will have to change their entire way of conducting themselves and upset the rich and powerful people of that area. Some also had fears whether they will be abandoning their beloved religion,
To ALL these QUESTIONS They got answer through Divine message communicated by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him),
These were answers to clear not just doubts but burst the lies and propaganda.
For example- It was said
Those who traded truth with lies for money will have painful torment in hereafter.
There will be double reward for those Christians and Jews who accept Islam because they believed in what was revealed before and after.
Those who misguide people will abandon them on the day of judgment and they will say to their followers why did you follow us, My lord Punish them and leave me.
Is idol worshipping or worshipping of things and humans different from these religions, and has no connection with these religions?
Just like Islam connects Christianity and Judaism ,it Equally connects all forms of worshipping.
The first ever Prophet who faced disobedience of people, it was because of Idol worshipping. It was Prophet Noah (Peace be Upon Him) whose story of making arc is known by all.
The pattern is same. Nobody can claim tomorrow on the day judgement that they dint get information about Prophet or religion or One GOD.
We have documented proves,authentically carried through generations about religions and Prophets.
If there be any doubt you can see human behaviour, and pattern there won't be any doubt.
As per records , idol worshipping started when people lost a great Person they respected and loved.
First They thought they should make a statue which resembles to him so that they keep remembering him and it will help them in guidance.
Then they started visiting that statue, then touching it one thing after another, soon they were wiping thier head with mud of that statue.
You ask even today Why idol worshippers worship stone or things
They will say its a matter of faith, it gives them strength and they feel the presence of God when that statue is around. And mostly they get upset and angry like people got Angry with Abraham (Peace be Upon Him) saying things like how dare you say anything about Our Gods, you are sinner, you will be dead, but what they couldn't answer was a simple question when a thing needs you to carry it, when u ask it doesn't talk, when you break It doesn't even protect itself, when you have more faculties then it has, How CAN THAT BE GOD, WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE EVERYWHERE, ALL HEARING,ALL POWERFUL?
Even today we know one thing, when person who doesn't have answer and doesn't want to be changed for good starts fighting in the name of religion but can't face the simple logics for the unnecessary fear of losing out on his religion.
Hence Prophet Noah((Peace be Upon Him), other prophets, Prophet Abraham all spread the message of God, that God is Unseen, HE is one, He has Power Over everything and HE doesn't need to take shape or form for you to worship HIM.
Never worship something thats created or made by humans , nor should you worship things that are created by LORD, sun moon, sky, fire, earth,other humans.
I request you to know about Prophet Mohammed (Peace be Upon Him) so that you experience the beauty of worshipping Lord in ways He (Peace be Upon Him) Taught us.
Islam Makes you self dependent, good human and changes perception of life in such a way that you won't run after shallow things.
Once you get to know Islam you will know its way of life. IF you have read it till here, am sure You are person of intelligence and emotions. DO TRY TO KNOW ABOUT ISLAM. TAKE YOUR TIME, BUT KNOW IT FROM CONVERTS OR MUSLIMS personally.
Ever since i came to know the reality of media and entertainment industry, it bothers me how people who would have known truth easily are Being misled and kept away from something so precious that can heal them, help them and improve their life in ways they can't imagine.
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ecologicalessay464 · 4 years
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Why Mastering Writing Skills Can Help Future
Why Mastering Writing Skills Can Help Future After all, writing's energy to heal lies not in pen and paper, however in the mind of the author, say numerous psychologists who use it with their sufferers. That's the place clinicians come in, helping purchasers faucet that healing energy, they say. Private practitioner Marlo, for instance, employs writing cautiously--using it solely with patients who take to it, and closely integrating it into the therapeutic course of. For those that have not been taking notes, let's review. Business professionals, college students, writers, bloggers, and loads of individuals who just wish to write higher belief Grammarly to assist them produce their finest work. Or add to your ability set with a transcription or proofreading course. Or learn all the grammar guidelines you need to’ve discovered in class, so your writing might be squeaky clear. Or get really good at writing compelling essays so you possibly can finally get revealed in your dream publication. Once you have a subject in mind, it is time to conduct your analysis and compile your notes. Whether you should transcribe an interview, access paywalled analysis papers, or see what else has been published on-line, these tools might help. Webb has contributed to books printed by National Geographic, the Financial Times and Skyhorse. Take a course on the way to make a residing as a contract writer. We’re British, so we take care of enterprise in a wise means. Take benefit of professional tutorial writing assist brought to you by specialists in 20+ subjects, together with MBA, Literature, History, Education, Nursing, Economics, Technology, etc. Cheap and effective, our help with essays will enable you to have more time within the night with the marks being high-class. And remember to issue within the early and meditates briefly on every web page, you may need to spoil all of your assignments. If measuring size with a major thread, for example. Full-time writers Kristin Wong and Alex Webb deliver their various experiences in writing, publishing and freelancing. Wong has written for the New York Times and revealed her first guide, Get Money, in 2018. You might contemplate yourself a fortunate one if you wouldn't have to deal with the tasks you do not like over and over again. If it is writing papers that you are not a fan of, let our team deprive you of this unpleasant exercise. Smile extra typically and enjoy your student years while we take care of the boring assignments. Superhero films always present us how the world is about to come to an finish and solely someone with superpowers can save the humanity from an apocalyptic disaster. Third, we should analyze carework as mla writing totally different formats a method of encountering and re-forming nature. Beverley bie brahic evanston, il northwestern university press. Clarice lispector, perto do corao selvagem [] rio de janeiro conjunto univerrsitrio candido mendes. Reduced relative clause might have damage melanie despite their close to synonymy with faith. Himself the child, her little-man hers, her clitoris. Consult your universitys rules and technique of describing the scope of this world. It can not check with the apocalyptic writ- ings toward interpretation and analysis. Use words and phrases which have a gee whiz quality about them, as a collective. High is a vital part of many towns and maintaining it on the web. And while you could create a thoughts map on paper or a whiteboard, MindMeister provides extra flexibility. MindMeister is a software designed specifically to make thoughts mapping easier, giving writers a easy approach to capture their concepts, organize them, and share them with others. Would you want to write down higher papers in less time but don’t know where to start? No one makes a film about private disasters each pupil experience nearly daily. Most most likely, this type of film would not make an enormous success but would positively show the real issues of actual people. Helpwriter.com is the only place the place you'll be able to look for a superhero that can assist you cope with homework assignments.
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the language
the capellan language is just song. the vocabulary and grammar is easy enough to learn but the musical aspect makes it super hard to learn, because if you’re a half step off a note, then you’ve either changed the meaning entirely, or you’re saying with a very different tone that what you intended. 
because music is tied to phrases, instrumental capellan music can be used to suggest certain phrases or ideas. this could be used to communicate as well in a pinch. instead of speaking, one can whistle a tune and imply a certain phrase or command
cassandra & the capellan language
cassandra will sometimes speak in a singsong voice, just because she’s used to it, and it’s not really weird to her to do it- she’ll also do it to convey different emotions if she’s talking with someone who knows capellan enough to get it.
an amazing headcanon that sammun came up with is that a singsong voice is also cassandra’s like slurred voice- when she’s tired or drunk.
the four inclinations
each inclination holds a very important role in capellan culture- a very important philosophy on capella is that if something starts to fail, and needs to be replaced, you must destroy the old and start over. this is what fire inclined capellans represent- the destruction of the old so one can rebuild. after all- some flowers only bloom after a fire.
ice inclined capellans represent the taming of capella- capella is mostly frigid mountaintops and unruly seas. ice inclined capellans have the ability to tame both of these.
light inclined capellans are the elucidators, the scholars. they ‘light the way’ for other capellans, and are usually taken to academic pursuits.
life inclined capellans are the healers- even before the limitations were added to capellan dna, life inclined capellans were seen as wise people who knew when to heal…and when to let go.
what planet capella is in real life
we humans know capella as kepler-442b! it’s an exoplanet orbiting kepler-442, which is located in the lyra constellation! it’s a k-type main-sequence star, which is actually really good, because they emit less ultra-violet radiation that harms dna and stuff.
the gravity on kepler-442b is 30% stronger than that of earth’s, which jives nicely with how capella has stronger gravity than earth’s. the temperature on kepler-442b is 233K, or −40 °C; −40 °F. which…admittedly that’s very low, even for how cold i wanted capella to be, but…i’ll take what i can get. another thing that irks me is that kepler-442b was discovered/identified as a planet that might be able to sustain life in january of 2015, and the way i write it, cassandra already knows about what humans call capella when she gets there.
ANOTHER thing that doesn’t match up is the distance from earth- in “in the morning” and perhaps even on this blog, i’ve said that capella is 10,000 light years from earth. kepler-442b is only 1,120 light years away. but this is something i can easily change- the important thing about capella’s distance from earth is that it has to be far enough away so that capellans really don’t give a shit about earth, and that it has to be greater than 30 years or so, so that capella is still visible from earth when cassandra gets there.
biological differences from humans
second eyelids- they’re to protect the eyes but also allow the capellan to see through it
four lungs, and larger chest cavity in general. ribs round out in the back a bit
more muscle mass
bones have a smaller radius and are denser
they’re fucking giants- cassandra is 6′5 and average height for a capellan. tall for a capellan is 7′5.
their blood is almost rusty looking bc there’s more oxygen in it
capellans are very auditory based creatures- for example, hearing is to them what smell is to humans, taste wise. so the food has to be noisy when eaten to taste good
capellan naming conventions + cassandra’s name
so, capellans don’t have last names at all- instead they have core names and family suffixes. cassandra’s family suffix is -lyn, however, after the destruction of capella, cassandra chose to take on the -ndra suffix again
-ndra is the orphan’s suffix, but more specifically…its the suffix of the unwanted. only children who are given up at birth, are completely disowned from the family, or choose to cut ALL ties to their families have this suffix.
since cassandra was given up at birth, her names have been
cassandra -> cassalyn -> cassandra
her core name is cassa, and it’s considered very rude to call a capellan by their core name unless they have given explicit permission for you to do so. in addition- cassandra CANNOT STAND the nickname cassie, since that’s what her name would have been if dulcie and her had gotten married, and what dulcie used to call cassandra when they were engaged.
tl;dr: don’t call her cass and DEFINITELY don’t call her cassie
capellan art
capellan art is usually 3d stuff- very rarely do capellans just sit and paint on a normal canvas. this is because of their inclinations! many famous capellan artists utilize their inclinations to create art, or create art based off their inclinations. fire inclined capellans will typically use their powers to melt and shape metal, or do something with pottery. ice inclined capellans will typically make huge ice sculptures- or really small and intricate stuff. they can also freeze off bits of rock- like how potholes are made?- and create sculptures that way.
light inclined capellans usually create huge structures or hanging mobiles made of glass that reflects light just so. and…unfortunately, life inclined capellans get the short end of the stick, since their inclination doesn’t really affect the environment the same way the other three do. however, life inclined capellans get a lot of props for being able to create amazing works without using an inclination.
anyway- this is why cassandra does like sculptures from the renaissance, but not really paintings. the only earth paintings cassandra really enjoys are more abstract ones or very colorful ones. cassandra does adore vincent van gogh, both for his subject matter and the colors and techniques in his paintings. but cassandra has a particular fondness for 3d art because that’s simply what art was on capella.
alcohol tolerance
originally i was going to have capellans have a notoriously low alcohol tolerance, but taking into consideration the rest of their biology, it’s much more likely that it’s harder for them to get drunk, especially on earth alcohol. so i guess cassandra falls under the never gets drunk trope.
light inclined capellans
remember when i said that light inclined capellans are the elucidators? the ones who ‘light the way?’ they’re also…well, if you’ve read the d.ivergent series, they’re lowkey like candor. they are incredibly good at reading people and have a knack for telling when someone’s lying or not telling the whole truth.
that’s kind of their thing- the pursuit of the truth- be it spiritually, scientifically, or even more like. detective-y. when they think someone is lying or there is a greater truth to be discovered, they will keep pressing and digging until they learn the truth.
life inclined capellans
life inclined capellans obviously can’t bring back the dead, but it’s more than that. they can’t even like…waste their powers trying to heal a dead body. so when people are like ‘you’ve got to try!’ its not they aren’t…it’s just that there’s not hing to connect to.
capellan healing requires a connection- a touching of souls- to work. this is why any verse where hellion heals splinter will result in a crippled verse; as she heals splinter, she grows scared of that connection, and…so does he, unconscious or not. it gets harder and harder to establish that connection efficiently as splinter wakes up, and once he’s up, it’s takes so much just to make the connection.
but anyway- if someone’s dead…there’s no soul to touch. not anymore. so they can’t even really try to heal a dead person.
how a life inclined capellan defends themself
the life inclination is the only inclination to contain the full spectrum of it’s power. and what i mean by “the full spectrum of it’s power” is that with the fire and ice inclinations- they used to be one inclination, simply thermal manipulation. but over time it split up in two, and now you can really see how they’re really just halves of a whole. the fire inclination cannot cool down a room that they’ve heated up- likewise, the ice inclination cannot “undo” any frost that’s built up. 
but the life inclination covers the ability to heal life and the ability to harm it- it contains both extremes. 
it’s really strange that you can heal someone gradually, or heal someone wrong, or only heal someone partially- but you can’t do that with killing someone. just- boom, they’re dead, no grey area, right?
WELL. not quite. its possible to weaken someone- kill them gradually, drain away their life force bit by bit. HOWEVER this is the most difficult thing to master for a life inclined capellan. if you can weaken someone, slow down the killing so it’s not immediate, you’re basically considered a master of your inclination. 
but…it’s not a good thing. the life inclination, because it covers two extremes, comes from two extremes as well. it can come from either kindness or malice. it is literally possible to kill someone with kindness, usually because it’s an act of mercy. 
however, this technique can only be utilized by using malice- since there is no mercy or kindness in making someone suffer. 
so, life inclined capellans CAN defend themselves but
its the hardest technique to master
it comes from a bad place
if you can do it people generally look down on you because why would you want to make someone suffer??
ancient capellans
ancient capellans’ inclinations were  less of ‘one inclination for life but an immense amount of control’ and more of ‘okay you have all four but they’re all weak’
maybe as time went on, capellans learned to hone one inclination over the others, and eventually evolved to the point where a capellan only got one inclination but has a huge amount of control over it.
this feeds into my headcanon that in situations of immense stress a fully grown capellan can briefly access another inclination. the situation in particular is that owl is dying in cassandra’s arms and something just clicks inside her and she’s able to keep owl alive using a life inclination.
it’s only for a total of three minutes and it didn’t heal the damage as much as simply keeping her alive.
since i just read a post about touch s.tarvation, i got thinking about capellans and touching. and thinking on how physically affectionate cassandra’s relationships with other capellans are, i’ve come to the conclusion that capellans are just very physically affectionate. like it takes less time for them to feel comfortable being physically affectionate with someone new, and platonic cuddling and kisses are super duper common. sharing a bed is something that’s often done by close friends or roommates, especially for comfort.
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scriptshrink · 8 years
Borderline Personality Disorder: Intense/Fluctuating emotions, personal experience
Hey there. I have borderline personality disorder, depression and bulimia. Figured I’d put all that time I’ve spent analysing my emotions and thinking patterns to good use and write up how I experience BPD. This relates to how I experience the intense and fluctuating emotions.
Reminder that this is all my personal experiences. They’re not universal amongst people with BPD. 
TW for cutting, suicidal thoughts, violent thoughts, violence, eating disorder, depression.
If I’m not feeling something really strongly, I’m feeling nothing. That ‘I don’t know how to like things casually’ post is really accurate. And if I feel nothing I’m really aimless and bored but without the drive to do something. I don’t tend to do anything unless someone else gives me something to do, my usual hobbies tend to be just as boring. Usually I end up sleeping or watching TV shows to pass time. A lot of my day to day life is finding distractions, because I’m bored. Always bored. So bored. To Do lists work really well for me because they give me things to do, rather than make me think them up on the spot. I guess I must have some kind of normal emotional reactions but I can’t think of any times where that happens, I’m bored. When that goes on too long, I’m tired/depressed. If something enjoyable happens, my day suddenly revolves around that or it’s fleetingly good and then I’m tired and bored. 
Below are the most common emotions that I have actual ‘episodes’ of. They tend to last at least five to ten minutes up to a few hours. Rarely, a standard high will last overnight/through a sleep. Both the depression moods can go from minutes to weeks. 
Highs: Standard, weird. (These are the terms I use to describe/differentiate between the types of high/up moods I experience.)
Standard highs are great. You know when you drink coffee for the first time and you get so wired? It’s a bit like that. My brain gets really energised and I come up with new ideas for things and start planning them out. I also work on existing projects, if I think to direct my energy to them, because the energy doesn’t really mind what I’m working on, creativity and drive is on 100%. Sometimes I talk a lot, in conversations or to myself. If I’m nattering to myself, I find it hard to stay on one topic, everything leads into something else or a new idea comes up and takes over. Physically, my heart sometimes races and I get a weird feeling of anticipation in my stomach. It’s really frustrating because it’s like something exciting is about to happen but nothing is and there’s no reason for it. Uh, if I’m talking to myself I tend to walk really fast, usually I kind of stroll everywhere but during highs I’m really power walking, not quite to breathlessness. I find that if I do the power walk and talking combo, when I stop walking for more than five or ten minutes the high goes away. Sometimes I clean, usually making a resolution that this time I’m going to get my life on track for real, organising everything, setting things up, maybe even cooking. Energy level wise, I feel like I could probably run a marathon but I never do much more physical than cleaning/fast walking. 
Weird highs: where I have ideas and weird but funny/important/interesting (at least to me) thoughts that I *need* to tell people. It usually leads to me spamming a couple of friends with FB messages, unless someone happens to be online and engages with something I say. Like, I might send someone thirty messages in an hour or two, starting with an idea for a business, fleshing this plan out, also do you watch Daredevil because I just started and its awesome, why do shows have love interests all the time, hey so I want to touch that body but not in the sex way??? Does that even make sense? It should make sense. Im taking you off the list of people I have a crush on and putting you back square in the friend list because I need room for daredevil. Why are there spiders in my room? This is really freaky. Theres a spider on my bed noopeeee. Never going to sleep again. Hey have you seen this tumblr post. It reminds me of you. Oh did you end up eating anything? You need to eat. Hey, how do you think zombies know to avoid walking though fire? Because they do seem to know in the walking dead, which suggests they have some kind of self preservation instinct. Unless they know there’s food in the fire, then they walk in. So not much self preservation. What part of the brain would need to be functioning for that? New project for holidays: an extensive report on the bodily functions of zombies and the necessary brain areas needed to achieve them, along with the resultant emotions that they could hypothetically be feeling. 
And so on and so forth. Usually with degenerating spelling and grammar. If, however, the person responded to say, ‘Do you watch Daredevil?’ with ‘omg yes, who is your favourite character?’ then the weird would probably be focused to Daredevil commentary. 
Weird highs tend to simply be less coherent, less productive and with an undertone of anxiousness or uncomfortable energy. Sudden loud noises or shadows or other scary/superstition things feel a lot more frightening. Like, I *will* be afraid the Joker is in my cupboard, especially at night. Think about it like a standard high being the energy that comes from downing a dozen energy drinks and a weird high is when you’re incredibly sleep deprived to the point where you’re past tired to energised.
Anger was actually the first thing that made me think I might have BPD. I’m not actually sure if it’s triggered by anything or my brain just randomly makes the switch but I go from zero to raging-enough-to-murder-you in like, ten seconds. Like, so much angry energy inside that I have to move. I shake my hands at my sides a lot (I also do that when I’m stressing out), again, lots of power walking and talking. Violent thoughts are really big when I’m overwhelmingly angry, sometimes I’ll self harm or want to self harm to try and let the anger out. I have this idea that I’m full to bursting with this energy and cutting will let some of it bleed out. Alternatively, everything and everyone pisses me the fuck off. Like, breathtakingly angry (for some reason that phrase always occurs to me when I’m mad). Best example is from when I was on a psych ward. There was this lady, A, who did not shut up. She’d talk about herself and her husband (switching between how good he was and how he’d abandoned her), telling everyone that they were beautiful and shouldn’t be on here, getting upset (although she never yelled). She did not stop. No one liked her much because she didn’t listen, just talked. And I didn’t like her either but I work in hospitality, I have an excellent customer service face. But one night I flipped into rage mode and was pacing the ward. Mad about most of the people, about the announcements that were always going on, about not being allowed to leave or being able to get outside. And I turned a corner, saw A at the other end of the hall and was utterly furious with her because she didn’t get the fucking message, she kept talking, just fucking say something A, I fucking dare you, I will rip your head off. I was 100% ready to try and break her neck if she talked to me, my hands were like…phantom urges to do it. And she walked past me and said I didn’t look okay and I said ‘I’m not’, and she obviously realised not to talk to me. So I went three or four laps of the ward wanting nothing more than to physically rip A’s head off and wondering if today would be the day I actually did something because I’m on a psych ward, why not? (Because even when that furious, I know the difference between legal and illegal so I am aware that I can’t actually use an insanity plea. Being borderline doesn’t erase your awareness/knowledge of things.) Then I saw one of the girls who was receiving involuntary ECT and she looked like crap and I started fantisizing about suffocating her, because I couldn’t think of a way to break her out of the ward and my anger had switched to the fact that she was being forced to have ECT. 
The anger mood can be good though, I tend to do my more active social justicey things in an angry state. Like letter writing or getting involved in debates. I rarely have the emotional spoons to get into conversations with centre/right wing people about politics anymore, unless I’m in an angry state. But there’s a line, sometimes the anger state becomes too much and tips over into feeling helpless rage and then I just end up spiralling from anger to depression because there’s nothing I can do. So anger can be good but it’s a fine thing.
One other thing. A few of sites I’ve visited suggest that people with BPD can have problems controlling anger. This isn’t something I have a problem with because I’m one of those people who overanalyses everything, which has helped me keep perspective. I think of my brain as split into two parts, subjective, which rules the roost, and objective, which is aware of what, why and how my subjective brain twists things and how I *should* be acting. I essentially logic myself through anger episodes because on one level I realise that my anger isn’t justified/relative to the situation. One of my psychs put it as ‘using intelligence to mitigate borderline personality’. I mention this because it was an interesting idea to me, often in fiction smart characters suffer from mental illnesses of some kind but I have never seen that intelligence used to combat it as well. 
Depression: Empty, Painful. (Again, these are just the terms I use to differentiate)
Depression is weird. When I received the diagnosis of BPD earlier this year, the doctors suggested that my depression was less severe than previously thought and was exacerbated by being borderline. I don’t know. Interesting thought about interactions, I guess? Anyway, being depressed works in one of two ways. Empty, which is like…being bored but worse? Aimless, no emotions, not sad, not seeing the point of anything. Not in a suicidal way, just that there seems no logical reason for anything. The thought of suicide is more because I need to *do* something, but nothing really has any point so might as well die. It’s more of a…a logical conclusion to a series of thoughts? Empty depressed is a bit like strapping on a backpack of rocks every time you try to do anything, physically things seem to take more effort. But there’s not really a corresponding emotional heaviness. I feel like I should be sad, and sometimes I *do* get sad (not depressed, just sad), but it really is nothingness. I tend to sleep a lot when I feel like this.
Painful depression is a whole different kettle of fish. That hurts a lot, emotionally. I often feel like there’s something in my chest that’s hurting, but also like a vacuum, and I tend to do things to try and protect that area. Cross my arms or put something heavy on my chest (I love weighted blankets for that). Mostly I’ll go to bed and curl in a ball with my arms/toys/pillow/a wadded blanket/something pressed into my chest. If I cry, I’ll silently scream into the exhalations until I haven’t got any breath left. It’s all trying to dig whatever the feeling is out of my chest. Self loathing really digs its claws in as well, some of which is due to eating disorder thinking. Painful depression and eating disorder thinking like to go hand in hand. Physically, energy isn’t really a thing. Mainly because the emotional hurt makes it feel too hard to do anything. Lots of blasting music when I’m like this. Sometimes I binge watch TV, but usually that’s too hard and I don’t feel like I want to. Painful depression is when suicidal thoughts become a real danger for me, because it’s an emotional drive to make the pain stop, rather than a more intellectual reasoning. 
Episodic vs. Everyday thinking. 
Something I feel like I need to add, especially after the anger part. None of what I think/feel when I’m in an extreme is different to what I would think/feel normally. They’re just about 1000 times more intense than usual. I always have some level of ‘There’s a monster in my cupboard’ fear or ‘I want to stab this person in the face’ anger because these are things that I, personally, think and feel normally. The difference between the ‘baseline’ emotion and a borderline episode (for want of a better word) is the intensity of the emotion. During an episode, the feeling is dialled right up so the corresponding thoughts become a lot more central and a lot less casual.
Example: Fear.
Scene: I’ve missed a call from my parents. I call back. No one answers.
Baseline thought: What if someone’s died? Haha yeah right. You know, I’ll feel really bad if someone has died and I just laughed. I didn’t mean it. 
Borderline thought: What if someone’s died? What if Mum’s been in a car crash or Dad’s had a heart attack? Why isn’t anyone picking up? (I’m probably calling both of my parents and the home phone at this point) Oh my god, I don’t want my dad to die. Why isn’t anyone answering me, what’s happened? What if they were all driving to the city and had a car crash and everyone’s dead? I’ll miss them so much. They won’t get to see me graduate. I’ll never watch tv with dad again. Mum won’t ever make dinner or give me a backstretch again. I don’t have this relationship with anyone else, I can’t do this without them. (I don’t cry much but I’d be feeling very much like crying because by this point some part of me is convinced that my parents are dead. This is also partially me catastophising- imagining the worst possible outcome without evidence.)
Example: Anger
Scene: Someone is walking slowly in front of me.
Baseline thought: I will stab u holy shit, why are you walking so slow? No, be patient, it’s alright. Chillax, life is a journey. I still want to stab him. Yeah, but does walking slowly really deserve death? It’s all good. You aren’t in a rush.
Borderline thought: Fucking fucker I will fucking stab you oh my god, hurry the fuck up. Right in the back, slide the knife in between your vertebrae. (Lots of visualising said stabbing, probably clenching a fist/pretending to hold a knife by my side). 
[Thank you for sharing your experiences. - Shrink]
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The Villain Wrangler : Chapter One
(Before I begin I became inspired to write this because of a tumblr post/thread I came across on Pinterest and it got my creative writing brain excited . So yeah I’ll be putting their ideas into book form and hopefully create my own. So to those who created the idea of the Villain Wrangler and the universe they live in I hope my FanFiction of your post does it justice. )
My eye twitched. A Villain. They assigned me to find some Villain with, apparently, a moral code to fulfil a child’s wish. Could we even legally do that? Heroes sure but they weren’t known for killing people, still this kid deserved the wish. God knows how hard it must be to suffer from an illness that might just kill you before you get a chance to really live and for whatever reason they idolised this guy. Some masked hooligan who looked like he’d just finished co creating a costume with Lady Gaga and a bottle of glitter thrown in for fun. Shouldn’t be too hard to track the guy down.
“You have around a month so don’t mess this up like you did with that hero masked minatour” The gruff, agitated voice of my boss instructed with no hint of amusement as my co workers sniggered at the memory. Not exactly my fault he turned out to have terrible grammar and less humour than a rock, luckily for us Alexandra, miss perfect herself, managed to sway him with her charm and good looks and ability to be perfect. She was good at getting people to do her bidding like that. Not even the most prestige supers could deny her and so as you can imagine she is infuriatingly fascinating and I hate her.
“Yeah well I won’t let the kid down” I replied before letting out a sigh of relief as my boss left with all the grace of a really graceful elephant. A sigh escaped me as I got to work “Loco eh? Well let’s hope you are easy to find” and so my first job started involving villains and with Alex away she couldn’t annoy me with knowing everything and proving me wrong 24/7.
A week later and I’m sat in the same place I’ve been staking out for 5 days now. A bar filled with crooks and terrifying shady looking people of presumably varying degrees of villainy attached to them, some I recognised and some were either new or wisely stayed away from media coverage. Either way as soon as they realised I was becoming a regular to the bar they became highly amused and I swear they started taking bets on me. And considering I’m in no way attractive or interesting it’s probably on how I’ll die.
“Orange juice? Again? 5 days in a row eh?” The bartender gave the usual polite and cheery smile. Dude had multicoloured hair and did not shy away from dressing however he wanted. I admired him for it, out of everyone he was polite and seemed to be generally interested in me, not that there was much for me to tell past why I was staking the bar out.
"What can I say? I really like orange juice.“ I replied as I cleaned my glasses and gladly payed for the drink. If I hadn’t sworn to stop drinking I would legitimately be trying the cocktails here.
With a sudden burst through the door the one I was looking for strode in wearing blacks shades and all black clothing. If the bartender had not pointed him out with a dreamy look on his face and then kissed him I wouldn’t have guessed it was him at all. Still I had to admit they were cute together, guess even despicable people were luckier in love than the average law abiding citizen. Good to know. After they had finished swapping spit and looking at each other lovingly I made my move on who was apparently glitter guy. Who knew the guy could go from incredibly flamboyant and colourful to Neo from the matrix? With that I chugged down my orange juice like it was a beer and I began.
"Uhh hi uhmm you’re uhh Shock Master right?” He turned to me, as did the whole bar, and the bar tender gave me a thumbs up, “Well you see I’m from the making a wish come true and there’s this kid who really admires you and suffered a horrible accident when running away from home. We don’t know if he’ll recover and he really wants to meet you. I promise you there will be no cops or heroes.” So maybe I spoke a little quickly due to nerves but what I had not expected was laughter. Seriously? The guy was laughing? Dude was in stitches as was everyone else apart from the bar tender who was about to say something when I punched the guy who was a good foot taller than me square in the jaw so hard he was taken by surprise and fell to the floor. I mean all he had was a bruise and glasses had fallen off. If I wasn’t so angry I would have been amazed at the striking purple eye which now looked angry.
“Listen here you piece of shit, that kid ran away from most likely an abusive environment and lived on the streets. Alone. Where he did god knows what to survive and by the time someone realised he was sick and needed to go to a hospital he was informed that he probably wouldn’t survive and that kid is stronger than you’ll ever be!” I couldn’t stop my anger once it started. Since I was usually the quiet one I doubt anyone expected me to have a temper. “So don’t you dare because that kid, for whatever reason, idolises you. Is always talking about how he wished he was strong enough to be like you stand up for himself and god damn it he deserves more than your stupid laughter you complete and utter-” I squeezed my eyes shut and cut myself off. My mouth clamped shut. I was going to get nowhere by screaming in his face. And when I opened my eyes again the room was silent and he was towering over me with his glasses back on and presumably glaring. His hand, with some lovely red nail polish done rather well, caught the back of my shirt and he dragged me out to the back of the building and pushed me up against an ally way. That was it. This was how I die.
"No cops or heroes. And I won’t be able to give a specific time next week I’ll pop up but if you give your contacts to my boyfriend he’ll sort you out.“ He mumbled and my eyes widened.
"Wait really? Oh my god the kid is gonna be over the moon. Oh he loves drawing and designing clothes and is 15. He won’t tell us exactly why he ran away or what happened on the streets but at least you’ll be able to put a smile on his face” I beamed at him as his facial expression softened considerably. “We should get some ice on that though. I’ll tell you more about him inside.” As we walked in you could see the split in the room, they were taking bets for sure. Some cheered while majority groaned and handed over their money and all the Villain could do was sit down next to me and ruffle my hair.
"You got guts. If this goes off without a hitch I’ll tell others about you but if you betray me?“ The threat went without saying and I rolled my eyes as I gave the bartender my details.
"I quite like enjoy having no broken bones and containing the right amount of blood pumping around my body while using functioning organs.”
“Yeah well you continue punching people with a right hook like that and you won’t last five minutes” we both shared a smirky smile.
4 days later and I was in a room with an evil villain who was determined to make this kids life happier, his boyfriend who was equally just as excited and doing the boys hair any wacky colours he wanted and a kid who looked like he was in heaven. My heart swelled and it was at times like this where I realised staking out a bar full of guys who were betting on how long I’d live was worth it. And if two random guys just so happened to start paying for better health care for the kid as well as start inquiring about the process of adoption while looking weirdly familiar it was pure coincidence. I swear.
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jacewilliams1 · 5 years
Remembering Pat Luebke, Long-time Air Facts Managing Editor
Aviation lost a truly special person last week, but it’s not a name most pilots outside the publishing industry will know. Patricia Luebke, managing editor at Air Facts and one of the driving forces behind relaunching this magazine in 2011, passed away on Friday, November 22, 2019 after a brief illness. She was 69. Here we share remembrances from four colleagues.
John Zimmerman
Editor-in-chief at Air Facts, Vice President at Sporty’s Pilot Shop
Pat never had a byline at Air Facts and yet her fingerprints are all over this website. She edited every article we’ve ever published, advised countless writers on how to tell the right story, and offered a constant stream of article ideas. Take my word for it: an Air Facts editorial meeting with Pat Luebke and Richard Collins was a tour de force. I should have recorded a few of those sessions.
I got to know Pat after her years at Flying magazine, and by then it seemed she knew everyone in aviation. All you had to do was mention a person’s or a company’s name and she’d instantly offer an anecdote (usually hilarious). This was immensely useful, since Pat’s most valuable role was to be the voice of reason. In reviewing some recent emails from her, I found a typical response to a sub-par article submission: “Oh we can’t run that story – Bob’s been peddling that crap for decades and nobody is buying.” 
Pat Luebke knew just about everybody in aviation.
Pat will be remembered by many for that acerbic wit, and deservedly so. A life-long New Yorker (and proud of it), she suffered no fools and did not hide her opinions. I loved that about Pat. In a world drowning in spin and jargon, she always spoke her mind, and usually in the simplest possible terms.
But that simplicity masked a love of grammar and writing. She and I had countless conversations about the right adjective, whether the passive voice was ever acceptable, and why the serial comma was the right answer. We agreed more than we disagreed, but we always had an energetic debate.
Despite that reputation for brutal honesty, Pat had a huge heart. As over 1,000 Air Facts writers know, she was a tireless advocate for regular pilots. Everyone had a story to tell, she believed, and it was our job to get as many of them published as possible. She did this by taking a personal interest in “her writers,” offering encouragement, advice, and the occasional kick. Many would become regular pen pals.
I can still hear her sharing some of her rules with new writers. “Every story has a beginning, middle, and end,” she would say, “so make sure your article has each one too.” Even better was her simple but profound advice to keep it conversational: “Just tell me your story, and don’t try to sound like a capital W writer.” If a writer got carried away with flowery language, she would set them straight: “Sometimes the sky is just blue, not an azure paint stroke across the firmament.”
So as I finish the first article I’ve ever written for Air Facts without first talking to Pat, I find myself checking my grammar and wondering what she might say (“wrap it up already,” I suspect). It’s not the same without her, but I know her spirit lives on in the thousands of writers she helped, the countless women she inspired, and the huge network of friends she connected.
Rest assured, Air Facts will continue. We currently have our longest article backlog ever and last month we had more readers than any month since we went live in 2011. We will keep sharing pilots’ flying stories – that’s exactly what Pat would want.
Lane Wallace
Former Flying magazine columnist, author of Unforgettable: My 10 Best Flights (edited by Pat)
Pat Luebke was aviation royalty. She was one of the “first wave” of women pursuing careers in aviation publishing when she joined Flying magazine’s advertising department in the 1970s. She called on everyone in the business and, over time, earned both the respect and the affection of an entire industry. Respect, because she had such integrity and professionalism, and was so phenomenally talented, creative, and reliable. And affection, because she cared so much about others and had such a gift for helping people and making them laugh, that people wanted to be around her. 
Pat would hold court at Oshkosh every year.
Pat had a gift for seeing possibility in ideas and people, and in what could happen if the right people and ideas were put together. And she was tireless in making that happen. Pat would hold court at the EAA’s AirVenture show in Oshkosh – outside the Flying building, or at the edge of the media tent, once that was built – and people from all corners of the industry would come to talk with her. Run ideas past her. Ask for her ideas. Enjoy her witty and wise quips about the foibles and problems of humans. Gossip. Laugh. And without moving an inch, she moved mountains. 
In the 1990s, for example, Pat was friends with me, and with Mac McClellan, but Mac and I didn’t know each other. But when Gordon Baxter was getting ready to retire, and I’d bought my Grumman Cheetah, Pat saw the potential, and she put the two of us together. My column and career at Flying never would have happened without her. And there are countless people in aviation who have a similar story.  
Pat was behind so many creative initiatives in aviation, from small things like luring journalists to press conferences by offering a rich breakfast spread, to big things like the Sporty’s Foundation, a nationwide effort to honor WASP gravesites on Memorial Day, and Girls in Aviation Day.
But in many ways, what all of us will remember most is her wit, and her heart. She didn’t say you were an idiot for not seeing something you should have. She’d say, “Ding! Ding! It’s the clue bus – your stop! Get on!” Or, if you complained about a difficult person being difficult again, she’d gently remind you, “The players can only play their parts.” Whether she was giving professional or personal advice, Pat was usually right, and the way she expressed it made her wisdom impossible to forget. I’m especially grateful for that now. 
Pat was a pioneer. She was royalty. And she was irreplaceable. 
Russell Munson
Photographer at Flying magazine, Air Facts contributor
I was about to say that the only good part of Pat’s passing is that it happened pretty quickly, within a matter of hours after entering the hospital. Not days, weeks, months or years of suffering. But that’s not the only good part. The best part is that she was my dear friend for 45 years, beginning in our Flying magazine days. We came to love each other. And she was loved and deeply respected by legions of others as well.  
Why? Pat had a rare combination of many attributes. She was really smart, uncompromisingly honest, very talented, hard working, kind, loving, insightful, generous, wise, intolerant of bullshit, topped off with a penetrating sense of humor that was always cocked and ready to fire the instant a target was sighted. Don’t be shocked. It was also occasionally off color. Maybe she had been in the Navy. I don’t know.
When I heard the news of her death last week I was about to call her to schedule our annual holiday staff party that has been our tradition for many years. It involved summoning our respective staff members from around the world to convene for lunch in Manhattan. The fact that Pat and I were both sole proprietors with no staff at all didn’t matter.  We would meet at the arranged location each year, and one of us would say, “Where’s your staff?” 
“Oh, the weather was bad in Singapore, and their flight was cancelled. The others seem to be late. What about yours?”
“Maybe they got the date wrong. Let’s go ahead and start.” 
And so for the next three hours or so it was just Pat and me talking about one thing after another, triggered by what the other had just said. And laughing. The time passed so quickly.
Mac McClellan
Former Editor-in-Chief at Flying magazine, Air Facts contributor
Over more than 40 years of working with Pat, and being close friends, I learned very early that she demanded the best of herself in any project she took on. And required the same from those who worked with her.
It was at the old Reading Air Show, the biggest general aviation show through the 1970s, that we on the Flying magazine staff learned just how determined Pat was to get everything right. Pat was in charge of the hospitality service for Flying friends and customers at the show.
Reading is not exactly a metropolis with extensive catering services but Pat believed she had found the best available. The guy ran a hugely successful bowling ally and his customers loved the food.
But when Kenny – I still remember his name – showed up with deviled eggs dyed red instead of the natural eggs Pat had ordered she threatened to throw the terrified Kenny off the fire escape of the building.
Kenny believed her. And we did, too. Pat worked harder than any of us to make everything just right. And God help those who didn’t also do their best to deliver what they promised her.
Over her decades of work in aviation we all knew Pat was the most dependable. And in every aspect of flying dependability is what counts most. I’m going to miss her terribly.
  A Celebration of Life service for Pat will be held on Sunday, December 15, from 6-7:30 pm at the Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City, NY. Women in Aviation has also established a scholarship fund in Pat’s honor.
The post Remembering Pat Luebke, Long-time Air Facts Managing Editor appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2019/11/remembering-pat-luebke-long-time-air-facts-managing-editor/
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