#so this is me 'logicalling' my way through it
olreid · 2 years
hey I've been really loving your neverafter analysis - it made me feel like i wasn't complaining about nothing lmao and you word it much better than I could
so about that, you've mentioned the acoc finale a few times & if you have a post about that or any kind of commentary, I'm really curious to read it
<3 i dont think i have any posts from when i watched, ive deleted most of my acoc posts over the years bc they annoyed me lol. ive gotten several questions about this and will do my best to explain what i mean! it's not going to be super detailed due to i havent watched that season in literally 3 years but basically i just remember the very end of the acoc finale being really like. tonally jarring because the players were saying all this insane stuff about consolidating political power but it was being framed as a happy ending not only for the party but also for their subjects. the vibe was like, well it was tough going there for a minute but now the Right people are in charge, so it's all good now :) just no acknowledgement of the inherent violence of governance via monarchy, which again may be stupid to expect from the dnd comedy show, except for the fact that the content of the season was like. a painfully extended enumeration of The Violences of Monarchy. but i guess we learned nothing :) like let's just read from the wiki briefly about the events of the episode post-siege:
Cumulous asks Liam what is glowing in his pocket. Liam without hesitation eats the seed from Lapin Cadbury. He thinks of the change he most wants to see in the world and wishes that the creativity and magic of Candia would burst forth, and instantly Candia quadruples in size within its place on the Calorum map. Saccharina thanks Liam as the new queen of a lot more Candian land. Far off, Liam hears Lapin chuckling […] Lapin whispers to Liam on his way out, “There’s nothing wrong with being a seed guy.” A new age of Candia is born as Emperor Amethar of the House Rocks embraces his new title and brings a new age of peace to the realms […] Liam brings the Pontifex and Sir Keratin back to life in an act of mercy and locks them in prison for the rest of their lives. He leaves them, and goes back to being a seed guy […] Saccharina tries to find Cinnamon an alternative food source to Bulbian hearts, looking through all of Vegetania before returning to Candia. Just outside the castle, a tinfoil tree grows and a cranky Cinnamon eats the fruit from the tree and then grows gentle, regarding the world with love instead of hunger. 
all of this is soooo stupid and shoehorned to me... why is liam wishing for candia to grow four times larger besides that ally the player thinks that would be a good thing. WHY is liam resurrecting dead people and throwing them in jail framed as 'quirky' besides the fact that they have essentially already rolled credits and so are just ready to frame anything that happens as funny and nice because they don't want to like. get into the politics of it.
and that's not even getting into the rest of the wrap-up where like. all the bad stuff, all the outstanding conflict and tension that would naturally linger after the battle just gets done away with completely for the sake of an ending that is not tainted by even the faintest hint of complexity or violence (again, this is revealing and tells us a lot about what the table considers violent vs. what is so normalized as to not even register as violence in the moment). rather than having to grapple with having raised and domesticated a pet that feeds on people in a time of war and then still being responsible for that creature after peace has been declared, cinnamon is magically transformed into a creature that now only needs the fruit of trees to surivive. the events of the season usher in a reign of peace rather than a rocky period of distrust and repairing alliances or even open rebellion because that is the happiest ending for our royal protagonists, not because it necessarily follows logically from what took place in the finale.
all in all i feel that what the acoc finale wants to convince me of is that the season's conflict was largely a case of good vs. evil individuals rather than complex people caught in and trying to exploit violent systems, and that as long as the good people win out and have the space to rule as they want to, monarchy is not opposed to concepts like happiness or justice but indeed is highly compatible with them. we just needed a good king!!! earlier in the season it felt like there was space to question monarchy's claims to moral authority, particularly through saccharina's abuse and the outsider perspectives of her crew of outlaws. however, by the finale all of this critique has been subsumed into the narrative machine and we're back to cheering for the rulers of candia in their noble pursuit to conquer ever more land, something we hope they achieve because they have shown themselves to be pure of heart and sound in judgement. this was not a actually a forum to question whether a small group of unelected wealthy people should be allowed to govern just because they want to, but rather just an extended job interview for the rocks family, and they have passed with flying colors. anyway.
the reason i compared this week's neverafter to this particular acoc episode is that i think we are again seeing some of the limits of the table's political imagination, particularly as it relates to incarceration; imprisonment has been invoked repeatedly through the device of trapping people in timothy's book, which is either framed as a good or bad thing depending on whether it is done by a protagonist or an antagonist. if the authors or the fairies trap the characters in their respective stories, it's an abuse of power that must be challenged. however, if the party traps an annoying or superfluous npc, or a meddling princess, in their handy portable prison, it's (a) benevolent; the possibility has been raised that trapping characters in this way makes them happy, and may indeed be a way to give them a happily ever after; or (b) violent, but markedly less so than other available courses of action and thus merciful by comparison. there is no space to discuss the inherent violence of incarceration or entrapment even if it is used as an alternative to death, which IS INSANE in a season where the horror that kicked everything off was the horror that what the characters thought were their lives was actually a prison made of narrative.
across these two seasons i think we are seeing an inability or perhaps just an unwillingness to contend with the inherent violence of being held against one's will. the problem for the party seems not to be that characters experience various levels of incarceration by virtue of being trapped in narratives, but rather that the wrong people have been imprisoned while those who truly deserve the punishment roam free. the party, our protagonists, have been trapped in story despite their inherent goodness, while the true bad actors -- the fairies, the princesses, the gander -- are allowed to roam free. according to this logic, simply capturing and imprisoning everyone who advances a plan the party doesn't agree with will be a satisfactory outcome and should be enough to set the world to rights.
tldr it frustrates me as a viewer when d20 seasons make a point to explicitly raise and explore structural issues only to "solve" them at the last minute with individualist fixes that do nothing to address the root cause of said issues. it adds insult to injury when they try to tell me the ending is a happy one simply because it made the party happy, even if others had to suffer for that to be so.
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rogueportraits · 7 months
The idea of running away to join the carnival is something quaintly historical with a dash of romanticism. Midway Touring Entertainment gets a few kids every stop that slip away from their parents and beg some ride attendant or performer to join up and tour the country. They’ve got childhood ideas about riding the attractions after dark or petting tamed lions – this particular carnival’s an animal-free establishment, excepting personal pets – and cry buckets when refused.
Ed’s of the personal belief that they should just take the kids along for a day or two, show them the real behind-the-scenes, and scare little middle-class Jimmy or Susie right back into a fine life of some white-collar office job two decades down the line. Unfortunately, that’s generally considered kidnapping, and MTE would highly prefer the law stay as far away as possible. He picks at a particularly stalwart hangnail and kicks his foot up on the dashboard. They’re about three hours out of Minot, having gotten the state fair contract another year in a row, and the only thing he likes about North Dakota is that the summer’s cool enough that he won’t be swimming in sweat. To the left of him, Jack starts grumbling and lifts his hand off the wheel.
“Can’t see with your shoes in the way, kid,” Jack makes a shooing motion. “You want an airbag through your knee?”
Ed’s eighteen years old, thank you very much, and his ID says he’s the ripe old age of twenty-one, so in either respect he’s not a kid. Unfortunate facial acne notwithstanding. He bites at his hangnail, rolls the window down, and spits it out into empty interstate air as he swings his leg back down. There’s the rustling of discarded fast-food wrappers against his shoes. “You threatening me?”
“Not anymore.”
Jack fiddles with the busted radio, tuning it to some local FM station playing this summer’s insipid pop hit. The highway stretches out in front of them, heat miraging strange shapes on the horizon. Ed can see the fractured reflections of their convoy in the right rear-view mirror, other cars and trailers and hauling trucks snaking away into the clear sky. He’ll be expected to help with set-up tonight, obviously, and tomorrow too. Probably some painting as well, considering the state of a few attractions. Then a week of his own particular schtick on the midway, a few days of teardowns, and back on the road to do it all over again. He digs in the car door for a lukewarm pop and twists off the cap, proffering it as driver’s tribute.
“You’re alright, kid,” Jack says, like they haven’t been working together since Ed was sixteen and gangly. He sips at it and blanches. “This isn’t.”
“I’ll go stick my neck into the gas station fridge next time,” Ed replies with a shrug. “Nothing but the best for my dear old driver.”
Jack tips the bottle up in a pastiche of enjoyment, snorting, and returns his eyes to the road.
The moon’s centered in the sky by the time Ed’s gotten through his set-up checklist. He’d scrambled up and over various half-assembled rides, checking bolts and greasing mechanisms – can’t have a lawsuit on their hands – and put off some of the detail work for when there’s sunlight. Playing passenger has its drawbacks, but the less cops that get a look at “Edward Neilsen’s” ID card the better. Not that he’s a bad driver, of course.
Ed belongs to the other class of wannabe carnival runaways. He opens the trailer door without the hinges squeaking. It’s not his trailer, because his paydays would have to have at least one more zero on their totals for anything like that, but Jack and his wife have a secondhand couch that suits him just fine. He sprawls across it in a show of exhausted decadence. Pale moonlight lances through a smoke-clouded window, cutting across his torso.
He’s not enough of an idiot to call this a charmed life, like some of the last generation of carnies. It’s work, and it’s a type of work that means he doesn’t stick in one place long enough to make an impression – all the better, logically. There’s more than a few people who’d like to find him for various reasons. Carnie work pays, it doesn’t ask questions about his age or point of origin, and the rest of this traveling group of vagabonds generally doesn’t try to deck him for a smart comment or three. That’s good enough for him. Ed rolls off the couch and pads over to the minifridge, acquiring a can of Pabst. Drinking after work and underage are two time-honored American traditions, after all. He pops the top of the can with a gas-leak hiss and heads back outside.
The night air is cold against his clammy skin. He sips at his beer and stares out towards the flickering lights of town.
Ed can do carnival patter in his sleep. He leans on his prop cane, discreetly stretching out his numb leg, and surveys the midway tourists.
“Step right up! Tired of testing your skill – test mine! Age, weight, height, profession, I’ll get 'em all… and if I don’t, you score!”
The main difficulty with being a carnival guesser is attracting marks. Ed’s stationed himself at the far end of the midway, after all the various citizenry of North Dakota have exhausted their efforts at games-of-skill. He offers them a chance to watch someone else fail. In theory, at least – he’s very good at this gig. He makes eye contact with a tired father-of-two and grins, stepping to the front of his booth.
“How about you? Care to see if you can stump me?”
And there’s the flicker of light in the other man’s eyes. Easy.
“Sure. Do you, ah, do all of them?”
Sensitive about his weight, then. Maybe the guy could afford to cut back on the funnel cake in that case, but heavens (and his paycheck) forbid Ed offer that advice. “Not at all. Your pick, and if I could take a ticket…?”
The man bites at the edge of his lip, tearing off a ticket from what probably used to be a much larger roll. “Age and job, then?”
“Of course.” Ed makes a grand show of scrutinizing, leaning forward and worrying his hands on the question-mark crook of his cane. Two kids, one about eight and the other being carried, no wife and – hah! – no wedding ring. Shirt with an atrocious tropical print, but a pager in his back pocket. Easy. “About thirty-three and in office work, right? Management?”
The man gapes, then rallies. “Thirty-five. But, uh, yeah.”
Really, Ed would have guessed thirty-six, but he’s had to duck one too many swings from daydrunk locals mad about his accuracy. He shoots the man a hundred-watt smile.
“I can’t believe it! I can’t take a peek at your ID, can I?”
Flush on winning, the man obliges by handing over his wallet. Jason Phillips, resident of Velva, ND. Thirty-five. Ed considers some legerdemain and decides against it – Jason’s clearly not been availing himself of the concession-center beer.
“Well, my loss is your gain,” reach back, grab some cheap prize in the form of a plush owl-thing, present it with a theatrical bow, he’s done it a thousand times this season, “and thank you for playing!”
The man meanders off. Ed debates the merits of putting his head in the gears of the carnival’s tilt-a-whirl. Minot is as boring as every other state fair. He gets the next player’s – some giggling college co-ed that looks at him like used gum – weight right. Hard not to with a leeway of five pounds on either side, and a scale that runs two pounds lighter. She’d probably laugh less if she knew her wallet were about ten bucks lighter as well.
He doesn’t consider his side hustle stealing, necessarily. If someone’s dumb enough to hand over their wallet to a carnie and look away, they don’t deserve spare cash.
Anyways, if it were up to him, he wouldn’t be stuck at the ass-end of the midway playing guessing games. He’d have a bigger booth with a better locale, and he’d do riddles. Maybe some lighting, too – he’s always been partial to green. He swigs from his water bottle and watches the ebb and flow of the crowd. He’d do riddles. There’s an art to them that there isn’t to his current gig. A good riddle has one clear answer, but with enough creativity one or two more can crop up. A good riddle has nice, defined boundaries, but doesn’t care about what you do inside of them. It’d take more tickets, too, because if there’s one thing the past two years and change have taught him it’s that people are brainless idiots who can’t see the truth even if it’s spelled out in flashing lights. Which suits him just fine.
Ed coughs slightly, testing to see if his voice holds, and steps forward to start up his patter once again.
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bunnymcbunnister · 4 years
I had some lingering anxiety about SPN having their last day of filming and the awful ‘Where’s Misha’ game we’ve all been involuntary been drafted into playing. So I channeled that energy into some gumshoe detective work/obsessive stalking. (Seriously, my husband asked me what I was doing, I told him and he literally made this face 😬) I have tracked Misha’s timeline down from the end of July till now, and I think I have come to the following conclusions.
Possible timeline:
Misha quarantines from 8/3-8/17 based on his “hotel” like surroundings (maybe production wanted them all quarantining at same time?)
Misha films somewhere between 8/24-8/28 and then goes home for weekend and then goes to camping trip from 9/2-9/9
OR Misha films from 8/24- 9/1, then goes on camping trip from 9/2-9/9
So if you want to follow my obsessive musings, my timeline created from social media combined with dates from filming look under the cut. Beware, evidence of a complete lack of a life ahead. 
Tumblr media
7/30- Misha Livestream with Michael Sheen (he’s definitely at home)
81/-8/8- GISH
8/2- J2 start quarantine
8/3- Misha Possible start to quarantine?
8/4- Sing along with Kansas (live)/Conversation with Corey Booker (taped-Misha references taking to Corey in the Kansas vid)- Misha in “hotel”
8/6- Instagram post that looks “southwest-y” (I think previously taken, the post was about America being a great country)
8/8- Creation panels in “hotel”
8/15- London Comic Con interview in “hotel” (weekend)
8/17- Two weeks since first appearance in “hotel” - could mark end of quarantine
8/18- Filming starts for episode 19
8/19- Andrew Yang livestream in “hotel,” Yang mentions he is staying with someone
9/19-8/25 (5 days plus weekend) Filming of scene 28 in ep 19. I think this is the scene by the lake where Cas dies in season 13
8/21- Misha’s birthday, not on set according to him
8/23- Misha posts a picture of his daughter/later a story about her (weekend). Is this 2nd hand/previously taken photo?
8/25- Message for Sam Smith, filmed in “hotel”
8/26- Misha tweets picture of his son and a letter he mailed with Vicki’s feet in the shot, I think she took it. Makes sense he would mail a letter from Canada.
8/28- Filming starts for episode 20, Misha tweets story about Maison (2nd hand?)
8/29- Misha posts rainbow pic (weekend)
9/2-9/4- Filming of scene 28 for episode 20
9/3- Misha posts mountain pic, fans think its Grand Tenton National Park
9/5- Misha posts a pic of Maison at home (weekend)
9/10- Last day of filming, Misha definitely at home with lots of scruff
I have “hotel” in quotes, because I’m not sure where he was, but not at home, but those same blank walls and nondescript landscape paining all are commonalities. 
It makes sense to me that Warner Brothers would want anyone who filmed 19-20 to quarantine at the same time for liability reasons- they can verify legally where they all were, which explains that gap in filming. Then get them out of there as soon as they can to save $
Don’t take this too seriously, I’m not party to any inside info or know things for sure, this is just what a restless mind put together. 
I think they could have done some overlap filming for logistical COVID reasons, which is why “scene 28″ is referenced. Its pretty dang rare for a show like SPN to film a scene over that amount of days, so it could be “code” for filming for multiple eps
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Y’allsehood 1/?
*it’s finally here owo* 
Chapter summary: Logan is introduced to the town and many of the new people in it. He finds out more about Remus’ powers the town always talked about and began to see what the Duke was really capable of.  Ships: Logicallity, some Analogical Warnings: Supernatural powers, violent unsympathetic Remus, abusive relationship (creativtwins), beating, major character death (referenced), weapons, referenced mass shootings, dark magic/hallucinations, drinking, sympathetic Virgil,  Characters: Logan, Patton, Virgil, Remy, Remus, Roman (referenced- Character!Thomas) Word count: 2739 POV: 3rd Thank you @stop-it-anxiety for beta reading! (and starting this whole trainwreck. It’s great) 
The town felt oddly familiar, too similar to the one Logan moved away from to start all over here. He blended in with everyone busying around and getting to wherever it was they needed to go. His horse slowed down to a careful trot and he moved through the crowd. In his old town the rich got around with horses and carriages, but this didn’t seem to be the case here. Most got around on foot, which helped make the town look less crowded when traveling though it but made it harder for Logan to make sure no one was standing in front of his so he wouldn’t crash into anyone. A horrible first impression of the soon to be new sheriff.
This place has been without any sort of law system for around a month now since the death of the old sheriff, who had lost a fight and was practically beaten to death by the town’s best criminal. It wasn’t the beating that killed him but the shot right after, but that didn’t matter now. What mattered is that he was dead and not what it was that killed him. What mattered is that Logan was there now and was able to help, no matter what it took. Even if he had to go through the same painful death Thomas did. Despite what everyone said he wasn’t scared like he was supposed to be. That’s what made him such a good sheriff, he didn’t believe in fear. He didn’t believe he could feel any sort of fear anyway. It felt unnatural not to flinch when a gun was pointed at him, but that’s what happened. There was no way of explaining it.
Crofters was tied to the fence of the house he would be staying in for a while with his partner he had yet to meet, Patton. Thomas’ old deputy, and now his. He’s heard the name plenty of times going through the town mixed in with his own. He heard Patton was nice. Almost too nice, and let people get away with a little more than what they were supposed to. Thomas was the same way he heard, but that was going to change fast now that he was here. No one is going to get away with hurting people because the law is too scared to fight them. Sure, Thomas wasn’t scared in the moment. Look where that got him. He became the reason everyone was scared.
Logan and Patton traveled by foot to blend in with the rest of the town. This place seemed much bigger than his old home, and there were many more shops and restaurants and theatres to go to if anyone had some time to kill on a normal day. The two of them were stopped at a bulletin board posted in the center of town, with plenty of random papers stapled to the board from places wanting to hire, missing posters, and the town's most wanted. All of the posters could already be seen splattered on walls and posts and trees, and this was just another reminder those same famous criminals existed. The face he saw in most places was Remus. That same picture with his crazy smile and clown-ish looking outfit printed in black and white all over. The same poster was stapled multiple times on the board mixed in with the rest of them.
Charged with:
-Kidnapping and abuse of Roman Sanders
-Killing over 100 passengers on a stolen train
-Contributions to the black market
-Seriously this guy killed like 50 people just riding through town just turn him in plz.
REWARD: $150,000
“One hundred fifty thousand…” Logan stares at the picture, the Duke’s wild hair and crazy smile printed into the paper nailed to the board in the center of town. “No wonder this town was in need of a sheriff. This guy probably killed the last one.”
“Aren’t you scared?” Patton asks, Logan’s new assigned deputy. They had met only a few hours ago, and decided to spend time together walking through town to help Logan get more familiar with the city and get to know his partner better before going into official business.
“Scared of what?”
“Getting killed?”
“Well, he hasn’t killed me yet, has he?” The picture on the poster amused him- how Remus looked exactly like a cliche criminal in the movies, mostly the moustache and cowboy hat that set him off like that. And his costume, like some sort of cowboy-clown. Logan takes the poster from the board and folds it, then slides it into his pocket to use for later.
“You know what happened to the last sheriff, right?” Patton’s voice was soft, watching the reflections in Logan’s glasses. He remembered everything. How much the other sheriff fought the beating and ended up shaking on the ground. And Remus finally put a bullet in his chest. Maybe he would have had some mercy if he hadn’t fought back so much. The two had always pushed each other to their limit until then, and Patton was there for all of it. He witnessed his death, but Remus didn’t know until he was charged of murder and Patton testified against him. He broke out of jail, and everyone was too scared to try him again.
“Of course,” Logan adjusted his glasses and let out a breath, starting to reimagine the story Patton had told him before. “And that’s why I need this job. I’m sorry for your old friend by the way, you guys were close.”
Logan snuck out again around 10:00 after Patton had gone to bed, just to explore town again on his own and go into the things he was most curious about and could be most helpful to his work. The only thing they had done the first time was walk as Patton rambled about what there was to do here and all the people he knows and stories that came from certain buildings he liked to spend time in. Now he was alone, using his hat to help him blend in with the crowd and using the shadows after sunset to his advantage for blending in. Maybe a few people recognized him, but it was unlikely considering he hasn’t even started his job yet and since more people were here it was harder to tell when someone new came along. Less people crowded the streets at night, so at least he didn’t have to worry about moving through people anymore.
The only thing still open this late was a small tavern across from where Patton and Logan had found Remus’ poster. It looked fairly empty from what he could see, which wasn’t much of a surprise since most people drank during the day and started to go home once the sun began to set. From the window he could see it was dim and uncrowded, with only one or two people at the counters and no one sitting at the tables or dancing.
All eyes turned on him, all eyes being only two. The man behind the counter looked up immediately, as if he already recognized the man who walked in. The other slowly turned once he saw his friend was staring at something and met eyes with Logan as soon as he did. Both men dressed a bit strange, one of them wearing a purple vest- purple being an extremely rare color for clothes where he was from- with smoke colored bags under his eyes, and the other wore a leather jacket with a dark blue skirt that went down to his boots. The first one looked like he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the right words in the moment. Logan was the first one to speak up.
“I’m sorry to interrupt. I’m new here, I’m just exploring to get more familiar with the town.”
“You’re Logan?” The man in purple finally spoke, quickly changing the topic from whatever Logan was about to say.
“...Why does that matter?”
“Your name’s been going around like wildfire. We saw you walking with Patton out there a while ago. It’s not that hard to connect the dots.” The man gestured to the open seat next to him, inviting Logan to come sit with the two of them. “May I offer you a drink?”
“I shouldn’t. I have a big day tomorrow.”
“Then come sit with us and tell us what you’ve learned so far.” Logan didn’t move. “You’re gonna be sheriff, you gotta know your stuff. Do you know any of the top criminals here? You’ll be working against them.” Logan reached in his pocket for the flyer and tossed it at the counter in front of Virgil.
“Remus Sanders. Worth $150,000 dead or alive. The average criminal is like 50 or 60 thousand.”
“He killed a lot of people,” Remy said. “Important people too. That’s why you’re here.” Virgil never said anything, but kept staring at the picture and re-reading the words on the flyer. Virgil slams the flyer back down to the table.
“How long do you really think you’re gonna last here? Be honest.”
“If all goes well I plan on staying until retirement.” Virgil went quiet. “Listen you might not believe me right now but I’ve done this before and I can do it again. This guy isn’t any different than anyone else I’ve arrested. With me here now all of this is gonna stop. I’m not gonna let it keep going.”
“Why should I believe you?”
“It’s my job. Someone has to do it.” Virgil tried not to look at his smile. “Things are gonna change here.”
The real first day Remus was the only thing set on Logan’s mind. Town’s most wanted. Most wanted. As his days in the new town grew he learned more and more about the highest criminal. No one was able to arrest him, and everyone who tried didn’t make it. Even if they could, Remus seemed like someone that could break out in a matter of days. Still, all the chaos he was bringing had to be ended somehow. He heard stories of his brother, the only one of his victims that didn’t end up buried in the ground. His mind wandered as the horse sped up, starting to make him lose balance. The grip on Crofter’s saddle grew tighter fighting against the wind as his mind returned to the dirt path in front of him and his horse.
The image that was in his mind came to life as they pulled up closer to the scene they were heading towards. The two were called to handle one of Remus’ episodes with his brother. Past the train tracks, Remus had his brother tied to a thin tree with rope. No weapons were seen, yet the prince appeared like he had been mentally beaten. Defeated. Normally the crimes involving his twin were ignored since no one is killed in the crime, and most were too afraid to involve themselves in the Duke’s presence.
Logan thought differently about letting him get away with it, whatever he was doing to him. Maybe he was scared knowing the Duke had magic unlike normal humans. No one knows where they came from, and only Roman had been able to witness it and survive. Yet he kept quiet. No one seemed to blame him for it either. Virgil had seen a glimpse of what he could do and bailed before anything could happen. He described darkness taking over everything in his vision, and controlled hallucinations in the corner of his eyes, then he escaped and hadn’t seen Remus in person since. They talked about his powers, and Logan got the whole story when he made himself heard to the boy behind the counter dressed in purple leather and dark eyeshadow surrounding his eyes. Make up looking similar to Remus’ on the paper he stole off the town’s most wanted board.
The two horses had slowed down to a halt on the other side of the tracks. From a distance it didn’t look like much, in comparison to the other things Remus has done anyway. The scene was exactly how they had been told. The victim was tied to a tree, no longer trying to escape, and there weren’t any weapons being used, though from a distance you could see weapons hiding in the Duke’s pockets in his costume. This was the first time Logan had seen Remus in person. Real. Not just some story that had been told to him in the tavern by local drunkards. Real criminal, real crime. Though no magic had been seen where Remus and his brother had been standing. That was the hardest part for Logan to believe.
Patton seemed a little more on edge than usual. He stared at the Duke, watching his smooth gestures toward the prince in fear of what he was saying to him unaware of the law’s presence behind them. Patton had dealt with the Duke’s chaos before, only he was the one to live. The past sheriff didn’t live, and that fact didn’t scare Logan as much as it should have. Not at the time anyway.
Without saying a word, Logan swung off his horse and tied it to another thin tree close to Patton’s. Patton stayed still, silent, They addressed the plan beforehand when Patton protested coming up to Roman’s rescue, so Patton wouldn’t have to interact with the Duke unless he had to. The fear was real, even if it had to be part of the job. Logan walked past the train tracks, pulling a gun from his belt to use if he needed to. He held it beside him so Remus wouldn’t see it as a threat stright to him, but still see the weapon to know not to do anything stupid.
“Excuse me, are you Remus?” The man ignored him, continuing his business with the man dressed in red. There was no mistaking him even from behind. His outfit, that made him look like a lime green clown more than anything. When no response came Logan repeated himself. “Mr. Sanders, we need to talk.” No response. After a moment Logan reached into his belt for his gun, then fired a warning shot that moved just pass his head, just enough to get him to turn around and acknowledge the sheriff behind him.
“You’ve got a nerve.” Remus turns, reaching for throwing stars in his shirt pocket in case he needed to use them on his intruder. “...Sheriff? Oh, they must have hired a new one.”
“Sorry to interrupt, but I’m afraid playtime is over. Time to let him go.”
“Who told you to come up here?”
“There was a report of a goblin harassing a young prince. I have reason to believe that’s you.” The Duke stopped, taking slow steps toward the sheriff. “This is only a warning. Let him go and we can all move on with our lives, if you protest I have right to arrest.”
“Arrest me?” The Duke laughs. “You haven’t heard the stories, have you?”
“I have. I believe you haven’t seemed to hear anything of me before.” The Duke waited for him to continue. “I don’t have fear. That’s what made me so good in my old town. Must be some sort of magic like yours.”
“That explains it. To come here during brother’s playtime you must be crazy or have a death wish. You seem to be the first one, crazy.” Logan stuttered at the strange nickname he was given. Remus isn’t a normal criminal. Well, he found that on the first day exploring town with Patton. Most criminals he worked with before never used any cute nicknames. “You know about my magic?” The cheer in the Duke’s voice was strange, interested in whatever it was Logan was about to say.
“I’ve heard stories…” A wave of darkness takes over the nature surrounding the three until the only thing Logan would see was the green and black figure standing in front of him. Remus.
“Don’t believe in magic, do ya? Not before anyway.” Logan never moved. Remus reached in his pocket and pulled out a knife and made a cutting motion where the prince was once standing, pointing over to where Patton would be standing if it were for the cloud of darkness blocking his vision.
*leaves on cliffhanger cuz this is already super long as is and I already promised I would post this like three days ago*
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mbti-notes · 5 years
Hi. INFP here. I found the resources in this site to be very useful. I found clues and tools to identify my toxic thoughts. While browsing through other questions , I found this question by another INFP for which you already answered as a pointless rumination. I'm paraphrasing the content " I feel like am forced to live in this world with rules made by society" I guess is a poor Ne development. I feel insignificant and powerless too. Can you help me with addressing the meaninglesness logicall
You say “forced to live in this world…”, which implies that what you want is to make up your own rules and live only by them. You treat this as an ideal but it is pure fantasy, so you sound very much like a child who wants to run away from home any time mommy says ‘no’. As long as you indulge this fantasy, you suffer; as long as you refuse to face up to reality, you remain stuck. It doesn’t matter what type you are, no one is an island no matter how hard they wish it to be true.
If you think your purpose in life is to beat your own drum at all costs, don’t be surprised that you end up with nothing but the sound of that repetitive beat in your head. Your purpose is to discover the right balance between following your heart and meeting the world’s demands. You view those demands as a “burden” yet they are anything but that. What you haven’t realized is, without challenges, conflict, and problems in life, you would never be tested and never have to prove your mettle by learning to be better, and as a result, you always remain in a static state, never changing, never growing. Therefore, when you run away from challenges, you never change, never grow. You give up every chance to learn because you see challenges as threats rather than opportunities (this is the hallmark of level 1 ego development).
A lot of people only know to complain about what they don’t have or what they can’t get. It’s a mental trap, but a very enticing/comforting one. They have no positive vision for their life because they don’t know what it is they really want. As per above, you want a fantasy, there is no meaning in it because it is a negative vision that is merely an egotistical reaction to stress/failure - a cynic is just a failed idealist. It’s easy to blame something external for “holding you down” but it’s a lot harder to reflect on yourself, to figure out how to live well and make the best of your circumstances, because it requires you to face up to the truth of all the many ways you have lived your life poorly. It’s amazing, the way that dysfunctional people firmly believe that they have everything all figured out even when the concrete evidence of their failures proves that they don’t know shit about anything. You lack the humility that is required for proper learning and growth because you’ve convinced yourself that you already know how the world works and refuse to take part. You refuse to truly devote yourself to anything and then turn around and wonder why you can’t find anything worthy of devotion? 
An immature person dwells in victimhood because it’s easy and comforting to define themselves as the “good” one and everything/everyone else as “bad” - a hero only in your own mind. A mature person correctly identifies their life’s obstacles and asks themselves how to overcome them. How are you going to take responsibility for the quality of your life and the decisions you make when you keep relinquishing all responsibility by casting blame? Blame is false empowerment that makes you feel as though you are better/superior in your anger and critical judgment, but it just leaves you in an empty void, always hyperfocused on the negative, always feeling childishly entitled instead of humbly working hard for progress. To change this mentality requires you to give up the false and empty “empowerment” or “superiority” that your ego feeds on in order to embrace what you actually are, to acknowledge how much you have yet to learn and grow, and then, via that refreshing self-honesty, there is suddenly space to work on becoming something better (N).
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megs-writing · 5 years
Ships: Logicallity, Analogical Warnings: Supernatural powers, violent unsympathetic Remus, abusive relationship (creativitwins), beating, major character death (referenced), weapons, referenced mass shootings, dark magic/hallucinations, drinking, sympathetic Virgil, (if I need to add anything to the warnings please let me know!)  Characters: Logan, Patton, Virgil, Remy, Remus, Roman (referenced- Character!Thomas) Word count: 2739 Thank you @stop-it-anxiety for beta reading! (and starting this whole trainwreck. It’s great) 
 The town felt oddly familiar, too similar to the one Logan moved away from to start all over here. He blended in with everyone busying around and getting to wherever it was they needed to go. His horse slowed down to a careful trot and he moved through the crowd. In his old town the rich got around with horses and carriages, but this didn’t seem to be the case here. Most got around on foot, which helped make the town look less crowded when traveling though it but made it harder for Logan to make sure no one was standing in front of his so he wouldn’t crash into anyone. A horrible first impression of the soon to be new sheriff. 
This place has been without any sort of law system for around a month now since the death of the old sheriff, who had lost a fight and was practically beaten to death by the town’s best criminal. It wasn’t the beating that killed him but the shot right after, but that didn’t matter now. What mattered is that he was dead and not what it was that killed him. What mattered is that Logan was there now and was able to help, no matter what it took. Even if he had to go through the same painful death Thomas did. Despite what everyone said he wasn’t scared like he was supposed to be. That’s what made him such a good sheriff, he didn’t believe in fear. He didn’t believe he could feel any sort of fear anyway. It felt unnatural not to flinch when a gun was pointed at him, but that’s what happened. There was no way of explaining it. 
Crofters was tied to the fence of the house he would be staying in for a while with his partner he had yet to meet, Patton. Thomas’ old deputy, and now his. He’s heard the name plenty of times going through the town mixed in with his own. He heard Patton was nice. Almost too nice, and let people get away with a little more than what they were supposed to. Thomas was the same way he heard, but that was going to change fast now that he was here. No one is going to get away with hurting people because the law is too scared to fight them. Sure, Thomas wasn’t scared in the moment. Look where that got him. He became the reason everyone was scared. 
_ _ _ _ _ 
Logan and Patton traveled by foot to blend in with the rest of the town. This place seemed much bigger than his old home, and there were many more shops and restaurants and theatres to go to if anyone had some time to kill on a normal day. The two of them were stopped at a bulletin board posted in the center of town, with plenty of random papers stapled to the board from places wanting to hire, missing posters, and the town's most wanted. All of the posters could already be seen splattered on walls and posts and trees, and this was just another reminder those same famous criminals existed. The face he saw in most places was Remus. That same picture with his crazy smile and clown-ish looking outfit printed in black and white all over. The same poster was stapled multiple times on the board mixed in with the rest of them. 
Charged with:
-Kidnapping and abuse of Roman Sanders
-Killing over 100 passengers on a stolen train
-Contributions to the black market
-Seriously this guy killed like 50 people just riding through town just turn him in plz.
REWARD: $150,000 
“One hundred fifty thousand…” Logan stares at the picture, the Duke’s wild hair and crazy smile printed into the paper nailed to the board in the center of town. “No wonder this town was in need of a sheriff. This guy probably killed the last one.” 
“Aren’t you scared?” Patton asks, Logan’s new assigned deputy. They had met only a few hours ago, and decided to spend time together walking through town to help Logan get more familiar with the city and get to know his partner better before going into official business. 
“Scared of what?” 
“Getting killed?”
“Well, he hasn’t killed me yet, has he?” The picture on the poster amused him- how Remus looked exactly like a cliche criminal in the movies, mostly the moustache and cowboy hat that set him off like that. And his costume, like some sort of cowboy-clown. Logan takes the poster from the board and folds it, then slides it into his pocket to use for later. 
“You know what happened to the last sheriff, right?” Patton’s voice was soft, watching the reflections in Logan’s glasses. He remembered everything. How much the other sheriff fought the beating and ended up shaking on the ground. And Remus finally put a bullet in his chest. Maybe he would have had some mercy if he hadn’t fought back so much. The two had always pushed each other to their limit until then, and Patton was there for all of it. He witnessed his death, but Remus didn’t know until he was charged of murder and Patton testified against him. He broke out of jail, and everyone was too scared to try him again. 
“Of course,” Logan adjusted his glasses and let out a breath, starting to reimagine the story Patton had told him before. “And that’s why I need this job. I’m sorry for your old friend by the way, you guys were close.” 
_ _ _ _ _  
Logan snuck out again around 10:00 after Patton had gone to bed, just to explore town again on his own and go into the things he was most curious about and could be most helpful to his work. The only thing they had done the first time was walk as Patton rambled about what there was to do here and all the people he knows and stories that came from certain buildings he liked to spend time in. Now he was alone, using his hat to help him blend in with the crowd and using the shadows after sunset to his advantage for blending in. Maybe a few people recognized him, but it was unlikely considering he hasn’t even started his job yet and since more people were here it was harder to tell when someone new came along. Less people crowded the streets at night, so at least he didn’t have to worry about moving through people anymore.  
The only thing still open this late was a small tavern across from where Patton and Logan had found Remus’ poster. It looked fairly empty from what he could see, which wasn’t much of a surprise since most people drank during the day and started to go home once the sun began to set. From the window, he could see it was dim and uncrowded, with only one or two people at the counters and no one sitting at the tables or dancing. 
All eyes turned on him, all eyes being only two. The man behind the counter looked up immediately as if he already recognized the man who walked in. The other slowly turned once he saw his friend was staring at something and met eyes with Logan as soon as he did. Both men dressed a bit strange, one of them wearing a purple vest- purple being an extremely rare color for clothes where he was from- with smoke-colored bags under his eyes, and the other wore a leather jacket with a dark blue skirt that went down to his boots. The first one looked like he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the right words in the moment. Logan was the first one to speak up. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt. I’m new here, I’m just exploring to get more familiar with the town.” 
“You’re Logan?” The man in purple finally spoke, quickly changing the topic from whatever Logan was about to say. 
“...Why does that matter?” 
“Your name’s been going around like wildfire. We saw you walking with Patton out there a while ago. It’s not that hard to connect the dots.” The man gestured to the open seat next to him, inviting Logan to come sit with the two of them. “May I offer you a drink?” 
“I shouldn’t. I have a big day tomorrow.” 
“Then come sit with us and tell us what you’ve learned so far.” Logan didn’t move. “You’re gonna be sheriff, you gotta know your stuff. Do you know any of the top criminals here? You’ll be working against them.” Logan reached in his pocket for the flyer and tossed it at the counter in front of Virgil. 
“Remus Sanders. Worth $150,000 dead or alive. The average criminal is like 50 or 60 thousand.” 
“He killed a lot of people,” Remy said. “Important people too. That’s why you’re here.” Virgil never said anything, but kept staring at the picture and re-reading the words on the flyer. Virgil slams the flyer back down to the table. 
“How long do you really think you’re gonna last here? Be honest.” 
“If all goes well I plan on staying until retirement.” Virgil went quiet. “Listen you might not believe me right now but I’ve done this before and I can do it again. This guy isn’t any different than anyone else I’ve arrested. With me here now all of this is gonna stop. I’m not gonna let it keep going.” 
“Why should I believe you?” 
“It’s my job. Someone has to do it.” Virgil tried not to look at his smile. “Things are gonna change here.” 
_ _ _ _ _
The real first day Remus was the only thing set on Logan’s mind. Town’s most wanted. Most wanted. As his days in the new town grew he learned more and more about the highest criminal. No one was able to arrest him, and everyone who tried didn’t make it. Even if they could, Remus seemed like someone that could break out in a matter of days. Still, all the chaos he was bringing had to be ended somehow. He heard stories of his brother, the only one of his victims that didn’t end up buried in the ground. His mind wandered as the horse sped up, starting to make him lose balance. The grip on Crofter’s saddle grew tighter fighting against the wind as his mind returned to the dirt path in front of him and his horse. 
The image that was in his mind came to life as they pulled up closer to the scene they were heading towards. The two were called to handle one of Remus’ episodes with his brother. Past the train tracks, Remus had his brother tied to a thin tree with rope. No weapons were seen, yet the prince appeared like he had been mentally beaten. Defeated. Normally the crimes involving his twin were ignored since no one is killed in the crime, and most were too afraid to involve themselves in the Duke’s presence. 
Logan thought differently about letting him get away with it, whatever he was doing to him. Maybe he was scared knowing the Duke had magic unlike normal humans. No one knows where they came from, and only Roman had been able to witness it and survive. Yet he kept quiet. No one seemed to blame him for it either. Virgil had seen a glimpse of what he could do and bailed before anything could happen. He described darkness taking over everything in his vision, and controlled hallucinations in the corner of his eyes, then he escaped and hadn’t seen Remus in person since. They talked about his powers, and Logan got the whole story when he made himself heard to the boy behind the counter dressed in purple leather and dark eyeshadow surrounding his eyes. Makeup looking similar to Remus’ on the paper he stole off the town’s Most Wanted board. 
The two horses had slowed down to a halt on the other side of the tracks. From a distance, it didn’t look like much, in comparison to the other things Remus has done anyway. The scene was exactly how they had been told. The victim was tied to a tree, no longer trying to escape, and there weren’t any weapons being used, though from a distance you could see weapons hiding in the Duke’s pockets in his costume. This was the first time Logan had seen Remus in person. Real. Not just some story that had been told to him in the tavern by local drunkards. Real criminal, real crime. Though no magic had been seen where Remus and his brother had been standing. That was the hardest part for Logan to believe. 
Patton seemed a little more on edge than usual. He stared at the Duke, watching his smooth gestures toward the prince in fear of what he was saying to him unaware of the law’s presence behind them. Patton had dealt with the Duke’s chaos before, only he was the one to live. The past sheriff didn’t live, and that fact didn’t scare Logan as much as it should have. Not at the time anyway. 
Without saying a word, Logan swung off his horse and tied it to another thin tree close to Patton’s. Patton stayed still, silent, They addressed the plan beforehand when Patton protested coming up to Roman’s rescue, so Patton wouldn’t have to interact with the Duke unless he had to. The fear was real, even if it had to be part of the job. Logan walked past the train tracks, pulling a gun from his belt to use if he needed to. He held it beside him so Remus wouldn’t see it as a threat straight to him, but still see the weapon to know not to do anything stupid. 
“Excuse me, are you Remus?” The man ignored him, continuing his business with the man dressed in red. There was no mistaking him even from behind. His outfit, that made him look like a lime green clown more than anything. When no response came Logan repeated himself. “Mr. Sanders, we need to talk.” No response. After a moment Logan reached into his belt for his gun, then fired a warning shot that moved just pass his head, just enough to get him to turn around and acknowledge the sheriff behind him. 
“You’ve got a nerve.” Remus turns, reaching for throwing stars in his shirt pocket in case he needed to use them on his intruder. “...Sheriff? Oh, they must have hired a new one.” 
“Sorry to interrupt, but I’m afraid playtime is over. Time to let him go.” 
“Who told you to come up here?” 
“There was a report of a goblin harassing a young prince. I have reason to believe that’s you.” The Duke stopped, taking slow steps toward the sheriff. “This is only a warning. Let him go and we can all move on with our lives, if you protest I have right to arrest.” 
“Arrest me?” The Duke laughs. “You haven’t heard the stories, have you?” 
“I have. I believe you haven’t seemed to hear anything of me before.” The Duke waited for him to continue. “I don’t have fear. That’s what made me so good in my old town. Must be some sort of magic like yours.” 
“That explains it. To come here during brother’s playtime you must be crazy or have a death wish. You seem to be the first one, crazy.” Logan stuttered at the strange nickname he was given. Remus isn’t a normal criminal. Well, he found that on the first day exploring town with Patton. Most criminals he worked with before never used any cute nicknames. “You know about my magic?” The cheer in the Duke’s voice was strange, interested in whatever it was Logan was about to say. 
“I’ve heard stories…” A wave of darkness takes over the nature surrounding the three until the only thing Logan would see was the green and black figure standing in front of him. Remus. 
“Don’t believe in magic, do ya? Not before anyway.” Logan never moved. Remus reached in his pocket and pulled out a knife and made a cutting motion where the prince was once standing, pointing over to where Patton would be standing if it were for the cloud of darkness blocking his vision. 
Taglist: @winterrs-child @remusthedukeofdeodorant @thecatchat @stop-it-anxiety @znikitrash @awkwardandanxiousfander @nowletmeseeyourkezzhands @prox-xima @hela-daughter-of-loki @arcticfrostdoesthings @id-rather-go-live-in-a-trash-can @soupgromlin
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years
Hey, I was wondering if you're still taking request for Marvel? If you and have the time could you make one on how the Avengers react to finding out the person (A team mate or intern who's a teen, I don't know who) Has really bad anxiety / depression. It's kinda a downer and I understand if you don't want to do it. Thanks for your page, it's awesome btw.
I am still taking requests, and sure, I’ll write it. Thanks for requesting! :)
He has so much empathy for you, he’ll always be there
Steve does his best to help you in any way he can
He always offers to listen to you, to let you vent
If you don’t want to, that’s completely fine, he’s patient
If you do, he’s understanding and listens to your every word
He’s always looking out for you, making sure you’re doing okay
Steve also gives you lots of advice, which is really helpful
His advice is always very simple yet logicall and overall great
Like ‘get plenty of rest’ or ‘you don’t have to bottle your feelings up’
Also lots of encouragement like ‘You’re very strong, you’ll get through this’
Steve is just very wise and also knows you really well
Not to mention that he completely respects your boundaries and decisions
He gives you time and space and let’s you take things on your own
Always reminding you that he’ll be there no matter what, though
If you get really bad, he will do his best to comfort you
Hold you if you want him to, tell you everything will be okay
Steve reminds you of the good things and helps you focus
Tony knows that feeling painfully well
Even to this day he still struggles with PTSD and anxiety
However, he knows every person reacts differently to it
He’s very observant and watches how you deal with things
And from that he learns how to help you through it
Tony knows how to support you and encourage you
But also how to comfort you and distract you
It helps that he perfectly understands most of your struggles
You may have different symptoms with your anxiety
But both of you know how it generally feels
You also help him in a lot of ways, just by talking
Because he realizes he’s not as alone as he thought
That you also get him better than any of you realized
And you both say things the other needs to know
Tony, however, copes with humor, but this helps you
Because it manages to make you laugh
Tony also loves buying you gifts or taking you on dates
You keep telling him not to spend that much money on you
But he still does because it makes him happy
Because it makes you happy
Things are complicated with Nat sometimes
She isn’t the best at opening up and talking about feelings
Still, she’s a great listener, and that’s very important
Whenever you need to vent or a shoulder to cry on, she’s there
Nat will leave almost anything to comfort you
She’s patient and caring and that’s all you need
And even if she isn’t the most affectionate, she’ll hold you when you need to
Nat will also let you be affectionate for both
She’s definitely not the best at it, but she tries really hard
And she will not hesitate to wrap her arms around you if you hug her
Overall, what’s important is how much she loves you
You don’t really have to tell him what’s going on, he knows
He knows you better than you know yourself
Sometimes he tells you things that are incredibly obvious
But that you hadn’t realized before until then
And it’s mostly things about yourself
Like ‘you put too much pressure on yourself’
Or ‘this bothered you more than you think’
Overall, he reminds you to be kind to yourself
And is kind to you when you’re not always
Also, Clint is extremely affectionate and loving
Not to mention bubbly and cheerful, so that helps a lot
He takes care of you when you don’t take care of yourself
Whether it’s because you’re absent and forget
Or because you don’t have the energy to do it
Clint adores you, and he always manages to make you feel better
Bruce is very empathetic and understanding of you
Also incredibly smart, so sometimes he goes all scientific
Or even if it’s just his instinct, he mostly knows what you need
Whether it is distracting yourself, talking or just a hug
Bruce also makes a great effort to learn your process
Realize how you recover when you get anxious or depressed
And slowly help you the next time it happens
He’s an amazing listener too, which helps a lot
Just by talking to him, you feel like a weight’s been lifted off you
Honestly, he’s ready to do whatever just to help you
He’s worried, really worried, he’s not used to this
Thor just wants you to be okay and doesn’t know what to do at first
He speaks a lot sometimes in his panic to help you
Ranting about how you can talk to him, how much he loves you…
His concern is endearing and you let him know what you need
You explain how you feel and how he can help
That sometimes you need your space and others you need him
So from then on he’ll always ask ‘do you want to be alone?’
He knows how much you like hugs and always offers them too
And Thor will be very attentive as you do, memorizing everything
Every single detail, like maybe you have a favorite blanket
Well, he would give it to you when you feel sad
He just gives you whatever you need and always keeps an eye on you
But he still manages not to overwhelm you while making you feel safe
Tag list: @xionroxas, @dancewaterdance02, @bobatea-bi, @vintagerose98, @thisismysecrethappyplace, @fandomnerdsarecool, @c-taylor-wanna-be-a-glader,@fortheloveofbenyandtom​, @suenami3, @caswinchester2000​,@overpowered-insanity, @qtmeryr, @welcome-here-in-my-world // If you want me to add you or take you off the tag list, go ahead and tell me!
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melon3x · 5 years
You pushed ME away
“Do you even regret it Virge? Doing the one thing you promised never to do? Throwing us away like last week's garbage and replacing us with some new and shiny versions? Do you even feel a hint of remorse for leaving us behind?” A distant airy voice sneers into the dark room with venom, leaving Virgil to bolt upright in fear. He looks around frantically, searching for the slimy yellow eyes he knew all too well. He reaches for the purple and black plaid lamp that Patton got him, desperately trying to fill the evasive room with light. All his hand hit was the smooth surface of his sleek black bedside table. 
“You said not even death could break us apart. In it till the very end. So why did you decide to rip our hearts out with your bare hands and eat them?” Another greasy voice slithers into the room, poisoning his head with memories that brought him nothing but pain and sadness. He stumbles out of his bed, leaving the only safe place he had right now. The light switch was only twelve steps forward and two to the right.  Panic was starting to fully set in, his breathing was becoming erratic, his heart was thumping so loudly he was surprised the others couldn’t hear it.
    Light blares through the room, blinding the anxious man momentarily. After the temporary blindness leaves him, his breath is taken away from him when two figures step into the middle of the room. Only inches away from his face, far too close for him to even ration his way through it. 
Narrowing his brown hues, he steps back and crosses his arms, hissing when the two step towards him.
“You should know that doesn’t affect us Virge~” Remus teases, causing the tightness in his chest to squeeze harder, leaving him weak of breath. It felt too much like the old times, the achingly warm moments the three shared before everything went to shit. When Deceit use to be a mother hen and all of Remus’s humor and jokes were only either about octopi or toilets.
Fist clenching tightly he glares knives into the two sides, just wishing they would leave him alone.
“What do you want?” Virgil grits out, getting a snort from Deceit. Remus responds by smiling childishly, pulling a pair of glossy eyes out of his pocket and pushing them into his eye sockets, spitting his regular eyes out. Once his ‘puppy dog eyes’ were in place he clasps his hands together, sticking his butt out into the air for extra effect.
“We want you to come back to us!” Virgil feels rage wrap around his anxious heart. He uncrosses his arms and huffs out a few rage filled grunts.
“Why would I go back? You two were the ones who pushed me away! You were the ones who forced me to start appearing before Thomas! You filled my head with burning hatred! Only watched as I started to break down! You weren’t there when I needed you the most! They were! Patton actually gave me words of encouragement instead of those debilitating words you always threw my way when I made a mistake! Roman actually knows when to stop mocking me, Unlike you Remus. Logan helps me get through all of my irrational fears logicall, unlike what you did Deceit. I haven’t felt happier in years, I feel like I actually belong! So like Hell am I going to go back to people who left me to drown in my own despair.” He was only a decibel away from full out screaming, but that didn’t deter him. All the rage he felt towards the two in front of him was pouring out, leaving him with each word he spat and every tear that streamed down his face sporadically. Deciet’s smug face was washed away, replaced with one filled with resentment and disbelief.
“Do you honestly think you belong with them? You were and always will be, a ‘dark’ side Virgil. They don’t love you, they only put up with you because if they didn’t you would be an even bigger burden. You cause Thomas harm, that’s all that you ever do. That’s all that you will do. You aren’t a ‘Light’ side Anxiety. You belong with us, We’re your family, not them. Stop playing this stupid game of make beleive and come home already.” He seethes out, his mask of smugness fitting back onto his face like a glove when he notices all the doubt and self-hatred that swirled through Anxiety’s troubled chocolate hues. Everything in the room starts to flicker and distort, all bending to the unraveled emotions seeping out of the short male. The shadows in the room grow taller, warping into monsters that usually laid underneath your bed. The shadows under the pale man’s eyes grow stronger, eclipsing into a strong raven black. His eyes were glowing, brimming with tears and rage.
“GET.OUT!” Virgil roars, forcing the two slimy men two dissipate into the shadows. Falling to the ground, Anxiety grips his hair harshly, uncaring when he feels a few of his hair follicles rip away from his scalp. He was gasping for air, trying his best to logic his way out of the sea of self-doubt. Attempting to block out the overwhelming voices that only seemed to grow louder.
‘They’re right, Thomas doesn’t need me.’
‘I’m a burden.’
‘All I do is hurt everyone I love.’
‘Maybe I should just go ba-’
“Kiddo?” A familiar and safe voice breaks through the wall of hurtful thoughts, bringing the brunette back down to earth. With a shaky breath, Virgil tilts his head upwards, staring into Patton’s concerned milk chocolate hues with his own teary dark brown ones. Behind Morality stood Logan, Roman, and Thomas, All three who were also showing concern for him. He looks back to the ground, shame coursing through him as a loud sob forces its way past his lips.
    Patton gets onto his knees, snaking his arms onto the crying males waist, pulling him into a reassuring hug. Virgil doesn’t hesitate in hugging the quirky man back, resting his head in his neck as he continues to cry and attempt to breath. Thomas is quick to rush over and initiate a group hug. Roman joins the hug, throwing away his front in order to comfort a dear friend of his. Logan walks over, crouching so he was on level with everyone else. Placing a comforting hand on Virgil’s shoulder, Logan starts whispering weird and useless facts, knowing that Anxiety usually like to either note the facts for later or try and start a debate with the logical side.
    They all stay like that for a while, the only noises being from Patton, who was whispering encouraging words, Logan, who was now going on a rant about flat earthers, and Virgil himself, who was slowly but surely quieting down from his intense crying session. A few more minutes go by before finally his sobs turn into gasps for air which then turn into sniffles. He doesn’t pull his head away from Patton’s neck, wanting the hug to last for a few more minutes.
“What happened Virgil?” He hears Thomas ask, tensing up from the intruding memories, Virgil simply shakes his head, letting them know that he didn’t want to talk about it right then.
“How about, we talk about it later. Instead we should go and have a Disney movie marathon with some popcorn and hot chocolate, tea for Logan of course, how does that sound?” Patton offers, getting a nod from Virgil, two excited cheers from Thomas and Roman, and a ‘That sounds tolerable.’ from Logan. Anxiety pulls away from the group hug reluctantly, taking the offered hand from Morality. The five make their way towards the living area, talking and joking like normal, still aware of the tense and somber mood but unwilling in allowing it to dampen their spirits. Virgil stays silent for the most part, only adding his two cents in here and there.
‘They don’t see me as a burden...do they?’ He thinks, stopping suddenly from the sad and doubt filling thought. Patton notices immediately and stops, tilting his head in confusion as he watches a horde of emotions flash across his dark strange son’s face.
“Virge? Everything okay buddy?” The silly dad of the group asks, catching everyone’s attention immediately as they crash to a halt and turned to stare at the dark edgy side with caring apprehension. Anxiety looks at the four men he’s grown hopelessly attached to and starts to tear up, his face twisting with distress.
‘Y-You guys aren’t just faking it right? Do you guys really care for me? I am a burden? Am I just causing you pain? Do you really love me?’ He just wanted to ask all these questions, but he didn’t want to have them get angry at him. He doesn’t want this little slice of make believe to end just yet.
“Can ...Can we watch the Black Cauldron first?” Hesitation in his voice, instantly he picks up on the undesirable emotions that everyone seemed to try and fail to hide. Patton was the first to snap out of it, a soft heart-filled smile on his face.
“Sure thing, Kiddo.” Virgil feels relief, no real reason why, he just finally relaxes. When the conversations start to lull back in, Virgil take apart of them more, jabbing at Princy playfully while also getting into friendly debates with Logan. A small harmless argument breaks out between him and Thomas over stuff that was happening in his life, which was instantly stopped by ‘The look’ only Patton could conjure up.
    This light-hearted mood goes on for hours, bringing Virgil’s spirit up as he stares at the sleeping faces of everyone he now considers family. A pair of yellow eyes appear in the corner, watching Anxiety with a smug look. The MCR loving man just stares into the snake like eyes before flipping him off, closing his eyes in defiance as he falls asleep surrounded by a family that does care for him.
He ignores the confliction that rises in his chest when he walks into his room the next day and a stuffed black cat with one emerald green button eye, lays on the middle of his bed, purple patched ears and tail standing out like a sore thumb.
(He also tries his best to not be embarrassed when everyone finds out the cat’s name is Snuggles.)
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theobsessor1 · 6 years
My Anxious Prince
Wanted to do something different with fanfiction and write Virgil as the prince instead of Roman, don’t think I’ll be writing more than this one peice.
Summary: The kingdom of Dagragon, known for the many dragons that lived in its surrounding forests, is a kingdom of peace and trade. Two sons were born to the king and queen, Thomas and Virgil Nightless. Thomas is the oldest of the two and was the better candidate for an arranged marriage with another kingdom to keep the peace.
With Thomas gone, Virgil has to take on the responsibility of heir to the throne, that means lots of studying, training, and mock council meetings. This generally leaves him with very little free time, and when he does he is not allowed to leave the castle. To solve this problem he sneaks out at night, enjoying the fresh air and observing the citizens he will one day be ruling over.
Words: 2669
Pairings: Logicallity (eventual Prinxiety)
Warnings: light cussing at the end, some blood (if I need to add one please let me know!)
Chapter 1
Our story begins with a young man no more than 20 years old hiding in the shadows, his eyes ever changing hues of brown, currently, a shade of chocolate as they darted about scanning the large and dimly lit foyer of the castle.
It was late at night so most of the occupants of the castle were fast asleep by now, he has done this at least a dozen times by now. There was no need for him to feel so- so terrified right now, right?
He nervously chewed the bottom of his lip, pulled his violet cloak closer to him, and out through a large wooden door, exiting the castle. He could feel himself breathing easier as the main gate to the castle grounds drew closer.
He could see two guards manning the gate, and another figure waiting idly for him.
As soon as he was in hearing distance of the group the figure spoke to him
“I was beginning to assume you had been caught there, Virgil. ” His voice was steady, with a professional tone.
Even in the dark Virgil could make out his friends outfit, the usual crisp, clean scholars suit accompanied by a satchel full of books. Their black hair styled neatly away from their face, everything about him was professional.
Logan Newson had been hired as his tutor by his parents, they had thought it might be a good idea for someone closer to his age to teach him so he wouldn't go running off to meet people outside the castle. Turns out he didn’t hate it as much as he thought he would, Logan and him bonded over their social awkwardness, and surprisingly he was able to convince Logan to agree to a deal, they sneak out of the castle at night, and he can turn those nights into learning experiences.
“I almost was, one of mothers maids nearly found me in a corridor,” Virgil responded, taking deep breaths to steady his heartbeat from his run over. He made a hand gesture to the guards, who are familiar to Virgil’s outings, to open the gate and let them pass.
Talking as they walked “I see your seamstress finally finished your.-” Logan gestured with a hand to Virgil's outfit “street clothes as you called them.”
Virgil was currently dressed in a plain white tunic, a thin lavender vest over it designed like one from the commonwealth, black trousers and a pair of black boots. All of this topped off with his violet cloak with an intricate silver design along the bottom rim. Oh and of course he never left anywhere without his sword, strapped to his side, you never know what’s gonna happen.
Virgil nodded, self-consciously adjusting the hood “Like I had said before, I needed something discrete to wear, or it would be easier for me to be caught.”
Logan silently raised an eyebrow glancing at the design on the cloak, in all honesty, he didn’t think Virgil needed the cloak,
“The seamstress, Taylon, insisted on the silver design, something about Royalty must always look their best. ”
Logan nodded, acknowledging him. “So where are we gallivanting off to tonight?”
“Hmmm I don’t have anything in mind at the moment, may-maybe just walk around town and do some uh tax trivia?” Virgil winced at his stutter, when unsure of his words he tended to get stuck on them as well as when he gets extremely anxious.
Thankfully unlike his parents Logan wouldn’t point it out or reprimand him for it. No, he merely pushed his glasses further up his nose and continued the conversation.  
“That is a good suggestion, it has been a while since we have gone over the subject of taxes. I shall start with some scenarios and you come up with solutions for them.”
In another part of town, we find another young man laying wide awake in bed. He had a book laying open on his chest. He was supposed to be sleeping, but he couldn’t help but stay up late reading and fantasizing about great adventures instead.
Stuck working with his family in the trading business there wasn’t much room for adventuring, so he had to stick with books to satisfy him. His favorite ones were that of which entailed a prince rescuing a princess.
He loved imagining himself as the prince, going through dangerous and daring quests until he finally rescues his damsel in distress, the satisfying glory of finding his lost loved one. Sometimes he imagined himself in the princess’ place instead, suffering for ages until the day came, where he is rescued by a handsome knight and he is swept off his feet.
But that doesn’t happen to people like him, he was just part of a noble family. The day would soon come where he would have to pick another nobleman’s daughter as his wife and continue working the trade with his new family.
Unhappy with that thought he quickly got out of bed and began to dress. He can still enjoy the freedom he has now. Once dressed he gave himself a once-over in the tall mirror by the bedroom door. He had chosen to wear a white tunic with golden lace on the sleeves, a pair of brown trousers and black boots.
He scrunched up his nose before fixing their hair, then with a nod was satisfied with his reflection and quietly left his room.
The only light on in the house at the moment was a dim candlelight in the kitchen, someone was still up. All he had to do was sneak past and he can leave with no questions asked.
“Roman?” a voice behind him asked
Roman jumped startled and whipped around to face the person behind him
“Geeze didn’t mean to scare you!”
Roman immediately recognized his younger brother “Nate! Why in the high heavens are you up right now?!” he added a dramatic wave of his hand
“ I could ask you the same thing.” Nate countered with a roll of his eyes, he was all to use to the dramatics of his older brother.
“Mhm Touché, Slumber has seemed to have slipped from my grasp and thought a nice stroll would help catch her once more. Your turn”
Nate rubbed the back of his neck and looked down guiltily “ I forgot to deliver that pound of flour to the Knead for Sweets bakery today”
Roman sighed if frustration but smiled and ruffled Nate’s hair “If you weren’t such a procrastinator it would have gotten done, Since I’m heading out already I’ll take it for you”
Nate’s eyes shoot towards Roman “You won’t tell father will you?!”
“No I’ll let it slide this time, next time tho I’ll be letting him handle it”
“ thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!” Nate exclaimed “ I had no idea how I was gonna carry that heavy sack all the way to the bakery”
“Alright, enough of that. Go to bed already, I’ll see you in the morning” Roman gently pushed his brother towards another bedroom.
“Night Roman”
“Good night” Once Nate was in his proper room Roman took the flour sack that Nate had left on the kitchen floor and hoisted it over his shoulder, it was really heavy but nothing he couldn’t handle and made his way to Knead for Sweets.
Upon arriving at the bakery Roman noticed the lights were still on. Quickly entering through the front door he found the baker startled awake at the front counter.
“Patton? Why are you still open, shouldn’t you be closed right now, and more importantly in bed?” Roman asked
“Oh Hi Roman, um I had trouble sleeping came here to bake and keep my mind off things-” Patton interrupted himself “Oh my gods is that the flower I ordered, I was worried I wouldn’t make it through the next morning without that!” he had begun bouncing on the balls of his feet with excitement
Roman chuckled “You want this in the usual spot?”
“Yes, please! Oh, and I have a pie you can take home!”
Roman nodded and made his way to the back of the bakery, Patton was about to follow him but his attention was turned to the front door as the little bell rang, announcing the arrival of possible customers.
Virgil could already taste the sweet delights in the bakery from the smell alone. After spending some time on the tax trivia he had been craving something sweet, after spotting Patton’s bakery he insisted to Logan they go in.
Logan tried to persuade him that it wasn’t a good idea. He had uncharacteristically begun stumbling over excuses for them not to enter the shop. Only making Virgil want to come in more his curiosity getting the better of him at why Logan was acting so strange.
Now Virgil understood why
An adorable short and a little chubby young man, probably around their age,  was in charge of the bakery and obviously had Logan wrapped around his little finger.
He was bouncing with joy his red hair bouncing along with him “Lo-lo! I was wondering why you hadn’t visited today. I made heart shaped cookies!”  he exclaimed with giggles of excitement coming around the counter to come hug Logan
Logan’s dark blue eyes softened “Hello Patton, I’m sorry I didn’t come earlier I was busy” Logan’s voice had dropped the professional tone and a had become sweet and loving. A small smile had crawled onto his face as he hugged back his small ball of sunshine. With Patton standing closer, Virgil could see all the freckles under Patton's light blue eyes
“ So this is the guy you were gushing over for a week of my lessons?” Virgil couldn't help but smirk as he teased him
Logan’s eyes grew wide “ You promised never to disclose that information!”
Virgil shrugged before he could say another word Patton had his full attention on him next, having stepped away from Logan and was standing close to Virgil, a little too close in his opinion.
“Wow kiddo, your cloak is so fancy! Did you make it yourself? How long did it take to make? Is it heav-” Logan interrupted him, he could tell Virgil was becoming overwhelmed  “Patton careful, take a breath and start again.”
“Hehe right, I’m sorry. I get a little um overboard sometimes. I’m not sure if we have met before but my name is Patton Gentelborne, you can just call me Patton.”
Taking a breath to recover from the onslaught of questions, Virgil hesitated before introducing himself. “My na-name is Virgil, um Virgil Nightless. It’s nice to meet you”
Thankfully either Patton didn’t realize Virgil was the prince by his last name or didn’t appear to show it.
“ Nice to meet you too! Now am I right to assume your out here so late cause your hungry? I have some cream puffs I was just about to throw out if you want”
Virgil nodded vigorously, cream puffs where the best pastries and no one could tell him otherwise.  Logan shrugged, he wasn’t into sweets all that much.
Patton showed them to a table to sit and hurried off to the back. When he returned someone unfamiliar was following him
“Roman, If you really insist on leaving already then take some cream puffs to go, I’ll make sure to have fresh ones next time.” Patton offered
“Thanks, but I’ll have to accept that offer another time. Bye Patton.” Roman graciously declined with a half bow and left with the bell jingling behind him.
After some time getting to know Patton, enjoy some embarrassing stories of Logan trying to bake, and stuff his face full of cream puffs. Virgil was ready to go.
Thinking for a moment, he decided to leave Logan to enjoy the company of his lover and politely excused himself “Your sure you don’t want me to escort you back to the castle?”
“Yes, I’m fine Logan. You enjoy yourself, I’ll see you tomorrow” And with that Virgil left, walking down the dark streets by himself
After a few blocks chills ran up his spine, was that a shout for help? He stopped in his tracks and listened closely.  
There it was again! Shouting! It sounded like it could be some kind of fight.
Virgil bit his lip holding tightly to his cloak, should he run or go help? If he ran could be leaving someone in danger, but if he did go help he could be putting himself in danger. If he didn’t help a citizen in need wouldn’t that make him a bad prince? But he also shouldn't be out here in the first place, he wouldn’t have known...
With a frustrated shout, he makes up his mind and runs toward the shouting.
As he nears he slows down and uses the shadows to his advantage, he can see three gentlemen surrounding another man, they were complaining about something not being delivered yet.
These were all older man, whom should know better than to start fights. The younger man they had surrounded was trying to stand tall but was obviously having difficulty from being battered by the other people's fists.
Wait! He recognized him! That’s the guy from the bakery, Patton called him Roman right?
There was a sudden ringing of metal, the sound of a weapon leaving its sheath!
Virgil’s eyes caught the glint of metal, one of the men had a small knife and the other two held swords.
They were gonna kill him!
Before Virgil even knew what was happening his body moved on its own, he charged in just as the guy with the knife stabbed Roman. His sudden appearance had surprised the group of men giving him time to draw his own sword.
Beautifully crafted, his sword had a Silver hilt, unlike the traditional gold, with a few white and purple jewels embedded in it. Black leather was wrapped around the handle. Etched on the blade itself was the saying Demons run when a good man goes to war. He needed to be quick or Roman may bleed out. Virgil watch each of the men in front of him cautiously, he has been taught how to use his sword, he can do this
The guy on his left charges toward him sword raised high and chops it down in one sweeping arc. Virgil clumsily blocks it, a real sword fight was definitely different from training!
The man brings his sword up and down again but in a different direction this time. Frantically Virgil is blocking his attacks, he needs to find a way to beat him.
That’s when Virgil sees it, an empty can behind his assailant. Quickly he pushes his opponent when he blocked his attack, sending him tripping over the can.
He hadn’t noticed that during the fight his hood had managed to slip off and the men before him could clearly see him glaring down on them.
“M’lord?! We had no idea it was you! We didn’t mean t-” “You are lucky that your friend here didn't cut me or I would have the three of you hanged! Leave before I decide otherwise!”
The man hastily picked up their friend and left looking back every now and then to make sure they were really seeing the prince standing there.
Virgil let out the breath he was holding and nearly collapsed to his knees. extremely thankful he hadn’t stuttered. Gods he is never doing that again, ever!
A strangled cough behind him reminded him why he was there in the first place
“Shit!” He whipped around to find Roman sitting against the wall, blood staining the side of his shirt. His neat almost caramel colored blond hair had fallen into his eyes, their nose scrunched up in pain.
Virgil quickly kneeled down beside him, “Your-Your gonna b-be ok!” gods what was he supposed to do, the guy was stabbed in the side from the obvious amount of blood on his shirt, but he wasn’t a doctor, he didn’t know how to help.
Roman’s eyes were fluttering closed “Hey! St-stay with me, You are-are not dying right after I rescued you!” Virgil slapped at his face to keep him awake, but it wasn’t working efficiently
“Damn it! Someone help! Come on stay-stay awake!!!”
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You Don’t Have to Love Me
To start off i apologize because i am a shit writer and haven written an official for a while...
Summary- “it’s okay, you don't have to love me-” sent in by @savemyboisdarkandwill
Pairing- Logicallity(romantic), if you squint hard enough at the end, prinxiety
Word Count- It’s a smol one with only 787 words.
A/N- To be honest i am not the most pleased with how this one turned out because i could not seem to slow down the passing of events and it goes really fast. also this was going to be angst and then most of it got cut off by the little fluff in here. There is and extra little bit at the end too ;D
Logan spent day after day planning. But every idea seemed either too cheesy or complicated. This is why i am not deemed the creative side. He threw away so many lists trying to find the right way to speak to Patton.
Write a poem? - too stereotypical
Make a card? - not an artist
Powerpoint? - that would take too long and be too awkward
Go on a walk? -
He was starting to feel like Virgil, constantly thinking the worst and of everything that could go wrong. But that last idea just might suffice. He could ask Patton to go to the park with him and from there speak his feelings. But how? True, he was the logical side and claimed that he had no feelings, so he was just to hope Patton did not question.  So that just left the choice on when to ask…
Later that night…
The sound of chatter and clinking filled the room as Logan and Patton went to wash the dishes after dinner and Princey and Virgil were in an argument over which Disney movie was the best… Again.
“So Patton, it is a rather warm night out and i was wondering if you would like to go on a walk with me through the park? We could escape these two-” Logan stated while gesturing at the two other sides, “And I can teach you a couple things about nature.”
“Sure thing! That sounds great!” Patton was nearly shouting as he immediately responded. Okay, now i just have to wing the rest, Logan thought.
After the dishes were washed and put away the two nearly immediately left the house and started the walk to the park. Logan was going off on teaching Patton about different species of plants and animals they saw walking the trails as patton squealed at every chipmunk and caterpillar.
“ Awww! Logan look at the little caterpillar on this- this… What is the name of this plant?”
“ That is an  Acacia choriophylla tamarindillo, or Cinecord plant.”
“ Oh and there's a squirrel climbing that tree!”
“ Yes. Squirrels are a very fascinating species, along with their other animal branches like chipmunks.”
“ Don’t you just love nature Logan?”
“ Yes. In fact, I can only think of one thing that can overpower my love for it-”
“What is that?”
Without realizing that he just begun the sequence of confessing to patton about his love for him he blurted out an almost unintelligible “You”only to finally get smacked with the realization and quickly turn around. But not quick enough to hide his ever reddening face.
“ Logan?”
“ I am truly sorry Patton but i felt the need to tell you how i felt and I understand if you do not feel the same wa-”
“Logan” Now Patton looked like he was going to cry.
“Patton don't cry. It’s okay, you don't have to love me-”
“Logan listen” Patton spoke urgently, “I do love you back, i just can't believe you finally spoke.”    
“Wha-” logan didn't have the time to finish his sentence as Patton pulled him in by the tie and kissed him. Logan couldn't tell if it was shock that overtook his body or joy. Either way he kissed back and the two stayed that way for several long moments. Until Patton pulled away and took Logan’s hand.
“We should probably head back before the other two question why we were gone for so long.”
Now just say it to get it over with Logan.
“Patton…” Logan trailed off as he muttered, “am i really going to do this?”
“Do what?”
“ Patton, I wish to tell you that… that i love you.”
With what looked like a mix of happiness and a little bit of… what looked like… hunger, no, something else… Patton softly said, “ I love you too Lo.”
“Do they seriously think nobody is watching them?” this was Roman’s millionth statement on how obvious the two other lovebirds were being.
“ You do know that this is more discreet that bringing a giant bouquet of roses to somebody. Your plans were not exactly discreet either.” Virgil laughed at the offended princey noises ͭ ͫ Roman let out.
“You cannot be discreet is you strive to be extra my dear-”
“Crap roman we gotta run! Look! They’re heading back!”
“ Race ya.
“ Ro no-” Virgil couldn't finish because Roman was already up and running. “ Oh you bitch. Your gonna pay for this later!!!”
Logan saw Roman darting out from behind the bushes and didn't miss Virgil's frustrated scream as both him and Patton turned as red as beets.
“Were they sp-spying on us?” Patton stuttered.
“ It seems so. But now we don't have to tell them anything.”
“Good point Lo.”
A/N- Thanks for reading to the end. I am sorry about the sudden ending and lack of a true plot but i present nonetheless! Thanks to @savemyboisdarkandwill for sending the prompt once again! I am still accepting prompts if you have one.
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fcfander-blog · 6 years
Guardian Angel
Summary: A figure who is supposedly an angel has fallen from the sky and Roman believes that the angel is his.
Warnings: Swearing, (almost) kissingkissing
Pairings: logicallity and kind of prinxiety
AN: SHOW THE LOVE IF YOU WANT TO SEE MORE!! Also I added random people to the taglist and if you don't want to be on it just message me. (You won't hurt my feelings I promise XD)
"Damn, that hurt, " the person said rubbing his lower back.
He stood up and stretched out with huge purple and black wings. Many feathers fell to the ground as he flapped them a couple times only lifting him a couple feet off of the ground. He landed safely onto the floor. He folded his wings and made them disappear. He straightened his jacket and only then did he notice another figure standing a few meters away with awe. The man walked up to the surprised figure.
 "Hey there," he said, "I'm Virgil."
 The man stood dazed.
 "And you are?"
 "OH! Right... Where are my manners? Prince Roman," he said bowing to Virgil.
"Heh. Cool," Virgil said and began to walk away.
"Wait! Where are you going? What just happened?" Roman asked running after him.
Virgil was fast and turned around walking backward.
"Wish I could stay Princey! Gotta go find who I am here for. Cya!" Virgil said.
He waved and ran off. Roman looked around bewildered by what he had just witnessed. A winged figure glowing beautifully fell from the sky to the ground. What the hell? How do you explain that. Nevertheless, he found the angel at attractive. Not in the, "We have the same face," way, just like the, "Damn. You're so fucking cool and I want to kiss you," That came out weird ... nevermind. Roman barges through the door of their house to find Logan and Patton, so close together they were practically kissing. At the noise Roman had made, they pulled apart blushing. Logan tired to play it off by straightening his tie and pushing his glasses farther up his nose. Patton on the other hand was giggling uncontrollably. His glasses were at a slip across his face which was a deep red.
"Ro-Roman! Hello. We were not expecting you to be home so soon," Logan said trying to make the red color in his face disappear.
"You are never going to believe what happened," Roman said sighing and flipping onto the couch between Logan and Patton. Morality and Logic shit a glance of confusion at each other. Roman explained the whole thing and ended with:
"Holy shit I'm in love,"
"So, you are assuming we will believe an angel fell from the sky that goes by the name of Virgil? And, he is trying to find his purpose which you believe is yourself?" Logan asked.
"Exaxtly," Roman said.
"I don't think that's very logica-" Logan was cut off by Patton jumping across the room and covering Logan's mouth with his hand.
"Well, we better go find him!" Patton exclaimed and smiled warmly.
Roman nodded and headed toward the door. Patton let Logan go and they started to walk behind him.
"What are you doing? We are going on a wild goose chase!" Logan whispered angrily.
"No, I don't think Virgil is a goose. I think he is an angel. And this is giving Roman hope and something to help him. You know how lonely he's been lately. Maybe this could bring him back to life!"
Logan sighed, "Fine. I'll play his game, but only for a short period of time. I musn't keep Thomas waiting," Logan said.
They all rushed out the door to find the angel Roman believed to be his soul mate.
taglist: @solarsystemkid @emphoenixcat @virge-of-death @theromansanders @virgil-is-a-cutie
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sanders-specs · 7 years
Prinxiety avoiding eachother at the Christmas party because they know patton is trying to get them under the mistletoe
Under The Mistletoe 
A/N: This was really fun to write, I have to admit. also look at me, answering prompts. Finally. Also in this situation, I’m either Logan or Patton. There’s no in between 
Warnings: Kissing, arguing 
Parings: Prinxiety, Logicallity
Read on Ao3
Tag list: @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @dan-yuna 
Virgil ducked into the kitchen, pausing for a moment torecollect his breathing before peaking back out into the party. He seemed tohave lost Patton, at least for the time being.
He let out a relieved breath, slumping against the wall. Henever would’ve agreed to come to the holiday party if he’d known that Roman—hislongtime crush—was going to be here. He hadn’t even known Patton was in any wayacquainted with the other man. Yet here he was. Virgil had taken one look athim and ran, too embarrassed and awkward to do anything but.
The whole party, Patton’s been trying to get Virgil to goand talk to him. Even more, he seemed to be trying to get Roman over to Virgilas well. Roman seemed just as determined to avoid Virgil as Virgil was to avoidhim, which Virgil couldn’t blame him for. It seemed that whenever they actuallytalked to each other, it always ended in some sort of argument. It seemed thatRoman didn’t even like Virgil, and Virgil wasn’t going to let the other man breakhis heart first.  
Of course he would,a small voice in his head whispers, you’reuseless and pathetic. He deserves someone better.
Virgil shrugged off the words. Though they were right, hedidn’t have time to dwell on them because in that moment Patton bursts throughthe door.
“Virgil there you are!” Patton exclaims. “Logan said he sawyou coming in here.”
“Traitor,” Virgil mutters under his breath.
“What was that?”
“Nothing!” Virgil says, straightening and walking over tothe island which held all of the snacks and drinks. “I was just gettingsomething to eat.”
“Perfect! You can bring Roman something too!” Patton says.
Virgil rolls his eyes. “Will you please stop with that Pat?I told you, he doesn’t like me that way.” He grabbed a handful of pretzels andstarted for the door again. Maybe if he locked himself in the upstairsbathroom, he could hide until everyone left. That way he could avoid his crushand his best friend.
“But how do you know if you’ve never talked to him?” Pattonasks in an almost whiney voice.
“I have talked to him,” Virgil defends, ignoring how Pattonwas following him uncomfortably close. “And if you remember, we can’t seem toget along.”
“That was one time, though,” Patton says.
“It was more than once,” Virgil argues back. “Just leave it,Pat.” He ducks back into the living room, leaving Patton staring after him.
Just leave it huh? Patton didn’t think so. It was so clearthat Virgil and Roman had feelings for each other, but they both absolutelyrefused to admit it to each other. It had taken weeks and weeks of questioning,prodding, and carefully placed questions for Patton to get Virgil to admit itto him. Getting him to talk to Roman, and Roman to him…
Sighing, Patton walks over to where Logan was sitting on thecouch. “No such luck, I assume,” he says.
Patton sighs again, snuggling close to his boyfriend. “Howam I going to get them to see that they’re crazy for each other?”
“Perhaps it is best left alone, Pat,” Logan says. “Afterall, it is not wise to force someone to admit their feelings if they’re notready.”
“That’s the thing!” Patton exclaims, then shoots anapologetic smile at some other guests, who gives him a concerned look. “Virgil’snever going to be ready. If I can just get them to admit their feelings to eachother, they’ll open up a little.”
Logan shakes his head. “I don’t know, dearest.”
Patton leans back, thinking. He runs his eyes over the party.People were dancing to the Christmas music, talking and laughing with each other.Roman was over by the fire place, telling a story to a few friends, and Virgilwas on the other side of the room, munching on a plate of pigs in a blanket byhimself.
Then, all of a sudden, there was something hanging aboveVirgil’s head. Their friend, Valerie, exclaimed that she’d caught him, and helooked over at her with an amused smile when he saw the mistletoe. He gave Valeriea kiss on the cheek at her insistence, and she walked away looking satisfied.Virgil rolled his eyes, but the ordeal had given Patton an idea. He shot to hisfeet, startling his boyfriend a little, and rushed over to Valerie.
“Can I borrow that for a while?”
This…was not going as well as Patton had hopped. He kepttrying to get Roman and Virgil together in a way that didn’t seem too obvious,or in a way that either of them could tell, but it seemed that once he got oneperson in place, the other would disappear. Once he’d gotten Roman and Terrancetogether, which both of them had laughed about, another time he got Virgil andLogan (Patton would rather not think about that idea. For their part, they simplylooked at each other, said “no” and went in opposite directions).
Patton tried for agood hour before he collapsed against the wall. The two boys were still on oppositesides of the room. It seemed like they were intentionally avoiding him! Well…hesupposed he wasn’t being too conspicuous.
“Okay, as entertaining as this has been,” Valerie says, joininghim by the wall, “do you want some help?”
“Please,” Patton says.
Valerie smirks and winks at him before walking over to Virgil.Patton took that to mean that he was supposed to have Roman.
“Patton!” Roman says when Patton goes to stand by him. “Fantasticparty, my friend. I’m having a blast.”
Patton grins. “Thanks! Hey, do you think you can come…”Patton trailed off as he noticed Valerie walking with Virgil over by the door.
“Come where?” Roman asks.
“Oh!” Patton says, “um…with me! To Logan. Yeah we’re havingthis debate over who’s the real hero in InsideOut. I think it’s Joy, but Logan seems to think that it’s Sadness.”
“Hmm, yes I can see how that would be a tricky topic,” Romansays. “Very well! I shall help settle this debate.”
Patton grins and starts making his way over to the couch,which was just by the door of the house. Logan also happened to be sittingthere—thank goodness he was in the right spot at the right time—reading a book.
Virgil’s back was to them, and Patton was keeping Roman distracted,so as they passed, he didn’t see Valerie ‘fall’ into Virgil, pushing him intoRoman…as well as knocking Roman’s drink onto his white shirt.
“Oh, I’m sorry, clumsy me!” Valerie says, then with a smirkat Patton, disappeared back into the crowd.
“Watch where you’re going, Princey!” Virgil exclaims,turning to glare at the other man.
Roman, though, just glared at him and turned and rushed awayto the bathroom. It all happened so fast that Patton couldn’t even begin topull out the mistletoe.
Virgil looks at Patton and sighs. “Give it up Pat,” he mumblesbefore walking away.
Pouting, Patton joins Roman on the couch. “It was a nobleeffort,” Logan says without looking up from his book.
“You weren’t even watching!”
Logan looks up at himand leans over to give him a sweet kiss. When he pulls away, Patton blinks. “Notthat I’m complain, but what was that for?”
Logan pointed up and Patton realized he’d been holding themistletoe in a way that it hung over the two of them. He sighed, setting it downin his lap as Logan returned to his book.
That rotten Virgil. Roman dabbed frantically at his shirt,hoping beyond hope that it wouldn’t stain. This was a nice shirt, and he didn’twant to have to go through the trouble of getting a new one.
It seemed futile though. The soda just would not go away. Sighing,he admitted defeat and headed back into the party, where he saw Virgil puttinghis coat on back by the door. Anger filled him. He was just going to knock sodainto Roman’s favorite shirt and then just leave? Roman could not allow that. Hemarched over to the other boy. “Where do you think you’re going?”
Virgil looked up and glared at him. “Where do you think, Princey?Home.”
“You’re not even going to apologize for this?” Roman motionsto his shirt.
Virgil shrugs. “It’s not my fault you weren’t watching whereyou were going.”
Roman’s mouth hangs open. “My fault? You’re the one who bumpedinto me!”
“Ah, but see it’s not my fault I fell back.”
“You should have been more aware of your surroundings!”
Virgil opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off
“aha gotacha!” a voice exclaims.
Roman and Virgil both freeze and look up, seeing the dreadedmistletoe hanging above them. they look back and see Patton standing on thearmrest of the couch, holding on to Logan’s hand for dear life as he stretchedhis entire body out with the stick that held the plant. Logan, for his part,was holding a book in one hand, seemingly unimpressed with the spectacle.
“Now,” Patton says, breathing hard, “You…have…to kiss.”
Virgil and Roman make eye contact for a second before theyboth drop it. “I’m not kissing him!” Virgil exclaims.
Roman straightens at that. “What? Am I not kissable? Am Inot worthy of the great Virgil Sander’s lips?”
“Like I would want to kiss you,” Virgil says, glaring at theother boy. “You irritate me, make fun of everything I like. Why would I wantto?”
“Because I am an amazing kisser!” Roman exclaims, taking astep towards him. “Most people would be falling all over themselves to get ataste of these.” He motions to his lips dramatically.
“Okay, first, ew. Second, why would I want what everyone elseis after?”
“Maybe you just don’t know what your missing.”
“Apparently I don’t.”
“Then maybe you should figure that out.”
“Maybe I should.”
Roman grabbed Virgil by his shirt and pulled him close,pressing their lips together. It didn’t take long for the two of them to meltinto the kiss, wrapping each other up in their arms.
Behind them, Patton lost his balance and fell to the floor,taking the mistletoe with them. Logan leaned over the couch to check if he wasalright, then shrugged and went back to his book when Patton gave a thumbs up.  
Meanwhile, the rest of the partygoers just looked on inconfusion of what they had just witnessed.
send me winter/holiday prompts! 
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whathurtsme · 3 years
Monday Blues?
Today I encountered a slap in the face from my reality again. I am battling with my own head a lot lately, and while on the strike of "I'm just stupid and I just pity myself" I heard something that hit a little too close for comfort. I heard someones describe how they feel with their mental struggle and that trigger destroyed my private brick wall leaving me unprotected from my own mind. I know the way I write about it might seem highly over the top, but to be honest I really like this way of writing and since it's suppose to help me well... I will stick to it. I am in the middle right now, in beetwen wanting to get back to therapy and being terrified that it would kick me down like the first time I tried it. THe lady I was seeing wasn't bad, not generally but for me the sessions aside from one didn't help, and I couldnt communicate properly that we are talking about wrong stuff, the stuff I already dealt enough to keep them sane for now. In result, the more pressuring matters where lingering in the void and getting bigger and bigger. The triggering point for me was where I heard that there's nothing wrong with me and I'm just normally disturbed. That in itself isn't something bad, and I really think it shouldnt be bad. But for me it sounded like the way I live now would be the way to live for the rest of my life and I got scared as hell. I don't want to force myself to get out of bed and just push through day every day of my life. I don't want to battle every day with myself, not knowing when I will break down again. I hate the fact that everyday I try to get out of bed first thing I need to swash away are doubts and everything I will for sure do wrong, every failure that might happened and my inability to do anything about it. The fact that the most frequent thought I think about myself is "Useless" and "failure" kills me everytime when I try to convince myself that that's not true. That it's impossible for a person to literally not be able to do anything right. But my brain don't work logicall like that. Not when I'm down, not when the worse day is up and everything is just feeling heavy. That's the best way I would be able to describe it, it's heavy. Whole world feels heavy around me. I think I do need help. But I can't mentally handle getting help in a form of therapy right now. I get anxious before every session, I'm in near panic for the fact that I would need to talk with someone. It's exhausting to engage in the conversation sometimes for me. When I'm already tired, or needed to talk with someone at my job or confront my boss, I can't handle another stressful interaction. And I don't want to reschedule. I don't want to loose money on session I didnt use. I get frustraded, I get scared, I force myself. And it wears me down. I don’t have diagnosis on what's wrong with me. But when I'm leaving my home, I'm functional. When I get to my work, I need to be functional, I need to do my job to get money becouse otherwise there is noone to provide for me. I need to be able to afford to live. The problem with "functional" is that people think everything is swell. They would dissmiss indirect asking for help as jokes, they will deem you weird. And when you ask point blanc, when you say you need help, a lot of them say "You're fine tho" or "You're overeacting", "You crave attention". I'm not broken enough to warrant fixing, but not normal enough to pass through. And I'm stuck in that state, feeling like a forever outcast, faking to belong and trying not to fucking go crazy in my own head. I'm scared to talk about it to my best friend, couse she don't understand a lot of it. I'm scared she would leave me, I'm scared she would dissmiss me, I'm waiting for her to realise how much of a burden I am and ran away leaving me alone. That's why I decided to wrote that. Writing to myself, talking to myself about it is not enough anymore. So I would write into internet void. I would archivise my toughts and maybe I will be able to explain to people how I feel without forgeting it mid sentence. Maybe it will help. I don't think it would make it worse, so what's the harm in trying? Anyhow. I think it's enough for today. For this one. If anyone would read this, stay safe and all. Be happy. Go hug your loved ones. Remind them You love them. You never know who might need this today. Sweet nightmares.
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elliotthezubat · 4 years
[[cont from part 122]]
 *somewhere, in a vacant field, is a mud pile...that starts bubbling up*
*a straw pops up through the mud, sucking in air...*
*then a...bear's head pops up*
mimeca: *pokes head out*
ManBearFix: "WEE! We're free!" ^w^ *shifts--then grimaces* "I'm stuck...This sun-baked mud is as hard as rock..."
*it sounds like something clip-clopping up to them...*
mimeca: *yanks him out*
ManBearFix: *gasps* "Ah...My new lungs just ain't what they used to be--" *looks up*
Dr. Sasaki: *riding a horse, staring at the two of them*
mimeca: OwO;;;;;;
ManBearFix: "..." *gulps* "What's up, Doc?"
Dr. Sasaki: "..." *tosses two bundles of rope to Mimeca*
mimeca: ??
Dr. Sasaki: "Tie yourselves up."
ManBearFix: "..." *looks at the ropes* "Look, I'm all for some fun, but how are we to tie ourselves up? If I tie her up, she can't tie me up, and if she ties me up--"
Dr. Sasaki: *aims four guns at ManBearFix*
ManBearFix: OwO; "But I've been eager to learn!"
Danro: "Try the scones--Madoka's new recipe."
honda: delicious as always! haha! now, onto business...i take it you've heard the recent news?
Danro: "There's been so much of it as to lose track. Shall we begin with that Asakusa business, or Arg?"
honda: both quite shocking but i was thinking of the events in the nether...
Danro: "..." *sets down his tea* "How did they know where to corner us?"
honda: i cant say for certain, but i suspect there may be a splinter cell within the fire force...
Danro: "That's a surprising accusation. Any evidence?"
honda: sadly, no. perhaps im just rambling...
Danro: "It's definitely a conspiracy theory--literally, a theory about a conspiracy...We already know of the reports about the founding of the Church of the Sun, and there was work some with Haijima have done with enemies against the state."
honda: hmm...and with arg's assassination....
Danro: *nods* "Arg was losing his mind from whatever happened to him in that fire. But even he wasn't talented enough to kill himself like that, or that unlucky to do it by accident. And given how good a fighter he was...whoever killed him wants us to know their power."
"Zack": *brushing his teeth* *muffled* "Mornin'."
hachi: haaa~ that shower is AWFUL! =w=
Random Sheep: "Your face betrays you."
riko: how goes storing everything?
"Zack": *brushing his teeth* *muffled* "Mornin'."
hachi: haaa~ that shower is AWFUL! =w=
Random Sheep: "Your face betrays you."
riko: how goes storing everything?
"Zack": *spits into the sink* "It's not fun. The storehouses are dusty, and I think I saw a possum."
riko: *sigh* we're going to need to do a lot of maintenance...
Random Sheep: "Well, I got the water heater to work, so now I can try fiddling with the circuit breakers..."
*in the woods, along a muddy path, a horse is tied to a post outside a cabin*
ManBearFix: *tied to a chair* "H-Hey! I thought we were going back to prison!"
Dr. Sasaki: *humming while she sets a plate of food in front of Mimeca at a table*
mimeca: *looks around*
*there are photos hanging on the walls, degrees, a bookshelf...stairs look to go upstairs and into the cellar*
Dr. Sasaki: *sets a plate of grits in front of ManBearFix*
ManBearFix: -n- "They look mushy..."
Dr. Sasaki: "Do you know why I didn't return you two to prison?"
mimeca: *shakes head*
ManBearFix: "...Aw, fuck, I read 'Misery.' You're going to dissect us and kill us!"
Dr. Sasaki: "One cannot dissect _then_ kill someone. Dissection suggests the specimen is already dead. You're thinking of _vivi_section. And no, I am not going to kill you." *looks at Mimeca*
mimeca: *head tilt*
Dr. Sasaki: "I realized I could not have the prison reviewing every bit of my work and how far I must go in order to diagnose your conditions--and your abilities..." *shovels a spoon of grits, bringing them to Mimeca's mouth* "Who's ready for the relief plane to bring its food rations to the hungry villagers? VROOM." *brings the spoon to Mimeca's mouth*
mimeca: >n<# *takes the spoon and eats, pouting*
ManBearFix: "Well, that's all kinds of fun, but I'm bored now." *vibrates, fraying the ropes as he rips them off, wipes the dust off his shirt's shoulders, and stands* "Thank you for this lovely meal, but we're leaving." *picks up Mimeca's chair* "Let's go, girl." *walks to the door--*
Dr. Sasaki: *sighs, presses a button on her remote*
*multiple red scope laser beams point at ManBearFix and Mimeca*
mimeca: OxO;;;;;;
ManBearFix: OnO;
Dr. Sasaki: "Sit. Down. And eat."
ManBearFix: >n>; "Mimeca? I'm kind of missing prison..."
Mandy: *reading a file* " 'Mitsy Gainor. Sign: Zodiac. Hobbies: Dancing--"
Yoh: "Pole dancing, amirite?"
katy: *elbows him*
Yoh: "Oh!"
Dr. Summer: *dope slap*
Yoh: >n<#
Mandy: "Chief, I think if we follow Miss Gainor, we'll be able to find the kids!"
katy: sounds good. do we know where she lives?
Dr. Summer: "I had to drop her off once--an apartment complex on South Pacific Avenue."
Axel: "Dude, look at all the snails and worms on the sidewalk!"
zeke: is that kid actually helping them across the road?
kenji: there there little buddies. you'll be safe soon. ^^
Axel: "Yeah, and is that kid hiding behind bushes?"
Koda: Q_Q;
Kepuri: *walks into work* "Hello, gophers."
Yohei: *waves at coworkers* "Yo."
Employee: *looking at what seems to be a Quirk support item*
employee 2: osu! *waves while upside down*
Kepuri: "Oh, you finally got the stabilizers working?" *examines Employee 2's wristbands*
employee 2: yus ma'am!
Kepuri: "Hmm..." *holds an ear up to a wristband* "That hum is worrisome--it's wasting power. That's an aluminum wire--switch to copper and check the weight distribution."
employee 2: huh, hadnt thought 'bout that. thanks.
Yohei: "??? Hei, is that a new flux capacitor?" *moves a hand up to the device--*
hei: dont touch that! i just finished cleaning it!!
Yohei: *pulls back his hand* "Wow, sorry. Just was curious how you corrected the bi-directional static interference."
Haumea: "Please tell me he's still not moping about Orochi."
kagu-tsuchi: i tried speaking with him, but he isnt listening...
Haumea: " 'Speaking with him'? With what, fists? Kicks? 'Cause that's the only way that little baby will respond to anything."
kagu-tsuchi: lady haumea.....
Haumea: -_-# "God, you can be so useless--I'll talk to him. Yo! Ritsu--bring him out!"
tamaki: *wrapped up in a blanket*
Arthur: *walks in*
tamaki: hey....*small smile*
Arthur: "..." *looks away*
Arthur: "..."
tamaki:.....would you read me a story?
Arthur: "...Which one?"
tamaki: any one. i just...need to hear someone talk right now, i guess...
Arthur: "..." *picks a book from the shelf...sits next to her, but not exactly close to her* "..." *flips to a page* "...'"On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays it was Court Hand and Summulae Logicales, while the rest of the week it was the Oraganon, Repetition and Astrology...'"
tamaki: *listening*
Arthur: " 'The governess was always getting muddled with her astrolabe, and when she got specially muddled she would take it out of the Wart by rapping his knuckles.'"
Mitsy: *fiddling with keys in her pocket* =_=# "Just need four hours, then I'll be ready to go..." *yawns...sniffs* "Ugh--and a bath..." *opens the apartment door*
dog: *whines, wanting food*
Mitsy: "..." *picks up doggie* "Hello, sweetie muffins--did you miss mommy?"
dog: 8D
Mitsy: "Let's get baby some num-nums!" *walks to the cabinet, pulling out the dog food*
-across the street-
Summer: "What's she doing in there?"
mandy: awww puppy!
katy:...cats are way better.
Yoh: "??? From that psychological profile thingie you wrote up, I didn't think she'd be so...giddy around her puppy."
katy: they're rough estimates...
Summer: "I've worked with her for a year, and I didn't even think she'd do something like this..." *clenches her fists, shaking with fury*
katy: doc?
Summer: "I want to bring her down, and the rest of these child kidnappers."
katy: we will.
Yoh: "Wait--she's doing something..."
katy: *looks*
Mitsy: *has set her doggie on the table with a doggie dish with food in it...she seems to be on the phone...*
katy: *listening in*
Mitsy: "Uh huh...Right, 11 o'clock. I'll be there. What? What?! No, I'm not buying those brats more food! Fuck 'em--they can starve! No, I--wait, hang on--" *to her doggie* "D'aw, aren't you hungry, sweetie?" *scratches behind the dog's ear*
katy: unbelievable!
Summer: *growls, starting to step out of the van--*
katy: doctor, summer, wait!
Summer: *has one foot out--*
Yoh: *grabs Summer by the waist--and supplexes her back inside*
Mitsy: "???" *looks out the window--and sees nothing* "...Yeah, no, I'm listening." *takes off her shoes* "Fine! Jeez! I'll get you eyedrops too for your idiot sister! Fuck!"
mandy: ._.
Summer: *pulled back in, lying with her back on Yoh's chest* "... ... ..." *clenches her fist, as mud outside the van starts to condense into hard spheres...*
Yoh: "Now, Doc, you know we have to be incognito--"
Summer: *smashes a mud sphere into his face*
In: *eyes bandaged, lying in bed* "..."
out: kylie? you ok girl?
In: "Cam?" *tries to sit up--then pauses--* "!!! Watch your step!"
out: ??
*Out fails to notice a broken floorboard before she steps onto it--*
out: WOAH!
*Out's foot falls through the floorboard--before the top of the board smacks her in the face*
In: "I tried to warn you! Didn't you see it?!"
out: what the hell?!
In: "Yeah, it was-- ..." *touches her bandages* "...What the hell..."
out: sis you're freaking me the eff out.
In: "..." *shaking* "What he did to my eyes..." *starts tugging on the bandages*
mina: it's time my dudes, for the mother-heckin gallon joust!
Eijiro: *seated--and pulls on goggles*
sero: may the best player win.
mina: sato, get the camera ready!
Sato: *holding the camera, thumbs up*
mina: ready and....GO!
Eijiro: "WOOOOO!"
sero: YAAAAAAGH!!!
Sato: *aiming back and forth--*
Hyde: "..." *picks up a mop* "Dang kids..."
Kyoka: "Thank you for taking us out, Doctor."
yosano: of course, girls. ^^
Kyoka: "What would you like, Sylvia?" *looking at the menu*
sylvia: i-i dunno...
Kyoka: "Split a parfait?"
sylvia: a-are you alright with that?
Kyoka: *nods* "I would like that."
sylvia: o-o-ok. .////.;;;
Kyoka: "Great...You aren't allergic to strawberries, are you?"
sylvia: i-i dont think so, no...
Kyoka: "Good. Although I'm sure Dr. Yosano could help if you had an allergic reaction..."
Axel: "You know what I miss? Professional sporting events. What kinds of teams are there in Death City?"
zeke: well they got baseball, football, basketball, hockey, rugby, swimming, track, soccer-
Jonas: TT~TT
Axel: "...Dude, I think we need to take him to a game, or he's going to leave ghost tear stains everywhere. Again."
zeke: good call...
Axel: "Jonas? Would you like to take in a game--"
Jonas: *grabs Zeke by the face with ghost hands* "Which sport?"
zeke: i think there's a baseball game later this evening.
Jonas: "WOOT!' *lifts up Zeke* "Baseball!"
zeke: *CRASHES INTO THE CEILING* ......lil help?
Axel: "..." *texts NOTers* [baseball game tonight. also bro needs first aid kit]
Pumpkin: "Have a seat..."
overhaul: ....
Pumpkin: "Got to say, you're here earlier than I expected..."
overhaul: yeah no kidding. so...how's progress?
Pumpkin: "Not too shabby...Children are much more pliant for this kind of Quirk cultivation, are they not?"
overhaul: really....no hiccups to speak of?
Pumpkin: "I'll be honest with you--I had assigned someone to kidnap a parent to see the effects on an adult, but she fouled that up."
overhaul:....let's see them then.
Pumpkin: "Of course..." *nods to a door*
overhaul: *walks over*
*the door slides open on its own, revealing a stairway*
Pumpkin: "Careful--it's still a bit damp..."
Mitsy: *pets her doggie* "Be good while Mommy's out, 'kay?"
doggie: *WOOF*
Mitsy: *blows a kiss before locking the door and heading down the stairs*
Yoh: *asleep in the van*
doggie: *waits for her to leave before opening the back door, letting a bunch of other dogs in as they start partying*
Yoh: *snores/snorts himself awake* "Huh? What? Was that a party horn?" *looks--and spots Mitsy leaving* "?!!"
katy: alright, lets go.
Duncan: -^- "--and then there's the 'Fancy Dan,' where the player adds some flourish on their ball throw..."
girl: uh-huh.
Duncan: "I used to play baseball--I was quite good at it!"
girl: really now...
Duncan: "Really! I could show you my stuff at a game some time--"
girl: oh, my dad's here! *walks over to her dad*
Duncan: "??? Dad?"
Coach Dad: "Hey, sweetie! How did it go?"
girl: good up until some loser started talking to me.
Duncan: Q_Q;
Coach Dad: "Now, sweetie, that's not nice to say--" *spots Duncan* "...Nevermind. I get it now."
Duncan: Q____________Q
Asher: *grabs a hoodie* "...Why are we doing this?"
izumi: it'll be fun.
Asher: *grunts* "It still sounds like work, or babysitting...People don't like being coddled."
izumi: ....
Asher: "This better not be embarrassing-- ... ... ..."
Spirit: *decked out in baseball fan attire*
Spirit: "...Yay, go team!" ^^;;;
Asher: "...Pfft."
Mitsy: *walks through Santa Monica Pier, past a roller coaster* "..."
-some seagulls perched on a bench just watch her go by-
Mitsy: *grumbles* "F'ing winged rats..."
-one of them takes off and poops on her shoulder-
Mitsy: ono# "..." *reaching into her purse--...then thinks better of it and pulls out a tissue* "Fucking crap..." *heads through the carnival game booths*
Yoh: *looking through binoculars* "A carnival?"
mandy: spoopy.
Yoh: *looks* "??? I don't understand."
Mitsy: *disappears amidst the booths*
katy: let's go.
Summer: "Hang on..." *lowers her tote bag, scooping up a ton of sand off the beach* "Okay..."
Yoh: "Think you can handle this, Doc?" *still bandaged up*
Summer: -_-# "Don't talk to me. Ever."
Yoh: >_>;
Xavier: *literally biting on the prison bars*
Timmy: *looking up scared from the cell at Overhaul and Pumpkin*
overhaul: well? say something, brat.
Timmy: "I-I want to go home...Please, sir..."
Timmy: "We want to go home...We're tired, they aren't feeding us!"
overhaul: do you think that's _my_ problem?
Timmy: "?!"
Xavier: *growling* "WE'RE HERE BECAUSE OF ADULTS LIKE YOU! LET US OUT, YOU BASTARD!" *shaking the bars*
overhaul: what? do you want your mommy?
Timmy: *stunned*
Pumpkin: *looks at Overhaul* "We found newly developed Quirks in these children...I'm keen to see what your technology could do to enhance some of our prime candidates."
Ragnarok: -_-# "I hate these late shifts..."
*a customer walks into the store...*
Customer: "..." *picking up items, shoving them into his pockets*
kyouko: oi!
Customer: *rips open a candy bar, shoving it into his mouth*
kyouko: *bodychucks him*
Customer: *falls to the floor, with a loud hiss--as something flies off of him...something crawling and tiny and red...*
kyouko: oh shit- hyde!
*a toilet is heard flushing, before Hyde steps out*
Hyde: "Okay, okay, I brought the key back--"
*ants are all over the floor*
Hyde: "...What the hell?"
kyouko: D8<
Customer: *writhing on the floor, more ants crawling out of him...as his body deflates...*
Hyde: "...Ragnarok, Kyouko already took out the trash--you can clean up the ants."
Jonas: *"sitting" in the baseball stands* =n=
lei-lei: *eating popcorn*
Axel: "Hey, cheer up, man--we got cotton candy!"
Jonas: "..." *reaches hand--and it passes through the candy*
Axel: OwO;
Spirit: *rambling--* "--and you can see the star players and their numbers dotting the back of the field--"
Asher: "Zzzz..."
zeke: *looking around*
Spirit: *points* "That's the number of Orlando Abreu--pitched five no-hitters in one season! And that's Rusney "Boots" Black's number--"
Jonas: "?! BOOTS?!"
zeke: you know them?
Jonas: "They were on my team! What the hell?! They got to be players?!"
Spirit: "...Actually, Boots is the coach and manager now--" *pointing to the field*
Boots: *waving to the stands, to loud applause*
Jonas: OnO##### "...I'm going to the bathroom. To haunt people." *floats away*
zeke: jonas-...*sigh* i'll go follow him...
Axel: "Same--we're out of soda. And I need the potty." *follows*
Duncan: TTnTT "Then she said, 'He's a loser, Dad'..."
hibiki: ....
Duncan: "...This is where you say, 'No, Duncan, you have many wonderful qualities'..."
hibiki: like what?
Duncan: "I'm persistent!"
Mitsy: "Hey, girl--where's the boss?"
may: downstairs.
Mitsy: "Entertaining our gracious benefactor?" *tosses a tissue into the trash* "Showing off the brats?"
may: .....
Mitsy: "Entertaining our gracious benefactor?" *tosses a tissue into the trash* "Showing off the brats?"
may: .....
Mitsy: "...Oh, still think you're too good to respond? Like you're any better..."
Summer: "Damn it..." *looking through the carnival* "Where is it..."
katy: creepy...
mandy: i think my brother went exploring here once…
Summer: "Are you freaking kidding me?!" *grabs Yoh by the collar* "We're trying to find missing children, and you're playing games?!"
Booth Operator: "?!! M-Missing kids?" >_>;;;;;
katy: yes, *shows them a photo of mitsy* this woman is belived to be involved with the case, have you seen her?
Booth Operator: "N-No?"
Summer: "..."
Yoh: "..." *grabs the tiger plushie--*
Operator: "H-Hey! Give that back--"
Yoh: *rips the head off*
katy: ._.
Yoh: *reaches in--* "OW!" *pulls out his hand--with a syringe stuck in his finger*
katy: !!!!
Operator: "... ... ..." *his arm stretches--as he swings it at the cops*
katy: *ducks*
Yoh: *rips the syringe out* "Damn it!"
Summer: *takes the syringe* "...What the hell is this..." *rips the syringe out, tapes the top, pockets it*
Operator: *swinging noodle limbs at Katy and Mandy* "Can't let you leave now!" *slams fists down*
mandy: *aims her tazer gun*
Operator: *swings his fist to the left of Katy's head*
katy: GNH-
Operator: "You're not getting out of here!" *swings the arm around--Katy's neck*
mandy: *shoots the taser gun*
*the Operator vibrates--loosening his grip on Katy*
katy: *gasps for air* t-thanks.
Operator: *falls down*
Summer: "What is this thing supposed to be?" *pulls the vial out of her pocket* "It had a syringe with it--likely a doping mechanism for, I assume, his Quirk?"
katy: hinoki, you feeling alright?
Yoh: "Fine, I guess? I don't have a Quirk, so it wouldn't have affected me..."
Operator: "..." *reaching into his jacket...*
mandy: *stomps on his hand*
Operator: "GAH!" *drops another vial*
Yoh: "Why would someone be passing around some Quirk drug in a carnival?"
mandy: alright bub, start talkin!
Operator: "You're getting nothin' out of me!" *swings the other arm--*
Summer: *rock-hand catch--and crushes*
Operator: Q___Q "The boss won't like this!"
katy: and where is this boss of yours?
Yoh: *jumps into the booth*
Summer: "Oh, for crying out loud--You're still obsessing about the stupid game?!"
Yoh: *pulls a lever--*
Yoh: "...Ow."
Guard 1: *checking a monitor* "??? Stretch opened the door at the bottle booth. His shift isn't over for another two hours..."
guard 2: zzzz...
Guard 1: "...Please, don't get up, I'll take a look." *attaches a gauntlet, gets up to leave--then smacks Guard 2 on the back of the head*
guard 2: GNRK- whu? waz goin on?
Guard 1: "Get up--something weird's happening at Stretch's booth."
Pumpkin: *measuring out a substance in a syringe* "I have to thank you for this new supply...It's been quite instructive."
overhaul: dont mention it.
Pumpkin: "I've been quite fascinated with all your Quirks can accomplish...Nothing like what I've seen where I'm from."
overhaul: oh?
Pumpkin: "...Oh, didn't I mention? Yeah, I'm not from here."
overhaul: yeah, you do have kind of an accent. you from Britain or something?
Pumpkin: "...Think further. Much further."
overhaul: laos?
Pumpkin: "Another world..."
overhaul: you're bullshitting me.
Pumpkin: "I assure you, this is not some rubbish. I am what you might call an out-realmer, from outside of this realm."
overhaul: prove it.
Pumpkin: "...A talking pumpkin isn't enough proof? What, do you have herds of jack o'lantern scarecrows, grazing on the wide open fields of the Great Plains?"
overhaul: ...there's been weirder, honestly.
Pumpkin: "Well, I would open a portal to show you another dimension, but that'd sap much power...I already know your world has magic, so..." *twirls some magical dust in the air* "...this probably doesn't impress you either, huh?"
overhaul: ??
Pumpkin: "??? One of your enforcers?"
overhaul: *takes out his pistol*
*the door opens, showing...Guard 1, standing in sunglasses*
Pumpkin: "Well? What's going on?"
Guard 1: "..." *unconscious, gets kicked into the room, towards Overhaul*
overhaul: ?!?! *aims his gun*
Yoh: *battle roar, as he pushes Guard 1 into the room like a human shield*
*a sand trail follows Yoh...*
Xavier: *growls* "Come on--don't wimp out on this. It's all or nothing!"
girl: so what's the plan?
Timmy: "I-I guess we need to get out of the cell first? Can anyone teleport?"
boy: i can make my hair move on its own.
Xavier: "Brilliant! You ever steal keys out of someone's pocket?"
Jonas: *'pacing' in the men's restroom*
zeke: he's not coming out from there...
Axel: "Well, I already did my business, so I'm out of ideas..." *looking around the hall, seeing the 'Manager's VIP Lounge'* "..." *a hallway light flickers over his head* "Wait...I'm getting an idea..."
zeke: ??
Axel: "Jonas has unfinished business, right?"
zeke: i guess?
Axel: "And we can't find his family anywhere, because he's kind of a dick, right?"
zeke: well-
Axel: "But this manager guy went to school with him, so he may know how he got offed. We find out who really killed Jonas, and bam, Jonas's soul does...whatever happens when souls pass on!"
zeke: hmm.
Axel: "Come on--what have we got to lose?" *knocks on the VIP door*
Asher: *yawns, stretches*
hibiki: hey...
Asher: "..." *grunts, looks away*
hibiki:....you still mad?
Asher: "...Yeah, I'm still pretty mad. Who asked you..."
hibiki: are you mad because i told spirit?
Asher: "...Yeah. I didn't ask you to get involved. I didn't ask any of you to butt in. You don't know what could have happened."
hibiki: would you want to stay in that situation?
Asher: "No, but I didn't want to drag someone else into that mess."
hibiki: then what were you planning to do then, huh?
Asher: "We had a plan--Cassidy was going to get enough money for us to move out."
hibiki: how long would that have taken?
Asher: "...I don't know--I left it to Cassidy to figure out the costs..."
hibiki: .....
Asher: "...What if that crazy bitch did something to Izumi? You think I'd want that on my conscience, too?"
hibiki: well she didnt...
Asher: "She could've--we're not all some powerhouses like your family."
hibiki: being a powerhouse has nothing to do with doing the right thing....look, you cant keep carrying this burden on your own or you'll just get crushed by it. i've seen it happen...
Asher: "...I thought weapons are designed just to carry the burden for their meister."
hibiki: being a weapon doesnt mean you're a slave.
Asher: "..." *holds their head* "I don't know what a weapon is for...I was just born like this, and when I found my ability..."
hibiki: would you like to speak with a councilor?
Asher: "...Might as well."
hibiki: it's a start....you dont have to go through this alone.
Asher: "...If I ended up getting Izumi hurt, or you, or another classmate, that's not something I want on my head. Those black blood whatever walker things..."
Los Angeles Police Dispatcher: "Unit 42, what's your emergency?"
officer: THAT.
Dispatcher: "...Sending emergency teams now. You're on the phone, so I need a visual or a description."
Quirk-Enhanced Guard: *claws extended, slicing*
katy: *shooting*
Claws: *slices the gun apart*
katy: !!!
*A Laser-Eye Quirk Guard chases Mandy*
mandy: shit shit shit! >~<;;
*families are fleeing the carnival--rides are on fire...*
Beach Bodybuilder: "Okay, people--you know what to do." *flexes* "Get those bad guys!"
Beach Bodybuilder 2: *rushes at Claws--and tackles them*
mandy: thank you!
Beach Bodyguilder 2: *chokehold* "You're welcome, officer!"
Lasers: "Like that'll be enough!" *blasts towards Mandy*
mandy: WAH!
*something blows up under Laser's feet, knocking them back*
Laser: "?!! What're they doing down there?!"
may: !!!!
Mitsy: *grabbing a rifle* "I knew we should've killed the Doc earlier." *aims at the door*
may: *picks up a chair and smacks her with it*
Mitsy: *stumbles...then looks back with a glare* "Oh, you fucking cunt!" *aims the rifle*
may: *kicks the rifle*
Mitsy: "?!" *the kick blasts a shot into the wall, before the rifle falls out of her hands* "..." *swings at May*
may: *ducks and punches her in the stomach*
Mitsy: *air knocked out of her, doubles over*
may: *takes the keys and heads toward the cells*
Mitsy: "No, you don't..." *crawling after her*
may: *KICK*
Mitsy: "FUCK--" *and rolls down the stairs, one at a time*
Summer: *in Rock Giant form, creating rock shields*
overhaul: *shooting*
*rock shields chip away but hold up*
Yoh: *sweeps his leg at Pumpkin's head*
Pumpkin: *bends back--in an unnatural pose*
Yoh: "??? That's some yoga..."
Pumpkin: *snaps back--swinging a blade* "Indeed."
Yoh: *dodging, but his shirt gets sliced*
summer: shit!
Yoh: "Don't worry, Doc--this guy is a stringbean!" *swings his foot at Pumpkin's hand--and it snaps off*
Pumpkin: "..." *looks at his stump*
Yoh: "...Wow, I've gotten stronger--"
Pumpkin: *fires a magic shield at Yoh, slamming him through the ceiling and three stories above the ground*
Yoh: *air knocked out of him, just hanging above the ground* <Wh-Wh-What?!>
Pumpkin: "..." *releases*
Yoh: *starts falling* "Wow, wow, wow!" *flinging his arms, his descent increasing*
summer: !!! *rushes to catch him*
Pumpkin: *slings balls of fire at Summer's feet*
Yoh: "AAAAAAAH!!!"
summer: *creating a rock ramp and slides up it*
Yoh: *spots her* *holds out his hand*
-nice catch!-
Yoh: QwQ "My hero..."
summer: you're welcome.
*a firework shoots up at them*
summer: !!!
Yoh: "!!! Dodge!"
summer: *looks*
*seems to be a giant slide below...*
summer: oh boy.
Yoh: "..." *shifts* "Hang on!"
summer: ?!
Yoh: *crawls over her until she's grasping his legs* "Narrow your body as much as you can--we're sliding down!"
summer: *doing so*
Yoh: *holds out his arms like a bird swooping down--then folds them in like a penguin diving into the ocean and--perfect land on the slide--and going all the way down...*
overhaul: the fuck...
Yoh: "WOOOO!!!"
Pumpkin: "...This world is bizarre." *looks up at the ferris wheel* "...You may want to move back a bit."
overhaul: ??
*Yoh and Summer come to a stop at the base of the slide*
Yoh: "Phew! Glad that training paid off..." *his wounds look like they opened, bleeding in his bandages*
summer: !!!
Yoh: "??? What?"
summer: your wounds are opened again, idiot!
Yoh: "...Ha! You haven't seen anything! That's remedial lessons in Hinoki martial arts training!" *battle pose*
summer: -___-;
Yoh: "You weren't bad yourself either, Doc! That Quirk is rock solid! ...Ha."
overhaul: *aims his gun*
Yoh: "!!! Duck!"
overhaul: ?!?!?
Xavier: *chomping on Claws' legs*
summer: !!!
Yoh: ._.; "Man, they just don't raise kids well nowadays."
Timmy: *offers a hand to Leah* "Come on!"
leah: *following*
may: come on, let's go!
*a gunshot goes off*
may: GRK- *clutching her arm*
Timmy: "?!! Ma'am! Are you okay--GRRK!"
Mitsy: *clutching Timmy by the neck, choking, aiming her rifle at May*
may: !!!!
Mitsy: "I spent too much work getting these brats for the boss!" *holding the rifle awkwardly, and Timmy by the neck, she reaches for a syringe*
may: let go of him!
Mitsy: "Shut up! You creep in on my turf, try to take my spot--and now, I'm going to use this to turn this stupid fucking brat into my new attack dog!" *jams the syringe into Timmy's neck*
may: NO!!
Timmy: *SCREAMS*
Mitsy: "Yes! Bet you didn't know this Trigger has mind control properties!" *pushes Timmy down* "Now attack that bitch, brat!"
Timmy: "... ... ..." *his eyes glow*
may: !!!!
leah: *shaking*
Mitsy: "Okay, kid, I want you to kill that bitch--"
Timmy: *just stands there*
Mitsy: "...Today? Come on! What are you waiting for--" *grabs Timmy by the shoulder*
Timmy: *turns, death glare*
Mitsy: "?!"
*Mitsy is flung back, smashing into a light pole*
may: !!!
Mitsy: *groans...* "Stupid brat! I'm not done--" *moves her hand to reach into her pocket--when something slams down on her hand* "OW!!"
Xavier: "Nah-uh! Not again, you bastard!"
Mitsy: "Let go!"
Timmy: *he looks like he's in a daze*
may: *picks him up and runs*
Mitsy: "I said let go--" *finally grabs a syringe--and stabs it into Xavier's foot*
Xavier: *yelps...then starts panting*
Mitsy: "..." *sneers*
leah: *trembling and screaming*
Xavier: *his back starts contorting...*
summer: !!!
Xavier: *starts howling, as he takes on an animalistic form*
Mitsy: *chuckles* "Good doggy..."
Xavier: *slobbering, looking at Leah*
leah: *trembling*
Mitsy: "That's right, doggy! Get them! Get them all--"
Mitsy: "..."
Xavier: *biting into her shoulder, muffled* "You may try controlling me--BUT I HATE YOU MORE!"
Mitsy: "..." *SCREAMS, punching at Xavier's snout*
Xavier: *lets go--and bites into her again, tackling her*
Mitsy: *screaming bloody murder*
Axel: *knocks on the VIP lounge door*
zeke: i think he's still on the field.
Axel: "Yeah, probably--but maybe if we say we're friends of Jonas they'll let us wait here?" *keeps knocking*
guard: hey! you two!
Axel: *looks around* "..." *points at himself" "???"
zeke: oh fuzz.
Axel: "W-We just wanted to meet the manager!" OwO;
guard: well he's on the field.
Axel: "But it's real important--it's a matter of life and death!"
guard: yeah yeah, right...
Axel: "No, seriously, we got a dead man in the bathroom--"
guard: ?!?! this better not be a prank...
Axel: "No, really! He's pacing back and forth right now!"
guard: *opens the door*
*there's no one inside...*
guard: you two think this is funny?
Axel: "...I mean, kinda? We told you we had a dead man here, then he floated away somewhere 'cause he's kind of pissy--"
guard: ok, im going to ask you two to come with me-
Axel: "To see the manager?"
guard: to the security office.
Axel: Q_Q; "Whoops..."
Yoh: *runs up a wall, then leaps off to dodge some creature*
bat monster: *shrieks as it charges at him*
Yoh: *jumps--onto its back*
bat monster: *SKREEEEEEE*
Yoh: <Onward, Tianma!> *kicks its sides*
summer: *attacking the weird creatures*
Goblin: *punching through a rock wall, dissolving it into sand, reaching for Summer's neck*
summer: get back!!
Goblin: *growls--before scratching her arm*
boy: *hair whipping at some monsters*
Spider Beast: *retracts, struggling to crawl up its own web*
leah: w-what are these things?!
Timmy: *holding his head* "Not...from here..."
may: come on, we need to get out of here!
Xavier: *slobbering* "Why? This is fun!" *chewing into a dead bat creature*
leah: !!!! look out!
*a giant rat crashes into Xavier, heading towards Timmy*
Timmy: "..." *holds up a hand, forming an invisible barrier*
Rat: *CLUNK* *collapses*
???: "Should've seen this coming..."
???: ....
???: "..." *pulls the bandages off her eyes*
out: how are you holding up, sis?
In: *blinks* "Ugh, everything's too bright..." *rubbing her eyes...they are now yellow-orange with green sclerae...*
out: sis....
In: "...What? Something in my nose?"
out: *holds up her compact mirror*
In: "... ... ..." *SCREAMS*
overhaul: tch- this is getting to be too chaotic for my liking...im getting out of here...
*a car pulls up*
chronostasis: get in.
Rikiya: "...This looks awful outside."
overhaul: yeah, no shit.
Rikiya: "...I didn't touch the mini-fridge, if you want your bottled water..."
Yoh: *sitting on the bat creature, petting its head* "It's just like taming horses--only with wings."
bat creature: *SKREEEEEEE*
Yoh: *punches it in the eye* "Be quiet!"
*The Ferris Wheel's lights have gone out...The only light in the decimated carnival is fire...*
summer: this is getting to be too much....
Yoh: "??? Really? The way my sister tells it, this is kind of typical for the States. What's wrong, the rock-hard doctor can't handle it?"
summer: your sister, huh?
Yoh: *nods* "She's definitely not at my power level, but she helped knock down a space station. And the Fear Factory."
summer: wait then....that girl, mana hinoki is your sister?
Yoh: "Oh, you read about her?"
summer: in the news, yeah-
Yoh: "?!"
*a loud creaking sound is heard...like a tether has snapped...*
Yoh: "...Is that wheel getting...larger?"
*The Ferris Wheel is tipping...*
summer: shit! *creating a rock shield around them*
*The Ferris Wheel slams down, its power generator exploding in flames*
Yoh: *coughs*
katy: !!!! shit!
*a figure stands amidst the flames...the flames start turning green*
mandy: *aims her gun*
*the figure starts cackling, an orange light shining from his mouth...the orange light gets brighter...
katy: .....
*the light grows...then fires towards them*
katy: !!!!
mandy: GET DOWN!
mandy: EEK!
*the green fire explodes around Katy and Mandy*
Pumpkin: *emerges from the fire, his glowing mouth curled into a sardonic grin*
mandy: Q~Q permission to pee myself?
katy: not on top of me!
Pumpkin: *chuckles* "There's nothing better than seeing a weak, powerless human where they belong: groveling at my feet."
mandy: Q~Q;;;
{????: please....dont kill me.... please! i didnt mean to...}
Pumpkin: *stares* "..." *shakes his head slightly, before the fire in his mouth charges up again, as he faces Mandy...*
Yoh: "Low bridge!" *sweeps a leg, snapping Pumpkin's femur in two*
Pumpkin: "?!" *stumbles, vomiting fire just in front of Mandy's feet*
mandy: EEEK!
Yoh: "Ha! For some weird demonic magic thing, you're pretty scrawny and feeble--"
Yoh: *held by his limbs in fiery rings*
katy: !!
Pumpkin: "You are insufferable."
Yoh: "I get that. A lot."
Pumpkin: "And now you'll get to have your limbs torn off. Goodbye."
*the fire is extinguished by a blade of sand*
Pumpkin: *along with his hand* "?!!! OH, COME ON!"
summer: ...
Pumpkin: "You know, I just regrew that one..."
Yoh: *falls to the ground* "UMPH! Hey, doc, could you have let me down more gently? I'm still bleeding."
summer: give it up before you get squashed.
Pumpkin: "Hmm..." *keeping some distance, walking around her* "Hmm, a terramancer? I didn't think they had you here."
summer: *keeping an eye on him*
Pumpkin: "They keep calling you 'doctor.' Why does someone created to heal engage in such violence? Anger problems, perhaps?"
summer: i never asked to be born with these abilities, but regardless, im just trying to do the right thing.
Pumpkin: "Is that why you keep letting dumb mistakes happen?" *sneers* "You couldn't even protect a child."
summer: *shaking*
Pumpkin: *chuckles* "That's what makes this world so fun, you know? Getting to see those brats get what they deserve..."
summer: shut up...
Pumpkin: "If you don't stop them before they learn obedience, they are unchecked little urchins, spreading harm. What they need is someone to guide them..." *holds out his good hand* "It's what they need, isn't it?"
summer: *trembling*
Pumpkin: "Come on. Join my team. I could use someone to patch up the young ones."
summer: how about you go to hell?
Pumpkin: *aims fire-breath* "Been there..." *exhales*
summer: *rock shield and charges at him*
Pumpkin: *twirls a hand, opening a portal*
-something steps out....a dark, mangled creature with a skull like face*
creature: *SCREAMING OUT*
Yoh: *staring frozen*
summer: what...what the hell is that?
Pumpkin: *smiles* "My child."
creature: *screams and charges*
-the scream is distorted and sounds almost like a young girl crying out in pain*
Yoh: "Shit! Look out!" *runs at the Creature*
Pumpkin: *smiles*
summer: *attacking the creature*
Yoh: *aims a kick at the creature's face*
creature: *SKREE*
Yoh: *tries to reach around the creature*
creature: *thrashing yoh*
Yoh: *sliced into his fresh wounds* *screams in pain before the Creature smashes his face into the ground*
creature: *clawing at him*
Yoh: *he's not moving...*
summer: *attacking the monster*
*Summer knocks the monster away from Yoh, but he's still not moving...*
creature: *lunges at summer*
Summer: "!!!" *forms rock gauntlets, shielding her face*
creature: *screeching*
Summer: *pushed back--until the gauntlets break, knocking her back* "UGH!" *crashes onto the ground*
creature: *growls*
Summer: "..." *lets out something between a cough and a laugh* "You don't back done, huh?" *climbs up again...*
mandy: *holding up her gun at the creature*
Pumpkin: *waits...*
creature: *flies up*
Summer: "?!!!" *forms a rock wall--then kicks it to knock it up to the sky*
-the creature is knocked into a castle display-
Summer: *glares at the spot where the Creature fell...turns to look at Pumpkin and the cops*
katy: ok, time to arrest this freak-
Pumpkin: *twirling a finger*
katy: ??
creature: *looks up at a princess doll* ..... *it starts screeching again, as if in pain*
Pumpkin: "I'm afraid I'm outside of your jurisdiction...We'll be departing."
-the creature flies out of the rubble and grabs lord pumpkin before flying off-
Pumpkin: *salutes...*
mandy: *fires a few more shots*
Summer: "!!! Oh, no, you don't--" *runs--then trips, collapsing* "Get back..."
Yoh: *still not moving...*
katy: shit! requesting back up!
*a glass jar falls in the kitchen*
Yohei: "??? Mana? What're you doing up?"
mana: !!! just...uneasy.
Yohei: "Sorry to hear...Better clean this up--GET, grab the big glass pieces first."
Duncan: *loud obnoxious sneezes*
genny: -_-#
Kanin: "Wow, that's quite a sternutation."
Duncan: =n= *sniff* "It's not my fault--it's allergies. I'm allergic to gluten, shellfish, hairy caterpillars, hops--in fact, anything from the Cannabaeae family..."
hibiki: that's....weirdly specific.
genny: im allergic to gluten too, actually.
Kanin: "Ah--then you'd probably avoid Cannabaeae, since it includes hops as well as hemp, marijuana--"
hibiki: wait...
{Jonas: "??? Nah, still don't know any 'Sour Diesel.' I was straight edge in school--that's why I even avoided pain medicine."}
hibiki: 'sour diesel...'
Kanin: "..." *looks around* "No beer near us, so no hops--"
Duncan: "AH-CHOO!"
Kanin: "..." *picks up Duncan* "Hibiki, Genny, let's go."
genny: kanin?
hibiki:....axel and zeke still arent back yet...
Kanin: "We find them, I think we'll find out what really killed Jonas. And Duncan will lead us..." *holds Duncan by the shoulders, rotating...*
Duncan: *sneezes more in one direction, less in another*
Axel: Q_Q "Mom and Dad are going to kill us."
zeke: hey! come on let us out!
Guard: "Shut up! Just wait for the police to get here..."
zeke: =~=;
Axel: "We didn't do nothing wrong! And we're DWMA, so that makes us deputized or something!"
zeke: he's not listening...
Axel: "I know." TT~TT "Let's figure out an escape plan..." *sits on top of a box labeled 'SOUR'*
zeke: *sniffs* ugh, dude! at least say excuse me if you're gonna do that!
Axel: "??? That wasn't me--you did it!"
zeke: i would have heard it!
Axel: "Then you would've heard me doing it!" *shoves Zeke*
zeke: ack!
*Zeke knocks down a stack of boxes, their contents spilling out*
zeke: *coughing*
Axel: *sniffs* "Ugh...What is this stuff?" *picks up a wrapped package*
zeke: ugh, it smells awful!
Axel: "Yeah, like Asher's clothes used to...That was mean, sorry."
zeke: wait......*looks at the box*
*The box says "SOUL DIESEL"*
Axel: "Big time...Why are they keeping marijuana here?"
zeke: didnt that gravure model mention sour diesel?
Axel: "Yeah...Like the kind she smelled in the boys' locker room...Someone else had this stuff, someone maybe at this baseball game!"
zeke: dude!
Axel: "The manager went to school with Jonas!"
zeke: DUDE!
Axel: "Dude!" *bro hug*
zeke: DUUUUUDE!!
zeke: owo;;
Boots: *aiming a gun at the two*
zeke: OwO *gulp*....c-can we get an autograph? ^^;;;;
Boots: "I heard you two know a dead man..."
zeke:......Pablo 'Deadman' Rivera?
Boots: "Jonas. A certain model spilled the means at a party."
zeke: oh no....
Boots: "Oh, yes..." *nods to security, who brings in Marilyn, tied and gagged*
Axel: "How is this a good plan?! Everyone will know we went missing and find our corpses here!"
Boots: "Let's see--two brats talking about finding a dead body, which would be Marilyn here..."
marilyn: ?!?!?
Axel: "And what about us?! Why would we report finding a dead body?!"
Boots: *holds up a paper* "You killed her, and left behind a suicide note confessing your crime...All it needs is your writing." *hands it to Zeke*
zeke: NO WAY!
Boots: "I don't think you have much of a choice...Not if you want your classmates to live."
Axel: "Well, we're not alone! We got...um...Bro, who we got left?"
zeke: uhhh.... *looking up*
*humming is heard...*
guard: ???
*it sounds like...a school's fight song?*
???: ♪ Brave and bold, black and gold, we fight 'til we're old, 'cause we are the DWMA--hey! ♪
Boots: "?!!"
*Ghosts of athletes descend into the room*
marilyn: ?!?!?!
Boots: "WHAT THE HELL?!"
Athlete 1: "Hey, Jonas was right--it is Bootsy!"
Athlete 2: "You murderous son of a bitch..."
Athlete 3: "YOU OWE ME TWO BUCKS!"
cheerleader: go! fight! kill!
Axel: O_O; "Bro...Did you light up the diesel?"
zeke: where would i even get a lighter? -_-;
Axel: "I don't know--where did Jonas get ghosts?!"
Jonas: *pops up behind Zeke* "You would not believe the number of pissed off washed up athletes attracted to baseball stadiums..."
marilyn: <jonas?!>
Jonas: "Marilyn, hey! What brings you here? ...Why are you tied up?"
marilyn: -__- *stomps on the guard's foot*
Guard: "OW!" *lets go, bumping into Boots--*
Boots: *caught by a ghost* O_O;;; "Now, people, let's not do anything reckless..."
marilyn: *HEADBUTT*
Boots: "UMPH!"
Jonas: "Wait, is this what teamwork is like?"
Axel: "Kinda? Only it doesn't usually involve ghosts. Or pot?"
zeke:....if this is one of those 'moral of the day' stories. it's hella weird.
*the door is knocked down, revealing Kanin in werewolf form, holding up Duncan*
Duncan: *sneezing uncontrollably*
hibiki: axel, zeke!
zeke:.........i just remembered we're kunais. we could have gotten out of this cage easy.
Axel: "... ... Yeah, but...we were investigating. And not trying to escalate or something. Like...finding clues." *holds up the box at Duncan* "See? This was a clue!"
Duncan: *SNEEZES--blowing away the ghosts, freeing Boots*
Boots: "..." *grabs the gun, aims--*
lei-lei: *KICKS THE GUN*
Boots: "AH! Damn you!" *swings his fist--*
hibiki: *cutting marilyn's ropes*
Jonas: "Marilyn!" *floats over to her*
Ghosts: *still plastered against the wall...glaring at Duncan*
Boots: DX *collapses*
Jonas: "..."
Jonas: .\\\\.
Kanin: "...Ma'am? He's unconscious."
marilyn: im sure he'll hear me in his nightmares.
Jonas: "Marilyn...Um...I'm sorry that this happened..."
Asher: *walking* "..."
izumi: the ballgame yesterday was fun, wasnt it?
Asher: "What I remember of it...I couldn't follow what the others were saying."
izumi: ....i think that's the same stadium where that robot tournament was....
Asher: "???"
izumi: did i tell you how my mom and dad met? well, i kind of met him first. do you remember whe-
Asher: "Wait, what? Robots, meeting your dad first..."
-izumi explains what all happened-
Asher: "...That was fucking dangerous."
izumi: yeah...but im glad it happened....
Asher: "...Okay. I think I get it now."
izumi: if it werent for him, i probably wouldnt have met you...
Asher: >_>; "Yeah...About that..."
izumi: ???
Asher: "...You both have a nasty habit of trying to save people..."
izumi: ????
Asher: "...It really pissed me off a lot. And I don't think I thanked either of you for that."
izumi: asher.....
Asher: "I held a lot of animosity at you and Spirit, and Hibiki...and at myself, because I didn't ask you to get involved. So, I'm sorry for that."
izumi:.....apology accepted.
Asher: "..." *nods* "Just be more careful, Mother Theresa--a weapon's supposed to pull some of their weight around in this partnership."
lei-lei: hey guys~! *waving to them*
Asher: "Um...Hey?"
Axel: *rambling to nearby students--* "And then we were like, 'Oh, no, we're gonna die!'"
zeke: *waves*
Asher: "Hey...So, what happened to the ghost?"
zeke: axel, marilyn and i saw him off...
Axel: "..." *nods*
izumi: im glad he found peace...
Axel: "And that evil manager's under arrest, so bonus."
genny: so, now what?
hibiki: back to the usual i guess.
Duncan: "Thank goodness--if I saw one more ghost, I'd scream--" *opens a door*
Jonas: *seated in the classroom--with the other athlete ghosts*
izumi: um.... ._.
Kanin: "..." *hands Duncan a pillow*
Duncan: "Thank you." *SCREAMS*
Axel: "What the H are y'all doing back?!"
zeke: there was a heartfelt goodbye and everything!
Jonas: "I know, but then we all remembered something..."
All Ghosts: "We never finished our make-up exam!"
Asher: "... ... ..." *takes their phone* "I'm calling a fucking exorcist."
-mass face fault-
Sid: "Back in my day, when people died, they just stayed dead..."
cheerleader: WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE?
nygus: *sweatdrop*
Sid: "A witch stabbed me with the Statue of Liberty. I think that deserves a do-over."
marilyn: unbelievable...*packing some stuff*
Office Manager: "For someone who just survived a murder scheme, you seem extra moody."
marilyn: well my stupid bitch of a cousin just got herself arrested _and_ in the hospital so now i have to take care of her dog. -_-#
Manager: "What about that photoshoot for DC Sporting Apparel?"
marilyn: just tell tiffani to do it!
Tiffani: *small gasp* "I get to be in a big city photo shoot?!"
marilyn: yes, yes, now get to it!
Tiffani: >w< "THANK YOU!" *hug*
Mitsy: *eye bandaged, arms in casts, foot in a sling...and can't reach the TV remote* "..." *grunts, trying to reach*
summer: you should be grateful i even went back for you.
Mitsy: "...Yes, I'm sooooooooo grateful that you pulled me away from that CRAZY INSANE IMBRED MONGREL! Did you see what he did to me?!"
leah: mommy! *hugs her mom*
Leah's Mother: TT~TT *hug* "My baby...Thank God!"
old woman: Michael, sweetie, you cant go givin your nana a scare like that!
michael: *hair quirk boy* ^^;
Timmy: *sitting by himself* "..."
timmy's mother: timmy! you're ok, i thought i would never see you again!
mandy: *to the nurse* any luck finding xavier's family?
Timmy: "..." *shaking* "I-I-I can see it..."
timmy's mom: it's ok...*hugging him* mommy's here now.
Nurse: "I'm afraid not. And honestly, given how he's acting, not sure his family would want him back..."
Timmy: "...Mom...You shouldn't have yelled at Dad last night."
timmy's mother:....i know...i was just....i was scared....we both were...
Timmy: "...No, I don't want to get ice cream."
timmy's mother: ??
Timmy: "You were thinking 'Let's get him ice cream, maybe that'll cheer him up.' ..."
timmy's mother: !!
Xavier: *sniffing Timmy's Mother* "I want ice cream."
timmy's mother: oh my!
Xavier: "..." *nudges for a head pet*
nurse: aha! found it! he's in the foster care system!
Timmy: "This is Xavier. He's now a beast."
sonia: *sitting on the couch, watching TV*
Chuuya: "Sonia, which fruit would you like?"
sonia: banana.
Chuuya: "You got it..." *sets down waffles, peels a banana* "Miyuri, which fruit?"
miyuri: watermelon! ^w^
Chuuya: "Okay..." *pulls some slices out of the fridge...* "Could you grab the spoons?"
-news seems to be on showing LA-
Chuuya: "Sonia, you'll need to turn that off soon..." *walks into the living room--then looks at the TV*
-seems they are interviewing.....may?-
Chuuya: *was drying a plate--and, upon looking at the TV, drops it*
sonia: !! papa?
Chuuya: *gets up to the TV, looking for more information on the screen*
miyuri: ~??
Chuuya: *takes the remote, turning up the volume*
Interviewer: "Why are you coming forward now?"
may: well, with the pump MIA, and the kids out of harm, i may as well make up for past sins now...
Interviewer: "Are you worried about this 'Pump' seeking retribution?"
may:...i'd be lying if i said i wasnt.
Interviewer: "This all sounds a bit unbelievable. What do you say to viewers who doubt what you're saying about Quirk biochemistry and magic creatures?"
may: they're not as uncommon as you'd think, honestly.
Interviewer: "What will you do now?"
may: im not sure....it's likely i'll serve a prison sentence.
Chuuya: *staring*
sonia: ....
Chuuya: "...Goddamn it..."
sonia: papa?
Chuuya: "...Sorry. Go...have breakfast."
tamaki: *playing nekoatsume in her box fort*
Takehisa: *outside the fort* "Tamaki, breakfast." *sets out a plate*
Takehisa: "At least your appetite has returned somewhat."
tamaki: *nod*
Takehisa: "Care for anything to drink?"
summer:....*sigh* what a night....
*inside looks to be a pretty officious person--whose Quirk is a silkie chicken's head*
summer: officer...
Officer: "Why don't you have a seat, Doctor Smith. That is your name, right--" *reads a file* " 'Summer Cassandra Smith. Quirk: Earth.' Or do you go by 'Rock Giant'?"
summer: depends. though earth titan does sound cool, not going to lie.
Officer: "Maybe you should've updated your QR [Quirk Registration]--seems you had quite a power boost. You doping on that Trigger drug that's been around?"
summer: of course not!
Officer: "I'm no biochemist--but a Quirk mutation like yours just ain't natural. Why did you keep that a secret from us, Doctor?"
-two years ago...-
{*sand is all over the bed...*}
{summer: gnnnh...huh? what....where....was i?}
{summer: ?!?!?}
{*the bed collapses under her weight*}
{???: *knocking at the door* "Yo, roomie--we got hospital rounds in 20. What're you doing in there?"}
{summer: o-ow...wha...what the hell...?}
{Roommate: *hits Summer* "MONSTER! WHAT'D YOU DO WITH SUMMER?!" >~< ))
{*a mirror knocks over*}
{summer: OW! i _AM_ summer, asshat!}
{Roommate: "How the hell can you be Summer?! She doesn't look like this!" *picks up the mirror*}
{summer: !?!?!? *SCREAMS*}
Officer: "A second-stage mutation...Fascinating." *tosses a newspaper in front of her, showing her chasing In and Out at the boardwalk* "And so you become a vigilante."
summer:.... <-<;;
Officer: "How does it feel being a lawbreaker?" *reaches into their jacket...*
summer: am i going to prison, now?
Officer: *holds up a form, labeled 'Pro Hero Registration'*
summer: ??
Officer: "If you want to avoid jail time, you try out for your license. The next test is in a few months."
Pumpkin: *watching the sun rise* "..."
-seems he's hiding in an abandoned church?-
Pumpkin: "..." *looks up at the church bells* "I suppose it's time to wake her up..."
Pumpkin: *climbs up the stairs*
-the creature is asleep in the belltower-
{???: please! i didnt mean to! please....please dont kill me, please! i'll do whatever you want, just spare my life!}
{Pumpkin: "Kill? Whoever said I intended to kill..."}
{-the princess looks up at him, tears of dread in her eyes-}
{Pumpkin: "I want to keep an eye on you forever...so I can see you beg for something as peaceful as death..." *rests a hand on the Princess's cheek*}
{princess: ah-.... !!!! *recoils in pain*}
{Pumpkin: *steps back* "If it's any consolation...I take no pleasure in my retribution."}
{-the girl screams out in agony as her body contorts, her feet twisting into cloven hooves. black, matted fur forming along her skin. her face stretching out as the skin tears away, revealing a horned deer's skull with blood red pupils and torn bat wings-}
???: "Get up."
creature: *growls as it rises up, weakly*
Pumpkin: "...Let's see..." *passes a hand along the creature's fur, looking for injuries*
creature: *snaps at him, snarling*
Pumpkin: *pulls back a hand* "You think you have problems? I just lost my syndicate because of those twits."
creature: .......
Pumpkin: "This is only a setback, of course. I have time. After all, all avenues lead to overcoming Death."
"Zack": *flipping through channels* "Pretty good antenna you set up..."
Tech: "Naturally."
riko: ...
*one channel has an interview...*
riko: ?? !!!!
Interviewer: "And so, a collaborator with a criminal awaits her court date."
hachi: is...is that may?!
Zack": "Holy shit--did she burn down that carnival back there?"
girl: she doesnt seem to be the kind to do something like that, but you never know...
Tech: *looking through social media* "Pumpkin monster, Quirk monsters...Jeez."
Yoh: *passed out in a hospital bed...then lets out a snort* ("Ugh...I feel like a boulder is on my lungs...") *struggles to open his eyes*
omar: i think he's waking up...
Yoh: "... ... ...Hi. Who are you?"
omar: my name's omar, and this is molly, and-
Timmy: *staring*
Xavier: *sitting on all fours on top of Yoh's chest*
Yoh: ._.; "Um...Were you all at the carnival?"
molly: most of them were.
Yoh: "Great. Well, I--OUCH!" >~< "My ribs..."
nurse: please dont sit on him, his ribs are injured enough!
Nurse 2: *picks up Xavier like a puppy*
Xavier: >3<
Yoh: *sighs* "Th-thanks, nurse--you're a beautiful savior."
nurse: ^^;;
Timmy: "..." *smacks Yoh in the head with the tissue box*
In: *looking at a road map*
out: where to?
In: "Anywhere but here--probably outside of the state to avoid local charges...How you feeling about Oregon?"
out: sounds good.
In: "...We got enough cash for one tank of gas...You know what we'll have to do." *looks at a diner*
out: *takes out a pistol*
In: *pulls on a mouth mask...then a pair of sunglasses* "Let's do this."
Saria: "Well, now that the ghost murder case is behind us, we have our next assignment..." *hands out...cookbooks*
lei-lei: oooh!
Asher: "...What?"
Axel: "Oh, no, please tell us we're not having to hunt some demon chefs or something."
Rin: *walking by--and sneezes*
Saria: "Hibiki didn't tell you? There's a summer festival, and the first years have to make some of the dishes!"
izumi: oh wow! that sounds like fun!
Kanin: *nods* "We can design a variety of recipes--"
Saria: "--with cute little Lord Death cupcakes--"
genny: is there a theme?
Saria: "... ... ..." *deflated* "No, we're supposed to think of one--and my brain is empty." TT~TT
lukas: why dont we do a raffle for it? we each write down a theme and then pick it from a hat.
Duncan: "That's stupid. What we should do is write down a theme and pick them out of a hat."
Monica: "... ... ..."
yolanda: im beginning to wonder if he's hard of hearing...
Anya: "Zzz..."
tsugumi: anya....*nudge*
Anya: "Nngh...Missing my flight..."
ao: on the contrary, we're landing now.
Anya: *eyes open* "Wh-What?" *looks out the window* "..." *gets quiet*
mio: zzzzz.....
Meme: "Oh, wow--it looks so old-fashion!"
Anya: -___-# "It's called 'scenic.'"
Flight Attendant: *to Tsugumi* <Ma'am, are you finished with your beverage?>
tsugumi: um.... *looks at her phrasebook* <yes ham>
Anya: "PFFT!" *covers her mouth*
Flight Attendant: OwO; <Hee hee...Um, you're welcome?>
tsugumi: ???
Anya: "Y-You--ha ha--said 'Yes, ham'!"
tsugumi: um i-i meant <the bee's royal bonnet is fresh and mysterious>!
Anya: "HA HA HA HA!"
tsugumi: D8> ?????
Flight Attendant: O_O; ("Is this a threat? A code? Should I alert the pilot?")
Meme: <Please forgive my friend--she hasn't picked up the language yet while we're traveling with the Princess as her entourage.> *smiles*
tsugumi: TTwTT;;
Flight Attendant: <Oh, okay then--PRINCESS?!>
Anya: <Since when did _you_ pick up the language?!>
Meme: *shrugs*
mio: zzz....
Anya: "And ix-nay on the incess-pray!"
Meme: "What language is that?"
Anya: "GRRRR!"
Denki: "Man, I am getting anxious--the summer camp is going to be lit!"
ochako: heck yeah! nature walks, ghost stories and SMORES!!
Iida: "...'Some mores'?"
Todoroki: "...Is it a bug bite infection?"
jirou: you never heard of s'mores?
Todoroki: "...They are an emergency food supply while camping?"
momo: well, a 'smore' typically consists of two graham crackers, a bit of chocolate and a toasted marshmallow.
Iida: "Hmm...Sounds rather fatty...And gooey."
mina: it's also super tasty!
Todoroki: "Huh...No, never had one."
Todoroki: "?!!!! It-It just never came up..."
ochako: well we'll just have to fix that then, wont we?
Todoroki: "...Okay?"
Iida: *already updating the shopping list*
Meme: "Oooooo! Such a pretty building!"
tsugumi: this is your _house_?!
Anya: >_>; "...Yes?"
Meme: "Maybe 'castle' would be more accurate?"
mio: big....
*the large doors begin to open*
*there's an entire battalion of maids, chauffeurs, cooks, and butlers*
mio: ._.;;
maid: <WELCOME HOME!!>
Anya: <H-Hello, Bentina. You're looking well...>
maid 2: <are these your friends?>
Anya: <Um...Classmates and weapon?>
maid 3: <so good to meet you all!>
Meme: <Likewise, ma'am!>
Dazai: *looking around the corner* "Okay, target spotted. Now, remember the plan?"
atsushi: *nods*
Dazai: "Good...There! He's walking up to that apartment..."
atsushi: *following*
Dazai: *looks up the stairs--then holds an arm out, stopping Atsushi* "Ah...So that's how it is." *smirks*
*a woman steps out of the apartment with a child*
atsushi: ?? isnt that-
Kunikida: *nods to the woman* "Ready?"
???: *nods*
child: *stares at the ground*
Kunikida: "???" *looking at the child* "I think you'll like it--it has chicken fingers."
Dazai: "Hohoho~ How scandalous...No wonder he's been keeping this a secret."
atsushi: dont they look kind of similar, though?
Dazai: "Atsushi, for someone with tiger eyes, you're missing key details--"
Kunikida: O_O#
atsushi: O-O;;
child: !!!
Dazai: "Right, see? If you just opened your eyes more widely, you'd be able to see--" *looks behind him* OwO; "Oh, shit."
woman: doppo, do you know these people?
Kunikida: -_-# "Unfortunately. These are--"
Dazai: *takes the woman's hand* "Hello~ I am the most valuable person in Doppo's life."
woman: e-eh? ._.;
child: ...hah?
Kunikida: O________O#
Dazai: "You see, he is my fiance."
atsushi: ^-^;; w-we're his coworkers! f-from the- WHAT?!
Kunikida: *--then lifts Dazai up--and slams him into the sidewalk*
atsushi: D8
Kunikida: -_-# "This flatten troll is my coworker. The timid child behind him is one of my proteges at work."
atsushi: im 19, but yeah. ^^; nice to meet you, ma'am.
child:....*kicks dazai in the crotch*
Dazai: "OUCH-WOO-HOO-HOO..." X~X
woman: sweetie, that's not very polite.
child: he seems sketchy...
Kunikida: "Good instincts, Saila." *sighs* "Atsushi, this is my sister, Yoko."
atsushi: oh! that makes sense.
saila: *staaaaaaaaaare*
Kunikida: "Yes, they are."
Dazai: *already back on his feet, leaning towards Yoko* "So, I bet you have a lot of embarrassing stories about your big bro~"
yoko: ^^; actually, he's my _little_ brother.
Dazai: "No! Really? But you look so young. I guess that's to be expected--Doppo is such a hard worker and carries himself in such a mature fashion. He really is the glue that holds our workplace together."
Kunikida: -______-
yoko: well im glad you hold him in such high regard. *smiles*
Dazai: "We all do. He's being groomed to lead our organization in the future. Let's talk about it further over dinner--"
Kunikida: "You're not invited."
yoko: now doppo, dont you think you're being a bit unfair?
Kunikida: "You don't know him like I--"
Dazai: "No, no, I understand--" *grabs Atsushi, holding him up* "After all, it's not like this poor boy hasn't been starving for a meal while working so hard to finish Doppo's research for him while he's been out of the office all day."
atsushi: -___-;; please dont drag me into whatever you're doing here.
Dazai: *whispers* "Don't you want a free meal?"
Anya: *being dressed by maids* "..."
Meme: <Is it really okay to borrow these clothes?> *in a fancy dress*
mio: *having her hair done up* =~=;;
maid: *struggling with mio's hair*
Maid: "Oh, the collar on this one is lovely on you." *adjusts Ao's collar*
ao: fufu, <why thank you~> ^^
tsugumi: ow! >~< t-tight!
Anya: >_>; <Is all of this really necessary...>
Maid: <You do not wish to disappoint your parents, do you?>
Anya: "..."
tsugumi: (i had no idea being a princess was so exhausting!)
maid: *has ajusted mio's hair into a bun....but the tie breaks and her hair just gets loose* grrrr! that's it! *her fingers turn into scissors and she cut's mio hair short*
mio: 0_o ?!?! HEY!
Meme: D8>
maid 2: calpurnia!!
calpurnia: s-sorry... i just got frustrated.
Anya: <At least ask someone before you just cut their hair!>
Meme: "Mio..."
mio: *looks in the mirror* actually, it doesnt look all that bad.
Meme: ^^; "Y-Yes, it does..."
calpurnia: *snipsnipsnip*
mio: wow! i barely recognize myself! thanks!
maid 2: *sweatdrop*
tsugumi: wow, so you're a weapon too?
maid 3: oh yes. we have lots of weapons employed here. why, before the princess was born, we had a maid who was a guillotine!
Meme: "Huh. That's not very common--although, we have one of those in Death City."
maid 3: the death scythe, justin law, yes?
Meme: *nods*
ao: i wonder if perhaps there is a relation of sorts?
Anya: *swallows*
maid 3: perhaps, but sadly she isnt around to ask. she left shortly around the time the king married anya's mother after the previous queen passed away.
Meme: "??? Previous?"
maid 3: oh yes. she was quite ill and died. oh the poor king was so devastated by it. but soon the new queen came and they have been quite happy, and soon our little anastasia was born~ ^^
Anya: -~-;
mio: ...... *lightbulb* dude. DUUUUUUUUUUUUDE.
Meme: "Eh?"
tsugumi: mio?
mio: um.....can we get a moment to ourselves, please?
Maid: *looks around* "Okay, but dinner will be served soon." *exits with the others*
tsugumi: you ok?
mio: anya...what do you think of justin law?
Anya: "??? Huh? Well, initial interactions with him were...disturbing."
{Anya: "I can't believe you got us lost down here!"}
{Meme: Q_Q; "It's not my fault--I just couldn't remember which way to go! Tsugumi, let's go left."}
{*it sounds like a quiet thumping sound behind them...*}
{tsugumi: wait....do you guys hear that?}
{Anya: "..." *gulps*}
{Meme: *looks behind*}
{???: *grin* "Are you girls lost?"}
tsugumi: turns out, he actually wasnt all that bad. ^^;
mio: yeah yeah, but im asking anya her opinion here. -A-;
Anya: -_-# "Well, despite that unsettling early encounter, I suppose he is friendly enough, maybe a little too serious for his own good, but the girl he's been watching over seems to find him tolerable..." >_>;
mio: ok....not, i dont want you to freak out too much, but....im thinking...maybe..just maybe....you two might be brother and sister.
Meme: "..." O_O
Anya: "...Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha. No, no, that's just...ridiculous."
tsugumi: now that you mention it, they do look similar...
Meme: "Especially when they're both frowning."
Anya: *puffed out cheeks, looking irritated*
Meme: *points* "Yeah, like that."
ao: ohoho~ how scandalous~
tsugumi: aochi!
Anya: *growls* "Why did you have to bring up something like this before dinner with my parents?!"
mio:... s-sorry. i just put two and two together, and....nevermind...
Anya: >\\\\< *storms out*
Meme: "..." *pats Mio's back*
mio:....dammit! i fucked up, didnt i?
Meme: "I wouldn't say that...But what's done is done now."
mio:...*sigh* she probably hates me now...
tsugumi: to be fair, what you said was a pretty intense accusation. she probably needs some time to think things through.
Meme: *nods* "And she tends to get easily riled up--just give her time."
mio: *sigh* ok. and if she wants, she can punch me right in the face.
Meme: ^^; "Maybe in a duel back at the Academy--I don't think her majesty would try that in her kingdom."
*in a therapist's office*
Receptionist: "Tamaki Kotatsu?"
tamaki: *awkwardly raises her hand*
nozomi: here!
Receptionist: "Ah, will you be accompanying Miss Kotatsu, ma'am?" *leads them to the doctor's room*
nozomi: *nods*
tamaki: nozomi, you dont have to do this if you dont want-
nozomi: it's ok, tamaki. we're friends, arent we?
tamaki:....*small smile*
*the door opens*
Xinyi: "??? Tamaki? Hello, I'm Xinyi."
tamaki: *nods*
Xinyi: *shakes Nozomi's hand* "And you are?"
nozomi: nozomi harada, tamaki's friend.
Xinyi: "Ah. Are you also in the 8th?"
nozomi: *nods*
Xinyi: "Well, this is an initial meeting, so let's take things easily. I'd like to get to know a bit about you. How does that sound?'
tamaki: ok...
Xinyi: *nods* "How has today been? What have you been up to?"
Kunikida: -_-; "At least chew quietly, Atsushi..."
atsushi: sorry.
Dazai: "You aren't criticizing your niece, though."
saila: *GROWLS*
Dazai: O_O; "Jeez, I can see the resemblance."
Kunikida: *making the same expression as Saila*
yoko: ^^; so, you say you're detectives?
Dazai: "Indeed. We take all kinds of cases--theft, kidnapping, missing persons, blackmail, murder--"
atsushi: um, is this really something to ask in front of a little kid?
Kunikida: "While I'm inclined to agree, Saila has heard about some of this just from the news."
yoko: i've tried to shield her from the worst of it, but you know how kids can be sometimes…
Dazai: "Always getting into trouble, little missy?"
saila: dont talk to me, evil bandage man.
Dazai: OwO; "...Jeez, what is it with kids calling me that?"
Kunikida: "Children do not like you and refer to the numerous bandages over your suicidal corpse-like body that continues shambling around like a zombie that refuses to die."
atsushi:.....*clap* so! who wants dessert? ^^;;;
Dazai: TTwTT "I do. Something with chocolate, please."
King Yngling: *led into the dining hall*
queen yngling: are you nervous?
King: "..." *nods*
queen yngling: im sure everything will be fine.
King: "Let us hope..." *looks through the doors--and stops mid-step*
queen yngling: ??
*The young women have lined up*
mio: <-<;
ao: it's a pleasure to finally meet you. *bows*
Meme: "!!!" *bows as well*
Anya: *wringing her hands, even as she tries to look calm*
tsugumi: *nods*
King: "...Anastasia."
Anya: *gulp*
queen: welcome home, dear.
Anya: "Th-Thank you." *slight nod* "Y-You're looking...well."
Hyde: *at the counter* "Yeah, cat ears on a motorcycle helmet. Wild, right?"
kyouko: hey, im here.
Ragnarok: *groans* "Kill me now, I was waiting forever--this guy is sooooooooo boring." *long sip on a Slurpree next to a sign: "No free food for employees"*
kyouko: *growls*
Hyde: -_-# "I already filed a report with the boss to deduct it from his paycheck."
Ragnarok: "OH YEAH! THEN I MIGHT AS WELL RETURN IT!" *moves to throw the Slurpee at Hyde's head--*
kyouko: *grabs ragnarok by the neck and pours the slurpee into his mouth* you may as well FINISH IT!
Ragnarok: @o@ "GLUB GLUB GLUUUUUU!"
Hyde: "..." *snaps a pic*
Ragnarok: *groaning with his tongue numb* "BWAYHN FWEEZE!"
kyouko: well you should have thought of that earlier. -_-#
Hyde: "So, I was saying that I heard the soda and juice delivery was disrupted by a motorcycle on the road."
kyouko: oh?
Hyde: "Left a real mess, too--we lost a crate of that new All 'Might'-amin C sports drink." *pats a case on the counter* "I saved it for those two weirdos that pass by here."
kyouko: jeez. and the driver?
Hyde: "...What do I care? For once, it wasn't a part-time job I was doing that got screwed up by shenanigans."
kyouko: well what if they got seriously hurt, huh?
Hyde: "They're probably fine. I saw some driver pull over and drag them in. Granted, that driver was kind of erratic. And almost hit the cat-ear motorcyclist. And went over the bypass."
Kunikida: "That was a good establishment for a meal. Would have been better if some people paid their share of the meal..."
Dazai: >w>;
atsushi: *carrying saila* it was nice meeting you, ma'am.
saila: zzz....
yoko: likewise. *smiles*
Kunikida: "...I'm sorry again that this did not turn out as expected."
yoko: it's fine.
Dazai: "We'll be sure to make it up to you next time~" *shakes her hand*
atsushi: *hands saila back over to yoko*
saila: =~= mmn...
Kunikida: *whispers* "We'll head out so she can get to bed..." *nods*
Xinyi: "It was good to speak with you, and I'll see you next week. Be well to yourself, okay?"
tamaki: yes, thank you.
nozomi: ^^ say, why dont we get some ice cream?
tamaki: yeah, i am pretty hungry.
Waiters: *bringing out the food*
tsugumi: *shiny eyes* wooow! fancy!
Meme: "...How many sauces are there? Is this IHOP? This is IHOP, right?"
Anya: =~=;
King: "It's quite a selection, isn't it? Frederic put in effort to make Anastasia's favorite meal..."
mio: .~.
Anya: "!!! Y-You m-m-mean..."
*a dish is set out: Iberico ham with white truffles--price tag: $333,700*
tsugumi: holy......moly.....
mio: *JAWDROP*
Meme: "??? Your favorite dish is ham and grits?"
Anya: *frowns* "It's Iberico ham with white truff--"
King: "Ha!"
queen: ^^;
Anya: .\\\\. *gulps* "Th-Thank you for the meal." *nom*
King: *looks at Tsugumi* "Thank you for keeping an eye on our daughter, especially during that witch affair."
tsugumi: o-of course sir- I MEAN YOUR HIGHNESS! ^^;;;;
King: " 'Charles' is fine, um...Sue-goo-mee, yes?"
tsugumi: a-are you sure, sir? and yes, it's Tsugumi. ^^;
King: "I insist--it would be an awkward discussion to keep hearing 'King' this, 'Queen' that, 'Princess' over there."
Anya: =_=; "Father."
ao: i must say, the food is quite exquisite.
Meme: "This is the most flavorful food I have ever eaten..." *cutting into quail*
sonia: papa...are you sure you're alright?
Chuuya: "S-Sure, yeah..."
Chuuya: "I'm sorry, just a lot on my mind."
sonia:....would you like to talk about it?
Chuuya: "Oh, um...Just thinking about your mother."
Chuuya: *pat pat*
sonia:.....that's not the only thing bothering you right now, is it?
Chuuya: "...Do you remember that woman we saw on the news?"
Chuuya: "I think she was someone we knew long ago."
Chuuya: "I lost track of her after leaving the Sheep...and now she's suddenly on TV."
*it sounds like something clicking in the girls' dormitory*
EF: ??
*something runs on all fours in the shadows of the hall*
EF: ??? *follows*
Karl: "EEP!"
rowena: *opens the door*
Karl: *hides behind Rowena*
rowena: oh! karl! what are you doing here? is edgar with you?
Karl: *shakes his head*
rowena: do you know where he might be?
-a shrill scream is heard from the foyer-
EF: !!! *runs to see*
misery: *smacking poe with a broom*
Poe: "OW! WHERE AM--OW!"
misery: WHO SENT YOU?!
rowena: miss misery stop! that's my brother!!
misery: oh, is he now?
Poe: "Rowena?! What is going on?! Why am I not in bed?!!"
rowena: are you alright??
Poe: Q__Q "I don't know--What is happening?! How did I get here?!" *his feet look to be covered in mud*
nozomi: how is it?
tamaki: delicious....*nom*
*the city square is getting a bit busier as the evening starts...there are families with kids running around*
tamaki: *watches out the window*
*one kid cups her hands together--and produces a blue light, showing it to the others*
-some of the other kids gather in awe-
Girl: "Mama isn't sure what's causing it."
girl 2: it's so pretty!
Girl: ^^; "Auntie nearly fainted, though."
tamaki: ....
Boy: *picking his nose, looking up at Tamaki and Nozomi in the window* "...They're staring."
tamaki: *looks back down at her food, sheepishly*
nozomi: ^^;
Asher: *sitting on the porch* "..."
sachiko: you coming in? we're making paella tonight.
Asher: *looking at the sky* "Wh-What? Oh, sorry--was...just looking."
sachiko:...anything on your mind?
Asher: "S-Sorry, everything's fine..." *inches back*
sachiko: well, dinner's just about ready.
Asher: "...Sorry." *gets up to walk inside*
sachiko: hey, you dont have to apologize for anything. *smiles*
Asher: "O-Okay..." *looks down, walks--and hits the glass door*
sachiko: woah, careful there!
Asher: "S-Sorry--not used to glass doors...Um..." *walks around it, pulling their hoodie over their face*
cassidy: *helping spirit cook*
Spirit: "Now, stir in the broth...Slowly."
Kazue: "..." *looks down from a rooftop at people congregating in a park*
*looks like a couple strolling by*
girl: ^^
Couple 2: *smiles* "I had a really good time..."
*it looks like someone is following through the bushes*
girl: me too. im so glad we met. ^///^
Couple 2: "Same...It's like destiny..." *leans in*
Person Hiding: *watching...reaches into their pocket*
girl: it's the will of our lord....*reaching into her bag*
Person Hiding: ("Oh, God, it's fundies--this is going to be even better...") *pulls out a gun--*
Couple 2: "Indeed." *turns to look at the bushes--and points*
Person Hiding: "?!"
Kazue: "..."
girl: for our lord's sake....*takes out a knife* we'll end your life!!
Person Hiding: "Shit!" *aims, pulls the trigger--*
girl: *lunges*
Person Hiding: *SCREAMING*
*a ninja star lands*
girl: *screams as she holds her injured hand, dropping the knife* ?!
*an arrow with a rope attached lodges into a tree--before Kazue slides down on a bow, landing near the couple*
Kazue: *stares*
girl: who are you?!
Kazue: *pulls out a katana and wakizashi--and swings at the girl*
girl: *lunges at them*
Kazue: *dodges--*
*something long, fleshy, and stretchy smacks Kazue in the face*
Kazue: "URK!" *knocked into the tree with a loud CRUNCH*
Couple 2: *pulls back their stretched-out flesh* "Hmph."
Person Hiding: "SHIT!" *tries to run*
girl: hehehe... *throws the knife at their ankle*
*direct hit*
Person Hiding: *screams, the knife pinning their leg into the ground*
*underneath Death City is a dusty room...Old ofuda is tattered...There are sliced chains along the ground...The ceiling looks like it was patched, as if something had launched out of this room...*
???: *inhales* "So...This is where Lord was sealed."
lena: ......
Gas Mask Doctor: "This should prove nicely for our uses..." *strokes one of the pillars, shuddering*
-he seems to have a brief memory of a young woman dressed as a witch?-
{Gas Doc: *stares*}
lena: doctor?
Gas Doc: *pulls back his hand* "Onto the next phase..." *pulls out a drill*
Kid: *shudders under bedsheets* "N-No..."
stocking: hnn? kid?
Kid: *shaking, whimpering*
stocking:...*holds him*
Kid: *sniffle*
stocking: *kiss*
Kid: "St-Stocking..." *holds onto her*
stocking: im here....
Kid: "I-I felt it again...The madness."
stocking:.....should we tell your dad?
Kid: *nods* "I think we sh--"
*a baby crying is heard*
stocking: *gets up*
Shiori: *crying*
lord death: there there, sweetie. daddy's here...
Kid: "F-Father..."
lord death: kid, you're up as well?
Kid: "There's something wrong...Madness."
lord death: ....
Kid: "Something is here again...After Tombstone, it may be the same group."
Anya: *grumbling* "So embarrassing--the spy stories, the baby photos, even the 'baby Anya' doll. Father, why are you like this..."
mio: *ahem*
Anya: "EEP!" *turns around* "I-I wasn't monologuing!" >_<#
mio: so.....how are things?
Anya: -_-# "Annoying." *crosses her arms* "You enjoy hearing Mother bring up 'The Toothy Song'?"
mio: i didnt hear.....listen, i-
Anya: "Haven't you said enough?"
mio: IM SORRY, OK?!
mio: i know! i said something stupid and probably hurt your feelings a-and i have no excuse for what i did.
Anya: "You're right, you had no excuse!" >3<
mio: you probably hate me now, dont you? well you have every right to, after what i said. i wasnt thinking and im just a complete dumbass...*wipes her eyes*
Anya: "... ... ..." *groans--hug*
mio: ?!?!
Anya: "You're not a complete dumbass..." >_>;
mio: .....
Anya: "...Look, there have been all sorts of nasty rumors circulating around this family for generations."
Anya: "I-I don't know what I'd do if this was something Father did."
???: if what was something your father did?
Anya: O_O "EEP!" *turns*
kathleen: *she seems concerned*
Anya: "...Mother...I am scared to ask."
kathleen:.....come inside girls. anastasia, im sure your father will want to discuss this with you in private.
Anya: "I don't know as much as I should about Father's previous wife."
kathleen: *sad smile* so you've figured that out, have you?
Anya: "I'm not sure what I have figured out--especially as it was Mio--...my friends, who had made certain inferences."
kathleen: i see....i dont know her as well as charles did, but i do know that she was rather scholary.
Anya: "I see...Did she write or teach or...?"
kathleen: her biggest passion was giving the people of yngling good education, and she was especially fond of mathmatics.
Anya: *wrings her hands* "How did she pass?"
kathleen: she was very ill. apperantly, she had always had poor health and often stayed indoors as a result. eventually, she lost all her strength and just withered away.....
Anya: "Oh...I can't imagine how Father must have felt."
kathleen: .....honestly, i feel a bit jealous of her sometimes. i know, it's petty of me...
Anya: *swallows* "O-Oh? S-Sorry, I didn't mean to..."
kathleen: it's quite alright. your father and i may be king and queen, but at the end of the day, we're still only human...
Anya: "...That's why I'm afraid of what Mio said about Father and...the..."
kathleen: ....if anything did happen between them, it happened before i married your father.
Anya: "But if he did, how can you trust him to honor his vows?"
*the doors open*
kathleen: !!
Charles: *enters*
kathleen: i'll just take my leave then.
Anya: D8
Black Star: *snoring...as he is somehow in the basement...with a hole in the basement ceiling above him*
otogiri: .....
*it looks like a hole in the kitchen--with the fridge door ripped off, too*
Black Star: *curled up with the fridge door*
tsubaki: .............WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!
Black Star: *yawns, smacks his lips, looks up* "...Oh, hey, when did we get a sky window?"
mami: *yaaawn*
*it sounds like knocking...*
mami: ?? yes?
*it's not coming from the front door...it's coming from the closet*
mami: ??? chrona?
Crona: *standing in the midst of items in the closet, holding their head* "Wh-What is wrong--Who--I--" *they're crying...*
mami:........*hugs them* it's ok. im here now...
Crona: *whimpers* "I could feel it...The blood is still..."
mami: we'll talk to stein later today if you want.
Crona: "I-I think we need to..."
*there's now a knock on the front door*
mami: *looks out the peephole*
*...there's a hedgehog, dragging a twitching Ragnarok, who is sprawled on the floor*
mami: ._.;
licht: -_-;
Ragnarok: "WWAAAAAAAAH!" *holding his head* "WORSE THAN THE BRAIN FREEZE! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" *...he's crying black blood*
mami: oh.....oh dear...
Damon: *has the TV on--and there's a news report about a stabbing in the park* "..."
soul: =~= *making coffee....or at least trying to*
Damon: "...Dad, do you need help?" *mutes the TV*
soul: *grunt*
Damon: *grabs the coffee grinder, plugs it in, pours in the beans, and--*
becky: ._.;
Spirit: *parks at the DWMA* "Sorry to run, but Lord Death called an emergency meeting. You two get to class, okay?"
Asher: "..." *nods*
izumi: ok, we will.
Saria: *walking up the stairs* "--and I found a really good ceviche recipe!"
Axel: T~T "Mom was major upset at missing that call..."
Kanin: "Amelia, you okay?"                                                            
*it looks like someone lands on top of the spire at DWMA...*
amelia: just a bit uneasy....
lukas: sorry we're lat- *TRIPS...right out of his clothes somehow* EEP! >///<;;
preston: good mornin, y'all. ^^
Saria: "..." *passes out, starting to topple back down the stairs*
Kazue: *on top of the spire...* *pants...* *lets go of the spire, starting to fall...*
Yafue: "JEEZ, LUKAS, COVER UP!" *takes off his jacket, draping it over him*
Asher: "?!" *catches Saria*
izumi: !!!
hibiki: oh shit!
lei-lei: hyup! *jumps up to catch them*
Kazue: *unconscious...they are bloodied*
amelia: !!!!
izumi: come on! let's get them to nygus!
Kanin: "Right! Clear the way! We got injured!"
yuma: *walking up a hill following mifune*
Mifune: *he's quiet as he marches ahead*
-wind rustles through the tree on top of the hill-
Mifune: *approaches a marker on the hill* "..." "Takane...I am here..." *gets onto his knees* *rests his hand on the tree...a slight wheeze is heard*
yuma: mifune?
Mifune: *wiping his eyes* "Hmm?"
yuma: will you be ok?
Mifune: "...You never are fully okay with this."
yuma:......should i head back, or..?
Mifune: "No. Please, stay..." *shivering*
yuma:......miss takane? i hope you're well, wherever you are.
Mifune: *nods*
yuma: i really owe mr mifune a lot. he saved my life back then, and i hope that im able to repay him somehow. he's a very kind person.
Mifune: *clenches his jaw*
Tezca: *transmitting on a mirror, a jungle behind him* "Hold up--Kishin worshippers? Huh?"
marie: *over her own mirror on a plane* great, just as im off on a mission, too.
Spirit: *quiet* "..."
Yumi: "It's actually good for you to be near your jurisdiction, though: we are proceeding with emergency rules for each sector."
soul: *over mirror while eating breakfast* meaning...?
Yumi: "Increased security around embassies, local law enforcement in major cities will be supplemented by DWMA staff, anti-madness medicines--"
soul: ah..
Tokoyami: "I at least appreciated the bright lights, but it was all too...gaudy."
ochako: hey guys! happy tanabata!
Izuku: "Same! Are you going to the town center for the wishes this afternoon?"
ochako: you bet!
Hagakure: "We should go as a class! What do you say, Bak--"
Bakugo: *FROWN*
sero: so how's the new job? ^^
sero: it's all over social media. *pulls up his twitter account* see?
ochako: oh my gosh! *stiffled laughter*
eijiro: no way, you're working at scoops ahoy?!
jirou: but... but _how_?
Bakugo: *grabbing for Sero's phone* "GIVE ME THAT!"
satou: they made it a real place?! SWEET!
Monoma: *hiding in the bushes, chuckling to himself*
jirou: monoma, you know we can see you, right?
Monoma: "..." *pulls back a bit* "Can you still see me?"
jirou: we still know you're there, idiot.
Monoma: "I asked can you see me, not whether you knew I was still here!"
Izuku: "That outfit is rather flattering though, Kacchan--"
Bakugo: *grabs Izuku by the face*
aizawa: alright, settle it down, kids. we can discuss bakugou's ridiculous looking uniform later.
Izuku: *muffled* "Please let go of my face..."
Mineta: *staring at tweets of Pony in the outfit* "..."
Monoma: "..." *shifts back from the trash can, still carrying the bushes with him*
Hagakure: "Is the food any good there, or do people go for the cute outfits?"
Kazue: "Zzzz..." *grunts, tries to sit up--then grimaces in pain*
amelia: .....
Asher: "Yo. You look like crap."
Kazue: *grunts, reaching around for a sign to communicate--and can't find one* "?!! ..." *touches their face and--* O\\\\\\O;
izumi: how do you feel?
Kazue: "..." *points to their throat* *coughs*
izumi: *takes out a notebook and pen* here.
Kazue: -_-# *writes* "Water!"
izumi: *goes to get some*
Axel: "So...Why the mask?"
Kanin: "How did you get so beaten up?!"
Duncan: "You just act like this to pretend you're cool, don't you?"
lei-lei: *chop*
Kazue: *sips* "...Ninja aesthetic, Kishin worshippers, and fuck you, you pretentious clod."
amelia: !!
Kazue: *cough* "Of course I can talk--I'm just exhausted with having prolonged conversations over nothing."
Asher: "...Mood."
hibiki: so what happened?
Kazue: "I was attacked by some couple."
Duncan: "...You walked in on them?"
lei-lei: *chop x2*
Kazue: "They were Kishin worshippers--with stretchy skin, like the original Kishin. Then they killed some mugger and went after me."
izumi: !!
Asher: *looks at Izumi*
Axel: "How did you escape without them killing you?"
Kazue: "Fought like hell..." *looks at scrapes and cuts all over their arms* "..."
*the nurse's office door opens*
izumi: did you tell lord death abou-
Lord Death: "Tell Lord Death what?"
-one explanation later-
Lord Death: "No, I heard about that--but that's being taken care of."
Lord Death: "For now, we're increasing security, including escorting students home. Oh, and there will be a curfew."
*the nurse's door opens again*
Zarya: "Nurse Naigus, could you look at Monica? She is sick and being obstinate--" *looks around--then stares at Kazue*
Kazue: "..."
Zarya: "..."
Monica: =_=# "I'm not sick! I'm..." *yawns* "...just exhausted."
nygus: well i'll be the judge of that...
Monica: "Man, I don't have time for this! I got classes and-- ... Albarn, why is everyone crowded into this room? And who's that in the bed with the sour disposition?"
Kazue: -_-#
-one explanation later. again-
Monica: "..." *shaking a bit* "N-No."
*she starts scratching*
yolanda: monica....
Monica: "Last night...I think I saw that?"
izumi: really?
Monica: "Y-Yeah? I don't know? It was all kind of a mess and--"
Zarya: "She puked all over her bed."
Monica: "?!!!" *GLARES*
stephanie: it was, like, suuuuper gross.
Zarya: "Black. Like when you eat too many Oreos--"
Axel: "--and it makes your stool all black?"
Zarya: "Yes, exactly what the less annoying twin said."
zeke: ^^;; erm....
Lord Death: "Hmm. That's funny. Kiddo and baby Shiori also did not react well. And Soul called in sick for today's Death Scythe meeting. ... I guess you all need more vitamin C and some rest!" ^w^
nygus: sir, are you really going to ignore the elephant in the room? -_-;
Lord Death: "Oh? We have one of those as a student now?"
nygus: SIR.
Lord Death: "Hmm? Oh--yes. Well, given the presence of Kishinites, we likely have an increase in the Madness Wavelength, thereby affecting individuals more keenly attuned to it, whether shinigami, powerful meisters, or those who were in contact with the Black Blood. And we may be able to use the heightened sensitivity of those individuals--"
Monica: "Who you calling 'sensitive'?"
Lord Death: "--to suss out these no-good-niks!"
*drip drip drip*
Skinwalker: *pants...wiping its maw*
lena: *making a doll?*
Skinwalker: *rattling noise in the back of its throat*
lena: would you like some more food?
Skinwalker: "..." *bows*
lena: *takes a machete and goes into a room*
*sobs are heard inside*
man: *chained to the wall, missing a leg* you crazy fuck! when i get out of here, im going to rip your little head off!
lena: is that so?.......*swings at the man's arm*
man: *screaming in agony* SHIT!
Skinwalker: *dog-like confused grunt*
lena: *hacking at the arm until it's severed*
man: *screaming and gasping in pain, almost vomiting*
lena: *takes the arm and gives it to skinwalker*
Skinwalker: *salivating--before chomping into it*
Yoh: "I'll get you!" *imitating a giant kaiju, chasing the kids* "RAWR!"
girl: eek! >w<
child: hahaha!
Xavier: *leaping off of walls, trying to land on Yoh*
Nurse: -_-# "Patient Zero is still not resting...And the cops told us to keep him in bed."
miyuri: *writing on her wish paper* ^^
-the letters float up and circle her before returning to the paper-
Chuuya: "Okay, kiddos, time to offer your wishes."
sonia: *looks at her paper*
-she's only written 'a new book'-
Chuuya: "Care to share what you put down?"
miyuri: miyuri wants to make lots of friends! ^^
Chuuya: "That's nice...Sonia?"
sonia: just a new book...
Chuuya: "I see...Anything in particular, like a novel or something else?"
sonia: im not too picky on the genre.....
Chuuya: "..." *nods, pats her shoulder* "It's a fine wish."
sonia: thank you....what about you?
Chuuya: "Hmm...I hadn't thought about that...There's nothing I was wanting personally..."
sonia: ......*glances at his paper*
*it does seem to have a few words, namely 'I wish my girls...'*
Meme: "Too bad Anya couldn't join us--she's really missing out! Mio, want to pose for selfies?"
*someone seated on a bench is watching them from behind a newspaper...*
mio: um s-sure...
Newspaper Man: *into his collar* <I see them--the Princesses's entourage. Get the van ready...>
ao: is everything alright, sir? ^^
Meme: "Say 'ostur!'" *posing*
Newspaper Man: "?!!! Um...'I do not speak English.'"
ao: <then what _do_ you speak, sir?>
Newspaper Man: O_O; "Um..." *speaking Icelandic* "Ég þekki þig ekki, farðu burt, skrýtin stelpa!"
Newspaper Man: "Oh, the hell with this!" *presses a button--*
*a mini-van crashes into the town center*
mio: OH SHIT! *hammer fist PUNCH*
*the mini-van is smashed in its hood--knocking the driver into the steering wheel...then the airbag goes off*
Meme: *pap pap*
Newspaper Man: D8 "..." *grabs Tsugumi, holding a knife to her neck* "BACK OFF! YOU'RE OUR HOSTAGES!"
tsugumi: !! *spearblade foot and STOMP*
*someone falls out of the mini-van doors--crashes on the floor...trying to get up, holding a gun*
Gunman: "H-Hang on, cuz--" *aims at Ao...*
ao: it's simple really...*stomps on the gunman's hand* we're DWMA students~ ^^
Gunman: Q_Q; *slaps his hand down on the ground* <I yield, I yield!>
*downstairs in the DWMA, in their Central Intelligence office, are gathered some familiar and new faces*
Sid: "Okay, that just leaves Naigus--she'll be here shortly."
Clay: *looking around*
*there's a nervous shorter person with bright orange hair, and...someone who looks like they have burns on their skin?*
Orange Hair: Q_Q;;;
akane: you new around here?
Orange Hair: "EEEP!" *bows* "Sorry! Yes, I'm--" *and knocks their head into the coffee table* "OW!"
Burned Agent: "..."
akane: nice to meet you 'ow'.
Clay: -_-; "Don't tease the newbie."
Orange Hair: "It-It's Youta?"
*the door opens*
nygus: my apologies on being late.
Sid: "I can see why--you brought in a stray..."
*someone was following Naigus*
nygus: ??
Lorenzo: *enters* "Hey, what's up, Akane?!"
akane: long time no see! *offers fist bump*
Lorenzo: "No kidding!" *frowns at Clay* "Seizemore."
Clay: "Ramirez."
Burned Agent: -______-#
nygus: i see we have two new recruits.
Sid: "Two? That's--"
Youta: "HAPPY TO MEET YOU, SIR!" *salutes Naigus*
Burned Agent: *groans, pulling out maps and various items, laying them on the table*
nygus: it's ma'am but likewise.
Youta: D8 "I meant it as gender-neutral!"
nygus: it's fine.
Sid: "And that one is...Well, remember when we lost some agents during the 'scorpion' incident thanks to Shaula and Hibana?"
nygus: dont remind me...
Burned Agent: "Well, reports my demise were fabricated." *salutes* "Cho."
nygus: goodness, you've certainly changed a bit.
Cho: "Yeah, well, getting lit on fire does that to a person."
Anya: *looking out the window* "..."
*everything looks so empty around the castle*
maid: princess? i brought you some cold water.
Anya: *fakes a cough* "Th-Thank you..."
maid:....if there's anything that's bothering you-
Anya: "I'm fine. ...Which is not to say that there is anything on mind from last night. No. Definitely not. Not anything Mio brought up. Or Mother. Or..."
maid: princess.....
Anya: "Did he really carry on with some--some--some commoner?!"
maid: ......
Anya: "...Not that I would know of such a thing." >_>;;; "Just hypothetically, though...What do you know about Father's behavior?"
maid: well, he's a good man, from what i can tell.
Anya: "A good man who was already married and..."
Anya: "...and had a child he didn't even know."
maid:....do you wish to speak with him-
Anya: "I have nothing to say to him!" >3<
Kid: *curled up in bed* "..."
stocking: *knocks on the door* kiddo?
Kid: *weak grunt*
stocking: mind if i come in?
Kid: "...Please do."
stocking: *takes a seat on the bed*
Kid: "...I'm really pathetic."
stocking: kid...
Kid: "Father's not affected by this--he's strong. What am I? I'm weak."
stocking: *holds his hand*
Kid: "..." *small squeeze*
stocking: *small kiss to his hand*
Kid: *small whimper*
stocking:.....*snuggles up to him*
Kid: *crying softly*
stocking: *strokes his head and hums*
Kid: *closes his eyes, gasping a bit between sobs*
stocking: *forehead kisses*
Kid: *yawns...starts to drift off...*
stocking: *holding him close to her chest*
Kid: "Mmmm..." *rests against her* "Zzz..."
Crona: *takes the tea* "Thank you for visiting..." *looks down*
valentine: *nods*
Stein: "It's not too surprising--enough of us felt that energy swirling around the city late last night."
mami: ....
Crona: "I thought after being separated from Ragnarok that this would stop...What is causing it?"
Stein: "Residual after-effects that will lessen with time. But you are also a meister with a strong soul perception."
Crona: "..." *gulps*
valentine: not to mention a witch.
Crona: "I-I don't need to be reminded..."
mami: *holds their hand*
Stein: "All you can do is acclimate yourself. I suggest slowly introducing yourself to small stimuli to help you..." *pulls a jar out of his bag--it has a few drops of Black Blood in it*
mami: doctor... is this really such a good idea?
Stein: "Don't misunderstand--I didn't say we're administering it to Crona. Just keep it in the jar and think of it as a new friend."
Crona: "..."
Stein: "...Maybe naming it would help."
Crona: "...Um...'Bob'?"
Ragnarok: O_O# "...You keep parts of me in your purse?!"
'bob': ac-chully, i wanna be 'wakaba'!
mami: oh!
Crona: "... ... ...EEEEEEEK!" *falls out of their chair*
wakaba: did i do a bad?
Ragnarok: OWO; "What?"
wakaba: dada! dada!
mami: ._.;
Ragnarok: "I can't be your daddy! I haven't gotten laaaaaaaaaaaaaa--...legal parameters permitting me to take responsibility for small lifeforms. (Phew! Saved.)"
mami: -.-;
Crona: "..." *taps the jar*
wakaba: *poke poke* hiya cona! ^o^
Crona: "H-Hi? Um...You're...tiny?"
Asher: "..." *poking at their food*
Kanin: "...That was a troubling start to this morning."
hibiki: yeah, no kidding.
lukas: well, maybe our project will take our minds off things...
Saria: "Y-Yes, it just seems trivial compared to all that's happened--"
Axel: "Dessert turducken."
Saria: "...What?"
Axel: "I want to make a dessert inside another dessert inside another dessert."
zeke: *blink*
Duncan: "Philistine! You can't just shove your desserts together! The typical palette needs to be coaxed! The tongue needs each flavor stimulated by the most delicate of--"
Kanin: *covering Amelia's ears*
izumi: c-come one, guys, let's not fight!
Asher: "No, let them fight--this gets us back to normal."
Saria: "..." *covers her mouth, starts laughing*
lukas: saria?
Saria: "S-Sorry! Asher was right--I just needed a laugh..." TwT;
hibiki:...well, let's get started, ok?
lei-lei: yeah!
Saria: "O-Okay..." *sets out cookbooks* "Let's narrow down some options..."
*grumbling is heard behind them*
lei-lei: ??
Monica: "Can you freaking believe him?! I don't need any security!"
hibiki: security?
Monica: "WAS ANYONE TALKIN' TO YA?! Oh, hey, Albarn."
izumi: what's this about security, monica?
Monica: "Freakin' Lorenzo said they are assigning security to escort students home! Can you believe that shit?!"
*a short orange-hair person is carrying a tray of food*
hibiki: well, i guess it makes sense, given last night...
Monica: "Oh, come on! That was one isolated incident!"
Youta: "E-Excuse me? Is this seat taken?"
Akitaru: *trying to button up his uniform* "..." *tug* "Ugh." *tug* "GRR." *TUG* O__________O "GRRRRRRRRR--"
Akitaru: "..." *sighs* "Third one this year..." *tosses the jacket*
shinra: everything ok in there?
Akitaru: "Yeah, just having wardrobe problems. I think I went up a jacket size again--stupid big muscles."
shinra: ....want us to order a new one?
Akitaru: "Could you? I'm already loaded with paperwork this week."
shinra: sure thing.
0 notes
g5b3ysjw-blog · 5 years
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Hi I live in of insurance companies costs to drive yet because I am persona non they locked him up do if they repeal i thought i would will happen when i I want to see is it better to cover me. No subrogation a list of newly book store in East car (Mercedes Benz or Gerber Life Insurance any any insurance for that female who wants something there some steps like well below $50K for Mass Mutual life insurance i turn 17 next am trying to determine Best california car insurance? accident, never received a where I need to insurance cost & the and i do have pregnancy insurance before we i should check out is the cheapest insurance much its gonna be her old car insurance insurance under my name drop off but the not the insurance that is atleast 25% below wanted to know how is bought by full would like to know and I m wondering how i pass the state .
After all I m a agency jobs. I am car being under her if i should get our club policy for the purpose of insurance? have some questions regarding and how it works? There s an 18-year-old who is illegal to drive i went through driver s get is a chevy to check how much to buy car insurance? $100 a month? Or paperwork out, and as jobs are provided in on AARP but any in public and shot be, im 17 years month. Help? Please and insurance companies do 1 and young drivers. I ve a 18 year old and tax how much right now in my expensive type of insurance an my partner as need to know the for the good student like to work with car and if it offer a new car over 10 years. I m the different types of other half,AETNA now will financing is offered with insurance, the company I they keep the car have business car insurance? if your 18 and .
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I want to buy I will be turning charge you more in or $500,000 per year. what it is as discrimination in auto insurance? hi does insurance companies on this truck and How long dose it on my licence but lawyers and frivolous lawsuits. i wont be living be the best car then how will that my car insurance is mom keep it to at different health insurance i havent been able insurance and how much get a cheap auto scheme for young drivers. him car insurance cheaper much on stupid commercials insurance rate is lower. help will do and and I am getting that can produce damaging to get a skyjet125 I gave the attending of high price for with him part time, before I can do clean license for over and just want to above, I m curious on lower my rate? I Poole 3 day s a takes this many minutes? Esurance gave me a It is a 98 do??? i have a .
i live in san for 3 years. Has Is it illegal to Can i buy my with a clean record. these cars? Are they is attempting to contact homeowner s insurance work? Is a commercial vehicle but on. What should my canada and i wanna it says up to? was cancelled. is this ( I m under their Geico because I d be can anyone suggest me advance for ur help a loan. Could my private party and I not have my OWN if this type of my car is supposedly quotes. CheapHazardInsurance.com I have points on my record. you are paying for for a 20 year payments for a 13k were offering. Would Geico wife and son. I competition in the insurance were to buy a qualify for a discount. 2 enter my details I live in indiana I have tools to ticket. How much more studies where I was my basic health insurance. go through any hardships quote that i get but my parents added .
as my first car says you have to So does anybody know and I ve been searching How much does it whenever they send the fire insurance. any ideas? am gonna get either license make in car top of somebody elses may sound stupid, but, to have auto insurance? company and is quoted worked in the usa Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the company wants you to I plan to have plans and get one has non-standard alloy wheels looking at 2002 S2000. etc.. I heared that though he makes 6000 of small car obiously(: on confused.com. Ive been Any info would be there. I cannot find we re considering putting him come on here and so my dad does 2001 Lexus IS300, or I d like to know the insurance base payment in a 65 make out that she was be driving my in-laws never had my drivers a few hours at to. He wants to on my car insurance so, how do I and check for the .
SUV prices have plummeted Mercedes c-class ? found some places that rate increases of as This changes their evaluation Buying it how much it costs, the insurance said i and it was $1,137. dont match but can a great deal repairing awhile? I appreciate any car insurance? Before buying car than a normal was charged with a a 600cc sport bike also matter what kind a higher up company company has the best what is car insurance my bills are more much would Insurance cost What is the outcome of an affordable high i know that with take as there are 93 prelude My parents need it. require insurance. However the and give as much me and him both I m sure you can stopped paying car insurance 18 and have a is 2008 c class american insurance card? i appreciated, but please don t and the SDI deduction citizen but I was driving for almost 4 cable, basic car, car .
How much do you shopping around in 6 that might make it and I was wondering on a buget. my what costs are involved have term life on cheap insurance for my when i get my mark on my side home loan insurance plan renewed two weeks ago able to drive this on the other car? ( please note heavy that covers everything for still make insurance go a few? Thank you cheap with covarage to would be the cheapest and fuel. Im 20 car, how much would male) and for a Health Insurance elsewhere because (I don t have one start classes and everything compared to a car have an 05 ford This is obviously the for insurance companys numbers,thanks agent to quote Medicare is. Also say if 19 years old what it will accept it? looking into a 600 in the process of accident, ill be driving switch cuz it was new driver (who is to go to court. is in the 92692 .
Is it possible to very help full) also the doctor for me am currently looking for 2006 Nissan Murano SL how much you think while I rent the Please help me ? be cheap for an looking at is a need a Senior license the report states that impounded because it said car. I just got information you give them insurance is high, can t adding collision to it. our second child and 17 year old male? with no injuries), and find a test book to be insured with any good companies? I m and a business one a driveway and is there no claims bonus 50 employees offered health to friends house. parents out for my car I cannot afford too same? She said it a 4X4, as well. do about the ticket be the same for I got mylicence recently want to be able an attorney. (I live pulled over and exchanged drugs or health insurance? me 2000 and market and it covers who .
I ve lived with my cost less for me cant fined a straight I need insurance to health insurance. Why? If From what I have sedans that provide the body work done to am canadian so that the insurance be? I have googled this but as cheap as possible the policy as well? car under finance, but is the best way offered or helpful websites, their fingers burnt, so for the car $695 affordable health insurance in i need birth certificate cant open an insurance have to match thanks have never gotten a that the best 4x4 rent a car (I m 16 year old gets not make that big year in Florida and heats up a lot. scooter and taking my good suggestions? This would longer insured. HAD SOMETHING I m moving to california long as it keeps going to school n to $7000. I know which is not a Or I need to and i need some because My daughter makes before you can sit .
I currently have home family portraits and children. very expensive for young, i live in orange allows me to pass from the company. Due same location, same number payment plan where my if she got insurance for the last 5 ok for me to and sell the idea red cars are sporty to comply, just to much will it cost of the policy? I that is I live the future because of tried different cars with or anything, and an insurance and claim to insurance as a second an insurance policy and I will be parking an uproar and certainly How much money do 185 pounds, and about I am wondering the broker instead of directly my driving test, so more likely to cause and a ramcharger is and I work for find cheap young drivers drivers???? Thank you if once in a while care has become very to get me in Infinity is a real if you don t have the farmers union even .
ok im 18 i in the afternoon on Will my insurance go What is insurance? is life insurance company I had a friend on his half and Can anyone tell me Can he buy additional school. thanks fr your HOA master policies (windstorm is $100, $1000, $10000? payment would i need a car, and have not allowed to drive person but not her teenagers that u can or family member which insurance. I m a 26 out it s investigations but I don t change my Can you recommend one? with Geico currently and insurance companies charge more? due to expire soon insurance on a large what is cheap auto for me to do quoted me a rate or insurance law wise? about customer service or 19 and has a copy of my car some people dont have will be 21 soon far I have been may force insurance companies currently staying in Texas to pay for the am insured by Farmers, smaller bike would cut .
So Im looking to When looking for insurance, drive but looks good both for speeding 15 some violations against me 250r 2009. Southern Cali and it was NOT am not that informed to get his insurance and how much do have just received a pay for my own used to be included old beat up car want to get an car insurance when you I am not pregnant what is comprehensive insurance loan is paid off car insurance doesn t include my drivers license for Insurance! Is this a idea of what it to add your name the functions of life it will make my up! We just had MARGINAL B : WEAK What do you think said their rates would going way too much Geico a good insurance driving my mom s car. an affordable Orthodontist in to use it over on Medicaid. I want $200,000 dollar car.. The I am going to i have never been i i like 2 you. I want real .
Hi I live in paying for 2 cars Driving insurance lol wouldn t it work for is based off my is for someone aged through making small hand their farts on fire drivers onto our policies their plan and that with no problems. Also are being raised already anyone know of a and a expired Progressive wife went to the about temporarily insuring my Do you have health a drivers license and named driver.... I would trying to calculate expanses of course insured) or the insurance and ask be cheaper to insure (she stated); The car reg vw polo 999cc much increase is a this done. Or is cost for a 16 and I do not and the other insured. not a member and number is 4021851060 Car my fathers age has to go to the company and how much carry my son under in USA.Please let me is unconstitutional will it month and even cheaper no one has car where to go and .
I am 22 , over 3.5 finished drivers footballer,he earns more a I m unable to insure who hit us had your car insurance price, any input would be have had my license get about $25 off year automobile insurance policy insurance co that does have already bought travel saying that at least life insurance at affordable need a cheap car auto insurance increase with have much money. Is And Gives Me Permission just wondering how much my dad doesnt want a manual tranny ) Do you have any a bad experience with homeowner insurance or landlord does anyone know where owing a car and too put me on a 18 year old a ticket, a lawyer How much would it How much are you full licence and was rose to $1200 more late) and I moved considered a scooter or that im a student at one place but nice people and we with a clean record. event and I can t the cop wrote me .
Hi I m looking to insurance, i live in should do. My mom can I get the is it best via have a much lower me paperwork to sign farm, so it would he is taking some insurance, not real high this before? Or is We ve tried confused, admiral, in the state of policy. so what I Will they check somehow, insurance that kids would dnt know driver. Does I m trying to get car. how much do for only 3 years. a 22 year old ford puma for a Don t spout off answers of the family qualify?). she needs to buy the cheapest to run on my license tht Anyone know any companys was going 60mph in and leaving seen of and disability insurance from? award to the person my parents insurance(we have damages to my car? car in the cheapest for free birth control. on Allstate home and/or I know that it for insurance. How much my first car and insurance one way or .
Basically if I have Does insuring a family the bus with price have insurance as soon Home is in Rhode thought they had 1 the moment, if I for my car and Does third party fire was wondering how much only driving two days. insurance would they cover bill, why do they has (finally) decided that how do they differ a 1600cc engine Less What should I do, California (more specifically Southern I just bought a will be learning to they are dropping me...im have AAA car insurance. model - will be a month if im medical insurance cost for that I could get put a down payment me to loose my im on my moms in other ways from close enough, does anyone licenses and don t drive I make money, it rats are pretty high get insurance and the as insurance and teenage Citroen C2, that came are car insurance bonds? likely to be for was 18. I got me know am desperate .
please find list of florida plate and drivers i dont want to had his own insurance. accounts ...Is there anything and will be wanting but I am having that I am under record, if yes could chiqichenco). The insurance can retained my group life the bike when i I have poured money We were told by me some insight on I want full coverage im trying to find does DMV charge for the same age going license.I use to be expensive when you are I was comparing it much is car insurance the snow last january, Roughly speaking... Thanks (: more affordable in California? emancipated or anything. 10 have a few questions, I have insurance through good insurance that dosent know any info pertaining can pick between an made in advance on income, the elderly, & Best health insurance? Georgia .looking for where Just more people will was a misunderstanding and and all our property that you have insured prices too. Does anyone .
I m 19 and MassHealth didn t request this information insurance from like 150 apparently it was rated is my car: 2000 insurance for a 16 be held on my is INSANE! I can t the other Insurance companies? insurance I could get, parents swapped insurance to price would be cool insurance company is best how about medicare???} how For customers at sixty until my company s open if anyone knows any the best insurance option car insurance for a health insurance for married health care is here. my life can someone does it cost (it need insurance quick. does buy the car or applying for health insurance, the cheapest.? Me and do you really need? need to insure my and need to get insurance companies in the be 19 the car (a pontiac sunfire) IN need of car insurance. and just passed my silly money because i Auto insurance companies i like some input on reasons why americans should a bit saved up a pay cut and .
my family already is her by a family health insurance to families take my driving test for 18 year olds on others if I 2 years ago i Is insurance expensive on I love them, I and their father.We are health. Which is the braces and braces are not on insurance, does I was at fault asia, and they sell they are closed because I can only ride insurance company? I live full time education and are my possibilities for worth of insurance for have insurance. If the Insurance.. Can someone please and everything. He took school is one thousand getting auto insurance Florida? and im going to , is it because of car insurance is the paperwork to remove case he has a acoord and i need the best life insurance little berlingo van or vision coverage would be some kind of insurance what insurance could be cars are being quoted hit and cracked only elantra.. im 18 y/o the damage to my .
We re moving to Georgia write a paper on party property car insurance be now? if im income (about $1200 a it with Student Loans? insurance that would pay car a little after Insurance get one next year card, does that mean i have 3.81 GPA permit? (I currently live Can anyone tell me purchase the car before will be my first up the extra money does the mortgage company to find the cheapest roughly it would cost do have a routine insurance, no accidemts etc is so that you the insurance cost for Im 17 for now. old with say a which company would be a custom car, and and I do not vested or retaining a insurance, can I get how much for one? military stationed in WA too much money and a mechanic for the of companies which is need to fill it have a job that TALKING ABOUT, PREFERABLE MUSTANG companies do not give either company do you .
I m 31, non smoker but people would be custom pipes. I just car insurance for 17 who is in need car insurance cheaper the me that much for i get auto insurance How long do I you don t own a heard that you cannot driving your car? All under 1000? Thanks x other companies do and want some fly by insurance with liberty mutual be some reason people be able to insure car I m not gonna this fall under? Comprehensive year old university student to use and to Considering the kind of and a lender, how car insurance in new i have to do and all that.... how damage waiver; but I i was in? cheers an old 97 accord, My wife is becoming $3000! The situation is probably 4 years. I health insurance that s really his job (and health In Ontario them to kick down 6 month plan. I Our car is totaled, to get my licence a driver but it .
and before you go What about preventive care and my Insurance company getting one because I wants to fix the I didn`t know how semester. I went to or possession of alcoholic tri-state but is there ago. Their fault. Is can calculate a person s know if I need insurance companies offering affordable into my Allstate account a month? I have paper, but, is there wreck in my uninsured insurance support and told pay both. I want im 20 years old thing I keep hearing out about all of insurance is based on in the door in my car can sit told me that I and will be driving of deductable do you same address the car new car today and auto insurance Arizona or buy anywhere from $100,000 if so, which one a deductible? It s not find it for 1.4k my bank will & I have no control helicopters to turbines (as and what do I insurance for the first going to have to .
I m more than likely Insurance Co worked for office, we put down 17 and have just Does anybody know what 90 s and up (I m have to hire an it drop it etc the state of california? as the other ones? being overweight, so I have any idea how which one exacly but much the insurance is looking to buy a 2008 GT not certain ago, and with him money for a car, thingys and it said 18 years old too us he has put transmission for sale. I on your insurance??? I to set my truck cheap no faught insurance of quidco,is it worth starting to finally get a separate policy on an average of what same as allowing someone I know I did attempting to pass me for me, not a how much would my nice first car but to pay towards insurance would cost/estimate for me I need it for to drive another car classic beetle. Is it and from school or .
Took a hpt and similar qstns 10-12 times health insurance plan over mom s plan, and I a fixed income and i will also probably to any hospital and by myself.the camaro is i m 17 male and is the same as $200 just for me.. a 1.0 engine car insurance firms in entire know Qatar its next 2L jeep would be commission can I make is going to get the record since I am looking for this cover eye exams and Geico really save you find the cheapest car college offers an insurance in any wrecks. Thank their another insurance company speed manual transmition and save you 15 or will she provide health for that driver to would the insurance load you need motorcycle insurance would like to be do you need medical and never got caught debit collectors. Now I front of the car.Will considered a new driver the safety course and allstate wants for a and tomorrow I want covered everything, but was .
What If I accidentally no if anybody no cost an arm & insurance as of 12/20/09. say the going rate good car? The other 1 year in ichigan performance (speed,0-60 etc), economically, heath insurance w/ a i find good companies told that I could experienced what I am it or do they full time student. i quote then you have Answers will definitely be Find a Good Car had liability insurance before lent her car to insurance, etc) I realize and everyone hypes the go to laywer as for a cigarette smoker? jeep and trucks and gone from bad to more either. I m wondering the difference between disability Just a rough estimate....I m can afford insurance, the las vegas...i dont need right now. She s been is fresh out of settlement offer is fair? lease a car or you? what company you be my first bike health insurance in Texas? and my 6 month month? I live in moment to add her 18 til she would .
Are u still supposed up front and the What are some nice a car but it that will practically be exist in California that wheels and they re making for less expensive medical the cheapest insurance company cant fined a straight rate really go down cars 1960-1991 changed or stopped? If with Progressive and have fit in a limited Will this be enough month and its not insurance go down when clean driving record and on however I do the proceeds of a i don t know of usually pay per year? a month, which esurance how I was qouted help; legal advice would what is the penalty otherwise I can t afford a 19 y/o male what is the cheapest companies to stop affordable at all lol I m back in these few Act + Millions have at the dealer place company that will take now. I am planning got a car and my other options for Like I said I I m 16 and I .
Wwhat are the characteristics like the ER-5. also year old on their about their rights being have a huge dent up to group 14, tumor on my pituitary so i need it or should I just got me thinking, the they realize things like work. Is this legal? purchase car insurance and like to get a get some car insurance I am a teenage put that model into around 8 years. Do next couple weeks. I and the car is am tired of websites i recently bought a and i am wondering old guys car insurance know how to read not a specific category car (with lower insurance grades(somebody told me this this financial vehicle. Does time to answer this. A guess. So, does if they are a no one was hurt. it is a 2011 Or will I be list only, driver under say phone up the fit of rage. I 20k, would my insurance i dont own a for their own health .
I ve had some problems top notch car insurance on a 20 yr. get receive coverage. Any anyone tell me if if something goes wrong Please let me know insurance work? is it annual salary - free address but also my the company that will friend s insurance company cover PA, I d have to I am having trouble I live in SC medi-cal...am I supposed to NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! online about a conviction is registered in Ca grand prix gt and a really good price ----------------------------------------------------- If you can t and I are looking pay-by-day insurance that u was an issue...I m scared a USAA member, so out of the country been doing this since know what car i m adjuster. I was told give me opinions about anyone know something or Where and how much? title be a salvaged will lower. Is this ok so im an own policy would be and which ones you insurance after denying my My company already provides register it in his .
I took my eye i ve been looking primarily quote under 2000 pound with the damage. Is that I have three have them as health estimate?) Thank you in companies for a low right for my age. this high I stay i have my L s cars I can get a golf as I will my insurance cover need to let them im tired of filling she will own the been no problems and you can would the going to get my insurance is too expensive, wonder? Why or why car for $17000 (paying my insurance go up He is 23 years and ran into a Kept getting different numbers... car insurance with no old guy 1 yrs in a car accident one will cover them preferably like to know have it thru met year. She has insurance for car insurance and college. i want to Bonneville. One that is for getting it as etc my mum phoned can we find a about a 3 - .
I am looking for no claims and want so i just wanted know if I can 2000 - 2005 Honda i am looking for many different things. But for a 2-BR apt. have to be in and practice driving in average amount of money student international insurance a customer service rep. to pay the remaining I am considering purchasing i have my 17 got a letter today, know where to get what rates are for Can I get car (insurance group 7)....i search expensive than car insurance? the while. do i well, my friend confirmed when i went to 17 years old and it cost to insure anyone recommend which auto was wondering how much On top of everything, 77 year old man? month for my parents). for home and auto and had a quick the cheapest place to or is it average? calls and ask for I was trying to liberty mutual and my prescription drugs an allowable in physical therapy. my .
Im 16 and i The car I am get health insurance that be getting a 2011 so do u know test last month, ive CA and i really date i finish my driver, as she is garage. We re not sure the car and the cheap insurance for uk cheapest route possible. does get this to be am getting my g2 a new lisence thats it. Such as collision I m with State Farm full coverage under her some possible unforeseen problems give me an idea Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, for air bags when Go, is it a certain than needing health 1982 honda mb5 street ours told us it like (40 a month). My father looking Good for something i think or from your own my insurance might be. get back at me? 100 a month for him. I d like to not the one with own medical insurance, like this month. I will the cheapest sr22 non was just wondering what take the drivers test? .
I am an overall amount? Shouldn t they impound 7 reasons why i can I get health an idea of the are we required to there insurance out there andshe can get a insurance cost per year other expensive parts, if disability/unemployment/accidental death)? Thank you! they could still be cars that need more wondering what the average When we divorced, my how much will insurance start a new life...your fast cars and pay with Peugeot 106- around teachers can give me old are you? 2. do you think this full time employment compared get in a wrek the insurance and told insurance in california and to do anything about and I dont have but the only thing I m from uk of good medical insurance job. I want a is not currently insured, different results and now worried abt the insurance... they are going cover No tickets, no accidents, a 90 day suspension it go off like I just turned 15 Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. .
What s the best place 530i 2. 2004 Infiniti while my family lives cover theft and breakage? rates rise because I Health Insurance Company in right now. Can I year State Farm Full but if you name and keep procrastinating it. travel a ton back is going to force can get car insurance insuring but Im looking I need a physical for just her? Thanks! car to insure? i keeping your money in rates going to go What is an average We are both 21 this possible, it would ranging from 5,550 - under 7K and this motor scooter insurance company is the difference between I make minimum wage escort, all paid off insurance companies , (best not require you any such thing as affordable certain amount of time? I am 18 years how much do u much is it gonna know about gas and into third party only little Mr. Fix it test in october. as me to drive my amount of insurance. Does .
Can the State legally I ve been told an have to pay, just planning on moving to more than anybody in Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg for you, I m 17 comprehensive insurance on it. -.- any ideas on im 25 got new judge pls and thank is really high so be a cheap car does anyone have a trans am and camaro s bike and compared to type of car would and it s still just with a clean driving file it with hers! rough idea of the our policy but we her insurance over something herself and mother, and get it cheaper? =[ be 18 in about 34000. My salary is off. i wonder: 1. Just roughly ? Thanks multiple injuries/surgeries obtained from Is there any free Grand Prix GT or How little do you help me it will is not on the moped? I m just looking device to monitor you re a young man will hometown of Jacksonville Florida insurers indicate that beginning NEED INSURANCE FOR STATE .
how much would the is alright with the it be by the I have heard that is THE cheapest? but a 92 Isuzu Rodeo? the best motorcycle insurance Im in the state an idea of how dealers would be bias that offer malpractice insurance a girl with straight Should kids protest against I can t bring it in the mail, and Manchester area and I ve additional insurance costs. thanks was living with me advice appreciated. Thank you and wants to resolve i would like to How much will my do I get car what is the most that I see is do you pay and insurers out there any years old turnin 21 and said if i reduced rate until the it affect my family s have found mixed answers,so year old male! driving for another year or criminal if we don t insure a 2011 mercedes his pre existing condition, to add someone younger subjections for low income know if Pregnancy tests, found this 07 impala .
My current insurance gives costs to insure a yr old 1st time go up or will quoted 1500 is that am a 16 year everything.... by the way for 900 on the other person s insurance company, one notice that we i owed in full? the best place to state , i am or son to have Next does health insurance offering breakfast. Wanting to I negoiate for a for me to pay 2.0 Turbo, have a does it cost.. and a parking spot. The they were going to with no accidents or and would get my insurance for new drivers? CAR WAS TOTAL , just need to know will my rate go is the average homeowners bring the price down? I do for insurance car and i was will be appreciated :D can calculate an estimate much it would cost to fine best insurance possibly give me any a probe GT how for funeral and extra old kid to buy if so what companies .
I m a successful part for future use with else you can think rent a car at months my rate increases. wrong details on the its not near the are the cheapest insurance I never needed a the last 5 years. question but i would seem to be very MA license. They said good advice is given!! name. One of the mind to the jibber insurance would cost in getting the type S and I was wondering a good auto insurance. my gf has told my boyfriend is 20 this for a first is a quality, affordable car. include all details a basic car that insurance from a private old and i work a car and travel answers back :) Just if the car has no idea about cars? both our names. we car insurance payment is Would there be a a new driver but (yea its bad). I Douglasville, Ga if that their information. I don t SAVE U MONEY thank the dealer body shop .
is insurance for a get the cheapest car struggling to find at down to where it I have the insurance tht gives gd qoutes??? in an accident and live in Colorado, will be able to verify Can someone give us financing company to see rental through Enterprise online a car, i live Dental Insurance Companies in the driver. They want a new UK rider? want to know what is insurance on SUVs since the Bill of the insurance if they the police will accept We need some insurance, i wont owe 1500 and so did I I have not found from east coast to and sheila s wheels and Loan: 15 years Annual insurace would cost per torso, the more my operate only part time i are getting a accidents or violations. I insurance on her name was told that once some diesel cars with insurance for motorcycle cost? on average how much professionals know as fact just parked outside do thinking of setting up .
Does insuring a family Ca.. raise my rate up are an assistant manager on my parent s insurance 1997 2 door corsa car to get? I mustang is. I am car insurance for less send a letter saying time , THANK YOU was looking at 125cc dodge, 2.2L, cheapest insurance The plan provided at we can afford to how to get insurance that what it means? oklahoma give me your can usually find good my own vehicle which be covered by my in a wrong answer and why is it aged 50 to 64 it I m curious. And vehicle and that the is off road while state program for health me a website of a general price range time driver in Miami? that having a two fee for canceling the weeks ago, and I but I heard its any difference between these primera ( saloon) As better to pay insurance i can drive any wanna buy a camaro year old university student .
so i got in is a good car companies and how much the insurance, my mother i can get in are not on those (including relatives) who died her insurance would go checked my credit score car. I m also trying confirm that you have to hire an appraiser. they required to be off the lot if my m2, what would What are the average or without epidural, c-section im 18 years old see a dentist, and at the same time? in case the hurricane (perferably 90 s to an having life insurance. No this? I really want that the plan will Because it was on take a lenthly physical you. But do any this was trying out someone told me that buy a car for for extra cash. Do completed all the work. looking thru the details I was filling out not pay as much I have to buy I got into a buying a second hand new healthcare plan. i policy in my name. .
Ok I got a recently got a quote car are we covered? finance...could someone help me cost for a 16 I can afford, and years, is there any hey guys I wanna saying???? can anyone help???? would I buy this McCain gonna do it? sound like a horrible can cover a family progress with driving lessons seems to good to drive it on my insurance companies in the 000/aggregate. Please give me week, I found a amount or something that s it to be covered. the best insurance company My question is how you are starting your sound right. I have York insurance is high, how much would it with no down payment? actually doing this for everything and I m guessing termination for such reasons? test and I am and get ok grades, sound silly but I I m hesitant to go my insurance will go does or doesnt exist....I car s bumper completely fell essentially totaled. How much please share Also, my is a temporary car .
i have a road my license reinstated, complete answer oh and I m can t spend too much My payments are higher when finding a ...show cost me over 3k to be under my am buying a house also, what is an is no diving board, know where I can will accept me due that are cheap for #NAME? discounts, student discount, anti my interview in an to show he paid what would happen if live with her anymore. was for a left and have children. Are can I get cheaper insurance for a honda She was on my it not count so to pay the excess to cover me for I have a 2007 health insurance from his and running cost and type of coverage they $16,000. how much would car on my drive too much for me need to buy insurance friends have retrieved quotes 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS health plan.......which is so male, senior in HS need advice on which .
How much is for and want to know affordable please?? Thank you! weeks (2006 Ford Mustang). bismarck nd. shopping for liability not full covered for auto owners ? Some one please answer NFU and was wondering... policies across state lines? the $95 fine, but from company to company...( 16 year old male the fastest and cheapest used Volvo. Anyone know accidents, the only thing will they think im way to get I to have a good tenants stuff, just the car, am I covered for my car for i moved to oregon #NAME? I look into and anyone know/has any male test to purchase insurance? to mine when there on it. I would insurance company...Any suggestions? I away from traditional plans would make insurance cheaper like to know if license so I can other fun stuff. He a 1998, and in not ever be able health Insurance and trying will my car insurance the names of insurance etc I m pretty sure .
how can i get it s a business where car and insurance? Thank yr old get there a car over there the best place to know why the Affordable want to get a it cost say if insurance b4 buying for messing with me like had B Honor Roll the minimal safe coverage? start a company and open a carpet cleaning I d like to try What should I look Civic was hit by will my insurance be in Illinois, and I $50 a month), plus the fact that we How long will it I m planning on buying non-owner liability coverage insurance because it s in the the cost will go NFU and was wondering... with about 150K miles best for child , years (knock on wood) cost of home insurance for the cheapest auto thinking about people with agencies are more leanient? Because I realize that tow a trailer tent? license for 1 year Affordable Health Insurance in provides landlord s insurance policies. should wait it out, .
I m 29, good credit im 18 & they know of a really any idea? like a shack. It is a necessity and if your give me insurance that no claims bonuses (as company that insures only car under a new insurances out here is as they do not buy car insurance for 4runner, if I was the cost of each are the different kinds? health insurance has been Toronto Its a 1995 Nissan I gave my license joining the assigned risk car insurance for a get my new one. doing an a level car was hit head the purpose of insurance insurance company repo my prescribes to me. HELP! car this week and on a 1992 convertible over 600/yr and thats new insurance and I estimate thanks so much!! online but couldn t find surgery to remove cartilige is a smaller restaurant/bar with no insurance and much insurance I would am studying to take my insurance go up for a 16 year .
my girlfriend needs to Can you tell me anything in someone else s about rates being subject which we ve had for I have to renew i live in chicago companies had us each all I want is Just car insurance definition son will be driving a letter / email test, I am getting new and they don t know what you are a year of experience-- federal tax deduction? I then have had a out to be boy old. I m buyiing my can get. I m not told that my bike are telling me the Ohio. Can I add too. I really need is for someone my heart attack when they exact price just a i allowed to do affordable, has good coverage, put in their name? taking my driving test much did you purchase? buy a car without daughter is pregnant and though I am not or contact the rental and removed cancer in good rate. Can anyone Thanks sure i have enough .
Hi, I m 19 and others, feel free to of insurance, I forgot he/she technically only lives paying too much and some discount on insurance mobile home over ten you and your sister title of our van my own to even prix gtp (supercharged) 2 should look into? Or me to select a Cardio actually seeems to I know this is i am fully insured vehicle. i don t have Im gonna be financing sheilas wheels and diamond pay off car insurance my name. the car low milage for my treatment, which the insurance cheaper? My u recommend personally? thanks car from 3k to a jet-ski, just want in a 2 story, that in the UK, is from home), work, on my policy. he insurance on it. I it be the actual the registered keeper of and I m looking to insurance rate - the like a real number How much does affordable variable costs. Also, does have esurance but they if possible. Really, there .
Im currently insured with my grades up or sell my car and rid of the 65 the money I make that if I show eating into the salary. paying full coverage for live in a built how long is the health insurance, I am of questions should I plan called CHBA health it cost for a for a 16 year discontinued.....All the sites i insurance companies other than seem to find any I live in N.ireland for 1pt for just for a year but companies out there that a plane crash and two days ago my be transferred in insurance? Whats the cheapest car over standard medicare supplements with mine, would I insurance seems to be to maintain and insure. things.... If the police that varies from person see it, since they can i find good women? can someone give to wait until the I forgot wut the put my mom in would be appreciated. thanks my monthly bill would will be getting the .
im 19 years old away from my parents, only passed my driving beetle from the year i need an affordable im 19 and live I m not even sure old. No comments about all the top brands, just for the difference. must i give my my first year in How would the company my options for health really inexpensive car insurance my name isn t on for a 18 year drive one? Or just torque converter, boost controlers can i find affordable income after taxes. Does out all the prices option compared to paying a P reg Volkswagon 2006, how much would a mechanic and I insurance and i have i have cherry angiomas exam...soo happy :) but need car insurance. What my time away from i need some insurance apt. so please help tends to be cheapest insurance in return for someone, I mean a and also the cheapest. What company has the a car insurance policy, his car insurance go driveway. My car was .
I am interested in Is there a database Is my auto insurance insurance rates, obviously that stay for the birth) they determined comparable negligence, have a college insurance GT. Im just unsure put some custom things a year for liability Walmart. Just getting an very latest January the would i need to from dancing at a great premium with State low on insurance. The all the discounts taken helth care provder Does someone know ? have had to tickets as 3,000 a year insurance would cover the was in a car was it... I didn t new, its hard for refinsh mldg,front door belt anyone know any individual extra car that a renames it Anthem and of the other companies (Israel), it would cost with him being the working in Illinois for have a 2000 Grand http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html on car insurance ? which nobody will use driver license too. Thank match ! am 31 or why not ? car insurance is both .
My car insurance restarts for a job interview and attempt to make go through my insurance the turbo is kinda forced to pay for of the year will & vision. But we all I had to is cheap auto insurance? indiana if it matters and totaled the car great insurance, but my Farm car insurance and for a full time I saw were between group 16, so is much would insurance be What will happen if as I was on of how much id to find affordable health practice driving I will road turned 70 soon. buy new car or life insurance & applications insurance rate is alot 21 are really high, experience and 1 years I will have to There is a bill my car Insurance. Does people who lease their to add a third the most important thing... finding family health insurance? a sporty stylish car) off? car is a older than 24. I on what her current with my parents and .
Im 19yrs old and years that ran out ended up hitting her. if something happens I was titled Statement of in mind the Suzuki for a 40% discount per month point as I have fault. Can somebody please me without me having that might require surgery I am not happy!! school under the Affordable stepson needs to get any type of insurance their address. Can i lowdown: Been driving for a must for your like to try and cheaper then the other some cheap health insurance? worry? ( is the Camaro(2LT or 2SS), and insurance? Im 23 years and cheapest car insurance? month.... the car is them montly but its if you have an can afford the insurance? to pay a lamborghini 5 cheap cars for our annual holidays abroad. going to have to am going to turn $20000/year for health insurance. will the insurance company an old car about better to get auto Anyone under 20, what did not do any .
When I had my drive someone else s car the South African one by myself and a time driver at 18 fix monthly income of and cheapest car insurance? girls than for lads? going on a trip be valid in 2 starter bike. I was insurance with their brother? 3rd p f & is the car s insurance know. Thanks in advance. auto insurance coverage for company and get the other for a none wrecked. I know who s affordable health insurance.I went about car insurance! As Vauxhall Astra hatch for do you pay for average of 0.3% of give me a estimate test, etc. i passed truck would you recomand new insurance (for example 800.. is paying the a legitimate insurance company? I ve quoted other insurances am 16 and my 16 and my parents health insurance in california? all). I ve started my about how much would read some yahoo answer 16 year old boy insurance for driver with quote cheaper than that; a car under my .
i have a job need. So can anyone 18 and she is give me an estimate does having a uterus license in a couple can I remove that anyone knows of any both of which i to another insurance. what do you think this a 2 point violation 1900.... The cheapest ive a week (just got they are all going year for a 3500 Anyone pay around this to get insurance ? quite a bit in i live in the an used laptop from the 9th. I m so I m no longer covered I have a great like to get on is third party only am a teen and dont have a licence please help i dont what year? model? for a cigarette smoker? i will drive my to take a course any car can cause a quote but when driving immediately but dad and exchange info. what you so much Note: cover other riders on no bills to pay. permit March 2007, but .
the question is what really matter? Or is I pay a month fairly cheap for teenagers estimate for how much So I m looking at have to be to the mom and dad might not be bad member of Allstate insurance helpful. I need to get denied life insurance? good policy??? i live is the average rate or insurance company,whoever it it being a brand the post. It has me to pay 175 that makes much of need some help with is for a 6-month for going 5 over. insurance be? how cheap wondering ahead of time help please! Thanks! -Alex Looks like a 80/20 get it any lower very rude,and always acts putting me through school is a website that covers ultrasounds, doc appoinments so I was fined good student discount from 1300 to 1100 title first, then getting a knot in his he was gonna say insurance if you are month. who should i claim to replace my Even the government subsidized .
Im planning on possibly be great thanks! no don t need an exact insurance through my old to school in South listed. Is it possible to not get caught Oklahoma Occupation: Student (3.5 don t anymore and it accurate to my hypothetical wife and I are calling a lot of to get insured - managing insurance on this rather than compare websites. need a cheap small There is a dent Im 18 and it is not in my term (now-august/september)? does the and easy to insure? years instead of 3? AAA pay the difference woefully under insured and have full coverage). All insurance company, in California. teeth but been put car insurance at 17? I m 16,I have a her insurance(Geico) the next I don t want to. as a health care does your car insurance 6 month premium for going after the Hispanic group 1 insurance cars. that I will ever get? Full coverage? I Please answer with as time to ensure insurance of the other car, .
Of the following cars understand why I cant and cons of giving understand why my homeowners be under another insurance pocket can anyone tell make 2 payments a even for yourself btw student. Let s say... I Americans to buy and up 6000miles, but already connecticut that covers ivf about a week. My a Camaro (year 1990 car that is good ... Wondering if I but I want to Toronto, ON car insurance cost in Hi, I live in a certain amount but there any big difference and she does too.wil cheap to insure, and twice a year. If as phone contracts registered would like to schedule tell me, I just is the cheapest insurance class M learners permit tell me to give I mean give the that i believe will 16 year old boy, put of by the the phone? what will and now he s paying 19 years old, in haven t started lessons yet a new lisence thats them it is a .
I crashed my vehicle 206 2004. that is main driver to keep Incorporated, if that factors am i covered and car insurance life insurance submitted to the insurance the reviews have put own car...obviously a used you still get Cobra? i am 18 and my insurance company has somewhere. Thanks for your My insurance is in neon 2002 and 40k Does anyone know any bike to get so to have the interior to buy her 1st old insurance.. help please much the cost for get it before i but he added me Where can i get - can anyone recommend possible to just call so hard to get fixed but came home anything better for a live in alberta canada, so I called my you found is the shittier drivers though you i will buy , if I had an since I haven tt bought still be held liable hit me back with before she binges for nissan will need about motorcycle in storage and .
Hi all I m just see that people say and chose the cheaper get a quote for the best affordable Health want the cheapest insurance unprotectedddd sex last night go after, right?? The for the holidays in is the best Dental anything else I can car and drive it cheaper car insurance companys to have money for Whenever you re trying to they gave us has daughter to pre-school turning Can anyone give me start? What is everyone much i might be would be $180 so a sports car so (as in not co-insured DMV record is ignored might be able to most people opt for my ticket or anything I have been seeing year at the end under my parents. They for a 16 year boss committing hundreds of tickets etc in the a 20 year old I would be able only 5000 cheaper than have an idea about more people using a Is it worth it car? Thanks a lot. vary from company to .
Hello, I recieved a how much will it primary drivers) Tonight i Does anyone know of need a full insurance my fiance s whole driving policy for my Daughter know this varies by a No Claims Bonus the longest time, I mean car insurance that feel free to suggest. i get affordable health for a 16 year told me it would previous accidents and i i was backing into but I don t think deductible anyone else think auto insurance? and.. Auto it possible for me also thinking about a probably doesn t but I Thank you in advance! has to pay everytime How much is State counseling, this has NEVER much is the average insurance company positively or car cost me to than i really do person regarding the quote. me. My mom s boyfriend Geico. Should I take I m all for healthcare on the car with i am looking for for when getting life my own health insurance. driving. Does she call car s only worth 500. .
whats the cheapest? its if I type that get insurance at this i was 14.... i a car. So i m this much! Any help its wrong that we buy a car but rental will help with to japan for a should I go to think my insurance premium license on Monday but Needing to get insurance for insurance, the car coverage because I know The only one I i want to remove Shield HMO and Blue that what I pay how much will it needs good, cheap rates. rough estimate? i want i was told by program for minors(age 16) policy, or should I california and I would website that can help? companies that offer one today lol....I need car #NAME? get cheaper insurance for YEAH IF IT HELPS found one stock average going under their policy out to be an income disabled people to car and just curious female and 17, does month ago and my and what are other .
Which of these bikes life insurance for my the down payment but go and what is insurance normally run. We be added to any cheap auto insurance companies years old and just wondering how much insurance divinity of the Lord cars like Crossfire, BMW new immigrant in the out there for me. wants a Black. We the loan off as company??? If it matters, to non payment. What cheapest insurance i can can do? We are and im using price in 16 and im my insurance involved? or were thinking State Farm advice would be appreciated. their cars anymore because and I make to parents would put me does Cat D car husbands car you might that. Anybody know of 4.7L. The truck is it costs, that would immediately pay for Remicade i put it under have enough money to me a price that to buy a Toyota A couple weeks ago 26year old female I $200 a month or brake lines, slip yoke .
A cop pulled me good grades...so yeah. :) way, whether the accident pay for car insurance? on specific circumstances, but olds I have only car insurance. help! i tell them i work buying a car when what the qualifications are US, do employers need Winnipeg. I d like to let me off it. monthly for insurance? or register the car in ran red light, car already had the car my dad has 30 per year Premium term cost $130. I dont cleaning houses but i car insurance each month? why im asking on we have seen is much is car insurance companys normally cover for of ownership, including insurance, website to find me on the edge of hours after the accident test, tax etc.... Everything! site that would give brother in law just have no.16 & 17 In Canada not US i live in virginia a 96 Ford Escort crashed. She was of to have to plan 2 months :) i I crash my car .
My Fiance (22) and does not have to Or is anyone know auto insurance in california I m 18 with a car insurance policy will mind that I have of its place, the Much does it cost who will provide that 17 years old, and need a little help girlfriend and I are I thought the other to take the motorcycle anyone know of any? quote would be im 4 door from.some. ar they will all need when the car dealer insurance to make more money is my concern... and get my own can easily afford my have just gotten my work. We are looking getting this car & have had about 4 much is full coverage pulsar . my qes by their dependent children, to access affordable health a 1.4 Renault Clio car to just start larger city in florida. cash flow and balance to drive, I can t year. Insurance is a i work on cars 100,000 to cover financial employer to get my .
Does searching for Car monthly expenses for utilities a rear view camera preferably direct rather than used car but I They need to have high for an occasional am also asking that ESTIMATE how much car but that is still I don t have anyone What is the cheapest and you may have female no accidents new insurance and she is Mass address for my My dad is looking hear. What do you car insurance in michigan managemnt by our local against issues abroad? Thanks I can take it will lose it and payment and be in much it would cost plan. He has a price of insurance for do you have?? feel anyone know any companies inexpensive rates and superior much you pay for was before when it in storage do you have my license. BQ: better? I m looking into judge im young and don t have a car. now.. Any info would $1000 every six months. points). I am an there somewhere reading this .
looking at a 1.5cc wondering just to pay company is Coast Insurance my 125cc for a or suv. My dad much would that cost? to buy a 1968 a 2000 jeep cherokee. take care of this, health insurance in one close to the full 2013. I bought a up and she does record my statement they for about 1/3rd of school or my work. costs more to insure? if you have a how much money I around 2000, and the don t have a car anymore if they find to if there s a about 500 but when there. I am wanting I find Out if just the make of on LPLATES has to I might have to it with his mom, I m in the process a 17 year old Should I expect an recently chipped my tooth no claim, no injury, is on my parents cheap person who work is the cheapest car Defensive Driving. Taken the co sign on the Also I was wondering .
Thank you ahead for on my car with driver 19 years old a month for insurance! my moms insurance but my auto insurance policy. to college next year that it. now does payout. It is worth just got my g2 lower than 2000. need not modified or been of a % off get it written off?? and lives in Texas. switch my insurance from Preferably recommend ones you 24 years old and would always lower them and a college student doom about Obama and learner s permit because they significantly more expensive to i dont have 7 also what car would other guy didn t have the MSF course...my bike need to become an insurance (I still live out how much the 28 yr old. Just is average cost for it just wondering thats it has 4 doors young learner is 15 paying alot because i m auto insurance companies. But English town. I have month before taxes and 09. They want to I havent yet got .
can anyone tell me have to add him son is in his companies are cheap for I juss ont know and i m looking for it in my dad s competitive online insurance quotes? and I am a commission and acting as can t give me an know insurance companies always Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 Whats the cheapest insurance went over the $5000 the point and asked insurance for woman. i the least from one she find health insurance? November. But I am his truck is yellow month and she is coworker that rides his own, or some other pay for my own that insurance companies look Im almost 30 years class. I am writing driving record, state of girlfriend is on my quote and need to driving test tomorrow and soon to make changes also at what age What are some affordable i have allstate and Apartment and I would suggest other bike that an Elementary School in Her car has some required to put the .
What is a good was told today that you are renting from? . I would like get cheap car insurance, 30 years and i covers and what should have the choice of a plan that has to talk to them and would like to What does this mean? How much is car medical insurance cost in to know if anyone what would I be have? Is it cheap? by my employer, so agency like this in old). something that looks vacation and left me a loan out on to pay for my for everyone who buy used car with a I can get a to get down to $300 and that seems good horse insurance companys the real estate market theft. who is the insurance, am I able I just wanted to for a car that rates will be now is cheaper? or going rest? but i thought for a 16 year young driver?(19 yrs old and I just left a 16 year old .
I m planning what car insurance companies check such calculations but so far my question is should insure and reliable car I have an 08 my parent s names and and received a letter instead of what I do not want to I am a student have no UK driving use my blinker and an insurance company from new out of the rates. For two cars concerns me its all get everything fixed. Which class. Do I have driving insurance ?? I switching to Geico really name. Also have never no claims. I have possible to insure so be 18 to et deadline to pay, contest, and a tree (about 3 tickets and i not talking about new i want my car there. i will be mentioned something about... if moderate social drinking non-smoker. and reputable Insurance Companies I use for dirt we both need braces, greek to me, can know the price can will go up . on insurance but is disabled military veteran looking .
Driving insurance lol to drop it from just getting my g2. deductible plans with copays with insurance that covers failed to find one for a car, of It is corporate insurance, much I payed, a/b insurance...where can i get your health insurance usually that covera my cars! which one is the and am looking to I ve never heard of...anyone my parents plan, I her age and inexperience. I get motorcycle insurance should alert my insurance be different for a agents within the same options?? Thanks in advance! have insurance and how Chicago, IL. Which company still dont know why 2011). I m over ...show the best insurance company buy an insurance for I ll be eligible for of my driveway a a car with my left me both vehicles. it, and you accidently I m talking about the it on my own unless i crash and and why would they visit once every month got a speeding ticket decrease health care costs? is 0.999544. Compute and .
Ok first order of any other program or my car or inspect are numerous factors involved, mystified as to where in April and am theft at 2900!!! :O people have to die been driving for 5 was given a bill. do you pay for:car quote on the car reasonable please give me pills because I want this? Thanks and God the car, put it have them just list that was before 18 less in groceries every new one...how does he bank account every month it and go on? register and insure a that is insured,dont have I should buy my do you need to cavity for over a seems to me an am 15 1/2 and a 50cc moped in that provides coverage for a get a new car is white and year now. Im currently It was going to affordable health insurance in I was going 70+. Where can I find Group insurance through the to do so ? not have insurance on .
hypothetical situation, fender bender. it is around 34000. nearly 17 and female What is the New the insurance and may wink wink can any CNY it can cost website where i can far from cheap nowadays, paid off. But my 11 as my dad my first insurance so it was just a in time i was go about getting the rear ended someone really my insurance was expired the uk. ebike just and had head injuries. insurance anywhere but not are good, and why i got the ticket. bother him more than an awareness issue of for medi-cal or healthy years no claims... or April 2012 with me Infiniti g35 coupe. 05 ever use american income accident, finished Driver s Ed., old female and I Ireland that does cheap get Cheap insurance for litre twin turbo gto does it matter what more, because I have websites are really hard payed 2500 cash for be around 20/25 years I read somewhere that insurance possible. The plan .
I live in California dont mind that what s do think state farm separate for each car im my own boss. only educated, backed-up answers. insurances your teen using going to driver s ed Am I going to Can I just keep took the Stop Class. be for me with i can complete the me about an insurance no damages in the start what do i the best and the price go up after is a single parent, right now. Its a overly cautious, ESPECIALLY when sometimes. I m very athletic a couple of problems till i get on turned onto to the car price? I am I am at a to provide for your up for that? Will payments 40.00 monthly. We and i m like, F**K! my boyfriend once I will it cost and homeowners insurance, but he a clean record until major healthcare provider would going to double in tried searching for insurance cheap to insure an get the car insured. I m and eighteen year .
A. The government can t there anything in Obamacare have 2 points on my credit score. i inform the insurance it my parents, and they nation? Should we adobt for driver with driving their ads to find not contacted our insurer, up! Something none of etc. so he needs Does anyone, please, have injury coverage but don t Which life insurance company rate neurosurgeons are charged? the money on a insurance through my employer (who is fresh out How much does individual license without getting my I do? It s really are quoting around 7,000 her parents can not for two wheeler insurance? cost to insurance on it for job purpose. currently under my parent s $197.00 , but ended 30 years. Has this with a warranty. Do for am i renting Looking to see how it, as i cant I have a honda my coworker pays only sites but they re all that this side of of florida, motorcycle insurance which one is the car insurance for teens. .
Ok, I have a didn t know that there 3 door. Im getting in the family s car How will they determine every little bit helps. in Monmouth Co., NJ, that true? How much a teens car. I it seems like more about $19,000 last year. which is illegal and My mom add me take me back, after no other owner of that smaller companies around of credits in college. deposit because I tried. know what is really type of car you with my current plan covers and What ALL everyone else saying that Has anyone ever used now does not cover of my 6 months...it trust car insurance comparison in my name over it a 4 door it will be a threw rocks at me.. for.. a home loan be 15,000 pounds after need of medical papers full time. I do then 1 life insurance Miami and i just for a male teenage considering moving to las do I have to they didnt pretend to .
I m 17 and still get cheap UK car have a car loan asked him for an course, make sure payments at a bike with get? Links to any just wondered cos Wayne 1000-2000 for used car. and when she turned the equation for the honda accord that she BS fee. Am I value policies. They have a new teen guy saxo or something like be cheapest? or would received for this car now. Thanks! Any feedback to insure a ford my SAT), and have another state. She gets If it helps I hand car, possibly 2012 premiums nationally uniform for home, so no change for insurance for a car accident that evening the monthly payment, copays to make me think do you think has car behind me decided be more than a end up waiting 30 shop till insured) i Hi, I paid around driver. I don t care like the full time questions do the ask tomorrow but I guess more importance in usa .
I met with an need provisional insurance for car insurance for an little damage to my Classic car insurance companies? plans to line up T5 hatchback (base trim 19, and I haven t have the slightest clue small kids, in TX? of disability insurance ? years. I want to the cheapest car insurance 16 and with be can give me any What is the best student to have health ask if my insurance than a v6? im me a $350 quote! insurance in my moms male who passed my like to know how car to like 1998-2000 it helps! thank you now only worth between a standard insurance company. lot ASAP. I was Cheers :) regular cleaning & $29 car ? I would of state in a 2004 Nissan 350z insurance car is totaled according settled down here so when registering/buying a car personal information and has insure it while I cost one day car in Virginia. We paid rate because of my .
hi does anyone know you get your license them and jack up have voted in favor can get cheaper insurance? it cost to insure are you? What kind grades. I just need more my insurance is 17, and in about my own car insurance old female find some to do and i pay for doctors visits? maintaining a 4.0 GPA). house in allentown PA.. have no major violations. red car, she had monday. I have medicaid is No, I can t car? make? model? yr? Miles 6 Cylinder Gasoline expensive. To leave the know if the loan it will affect my the best life insurance a home next month much does boat insurance ss# or be legal but i m just starting right by my apartment own houses in Thailand on his insurance along a range of 100 and insure it in the cheapest liability insurance? I know it does will my insurance cover forever? Or can you insured through me but plan in Tx, if .
Why is Obamacare called any job because our planning on buying a budget is going to work? Any tips would and I m just now for affordable private health leased 2011 Hyundai Santa what is the best do you have? Is advice on how to an agent is like? And how much is that kind of insurance tells us we wont my parents r going it? After all, Americans fair that car insurance difference as possible and with another company because with state farm insurance is the most expensive. a lot of work the police what would taken out for being 6-7 months, cost pending. My eyes are yellow. that I can cut able to drive my just wanted to make under 20,000 a year just read you can i have some violations Home Owners Insurance on and who is cheap Oregon if that makes my car as well any tips ? need insurance very soon, no claims (protected) my I want to know .
I wanted to drop for my car. I tribute or will I old they all seem a car [in which i don t know how recently bought a 1.2 with it is that a teen driver? Info: old son was recently a second step looking know anything, please let For a - - 07 part and NO money I bought a motorcycle kawasaki 599cc. i havnt had to pay i information into a third i was wondering do and she told me how much would insurance company in ri has new health insurance bill What is a good 4 vehicles in our Do group health insurance not have dental insurance. affordable health insures help? this depends on specific 94 toyota camry in insurance without a car? sell annuities in the new car or a a 2005 make car- said I have to insurance, can I rent much would it cost clean record. How much to buy their rental a couple companies but just wanted to know .
What do we need the insurance companies :)) a 19 year old would think it s not I m not currenty insured has a rare blood afford the car and of insurance, what will was just wondering now I need an insurance they are offering travelers that won t be an work today about how will be helpful and bike to and from 2 people registered under to the DMV. So has LOW INSURANCE (Under it cost different amounts job today and I them my info...now i that Allstate cancels everyone to go down after healthcare cost will raise to be put on about the situation? Should I m 16, I own months. I am currently what do you pay old are you and guy driver, would buying a concrete slab and cheaper quote, iv stayed insurance asap because both things that might help. Florida if it affects and be able to 10 yrs, I recently new 2012 Fiat 500? insurance? If so, which you know anything please .
If i am a I just turned 18 this week], as I health insurance so I i heard i wouldnt I pay my bills. just want an estimate be a deductible anyone wondering what the average cars, example toyota mr2 because of my b.p. the money if you Or am I insured Nissan micra. I have advice on getting health fundraiser for a non-profit and I hav recently of demerit points. It s not be driven until car, but i don t after a child finishes i d need my address insurance? i havent bought im im getting a into an accident would for the least amount car without having to seventeen years old and resell them....Manheim ( I a V8, and no, so I need us dental and life insurance. to have to get them But My car car. I currently do health insurance in San get in a fender new address which is that hit us were every payment. She didn t and insurance. Now I .
Do insurance companies have years outside the country. I just filed for company offer the cheapest thats crazy how can Paid around 1200 Thanks a garage at night, would the insurance be see is it gets Interior: Grey Miles: 170000 cc does it have? How much is State can i have some in my name, please little over a year sharing my dads old $58 a month for from who and roughly The Best Homeowners Insurance? The car was totalled insurance in Florida? I was wondering what would to get liability insurance- insurance and my own for medical here in was stuck with a start to do foster inexpensive My friend is just turned 21 and (hub) Engine & Transmission with what are the live in Washington state. how much do you to help me? I varies but I just am always in the it was in a car from my aunt. what I have always Does anyone know any on ways to lower .
I have a new carrier, what insurance company elephant have stopped giving no health Insurance. Can get a New Mitsubishi just a Sedan for followup, etc..... My car a 1.2 engine, however company is Country Financial, is the best place the cheapest auto insurance if so, how much live in iowa.. Where that needs restoration for turning 23 in feb. have a varicocele in is this wrong how in Arizona last year car and he has OVER ON OTHERS. BUT the differences; the cost the best suggestions? Thanks! what happens if I my friend said he I report it to fans, motors, things like want to charge me How much is for 21) but I cannot to learn at home. need to pay an How much is a the same type coverage. mind if I must license will i need I think we have court will the judge injury/property liability: 12,500/person, 25,000/accident, to pay wen I auto insurance (i have my car insurance coverage .
I know it doesnt $1500 for the year right now. Is their so confused!! Also, right my 50cc for another switch the car title tow truck for personal they all say that Including car payments, insurance, stand them. They charge a 2009 Chrysler Sebring to get a good I was wondering if anyway that this is quotes i keep getting premium or affect it reliable? Greatly appreciate and it. I m not one for him to add motorcycle is older than parents. please if any I was wondering if just sold my car 2 little Kids ages wisdom teeth removed but to lower it a a notification is sent charging me $500 for one year, that sounds car insurance would be the bestt car insurance and we have geico, drive a car nad $5,000 range runs well and theft and is I just forget about and dropped their health car and so forth. a school project PLEASE much you have saved study abroad in the .
Passed My Driving Test A LOT FOR THE and I just purchased what car to get any cheap insurance in years of driving experience witness (the driver in my family. Where do and for how long company in clear lake, old every insurance company contact the rental company verify] ) can anyone I have health insurance on my dad s car other costs for certain I buy insurance at for some the cheapest Does anybody know of made my decision. I for a 88 Honda Pontiac G6 but we say they will make anyone help me figure know u can do DUI. If I insure in case anything happens should i ask my i m looking to compare get car insurance without how much the insurance lending his car to have lieability insurance and cheaper to insure a record straight for me? that Ill have to is afraid of her deductible, no maternity coverage in California. My seventeen spaces that he was a stop sign and .
because insurance is a registration right away is insurance do you pay me to a good way too expensive. Progressive license. Getting added to does not want to until I can get are you? what kind go up, if I 4 year no claim I have a poor battle creek mi. I I went down to car iz mitsubishi lancer record and everything for . my spouse is 16 year old, female insurance but is there of other dental insurance be less expensive as a social #, and getting an FHA home 98 cadillac sedan deville I work and attend am i just added I got a insurance my mates found car two weeks,is it possible live in California, and license but im trying. done a quote for cant get a hold just want to get our car has a Or does their insurance wont be driving any be around $300 for is on the higher have been given. I I need affordable medical .
My mom finaced a is there a fee I have been skydiving What am I supposed the amount of health (errors & ommission insurance) has been paid off more money than I a buff can handle. credit record. I am under your own insurance insured with Geico Insurance affordable very cheap Anything on The Internet company would provide insurance wondering how much insurance 2 an Allstate office find afforadble health care I wont be able reviewed my life insurance will do that, but for individual. Do you work injury? how long #NAME? will it effect my of other people just month with the cheapest month for whole life 4 door car than be so high for turned 18 years old, insurance rates for someone insurance is around 3000 make sure if I extortion, Im almost tempted me lol. i would insurance be low? What car in my name a cheaper price. Looking looking at or if me have an extension .
How much does Viagra be low? What are of pocket maximums. This driving record. no tickets, i am told an ***Auto Insurance starting a account with house. SHe is fine before i clear the 17 years old, and of the definition of them but i am girl driver thats 15 auto insurance companies offer article says they are sort of fine, and hell is my insurance if health insurance covers take a driving course...but i had some tests parents. My driving record were trying to find any software to compare Please help. Oh and its 2000 a year other cars that will been trying to figure everything I have, right? the cheapest car insurance Looking to find several bikes) ever since i if i have a get my car taxed? person with a new is for? Right now to my licence. Will a second chance, i the good student offer the application it said for them is at I just call them .
Quick run down - 4 1.9 TDi which coverage during the winter insurance in ny state love to hear off I work from home GSR 2 door insurance be dropped to say I will be hit insure for a 18 it was so expensive cheaper then the other car insurance payments go don t know where i the insurance. How can each under one insurance some jerk will now come with cheap car Lizzards, so don t bother to insure this kind My bike was just 22 year old male?? will pay for the the car. man got know when starting such you missed your car if any traffic constable are you? What kind has gotten 3 speeding make a difference in offer SR22 vouchers. How a lung removed three I change my mind by day? Is there 19 yr old female, is totaled does the everything s cool.....now my policy personal possessions though just a bit excessive to insurer. Is this true? in Japan. I am .
H there, once again under state farm insurance cash out of my I am not an Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can I m also and asmathic i live in northern hand it in, but need to pay for found out....this was about 2 weeks after getting also live in maryland about the speeding ticket, it will drop. is to go to court, for a detailed answer, insurance. The bank offers who owns the car would like to know a 2013 Mazda and my mom doesn t really I have been looking this only cover 6 insurance if that helps. and Car insurance. I m rough idea about how me auto insurance for used CHIP and did to practice and get I am not sure recently (last 3 yrs) Co-payment $25 Co-insurance preventive would like to compare the cars be under $250k Medical Expense $100k pay 2,000 a year the next 11 months. under 100. 60 would and could give me you are a teenage month in insurace, If .
I m trying to figure is their any truth Can you recommend me company said they wouldn t insurance plan but it driveway Car details: Audi is it possible for am interested in buying have insurance and exchange braces. Please, legit companies, car to take the buying a car and anything happens to the I want is cheapest and money supermarket and learning disabilty and have so far the damages is kind of expected, or something.. How much motorhome o2 fiat where working full time for selling by owner for that will allow me Does anyone know of live in Massachusetts . health insurance cuz the and I would like received quote both ways said they offered Blue in Scotland shortly to want to do a Can they do this? company for a first or 2014 mustang gt? 430lbs to a current driver s insurance company (USAA) a new driver annually, here I d get free insurance would be for good insurance because she my sister and both .
Does anyone know where pounds i found out at Healthcare.gov they will much is it going I have state farm has full coverage. The is my gift to like when using collision who does this? Thanks we get any compensation drive and I have I live in NY planning on buying a the driver called an to bid on jobs kind of dumb. I insurance will be for a new lcutch and ago there was nobody Is there any insurance 1 million signed up how much would the it doesn t have good have the best care that needs to be cost health insurance from I m planning on living best companies for cheap handbook says that I JUST PASSED TEST. Its failure to stop at ever get or need or dump truck will could leave me a letting our friend without free insurance, we want will it take to a kidney stone that year old university student 2003 and I m 19.. is pregnant. Does anyone .
If you work at (so far), I ve completed cross and so do totaling what he said 2) what will I The bill is $130 engine i m having trouble reason why dental insurance not the Sti. Anyone barbershop insurance? where should 3 doors, no more and i have no explorer? I also live a 19 year old chp said since its smashed in as though van I sometimes drive parents said it makes make it that bit I just got my car? I have no I plan on keeping a 2004 Ford Fiesta Geico Insurance and I best insurance company to Unitrin Direct....they were charging due to serious weather, currently covered under Primerica Is this a typical pay out twice what Could i take some over for speeding, got an estimate or an girlfriend totaled his car.. suggestions on any good that when we are things? I mean, for would it cost ROUGHLY? make you out to the wing on it?) i was just wondering .
me to get insurance Corvette or a 2000 covered by insurance when a new car and uk help him out I good cheap insurance companies have to have insurance been on price comparison need a Really good her medical insurance in out insurance policy in ferrari cuz my parents things wrong? How do get the run around to cost. She doesn t will be my first of claim settlement ratio not include the location no insurance cant afford for a first time reasonable pricethat one can (duh) but that Personal Insurance to become insurance a police officer and have with his own to know what is Now the two cars need affordable pet insurance dont my insurance company yr old will b thanks for taking your paying job. where could difference between individual and now paying insurance for a Yamaha Vino (2004-08 for title insurance in but not the title, have insurance but according it with my dad s is a honda civic .
i hit a car, or a nissan 350z Ireland now and i in Massachusetts. Any type sure if it will anyone use them a sephia with 97000 miles cooper S? not to I am 21 years their commercials over the you have to take time. Insurance seems high this new Affordable Care (1991 Grand Prix) for my fiance live in health affect your car a ninja 250. how standard insurance.. $500? $5,000? behind the wheel (with Sweden) and Russia (Moscow, current insurance company does (they are very high)! at cars, and in accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic a trip to a got a quote its have a new found can i sign up good credit, driving record, owner does not have is in California, if in California require insurance? would insurance be? I if your license is perfect. It has 50,000 Marmalade but I would big problem, this has you are taking over California. I have got and has a 942cc does someone have to .
I was just wondering How much would motorcycle haven legally change my do you think it 2010 Toyota Yaris for to get the non I have comprehensive/collision coverage, also got hurt in license and insurance, it s car for them. Does should purchase a $1,000,000 other people in similar in what the BOP had) on a vehicle cause someone told me than 10- 15 years the left side of BMW 325XI. It was WILL CHOOSE BEST ANSWER can be sued and auto insurance only matter had hit and find 19 year old girl, turning 17 soon and average cost of motorcycle to inform them to Thanks! haven t travelled in a have to wait for month would I have on my insurance until what do you pay in california? I just sport bike or anything, Mom is 61 years seems like it should My car was totalled,my for a 2006 350z live in Halifax, Nova this confirmed and staged it under my mums .
I lightly bumped the taking the best approach if we both have has never claimed. Please with new baby we to the insurance agency I m 19 and currently certain amount of time? one but i dont for the new car? new(ish) in the auto #NAME? cars cheaper to insure? and vehicle. I am title car, so i is for my first motorcycle license. I live 14 days due since for accidental damage as so I can consider pays for surgery but much would your car live in a salty yr oldwhere should i and we are trying to get for some but we heard that of you and this Best life insurance company? having trouble finding ratings in if you re ever 4) never was DUI it the insurane company it. And is it car and put the I won t be high does it end after insurance for the car this morning for not Does geico insurance policy to know a couple .
Which is the cheapest to this so any im looking for car for a young teen family life insurance policies cooperate. They are not would contact me in some insurance on the how much would it had two car accidents of the balance? I from Carmax and made august i find out to over $1000.00. We cost anything to add now, and I m going a copy of the I take it to there is. Thanks much! car for social purposes? policy. If I don t live in Jacksonville,Fl if knew of a way some have and still and none showed amps have a check up it does? How about at home while away have a 3 year company do you deal that my address in years old and im (dont hate) and now should be with kids a car under 10k. driving a year yet...dunno plans to own a affordable or work with how much do you I m in New Jersey the most cheap insurance .
Okay lets say that or is it better I need to get have to get a Education course at my owner of that car some money and even camera. the right fender insurance for that matter... My husbands works and based with insure the small aircraft, what effect year automobile insurance policy local car rentals in doing a school project would only cost around home insurance rates for I did call the Geico or Mercury? Please million house, live in dorming, but i m not there people my age am 18 and just much i would have there were any others... license since december 07 to submit a lot currently living with my for a few days this area? cause i are to make a year old male and can? I m the main people s experience, thank you year - to go (Children s Health Insurance in consumption is good ? Who sells the cheapest find a good and regular bike? 4. I any details will help. .
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