#so those are all just personal preferences of mine where everything i don't like in taylor's music (which isn't that much at all!? you...
verysium · 5 months
attractive things bllk characters (unintentionally) do?👀
i received this ask and decided to write this entire thing through a caffeine-powered fever dream. may have gone a little overboard. please pray for both your sanity and mine. thank you anon for your strong sense of imagination (or delusion, whichever you prefer.)
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nagi lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, and you accidentally (or not so accidentally) get a good look at the droplets running down his abs and v-line. he also does the doorway lean while waiting for you to get ready. since he's so tall, he puts his one arm up on the top of the door frame while scrolling through his phone. when he feels drained of energy, he clings to you like a koala, face buried into the crook of your neck.
rin pushes his hair back when his bangs get in the way, and it shows off his ridiculously sharp side profile. sometimes you have to pause mid-conversation because the direct eye contact gets too intense. he has the brightest turquoise eyes in existence, and they stare right into your soul. pair that with the height difference and him towering over you. hang onto your ovaries because this man is about to snatch them. if isagi or sae are anywhere remotely close within your vicinity, he will personally drag your chair closer over to him. you know, the whole nick jonas chair pull thing? he also unintentionally clenches his jaw when pissed, the vein popping out and everything.
barou is polite to his elders. he holds the door open for others. he tips extra at restaurants. he is kind to service workers. he's just a gentleman overall even though he likes to act tough. he rolls up his sleeves while cleaning or cutting up vegetables, and you can see the veins bulging in his forearms. wears those form-fitting aprons where you can see the outline of his waist and the muscles in his back. he is not immune to raging pit bull moments, but he will calm down immediately when you ask him to.
kaiser requires physical touch to function. all concept of personal boundaries goes poof in his little ego-driven brain. he holds your chin so you look up at him while he's talking. also has that husky growl when he wakes up in the morning. he speaks german. what else is more attractive than that? if you stroke his ego, he will puff his chest out like an emperor penguin and flash that movie star smile. does not slow down his pace for you, and will laugh at your expense when you trip in heels and fall. but then he feels guilty about it and begrudgingly picks you up and carries you home. however, before that he will make you swear on everything holy to never tell isagi about his moment of weakness. (tbh kaiser is a menace and has some serious self-esteem issues. pls avoid dating a man like him in real life until he is fully mature. i still love him tho.)
reo mansplains but not in the condescending way. he does so in the "omg i'm so excited to finally get to share something with you and you're never going to believe it" sort of way. rambles on and on about his interests and gets that little glint in his eye when he's passionate about something. also not sure if this counts but he gets extremely depressed when you don't message him back within five minutes. what do you mean you were busy? he was out here dying from a literal famine. he needs your affection to survive. last but not least, he is good at styling. he knows what colors work best for you, and he will put together three new looks for you in record time.
hiori dreams that you left him for good and wakes up crying with his arms around you. will refuse to let you leave the bed even if it is just to get a glass of water. his rare moments of emotional vulnerability are what gets to you.
shidou does not condone any of your bad decisions. you want to get shit-faced and party until early morning? no complaints from him. you want to wear sexy outfits to the club? say less because he's about to enjoy the view and knock out the front teeth of every guy who dares to ogle you. i don't know if this qualifies as being attractive, but he would never be the controlling type. you can dress and act however you want. unfortunately for you though, this is also a textbook case of the blind leading the blind. if you get horrendously hungover, so does he. if you get pulled over, he's going to be too blackout drunk to even comprehend the officer's words. you can count on him for a good time, but not anything else. do not take any of his advice at face value.
oliver likes to show you off even if he doesn't notice it himself. any talk with his team, and he will find a way to make the entire conversation about you. at this point, the entire u-20 team is done with him. they placed bets that you two wouldn't last more than a month due to his philandering reputation, but the universe seems to think otherwise because you and oliver hit the six-month mark and are still going strong.
ness guards your drink with an unnecessary amount of protection. while you left to go use the restroom, he was looking left and right, and the hairs on the back of his neck were prickling every time someone even came close to your cup. he also shoos away any person who opens their mouth while standing next to your drink because apparently the condensation from their breath could be dangerous. definitely covers your cup with both hands even if it has a lid. no suspicious shit is happening on his watch.
yukimiya is well-read, and he wears glasses. he has a copy of every single classic out there in existence and will fangirl along with you over your virginia woolf collection. he was written by a woman with two cats and a wine glass. not much else to say.
loki absolutely clears the entire carnival/arcade game. you want that giant teddy bear that costs over three hundred ticket points? say less because he's about to win the whole damn pot. of all characters, i would say he's one of the only green flags. like celery green.
isagi always looks for you when he enters the room. intentionally or not, he always seeks your presence. if someone says a funny joke, he turns to you to see if you're laughing or not. also does that somewhat creepy stare thing where he just looks at you quietly while you do mundane tasks. internally he is screaming cus what do you mean you actually like him?
chigiri gives you that thankful little smile whenever you stand up for him. i feel like people don't understand how goofy he can get as he's canonically good at doing impressions/impersonations. also has the prettiest laugh. if he ever cuts his hair, i think i'm going to get a nosebleed.
noa unconsciously says yes to every question you ask of him. he'd be giving bastard münchen a hard time (and denying isagi's requests) but then immediately once you come over, he's automatically acquiescing to everything you say. the rest of the team is low-key shocked you can win him over so easily. when they confront him about it, he just shrugs and goes "y/n is always right."
kurona's entire existence is attractive. he's just perfect. nothing is ever wrong with him. will let you check out his shark teeth and lightly pokes your finger to leave an imprint. hopefully you'll always remember him that way. he's also quiet so he will listen to everything you say and give ample weight to your words.
sae is my baby girl so he gets a whole section dedicated to himself:
absentmindedly plays with your hair. when you're sleeping in his lap, he'll gently run his fingers along your scalp. sometimes in the morning when you're sitting up on the edge of your bed to do your makeup, he'll come up from behind you and brush back your hair. might also press a kiss to the back of your neck.
helps you put on your face mask. when he's shopping, he will buy you lotion along with his own skincare products. says that it was just a convenient store run but you know he personally made sure to get you the best quality ones.
this is canon because i said so: when he gets out of the shower, he slings the towel over his neck or his shoulder. he also involuntarily flexes his biceps when he bends down to grab something. has the world's most defined deltoids.
when you're stuck in large crowds at the airport, he puts his hand in your back pocket to keep you two from getting separated. if the TSA pat-down is anywhere too personal for his liking, he will openly glare at the officer once you've passed the security checkpoint.
bonus point: when you two brush your teeth early in the morning, he has that little bed head where his shorn-off bangs stick up in cute little tufts here and there. will have a dead look on his face, but his eyes soften when he catches your gaze through the mirror.
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thebestofoneshots · 26 days
Waiting For a Girl Like You | wolfstar x reader
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Pairing: R.L.. x S.B. x Gn!Reader (originally written as a woman but then I discovered I hadn't used any pronouns, and the reader was not particularly feminine, so it became my first official GN) Word Count: 5 k Warnings: None Prompt: Unbeknownst to many, your birthday has always been a quiet affair, you don't often celebrate it and you certainly weren't expecting for things to change the moment you met those two, enimagtic boys on your Creative Writing course. You could have not been more mistaken.
I got two requests a couple of weeks ago and I could not fulfil them on time for the life of me. Dear @msblacklupin and @propertyofrjl sent me similar requests about a certain birthday fic and first of all, Guys your birthdays are on the same day, How cool is that!?! Second, I'm so sorry I took so long, but it's finally here!
I decided to combine the prompts since I thought it would be really cute for the story, and this is what I've come up with.
Hope you enjoy, darlings! I'm wishing you all the best! xx Lils
Written for @msblacklupin and @propertyofrjl
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You hadn’t had the best experience with birthdays so far. Back in your hometown, it was the same day as a special celebration of the discovery of the mines and they held a huge, town-wide party for it. The party was great, a fair, balloons, cotton candy, everything great, everything kids loved. Unfortunately, it was so good that people tended to forget about your birthday since they were excited about Mining Day. 
Of course, people close to you remembered (your parents), but even though you had told your friends plenty of times that your birthday was on the same day, it had slipped their minds a good deal of times. You tried to make parties and people would prefer going to see the guest singer invited to the festival. You'd make them the next day and they were too tired to come. 
Eventually, you just gave up on celebrating your own birthday and decided to join the rest on Mining Day, enjoying the candies and everything in between. It might have not been your special day but it was a special day and that was as good as you’d get. Or so you thought. 
When you moved to London for university, you didn’t even think about telling your friends about your birthday, and they hadn’t asked either. That was until you took that Creative Writing side course and met them. You had been on time but the room had been filled to the brim with students, and there was nowhere to sit. You’d huffed and were about to leave to ask for a chair from a different classroom but when you turned around you bumped into the prettiest person your eyes had ever laid eyes upon, piercing grey eyes, long wavy hair, and features so elegant he looked royal.
He smiled, such a pretty smile. “Hey, you were going for one of these? I brought extra,” he said as he pulled one of the chairs up to signal what he was talking about. 
“Yeah,” you said shily. 
“Cool, come along then,” he said and you moved out of the way as he moved with the chairs. He moved his chairs all the way to a table where there was another stunning person sitting down. “What’s your name, Luv?” You replied with your name, soft and polite. “Pretty,” he said, flashing that same smile your way, meaning both you and your name, not that you knew. He accommodated the chairs, one next to each other, wiped his hands on his black jeans and then extended his hand to you. “Sirius Black.” 
You shook his hand and then the other boy’s warm smile caught your eye. “Remus Lupin,” he said with his hand extended as well. He had scars all over his body, but it didn’t make him any less handsome. Were you curious about them? Of course, you were. Were you gonna ask? No way in hell.
The boys had met each other at a boarding school in Scotland and had moved to London recently. Remus wanted to take a lit class and tried to convince his friends to join him but Sirius didn’t love the idea of a class where he’d have to read and analyse books, so he suggested taking something more on the creative side. 
Remus found the Writing Course and Sirius had been more than happy to join him. You and Remus actually had a lot in common, you discovered as the class went on. You had both read a lot, and you veered towards the same authors and storylines. You had an insane passion for Oscar Wilde and he loved Mary Shelly. You sometimes wondered if he liked her so much because of the way she described the Fiend, you truly hoped that wasn’t it, because while you could see how Rem would relate to the monster, you hated the idea of it, since you considered him absolutely stunning. 
Days had gone by, and while you always sat with the boys and hung out with them every time you saw them at school, you hadn’t really seen them outside of it, that was until you got a group assignment and Sirius was quick to place his arms around both you and Rem and claim you as his team. 
Remus scribbled your names on a piece of paper and handed them over to the teacher before she assigned each of you a different subject for your story. You got fantasy. The boys seemed to be diverted when you started talking about mythical creatures and wizards, and you assumed it had something to do with an inside joke they developed through the years of knowing each other.
They invited you over to their apartment that was just next to a corner cafe cleverly named “The Corner” and you had stopped by to get something for you and the boys, since you weren’t sure how long it would take and were now waiting just outside the door to their apartment complex. 
“We’re coming, Sweets,” Sirius’ voice said through the speakers as the door buzzed open to let you in. 
You used your shoulder to push inside and carefully moved the carton with the three coffee cups inside as you entered, your backpack strap got caught in the door and you were forced to turn around to and you opened the door again, placing the paper bag with fresh bread on your mouth to free one of your hands and pulled the strap free. 
When you turned around, you were shocked to find a smiling Sirius right in front of your face. “You shouldn’t have bothered, Luv!” he said and extended his hand towards your mouth, taking the paper bag and then the carton with the coffee from your hand.
“I wanted to,” you said simply. 
Sirius and you went up the stairs, Remus was waiting by the door and the two of them welcomed you in. For an apartment belonging to two boys, it was surprisingly neat. Remus had arranged his coffee table with a few cushions over the rug so you all could sit together, he had a couple of pens and pencils, his notebook and a stunning Remington Typewriter. 
You almost walked straight to look at it when you spotted it on the table, “This is her, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah,” Remus said as he sat beside you. “Wanna try it?” 
“Can I please?” you asked, you had a Brother one at your apartment, and you adored her, but Remingtons were classics. His was from the 50s and it looked brand new. Rather than responding, Remus placed a paper through the platen and pushed it towards you. 
Since you didn’t actually have a plan to write something, you just typed the boys’ Name and then yours, right at the top of the paper. 
“What are we going to write then? Any ideas?” 
“Didn’t you say you wanted to talk about wizards?” Sirius asked with a smile. 
“But do you want to?”
He chuckled, “Of course, Sweets, we’d love to go for that.” He reclined his head on the sofa. “We’ve actually discussed it, and we have some ideas, don’t we Moony?” 
Remus shot a look at Sirius, who winked in return. 
“Yeah?” You asked as you turned your gaze to Sirius. “For the plot?”
“Mhm… hear me out. It’s a hidden school for wizards, you get there by taking a secret train hidden at King’s Cross. The school is full of magic and mysteries and ghosts and other magical creatures.” 
You frowned, “I don’t know… it sounds a little too surrealistic, doesn’t it?”
Sirius laughed at your statement and Remus threw pillow towards his face, you squirmed in your seat a little uncomfortably and then Rem placed his hand on your shoulder, “It’s okay, Dove. We don’t have to go for Sirius’ idea.”
“But he said you wanted to write about it too…”
“I’ll be happy with whatever we make. I know with our writing skills and Sirius’ creativity we’ll make something brilliant.” 
You pulled out your notebook and checked the list of ideas for the story you had to write. It had to be at least 50k words and you had three weeks to finish it. So the three of you would have to get writing as soon as possible, which meant you had to define the story and you had to define it fast. Most of your ideas were either unfinished, not doable in such a short time or had the opportunity to be integrated into Sirius’ magic school. 
“Okay, tell me more about your Wizard’s school.” 
Sirius smiled, threw a look at Remus –a satisfied sort of look– before turning back to you, “Okay, so the name is Wartshow: School for Wizardry and Witchcraft, and–“ 
“Doesn’t Witchcraft and Wizardry sound better, though?” 
Sirius licked his lips and smiled. “All right then, Wartshow: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” You wrote it down in your notebook. 
“It’s the story about a boy, a boy that thought they wouldn’t be able to assist even though he was a wizard.” 
“Sirius,” Remus said in a warning tone. 
“Shut up Moony, you’ll kill my inspiration.” 
“Why did he think that?” You asked. 
“Because he was bitten by a werewolf when he was 4.”
 Remus scoffed and stood up, “I’ll bring the snacks.” 
“Is he okay?” you asked. 
“He’s not a fan of my story,” Sirius said. “He says the main character is not a hero, but I differ.” 
You hummed in response. “What’s the boy’s name?” 
“Re- Andrew,” he said, “Andrew Renault.” 
“Renault? Is he french?” 
“No, I don’t– he is not.” 
“Okay, then we should go for a more English name, like… Remington?” 
“Andrew Remington? Sounds posh.” 
“As if  Sirius Black sounded less posh,” you joked and he scoffed playfully at you. He continued listing his ideas, telling you Remus’ story although he had changed the names of almost everyone. “Will there be dragons?” you asked after he had laid out the basic idea.
 “Dragons? Those are dangerous!” 
“Of course they are, but it’s more exciting than the…ugh” –you checked your notes– “boggart monster you mentioned.” 
“Dragons are definitely more exciting than Boggarts,” Remus said as he sat on the floor next to you. You couldn’t help but notice his scars, perhaps Sirius had used those as inspiration for Andrew. 
“Okay, so we’ll add dragons. What if there’s a dragon in the dungeons?” 
“No, in the dungeons there are snakes,” Sirius said as if it were a fact. He had clearly thought this out. 
“Okay… what about a secret room in the castle that has dragons? It’s magical, right? It could be bigger on the inside, like the TARDIS.” 
“The what?” Sirius asked, confused. 
“The TARDIS! From Doctor Who?” you said as if it were a fact, he still looked confused. “You do know what I’m talking about, right Rem?” 
“Is it a book?” he asked. 
“A book? How do you even call yourself Brits if you don’t know about Doctor Who? That’s it, Sunday, my house, we’re watching a marathon.” 
“Whatever you want, dove,” Remus said and handed you a piece of chocolate. 
“So, going back to the story. A room that’s bigger on the inside. Like a… Chamber of Secrets?”
“Sirius,” Remus warned again. 
“It’s what she said!” Sirius said defensively. 
After that, you finished plotting the small story in between the three, even with the slight reluctance you detected from Remus, you got around to defining all of your main characters, the challenges they’d go through and the resolution of the story. 
“By the way, tomorrow is our flatmate James’ birthday,” Sirius said as he closed the notepad he’d been writing on. “Wanna come to the party?” 
“I don’t think I’ve met James, though.” 
“It’s fine, he’ll love to meet you I’m sure,” Remus said. “When is your birthday?” 
“I–“ you hesitated, “I don’t really celebrate it.” 
“Why not? We should definitely celebrate the day you were brought into this world,” Sirius said. 
You smiled, Sirius could be the sweetest sometimes. “I don’t do parties…” 
“Because you don’t want to?” 
“No! It’s just… long story, don’t bother yourselves with it.” 
“I’ll tell you a secret,” Sirius offered. “In exchange, you give me your birthday, how about that?” 
You laughed, Sirius wasn’t the type to care too much about things, so you walked towards him and whispered the date in his ear. 
“Now yours?” you said as he leaned closer to you. 
“It’s all real, we are magicians from the school in our story,” he whispered. 
You laughed. “I thought you’d tell me a real secret, should have known,” you added as you shoved him, he just laughed and shrugged in response, as if he was saying it’s your loss, for not believing his lie. 
After that day, you hung out with them almost all the time, be it to watch movies, to continue that Doctor Who marathon, or to hang out with the boys on their birthdays. In fact, it was almost odd if you didn’t see each other in more than a couple of days, since they would find almost any reason to meet, Sirius would call and say ‘Hey, there’s a new movie I want to see, you coming with us?’
Or Remus would leave a note on your mailbox telling you to come with him to a library later that day since he had just finished the book he was reading and you were always the best at finding the right books. 
So. of course, you thought it was odd when, on the morning of your birthday, you called their apartment and got no response. Now you weren’t expecting a grandiose party, you weren’t even going to get a cake or anything, but you wanted to see them, maybe go out for dinner, or have a cinema night. You rang them again and still no answer. 
You sighed and walked towards school. You didn’t have that creative writing course today so you weren’t expecting to see them there, but perhaps on the lunch break, you’d find them in your usual spot. 
Your classes were rather tedious, an old professor that spoke very quietly and you had to sit at the very front to even hear him, and then another professor who almost always went over the same thing you’d seen in the first class. Always, round and round the same thing, with nothing new. At least you’d have a class with Professor Almain before lunch. It was your favourite class of the semester –aside from the writing course– and so far, you thought it’d be the highlight of your day. 
But when you got to his classroom, the room was empty and there was a short note on the board: Professor Almain is indisposed today. Study Chapters three and four of your book, you’ll be discussing them next class. The note was signed by Tobby Klein, his assistant. 
You sighed and sat down on one of the chairs, sulking as you took out the book mentioned and started to read. Someone else tried to enter the room a few minutes later, and when they realised there would be no class, they left the classroom instantly. Perhaps they had something better to do, you didn’t. 
You had taken that class as an extracurricular, so you barely knew the students in it, and your classmates were in a class you had taken online, so you couldn’t exactly go search for any of them. You could have gone to the library, but it also seemed unnecessary when you had a perfectly quiet classroom all to yourself. 
You were about halfway through the chapter when you heard someone knocking on the glass window. When you turned you spotted Sirius waving his hand at you with a bright, pearly smile. He looked as dashing as ever. It was ridiculous how pretty you still thought he was even when you saw him all the time. 
He entered the room shortly after. “What are you here all alone?” he asked as he pulled a chair next to yours and pressed a short kiss on your cheek as a greeting. Sirius did that all the time, you’d assumed it was because he was half French. 
“Class was cancelled,” you said as you pointed to the board. “Had nowhere to go. Aren’t you supposed to be in class too?” 
He hummed in response. “It’s that stupid advanced maths class Moony convinced me to take, I was falling asleep and asked to go to the bathroom to throw some water at my face when I spotted you.” 
“You should go back.” 
“To maths? Rather than staying with you? Yeah, right!” 
A small smile appeared on your lips as you stared at him while shaking your head in disbelief. “What if you fail, though?” 
“I’m not going to fail,” he said with a shrug. “Moony can tell me what it was about later. Wanna grab something to eat? My treat.” 
You nodded and pulled your bag from the ground. “I was actually going to invite you guys over tonight,” you said as you opened the zipper and placed the book inside the bag, “I mean I’m sure you don’t remember, and I don’t really want to make anything big but–“ 
“That today is your birthday?” Sirius asked. 
You turned to him in shock, “You– you…” 
“How on earth would I forget?” he said with a smile. “It’s the day my best girl was born. They should make a fucking parade for you.” 
You felt your cheeks warm at Sirius’ grandiose attitude. “Come on,” he said as he stood up and offered his hand. “It feels like a day for ice cream, want some?” 
You nodded and he dragged you towards the parking lot, his hand not leaving yours at all, you tried to ignore the fluttering in your chest since you suspected he had a thing with Remus, but it was almost impossible when he looked at you with his stunning grey eyes. 
He took out the helmet they’d gotten you when they started offering to take you on rides from Moony’s bike and handed it over. It was a full-face black helmet that matched the one the two of them wore almost perfectly, but while Moony’s had a half moon and Sirius’ had a star, yours had both. 
It had been Remus who added the matching moon, and Sirius –who instantly got jealous over it– painted a star right in the middle, he was exceptionally good at painting, sometimes you wondered why he didn’t study art. Then again, you weren’t sure what exactly they were studying, since they had taken classes from more than four different degrees as if they had only picked the few classes that they were interested in.
 You took the helmet in between your hands and hopped on Sirius’ bike. He drove you to the small park that was just a couple of minutes from the school and got you your favourite ice cream from the small ice cream shop James had discovered a while back. 
“So, about tonight?” 
“Moony has a thing,” Sirius said with an apologetic smile. “He has a big presentation tomorrow and he’s working on it with his team tonight, they’ll be using the rooftop of our apartment for it, I believe.” 
“Oh,” you said, trying to hide your disappointment. 
Sirius bit his lip, “Why don’t you come over?” 
“I wouldn’t want to be a distraction, I mean–“ 
“I don’t have to work on any projects,” Sirius said. “We could play chess, watch a movie while he finishes and then we order something to eat.” 
“You– do you really think that’s a good idea?” you asked, uncertain, as you brought your ice cream to your mouth.
“For sure,” he said. “We could get a cake and–“ 
“No cakes.” 
“But you like cakes!” 
“Not on my birthday.” 
“That’s ridiculous! You have something on your face.” 
“Where?” you asked. 
“There,” he said as leaned his finger close to you and smeared some of his ice cream over your cheek. You gasped in shock. 
“Sirius!” you admonished.
“Yes, Luv?” he responded, as if you had just called him.
You used the napkin wrapped around your cone to clean your cheek, “That was uncalled for.” 
“I don’t know about that, your cheeks looked like they needed some ice cream,” he said while trying, and failing to hold back a smile, he pulled a napkin from his pocket, much like a magician would do, and handed it over to you. You were about to take it from his hand, but he shook his head and wrapped his fingers around your chin and turned your head to the side softly. “Allow me.” 
He took longer than needed while whipping your cheek, but he didn’t exactly want to pull apart, and you didn’t want him to pull apart either. 
“There you go.” 
“It’s sticky now,” you teased. 
“Nothing can keep you happy, can it, Sweetheart?” he said dramatically and wrapped his arm over your shoulders and leaned his head on yours. 
You just laughed. Sirius convinced you to skip the next class and stay with him at the park and then took you home. 
“Want me to pick you up?” He asked as you got down from the bike. He had propped the small side stand down and was leaning on the handlebar. You could hardly believe he had driven you all around looking that handsome, with his leather jacket, and high boots. Sirius was pretty all the time, but sometimes he felt more like a fictional character than like an actual human. 
You saw a girl eyeing him as she passed by, and you couldn’t help but smile at him and nod. “Yeah, that would be lovely. At 7?” 
He smiled, gave you a short wink, and put his helmet back on. “See you soon, Sweetheart.” He said, voice slightly muffled by the helmet before he drove off. You entered your apartment shortly after, and it took you a whole minute to recover. It’s not that you hadn’t gone out with Sirius plenty of times, but this one seemed a lot more like a date than all of the previous ones. 
You took a snack bar from your pantry, went for a shower, and asked your classmates about the class you’d missed. A friend of yours told the teacher that you were feeling sick to cover for you and he said he wouldn’t count the absence (it was the first time you missed that class anyway), and you had always been rather participative. 
After that, you grabbed the book you’d been reading and read until it was 7. The light outside had already gone out, and you took some chocolates you’d bought for Remus last week and placed them in your backpack, it was then that you heard the familiar honk of Sirius’ Triumph.
You walked downstairs and met him outside. He switched his band tee for a snug turtleneck sweater that fit him obscenely well and was still wearing his leather jacket. You had kept your helmet and put it on as you approached his bike. 
“You smell nice,” you said as you sat behind him.
“You think?” he asked, playing dumb. “Maybe it’s the aftershave,” he added as he pulled the side stand up and drove into the street. You eyed him suspiciously, not that you could see much while he had his helmet on but you still did.
By the time you arrived at their apartment, you had forgotten all about your suspicion and were just leaning onto Sirius as much as you could, since the night had grown a lot colder than you expected it would. Sirius parked his bike just outside and the two of you walked the three floors of stairs to their apartment.
You expected to see James lounging around like he often did, but he was not there, and Sirius told you Remus was on the terrace at the top, doing his thing, so you walked towards the sofa while Sirius offered to make you a cup of tea.
“Remus bought the one you like,” he said, pulling out a box with the tea you had tried a while back. You had fallen in love with the flavour, but you never found it in the supermarket –it was from a small tea shop at Diagon Alley, so really, there would be no way for you to find it.
“Okay,” you said, “got milk?” 
Sirius nodded towards the fridge and you helped him by pulling out the milk and some biscuits. When your cup was ready, he handed it over to you and took a sip of his own. He glanced at the clock quickly, so quick you barely even noticed and then smiled. It was that mysterious smile of his that told you he was up to something. “We should go see Remus.” 
“What? I thought he was working on his project.” 
“He probably is, but you haven’t seen him all day, I’m sure he wants to at least give you a birthday hug.” 
“A birthday hug?” you asked in disbelief. 
“Yes! A birthday hug! We’ll bother him for a bit and then we come back and you tell me about that book you’ve been reading. The one with the character you said reminds you of me.” 
“You’re so full of yourself,” you said with a laugh as you nodded and followed along with him. 
As you reached the top of the stairs you heard some shuffling on the other side of the door. Sirius was the one to open it first, but none of the lights they normally had were up. 
“Maybe they went to do their homework at the Corner Cafe,” you told Sirius as you turned to him. Suddenly all the lights turn on, including candles and the hanging fairy lights at the top. 
“Surprise!” A chorus of voices sang.
You were startled, Remus and James were right in front of their small table, and there was a cake right in front of them. They had invited their friend Lily, who was dating James and with whom you were fairly close to. She was the first one to approach you.
“I can’t believe Sirius was the one to tell me when your birthday was, Luv! He used to forget mine all the time!” She turned to Sirius with an accusing gaze and then back at you. “Happy Birthday,” she added as she hugged you. 
James gave you a short squeeze after and Remus wrapped you in his arms and pressed a kiss to the crown of your head. Sirius joined the hug right after. 
“You’re squeezing me, boys!” you complained in a laugh. 
“It’s a birthday squeeze, deal with it,” Sirius responded, and pressed even closer. 
“Remus?” you tried, he was the most reasonable one between the two. 
“You heard Sirius, Dove. It’s the birthday squeeze.” 
You must have stayed like that for at least a minute before either of the two let go of you, you were certain Lily had whispered something to James, but you were too busy basking on the wrath of the squeeze to bother. After that, you would have sworn the lights of the cake turned on by themselves as Lily walked over to you with it. They sang Happy Birthday while Sirius pulled you to sit on his lap, using the terrible excuse that there was no other seat available. 
You had cake and then they handed over your gifts. A book from Lily and a chocolate frog from James, although he warned you not to open it until later. You didn’t know what that was about but decided to do what was told. Eventually, Lily said she had to go and James offered to walk her. 
Although he said ‘I’ll fly you’ getting a look from Remus that you missed entirely. The boys had extended a pair of matts over the deck and you were all laying on them while gazing at the stars. 
“It was lovely, thank you for the surprise,” you said as you looked at the waning moon. 
“It was nothing, Luv,” Rem said.
“Remus was really eager to celebrate your birthday. We actually have a little present for you,” Sirius added. 
“Really?” you asked, turning to Sirius.
“Mhm,” he nodded. 
“Open the frog,” Remus prompted. 
You leaned forwards and sat on the mat, pulling the frog from the table and doing what told. Suddenly the Frog that looked like it had been made out of chocolate jumped and fell near Remus’ leg. You gasped and stared at the moving frog. It looked like chocolate, but it moved as if it were alive. 
“What– did James give me an actual frog?” 
“No, it’s chocolate,” Remus reassured and picked it up. The frog stilled in his hand. 
You stared at it in disbelief, “Is this some sort of trick?” 
“It’s magic,” Sirius said. 
You frowned at him.
“Remember the story for our class? The one that we worked on together?” 
“Wartshow, Andrew, yeah of course.” 
“Well, It’s sort of real.” 
Remus pulled out his wand and handed it over to you. You stared at it, it looked like a wand, it felt like a wand, but there was no way it was magic because magic– “Is this some kind of trick?” 
Sirius laughed and pulled out a different wand from his pocket, he whispered something and red sparks blew out from the tip. You swallowed and took it from his hands. Checking on it to see if there was some kind of trick, or cannon dust or something inside of it, but it was just a stick, fancy, but a stick. 
Remus took his wand and with another set of words, levitated the small frog right in front of your face. You looked at it with eyes wide open and moved your hand all over it to make sure it really was floating, and it wasn’t some kind of invisible string trick. It was right in front of your eyes, and it was still too fascinating to believe.
“But… in our story, wizards couldn’t tell the non-wizards about their existence. It was meant to be a secret… I mean… Why are you telling me?” 
Remus smiled, his hand searched yours and he leaned his head on top of yours and sighed. “Because we trust you,” he said while looking ahead, at nothing in particular.
Sirius searched for your other hand, making sure to turn it around and interwinning his fingers with yours. He placed his head on your shoulder. “Because we like you.” 
You hadn’t had the best experience with birthdays, but this had been one of the nicest birthdays of them all, more so when your two crushes admitted what Sirius had meant by his words. That they liked you –romantically– not just as friends. 
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A/N: I am so, SO sorry for taking this long to finish your gift, but I made it a bit longer than initially planned to make up for it.
Hope you both had the most amazing birthday and that you're having a wonderous day today. Sending you lots of love, hope you enjoy this little thing <3
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felice-jaganshi · 2 months
His Pet
Alastor X OC
Chapter 7
Lucifer looked irritated, “Charlie called me. Said she was afraid you were being abusive to one of her guests.”
Alastor tilted his head, “did she now? And you came to… what? Deal with it? How quaint.” He stepped aside so Zariah was visible, her collar and chain still on her and in his hand. “She's right there. Feel free to ask her if she's being treated poorly. I encourage it!”
Lucifer saw the chain and his eyes went red, he approached Zariah quickly, who actually took a step back.
“L- Lord Lucifer! It's an honor to finally meet you.” She was a bit nervous, she'd always dreamed of meeting him when she was alive! “My friends and I on earth were all big fans of you. Thanks for the free will.” She was still smiling despite her nerves.
He nodded, eyes going normal as his rage over the chain was thrown off by the surprise of her statement. “Oh, uh. Wasn't expecting that. Definitely not as the first thing said to me. Uh, the honor is mine I guess. You're… you're not a sinner, are you?” He could sense her angelic power, just like he could sense Vaggie's when he first met her.
Zariah shook her head, “no, I'm an angel. Fallen angel. Adam cut off my wings and kicked me out himself.” Lucifer looked at the collar and followed the chain back to Alastor's hand, where he fiddled with it. 
He glared at Alastor in disgust, “I see you made a soul deal… how did he trick you into that?”
“Oh, no, it was my idea. And I'm quite happy with it.” She sounded less nervous now, seeing he was a rather approachable person, and not a haughty noble like she'd been worried. It was also nice to see him worried about her.
“Genuinely? You really wanna be with this freak? What kinda deal did you make, I'm sure I can break you out of it. I got the best lawyers in all of hell on my side!” He grinned at her, putting an arm around her shoulders.
“Yes, I really want to be with him. I'm truly happy with this. The outburst earlier was a misunderstanding. We've talked it out, and everything is fine. It is good to know everyone here cares about me so much though, so thank you sir.” She made sure he understood how grateful he was, even giving a bow at the waist. “If it will reassure you, I can promise that if a day ever comes where I wish to be free, I won't hesitate to reach out.” Alastor's eye twitched at her words, but Lucifer did relax. 
“Don't hand that number out either, okay? It's my personal one rather than my work line.”
“Alright… if you're certain you don't want me to break your contract, and you aren't being abused or mistreated…” He handed her a card, “here's my number anyway. Put it in your phone, speed dial preferred. So when you need me, I'll be just a button away.” She accepted the card and typed the number in while he watched, sending a small “hi” text so he could save her number too. 
She nodded, and away he left.
Alastor shut and locked the door behind him, then walked back to Zariah, “well, that was unpleasant.” He then reached back out to pet her head, and she leaned into his touch with a purr, just like every time before. It was a wonderful reassurance for him. He hadn't fucked up an irreparable ammount. “You weren't serious about reaching out to him, were you?” 
“Hm? Oh no, I'd never regret this! But it'd be good to have his number for other emergencies. Even if he hates you, he doesn't hate me, so I can use that to our advantage. It'll be one of those ‘long game’ trump cards.”
Alastor looked proud at her smart thinking. “My my, what an intelligent little fox I have. I do adore your brilliant mind, my pet.” He pulled back his hand, and made the chain disappear for now. “Alright, let's go for that walk now. I have a friend I'd like you to meet.” He offered her the crook of his arm. Her ears perked up and she accepted it, cuddling into him for a second before pulling back a respectful amount. He couldn't help the fond fluttering feeling in his chest from her adorable antics. Nor could he resist the suspicion he felt immediately after. He used his shadow to bring them just outside the front door of the hotel before beginning their walk. He wanted to avoid the rest of the rabble of the hotel until he'd been able to consult with Rosie about this strange situation. She looked around excitedly, everyone crossing the street to avoid them, several demon's whispering to themselves about them.
“Are you enjoying the sights, my dear?” He asked, noticing her wide eyed gaze looking everywhere like an excited cat.
She nodded, “yeah! I haven't actually been this far from the hotel yet. I don't feel safe going alone. Especially since when I get overwhelmed I zone out, like you've seen before when I get too many story ideas. And that's not safe to do here like it was in heaven…” 
He hummed, “Sounds like I need to take my pet out on regular walks then, would that sound nice?”
She gasped and grinned, “I'd love that! My partner, when I was alive, would joke about ‘taking me on walkies’ when I had bad depression days. So I'd like that alot!”
“Oh? You had a partner when alive? I thought you said before no one had ever called you ‘darling’?” He raised an eyebrow, curious about this discrepancy. 
She nodded, “both are true, they never called me that. They were a platonic life partner. We were together for over a decade! I died before her though, and I haven't been dead long enough for her to be dead herself yet. She'll probably be sad to see I'm not in heaven, but I know she'll be fine without me. She was always the more put together of us.”
They made their way into cannibal town, and she was in awe over all the colors. “Wow… this place is so nice!” People didn't avoid them here like the rest of hell, some tipping their hats or waving, and Alastor waved back, enjoying the attention. She decided to be polite and do the same when she caught anyone's eyes. Before long, they approached Rosie's parlor.
Rosie herself was just finishing up an appointment as they entered. She gasped and smiled, “Alastor! Oh so good to see ya again!”
“Rosie, darling, you look lovely as always!” The two hugged and Zariah smiled, glad to see Alastor with a real friend. Then Rosie looked her over, “Oh? Another young lady, Al? And this one's even younger than the last! Welcome to my parlor dearie, just call me Auntie Rosie.” She offered a hand.
Zariah shook it, “I'm Zariah, it's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am. Wow, you're the prettiest woman I've met in hell yet!” She sounded genuinely in awe of her, and Rosie couldn't help but laugh.
“Oh my, what an absolute doll you are! Alastor, can I keep her for myself?” She teased.
Rosie's eyes went wide, “Alastor, really? This is quite a surprise from you. Go get comfortable in my tea parlor, I'll be right there. You know the way, just let me reschedule my next appointment.” She understood this was serious if he was calling in a favor.
He chuckled, “oh no, my friend, this one's already mine. But I do need your… input on our situation. If you have the time? As a favor for a friend?” He gave her a soft smile, with a cute ear tilt. He knew he was asking her to do for free what she normally charged souls for. He knew it was rude, but he was desperate, and counted on their close bond to smooth things over.
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rebouks · 1 year
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Custom Rig / SimRipper Tutorial
Hi hello, welcome to todays lecture! Nah it's real simple even if it doesn't look it, I promise! I'm gonna go ahead and assume you have some basic knowledge of Blender/pose making for this tutorial, so I won't be going over how to set up your rigs or anything. Feel free to ask me any questions though! My previous pose tutorial is here if that's what you're looking for.
Disclaimer: I use this process to rip sims for posing only, idk if it's different for making renders 'cause that I ain't my jam. Although I assume it's pretty similar.
You're gonna need Blender (I use 2.79b but I'm pretty sure the newer version works okay for posing too) and SimRipper which you can get here...
Blender (2.79b) SimRipper
First things first, you're gonna wanna dress your sims! Just go in game like you usually would and once you're done dressing 'em you can save and exit. Hint: SimRipper will load up your sim wearing the outfit they're dressed in when you exit the game. I usually make sure they're wearing the right outfit before I quit. You can load up other ones later but it can take a while so it just saves some time.
Okay! Once your simmies are dressed and you've downloaded the SimRipper/extracted the file, double click on the .exe to open the application. You'll be greeted with this:
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Click "Retry" to set up the correct paths then hit save. (I only needed to set up the first one so I'll assume you do too! If not just let it know where everything's installed)
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Once you've hit save the application will open! Hit "Select" on the right and choose the correct save file, like so:
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Hint: SimRipper is slow so don't worry if it says Not Responding or seems to take a while, it's pretty normal. The less sims/outfits there are in a save file, the quicker it'll work. You can make a blank save to make it faster but I don't bother; it doesn't take too long and I can't be arsed. You'll be greeted with a long list of all the sims in that save file. Find and click on the sim you wanna rip:
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Once your sim has loaded up there's a couple of things we wanna change:
Change the top drop down menu to "Solid and glass meshes and textures" - this'll make it easier to get rid of eyelashes etc later (we don't really need those for posing and they get in the way of the eyes)
Click HQ - it'll look better, trust me!
You can change their outfit here too if they're not wearing the right one - though it'll take a while to load up again.
I like to hit the "Tanned" option, especially for paler sims, since blender seems to really wash them out and it hurts my eyes 😂 - personal preference though!
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Once everything's set you'll need to click on "DAE" near the top right, this'll save your sim as a .dae file ready for blender. Again, it might take a while! Once you're done, you should have these files:
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Okie doke! Now we're off to Blender. Open up your rig and click the little plus to the left of it to extend the menu. You're gonna right click on each of these body parts like "bottom" "feet" etc etc and hit delete until they're all gone.
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Once you've deleted every body part, you'll be left with an empty rig like this:
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Now that our rig is empty, we can import our .dae file! Go to "File" -> "Import" -> "Collada (Default) (.dae) like so:
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Find your .dae file and double click on it to import it. Hint: I like to make a separate folder for my .dae files and I regularly delete 'em once I've saved my rig. I like tidy files!
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Hi Oscar! I'mma go ahead and right click on this extra lamp that was imported and hit delete 'cause I don't need it! You can keep it if your eyes aren't sensitive little babies like mine, it doesn't matter much.
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Okay.. so now we should have a "rig" and a "rig.001"! Click the little plus signs to the left again so you can see what's in the hierarchy of each one, and then:
Click the upside down orange triangle of your sim from the "rig.001" rig and drag it up to the first one, then drop it on top of "rig"
A box should come up like the one below and you wanna click on "Object"
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All we've done here is move Oscar (or whoever) from the extra imported rig to the original. We don't need that extra rig or the glass textures (the eyelashes etc) anymore so get rid of it by right clicking it and hitting "Delete Hierarchy" like so: Hint: "Delete Hierarchy" is different from "Delete" and gets rid of the whole hierarchy (shocker) at once!
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I like to rename my rigs, it can get complicated when you start posing more than one sim so naming them just makes it easier. Double click on where it says "rig" then rename it:
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Now we need to attach your sim to the rig, as below!
Left click on the sim (aka "OscarFinch" in this case)
Head to the toolbar just below and click on the little wrench/spanner.
A little further down, click on the box beneath "Object:" and choose your sim/rig
In this case it's called "OSCAR", but if you didn't rename your rig it'll still be called "rig".
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And that's it, you now have a custom rig 👍 Just make sure you save it!
You can go ahead and click on the little plus/minus to hide the drop down/extra info of the rig and start posing! \o/
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Once you've done this a couple of times you won't even have to think about it anymore! I do it almost everyday and I had to really pay attention to what I was doing for this tutorial 'cause I was like ??? when I tried to think how I do it lmao.
They're so much more fun to work with than the base rigs, no more clipping, better facial expressions, poses with clothes in mind?! Amazing 😌
Extra Hint! If you rip a sim who's dressed with a pose accessory assigned to a stigmata joint, it'll still move as if you imported that accessory via blender. I randomly found this out by accident but it might save you some time!
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I hope you found this easy enough to follow, but lmk if you have any questions! I think this is one of those things everyone kinda does a bit differently. Like.. one tut I saw you had to add the textures in separately n' shit? Idk that one confused me so this is how I do it and it works, so I hope it does for you too! ❤
Happy SimRipping! (sounds kinda painful, doesn't it? ouch)
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mikrotyalm13 · 5 months
finally translated information about my oc gavriil aghhrhhra most of which was done with help of an yandex translate so yeah.
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"So desperate for a presence like mine, yet unable to handle it in real life."
Gavriil / The Reverend.
height: 8'2 ft (without the horns).
calls himself a "guardian angel", but he is, in fact, anything but an angel, and does not serve any gods. he himself is something of a small deity.
does NOT like any form of physical pain and violence in bed, only light spanking and biting. given his height (and ego-), his size is only appropriate. when erect is about 36 cm or 14 inches. but he can, of course, change it as he pleases. absolutely adores the scared looks from much smaller in comparison humans. even if human is not fully prepared for such an intrusion, they will not experience much pain. of course it doesn't goes all the way down to the hilt... but they will feel everything else: the stretch, the fullness. oh, they'll feel it alright.
— stalks people for sport and then seduces them. at first he appears in a person's nightmares, giving them a lil bit of time to get "used" to his presence, watching them constantly until he gets bored. and after some mind games makes himself known in reality. preferably when they're alone, in their bed, in the middle of the night; — tends to sound... manipulative and pushy, and is completely unbothered by human's struggling or fear. says things like "i'm just a friend (другъ). i would never hurt my friend :)", "just let me make you feel good", "you deserve all of this love, every attention, every pleasure - don't you?", "i know you. i know how lonely you are. i know everything that's wrong with you. but you know what? i don't hate you for that", "only i can make you feel good", "i'm only giving you what you desire", "just relax and accept it. it'll be all over soon", "let it happen". not prone to degrading humans, but it doesn't stop him from being cruel and taunting. "ah, you're already too far gone, aren't you?", "such a small, helpless little thing you are right now. a little wiggling worm", "you're mine, little dove. you never had a choice", "shame looks so good on you"; — when calm his body gives off coolness, can be almost impalpable, horny = rock hard, hot like a furnace and incredibly heavy, but can control it, so he won't break anything or squish anyone on accident; — smells like a mixture of funeral pyre, wet wood and forest air. yes, all at once; — during sex, the only noise that you will hear coming from him besides dirty talk, teasing and praising, is the most heaviest breathing. which sounds like it's coming from inside your head. which makes it a little... difficult to fully understand what's happening in the moment. he may not look like it, but always makes sure that you both are alone in the room (even if there's someone in the house), and that no one will catch you; — very graceful despite his sizes, but his presence is very heavy, even if doesn't show himself at first. body so pliant and nice to the touch and all. he's like... meaty?? not skinny at all, very soft and defined muscles. probably has the nicest ass tiddies and thighs (the true holy trinity ig); — knows perfectly well the limits of each human with whom he comes into contact (therefore, he likes to push those limits and boundaries. just a little. just a tiny bit :3); — can see through people's flesh down to their internal organs and past them. unknowingly used this power a couple of times during sex. surprisingly, felt guilty afterwards.
<з: when all attention is on him (will look at you with all of his eyes, pressing his forehead against yours, or hold your face in a way where you can't turn or look away); shameless licking (dragging his long, think tongue from your knee up to your chest, leaving you cold and breathless. absolutely knows what he's doing with his tongue); whispering unintelligible things in your ear/from the dark corners of your room when you're least expecting it (especially lewd things in a language you can understand); when in the heat of the moment humans desperately grab onto his horns/shoulders; cockwarming; breeding (humans can't get pregnant from him); overstimulation; corruption kink; fear play.
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punchliiine · 27 days
i genuinely hate to be that person but please don't trauma dump unless you ask beforehand. please don't put me in an uncomfortable situation and put yourself through one as well.
it's hard for me to know how to deal with someone who's going through something challenging, like genuinely hard, because i will always try to give that person my all but at the same time, i do not know you enough to know how to handle, carry or even help you.
i know there's the basics of how to deal with someone who's opening up to you but that is truly different to everyone, some people get happy when you tell them 'it's just a phase' and some people wanna burry themselves in the ground when you tell them that. it's so different to everybody and i HATE not being able to deal with someone in the way they want or need because of my lack of knowledge on them, it makes me feel hopeless, and i never want to give that feeling to someone else, ever (i know it sounds unrealistic, but that's the way i am, it could be wrong or right, i have no idea where it falls but i really can't change it)
if you trauma dump and our interaction happens to be bad, i apologize, i truly do. but please keep in mind that i do not know you enough to know how to handle you. what advice i may give might sound downright destructive or life-changing. it's literally either one of those two and you never know which one you'll get, I NEVER KNOW WHICH ONE I WILL GIVE.
i know that sometimes having someone just listen to you talk is literally all you could ever need, but that's rare "not really rare, but a lot of people don't want just 'that', you know? they want someone to comfort them as well. and comfort is different to everybody"
thankfully, i am a person that all my irls reach out to when they go through something challenging because i KNOW how to deal with each and every one of them. i know that this friend of mine gets comfort by joking around their trauma and the other gets comfort by just having me pay attention to them and listen. but when you're a complete stranger, the whole thing just gets messy for me because i'll try to be everything at once, which is not a sight you'd wanna witness. especially when you are in need of someone.
after all, i'm just some girl on the internet. i'm no professional whatsoever, so don't ask me for help on certain topics unless they're related to my blog and what i post about. other than that, i'm really sorry but i can't be of help, or i might be but it won't be what you need.
i hate being the person that people reach out to for help and get nothing. and yes, i know that i don't owe that to anyone but i just can't help but be the person that is there. so, please, it's preferable if you don't trauma dump in the first place, but if you really need to, ask beforehand and know that you are welcome.
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xpao-bearx · 2 months
Alrighty, my fellow Astarion fangbangers!! I've got a 🔥SPAHCY🔥 oneshot idea~
This is an idea that's been a parasite in my teeny brain for a while now and at first, I didn't wanna share it cuz I wanted it to be a surprise for when I actually write and post it. But to those who follow me, y'all know I just LOVE to ramble so I couldn't keep it a secret anymore 😂
And sooo here it is: A smutty oneshot of Spawn Astarion x Fem!Reader x Ascended Astarion!
Now you might be thinking... How the HELLS would a threesome with Spawn Astarion and Ascended Astarion ever work??? O_o
Well, lemme ramble some more! 😆
Throughout your adventure, Astarion ascended and made his lover (you, dear reader ❤️) into his dark consort. After saving Baldur's Gate, you go to live with Astarion in his palace and start anew with your life of immortality.
At first, everything was going well. Astarion relished in the power he's craved so much and you stood by his side as his most prized treasure. And yet... There was a suffocating emptiness in your heart.
You were happy. Or...you should be. You were going to spend a wonderful eternity with your lover and you only gave Astarion what he's always wanted...right?
But as time passes, Astarion changes more and more. You still loved him, you will never stop loving him, but you couldn't deny that his dominance and possessive nature over you...unsettled you a bit.
Anyhoe, long story short, while you are just wandering around the palace one night and rethinking all your life choices that led you to this very moment, some ✨️magic✨️ happens and Astarion appeared.
Only...this was Astarion from the past. Before he ascended.
This story is still a work in progress so forgive me that this is all a mess, but basically this other Astarion is spawn Astarion! Spawn Astarion comes from another dimension where he never ascended. In that dimension, Baldur's Gate has also been saved but at the cost of spawn Astarion's lover's life--your life.
Astarion couldn't handle the tragic loss of his one true love so he became obsessed in finding something--anything--to be with you again, even at the cost of his soul. I'm still working out the details, but Astarion ended up finding something which made him transport to where you are now!
You are obviously baffled by spawn Astarion and can't quite believe it, but he's just so fucking happy to see you--to be with you--again. And maybe...just maybe...
You wanted to be with him, too.
But of course... There's ascended Astarion.
Beautiful, foolish treasure... Did you really think you could ever forsake your master?
Expect quiiite a bit of angst with this oneshot but, OF COURSE, some real nasty smut too! 😉 I plan to hopefully write and post this story after I finish the game and have experienced both spawn and ascended routes!
Also, I REALLY hope this doesn't cause any discourse! I, personally, prefer spawn Astarion but I also ADORE ascended Astarion (✨️nothing✨️ will stop me from simping for this vamp dork)! I know everyone has their own thoughts and opinions for both and which one is "better", but for me I just live and let live! Let everyone be happy with their own preferences, please 🥰
And I hope no one steals this idea of mine! Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen anyone else have an Astarion fic like this so I would assume I would be the first to have this specific idea. If you were inspired by the premise and wanna write something similar, PLEASE credit me for the inspo but also tell me if you post it cuz I would absolutely read the SHIT out of it!! \(^o^)/ But yeah, just please don't copy the WHOLE thing cuz, like I said, I do plan on eventually writing this fic myself!
And hey, if ya wanna be tagged for when I post this fic, please don't hesitate to tell me! 💕
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tillthelandslide · 9 months
Baby Belly - Ross Macdonald One Shot
A/n: just a little sappy one shot bc I love Ross' belly and I want him to put babies in mine. Yes please and thank you.
His chest is comfortable, but something about smearing your face into his stomach relaxes you immediately. You've lifted up his top just enough so his lower abdomen is revealed, enough so your cheek can rest against his bare skin. The kisses you scatter there occasionally are sweet and although sometimes you'd end up against his pelvis, the act wasn't sexual.
The way his hands wove into your hair and light hums resonated above you made you smile, the room was silent apart from his noises and his heavy breath. He was relaxed and felt at home.
"Having fun there love?" His deep voice sounds from above you,almost making you jump, it rings around the room, finally landing on your ears and you take a second to process his words, too caught up in your loving attack to hear them straight away. You simply mumble a "mhmm", placing one last kiss next to his belly button before looking up at him, resting your chin on your palms to avoid hurting him.
"Just love this belly is all" the chuckle he lets out at your words makes your stomach throb, you take in his creased eyes and those beautiful dimples and you sigh happily.
"You're silly" he says and you shake your head.
"Nope... Just in love with you"
"Yeah?' you nod. He grasps your chin gently, pulling you up towards him until your thighs are hooked around his waist and your head is resting against his chest, not as comfortably mind you.
"You looked very pretty down there love... Prefer you here though" his mouth buries into your neck, soft lips pressing against the skin, immediately warming your entire body.
"You know..." He loves when you get like this, wanting to tell him everything that's on your mind, and the two words you've uttered as you pull away from him, inform him of your intentions. He raises his eyebrows, silently saying "what love?" And "tell me"
"Everytime you go away... I think I've got everything in my mind that I miss about you... Like your smile and the way your eyes crease and how you throw your head back when you really laugh... And your lips... And the way you hug me and make me feel home..." You cut your list off short, knowing you'd spend hours talking if you listed everything.
"and then you come home... And I realise other things I've missed about you" he hums at your words, nodding his head.
"What have you missed darling?"
"Well your stomach obviously" your eyes flick down and you smile, it makes him giggle.
"And your voice... I always underestimate how much I miss your voice... And these hands" you pick them up, squeezing them, turning them over viewing them from all angles.
"I think everytime you go away I'm going to find something new to miss" you admit and he smiles softly at you.
"You know I love you so much right?" Ross says, and you nod, leaning down to kiss him again. You truly did know how much he loved you, he was the only person you had ever been with where you felt his love, even when he was away and especially when he was home. You felt unbelievably lucky that the first thing the boys ever say to you after seeing them is how Ross wouldn't shut up about you the whole tour.
"And I miss you so much when I'm away... So much" he says after your kiss is broken. "And if we're talking about stomachs" he says, flipping the two of you, making himself comfortable in-between your split legs, his lips pressing against your stomach, which was a little swollen, a little bean of a baby at home inside.
"Can't forget about this little guy" he says, mouth non stop moving against your stomach.
"Baby... We don't know it's a boy yet" you say, smiling and feeling a bit tearful seeing your boyfriend loving kissing your stomach.
"I know it's a boy... Our little man... Hope he looks like you... And has your soul... Be the kindest little man... Take after his mumma" he places a soft kiss in-between every gap in his words.
"I want him to look like you... Your brown eyes and brown hair... Be kind like you" you say and Ross smiles at you.
"You're going to be the most loved little man ever baby" he speaks to your stomach now.
"Ross..." Your voice draws his attention to you and he sees the tears in your eyes "one sec little man, mummas emotional" his words make you giggle through your tears.
"What's up baby?" He asks and you shake your head
"I'm just so thankful to you" you say "for providing me with this beautiful life"
"I love you so much baby and our little baby... Can't wait to meet him... The boys are going to be so excited" he's then down at your stomach again your bump isn't very noticable yet but you can't help but smile and get teary again as he mumbles "I love your mumma so much" and "I love you little man" against the skin.
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lostinvasileios · 9 days
Hey so, I'm sorry if this is intrusive since I haven't seen you post a lot about this but could you say what your experience with Yeshua or Jesus has been like so far? I left catholicism a long time ago, but I feel strangely called to him no matter what I do. And I don't like the church, I don't like the bible, but I want to oddly accept this feeling and see what happens with him now that I am out of my old abusive home and forced religion.
Hello, bumblebee! It's not intrusive at all, I was planning on posting about them sooner or later, actually! Thanks for sending in your ask. 🍄🤍
Firstly, congratulations on getting out of that!! I'm so glad you made it out alright and trying to heal those wounds.
Now, I want you to know - you don't need to connect with churches or bibles to worship Yeshua, to communicate with him, ect. And, I get it - I never personally liked churches, I never felt any sparking connections to the bible, and - this all played its parts in my falling out with him at first.
I'm queer, and that alone was called filthy, or impure. Seen as something to be ashamed of and try to hide or tame. My gender identity and sexuality/romantic preferences have always been spoken about with hatred, judgement, or just blatant intolerance by my family & the religious leaders I was around at the time.
I didn't want anything to do with Yeshua when I left the religion. I couldn't get myself to face him, since I felt like he intentionally ignored me. Like he truly, heartfully hated me as much as everyone said he did.
But, one night, very very early into my journey... He appeared to me. And, at first - I was... Really shaky about it. I was super... Um... Emotional. To put it lightly, haha. I had a lot of conflicting thoughts, feelings, ect.
But, despite how angry, how sad, how - everything, I felt during that time, I remember how calm he was with me. How patient and understanding. Yeshua never cursed me, he never yelled, he never spoke to me with anger or any sort of negativity. He was, and is, very adamant on telling me that my identity, everything about who I am, is beautiful to him. How much he loves me, every part of me. How I am not a sinful creature, how I am not some mistake in a code to write out or bended metal to fix, yet a beloved soul he holds very dear to him.
Even after knowing how he felt about me, I still had issues really... Letting him in. I've never had a good relationship with any father figures I've had, and I didn't have a good relationship with him either. The reason I bring up father figures here, is because I found out quite quickly through my soul self that - well - Yeshua does take on the role of a father figure for us. He's spoused to my soul, he truly does care for me. He loves me, he wants to be there for me, to protect and reassure me. And that was hard to grasp for a long while.
In my own UPG of him, I've found out a lot of him. Of his troubled past, of his regrets, his traumas. He's been through a lot. And, he put in a shitload of work to try and heal from everything he was put through as a young god to where he is now. He knows he's hurt many people, he knows people use him to hurt others, he knows he's unfairly been put on to a higher shelf to the mass public. And he wants to make up for it. He wants to be that god I saw him as before I went through the incidents that caused me to fall out in the first place.
As of late, I've been trying to ease my way into him more. I've accepted him, but it can still be rocky for me at times. I crave for his love, and I know he craves for mine, as well. He's been trying to allow me to know just how much he loves me, with poetry and deep discussions on any and everything I was/am curious about. Gifts, affections, ect. But... Unlearning the church, and relearning Yeshua is difficult. He knows this. He went through the same things in his own variants.
You also don't need to be Christian or anything to worship him. He knows I am not Christian, and still very much loves me and accepts me. He isn't a forceful guy, not for the most part. Since, yes, he's healed a lot of his old ways and trauma habits, but he, like any god or soul at all, he can have his darker sides. Just as he can have his wholesome ones.
I've come to see he's also queer. Which is nice. We talk about our husbands/wives together over a nice glass of wine sometimes - whenever we aren't sobbing in each others arms about things.
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keganexe · 1 year
Setting Up a Zine Layout for Print (with Affinity Publisher)
Listen up shits spoons
Heyo back with another guide for folks new to art and layout! In this one I'm gonna talk about setting up your zine for print with a commercial printer (Like Mixam). If you wanna look at my other guides you can see them here (as of the time of this one I've done one other guide, but I enjoy doing these so I'll probably do more as time permits)
I'm specifically gonna be talking about using Affinity Publisher 2 because its what I do all my professional work in, but the ideas should hold solid for other programs like Adobe InDesign, Publisher 1, or others! I'm also gonna talk specifically with Mixam measurements since they're my printer of choice.
I'm going to get real into the basics of this one, so if you've done a good bit of layout already this is probably all old hat for you. I'm specifically skipping around the topic of Color Management, but I talk about it a LITTLE.
This is a lot of text, so if folks would like I can probably record the setup some time in the future if that would generally be helpful? Lemme know what we want haha
Okay lets dive in though
So lets start at the very beginning which is choosing a page size. I'm going to assume we are working with Letter sized paper because that's what most folks in the US do, which means we want to set the pages up to be half letter. This is gonna give us a zine that folds like this just for clarity.
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So lets hit File->New... up top, and you'll get a screen that looks like this. We are going to change our measurements to be Page Width 5.5 and Page Height 8.5 which is our measurements all folded and whatnot. We want to set our DPI to 300 so the printer has plenty to work with and we don't end up with pixely shit on the pages.
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Under the Pages tabs things should default correctly, but we want Facing Pages to make layout a little easier, and we want to start on the Right with a single page. This tab should look like this
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Next we are gonna hop on over to the Color Tag the long of the short of this is we want to work in CMYK/8. I'm specifically working with the color space used by Mixam within CMYK/8, but your computers default should be fine here, so just set your Color Format to CMYK8, and let it choose the default for Color Profile.
I don't personally set Transparent Backgrounds because I think they're a fucking eyesore, but that's dealer's choice and if you prefer them what's wrong with you good for you.
Color Management is really a pretty complex topic I'm not really good at talking about because I don't have the knowledge I should on it (I've largely worked in Black and White!), but here is a really solid primer on why we want to work in CMYK over RGB, and why that's so important for printing.
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Hopping over to the Margins and Bleed tags, we are gonna do some minor changes to the default. If you're laying out something over say 60 pages I'd look at editing the inner margins here a bit.
I'm gonna go off the Mixam Full Bleed Print guidelines, and give myself some extra space for safety, but if your printer has other thoughts you should follow those instead. I've found that generally these guidelines work for most projects so you're usually safe to follow this bit as is. If you don't know what Margins or bleed are, I'd just read through the full bleed print guidelines linked above because it's a great primer. If you don't care or already know, keep reading.
For Margins we are gonna include margins and set our inner margins to 1 inch, and our outer/top/bottom margins to .5 inches
For Bleed we are gonna set everything to .25 inches for safety, Mixam only needs .125 inches.
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Finally, so we don't have to go through this every single time, we are going to save this setup by clicking the button up top (next to where it says Letter* on my screen). I'm calling mine Mixam Half Letter Zine so I can remember it next time.
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FINALLY you can click Create at the bottom right of the popup, and if you've done it right you should be greeted with a screen that looks somewhat like this
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Now we're gonna set up some Master pages, font and paragraph styles, baseline grids, and guides to get the best looking zine possible.
At the top of the screen we wanna go to View->Preview mode, and make sure its unselected. This is gonna make sure we can see all the setup we are doing now, you can unselect it at any time (by hitting the toggle or Ctrl+shift+w) to see what the zine looks like without our guidelines on once we get them setup. Also on the view menu we want to turn on basically everything except Grid in the top bit. Here's what your menu should look like, and what your page will look like if things are setup right!
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Okay so lets start with Masters! Setting up a good flexible master page or two is a great way to make sure your Zine keeps a consistent look throughout, and it carries your setup across pages! Look to the top left of the working space, and lets go work on Master A by double clicking on it.
I'm going to setup a quick set of guides just so I can lay things out a bit easier! While on Master A hit View->Guides and under Column Guides we are gonna add in 2 Columns and 3 Rows with a Gutter of .125 inches. The margins should be correct, and we want the Spread to be at x:0 y:0 which it should by default. In a lot of circles you will hear this called The Grid, but my friend Clayton did a great guide on this already so I'm linking that here. I also like to set some Horizontal and Vertical guides just so I know where the exact center of the working area is, so I'm going to make 2 Vertical Guides at 2.5 and 8.5, and a Horizontal Guide at 4.25 inches. The long of the short here is this gives us a lot of room to snap things to in the future. I set my Column Guide to pink to make it stand out a little more, but when you export this it'll disappear so just set it to whatever color works best for you.
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With the master set, click back over to Page 1, and you should see it now has a series of guidelines based on this master. Hell yeah.
Lets move on to text styles now! These are going to save you a lot of hassle in the future with making sure everything matches, and works how you like. Double check that you're off the Master, and then lets make a text box using the Frame Text Tool, and lets get ourselves a text box somewhere on this page. The placement doesn't SUPER matter here because we are just going to erase it at the end.
Toss a few lines of text into this box, I usually use Title, Header, Body Text, and then 3 lines of Bullet Text
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Now we are gonna hop into the Text Styles menu. I keep mine pinned on screen, but if it isn't visible, you can find it under Windows->Text->Text Styles
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Now highlight each of these lines of text, and double click the appropriate text style from this menu (ie we are gonna set Title to Header 1, Header to Header 2, etc). It'll look something like this when you're done
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Now we're gonna change each of these lines of text to look how we want! For the example I'm making my titles and headers in Bellybeans FG, and setting the rest of the text to Open Dyslexic and resizing them so they look good.
My page looks like this now
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Now's a great time to mention that there is a difference between Rich and True black, and it's confusing and it fucks a lot of folks up. The link up above (the primer on CMYK above RGB) talks some about your blacks, and links to a follow up article about them! You can skip reading any of that for now (but like you should), because the tldr here is going to be make SURE that if you are using Black you have the color set to c:0 y:0 m:0 k:100 if you don't wanna have issues later!
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Now we want to update our font styles to match! To do this we are going to go back and individually highlight each line of text, and then right click the matching Text Style, and hit Update. The screens should look like this.
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Next we are gonna set up a baseline grid! This makes it so that text on one side of a spread is gonna line up correctly with text on the opposite side of the page, and just helps with making pages look good and even! We want to set the grid Relative to the Top Margin, and then set the spacing to whatever you feel is correct in your heart of hearts. These are the settings I've used, but do whatever looks good here, there are probably some hard and fast rules for how to do this well, but I do not know them.
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On my specific example you can see my Bullets are really spread out, and I don't like that, but the Body Text lays out much nicer. Lets deal with some spacing issues!
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We are gonna hop on over to the Paragraph tab now, for me this is another tab on the Text Styles Window, but if you don't have it visible Windows->Text->Paragraph should bring it up.
So for me personally I want all my bullets to be on the following line, and not skip a whole line between them. I'm going to highlight all my text, and in this menu I'm going to go to Spacing > Space After Paragraph and set the amount to 0 pts.
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You can also go further into this tab to change some more rules about what your bullets look like (things like how big your tabstops are, what the bullets look like, etc) but I'm not getting into that here!
After all this I'm gonna hop back into text styles, highlight each line of bullets, and Right Click->Update style on each of them (Just like we did previously!)
It's really tempting to skip this section of setting up your zine, but it enables a lot that can really help you out a ton in the long run. Having standardized Headers allows easy updating of headers and titles across the document, easy setup of Table of Contents for folks using them, and also on export is going to auto-bookmark the pdf for folks using PDF formats. It really pays to take time and set things like this up correctly the first time. After you're happy that this all looks good, you can go ahead and erase this text box.
Now we can break into zine layout proper, but if you just wanted basics you can stop here! Whatever you do from here is gonna print pretty decently.
If you'd like to stick around I'm going to set up some slightly nicer master pages, talk about why I use multiple masters, set up page numbers, and get us a table of contents!
So from hereon I'm just gonna work on laying out a basic Zine. So let's hop back into our Master Pages, and start setting up some flexible masters. I know I want at least two masters, one where I have text on both pages, and one where I only have text on the rightmost page. For right now we are going to just work on the spread with text on both pages, so I'm going to create a text box on both pages within the spread that fills the entirety of that guide we set up earlier. On the leftmost page, I'm going to right click the text box with the Frame Text Tool selected, and I'm going to choose to Insert Filler Text so I can see how everything looks.
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Make sure this text is in your Body Text Style, and then click the little triangle on the text box
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I'm now gonna select the textbox on the rightmost of the spread. If you did it properly, your page should look somewhat like this.
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After I'm happy with this page, I'm going to erase the text in both boxes. I wanna add in some page numbers now. They aren't going to fit in the boxes here, but if you remember correctly I left myself a little bit of wiggle room when I set up the margins! Mixam needs .25 in clear, but my boxes are all .5 inches from the edges of the page. To make sure I don't egress the space too badly here, I'm going to set up a new horizontal guide from the View->Guides page we used previously, and I'm going to set this guide at 8.25 in which is the true bottom edge of our workable space.
I'm going to create new text boxes for our page numbers that line up with the outer edges of our guides, and the new true-bottom line I just set up.
It looks like this, but there's an eye icon which means no text in this box is going to be visible!
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No worries this is because our baseline grid isn't playing nicely here, we are gonna break it in a moment, but for the mean time lets right click this text box, and select Insert Fields->Page Number
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On the left page I'm also going to Bold and Left Align this box, but otherwise keep it in my Body Text Style. With the text all highlighted, I'm going to hop into the Paragraph window again, and scroll down to Baseline Grid->Align to Baseline Grid, and turn that option off.
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My page now correctly shows a single # in the spot I'd want my page numbers to be. When this master is used, that number will automatically update to be correct! I'm going to duplicate this text box, and drag it onto the right page of the spread, and set the alignment to Right. I'm going to refill the textboxes with Filler Text for a moment, and turn Preview Mode on so I can make sure I like the page. For me this master now looks like this
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I'm going to duplicate this master now, and on the left page of the spread I'm going to remove both text boxes. I like to name my masters so I know what they are at a quick glance. This is going to leave me a second master that looks like this.
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You can get really involved on your master pages generally! I'm not doing anything fancy with this one, but previous projects have that heavily used masters might have pages that look more intense and include things like photo boxes, more complicated sets of text boxes, and even some text to use as a guide as I go.
Lets hop back to Page 1 of our doc, and leave the masters behind
Page 1 is going to be the title page for the book, but it likely now has a bunch of details now that you don't particularly need. If you have a master you don't want on a page, you can right click the page, and click Clear Masters.
I'm almost out of images on this post so I am gonna go mostly imageless from hereout. I'm gonna toss some text on pages, and then make a table of contents, and get my page numbers fixed up since most people don't actually want to count the Cover as Page 1 as far as page numbering goes.
With the project laid out, and the pages where I want them, the actual "Page 1" is going to start on Page 5 for me. Looking at the pages on the left side, I'm going to right click Page 5, and click Start New Section. On this new section I'm going to fill it out so the new section starts on page 5, and restarts the numbering at 1. Here's what it looks like for me.
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On page 3 I want to include a Table of contents so if the ToC window isn't visible I'm gonna hit Window->References->Table of Contents, and then in this window I'm going to hit the insert button. You can really dial in a lot of settings here, but as long as you've been using those Text Styles I mentioned previously, it should be pretty easy! Since I've been using only Heading 2 to start chapters, I'm going to unselect Heading 1 since it is effectively only being used on the ToC page and the cover, and I don't think folks need help finding those. This ToC feature rocks and as long as your page numbers are correct, and you use your text styles it should auto-update! If it doesn't there's a refresh ToC button on this window as well. Regardless (and perfectly using my 30th image) this is what it looks like for me now.
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You'll also note I updated the text styles here as well! Anyway this is a real overview of zine layout for print, there's probably more things I should cover, but I'm out of images and tired so I'm leaving it here. If this was helpful I'm gonna put this template up on my itch after I clean it up some down the line.
I'm gonna have to come back with a Part 2 that talks about exporting and whatnot, but this is all I can realistically fit in a post for now.
If you get any use out of this and wanna throw a few bucks my way you can do that here
and if you have any questions I'll answer what I can! Just shoot me an ask on here, or like annoy me on my discord (its in my pinned post)
okay thanks bye
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World building, Characters, and Plot. Oh My.
Everyone has a bit of a different approach to these things, however my plan of attack tends to focus on what the story is going to be. Before someone even starts drafting the ideas of what is going to happen beat by beat, we should know where the focus is going to be and commit to that. In serialized fiction, there is always the possibility of that to change, but that change should be organic and natural. When things change, the characters or their story, it can't be a sudden turn. It needs to be logical to the direction we are already going in, and it needs to happen when the time is appropriate.
You don't turn around and sail towards England when you are already heading to Hawaii. Additionally, if you were heading to Hawaii and decided to continue to England, you need to account for the extra time and work it'll take to get there.
Is the show about an underdog group of assassins carving out their business in Hell while growing closer as a found-family? Or is the story about starcrossed lovers of a prince and an assassin who are brought together by happenstance? Or is it about this one guy who is deeply complex with a tragic past and a warped sense of identity reaching self-actualization as his views of himself and his world are challenged?
The story itself could be all of these things, but only one can be the centripetal force. To balance multiple plot threads, the main story needs to be very firmly established like the black hole in the center of the Milky Way. Then like the solar systems in the arms, they can ride the gravitational force, while structures and stories that exist are independent and yet intrinsically reliant upon that center plot. Without a central focus everything would scatter and fall apart when put under even the slightest force, including its own trajectory.
My personal preference leans hard into character-driven stories, but in a particular way. The show is called Helluva Boss, so Blitz is obviously the gravitational center.
There's a reason why I bring up the concept of a galaxy, like the main story needs to be the most dense. Black holes are gravitational sinks in the fabric of the universe, they are infinitely dense. On the outskirts are the solar systems. Every solar system has its own gravitational pull in the form of a sun, and around those are the planets.
When people say "world building" they aren't joking. There are many ways to build a world, but this is mine. Each step of this concept is a character to me.
The best way to visualize is to simply make it visual, so here ya go.
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There are people who have a scenario premise and build from there, and that is never a wrong move. However, what makes the story isn't the premise, but the characters. This is why I focus more on character stratification, dynamics and arcs rather than just a scenario. The primary ring is for characters who directly affect the plot. Secondary characters influence the plot but work more directly to affect the characters, and tertiary characters influence the characters but work more as world building qualities.
I personally don't like trying to write out a Character's personality in any way. In my opinion, it results in characters feeling less nuanced and rigid, it lacks substance and just becomes a banal laundry list of descriptors that doesn't leave room for circumstance. Instead of trying to define a Character's personality, I focus instead on their history. Personality is a mixture of nature and nurture, so by focusing on the Character's past and upbringing, we can define the parental structures they grew up under and how that influenced the decisions and events of their life. It also says far more about their own image of themselves than any list could. By building a personality out of a story, it automatically fills the character with nuance, motivation and depth.
The plot dictates the angle of the characters, dictates the needs of the world building which then dictates the progression of the plot and it keeps going around.
In considering the plot, especially for a rewrite, it is best to isolate the primary characters of import. There absolutely are ways to have a large cast. Arcane is an excellent example of a series with a massive character-driven story and cast that balances all branches of the narrative through appropriate supporting characters and extensive world building. if the world feels lived in, the story has more room to spread out. The larger the cast, the more room needed.
In the case of Helluva Boss, this is a disaster situation. Granted not inherently, but in terms of a serialized fiction, yes it's a bit of a mess. There are too many minor characters who have nothing to do with the plot aside from showing up once or twice for the sake of conflict. So like a bonsai, this needs to be trimmed down a bit to the major players. There is always room for someone to come in later in the story, but in serialized fiction, they require that dedicated time to establish them in the story.
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For the plot, I'm focusing on Blitz as a character and how he grows and changes to be the focus. Going back to the galaxy analogy, this means he has to be the most fleshed out and well defined character at the very start before anything else. The densest part of the narrative.
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The primary characters are those characters that could feasibly have their own chapters and not break the bank so to speak. Their stories are both separate from, but integral to the goings on of the plot. The thing is, all these characters should be able to hold a story of their own, but the main plot may not always benefit from that style of writing. Primary characters have more leeway because things that happen separately to them, while being outside of the main plot, are more likely to influence how they interact with said plot.
There is also this idea that anything directly connected to the primary circle will have more influence than the items that have a secondary or third connection.
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Moxxie and Loona carry more weight as characters, despite being secondary, than Stella and Octavia. Moxxie and Loona will be more involved with the primary story of Blitz, but Stella and Octavia stay mostly relegated to interacting in Stolas' chapters. They don't have much influence, except through Stolas. However, Stolas, Barbie and Fizz have their own stories that tie into the plot, whereas side stories of Moxxie and Loona would be more about character exploration.
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And here are all the story concepts based on plot lines I have considered right now. There are more and it is left open to move things around and reorganize, but it's already complex from the start and tins out as we get further from the center. Now that doesn't mean the characters necessarily get less screen time or characterization. It just means they have less pressure to tie back to the primary story.
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kaurwreck · 1 month
So I was reading your bsd analyses, and I want to ask - do you think bsd will be as enjoyable and riveting as intended to someone who knows fuck - all about these Japanese authors and their lives / milieu ? Won't Asagiri's commentary and deconstruction and playing - around - with- irl - facts yada yada be lost on someone like that ? For example in my case, I love some aspects of bsd (the characterisation) and think others are subpar (the plot. Eg i felt 55 minutes is 3/4th infantile shenanigans until the end). Is it because I lack this knowledge?
Yes, inevitably, much of Kafka Asagiri's references, commentary, and deconstruction are likely to be lost on someone who doesn't have the knowledge necessary to recognize those things. But whether that makes bsd any less enjoyable or riveting, I think, depends on the person.
I choose to read depth and commentary into everything I read or watch because that's how I experience the world. I do not and never have been able to engage with anything without grappling with where it exists relative to my own existence. From the very moment I began learning how to read, I only wanted to read materials that might help me better understand the world and my place in it.
Thus, if I'm not able to engage with material metatextually, at least in a way that's satisfying to me, I don't find it as enjoyable or riveting. But this is a preference of mine and doesn't reflect on the story itself.
Lots of people love bsd, and I'm very sure not everyone who loves it is super knowledgeable about modern Japanese literature and history. I knew next to nothing myself when I began bsd, and I watched the anime multiple times before I began to seek out more information. So, I clearly found it riveting enough for that much.
It's also important to remember that we all have different lenses, and that's why stories are so compelling and beloved. They aren't static or closed: they're dynamic and wide-open, spilling far beyond the boundaries of their original conception to change and transform and expand and contract with their audiences.
The story that's received by people who don't have the same knowledge or context as the author or the author's anticipated audience is not inherently inferior or lesser; it's just another of the many incarnations through which stories live and breathe.
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slxthxrxn-sxmp · 2 years
How the Ragnarssons Would React to You Being a Warrior
*Warnings- talks of sex, drinking, suggestive nature, this one also has talks violence
(As always gifs are not mine and I do not claim credit for them. Thank you to the creators !)
Bjorn Ironside :
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- Not saying it would a requirement but . . . . you know it would definitely help your relationship if you can hold you own in battle - If you both met on the battle field fighting for the same cause UUGHHH he would be swooning - Personally I feel like y'all he would realize his feelings for you during Paris, if you were there *hint hint* - Now all this being said he would still prefer for you to stay close to his side - This man would have such a protective instinct over you I swear to the gods - Bjorn would also gift you a necklace with mjolnir as well as protective metal garb with runes of the gods blessed at Uppsala - Before every battle he wouldn't voice his worries or that he loves you he would simply place his hands on your face and rest his forehead on yours <3
Ubbe :
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- I say this with my whole chest HE IS LOOKING RESPECTFULLY - This man would see you as an equal and even ask you for battle strategies when the time comes - Whether you two are together platonic ally, romantically, etc. he would always make sure to give you something of his so you have to return it to him after the battle ("If you don't I will drag you from the halls of the gods and kill you myself" He would have that signature smirk that he got from his father lmao) - Eventually if you start giving him stuff of your own before battle he would be over the moon and you would be lucky if he doesn't propose right then and there - He is a man of words and action so directly after the fighting has ceased would search for you and then engulf you in his arms talking of how great you were and How proud the gods are of all those who fought along side y'all
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- Kinda feel like this man would be fairly indifferent. Don't get me wrong, hes proud ( a wee bit confused) such a person would choose to be with him gods he'd nearly drop over dead but other than that its business as usual - Perhaps it would allow him to feel comfy with being more rough when it comes to your sex life if you know what I mean - Now we all know that this poor man has a drinking problem annnnnd after every battle victorious or not you both will go drinking mead . . . . eventually you of course would have to cut him off - While drinking though you guys would be sloppily tending to each others wounds - Cuddlying will ensue no questions asked (he prefers being little spoon but does not mind having you laying on top of him attached like a little Koala)
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- Now lets get this all sorted Sigurd doesn't love physical confrontation unlike some of his brothers *couch* Ivar *cough* BUT he would find it so hot when you have that after battle look (as long as you're not injured of course) when you are covered in sweat and blood - Don't ask if he does though because he will fiercely deny it - Once everything is said and done you can bet he will tackle you with the most passionate hug and kisses no matter who is watching - When that is finally out of his system he'll take you to get a bath where he'll scrub you down while humming a song he can't quite remember then he will "graciously" let you clean him up too
Ivar the Boneless
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- I am going to politely say this once and I will not be repeating myself Ivar will have you on his side if you are a good fighter we all witnessed what with Bishop Heahmund - But seriously if you are true to him and loyal (though if we are being honest with each other he is just suspicious everyones loyalty no matter who they are) he really could not give a damn - Well that is what he'd tell you but every once in a while he might just bring you to where he is standing away from the battle purely for strategical reasons of course - Off the field this man will give you tips and even train with you. Teaching you how to fight like him, to be sly, to be quick, and to think on your feet - Now as amazing as this all sounds there is the downside of having to calm him down when hes angry and even fighting some of his personal battles like when someone gives him a tough time. I believe its fair to say that you can get protective over him even if he doesn't need your protection
Ragnar the Younger
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- Kinda like Bjorn I'm not gonna say its a requirement that you are fighter however you know it won't hurt you know - Now as I am sure we are all aware family is so important to Ragnar so if you are fighting for his family's cause be it Uthreds, his own, or his fathers he would already admire you - Gods if you are ever put in a positions where you saved his life hed be like well damn guess I have found the one and he would be eternally grateful - He's the type of person who would allow you to have your own life and he will have his and you both will meet in the middle and if suddenly in life you decide hey I want to be a badass warrior he would more than willing to help you train and then let you be on your merry way (he is proud of you do not worry) - After every battle cue him frantically searching the field praying to Tyr and Thor and Odin and Freyja and whoever that would listen that you were alive and when he finds you expect to his a bright smile despite his physical state
Uthred of Bebbanburg
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- He has a thing for warriors. No questions. - Uthred will playfully fight you and even jokingly challenge to draw the square for a duel. Gods help you if you accept, he will not go easy on you and if you think he would you are wrong. - If you have sworn your sword to him, he would treat you as a friend, a companion. He would even see you as someone he could trust with his life seeking you out for advice (even when he didn't need it) - Now if you had sworn your sword to someone else and you were a good warrior he will stand with you to the best of his ability. IF said person was King Alfred you and him would be attached by the hip - Idk if you all know that one scene in star wars with Kylo and Rey
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- this scene this is how you both would fight, together and in unison
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misc-obeyme · 4 days
Regarding the conversation about the om og cast and their previous sexual/romantic relationships
While it's possible they have had their fair amount of fun before mc I really do believe that at some point they got bored of having any without any emotional depth to the relationship
Like they will try it few times and see there was no actual benefit from it beside the release that they could do themselves without going through the trouble of pretending to like someone
From my personal experience the deeper the relationship the better it feels during sex lol and if these guys love for million years on end after awhile it will get boring
Thats my flow of thought anyway
CC if you're interested I can write you the meaning of the names in the game in hebrew/aramic since it's one of my mother languages, let me know I'd be happy to do so :)
Have a great day and drink some water ❤️
NSFW MDNI (just for discussion of sex, nothing explicit)
I mostly think it's unlikely that they haven't done anything ever considering how old they all are. I very much think that if they're doing hookups or one night stands, it's an "as the opportunity arises" sorta thing. Like I don't think any of them are going out looking for such encounters. (Not even Asmo... I think he probably gets plenty of people coming onto him so if he's interested, he doesn't have to go find someone himself.)
In my opinion, the point of casual sex is that you don't have to pretend to like someone and all that. It's just an encounter where two people are horny and that's it. And I kinda suspect there are less repercussions for such a lifestyle for demons. So it seems likely to me that they would all have such moments come up, especially considering how famous they all are and everything.
But I think that deeper relationships are harder for them. It's certainly a different experience to have sex with someone you love, but most of those guys strike me as very protective of themselves and each other for various reasons. I think some of them have had serious relationships, but I just think they're few and far between.
I'm sure it gets boring after a while. And I suspect a lot of them have other interests that they'd rather focus their energy on. But I also think it probably ebbs and flows somewhat.
The thing is, it's hard to say since they're demons. They might not have the same kind of sexual drive that humans have in general. Maybe it's perfectly normal for demons to never have sex until they find their one and only. Maybe demons mate for life. Maybe they're the complete opposite and have crazy high libidos and need to have sex every other day or they explode. I mean, I'm just saying it can pretty much be whatever you want lol!
In the end, I think it's all up to individual interpretation! I mostly based mine on my own personal preferences. Though now I'm kinda thinking I should get more creative with it, I love the idea of exploding being a consequence lol.
And OH yes, I am in fact very interesting in name meanings! I love information like that, it's fascinating! So if you wish to share, please do!
Ah, anons are always telling me to drink water and I continue to be terrible at it, I swear I'll go drink some lol.
I hope you have a lovely day as well, 🐆 anon!
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theladysherlock · 29 days
talk shop tuesday! incredible coincidence - i wanted to ask you more about your dnd OCs, and you posted a new art piece with one of them! continuing the theme: could you tell more about your dnd OCs and how they came to be?
Ohhhh you have opened Pandora's Box my friend!! I could talk about this topic all day.
Basically there's two parts to this: my approach to DnD in general, and in-depth explanations of the characters. I'm going to put this under a Read More to save everyone's Dash.
Part One: Dungeons and Dragons
So the thing I love most about DnD (and other TTRPGs) is that it's a collaborative game. I'm not responsible for the entirety of the story, I bring my character to the table and everyone else brings their characters and between us, the DM, and the dice, we figure out where the story is going. I enjoy it so much more than trying to come up with everything on my own. And I love that people can surprise me!! @mothmansbigfatass and @ahawkmet (my irl friends and in most of the campaigns I play) can attest, apparently I'm a lot of fun to watch during revelations because I always have a big reaction.
So when making a dnd character, it's important for me to know 1. What the world we'll be playing in is like, and 2. What everyone else is doing. Again, it's a collaborative game, so I want to make sure that I'm playing nice with the DM's world. AND often the setting itself will give me an idea (see Ethan: the game is set at a community college. What's a college stereotype that would be fun to play?). Ideally, the character I make would have a really hard time being plopped into a different campaign and have it still make sense. Secondly, it's more fun for me to play a class that will fill out the party. For example, if we already have a cleric, I don't also need to play a religious character. Those story beats are covered by someone else, I don't want to be competing with another person for cool moments.
Once those two things are settled, character creation is determined by what seems fun to play and what would be interesting aesthetically. I like to keep the backstory light to see what happens as we start playing, and then I can fill it in bit by bit later. Sometimes that bites me in the ass, though (see Ethan: I didn't give him birth parents and then they were incredibly important to the plot). I tend to have a general idea about who they are and what they're like, and then I always get surprised by what they actually end up acting like once we start playing. It's fun for me to figure them out along the way!
The last thing I wanna say about DnD (for now) is that I love everyone else's characters just as much. I just draw mine more because, well, they're mine. I feel weird putting their guys in situations and guessing how they'd react because they aren't my little guys. I much prefer working collaboratively with the other players (like an RP thread) to just writing a story on my own.
Part Two: Ethan
Where to even start with my boy. A bunch of my work friends got together to start a DnD game, and I hadn't played with most of them before so I wasn't sure what to expect. I also did not think the game would last very long, since most campaigns tend to fizzle out after a few sessions. So I made kind of a joke character with extremely little backstory: He's a half-orc, since I hadn't played that race before, he's a bard who is the captain of the local community college's Improv Team, he's "the kind of guy to play wonderwall at a party but you're not mad about it", and I said he's adopted by two men, neither of whom were his biological parents, and he wasn't particularly interested in tracking down his bio parents. This last point is for two reasons: one, I was trying to avoid just duplicating a Dimension 20's Gorgug, a half-orc who was adopted by gnomes and spent the whole first season trying to find his dad; and two, I was pushing an "Adopted parents are not less than biological parents" agenda.
My DM took this personally (affectionate). First session, I was given a clue about his birth parents' identities. From then on, Ethan was dragged kicking and screaming into being the unofficial main character of the campaign. His mom was one of our favorite NPCs, a kickass pirate with a truly tragic backstory who would always jump to help us out of a scrape. His biological dad was the human embodiment of Pride who had took on the form of Fantasy Harrison Ford and was an extremely famous actor in-world. Our BBEG was his uncle, the embodiment of Greed. Every plot point became very personal and it was a lot of fun. I also loved putting him through the wringer, so between me and the DM the poor guy couldn't catch a break.
Part of the dice telling the story, I rolled so bad all the time when I played Ethan. It didn't matter which dice I used, I just rolled really bad, which was not something that normally happened with me. So that was fun to incorporate into his character as we played-- he was insecure about his own abilities compared to the extremely powerful characters he was surrounded by (we had a 20 ft Earth Titan who was an extremely powerful Druid, Emeshka you will always be famous). So he became a more three-dimensional and actualized character the more we played.
He's extremely easy to put in situations and his character design is pretty solid, so I end up drawing him the most. My perfect little guy.
(Anything about him I've tagged either "Ethan" or "Big Yarr Energy" if you want to find more)
Part Three: Mina
After the campaign with Ethan wrapped up, we started a new one in a Cthulhu-inspired setting. My goal with making Mina was to do as close to a 180 as I could from Ethan. While Ethan was a friendly and charming but bad at most things, Mina is a competent and intelligent Druid who's blunt and overworked and doesn't quite know how to meaningfully engage with her party members (but she tries, bless her). Druid was one of the classes I hadn't played yet and I've been making my way through the list of available classes. The One-With-Nature stuff isn't super interesting to me as a player, but I found a homebrew subclass that was based more in Big Cities and as an Architecture Nerd that was much more my speed. Also, I hadn't played an Aasimar before, so that seemed like fun. From all that, I pulled together her whole deal: She was from a bloodline of guardian angels who were sent to protect different villages and towns, and she's gone from her mother's small town to being the guardian of a city of several million people and it's overwhelming. She's lonely and she's jaded and she's got severe Gifted Kid Syndrome and she's got her head on a swivel to make sure her party members are okay even if they don't like her very much and I love her.
I didn't give her a lot of tragic backstory because there are a lot of us playing and I wanted to have a character who could push the plot forward with her actions, instead of having a "now let's stop and talk about my life!!" moment every session that seemed to happen with Ethan. Give everyone else some time to have cool moments, you know? And by GOD are there some cool moments. My fellow players are so good at making compelling characters. Ask @mothmansbigfatass about Nelly if you get a chance.
We're still playing this campaign, although we're nearing the end of it. There's still space for some big moments for Mina in the game, though I'm hoping our DM lets me save hers for last. She's the kind of character to make sure everyone else is okay before taking care of herself, so it feels appropriate. I'm excited to see where Mina ends up. She's definitely a character I'll go back and write/draw a lot afterwards, though. Part of being in a group this size means there's a lot of stuff that just won't get covered. I'll have a lot of material to play with for my own work once we get to the next campaign.
(Anything about Mina I've tagged either "Mina" or "Cthulhu Crimes" if you want to find more)
Part Four: Jess
Jess is a character that isn't from DnD but is a TTRPG character of mine, and I like her so I'm going to talk about her too. Jess is a cautionary tale in Knowing Your Audience.
Jess is from a different group of players than Ethan and Mina. Our DM for that game is notorious for wanting to give us Big, Shonen-Style fight scenes and an insane level of power creep. Character interactions are fine, but his true passion is making us look like Goku.
Jess was... not built to look like Goku. In this world you could identify different types of magic users by their focus, and I wanted her whole schtick to be about deception. She looked like a wizard when she was actually a monk, she looked like a dumb blonde girl when she was extremely smart and good at stealing things, she's a dancer but her primary fighting style was based on capoeira, etc. Also part of why Jess sticks with me as a favorite character is the way I had her powers work was so fun and visually interesting that I haven't been able to shake it. Basically her superpower was that she could snatch bits of other people's powers and use them herself, and you could tell which ones she had because they would fill out spectral stained glass wings with specific colors.
Jess was (and still is, frankly) too complicated for the game our DM wanted to run. Immediately any hope of her being a chronic liar was dashed as her powers did not manifest in a way that could possibly pass off as being a wizard. So instead of being sneaky, Jess became very angry. She was quick to point out injustices in the world we were in. She beat up creeps, she yelled at bigots, she stole powers from macho superheroes trying to one-up her. She had to get a lot less complicated for the story we were in, but the complicated version of her still lives in my head and I like to see what she's up to from time to time.
(I don't think I have anything tagged for Jess, unfortunately)
TTRPG characters are fun because they let me do my favorite thing creatively, which is bounce ideas off of other people. I typically design them based on the setting, party needs, character tropes that I think are interesting, and just general vibes. Most importantly, though, I don't have a fleshed out character without the input of the other players.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Hello I haven’t done one of these before but may I request for the 1k event with twisted wonderland please?
When I first started the game I had taken Riddle's hand as my OG because he just had this commanding presence that drew me. For a while he was on my homescreen because I liked how while strict he has his soft moments and due to his background he lived a rather sheltered life which pulled at my heartstrings. Then I did some vignettes and Idia remained on my homescreen after for a while. I still adore Riddle, though Idia’s manner of speech and the fact he was a gamer/dork appealed to me as I consider myself both a gamer and dork as well. Now most recently, though again still love the former two, I have found myself intrigued by Rook and his uniqueness as well as his flowery wording. Honestly I believe part of it is because I have taken French so reading his lines is like testing what I had learned. He’s not everyones cup of tea but he is mine. I still do cherish Riddle and sometimes put him on my homescreen for a little if I get a new card for a day or two.
About me: I’m she/her but I don’t mind if you want to make mc, gn. I’m short like the height of Epel, plus size, and have short curly black hair. Personality wise I can be shy on occasion but if I can find a segue into talking to someone such as an anime pin I can muster up the courage to talk to them. Friendly but have very few actual close friends. I’m a bit of a goofball to those I’m really close with. I don’t like taking risks unless I’m 90% certain it’s in my favor. I dislike when promises are repeatedly broken. I prefer to get college assignments out of the way as soon as possible and make good grades though not complete 100’s. I used to do theatre. I enjoy Games, both video and board, and as I had mentioned earlier I took French but I’m only somewhat decent at it.
The Tale: This is difficult to choose but I will go Harem. I love them all so I would prefer a romance story. I would like romance with a good amount of angst if you could? It’s bad but I eat it up every time.
(So full disclosure, I use Google translate, so if your translation skills are saying something is funky, it's not your fault, it's mine 😂 I hope you enjoy this, I don't like traumatizing Riddle....but it's just so easy)
A Tale Where Riddle's Lover and her Lovers help Him Break Free
You knew that Riddle's mother would be a problem when you started your relationship. Then when Idia and Rook joined the group, you were absolutely certain she would be a problem. 
So for a couple months, it was an unspoken rule that the relationship was secret, or at least not outside of your friend group just in case.
But today, you, Idia, and Rook had decided to meet Riddle in his room after you'd all finished your classes and homework for the day (a Riddle imposed rule).  His face looked paler than normal, as he held his cellphone to his ear in silence. 
He swallowed heavily, and said, "Yes, mother," 
Before hanging up. He jumped a little when he saw the three of you standing together.
"Oh, hello, I didn't see you there." He stood up and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "How are you, my rose?" 
"Good," you said quickly. "Riddle, what was she saying to you?"
"Nothing, everything's okay. What can I help you all with?"
The rest of the time with Riddle was awkward that day. You and Rook tried to dig a little, until Idia sent the three of you a discreet text.
Don't push. Give him time to process what the witch was saying to him. We can chat later. 
So the three of you said your goodbyes, you giving Riddle what you hoped was a comforting hug, before leaving him be for the day. 
Idia had been right, Riddle needed time. He had called you all into the kitchen where Trey had baked a strawberry tart that looked more mouthwatering than usual.  Trey gave you all a sympathetic smile then left the room as Riddle started cutting slices of the tart for you all.
When you all had your slices, Riddle heaved a heavy sigh.
"So, you know how things are with my mother, right? Well, she wants me to come home and meet the woman she has decided I should marry."
The fork you had been using slipped from your fingers. You opened your mouth to speak, but were interrupted by Rook swearing in french, and Idia's hair growing to a roaring flame. 
"Rois de Roses! You cannot do this!"
"Bro! Not Pog!"
"Guys!" You shouted, the room going silent. "Riddle's the victim here, remember?"
You gently grabbed his hand as his eyes started watering. 
"What do you want to do, love?"
Riddle stared down at his untouched tart, eyes beginning to overflow.
"I know our relationship is…unconventional, but I love you, my rose. And, in some Stockholm syndrome way I think I'm starting to fall for those two as well."
Idia's hair turned pink, and Rook gasped, about to spill out some kind of love confession, when you covered his mouth with your free hand.
Riddle gave a tired laugh and an eye roll before continuing, "Anyway, my point is, I want to stay with you, but I don't see how. If I tell her the truth, she might finally cut ties with me. Which means I won't be able to pay to stay here, and I'll have to leave you all anyway. And if I don't tell her, I'll have to marry a stranger. Maybe it won't be this girl, but it'll be some other rich girl."
"Dude, not to brag but I'm loaded. Like independently loaded. Like I'm a genius so I have a shit ton of money coming in all the time from my five star inventions," Idia said with a smug smirk.
"Idia, darling, get to the point," you said patiently.
"Oh, yeah. Point is, I can pay for you. As long as you keep my girl happy, I can pay for you to get your degree. Housing wise, I'm pretty sure the school is supposed to pay for housewarden's dorms, we can just ask Azul to find it in the contract to show Crowley."
"Rois de Roses, I first want to tell you how honored I am that I am  close to winning ton amour. Secondly, I also have a flourishing business…"
"As an assassin…" you heard Idia mutter under his breath.
"And should Rois de ta chamber have his genius fail him, I would be more than happy to help you remain here," Rook finished, patting the Idia's head happily.
Riddle looked at the three of you softly smiling at him, and started to sniffle.
"I….I don't know what to say."
You wrapped your arms around him and set your head on his shoulder.
"Riddle, I love you so much. Whatever you decide to do in the end, we understand. But just know we can help take care of you."
"Sevens, I love you," he said, burying himself in your hair. You felt him heave a heavy sigh, before he said, "And I guess I love you two as well, again, in some Stockholm syndrome way."
Immediately, Rook was wrapping his arms around both of you, followed by what felt like a reluctant Idia joining the group.
"Okay," Riddle said, muffled by all the bodies around him, "I'm going to tell her. But can you all come with me?"
Three muffled ascensions arose from the hug. 
It went as poorly as one would expect. The screaming was pretty horrible from "the witch", but pretty soon Rook, was shouting back, and pretty soon even you and Idia, the chronic introverts of the crew, were yelling. 
Eventually, Riddle himself stood up, said how he was cutting her off, then told you all it was time to go.
Naturally, once the adrenaline of the moment was gone, Riddle was not super okay. It took a couple weeks of loving care from your harem, which was starting to become more of a poly relationship, before Riddle was able to function again.
But overtime, he healed. And you all got to watch him grow into a more confident, less tense individual. 
But it still shocked you all when, after he got his master degree many years later, he got down on one knee and pulled out a box with three rings in it.
"Rois de Roses, mon cœur ne peut contenir la joie qu'il nourrit!" Rook said, sobbing.
"Rook, I had a whole speech planned," Riddle laughed, shaking his head.
"Riddle! Oh my god, yes!" You cried, getting on your own knees and pressing kisses all over his face, feeling joy at seeing his face turn a bright red.
"Guys…" Riddle sighed, his smile growing wider.
"It's your own fault for thinking we'd follow your game plan," Idia said, taking a moment to kiss each of your cheeks.
"You're right. I should have known," Riddle said, starting to reciprocate the kisses you were giving him.
"So I take it we're all in agreement then," you laughed out. 
Your three boys wrapped their arms tightly around you and gave a resounding,
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