#so travelling in a single direction the future which is how time flows so
elbiotipo · 8 months
One of my favorite phrases ever with regards to writing is in Shaun's Harry Potter video "However, the problem with having time travel in your story is that now your story has time travel on it"
The minute you introduce a way for your characters to time travel it's fucking over. You better make all your story about time travel, which is hellish because it's time travel, or face ever growing plotholes that will eat your story whole.
Friends don't let friends have time travel on their writing.
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ledenews · 11 hours
Matt Caballes: Taking Our Eyes to the Skies of the Wheeling Area
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He takes our eyes where they can’t go, and his eyes are as curious as ours. His wonder and imagination guide him as he navigates unseen swerves and curves and he hopes to delight and amaze not only his clients but also himself. That’s likely why so many local residents already follow Matt Caballes’ social media platforms, and why his work continues to collect admirers. Most recently, the Wheeling photographer has offered drone footage of the renovation and preservation of the Monument Bridge in Elm Grove, he documented the visit of the USS LST-325 at Heritage Port, and he shot the Wheeling Vintage Raceboat Regatta over the Labor Day weekend. All legit, of course, as Caballes is trained and certified to do what he does so well, and he hopes opportunities to continue flowing his way in the future because the young man realizes how multimedia professions continue evolving in this day and age. What Caballes knows best, though, is what his photographer's eye tells him about the stories he's able to tell with those lucky enough to scroll, "Like," and "Share." Matt and his girlfriend Heather Shaw enjoyed themselves this summer while taking time to relax in the area. How did you learn how to operate a drone so well? I began learning what I could through YouTube like many people do with a new hobby. I then started studying for my Part 107 with the FAA's study material getting my pilots license in 2022. Trial and error handled the rest. I do think growing up in a photography shop as a daycare (Majestic Studios) with my single mother during shoots helped to give me a good eye for a captivating photo. Why Wheeling? I'm originally from Pittsburg, California but was raised here in Wheeling. No other reason than that but I would like to discover new opportunities elsewhere should the chance arise. How do you plan to keep photography as your profession? Tough to answer as I am still searching for one myself, but I would like to begin selling my prints and services which would include real estate work, mapping, promotional/marketing work, inspections, etc. What do aerial views tell us about where we live? Aerial views can give you a much better perspective of the surrounding area especially when so few flat areas exist and your view from the ground is typically obstructed. Also, I personally find that flying in this state makes you appreciate the expansive forests that we can some times take for granted here. The amount of untouched woodland in every direction is breathtaking from the air. Caballes is happy to teach the young about drone photography and how to fly the equipment. What do you want to be when you grow up? Well, as I'm about to be 35 I think that ship has already set sail, but I would love to make this something that I could do full time while traveling the world. As a child I would have said a fighter pilot which is why I have always enjoyed flying, especially FPV (First Person View) drones. Cabellas always has enjoyed the outdoor recreation that is available in the Wheeling area. Read the full article
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belit0 · 3 years
Hey, can you write Indra + size kink + cockworship + nasty cum stuff ?? Sorry, i'm hungry for that man
Sorry this took me SO FUCKING LONG omfg
No need to be sorry, I’m as hungry as you. I haven’t written smut in a while, so bear with me, I’m getting back at it:,(
Tw: Indra knows nothing about communication
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When Indra enters the house, the sun has already set. He looks drained, tired. It’s been days since he started wearing his hair loose, devoid of his usual ponytail, and it only helps to make him look more massive than he is.
His steps are heavy as he heads to the bedroom, and when he looks at you with those expressionless serious eyes, you know he won’t be eating dinner today either. That’s okay, you’re not used to spending time together as a normal couple anyway, and you know you’d feel weird if he actually sat down with you and joined you for a meal.
His form disappears down the corridor and you know he has found the way to bed, seeking comfort from the adversities of the day. His shadow is dragged across the walls by the candlelight, and for a moment, it looks like the demon everyone says he is.
But of course, you know better than to believe those ridiculous tales.
It’s been months since this man appeared in your village, a place led by a poor wretch who was trying his best to get his people ahead. Only a few enjoyed good fortune, privilege, and wealth, and you were not one of them. Life before Indra, here, was based on working hard for pennies, finding food wherever possible, wearing the same clothes repeatedly for lack of more garments. Poverty was rampant among almost the entire village population, and despite the leader’s best efforts, nothing seemed to work for the betterment of the situation.
But a mysterious man with long hair and thick shoulders, tattooed eyes, impressive physique compared to the famine-stricken people... left everyone captivated. With just a couple of suggestions and commands, things turned around, and the outlook brightened for everybody. This mysterious man quickly rose in the hierarchical power of the village, and the current leader ended up giving up his place.
Indra became their ruler overnight, and hopes for the future of the town seemed to grow stronger and stronger again.
Town expansion was inevitable, welcoming visitors and travelers intrigued by the legends of this man who brought fortune to a doomed place. Enemies were also unavoidable. The Otsutsuki defended and used all his power to prevent the destruction of the foundations he had built with so much effort, leaving everyone terrified in his steps.
His red eyes became stories used by mothers to frighten disobedient children, his violet beast traveled on the tongues of all the merchants and their incessant rumors.
Respect mingled with fear, yet Indra never wavered.
He looked imposing as he walked the streets of the town, staring at nothing in particular, an expression forged by iron and ice. His towering figure seemed to cast a gigantic shadow over every other man nearby, and all the women were dying to take the vacant place at his side.
Everyone thought as he became leader he would choose one of the few wealthy ladies of the village as his wife, but he did not.
It was months after his ascension to power before he communicated with a woman. And that turned out to be you.
Although the village prospered and grew bigger every day, your life remained the same, complicated. Money was scarce as well as food, and working hard every morning was necessary if you wanted to get a crumb of bread.
You tended the garden of a prosperous family, kneeling in the morning dew, your clothes covered in dirt from the work you had started just a few minutes ago.
Footsteps in front of you broke your concentration, and when you looked up, a tall figure was staring down at you. A flowing robe floated in the wind, and that frown was visible even from the floor. Indra was intimidating without uttering a word.
“You look thoroughly filthy.” He had said. “I’m sorry, my lord.” You had replied, bowing your head in respect.
You did not finish that day’s work, for offering you a wide hand, Indra Otsutsuki himself lifted you from the dirt and escorted you to get a fresh change of clothes. Not one of the worn-out ones you used to wear, but an expensive one, of excellent quality, full of exquisite details. A garment of high society, one of the kind he himself usually wore.
From that moment on, he did not leave your side. It was only a matter of time before you moved into his residence, an immense house in the middle of town. You became the envy of all women, no one being able to understand how their leader could choose a servant girl as his partner.
And despite the fear you felt towards him at first, although his haughty looks seemed to be empty initially, you eventually grew to understand him. Dread turned into respect, affection, love.
After all, he saved you from that life of misery to give you one of luxury and privilege, asking for nothing in return. Even though you slept in the same bed every night, he never touched a single hair on your head, never came near you, never took the initiative you feared he may take.
“Why me?” you asked once, the blush on your face shielded by nighttime darkness inside the room. A large space lay between you both on the bed, and Indra, while you couldn’t see him, probably had his back to you. “You are the prettiest.” He replied simply, and you caught a note of amusement in his voice.
During the day it was rare for you to see him, but at sunset, you would both be in the bedroom. No lustful touches in the middle were necessary to make the night complete, for the silences which at first were awkward eventually were filled with chatter.
That intimidating look, that wide-backed warrior with blood-colored eyes, became a companion, a pleasant person to spend time with. Never smiled, never laughed, but you know he is calm, that he enjoys the moment as much as you do. You’ve seen him interact with other people, how his muscles tense when someone is way too close for his comfort, how his brow furrows when anyone speaks to him. You know you’re the only person he tolerates, appreciates, and loves around him.
That’s why seeing him arrive like this is something uncomfortable in your chest. Slowly following in his footsteps, you find his clothes lost all the way back to the room. You pick up garment by garment, and there is a certain satisfaction as you smell his clothes and feel his perfume. As you reach the doorway, he is already tucked into bed, buried under sheets. One of his arms supports his head and acts as a pillow while his other hand scratches his chest, which is slightly uncovered. One of his legs is bent, and covers slip off his skin, revealing a thigh and worked muscles. His eyes are closed, but he knows you are there.
Leaving his clothing on a chair, you approach him and sit on the edge of the bed, hands clasped in your lap. Rarely have you seen this scene, where he relaxes with all his rights in his own bed. Sex has never been addressed between the two of you, and it’s something you’re grateful for. Rumors travel faster than the wind, and many a woman has walked around claiming to have spent time in the bed of the mighty Indra. Whether that’s true, you don’t know, and you’ve never asked either.
If true, your experience is undoubtedly unparalleled.
Still, seeing him like this, becoming one with the bed and stretching out, getting a taste of his toned chest and his thick thigh... Curiosity suddenly demands more.
“You’re staring.” His eyes are still closed, but to be put on display is still just as humiliating. “I’m sorry...” You’re not sure if get up and leave at that moment, but it’s his voice that clears the uncertainty. “Why? I’m your partner, naturally.”
It feels like confirmation of your actions, and you become brave all at once.
“Can I help you... To feel better?....” Your voice is full of hesitation, yet one end of his lips lifts, revealing a wickedly tinged smirk.
“Be my guest.”
Climbing on top of him, your hands tremble with anxiety and anticipation. His eyes flutter open and he watches you intently, analyzing where your actions lead. The man really is huge, and being partially on top of him, the size difference is even greater. Indra seems to rejoice in your stupor, picking up on your intentions and stirring the sheets covering him as you settle between his legs.
Whatever nervousness you felt about what was to come only grows worse at the sight of his size, as even half-hard, his cock’s intimidatingly enormous length.
“Already frightened?” The teasing tone sliding across his tongue fills you with new determination, and with both hands, you hold his shaft. One at the base and one at the head. Your tongue timidly explores that unfamiliar surface, feeling in your grip how hardness invades his dick second after second.
Your lips wrap carefully around it, and pushing gently, inch by inch, his length finds its way into the pleasantly warm depths of your mouth. One of your hands slowly slides down, dragging skin in its wake.
Fixing your eyes on Indra while trying to deal with the raw, inexperienced situation and size, you notice impatience and need, lust swimming in red eyes dominates his expression.
From an instant to the next, your shoulders are enveloped by two gigantic hands, and position is turned around, a vast body hovering over you and trapping you underneath it.
“You teasing little fucker...”
Being handled like that awakens something on the inside that you rarely felt before, some sort of tingling urgently needing to be soothed. A broad palm grasps your chin, which moves your face in the direction Indra desires as he suddenly engulfed your lips.
You have never kissed this man before, and to be making out with him for the first time in these circumstances should feel wrong... but it only builds up more sensations in your lower belly, a treacherous emptiness, and an almost unfamiliar fire.
Your hands awkwardly find his back, and the need to press him against your face, to demand more, to extract more from those luscious lips is interesting. There is no more distance to close between the two of you, but you want to crush yourself against his labored chest until becoming one.
The moment ends quickly as you gasp for air, and trying to recover, a sultry Indra, who grins viciously seductive overpowers your gaze.
“I’ll introduce you to a thing or two...”
Before you comprehend what his words mean, the position changes again, and his two knees are one on either side of your head. He looks even more terrifying from this angle than in everyday life, and you don’t venture to peek at his dick. Two of his fingers slide across your lower lip, caressing your cheek, and suddenly squeeze your face harshly. Your mouth is forced open, but when his cock slides over your tongue and you understand the functionality of the pose, you ease back.
Your lack of experience was driving him crazy, and rather than loosening him up, you were upsetting him further. Managing the matter with his own hands, or rather with his own hips, Indra finds peace again.
Rising to height, one of his palms cradles your face, while the other supports himself against the wall. You try to find stability by holding onto his thighs, and as he buries himself lower in your mouth, sensations in your body become almost unbearable, coupled with his movements.
Indra is kind at first, gradually pushing into your inexperienced cavity slowly, closing his eyes tightly and fighting the urge to destroy your mouth.
Yet when your jaw relaxes completely, grasping the rhythm and feel of the situation, he lets go. The beast is finally released, and the Otsutsuki fucks your lips with abandon, hitting the end of your throat with each thrust. His hips move with agility, and imagining him between your legs with the same surrender and strength makes you hold on.
Tears decorate your cheeks and eyelashes, blending with the saliva dripping from your mouth every time that cock lunges at your face. Indra becomes completely abstracted, tilting his head back as deep growls rise from deep within his chest.
When air is inevitably needed and you can no longer avoid gagging, you repeatedly slap his thighs, drawing his attention. He leans his forehead against the wall and holds your face with both hands, withdrawing his dick from your throat and catching his breath with difficulty. His gaze is fixed on you, and although you could probably look better, you feel really appreciated under those red eyes.
The fluids from your mouth completely soaked your chest and cheeks, your clothes are soaked, and at the sight, the Otsutsuki slides his fingers across your wet skin, then strokes his shaft twice.
When you catch your breath, you place a kiss on the head which has been hitting the back of your throat for minutes, showing he may continue.
Without a second thought, he burrows deeply into your mouth, reaching a depth he hadn’t hit before. The grunt he exhales makes your skin crawl, and you really want to see him enjoy you like this for the rest of your life.
He gives you time to breathe again, and his thrusts become more shallow, seeking more contact with the softness of your tongue and the warmth of your cheeks. It isn’t long before his length is completely out of your cavity and he works it rapidly, seeking the longed-for finish. You’re not sure what you should do, so you simply watch him, amazed at the size of his hands.
After a few seconds, several white shots paint your face, staining your hair and chest, leaving practically nowhere without even a drop. It’s unexpected, but satisfying.
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drnikolatesla · 3 years
“The Future of the Wireless Art.”
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“A mass in movement resists change of direction. So does the world oppose a new idea. It takes time to make up the minds to its value and importance. Ignorance, prejudice and inertia of the old retard its early progress. It is discredited by insincere exponents and selfish exploiters. It is attacked and condemned by its enemies. Eventually, though, all barriers are thrown down, and it spreads like fire. This will also prove true of the wireless art.
"The practical applications of this revolutionary principle have only begun. So far they have been confined to the use of oscillations which are quickly damped out in their passage through the medium. Still, even this has commanded universal attention. What will be achieved by waves which do not diminish with distance, baffles comprehension.
"It is difficult for a layman to grasp how an electric current can be propagated to distances of thousands of miles without diminution of intention. But it is simple after all. Distance is only a relative conception, a reflection in the mind of physical limitation. A view of electrical phenomena must be free of this delusive impression. However surprising, it is a fact that a sphere of the size of a little marble offers a greater impediment to the passage of a current than the whole earth. Every experiment, then, which can be performed with such a small sphere can likewise be carried out, and much more perfectly, with the immense globe on which we live. This is not merely a theory, but a truth established in numerous and carefully conducted experiments. When the earth is struck mechanically, as is the case in some powerful terrestrial upheaval, it vibrates like a bell, its period being measured in hours. When it is struck electrically, the charge oscillates, approximately, twelve times a second. By impressing upon it current waves of certain lengths, definitely related to its diameter, the globe is thrown into resonant vibration like a wire, stationary waves forming, the nodal and ventral regions of which can be located with mathematical precision. Owing to this fact and the spheroidal shape of the earth, numerous geodetical and other data, very accurate and of the greatest scientific and practical value, can be readily secured. Through the observation of these astonishing phenomena we shall soon be able to determine the exact diameter of the planet, its configuration and volume, the extent of its elevations and depressions, and to measure, with great precision and with nothing more than an electrical device, all terrestrial distances. In the densest fog or darkness of night, without a compass or other instruments of orientation, or a timepiece, it will be possible to guide a vessel along the shortest or orthodromic path, to instantly read the latitude and longitude, the hour, the distance from any point, and the true speed and direction of movement. By proper use of such disturbances a wave may be made to travel over the earth’s surface with any velocity desired, and an electrical effect produced at any spot which can be selected at will and the geographical position of which can be closely ascertained from simple rules of trigonometry.
"This mode of conveying electrical energy to a distance is not ‘wireless’ in the popular sense, but a transmission through a conductor, and one which is incomparably more perfect than any artificial one. All impediments of conduction arise from confinement of the electric and magnetic fluxes to narrow channels. The globe is free of such cramping and hinderment. It is an ideal conductor because of its immensity, isolation in space, and geometrical form. Its singleness is only an apparent limitation, for by impressing upon it numerous non-interfering vibrations, the flow of energy may be directed through any number of paths which, though bodily connected, are yet perfectly distinct and separate like ever so many cables. Any apparatus, then, which can be operated through one or more wires, at distances obviously limited, can likewise be worked without artificial conductors, and with the same facility and precision, at distances without limit other than that imposed by the physical dimensions of the globe.
"It is intended to give practical demonstrations of these principles with the plant illustrated. As soon as completed, it will be possible for a business man in New York to dictate instructions, and have them instantly appear in type at his office in London or elsewhere. He will be able to call up, from his desk, and talk to any telephone subscriber on the globe, without any change whatever in the existing equipment. An inexpensive instrument, not bigger than a watch, will enable its bearer to hear anywhere, on sea or land, music or song, the speech of a political leader, the address of an eminent man of science, or the sermon of an eloquent clergyman, delivered in some other place, however distant. In the same manner any picture, character, drawing, or print can be transferred from one to another place. Millions of such instruments can be operated from but one plant of this kind. More important than all of this, however, will be the transmission of power, without wires, which will be shown on a scale large enough to carry conviction. These few indications will be sufficient to show that the wireless art offers greater possibilities than any invention or discovery heretofore made, and if the conditions are favorable, we can expect with certitude that in the next few years wonders will be wrought by its application.”
–Nikola Tesla
Wireless Telegraphy & Telephony, 1908.
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brascu · 2 years
As you guys know, I’m writing that one story about Klaus and Five living in the apocalypse.
As you may not know, I’m writing it not only about their relationship but also about their powers. After all, why not? Or better saying, how could I not?
But as you know about writing fanfiction, one has to jump into the subject and study the story and concepts behind said story. So I’ve been thinking about their powers quite a lot. And I might try to share what I thought here. (there will be spoilers)
I think everyone know by now that I believe Klaus is the most powerful character in the show, and again I’ll explain why and include some new thoughts. But first I need you all to understand that Klaus’ and Five’s powers are actually super similar.
Both of them can see things the others cant. Klaus the ghosts, Five other points in time. But what are ghosts if not rests of something that was and is not anymore? Technically, Klaus has access in real time to the past.
Both of them can bend dimensions somehow. Five can change the past and therefore create a new future. He can study the future so he can manipulate the past. Klaus is a link between two realms, the living one and the dead one.
Both of them are virtually immortal. Klaus is, well, Klaus. Five can reverse the time flow while dying to prevent his own death. Also, if he could make himself young once, he can do it again.
Five travels in two directions. He can travel in space and he can travel in time. 
Klaus also has, at first sight, two directions. To the void and back from the void. but there’s a thing about the void.
At first we thought he would only be able to come back to his own body, so as long as his body was there he would be able to be back. But at the end of season 3 we understand that he can create a new body to come back. Not only that, he creates his new body in a whole different dimension, which tells us that, using the void as a scale, he could create a new body anywhere he didn’t have one.
When Five goes back in time, he changes the past, so the future he’ll find when he travels ahead in time will never be the same future where he came from.
If you guys watched Community, you must remember that one episode they’re trying to decide who’ll go down the stairs to get the pizza and someone decides to throw a dice. Each time the dica falls, we have a new disastrous version of what would happen to the ones who were waiting for the pizza and at the end of the episode Abed gets the dice in the air so they wouldn’t create multiple realitys.
I believe each time Five, and the others, travel through time they create a new reality, a new timeline. The last one does not sease to exist, they’re just unable to get to it with Five’s powers, since he can only travel back and forth, therefore not having access to the last, pay attention, dimension where they came from.
That’s how we get to 2019 in the third season.
Klaus, on the other hand, still has access to their last dimension. How? you ask me, and fret not! I’ll explain.
We already know he is able to create a nes body outside of his previous dimensions, right? But how would he appear in a new one that is out of Five’s range of back and forth? 
In the third season, when he dies and meets his mother, there’s a fishy thing there: His mother died before he was ever born.
We know, because the show showed us, that the mothers all developed their bellys in a matter of instants and they had no previous knowledge ot their pregnancies. If Klaus’ mother died before he was ever born, how did she knoe who he is?
And If Klaus was never born in this timeline (dimension), how did she watch his whole life to the point she saw him dying 56 times? 
I believe the Void is a dimension of its own, not really able to be divided by the creation of a new timeline and therefore conected to every single timeline that ever was.
That way Klaus would be able to create a new body at any time and place, in any timeline, as long as he didn’t have a body there to receive his soul. Which, here between us, is pretty neat.
So if Five travels in x (space) and y (time), Klaus travels in x, y and z (dimensions), as long as he is always comming from (0x,0y,0z) which is the void.
Now we get to the commission.
Our present Five (understand it as the one we follow through the show) is dealing with dificulties caused by the creation of multiple dimensions and paradoxes. He’s seeing his family, the most important thing to him, suffer. And, technically, it’s all thanks to him. 
His future self, in my eyes, has all the reason to try to prevent multiple timelines from happening, especially because he doesn’t have access to those same timensions Klaus has. So he creates the commission.
What is the commission? Its a company that works to keep the timeline from diverging. To keep the timeline from creating new versions of itself so FIVE is able to travel through it without getting lost.
The thing is that this already created a paradox, since Five, before creating the commission or even by creating the commission, creates multiple paradoxes. So the thing he created to help him is trying to kill him through 2 seasons because he is the one messing up with time in the first place.
All that to say that if those idiots (said with love) worked together and combined their powers, Klaus and Five would actually be able to go back to their original timeline, but they would have to go to the really original one, the one where all the siblings died, and kill Klaus to not create a new paradox.
The problem then would be the “sparrow ben paradox”, since none of Five’s siblings would have any memory of what their existence through timelines was, so technically they wouldn’t be the same people Five has been dealing with throughout the show, just like Sparrow Ben is not Brelly Ben, even if they are the same person. And even if he already loved his family while living in the void, Five learned to love his known family even more.
So I don’t think that, even if they had thought of doing so they would do it, because they wouldn’t just leave their siblings in a distopia by themselves so Five would get a new shot of saving them and Klaus could just hang out in the void.
So even if they are able to go back, the only way is forth in the timeline written in their life line, not in numbers in a calendar.
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ladyeliot · 4 years
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Are you happy? [2/2] +18
Part One
Pairing: Ex!Chris Evans x Fem!Reader
Summary: After almost two years without seeing each other, fate brings you together again, each of you has your own reason for the reunion, which brings your feelings to the surface again.
Warnings: Angst. Sentimental confusion. Infidelity. Unprotected sex.
Word count: 3975
A/N: Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
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John Steinbeck once said 'One can find so many pains when the rain is falling', you had never understood that phrase, never until that very moment. The drops seemed to descend fiercely, crashing firmly against your face, you hardly realised at what point the intensity of the rain had become so extreme, as you continued to be completely blocked from contemplating the face before you, and time never stopped.
The red brick of the Victorian houses, decorated with colourful flower boxes, seemed to create an idyllic scene of which you two were the protagonists in that narrow alley, but neither of you noticed. Words that could not now be erased from your mind had come out of his mouth, a mouth that was at that moment half-open as if it wished to express something else, but did not. You had had to deal with enough events in your life to know how to deal with any new moment that came your way, at least you thought you had, but you would never have thought you would have to face this. A dilemma opened up in your mind, but also in your heart, you were sure that you loved Chris with all your heart, you had loved him for as long as you could remember, he was your childhood friend, you never knew when your feelings became romantic, he didn't know either, but you had your assumptions.
Anyway, that love had never gone away, and it was never going to go away, it was going to be there for the rest of your lives, but things were not as simple as they might seem. Your love might have worked during your adolescence, during your youth, but when things got serious, somehow or other the relationship didn't move forward. There were no third parties, no cheating on either side, just different paths. Each of you had your own dreams that pushed you further and further apart, so far apart that you decided to end the relationship, which was not in the most amicable way possible.
The last two years were difficult for you, your smile had vanished from your face, but Garret appeared to give it back to you. You believed again that love was possible, and of course, although you always used to keep Cjris in mind, for which you used to blame yourself all the time, life seemed to be much simpler. Partly because of that, and because you loved him, you had accepted Garret's hand a month ago, but unfortunately you couldn't help imagining Chris the moment you said 'yes, I want to marry you'. And now there he was, Chris, in front of you, telling you that he was still in love with you and you could barely say a word because you had no idea how you felt, you didn't want to hurt anyone, you didn't want to suffer or anyone else to suffer because of you, but apparently it was too late.
Raindrops slid down your face, wiping away tears that you barely realised were flowing from your eyes, which were staring into Chris's. The radiant rays of sunshine had disappeared, bringing gloom to an autumnal morning, only the sound of the thunderstorm could be heard. The radiant rays of sunshine had disappeared, offering the gloom of an autumnal morning, only the rumbling of the storm could be heard. Chris finally lowered his face, nodding to himself, as if he had assumed defeat by not saying anything in the situation.
"Alright," those words came from inside him with a sigh. "I guess there's not much more to say," there was a moment of silence, in which he offered you one last chance to speak, but you could not. "All the best Y/N."
The lump in his throat that had been present since Chris had left his feelings open was massified when you heard your name forming on his lips. Before he turned away and continued on his way through the alleyway, he returned his eyes to yours in the hope that you would take control of yourself and stop him, but again you didn't. So you stood there, letting the rain wash over every part of you. So you stood there, letting the rain wash over every part of your body, watching as his figure gradually disappeared until he turned the corner and you lost him, lost him completely.
You had lost track of time since you left that coffee shop, you were stopped in that place for minutes, until your lower limbs mechanically carried you back to the car, where you remained silent for fifteen minutes. Your senses didn't seem to react, perhaps because you didn't want to feel, because you knew that if you felt you would be capable of doing something crazy, which would surely hurt someone a lot and you didn't want that to happen. His words played over and over in your brain, you glimpsed the blue of his eyes, the smile as you entered the cafeteria, his scent flowing into your nostrils, and his touch as you snuggled into his arms. It was like an internal torture that you couldn't get rid of, that you didn't really want to get rid of. Because who would want to get rid of the love of their life?
It was when the moisture on your face dried up that you realised that the wateriness of your eyes was not because of the raindrops but because you were broken. That revealed a large part of your feelings, your true feelings, which you had kept hidden, you loved him, with all your heart, as you had never loved anyone else, you had loved him for as long as you could remember, how could you not continue to love him?
A click made you connect again and brought you back to the real world, maybe your emotions were running high, but for once in your life you decided to act in the moment, leaving rationality aside, which had not allowed you to act before. You started the engine of the car, you knew perfectly well which direction you were going to take, you had travelled that road so many times that you hardly had to think about how to get to his house, where you hoped he would be. Your heart was racing and your adrenaline was pumping, but your hands around the steering wheel reminded you of that engagement ring on your left ring finger, causing you to slow down and stare at it. What the hell were you doing? If you did what you had in your mind two options were open to you, one was to make the biggest mistake of your life, the other was to win back the love of your life by breaking Garret's heart. Whichever you chose, someone would lose out.
Cars overtook you on the left as you kept wondering what to do, while the sky was still overcast and the rain was pouring down. Time became your enemy again, causing you to arrive in front of Chris's house without clearing your mind. You felt like you were back in the coffee shop, wondering whether or not to go in, whether or not to confront Chris. You turned off the engine of the car and dropped your forehead on the steering wheel, you could hear the drops falling hard on the roof of the car, which seemed to help you relax, strangely. You turned your face, staring at the front door of the house through the window, completely wet. The cafeteria had been a neutral place, this house was not, too many memories enveloped those four walls to go inside and not be affected by it. You were lost if you went in there, you knew what was going to happen and that you were going to let your feelings take you.
As if you wanted to give it one last chance you looked at the engagement ring that Garret had given you a month ago, you hoped that something would tell you that the best thing to do was to start the engine of the car again and get away from there as soon as possible, but it didn't. So you played your last trick.  So you played your last trick, a very dangerous one, you asked yourself the same question that Chris had asked you and that you had answered systematically without thinking, were you happy, does Garret make you happy? Then you knew. The next thing you did, you did it with all the pain in your heart, but you needed to think about yourself, the future you wanted, who you wanted to spend it with and most importantly, you wanted to be happy, so there was only one possibility.
Looking at the ring you slowly pulled it off your finger, your eyes started to water, you wanted to do it differently, but Garret was thousands of miles away, so you did what you felt at that moment. Again the rain came down on you as you stepped out into the open, but you didn't care at all, your gaze was fixed on that white door that was going to open the way to your past. As you walked steadily you let the air invade your lungs giving you the strength to face what was about to come. A faint light came through the curtains of the window that overlooked the living room, that erased the doubts that invaded you in case he wasn't at home, and without knowing why your heart skipped a beat.
There you were, a metre between you and his door, a single gesture away from letting him know you were there, and you did it, your index finger approached the doorbell, a squeaky melody sounded inside the house, and you took a step back, marking a distance for when the door opened. You looked down at your hands and fiddled nervously with your fingers, which were dripping from the rain. It was thirty-six seconds before you heard the lock turn and the door open, presenting the figure of Chris before you. You looked up nervously, not knowing what gesture you were going to get from him, but what you could glimpse was a state of confusion and hope mingled in his eyes. You parted your lips, still playing with your fingers.
"I..." was the only thing you could say before a lump rose in your throat and your tears wandered and mingled down your cheeks.
You turned your face and placed the palm of your hand on it, as if to hide the fact that you were crying. At that very moment, arms wrapped around your body and pulled you inside the house, making their body heat and that of the interior of the room cover your body. You broke down emotionally, you knew it was one of the things that could happen, too many emotions to keep them all hidden inside you. So soft sobs began to come out of your throat, you kept your eyes closed and your forehead resting on Chris's chest as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to his body.
"It's okay," he murmured against your head, letting out a sigh. "I'm here. I've got you."
After those words he placed a kiss on top of your head and then rested his hands on your cheeks, pulling away from you a few inches to search your face with his gaze. That was the last thing you wanted to do, because you felt confusingly embarrassed about the situation that was happening, he knew it, he knew you hated crying in front of people, but it was him after all. Chris gently lifted your chin to force you to look at his face, where there was a longing smile on his lips, but you averted your gaze, causing his smile to widen and he moved closer to your forehead to kiss it before he hugged you again.
"You're completely soaked," he whispered. "Come with me, the fireplace is lit, I'll get you some towels and some dry clothes."
Again the proximity was broken, but not the contact, Chris intertwined his fingers with yours, realizing something, you saw how he looked at your intertwined hands and then stared at you with his lips parted as if he wanted to ask, but he didn't, he preferred to ignore it. Your steps took you to your memories, when you entered the living room it was inevitable not to think about the times you both had occupied that sofa, or the times you had made love on that carpet next to the fireplace, it was an open diary.
"Make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back," he said, unlacing his fingers and heading upstairs via the staircase.
Your decisive mood with which you had left the car had collapsed at the mere sight of him, the little plan you had improvised in your mind had been cut short, putting you back on your own in the face of destiny. But what you were really sure of was what you felt, at least it was something you were sure of, it was him, only him, at that moment looking carefully all around you you realised that you never wanted to live again without him in your life, in whatever way it was, because in truth you were also in love with him, although you had tried to erase him from your mind during those two years.
His footsteps coming down the steps made you alert again, Chris entered the room holding two folded towels in his hands along with a sweatshirt you knew perfectly well and a pair of sweatpants, he stood in front of you.
"You can go and change in the bathroom, or if you prefer in the bedroom," he said offering you the set of items, "you know where everything is... if you want to give me your coat, I can put it in the dryer."
You nodded softly, still looking into his eyes, the warmth of the fire in the fireplace to your right washed over you, and the shadows created a pleasant ambience against the darkness outside. Slowly you undid each button of your coat and removed it from your body, offering it to Chris who took it in his free hand. You didn't know what happened in that instant, whether it was the intensity of your gaze, or the silence that was only broken by the raindrops and the sparks from the firewood, but you didn't stop. Just as you had undone the buttons on your coat you began to undo the buttons on your blouse, Chris's eyes shifted from yours to your hands and every movement they were making. As you finished you let the soaked blouse fall down your arms and onto the carpet, exposing your bare skin, covered only by a black bra.
In those moments, Chris's limbs seemed to be locked as he continued to hold the clothes and towels in his arms, still looking at your body with a look on his face that you couldn't describe. You offered him a few seconds of time to see how he reacted, but he said nothing, your hands slowly moved to the button of your trousers which you undid without looking away from his face, unzipped the fly and pulled your legs out through his thighs, leaving him again next to the blouse. That was the moment when Chris let everything he was holding fall from his arms and without a second thought he wrapped his hands around your body, pulling you closer to him, breaking the tension of the moment, wrapping your lips around his, kissing you as if his life depended on it. A gasp came from inside you as if the physical contact you were having wasn't enough, as if your chest was going to explode from one moment to the next. He brought his hands to your face pulling you away from him, needing to look at you to make sure that what was happening was real and not one of the fantasies wandering through his head.
"Don't stop," you murmured feeling weak as he pulled away from you.
As if on direct order Chris closes the distance again, but this time gently, caressing your lips tenderly, but the wetness of his lips and the roughness of his beard causes a moan of need to be reborn within you. His hands roam over your bare shoulders, gently down your arms, resting on your hips, as yours rested on his neck, preventing him from pulling away from you again. You felt small shivers of pleasure with every touch of his fingers on your skin, you knew that the situation would go as far as you wanted it to, that at that moment you had the reins, but really you had already lost them a long time ago. You dropped your hands until you reached the top of his sweatshirt which you pulled up indicating your need for him to disappear from his body. Chris acted, exposing his body to you.
Your fingertips scanned every nook and cranny that you thought you had lost, that you thought would never be yours again, but there they were before you. Chris brought his lips to your neck, making you lose your reason for being again, as he caressed your back and took the liberty of unclasping your bra, causing it to fall to the carpet. You knew then that you would never tire of the fluidity of his tongue running along your collarbones until it came to rest on your breasts.
A contraction arose in your intimacy making you realise the need you were exploring for him at that moment. Without hindrance you took it upon yourself to undo the button of his jeans that slid down his legs revealing his need for you.
"You can't imagine how many times I've thought about this moment," he mumbled against your lips, undoing his trousers as best he could.
His arms curved to grasp your thighs and encircle his hips, letting your naked bodies collide, that movement alone an action that brought you to lie on the woollen carpet. The softness of his fibres and warmth enveloped your back, as Chris's lips trailed across your belly while your panties trailed down your thighs until they disappeared from the scene. The shadows wandered between you, the fire seemed to want to be part of the moment and you appreciated it, it was warm, but no more so than his lips resting on your centre, sliding his tongue between your folds, making you lose your composure, letting him know the pleasure you were feeling at that very moment. The throbbing in your core began to intensify as his tongue brushed against your clit, until you could take no more and became a prey to your own pleasure, calling out the culprit's name over and over again.
But before you could even relax, before the throbbing could stop, you felt Chris want to be a part of it and gently thrust inside you, causing a deeper moan from both of you to fill the room. It had been too many years together, you knew to the millimetre the sensations the other person experienced, what made them feel the most pleasure, what they liked. Chris loved to feel your throbbing when his tongue made you orgasm around him, and that was a sensation he extrapolated. Inside you, however, he just felt you around the stiffness of his member, he barely made any movement, he just kissed your neck, lying on top of you, waiting for the calmness to take over and transport you back to paradise.
"Move, please," you begged, hoping to prolong the moment of pleasure you had just experienced, preventing him from leaving at all.
His movements began delicately, keeping himself propped up on his elbow while his other hand cupped your hip. Having him on top of you, the two of you lying on that carpet which had been part of your love on so many occasions felt like you had travelled through time. His ragged breaths came against your face, you wrapped your legs around his waist so that the depth of his member was greater. You could feel the rapport between the two bodies, the need to have each other again. Nothing seemed to matter in those moments, you felt his movements erase all the worries that were present in your mind, the only thing that mattered in those moments were the two of you.
His lips were pressed to yours, letting out gasps as his movements increased in speed. Your fingers were lost in his hair, as you kept your eyes closed, exploring how the pleasure continued each time his member slapped against your inner wall. And you felt it, his stiffness swelled inside you, you knew that's what it meant, he was close. You opened your eyes to find that his gaze was focused on you, that he was waiting for some sign from you that would prevent him from carrying out his release, but you merely trapped his lips between yours and placed a hand on his hip to keep him going.
A much smaller free fall than the first one you had felt engulfed you next to him, his moans projecting your name into the inside of your head, his movements becoming irregular and deep, making your bodies move across the carpet.
Calm, after a few minutes, came over you, making you feel the burn of your back from the rubbing of your nakedness against the carpet, making you feel the dampness of your hair still present and the flush of his cheeks from the heat of the fire in the fireplace. After Chris came out from under you and settled right behind you, you curled up sideways facing the fireplace. You felt his lips kiss every part of your reddened back and his arm went around your waist pulling you to him.
"Are you okay?" he asked as he placed a kiss on your bare shoulder.
"I think so," you replied contemplating the sparks from the firewood.
Fortunately you didn't have to project your feelings, he knew how you might be feeling right now, though he didn't get half of what you were really going through.
"I think you know that," he began in a soft tone that matched the atmosphere, "but I need to tell you that I love you," there was silence, as your torturous feelings came over you. "I know your head will be a complete mess right now, I don't want to burden you, I just want you to know that I'm here, that I'm still in love with you and that I intend to never part from you, if you'll let me."
Vulnerability came over you as you heard those words, you felt like you were a child again and you were faced with a decision you weren't capable of facing, you just wanted to feel protected, so you turned your body and came face to face with Chris. His legs wrapped around yours, agreeing to an even more intimate moment if that was possible. When you looked up into his face his smile was waiting for you to relax, to make you see that he was there with you, that everything was okay.
"Everything will be fine," his voice was confident, warm, his voice denoted the future.
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snarkywrites · 3 years
June Horoscopes: Deep Dive
June Horoscopes: Things kick off with Venus in the sign of Cancer on the 2nd, where we evaluate our devotion to the concept of love. We can feel more connected to friends and family during this transit which lasts for several weeks. On the 10th, the New Moon, Solar Eclipse in the sign of Gemini will amp up the way we communicate and might even have us multitasking. Since it is retrograde season, a reminder to be careful before hitting send and to think before you speak. The next day, on the 11th, Mars enters the sign of Leo. This can be an exciting and stimulating transit for Fixed and Fire signs, however, when Mars begins to square off with Uranus and Oppose Saturn, it can make us all wondering whether to take baby steps or giant leaps in our lives. On the 14th, Saturn will square off with Uranus, making us want to break free from what is holding us back but adding a lot of worry while we do it. Take things slow during the next few weeks so you do not stumble and fall. The magic of Jupiter in Pisces will come to a close soon as Jupiter begins retrograde motion on the 20th, as it heads back into Aquarius. Don’t fret, Jupiter will return later this year to repeat some themes during its brief 2021 transit. On the same day, the Sun enters the sign of Cancer, bringing us more emotional depth from an exciting Gemini season. Things get dramatic on the 24th with the Full Moon in Capricorn; taking us down memory lane as we plan the steps to our next evolution. Finally, the month closes with Venus entering the sign of Leo, making us more in command and loving ourselves. This energy will have us connecting with others and building our own esteems.
Aries – Viewpoints shift this month as you settle for peace and not war. The month begins with Venus entering the sign of Cancer on the 2nd allowing you to settle tensions at home and with those at work. A New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini is going to spark up your communication. When Mars enters Leo on the 11th, this will be a very exciting time for you. Motivation will increase with the positive trine this energy will make with your sign is going to make things memorable. A great time to get things done. Mercury will finally go direct on the 22nd, this will allow you to have a better experience with traveling and communication. Mercury Retrograde might have made short distance traveling frustrating during this transit. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th brings back some topics you had to deal with six months ago regarding your career and independence. You might have started some major career goals that might have brought some powerful shifts and transformations. Results will appear now. When Venus joins Mars in Leo on the 27th, expect to see the world with different eyes. If you had shunned the prospect of love, you might be open to diving in now.
Taurus – This month will have most of your energy focused on the home and career front. You might even expect a powerful change in your philosophy. Venus enters Cancer on the 2nd, adding a lovely water flow that brings some calm especially when Venus makes a trine to Jupiter for the first couple days. Mars will be in the sign of Leo on the 11th, and this is your time to keep the peace at home. If you are feeling frustrated, this transit is perfect to channel your energy to making changes around the house and redecorating. On the 14th, Saturn is going to square off with Uranus, adding more to the level of frustration and stress you might be feeling. A reminder to relax, go slow and be patient. You might want to break free and be spontaneous, but Saturn might remind you of your limits. Stay grounded during this time. Mercury will be direct on the 22nd, providing awareness to make any changes to your spending habits. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th will make you plan if you have felt afraid of your next career moves. Abandon those fears and use that planner.
Gemini – A New Moon, Solar Eclipse in your sign on the 10th is going to have us more communicative and a little anxious. This is your period to embark on a new set of goals and intentions for the next six months. This is your transitional phase into major success if you keep going with planning and focus. Venus brings you love and abundance on the 2nd when it enters the sign of Cancer. A Reminder to be patient when you are trying to build an empire. Mercury will finally be direct on the 22nd and this will allow you to move forward with your plans and goals. Keep your head up and do not let any limits stop you because you have the power to create success. On the 11th, Mars enters Leo, giving you a nice verbal punch to go with your sass. This transit will make you feel confident and when Venus joins Mars on the 27th, things get spicy with your words having the power to make anyone feel more enamored. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th will bring you insights and serves as a reminder of your own sense of power and strength.
Cancer – Lots of flow of energy that will be blessings for you beginning when Venus enters your sign on the 2nd, a good and relaxing period for you. It is also a great opportunity to dive into a relationship or to find yourself. If you have been thinking of ways to find and build more stability, the Mars in Leo transit on the 11th and the Venus in Leo transit on the 27th are guiding transits that will allow you to set reachable and powerful goals that can be transformative. However, make sure not to overindulge with Venus in Leo. On the 20th, Jupiter begins retrograde motion headed back into the sign of Aquarius. As a water sign, it now means you have just a few more weeks to enjoy and indulge with this beautiful transit. On the same day, the Sun enters your sign, adding more of the element of joy and awareness. As Jupiter trines with the Sun, it can feel like an awakening and an expansive/optimistic time. Mercury will finally be direct on the 22nd, a time for you to let go of the past and get ready to move forward. Finally, the month has a Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th that is going to impact your relationship house. Remember those power dynamics because this Moon can have you transform the way you engage in partnerships for the next several months.
Leo – Things lighten up with Venus in Cancer on the 2nd, bringing calm and enlightening moments to you through dreams. If you needed a moment to cool off and meditate, this transit will serve wonders. It will also rekindle that love of self you might have needed. A heavy month with Leo transits as Mars enters your sign on the 11th and Venus follows suit on the 27th.  You are going to feel driven and more confident during this time. It will be an awakening for you, even if it is not your season yet. Saturn will Square Uranus on the 14th, a reminder of your limits and how to be patient to get what you want. Relationships might feel harder to conserve right now but forgiving and communicating can be the medicine needed. Jupiter will go retrograde on the 20th, adding an element of karmic lessons as you once again rediscover yourself and what makes you happy. Mercury goes direct on the 22nd, your friendships will be tested now, so another reminder to be patient. The Full Moon on the 24th is going to evaluate your work and routines, so this is a great time to focus on planning ahead and taking care of yourself. Listen to your body if you need to rest.
Virgo – Jupiter will be going retrograde on the 20th and this means that the opposition this transit is having on your sign is coming to an end until 2022. Evaluate just how much this transit has changed a part of you as well as your relationships. Did you discover what you are seeking in a partner? Venus enters Cancer on the 2nd, a lovely time to feel enchanted by those around you and meeting new people. On June 11th, Mars enters Leo and on the 27th, Venus enters Leo, two transits that are going to keep you more secluded as you opt to recharge before interacting with many people. Focus on completing projects and getting yourself prepared for school/work. Mercury, your ruler goes direct on the 22nd, so these retrograde mishaps will conclude (for now) as you begin to rebuild and patch up the effects of the transit. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th is a time you receive more insights on your love life and relationship goals. If you are partnered, you will experience an eye opening and fulfilling time, if you are single, this transit can provide the motivation needed to consider falling in love once again.
Libra – Venus, your ruler will be in the sign of Cancer on the 2nd, adding a powerful moment in your life as you evaluate where you are headed in the future regarding career. You are confident, charming, and capturing everyone’s attention in a positive way. If you want to aim for the top leadership goal, you can do it. The Sun’s entry in Cancer on the 20th can provide some tough moments but you will be motivated to show others what you are made of. On the 10th, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini is going to help you build, plan, and focus on getting to the top. Mars enters Leo the following way, adding some more fuel since this transit will add a nice sextile to your sign, allowing you to be supported by friends and family during this time of success and achievement. Venus will be in Leo later this month on the 27th, once again giving you the motivation if you are burnt out. Mercury will be direct on the 22nd, making this a good time for rescheduling some missed plans. An important transit for you will be the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th, a time of evaluating and flowing with the potential changes happening around you.
Scorpio – Magic will infuse your life when Venus enters the sign of Cancer on the 2nd. You can visualize where you are headed and have the optimism needed to get there thanks to Jupiter’s impact. The New Moon/Solar eclipse on the 10th will be a powerful transit for you, as it activates your subconscious. An analysis of power and control dynamics in your life might overwhelm you. Be patient with yourself and you will see how this can be a learning experience that will make you feel more powerful in the next 6 months. On the 11th, Mars enters Leo, and this will have some challenges, but you are still going to be victorious either in school and/or work. If you have a game plan and motivation, you are undefeated. Saturn and Uranus square off on the 14th. This can add some challenges at home, but you will have the blessing of Jupiter in Pisces to keep the tension down. On the 20th, Jupiter begins retrograde motion, so remember the lessons you learned during this transit since you will experience it again in 2022. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th will allow you to connect with family, travel and experience some fun. Enjoy.
Sagittarius – The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini on the 10th is going to transform you once more, a reminder of that Venus retrograde transit of 2020. This period will have you churning through your past romantic successes and failures as you figure out whether you want a relationship or not. Fire signs will be excited with Mars entering the sign of Leo on the 11th. If you have felt unmotivated, this transit will keep you active and engaged. If you wanted to join a course or a workshop, do it. Jupiter, your ruler will go retrograde on the 20th and this will have an impact in your career and home. Learn more about achieving balance and learn how to perfect it since you will repeat this energy in 2022. Mercury will be direct on the 22nd, you see yourself forgiving and letting go of the past with ease. A reminder to keep your finances in check will appear on the 24th with the Full Moon in Capricorn. Confidence boosters galore with the Venus in Leo transit on the 27th, making this a great period to learn about things you have been curious about or just read up on something that makes you happy.
Capricorn – Relationship matters become center stage on June 2nd when Venus enters Cancer, lighting up your house of partnerships. If you are single now, you can attract someone with ease and if you are in a relationship, this can bring some harmony at home. The New Moon/Solar eclipse on the 10th, is a great time to begin a new era when it comes to your approach at work or home. This eclipse is a powerful one, so make sure to appreciate the lessons that it will bring since it will allow you to be more successful for career endeavors. Mars enters the sign of Leo on the 11th, a great time to focus on diplomacy since it can spark up some challenges with intimate partners. Take things slowly now and if people annoy you, try and think before acting. On the 20th, Jupiter will be retrograde and once again, you will need to evaluate your financial goals before it moves back to Aquarius. A major transit for you is the Full Moon in your sign on the 24th, a time where you evaluate your motives, your goals, and your dreams. 2020 was your period of transformation and right now, you are going to think back to all you have accomplished and where you are now compared to six months ago.
Aquarius – Saturn and Uranus will square off on the 14th. This could make you feel blocked but be patient. Mercury is having us repeat some processes and Saturn wants us to shape up. The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini on the 10th is going to rock your romantic world. If you are single, this can be the beginning of something fun and exciting for the next six months. Mars will enter Leo the following day, adding more of that excitement to your house of partnerships. However, you must remember to be diplomatic when it is required. Jupiter will start its journey back into your sign starting on the 20th. This is going to be a time where you are going to challenge your philosophies and anything relating to your motivations as well as image. While Saturn gives you more challenges to make you evolve, Jupiter is reminding you of what it is that you are seeking since this cycle happens once every 12 years. Mercury goes direct on the 22nd, perhaps an ex might make their way back in your life or you both have forgiven one another and moved on. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th, is a peaceful and reflective transit. Find yourself during this time and make sure to relax.
Pisces – Jupiter will begin retrograde motion on the 20th, an enlightening, optimistic and emotionally fulfilling. Now Jupiter heads back into Aquarius until its return later this year. As a water sign, you will rejoice with Venus’ entry in Cancer on the 2nd. A time of romance and inspiration begins for you and it will last until the end of the month. The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini on the 10th is going to impact your home and career. With this Moon, you will find what motivates and inspires you for the next six months. When Mars is in Leo beginning on the 11th, you are going to be impressive at work and when Venus enters Leo on the 27th, you are going to charm everyone with ease but be cautions when Venus squares off with Uranus and opposes Saturn in July. The energy will allow you to tackle any challenge and succeed in the process. But watch out for drama with colleagues or classmates. The Sun enters the sign of Cancer on the 20th, another good aspect for water signs. This season is going to make you more intuitive, and it will bring creative inspiration. Mercury will go direct on the 22nd, as a mutable sign this will bring you joy and relief. Mercury will ease things at home since you will be able to collaborate and communicate more efficiently. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th is a lovely transit for you, making the theme of connecting more prominent as you enjoy the time spent with friends and family.
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curiousconch · 3 years
Chase You / Chase Me (Pt. 3)
Part 3: Remember when everything was different
Catch up here: Series Masterlist
Chapter Summary: Aislinn, Gigi and Alex find friendship in the midst of the competition. One discussion led to another, pushing Alex to take a trip down memory lane, revealing the moment in her past where she and Gabe's paths crossed for the first time.
Book/Pairing: Choices - Laws of Attraction / Gabe Ricci x MC (Alex Keating)
Words: 1.7k+
Rating/Warnings: Mature (16+) / alcohol consumption, language. Scenes/themes may trigger trauma for some, reader discretion advised.
Disclaimer: Most of the characters as well as some dialogue belong to Pixelberry. I am merely borrowing them.
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Sunday, downtown New York
"Wait, can you back up for a moment," Aislinn said across Alex, who was scooping the remains of her melted banana split. Gigi was sipping her ice-cold mimosa, their brunch table full of plates with scrapes of leftovers. The sun was out and so were they, dining al fresco under the shade of a huge white parasol and the gentle breeze cooling them every now and then. It was a perfect day so far.
The trio has agreed to meet up that Sunday to discuss what went down with the Rothswell case as well as to prep for the conference Sadie had invited them to. They were on some kind of a peace pact, all of them sharing the view that pitting women against women in the corporate world is just shitty business.
Alex has enjoyed their company. They exchanged imaginary one-liners that would have made Martin frown his heart out or Beau McGraw chortle his head off. And speaking of McGraw, they all concluded that the best strategic course of action was to let Beau enjoy his moment in the sun. One day, Alex would make sure to remind him that he tried to rain on her parade.
It was a refreshing and enlightening discussion, though she will forever be traumatized with how many swears Gigi can cram in a single sentence. But the sight of a flustered Aislinn while Alex and Gigi engaged in a battle of pick-up lines with their waiter was a strong second contender.
As their drinks flowed, the conversation naturally led to rhetorical questions, now settling at why they became a lawyer. Aislinn shared first, surprisingly, stating that her knack for analysis was just a natural fit to the demands of a career in law. Gigi's answer was simple - she can leverage her eidetic memory to earn herself some serious dough, allowing her to live it up and take impromptu vacations to Bali.
Alex tried to dodge the question. She had never needed to discuss her reason of leaving pre-med behind to attend law school. It wasn't a pleasant memory, and she doubted it will ever be.
The two ladies were quick to see her attempts of evasion. But together, they finally wore her down, Alex left laughing with their shenanigans as they cornered her to tell her story. So she told them that she knew Gabe Ricci. And that it was because of him why she was a lawyer. Alex decided that revealing the truth was worth it, seeing how their jaws just dropped to the floor.
"Girl, you have to explain yourself right now," Gigi demanded, to which Aislinn seconded.
Alex snorted as she went back to skimming what was left of her dessert. "It's a boring sob story, and I don't want to turn this lovely morning into a snooze fest."
"We're not going anywhere, right Gi?" Aislinn turned to Gigi beside her, who nodded whilst sipping another glass of cocktail.
"Fine, but only if you swear this won't leave this table," she said. The two held up their hands invoking a half-smiling Alex, sensing nothing but sincerity. So she drank down her glass of bloody mary and took a deep breath, composing her tale.
"Buckle up, ladies, you're in for a ride."
10 years ago, in a town near Boston
Alessandra Keating had never felt more alone than she did that day.
They said she needed to just move forward. But how can she, when every day since the crash, she felt nothing but emptiness? How can she feel alright, when the only life that she knew was suddenly taken away from her?
It wasn't long before she found out that the car accident was caused by someone being reckless, by someone who thought they were above the law. Then, she imploded. No way could she let her parent's deaths be forgotten. No fucking way.
For the past three years, she invested all of herself into this endeavor. Researching, studying, choosing the right counsel, even raising funds. It was what kept her breathing, what gave her purpose. Ultimately, it was what kept her sane.
From filing the lawsuit to attending mediations, to numerous settlement meetings and colliding with every legal roadblock possible - Alex made sure to see them through. Only for everything to be decided that day - the bench trial.
One sweltering summer morning in her hometown's courthouse, Alex sat on the side of the plaintiff, with her long brunette hair tangled in waves. She let her senses wander, taking in the dark wooden panels and pews, her sense of smell invaded by the scent of old mahogany. She sealed her lips into silence, hiding her nerves by straightening the bargain khaki suit that she borrowed.
She barely held it in as her eyes travelled to the table beside them, catching a glimpse of the man that caused her immeasurable pain. With jet black hair and looking as young as her, he sat with an almost mocking expression. He was wearing a crisper set of suit, creating an illusion of trustworthiness that Alex can easily see through.
Maximilian K. Cornell. The green-eyed teenager who swerved his sports car onto the same slippery road Alex and her parents were passing through. The very same boy who got out unharmed, but left Alex's family to die in the snow. Her opponent was a slithery snake who managed to screw the justice system so many times over, just because his parents had the grease to do so.
But after the crash, the town decided they can no longer turn the other cheek. Alex's decision to sue was propelled by the support of the countless friends and families whom her parents have helped in their hour of need. But that still proved not enough.
Her mind whirled back to the proceedings, and to how every strategy, every plan of attack was being thrown out. With every whip from the defense, she started to grow impatient. As another traffic expert from her camp was dismissed, Alex just snapped inside. She leaned to Mr. Leroy, a withering man on the brink of retirement who was her lawyer, asking for them to convene outside.
"I'm sorry Mr. Leroy, but your strategies were just scrutinized and torn into pieces," Alex said in a low voice the moment they stepped out into the hallway.
"Alex, I am doing my best here. We clearly don't have the upper hand, lacking the incriminating evidence that we need," the man replied, exasperated.
"Have we dug up his previous records? I mean, why on earth would he have a sealed history? Doesn't that mean something?" she continued.
She continued to dictate her litany of better-positioned moves, but even Alex knew she wasn't getting through. So she excused herself from the conversation, hoping a cup of iced coffee will somehow mitigate her frustrations.
As soon as she came back, she found Mr. Leroy convening with a much younger man in a dark navy suit. His aura screamed "big city hotshot", albeit the exhausted look in his brown eyes. Not wanting to interrupt, she held off from approaching. However, her curiosity didn't stop her from eavesdropping.
What she heard the charismatic man say was a legal precedent that would have opened the sealed records in question. And with all the mind-boggling legal jargon, that's just about what she understood.
"Gabriel Ricci? I'm looking for an attorney named Gabriel Ricci?" a female voice from a nearby window called out, which made the young man raise his head. She saw him end the conversation abruptly, where a flustered Mr. Leroy hastily thanked him. Alex took that as her queue to approach her lawyer.
"Alex, we might be able to turn things around," she heard Leroy say.
And by some miracle, things did turn around. With her lawyer using the precedent offered by the young attorney earlier, their side gained the needed momentum to tip the scales in their favor. By the end of the trial, the verdict was out - Cornell will never be able to drive another vehicle, along with paying her a hefty amount of damages and fees.
They won.
Alex had to pinch herself before the victory sunk in. When it did, she felt an immense burden lifted from her shoulders.
After a long, long time, Alex can finally breathe.
Broken free from her nightmares, she asked herself what's next? The answer came to her almost immediately. Right there and then, she decided what she wanted to be. Like that man from the courthouse, she will become a lawyer.
Fueled by this new sense of mission, she saw a future for herself. No longer held by the past, she finally was able to move forward.
Indeed, Alex became what she set out to do - a lawyer who took on hopeless, even impossible cases and won them. A lawyer her parents would be proud of.
A damn good lawyer, just like Gabriel Ricci.
Present Day, at a New York Penthouse
Gabe sat in his home office clad in nothing but his white bath robe, holding a worn manila folder.
Five years ago, Gabe saw this case as his opportunity to make Robbie proud. The defendant had all the parallels with his brother - a teenager, incarcerated young, where the punishment had presumed to be too harsh. He now knew it was rightfully just.
But at that time, he was blinded by passion and ambition. He wanted to prove to himself and to Sadie what he can do. Taking on this case that was practically unwinnable would give him more power, more control over the pro bono cases he wanted to take. Actually winning this though, that proved to be his fatal mistake.
Your cockiness got the better of you again, Ricci.
His mind went to Alex. That was the direction his every waking moment drifted to nowadays. Whether he liked it or not, he'd answer some other day.
He had to let her know. If he didn't, Alex would eventually find out herself. Once she discovers that he was the one who had set this man free, she would hate him.
Gabe can't bring himself to think of that happening, of losing that chance with her, or of losing Alex's trust.
Hell, I'm going to lose her entirely if she finds out.
These realizations devastated him.
But how can they both escape the looming shadows of the past unscathed? Even he couldn't figure that out.
Sighing, he rubbed his hand on his face, reeling at his lack of options. He then stood up, slamming the open folder on his desk as he turned to face the window, simmering in his own regrets. Papers slipped out to the carpeted floor, including a full-page mugshot of the defendant.
It was Maximilian Cornell.
Author's Notes: With Sadie being shady AF, I feel like we all need some dose of female friendship right? Also, this is my HC why Gabe constantly pulls away from MC, not only because of their working relationship. Did the reveal live up to the cliffhanger? Let me know in the comments! 👇👇👇
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eri-baby · 4 years
chongyun crushing on a shy/dense noble fem!reader
a/n: this idea has been on my mind for a long time now, and i'm finally posting it! chongyun is probably very ooc, but listening to his character's voice-over's gave me the idea that he's just an earnest guy and i found that adorable.
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i picture that chongyun first saw [ ] at a banquet where all the wealthy and influential were invited. she was quiet, reserved, rarely speaking to anyone. it was hard not to notice her when gossip about her was circulating all around the room. they called her a mist flower because she's "a cold person" and yet they appreciated her beauty. [ ] is expected to become one of the leaders of liyue in the future, maybe even one of the qixing, because of her family's influence and her being a well-educated young woman. chongyun ignored the rumors about her and respected her resolve to make liyue a better place.
from that day onward, chongyun wanted to know more about [ ]. they were similar, after all. chongyun and [ ] were both cold in the eyes of the public. he thought he would be able to get along well with her. he had nothing but respect for her.
whenever he had a comission, he asked clients or locals within the area about the noble [ ]. he discovered that [ ] often travels around liyue to personally watch over the state of each area. if anything were ever amiss, [ ] herself is the one who creates solutions and funds them. she shut down businesses that were swindeling people, found new jobs for the innocent workers involved, and earned back money for the victims. he found more admiration for her.
xingqui turns out to be somewhat childhood friends with [ ]. they spend time together every now and then. xingqui described her as a well-meaning girl who can never get her point across because of how awkward she is. she focuses more on the problem at hand and solving it rather than interacting with others which makes her come across as prickly.
chongyun was excited when he heard that [ ] had spoken about him. she asked xingqui about the young exorcist, and commented that exorcists like chongyun help maintain liyue's glory. it took him two months to stop centering all conversations around [ ]'s passing comment.
he has attempted to speak with her, even frequenting areas she was said to be seen in often, but the most he would get were glimpses of her before she scurried off or was escorted away by one of her chaperones. it disappointed him greatly that he never had the oppertunity to speak to her since he was so invested in her and her work.
i think he would barely realize his own feelings for a total stranger. xingqui and xiangling are sick of hearing about [ ]. they're scared of the day [ ] actually talks to chongyun. she's the only other thing on his mind other than training and exorcism.
he was disappointed and ready to give up on ever talking to [ ] after months of trying, until he was assigned to a comission in her estate. apparently weird things have been happening in her room. items have been misplaced, at night there were whispers coming from the closet, banging noises were coming from the walls. it caused her family great distress.
chongyun was, needless to say, stressed about making an appearance in [ ]'s household. how should he introduce himself? how should he speak to her? will he be able to speak to her? what should he bring? he bothered both xingqui and xiangling as he asked all these questions over and over again. xingqui was so annoyed that he finally relented, telling chongyun that lady [ ] is fond of the glaze lily flower. chongyun was gone before any of them could say another word.
the local florist in liyue harbor had not even a single glaze lily in stock. chongyun had to go all the way to a faraway town where a different florist was. he was lucky it was a colder day. with a boquet of glaze lillies in hand, he was ready to travel back to lady [ ]'s estate. on the way back, he passed by a little girl who was in tears. the little girl had dirt stains on her clothes but no injuries. she begged him to save a girl who had gotten trapped in a cave. the little girl was looking for her doll and she asked the girl, who's physical description matched [ ]'s, to enter the cave with her. the girl relented but inside they were attacked by a ruin hunter. the girl managed to get the young child out of the cave before rubble fell over the other entrance. it had been a long time but the girl still hasn't turned up.
chongyun immediatly dropped the glaze lillies in his hand and rushed to the direction the little girl pointed in. the cave had two openings, one of which had been blocked by rubble. chongyun went through the second one. he found at the other end lady [ ] fighting off a ruin hunter with her bow. chongyun finished it off for her.
he immediatly dropped down beside her and asked her if she was okay politely. she had no idea what to say, in fact she wasn't even expecting any help, and nodded quietly. he noticed that her ankle was swolen so he used his cryo vision to ease her pain. he quickly helped her up, even carrying her despite his fear of triggering his congenital positivity. he was lucky that the weather was cold and so was the cave, and that [ ]'s body temperature was also cold because of her vision.
"I am Chongyun, from an exorcist family. I was heading to your home, Lady [ ], to deal with the evil spirit in your room, until the little girl you had rescued stopped me and asked me to help you."
"I... see. We'll have to double your payment for saving me, Exorcist Chongyun."
"Oh, no! My services are free of charge!"
she became quiet and smiled to herself. he could hear her quiet giggles, making his cheeks heat up slightly. he worried about his congenital positivity.
both of them were somewhat awkward and dense. the truth was that they were both panicking. chongyun had no idea what to say and neither did [ ].
chongyun was the first to speak after a few minutes of awkward silence
"I'm sorry I don't know what to say to you."
"I have no idea what to say as well."
they both laughed together about being dense in social situations. from then on, conversation flowed somehow a little easier because they found that they had something in common. the more they spoke to each other, the more similarities they found.
it turns out that her reputation of being a cold person was a result of her being misunderstood. [ ] doesn't know how to say things other than straightforwardly, and when she panics she has a tendency to freeze up making her tense in conversations.
chongyun as well had a one-track mind. everything he did was to become a better exorcist, which made him terrible at conversations especially outside of the exorcism business.
she spoke about the responsibilities of supporting the nation of liyue and her dream of traveling every inch of their lands and waters because she wanted to be one of the pillars of liyue in the future. it was her dream to become a qixing, like ningguang, to support liyue's growth.
he shared his dream of becoming the greatest exorcist. he wanted to find an evil spirit or demon that wouldn't avoid his congenital positivity, and to be able to control his congenital positivity. his dream was to rid the world of all evil spirits as the greatest exorcist in all of history.
they each shared the hardships of reaching their dreams and their desires to reach their goals. it was everything and more than he imagined talking to her. he had always wanted this oppertunity to speak to someone similar to him.
they reached the outside of the cave only to be met with servants from [ ]'s estate. she was taken away from him and rushed back to her home while he was thanked for saving her. apparently there was no evil spirit in their estate, at least not a real spirit. they were abyss mages planning something terrible again and [ ] was the victim. her family sent servants to pick her up from this town, only for them to hear from the little girl about what had happened. chongyun was greatly compensated for his help. he didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to [ ].
weeks had passed without chongyun seeing nor speaking to [ ]. he sent her a "get well soon" present but received no response. each passing day made him more and more depressed, which xingqui was not used to. xingqui told him that [ ]'s family was probably trying to keep her away from the public and were being overprotective but it didn't make anything better.
aether came in with paimon and a package in hand. he had somewhat a smug smile on his face, having some awareness of chongyun's crush on [ ]. he said that he had been comissioned by lady [ ] to deliver the package to chongyun directly. without allowing aether to finish his sentence, chongyun took the package from the blond's hands and carefully opened it.
inside it he found a letter and a jade insignia. the jade had an intricate glaze lily symbol carved on it with other symbols chongyun could not recognize. he brought out the letter and read it.
Exorcist Chongyun,
I apologize for not sending you a thank you note earlier nor seeing you at all these past few weeks. I haven't found a perfect oppertunity to escape from my family until now. My leg is fully healed, and I can even run. Please be assured that your present and the glaze lillies you had intended to give me have reached me. The little girl I was helping gave them to me and said they were from you. Thank you for such thoughtful presents.
I am aware that you don't accept payments, so instead I have sent you this as a gift. It's an insignia that identifies colleagues of mine and allows them to enter into one of my private and personal cottage. Rest assured, there will be plenty of cold sweets for you waiting there and the cottage itself is kept cold.
Please see me at Guyun Stone Forest. The insignia will lead you to me.
From [ ].
he barely finished that letter and he was already out. as the letter stated, the insignia did lead him to the secret cottage. on one of the mountains, there was a contraption made of stone that he would place the insignia in and then a stairway would appear. it led him up to a snowy floating island with a cozy cottage.
[ ] was sitting on a swing supported by a tree and waved to catch his attention.
"Greetings, Exorcist Chongyun."
"Hey, Lady [ ]."
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Fiancés, Firebirds, Foxes and Fawns: 4
Author: @exquisitley-obsessed​
Summary: A few weeks after Briallyn's attempt at uniting with Koschei, Lucien opens the door of Lockhart Manor to find Elain, cold from the rain and holding a note from the High Lady of the Night Court demanding her to assist Lucien in building alliances with the human councils. Forced to work together by their exhausted High Lord and Lady, Elain is able to convince anyone to do anything, while Lucien has the acquaintances to go anywhere he likes. Together, they attempt to unite the fae and mortal lands and unravel the deal made between Koschei and Vassa, while Lucien remains haunted by his own promise to Elain's father. ELUCIEN, POST-ACOSF
Pairings: Elain x Lucien, Elucien
Warnings: None.
A/N: This is going to be a long, slow burn fic (hopefully)
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Chapter Four: A Little Lost, A Little Found
Elain was in Lockhart Manor. Elain was currently sleeping a few doors down the hallway. Elain, his mate, was here. Elain-
“Oh, shut up,” Lucien groaned to his own mind, as he rolled over with more vigour than necessary. But there was little hope of sleep finding him tonight, not when he felt so energised and awake. Not only did Lucien feel the bond, taut and invigorated in-between his ribs, but he could still smell Elain, that Spring morning clear in his mind.
What was she doing here? What had changed?
Had she come for him?
Of course not. Right?
Lucien rolled over again, allowing a small snarl of frustration to rip from his lips. If Lucien knew Elain a little better then maybe he’d actually be able to talk to her and ask her these questions. But he didn’t know her, and he wasn’t her friend.
Maybe she’d come to break the bond. That had to be it. Given his luck his entire life it was outrageous to believe that his mate who he hadn’t spoken to for two years had travelled the country to be under the same roof as him, to work alongside him, to go to meetings by his side as his…colleague?
He just wanted to talk to her. One clear conversation where he wasn’t holding back, when he didn’t care about every word both spoken and unspoken. One conversation where he could be the silver-tongued fox he’d been before any Archeron had entered his life. But around Elain he was a fool. A hopeless, romantic fool.
Oh, how Tamlin would’ve goaded him over this. Lucien, who had taken lovers to his bed as though he was being paid, unable to even conjure more than a sentence in front of a female. Well, old Tamlin would’ve laughed at him – with him. Old Tamlin would’ve laughed, period. Now…Now he was another thing in Lucien’s life that had turned to poison.
It was only last week, after Nyx’s arrival, that Lucien received a letter from Rhysand detailing his new assignment in the Spring Court. He’d been able to delay such work thus far, but by the end of the week he was expected in Spring. Following that, the plan was to manipulate his way into alternating weeks between the Spring and Lockhart Manor.
Would he leave Elain here? Could he convince her to somehow come with him to Spring?
She’d love it there, not just the proper and neat gardens of the Spring Manor (or what was left of their civilisation) but also the rugged fields and forests. Spring Court was violent with life. It was a pandemonium of flora, every single plant one could possibly find in Prythian could be found somewhere in the battlefield of the Spring lands. The overwhelming, erratic terrain was exactly where Lucien saw Elain thriving.
If he took her maybe she’d love it. She’d most likely take clippings or, or maybe not. Maybe she would just stay for a moment, and enjoy existing in such a place, her gentle hands refusing to intervene with the beautiful, wild course of nature. Maybe she’d lie down in the fields, maybe she’d go swimming with him in the pools of starlight. One day, far, far, far into the future.
Maybe she’d smile – a real, genuine smile. Lucien believed he still had yet to experience the privilege of seeing such a phenomenon.
The voice of the bond had quietened in his mind, along with the voice which seemed to come from deeper down, the one that told Lucien exactly how much shit he was in given the size of the schoolboy crush he’d somehow developed. But still, there was little chance of Lucien finding more than a few hours of sleep.
And so, with his body alive and electric, Lucien did what he had been doing for the past two years. Lucien wrote a letter - one that was never, ever, intended to be read.
Breakfast was awkward. Surely it wasn’t always this awkward, not with the glint in Jurian’s smile and the steel in Vassa’s glare. Lucien seemed…bemused, he appeared to be glaring at his toast and eggs as though they contained some secret prophecy that he needed to decipher.
She was curious about the particulars of Vassa’s curse, about how she knew when the change was coming. Did it happen always at sunrise? How much time did she have to prepare? Was it the workings of the death lord’s magic, or his deal? She was especially curious given that one of her tasks being down here was to help undo Vassa’s ties to the death lord, not that she was sure the Band of Exiles were aware of that given her sister’s ruined letter.
It was Vassa’s stoic silence that kept Elain from opening her mouth. That and a million other worthless reasons.
It was Vassa’s stoic silence that kept Elain from opening her mouth. That and a million other worthless reasons.
“Is there something you wish to ask me, Ms Archeron?” Vassa eventually spoke into the unbearable silence, perhaps aware of the frequency of Elain’s not so inconspicuous side-glances. Elain fought the blush as glared at her plate.
“Elain, please…” maybe she was being paranoid, but the way everyone here kept stressing her title felt like an awful lot like a reminder of the title she was supposed to have in these lands. The life she was supposed to have, the husband, the house, now it all felt so foreign.
“Really, we should be calling her Lady,” Jurian smiled, his own breakfast consisting of a single orange and a small goblet of black coffee, a delicacy of the Night Court he’d bought in bulk.
“Perhaps…if we were in Prythian,” Vassa said non-committedly.
“Titles do not interchange between borders, even human borders,” Lucien spoke up suddenly, his voice sounded causal and polite, but his figure had gone rigid, and his eyes were burning as they rested on Vassa who seemed to shiver slightly under his gaze. Elain adverted her gaze, an ugly feeling flashing through her like lightening. She’d been avoiding looking at him for most of the meal, desperate to ignore how she’d noticed that he’d changed.
“Lady Elain…” Vassa began, her eyes still locked with Lucien’s and Elain felt a furious blush warm her cheeks. God she was so…angry. Stupid mating bond. “Last night you asked me to discuss with you how you maybe be of some use whilst working with us,” Vassa’s eyes found hers from where she was seated at the head of the table, Jurian and Lucien either side of her, Elain next to Jurian. “Well tonight we’re having dinner and talks at the Nolan’s residence-”
“Which of course you won’t be forced to attend,” Lucien ground out, glaring at the queen who just shrugged and reached for the syrup.
“We’ll be discussing all manner of important things; it would be a brilliant opportunity for Elain to familiarise herself with those who she’ll be working in close quarters with for the foreseeable future.”
“These dinners are of little consequence,” Lucien’s eyes flickered to Elain’s for a moment before his gaze returned to the queen and Elain felt something inside her crack. It was as though he couldn’t look at her for more than a second, that or he couldn’t bear to look away from the queen. “I don’t even bother with attending.” Lucien directed at the queen.
“There’s ample opportunity for Elain to make acquaintances elsewhere,” Jurian said through a yawn, leaning back with a stretch. But Elain didn’t miss how his eyes appeared to rove over his two fiery-haired companions. Mother, how she wished they would stop talking about her rather than with her. If she wanted to be discussed at the table as though she were a child she might as well have stayed in the Night Court.
“I’m grateful for the offer but today I was hoping to have a look over the current contracts and ensure they’re meeting the timeline Feyre had drawn for you. Once I can ensure the work you’ve done thus far meets the standards of my High Lady then I’ll know what to both expect and push for with the human councils.” The words flowed out of Elain in an orderly manner, in the exact way she’d practiced as she fell asleep the night prior.
Unlike the Night Court, it was clear Elain was going to have to fight and demand for her own voice and seat at the table. Here, with the Band of Exiles, no one would coddle her. So, she’d either have to stay in the shadows, or step into the light.
Besides, there wasn’t enough gold in the world that would make Elain step a single foot in the Manor that would’ve been her home, once upon a time.
Vassa opened her mouth to say something before shutting it and turning back to her plate, a firm line carved in between her brows. Jurian was glancing around the table with a shit-eating grin and Lucien, the tension in his body had seemed to ease and after a small moment, he took a large mouthful of food.
“Are there, um, any other gatherings I may be able to attend, later in the week?” Elain tried to shake the nervousness from her voice. She couldn’t let these three see her as someone able to be pushed to the side. She needed this.
“There has been weekly meetings with all the human lords,” Lucien said after swallowing, his eyes meeting hers in a way that drew the breath from her body, “Huckleberry Hall is where we’ve been hosting the crowds-”
“The house by the old creek?” Elain couldn’t stop herself from interrupting, her mother would’ve pinched her thigh under the table for such poor manners. But it was just so alarming, to hear the residencies of her childhood come out of Lucien’s mouth. He’d always felt so far and distant, and yet, he was familiar with the lands she’d grown up in. Though she wouldn’t admit it, it made her wish she knew about him. His upbringing.
“That’s the one,” Lucien’s smile was soft and warm and…genuine. “We’re having a meeting there the day after tomorrow. If you wish, you’re most welcome to attend, it’s where the most current information is, and the meeting will give you’re a formal opportunity to meet with our human colleagues. I was heading there today anyways to meet with their cartographer, if you…well, if you’d like to…accompany me?”
“Yes I, uh, I don’t know the way to Huckleberry from here,” Elain was far to aware of two sets of human eyes boring into her at that moment.
“Yes,” Lucien blinked. Not quite a statement. Not quite a question, either. “Yes…good, yes. We’ll set off at first light then...”
Elain just nodded. Not trusting her voice to speak.
They were walking in silence.
As Lucien at promised, at first light he’d met Elain at the Lockhart’s front door, his hands behind his back as he waited at the bottom of the stairs. Elain had taken a moment to assess his clothes before she had to look away. He was wearing a loose brown shirt, dark trousers and brown boots. It was a perfect outfit for the summer morning, with the thick air and dewy sunlight. But it was the sight of his crimson hair, tied in a loose bun at the nape of his neck, a few whisps framing the sharp angles of his face, that had Elain looking away.
Lucien seemed to still as she came into view, quickly saying goodbye to Nuala who turned and made her way back up the stairs, and Elain turned to watch her go, giving Lucien a chance to look her over. Her dress was a plain cream, and was of a simple cut that could pass in both human and fae realms – a cunning choice of clothing he thought. The neckline was perhaps a little daring for the human communities which was hilarious given that all one could see of Elain was her collarbones, but the full skirts were the same of the women he’d seen in these lands.
It was her hair he lingered on. Even when bouncing with curls it came down to her waist. Intricate braids pulled most of it away from her face and Lucien could spot pale flowers in a variety of sizes perched at the crown of her head. Real flowers, nothing like the faux pieces the humans tended to favour. She was…divine. Impossible. Beyond him, in every conceivable way.
“You ready?” He tried smiling at her, but it felt as though it came across more of a grimace.
“Hm mm,” Elain bowed her head, a faint blush colouring her cheeks as her curls bounced. Gods, he was fucked.
Silence had fallen quickly over the duo, besides the odd ‘watch out for that root’ or ‘duck’ as they made their way into the forestry of the mortal lands. The path was clear until a certain junction, and then it became little more than a dirt path, only wide enough for them to walk single file. Lucien had wanted Elain to go first so that he’d be able to keep an eye on her, to keep her safe, until he remembered that she quite literally didn’t know where she was going.
Lucien had thought Elain would’ve been disgruntled by the shrubbery pulling at her fine dress, but Elain meandered through the forest in an expert fashion. She gathered her skirts in her hands and would hop with a doe-like grace over the greenery and roots. In fact, the only time he heard her disgruntled was when she’d accidentally stepped on some plant or flower – forever a lady of the forest.
It was only when Lucien was finding himself relax in their silence that disaster struck. Lucien’s foot snagged on something under a large fern that had grown over the path, and then there was an audible snap of leather. The noise was enough to set Lucien into action, with one arm, he unsheathed his Autumn sword and with the other he turned and pulled Elain into him, all sense and thought evaporating from his mind and being replaced with the single, overwhelming urge to ‘protect, protect, protect’.
But where Lucien had been prepared for an enemy of mortal body, their attack came from above. Lucien saw a glint of something dropping down on them at a furious pace and pulled Elain tighter to his chest, bending slightly at the waist so he covered her entirely, so that not one inch of Elain was visible to the attack from above.
But the attack never came, not quite. When Lucien span, turning to tuck Elain behind him as he faced the enemy, he came face to face with…a cage…of wood. Ashwood.
The cage arched over Lucien and Elain, and the wood was interwoven in a way that was reminiscent of the dog cages Eris had used for his Dobermans. It was hilarious really. Lucien and Elain, two fae, and highly powerful fae at that, caged in like a common pup.
Lucien was just scoffing at the cage when he felt Elain shift behind him. Turning around, Lucien just caught Elain as she reached out for the cage, perhaps in an attempt to shift the weak structure out of her way.
“Elain, don’t-” But it was too late, Elain had ran her hand along the edge of the meshed cage before pulling her arm back with a pained gasp. “Shit!” Lucien was by her side in a flash, one hand on her arm, tucking her away from the cage as though it were an enemy, and he were blocking her from view. His other hand went to her crumpled hand which was now throbbing as a furious burn puckered across the surface.
Looking down, Elan watched as Lucien turned and, without touching the damaged skin, assessed her injured palm.
“Fae trap,” Lucien growled, “many councils are encouraging their use now that the wall’s gone.”
“How horrible…” Elain whispered before surprise rattled through her. Three years ago she would’ve thought these traps necessary protection against the evil fae. But now, they just seemed cruel.
“Horrible for us and other civilised fae, but there are other creatures, particularly the southern woods of Spring, who one might argue deserve every bit of this treatment.” Lucien turned back to glaring at the cage, and if looks could burn Elain didn’t doubt that the wood – perhaps the whole forest – would be furiously ablaze.
“I…I don’t know if I’d call you civilised…” Elain finally murmured, allowing herself to momentarily give into the urge to soothe him, to let him know that she was okay. Lucien’s head whipped back around to her and, after a moment of assessing her soft expression, a coy smile that showed his perfect teeth pulled at his lips. Not a laugh, but a genuine smile.
“Was that a joke, Lady?”
“An attempt,” Elain couldn’t help but shyly duck away from his warm eyes and dimpled smile. “You know,” she changed the topic, “I can’t image these kinds of things would work.” She nodded up to the cage.
“When there’s Ashwood involved, anything’s possible.”
“I’ve seen fae on a battlefield,” she shuddered involuntarily, “Something like this,” she went to touch the cage before remembering and flinching her hand back, “seems hardly daunting.”
“Ashwood doesn’t work like an Illyrian, they’re all cock and walk, Ashwood is cunning and clever,” Lucien was glaring at the cage, his metal eye clicking and whirring as it roved over the trap.
“How can wood be cunning?”
“It’s a weapon, all weapons have personality.”
“Does your sword have personality?” Elain murmured, nodding at the silver blade she’d never seen him without.
“Well…since it comes from the Autumn Court, it would be safe to assume it’s the metal equivalent of a ruthless git.” Lucien shook his head, his crimson hair shifting in a stream of sunlight. “A human trapping a fae or two in some Ashwood is easy,” Lucien continued, “But then begs the question of what one would do from there.”
“Well, they’d have to lift the cage,”
“They’d be dead in seconds,” Lucien quipped, his head cocking to the side, whisps of his fiery hair following his movement. “Go on, don’t stop, think like a fae hunter.”
“I’d rather not,” Elain shivered slightly, very aware of how close Lucien was standing. Elain also didn’t fail in missing the dark shadow that passed through Lucien’s eye at the nod towards her ex-fiancé.
“Okay, then think like a fae.” Lucien swung his arms across his chest with a catlike grace, “You’re hunting, let’s see...an Attor, clearly feeling a little dangerous today. It’s walked right into your lovey cage of Ashwood, which let me say Lady Archeron, I must compliment you on your excellent lattice work.” Elain giggled and Lucien faltered in his speech, his eyes widening as he looked as though he’d struck gold. “So…” he cleared his throat, “You’ve trapped the Attor in your wonderful cage, then what?”
“Well, it depends on what I want an…At-tor, for?”
“Hm, interesting. Let’s say you need to cut out it’s tongue for a healing tonic.” Elain made a face, “Okay, okay, no tonics.”
“No tongues please.”
“Oh really?” Lucien couldn’t stop his shit-eating grin, especially when Elain began to blush furiously and avoid his eye. Something inside Lucien was racing, entirely giddy at the fact he was bantering with Elain, Elain, Archeron.
“The Attor?” Elain stressed, turning around and perching herself on a fallen trunk.
“Interrogation – you need vital information pronto, or the High Lord will have your head.”
“Well if in this world you, Elain Archeron, are hunting an Attor, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to believe that I might be High Lord.”
“Of which court?”
“None of them. No, all of them. No wait, my own court – the ‘Lucien is incredibly handsome’ court.” Lucien was pushing his luck, that he knew. He was towing that line as always, the one between banter and a step too far. Saying something that would cause the other to retract from him, or carve out his eye. But Elain just tilted her head, her honey hair spilling across her pale dress.
“You have many devout followers in this court?”
“Maybe, but only one of them matters.” He grinned at her knowingly, testing the waters, seeing how far he could go with her before they remembered they were bonded by destiny. Something shy flickered across Elain’s face as she took in his meaning. And then.
“Are you peacocking right now?” Elain smiled, a real smile.
“I’m always peacocking,” Lucien grinned, a real grin. Then his eye caught on the hand Elain was still cradling to her chest, and something akin to agony tore through his chest.
“Mother, I’m sorry,” He muttered, his amusement having evaporated as he hurried to sit next to Elain, taking her ruined palm into his lap with a featherlight touch. “I can’t ever shut up. I just talk and talk and forget about the important things.”
“What are you doing?” Elain was sure he voice sounded somewhat strangled as Lucien zoned in on her mutilated palm, his metal eye whirring as he ran a single finger along it’s creases.
“I have the ability to heal,” Lucien’s voice also sounded a bit strained as he hunched himself over her hand.
“Oh…” Elain murmured, as a warm sensation prickled across her skin, and she watched as the red splotches clamed back into ivory. “You know,” Elain was practically whispering as Lucien moved to her fingers, “My skin never used to be this colour.”
“Oh?” Lucien seemed to be breathing through his mouth, and with is gaze occupied, Elain allowed herself to rove over his appearance. The knot of crimson hair, the strong yet angled brows, the white webs of his scar, prominent cheekbones, sharp jaw, full and wide lips, and a strong curved nose.
“No…” Elain breathed, “I always used to be so much tanner than my sisters, I was always in the gardens as we were growing up you see. My mother would ring me out for it. She’d love the colour I’m now.” The colour she’d been since the Cauldron. She didn’t know why she was telling him all this, or why it felt so natural to talk to him about these things. But here in the human lands, a world away from the sneers of Nesta or the gossiping of Feyre, Elain found that she didn’t mind the idea of conversing with Lucien.
“I was always the darkest out of my brothers,” Lucien moved to her second finger.
“How many do you have?”
“Seven,” Lucien met her eyes momentarily with a cheeky grin.
“Seven!” Elain smiled back, and then Lucien’s eyes seemed to darken and something in him seemed to rescind as he turned back to her hand.
“Well, I used to have seven…a few of them died.”
“Oh…I’m so sorry,” Lucien seemed to go to say something, his mouth turning into a frown, before he shook his head and moved to the next finger.
“I…my mother told it was because I’d been kissed by the Sun when I was born…that’s why I was so tan. I was born on the Autumn Equinox, it’s the longest day of autumn in the Autumn Court, the sun turns crimson and blesses the lands for the upcoming year.”
“That sounds very beautiful…”
“It is. It’s believed the trees come to life in the night and talk to each other, lovers of the earth able to speak for a few hours of the year. There’s feasts and fires, and we read stories of the sacrifice of the Wyvern.”
“Wyvern?” Elain’s yes turned bright and wide, “As in the animal from adventure novels?”
“Animal is an awfully polite term to describe harbinger’s of fire and death,” a grin flickered across Lucien’s face, “It’s believed that centuries and centuries ago, when the Old Gods still ruled the Earth, the Autumn Court was a nest of Wyverns. When the world changed into what it is today the mother Wyvern, Hermenegilda, scattered her cubs throughout time so that they may survive. Every year those of the Autumn Court gather in the caves to see if a cub will appear, and to praise the mother for her sacrifice.”
“Do they? The cubs, do they appear?”
“They used to, though a cub has not been found since before I was born. Courtiers tend to believe the cubs have run out, that there are no more children of the mother Wyvern, but devout believers still hope for a cub to appear each year.” With that, Lucien finished healing her pinkie finger and turned to peer at her. Their bodies still close, Elain’s palm still resting in his hand in his lap.
“You…what do you believe?” Elain breathed, her voice just a whisper.
“I think…well I…” Lucien’s voice was breathy and low, intimate in a way Elain hadn’t heard before, “...I’d like to believe that anything’s possible.”
Before Elain could have a moment to respond, or even think about what possible double meaning could come from his words, a furious flapping of wings caused her to startle and whip her head around, ripping her hand from Lucien’s lap in the process. There, on the other side of the cage, perched on a tree branch, was a beautiful bird. It was huge, with iridescent feathers and woody eyes, and the air surrounding the bird seemed to thrum with energy and magic.
“Don’t worry, it’s only Vassa.” Lucien nodded at the firebird, “…she’ll get Jurian for us.”
Elain just nodded, aware that her cheeks were still most likely flushed. Unable to meet Lucien’s eye, Elain watched as the firebird took off into the golden, mid-morning sky, a disapproving screech tearing from its throat.
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bts-weverse-trans · 4 years
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The Life of BTS Writes a Story Review of BE 2020.11.30
BTS released its new album, BE, on November 20 after RM announced the band’s plan to produce the record on BANGTANTV’s Log (ON) on April 17. The group was working on the album even as “Dynamite”, the single they dropped on August 21, was topping the Billboard Hot 100. This order of events is given a fresh new meaning when “Dynamite” closes BE as opposed to standing alone as a single. While the group was busy sending messages of hope by reminding us of the past where heading out happily after a cup of milk was possible and giving us a glimpse of the future that will eventually come, they were recording the emotional ride they have been on while being off stage via different tracks on BE. Such changes in emotions can be seen through different portrayals of Jung Kook’s room—the way it looks during the first verse of both “Dynamite” and “Life Goes On,” the title track of the new album. Jung Kook is captured looking chipper as he ties his shoes getting ready to go out and dances in his sunshine-filled room in the music video of “Dynamite”, but in the latter’s video, Jung Kook stares blankly out the window. BE tells the story of how Jung Kook and other members navigated their lives, which includes their time singing “Dynamite,” during the pandemic by stepping out of rooms that are distinctively less colorful than the scenes in the music video of “Dynamite”.
The seven tracks, not including “Dynamite”, embody BTS’ emotional shifts and draw what looks a lot like a V curve, with “Skit” separating each section of three songs. The album opens with “Life Goes On” where BTS asks, “there’s no end in sight / is there a way out?” to live through a reality devoid of hope and arrives at “Stay” where the group expresses their intense longing for a reunion with the fans by saying, “Thinking of you now / No matter where you are / That’s not important.” And during this journey, BTS responds to the physical limitations imposed on their daily lives by saying “They took away this whole year” while also trying to put a positive spin on it by singing, “Thoughts can change by thinking,” in “Fly to My Room”. What follows is “Blue & Grey”, where they reveal inner feelings of depression and anxiety with the line, “Still don’t know this sharp blue / Hope it’s not covered over I’ll find the exit.” “Skit” then offers a shift in direction, and the next song, “Telepathy” reveals their eagerness to meet people again, highlighted by the lyrics, “Every day’s the same and I’m happiest when I meet you.” BTS also takes a moment to let out their complex thoughts on work to reach “Stay” ultimately. It is only at the end of this process that the optimism in “Dynamite”, which feels like a conviction of hope in a time of pandemic, appears in full.
“Life Goes On” allows those who don’t know whether they should hold on to hope or give up on hope to feel what it is like to go with the flow when you don’t know what to feel. Those who want to find a reason to be positive in life affected by the pandemic can find solace in “Fly to My Room.” But it is when you listen to the album as a whole that you can get healing from the pain the pandemic has inflicted on us. The soothing ambiance offered by “Life Goes on” transitions into heavy, slow, and dark tunes in “Blue & Grey,” which is followed by faster rhythm and airy sounds in “Telepathy” and “Stay.” Then the album finally culminates in “Dynamite” where the bright sunshine lifts you up. The record in its entirety offers the chance to experience at least indirectly the emotional ride taken by global superstars BTS themselves. “Dis-ease” is the classic example of the storytelling style BTS chose for the album; the moment they let out their angst and fully devote themselves to work is when the song reaches its climax. When BTS sings, “Get up one more time / It’s morning again we gotta go out / Let’s go one more night,” towards the end of the song, the arrangement drives up the song’s tension for the peak moment, “Everyday I console myself / We’re all the same people ain’t so special / Ay man keep one, two step keep calm and let’s heal up” which tops the song off like fireworks. This ironic way of storytelling mirrors BTS’ life at the moment. There are a lot of thoughts about work and life on their mind, but they try their best to work through them. And just as they do this, their energy transforms into a musical blast.
With “On,” the single track on their previous album “Map of the Soul : 7,” BTS says “Where my pain lies / Let me take a breath.” The album covers how BTS has traveled from the past to where they stand now, and “ON” tells a story of the members having to live with the “shadow” that comes with enormous fame as discussed in “Interlude : Shadow” on the very same album. With BE, BTS finally tells the story of their lives that are still unfolding. It’s not clear whether their questions about work asked in “Dis-ease” now found answers. It’s not known how long this will last, just like no one knows when this pandemic will finally run its course. We have no way of knowing if they are still in the mood expressed in “Blue & Grey” or they’re feeling the positivity of “Fly to My Room.” One thing that is clear is that while they battle work as one would with “Dis-ease,” they still wrote songs like “Telepathy” and “Stay” to send their messages to the fans, and kept busy getting ready to perform “Dynamite” on numerous stages. BE is the album that ties together all of their real-life events, both on and off stage, as one narrative. They started as an idol group and now their lives are intertwined inseparable from their music, their very existence becoming the stories they tell.
The way BE sets up different songs is directly linked to the musical changes BTS has undergone, and thus, are evident in the album. As the members’ stories take center stage, the arrangement focuses on getting their lines and melodies across and adjusts itself flexibly to each member’s part without following a certain trend or form. The arrangement filled with sounds of guitars, synthesizers, bass, drums, and pianos or sounds similar to real instruments is fitting to songs like “Fly to My Room” and “Blue & Grey”, in which auditory shifts accompany each member’s part. The smaller number of sounds used in
compared to previous albums further emphasizes vocals, such as by accentuating the sound of Jung Kook inhaling in the beginning of “Life Goes On.” If J-Hope’s part in “Fly to My Room” reminds you of a gospel song, it’s not just because the synthesizer highlighted the gospel-like vibes but also because j-Hope’s voice that faithfully delivers his emotions as if giving witness to an epiphany with the line, “Thoughts can change by thinking.” Just like the auditory shift that takes place with SUGA’s rap part in “Blue & Grey” where the drums begin to layer, the arrangement of BE evolves constantly in line with each member’s part.
BE also takes on new challenges in format.. The chorus in “Blue & Grey” has such long melodies that it has no clear ending, and it fades out for the post-chorus that triggers an image of a lonely winter night with gloomy vocals. The post-chorus might seem like an abrupt shift but many devices contribute to giving this song the bleak wintery night vibe: RM’s somewhat distant rapping delivered through left and right on stereo that echoes through the room as well as the vocal recording that applied different echoes depending on lyrics and the solemn sounding cello. “Life Goes On” progresses in a similar fashion, starting with percussions ringing right next to your ears that create multi-layered sounds and taking you to an imagined space by blending the chorus and synthesizer. The story they tell resembles confessions about emotional states or specific circumstances, and the melodies unfold and rap flows in new ways as the story progresses While there are a lot of shifts, there is consistency in that sounds build the same sense of space. “Stay,” while being an EDM piece, ends on a rather blue note after phasing out beats that earlier set the stage for the dancefloor stomper. It makes sense given that the song is Jung Kook’s imagination of performing in front of the fans; Festivities in the song are interrupted by the fading out of vocals and overall sound layers. “Telepathy” offers a catchy hook in a song filled with bouncy spirit, just like “Dynamite” does. But the difference lies in that “Dynamite” brings out the explosive energy through repetition of melodies and variation of rhythms and that “Telepathy” phases itself out by reducing the number of sounds. “Fly to My Room” is about coming to terms with life in the pandemic, but the acknowledgment doesn’t necessarily make such a life enjoyable. Adding vibrant melodies isn’t a solution to challenges that accompany work, which are conveyed in “Dis-ease.” Such are the mixed feelings we experience in life—in which we have no control over a break or our approach—that are clearly expressed in the album by highlighting each member’s part and various shifts. Despite the numerous musical turns, the album has been produced in a way that ensures its consistency throughout the entire work; “Life Goes On” leaves you with the chorus where the seamless melodic flow seems like it’ll just keep on going.
In “Skit”, BTS is talking about how they’re practicing their debut song for performance eveon on the day after “Dynamite” became No.1 on the Billboard Hot 100. After they topped the chart with “Dynamite”, they came back with an album filled with songs seemingly the polar opposites of their hit single. Life seems to be on a loop but changes suddenly appear, and previous routines end up different because of this newness. BE is an acceptance of such peculiarity of life rather than an answer to it. BTS began with K-pop and now have become superstars of pop, and they’ve harnessed the power of their own story in the album by choosing neither path. The team that began its journey with “No More Dream” and have traveled to “Dynamite” leaves an open ending as to where they will head next. Still, the next chapter will be shared regardless of what it shapes up to be. That is why they can leave us wondering what comes after BE.
Trans © Weverse
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davidmann95 · 4 years
How about those JL storyboards?
In case you haven’t heard, Zack Snyder is putting on display the ‘storyboards’ - i.e. a rough plot summary accompanied by some Jim Lee sketches - for what would have been Justice League 2 and 3, or as this puts it 2 and ‘2A’. You can see them here (I imagine better-quality versions will soon be released), and read a transcript here. This is evidently a very early version: this was apparently pitched prior to the release of BvS and Justice League being rewritten in the wake of it, with numerous plot details that now don’t line up with what we know about the Snyder Cut, plus it outright mentions it builds on the originally planned versions of the Batman and Flash movies. But it’s a broad outline of what was gonna go down, and while I initially thought it was Snyder throwing in the towel, the timing - paired with the ambiguity left by the necessity for changes, including that this doesn’t factor whatever that “massive cliffhanger” at the end of the Cut is - says to me he’s hoping this’ll be a force multiplier behind efforts to will sequel/s into existence. He’s probably right.
I’ll be discussing spoilers below, but in short: with this Zack Snyder has finally lived up to Alan Moore, in that like Twilight of the Superheroes I wouldn’t believe this was real as opposed to a shockingly on-point parody if not for direct, irrefutable evidence.
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Doing some rapid-fire bullet points for this baby to kick us off:
* Folks who know the subject say a lot of this is a yet further continuation of Snyder doing Arthuriana fanfic with the League reskinned over those major players, and I’ll take their word for it.
* I don’t know whether I love or hate that in Justice League 2 the Justice League are only an extant thing for the first scene, and then it’s Snyder giving everybody their own mini-movies. It’s compressing the entire MCU “loosely interconnected solo stories leading to a single big movie later” strategy into a single movie!
*  Funniest line in the whole thing: "Even Lantern has heard of the Kryptonian, worried that he's under the control of Darkseid. He heard his spirit was unbreakable." Hal what fuckin' Superman movie did YOU watch? Second funniest being “IT WILL GIVE HIM POWER OVER ALL LIVING LIFE”
* 90% of the plot I have nothing to say about, it’s generic stage-setting crap. That to be clear is the ‘shocked it’s Snyder’ element, it feels so crassly commercial in a way I can’t believe is coming from the BvS guy.
* Most of what I have to say is unsurprisingly gonna be about a handful of characters but Cyborg’s happy ending being “he isn’t visibly disabled anymore!” is not great!
* The Goddess of War battle with Superman...never pays off? No clue why it’s there.
* What I’d originally heard was that the Codex in Superman’s blood was the last key to the Anti-Life Equation and that’s why Darkseid was coming to Earth. It’s not like all of this wouldn’t have already been averted by Kal-El’s pod smacking into an asteroid on the way to Earth so it’s not as if this makes it any more Superman’s fault, and it would have at least tied all this back to the beginning of the movies, but I suppose that was either fake or from a later draft.
* I have NO idea how this was reimagined without the ‘love triangle’, it’s the central character thing and the entire climax flows directly out of it!
* Darkseid’s kinda a chump in this, huh
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Anonymous said: So: Does Zack Snyder hate Superman?
Look: the hilarity of this when Cuck Kent has been a go-to Snyder cult insult towards ‘inferior’ takes on Superman for years cannot be understated, yet at the same time I can almost wrap my brain around where Snyder’s coming from with that as the end for his take on the character. He talked in that Variety piece on how his interest in Superman is informed by having adopted children himself, and Deborah Snyder is the stepmother to his kids by previous relationships, so I can see where he’d be coming from, and I can even imagine how he’d see this as ‘rhyming’ in the sense of “the series begins with Kal-El being adopted by Earth, it ends with him adopting a child of Earth!” In the same way as MARTHA, I can envision how he would put these pieces together in his head thematically without registering or caring what the end result would actually look like. In this case, Superman raising the kid of the man who beat the shit out of him who Batman had with Clark’s wife, who earlier told Bruce she was staying with Clark because he ‘needed her’, suggesting if inadvertently that this really honest to god was a “she’s only staying with Superman out of pity, she really loved Batman more” thing.
But Clark is nothing in this. He’s sad and existential because of coming back from the dead I guess, then he’s corrupted, then time’s undone and he woo-rah rallies the collective armies of the world (interesting angle for the ‘anti-military/anti-establishment’ Superman he’s talked up as) as his big heroic moment in the finale, and then he stops being sad because he’s adopting a kid. So his big much-ballyhooed, extremely necessary five-movie character arc towards truly becoming Superman was:
Sad weird kid -> sad weird kid learns he’s an alien, is still weird and sad, maybe he shouldn’t save people because things could go really wrong? -> his dad is so convinced it could go wrong he lets himself die -> ????? -> Clark is saving people anyway -> learns his origin, gets an inspiring speech about being a bridge between worlds and a costume -> becomes superman (not Superman, that’s later) to save the world, albeit a very property-damagey version, rejects his heritage he just learned about and space dad’s bridge idea -> folks hate him being superman and that sucks though at least he’s got a girlfriend now -> things go so wrong he considers not being superman but his ghost dad reminds him shit always goes wrong so he should be good anyway, which sorta feels like it contradicts his previous advice -> immediate renewed goodness is out the window as he’s blackmailed into having to try and kill a dude but the dude happens to coincidentally have some things in common so they don’t kill each other after all -> big monster now but superman keeps supermaning at it because he loves his girlfriend and he dies -> he’s brought back, wears black which apparently means now he likes Krypton again? -> he has work friends now but he’s still sad because he was dead -> evil now! -> wait nevermind time travel -> rallies the troops -> his wife’s having a kid so he’s not sad anymore -> Superman! Who gives way to more Batman.
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Do I think Zack Snyder is lying when he says he likes Superman? No. I think he sincerely finds much of the basic conceits and imagery engaging. But I don’t think he meaningfully gives shit about Clark as a character, just a vessel for Big Iconic Beats he wants to hit. Whereas while for instance he’s critical of Batman as an idea (at least up to a point), he’s much more passionately, directly enamored with him as a presence and personality. So while Superman may be the character whose ostensible myth cycle or arc or however it’s spun might be propelling a lot of events here, it’s a distant appreciation - of course the other guy takes over and subsumes him into his own narrative. Of course Batman is the savior, the past and the future (though if he’s supposed to be Batman’s kid raised by Superman there’s no excuse for him not to be Nightwing), the tragic martyr to our potential. Admittedly the implication here is also that Batman can apparently only REALLY with his whole heart be willing to sacrifice his life to save an innocent, for that matter apparently his great love, once said innocent is a receptacle for his Bat-brood, but he and Clark are both already irredeemable pieces of shit by the end of BvS so it’s not like this even registers by comparison.
Anonymous said: That “plan” Snyder had was utter dogshit. Picture proof that DC & WB hate Superman. Also I love how you’re like Jor-El: Every single idealistic take you had about Snyder, his fandom, and BvS was wrong. Snyder’s an edgy hack, his fanbase just wants to jerk off to their edgy self-insert Batgod as he screams FUCK while mowing people down with machine guns, and the idea that BvS said Superman was better than Bats was completely wrong. You know what comes next SuperMann: Either you die or I do.
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In the final analysis, beyond that mother of god is there sure no conceivable excuse for the treatment of Lois in this? The temptation is to join that anon and say as I originally tweeted that these were “built entirely to disabuse every single redemptive reading of the previous work and any notion of these movies as nuanced, artistic, self-reflective, or meaningful”.
...yeah, okay, that’s mostly right. Zack Snyder’s vision really was the vision of an edgelord idiot with bad ideas who was never going to build up to anything that would reframe it all as a sensible whole. He’s a sincere edgelord genuinely trying really hard with his bad ideas who put some of them together quite cleverly! But they’re fucking bad and the endgame was never anything more than ramping up into smashing the action figures together as big as he could, the political overtones and moral sketchiness of BvS while trying to say something in that movie reverberated through the grand scheme of his pentalogy in no way beyond giving his boys a big sad pit to rise out of so when they kicked ass later it’d rule harder, and all the gods among men questions and horror and trappings were only that: trappings. Apparently he’s really pleasant and well-meaning in person, but at his core his art as embodied in a couple weeks in his 4-hour R-rated Justice League movie meant to be seen in black-and-white all comes down to that time he yelled at someone on Twitter that he couldn’t appreciate Snyder’s work because it’s for grown-ups. He made half-clever, occasionally exciting shit cape movies for a bunch of corny pseudo-intellectual douchebags, folks latching onto and justifying blockbusters that at least acknowledge how horrifying the world is right now even if the superheroes are basically useless in the face of it if not outright part of the problem until a convenient alien invasion shows up to justify them, and a handful of non-asshole smart people who vibe with it but...well. ‘Suckered’ is a harsh word, and definitely doesn’t apply to all of them re: what they’ve gotten out of it up to this point and would (somehow) get out of this. But it doesn’t apply to none of them, either.
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archiesoniconline · 4 years
QnA: Zone Cop Briefing
Zally: Hello there everyone.  I’m Zally, Head of Communications for the Zone Cops.  Joining me today is our top officer Zonic...
Zonic: Hi there! Zally: And his protege, Zails. Zails: Uh, hello.  That’s a lot of people w-we’re talking too. Zally: The staff at Archie Sonic Online have received a lot of questions about Zones, Zone Travel, Time Travel, and several covering some combinations of these topics.  And so, they have asked us to give this briefing, to hopefully explain some of the basics about Zones and Time Travel, and with luck we’ll answer your questions as we do so. Just before we begin however, it’s important to say that, while what we will say today is the case for… hmm…. At least 9 out of 10 situations, there are several exceptions.  Zonic: Not to mention Nega and that Genesis Wave messing everything up… Zally: Ahem!  Going into all of them would take far too much time, so we’ll just say for now that ‘exceptions to these rules do exist’ and start the briefing. To begin, most Zones fall into two distinct types.  There are the True Zones, such as say the Prime Zone and the Sol Zone, complete universes in themselves.  Then there are the Pocket Zones, which have limited internal dimensions, can often be found within a True Zone, and can also be disrupted by tremendous emissions of energy.  The Special Zone, formally the Zone of Silence, was one such Zone, as was the Pocket Zone destroyed when Super Sonic and Hyper Knuckles from the Prime Zone fought. There are multiple ways that Pocket Zones can be created, natural and artificial.  But for True Zones, they are only created when a Triggering Event occurs in the Prime Zone.  Other Zones cannot split to form new Zones.  It might help to think of the Multiverse almost like a tree, with the Prime Zone as the trunk, and other Zones the branches growing from it. Triggering Events have a few requirements.  There has to be a number of likely possible outcomes.  And the different outcomes must have fundamentally different effects on the future of the Prime Zone.  For example, Prime Sonic choosing how many chilli-dogs to eat might have several different likely outcomes, but none would result in any fundamental change, so it would not be a Triggering Event.  In the opposite way, Prime Robotnik debating whether to use the Robotizer certainly had a massive effect on the events in the Prime Zone, but the chances of him choosing to not use the device were so slim, no new Zone was created. A Triggering Event need not be a single decision made by one person.  It could be several smaller decisions made by a group of people that nevertheless results in a different outcome.  It could even be the results of a natural occurrence.  When life was reforming after the Gene Bomb in the Prime Zone, there were so many different directions it could take, that this is where the vast majority of Zones were created.  Numerous Zones were also created when the Prime Zone first formed, some with wildly different laws of physics. When a new Zone is created, it is completely duplicated.  The entire timeline is copied, not just from the Triggering Event.  Though on that subject, the passage of time can be different between Zones.  Time runs faster in some Zones compared to the Prime Zone, such as the Zone Robo-Robotnik hailed from.  In some, it runs slower, such as in the Twilight Cage.  And in others, it can run at the same rate as the Prime Zone, but the point where the Prime Zone and the other Zone meets are at different points in their timelines. That covers the creation of Zones.  So moving onto Zone Cop operations, I’ll turn to Zonic. Zonic: Thanks Zal… uh, Zally.  As I’m sure most of you are aware, the Zone Cops monitor activity within the different Zones, as well as travel between the different Zones.  Different units of Cops have different roles, from general monitoring, to patrolling the Cosmic Interstate, to protecting against threats to the Multiverse.  For me, my job means I’m called in when direct action is required in another Zone. This is… a difficult job.  You could well ask why don’t we help out whenever something bad happens in the other Zone.  Truth is, that could cause a horrible imbalance, and lead to more disastrous consequences further down the line.  It’s not easy sitting on the sidelines, but sometimes we have to. But then, there are times we do need to act to make sure a greater threat doesn’t rise.  You’re likely aware of some of those times, as that’s when I’ve brought in Prime Sonic.  Why him?  Well, the Prime Zone is only a step away from all the other Zones, even wildly different ones like the Sol Zone.  And Prime Sonic is, in all honesty, one of the most capable Sonic’s in the multiverse, so I know it’s in good hands.  We could send in a squad of Zone Cops instead, but one Sonic can do, with very little disruption, what it would take several squads to accomplish. This has all gotten a lot harder recently, with Eggman Naga swarming over the Multiverse causing massive disruption, and the recent damage inflicted to Zone Jails. Alright, there’s a bit more to cover, but that’s for the end.  Right now, I’m gonna turn to Zails.  He’s still training to be a Zone Cop, but as one of his training projects, he’s done a Case Study on Silver the Hedgehog, so he’s here to talk about time travel.  Take it away Zails. Zails: Uh… Alright *deep breath* You can do this Zails.  Silver the Hedgehog is a time travelling Hedgehog… That’s redundant, isn’t it?  Uh… so… Silver has travelled through time, but there have also been incidents where he’s interacted with different Zones aside from the Prime Zone, known as Light Mobius and Dark Mobius. So, er, Time Travel and Zone Travel do share many similar principles.  Travelling between Zones is easy, as No-Zone and the Cosmic Highway connect all Zones.  Even travel that doesn’t use the Cosmic Interstate, such as Star Posts, tend to make use of that connection.  Time Travel is much harder, though it is easier to travel forwards, going with the flow of time, than backwards, working against it. This means it’s very easy, if you don’t know what you’re doing, to accidently move between Zones when Time Travelling.  Er… *checks notes* Jani-ca from Dark Mobius did this, accidentally travelling to the Prime Zone when she went back in time.  It’s easier to do when you are going back before the Triggering Event that created your Zone. And so, if you know how to Time Travel, it is much easier to travel to other Zones. Which leads us, uh, to the next question.  ‘Does time travel create new Zones?’  The answer is ‘it depends’.  Keep in mind, looking at Silver, given the chance it was unlikely he wouldn’t go back in time.  And when he found out about Mecha-Sally, also unlikely that he wouldn’t stop her.  So his actions changed the future, without creating a new Zone. On the other hand, King Sonic of Light Mobius.  Once, it was the future of the Prime Zone.  But when he went back in time, his actions created such wild changes, that Light Mobius became its own Zone, and the future of the Prime Zone was shifted away from it. Which then leads to a bigger question.  *takes a breath, checks notes*  ‘If you change the future, doesn’t that create a paradox where you wouldn’t have gone back to change the future?’  Okay, when someone goes back in time, they become part of the past, as if they always existed there.  So when they return to the future, they’ll still remember their old life, even if their actions have created massive changes.  We think.  This is partially theoretical, based on observing Silver.  There is one last question: ‘Why are some things from Light Mobius seen in Silver’s future?’  This is because of the way Light Mobius was created.  There is still a connection between Light Mobius and the Prime Zone.  Sometimes, things leak through.  Maybe just objects, but at some point, even Tikchaos, or part of her, was able to slip into the Prime Zone. *looks over notes* Uh… that’s everything from me, so, er, back to Zonic. Zonic: Thanks Zails, you did great. *gives thumbs up*  Our last topic is on Zone Numbering and Naming.  There are countless Zones, and each is given an ‘official numbering’, based on the date and exact time of its creation.  These numbers, as you might expect, are VERY long.  So instead, we usually refer to the ‘Case File’ Numbers.  These numbers, after the first 100, are based on when we start to take an interest in that Zone.  The first 100, well, we were trying to rate the Zone’s by importance.  We really messed that up! *chuckles*  For naming a Zone, that honour is given to the team who first open a Case File on a Zone.  *communicator beeps* Oh, that’s right!  Just one other thing to note.  We've heard rumours of another 'Sonic Prime'.  We don't know any details yet, but we're investigating.
Okay, I think that is everything.  Zally? Zally: Yes, we’ve just about covered everything.  I hope we’ve managed to answer most of your questions.  But before we leave, we’ve had numerous requests for knowing the name and designation of a number of Zones.  So we’ll leave those with you. Thank you so much for listening.  Now, here’s the list:
#001 – The Prime Zone – This is the zone where all others originate from, where Sonic and the heroes of Mobius fight against the tyranny of Dr. Eggman.
#017 – The Stealth Zone – This zone features a planet Mobius where the superhero Stealth the Hedgehog fights villains such as Professor Egg.
#059 - The Serene Zone - This Zone features a Mobius where Julian Kintobor never managed to gain control after the Great War, and the Kingdom of Acorn stood strong.
#100 – The No Zone – Our Zone, from here the Zone Cops organization strives to maintain order across the multiverse.
#109 – The Legal Zone – This zone features a Mobius with a city called Litigopolis where law and order are the way of the world.
#196 – The Freedom Zone – This zone features a planet Freedom which is divided into two realms – the Land of the Sky and the Land of Darkness.
#199 – The Underground Zone – This zone features a planet Mobius where Prince Sonic and his siblings, Manic and Sonia, seek to find their mother, Queen Aleena, and become the Council of Four to overthrow the dictator Dr. Robotnik.
#220 – The Lightning Zone – This zone features a planet Earth where Sonic has traveled and been adopted by a police officer named Tom and stops the plans of the overzealous scientist Dr. Robotnik.
#372 – The Anti Zone – This zone is a mirror reflection of the Prime Zone, where our heroes are bad and their villains are good.
#403 – The Earth X Zone – This zone features a planet Earth with a city called Station Square. It is the home of Chris Thorndyke and his friends and has been protected by Sonic the Hedgehog.
#492 – The Image Zone – This zone features a planet Earth that is protected by heroes such as Spawn, Savage Dragon, and The Maxx.
#496 – The Dark Zone – This zone features a planet Mobius nearly purged of life from a corrupted Knuckles the Echidna who became Enerjak.
#589 – The Discovery Zone – This zone features a planet Mobius resembling a gritty film noir.
#593 – The Boomer Zone – This zone features a planet Mobius where Sonic and the Freedom Fighters; Johnny Lightfoot, Porker Lewis, Tails, and Amy, face various foes including the evil Dr. Robotnik.
#623 – The Real Zone – This zone features a planet Earth where Sonic the Hedgehog is a video game character.
#905 – The Mobius X Zone – This zone features a planet Mobius where Sonic and his friends call home. Sonic and his friends have been transported off this planet into the X Earth Zone.
#1054 – The Kaiju Zone – This zone features a planet Mobius where Dr. J Kintobor uses a super sized mecha, Giant Robotno, to fight enlarged mutants.
#1072 – The Sentai Zone – This zone features a planet Mobius where Sonicman and the Chaos Ninja Team fight the villainous Sallactor.
#1084 – The Cyborg Zone – This zone is home to a planet Mobius that has been left a ruined wasteland thanks to it’s Dr. Robotnik. This is the zone from which Dr. Eggman hails.
#1100 – Maginary Zone – This zone is where the dreams of all other zones are born from. It is entered via the Precioustone and is guarded by the powerful Illumina.
#1103 – The Light Zone – This zone features a planet Mobius very similar to our heroes’ world. King Sonic and Queen Sally rule the Kingdom of Acorn in this zone.
#1105 – The Sol Zone – This zone features a planet Mobius where Blaze the Cat guards the Jewelled Sceptre and the Sol Emeralds.
#1114 – The Boom Zone – This zone features a planet Mobius where Sonic and his friends live on Bygone Island and deal with regular shenanigans from Dr. Eggman.
#1241 – The Archie Zone – This zone features a planet Earth with a town called Riverdale. It is the home of Archie Andrews, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and Josie and the Pussycats amongst others.
#1291 – The Luna Zone – This zone features a Mobius that is protected by the pretty guardian Sally Moon and her crush Tuxedo Knux.
#4235 – The Galaxy Zone – This zone is the home of the Freedom Fighters of the Galaxy, a group that patrols their universe facing cosmic threats such as Robolactus.
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kpopchangedmylife44 · 4 years
Ateez: honeymoon thread
Hello fellow atinys, my blog reached 500 followers and I would like to thank everyone, who enjoys my stories 🥺 I’m really happy that someone out there gets to read them and it maybe put a smile on their face ☺️ So this is a 500 follower special. It’s a long thread and also kind of a sequel of my wedding post. I planned it for quite some time, but I also procrastinated and everything was overwhelming in life. Now I’m back (kinda) and will start to work on the requests I got. ✨
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Planning: although you both were extremely tired, you insisted to plan everything yourself, so it turned out exactly how you imagined
Location: Italy
Accommodation: several cozy hotels in bigger cities
Food: it’s Italy so you can bet your ass there is a lot of pizza, spaghetti and ice cream involved
- you would start your honeymoon in Rome, where you wander around and fall in love with the city
- the architecture and museums are extremely beautiful, so you’re even more happy that you get to experience it with Hongjoong
- visiting Verona and pretending you were Romeo and Juliet (but with a happy ending)
- eating a lot and wearing comfortable clothes as you walk around so much
- Hongjoong is particular affectionate during this trip as he showers you with compliments all the time and never lets go of your hand
- exploring Venice by boat and singing some dramatic song that you once heard in a opera
- wearing couple jackets he designed himself which feature your initials 🥺
- he filmed parts of the trips as he would like to make a short film, which you could enjoy afterwards
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Planning: since you both hated it, you were hiring someone to do it for you, at least you had prepared a mood board and the general direction of your trip
Location: south of France
Accommodation: fancy all the way, either a really nice hotel or a little castle (or chateau how you say it in French)
Food: grapes in the form of wine
- prepare yourself for the luxurious trip of a lifetime
- you’re arriving there and everything is ready for you both
- first are reFrEsHMents (which means alcohol)
- full course meals (and yes, this includes your husbands looks)
- boat trips and visiting tiny islands for the day
- taking a lot of selfies
- enjoying the sun and the food (and Seonghwa in swimwear)
- skinny dipping in the sea
- hot nights in the hot tub
- testing wine and feeling a little pretentious
- visiting a chateau and running around there like a music video
- Seongwha saying ,,so ha“ when he sees you
- kisses your hand and hair all the time and is more clingy (or thirsty) than usual
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Planning: you try to plan without the stressful part, so you ask a professional for help and it’s really smooth from this point on
Location: nationalparks in the USA
Accommodation: small hotels along the road (not Motels)
Food: normal restaurants, but also a lot of burgers
- it’s like a roadtrip, but way more comfortable
- you sleep in cozy little hotels and visit some bigger cities along the way
- wandering around the nature with Yunho is actually really fun
- although he is quite hyper around everyone he enjoys the calmness of your trip
- always holding your hand and kissing you
- you visit several national parks like Yosemite and could gaze at the stars during the night
- englishi Time
- he is no longer yunhoe bit yunhusband (i’m sorry)
- buys dumb souvenirs like mood rings which you religiously wear from then on
- thought that he saw a bear and almost started crying
- singing really loudly in the forest
- oh and also outdoor sex
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Planning: 8 months before the trip, but he actually always had ideas; planned his wedding and honeymoon years ago when he first met you, he also made a mood board and it helped a lot
Location: Japan during the cherry blossom
Accommodation: a traditional house with a lot of privacy, an onsen but also room service, does not look like a hotel but has all the privileges
Food: lots of chicken; Japanese dishes, but also snacks whenever you go out to explore
- you would first explore Tokyo and visit everything the city has to offer
- as the city is really beautiful but also hectic, you would visit Nara-park and pet the deers to relax
- you would let some street artist paint a portrait of you both as it’s a really fun idea to remember the trip
- shiba inus everywhere and Yeosang melts every time he sees one of them
- ,,Look at how cute they are. We need to adopt at least one in the future“ (and you would, because they are so adorable)
- fotoshootings with the cherry blossom
- after a week in the urban area you would travel along the coast
- Yeosang rented a car for it and you stayed at different hotels along the way, which you also booked prior
- you visited a little island where a lot of bunnys live and had the best time there
- Yeosang always buys souvenirs whenever you visit a new city or attraction
- he especially loves the postcards as he plans to do a collage with them for your honeymoon fotobook
- driving along the coast would be peaceful and filled with laughter, Yeosang giggling to himself and feeling like all of this might as well be a dream
- ,,I never knew it was possible to love someone so much until I met you“
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Planning: you booked the trip 6 months prior and you gradually became more and more excited for it, although both of you aren’t really into planning, you did it with a lot of excitement and talked about it for hours on end
Location: South Africa
Accommodation: a huge wooden house in the middle of a resort that focuses on reserving the wildlife
Food: a huge variety of fruits and meat, the dinner is a feast every single day of your stay (and so is your husband)
- the journey itself would be really cute as you were flying first class and cuddled all the way until you arrived
- San even mumbled in his sleep how excited he was to finally go
- when you arrived you took it really easy, just relaxing at the resort, which also had huge beds and a stunning outdoor area with a whirlpool
- the first evening you relaxed in that whirpool, while spotting some giraffes in the distance and it just hit you like ,,Wow, look how amazing life could be” (bish, I wish)
- you never really believed that you would ever be this happy, finding someone that you loved and going on adventures with him but here you are
- and of course San felt it too, but you just sat there enjoying it, holding hands and not saying anything
- the next couple of days included going on safari, climbing a mountain, standing under a waterfall and chasing sunsets
- it was the perfect balance between adventure and relaxing
- because of your husband you always felt a calmness by his presence
- ,,I wish we could do this all over again, San.“
- ,,Well, we have the rest of our lives to go on adventures like this.“ 🥺🥺🥺
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Planning: like the wedding itself it happened quite fast without much planning
Location: Australia
Accommodation: several hotels as you also rented a car
Food: some really strange exotic food, but mostly real meals with the occasional burger and cocktails
- the focus is on having fun, enjoying every moment and just going with the flow
- after all its Mingi, who has a lot of spontaneous ideas
- why not go snorkeling or run naked around the beaches?
- or that time he was convinced that he saw a shark and you both panicked and screamed (but it was a dolphin)
- going to a concert at the beach and dancing until your feet hurt and he has to carry you
- also sleeping at the same beach as you two were too drunk to find the way back to the hotel
- Mingi being extra clingy and giving some people the stink eye, who look too enthusiastically at you
- he wrote a rap for you (inspired by your honeymoon) and performed it by the ocean
- it’s like having the best trip of your life and realising it doesn’t end when you get home, because having Mingi as your husband is a great adventure and he spends every day trying to make you laugh and love life
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Planning: the location itself was decided a long time ago, but the activities are more spontaneous, just going with the flow
Location: Iceland
Accommodation: first in a hotel, then in a mobile home
Food: fresh food like fish and also a lot of snacks
- your honeymoon and accommodation were a little unconventional
- you started in the city of Reyjkavic and visited the touristy sights
- you stumbled around the Icelandic phallological museum and decided to go inside for the lols (and had a lot of giggles)
- after a few days in the city you ventured out to the beautiful nature of Iceland
- it started at the blue lagoon, which was the most relaxing thing and you were just hanging out and sipping slushees (they are really good, I had the time of my life lmao)
- then you drive around and it feels like absolute freedom
- you feel like exploring a whole new world as they are a lot of waterfalls and geysers
- Wooyoung feels like he is falling in love with you even more (if that’s even possible) and if he hadn’t already, he would marry you then and there again
- star gazing as there is no air pollution and it’s amazing how many stars there actually are
- visiting the diamond beach, which sparkles and has you feeling like little kids
- long morning snuggles and random hugs throughout the day
- and he would also be your personal photographer and scream how cute you are
- your honeymoon would also include really random stuff (like the penis museum) like skateboarding in the middle of nowhere (like Walter Mitty - the absolute legend) or hiking because you felt like it
- never a dull moment with your husband that’s for sure
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Planning: he wanted everything to be perfect so you started pretty early (1 year before)
Location: England
Accommodation: small hotels with cozy interior
Food: pretty normal food, you also tried fish & chips once (and it was nothing special)
- would hold your hand during the whole flight
- you started your honeymoon in London which you loved at first sight
- the hotel was really central, so you could walk to a lot of sights
- London by night was magical and you visited many museums which had great artwork and were free
- theater nights and going for a walk along the Thames
- after a week you started to explore the cities around London like Oxford, Brighton and Cambridge
- and everything was so stunning and with Jongho by your side you could literally cry, because does it get much better than this??? (well no)
- Jongho declares his love for you at least once a day and although it was so cheesy it still got you giggling and feeling all mushy inside
- he loves all the old buildings and biscuits, so you would probably visit again sometime
- it’s a really nice and somehow relaxing trip although you get to explore so much
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mtab2260 · 3 years
Okay, Loki doesn't knock Agents of SHIELD out of the canon train.
Lemme explain:
The reason Loki was taken and not the Avengers is because him escaping should never have happened. It didn't happen in the time loop-- it was an irregularity that's why it needed to be fixed.
The Avengers going through time to create these alternate universes was supposed to happen, as well as 2014 Thanos coming to 2023, and Steve going back in time to be with Peggy. That was all written in time, in the constant never ending time loop.
So basically what that means is, the SHIELD team going to 2091 was in the time loop meant to happen-- as we know. We also know they were meant to come back, and so was Deke because the TVA never tried to reset him. Then we also know that everything that happens in season seven is meant to happen.
Now while Agent Mobius said they like to keep, the one single preserved timeline and nothing else... that simply isn't fully true.
Because then what happened to 2014 Thanos and that timeline? How come the TVA didn't try and fix that, or why didn't they mention it? Quill was knocked out, Thanos and Nebula are dead, Gamora is somewhere in the MCU timeline. So that really fucks up future events there.
Also just to clarify time/ time travel rules:
There always is, no matter what happens a constant loop of time of the past, present, and future. And it's all written in the stars meant to happen.
You can break time loops, yet all your doing it just rewriting a new present and future-- rewriting a new time loop.
With time travel you jump back to your timeline's past. But what you're actions do there, it's what could affect everything and break the loop.
Deke’s expression is perfect, time is like a river-- constantly flowing in one set direction. You throw in a stick or two it won't affect the way the river goes and nothing happens. But if you throw in too many sticks and a big log then you create a dam which will change the direction of the river forever. Yet it's still the same river, it just has a new path now.
So once you create that dam, while yes, the time loop is broken-- the past you lived would never happen, or a different version of it will instead-- that doesn't effect the timeline you came from. It doesn't affect *your* past. It only effects *this* timeline's present and future.
It's no longer your timeline's past, it's its own timeline's present.
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kanene-yaaay · 4 years
Uh-Oh ~
Kanene’s note: Heya! YellowHeart!Anon talking here!!! xDDD Oh gosh, sorrey, I was nervous when I sent you the ask @oliviaischillin1204 (for absolutely no reason at all, you’re the sweetest, dear <3) and Your Precious AU that owns my heart. (first link the AU itself and second her t-fic of it).
Also, that fanfic was inspired in this scene of that manga.
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belong to me! They all belong to Thomas Sanders and his series Sanders Sides! And the AU belong to Olivia!
* This is a SFW Tickle-Fanfic, so, if you don’t appreciate this kind of content, please, look for another blog. There are a plenty of fabulous arts in this site!!  ^w^)b
* Oneshot. Something around 1.200 words. ( This fic is litol but it’s honest work. XD). Lee!Patton (and a bit of lee!Logan) and Ler!Janus (and a bit of Ler!Patton, as well) in Human AU. Romantic Moceit.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! I didn’t proofreaded this fic AT ALL ohmygosh I’m sorrey asdfghjklkjsdfgh. We die like a men. >:D
* I will probably make a second part for this? Maybe xDD. Poderá ser traduzida num futuro próximo. Só preciso de tempo aaa. Thankys so much for reading, my lollipops!! Have a wonderful and tickly day! Yay!! 
Patton hummed lazily, his left-hand careless combing Logan’s hair while his free hand held his phone, watching the new episode of his favorite show with subtitles on, since, by the way the his son’s soft snores filled the air and a pressure laid on his chest, Logan fell asleep in the middle of their afternoon reading.
The parental figure lowered his gaze to his baby – he could almost hear Logan saying, a determined frown on his face, that ‘I’m not a baby, I’m seven!– resting a caring kiss on his forehead, his heart feeling like he could explode from all the love and cuteness. How was he so lucky to be the father of three wonderful, precious, amazing, smart, incredible and cute beings just like Logan, Remus and Roman? He had no idea.
The sound of steps pulled him from the sea of memories which began to flow. Patton directed his gaze to his husband, who just got in the room, stretching and yawning, probably he just had gotten up after putting the twins to sleep in one of the great amounts of naps and very much likely taking some minutes to snuggle with them and rest a bit as well.
“Pictureeee!!” Patton mouthed when their eyes met, his gaze flickering between Janus and Logan, a gigantic smile splitting his face in half, using every drop of self-control to not start to bounce.
Janus snorted and rolled his eyes fondly, however doing as asked. Patton turned to kiss Logan’s forehead again, this time for posing purposes.
Then a sensation shocked all his body, a yelp almost flying from his mouth and a squirm being held in the very last second. His head shouted to Janus’ direction.
Only to see the aforementioned toothless smiling and blinking in a mix of a smug, innocent face. Patton followed slowly the length of his arm, his heart beating quickly, as if he was in a horror movie, finally resting his fingers hovering inches away from his calf, wiggling, wiggling, wiggling.
“Janus!” Patton whispered, his voice failing when the other started to mindless poke and pinch the ticklish spot, the tingles running up his body nonstop, waking up his butterflies and muffled his bubbly giggles. “N-no!”
“Shhh, honey. You don’t want to wake Logan up, right?”
Patton widened his eyes, gaze quickly changing to Logan, who contently adjusted his sleepy form on his chest, nuzzling closer. A cold shiver ran down his spine.
“Uh-oh… Looks like someone is stuck. ~”
“Janus don’t-!” His sentence was quickly cut by snort, consequently making Patton slap his hand on his mouth, pressing it as heat took over his cheeks. Janus’ grin only expanded even more, now concentrating his attack on both calves.
One hand following an unbearable pattern consisted on drawing shapes from his ankle, fast spidering all his way up - taking full advantage on the opportunity to deliver some tickly scribbling on his way – across the length of his calf until research that spot just below the back of his knee, resting there with some great scratches, feeling the barely controlled kicks resulted of his new discovering.
“Ohoho myihi. S-s-stop!!” The other hand ceased his light squeezes in order to lift his index finger before his husband’s lips, the universal sign to ‘shhhh’ just worsening the state of the thousands of bouncy giggles already protesting for freedom on his throat. However, Janus was fast to lowering his fingers, clawing closer and closer and even closer, to his immensely sensitive skin.
“You’re doing so well, dear.” The so sweet, so teasy whispered tune leaded to the red on his face crawl to his neck, some titters escaping between his firmly pressed lips and closed fingers, tingles and goosebumps racing in every single other ticklish spot left untouched. Every single nerve pleading to be able to squirm and fight the tickles off. But no! Patton determined decided! Above his ticklishness he was a father! A dad! The peaceful nap of his loved kiddo would not be interrupted! He is going to be strong! “What if we play a game?”
He was going to die.
Patton shook his head and free hand, trying to get rid of the excited built energy, while not trusting in the slightest in his voice. Janus sticks resolute even under the glare of his so powerful Puppy Eyes, a dangerous gleam on his expression.
“It’s very, very easy, you see. Actually, I’m absolutely sure you will be…” He lightly tased his husband’s left calf, calmly resting his hand on the other. “Shocked at how much easy it is to win this game.”
The teasing, the tickles, the pun… Patton controlled the sea of squeals, using every piece of will to not break, silent snorts slipping from his cracks. Janus just leaned closer, being sure his breath tickled any and every inch of the so poor, so sad ticklish ears.
“The game is called: How much time can Pattycake endure before becoming a blushed mess of laughter?”
Patton felt his fingers prepare themselves, slightly folding as pressured multiple spots on both of his calves. “No, no! Not this, Janus!” He desperately pleaded, already giggling, already feeling Janus get ready to attack. “Love, love! You know I can’t stand-” His breath hitched, full laughter filling the room.
But it wasn’t his.
“Daddy is so red!!”
Everything stopped.
Patton traveled his watery glare, all the bubbly, squeaky giggled he had trapped now taking the opportunity to run away, between his son and husband. Logan and Janus, again, again, back and forth, back and forth.
The only adult up quick recomposed himself, the fate he would have if not controlled the situation making a wobbly piece of smile took over his features. He stared his partner dead on his eyes.
“I’ll help you to get Logan back. You know how adorably squeaky he gets when we both tickle his neck.”
“No!!” Logan jolted upright, betrayal painting his words. Big eyes looking at Patton – and his evil grin – when the other fixed his gaze on him. “It was Papa’s idea!!!”
The adult with glasses askew turned towards Janus.
“Logan’s. Giggles.”
“He was the one tickling you! He was being so mean!”
“I will make your favorite spaghetti for dinner.”
“I will learn how to cook! I can get your phone and see some videos and follow them you know I’m good at following insti-tituctions and you will only need to turn on the oven for me because you said fire is dangerous and-and then I can get a chair to climb on it and use the balcony I know I’m not the best at climbing trees and I almost fell but I won’t fall this time ‘cause I am good at climbing chairs and then I will make the best spaghetti ever and I can make it every every day just like you also cook food for me every day and I will also clean the dis-ches and eat everything on my plate even the greenies and-No!! Daddy!!” Logan knew he lost when his dad’s arms began to hug him from behind, not being bothered for how much he squirmed as his back was gently pressed on Patton’s chest, fingers worming their way under his shirt. “No, daddy! No! Not fair! Nohohohot fahaha!! Pahahahapa!!”
Janus was quick to follow, sitting on the couch and delivering a noisy raspberry on the boy’s neck, happily hearing his laughter get louder in a mix of crackles and squeals. Patton added to his attack butterfly kisses behind his ticklish ears, each one accompanied by an exaggerated ‘Mwua!’
“Mwua! Mwua!!” He nibbled a bit the tickle spot, conquering belly laughter from his sweet revenge, managing to whisper quietly enough so only his baby heard their future plan. “We will get Papa right before the dinner, okay Logie-bear? Mwua! Mwua!”
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