#so we found something that when added to his usual wine intake just takes him out
emperor-galvus · 5 years
Another question by Moogle Mail: "Dear Emperor Varis, What does one have to do to make it on the list of cats allowed in the palace? Slay an Eikon and leave it on the doorstep, or just an Ascian? I figure worse comes to worse, I can try sleeping with your grandfather but I wanted to be polite. Signed, Hero Hikara. P.S. If this letter doesn't come with a box of Fudge Brownies and a bottle of Ishgardian Firewhisky the Moogles stole them." //HeroHikara-wol
dear fudge cat
firewhissy?? no wonder it’s a little-- strong
(( It looks like maybe Varis wandered off or... something, as the loop on the ‘g’ just keeps going off the page. Zenos’ writing takes over. ))
A dead Ascian on the doorstep will do.
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1tsnoya · 4 years
heyya bubby it's me again!! i love how u wrote my last request thank uuu :DDD may i please request sum hcs of noya, suga, daichi, tsukki and asahi having an s/o who enjoys drinking but kinda have a low alcohol tolerance hehehe and how they take care of s/o after she gets drunk or is hungover,, thank uuu
a/n: HI BUBBY ILY <3<3<3
+ this is a long one so i added a mark!
✧・゚taking care of their drunk s/o ✧・゚ headcanons
warning: alcohol (they’re all aged up!)
pairings: noya x reader, suga x reader, daichi x reader, tsukishima x reader, asahi x reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* :・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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→ probably has a low tolerance too LOL
→ cmon this boy is like 112 pounds
→ you two usually come up with a plan before drinking
→ like who is gonna get absolutely shitfaced and who is gonna be the babysitter
→ you always agreed to be babysitter so you never rlly drank that much around noya
→ you just played it off like you werent too big of a drinker
→ eventually he noticed and was like “you’re LYING! you like drinking DON’T U??”
→ and the next party you guys go to, he tells you “just pls enjoy yourself, i’m good trust me”
→ noya didnt know what he was in for...u were L I V I N G
→ dancing on tables n shit
→ he obvi joined in on that dancing cause u looked hot as hell
→ but then he realized how drunk u really were and told u like “lets get you home cause u will regret this in the morning”
→ held your hand the entire walk to the car bc u were ✨tumbling✨
→ very playful with you when you’re tipsy
→ also very protective of you. makes sure that NO ONE fucks with you
→ when you get home he makes sure to make life a lot easier for your drunk ass PFFTFP
→ he’ll get you your pajamas and cuddle you til you fall asleep
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→ i get the vibe that suga loves drinking! 
→ he is super cautious when he drinks with you around
→ you two are def the type to just drink at home together
→ *that’s how he found out that your tolerance was low
→ big wine drinkers
→ like he’ll bring a bottle of wine home and you guys will down the entire thing while watching a movie
→ and then you make fun of the movie
→ any and every thing will make you two laugh
→ suga always keeps an eye on you when you’re drinking
→ and he’s always by your side
→ like he knows your limit and usually keeps note of how many drinks you’ve had throughout the night
→ makes sure you have food and water in ur system too
→ oh and when you two get drunk together at home, a FEAST is made
→ most of the time it’s not even that good cause you guys are shitfaced but you still enjoy it
→ baby is on TOP of it if you have a hangover you already know it-
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→ not that big on drinking
→ but when he does drink...
→ wooowww chile anyway so
→ side note: he’s is a PRO at beer pong
→ anywho
→ since he doesn’t drink that much, he usually babysits you
→ call him dad(dy) or whateva🙈
→ like suga, he’ll keep an eye on your intake and usually knows when you get tipsy
→ *if ur at a party - he’ll just keep an eye on you from a distance
→ he kind of already had a feeling that you were a light weight
→ so when you start getting a little too drunk, he’ll step in and tug at your arm
→ daichi: “babe..hun..it’s time to go”
→ y/n: “psshhpft- the paaarty’s jusy sstarting daaaad”
→ daichi: >:| “okay but there’s a party home remember?”
→ he has to baby you LMFAO
→ he has to buckle you up in the car and make sure you’re drinking water
→ and when you fall asleep 👉🏼👈🏼 he carries you inside
→ helps you change into your jammies, if you’re wearing makeup, he’ll help you take it off, etc.
→ then he tucks you into bed and gives you a lil kithy
→ daichi: “you’re gonna hate yourself in the morning :)”
→ meanwhile you’re knocked out
→ but whatever he said was true, you were FEELING IT when you woke up
→ dw though, he helps you out with your hangover<3
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→ he had to find out the hard way about your low tolerance
→ he loves you and all but he does not wanna deal with ur shit when ur drunk-
→ still does anyway
→ like he’ll watch you from afar while he’s drinking from a red solo cup😭
→ he probably handles hit alcohol SUPER well
→ so when he sees you, dancing around and a little too happy, he knows it’s time to bounce
→ tsuki: “(y/n)”
→ y/n: “TSUKI!”
→ tsuki: “ready to go?”
→ cue the pouting
→ as much as he doesn’t want to, he has to baby you and dumb everything down HSHSH
→ he is a huge tease when you’re tipsy though. like he enjoys messing with you
→ don’t worry doe... he still takes care of you and shit
→ he’s also very protective of you
→ like.. very
→ if anyone looks at you weirdly or whatever, all he has to do it look at them and they’ll get the hint
→ y/n: “baaabbyyy”
→ tsuki: “mhm?”
→ y/n: “why are we leeaving”
→ tsuki: “cause you’re tired remember?”
→ y/n: “oh.. oh yeah!”
→ and in his head, he’s just “oh ok... i guess that worked”
→ once you get home, he’ll help you change and just put you to bed
→ like i said earlier, he’s not good with tolerating drunk ppl LMAO
→ he just let’s you rest so he doesn’t get annoyed with you and make you upset
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→ like he’s babysitting you but at the same time you’re babysitting him
→ people think he’s super intimidating at the party but he’s just 👉🏼👈🏼anxious👉🏼👈🏼
→ y/n: “babbey, come onn!”
→ asahi: •—• “o-okay-”
→ he follows you around like a lost puppy-
→ even though you’re obviously out of it
→ tbh he lets you decide when you wanna go home. unless you just pass out, it’s your choice
→ if he thinks that you’re too drunk (like i’m talking SUUUPER drunk) he’ll just say “um. come on..let’s go home pls🥺”
→ cause let’s be real here. he does not wanna argue with you when are wasted
→ back to this anxious thing
→ he’ll hold your hand the entire walk from the car to your house
→ and if you’re just not cooperating, he’ll throw you over his shoulder HA
→ helps you out until you get to your room
→ and then he gets you something to eat
→ if you wanted fast food on the drive back, he probs stopped to get it😭
→ sigh he’s just.. a nervous mom with a toddler
→ after you eat, he’ll get you your stuff to change and help you get comfy
→ once you knock out, he knocks out with you
→ lowkey over it when you wake up but still treats you like a baby HSJSH
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Kitsune | iii. spring
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Jung Hoseok/Reader [F]
Genre: Demon Hunter AU, Action, Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Japanese Federal Era 
Warning(s)!!: Contains Heavy Violence & Blood + Death [Rating: PG-13]
Words: 9k
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Summary:  Demons: man-eating, murderous monsters who would kill anyone for the blood of humans: be it man, woman or child.  They have no need for comrades. Known cannibalize and kill other demons if they so choose. Demon Hunters are tasked with eliminating any and all demons without question, but what would come to pass if they were told that a demon saved a human life? Views, values and relations become altered and absolutely nothing seemed human anymore.  Never sharpen a blade too much, lest you become the wounded.
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Series Index | i. demon | ii. winter
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a/n: annnnnd we’re back with the next part of Kitsune!  This is a pretty dialogue-heavy part; towards the end especially, but for all the stuff I crammed into this chapter, I think it’ll make sense for Taehyung to talk his head off LOL. Time to put your big-people pants on, cause here we go >:D
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t.list: @kathrynwynterbourne @tiredjedi @kaekae-93 @multycoloredtaco @sunshinechim-98 @baojinnie @perpetually-single @lexi-tries-art @fallingjungwoo​ (want to be added for future parts? Tell me!) 
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The same evening of the day Fuuta spoke to Hoseok and entrusted him with a glass spider lily, Taehyung also paid him a visit. Coming by his room for a chat about what was asked of them.  He already knew Hosoek wouldn’t bend so easily and would need a small push of persuasion to do anything regarding you. So, as a token of a friendly chat, Taehyung had brought with him a small gourd of sake with 2 brilliant red painted ochoko with him for the two men to leisure with. 
The samurai slid open Hoseok’s door, catching him in the middle of polishing the only sword of his in use.  “Have a drink with me for a bit, Hoseok.” Hoseok wouldn’t turn down perfectly good sake, even if he knew that Taehyung wasn’t just here to have a drink with him. 
The two sat in silence, both nursing on their own red ochoko of sake before Hoseok broke the silence enveloping the two warriors. 
“Are you trying to get me drunk to agree to relocate that fox?” Taehyung chuckled at Hoseok’s curt tone, sipping on sake with a relaxed, content grin and shut eyes.  
“Not necessarily.” 
It wasn’t commonly known among Hoseok’s peers because of the distance he placed between him and them, but although he is a warrior he was a simpleton when anything liquor is involved.  His constitution for alcohol was anything but strong.  Easily the most vulnerable lightweight Taehyung knew.  It also wasn’t known just how gut-spillingly open Hoseok was when intoxicated.  It was those factors that lead him to hardly ever having even a bit of liquor.  He only ever drank in front of people he deeply trusted- a small few to be sure. 
Taehyung sat and listened to the woes of his friend silently.  If Taehyung was anything, it was a listener.  He listened to and heard many things as he filed them away into his memory.  A strong skill to be certain, as Taehyung’s memory is something most people can’t comprehend- it’s as if he never forgets a thing he’s learned.  
Hoseok spilled his guts about how uncertain he is about Fuuta’s request to move you somewhere else.  He was frustrated by his lack of information and the fact that Taehyung and Fuuta both kept hiding things from him.  He expressed the urge to break the glass flower Fuuta gave to him because he just knew it was linked to you somehow.  
Taehyung would be lying if he said he didn’t feel the slightest bit guilty about it all.  
He stayed completely silent the whole time with only assured head nods to show he was listening.  He eventually watched as Hoseok took the stages down before he was nearly at his pass-out limit.  Slowly rolling into the territory of drowsiness, Taehyung cut off his intake and loosened his obi around his waist.  Pulling Hoseok’s futon set out onto the floor, Hoseok was already sleeping in a blissful drunken heap on the tatami.  Dragging him to the futon and tossing the blanket on him, Taehyung silently left the hunter to sleep in a dead-drunk state.  
Only lightly laughing in relief.  It had been some time since he had caught a glimpse of the open, sour-mouthed Hoseok he used to be.  Drunk Hoseok always felt like a trip back in time to Taehyung. A trip back to a time where everything wasn’t drenched in sorrow or anger.  A time he often found himself dearly missing. 
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Hoseok was rudely awakened by a harsh shove to his shoulder.  Ignoring it once was a mistake because after the initial shove followed a sharp kick.  Yelping he shot up and pried open his heavy eyes.  Looking up and seeing Taehyung grinning above him, he sneered back. 
“Bastard,” Hoseok hissed as Taehyung innocently shrugged as if he did nothing wrong. Not at all guilty about the fact he got Hoseok drunk.  Rubbing his head and tossing his tangled mess of auburn hair, Hoseok pulled his legs to ta cross-sitting position.  Pulling his kimono sleeve to his nose, he sniffed it and winced.  “I smell like sake,” he grunted.  The scent of the strong rice-wine purging straight through his clothes. 
“Yes, you do.” Taehyung chuckled in agreement.  “Get up. We’re going into town.” 
“Because I told you so.” 
Hoseok rolled his eyes before he started rolling his kimono off his shoulder.  Letting the fabric gather and hang off his hips from the loosely tied obi around him.  Taehyung grabbed Hoseok’s arm, helping the headache-hungover man up.  Taehyung whistled in awe at Hoseok’s physique, something he did often in good fun- resulting in Hoseok to roll his eyes.  Not like Taehyung’s body was any different than his.  Taehyung was probably more fit than him, he just didn’t flaunt it. 
Changing without a word with Taehyung loitering in his room with him, Hoseok didn’t question the samurai about why he was being forced to go into town.  He knew he wouldn’t get an answer anyway.  Taehyung was too good at deflecting and avoiding questions; Hoseok wouldn’t waste his breath. 
When both men had made it to the entrance of the compound, Hoseok stopped walking and sneered.  There you were, dressed casually in your standard priestess-like garbs and your hair tied back with a ribbon much like Taehyung’s and a parasol open over your head. Hoseok briefly thought that Taehyung was the one who tied your hair back in the first place. 
Some demons can easily become burned by sunlight.  Some consider the sun lethal in specific cases.  You would never effectively die by being in the sun, but too long in its light does bring a spec of discomfort you wish to avoid.  
You heard their footsteps as a wind of cold blew in small breaths past you.  Winter was already sapping the once spring-stuck stime the compound had been stopped in.  Turning, you saw Taehyung strolling closer and you didn’t seem to be shocked to see Hoseok at his back- frozen in his steps. You returned the glare he offered you.  Neither two of the party of three were pleased. 
Taehyung had more or less forced you to leave the compound today along with him and Hoseok.  The hunter, however, seemed to be left in the dark about your accompaniment until now. 
“Hoseok,” Taehyung called with a stern voice without looking back at him. “Don’t lag behind.” Hoseok bit his tongue. He could tell that if he even thought about fighting back on the topic that is you joining them, Taehyung would take him to the dirt until he screamed mercy and complied. The samurai would get what he wanted and that was the end of it.  Hoseok simply returned to walking, his steps albeit more dragging now, as both of them soon stood before you. 
“Glad to see you listened to me, Y/n,” Taehyung spoke to you.  You just looked away from him.  “Come now, you cannot possibly be angry at me.” You scoffed at him. 
“I can and will be.” 
Taehyung simply chuckled as he turned to Hoseok who was staring off somewhere; scanning anywhere that wasn’t in your specific direction. 
“Now then,” the samurai started, “shall we be off?” He gestured for you to leave first, even the gentlemen’s rule of thumb- ladies first.  He moved Hoseok by nudging him forward by his shoulder before the three of you started the walk into town.  A walk that seemed longer than usual because of the tense atmosphere. 
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Hoseok had his arms tightly crossed in place across his chest.  Out of all peoples, why had they run into a group of rowdy rugrats? Hoseok tolerated children at best- most being just too much for his patience to handle.  Of course, pair that fact together with how much of a people magnet Taehyung is, the entire ordeal spelled disaster in Hoseok’s case. 
You didn’t seem to mind the children- acting rather indifferent actually.   You’d scold them when they tugged on your kosode sleeve or try and grab your parasol from your grip.  You answered questions they fired, but you didn’t engage any further.  You never sought the attention and the constant brow crease you tried to ease was a clear indicator of that. 
Taehyung, however, completely fawned over the children.  In his day to day life as a civilian, Taehyung was the complete opposite of his ever strict, samurai alter-ego. If anything, his talent for being able to effectively separate the two made Hoseok envious.  Hoseok wasn’t as personality flexible as his friend, and he often wished he was.  Memories of the past flooding in his head and how he used to be.  Of course, the memories of ‘him’ followed with the past. 
Hoseok’s mood plunged further as he squeezed his eyes shut- willing away the past from his mind; at least trying to.  His grip unconsciously whitening his knuckles on the hilt of his sword.  No intent of ever drawing, but using the cold of his scabbard to remind him that he was in the now- the period of his life that revolved around fighting and killing demons.  He had been away from his trade too long- he was losing his focus. 
He wasn’t cut out for dealing with kids.  For escorting demon’s around- he glared at the side of your face, eyes following the curve of your redlined cheeks.  Watching the winter air puff around your lips with each exhale. He wasn’t cut out for complicated bonds or being kept in such a people-infested place.  
“Keep growling and the children will cry,” you spoke out of nowhere at Hoseok’s side.  Hoseok grit his teeth as he stood beside you with a three-foot distance between you both.  He narrowed his eyes at your face as you did nothing but stare forward.  Not even looking in his eyes. “I’m a demon and I do not frighten them, yet with that look on your face,” you finally looked at him, a scowl painted on your features. “You’ll send them running off as if you were the demon and not I.” 
Hoseok’s eye twitched as he just barely restricted himself from reaching out and clasping his hand over your throat.  Daring you to speak more nonsense towards him about how to act in front of humans.  The audacity you had to even think that one would look at him, a human man, and consider him as frightening as a monster. You directed your attention back to the front as you watched Taehyung speak to some random shop keeper as a child tugged on his hand. 
“Like it or not, Taehyung is one of the few things you and I have in common.” 
“Do not compare me to yourself. Not unless you want me to ruin your kosode.” 
“You would never be able to strike me.” Hoseok looked at you as he sucked in a harsh, chilled breath of offense.  “We’ve proved that before, haven’t we?” 
“Have you forgotten that both of those cases ended with me pinning you and you hardly able to move?  I could have killed you given the chance.” 
You offered him nothing after that.  True, both cases set you both on equal ground.  The first time you fought was when you had trapped him and the other leaders in a spiral of fire.  You charging him and the fight brought to a halt when Hoseok pinned you and Fuuta called it off.  The second when you sprung into his room and he had his sword blade hovering in front of your eyes as he pushed on your throat.  
You flicked your chin up in a small, slow fashion as you looked up towards the sky.  The weather had begun to cloud as the sun started to become hidden.  Something about the clouds made your eyes narrow and your lips twist into a frown far deeper than the one you had given to the hunter at your side.  Hoseok had moved to look up as well- it looked like the sky to him. Just the normal, cloudy to the full overcast winter sky. Bland and grey. 
You lowered your head down again as you closed up your parasol, the sun hidden from any uncomforting rays.  You called out to Taehyung when your parasol snapped shut in its flimsy wooden design. 
Taehyung had been with you the better part of a year now, and the tone in which you called him alerted him to come to you immediately. Quickly apologizing to the child tugging on his arm and dismissing them to go on and play elsewhere, as well as leaving his conversation with the shopkeeper, he was at your side quickly.  Standing with you and Hoseok in the streets as you looked at him with something behind your eyes Hoseok couldn’t identify. 
“What is it? What do you hear?” Taehyung asked you as if he knew exactly why your tone had shifted.  You were a demon and as such your senses were heightened to a level far higher than humans.  Sure, some humans can have exceptional senses of smell or hearing or sight, but it would only occasionally be one sense.  As opposed to you, your sense of hearing and sight and smell was that of your wild counterpart- a fox. 
“I can’t tell, but it’s loud and it’s not just one something.  It’s a lot of them and it’s getting closer to the town center.” Taehyung nodded before he looked around.  The streets were quiet for the middle of the day, not many people out as the cold weather were too off-putting for the selling season.  “I think we need to get back to-” You cut yourself off when you quickly covered your ears, wincing and dropping your parasol to the frozen ground.  Hoseok jumped as Taehyung quickly grabbed your shoulders. 
“What is it?!” 
“It’s too loud!” The sound of metal clashing and scraping in your ears, vibrating into your skull and shaking your very foundation.  It sounded so close now and you could start hearing screaming along with all the noise.  You looked to tell Taehyung, but as he whipped his head around, you knew that he could hear those noises now too.  The sounds you heard were far closer than you expected as the two men besides you heard it all. 
Hoseok had pulled his sword from his hip as Taehyung took out his own- a bit annoyed that he wasn’t in his proper battle gear at the current moment. If he had been, he wouldn't just have his sword to rely on- but other weapons and techniques of defense on his side. However, his blade would have to do.  
Turning your head, your hair seemed to spike at the ends as you saw a ball of flame barreling down the city road.  People rushed into their homes or business place to escape the fire before they were then forced out of it as torches were thrown through windows, burning buildings from the inside out.  
“A mob of bandits,” Taehyung seethed under his breath.  
“What do I do,” you asked him, grabbed the back of his kimono.  “I can’t kill humans!” You yelled over the volume increasing chaos.  Hoseok side-eyed you as you seemed torn between your options.  He hadn’t witnessed you actually deny attacking humans, as you had sprung on him more than once without thought.  It was odd, and irritating to see you struggle with the decision now. 
Though, now is when it really mattered the most.  
“You have authorization from Kim Taehyung, Leader Swordsman and successor of Lord Fuuta Tono. Defend the city and take down the bandits under any means necessary. Are my orders understood?” 
You hesitated before you dropped his kimono fabric from your hands.  You moved to stand at his side and not behind him any longer.  Placing yourself between the bodies of Hoseok and Taehyung as you bore your fangs at the threat approaching in a wild flaming rage. 
Hoseok watched as your eyes spread out wider and your irises expanded.  Your red cheek markings widened and became jagged along your cheeks and your hair stood on end like cat fur.  Your claws sharpened with your tense, locked fingers as your neck and lower jaw bulged with wide, feral veins.  You looked nothing like the human-demon you previously were before.  You were much more demonic and feral looking than before- truly the fox demon specimen. 
You let out a hiss and growl as Taehyung slowly counted beneath his breath. He was a strategic man, and everything had a precise start because not even he and his calculations could see when something would end.  He shifted in position as he counted from five.  Each second down he moved and you and Hoseok followed.  When zero hit, the three of you split. 
Taehyung took off down an off-street road to cut off any other proceeding bandits as he followed their echoing manic laughter and crackling torches.  Hoseok began to sprint down the main road, facing the enemy head-on as he began to take down horses they road on before going for them.  You had begun climbing.  Scaling buildings and throwing balls of blue flames down below like a fire-shooting catapult before you jumped from whatever height you were at and landing in the center of the mob.  Igniting the center of thieves in a violent explosion of blue fire before the real attack began. 
Bandits fell one by one with ease at the hands of you three.  However, something snatched your attention when you picked up the scent of smoke from behind you in the distance.  Shoving a bandit off your arm, you whipped around and stiffened to see a plume of black smoke rising into the sky far beyond where the battle is taking place. The compound that temporarily had the barrier of protection down and left everyone inside vulnerable had been set ablaze by some unknown enemy.  
The bandits were just a decoy.
Plowing through the band of thieves, you lept over their spears and swords before running down the road back to the compound. 
“Y/n! Get back here!” Taehyung shouted before he was forced to disarm the bandit he had been fighting and shoved the tip of the man’s sickle into his own neck, kicking his bleeding body out of the way as he gargled and choked on blood that pooled in his mouth.  He hissed in annoyance as you just kept running further, ignoring him.  “Hoseok!” Taehyung yelled, watching as Hoseok had sliced the chest of a rather ignorant and clumsy bandit.  “We’re regrouping at the compound.” 
Hoseok looked over his shoulder, shocked to see the smoke so far off.  How had someone snuck past them?! He grits his teeth. 
“Get back to the compound! Now!” Taehyung growled as he pushed his way out of the mob before Hoseok was running after him, not willing to test the limits of Taehyung’s rage. 
“Taehyung! Wait!” Taehyung was far faster than Hoseok was, the hunter was pushing his limits trying to at least keep the samurai leader in his sights. Taehyung was nimble, taking out anything and anyone that even tried to get in his way. The closer they got to the compound, the fewer bandits they saw.  Hoseok felt a prick of something in his gut- his sense telling him that whatever was at the compound probably wasn’t a bandit. 
Taehyung ran through the compound entrance, Hoseok at his heels as he halted immediately at the front gardens. Wisteria leaves were blown from their branches and scattered on the grown and the fallen bodies that littered the once beautiful sight. The ground dyed red in blood and bodies crumpled and shredded in a frozen massacre. 
Both men’s eyes were blown wide, not expecting to witness such chaotic devastation.  Taehyung tightened his hold on his sword as he clenched his jaw and forced himself to pass by the bodies and enter into the compound. It was no better inside than out.  Bodies of servants and guards slouched against walls or split in two with a torso in one room and a set of legs in another.  Heads had been severed from bodies and arms torn and tangled with detached legs.  Hoseok covered the bottom half of his face with this haori sleeve of his free hand- the stench of the place gag-inducing. 
Both men rushed through halls and rooms and holes in doors to Fuuta’s quarters when they got closer’ the harsh winter breeze could be felt in the halls.  The door had been blown clean out of its groves- in fact, the entire wall was blown wide open.  It was a miracle the wall didn’t crumble into rubble with the lack of foundation and support. 
Rounding the corner, Taehyung skid with his heel, Hoseok not far behind.  “Lord Fuuta!” He shouted, his voice catching and body stopping when he entered through the demolished wall.  Hoseok was soon skidding to a stop beside his frozen friend and comrade in arms before he too froze.  His body stiffened at the sight of the once spotless, organized room.  
The back wall had been demolished, showing the spring-zapped winter yard. Fuuta’s once decorated desk was cleanly ripped from the wall and broke into two splintered halves.  The far-right wall had been slashed and the closet door buckled in its groves, some clothes inside hanging loosely in place.  The left wall had rock shaped holes and dents punctured into it. 
However, it was what lay outside the busted out back wall and beyond it that made the two men fill with dread.  Blood began to pool in puddles on tatami before it began to smear into dragged textures out into the yard.  Following that blood, it was easy to find what produced it all.  
Out laying in the cold was Fuuta and Shiro, still and cold as blood still leaked from their once warm bodies.  Fuuta was on his back, staring at the sky with dead eyes as blood dripped from his lips and eyes, his throat torn open and kimono stained.  Shiro was lying chest to chest on top of Fuuta- most likely to try and protect him.  Her back was slashed open with gashes far greater than any weapon could cause.  The blood seeping slowly into her kosode inch by bloody inch. 
In front of their bodies, stood you.  Motionless as you stared down at them.  Hands at your sides as your arms were hanging motionless, your sleeves swishing in the breeze.  Your hair had come undone as it blew in whisps.  Your back was turned to the men in a semi-diagonal stance as you could smell nothing but the blood of your first family- your first parents. 
Taehyung was the first to move.  He narrowed his wide-legged stance and sheathed his sword slowly, letting the tip of the hilt click into place in its scabbard.  Taking small steps through the room and back to outside, he stood beside you. He glanced at your face, seeing nothing there.  
Your eyes looked down at Fuuta and Shiro’s bodies, unmoving and dazed.  They were glossed over in a film-like emotion. Taehyung stepped back a single stride, looking back towards Hoseok. 
“Come,” he told him in a soft, yet stern command.  Hoseok only nodded slowly as he sheathed his sword and took in the deathly quiet estate.  Coming to stand at your opposite side, Taehyung walked closer to the bodies.  He lifted Shiro up and off her beloved husband’s chest and lay her on her back to face the same sky Fuuta did.  He placed her hand in Fuuta’s and then gently closed both of their eyes.  
Standing back up, he pulled his scabbard from his waist and knelt to the ground before both his feet were folded under his rear.  Laying his sword horizontally in front of him, he placed his fingertips on the cold ground and bowed.  His forehead touching the dirt Fuuta and Shiro- his Lord and Priestess use- to gleefully grace; he closed his eyes in prayer. 
Hoseok moved to mirror his senior’s actions.  Bowing and lowering his head to his once-proud leader. 
Taehyung raised his head looking back at the face of Fuuta.  “Thank you for all you’ve taught me,” he spoke before he stood. He grabbed his sword, slinging it back onto his waist before he looked at Hoseok raising off the ground.  “Go and check on the city. The bandits were just a diversion- with their goal accomplished, I’ve little doubt they’ve already fled.” 
“Understood,” the low voice of Hoseok spoke. He snuck a glance at you before his eyes widened at your face.  He’d never seen a demon look so miserable- it’s as if you could break into tears at any moment. He shook it off before his shoulder passed yours, leaving the bodies of his leaders behind and not looking back at you for a moment. 
“We’ll have a proper burial later, alright?” Taehyung placed a hand on top of your head, a heartbreaking smile on his lips.  
You simply nodded, one single crystal clear tear dripping from your bottom eyelashes. 
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The next week was… Chaotic to put the term into the simplest form. The burial Taehyung spoke of was something Hosoek couldn’t picture him doing unless he witnessed it.  It was a big step for someone who personally remained hidden or small in trying times.  Instead, he watched as Taehyung had buried the bodies of the dead- including their fallen lord and his wife.  
After sending out separate calls for the leaders to reconverge at the main estate away from this town in the mountains, he ordered Hoseok and you to follow him until he said otherwise.  It was still unofficial, but as of the moment, Taehyung was the highest standing rank in the organization. Hoseok just continued to give up more of his time he could spend out fighting to follow after Taehyung. 
You had been mute since the day Fuuta and Shiro died.  In fact, you had even regressed to your fox form.  Trailing along with Taehyung’s ankles like a loyal pet.  You never spoke, and hardly even lifted your fox colored eyes past the human knee.  You never even bit or growled at the children who would yank on your tail, or try to ride you like a horse when you followed Taehyung into town. You would only occasionally leap to rest on his broad shoulders- a way of showing exhaustion or annoyance.  
You never even showed signs of refuting when Hoseok neared you.
Hoseok should be glad about your silence, as your voice and opinions were the polar opposite of his and grated on his nerves.  However, your silence seemed to irk him as well.  Your silent animal form frustrated him just as much as your human-like, loudmouthed persona.  It seemed there was no happy middle for him and his ideals towards you- a demon. 
Taehyung burned that compound to the ground.  
The walls and the gardens burned.  The trees that began to lose their wisteria blooms carried flames on their branches instead of petals and the compound weakened as the fire spread.  Taehyung stood at the compound’s perimeter, watching as the roof caved inward and the supports crushed one by one into a single level mass of debris and destruction.  The heat put out by the fire was significantly different from the winter chills as ash rose into the air, falling like faux snow. 
Taehyung turned, his hair blowing in long, loosely tied threads in the hot and cold winds as he moved to mount his horse, you jumping up the arm he offered down to you as you lay in front of him, your paws digging into the saddle of his steed.  He turned to Hosoek who sat on his own faithful mare beside him.  He trotted, ready to take off. 
“Let’s go. We have to get to the main estate as quickly as possible.  We’ve no time to waste.”  
“Of course,” Hoseok agreed, pulling on the reins of his horse, and kicking back his heels.  “Lead the way,” he said, holding back the urge to announce with it a sassy ‘my lord’.  In truth, he didn’t know what to address Taehyung as.  His name, like normal, or something that fits his new unofficial title waiting for him back at the main estate.  He was soon to be his overall leader, not just his comrade and friend.  He would need to address him with faithful, unwavering loyalty- honorifics included.  
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It was a three day trip on horseback to get away from the town and into the busy city of the main estate. The townspeople of the small town that held the burial site of his fallen lord, were told by Taehyung that he wouldn’t be returning and to let the compound at the far end of town rot away.  
He instructed the villagers to never step foot inside it’s fallen perimeter and to treat it as a cursed place that one should never tread.  Never try and clean it up, never allow your child to play inside its crumbling walls, never be a curious adult and venture inside.  Just let it rot away with time. 
They all trusted Taehyung and promised to follow his orders and warnings alike before they sent him off with heavy hearts; Hoseok following behind him. 
When Taehyung and Hoseok caught sight of the city from over a cliffside they had been traveling down, they slowed their horses as they entered the city’s north entrance.  Hoseok hadn’t missed being in this city, still far too busy for his taste.  As he rode beside Taehyung, only a horse clop or so behind, he could even see your fox fur stand and tails flick in hyperawareness with all the ruckus around. 
Finally arriving to the estate, Taehyung was greeted by Bunji who had sent word that he was already in the city.  He was sat on a large stone, legs crossed and hands in prayer that was looped with prayer beads.  He opened his eyes and halted whatever mantra he was currently mumbling to himself when he heard the clopping of hooves. He was quick to remove himself from his meditation and stand on his two feet as Taehyung slowed his horse to a halt, Hoseok mimicking his motion.  
“Master Taehyung! Welcome back!” He greeted in the same boisterous way Hoseok remembered and didn’t miss.  Taehyung dismounted his steed as you leaped to his shoulder before leaping onto the ground.  Shaking out your fur and stretching. Taehyung worked with his horse's saddle, untying his small bag from its side as he then pets at the neck of his faithful horse.  
“Bunji,” Taehyung started, earning the monk’s undivided attention. “Have the other’s arrived yet?” 
“Yes, Sir.  However, it seems as though Tsutsui has gone into town from some shopping.  Shall I call him back?” 
“Yes. I’m putting a meeting into order immediately.  We’ve no time.” 
“Yes, Sir!” Bunji was quick to take off, heading back to send word for the medical specialist to return.  Hoseok walked up to Taehyung as he watched the samurai release a sigh.  
“Hoseok, if you would, take the horses back to the stables.  I’m afraid I have much to prepare for.” 
“Of course,” was Hoseok's only reply.  He could see the invisible weight pushing down on his friend’s shoulders as he took the reins of his and Taehyung’s horses before leading them towards the back.  
Hoseok had gently pulled the reins over and off the ears of the horses once they were by their individual stable before pulling out the mouthpiece.  He unbuckled the leather saddle and instead threw a cloth over their backs before persuading them inside and shutting their stable door.  They whined at him as they shoved at his shoulder with their nose, nipping at his clothes as he swatted them away playfully.  Feeding both of them a carrot or two, he left soon after.  
Entering the estate, it wasn’t long before he ran into someone.  Kaori, walking around the halls in her daily kimono.  He remembered the female counterpart of Taehyung as one of the few leaders he’d be able to tolerate and maybe respect if put on the spot.  She held herself with enough dignity that Hoseok prided her in. 
“I see Taehyung has brought you back with him once again,” she softly spoke as she stopped to speak briefly with him on her way towards the meeting room. “He’s called a meeting so suddenly it’s a bit concerning. I do wonder what it is he’s planning to tell us all.” She looked at Hoseok.  “Perhaps you may enlighten me? Surely you know what is going to take place.”  Hoseok bit the inside of his cheek as he straightened his shoulder and took a small, nearly unnoticeable breath. 
“I believe it is in my best interest not to take Taehyung’s job away from him.  He’ll let you know in due time.  It is not my place to say.”  He lowered his head. “Excuse me,” he spoke before he was on his way in the opposite direction Kaori had been heading. In truth, he wasn’t sure where he was walking.  Weaving in halls, probably walking in a circle.  He didn't know what to do at the moment.
Was he supposed to attend the meeting like Taehyung had him do before? Or was he supposed to just hang around and wait it all out until a new order was given to him?  Right now, his only order was to accompany Taehyung and serve as his guard and comrade until further notice.  He finally stopped to sit on the outside walkways of the garden.  He sat for a while just thinking.  
His lord was gone and so was his lady.  All those people in the compound were slaughtered, but it didn’t look like it was done by just anybody. People had been split into two or had their heads crushed.  Hoseok cupped around his chin as his finger bent around his lips that dipped in a frown.  It was no human that broke into that compound.  Besides, Fuuta wouldn’t have fallen at the hands of bandits.  It was unlikely that everyone would’ve died even in the event of a bandit rush.  
The smell of that compound was musty and bloody.  It was no human- that he knew.  But now the question lies on what demon did the deed.  Taehyung probably told the townspeople that a bunch of bandits with wild boars broke in and killed them, but Hoseok was no fool.  Taehyung was simply reassuring the people that there was nothing more to fear, as he and Hoseok and yourself had taken out the bandits. They were the simplest go-to excuse. 
However, the look in Taehyung’s eyes as he lied to the people, as well as the way they looked when he watched the compound burn and even when he found everyone dead, they moved like he was hiding something.  Hoseok was curious about so much but had zero answers to any questions he had. What was Taehyung hiding? What demon attacked the compound and how did they locate it so quickly when the concealing spell had just been removed a day prior? How did they know that Fuuta was at that specific location? 
He sighed as he soon picked up on small taps from his left.  Lowering his hand from his chin, and resting his arm on his knee, he watched your fox body worked its way down the hall.  The small blue of your fire that never burned wrapping in small flames around your tails and paws.  You stepped towards him and stopped not far from his sitting form.  
“Did Taehyung send you?” He asked with a tone you were familiar with when confronting him.  Cold as the snow.  You merely dipped your head in confirmation.  “Don’t tell me he’s going to make me actually sit in on another meeting?” Your head fell and rose once more.  He sighed before he pushed himself up, straightening out his haori.  He looked down at you.  “Fine.  Lead me there. He’s probably getting impatient.”  You merely turned and started down the hall, him following you.  
This is the second time he’s had you lead him.  He’ll probably never forget the first time he followed you, as you pounced on his in his Inn room and lead him here to his estate. As he walked, he grew anxious.  
What could Taehyung possibly want him to attend this meeting for?  He was only to relay the message of Fuuta’s passing and announce his succession.  It was nothing Hoseok hadn’t seen or known already.  Perhaps he wanted him there for the reason that he was present during it all.  Perhaps he needed someone else to clarify and back him up in case someone tried to call it a bluff. 
You sat in front of the meeting room doors, waiting on Hoseok to catch up with you.  He stood over your small, animal form before announcing himself and sliding the shoji open.  Just like before, the leaders were sat among a table. The only difference being that Taehyung stood at the head of the table while the others sat in their rightful place and Fuuta was absent. 
Hoseok simply took the seat that belonged to Taehyung, earning a small click of the tongue from the monk across from him.  He gave an eye roll towards Bunji. 
“Alright,” Takaki’s shrill voice cut into the silence once Hoseok had taken his seat and you had trotted to sit at Taehyung’s ankles, “we’ve all gathered.  Now, what is it that you’ve called us here for, Taehyung?” 
Taehyung’s eyes traveled to each leader, making eye contact with everyone, even Hoseok as he saw that look in his eyes again. Taehyung tucked his hands together in his sleeves, as he had changed out of his armor and even let his hair down.  The kimono he wore was one Hoseok recognized in blues and yellows.  
“I have called to order a meeting of the remaining four leaders to announce a few important changes that will be happening immediately.”
“Four? You speak as though you are not including one of us,” Kaori spoke.  Everyone knew there were five leaders that worked under the lord.  Taehyung just closed his eyes and nodded once only to reopen them.  
“Yes, I will come to that.  Bare with me.” He cleared his throat lightly as your tails flicked opposite of each other.  Taehyung looked down at you for a moment before lifting his head again.  “Just over a week ago, our Lord Fuuta and Lady Shiro, along with the entire headcount of the northern compound were killed.”  A deathly silence filtered into the room, replacing the seriousness that was there before.  It vibed with small panic and somber sorrow.  “In light of the recent grim events, I will be stepping out from my position as a leader and taking my place as Fuuta’s rightful successor. 
“Lord Fuuta was killed?” Tsutsui asked. 
“I had heard that town had undergone a bandit’s raid, is that related?” Takaki asked, keeping his composure about him. 
“That’s impossible! Our Lord would not fall to the hands of a simple ruffian!” Bunji announced as he moved to stand in protest. Takaki was quick to shut him up by pulling on the back of his thick prayer beads, pushing them again his neck and lowering him back down to his rear. 
Taehyung raised his finger to his lips, mirroring the same method Fuuta always used among them to keep peace within a meeting of his children.  Bunji quickly settled.  Taehyung lowered his finger as he replaced his hand back into his sleeves at his front.  
“Yes. The raid took place at the entrance of the town and happened when Hoseok, Y/n and I were already out.  We had taken care of most of the thieves ourselves, but they were simply a distraction.  By the time Y/n had noticed something wrong and retreated back to the compound with Hoseok and myself, the culprit had already done his deed of slaughter and fled. The damage done was not that of a human attack- the one who killed the people of the compound along with Lord Fuuta and Lady Shiro was absolutely demonic.” 
“Do the townspeople know of it?” 
“No.  I told them that a second band of thugs and wild boars raided the compound.  I left them strict instructions not to go to the compounds remains either.  I burned the entire building to the ground myself after properly laying to rest the people who died there.” Some leaders looked at Hoseok, knowing he was present as well, for confirmation.  
“It’s true.  The compound was demolished and Fuuta was buried with Shiro, along with all the others.” 
“Do we have any leads on who the demon who killed Fuuta is?” Kaori asked. 
“Yes, I do.” At Taehyung’s proclamation, Hoseok raised his eyes to him with shock.  He knew? “I’ve had many nights to sit and think about it all.  Fuuta did not raise or teach a fool, I am abler than many think.  Fuuta shared many secrets and wishes with me, and I with him.  Today, I shall share a wish and a secret of his to me in light of his passing.” The attention on Taehyung was absolute, no one dared to look away, Hoseok especially.  
The seriousness in Taehyung and the way he stood, holding himself.  It was so surreal and clean cut.  It was like the Kim Taehyung, Hoseok knew and grew up with wasn’t there anymore.  It was truly the heir to the throne Fuuta left behind. 
“Among his many years of hunting and the founding of our organization, it is a well-known fact that we are not recognized as an official unit of power by the government.  However, it is unlikely that the military power of the capital would truly lash out as we have a direct connection to nobility through Fuuta as well as Kaori, the daughter of a wealthy conglomerate, sitting so high up in authority. With all that in mind, it should come as no surprise that certain demon’s despised Fuuta for creating an entire army against their kind.  He created a force made specifically to eliminate and destroy demons.” 
Taehyung looked down at you who had still been sitting at his ankle.  He reached down and picked you up. 
“This small fox is the same demon woman you all met one year ago that Fuuta and Shiro had taken in and raised.” There was a small murmur of recollection.  “She has taken on this form for a reason, but she is still Y/n and is still a demon who has sided with us.  She remembers the scent of the demon that lingered in the compound that day and will be beneficial to us.” He set you down onto the table, where you sat in front of him facing the others.  
“The demon who is most-likely the demon who killed Fuuta and all the others is named Zath. He is a terrible demon who has been around for longer than we have.  I won’t share it all, but of the things Fuuta had told me about him and how he knew the demon, it’s not farfetched to assume it was Zath who ended his life.”
“And what should we do about it?  Should one of us hunt him down?” Tsutsui asked, knowing that no matter what, it wouldn’t be him doing the tracking and killing- as it was not his forte.  He already saw enough work in his future by adding more reinforcement to his medical camps with the temporary lack of leadership chairs. 
“Yes, however, it will not be one of the four leaders. I shall be assigning someone else to do this, as this will lead onto the one wish Fuuta passed to my shoulders.” Taehyung reached into his kimono pulling out two objects.  One of which was a wooden play piece of the game of Shogi- the rook.  The other was a hair stick that once belonged to Fuuta.  “This Shogi rook is the one thing Fuuta gave to me when he announced me to the chair I sat in only a week ago.  As you all know, Fuuta had a tradition of giving someone something as a token of future success- you all possess such an object from him.”  
It was true.  The prayer beads Bunji wore were his gift.  Takaki was given a set of leather sheaths for his sai.  Kaori was given her hair comb with a rose carved onto it.  Tsutsui was given an engraved, rare metal rod for luck in his medicine.  Taehyung was given the strongest piece of Shogi, the rook. Along with the five of them, Hoseok was given something as well, that glass flower.  Hoseok began to question something and he lightly jolted when Taehyung looked at him. 
“You were given something as well, weren’t you, Hoseok?” He spoke with a small smile.  Hoseok nodded as he pulled out from a small pouch his glass flower, wrapped in a cloth to keep it from breaking.  Small gasps were sounded around him from his leaders.  Even you were looking at the flower, still astonished he had it.  “It was Fuuta’s hope that one-day Hoseok would take my place as the swordsman leader and I don’t disagree with his opinion.” 
“Wait, Taehyung-” Hoseok tried to interrupt.  
“However, even though he is strong, Hoseok isn’t strong enough to take my place yet.” Even if it was a fact, it still shot through Hoseok’s ego to hear it said aloud.  “In simple terms, he’s got a long way to go before he could hope to replace me in full confidence, so I will be giving him a mission that will require him to build his strength.  Once it is completed and he returns to me, only then will he be able to pridefully sit where I did.” 
Taehyung looked at Hoseok and his unsure face.  Hoseok never strived for a seat at his table, in fact, he hardly ever thought about what would happen if he were offered one.  Now, here he is, sitting in a chair that previously belonged to Taehyung, his best friend, and might soon belong to him.  
“Hoseok’s mission is not easy, and there are two conditions that will be included if you agree to take it.” Taehyung smiled at his friend.  “That being said, it is up to you if you wish to embark on the task I will give to you or not.  If you do not wish to, you are welcome to decline and return to your lower-ranked status. I will not force it upon your shoulders, as I know Fuuta would not have either.” 
“I’d like to hear the mission first, if you don’t mind,” Hoseok apprehensively requested.  
“Of course. Your mission will be to track down and kill Zath. The endgame is to have him eliminated for many reasons; however, all you need to focus on is killing him for the name of our fallen lord.  In regards to that, it would be a requirement for you to take with you someone who could track him down, or alert you to when he would be present.  To that end, I would instruct Y/n to accompany you on your mission as your partner.” 
Your head shot up to look at Taehyung as your ears flicked at his words.  Hoseok’s eyes widened as his jaw nearly dropped.  You moved to look at Hoseok as he looked back at the fox that was you.  He would have to work with you? If he took on this mission to succeed Taehyung’s chair, he would have to work with you and be your partner to hunt down the demon that took Fuuta’s life? He clenched his hand around his second, unused sword’s scabbard. 
“I do know of your past, Hoseok, as you know.  We’ve been friends for years, and I know the horrors you’ve seen and the trust you’ve lost.  I know the full depths of your hatred for demons, and that makes you an excellent demon hunter.  A fine swordsman with two blades, one that does not truly belong to you so you choose to never draw it in battle.” Hoseok’s jaw set at the hit to his past that Taehyung knew so well.  “You keep that second blade with you as a reminder as to why you fight. So, accepting Y/n- a demon fox- as your partner in this mission must be difficult for you to imagine.” 
Hoseok knew that hunting down that demon alone would be nearly impossible.  If Zath was as strong as Hoseok imagined with the ability to take down Fuuta and everyone else in so little time, Hoseok on his own would surely die.  And tracking him would be a nearly impossible task in itself, because how could he track a demon he didn’t know a thing about? You, however, knew his scent, as Taehyung had explained earlier.  You would be the only lead someone could use in trying to track Zath down. 
Taehyung looked away from Hoseok and around to his new subjects of which he used to stand beside as equals.  
“Now, I’d like to ask for your consent to properly take place as the leader of this organization.  I wish to ask for your blessings to take over where Fuuta left off if you all would let me.” He untucked his sleeves from his front as he lowered his back and head to bow respectfully.  There was silence before Kaori spoke first.  
“I offer my blessing,” she spoke with ease, raising her hand in approval. 
“I wholly offer mine as well!” Bunji announced, raising his hand along with a set of blue beads of prayer used to plead well wishes from the heavens.  
“I see no better time than the present to allow the one practicing for this position to finally take it, even if the situation is grim.  I’ll offer you my blessing,” Tsutsui easily agreed.  
“You’re a better fit than I, I’ll support you as the new lord as well,” Takaki finished.  
It was when Taehyung stood straight again that he knelt down and sat at the head of the table.  He placed his Shogi piece of the table and prayed to it, thanking Fuuta for guiding his path through this one piece of a strategy game.  He then raised the hair stick and looked at Kaori.  
“Would you mind? You’re far better with hair than I am,” he chuckled as Kaori rose from her seat and moved to stand behind Taehyung.  She pulled his long hair from his loose locks and began to pull it back.  Brushing it out the best she could, she was soon taking the length of it and folding it onto the back of his head.  
“The hair stick if you would,” she asked as she reached around his head as he offered it to her.  She placed it between the folds of neatly tied up hair and pinned it in place.  Stepping away from him, she took back to her seat. Your tails swished as you looked at him.  He picked his Shogi piece back up before he offered it out to you. 
“Y/n, take this.  As a gift from Fuuta to me, and me to you.”  You slowly reached out and lightly took the piece between your teeth, taking it from him and carefully placing it in front of you by your blue flamed paws.  “I think the rook suits you perfectly,” he chided with a pet to your head. He looked up again.  “As of the moment, all has its place.  You all are more than welcome to leave as you wish.  Take your time to grief as well, performance can be hindered by sorrow- do not neglect yourself from your emotions.” 
Taehyung began to stand again as the other four leaders exchanged looks.  They quickly got up and out of their chairs, Taehyung shocked at their quickness.  His eyes widened when they all gathered at the back of the room in a line, from right to left lining up in order from ranking.  Takaki, Kaori, Bunji and Tsutsui, all standing and facing Taehyung before taking to their knees, pledging allegiance to their lord.  
Hoseok watched them from his chair before he closed his eyes and made a decision for himself.  He stood from his seat as he looked at Taehyung before walking to the far right of the line of leaders.  He soon knelt beside them. 
“I’ll accept your mission and will work alongside Y/n to hunt down the demon Zath and return back to you and take my place as your fifth leader. I agree to work hard and prove myself as the next swordsman leader you and our late Lord Fuuta both can be proud of.” Hoseok declared as he lowered his head.  You had turned to face him on the tabletop, taking the Shogi piece into your jaw again and lowering your head, almost agreeing with Hoseok. 
Takaki raised his head.  “As the head ranking leader, I speak on behalf of all present leaders of now and the future.  We shall serve you as loyal and faithful servants until the time of our death.  You have our vow as the new Lord.  May you depend on and accept us as your new children, Lord Taehyung.” 
Taehyung smiled as he composed himself, feeling the stinging sensation of tears in his wide eyes.  
“I will disclose any further information regarding the Zath mission to Y/n and Hoseok at a later time, for now, you both shall remain here and rest. As for the rest, I look forward to working and leading each and every one of you. Please, be safe on your journeys.” 
“Yes, of course.  We wish you the best as well.” 
The sun fell below the horizon that day with a new lord, a new leader, an empty seat with a future promise to be filled and the unsuspecting alliance of Y/n and Hoseok.  However, it’s the future of the alliance between the two of you that Taehyung worried for, as he would soon be sending you both out on your own together without him to mediate.  
The entire idea- though the only way he could resolve the Zath issue at hand- gave him a terrible headache. 
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On ducks, chocolate and things that shouldn’t be
Fandom: Good Omens Rating: general audiences Pairing: Aziraphale/Crowley  Summary: Crowley is incredibly eloquent, except when he isn't. Aziraphale is obtuse in love, except when he isn't. When it comes to feelings, metaphors are a demon's best friend.
The apocalypse was over before it even began and that was a good thing, Crowley thought. World was safe, well, as safe as it could be with a bunch of power-hungry people who would come up with something really stupid every couple of years, a decade or so, like eating laundry detergents, putting pineapple on pizza (Crowley barely managed to keep a straight face when he received a commendation for that one) or kicking Pluto out of the Solar system and then grieving for...what exactly? Crowley had no clue. Anyway, back to the point...he definitely had one, right?
Oh yes. World was safe. So were they, along with their beloved things, like expensive vintage wine, hot cocoa and (but they were never to find out they belonged on the list) Crowley's plants. So technically, all should be good. Except it wasn't. 
With the Armageddon safely locked away, the very convenient excuse Crowley had for meeting up with Aziraphale whenever he felt like it vanished into thin air. 
Crowley found himself concerned with the F word.
Crowley's thoughts often reverted back to the touch of the angel's hand in his during the bus drive towards their destruction, or at least what they assumed would be one. And he was apprehensive towards a future in which that exquisite sensation would remain only a memory. On the other hand, if you sit in a hole for a long time, say, 6000 years give or take, the prospect of freedom tends to be equally appealing and terrifying. And changing anything about his and Aziraphale's relationship was anything but easy, especially when there was the demon thing involved. Confessing how he felt was one thing, but talking to a being of love about something a demon wasn't supposed to know or feel? That would be like reading one of modern interpretations of Shakespeare to the author himself, laughable at best, at worst...Crowley preferred to think of things less horrifying, like hellhounds or Lucifer's wrath directed at him personally. So...not changing a thing was safe. But then again, was there any better time for a change? Probably not. Maybe this was the right moment to dare to be stupid. And Crowley excelled at being stupid (apart from all the times he was awfully clever, but when it came to the only angel who ever mattered to him, stupid was the way to go). 
They were just returning from the Ritz and Crowley suggested a walk, you know, angel, to enjoy all the things that weren't supposed to exist anymore but still do, thanks to Adam. It was no surprise that their steps led to the park, their usual meeting spot. And while they stood there, both staring at the calmly swimming ducks and reminiscing about all the good times, the bad times and the awful times (such as the holy water thing, may it forever be forgotten), Crowley made a decision. He would speak up. He would be clear, enchanting, direct. He will confess his f...the thing without remorse, without shame and without dancing around the topic. 
"So..." he began, "...ducks." 
The angel blinked in confusion and stared at Cowley as if he'd grown a second head. "Excuse me?" Good start.
Crowley took a deep breath and assumed what he perceived to be a casual pose. To any indifferent observer, it might have seemed as a rake-leaning-on-a-barn-wall impression, but Crowley's head was too occupied to notice. "I have a thought on ducks. If...you'd be interested. To discuss. Ducks." Nice and clear, as intended.
Confusion did not leave Aziraphale's face, but then he slowly nodded and smiled at Crowley in a benevolent way. "Anything you find interesting, my dear boy." 
The demon slowly (not) exhaled. "Okay. Good. Great. Um." One deep breath and he continued. "So, let's just...pretend for a second. A theoretical scenario if you will. Let's pretend that there are no ducks, the world is duckless, just...like dragons, but ducks. And another person tells you they saw a duck." He waited for a moment for his words to sink in. "Would you believe them?" 
Aziraphale seemed to be thinking hard. "I'm not sure I follow...but I'll play along. Does the person in question truly believe he saw a duck?"
"Yes," Crowley nodded vigorously. "Yes, he is absolutely sure. He feels the duckiness as something terrifyingly real and he cannot comprehend how it could not be a duck. Even though he should not be seeing any ducks anywhere. Especially not him." The last bit slipped him before he could think. Bless it.
A frown this time. Crowley didn't like it when Aziraphale frowned, he much preferred to see him smiling, his eyes closed in ecstasy as he was nibbling on something delicious. "Why should he be special in not seeing ducks?" 
Crowley cursed his snake brain. "Let me try again, this probably wasn't the best metaphor...perhaps chocolate would be better." Waiting for Aziraphale's slow nod, he rambled on. "Yes. Chocolate. Um. What if you believe you are offering someone chocolate, but you've had no sense of taste for so long you cannot be sure? And the person you are offering it to is maybe disappointed because you promised them chocolate and it's not, perhaps it is something else, not as good, but you didn't know and then things get awkward and you destroy it all..." His rambling came to a sudden halt when he realized that he may have said too much. He was watching the floating birds with such a focus that he missed a sharp intake of breath next to him.
For a moment, it was completely silent between them, but then Aziraphale spoke. It was soft and barely audible, but full of determination. The angel may have been as soft as a cloud, but his will was unshakeable. "What if I said I didn't care if it was chocolate, a duck or something else? Maybe it is just what the other person has to share that I find irresistible...theoretically speaking," he added quickly. When Crowley didn't respond, he tentatively reacher out and laid a hand on the demon's shoulder. "My dear?"
Crowley found himself on a slippery slope, or at least something that reminded him of one very much. He felt something was moving between them, but the control had long since left him. "So...in theory. If it was me. If I told you that I'm experiencing something...unnatural for me? Something undemonic? Or would it be non-demonic? Non demon...demonope...ish?" He finally found the courage to look the angel in the eye. There was no frown this time, only...fondness? He really wished it was that.
"I would want to know what it is. No matter what it may be," Aziraphale announced, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
Crowley found himself unable to hold that pure gaze. And the fact that Aziraphale's hand was still on his shoulder wasn't helping either. "Even when you'd be well in your rights to tell me that I am wrong?" he nearly whispered.
The angel gave a disbelieving chuckle. "Why would I tell you that you are wrong? And don't say because it may not be chocolate!" he quickly added when he sensed Crowley might attempt to dodge the question. 
And that was the last straw for Crowley. Growling, he clutched his hair and collapsed against the railing. The ducks were now watching him, looking about as confused as Aziraphale. "Because you know what it feels like and I don't! You...you know the true, pure thing and I can't be sure, even though I'm pretty sure myself, but maybe that's just some kind of...a twisted version of the thing. And if it is, then I don't want you to know because you could be disappointed, disgusted even...and I just don't want to put you through that." I never want you to think that I'm not who you believed I was. 
For a moment, he was certain Aziraphale would leave, that their relationship never got past the Alpha Centauri rejection. And so when he felt those gentle fingers on his shoulder again, his breath may have hitched a little bit. but only a little. "Oh, Crowley," breathed Aziraphale and Crowley could swear he felt something strangely familiar in his voice, something reminiscent of the constant longing that took root in his heart, feeding on the angel's gazes, words, gestures, as if perhaps, by a miracle - because otherwise it's not possible, these things do not happen! - Aziraphale had one just like that, one that demanded Crowley's presence. The angel's perfectly manicured fingertips squeezed him tighter, urging him to look away from the pond. "You thinking this way is proof enough that it isn't twisted at all?" Aziraphale whispered.
Crowley gulped and, thankful for his dark glasses, shifted his snake pupils sideways, to finally meet that kind, round face. "You tell me, angel...you are the only one whose opinion I trust. So if you say the duck or chocolate isn't twisted, I want to believe that. I will believe that." And because his mind could hardly keep up with the development (because even if your mind is demonically sharp, going from 0 to 100 on feeling sharing after 6000 years would do a number on anyone), panic crept into his voice. "Are we still on the same page? Have we even been? Angel, tell me you know what I'm talking about, otherwise I'll have to come up with a different explanation, and a much less coherent one!" Because this was my best shot, the overly honest voice in his head added.
Thankfully, no new metaphors were necessary; Aziraphale somehow managed to squeeze himself between Crowley and the railing and, gently sliding down, his palms were suddenly warm and welcome in Crowley's grasp. "Yes, my dear. Correct me if I am wrong, but am I correct that I have just had the pleasure of hearing the most confusing and roundabout proposal ever?" 
Crowley was staring at the intertwined fingers. He did not see this coming, he definitely wasn't ready and he probably should have warmed his fingers up before this happened, Aziraphale may not like cold fingers, and wasn't he supposed to say something? Something to fill the hopeful silence? "Err...yes?"
Aziraphale beamed him, taking a step closer. "Then yes." 
Oh great, confusion was apparently contagious. "Yes...what?" 
"Let's see," the angel began and pulled Crowley closer with his inhuman strength and an undignified demonic squeak. "To list it all: I believe you saw a duck. I believe what you're offering is chocolate. And I would love to spend the rest of eternity watching the non-existent ducks with you and tasting chocolate with you. Anything, as long as it's with you." 
Fortunately, Crowley's brain finally capitulated and gave control over the whole body to his anxious heart. Crossing over those last few inches separating them, the demon did what he had longed for since Eden, for long, long centuries, even millennia. And he was happy to discover that it wasn't only Aziraphale's hands that were soft. 
They were in no rush to separate again, but eventually the moment had to come. Crowley found himself smiling like an idiot, and any other time he might have minded, but just now he came to a realization that a happy idiot was a much better option than his usual depressed genius. "Really anything, angel?" he croaked out, but the smile did not disappear. "Even...bebop?" 
Aziraphale laughed and pulled him back in. "Don't push your luck." 
And the park's ducks (also known as the unwilling inspiration for Crowley's worst metaphor yet and the unwilling participant of the closing act of the slowest burn ever) floated away with looks of dignified disgust, because of course, getting together with the love of your life was nice and all, but who on earth took the best feeding spot and did not even attempt to miracle a breadcrumb or two? How rude.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Free Falling, Chapter 3: Dip & Shake, Rattle, 'n Roll (branjie) - writworm42
A/N: Thank you Pinkgrapefruit for beta-ing and Holtzmanns for validating my healthcare references/portrayals and also reminding me what minigo is called (minigo is a thickened yogurt marketed towards kids and a favourite of parents & hospitals for kids who choke on things frequently). For those who don’t speak What Canadians Call Healthcare Things: rounds are weekly team meetings where the team is de-briefed on a patient’s progress and things like treatment plans, equipment, meds, and discharge are discussed.
TW for alcohol & food mentions
The staff room was already buzzing with people when Vanessa got in the next morning. Tuesday had always been rounds day, and every week, there was a new roster of patients, a fresh crop of gossip, and space to vent out grievances about hospital policy and lack of funding. And even though rounds had a reputation for being boring once they got down to business, Vanessa never tired of them. She loved hearing about the progress of each kid, even the ones she was only consultative with. Even more, she loved being able to share her own work, being able to gush about every kid and how far they’d come, how well they were doing. Rounds weren’t just a check-in, they were a portrait of every patient, and it was one that Vanessa could have sat and drawn and looked at forever.
Plus, every week, the dietician, A’Keria, brought snacks.
“Courtesy of 1712?” Vanessa reached over and grabbed a sticky baklava triangle from the tray in front of her as she plopped down between A’Keria and Silky, the unit pediatrician.
“You know it.” A’Keria grinned, passing over a napkin. “I swear, the kid always thinks he can get it past me– Eight-thirty in the damn mornin’ and he done try to have his boyfriend pass him this shit in a laptop bag.”
“An’ thank God he did,” Silky assented, munching and crunching on a piece behind a wide-toothed grin. “Best thing ever happened to this unit is teenage boys tryna fight against bein’ on low-cal liquid diets.”
Vanessa snorted as she chewed her pastry, watching the rest of the team file in. Apart from herself, Silky, and A’Keria, there was Yvie, the physiotherapist; Ariel, the Speech-Language Pathologist; Kahanna, the rehab assistant; Honey, the respiratory therapist; Plastique, the unit administrator; Nina, of course; Soju, thankfully; Mercedes, the chaplain; Scarlet, the Child & Youth Care worker; Ra’jah representing all of the floor nurses; and Shuga, the unit social worker. Everyone was still chattering, despite the clock ticking past eight-thirty, and Vanessa realized with a start that they were still missing someone.
“So sorry I’m late!” Brooke rushed in suddenly, and the conversation screeched to a harsh stop.
Brooke was wearing jeans and a sweater.
Brooke, the poster-child for skirt-suits, was wearing jeans and a sweater.
“Shall we get started?”
Everyone snapped to reality and nodded, the air in the room returning to normal, but Vanessa couldn’t help but notice the small, barely-visible smile on Brooke’s face.
The rest of the meeting was a disaster, and it was all Brooke’s fault. Brooke usually takes charge of every meeting, charging up to the front and diving right in, all business. Today, though, she was making jokes, explaining breathlessly why she was late, smiling in a way that has Vanessa’s  Brooke’s teeth are shining white, one of them just slightly off-kilter from the rest of them, the little rough edge to her perfect appearance mesmerizing when she talks. And she’s not just talking—she was asking questions, taking suggestions as to who should go first. Then a stray hair fell into her face, and it hit Vanessa that this whole time, instead of her usual pulled-back, hairspray-laden bun, Brooke’s long blonde hair was hanging in a loose braid.
How on earth could she be expected to pay attention to an update about Aquaria’s fluid intake when Brooke is brushing that stray strand back, blushing a little when she realized that her hair had started to come undone? How was Vanessa supposed to care about a discharge date when Brooke was taking neat cursive notes, a slight, precise line between her brows creasing as she frowned in concentration?
“Vanessa? Vanessa!”
Oh shit.
A discharge date.
“I, uh… I think, uh…” Vanessa blushed beet red as she tried to collect her thoughts. What kid were they on? What were their goals, again? What did Shuga say about their parents’ emotional readiness?
“What’s the status on the home mods you were prescribing?” Shuga threw her a bone, smirking knowingly. Normally, she would have been grateful, but instead, all she could think about was how acutely aware she was of how she was definitely making a fool of herself.
Needless to say, it was the longest rounds of her life. And when it was finally over and Brooke had sauntered out to go do some paperwork, everyone else on the team was determined to make it clear they’d noticed that something was going on.
“Okay, can anyone else believe that just happened?” Scarlet was the first to speak, a huge grin on her face.
Nina rolled her eyes. “Come on. You guys really think she doesn’t own jeans?”
“Oh, we know she did, question is, why she wearing ‘em?” Silky chimed in.
“Mm, she ain’t half bad lookin’,” Shuga shrugged, sheepishly adding, “Maybe she got some cookies, you know what I’m saying?”
“Oh, you think she done drink some of that warm milk to calm herself down?” A’Keria smirked. Opposite her, Mercedes nearly spit out her coffee.
“How d’you know she swings that way, though?” Scarlet pondered. “She gives me pretty queer vibes.”
“Maybe she’s bi?” Plastique prompted.
“As the resident bisexual on-unit, she’s definitely bi.” Ariel cut in.
“Speaking of,” she continued, a shit-eating grin spreading on her face as she turned to Vanessa, “Vanj, you seemed pretty off your game today.”
Vanessa blushed a deep red as the room fell into a bemused quiet, all eyes on her.
“I just didn’t sleep well, that’s all.”
“Mm-hm,”  A’keria cocked an eyebrow sceptically, “‘Cause you were cravin’ them cookies too, right?”
“Watch it, hoe!” Vanessa’s defensive tone only seemed to entertain the other women more.
“Alright, alright,” Nina, always the peacekeeper, raised her hand high in the air and began counting down on her fingers, the universal symbol in pediatrics to sit the fuck down and shut the hell up. “We’ve all got work to do, so how about we focus on the kids for now?”
Vanessa smiled gratefully to Nina while the others, grumbling about their fun being ruined, thankfully took the hint and began to collect their stuff and file out. Everyone except Ariel; much to Vanessa’s chagrin, she was booked for a feeding assessment with her for the next half-hour.
At least when they were prompting kids to open and close their mouths, Ariel would have to shut hers.
She rushed out of the room quickly, hoping to avoid any further questioning on the way to her patient’s room. She’d gotten about halfway out the door when suddenly, out of nowhere, a blur appeared in front of her.
A blonde blur, hair tied loosely in a braid, wearing jeans and a sweater.
“FUDGE!” Vanessa knocked hard into Brooke, bouncing off the taller woman and careening towards the floor. But at the last second, she was caught, flooded with relief at being saved from landing on her ass.
In the next second, though, her relief curdled into embarrassment as she realized that the hands on her waist belonged to the very woman she’d just nearly mowed over for the second time in a month.
“Sorry about that.” Brooke blushed as she helped Vanessa upright, the ghost of her touch tingling on Vanessa’s waist even after she’d let go.
“It’s fine.” Vanessa coughed. It wasn’t, not really, but what else was she going to say? ‘I don’t know what to say or do because you’re standing in front of me, and I keep embarrassing myself in front of you?’ ‘I wish you weren’t here because I don’t know how to act when you’re around?’
“Um, anyway… I need to get going. Late for an assessment.”
“Oh.” was it just Vanessa, or did Brooke sound a little disappointed? “Okay, then. See you later.”
And just like that, Brooke was gone, speeding down the hallway, Vanessa unable to ignore how good she looked walking away.
“You two have a thing for sweeping each other off of your feet, don’t you?” Ariel mused as she came up behind Vanessa, looking as pleased as a kid at Christmastime.
“Whatever.” Vanessa rolled her eyes and set off down the hallway, not bothering to wait up.
It was not whatever. It was really, really not whatever. The farthest thing from whatever that Vanessa could think of. For one thing, the kid they were assessing had a thing for scooping up their yogurt and throwing it. For another, Brooke seemed to be determined to run into Vanessa that day and was always walking by the room right when she got a faceful of strawberry minigo. And then there was the unignorable question–why was she buzzing around the unit, anyway? Usually, Brooke stuck to her office, opting to send Plastique for any signatures, charts, or documents she needed. So why, all of a sudden, was she parading around the nursing station, chatting with the staff, writing down notes with her tongue sticking out in effort, sauntering around like she owned the place with her braid swinging behind her and her ass looking so fucking good–
“You seem tense,” Ariel teased as they headed back to their office to document the assessment, “You know, they say petting a nice, soft pussycat can be good for that.”
“Shut the fridge up,” Vanessa growled. Nonetheless, that night, she found herself sitting at her kitchen table with her phone and a bottle of wine, staring at the Tinder icon she’d never bothered to delete.
You were cravin’ those cookies, too, right?
It was probably a good thing to get back out there. Clearly, she needed it.
She gives me pretty queer vibes.
Brooke was her boss, even if Scarlet and Ariel’s instincts were right.
You two have a thing for sweeping each other off of your feet, don’t you?
She didn’t want a shake and go romance, and she definitely didn’t want some nameless girl in her bed only to be gone the next morning.
But if the only other option was to keep pining over Brooke, then maybe Vanessa was due to re-evaluate her priorities.
She took a deep breath and opened the app.
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padfootagain · 7 years
A Recipe For Love (VI)
Part 6 : The First Christmas
Here is the sixth part of my series 'A Recipe for Love'! Had to decide where to go with this story, if I was to keep it flawless or complicate things and... you'll discover what I've chosen to do I guess :)
I hope you all like it!
Thank you to @riacollins for the amazing aesthetic she did for this series!
Word Count : 3393
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It felt surreal. Like you were lost in the middle of a dream from which you  never wanted to wake up. Dusk was painting colourful shapes in the sky, red and gold now mingling with purple through the Heavens, but nor you nor Caspian meant to move away from this blanket the two of you were lying upon. You nuzzled your face against the crook of his neck, his short beard tickling your skin, making him smile.
"Shouldn't we join your parents?" Caspian asked after a long and comfortable silence.
You groaned, shaking your head.
"Five more minutes," you mumbled.
He laughed, tightening his hold around you body, pressing you even more against him.
"We should go before night would fall."
"Caspian?" you breathed, ignoring him. "What's going to happen now?"
"Well... weren't we supposed to celebrate an early Christmas with your family?"
You giggled.
"Yes, but I didn't mean that, I meant... about us?"
He pulled away just enough to stare at you, his brown eyes diving into your worried gaze.
"Well... I... I don't know," he answered cautiously. "What would you like to happen now?"
He felt you slipping away from his grasp, and he didn't dare to stop you.
"I... I don't think that what I want is possible," you whispered, fleeing his intense stare.
"What would you want, Y/N?"
"This," you whispered, before taking a sharp intake of breath. "What we've been doing since we came up here."
He grinned.
"Well... that's exactly what I want as well," he smiled, cupping your cheek.
"But it's impossible."
"Why would it be impossible?" he asked his smile faltering as he frowned.
"I'm a cook and you..."
"Don't say it."
You fell silent, looking up at him again. His tone was suddenly colder, more in pain as well. He shook his head, anger shining beyond his chocolate brown eyes.
"It doesn't matter," he said fervently. "Your work, mine, it doesn't matter at all."
"It does, Caspian."
"No, it doesn't. Not when it comes to this. Not when it comes to who I love."
He rested his forehead against yours, heaving a sigh.
"I love you, Y/N," he whispered, his lips so close to yours that you could feel his warm breath brushing your sensitive skin. "I love you, and no one has the right to take this away from us, do you understand?"
You nodded, closing your eyes.
"But what will your people think?"
"I don't care about what they think..."
"You're King. And a good one. Of course you care."
"Trust me, Y/N, about this, I don't care about their opinion."
"Do you promise?"
"You have my word."
"Then... What will happen now?"
"Now? I was thinking about kissing you," he smirked, brushing his nose against yours, making you giggle and blush fiercely.
"That's not what I meant," you laughed.
He pulled you into a kiss anyway, his heart skipping a beat as his lips colliding with yours, his eyes instantly closing. He felt like he had suddenly found something he had been looking for during all his life, something he had been missing and had suddenly found. He felt complete with you in his arms, he felt peaceful and invincible.
One thing was for sure, he never wanted this feeling to disappear.
When you finally pulled away, it was to rest your forehead against Caspian's, your eyes still closed.
"We'll be together then?" you asked in a whisper.
"If you want me," he nodded.
You blushed fiercely, laughing.
"Of course I do want you," you whispered shyly.
He dropped a sweet peck upon your nose.
"Then we'll be together, and I won't let anyone tear us apart. Deal?"
You grinned, his feathery touch sending butterflies across your stomach as he trailed his fingertips down your neck.
 "Stop being so nervous."
You giggled at the sight of his flushed cheeks.
"I'm about to meet your family, of course I am nervous," he replied.
You took his hand in yours, smiling tenderly at him.
"My parents will adore you," you reassured.
"You didn't tell them that I am king, did you?"
"No, I didn't."
"Well... this is the promise for an interesting reaction, that is for sure."
You both chuckled as you made your way through the now deserted streets, the night scaring the inhabitants away from the cold paths. Caspian readjusted the blanket upon your shoulders to make sure that you would stay warm despite the falling snow.
"Perhaps I should not tell them," he said softly, a little frown appearing across his brow as he seemed to be thinking.
"Why not?" you asked back.
He shrugged.
"I don't want them to feel uncomfortable."
"They won't feel uncomfortable."
He raised an eyebrow.
"You did feel uncomfortable around me at first," he argued.
You opened your mouth to reply, trying to contradict him, but you had to admit that he was right.
"I don't reckon that lying to them during your first encounter is a good idea either," you told him as you entered the right street.
"You have a point," he nodded.
You finally came to a stop before your parents' house. You could hear the sound of laughter and voices coming from inside the house already.
Caspian took a deep breath.
"Ready?" you asked with a smile.
He nodded, letting you knock on the door.
Not five seconds passed before the door opened to reveal your father, a grin across his face.
"Y/N! How are you, my child?" he asked, taking you in his arms.
"I'm fine, father," you grinned back, kissing his cheek.
"Come in, come in, it's freezing outside!"
You walked in, Caspian following you in silence, a shy smile on his lips. Inside the room, your sister and your brother were already sitting around the wooden table, along with your uncle and your mother. They all cheered at your sight, standing up to hug you all in turns, while Caspian was patiently waiting behind you.
"Y/N, you should introduce your friend," your father reminded you, but he was already offering his open hand to Caspian. "I'm Y/N's father, Samuel."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. I'm Caspian."
"Caspian! What a funny name!" your uncle blurted out, laughing while shaking his hand. "Like the king!"
You and Caspian exchanged a glance.
"Actually, he is the king," you smiled.
But your whole family exploded with laughter.
"Yeah, of course!" your brother mocked you.
"Raphael!" you tried to protest, but your whole family was laughing.
"Come and sit down, Caspian," your mother invited him to sit around the table.
You sat down next to him, and the next second, wine had been served for him and food was already set upon the table.
"So, Caspian... how did you and Y/N meet?" your sister asked.
"We... we met in the Castle," he answered elusively.
"So you work in the Castle too?"
"I heard the king was building a brand new building that he would add to the structure of the Castle," your mother said. "They say it was meant for the domestics. Is it true, Y/N?"
"Yes, it is," you nodded. "We'll all have better rooms soon."
"That's very generous of him," your sister nodded.
"He should have done it sooner and never let his employees live in bad conditions in the first place," your father said harshly.
"He didn't know, father," you defended Caspian, throwing him a discreet glance.
"How could he not know?" Raphael asked.
"Do you really think that the king would visit the rooms of the domestics for fun?" your mother replied.
"Rosie has a point," your uncle nodded. "And he apparently took measures when he learnt about it, so all his fine."
"What do you think about it, Caspian?" your brother asked him.
Caspian looked down at his plate.
"I think he should have known much earlier. I think it should have never had happened," he answered softly.
"But if he's not in charge of making sure that they are living in decent rooms, how can he know?" Rosie argued. "If someone else is supposed to take care of it?"
"It happened in the Castle, and more than anywhere in Narnia, he's supposed to protect the people living there," Caspian shook his head. "He should have made sure that everyone had a decent room himself."
"Anyway, he's taking decisions now. I heard that some of you now sleep in the guests quarters," your sister said excitedly. "Do you?"
"Yes, I do!" you smiled.
"How is it?"
"It's... richly decorated."
Everyone around the table laughed.
The conversation drifted away from the Castle for a rather long while after that. As no one in your family had ever seen the king before, none of them noticed any resemblance between Caspian and the king beside their names, and it seemed that none believed in his true identity. One thing that didn't go unnoticed though, to all in the room, was the way you were looking at Caspian, and the way he was looking back at you. And your father was getting quieter and quieter as the evening flew by.
"And how about your business, uncle?" you asked the man next to you.
But he winced.
"It has seen better days," he admitted. "I used to trade a lot with the people in the north, you know? But these days, they have stopped almost all trades. I would be lying if I didn't admit that I am struggling these days."
"What kind of business do you run?" Caspian asked.
"I'm a smith," your uncle answered with a proud smile. "And a good one. But without my usual clients, I find myself in a difficult situation."
"Why did they stop the trades?" your sister asked.
But your uncle shrugged.
"Apparently they hold grievances against the King or something... And there's also the fact that they didn't like losing the war they fought against us. Some say that they could be a threat."
"And what does the King say?" your brother asked.
"Nothing so far," Samuel answered.
"He is trying to find an agreement and to negotiate," Caspian intervened.
"I heard that there has been an offer proposed to the King but he refused it," Rosie added.
"Why would he refuse an offer?" Raphael asked.
"Because it wasn't a fair one," Caspian answered quietly.
But Raphael snorted.
"Yeah, he's not the one struggling to pay the rent, right?"
Caspian stared intensely at your brother, but didn't say a word.
"What kind of proposition could he refuse?" Raphael went on.
"Maybe they didn't give him enough gold," your father mocked.
"Could we change the subject?" you asked, noticing how Caspian was clenching his jaw a bit more tightly at every second that passed by.
"What kind of offer could he refuse?" Raphael asked again anyway.
"Perhaps you just don't know the situation in its entirety," you said, your tone now annoyed.
"I mean, even if they ask for a few advantages about taxes or things like that, it's still better than nothing," Raphael went on, ignoring your remark.
"It was an arranged marriage," Caspian blurted out.
They all looked at him.
"What?" Raphael frowned.
"The offer was an arranged marriage," Caspian repeated. "With one of their daughters."
"Could be worse than marrying a princess," Raphael joked.
But Caspian merely stared at him.
"It still means marrying someone you don't love."
"And for us it still means less money..."
"The problem is purely about trades and economics, and it should be solved by agreements and low taxation, not by forcing two people to marry each other," Caspian replied coolly.
There was something kingly now in his tone, a sternness that was not there before, and your uncle noticed it, a frown now appearing on his elder face.
"If it's for the greater good..."
"It will not happen."
There was such determination burning in Caspian's tone as he pronounced the last sentence that an uncomfortable silence settled into the room.
"I think I need some fresh air," you mumbled.
You stood up and strode towards the door, not paying attention to your family that stared at you. You could hear Caspian's feet hitting the wooden floor after you, and were not surprised when he closed the door behind him and joined you under the falling snow.
"We should have grabbed our coats," he pointed out.
You didn't answer. You kept your back to him, unwilling to let him see the tears that were shining in your eyes.
He came closer anyway, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and resting his cheek against your hair.
"It will not happen," he said softly, and his tone was not one to accept arguments. "Y/N, I will not marry any of them."
"You heard them, even my family wants you to do this..." you whispered, but your voice broke.
"Then we're lucky they are not in charge of the decision."
You turned around, taking his hands in yours as you fell into his brown eyes, turning to face him.
"I don't want you to have problems because of me," you breathed shyly.
But you were met with nothing but an amused smile.
"I am ready to face as many problems as needed as long as I can be with you," he said tenderly, brushing a lock of your hair away from your face.
The two of you exchanged a smile.
"Trust me," he told you. "This arranged marriage will not happen."
You nodded, before resting your forehead against his shoulder, relaxing under his soothing touch as Caspian stroked your back.
"I love you, Caspian," you breathed against his shirt, your voice hushed by the fabric and a mere whisper.
"I love you too, Y/N," Caspian kissed your temple. "I love you, and no one can ever change that."
You both jumped when the door opened, revealing... your entire family.
They all had a shy expression on their faces, staring at Caspian as his arms slowly unwrapped from around your body to fall by his sides.
"You... you really are the king... aren't you?" your uncle asked in a whisper.
Caspian warmly smiled.
"I'm afraid I am," he nodded.
"By Aslan's name..." your sister breathed, before making a movement to bend.
But Caspian stopped her.
"No, please..."
"We should have never said all those things," your mother apologized.
But Caspian quickly stopped her.
"We should come back inside," your father breathed.
You started to follow your parents inside, but were interrupted by the loud sound of galloping horses coming closer.
At the sight of riders coming towards the house throughout the night and the falling snow, Caspian remained before the door, his whole body now tensed.
"Caspian..." you breathed, a worried expression on your face.
But he shook his head, pushing you softly away to make sure that you would walk inside.
Only when the riders were close enough for him to recognize their armours did Caspian finally relax, walking towards the newcomers.
He smiled at the sight of Reepicheep, sitting on the shoulder of one of Caspian's generals.
"We are sorry to interrupt, your Highness," the mouse apologized. "I'm afraid there is an emergency."
"What happened, Reep?" Caspian merely asked.
"Lords from the North are on their way to the Castle."
"They were seen at the border, they should be there before tomorrow night."
"They were not supposed to come before the New Year..."
Reepicheep merely shrugged.
Caspian heaved a frustrated sigh, trying to count how many hours he would need to travel, to organize everything for the Lords' arrival...
No, he didn't have a choice...
"I'm coming, Reep."
He turned towards you, an apologetic expression on his features.
"I'm sorry, I have to go. I must be there when they arrive."
You nodded, taking a step towards him.
"Of course, you need to go."
You exchanged a smile, before Caspian would turn to your family.
"I'm terribly sorry I have to leave like this. Thank you so much for your hospitality, and for your dinner, it was delicious."
He turned towards the mouse again.
"Reep, you'll stay here for tonight. You'll accompany Y/N back to the Castle tomorrow."
"Of course, my Liege," the knight nodded, jumping to the ground.
"I can come back alone," you breathed shyly, uncomfortable at the idea of bothering Reepicheep.
But Caspian shook his head.
"You can't take the risk to travel alone. Reep will make sure you're safe."
You chuckled.
"Now, here you are worrying about me again," you joked, making him smile.
"I'm afraid it's my doom from now on," he whispered, pressing a kiss to your brow. "I'll see you in the Castle, okay?"
You nodded, smiling at him as your mother handed him his cloak and he walked away from your house.
Reepicheep turned towards you.
"My lady, if it doesn't bother you, I will take a walk for a few minutes. I've been sitting for several hours, and my legs are all numb."
"Of... of course," you nodded, stuttering, your cheeks flushed at the sound of someone calling you 'lady'. "We'll let the door open, just knock when you come back."
The mouse bowed low and walked away, his little paws leaving traces into the thick layer of snow.
You closed the door behind you as you walked back inside your parents house...
.... to be met with excited shrieks.
"THE KING!" your sister shouted.
"And wait... does that mean that the two of you are..." Raphael asked.
You blushed fiercely, failing at refraining this grin that craved to appear on your lips.
"He... We..." you stuttered, unable to find the right words, but the colour of your cheeks and the joy in your eyes was enough to make your family understand.
"I'm so happy for you! But the KING!" your sister couldn't believe it.
"I guess... There are little arguments that I could find against a king," your father smiled.
You hugged him.
"Thank you, father."
"He seems to be kind to you," he nodded.
A dreamy smile formed on your lips.
"You can't imagine how much."
 "I thank you for your warm welcome."
"I hope your rooms will be to your and your daughter's liking."
"I am sure they will be."
"Take the night to rest, we shall discuss of important matters tomorrow," Caspian said softly. "Are you certain that you do not want to eat anything? I could ask for food to be brought to your room if you are too tired for an official dinner."
"It is very kind of you, Your Highness," the lord smiled. "But we ate on the road, and I am afraid that my daughter and I long for nothing but sleep now."
"I understand, of course. I will see you tomorrow morning then. Good night Lord Lirian. Good night, Lady Clarissa."
The blond woman grinned seductively, bowing before the king.
"Good night, Your Highness. I am more than delighted to finally meet you," she said, her voice made of poisoned honey.
Caspian politely smiled and nodded, leaving Lord Lirian and his daughter Clarissa free to reach their rooms, Lord Emras acting as their guide.
But instead of staying in the corridor, Emras walked into Lirian's room, quickly followed by Clarissa and her father, who closed the door behind him.
"So... how is the situation?" Lirian asked Emras, getting straight to the point.
He poured himself a glass of red wine, before handing another to Emras. They sat down on the sofa before the fire, warming their hands to the flames.
"I have no knowledge of the King courting anyone," Emras said. "He has not accepted your offer though."
Lirian laughed.
"Give him a moment with my Clarissa and he will be convinced," Lirian reassured him. "But I am counting on you to make sure that my daughter has no rival."
"I have no knowledge of any woman that the king could be courting," Emras repeated.
"Good. Now, you'll have to make sure to keep it this way."
Emras nodded.
"Then..." Lirian spoke again, raising his glass before him, "let's drink to a long alliance between our lands, and a long wedding..."
"To a long wedding," Emras smiled.
He drank up his glass of wine, a little smile on his face.
If the king couldn't see reason, Emras was determined to force him into the right path, no matter what it would take...
Tag list : @geeksareunique, @giggleberts, @sad-orange-thoughts, @aylinnmaslow, @haritini2000, @ladyblablabla, @drinix, @joelynnp, @wearetalkingtoyou, @riacollins, @benbarnesfanforever, @divisionlunar, @captainbarness
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A Way to You Again: Part 8
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Language
Word Count:  1456
Catch Up Here
Summary: Bucky and Y/N have been fairly successful at keeping their relationship hidden from the rest of the Avengers. That is… until Nat walks into the kitchen one night and finds Bucky kissing Y/N. While Y/N is relieved that their relationship is out in the open it soon becomes more complicated than she could have ever imagined.
Author’s Notes: Thanks to the lovely @melconnor2007 for the request.
Just brace yourselves, okay?
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I knew if I wanted to keep the rest of the team from knowing the awkward drama that was unfolding between half of its members I would have to keep calm for appearances’ sake while trying the best I could to avoid Bucky. As we neared the dinner table I took my place between Sam and Steve.
“Not gonna sit with your boyfriend?” Sam asked with a wink. I sighed internally. I obviously was already off to a bad start. From the corner of my eye I could see Bucky shift slightly to look at me.
“Why would I do that when you’re here, Sam?” I countered with a flirty smile.  He chuckled into his beer as he shook his head.
“Better watch out Barnes or I might steal your girl,” Sam chortled as he raised his eyebrows playfully. I braced myself and looked in Bucky’s direction. There was no humor in his eyes as he stared unblinkingly at me.
“Wine?” Tony interrupted – pulling my attention away from Bucky.
I smiled at him warmly as I nodded my head. He poured a small amount and was about to leave before I placed my hand gently on his. “Tony, you might as well top it off,” I suggested. He laughed as he shook his head and poured me more.
“You’re usually not one to drink in excess like the rest of us,” Tony chuckled as he looked at me inquisitively.
“People change,” I shrugged as I lifted the glass to my lips – looking directly at Bucky. His eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly as I turned away and offered my attention to Tony who was diving headfirst into our meeting while we ate.
“Y/N, it’s your turn to clean the dishes!” Sam proclaimed with a slap on my back. I felt a small surge of panic. Bucky could easily corner me in the kitchen and start the conversation that I was already talking myself out of having.
I groaned as I got up from the table and began collecting everyone’s dishes. Nat had luckily excused herself quickly after eating so I didn’t have to force a pleasant interaction with her. As I neared where Bucky sat and reached for his plate he mumbled, “I’ve got it.” With that, I spun on my heel with the empty plates in hand and made my way straight to the kitchen with Bucky following closely behind.
We began our task in silence. I washed the plates and handed them to Bucky to dry – never taking my eyes away from what I was doing. The tension between us was palpable, but I refused to be the first to speak. As I handed him the last plate his hand brushed against mine causing me to nearly drop it as I jerked back. I turned to look at him and saw the hurt that filled his eyes. “Y/N, I…” he began, but I held my hand up. I was more than a little tipsy from all the wine I had had with dinner. It was making it increasingly difficult for me to hold my resolve.
“I… I can’t… not tonight,” I finally managed to say.
“Then when? Y/N, I need to explain,” he added as panic seeped through his voice.
“You’re right. You need to explain, but not tonight Bucky. For one night I don’t want to cry over you. I just want to have a nice night with my friends. Is that too much to ask?” I added angrily.
“Everything okay?” Steve asked as he leaned casually in the entryway to the kitchen.
“Yeah, Steve. Bucky was just finishing up,” I added as I threw the sponge back into the sink and walked out of the kitchen with Steve walking beside me.
“Are you really okay?” He asked under his breath.
“Yeah – I just… I drank too much and I just want one night with all of us together before I fuck it all up,” I muttered miserably. Steve wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gave me a light squeeze.
“Well luckily for you its movie night,” he said as we strolled into the common room.
“And we’re watching The Hangover!” Sam shouted as he held up the dvd case. I groaned as I rolled my eyes playfully. In all honesty, this was exactly what I needed.
Steve and I settled ourselves onto the couch. I secretly prayed that Bucky wouldn’t sit by me, but given the fact that the only free seat in the room was beside me there was no way he could get out of it— at least not without drawing unwanted attention to us.  A few minutes went by before Bucky strolled out of the kitchen. He scanned the room looking for a seat and saw the only one open was next to me. He casually grabbed my favorite blanket for movie nights before making his way to the couch and sitting uncomfortably close to me. Of course, for the others he was still my boyfriend so nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
“I can take it from here, Steve,” Bucky whispered, a little too intensely, prompting Steve to remove his arm from around my shoulders. Bucky casually replaced it with his – holding on to me a little too tightly. “I brought your blanket,” he whispered as he spread it over us. I grunted softly in reply. My intake of wine was making me tired, but I was also acutely aware of Bucky’s fingers gripping my arm, and the warmth of his body as he sat next to me. I had been afraid of this – being around him and becoming intoxicated by his presence. It was so easy for it to happen, and I suddenly found myself trapped – unwilling and unable to break our contact. Maybe it was the wine, or the lonely nights at the cottage that caused my sudden lapse in self control, but for a few moments I allowed myself to forget everything that had happened… just so I could feel his comfort again. I rested my head softly on his shoulder and felt his small sigh as his fingers caressed my skin under the blanket. My body relaxed as my heartbeat slowed.
As I drifted to sleep I wondered if it was possible for us to find a way back to each other.
I blinked wearily to a strange sound coming from the other room. I vaguely remembered falling asleep with my head on Bucky’s shoulder, and him carrying me to my bed. I heard the noise again – this time it was louder and longer. I sat up rubbing my eyes. With a surge of panic, I realized that the noise was coming from Bucky’s room and, more importantly, that it was Bucky. I jumped out of my bed and made my way to the hallway. As I pushed his bedroom door open the sight caused my breath to catch in my throat.
“Y/N,” he called wearily as Nat held him to her.
“Oh… I’m… Okay…” I muttered as I spun on my heel and quickly retreated. I could hear Bucky get up from the bed and follow me. I didn’t want to go back to my room so I walked the long hall to the elevator – hopeful that I could get the doors to close before Bucky could catch up. I was just in luck – I pushed the button to the rooftop balcony as the doors closed on Bucky’s panic-stricken face. I sighed with a sudden surge of relief.
“FRIDAY,” I said to the empty elevator.
“Yes, Ms. Y/N?” FRIDAY responded.
“Don’t let Sargent Barnes know where I am,” I responded flatly.
“Yes, Ms. Y/N.”
Stark Tower was expansive. With any luck Bucky would give up his search and go back to his room – giving me time to think. I wearily dragged my feet as I exited the elevator. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. So this was it – after all this time, after all of my running – I had never been able to admit to myself that I wanted to come back to Bucky and make everything okay…. but now in the face of losing him to someone else, I could? My heart sank as I laid myself on the couch in the sunroom that overlooked the New York City skyline. I felt miserable as tears spilled over my swollen eyelids. For some reason what I had just witnessed seemed like a bigger betrayal than Bucky not telling me about Nat in the first place. It was intimate and personal – something that I had always helped him with, and in the span of a week I had been replaced. I hugged myself tightly as I laid on the couch and cried myself to sleep.
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bottledcake · 8 years
Flower Funeral (III)
I tried my best to keep writing _(:’3_/ I’m not good with writing English stuffs orz
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Xunran opened his eyes in the morning with a different ceiling with his room. The cotton sheets smelled unfamiliar, a faint smell of wood and flower. He climbed out of bed, rubbing his eyes. It was a room with a bed, a simple desk, mirror, and cupboard. A sofa was placed by the window. He wasn’t in his home. He found his cell phone and wallet placed the desk beside bed. The clock showed 6 o’clock.
He found out he had changed his clothes to a soft gray tee and drawstring sweatpants. They were definitely not his. His clothes were nowhere in sight; he opened the cupboard but it was empty. His mind tried to find out what happened last night but nothing came out. He remembered visiting Ah Cheng’s home, having a dinner and wine.
Wine. Was he drunk? Xunran shook his head.
Xunran stepped out the room. He glanced around, finding out that he might be on second floor of Ah Cheng’s house. He recognized the first floor when he reached the stairs down.
The smell of coffee filled the first floor, made Xunran instinctively walked to the kitchen. Ah Cheng wasn’t there, but Xunran noticed bowls for two was placed on the table.
‘Good morning, mister Li.’
Xunran jumped a bit, finding Ah Cheng was behind him. ‘M-morning.’
Ah Cheng was smelled fresh of soap. His hair was down – hadn’t yet been touched with hair products but it was combed neatly. He wore black sweater and gray ankle swinger pants. It was rare for Xunran to see Ah Cheng with casual clothes.
Xunran felt bit embarrassed, he even hadn’t washed his face and he was sure his hair sticking out everywhere.
‘Breakfast is waiting,’ Ah Cheng gestured towards table, offering a seat for Xunran.
Xunran nodded and sat. Ah Cheng came over carrying a jug and poured coffee for Xunran. It had nice pleasant aroma like always. He brought over an earthenware pot filled with warm chicken congee and a plate of you tiao.
Ah Cheng filled a bowl and gave it to Xunran, then filled one for him.
‘Mister Ming.’
‘Hm?’ Ah Cheng sipped his coffee.
‘I’m sorry to bother you. I don’t intend to spend a night here.’ Xunran bit his lip.
‘It’s fine. You passed out yesterday and I thought it was better for you to rest.’ Ah Cheng assured Xunran.
Xunran scratched his head in embarrassment, ‘I should watch my intake next time.’ So if he passed out, could it be it was Ah Cheng who changed his clothes? Xunran gulped.
Ah Cheng snorted, he knew what was going on in Xunran’s mind. ‘It’s okay. I used to change my little brother clothes.’ He casually talked like nothing happened. ‘I have washed your clothes. It should be dry now.’ He continued.
‘Thanks. Sorry.’ Xunran looked down and took a mouthful of congee. His ears were red. He didn’t know whether it was bliss or not he was passed out, imagining those lean fingers unbuttoning his one by one.
Xunran shook his head, trying to erase the thought. It’s still morning, Xunran.
Ah Cheng raised his brows seeing Xunran who shifted awkwardly and hold his laugh.
When Xunran was in the bathroom, he found out Ah Cheng had placed his clothes and a new toothbrush on the cabinet. His clothes were ironed neatly and his shirt fabric felt soft. He didn’t know what magic Ah Cheng used.
After finished showering he combed his hair with his hand, letting his hair down because he didn’t dare to touch Ah Cheng’s hair products – even though Ah Cheng had said to use whatever in the bathroom.
When he was out the bathroom, Ah Cheng was sitting on sofa, reading newspaper. He had change to his usual white shirt and gray khaki pants. His hair already styled.
‘I’ll replace the toothbrush, and wash the clothes and towel.’
Ah Cheng looked up and folded the newspaper. ‘Leave the toothbrush here. It will be useful if you want to spend a night here again.’ He walked to a cabinet and took out a paper bag.
Xunran blinked. ‘Ok…’ He put in the dirty clothes to paper bag Ah Cheng offered.
Ah Cheng looked at his wristwatch. ‘It’s time, or you’re going to be late.’ He took his car key, coat and gloves. ‘I can drop you at your workplace, or do you prefer other place?’
Xunran raised his brows, ‘At my office, please.’ He followed Ah Cheng out and waited him locked his house.
Again, out of his habit, Ah Cheng opened the passenger door for Xunran. Ah Cheng saw Xunran who awkwardly went in then smiled a bit.
‘Mister Ming?’
‘Hm?’ Ah Cheng still kept his sight to the road.
‘How do you know I need to get to my office today?’ asked Xunran.
Ah Cheng drove into highway. ‘Yesterday your friend Chen phoned you many times until I decided to take the call.’
Xunran sighed; it might be when he passed out again. ‘Sorry to bother you again.’ He said weakly.
‘It’s fine,’ Ah Cheng chuckled. ‘It’s like I have another little brother.’
Xunran then turned to Ah Cheng, frowning. ‘How old are you this year, Mister Ming?’
‘Hm? Why so suddenly?’ Ah Cheng laughed.
‘Because you don’t know mine, and I don’t know yours. I should know before I can become your di di.’ Xunran leaned back to his seat.
‘I’m 27 this year, how about you?’ Ah Cheng replied.
Xunran stiffed a chuckle. ‘Mister Ming, you don’t have any right to make me your di di. I’m 28.’
Ah Cheng grinned. ‘Well, it’s just a numbers.’
Ah Cheng parked his car and about going out to open door for Xunran. ‘You don’t have to, Mister Ming. I can open the door by myself,’ Xunran smiled then stepped out the car.
Ah Cheng snorted then stepped out too.
‘Thank you very much for the ride, Mister Ming. Also for the food and clothes,’ Xunran showed the paper bag.
This time maybe it was Ah Cheng who was blinded by the smile that the detective made.
When Xunran was about to turn, Ah Cheng grabbed Xunran’s hand, which brought the paper bag. He untangled Xunran’s fingers one by one.
‘Mister Li, you don’t have to insist washing these clothes,’ Ah Cheng took the paper bag from Xunran’s hand. ‘You can come to Jade Porcelain anytime for coffee. We don’t need reasons and excuses.’
Xunran looked baffled at first, and then he giggled. ‘We both have hidden motives, don’t we?’
Ah Cheng smiled and waved good bye to Xunran. ‘Good day, Xunran ge.’
When Ah Cheng had gone inside his car, Xunran blinked. Did Ah Cheng just call him by his name? And he added an honorific?
Xunran couldn’t help to smile while walking to the police office.
 ‘What happened with your hair?’ asked Chen when Xunran walked in.
When it was lunch time, Xunran decided to send Ah Cheng a message.
What should I call you? You have called me Xunran ge. I have to know my di di’s name
Ming Cheng or Ah Cheng it’s fine, Xunran ge <3
Xunran chuckled at the heart emoticon until he decided to stop because Chen seemed ready to tease him again about girlfriend topic.
Xunran scanned the board in front of him. He sighed; he might be spending reading the files again before sleep.
He leaned back into his seat and stared at Xiao Jing Rui’s photo. It was for around a year, and the suspect was regularly came back to put flowers. The suspect was very dedicated, especially when Xunran noted the place Fang Meng Ao body was found. It was hard to get to the place. Yao Yao said the suspect might have both respect and regret to the victims. A year was a long time; he would ask Chen or Li to interview more people around the area where Jingrui’s was found.
Ah Cheng opened his eyes to a soft cotton sheet. It was still smelled fresh; he remembered he put it on Ming Lou’s bed. He climbed out the bed, turned to window. Sun light glimmered through the sheer curtains. He must be dozen off yesterday.
He checked his phone. It was seven o’clock. Usually when he brought breakfast, Ming Lou already woke up and read his newspaper.
‘Have breakfast with me. You purposely bring breakfast for two, or do you think I can finish all of these?’
Ah Cheng smiled bitterly then stepped out the room. After he made sure he had locked the room, he took his coat that placed on the sofa in living room.
The avenue in the morning was always filled with various food stalls selling for people who needed a quick breakfast before work. Ah Cheng sighed. He didn’t have any mood to eat today. Did he ever eat something yesterday? He sometimes wondered how he could still function for these three years.
He passed the food stalls, ignoring the vendors who greeted him and offered their goods. Their voice turned into muddled sound which made Ah Cheng’s stomach felt tightened. He stopped and stood there in the middle of avenue, gulping his breath.
‘For you!’
Ah Cheng blinked. He saw one little hand with a bun. He looked up and a face of young boy was in front of him, who wore a blue jacket and jeans. His hair was tied a bit messily and paper bag filled with buns was in his other hand.
‘For you!’ He repeated while shoving the bun to Ah Cheng.
‘Thank you for your offer, but no. Thanks.’ Ah Cheng smiled to the young boy. When he was about to go, he felt his sleeve was tucked.
‘For you! No need pay!’ He took Ah Cheng’s hand and put the bun to his palm. Before Ah Cheng could reply, the boy already went away and disappeared between the people in the avenue.
Xunran walked across the boulevard with a box of affogato cake. At least this was the thing he could do because last time they met Ah Cheng refused his offer to wash the clothes.
He raised his brows when he saw unfamiliar man was sitting at the table by the window, reading magazine. Xunran thought maybe he was a customer.
Xunran pushed the shop door, making a faint tinkling sound. ‘Excuse me…’
The man looked up from his magazine. ‘Ah Cheng ge, I thought you said you would be gone till 1?’ He frowned seeing Xunran over from his head to feet then he seemed try to get his composure back. ‘I’m sorry sir, I mistook you with someone.’ He put down the magazine then stood up. ‘The owner is out for a while, maybe half hour later he will be back if you want to wait.’
‘Thank you, I can wait.’ Xunran nodded with a brief smile.
‘Please,’ he gestured to the seat area.
Xunran placed the box on table then sat. The man walked towards the counter, where Ah Cheng put his coffee machine and back with a cup of warm coffee. Xunran was already familiar with the scent of it; it was Ah Cheng’s special blend. Xunran thanked the man for the coffee.
He sat across Xunran, noticed the gift box that Xunran brought then leaned a bit, ‘Are you friend of Ah Cheng ge?’
‘Ah yes. I’m Li Xunran.’ Xunran nodded. The man called Ah Cheng casually by his name; he might be someone close to him.
‘Nice to meet you, I’m Ming Tai.’ He smiled, offering his hand to Xunran. ‘Maybe if someone doesn’t know my brother well, they will mistake you as my brother.’
‘Nice to meet you,’ Xunran greeted, shaking Ming Tai’s hand. Weirdly enough, a little part inside him felt bit relieved when he found out the man was Ah Cheng’s brother. ‘Most people I meet thought I’m his brother.’ Xunran chuckled and covered his mouth a bit.
Ming Tai turned his gaze to Xunran. This fellow was really like a twin of his brother. The eye wrinkles that appeared when he laughed were almost the same with his older brother. The few differences were more into his character and maybe the style he wore. When he talked, Ming Tai immediately knew he wasn’t Ah Cheng ge. The smile he made was different, his brother was like a night sky and this fellow was the sun.
‘But Ah Cheng ge never once tell me about you.’ Ming Tai pouted. ‘How long do you know my brother?’ His eyes brightened, waiting for answer from Xunran.
‘Maybe about three or four months?’ Xunran said.
‘Hmm Ah Cheng ge made a friend is something new tho,’ Ming Tai muttered to himself. ‘Ah how about you join us for dinner tonight?’ He grinned. ‘Da Jie will be very happy to have more company.’
‘Eh? It’s your family time. I’m just an outsider,’ said Xunran hesitantly, shaking his hand. ‘Also I still have work this evening.’
‘Nah, it’s fine. I can get you after work, where do you work?’ Ming Tai took out his phone. Xunran made an awkward smile, thinking how to get away from the offer.
‘Ming Tai!’ Ah Cheng stepped in to the shop. ‘Xunran,’ He smiled to Xunran and turned to his little brother again, frowning.
‘I didn’t do anything.’ Ming Tai raised his hands while pouting. ‘I only asked your friend to join our family dinner. The more the merrier.’
Ah Cheng stared for a second, and then shook his head. ‘Ming Tai…’
‘Da Jie will be happy,’ Ming Tai interrupted. Then he turned to Xunran, ‘What’s your phone number?’
Xunran looked between Ah Cheng and Ming Tai. Ah Cheng looked concerned and Ming Tai was like expecting Xunran’s immediate answer. That was maybe he was very relieved that he received a phone call from Chen.
‘Excuse me. I… have to go back to work. Please enjoy the cake.’ Xunran smiled. ‘Good afternoon.’ He walked out the flower shop. He tapped his phone. ‘Yes, Chen?’
Ah Cheng turned to Ming Tai who made a ‘what’ face. Ming Tai leaned his chin to his palm. ‘Invite him, Ge. I don’t want to see you just staring down at plates all night. Can I open this?’ Ming Tai pointed at the cake box Xunran left on the table.
It was a tiring day for Xunran. This afternoon there was a case of robbery which fortunately it was solved in the same day. Although there were lots of leg work to do. He was very tired and a hot shower at home was a good idea. Xunran was tidying up his desk and got ready to go home when a message notification popped to his phone.
I’m outside.
Xunran hurried to the front office. Ah Cheng was waiting there, wearing black turtleneck and navy blue coat.
‘Hey, Xunran.’
‘Ah Cheng,’ Xunran looked at Ah Cheng with question on his face.
‘I just want to ask maybe if you want to join our family dinner,’ Ah Cheng said softly. ‘You don’t have to if you don’t want. Ming Tai kept nagging me.’
Xunran was about to turn him down, because it might be a private family time. But if Ah Cheng had decided not to ask him to come, he would not bother himself to get him to his office; it might be his little brother instead who would come.
‘Ok… but,’ Xunran said.
‘But?’ Ah Cheng raised his brows.
‘Let me change first. I had a case this afternoon and I had to run, lots.’ Xunran laughed. ‘Just give me a minute.’
Ah Cheng nodded. Xunran stepped back into the office. He remembered that he put few spare clothes in his locker. After few minutes he decided with a chambray shirt which was found tucked between his tees. He found a pair of white slim chino pants and changed. Next time he should put more spare shirts in locker, Xunran noted. He hoped this was good enough for a family dinner – though Xunran thought he was still undressed.
Ah Cheng and Xunran walked together to the parking lot. Like always, Ah Cheng opened the door for Xunran and then got in on the driver’s side.
As Ah Cheng pulled away, Xunran could feel his stomach tightened. Was he too early to say yes for going to Ming family dinner?
‘You okay?’ Ah Cheng asked, after a while.
Xunran nodded.
‘Don’t worry; it’s just a casual dinner. Like Ming Tai said, my older sister is always happy to have more company.’ Ah Cheng smiled then focused his attention on the road.
Xunran was still wondering where Ah Cheng would take him until he stopped at driveway. His mouth went dry seeing a mansion. Xunran was about to question Ah Cheng, but he already stepped out to open the big iron gates.
Xunran bit his lip and stayed silent when Ah Cheng went back inside car then drove up to the curved driveway at the front of the mansion. He parked beside a red sport car.
‘Once in a while we have dinner here.’ Xunran startled. Ah Cheng had opened the passenger door for him.
It was a two floor big mansion, which made Xunran got reminded who Ah Cheng was. He followed Ah Cheng to front door.
In the front room, Ming Tai was sitting on the sofa, reading a book. A plate of sliced apples was on his lap. When he saw Ah Cheng and Xunran stepping inside, his face brightened like a kid who got his candy. He put aside the plate.
‘Oooooh Da Jie will be very happy.’ He clasped his hands.
‘Where is Da Jie?’ Ah Cheng asked.
‘She was having tea with Jiyun in sunroom. Eh, Xunran ge, come with me.’ Ming Tai grabbed Xunran’s hand, made Ah Cheng frowned to his little brother.
‘Ming Tai,’ Ah Cheng made a stern face. He knew Ming Tai was thinking something mischievous.
‘A sec, Ah Cheng ge. I want to surprise Da Jie.’ Ming Tai giggled while dragging Xunran to living room. Xunran throw a worried look to Ah Cheng.
‘It’s ok,’ Ah Cheng replied while following Ming Tai but he waited outside sunroom.
Two women were chatting happily when Ming Tai walked in with Xunran. The one seemed older wore an elegant styled hair with designer white long sleeves shirt and purple skirt. Beside her was a woman who looked younger with shoulder length hair and simple pastel blue dress.
‘Da Jie, Jiyun darling,’ the little brother cheerfully called. ‘Look who is coming.’
Ming Jing turned. ‘Ming Tai, is Ah Cheng – oh Ah Cheng, you have come. I thought you wouldn’t come, you didn’t answer my call. Ah Cheng, why are you hiding behind Ming Tai?’
Ming Tai giggled while Xunran was awkwardly standing behind him.
‘Jie, I think the gentleman over there isn’t Ming Cheng,‘ Jiyun smiled.
‘Eh?’ Ming Jing frowned to the man. She noticed his hairstyle was different with Ah Cheng’s usual hairstyle. And somehow the man had different vibe with her second younger brother.
Xunran was about to speak up when Ah Cheng stepped in to living room. ‘Jie, he’s my friend.’ Ming Jing blinked while Ming Tai was laughing harder. ‘You two, you sure like to play around with me despite your age.’ Ming Jing sighed and shook her head.
‘I’m sorry, Jie. I just can’t help,’ Ming Tai stiffed his laugh.
‘Hello. So you’re friend of Ah Cheng? I’m sorry with our young master attitude.’ Ming Jing approached Xunran with apologetic look. ‘Please have a seat.’ Meanwhile Jiyun deliberately dragged Ming Tai to the kitchen.
‘It’s fine, Miss. Thank you.’ Xunran smiled as he sat beside Ming Jing and Ah Cheng immediately knew Ming Jin had fallen into that cute smile too.
‘Jie, he’s Li Xunran. Li Xunran, this is Ming Jing, my older sister,’ Ah Cheng decided to properly introduce Xunran to Ming Jing.
Xunran greeted. ‘Miss Ming Jing, nice to meet you.’
Ming Jing shook Xunran’s hand with a gentle smile. ‘This kid never once introduce his friends to me I don’t know why.’ She threw an accusing look to Ah Cheng who only shrugged then poured tea for Xunran and refilled Ming Jing’s cup.
As Ah Cheng expected, Ming Jing asked various questions to Xunran, from how they met, his relationship status, to where Xunran worked. Xunran patiently answered the questions, it was like talking to his mother – the older sister was very fond of listening to stories. ‘Jie, I invite him over to have dinner together, not to be interviewed. You will make Xunran uncomfortable.’ Ah Cheng sighed after a dozen of questions.
‘That’s why you should invite your friend more often, Ah Cheng. I think it’s the first time ever you bring a friend.’ Ming Jing said then faced to Xunran.
‘I’m glad that you befriend Ah Cheng, Xunran,’ Ming Jin patted Xunran’s hand then rolled her eyes to Ah Cheng. ‘He always looked up to his older brother. Now I don’t really know what that kid up to.’
‘Jie… I’m fine now, you’re embarrassing me.’ Ah Cheng said.
‘Dinner’s ready,’ Ming Tai appeared and dramatically gestured with his hand, he wore a soft pastel green apron with ruffles; it might be Jiyun’s. Ming Jing scolded Ming Tai to stop playing around when a guest was around. The little brother replied with his signature pout and went back in. Ming Jing gestured Xunran and Ah Cheng to follow her to dining room.
‘Ah Xiang, this is Li Xunran, Ah Cheng’s friend,’ Ming Jing introduced a girl who was placing plates on table to Xunran. The girl bowed politely. ‘Nice to meet you.’ Xunran bowed back as reply.
‘And this is Jiyun, Ming Tai’s wife.’ Ming Jing introduced the girl with blue dress Xunran saw earlier. Xunran politely greeted her and shook her hand.
Xunran took a seat next to Ah Cheng. ‘Ah Cheng, next time you have a friend, you should introduce them to me.’ Ming Jing said to Ah Cheng. ‘Also, Ah Cheng have you seen the photos I sent to you? They are nice ladies from good family.’
Maybe it was the first time Xunran saw Ah Cheng face went a hint of red. ‘Jie, please stop sending me marriage applications.’
‘I do it for you, Ah Cheng. I’m worried about you,’ said Ming Jing with concerned face.
‘Let’s eat before the food cold.’ Ming Tai chirped in. ‘Jie, eat lots.’ He put a meat on his older sister’s rice.
‘Silly, it’s you that need to eat lots.’ Ming Jing gently tapped Ming Tai’s shoulder.
‘Ah Xiang is a good cook, you should try them all,’ Ah Cheng merely placed some food to Xunran’s plate. Xunran thanked Ah Cheng and he found out that Ming Tai winked to him.
Xunran was viewing a painting in front room when Ah Cheng approached him. He turned to Ah Cheng. ‘It’s a beautiful painting.’
‘My brother called it ‘Home’.’ Ah Cheng merely smiled. ‘He wanted to have a home like in that painting one day after he retired.’
‘Home…’ Xunran muttered. It was painting of lone home beside a river with trees, somehow reminded him of current Ah Cheng’s home. He remembered that Ah Cheng made several sketches with same theme too.
‘Xunran, dear, here, bring this home,’ Ming Jing went it to front room while carrying few containers in her hands. ‘Enjoy it with your family.’
Xunran took them, smiling. ‘Thank you very much.’
‘Ah Cheng, drive your friend home safely, OK?’ She patted Ah Cheng’s shoulder. ‘Don’t worry about me, Ming Tai will drive me home.’
Ah Cheng nodded. ‘Good night, Da Jie.’ Back in his heart, it was painful that the Ming mansion was no longer a place they called as home. He glanced at the door behind his sister who was saying goodbye with Xunran. Sometimes he hoped his older brother would open the door, walking to the kitchen asking for tea like he always did when he worked at night.
Ming Jing turned and made a wan smile to Ah Cheng as she knew what he was thinking. ‘Ah Cheng…’
‘Good night.’ He smiled gently to his older sister.
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